W Roberts Clapham Park LONDON S W 6oj fasx/k ui uip % - r ^ / * i'll. >rr DUBLIN . INTEKNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1865 . OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. LEINSTER ST nr club house elvidge/S royal is* hotel^ f *IOYAL °UB Lfwj iSDC/ETyJ ans\on m A5kTo Map showing the Exhibition Palace, the Royal Dublin Society’s Premises, (Agricultural Department), and the intervening Streets, &c. DUBLIN INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION &vts ani> Manufactures, 1865 . UNDER THE SPECIAL PATRONAGE OF HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. PUBLISHED BY THE EXECUTIVE AUTHORITY OF THE COMMITTEE. SECOND EDITION. DUBLIN: PRINTED FOR THE COMMITTEE, BY JOHN FALCONER, 53, UPPER SACKVILLE-ST. p* I fay &UjLh~.Sf t*&f /*,• n *J., r >/. C-; f / Vt>/y\ ~ (&hs* Vt* ."-rr/ tH «*« -K- ^6/ (Ltnbu tbe Jjmnubtafo Jjatronago of HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. 3FF1G1AL Pi ■9S0E. IS x s v s DUBLIN EXHIBITION . OF [tte, | interim it AND Loan Museum of Works of Art. #0 THIRD p r t>? E DITTO it. ii ■ r r i 'y~\s»n DUBLIN: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY JOHN FALCONER, 53, UPPER SACKYILLE-STREET. 01 i © ?* KCOA’D PRICE , CAY/? SHILLING. Issue, © - -^ J. C. & J. FIELD, PATENT “ SELF - FITTDTB ” CANDLES, In Spermaceti, Paraffine, Stearine, Petro-Stearine, AND CHAMBERS, 12 IN A BOX. Patent Ozokerit Candles, IN ALL SIZES, Especially adapted for Warm Temperatures, Ball-rooms, &e. ™ 11 " Patent “Wedge-End” Candles, All usiml sizes in Paraffine and Composite ; ALSO CHAMBER “WEDGE” CANDLE 12 IN BOX. “United Service” Soap, Night Lights, Lamp Wick, &c, &e. See Specimens , Section A., Dublin Exhibition. WORKS-UPPER MARSH, LAMBETH, LONDON, S.W, UNDER THE IMMEDIATE PATRONAGE OF HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. EXHIBITION OF Efts, fintmstrtes, attfc Jttanufactum, AND LOAN MUSEUM OF WORKS OF ART, 1872. DUBLIN EXHIBITION PALACE. 1872. under thk special patronage of HIS EXCELLENCY THE LORD LIEUTENANT. President: Ills tilt ICE THE DUKE OF LEINSTER. Notice to Advertisers. A limited number of pages of The Official Catalogue of the Exhibition is set apart for Advertisements which will be received for the remaining Guaranteed Issue of 10,000 up to 5th August, at the following charges:— GUARANTEED ISSUE OF 10,000 Copies: A Page, Half Page, - Quarter Page, Per Line, across the Page, Per Line, the Column, £4 10 2 10 1 10 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 GUARANTEED ISSUES OF 5,000 Each: A Page, • - - £3 0 Half Page, - . - - 1 12 Quarter Page, - 0 17 Per Line, across the Page, - 0 1 Per Line, the Column, 0 0 0 6 6 3 9 PROMINENT PLACES BY SPECIAL AGREEMENT. MH. JOIIM FALCONER, 53, Upper Sackvllle-street, Dublin, --- ----' ••IT ’- 1 .-.uv~.iiic-a.icCT, vuuuu, Has been authorized to print and publish the Official Catalogue, and also appointed Agent for the Advertisement*. All Advertisements must be paid for in advance. Payment may be remitted by Letter of Credit or Post Oflire Order, in his favour, and all information respecting Advertising will be given on application to him. All orders for Advertisements should be forwarded without delay. Aytnts for London —Messrs. STREET, BROTHERS, 5, Serle-street, Lincoln’s Inn ; and Mr. GEORGE STREET, 30, Cornhill. ALFRED ENDElti, Secretary. EDWARD LEE, Cieaeral Manafar. Httfcltn (Sjrtutritton ©ffirial Catalogue ^rbertteer, 13 7 2 . [For the Promenade.] [For the Trousseau.] O’REILLY, DUNNE, & CO., 30, COLLEGE-GREEN, DUBLIN, MANUFACTURERS TO H.R.H. the Princess of Wales, &utr i&ojjal dTanttUea of (Sttrope* ESTABLISHED 1790. EXTRACTS FROM THE PRESS. FROM “THE TIMES.” “Orders come from the Continent and from America for this beautiful fabric, and “ Royal patronage has created new demands for it. FROM “BELGRAVIA” MAGAZINE. {Extract from “Historical Sketch of Irish Poplin Trade.'”) “ First in order of Poplin houses may be placed the firm of O’Reilly, Donne & Co. « From t he goods of this firm her present .Majesty selected articles for her wardrobe “ whilst she'was still the Princess Victoria.” FROM “ THE GRAPHIC.” « For the interests of the manufacturer Irish Poplins wear too well; they outlast « every 0 ther material used for ladies’ dresses, and are a real boon to the economic. FROM “ THE IRISH TIMES.” “Messrs O’Reilly, Dunne & Co. have been favoured with an order from H.R.H. “ the Marchioness of Lome for some of their rich double Irish Poplin. When we have “ mentioned ihe name of this firm, it is unnecessary to add anyth.ng regardmg the “ beauty and elegance of the fabric. “ Historical Sketch of Irish Poplin Trade,” reprinted from Belgravia Magazine, post free on application.__ N.B.—Lustrous Black Poplins as supplied to Her Majesty the Queen. Patterns Post Free. Parcels Delivered Carriage Paid. [For Mourning Costume.] [For Evening Dress.] Official Catalogue Advertiser. Manufacturers by Special Appointment TO HIS EXCELLENCY THE LORD LIEUTENANT. Royal Seltza Water. Kali Water. Dithia Water. Carrara Water. Vichy Water. Chalybeate Water. Aerated Dandelion. Aerated Quinine. Demonade. Ginger Ale (Aromatic). Ginger Beer. Soda Water. Soda Water Lemon Flavoured. Aerated Sarsaparilla. Dime Juice (Champagne) Aerated. The Evening Mail of the 18th January, 1872, in the Article on the “Springs of Dublin”_says it appears somewhat strange that for many centuries the existence of St. Patrick’s Well should have remained unknown in Dublin, save to a few eminent men, and that its qualities were only re-discovered some years since by Messrs. Cantrell & Cochrane, the eminent Mineral Water Manufacturers, when they purchased their present Establishment in Nassau-place and Kildare-street. This enterprising firm soon found that they had alighted on a Spring of perhaps the purest Water in Europe, and one eminently suited to their especial business, and to this fact aided of course by the great Mechanical appliances which they have lately introduced, may be attributed the fame which Messrs. Cantrell & Cochrane enjoy as Manufacturers ■of Pure Mineral Waters. Irish Times of the 19th February, says a Firm which has turned to good account one of the most valuable natural resources of the country, deserves that support which has hitherto been accorded to Messrs. Cantrell & Cochrane. “ The purity and excellence of the Mineral and Medicinal Waters Manufactured by Messrs. Cantrell & ■Cochrane have gained them world-wide celebrity.”— Dr. Cameron. Contractors for the Cunard , Inman , National , and other Steam Ship Companies. THE NASSAU STEAM MINERAL WATER WORKS, NASSAU PLACE, DUBLIN, AND BANK STREET, BEEFAST Official Catalogue Advertiser. CARPETS.—FURNITURE. TODD, BURNS, & CO., Invite attention to the very Extensive Stocks in their Carpet, Upholstery, & Cabinet Furniture DEPARTMENTS, In which they are prepared to offer great advantages in Price, combined with the NEWEST DESIGNS. New Patterns in Muslin , Lace , and Swiss-Embroidered Curtains. TODD, BURNS, &, CO., 47, Mary-street, SOLE AGENTS FOR PAYY, PRETTO, AND CO.’S Patent Felt Curtains, Specially recommended for Style, Durability, and Cheapness. Official Catalogue Advertiser. ISAAC MALONE, 36, GRAFTON-STREET, DUBLIN, Wine Merchant, and Tea and Coffee Dealer. CLARET, shipped by N. Johnson & Son, Bordeaux SHERRY, „ Gonzalez & Byas, Zerez PORT, „ Clode & Baker, Oporto CHAMPAGNE „ Geisler & Co., and other shippers SPARKLING HOCK and MOSELLE, Deinard & Co. STILL Do. Do. MARSALA, shipped by Ingham & Co. - PURE COGNAC BRANDY ... - GOOD OLD WHISKEY - - - - 14s. FINEST OLD Do.. GOOD USEFUL TEA. FINE STRONG FLAYOURY TEA, much recommended FINEST RICH PEKOE Souchong Flavoured TEA - COFFEE, .... Is. 2d., Is. 6d., Is. 8d., and Is. lOd. „ Two Pence per lb. off for Cash on 5 lbs. Tea or upwards, if in one parcel, over 2s. per lb. A GUINNESS, SON, & CO.’S PURE XX PORTER. BASS & CO.’S EAST INDIA PALE ALE. From 12s. per doz. „ 18s. „ „ 24s. „ ,, 30s. „ ,, 40s. ,, „ 24s. „ 18s. „ „ 24s. per gal. and 16s. „ ,, 18s. ,, „ 2s. per lb. „ 2s. 8d. „ ,, 3s. ,, 36, GRAFTON-STREET DUBLIN EXHIBITION, 1 8 7 2 . c \ ..£'.7 8 ! *■ * $Grbrr f(u Ipatrointgt of HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 1872 . DUBLIN EXHIBITION. OF %xi$ t Industries, and Iflanufarinres, AND Loan Museum of Works of Art. THIRD EDITION ,. DUBLIN: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY JOHN FALCONER, 53, UPPER SACKYILLE-STREET. Second PRICE , ONE SHILLING. Issue. . : t . i «JX/ . ... ' V VV ?. . - : xm*i 7Ji )i» r.n c:-iH4LUU :i ii ! •. v.' , v .. ; CO Water Colours. Engravings, Photographs, floor above. : 3-Gentlemen’s Rooms. Loan Museum, floor above. 4 Ladies’ Rooms. INTRODUCTION. In December last Sir Arthur Guinness, Bart., and E. C. Guinness, Esq., placed the extensive series of Buildings forming the Exhibition Palace, at the disposal of a Committee of Noblemen and Gentlemen for the purpose of holding an u Exhibition of Arts, Industries , and Manufactures ” therein in the year 1872. The Exhibition was to be more especially devoted to illustrating and promoting the resources of Ireland, and with that object a separate and important portion of the Building, known as the “ Leinster Hall,” was set apart exclusively for the Irish Department of the Exhibition. British Productions and those of other countries were to occupy the Main Glass Building. The Loan Museum was to be placed in part of the Permanent Building. It was proposed to divide the Exhibition into the three following Sections, for each of which a separate Committee was formed, and all articles were to be admitted, subject to the approval of the Committee of the particular Section to which they belonged. SECTION A.— Natural Products, including Minerals, Vegetables, and Animal Products, Chemical Products, and the immediate product of their Manufacture. SECTION B.— Works of Art, Class 1. Sculpture, Plastic Art, Oil and Water-colour Paintings, &c., Pencil, Chalk, and Crayon Drawings, Engravings, Ancient and Modern, Lithography and Chromo-Lithography, Oleography, &c. SECTION C.— Industries and Class 1. Marble, Porcelain, Pottery of all kinds. Class 2. Textile Fabrics, Lace, and Fancy Work. INCLUDING— Class 2. Architectural and Decorative Designs, Photography, Models, Porcelain Paint¬ ing, Enamels, Stained Glass and Mosaics, and Miscellaneous Works of Art. Manufactures, including— Class 3. Printing, Book Binding, Leather Work, Wood Carving, Metal Work, Furniture. Class 4. Scientific Inventions, Musical and Optical Instruments, Jewellery, Carriage Work, and Manufactures not otherwise included. 10 INTRODUCTION, Although there are serious difficulties involved in the attempt to ensure that all Irish Exhibits are of strictly home manufacture, yet it is hoped that with the punctilious care and aid of the Exhibitors them¬ selves, and by strict regulations as to the admission of articles by a Committee of gentlemen competent to decide on such a question, the department represents Home Manufacture as closely as possible in an Exhibition of this description. The object in view has not been to form a strict classification; indeed, this was not possible owing to the necessarily short period occupied in the undertaking. But the endeavour has been simply to arrange collectively those objects of industrial Art and Skill which are more immediately identified with Ireland, so that, by affording opportunities for comparison, enterprise may be encouraged, taste cultivated, new ideas suggested, and better practical results obtained. One of the most important and attractive features of this Exhibition is the establishment of a Loan Museum, based on the same principle as that of South Kensington, its aim being “ to increase the means of Industrial Education, and to extend the influence of Science and Art upon productive industry.” The need of such an institution to assist in developing the artistic resources of Ireland, by affording students and others engaged in industrial pursuits access to the best examples of Ancient and Modern Art treasures, is obvious. Numerous valuable private and public collections have been generously thrown open in order to enrich the Museum with such objects as are usually only accessible to a limited few. Her Majesty has been graciously pleased to send valu¬ able and important contributions to this Department, and the leading public institutions of the United Kingdom are numbered amongst its list of contributors ; indeed, so general has been the support awarded, that the result of the appeal of the Committee of Fine Arts is an accumulation of Art treasures of a most complete and comprehensive character, including some of the rarest and choicest examples of antique jewellery, plate, porcelain, pottery, &c. In connexion with this depart¬ ment is a collection, secured entirely through the interest and co-opera¬ tion of a Committee of Ladies, comprising examples of lace, jewellery, fans, caskets, and objects of Art, remarkable for beauty of design or execution, or valuable by reason of their rarity or antiquity. The collection of Pictures comprises some of the most valuable examples of ancient and modern art. INTRODUCTION. 