^<"S> . :^'.;^y^ t^-i""^' -^^ /') J)'^''^^^'^^ ' - "^ "^'^ ^ i3> > :> ■ :;g>. J>_J>^>3> ^ ^> 3^5> ►JK> o>j> > >>i^ ^ S.-^- ^'" > >J>_^ >> .» ^ iiA yery proper treatife ^ r^ herein is breefely Tet forth the art ofLimming,tvhich ceachcth the order in drawing and tracing of letters, Vi- ncts, iriotoct?,^rmes,atttt 31«i«5erp,ano t^e mancr IjoUi tQ make foRD^pe fpCeaio^ g^rotmDe0 to lap Qluero^ golD Up« on,^ \)o\33 filuec o^ golti (baH be lapeo a-^ ItmmeD upon tye Qfe, an0 c^ luap to temper o;oiD &m Hluer ano ocljer met< tal0 anu otuecre kiit^ee of colour? , to U)^tce o^ to Itmme tP(t^aUbponQeIpm,parc^mene ,o^ ipapet:. anoi |)otue(o iaptljemtjpont^etDo^ke U)^tcb t^ou eHtenoeStomahes anoi}oU0 to DetntQ) tt \si^tn tljou {jad 9one, Mt^ otuette oebet tljingg uerp meeee ano neceCfatie to be hnciune to all fuci) ^entlemen,90tber pertons: ais oo oeltglic tn tm- mmg,papntt»s ^^^ i^ tricitmo; of arme0,in t^etc colours, an) tjiecefo^e « too^Ke berpe weete to be aoiopneo to tde boo{iejiiof3rme9» ^frnprintedat LondonhjfTho* QiasPuribot» TheartofLimmfng, z The order of drawing: or tracing:. FJIcffcbotiQjalttmc^ apftiCllafljIachleaft, o?tuit(j a coale maoe djarp at ttje popnt,tracc nl tW le^cer0, ann fee t!jp aiacts o^ flouiers, ano tijen tijp imager? iftl)ouuiilc mahcanp* anDCtjeit fl)alttl;ou toitb a CmaU perU)?atoaU t^ou^altpojtreD,c|jcnmakctI;pr?re ont[)i5\uife. if To make a double fyfe orbottometolaye or fettle filucr or golde vpon,called an emboffed ground* -tT^heOemsCmufe, toljicclcau, tljepIatffecefanolDc •t inia^c 0? cljalke, aupof ctjefemaDe in fine pouuer, ana t^engromiDe U)itl)tljcglap?e ofanegge ano a little uj a* ter on a pat^ntetjs done maketb a gooo botcome to lap t)n« oer filuer* 15ut Uiljc r pou Qjall Ofe aup of tUem to lape bn* oer goloe, I ooe to it a little ^afron tljccliJitlj to make it fomeiDbat ^ealot^, but betoate pe put not coomuc^e Mm^ ter tljereto,fo^ tljen tuil it be ouec toeafee, ano if pou oo o- uctmucb glap^e ts it, tljen totll it be ouer Qtfife, t^erefo^e mingle it after oifcretion, ano looke tbp fpfe be tljick 0an=: oing, ano fet tljp fpfe t^us tempereo ano couereo in a ^o?ii 0^ a Ojell in fome feller o^ n^aootoeo plate , t} buoer tlie rartl; Ulcere it map Uam moplt bp tbe fpace of btt« oape?, Until it be perfite clammp, ano rotten, ano euerp oap once (tint it about, $ pou QjaliijellUnoerltanDtbac alltlje Ofeiai f be eloer tljcp be ^ tlje mo?e. clammp, f^ rotten tljep be, tlje better tljep be, fo? al tlje craft 10 in icell making ano tcm* paring of tbe fife,anoif tiiere 0ano anpe bcllcjB bppon t^e fife, put in eare toa]ce,fo? it 10 aremeop tberefoje, ano be« fo^e pou lap it on pour loo^ke, firft lap tlje fpfe on a fcroto, ano o^peit^ano Ui^cn it i$ o^pe,beno it^ano ifitbcno, and its h}itAz The att ofLymming. l^eakenoCjtljen it (0 gooD ano perf£ct,anr! if it O^cakeput tljmo a little Vuatei; to make ttlBcakcr,anD p?oue if it cle- mt\) faft to t^e b03ke,airD if it do not,tl)en put glap^c tl;tr« to,anD make it mo}z UeDfaft.dje like fpfe map )^cu make lyul)6ppOum,bople ^i:momake,reti o} yclo)ii ©kcr o?pi* ment 0? Spailicot luitfj b^ouin of •§)papn 0^ luitl) rcD kao, if euerp of tijem be grotmii bp ()i«tfelfe auu temperco, ano cjD^eu in mamtcr ano foutmc aboue tu^ittcn. To make a thin fyfe crbottomc tolayc or fettle filueror gold vpon,caIleci a fingle ground, CT^U ^ uM) (l)}m of gloiiers leatljer, 0^ ofnebi patc^- ^ ment, fo? tbat is beft, ^ feetb tbf m in fatce toatec from a mmt to a pinte t^at tl;e Itquo^ bee fomeu^ljanbicke aim clammpbetvueenj^ out finget:0,t ben lirainetbeliquo? from tbe (J)?ei«0»anu put it being bote in fome ftoue vclTell, ano Co Uio^ke it fo^tb before it be c oloe , ano \3)\)t\\ pou lapc on pout niuer 0} golo, fee tbat pour fife be neitbcr toomopff, no? too \}}Vy\nit in a meane betlueenc botb,fo? ojean of ap« papains pout luojke* '5Db« like fpfc map pou make (toitb* out beating tbem at tbc fier)of glue toatcr maoe of pattb'- mentgluefo;i tbatisbeUjOi^witbtoater prnmeofome^ Ubattbick \JDitb gum arabec 0? of gocD olo glair,o? toitbF milkeof gretnc figges alone, 0? tuitb tbe milkeof fpourg 0? of toartujeeue, 0? toitb tbe pelo^ milke of greencfalen* i>ine,o? toitb tbe iupce of gaiUke , 0? of onpon ^tm, 0? UJitb the Ujater anu greace of fnailes^ Opon euerp of tbefc map pou lap pour leaucg of Cluer o} golDe bauing tjegarn tbat pour grounti be neptber foomopa,nG?tooi>xP»tol»^tt f ott IbdlUap 0} fettle tbe fame tb^i^^^pon. ^Tolay a double iyfe onIettcrs,or vpon other thtngeSf 3>0tt ThcartofLimming. 