Catalogue of Fine Art Photographs and Art Novelties Published by The Moulton Photograph Co Salem Mass., U. S. A. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORDERING. Customers will save us a lot of unnecessary trouble, and themselves much dis- appointment, by ordering more than the exact quantity they require. It is quite im- possible for us to guarantee that every subject in our large Collection shall always be in stock, and therefore at least 16 subjects should be ordered for every 12 required. For quantities under 12, double the number required should be ordered. If this is not done, it may cause delay in the execution of orders. ♦ ♦i • • Prices • • ♦ ♦ ♦ , !♦ Unmounted Photographs. Each. Per 1 Doz. Per Doz. Cabinet Size, about 4x5 inches $0.15 $0.65 $1.25 Folio Size, about 6x8 inches .25 1 .30 2.50 Scrap Size, about 2x3 inches .10 .40 .75 Unmounted Photographs Sent Postpaid. Mounted Photographs. Cabinets, on Gilt Edge Cabinet Mounts, or 8x10 Mounts, White, Tea or Gray Folios, on 11x14 Mounts, White, Tea or Gray . Black Panel Photographs. Folios, mounted on 8x10 Heavy Black Panels, with Gold Bevelled Edge They are a beautiful decoration for any table or mantel, not needing a frame, and are particularly adapted for artistic presents. Each. Per Doz. §0.20 $1.75 .35 3.50 Each. Per Doz. $0.50 $5.00 Special Notice. Postage on Mounted Orders. — Patrons will please remit following amounts for postage on mounted photographs in addition to above prices. Siugle Cabinet Half Dozen Cabinets One “ “ 5 cents. S “ 15 “ Single Folio . Half Dozen Folios . One “ “ 10 cents. 15 “ 25 “ The above postal charges are at the U. S. Parcel Pate, and Photographs so shipped are at the purchaser's risk. Safe Delivery. We have made arrangements with the Home Insurance Co. of New York to insure the safe delivery of packages sent by mail at the slight expense of five cents per package. Patrons remitting the extra five cents will be guaranteed the safe delivery of their orders. 2 Address. Write your full name plainly, with name of Post Office, County and State, Street and Number. Our printed order blanks will be furnished on application. Payments. Invariably CASH WITH ORDER. Send Post Office or Express Money Order, or Draft on New York, made payable to the Moulton Photograph Co. For Prices of HOLIDAY NOVELTIES, COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, GLASS MOUNTS, SOUVENIRS, GROUPS OF NOTABLES, SPECIALTIES, ALBUMS, PORTFOLIOS, See Special Pages in Catalogue. Ten per cent discount Mill be made on cash orders to the amount of fifteen dollars if purchased at one time. ¥¥¥ THE BEST WAY OF PRESERVING YOUR COLLECTION OF PHOTOGRAPHS. After years of experience in the various ways of mounting photographs we have decided that the easiest, least expensive, and best method of preserving Photograph Collections is by using our line of ALBUMS. We call particular attention to these Albums. After spending time and money in making your collection, the best way of preserving them so they can be properly arranged and easily shown is a very important question. We can recommend the use of the following Albums, as they are first-class in every respect. They are made of tinted paper, expressly to hold unmounted photographs, black covers, neat and durable. No. 1. — 50 Leaves 64 x 84, Cloth Sides, Half Turkey Morocco, $1.25 tt 2. — 100 tt 64 x 84, tt tt “ “ “ 1.75 i! — 50 U 84x104, tt It “ “ “ 2.00 tt 4. — 100 U 84 x IO3, l l u “ “ “ 2.50 5. — 50 tt 94x114, tt tt “ “ “ 2.50 tt 6. — 100 t t 94x114, tt tt “ “ “ 3.00 tt 7. — 100 tt 104x13, u tt “ “ “ 3.75 Nos. 2, 4, and 7 we can supply also in oblong shape. Nos. 1 and 2 are especially adapted to our Scrap Photographs. *** f Please remit 15 cents for postage on Album, No. 1 Postage J “ “ 20 “ “ “ “ “ “ 2 Special Notice. j “ “ 25 “ “ “ “ “ “ 3 L “ “ 30 “ “ “ “ “ “ 4 in addition to above prices. Albums Nos. 5, 6, and 7 sent by Express only. 3 DIRECTIONS FOR INSERTING UNMOUNTED PHOTOGRAPHS IN ALBUMS. Applicable to Nos. 1 to 7. The best method of mounting Photographs in scrap albums is to paste the edge nearest the binding or bade part of the book (using very thick boiled flour paste) , so that the print may turn with the leaves. This is easily done by laying the print on its face, and covering it with a sheet of thick paper, leaving about one sixteenth of an inch uncovered, upon which the paste is spread with t lie finger. The print is then assigned its proper place in the book, indicated by pencil dots, and pressed down with thin blotting paper. If pasted across the leaf, or on the four corners, the photo- graph will wrinkle in turning the leaves. It is best to employ very thick paste, as this dries quickly, adheres firmly, and is less liable to cockle than if it were thin and watery. As unmounted photographs have a tendency to curl up towards the picture side, they should be rolled so as to curl outward before being inserted in the album. This is done by gently drawing them across a tolerably sharp edge, such as the edge of a drawer, one hand pressing lightly on the photograph, until they are bent in the opposite direction. It is advisable to cover only one side of the leaf, as this will keep the photograph from injury. The above offers a simple and by far the best method. An album so arranged, illustrating your trip to Europe, your American tours, your collection of the World's Notables, Stage Celebrities, Famous Paintings, etc., after completion will prove a “ thing of beauty and a joy forever.” ALBUMS FOR SOLID MOUNTING. These Albums are made of fine double-faced amber Collins mounts, hinged with linen, and bound in Half Turkey Morocco, cloth sides. No. 8. — Oblong, 25 Leaves, 8x10 iuclies .... $4.00 “ 9. “ 50 “ 8x10 “ .... 5.00 “ 10. “ 25 “ 10x12 “ . . . . 4.50 “11. “ 50 “ 10x12 “ . . . . 6.50 “ 12. “ 25 “ 11x14 “ . . . . 5.00 “ 13. “ 50 “ 11x14 “ . . . . 7.50 PRICES FOR MOUNTING PHOTOGRAPHS IN ABOVE ALBUMS. In mounting in card stock albums an alcoholic glue is used, causing no warping of the leaves. When greatest length of print is 5 inches or less 4 cents each. 5 “ 6 “ “ 7 “ “ “ “ “ “ 10 “ “ S “ U 44 44 u u 22 “ “ 9 4 ; 44 “ “ “ “ 14 “ “ . 11 4 4 4 4 “ “ “ “ 16 “ “ 12 4 4 4 4 “ “ “ “ 20 “ “ . 15 4 4 4 , PORTFOLIOS. Half Leather, Cloth Sides to hold 8x10 Photos $0.75 “ “ “ “ “ 11x14 “ 1.20 “ “ “ “ “ 14x18 “ 2.75 “ “ “ “ “ 16x20 “ 3.25 Special Notice. — The above Albums and Portfolios are seut_by express only. 4 OUR PHOTOGRAPHS AS VALUABLE AIDS IN THE TEACHING OF ART. They are dow used in most of the leading Public aud Private Schools of the country. Their great value cannot be overestimated when one considers that photographs direct from the works of the old and modern masters are exact repro- ductions of the same, and that nothing can equal photographs for true representation of scenery, sculpture, types of character, etc. The excellence of the work, the extreme low price, and the facility in handling the different sizes, allow a student, after his studies in any particular branch of Art, to preserve them by mounting them in an album, making a permanent reminder of his Art researches. Art Clubs are now in vogue in most of the cities, and nothing more fascinating or instructive can be imagined. We append a season's work from the programme of a club in a neighboring city : Leisure Hour Club 1893-1894. XIV. JANUARY 17 DRESDEN Picture Gallery — Continued Correggio .... Miss — Leonardo da Vinci, Andrea del Sarto, Palma Vec- chio .... Miss — Titian Miss — ♦ XII. JANUARY 3 NUREMBERG Life of Diirer . . . Miss Works of Diirer . . Miss The Burg, Fortifications, Private Houses, Local Views .... Miss Hans Sachs . . . Miss ♦ XIII JANUARY 10 DRESDEN Picture Gallery Raphael The Sistine Madonna Holbein Guido Reni Miss Miss Miss Miss ♦ XY. JANUARY 24 DRESDEN Pictu re Ga llery — Con tin u ed Paul Veronese . . . Miss Carracci, Caravaggio . Miss Rubens .... Miss ♦ XYI. JANUARY 31 DRESDEN Picture Gallery — Continued Van Dyke, Velasquez . Miss Rembrandt .... Miss Ribera, Carlo Dolce . Miss Murillo .... Miss It will afford us great pleasure to answer any correspondence relating to the above, and from the growth of this method of art teaching we anticipate a large increase the coming year. Ancient Sculpture. All subjects furnished in Cabinet size. Subjects marked with a * furnished in Folio size also. In ordering be particular to state whether Cabinet or Folio size is wanted, and whether mounted or unmounted. 358. Venus at the Bath, Vatican, Rome, Berlin Museum. * 1 Antoninus Pius. Bust. Apollo. Head. * 3 Apollo Citharoedus. * 4 Augustus. * 5 Bacchus. * 6 Calliope. * 7 Cupid and Psyche. ■* S Daughter of Niobe. 9 Hermes by Praxiteles. Olympian Sculpture found in the Heraion. 10 Julius Ciesar in Toga. 1 1 Mercury. 12 Psyche binding Sandals. 13 Thorn Exl ractor. 14 Trojan as Jupiter. 15 Urania. lfi Venus and Cupid. 17 Youth with Pitcher. 6 Ancient Sculpture — Continued. Uffixi, Florence. * 18 Appolino. 19 Athlete. * 20 Bacchus and Amplus. * 22 Dying Alexander. 23 Faun. 24 Ganymede. 25 Genius ot' Death. 26 Hermaphrodite. * 29 Knife Grinder. * 30 L’Idolino. Bronze. 31 L’Idolino. Back view. 32 Mars and Venus. 33 Medici Vase. * 34 Mercury. 35 Minerva. * 36 Niobe. 37 Niobe’s Son, No. 1. 38 Niobe’s Son, No. 2. 39 Niobe’s Son, No. 3. 40 Niobe’s Sou, No. 4. 41 Niobe’s Son, No. 5. 42 Niobe’s Son, No. 6. 43 Niobe’s Son, No. 7. 41 Niobe’s Son, No. 8. 45 Niobe’s Son, No. 9. 46 Niobe’s Daughter, No. 1. 47 Niobe's Daughter, No. 2. 48 Niobe’s Daughter, No. 3. 49 Niobe’s Daughter, No. 4. 50 Niobe’s Daughter, No. 5. 51 Niobe’s Daughter, No. 6. 52 Pedagogue from Niobe group. 53 Priestess. 54 Seneca. 56 Venus Anadyomene. 57 Venus Genetrix. * 58 Venus de Medici. 59 Venus de Medici. Back view. * 60 Venus de Medici. Bust. 61 Venus de Medici. Bust, side view. 62 Venus de Medici. Side view. * 63 Venus Urania. * 64 Wrestlers. British Museum, London. Metopes from Parthenon, Athens. * 79 A Greek successfully combating with a Centaur. * 80 A Greek successfully combating with a Centaur. * 81 A Centaur successfully combat- ing with a Greek. * 82 Combat between a Greek and a Centaur. * 83 Combat between a Greek and a Centaur. * 84 A Greek successfully contending with a Centaur. * 85 A Centaur successfully contend- ing with a Greek. * 86 Combat between a Greek and a Centaur. * 87 A Centaur carrying away a fe- male (Hippodainia). Cast ~ original in the Louvre. * 88 Combat between a Greek and a Centaur. * 89 Combat between a Greek and a Centaur. * 90 Overthrow of a Greek by a Cen- taur. * 91 A Centaur carrying off a young female. * 92 A Centaur overpowering a Greek. * 93 Combat between a Greek and a Centaur. * 94 Combat between a Greek and a. Centaur. Glyptotliek, Munich. Angina Marbles. 95 Fallen Warrior. 96 Laomedon. 97 Minerva, Patroclus, Ajax and Hector. 98 Paris, yFneas and Wounded Tro- jau. 99 Teucer, Ajax and Wounded Greek. 100 Wounded Youth. Statues. * 65 Ajax. From Hadrian's Villa , Tivoli. * 66 Ansouia as Clytie. Bust. * 67 Apollo. Bust. * 69 Commodus. Bust. * 70 Hadrian. 71 Herakles (Hercules). Eastern Pediment , Parthenon ; Phidias. * 72 Hercules. Bust. * 73 Nero. Bust. * 74 Niobid. * 75 Thalia. * 76 Tiberius. Bust. 77 Townley Venus. * 78 Youthful Bacchus. 101 Augustus. 102 Apollo Citharcedus. 103 Barbarini Faun. 104 Diana. 105 Jason. 106 Venus of Cuidos. 107 Venus with Dolphin. Naples Museum. Bronzes. 109 Diana. Bust. 110 Dionysius. Plato. 111 Discobolus. Ancient Sculpture — Continued. 112 Faun, Dancing. 113 Faun, Drunken. 114 Mercury in Repose. 115 Narcissus. 116 Narcissus. Side view. 117 Sappho. 118 Seneca. 110 Silenus. 120 Three Dancing Figures. 121 Venus. Marbles. * 122 Agrippina Seated. 123 Amazon. * 124 Antinous. * 125 Antoninus Pius. Bust. 126 Apollo and Graces. Belief. * 128 Aristides. 129 Bacchus and Cupid. 130 Caracalla. Bust. 131 Esculapius. * 132 Farnese Bull. 133 Farnese Flora. * 134 Faun and Bacchus. 135 Faustina. * 136 Ganymede. 137 Hannibal. 138 Hercules Farnese. 139 Hercules Farnese. Back view. 140 Julius Caesar. Bust. 141 Juno. * 142 Lucius Verus. * 143 Minerva. 144 Pompey. Bust. * 145 Psyche. Capua. * 146 Psyche. Head. * 147 Socrates. 148 Torso of Venus. 149 Vase. -Etruscan. * 150 Venus Callipygus. * 151 Venus of Capua. 152 Venus of Capua. Head. Louvre, Paris. * 153 Antinous. 154 Antinous. 155 Apollo of the Lizard. 156 Diana. 157 Diana a la Biche. 159 Genius of Sleep. *160 Gladiator. 161 Homer. Bust. 162 Julius Cfesar. * 163 Mars. 164 Mars Borghese. * 165 Melpomene. 166 Mercury a la Bourse. 167 Polymnia. Greek. 168 Satyr playing Flute. 169 Three Graces. 170 Tiber. 171 Trajan. 172 Venus and Cupid. * 173 Venus and Cupid. 175 Venus Crouching. 176 Venus Genetrix. * 177 Venus of Arles. * 178 Venus of Milo. * 179 Venus of Milo. Bust. 180 Venus of Milo. Profile 181 Victory of Samothrace. Borghese Palaee, Rome. 182 Anacreon. 183 Faun. 184 Hercules. * 185 Hermaphrodite. 186 Tirtens. Capitol, Rome. 187 vEdile, Father. 188 FEdile, Son. 1S9 Agrippina Seated. 190 Alexander. 191 Amazon. 192 Amazon. 193 Amazon Wounded. 194 Antinous. 195 Apollo. 196 Apollo Pizio. 197 Ariadne. Bust. 198 Camillo. 199 Centaur, Old. Bronze. 200 Centaur, Youthful. Bronze. 201 Cleopatra. 202 Commodus. * 203 Cupid. Praxiteles. 204 Cupid and Psyche. 205 Diana of Ephesus. ♦ 206 Dying Gladiator. 207 Dying Gladiator. Back view. 208 Endymion. Bas-relief. 209 Faun. Bronze. * 210 Faun of Praxiteles. 211 Flora. 212 Girl with Dove. 213 Gymnast. 214 Hercules. 215 Hercules (infant) strangling a Serpent. 216 Julius Caesar. 217 Julius Cfesar. Bust. 218 Junius Brutus. Bust. Bronze. 219 L’Ebrieta. 220 Marcellus. 221 Marcus Brutus. Bust. 222 Mars. 223 Muse. 224 Oceanicus. 225 Pallas Minerva. 226 Romulus and Remus. 227 Sarcophagus. 228 Thorn Extractor. Bronze. * 229 Venus of the Capitol. 230 Venus of the Capitol. Bust. 231 Venus of the Esquiline. 8 Ancient Sculpture — Continued. Lateran Museum, Rome. 232 Agrippina. 233 Antinous. 234 Ati. 235 Brittannicus. 236 Caesar Augustus. 237 Cato. 238 Claudius. 239 Drusus. 240 Esculapius. 241 Fauu Dancing. 242 Gerraanicus. 243 Mars. 244 Mars and Rhea. 245 Orestes and Pleiades. 246 Pan and Bacchus. * 247 Sophocles. 248 Sophocles. Head. 249 Tiberius. 250 Tiberius. Bust. 251 Trajan’s Followers. Relief. 252 Venus. Bronze. hudovisi Villa, Rome. * 253 Dying Gaul. Group. * 254 Juno Ludovisi. * 255 Mars and Cupid. 256 Medusa. Head. * 257 Orestes and Electra. Vatican, Rome. 258 Alcibiades. 259 Amazon. 260 Antinous. 261 Antinous. * 262 Apollo Belvidere. * 263 Apollo Belvidere. Head. 264 Apollo called an Adonis. * 265 Apollo Musagetes. 266 Apollo Sarrottone. * 267 Ariadne sleeping. * 268 Athlete. Apoxyomenos. * 269 Augustus Caesar. 270 Bacchus. 271 Bacchus and Amplus. 272 Caius. Bust of youth. 273 Caligula. 274 Calliope. 275 Cariatyde. 276 Cariatyde. * 277 Centaur and Nymph. 278 Ceres. 279 Ceres. Ostia. * 280 Chariot. La Biga. 281 Clio. 282 Comedy. 283 Commodus. 284 Commodus. Bust. 285 Cupid with arrow. * 286 Danaid. 287 Demosthenes. 288 Diana gazing at Endymion. 289 Diana Lucifera. * 290 Discobolus. * 291 Discobolus of Myron. 292 Discobolus of Myron. Head. 293 Dog with Puppy. 294 Domitian. 295 Dornizia. 296 Erato. 297 Esculapius. 298 Euripides. 299 Euterpe. * 300 Father Nile. * 301 Faun. 302 Faun, Drunken. 303 Faustina. Bust. * 304 Fortuna. 305 Ganymede. 306 Genius of Augustus. * 307 Genius of the Vatican. 308 Genius of the Vatican. Head. 310 Hygea. 311 Julius Caesar. Bust. 312 Juno Barbarini. 313 Juno Sospita. * 314 Laocoon. 315 Laocoon. Head. 316 Lion and Horse. 318 Marc Antony. Bust. 319 Marcus Aurelius. Bust. * 320 Meleager. 322 Melpomene. 323 Menander. 324 Menelaus. Bust. * 325 Mercury Belvidere. * 326 Mercury Belvidere. Head. * 327 Minerva Medica. 328 Minerva Pallas. Bust. 329 Nero. Head. 330 Nerva. Seated. * 331 Niobe. 332 Paris. 333 Penelope. 334 Polymuia. 3.35 Posidippus. 336 Publius Elvius. Bust. 337 Pudicita. 338 Sappho. 339 Sarcophagus. Amazons. 340 Septimus Severus. Bust. * 341 Sileuus and Bacchus Child. 342 Sleeping Ariadne with niche. 343 Socrates. Bust. 345 Terpsichore. * 346 Thalia. 347 Tiberius. 348 Titus. 349 Titus. Bust. 350 Torso Belvidere. 352 Trajan. Bust. 353 Tritons. 355 Urania seated. * 356 Venus Anadyomene. 357 Venus Anadyomene. Head. * 358 Venus at the Bath. 359 Venus at the Bath. Head. 9 Ancient Sculpture — Continued. Vatican, Rome — Continued. * 3(50 Veuus of Cnidos. 361 Venus of Cnidos. Head. Miscellaneous. 362 Athena. Acropolis Museum, Ath- ens. 363 Athene Parthenos. Notional Mu- seum, Athens. 364 Athlete. (Discovered in 1883 on Via Maginale.) New Museum, Hume. 365 Bas-Relief from Theatre of Bac- chus. Athens. 366 Chimera. Egyptian Museum, Flor- ence. 368 Hermes of HGghion. National Mu- seum, Athens. * 369 Hermes of Praxiteles. Olympia , Greece. * 370 Hermes of Praxiteles. Head. Olympia, Greece. * 371 Mercury. Acropolis Museum , Athens. 372 Pugilist. (Discovered in 1883 on Via Maginale.) New Museum, Borne. 373 Victory of Paeon. Olympia., Greece. Modern Sculpture. 683. Canova. Venus Victrix, Itorgliese Palace, Koine. Adam. 600 Prometheus. Louvre, Paris. Allegrain. * 601 Diana. Louvre, Paris. * 602 Venus. Louvre, Paris. Angelo, Michael. (1475-ln64.) 603 Apollo. National Museum, Flor- ence. 604 Bacchus. National Museum, Flor- ence. 605 Brutus. National Museum, Flor- ence. 10 Modern Sculpture — Continued. Angelo, Michael. (1475-1564.) — Continued. * 606 Christ. Oh. of S. M. Sopra Mi- nerva, Rome. * 607 David. Academy , Florence. * 608 David. Head. Academy , Flor- ence. 609 Dying Adonis. National Mu- seum, Florence. * 610 Kneeling Angel (1). Tomb of St. Dominick, Bologna. * 611 Kneeling Angel (2). Tomb of St. Dominick, Bologna. 612 Leda. National Museum , Flor- ence. 613 Madonna. Ch. of S. Lorenzo, Florence. 614 Mask of a Satyr. National Mu- seum, Florence. * 4122 Monument to Pope Julius III. Ch. of S. Pietro in Vinculis , Rome. * 616 Moses. Ch. of S. Pietro in Vin- culis, Rome. * 617 Moses. Head. Ch. of S. Pietro in Vincitlis. Rome. 618 Pieta. Baptistery, Florence. * 619 Pieta. St. Peter's, Rome. 621 Slave. Paris. 623 St. John. Florence. * 625 Tomb of Giuliano de Medici. S. Lorenzo, Florence. * 626 Giuliano de Medici (detail of above). * 627 Day (detail of above). * 628 Night (detail of above). * 629 Tomb of Lorenzo de Medici. S. Lorenzo, Florence. * 630 Lorenzo de Medici (detail of above). * 631 Morning (detail of above). * 632 Evening (detail of above). * 633 Warrior. National Museum, Florence. Augier. 634 Amphitrite. Louvre, Paris. Banco, A. di. 635 St. Elijah. Ch. of Or San Michele, Florence. 636 St. Jacopo. Ch. of Or San Mi- chele, Florence. 637 St. Philip. Ch. of Or San Michele, Florence. Barrias. 63S Girl of Megara. Luxembourg , Paris. Bartolini, L. * 639 Charity. Pitti Palace , Florence. Bell, John. 640 Abyssinian Slave. 641 Octoroon. Bernini, Gio Lorenzo. (1598-1680.) 642 AEneas and Anchises. Villa Bor- ghese, Rome. * 643 Apollo and Daphne. Villa Bor - ghese , Rome. 644 David. Villa Borghese, Rome. * 645 Pluto and Proserpine. Villa Ludovisi , Rome. Berteaux, Mme. Leon. 646 Girl at Bath. Luxembourg , Paris. Bologna, Giovanni di. (1524-1008.) 647 Cosimo I. (Equestrian Statue.) Florence. * 648 Flying Mercury. Bronze. Na- tional Museum, Florence. 649 Hercules and Centaur. Loggia dei Lanzi , Florence. * 650 Pape of the Sabines. Loggia dei Lanzi, Florence. 651 Rape of the Sabines. Back view. Loggia dei Lanzi, Florence. 652 St. Luke. Ch. of Or San Michele, Florence. 653 Vase. Boboli Gardens, Pitti Pal- ace, Florence. Bonnassieur. 654 Cupid clipping his Wings. Lux- embourg. Bortoni, A. 4204 Gino Capponi's Monument. S . Croce , Florence. Bosio. 656 Nymph Salmacis. L,ouvre, Paris. Cabianca. 657 Elevation of the Cross. Bas-Re- lief. Ch. of S. M. dei Frari, Venice. Canova, Antonio. (1757-1822.) * 658 Ajax. Venice. * 659 Boxer. Vatican. Rome. 660 Boxer. Head. Vatican, Rome. * 661 Boxer. Vatican, Rome. * 662 Cupid and Psyche. C'arlotta Villa , Lake Como. * 663 Cupid and Psyche. Louvre, Paris. * 664 Cupid and Psyche (upright). Louvre, Paris. * 665 Endymion Sleeping. Chatsworth Blouse, England. 666 Genius of Death. Rome. 667 Head of Napoleon. Chatsworth House, England. * 668 Hector. Venice. 669 Hercules and Lica. Venice. * 670 Madame Mere. Chatsworth House y England. * 671 Magdalen. Carlotta Villa, Lake Como. 11 Modern Sculpture — Continued. Canova, Antonio. (1757-1822.) — Continued. 672 Napoleon. Bust. Pitti Palace , Florence. * 673 Perseus. Vatican , Pome. 674 Perseus. Head. Vatican , Rome. * 675 Theseus. Temple of VolTcsgarten , Vienna. * 676 Three Graces. Borghese Palace , Rome. 677 Tomb of Pope Clement XIII. St. Peter's , Rome. 678 Tomb of Pope Clement XIII. Lion (detail). St. Peter's , Rome. 4102 Tomb of the Stuarts. St. Peter's , Rome. * 680 Venus. Pitti Palace , Florence. * 681 Venus. Back view. Pitti Palace , Florence. * 682 Venus Victrix. Borghese Palace, Rome. * 683 Venus Victrix. Head. Borghese Palace , Rome. Carrier-Belleuse. 684 Hebe. Luxembourg , Paris. Cavelier. 685 The Mother of the Gracchi. Luxembourg , Paris. 686 Truth. Luxembourg , Paris. Cellini, Benvenuto. (1500-1570.) * 687 Perseus. Loggia del Lanzi , Flor- ence. Chantrey. * 3524 Bishop Ryder’s Monument. Lichfield Cathedral , England. * 3527 Sleeping Children. Lichfield Cathedral, England. Chapu. 691 Mercury. Luxembourg , Paris. Chaudet. 692 L’ Amour. Louvre , Paris. Consani. * 693 Victory. Pitti Palace, Florence. Cortot. 694 Daphuis and Chloe. Louvre, Paris. Coutois. 695 Eros. Luxembourg , Paris. Crauk, A. D. G. 843 Youth and Love. Luxembourg, Paris. Croissy. * 696 The Nest. Luxembourg , Paris. Dampt. 697 St. John. Luxembourg, Paris. Danneker. * 698 Ariadne, j F rank fort-on-the- Main. * 699 Ariadne. Back view. Franlc- fo rt-o n-the-Main. Delaistre, 1'. 700 Cupid and Psyche. Louvre , Paris. Delaplanche. 701 Aurora. Luxembourg , Paris. 702 Eve. Luxembourg , Paris. 703 Love’s Message. Luxembourg, Paris. 704 Madonna of the Lily. Luxem- bourg, Paris. Donatello. (1386-1466.) 706 Angiolo Acciaioli Monument. Certosa. 707 Coscia Monument. Baptistery, Florence. 708 Dancing Boy. Bronze. National Museum, Florence. 709 Dancing Boys. Relief (1). Na- tional Museum, Florence. 710 Dancing Boys. Relief (2). Na- tional Museum, Florence. 711 Dancing Boys. Relief (3). Na- tional Museum, Florence. 712 Dancing Boys. Relief (4). Na- tional Museum, Florence. 713 Dancing Boys. Relief (5). Na- tional Museum, Florence. 714 Dancing Boys. Relief (6). Na- tional Museum, Florence. 715 David. National Museum, Flor- ence. 716 David. Bronze. National Mu- seum, Florence. 717 Gattamelata Monument. Padua. 718 Head of Virgin. Relief. Empoli. 719 Judith. Loggia del Lanzi, Flor- ence. 720 Lapo Acciaioli Monument. Certosa . 721 Lorenzo Acciaioli Monument. Certosa. 722 Niccolo Acciaioli Monument. Certosa. 723 San Lorenzo. Bust. Florence. * 724 St. Cecilia. Relief. Florence. * 725 St. George. Ch. of Or San Mi- chele, Florence. 726 St. John. Bust. Faenza. Til St. John the Baptist. National Museum, Florence. 728 St. Mark. Ch. of Or San Michele, Florence. 729 St. Peter. Ch. of Or San Michele, Florence. Fantaechiotti, E. 4201 Cherubini Monument. Ch. of S. Croce, Florence. 4205 Neri C'orsini Monument. Ch. of S. Croce, Florence. 12 Modern Sculpture — Continued. Fedi, P. 4275 Manfredi Monument. Florence.. 4206 Niccoliui Monument. Ch. of S. Croce , Florence. * 734 Rape of Polyxena. Loggia dei Lanzi , Florence. Ghiberti, Lorenzo. (1378-1455.) * 4182 Bronze Door. Baptistery , Flor- ence. 4183 Bronze Door. General view. Baptistery , Florence. 4184 Bronze Door. Detail. Baptistery , Florence. * 738 Sacrifice of Abraham. Relief. National Museum. Florence. 739 St. John the Baptist. Ch. of Or San Michele , Florence. 740 St. Matthew. Ch. of Or San Michele , Florence. 741 St. Stephen. Ch. of Or San Mi- chele Florence. Goujon, Jean. 742 Diana a la Biche. Louvre , Boris. Hiolle. 744 Arion on the Dolphin. Luxem- bourg , Paris. Jonffroy, F. * 745 Venus and Maiden. Luxembourg, Paris. Lem ire. 746 L’ Amour. Louvre , Paris. Marquestre. 747 Cupidon. Luxembourg , Paris. Millet, A. 748 Ariadne. Luxembourg . Paris. 749 Cassandra. Luxembourg , Paris. Mino da Fiesole. (1431-14s(j.) 750 Candelabra. National Museum , Florence. 751 Federigo Montelupo. Relief. National Museum , Florence. 752 Galeazo Sforza. Relief. Na- tional Museum , Florence. 753 Giugui Monument. Badia. 754 Madonna. Relief. Cathedral , Fiesole. 755 Madonna. Relief. National Mu- seum , Florence. 756 Madonna. Relief. National Mu- seum , Florence. 757 St. John. Bust. National Mu- seum , Florence. 758 ITgo Monument. Badia. 759 Unknown Woman. Relief. V«- tional Museum , Florence. Montelupo. 760 St. John the Evangelist. C%. o/ Or San Michele , Florence. Moreal. * 761 Morning. * 762 Evening. Moreau, M. 763 The Spinner. Luxembourg . Paris. Pajou, A. 764 Bacchante. Louvre, Paris. 765 Psyche. Louvre , Paris. Papworth, C. C. 766 Beatrice. Pazzi. 4202 Statue of Dante. Piazza of Santa Croce , Florence. Perraud. 768 Despair. Louvre , Paris. Pisano, Andrea. 769 Bronze Door. Baptistery , Flor- ence. Pisano, Niccolo. 770 St. Cecilia. National Museum , Florence. 771 Tomb of St. Dominick. Bologna. Powers, Hiram. * 772 Greek Slave. Pradier. 773 Ps 3 7 che. Louvre , Paris. Pujet, Pierre. 774 Alexander and Diogenes. Louvre , Paris. 775 Milo of Creton. Louvre , Paris. Ricci, V S. 4200 Alfieri Monument. 67*. o/ A. Croce , Florence. 4249 Restoration of Dying Ajax. Greek Group. Loggia dei Lanzi , Florence. Robbia, Dei della. 778 Annunciation. Florence. 779 Madonna. Hospital of the Inno- cents , Florence. 780 Madonna. National Museum , Florence. 781 Madonna. National Museum , Florence. 782 Madonna. Florence. 7S3 Madonna in Adoration. National Museum , Florence. 784 The Visitation. Ch. o/ A. Cf'or. Fuorcivitas , Pistoia. 13 Robbia, Andrea della. 785 ] 786 787 788 789 Circular Reliefs of Children. 790 Foundling Hospital , Florence. 791 792 793 794 J * 795 Madonna and Saints. Cathedral , Prato. 796 Nativity. National Museum , Flor- ence. Robbia, Giovanni della. (1469-1529?) 797 Altar Piece. National Museum , Florence. 798 Madonna della Misericordia. National Museum , Florence. Robbia, Luca della. (1399-1482.) 799 Coronation of the Virgin. Ognis- santi , Florence. 800 Madonna and Child with two Angels. Via dell' Agnolo , Flor- ence. Roman. 811 Nisus and Euryale. Louvre , Paris. Rude. 814 Head of Christ. Louvre , Paris. Schadow. * 815 Spinning Girl. Chatsworth House , England. Schenewerk. 816 Girl at Fountain. Luxembourg , Paris. 817 Morning. Luxembourg , Paris. Solar i, Cristofero. 815 Adam. Cathedral , Milan. 819 Eve. Cathedral , Milan. St. Marceaux. 820 Genius of the Tomb. Luxem- bourg . , Paris. Tacca, Pietra. 821 The Crucifixion. Pitti Palace , Florence. Thorwaldsen, Bertel. (1770-1844.) * 822 Christ. C/i. o/ iS'f. George , Borne. * 4724 Lion of Lucerne. Lucerne. 4725 Lion of Lucerne (detail). Lu- 825 RefieL ' Spring. 826 Relief. Summer. 827 Relief. Autumn. 828 Relief. Winter. * 829 Venus. Chatsworth House , Pm< 7 - land. 830 Venus with the Apple. Unknown Sculptor. 531 Bust of Columbus. Capitol , Rome. 532 Egeria. 833 Godfrey de Bouillon. 834 Proserpine. 835 Rock of Ages. Vela, Vincenzo. * 836 Last Days of Napoleon. Cor- coran Art Gallery , Washington. Verrocchio, Andrea. (1435-1488 A 837 Christ and St. Thomas. Ch. Or San Michele , Florence. 838 David. National Museum , Flor- ence. 839 Madonna. National Mtisewn, Flor- ence. Vittorio, Alex. 4445 St. Jerome. Ch. of S. M. dei Frari , Venice. Zocclii, Bmilio. 842 Young M. Angelo sculpturing head of Faun. Pitti Palace , Florence. Modern Sculpture — Continued. (1435-1525.) Statues in the Portico of the Uffizi, Florence. 852 Amerigo Vespucci. G. Grazzini 853 Boccaccio. 854 Cellini. 855 Cesalpino. 857 Dante. 858 Donatello. 860 Farinata degli 861 Galileo. 863 Giotto. E. Fantacchiotti. TJ. Cambi. P. Fedi. E. Demi. G. Torrini. Jberti. F. Pazzi. A. Costoli. G. Dupre. 864 Guicciardini. L. Cartel. 865 Guido Aretino. L. Nencini. 866 Leonardo da Vinci. L. Pampaloni. 867 Lorenzo il Magnifico. G. Grazzini. 868 Macchiavelli. L. Bartolini. 869 Mascagni. A. Caselli. 872 Niccolo Pisano. P. Fedi. 874 Petrarch. A. Leoni. 877 St. Anthony. G. Dupre. 14 Portraits. All Subjects furnished in Cabinet size. Subjects marked with a * furnished in Folio size also. In ordering be particular to state whether Cabinet or Folio size is wanted and whether mounted or unmounted. 1176. John Greenleaf Whittier. Authors. * 1000 Addison, Joseph. 1001 Alcott, Bronson A. 1002 Alcott, Louisa M. 1003 Aldrich, T. B. 1004 Anderson, Hans Christian. 1005 Arnold, Sir Edwin. 100G Arnold, Matthew. 1007 Arnold, Thomas. 1008 Bancroft, George. 1184 Bashkirtseff, Marie. 1009 Besant, Walter. 1010 Black, William. 1011 Blackie, John Stuart. 1012 Blouet, Paul. (Max O’Kell.) 1013 Brachvogel, Albert Emil. 1014 Bremer, Fredrika. 1015 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. 1016 Browning, Robert. 1017 Bryant, William Cullen. * 1018 Bryant, William Cullen. 1019 Bulwer, Edward George. (Earl Lytton.) 1020 Burnett, Mrs. Frances Hodgson. * 1021 Bums, Robert. 15 Authors — 1183 Burns, Robert. 1022 Byron, George Gordon Noel. 1185 Byron, George Gordon Noel. 1023 Cable, George W. 1024 Campbell, Thomas. 1025 Carleton, Will M. 1020 Carlyle, Thomas. 1027 Cary, Alice. 102S Cary, Phoebe. 1029 Cervantes-Saavedra, Miguel de. 1030 Chamisso, Adelbert von. 1031 Chaucer, Geoffrey. 1032 Clemens, Samuel Langhorne. (Mark Twain.) 1033 Coleridge, Samuel Tavlor. 1034 Collins, William Wilkie. 1035 Collins, William Wilkie. 1036 Conway, Hugh. 1037 Conway, Moncure Daniel. 1038 Cooper, James Fenuimore. 1039 Coppee, Francois Edouard Joa- chim. 1040 Cowper, William. 1041 Crabbe, George. 1042 Curtis, George William. 1043 Dante, Alighieri. 1044 Daudet, A. 1045 Dickens, Charles. 1046 Dickens, Charles. 1186 Dickens, Charles. 1047 Dickens, Charles, hi Revery, sur- rounded by the Principal Char- acters in his Works. 1048 Dodge, Mary Mapes. 1049 Dryden, John. 1050 Dumas, Alexander. 1051 Dumas, Alexander, Jr. 1052 Edwards, Amelia Blandford. 1053 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. 1054 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. 1055 Evans, Marian C. (George Eliot.) 1056 Fenelou, Francois de Salignac. 1057 Feuillet, Octave. 1058 Fields, James T. 1059 Fronde, James Anthony. 1060 Fuller, Sarah Margaret. (Ossoli.) 1061 Gilbert, W. S. 1062 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. 1063 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. 1064 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. (Old Age.) 1065 Goldsmith, Oliver. 1066 Grillparzer, Franz. 1067 Haggard, H. Rider. 1068 Harte, Bret. 1069 Havergal, Frances Ridley. 1070 Hawthorne, Julian. 1071 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. 1072 Heine, Heinrich. 1073 Hermans, Felicia. 1074 Herder, Johann Gottfried von. 1075 Holland, .1. G. 1076 Holmes, Oliver Wendell. 1077 Howe, Julia Ward. 1078 Howells, W. D. Continued. 1079 Hughes, Thomas. 1080 Hugo, Victor Marie. 1081 Ibsen, Henrik. 1082 Ingelow, Jean. 1083 Irving, Washington. 1084 Jackson, Helen Hunt. (II. II.) 1085 James, Henry, Jr. 1086 Johnson, Samuel. 1087 .Tonson, Ben. 1088 Keats, John. 1089 Kennan, George. 1090 Kingsley, Charles. 1091 Kipling, Rudyard. 1092 Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb. 1093 K di ner, Karl Theodor. 1094 Lang, Andrew. 1095 Larcom, Lucy. 1096 Lecky, William Edward Hart pole. 1097 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim. 1098 Livermore, Mrs. Mary Ashton. 1099 Logan, Olive. 1100 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. 1101 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. 1102 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (Full Length.) * 1187 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth Painting by P. Kramer. 1103 Lover, Samuel. 1104 Lowell, James Russell. 1 105 Lyall, Edna. 1106 Macauley, Thomas Babington. 1107 Macdonald, George. 1108 Macdonald, George (seated). 1109 Marryatt, Florence. 1110 Michelet, Jules. 1111 Miller, Joaquim. * 1112 Milton, John. 1113 Moliere, Jean Baptiste Poquelin. * 1114 Moore, Thomas. 1115 Moulton, Louise Chandler. 1116 Muloch, Dinah Maria. (Craik.) 1117 Muller, Friedrich Max. 1118 Oliphant, Margaret O. W. 1119 O'Reilly, John Boyle. 1 188 O'Reilly, John Boyle. 1120 Payn, James. 1121 Payne, John Howard. 1122 Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. 1123 Poe, Edgar Allen. * 1124 Pope, Alexander. 1125 Prescott, William Hickling. 1126 Racine, John. 1127 Rame, Louise de la. (Ouida.) 1128 Reed, Thomas Buchanan. 1129 Richter, Jean Paul Frederick. 1130 Roe, Edward Payson. 1131 Rousseau, John James. 1132 Riickert, Friedrich. 1133 Ruskin, John. 1134 Saavedra, Angel de. 1135 Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin 1136 Sala, George Augustus. * 1137 Sand, George. (Mine. Dude vant.) Authors — Continued . 1138 Sardou, Victorien. 1139 Schiller, Johann. 1140 Scott, Walter. 1141 Scott, Walter. Painting by Sir T. Lawrence. 1 142 Shakespeare, William. P. Kramer. 1143 Shakespeare, William. Droeshout. 1144 Shakespeare, William. C. Jansen. 1145 Shakespeare, William. Stratford Portrait. 1146 Shelley, Percy Bysshe. 1147 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. 1148 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. 1149 Shillaber, Benjamin Penhallovv. (Mrs. Partington.) 1150 Southey, Robert. 1151 Spencer, Herbert. 1152 Spenser, Edmund. 1153 Stael-Holsteiu, Mine. de. (Anne Louise Germaine Necker.) 1189 Stevenson, Robert Louis. 1154 Stoddard, R. H. 1155 Stowe, Harriet Beecher. 1156 Sue, Eugene. 1157 Swift, Jonathan. 1158 Swinburne, A. C. 1159 Tasso, Torquato. 1160 Taylor, Bayard. 1161 Tegner, Esaias. * 1162 Tennyson, Alfred. 1163 Tennyson, Alfred. 1164 Thackeray, William Makepeace. 1165 Thackeray, William Makepeace. 1166 Trollope, Anthony. 1167 Trowbridge, John Townsend. 1168 Tupper, Martin. 1169 Uhland, Johann Ludwig. 1170 Verne, Jules. 1171 Voltaire, Francois Marie Arout de. 1172 Voltaire, Franqois Marie Arout de. 1173 Ward, Mrs. Humphrey. 1174 Whitman, Walt. * 1175 Whittier, John Greenleaf. 1176 Whittier, John Greenleaf (seated). 1177 Wielaud, Christoph Martin. 1178 Wordsworth, William. 1179 Yates, Edmund. 1180 Yates, Edmund. 1181 Y'ouge, Charlotte Mary. 1182 Zola, Emil. Composers. 1200 Abt, Franz. 1201 Auber, Daniel Franqois Esprit. 1202 Bach, John Sebastian. 1203 Beethoven, Ludwig von. 1190 Beethoven, Ludwig von. 1204 Bellini, Vincenzo. 1205 Bizet, Georges. 1206 Cherubini, Maria Luigi C. Z. S. 1207 Chopin, Frederick. 1208 David, Felicien. 1209 Donizetti, Gaetano. 1210 Flotow, Friedrich von. 1211 Glinka, Michael. 1212 Gliick, Johann Christoph von. 1213 Gounod, Felix Charles. 1214 Halev 5 r , Jacques Francois Fro- menthal. 1215 Handel, George Frederick. 1216 Haydn, Joseph. 1217 Herold, Louis Joseph Ferdinand. 1218 Liszt, Franz. 1219 Lortzing, Albert A. 1220 Mendelssolin-Bartholdy, Felix. * 1191 Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix. 1221 Meyerbeer, Jakob. 1222 Mozart, Johann Chrysostom. * 1192 Mozart, Johann Chrysostom. 1223 Offenbach, Jacques. 1224 Pleyel, Ignaz Joseph. 1225 Rossini, Gioacchino. 1226 Rossini, Gioacchino. 1227 Rubinstein, Anton. * 1228 Schubert, Franz. * 1193 Schubert, Franz. * 1229 Schumann, Robert. 1230 Spohr, Ludwig. 1231 Spontini, Gasparo. 1232 Sullivan, Arthur. 1233 Thalberg, Sigismund. 1234 Thomas, Charles Ambrose. 1235 Verdi, Guiseppe. * 1236 Wagner, Wilhelm Richard. 1237 Wagner, Wilhelm Richard. * 1194 Wagner, Wilhelm Richard. * 1238 Weber, Carl Maria von. Painters and Sculptors. Old Masters. 1239 Angelo, Michael. 1240 Cellini, Benvenuto. 1241 Correggio, Antonio Allegri. 1923 Correggio, Antonio Allegri. 1242 Domeuichino, Zampieri. 1243 Dyck, Anthouy van. 1244 Hogarth, William. 1245 Murillo, Bartolome Esteban 1246 Raphael, Sanzio d’ Urbiuo. 1247 Rembrandt, van Ryn. 1924 Rembrandt, van Ryn. 1248 Reui, Guido. 17 Painters and Sculptors — Continued. Old Masters — Continued. 1249 Rubens, Peter Paul. 1250 Titian, Vecelli. 1251 Veronese, Paolo. 1252 Vinci, Leonardo da. Modern. 1253 Allston, Washington. 1254 Alma-Tadema, Lorenzo. 1256 Bonhenr, Rosa. 1257 Bonnat, Leon Joseph Florentin. 1258 Bouguereau, W. A. 1259 Bouguereau, W. A. 1260 Breton, Jules Adolphe. 1261 Breton, Jules Adolphe. 1262 Burne-Jones, E. 1263 Canova, Antonio, 1264 Canova, Antonio. 1265 Corot, J. B. C. 1266 Cruikshank, George. 1267 Delaroclie, Paul. 1268 Detaille, Edouard. 1269 Dicksee, Frank. 1270 Dore, Gustav Paul. 1271 Faed, Thomas. 1272 Gerome, Jean Leon. 1273 Goodall, Frederick. 1274 Greenaway, Kate. 1925 Greuze, J. B. 1275 Hunt, Holman. * 1276 Kaulbach, William. 1277 Landseer, Sir Edwin. 1278 Lefebvre, Jules Joseph. 1279 Lefebvre, Jules Joseph. 12S0 Leighton, Sir Frederick. 1281 Leighton, Sir Frederick. 1926 L'Hermitte, Leon A. 1282 Makart, Hans. 1283 Meissonier, Ernest. 1284 Millais, John Everett. 1285 Millet, Jean Francois. 1286 Muukacsy, Michael. 12S7 Neuville, A. de. * 1288 Piloty, Carl von. 12S9 Reynolds, Sir Joshua. 1290 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. 1291 Sant, James. 1292 Scheffer, Ary. 1293 Scheffer, Ary. 1294 Stone, Marcus. 1295 Thorwaldsen, Bertel. 1296 Turner, J. M. W. 1927 Turner, J. M. W. (As a young man.) 1297 Verestehagin, Alexander. 1298 Vernet, Horace. 1299 Whistler, J. A. M. 1300 Wilkie, Sir David. Presidents of the United States. 1918 George Washington, 1302 John Adams, 1303 Thomas Jefferson, 1304 James Madison, 1305 James Monroe, 1750 John Quincy Adams, 1307 Andrew Jackson, 1308 Martin Van Buren, 1309 Wm. Henry Harrison, 1310 John Tyler, 1311 James Tv. Polk, 1312 Zachary Taylor, 1789-1797. 1797-1801 . 1801-1809. 1809-1817. 1817-1825. 1825-1829. 1829-1837. 1837-1841. 1841-1841. 1841-1845. 1845-1849. 1849-1850. 1313 Millard Fillmore, 1850-1853 1314 Franklin Fierce, 1853-1857 1315 James Buchanan, 1857-1861 1851 Abraham Lincoln, 1861-1865 1317 Andrew Johnson, 1865-1869. 1824 Ulysses S. Grant, 1869-1877 1319 Rutherford B. Hayes, 1877-1881. 1320 James A. Garfield, 1881-1881 1321 Chester A. Arthur, 1881-1885. 1783 Grover Cleveland. 1885-1889, 1893-1897 1834 Benjamin Harrison, 1889-1893, Royalty and Nobility \ English. 1350 Albert, the late Prince Consort. 1351 Albert Edward, Priuce of Wales. 1352 Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, and Family. 1353 Alexandra, Princess of Wales. 1475 Alexandra, Princess of Wales. 1476 Alexandra, Princess of Wales, in Oxford gown. 1354 Louise, Princess of Wales. 1355 Maud, Princess of Wales. 1356 Victoria, Princess of Wales. 1357 Louise, Maud, and Victoria, Prin- cesses of Wales. 1358 Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh. 1359 Arthur, Duke of Connaught. 1360 Bantry, Lady. 1361 Brooke, Lady. 1362 Brooke, Lady. 1477 Brooke, Lady. 1363 Burdett-Coutts, Baroness. 1364 Cadogan, Lady. 1478 Carew, Lady. 8310 Charles 1. 1366 Churchill, Lord Randolph. 18 Royalty and Nobility — Continued. 1351. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales. English — Continued. 1367 Churchill, Lady. 1368 Clancarty, Countess of. (Belle Bilton.) 1369 Clarence and Avondale, Duke of, and Princess Victoria of Teck. 1370 Dundas, Lady. 1371 Elizabeth, Queen. 1372 Fife, Duke and Duchess of. 1373 George, Prince. 1479 Georgina, Countess of Dudley. 1374 Grey, Countess de. 1375 Grey, Lady Jane. 1376 Henry VIII. 1377 HenryVIII.’s first wife, Catharine of Aragon. 1378 Henry VlII.'s second wife, Anne of Boleyn. 1379 Henry VlII.'s third wife, Jane Seymour. 1380 Henry VlII.’s fourth wife, Anne of Cleves. 1381 Henry VlII.’s fifth wife, Catha- rine Howard. 1382 Henry Vl II.’s sixth wife, Catha- rine Parr. 1383 Langford, Lady. 1384 Leinster, Duchess of. 1385 Leinster, Duchess of, and Lady Vincent. 1480 Londonderry, Lady. 13S6 Lome, Marquis of. 1387 Marlborough, Duke of. 1388 Mary, Queen. (Mary Tudor.) 1389 Russell, Countess. 