The Property of a Gentleman,
ETCHINGS by A. H. Haig:,
ARTISTS' PROOFS after Hoppner, Greuze,
B. W. Leader, R.A., J. MacWhirter, R.A., etc., etc.;
in Fine States,
After Sir E. Landseer,
From various Private Sources :
Mill ht .^ol5 btt J^urtion b^ L'OT ^^
J.T TKEltl GaS4.T ROaMS,
On WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1899,
May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues Iiad, at
Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8 King Strert
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On WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1899,
Ai'tists' Proofs, Framed.
By a. H. HAIG.
1 Grim Toledo ; and In Church
"^ 2 Towing Home the Prize ; and Washerwomen at Chartres
3 Floating Market, Stockholm ; and Tower of St. Pierre
— ^ - 4 At Aries (L'Eglise du Domenicans)
/ • '5 Eegent Canal ; and A Swedish River
/ ' gf - 6 Burgos Cathedral (Exterior)
/ . /J ~. - 7 Basilica of St. Gilles, at Aries
f - ^ 8 Toledo Cathedral (Interior)
■% Wegtmiusitir Abbc^i lliis set of oco i m
10 Portal of Rheims Cathedral r^^'Ce z.% ^x.c^ i?d
^ '11 LlMBUEQ ON THK LaHN T:?^'^!^*;*-'^^!^'^
Z^ - 12 Magdalen College, Oxford ^le /^'^^^
B 2 ^
2~ ' 38 IJct:;iniiig from tlie Fair, Pampelinm ^^^C
^14 ScliloBS Zwingenburg
^15 Segovia
/ O ' 16 Santa Maria del Capitol C/'Ce-
17 Upsala Cathedral (Interior)
18 Upsala Cathedral (Exterior)
•^ '19 Labeck Ferry
20 FoKntaia S fe . Georg e
21 Pulpit at Verona (No. 1 cojiy) — presentation copij, remarque proof /^^L<^-^C.___y
/^ ' 22 Old Hanse Tower; and Old German Mill— lettered proofs 2 xU*^,^::^!^:^
2 3L Gai ' duLi ufJjMw, ni'fcoi Titian, by B. Mtuc»1»c()h, A.Il.A.
- 2 4i-. TapLn ^ Fy Wmmj, J, #t 6l VUl[iyi|llU]g, \)\/ ili l jli» >
25 Eaiiiy Day, after F. Walker, A.E.A., by ditto ; and Driving Geese, ^yl^J^
after ditto '>• "'^^
' ^ 26 I'acchus and Ariadne, after Titian, by ditto
h ' 27 Milking Time, after G. Mason, A.E.A., by ditto
^^^ - 28 May of Life, after ditto, by ditto
Z^" ' 29 The Plough, after F. Walker, A. R.A., by ditto
/I* ' 30 Fishmonger's Shop, after ditto, by ditto
/O . 31 Hakbour of liEFUGE, after ditto, by ditto
/l> ■ 32 Pied Piper of Hameliu (The Eats and The Children), after Pin^l^^^^^/^ ,^
v/ell, by ditto 2
p ' 33 Great Marlow, after Vicat Cole, E.A., by Brunet Debaines /^c X^t^ «'-/«»
/i . 34 Where Willows Whiten, after Keeley Halswelle, by Brunot ,/ / \f
/^ o 35 Way to the Mill, after J. Constable, E.A., by ditto — on vellum '^-l. ^ ^C^.
• / ' 36 Peep through the Trees, after ditto, by ditto — ditto ' ^-r.-*, ^^^L ^
— U ' ' 37 Parting Day, after B. W. Leader, R.A,, by ditto <^
. /y^ - 38 Over the Hills, after Sir J. Millais, by ditto -Z'-x
^~ - ' 39 Fairy of the Glen, after J. McWhirter, R.A., by David Law [7V^,r-^^^
- . - 40 Silver Sea, after ditto, by ditto
/J ' . 41 Glimpse of Loch Katrine, after ditto, by ditto
' ■ // " - 42 Girl with Dove, after Greuze, by J. D. Miller
^ - /^ ' 43 Letty, after Lord Leighton, by ditto
' ' / ' 44 Sylvia, after F. Dicksee, R.A., by ditto ^^?-/5-'^<^>
^ ■ /^ ■ 45 Letty, after Lord Leighton ; and Sylvia, after Dicksee — lettered Q^ y^ "
proofs 2
46 Master Lambton, after Sir T. Lawrence, by C. Waltner ti/^i^^^^-
t. /^ ' 47 Madam Jacob Bas, after Eembrandt, by ditto — on vellum . ,^^^^-^^__
^ //7 6 48 Mrs. Fitzherbert, after G. Romney, by ditto ^^A^^J^.-^
' ■ — J '^. 49 Duchess of Devonshire, after Gainsborough, by T. G. Appletou -^^^^^^^LS^^Z^
__ z'"- 50 Girl with Dead Bird, after Greuze, by ditto ^"^^^««-*i^st-»,^
f ' / '51 Countess of Mexborough, after Hoppner, by T. G. Appletou ^^t^ tZ-^oL. -u_cr
"- /6 • 52 Fanny Kemble, after Sir T. Lawrence, by ditto Aj^^t^^;^/7
, . J "" , 53 Marcia (Mrs. Arbuthnot), by ditto -^/^ /" ^
7 - S^ ' 54 Over Nuts and Wine, after W. D. Sadler (y ^y^
y . /P ' 55 Dummy Whist, after ditto /^^^ ^^^^f-^^
{'^ - j^- 56 First of September, after ditto, by Lowenstam /2^
. 6^ ■ 57 Where the Widow lives, after ditto ^ /^<* A^i ^.^^^.-^