11 In the formation of a National Portrait Gallery of Irish Worthies, and such eminent personages as have been connected with Ireland by birth or service, a desideratum has been obtained. On the walls of the National Portrait Gallery the History of Ireland, from distant ages down to our own times, is now vividly portrayed. Nearly 300 portraits of distinguished personages, most of them pictures of the highest artistic merit, arranged chronologically, cannot fail to render this National Department one in which every Irishman must feel a special pride and interest. It is hoped that the exceptionally short period (extending over scarcely five months) devoted to the preparation of the Exhibition generally, with the contributions collected, and so far classified under this disadvantage, will suffice to account for any shortcomings that may present themselves. The future results of the undertaking must ultimately depend on the amount of public and other support it receives. Alfred Emden, Secretary. Edward Lee, General Manager. ■ il 'l/tditi !ijr H»*/4 Htt*' , ■•*'• " •<{ W i« •*' ■* ' :t. i , !> r ■nv. -//‘it r.«ino ,;<*U .. \ .<<■»*, i i * ,t/ "i. .«*.»,•» >i>a&f,8>aWf< AMft-.Tf ■ . .»i.. . .U .5. . .i tk ,1 of.' .1 V. - • ••■ .. . I ■ . . * .'-V • • ' VI- '> ' ✓ . . GENERAL INDEX. LIST OF ARTICLES EXHIBITED BY HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN AND THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH, - - 23 IRISH MANUFACTURES,.25 BRITISH DO., 41 ANNEXE,.65 SOUTH AFRICAN COLLECTION, .... 72 [These Paintings of the Victoria Falls were finished on the scenes they represent, and brought to England by the artist, Mr. Baines, F.R.G-.S. They are not exhibited as works of art, but to draw attention to the characteristics of a country which now excites special interest.] SCULPTURE,.79 PAINTINGS:— Royal Portrait Gallery, ------ 85 Ancient Masters, - - - - - - 87 Modern Masters, - - - - - -101 WATER COLOURS:— Duke of Edinburgh’s Contributions, - - - - 119 Paintings in W ater Colours, - - - - - 126 Oleographs, - - - - - - - -139 Photographs, - - - - - - - -140 School of Art, Royal Dublin Society, (Students’Works), - - 149 NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY, - - - - 157 LOAN MUSEUM (ORNAMENTAL ART), - - - 191 South Kensington, - - - - - -193 India, ------- - 205 General Loan Museum, - - - - - - 215 Laces, ------- - 261 Fans, ------- - 269 Index to Contributions to Loan Museum, ... 279 Index to Contributions of Manufactures, _ - - 282 FIT I o The Executive cannot be responsible for the accuracy of the Prices named in the Catalogue—these are given to assist the public in making Purchases ; nor for whatever may appear in the Appendices to the Catalogue with regard to the Exhibition. LIST OF ARTICES SENT BY COMMAND OF HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN, FROM WINDSOR CASTLE. 1 Shield of Achilles. Illiad, xviii. line 483. In it were Heaven, Earth, and the Sea, which surrounded the whole as a border. In the Heavens —The Sun, the Moon, the Hyades (on the right of Apollo), Pleiades ; on the left, Orion and the Bear. Below the Heavens — The Marriage, the Feast, the Orators, War, Mars, Minerva, Discord, Tumult, Fates, &c., Husbandry, Harvest, Vintage, Lions seizing the Bull, the Dance, line 594. Designed by Flaxman. Executed by Messrs. Run- dale & Bridge. 2 The Armada Flagon. Found on board the Duke of Medina Sidonia ship commanding Spanish Armada, 1588. 3 Carved Bog Oak Tankard. Subject, Donnybrook Fair. Carved by Lorenzo Percy. Mounted by West, Dublin. Presented by Marquis of Anglesea to His Majesty William IV. 4 Cup. Silver gilt and enamelled. “The Apotheosis of His Royal Highness Prince Albert.” This cup, of Greek design, was called by the ancients a cup of libation, and represents the Apotheosis of Prince Albert. The Prince, supported on an eagle, is borne to the heavenly regions. He carries in his left hand a scroll, and resting his head on his right hand, he appears to meditate—directing his thoughts to his dear wife, Queen Victoria, and his children. On his right is an armed figure, emblematic of the army ; and, on the left, another figure representing the maritime power of England. Ihese figures repose on a scroll of Raphaelesque foliage. The cup rests on a plateau richly relieved with ornament, and on which are displayed the arms of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Coburg, in enamel. Maker’s name on plinth. 5 Two Silver-gilt Fire Dogs. Richly chased with scrolls, dragons, &c., and cypher of Charles II. sur¬ mounted by a vase. 6 Early German Fan. Painted on vellum. A pastoral scene. . Stick, ivory-painted. A domestic scene. Imitation Vernis Martin. Given to the Queen by H. R. H. the Prince Consort, from the collection of fans at Gotha. 7 Small Dress Fan. Time of Louis XIV. Ivory, richly painted and gilt; subjects in Cartouches ; back a vintage. Finely decorated in Vernis Martin. Formerly belonged to Queen Marie Antoinette. 8 Italian Fan. Early 18th century. Mount, vellum; subject, a highly finished copy of the Aurora of Guido ; on the back a figure of Hope, with Cupids bearing a wreath of flowers. Stick , ivory, with the guards delicately carved ; the decoration surrounding the handle with a wreath when closed. Formerly belonged to Queen Charlotte. 9 French Fan. Imitation Chinese. Mount, painted on vellum in raised lac. Stick, ivory, decorated in lac; guards, English ; silver gilt and jewelled. Formerly belonged to Queen Adelaide. LIST OF PICTURES SENT BY COMMAND OF HER MAJESTY. 1 Her Majesty. By Winterhalter. 2 The Prince Consort. By Winterhalter. 3 Queen Anne, Consort of James 1st. Artist unknown. 4 Caroline, Consort of George 2nd. Artist unknown. LIST OF OBJECTS OF ART, SENT FROM THE LORD CHAMBERLAIN’S DEPARTMENT, WINDSOR CASTLE. A richly chased silver Burmese Vase and Stand. The Sword of Christopher Columbus, and a Sword and Dagger of Philip II. of Spain. A Statuette of Lady Godiva. By Elkington. A bronze Figure of “Infancy. By Pigalli. 1733. A do. do. By do. 1784. A handsome Vase of Indian Bideriware, and a Bust of Shakspeare. Carved by Perry, from “ Herne’s Oak.” The Boxwood Cradle. Carved by Rogers for the Prince of Wales. Four Italian Bronze Plaques, “The Seasons.” By Soldaui. 1715. Twelve Military Costume Pictures —Infantry. Twelve do. do. Cavalry. LIST OF ARTICLES CONTRIBUTED BY HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH. A Dress made of the bark of a tree, worn by His Royal Highness on his reception by the Queen of Otaheite. Four Books of Paintings of Birds and Flowers, native character, costume, &c., folding like a screen. Presented by the Mikado to His Royal Highness. Silver Hookah, with tube of gold thread, velvet holder, and silver mouth¬ piece. Presented with an address by the native community of Calcutta. A Book of Chinese rice paper drawings, in embroidered case. An Indian Jacket of rich red silk, elaborately embroidered with pearls and set with stones. Presented by His Highness the Gaekwar of Baroda. A Collection of Water Colour Sketches, illustrating H. R. Highness’s voyages in the Galatea , p. 119. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE IRELAND. LEINSTER HALL-FLOOR. SECTION C. CLASS I.—MARBLE, PORCELAIN, AND POTTERY. 1 Statuary, Porcelain. Two, Prisoner of Love. One, Crouching Venus. Two, Hibernia Awaking from her Slumbers. Two, Meditation. Two, Belgian Hawker. One, Bust of Lord James Butler. One, II’ Penseroso. Two, Angel of Baptism. One, Bust of Dickens.— Dessert Pieces. Two, Minstrel Centre Pieces. Four, Boy and Swan, Comports. Tri Boy, tall, Comports. Two, Tri Boy, middle, Comports. Two, Tri Boy, low, Comports.—Eighteen, Greek Dessert Pattern Plates. Twelve, Comports, different heights and patterns. Twelve, Baskets Dessert Pattern Plates. Four, Comports, &c. Four, Prince of Wales Echinus Dessert Plates. Four, Comports. Two, Centres. Two, Ice- pail Vases. Two, Cream and Sugar. Four, Ice Plates. One, Tall centre, with Revolving Trays. Four, Boy Bonbonniers. Twenty-seven, Landscape Dessert Sets.— Table Ornaments. Two, Hippuntis F. Holders. Four, Naiad’s Flower Pots. Eight, Hart’s-tongue Fern Pots. Twenty-four, Scollop Flower Troughs. Four, Scollop Platians. Four, Scollop Biscuit Boxes. Two, Tiara Cheese Covers. Four, Celerj' Vases. Four, Tri Horse Flower Holders. Six, Water Lily Vases. Forty-four, Vases and Flower Holders, Salts, &c. Griffin, and Shell, &c. Four, Flowered Tazzas. Twelve, Flowered Twig Baskets. Two, Library Candlesticks.— Dinner Ware. Thirty-six, Pattern Plates. Twenty-four, Hollow Pieces, in Tureens, Covered Dishes, and Root Dishes.— Tea and Breakfast Ware. Thirty-six, Sample Cups and Saucers. Six, Echinus Ddjehn^ Sets, single and double. Four, Arti¬ choke D^jehnd Sets. One, Painted Ddjednd Set. Specimens of the Echinus Egg Shell Ware, as supplied to Her Majesty the Queen, pearl decorations. Four, Chinese Double-spouted Kettles for ddjehnd use. Four, Chinese Swing Tea Urns.— ToiletWare. Eighty pieces, consisting of Ewers, Basins, Trays, Foot Baths, Tab Jugs, Slop Jars, Candlestick Pieces, Sponge Trays, &c.— Miscellaneous Ware. Twelve, K Pans. Eight, Milk Pans. Twenty, Bowls, Jugs, and Mugs. Twelve, Mortars and Pestles. Eight, Pudding Bowls, Jug, and Urn Stands. ... ... ... D- M'Birney and Co., Belleek Pottery. 26 MARBLE, PORCELAIN, AND POTTERY. 2 Two Jugs and Stands, subjects from “ Guido’s Aurora,” in panels, vine in relief, richly gilt and chased. Cups and Saucers, twelve various grounds, with painted heads. Perforated Plates, four, richly gilt, with enamel ornaments, “ Figures.’’ Cups and Saucers, six, various subjects. Plates, twelve, of the same style as those ordered by Princess Louise. Dessert Plates, six, various patterns. Comports, two, and Plates, elaborately gilt, Persian design. Toilet Bottles, two, painted flowers on celadon ground. Toilet Bottles, two, Heads. Plaque, one, “ Madonna and Child.” Plaques, four, “Fruit and Flowers.” Comports and Plates, two, painted, “ Fruit.” Dejeuner Service, amber ground, painted for Lady Olive Guinness. Comport and Plate. Plaque, one,- Murillo’s “Madonna.” Man. at Queen’s Institute, 25, Molesworth-street, Dublin. ... ... ... The Queen's Institute. 3 Carved Statuary Marble Mantel-piece, designed by Thomas N. Deane, Architect. Price £90. Man. by Colles, Co. Kilkenny. Dining-room Mantel-pieces, in black and red Irish marble, designed by Thomas N. Deane, Architect. Price £50. Elaborately Carved Statuary Marble Mantel-piece, representing fruit, flowers, &c. Price £75. Man. by Sheppard, 1865. Specimen Slabs of Irish Marbles, suitable for columns, panels, &c., for Cathedrals, &c., quarried and polished by Irish workmen ; man. 1872, by Colies, Co. Kilkenny, ... ... . Maguire and Son. 4 Dining-room Chimney-piece, Irish marble, man. 1872. Clustered Columns of various Irish Marbles, with cap carved in natural foliage, man. 1872. Font in Carved Stone, with various Irish marble shafts, man. 1872. Balustrades, Small Columns, Specimens of Marble Pavements, man. 1872, . ... . ... ... H. Sibthorpe and Son. West Gallery. 5 Monumental Slab of Ballinasloe Lime Stone.—Do. do. of Polished Newry Granite.— Mural Monument of Caen Stone.— Jug and Basin of Polished Ballinasloe Lime Stone. Man. by exhibitors, ... Farrell and Son. 6 Carved Statuary Mantel-piece. Price 70 guineas. Man. 1872, John Byrne. 7 Italian-veined Statuary Marble Mantel piece. Price £13 13s.— A Galway Black Marble Mantel-piece. Price £16 16s. — Large Dining-room Chimney Glass, in wood carved frame. Price 33 guineas A Large Drawing-room Chimney Glass, exquisitely ornamented with cupids, scrolls, and vine leaves, &c. Price 30 guineas.— Gilt Pier Glass, superior wood carved, with marble slab. Price 11 guineas. Manufactured 1872. Jardiniere, gilt in the best manner, lined with extra strong zinc. Price 14 guineas. Man. 1872. —Ornamental Gilt Circular Table, with marble slabs, of superior design and finish. Man. 1872.— Toilet Glasses of new and beautiful designs, fitted with best French silvered plates.— Gilt Cabinet, richly ornamented and beautifully finished, and of new design. Man. 1872, Thomas Dockrell, Sons and Co. MARBLE, PORCELAIN, AND POTTERY. 