1390 Salisbury, Marquis of. 1391 Shaftesbury, Earl of. 1392 Stafford, Marchioness of. 19 Royalty and Nobility — Continued. English — Continued. 1393 Teck, Duke, Duchess and Princess Victoria of. 1394 Victoria, Queen. 1395 Victoria, Queen. (Large Head.) 1396 Victoria, Queen. (In robes of state. ) 1481 Victoria, Queen. (Her latest portrait.) 1482 West Ridgway, Lady. French. 1397 Anjou, Marie d\ 1398 Antoinette, Marie. 1399 Antoinette, Marie. 1400 Autriche, Elizabeth d". 1401 Berry, Duchess de. 1402 Bonaparte, Napoleon. 1403 Bonaparte, Napoleon. 1404 Bonaparte, Napoleon, as First Consul. 1405 Bourbon, Elizabeth de. 1406 Charlemagne. 1407 Chatelet, Madame du. 1408 Couchet, Marie. 1409 Elizabeth, Madame. 1410 Eugenie, Empress. 1411 Ferroniere (La Belle). 1412 France, Henriette de. 1413 Grignan, Mme. de. 1414 Henry IV. 1415 Hortense, Queen. 1416 Josephine, Empress. 1417 Josephine, Empress. 1418 Lamballe. 1419 Lecouvreur, Adrienne. 1420 Louis XIV. 1421 Louis XVI. 1422 Louis XVII., Dauphin. 1423 Maintenon, Madame de. 1424 Marie Louise. 1425 Medicis, Catherine de. 1426 Medicis, Marie de. 1427 Medicis, Marie de. 1428 Montpensier, Mile. de. 1429 Napoleon II. as “ Roi de Rome.” 1430 Napoleon II. as “ Duke of Reich- stadt.” 1431 Napoleon III. 1432 Navarre, Margaret de. 1433 Orleans, Elizabeth. 1434 Orleans, Helene, Princess of. 1435 Orleans, Louis Philippe Albert d\ (Comte de Paris.) 1436 Orleans, Philippe d‘, Regent. 1437 Poitiers, Diane de. 1438 Pompadour, Mme. 1439 Provence, Margaret de. 1440 Recamier, Madame. 1441 Richelieu, Armaud John du Ples- sis. 1442 Roland, Madame. 1443 Royale, Madame. 1444 Sevigne, Mme. de. 1445 Sore], Agnes. 1446 Stael, Mme. de. 1447 flierese, Marie. 1448 Valliere, Mile, de la. 1 449 Villeneuve, Mine. Miscellaneous. 1450 Abbas II., Khedive of Egypt. 1451 Albert, King of Saxony. 1452 Alexander. Emperor of Russia. 1453 Maria Dagmar, Empress of Rus- sia. 1454 Charles, the Young Pretender. 1455 Emma, Queen of the Netherlands. 1456 Francis Joseph, Emperor of Aus- tria. 1457 Frederick III., Emperor of Ger- many. * 1458 German Royal Family. 1459 German Royal Family, Key to. 1 460 Gustav Adolph, Crown Prince of Sweden. 1461 Henry, Prince of Battenburg. 1462 Margherita, Queen of Italy. 1463 Maximilian II. of Bavaria. 1464 Milan, King of Servia. 1483 Oscar II., King of Sweden. 1465 Pedro, Don, Emperor of Brazil. 1466 Peter the Great. 1484 Sophia, Queen of Sweden. * 1467 Spanish Royal Family. * 1468 Stuart, Mary, Queen of Scots. 1469 Therese, Marie, Queen of Hun- gary. 1470 Victor Emanuel, King of Italy. 1471 William I., Emperor of Germany. 1472 William I L, Emperor of Germany. 1473 William IT., Emperor of Germany. 1474 Victoria, Empress of Germany. 1485 Y ictoria, Empress of Germany. Stage Celebrities. Comprising Operatic, Dramatic, Musical, and Miscellaneous. 1500 Abbott, Emma. 1501 Adams, Maude. 1502 Albani, Mme. 1503 Albani, Mme. 1733 Allen, Augeline. 1734 Allen, Augeline. 1504 Allen, Louise. 1735 Allen, Viola. 1505 Anderson, Mary. 1506 Anderson, Mary. (Profile.) 20 Stage Celebrities — Continued. 1507 Anderson, Mary. 1508 Anderson, Mary. (Large Head.) 1509 Anderson, Mary. (As Galatea.) 1736 Anderson Mary. 1510 Archer, Bell. 1737 Arnoldson, Sigrid. 1738 Arthur, Julia. 1511 Barnabee, H. C. 1512 Barrett, Lawrence. 1513 Barrett, Wilson. 1514 Barry, Helen. 1515 Barrymore, Georgie Drew. 1534 Capoul, Victor. 1535 Cary, Annie Louise. 1536 Carniencita. (Full Figure.) 1537 Carniencita. (Bust.) 1538 Carter, Mrs. Leslie. 1539 Castleton, Kate. 1540 Cayvan, Georgie. 1747 Cheatham, Kitty. 1541 Clayton, Estelle. 1542 Coughlin, Rose. 1543 Coquelin. 1544 Corden, Juliette. 1551. Fanny Davenport, as Cleopatra. 1516 Bellew, Kvrle. 1517 Bennett, Johnstone. 1739 Bennett, Johnstone. 1518 Bernhardt, Sara. 1519 Bernhardt, Sara. 1520 Bernhardt, Sara. 136S Bilton, Belle. (Countess of Clan- carty.) 1740 Bilton, Belle. 1741 Bilton, Belle. (Costume.) 1522 Booth, Agnes. 1523 Booth, Edwin. 1524 Booth, Edwin. 1742 Braham, Rose. 1743 Broughton, Phyllis. 1529 Burgess, Neil. 1530 Burress, Marie. 1531 Burroughs, Marie. 1744 Burroughs, Marie. 1532 Burt, Laura. 1745 Calve, Emma. 1746 Calve, Emma. 1533 Cameron, Beatrice. 1545 Corinne. 1546 Craigan, Maida. 1547 Crane, Edith. 1548 Crane, W. H. 1748 D’Arville, Camille. 1549 Dauvray, Helen. 1550 Davenport, Fanny, as Cleopatra. 1551 Davenport, Fanny, as Cleopatra. ^Reclining.) 1552 Davis, Jessie Bartlett. 1553 Dean, Carrie. 1749 Dene, Dorothy. 1929 Detchon, Adelaide. 1554 Dixey, Henry E. 1555 Drew, John. 1556 Drew, Mrs. John. 1930 Dnse, Eleanor. 1557 Eames, Emma. 1558 Eames, Emma. 1559 Eastlake, Miss. 1560 Eising, Louise. 1561 Ellsler, Elite. 1562 Evesson, Isabelle. 21 Stage Celebrities — Continued. 1563 Feehter, Charles. 1564 Florence, W. J. 1565 Forrest, Edwin. 1566 Fox, Della. 1931 Fox, Della. 1567 Fuller, Loie. 1568 Gale, Minna K. 1932 Gerrish, Sylvia. 1569 Gerster. 1570 Gilbert, John. 193.3 Glaser, Lulu. 1934 Glaser, Lulu. 1935 Glover, Amelia. 1571 Goodwin, N. C. 1936 Goodwin, N. C. 1572 Granger, Maud. 1573 Hading, Jane. 1574 Hading, Jane. 1575 Hall, Pauline. 1937 Hall, Pauline. 1576 Ilalton, Marie. 1938 Hampton, Mary. 1577 Harned, Virginia. 1578 Harrigau, Edward. 1579 Harrison, Duncan B. 1580 Harrison, Maud. 1581 Haworth, Joseph. 1582 Henschel, George. 1583 Henschel, Mrs. George. 1584 Hermann. 1585 Herndon, Agnes. 1586 Hilliard, Robert. 1587 Hilliard, Robert. 1939 Hoffman, Maud. 1588 Homans, Gertie. 1589 Hopper, DeWolf. 1590 Howe, Mary. 1940 Howe, Mary. 1591 Huntiugton, Agnes. 1592 Huntington, Agnes. 1593 Irving, Henry. 1941 Irving, Henry. 1594 Irving, Isabel. 1595 James, Louis. 1596 Janauschek. 1597 Jansen, Marie. (Profile.) 1598 Jansen, Marie. (Large Head.) 1599 Jansen, Marie. (Ballet Costume.) 1600 Jarbeau, Verona. 1601 Jefferson, Joseph. 1602 Jefferson, Joseph, as Bob Acres. 1603 Juch, Emma. 1604 Juch, Emma. (Costume; kneel- ing.) 1605 Juch, Emma, as Marguerite. 1606 .Juch, Emma. (Costume; stand- ing.) 1607 Juch, Emma. (Costume; kneel- ing.) 1608 Juch, Emma. (Costume; stand- ing.) 1609 Karl, Tom. 1610 Keene, Thomas. 1611 Kelcey, Herbert. 1612 Kellogg, Clara Louise. 1613 Kendall, IV. If. 1614 Kendall, Mrs. W. H. 1942 Kendall, Mrs. H r . 11. 1615 Kenward, Edith. 1616 Klein, Ida. 1617 Knox, Villa. 1943 Laekaye, Wilton. 1618 Lane, Eleanor. 1619 Langtry, Mrs. (Profile.) * 1620 Langtry, Mrs. (Standing.) 1621 Langtry, Mrs. (Reclining) 1622 Langtry, Mrs., as Cleopatra. 1944 Lassalle. 1623 Lehman, Lilli. 1624 Leslie, Elsie. 1625 Leslie, Elsie. 1626 Levy. (Cornetist.) 1627 Lind, Letty. 1945 Linyard, Catherine. 1628 Lloyd, Edward. 1946 Lombard, Elsie. 1629 Lotta. 1630 Lussau, Zelie de. 1947 Lussau, Zelie de. 1631 Macdowell, Melbourne. 1632 Mauola, Marion. 1633 Mansfield, Richard. 1948 Mansfield, Richard. 1634 Mantell, Robert. 1635 Mapleson, Laura Schirmer. 1636 Marlowe, Julia. 1637 Marlowe, Julia. (Full Figure.) 1638 Marlowe, Julia. (Costume ; stand ing.) 1639 Marlowe, Julia. (Costume ; stand ing.) 1640 Mai tinot, Sadie. 1641 Mason, Jack. 1642 Materna, Frau. 1643 Mather, Margaret. 1644 Mather, Margaret. (Costume standing.) 1949 May, Olive. 1645 McCullough, John. 1950 Melba, Mine. 1951 Melba, Mine. (Large Head.) 1952 Miskell, Caroline. (Mrs. C. II Hoyt.) 1646 Mitchell, Maggie. 1647 Modjeska, Mine. 164S Modjeska, Mine. (Costume ; stand ing.) 1649 Morris, Clara. 1650 Morrison, Lewis, as Mephistoph eles. 1953 Mounet- Sully, M. 1651 Nilsson, Christine. 1652 Nordica, Mine. 1653 O'Neil, James. 1654 Paderewski. 1655 Palliser, Edith, as Lady Rowena Ivanhoe. 1656 Palmer, Minnie. 1657 Patti, Adelina. (Large Head.) 1658 Patti, Adelina. 22 Stage Celebrities — Continued. 1680. Lillian Russell. 1659 Patti, Adelina. 1660 Patti, Adelina. (Standing.) 1661 Pixley, Annie. 1662 Pixley, Annie, and Baby. 1663 Pixley, Annie, and Baby. 1664 Plympton, Ebeu. 1665 Post, Lillie. 1525 Potter, Mrs. James Brown. 1526 Potter, Mrs. James Brown. (Large Head.) 1527 Potter, Mrs. James Brown. (Large Head.) 1528 Potter, Mrs. James Brown, as Cleopatra. 1954 Potter, Mrs. James Brown. 1666 Pounds, Courtiee. 1667 Powers, James T. 166S Reed, Roland. 1669 Reeves, Sims. 1670 Relian, Ada, as Rosalind. 1671 Reszke, Jean de. 1672 1673 1674 1675 1955 1676 1677 167S 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 Rhea. Rice, Fanny. Ristori, Adelaide. Robson, Stuart. Robson, Stuart. Rosa, Parepa. Roze, Marie. Russell, Annie. Russell, Lillian. Russell, Lillian, seated.) Russell, Lillian. Russell, Lillian. Russell, Lillian. Russell, Lillian. Russell, Lillian, tume.) Russell. Lillian, f Street Costume (Ball Costume.) (Ball Costume ; (Bust.) (Bust.) (Profile.) (Seated.) (Street Cos- bust.) Russell, Sol Smith. Russell, Sol Smith. 23 1689 1690 1896 1897 1898 1694 1956 1695 1696 1957 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1958 1959 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1731 1960 1961 1707 1962 1963 1964 1708 1709 1750 * 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 Stage Celebrities— Continued. Salviui, Alexander. Salviui, Tomaso. Sandow. The Modern Hercules. Sandow. (Back view.) Sandow. (Showing Arm.) Scalchi, Mine. Scalchi, Mine. Scanlau, Wm. J. Scott-Siddons, Mrs. Seabrooke, Thomas Q. Shannon, Effie. Shaw, Mary. Sheridan, Emma V. Sheridan, Emma Y. So them, E. H. St. Cyr, Miss M. St. Cyr, Miss M. St. John, Florence. Stone, Marie. Taber, Robert. Tanner, Cora. Tempest, Marie. Tempest, Marie. Tempest, Marie. Tempest, Marie. Templeton, Fay. Templeton, Fay. Terris, Ellaline. Terris, Ellaline. (Large Head.) Terry, Ellen. Terry, Ellen. 1710 Terry, Ellen, as Margaret. 1965 Terry, Ellen. 1711 Thompson, Denman. 1966 Thompson, Denman. 1712 Thompson, Lydia. 1713 Thompson, Lydia. 1714 Thorndike, Louise. (Mrs. Dion Boucicault.) 1715 Turner, Carrie. 1967 Turner, Carrie. 1716 Tyler, Odette. 1717 Ulmar, Geraldine. 1968 Vanoni, Marie. 1969 Vaughn, Theresa. 1718 Verona, Irene. 1719 Vokes, Rosina. 1720 Vokes, Rosina. 1721 Wainwriglit, Marie. 1722 Waiuwright, Marie. (Standing.) 1723 Waldron, May. 1732 Walsh, Blanche. 1970 Walsh, Blanche. 1724 Walsh, Flora. 1725 Warde, Frederick. 1726 Warren, William. 1727 Webling, The Misses. 172S Willard, E. S. 1971 Wilson, Francis. 1729 Wilson, Francis, and Marie Jan- sen in the “ Oolah.” 1730 Teamans, Jennie. Miscellaneous Portraits. Adams, John Quincy, American Statesman. Agassiz, Louis John Rudolph, Swiss Naturalist. Agassiz, Louis John Rudolph, Swiss Naturalist. Anthony, Susan Brownell, Ameri- can Social Reformer. Antonelli, Giacomo, Roman Car- dinal and Statesman. Balfour, A. J., English Statesman. Banks, Nathaniel P., American Statesman. Barnum, Phiueas '1'., American Showman. Beecher, Henry Ward, American Divine. Beecher, Mis. Henry Ward. Benson, Edward White, Arch- bishop of Canterbury. Besant, Mrs. Annie, Theosophist. Bismarck, Karl Otto von, Ger- man Statesman. Blackwell, Lucy Stone, Woman’s Rights Advocate. Blaine, James G., American Statesman. Blavatsky, Madame, Theosophist. Booth, William, Founder of Sal- vation Army. 1767 Boulanger, George Ernest Jean Marie, French General. 1768 Bradlaugh, Charles, English Statesman. * 1789 Bradstreet, Gov., Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony. 1769 Bright, John, English Statesman. 1770 Bright, John, English States- man. 1771 Brooks, Phillips, American Di- vine. 1872 Brooks, Phillips, American Di- vine. 1973 Brooks, Phillips, American Di- vine. * 1974 Brooks, Phillips. (Folio size only.) 1772 Buffon, Geoi'ge Louis le Clei'c, French Naturalist. 1773 Bull, Ole Bornemann, Norwegian Violin Virtuoso. 1774 Butler, Benjamin F., American General and Statesman. 1775 Cjesar, Caius Julius, Roman Em- peror. 1776 Calvin, John, Swiss Reformer. 1777 Carnot, Marie Francois Sadi, French Statesman. 1778 Chalmers, Thomas, Scottish Di- vine. 24 Miscellaneous Portraits — Continued. 1779 Chamberlain, Joseph, English Statesman . 1780 Childs, George W., American Journalist and Philanthropist. 1366 Churchill, Lord Randolph, Eng- lish Statesman. 1782 Clarke, James Freeman, Ameri- can Divine. 1753 Cleveland, Grover, American Statesman. 1754 Col Iyer, Robert, American Di- vine. 1785 Columbus, Christopher, Discov- erer of America. 1795 Daguerre, Louis Jacques Maude, Inventor of Daguerreotype. 1796 Damrosch, Walter, Orchestral Leader. 1797 Darwin, Charles, English Natu- ralist. 1975 Depew, Chauncey, American Statesman. 1798 Disraeli, Benj., Earl of Beacons- field, English Statesman. 1799 Domett, Alfred, Browning's War- ing. 1800 Douglass, Frea., American States- man. 1918. George AVashington. 1786 Columbus, Christopher, Discov- erer of American. 1787 Constant de Rebecque, Benj., French Statesman. 1788 Cook, Joseph, American Lecturer. 1790 Corday. Charlotte, French Revo- lution. 1791 Cornwallis, Lord Charles, Eng- lish General. 1792 Crisp, Charles F., American Statesman. 1793 Cromwell, Oliver, Protector of England. 1794 Cromwell, Oliver, Protector of England. 1S01 Edison, Thomas Alva, Electrical Inventor. * 1781 Endicott, John, Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony. 1802 Evarts, William M., American Statesman. 1803 Everett, Edward, American Statesman. 1804 Farragut, David Glascoe, Ameri- can Admiral. 1805 Farrar, Frederick William, Eng- lish Divine. 1S06 Field, Cyrus West, American Merchant, Founder of Atlantic Cal ile. Miscellaneous Portraits — Continued 1807 Flower, Roswell P., American Statesman. 1808 Forbes, Archibald, English War Correspondent. 1809 Franklin, Benjamin, American Statesman. 1810 Fuller, M. W., Chief Justice of the United States. 1811 Fulton, Robert, American In- ventor. 1812 Gambetta, Leon, French States- man. 1813 Garibaldi, Guiseppe, Italian Pa- triot. 1814 Garrick, David, English Actor. 1815 Garrick, David, and Shakespeare, Bust. 1816 Garrison, William Lloyd, Ameri- can Philanthropist. 1817 George, Henry, American Jour- nalist and Social Economist. 1S18 Gladstone, William Ewart, Eng- lish Statesman. 1819 Gladstone, William Ewart, Eng- lish Statesman. 1820 Gladstone, William Ewart, Eng- lish Statesman. 1821 Gladstone, William Ewart, and Grandchildren. 1976 Gladstone, William Ewart. (His latest Portrait.) 1822 Gordon, C. C., English General. 1823 Gould, Jay, American Financier. 1824 Grant, Ulysses S., American Gen- eral and Statesman. 1825 Greeley, Horace, American Jour- nalist. 1826 Grevy, Jules, French Statesman. 1827 Grisi, Giulia, Celebrated Singer. 1828 Gutenberg, Johann, Inventor of Printing. 1829 Gutenberg, Johann, Inventor of Printing. 1830 Hachette, Jeanne, French Hero- ine. 1831 Hale, Edward Everett, American Divine. 1832 Hampton, Wade, American Gen- eral and Statesman. 1833 Hancock, John, American States- man. 1834 Harrison, Benjamin, American Statesman. 1835 Hawley, Joseph R., American General and Statesman. 1836 Hill, David B., American States- man. 1837 Howard, Joseph, American Jour- nalist. 1838 Humboldt, Alexander von, Ger- man Traveller 1S39 Huxley, Thomas Henry, English Physiologist. 1840 Ingalls, John J., American States- man. 1S41 Ingersoll, Robert G., American Lawyer. 1842 Joan of Arc, French Heroine. 1843 Knox, John, Scottish Reformer. 1S44 Kossuth, Louis, Hungarian States- man. 1845 Laboucliere, Henry du Pre, Eng- lish Journalist. 1846 Lafayette, Marquis Marie Jean Paul, French Statesman. 1S47 Lee, Robert E., American Gen- eral . 1848 Leo XIII., Pope of Rome. 1849 Lesseps, Ferdinand de, French Engineer. 1850 Liddon, Canon Henry Parry, Eng- lish Divine. 1851 Lincoln, Abraham, American Statesman. 1852 Lincoln, Abraham, American Statesman. 1853 Lincoln, Robert I'., American Statesman. 1854 Lind, Jenny, “ The Swedish Nightingale.’' 1855 Logan, John A., American Gen- eral. 1856 Logan, Mrs. John A., American Journalist. * 1857 Luther, Martin, German Re- former. 1858 Lyne, Joseph Leycester (Father Ignatius), English Monk. 1S59 Mali bran, Maria Felicita , Cele- brated Singer. 1860 Manning, Henry Edward, Eng- lish Cardinal. 1861 Marat, Jean Paul, French Revo- lution. 1862 McCarthy, Justin, Irish States- man. 1863 McCloskey, John, American Car- dinal. * 1864 Melanchthon, Philip, German Reformer. 1865 Metternich, Prince Clemens Wen- zelvon, Austrian Statesman. 1S66 Mill, John Stuart, English Phi- losopher. 1867 Mills, Roger Q., American States- man. 1868 Moltke, Helmuth Karl Bernard von, Prussian General. 1869 Montefiore, Sir Moses, Jewish Philanthropist. 1870 Morse, Edward S., American Sci- entist. 1871 Morse, Samuel Finley Breese, American Inventor. 1872 Nelson, Lord Horatio, English Admiral. 1873 Newman, John Henry, English Cardinal. 1874 Newton, Sir Isaac, English Phi- losopher. 26 Miscellaneous Portraits — Continued. 1875 Nightingale, Florence, renowned for services to the sick and wounded. 1876 Nikisch, Arthur, Orchestral Leader. 1877 Nye, Edgar W. (Bill Nye), American Humorous Writer. 1878 O’Brien, William, Irish States- man. 1879 O’Connell, Daniel, Irish States- man. 1880 Our Saviour. Only true Portrait. 1881 Parker, Theodore, American The- ologian. 1882 Parkhurst, Rev. C. H., American Reformer. 1883 Parnell, Charles Stewart, Irish Statesman. 1884 Parnell, Mrs. Charles Stewart. (Kitty O'Shea.) 1885 Pasteur, Louis, French Chemist. 1886 Phillips, Wendell, American Statesman. 1887 Rabelais, Francois, French Hu- morist. * 1888 Rachel, Elizabeth, French Ac- tress. 1889 Raleigh, Sir Walter, English Navigator. 1890 Reed, Thomas B., American Statesman. 1891 Reid, Whitelaw, American Jour- nalist. 1S92 Richelieu, Cardinal Armaud Jeau du Plessis, French Statesman. 1893 Robespierre, Maxim ilien Joseph Marie Isidore de, French Revo- lutionist. 1977 Roseberry, Lord, English States- man. 1894 Rothschilds, Baron, Jewish Banker. 1895 Salisbury, Marquis of, English Statesman. 1896 Sandow, the Modern Hercules. 1897 Sandow. (Back view.) 1898 Sandow. (Showing Arm.) 1899 Schurz, Carl, American States- man. 1900 Sheridan, Philip H., American General. 1901 Sherman, John, American States- man. 1902 Sherman, William Tecumseh, American General. 1903 Shepherd, Elliott F., American Journalist. 1904 Spurgeon, Chas. H., English Divine. 1905 Stanford, Leland, American Statesman. 1906 Stanley, Henry M., African Ex- plorer. 1907 Stead, W. F., English Journalist. 1908 Stoddard, John L., American Lecturer. 1928 Stokes, Edward 1L, Financier. 1909 Sullivan, John L., American Pu- gilist. 1910 Sumner, Charles, American Statesman. 1911 Swing, David, American Divine. 1912 Talleyrand de Perigord, Chas. Maurice, French Statesman. 1913 Talmage, T. De Witt, American Divine. 1914 Thiers, Louis Adolph, French Statesman. 1915 Tyndall, John, Irish Scientist. 1916 Wallace, William, Scottish Pa- triot. 1918 Washington, George, American General and Statesman. * 1919 Washington, George, American General and Statesman. Painting by Gilbert Stuart. 1920 Webster, Daniel, American Statesman. 1921 Wellesley, Arthur (Duke of Wel- lington), English General. 1922 Wolseley. Sir Garnet, English General. 27 Views. All subjects furnished in Cabinet size. Subjects marked with a * furnished in Folio size also. In ordering be particular to state whether Cabinet or Folio size is wanted, and whether mounted or unmounted. Europe. Austria. Vienna. 2500 General View. * 2501 Academy of Fine Arts. * 2502 Bourse. * 2503 Charles Church. * 2504 Ch. of the Augustines. Tomb of Maria Christina. Canova. * 2505 Ch. of the Augustines. Tomb of Maria Christina. Detail. 2506 Elizabeth Bridge and Charles Church. * 2507 Elizabeth Bridge and Charles Church. * 2508 Franzensring. 2509 Lainzer Castle. * 2510 Marie Therese Monument. * 2511 Museum of Natural History. * 2512 Northern Station. 2513 Opera House. 2514 Palace of Justice. * 2515 Parliament House. * 2516 Rathhaus. 251 7 Royal Theatre. * 2518 Schubert Monument. * 2519 St. George and the Dragon. * 2520 St. Stephen’s Church. * 2521 Statue of Beethoven. 2522 Statue of Priuce Eugene. * 2523 Statue of the Archduke Charles. * 2524 Tegetthoff Monument. 2525 Volksgarten. * 2526 Votive Church. Belgium. Antwerp. * 2527 Panorama. 252S Bourse. Interior. Cathedral. 2529 Cathedral. 5701 Distant View. 2530 Interior. 5702 Pulpit of St. Gudule. * 2531 Church of St. Jacque. Interior. 2532 Dog Cart. * 5703 Fountain of Brabo. 2533 Hotel de Ville. * 5704 Hotel de Ville. Panorama with River. * 2534 House of Rubens. 5706 Milk (Dog) Cart. 2535 Milk Wagon. 2536 Milk Woman. 5705 Musee Plantin. Court. * 2537 National Bank. 2538 Palace of Justice. * 2539 Rue Steen. 2540 Statue of Rubens. * 2541 Statue of Rubens and the Cathe- dral. * 5707 Theatre de Flamand. Brussels. * 2542 Boulevard Anspach. 2543 Bourse. * 2544 Cathedral of St. Gudule. * 2545 Cathedral of St. Gudule. Throne of St. Gudule. * 2546 Church of the Sablous. * 2547 Column of Congress. 2548 Column of Congress. 5708 Grand Hotel. 2549 Hall of Representatives. * 2550 Hotel de Ville. 2551 Hotel de Ville. * 2552 Maison du Sac. 2553 Mannikin. Palace of Justice. * 2554 General View. 2555 Palace of Justice. * 2556 Palace of Justice. 2557 Grand Staircase. * 2558 Palace of the C'omtc de Flandres. * 2559 Palace of the Nation. 2560 Patria Monument. * 2561 Royal Palace. * 2562 Statue of Counts Egmont and Horn. * 2563 The Sablous. Belgium — Continued. Waterloo. 2565 Chateau of Hougoumont. 2566 Farm of Hougoumout. 2567 La Belle Alliance. 2568 La Haye Sainte. * 2569 Monuments on the Battle-field. Folio size only. 2570 The Chapel. * 2571 The Memorial Mound with Bel- gian Lion. Miscellaneous. 2564 Dinant. General View. 5709 Gaud. Hotel de ville. * 5710 Liege. Palace of Justice, Corri- dor and Court. Folio size only. France. 2623. Paris. Grand Opera House, Facade. Paris. * 2575 Bird’s-eye View from an En- graving. 2576 Panorama from Notre Dame. * 2577 Panorama from St. Gervais. 2578 Panorama from the Louvre. Arch of Triumph. * 2579 Arch of Triumph de l'Etoile. 2580 Departure for War. Bade. 2581 Glory. Cortot. 2582 War. Elax. 2583 Peace. Etex. 2831 From the Garden of the Tuileries. 2586 From Bois de Boulogne. * 25S4 Arch of Triumph du Carousel. * 2585 Avenue of the Opera. Hois de Boulogne. 2587 Cascade. * 2588 Lake. 2589 Le Chalet des lies. 2590 Study. Ducks. 2591 Boulevard des Capucines. * 2592 Boulevard des Capucines and Grand Hotel. 2593 Boulevard des Italiens. 29 France — Continued. Paris — Continued. * 2594 Boulevard de la Madeleine. 2595 Boulevard de la Madeleine. * 2596 Boulevard Malesherbes, and Church of St. Augustine. * 2597 Bourse. * 2598 Chamber of Deputies. Champs Elysees. 2599 Champs Elysees. 2600 From Arch of Triumph. 2601 Toward Arch of Triumph. Church of Notre Dame de Paris. * 2602 Church of Notre Dame de Paris. * 2603 Facade. 2604 Main Portal. 2605 Nave. Church of St. Chapelle. 2606 Church of St. Chapelle. * 2607 Interior. * 2608 The Crypt. * 2609 Bose Window. Church of St. Etienne du Mont. * 2610 Church of St. Etienne du Mont. 2611 Interior. 2612 Bood. * 2613 Church of St. Germain l'Auxer- rois. * 2611 Church of St. Laurent. * 2615 Church of St. Sulpice. Eiffel Tower. 2616 General View. * 2617 Eiffel Tower and Champ- de Mars. 2618 From Champ de Mars. 2619 Foundation with distant view of 2620 Flower Market. * 2621 Gare de 1’Est. * 2622 Gare du Nord. Grand Opera House. * 2623 Facade. * 2624 Side View. 2625 Entrance Hall with Staircase. * 2626 Foyer. 2627 Interior. * 2628 Staircase of Honor. 2629 Staircase of Honor. The Inaugu- ration, from painting by E. Detaille. * 2630 Staircase of Honor. Supports. Hotel des Invalicles. * 2631 Hotel des Invalides. * 2632 Tomb of Napoleon. 2633 Tomb of Napoleon. Altar. 2634 Tomb of Napoleon. Sarcophagus. 2635 Hotel du Louvre. 2636 Hotel de Vi lie. * 2637 Hotel de Ville. Fatjade. La Madeleine. * 2638 La Madeleine. 2639 Distant View. * 2640 Interior. 2641 Altar. * 2642 Pediment. Louvre. * 2643 Louvre. 2644 Entrance. 2645 Gate of Cremona. * 2646 Hall of Emperors. * 2647 Hall of the Gladiator. 2648 Hall of the Gladiator. 2649 Pavilion Bichelieu. Luxembourg. * 2650 Luxembourg. 2651 Chamber of Marie de Medicis. 2652 Gardens. * 2653 Medicis Fountain. 2654 Senate Hall. 2655 Throne Boom. 2656 Monument to Gambetta. Moulin Rouge. 2832 Exterior. 2833 Bals de Paris, Kermese. 2834 Bals de Paris, the Cancan. 2835 Bals de Paris, Grand Waltz. 2836 Bals de Paris, Quadrille. 2837 Bals de Paris, Dance du Ventre. Musee Cluny. * 2657 Musee Cluny. 2658 Courtyard. 2659 State Coach of Louis XIV. * 2660 Palais de l’ludustrie. * 2661 Palais de Justice. 2662 Palais Boyal. * 2663 Palais Boyal. Gardens. Palais de Troeadero. 2664 Palais de Troeadero. * 2665 General View. * 2666 Interior. Pantheon. 2667 Pantheon. * 2668 Facade. (Upright.) * 2669 Pediment. * 2670 Place de la Bastille. * 2671 Place de la Bastille. July Column. 2672 Place du Chatelet and Boulevard Strasbourg. 30 France — Continued. Paris — Continued. Place (le la Concorde. 2673 General View. 2674 Place cle la Concorde. 2675 With Champs Elysees. 2676 With Obelisk. 2677 The Obelisk. * 2678 The Obelisk and Fountains. * 2679 Place Vendome. 2680 Pont au Change and Palais de Justice. 2681 Pont des Arts and LTnstitut. 2682 Pont Neuf. 2683 Pont Neuf. * 2684 Porte St. Denis. 2685 Eue Auber. * 2686 Rue de Rivoli. 2687 Rue Royal. Seine. 2688 Panorama. 2689 Panorama with Notre Dame. 2690 Perspective View with Bridge of Holy Fathers. 2691 Statue of Louis XIV. * 2692 Statue of the Republic. 2693 Tomb of Richelieu. Sorbonue. * 2694 Tour St. Jacques. 2695 Tuileries and Pont Royal. 2696 Tuileries Gardens. Pontainehlean Palace. * 2697 Palace. * 2698 Bed of Anne of Austria. 2699 Bed of Napoleon. 2700 Chamber of Marie Antoinette. 2701 Chamber of Mine, de Maiutenon. 2702 Chamber of Napoleon. * 2703 Chapel. Interior. 2705 Cour des Adieux. 2706 Cour des Adieux. Facade. 2707 Gallery of Francis I. * 2708 Gallery of Henry II. 2709 Gallery of Henry II. Fireplace. * 2710 Guard Room. 2711 Guard Room. Fireplace. 2712 Music Room. * 2713 Salle des Jeux. 2714 Salon of Anne of Austria. 2715 Salon d’Attente. 2716 Salon of Francis I. 2717 Salon of Francis I. Fireplace. 2718 Salon of Louis XIII. * 2719 Salon of Marie Antoinette. 2704 Salon of Marie Antoinette. Music Room. 2720 Salon of Mine, de Maiutenon. 2721 Salon of the Queen Mothers. * 2722 Table on which Napoleon signed his Abdication. * 2723 Throne Room. 2724 Throne Room. Napoleou’s Throne. St. Cloud. 2725 General View. 2726 The Park. 2727 The Grand Cascade. 272S Ruins of the Palace. Versailles. * 2729 Palace and Park. 2730 Palace and Park. * 2731 Palace and Park. General View. * 2732 Basin of Apollo. Fountains Playing. 2733 Basin of Latona. * 2734 Basin of Latona. Fountains Playing. 2735 Basin of Neptune. * 2736 Basin of the Pyramid. 2737 Basin of Saturn. 2738 Baths of Apollo. * 2739 Chamber of Josephine. 2740 Chamber of Louis XIV. * 2741 Chamber of Louis XIV. Bed. * 2742 Colonnade. * 2743 Court of Honor. * 2744 Court of Marble. 2745 Hall of Battles. * 2746 Salon of Glasses. Grand Trianon. * 2747 Grand Trianon. * 2748 Grand Trianon and Gardens. * 2749 Bed of Napoleon. 2750 Chamber of Louis Philippe. 2751 Chamber of the Queen of Eng- land. * 2752 Napoleon's Chariot. * 2753 Salon of Napoleon. Petit Trianon. * 2754 Petit Trianon. * 2757 Maison de Seigneur. 2758 Park. The Boudoir. Miscellaneous. 2760 Albi. Cathedral. Amiens. * 2761 Cathedral. 2762 Cathedral. Front Portals. 2763 Cathedral. Nave. Auvergne. * 2764 Issoire Cathedral. * 2765 Issoire Cathedral. Interior. * 2766 Blois Cathedral. Bordeaux. * 2767 Cathedral. * 2768 Church of St. Croix. * 2769 Great Clock Towers. 31 France — Continued. 2800. France. Mont St. Michel, Northeast Side. Bourges. * 2770 Cathedral. Facade. * 2771 Chateau of Charles VI I . * 2772 Chateau de Meillant. General View. * 2773 Chateau de Meillant. DmingHall. * 2774 Chateau de Meillant. Grand Salon. * 2775 Chateau de Meillant. Tower of the Liou. * 2776 Palais Jacques Coeur. Faqade. * 2777 Palais Jacques Coeur. Tower of Grand Staircase. Havre. * 2778 Bourse. * 2779 Hotel de Ville. * 2780 .Jetee. Lyons. * 2781 General View. * 2782 Bourse. * 2783 Hotel de Ville. * 2784 Place des Jacobins. * 2785 Palace of Justice. 2789 La Porte d'Aix. * 2790 Palais Longchamps. * 2791 Palais Longchamps. Fountain. * 2792 School of Fine Arts and Library. * 2793 Monaco. General View with Monte Carlo. Monte Carlo. * 2794 Panorama. * 2795 Casino. * 2796 Casino. Entrance. * 2797 Concert Hall. Interior. * 2798 Gaming Room. 2799 Montpellier. Cathedral. * 2800 Mont St. Michel. N. E. Side. * 2801 Nancy. Cathedral. * 2802 Nautes. Cathedral of St. Peter. Facade. Nice. * 2803 General View. * 2804 Chateau de Smith. * 2805 English Promenade. * 2806 Pont des Anges. Marseilles. * 2786 Panorama of Vieux Port. * 2787 Cathedral. * 2788 Chateau d’lf. Orleans. * 2807 Cathedral. * 2808 Hotel de Ville. 32 France — Continued. Rouen. 2809 Cathedral. 2810 Cathedral. Entrance. 2811 Cathedral. Towers and Spire. 2812 Cathedral. Interior. 2813 Cathedral. Tomb ot Richard Cceur de Lion. 2814 Church of St. Oueu. Fagade. 2815 Church of St. Oueu. Interior. 2816 Church of Bon-Secours. Fagade. 2817 Hotel de Ville. 2818 Tower of Jeanne d’Arc. St. Denis Abbey. 2819 Fagade. 2820 Interior. Nave and Choir. 2821 Crypt and Statue of Louis XVI. * 2822 Tomb of Louis XI 1. and Anne of Bretagne. Chateau of St. Germain. 2823 St. Germain, Chateau of. * 2S24 General View. 2825 Northern Fagade. Tours. * 2826 Cathedral. * 2827 Tower of Charlemagne. Trouville. * 2828 Bathing. * 2829 Grand Salon. * 2830 Normandy House. Germany. The Rhine. Andernach. 2850 General View from the Castle. 3032 The Watch Tower. Bacharach. 2851 General View. 3033 Old Houses. Bingen. 2852 From Prinzenkopf. 2853 From the Rossel. 2854 Looking toward the River. 2855 Bonn. The Munster. Coblenz. 2856 With Bridge of Boats. 3034 St. Castor Church. 2857 The Palace. Cologne. 2S5S General View with Bridge of Boats. 3035 Bridge of Boats. 2859 Cathedral. 2860 Cathedral. Fagade. 2861 Cathedral. Side View. 3036 Cathedral. Side View. 2862 Cathedral. Interior. 3037 Cathedral. Nave. 2863 Hahnenthor. 2864 Rathliaus. 3038 St. Ursula’s Church. 2865 St. Ursula’s Church. 2866 St. Ursula's Church. Interior. Bones of Eleven Thousand Virgins. 2867 Drachenfels Castle. 3039 Drachenburg Castle. * 2868 Ehrenbreitstein. From above Thai. 3040 Ems from Baderlei. * 3041 Heidelberg. The Ritter. * 2869 Lorelei Rock. Mayence. * 2870 From the Bridge. * 3042 Bahnhof. * 2S71 Cathedral. * 3043 Cathedral. * 3044 Fountain in the Market Place. * 3045 Holzthurm. Niederwald. * 2872 National Monument. 2S73 National Monument. (Upright.) * 2874 National Monument, from Bingen. * 2875 Figure of Germania, from the above. 2876 Rhenus and Moselle, from the above. 2S77 Soldier’s Farewell, from the above. 2878 Soldier’s Return, from the above. 2879 War, from the above. 2880 Peace, from the above. * 3046 Oberlalmsteiu and Marksburg Castle. 2881 “ On the Rhine.” 2882 Rat Tower. 2883 Rheineck Castle. * 2884 Rheinfels Castle. * 28S5 Rheiustein Castle. * 2886 Rheiustein Castle. From the Road. * 2887 Schonberg Castle. * 2888 Sooneck Castle. 2889 St. Goar. The Katz and Rhein- fels. * 2890 Stolzenfels Castle. 33 Germany — Continued. Strasbourg. * 2891 Cathedral. * 2892 Cathedral. Side Portal. ^ 2893 Cathedral. Detail of Roof. * 2894 Cathedral. Great Clock. * 2895 Gutenberg’s House. * 2896 Old Houses. Miscellaneous. Baden-Baden. 2897 Baths. * 2S98 Concert Room. * 2899 Greek Chapel. * 2901 Old Castle. * 2902 Victoria Hotel. Berlin. * 2903 Brandenburg Gate. 2904 Cathedral. * 2905 Comedy Theatre and Schiller Place. 2906 Equestrian Statue of Frederick II., the Great. 2907 Exchange. * 2908 Imperial Palace. * 2909 Memorial Column to the Heroes of the Franco-Prussian War. * 2910 Museum. * 2911 National Gallery. 2912 Palace of the Crown Prince. 2913 Rathhaus. * 2914 Royal Bank. 2915 Royal Castle. 2916 Royal Castle. Courtyard. 2917 Royal Castle. Black Eagle Chamber. 2918 Royal Castle. Red Eagle Cham- ber. 2919 Royal Castle. Throne Room. 2920 Royal Castle. White Room * 2921 Statue of Frederick William HI. * 2922 Statue of Goethe. * 2923 Statue of Queen Louise. * 2924 Statue of Schiller. * 2925 Synagogue. * 2926 Synagogue. Interior. 2927 Thiergarten. Bellevue Avenue. 2928 “ Unter den Linden.” 2929 Wrangel Fountain. Brunswick. * 2930 Ducal Palace. * 2931 Old House. Carlsruhe. 2932 General View from the Castle. 2933 The Castle. Charlottenburg. * 2934 Mausoleum. * 2935 Mausoleum. Interior. 2936 Mausoleum. Grave of Queen Louise. 2937 Royal Palace. Darmstadt. 2938 The Castle. 2939 Louisen Platz. Dresden. 2940 American Chapel. * 2941 Bruhl’s Terrace. * 2942 Catholic Church. Facade. * 2943 Frauenkirche. * 2944 Gallery. * 2945 Landing Place of River Boats. * 2946 Opera House. 2947 Opera House. Corridor. * 2948 Opera House. Foyer. * 2949 Royal Belvidere. * 2950 Royal Palace in the Grosse Gar- ten. * 2951 Russian Church. * 2952 Zwinger. * 2953 Ehrenburg Castle. On the Mo- selle. Eisenach. * 2954 Wartburg Castle. * 2955 Wartburg Castle. Luther’s Room. Frank fort-on-tlie- Ma in . * 2956 Eschenheimer Tower. * 2957 Frankfort House. * 2958 Goethe’s House. * 3017 Goethe Monument. * 2959 New Exchange. * 2960 Old House. * 2961 Opera House. * 2962 Ross Market and Gutenberg Monument. * 2963 Rothschild's House. * 2964 Saalhof * 3048 Schiller Monument. * 2965 Staedel Art Gallery. * 2966 The Romer. 2967 Hanover. King’s Palace. Heidelberg. * 2968 General View. Heidelberg Castle. * 2969 From the River. * 2970 Blown up Tower. 2971 Columns of Charlemagne. * 2972 Courtyard. * 2973 Elizabeth Gate. * 2974 Great Tun. 2975 Palace Front of Otho Henry. * 2976 Terrace. * 2977 The Students' Prison. 2978 Students Fencing. Hombnrg, * 2979 Curhaus. 34 Germany Homburg — Continued. * 2980 Elizabeth Fountain. * 2981 The Park. * 2982 The Schloss. 2983 Leipsic. Birthplace of Wagner. Munich. 2984 General View. 2985 Glyptothek. 2986 Glyptothek. Statues from Temple of TEgina. 2987 Hoftheatre. 2988 New Pinacothek. 2989 Old Pinacothek. 2990 Propylaen. 2991 Rathiiaus. 2992 Statue of Bavaria and Hall of Fame. Nuremberg. * 2993 Burg or Castle. * 2994 Church of St. Lorenz. Facade. * 2995 Church of St. Lorenz. Interior. * 2996 Church of St. Sebaldus. Bridal Portal. * 2997 Church of St. Sebaldus. Balcony of Parsonage. * 2998 Diirer’s House. * 2999 Executioner’s Bridge. 3000 Fountain of the Virtues. * 3002 Frauenkirche. * 3003 Frauenkirche. Portal. 3004 Germanicus Museum. Continued. * 3005 Goose Fountain. * 3006 Karolinen Strasse and War Monu- ment. * 3007 King’s Bridge. 3008 Market Place. * 3010 Nassauerhaus. 3011 Old House. * 3012 Pellersehehaus. * 3013 Statue of Albert Durer. * 3014 Statue of Hans Sachs, the Cobbler Poet. * 3015 Synagogue. * 3016 The Beautiful Fountain. Potsdam. * 3017 Babelsburg Castle. * 3018 Brandenburg Gate. * 3019 Church of Peace. * 3020 Church of St. Nicholas. * 3021 Royal Palace. * 3022 Royal Palace. Grotto Room. * 3023 Sans Souci and Terraces. * 3024 Sans Souci Windmill. Stuttgart. * 3025 Schloss Platz. * 3026 Royal Villa. * 3027 Wiesbaden. From Kapellen- strasse. Worms. * 3029 Cathedral. * 3030 Cathedral. Choir. 3031 Luther Monument . Great Britain. England. Condon. 3050 A London Omnibus Loaded. * 3051 Admiralty, The. 3052 Albert Hall. * 3053 Albert Hall. Interior. * 3054 Bank of England. 3055 Blackfriars Bridge. 3056 British Museum. Buckingham Palace. * 3057 Buckingham Palace. 3058 Garden Front. * 3059 Blue Drawing Room 3060 Grand Staircase. * 3061 Marble Hall. * 3062 Picture Gallery. * 3063 Spanish Room. * 3064 State Dining Room. * 3065 Throne Room. * 3066 Yellow Drawing Room. 3068 Canon Street Station Hotel. * 3069 Charing Cross Station Hotel. 3070 Cheapside. 3071 ClaphamRoad. “Off to the Derby.” 3072 Costermonger’s Cart. * 3073 Covent Garden Market. Crystal Palace. * 3074 Crystal Palace and Grounds. 3075 Crystal Palace and Grounds. 3076 Interior. 3077 Custom House. 3078 Custom House from the Thames. 3079 Elizabethan House. 3080 Equestrian Statue of Richard Cmur de Lion. 3081 Euston Station. * 3082 Fleet Street. * 3083 General Post Office. 3084 Grand Hotel. 3085 Greenwich Hospital from the Thames. * 3067 Burlington House and Piccadilly. 35 England — Continued. London — Continued. Guildhall. * 3086 Guildhall. 3087 Interior. 3088 Interior. Great Hall. 3089 Hampton Court Bridge. * 3109 Lord Beaconsfield's Statue and Clock Tower. 3110 Royal or Victoria Gallery. 3111 St. Stephen’s Hall. * 3112 St. Stephen’s Porch. 3113 Statue of Queen Victoria. 3114 The Throne. 3115 Westminster Hall. Hampton Court. * 3090 South Front. 3091 West Front. * 3092 Clock Tower and Great Hall. 3093 Great Fountain and Long Canal. 3094 Hansom Cab, A. 3095 Holborn. Old House. * 3096 Holborn. Viaduct. 3097 Horse Guards from Whitehall. * 309S Horse Guards. Life Guardsman in the Sentry Box. * 3099 Hotel Langham. * 3100 Hotel Moreley. * 3101 Hotel Metropole. 3102 Hotel Victoria. Houses of Parliament. * 3103 General View. * 3104 From Albert Embankment. * 3105 Clock Tower. * 3106 Crypt. 3239 House of Lords. * 3107 House of Lords. Interior. * 3108 House of Commons. Interior. Hyde Park. 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 3122 3123 3124 3125 3126 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 Albert Memorial. Albert Memorial. Albert Memorial. Albert Memorial. Albert Memorial. Albert Memorial. Albert Memorial. Albert Memorial. Albert Memorial. Albert Memorial. Corner. Corner. Corner. Life Guards’ Band. Marble Arch. Meet of the Coaching Club. Park Lane. Rotten Row. Rotten Row. Ladies' Mile. Near View. Europe. Asia. Africa. America. Agriculture. Commerce. Engineering. Manufacture! 3134 Kensington Palace. Kew Gardens. 3135 Entrance Gate. 3136 Cactus House. 3103. London. Houses of Parliament. 36 England — Continued. London — Continued. Kew Gardens. 3137 Centre of New Temperate House. 3138 Chinese Pagoda. 3139 Flower Beds. 3140 Keyser's Royal Hotel. * 3141 Lambeth Palace. 3142 Leicester Square. 3143 Leicester Square. Alhambra Theatre. 3144 Leicester Square and Empire Theatre. * 3145 London Bridge. 3146 Ludgate Hill from St. Paul’s. 3147 Madame Tussaud’s. * 3148 Mansion House. * 3149 Marlborough House. 3150 Metropolitan Tabernacle. * 3151 Metropolitan Tabernacle. In- terior. * 3152 Monument, The. * 3153 National Gallery and St. Martin's Church. * 3154 New Law Courts. * 3155 Old Curiosity Shop. 3156 Paddington Station Hotel. * 3157 Pall Mall and National Gallery. * 3158 Pall Mall and Senior Carlton Club. * 3159 Parliament Street. * 3160 Piccadilly. * 3161 Regent Street. 3185 Regent Street. " 3162 Richmond. On the Thames. * 3163 Richmond. Star and Garter Hotel. * 3164 Royal Exchange. * 3165 Seven Dials. 3166 Seven Dials. 3167 Smithfield Market. 3168 Smithfield Martyrs' Memorial Church. * 3169 Somerset House. West Front. 3170 South Kensington Museum. Southwark. 3171 The George Yard. 3172 The King’s Head. 3173 The Old Tabard. 3174 St. Duustan’s Church. * 3175 St. James’ Palace. 3176 St. Mary-le-Strand Church. * 3177 St. Pancras Station and Midland Grand Hotel. St. Paul’s Cathedral. 3178 From Blaekfriars. * 3179 From Northwest. * 3180 From the Strand. * 3181 From the Thames. * 3182 Choir. * 3183 Crypt. 31S4 Crypt. Wellington’s Tomb. * 3186 Nelson Monument. * 3187 Reredos. * 3188 St. Thomas Hospital. River Front. * 3189 Statue of Gen. Gordon, with Trafalgar Square. * 3190 Strand, The, looking West. * 3191 Temple Bar. * 3192 Temple Bar. Memorial. * 3193 Temple Church. Thames Embankment. * 3194 Thames Embankment and Somer- set House. 3195 From Charing Cross R. R. * 3196 From Waterloo Bridge. 3197 Cleopatra's Needle. * 319S Thames, Regatta Day on the. * 3199 Tottenham Court Road. Tower of Eondon. * 3200 General View. * 3201 From the Thames. * 3240 From the Thames. Folio size only. 3202 “ Beefeaters.” * 3203 Beauchamp Tower. 3204 Bloody Tower. * 3205 Byward Tower. * 3206 Martin Tower. * 3207 Middle Tower. * 3208 St. Thomas Tower. * 3209 White Tower. * 3210 Crown Jewels. * 3211 Horse Armory. 3212 St. John’s Chapel. * 3213 Traitor's Gate. Trafalgar Square. * 3214 Panorama. 3215 From National Gallery. 3216 Landseer's Lion. Right. 