wfmi' r-^-^T. t (FKAX KLJN INSTITUTE.) FRANKLIN INSTITUTE LIBRARY PHILADELPHIA Class .72^'"9 Book../.3-^>^--6 Acces9.\on.lSl.E^..7. ARTICLE (j. 'I'he Actury shall have authority to loan to Members of the Institute any work belonging to the second class, subject to the following regulations :— Section 1. Every person, on borrowing a book, shall sign a conditional bond, or obligation, lor the sum of fifty dollars, as security for his due observance of the rules of the Library, and for the value of such books as may be injiu^ed or lost by him. Section 2. No individual siiall be permitted to liave more than two books out at one lime, witliout a written permission, signed by at least two Mem- bers of the Library Committee, nor shall a book be kept out more than two weeks; but if no one has applied for it, the former borrower may renew the loan : should any person have applied for it, tlie latter shall have the preference. Section 3. A fine often cents per week shall be exacted for tlie detention of every book beyond the limited time; and if a book,be not returned within tlirce months, ii shall be deemed lost, and tlie borrower shall, in addition to hiB tines, forfeit its value. Section 4. Should any book be returned injured, the borrower shall pay for the injury, or replace the book, as the Library Committee may direct; and if one or more books, belonging to a set or sets, be lost, the borrower shall pay the full value of the set or sets, and may take the remaining volumes. Article 7. Any jHjrson removing irom the Hail, without permission from tho proper autiiorities, any book, newspaper, or other i)ropcrty in charge of the Library Committee, shall be reported to the Committee, who may inflict any fine not exceeding Twenty-five Dollars. Article 8. No Member, whose annual contribution for tiic current year shall be unpaid, or who is in arrears for fines, shall be entitled to the privi- leges of the Library or Reading Room. Article 9. If any member shall refuse or neglect to comply with the fore- going rules, it shall be the duty of the Actuary to report him to Uie Commit- tee on theLibrarv. -j .^^^d^ip,\ ^^j^iti ^^m^^i^^^^&^m'^p^t^^^^mm^^ // €ljr rptal iKalarf : Jrrljitrrtnral M\%\m\ niiii Ci?jrrfi:|i:rliili::;il^iirlrr!i(. ^hin %n\^u, nii^ €\}ai[n /nmlrr, Sini^- Xiinku : niirrrli. rUEl-AUING FOK PUBLICATION I)Y JAMES GILBERT, 49 PATERNOSTER ROW, (uniform with the present volume), €^t CiiriD£iitit£i niiii l^mikn PETER BERLYX, ESQ. '^lluslratrii lii| ?ruri;il iMiiiJirrii fngraniiigs. TO HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE ALBERT, 2^lJ^; /nllnming ^Japs, hesckiptfV'E of the architectural and constructm? marvels of OF ART, SCIENCE, AND MANUFACTURE, ARE, BY PERMISSION, MOST HUMBLY DEDICATED, AS A SLIGHT TRIBUTE OF THE ADMIRATION AND GRATITUDE WHICH, IN COMMON WITH THE WHOLE CIVILIZED WORLD, ARE AMPLY SHARED IN BY HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS'S MOST DEVOTED, FAITHFUL, AND OBEDIENT SERVANT, THE PUBLISHER. I S ^^ CnEttittH. Introductory Remarks ....... Committee for all Matters relating to the Building . Labours of the Building Committee ..... The Competition Designs ....... Buildings used for Previous Exhibitions in France, Germany, and England Description of the Building Committee's Design Opposition to this Design ...... The Tenders . . . . . . • • History of Mr. Paxton's Design ...... General Description of the Building . . . . • Tee Paxton's Gutters ....... The Sash-bars ....-.••• The Ridges ,......•■ The Glass ......■•• The Box Gutters ........ The Roof Girders ........ The Iron Drilling Machine ...... The Punching Machine ....... The Adzing and Planing Machine . • . . . The Columns and Connecting-pieces ..... The Base-pieces ......-• The Cast-iron Girders ....■•• The Galleries ........ Testing the Cast-iron Girders ...... Roof of Transept ........ The Facework .......■• • The Diagonal Bracing ....... PAGE. 1 3 6 15 21 24. 24 37 33 40 44 4.6 4-6 47 47 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 55 58 59 60 CO.VTENTS. PAGE. TiiF. Staikcases ... ..... (iiJ The Fu)or anu Foundations ....... C'2 FiR.ST Operations on tub Grovm) .0.3 Setting-oi't the Gkocnu ...... "^ Fixing the Base-pi.ates . . . Go Henderson's Derrick Crane . .67 Raising and Fixing the Columns and Girders . . . 08 Hoisting the Roop Trusses ....... 09 Provision tor Expansion of Girders . . 70 Gl.v7,ing the Roof . . .71 Stage for Repairing the Glass, etc. . . . . 73 Hoisting the Ribs tor I'ransept Root .73 Glazing the Tran.sept Roof . . . . 76 The Painting ......... 70 The Uand-r.vil Machine . . . . 7S General View of the Works ...... 79 Paying the Workjif.n . . . SO General Statistics ..... ... 82 The Parti-coloured Painting . . . S3 The Water Supply ......... ^7 The Stability of the Biilding . . 87 Testing the Galleries ........ 88 General Advantages of the Building . . 89 Conclusion .......... 89 Appendix : — List ot Competitors for the Building . . . i List A. — Competitors Entitled to Favourable Mention . . vi List B. — Competitors Entitled to Further Higher Honorary Distinction viii The Two Competition Designs Specially Mentioned by the Building Committee . . ix Memorandum on the Site ........ xi Report or the Rotal Commissioners, Presented to her ^Iajesty on the Opening of the Biilding ... .... xvii Eint nf ^llnotrntinnj Transvekse Section of the Building, showing the Interior completed — froniispiece. Plan of the Building for the French Exposition in 1849 . View of the Principal Entrance of the same Interior View of the "Palace" ..... Interior View of the Cattle-shed .... View of Kroll's Wintergarten at Berlin Plan of Kroll's Wintergarten .... View of the Birmingham Exposition Building Ground-plan of the Design of the Building Committee . Exterior View of the same ..... Common Mode of Glazing Roofs .... Method by Eidge and Furrow ..... Cutters of Mr. Paxton's Sash-bar Machine The Victoria Regia House, Chatsworth Interior of the same ...... Ground-plan of the Building for the Exhibition View of one 24-rEET suuare Bay of Roof partly completed Portion of the Lower Storey of the Principal Elevations View of the Interior of the Transept View of Glass Roof from the Le^vd Flat Geneeai View of the Building from the South-West The External Railing ...... Section of the Paxton's Gutter, with the Strong Sash-bar The Circular Planing Machine ..... Portion of the same showing Detail Sectisns of the Paxton's Gutter, showing different Stages in the Machine The Gdttee-cutting Machine ..... Machine for finishing Ends of Gutters and Ridges . Machine for Cutting out Sash-bars The Sash-bar Drilling Machine .... Portion of the same, Enlarged .... Section of the Ridges, etc. .... . Diagram of 4;8-feet Girder ..... 16 17 18 19 . facing 19 20 . 20 facing 22 . facing 24. 28 , 29 30 32 33 34* . 36 37 facing 38 . facing 39 facing 40 40 41 41 41 IE Machine 42 42 43' 44 4o 40 46 43 M8T OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Diagram of 72-feet Girder .... Tup. Iron Drilling Machine ..... The Plncuing Machine and Shears The Adzing-cutters ...... The Adzing and Planing Machine Section of a Column ...... A Base-i'IEce ....... View of the Interior fkum the level of Galleries . Frame and IIydraulic Press for testing the Girders Interior View of the Central Avenue towards the West LouvRB Frame ....... View of Staircase ...... Fi.xiNG Cast-iron Drain-pipe . View of Crane and Proving-press He.vderson's Derrick Craise . Portions of the same .... Fixing the Girders .... General View of the Works in Progress Hoisting the 73-feet Trusses Glazing-waggon for Flat Hoof A Pair of Ribs prepared for raising HOLSTING THE RiliS FOR THE TRANSEPT RoOF Stage for Glazing Transept Roof The Sash-bar Painting Machine . Portion of the same in Detail The Hand-rail Cutting Machine . Portion of the same .... The Brass Tickets for Workmen The Interior of the Pay-office The Men taking their Wages The AVorkmen waiting to be Paid . View of the Building from the North Bank of the Serpentin Testing an Experimental Bay of the Gallery Floor View of the Boiler-house, etc. View of South Front of the Building Appendix : — Exterior View of Mons. Horeau's Design for the Building Interior of the same ....... View of Exterior fkom one end of Messrs. Turners' Design for the Building ........ Transverse Section and View of the Interior of the sami: facing facing facing facing 48 50 50 51 52 52 54 55 56 58 CO 61 62 66 67 67 68 69 70 72 74 76 76 77 77 78 80 81 81 82 facing 86 facing 88 facing 88 92 facing \\ facing ix facing X facing X /5^ much has already been said and written, both wisely and well, r2 upon the marvellous edifice which has just been reared with such magical rapidity to enshrine the results of the skill and industry of all nations, that it would appear an almost hopeless task to present the subject in any new point of view to the reader. If, therefore, the authors cannot lay claim to novelty or originality in the execution of the pleasurable work which they have undertaken, they are not without hopes that, from their having been connected with this gigantic undertaking during the greater part of its progress, they will be enabled to trace in a more detailed and consecutive manner than has yet been attempted the histoiy of the design and execution of the building up to the period of its completion. A great deal has been lately said upon the want of distinctive character in almost all the buildings of the present day ; and it is certainly a striking fact that in scarcely any of our important modern structures does the exterior appearance in any way lead the spectator to form an idea of the purposes or arrangement of the interior, the former being apparently governed by fancy, or the fashion for some particular style, while the latter only, is accommodated to the peculiar requirements of the case. Thus we have porticos which do not shelter from the weather, or in which no one is allowed to w\alk ; Venetian palaces appear piled upon a sub- structure of plate-glass ; baronial castles prove to be model prisons ; and richly-decorated mansions, from the time of " Good Queen Bess," or fanciful Italian villas, are made to serve for the accommodation of paupers. The ancients appear to have been more careful in this respect, so that the form and external arrangement afforded in most cases a ready key to the purposes of their structures. Their temples, their fora, theatres and am- phitheatres, baths, and other public edifices, seem each to have been stamped with their own characteristic features, at the same time without in any way producing a monotonous uniformity among the different examples of the same class of buildinsr. 2 THE CUYSTAL I'AI.ACE. Now, if this criterion of excellence be applied to the remarkable building recently erected in Hyde Park, it will be found that the constructive arrange- ment of the interior is plainly expressed without, and it must be conceded that it possesses at least those elements of beauty arising from consistency and simplicity which, in combination with its vast size, give it also that of grandeur. That it is faultless it would be needless to assert, or to imagine that, from its example, a new style of architecture will originate ; but that it is admirably suited to its purpose, that it is a remarkable specimen of the constructive skill of this country, and that it will certainly form one of the most interesting objects of the Great Exhibition by which it has been called into being, if not the most interesting of all, must, we think, be ad- mitted by all candid observers. Although the building in its present form was designed, as well as carried out, in a singularly short space of time, this could jiot have been accomplished but for the great amount of thought and labour which had been previously bestowed upon the subject. In order, therefore, to trace the whole of the progress of the design, it will be necessary briefly to advert to the early labours bestowed upon the project. On the 5th of January, 1S50, the Royal Commission for carrying out this great scheme was gazetted ; its first and second meetings, which were respectively held on the 11th and IStli of the same month, were entirely devoted to preliminary arrangements, and determining the mode of con- ducting its proceedings. Among the most urgent matters calling for the attention of the Commis- sioners, the subject of the building early presented itself, as it was of the utmost importance that the longest possible time should be allowed for its erection ; and, accordingly, at the third meeting, held on the 24th of January, the following noblemen and gentlemen were appointed to act as a ((^iiiniiiittrf far nil 3tlntttr!j rrlntiiig tu tljr $iiil^iiig. His Grace the Duke of Bucclelcii, K.G., F.R.H. The Right Hon. the Earl of Ellesmere, F.S.A. Chaules Bauuv, Esq., R.A., F.R.S. William Cuuitt, Esq., F.R.S., Fr. of I.C.E. Robert Stephenson, Esq., M.P., F.R.S. C. R. Cockerell, Esq., R.A. I. K. Brunel, 'EiSii, F.R.S. Thomas L. Donaldson, Esq., M.I.B.A. From which list it will be seen that some of the very highest professional tident in the country was enlisted on behalf of the undertaking. THE CKVSTAL PALACE, d jCnliniu's nf tljt Skil^ing CaiuniittrL Mf^^ HE first point to be ascertained by tliis Committee was where to find //C^5 an eligible site ; for although they were not able at that early stage of ^^^ their labours to determine the exact amount of space that would be required, they appear to have been of opinion that, from the general data before them, about sixteen acres would be necessary — an amount which has been subsequently considerably exceeded, but which was already an enor- mous area to be covered by one building; and in dealing with it the Committee must have felt that a very heavy amount of responsibility rested upon them, as appears, indeed, from their recommendation to the Royal Commission given below. After about a month of attentive deliberation, the Committee made a report upon this part of their labours. With regard to the site, it had appeared to the Committee that — firstly, the north-eastern portion of Hyde Park ; secondly, the long- space between her Majesty's private road and the Kensington road, in the southern part of Hyde Park; and thirdly, the north-western portion of Regent's Park, were the only available spaces about the metropolis which would afford the necessary accommodation ; and it was believed that the order in which they were named represented also their relative eligibility. As regarded the first, the Committee had been informed by the Chief Commissioner of her Majesty's Woods and Forests that considerable objections would arise to its occupation for such a purpose, and that no such objections would be raised to the use of the second ; and the Com- mittee, therefore, recommended the adoption of this site, which, amongst other advantages, is remarkable for the facility of access afforded by the existing roads. As regarded the extent of the building, the Committee were not yet in possession of sufficient data to enable them to determine this accurately, but, from such information as they had before them, they thought that it might be assumed, for the present, that about sixteen acres of covered space would be required. And finally, as regarded the mode of proceeding to determine the general interior arrangements or ground-plan of the building, a subject to which they had given much consideration, they resolved, " That, in their opinion, it was desirable to seek, by public competition, for suggestions as to the general arrangements of the ground-plan of the building." It was deemed by the Committee that the peculiar object for which the building was required, namely, the encouragement of the widest and most liberal competition in all the branches of arts and manufactures — the cir- cumstance of the cost of the erection being defrayed by the public — the B 2 * TfiK cKvsr.u, I'Ai.Acr-;. peculiar clwvnctor of tlie huiUling, for tlio dt'sisi^ning of whidi were especially required judgment and contrivance iu the detail of arrangement, and expe- rience in the management of large crowds, and for the construction of which the mechanical skill and knowledge of the application and of the economical use of materials now so generally possessed by builders and practical men were necessary — all seemed, in the opinion of the Committee, to be reasons for recommending that the designs for the general arrange- ments should, as far as practicable, be the result of public competition, and that the actual construction should be so to the fullest extent. The Com- mittee were, moreover, of opinion that the general design or arrangement of such a building was one of those subjects, perhaps few in number, on which many good ideas may be elicited by a general contribution of plans ; and that a mode might be adopted of obtaining such plans, and collecting nseful suggestions from them, which should not eventually lead to any loss of time, or be attended with those delays which too frequently render ordinary competition inconvenient. Great oljections were made in some quarters to the proposed site in Hyde Park ; but as they were not raised on really public grounds, they were gradually overcome by the interest which the public at large mani- fested in the success of the undertaking. In consequence of the latter recommendation in the Report which was adopted by the Royal Commissioners, the following document was pub- lished by them on March 13th, 1850, copies of which appear to have found their way into almost every corner of Europe : — " The Committee appointed by the Royal Commission to advise on ' all matters relating to the building,' having received the sanction of the Com- mission, are desirous of obtaining from all parties who are disposed to assist them suggestions for the general arrangement of the buildings and pre- mises required for this Exhibition. Upon the general form of the building in plan, the distribution of its parts, the mode of access, and the internal arrangements and contrivances, will depend the convenience and general fitness of such a building ; and it is upon these points that the Committee seek information and suggestions, and wish to encourage the most extended competition in the preparation of plans. The Committee do not propose to offer any pecuniary reward for such plans — they rely upon the desire which men of all countries will feel to forward the objects of the proposed. Exhibition. The Committee think it probable that, when the plans are received, they may not be limited to the selection of any one plan, but may derive useful ideas from many ; and that the best plan may be determined upon by the help of this general assistance. As the credit of any such plan will be due solely to the contributors, the Committee propose to make a report, in which they will acknowledge by name those whose plans had been wholly or partially adopted, or who had afforded the most useful THE CUYSTAL PALACE. 5 ■suggestions; and the Committee hope to be able to offer such other honorary distinction to the successful contributors as the circumstances may appear to warrant. In order to guide the contributors in the pre- paration of such plans and designs, and to facilitate the examination and the comparison of them when received, the Committee have enumerated concisely the principal ' desidei'ata' for such a building, and have laid down certain rules and conditions to which they earnestly request the contributors to conform, as the Committee will be under the necessity of abiding strictly by the regulation of not acknowledging any plans which may be sent in a form inconsistent ^^-ith these rules. Copies of the engraved plan of the ground referred to may be had on application to the secretaries of the Commission, at the New Palace at Westminster." An engraved plan of the site which had been fixed upon, together with the subjoined regulations, which all competitors would be expected to ob- serve, were subsequently issued to all applicants : — " 1. The communications from contributors must consist of a single sheet of paper, not larger than the accompanying engraving, with a simple ground-plan upon a scale of 1*1000 of the full size, with such elevations and sections only of the building, and on the same sheet, as may be neces- sary to elucidate the system proposed — such elevations and sections not being intended to convey more than a general idea of the building, and not entering into details of construction or of architectural decoration — to be accompanied by a short, clear-written explanation of the system recom- mended, on a separate sheet. Any contributor wishing to send two designs must send separate and distinct communications, each conforming to the above conditions. No communications made inconsistent with these conditions, or any plan prepared upon a different scale from that pre- scribed, can be received. The plans, tfcc, must be sent on or before the bth of April next, addressed to the Secretaries of the Exhibition, New Palace at Westminster, London. It is suggested that the most convenient mode of preparing the plan, elevation, and section, would be to draw them upon one of the engraved copies of the plan of the grovmd which accompany these instructions. — 2. The building is to be erected on the space marked A B C D, and must not extend beyond the boundaries of the shaded portion. The groups of trees shown on the plan must be preserved. The principal public approaches are by the roads E F and G H. The road K L will be available only for foot-passengers. There will be no objec- tion to the formation of cross-roads between the two last, G H and K L, if the design of the building requires it. — 3. The roofed portion of the building is to cover a space of 700,000 square feet, or about 65,000 square metres ; and the whole building must not occi;py, including open spaces, an area of more than 900,000 square feet, or about 84,000 square metres. The building generally will be of one storey only. — 4. No space viill be THE CRYSTAL I'ALACE. required for cattle, or for slirubs or flowers. — 5. It may be assumed, so far as it affects the ground-plan, that the light will be obtained entirely from the roof, and the building will be constructed of fire-proof materials. " The general requirements are — simplicity of arrangement ; economy of space ; capability of extending or curtailing the building without destroy- ing its symmetry as a whole, or interfering with the general arrangement, it being impossible to detei'mine the exact extent of roof required until a late period of construction. Adaptation for the erection of separate por- tions of the building at different periods. Conveniences of ingress and egress, with facilities of access to all parts of the Exhibition, either from the exterior or interior. INIeans of classification of the various objects of different departments. Wall-space for the display of articles requiring it. Means of affording private access and accommojdation for exhibitors, with counting-houses, if required. Committee-rooms, council-rooms, public re- freshment-rooms, and all other public and private accommodation. (This portion of the building may be in two or more storeys if required.) Internal arrangements, by which, under proper regulations, large crowds of visitors may circulate freely, and have convenient access to all parts of the Exhibition, and iminterrupted means of examining the various objects exhibited." (Tijt tCum|irtitinn Drslgns. HOUGH the time allowed for the preparation of drawings was but short, being only about one month, no less than 233 designs were sent in, many of them of an elaborate architectural character. Of these, thirty-eight, or one-sixth of the whole, were received from the dif- ferent foreign countries of Europe (France, twenty -seven ; Belgium, two ; Holland, three; Hanover, one; Naples, one; Switzerland, two; Ivhine Prussia, one ; Hamburgh, one) ; 1*^8, or more than half the entire number, from Lon- don and its vicinity, where the interest excited was naturally more im- mediate ; fifty-one from the provincial towns of England ; six from Scotland, and three from Ireland. Seven were scut anonymously. The small number contributed by the sister kingdoms seems rather remarkable. The greater part of these designs were, of course, contributed by mem- bers of the architectural and engineering professions, but some were the productions of amateurs, and one among them purported to be the suggestion of a lady. Here, tlien, was matter enough not only to assist, but even, from its great variety, to perplex the Committee, since at once every possible variety of style in decoration, material in construction, and system in arrangement, were strenuously recommended l)y the authors of the re- spective designs as the great ultimatum sought for. THl', CUVSIAL I'AI.At'E. 7 To Mr. Digby Wyatt, whose services were to a great extent withdrawn from the Executive Committee, iu order that his professional knowledge of the subject might be placed at the disposal of the Building Committee, was intrusted the ai'duons task of examining and classifying these incongruous materials, and of eliminating from them such general principles of arrange- ment as seemed most worthy of i\\e attentive consideration of the Committee. The result of this gentleman's minute examination was embodied in a Report, upon the basis of the recommendations contained in whicli the sub- sequent utilitarian portions of the design of the Building Committee would appear to have been founded. After holding about fifteen protracted sittings, the C(jmmittee presented the fc)llowing Report to the Royal Commission on the 0th of May : — '' 3Hnt[ it jilrnst tjaiir l\ni|nl l^igjiiirss, " Jij/ Lords and Gentlemen, " We have the honour to report that we have examined the numerous plans so liberally contributed by native and foreign architects in accordance with the public invitation. "Exhausting in their numerous projects and suggestions almost every conceivable variety of building, the authors of those designs have materially assisted us in arriving at the conclusions which we have now the honour to report. " We have been aided iu our analysis of this subject by a great amount of thought and elaboration thus brought to bear upon it from various points of view. " We have, however, arrived at the unanimous conclusion, that able and admirable as many of these designs appeared to be, there Avas yet no single one so accordant with the pecidiar objects in view, either in tlie principle or detail of its arrangements, as to warrant us in recommending it for adoption. " In some of the least successful of the designs submitted, we find indi- cated errors and difficulties to be avoided, whilst in the abler and more practicable of them, there are valuable conceptions and suggestions which have greatly assisted us in framing the .plan we have now the honour to lay before you. In preparing this design we have been governed mainly by three considerations :— " 1. The provisional nature of the building. " 2. The advisability of constructing it as far as possible in such a form as to be -available, with the least sacrifice of labour and material, for other purposes, as soon as its original one shall have been fulfilled, thus insuring a minimum ultimate cost. "8. Extreme simplicity, demanded l)y the short time in whicli the work must be completed. 