Pr" /l t CATALOGUE OF A Casket of §eautiM |(etels,v • THE PROPERTY OF A LADY OF RANK; , AND THREE OTHER SMALL CASKETS OF JEWELS, THE PROPERTY OF LADIES; A PINK PEARL, Believed to be One of the Largest in the World, of the Highest Quality; AND OTHER FINE JEWELS, GOLD BOXES SET WITH DIAMONDS, AND OLD LACE; GROUP OP DECORATIONS, Comprising the Gold Badge and Star of the Military G.C.B., the Badge and Star of the K.C.M.G., the Gold Peninsular Cross and Silver Peninsular Medal, Awarded to the late GEN. SIR FREDERICK STOVIN, G.O.B., K.C.M.G.; ALSO THE GOLLINGWOOD SILVER-GILT VASE; Interesting Pieces of Early English and Foreign Silver and Silver-Gilt; A HANDSOMELY-CHASED SILVER SERVICE, AND A FEW PIECES OF OLD ENGLISH SILVER, SOLD BY ORDER OF THE ADMINISTRATRIX OF CAPTAIN HUGH DUDLEY RYDER, R.N. DECEASED; Hub a email Service of Silver, THE PROPERTY OF MISS LESLIE MELVILLE, Of Melville House, Fife: WHICH flMtll be bg Auction bg Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON A WOODS, at yhbx& with single-brilliant snap / The following are the Property of A LADY OF RANK. JEWELS. / Vjf , pj, t? 8 A Brilliant Brooch, formed as a double-knot of riband, with a / large brilliant in the centre M )c2 t fj& O^ ^ BRILLIANT COLLET NECKLACE, composed of tlfifty- three graduated brilliants and single-brilliant snap 0 ^ ANOTHER, composed of thirty-seven graduated brilliants aj^l single-stone snap A LONG COLLET NECKLACE, composed of fifty-seven graduated brilliants, with large single-brilliant snap f pOu ffP?X~ 0 , pYl A TRIPLE BRILLIANT STAR, of Sixteen Points, , rath A Large Square Emerald in the Centre XST) C? ^ BRILLIANT TIARA, formed as a Coronet, with nine straw¬ berry-leaf points, the band set with eighty-two brilliants /jf f } 5 THE PROPERTY OF A LADY. ^_14 A^COLLET NECKLACE, composed of thirty-six large graduated brilliants and single-brilliant snap 15 THREE LARGE SPECIMEN YELLOW BRILLIANTS, set ^ in gold brooch DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. 16 A (T~~, ty ' .*17 A ,d s A PINK PEARL, of Bouton Form, of Exceptional Size and Quality, surrounded by old Golconda brilliants, in op^n scroll border, forming a brooch or pendant A unique specimen, believed to be one of the largest pink pearls, of this quality, in the world Pearl Necklace, composed of five rows of five hundred and thirty-three small pearls, with cluster-brilliant snap /$/ pn fp JL > Brilliant Scroll Pendant, of open design, with two large brilliants in the centre, and brilliant loop T& 19 A Half-PIoop Bing, with five brilliants &20 A & 21 A , & 22 A , 2*23 A ,c;24 A rapier brooch, or hair ornament, the hilt studded with small, brilliants, a sapphire and two rubies pearl half-hoop ring pair of pearl and rose-diamond ear studs / /< gold flexible band bracelet, with pearl and coral collets V Pair of Brilliant Top-and-Drop Cluster Earrings * 6 0~. J./J' j./j: y . .28 y /S* Sr *> A necklace centre, of open scroll and flower design, with pendant of ^ silver and gold, set with emeralds and diamonds —lltli century fa A Louis XVI. gold pendant seal, in the form of a laureated Roman helmet, chased with arabesque foliage, &c. / A chased gold ring, set with a cameo head of a child, in red sard, i: border of rose and table diamonds ard, im The “ George ” : an oval onyx cameo of St. George and the Dragon —early 11th century—set in border of thirty brilliants to form ^ a brooch J'/J. ^29 A chased gold bracelet, of open design, with tulips and other flowera ted onyi enamelled in colours, and set with plaques of striated onyx £/&+* A pearl and diamond cluster ring A ring, with a ruby and two brilliants A half-hoop emerald and brilliant ring A large pearl stud A gold curb bracelet, with opal and ruby cluster centre 7S£&*. An emerald and diamond pendant, of open design, with drop a A gipsy ring, with a sapphire and two