3217 Landseer’s Lion. Left. * 3218 Nelson Monument. 3219 Victoria Docks. * 3220 Victoria Embankment. Gardens. 3221 Waterloo Place and Guards’ Monument. Westminster Abbey. * 3222 General View. * 3223 West Front. * 3224 Choir looking East. * 3225 Choir looking West. * 3226 Coronation Chair. 3227 Entrance to Jerusalem Chamber. * 3228 Fox Monument. * 3229 Henry VI 1. Chapel. * 3230 Henry VII. Chapel. Interior. 37 England — Continued. London — Continued. Westminster Abbey. * 3231 Henry VII. Tomb. * 3232 Lady Nightingale's Monument. 3233 Nave. 3234 North Transept. * 32.35 Poets' Corner. 3236 Pulpit. 3237 Tomb of Queen Elizabeth. * 32.38 Whitehall. Foreign Office from St. James' Park. Cambridge. 3250 Caius College. Gate of Honor. 3251 Clare College. In the Quad- rangle. 3252 Fitz william Museum. King College. 3253 From the River. * 3254 Chapel. 3255 Gateway. * 3256 “ On the River Cam." 3257 Pembroke College. * 3258 Pitt Press, The. 3259 St. John's College. New Court. 3260 Trinity College. King’s Gate- way. * 3261 Trinity College. Old Court. Oxford. * 3262 Panorama from Magdalen Col- lege Tower. 3263 Balliol College. * 3264 Castle, The. * 3265 Cathedral. * 3266 Cathedral. Interior. 3267 ChristChurch. Front View. 3268 Christ Church. Rear View. 3269 Clarendon Building. 3270 Exeter College. * 3271 Iffiev Church. (Early Norman.) 3272 Keble College. * 3273 Keble College. Chapel. Magdalen Cottage. 3274 From the Bridge. * 3275 Chapel. 3276 Founder's Tower. 3277 Martyr's Memorial. 3278 Merton College. 3279 Merton College. Library. In- terior. * 3280 Oriel College. 3281 Queen’s College. 3282 St. John's College. 3283 St. Mary the Virgin’s Church. 3284 University College. 3285 Worcester College. Stratford-on-Avon. Shakespeare’ s House. * 3286 Shakespeare's House. * 3287 Before Restoration. * 3288 Kitchen. * 3289 Room in which Shakespeare was born. * 3290 Room in which Shakespeare was born. 3291 American Fountain and Clock Tower. Ann Hathaway’s Cottage. * 3292 Ann Hathaway's Cottage. * 3293 Near View. * 3294 Interior. * 3295 C’harlecote House. 3296 Charlecote House. Great Hall. * 3297 Clopton Bridge. 3298 Clopton House. * 3299 Grammar School. * 3300 Grammar School. Class Room. * 3301 Guild Chapel. Holy Trinity Church. 3302 From the Churchyard. 3303 From the Church yard. Near View. * 3304 From Island. * 3305 American Window. * 3306 Chancel. 3307 Inscriptions on the tombs of Shakespeare and wife. 3308 Shakespeare's Monument. * 3309 The Avenue. * 3310 Memorial Fountain. * 3311 Memorial Theatre. * 3312 Memorial Theatre. From the Avon. * 3313 New Place and Guild Chapel. * 3314 Old House. High Street. * 3315 Portrait of Shakespeare. 3316 Bust of Shakespeare. * 3317 Red Horse Hotel. * 3318 Red Horse Hotel. Washington Irving’s Room. 3319 Souvenir. Twelve Views in One. 3320 Y e Five Gables. * 3321 Wilmcote. Mary Arden's Cot- tage. Windsor. Windsor Castle. * 3322 From the Northwest. * 3323 From the River. 3324 From the River. 38 England — Continued. Windsor — Continued. Windsor Castle. * 3325 Albert Memorial Chapel. Sar- cophagus. * 3326 Crimson Drawing Boom. 3327 Dining Boom. * 3328 East Terrace. * 3329 Grand Beception Boom. * 3330 Green Drawing Boom. * 3331 Guard Chamber. * 3332 Henry VIII. Gateway. * 3333 Long Walk. * 3334 Norman Gate. * 3335 Rubens Room. * 333G St. George’s Chapel. South Front. Miscellaneous. Alnwick Castle. * 3360 From the Pasture. 3361 Hotspur's Tower. Arundel Castle. * 3362 Courtyard. * 3363 The Keep. Interior. * 3364 Bamborough. Grace Darling's Tomb. * 3365 Bath Abbey. From Northeast. 3292. Stratford-on-Avon. Ann Hathaway's Cottage. * 3337 St. George’s Chapel. Choir. 3338 St. George’s Chapel. Stalls and Royal Pew. * 3339 The Avenue. * 3340 Throne Boom. * 3341 Van Dyck Boom. * 3342 Victoria Tower and South Side. * 3343 Waterloo Chamber. 3344 White Drawing Boom. 3345 Zuccarelli Room. Frogmoi e House. * 3346 Frogmore House. With Grounds. * 3347 Duchess of Kent’s Mausoleum. * 3348 Queen's Breakfast Cottage. * 3349 Royal Mausoleum. 3350 Royal Mausoleum. Near View. Beverly Minster. * 3366 West Front. * 3367 Choir looking East. 3368 Percy Shrine. Blenheim Palace. * 3369 East Front. Residence of Duke of Marlborough. * 3370 North Front. 3371 North Front. 3372 South Front. 3373 South Front. Near View. 3374 South and West Fronts. 3375 South and East Fronts. 3376 Dining Room. * 3377 Drawing Boom. 3378 Parlor. 39 England — Continued. Blenheim Palace — Continued. 3379 Reception Room. * 3380 Bodiam Castle. * 3381 Bolton Abbey. Boston. * 3382 Church of St. Botolpli. 3383 Church of St. Botolpli. Interior. Brighton. 3384 Aquarium from the Beach. 3385 Beach, The. 3386 Chain Pier. 5711 Esplanade, The. * 3387 Marine Parade. 3388 Marine Parade. 3389 Pavilion. 3390 Pier, Regatta Day. * 3391 West Pier. 3392 West Pier. Canterbury. Cathedral. 3393 From the East. * 3394 West Front. * 3395 Choir. 3396 Cloisters. * 3397 Crypt. 3398 Lady Chapel. * 3399 Scene of the Martyrdom. * 3400 Trinity Chapel and Tomb of the Black Prince. * 3401 King’s School. * 3402 St. Augustine’s Gateway and Col- lege. 3403 St. Martin’s Church. * 3404 St. Martin's Church. Interior. Carlisle. 3405 Carlisle Castle. * 3406 Carlisle Cathedral. * 3407 Carlisle Cathedral. Choir. Chatsworth House. * 3408 From the Southeast. * 3409 From the West. * 3410 Sculpture Gallery. * 3411 Sculpture Gallery. 3412 Cheltenham College. * 3413 Chepstow Castle. Chester. Cathedral. * 3414 West Front. * 3415 Interior. * 3416 Choir. 3417 Choir looking West. * 3418 Bishop Lloyd's Palace. * 3419 God’s Providence House. * 3420 Ha warden Castle. Gladstone’s Place. Chichester. 3421 Chichester Cathedral. 3423 Chichester Cathedral. Choir. Dover. 3424 Castle, The. 3425 East Cliff. 3426 Esplanade. 3427 Marine Parade. 3428 Shakespeare Cliff. Durham. Castle. * 3429 Castle. * 3430 Courtyard. * 3431 Dining Hall. Cathedral. * 3432 Cathedral. 3433 From St. Oswald’s. * 3434 Choir. * 3435 Galilee Chapel. * 3436 Nave. Eaton Hall. * 3437 From the Terrace. Residence of the Duke of Westminster. * 3438 Great Drawing Room. * 3439 Salon. * 3440 Eddystone Lighthouse. Ely. Cathedral. * 3441 Ely Cathedral. * 3442 Choir. 3443 Reredos. * 3444 Eton College. Exeter. Cathedral. * 3445 From the Northeast. 3446 West Front. * 3447 Interior. 3448 Reredos. Falmouth. * 3449 From Castle Dill. * 3450 At the Quay. 3451 On the Beach. * 3452 Pendennis Castle. Flamborougli Head. 3453 Flamborougli Head. * 3454 Cliffs. 3455 Four Arched Caves. * 3456 Fountains Abbey. From the Surprise. 3457 Fountains Abbey. Nave. * 3458 Furness Abbey. From the South- west. 40 England — Continued. 3459 Furness Abbey. Nave. * 3460 Gadshill. Charles Dickens's House. * 3461 Gadshill. Library. * 3462 Glastonburg Abbey. St. Joseph's Chapel. Gloucester. Cathedral. 3463 Gloucester Cathedral. 3464 Choir. 3465 Nave. * 3466 Grasmere. Church. * 3467 Grasmere. Tomb of Wordsworth. Haddon Hall. * 3468 From Terrace. * 3469 Ball Room. 3470 Banqueting Hall. * 3471 Chapel. * 3472 Dining Room. 3473 Dorothy Vernon’s Steps. * 3474 Dorothy Vernon's Walk. * 3475 Drawing Room. * 3476 State Bedroom. Hardwick Hall. * 3477 Hardwick Hall. * 3478 Green Room. * 3479 Queen Mary's Bedroom. Hastings. 3480 Beach, The. 3481 Castle, looking West. 3482 East Hill and Fish Market. 3483 High Tide at Lifeboat House. 3485 The Pier. Hatfield House. * 3486 West Front. * 3487 Chapel. * 3488 King James's Drawing Room. * 3489 Marble Dining Hall. * 3490 Old Palace. Ilfracombe. * 3491 From Coronation Crescent. * 3492 Parade. * 3493 Watermouth Castle. 3494 Wildersmouth Beach. Kenilworth. Castle. * 3495 From the Bridge. * 5712 From the Bridge. * 3496 From the Road. * 3497 View taken from an Old Painting. * 3498 Banqueting Hall. 3499 Caesar's Tower. * 3501 Leicester’s Buildings. 3502 Mervyu's Bower. 3503 Kenilworth Church. * 3504 Kenilworth. Queen and Castle Hotel. * 3505 Keswick. Crosth waite Church. Southey's Monument. 3506 Kipton Castle. * 3507 Knaresborough Castle. hand’s End. 3508 “ Armed Knights.” * 3509 Cliffs. * 3510 Enysdodnan. 3511 The Irish Lady. heaniington. 3512 Holly Walk and New Theatre. 3513 Jephson Monument. 3514 Parade. 3515 Royal Pump Room. 3516 Royal Spa Gardens. * 3517 Leeds. Kirkstall Abbey. hichfield. Cathedral. 3518 Lichfield Cathedral. * 3519 From the East. * 3520 From the Lady Chapel. * 3521 West Front. 3522 Central Tower. * 3523 Interior. * 3524 Bishop Ryder’s Monument. 3525 Chapter House. * 3526 Reredos and Altar. * 3527 Sleeping Children. 352S Bishop’s Palace. * 3529 Dr. Johnson's Statue. * 3530 Market Place. * 3531 Lincoln Cathedral. 3532 Lincoln Cathedral. Interior. hiverpool. 3533 From the Mersey. * 3534 Adelphi Hotel. 3535 Art Gallery. 3536 Birthplace of W. E. Gladstone. 3537 Canning Dock and Custom House. * 3538 Exchange. * 3539 Free Library. 3540 George’s Dock. 3541 George's Dock. * 3542 Landing Stage. 3543 Langton Dock. 3544 Langton Branch Dock. * 3545 Lime Street. * 3546 London and N. W. Station Hotel. 3547 On the Mersey. * 3548 Prince's Landing Stage. 3549 St. George’s Hall. 3550 St. George's Hall. Interior. 41 England — Continued. Liverpool — Continued. 3551 St. George’s Hall. The Lions. 3552 St. George’s Landing Stage. 3553 Statue of Albert, Prince Consort. 3554 Statue of Queen Victoria. 3555 The Quadrant. 3556 Town Hall. Lizard. 3557 Lizard Lights from above House- hole. * 3558 Lloyd's Signal Station. * 3559 Old Lizard Head and Man-of-War Rocks. * 3560 Logan Rock. Manchester. * 3561 Assize Courts. * 3562 Cathedral. 3563 Cromwell's Statue and Exchange Station. * 3564 Exchange. * 3565 Piccadilly. * 3566 Town Hall. 3567 Victoria Buildings. Ship Canal. * 3568 Entrance at Eastham. * 3569 Chairman's Yacht. First trip up the Canal. * 3570 Eastham Locks. * 3571 Inside the Locks. Eastham. Newstead Abbey. * 3572 West Front. * 3573 Drawing Room. * 3574 Lord Byron's Bedroom. Norwich. * 3575 Castle and Shire Hall. * 3576 Cathedral from the Southeast. 3577 Cathedral. West Front. * 3578 Cathedral Choir, looking East. 3579 Cathedral Spire and Cloisters. Nottingham. * 3580 Castle Gate. * 3581 Market. * 3582 Robin Hood's Caves. 3583 St. Mary's Church. * 3584 St. Mary’s Church. Choir. Penrith. * 3585 Castle. * 3586 Brougham Castle. * 3587 Lowther Castle. Penzance. 3588 From Lighthouse Pier. * 3589 Fishing Boats Starting Out. * 3590 Parade. * 3591 St. Michel’s Mount from Road. * 3592 Peterborough Cathedral. From St. John's Tower. Plymouth. 3593 From Smeaton Tower. * 3594 Drake Monument. * 3595 Guildhall Square. * 3596 Raglan Castle. * 3597 Richmond Castle. * 3598 Rievaulx Abbey. * 3599 Rievaulx Abbey. Nave and Transepts. 3600 Ripou Cathedral. 3601 Ripon Cathedral. Interior. Rochester. Cathedral. 3602 Rochester Cathedral. 5713 Rochester Cathedral. * 3603 Choir. * 3604 Rowsley. Peacock Inn. * 3605 Salisbury Cathedral. 3606 Salisbury Cathedral. Interior. Sandringham House. * 3607 Country Residence of the Prince of Wales. 3608 East Front. 3609 West Front. Scarborough. 3610 Esplanade. 3611 Grand Hotel. * 3612 North Bay. * 3613 Sands. Children’s Corner. 3614 South Bay. * 3615 South Bay and Foreshore Road. 3616 South Cliff Tramway. * 3617 The Spa. Southampton. 3619 Bargate. 3620 Netley Castle. * 3621 Netley Abbey. * 5714 South Devon. Old Mill. 3622 St. Alban's Abbey. From South- west. 362.3 St. Alban’s Abbey. Nave. * 3624 Stoke Pogis. Church and Church- yard of Gray’s Elegy. * 3625 Stoke Pogis. Thomas Gray's Monument. * 3626 Stonehenge. * 3627 Stonehenge. Restored. (After Dr. Stukeley.) * 3628 Stoneleigh Abbey. 3629 Stoneleigh Abbey. 42 England — * 3630 Stoneleigh Abbey. Gateway. 3631 Tiutern Abbey. * 3632 Tintern Abbey. From Chepston Road. Torquay. * 5715 An English Homestead. * 5716 A Lane. 3633 Berry Pomeroy Castle. * 5717 Chelston Dairy. * 5718 Cottage. 36.34 Imperial Hotel. * 3635 Natural Bridge. * 3636 St. John's Church. * 3637 Waldou Hill and Quay. * 3638 Twickenham Ferry. * 3639 Twickenham. Pope's Villa. * 5719 Ullswater. Stybarrow Crag. Warwick. Castle. * 3640 From the Bridge. 3641 From Guy's Tower. * 3642 * 3643 From the Mound. Warwick Castle and Cedars. 3644 From the Avon. Warwick Castle and Cedars. From the Avon. 3645 Banqueting Hall. * 3646 Caesar’s Tower. * 3647 Clock Tower. * 3648 Countess’ Room. * 3649 Gateway. * 3650 Great Hall. * 3651 Library. * 3652 Warwick Vase. 3653 Guy’s Cliff from Wellmeadow. * 3654 Guy's Cliff and Courtyard. * 3655 Guy's Cliff. The Mill. Welbeck Abbey. * 3656 Entrance Hall. Isle of Carisbrooke Castle. * 3686 Carisbrooke Castle. * 3687 Royal Apartments. * 3688 The Keep. * 3689 Cowes. Royal Yacht Club House. * 3695 Abergell. Gwrych Castle. * 3696 Bangor Cathedral. * 3697 Beaumaris Castle. Continued. * 3657 Music Room. * 3658 Picture Gallery. Wells. Cathedral. * 3659 West Front. 3660 Nave. 3661 Tower and Palace Gateway. Whitby. 3662 Abbey. West Front. * 3663 Abbey. Nave. 3664 Fishing Boats. * 3665 Harbor Mouth and Lighthouse. 3666 West Cliffs and Sands. Winchester. Cathedral. 3667 Winchester Cathedral. 3668 Interior. 3669 Cardinal Beaufort's Tomb. 3670 Wilberforce Tomb. * 3671 Worcester Cathedral. From the River. 3672 Worcester Cathedral. Choir. Yarmouth. * 3673 Nelson Monument. * 3674 On the Beach. 3675 Royal Aquarium. * 3676 St. Nicholas Church. * 3677 St. Nicholas Church. Interior. 3678 Toll House. York. Cathedral. 3679 From the Southwest. * 3680 From the Southeast. * 3681 West Front. * 3682 Interior. 3683 Nave. * 3684 Stone Screen. * 3685 St. Mary's Abbey. Wight. * 3690 Freshwater. Tennyson's House. * .3691 Osborne House. Residence of Queen Victoria. * 3692 Osborne House. Interior. * 3693 The Needles. * 3694 Whippingham Church. * 3698 Bettws-y-coed. General View. * 3973 Carnarvon Castle. * 3974 Conway Castle. From the River. Wales — Continued. 3699 Conway Castle. 3700 Dollwyddelen Castle. 3701 Holyhead. South Stack Light- house. * 3702 Holyhead. St. Cubis Church. Ireland. 3703 Askeaton Abbey. .3704 Bantry House. 3705 Belfast. Albert Memorial. 3706 Belfast. Queen’s College. 3707 Birr Castle. 370S Blaekrock Castle. Blarney Castle. 3709 Blarney Castle. 3862 Blarney Castle. 3710 Blarney Castle. (Upright.) 5720 Kissing the Stone. 3711 Blarney Peep Hole, showing Castle. 3712 Carrick-a-Rede. Rope Bridge. 3713 Carton House. 3714 Carton House. Library. 3715 Cong Abbey. Cork. 3716 Grand Parade. 3717 Patrick Street. 3718 Queen’s College. 3719 Shandon Church. 3720 St. Finbarr's Cathedral. 3721 Derry Cathedral. 3722 Donegal Castle. Dublin. 3723 Bank of Ireland. 3724 College Green. 3725 Four Courts. 3726 General Post-office and Nelson Pillar. 3727 Museum. 3728 O’Connell Bridge. 3729 O’Connell Statue. 3730 Phoenix Park. 3731 Royal Chapel. 3732 St. Patrick’s Cathedral. 3733 St. Patrick's Cathedral. Choir. 3734 The Rotunda. 3735 Trinity College. 3736 Dunluce Castle. 3737 Fair Head. Gray Man's Path. Giant’s Causeway. 373S Lord Antrim’s Parlor. * 3739 The Great Causeway. General View. * 3740 The Great Causeway. Near View. * 3741 The Steucans. * 3742 Wishing < hair. * 3743 Holy Cross Abbey. County 'Tipperary. * 3744 Irish Cabin. 3745 Johnstown Castle. * 3746 Kilkenny Castle. Killarney. * 3747 General View of the Lakes. * 3748 Colleen Bawn Caves. * 3749 Colleen Bawn Rock. 3750 Gap of Dunloe. 3751 Kate Kearney Cottage. * 3752 Meeting of the Waters. * 3753 Muckross Abbey. * 3754 Ross Castle. * 3755 Kingstown Harbor. 3756 Kingstown Harbor. With Mail Steamer. 3757 Limerick. Johns Castle. * 3758 Limerick. Treaty Stone. * 3759 Lismore Castle. General View. 3760 Malahide Castle. * 3761 Monasterboice, Cross at. Portrusli. * 3762 Giant’s Head. 3763 White Rocks. 3764 Wishing Arch. Queenstown. * 3765 From the Harbor. 3766 Christ Church. 3767 Esplanade. * 3768 Harbor. * 3769 The Landing. 3770 Ruins at Innisfallen. 3771 Ruins on Scattery Island. * 3772 Sligo. Abbey. * 3773 Sligo. St. John’s Church. 3774 Wicklow. Powerseourt House. 3775 Wicklow. Powerseourt House. Hall. 44 Scotland. Edinburgh. * 3776 General View from Calton Hill. 3777 General View from the Castle, looking East. * 3778 Albert Memorial Statue. * 3779 Bank of Scotland. 3780 Burns’s Monument. 3781 Canougate. Marquis of Huntley’s House. * 3782 Canougate. Tolbooth. Castle. * 3783 From the Esplanade. * 3784 From the Grass Market . * 3785 Cameron Highlanders. * 3786 Crown Boom. 3970 Monsmeg. * 3787 Palace Courtyard. * 3788 St. Margaret’s Chapel. 3789 Dugald Stuart’s Monument. * 3790 Fettes College. 3791 Grassmarket. 3792 Heriot’s Hospital. 3793 High School. 3794 Holyrood Chapel. Holyrood Palace. * 3795 Holyrood Palace and Arthur’s Seat. * 3797 Lord Darnley's Boom. * 3798 Queen Mary’s Audience Chamber. 3799 Queen Mary’s Boom. * 3800 Queen Mary’s Supping Boom. * 3801 Scene of Bizzio’s Murder. * 3802 House of John Knox. * 3803 Jennie Dean's Cottage, St. Leon- ard's. 3804 Market Cross (restored). * 3805 Nelson and National Monuments. * 3806 Old Greyfriars Church. 3807 Old Houses in Grassmarket. * 3808 Princess Street from Waterloo Place. 3809 Queen Mary’s Bath House. 3810 Boyal Institution. 3811 Boyal Institution. From Han- over Street. * 3812 Boyal Observatory. 3813 Sir Walter Scott’s Monument. * 3S14 Sir Walter Scott’s Monument. (Upright.) * 3815 St. Giles’s Cathedral. * 3816 St. Giles's Cathedral. Interior. * 3817 St. Mary’s Cathedral. * 3818 St. Mary’s Cathedral. Interior. 3819 University. 3820 University. The Quadrangle. Abbotsford. * 3821 From the Southeast. * 3822 From the Tweed. * 3823 Garden Front. 3824 Armory. * 3825 Drawing Boom. * 3826 Entrance Hall. * 3827 Library. * 3828 Study. Ayr. * 3829 Alloway Ivirk and Burial Place of Burns’s Family. 3843. Scotland. The Forth Bridge, General View. 45 Scotland — Continued. Ayr — Continued. 3830 Auld Brig. 3831 Auld Brig o' Doon. 3832 Banks and Braes o’ Bonnie Doon. 3833 Burns's Cottage. 3834 Burns’s Cottage. Interior. 3835 Burns's Monument. 3836 Burns’s Monument. (Upright.) 3837 Burns’s Monument. Interior with Bust of the Poet. 3838 New Brig o' Ayr. 3839 Twa Brigs o' Ayr. 3840 Tam O’Shauter Inn. 3841 Tam O'Shanter and Souter John- nie. The Forth Bridge. 3842 General View. 3843 General View. 3844 General View. From the South. 3845 A Trip to the Bridge. 3846 Steamer “ Stirling Castle,” en Route. 3Iiscellaneons. Aberdeen. 3850 Beach after a Storm. 3851 Old Machar Cathedral . 3852 Queen's Road. 3853 Statue of Wallace. 3854 Sunset on the Atlantic. 3855 Thinner Market. 3856 Audross Castle. Balmoral Castle. 3857 From the Northwest. 3858 From the River. 3859 From the Southeast. 3860 From the Southwest. Winter. 3861 River Front. 3863 Balquhidder. Rob Roy's Grave. 3864 Ben Nevis. From Corpach. 3S65 Blair Castle. Cawdor Castle. 3866 Drawing Room. 3867 Dungeon. 3868 King Duncan's Room. 3869 Craigmillar Castle. 3870 Culloden Field and Monument. Dry bnrgli Abbey. 3S71 From the Cloister Court. 3969 From East. 3872 From the South. 3873 Scott's Tomb. 3874 St. Catharine's Window. * 3875 St. Mary's Walk. 3876 Dumbarton Rock and Castle. From Leven Bridge. * 3877 Dumbarton Rock and Castle. From the Pier. Dumfries. * 387S Burns’s Mausoleum. 3879 Burns’s Mausoleum. Interior. 3880 Burns’s Statue. * 3881 Caerlaverock Castle. 3S82 House in which Burns died. 3883 Old and New Bridges. * 3884 Boutin Bridge on the Cluden. * 3885 St. Michael’s Church. * 3886 St. Michael’s Church. Interior. * 3887 The White Sands. * 3888 University. Old Mortality. * 3889 Duncraig Castle. Loch Canon. * 3890 Dunnottar Castle. * 3891 Dunrobin Castle. * 3892 Falkland Palace. Glasgow. 3893 Argyle Street. * 3894 Broomielaw Bridge. * 3895 Cathedral. * 3896 Cathedral. Choir. * 3897 City Chambers. Marble Staircase. * 3898 George's Square. 3899 On the Broomielaw. 3900 I loyal Exchange. 3901 St. Enoch Station and Hotel. * 3902 The Necropolis. 3904 Glencoe. Corrie-na-Baich. 3905 Glencoe. Scene of the Massacre. * 3906 Greenock. Highland Mary’s ( .rave. * 3907 Gretna Green. The Ha’. 3908 Inveray Castle and Cross. 3909 Iona Cathedral. 3910 Iona. St. Oran's Chapel. Tomb of ihe Kings. Jedburgh. 3911 Jedburgh Abbey. From Allarley. Welltield. * 3912 Jedburgh Abbey. From the River. * 3913 Jedburgh. Queen Mary's House. * 3914 Linlithgow Palace. Loch Katrine. * 3915 Ellen's Isle. 3916 Ellen's Isle. From above Silver Strand. * 3917 Silver Strand. 3918 Stronachlachar Hotel. 3919 Stronachlachar Hotel and Rob Roy’s Prison. 46 Scotland — Locli Lomond. 3920 From Inchtavannaeh. 3921 From Luss Quarries. 3922 Luss. General View. 3923 Luss. Pier. * 3924 Luss. Straits. * 3971 Swan Island. Mauchline. 3925 Gavin Hamilton’s House. 3926 The Jolly Beggars’ Inn. Melrose Abbey. * 3927 From the South. * 3928 From the Southeast. * 3929 From the Southwest. * 3930 Chancel. 3931 Nave and Aisles. 3932 Oban. The Pass of Melfort. * 3972 On the Tay near Duukeld. 3933 Orkney Isles. Stromness. Hoy Head. Scott’s Profile. * 3934 Orkney Isles. Stromness. Yes- nabie Castle. (Rock Study.) Roslin Chapel. 3935 South Front. * 3936 Apprentices’ Pillar. * 3937 Chancel. 3938 Lady Chapel. * 3939 The Masters’ Pillar. * 3940 Rothesay Castle. * 3941 Selkirk. Tibbie Shiels’ Cottage. 3942 Shetland Isles. Lerwick. The Nab. * 3943 St. Andrew’s Cathedral. A ihens. * 3975 Panorama. Section A. * 3976 Panorama. Section B. * 3977 Panorama. Section C. * 3978 Panorama. Section D. * 3979 Modern City with Mt. Lycabettus. Acropolis. * 39S0 General View of Ruins. * 3981 From the Southwest. * 3982 Plan of Acropolis. * 3983 Acropolis and Temple of Jupiter. * 3984 Acropolis and Temple of Theseus. * 3985 Arch of Hadrian. Continued. * 3944 St. Andrew’s Cathedral. West Front. StafFa. * 3945 General View of the Island. * 3946 Fiugal’s Cave. 3947 Fingal’s Cave. (Upright.) * 3948 Fingal’s Cave. Interior. Stirling. 3949 From Abbey Craig. Stirling Castle. 3950 From Back Walk. 3951 From Church Tower. * 3952 From Ladies Rock. * 3953 From the Northwest. 3954 Douglass Room. * 3955 Douglass Room. 3956 Palace. * 3957 Bruce Monument. 3958 Martyrs’ Monument. 3959 Pass of Balliugeich and Stirling Castle. * 3960 Wallace Monument and Abbey Craig. 3961 Wallace Monument. Wallace Statue. Skye. * 3962 Needle Rock. Quiraing. 3963 Scuir-na-Gillean and Sligachau Hotel. Trossaelis. * 3964 Hotel and Ben A’ An. * 3965 Loch Achray and Ben Venue. * 3966 Pass. “ Where Twines the Path.” 3967 Pier, with S. S. Rob Roy. 3968 Pier, with S. S. Rob Roy. * 3986 Ascent to the Propylaea. * 3987 Erechtheum. * 3988 Erechtheum. Tribune of the Caryatides. * 3989 Gate of Agora or Oil Market. * 3990 Mt. Lycabettus. From Hill of Nymphs. * 3991 Parthenon. East Front. * 3992 Parthenon. From the East. 3993 Pinacotheca. 3994 Prison of Socrates. * 3995 Temple of vEolus. * 3996 Temple of Jupiter. From the Acropolis. * 3997 Temple of Jupiter. General View. * 3998 Temple of Theseus. * 3999 Temple of Theseus. Greece — Continued. Athens — Continued. 4000 Temple of the Wingless Vic- tory. 4001 The Pnyx. 4002 Theatre of Bacchus. 4003 Theatre of Bacchus. From the Acropolis. 4004 Theatre of Herod. Facade. 4005 Theatre of Herod. Interior. From above. Miscellaneous. * 4006 FEgina. Temple of Minerva. 4007 vEgina. Temple of Minerva. * 4008 Corinth. Temple of the Acro- plede or Minerva. * 4000 Nemea. Temple of Jupiter. * 4010 Piraeus. Port of Athens. 4011 Plain of Marathon. 4012 Sunium. Temple of Minerva. 4013 Tomb of Agamemnon. Mycenae. Holland. Amsterdam. 4025 Amstel Hotel. 4026 Amstel River. 4027 Amstel River. With Muuttoren. 4028 Canal. 4029 Canal. 4030 Concert Hall. 4031 Dam. With Bourse. 4032 Fish Market. 4033 Groeneburgwal. 4034 Heereugracht. 4035 Iveizersgracht. 4036 New Market Place. 4037 Oude Zyds Achterburgroot. 4038 Oude Zyds Kolb. 4039 Palace. With Monument. 4040 People's Palace. 4041 Prinsengracht. 4042 Ryks Museum. 4043 Statue of Rembrandt. 4044 Delft. Ilvpolite's Buurt. 4045 Dutch Girl. Rome. 4075 Panorama. From Janiculum. 4076 Panorama. From Pincian. 4078 Aqueduct. Distant View. 4079 Arch of Constantine. 4080 Arch of Drusus. 4081 Arch of Janus Quadrifions. 4082 Arch of Septimus Severus. 4083 Arch of Titus. 4084 Basilica of Constantine. 4085 Basilica of Constantine. With the Coliseum. 4086 Basilica of St. John Lateran. 4087 Basilica of St. John Lateran. In- terior. 408S Basilica of San Lorenzo. 4089 Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore. 4090 Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore. Interior. 4091 Basilica of San Paolo. Interior. The Hague. * 4046 Panorama. * 4047 Binnenhof. * 4048 Ministry of Justice. * 4049 Museum. ("Picture Gallery.) * 4050 National Monument. * 4051 Palace in the W ood. 4052 Queen's Palace. * 4053 The Wood. * 4054 Vyver. Rotterdam. * 4055 Panorama of Canals. * 4056 Windmill at L'oostpoort. Sclieveniugen. * 4057 Beach and Hotels. * 4058 Curhaus. * 4059 Fishing Boats. * 4060 Zaandam. Windmill. Basilica of St. Peter. * 4092 Basilica of St. Peter and the Vatican. Panorama. 4093 Basilica of St. Peter and the Vatican. Panorama. * 4094 With the Vatican. Near View. * 4095 Near View. 4096 Peristyle. 4097 Piazza. * 4098 Interior. * 4099 Altar. 4100 Monument to Pope Clement XIII. Canova. * 4101 Pieta. M. Angelo. 4102 Tomb of the Stuarts. M. An- gelo. * 4103 Baths of Caracalla. * 4104 Castle of St. Angelo, or Tomb of Hadrian. 48 Italy — Continued 4091. Rome. Churcli Rome — Continued. * 4105 Castle of St. Angelo and St. Peter's. 4106 Castle of St. Angelo with Bridge. Capitol. * 4107 Facade. 4108 Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius. 4109 Hall of the Faun. 4110 Octagon Hall. 4111 Palazzo Senatorio. * 4112 Catacombs of the Capuchins. General View. * 4113 Catacombs of the Capuchins. Near View. 4115 Church of St. Cecilia. Interior. 4116 Church of S. Maria degli Angeli. Interior. 4117 Church of S. Maria degli Vugeli. Interior. (Upright.) 4118 Church of S. Maria del Popolo. 4119 Church of S. Maria del Popolo. Interior. 1121 Church of San Pietro in Vinculis. Interior. * 4122 Church of San Pietro in Vinculis. Monument to Pope Julius III. 31. Angulo. * 4123 Church of San Pietro in Vinculis. Moses. 31. Angelo. of San Paolo, Interior. * 4124 Church of St. Trinita dei Monti. 4125 Church of St. Trinita dei Monti. Near View. Coliseum. 4126 Coliseum. * 4127 Near View. * 4128 Interior. 4129 Interior. Detail with Cross. Forum. * 4130 Panorama. 4131 With the Capitol. 4132 General View showing Late Ex- cavations. * 413.3 Relief. * 4134 Forum of Trajan. * 4135 Forum and Column of Trajan. * 4136 Fountain of Aqua Paolo. 4137 Fountain of Bernini. 4138 Fountain of the Calderi. 4139 Fountain of Moses. * 4140 Fountain of Trevi. * 4141 Hilda’s Tower. * 4142 Lateran Palace. 4143 Palace of the Caesars. 4144 Palace of the Ctesars. General View. * 4145 Palace of the Ctesars. Stadium. 4146 Palazzo Borghese. 4147 Palazzo Colonna. Interior. 4148 Palazzo Farnese. 49 Italy — Continued. Rome — Continued. * 4149 Pantheon of Agrippa. 4150 Pantheon of Agrippa. Interior. 4151 Porta dell Popolo. * 4152 Spada Palace. * 4153 Temple of Antoninus and Faus- tina. 4154 Temple of Castor and Pollux. 4155 Temple of Minerva. 4156 Temple of Saturn. * 4157 Temple of Vesta. Vatican. 4158 Vatican. 4159 Braccio Nuovo. 4172 Ceiling showing Raphael's Hours. * 4160 Equestrian Statue of Charle- magne. 4161 Hall of the Chart. 4162 Hall of the Chart. (Upright.) * 4163 Hall of the Greek Cross. * 4164 Hall of Sculpture. 4165 Hall of Vases. * 4166 Library. 4167 Loggia of Raphael. 4168 Loggia of Raphael. * 4169 Palazzo. * 4170 Sistine Chapel. * 4171 Villa Medici. Florence. 4175 Panorama. Academy. * 4176 Tribune. 4177 Tribune. * 607 Tribune. David. Michael Angelo. * 4179 Arch of Triumph. Baptistery. * 4180 Baptistery. 4181 Bronze Door. Andrea Pisano. * 4182 Bronze Door. Lorenzo Ghiberti. 4183 Bronze Door. Detail. Lorenzo Ghiberti. * 4184 Bronze Door. Lorenzo Ghiberti. 4185 Interior. * 4186 Campanile. Giotto. Cathedral. 4187 S. Maria del Fiore. * 4188 From Via dell’ Orviolo. * 4189 Facade. * 4190 Main Northern Door. 4191 Second Northern Door. 4192 Principal Door. * 4193 Church and < onvent of San Marco. * 4194 Church and Convent of San Marco. Savonarola’s Cell. 4195 Church of the Aunuuziata. * 4196 Church of the Anuunziata. In- terior. Church of Santa Croce. * 4197 Church of Santa Croce. * 4198 Interior toward Altar. 4199 Interior toward Entrance. 4200 Altieri’s Monument. 4201 Cherubini's Monument. 4202 Dante’s Monument. 4203 Galileo's Monument. 4204 Giuo Caponi's Monument. 4205 Neri Corsini’s Monument. 4206 Niccolini's Monument. Church of San Lorenzo. 4207 Church of San Lorenzo. * 4208 Interior. 4209 Corbelli Monument. Dupre. * 625 Tomb of Giuliano de Medici. 31. Angelo. * 626 G. de Medici. (Detail of above.) * 627 Day. (Detail of above.) * 628 Night. (Detail of above.) * 629 Tomb of Lorenzo de Medici. 31. Angelo. * 630 L. de Medici. (Detail of above.) * 631 Morning. (Detail of above.) * 632 Evening. (Detail of above.) 4218 Church of S. Maria Novella. Cloisters. Church of Or San Michele. 837 Christ and St. Thomas. A. Verrocchio. 635 St. Elijah. A. di Banco. 725 St. George. Donatello. 636 St. Jacopo. A. di Banco. 739 St. John the Baptist. Ghiberti. 760 St. John the Evangelist. Monte- Inpo. 652 St. Luke. Gio. Bologna. 728 St. Mark. Donatello. 740 St. Matthew. Ghiberti. 729 St. Peter. Donatello . 637 St. Philip. A. di Banco. 741 St. Stephen. Ghiberti. 1231 Tabernacle. A. Orcagna. 4232 Church of San Spirito. 4233 Church of San Spirito. Interior. 4234 Fountain of Neptune. Hospital of the Innocents. 787 Circular Reliefs of Children 788 Circular Reliefs of Children 789 Circular Reliefs of Children 790 Circular Reliefs of Children 791 Circular Reliefs of Children 792 Circular Reliefs of Children 793 Circular Reliefs of Children 794 Circular Reliefs of Children 785 Circular Reliefs of Children 786 Circular Reliefs of Children 4245 House of Dante. 4246 House of Michael Angelo. Andrea della Bobbia. 50 Italy — Continued. Florence — Continued. Loggia (lei Lanzi. * 4247 Loggia dei Lanzi. * 4248 Front View. 4249 Lying Ajax. 649 Hercules and Centaur. Gio. Bologna. 719 Judith. Donatello. * 687 Perseus. Cellini. * 734 Rape of Polyxena. P. Fedi. 4254 Rape of the Sabines. Gio. Bologna. 4255 Rape of the Sabines. Back View. National Museum. 4256 Podesta. 4257 First Hall of Bronzes. 4258 Second Hall of Bronzes. 4259 Hall of Sculpture. 4260 Staircase. 4312 Madonna. Luca ; della Robbia. Palazzo Pitti. 4261 Palazzo Pitti. 4262 Boboli Gardens. 4263 Boboli Gardens. Grotto. 4264 Boboli Gardens. Vase. Gio. Bologna. 4265 Hall with Madonna of the Chair. 4266 Hall with Murillo’s Madonna. 4267 Hall of Flora. 680 Hall of Flora. Venus. Canova. 4269 Hall of Jupiter. Victory. Corsini. 4270 Throne Room. 4371 Palazzo Strozzi. Lantern. 4272 Palazzo Strozzi. Standard Holder. * 4273 Palazzo Vecchio. 4274 Piazza Santa Croce. Statue of Dante. Pazzi. 4275 Piazza of San Marco. Manfredi Monument. P. Fedi. * 4276 Ponte Vecchio. 4277 Tower of Galileo. Hallway. 4278 Tower of Galileo. Galileo’s Study. Uffizi Palace. 4279 Uffi i Palace and Palazzo Vecchio. 4280 Halt of Niobe. 4281 Hall of Niobe. 4282 The Tribune. 4283 Portico. Uffizi Palac°, Statues on the Portico. 852 Amerigo Vespucci. G. Grazzini. 853 Boccaccio. E. Fantacchiotti. 854 Cellini. U. Carnbi. 855 Cesalpino. P. Fedi. 857 Dante. E. Demi. 858 Donatello. G. Torrini. 860 Farinata degli Uberti. F. Pazzi. 861 Galileo. A. Costoli. 863 Giotto. G. Dupre. 864 Guicciardini. L. Cartel. 865 Guido Aretino. L. Nencini. 866 Leonardo da Vinci. L. Pampaloni. 867 Lorenzo ilMagniflco. G. Grazzini. 868 Macchiavelli. L. Bartolini. 869 Mascagni. L. Caselli 872 Niccolo Pisano. P. Fedi. 874 Petrarch. A. Leoni. 877 St. Anthony. G. Dupre. Genoa. * 4315 Panorama. Campo Santo. 4316 Campo Santo. * 4317 Monument. Casella. Scirnzi. * 4318 Monument. Castelli. F. Fdbiani. * 4320 Monument. Gerard. * 4322 Monument. E. Piaggio. Scanzi. * 4323 Monument. R. Piaggio. F. Fa- biani. * 4324 Cathedral. 4325 Cathedral. Gallery. 4326 Church of S. M. di Carignano. 4327 Marble Terrace. * 4328 Monument to Christopher Colum- bus. * 4329 Palazzo Doria. 4330 Villa Pallavicini. Chinese Kiosk. * 4331 Villa Pallavicini. Temple of Diana. Fake Region. Lake Como. * 4332 Panorama. * 4333 Bellaggio. 4334 Bellaggio. Villa Melzi. 4335 Bellaggio. Villa Serbelloui. * 662 Cadenabbia. Cupid and Psyche. Canova. * 671 Cadenabbia. Magdalen. Canova. * 4339 Como. General View. 4340 Como. Landing. * 4341 Menaggio. * 4342 Varenna. General View. * 4343 Villa d’Este. Panorama. 4545 Villa d'Este. Panorama. 4344 Villa d'Este. Grand Hotel. Lake Lugano. 4345 Panorama with S. Salvatore. 4346 Panorama with S. Salvatore. 4347 Hotel du Parc. 4348 Lugano. From Hotel du Parc. Lake Maggiore. 4349 Panorama. * 4350 Isola Bella and Isola Pescatori. 4351 Isola Bella and Isola Madre. 4352 Isola Pescatori. 4353 Locarno. S. Maria del Sasso. Cloisters. 51 Italy — Continued. Milan. * 4354 Arena. Cathedral. * 4355 Cathedral and Gallery of Victor Emanuel. 4356 Front. Near View. * 4357 Side. Near View. * 4358 Boof. 4359 Spire. 4360 Interior. * 4361 Interior. Cross Section. * 4362 Nave. * 4363 Cavour Monument 4364 Church of San Eustorgio. Chapel of St. Peter. 4365 Church of S. Maria delle Grazie. Gallery of Victor Emanuel. * 4366 Gallery of Victor Emanuel. 4367 Interior. 4368 Interior. (Upright.) * 4369 Simplon Arch. 4370 Statue of Leonardo da Vinci. * 4371 Statue of Napoleon I. Canovct. 4372 Theatre La Scala. Interior. Naples. * 4375 Panorama. With Mt. Vesuvius. 4376 Gastello Nuovo. Gate of Arra- gou. 4377 Cathedral. 4378 Cathedral. Chapel of San Besti- tuta. Interior. * 4379 Convent of San Martino. Inte- rior. 4380 Convent of San Martino. Well. * 4381 Group of Costumes. From Statu- ettes. National Museum. 4382 National Museum. 4383 Hall of Bronzes. 4384 Hall of Ma rides. 4385 Hall of Marbles. 4386 Hall of Farnese Bull. 4387 Palazzo Largo. Palazzo Reale. 4388 Palazzo Beale. 4389 Dining Boom. 4390 Staircase. 4391 Santa Lucia. * 4392 St. Elmo from Gastello Nuovo. 4393 Theatre of San Carlo. Interior. Pisa. Baptistery. * 4395 Cathedral and Leaning Tower. 4396 Font. _V. Pisano. * 4397 Pulpit. N. Pisano. 4398 Campo Santo. 4399 Campo Santo. Eastern Corridor. * 4400 Cathedral * 4401 Leaning Tower. Pom peii. 4402 Bird's-Eye View. * 4403 Panorama. 4404 Amphitheatre. 4405 Basilica. 4406 Baths. 4407 Forum. * 4408 Forum. With View of Mt. Vesuvius. * 4409 House of Diomedes. 4410 House of Meleager. 4411 House of Pansa. 1412 House of Sallust. * 4413 House of the Tragic Poet. 4414 House. With Balcony. * 4415 Temple of Fortune. * 4416 Temple of Isis. * 4417 Temple of Jupiter. * 4418 Temple of Mercury. * 4419 Temple of Venus. Venice. * 4425 Bird's-Eye View. From an En- graving. 4426 Panorama from Clock Tower. * 4427 Panorama from San Giorgio in- cluding Campanile and "Ducal Palace. 4428 Academy. Interior. Showing Titian’s A ssumpfion . 4429 Arsenal. Entrance. * 4430 Bridge of Sighs and Canal. 4431 Bucentaur. 4432 Ca Doro Palace. 4433 Canal of the Civic Hospital. 4434 Canal Friuli. 4435 Cavalli Palace. 4436 Celleoni Monument. (Equestrian Statue.) 4437 Celleoni Monument. Detail. Church of San Giorgio Maggiore. 4438 Church of San Giorgio Maggiore. * 4439 General View. 4440 Choir. Church of S. M. dei Frari. 4441 Church of S. M. dei Frari. 657 Bus-Belief. Elevatou, of lire Cross. Cabianca .• * 4443 Canova's Monument. 4444 Canova's Monument. Detail. 4394 Panorama. 52 Italy — Continued. Venice — Continued. Church of S ■ M. (lei Frari. 4445 Statue ot St. Jerome. A. Vittori. * 4446 Titian's Monument. * 4447 Church of St. John and St. Paul. 4448 Church of St. John and St. Paul. Doge Vendramin's Monument. Leopardi. 4449 Church of S. M. delle Salute. Church of St. Mark. * 4450 Church of St. Mark. 4451 Church of St. Mark. 4452 From the Loggetta. * 4453 Main Portal. 446S Gallery. 4469 Hall of the Grand Council. 4470 Hall of Judgment. 4471 Hall of the Senate. * 4472 Porte della Carta. Main Entrance. * 4473 Equestrian Statue of Victor Emanuel. 4474 Fondaco dei Truchi Palace. 4475 Gates of Loggetta. Grand Canal. * 4476 Grand Canal. 4477 Grand Canal. 4478 Grand Canal. * 4479 Gondola Regatta. * 4480 Rialto Bridge. m m ( a j 1 I 1 4430. Venice. Churcli of Sail Giorgio Maggiore. 4454 Interior. 4455 Vestibule. From Chapel. 4456 Vestibule. Toward Chapel. * 4457 Bronze Horses. 4458 Byzantine Altar. 4459 Church of the Jesuits. Interior. 4460 Column of St. Mark. The Lion. 4461 Contarini Palace. House of Des- demona. 4462 Dario Palace. Ducal Palace. * 4463 Ducal Palaoe. 4461 Archaeological Museum. 4465 Capitol. Judgment of Solomon. * 4466 Courtyard. 4467 Courtyard. Giant's Staircase. * 4481 Rialto Bridge. * 4482 Grand Hotel. 4483 Loggetta and Old Library. 4484 Medici Library. Interior. 4485 Mocenigo. Lord Byron's House. * 4486 Mole and Ducal Palace. * 4487 Pesaro Palace. * 4488 Piazzetta and San Giorgio. 4489 Piazzetta. From Ducal Palace. Lion of St. Mark. 4490 Piazzetta. Two Columns and Old Procuraties. 4491 Riva degli Schiavoni. 4492 Royal Gardens. St. Mark’s Square. * 4493 St. Mark’s Square. 53 Italy — Continued. Venice — Continued. St. Mark’s Square. 4494 St. Mark’s Square. 4495 View from Campanile. * 4496 Clock Tower. 4497 Clock Tower and Old Procuraties. 4498 Two Contarini Palaces. 4499 Venaxel Palace. * 4500 Vendramin Palace. Miscellaneous. 720 Monument. Lapo Acciaioli. Donatello. 721 Monument. Lorenzo Acciaioli. Donatello. 722 Monument. Niccolo Acciaioli. Donatello. 4521 Gubbio. Piazza Victor Emanuel. 4522 Ischia. Castle. * 4523 Nisida. General View. * 4524 Orvieto. Cathedral. * 717 Padua. Gattamelata Monument. Donatello. Psestum. Amalfi. 4501 Panorama. * 4502 General View. 4503 General View. Showing - Harbor. 4504 Convent of the Capuchins. 4505 Harbor toward Convent. * 4526 Temple of Neptune. 4527 Temple of Neptune. Front View. 4528 Temple of Neptune. Side View. 784 Pistoia. Church of S. Gio. Fuorcivitas. Visitation. Dei della Robbia. Badia. Sorrento. 753 Giug'ni Monument. Mino da Fiesole. 758 Ugo Monument. Mino da Fiesole. * 4530 Panorama. 4531 Panorama. 4532 Hotel Tramontane. 4508 Bake. Temple of Venus. * 4509 Capri. Blue Grotto. Certosa. Cathedral. 4510 Cathedral. 4511 Cathedral and Cloisters. * 4512 Facade. 4513 Altar. Bas-Relief. 4514 Cloister. 4515 Choir of Santa Maria. 4516 Loggia. Door. Architectural Detail. 706 Monument. Angiolo Acciaioli. Donatello. * 4533 Tivoli. Panorama. 4534 Tivoli. View of Monte Catillo and Cascade. * 4535 Vesuvius. View of the Mountain showing the Railway. Vincigliata Castle. 4536 General View of the Castle. 1537 Castle, The. 4538 Courtyard. 4539 Dining Room. 4540 Gate. Outside. 4541 Gate. Inside. 4542 Hall of Arms. 4543 Hall of Honor. 4544 Hall of St. Bernard. Norway. 4550 Christiania. Aker's House. Fjferla n ds fjord. 4551 Bojum's Glacier. 4552 Suphelle Glacier. Geiranger fjord. 4553 From above Maeroh. 4554 Maeroh. 4555 Harstad. Midnight Sun. 4556 Hjoruudfjord. Berke. Nordfjord. 4557 Loen. * 4558 Loen Lake. 4559 Loen Lake. 4560 Nordland. Torghatten. * 4561 North Cape. 4562 North Pole. * 4563 Norwegians making Hay. 4564 Norwegian Wedding Party going to Church. 4565 Raftsund. Lofoten. 4566 Roldal. The Zig-Zags. 4567 Rosendal. Ilardanger. “Even- ing.” 456S Suldal Lake. Suldal Gate. 54 Russia. Moscow. * 4569 General View with the Kremlin. * 4570 Arch of Triumph. * 4571 Cathedral at Ostankino. Near Moscow. * 4572 Cathedral of St. Basil the Beati- fied. * 4573 House of the Romanoff Czars. * 4574 Iversky Gate. Kremlin. * 4575 General View from Moskva Rekoi Bridge. * 4576 Cathedral of the Annunciation. * 4577 Cathedral of the Archangel Michael . * 4578 Devitchy Convent and Holy Gate. * 4579 Large Palace and Cathedral from the River. * 4580 The Great Bell, Czar Rolokol. * 4581 Monument of Minine and Pojar- sky. * 4582 Palace of Petrossky. * 4583 Public Museum. * 4584 Temple of the Saviour. * 4585 Tower of Soukareff. Spain. * 4586 Burgos. General View from the Castle. * 4587 Cadiz. General View. * 4588 Cadiz. Cathedral. * 4589 Gibraltar. General View of the Rock. Granada. 4590 Panorama. Alhambra. * 4591 Alhambra from the Generalise. * 4592 Court of Lions. 