8 THE CRYSTAL PALACE. " For the arrangements of the phin we rely for effect on honesty of con- struction, vastness of dimension, and fitness of each ])art to its end. "The principal points of excellence wc have endeavoured to attain are — " 1. Economy of construction. "2. Facilities for the reception, classification, and display of goods. "3. Facilities for the circulation of visitors. "4. Arrangement for grand points of view. " 5. Centralisation of supervision. " G. Some striking feature to exemplify the present state of the science of construction in this country. "The first of these, economy, is attained by doing away with any internal walls (all divisions being made by the necessary stalls), by reducing the whole construction, with the exception of the dome, to cast iron columns, supporting the lightest form of iron roof in long unbroken lines, and by the whole of the work being done in the simplest manner, and adapted in all respects to serve hereafter for other purposes. " The second, facilities for the reception, classification, and display of goods. The main central entrance for the reception of objects for exhibition will probably be that most ajiproachable from the public road. All cases accompanying goods will be examined, registered, catalogued, &c., in the offices of the Executive ; the packing-cases will then be put upon a truck running on a line of rails laid down temporarily, and conveyed to the centre turn-table, from Avhich they may be carried by a line of rails at right angles to the first, to the end of the transverse gallery, in which they may be destined to be placed. " The most important condition to insure successful classijkation is, that those to whom the duty of arrangement may be confided should be ham- pered by no fixed limits of space, such as would have been the case had the building been divided into a number of halls, sections, or chambers. The plan submitted fulfils this condition perfectly ; as objects can be arranged just as they arc received, and moved, if necessary, from gallery to gallery with great facility. " The successful display of the goods would be best insured by leaving, under certain general restrictions, the fitting up of each stall to the Exhi- bitor or his Agent, floor-space only being allotted to each ; and stands, frames, brackets, shelves, &c., being pat up by a contractor's carpenter, at a fixed tariff. "The best light is provided, and the most economical wall-space is pro- posed to be furnished by connecting pillar to pillar transversely, on the extreme north and south sides of the building, by rods, from which draperies, &c., can be suspended. " The third, facilities for the circilation of visitors, is thus attained. The visitor, on arrival at the central hall, proceeds at choice to any one THE CRYSTAL PALACE. V of the four sections. He will, most probably, desire either to follow the whole course of the section selected, or will wish to go at once to some particular class or object. He will be enabled to do either the one or the other, without interfering with the general current, by means of gates or other arrangements, which shall insure the current of visitors passing in one direction. If he desire to proceed rapidly from one end of the build- ing to the other, and finds the great central gangway at all blocked up, he will, no doubt, be able to get on by either the north or south corridors, fifteen feet wide. Numerous doors of egress in these latter afford ready means of exit for a large number of persons. Seats are provided in the middle of the great central gangway for those who may desire to rest. " The fourth, arraxgement for grand points of view. The view from or to the centre of the building will, from its extent, be necessarily impo- sing. The seats and main avenues are arranged so that, on the occasion of the distribution of the prizes, an immense number of persons may be accommodated. Most interesting views might be obtained from galleries constructed at either end of the building and around the dome, for the admission of the public to which some small charge might be made. "The fifth, centralisation of supervision. All the business of the Exhibition will be carried on in one spot, and be readily under control. The Royal Commission, the principal Committees, Clerks, Accountants, Police, &c., would be together, and in so large an establishment it would be absolutely necessary, or much time would be wasted in walking from one point to another. Passages running behind the money -takers' boxes, with glazed doors into them, would enable each accountant to detect anything improper that might be going on, and to exchange and balance checks, money, &c,, at any moment. Telegraphic communication with each of the four pay-places will permit orders to be given, cash accounts, &c., to be issued and returned, from and to the head-accountant's office, as olten as may be necessary. " Four Committee-rooms, one for a Jury in each section, have been provided at the extreme east aud west ends. The duties of such Committees being deliberative, and not executive, it is not necessary that they should be accommodated in the Central Establishment, where they would be more liable to be disturbed than at the extremity of the building. " A policeman stationed in each gallery would, from his elevated position, be enabled to observe much which might escape detection if he mingled only with the crowd. " The sixth, some striivIng feature to exemplify the present state op THE science of CONSTRUCTION IN THIS COUNTRY. Ill Order that the buildmg, in which England invites the whole world to display their richest produc- tions, may afford, at least in one point, a grandeur not incommensurate with the occasion, we propose, by a dome of light sheet irun 200 feet 10 THK CHYHTAL I'AI.ACK. ill diameter, to protluce an effect at once striking ami adiuiraljle. From calculations wliicli have been made of the cost of bo grand a Hall, \\c have reason to expect that it may be executed for a sum not greatly exceeding the cost of the siini)lest form of roof likely to be adopted to cover the same urea. " It is to be boi'ne in mind that a considerable amount of any such dif- ference may be recovered, should this portion of the building be converted hereafter to other purposes, which is more than probable. This vast dome it is proposed to light mainly from one circle of light in its centre, and thus the sculpture will be pleasingly and suitably lit. "Six out of the eight openings in the cylinder of the dome would be well adapted for the exhibition of stained glass windows of great extent, while the two remaining arches will open to the main central gallery. The lower part of some of the voids will admit the eye to turf and shrubs, and produce a great freshness of effect. " The immense continuity of the Central Avenue will be broken and re- lieved by a variation in the roof opposite the openings to the second and third sets of refreshment-rooms, and windows for the reception of Stained Glass may be placed at the ends of each transverse gallery, thus terminating the vista for each. " It now only remains to cx})lain the course of action we would recommend for adoption as soon as the principles of the plan, &c., shall be positively decided. " We consider this to be an occasion upon which the greatest amount of intellectual and commercial ingenuity and ability should be called out ; and that a generous rivalry among those best fitted to execute the por- tions of this vast structure may lead to results which no amount of detailed study that we could possibly give to this matter would supply. " We would therefore recommend that every advantage should be taken of the accumulated and experimental knowledge and resources of intelligent and enterprising contractors, and that every opportunity should be afforded to them of distinguisiiixg tiiesiselves. Wc would therefore recommend as the best means of enlisting their services the following course of action : " Adopting the approved design as a basis, we would proceed immediately to prepare such working-drawings and specifications as may l)e necessaiy, and to issue invitations for tenders to execute Works in accordance with them, requesting from competitors, in addition, such suggestions and modi- fications, accompanied with estimates of cost, as might possil)ly become the means of effecting a considerable reduction upon the general expense. "W. Cdutt, Chairman:' The following Report of the Committee on the competition plans sub- mitted, and which was so unfavourably received by the public, and more THE cnYSTAL PALACE. 11 particiilarly by the profession, was presented to the Royal Commission on the 16th of May: — '' d?cia\\ it ^ilrnsr pnt l\nt}nl Ingljiiriis, "J/y Lords and Gentlemen, " Your Committee beg leave to report, that the invitation issued by the Commissioners, requesting information and suggestions for the general arrangement of the Building and premises required for the Exhibition of 1851, has been responded to in the most ample and satisfactory manner, both as respects the variety of useful ideas presented to their consideration, and the liberality A^ath which many experienced and skilful men of foreign countries, no less than of our own, have contributed their valuable time to this great imdertaking, thereby evincing their entire sympathy both with the great cause of Arts and Industry in which her Majesty's Commissioners have embarked, and with the arduous labours of the Directors of the undertaking. "The Designs and Specifications transmitted to the Committee amount to the surprising number of 233, offering an aggregate of professional sacrifice of very considerable importance; for, not confining themselves to suggestions only, which were in-sdted by the Programme, a large pro- portion of them are remarkable for elaboration of thought and elegance of execution. '• Penetrated with admiration and respect for these gratuitous and valuable contributions, imexampled, they believe, in the history of competition, your Committee have devoted the most careful attention to the collection of these projects, and hasten to offer those acknowledgments which are due to their merits, and to the generous motives which have led to their execution ; and they trust that the public may shortly be witnesses of the effect of this very noble emulation of the skill of all countries, by the public exhibition of these designs, offering the opportunity, in the true spirit of the whole undertaking, of mutual improvement, respect, and friendship amongst the cultivators of the liberal arts in the several countries of Em'ope. "It is remarkable that, while many of these contributions may be at- tributed to the laudable motive of professional reputation and advance- ment on the part of practitioners not yet sufficiently known to the public, a great number are from Gentlemen whose position in the confidence of their respective Governments or in the Piepublic of Arts and Letters is of the highest eminence, and who can have been actuated by no such personal motives. Already entitled to respect and admiration, they could have little to gain, while they have something to lose, in the competition for glory. The kind and frank communication, therefore, of their tlioughts and expe- 12 TUE CKYSTAL PALACE. rience towards this great work is to be the more biglily commended. Every possible mode of accomplishing the object in view has been displayed by the respective contributors as regards economy of structure and distri- bution, and these qualities are uliited with various degrees of architectural symmetry and features in many designs. Our illustrious continental neighbours have especially distinguished themselves by compositions of the utmost taste and learning, wortjiy of enduring execution — examitlos of wliat might be done in the architectural illustration of the subject, when viewed in its highest aspect, and, at all events, exhibiting features of grandeur, arrangement, and grace which your Committee have not failed to ap- preciate. " Amongst these several classes of design, the practical character of our own countrymen, as might have been expected, has been remarkably illustrated in some very striking and simple methods suited to the temporary purposes of the Building, due attention having been paid to the pecuniary means allotted to this part of the undertaking. The principle of suspension has been applied in a single tent of iron sheeting, covering an area averaging 2,200 feet by 400 feet by a lengthened ridge, or in separate tents on isolated supports. Others display the solution of this problem by_the chapter-house principle, and a few by the umbrella or circular locomotive-engine-house system of railway-stations, either with a central column or groups of columns sustaining domes or roofs to the extent of four hundred feet diameter. " Grandeur and simplicity of distribution are carried out with great archi- tectural effect in other compositions, and the general arrangement by columnar supports has been also variously and elegantly develoi)ed. The system of iron roofing, with all the architectural powers of which that material is susceptible, has been adopted by some with signal enterprise, ingenuity, and power. " In another class of design the authors have viewed with enthusiasm the great occasion and object of the proposed Exhibition, and have waived all considerations of expense. They have indulged their imagina- tions, and employed the resources of their genius and learning, in the composition of arrangements which present the utmost grandeur and beauty of architecture, suited to a permanent Palace of Science and Art. These, as aildressed to the architectural Student, are of the highcift value, reminding him of all the conditions of his art — the Egyptian hypostyle, the Roman thernue, or of the Arabian or Saracenic inventions. And thtiugh their expense has placed them beyond reach, they cannot fail to inspire and elevate the treatment of the reality. They at all events confer great obligations on the lovers of the Fine Arts, for the authors have evidently felt that, if one of the results to be expected from the itrojKised Exhibition may be to prove that the simi)lest object of ingenuity and skill should not be THE CKYSTAL PALACE. 13 devoid of some of the attractions of taste, the Buikling itself ought to be an ilhistration of that important principle, " The Committee, however, have been unable to select any one design as combining all the requisites which various considerations render essential. But the judgment and taste evinced by a large number of the contributors have enabled the Committee to arrive more promptly at their conclusions, and they have freely availed themselves of most valuable suggestions in directing the preparation of a fresh design for the proposed buifding. " They have consequently been most earnest in the desire to fulfil the just expectations of the various competitors, and feel assm-ed that your Royal Highness and the Commission will be of opinion that the most un- reserved and handsome acknowledgments are due to those able men of science and art Avho have in so disinterested a manner submitted such admirable projects for the consideration and assistance of the Committee. They beg, therefore, to submit, as their opinion, that the foUovring gentlemen are entitled to honourable and favourable mention, on account of archi- tectural merit, ingenious construction or disposition, or for graceful arrange- ment of plan. " And they cannot conclude without calling attention to the designs, accompanied by models, of jM. Hector Horeau, Architect of Paris, and of Messrs. Turner, of Dublin, as evincing most daring and ingenious disposition and construction.* " W. CuBiTT, Chairman^ Some of the strongest objections to this Report are very fairly urged in a letter which appeared in the Builder of the 15th of June, a part of which is subjoined : — " Part II. of the Report contains what I suppose is to be taken as the best exposition of the merits of contributors that the Committee can give, which commences by stating, in a tone of commendation, that, ' not con- fining themselves to suggestioxs only, which were invited by the pro- gramme, a large proportion of them are remarkable for elaboration of thought and elegance of execution.' This, I would contend, is clearly a breach of the specified conditions, viz., that suggestions only were to be given — that the plan or drawing sent in was to be a mere outline sketch, upon a single sheet ; and the Committee even recommended that it would be most convenient merely to trace it upon the common paper on which the ' plan of site ' was supplied to the public, a space being left upon the sheet for sketching any sections or elevations that might be necessary to illustrate the design; and that a written description, limited also to 'a single sheet,' was all the exposition of their ideas that authors would be * A complete list of the names of all the competitors, tosether with those selected by the Committee, will be found in the Appendix ; also a description and views of the two designs specially referred to. 14 THE CHYSTAL PALACK. allowed to give. The Report goes on to state, that 'our illustrious conti- nental neighbours have especially distinguished themselves [in designing a temporary building for an exhibition] by compositions of the utmost taste and learning, worthy of enduring execution — examples of what might be done in the architectural illustration of the subject [the conditions strictly enjoined contributors not to enter into architectural detail] wlien viewed in its highest aspect, and, at all events, exhibiting features of grandeur, arrangement, and grace which your Committee have not failed to appreciate.' It then places in contradistinction to these no doubt admir- able but out-of-place productions of architectural genius, the ' practical character of the designs of our own countrymen," which it states, * as might have been expected, has been remarkably illustrated in some very striking and simple methods, suited to the temporary purposes of the building, due attention having been paid by them to the pecuniary means allotted to this part of the undertaking.' Yet, notwithstanding this comparison, clearly and indisputably in favour of our own countrymen, as regards the object sought and the conditions stipulated by the Committee, we find by the selected list of those authors who are to receive ' the highest honorary dis- tinction' the Commissioners can award, that the Committee can only discover, out of VJo English and 38 foreign contributors, tucee Englishmen entitled to reward, the remaining fifteen out of the eighteen selected being foreigners ; or, as regards the whole numbers, in proportion of 1 to 65 of ' our own countrymen,' the authors of the * striking and simple,' so admirably 'suited to the temporary purpose of the building,' and 1 to about 2^- of foreigners, who, in designing for a temporary building, to be simple, cheap, and readily constructed, have so overshot the mark as to produce ' compositions ' commendable only for the ' utmost taste and learning, and worthy of enduring execution.' Surely something must be wrong here, either the Report or the selected list — possibly both. " In conclusion, I cannot help avowing the opinion that a wrong, though I believe unintentionally, has been done to many of the 233 who so readily and ' generously' responded to the call for their ideas ; more particularly as I know, from personal inspection, that at least one of the plans altogether omitted from the Report contains five of the leading features of the approved design." But to judge of this matter fairly, it must be mentioned that, although the number of foreign competitors was small, the majority of them were men already well known for their talents and professional skill; in all cases their designs evinced considerable study of the subject (both archi- tecturally and in a practical point of view), and manifested a desire to exhibit to English professional men the proficiency of their continental brethren. On the other hand, many of the designs from the competitors at home were much slighter suggestions presented in a less elaborate form. Under these THE CRYSTAL PALACE. ]5 circumstances, it is not to be wondered at that those eminent men of the technical professions who, on this occasion, came forward with practical sug- gestions for the assistance of the Committee, and designs calculated ratlier to assist with thouyhts than to charm by the graces of elegant drawing or symmetrical disposition, should seem to have been found wanting in this first trial with all the world. It should further be borne in mind, that the nature of competitions is not so well understood in some foreign countries, where they are of less frequent occurrence, than with us. It must at the same time be admitted that the practice of disregarding and exceeding the instructions in competitions is too much a matter of general complaint in England to be brought forward as a new grievance against our continental brethren. After the publication of the above Report, the competition designs were all exhibited in the rooms of the Institution of Civil Engineers, in Great George-street, which were liberally placed at the disposal of the Committee for this purpose ; and of those who Adsited this interesting exhibition, many, no doubt, must have sympathised with those feelings which dictated the decision of the Committee. From an attentive examination of these designs, presenting the subject in such exceedingly varied forms, one of the peculiar difficulties of the case becomes apparent, namely, the total absence of any precedent to guide or afford suggestions to the designer ; for the small number of buildings erected or adapted for a similar purpose have been on so limited a scale that their example could not afford much assistance in designing a structure to meet all the requirements of the present case. This building differed from all previous ones in being intended to accommodate the products of all nations, instead of being confined to those of one only ; in which case the arrangement would have been more certain and more readily pro\dded for. tS a comparison of some of these earlier buildings with the first . . . . . erected in London for a similar purpose cannot fail to be interesting, a short notice of them may not be deemed out of place. The most important amongst them are those temporary structures which have been erected in Paris for the periodical Industrial Expositions, with reference to the last of which we cannot do better than quote, from Mr. Digby Wyatt's instructive and masterly Report, that part where the building is treated of : — " The vast edifice which has been erected to contain the specimens of manufacture selected for exhibition in the year 184:9 is situated on the same site as that occupied by a similar building in the year 1844. The Ciirre 10 THE CRYSTAL PALACE. » CO •* TlIK CUY8TAr, l\\r,AL'E. 17 VIEW OF THE rP.ISOir-AL, ENTRANCE, " The whole plot of the present ouiiuing (exclusive of the agricnltnral department) covers a vast parallelogram of 20G metres by 100 (about 675 by 328 feet English), round the outline of which nms a gallery about 90 feet wide, divided into two avenues by a double range of pilasters. In the centre of each avenue is a set of stalls, placed back to back, for the exhi- bition of merchandise ; and both between the central pilasters, and ro'und, and upon the walls, other objects are placed, so that on traversing either of the four gangways (each about ten feet wide) the jDublic have upon their right and left hands objects for inspection. In the part of the building appropriated to large machinery, of course this system cannot be carried out with the same regularity. The vast parallelogram, inclosed by a somewhat similar gallery in the year 1844, was left as one magnificent hall, within which were placed the most important objects ; in the presei.t building we find it divided by two transverse galleries, similarly arranged to those we have described, forming three court-yards ; the central one being about 140 feet square, and^the two lateral ones 80 feet by 140. The central court-yard is open to the sky; in the middle rises an elegavit fountain placed on a platform of turf, and around are disposed sheds for the exhibition of flowers and horticultural ornaments and implements. One of the lateral courts (inclosed) receives a large collection of objects in metal-work, cast-iron, &c., and the other co)itaius an immense reservoir, in which all the drainage from the roofs is collected, so as to form a supply of water immediately serviceable in case of fire. In addition to this great building, which corresponds with that previously erected, there is this year constructed a vast shed for the exhibition of agricultui'al produce and stock. It extends to a length rather greater than the width of the great parallelogram, and is about 100 feet (Englisli) wide. Its construction is o 18 THE CRYSTAL PALACE. riuler tlian that of the 'Palace,' but it is not on that account less effective. It a])pears to have been originally contemplated to fill the whole of this gigantic hall with cattle, &c., and to place the agricultural implements in a long narrow gallery intervening between it and the main building; but as the stock of animals forwarded for exhibition has not proved so large as was anticipated, it has been half-filled with semi-agricultural machines, and the whole of the long narrow gallery alluded to crammed with stoves, and miscellaneous domestic mechanism. "The whole of the building is constructed of wood, the roofs being covered with zinc : of the latter material 400,000 kilogrammes, equal to nearly 4,000 tons, are stated to have been used ; and of the former, nearly 45,000 i»ieces of timber. " It is hoped that the accompanying plan and views will convey a tolerably good idea both of the exterior and interior arrangements of the Exhibition. They will serve to show, at least, that a somewhat unnecessary expendi- ture has been gone into, and to manifest the possibility of constructing a much more simple building, possessing all the advantages of this one, at a far less cost. " Both externally and internally there is a good deal of tasteless and unprofitable ornament; all the pilasters are papered and painted in a species of graining to imitate light oak, and even the ceiling is covered over with the same work. Large 'carton pierre' trusses apparently support the timbers, and a painted bronze bas-relief fills the tympanum of the pediment, at the principal entrance. The architecture of the whole is 'mesquin,' although the gigantic scale of the building necessarily elevates the general effect into something of impressiveness; not, how- ever, to nearly the extent wliich the same outlay might have produced." INTF.nior. VIKW OF TIIF. " lALACF.. mm miii' '///:'■ TUli CUVSTAL PALACE. r.) IXTKIUOU UF THE CATTLE-SllKU. Mr. Wyatt further states that the total cost of this buikUug was about 450,000 francs, or about 18,000/., which, however, he considers was an unnecessarily large outlay. He mentions, also, that the building erected on the previous occasion, in 18-i4, was in some respects more suitable for the purpose, especially from its greater simplicity of arrangement, a remark it will be well to bear in mind in considering the various designs for the building in Hyde Park. The accompanying plates will enable the reader readily to follow all the details of the description. The permanent building erected by the King of Bavaria at Munich, likewise for periodical Exhibitions, is on a much smaller scale than those in Paris, and must be regarded rather as having afforded an opportunity for that manifestation of architectural display in public buildings for which its Royal projector was so well known, than as being peculiarly fitted for its pui'pose. It is divided internally into various halls for the different classes of objects ; but as the proportion of these must necessarily vary at every Exhibition, such an arrangement cannot be deemed the most suitable for the purpose. At Berlin, where several Industrial Exhibitions have taken place, no distinct building has been provided, but some already existing one has been temporarily adapted and fitted up for the purpose ; thus, on the last occa- sion, Kroll's WiNTERGARTEN, a large establishment for public amusement, which has been recently destroyed by fire, w'as made use of. The large central saloon, with the smaller ones flanking it, foi'ming, in fact, one space 310 feet long, and 82 feet broad at the w'idest point, afforded a very good opportunity for the arrangement of the objects to be exhibited, some of which were placed in the gallery of the large saloon. 2<) IIIE CKV.STAl, lAI.ACK. M,AN OK KI'.OM, 8 WlNTEHdAHTKN, l!i:ilMN. "--l-i 1. Llcctric Telcgrajili. 2. ChemiciJ Products. 3. Porcelain and Bronzps. ■}•. Macliiiierj. 5. llarclwarc. (i. Zinc AVorks. 7. Plate and Jewellery. b. Lithography. 9. Watches, &c. 10. Cutlery. 11. Scientific lustrunicuis. 1~. Bookbinding. 13. Embroidery. li. Ornamental Blinds. 15. Silks aud Velvets. IG. Furs. 17. Pianofortes. 18. Carriages. 19. Furniture. 2U. Lamps, &c. 21. Turned Articles. 22. Woollen Fabrics. 23. Leather Articles. 2i. Hats & Felt Articles. 25. Machinery. 26. Carriages. On a previous occasion a part of the Royal Arsenal building was appro- priated, and the Exhibition embraced two storeys. In our own country, exhibitions of manufactures have taken place in several of the most important towns, generally in spaces only temporarily adapted; but in 1849 the first building in this country intended solely for the purpose of an exhibition of manufactures was erected at Birmingham, on the occasion of the meetincr of the British Association in that town. Vii:w OK TiiK i;ii;Mi:>(;i[.\>i F.xi'usinoN lu ii.nrsc;. THE CRYSTAL PALACE. 21 The building alluded to included a space extending to 10,000 square feet, and a corridor, giving additional accommodation of 800 square feet, connected the temporary exhibition-room wdth Bingley-house, within the grounds of v/hich the building was erected ; and including the rooms of the old mansion, the total area covered by the Exhibition was equal to 12,800 feet, or only about one-seventeentb of the area covered by the last building erected in the Champs Elysees. The cost of this building was about 1,300/. It was opened to the public on the 3rd of September, 1849. In most of the buildings alluded to above, the principal defect seemed to be that a definite and fixed subdivision of space was made for a classification of objects which was necessarily uncertain. This appears to have deter- mined the Committee in the arrangement of the plan which they presented in a general form to the Royal Commission at the same time with the Report already quoted ; and although the design was slightly modified during the progress of the working-drawings subsequently made, this is, perhaps, the best place for introducing a description of it. It has been already mentioned that at the time the Committee received the competition designs, they obtained the assistance of Mr. Digby Wyatt, the secretary to the ExecutiA^e Committee, to aid them in the preparation of drawings, although Mr. Scott Russell officially filled the post of secre- tary to the Building Committee. At a somewhat later stage of the Com- mittee's proceedings, when the general design for the proposed building had been approved by the Royal Commission, and it became necessary to prepare working drawings for the same with extraordinary despatch, Mr. Charles Heard Wild, as engineer, and Mr. Owen Jones, as architect, were appointed to co-operate with Mr. Wyatt in carrying out this object. |lMrri|itinE nf tjjc ^nilMng CBmmitlrfH Dr0igii. ^HE site to have been occupied by the building designed by the p Committee was the same as that on which the building has been *^^^ actually erected, namely between Rotten-row and the drive in Hyde Park, but the area proposed to be covered was somewhat larger, the length of the building being about 2,200 feet, and the greatest width nearly 450 feet. The central space was occupied by an immense rotunda 200 feet in diameter, the cupola rising to a height of more than 160 feet, and exceed- ing the span of that of St. Peter's at Rome by 61 feet, and of St. Paul's in London by 88 feet. The dome for covering this rotunda consisted of wrought-iron ribs, supporting a covering of corrugated iron, the whole resting on a wall or drum of brickwork, about 60 feet high ; a large opening in the centre was to be glazed for the admission of light. — ^ THK CKVSTAL TALACE. This large open area was intended for the exhibition of gi'oups of sculpture, fountains, and other ohjeets recjuiring great space in order to be seen to advantage; at the same time the cupola would have presented a striking instance of the constructive skill of this country. The remaining area of the building was divided into avenues 48 feet wide, by iron columns 24 feet apart, this dimension having been determined on as that most likely to work in well for the division of the counters and passages. One of the 48-feet avenues on the main axis of the building was spanned by semicircular ribs of wrought iron supporting the roof, which rose here to a greater height than the rest of the building ; the other avenues were covered with roofing very similar to that commonly seen in railway-sheds, the whole being rendered as light as possible, and constructed . in iron covered with slating; the light being in all cases admitted by a range of sky-lights at the apex of the roof, which Avas also adapted for ventilation. The height of the main avenue was 52 feet, and of the others 36 feet, from the floor throughout. A corridor of communication 15 feet wide was carried round the whole of the building, interrupted only by the open courts ; this, with the main avenue, afforded the visitor to the Exhi- bition (he means of reaching any particular point without threading a raaz3 of small passages. The inclosing walls were to be of brick, relieved exter- nally by panels in two colours; but there were to be no internal division walls except those necessary to surround the various courts wliich were left on accoimt of the trees. The executive offices were grouped on either side of the principal entrance, which was placed iinmediately opposite Prince's Gate ; and at this, as well as at the entrances at either end and on the north front, large arched recesses were introduced which served as vestibules, and formed at the same time prominent and striking features to relieve the necessarily monotonows aspect of the buiMing. Along the whole of the principal front and at the ends of the building a pent or overhanging roof projected about 15 feet, to enable visitors in bad weather to be set downa luider cover, and the exit-doors, of which there were altogether 24, were further protected by porches. The water was to be conveyed from the roof through the columns whieh supported it, and which were for this purpose connected with the necessnry drain-pipes, &c. Very ample accommodation was provided for refreshments in the open courts which were necessarily left for the preservation of the trees, par- ticularly in that at the western end of the building, Avhere there was pro- posed to be placed a large establishment, comprising two storeys, with somewhat the arrangement of the French cafes, including a fine saloon on the first floor, upwards of thirty feet wide and nearly one hundred feet long; separate spaces were also provided for the accommodation of ro^^E O 03 Ph r-1 O CO -^ THE CKVSTAL PALACE. 