f ^ " - 58 "Rose of all the Roses," after L. Alma-Tadema, R.A., by ditto -^/^^ ^-/^ —
■ /^. 59 A Favourite Author, after ditto, by ditto ^^
B 3
60 A Rose Garden, after ditto, by ditto
a i A S a l; uf Tm ElLliingD , by E . SlocQmbo
,' /^' . 62 Stratford Lock, after B. W. Leader, R.A., by Chauvel — on vellum ^^'^
^ - 63 Autumn Leaves, after Vicat Cole, E.A., by ditto a^ -
Eed Kiding Hood, by J. H. Eobinson — proof before letters 2 *^.^;^'*«^
72 A Fireside Party, by B, P. Gibbon — remarque proof ^
73 Highland Breakfast, by J. Outrim — engraver's proof, touched by ^y/
the painter
74 The Twa Dogs, by B. P. Gibbon— proo/ before letters y-^y JL^^^j^^
75 The Sleeping Bloodhound, by T. Landseer, A.E.A. — preeenta- ^^
tion proof before all letters, To — Keyl, with E. Landseer' s y^^^^-i.y<^
/ ' 76 Suspense, by B. P. Gibbon— »roo/" ^/^
^ - //" - 77 At Bay ; The Fatal Duel ; Waiting for a Load ; and A Grand
Hart, by T, Landseer, A.R.A. — artist's proofs, signed hy the
engraver 4
I 78 Children of the Mist, by ditto — artist' s proof ^/^^^>a>^iZ^^^-^
79 The Mountain Torrent, by ditto, and F. Stacpoole, A.R.A.— ^
artist's proof ^i^^CI^X^^-^-^^^^^
80 Alexander and Diogenep, by T. Landseer, A.R.A. — artist' s proof -§l^t,.t.,t.^ ^>x^
■ /D " ^^ The Shephekd's Grave ; and The Shepherd's Chief Mourner, /• ^^
by B. P. Gibbon — proofs 2 <5^r^
/^ ' o 82 Scotch Deer Hounds, by C. W. Wass — proof before letters ; and ^ ,^«,-»-<^-«.t/
Low Life, by Beckwith— artist's proof 2 ^
(j 83 The Cover Hack, by C. G. Lewis —ar»^**<^
Defence, by C. G. Lewis — proof hefore all letters ^
/5*' " 101 The Lady's Pets — etched and signed hy the painter ; Deer Hounds ;«>^-'/*,^?^^-^^
Dogs and Frog ; and Stag and Eagle, etched by ditto 4
- 2— ' 102 Dog Finding a Sheep in the Snow ; and White Horse in a Stable ^.^i^.ui,-.,.^J^
— lithographs 2 ^
^ ' 103 The Eent Day ; and Blind Man's Bluff, after Sir D. Wilkie, by n^^ jLtt^
A. Eaimbach
/i*~ - 104 The Letter of Introduction ; and The Babbit on the Wall, after /
Sir D. Wilkie, by J. Burnet 2 ^^
-/P ■ 105 The Black Draught ; and The Bee's Wing, after M. W. Sharp, (j/i^
by H. Dawe ; and two others 4
' ^ lOG Fa9aae of St. Murk's, Venico, by A. H. Ilaig ^^ ir^^
^ ' ^ ' 107 Interior of St. Mark's, by ditto ,^ //
' /^ ' 108 Miss Farreu, after Sir 'J'. Lawreuce, by J. B. Pratt— arh's/'s ^^
^ ' /^ ■ 109 Mrs. Gregory, after ruieburn, by ^Miio— ditto /^ a^ ^^_^
__ // - 113 Our Village, after F. Walker, A.E.A., by C. Waltner J?i^^^U-^^^^-^
3^ ^ . 114 Eight Hon. W. E. Gladstone, after Sir J. E. Millais, by T. 0. ^
Barlow — artist's proof, signed «>^
-• ^
' 115 Eight Hon. John Bright, after ditto, by ditto — ditto ^^r.^*^ ^
, 115a The Challenge, after Sir E. Laudseer, by Burnett and Walker J^-^t-^^,^^
^ ' \ — first state, signed hy painter and engraver (/ ^^
115b The Sanctuary, after ditto, by C. G. Lewis— ^j-si state
"" - ^ ^ ' 116 The Drive of Deer, after Sir E. Landseer, by T. Landseer — -
artist's proof -•^:^''*^c^^^lt^^^^
^ - /^ • 117 Doubtful Crumbs, after Sir E. Landseer, by T. Landseer — ^^
artist's proof
"7 - / y • t? 118 Daniel in the Lion's Deu, after B. Eiviere, B.A., by C. G.Lewis /O -_
— artist's proof; and one other 2 ^ ^^■"^
In the Folio.
|119 The Transfiguration, after Raphael, by Massard— proo/; &c. 6
J - I 120 Melancholia, by Albert Durer ^ '^ c/
'-121 The Crucifixion ; The Dance of the Magdalen ; and The Con-
version of Saul, by Lucas van Leyden 3
J ' 122 Engravings of pictures in the Sistine Chapel, after Michel^^T^ /^/^ v
Angelo, by Volpato 6 '
J" ' 123 Lady Lyndhurst^^'roo/; Lady Blessington ; and Master Hope, /^^
after Lawrence, by Cousins 3
J'^ ■ 124 A Christmas Carol, after Rosetti, by Gaugain— ^^j*oo/ (^ AJ t
10 ' 125 Sleeping Nymph, by J. M. Whistler ^:/^
/A • 126 A Sea Piece, after T. Weber; and Dutch Boats, after J. Clays — V^^^^*^^*^
' remarque proofs 2 ^
^127 At the Ferry, by A. D. McCormick - artist's proof; and Madonna ^7^^^_v^j^i