4593 Court of Lions. 4594 Court of Lions. * 4595 Court of Lions. From the Porch. * 4596 Court of Lions. Interior of Porch. 4597 Court of Lions. Vestibule. * 4598 Gate of Justice. 4599 Gate of Justice. * 4600 Hall of Ambassadors. * 4601 Hall of Divans. * 4602 Hall of Justice. 4603 King Charles's Well. * 4604 Mosque. Entrance. * 4605 Mosque. Interior. * 4606 Mosque. Interior. * 4607 Palace of Charles V. 4608 The Ambassadors’ Court. 4609 Generalise and Road Arch of Alhambra. Madrid. 4610 Church of San Geronimo. * 4611 Fountain of the Calle Alcala. 4612 Gate of Alcala. 4613 National Museum. 4614 Royal Palace. Seville. 4615 Panorama. Alcazar. 4616 Detail View. 4617 Detail View. * 4633 Balcony View. Folio size only. * 4618 Hall of Ambassadors. 4619 House of Pilate with Fountain. 4620 Interior. 4621 Interior. 4622 Bull Ring. Cathedral. * 4623 Cathedral. 4624 Door. 4625 Door. Adoration of the Magi. 4626 Door. Baptism of Christ. 4627 Golden Tower. * 4628 Palace of San Telmo. 4629 Palace of San Telmo. Salon. 4630 San Francisco Square. 4631 Statue of Murillo. * 4632 Toledo. General View with the Alcazar. Switzerland. Bernese Alps and Oherland. * 4650 Blumlis Alp and Oeschiuen Lake. Glacier of the Rhone. 4651 Glacier of the Rhone. 4652 GlacDr of the Rhone. 4653 Distant View. 4654 Near View. * 4655 Interlaken and the Jungfrau. * 4656 Interlaken and Distant View of Jungfrau. 4657 Jungfrau. 55 Switzerland Bernese Alps anti Oberland — Con- tinued. 4658 Jungfrau. From Interlaken. * 4659 Lake of Thun. Chateau D'Ober- hofen. I^auterbrunnen. * 4660 The Mtirrenbach. 4661 The Staubbach. * 4662 The Staubbach. Near View. 4663 Meiringen. The Reichenbach. General View. 4664 Monta Rosa. 4665 Monta Rosa and Lyskamm. * 4666 Murren. Hotel des Alps. 4667 Murren. Hotel des Alps with Monch, Eiger, and Jungfrau. * 4668 Platthorn. From Gemini Pass. * 4669 Thun. General View. * 4670 Viescli Glacier and Finster Aar Horn. * 4671 Wellliorn with Valley and Glacier of Rosenlaui. 4672 Wengern Alp. 4673 Wetterhorn. Chain of Mont Blanc. Chamotinix. * 4674 Cliamounix. 4675 Cliamounix and Brevent. - Continued. * 4676 Cliamounix and Mont Blanc. * 4677 English Church. 4678 Group of Laussaue. 4679 Group of Laussaue. (Upright.) 4680 Glacier du Bossons. 4681 Glacier du Bossons. Ice Grotto. * 4683 Grand Mulets. * 4684 Mer de Glace. * 4685 Mer de Glace. Mont Blanc. * 4686 From below Grand Mulets. * 4687 Ascent. * 4688 Ascent. Showing a Crevasse. 4689 Ascent. Showing a Crevasse. * 4690 Crossing a Crevasse. 4691 Ice Pinnacles. * 4692 Pass of the Tete Noire. 4693 Pass of the Tete Noire, On the Road to the. * 4694 Tete Noire. Aiguille du Dru and Les Praz. * 4695 Trient. Church. Gorge. Lake of Geneva. * 4696 Lake of Geneva with Steamer. General View. 4719. Switzerland. Fluelen. Bristenstoek. 56 Switzerland — Continued. Cake of Geneva — Continued. Castle of Chillon. 4697 Castle of Chillon. * 4698 Distant View. * 4699 Near View. * 4700 Subterranean Vaults. Geneva. * 4701 Grand Hotel de la Paix and the Quay. -1702 Monument ot the Duke of Bruns- wick. 4703 Monument to the Duke of Bruns- wick. (Upright.) 4704 Place des Alpes. 4705 Place Neuve. 4706 Quay with Boats. Lausanne. * 4707 General View. 4708 General View. * 4709 Castle and Cathedral. * 4710 Montreux. Panorama. * 4711 Montreux. Ferritet Railway. * 4712 Vevay. J.ake of Cucerne, or Four Cantons. * 4713 View of Lake with Steamer. * 4714 Alpnaeh-Stad. * 4715 Axenstein. 4716 Brunnen. * 4717 Chapel of William Tell. * 4718 Eisel Rocks and Tunnel. * 4719 Fluelen. Bristenstock. * 4720 Gersau. Lucerne. 4721 General View. * 4722 General View. With Mt. Pilate. * 4723 General View. With Mt. Rigi. * 4724 Lion of Lucerne. Thorwcildsen. 4725 Lion of Lucerne. Detail. Thor- waldsen. 4726 The Quay. 4727 The Quay. With Hotels. 4728 Water Tower and View of the City. * 4729 Mount Rigi. Hotel Rigi Kulm on the Summit. 4730 Mount Rigi. Railw ay and Car. 4732 Wolfert Tunnel. The Matterhorn. 4733 Matterhorn. 4734 Distant View with Clouds. * 4735 Gorner Glacier. From Gorner Grat. * 4736 The Horn. From summit of Foot Hills. * 4737 Zermatt and distant view of the Matterhorn. Miscellaneous. * 4738 Bale. General View. Herne. 4739 Ogre Fountain. 4740 Clock Tower. 4741 Equestrian Statue of Rudolph von Erlach. * 4742 State House. * 4743 Brunig. Showing Railroad train on the Bridge. 4744 Brunig. Pass. Liingern See. * 4745 Engadine. Albula Pass. * 4746 Engadine. Davos. 4747 Faido. Hotel Faido. 4748 Faulhorn. * 4749 Martigny. Fall of Pisse-Vacher. * 4750 Schaffhausen . Falls of the Rhine. St. Gottliard. 4751 Amsteg. * 4752 Devil's Bridge. 4753 Devil’s Bridge. (Upright.) 4754 Entrance to Tunnel near Pralo. * 4755 Goschenin. 4756 Goschenin. Entrance to Tunnel. * 4757 Gotthardbahn. 4758 Pass and Schollenen Defile. 4764 The Rohrbacli. * 4759 Wasen. Zurich. * 4760 Zurich. * 4761 General View with the Alps. 4762 Munster Bridge. Turkey- Constantinople. * 4775 Panorama. From Galata. * * 4776 Panorama. With Bazars. * 4777 Panorama. With the Bosphorus. * * 4778 Panorama. With the Golden * Horn. 4779 Burned Column of Constantine. 4780 Fountain of Achmet III. 4781 Fountain of the Sweet Waters of Asia. 4782 Gate of Seraskierat. 4783 Imperial Iviosk at Sweet Waters of Asia. Continued. Turkey — Constantinople — Continued. * 4784 Imperial Palace of Beylerbey, ou the Bosphorus. * 4785 Imperial Palace of Dolma- Baytche. On the Bosphorus. 4786 Imperial Palace of Dolma- Bay tclie. Gate. * 4787 Kiosk of Reviews. * 4788 Mosque of Achinet. * 4789 Mosque of St. Sophia. * 4790 Mosque of St. Sophia. Entrance. * 4791 Mosque of Soliman. Interior. * 4792 Mosque of the Sultan at Sweet Waters of Europe. * 4798 Mosque of the Sultana Yalide at Orta-Ivani. * 4794 Obelisk and Stone Pyramid. * 4795 Palace of Belisarius. * 4796 Tomb of the Sultan Marmand. Interior. * 4797 Turkish Lady of Rank. Africa. Algeria. * 4800 Types and Costumes. Biskra Woman. * 4801 Types and Costumes. Ivabyl Woman. 4802 Types and Costumes. Moorish Lady. Egypt. Cairo. 4803 General View. * 4804 General View. From above the Citadel. * 4805 Arab Cemetery. Tourab. * 4806 Bab-El Nasr. (Gate of Victory.) * 4807 Citadel and Tombs of the Marna- lukes. 4808 Khedive’s Palace. * 4809 Lattice Window. * 4810 Mosque of Mohamet-Ali. Foun- tain. * 4S11 Mosque of Sultan Hassan. * 4812 Mosque of Sultan Hassan. Foun- tain of Ablutions. * 4813 Mosque of Touloun. Fountain of Ablutions. * 4814 Mummy of Raineses II. In the Ghizeh formerly the Boulak Museum. 4815 Museum. Funeral Ornaments. 4816 Old Cairo. Mosque of Sultan Amer. Oldest in Egypt. 4817 Old Cairo. The Esbekieh. Palace of Gezyret, near Cairo. * 4818 Pavilion. Exterior. * 4819 Pavilion. Interior. * 4820 Portico. * 4821 Street Scene. * 4822 Tomb of Ala-Osman. 4823 Tombs of the Mamalukes. * 4824 Tombs of the Mamalukes. Hear View. * 4825 Tomb Mosque of Caid-Bey. Ghizeh. * 4826 Native Village. * 4827 Distant View of the Pyramids with the Nile. Great Pyramid of Cheops. * 4828 Great Pyramid of Cheops. * 4829 Ascent. * 4830 Entrance. * 4831 Great Pyramid of Cheops and the Sphinx. * 4832 Pyramid of Chefren. * 4833 Second Pyramid. * 4834 Second Pyramid and Head of Sphinx. * 4835 Second Pyramid and Third Pyra- mid. * 4836 Sphinx. * 4837 Sphinx. With Recent Excava- tions. * 4838 Pyramid. With Second Pyramid. Thebes. 4839 Goorneh. Portico of the Temple. Karnak. * 4840 Temple. * 4841 Court of Shishak. * 4842 Gate and two Lotus Columns. * 4843 Hypostyle Hall. Middle Columns. * 4844 Hall of Columns. * 4845 Hall of Columns. * 4846 Pvlon from the North. 58 Egypt — Continued. Thebes — Continued. Karnak. * 4847 Temple of III. and Pylon of Ptolemy. 484S Luxor. Landing Place. * 4849 Luxor. Pylon and Obelisk of Rameses II. * 4850 Mediuet-Abou. Temple of Thoth- mes II. Entrance. Memnonium. * 4851 General View from the West. 4852 Eastern Portico. 4861 Palace of Ras-el-Tin. 4862 Viceroy's Palace. 4863 Dabod. Three Pylon Gateways. * 4864 Dendarah. Portico of the Tem- ple. 4865 Desert, The. * 4866 Edfii. The Temple. * 4867 Edfu. The Temple. Great Court. Colonnade. 4868 Girgeh. * 4869 Heliopolis. Obelisk of the Tem- ple of the Suu. * 4870 Ipsambul or Aboo-Simbel. Great Rock Temple. Fagade. Nubia. 4853 Osiride Columns. 4S54 Part of the Southern Portico. * 4855 Statue of Memnon. * 4856 Statues of Memnon. 4857 Statues of Memnon. From the East. 4858 Valley of the Tombs of the Kings. Miscellaneous. * 4S59 Abydos. Temple of Seti. Relief. The Sacred Barque. Alexandria. * 4860 Cleopatra's Needle. Now in -New York. Ipsambul or Aboo-Simbel. The two most Southern Colossi. Kiosk of Choubra. Galleries. Near Cairo. Kiosk of Choubra. The Basin. Near Cairo. 4S74 Ivoum-Ombos. The Temple. 4875 Maharrakka. The Temple. 4876 Nile. Dahabieh or Nile Boat. 4877 Nile. Dahabieh or Nile Boat. Interior. 4878 Palm Forest. Philae. 4879 Kiosk or Bed of Pharaoh. New View. 4831. Egypt. Great Pyramid of Cheops and the Sphinx. 4871 4872 4S73 59 Egypt — Continued. Philse — Continued. * 4880 Landing Place. * 4881 Temple of Isis with Pylon. 4882 Temple of Isis with Pylon. * 4883 Temple of Isis. Colonnade. 4884 View of the Nile. 4885 Suez Canal, Plan of. 48S6 Suez Canal. Ismailia with M. de Lesseps’ House. Types and Costumes. 4887 A Bedouin. * 4888 A Camel Driver. * 4889 Arab Woman. 4890 Caravan halting iu the Desert.. 4891 Captain of a Daliabieli. * 4892 Nubian Woman. Tangier. * 4893 From the Hasbah. * 4894 A Moorish Gateway. 4895 Grand Mosque. Morocco. 4890 Hasbah. The Court House. 4897 Hasbah. The Treasury. 4898 Sultan’s Palace. 4899 Sultan's Palace. Throne Room. Asia. India. Agra. * 4900 Akbar’s Palace. Devvan Klias. * 4901 Akbar’s Palace. Dewan-i-Am. Throne Room. * 4902 Little Pearl Mosque, Motee Mus- jid. Interior. 4903 Pearl Mosque. Taj-Mahal. * 4904 With Avent^ of Trees. * 4905 General View. * 4906 Near View. * 4907 Fagade. 4908 Entrance Gate. * 4909 Ivory Screen. * 4910 Tomb of Itimad-ud-daulah. Zenana Palace. * 4911 Zenana Palace. * 4912 Court. 4913 Boudoir of Chief Sultana. Aliniedabad. * 4914 Huthi Singh's Tomb. * 4915 Huthi Singh's Tomb. Through Gateway. * 4916 Rani Sipri's Mosque. Detail. Benares. * 4917 Ancient Buddhist Tower. * 4918 Burning Ghat. * 4919 “ Dassa Sumed Ghat.’’ * 4920 State Elephant. 4921 Bombay, pha.nta. Great Cave of Ele- Calcutta. 4922 Bathing Scene on the Hoogly. 4923 Clive Street. 4924 Government House. Cawnpore. 4925 Memorial Well. 4926 Memorial Well. (Upright.) 4927 Slaughter Ghat. Scene of Massacre. the 4928 Chidambaram. Govendoo Rajah Temple. Inner Temple. 4929 Chidambaram. Tank and North- ern Gopuram. Delhi. 4930 Alarod-deen's Cottage. 4931 Great Arch and Iron Column. 4932 Hall of Private Audience. Inte- rior. 4933 Public Hall. 4934 “ Jami-Musjid.” * 4935 Futtypore Sikri. Great Gate from the Village. * 4936 Futtypore Sikri. Shiek Selim Chistie’s Tomb. Marble Screens. * 4937 Himalayas. Distant View. * 4938 Jeypore. Umbere Palace. De- wau-K has. * 4939 Juggernaut. The Car. * 4940 Lucknow. Kaiser Bagh. Western Lakee Gate. 4941 Lucknow. Residency. * 4942 Madura. Golden Lily Tank. GO India — Continued. * 4943 Madura. Temple and Royal Sepulchre. * 4944 Madura. Temple Horse Court. 4945 Native Village. Near Calcutta. * 4946 Bamesweram. Colonnade; 671 feet long. * 4947 Tanjore. Pyramidal Temple. * 4948 Trichiuopoly. Castle. * 4949 Trichinopoly. Rock and Castle from the North. Types and Costumes. * 4950 Group of Brahmins. Parbu Caste. * 4951 Group of Hindoos. Mahratta Caste. * 4952 Group of Parsees. 4953 Umritzur. The Golden Temple. 4954 Vellore. The Sentinel God Siva. Japan. 4960 Fujiyama. 4961 Group of Musicians. (Female.) 4962 Group. “ The New Year.” 4963 Ise. Shinto Shrines. 4964 Japanese Junks. 4965 Kago. Almost obsolete Mode of Conveyance. Kioto. 4966 Buddhist Temple. 4967 Festival. 4968 View showing Houses and Gar- dens. 4969 Nagasaki. 4970 Nagoya. Ornaments from ridge of Castle. Made of Solid Gold Plates. 4971 Nikko. Temple. 4972 Nikko. Temple. 4974 Rural Scene. 4975 Shoemaker at work. 4976 Temple. 4977 Temple. Entrance and Mote. 4978 Temple. Natives worshipping. Tokio. 4979 Panorama. 4980 Entrance to Tea House showing Jinrikisha. 49S1 Garden. 4982 Garden. 4983 Temple. 4984 View showing Tea Culture. 4985 Yenoshima. Near Yokohama. 4986 Yezo. Haymaking. Palestine. Jerusalem. * 5000 General View. Modern City. * 5001 Church of the Ascension. * 5002 Church of the Flagellation. In- terior. * 5003 Chutch of the Holy Sepulchre. * 5004 Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Cupolas. * 5005 Church of the Mater Dolorosa. * 5006 Fountain of the Virgin. 5007 Garden of Gethsemane. 5008 Garden of Gethsemane. Olive Tree. * 5009 Garden of the Kings. Gates of the City. * 5010 Damascus Gate. * 5011 David's or Zion Gate. * 5012 Golden Gate. Outside. * 5013 St. Stephen’s Gate. * 5014 Grotto of Jeremiah. * 5015 Jews' Wailing Place. Model of Mt. Moriah. * 5016 At Commencement of Solomon's Temple. * 5017 Herod’s Temple. * 50'8 Nero's Temple. 5070 Solomon's Temple. * 5019 Mosque of Omar, or Ilaram ech Cherif. 5020 Mosque of Omar, or Ilaram ech Cherif. 5021 Mosque of Omar. Pulpit of Omar. * 5022 Mount of Olives. * 5023 Place of the Stoning of St. Stephen. * 5024 Pool of Bethesda. * 5025 Pool of Gihon. * 5026 Pool of Ilezekiah. * 5027 Pool of Siloam. * 5028 Rock of the Apostles and Place of Treason of Judas. * 5029 Tomb of David. * 5030 Tomb of the Kings. * 5031 Tower of Antonio. * 5032 Tower of David. * 5033 Valley of Gihon. * 5034 Valley of Hi u non. Via Dolorosa. * 5035 First and Second Stations. (il Jerusalem — Continued. Via Dolorosa. * 5036 Fourth Station. House of the Rich Man. * 5037 Ninth Station. Coptic Convent. Miscellaneous. * 5038 Capernaum. * 5039 Dead Sea. Hebron. With Mosque over Cave of Machpelah. * 5041 Mount Tabor. * 5042 Nazareth. General View. 5043 Petra. Rock Temple. “ El Dier.” * 5044 Ramleh. Tower of Forty Mar- tyrs. * 5045 Tiberius. (Galilee.) 5046 Woman of Bethlehem. Palestine — Continued. 5040 Syria. Baalbek. 5050 Baalbek and Lebanon Range. General View. * 5051 C'hambres Carrees. Temple of Jupiter. 5052 Temple of Jupiter. * 5053 Near View. 5054 Detail. * 5055 Portal with Keystone propped up. * 5056 Temple of the Sun. 5057 Temple of the Sun. General View. * 5058 Damascus. Prison of St. Paul. Palmyra. * 5059 General View of Temples. * 5060 Arch of Triumph. * 5061 Grand Colonnade. * 5062 Ruins of a Temple. * 5063 Temple of Diocletian. Miscellaneous. 5064 Burmah. Mandalay. Incom- parable Pagoda. 5065 Java. Earthquake. Ruins. Types anil Costumes. 5066 Burmese Girl. 5067 Javanese Girls with Fruits. 5068 Malay Girl. 5069 Mussulman Sheik. North America. Canada. New Brunswick. Fredericton. 5075 Government Building. 5076 Province Building. 5077 Queen Street in 1834. 5078 Queen Street in 1891. St. John. 5079 Custom House. 5080 New Cantilever Bridge over St. John River. 5081 Royal Hotel. 5082 Suspension Bridge over St. John River. 5083 Wharves and Harbor. St. John River. 5084 St. John Liver. 5085 Grand Falls. General View. 5086 Grand Falls. General View. 5087 Grand Falls. Great Lumber Jam. 5088 Group of Indians. 5089 Indians making Canoes. Nova Scotia. Grand Pre. 5090 From Harris Hill. Home of Evan- geline. 5091 West End. 5092 General View of the Valley. 5093 Cape Blomidon and Basin of Minas. 5094 Old French Orchard with Battle- field. Canada — Continued, Nova Scotia — Continued. Halifax. 5095 View from the Citadel. 5096 View from the Citadel. 5097 Botanical Gardens. 5098 Crimea Monument. 5099 Dry Dock. With Steamer Hali- fax. (Empty.) 5100 Dry Dock. With Steamer Hali- fax. (Filled.) 5101 Entrance to Citadel. 5102 Intercolonial Railroad Depot. 5103 Market House. 5104 Martello Tower. 5105 Melville Island. Northwest Arm 5106 St. George’s Island and Harbor. Miscellaneous. * 5107 Caumore. “ The Three Sisters.” Canadian Pacific Railroad. * 5108 Lachine Rapids. St. Lawrence River. 5109 Montmorenci Falls. Mon treat. * 5110 Panorama from Mt. Royal. * 5111 * 5112 * 5113 * 5114 * 5115 * 5116 Mexico. City of Mexico. 5117 View from Chapel of Guada- loupe. 5118 Alemeda, The. 5119 Alemeda, The. Statue of Hi- dalgo. 5120 Aztec Calendar Stone. 121 Aztec Calendar Stone. Detail. >122 Cathedral. * 5123 Cathedral. Interior. 5124 Church of Guadaloupe. 9 125 Church of Guadaloupe. Interior. 5126 Idol “ Teoyaomique.” National Museum. 5127 >cient Vase. 5128 1 of Carved Vase. 5129 Id Huitzilopochtli. 5130 Serpentine Bust of Centeotl. 5131 Statue of Charles IV. 5132 5133 5134 5135 5136 5137 5138 5139 5140 5141 5142 5143 5144 Carnival Scenes. Cathedral of Notre Dame. Cathedral of Notre Dame. In- terior. Ice Palace. Toboggan Slide. Quebec. Panorama from Point Levis. Statue of Columbus. Statue of Cuitlahuac. Miscellaneous. Aguascalientes. The Palace. Cliapultepec. Castle. Castle. From the Gardens. Castle. From the West. Guadaloupe. The Church. Guadaloupe. The Church of Cer- rito. Montezuma’s Tree. Montezuma’s Tree. Popotla. Tree of Noche Trieste. Ranchita. A Mexican Home. Zacetecas. Panorama. United States. California. 5150 Corcuado Beach. Hotel del Coro- nado. 5151 Los Angeles. General View. 5152 Mt. Hamilton. Lick Observatory. 5153 Mt. Hamilton. Lick Observatory. Near View. San Francisco. 5154 Clift' House and Seal Rocks. 5155 Cliff House and Seal Rocks. 5156 Cliff House and Seal Rocks. 5157 Crocker Mansion. 515S Flood Mansion. 5159 Hopkins-Searles Mansion. 5160 Palace Hotel. Interior. 5161 Seal Rocks. 5162 Santa Barbara. Coast View. 03 California — Continued. Yosemite Valley. 5163 From Glacier Point. 5164 From Inspiration Point. 5165 From Union Point. 5166 Big Tree. 5167 Bridal Veil Fall. 940 feet. 5195 Cathedral Bocks, and Three Graces. 5168 Cathedral Spires. 2,660 feet. 5536 Bridal Veil Falls. 940 feet. 5537 Cathedral Spires and Three Graces. 5538 Clouds’ Best, Cap ot Liberty and Nevada Falls, from Anderson’s Trail. * 5169 El Capitan. 3,300 feet. 5170 Mirror Lake. * 5171 Nevada Falls. 600 feet. 5539 Nevada Falls, 600 feet, from Snow’s Hotel. * 5172 On the road to Yosemite Falls. 5173 North Dome, Washington Column and Boyal Arches. 5174 Sentinel, The. 3,043 feet. * 5175 The Three Brothers. 3,300 feet. 5176 Union Park. Agassiz Bock. 5177 Upper Yosemite Fall. 1,650 feet. * 5178 Vernal Fall. 350 feet. * 5540 Virgin Tear’s Falls. 3,000 feet. * 5179 Yosemite Falls from Camp Ground. 2.674 feet. Colorado. 5180 Baker's Park. Howardville. 5181 Baker's Park. Sultan Mountains. 5182 Black Canon of the Gunnison. Canon of Grand River. 5183 Echo Cliff. •">184 Second Tunnel. 5185 The Portals. 5186 The Walls. 5187 Cheyenne Falls. General View of the Seven Falls. 518S Colorado Springs. Pike’s Peak Avenue. 5189 Crystal Park. Entrance. 5190 Currecauti Needle from above. 5191 Estes Park. Panorama. 5192 Estes Park. St. Mary’s Lake. Garden of the Gods. 5193 Garden of the Gods. 5194 Buena Vista Drive. 5196 Cathedral Spires. 5197 Gateway. 5198 Gateway and Pike’s Peak. 5199 “Gates Ajar.’’ 5200 Majo Domo. Glen Eyrie. 5201 The Seal and Bear. 5202 The Three Graces. 5203 Tower of Babel. 5205 Great Loop on Colorado Midland B. B., near llagerman Tunnel. 5206 Green Mountain Falls. The Bri- dal Veil. 5541 Inanimas Canon. 5542 Loop on Union Pacific Bailroad near Georgetown. 5207 Loop on Union Pacific Bailroad near Georgetown. 5208 Mancos Canon. Cliff Dwelling's. 5209 Mancos Canon. Cliff Enins. Manitou. 5210 General View. 5211 Iron Spring Hotel. 5212 Iron Spring Hotel. 5213 Manitou House. 5211 Marshall Pass. 5215 Mines in Eagle Biver Canon. 5216 Monument Park. Mother Grundy . 5217 Monument Park. Sentinel Bock. 5218 Mount Abram. 5219 Mount Abram. From ihe Toll Boad. 5220 Mount of the Holy Cr s. From Eagle Park. 5221 Mount of the Holy oss. Near View. 5222 Ouray and Silverton Stage Boad. 5223 Perry Park. Pulpit Bock. Pike’s Peak. 5224 From Briarhurst. 5225 From the Mesa. 5543 From the Gateway. 5544 Boyal Gorge. 5226 Boyal Gorge. 5545 Sangre de Cristo from Paucha Pass. 5227 Ute Pass. 5229 Vermilion Peak. 5230 Williams’ Canon. 5231 Williams' Canon. Amphitheatre. (34 District of Columbia. Washington. 5232 Agricultural Department Build- ing. 5233 Arlington House. Formerly Resi- dence of Gen. E. E. Lee. Capitol. * 5234 Capitol. * 5235 General View. 5236 Front View. * 5237 Hall of Representatives. * 5238 Senate Chamber. 5239 Corcoran Art Gallery. * 5240 Ford’s Theatre. Where Pres. Lincoln was assassinated. 5241 General Post Office. 5242 National Museum. 5243 New Army and Navy Building. 5244 Patent Office. 5245 Patent Office. Near View. 5246 Pennsylvania Avenue. 5247 Pension Office. 5248 Smithsonian Building. * 5249 Treasury Building. * 5250 Washington Monument. White House. * 5251 Front from Pennsylvania Avenue. 5252 Rear View. * 5253 Portico. 5254 Blue Room. * 5255 East Room. Florida. St. Augustine. 5257 Casino. Swimming Pool. 5258 Cathedral. 5259 Corner in the Old Town. 5260 Entrance to Barbican over Draw- bridge. 5261 Fort Marion. 5262 Hotels Alcazar aud Cordova. Hotel Ponce (le Leon. 5263 Hotel Ponce de Leon. 5264 General View. 5265 Near View. 5266 Rear View. 5267 From the Alcazar. 5268 Court. 5269 Court. Detail. 5270 Court. Entrance. 5271 In the Court. 5272 Dining Hall. 5273 Fountain. 5274 Fountain. 5275 Ladies’ Entrance. 5276 Parlor. Ceiling. Frescos. 5277 Parlor. Ceiling. Frescos. 5278 Parlor. Ceiling. Frescos. 5279 Parlor. Ceiling. Frescos. 5280 Oldest House in America. 5281 Old Market and Plaza. 5282 Sea Wall. 5283 TJ. S. Marine Barracks. Miscellaneous. 5284 Palatka. St. John’s River. 5285 The “ Florida Special.” (Rail- road Train.) Illinois. Chicago. 5286 Armour Elevator. * 5287 Auditorium. 5288 Auditorium and Art Institute. 5289 Auditorium. Banquet Hall 5290 Chamber of Commerce. 5291 Court House. 5292 Dearborn Street Church. 5293 Grand Pacific Hotel. 5294 Grant Monument. 5295 Jones Residence. Lincoln Park. 5296 Bear Pit. 5297 Floral Display. 5298 Fountain. 5299 Lake. 5300 Lily Pond. 5301 Masonic Temple. 5302 Michigan Avenue. Boulevard showing Bega Residence. 5303 Northern Hotel. 5304 Palmer House. 5305 Plymouth Church. 5306 Potter-Palmer Residence. 5307 Post Office. 5308 Prairie Avenue showing Par- tridge Residence. 5309 Presbyterian Church. 5310 Reformed Episcopal Church. 5311 River, The. 5312 Sheldon Residence. 5313 South Park. Lake. 5314 State Street. 5315 Stock Yards. 5316 Tacoma Building. Washington Park. 5317 Old Sol's Clock. (Floral.) 65 Illinois — Continued. Washington Park. 5318 Presidential Chair. (Floral.) 5319 Pace Course. Instantaneous. 5320 Wells Residence. 5321 Women's Temple. Louisiana. 5322 Baton Rouge. Cane Fields. 5323 Baton Rouge. The Levee. 5324 Cotton Plantation. Picking Cot- ton. New Orleans. 5325 Old French Market. Maine. 5335 Fort Knox. Opposite Bueksport. 5336 Fort Knox and the River. 5337 Fort Ivnox and the River. With Steamer Penobscot. 5338 Fort Point Hotel. 5339 Verona Park. Camp Meeting. 5340 Verona Park. Landing. Old Orchard Beach. 5331 Instantaneous Marine. 5332 Instantaneous Marine. 53.33 Instantaneous Marine. Penobscot River. Showing Yacht 5334 General View. Race. s on tne tevre. 5326 Scene on the Levee. 5327 Cotton ready for Shipping. 5328 Cotton ready for Shipping. 5329 Loading Cotton on Steamer. 5330 Loading Cotton on Steamer. Massachusetts. The following subjects are published in folio size only, unless marked with a t, when cabinet size can also be furnished. Boston. f 5726 Algonquin Club, t 5727 Art Museum. 5728 Art Museum. Fa§ade. 5729 Arlington Street Church. 5730 Atlantic Avenue. 5731 Beacon Street, looking West. 5732 Boston Athletic Club. Gymna- sium. 5733 Boston Athletic Club. Gymna- sium. 5734 Boston Athletic Club. Dining Room. t 5862 Boston Light. (Cabinet size only.) f 5735 Cathedral of the Holy Cross, f 5736 Cathedral of the Holy Cross. Interior. f 5737 Cathedral of the Holy Cross. Interior. (Upright.) 5738 Chamber of Commerce, t 5739 Charlestown Bunker Hill Monu- ment. 5740 Charlestown City Hall, t 5741 Chauncy Hall School. 5742 Christ Church. 5743 Church of the Advent. t 5744 City Hall. 5745 City Hospital. Common. t 5746 Army and Navy Monument, t 5747 Beacon Street Mall, t 5748 Brewer Fountain. 5749 Crispus Attucks Monument. 5750 Entrance. t 5751 Frog Pond, t 5752 Tremont Street Mall. f 5857 Copley Square, showing Trinity Church, Art Museum, and New Public Library. 5753 Copp’s Hill Burying Ground. t 5859 Copp's Hill Burying Ground. Grave of Cotton Mather. 5754 Court Street, from Tremont, showing Ames Building and Old State House, t 5755 Custom House. 5756 Dock Square and Faneuil Hall. 5757 Exchange Building, State Street. 5758 Exchange Building, Stock Ex- change. Interior. 5759 Exchange Building, Stock Ex- change. Interior. Massachusetts — Continued. Boston — Continued. Paneuil Hall. t 57 60 Faneuil Hall, t 5761 Interior. West End. 5762 Interior. East End. 5763 First Church, t 5764 First Spiritual Temple. 5765 Hamilton Statue, Commonwealth Avenue. 5766 Harbor View, showing East Bos- ton and Shipping. 5767 Harbor View, showing Islands. 5768 Harbor View, showing Docks and Shipping. f 5769 Harvard Medical School. 5770 Haymarket Square, t 5771 Horace Maun School and Hollis Church. t 5772 Hotel Brunswick, t 5773 Hotel Thorndike, t 5774 Hotel Vendome. t 5775 Hotel Victoria, t 5776 Institute of Technology, t 5777 King’s Chapel and Parker House, t 5778 King’s Chapel. Interior. 5779 Latin and High School, f 5780 Leif Ericsson Monument, Com- monwealth Avenue, f 5781 Masonic Temple, t 5782 Natural History Building. 5783 New England Conservatory of Music. 5784 New England Telephone Build- ing. t 5785 New Old South Church. 5858 New Public Library, Copley Square. f 5786 New York Mutual Life Insurance Company’s Building, t 5787 Normal Art School. 5788 Odd Fellows' Building, t 5789 Old Granary Burying Ground, f 5790 Old Hancock House, f 5791 Old South Church, t 5792 Old State House, t 5793 Park Square. Emancipation Group. t 5794 Park Square. N. V.. N. II., & II. R. R. Station, t 5795 Park Street Church, t 5796 Post-Office and Sub-Treasury. Public Garden. 5797 Avenue looking toward Common- wealth Avenue, t 5798 Bridge. Distant View, t 5799 Bridge. Near View. 5800 Bridge. Side View, f 5801 Ether Monument, t 5802 Ether Monument. Near View, t 5803 Everett Statue. 5804 Everett Statue. Near View. (Up- right.) 5805 Lake. 5806 Lake, with Swan Boat. 5808 Lake. Boat Landing. t 5809 Maid of the Mist, f 5810 Maid of the Mist. Near View r . (Upright.) f 5811 Panorama, No. 1. 5812 Panorama, No. 2. 5813 Panorama, No. 3. t 5814 Swan Boat. t 5863 Sumner Statue. 5815 View in Garden, No. 1. 5816 View in Garden, No. 2. 5817 View in Garden, No. 3. t 5818 Washington Statue. t 5819 Washington Statue. Near View. (Upright.) t 5820 Quincy Market. 5821 Residence of the late Rev. Phillips Brooks. t 5822 Revere House, t 5823 Scollay Square. State House. f 5824 State House. 5825 Doric Hall. 5826 House of Representatives. 5827 Senate Chamber. 5828 View from Dome looking north. 5829 View from Dome looking north- east. 5830 View from Dome looking east. 5831 View from Dome looking south- east. 5832 View from Dome looking south. 5833 View from Dome looking south- west. 5834 View from Dome looking west. 5835 View from Dome looking north- west. 5836 State Street. Showing Old State House and Ames Building. 5837 State Street. From Old State House. t 5838 Statue of William Lloyd Garrison. 5839 T Wharf from Atlantic Avenue, f 5840 Tremont House, t 5841 Trinity Church. 5842 Trinity Church. Front. t 5860 LInion Station. Exterior, t 5861 Union Station. Interior. 5843 Washington Street. Showing Old Corner Bookstore and Ames Building. 5844 Washington Street. From Shu- man’s Corner. t 5845 Young Men's Christian Associa- tion Building. Chestnut Hill Reservoir. 5846 Gateway. 5847 Entrance from within. 5848 Pumping Station. 5849 Pumping Station from Across Reservoir. Massachusetts — Continued Boston — Continued. Franklin Park. 5850 The Lookout. 5851 View from the Lookout. South. 5852 View from the Lookout. East. 5853 View from the Lookout. West. Forest Hills Cemetery. 5854 Entrance. 5855 New Bridge. 5856 Receiving Tomb. Cambridge. t 5342 Elmwood, -Tames R. Lowell's Birthplace. Harvard College. 5343 Chapel. 5344 Gateway. 5345 Gray's Hall. 5346 Gymnasium. 5347 Law School. 5348 Library. 5349 Memorial Hall. 5350 Old Harvard Chapel. 5351 Statue of John Harvard. 5352 Thayer Hall. 5353 University Hall. f 5354 Holmes's Birthplace, t 5355 Longfellow House, f 5395 Longfellow House. Study. (Cabi- net only.) 5356 Manual Training School. 5357 New Harvard Bridge. 5358 Public Library. 5359 Soldiers' Monument. 5360 Wadsworth House, t 5361 Washington Elm. Where General Washington took Command of Continental Army. Mount Allburn Cemetery. 5362 Chapel. 5363 Tower. 5364 View from Tower lookiug north- east. 5365 View from Tower looking south- east. 5366 View from Tower looking south. Concord. 5367 Alcott House. 5368 Alcott School of Philosophy. Concord Bridge. 5369 Near View. Side, f 5370 Perspective View. t 5371 Bridge and British Monument, t 5372 Bridge and Minute Man. t 5373 Emerson House, t 5374 First Church. Where First Con- tinental Congress was held, t 5382 Grave of Hawthorne, t 5375 Minute Man. f 5376 The Old Manse. 5377 Thoreau House. Wayside. t 5378 Wayside. 5380 Dining Room. 5864 Larch Walk. 5379 Study. 5381 Wright Tavern. Miscellaneous. All subjects furnished in Cabinet size. Subjects marked with a * furnished in Folio size also. In ordering, be particular to state whether Cabinet or Folio size is wanted. 5341 Amesbury. Residence of John G. Whittier. 5403 Danvers. Oak Knoll. Summer Residence of John G. Whittier. 5404 Duxbury. Miles Standish Monu- ment. 5405 East, Haverhill. Birthplace of John G. Whittier. 5546 Marblehead Neck. The Churn. Nail ant. 5548 Surf. 5549 Egg Rock. Plymouth. * 5406 National Monument to the Fore- fathers. 5407 National Monument, Statue of Freedom. 5408 National Monument, Statue of Education. 5409 National Monument, Statue of Law. 5410 National Monument, Statue of Morality. Pilgrim Hall. * 5411 Pilgrim Hall. 68 Massa cli usetts — Con tin ued. Plymouth — Continued. Pilgrim Hall. 5412 Cradle of Peregrine White, the First Pilgrim Baby. 5413 Gov. Carver’s Chair. 5414 Sword of Miles Standish and other Belies. 5415 Plymouth Rock. * 5416 Plymouth Rock. With Canopy. Salem. * 5417 Birthplace of Nathaniel Haw- thorne. Erected 1680. * 5418 Custom House. Where Haw- thorne wrote “ The Scarlet Letter.” * 5419 House of Seven Gables. Erected 1670. * 5420 Roger Williams’s Church. Erected 1634. First Church formed in America. * 5422 Roger Williams’s House. Erected 1635. * 5421 Warrant for the Execution of Bridget Bishop, Salem Witch, and Sheriff’s Return after exe- cuting same, 1692. From the Original Papers now at Court House. Witch House. * 5423 Witch House in 1850. * 5424 Witch House iu 1850. (Upright.) * 5425 Rear View. Original Condition. * 5427 Worcester. Odd Fellows’ Home. New Mexico. 5428 Albuquerque. Cathedral and Pl aza> 5429 Caves of the Cliff Dwellers. 5430 Cliff Dwellings. New New York City. 5450 Broadway. Looking North from Post Office. 5451 Castle Garden and the Bay. 5452 Castle Garden and the Bay. With Statue of Liberty. * 5453 Central Park. Metropolitan Mu- seum of Art. 5454 Central Park. Terrace. 5455 City Hall. * 5456 City Hall. Panorama. 5457 Cottou Exchange. 5458 East River. * 5459 Elevated Railroad. C’oenties Slip. 5460 Elevated Railroad. Near View showing Construction. 5461 Fifth Avenue Hotel. 5462 Hell Gate. Entrance to Long Island Sound. * 5463 High Bridge. Harlem. * 5464 Jumel Mansion. At one time Gen. Washington’s Headquar- ters. 5465 Madison Sq., Hoffman House and Worth Monument- 5466 Metropolitan Opera House. 5467 Murray Hill Hotel. * 5470 New York World Building. 5468 Post Office. From Park Row. 5469 Produce Exchange. 5471 Residence of Cornelius Vander- bilt. 5431 Cliff Dwellings. 5432 Santa Fe. Church of San Miguel. 5433 Santa F6. Old Palace. 5434 Zuni Pueblo. York. 5472 Riverside Park. Tomb of Gen. U. S. Grant. Statue of L,iherty~. 5473 Near View. * 5474 Near View. (Upright.) * 5475 Distant View. 5476 The Tiffany Mansion. * 5477 Times Building and City Hall Park. 5478 Trinity Church. 5479 Washington Statue. Union Square. * 5480 Washington Bridge. Harlem. The Brooklyn Bridge. * 5481 General View. 5482 General View. From Brooklyn. 5483 General View. From the Cotton Exchange. * 5484 Perspective View. 5485 River View. * 5486 On the Bridge. Miscellaneous. Albany'. 5487 Capitol. 5488 Capitol. 5489 Capitol. Assembly Room. 69 New York Coney Island. * 5490 Brighton Beach. 5491 Iron Pier. West Brighton. 5492 Hudson River. The Highlands. Anthony’s Nose. 5493 Lake George. The Ticonderoga. (Steamer.) 5494 Newburgh. Gen. Washington’s Headquarters. Niagara. 5495 General View of the Falls from Canada side. * 5496 General View of the Falls with Suspension Bridge. Pennsy Ph i la delj) li ia . 5509 Carpenters' ITall. 5510 City Hall. 551 1 Girard College. Continued. * 5497 American Falls. * 5498 American Falls. From Goat Is- land. * 5499 American Falls. With Steamer Maid of the Mist. 5500 American and Horseshoe Falls. 5501 Falls. From below. * 5502 Horseshoe Falls. * 5503 Horseshoe Falls. * 5504 Horseshoe Falls. Near View. 5505 Whirlpool Rapids. 5506 Tarrytown. Sunnyside. Home of Washington Irving. 5507 West Point. 5508 West Point. Headquarters. lvania. 5512 Independence Hall. 5513 Independence Hall. Interior. 5564 Independence Hall. Old Liberty Bell. 5514 Lnited States Mint. Wyoming. Yellowstone National Park. 5515 Anvil Rock. 5516 Crystal Falls. Mammoth Hot Springs. 5517 Mammoth Hot Springs. * 5518 Cleopatra’s Terrace. 5519 Liberty Cap. 5520 Pulpit. 5521 Great Falls. 5723 Great Falls. 360 feet. 5522 Old Faithful in Eruption. 5523 Tower Falls. 5724 Upper Falls. 5524 Yellowstone Canon. Miscellaneous. 5525 Arizona. Grand Canon and Col- orado River. Idaho. 5526 Shoshone Falls. 5527 Shoshone Falls. Near View. 5528 Shoshone Falls. Near View. 5529 New Jersey. Atlantic City. Surf Bathing. * 5530 Oregon. Mt. Hood. From Cloud Cap Inn. Rhode Island. 5531 Narragausett Pier. 5532 Narragausett Pier. The Beach. 5565 Newport. Old Mill. Utah. 5533 Provo Falls. 5534 Salt Lake City. Temple Square. 5535 Salt Lake City. Tithing House. West Jamaica. 5550 Banana Field. 5551 Coolies preparing Rice. * 5552 Crossing a River. 5553 Going to Market. 5554 Gordon Town. Indies. Kingston. * 5555 Coaling a Mail Packet. * 5556 East End. 5557 Half-way Tree. Going to Market. 5558 Linstead. Market Place. 70 West Indies — Continued. 5559 On the Road to Castleton. * 5562 The Travellers’ Palm. 5560 O 11 the Road to Castleton. 5563 Wayside Store. 5561 Sugar Cane Cutters. Steamships and Steamers. Atlantic Liners. 5600 Steamship Adriatic. 5601 Steamship Aller. 5602 Steamship Arizona. 5603 Steamship Augusta Victoria. 5604 Steamship Aurania. 5609 Steamship Berlin. Saloon. 5605 Steamship Britannic. 5606 Steamship Britannic. 5696 Steamship Campania. 5697 Steamship Campania. Library. 5698 Steamship Campania. Music Room. 5699 Steamship Campania. Music Room. 5700 Steamship Campania. Saloon. 5607 Steamship Catalonia. 5608 Steamship Cephalonia. 5566 Steamship Champagne. Saloon. 5610 Steamship Chester. 5611 Steamship Chicago. 5612 Steamship Chicago. 5618 Steamship City of Rome. 5619 Steamship City of Rome. 5620 Steamship City of Rome. The Bridge. 5621 Steamship City of Rome. Music Room. 5622 Steamship City of Rome. Music Room . 5623 Steamship City of Rome. Saloon. 5624 Steamship Columbia. 5625 Steamship Elbe. 5626 Steamship Ems. 5627 Steamship Etruria. 5629 Steamship Friesland. 5630 Steamship Friesland. 5631 Steamship Furst Bismarck. 5632 Steamship Gallia. 5633 Steamship Germanic. 5634 Steamship Great Eastern. 5635 Steamship Kaiser Wilhelm II. 5637 Steamship La Bretagne. 5638 Steamship Lahn. 5639 Steamship La Normandie. * 5640 * 5641 * 5642 * 5643 * 5644 * 5613 5614 * 5645 5567 * 5568 * 5569 * 5570 * 5571 * 5572 * 5573 5574 5646 * 5615 * 5616 * 5647 5648 * 5649 5617 * 5650 5651 * 5652 * 5653 * 5654 * 5655 5656 5657 * 5658 * 5659 5660 Library. Saloon. Smoking Stairway. Chambre Ladies’ Music Prome- Saloon. Smoking State Steamship Majestic. Steamship Majestic. Steamship Majestic. Steamship Majestic. Room. Steamship Majestic. Steamship New York. Steamship New York. Steamship Normannia. Steamship Normannia. de Luxe. Steamship Normannia. Saloon. Steamship Normannia. Room. Steamship Normannia. nade Deck. Steamship Normannia. Steamship Normannia. Room. Steamship Normannia. Room. Steamship Nourdland. Steamship Ohio. Steamship Paris. Steamship Paris. Saloon. Steamship Pavonia. Steamship Pavonia. Steamship Rhynland. Steamship Richmond. Steamship Saale. Steamship Servia. Steamship Teutonic. Steamship Teutonic. Steamship Teutonic. Steamship Teutonic. Room. Steamship Teutonic. Room. Steamship Teutonic. State Room. Steamship Umbria. Steamship Werra. Steamship Wisconsin. Library. Saloon. Smoking Smoking Long Island 5661 City of Springfield. 5662 City of W orcester. 5663 Massschusetts. 5664 Narragansett. Sound Steamers. * 5665 Pilgrim. 5666 Pilgrim. Saloon. Staircase. * 5667 Puritan. 5668 Puritan. Saloon. United States War Vessels. 5670. U. S. Cruiser Columbia. * 5675 Atlanta. Bow on. * 5676 Atlanta. Side View. 5677 Atlanta. Firing a Salute. * 5678 Baltimore. 5669 Bennington. * 5679 Boston. Bow on. * 5680 Boston. Side View. * 5681 Charleston. * 5682 Chicago. Bow on. * 5683 Chicago. Side View. * 5670 Columbia. * 5684 Concord. * 5685 Cushing. * 5686 Dolphin. 5687 Kearsarge. * 5688 Miantonomah. * 5671 Minneapolis. * 5689 Newark. Side View. 5690 Newark. Stern on. * 5672 New York. 5691 Petrel. * 5692 Philadelphia. * 5693 San Francisco. * 5694 Vesuvius. * 5695 Yorktown. 72 Figure Studies. Undraped. For the use of Artists and Sculptors. The Date following a Subject indicates the year of its Exhibition in the Paris Salon. All Subjects furnished in Cabinet size. Subjects marked with a * furnished in Folio size also. In ordering be particular to state whether Cabinet or Folio size is wanted, and whether mounted or unmounted. Alma-Tadema, E. * 6000 A Sculptor’s Model. Arosa, Mile. M. * 6001 Andromeda. * 6002 Before the Bath. 1885. Arpino, C. 6382 Andromeda. Auhlet, Albert. * 6003 Almee at the Bath. Vienna. 6331 Bathers. * 6004 The New Moon. Axilette. 6005 Summer. Bal>ane, E. 6006 The Bath. 1893. Bagues, E. J. A. * 6007 Spring. 6008 Study. Ballavoine, J. * 6009 Indiscreet Butterflies. 6010 Lassitude. 1885. * 6011 The Broken Ornament. * 6012 The Interrupted Sitting. 188S. 6332 Youth. 1893. Balmer, IV. 6013 Study. 1892. Barrias, E. 6333 Sirens. Barrias, Felix. * 6014 Triumph of Venus. Beaumont, C. E. * 6015 Camp Followers. 1893. 6016 Nest of Sirens. * 6017 Temptation of St. Anthony. * 6018 The Captain’s Share. * 6019 Women are Dear. Beda, F. * 6020 In the Studio. Begas O. 6021 Eve. * 6022 Summer Toilet. Bellynck, H. F. 6023 Diana. Benner, E. * 6024 At the Waterside. 1887. * 6025 Bathers. 1882. * 6026 Daphne. 1888. * 6027 Innocence. * 6028 Leda. 1888. * 6029 Magdalen. * 6030 Nymphs. 6383 Repose. * 6031 Summer Evening in the Green Grotto. Benner, J. E. 6032 The Nymph of the Blue Grotto. 1892. Berger, E. * 6334 Study. Bernard, H. * 6033 Coquetry. 6034 The Beautiful Persian. Boichard. 6035 Study. Bonneau, E- * 6036 A Priestess of Isis. 1881. Bouchard, P. E. * 6336 Toilet of the Favorite. 1892. Boucher, F. * 6037 Diana leaving the Bath. Bouguereau, W. A. * 6038 A Bather. 1888. 6335 After the Bath. 1893. * 6039 Birth of Venus. * 6040 Birth of Venus. Detail. * 6041 Calypso. * 6042 Flora and Zephyr. * 6043 Morning. * 6044 Evening. 6045 Niobe. * 6046 Nymphs. 73 Figure Studies — Continued. Bouguereau, W. A. * 6047 Nymphs and Satyr. * 6048 Psyche et 1’ Amour. 1880. 6040 Springtime. * 6050 The Wasps’ Nest. 4802. * 6051 Youth of Bacchus. Boulanger, G. * 6052 A Summer Bath at Pompeii. Bourgeois, Urran. * 6053 Innocence. 1883. Bridgman, /•'. .1 . 6054 Tiie Dream. Cabanel, Alex. * 6062 Birth of Venus. * 6063 Nymph and Satyr. * 6064 Venus. Cagnacci, G. 6385 Death of Cleopatra. Vienna. Carol us- Duran. * 6065 Andromeda. 