23 exhibitors. This was the only part of the building, with the exception of the executive offices, which was to have an upper storey. xA.n objection might, perhaps, be raised to this part of the building, that it was too commodious, and that there might be some danger of its being converted into a lounge, while it was occupying too much of the space intended for the Exhibition, for a secondary, though certainly necessary purpose ; it was, however, considered by the Committee, that of the vast number of visitors that might be expected to be in the building at one time, so many would avail themselves of the accommodation provided as to render a less amount imdesirable. The principal courts were surrounded by a covered way, where refreshments were also to be served at long counters, in the manner of the railway-stations. All these arrangements will readily be understood by a reference to the plan of the design we have been describing, which plan, together with a view taken from the south-east angle of the building, will place before the reader the result of the labours of the Committee. The materials proposed for the construction of this building were fire-proof throughout, with the exception of the floor and its supporting timbers. The above design, at least in all its leading features, for some of the details were subsequently added, was laid before the Eoyal Commission, at the same time with the Report already quoted, and was by them approved, and the Committee proceeded to prepare the necessary working-drawings and specifications for the execution of the work. These proceedings of the Committee occupied until the 24:th of June, when large lithographed copies of the most important of the drawings, together with printed copies of the specifications and other details, were issued from the offices of the Executive, contractors having been some time previously invited by public advertisement to send in tenders for the execution of either a part or the whole of the work. The tenders were to be on two systems, one on the supposition that the Eoyal Commission were to become the hona fide pur- chasers of the building ; the other, that the contractors were to erect and maintain the building during the time of the Exhibition, after which they were to remove it and take back the materials at their own risk, receiving a proportionably diminished sum. It has been considered necessary to describe thus minutely the labours of the Committee and the design in which they resulted, in order to show how far it paved the way for that which was subsequently adopted, and to give them that credit which they undoubtedly deserve for devoting so much of their valuable time for the furtherance of a great public undertaking. 24 TilK CRYSTAL d'^pjinijitimi tn tljis lOrsign. ^dh^HE design of the Building Committee, when published to the world, l*& ^^^^ ^^ '^'' anything but public approbation ; some of the objectors V>__/^ called in question the practicability of the execution of the enor- mous dome, at least within the time assigned ; others complained that the outlaj' would be unnecessarily large for a purpose avowedly temporary, and expressed their fears that so costly a structure once erected, there would be the less probability of its subsequent removal ; but the objection which appeared to have most weight with the public at large was, the great amount of solid brick construction in the walls, &c., which, it was urged, woidd require a longer time than could be allowed for their erection, and that the carting of the materials would cause serious injury in the Park and the surrounding neighbourhood. This strong current of objection seemed to bid fair to overwhelm the much-abused design. To increase the difficulties which seemed to gather round the progress of this noble undertaking, an exceedingly vexatious and factious agittition was got up in opposition to the proposed site in Hyde Park, and petitions and counter- petitions were presented to both Houses of Parliament, and much of the time of the Legislature was wasted in fruitless discussion on the subject. The Building Committee thought it desirable, under these circumstances, to lay before the public their reasons for recommending the site in the Park, and therefore issued a memorandum of the grounds on which it had been selected.* The result was, that the opposition was defeated in the Legislature, and finally crushed by the force of public opinion. ^ N the mean time the competing contractors had been obliged to ( r^% strain every nerve to get their tenders ready by the 10th of July, ^• -4 ■^^^ ^ ^* 11' ^ #, I / •_ THE CRYSTAL PALACE. form the building as it is now executed, with the exception of the transept and semicircular roof, which were subsequently added, and were suggested by IMr. Barry. The result of the tenders appears to have been unfavourable to the Com- mittee's design ; and in their Report to the Royal Commission on the siib- ject, made a few days afterwards, they proposed to omit the great dome and some portions of the design which were not essential, by which they considered that the cost of its execution might be reduced below 100,000/. ; at the same time, they made special mention of Mr. Paxton's design, which, hov.'ever, they considered would jirove more expensive. Mr. Paxton's design had been brought before the public before this period ; for, considering that his best road to success would be to get a favourable verdict from that many-headed jnry, he published a view and description of it in the Illustrated Neius, and, through the influence of Mr. Stephenson, he got his plans laid before the Royal Commission, in consequence of which he obtained an interview with his Royal Highness the President. The encouragement given him by the attention bestowed upon his design by the Royal Commission, and the favourable opinion of the public, had determined him to procure a tender for the execution of the work, to be sent in with those upon the Committee's design. This he was enabled to do by the great energy and i3romptitude of the con- tractors, Messrs. Fox and Henderson, to whom he applied at the eleventh hour. The difficulties that had to be overcome, owing to the shortness of the time remaining for the estimates to be made up, can scarcely be better laid before the reader than they have been by an able writer in " Household Words :" — '' It was now Saturday, and only a few days more were allowed for receiving tenders. Yet before an approximate estimate of expense could be formed, the great glass-manufactiu'ers and iron-masters of the north had to be consulted. This happened to be dies mirabilis the third ; for it was the identical Saturday on which the Sunday postal question had reached its crisis, and there was to be no delivery the next day ! But in a country of electric telegraphs, and of indomitable energy, time and difficulties are annihilated ; and it is not the least of the marvels wrought in connexion with the great edifice that, by aid of railway-parcels and the electric telegraph, not only did all the gentlemen summoned out of Warwickshire and Staffordshire appear on Monday morning at Messrs. Fox and Hender- son's office, in Spring Gardens, Loudon, to contribute their several estimates to the tender for the whole, but within a week the contractors had pre- pared every detailed working-drawing, and had calculated the cost of every pound of ii'on, of every inch of wood, and of every pane of glass. " There is no one circumstance in the history of the manufacturing enterprise of the English nation which places in so strong a light as this 26 TlIK CUY8TAL I'ALACE. its boundless resources in materials, to say nothing of the arithmetical skill in computing at what cost and in how short a time those materials could be converted to a special purpose. \Miat was done in those few days ? Two parlies in London, relying on the accuracy and good faith of certain iron-masters, glass- workers in the provinces, and of one master-carpenter in London, bound themselves for a certain sum of money, and in the course of some four months, to cover eighteen acres of ground with a building upwards of a third of a mile long, and some four hundred and tifty feet broad. In order to do this, the glass-maker promised to supply, in the required time, nine hundred thousand square feet of glass (weighing more than four hundred tons), in separate panes, and these the largest that ever were made of sheet glass ; each being forty-nine inches long. The iron- master passed his word in like manner to cast in due time three thousand three hundred iron columns, varying from fourteen feet and a half to twenty feet in length : thirty-four miles of guttering-tube, to join every individual column together under the ground ; two thousand two hundred and twenty -four girders (but some of these are of wrought iron) ; besides eleven hundred and twenty-eight bearers for supporting galleries. The carpenter undertook to get ready within the specified period two htmdred and five miles of sash-bar, flooring for an area of thirty-three millions of cubic feet, besides enormous quantities of wooden walling, louvre-work, and partition.** " It is not till we reflect on the vast sums of money involved in transac- tions of this magnitude that we can form even a slight notion of the great, almost ruinous loss, a trifling arithmetical error would have occasioned, and of the boundless confidence the parties must have had in their resources and in the correctness of their computations. Nevertheless, it was one great merit in Mr. Paxton's original details of measurement that they were con- trived to facilitate calculation. " There was little time for consideration, or for setting right a single mistake, were it ever so disastrous. On the prescribed day the tender was presented, with whatever imperfections it might have had, duly and irredeemably sealed. But after-checkings have divulged no material error." The Royal Commission appear from the first to have been favourably impressed with INIr. Paxton's design, partly, no doubt, because its adoption would at once silence the great bricks-and-mortar objection to the occupa- tion of the site in Hyde Park ; and the result was that, on the 16th of July, Messrs. Fox and Henderson's tender of 79,800/. for ]\rr. Paxton's design was verbally accepted, and, as soon as the necessary arrangements could be made, the contract was formally concluded. * Tlie fijjurcs quoted are not (|uite correct, hs will be seen hcreiifler. THE CHYSTAL PALACE. iJ < IMstiirii nf jVj, ]Mm'B Hrnigii. S Mr. Paxton himself has stated, the design for a building of such magnitude could not have been produced in so short a space of time without the aid of the experience he had gained in construct- ing other great buildings of a somewhat similar character ; the progress of this experience Mr. Paxton has described in the lecture he delivered to the Society of Arts on the 13th of November, 1850, from which we have made the following extracts ; and we hope to be excused by the reader for their cojiiousness, on the ground that no man can so well relate his own doings as the actor himself: — "The Great Industrial Building now in the course of erection, and which forms the subject of the present paper, was not the production of a momentary consideration of the subject. Its peculiar construction, in cast-iron and glass, together with the manner of forming the vast roof, is the result of much experience in the erection of buildings of a similar kind, although on a smaller scale, which has gradually developed itself through a series of years. It may not, therefore, be uninteresting to give a brief account of the reasons which led me to investigate the subject of glass roofs and glass structures generally, and which have resulted in the Exhibition Building. " In 1828, when I first turned my attention to the building and improve- ment of glass structures, the various forcing-houses at Chatsworth, as at other places, were formed of coarse thick glass and heavy woodwork, which rendered the roofs dark and gloomy, and, on this account, very ill suited for the purposes they were intended to answer. My first object was to remove this evil, and, in order to accomplish it, I lightened the rafters and sash-bars, by bevelling off their sides ; and some houses which were after- wards built in this manner proved very satisfactory. I also at this time contrived a light sash- bar, having a groove for the reception of the glass; this groove completely obviated a disadvantage connected with the old mode of glazing, namely, the putty becoming continually displaced by sun, frost, and rain, after the sashes had been made for a short time, and the wet by this means finding its way betwixt the glass and the wood, and pro- ducing a continual drip in rainy weather. " About this period the desire for metallic roofs began to extend in every direction ; and as such structures had a light and graceful appearance, it became a question of importance as to the propriety of using metal sashes and rafters, instead of wooden ones, for horticultural purposes. After care- fully observing the effects of those built by various persons, it became apparent to me that the expansion and contraction of metal would always militate against its general adoption, as at no season of the year could the sashes and rafters be made to fit. " The extra expense, also, of erecting metallic-roofed houses was a con- 28 THE CRYSTAL PALACE. sideration. In 1833 I contemplak^d building a new range of hot-Louses; and being desirous of knowing how much they would cost, if erected of metal, a plan of the range was prepared and sent to Birmingham, and another to Sheffield, with a desire to be furnished with estimates for that purpose. The estimate from Birmingham was 1,800^'.; and the other, from Sheffield, was 1,850/. These appeared to me such enormous sums, that I at once set about calculating how much the range would cost if built of wood under my own inspection ; and the result was, that I Avas able to complete the whole range, including masonry (which was omitted in the metal estimates), for less than 500/. " Besides the extra cost of metallic roofs, we must add the extreme heat of such houses in hot weather, and their coldness in times of frost ; the liability to breakage of glass from expansiod and contraction of the metal ; the very limited duration of the smaller portions, as sash-bars, from cor- rosion, by exposure to the alternations of heat, cold, and moisture, inseparable from gardening operations, and which could only be prevented by making use of the expensive material, copper ; and the difficulty, when compared with wood, of repairing anj'^ damages, as a wooden roof could at any time be set to rights by a common carpenter. These different items formed in my mind so many objections to its use, and the same disadvan- tages soon became generally apparent. " It was now thought advisable by some parties that, in order to obviate the many disadvantages in the use of metal, the rafters and frame-work of the sashes ought to be made of wood, and the sash-bars of metal. This plan certainly presented more advantages than the other, yet it was quite obvious that materials so incongruous could never give satisfaction ; and accordingly, in a few years, as I had anticipated, the rage for these structures gradually subsided, and the use of wood again became resorted to by most persons, as the best material for horticultural purposes. "In the construction of glass- houses requiring much light, there always appeared to me one important objection, which no person seemed to have taken up or obviated; it was this. In plain lean-to or shed roofs, the morning and evening sun, which is on many accounts of the greatest importance in forc- ing fruits, jH-esented its direct rays at a low angle, and, conse- quently, very obliquely to the glass. At those periods most of C 5 ''Hv^.■* «. OMMON MODE OF GLAZING R0OF8. THE CRYSTAL PALACE. 20 the rays of light and heat were ohstructed by the position of the ghass and heavy rafters, so that a considerabh; portion of time was lost both morning and evening ; it conseqxiently became evident that a system by which the glass wonld be more at right angles to the morning and evening rays of the sun would obviate the difficulty, and remove the obstruction to rays of ligVit entering the house at an early and late hour of the day. ^n;\\, '■■ This led me to the ^^^*>^^- V7.JS^ ^ Hyt- ->'^'U 'AAA adoption of the ridge-and- furrow principle for glass roofs, which places the glass in such a position that the rays of light in the mornings and evenings enter the house without ' '' obstruction, and present METHOD BY RiDGE-AND-FL Riiow. thcmsclves more perpen- dicularly to the glass at those times when they are the least powerful; whereas at mid-day, when they are most powerful, they present them- selves more obliquely to the glass. Having had this principle fixed in my mind, and being convinced of its importance, I constructed a pine- house in 1833 as an experiment, which still exists imimpaired, and has been found fully to answer the purpose. " In 1834 I resolved to try a further experiment on a larger scale, on the ridge-and-fiu-row principle, in the construction of a green-house of considerable dimensions, which also remains and answers admirably. For this building I made a still lighter sash-bar than any I had previously used ; on which account the house, when completed (although possessing all the advantages of wood), was as light as if constructed of metal. The whole length of this structure is 97J feet, and its breadth 26 feet ; the height at the back is 1(3 feet 9 inches, and in the front 12 feet 3 inches. A span so large as 26 feet could not be safely covered with a roof constructed in the ordinary way, unless the sash-bars were stronger, and the assistance of heavy rafters and numerous supports was afforded. The house presents a neat and light appearance, and consists of 15 bays, and pediments in front, supported by 16 slender reeded cast-iron columns. Whilst it makes an admirable green-h'ouse, it is also an economical building ; for, at the period of its construction, notwithstanding the hea\'y tax on glass (since removed), it only cost at the rate of twopence and a fraction per cubic foot. At the present time, considering the change in the price of material, and the removal of the glass-tax, it could be constructed at a considerably smaller amount. "Having in contemplation the erection of the Great Conservatory in its present form, it was determined, in 1S36, to erect a new curvilinear hot- 30 THE CRYSTAL I'ALACE. house 60 feet in length and 20 feet in width, with the eni])tif;d roof on the ridge-and-furrow principle, to he constructed entirely of wood, for the purpose of exhibiting how roofs of this kind could be supported. The plan adopted was this : the curved rafters were composed of several boards securely nailed together on templets of wood cut to the exact curve ; by this means a strength and firmness were obtained sufficient to support an enormous weight. " In 1S37 the foundations of the Great Conservatory were commenced ; and in constructing so great a building it was found desirable to contrive some means for abridging the great amount of manual labour that would be required in making the immense number of sash-bars requisite for the pur- pose. Accordingly, I visited all the great workshops in Loudon, Man- chester, and Birmingham, to see if anything had been invented that would afford the facilities I required. The only apparatus met with was a grooviug-machine, which I had at once connected with a steam-engine at Chatsworth, and which was subsequently so improved as to make the sash-bar complete. "For this apparatus the Society of Arts, in April, 1841, awarded — -.w me a medal; and this machine is the type from which all the sash- CUTTERS OF MR. PAXTOn's SASH-BAR MACHINE. ]^^^ machines fouud in use throughout the country at the present time are takeu. As the Con- servatory was erected under my own immediate superintendence, I am able to speak accurately as to the advantages of the machine : it has, in regard to that building alone, saved in expenses 1,400/. The length of each of the bars of the Conservatory is 48 inches ; only one inch shorter than those of the Exhibition Building. The machine was first used in its present form in August, 1838 ; and its original cost, including table, wheels, and everything complete, was 20/. The motive power is from a steam-engine employed on the premises for other purposes ; and any well- seasoned timber may be used. The attendants required are only a man and a boy, and the exi)ense of the power required for it when in use is com- paratively trifling. The sash-bars may be made of any form, by changing the character of the saws. " There is one particular feature in working tlie machine, namely, the bar is presented to the saws below the centre of motion, instead of above it (as is usual) ; and to the sides of the saw which are ascending from the table, instead of those which are descending. These arrangements were necessary to suit the direction of the teeth to the grain of the wood ; for when the bars were presented to the saws in the usual way, the wood was THE CRYSTAL PALACE. 31 crushed instead of being cut and cleaned. It is essential that the machine should revolve 1,200 times in a minute to finish the work in a proper manner. " The glass and glazing of the Chatsworth Conservatory caused me considerable thought _and anxiety, as I was very desirous to do away altogether with the mimerous overlaps connected with the old system of glazing with short lengths. This old method, even under the best of management, is certain, in the course of a few years, to render unsightly any structure, however well built. " In the course of my inquiries, I heard that Messrs. Chance and Co., of Birmingham, had just introduced from the Continent the manufactm-e of sheet glass. Accordingly, I went to see them make this new article, and found they were able to manufacture it three feet in length. I was advised to use this glass in two lengths, with one overlap ; but to this I could not assent, as I observed, that since they had so far advanced as to be able to produce sheets three feet in length, I saw no reason why they could not accomplish another foot ; and, if this could not be done, I would decline giving the order, as, at that time, sheet glass was altogether an experiment for horticiJtural purposes. These gentlemen, however, shortly afterwards informed me that they had one person who could make it the desired length, and, if I would give the order, they would furnish me with all I required. " It may just be remarked here", that the glass for the Exhibition Building is forty-nine inches long — a size which no country except England is able to furnish in any large quantity, even at the present day. " In 1840 the Chatsworth Conservatory was completed and planted. The whole length of this building is 277 feet ; its breadth, 123 feet over the walls ; and the height, from the floor to the highest part, 67 feet. " Notwithstanding the success which attended the erection of these buildings, it became to me a question of importance how far an extensive structure might be covered in \^ith.Jlat ridge-and-furro\v roofs; that is, the ridge-and-valley rafters placed on a level, instead of at an inclination, as in the green-house, or curvilinear, as in the Great Conservatory. I therefore prepared some plans for an erection of the kind for the Earl of Burlington, somewhere about ten years ago ; but, on account of the lamented death of the Countess, the design of erection was abandoned. However, from that time I felt assured, not only that it could be done satisfactorily, but that the most appropriate manner to form and support level glass roofs, to a great extent, was that adopted this year for the New Victoria House at Chatsworth, which may be considered a miniature type of the Great Industrial Building. " Before describing this house, however, it may be well to notice two 32 THE CRYSTAL PALACE. instances in wliicli the flat roofs had been previously tried, and in both cases wiih the most perfect success. " The first of these was a conservatory attached to a villa in Darley Dale, only a short distance from Chatsworth. This building is divided into five bays, -with a glass door in the centre, and glass pilasters sei^irating the bays ; the ridge-and-furrow roof covers an opening of seventeen feet in the clear. The ventilation is simultaneously effected by a lever connected with a rod. which is attached to all the ventilators. . . . " The second instance is this, ^7^^: In the spring of 1S4S, plans were prepared for the erection of an ornamental glass struc- ture, to cover the conserva- tory wall at Chatsworth. This wall was previously a plain fined structure, devoted to the growth of rare and choice THE viCTOmA KEGiA HOUSE, CHATSWORTH. pi^uts. The ncw crectiou is 331 feet in length, and 7 feet in width. It is divided into ten bays, with an ornamental centre projecting beyond the general line of the building. Each bay is subdivided by smaller bays, which are separated by glass pilasters; the glass sashes are so arranged that they can be removed in summer, and the whole thrown open to the gardens, whilst in winter the building affords an extensive promenade under cover. The ground on which this structure is built has a fall of 25 feet 6 inches in its whole length ; consequently, there is a proportionate fall at each bay, which gives great variety, and obviates the monotony that would be exhibited in a building of such length and dimensions placed on a uniform level. The lower side of each bay is finished by a glass pilaster, three feet in width, and surmounted by a vase on the wall behind. The roof is on the ridge-and-furrow principle, with the rafters on a very slight inclination ; and the ventilation is effected in a similar but more perfect manner than that already described as in use at the conservatory at Darley Dale. " The new Victoria Regia House, which presents a light and novel ap- pearance, is 60 feet 6 inches in length, and 4G feet d inches in breadth. Although, when compared with the Great Industrial Building, the Victoria House is a very diminutive structure, yot the principles on which it is con- structed are the same, and may be carried oiit to an almost unlimited extent. The form of the roof, the general elevation, the supports, and the mode of construction, are all quite simple, and yet fully answer the purposes for which they were intended. THE CRYSTAL PALACE. 33 INTEUIOR OF VICTOIUA REGIA HOUSE. " The Victoria House > however, was so built as to retain as much moisture and heat as possible, and yet to afford a strong and bright light at all seasons ; whilst, on the contrary, the Indus- trial Building, being in- tended to accommodate a daily assemblage of many thousands of individuals, and a vast number of natural and mechanical productions, many of which would be destroyed by moisture and heat, is constructed so as fully to answer that end." This, then, was the experience wliich enabled Mr. Paxton to conceive his design for the " Crystal Palace," a description of which as it has subse- quently been carried out we must now proceed with. (^cnrml lOrsrriptinn nf tjic IkilMng. HE plan forms a parallelogram, 1,84S feet long and 408 feet wide, besides a projection on the north side, 48 feet wide and 936 feet long. A main avenue, 72 feet wide and 66 feet high, occupies the centre through the whole length of the building. Planking this on either side are smaller aveimes alternately 24 feet and 48 feet wide ; the two first on either side of the centre are 43 feet, and the remainder 23 feet high. About the centre of the entire length, at a point determined by the posi- tion of a row of large trees, which it was resolved to inclose, these avenues are crossed by a transept of the same width as the main avenue, or 72 feet, and 108 feet high ; two other groups of trees on the ground give occasion for open courts, which are inclosed within the building. The area thus inclosed and roofed over amounts to no less than 772,784 square feet, or about 19 acres ;** the building is, therefore, about four times the size of St. Peter's at Rome, and more than six times that of St. Paul's, London. Three entrances lead to this vast interior, one in the centre of the principal or south front, and one at either end of the building. The number of these is necessarily small, in order to facilitate the arrangements for the money- taking, and to avoid having too large a stafif of officers ; on the other hand, it was equally desirable to afford the most ample opportunities of egress for visitors, and accordingly fifteen exit dooi's are placed at frequent intervals. It will be well to mention here that the horizontal measure of 24 feet, * The surface covered by tlie Basilica of St. Peter's at Rome amounts to 223,900 square feet, the Cathedral at Milan occupies 124,100, and St. Paul's, London, 114,900 square feet. D 3 - 5 ° e5 o 1^ w >'. O ;i,' O* E J a s S B ^ < o -: ;4 h4 w o 1-^ f^ a &h' d W pm ^ •— ^ the roof-girders serve, at the same time, as gutters, for Mliicli pur- pose they are hollowed out on the upper face, besides having smaller grooves at the sides to take the condensation-water. The bottom of the gutter is of a circular form, which is universally considered the best for conveying liquids with the least amount of friction, and therefore the least :i!l!il;i:a^^^^^ V'\ 'is J'-' '»'"lli;i: 'iill'iil 11 iiii'l I'M' "■''f'*'||ii»''|p THE CRYSTAL PALACE. 