5 YOttll)aU \Dtt!) a peuCl mace of §frap mnpis, 0? caUiber tailcg lap on t^P Tpfe fomcU)I;at i'ubftaiiciaUp.o j if tl)Ou toiit fii:tttlj(nne,ano after tl)icbcr,auo t^u njie it,^ uixn it i0D?pe toftitltglitip toitlj t(;p fpittle, aiiD tljcu fiiaur it UJtt[)afl;arp femff,DntiU it be tmn lrtt()Out ljtlg,t if tljnc fall anp Default therein, t} clCe tfjcrc is wo?ein pnt place ttjcn inanotfjer, lap agapnc tijpfpfc on it, annD^pit^j Jngrofie it a0 ig fapo befo^e,^ Ui^en tt is ingroflru ^ maoc plain, t^n burnifl) it toit^ tije tootl) of a calfe,Df an orco? ofan Ijo^fetljatis mabc t&etefoje Uau&ingina crxioheo dichjdnti toben it it bmm^ei> anD mabe euen ano Qiming t|}eti 19 it reaDp to lap on it tl;p ^oId 0^ tl;p ftluer • To lay gold orfilucr on fyfe, plxtt cut t^e Umts cf golD 0? ^iluer in peered trn't^ a (barpe fenife,o^ a knife mabc of a greatt rcebc bppon a little bo?b as b^aab 80 a trencher cotereb \3iit^ acalueft fkcn rapfeo 0? bnberSuffett icitb ImooU 0? flore 0? clfe bn» flttffeD,tl)en l^alt t^ou luit^ a pcnftlltoeat lig^tlpe on t()p moutljiaeattljp fpfcfo it be a little mop0, anbtl;ctt toeat tbppenfill agapne intbp mcutb on tyeCame iDiCe^ ano toucljetbp golbo? Kluer tl^at tljcu ^att cuttc bp a co^nec iigbtlpc , and lape it on tbp fpfe, before mabe a little, mop(t,anDt^entbounjalttaKetbetapleof anbate , ofa ionnep, 0? a pee ce of cottcn,gc ligljtlp p? effc it boiun on tbp fpfe, ^ tBlien tl^ou tjaG tljus bone,let it h}^ butill it be it»eU l>?peb,t^nburniQ)it :fo?iftl&ou (baltebutnifljeittoeate t^ttibaltritbbeofall, aub tul;en it is tuellb^pcb , cake t^e tuf kc t^at t^ou baefi butnifi) Uiitb anb bjp it anb Ijeat it tocll on tbp cUekc, tbf»burmfl[) t|p golbe firH feftlp, anb tiien ^timx bntillit fljine, but burniib itnbt mtt iong , fo^b^eabeofappapring » SnbUJljenttiou.lialk mUburnii^ebit, tdeutake aU)|)ttet0Ooilen(l(itl)O^ m S ^ Ijareis ThcartofLImmino:, O' ^AmfasttyHtiiitMt all aujap, tmeit tofjtcO cleauccli to t(je (tfe, $ if cljet Uc any place faulcte, fo t()at cijc goto faile fo; D?jjneire of tlje file, tlm m at it ag;a ?uc auo lap on tlje 2blDe,anD D?p it aao UmxiQ) it a^ ^ou did before* To make gum water to temper colours withall. cp^ke cleane Juatcr, $ do tt in a UM $ put t'gerto a pa^* tionofpmme^rabec $ ietitftanoUittiUt^epmbe tael DiirolueDanDmoltcu in tlji: loatcr, butlcoheitbenot cificr tljickof pm>,, fo? tljen it is etitli to Uio^ltc Utritli, arm if it be too tljin of gmw , cbcu toill tlje colour faoc auD fall of,tbecfo?e Itec pe a nicane ^ temper tbp colouts tberUJitlj, fuclj as it feructlj fo? bell, jj^ote tbe bet! gumme is clcare ano brittle tbat in ftamping; ft, it'becomme t^ paii^f c eafi* l^DuitljoutcleauingtogetljCi** , ' ■' ■ : ih u/^'^; ■•: ■•!:", '">. <5»^!/i;l *i'i?»r ^'tTV'^ Tomakeglayreforthclike'|)urporc* ■ ' "" nr^lfee t^eU)i)iteofneU3e JapDeegoje0a0 manpe ajipou tljinhegooD, anDlIvapn;jtl;em t^j^ougt) a linnen clotb 10 ta^e out tije cocke treaDingeg: , t^en put tljem in a Dilft anD \3}}inc^ t^cm t^?oug|j a fpong o? a 'tuljite tojooilen clot(i l^ntill t^ep be ast^inastoater, tbenUialb tbe fponseo^ cJot[i, anl>D?pe it* ^ud put ttje glaire to tbufe afojcfapo in a fltone pot,o? a glalTe faft Uoppeo,fif fpeuD it ais foone as pc can , fo? it iuill not keepe aboue t()?ee Dape0 , but it toill (latteaniUTauour, ercepttljcpbeo^g^eD aisfollotuet()» fTo kccpe whites ofegges as lopg asye wiU, Vvithout ;3*5'I Cr.-cOrfMptingor putting of Arlnik to thetu, * '■^ale5tt)et»bte Of ejjgfciEf, ttofc breaking t^emm ItJife , ^ttt take ont t^e cocktteaDins > ^^^ P^ttto t^em ai tmu^ or tit b€tl l>)|iiteDiuege( ajs d^ll fuffpfd c^e quanti^ y ■- tie The art of Lymming. 4 titof tt)C tol)ife$,leaitingitro t^efpace6fttoo uapesf, t^tn paffe it tljjougl) fomc linuen clotlj ia}it|)0uc bjealitnoj 0} ueatinj tlje iBijtte of tlje egge0 Irauiug; it fo t!je fpace of ijiii* taps tljen 0rapne ti an^apne, «nD pirt it in a btatl tuell 0cppco, to occwpino? tfjfpurpofe^ aboue \jj^ittem ^To temper golde or filuer wherwithyou may write with a pen or paynt with a penfiU > rr^kt eiic ojRj:elcaucs of beaten goloeoffiluer , anu Goid&fliiH. grpno tfjem tocU ano finclp on a papntcrs ftone toitb ai little i^onj>,tljen put it into a glafle W^ a quantity of faire toater,$IctinttanDonemc!;l)t, tijenDjanetbetoateranD tlje yonp aftecluarD from t be goloe, ^ put yi t^e golD gum yaattv, ano t^en to^ite toitb it,anliU}ljcn it is 0?pe,l)utni(|) it \32it\i mm toot!;, Sifo if pe stinti pour Ieatie0 of goto xnitl) glaj>?e onlp UJit^out fjonp putting to it , pou mape toel UJ?ite tberUJitb in aoning to it a little gtimme toater, anD iDitl; pour goloe tenipcreo in manner aboucfapDepou map Diaper toitO a fniall pen 0^ penCU tpon colours ♦ 3If DJapen pou lmlbupattbell9otirarie0^O;elgoHio?fi)elfiluer,toit^ Sn°^^^ tlje tobic^ (iJ^ing tcmpereu toitb gumme toater) pott maj ^ ^"f * tier J tiwU Ui^itc tiJitb a peii,jpjpapnt Uiitb ajpenfill. * " " ■■■' .