1887. * 6066 Bacchus. 1880. * 6067 Lilia of the Red Hair. 6068 Magdalen. * 6069 The Awakening. 6178. F. Kraus. Bacchante Awakening. Brillaud, F. 6055 Revelation. 1892 Browning, It. Barrett. * 6056 After the Bath. 1887 Bukovac, B. * 6057 A Flower. 1S87 * 6058 Andromeda. 1886 * 6059 Aurora dying in the Arms of Day. * 6060 In Confidence. * 6061 The Great Iza. 6384 The White Slave. Carrier-Belleuse, P. 6337 Study. 1803. 6070 The Toilet. Casado del Alisal. * 6071 Zaida, the Favorite. 1877. Caueannier, J. D. * 6338 The Model’s Rest. Cecconi, N. * 6072 A Pompeiian Bath. 6073 Gossip at the Bath. 1888. 74 Figure Studies — Continued. Chalon, I,. * 6074 Circe and the Companions of Ulysses. 1888. Chantron, A. J. 6339 Coquette. 1S93. 6340 Spring. 1893. Chaplin, Ch. * 6075 Sleep. 1887. * 6076 Souvenirs. 6077 Study. Chateignon, E. 6078 The Serious Connoisseur. Chevrense, J. tie la. 6341 April 1893. 6079 Before her Mirror. Cignani. 6386 Joseph and Potiphar’s wife. Vi- enna. Collin, 11. 6080 On the Beach. 1892. 6342 Floreal. 6343 Poetry. 1893. Comerre, E. 6081 Silenus and the Bacchanalians. Coomans, J. * 6082 Cupid’s Pilot. Correggio. 6344 Io and Jupiter. 6083 Leda and the Swan. Berlin. Courtat, E. * 6345 Leda. * 6084 Young Girl Bathing. Courten, A. tie. * 6085 Night. Courtois, Gustave. * 6086 Thais in Hades. Crauk, Ch. * 6087 The Nymph Arethusa changed into a Fountain. Currier, Alger. * 6088 A Goddess. 1888. Debat-Ponsan, E. B. * 6089 Massage. * 6090 Spring Flowers. * 6091 The Bird Charmer. 1883. Delacroix, H. E- 6092 Awakening. 6093 Sea Gulls and Wave. 1892. Delauney, J. E. * 6094 Diana. Delhnmeau, G. * 6095 Namouna. Desportes, E. * 6096 Cleopatra. 1887. 6097 Springtime. Dielitx, K. * 6099 “ Alpenmarchen.'’ * 6100 Daughters of the Rhine. Diendonne, E. tie. * 6101 A Turkish Bath. Domenieliino. 7039 Galatea. Doucet, E. * 6102 Study. Doyen, E. 6346 Nocturne. 1893. Dubufe, G. fils. * 6103 Profane Music. Duelly, E. * 6104 The Source. Dufaux, E. * 6105 The Toilet. Dumas, Alphonse. 6347 Bather. 1893. * 6106 The Chilly Model. Dumoulin, E. * 6107 Study. Dupuis, Pierre. * 6108 Invitation. 1887. * 6109 The Wave. Duval, A. * 6110 Study of a Young Girl. Dvorak, F. *6111 Spring. Dyck, A. van. * 6112 Danae. Edouard, A. * 6113 Thetis. 1888. * 6114 Young Girl and God Pan. 1888. Enke, E. 6115 Ariadne. Ernst, R. 6116 The Wave. Fabhi, F. 6117 Sirens. /o Figure Studies — Continued. Falero, E- * (1118 Balance of the Zodiac. * (1119 Chevelure de Berenice. * 6120 Day. * 6121 Departure of the Witches. * 6122 Faust’s Vision. * 6123 Night. * 6124 Prayer to Isis. * 6125 The Double Star. * 6126 The Planet Venus. * 6127 The Polar Star. Faure, Eugene. * 6128 Venus. Ferrier, G. 6129 Salambo. * 6130 St. Agues, the Martyr. Feyen-Perrin, A. * 6131 The Bath. Fichel, E. 6132 After the Bath. 6387 Startled. 6133 The Kiss in the Glass. Flameng, F. * 6135 Bath of Court Ladies. Forti, E. 6136 The Toilet. 1892. Gamier, Jules. 6137 Amusement of the Borgias. * 6138 Temptation. Gerard, F. * 6139 Cupid and Psyche. (Jerome, J. E. 6140 King Candaules. 6141 Phryne before the Tribunal. 6142 Slave Market. 6143 The Sculptor's Studio. Gervex, H. * 6144 Morning Bath. 1888. 6145 Nymph and Satyr. * 6146 Kolia. * 6147 The Mask. Gessner, A. * 6148 Psyche. Giaconmtti. 6149 Centaur and Nymph. * 6150 Rape of Amymone. Gilbert, R. 6349 Study. 1893. Giraud, Victor. * 6151 Slave Merchant. Glaize, Aug. B. * 6350 Love's First Step. * 6152 Psyche. 6153 The Awakening. Gleyre, Chas. G. 6154 Dance of Bacchantes. Gounod, J. * 6351 After the Bath. Graef, G. * 6155 Fairy Tales. * 6156 Felicie. Guillon, E. A. * 6157 The Marguerite. Guyon, M. 6158 After the Ball. Head, Guy. 6159 Echo. Hebert, E. * 6160 Magdalen. Henner, J. J. 6161 Andromeda. 6162 Byblis changed to a Fountain. * 6163 Idyl. * 6164 Magdalen. 6352 Sleeping. 1 893 * 6165 The Chaste Susanne. * 6166 Weeping Nymph. Hierle, L. * 6167 A Roman Bath. Hirsch, A. * 0168 Quadroon. Hodebert, F. 6169 Study. 6353 The Model. 1893 Jacquet, If. 6170 The Spider. Jamin, P. 6388 Brenuus and part of t lie Spoils. Jansen, P. 6171 Childhood of Bacchus. Jourdan, A. * 6172 Venus. Kaemmerer, F. H. * 6173 In Summer. Kaulbach, H. * 6174 A Fairy of the Moon. Keller, F. * 6175 Hero and Leauder. 76 Figure Studies — Continued. Knille, O. * 6176 Tannhauser and Venus. Kniut, J. 6177 Study. Kraus, F. * 6178 Bacchante Awakening. Kray, W. * 6179 A Lazy Witch. * 6180 A Nymph. * 6181 Dance of the Will o’ the Wisps. * 6182 Loreley. 6389 Lurlei. * 6183 Nymphs Playing. * 6184 Princess Ilse. * 6185 Psyche. * 6186 Psyche and Zephyr. * 6187 Psyche by the Seashore. * 6188 Siren of Tivoli. * 6189 Sleeping Fisher Boy. * 6190 St. John’s Bath. * 6191 The Butterfly. 6390 The Danube Fairy. 6391 Undine. Fa foil, Francois. * 6192 Eve. Laly re, Ad. * 6193 Cupid and Psyche. 1887. Lamy, P. F. * 6194 A Daisy. 1888. Landelle, Ch. * 6195 A Naiad. Landelle, Georges. 6354 Humming Bird. Laroche, A. 6392 The Awakening. Laurens, N. A. * 6196 A Dragon Fly. 6197 Caressed by the Wave. * 6198 Flower of the Studio. 6355 Startled Nymph. 1893. Lecompte du Nouy, J. * 6199 Raineses in bis Harem. Lefebvre, Georges. * 6200 Study. Lefebvre, Jules. 6201 A Daughter of Eve. 1892. * 6202 A Model. * 6203 Diana. * 6204 Diana and Nymphs. * 6205 Diana and Nymphs. Detail. * 6206 Magdalen. * 6207 Nymph and Bacchus. * 6208 Nymph Hunting. * 6209 Truth. Leighton, Sir Fed’k. * 6210 The Bath of Psyche. Lejeune, A. F. * 6211 After the Bath. * 6212 Comparison. * 6213 In Summer. 6214 Leda. * 6215 Modern Vanity. * 6216 Timidity. LeQuesne, F. 6217 Beauty and the Beast. 6393 The Daughters of Menestho. 6218 The Lighthouse. 1892. * 6219 The Spider’s Web. 1892. * 6220 The Two Pearls. Leroy, Paul. 6221 Arabian Dance. Levy, L. * 6222 Circe. Liphart, E. de. * 6223 A Bather. * 6224 Assumption of Magdalen. Macliard, J. * 6225 Soap Bubbles. Maignan, A. * 6226 Birth of the Pearl. Makart, Hans. * 6227 Diana Hunting. * 6228 The Five Senses. 6229 Feeling. (Detail of above.) 6230 Hearing. (Detail of above.) 6231 Sight. (Detail of above.) 6232 Smell. (Detail of above.) 6233 Taste. (Detail of above.) Makovsky, C. E. 62.34 Bacchanale. Malmont, Mege du. 6235 La Cigale. Marini, I). 6356 A Nymph. 1893. Merle, H. * 6236 Hebe after her Fall. Merwart, P. 6237 Bacchante in Repose. Meys, M. * 6357 Awakening. 1889. Michel-Lancon, E. * 6238 A Bather. Millochau, E. * 6239 Menaid with Orpheus’ Head. 1887. 77 Figure Studies — Continued. Morot, Aime N. * 6240 Study. * 6241 Temptation of St. Anthony. 1881 Mottez, H. * 6242 Morning. Mousset, P. J. * 6243 The Toilet. * 6244 Tired. * 6358 Two Innocents. Munier, Tv. 6245 At the Bath. 1891. * 6246 At the Brook. * 6247 Love Disarmed. 6359 The Cascade. 1893. Nanteuil, P. 6248 Fortuna. * 6249 On the Shore of the Lake. 1888. Nonnenbrucb, M. * 6250 A Greek Slave. Papperitz, G. * 6251 After the Bath. * 6252 An Idyl. * 6253 Hebe. * 6254 Nymphe mit Liebesgott. Parrot, P. 6255 Flora and Zephyr. Perrault, J,. 6256 Cupid Rebellious. 6360 Meditation. 1893. * 6257 The Hammock. Perrey, L. * 6258 Diana. * 6259 Phoebe. Picou, H. P. * 6260 Love Lighter than a Butterfly. 6261 Temptation. 1892. * 6262 These are your Pleasures. Poussin, N. 6263 Sleeping Venus. Poy liter, Tv. J. * 6264 A Visit to AEsculapius. Quinsac, A. 6265 Still Life. Quinsac, P. * 6361 Temptation. 1888. Rae, Ft. * 6266 A Naiad. * 6267 Ariadne. Regnault, A. G. TT. * 6268 The Three Graces. Reyzney, M. 6362 Nature's Mirror. 1893. 6363 Study. Robbins, Lucy Lee. 6269 At her Toilet. 1892. Robert-Fleury, T. 6270 Architecture. 1892. 6271 Last Days of Corinth. * 6272 Last Days of Corinth. Detail. 6273 Leda. Rochegrosse, G. * 6274 Fall of Babylon. 1891. * 6275 Fall of Babylon. Detail. 6276 Tannhauser. 1892. Roll. 6277 The Fete of Silenus. Rouflio, Paul. * 6278 Return from the Ball. Roussin, G. 6279 After the Bath. 1892. 6280 Rest. Royer A. * 6281 Cytheree. * 6282 Venus and Body of Hector. Royer, L. 6283 Cupid and Psyche. 1892. * 6284 Love and Foliy. * 6285 Telemachus on the Isle of Sherias. Rubens, Peter Paul. 6394 Angelica and the Hermit. Vienna . 6395 Helen Fourment. Bust. Reu- ben's Second Wife. Vienna. Ruel, L. * 6286 Leda. 1883. Saint-Gernier, J. * 6287 Woman of Flowers. 1887. Saintpierre, G. 6365 Venus. 1893. Salles- Wagner, Mine. A. * 6288 Bathers. Scalbert, J. * 6289 A Serious Misadventure. * 6290 Bathers. * 6291 Morning Toilet. * 6367 Nude Figure. 1891. * 6368 Repose. * 6292 Summer. Selilesinger, TT. * 6293 A Modern Venus. 78 Figure Studies — Continued. Schneider, H. * 6369 Dancing at the Theatre of Bac- chus. Schutzemberger, E. F. * 6294 After the Bath. * 6295 Bacchante. * 6296 Callisto. 1883. Schweninger, C. * 6297 Alone. 6298 At the Bath. Seifert, A. 6299 A Nymph. Semenowsky, E. 6300 A Parisian Lady. Sevestre, J. * 6301 The Morning Glory. 1887. Siemiradzki, H. de. * 6302 The Woman or the Vase. * 6370 The Sword Dance. Spranger, B. 6396 Hercules and Omphale. Vienna. 6397 Vulcan and Mars. Vienna. Stephen. 6371 Bathers. Stewart, J. I.. * 6303 Spring. Szyndler, P. * 6304 Eve. * 6305 Odalisque. * 6306 The Seraglio. Tapissier. 6307 Helene. Thirion, E. 6308 The Poet and the Stream. Thuniann, Paul. 6309 The Sirens. Tillier, Paul. 6134 A Naiad. * 6372 Bather. 6310 Bathers. * 6311 Leda. 6373 Study. 6374 Study. 6312 The Fan. 6376 The Rose. 1893. 6377 The Toilet. Tintoretto. 6398 Susannah and the Elders. Vienna. Titian. 6399 Danae. * 6313 Sleeping Venus. * 6314 Venus and Cupid. Tojetti. * 6315 Love and Innocence. Toudouze, E. * 6316 Study. 1888. Toulmonche, A. 6317 Morning. 'Fournier, E. * 6318 Leda. 1887. Trouillehert, P. * 6319 Snake Charmer. Van den Bos, G. * 6320 Eve. 6378 Venus. 1893. Van Hove, E. * 6321 Alchemy, Sorcery and Divinity. 1888. Vasselon, M. * 6322 Coquetry. * 6323 The Bath. 6400 The Toilet. Veecliio, Palma. * 6324 Venus. Veree, B. 6325 A Dream of Roses. Voillemot, C. E. 6326 April. 1892. * 6379 Study. 1892. Wagner, S. * 6327 Diana. W'agrez, Jules. * 6328 A Fairy. Weisz, A. * 6380 Youth Victorious. Weneker. 6381 Artemis. 1893. Xier, V. * 6329 Psyche. 1882. Zuber-Buhler. 6330 Reading in Secret. 79 Reproductions OF Famous Paintings, Etchings and Engravings. The Date following a Subject indicates the year of its Exhibition in the Paris Salon. All Subjects furnished in Cabinet size. Subjects marked with a * furnished in Folio size also. In ordering be particular to state whether Cabinet or Folio size is wanted, and whether mounted or unmounted. 6543. Robert Assmus. Farewell to Sakkingen. Achenbach , A. 6500 The Harbor of Ostend. Aflat i, L. Emile. 8431 Across the Fields. 1S93. 6501 Last Rays of the Sun. 6502 November. 1888. * 8432 Return of the Vintagers. 8519 Summer Evening. 6503 The End of the Journey. * 6504 The Ferryman's Daughter. Ademollo, C. * 6505 Chariot Race. Alais, A. C. 6506 The Foster Mother. Albani, F. * 6507 Cupids Dancing around a Tree. Alexander, Cbas. * 8433 Thirsty. 1889. 80 Famous Paintings, Ftc. — Continued. Alma-Tadema, Laura. 6508 Nothing Venture, Nothing Have. Alma-Tadema, Lorenzo. * 6509 Anthony and Cleopatra. 6510 A Reading from Homer. * 6511 A Roman Emperor. * 6512 A Sculptor’s Model. 8520 At the Shrine of Venus. * 6513 Autumn. 6514 Barnay as Marc Anthony. * 6515 First Whisper of Love. * 6516 Pleading. 6517 Promise of Spring. * 6518 Sappho. * 6519 The Old Story. * 6520 The Vintage Festival. Ancient Rome. Amberg, W. * 6521 Hand in Hand. 6522 Hero. * 8521 Sappho. Anders, F. 6523 Blondinella. Anderson, A. A. 6524 Morning after the Ball. Anderson, Mrs. * 6525 Chorister Boys. * 6526 Foundling Girls. Andreotti, F. * 6527 A Shady Nook. 6528 Dancing Master’s Pay Day. 8522 Easy Conquest. * 6529 Teresa. 6530 Wooing. Angelo, Michael. * 6531 Ceiling of Sistine Chapel. Rome. 8523 Creation of Eve. * 6532 Crucifixion. * 6533 Erythraean Sibyl. Rome. * 6534 Fortune. TJffizi , Florence. * 6535 Last Judgment. Rome. * 6536 Persian Sibyl. Rome. * 6537 Prophet Ezekiel. Rome. * 6538 Prophet Joel. Rome. * 6539 The Fates. Pitti Gallery , Flor- ence. Ansdell, R. * 8524 Fight for the Standard. 6540 Morning; Ready to Start for the Moors. Archer, J. 6541 Little Miss Primrose. Armstrong, T. * 8434 Music Piece. Arpino, C. 6382 Andromeda. Vienna. Askervold. 6542 Evening at the River. Assmus, Robert. * 6543 Farewell to Sakkingeu. Aubert, Jean. * 6544 A Mysterious Concert. 1888. * 6545 Aurora cools the Wings of Love. * 6546 Coming Love. 6547 Cupid’s Captives. 6548 Cupid in the Country. * 6549 Love grown Cold. * 6550 Love on a Vacation. * 6551 Love Thirsty. * 6552 Love Wins. 6553 Love’s Conference. * 6554 “ Menu de l’Amour.” * 6555 Mirror of the Larks. * 6556 Reverie. * 6557 The Breeze. * 6558 The Broken Thread. Aublet, Albert. 6004 The New Moon. Bac F. 6560 An Agreeable Confession. Bacon, F. * 6561 Apollo abducting Cyrene. Bacon, Henry*. 6562 A Lesson in Boat Building. 1888. * 6563 Arrival of the Pilot. * 6564 At the Capstan. 1887. * 6565 Burial of Miles Standish. 6566 Daisy Miller leaving New York. * 8525 Jack Ashore. 8435 Looking Backward. 1893. Bagnacavallo. * 6567 Madonna. Dresden. Balaca, R. 6568 Columbus received by the Catho- lic Kings after his First Voy- age. Ballheim, H. * 6569 Madonna and Child. 6570 Madonna and Child. Barbino, Nicolo. 8526 Madonna and Child. Barber, C. Burton. * 6571 A Mute Appeal. 6572 A Scratch Pack. 8527 Begging. * 6573 In Disgrace. * 6574 My First Partner. 81 Famous Paintings, Ftc. — Continued. Barber, C. Burton. 6575 Order of the Bath. 6576 The Morning Call. 6577 The New Whip. * 6578 Trust. Barnes, E- C. * 6579 Family Cares. Baroccio, B. 8437 Hagar and Ishmael. Barraucl, Wm. * 6580 Fathers of the Pack. 6581 Nothing Venture, Nothing Have. Bastien-Eepage, Jules. * S437 Jeanne d'Arc. Bateman, J. 6582 The First Lesson. Bates, A. W. 8528 First Sunday iu New England. Battoni, Pompeo. * 6583 Beading Magdalen. Baumeister, K. * 65S4 Mater Amabalis. Bayard, Emile. * 6585 A Garden Festival at Trianon. 65S6 A Joyous Band. 6587 A Marriage. * 6588 An Affair of Honor. * 6589 Reconciliation. * 6590 The Ferryman. Bayes, A. W. 6591 'Departure of the Mayflower. Beaux, Miss C. E. 6592 Brighton Cats. Becker, Carl. 6593 A Cup of Coffee. * 6594 A Happy Bet urn. * 6595 A Lovers’ Quarrel. * 6596 A Venetian Novel. * 6597 Charles V. and Fugger. 6598 He will soon he here. * 6599 In the Time of the Medicis. * 6600 Italians at Church. * 6601 Kaiser Maximilian and Venetian Embassy. 6602 Marriage of Figaro. * 6603 Oil' for the Hunt. * 6604 Othello’s Defence. * 6605 Othello’s Story. * 6606 Petition to the Doge. 6732. W. A. Bonguerean. Cupid and Psyche. Famous Paintings, Hecker, Carl. 6007 Pope Julius II. viewing the Apollo Belvidere. * 660S Romeo and Juliet. * 6609 Spanish Girl. * 6610 Study Head. * 6611 The Rivals. * 6612 The Welcome Guests. Becker, Georges. * 8529 Rizpali. Begas, Oscar. * 6613 Othello and Desdemona. Bell, J. H. 6614 Dryburgh Abbey. The Grave of Sir Walter Scott. Belly, L. * 6615 The Caravan. Louvre. Bellange, H. 6616 A Review under the Empire. Benner, E. 8438 Among the Flowers. 1893. 6029 Magdalen. Benner, Jean. * 6618 A Shady Corner in Capri. 1887. 6619 Spring and Summer. * 6620 Young Girls in a Ravine near Capri. Benouville, L,. * 8439 Jeanne d'Arc listening to the Spirits. Bern, S. 6621 Repose in Egypt. Bernatz, 31 ax. 6622 Madonna Enthroned. Berne-Bellecour, E. * 6623 Rent Day. Bertier, F. E. * 6624 A Trick at Cards. Bertrand, 31. J. * 6625 Marguerite. Bertzik. 6626 A Young Patrician. Beyle, P. 31. 6627 A Shipwreck at Dieppe. Beyschlag, Robert. 6628 Joys of Spring. * 6629 Maiden with Fruit. * 6630 Psyche Grieving. 6631 Psyche with the Urn. * 6632 Woodland Vows. Bezzenberger, H. 6633 Senta. Bickendraht. * 6634 Study Head. Billet, Pierre. 6635 High Tide; Coast of Normandy. Etc. — Continued. Biermann, G. * 6636 Christ Ascending on High. * 6637 Spring of Life. Bisson, E. 6638 By the Sea. 8440 Prisoner. 1893. 8441 Return of Spring. 1S93. 8442 Temptations. 1893. * 6639 Tile Fiancee. Blaas, Eugene von. 6640 A Coquette. * 6641 Bianca. * 6642 Flirtation. * 6643 Giulietta. 6644 Graziella. * 6645 Peasant Boy. * 6646 Pleading. 6647 Rivals. * 6648 Rosina. 6649 Secrets. * 6650 Study Head. (1) * 6651 Study Head. (2) * 6652 The Proposal. * 6653 Theresita. 6654 Three is no Company. * 6655 Vexation. Blaskeld, E. H. * 6656 Christmas Bells. 1892. Blinks, Thomas. 6657 Caught. * 6658 Here they Come. * 6659 Where's the Field? (1) * 6660 Where's the Field? (2) * 6661 Found.] * 6662 Gone. ! Scenes illustrating a Fox * 6663 Check. ] Hunt. * 6664 Finish. J Bloch, A. 6665 Attack of Cliateaugontier. Blume, E- * 6666 The Pouting Model. Bodenhausen, C. von. * 6669 A Spring Idyl. * 6670 First Love. * 6671 Hope. * 6672 Listening to the Fairies. * 6673 Listening to the Nightingale. * 6674 Madonna and Child. * 6675 Madonna and Child. Detail. * 6676 Nydia. * 8530 Tlie Dead Virginia. Bodenhausen, G. von. 6677 Hero and Leander. Bodenmuller, F. * 8531 Eos. 6678 Martina. Boeker, C. * 6667 Good Health. * 6668 Morning Walk of the Princess. Famous Paintings, Etc. — Continued. Bol, Ferdinand. 8532 Flight iuto Egypt. Dresden. Bonheur, Auguste. * 6679 Cows at a Watering Place. 6680 Goats on the Mountain. Bonheur, Rosa. * 6681 A Noble Charger. * 6682 A Norman Sire. * 6683 A Scottish Raid. (Cattle.) * 6684 A Stampede. (Cattle.) * 6685 An Humble Servant. * 6686 An Old Monarch. * 6687 Brittany Sheep. * 6688 Cattle of Brittany. * 6690 Changing Pasture. (Sheep.) * 6691 Coming from the Fair. * 6692 Landais Peasants. * 6693 Morning in the Highlands. * 6694 On the Alert. (Stag.) * 6695 Ploughing. 6696 Scotch Cattle Resting. * 6697 Straits of Ballachulish. * 6698 The Horse Fair. * 6699 The Lion at Home. * 6700 The Long Rocks of Fontaine- bleau. (Cattle.) Bonnat, L. 6701 Samson’s Youth. 1S91. Borckmann, A. * 6703 Mozart and his Sister. Botticelli. 6704 Madonna. Louvre. Bouchard, L. 6705 The Mutes of Seraglio. Boucher, Francois. 6706 The Birds' Nest. Louvre. 6707 The Target. Louvre. 6708 Vulcan’s Forges. Louvre. Bougliton, G. FT. 8533 John Alden and Priscilla. 6709 Pilgrim Exiles. * 8534 Priscilla. * 6710 Pilgrims going to Church. 6711 Return of the “ Mayflower." * 8536 Two Farewells. Bouguereau, W. A. * 6712 A Bohemian. * 6713 Adoration of the Shepherds. * 6714 Alma Parens. * 6715 Annunciation. 8443 Antoinette. 1893. * 6039 Birth of Venus. * 6040 Birth of Venus. Detail. * 6718 Cajolery. * 6719 Cupid and a Butterfly. 6720 Cupid and a Butterfly. * 6721 Cupid and Psyche. * 6722 Cupid and Psyche. Detail. Heads. * 6723 Flight into Egypt. 6042 Flora and Zephyr. * 6725 Flowers of Spring. * 6726 Going to the Bath. 6727 Inspiration. 1892. 6728 Jeanne. * 6729 Love’s First Dream. * 8537 Madonna and Child. 1893. 6730 Marriage of the Virgin. 8444 Mary Magdalen. 1893. 8445 Morning Bath. * 6731 Near the Brook. 6046 Nymphs. * 6047 Nymphs and Satyr. 6734 Pieta. * 6048 “Psyche et 1’ Amour.” * 6736 Our Lady of the Angels. * 6737 Songs of Spring. 6738 The Crucifixion. 6739 The Elder Sister. * 6740 The First Mourners. 8446 The Offering to Love. 1893. 6741 The Shelter. 1892. * 6742 The Virgin and the Angels. * 6743 The Virgin, Infant Jesus, and St. John. 6050 The Wasps’ Nest. 1892. * 6745 Virgin Consolator. * 6746 Virgin Consolator. Detail. Head. 8447 Warning of the Heart. 1893. 6747 Water Carrier. 6748 Women at the Sepulchre. Boulanger, Gustav. 6749 Roman Lady’s Apartments. * 6750 The Appian Way. Bradley, Basil. * 8538 Feline Affection. Brascassat, J. * <>751 Cattle Study. Brausewetter, O. * 6752 Christ on the Cross. Bredt, F. M. * 6753 Arabian Lady Boating. Breton, Jules. * 6754 A Sifter of Colza. 6755 Blessiug of the Fields. * 6756 Brittany Women. * 6757 Communicants. * 6758 End of Labor. * 6759 Harvest Time. * 6760 Reapers. * 6761 Reapers. Detail. * 6762 Song of the Lark. 6763 The Last Flowers. * 6764 The Turkey Keeper. * 6765 Vintagers. * 6766 Weeders. * 6767 Young Girls in Procession. 1888. Bridgman, F. A. 6768 A Ball at the House of the Gov- ernor of Algiers. 1889. * 8539 La Cigale. Louvre. 1887. 1885. 84 Famous Paintings, Etc. — Continued. Brittan. * 6769 Safe Quarters. Broehurt, C. 6770 Fountain of Love. 6771 Love Captive. Brockman, /'. 6772 Ecce Homo. 6773 Mater Dolorosa. * 6774 Tlie Praying Hermit. Burck, H. 6781 Sappho and Alcaeus. Burne-Jones, E. * 6782 Angel of Annunciation * 6783 Beatrice. * 6784 Beguiling of Merlin. * 6785 Brier Rose. * 6786 Day. * 6787 Night. * 6788 Dies Domini. 7095. C. Ehrenberg;. The Fates. Brooks , Thomas. * 6775 Grace Darling and her Father. Brouillet, A. * 6776 Clinic at Salpetriere. * 8540 Portrait of Mile. Darland. 1888. * 6777 Solitude. 6778 Susanne. Buche, J. * 6779 High Austrian Girl. Head. * 6780 Tyrolean Girl. * 6789 Feast of Peleus. * 6790 Flamma Vestalis. * 6791 Head of Concordia. * 6792 Hope. * 6793 Head. (From the above.) * 6794 Love among the Ruins. * 6795 Love and the Pilgrim. * 6796 Mary Magdalen at the Sepulchr * 6797 Pan and Psyche. * 6798 Romance of the Rose. * 6799 Sea Nymph. * 6800 Sibylla Delphica. Famous Paintings, Etc . — Continued. Burne-Jones, 2£. * 6801 Spring. * 6802 Summer. * 6803 Autumn. * 6S04 Winter. * 6805 Spring or Flora. * 6806 Study for the Masque of Cupid. * 6807 Study Head. * 6808 Temperance. * 6S09 Head. (From the above.) * 6810 The Golden Stairs. * 6811 Thisbie. 1 * 6812 Cupid. - Set of three. * 6813 Pyramus. J * 6814 Wheel of Fortune. * 6815 Head of Fortune. (From the above.) * 6816 Wood Nymph. * 6817 Venus’ Looking Glass. Cabanel, Alex. * 6818 A Florentine Poet. * 6819 Aglae. * 6820 Birth of Venus. * 6821 Cleopatra. 1887. * 6822 Flora. * 6823 Francesca di Rimini. * 6824 Lucretia and Sextus Tarquin. * 6825 Marguerite. * 6826 Michael Angelo in his Studio. * 6827 Patrician of Venice. * 6828 Phedre. 6829 Ruth. * 6830 Thamar. Cagnacci, G. 6385 Death of Cleopatra. Vienna. Caldwell , F. * 6831 For the Safety of the Public. Catnphausen, IV. 6832 Napoleon III. and Bismarck. * 6833 Sedan ; The Capture. * 6S34 Study; Horse's Head. (1) * 6835 Study; Horse’s Head. (2) * 6836 Tilsit and Sedan. Caracci, A. * 6837 Head of Christ. * 6838 Madonna of Silence. Caravaggio, Amerighi da. 8541 The Gamblers. Dresden. Carrington, J. Yates. 6839 Impudence. Carter, R. H. 6840 Last of the Catch. Carter, S. J- 6841 First Sight of the Fox. 6842 Interesting Family. * 6843 Little Foxes. Cassioli, .4. * 6S44 Boccaccio. * 6845 Francesca di Rimini. Cecchi, A. * 6846 Grandfather's Story. Cederstrom, Tli. 6S47 A Jolly Song. 6848 Concert in the Monastery. Chaigneau, J. I'. 6841) Evening. Chantron, A. J. 6850 Cupid Breaking his Bow. 1887 * 6851 Noonday Meal. Chaplin, Ch. J. * 6852 Love's Messenger. * 6S53 The Soap Bubble. Chapman, John G. * 6854 Baptism of Pocahontas. Charodeau, F. .4. 6855 A Life Boat. (Chickens.) Chasseriau, T. * 6856 After the Bath. Chattilon, Mine. F. de * 6857 Jeanne d’Arc. * 6858 The Captive. Clieca, V. * 8448 Race of Roman Chariots. 1890 Clielininski, J. von * 6859 Afternoon in Hyde Park. 6860 The Lost Trail. Cliialiva, F. 6861 First Joys. * 6862 The Shepherdess. Cignani. 6386 Joseph and Potiphar's Wife. Vienna. Ciseri, Antonio. 8542 Christ Borne to the Tomb. Cleminson, R. * 6863 Victor of the Glen. (Stag.) Collinson, R. * 6864 Absorbed in Robinson Crusoe. Comerre, Feon. * 6865 A Little Marquis. * 6866 The Premiere. (Ballet Girl.) Comerre-Paton, Mine. * 6867 Rustic Simplicity. Com mans, F. H. * 6868 The Mother of the Good Shep- herd. Conti, Tito. 6869 Iris. 6870 Suspicion. 8543 Sweet Idleness. 6871 The Ballad Singer. Coomans, Diana. * 6872 Lesbie. * 6873 Listening. 86 Famous Paintings, Ft c. — Continued. Coomans, Heva. * 6874 Delilah. Coomans, J. * 6875 A Culprit. 8544 After the Ball. * 6876 A Perilous Passage. * 6877 A Plot. 8449 Before the Ball. 6878 Candor. 6879 Defiance. * 6880 Draught of Friendship. * 6881 Dreamland. * 6882 Education of a Young Patrician. * 6883 Education of a A'oung Prince. * 6884 For my old Father. * 6885 For the Poor. * 6886 Indecision. * 6S87 Liberality of the Roman Matrons. * 6888 Lucretia and her Maids. * 6889 Music. * 6890 Painting. * 6891 Poetry. * 6892 Satisfaction. * 6893 Sculpture. * 6895 The Beautiful Theano at the School of Pythagoras. * 6896 The Hobby Horse. * 6897 The House of a Poet in the last days of Pompeii. * 6898 The Panic. * 6899 The Smile. Corcos, V. 8450 The Rose. 1S93 Cormon, F. * 6901 Victors of Salamis. 1887 * 6902 Victors of Salamis. Detail. Corot, J. B. C. * 6903 Landscape. * 6904 Landscape and Water. * 8545 The Canal. * 6905 The Cottage. * 8546 The Pond. * 6906 The Willows. 6907 Ville d’Avray. Correggio. * 6908 Angels’ Heads. (1) * 6909 Angels’ Heads. (2) * 6910 Ascension of St. Thomas. * 6911 Assumption of the Virgin. St. Petersburg. * 6913 Cupids. * 8547 Day. 6912 Diana. Home. * 6914 Group No. 10. * 6915 Group No. 11. * 6916 Holy Night. Dresden. 6917 Holy Night. Detail. 6344 Io and Jupiter. (Full figure.) * 6918 Io and Jupiter. (Heads.) Berlin. 6083 Leda and the Swan. Berlin. * 6920 Madonna della Scala. Parma. * 6921 Madonna della Seodelln. Parma. 6922 Madonna of St. Francis. Dresden. 8549 Head of St. Catherine. (Detail of 6922.) 6923 Madonna of St. George. Dresden. 6924 Madonna of St. George. Detail. * 6925 Madonna of St. Sebastian. Dresden. 8550 Magdalen with Cross. * 6926 Magdalen. (Reading.) Dresden. 8551 Head of Magdalen. (Detail of 6926.) * 6927 Mystic Marriage of St. Cathe- rine. 6928 St. John the Evangelist. 8552 St. Margaret. Dresden. Cortazxo, O. * 6929 Judgment of Paris. Costa, G. * 6930 Gendarmes of the First Empire. Cot, P. A. * 6931 Mireille. * 6932 Spring. * 6933 The Storm. Courant, M. * 6934 Sea Gull Rock. Courtois, G. * 6936 Madonna and Child. 1887. Couture, Thos. 8553 Romans of the Decadence. Coypel. 6937 Perseus and Andromeda. Crespi, D. * 8554 Christ bearing his Cross. Cullen, J. 6938 A Yearling Sale at Newmarket. Curzon, A. de. * 6939 Psyche. Czaehorski, TV. von. * 6940 The Sisters. Dagnan-Bouveret, P. A. J. 6941 u Bretonnes au Pardon.” 1889. Dahl, Hans. * 6942 A Child of Nature. 6943 A Good Load. * 6944 At the Mercy of the Waves. * 6945 Critical Remarks. * 6946 Fishermen Going to Market. * 6947 Ladies’ Boarding School on the Ice. * 6948 Norwegian Fishing Boats. * 6949 The Slide. * 6950 Returning Home. * 6951 Taking Toll. * 6952 Too Late. Danforth, Chas. * 6953 A Story of the War. 87 Famous Paintings , Ftc. — Continued. 7X48. O. Gebler. Art Critics. Dariil, J. i. 6954 Helen and Paris. Louvre. * 6955 Madame Recamier. Louvre. * 6956 Napoleon Crossing the Alps. Versailles. * 6957 The Sabines. Louvre. * 6958 The Sabines. Detail. Davy, it'. * 6959 The Courtship. Debat-Ponsan, F. B. 6960 A Lesson in Driving. * 6961 A Rustic Group. * 6962 An Opportunity. * 6963 Maternity. 8453 Return from the Fields. 1893. * 6964 Rustic Beauty. 1888. 6965 Rustic Simplicity. 6966 The Day of St. Roch. Decal), Ferdinand. 6967 Marauding. Defregger, F. * 8555 His Eldest Sou. * 8556 His Youngest Son. * 6968 Holy Family. * 6969 Madonna and Child. * 6970 Madonna and Child. Detail. * 8557 On a Furlough. * 6971 Peasant Girl. * 8558 The City Swell. Deger, Prof. F. * 6972 “ Ave Maria Gratia Plena.” * 6973 Christ Child. 6974 Christ entering Jerusalem. * 6975 Crucifixion. * 6976 Madonna and Child. * 6977 Madonna and Child. * 6978 Queen of Heaven. * 6979 Sacred Heart. * 6980 “ Salvator Mundi.” Deiker, C. F. 6981 Attention. 6982 Danger Ahead. 6983 Pointer and Setter. Deiker, J. * 6985 St. Bernards. Delaroche, Paul. * 6986 Angel Gabriel. * 6987 Children of Edward 1 1 . The Last Prayer. Louvre. 6988 Christ in the Garden of Geth- semane. * 6989 Christian Martyr. 6990 Good Friday. 6991 Head of Christ. * 6992 Jane Grey. * 6993 Last Moments of Queen Eliza- beth. Louvre. 6994 Madonna and Child in the Desert. * 6995 Napoleon at Fontainebleau, March 31, 1814. Famous Paintings, Etc. — Continued. Dalaroche, Paul. 099(1 Return from Golgotha. 6997 Shrouding of Christ. 6998 St. Cecilia. * 6999 The Finding of Moses. 7000 Virgin at the Foot of the Cross. 7001 Virgin Fainting. DeEobbe, A. 7002 Childish Caresses. 1892. 7003 Childish Joys. * 7004 Daughters of the Ocean. * 7005 On the Beach. 1889. * 7006 On the Dunes. 7007 The Broken Pitcher. 7008 The Calm. DeEort, Cli. 7009 After Vespers. 7010 Dutch Milk Woman. * 7011 On the Ramparts. 8559 The Flight. DeRios, X. 7012 Waiting for Papa. Detaille, Edouard. * 7013 Attack on a Convoy. * 7014 Charge of the 9th Regiment. 7015 Inauguration of the Grand Opera House, Paris. * 7016 “L’Alerte.” * 7017 Rec.onnoissance. * 8560 The Passing Regiment. * 7018 The Soldier's Dream. 1888. Detti, C. 7019 Happy Hours. Dicksee, Frank. * 7020 Cynthia. 7021 Sylvia. * 7022 Romeo and Juliet. Dielitz, K. 6099 Alpenmarchen. 7024 Wotan’s Farewell to Bruuhilde. Dietrich, A. * 7025 The Crucifixion. Dixon, T. J. * 7026 The Lion at Home. 8454 Tiger. Dobson, W. C. T. 8561 Bethlehem. * 7027 Christ Disputing in the Temple. * 8562 Holy Innocents. * 7028 Nazareth. * 7029 Peace be to this House. * 7030 St. John leading the Virgin to his Home. * 7031 The Good Shepherd. * 8563 The Offering. Dolce, Carlo. * 7032 Christ Blessing the Food. 8564 Herodias' Daughter. Dresden. * 7033 Madonna. (“ Parce Somnum Rumpere.”) * 7034 Mary Magdalen. Ufflzi . * 7035 Mater Dolorosa. (Madonna of the Thumb.) Uffizi. * 7036 St. Cecilia at the Organ. * 7037 St. Cecilia. Head. Dom en ich ino. * 7038 Cum ;ean Sibyl. Home. * 7039 Galatea. * 7040 Last Communion of St. Jerome. Rome. * 7041 St. John. Rome. Dore, Gustav. * 7042 Angel Leaving Tobias. * 7043 Christ Entering Jerusalem. * 7044 Christ Leaving the Praetorian. * 7045 Christian Martyrs. Reign of Dio- cletian, A. D. 303. * 7046 Dream of Pilate's Wife. * 7047 Peace. * 7048 Slaughter of the Innocents. * 7049 War. Douglass, Edwin. * 7050 A Cosy Corner. * 7051 A Jersey Family. * 7052 Alderney. * 7053 Evangeline. * 7054 Jersey. * 7055 Jersey Beauties. * 7056 Sark. 7057 Setters. Douglass, E. A. S. * 7058 No Thoroughfare. Dow, Gerard. 8566 'Plie Hermit. * 7059 The Dutch Reel. 7060 The Reader. Doyen, G. 8455 Friends. 8456 Love's Merchandise. 1893. Dubufe, E. * 7062 The Prodigal Son. Dubufe, G. fils. * 7063 Sacred Music. * 7064 St. Cecilia. Duez. 7065 Anticipation. Du faux, F. * 7066 The Bath. Duffenbach, A. H. 7067 Secrets. Dumas, M. R. 7068 Bonaparte a Novice at the School of Brienne. Dresden. 1893. so Famous Paintings Dupre, Julien. * 7069 Haymakers' Rest. * 7070 Milking Time. * 7071 Pitching Hay. * 7072 The Escaped Cow. * 7073 The Ilay Harvest. * 7074 The Meadows. 1880. Durangel, E. V. 7075 Composition. Durck, F. * 7070 Long Live Italy ! Durer, Albreclil. * 7077 Crucifixion. 8567 Crucifixion. * 7078 St. John and St. Petei * 7070 St. Mark and St. Paul Duval, .4. 7080 Study of a Young Girl. Dvorak, F. 7081 Apple of Discord. * S157 Butterfly Hunters. 7082 Faith. * 7083 Finishing Touches. * 7084 Hide and Seek. 7085 Rock-a-bye Baby. * 7086 The Cut Finger. Earl, George. * 7087 Good Doggie. Ebel, F. 7088 The Beech Woods. Eberle, A. 7090 The ( hildren’s Friend. Ebert, A. * 7089 Mignon. Eddis, E. V. 7091 On the Beach. Edwards, M. E. 7092 In Memoriam. Eddy, N. 7093 On the Balcony. Eg?., .4. 7094 The Victim. Ehrenberg, C. * 7095 The Fates. Emms, John. 7090 The First of September. E rider, Ed. * 7097 Charles T. and Van Dyck at Hampton Court. * 7098 Mozart before the Court of Em- press Maria Theresa. * 7099 Schiller at the Court of Weimar. * 7100 Shakespeare at the Court of Elizabeth. * 7101 Tasso at the Court of Farrare. , Ftc. — Continued. Err neking, J. J. * 7102 Venice; Mid-day. Erdmann, O. * 7103 Congratulations. * 7104 The Royal Ponies. * 7105 The Young Cavalier. Ernst, R. 7106 Kidnapping in Morocco. Faed, John. * 7107 Shakespeare and his Friends. 8568 Washington at Trenton. Faed, Thomas. 710S Always tell the Truth. * 7109 Evangeline. Falero, E. * 6119 Chevelure de Berenice. * 0120 Day. * 6122 Faust's Vision. * 6123 Night. * 0124 Prayer to Isis. * 0125 The Double Star. * 0127 The Polar Star. * 0126 Venus. (The Planet.) Fauerstein, M. * 7118 Holy Night. Ferrier, G. 0130 St. Agnes the Martyr. Feyeu, Eugene. * 8509 Daughter of Cancale. 1890. 7120 Washing on the Houle. 1888. F eyen - Perri n , A. * 7121 A Haymaker. ISSS. * 8570 Return of the Fishers. Souvenir of Cancale. * 7122 Return of the Oyster Fishers at Cancale. Fildes, E. * 7123 A Village Wedding. Flameng, F. * 7124 Marie Antoinette going to her Execution. Fleur y, R. * 8571 Charlotte Corday. Caen. 1793. Fortunsky, Eeon. 8572 Return from the Festival. Fortuny, M. de. * 8459 A Spanish Marriage. Fould, C. 7125 Paissard Catechism at the Ball. Fra Angelico. : 7120 Coronation of the Virgin. 8575 Angel in Adoration. 8573 Angel with Bugle. 8574 Angel with Bugle. 8570 Angel with Organ. Bale. Dresden. Munich . Munich . 90 Famous Paintings, Franceschini. 7127 Magdalen. Dresden. Francia. 7128 Adoration of the Kings. Frappa, J. * 8577 “ L’Obsession.” Freyberg, C. 7129 Four in Hand. Fritel, P. 7130 The Conquerors. Fromentin, Eugene. * S460 The Falconer. Froschl, C. * 7131 Madonna and Child. * 7132 My Darling. Furst, M. * 7133 Coronation of the Virgin. * 7134 “Ecce Lignum Crucis.’’ 7135 Holy Family. Gainsborough, T. * 7136 Ceorgiana, Duchess of Devon- shire. * 7137 Princess Elizabeth. * 7138 The Blue Boy. Ftc. — Continued. Gamba de Prey dour. * 7139 Springtime. 1887. *~ 7140 Vain Soaring. 1888. Gampenreiper. 7141 Butterflies. Gardner, Elizabeth. * 7142 Innocence. 1887. * 7143 Soap Bubbles. 1891, 8461 The Judgment of Paris. 1893, 7144 The Escapade. 1892. * 7145 The Farmer's Daughter. 1887. * 7146 Two Mothers and their Families, Gebhardt, E. von. * 7147 The Last Supper. Gebler, O. * 7148 Art Critics. Gerard, Francois. S578 Countess d'Angely. Louvre. 8579 Madame Recamier. Louvre. * 7149 Napoleon I. in Imperial Robes. Gerieault, T. * 8580 Epsom Races in 1820. Gerome, J. L. * 7150 Arnauts at Prayer. * 7151 “ Ave — Caesar-Imperator." 1* t* -•••■ ; ■ ’3mm 7184. O. Golrlinann. A Secret. 91 Famous Paintings, Etc. — Continued. Gerome, J. L. * 7152 Bonaparte before the Spliynx. * 7153 Circus Maximus. * 7154 Cleopatra and Caesar. 7155 Couriers of the Pasha. * 7156 Dante. * 7157 Death of Caesar. * 715S Duel after the Ball. * 7159 Father Joseph. 8581 Gen. Bonaparte at Cairo. * 7160 Golgotha. * 7161 Horse Merchant of Cairo. * 7162 Louis XIV. and Moliere. * 7163 “ Pollice Verso.” * 7164 Souvenir of Cairo. * 7165 Sword Dance. 7166 The Cock Fight. * 7167 The Last Prayer. (Christian Martyrs.) * 7168 The Muezzin. * 7169 The Prisoner. Gessner, Alb. 7170 Longing. Gibb, Robert. * 7171 The Thin Red Line. 93d High- landers at Balaclava. Gijoux. 7172 Study. Giles, G. I). 7173 The Winner. Gilli, A. * 7174 Congress for Emancipation from Masters. Giorgione, Barbarelli. S582 Jacob and Rachel. Dresden. Girardet, E. I). 7175 Arabian Pedlers. Girardet, E. 7176 Combat in the Streets of Sfax. * 7177 Contentment. Girardet, J. * 7178 A Difficult Passage. Girardet, K. * 7179 Napoleon crossing the Alps. * 71S0 Napoleon in Egypt. Girardet, E. 7181 A Vacation. Giron, C. 7182 A Favorite of Louis XV. Gisbert, A. 7183 Departure of Columbus to Dis- cover the New World. Goldmann, O. * 7184 A Secret. Goltz, Alex. * 7185 Christ and the Holy Women. * 8583 Lucie (Music Piece). Goodall, E. 7186 Coinin' thro’ the Rye. * 7187 Cramner at the Traitor's Gate. 7188 Old Maids. 8584 Rebecca. * 7189 The Mother of Our Lord. * 7190 The Palm Offering. Goodman, Aland. * 7191 Songs of Love. * 7192 Want to see the Wheels go 'Round. Gorlich, Marie and Sofie. * 7193 Virgin of the Doves. Gosse, N. L. F. 7194 Napoleon I. and Queen Louise of Prussia at Tilsit. Versailles. 7195 Napoleon I. (Detail of above.) Graef, G. * 6155 Fairy Tales. Graefle, A. 7197 Beethoven and his Friends. Graetz, Tli. 7198 Sour Grapes. * 7199 Susannah in the Bath. Grass, H. * 8585 Holy Night. Greuze, J. B. 8586 Head of a Girl. Berlin. 7200 The Dauphin. Louis XVII. 7201 The Village Bride. Griger, C. Aug. 8587 Kiss of Judas. Grolleau, A. 7202 Festival at the Court of Cleopatra. 7203 Reunion at the House of Aspasia. Grosch, A. * 7204 Farewell. Grosse, F. T. * 7205 Landing of Souls in Purgatory. * 7206 Madonna and Child. Crust, T. H. 8588 Spring Song. Grutzner, E. * 8589 A Taste of the Best. 7207 Breakfast in the Wine Cellar. 7208 Getting Ready. * 8464 Jack in the Monastery. * 7209 Kitchen in a Monastery. 7210 Monastery Secrets. 7211 Old Friends. 7212 Temptation. * 7213 The Amusing Story. 7214 The Card Players.' * 7215 The Clover Leaf. 7216 The Convent Cooper. * 7217 The Old Chronicle. 7215 Trio in the Convent. * 7219 Wine. 92 Famous Paintings, * 8590 Christ and the Three Marys. Guercino, Francesco. 7220 Aurora. 8591 Cot’s Daughter. Dresden. Guillon, A. * 7221 Arrival of the Pardon of St. Anne. 7222 Adieu. * 8592 Daughter of Coucarneau. * 7224 The Mussel Seller. Guzzardi, G. * 7225 Au Unequal Contest. Ha an an, C. van. * 7226 Cobbler's Shop. Hafften, C. von. 7227 Sappho. Hagborg, Aug. 7228 On the Beach. 7229 The Fisher’s Return. Halfnight , It. 72.‘!0 Silver Stream. Hamm an, F,. * 7231 Haydn Crossing the English Channel. 7232 Last Thoughts of Weber. 7233 Mozart at Vienna. * 7234 Preludes of Bach. * 7235 The Great Masters of Music. Hamon, J. I,. * 8595 Love on a Visit. Handler, Hugo. * 7236 Queen Louise visiting a Poor Family. Haquette, G. 7237 A Gust of Wind. 7238 Cabin Boy’s First Voyage. 7239 Departure for Fishing. 1889. * 7240 Drawing the Nets. 1887. * 7241 On the Beach. 1889. 7242 Return to Port. 1892. * 7243 Setting Out. 18S7. 7244 The Squall. Hardy, Heywood. * 7245 Forgiven. * 7246 Friendly Greeting. * 7247 Her Only Playmates. * 7248 He won’t hurt You. * 7249 Not to be caught with Chaff. * 7250 The Milk Maid. 8596 The Warning. * 7251 Thoroughbred. 7252 Too Late. * 7253 Trial of Patience. Hardy, James. 7254 The First of October. Harlow, G. H. * 7255 A Group of Favorites. Etc. — Continued. Havers, A. * 7256 Ought and Carry One. Hebert, E. 7257 Irish Melody. 7258 Madonna of Deliverance. * 8597 The Popular Italian Muse. * 7259 Virgin of the Kiss. Heck, Ii. * 7260 Our Saviour. Henley, E. C. 8598 Accompanied. * 7261 Confidences. * 7262 Suspense. 8599 Unaccompanied. Henneberg, R. 7263 In Pursuit of Happiness. Henner, J. J. * 6163 An l.lyl. * 7265 Creole. 1887 * 8600 Fabiola. * 7266 Peasant of Sundgau. * 7267 Prayer. 1889 Henry, T. M. 8465 Women and Children First. Herpfer, Carl. * 7268 A Christening Dinner. * 7269 Marriage Procession. 7270 Mozart at the Organ. 7271 The Musical. Herring, J. F. * 7272 Pharaoh’s Horses. Hertericli, J. C. * 7273 Adagio. 7274 Allegro. Hey del, Paul. 7275 The Lioness of San Marco. 7276 Violets. Ileyden, C. 7277 The Poultry Yard. Heyre, F. 7278 The Birds’ Nest. 7279 The Sheepfold. Hicks. * 8466 Christian Graces. Hiddemann, F. * 7280 Cinderella. * 7281 Little Red Riding Hood. Hinckley, T. 11. 7282 Fido. Hirtli-du-Frenes, R. * 8 4(17 On the Dunes. Hobbema. 7283 Avenue of Trees. 93 Famous Pa inti ngs , Hoesslin, Geo. von. * 7284 Adagio. * 7285 Florence. * 7286 Mary’s Foreboding. 8468 Organ Fantasy. * 7287 Venetian Girl. Hoffman, H. * 7288 Christ and the Adulteress. * 7289 Christ and the Rich Young Man. 7290 Christ at Gethsemane. * 7291 Christ disputing with the Doc- tors. Ftc. — Continued. * 7298 Madonna and Child. (Head (Detail of 7297.) Holfeld. 8603 Infant St. John. Holfelcler, F. * 7299 Madonna and Child. Holmes, G. A. * 7300 After Work. * 7301 Can’t you Talk? 7302 Come back soon. 7303 Friends. 7204. A. liroM'li. Farewell. 7292 Head of Christ. (Detail of 7291.) * 7293 Christ Preaching from a Boat. * 7294 Christ taken Captive. 7295 Head of Christ. * 7296 St. Cecilia. Hogarth, Win. * 8601 Garrick and his Wife. Holbein, Hans. 8469 Head of Christ Child. 8602 Hubert Morett. Dresih n. * 7297 Madonna of the Burgomaster. * 7304 Kiss Me. * 7305 Take your Choice. Horn, G. * 7306 A Secret. * 7307 Babette. * 7308 Good Night. * 7309 Love Letter. 7310 Mignon. 7311 Study Head. Hooper, J. H. 7312 Parting Day. * 7313 4'he Old Homestead. 