brilliants A chased gold ring, with a large sapphire A Pearl and Brilliant Cluster Ring A Ring, with open diamond bands and foliage, a large pearl and two •/ brilliants in the centre J*t K 0 , ^740 , 0,0 41 C/~. SZ # & f ^45 A Half-Hoop Ring, with three large brilliants 7 A brilliant pave heart-shaped locket A set of three brilliant studs A small brilliant foliage and ribbon brooch, of crescent form Jhr~ A circular diamond brooeh, with open ribbon and flower border A Brilliant Crescent Brooch it *7 j-—. Mf A Scarf-Pin, with a large pear-shaped pearl 47 A Pearl Necklace, composed of sixty-five graduated pearls, with cluster brilliant snaps A pair of old English silver shoe-buckles, with borders ofkrge old pastes, gold mounted p / •• z 49 A large buckle, with openwork border of cut silver, with gold rosettes— temp. George III. ST?//*. GOLD BOXES, Etc. 5 0 A Locus XYI. Oblong Gold Box, chased, and the borders 0 ^ enamelled with dark blue lines, the lid richly studded with fine rose diamonds, a large stone in the centre 51 An Old English Oblong Snuff-Box, of mother-o’-pearl anf ^, & silver, the lid delicately carved in low relief, with a bust of Charles I. with crown and halo above, a broken sceptre, Prayer- Book, axe and other emblems on a table, and engraved inside with a portrait of Charles II. among the foliage of an oak, with Cupid bearing three crowns, two Roundhead troopers beneath, and motto “ Sacra Jovi Quercus,” the bottom of pearl, chased with monogram J.R. in low relief ^52 A Small Snuff-Box, formed of a shell, with silver mount, engraved Ann Murray, who was the daughter of the Begent Murray, half brother to Mary, Queen of Scots, and it has remained in the possession of her descendants a 53 A Louis XY. Gold Chatelaine, pierced and chased with figures q and scrolls, and with an old English watch, by J. Herring, in gold case and Louis XV. outer case, chased with classical figures in scroll borders, key and seal, tiie chatelainc-hook of chased metal-gilt S 8 LACE. t3s$70~jTV 54 An Old Brussels Square; and two smaller piece r- i> 55 An old Brussels lappet Jy , , ^56 A Mechlin lappet /?< 57 Point d’Alen^on Lace —about 8|- yds., 3£ in. deep) 4 / J 58 Ditto—2 yds., 3 in. deep ; and two smaller pieces ditto tT ' cS—y & 59 Ditto — 2J yds., 1^ in. deep ; and two wider pieces ditto jJv - A /£ , O 60 Greek lace —about 6-^ yds., 31 in. deep /A A An The Property of A LAD Y. 61 Fine Point de Milan Lace— 6i yds. long , 9^ in. deep 62 Ditto Garniture— 3| yds., 4 in. deep, in three pieces The Property of AN ITALIAN PPxINCESS. 63 A Fine Old Brussels Lace Flounce, with vases and garlands of qJ? if ~ 27 flowers and pomegranates under canopies, divided into compart¬ ments by columns-—3 yds, 24 in. long, 29 in. deep 9 GROUP OF DECORATIONS awarded to the late General SIR FREDERICK STOVIN, G.C.B., K.C.MG., &e., dec., who joined the 52nd Foot as Ensign in the Spring of 1800. He served with his regiment at Ferrol in 1800, in Germany in 1805, at the siege and capture of Copenhagen in 1807, and with the expedition to Sweden in 1808. lie subsequently served in Spain and Portugal in 1808 and 1809, took part in the expedition to Walcheren and at the capture of Flushing in 1809. lie again proceeded to the Peninsula and was second in command at the defence of Tarifa, and was afterwards Aide-de-Camp to Sir Thomas Picton at the siege and capture of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. At the close of the Peninsular War he proceeded to North America as Deputy Adjutant-General to the British Forces, and was wounded at New Orleans, receiving the K.C.B. in 1815, but, having been ordered to Dublin on special service, was prevented being present at Waterloo. He was appointed Colonel of the 83 rd (Co. of Dublin) Regiment of Foot on the 1st of September 1848, and was made a G.C.B. in 1800. From 1837 to 