*^ ■'imimi"r'i ■ Q^i^ a^ure 0? bp^ on apainftrsfffdn^tDirticleattfea* AfuaSrliek trr> tijen put it in a b?oaD gtafTe 0? in abjbati Ojel, an5 bloc for aS* iMben it batb ftano a tobile ai tbe u^egis toill flecte aboue, antiaUtbetleanecoIpure^iUfaUtotbebottome , tben poure out tbe toater tbttb tb^ D?t$[g?$;i5f put tbe a^ure ixi clfane toater agapne^Cbenaurre tbe colour anutbe to^* ter rcgcfbf'r, ^'ict t^ ftanbg^^fine,^ after tbat pourf «ut tfte tear er ianD tb^e bjept e^a^ittjau^ no tbu0 bmtl ft bee toeli •'J 1:^1 MJlr iet» I ThcartofLlnimingi. toitijtamaUtpIic: ittQtljtit ppfite, but tljisyoun ulfjjo? Co jlartSt it to tlje ficd kinD ic nr eo be,tl)eii (I>ii ^ou grtuQ it aciapn i^pon a painter? tToue imcij gumntco lu.ucc, tljcn put It into a Ijo^ne c^ a fi)eU , aiio Mmx pou UiiU u> jite o^ paiiic, t^twHittt itU'itl; a fiickc,i«! let ttjeaick Dieppe imo t^e pcit, foj tbis unntilion, ^ t^is colont \3iill fall to tye botto)ne,ano finkc as Icace. Ipis tul "e roloni-,t\Do parts ri5ui:c,au» one of Cereure,gt faDDtD iJDitb tlje famj a?ur« oj lutt^ blacl^tnke, ojtuit^ How CO make azure and By^c fadder if :hcy be of a light colour ♦ '^alic 0:000 blue ^arneroU,anD U)cat ic fn gum toatcr, auD tijm lu^tmj it, ano U)tt(; ti}^ luatcc tcntpei: tb^ a^ure 0^ ^p«»o^ elfc if t^au loilt tijou mapll tuitij a penfil o^ato tutt^ti^i) tumefoUouett^eb^^e x^i^tnit iani^OiiMu To temper Indebaudias « Afl rndijut /JIRpnue Indebaudlas on apa^ntcrs ffone,lDitf) g;umm« black. ymktt, ano put it in a fteUto tooike toitball. l^i0fairecoIour>EU)apacC03InDe,^ t^tbiro parcto^tte ieao 0^ Cereufe $ faooeD t»tt^ t^e fame 3inoe 0^ Uiit^ fao 3inlte, Indebaudlas of it felfe maketj) a Darht $ Cao black, irowM bkc* but being grouno U)it^ \x3l^tt leao 0^ CcccuTe ast 10 afo^« fa^Ojic matter^ ab^otone b{uc» To temper fmalt orFIorcy» C^aUo^ fio^ep ^eins tempered tnaQjen tsttfigumme i|«tco|fur. ^toatecmaketM Ww , but not fo perfecte a colonre t0 aiforeo} Ui^e mk make* 'Cije lpoticarte$Qoe pttt to it oftenttmeis 6neCanD oi c^alictomuKtpl^ itto t^eii; F^r, tiew* The art oftimming* fice,t|)mfo?eincl)uS«c5 of it, taketljatUJ^fcIii^tj^igStof colour^anD not ijatOjybuc fofc hitmznc tlje fiingeris. To temper Orpement or Mafticot for ayealowe. ^Epnti ©?pimcnt aim SpaCicot tt\) bp tc f clfe on a pain* a gold yellow tcrs done luitli 6umnte toatcc, ano in gciuDing aoD to ^°^ ^rmess, tlje ^IpaUicct a little ^affron,^ tlje colout xuill lie tlje liue= l))ec jano ^Ijen cljep be toelt grounn, put t^cni feuerallp tit n)eUe$tolDOikemt{;aH» ©?pimentmapbeclapeDUjitljcbalfee,antiDimmeD,tljat 10 to fap, faDocr, o^ DatlieD toitlj Qket oe luke, o} iuit(j ^^oluneofj^paimef To temper Virmilion « /pEVnii2Icrmilionpnapauitcr30oae,6t(!D?pe,^t^cn AvcrniiHoa y DO tlicrto a Uttlc glar^e tf 1 53,^ grinc it a^ainejbntill red for tI)e!;?iQ;l;mc{re be to? Donc,u:it!j a litle of tie pelHe, ano In armcs. it Uano a Dap c? mo?f,i'nul it be li!£l fiueD.ClnD UJljen tljou tc<*(JU3o?!tc. tb:rcli:itl),fiirre it'uiclltogftljcr, anoif it be tljicke as ipm?,D3 a little luatf rtljmo, auir larlball fjatte an ill raucur,tbcn put into it t\)}cz ci^iues of !i>affron, anti it UJiUta^^e alsap tlje cnill ftnt» li)i3 falfe coloiit t^juo pnrts of Octmilion, auD the thm p^rt €criii3,attD min5lct^emtogaljcr,if t^ouUJtlt, toit^ tbcfameliermiliom To temper TurnfolI» Tf/<^iU pour -^I^ournroU once 0? t^ife in gooD tl)ingTcere, xumfoU. ^ ano let it Ipe tbetr in bntill it be luell UecpeD ♦ %i)tn toeing it into a Did;, t^ntill tlje colour be goob and faboe, t9lit^tlji!5vcwmai)|lo«rifl;e rebo*; letters, 0} belluresf* The artoHLimming* SniJt!ji0 colour CjallbcfneiueDCtljattotorapejDarheooi fauceDtoitljblachpnfee. t)i^ falfe colour tusopartsi ^urnefQlLanii oncof Cen^ H!?,anO it Ojfillje faoDeD ta(tl;tlje Came CucngfoU* To temper good Rofet, KoCct colour. ^a^^e t\)t fineC ^ bel! coIojcD Eofec, ana griuD it Miit'j gmn iuatcr en a painters Hone, auofo \3)0}ki it fo?tl},tl)i3t colour ma)) be elapcu toit^ cl;alke o^ Cerius, anu faooea toity Ijimfelfe, To temper brefiU wherwithto wike,florij(]i,or rule book* %nht b? afill fine Ip fcrapeDjO? grcflp beaten to pouncr^ BrafilL ^ put tbetto tbc glatrc of an eggc> oj pm Ujater,^ a Uttle aHmnmaiieinpouoer,gjiet tbcmfteepeanigOt^ aoap: ^ t^cn t^c aine out p liquo^, $ heepe it CO t^ uCe afo^eCapOt To temper good Synapour* Blood coioar . ©rittD «§))jnapour lake,ami fpapoar topess eel) bp l[iim« felfe on a painters Cone taitb goon gUixtMm put tbem in feuerall (bcUe^j^t lDo?ke tbem fcD?tlj,ano if tbepbee too Jigbt.put to tbem a little CurnefeU, ilpis falfe colour ii.part5 fpnapour, ^ a tbiru of Ccriui<, anu lap it oncbp uinets, ano \jJbcn it is o^pe, faooe itioit^ gooD !i)pnapour,tmo niaper ouer it icuitl) toliite Cerium* To temper rcdde Lead ♦ ,u^t 