41 liable to obstruction from an accnniulatlon of dirt. A section of the gutter, as iinislied, is shown. To bring it into this form, after the timbers had been sawn into the requisite general dimensions they were brought under the action of the planing-machine, where they were planed on the four sides. This machine SECTION or THE p\xton's gutter, is patented by W. Furness, of Liverpool, and WITH THE STRONG s.vsH-BVR. ' ^^,jjg workcd at thc Chclsca Wharf Saw-mills. Tlie operation was effected by cutters {'^() attached to the ends of an arm revolving with great rapidity in a horizontal plane ; the timbers to be planed were wedged up into a frame (6) tra- versing on rails, and as this was passed under the revolving cut- ters the upper surface was re- niDved by them, at the same time the timbers were held down npon the frame by a large iron disc (c) pressing upon their upper surface. The disc, together with the revolving arm carrying the cutters, was capable of being adjusted vertically to tho exact dimensions of the tim- ber. The traversing-frame was slowly propelled by the machi- nery, and three widths of timber were operated upon at one time. On leaving the planing-machine these quarter baulks were passed on to the gutter-cutting, machine. Four different cutters were required to form the section, as shown above ; they were placed one behind the other, so that the piece of timber, which was presented to their ac- tion above the centre of motion, passed over ea'^h of them in succession. The first set, which revolved in a vertical plane, roughly hollowed out the larger groove to the section shown in Fig. 1 ; the two next were counterparts, and formed the same THE CinCULAR TLANIXG- MACIIISE. rOUTlON OF rLANING-MAClllNE, WITH THE EEVULVIJJG ARM AM) CUTTERS. 42 THE (.'ItVSTAl- rAI.ACE. section in oppobite ilirections ; they were set at aii iiieliuatiuu to the upright of about 45 degrees, the one to the right, the other to the left ; and each holloNved out one of tlie small side grooves, and one side of the larger gutter, leaving the section of the timber respectively of the forms shown in Figs. 2 and 3. Fig. 4 shows the form of its section after it had passed both; the fourth set of cutters again revolved vertically, and gave the glitter its finished form, as shown above. As the timber passed over the cutters it was supported at the ends on revolving rollers, and was held in its place by guiding grooves, being pressed gradually forwards against the cutters. a 3 h a : \. ^' ■ ■ ►^ 'J SECTION'S OF THE DIFFERENT STAGES UF THE l'A\ ION S C.LTTEKH. THE GUTTER-CUTTIXG MACHINE, In this manner forty -two lengths of solid gutter, each twenty -four feet and a fraction long, were completed in a day of ten hours ; and as the machine was worked double time, a length of more than 2,000 feet was turned out daily ready for use : this, it has been calculated, would have required the labour of about three hundred men to be employed for the same length of time. The absolute necessity for such rapid production will be evident when it is knowTi that no less than 110,000 feet, or about twenty miles length, of such gutters were required — very nearly the distance from Buckingham Palace to Windsor Castle. Finished as described above, the Paxton's gutters arrived at the building, where the first operation they imderwent was that of cutting them to the exact length requisite. Tiiis was a nice riperation, as the smallest deviation would have caused a difficulty in fitting them into their i>lace, and to j)erform it a framework was constructed by w hich the ^solid gutter could TUK CKYSTAL PALACE. 43 be bent to tl^^e same curve it wxmld have wlieu fixed ; a precaution that waj necessary in order that the ends might be cut off quite vertically so as to fit together when in their place. At one end of this frame-work was jjlaced a circular saw, twenty inches diameter, hung with a pulley and balance weight, so as to be moved up and down by means of a lever. The gutter being fixed in the frame by means of hinged guage-plates, one end was cut by the circular saw being brought down upon it ; and at the same time another operation was performed : two cutters, placed in the centre of the circular saw, were so arranged that when brought down upon the end cif the solid gutter they cut out a semi-circular notch, so that when the ends of two gutters were afterwards placed together there was a cir- cular hole left, through which the water passed down into the main gutter. When these ope- rations were completed at one end of the gutter, the gnage- plates were taken off, and the timber was swung round on a pivot or crutch in the centre, and the same process gone through as before ; the whole scarcely occupying two minutes. We. shall presently have to return to this piece of machinery, as it was also used in finishing the ridge rafters. The solid gutter was now transferred to the hands of the carpenter, w^ho fixed at each end, on the under-side, a small cast-iron shoe ; and two struts, nine inches long, were placed so as to divide the whole length into three equal parts — the struts spread out at the top in order to present a large sur- face of pressure against the under-side of the gutter ; and tenons projected upwards, which were fitted into mortices cut into the timber. The lower end of the struts were formed so as to give them a firm hold upon a wrought- iron rod, thirteen-sixteenths of an inch diameter, which was passed under them and through the shoes, where it was screwed up with nuts ; and the struts pressing up against the timber produced the requisite bend or camber. Twenty-seven notches, to receive the sashbars, were marked with a templet and cut out on each edge of the upper-side of the gutter ; and a small cast- iron plate having been fitted on the under-side at each end, the Paxton's gutter was complete and ready for fixing. The under-trussing of the rafters increased their strength considerably, so that a weight of one-and-a-half tons was required to break one which was experimented upon. MACHINE FOR FINISHING ENDS OF GUTTERS AND ItlDGES. 44 THE CUVSTAL l-ALAt'E. \[\}t Jnsji-liars. ^^^YT) E will next consider the sash-bars which support the ridge of ^ the roof and receive the jrlass. The total leni-'th which was -x required of these amounts to about two hundred miles ; it will, therefore, be easily understood that mechanical contrivance for cutting them out became an absolute necessity ; this iSIr. Paxton appears to have discovered in his works at rimtsworth. n> lio nvMitinn? in hi? loftnro. MACHINE FOU CUTTING OIT SASH-BAItS. The sash-bars are one inch thick and one-and-a-half inches deep, and are grooved on each side, besides having all the four edges bevelled or cham- fered; all which was done in one passage through the machine. The j^lank which was to form the sash-bars was passed in at one end of the machine, between pressure-rollers ; it then passed between cutters placed both above and below' it, which made about twelve hundred revolutions per minute, and hollowed out the different grooves; and, lastly, it pjissed between circular saws which divided it into separate sa^h- bars, after which they had only to be cut into their proper lengths.* The exact length of each sash-bar when finished is four feet one inch. In this state the skylight bars were sent to the building, where they underwent several finishing operations, necessary to make the ends fit down into the notches prepared in the ridges and gutters. Thirty of the liars * About three hundred jiianks were passed throMgli the machine in a work-ng-day often hours, allowing the necessary sioppiii;es for !ilmr|n-niiig the cullers; and if only three widths of s;ish-bHr were produced out of eacli plank, ihe 4iiaiitily linislied per ilicni would amount to alx)ut two miles and three quarters. This inacliinery, as will as llial for grooving and intiulding the ridges, was Worked at the rhoeuLx tiaw-iuills, Cuiuberlaud-basin, Kegeut's I'ark, belonging to Mr. Birch. TflE CRYSTAL PALACE. 45 were first ])laeed together in a horizontal traversing-frame on a saw-table, on each side of which circular saws were fixed at the distance of the required length of the sash-bar ; the frame was then moved forward against the saws, so that both ends of the whole set of bars were cut off simultaneouply, and at the same time a cut was made at one end half-way through the bar, in order to form the shoulder against the gutter. They were then removed to another bench, where the end of the bar was bevelled and the shoulder formed by means of a small instrument having a handle with two projecting jaws fitting into the ends of the glass grooves of the bars ; between these there was a small blade which, being pressed down, cut out the shoulder which had been sawn through in the other direction, and another blade was placed at tlie proper angle to remove the bevelled piece at the end of the bar. THE SASH-BAR DRILUXG-MACHINE. One more process made tlie sash-bars complete for fixing — this was the drilling a hole at each end to nail them down on the gutter and ridge ; and this was also done by machinery, to insure all the holes being drilled at the same angle. On one side of a horizontal bench were placed a set of four- inch driving pulleys (a a), with as many horizontal drills projecting towards the other side of the bench ; a wooden traversing-plate (c) opposite each drill, and working towards it, received one end of the sash-bar, while the other rested in an inclined position against a wooden rail (6) placed longitudinally abtve the pulleys, having as many sinkings thereon as there were drills The traversing-plate being then pushed forward, the sash-bar was perforated by the drill ; the plate was then drawn back, and the same operation repeated with the other end of the bar, which left it ready for fixino:. 46 THE CRYSTAL PALACE. The action of the traversiiig-plate (c) is shown more distinctly in tlie second engraving.** One out of every nine of the sash-bars of the roof is stronger tlian tlie rest, to serve for fixing the ridge previous to glazing. These extra-strong bars are two inches wide and one inch and a half deep, and were formed by the same machinery already described, by an adjustment of the different cutters PORTION or SASil CAR DIU I.I.I NC-MACIIl N F.. aud SaWS. HE total length of these required was about sixteen miles. They are cut out of timber three inches square, in section, and are of the form shown in the diagram, with a groove on each side to receive the glass. This was also done by machinery which, ^^ with about five-horse power, turned out one hundred %'\ t>-li_:____' lengths of twenty-four feet in a day of ten hours, allowing the time for the necessary stoppages. After .SECTION or RIDGE a:«d they had been delivered at the building, these ridge- pieces were cut to the exact lengths hy means of the same apparatus used for the solid gutters which has already been described. At each end of the ridge-piece two holes were also drilled to receive dowells to connect it with the adjoining length. By no other than mechanical means could the immense number of holes thus drilled have been placed so exactly that those in the opposite ends of any two ridge- pieces should correspond precisely. The different essential component parts of the roof having thus been described, we propose to take the different members of the construction in succession downwards. Cjlt (Ioln03. UT first it may be mentioned here that the glass used throughout S^'^-'^ the building is sheet, on an average about one-sixteenth of an inch ^^-^^ thick, and weighing one pound per foot superficial. This gives an aggregate weight of about four hundred tons for the whole of the work. ♦ This piece of machinery is only novel in its application, as it is similar lo that used by brush- makors for drilling a number of small holes in close and regular arrangement. THE CRYSTAL PALACE. 47 tlie greater part of which was supplied by Messrs. Chance and Co., of Bir- mingham. Each square is forty-nine inches long and ten wide, the greatest length of sheet glass that has ever been made in this country. The manu- facture of this kind of glass is of comparatively recent introduction into England, though practised for some time on the Continent ; and the rapid progress made by the manufacturers alluded to must be in a great measure attributed to the wise removal of the final burden on the article, made by the late Sir Robert Peel. That lamented statesman, with his usual fore- sight, doubtless contemplated that great social benefits would follow from that enactment ; and it is, perhaps, not too much to say that, but for Sir Robert's enlightened measure, this " huge pile of transparency" would never have been reared. (t]^t %u (Ipntttrs. /^5^T has been mentioned that the triple gutters deliver the water into r^M) main gutters running in the transverse direction of the building ; ^^y these are formed of w^ood, with a bottom piece, into which are grooved two upright sides, they are firmly bolted down upon the upper flange of the roof-girders, and wliere these are quite horizontal the fall in the gutter is given by a false bottom laid to a slope. Of these gutters there is a length of aboiit five-and-a-half miles in the building, which, added to the aggregate length of the PaxtOn's gutters, makes a total of about twenty- five-and-a-half miles of gutter. HESE are of cast-iron, where not more than twenty-four feet long, and the rest of wrought-iron. The cast-iron ones are precisely the same in appearance as those used for the galleries, but lighter in metal ; a separate description of them is not, therefore, necessary. The weight of each of these girders is twelve cwt., and each was proved to nine tons previously to being used ; but it is calculated that the greatest weight they may have to bear will not exceed five tons : the total niunber required was about 470. The wrought-iron girders, or trusses, are partly forty-eight and partly seventy -two feet long, to span the avenues of those respective widths ; the principle of the construction is the same in each. The top rail (if it may be so called) of the truss is formed with two pieces of L iron placed back to back 1 V, and the bottom rail with two flat bars || , the total depth being three feet ; at the ends these bars are riveted on to cast- iron standards, and the intermediate distance is di^^ded into eight-feet lengths by other cast-iron standards, to which the bars are also riveted. 48 TIIR crtYSTAL PALACE. and thns a framework of rectangles is formed. In the trasses forty-eight feet span there are, therefore, six such divisions in the length, and nine in those of seventy-two feet span. These are tlien divided in the direction of /, /.f< ^^-^ "^-\ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^-^^ niAGRAM OF 48-FEET GIRDER. ONE of the diagonals by a flat bar passing between and riveted to those forming the top and bottom rails. This completes the constructional part of the truss ; but to render the appearance more uniform with that of the cast-iron girders, a flat bar of wood (shown by the dotted lines) is made to form the other diagonal of the rectangles. The trusses for a span of seventy-two feet are cambered or bent upwards about ten inches, which both adds to their strength and improves the ap- pearance. The form and arrangement of these roof-trusses may be clearly traced in several of the views of the interior which are presented to the reader. The weight, when completed, of each of the trusses of seventy-two feet span is about thirty-five cwt., and of those of forty-eight feet span about thirteen cwt. It has been already mentioned that four of the roof-trusses vary from the rest on account of the greater load they have to sustain. The depth of these exceptional trusses is six feet, and tlieir length seventy -two feet, or the width of the main avenue, which they bridge over. The principle of their construction is similar to that employed in the lighter trusses ; but the arrangement of the parts is somewhat modified. The top rail consists of two pieces of L iron, placed, as before, back to back ; but they are further connected on the top by a flat piece Tf. The lower rail is formed by two flat bars placed upright 1 1 , and these are riveted at the ends to standards of cast-iron, which, however, are considerably heavier in con- struction than those before described ; and they have also in the centre, at {a) two slots, or sinkings, into which the ends of two of the diagonal bars are riveted. The whole length is then divided into three equal parts, each 24 feet long, by strong CAST-iron standards at (U) the ends of wliich are riveted between the rails, and these spaces are again subdivided into three eight-feet lengths by wrought- iron standards at (o r). The top of each standard is next connected with the foot of the next but one to it by diagonal flat bars, which, together with the short pieces fastened into the slots at (a), complete the figure of the whole, forming a kind of trellis- work, two diamonds in depth. In the diagram only half the length of the girder is shown. The dimensions of the different bars of iron in this piece of construction 36. u ^ < < !^ « 1 ) « ( DIAGRAM OF ONE-HALF OF 72-FEET GIRDER. THE CUYSTAL PALACE. 49 are proportional to the amount of strain they have to bear. The two heavier out of the four trusses just described weighed when completed eight tons each, and the other two, which are of rather lighter construction, six tons each. The riveting together of the wrought-iron trusses was performed on horizontal supports, on which the curve that they were to be made to was marked out. The bars having been previously cut to the requisite lengths, and punched and drilled with holes for the rivets, were laid out on the stages in the proper forms with the cast-iron standards, which were tempo- rarily kept in place by bolts passed through some of the rivet-holes. The whole framework was then riveted up with red-hot rivets supplied from small portable furnaces, several sets of men being employed upon each truss, by which means as many as sixteen were completed in one day. The whole of the trusses, three hundred and seventy -two in number, required for the building were put together on the ground, and several ingenious mechanical contrivances were made use of to facilitate and hasten the work. To form some idea of the amount of labour that had to be performed, it may be mentioned that each of tl)£ trusses forty-eight feet in length, or the smallest, is held together by more than fifty rivets, requiring moi'e than twace that number of holes to be made in bars of iron varying in thickness from a quarter of an inch upwards. About 25,000 rivets were thus required for the whole of the work. 3rnii UriUing 3Jlnrliiiir. HE holes for the rivets were made partly by drilling and partly by punching. In the machine used for the former the bar to be bored was laid upon a flat surface forming part of the solid cast-iron stand of the machinery ; the drilling-point worked vertically, and could be moved in that direction to suit the different thicknesses of iron brought under its operation. It was suspended at one end of a lever, with a counterpoise at the other. This lever was also connected by a rod and crank, with another near the ground, one end of which was formed into a tread to be worked by the foot. The workman, when he had arranged the iron in the right position under the drill, pressed his foot upon the tread ; thus raising the counter- poise end of the upper lever, and pressing* the point of the drill, which was of a spear -head form, down upon the iron. Underneath the iron to be drilled was placed a piece of wood to protect the point of the drill when it had passed through the iron. It was also necessary to moisten the iron during the operation, in order to keep the drill-point cool. Three men were required to attend to this work, which was not so rapid as the other method of making the holes by punching. E 50 THE CKYSTAI, TALACR. THF. DI'.ILI.ING-MACHINE. €jlt :|^ttnrliiug 3Jiflt!linB. HE enormous power exerted by this piece of machinery renders it P necessary that the stand containing the pimch, &c., shoidd be ex- ceedingly solid, and it is formed accordingly by a heavy»mass of cast-iron, in which there are two indentations, as seen by the engraving. In the lower of these the punching operation is performed, and in the THE riN( II1N(.-5!ACI1I>E AND SHEAKS. THE CRYSTAL PALACE. 51 upper there are shears fur cutting off the ends of the bars when required. The motion is communicated to each of those by means of a cogged wheel at the back ; but both the punch and the sliears work in a vertical direction, slowly moving up and down with irresistible force. There is no siidden blow or jerk, which makes the effect the more striking, as the unpractised eye has no means of discovering the amount of the force which is being put in operation. It is, however, so great that, although the punching of a hole scarcely occupies two or three seconds, the iron becomes quite hot from the effect of the pressure. In using this machine, the workman arranges the iron bar on a solid rest, placing it so that when the punch descends it makes the hole in the position required. As soon as the punch has passed through the bar, the action of the machinery is reversed, and the instru- ment ascends again ; during which time the bar is re-arranged, and the operation is thus continually repeated. This piece of machinery also requires three men to work it, if the bars to be punched are of considerable length, so as to require the ends to be held up ; otherwise, one alone is sufficient ; and in the course of a ten-hours day about three thousand holes can be punched out — the number, of course, vai'ying according to the thickness of the bars. Neither of the mechanical contrivances just described are novel inven- tions, though they are thus, perhaps, brought for the first time under the notice of many of our readers, to whom they may be so far rendered interesting from their being connected with the execution of the building of the day. T the Chelsea Saw-mills, where the reader has already seen the Paxton's gutters shaped out, another interesting piece of machinery was in use for these works, for the purpose of finishing planks to a certain size and thickness, called the adzing and planing machine. An adze is a tool used by carpenters to remove any unevenness in the sur- face of a board in a particular spot. In this piece of machinery two cutters are fixed to a revolving arm, under which the plank is made to pass ; and as it does so the cutters remove a certain thickness from the whole of the surface. The arrangement of these cutters is very plainly shown in the annexed engraving. On the under-side of the same bench to which this apparatus is fixed, three planes are set, each at an angle of abo.-.t THE ADZiNG-cuTTERS. 5 degrees, by which the under-side of the plank E 2 52 THK CRYSTAL I'ALACE. is lirouglit to an even face, while the iipi>er surface is operated on by the adzing-cutters, and in tliis manner the phink is reduced to an even thick- ness throughout. As it passes on it is brought between two circular saws, whioli are adjusted to the widtli which it is desired to give to the plank. THE ADZING AND PLANING »IACHINE. It is dragged forward towards the planes and cutters by means of an end- less chain, composed of open links; which chain passes over a wheel provided with projecting pegs, so arranged as to fit into the links. The plank is kept down upon the planes, and otherwise held in position, by pressure-rollers. Cljc (CdIuiiiiib nnb (Tnimrrting ^.^irrrs. HE columns in the building perform three important offices. They support the roof and the galleries, and serve as pipes to convey the rain-water from the roofs. Their form, which is beautiful, both mechanically and artistically, was suggested by Mr. Barry ; it is a ring, eight inches in diameter externally, the thickness varying in the different columns, according to the weights they have to support respectively. Four flat faces, about three inches wide, are added on the outside of this ring, so that when the column is in its place, they face nearly north, south, east, and west The column may therefore be considered as a hollow tube, of the section just described, and of the same form at each end, having at its extremities horizontally pro- jecting rings called snugs, through which the bolts are passed, to fasten the columns to the connecting-pieces and base-pieces. That the hollow form adopted for the cohmms is that best suited to obtain the "jreatest streni'th with the least amount of material has been abun- THE CRYSTAL I'ALACE. 53 dantly shown by experiments, as even two straws placed in an upright position will bear a very considerable weight ; it is that also seen in the structure of the bones ot" animals. Of these columns there are 3,300 in the whole building. Those portions of the height of the columns which correspond with the depth and position of the girders form separate lengths, which are called connecting-pieces, as they unite the lengths of columns of the different storeys. These connecting-pieces have the same sectional form as the columns themselves, and, like them, are the same at each end, where there are projections cast on, which serve to support the girders, and which are provided with holes through which the bolts pass to connect them with the columns. These holes alternate with the projections to receive the girders, which projections are so formed that they clip others cast on to the ends ot the girders, which will be hereafter described. In the centre of each pro- jection there is formed a small notch which receives the key or wedge for tixing the girders. The meeting faces of the columns and connecting-pieces were all turned in a lathe, in order that, when set up, they might fit so precisely as not to require any packing to adjust them in an upright position; and only in the cases of those columns which serve as water-pipes is any such packing introduced. In those a piece of canvass, with white lead, is put into the joint. An enormous amount of additional labour was involved by this proceeding, as no less than twelve hundred of siich faces had to be operated on; but this did not deter the enterprising contractors, who were fully alive to the importance of the object to be attained. When fixed, the projecting " snugs," with the bolts passing through them, were covered by ornamental caps and bases of cast-iron, fixed after the rest of the work was completed. €iiB ^EHB ]ymn. HE lower storey of columns in every case stands upon base-pieces of which the upright portion is a continuation of the column, with ^^^ " snugs " at the top, to correspond with those of the column, and standing on a horizontal bed-plate, from which " shoulders" rise to strengthen the upright portion. These bed-plates vary in size from three feet by two feet to one foot six inches by one foot, in proportion to the weight which the several superincumbent columns have to sustain. The longest dimension of the bed-plate is in the transverse direction of the building, in which the greatest overturning strain might be expected to act upon the columns. From the vertical portion of the base-pieces, sockets six inches in diameter project, in the direction of the length of the building, into which are fitted the cast- 5i THE CUY8TAL TALACK, BASE-PIECE. iron drain-pipes, which convey away the water brought down by the columns from the roof. The height of the base-pieces varies to suit the different levels at which the floor is supported above the ground. These levels had therefore to be determined in every individual instance previous to the castings being made. It was done, however, with such precision that, when they came to be used, they were all found to be of the exact length required for their situa- tion. Of these base-pieces, 1,074 were re- quired for the building. (rnst-irnn dTnrhrs. T has been mentioned that the columns supported girders at three vw^ different heights, dividing the greatest altitude of the building •^y into three storeys ; and that the lower tier of girders, where the building consisted of more than one storey, served to support a gallery. These gallery girders are all twenty-four feet long and three feet deep, the upper and lower "flanges" or rails having a J formed section with standards at the ends of similar section. The rectangular space between them is then divided into three equal parts, by uprights having a -|- form of section, and the three smaller spaces thus obtained have diagonal " struts " in each direction. The girder thus described forms a double truss, in which the diagonal braces are subjected both to the strain of compression and tension. At the top and bottom of the end-standards small projections are cast on, by which the connecting-pieces hold the girders ; and at each end of the flat portion of the top and bottom rails small sinkings are cast, by means of which the girder is keyed up to its position. The flat portion of the upper and lower "flanges" of the girder is swelled out in width from the ends towards the centre, in order to increase the quantity of metal in that part where the strain is greatest. The descrii)tion just given of the gallery girders will apply to all the cast-iron girders throughout the building, of which there are 2,150; the only difference between them being, that those for the roofs lir other inter- nal portions, where no gallery is to be supported, are cast with a less amount of metal. The form of girder just described, which is unusual, was the result of several experiments jwrformed under the superintendence of Messrs. W. Cubitt, C. H. Wild, 0. Fox, and other gentlemen, previous to the commencement of the building; and the thickness of metal for the different THE CRYSTAL PALACE. 55 partd of these, as well aa for all the other caat-iron work in the huilding, was minutely calculated and determined by Mr. 0. H. Wild and Mr. C. Fox, under the supervision of Mr. Cubitt, the President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, to whom the Royal Commission had intrusted the respon- sible duty of the chief superintendence of the whole of the work. €1r dpnllrrirs. proceed to the gallery itself, supported by the girders just described. The timbers supporting the floor are so arranged that the weight of each bay of twenty-four feet square is distributed equally to the four girders inclosing it, and in such a manner as to bear upon them at the points immediately over the vertical standards. In the transverse direction of the building two pairs of joists, eight feet apart in each bay, are formed into trusses by tie-rods, 1| inches diameter, passed through a cast-iron shoe at each end, and pressing up two " struts," which are made to bear against the under-side of binding-timbers running longitudinally, or crossing the joists, and immediately under them. The cast- iron shoes for the trusses are bolted down to the girders, and serve at the same time to receive the standard supports of the gallery railing. The ends of the binding -timbers are secured by bolts and oak suspension-pieces to the other two girders inclosing the square. Joists about two feet six inches apart bear from girder to girder parallel to the trusses, and resting on the binding-timbers. On these is laid the floor, 1^ inches thick, grooved and iron-tongued. A light cast-iron railing, forming a kind of trellis-work, is fixed between the columns, and is capped with a round mahogany hand-rail. From the view at page 60 the arrangement of the galleries will be readily understood. tetmg tji? Cnst-irnE Shim, ROM the very important office which the girders perform through- out the building, but more particularly those supporting the galleries, it was of the utmost importance that, previously to their being fixed in their places, the soundness of the casting should be proved ; for it could hardly be expected thai so large a number of girders could be produced without some of them being defective. The ordinary means of testing girders, by loading them with weights, would have occupied far too much time; and therefore an ingenious apparatus was devised by Mr. C. H. ^^ ild for this purpose, by the use of which the testing of a girder occupied but a few minutes. 