1859 he was one of HAL Grooms in Waiting, and in 1800 was made an Extra Groom in Waiting to the Queen. He married in 1818 Miss Sitivell, daughter of Sir Sitivell Sitwell, Bart., of Reinshaw, Derbyshire. r 04 THE GOLD BADGE OF THE MILITARY KNIGHTS GRAND CROSS OF THE ORDER OF THE BATH, with crimson riband sash AO/ O Go THE STAR OF THE MILITARY GRAND CROSS OE THE ORDER OF THE BATH 00 THE BADGE OF THE MILITARY KNIGHTS COM- & MANDEHS OF THE ORDER OF ST. MICHAEL AND ST. GEORGE This Badge is of the highest rarity, its return being in¬ variably claimed by the Colonial OjJice on the death oj the recipient B 3 A- 10 L?&-T> J>r. 67 THE STAR OF THE MILITARY KNIGHTS COM- 0^-. * MANDERS OF THE ORDER OF ST. MICHAEL, AJJD ST. GEORGE, wtth-riband attached 68 THE GOLD PENINSULAR CROSS, for the following engage- * ,g ~* ^ ments: “Pyrenees,” “ Yittoria,” “Nivelle,” and “Salamanca,” with Gold Clasps for “ Orthes ” and “ Toulouse,” and riband^ 69 The Silver Peninsular Medal, 1848, the rira inscribed, “ Sir F. dS—p —& Stovin, K.G.B., Capt. 2 Sth and A.D.C.,” with clasps^ for “ Badajoz,” “ Ciudad Rodrigo ” and “ Corunna ” DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. SILVER —At per Oz. 70 A small teapot, repousee and richly chased with foliage, flowers and scrolls on a matted ground— Newcastle oz. diet, hall mark, 1732, by Isaac Cook son . f SfQ 12 17^> 71 A Set of Three Square-shaped Canisters, the borders richly chased with flowers, shells and scrolls, and with scroll handles—1740 . 42 Formerly the property of Sir Joshua Reynolds , and enyraved with his crest 11 72 A William III. Plain Tankard, with flat cover, scroll handle and billet—1701 From the Duke of Sussex’s Collection / 73 A Shaped Plain Tankard, with dome cover, scroll handle,.. and open billet—1743 . . . , and PROCESSIONAL CROSS, of copper-gilt, the centre and extre¬ mities foliated, and inlaid with silver plaques, finely engraved, with “ Ecce Homo,” SS. Peter and Paul, a female saint, and a pelican in her piety, with intervening panels of foliage, and with remains of translucent enamel in brilliant colours, and engraved wiRi the following inscriptions :— . . - , URVX + sai + PUTRI + Dl + OSRhO + MCKMLXXVII ® FVIT aRVX * ISITK + TSMPORI + S. RnDRUU + STRVT7S. The reverse engraved with a Maltese cross in triple circles and sacred monograms in the centre, panels of foliage and trellis ornament, and a chasing in alto-relievo of a half-length figure of the Madonna—25 in. high — Italian, 1 century 83 A & Silver-Gilt Monstrance, with circular receptacle for wafer, the body of architectural design, with Gothic pinnacles and falling buttresses on either side, on hexagonal stem, the knop formed of Gothic arches with pierced tracery, on fluted hexafoil base, with pierced edge, the whole surmounted by a crucifix and two figures of saints —Spanish Gothic —28 in. high —*> 84 A Smaller Monstrance, the case formed as a Gothic pinnacle with twelve tracery arches, from the top of the stem spring two volutes a>— ^bearing hexagonal stands with angels holding altar candlesticks, on flattened hexagonal stem and pierced star-shaped knop and crown ornament beneath, on fluted quatrefoil base, with panels ot engraved conventional foliage and pierced rim—17 in. high Spanish Gothic / / 14 // C# The following Vase is Sold by Order of a Descendant of ADMIRAL LORD COLLIN GW OOD, it having remained in the family ever since its presentation. 