6rinDreoleaoeiBeltBitb5umtMater,gftbenputitin a iljell: $U)benpett)o?ketuitbit,mritas peuoijermtliom 2Df cbis pou (ball make no falfe colour^bnt of ^imfelfe>$ fab it loit^. ^^Hapottr,o? t»it^ goob bpuine of Ji>paiue,oj TheartonLiraming* ^ toitb lisllt Wwfe W toit&aermiliotu To temper black lead • (SJrmti toell Mack leaB Miit^ gummc Uiater on a pap* ter0 itone, ano tlien put it in a Qjell to luo^&e U)itl!)aU;t(;i;$ t0 a perfect crane colour of it Celfe* To temper browneofSpayne, (Stint! gooo l)^oU)ne toitlj gumme tuatcr on a painters^ * ttme, am toljcn it isiberie lueU grountiputtt into a WU Browne colon t)i$ falfe colour t^vo parts b^otone, ano t\)z t()iro part of lui;itelea&,<^faodetiluit^ tdefamefao colour of bp^ne^ To temper Okei de Luke, and Oker dc Roufc, which make brownc colours • ©ferr 0e Iu]ke,anD ©fter Dc Houte diallfirftbe feiteral' Good colours, lp;i)^oken in a b?afen mo?ter,anii after grouno eclj bp Oim* for tcare. feife on a painters &one Miiti) gum U)ater,anii mixeDUiit^ a lutle cljalk , ano enetseo 0^ fao^eti Uiitb gooo C) ker, c; tDitl) hptun, either of cliem maket^ a good colo; fo^ jjeaie onbeaoes,o^ontiearDe0« To temper green By ze, 'EakegreeneO^p^etljat isroft,ant!inot|iarfl[) bettoeen Greene byzc - tbe fingers,fo^ if it be |)ar0j,it 10 niirt toitb fattD,to)(}icfi t\^z ^poticaries 00 bfe oftentimes to nittUipl)) it to tbeir gain. ^no temper it in a Gjeil luitb gum tnater, ^it toil be per« flte to \330}U tBitljaliano toben pou li3?ite,(lir t()is colour as pou 03 a^rtre^ano toaO) it,ano o^elfe it in fo?me afc^e* fato : as jjch 00 pour ^jure, before ion grino it l»it^ gunt toatcr* The artofLimming, To temper Vert greace^called Spaniili grcenc* An Emcrod cT'^kc tXcxt^uue toel cIcanrctJ,auD pickcij from SioHe grecnc for . -^ ^ uiotcs,^ gtittD it ott a patitccrs {lone Srll d jpe, 6f put armcs. tljcrto a Uctle ot'tbcgallof ajacacaimaftOetuvceofriie, toitl; a lu tie fafFron, anD b^ap all tljefe togctljer cu p fame itonCjtljeu put it in a ^o?n o^ Qjcl, Until it be D^^^lno toljeii j)ou uiill occuppe it- take part thereof anD gtino it againe ^ toitlj OiucgctjO? tiirgi?,03t Uiitlj tbe piOc ot a pong c^ilD, cuerp Df ti)cni Ijauinj gumme Arabic DilTalticD in tljem. tight grcc«c. |pi5 fjiifif cobnr ttuo parts, 500D grecne, ano tlje tliiru of Ccrius, ants U\m:ii toit^ a sooi'SCfcne, ano Diaper ouec. itU3itl)^eui$C£riu?. ) SafTroa. A pure white fbrarmes. ASabceot bkckcfor To temper SafFron» ^ €ecpe faffron in goci! n;Ia(rc auD fo miH it fo?tl) laitb a fttial penfill, ano if tljdu luilr,ri3cu maift cnelu it Usit^ good Vermilion, toit^ Saffron alfo pou map eneto oj Ho- ri{|^ Otter lettcriSjO? anp otljer tljing tljcu luilt. To temper Venis Cerius,and white lead, /pEinu Ceriu0O? tnljite lean, eel) bp l}im(elf on a pain^ V ters Ccnc,toit^ ileare toater, anu tliereUJitlj tljou a^alt Diaper ant! flojifi; aboue f.ll tljp roloiirs toitb a purfeloiir, maoe of a fmall penfill, ^notljis colour is tempertuonl? tuitb toater, 0? toitb luater ligbtlp cbaClefi toitb gtnitme, fo? t[)ep ftano aboue all otl;er colours tljat be gummeu. To make afuime black called Sable* rp^Ua cleanelattenbafcn, antibolD a burning to?c|> nm it, bntilUjje bctome be blacl?, aniitl;c« take of TheartofLimming, Miiktiii uuD to m}U mti^ iu To make an excellent black like velucc* %$iU 5partc0 (jojnc. ano hnxneit to role on aCoIiai:^ Afduct ^ .fjarttj, tljcn mahe Due poutier thereof, nnDcrirsitoaabkck. paiutecs Cnne , luit^ tlje tj^Il of an jl^eat* € acn puc it m a fljcl to D?p in a fijiiDuujp pl.icc* '3iiD luijcu pou lutU crca* pp tlje fame, C!;rino part thereof aD.ninc Uiitlj cije glaice , c? mitl) gumme Vuatc r, auD luojkc it foc?t(> ^To make ablacke colour, or onynke of a good perfecti- on wherewith you may write with a penorpenfiJI^ Ct'^hz a pounjj anD a Ijalfeof raine toatcr,\intlj 5. ounces Biackcinkc. of tlje \Daigl)ttc(l gailc? vc\x can gct.'B?ufctfjcm i\t • . fmaU pctcc0,auD poure tl;cm in to tije fapDe li3accr,auD fa let it ftann tU)o u apes in tljC funne , tljen put to it tloo oun* cc0 of green €opera0, 0? elfe of Eomain Clitriol, iDljiclj is ijeffjtoel colouren anu beaten fnialliauD ftir al tljcfc toge- ther teitlj a dicke of IjatD U]ooii,anD let it Uauo again tuio uaieis mo?e in tlje funne,putting to it one ounce of gumme 9rabike,tl)at is cleare ann b?ig{jt, ano beaten in poulDer, antj one ounce of § pceleis of ]|3omgtanatj0, anb rljeii boile all a little on a fioiu fire»^{jat bone,Craine it,anD heepe ic inabelfcUof leaD o^of gUIfe, anb it toiUbeberp black ^ per fit goab pnke,anb if pou finb it tIjiche,anD cbat it be not flo)uing pnougljjput to it a litle cicare lip,\Dbicb U>il make it liquiue anb tbin. ^ if it bee too cleare, abbe to it a little gummc ^rabihe^^nb to Ijaue pour ^xiU to continue long, anD not toboarie,puttI)Ctinbapfa!t» jl^ote tbactlje galls — mud be fmall cucleb, anb maf Cue toitljin, if tbep be goob* 'Cljc goob Oitticl i0 altuaics nn'cljin, of a colour Ipke tbe CUttieuttlje befi gum i.