27 8 Memorial Cross. Cut and polished. Red and White Masonry, to illustrate the use of polished granite in house fronts. Polished Columns. Four. Unpolished Block under Memorial Cross. Quarry Blocks and Slab of Red Granite, showing natural surfaces. W. Harte. 9 Building Bricks, Flooring Tiles, Drain Tiles, and Flower Pots, &c. Manufactured 1871-2, . B. T. Patterson. 10 Seven Specimens op Scagliola. A Small Monument. Seven Designs, intended for the “ O’Connell Monument,” in various orders and styles, ... ... ... .. ... ... P. and J. NBAnaspie. North Gallery. 11 Portable Glass Finger and Door Plates, secured without the aid of nails, screws, or other unsightly fastenings.— Ornamental Glass Family Portrait Holders. Sole inventors.— Designs of Em¬ bossed Glass Work, for parlour windows, doors, staircases, halls, &c.— Portable Transparent Letters and Devices, for fixing on glass, iron, stone, wood, or any hard or smooth substance. Enamelling on Glass, as per Specimen. Joseph Humphreys and Co. 11a Minerals, Ores, &c. (For particulars, see Sec. A.) Mining Co. of Ireland. 12 Mantel-piece, with medallions of Lords Nelson and Duncan, inlaid with antique marbles. Price £75. Mantel-piece of Italian and Irish Marble ; the design is taken from a line in Moore’s Melodies, and is formed by two harps interwoven with wild flowers and inlaid with court marble. Price £60. Memorial Cross. Price £45. Man. 1872, White Marble Mantel-piece. Price £9. Man. 1872, ... Simpson Sheppard. 12a Pianofortes—(F or particulars, see Class IV.) ... ... ... Gunn and Son. CLASS £1. TEXTILE FABRICS, LACE, AND FANCY WORK. North Gallery — continued. 13 Friezes and Tweeds for clothing, . John Logan. 14 Blankets, Flannels, and Pilots, man. 1872,. D. Lucy and Co. 15 Silk and Woollen Terries. Do., Damasks and Brocades. ^ Irish Poplins for dresses. Carriage Laces, designed and man. 1872, Wm. Fry & Company. 16 Irish Kidderminster Carpets. Hearth Rugs, Mats, &c., Sheridan <& Son. 17 Table Linen, for covering tables. Napkins, Sheeting, Pillow Linen, Diapers, Shirting Linens, Lawns, Handkerchiefs. Man. 1871-2, J. S. Brown. 18 Silk Brocatelles.—Terries, for curtain hangings and furniture materials. —Irish Poplins, for ladies dresses. Manufactured 1871-2, Pirn, Brothers <£ Co. 19 Ladies and Gentlemen’s Stockings and Socks. Man. 1872, T. <& W. Pike. 28 TEXTILE FABRICS, LACE, AND FANCY WORK. 20 Wearing Apparel. Man. 1872, . Hill Hughes. 21 French Silk and Felt Hats, Police Helmets, Military Shakos, and Cocked Hats. Man. 1872, . Wright and Stanley. 22 Umbrellas, Walking Sticks, &c., . Francis Smyth. 23 Woollen Fabrics, viz.:—I rish Friezes, Irish and Saxony Wool Tweeds, samples showing quality of wool and yarns used. Man. by Hillsboro’ Woollen Company, 1872, ... ... Richardson, Brothers, 01 42 MARBLE, PORCELAIN, AND POTTERY. " 1 Lombard Mug. “The Cherry Seller.” 1 Do. do. “Flower Gatherers.” 1 Lizabd Vase. “ Faggot Cutting.” 2 Vases. Domestic Subjects. 1 Vesper Ink. Do. do. 1 Spanish Plate. “The Naught}’-Thief.” ... 1 Dejeuner Service. “Watteau’s Subjects.” 1 Seaton. “ A Thankful Heart minds a Meal.” 1 Do. Fanciful Subject—“ Decency.” 1 Diamond Tray. “ The Faggot Gatherers.” 1 Oval Do. “ Gleaners.” 1 Carrier Jardiniere. “The Mirror.” ... 903 ... 903 (a) ... 803 ... 925 ... 924 ... 163 ... 175 ... 164 Ewers, Vases, Cups, and Saucers, &c., in pale blue, and white solid jaspers, in lilac medallions, in black bas relief, in sage and white do., and in black and red. Etruscan Figures. Plaque. “ The Gladiator,” in blue jasper. Josiah Wedgwood Sons. 2 Sceaux. Lilac Medallions. Dresden China. Large group of figures—“ Galatea, &c.”—“ The Vintage.” 2 figure Candlesticks—“Seasons.” Various groups of figures, allegorical. 2 Vases on Pedestals, marone ground, painted groups, &c. 0 2 Vases. Satyr, head, handles, Watteau groups in centre, &c. Royal Manufactory, Dresden, per Gregg ■ 60 The Konap Post, at the Junction of the Konap and Fish Rivers. * . A 61 Mr. Fuller’s Inn, between the Konap and Fish Rivers. 62 The Trader’s Station, on the White Kei River, in Ivaffirland, on the road to the Diamond Fields, from Grahamstown. .x 63 Fort Cox on the Amatola Mountains. Kaffir police at drill; painted from life on the spot. • 64 Bosch Nek, Eiland’s Berg, near the Chumie. 65 Junction of the Brak with the Kat River; the Chumie Mountain in the distance. s j 66 Klip Kloof. Taibosch Bergen. Wildschots Bergen in the distance. 67 Fort Brown, from the Graham’s Town Road. 68 Fig Kraal Drift; Great Fish River. ■ ; 69 Bushman Krantz, Baviaans River. Animals painted on the rock by Bushmen. 70 Dans Hoogte, near Fort Beaufort. 76 SOUTH AFRICAN COLLECTION. 71 Inn near Fig Kraal Drift. Great Fish River. 72 Krantz, between the Konap and Fish Rivers. 73 A Group of Circumcised Tambookies. After having undergone the rite of circumcision, they are whitewashed, and compelled to subsist on roots or anything they can find, to live in the bush, and remain away from any of the native kraals for one month. The group were in charge of the head man of the kraal. 74 The Attack on Fort Brown, and capture of cattle by the rebel Hottentots and Caffirs, April 10, 1851. 75 James’s Inn, at the foot of Daga Boer’s Neck, on the road from Graham’s Town to Cradock, the high road to the Diamond fields from Port Elizabeth. 76 Zuurberg, with Mackay’s Neck in the distance. Herd of quaggas. 77 A Detachment of the 2nd or Queen’s Regiment, surrounded by the combined Kaffir and Hottentot rebels in the Fish River bush, when the whole party of soldiers, with Captain Oldham, were massacred, September 9, 1851. 78 The Konap River, near Graham’s Town. Kaffirs on the trek with all their “ household gods.” 79 Balfour and Fort Armstrong, in the Kat River Yaliey. 80 Kaffirs, having made their fortunes, leaving the colony with all their property. 81 A Large Herd of Quaggas. Blue Wildebeestes and Blesboks on the plains south of the Yaal River. 82 The Graaf Reinet Hottentot Levy attacking Kaffirs on the Amatola* 83 Herd of Wildebeeste (Gnus), near the Brandt Spruits River. 84 Fingoes at Mildenliall’s Farm, near Fort Beaufort, and Dans Hoogte in the distance. It was on this spot Andrew Geddes Bain, the geologist, discovered the fossil remains of the Dieynodon, which is now in the Geological Museum. 85 A Distant Yiew of the 74th Highlanders and Port Elizabeth Levies, storming the position of the Kaffirs and rebel Hottentots in the Amatola Mountains. Fingoes plundering a Kraal, having found a concealed granary. 86 Colonel Eyre’s Division passing through the Camp of General Somerset, near Butterworth, with captured cattle, driven by Butterworth Fingoes and Amoponda Kaffirs. 87 Krantz, between Konap and Fish Rivers, on the Queen’s Road, near Graham’s Town. SOUTH AFRICAN COLLECTION. 77 88 Port Elizabeth, Algoa Bay. 89 The Graham’s Town Market, with ivory and skins brought from the interior by Mr. Hume, the trader. 90 A Group of Becliuanas at their Kraal on the Yaal River; painted from life. This is the country where the Diamond discovery has been made. Near this place, it is computed, there is little short of 50,000 people digging for Diamonds; and very many have amassed fortunes. 91 Indwe River, Zuurberg; the wounded Hartebeeste. 92 House on the Stormbergen, after the chase. 93 El Cabo Tormcntoso (Cape Point), bearing N. by W. 94 Kaffir Kraal, near the Amatola ; painted on the spot, from Ufa. 95 Eiland’s Post, Ivat River. "Waggon broken down. 96 Oorlog’s Poort River, tributary of the Orange River. 97 Waggon capsized crossing a Drift between the Chumie Hoek and Eiland’s Berg. 98 Mr. J. O. Smith’s Jetty, Algoa Bay, in 1846. Surf-boat coming on shore. 99 Fort Beaufort, from the west. 100 Port Francis, Mouth of the Kowie. 101 Mission Station at Thaba Unchu, or Black Mountain. 102 A Visit from a Friendly Tribe. A present of sour milk. 103 Line Drift, Keiskama River. 104 Thirsty Flat, Hanglip bearing north ; distance ten miles. 105 Sketched near Block Drift. Kaffir girl with basket of milk. 106 Kaffirs surprised by the Sporting Club, seven miles north-east o. Graham’s Town, during the Kaffir War of 1846-7. 107 Farm, near Fort Beaufort. The Kloo Kloo. 108 The great Ivei River, six or eight miles from its mouth. 109 Bathurst; Waggon crossing the drift. 110 Descent of Mackay’s Neck in the Zuurberg. 111 The Village of Burgher Dorp, high road to Diamond Fields from the eastern frontier. 112 A Burgher Patrol surrounding a party of Kaffirs previous to making the Attack in Krantz Poort. 78 SOUTH AFRICAN COLLECTION. 113 Rond Heuvels Poort; Taaibosch Bergen. 114 Entrance to the Queen’s Road, coming from the Fish River to Graham’s Town, with the Ecca Heights. 115 Old Golo Post. The drift below it. 116 Klaas Smits River; waggon crossing the drift. 117 A Troop of TFildebeeste near the Brand Spruits-River. 118 Between the Klaas Smits River and Rhebok’s Fontyn. 119 Ivonap Drift, on the Road to Fort Beaufort, from Graham's Town. 120 Valley of the Mancazana, with the Conap Hills. 121 Interior of a Kaffir Hut on the Great Ivei, painted on the spot. 122 Gonah Hottentots performing Kaffir dances—Zuurberg. 123 The End of my Old Steed 11 Hotspur,” in the Tarka, 130 miles from home. South-east of the Great Table Mountain. 124 Dagga Boer’s Neck and Valley of the Baviaans River. 125 Part of Cradock from the north. Dutch settlement. 126 Table Farm, Ivlass Smits River. 127 The Tarka Post, near the Great Table Mountain. 128 The Zuurberg. A long shot at herd of Zebras. 129 Police-station near Fort Cox. The Kaffir Chiefs, Sandilli, Dundas, and Botman, painted on the spot from life. ABYSSINIA. Painted by Thomas Baines, F.R.G.S. 130 Magdala, in Abyssinia, from the East. From a copy furnished by Dr. Petermann, from an original sketch by Th. von Heuglin. “ The village in the foreground is apparently that of Tanta, at the foot of the hill of the same name. The small square plateau in the centre, and the larger one to the left, seem to constitute the fort of Magdala. Between them is the plain and village of Islamgie. above which the forts rise with perpendicular scarps of 100 to 200 feet. The communication between this plain and the forts is by clefts in the rock which form natural gateways. On the other sides, the forts are surrounded by precipitous rocks and ravines of basaltic formation. Beyond the limits of the picture to the right, would be the Bashilo Iliver, the heights of Talanta, and, at thirty miles distance, Wadela Heights, where Sir Robert Napier was.” (See Mr. Markham's Letter, page 8.) 131 Senafe, 1868—The Camp of Lord Napier. 132 The Sooroo Defile, 1868. rt . V V FINE ARTS. The name of the artist is in capital letters ; the name of the proprietor, when other than the artist, is appended in italics. The prices of works for sale are annexed to the titles in the Catalogue. Philip W. Kennedy, Esq. (office off East corridor near Ladies’ Loan Collection Room), will afford all necessary information to persons desiring to purchase. Ten per cent, of the price must be deposited with him; and the Executive do not recognize any sales unless made through him. No work can be delivered to the purchaser until after the close of the Exhibition. &S* Works for sale are distinguished by bearing reel numbers. SCULPTURE. 1 A Pieta, in marble- J. FARRELL. Artist. £1,000 2 Modesty, Q. CORBELLINI. Edwarcl Cecil Guinness, Esq. 3 Socrates, - P. MAGNI. * Do. 4 Reading Girl, P. MAGNI. Do. 5 Michael Angelo, when Head of a Faun, E. ZOCCHI. A BOY, SCULPTURING THE his First Work, J. Wardell, Esq. 6 The Sleeping Faun, MISS H. HOSMER. E. Cecil Guinness, Esq. 7 Daring, D. CORBELLINI. Do. J. H. FOLEY, R.A. 8 Sir Benjamin Lee Guinness, Bart., Do. 9 Mercury, - L. WEEGAN. Do. 10 Dancing Girl, P. MAGNI. Sir A. E. Guinness, Bart. 11 Sappho, J. R. KIRK, R.H.A. Edward Cedi Guinness, Esq. 12 The Young Champion, THOMAS KIRK, R.H.A. W. B. Smyths, Esq. 13 Boy and Shell, J. R. KIRK, R.H.A. Artist. £65 JOHN PARRELL. 14 A Sleeping Youth, Artist. 80 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 15 Andromeda, P. MAGNI. - E. Cecil Guinness, Esq. 16 A Poetess Reclining. JOHN FARRELL. - Artist. £400 17 A Veiled Head, G. B. LOMBARDI. - E. Cecil Guinness, Esq. 18 Head of a Nymph, G. B, LOMBARDI. Do. 19 Insidious Love, G. M. BENZQNI. - Sir A. E. Guinness, Bart. 20 The Vintage, G. B. LOMBARDI.. Do. 21 Vanity, A. BOTTINELLI. Do. 22 Autumn, A. BOTTINELLI. Do. 23 Susanna, G. B. LOMBARDI. Do. 24 Cupid and Psyche, G. M. BENZONI. Do. 25 Sposa di Cantici, G. B. LOMBARDI. Do. 26 Arthur Guinness, Esq., J. R. KIRK, R.H.A. - E. Cecil Guinness, Esq. 27 Winter, G. M. BENZONI. - Sir A rthur E. Guinness, Bart. THOMAS FARRELL, R.H.A. 28 A Little Dunce, - - - - * Artist. THOMAS FARRELL, R.H.A. 29 The Nymph Eucharis and Love, - - Do. £450 JOHN FLAXMAN, R.A. 30 Cupid, ...... Lord Cloncurry. A. BOTTINELLI. 