85 THE COLLINGWOOD VASE, Presented to ADMIRxVL LORD COLLINGWOOD by “The Patriotic Fund.” ON m & A Silver-Gilt Vase and Cover, of classical form, with upright scroll handles, chased with bands of arabesque and conventional foliage, oak foliage and acorns, and surmounted by a figure of a lion, and with chasings of Pallas Athenoe and Hercules slaying the Hydra, in high relief; on pedestal of octagonal shape, chased with acanthus foliage and laurel border, and with four large figures of Tritons blowing shells at the angles, and chased with applique arms with supporters of Admiral Lord Collingwood on two sides, and engraved with the Collingwood Arms and the following inscription: “To the Eight Honourable Cuthbert Baron Colling¬ wood, Vice-Admiral of the Eed, as a Memorial of the eminent Services rendered by him to his Country, in that decisive Victory, obtained over the combined Fleets of France and Spain, off Cape Trafalgar, on the 21st October 1805, when by the fall of that lamented Hero, the late Vice-Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson, he succeeded to the Command of the British Fleet, and nobly completed the Triumph of the day, This Vase is presented by the Committee for managing The Patriotic Fund.” Rail mark, 1808 : 274 in. high—weight 641 °z. Vide Illustration " A similar Vase was also presented by “ The Patriotic Fund ” to Lady Nelson, and is now believed to be in the possession of H.Ii.U. the Prince of Wales. Admiral Lord Collingwood ivas, as described in Alisons ‘ History of Europe ,’ “ One of the brightest ornaments of the British Navy' During his career he was constantly 15 in co-operation with Nelson in active service, and it teas in great part owing to his support of Nelson at the battle of Cape St. Vincent, ivhen Nelson {in opposition to the orders of his superior, Sir John Jervis, afterwards Earl St. Vincent ) brohe the enemy's line, that Nelson’s manoeuvre succeeded, and brought about the victory. At Trafalgar Lord Collingwood was second in command to Nelson, and his ship, the “ Royal Sovereign ,” which led one line of the British ships, ivas in action long before Nelson’s ship, the “ Victory.” It appears from i Alison ’ that from 1793 to his death, in 1810, Collingwood was only one year ashore. THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. The two following Lots were presented, with the Freedom of the City of Wexford, to an ancestor of the present owner, circa 1720. 85a A QUEEN ANNE SILVEB-GILT CUP AND COVEK, of plain decagonal shape, with scroll handles, narrow ribbed band round the body, shaped foot and cover, surmounted by a vase-shaped ornament—101 in- high—by Samuel Mar gas, 1710 85b A QUEEN ANNE PLAIN CIRCULAR SH.VER- GILT TAZZA, with reeded border, and raised cut card ornament beneath, on short stem with flattened knop, and ribbed circular foot—13f in. diam., 3J in. high—by David Willaume, 1712 . oz. diet. 16 The following are the Property of MISS LESLIE MELVILLE, of Melville House, Fife. SILVER —At per Oz. 86 A pair of circular waiters, with fluted borders, chased with shells, foliage and scrolls in relief, and chased centre ^—7 >• in. diam. ...... 27 87 A Circular Salver, with escalloped and gadrooned border, chased with foliage and shells, the centre chased with a pointer and pheasant and groups of dead gaum, flowers and scrolls—17 in. diam., 1775 . . dy & 67 88 A Set of Four Oblong-shaped Entree Dishes and Covers, fluted at the corners and with gadroon borders, chased with foliage and foliage handles, by Paul Storr 247 On plated heaters, with foliage handles and feefc ^/^7 89 A pair of oval meat dishes, with shaped gadroon borders, by Paul Storr —13f in. long . . Mf /o 68 90 A pair of larger ditto—16 in. long , . ~ 84 91 A pair of larger ditto—18 in. long /p/ 109 92 One larger ditto—22 in. long . . . .*^^2109 93 A venison dish, en suite—24 in. long . ■Wj 133 On plated two-handled heater , 94 A Circular Soup Tureen, Cover and Liner, eu suite, l the handles chased with lions’ masks, and on chased j shell and scroll feet, by Paul Storr V 95 The Companion ..... oz. diet. 153 154 96 A Set of Four Table Candlesticks, on fluted vase- shaped stems and sesafoil feet, chased with shells, by W. Dempster, Edinburgh, 1758 10 10 <^ 5 10 10 10 15 5 77 10yj 17 The Property of SIR JOHN LESLIE , Bart. 97 Twelve soup-plates, with shaped gadroon borders, slightly oz. chased with foliage .... 