56 THE CUYSTAL I'ALACE. KliAMK AXD UVDltAULIC PRESS FOR TESTING THE GIRDERS. It consisted of a very strong cast-iron frame rather longer than the girder, the bottom of which was formed by two fixed beams placed eight inches apart, and sup^iorted a i'ow inches above the gronnd. At each end of these a cast-iron standard was firmly bolted between them and rose to a height rather greater than the depth of the girder to be tested ; on the inner faces of these standards two " shoulders" were formed, which received the projections cast on the ends of the girder, as before mentioned. Between the fixed beams below, at two points dividing the whole length into three equal parts, were placed strong cylinders, with rising pistons connected with a forcing-pump, together with which they formed a Bramah's hydraulic press, A girder being placed in tliis frame, in an inverted position, the force applied by means of the pistons rising from the cylinders acted upon it precisely at those points, and in the same manner, as the load from the gallery or the roof would do when afterwards fixed in its place. Tiie essential parts of the Bramah's press may be thus briefly described. It consists of two cylinders, the diameter of one being considerably larger than that of the other. The smaller cylinder is fitted with a solid plunger or piston, by means of which water may be forced from it into the larger ; this being also fitted with a rising piston, the force is communicated by it to the weight which it is desired to raise. The power obtained by means of this apparatus arises from the distributive power of fluids and the practical incompressibility of water, and it is proportioned to the difference of the diameters of the two cylinders ; so that if a pressnre of one pound per square inch be applied on the surface of the piston in the smaller cylinder, and the piston in the larger cylinder present a surface ten times greater, the power is multiplied by that number ; whilst, in addition, the lever power used in applying the pressure to the smaller piston is obtaine8 are TlIK CRYSTAI, T AI.ACE. 61 made of a species of mahogany called sabicu, which is much harder than oak, and therefore peculiarly suited to the purpose for which it is here employed. The risers, or faces of the steps, are of deal. The stairs are supported by cast-iron girders, following the slope, the lower ones being fixed at the foot to stout timbers under the flooring, and the upper ends bolted to the cast-iron columns which support the landing. These columns are of the same pattern as the rest throughout the building, but only five inches in diameter. They are supported on concrete, and eight of them are required for each staircase. The floor of the landing is carried by lesser cast-iron girders, with flooring-joists. The girders carrying the upper flights spring from the landing girders, and have their upper ends bolted on to the main girders supporting the VIEW OF STAIRCASE. galleries, which are varied in pattern for this purpose. The railing of the staircase is formed in separate cast-iron standards, one to each step, which are bolted on to the top flange of the girders ; and the foot of the standard is so continued that the ends of the treads are fitted into it, and are thus supported. The pattern of these standards is assimilated to that of the gallery railing. The hand-rail is formed of Honduras mahogany, with carved ends. On each side of the upper flight, which occupies the centre of a 2'i-feet space, connecting-galleries about eight feet wide are carried, establishing a commu- nication between the two lines of gallery without descending to the level of the landing and then re-ascending. The landing is sufficiently high above the ground-floor to give ample headway for passing underneath it ; so that the space occupied by the staircases on the ground-floor is but small. 62 TIIK CRYSTAL PALACE. d^ljt /Innr null /uttiilintmiis. T Qow only roinains to meution briefly the construction of the floor of the building, and the foundations for the base-pieces. Tlie sub- stratum of the site consists of gravel of an excellent quality, and sufficiently dense to have sustained, perhaps without any preparation, the load brought upon it by the bases of the columns. A thickness of concrete, proportioned in all cases to the amount of the weight to be borne by the superincumbent columns, and of such a size as to be two feet in each direc- tion larger than the bed-plates, was placed upon the gravel, and tlie upper surface was finished with a bed of fine mortar to receive the bed-plates. In this manner it was calculated that in no case would a greater weight than two-and-a-half tons be burne by each foot superficial of the gravel — previous experiments having shown that a considerably larger weight could be placed upon it without any injurious effect. The timbers supporting the joists for the floor are also placed upon small blocks of concrete, about one foot cube, at a distance of eight feet apart. On these are fixed the flooring-joists, and a deal floor an inch and a half thick is laid on them, as has been already mentioned, with intervals of about half an inch between the boards. FIXING CAST-IRON DUAIN-rU'E. In order to carry off the water brought down from the roof by every alternate longitudinal row of columns, 6-inch cast-iron pipes are fitted into the sockets described in the base-pieces, and are carried in the lines of those columns through the whole length of the building, with discharges into the THE CRYSTAL PALACE. 63 liirger drains at the centre and at each end ; the natural slope of the ground gives a sufficient tall to the pipes. Having thus described in detail all the different portions of the con- struction of the building, we must proceed to give some account of its actual erection, which will enable us to mention many very ingenious mecUaaical contrivances which were employed in the course of its progress. (Tijc /irst (Dprriitintts m lljc dprnnn^. ROM the great extent of the area required for the building, it was not to be expected that any site would be found of the necessary size, perfectly level. On the ground occupied by the building there is a difference of level between the two extreme ends of about eight feet. In consequence of this fall of the natural surface from west to east, and in order to avoid having a considerable flight of steps at one end of the building to compensate for it, it was determined to arrange the floor with an inclination following nearly that of the ground, such fall being at the rate of one inch in twenty-four feet. All the lines of tlie building which would be called horizontal in fact follow this line of the floor, and those which are supposed to be upright are placed at right angles to the floor, and therefore slightly inclined from the perpendicular towards the east. The deviation, however, is so exceedingly small as to be perfectly imperceptible even to those who are aware of the fact ; and no one who was not previoiisly informed of it would be able to detect it. It has been mentioned that Messrs. Fox and Henderson's tender for the building was verbally accepted on the 16th of July, 1850, and on the 30th of that month they obtained possession of the site from the Commissioners of Woods and Forests. The first proceeding was to inclose the whole area (including a consider- able space at each end more than would be covered by the building) with a hoarding about eight feet high, put together in a very simple manner, so that the boards were afterwards available for the flooring. The supports for the hoarding consisted of pieces of timber fixed in the ground in pairs, at intervals of the length of the boards, leaving a narrow space between them, into which the boards were dropped, and thus held in their place without any nails. Temporary offices were then erected in a convenient portion of the site, and were covered with a roofing which was a specimen of that to be used in the building itself. Considerable ranges of carpenters' sheds were also put up, and even stables for twenty or thirty horses, which were required in the progress of the works. G4 THE CRYSTAL PAl-ACK. Irttiiig nnt tljf ct'^rnniili. ^^^l) HE first thing to be done towards the building itself was to sot out Tx^'' ficcurately all the points where the column? would stand, as well as K^^ the general outline of the building. It will be readily understood that this was an exceedingly important part of the work, as upon its accuracy depended the fitting together of the various parts that had after- wards to be put in place. This part of the work was executed with great precision by Mr. W. G. Brounger. He commenced by determining the four extreme angles of the building, and the centre lines of the main avenues. These formed fixed points from which were determined the whole of the centres for the columns. Our readers will recollect that the dimension of twenty-four feet occurs horizontally throughout the building, either in multiples or sub-multiples. In order to measure off the different distances, rods of American pine were made, into which, near the ends, pieces of metal were fixed, having corresponding notches at the exact distance of twenty-four feet apart. By these means the lengths were measured off with great accuracy, as the wood used is not liable to alteration in the length of its fibre ; and by means of the metal notches the rods were sure to be placed correctly together. It was necessary to make these sockets or notches of metal, from the great amount of work the rods had to perform. In determining the length of the rods, the standard of the Astronomical Society was used ; and this was referred to in all important measurements for the castings and other parts of the building, to insure their precise eventual agreement in length. This will hardly be considered to have been unnecessary when it is remembered that, from the great length of the building, a very minute error in any of the jiarts would have been so multiplied as sensibly to throw out the ends. To those who are unacquainted with the fact, it may be well to mention that the standard of length referred to is obtained from a pendulum, which oscillates seconds, in the latitude of London, in a vacuum, at the level of the sea, at a certain fixed temperature. The length of this pendulum is then divided into a certain registered number of feet and inches. The rods above described were carried along the centre lines of the columns, and the position of each column was marked by a small stake driven into the ground ; and in order still more accurately to fix the centre, a long nail was driven into the head of the stake. In this manner the position of every column throughout the building was determined. The level at which the floor was to be fixed was the next point deter- THE CRYSTAL rALACE. 65 mined by the ordinary method of levelling, and stakes, with a J piece at the top, called boning-sticks, were fixed in different parts of the building ; by the aid of which the tops of the base-pieces for the columns were all afterwards fixed in one plane of the required slope. filling tliB foWM ^Mvi ^ss^f^^ HE next proceeding was to excavate the holes for the concrete, on (/C^!; which the base-pieces were to stand. To do this, the stakes mark- \^_^ ing the centres of the columns had to be removed, and it was therefore necessary to adopt some method of finding those centres again with precision. For this purpose a large carpenter's square, as it is called, was made. This instrument forms a right-angled triangle, and in this instance was used in the following manner : — The centre of its longest side, or hypothenuse, w\as marked by a line, which, if continued, would pass through the right angle of the triangle, and at an equal distance along each of the other sides of the triangle from the right angle an upright saw-cut or notch was made. The square was then placed horizontally, so that the line marked on the hypothenuse coincided with that of the centres of a row of columns, and so that the right-angled corner of the square toiiched the nail marking the exact site of a column. Two small stakes were then driven under the notches in the short arms of the square, and nails were driven into them throiigh the notches. It will be seen that by these means the site of the first stake could easily be again ascertained after its removal. The holes for the concrete were then dug of an oval form and of the various sizes and depths required, and the concrete filled in to the proper height. The gravel used for the concrete was raised in a pit at one end of the ground. Next to the setting out of (he positions of the columns, perhaps the operation of fixing the base-pieces was that in which the greatest accuracy was required ; for as there were in some parts three storeys of columns to be fixed over them, any inaccuracy as to their level or position would be very much increased at the top of the building. To fix the base-pieces over the centres that had been determined for the columns, another car- penter's square was made use of, like that already described, but having the right-angled corner cut out to the form of the section of a column. This square being placed with the notches in its short sides over the two stakes already described, the upright portion of the base-piece was fitted into the notch at the angle ; and as the reader will at once see, if he has followed us in the description of the various processes, its correct position was thus exactly found. In order to determine the level of the top of the base-pieces, boning- sticks were placed in the lines of the columns, and when the base-piece P GO THE CRYSTAL T'AI.ACK. had been approximately fixed, a piece of wood was placed on it edgewaj-s, the top of which was to range with the top of the boning-sticks. This waa easily arranged by looking along them ; and the workmen drove down the base-piece with a wooden mallet till the desired level was obtained. From what has been previously stated, it may be gathered that the base- pieces had to be fixed truly upright in one direction, but slightly inclined in the other; and to effect this a plumb-rule was made, on which the deviation from the perpendicular line was marked ; and this, when applied to those faces of the base-pieces which were to incline, served to show when the proper inclination was arrived at, whilst an ordinary plumb-rule applied to the other upright faces tested their vertical position. The first column was raised on the ground on the 2Gth of September, but little more than two months after the tender had been accepted. In the meantime, many of the different castings had already arrived on the ground, and a considerable advance had been made in the carpenter's work for the gutters and other parts. The semi-circular ribs for the transept roof were also being put together, and stacked in such a manner as not to stand in the wav of the other works. ■■??-- . - - VIKW OF CRAM-: AND I'UOVINO-PRESS, ^^ e may mention here that every casting, as it came on to the ground, was weighed and registered, and every girder proved, as already described ; in doing which considerable assistance was derived from one of Mr. Hender- son's patent Derrick cranes, which was erected near the proving-apparatus. By its means a girder was raised from the waggon in which it arrived, placed on the weighing-machine, weighed, removed to the proving-press, tested, raised again, and deposited on the ground in a stack, in less than fom* minutes. THE CRYSTAL PALACE. 67 iBnkrsan's Drrrirk ixm. /^^ BRIEF description of this useful engine may not be out of place ^^f^-) liere. It consists of an upriglit mast (e), steadied when the crane ^€i>ty is in use by two sloping stays (f f). These stays are fixed into hori- zontal timbers (g) on the ground, connected with the foundation-plate (h) on which the mast turns. At the foot of the mast is fixed a combination of wheels and working handles for raising the weight, technically called a crab. A beam (a) working at the (Fig. 1.) Henderson's derrick crane. (Fig. 2.) bottom in a socket (b, Fig. 3) fixed to the foot of the mast, but hanging out from it in a sloping direction, is called the derrick, and forms the principal peculiarity of the crane, as it can be raised more to the upright line, or lowered to slope more out- wards, as may be desired, by means of the chain (c). The advantage of this is obvious ; for a weight may thus be raised from or deposited at any point within a circle of a certain radius, depending on the length of the derrick ; whereas, in an ordinary crane, the weight can only be placed at points upon the circumference of that circle. The whole engine re- volves on a pivot (h, Fig. 2) at the (Fig. 3.) PART OF HENDERSON'S DERRICK CRANE. PART OF Henderson's derrick crake. F 2 68 TIIK CRYSTAI- lALACE, foot of the mast. Cranes of ilut^ description are niado varying in )iowcr from one to forty tons , and with derricks ranging from twenty to sixty feet radius. ilnining nnb /ixing tlir iCnlniimjg niili (Pirbrrs. jQi'^^r^ ANY of the persons who visited tlic huihling during the progress fX^ yt^ of its erection were heard to inquire " wlierc was tlic scafiolding ;" ^^ and otliers even imagined that the skeleton framework they saw was, in fact, only the scafifohling for the huilding, and not parts of its actual construction. This leads us to point out one of tlie most interesting peculi- arities of the structure ; namely, that it formed, as it were, the scaffolding for its own erection. In order to raise the columns upon the base-pieces, two poles were placed upright, connected by a horizontal piece, forming Avhat is called shear-legs ; the whole being steadied in its position by ropes from the summit fixed to the ground in various directions. A rope with pulleys fixed to the horizontal piece served to hoist the column, and sustain it in a vertical position until the bolts were passed through the projecting rings at the bottom of the column and the corresponding ones at the top of the base-piece, and screwed up. When two columns had been thus fixed, a connecting-piece was attached to each end of a girder, and the whole raised by the same apparatus, and fixed on the top of the columns ; bolts being passed through the holes in the pro- jections of the connecting -pieces, cor- responding with those on the top of the columns. The shear-legs were then moved on twenty-four feet to jierform the same duties to another pair of columns ; and two sides of a 2J:-feet bay were thus formed. To complete the square, two more girders were raised in a similar FIXING TUK OIRDEilS. l f: l l t xi .• manner, ami tixeu between tlxc conneeting- pieces over the culumns. Tiie square bay then became a firm structure, requiring no further support; and by repeating these ojierations all the smaller avenues of the building were erected, of the dilTcrcnt heights of one, two, or three storeys. Tlie greatest number of columns tlius fixed in one week was 310. THE (niYSTAL VALACE. G'J ^*fc^ HE wrouglit-irou roof-trusses over tlie 48-feet avenues were (1^5 raised in a similar manner to the columns and girders ; and in all ^^^ cases horses were employed to run out the end of the fall-rope, which was passed through a pulley or catch-block at the foot of the shear- legs, in order to change its direction from vertical to horizontal. For raising the roof-trusses of seventy-two feet span over the main avenue a somewhat different method was employed. A single mast or derrick, more than seventy feet high, was placed in the centre of the avenue, and steadied in an upright position by guide-ropes spreading from the top in various directions. Near its summit the hoisting-tackle was firmly lashed on. The trusses to bo hoisted were brought from the places where they had been put together, and placed across the main avenue at the points where they were to be fixed. Two ends of a stout chain were passed round the upper portion of the truss, at points dividing its length into about three equal parts. To this chain the hoisting-tackle was attached, guide-ropes being further fastened to each end of the truss to steady it in its ascent. In order to stiffen the truss horizontally, struts were attached at the centi-e projecting on each side, and held in their place by tie-rods attached to the upper part of the truss, and forming a triangle on each side. Before the truss, therefore, could bend in. a horizontal direction, the attachment of these tie-rods must have given way. Six horses d ew out the end of the fall-rope, and in the course of a very few minutes the truss was hoisted to its giddy height, and each end slipped in between the projections made in the connecting-pieces to receive it. The animated scene presented by these operations was highly interesting from the number of men employed, both on the ground and for fixing the trusses in their position aloft, and from the rapid progress so many hands made. Each gang of men was managed by a foreman, who was obliged to issue his orders through a speaking-trumpet, to enable his voice to be heard in the din caused by the other works going on around. Besides the two large gangs of men engaged in the hoisting of the trusses, other smaller gangs were at work at different points getting up the columns and girders. In one part, the roofing of which was completed as early as practicable, a crowd of carpenters were preparing the Paxtons gutters and other portions of the work. In another place, as soon as a sufficient space could be roofed over and a temporary floo'r laid, various parts of the machinery we have already described were fitted up and worked by portable steam-engines. Of these there were three in different parts : one drove the machinery for finishing the sash-bars, gutters, ridges, &c. ; another worked the drilling, punching, and other machinery connected with the iron-work ; and a third was used for wurkin^- circular isaws. 70 THR CKY8TAL PALACE. Of the number of trusses that were hoisted as ahove described, in only one instance (and that tlie first) was the result otherwise than perfectly successful. The first truss was raised by its ends, instead of from the centre ; but that method was afterwards abandoned, from the difficulty of maintaining the truss in an upright position during its ascent ; which was important, as, if it turned on its side, its lateral strength was not sufficient to prevent it from bending, which would have destroyed the joints of the work. One of the tall masts was worked on each side of the transept, from the centre to the ends of the building, being maintained constantly in an upright position, while traversing from point to point, by alternate slacken- ing and hauling up of the ropes which steadied it ; and it was curious to witness the motion of these tall giants, as they slowly progressed from one point to another, in the perform- ance of their important office. Stout planks were laid alongthe ground, upon which the foot of the mast was forced for- ward by crowbars and levers ; the planks served also to dis- tribute the weight, which would otherwise have sunk the end into the ground. As many as seven trusses were hoisted in ' >ue day by each derrick, which had therefore to travel a dis- tance of 1G8 feet. So careful were the men, under the direction of the manager (to whom was in- trusted the active superintend- ence of the whole erection of the building), that no accident of inijiortance occurred in these r- , difficult operations. H01.-5ll.NU lllE NE of the most interesting operations which attracted the attention of the numeroiis visitors to the works was the raising the ribs for the semicircular roof of the transept, the description of which we give from Mr. Wyatt's paper : — " The operation about which most anxiety had been felt was the hoisting 74 Tllli CKVSTAL r.AI.ACK. of the arched ribb of the transept. These ribs were constructed on the gronnd liorizontiilly, and wlien completed with all their bolts, two of them were reared on end, and maintained in a vertical position, at a distance of twenty-four feet from each other, by guy-ropes. As the ribs singly pos- sessed little lateral stiffness, they were framed together in pairs with the purlins, intermediate small ribs and diagonal tie-rods, forming a complete A I'AIIl OF HIBS PI{KrAlU;i> TOR ItAISlNG. bay of the roof twenty-fuur feet long ; two complete sets of temporary ties were also introduced to provide for the strains incident to the variations in position of the ribs during the hoisting. The feet of the ribs were bolted on to a stout piece of timber, and the lower purlins strutted up from the same." In this state the framework is shown in the engraving. " The whole framework was then moved on rollers to the centre of the sfjuare formed by the intersection of the transept and the main avenue, where it was afterwards hoisted. All the ribs were landed over this square, and were afterwards moved on a tramway formed of a half baulk of timber constructed over the columns on either side of the transej^t, at a height of about four feet above the lead-flat. The hoisting-tackle consisted of four crabs, each one being placed on the side of the transept opposite to the part of the ril)S to be lifted by it, so that the men at the crabs might watch the effect of their exertions with greater convenience." '• Tiie hoisting-shears were placed on the lead-flat immediately over the deep trusses of seventy-two feet span^ each set C(jusistod of three stout scaffold-poles, lashed together at tlie tnj), and footrd on ])lanks laid acrojs the flat, and secured by the necessary guy -ropes. The hoisting-rope j)assed from each of the crabs across the transept horizontally, to a leading Hoisting the Ribs for the Transept Roof. THl!; CUVSTAL PALACE, 75 block attached to the foot of the opposite angle column of the square ; it then passed up to a treble block fastened to the shears on the flat, and from thence do\ATi to a double block secured by chains to the bottom part of the ribs." " There was a peculiar difficulty to be overcome in this operation, which arose from the circumstance that the width of the framework was greater than that of the transept, the extreme width of the framework to be hoisted being seventy-four feet, and the clear width apart of the trusses above which it had to be hoisted being only seventy-one feet four inches. It was therefore necessary to raise one side to a height of thirty-five feet before raising the other, so as to diminish the horizontal width of the whole, the diameter of the semicircle being maintained at this angle ; the whole was then hoisted, until the highest end could clear the tramway." This accounts for the slanting position in which the ribs are shown in the view given. " The foot of the ribs on one side was then passed over the tramway sufficiently to allow the other side to clear the opposite truss; after which the whole was hoisted to the full height, and rested on rollers of hard wood placed between the sills attached to the framework and the tramway, by means of which it was moved to its permanent position. There it was again raised by another set of shears, while the sill and tramway were removed from imder it ; and the ribs were then lowered into the sockets prepared for them, formed by the continuation of the columns above the level of the lead-flat." "Each successive pair of ribs was fixed at a distance of twenty- four feet, or one bay from the preceding one ; and the purlins, &c., were fixed in the intervening space without any scaffolding from the ground, by means of jointed ladders, which were adjusted to the form of the roof." The first pair of ribs was hoisted December 4th, and the eighth pair on December 12th. The operation, which was one of great excitement and considerable anxiety, was personally superintended by the contractors, aided by their most able foremen and assistants ; and a crowd of visitors, including many of the illustrious promoters of the undertaking, watched with intense interest the steady ascent of the apparently unwieldy piece of construction, and every spectator seemed astonished at the mechanical regularity with which the whole operation proceeded. It took about one hour to raise a pair from the ground to the level of the lead-flat, and the whole was done without any accident whatever. About sixty men were employed in the hijisting, there being eleven men to each crab, and the remainder on the lead-flats. 76 Tilt: CKYSTAL I'ALACK, (T^lniiiig t|jr tr'rniiBrpt ilniif. ^k^N HI^ semicircular form of tlie transc])t roof reiulorcd it necessary to jfj^Jv adopt adifterent mode of operation for glazing it to that used in the K^ horizontal portion. A stage, thirty-two feet long and about three feet wide, with a pnjtecting rail at the side, was constructed, so that it rested upon rollers, travelling on the ridges. It was slung hy ro]»(H from the crown of the arched roof, and could be raised and lowered at pleasure. Tt accommodated eight workmen, witli the necessary ([uantity of materials in sash-bars and glass ; and they thus performed, with ease and rapidity, an operation which before the fitting-np of the stage ap]ieared at least extremely difficult, and to the uninitiated ne.