$ cleare ? bjtttUvjjat in fcamping ^ 3 w TheartofLimming. ic&ecommeff) pouDcc,ea0lp tuitfjoue cleaitftto;toofetT)er* %\)m is taught tljj \»ay ^oiu ca temper 6olD, filuec, $ colons to ltm,o? totujitelBicijallijpoiitieipm. paccljmenc, o?l?apec. 'Cljat 10 to Cape decmilion, ^umefoU,ip* napoiic anD 3§>affron, toit^ goon glap?e« 5i>pre tait^j glaite cbalttCetrtiitc^ a portion oftoacer, ^^ure,15p^c, greene T5p?e, ten ileaD, rofet ^malcblacfeleao, bjodjne ©feer, 2D^p(ment, $pafticoc,anii 3luuebauDia0 toicl) giimmc l»a= tcr, umgtcace toitlj Viineger.tjersis, 0? tuitlj t^e piffe of a pong cljplD ,C0rtus!, anD H)l)iteleaiic,U)it^cleareiBater, 0? mitfj luacecUsljttp pmmeD, bjafill, ano fume black, U)tt|)glap?e,o?\i3ici)gummeU]atcr, tofjic^poutljink bett fo? pour purpofe* aifo tbece is anocfier toap \a)l)ic|) is )jfeD amonoctt tbe cr« cellent fo?t of paincerSjttjat is,to griiio ano temper all co« lours fo? limming (Cauing fuclj as be ^bitf) firfltuitb tbe gall of a jl^eat,^ tbeu let tbem D?p, f dm luljetipu tuill luo^k tliem^tafte part tb^rof, $ gtinn it again Uiitbglaire, 0? \J)itl) gum toater,as p colo? requirctl),^ fo U)o?lx it fD?t^# 3It is CaiD tl)at ujatcr kitletb ^natfeiietb tlje bjtgbtnelTe of mod colons t^at be tcmpercDtberluitb* ^uttbisgallp^c* feruecb tpe b^igbcnes, ^ makctb tljem mo?e liuclier to be* l)olD:tobicf) tljing erpcrienc mil te acl) pou moje pccfectlp* l^ote tf;at all colons to linmte 0; to tu^ite tuitbal Ibottlii neuer bee temperco tijitb anp feinne of ople,fo? oples ferite ntoff aptlp foj to temper colours to lap iiponlfane,timber, ppn, leaDj copper, ^fucb like, aim oile of linfeeti, \xiUt^ iscalleu flarfeene, f opleofujalmtts aremoftbfen, bee moft bell of all otber oples fo? tbe fame purpofe. aifo all colours to iim 0? ic^ite tuithdl twbentljep bee cempereUjltJoulo be put in Q^ellcs, in belTrli? of tToncleaa* 0? of glaflfej^no feept mntv tbe grounD in fome reller,o? in fome mopft, ann fljaDotop placr, fo? Doping ouer faft:gf t^e etoer tljep be,^ better tbep be,if tbep be feept couereD from 61(6 $ oud* ^nn note tljac tfiere is greac regard n be ^ao to TheattofLimmingt 8 to tl)t WM ijttnumj anu tempering cf t(jr colours, *ino to tljc i)lacmg of t^em upon tlje too j!xc» The manner how to florifli or Diaper with apenfill, oucrSAierorGoldct f^ poll toiU Diaper ouer (Sol5,ta&c pclolu Oftcr,^ tljer- lj)itlj o?aia3 oucr t^e (Do!o toitfj a penfiU UJljat tijou luilt. 31f t^ou Mt Diaper Upon filuer, take Gerius toitlj a pcufill ano 0?a\3) o? flo^iflj UJ^at tl;ou UiiU ouer t^p filucr* 3lftl)DutuiltDiaper\i3it^©olDeo?{ifu?rt3pou co!our0, taKe t|je iu^ce of (SarUke, toitlj a peitftll uym oucr t^c co- iouriB luljat t()Ou Uiilt, t()en cahe anolap t^e golD t)pontt, wo pjefie it ootune ligl)tlp toitlj an Ijares tapl?,m«> let it D?p Ijalfe a oap o? mojc, tljen rub of tlje golo lo^ic^ clea* uecljnottotljegarlifee. The wayes to knowe ho we to make fundrye kindes of colours by tempering and mingling of colours togeather* / f poll totll temper 3l?ure toitfj CurnefoU, antr grinoe Purple or t|jem togetljer on a painters ffone luit^pm tuater e^ji^oi^'^oi^ glap^e, pou Iball make tljereof a perfect purple o? a iJio- *°"'"^"' let colour. 9nt> t^e lilie colour pou ntap mahe U3itl)gooD reoEofet. if it be mingleo Mt\) ^^ure^anotempcreo luit^ gum tioater in manner afo^efaptr* 31f tbouUJiltputto a goooquantitp of !i)rnapour a lit* Sanguine or tie portion of blai ^, anB grino tijem togecfjer tuit^ glaite, ^^^J ^ ^ou Q)all make thereof a fanguine oj ^iink colour. 3if poutnill mingle a bjigbt reDtuitl) a b^iabt vclloto, ani>grinDtbemtogetl)en»itbglap?e,patti|)alUjauctljer* ^f^f^ ^^' ofan©?angtaten?p. ^ 3ift^ou mingle reo teao anoSgaaicot togetl;er, pou Lionuwney. ^all^auc thereof ai^on talonep« 3lf The art of Llmming, Incarnation 3lf tOou tuill (jaitc incamatiou foj ^ifagc0, a} a flz^ht w?o^'^ colouc fo? Jlma^eSjfitil lap on tljc ijaljite, $ rneiuc iciuitd ^° °"^' ijcrmiIiou,o? elfe take tUJO parts of Vermilion, anooncof Ccraife, auo wiinjle tljem toget(jf r, ann fo hve it on tijp lDo?Uc.,anoeueto itiftyottlBilt,lDljenic is D^peUJitljgceu Qecmilt'on* Peach colour, aifo if poti toill mtusic Oermiltou luiclj Ccrcure,bp Dif* cixtion poll map makettjcrcof a peaclj fioUicr colour* . skyc colour. ^Ifo bp mittgUns CJcrnuliott ano a^urc ton;etljer,ti? Dif* crctiou, pou map make tl)?reo{ a fkre colour. Bloodied. 31fF«U)iUmakeaMcDter!,talicortij; beft^napcuc auD fao ic at tlje fiocSjUsitlj b^oluar ,o? ilermiltou.oj UJity blacke. cJeene 3f po« miiigle goosi gremca ^afTron togecljer, b? popbily. tirci'ccion pott (Ijall bactc tbcrcof a yerfic Ipncoltie greene* grcene. 