295 . 98 Twelve ditto 290 The following are the Property of A LADY OF RAAK. SILVER —At per Oz. oz. . 236 . 12 99 A Fiddle-Pattern Service, consisting of— Twenty-three table-forks Fifty-one table-spoons Nineteen dessert-forks Thirteen dessert-spoons Two soup-ladles Five gravy-spoons and one strainer Four skewers A pair of sauce-ladles, and A pair of toddy-ladles . 100 An engraved goblet, on round foot 101 A pair of oval meat-dishes, with shaped gadroon borders —17f in. long ..... 111 102 One ditto—20 in. long .... ■ pf 74 103 One ditto—21£ in. long .... . 85 104 One ditto —23^ in. long ..... *^ / ^cll6 105 A plain oval meat-dish, with gadroon borders—20 in. longi 96 106 A set of four entree dishes and covers, with gadroon' ° borders and plain high covers . . . t / / P 348 107 A Circular Rose-Water Dish, with raised centre and Ch~ & border, chased with flowers and scrolls in relief— 15 in. ilium. 50 dwt 10 3 ^ 15 - 10 0 ^ - 15 5 Jk._ 0 15 18 THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN , deceased. 108 A Plated Centre-Piece, on chased stem of open scroll design, with flower-pattern centre and branches for six lights—30 in Mali ; on Oval-shaped Looking-Glass Plateau, with massive 9/7 7 border, pierced and chased with arabesque foliage, children’s The following are Sold by Order of the Administratrix to the Estate of CAPTAIN HUGH DUDLEY RYDER , R.N., deceased. SILVER —At per Oz. 109 A small sugar-basin, chased with flowers and other orna¬ ments ; and a plain sugar-sitter . . . 110 An octagonal-shaped cream-jug, engraved with scroll foliage. oz. diet. 111 A milk-jug, chased with arabesque foliage and flowers in high relief, and with branch handle entwined by a serpent.13 112 A cylindrical pierced mustard-pot, with glass liner /?/£A 113 Four plain two-handled boat-shaped salt-cellars, on oval , feet, with reeded borders .... 10 11 ia 19 114 A small oval open trellis basket, with corded edges and open twisted handle, 1755 . . . . ^ oz. dwt. ■?- 8 115 Another, pierced with scale pattern, and repousse with laurel festoons, gadroon borders, 1772 . . 5 116 A tea-pot, engraved with panels of Chinese subjects, and surmounted by a seated figure of a Chinaman —in oak , box . . . . . V & 19 14 - 117 A fluted and embossed tea-pot, with chased spout —in oak box ...... 19 118 A tripod stand, with lamp 10 8 4 / *ji 17 119 A Pair of Oblong-shaped Tea-Caddies, repousse with scrolls and shell ornament and gadroon borders, by P. Gillois, 1759 • /j'ZZ 20 120 A Coffee-Pot, richly chased with flowers and scrolls in ^ * relief, 1747 . 22 121 Another, nearly similar .... 20 18 - 122 A shaped tea-urn, fluted and chased with arabesque foliage, on stand with lamp and fitted with silver- mounted copper percolater for coffee . . 123 A Vase-shaped Tea-Urn, spirally fluted and chased with sprays of foliage and beaded ornament, with branch handles, and on tripod stand with pierced and chased borders, 1761 . 50 90 124 A plain circular salver, with beaded border—8 in. diam t ^/13 125 A Salver, with shell and scroll border—14 in. diam.-—, by W. Peaston, 1755 .42 10 plain 0 126 A Warwick Cruet-Frame, on shell feet, with two p vase-shaped casters and two cut-glass cruets—171; 127 A circular fluted inkstand, with chased foliage border 15 « 11 16- 20 128 A Pair of Table Candlesticks, on vase-shaped stems and hexafoil feet, embossed with shells at the amdep —1759 ....... 129 A set of four table candlesticks, on round stems and feet, * ' ^ the borders chased with shells and foliage —all at oz. did. d~9~ 130 A Pair of Vase-shaped Tankards, with twisted serpent handles, chased with bands of vine branches and grapes, in relief ...... 