31 Winter, Sir A. E. Guinness, Bari. JOSEPH FARRELL. 32 Looking at the Sea, 33 Just Awake, 34 A Veiled Child, - - - - Artist. £120 P. MAGNI. - J. War dell, Esq. - Sir A. E. Guinness. Bart. 35 Judith, JOHN FARRELL Artist. £400 SCULPTURE. 81 JOHN HOGAN. 36 A Goatherd, - J. R. KIRK, R.H.A. 37 Viscount Southwell, 38 Viscountess Southwell, - 39 Viscountess Powerscourt, J. H. FOLEY. R.A. 40 Edmund Burke, 41 Oliver Goldsmith, (-) 42 Bust of Nelson, 43 Adversity, - 44 Charles Dickens, 45 Prayer, 46 Faun, J. D. CRITTENDEN. G. WEBSTER. J. D. CRITTENDEN. ANTIQUE. 47 The Fairy Tale, - A. BRUCE JOY. ANTIQUE. 48 Venus, 49 A Shepherd Boy, 50 Saved from the Wreck, ANTIQUE. JOSEPH FARRELL. 51 Summer, % 52 Lord Palmerston, 53 Group of Children, 54 Dr. Anderton, 55 Industry, 56 Rev. Dr. Griffin, 67 Group of Children, 58 A Bacchante, J. WATKINS, R.H.A. J. E. JONES. R. RINALDI. JAMES CAHILL. G. FONTANA J. CAHILL. R. RINALDI. C. MOORE. Miss Hogan. £200 Artist. Do. Do. J. Norwood, Esq. Do. W. Emden, Esq. W. W. Hackett, Esq. Artist. Marble, £80 Plaster Cast, £2 Artist. Marble, £52 10s. Lord Cloncurry. Artist. Lord Cloncurry. Sir A. E. Guinness, Bart. Artist. £120 Mrs. Watkins. £63 J. Kincaid, Esq. Sir A. E. Guinness, Bart. Artist. £63 Sir A. E. Guinness, Bart. Artist. £63 Sir A. E. Guinness, Bart. Thomas Moore, Esq. £40 SCULPTURE. £2 J. CAHILL. 59 Late Very Rev. Dr. Spratt, - - - Artist. £20 A. BRUCE JOY. 60 Collection op Medallions, - - - . Artist. 1. Mrs. Scott Siddons. 2. F. W. Burton, Esq., R.H.A. 3. Prince Herman. 4. ,W. Bruce Joy, Esq., M.D. A. BRUCE JOY. 61 Collection of Medallions, - - - Do . 1. A. P. Graves, Esq. 2. Countess Laura Przezdziecka. 3. Rev. F. VV. Farrar, B.D. 4. Joaquin Miller. 5. Miss Sibyl Farrar. A. BRUCE JOY. 62 Sunshine, Do. 63 Beatrice, ..... Do. • •••' • JOHN THOMAS, R.A. 64 Bust of D. Maclise, R.A. - - - G. A W. Vokins, £73 10a. 65 Sir Bernard Burke, 66 Dr. Evans, 67 Dr. Elrington, 68 Dr. Colles, 69 Joseph Clarke, M.D., J. WATKINS, R.H.A. Mrs. Watkins. - • • - Do. Do. Do. (-) - Dr. Evory Kennedy. J. WATKINS, R.H.A. 70 Professor Sullivan, .... Mrs. Watkins. 71 Bishop of Peterboro’ .... Do. T. STEWART KIRK, Jun. 72 James Stannus Hughes, M.D., Physician to the Household, ..... Artist. ( - ) 73 Arthur, 1st Earl of Arran, - - - Dr. E. Kennedy. 74 Robert Clayton, D.D., F.R.S., Bishop of Clogher, Do. T. STEWART KIRK, Jun. 75 George H. Porter, Surgeon in Ordinary to the Queen in Ireland, .... Artist. J. WATKINS, R.H.A. 76 Archbishop of Dublin, - Mrs. Watkins. T. STEWART KIRK, Jun. 77 The Late John Skipton Mulvany, R.H.A., Architect, ..... Artist. 78 The Late Patrick Murphy, Esq. - - Do. 79 Bust of a Lady, ----- Do. SCULPTURE. 83 • • 80 81 82 83 84 85 83 87 88 89 90 91 92 WILLIAM MILLARD. Passing Thoughts, J. WATKINS, K.H.A. Miss Kathleen Vincent, Lord O’Hagan, Miss Polly Vincent, Head of a Nymph, - Robert Smyth, Esq., - - . _ T EOMPIANI. Rust of a Lady, .... Bust of a Gentleman, T. BUTLER. Marble Bust of the late Thomas Burrowes C. MOORE. The Late Lord Plunkett, MARQCHETTI. Marble Bust of the Hon. Mrs. Rowley, J. LAWLOE. Head of a Nymph, CAEEW. Marble Bust of a Lady, from the collection of the late Lord Egremont, .... UNKNOWN. Artist. In marble, £45 Mrs. Vincent. Mrs. Watkins. £63 Mrs. Vincent. Mrs. Watkins. £31 10s. Robert Smyth, Esq. J. Dobson. Do. E. Hutchins. E. Hutchins. Hon. H. Rowley. Artist. £40 P. W. Kennedy, Esq. 93 Antique Bust of the Empress Faustina, brought from Rome, 1783, - J. E. BOEHM. 94 J. E. Millais, R.A., - 95 Bust of a Lady, - E. BAILY, E.A. 96 Bust of a Gentleman - FARRELL. 97 Rev. Ceasar Otway, - W. MILLAED. 98 Katie Millard, - A. BRUCE JOY. 99 Lord Napier of Magdala, - Wm. La Touche. Artist. Artist. J. Norwood, Esq. Artist. Artist. W. MILLARD. 100 Medallion—M editation. - 101 The Late Flora Anderson, 102 Bust of the late Charles Dickens, 103 Medallion—I nnocence, E. B. PURDON. 104 Sir Robert Stewart, Mas. Doc. - Artist. In marble £15 15s. Do. Do. Do. £15 15s. Do. Do. £15 15s. Artist. THOMAS WOOLNER, A.R.A. 105 Bas-Relief, part of a monument erected at Wigton— “ Comfort the afflicted. ” ... Artist. 84 SCULPTURE. C. MOORE. 106 Sib Richard Griffith, Bart. (-) 107 Mercuby (bronze), .... 108 Discobulos do. - 109 Sleeping Faun do. WILLIAM MILLARD. 110 His F.minence Cardinal Cdllen, Sir A. E. Guinness, Bart. Do. Do. Artist. £7 7s. In Marble, £15 15s. Ill Boy’s Pony and Dog, JONES. Samuel Johnson, Esq. £40 ROYAL PORTRAIT GALLERY. (In Loan Museum.) 1 King Henby VIII.,- 2 Catherine of Arragon, 3 Anna Boleyn, 4 Jane Seymour, 5 King Edward VI., - 6 Queen Mary, 7 King Philip II. of Spain, 8 Queen Elizabeth, - HOLBEIN. (-) (-) (-) HOLBEIN. (- ) TITIAN. MARK GERARDS. 9 King James I., VAN SOMER. 10 Queen Anne, Consort of James I., - (-) 11 Mary Queen of Scots, VANDYCK. 12 King Charles I. VANDYCK. 13 Henrietta Maria, 14 Queen of Bohemia, 15 Oliver Cromwell, 16 King Charles II., - (-) (-) SIR PETER LELY. JERVAS. 17 Catherine of Braganza. 18 King James II., ( - ) SIR PETER LELY. 19 Mary of Modena, Queen of James II., - The Earl of Portarlington. - Lord Buckhurst. - The Earl Spencer. - Lord Buckhurst. - J. F. Nuttall, Esq. . Lord Talbot de Malahidc. - Trinity College, Dublin. - The Earl Spencer. - Her Majesty. - Sir J. M. Stewart , Bart. - The Earl of FingalL • Do. - The Lord James Butler - Charles Cobbe, Esq. —— - The Mansion. House. - The Earl Spencer. - Colonel Gun Cunningham - The Earl Spencer. 86 PAINTINGS IN OIL. Royal Portraits—Loan Museum. 20 King William III., -) 21 King William III. on a Sorrel Horse, < The Royal Hospital. The Earl of Enniskillen. ( ) 22 King William III., Coloured Composition Bust, - The Lord Janies Butler. (-) 23 King William III., Marble Bust, (- 24 Queen Mart, ( 25 Prince Charlie, the Young Pretender, (-) 26 Queen Anne, (■ (• 27 Prince George op Denmark, 28 King George I., 29 King George II., • ) (■ > 30 Queen Caroline, Consort of King George II. (Between the Windows.) .... HUDSON. 31 Frederick Prince op Wales, ALLAN RAMSAY. 32 King George III., - 33 Queen Charlotte, - 34 King George IV., 35 King William IV.,- 36 Queen Adelaide, - 37 Her Majesty SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE. Aldermen of Skinners'-alley. • The Royal Hospital. - Colonel Gun Cunningham. - The Royal Hospital. Do. • The Primate. Do. Her Majesty. Trinity College , Dublin. The Primate. Do. The Mansion House. WINTERHALTER. WINTERHALTER. 38 His Royal Highness the Prince Consort, ( ) Her Majesty. Her Majesty. 39 His Royal Highness the Prince op Wales, MADAME JERICHAU. 40 Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, - Thos. Conolly, Esg. } M.P. VANDYCK. 41 Prince Rupert, .... The Earl of Milltown. PAINTINGS IN OIL. Antient Masters—Central Picture Gallery. 87 ' PAINTINGS IN OIL. ANTIENT MASTERS. (Central Picture Gallery.) ANTHONY VAN DYCK. 1 Virgin and Child, - - - J. W. Ellison Macartney, Esq GUILIO ROMANO. 2 Holt Family .... Do. DUCCIO DI BONINSEGNA. 3 Saint George, 4 The Entombment, Old Copy, 5 An Angel’s Head, - t ....... . i 6 St. Dominick and Family, - Do. BARROCCIO CORREGIO. (-) - Lord James Butler. - John Palliser, Esq. - Charles Brien, Esq. - John Shaw Smith, Esq. GUIDO. 7 Virgin and Child, OTHO VENIUS (Master of Reubens). 8 Virgin Enthroned with Angels and Saints, J. W. Ellison Macartney, Esq, DUCCIO DI BONINSEGNA. 9 Saint Catherine, ; BERNANDINO LUINI. 10 Modesty and Vanity- NICHOLAS POUSSIN. 11 Vision oe St. Peter, PALMA VECCHIO. 12 Virgin and Child, St. Mathew, &c. PAUL VERONESE. 13 Feast of the Pharisees, - GUIDO RENI. 14 Head of Helen, - 15 Ecce Homo .... GUERCINO. 10 Head of St. Peter, Do.*’ M'H) - Do. - John Shaw Smith, Esq. The Provost, Trinity College. Thomas Conolly, Esq., M.P Charles Cobbe, Esq. •>—--—" - F. J. Power, Esq. r James F. Pollock, Esq. PAINTINGS IN OIL. Ancient Masters—Central Picture Gallery. 88 CARAVAGGIO. 17 The Gamesters, ..... Sir J. J. Coghill, Bart. MURILLO. 18 The Flagellation, - - - - - Thomas Conolly, Esq., M.P. A. CARACCI. 19 Martyrdom of St. Stephen, - - - The Provost. PAOLA MORANDO (called Cavazzola). 20 The Son of Count Emitth, Advocate of the Inquisition at Venice, - - - T. Woolner, R.A. SEBASTIANO DEL PIOMBO. 21 Portrait of Violin Player, GUIDO RENI. 22 Virgin and Child, 23 Artemesia, - FURINI. DOMENICHINO. 24 Astronomy, an Allegorical Painting, J. W. Ellison Macartney. Earl Spencer. Eoctw' Hamilton, Daniel M‘Carthy, Esq. • CARLO MARRATTI. 25 Nativity of our Lord, - - - • J. W. Ellison Macartney. J**A» |2 rV - <7 )i *1 I J i » 7 TITIAN. 26 An Italian Philosopher, .... The Earl of Fin gall. VENEZIANA. 27 A Lady Cutting Fruit, .... Lord James Butler. MORONI. 28 Portrait of a Venetian Gentleman, - - The Earl of Duiferin. SCHOOL OF RAFFAELLE. ’ 29 Portrait of “La Fornarini,” after the picture in the Tribune of Florence, - - J. IV. Ellison Macartney, Esq. M. A. CARAVAGGIO. 30 The Musical Party, .... The Earl of Charlemont. M. A. CARAVAGGIO. 1 31 Calling of Levi, ..... Lord James Butler. DUTCH SCHOOL. 32 Prince Maurice of Orange, • - - Col. Gun Cunningham. SNYDERS. 33 Dog and Dead Game, - - Lieut.-Col. the Hon. Charles S. Verehr. (-) 34 A Portrait, Miss Wyse. PAINTINGS IN OIL. Antient Masters—Central Picture Gallery. 89 M. A. CARAVAGGIO. ' ( \ ’ i 35 Gamblers Quarrelling, J. W. Ellison Macartney, Esq. TINTORETTO. 30 The Music Master, .... The Earl of Charlemont. DOMENICHINO. 37 The Martyrdom of St. Catherine, BELLINI. 38 Monna Lisa, .... - Daniel M‘Carthy. Thomas Conolly, Esq., M.P. CARACCI. 39 Joseph, Madonna, and Infant Saviour : the First Lesson, 40 Tribute Money, 41 Portrait, 42 A Portrait, 43 Europa, TITIAN. ELISABETTA SIRANI. ( ) A. J. Macrory, Esq. - James F. Pollock, Esq. ■ Sir Richard Griffith, Bart. - Charles Cobbe, Esq. - GUIDO RENI. J. TV. Ellison Macartney, Esq. BENVENUTO TISSO (called Gorafalo). 44 The Vision of Ezekiel, after the picture by Raf- faelle in the Pitti collection, - LORENZO DI CREDI. 45 Madonna adoring the Infant Saviour, SCHOOL OF CORREGIO. 40 Magdalen Reading, * CORREGIO. CORREGIO. VELASQUEZ. 47 Boys’ Heads, 48 Virgin and Child, - 49 Innocent Second, DOMENICHINO. 50 Nero contemplating the Body of Agrippina, - The Provost. (-) 51 Sir Francis Drake, Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ■ Thomas Conolly, Esq., M.P. Charles Cobbe, Esq. SPAGNOLLETTO. 52 Vision of St. Jerome, J. TV. Ellison Macartney, Esq. i. fi vF. /iw f u. A*/ PAINTINGS IN OIL. Antient Masters—Central Picture Gallery. eo .53 Cassar Borgia, 54 A Square in Venice, TITIAN. CANALETTO. (-) - The Earl of Charleniont. - Mrs. White. Do. 55 St. Januarius and Angel, ANNIBALE CARACCI. 56 The Penitent Magdalen, - - - Hubert Butler Moore, Esq. (- ) 57 Marshal Vauban, .... Charles Coble, Esq. VELASQUEZ. 58 The Cavalier Murillo, - - - Lieut.-Col. Hon. C. S. VereTcer. GONZALES COQUES. 59 The Duett, ..... DE LOBME AND TERBURG. 60 Interior op a Church, SCHOOL OF MURILLO. 61 Spanish Youth, CARAVAGGIO. p* . 62 Christ Reasoning with the Doctors, 63 Judgment of Paris, 64 Landscape,. •• 65 Acts op Mercy, 66 Landscape, • •= P. P. RUBENS. VAN GOYEN. SPANISH SCHOOL. JEAN LOUIS DEMARNE. RUBENS. John Wardell, Esq. Do. Rev. J. D. Penrose. Lord James Butler. Rev. G. H. Read. Lieut.-Col, Tottenham,. Lord James Butler. A. J. Macrory, Esq. The Earl of Milltown. Earl Spencer. 67 Meleager and Atalanta, CORNELIUS POELEMBERG. 68 A Ball, ...... ADRIAN VANDER WERF. 69 Portrait op Vander Werf’s Wife, by himself, - A. J. Macrory, Esq. VANDER VELDE. 70 Sea Piece, ..... Thomas Connolly, Esq., M.P. PAUL POTTER. • 71 Cow, Sheep, and Dog, - - . Lieut.-Col.. Tottenham. PAINTINGS IN OIL. Antient Masters—Central Picture Gallery. 91 CLAUDE. 72 Landscape, . The Marquis of Drogheda. ANTONIO BALESTEA. l^r 73 Tobit and the Angel, 4-4 T ' y 66 - The Earl of Charltmont. Do. Charles Cobbe, Esq. The Earl of Charlemont. of Charltmont. ZUCCAEELLI. 74 Landscape and Figure, HEMSKEECK. 75 Portrait of the Artist, - . ZUCCAEELLI. 76 Landscape and Figures, - JOEDAENS. 77 Christ driving the Money-changers from the Temple, ... - William Tracey, Esq. 300 gns. PALAMEDES. 78 Dutch Supper Party, - Captain Sheffield Betham. BQNAVENTUEE PETEES. 79 Storm on the Coast, ... - The Earl Spencer. EEMBEANDT. 80 William Prince of Orange, afterwards King William III., Do ‘ ZUCCAEELLI. 81 Landscape with Figures, , - * Captain Sheffield Betham. WYNANTS. 82 Landscape and Figures, - - * * John Wardell, Esq. WATEELOO. 83 Landscape,. The Primate. BIEESTEAATEN. 84 Snow Scene, Figures Skating, - - - J.Y. Burges, Esq. ' JOHN VOUEHONT. 85 Lady at her Toilet, - Charles Cobbe, Esq. VANDEE HELST. / ’ I- I U M J » f x 86 Portrait of a Gentleman, - - - The Earl of Duflerm. EECKHOUT. 87 CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE DISPUTING WITH THE _ & Doctors, - * 2 ,. . EEMBEANDT. .