3!f poit mixgk ^^iire aiiD ^aflicot togjct^er, pott (ball Ijauetljcrcofa jjtcfite popinivip grcene* Motiy greene. 3if pgu mingle rcD toiclj gcccuc , pou f^all make tfjcrof a spotlp Greene* •Uck veftuic. 3!f pou luill make a blacke be(f arc, take antj lap ficff a cljampe of ligbt black, nviuglco Usicf; U)i;itc IcaD, ^ faoocm toit^goob blacke* 3If poll icoiU mingle blacke toitl) a portion ofiulu'tcpou Marble or ^^^ mahctljcrcof a 9©ai:ble o? auafl;e f;)l3ur at pour Dif' a(h colour; CrctiOH* XfpoubJil mingle a little portion of mijitc tuitfj a po9 RuiTctor fad quantitic of reDjPou map make t^erof a UufletjOj a faooc browne. ai5?otnne,atpour Difcretijn* '^im bp minjlin J of culoitrsi, pou map make tljem of runb?p colours, anb bp jjjoofe pou map come to tljc per* $te hnololebge IjoUi to make tl)em ou tlje bed manner^ TheartofLlmming. ^ ^^otdtntljemo^t ti^ntt^tei^n cereametolmtrmet luyicljis calleD Qemir cI;atismo2e noble anD cjceUent tl)cn all ot^jer coloucg* ^ud fo mud; t\)C nio?e emUent in tljatts fee aboue ail colours* Snoastlje Daj» becommetb mo^elig^t an^ b?tg:btec b? clje Ojiitmnsof c^c ran«e,caett fo al colons cbac ace bccniOjcD oo fljoiu fojtfj a btttcr gloffc Dj lu!Ier, atiD become mo?e b?igbtcr bp clje (laming' of c|;e famCt SlnD it igmaoe in manner ano fojmc folloUJing. To make a kind of coloring called Vernix, whcrwith you may vernrOi gold, {iluer,or any other colour orpain- tingSjbc it vpon veiim, papcr,timbcr,ftonc, Iead,coppcr,glafrc,&c. cr^ht ^engetoitt ano hm it toeU bettoijcc ttoo papct0, tbenpuc tc mco a Dtall, ^ pottre l^pon tt poD Sgiuautce tljacitleeaboue tbe'Bengetupnetb^ee o^foute fingerisf, ano letic aeepe fo a Dap o^ tUiOt '^(len {lut to tt fo^ balfe a Dialf cf fucb aquauite, 6ue oj fijce cbiue0 of !i>affron flen« DerlpffampeUt ^bis Done,ftrapne it,^ toitl; a penCl Uct^ m'{})tb?tuiirb anp tbina^gilDeo^tubtcb U)ill become b^igbt ant fl)inin5,o?jiing it felf immeDiatelp,gt toil continue tbc b?:a;btnc(fe manp pere0*^ut if poa luill ^erniO) on Oluer, tl/cn tafee tbe ^Imon of '^engctoin, tbat is to fap p tobite rtjatigfeunointbc miooeft of15eno;etnpn, annD?efre it Ujitb Squauite in tbe fojefapo maner,leauincj out tbe faf* fron.^nD tlje fapo Utn\U) maoc Uiitb ^engetoine ano 8l« quauitc onlp, i$ berie gooi} to bernil^ all tbinge0, a^ tuell paputeu as not paiuteo/o? it maketb tables anu cotfers of lualnut tree, $ Upebenp to glider if tt be lapb bpon tbem, ano all otber like tbinges, asbio^kegofSjron, copper o^ tinne, gilteoo^Hotgplteu, foj itmaketbb^igi^t, prefer* uet^,apdet^t!ie colour, ano D^petfj incomtnenc tottbouc € taking Theartoflimming^ taking: anpc uua? o^ Sltlj, you m ^v^ ^^'^^^^ i^ '^'^♦^^^^ *J3ttf) a tlje U)l)tct) i$ better* i^To makeVernlx another way for the purpofcs aforefaid^ %iiU 1)320 ounce of l^art-maCtcl-; anj» itamp it, ff put it into a little nc\}j p t,an5 io tiieit it on a foft fieCjtbis none, j^uttoitone ouna cvtije cpleofa jTirretreej anofolctte lOem bo^Ie a little £ ucr uic^clUrnng; tljem togetljer , but ict it bople almOituotljing; , fo? if it bople too ntuctje ti?c \;erHi(t) toill be too clammj^ , antr to kno\J3 \3f^nx it is bop» ieo pnougbjpnt into it a liens feati)Ci',ano if it burn bp aim lp,it is a figne,tl>at it i^ perfecLiS^m take itfrom ^ iuv, «nD put it into a ttcne pot,(j keepe it uicil fcon\ uud , tim ljDbenpout5iUo^*cuppit, takefo mucljtbetef astoilieiue j^our turne, ano beate it o little at t'^e fiet, tljenfpjeaoe it upon poui* lue^ke U)itb a penfill as tljin as pou map^ano it (I;all banc a be tp fapjegloOe oMti5er,anti it toilh^pi im contiaeut if pou fl)«Ufet it in t^z ^smc* To make colours cf all kinde ofniettals* CT^U a beaue of Cli^tUall e? a Paiagon ftone anb beat tt\) of tbent bp bimfelfe in a b^aCon mo jter to fpne pon* jet , tbengtpnbetbenib^peec^c bp liimfelfe ou apapn* tcts Sone bmitl tbe pouloerbee berpe fine anD CmaH, t^en grpnoe tbem agapne on ilje fame Cone ecl^e b? ^im^ felfe toitli goob gla^e ann lape fome one of tbem on tlje too?ke toitb ^ P^no? a penCU, ann biljen it igi toell b?pctr, tbenrubitoiitrteit'j golDe,o?tottfjat^ot^^J^ mettai;ano poulliall^auetf^fame colouct^attbemettai i$ot TheartofLimmmg^ l^ ^To make letters of the colour of Gold wrth* outGoldc. sT'^UeMOiiMZ ofSDjpimcne, f one ounce of fpnec^^p^ aaU, ano beate ec(j of t^em bj> ^imfelfe to poiUuet in a t^afcnnw^tecXb^ngrmo t^em lueltogctl;cc i»itb glait Dpon a papttte w ttoue, t(jen it 10 perfect eo to^itc uiitiaU. To make letters of the colour of filuer, with- out filuer* crafte an aunce of ^inne , ttooottMesofqutchCluer, ' anomelrtljem together, anotben ^time t^em toell ijppon a popntersf