94 Famous Paintings, Ftc. — Continued. Hoppner, John. * 7314 Marcia. (Mrs. Arbuthnot.) Humborg, A. 7315 The Brother’s Solo. Hunt, Holman. 7316 Christ among the Doctors. * 7317 Light of the World. * 7318 Shadow of Death. Hunt, W. * 7319 The Dog’s Home. Hynais, V. * 7320 Music. * 8604 Poetry. Igler, G. * 7321 The Dunce's Bench. Isabey, F. 7322 Battle of Texel. Ittenbach, F. * 7323 Christ Child. * 7324 Handkerchief of St. Veronica. * 7325 Holy Family. * 7326 Madonna and Child. * 7327 Madonna and Child. * 7328 Madonna and Child. Detail. 7329 Madonna Enthroned. * 7330 Madonna with Christ and St.- John . * 7331 Madonna with the Apple. * 7333 Sacred Heart of Jesus. * 7334 St. Agnes. 7335 St. Josephus Hermanus. * 7336 St. Mary the Virgin. * 7337 The Crown of Heaven. Jadin, F. C. 7338 Hunting Hounds. 7339 Calypso. 7340 Sabro. 7341 Verone. Jager. * 7342 Marriage of St. Catharine. Jakesli. * 7343 St. Theodosia. Jalabert, Cli. F. * 7344 Jesus at Gethsemane. * 7345 Raphael in his Studio. Jameson, M. * 7346 The Fisherman’s Daughter. 1887. Jansen, P. * 6171 The Childhood of Bacchus. Janssen, Peter. * 8470 Madonna and Child. * 8471 St. Godoleva. Janisch, Joseph. 8472 Marguerite. Jenkins, Blanche. * 7348 The First Kiss. Jer liber g, O. * 8606 In the Moonlight. Joehmus, H. * 7349 Springtime. Jones, G. 7350 Lady Godiva. Jordan. * 7351 The First Lie. Jourdain, Roger. * 8473 Yachting. Kaemmerer, F. H. * 7353 A Christening under the Direc- tory. * 7354 A Marriage under the Directory. Handler, F. 7355 Electricity. Ka n n egieser. * 7356 Queen Louise of Prussia. Kauffmann, Angelica. 7357 A Sibyl. Dresden. * 7359 Friends now, Pussy. * 7360 Vestal Virgin. Dresden. Kaulbacli, H. * 7361 A Visit to the Monastery. * 7362 Goethe and Frederike. Berlin. * 8474 Guardian Angel. * 7363 Lucretia Borgia Dancing before the Pope. * 7364 Marguerite in the Church. Berlin. * 7365 Morning. * 7366 To Earthly Home. * 7367 The Pied Piper of Hamelin . * 7368 Werther and Lotte. Berlin. Kaulbacli, Win. * 7369 Adelheid. * 7370 Alexis and Dora. * 7371 Angel of Peace. * 7372 Battle of the Huns. * 7373 Battle of Salamis. * 7374 Charity. * 7375 Children in the Wood. * 7376 Claerchen. * 7377 Destruction of Jerusalem. * 7378 Dorothea and the Emigrants. * 7379 Era of the Reformation. * 7380 Eugenia. * 7381 Frederike. * 7382 Germania. * 7383 Goethe in Frankfort. * 7384 Goethe in Weimar. * 7385 Goethe’s Muse. * 7386 Helena. * 7387 Hermann and Dorothea. * 738S Homer and the Greeks. * 7389 Iphigenia. * 7390 Isolde and Tristan’s Lament. * 7391 Jeanne d'Arc. * 7392 Leonora. * 7393 Lili. Famous Paintings, Ptc. — Continued. Kaulbach, Win. * 7394 Lotte. * 7395 Marguerite. * 7396 Marguerite before the Pieta. * 7397 Mary Stuart and Elizabeth. * 7398 Mignon. * 7399 Ottilie. * 7400 Romeo and Juliet. * 7401 Rose on the Heath. * 7403 Tell’s Flight. * 7403 The Confusion of Tongues. * 7404 The Crusaders. Keller , F. * 7405 Hero and Leander. Kiesel, C. * 7406 Bianca. 7407 Carmen. * 7408 Laura. * 7409 Lost in Thought. * 8475 Music. * 8476 Song. 8609 The Duet. * 7410 The Mandolin Player. * 7411 The Shiek’s Daughter. * 7412 The Welcome Token. Kiorboe. 8610 Inundation. (Dog.) Kircbbuek, Frank. 7413 Christ Casting out the Money Changers from the Temple. Klever, J. von. * 7414 In the Forest. Knaus, I.. * 7415 A Critical Moment. * 7416 A Gipsy Team. 7417 A Picnic Party. * 7418 An Unwelcome Customer. 7419 As the Old Sing, so the Young Twitter. * 7420 Charity. * 7421 First Profits. * 7422 Holy Family. * 7423 Our Pets. 7424 Ring-a-Rounder. * 7425 Spring. * 7426 The Artist’s Model. * 7427 The Little Mother. 7428 Valuable Instruction. Knight , 1). Itidgway. * 7429 Calling the Ferryman. Knight, J. JP. * 7430 Heroes of Waterloo. Knille , O. * 6176 Tannhauser and Venus. Berlin. Koch, O. * 7432 At the Watering Place. Koch, H. * 7433 A May Morning. 7434 Fart' thee Well. * 7435 Two Hearts that Beat as One. Koning. 8611 Reading Hermit. Dresden. Koppay, J. * 7436 “ Der Riese Ins Liben." * 8477 His Letter. Kraus, F. * 7437 Dolce far Niente. * 7438 llevery. Kray, ft'. * 7439 Idyls of the Sea * 6182 Loreley. * 6183 Nymphs Playing. * 7442 On the Beach. * 7443 Psyche. * 7444 Return from the Floral Festival. * 7445 St. John’s Night. * 7446 The Fisherman’s Love. * 7447 Through Earthly Storms t o Heavenly Rest. * 7448 Winter. Laah, H. 7449 The Presentation. Baasner, H. 7450 Blind Man’s Buff. Babouchere, P. A. * 7451 Luther, Melaucthon, Pomeranus and Cruciger. Baton, Fmile. * 7452 Sacred Heart of Jesus. * 8613 Sacred Heart of Mary. Baton, F. * 7453 The Three Sisters. Bambert, Fugene. * 7454 To the Right into Line. (Kit- tens.) J, annul, A. tie. * 8614 Beethoven’s Dream. Baiulseer, Sir Fdwin. 7455 A Deer Family. * 7456 A Distinguished Member of the Humane Society. * 7457 A Member of the Benevolent Society. * 7458 A Piper and Pair of Nut Crack- ers. * 7459 An Event in the Forest. * 7460 Browsing. * 7461 Chief’s Return from Deer Stalk- ing. * 7462 Connoisseurs. (Portrait of Land- seer.) * 7463 Dignity and Impudence. * 7464 Ha fed, a Celebrated Deer Hound. * 7465 Highland Shepherd’s Home. * 7466 King of the Forest. * 7467 Laying down the law. * 7468 Monarch of the Glen. * 7469 Morning. * 7470 Night. Famous Paintings, Ftc. — Continued. 7236. Hugo Handler. Queen Landseer, Sir Edwin. * 7471 My Dog. 7472 Ptarmigan Hill. * 7473 Red Deer of Chillingliam. * 7474 Retriever and Woodcock. * 7475 Saved. * 7470 Shepherd’s Chief Mourner. * 7477 Sleeping Bloodhound. * 7478 Stag at Bay. * 7470 The Challenge. * 7480 The Deer Pass. * 7481 The Font. * 7482 The Forester's Family. * 7483 The Prize Calf. * 7484 The Sanctuary. * 7485 The Shepherd’s Bible. * 7486 The Sick Monkey. * 7487 There’s Life in the Old Dog yet. * 7488 To ho ! To ho ! * 7489 Waiting for Master. * 7490 Waiting for Mistress. * 749 1 Waiting for the Countess. 7492 Well-bred Sitters. * 7493 Wild Cattle of Chillingliam. I.ung, H. * 7494 Percherons. Louise Visiting - a Poor Family. La Rouze, J. 7495 Shepherd Playing the Hurdy- Gurdy. Fauenstein, II. * 7496 Beatrice. * 7497 Cradle Song. * 7498 St. Cecilia with the Angels. * 8615 St. Cecilia. (Detail 7498.) * 7499 St. Lucia. Faufberger, F. * 7500 Rural Music. * 7501 Singing Band. Fati gee, Georges. 7502 End of the Day. 1S92. * 7503 Gleaners. 8610 In Harvest Time. 7504 Return from the Fields. 7505 The Preferred One. 1891. Laurens, J. Paul. 7506 Excommunication of Robert le Pieux. Faux, M. * 7507 Swallows on a Telegraph Wire. 97 Famous Paintings, Etc.— Continued. Lazerges, H. * 7508 Stabat Mater. LeBrun, Clias. * 7509 Christ and the Angels. LeBrun, Mine. Vi gee. * 7510 Girl with Muff. Louvre. * 7511 Louis XVII. The Dauphin. Petit Trianon. * 7512 Mine. Le Erun and Daughter. Louvre. * 7513 Marie Antoinette. Versailles. 8479 Marie Antoinette. 8478 Portrait of Self and Daughter. 7514 Venus Binding the Wings of Love. LeComte de Nouy, J. J. A. 7515 Bearers of Bad News. Lefebvre, Jules. * 7516 Mignon. * 7517 Truth. * 7519 Vittoria Colonna. Lefler, H. * 7520 A Dream. * 7521 Congratulations. * 7522 Dancing Lesson. * 7523 Fountain of Knowledge. Leighton, Sir Frederick. * 7524 Biondiua. * 7525 Cymon and Iphigeuia. * 7526 Day Dreams. 7527 Greek Girls Playing Ball. * S617 Helen of Troy. * 7528 Letty. * 7529 Orpheus and Euridice. * 7530 Summer Moon. * 7531 The Captive Andromache. * 7532 The Music Lesson. * 7533 Viola. 7534 Wedded. Leinweber, R. * 7535 An Arabian Song. Lejeune, A. F. 6212 Comparison. Lejeune, FT. * 7537 Dorothea. Lemaire, Madelaine. 7538 Boarding School. 7539 Sleep. Le Rolle, It. * 7540 By the Riverside. Art Mus., Boston. * 7541 Nativity. * 8618 Rest in Egypt. * 7542 Shepherdess and Sheep. Louvre. * 7543 Study on a Farm. Le Roux, Hector. * 7544 Herculaneum. * 7545 School for the Vestal Virgins. * 7546 The Invocation. * 7547 The Sacrifice. * 8619 The Vestal Tuccia. * 8620 The Vestal Tuccia. Single Figure. Leroy, Paul. * 8621 Evening at Nazareth. 1S93. Leslie, G. I). 7548 Home, Sweet Home. 7549 School Revisited. Lessing, C. F. 7550 Martyrdom of John ILuss. Letliiere, G. 7551 Brutus and his Sons. 7552 Death of Virginia. Leu, A. * 7553 Sunset at Capri. * 7554 The Faraglioni near Capri. Levy, E. 7555 La Meta Sudans. Lhermitte, I ,. * 7556 The Reapers’ Wage. * 7557 Wine. Lieck, Jos. * 7558 Joy of Life. * 7559 Lydia. * 7560 Peasant Girl. 7561 Styrian Girl. Liezeu-Mayer, .4. * 7562 Faust and Marguerite. * 7563 Marguerite and Martha. Linderum, R. * 7564 Reading. Lingner, Otto. * 7565 Left to the Wide World. * 7566 Lost Happiness. * 7567 Spring Dreams. 7568 Sweet Brier. Lins, .4. 7569 A Song without Words. Liotard, J. E. * 7570 Chocolate Girl. Liphart, E. de. * 7571 Assumption of Magdalen. Lipps, F. * 7572 Spring. * 7573 Summer. Liska, E. K. 8622 Hagar and Ishmael. Loewe-Mareliand, F. J. A. 7574 Expulsion of Adam and Eve. Logsdail, W. * 7575 St. Martin in the Field. Long, Edwin. * 7576 Alethe. * 7577 Babylonian Slave Market. * 7578 Christ or Diana. * 7579 The Squire's Daughter. 98 Famous Paintings, Lonza, A. * 7580 An Interesting Story. * 7581 In the Park. Lorraine, Claude. * 7582 Morning ; Flight into Egypt. * 7583 Evening; Acis and Galatea. * 7584 Flight into Egypt. Lossow, H. * 7585 Love Welcomed. * 7586 Love Repulsed. * 7587 Shepherdess Surprised. Loustaunaus, A. * 7588 A Wolf in the Fold. * 7589 Marriage of Convenience. * 7590 Marriage of Reason. Loweock,-C. F. * 7591 A Love Letter. Lucey, Chas. * S626 The Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers. (Folio size only.) Ltiini, B. * 7592 The Virgin Mary. 8623 Virgin. Dresden. Machard, J. * 8624 Garden Party. 1892. Macullum, H. * 8480 Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep. Etc . — Continued. Maguire, Helen J. 7593 Pride of the Homestead. Maguire, J. H. 8625 Cromwell refusing the Crown of England. Maignan, A. * 7594 Parting of Hector and Andro- mache. 7595 The Voices of the Tocsin. Maillart, D. * 8481 Jeanne d'Are meeting the Spirits. Malcart, Hans. * 7596 Caterina Cornaro. * 7597 Diana Hunting. * 7598 Entry of Charles V. into Antwerp. * 7599 Faust and Marguerite. * 7600 Marguerite. (Dolorosa.) * 7601 Return from the Chase in Olden Time. * 7602 Romeo and .Juliet. Makovsky, C. F,. 7603 Romeo and Juliet. 1892. * 7604 Russian Wedding Feast. * 7605 Toilet of the Bride. Maldarelli. * 7606 Pompeiian Flower Girl. Mandtiek, A. 7607 Silhouette Study. 7454. Eugene Lambert. To the Right into l ine. 99 Famous Paintings, Etc. — Continued. Maratta, Carlo. 84-82 Nativity. 8627 Pomona. Dresden. Martens, tt'. J. * 7608 Love’s Dream. Martin, P. * 7609 L’Amour. Mason, Geo. * 8483 Harvest Moon. Massani, P. * 7610 A Difficult Passage. Massarcl, 1,. * 7611 St. Jerome. (Head.) Max, Gabriel. * 7612 Anna Catharine Emmerich. * 7613 A Roman Mother. * 7614 Astarte. * 7615 Christ Healing the Sick Child. * 7616 Faith. * 8628 Faust and Marguerite in the Gar- den. * 7617 Head of Christ. * S629 Homesick. * 7618 Hope. 7619 In Thought. * 8630 Joan of Arc. * 7620 Last Token. (1) * 7621 Last Token. (2) * 7622 Madonna and Child. (1) * 7623 Madonna and Child. (2) * 7624 Madonna and Child. (3) * 7625 Magdalen. * 7626 Mignon. * 8631 Nvdia. * 7627 Queen of Heaven. * 8484 St. Julia. * 7628 The Lion’s Bride. 7629 Vestal Virgin. Mayan, Tlieo. 7630 Return of the Gleaners. 1892. Mazerolle, A.J. * 8633 Cupid at Rest. 7631 The Declaration. Meisel, Tv. * 7632 Sunshine. Meissonier, Tv. * 7633 1807. * 7634 1814. * 7635 1814. * 7636 A Halt. * 7637 Napoleon III. at Solferino. 7638 The Quarrel. * 7639 The Sergeant’s Portrait. * 7640 The Sign Painter. Melida, Tv. * 7641 “La Maja." Melingue. 7642 Marcel and the Dauphin. 7643 Moliere reading to his Company. Melville, A. * 8634 The True Vine. Men gin, A. * 7644 Primavera. 1888. Mengs, Raphael. 8635 Ascension. Dresden. * 8636 Cupid sharpening his Arrow. 8637 Portrait of Himself. Dresden. 8638 Portrait of Himself. Dresden Menzler, W. 8639 Beautiful May. 7645 Elsa. * 7646 Expectation. 7647 Study Head. Merle, H. * 7664 Beatrice and Benedict. * 8640 Ilagar and Ishmael. * 7665 Hamlet and Ophelia. * 7666 Marguerite. * 7667 The Angel’s Intercession. Merson, 1,. Olivier. * 8641 Arrival at Bethlehem. * 8642 Repose in Egypt. Mesdag, H. W. 7648 On the Coast near Scheveningen at Flood Tide. Metzmaeher, Tv. 7649 He’s Gone. Meyerheim, Paul. * 7650 Veronica. Meyer von Bremen. * 7651 A Greeting. * 7652 At the Window. * 7653 Birthday Preparations. * 7654 Come along. * 7655 Evening Prayer. * 7656 Morning Prayer. * 7657 Putting on the Finishing Touches. * 7658 Studying. * 7659 The Little Brother. * 7660 The Little Mother. * 7661 The Storks Brought It. 7662 The Wounded Lamb. McCulloch. 7663 Hermione. Mignard. 8643 Marie Maneini. Berlin. Millais, J. /v. * 7668 Bride of Lammermoor. * 7669 Cherry Ripe. * 7670 “ Caller Herrin.’’ * 7671 Effie Deans. * 7672 For the Squire. * 7673 Jersey Lily. (Mrs. Langtry.) * 7674 Lilacs. * 7675 Perfect Bliss. * 7676 Picture of Health. * 7677 Pomona. * 7678 Princes in the Tower. 100 Famous Paintings, Etc. — Continued. Millais, J. E. * 7679 Princess Elizabeth in Prison at St. James. 8644 Soap Bubbles. * 7680 The Black Brunswicker. * 7681 The Huguenot. * 7682 Yes or No? * 7683 Yes. * 7684 No. Miller, J. I). 7685 The Doves. Millet, J. F. * 7686 Angelus. * 7687 Bundling Wheat. * 7688 Gleaners. * 76S9 Labor. * 7690 The Shepherdess. Morgan, F. * 7698 A Gentle Reminder. 7699 A Heavy Load. * 8486 The Favored Swain. Morgan, John. * 7700 A Feather in her Cap. Morion, A. P. F- 7701 Arrival before the Storm. * 7702 Francois I. and La Belle Ferron- ierc. * 8487 Henry of Navarre and La Belle Fosseuse. * 7703 Louis XIV. and Mile, de la Val- liere. 7704 The Lifeboat. 7414. J. von Klever. In the Forest. Minety iv. I,. * 7691 Return of the Reapers. ISSs. Minthrop, T. * 7692 All Angels Praise God. * 7693 “ Filius datus est Nobis. Mion, F. * 8645 Morning. Moreau, A. 7694 On the Hillside. 7695 Orpheus. 7696 The Bridal Day. Moreau de Tours. 7697 Mandolin Player. Morot, Ainie N. * 7705 Reiseholt'en. 1887. * 7706 Rezonville. Morris, P. It. * 7707 Shadow of the Cross. * 8646 Shepherd of Jerusalem. Moseley. * 7708 David and Goliath. (Dogs.) Moulin. * 7709 Triumph of Christ. Miicke, C. 7710 Little Pepita. 101 Famous Paintings, Etc . — Continued. Mucke, H. 7711 Flight of St. Catharine. Muller, Carl. * 7712 Holy Family. * 7713 Immaculate Conception. * 7714 Madonna of the Grotto. * 7715 Mary and Elizabeth. * 7716 Nativity. * 8647 St. Anne and the Virgin Mary. * 8648 St. Joseph and the Infant Christ. Muller, C. L. * 7717 Charlotte Corday. * 7718 Marie Antoinette in the Con- ciergerie. * 7719 Roll Call of the Last Victims of the Reigu of Terror. Muller, F. * 7720 Madonna. Muller, N. 7721 Pi ayer in the Desert. Munier, E. * 7722 A Merry Awakening. * 7723 Armistice. 7724 Beware. 1892. 7725 Fisher Girl. 1892. * 8649 Guardian Angels. 1890. * 7726 Kiss me Quick. * 7727 Morning Prayer. 18S7. * 7728 Return from the Mountain. 7729 Two Kittens. 1892. 7730 Wait a Little. 1892. Muukaesy, M. * 7731 Christ before Pilate. 7732 Figure of Christ. (Detail of 7731.) 7733 Head of Christ. (Detail of 7731.) * 7734 Christ on Calvary. Mu rillo. * 7735 Christ Feeding the Multitude. Seville. 7736 Guardian Angel. * 7737 Immaculate Conception. Louvre. * 7738 Madonna and Child. Dresden. * 7739 Magdalen. Berlin. 8650 Mater Dolorosa. Seville. 8488 Mater Dolorosa. fs489 St Anthony of Padua. * 7740 St. Anthony and Infant Christ. (Detail of above.) Berlin. 7741 St. Rodriguez. Dresden. S491 Seville Madonna. * 7742 Virgin of the Mirror. 7743 Vision of St. Anthony. 7744 Vision of St. Francis. Naack, A. * 8492 Resurrection. Nanteuil, P. 7745 Fortuna. Naum an u, P. 7746 Casual Relief. 7747 Our Christmas Eve. 7748 The Real Santa Claus. Neal, David. * 8651 Consolation. 7749 La Chatelaine. * 7750 Mary Stuart and Rizzio. Neide, E. * 8652 Charon and Psyche. Neuville, A. de. * 7751 Attack by Fire on a Barricaded House. * 7752 Combat de Cheuebier. * 7753 Communicating with the Out- posts. * 7754 Concert at the Outpost. * 7755 Defence of Rorke’s Drift. * 7756 Defence of the Gate of Long- boyau. * 7757 Departure of the Battalion. * 7758 Engagement on a Railroad. * 7759 Return from a Recounoissauce. * 7760 Search for a Ford. * 7761 Story of a Wounded Officer. * 7762 The Spy. Nicol, E. * 8653 Both Puzzled. Nightingale, 1.. C. 7763 A Foretaste of Summer. Noiiiienlirtich, M. * 7764 A Greek Skive. * 8654 Among the Pines. * 7765 Spring Blossoms. Oertel, J. A. * 7766 Rock of Ages. Oesterley, C. II. * 8655 dept ha's Daughter. Olivie, Leon. 77(57 A Captive. O'Neill, G. B. 7768 Driving a Pair. Oreliardson, W. Q. * 776!) Napoleon I. on Board the Bel" lerophon. Overend, IV. //. 7770 Au August Morning with Farra- gut. Outin, *S. 7771 Wasted Explanations. Papperitu, G. * 7772 Brouwer and his Model. 7773 Guiseppa. * 7774 Honeymoon. * 7775 Is be thinking of Me? * 7776 Madonna and Child. (1) 7777 Madonna and Child. (2) * 7778 Mother's Happiness. 102 Famous Paintings, Ftc . — Continued. 7456. Sir Edwin Landseer. A Distinguished Member of the Humane Society. Papperitz , G. * 7779 Queen of Heaven. * 7780 Richard Wagner at Beyreuth. * 7781 Romeo and Juliet. * 7782 The Rising Star. Parmagia nino. * 7783 St. Agatha. * 77S4 St. Lucia and St. Apollonio. Paton, Frank. * 7785 Babes in the Wood. * 7786 Bayard. * 7787 Dick. * 7788 Eclipse. * 7789 Vic. 7790 You're no Chicken. Paton, Sir Jos. Noel. 7791 Pursuit of Pleasure. Paupier, F. J. 7792 Tliisbe. Pearce, TV. 11. S. * 7793 The Hidden Foe. Pecht, Fr. * 7794 Goethe at the Court of Charles Frederick of Baden. Peel, Paul. * 7795 After the Bath. 7796 An Unexpected Meeting. 7797 Life a Misery. 7798 The Punishment. 1891. 7799 The Twins. 1892. Pelham, F. K. * 7800 A Summer Cloud. Perrault, I,. * 7801 Awakening Love. * 8656 Love and Innocence. 7802 Maternity. * 7803 Nature’s Mirror. * 8657 Nymph Teasing Cupid. * 7804 Sleeping Love. Perrett, Aime. 7805 Aux Champs. 7806 The Holy Viaticum. Perrey, J. * 6258 Diana. * 6259 Phoebe. Perugini, C. 7808 First Words of Love. Pescliel, C. * 7809 The Three Marys. PfannschmUlt, C. C. * 7810 Adoration of the Kings. * 7811 Burial of Christ. * 7812 Madonna and Child. * 7813 Suffer Little Children to Come unto Me. * 7814 Women at the Tomb of Christ. Philippoteaux, Paul. * 7815 Battle of Rivoli. Pieou, H. * 7816 Anthony and Cleopatra. 103 Famous Paintings , Ftc. — Continued. Piglhein, B. * 8658 An Idyl. Front. * 8659 An Idyl. Back. Pillini, M. 7817 The Three Ages. Piloty, Carl. * 781S Death of Alexander the Great. * 7819 Girondists on their way to the Scaffold. * 7820 Mary Stuart receiving her Death Sentence. * 7821 Thusnelda in the Triumphal Pro- cession of Germanicus. * 7S22 Wise and Foolish Virgins. Pils, F. * 7823 Kouget de Lille. Pinwell, G. J. * 8661 Pied Piper of Hameliu. Beguil- ing the Bats. *■8662 Pied Piper of Hamelin. Beguil- ing the Children. Piombo, Sebastian del. * 8663 He died for all. 8664 The Cross Bearing. Dresden. * 7824 The Baisiug of Lazarus. Plockhorst, B. * 7825 Apparition to the Shepherd. * 7826 Christ and his disciples on the way to Emmaus. * 7827 Christ and St. Peter. * 7828 Christ blessing little Children. * 7829 Christ entering Jerusalem. * 7830 Christ takes leave of his Mother. * 8494 Christ the Consoler. 8665 Christian Graces. * 7831 Easter Morning. 7832 Flight into Egypt. S666 Flight into Egypt. * 7833 Gift from Heaven. 4 7834 Guardian Angel. * 7835 St. John and the Virgin Mary. * 7836 The Good Shepherd. * 7837 The Holy Women at the Tomb of < hrist. Poetzelberger, R. 7838 Old Songs. * 8495 Song- without Words. * 8667 Trifling. Portaels, J. * 8668 Flight into Egypt. * 8669 The Magi on the Way to Bethle- hem. Pott, j. * 7839 Rose of Destiny. Pott, L. j. * 7840 Between Love and Duty. Potter, Paul. * 7841 Bull's Head. J Ins. Hague. Poussin. * 6263 Sleeping Venus. Dresden,. Poy liter, F,. J. * 7843 Atalanta’s Race. Price, J. M. * 7844 Farewell. Prion, Louis. * 7845 Awakening of Spring. 7S46 Baiting the Hook. 1892. 7847 Closed on account of Marriage. * 7848 Marauders. * 7849 The Bill-full. Proes, F. * 8496 Village Beauties. Prolp, F. 7850 Study Head. Protais, P. A. * 7851 Before the Attack; Morning. * 7852 After the Combat ; Evening. Prudbon, P. 7853 Justice and Vengeance. Rae, H. 6266 A Naiad. Raeburn, Sir Henry. * 7855 Isabel. (Mrs. Scott-Moncrieff.) Raoux, II. * 7856 Pygmalion and Galatea. Raphael. * 7857 Adam and Eve. * 7858 Burning of Borgo. Vatican. * 7859 Christ bearing the Cross. Madrid. * 7860 Christ's Charge to Peter. London. * 7861 Death of Ananias. London. * 7862 Elymas struck Blind. London. * 7803 Feast of the Gods in Olympus. Dome. * 7864 Heads of Christ Child from vari- ous Madonnas. * 7865 Heliodorus driven from the Tem- ple. Dome. * 7866 Holy Family. Pitli Gal., Florence. 7S67 1st Hour of the Day. Dresden. 7868 2d Hour of the Day. Dresden. 7869 3d Hour of the Day. Dresden. 7870 4th Hour of tire Day. Dresden. 7871 5th Hour of the Day. Dresden. 7872 6th Hour of the Day. Dresden. 7873 1st Hour of the Night. Dresden. 7874 2d Hour of the Night. Dresden. 7875 3d Hour of the Night. Dresden. 7876 4t,h Hour of the Night. Dresden. 7877 5th Hour of the Night. Dresden. 7878 6th Hour of the Night. Dresden. * 7879 Judgment of Solomon. Fresco ; Vatican. * 7880 Jurisprudence. Fresco ; Vatican. * 7881 La Belle Jardiniere. Louvre. 104 Famous Paintings, Etc. Continued. Raphael. * 7882 La Vierge au Donataire. Vatican. * 7883 Lord Cowper Madonna. Panshanger House , England. * 7884 Madonna and Sleeping Child. * 7885 Madonna dei Candelabri. London. * 7886 Madonna del Passeggio. London. * 7887 Madonna della Sedia. (Chair Ma- donna.) Pitti Gal ., Florence. * 7888 Madonna della Sedia. (Detail.) * 7889 Madonna di Colonua. Berlin. * 7890 Madonna di Foligno. Vatican. * 7891 Madonna di Granduca. Pitti Gal., Florence. * 7892 Madonna di San Sisto. Dresden. * 7893 Madonna and Child. Full Length. (Detail of 7892.) * 7894 Madonna and Child. Heads. (Detail of 7892.) * 7895 St. Barbara. (Detail of 7892.) * 7896 St. Sixtus. (Detail of 7892.) * 7897 Two Cherubs. (Detail of 7892.) * 7898 Madonna di Tempi. Munich. * 7899 Madonna of the Diadem. * 7900 Madonna of the Fish. Madrid. 7901 Angel Raphael. (Detail of above.) 7902 St. Jerome. (Detail of above.) * 7903 Madonna of the Legend. Madrid. * 7904 Madonna of the Pearl. Madrid. 7906 Madonna Terranuova. Berlin. * 7907 Marriage of the Virgin. Milan. * 7908 Massacre of the Innocents. Dresden. * 7909 Miraculous Draught of Fishes. London. * 7910 Orleans Madonna. Chateau de Chantilly , France. 8670 Panshanger Madonna. * 7911 Paul and Barnabas at Lystra. London. * 7912 * 7913 * 7914 * 7915 * 7916 8671 8672 * 7917 S673 * 7918 * 7919 * 7920 * 7921 * 7922 8497 * 7923 * 7924 * 7925 * 7926 * 7927 Paul Preaching at Athens. Lo nclon. Peter and John at the Beautiful Gate. London. Poetry or Parnassus. Fresco; Vatican. School of Athens. Fresco ; Vatican. St. Cecilia. Bologna. Head of Mary Magdalen. (De- tail of 7916.) Head of St. Augustine. (Detail of 7916.) Head of St. Cecilia. (Detail of 7916.) Head of St. John. (Detail of 7916.) Head of St. Paul. (Detail of 7916.) St. Marguerite. Louvre. St. Michael. Louvre. St. Peter delivered from Prison. Rome. The Fornarina. Rome. The Four Sibyls. The Violinist. Dresden. The Visitation. Madrid. Transfiguratio u . Vatica n . Triumph of Galatea. Rome. Via Dolorosa. Ravanne, L. G. * 7928 Departure of a Fishing Boat. 1888. Regnault, J. R. * 7929 Three Graces. Louvre. Reichart, C. * 7930 A Christmas Box. * 7931 Sweet Tooths. 7531. Sir Fred’k Leighton. Tlie Captive Andromache. Famous Paintings, Etc. — Continued. 7553. A. Leu. Sunset at Capri. Rciuckee , Reni. 7932 A Little Lady. 7933 A Young Cavalier. Rembrandt. * 7934 * 7935 * 7936 * 7937 * 7938 * 7939 * 7941 * 7942 * 7943 * 7944 * 7945 * 7947 * 7948 * 7949 An Old Lady. Nut. Anatomical Lecture City Standard Bean Ganymede. Laughing Maiden. Portrait of a Man. Portrait of a Rabbi, Portrait of Himself Portrait of Himself Portrait of Himself Portrait of Himself The Burgomaster The Mill. Bow The Niylit Watch. Gal., Loudon. . The Hague. r. Cassel. Dresden. Dresden. Dresden. Dresden. Berlin. Uflisi. The Hague. and Wifi*. Dresden. Antwerp, ood, England, imsterdam. Reni, Guido. 7950 Annunciation. 7951 Aurora. Borne. 7952 Beatrice Penei. Rome. 7953 Christ. London. 8675 Crucifixion. 7954 Cupid. Dresden. 7955 Doctors of the Church. St. Petersburgli. 7956 Ecce Ilomo. Dresden. 7957 Fortune. Rome. 8676 Head of Venus. * 7958 Mater Dolorosa. Face.) * 7959 Painting and Design. * 7960 Penitent Magdalen. * 7961 Persian Sibyl. * S677 St. Cecilia. Dresden . (Upturned Berlin. Louvre. Renouf, B. 7962 The Pilot. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. * 7963 Angel Choir. * 7964 Cymon and Iphigenia. * 8678 Duchess of Devonshire. * 7965 Elizabeth, Duchess of Devon- shire. * 7966 Lady Ann Bingham. * 7967 Lady Anne Fitzpatrick. * 7968 Lady Camden. * 7969 Lady Gertrude Fitzpatrick. * 7970 Miss Bowles. * 7971 Penelope Boothby. * 7972 Samuel. * 7973 Simplicity. * 7974 The Age of Innocence. * 7975 The Strawberry Girl. Ritter a. * 8498 St. Mary of Egypt. Richter, E. 7976 Zora the Moor. 106 Famous Paintings, Ptc . — Continued. Richter, Gustav. * 7977 Christ Raising the Daughter of Jairus. * 7978 Crimean Gipsy Girl. * 7979 Longing. * 7980 Neapolitan Boy. * 7981 Odalisque. * 7982 Queen Louise of Prussia. * 8679 Queen Louise of Prussia. Bust. 8680 Queen Louise of Prussia. Head. * 7983 Reverie. * 7981 Study Head. Rieger, A. 8681 A Summer Night’s Dream. Riviere, Briton. * 7985 “ Cave Canem.” (Beware of the Dog.) * 8499 Daniel. * 8682 Night Watch. * 8683 Persepolis. 7986 Sympathy. Rixens, J. A. * 7987 Varnishing Day. Robert-Fleury, T. * 6271 Last Days of Corinth. * 6272 Last Days of Corinth. Detail. Rochegrosse, G. 7990 Andromache. * 7991 Assassination of Caesar. * 6274 Fall of Babylon. 6275 Fall of Babylon. Detail. Roeher, F. * 7994 Holy Family. Romano, Giulio. * 7995 Apollo and the Muses. 8684 Madonna. Dresden. 8685 Madonna. Detail. Head. Ronner, Henriette. * 7996 A Fascinating Tale. Rosenthal, T. F. * 7997 Arrest of Constance de Beverley. * 7998 Elaine. * 7999 Morning Prayers in the Family of Sebastian Bach. * 8000 Mother’s Darling. * 8001 Our Grandmother’s Dancing Les- son. Rosa, Salvator. * 8002 Diogenes in Search of an Honest Man. Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. * 8003 “ Ancilla Domine.” * 8004 Cassandra. * 8005 Dante’s Dream. * 8006 Death of Lady Macbeth. * 8007 Girlhood of Mary the Virgin . * 8008 Head of Dante. * 8009 ‘ I>a Donna della Fiuestra.” * 8010 Mary Magdalen at the House of Simon the Pharisee. * 8011 Sphynx. * 8012 Study Head. * 8013 The Beloved. Rossler, A. * 8500 Madonna, Child and St. John. Rotari. 8686 Magdalen. Dresden. Rotermund. 8687 Head of Mary. Dresden. Rotta, A. * 8014 Too Late to Mend. Rouget. * 8015 Marriage of Napoleon and Marie Louise. 8016 Napoleon and Marie Louise. (Detail of 8015.) Rousseau, P. 8018 At Home. Routin, A. 8019 Juvenile Affection. Royer, L. 8020 Exacting Love. 1892. 8021 Love and Psyche. 1892. 8022 Love Punished. 1892. Rubens, Peter Paul. 8023 Altar Piece, St. Jldefonso. 6394 Angelicaand the Hermit. Vienna. * 8024 Christ Child and the Angels. Berlin. * 8688 Crucifixion. * 8025 Descent from the Cross. Antwerp. 8689 Garden of Loves. Dresden. 8690 Head of Child. Dresden. 6395 Helen Fourment. Bust. Ruben’s Second Wife. Vienna. 8026 Madonna of the Garland. Louvre. 8027 Madonna of the Innocents. Louvre. * 8691 Perseus and Andromeda. 8028 Resurrection of Lazarus. Berlin. * 8029 Ruben’s Sons. Dresden. 8030 St. Cecilia. Berlin. 8031 The Flight into Egypt. Louvre. * 8032 The Lion Hunt. Munich. 8692 Wife of Rubens. 8033 Birth of Marie de Medicis. Louvre. 8034 Henry IV. and Marie de Medicis. Louvre. 8035 Marriage of Henry IV. Louvre. 8036 Arrival of Marie at Marseilles. Louvre. S037 Marriage of Marie de Medicis. Louvre. 8038 Birth of Louis XIII. Louvre. 8039 Henry IV. resigns the Govern- ment. Louvre. S040 Education of Marie de Medicis. Louvre. 107 Famous Paintings, Ftc . — Continued. 7646. W. Menzler. Expectation. Rubens , Peter Paul. 8041 Journey of Marie to the Pont de Ce. Louvre. 8042 Flight from Blois. Louvre. 8043 Majority of Louis XIII. Louvre. 8044 Reconciliation of Marie and her Son. Louvre. 8045 Exchange of the Princesses. Louvre. 8046 Conclusion of the Peace. Louvre. R ml :iux, R. * 8603 Passing Free. Rudon. 8047 Kaiser, Kings and Princes of Germany. Ruitli, Horace van. S04S A Beauty of Ancient Rome. Ruysdael. 8694 Jewish Churchyard. Dresden. S049 The Hunt. Sahetelli, L- 8050 Jupiter anti the Gods discussing the Dispute between Greece and Troy. Saintpierre, G. * 8051 At the Listening Place. Salanson, R. 8501 Fi.sherwoman. 1893. 108 Famous Paintings, Etc. — Continued. 7803. I,. I’errault. Nature’is Mirror. Salentin, II. * 8052 Madonna, Child and St. John. S053 The Little Shepherdess. * 8054 Three of Them. Salles, Jules. * 8055 Forget-me-nots. Salles Wagner, Mine. * 8502 Hebe. Sant, J. 8056 A Thorn betwixt Two Roses. * 8057 The Soul's Awakening. Sarto, A. del. 8058 Holy Family. Munich. * 8059 St. John. * S060 St. John. Detail. Sassoferato. 8061 Madonna and Child Sealbert, J. 8062 A Bather. * 8063 A Fishing Party. 8064 Bathing. * 8065 Drifting. * 8066 The Wave. Scbaus, F. 8067 Cupids in Ambush. Scheffer, Ary. 8068 Christ and St. John. * 8069 Chr st and the Remuuerator. * 8696 Christ the Consoler. * 8697 Dante and Beatrice. * 8070 Francesca di Rimini. * 8698 Hebe. * S071 Holy Women at the Tomb of Christ. * 8072 Kiss of Judas. 8073 Magdalen. Head. 10 !) Famous Paintings, Ftc. — Continued. Scheffer, Ary. * 8074 St. Augustine and his Mother. * 8075 The Three Marys. * 8076 Temptation of Christ. Seherrer, J. J. 8077 Victorious Return of Jeanne d’Arc to Orleans. Scheurenberg, J. 8078 Tim Lord's Day. Schiavoni, JV. * 8699 Hebe. Scliloesser, C. 8079 Beethoven in his Study. Schloesser, II. 8080 Pandora before Prometheus and Epimetheus. Schmitzberger, J. 8088 A Good Chase. * 8089 Waiting for Breakfast. Schnorr, Julius von. 8090 Giinther and Brunhilde. 8091 Siegfried and Kriemhikl. Scliobelt, P. * 8092 Abduction of Proserpine. * S093 Venus and Bellona. Sehonherr, C. * 8701 Lo ! I stand at the Door and Knock. * 8094 Nativity. * 8702 Touch Me Not. Schrader, J. * 8703 Cromwell at Whitehall. 8084. Max Schmidt. l andscape with Lake. Schmalz, Herbert. 8081 Day Dreams. 8700 How Long? 8082 Temple of Eros. Schmidt, Max. * 8083 Hut at the Lake. * 8084 Landscape with Lake. 8085 The Spring. Schmiechen, H. 8086 Beatrice. Schmitt, O. * 8087 Marguerite. * 8095 Queen Elizabeth confirms the Death Warrant of Mary Stu- art. Schrader, R. * 8096 Steeple Chase. Schraudolph, J. von. * 8097 Madonna and Saint s. * 8098 St. Anthony and Infant Christ. Schreyer, Adolph. * 8099 Abandoned. * 8100 An Arab. * 8101 Arab Shiek Travelling. 110 Famous Paintings, Ftc. — Continued. Sclireyer, Adolph. * 8102 Arabian Outpost. * 8103 Battle in the Desert. * 8104 Engagement of Cavalry. * 8105 Halt in the Oasis. * 8106 Imperial Courier. * 8107 Kabyl. Schroder, A. * 8108 An Explanation. * 8109 Our Darling. Schryver, Louise de. * 8110 Spring Flowers. Schultz, C. * 8111 The Old Mill. Schwabe, E. * 8112 Old Christmas Joys. Schweninger, C. * 8113 Reminiscences. * 8114 Tete-a-tete. * 8115 The First Cloud. *8116 The Garden of Love. Schwiering, II. * 8117 A Children's Party. Seifert, A. * 8118 Always Polite. *8119 Bertha. * 8120 Edelweiss. * 8121 Elektra. * 8122 Hypatia. 8123 Love’s Greeting. * 8124 Olivia. 8704 Reapers. * 8125 Rosamunde. * S126 The Angel’s Greeting. * 8127 The White Dove. * SI 28 Thinking of Thee. Semenowsky, E. * S129 Study Head. * 8130 Youth. Shields, Thos. TP. 8131 Mozart singing his Requiem. Sichel, N. * 8132 A Duet. * 8133 Bajadere. * 8134 Cleopatra. * 8135 Dalmation Girl. SI 36 Deborah. * 8137 Egyptian Princess. * 8138 Egyptian Slave. * 8139 Fantine. * 8140 Fellah Woman and Child. 8141 Gipsy Queen. * S142 Greek Maiden. * 8143 Hero. 8144 Jeptha. * 8145 Lydia. * 8146 Medea. * 8147 Meditation. * 8148 * 8149 Ophelia. * 8150 Pandora. * 8151 Pompeiian Girl. * 8152 Salome. * 8153 Sappho. 8154 Summer. * 8155 Tambourine Girl. * 8156 Vestal Virgin. * 8157 Water Carrier. * 8158 Woman of Thebes. SUlley, S. 8159 Alice in Wonderland. Siemenrotli, K. * 8705 The Good Samaritan. Siemiradzki, H. de. 8160 A Good Example. 8161 A Good Example. Detail. * 8503 Christ with Mary and Martha. * 8162 Nero’s Torches. Signol, Emile. * 8706 Jesus and the Adulteress. Sinkel, H. J. * 8163 Christ Child. 8164 Madonna and Child. * 8165 The Nativity. Slocomhe, F. 8166 Twilight. Smith-Hald, F. 8167 End of Day. * 8168 Winter Evening. Solario. 8169 Madonna of the Green Cushion. Sonderland, F. 8170 The Menagerie. Soulacroix, F. * 8171 Flirtation. S172 In Confidence. 8173 The Return. Spangeuberg, P. 8174 The Boy Luther at Mrs. Cotter’s House. Sperling, II. * 8175 Feeling. * 8176 Heariug. * 8177 Scent. * 8178 Sight. * 8179 Taste. Spiridon, J. * 8504 Follette. * 81S0 Love Guides LTs. * 8181 Sappho. 8505 The Pet Spitz. Spranger, B. 6396 Hercules and Omphale. Vienna. 6397 Vulcan and Mars. Vienna. Staelbert, J. * 8182 The Last Combat of the Gladia- tors. Ill Famous Paintings, Ftc.— Continued. Stanfield, C. * 8183 After the Wreck. Steffeck, C. 8184 Mare with Foal. * S185 Queen Louise and her Sons. Steuben, C. * 8186 Napoleon and Ins Son. * 8187 Napoleon at Waterloo. Stewart, J. L. * 8506 Pleasures of Summer. * 8507 The Hunt Ball. Stobe, R. * 8707 Walktire. Stocks, M. * 8188 Hostile Brothers. 8189 Puss at Home. 8190 The Evicted. Stone, Marcus. * 8191 An Offer of Marriage. * 8192 A Prior Attachment. * 8193 A Peacemaker. * 8194 Tn Love. Storey r , G. A. * 8195 Little Svvansdown. Strong, Elizabeth. 8196 Comrades. Strutt, TV. * 8197 You must Apologize. Stull, H. 8198 Firenzi, Queen of the Turf. 8199 Salvator, King of the Turf. Stryowsky, TV. S200 A Summer Night on the Weichsel * 8201 Rutlieuian Idyl. Subleyras. * 8202 Martyrdom ot St. Hippolite. Sw instead, G. II. 8203 Parthenia. * 8204 The First Step. 8205 The Pets. Taraval. 8206 Triumph of Amphitrite. Tavernier, Mme. I.. 8207 Before the Dance. Taylor, H. 8208 Caught. Tesehendorff, I',. * 8209 AEdipus and Antigone. * 8210 Antigone and Ismene. 8211 Lydia. 8089. .J. Sclimitzberger. Waiting for Breakfast. 112 Famous Paintings, Htc. — Continued. Thiersch, I,. 8212 Suffer Little Chilren to Come un- to Me. * 8213 The Cross Bearer. Thomson, J. K. * 8214 The First Easter Dawn. Thompson, Mrs. Elizabeth Butler. * 8215 Balaklava, 1854. * 8216 Quatre Bras, 1815. * 8217 Scotland Forever ! * S218 The Boll Call. Crimea 1854-5. Thoren, Otto von. 8219 A Challenge on the Snow. 8220 A Russian Convoy. Thumann, Paul. * 8221 Apple Blossoms. * S508 Art wins the Heart. * 8222 Baptism of Wittekind. * 8223 Bohemians before a Monastery. * 8224 Gipsy. * 8225 Inattentive Scholar. * 8226 Out of Tune. * 8227 Peasant Girl of the Black Forest. * 8228 Pitcher of Tears. * 8229 Psyche at Nature’s Mirror. * 8230 Return of Victorious Germans from Teutoburgh Forest. * S231 Roses. * 8232 Springtime of Love. * 8233 Study Head. (A) * 8234 Study Head. (B) * 8235 Study Head. (C) * 8236 Study Head. (D) * 8237 Study Head. (E) * 8238 Study Head. (F) * 8239 Study Head. (G) * 8240 Study Head. (H) * 8241 Study Head. (1) * 8242 Study Head. (3) * 8243 Study Head. (K) * 8244 Summer. 8245 The Rose Maiden, * 8246 The Three Fates. * 8247 Clotho. (Detail of above.) Tillier, Paul. * 8248 Revery. 1888. Tintoretto. 6398 Susannah and the Elders. Vienna. Tissier. 8510 Napoleon III. gives liberty to Abd-el-Kader. Titian. * S249 Assumption of the Virgin. Venice. * 8250 Head of Virgin. (Detail of above.) < * 8251 Bella. 6399 Danae. * 8252 Flora. 8709 Head of Maiden. Florence. Vienna. Florence. Dresden . * S253 Madonna. Dresden. 8511 Madonna. (Head.) * 8254 Madonna and Child. * 8255 Madonna and Child adored by Angels. 8256 Portrait of Himself. Berlin. 8258 Roberto Strozzi's Daughter. Berlin. * 6313 Sleeping Venus. Dresden. 8710 Head of Venus. (Detail of 6313.) ~ * 8260 St, Peter the Martyr. * 8261 The Entombment. Louvre. * 8262 The Tribute Money. Dresden. 8263 Venetian Girl. ' Dresden. 8711 Head of Girl. (Detail of 8263.) 6314 Venus and Cupid. Dresden. S712 Head of Venus. (Detail of 6314.) Tofano, E. * 8713 Whispers of Love. Tojetti, V. * 8714 Behind the Scenes. 8265 Cupid's Aim. Toudouze, E- * 8266 Grandfather's Birthday. Trego, IV. T. * 8715 Guard of the Flag. 1889. Trood, IF. H. * 8267 Breakfast, * 8268 Competitors. (Dogs.) * 8269 Home Rulers. (Cats.) Troyon, C. 8270 Cattle. Trumbull, John. * 8271 Battle of Bunker Hill. * 8272 Declaration of Independence. Turner, J. M. IF. * 8273 Ancient Italy. 8274 Apollo and Daphne in the Vale of Tempe. 8275 Apollo killing the Python. * 8276 Approach to Venice. 8278 Boscastie. 8279 Crossing the Brook. * 8280 Dido building Carthage. * 8281 Dover. 8282 Fishing Boats. * 8283 Hastings. * 82S4 Heidelberg. 8285 Line Fishing off Hastings. 82S6 Mercury and Argus. * 8287 Modern Italy. 8288 Moss Dale Fall. * 8290 Temple of Jupiter. 8291 The Fighting Temeraire. * 8292 The Golden Bough. * 8293 The Old Temeraire. * 8294 Venice. 8295 Weathercote Cave. * 8296 Wreck of the Minotaur. 8297 Wreck oft' Hastings. Famous Paintings, Ftc. — Continued. 4 Ms \ JgtJi Unknown Artist. * 8298 Countess Potocka. 8716 Rebecca at the Well. Vaccaro. 8717 Head of Madonna. Vaga, Perino del. * 8299 The Muses and the P Van Beers, Jan. * 8300 Cuckoo. * 8301 On the Grass. * 8302 The Siren. Van den Bos, G. * 830,3 Adieu, Papa. * 8304 “ An Revoir.” 8305 Chanty. * 8306 The Bather. 8307 The Three Graces. Van der Lyn, John. * S308 Landing of Columbu Van der Werff, A. * 8309 Expulsion of 1 1 agar. 8512 Pastoral Van Dyck, Anton. 8718 Burgomaster. 8310 Charles I. Portrait. * 8311 Children of Charles i 8134. N. Sichel. Cleopatra. Dresden . ierides. 8719 Charles 11. Head. (Detail of 8311.) 8720 Daughter of < harles I. Head. ( Detail of 83 11 .) * 8312 Flight into Egypt. * 8514 Henrietta Maria, Daughter of ( harles I. 8721 Lamentation. Berlin. 8722 Marriage of St. Catherine. 8313 Portrait of Van der Gheest,. National Gallery, London. * 8314 Sleeping Cupid. 8723 Spanish Lord. Dresden. 8724 The Entombment. Vat otari, Padovanini. 8725 Cleopatra. Dresden. Van tier, B. * 8315 The Gallant Professor. * 8316 The Tattle Cousin. * 8317 The Morning Bath. 8318 The Reluctant Confession. Dresden. Dresden. Dresden. Veccliio, Palma. 8.319 Head of Christ Child. * 8-320 Lucretia. 8321 Madonna. 8515 Portrait of a Woman. * 8322 St. Barbara. 8726 The 'Three Sisters. Dresden. Vienna. Dresden . Venice. Dresden . 114 Famous Paintings, Ftc. — Continued. 8142. N. Sicliel. Vecchio, Palma. 8727 Iolanthe. Head. S72U.) 8728 Violante. Head. 8726.') * 6324 Venus. * 8324 Violante. Verifier, mihu. * 8326 Cumasan Sibyl. * 8327 Cup of Deatii. * 8328 Dancing Girl. * 8329 Etruscan Sorceress. * 8330 Greek Actor's Daughter. * 8332 Landscape. * 8.333 Memory. * 8334 Phorcydes. * 8335 Pleiades. * S337 Venetian Model. Velasquez. 8338 Portrait of a Spanish Lord. Dresden. Vely, A. * 8339 The Whispering Well. Vernet, Horace. 8340 Adieu at Fontainebleau. 8341 Battle of Bouvines. 8342 Battle of Fontenoy. Greek Maiden. * 8343 Battle of Wagram. 8344 Bombardment of St. Jean d’Ulloa. 8345 Daniel. 8346 Michael Angelo and Raphael in the Vatican. 8347 Napoleon at Jena. 8348 Occupation of Mouzia Pass. 8349 Taking of Smalah Abd-el-Kader. (A) 8350 Taking of Smalah Abd-el-Kader. (B) 8351 Taking of Smalah Abd-el-Kader. (C) 8516 Taking of Smalah Abd-el-Kader. (Detail.) * 8352 Daughter of Sidi Embarak. (De- tail of above.) Veronese, Paul. 8353 Adoration of the Magi. Dresden. 8354 Christ ou the Road to Calvary. Dresden. 8355 Concilia Madonna. Dresden. 8729 Head of Christ. (Detail of 8355.) * 8356 Jesus in the House of Simon. * 8357 Marriage at Cana. Dresden. * 8358 Marriage at Cana. Louvre. Veyrassat, J. J. * 8359 In Normandy. (Detail of (Detail of Dresden. Vienna. 1888. 