\t to impossible. STAGE FOR GLAZING THE IIOOF OF TRANSEPT. The men commenced fixing the glass at the bottom or springing of the arch, and as they completed their work the stage was raised at intervals by labourers stationed on the lead-flat. A portion of the glazing at the crown of the arch was effected by men working on a light scaffold, suspended within from the temporary ties mentioneil as having been attached to the ribs ; whilst those upon the stage worked ui)wards till they joined the portion done from the top. (Kljt ^c^niiiiing. /^4D PORTION of the work which necessarily occuj)ied a very largo /^- '4'* ^"^"^"i^t *^f ^'^"^'^ ^^"^^ ^^^ painting, which was necessary for the VH/:i/ preservation of all the parts, as well as for their appearance ; and when it is considered that every ])ortiun required to be gone over four times, it must be evident that it was highly ilesirable to adopt some means TIIK CliYSTAL l'AI,ACE. 77 for focilitating tlio operation. It wns found that tlie sask-bars of tlie roof, being in short lengths and of small dimensions, conld readily be operated upon by some mechanical contrivance. THE SASH-EAR rAlNTIKG-MACHINE. A wooden trough ^vas made sufficiently long to receive the sash-bars, and this was filled with paint ; a number of the bars were then put into it, and upon being taken out separately, they were passed througn a frame into which a set of brushes uere fixed in such a manner as to clear off all the unnecessary paint. Two small brushes, placed where the bar first entered the frame, cleared out the grooves. One woi-kmau pushed the bar in at one end of the frame, which was about two feet six inches long, and another drew it out at the other end, where a trough was placed to receive any droppings of paint. The bars were then stacked upright, until they were sufficiently dry for the next coat. The first coat only was put on by this apparatus, the second being done in the ordinary manner, and the last not till after the work was all fixed in its place. By means of this apparatus a ^^■orkman could perform at least ten times the amovmt of work done in the ordinary way. The finishing the painting of the various parts of the roof internally, after they had been put together, was very ingeniously managed, so that while the workmen were able to work with ease to themselves, the scaf- folding on which they stood reijuired no supports from the ground, where they woxild have been much in the way of other operations ; loops of THE FRAME-WORK WITH BRUSHES. ■78 THE CRYSTAL lALAC'E. wroiiglit-lron were hooked on to the roof-trusses, and by means of these a perfect cloiul of scaffold-boards was siispended, enabling bet\A'een 400 and 500 men to be at work at one time. The roof of the main avenue, parti- cularly, presented a verj'^ singular appearance, as nearly one half of the entire length was thus covered at one time, and a crowd of painters were at work over the heads of many, perhaps unconscious exhibitors, who were arranging their goods undisturbed below. €"ljt l^noli-rnil 3iiflr!]iiif. NE of the mechanical contrivances which were put up on the ground during the works, for saving labour and increasing the rapidity of production, remains to be mentioned ; it was contrived for turning out the rounded mahogany hand-rail for the gallery railing as well as that for the staircases. The mahogany being supplied in slabs of the requisite thickness, these were first cut up by circular saws into pieces of a square section, and the angles of these were then bevelled off by the same means; the lengths were afterwards transferred to the hand-rail cutting machine to be rounded. THE HAND-RAIL CUTTING MACHINE. PART OF HAND-RAIT- MACHINE. The principal portion of the machine consists of a hollow cast-iron cylinder, round which a strap may be passed to drive it. At one end of this cylinder four cutters are fixed, so that a piece of wood passing between them and through the cylinder, as it revolves, is rounded off to a true circular form of section, and is turned out so smoothly THE CRVSTAL PALACE. 79 finished as to require scarcely any further work upon it before fixing. In ailvance of the cutters pressure-rollers are placed, furnished with teeth ; and these, as they are turned round by a cranked liandle, seize upon a piece of mahogany and force it forward against the cutters, which form, as it were, the jaws of the hollow cylinder, which thus seems to be constantly swallow- ing lengths of rough mahogany, which escape from it finished. The wooden rail is passed up to the cutters along a groove, the end of which is shown in the small engraving ; and opposite each end of the revolving cylinder springs are fixed, which prevent the rail from shifting its position. Tlie hand-rail was all turned out in 21-feet lengths, of which about thirty were completed in tlie day. ^^^T> E have mentioned that the actual commencement of the building ' r^j/^'ij was made by fixing one of the columns on the 26th of September ; 0?Z>^ and, within a few weeks, more than a thousand men were at work, though, from the great extent of the ground they were spread over, it was difficult to estimate their number, which was, however, made apparent by the rapidity with which the building began to grow. The place presented an animated and interesting scene, which attracted a great number of visitors ; and crowds of the fair sex were not deterred by the rough state of the ground from endeavouring to satisfy their proverbial thirst for know- ledge. In one part of the ground might be seen the putting together of the wrought-iron roof-girders to the deafening tune of more than a hun- dred hammers ; in another place gutters were being put together by the mile, for which some hundred or two of sawyers were cutting up ship-loads of timber. Three portable steam-engines in various parts were driving the different machinery already described, which, however, was mostly grouped in one place near the transept. The central avenue formed, of course, the great thoroughfare, where teams of horses were constantly passing, dragging the slender columns, or imwieldy-looking girders, to their places, while other teams were engaged in running them up to their final position. Over-head, too, the glaziers' Avaggons, dotted about the roof, seemed to be running on some new aerial railways ; in every direction that the eye turned the busy scene extended. For carrying on these extensive works an immense number of men were necessarily employed on the spot, besides those occupied in preparing the various parts at different places. The greatest number of men on the ground in any one week was 2.260 ; and the season of tlie year frequently rendered it necessary for the workmen to continue their labours after dark, 80 TIIR ritYSTAL PALACE. which theyilicsc great tircri, which were generally liglited in some part of the main avenue, was exceedingly grand. The light of the tiill flames was reflected from the glass of the roof far away into the darkness which concealed all the other parts; whilst occasionally a lantern carried by a workman engaged in fixing the upper columns, or some part of the roof, glimmered like some new star. On one occasion, when the greatest efforts were being made to push on the i)rogres.s of the works, no less than twelve large bonfires lighted the men at their miduiglil toil; and had the building been formed of com- bustil)le materials, a passing observer would have imagined that the whole was in flames. ^.^nijiiig \l}t ll^nrknirii. j0^^ HE process of distributing their wages among so large a number of 1^^ men, on every recurring Saturday evening, was one which could K^ only be effected within a reasonable time by some systematic arrange- ment ; and to such perfection was this brought in the course of the works, that the whole number of 2,000 men or upwards were sometimes juid in little more than an hour ; though at first it occupied a considerably longer time. The mode in which this was effected was as follows : — When a workman was engaged his name was entered in a book against a certain numb(>r, THE BRASS TICKETS AND MONEV-l!OX. which was stamped on several brass tickets, three of which were given to each workman before leaving the ground in the evening. Every man had to enter the premises three times in the course of the day ; namely, the first thing in the morning, after returning from breakfast, and after returning from dinner. On each occasion he waa required to deposit at the gate one of these tickets, which were afterwards sorted by the clerks, and entered in the time-book. In this way, if a man failed to come to his work, his ticket would be missing, and the time during which he was absent would not be entered ; a corresixjuding amount being de- ducted from his week's wages. On the Saturday, each man's time was made up from the book ; and his THE CKYS TAL PALACE. , 81 wages calculated accordingly, and the amount entered against his name. The money due to each man was tlien counted out and placed in a small tin box, with a ticket, on which was written the man's name and number, and the amount of wages paid to him. THE INTERIOR OF THE PAY-OFFICE. All this was done in the time-keeper's office, which was conveniently placed near the entrance to the works. When all the preliminary arrange- ments had been completed, the workmen's bell was rung, and they assem- bled (a motley and sometimes clamorous crowd) round the pay-office, which was provided with two small openings through which the pay- ments were made. THE MES TAKING THEIR WAGES AT THE PAY-OFFICE. Two men stationed outside the office then called over the numbers of the workmen, who presented themselves, in the order in which they were called, at the pay-windows, where each man took the small box passed out to him with the money, and left the box in passing out at the gate. If any man considered the amount of wages paid to him not correct, he presented the ticket given to him with the wages at the office on the Monday morning following, when the matter was arranged by the time-keeper. 82 THK fUYSTAI, PALACE. Any piTsnii ac'|naiiiteJ with the irregular liahitd uf vast num- l)ers of our workmen, who will often be absent from their work a quarter of a day, and at other times a whole day, thus varying the amoimt of wages due at the end of tlic week to almost every man, will at once see that, with- out a well-arranged system, sucli as that described, the pajTnent of so largo a body of men would have occupied as many days as it really did hours. The en- gravings annexed, in illustration of this part of our subject, will convey to the reader some idea of the scene we have endeavoured to descril)e, though it must fall lar short of the picturesque reality. (f^^riirrnl ftntistirs. /^S) T is with great pleasure fl^% that we are able to men- ^•^Z) lion that, notwithstanding the difficult character of some of the work, and the extreme rnpidity with which it was car- ried on, very few accidents of importance occurred ; a circum- stance which must be ascribed to the groat care taken by the Contractors for the safety of the men while engaged in their work : and in the cases where the accidents that occurred were of a serious or fatal kind, their origin was mostly to be traced to a neglect of those precautions which the men were constantly urged and ordered to take. THE CRYSTAL PALACE. 83 A few statistics of the quantities of different parts of the work not ah'eady mentioned will complete this portion of our subject. The whole amount of iron-work in the building is stated at about 400J tons ; and about 1,200 loads of timber were required for the wood-work. There are 2,94:1 trussed gutters in the roof, and 1,495 glazed sashes were required to inclose the sides of the building. As many as 316 iron girders were cast in one week, and 442 lengths of the Paxton's gutters were cut out by the ma- chinery in the same time. No less than 18,392 squares of glass, containing 62,508 feet siiperficial, or about one-and-a-half acres, were also fixed in one week. It may be further mentioned that the weight of the different parts forming the flat ridge-and-furrow roofing amounts to three-and-a-quarter pounds per foot superficial, on the whole surface ; the weight of the arched roof of the transept, including the ribs, amounts to five-and-three-quarter pounds per superficial foot ; and the timbers and boards of the gallery floor weigh eight-and-a-half poimds to the sup3rficial foot : from these data the actual weight on the different girders may be calculated. The light iron-work, with the exception of some of the gallery railing, was cast at the works of the contractors near Birmingham ; and the re- mainder, including the columns, girdei's, &c., was distributed between their own foundry, and those of the Messrs. Cochrane, of ^Yood Side, and Mr. Jobson, of Holly Hall, both near Dudley. The wrought-iron was supplied by Messrs. Fothergill, and the timber by Messrs. Dowson and Co. /^^^^ HE coloured decoration introduced in finishing the painting of the j(|^fe building is a subject which has been much discussed, and many ^^^ suggestions have been made by persons generally received as authorities on the subject. The system adopted was proposed by Mr, Owen Jones, under whose active superintendence it has been carried out. That gentleman explained his reasons for its adoption, and the effect which he expected it to produce, in a lectiire at the Institute of Britishw^rchi- tects, on the 16th of December, 1850, some portions of which are sub- mitted to our readers : — " It is not necessary for me to describe the building, the painting of which we are now about to discuss, as it is well known to most of you by its marvellous dimensions, the simplicity of its construction, and the advantage which has been taken of the power which the repetition of simple forms will give in producing grandeur of effect ; and I wish now to show that this grandeur may be still further enhanced by a system of colouring which, by marking distinctly every Hue in the building, will increase the height, the length, and the bulk. g2 84 THE CRYSTAL PALACE. "The very nature of the material of which tliis building i? mainly constructed, viz., iron, requires that it sliould be painted. On what prin- ciple shall we do this ? Should we be justified in adopting a simple tint of white or stone colour, the usual method of painting iron ? Now, it must be borne in mind that this building will be covered on the soutii side, and over the whole of the roof, with canvass, so that there can be but little light and shade. The myriads of similar lines, therefore, of which the building is composed, falling one before the other, would lose all distinctness, and form, in fact, one dull cloud overhanging the Exhibition. " A line of columns (as it may be seen even now at the building) would present the effect of a white wall, and it would be impossible, in the distance, to distinguish one column from anotlicr. This mode of painting would have the further disadvantage of rendering the building totally xmconnected with the various objects it is to contain. " May the building be painted of a dark colour, like the roofs of some of onr railway-stations? This, equally with the white method, would present one mass of indistinctness ; the relief of the cast-iron would dis- appear, and each column and girder would present to the eye but a flat silhouette. " Let us now consider the building as painted with some pale neutral tint, dull green or buff. In doing this we should be perfectly safe, as, provided the colours were not too pale so as to be indistinct, or too dark so as sensibly to affect the eye, we could hardly make a mistake. Yet how tame and monotonous would be the result ! It would be necessary that this tint, whichever we might choose, should be of a very subdued neutral character, in order to avoid the difficulty well know^n to mounters of drawings and painters of picture-galleries, viz., that in proportion as you incline to any particular shade of colour, so in that exact proportion you injure or destroy those objects it is intended to relieve which may have similar colour. To this, then, we should be reduced — a dull monotonous colour without character. How unworthy this would be of the great occasion 1 How little would it impress the public I How little would it teach the artist ! It would be to cut instead of patiently to unravel the knot. " We are now brought to the consideration of the only other well-defined system which presents itself, namely, parti-colouring. This, I conceive, if successfully worked out, would bring the building and its contents into perfect harmony, and it would fitly carry out one of the objects for which this Exhibition was formed, namely, that of promoting the union of the fine- arts with manufactures. It would be an experiment on an immense scale, which, if successful, would tend to dispel the prejudices of those whose eyes are yet unformed to colour, to develope the imperfect appreciations of others, and to save this country from the reproach which foreign visitors, more educated in this particular than ourselves, would not fail to make were the Tllli (UlVSlAI, I'AI.AC'li. 85 building otherwise painted; it would everywhere bring out the construction of the building, which, as I said before, would also appear higher, longer, and more solid." Mr. Jones then adduced the practice of the ancient and mediaeval artists, and explained the kind of colours they generally adopted, mentioning that in the best periods of art the primary colours were chiefly or exclusively used. " In the decoration of the Exhibition building I therefore propose to use the colours blue, red, and yellow, in such relative quantities as to neutralise or destroy each other ; thus no one colour ^^'ill be dominant or fatiguing to the eye, and all the objects exhibited will assist, and be assisted by, the colours of the building itself. " In house-decoration we occasionally find a run on one colour ; thus we have a green room, a pink room, and a red room ; but it would obviously be unwise to adopt any one colour for this building, whose contents will be of all imaginable hues from white to black. Discarding, on the other hand, the perfect neutral white as unfit for the occasion, we naturally adopt the colours blue, red, and yellow, in or near the neutral proportions of eight, five, and three ; but to avoid any harsh antagonism of the primary colours when in contact, or any iindesired complementary secondaries arising from the immediate proximity of the primaries, I propose, in all cases, to inter- pose a line of white between them, which will soften them and give them their true value. "As one of the objects of decorating a building is to increase the effec of light and shade, the best means of using blue, red, and yellow i^ to place blue, which retires, on the concave surfaces ; yellow, which advances, on the convex ; and red, the colour of the middle distance, on the hori- zontal planes ; and the neutral white on the vertical planes. " Following out this principle on the building in question, we have red for the under-side of the girders, yellow on the round portions of the columns, and blue in the hollow parts of the capitals. " Now, it is necessary not only to put the several colours in the right places, but also to use them in their due proportions to each other. " Mr. Field, in his admirable works on colour, has shown by direct experiment that w^hite light consists of blue, red, and yellow, neutralising each other in the proportions of eight, five, and three. It will readily be seen, that the nearer we can arrive at this state of neutrality the more harmonious and light-giving will a building become ; and an examination of the most perfect specimens of harmonious colouring of the ancients will show that this proportion has generally obtained among them ; that is to say, broadly, there has been as much blue as the yellow and red p ut together, the light and the shade balancing each other. " Of course, we cannot in decorating buildings always command the exact proportions of coloured surface which we require ; but the balance of 86 THE CHYSTAL rALACE, colours can always be obtained by a change in the colours themselvca. Thus, if the surfaces to be coloured should give too much yellow, we should make the red more crimson and the blue more purple ; that is, we should take the yellow out of them. So, if we had too much blue, we should make the yellow more orange, and the red more scarlet. "A practised eye will as readily do this as a musician can tune a musical instrument ; it is here that science abandons the artist, who must trust to his own perceptions, cultivated by renewed trials and repeated failures." In concluding, Jlr. Jones said, with reference to some specimens of the proposed decoration which had been executed, " I would ask you to banish from your minds the glare of light by which this decoration is now seen — to forget the rough foreground, where men are engaged in every variety of occupation for the completion of this great building ; and I would ask you to fill it in imagination with the gorgeous products of every clime. I would ask you to picture to yourselves in the foreground the brilliant primaries, blue, red, and yellow — the rich secondaries, purj>le, amber, and green, moulded in forms of every conceivable diversity ; and, lastly, against them the darker tertiaries fading into neutral perspective. "The conception of such an effect, difficult even to the artist accustomed to abstract his attention from present interruptions and to calculate future harmonies, is impossible to the uninstructed spectator, who, from the experimental decoration of a single column, draws a premature and, neces- sarily, a fallacious inference as to the collective effect of the whole. "From my brothei* architects I hope for a more patient, a more comprehensive, and a fairer appreciation ; for myself, I have a confident hope, grounded on the experience of years devoted to this particular branch of art, that the principles and plans I have had the honour to propose to the Royal Commission, for the decoration of this magnificent structure, will be found, when complete, not to disappoint the public ex- pectations, or to prove wholly unworthy of the great occasion." In this lecture, Mr. Owen Jones asked his hearers, and the public generally, to suspend their final judgment u})on his system of colouring imtil the whole should be completed, and the building filled with the objects to be exhibited, as he considered that many of the objections which were raised to his proi)osition resulted from a want of consideration of the ultimate eff'ect to be produced by the whole, when completed and occupied ; and 60 far as this eff'ect has been realised, we believe it has inclined the public opinion more in favour of the coloured decoration than originally, when it was undoubtedly very strongly commented upon in various quarters. Without venturing to express any opinion ourselves, we may trust that Mr. Owen Jones's fondest hopes will be fully realised. TUE CRYSTAL I'ALACt;. 87 (Tin? IDntrr fu|i|ili(. ^itk^ HE supply uf water neceriiary both fur the protection of tliis eiiur- 7/^gi moiis building from fire, and for the use of fouutains and machiuery v:::^^ to be exhibited, is furnished at a very liberal rate by the Chelsea Waterworks' Company. It is brought into the building by a 9-inch main pipe, at about the centre of its length, branching out into three 6-incji pipes, which extend throughout the whole length of the building. Short pipes branch off from these, terminating in fire-C(jcks, placed at such distances that a circle of 120-feet radius from any one of them will touch a similar circle described round the adjacent ones ; by which means the whole extent of the building may be brought under the action of hose attached to each of the fire-cocks. The water is supi)lied at a pressure equal to a column of about seventy feet, so as to work the fountains that will be exhibited, and to play efficiently from hose in case of any accident by fire. The quantity which the Company have undertaken to supply is 300,000 gallons a day. €lie Itfliiilitij nf tlii: i'liiiMng. ^e^^N HE subject of the strength and stability of the building is one on j(/^5 which considerable anxiety has been felt, both by the public at \::z^ large and by those professional bodies more capable of forming a correct judgment upon it. In the prolonged discussion which followed the reading of Mr. Wyatt's paper at the Institution of Civil Engineers, many points of objection were raised which seemed at first sight of a very serious nature ; but, in most cases, the answers that Vv'ere given to them were per- fectly satisfactory. The two greatest difficulties raised were, firstly, the enormous surface presented by the exterior to the pressure of the wind, with apparently but a slight power of resistance ; and, secondly, the con- struction of tlie galleries, which, it was thought, would not be able to resist the vibratory motion likely to be produced by great numbers of people walking upon them. The results of several calculations were adduced on the occasion alluded to in'support of the objections on the first point ; but perhaps the best answer that could be given to them was the circumstance mentioned by Mr. Fox — that on the 5th of that month (January) the pres- sure of the wind, which blew a perfect gale, was not only much above the avenig'e, but very nearly reached the greatest amount Icnown within a con- siderable period in Loudon — about 2olbs. per square foot ; and that as the building, although in an incomplete state, had resisted that pressure without receiving any injury, it was tair to conclude that, when finished, it would 88 TIIK CUYMTAL I'AI.ACli. be able to sustain the greatest force wliicli tlie wiiul could be reasonably expected to exert upon it. The question of the strength of the galleries was one of even greater importance than the otlier, as, in case of any failure in that part of the building, human life must almost inevitably have been sacrificed to a great extent. It was therefore deemed necessary to ascertain, as far as was practicable, by experiment, that their strength was abundantly sufficient; and in IMr. Wyatt's paper, as printed, the following description of the experiments instituted for this purpose will be found. /^Sp) N the interval between the reading of this paper and its going to r^% press a series of experiments have been tried to ascertain the action ^^^^ of these galleries under the strain of a moving load. A complete bay, twenty-four feet square, was constructed, raised slightly from the ground, consisting of the four cast-iron girders, with the connecting-pieces at the angles, and on this the timbers and boards of the flooring. Eows of planks the full width of the platform led up to it and down from it, so that a* body of men as wide as the gallery might be able to march up and down in close rank. " The area of the platform was first covered over with labourers i^acked as closely together as possible ; but no action of walking, running, or jumping that 300 men could perform did any injury whatever to it, and the greatest deflection of the girders did not exceed a quarter of an inch. Soldiers of the corps of Royal Snjipers and INIiners were then substituted for the contractors' men ; and although the perfect regularity of their step in marking time sharply appeared a remarkably severe test, a minute examination of the construction after the completion of the experi- ments showed that no damage whatever had been done by their evolutions. " But as the Commissioners were deeply impressed with the necessity of thoroughly convincing the public, who should visit the Exhibition, that they might feel perfectly secure in every part of the building, it was deemed desirable to apply a still further test to tl;e actual galleries as they stand ; as it might perhaj)s be said that the single bay which had been experimented upon was not similarly circumstanced to those forming parts of the building. " For this purpose a very ingenious ai){)aratus was devised by the late Mr. Field, President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, for testing the stability of the galleries in uku, and on being applied over the greater part of the building not a single bolt or girder gave way under its action. This apparatus consisted of eight square wooden frames divided into thirty- iQ.iii2 Testing the Gallery Floor. View of the Boiler House. THE CRYSTAL PALACE. 89 six compartments, each just capable of containing and allowing to rotiite a G8-poimder shot. The surfaces of the balls placed in each of these com- partments came in contact with the gallery floor, the frames themselves being attached to one another and running along the floor by means of castors fixed at the angles ; the whole apparatus being drawn along by a number of men. Two hundred and eighty-eight 68-pound shot confined in a limited area were thus set rolling over more than half the extent of the galleries ; when, not the slightest mishap having occurred, the experi- ment was considered decisive, and a persistence in it deemed unnecessary." The pressure obtained in this experiment amounted to about a hundred pounds per square foot, and it had been ascertained that the greatest pressure caused by packing men together as closely as possible was equal to about ninety-five pounds per square foot ; so that the testing force applied was considered amply sufficient, as a considerable portion of the surface of the gallery will be occupied by light articles exhibited in the cases and stalls which are placed along the centre of the gallery, where a great weight would have most effect. This ingenious method of proving the strength of the galleries in situ, without endangering those engaged in the experiment, is admirable ; and the result of the proof will no doubt allay all fear in the mind of the public as to the safety of this portion of the building. d^rErrnl Jlknntngrs nf Wjt IkilMng. T is always much easier to point out the defects of any work than its yfs excellences; whilst we may, therefore, safely leave the former, as "^y regards our present subject, to be discovered and enlarged upon by those who may be perhaps more competent than ourselves, we will attempt to point out what we conceive to be some of the advantages obtained in the present building. One of the principal of these, considering throughout the purpose of the structure, is, perhaps, the uninterrupted view of the interior which the spectator may obtain from any point of the building — a matter of great importance to the general grandeur of its effect. From the galleries more particularly, which will be less obstructed by large objects, the eye of the spectator will be able to range from end to end of the vast edifice ; while the transparency of the material used for the roof allows every object to be brilliantly illuminated. The slender lines of the supports, though they serve to sustain a protecting covering, scarcely interrupt the view of the objects protected, and the absence of any fixed divisions or partitions enables all the articles exhibited to be so arranged as to ^uit the peculiar requirements of each particul^Sr -Jlase';'. vtlifl'^-.the ani]jl^ spa^^ ^'l/^iiw^ea ""^lio !'0 THE CilYSTAL l-AI.ACK. supports has admitted of the formation of hiryo opon avciuiud for the free passage of visitors, who may tlius reach as readily the remotest corners of the buihling as those situated near the entrances ; and whenever the visitor may find himself fatigued by the labour of sight-seeing, he will be sure to find himself near one of the numerous exit-doovs, whereby he may imme- diately free himself from the crowd of spectators. From the simplicity of the details of the construction, and their constant recnrrence, it will be seen that so long as the ends of the building were left incomplete, its size could easily be limited or expanded, so as to include that precise amount of space which, up to the last moment when the point could be kept open, appeared most likely to be required. This simplicity of arrangement will also be found very advantageous in case the building is removed after the termination of its present temporary purpose ; as the parts may be easily separated without much injury, and as readily re- erected, either as a whole, or even in many separate buildings, having the same arrangement of parts, without the same general form or apjiearance. It has been calculated that the passages remaining in the building, after deducting the space appropriated to the objects exhibited, will hold more than 100,000 persons ; though it is not to be ex})ecte(l that half that number will be collected there at one time. The ventilutiini and supply of fresh air for so vast a throng was therefore a matter of the first importance ; and the means already described for accomplishing this great object are so ample, that any inconvenience from oppressive heat or foul air can hardly be expected. The canvass with which the roof is covered will not only serve to modify the heat of the sun in the interior, but it is expected that if it be watered by the hose of engines, it may even reduce the temperature witliin to considerably below that of the external air. From his experience in glass- houses for horticultural purposes, Mr, Paxton speaks confidently on this point. The arrangement of the construction of the building resting on isolated instead of continuous supports, will enable all traces of it to be readily effaced from the site if it is removed ; and, on the other hand, if it remains, it is evidently peculiarly suited to form a vast winter-garden and public promenade. (TDnrlnsinn. EFORE taking leave of the reader who may have patiently followed us thus far, a few words may be necessary on the general arrangement uf the articles to be exhibited in the building whose outline and details >ve have been endeavouring to trace. The first classifica- tion is geographical. All the western half of the building is given to England, and the t?steri% w hicji as, rather. tV lalfg^t lof. J,he two, to foreign countries; THE CUYSTAL PALACE. 