ftonetoit^ gttmme luatee , ano JDjite UJitf) it* To make white letters in a blackfielde ♦ ft^kn^e mlh of a neluelapoe ejofe, ann grpntte tt ijp* on.ipapaters(foneu?it()fap^c tuatet, fo as pou map li}eUii)^ttc'a)ir(jtt outofapenne , anDtub^npouijaue Co Boue,pou map iDttytbe fame Uquo^n^aiDo; txi^tte tuit^a pen^reat o^maillrttec^^pon paper 0^ parchment, an5 Sufjentljep ue tJ?p:,d)en:i ape poutoitbJnfee blacfee ouet ti;eletter0 ano paper fo mucb as pou d^al rbmk gooD^ ^nQ iD^entOeyblacke iBtb;ioHgb iJ?re, tbenmapcpoutoitba JEDbite ipooilcn clotb 0} a kiufe rub off all ti)e fapue Ictcetss "toiittm tuitb tbe peolhe of tbe egge, ^ tben cbelecterjs bn- 0erncatl) tDillappesrcaUtutjite, becaitfettepiuerepje- feruet! ^it\) tbe fapD iiqm ^* ^^ ^^^^ ?ott QjaU ^aue faire ta^m letters in a blac^ 6elo* To make (launch grayn,ora pouldcr to amend the parchmenc^and coreceiueynke^ 4i ^ Cal(e Thcatt ofLymming. <5raI'X ii.'^m& of rofen#t.part of ^Uum,^ hcnc c clj of tbcm b^ Ijimfclfe in a b?afen mooter al to youDa,^ put tl)C fame poutjers to^etljer in a fine liuncn clotlj, emu nib ^ou i: Dclim,parcljmcnto?p*''Pi^J^ tljurcltitb toljen ^'ou begin to ln^ite^Stt?) ly^cn tl;e vu^iung* is D?p,pou map nib it ouer a- gapne untb a tuljitc iroollcu clotij,anu tlje lettcis UiiU be newer tl;e UJ0?fe,but nio^e fap^er ano b^igljter to fee too» To renew old and worne letters. 'Eake of tlje belt gaUes pou can get $ b?ufe tljcm groflp tl)cnlap tljem in ffeepe one 5ap in goou \jDl)ite \Dine« Cljisf UDne,iii(liU t^em luitb ti)e toine,^ toitlj tbe Diflilleu toater V comctO of tljennpou (ballet Ijanufomelp tl;eolD letters! toitl; a litle cotton o? a fnt al pencci, $ tbcp Uiill leti) frefb ^ nc\3J againe,in fiic^ icifc, as pou map eafilp r eao tljeuu ^ To take greace out of parchment or paptr» Cafee njeep0 \ymm $ burne tljem to pouoer, $ Up t^e faio pouoer on botb Coeg tde parcljment o? pnpet between tujoo paper booing , anb pjelTe ibntt bp tije fpace cf itooo taicis 0^ mo?e, ans it Ml D^p anu Coke out all tlje greace « To make red and greene icaling wax* ^^^Ita ti, of irar $ ttooounce^ of Curpenfinetoge* tl)er,an9 lu^en tljep be UieU moIten,take tftem from t\)e fire, anir put to t!;em an ounce of tlcrmillion Myilc it ii luhetojarme, anb ffirre it tueU together in tlje heeling;, anbtljen make it Dp inroules, anoinlike manner ((jail pou make greene toare bp putting 4Jertgreafe into it* 3(5oteifpoutoiU ttoo parts of BoHn annonepartiaftur* pentine, aobing to it 0etmiUon> a? i$ afojefapbe, it ma* lietljtde better map* The art of Limm in g. x t A pretic dcuife to take out the true foriiic and proportio of any letter, knot,Flov\ erjniagc.oi other v\ ork, be it print- ted drawnc with a pen or penfil vpon paper or parch- ment, without rafing,blotting or hurting the right pattcrne or pi^ure it k\te^ Cahc opic ti ot()cr licouw tljat mahe fmcfec anu hmwc tljem in a Umpe,t^en Ijoltie oner tlje lampe a Qjrct a clean paper , ani! black ag imic^ of tfje fame Jigljtipe aiB luill le- ceaue tfje full p^opo^tion of cl;e \3iO}kt ci)at pou Doe meane to tafec outjtljat Done,lap t^e blackiu papet tjntiet p back f^cof tlie toojke, tbcblackeD fioe bptuarD, laping a tbiti tobite paper bctlueene tbe loo^ke anu it:ann uiitb a fmaU penOi mane of batD tucon o; of bene ^on Hjal b^aio] Itgbtlp cuert^elettfri0!,knot, o^toojkelubicb p0uDc0re to take outjp^elfing it foftlp ♦ Z-im being pou njall fee tbe berie fouritte ano p^opo^tion of ti)e femte too^k rematnins; on ^ tlH» tol)itf P^P^f ♦ '^()f " toitO a fmall pen anb pnke, pou m»p trace ^ bjalu oucr tlje uio^ke remaining on tb^ tobice pflper,tbat bone,tlje pnketoilfet outtbeberp p?int $fo?m flf tbe tDO?ke (as farre ag pou toucljeD t^e fame toitlj pour pen0l)in puerp p?opo?tion. ^ou map alfo fo? p famepur* pofe(ifneeBe be) black ouer pour paper loitbtbelep of a canble o} of a linke, o? of a nett) to^ctie o? fttclj like U)l)ic()e w berp reaop uiap anu perfect* ^Another prctie dcuife to take out the true form andj»ro- portion of any Flowcr,Image,or fuch hke. yakeacteaneani>tI)innetanterne(jo;ine, an9 lape it bppon tbe letter, 3!mage, o?otber UJO?ketljat tbou toiUtakeout,anD it baill appeare tlj?ougb tbe bo?ne,fo a0 t!)0umapl!e n^atuetoitb a fmall penne bppentl)el;o?ne C 3 aii The art of Limm'ing* allt^e pjopojtion of t^je too^ke ac tbvne obitte ptcafure, e* uenii0tfjouUtt . ^noiuljcn t^oubaaojaiutte itaUout, tljen ret it Dipc tjpou tlje ljo?ne in tbc runne,anti u^^ea it is( tb^ougb D?pr,tben b?gatlj upon it tuiice o? tbitcc,anr) tljm Jap it Dotone ijpeit t^p booke^^no tbcu p?cfie it DoU)ii,(t()e letters being ni Ft tbepapcOuiitlj a linnen clotb 3 anotbc fame letter? oj tuojke fi>al remaiuc upon tljcpapei; ixJbicfj tbou Diod D^a\D upon tbe ^ojne^ t\)tn ^m it f aire