28 12 131 A CHARLES II. LARGE PORRINGER AND FLAT COVER, with plain scroll handles, finely engraved with figures, birds and foliage in Chinese taste and with a shield of arms, the cover surmounted by a chased open foliage ornament—7 in. high, 6f in. cliam., 1683 —makers mark, N.W. with mullet beneath ..... • A LEOPOLD-PATTERN SERVICE, the borders richly chased with scroll foliage and shells, by Paid Storr—Similar to the Service made for Leopold I., King of the Belgians —consisting of— 32 8 / / 132 Six circular fluted salt-cellars, on shell and scroll foliage feet. ^ 4/ 133 An oval cruet-frame, with eight cut-glass cruets, two wRh silver mounts ..... . 4//o 47 13, 134 An oval fluted bread basket .... 49 13/ 135 A circular salver, the centre chased with flowers, on^ three feet chased with shells and vines—101 in. diay(f^ 29 8 136 A pair of ditto, similar ..... 59 3 137 An oblong toast-rack, the border chased with flowers in high relief, by Paul Storr .... b 17 7 138 A circular egg-frame, with six cups . 40 10 21 139 A Service op Table-Plate, en suite, the handles chased with scale-pattern and shell ornaments, by Paul Storr , consisting of— Forty-eight table-forks Thirty-six table-spoons Thirty-six dessert-forks Twenty-four dessert-spoons Four gravy-spoons Two soup-ladles Six sauce-ladles Salad-fork and spoon Fish-slice Three skewers Pair of asparagus-tongs Cheese scoop Marrow-spoon Pair of grape-scissors Twenty-three tea-spoons Six salt-spoons A mustard-ladle Two sugar-sifters A cream-ladle A butter-knife And twelve dessert-knives, gross 10 dwt. oz. dwt. 571 0 weight 26 oz. In two mahogany cases fitted with trays 140 Forty-eight Dinner-Knives, thirty-six small knives, 7—~ "Z? and three pairs of carvers and forks, with silver handles, en suite— all at In oak lox Jhr-— 22 44 ' // 141 A Silver-Gilt Dessert Service, en suite, consisting of— Twelve dessert-forks y ^ Twelve dessert-spoons Pair of ice-spades Pair of sugar- and cream-ladles Six egg-spoons oz . dwt. Six wine-labels, with chased vine borders . . 74 5 And twelve dessert-knives, gross weight 29 oz. 8 dwt. A Service of Old Sheffield Plate, with chased silver borders, en suite, consisting of— JL-0, 142 * 7 #. ^ ^143 JjZy, O, ^144 S' > ^^r ^ 145 S, ^-^147 /y»/e. 4 48 A set of four oblong-shaped entree dishes, covers and heaters^/^”^ A set of six oval sauce-tureens and covers / -/rh. A pair of oval soup-tureens and covers ^ 7 ^ 2 T sC6 An oval venison dish and fluted cover; and a dish-cover, similar * An oblong two-handled salver, the centre chased with flowers L Six chamber-candlesticks; and a pair of snuffers Ji /?& A pair of two-handled vase-shaped ice-pails, fitted with duplex lamps /if, /C? ^ 4 o j4n e P er S ne > 011 vase-shaped stem, repousse with foliage, square¬ shaped plinth and claw feet, bearing cut-glass centre dish and four branches with smaller dishes, and fitted with duplex lamps^ /& * /s l.)0 An oblong looking-glass plateau, the border chased with vines, grapes and flowers, on lions’ mask and claw feet—27 in. by 18 in. , z /^ P a * r ^ ar 8 e sauce-boats, with gadroon borders, on three shell feet; a pair of smaller ditto, similar; and a gadrooned decjmter- stand m( ^ ^ P^ a * n fwo-handled souffle dish and liner; and a plate, with shaped gadroon border * 23 153 A set of six decanter-stands, chased with vine foliage and grapes, a and with shell and foliage borders £. y .' -• /(/ 154 Three plain oval dish-covers, with gadroon borders—12 in. and 13^ in. long ^55 A pair of dessert-baskets, on stands formed of three figures ot pelicans, with glass dishes 156 A candelabrum on fluted pillar stem and claw tripod, with busts in ° high relief, with branches chased with grotesque winged figures for seven lights, and with pendant chains—34 in. Mali In oak chest ' A57 A large oak plate-chest 158 Two ditto O — FINIS. London: Printed by Wm, Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.