115 Famous Paintings, Vie n, J. M. * 8360 Dedal us and Icarus. Vinci, Leonardo da. * 8361 Battle of the Standard. * 8362 Christ Disputing with the Doc- tors. * 8363 Madonna of the Lily. * 8364 Mona Lisa. Louvre. * 8365 The Last Supper. Milan. Vinea, F. * 8366 An Amusing Story. 8367 Declaration in the Wine Cellar. * 8368 The Introduction. * 5368 The Pretty Wine Seller. 8370 Wine and Music. Vogel, C. L. * 8371 Children Playing. Dresden. * 8372 Child’s Head. (Detail of above.) Volterra, Dauiele da. * 8373 Descent from the Cross. Wagner, Alex. * 8374 A Spanish Post. * 8375 Bull Fight in the Arena. * 8376 Chariot Pace. Circus Maximus. * 8377 Horse Racing in Hungary. * 8378 Mazeppa. * 8379 Picador. Wagner, Carl. * 8380 Bismarck at Versailles. Wagner, P. * 8381 Mignon. Wag rex, J. 8382 Evening Song. 1892. 8383 The Decameron. Wain, Louis. 8384 See- saw. Walker, Janies. * 8385 The Bugler. Waller, S. E. 8386 A Bunch of Blue Ribbons. * 8387 Home from the Honeymoon. 8388 Lady of the Lake. * 8389 The Challenge. * 8518 The Empty Saddle. * 8390 ’Twixt Love and Duty. Wallis, 11. * 8731 Chatterton. Wappers, J. 8391 Last Moments of Charles I. Wassei, G. von. * 8392 The Startled Fawn. Watts, G. F. * 8393 Daphne. * 8394 Endymiou. * 8395 Fata Morgana. * 8396 Hope. * 8397 Love and Death. * 8398 Love and Life. Ptc. — Continued. * 8399 Love. Triumphant. * 8400 Orpheus and Eurydice. * 8401 Paola and Francesca di Rimini. * S402 Portrait of Miss Tennant. * 8403 Portrait of Mrs. Percy Wynd- ham. * 8404 Psyche. * 8405 Time, Death, and Judgment. * 8406 Throne of Death. * 8407 Watchman, What of the Night? Weatherbee, George. 8732 End of Harvest. Weber, Otto. * 8408 Greedy Calves. Weill , Robert. * 8409 Embarkation of the Pilgrims. Weiser, J. * S410 Her new Mamma. Werner, A. von. 8411 Congress at Berlin. West, Benjamin. 8412 Battle of La Hogue. 8413 Death of Gen. Wolfe. Wiertz, A. J. * 8733 Roman Girl at the Window. Wierusz-Kowalski, A. 8414 The Boar Hunt. Williams, J. Haynes. 8734 Room for Two. 8735 Sweet Silence. * 8415 The Last Dance. * 8416 The Miniature. 8417 The Proposal. Winterhalter, II. 8736 The Infant Christ. Wouvermann. S418 The Stable. Yearns, N. F. 8419 Arming the Young Knight. Vvon. * 8420 Battle of Magenta. Versailles. 8421 Storming the Malakoff. Versailles. Xiek, A. * 8422. Psyche and Charon. Ziminermann, E. * 8423 Christ and the Fisherman. Zuber-Buhler, P. 8424 Dew. 1892. * 8425 I'm Sleepy. 8737 The Toilet. 8427 Zephyr. 1892. Z uber, J. If. * 8428 September. 116 Book Illustrations. Illustrations of Charles Dickens’ Works. Christmas Carol. !)000 Bob Cratchit and Tiny Tim. Cricket on the Hearth. 9001 Caleb Plummer and his Blind Daughter. David Copper held. 9002 Miss Betsy Trotwood. 9003 Mr. Peggotty. 9001 Mr. Wilkins Micawber. 9005 Uriah Heep. Dombey and Son. 9006 Captain Cuttle. kittle Dorritt. 9007 Little Dorritt. Martin Chuzzlewit. 9008 Mr. Pecksniff. 9009 Mrs. Gamp. Old Curiosity Shop. 9010 Dick Svviveller. 9011 Little Nell and her Grandfather. Oliver Twist. 9012 Bill Sykes. Our Mutual Friend. 9013 Pogue Kiderhood. Pickwick Papers. 9014 Alfred Jingle. 9015 Mr. Pickwick. 9016 Sam and Tony Weller. Tale of Two Cities. 9017 Sidney Carton. Shakespeare Illustrations . Anthony and Cleopatra. * 9025 Act III., Scene 9. He ary Tresliam . As I r on kike It. * 9026 Act II., Scene 1. Wm. Hodges. * 9027 Act IV., Scene 3. Raphael West. * 9028 Act V., Scene 1. Win. Hamilton. Cymbeline. * 9029 Act II., Scene 2. A. Liezen-Mayer. * 9030 Act III., Scene 14. J. Hoppner. Hamlet. * 9031 Act L, Scene 4. Carl von Hafften. * 9032 Act I., Scene 4. II. Fuseli. * 9033 Act III., Scene 2. Conrad Diehl. * '.'034 Act. IV., Scene 7. Ferd. Piloty. * 9035 Act V., Scene 1. F. Stieler. Julius Ciesar. * 9036 Act III., Scene 2. A. Zick. King Henry IV. * 9037 Act II., Scene 2. R. Smirke. * 9038 Act IV., Scene 4. J. Boydell. King Henry VI. * 9039 First Part. Act II., Scene 3. John Opie. * 9040 First Part. Act II., Scene 4. J. Boydell. 9090 First Part. Act II., Scene 4. F. Piloty. * 9041 First Part. Act II., Scene 5. J. Northcote. * 9042 Second Part. Act L, Scene 4. ./. Opie. * 9043 Second Part. Act III., Scene 3. Sir J. Reynolds. * 9044 Third Part. Act II., Scene 5. J. Boydell. King Henry VIII. * 9045 Act L, Scene 4. Ad. Menzil. * 9046 Act L, Scene 4. T. Stothard. * 9047 Act III., Scene 1. Rev. Wm. Pettrs. * 9048 Act IV., Scene 2. R. Westall. King John. * 9049 Act III., Scene 1. * 9050 Act IV., Scene 1. * 9051 .Vet IV., Scene 1. * 9052 Act V., Scene 7. King kear. * 9053 Act L, Scene 1. * 9054 Act 111., Scene 4. King Richard III. * 9055 Act III., Scene 5. * 9056 Act IV., Scene 3. Wm. Kaulbarh. J. Northcote. Wm. Kavlbach. Wm. Kaulbarh. Ad. Schmitz. Ben). West. Carl Piloty. J. Northcote. Macbeth. * 9057 Act I., Scene 3. John Martin. * 9058 Act I., Scene 3. Wm. Kaulbarh. * 9059 Act IV., Scene 1. Sir J. Reynolds. * 9060 Act V.. Scene 1. Wm. Kaulbarh. * 9061 Act V., Scene 3. Wm. Kaulbarh. Measure for Measure. * 9062 Act V.. Scene 1. Thos. Kirk. Merchant of Venice. * 9063 Act II., Scene 5. R. Smirke. * 9064 Act IV., Scene 1. Ad. Schmitz. 117 Shakespeare Illustrations — Continued. Merry Wives of Windsor. * 9065 Act III., Scene 3. * 9066 Act III., Scene 3. * 9067 Act IV., Scene 2. * 9068 Act V., Scene 3. II. Lossow. M. Lowe. Jas. Durne. B. SmirJce. Midsummer Night’s Dream. * 9069 Act IV., Scene I. II. Fuseli. * 9070 Act IV., Scene l. Paul Thiemann. Othello. * 9071 Act V., Scene 2. * 9072 Act V., Scene 2. * 9073 Act V., Scene 2. Romeo and Juliet. * 9074 Act V., Scene 2. Tempest. * 9075 Act I., Scene 1. J. Boydell. ■J. Graham. F. Piloty. F. Piloty. G. Bomuey. * 9076 Act III., Scene 1. Wm. Kaulhach. * 9077 Act III., Scene 2. Wm. Kaulhach. * 9078 Act IV., Scene 1. Jos. Wright. Timon of Athens. * 9079 Act IV., Scene 3. John Opie. Troilus and Cressida. * 9080 Act II., Scene 2. Geo. Bomney. * 9081 Act V., Scene 2. Any. Kauffman. Twelfth Night. * 9082 Act II., Scene 3. E. Grutsner. Two Gentlemen of Verona. * 9083 Act V., Scene 3. Winter’s Tale. * 9084 Act III., Scene 3. Jos. Wright. * 9085 Act IV., Scene 3. F. Wheatley. * 9086 Act IV., Scene 3. G. Mar. Legend of the Storks. BY T. E. ROSENTHAL. 9087 The Lake. I 9089 Reception of the Baby. 9088 Arrival at the Door. Old Houses of New England. The date opposite a subject indicates the year in which the house was erected. Massachusetts. Amesbury. 5341 Residence of John G. Whittier. Boston. 9501 Christ Church. 1723. 9502 Christ Church. Interior. 9503 Crufts House. 1709. 9504 Curtis House. 1640. 9505 Galloupe House, Hull Street, Headquarters of Gen June 17, 1775. Gage, 9506 Hart House, opposite Copj )*s Hill Burying Ground. 1725. 9507 House at the corner of Prince Street and Lafayette Avenue. (Used as a hospital by the British at Battle of Bunker Hill.) 9508 Major Rugg'les' House. Quarters of American officers during Siege of Boston. 9509 Old Corner Bookstore. 1712. 9510 Old House, North Street. 9511 Old Houses opposite Oopp's Hill Burying Ground. 9512 Old State House. 1748. 9513 Sheafe House. (Lord Percy's Headquarters, 1775.) 9514 Thoreau House, Prince Street. 9515 Wells House, Salem Street. 1680. Box ford. 9516 9517 James House. Morse House. 1798. 9518 Pearl House. 1700. 9519 Brighton. Dana House. 1680. 9520 Davis House. 1707. 9521 Shedd House. 1086. 9522 Brookline. Peter Aspinwall House. 1660. Cambridge. 9523 Holmes House. (Birthplace of O. W. Holmes.) 118 Massachusetts — Continued. Cambridge — Continued. 5355 Longfellow House. 1759. 5342 Lowell House. (Birthplace of J. R. Lowell.) 1760. 9526 Wadsworth House. 1725. Concord. 9527 Aleott House. 1740. 9528 Aleott House and School of Philosophy. 9529 Barrett House. 1660. 5373 Emerson House. 5378 Hawthorne House. “ Wayside.” 9532 Keyes House. 9533 Minot House. 5376 “ The Old Manse.” 176.). 9535 Thoreau House. 9536 Wright Tavern. 1747. Danvers. 9537 Ann Page House. 1770. 9538 Clark House. 1690 9539 Collins House. (Gen. Gage’s Headquarters.) 1745. 9540 Gen. Israel Putnam's Birthplace. 1692. 9541 Jacobs House. 1636. 9542 Jesse Putnam House. 1760. 9543 Parris House. (The First Witch- craft Accusation was made here.) 9544 Rebecca Nurse House. 1636. Dedham. 9545 Fairbanks House. 1636. Dorchester. 9546 Edward Everett House. 9547 Gardner House. 1790. 9548 Pierce House. 1640. Duxbury. 9549 Alden House. 1653. 9550 Standish House. 1066. Essex. 9551 Cogswell House. Hingham. 9552 Caleb Bates House. 1767. 9553 Old Meeting-House. 1680. Ipswich. 9554 Dodge House. 1640. 9555 Howard House. 1648. 9556 Rev. Thomas Cobbett’s House. 1634. 9557 Richard Saltonstall’s House. 1635. 9558 Winthrop-Burnham House. 1635. Eynn. 9559 Moll Pitcher House. Marblehead. 9560 King Hooper House. 1645. 9561 Lee Mansion. 1768. 9562 Old Powder House. 1755. 9563 Old Town House. 1727. 9564 Old Tucker House. 1640. 9565 Skipper Ireson House. 9566 St. Michael’s Church. 1714. Medford. 9567 Craddock House. 1634. 9568 Porter House. 1730. 9569 Tidd House. (Called the Royal Palace.) 1738. Melrose. 9570 Lynde House. Newbury. 9571 Ben Perley Poor House, Indian Hill. 9572 J. Poor House. 1640. 9573 Pierce House. 1685. Newburyport. 9574 Coffin House. 9575 Hale House. 9576 Lord Timothy Dexter's House. (Original house with Statues.) 9577 View showing Whitfield’s Church, House in which Whitfield died, and Birthplace of Wm. Lloyd Garrison. Newton. 9578 Hammond House. 1730. Pembroke. 9579 Barker House. The Oldest House in New England. 162S. Plymouth. 9580 William Harlow House. 1671. Revere. 9581 Yeaman House. 1680. Roxbury. 9582 Auchumley House. 1761. 9583 Eustis House. 1738. Salem. 9584 Assembly House. 1769. 9585 Cabot House. 1745. 9586 Custom House. 1818. 9587 Dr. Grimshaw House. 9588 Gov. Bradstreet House. 1640. 9589 Gov. Philip English House. 1685. * 5417 Hawthorne House. 1680. * 5419 House of Seven Gables. 1670. 9592 Hunt House. 1700. 9593 Jeffry Lang House. 1740. Massachusetts — Continued Salem — Continued. 9504 Narbonne House. 1680. 9595 Nichols House. 1770. 9596 Old Bakery. 1680. 5422 Old Witch House. 1635. 5423 Old Witch House. Appearance in 1850. 5424 Old Witch House. Appearance in 1850. (Upright.) 5425 Old Witch House. Rear. Origi- nal Condition. 9602 Pickering House. 1651. 9603 Pickman House. 1745. 9604 Richard Rogers House. 1800. 5420 Roger Williams Church. First Church formed in America. 1634. 9606 Samuel Ward House. 1753. 9607 Waller House. 1688. 9608 Washington Hall. 1793. Saugus. 9609 Boardman House. 1685. 9610 Boardman House. Rear View. Sudbury. 9611 Wayside Inn. Watertown. 9612 Browne House. 1632. Wenliam. 9613 Ober House. New Hampshire. Newcastle. 9618 Gov. John Wentworth House 1769 9614 Gen. Wentworth's House. 1750. 9619 Gov. Langdon House. 1784 9615 Gen. Wentworth’s House. < ’oun- 9620 Jackson House. 1 664 oil Chamber Fireplace. 9621 Ladd House. 1760 9622 Ladd House Hallway. Portsmouth. 9623 Lear House. 1 760 9624 Lord House. 1775 9616 Buckminster House. 1720. 9625 St. John's ( 'hurch. 1808 9617 Gardiner House. 9626 Warner House. 1718 Miscellaneous. 9711 Life Photo. 9700 “ Excitement.” 9701 Fox Terriers. 9702 Group of Maltese Dogs. 9703 Is that your Dog? 9712 Lion. 9704 Portraits of the Poets : Long- fellow, Whittier, Bryant, Holmes and Lowell, with Auto- graph Letters. 9705 “ Sir Thomas ” Cat. 9706 “ Madame Maria ” Cat. 9709 Study. Chestnut Tree. 9710 Study. Rural Scene near Tun- bridge Wells, England. Marine Views. 9708 A Brigautine. (Instantaneous.) 9713 Breakers. 5490 Brighton Beach, Coney Island. 9714 Combing Wave. 9715 Marine Study. 9710 Marine Study. 9717 Marine Study. 5549 Mali ant. Egg Rock. 5548 Xahant Surf. 5532 Narragansett Pier. The Beach. 5332 Old Orchard Beach. 5333 Summer Day at Old Orchard Beach. 5529 Surf Bathing. Atlantic City, N. J. 5331 The Incoming Wave. 9718 Yachts Valkyrie and Yarana. 120 Napoleon. Portraits, Views, and Paintings relating to the Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. All subjects published in Cabinet size. Subjects marked with a* furnished in Folio size also. In ordering be particular to state which size is wanted and whether mounted or unmounted. Modern Sculpture. Canova, A. * 667 Head of Napoleon. Ghatsworth House , England. * 670 Madame Mere. Ghatsworth House, England. 672 Napoleon. Bust. Pitti Palace , Florence. * 682 Venus Victrix. (Pauline Bona- parte.) Borghese Palace , Rome. * 683 Venus Victrix. Head. Vela, Vincenzo. * S36 Last Days of Napoleon. Ver- sailles. Portraits. 1402 Bonaparte, Napoleon. 1403 Bonaparte, Napoleon. 1404 Bonaparte, Napoleon Consul. 1416 Josephine, Empress. Views. 1417 Josephine, Empress. 1424 Marie Louise. As First 1429 Napoleon II., as “ Roi de Rome.” 1430 Napoleon II., as “ Duke of Reich- stadt.” Belgium. Waterloo. 2565 Chateau of Hougoumont. 2566 Farm of Hougoumont. 2567 La Belle Alliance. 2568 La Ila ye Sainte. 2569 Monuments on the Battle-field. 2570 The Chapel. * 2571 The Memorial Mound with Bel- gian Lion. France. Paris. * 2579 Arch of Triumph de l'Etoile. 2580 Arch of Triumph de l'Etoile. Departure for War. Rude. 2581 Arch of Triumph de l'Etoile. Glory. Cortot. 2582 Arch of Triumph de l'Etoile. War. Etex. 2583 Arch of Triumph de l’Etoile. Peace. Etex. * 2584 Arch of Triumph du Carousel. * 2602 Church of Notre Dame de Paris. 2605 Church of Notre Dame de Paris. Interior. * 2631 Hotel des Invalides. * 2632 Hotel des Invalides. Tomb of Napoleon. 2633 Hotel des Invalides. Altar. 2634 Hotel des Invalides. Sarcopha- gus. * 2638 La Madeleine. * 2640 La Madeleine. Interior. * 2650 Luxembourg. 2654 Luxembourg. Senate Hall. 2695 Tuileries. 2696 Tuileries. Gardens. Fontainebleau Palace. * 2697 Palace. 2699 Bed of Napoleon. 2702 Chamber. Napoleon. * 2703 Chapel. Interior. 2705 Cour des Adieux. * 2722 Table on w hich Napoleon signed his Abdication. * 2723 Throne Room. 2724 Throne Room. Throne. Napoleon's 121 France— Continued. Versailles. * 2731 Palace. '2739 Chamber of Josephine. 2745 Hall of Battles. * 2716 Salon of Glasses. Milan. * 4371 Statue of Napoleon 1. Grand Trianon. * 2747 Grand Trianon. * 2749 Bed of Napoleon. * 2752 Napoleon’s Chariot. * 2753 Salon of Napoleon. Italy. Paintings. Bellange, II. 0610 A Review under the Empire. * 9106 Battle of Wagram. * 9092 Napoleon receiving Portrait of his Son. Camphausen, F. * 6830 Tilsit and Sedan. Costa, G. * 6930 Gendarmes of the First Empire. David, J. L. 9093 Coronation of Josephine. Ver- sailles. * 0956 Napoleon Crossing the Alps. Versailles. Delacroix, E. * 9094 Battle of Taillebourg. Delaroche, Paul. * 6995 Napoleon at Fontainebleau, March 31, 1814. Dumas, M. K. 706S Bonaparte a Novice at the School of Brienue. Gautlierot, C. * 9095 Napoleon wounded on the Battle- field of Ratisbon. Gerard, Francois. * 9096 Battle of Austerlitz. * 7149 Napoleon I. in Imperial Robes. Gerome, J. L. * 7452 Bonaparte before the Sphynx. 8581 Gen. Bonaparte at Cairo. Girardet, K. * 7179 Napoleon crossing the Alps. * 7180 Napoleon in Egypt. Gosse, /,. V. /'. * 7194 Napoleon I. and Queen Louise of Prussia at Tilsit. * 7195 Napoleon I. Detail of 7194. Greuze, J. B. * 9097 Portrait of Napoleon as Consul. Knight, J. P. * 7430 Heroes of Waterloo. Lefevre, Robert. * 9098 Portrait of Napoleon 1. I 'ersailles. Meissonier, F. * 7633 1807. * 7634 1814. * 7635 1814. Meynier. * 9099 Napoleon retiring to the Lobau after the battle of Essliug. Orchardson, W. Q. * 7769 Napoleon I. on Board the Bellero- phon. Phillippoteaux, F. * 7815 Bonaparte at the Battle of Rivoli. Rouget. * 8015 Marriage of Napoleon and Marie Louise. 8016 Napoleon and Marie Louise. (Detail of 8015.) Sartain, John. 9101 Divorce of the Empress Jose- phine. Scliopin, If. F. 9102 Morning of the lstli Brumaire. Steuben, C. * 8186 Napoleon and bis Sou. * 8187 Napoleon at Waterloo. Vernet, Horace. 8340 Adieu at Fontainebleau. * 8343 Battle of Wagram. 8347 Napoleon at Jena. 122 Joan of Arc. Portraits, Views, and Paintings selected from our catalogue, relating to the life of Joan of Arc. All subjects published iu Cabinet size. Subjects marked with a * furnished in Folio size also. Modern Sculpture. Chapu, H. 31. A. Fremiet. * 689 Jeanne d’Arc at Domremv. 733 Jeanne d'Arc. Cordonnier, A. * 690 Jeanne d’Arc. Portraits. 1842 Joan of Arc. Views. Prance. Orleans. 5865 Equestrian Statue of Jeanne d’Arc. Rouen. * 5867 Tower of Jeanne d’Arc. Paintings. Bastien-Ee Page, Jules. * 8437 Jeanne d’Arc. Benouville, I,. * 8439 Jeanne d’Arc listening to the Spirits. Chattillon, 3hne. 1,. de. * 6857 Jeanne d’Arc. Henner, J. J. * 7264 Young Jeanne d’Arc. Ingres, Jean D. A. * 7347 Jeanne d’Arc. Kaulhaeli, Win. * 7391 Jeanne d’Arc. Eenepveu, J. E- 9107 Burning of Jeanne d’Arc. 9108 Capture of Orleans. 3Iaillart, D. * 8481 Jeanne d’Arc meeting the Spirits. Max, Gabriel. * 9109 Joan of Arc. Scherrer, J. J. 8077 Victorious Return of Jeanne d’Arc to Orleans. Cleopatra. Ancient Sculpture. Capitol, Rome. 201 Cleopatra. 123 Portraits. 1550 Davenport, Fanny, as Cleopatra. 1551 Davenport, Fanny, as Cleopatra. (Reclining.) 1622 Langtry. Mrs., as Cleopatra. 1528 Potter, Mrs. James Brown, as Cleopatra. Painting s. Alma-Tadema, L. * 6509 Anthony and Cleopatra. 6514 Barnay as Marc Anthony. Cabanel, Alex. * 6821 Cleopatra. Desportes, T. * 6096 Cleopatra. Gerome, J. L. * 7154 Cleopatra and Cmsar. Grolleau, A. 7202 Festival at the Court of Cleopa- tra. Picon, H. * 7816 Anthony and Cleopatra. Sichel, N. * 8134 Cleopatra. Shakespeare Illustrations. * 9035 Anthony and Cleopatra. Act ] III., Scene 9. Ilenry Tresharn. | Famous Authors and Their Homes. All subjects published in Cabinet size. Subjects marked * published in Folio size. Most of these subjects are also published in Scrap size. For particulars sec Fist of Reduced Scrap Subjects. In ordering please lie particular to mention which size is wanted and whether mounted or unmounted. Burns, Robert. * 1021 Portrait. P. Kramer. 1183 Portrait. * 3833 Cottage. Ayr, Scotland. * 3834 Cottage. Ayr, Scotland. Interior. Dickens, Charles. 1045 Portrait. Life Photo. 1046 Life Photo. Large Head. * 1186 Portrait. P. Kramer. * 3460 Gadshill, England. * 3461 Gadshill, England. Library. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. 1053 Portrait. Life Photo. Head. 1054 Life Photo. Seated. 5399 Residence. Concord, Mass. 5373 Residence. Concord, Mass. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. * 1071 Portrait. Life Photo. * 5417 Birthplace. Salem, Mass. * 5418 Custom House, Salem, Mass. (Where he wrote the “ Scar- let Letter.”) * 5419 House of Seven Gables, Salem. Mass. * 5402 Wayside, Concord, Mass. * 5380 Wayside, Concord, Mass. Dining- room. * 5379 Wayside, Concord. Mass. Study. * 5401 The Old Manse, Concord, Mass. * 5864 Larch Walk, Concord, Mass. 5382 Grave. Concord, Mass. Holmes, Oliver Wendell. 1076 Portrait. Life Photo. * 5396 Birthplace. Cambridge, Mass. Irvi ng, tt ash i ngton . 1083 Portrait. 5506 Home. Sunuyside, Tarrytowu, N. V. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. 1100 Portrait. Life Photo. 1101 Portrait. * 1187 Portrait. P. Kramer. * 5355 Home. Cambridge, Mass. 5395 Home. Study. Lowell, James Russell. 1104 Portrait. Life Photo. * 5342 Home. Elmwood, Cambridge, Mass. Famous Authors and Their Homes — Continued, Scott, Sir Walter. * 1140 Portrait. P. Kramer 1141 Portrait. Sir T. Lawrence * 3821 Home. Abbotsford, Scotland. * 3822 Abbotsford. * 3823 Abbotsford. 3824 Abbotsford. * 3825 Abbotsford. * .3826 Abbotsford. * 3827 Abbotsford. * 3828 Abbotsford. From the Tweed. Garden Front. Armory. Drawing-room. Entrance Hall. Library. Study. * 3288 House. Kitchen. * 3289 House. Boom in which Shake- speare was born. * 329 2 Ann Hathaway’s Cottage. * 3294 Ann Hathaway’s Cottage. In- terior. Tennyson, Alfred. 1163 Portrait. Life Photo. * 1162 Portrait. P. Kramer. * 3690 Home. Freshwater. Isle of Wight. Shakespeare, William. Whittier, John Greenleaf. * 1142 Portrait. P. Kramer. 1143 Portrait. Droeshont. 1144 Portrait. C. Jansen. * 1145 Portrait. Stratford Portrait. * 3286 House. Stratford-on-Avon. * 3287 House. Before restoration. 1175 Portrait. Life Photo. 1176 Life Photo. (Seated.) 5405 Birthplace. East Haverhill, Mass. 5392 Besidence. Amesbury, Mass. * 5403 Besidence. Oak Knoll, Danvers, Mass. Easter Subjects. A list of photographs relating to Easter, compiled from the various paintings in our catalogue. All subjects published in Cabinet size. Those subjects marked with a * furnished in Folio size also. Anderson, Mrs. * 6525 Chorister Boys. * 6526 Foundling Girls. Angelo, Michael. * 6532 Crucifixion. Battoni, Pompeo. * 65S3 Heading Magdalen. Bouguereau, W. A. 8444 Mary Magdalen. 6738 'die Crucifixion. 6748 Women at the Sepulchre. Brausewetter, O. * 6752 Christ on the Cross. Brockman, F. 6772 Eece Homo'. 6773 Mater Dolorosa. Carracci, A. * 6837 Head of Christ. Ciseri, Antonio. 8542 Christ Borne to the Tomb. Correggio. 8550 Magdalen with Cross. 8551 Magdalen. (Beading.) Detail. * 6926 Magdalen. (Beading.) Crespi, D. * 8554 Christ Bearing His Cross. Deger, Prof. E. 6974 Christ Entering Jerusalem. * 6975 Crucifixion. * 6979 Sacred Heart. * 6980 “ Salvator Muudi.” Delaroche, Paul. * 6986 Angel Gabriel. 6988 Christ in the Garden of Geth- semaue. 6990 Good Friday. 6991 Head of Christ. 6996 Beturn from Golgotha. 6997 Shrouding of Christ. 6998 St. Cecilia. 7000 Virgin at Foot of the Cross. 7001 Virgin Fainting. Dietrich, A. * 7025 The Crucifixion. Dobson, IF. C. T. * 7028 Xazareth. * 7029 Peace be to this House. * 7030 St. John leading the Virgin to his Home. * 7031 The Good Shepherd. 125 Ens ter Subjects — Continued. 7498. U. I.auenstein. St. Cecilia with the Angels. Dolce, Carlo. * 7032 Christ Blessing the Food. * 7034 Mary Magdalen. * 7036 St. Cecilia at the Organ. * 7037 St. Cecilia. (Head.) Dore, Gustav. * 7043 Christ entering Jerusalem. * 7044 Christ leaving the Praatoi iau. Durer, Albrecht. * 7077 Crucifixion. 8567 Crucifixion. Franceschiui. 7127 Magdalen. Fur st, M. * 7134 “ Ecce Lignum Crucis." Goltx, Alex. * 7185 Christ and the Holy Women. Guardabassi. * 8590 Christ and the Three Marys. Heck, 11. * 7260 Our Saviour. Hoffmann, H. 7290 Christ at Gethsevnane. * 7294 Christ taken Captive. 7296 St. Cecilia. Hunt, Holman. * 7317 Light of the World. * 7318 Shadow of Death. Ittenbach, F. 7332 Mater Dolorosa. * 7333 Sacred Heart of Jesus. * 7336 St. Mary the Virgin. Jalahert, Cli. F. * 7344 Jesus at Getlisemane. J.afon, Emile. * 7452 Sacred Heart of Jesus. * 8613 Sacred Heart of Mary. Fauenstein, H. * 7498 St. Cecilia with the Angels. * 8615 Sr. Cecilia. (Detail.) I,e limn, Gitas. * 7509 Christ and the Angels. I.eroy, Paul. * 8621 Evening at Nazareth. 1893. .Max, Gabriel. * 7617 Head of ( 'hrist. * 7625 Magdalen. Melville, A. * 8634 The True Vine. Morris, P. It. * 7707 Shadow of the ( Toss. * 8646 Shepherd of Jerusak. .. Moulin. * 7709 Triumph of Christ. 126 Easter Subjects — Continued. Pilate. ■ist. vary. Iiotari. 8686 Magdalen. Rote rm und. 8687 Head of Mary. Munkacsy, M. * 7731 Christ before 7732 Figure of Chr 7733 Head of Chris * 7734 Christ on Cal’ Murillo. * 7739 Magdalen. 8488 Mater Dolorosa. 8650 Mater Dolorosa. Oertel, J. A. * 7766 Rock of Ages. Peschel, C. * 7809 The Three Marys. Pfannschmidt, C. G. * 7811 Burial of Christ. * 7814 Women at the Tomb of Christ. Piombo, Sebastien del. * 8663 He died for All. 8664 The Cross Bearing. Plockhorst, II. * 7826 Christ and His Disciples on the Way to Emmaus. * 7827 Christ and St. Peter. * 7829 Christ entering Jerusalem. * 7830 Christ fakes leave of His Mother. * 8494 Christ the Consoler. * 7831 Easter Morning. * 7835 St. John and the Virgin Mary. * 7836 The Good Shepherd. * 7837 The Holy Women at the Tomb of Christ. Raphael. * 7859 Christ bearing the Cross. * 7860 Chrit’s Charge to Peter. * 7916 St. Cecilia. * 7917 Head of St. Cecilia. * 7918 Head of St. Paul. * 7927 Via Dolorosa. Reni, Guido. 8675 Crucifixion. * 7:)56 Ecce Homo. * 7958 MaterDolorosa. (Upturned Face.) * 7960 Penitent Magdalen. * 8677 St. Cecilia. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. * 7963 -Angel Heads. Rubens, Peter Paul. * 8688 Crucifixion. * 8025 Descent from the Cross. 8030 St. Cecilia. Sant, J. 8695 Easter Offering. * 8057 The Soul's Awakening. Scheffer, Ary r . 8068 Christ and St. John. * 8069 Christ the Remunerator. * 8696 Christ the Consoler. * 8071 Holy Women at the Tomb of Christ. * 8072 Kiss of Judas. 8073 Magdalen. * 8074 St. Augustine and his Mother. * 8075 The Three Marys. * 8076 Temptation of Christ. Schonherr, C. * 8701 Lo ! T stand at the Door and Knock. * 8702 Touch Me Not. Siemiradski, If. * 8503 Christ with Mary and Martha. Thiersch, J. * 8213 The Cross Bearer. Thomson, J. K. * 8214 First Easter Dawn. Titian. * 8261 The Entombment. Van Dyck, A. 8724 The Entombment. Veronese, Paul. 8354 Christ on the Road to Calvary. Vinci, Leonardo da. * 8365 The Last Supper. Volterra, Daniele da. 8373 Descent from the Cross. 127 Musical Subjects. A list of subjects relating to Music, compiled from the various paintings in our catalogue. All subjects furnished iu Cabinet siz< uished iu Folio size also. Alma-Tadema, E. * 11518 Sappho. Anderson, Mrs. * 6525 Chorister Hoys. * 6526 Foundling Girls. Andreotti , F. 6528 Dancing Master’s Pay Day. Armstrong, T. * 8431 Music Piece. Aubert, Jean. * 6544 A Mysterious Concert. 1888. Blash field, E. H. * 6656 Christmas Chimes. Borekmann, A. * 6701 Mozart and his Sister. Breton, Jules. * 6762 Song of the Lark. Biirck, If. 6781 Sappho and Alcaeus. Cedestrom, Th. 6847 A Jolly Song. 6848 Concert iu the Monastery. e. Those numbers marked with a- * fur- Conti, Tito. 6871 The Ballad Singer. Coomans, J- * 6889 Music. Detaille, E. * 8560 The Passing Regiment. Dolce, Carlo. * 7036 St. Cecilia at the Organ. 7037 St. Cecilia. Head. Dnbufe, G. Els. * 7063 Sacred Music. * 7064 St. Cecilia. Durck, F. * 7076 Long Live Italy ! Ebert, A. * 7089 Miguon. Ender, Ed. * 7098 Mozart before the Court of Em- press Maria Theresa. Fra Angelico. 8573 Angel with Bugle. 8574 Augel with Bugle. 8575 Angel in Adoration. 8576 Angel with Organ. 0703. A. Borekmann. Mozart and his Sister. 128 Musical Subjects — Continued. Frapp a, J. * 8577 “ L'Obsessiou.” Goltz, Alex. * 8583 Lucie. (Music Piece.) Graefle, A. 7197 Beethoven and his Friends. Grutzner, F,. 7218 Trio in the Convent. Hanimun, E. * 7231 Haydn crossing the English Chan- nel. 7232 Last Thoughts of Weber. 7233 Mozart at Vienna. * 7234 Preludes of Bach. * 7235 The Great Masters of Music. Hebert, E. 7257 Irish Melody. Henley, E. C. S598 Accompanied. 8599 Unaccompanied. Herpfer, Carl. 7270 Mozart at the Organ. 7271 The Musical. Herterich, J. C. * 7273 Adagio. 7274 Allegro. Hoesslin, Geo. von. * 7284 Adagio. 8468 Organ Fantasy. Hoffmann, H. * 7296 St. Cecilia. Horn, G. 7 (10 Mignou. Humborg, A. 7315 The Brother's Solo. Hynais, V. * 7320 Music. Kaulhacli, H. * 7367 The Pied Piper of Hamelin. Kiesel, C. * 8475 Music. * 8476 Song. 8609 The Duet. Eaton, E. * 7453 The Three Sisters. Eamud, A. de. * 8614 Beethoven’s Dream. Ea Home, J. 7495 Shepherd playing the Hurdy- Gurdy. Eauenstein, H. * 7497 Cradle Song. * 7498 St. Cecilia with the Angels. Eaufberger, F. * 7500 Rural Music. * 7501 Singing Band. Eeigliton, Sir Frederick. * 7532 The Music Lesson. Eeinweber, K. * 7535 An Arabian Song. Eins, A. 7569 A Song Without Words. Maignan, A. 7595 The Voices of the Tocsin. Massani, P. * 7610 A Difficult Passage. Milithrop, T. * 7692 All Angels praise God. * 7693 “ Filius datus est Nobis.” Moreau, Gustave. 7695 Orpheus. Moreau de Tours. 7697 Mandolin Player. Miicke, C. 7710 Little Pepita. Neuville, E. de * 7754 Concert at the Outpost. Pils, I. * 7823 Ilouget de Lille. Pin well, G.J. * 8661 Pied Piper of Hamelin Beguiling the Rats. * 8662 Pied Piper of llainelin Beguiling the Children. Poetxelberger , R. 7838 Old Songs. * 8495 Song Without Words. * 8667 Trifling. Raphael. * 7916 St. Cecilia. * 7917 Head of St. Cecilia. Reiii, Guido. * 8677 St. Cecilia. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. * 7963 Angel Choir. Romano, Giulio. * 7995 Apollo and the Muses. Schloesser, C. 8079 Beethoven in his Study. Shields, Thos. IF. * 8131 Mozart singing his Requiem. Sichel, N. 8132 A Duet. * S155 Tambourine Girl. Tliumann, Paul. * 8226 Out of Tune. Vinea, F. 8370 Wine and Music. Wagner, Paul. * 8381 Mignon. Wagrez, J. 8382 Evening Song. 1892. 129 Reduced Scrap Photographs. Average Size 2 1=8 x 3 1-4 inches. The most popular Photographic Series yet published. Large collections may be made at small cost, and they are also used in making Christmas Cards, Calendars, Valentines, etc., being admirably adapted to that purpose. Unmounted, 10 cts. each ; 40 cts. per half=dozen ; 75 cts. per dozen. We call particular attention to our Albums Nos. 1 and 2 for preserving collec- tions of above. (See page 2.) Bexxenberger, If. 15022 Senta. A dan, X. X. 15001 Autumn Evening. Alma-Tadema, X. 15002 Anthony and Cleopatra. 15003 Reading from Homer. 15004 Sculptor's Model. Anderson, 3Irs. 15005 Chorister Boys. 15006 Foundling Girls. Angelo, Michael. 15007 Crucifixion. 15008 Three Fates. Auhert, Jean. 15009 Aurora Cooling the Wings of Love. 15010 Love on a Vacation. 15011 Winter, Love Grown Cold. Assmus, Robert. 15012 Farewell to Sakkingen. Bacon, Henry. 15013 At the Capstan. Barber, C. Burton. 15014 A Mute Appeal. 15016 The New Whip. Barnes, B. C. 9801 Family Cares. Barraud. 9802 Nothing venture, nothing have. Battoni, Pompeo. 15017 Reading Magdalen. Bayard, Emile. 15018 The Ferryman. Becker, C. 9803 Othello and Desdemona. Benner, Jean. 15019 A Shady Corner in Capri. 15020 Young Girls in a Ravine near Capri. Bertrand, 31. J. 15021 Marguerite. B lash held, E. H. 15023 Christmas Bells. Blaas, Eugene de. 15024 Peasant Boy. 15026 Theresita. Bodenhausen, C. von. 15027 Hope. 15028 Listening to the Fairies. 15029 Listening to the Nightingale. 15030 Madonna and Child. 15031 Madonna and Child. (Detail.) Bonheur, Rosa. 9807 A Norman Sire. 9808 An Humble Servant. (Donkey.) 15032 An Old Monarch. 15033 Horse Fair. Borckmann, A. 15034 Mozart and his Sister. Houghton, G . H. 15035 Pilgrim Exiles. Bouguereau, W. H. 15037 Birth of Venus. 15038 Cupid and a Butterfly. 15039 Cupid and Psyche. (Heads.) 15040 Flight into Egypt. 15041 Our Lady of the Angels. 15042 The Virgin, Infant Jesus and St. John. 15043 Virgin and the Angels. 15044 Virgin Consolator. (Head.) Breton, Jules. 15045 Harvest Time. 15046 The Reaper. Brittan. 9814 Safe Quarteis. Cabanel, Alex. 15048 Birth of Venus. Caldwell, E. 15049 For the Safety of the Public. 130 Reduced Scrap Photographs — Continued. Caracci, A. 15050 Head of Christ. Carrington, J. Yates. 9817 Impudence. Carter, S. J. 9818 An Interesting Family. 9819 First Sight of the Fox. 9820 Little Foxes. Cederstrom, Thos. 15051 A Jolly Song. 15052 Concert in the Monastery. Chaigneau. 15053 Evening. Charodeau, F. A. 9821 The Life Boat. Correggio. 15055 Holy Night. 15056 lo and Jupiter 15057 Madonna della Scala. 15058 Madonna of St. Sebastian. 15059 Reading Magdalen. Dahl, Hans. 15061 Critical Remarks. 15062 Too Late. Dehat-Ponsan, K. B. 9825 An Opportunity. 9826 Maternity. Defregger, F. 15064 Madonna and Child. Deger, Prof. E. 15066 Salvator Mundi. Dehohhe, A. 9827 Childish Joys. 15067 On the Beach. 15068 Two Daughters of Ocean. Detaille, E. 15069 Inauguration of Grand Opera House. 15071 The Soldier's Dream. Dobson, W. C. T. 15073 St. John Leading the Virgin to his Home. 15074 The Good Shepherd. Dolce, Carlo. 15075 Mater Dolorosa. Domenieliino. 15076 Last Communion of St. Jerome. 15077 St. John. Dore, Gustav. 15078 Christ Entering Jerusalem. 15079 Christ Leaving Prsetoriuin . 15080 Christian Marcvrs. 150S1 Dream of Pilate’s Wife. Duhufe, G. fils. 15082 St. Cecilia. Dvorak, F. 15084 Finishing Touches. 15085 Hide and Seek. 15086 Paul. 9831 The Cut Finger. Earl, George. 9832 Good Doggie. Ender, Ed. 15087 Mozart before the Court of Em- press Maria Theresa. 15088 Schiller at the Court of Weimar. 150S9 Shakespeare at the Court of Elizabeth. Faed, John. 15090 Shakespeare and his Friends. 15091 Washington at Trenton. Faed, Thos. 15092 Evangeline. Fra Angelico. 15093 Coronation of the Virgin. 15094 Angel with Bugle. 15095 Angel with Bugle. 15096 Angel in Adoration. 15097 Angel with Organ. Froschl, C. 15098 Madonna and Child. Gainsborough, T. 15099 Georgiauna, Duchess of Devon- shire. Gerard, Francois. 15100 Napoleon I. Gerome, J. I,. 15103 Last Prayer. (Christian Mar- tys in Coliseum.) Goltz, Alex. 15104 Christ and the Holy Women. 15109 Lucie. (Music Piece.) Goodall, F. 15105 Holy Mother. 15106 The Mother of our Lord. Gorlieh, Marie and Sofie. 15107 Virgin of the Doves. Greuze, J. B. 15108 The Dauphin. Louis XVII. Hamman, E. 15110 Last Thoughts of Weber. 15111 Mozart at Vienna. 15112 Preludes of Bach. Haquette, G. 15113 Departure for Fishing. 15114 On the Beach. 15115 Setting out. Hardy, Heywood. 15116 Not to be caught with Chaff. 9836 Playmates. 15117 Thoroughbred. 131 Reduced Scrap Photographs — Continued. Hertericli, J. C. 15120 Adagio. 15121 Allegro. Hinckley, T. H. 9838 Fido. Hoffmann, H. 15122 Christ and the Rich Young Man. 15123 Christ Disputing with the Doc- tors. 15124 Head of Christ. (Detail above.) Holbein, Hans. 15125 Madonna and Child. Holmes, G. A. 15127 Can't you talk? Horn, G. 9840 A Love Letter. 15129 A Secret. 15130 Good Night. 15131 Mignon. Hunt, Holman. 15133 Light of the World. Hynais, V. 15134 Music. Ittenbaeh, /■'. 15135 Christ Child. 15136 Holy Family. 15137 Madonna and Child. 15138 St. Mary the Virgin. Taker. 15139 Marriage of St. Catharine. Kauffman, .4. 15140 Vestal Virgin. Kaulbach, H. 15143 Morning. 15141 Pied Piper of Hamelin. 15142 To Earthly Home. Kaulbacli, W. 15144 Angel of Peace. Kiesel, C. 15145 Music. 15146 Song. Kuans, I,. 15147 A Gypsy Team. 15148 Artist’s Model. 15149 Holy Family. 9846 Ring-a-rounder. Knight, I). Ridgway. 15150 Calling the Ferryman. Koch, Hermann. 15151 Two Hearts that Beat as One. Kray, W. 9850 On the Beach. Lambert, Eugene. 15152 To the Eight into Line. Landseer, Sir Edwin. 9852 A Member of the Benevolent So- ciety. 9854 A Piper and Pair of Nutcrackers. 15153 Connoisseurs. 9854 Dignity and Impudence. 9855 Distinguished Member of the Hu- mane Society. 9856 Laying down the Law. 15154 Monarch of the Glen. 15158 Odin. 9857 Retriever and Woodcock. 9858 Saved. 15165 Shepherd’s Chief Mourner. 9859 The Sick Monkey. 9860 Well-bred Sitters. 9861 Wild Cattle of Chillingham. Lang, H. 15155 Percherons. Lauenstein, H. 15156 Cradle Song. 15157 St. Cecilia with Angels. LeBrun, Mine. V. 15159 Girl with Muff. 15160 Mine. LeBrun and Daughter. Letter, H. 15161 A Dream. 15162 Congratulations. 15163 Dancing Lesson. Leighton, Sir Frederick. 15164 Day Dreams. 15167 Nativity. 15168 Shepherdess and Sheep. Liczen-Mayer, A. 15170 Faust and Marguerite. 15171 Marguerite and Martha. Lingner, Otto. 15172 Left to the Wide World. Lins, A. 15173 Song Without Words. Long, Edwin. 15174 Alethe. 15175 Christ or Diana. Luini, B. 15176 The Virgin Mary. Makovsky, C. E. 15180 Toilet of the Bride. Martens, IV. J. 15181 A Love's Dream. Max, Gabriel. 15183 Head of Christ. 15184 Last Token. 15185 Madonna and Child. (1) 15186 Madonna and Child. (2) 15187 Madonna and Child. (3) 15188 Magdalen. 15189 Mignon. 132 Reduced Scrap Photographs — Continued. Mengs, Raphael. 15193 Cupid Sharpening his Arrow. Millais, J. F. 15194 Bride of Lammermoor. 15195 Efiie Deans. 15196 For the Squire. 15197 Lilacs. L5198 Perfect Bliss. 15199 The Black Bruuswicker. 15200 The Huguenot. 15201 The Princes in the Tower. 15202 Yes or No. 15203 No. 15204 Yes. Millet, J. F. 15205 Angelus. 1520G Shepherdess. Minthrop, T. 15207 Filius Datus est Nobis. 15208 All Angels praise God. Morris, P. R. 15209 Shadow of the Cross. Mosely. 9873 David and Goliath. Muller, Carl. 15210 Holy Family. 15211 Immaculate Conception. 15212 Mary and Elizabeth. 15213 Madonna of the Grotto. 15214 Nativity. Muller, F. 15215 Madonna. Munkacsy, M. 15217 Christ before Pilate. 15218 Head of Christ. (From 15217.) 15219 Christ on Calvary. Murillo. 15220 Immaculate Conception. 15221 Magdalen. Oertel, J. A. 15222 Rock of Ages. Papperitz, G. 15223 Madonna and Child. Patou, Frank. 9874 Babes in the Woods. 15224 Bayard. 15225 Dick. 9876 Eclipse. 9877 Vic. 9878 You're no Chicken. Peel, Paul. 15226 After the Bath. 15227 Life a Misery. Perrault, C. 15228 Awakening Love. 15229 Nymph Teasing Cupid. 15231 Sleeping Love. Peschel, C. 15232 The Three Marys. Pfannschmidt, C. C. 15233 Adoration of the Kings. 15234 Madonna and Child. Picou, H. 15237 Love Lighter than a Butterfly. Piloty, Carl. 15238 Girondists on their Way to the Scaffold. 15239 Mary Stuart receiving her Death Sentence. Ploekliorst, II. 15240 Christ and His Disciples on the Way to Emmaus. 15241 Christ and St. Peter. 15242 Christ Blessing Little Children. 15243 Christ Taking Leave of his Mother. 15244 Easter Morning. 15245 Entry of Christ into Jerusalem. 15246 Gift from Heaven. 15247 Guardian Angel. 15249 The Good Shepherd. Poetzelherger, R. 15250 Old Songs. 15252 Song without Words. Potter, Paul. 9883 Bull's Head. Priou, Con is. 15253 Marauders. 15254 The Bill Full. Raphael. 15255 Holy Family. 15257 “ La Belle Jardiniere.” 15258 “ La Vierge au Donataire.” 15259 Lord Cowper Madonna. 15260 “ Madonna dei Candelabri.” 15261 Madonna of the Diadem. 15262 Madonna of the Fish. 15264 “ Madonna di Grauduca.” 15265 Madonna of the Pearl. 15266 “ Madonna della Sedia.” (Chair Madonna.) 15267 “ Madonna di San Sisto.” 15268 Madonna and Child. (Detail 15267.) 15269 Madonna and Child. (Heads. Detail 15267.) 15270 “ Madonna di Tempi.” 15272 Madonna of the Legend. 15273 Madonna and Sleeping Child. 15274 St. Cecilia. 15276 St. Michael. 15277 The Visitation. 15278 Triumph of Galatea. 15279 St. Jerome. Head from Madonna of the Fish. Ravanne, /.. G. 15281 Departure of a Fishing Boat. Reduced Scrap Photographs — Continued. Reichart, C. 15282 A Christmas Box. 15283 Sweet Tooths. Rembrandt. 15284 The Night Watch. 15285 Anatomical Lecture. 15287 The Mill. Retii, Guido. 15288 Aurora. 15289 Beatrice Cenci. 15290 Ecce Homo. 15291 Mater Dolorosa. Reynolds, Sir J. 15292 Angel Heads. 15293 Elizabeth, Duchess of Devon- shire. 15295 Simplicity. Richter, Gustav. 15296 Neapolitan Boy. 15297 Odalisque. 15298 Queen Louise. Riviere, Briton. 9887 Beware of the Dog. 9888 Sympathy. Ronner, Henriette. 15301 A Fascinating Tale. Rosenthal, T. F. 15302 Elaine. Rubens, Peter Paul. 15304 Descent from the Cross. 15305 Elevation of the Cross. Salentin, H. 15306 Madonna, Child and St. John. 15307 Three of Them . Sant, J. 15308 Easter Offering. 15309 The Soul's Awakening. Scalbert, J. 15310 The Wave. Scheffer, Ary. 15311 Christ and St. John. 15312 St. Augustine and his Mother. 15314 Temptation of Christ. Schonherr, C. 15315 Touch Me Not. 15316 Nativity. Schraudolph, J. von. 15318 Madonna and Saints. 15319 St. Anthony and Infant Christ. Schreyer, Adolph. 15320 An Arab. 15321 Arab Sheik Travelling. 15322 Kabyl. Schweninger, C. 15323 Reminiscences. Seifert, A. 15324 Always Polite. 15326 Hypatia. 15328 Rosamunde. 15329 Thinking of Thee. Sicliel, N. 15331 Egyptian Slave. 15332 Fellah Woman and Child. 15334 Medea. 15335 Ophelia. 15336 Pandora. 15337 Tambourine Girl. Sinkel, II. J. 15338 Christ Child. 15339 Nativity. Sinith-Hald, F. 15340 End of Day. 15341 Winter Evening. Stock, M. 9896 Hostile Brothers. 9897 The Evicted. Stone, Marcus. 15342 A Peacemaker. 15343 In Love. Swinstead, G. IT. 15344 The First Step. Thomson, J. K. 15346 First Easter Dawn. Thumann, Paul. 15347 Apple Blossoms. 15349 Psyche at Nature’s Mirror. 15350 Springtime of Love. 15351 Study Head. (No. 3.) 15352 Three Fates. 15353 Clot ho. (Detail 15352.) Tillier, Paul. 15354 Revery. Titian. 15355 Assumption of Virgin. 15356 Head of Virgin. 15357 Bella. 15358 Flora. 15360 Madonna and Child adored by Angels. 15361 Tribute Money. Van Dyck, A. 15363 Marriage of St. Catherine. Veronese, Paul. 15364 Marriage at Cana. Dresden. 15365 Marriage at Cana. Louvre. Vinci, L. da. 15366 Mona Lisa. 15367 Madonna of the Lily. 15368 Last Supper, j Williams, J. Haynes. 