• y,y,. \ZSf ' _ . . . - E. Cedi Guinness, Esq. 88 Portrait of a Monk, ■ ~ DOIVIENICHINO.. 89 St. Cecilia, . . . ?. * . ■ - . .. ■ ■ * .. - Sir William Eort, Bart. 92 PAINTINGS IN OIL. Antient Masters—Central Picture Gallery. 90 A Portrait, 91 The Burgomasters, 92 The Madonna, VANDER HEIST. VANDYCK. - Miss Wyse. - J. A. Vincent, Esq. A. H. Smith Barry, Esq., M.P. u - The Primate. h'M lc \V REESBROECK. 93 The Great Lord Clarendon, REMBRANDT. 94 Judas returning the Thirty Pieces op Silver, The Earl of Charlemont. F. MIERIS—1665. 94a Lady and Child, with Negro Page, - - William Graham, Esq. TENIERS. 96 A Fishing Port on the French Coast, - - John Barton, Esq. RUBENS. 96 The Adoration of the Magi, • - - Thomas Conolly, Esq. ZUCCARELLI. 97 Landscape and Figures, - - Lt.- Col. the Hon. C. Smith Vereker PHILIP DE CHAMPAGNE. 98 Robert Arnaud de Audilly, - - . The Earl Spencer. GERARD DOW. 99 Portrait of the Artist, - DECKER. 100 Landscape, ----- (-) - The Earl of Portarlington 101 Head of a German Reformer, - REMBRANDT. 102 Hurdy Gurdy Player, REMBRANDT. 103 Rembrandt’s Mother, FRANCK HALS. 104 Boy with Glass, - CANALETTO. 105 View in Venice, .... 106 View in Venice, - J. VICTOOR. 107 Joseph’s Brethren Showing his Garments to Charles Coble, Esq. Lord James Butler. their Father, 108 Flight of Lot’s Family, 109 Dutch Garden Scene, - The Marquis of Drogheda. - The Marquis of Drogheda. - J. L. Naper, Esq. - Miss Wyse. - Do. A. J. Macrory, Esq. GUERCINO. DEHOOGE. c, 13 V? 1/ J. W. Ellison Macartney, Esq. * The Earl of Dvfferin. PAINTINGS IN OIL. Antient Masters—Central Picture Gallery. 93 110 Flowers, &c. MARIO DE FIORI. - Charles Brien, Esq. Ill Flowers, &c. MARIO DE FIORI. - Do. 112 Bubble Blowers VANDER WERF. - C. Moloney, Esq. 113 Landscape and Figures, WYNANTS. - Lord James Butler. 114 The Chase Concluded, DIRCK MAAS. - Charles Brien, Esq. 115 Landscape, - A. ROEHN. - A. J. Macrory, Esq. GERARD DOW. 116 Supposed to be the Mother op Rembrandt, - The Knight of Kerry. - H. HOLBEIN. 117 Sir John More, father of Sir Thomas More, • W. B. Smythe, Esq. VANDER WERF. 118 The Flagellation op Christ, - Lord James Butler. MAAS. 119 Portrait op the Duke op Argyle, - - Rev. Q. Read. FRANCK HALS. 120 Portrait op Dutch Lady, - Lord Castletown, of Upper Ossory. MAAS. | v> A' A. ' 121 “Earl op Nithsdale,” said to have escaped from the Tower in his Wife’s clothes, ... Rev. 0. Read. MAD’LLE GERARD. 122 The Music Lesson, - - - - T. Y. Burgess, Esq. ZUCCARELLI. 123 Landscape and Figures, - - - - W. B. Smythe, Esq. GERARD SEGERS. 124 The Denial, ..... The Earl of Bessborough. SALVATOR ROSA 125 RtJlNS of Carthage, .... Charles M‘I)ermott, Esq. DOBSCN. 120 John Milton, when Latin Secretary to O. Cromwell, Charles Brien. REMBRANDT. 127 Portrait op the Artist, - . - The Earl of Portarlington. 128 Rembrandt’s Mother, * The Earl Spencer. Cb 94 PAINTINGS IN OIL. Antient Masters—Central Picture Gallery. TITIAN. 129 Landscape and Figures, .... Charles Brien, Esq. STEIN WYCK. 130 Interior of Cathedral, .... John Wardell, Esq. FRANCK HALS. 131 Portrait of a Dutch Gentleman, - - Lord Castletown, of Upper Ossory. RUBENS. 132 A Study, - - - - - A. II. Smith Barry, Esq., M.P 133 Do. Do. 134 Do.. Do. 135 Do.. Do. 136 Do,. Do. 137 Do. - Do. (The above series illustrate the life and death of Achillas.) GUILIO ROMANO. 138 Conqueror receiving Spoils, k '' ZUCCARELLI. 139 Landscape and Figures, 140 Sea Piece, - VANDER VELDE. TERBURG. 141 Lady at her Toilet, Lieut.Col. the Hon. C. VereJcer. - E. S. R. Smyth, Esq. Thomas Connolly, Esq., M.P. - A. J. Macrory, Esq. BOUT AND BODEWYNS. 142 Landscape and Figures, • - - - /. C. Bennett, Esq. BRUEGHEL and ROTHENHAMER. • 143 V IRGIN AND Child, in Landscape, - - • C. Molony, Esq. SOLOMON RUYSDAEL. 143a Landscape in Holland, - .... ROTHENHAMER. 144 Triumph of Bacchus, RUBENS. 145 Nymphs and Satyrs, P. WOUVERMANS. 148 Horse-shoeing at a Village Forge, WEENIX. 147 Dead Game, .... . P. WOUVERMANS. 148 Cavaliers Halting, - .... ... . BOUT and BODEWYNS. 149 Landscape and Figures, - 150 A Study from Nature, R. E. Lyne, Esq. Lord James Butler. Charles Brien, Esq. The Primate. The Marquis of Ely. Do. J. C. Bennett, Esq. Do. £60 151 ORPHEtis in Arcadia, JACQUES SAVERY, 1631. J. C. Nairn, Esq. £30 PAINTINGS IN .Oil* 95 • 4 J 0 . Antient Masters—Central Picture Gallery... . , , . f * f - ' . . . - • J. VAN KESSEL. 152 Flower Piece, - - • - - Dr. Hamilton. R. LE FEVRl 153 Pope Pius VII., - - John Wardell, Esq. . “ » * JURIAEN VAN POOL and RACHEL VAN POOL. 154 Interior, with Portraits of the Artists and their Child, A. H. Macrory, Esq. SEGERS. 155 Birds and Insects, - - - - C. Molony, Esq. MOUCHERON and VANDER VELDE. 156 Landscape with Figures, - - - • G. R. Cash, Esq. PAUL POTTER. 157 Paul Potter’s Wife and Cow, - - ■ J. Y. Burges, Esq. DAVID TENIERS. 153 Shepherd, • ■* Lieut.-Col. the Hon. C. Smith Yereker. 159 Dutch Interior, Boors Regaling, - - The Earl of Enniskillen. ' . - FERRARI. - .? - 100 St. Jerome, - - - Right Eon. R. More O'Farrell. ’ ' SQLEMACKER. ■" . 161 Cattle and Figures, - - - • C. Molony, Esq. PANINI. 162 Palace of the Cbsars at Rome, - - - Captain S. Betham. PAUL FERG. 163 Landscape and Figures, - - - Lieut.-Col. the Eon. C. S. Yereker MOUCHERON AND LINGLEBACH. 164 Landscape, Water, and Figures, - - ■ C. Molony, Esq. ABRAHAM EEGEYN. 165 Landscape in Italy, VAN HUYSMANS. 168 Landscape, River and Figures, DOMENICHINQ. 167 Woody Landscape, with Water and Figures, WATERLOO. 168 Landscape, - N. ROUTBOUT. 169 Landscape, with Bridge, DOMENICHINO. 169a The Impenitent Thief, - Charles Coble, Esq. - C. Molony, Esq. - C. Brien, Esq. - Lieut.-Col. Tottenham. - Charles Coble, Esq. A. E. Smith Barry, Esq~, M.P 96 PAINTINGS IN OIL. East End, Central Picture Gallery, at Entrance to Ladies’ Loan Collection Room. SALVATOR ROSA. 170 Rocky Landscape, with Figures, VANDERNEER. 171 Moonlight, River Scene, - The Hon. J. P. Vereker. Lieut.-Col. Tottenham. SIMONINI. 172 Condottxbbi hanoing a Spy, - - J. W. EUison Macartney, Esq. FRANCIS MTERIS. 173 Dropsical Lady, after Gerard Dow, • C. Molony, Esq. PAUL FERG. 174 Landscape, a Figure, - - - Lieut.-Col. the Hon. C. S. Verckcr. GUIDO RENI. 175 A Stcdt, ..... A. H. Smith Barry, Esq., M.P. JACOB RUYSDAEL. 170 Landscape and Figures, - DECKER. 177 Landscape, ..... - Rev. G. D. Penrose. - Charles Cobbe, Esq. GABRIEL METZU. 178 Interior, Lady and Page, - John S. Smith, Esq. (East End Central Picture Gallery, at entrance to Ladies’ Loan Collection Rooms.) CANALETTO. 181 View in Venice, 182 View in Venice, .... - Miss Wyse. Do. SASSOFERATO. 183 The Madonna, • Lady Julia Lockwood. CANALETTO. 184 A Marriage Fete in Venice, - M rs. Roe. GUILLAUME HEDA. 185 Ccyp, his Wife and Child, - J. II. Cochrane, Esq. GASPER DE WITT. 180 Joseph and Mary with the Infant Saviour, • A. J. Macrory, Esq. J. VICTOR. 187 Rebekah meeting Isaac, - A. J. Macrory, Esq. PAUL VERONESE. 188 The Marriage at Cana, - The Earl of Ecs.borouyh. PAINTINGS IN OIL. Early British School—Central Picture Gallery. 97 J. & A. EOTH. 189 Wooded Landscape, with Figures, VANDYCKE. 190 The Children op Charles I., PIERRE MIGNARD. 191 Louis XIV., SCHOOL OF MURILLO. 192 Faith—St. Margaret and the Dragon - - Crosdaile Molony, Esq. • L. Murphy, Esq. J. W. Ellison Macartney, Esq. Do. EARLY BRITISH SCHOOL. Central Picture Gallery.—(Numbers commence over Loan Museum Door.) JAMES BARRY (Cork). 193 Venus rising from the Sea, - - Rev. John D. Penrose. £300 GAINSBORO’. ANGELICA KAUFFMAN. 194 Mrs. Champion, 195 Girl at Plat, .... LOUTHERBOURG. 196 Man attacked by Snakes, ROMNEY. 197 Portrait op R. Griffith, O’CONNOR. 198 Landscape, . W. HOGARTH. 199 The Lady’s Last Stake, or virtue in danger, SIR PETER LELY. 199a William III., when Prince of Orange, COTES. 200 Lady Fortescue, .... GAINSBORO’. 201 A Study, 202 Landscape and Figure, v v 1 *- W. LINTON. 203 Spanish Landscape, Charles Coble, Esq. Cattcrson Smith, Esq., R.H.A. Lieut.-Col. Tottenham. Sir Richard Griffith, Bart. Rt. Hon. More O'Fcrrall. The Earl of Charlemont. W. Caldbech, Esq. Mrs. Isacke. - Rev. C. E. Wright • t Lieut.-Col. Tottenham. { Uv'kf C. Philip Homan, Esq. £80 SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. 204 Henry, third Duke of Buccleugh, - - Earl of Courtown. The Earl of Charlemont. The Earl of Charlemont. PENNY. 205 The Ballad Singer, 206 Couple returning from the Fair, O’CONNOR. 207 Landscape, - Rt. Hon. R. More O'Farrell. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. 208 George IV. when Prince of Wales, - - Lord Clermont. 98 PAINTINGS IN OIL. Early British School—Central Picture Gallery. John Barton, Esq. Sir R. Griffith, Bart. Lord BucJchurst. EGBERTS. 209 Landscape, with Brood Mare and Asses, - ROMNEY. 210 Portrait op Mrs. York, - SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. 211 David Garrick, died 1799, - PENNY. 212 The Marquis op Granby giving alms to a sick soldier. The Earl of Charlemont. J. A. O’CONNOR. 213 View in Castle Coote Demesne, - - - C. Bennett, Esq. J. A. O’CONNOR. 214 The Devil's Glen, Co. Wicklow, - Captain Sliedden . SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. 215 Kitty Fisher, - - • - - P. C. Cockbume. u GAINSBOROUGH. 216 A Portrait, - , - Thomas Conolly, Esq., M.P. V- Cw |u~ %. HOGARTH. - C CxA-vJ -> fib* f Jui'* 217 The Gates op Calais, .... The Earl of Charlemont . SIR GODFREY KNELLER. 217a Mrs Oldfield, ..... Charles Coble , Esq . J. A. O’CONNOR. 1 218 Landscape, ..... Right Eon. R. More O’Farrell. ROMNEY. 219 Portrait op Mrs. C. Griffith, - - - Sir R. Griffith, Bart. JAMES BARRY. 220 Chiron teaching Achilles the Art of Music and how to use the Implements op War, E . and A . RadcliJJe . £26 5s. G. HAMILTON. 221 Agrippina Mourning over the Ashes op Ger- manicus. .... The Lord Castletown of Upper Ossory . GAINSBOROUGH. 222 Boy with Bird’s Nest, HOFFNER. 223 A Portrait, .... WILLIAM HOGARTH. 224 Portrait op Old Coombs at the age of 108. GEORGE SMITH. 225 Snow Scene, .... LOUTHERBOURG. 226 A Storm, JAMES BARRY. 227 The Temptation, .... - Sir J. Barrington. - Henry Quin, Esq. - The Earl of Charlemont. • Thomas Conolly, Esq., M.P. - J. L. Naper, Esq. - Society of Arts. PAINTINGS IN OIL. Early British School—Central Picture Gallery. SIR PETER LELY. 228 Portrait of a Lady .... jp. Meredith, Esq. GAINSBOROUGH. 229 Right Hon. Louisa Barbara Lady Vernon, - Mrs. Isacl-e, — ’ (-) 230 Robert First Lord Digby, - - - G. D. W. Digby, Esq. BARRETT. 231 River View and Waterfall, - - II. Quin, Esq. RICHARD ROTHWELL, R.E.A. 232 The Gentle Page, - - - - N. Robinson, Esq. ANGELICA KAUFFMANN. 233 Portrait of the Artist, - - - The Earl of Portarlington. SIR PETER LELY. 234 The Duchess of Somerset, - - - Robert Abbott, Esq. ANGELICA EAUFFIvIANN. 235 Venus showing ^Eneas the way to Carthage, - Lieut.-Col. the Hon. C. S. Yereler. SIR PETER LELY. 236 Earl and Countess of -Mounirath and Children, Sir Charles Coote, Bart. ETTY. 237 Night and Morning, DUTCH SCHOOL. 238 Cattle going out in the Morning, MORLAND. 239 The Washerwoman, BARRETT. 240 View in the Dargle, Co. Wicklow, SIR PETER LELY. 241 Portrait of a Lady, (-) 242 Mrs. Nind, ..... 243 Portrait of a Boy with Cap, GAINSBOROUGH. SIR PETER LELY. 244 Child with Dog, - 245 Nell Gwynne, RICHARD ROTHWELL, E.H.A. 246 The Young Enthusiast, - Miss Eliza Marshall d a J. Y. Burgess, Esq. T. Woolner, A.R.A. A. J. Macrory, Esq. H. Quin, Esq. E. Cecil Guinness, Esq. C. Coble, Esq. J. Y. Burges, Esq. Rev. J. C. Porter. — Lord JDunsandle. 100 PAINTINGS IN OIL. Early British School—Central Picture Gallery. WILLIAM HOGARTH. 247 The Second Stage of the Harlot's Progress, - The Earl of Charlemont. GEORGE RICHMOND, R.A. 248 Domestic Happiness, after Morland, - - A. J. Macrory, Esq. MORLAND. 249 The Elopement, - Do. 250 The Virtuous Parent, .... Do. 251 Dressing for the Masquerade, - - - Do. 252 The Tavern Door, .... Do. 253 The Fair Penitent, .... Do. T. S. COOPER, ESQ. 254 Cattle Feeding, ..... Pierse Finucane, Esq. MORLAND. 255 Landscape with Figures, • - - - J. L. Naper, Esq. J. A. O’CONNOR. 256 Landscape, .... WATTEAU. 257 Conversation, - MORLAND. 258 Heads of Cattle, J. A. O’CONNOR. 259 P0WERSC0URT WATERFALL, - 260 Frost Piece, .... 261 Stormy Evening in the Wood, 262 Thunderstorm, 263 In the Vale of Glenmalure, 264 Moonlight, 265 View in the Co. Wicklow, 266 View in the Co. Wicklow, VANDER GUCHT. 267 David Garrick, 1772, J. A. O’CONNOR. 268 Landscape, - MOUCHERON. 269 Landscape and Figures, R. B. DAVIS. 270 Near Virginia Water, GEORGE MORLAND. 270a The Shipwreck, - - Captain Shedden. Thomas Conolly, Esq., M.P. - A. J. Macrory, Esq. - Captain Shedden. • C. Bennett, Esq. Captain Shedden. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. - The Primate. - Colonel Chidley Coote. - John WardeU, Esq. South Kensington Museum. • Croasdaile Moilony, Esq. PAINTINGS IN OIL. Modern Masters—Ladies’ Loan Collection Room. 101 PAINTINGS IN OIL. MODERN MASTERS. (In Ladies’ Loan Collection Room. Numbers commence over Door.) ®3T Pictures for Sale are distinguished by bearing red numbers. F. S. WALKER, 271 The Swing in the Dargle, Co. Wicklow, - Artist. FERDINAND DE BRACKELIER. 272 La Declaration de Veillare, - - - Mrs. White. G. WERNER (Sweden). 273 Baptism of Early Swedish Converts to Chris¬ tianity, . Artist. £210 £100 Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Charles M ‘Dermott, Esq. Mrs. Cregan. F. BIARD. 274 Cagliostro and Madame Du Barry, J. CARABAIN. 275 Canal View, Environs of the Hague, M. CREGAN, R.H.A. 276 Portrait of a Lady, .... WOUTERMAERTENS (Belgium). 277 Maternal Affection—Sheep Dog and Donkey, Robert Smyth , Esq. F. LEIGHTON, R.A. 278 Sunrise, ...... Artist. H. L. ROLFE. 279 Group of Fresh Caught Salmon and Salmon Trout, ..... E. «£• A. Radclyffe. £22 Is. MISS MARGARET ALLEN, 280 St. Patrick’s Day in the Morning, - Jolliffe Tufncll , Esq, £52 10s. 281 A Spanish Girl, - 282 Very Wise Politicians, MISS M. TEKUSCH. PHILIP HOYOLL, Artist. Artist. £10 £8 8s. J. E. MEADOWS. 283 Gipsey Encampment, - - - Charles M‘Dermott, Esq. 102 paintings in oil. Modern Masters—Ladies’ Loan Collection Room. HENRY LE GRAND. 284 Citt and Bay of Naples, - - - Artist . £50 J. R. MARQUIS, R.II.A. 285 Regatta on Lough Erne, - - - E. J. Saunderson, Esq., M.P. CHARLES JONES. 286 Retriever and Sheldrake, • Artist. £150 LOUIS DE WINTER. 287 Moonlight- Harbour at Low Water, - • Mrs. White. HENRY MACMANUS, B.H.A. 288 A Hymn to the Setting SV’n, » * Avdmt > Co rrigqp ) , Esq. £100 W. HOLLYOAKE. 28.9 A Girl of the Period, - - - Thomas Conolly, Esq., M . P . HENRY WALLIS. 290 Last Days of the Cappucini Monastery, at Sorrento, ..... Artist. £157 IQs. VAL PRINSED. 291 A Venetian Gaming-house, 16tli Century, - Artist. 400 gas. B. C0LLES WATKINS, R.H.A. 292 Glengariff Bay, ..... fiobert Smyth , Esq. G. ARMFIELD. 293 Logs at Rabbit Burrow, .... Captain & Bctham. M. ALISON. 294 The East Cliff, near the Entrance to Ecclesbourne Glen, Hastings, ..... Artist. £8 A. GLINT. 295 Stormy Sea, St. Brelade’s Bay, Jersey, - - Mrs. Whits. GRAHAM PRINGLE. 293 Evening at Crow’s Nest Castle, North Wales, - Artist. £1$ J£s. MISS ELLEN FURNISS. 297 Roman Peasant Girl, - Artist. £10 10«. F. LEIGHTON, R.A. 298 Nicolo Pisano, Italian Sculptor, - - - Society of Arts. J. E. FOYNTER. A.R.A. 299 St. George ...... Artist. 300 Fortitude - - Artist. R. REDGRAVE, R.A. 3Q1 Donatello, Italian Sculptor, ... Society of Ar^s. HENRY O’NEILL. 302 The Successful Launch, Artist. £21 PAINTINGS IN OIL. Modern Masters—Ladies’ Loan Collection Room. 103 L. A. V. PELLEGRINI 303 Vert Vert, the Pet Parrot of the Convent of Nevers, Artist. £100 BODDINGTON. 304 Landscape, River View—Anglers, - • Robert Smyth, Esq. J. F. HERRING, SEN. 305 Farm-yard in Winter, - - - Thomas Conolly, Esq., M.P. HON. LEWIS WINGFIELD, R.H.A. 300 On Gdard, ------ Artist. £45 R. J. LAUDER. 307 Hannah presenting Samuel to Eli, - - Edward Barrington , Esq. V. DE VOS. 308 The Artists oe the Caravan, - - * Pierse Finucane , Esq. JAMES HOLLAND. 309 On the Grand Canal, Venice, - - - Mrs. White. JULIETTE P. BONHEUR. 310 Cat and Kittens, ----- Crosdaile Molony, Esq. J. F. HERRING, SEN. 311 Summer, Farm-yard, .... Mrs. White . HON. LEWIS WINGFIELD, R.H.A. 312 An Italian Head— a Study, J. PHILLIP. 313 La Senorita, - WILSON. 314 A Study oe Rocks, SIDNEY R. PERCY. 315 The Mole, near Dorking, - C. GRIERSON. 316 Only a Penny, - FRANK DILLON. 317 Siout, the Capital of Upper Egypt, RICHARDSON. 318 The Chess Player, GRAHAM PRINGLE. 319 Glen Lledr, North Wales, - * - Artist. £10 10s EUGENE VERBOECKOVEN. 320 Landscape, Sheep and Poultry, - - - Crosdaile Molony, Esq. J. CAROLUS (Brussels). 321 The Secret Assignation, • E.A A. RadcUfe. £3615s. - Artist. £45 Thomas Conolly, Esq., M.P. - Charles M‘Dermott, Esq. - Frederic Lewis, Esq. - Artist. £10 10s. - Artist. £52 10 s. - Edward L. Alma, Esq. 104 PAINTINGS IN OIL. Modem Masters—in Gallery off Sculpture Hall. JOHN FAULKNER, R.H.A. 322 The Road to the Faie, Glenties, Co. Donegal, ARTHUR PERIGAL, R.S.A. 323 Holy Loch, Scotland, - CHARLES JONES. 324 The Drove— Scene in Glencoe, N.B., Lewis Heineky, Esq. Artist. £84 Artist. £300 R. SOLOMON. 325 Shrimpers on the Coast at Boulogne, - Thomas Conolly, Esq., M.P. MODERN MASTERS. (In Gallery off Sculpture Hall—Numbers commence over door leading from same.) GST Pictures for sale are distinguished by bearing red numbers. VAL PRINSEP. 331 Odin the Northern God of War, J. ADAM. 332 Landscape, .... E. C. PERUGINI. 333 A Declaration, .... MADAME JERICHAU. 334 Poland, ..... JAMES HAYLLAR. 335 Miss Lilly’s Return from the Ball, C. J. LEWIS. 336 Barley Harvest, .... Artist. £315 Robert Smyth, Esq. Artist. £60 Thomas Conolly, Esq., M.P. II. Graves <£• Co. £105 Artist. £94 10s JOHN ANDERSON. 337 Columbia Market, London, - - E. and A. Radcliffe . £78 15s. BOSSUET. 338 Cordova, ------ The Earl of Portarlington CAPTAIN R. B. BEECHY, R.N., H.R.H.A. 339 Off Kingstown Harbour, - Thomas Cravfidd, Esq. £84 J. R. MARQUIS, R.H.A. 340 Konigstein, the Hill Fortress of Saxony, - - Artist. £210 MISS E. MANLEY. 341 Early Morning ..... Artist. £12 12s. E. C. BARNES. 34i! '• o; no Lady arranging a Bouquet of Flowers, C. Molony, Esq. PAINTINGS IN OIL. Modem Masters—in Gallery off Sculpture Hall. 105 J. C. THOM. 343 Landscape Figure and Ducks, ... Henry Graves 794 Section of the Design for the Albert Monu¬ ment ------ W. F. DOYLE, A.R.H.A. 795 Killiney (oil) - 796 Killiney Hill and Strand (oil) - F. W. BURTON, R.H.A. 797 Gateway of the Ruined Castle of Streitberg, Upper Franconia, 798 The Parapet of the Town "Wall, Rothenberg, Bavaria, - - - 799 Chapel of St. Eucharus, Nuremberg, 800 Effigy of Dietrich Von Berlichingen, in the Franciscan Convent, Rothenberg, T. PRITCHARD. 801 Natives of the Forest, - MISS EMMA WALTER. 802 Flowers, - 803 American Apples, - - - - MIRZA ALI. 804 Portrait of his Excellency Moslim Khan, Per¬ sian Minister, - GABRIELE CARELLI. 805 CORTILE DEL PALAZZO VECOHIO, FLORENCE, F. W. LAWSON. 806 0, Love, ------ Artist. £8 8s. Do. £8 8s. Sir Digly Wyatt. Artist. Do. David Cox, Esq. -o:v Artist. £12 Artist. Artist. Artist. Artist. •£3 Sr. Artist. £4 4s. Artist. Artist. Artist. Artist. Artist. £52 10s: Artist. £6 6s. Artist. £6 6s. Artist. . Artist. £15. Artist. £ZJ PAINTINGS IN WAtER COLOURS, &c. 131 At Entrance to Ladies’ Loan Collection Room, East end Centre Picture Gallery. (At Entrance to Ladies’ Loan Collection Room, East end, Centre Picture Gallery.) H. STANMORE. 810 Kilchurn Castle, Loch Awe, 811 The Blue Closet, 812 Lilies, T. A. JONES. 813 Portrait of a Young Lady, FRANK STONE, A.R.A. 814 Study of a Female Head, - 815 Study of a Cottage, 816 Pelargoniums, 817 Beeches, in Knowle Park, - F. W. BURTON, R.H.A. 818 A Chief Rabbi, blessing the children-of a Polish Jew, COTMAN. R. SPENCER STANHOPE. E. S. CARTER. J. S. COTMAN. Mrs. HOPKINS. HELEN M. STIGAND. 819 The Silent Pool, 820 Loch Tay, - 821 Landscape, 822 Landscape, 823 Spring Flowers, 824 Marine Battle, 1st Vanquer sinking, W. C. EDDINGTON. MISS M. STOKER. Mrs. HOPKINS. W. COLLINGWCOD SMITH. June, 1794, French ship Artist. £10 10s. Artist. £Sl Artist. £5 1'5S. 45d. R. S. Reeves, Esq. R. E. Lyne, Esq. £20 T. Woolner, A .R.A. Artist. £15 15s. Artist. £20 Rev. R. Johnston. T. Woolner, Esq., A .R.A. A rtht. £80 Artist. Do. Artist. ,£13 &s. Fred. Lewis, Esq. A. MACCALLUM. 825 The Forest of Fontainbleau, Mrs. HOPKINS. 826 Apple and Cherry Blossoms, Mrs. G. SHEDDEN. 827 Lot and his Daughters, OLD CROME. 828 Forest Scene, Cattle in Water, F. W. BURTON, R.H.A, 829 Portrait of Miss Taylor, - - Artilst. - Artist. ' £& - & 5 . - Artist. - T. Woolner, A .R. A. • Col. M. Taylor, H.R.HcA. - J. W. E. ’Macartiiey, Etq. B 2 830 Madonna, after Carlo Dolci, 132 PAINTINGS IN WATER COLOURS, &c. At Entrance to Ladies’ Loan Collection Room, Esst end Centre Picture Gallery. Mrs. W. OLIVER. 831 Overlooking the Pass op Inverfarikaig, Inver¬ ness, ------ Artist. £17 GAINSBOROUGH. 832 Original Sketch, ----- Lieut.-Col. Tottenham. J. S. COTMAN. 833 Study op an Old Chapel, - - - - T. Woolner, Esq., R.A COP^LEY FIELDING. 834 Harlech Castle, North Wales, - Lieut.-Col. Tottenham. COpilLEY FIELDING. 835 Coast Scene, Lieut.-Col. Tottenham. T. A. JONES, P.R.H.A. 836 A Patron op the Turp, - - - - M. M. D'Arcy, Esq. M. A. CARTER. 837 Desdemona and Emelia, Othello, - - Artist. £21 W. BURGESS. 838 Perspective of the strand front of the design for the new Law Courts, - - - - Artist. M. A. CARTER. 839 Scene from Lalla Rookh, - Artist. £15 15s. After RAFFAELLE. 840 Two o’clock Night, 841 Four o’Clock Day, 842 Two o’Clock Day, 843 Four o’Clock Night, 844 One o’Clock Day, - 845 Three o’Clock Day, - 846 Seven o’Clock Day, .... 847 Five o’Clock Night, - 848 One o’Clock Night, - Lord RathdonneU. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. GEORGE LANCE. 849 Nature and Art, ----- Mrs. White. FRANK NOWLAN. 850 An Interior, - - - - - Artist. T. A. JONES, P.R.H.A. 851 ZULEIKA, ------ Mrs. Geoghegan. FRED. P. COCKERELL. 852 Laborark Est Orarj:, Artist. JAMES MOORE, M.D., M.R.I.A., H.R.H.A. 853 Age op Innocence, painted on the spot. Figures by Erskine Nicol, A.R.A. - Artist. 854 Newcastle Har^ouj, Co. T)ow n, pointed on the spot Artist. £21 £84 £21 PAINTINGS IN WATER COLOURS, &c. 133 At Entrance to Ladies’ Loan Collection Room, East end Centre Picture Gallery. A. J. MAYNE, A.R.H.A. 855 Rostrevor Strand, A rtist. £10 P. HARDWICK. 856 Flower Piece, - A rtist. T. A. JONES, A.R.H.A. 857 At the Sea Side, .... JoUiffe Tiifnell , Esq . A. J. MAYNE, A.R.H.A. 858 Killixey Bay from Dalkey, A rtist. £38 JOSEPH M. JOPLING. 859 Moorish Jewesses at home in Algiers, Artist. £52 10s. 860 “Jerusalem ye Golden,” - A rtist. £105 PAUL NAFTEL. 861 The Fisherman’s Cottage, Copt a i a If a rtley. JAMES MOORE, M.D., M.R.I.A., H.R.H.A. 862 Earl’s Bridge, Bryansford, Co. Down. Figures by Erskine Nicol, A.R.A. JOSEPH M. JOPLING. .4 rtist. £105 883 The Singing Women of the Lake of Briexz, - A rtist. £30 15s. J. H. POLLEN. • 864 Childhood, - A rtist. SKETCHES TAKEN FOR “THE GRAPHIC” FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAlt. DURING THE BY SPECIAL ARTISTS. In Water Colour Gallery—off South Corridor. 865 Paris during the siege—the Mobiles—the arrival of a pigeon—“ by balloon post.” 866 General Ducrot crossing the Marne—-cutting up horses after the sortie—“by balloon post.” 867 Tickets for meat—Prussian prisoners in the Boulevard — “ by balloon post.” 868 Sketches at Metz after the battle at Woerth. 869 In Brittany, reading the news from Paris. 870 Five Sketches. 871 Ruins of the Lantern of Diogenes, Park St. Cloud. 872 Saarburg near Treves, Rhenish Prussia. 873 The Elections in Paris. 874 Home on Furlough. 875 A Prussian outpost before Paris, Park of St. Cloud. 876 Paris—in a cellar during the bombardment. 877 Society in aid of the Wounded—Frauc-Tireurs of Paris. 134 ETCHINGS. In Water Colour Gallery—off South Corridor. 878 Paris newspapers as published during the siege. 879 The Theatre of War, “the Epilogue,” Beau'gency. 880 “The last Bivouac,” a Frosty Night at Champigney, outside Paris. 881 Hare-hunting at Versailles. 882 “The last Bivouac of all,” the Crest of a Hill between Champigney and Villiers, Monday night, Dec. 5th, 1870. 883 In a Prussian Battery before Paris. 884 The Dog Market, Paris, during the siege. 885 Two sous for a peep at the Prussians—on the ramparts—early morning. 886 Versailles. 887 Christmas in the German army outside Paris. 888 Outpost waiting for a sortie from Paris.— A Piano-Fort(e). 889 Passing the barricade at Sdvres Bridge—taking toll —“ a kiss and nothing more.” 890 In Paris, showing the preparations for the bombardment. 891 Effects of a Shell. 892 On the road from Paris to Orleans—Christmas Eve^-Prussian outpost waiting for a sortie. 893 At Versailles during the armistice—trying to be friends. 894 The bombardment—Paris. ETCHINGS. MRS. SHEDDEN. 895 The Friend beyond the Grave, Pen and Ink Etching, ..... Artist. 896 The Highland Shepherd’s Chief Mourner, Pen and Ink Etching, ----- Artist. SEYMOUR HAYDEN. 897 The Agamemnon, ----- Arttit. G. A. M‘N. WHISTLER. 898 Eagle Wharf, Thames, - Artist. 899 Thames Police, - Artist. 900 Blacklion Wharf, Thames, - - - Artist. MISS E. ISDELL. 901 Derbycassan, Pen and Ink Etching, - - Artist. In South Corridor—Outside Water Colour Gallery. JAMES BARRY, R.A, 902 Orpheus, or the Early State of Man, 903 A Grecian Harvest Home, 904 The Victors at Olympia, - 905 The Thames, - - Society of A rts. Bo. * Bo. Bo. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. South Corridor—Entrance to the Water Colour Gallery. 135 906 This sketch includes two designs intended to have formed part of the Adelphi series, but never carried out, ...... Society of Arti. 907 The Birth of Venus, .... Do. 908 Pandora, ------ j ) 0 . 909 Elysium, or the State of Final Retribution, - Do. 910 The Phcenix, or the Resurrection of Freedom, - Do. 911 Testimonial to the Memory of Charles Fox, - Do. 912 The Conversion of Polemon, - - - Do . 913 Job Reproved by his Friends, - - - Do. 914 Etching taken from Elysium, or the Final State of Retribution, ..... Do. 915 The Distribution of the Rewards of the Society of Arts, .... Do. 916 Sacra Christa Familia, - Do. 917 Etching taken from Elysium, or the Final State of Retribution, ..... Do. 918 King Lear, ..... Do. 919 Etching taken from Elysium, or the Final State of Retribution, ..... Do. 920 The Fall of Satan, .... Do. 921 Satan and Death, .... Do. 922 Portrait of James Barry, R.A., - - - Do . 923 The Temptation of Adam, - - - Do. 924 Etching taken from Elysium, or the Final State of Retribution, ..... Do. 925 Portrait of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, - Do. 926 Etching taken from Elysium, or the Final State of Retribution, ..... Do. 927 Etching taken from Elysium, or the Final State of Retribution, ..... Do. 928 Satan’s Address to the Fallen Angels, - Do. 929 Philocletes in the Island of Lemnos, - - Do. 930 Etching taken from “The Victors at Olympia,” - Do. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. South Corridor—Entrance to the Water Colour Gallery. ARTHUR HILL, B.E., A.R.I.B.A. 931 Design for a Triumphal Arch, ... Artist. F. MORLEY. 932 Design for a Town Hall—Detail of Central Dome, - Do. 933 Design for a Town Hall —East Elevation, - - Db. 136 PAINTINGS IN OIL, &c. In Bay, at South end of East Corridor, near Water Colour Gallery. 934 Design for a Town Hall—Perspective View, - Artist. 935 Design for a Town Hall—South Elevation, - - Do. 93 6 Design for a Town Hall—Longitudinal Section, - Do. 937 Design for a Town Hall—Ground Floor Plan, • Do. 938 Design for a Town Hall—First Floor Plan, - - Do. G. GOLDIE. 939 Cathedral Church of the Diocese of Elphin—Sligo, • Do. R. C. MILLAR. 940 Chapel of the Holy Cross, St. Mark’s, Venice, - Do. G. E. STREET, R.A. 941 North-East Angle of Design for the Proposed New Courts of Justice, 1867, - Do. 942 View of the Steeple and Nave, St. John’s Church, Torquay, ------ Do. 943 View of the Steeple, Church of St. Peter, Swinton, near Manchester—now in course of erection, - Do. ARTHUR HILL. B.E., A.R.I.B.A. 944 Round part of Temple Church, London, - - Do. 945 Design for a Royal Residence, - - - Do. JOHN L. ROBINSON. 946 Presbytery and School, Booterstown, - - Do. J. STIRLING BUTLER. 947 Design for the Convalescent Home, - - - Do. PAINTINGS IN OIL, ANTIENT AND MODERN MASTERS, PAINT¬ INGS IN WATER COLOURS ON PAPER, LEATHER, AND VELVET. In Bay, at South end of East Corridor, near Water Colour Gallery. P. P. RUBENS. 951 Our Lord on the Cross (a sketch in oil for the large picture) .... Rev. D. Monahan, C.C. £42. SOLEMACKER. 952 Landscape and Cattle, - - - J. IP- Elison Macartney, Esq. VANDYCKE. 953 Infant Saviour and St. JonN, - - - J. Y. Burgess, Esq. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. 954 Caricature, representing 1st Earl of Milltown, and 2nd Earl of Mayo .... The Earl of Milltown. PAINTINGS IN OIL, &c. 137 In Bay, at South end of East Corridor, near Water Colour Gallery. CALLOT. 955 Caricature, representing Don Castro Medices, the last Grand Duke of Florence, and others - Lord Talbot de Mai abide. SCHOOL OF RUBENS. 950 Descent from the Cross - Charles Cobbe, Esq. PETER DE LAER. 957 Skirmish - - - - - - C. Molony , Esq. W. VANDERVELDE (THE YOUNGER). 958 A Calm at Sea ..... Charles Cobbe, Esq. ( - ) 959 Irish Artists, Caricature .... John Wardell, Esq. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. 960 Caricature of Friends .... The Earl of MiUtovm. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. 961 Caricature, representing England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales ..... Do. W. VANDERVELDE. 965 Storm at Sea ..... The Earl of Portarlington. ATTRIBUTED TO SIR GODFREY KNELLER. 900 General Fairfax • - - Lieut.-Col. Robert A. Qun Cunninghame. LUINI. 967 A Study - - - - - - A. II. Smith Barry, M.P. ANGELICA KAUFFMANN. 968 Allegorical Subject .... The Hon. J. P. Vereker. ERCOLE PROCACCINI. 969 V irgin in Crimson - - - - C. Molony, Esq. MOLINAER. 970 Dutch Interior, Boor singing - - - Mrs. Lloyd. (-) 971 Charles I. - - - - J. W. Ellison Macartney, Esq. ANGELICA KAUFFMANN. 972 Allegorical Subject .... The Hon. J. P. Vereker. ( - ) 973 St. Francis (water colour) - - - IT'. J. Fitzpatrick, Esq. MISS GREGG. 974 Waiting and Watching .... Artist. £8 8s. ALEXANDER DAVIDSON. 975 Keek Bo Artist. £10 10s. 138 PAINTINGS IN OIL, &c. In Bay, at South end of East Corridor, near Water Colour Gallery. W. J. WEBB. 976 Tropical Birds - ROBERT FOX. - Artist. £10 10s. 977 A Stcdy from Nature C. J. ALLEN. - Artist. £5 5s. 978 Sea View, group of Spanish Fishermen G. F. MULVANY, R.H.A. - Artist. 979 The Gondola .... G. SHARP, A.R.H.A. - Mrs. Mulvany. 980 A Heron, a study from nature D’ALTRI, ROME. • Artist. £10 10s. 981 Pio Nono ----- H. K. TAYLOR. Thomas Connolly, Esq., M.P. 082 Old Tin Mine, Tintagel, Cornwall - - Artist. £40. COPE. 983 Francisco and his Love - - - - J. Y. Burges, Esq. HENEY O’NEILL. 984 The Fern Gatherer— scene on the County Louth Mountains - Artist. £10. J. M'NAXRN. 985 Loch Lomond, evening .... Artist. £10 10s. SECRXJS. 980 The First-born - - - - - F. C. Kelly, Esq. GOUPIL. 987 Copy of Cartoon, by Raffaelle (water colour on leather) - - Right Eon. W. E. Gladstone , M.P. 988 Copy of Cartoon, by Raffaelle (water colour on leather) ..... j) 0 , 989 Copy of Cartoon, by Raffaelle (water colour on leather) ------ Do. 990 Copy of Cartoon, by Raffaelle (water colour on leather) ------ Do. 991 Copy of Cartoon, by Raffaelle (water colour on leather) ------ Do. 992 Copy of Cartoon, by Raffaelle (water colour on leather) ------ Do. 993 Copy of Cartoon, by Raffaelle (water colour on leather) ------ Do. MRS. WOLFE. 994 Cleopatra, after Guido (water colour) Artist. PHOTOGRAPHS. In Bay, at South end of East Corridor, near Water Colour Gallery. MRS. SHEDDEN. 995 The Pen-mender, copy of an unfinished sketch by Rembrandt (water colour) - - - Artist. THE HON. MISS E. PLUNKET. 996 “Reverie,” a study (water colour) - - Artist. EMILY S. RYDER. 997 Wild Rose (water colour) .... Artist. £10 10s. COPELEY FIELDING. 998 View in the Highlands of Scotland (water colour) R. Edwin Lyne, Esq. £20 MISS MANNIX. 1001 Frdit and Flowers (on velvet) - - - Artist. (-) 1002 River View, copy from Gainsborough (needle¬ work), ------ Lord O'Neill. 1003 River View, copy from Gainsborough (needle¬ work), ------ Lord O'Neill. OLEOGRAPHS. IN WATER COLOUR GALLERY, OFF SOUTH CORRIDOR. 1011 The Parting—After Giuliano - Thos. Reilly, Esq. £5 10*. 1012 Madonna Del Gran Duca—After Raffaelle - do. £3 10s. 1013 The Reading Magdalen—After Corregio - do. £3 10s. 1014 The Evening School—After Gerhard Dow - do. £4 4s. 1015 The Coming Storm—After J. M. Hart - do. £5 5s. 1016 North Conway Meadows—After Champney - do. £3 15s. 1017 Mater Dolorosa—After Carlo Dolci - do. £3 1.3s. 6d. 1018 Ecch Homo—After Guido - do. £3 13s. 6d. 1019 The Entombment—-After Fra Bartolomeo - - do. £4 15s. 1020 Tales of the Nursery—After Buggi - do. £1 11s, 6d. 1021 Autumn—After Bricher, Esq. - do. £2 10a. 1022 Spring Time—After A. J. Van Wyngaerdt ■> do. £2 5s. 1023 Harvest, North Conway—After B. B. G. Stone - do. £2 5s. 1024 Court of an Old Castle—After Ferrario - do. £1 11s. 6d. 1025 Cloister, Court of Pavia—After Ferrario - • do. £1 11s. fid. 1026 The Night Watch—After Rembrandt - do. £6 10s. 1027 Madonna Della Sedia—After Raffaelle - do. £3 3s. 1028 Madonna—After Murillo • do. £8 8s. 1029 Madonna di San Sisto—After Raffaelle - do. £10 10s. 1030 The Banquet of the Civic Guard—After Vander Heist do. £8 8s. 1031 St. Nicholas Evening—After Jan Steen - do. £6 10s. 1032 The Chicken Sermon—After Siis - - do. £1 11s. 6d. 1033 How very Extraordinary—After Siis - do. £1 11s. fid. 1034 The Young Bull—After Paul Potter - do. £6 10s 140 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 OLEOGRAPHS. In ater Colour Gallery, oft' South Corridor. Late Autumn in the White Mountains—After Bricher Early Autumn on Esopus Creek—After Bricher Portrait of Beethoven—After Ferd Schimon Moonrise, Norwegian Landscape—After Bagge A Family Scene in Pompeii—After Joseph Coomans The Last Supper—After Leonardo da Vinci Near Bethel on the Androscoggin—After S. Colman The Days’ Work is done—After S. Colman IP. Baehio—After Hayez - The Falconer—After Cremona Launching the Life-boat —After E. Moran Sunset on the Coast—After M. F. H. de Haas The Amorini—After Corregio T. Reilly, Esq. £2 15s. do. £2 15s. do. £7 10s. dsj. £6 10s. do. £6 10s. do. £5 5s. do. £1 15s. do. £1 15s. do. £3 13s. 6d. do. £5 10s. do. ££ i 5s. do. £5 > 5s. do. £5 5s. PHOTOGRAPHS. IN WATER COLOUR GALLERY, OFF SOUTH CORRIDOR. 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 * Thus. Reilly, Esq. do. - Thus. Reilly, Esq. do. - A rtists. £1 Is. do. £1 Is. per doz. do. The Magdalen—After Murillo Hide and Seek—After M. von Bremen The English Lakes—Frith Abbe) s— Frith .... A Country Laue—Robinson and Cherrill - Boxing a Butterfly—Robinson and Cherrill - Artists. The Foaming Shore—Robinson and Cherrill - Artists. Egypt and the Nile—Frith - - Thus. Reilly, Esq. £1 Is. per doz. Greece—Frith .... Titos. Reilly, Esq. £1 Is. ,, The Toilet—After M. von Bremen - - Thus. Reilly, Esq. The Countess Patocka—After Angelica Kauffman An Egyptian—After Richter The Birthday Morning—After M. von Bremen The Artist’s Model—After M. von Bremen A Neapolitan—After Richter La Belle Jardinere—After Raffaelle The Trysting Place-After M. von Bremen Spain and Portugal—Frith English Cathedrals—Frith Outward Bound—Robinson and Cherrill - West Hill Farm—Robinson and Cherrill • Culverden Down—Robinson and Cherrill - Frame of Photographs—W. W. Rouch Napoleon’s Tomb at St. Helena Longwood House, St. Helena do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Tkos. Reilly, Esq. do. A rtists. do. do. * A rtist. Thus. Reilly, Esq. do. £1 Is. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. £1 Is. per doz. £1 Is. do. PHOTOGRAPHS. In Water Colour Gallery, off South Corridor. 141 1079 Madame de Medici—After Rubens 1080 The Immaculate Conception—After Murillo 1081 Ecce Homo—After Guido Reni 1082 Cascade of Derricunniby—Vernon Heath - 1083 Muckross Abbey and Ash Tree—Vernon Heath 1084 Frame of Photographs—W. IV. Rouch 1085 Rusthall Common—Robinson and Cherrill 1086 Forum Romanum - 1087 Tore Mountain from Dinis—Vernon Heath 1088 View from the Lawn at the Queen’s Cottage, Her ricunnihy—Vernon Heath 1089 Mater Dolorosa—After Carlo Dolci 1090 Lisa Jaconda—After L. da Vinci - 1091 The Meeting of the Waters, Dinis Island—Vernon Heath - 1092 Muckross Abbey—Vernon Heath - 1093 View from the Queen’s Cottage, Derricunnihy- Vernon Heath .... 1094 View at Dinis Island—Vernon Heath 1095 The Holy Land—Frith ... Titos. 1096 Switzerland and Italy—Frith 1097 Castles—Frith .... 1098 Vienna and the Tyrol—Frith 1099 La Belle Titian—After Titian 1100 His Own Portrait—After Raffaelle 1101 Sydenham - - - - - 1102 Laocoon, Vatican Museum, Rome—Italian Photo graph ..... 1103 Group of Statuary—After Professor Pio Fidi 1104 Night — From Thorwaldsdens, Bas Reliefs Copenhagen .... 1105 Morning—From Thorwaldsdens, Bas Reliefs Copenhagen ..... 1106 The Rialto, Venice—Naya 1107 View from the Ducal Palace, Venice—Naya 1108 View taken from the Island of St. George, Venice— Naya ...... 1109 Bridge of Sighs, Venice—Naya 1110 Sydenham ..... 1111 Ducal Palace, from the Paglia Bridge, Venice— Naya ...... 1112 Winter—From Thorwaldsdens, Bas Reliefs at Copenhagen - 1113 II Duonio and Campanil^—Alenari, Flore ice 1114 The Loggi de Lauza, Venice—Naya Titos. Reilly, Esq. £1 Is. do. £1 Is. do. £1 Is. A rtist. do. Artist. Artists. Thos. Reilly, Esq. Artist. Artist. Thos. Reilly, Esq. £1 Is. do. £1 Is. Artist. do. do. do. Reilly, Esq. £1 Is. per doz. do. £1 Is. per doz. do. £1 Is. per doz. do. £1 Is. do. £1 Is. do. £1 Is. - Exhibition Palace, Dublin. at W. M' Comas, Esq. Thos. Reilly, Esq. £1 Is. at do. do. do. do. do. do. £1 5s. £1 5s. 18s. 6d. ISs. 6d. 18s. 6d. 18s. 6d. Exhibition Palace, Dublin. Thos. Reilly, Esq. ISs. 6d. do. do. do. £1 5s. £1 Is. 18s. (id. L42 PHOTOGRAPHS. la W«to Colour Gallery, off South. Corrib?• 1115 Triumphal Arch of Constantine, Romo—Italian Photograph - - - - - W. M‘Comas, Esq,. 