91 the space assigned to each country being distinctly detined, so as to avoid the possibility of any disputes. As far as it was possible, the space for each country is so arranged as to have a frontage towards the main central avenue, and in most cases occupies a strip the whole width of the building ; the visitor, therefore, passing up and down the length, will not miss out any country. In the central avenue, and immediately on either side of it, are placed the most remarkable specimens of objects coming under the class of fine-arts, or otherwise sufficiently remarkable to entitle them to such a prominent place. Behind these, in the side avenues, will be found the various speci- mens of manufactured articles ; and along the outside longitudinal avenues are placed, on tlie south side, those belonging to the class of raw products (a portion being devoted to agricultural implements), and the projecting portion of the building ou the north side forms the hall of machinery, wdiich is separated by a partition of glazed sashes from the rest of the building. Many of the articles will be grouped in courts, an arrangement which the construction particularly leads to ; and these will probably form some of the greatest attractions in the Exhibition, each being, as it were, complete in itself, and the inclosures preventing the eye from being dis- tracted by distant objects. To enter further into the detail of this part of the subject would be foreign to the purpose of this work, the building itself being our text. We have now, we believe, completed the pleasant task we proposed to our- selves at the outset, and we hope that in doing so we may have been able to render interesting to our general readers this description of operations, usually occupying the attention of the technical professions only. With this intention, we have avoided as far as possible the use of technical terms, which would be a dead letter to the uninitiated, at the risk, perhaps, of being considered inaccui'ate by those acquainted with all the details of the subject. So many men whose eminent talent is well known and appreciated by the public have been engaged in perfecting the designs and carrying out the erection of this vast structure, that the critic should be one of no mean reputation who would venture to raise even a small voice of individual criticism on its merits. We have considered it, therefore, to be our part rather to record the opinions of others on any points where a discussion has been raised than to trouble the reader with any personal views, which would, perhaps, have only appeared impertinent. The nature and extent of the difficulties which have been successfully surmounted in carrying out this great work can only be i'uUy appreciated by those intimately acquainted with all its structural details and with its rapid progress ; and its completion in so short a period must be regarded as a striking instance of the productive power and spirit of commercial •J2 THE CRYSTAL I'ALACE. enterprise of this country, while the fact of its being defrayed by the volun- tary contributions of the people will illustrate in an interesting manner to our continental visitors that principle of self-government which forms the basis of all our institutions, and the spirit of private enterprise which characterises most of our great undertakings. The illustrative engravings with which we have endeavoured to render more interesting the descriptive details, necessarily somewhat dry to the general reader, are only intended to convey general ideas, without attempt- ing that minute accuracy which would be required in a more technical work ; and with reference to some of them we take this opportunity of acknowledging the assistance our artists have derived from views already published elsewhere, others having been exclusively drawn for the present work. We have much pleasure in presenting our readers, in the Appendix, with views and descriptions of two of the most striking designs sent in the first competition for the building, the materials for which have been kindly afforded us by their respective authors ; and we may reniind the reader that these two designs were specially mentioned by the Building Committee in their Report already quoted. In the same place some interesting docu- ments connected witli the building will also be found, which we were unable to insert in the text. ■^A VIEW Ul" SULTII lll'JM' Ul' Tin; LiLILOl.NG. APPENDIX. LIST OF COMPETITORS FOR THE BUILDING PROPOSED TO BE ERECTED IN HYDE PARK. Mons. Aeollas, Architecte, 33, Eue Lafayette, a Paris. Messrs. Aickin and Capes, 1, Clareuce-street, Islington. W. Albon, Esq., 32, Abingdon-street, Westminster. C. B. Allen, Architect, 9, G-reat College-street, Westminster. F. C. Anderson, Esq., 9, Holies-street, Cavendisk-square. ArchiteMon (W. Bard well, 4, Great Queen-street, Westminster). Henry Ashton, Esq., 50a, Lower Brooke-street. Jolin S. Austin, Architect, Bedford. William Austin, Esq., High-street, East Dereham, Norfolk. C. Badger, Esq., Architect, 40, Eue Blanche, Paris. H. Baly, Esq., 14, Buckingham-street, Adelphi. Alfred Beaumont, Architect, 5, Warwick Chambers, Beak-street. Eichard Bell, Architect, Pope's Head Chambers, Cornhill. W. Bell, Esq., Clift Cottage, Coronation-road, Bristol. Thomas Bellamy, Esq., 8, Charlotte-street, Bedford-square. Mons. Felix Belleflamme, Brussels. J. S. Benest, Esq., 21, Eutland-street, Hampstead-road. J. H. Bertram, M. Inst. C. E., Eeading. John Black, Esq., 33, Ernest-street, Eegent's Park. E. Blatchley, Esq., Jun., 362, Oxford-street. Mons. Alphonse Botrel, Architecte, 121, Eue Poissonniere, Paris. A. W. Boulnois, Esq., Bazaar, King-street, Baker-street. W. Boyle, Esq., 5, Little George-street, Westminster. E. Brandon, Architect, 11, Beaufort-buildings, Strand. E. Broad, Esq., Horseley Works, Tipton. B. Broadbridge, Architect, 35, Ladbroke-square, Notting-hill. F. Brown, Esq., Francis-street, Torrington-square. E. Brown, Esq., 41, Lord-street, Liverpool. J. B. Bunning, Esq., GuUdhall. George A. Burn, Architect, George-place, Hammersmith. II. p. Burt, Esq., 238, Blaekfriars-road. John G. Grace, I'^sq., ll, Wifrniovc-stroet. E. I. C, Alnwick. Mons. J. Cailloux. 25, Marclie St. IIonor<5, Paris. A. F. Campbell, Esq., lot, Pall Mall, Eeform Club. Henrj Case. Esq.. 10, Hauover Villas, Kensington Park. James Catt, Esq., Blackheatli Park. Mons. J. Charpentier, Arcliitecte, 15, Hue Larochefouoalt, Paris. J. Clarinjfbull, Esq., 95, Herbert-street, New jN'ortb-road. Mons. Henri van Cleemputte, Laon, France. Mons. J. P. Cluysenaar, Areliitecte, BruxMles. J. Colshurst, Esq., 36, Jcrmyn-street, St. James's. John Colson, Architect, Winchester. Mons. J. W. Conrad, Chief Engineer, La Haye, Holland. C. E. Coote, Esq., Clifton. W. R. Corson, Architect, 3, Albion-place, Leeds. H. Courtney, Esq., 39, Awylne-road, Canonbury-square, Islingfnn. Davnd Cowan, Esq., 9, Hungerford-strcet, Strand. Mons. Cremont, 10, Place des Yosges, Paris. W. Cruikshauk, Esq., 2i, Duke-street. Mons. E. Damas de Culture, 20, Rue Mazayran, Paris. G. J. Darley, Esq., C.E., 7, Kildare-street, Dublin. Mons. A. Delaage, 6, Place de I'Oratoire du Louvre. Paris. W. Dennis, Esq., Church-street, Hackney. Charles Downes, Esq.. 29. Coleshill-street, Eaton-square. Francis Drake, Esq., 11, Calthorpe-street, Gray's-inn-road. Henry Duesbury, Architect, Kensington Gore. Mons. Duflocq. 96, Rue Rochechouart, Paris. Mons. Dupuy, 9, Rue Duplesses, Versailles. Mons. Dusillion, Architecte, Thoune Suisse, Faubourg St. Germain, Paris. Mons. A. Durand, Moulins, France. O. C. Edwards, Esq., Gloucester. J. Eldudge, Esq., 16, Somerset-place, New Road, Commercial-rd. East. J. Elliott, Architect, 28, Portland-terrace, Southampton. M. G. Fetar van Elven, Architecte, Amsterdam. D. Erskine, Esq., 58, Clerk-street, Edinburgh. W. J. Everitt, Esq., 1, Garden-street, Stepney-green. Mons. Theodore Faure, 2, Little Argyle-street, Regent-street. Mons. F. Desaint F(?lix, and E. E. White, Architects, Ipswich. Mons. Henri Fevre, Architecte, 41, Rue de Vaugirard, a Paris. F. Finlay, Esq., 26, Duke-street, Westminster. Charles Folkard, Esq., C.E., 56, King-street, Whitehall. David Colin Forl)es, Esq., Stirling. James Forrest, Esq., C.E., 25, Great George-street. W. Frcebody, Esq., 9, Duke-streot, Westminster. S. C. Fripp, Architect, Bristol. L. Fiirges, Architecte, Crcfeld. C. E. G.. Warwick. A. Garrard. Esq., Surve5^or. Mons. Gaulle, 81, Eue Fran^aise, a Calais. Arthur Gearing, Esq., 2, Eanelagli-street, Leamington Spa. William Geggie, Esq., Knaresbro'. J. Gibsou, Esq., Great Western Railway, Paddington. Eobert Gilingbara, Esq., 31, Clarence-road, Kentish To\^n. Mons. Godeboeuf, Architecte, 12, Place Breda, a Paris. C. W. Gooch, Esq., 42, Connaught-terraee, Edgeware-road. John Gould, Esq., Tottenham Park, Wiltshire. Eichard Greene, Esq., F.S.A., Sec. to Lichfield Architectural Society. Edmund W. Grubb, Esq., jS"ewnham, Gloucestershire. Eobert S. Grubb, Esq., Ne wham-on- Severn, Gloucestershire. T. E. Guppy, Esq., jN^aples. J. C. Haddan, Esq., 29, Bloomsbury-square. Thomas Eoberts Hannaford, Architect, 21, Trigon-terrace, Kennington. O. Hansard, Architect, 2, Kensington-gardens-terrace, Hyde Park. Eobert Hardy, Carpenter, 32, North Conduit-street, Bethnal-green. John Tliornhill Harrison, Esq., East Bolden, near Gateshead. J. P. Harrison, Esq., 11. Chancery-lane. Thomas Haw, Esq., 27, Prospect-terrace, Globe-road, Mile-end. Thomas Hayea, Esq., 7, St. George's-terrace, Hyde Park. Samuel Heilton, Esq., 54, Eed Cross-street, City. Mons. J. Henard, 98, Rue St. Lazarre, Paris. James Hendrcy, Esq., 4, Pancras-lane, Cheapside. J. Hewitt, Esq., Oxford. W. S. Hollands, Esq., 37, King V\llliam-street. Mons. Hector Horeau, 70, Eue Richelieu, Paris. George Horton, Esq., 6, Green-street, Grosvenor-square. Albert P. Howell, Architect, 2, Holywell-street, Westminster. Mons. C. Huchon, 28, Eue Meslay, Paris. Benjamin Hurwitz, Esq., 1, Brydges-street, Strapd. John Imray, Esq., Engineer, 12, Howley-street, Lambeth. A. Jackson, Esq., Barkhart House, Orpington, Kent. Mons. Ch. Schoech Jaquet, 238, Eue dc la Vertasse, Geneva. Charles Jayne, Architect, 7, Chancery-lane. Adam Jizkowski, Architect to the Government, Warsaw. Joseph Jopling, Esq., Felton Villa, Finchley-road. H. J. Kaye, Esq., 63, Sloane-street, Knightsbridge. G. P. Kennedy andE. Kennedy, Esqrs., Sussex Chambers, Duke-street, St. James's. J. T. Knowles, Esq., 1, Eaymond-buildings, Gray's Inn. Herr Friedrich Krahe, Brunswick. Louis Kuhne, Brunswick. A Lady with great diiBdence submits this plan. M. Laves, Architect to the King of Hanover, Hanover. Mons. A. G. Ledrut, Claremont. APPENDIX. S. W. Leonard, Assistant-Curator Micrological Sociot^-, 11. Upper Stam- ford-street, Waterloo-road. W. B. Lewis, Esq., llainbow-hill, Worcester. E. Lol)b, Esq., 8, Goulden-terrace, Barnsbury-road, Islington. Locke Brothers, Now Peckham. Ilenry Lockwood, F.S.A., and William Mawson, Arcliitects, Bradford. Henry Lote, Esq., 51, Brompton-row. E.. Lovely, Esq., C.E., 1, Victoria-terrace, Queen*s-road, Nottingham. George Mackenzie, Esq., 3, Claremont-row, Barnsbury-road, Islington. Messrs. Magni and Thummeloup, 26, Boulevard du Temple, Paris. R. Mallet, Esq., Victoria Foundry, Dublin. Mansell and Elliott, Architects, Halkin-street West, Belgrave-square. H. M. Marcliaut, Esq., 18, Great George-street. P. J. Margary, Esq., Dawlish, Devonshire. W. P. Marshall, Esq., Temple-buildings, New-street, Birmingham. D. Mickle, Esq., 37, Queen-square, Bloomsbury. Joseph Mitchell, Architect, St. James's-street, ShefBeld. J. Montheath, Esq., 10, Stanley-street, Paddington. James Moon, Architect, 1, Miliman-street, Bedford-row. Captain W. S. Moorsom, 17|, Great George-street. G. Morgan, Architect, 6, Charles-street, Westminster. J. H. Muller, Gaes, Holland. Charles C. Nelson, Esq., 30, Hyde-park-gardens, London. Mons. C. Freddrie Nepveu, 13, Place d'Armes, Versailles. W. Nethersole, Esq., C.E., 73, Oakley-square, St. Pancras. I. W. Newberry, Esq., Hook Norton, Chipping Norton, O.xon. Francis B. Newman, Architect, 14, Heathcote-street, Mecklenburgh-sq. C. H. Newton, Esq., 92, Camden-road Villas, llegent's Park. Mons. Paliard, 23, Eue d'Enghein, Paris. E. Paraire, Architect, 16, Woodstock-street, Bond-street. Mons. Henri le Patre, 47, Grande Rue de la Chapclle, St. Denis, Paris. Thomas Peacock, Esq., High-street, Kensington. J. D. Pemberton, Esq., lloyal Agricultural College, Cirencester. G. Perry, Architect, 42, Newington-place, Kennington. Mons. Casimir Pctiaux, Paris. William Eadley, Chemical Engineer, Eegent-street, Lambeth. W. Eailton, Esq., 12, Eegent-street. W. Baukin, Esq., Stirling. W. Eced. Esq., Cannon Cottage Hill, Southampton. Messrs. Eeid and Butcher, Architects and Surveyors, 38, Eed Lion- square, London. Stanley Eeilly, Architect, 3, LTpper Kennington-green, Kennington. George Banks Eennie, Esq., Whitehall-place. Harry Ealph Eicardo, Esq., Beaulieu Lodge, Norwood, Surrey. W. Eiddle, Esq., East Temple Chambers, Whitefriars, Fleet-street. H. S. Eidley, Architect. 31, Vincent-square, Westminster. J. B. Eoberts, Architect, Sleaford, Lincolnshire. APPENDIX. V R. Roberts, Esq., Globe "Works, Manchester. Andrew Jolin Robertson, Esq., C.E., Newcastle-upon-Tyne. William Robertson, Esq., 12, Gordon-street, Cit^'-road. A. Rosengarten, Architect, Hamburg. Alex. ]M. Ross, Esq., 3, Parliament-street, Westminster. Rough Draught, 42, Stamford-atreet. Henry Rouse, Esq. H. H. Russell, Esq., C.E., M.R.S.A. W. Russell, Esq., 3, Frederick-street, Harapstead-road. E. Ryde, Esq., 14, Upper Belgrave-place, Eaton-square. George Sanderson, Esq., 136, Solly-street, Sheffield. Charles Sanderson, Esq., Friar-street, Reading. Robert Sandeman, Architect, Greenside, Edinburgh. H. Savage, Esq., 22, Beaumont-street. ]Mary-le-bone. W. Scurry, Esq., 7, Denbigh-place, Pimlico. Sed quis ciistodiet Custodes. J. P. Seddon, Esq., Gray's-iun-road. J. R. Sewell, Esq., Carrington, near Nottingham. Mons. A. Slater, Architeete, Eleve de Mons. I'Architecte Cluysenaar. E. Smallwood, Architect, 86, Park-street, Camden Town. F. Smallman Smith, Esq., 18, Brunswick-st., Barnsbury-road, Islington. C. H. Smith, Esq , 29, Clipstone-street. J. M. Smith, Esq., 1, Chapel-place, Dake-street, Westminster. W. J. Smith, Esq., 18, Bond-street, Commercial-road, Lambeth. G. CampbeU Smith, Esq., Banff. Messrs. Soyer and Warrener, Reform Club. Paul Sprenger, Esq., Architect to the Government, Vienna. Herr Friederich Stammann, Hamburg. Francis Sternitz, Esq., 10, Berner-street, Commercial-road East. W. Stewart, Esq., Seacombe, Cheshire. M. J. Stutely, Architect, 4, Doughty-street, Mecklenburgh-square. H. Suckling, Esq., 1, Conduit-street, Regent-street. George Tate, Esq., Bawtry, Yorkshire. J. Taylor, Architect, 22, Parhament-street. T. Taylor, Architect, 33, Clarendon-street, Oakley-square. J. H. Taunton, Esq., 2, Gordon-place, Kensington. D. W. Thomas, Esq., 20, St. Petersburg-place, Bayswater. R. M. Thompson, Esq., 46, Leicester-square. P. Thompson, Architect, 1, Osnaburgh-place, New-road. F. Thompson, Esq., 15, Trafalgar-square, Peckham. James Thrupp, Architect, 2, Park-place, Bath. H. W. Todd and W. Allingham, 91, Newman-street, Oxford-street. Richard Turner and Thomas Turner, Hammersmith Works, Dublin. Henry Turner, Esq., Low Heaton, Haugh, Newcastle-on-Tyne. F. Tyerman, Jun., Architect, 14, Parliament-street. Mons. Yeron, 2, Quai des Armes, Paris. John Walker, Esq., Crooked-lane Chambers, King William-street, H VI APPENDIX. George "Wall is. Artist, and Ilenry Sumners, Architect, 14, College- place, Camden Town. J. N. "Warren, Esq., C.E., 18, Adam-street, Adelphi. J. E. Watson, Esq., 74, Grey-street, Newcastlc-on-Tyne. Henry Wliitcombe, Esq., Slough. George Wightwick, Architect, 3, Athena;um-terrace, Plymouth. George "NVilkie, Esq., C.E., 8, Powell-street "West, King's-square. George "Wilkinson, Esq., Horsham. S. J. "U^ilkinson, Esq., 7, Jeffry's-square, St. Mary Axe. James "W^illiams, Esq., 18, "Westgate-buildings, Bath. George "Wilson, Esq., Knaresbro', Yorkshire. Kalph "Wilson, Architect, 16, Bridge-street, "Westminster. James G. "Wilson, Esq., 18, Great George-street, "Westminster. Ricliard "\r\''inder, Esq., Fenchurch-strect. E. A. "V\"ithall, Architect, 80, Cheapside. "W. H. "Wontner, Architect, St. Anu's-road, North Brixton. Frederick Wood, Esq., 6, Frankhn-road, Queen's-road, East Chelsea. Thomas Worthington, Architect, 54, King-street, Manchester. James Wylson, Architect, 112, Fyfe-place, Glasgow. LIST A. ENTITLED TO FAVOURABLE AND HONOUBADLE MENTION. C. B. Allen, Architect, Great College-street, AVestniinster. W. AUingham (and Todd), 91, Newman-street, Oxford-street. Architekton (W. Bard well, 4, Great Queen-street, Westminster). H. Ashton, 50 a, Lower Brooke -street. C. Badger, Architect, Eue Blanche, Paris. B. P. Baly (four designs). R. Bell, Architect, Pope's Head Chambers, Cornhill. Thomas Bellamy, Architect, Charlotte-street, Bedford-square. J. H. Bertram, C. E., Reading. A. Botrel, Architect, 121, Eue Poissonniere, Paris. E. Brandon, Architect, Little Beaufort-buildings, Strand. F. Brown, Francis-street, Torriugton-square. J. B. Buuniug, Architect, Guildhall, City of London. G. A. Burn, Architect, George-place, Hammersmith. J. Cailloux, Architect, 25, Marche St. Honore, Paris. H. Case, 19, Hanover "Villas, Kensington Park. J. Charpcntier, Architect, 15, Eue Larochcfoucalt, Paris. Henri Van Clcemputte, Architect, Laon, France. J. P. Cluysenaar, Architect of King of the Belgians, Brussels. J. W. Courad, Cliiof Eiigiiieer, La Haye, Holland. H. Courtney, Esq., 39, Alvvyue-road, Caiionbury-square, Islington. Mons. Cremont, Architect, 10, Place des Vosges, Paris. W. Cruikshank, 24, Duke-street. A. Delaage, Architect, 6, Place de I'Oratoire du Louvre, Paris. C. Downes, Coleshill-street, Eaton-square. A. Durand, Moulins, France. Mons. Dusillion, Architect, Thoune Suisse, Faubourg St. Germain, Paris. M. Gr. Fetar Van Elven, Architect, Amsterdam. H. Fevre, Architect, 41, Eue de Vaugirard, a Paris. S. C. Fripp, Architect, Bristol. Mons. Gaulle, 81, E.ue Fran^aise, Calais. A. Gearing, 2, Ranelagh-street, Leamington Spa. Eugene Godeboeuf, 12, Place Breda, Paris. J. T. Harrison, East Bolden, near Gateshead. T. Hayes, 7. St. George's-terrace, Hyde-park. J. Henard, Architect, 98, Rue St. Lazarre, Paris. H. Horeau, 70, Rue Eichelieu, Paris. C. Huchon, 28, Eue Meslay, Paris. J. Imray, C. E., Howley-street, Lambeth. Ch. Schoech Jaquet, 238, Rue de la Vertasse, Geneva. Louis Kuhne, Brunswick. J. T. Knowles, Architect, 1, Raymond-buildings, Gray's Inn. M. Laves, Architect of the King, Hanover. A. G. Ledrut, Clermont, France. W. B. Lewis, Rainbow-hill, Worcester. C C. Nelson, 30, Hyde-park-gardens, London. C. F. Nepveu, 13, Place d'Armes, Versailles. Mons. Paliard, Rue d'Enghein, Paris. H. le Patre, Architect, 47, Grande Rue de la Chapelle, St. Penis, Paris. Casimir Petiaux, Paris. H. S. Ridley, Architect, 31, Vincent-squai'e, "Westminster. J. B. Roberts, Architect, Sleaford, Lincolnshire. A. Rosengarten, Architect, Hamburg. H. Rouse, Esq. W. Russell, 3, Frederick-street, Hampstead-road. H. Savage, 22, Beaumont-street, Marylebone. J. P. Seddon, Esq., Gray's-iuu-road. A. Slater, Architect, Eleve de Mons. Cluysenaar. F. Smallman Smith, 18, Brunswick-street, Barnsbury-road, Islingtoui C. H. Smith, Clipstone-straet, London. Paul Sprenger, Architect, Vienna. H. Sumners, Architect, 14, College-place, Camden Town. Richard and Thomas Turner, Hammersmith "Works, Dublin. F. Tyerman, Jun., Architect, 14, Parliament-street. Mons. Veron, 2, Quai des Ormes, Paris. H 2 VI 11 APPENDIX. J. Watson, 74, Grey-street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. W. H. AVoutner, Architect, St. Aau's-road, North Brixton. T. Worthington, Architect, King-street, Manchester. LIST B. ENTITLED TO FUETHEU HIGIIER nONOEAEY DISTINCTION. C. Badger, Architect, E-ue Blanche, Paris. Thomas Bellamy, Architect, Charlotte-street, Bedford-square. J. H. Bertram, C. E., Reading. A. Botrel, Architect, 121, Hue Poissonniere, Paris. J. Cailloux, Architect, 25, Marcho St. Honore, Paris. Heuri Van Cleemputte, Architect, Laon, France. Mons. Cremout, Architect, 10, Place des Vosgcs, Paris. A. Delaage, Architect, 6, Place de I'Oratoire du Louvre, Paris. M. G. F^tar Van Elven, Architect, Amsterdam. J. Henard, Architect, 98, Eue St. Lazarre, Paris. H. norcaUj 70, Hue llichelieu, Paris. C. Huchon, 28, Eue Meslay, Paris. A. G. Ledrut, Clermont, France. n. le Patre, Architect, 4k, Grande Rue de la Chapelle, St. Denis, Paris. Casimir Petiaux, Paris. Paul Sprenger, Architect, Vicuna. Richard and Thomas Tui-ner, Hammersmith Works, Dublin. Mons. Vcron, 2, Quai des Ormes, Paris. APPENDIX. • TWO OF THE COMPETITION DESIGNS. The following descriptions and plates of two of the designs sent in competition for the Building, and specially mentioned by the Committee in tlieir Report, are given from information obligingly furnished to \;s by their respective authors. DESIGN BY M. HECTOE HOREAU, AKCHITECT, OF PAEIS. This was one of the most striking of all that were submitted to tlie Com- mission ; it formed one immense hall, or sbed, more than 2000 feet long, by about 270 feet wide throughout, with several small detached buildings on the north side, for refreshments, &c. The interior of the main building was divided into five avenues, the centre one about ninety feet wide, those next adjoining rather more than fifty feet, and the outside ones about forty feet wide. Iron columns, about twenty- three feet apart, formed these avenues and supported arched ribs for the roof. One end of the building was semicircular, the other forming an orna- mental fa9ade, and about the centre of the length a transept was formed. M.. Horeau says : " SimpUcity, grandeur, ready means of construction, and of increasing or diminishing the accommodation, and of removal if required, forming altogether a specimen of the most recent improvements introduced into the art of building — these are the principal objects which it has been sought to attain. The whole of the construction is of iron, without a single piece of wood, the foundation being executed in brick ; the fa9ade to be in metal, porcelain, and glass, the floor of asphalte, the roof to be principally covered with ornamental thick glass, in large dimensions, or ground glass with patterns. " Of the trusses or arched ribs suppoi'ting the roof there were to be but three varieties, each in three pieces, with which the whole of the budding could be erected. This subdivision of the roof-trusses would have facilitated the conversion of the building for other purposes ; for, taken singly, or in various combinations, they would have formed many kinds of buildings for ordinary purposes. The attached buildings placed on the north side would have shown several modes of effecting this. The ornamental spandrils of the roof-trusses would be formed in stamped-work out of copper, and gilt. " The fa9ade shows at a glance the purpose of the building, as well as its X APPENDIX. interior disposition, in which the different widths of avenues woukl afford space for objects of all varietiesof dimensions. The fa9ade itself was to be formed with tracery or trellis-work of cast-iron, the lower part being covered with sheet-iron ; the cornice and ornamental panels of porcelain ; the medallions in coloured stone-ware ; the doors and inclosures of metal, silvered and gilt ; the ornamental details to be either cast or stamped ; the scrolls iu the panels being in coloured glass or mosaic. " The pediment is crowned with a group of figures representing the Genius of Industry crowning the Arts and Sciences ; in the cornice are placed the names of all the principal cities of the world, and the names of eminent men in panels. In the medallions are represented allegorical figures of the diffe- rent branches of science and industry. At the angles of the building are placed trophies, the base of which would serve as guard-houses." The engravings will serve to show the general effect of this design in its interior and exterior. DESIGN BY MESSRS. B. AND T. TUBNEE, OF DUBLIN. In this design also the interior was arranged as one uninterrupted space, about 1,910 feet long, and 408 wide, the roof in one span rising about 120 feet above the floor ; the supports, consisting of semicircular ribs, forming the interior into three avenues, the centre one 200 feet wide and the full height, the side ones 101 feet wide and about sixty feet high. In the centre of the length a transept was proposed, and the square area at the meeting of that with the central avenue was to be covered with a glass dome. The ends of the building, as well as those of the transept, were to be filled in with tracery in the upper part, a colonnade below protecting the entrances. Galleries, if necessary, were to be placed iu the side avenues. The construction of this building was proposed to be principally of wrought iron, which would have given to the circular ribs and other parts a great lightness of effect ; but, on the other hand, the dilBculties of producing and putting together such an enormous amount of wrought-iron work in so short a space of time as that required was considered an almost insuperable objection to the design. Large portions of the roof were to be covered with glass, so as to admit an abun- dance of light into the interior. The accompanying views of the exterior and interior of this design, from the simplicity of the arrangement, consisting of a repetition of similar parts, require but Uttle description for their elucidation. APPENDIX, MEMORANDUM ON THE SITE. Return to an Order of the Honourable the Souse of Commons, dated 1st July, 1850 ; for COPY of a Letter addressed by the Commissioners of the Exhibition of 1851 to the Lords of the Treasuryj^ inclosing Memorandum as to the Site of the Exhibition Building in Hyde Park. Palace of Wesfminsier, Isi Jvly, 1850. Sir, — I am directed by her Majesty's Commissioners for the Exhibition of 1851 to transmit to you herewith, for the information of the Lords Commissioners of her Majesty's Treasury, a memorandum of the grounds on wliich the present site has been selected for the Exhibition, and of the proceedings that have been taken in consequence of that selection. — I have, &c. (Signed) Stafford H. Nortiicote. The Right Honourable W. G. Hayter, M.P., &c. Stc. &c. Memorandum of the grounds on which the site lias been selected for the Exliibition of 1851, and of the proceedings which have been taken in consequence of that selection, prepared for the information of the Lords of the Treasury by the Royal Commissioners for promoting the Exhibition. 1. It is within the knowledge of the Lords of the Treasury, that from the time of the earliest announcement of the proposed Exhibition it has always been intended that it should take place in the Metropolis. Not only was such an intention matter of notoriety at the time that the question of issuing a Royal Commission was under consideration, but the Commission itself, when issued form;dly recited that it was proposed " To establish an Eularged Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations, to be holden in London, in the year 1851 ;" and it was to further the holding of sucli an exhibition that the present Commissioners were speci;dly appointed, 2. Considering the importance of the undertaking, and the circumstances attending its promul- gation, the selection of the Metropolis as its intended locality appears to liave been both natural and proper. It will be borne in mind that the exhibitions which have from time to time been held in foreign countries have generally, and, as the Commissioners believe, invariably, been held in the capitals of the respective countries. lu the prcseot case it was peculiarly important that an undertaking which required the constant superintendence of a body of Commissioners, whose XII APPENDIX. occupations for the most part confine them to London, should he carried on within their immedinta cognisance, and not removed to a distant situation. 