15371 The I.ast Dance. 134 15372 15373 15580 15374 15375 15376 15377 15378 9927 15379 15380 15381 15382 15383 15384 15385 15386 15387 9933 15403 15404 15405 15406 15407 15408 15409 15410 15411 15412 15413 15424 9960 15425 15426 9956 15431 15432 15584 15434 15435 15585 15586 15587 15436 15588 15437 15438 15439 Reduced Scrap Photographs — Continued. Portraits. Authors. Andersen, ITans Christian. Arnold, Sir Edwin. Bashkirtseff, Marie. Browning, Robert. Bryant, William Cullen. Burns, Robert. Byron, George Gordon Noel. Collins, William Wilkie. Cooper, James Fennimore. Dante, Alighieri. Dickens, Charles. Dumas, Alexander. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Goldsmith, Oliver. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Howells, W. D. Hugo, Victor Marie. 15388 15389 15390 15391 15392 15581 9938 15393 15394 15395 15396 15397 15582 15398 15399 15400 15401 15402 Composers. Abt, Franz. Auber, Daniel Francois Esprit. Bach, John Sebastian. Beethoven, Ludwig von. Chopin, Frederick. Gluck, Johann Christoph von. Gounod, Felix Charles. Handel, George Frederick. Haydn, Joseph. Liszt, Franz. Mendelssohn, Bartholdy Felix. 15414 15415 15583 15416 15417 15418 15419 15420 15421 15422 15423 Painters. Angelo, Michael. Bouguereau, W. A. Correggio, Antonio Allegri. Dyke, Anthony van. Murillo, Bartolome Esteban. 15427 15428 15429 15430 Royalty. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales. Alexandra, Princess of Wales. Alexandra, Princess of Wales. Antoinette, Marie. Bonaparte, Napoleon. Brooke, Lady. Carew, Lady. Georgina, Countess of Dudley. Josephine, Empress. Londonderry, Lady. Maintenon, Mine. de. Marie Louise. Medicis, Catherine de. 15440 15589 15441 15442 15443 15444 15445 15446 15447 15433 15590 Irving, Washington. Kipling, Rudyard. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Lowell, James Russell. Moore, Thomas. O’Reilly, John Boyle. Prescott, William Hickling. Poe, Edgar Allen. Sands, George. (Mine. Dude- vant.) Schiller, Johann. Scott, Walter. Shakespeare, William. Stevenson, Robert Louis. Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Tennyson, Alfred. Thackeray, Wm. Makepeace. Whittier, John Greenleaf. Wordsworth, William. Meyerbeer, Jakob. Mozart, Johann Chrysostom. Mozart, Johann Chrysostom. Rossini, Giacchino. Rubinstein, Anton. Schubert, Franz. Schumann, Robert. Sullivan, Sir Arthur. Verdi, Guiseppe. Wagner, Wilhelm Richard. Weber, Carl Maria von. Raphael, Sanzio d’Arbino. Rembrandt, van Ryn. Rubens, Peter Paul. Titian, Vecelli. Napoleon III. Oscar II., King of Sweden. Pompadour, Mme. Recamier, Mme. Roland, Mme. Stael, Mme. de. Stuart, Mary, Queen of Scots. William II., Emperor of Ger many. Victoria, Empress of Germany. Victoria, Queen of England. West Ridgway, Lady. 135 Reduced Scrap Photographs — Continued. Stage Celebrities. 15601 Adams, Maude. 15602 Albani, Mme. 15603 Allen, Angeline. 15604 Allen, Viola. 15448 Anderson, Mary. 15605 Anderson, Mary. 15606 Arnoldson, Sigrid. 15607 Arthur, Julia. 15608 Bennett, Johnstone. 15449 Bernhardt, Sara. 15450 Biltou, Belle. (Lady Dunlo.) 15609 Bilton, Belle. 15610 Bilton, Belle. (Costume.) 15611 Booth, Agnes. 15451 Booth, Edwin. 15612 Braham, Rose. 15613 Broughton, Phyllis. 15614 Burroughs, Marie. 15615 Calve, Emma. 15453 Carmencita. 15616 Cheatham, Kitty. 15454 Coughlin, Rose. 9968 Cushman, Charlotte. 15617 D'Arville, Camille. 15455 Davenport, Fanny. (As Cleo- patra.) 15618 Dene, Dorothy. 15619 Detcher, Adelaide. 15456 Dixey, Henry E. 15620 Duse, Eleanor. 15457 Fames, Emma. 9969 Florence, W . J. 9970 Forrest, Edwin. 15458 Fox, Della. 15621 Glaser, Lulu. 15622 Glaser, Lulu. 15623 Glover, Amelia. 15624 Goodwin, Xat. C. 15459 Hall, Pauline. 15625 Hall, Pauline. 15626 Hampton, Mary. 15627 Hoffman, Maud. 15628 Hopper, DeAFolf. 15629 Howe, Mary. 15460 Irving, Henry. 15630 Irving, Henry. 15461 Jansen, Marie. 15462 Jefferson, Joseph. 15463 Juch, Emma. 9975 Kellogg, Clara Louise. 15464 Kendal, Mr. IF. II. 15465 Kendal, Airs. W. H. 15632 Kendal, Airs. W. H. 15466 Knox, Villa. 15633 Laekaye, Wilton. 15467 Langtry, Airs. 15634 Langtry, All's. 15635 Linyard, Catherine. 15636 Lombard, Elsie. 15637 Lussan, Zelie de. 1546S Manola, Marion. 15638 Mansfield, Richard. 15469 Marlowe, Julia. 15639 Alason, John. 15470 Mather, Margaret. 15640 Alay, Olive. 15641 Alelba, Mme. 15642 Aliskell, Caroline. (Mrs. C. II. Hoyt.) 15472 Alodjeska, Mme. 15643 Mouuet-Sully, AI. 9977 NIllsou, Christine. 15644 Nordica, Mme. 15473 Paderewski. 15474 Patti, Adelina. 15475 Pixley, Annie and Baby. 9979 Rachel, Elizabeth. 15476 Rehan, Ada. (As Rosalind.) 15645 Reszke, Jean de. 15477 Rhea. 15478 Rice, Fanny. 15646 Robson, Stuart. 9980 Rosa, Parepa. 15479 Russell, Lillian. (Bust.) 15480 Russell, Lillian. (Bust.) 15481 Russell, Lillian. (Seated. Ball Costume.) 154S2 Russell, Lillian. 15483 Russell, Sol Smith. 9982 Salvini, Tomaso. 15647 Scott-Siddons, Mrs. 15648 Seabrooke, Thomas Q. 15649 St. Cyr, Aliss Al. 15650 St. Cyr, Aliss AI. 15484 Tempest, Marie. 15651 Tempest, Marie. 15652 Tempest, Marie. 154S5 Templeton, Fay. 15653 Terris, Ellaline. 15654 Terris, Ellaline. (Large Head.) 15486 Terry, Ellen. 15655 Terry, Ellen. 15656 Thompson, Denman. 15487 Thompson, Denman. 15657 Turner, Carrie. 15658 Vanoni, Marie. 15659 Vaughn, Theresa. 15488 Vokes, Rosina. 15489 AVainwright, Alarie. 15660 Walsh, Blanche. 15491 Willard, E. S. 15661 AVilson, Francis. Miscel lan eons Portia i ts. 15662 Beecher, Henry AVard. Ameri- can Divine. 99S5 Bismarck, Karl Otto von. Ger- man Statesman. 15492 Brooks, Phillips. A m erican Bishop. 15493 Caesar, Caius Julius. Roman Em- peror. 136 Reduced Scrap Photographs — Continued. Miscellaneous Portraits — Continued. 15494 Cleveland, Grover. President of United States. 15495 Columbus, Christopher. Discov- erer of America. 15496 Corday, Charlotte. French Rev- olutionist. 15663 Depew, Chauncey. American Statesman. 9987 Disraeli, Benjamin, Earl of Bea- consfield. English Statesman. 15664 Edison, Thomas A. American Inventor. 15665 Farragut, David Glascoe, Ameri- can Admiral. 15497 Franklin, Benjamin, American Statesman. 15498 Gladstone, Wm. Ewart, English Statesman. 15666 Gladstone, Wm. Ewart, English Statesman. 15667 Hale, Edward E., American Divine. 15499 Ingersoll, Robert G., American Lawyer. 15500 Joan of Arc, French Heroine. 15501 Leo XIIL, Pope of Rome. 15502 Lind, Jenny, Swedish Nightin- gale. 15503 Luther, Martin, German Re- former. 9993 Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots. 15504 Melancthon, Philip, German Re- former. 9994 Napoleon Bonaparte. 9995 Nightingale, Florence. 15668 Peter the Great, Czar of Russia. 15505 Richelieu, Cardinal, French Statesman. 15669 Roseberry, Lord, English States- man. 15670 Sheridan, Philip II., American General. 15671 Sherman, William T., American General. 15672 Spurgeon, Charles H., English Diviue. 15506 Stanley. Henry M., African Ex- plorer. 15507 Talleyrand, French Statesman. 15673 Talmage, T. De Witt, American Divine. 9996 Thiers, Louis Adolph. French Statesman. 9997 Von Moltke, Helmuth Karl Ber- nard. German General. 15508 Washington, George, American General and Statesman. 15509 Webster, Daniel, American States- man 9999 Wellesley, Arthur, Duke of Wel- lington. English General. Ancient Sculpture. Uffizi. 15510 Niobe. 15511 Venus Anadyomene. 15512 Venus Genetrix. 15513 Venus de Medicis. 15514 Venus de Medicis. (Bust.) 15515 Venus Urania. Naj)les Museum. 15516 Hercules Farnese. (Front.) 15517 Hercules Farnese. (Back.) 15518 Psyche Capua. 15519 Venus Callipygus. 15520 Venus of Capua. houvre. 15521 Gladiator. 15522 Three Graces. 15525 Venus de Milo. 15526 Venus de Milo. (Bust.) Capitol, Rome. 15527 Dying Gladiator. (Front.) 15528 Dying Gladiator. (Back.) 15529 Faun of Praxiteles. 15530 Venus of the Capitol. huclovisi Villa, Rome. 15531 Dying Gaul. (Group.) 15532 Juno Ludovisi. Vatican, Rome. 15533 Apollo Belvidere. 15534 Apollo Belvidere. (Head.) 15535 Ariadne Sleeping. 15536 Discobolus of Myron. 15537 Laocoon. 15538 Laocoon. (Head.) 15539 Mercury Belvidere. 15540 Niobe. 15541 Venus Anadyomene. 15542 Venus at the Bath. 15543 Venus of Cnidos. Miscellaneous. 15544 Hermes of Praxiteles. Olympia, Greece. 15545 Hermes of Praxiteles. (Head.) 137 Reduced Scrap Photographs — Continued. Modern Sculpture. Angelo, Michael. 15546 Christ. Pome. 15547 David. Florence. 15548 David. (Head.) 15549 Moses. Borne. 15550 Moses. (Head.) 15551 Tomb of Guilio de Medieis. Florence. 15552 Tomb of Lorenzo de Medieis. Florence. Florence. Florence. Florence. Louvre. Venice. Pome. Florence. Pome. 15562 Venus Victrix. (Head.) Bologna, Giovanni. 15553 Flying Mercury. 15554 Hercules and Centaur. 15555 Rape of Sabines. Canova, Antonio. 15556 Cupid and Psyche. 15557 Hercules and Lyca. 15558 Perseus. 15559 Perseus. (Head.) 15560 Venus. 15561 Venus Victrix. Cellini, Benvenuto. 10009 Perseus. Danneker. 15563 Ariadue. Frankfort-on- Alain. 15564 Ariadne. (Back view.) Fedi. 15565 Rape of Polyxena. Florence. Powers, Hiram. 15568 Greek Slave. Robbia, Andrea della. 15569) 15570 I 15571 | 15572 15573 15571 15575 15576 15577 J Circular Reliefs of Children. Hospital , Florence. Thorwaldsen, B. 15566 Christ. Pome. Views. England- Gadshill. Stra t for cl -on- Avon. 10010 Charles Dickens's House. London. 10011 Old Curiosity Shop. 10012 Shakespeare House. 10013 Shakespeare House. Room in which Shakespeare was born. Scotland. Abbotsford. Ayr. 10014 Abbotsford. 10015 Abbotsford Study. 10016 Burns’s Cottage. 10017 Burns’s Cottage. Interior. Rome. 10018 Coliseum. Italy. I 10019 St. Peter’s and the Vatican. United States. Amesbury, Mass. 10020 Residence of J. G. Whittier. Boston, Mass. 10021 Trinity Church. 10008 Residence of the late Phillips Brooks. Cambridge, Mass. 10022 “Elmwood." James R. Lowell's House. 10023 “Elmwood.” James R. Lowell’s Study. 10024 O. W. Holmes’s Birthplace. 10025 (). W. Holmes's Study. 10026 H. W. Longfellow's House. 10027 II. IV. Longfellow's Study. Concord, Mass. 10028 R. IV. Emerson's House. 10029 R. IV. Emerson's Study. 138 Reduced Scrap Photographs — Continued. United States — Continued. Danvers, Mass. 10030 Ann Page House. 10031 Jacobs House. 10032 Nurse House. 10033 “ Oak Knoll.” J. G. Whittier’s Home. Marblehead, Mass. 10034 Old Powder House. 10035 Old Town House. 10036 Old Tucker House. Portland, Me. 10037 H. W. Longfellow's Birthplace. Salem , Mass. 10038 First Church. 10039 Hawthorne’s Birthplace. 10040 House of Seven Gables. 10041 Old Witch House. 10042 Waller House. Miscellaneous. 10007 Study. Skeleton Leaves. | Groups of Notables. Each series comprising Five Portraits (photograph size 2 1-2x2). Cut with- out any margin, mounted on 6 1-2 x 12 Extra Thick Artists’ Board with Ragged Edge. The photographs surrounded by exquisite Hand-Painted Floral Designs, making a magnificent Holiday Gift. Price 50 cents each, by mail, postpaid. The Following Series Now Ready. % A / ,r __ i/ ^ y Lowell ft Me R.S Ohi The Poets of New England. 11000 Portraits of Longfellow, Whit- tier, Holmes, Emerson, and Lowell. Queens of Song. 11001 Portraits of Jenny Lind, Parepa Rosa, Clara Louise Kellogg, Nillson, and Patti. Groups of Notables — Continued. Illustrious Women. 11002 Portraits of Joan of Arc, Josephine, Mary Queen of Scots, Florence Nightingale, and Charlotte Corday. Queens of Comic Opera. 11003 Portraits of Pauline Hall, Marie Tempest, Della Fox, Lillian Bussell, and Marie Jansen. The World’s Authors. 11004 Portraits of Dickens, Hugo, Scott, Dumas, and Thackeray. American Authors. 11005 Portraits of Harriet Beecher Stowe, Hawthorne, Cooper, Prescott, and Washington Irv- ing. Famous Actresses. 11006 Portraits of Mary Anderson, Ellen Terry, Rachael, Charlotte Cushman, and Sara Bern- hardt. The World’s Poets. 11007 Portraits of Shakespeare, Burns, Byron, Moore, and Tenny- son. Famous Statesmen. 11008 Portraits of Gladstone, Bismarck, Webster, Thiers, and D'ls- raeli. American FTeroes. 11009 Portraits of Lincoln, Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, and Farra- gut. The Old Masters. 11010 Portraits of Baphael, Titian, Murillo, Rembrandt, and Cor- reggio. Modern Artists. 11011 Portraits of Meissonier, Gerome, Turner, Bouguereau, and Rey- nolds. Eminent Divines. 11012 Portraits of Beecher, Spur- geon, Brooks, Hale, and Tal- mage. Famous Actors. 11013 Portraits of Jefferson, Booth, Florence, Forrest, and Sal- vini. Celebrated Composers. 11014 Portraits of Beethoven, Handel, Mendelssohn, Haydn, and Mozart . Famous Composers. 1 1015 Portraits of Wagner, Schu- bert, Gounod, Verdi, and Rossini. Gems of Ancient Sculpture. 11016 Photographs of the Apollo Bel- videre, Venus de Milo, Venus de Medici, Venus of the Capi- tol, and Laocoon. Gems of Modern Sculpture. 11017 Photographs of Michael Ange- lo's David and Moses, Cano- va's Venus, Gio Bologna’s Flying Mercury, and Cellini's Perseus. Della Robbia’s Bas-reliefs. 11018 Photographs of his Famous Children Bas-Reliefs at the Foundling Hospital, Flor- ence. 140 Our Famous Souvenir Series. Over 50,000 Sold the Past Year. Each subject comprises Three Photographs, size 2 x 2j inches, viz., Portrait, Birthplace, and Residence or Study, mounted on an Extra Thick Artists' Board, size oi x 7£, with Ragged Edge. The Photographs surrounded by Hand-Painted Floral Designs and Gilt Title. They make a handsome memento or present. Sent postpaid for 25 cents each. Subjects. 11050 Souvenir of Henry W. Longfel- low. 11051 Souvenir of John G. Whittier. 11052 Souvenir of Oliver W. Holmes. 11053 Souvenir of James R. Lowell. 1 1 054 Souvenir of Nathaniel Hawthorne. 11055 Souvenir of Ralph W. Emerson. 11056 Souvenir of Charles Dickens. 11057 Souvenir of Shakespeare. 1105S Souvenir of Robert Burns. 11059 Souvenir of Sir Walter Scott. 11060 Souvenir of Bishop Phillips Brooks — Portrait, Residence, and Trinity Church. 141 Plain Print Photographs. These Photographs are Gray in tone, no gloss, mounted on a Pebbled India Tint Mat Mount, making an Artistic Picture. Art Critics are unanimous iu their praise. Photographs, 6 x 8 inches. Mounts, 11 x 14 inches. Price 50 cents each; $5.00 per dozen, postpaid. We carry the following subjects in stock : — - England. London. 3090 Hampton Court. South Front. 3103 Houses of Parliament. 3179 St. Paul’s Cathedral. FromN. W. 3201 Tower of London. From Thames. Stratford-on-Avon. 3286 Shakespeare’s House. 3292 Ann Hathaway's Cottage. 3297 Clopton Bridge. 3312 Memorial Theatre from Avon. Torquay. 5715 An English Homestead. 5716 A Lane. 5717 Chelston Dairy. 5718 Cockiugton Lane. M iscellan eo us. 3323 Windsor Castle. From River. 3409 Chatsworth House. From West. 5712 Kenilworth Castle. From Bridge. 5714 South Devon. Old Mill. 5719 Ullswater. Stybarrow Crag. 3973 Carnarvon Castle. Wales. | 3974 Conway Castle. From River. Scotland. Edinburgh. Edinburgh Castle. 3784 From Grass Market. 3785 From St. Margaret’s Chapel. 3795 Holyrood Palace and Arthur’s Seat. Miscellaneous. 3821 Abbotsford. From S. E. 3831 Ayr. Auld Brig o' Doom 3832 Ayr. Banks and Braes o’ Bonnie Doom 3S43 Forth Bridge. General View. 3858 Balmoral Castle. From River. 3969 Dryburgh Abbey. From East. 3873 Dryburgh Abbey. Scott’s Tomb. 3890 Dunnotar Castle. 3915 Loch Katrine. Ellen’s Isle. 3917 Loch Katrine. Silver Strand. 3924 Loch Lomond. Luss Straits. 3971 Loch Lomond. Swan Island. 3929 Melrose Abbey. From S. W. 3972 On the Tay. Near Dunkeld. 3965 Trossachs. Loch Achray and Ben Venue. 3967 Trossachs. Pier, with S. S. Rob Roy. Italy. Rome. 4104 Castle of St. Angelo. 4130 Forum. Panorama. Venice. 4439 Church of San Giorgio Maggiore. 4450 Church of St. Mark. 4481 Grand Canal. Rialto Bridge 4488 Piazzetta and San Giorgio. Switzerland. 4715 Axensteiu. 4656 Interlaken and Distant View Jungfrau. 4669 Thun. General View. United 52.35 Washington. Capitol. 4698 Castle of Chillom Distant View. 471K Fluelen. Bristenstock. 4724 Lucerne. Lion of Lucerne. 4750 Schaffhausem Falls of the Rhine. States. 5496 New York. Niagara Falls. A Series of Life Photograps of Cats, Kittens, and Dogs. . . . PRICES . . . Unmounted, size 2x24 in. . . . single, §0.10; 4 doz., §0.40; doz., §0.75 Mounted, on gold leaf, serrated edge mounts, size 2£ x 3 in. ... “ .10; ■■ .50; “ 1.00 For List of Subjects, see next page. 143 List of Cat Photographs. 1 A Rounder. 2 “ Ah There.” 3 “ Tom, Dick, and Harry.” 4 Cute Ones. 5 Slightly Ruffled. 6 Who said Milk? 7 “ Madame Maria.” 8 Twins. 9 “ Mary and John.” 10 Members of the “Old Guard.” 11 The Bookworm. 12 “ In the Soup.” 13 “ On a Spree.” 14 Hide and Seek. 15 “ Sir Thomas.” 16 Rainmakers. 17 Anxiety. 18 Out Shopping. 19 The Judge. 20 Five-o’clock Tea. 21 Studying Hoyle. 22 How much are we worth? 23 On the Alert. 24 The Professor. 25 The Jury. 26 “ Is that a Dog, Tom?” 27 A B C. 28 “ Fine as Silk.” 29 A Beauty. 30 Scandal. 31 Money to Burn. 32 Miss Kitty. 33 Ready for a Lark. 34 A Whole Team. 35 Sleepy Heads. 36 Home from Market. 37 Little Mischiefs. 38 Group of Kittens. 39 “Piping them Off.” 40 “You can’t lose me, Charlie. 41 The Bon Ton. 42 Riled. 43 Beware. 44 On the Fence. 45 Kittens on a Lark. 46 Angoras. 47 A Happy Family. 48 Robins! 49 Two of a Kind. 50 Will he come? 51 His Majesty. 52 My Valentine. 53 A Good Mouser. 54 The Bird has Flown. 55 Watching and Waiting. 56 Guardian of the Peace. 57j Fox Terriers. 58_Group of Maltese Dogs. 59 Speak for it. 60 King Charles Spaniel. (Head.) Dogs. 61 A Large Family. (Pugs.) 62 Flash. 63 Pug Dog. 144 Colored Photographs. We call particular attention to the following subjects superbly colored in Oil. The sizes vary from f>% x 8 to 6 x 8. They are all ready to frame. Price, $2.50 Each, postpaid. The following subjects are carried in stock. We can color any suitable subject in our Catalogue. Prices, Cabinet Size, $1.50. Folio, $2.50. It will take about 10 days to color special subjects. Assmus, Robert. G543 Farewell to Sakkingen. (Illus- trating J. V. Scheffers poem, the Trumpeter of Sakkingen.) Borckmann, A. 6703 Mozart and his Sister before Maria Theresa. (Illustrating a famous incident in the life of the great composer.) Bouguereau, W. A. 0722 Cupid and Psyche. Heads. (One of the most popular of this famous artist’s works.) Goodman, Maud. 7192 Want to see the Wheels go ’Round. (A charming subject of child life.) Grosch, A. 7204 Farewell. (Siugle figure of a young lady.) Hoffmann, H. 7291 Christ Disputing with the Doc- tors. (One of the most popu- lar of modern paintings.) Knaus, Ludwig. 7246 The Artist’s Model. (One of this artist’s masterpieces.) Kniglit, J. Ridgway. 7429 Calling the Ferryman. (One of the gems of the World’s Fair paintings.) Richter, Gustav. 7982 Queen Louise. (Probably more copies of this subject have been sold than any other mod- ern painting.) Schmidt, Max. 8083 Hut at the Lake. (A beautiful landscape.) Schreyer, Adolph. 8107 A U Kabyl! } < wln P amw,ls - (Gems of this great painter of horses.) Thumann, Paul. 8229 Psyche at Nature’s Mirror. (Admired by thousands at the World’s Fair.) Vautier, B. 8315 The Gallant Professor. (One of this celebrated artist’s most pleasing subjects.) Gilt Frames for Above. We can furnish the Best Quality Gilt Moulding especially adapted for framing above at the following prices : Cabinet Size. No. 435. -IJ 4 inch Moulding . $1.25, and 10 No. 474. 1.50, U 10 No. 605. —2 4 4 4 * 2.00, U 15 Folio Size. No. 435. — 1 1 4 inch Moulding . $1.60, and 15 No. 474. — 1 to 44 1.75, 44 15 No. 605. 2 . 2.25, 1 i 15 cents for postage. cents for postage. 145 A Beautiful Christmas Gift . . . . OUR NEW SERIES - Black Panel Photographs. Size of Mount Sxio inches. Size of Photograph 6x8 inches. Mounted ou a Heavy Black Mount, with Gold Bevelled Edge. They are a beautiful decoration for any table or mantel, not needing a Frame, and are particu- larly adapted for Artistic Presents. Price 50 cts. each; $5 per doz., postpaid. We carry the following subjects in stock or will mount anv subject made in folio size, to order. Anderson, Mrs. 6525 Chorister Boys. 6526 Foundling Girls. Bacon, F. 6561 Apollo abducting Cyrene. ISacon, Henry. 6564 At the Capstan. Blashfield, E. H. 6656 Christmas Bells. Bodenhausen, C. von. 6674 Madonna and Child. 6675 Madonna and Child. (Detail.) Bouguereau, TF. A. 6713 Adoration of the Shepherds, 6722 Cupid and Psyche. (Heads. 1 Brockman, F. 6774 The Praying Hermit. Correggio. 6916 Holy Night. Dolce, Carlo. 7037 St. Cecilia. (Head.) Ehrenberg, C. 7095 The Fates. Eauerstein, M. 7118 Holy Night. Goodman, Maud. 7192 Want to see the Wheels go ’Bound. Grosch, A. 7204 Farewell. Hoffmann, H. 7289 Christ and the Bich Young Man. 7291 Christ Disputing with the Doc- tor. Ittenbacli, F. 7323 Christ Child. Klever, J. von. 7414 In the Forest. Knaus, I , . 7422 Holy Family. Eambert, Eugene. 7454 To the Bight into Line. Eauen stein, H. 7498 St. Cecilia with the Angels. Feu, A. 7553 Sunset at Capri. 7554 The Faraglioni near Capri. Max, Gabriel. 7622 Madonna and Child. No. 1. 7623 Madonna and Child. No. 2. Menzler, W. 7646 Expectation. Murillo. 7739 Magdalen. Perrault, F. 7801 Awakening Love. 7804 Sleeping Love. Plockhorst, B. 7836 The Good Shepherd. Raphael. 7887 “ Madonna della Sedia.” 7892 “ Madonna di San Sisto.” Reni, Guido. 7951 Aurora. 7958 Mater Dolorosa. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. 7963 Angel Choir. Richter, Gustav. 7982 Queen Louise of Prussia. Roeber, F. 7994 Holy Night. Smith-Hold, J. S168 Winter Evening. Thumann, Paul. 8229 Psyche at Nature's Mirror. 146 Glass Mount Photographs. The following popular subjects are carried in stock, mounted behind bevelled plate glass, with back rest for standing. Price, Cabinet Size, 50 cents each; Price, Folio Size, $i.oo each. Postage 5 cents on each Cabinet; 10 cents on each Folio. 6561. F. Bacon. Apollo abducting Cyrene. Authors’ Portraits. ( Cabinet Size Only.) L,ife Photographs. 1046 Dickens, Charles. 1053 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. 1076 Holmes, Oliver Wendell. 1100 Longfellow, Ilenry Wadsworth. 1104 Lowell, James Russell. 1175 Whittier, John Greenleaf . Cat Subjects. ( Cabinet Size Only.) Life Photographs. 9720 Tom, Dick, and Harry. 9721 Hide and Seek. 9705 Thomas. 9706 Maria. 147 Paintings. ( All following Subjects in both Cabinet and Folio sizes.) Ittenbach, F. 7323 Christ Child. Anderson , Mrs. 6525 Chorister Boys. 6526 Foundling Girls. Bacon, F. 6561 Apollo abducting Cyrene. Blaslideld, E. H. 6656 Christmas Bells. Bodenhausen, C. von. 6674 Madonna and Child. 6675 Madonna and Child. Hall Length. Bonguereau, W. 6722. Cupid and Psyche. Elirenberg, C. 7095 The Fates. Groscli, A. 7204 Farewell. Hoffmann, H. 7289 Christ and the Rich Ruler. 7291 Christ disputing with the Doc- tors. Knaus, E. 7422 Holy Family. Lambert, Eugene. 7454 To the Right into Line. (Kit- tens.) Murillo. 7739 Magdalen. Beni, Guido. 7958 Mater Dolorosa. Reynolds, Sir J. 7963 Angel Heads. Richter, G. 7982 Queen Louise of Prussia. Thumann, Paul. 8229 Psyche at Nature’s Mirror. Other subjects iu our Catalogue will be mounted on glass to order at same prices. Allow about ten days for filling special orders. Our Standard Novelties. 11075 “ Morn, Noon, and Night.” A Charming Cabinet Photograph Illustrating Babyhood (from Life). The most popular Pho- tograph ever published. Over 100,000 sold. Mounted on Gold Serrated Edge Cabinet Mount. Sent postpaid on receipt of 25 cents. 11076 “ Six Little Curly Headed Coons.” A group of Pickaninnies photo- graphed from Life mounted on Gold Serrated Edge Cabinet Mount. Sent postpaid on re- ceipt of 25 cents. 11077 “A Summer Day at Old Or- chard Beach.” A Magnificent Instantaneous Ma- rine mounted on Gold Serrated Edge Cabinet Mount. Sent postpaid on receipt of 25 cents. 11078 “ The Incoming Wave.” A superb Instantaneous Marine mounted on Gold Serrated Edge Cabinet Mount. Sent postpaid on receipt of 25 cents. / Index A PAGE Abbotsford, Scotland 44 Aberdeen, Scotland 45 AEgina, Greece 47 AEgina Marbles 6 Africa 57 Agra, India 59 Alimedabad, India 59 Aids in the Teaching of Art . . . 4 Albany, New York 68 Albi, France 30 Albums 2 Albums for Solid Mounting ... 3 Alexandria, Egypt 58 Algeria, Africa 57 Alnwick Castle, England .... 38 Amalfi, Italy 53 PAGE Amiens, France 30 Amsterdam, Holland 47 Ancient Sculpture 5 Andernach, Germany 32 Andross Castle, Scotland .... 45 Antwerp, Belgium 27 Arizona 69 Arundel Castle, England .... 38 Asia 59 Athens, Greece 46 Atlantic Liners 70 Austria 27 Authors and their Homes .... 123 Authors, Portraits of 14 Auvergne, France 30 Ayr, Scotland 44 B Baalbek, Syria 61 Bacharach, Germany 32 Baden-Baden, Germany .... 33 Badia, Italy 53 Balmoral, Scotland 45 Balquhidder, Scotland 45 Bamborough, England 38 Bath, England 38 Belfast, Ireland 43 Belgium 27 Benares, India 59 Beriiu, Germany 33 Berlin Museum, Ancient Sculpture in 5 Berne, Switzerland 56 Bernese Alps, Switzerland ... 54 Beverly Minster, England .... 38 Bingen, Germany 32 Black Panel Photographs .... 145 Blarney, Ireland 43 Cadiz, Spain 54 Cairo, Egypt 57 Calcutta, India 59 California 62 Cambridge, England 37 Cambridge, Massachusetts . . . 67 Blenheim Palace, England ... 38 Blois, France 30 Bodiam Castle, England .... 39 Bolton Abbey, England .... 39 Bonn, Germany 32 Book Illustrations 116 Bordeaux, Fi ance 30 Borghese Palace, Rome, Ancient Sculpture in 7 Boston, England 39 Boston, Massachusetts 65 Bourges, France 31 Brighton, England 39 British Museum, London, Ancient Sculpture in 6 Brooklyn Bridge, New York ... 68 Brunswick, Germany 33 Brussels, Belgium 27 Burgos, Spain 54 Burmah, Asia 61 c Canada 61 Canterbury, England 39 Capitol, Rome, Ancient Sculpture in 7 Capri, Italy 53 Carisbrooke Castle, Isle of Wight . 42 150 Index — Continued. PAGE Carlisle, England 39 Carlsrhue, Germany 33 Carton House, Ireland 43 Cats and Kittens 142 Cawdor Castle, Scotland .... 45 Cawnpore, India 59 C'ertosa, Italy 53 Chain of Mont Blanc, Switzerland . 55 Chamounix, Switzerland .... 55 Chapultepec, Mexico 62 Charlottenburg, Germany .... 33 Chatsworth House, England ... 39 Cheltenham, England 39 Chepstow Castle, England ... 39 Chester, England 39 Darmstadt, Germany 33 Delhi, India 59 Dickens’ Works, Illustrations of . 116 District of Columbia 64 Dogs, Photographs of 143 Dover, England 39 Drachenburg Castle, Germany . . 32 Easter Subjects 124 Eaton Hall, England 39 Eddystone, England 39 Edinburgh, Scotland 44 Egypt 57 Egyptian Types and Costumes . . 59 Ehrenbreitstein Castle, Germany . 32 Elirenburg Castle, Germany ... 33 Ely, England 39 Falmouth, England 39 Famous Authors and Their Homes, 123 Famous Paintings 79 (Catalogued under tlie artists’ names, ar- ranged alphabetically.) Famous Souvenir Series .... 140 Figure Studies 72 (Catalogued under the artists’ names, ar- ranged alphabetically.) Fjferlandsfjord, Norway .... 53 Flamborougli Head, England . . 39 Gadshill, England 40 Garden of the Gods, Colorado . . 63 Geirangerfjord, Norway .... 53 Geneva, Switzerland 56 Genoa, Italy 50 Germany 32 Eisenach, Germany 33 Eras, Germany 32 England 34 English Royalty' and Nobility, Por- traits of ... 17 Eton, England 39 Europe 27 Exeter, England 39 Florence, Italy 49 Florida 64 Fontainebleau Palace, France . . 30 Forth Bridge, Scotland 45 Fountains Abbey, England ... 39 France 28 Frankfort-on-the-Main, Germany . 33 Fredericton, New Brunswick . . 61 French Royalty and Nobility, Por- traits of 19 Furness Abbey, England .... 39 Ghizeh, Egypt 57 Giant’s Causeway, Ireland ... 43 Gibraltar, Spain 54 Glacier of the Rhone, Switzerland . 54 Glasgow, Scotland 45 Glass Mounts 146 Chicago, Illinois 64 Chichester, England 39 Chillon, Switzerland 56 Cleopatra 122 Coblenz, Germany 32 Cologne, Germany 32 Colorado 63 Colored Photographs 144 Columbia, District of 64 Composers, Portraits of ... . 16 Concord, Massachusetts .... 67 Coney Island, New York .... 69 Constantinople, Turkey .... 56 Cork, Ireland 43 D Drachenfels Castle, Germany . . 32 Dresden, Germany 33 Dryburg Abbey, Scotland ... 45 Dublin, Ireland 43 Dumbarton Scotland 45 Dumfries, Scotland 45 Durham, England 39 E F Q 151 Index — Continued. PAGE Glastonbury. England 40 Glencoe, Scotland 45 Gloucester, England 40 Glyptothek, Munich, Ancient Sculp- ture in 6 Granada, Spain 54 Grand Pre, Nova Scotia .... 61 Grand [liver, Canon of, Colorado . 63 PAGE Grasmere, England 40 Great Britain 34 Great Pyramid of Cheops, Egypt . 57 Greece 46 Groups of Notables 138 Guadeloupe, Mexico 62 Gubbio, Italy 53 H Haddon Hall, England 40 Halifax, Nova Scotia 62 II anover, Germany 33 Hardwick Hall, England .... 40 Hastings, England 40 Hatfield House, England .... 40 Havre, France 31 Heidelberg, Germany 33 Holland 47 Ilomburg, Germany 33 I Idaho 69 Ilfracombe, England 40 Illinois 64 Illustrations of Charles Dickens' Works 116 India 59 Interlaken, Switzerland .... 54 Iona, Scotland 45 I reland 43 Ischia, Italy 53 Isle of Wight 42 Italy 47 J Jamaica, West ludies 69 Japan . 60 Java, Asia 61 Jedburgh, Scotland 45 Jerusalem, Palestine Joan of Arc Jungfrau, Switzerland . 60 122 54 K Karnak, Egypt 57 Kenilworth, England . . 40 Keswick, England 40 Killarney, Ireland 43 Kingston, West Indies 69 Lake Como, Italy 50 Lake Lugano, Italy 50 Lake Maggiore, Italy 50 Lake of Geneva, Switzerland . . 55 Lake of Lucerne, Switzerland . . 56 Lake Region, Italy 50 Land’s End, England 40 Lateran Museum, Rome, Ancient Sculpture in 8 Lausanne, Switzerland .... 56 Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland . . 55 Leamington, England 40 Leeds, England 40 Legend of the Storks 117 Leipsic, Germany 34 Lichfield, England 40 Kingstown, Ireland 43 Kioto, Japan 60 Kipton Castle, England .... 40 Knaresborough Castle, England . 40 Limerick, Ireland 43 Lincoln, England 40 Liverpool, England 40 Lizard, England 41 Loch Katrine, Scotland .... 45 Loch Lomond. Scotland .... 46 Logan Rock, England 41 London, England 34 Long Island Sound Steamers . . 70 Louisiana 65 Louvre, Paris, Ancient Sculpture in _7 Lucerne, Switzerland 56 Ludovisi Villa, Rome, Ancient Sculpture in 8 Lyons, France 31 152 Index — Continued. M FAGE Madrid, Spain 54 Maine 65 Manchester, England 41 Manitou, Colorado 63 Marine Views 119 Marseilles, France 31 Massachusetts 65 Mauchline, Scotland 46 Matterhorn, The, Switzerland . . 56 Mayence, Germany 32 Melrose, Scotland 46 Memnonium, Egypt 58 Metopes from Parthenon, Athens . 6 Mexico 62 Mexico, City of, Mexico .... 62 Milan, Italy 51 Miscellaneous Photographs . . . 119 Miscellaneous Portraits .... 23 Oban, Scotland 46 Oberlahnstein, Germany .... 32 Old Houses of New England . . 117 Old Orchard Beach, Maine ... 65 Oregon 69 Paestum, Italy 53 Painters, Portraits of 16 Paintings, Reproductions of . . . 79 (Catalogued under the artists’ names, ar- ranged alphabetically.) Palestine 60 Palmyra, Syria 61 Panel Photographs, Black . . 145 Paris, France 28 Pennsylvania 69 Penobscot River, Maine .... 65 Modern Paintings (Catalogued under the artists’ names, ar ranged alphabetically.) Modern Sculpture Monaco Mont Blanc, Chain of, Switzerland Monte Carlo Montpellier, France Montreal, Canada Montreux, Switzerland Mont St. Michel, France . . . . Morocco Moscow, Russia Mount Rigi, Switzerland . Mounting in Albums Munich, Germany Musical Subjects N New York New York City, New York Niagara, New York . . . Nice, France Nisida, Italy Norway Nordfjord, Norway . . . North America .... Norwich, England . . . Notables, Groups of . . . Nottingham, England . . Nova Scotia Novelties Nuremberg, Germany . . o Orkney Isles, Scotland . Orleans, France . . . Orvieto, Italy . . . . Oxford, England . . . P Penrith, England .... Penzance, England . . . Peterborough England . . Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Philm, Egypt Pike’s Peak, Colorado . . Pisa, Italy Plain Print Photographs . Plymouth, England . . . Plymouth, Massachusetts . Pompeii, Italy Nahant, Massachusetts 67 Nancy, France 31 Nantes, France 31 Naples, Italy 51 Naples Museum, Ancient Sculp- ture 6 Napoleon 120 Neiderwald, Germany 32 New Brunswick 61 New England, Old Houses of . . 117 New Jersey 69 New Mexico 68 New Orleans, Louisiana .... 65 Newstead Abbey, England ... 41 PAGE 79 9 31 55 31 31 62 56 31 59 54 56 3 34 127 68 68 69 31 53 53 53 61 41 138 41 61 147 34 46 31 53 37 41 41 41 69 58 63 51 141 41 67 51 Index — Continued. PAGE Portfolios 3 Portraits 14 Authors 14 Composers 16 Painters and Sculptors .... 16 Presidents of the United States . 17 Royalty and Nobility .... 17 Stage Celebrities 19 Q Queenstown, Ireland 43 | R Raglan Castle, England .... 41 Reduced Scrap Photographs . . . 129 Reproductions of Famous Paintings, Etchings and Engravings ... 79 (Catalogued under the artists’ names, ar- ranged alphabetically.) Rheinstein Castle, Germany . . . 32 Rhine, The, Germany 32 Rhode Island 69 Richmond, England 41 Rievaulx Abbey, England . ... 41 PAGE Portraits, Miscellaneous . 23 Portrnsh, Ireland 43 Postage 1 Potsdam, Germany 34 Presidents of United States, Por- traits of 17 Prices 1 Ripon, England -II Rochester, England -II Rome, Italy 47 Ros’in Chapel, Scotland .... 46 Rothesay Castle, Scotland .... 46 Rotterdam, Holland 47 Rouen, France 32 Rowsley, England 41 Royalty and Nobility, Portraits of 17 Russia 54 s Safe Delivery of Goods 1 Salem, Massachusetts 68 Salisbury, England 41 Sandringham House, England . . 41 San Francisco, California .... 62 Scarborough, England 41 Scheveningen, Holland 47 Scotland 44 Scrap Photographs 129 Sculptors, Portraits of 16 Sculpture, Ancient 5 Sculpture, Modern 9 Selkirk, Scotland 46 Seville, Spain 54 Shakespeare Illustrations .... 116 Skye, Scotland 46 Sligo, Ireland 43 Sorrento, Italy 53 Southampton, England 41 South Devon, England 41 Souvenir Series 140 Spain 54 St. Alban’s Abbey, England ... 41 St. Andrew's Cathedral, Scotland . 46 St. Augustine, Florida 64 St. Denis Abbey, France .... 32 St. Germain, Chateau of, France . 32 St. Goar, Germany 32 St. Gotthard. Switzerland .... 56 St. John, New Brunswick .... 61 St. John River, New Brunswick . 61 Staffa, Scotland 46 Stage Celebrities, Portraits of . . 19 Standard Novelties 147 Statues in the Portico of the Uffizi, Florence 13 Steamships and Steamers .... 70 Sterling, Scotland 46 Stoke Pogis, England 41 Stonehenge, England 41 Stoneleigh Abbey, England ... 41 Strasbourg, Germany 33 Stratford-on-Avon, England ... 37 Stolzenfels Castle, Germany . . . 32 Stuttgart, Germany 34 Suez Canal, Egypt 59 Switzerland 54 Syria 61 Syrian Types and Costumes . . . 61 T 59 59 57 Taj-Mahal, India Tangier, Morocco Thebes, Egypt . Tintern Abbey, England Tivoli, Italy .... Tokio, Japan .... 42 53 60 154 Index — Continued. PAGE Toledo, Spain 54 Torquay, England 42 Tours, France . 32 Trossachs, Scotland 46 Trouville, France 32 Uftizi, Florence, Ancient Sculpture in 6 Ullswater, England 42 Vatican, Rome, Ancient Sculpture in 8 Venice, Italy 51 Versailles, France 30 PAGE Turkey 56 Twickenham, England 42 Types and Costumes of Asia ... 61 Types and Costumes of India . . 60 United States 62 United States War Vessels ... 71 Utah 69 Vesuvius, Italy 53 Vienna 27 Views 27 Vincigliata Castle 53 u V w Wales 42 Warwick, England 42 Washington, D. C 64 Waterloo, Belgium .28 Welbeck Abbey, England . . .42 Wells, England 42 West Indies 69 West Point, New York .... 69 Whitby, England 42 Wicklow, Ireland 43 Wiesbaden, Germany 34 Winchester, England 42 Windsor, England 37 Worcester, England 42 Worms, Germany 34 Wyoming 69 Y Yarmouth, England 42 Yellowstone National Park, Wyo- ming 69 York, England 42 Yosemite Valley, California ... 63 z Zaandam, Holland 47 | Zurich, Switzerland 56 “A Jar of Mounting Paste, Please, Says Inexperienced, and gets what the dealer pleases. “A Jar of Higgins’ ^^_Photo= Mounter,” Says Experienced, and gets what pleases him. The difference is in the articles, and the moral is, it you want a good tiling, ask for it. Higgins’ Photo-Mounter is a good thing in adhesives. For mounting photographs, textile samples, tissue paper, and scrap-book work it will be a revelation to those who have used warping and cockling pastes. At dealers in Photo Supplies, Artists’ Materials, and Stationers. A 3-oz. Jar prepaid by mail for 30 cents, or circulars free, from Chas. M. Higgins & Co., Mfrs. 168=172 Eighth Street - Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A. Have You Traveled ? Of course you have, more or less. And have you ever wished for a few good photographs of the places you visited, just to lend greater force to your own word picture? If so, turn back a few pages and select the views you want. We can furnish them Unmounted or Mounted to order in any style desired. flDoulton Ii>botogiapb Co. SALEM, MASS. Eve you Ifnteresteb tn jpbotogvapb\> ? It so, we will send you an Illustrated Price List, of every variety ot Hand Cameras, Dry Plates, Printing Out Papers, Card Stock, etc. Horgan, Robey & Co. ^4 Bromfield Street, Boston, Mass. -si 31 3 3 || ^! 3 3 The Half-Tones in this Catalogue were made by the Gill Engraving Company 104 Chambers St. New York By actual count more than one half of the Half- Tone Plates used in the leading magazines pub- lished in New York are made by this company. It ! \%r jg. j£ Are You Literary in Your Tastes? make up an album of your favorite authors. Use first the portrait of an author, then his home if obtainable, and let these be fol- lowed by illustrations of his works. Scott, Shakespeare, Burns, Dickens, Longfellow, and many others may be treated in this way, making a most interesting collection. In the preceding pages you will find a list of Famous Authors and their Homes. GtgTO GfgTO (sfg© Moulton Photograph Co., Salem, Mass. Cards for Mounting Photographs .• .• .• H. fll>. Collins flftanufacturino Company 527 Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa. f ’he product of this Company in quality and variety is well adapted to meet the requirements of all buyers of ... photograph Garbs ... PHOTOGRAPH MOUNTING PASTE Higgins' Photo Mounter for Mounting Photographs will give great satisfaction to the user .'. We will send a 3-oz. Jar, prepaid, hy mail, for 30 cents. Moulton Photograph Co. SALEM, MASS. BRENTANO’S * ^■ww— 31 Union Square, New York WASHINGTON CHICAGO PARIS Book.S carr y one ^ ie ^ ar S est: an d most complete stocks ' in the country. Any book you find a difficulty in pro- curing, send for to us, and we will do our best to find it for you. Cor- respondence invited. Full catalogues and price lists sent on application. ¥ ¥ 9 Full lines of English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish standard literature, as well as all the new books, always kept on hand. Foreign text-books a specialty. Catalogues sent upon request. v ¥ ¥ Our Stationery Department is one of the most complete in the country. Writing Papers, Visiting Cards, Engraving, etc., etc. Send for sample book of our fine papers. Foreign Books. Stationery. 9 9 Subscriptions. Subscriptions taken for all daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly periodicals in the world. We are agents for all American and Foreign periodicals, and offer great facilities and inducements to libraries, clubs, etc. ¥ ¥ ¥ fist of Periodicals with Prices of Subscriptions sent upon request. Any of the following catalogues will be sent postpaid on application : i . Catalogue of Brentano's Publications . 2. Old and Rare Catalogue. 3. Clearance Catalogue No. 2. 4. Catalogue of General French Liter at tire. 5. Scientific and Technical Catalogue. 6 . Catalogue of Subscriptions and Periodicals . 7 . German Catalogue. 8. Catalogue of Foreign Text-Books . We are the sole agents of the Moulton Photograph Co. for New York. BRENTANO’S Agencies A full line of our Photographs may- be found at the following stores . . x • . New York City Chicago St. Louis Ph t i adelphia Brooklyn Bren\ano’s, 31 Union Square. Thayer & Chandler, 46 Madison St. Noonan & Kocian, 1002 Olive St. Craig & Evans, IC25 Chestnut St. Jas. H. Wilcox 4,1 1 Fulton St. The Collins Press, Boston