agapne taitbblac^pnbe. tCpere bane 31 taugl;cpou(be(be0 cbe teniperiag ot^olUi of fi!tter,ani> of colour?)oiuers tbinges tjette mecte, $ nt< ceflar ie to be feno ton to p ainterg anu fcr iuenerg.'lnti nolu toill 31 tebcrfe b^ief Ip all tbat 35 Imt U)?itten before tou* cbmglimming. iTirfte o^alo tbp too^ketoitbapmCllof blacfee leaoe, ano tben toitb pen auo pnke ♦ "Ebcn hp tbp fpfcs fo? tbp golw ano filuer* ^bcn ingroOe tbem uitO a ($arpe knife, tb^ n toeat tbeni ouer ligbtlpe Uiitb tbp jen* to, tben being D;ipe burm'Q) it toitb a tootb . Cben \i>rat tbp fp?c agapne Ugbtlp,tben toticb tbp gol5 ano lap tbeic* on»'Cbcttp?en> itUgbtlp toitb an baires taple , tben Ut\t {i^p,tbenburm(btc^ttbatootb> tbcnrubitluitba iaabite luoollen ciotb 0? an baires foote untill all go off, but tbae lobicb cleanctb unto tbe ^p-yZ.'Clm laptbe cotours: jfird t\)v talfe colours ano after tbc r^o.tbf n purfle tbem about tbe Cm^ teitb iJiack inke, tben mapH tbou Diaper tbem o« mt tBitb tBbiCf folowi^ if "Oow luilt, tbrn tJcrniOj tbem 0uer uiitb gootj oio gUr^^eiano tben W tbon tmz all tbat beion^etbto limming ♦ A^iniCben annoDom* ♦ .♦ fTHE fTHE NAMES OF AL SVCH COLOVRS and other thinges as are mentioned and conteyncd in this prcfent Booke of Limmin g,and are for the moftpaic to be fold at the Poticaries. r^Oldfoilc*" Siluerfoyle* Shell Gold» Shell fiiuer* Azure, Byze> IndcbaudiaSt Smaltflorey. Orpimeat, Maftieot, Vermilion^ Turncfoll, Rofcr* BrafilU Sitx>pourIakcw Sitiopowrtopias, Red lead. Black lead. Brown of Spayn^ OkardeLuket CreeneByze. Vertgreaie* 5affron» Vennis Cerius^ White lead. Fume black* Black inke. Hartshorn, Gip fum. Fooll Armonikc Milke ofareenc Gumme Arabik. figges. Galles. Milke of fpurge* Greene coperas» Milke of wan- Rom ayn vitriol!, weede. Rozen, ' Mi!k.of5aIendinc. AUum, luice ofGarlike and WaXf of Onion heads. Honney, luice of rue* Turpentine* luice of red Nettle. Quickfiluer* Scraped cheefe» Tinne* White wine* Pogarnarde pilz» White Vinegeiv Chriftall flone* Vergis* Paragon ftonc* Childs pifle. Chalke* Lye. Allablafler* Oyles and liquors Plaifter of an old that make fmoke, image* Glouers(hreds,and Vnfledlymc* fliredsofnew Pouderofwhytc parchment, bones* Water and grcafe of Poud?r ofihepes Snailes,Gluc burrcs* water* Neatcs gall . Aquauite* Whites of eggcs. Bcngewyne* Yeolks of egges^ Oylc ofLynfeed. . Cowes milke. Oyle of Walnuts^] l^vyesmilkct Bayfalt^ ^ table offiich thinges as beecon^ taynedin this prefent booke. 'i^e oj^ec of SjjatDuigoj leas. td^em-, teattng. foil. ^, ^o tttaft<; & ipume blacKs tuMca a Sfti l^omaftca gcotmiota ble. * eiottcm* fife to lav solo o;i filuet TDo maHe an ciecclletst blathe I^He bcu bpoR. cot), net, 7 Co mafte fi?rctf otfjct tCo tnafte a blathc coloflc oj an 3nha i mannccofiDatcfif. cod. ofaBOoapecfectton,tDl>eRDttl)vo"'"a? TTo Uve fvfe on %t%HtSi oi bpon otljec to^te toitl? a pertnc ojipcnQil. coi)ci», tDinaejS. cuDCm. Tljc manncc t)otDctj Diapecoji flojiflj Cola? golti &%Qi\\\tt oh fpfc, ? vuitJ) a pencil cucei&oH) Sttuet: oj co^ ^Comaftcanntc^atcctotcmpctfcoloiicsf loiicaf, a VDttljaH. eo3cm. iT^c tua«cflll«otutomaac(una]iyftmi)tf ComaKcjla^jc foytjjcjtiicpijtpoft. cfcoloutcaft'V tcmpccwg^*^ winalina eo'ijcm, ofcoloacja;iogct1)ec. cooem. tToficepc %!)tt«s( cf cggcjaf atf longc as Co uiaUc a Hjno of cciowcaWfl) bcc^ vou WW toit^ont cojiwiptmsoj putting nt^c.f t. 9 cfacfenwH tjntotl)em. coficm. Co malie coloutsi of allhintieflfcf mcti ^oteanpccgOlt)0?tfiluct\M^ct;cU)iti;vou talj. ciscw, ma^txi)itcwitt)ap€ni)eo?papntU)U^a Co make ^.ettetar of tl;e to\9Wz of McnftU. 4 8olDti)itl)OUti5«li!. j: ^otempeza^tice 0}TS>i^e. cod. Co malte X.ectetier of tl}e (oUiiv otfih 1^ou)tomaftca5Utco>bV5Cf85^?9lal>- uct:txi«tl)0«tWiiet. ecD, t)evift^evbeofiigl)tcolour. «ot)em Co malte to^tte ^tei:;9t in ablacite Cotempei:3nDe{}au{>ia;e^« tot, ftelne. coDen Cotempetrmalt. eoD. Co mafte Oanncl)e gca^nc 0|t a pou() Q:otempet o^pttnenC 0; 303«fti(ft t'o;ia bet to ametit> tl^e )Oat;cvment> ant> r« ^Uou). ; tecctiis3nfte. eoDentt trotempctioetmiliotu cot). Co venetoe old ant) toojine X>ettettf. trotcmpecCutttefoU. eoticm eoDcm* ^0 temper gooDKofet. cod Co talte 0ccateout of patc^mente «nt> Co tempec b^afiU toi^ceettiit^ (0 ttl)ite papct. eotiem^ flo;t{^ an&tulcboobcjaf. eot>. Co maUe tet>t)C 0} gteette feaUng ti^ajc* Co tempec gooDSvnapjOUC; eob. cot>cm. Co tempec ceblcat). 6 21 p^etie deuife to tahe onte tl)e tcue CoeempcPblacbleatt. rot>. fc^mc anii piopo^tton of an^e Zettet, CotctttpccbjotDncofSpa^nc. <0D. fenotte , iFlotocc , 3moge , oj 6ii)ct Cotcmpet otter be l?te FINIS. m 3^^ 5:<^<^ -v/\Y .t5^r;^ C^- ^CiS^ c r^^cLLc ^<^w^ .ice 1^ c ^ C '^S^ <^m^'^ h-^--- !_^^^ ECr~ "-^ ^ r"'^!^ ^^^ ^^ ^■'^^^s. /'V'/V^^ 'm^"^ Mi ^m^^ ,1 . »• ^