3. It beinof thus distinctly evident that the Exhibition ought to take place in London, it is further obvious that the actual site which may be selected for it should be within the precincts of, or in the closest vicinity to, the most central and accessible parts of the Metropolis itself. It need hardly be pointed out that it would be objectionable to impose upon persons who may have come to Ijondon from a great distance the necessity of an additional journey to visit the Exhibition ; a consideration which has already been urged upon the Commissioners by the representatives of several of the most important proviuciiJ towns, who are apprehensive of the inconvenience to which artizans in particular might thus be subjected. Moreover, the removal of the Exhibition to any distance sufliciiMit to diminish the number of visitors would not only militate against its essential cbaniptcr of general accessibility, but mJLjht most seriously affect the receipts upon which its self- supporting character must depend, a point upon which it appears that much stress has been laid. 4. Although llyde Park, and even tlie particular space now in question, had been already men- tioned before the issue of the Commission, and indeed so far back as October, 1849, as a probable site for the Exhibition, it is unnecessury to assure the Lords of the Treasurj' that the Commis- sioners approached the question of tlie site after their appointment without having in any degree prejudged the merits of particular localities. On the Hth of Februarj-, their attention havintr been directed to the importance of determining the site by the Committee then recently appointed fur all matters relating to the building, they deputed two Commissioners, namely. Lord Granville and Jlr. Labouchere, to wait upon the Chief Commissioner of Woods and Forests, and to confer with him upon the subject. The result of this conference is set forth in the Report presented by the Building Committee at the next meeting of the Commissioners (Feb. 21), of which the follow- ing is the ])ortion wliich relates to the question of the site : — " With respect to the site, it has appeared to your Committee that, firstly, the north-eastern jiortion of Hyde I'ark ; secondly, the long space between her Majesty's private road and the Ken- sington-road, in the southern part of llyde Park ; and, thirdly, the north-western portion of Regent's Park, are the only available spaces about the Metropolis which would afford the necessarj- accom- modation ; and it is believed that the order in which they have been named represents also their relative eligibility. As regards tlie first, the Committee are informed by the Chief Commissioner of her Majesty's Woods and Forests, that considerable objeetious would arise to its occupation for such a purpose, and that no such objections would be raised to the use of the second; the Com- mittee, therelbre, recommend the adoption of this site, which, amongst other advantages, is remarkable for the facility of access atforded by the existing roads. Upon this occasion a letter was received from the WVstminster Committee, stating that the local Commissioners for West- minster had visited the site in Hyde Park, and a site suggested in the Regent's Park, and that they were of opinion that the site in Hyde Park was the preferable one." The recommendati(Mi of tlie Building Committeehaving been agreed to, a form of advertisement, refpiesting plans and suggestions for the bu'lding, was, at the next meeting (2Slh February), submitted for apjirobation, and was ordered to be immediately issued in the English, French, and German languages. To this advertisement was appended a ground-plan of the site in llyde Park for the giiidance of those to whom tlic advertisement was addressed. The details of this plan were discussed in the presence of the Chief Commissioner of Woods and Forests, and were settled in conformity with his lordship's wishes. 5. In consequence of the advertisement thus issued, no less than 21-S plans and suggestions, many of them the productions of foreign artists, were sent in to the Commissioners. A large number of these were of a very elaborate character, and bore evident marks of considerable appli- cation and ability. 6. Soon after the site had been selected, some other important arrangements having also by this time been made, the Commissioners prepared and published a statement (21 Februarj') explanatory of the nature and objr-els of the Exhibition, which was widely circulated in this countn.-, was forwarded to our consuls abroad and to the forei-jn consuls in Etigland, and was ofricially trans' mitted by the Secretary of State to all Foreign Governments, and to all the Governors of the British Colonies, as well as to India. In this .statement it was announpcd that " Her Majesty had APPENDIX. XIU been graciously pleased to grant a site for the purpose (of the Exhibition) on the south side of ll.Nde J'ark, lying between the Kensington Drive and the ride commonly called Rotten Row." 7. The site liaviug been thus deliberately chosen and formally announced, all subsequent pro- ceedings connected witi\ the building have been taken with direct reference to it. The plans have been pit-pared with a view to its peculiarities, and the form of the building and its internal as well as its cxleruul arraugenients have been determined by them. The amount of space available for the display of articles has been calculated upon the data afforded by the site, and from a calculation of this aiuouct the CominiM' eminently suc-essl'ul, tlie Intok WiiiK ine^mtesliblv thf narrativ,- of the Great Industrial Ex]H)sitic)n. Uexinninj; with all tlie preliminary particulars," whicli are absolutely essentiil (or the comprehension of the entire scheme of the Prince Consort, the narrative describes very lucidly the pMwth of tlie first crude idea to its present trippintic dimensions. The share taken in the prject bv the .Society of Arts is duly celelirated, .and the influ- ence ot the successive expositions of French industry especially notified. The volume is altogether a very clever and most co.nplete work." ^^^^^^ dispatch. " Works upon the above subject will become hitjlily popular from the very necessity of the case; ami consequently t hat which the public must cliicrty look for amid-t all the tomoetition that will ensue will be «)fre<-tness and compactness combined with economy. Mr. Peter Berlyn's book com- bines every rev:i' of the Great International Exhibition of 1S.">1, in whicli the first movements towards it aiv <-an-fully and ably detjiiletl; and a very good analysis is piven of all preceding industrial exhibitions, at home and abi-oad, as well s» a large amount of information connected with the construction of the building itself, and abstrju-ts of official documents ciiniMcted with the entiiv movement. The .author hiis done justice to the ett'orts which have been iiiaile to interest the Eii;;lish manufacturer, and stimuUate liim in his artistic endeavours; and we tec! ImjuikI to a( Unowle.l;,'e bLs court ous notice of the exertions made by ' The Art Journal ' in helpui); forward its consummation in IMJl." LEADER. " For those who wish ttfknow all about the rise and progress of the Grpat Exhibition and its Crystal Palace this nejit liaiid-liook Ls the very thing. Mr. Herlyn has performed his task with laudable industry. He has drawn togetlier and arranged a lari;e amount of scattered information reg:irding the ExhibV tion in a pleasant form. As an elegant and trastwortliy liand-book, the narrative deserves to be P01'"'a^-'' OBSERVER. " This neat volume (rives a history of previous Exhibitions— some on small, some on large scales— that have taken phu-e in divers parts of Kurope of late ye.ars. It then points out the precise origin of tlie Exhibition of all Nations, sliowing the share his Ilts are furesh;Kio«e completely pervaded by a spirit of universality as this book of Mr. Berlyn's. In matters of detail and relation" his n.irrative is explicit and lucid ; where he luus tombed on the history of an art or a manufacture he is mrnet in his data ; and in tnu-ing the Exhibition to its true source he lias displayed a biglily phllo.snphieal insight into the spirit of the age. Within tlie pages of his liook will be found a faitJit'ul nrord ot the most im- portant meetings of the Royal Commissioners. a.s %vell as those convened by the corporations of cities, by societies, or by private individuals, for the furtherance of the work in ban i. To these is appeiidetl a verbatim n^port of the speeches deliven>d at these meetings by the distinguished men who were invited to preside over them ; and the enlighUned, liberal, and hnpiliil spirit wliiih pervades their addresses forms a cheerful t-oiitrast to the ominous predictions of cirtain polltiial .and theolii^.'iial fanatics, .\l1er a full diseussinn of what niav be ti nnid the l,ii.iiii,.i.i imrtlon nt th«- suhjei t, Mr. Itirlyn i-los.s his ixei lUiit little 1 k with a I rlit 'l lit «l..ip.,nt and conipnliiiisive (iinvidiratiini of the 111 luticial ivsulLs which are liUtly til aienie tnun this i; naliiin:il iindi rtaklnj;, nut only to ours«lvi s but mankinil in general, i'lii" i nlire ahsoiue ot iiartiality oi- pnju iiee thruugliuut the liook, and the very inti it stint; inlonn.ition n.nt:iinrd in it for a. I inatlei-s ilirtetly or indirectly cfinnecteil with the Exhibiliiin, indnec u-- to n cuiniTiina the author to publish editions of it in the French and German languages. li\ this means he would be conieiTing a txKm on our country's guests.'' LADY'S NEWSPAPER. " Mr. Peter Berlyn has produced a well arrangnl, clear, ami concise h.and book to this wonder of the world, in which he traces its origin, progress, and prospects, in a pleasing and interesting maiiiKr. This must have been a most diflieult task, as the materials out of which he has Ibmied liLs naiTative are so widely scattered that it requires some one who perfi ctiy and profoundly uiulerstandsthe subjwt (as we M-c con\inced Mr. Herlyn does) to colUct and arrange tliem in so satisfactory a manner. The ladies also will hail this work w.tli pleasure, because, though contiiiiing every intbmiation on the subject, it is at the same time lij;lit, interesting, and .superior to the dry and prosy style usually :u1opteeit. of P.atenioKt*r-row. Our frieiuls in the pi-oviiices will do well to study befoivhand as many of the probable incidents of their trip as possible ; and, though inminurable prints and tabular d. scriptions of tlie Exliibition Building have bien Issued, we have not had anything Iwfore like a coniiictid hi-torj- of the great project itself. The work before iis is called • A Popular Narra- tive of the Origin, History, Progress, and Pn.sp.Hts of the Grtaf Exhibition of l,s.jl ;' and we think the author, .Mr. Herlyn, lues tr. aled his subject in perfect accordance with the litle. Moiv than this it is quite uiine< e.ssaiy to say as to the iiierit.s of the work ; but we may just iiotii'e that the ' gi-tting-up' h:i8 evidently Invn intruste.1 f*. canful hands. The binding is neat aiiU tistetul, and, besides a ground- plan, a perspective view of the building is given." MINING JOrRNAL. " This volume, which uno.stentatiously titats on the highly interesting subjects indicated in the title, is based on rewrds of unimpeaeliab.e value. All sp.culation has bet ii wisily avoided, and us pages PATEKNOSTER-KOW, LONDOW. OPINIOXS OF THE PRESS— (continued.) present an utivamished history of one of the most extraordinary unJertakinp:s of which the history of the world can boast ; extraordinary in the fact of the people of this little Island challen|?inK the people of the universe to meet on its shores with specimens of their several productions of industry ; and extraoidinary in the magnitude, decidedly novel, and inconceivaI)ly rapid erection of the building for their recei>tion. The history of every simil ir exhiliition is trac -d back to its som-ce ; those of Manchester, Birmingham, London, and France are minutely recorded ; the growing interest which followed every sulisequent exiiositinn statistically describee!, and every detail connected with the Royal Commission, the arrangements, the building, future rules, tlu-oughout a space of 2)0 pages, and finisliing with a list of the local committees, conveys a vivid and correct picture of this vast national undertaking." chbrch and state gazette. '' A. work that was wanted. It puts the public in full possession of every iota of intelligence in connexion with the Great Exhibition worth having, and has some very sensible remarks on the pros- pects of home exhibitors, especially at the forthcoming display. It is indispensable to all interested m the subject.-' gcakdian. " ' A Popular Narrative of the Great Exhibition' was really needed, explaining its whole history from its lirst conception in the Prince Consort's brain, an I Mr. Berlyii's book has amply supplied the need. It is a very smart volume, and the writer is duly impressed with the grandeur of his theme." LEIGH hunt's journal. " We can hardly speak too highly of this elegant and useful volume. Mr. Berlyn has done his part admirably, and the publisher has seconded him in the l)usiness department no less satisfactorily. All the floating and iliseonnicted accounts that have hitherto been brought before the public from time to time are here cdUected and arran^tH] in a very popular an 1 lucid manner, ^vhile a nialiic power and a narrative vigour very surprising on such a subject. You are carried along with as muMi interest as if reading a work of fiction. The contents fully justify the ample title, and in that fact lies more ot eulogy than columns of praise could say." ^^^ evening express. " A neatly-printrd volume on the History of the Exliibition; containing a careful digest of all the documents which the Commissioners have issued." THE tablet. " Mr. Berlyn 's book is an elegant volume by way of a guide to the Crystal Palace. It contains a well-condensed summary on everything connected witli the subject of the Exhibition.'' MORNING ADVERTISER. " A gaily-boarded volume, nattily emblazoned on the outside with colours, with a tinted frontis- piece of the Glass House from the same familiar aspect. It is dedicated to Prince Albert, and con- tains an elaborate introduction, in which the by-past expositions of Paris, Birmingham, Manchester, Dublin, &c. are duly noticed. It is as a wiiole a neat mode of preserving all the ' prmted gossip,' as Well as weightier re"ports of Commissioners, relating to the preparations of the shell of the Exhibition." mark-lane express. " A most interesting record of the history and opinions as to the probable results of the World's Fair, to be held in the Crystal Pa ace, Hyde Park. Toe author has condensed into a most readable work every transaction wliich has given rise to this exhibition of the choice products of the world." THE BUILDER. " This book gives, in a concise and agi-eeable manner, a narrative of the progress of the scheme towanls fruition, and an account of the building. Tiie account is put together pleasantly, and makes a pretty book." christian times. " A valuable and elegant introduction to the Great Industrial Exhibition. It contains much useful information, lucidly and caa-efully arranged." northern star. " Sir. Berlyn's book is all it professes to be. It contains an ample and popular narrative of the "circumstances connected with the conception and ultimate realisation o; the idea ; and incidentally throws much light upon the progress and effects of similar exhibitions abroad. The author deserves the greatest ere it tor the lively, interesting, and accurate mannec in which he has recorded all the feading events connected with the Exhibition. In doing this we art' happy to perceive also that he has the manliness to do justice to those who first introduced the idea of such Exhibitions into this country, and who had to struggle with all the ditiiculties which usually dog the footsteps of inno- vators and inventors. The first exhibitions had to encounter prejudice and apathy, and the funds for caiTying them out were comparatively small, and ditficult to be procured ; they had not the prestige of princely and titlcl names, to give them acceptance with the vulgai- herd, who eagerly copy the fa.shion set by the great. They were the production of a pure love of art, and science, and industry, and a desire to promote the improvement of public t;iste and skill. One of the first pi-o- moters 'of the plan of National Expositions, similar to those on the Continent," was Mr. George Wallis, formerly master of the Manchester School of Design; of whose exertions Jlr. Berlyn makes honourable mention. It is exceedingly interesting to ha\e presented at one view tlu gradual expan- sion of the original idea, tiirough a succession ot varied phases, to its ultimate development as an Exhibition of tlie Industry of all Nations. It appears (dear that Prince Albert is entitLd to tha merit of giving it this cosmopolitan character ; other exhibitions have always been either local, pro- vincial, orntitiona'.. Tlie idea of niakiug that of 1851 universal is due to the Prince Consort alor.e. The ci- cumstances undir « luch Jlr. Paxton conceived the idea of tiie structure which now attracts the admiration ( .f every beho.d r, in Hyde Park, read more like a sketcli of the imagination than a sober reality; and the almost increilible rapidity with which the plan has been translated into a great fact is one of the proudest testimonies that can be borne to the indu^t'ial resources, skill and enterprise of this comitry. Of all tiie maivels that will be exhibited at tli- World's Fair next Jlay, none will be so marvellous as the stnietuie in which they are collected ; ami we confi lentiy coinmen 1 Mr. Berlyn's boo'K as an agi'eeable companion and guide to every visitor, as well as a record of tlie gi-owth of the Exhibition, well deser\ing of preser\ution on account of its intrinsic meats and his- oiica >ame. Manchester examiner and times. " Mr. Berlyn (whom many of our readers \vill reuieuibcr as an active and earnest promoter of the nterests of our Atheii^uni. in liL^ ehara.^^tLr of In morary secret ii y to that institution), having held an otlicial situation in connexion with Royal Coiinn.ssion for cirrying out the business detail of the int.'nded Exhibition, finds means to iires;nt us with an extremely a^lV an 1 imtru.-t m volume. His nai'rative is cleverly written, and alfiirds ample information of the origin and progivss of a move- WOBES PUBLISHED BT JAMBS OTIBBBT, OPIXIOXS OF THE PRESS-iv peneral cultivation of a love fur the Meal and the beau; . '•■. are carefully traced, and we have every rvason to believe that tredit is justly iT. -- :-- but earnest workers in the cause." I.EEIH sre«cr»T. *• .K. popularnarratire of the origin, history, proprtss, and prospects of the Great Exhibition, with a guide to the future rules and arrangement-, by Peter Berlyn. has just been pubUshe illu-strate the hist, iry <••{ the present year. He has done his work well. The narratiTe is entin v !, r-.i -! !r n. .; ;t!.- ntie and omcial Siiurcts, to which Mr. Berlyn. from his connexion with th- " opportunities of acoess. The author r^-srirds the Exhibition, not as a su : t as the natvQ-al result of certain industrial ideas and tendencies which ha^ :-.: themselves durinjr several years: and this view leads him to trace the histio .•!' viiri'iL* {•ri. T i xh-.Mtions on a minor scale in thU cuuntry. such as the polytechnic exhibi- tions in different towns, and the exhibitions of art and manufactures which have talien place, m.-iny years, in Mandie«tei% Birminirham, and the metropolis. The procevdinj^s more imme«lLitely connected with the great Woria's Exhibition now in preparation are tlien related from the commenwment, and in a manner at om-e concise and c>>mplete. Fmally, we have a tull account of the rules and regula- tions determined on tor the conduit of tliis remark.-ib'.e undertaking. The volume contains several excellent illastranons, is tastefully bound, and in a portable form." LIVERPOOL corWEa. " This is an exceedingly interesting and useful book. It has been got op as a hand-book for the risitors to the Great Exhibition, but its obje<-t is more to give a condensed aco.unt of the history of the event than to serve as a guiJe within the building. The writer, who treats his subjevt most clearly and ably, enters into a brier" narrative of aU that has V-en hitherto done, in thU and other countries, to foster national taste in connexion with these public displays. In our own countrvhe eoes on. at length, into an investigation of what m.-iy be termed the initiatorv eihibiti^jn lately helJ at Birmingham, and which, in its result*, far exceedeif the expectations of its founders. He ais.:> givrf a concise historv of the proceedings relative to the ' Palace of GLtss," from the time that its erection was a dreamy id^ ontfl it rose in its gigantic transparency to astonish the world." LIVERPOOL ALBlOX. " This is a book for the times and to the pun:» >se. Its title-page tells with what object it has been written, and is well borne out by its contents. Wht-n we optn it wc find a concise and taithAil account of the causes and progress of the world's eathering which is just upon us. In preparing his volume the author has taken care to avoid all ' culling of simpltrs,' and to give only such information as may be depended upon, and which possesses more than ephemrral interest. It abounds also, in practical sagg«tions and philoso^iical observations. We nili only say further that the publisher, although he does not puff the work Dj talking of ^ting it away, certainly o.^mes as near as possible to that point in the price wtucfa he has fixed upon it. We can sai'ely recommtnd it.'' BtRXniGHAM JOrXXAL. " A rleverlv-written and capefnlly-oondensed little volume, containing all that has been done, and much that should l>e i-' -i'ti ^-i^>ecting the great event of the year The author culls with great judgment from the *'. ' -;^i at various meetinp held thniushout the country : the regula- tions issued by the E\ .ittee are also introduced. .\lto^ther, a more Lt>rap!ete record, within the same am-. it would be impossible to find; it confers gi eat credit upon the writtrr, who in addition i: i.%:iis.iicly an enthusiast in the work about which he writes so welL" LXICESTEKSanE XERcraT. " This volume shotildbe in the hands of all who take an interest in the great event of thi- /inmu mirabilUtl^l. What it promises in the title-page it performs in th.^e which follow. ]• •'. accurate and dceply-inter\:sting record of the causes and progress of the preparation for i of the natjor.s of the earth which we ar« abr'Ut to witness, and chronicles all the ortici.v i on the subject which is worth presening. The practical soggestioiis and obeervations t. • 1- : u:. 1 in it are greatly to the cre-iit of the writer. We must also give our praise to the publisher, Mr. Gilbert, for the manner in wliich he has brought it out, and the low price at which he offers it to the buyer." LIVERPOOL TIXES. " Of coarse we are already deluged with hand-books, guide-books, &c., to the Exhibition. Such little works, properly compile, will not only be interestmg. but absolutely serviceable, to the cotmti7 visitor. We nave had o«-eans s«.nt to us, varying in pritv as in truthfuhiess and English grammar. The best we have seen is a ' Popular Narrative of the Exliibiti-.n,' by Peter Berlvn, published by Gilbert, of Paternoster-row ; a book distinguished not only by correctness and labour ,*but also by very considerable literair merit." i^^>i»««^«~j u.»u. LLSCOLXSaiXE TIMES. " What the flower-garden is to the bees, attracting them to gather honey from its sweets, the Grand Exhibition has been to many a candidate anxious to take his'piace in the ranks of authorship. The bi«k before us is one of the proofs of its stimulating: powers. It fully and ably accomplL>>R- ;ill whidi the titie-page le*ds us to expect, setting i.^nh the ciuses ainl prr,grvss of that wondrous u--:*.il of industry at which tlie world is to mt-et in Britannia's Crystal Palace. The information whv h it contains maj be relied npon as derived from the best sources :' the practical suggestions ■>>-- > ' and the obaerrations are penned in a highly philosophical spirit. \^ e can sateij recomrr to our readers, and we are quite certain that everybody who buys it will be satisfied tl. has been well laid out. We speak not from our own authority only, but have our vcrd - v the opinion of persons competent to pronounce upon the merits of the volume before us." IXVER.N-ESS COtRIER. " This little voltmie has a merit which belongs to but few books published in tiu pnsent age. It is wanted. There has no doubt been a great deal written on the subject of ^ well as a rreat deal spoken : bat till now we have had only scattered and almost . ;'>rmation on Uie one hand,or mere catchpenny pamph'rts .n the other. Mr. Ber; i-. t!;.it he is honest; that his work fulfils the]' ~ ioge- Officially cc:' h the great scbeme which he describ - . uiiar *«^Hti»» for t to look for materials, and been ri. relatiTe usefiilness .. opportonities he hasdiligently aviuji'i ii>iii.->'K i^^u'i-e us. Simple and popular in style, it is comprehensive and instructive in its contents; we therefore recommend it." PATERNOSTER-ROW, LONDON. Beautifully printed in 8vo, price only Ts. 6rf., or postage free, 8*. 6rf., Illustrated by Eiyhty very spleiidid Pictures, engraved by George Measom, DEDICATED TO HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE ALBERT, GILBERT'S DESCEIPTION OF THE CRYSTAL PALACE, Sts irrljikrtttrnl lustflrij nni (CnnstrttrtinB 3)lnrnrl9. By peter BERLYN 8s CHARLES FOWLER, Jun., Esqrs. Tlie Engravings will depict the various peculiarities and novelties of this wonderful Building as well as the Machinery, &c., used in its construction. The combined efforts of the Proprietor, as well as the Authors and Artists, are to produce a work worthy to be purchased and preserved by every visitor to the Great Exhibition. GILBERT'S VISITOR'S ILLUSTRATED MAP OF LONDON, DRAWN ON A NEW PRINCIFX.X:, HAVING IX VIEW THE DEPICTING OF THE PRINCIPAL ROADS AND STREETS OF THE METROPOLIS, With Illustrations of its most Important Buildings and Sights, Engraved on their exact Localities. This novel Map wiU be found an interesting, intellectual, and practical guide to all Visitors who may wish to proceed readily to the more Important Sights and Attractions of London. The price, in sheet, coloured, with Letter-press Keys and References, is Is. 6d. ; or in Case for the pocket, 2s. ; postage free, 3s. GILBERT'S GUIDE TO THE STREETS OE LONDON, AS A COMPANION TO THE " VISITOR'S ILLUSTRATED MAP." WITH FIVE THOUSAND REFERENCES; Frontispiece and Tables of Cab Fares; the Rules and Laws relative to Metropolitan Con- veyances ; and Explanations in four Languages — to enable the Visitor to find his own way throughout the length and breadth of the Metropolis. — Price 6d ; or postage free. Is. WOBKS PUBLISHED BY JAMES OILBERT, Vikc Ijf. Gntains a vast amount of interesting and useful knowledge, and admirably adapted as helps to parents and teachers of youth." — TaiCs Magazine. " A well-digested little book." — Literary Gazette. " A very useful book for the instruction of youth, being a complete resumSot the whole History ot England." — Metropolitan. " Well adapted for the education of the young." — AV» Monthly Magazine. " The brief statements of the principal events of each Sovereign's reign are neat and succinct." — The Economist. " An improved edition of Mr. luce's very useful book." — The Rambler. " luce's ' Outlines' is a very excellent book to put into the learner's hands : it is clear aud well- arranged." — Author's Instil ute Circular. In \8mo, price \s., Is. 6hers, who w\ll send any Map named, Per book postage free. PATERNOSTEH-BOW, LONDON. 15 Just puhlulied, complete in WO very large mid full pages, Bcmy 8ro, Conlaining matter equal in quantity to 1,500 pages of ordinary 8vo volumes, Trice ouly 4s., or postage free, 5s., strongly and neatly bound in cloth, GILBERT'S COPIOUS SERIES OF PAMPHLETS ROMAN CATHOLIC QUESTION; CONTAINING Important Documents of Permanent Historical Interest having reference to the re-Establishment of the CATHOLIC HIERARCHY IN ENGLAND, 1850-1. The Editor of these Pamphlets deems it almost superfluous to dwell on the paramount importance of every respectable family possessing this volume of very special present and permanent interest. During the discussion of the exciting matters now at issue in this all-absorbing question, there can be no questioning the well-recognised fact that the possession of this copious and cheap volume is essential to every thoughtful and inquiring person in our beloved country. For those who ai-e as yet unaware of the immense mass of interesting and important documents that are in its pages, AN index of its contents is issued for gratuitous distribution — this will abundantly testify to the fact; and the Editor, thinks it only necessary to state that, with scarcely an exception, the whole of the documents are printed, verbatim, as they originally appeared, and in very numerous cases they have had the additional advantage of the direct and special revision of the authors. The Editor expresses his conviction that aU the important facts and documents relative to the " Roman Catholic Question" have appeared in the pages of these pamphlets. Doubtless, during the progress of the Ecclesiastical Tiiles Assumption Bill through the Houses of Parliament speeches of interest will be made ; stiU the Editor thinks they will be merely elaborations of the materials already in these pages, devoid of original f»cts or documents. *^* Any persons who may wish to possess the Scries or sheet containing specific articles par- ticularised in [the Index, will be at liberty to purchase it separately, at One Penny or Thne- halfpenee each sheet respectively, or at Twopence each extra post-lree, tlirougli the publisiier. Series 1 to 17 sell at Id., and 18 to 25 at l^d. each ; but it must be observed that each sheet or Series contains several documents. Just Puhlished, demy I8?no, sewed, Price 'Is. Gd., or accompanied by a large and accurate Map, anil bound in Cloth, Price bs. THE TRAVELLER'S HAND-BOOK AND NEW GUIDE FOR EMIGR.\NTS THROUGH THE UNITED STATKS OF AMERICA. Containing a description of the States, Cities, Towns, Villages, Watering-places, Colleges, &c. ; with the Railroad, Stage, and Steam-boat Rout-.s; the distances from place to place; and the Fares on the great Travelling Routes. By J. CALVIN SMITH. 16 WORKS PTTBLTSnED BY JAMK8 GILBERT. JiiH ruhlished, in a neat Cover, PHILIPS' SHILLmG ATLAS OF MODERN GEOGMPHY, CONTAINING NINE IMPERIAI. QUARTO MAPS, ENGRAVED ON STEEL, & CONSTRUCTED FROM THE MOST RECENT AUTHORITIES. CONTENTS. EASTERN nEMI.SrilERE. ASTA. ENGLAND. WESTERN HEMISPHERE. AFRICA. IRELAND. EUROrE. AMERICA. SCOTLAND, Lntdy Published, price 2s. ; or 2s. Ciil. bound in Cloth, PHILIPS' YOUNG SCHOLAR'S ATLAS, CONTAINING (T'jjirtrrn Inrgr CONTENTS. /nil fnlnnrrli. EASTERN HEMISPHERE. FRANCE. SOUTH AMERICA. WESTERN HEMISPHERE. EUROPE. PALESTINE. ENGLAND. ASIA. 1 UNITED STATES. SCOTLAND. AFRICA. IRELAND. NORTH AMERICA. ' Just Published, Price 'As. Cul. in Sheets, carefully coloured ; As. 6d. in case ; or 7s. Gd. viounted on black rollers and varnished, A NEW TRAVELLING MAP OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, BEAUTIFULI.V ENGRAVED ON STEEXi, AND COMPILED FllO.M THE MOST RECENT AMERICAN GONTIRNMENT SURVEYS AND OTHER AUTHENTIC SOURCES, Showing the whole of the Railways, Cana's, &c., to the present time, and the dist.inces from place to place in hundreds of miles, taking the City of New York as the centre. The Publishers can, with conjidence, recoinmend this Map of the United States as the most authentic and elaborate Map that has ever been produced. *^* The works on Ihis and tlie fifteen prccedincr pages are pnhlishcd by JAMES GILBERT, 40, I'iiternoster-row, London, wholesale and retail bookseller, publisher, and ncwsvendor. Foreign Orders will be executed by J. GILBERT on liberal terms ; or they can be either sent to any wholesale liookseller or stationer ; or to any of the numerous merchants and manufacturers who export to all ])arts of the world. It will be necessary, liowevcr, to order GILBERT'S Editions, Published at 49, Paternoster- row, London. SALUnrUT, PltlNTEIl. PRIMnOSE IIII.I,, SALISBt'IlT-SQlARE, FLEET-STKEET . ^7^/:)- ; /C, / M '//- / /i ■// ' <* ///. ■ '•'/■' 1 '. / J ' i . ' t : :■:.'! I . ■ ■ • • > t ■ i ' ' ''//■/.•'.// 7 ' ■ . ' -' ; . .-.if:, ...