1116 Bridge of Sighs, from Paglia Bridge, Venice—Naya Titos. Reilly, Esq. 13s. <5d. 1117 Sydenham ----- - Exhibition , Palace, EhiJiiln. 1118 View of the Grand Canal, Venice—Naya - - Thos. Reilly, Esq. 18s, Off. 1119 Summer—From Thorwaldsdens, Bas Reliefs at. Copenhagen - do. £1 5q. 1120 Autumn—From Thorwaldsdens, Bas Reliefs at Copenhagen - do. £1 $s„ 1121 Canal and Civic Hospital, Venice—Naya - 1122 View of the Grand Canal, Venice—Naya - 1123 View of, the Mole, Ducal Palace, Venice—Naya - 1124< Sydenham 1125 Apollo Belvedere, Vatican.Museum, Rome—Italian. Photograph ----- 1126 Monument to Canova in the Church dei, Frati, Venice—Naya - 1127 Autumn—From Thorwaldsdens, Bas Reliefs at Copenhagen - 1128 Ruins-of the Forum, Rome—Italian Photograph, 1129 Roma Veduta Dalla Quercia del Tasso, Rome— M. Petagna, - 1130 The Broken Pitcher—After Greuze 1131 The Marriage of St. Catherine—After Corfegi'o 1132 La Vierge au Donateur—After Vandyck - 1133 The Annunciation—After Guido Reni 1134 Colosseum, Rome—Italian Photograph 1135 The Shepherdess—After M. von Bremen - 1138 The Fisherman’s Daughter—After M. von Bremen 1137 Frame of Photographs— Stereoscopic Company, London ------ 1138 Sir Arthur E. Guinness, Bart., and Lady Olive Guinness (on Ivory)—W. Lawrence 1139' Tore Waterfall, Killarney—Vernon Heath 1140 Spanish Beggar Boy—After Murillo 1141 Herself and Daughter—After Madame La Brus, Vigee ------ 1142 Case of Photographs—T. Cranfield 1143 Johnstown Castle, Co. Wexford—W. Lawrence - 1144 Longueville, Co. Cork—W. Lawrence 1145 Bantry House, Co. Cork—W. Lawrence 1146 H.R.H. the Princess-of Wales, and Prince Albert Victor of Wales (Lithograph)—Maclure and Macdonald, London .... 1147 H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh, K.G. (Lithograph) —Maclure and Macdonald, London do.. 18s. 6d. do. ISs. Sd. do. 18s. 6d. ExJuhiLmi Palace, Dublin. IF. M‘Comas, Esq. Thos. Reilly, Esq. 18s, 6d. do. £1 5s. W. M L Comas, Esq, Artist. Thos. Reilly, Esq. £1 Is. do. £1 Is. do. £1 Is. do. £1 Is. IF. AP Cornus. Esq. Thos. Reilly, Esq. £1 Is, do. £1 Is. A rtisis. A H is t,, do-. Thos. Reilly, Esq, £1 Is, do. £1 Is. Artist v do, do. do. Artists. do. PHOTOGRAIIPS. In Water Colour Gallery, off South Corridor. J43 1148 Her Majesty (Lithograph)—Maclure and Mac¬ donald, London ..... Artists. 1149 H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G. (Lithograph)— Maclure and Macdonald, London - - do. 1150 H.R.H. the Princess of Wales (Lithograph)— Maclure and Macdonald, London - * do. 1150 (a) His Holiness Pius IX. (Lithograph)—Maclure and Macdonald, London - - - - do. 1150b Case of Photographs—Chancellor - - Artist. 1151 Hargraves Park, Essex—W. Lawrence - - Artist. 1151a Views of Switzerland, Savoy, and Italy—W. England r Artist. 1152 Military Groups-—W. Lawrence - - Artist. 1153 Views of Switzerland and Savoy—W. England - Artist. 1154 Traholgan, Co. Cork—W. Lawrence - - Artist. 1155 Views of Switzerland, Savoy, and Italy—W. Eng¬ land ...... Ar(**t’ 1156 Knockadrin Castle, (Jo. Westmeath—W. Lawrence Artist. 1156 (a) St. Vincent’s College, Castleknock, Co. Dublin—- W. Lawrence ..... do. 1156b Clandeboye, Residence of the Earl of Dufferin— W. Lawrence ..... do. 1156c Castletown House, Celbridge—W. Lawrence - do. 1156D The Chapel, Loretto Abbey, Rathfamham The Examination Hall, Queen’s College, Cork St. Patrick’s Hall, Dublin Castle The Music Room, Shane’s Castle, Co. Antrim 1157 Ginx’s Baby—0. G. Rejlander - - - do. 1158 Sunrise—Robinson and Cherrill ... Artists. 1159 Breaking Waves—Robinson and Cherrill - - do. 1160 Evening on Culverden, Down—Robinson and Cherrill ------ do. 1161 The Last Hour of Day—Robinson and Cherrill - do. 1162 Foot of the Pass— F. C. Earl - - - Artist. 1163 Lledr Valley, Moel Siabod, under mist—F. C. Earl do. 1164 Irish Scenery—Payne Jennings - - - Artist- 1165 Irish Scenery— do. ... do. 1166 Lake and Summit of Moel Siabod, North Wales—> R. Mitchell .... - Artist. 1167 Clouds Clearing, Llanborris Pass, North Wales— R. Mitchell ..... do. 1168 A Portrait—G. Mansfield - Artist. 1169 Mid-day, Winter—R. Mitchell ... Artist. 1170 Sunrise, Winter— do. - - - do. 1171 Irish Scenery—Payne Jennings . - - Artist. 1173 Irish Scenery— do. ... do. £4 4s. £4 4s. £ 10 . £ 10 . JR Is. £1 Is. £i Is. £1 Is. £ 10 . £10 144 PHOTOGRAPHS. In Water Colour Gallery, off South Corridor. 1173 Olive Wood, Menton, Port St. Louis—W. W. Rouch ------ 1174 A Peep Show—Adam Diston 1175 The Road to the Mill— F. C. Earl - 1176 The Dismantled Home— do. 1177 The Beach—Robinson and Cherrill 1178 The Turn of the Tide—Robinson and Cherrill 1179 Sunset— do. 1180 The First Hour of Night-— do. 1181 The Smithy—Adam Diston - 1182 The Broken Toe—Adam Diston - 1183 The Young Artist—Adam Diston * 1184 Waiting for Change— do. 1185 Old Book Stall— do. - 1186 A Wee Customer— do. - 1187 The Fisherman’s Home—do. - 1188 She looks as clear as morning roses newly washed with dew—R. Crawshay - 1188 (a) A Portrait—Adolphe Beau 1189 Architectural Views and Interiors—Edwards and Kidd. 1190 In Thought—R. Crawshay - 1191 Vitrified Enamel Photographs—A. L. Henderson - 1192 Vitrified Enamel Photographs— do. 1192 (a) Vitrified Enamel Photographs— do. 1193 A few of the celebrated Brighton Cats—Harry Pointer * 1194 On the Clyde, near Corra Lynn—T. M. Brownrigg 1195 The First Bridesmaid—R. Crawshay 1196 Ferns, &c., &c., from Nature—Edwards and Kidd- 1197 The Village Belle—R. Crawshay - 1198 The Hermitage Bridge, Dundalk—T. M. Brown¬ rigg . 1199 Mont St. Michel, from the painting by James Webb —Edwards and Kid, - 1200 The Dargle River—T. M. Brownrigg 1201 Disdain—Robert Crawshay - 1202 Miscellaneous Illustrations—Edwards and Kidd - 1203 St. Mark’s Square, Venice—Naya - 1204 Looking on—R. Crawshay 1205 The Dargle, Summer—T. M. Brownrigg - 1206 F 'rame of Photographs—Stereoscopic Co., London, 1207 At Derricunnihy—Vernon Heath - 1208 An Imaginary Baby Race—0. G. Rejlander Artist. Artist. Artist. do. Artists. do. do. do. Artist. do. do. do. do. do. do. Artist. Artist. Artists. Artist. Artist. do. do. Artist. Artist. Artist. Artists. Artist. Artist. A rtists. Artist. Artist. Artists. Thos. RciUy, Esq. Artist. Artist. Artists. A rtist. Thos. Reilly, Esq. 10s. £4 4s. £4 4s. 10s. 10s. 10s. 10s. 10s. 10s. 10s. £6 6s. 18s. 6J. 10s PHOTOGRAPHS. In Water Colour Gallery, oft South Corridor. 145 1209 Frame of Photographs—Stereoscopic Co., Lomlon - 1210 Her Portrait—O. G. Rejlander 1211 The Full-Blown Rose—R. Crawshay 1212 View of the Isle St. George, Venice—Naya 1213 Aurora—R. Crawshay .... 1214 The Maid of Pompeii—0. G. Rejlander 1215 A la Murillo— do. 1215 (a) Six Views of North Wales—Frith 1216 What am I ?—O. G. Rejlander 1217 And give my love to- you know who—O. G. Rejlander - 1218 Marguerite—0. G. Rejlander 1219 Shall I cut for you, dear ?—O. G. Rejlander 1220 How pale you look. What’s up, Sam ?—O. G. Rejlander ------ 1221 From the Life—0. G. Rejlander - 1222 The Black Diamond—R. Crawshay 1223 Woodbum House, Bucks—W. Lawrence - 1224 Views of Fountains Abbey—Edwards and Kidd - 1225 The Keeper—R. Crawshay 1226 Second Edition—O. G. Rejlander - 1227 Reflecting—0. G. Rejlander - 1228 Six Views of Cornwall—Frith - A rtists. Tkon. Reilly, Esq, 10s. Artist. Thos. Reilly, Esq. 18s. Gd. A rtist. Thos. Reilly, Esq. 10s. do. 10 a. do. £1 Is. per doz. do. 10s. do. 10s. do. 10s. do. 10s. do. 10s. do. 10s. A rtist. A rtist. Artists. Artist. Thos. Reilly, Esq. 10s. do. 10s. do. £1 Is. per doz. 1229 Shams-Ud-Din’s Gateways and Tomb—the Perma¬ nent Printing Company - 1230 Socrates and Crito—0. G. Rejlander 1231 The Masjid-I-Kulb-Ul-Islam—the Permanent Printing Company - 1232 Earth or Heaven —R. Crawshay - 1233 Views in the neighbourhood of Lismore Castle, &c.— F. E. Curry ..... 1234 The Welsh Farmer—Robert Crawshay 1235 View of the Yosemite Valle}’, California - The 1236 The Flower of Joy—Sainton - - Messrs. 1237 A stand of Photographs—Millard and Robinson - 1238 London and neighbourhood—F. York 1239 Animals in the Zoological Gardens, London—F. York. 1240 Oxford and its Colleges—F. York - 1241 Sculpture Illustrations—F. York - 1242 A Portrait— G. Mansfield 1243 A Portrait—G. Mansfield 1244 A Portrait—G. Mansfield 1245 A Portrait—G. Mansfield A rtists. Thos. Reilly, Esq. 10a. J rtists. A rtist. Artist. A rtist. Marchioness of Drogheda Sarony <£• Co. £1 2s. 6d. A rtists. A rtist. do. do. do. Artist. do. do. do. £1 lls. Gd. £1 11s. Gd. £1 lls. Gd. £1 lls. Gd. 146 PHOTOGRAPHS. In South Corridor, opposite Entrances to Water Colour Gallery. In South Corridor, opposite Entrances to Water Colour Gallery. 1246 The Countess of Abingdon—M. J. Loevio - - Artist. £52 10s. 1247 Alexander Findlater, Esq.—M. J. Loevio - - d,o. 1248 In British Museum—W. A. Mansell and Co. - Artists. 1249 Master Magrath, after oil painting by H. Barraud— Sainton ----- Messrs. Sarony - -. ■ . * ■ INDEX PAINTINGS IN OIL, ANCIENT, EARLY BRITISH, AND MODERN MASTERS. PAINTINGS IN WATER COLOURS. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS, ETCHINGS, &c. Abbott, Robert, Esq. Adams, J. T. Ali, Mirza Alison, M. Allen, C. J. - 547 Alma, E. L. Ansdell, Richard, R.A. 723 726 Atkinson, Lieut.-Colonel - No. - 234 - 442 - 804 - 294 548 978 - 318 728 734 736 739 - 753 Barraud, Henry 366 545 563 565 Barrington, Edward - 307 364 Barrington, Sir John - - 222 Barry, A. H. Smith, M.P. 92 132 133 134 135 136 137 169 a 175 967 Barton, John - 95 209 374 405 Bennett, C. - 213 260 428 450 Bennett, J. C, - 142 149 150 Besley, Miss L. - - 432 Bessborough, Earl of - 124 188 Betham, Capt. Sheffield 78 81 162 293 Billion, Charles (the late) - - 528 Brennan, M. G. * - 724 Brewer, H. W. ... 554 Brien, Charles 6 110 111 114 126 129 145 167 Brodie, J. Lamont - 443 562 Buckhurst, Lord - - - 211 Burges, J. Y. 84 122 157 237 243 953 983 Burges, W. - - 742 838 Burton, F. W., R.H.A. 761 797 798 799 800 Butler, Lord James 4 27 31 55 62 65 101 113 118 144 371 372 476 477 490 491 715 717 719 751 752 759 766 768 769 775 - 947 402 430 495 Butler, J. Stirling Burchett, R. Caldbeck, W. Caldwell, Captain Campbell, Alderman • 199a - 569 - 530 Carelli, Gabriel Carey, Mrs. Charles Carter, E. S. Carter, M. A. Cash, G. R. Cassie, James, A.R.S.A. Chancellor, John Chappell, William Charlemont, The Earl of Clermont, Lord Clothier, Robert Cobbe, Charles 14 42 51 l 165 169 177 194 217a C ockburne, P. C. Cochrane, J. H. Cockerell, F. P. Coghill, Sir J. J., Bart. Compton, E. T. Conolly, Thomas, M.P. 13 96 140 216 225 257 325 334 351 357 408 Coote, Sir Charles, Bart. - Coote, Colonel Chidley Corrigan, Andrew Courtown, The Earl Cox, David Cranfield, Thomas 339 Cregan, Mrs. Cunningham, Lt. Col. R. A. D’Arcy, M. M. Davidson, A. Deane, Thomas N. De La Poer, Monsieur Digby, G. D. W. Dillon, Frank Donaldson, A. B. No. 755 770 805 785 786 772 812 837 839 - 156 - 454 , Lord 120 131 221 • 526 431 555 30 36 53 73 206 212 217 224 247 208 389 400 514 558 >7 7i 5 85 100 242 956 958 • 215 - 185 730 773 852 - 17 - 468 18 38 49 70 289 305 313 448 464 471 981 P. - 384 - 236 268 380 - 288 • 204 567 790 375 406 781 - 276 Gun 32 966 494 836 363 975 716 744 776 780 - 535 - 230 - 317 - 350 154 INDEX. No. Donaldson, Professor - 793 794 Downing, C. P. - - 504 Doyle, Mrs. E. - 531 Doyle, W. F. - 795 796 Drogheda, The Marquis of, A.R.N.4., - - 72 102 103 Dufferin, Earl of, K.P. 28 86 109 568 Duffy, P. V. - - 356 869 Dunsandle, Lord, R.H.A. - - 245 Edinburgh, H.RH., The Duke of, K.G. - - 591 to 710 Eddington, W. C. - 774 791 820 Elliott, Mrs. - - 403 Ely, MarqUife of - 147 148 EinmS, John •• - 445 Enniskillen, Earl of - - 159 Exhain, Robert - * 449 FingalL, The Earl of - - 26 Finuoane, P. - 254 308 713 Fitzpatrick, W. J. r - 973 Fox, Robert * - 977 Furniss, Miss Ellen - - 297 Geoghegan, Mrs. - * 851 Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E. M.P. ■ 274 987 to 993 Goldie, Mrs. - 725 733 Goldie, Charles, - - 536 Goldie, G. - 738 740 939 Graham, William - - 94 a “ Graphic,” The Proprietors of 865 to 894 Graves, H. and Co. 335 343 344 461 Gray, E. D. - - 533 Gregg, Miss - 4 974 Grierson, C. - 316 513 Griffith, Sir Richard, Bart. 41 197 210 219 1343 Guinness, Sir Arthur E. Bart. - 368 Guinness, E. C. • 88 241 Halid, C. E. - - 532 543 Hamilton, Doctor * - 23 152 Hardinge, Viscount- - 437 479 Hardwicke, P. 741 746 757 760 856 Hartley, Captain 718 731 757 760 764 861 Hayden, Seymour - * - 897 Hayes, M. Angelo, R.H.A. 537 540 Heineky, Lewis - - 322 Hill, Arthur B.E., A.R.I., B.A. 931 944 .945 Holloway and Son, Messrs.- - 525 Homan, Philip ... 203 Hopkins, Mrs. - - 816 823 826 No. Hort, Sir Wm, Bart. - 89 Howard, George - 529 Hoyoll, Philip - 282 Hume, E. - 365 Hume, T. O. - 480 Isacke, Mrs. 200 229 Isdell, Miss E. - 901 Inchbold, John W. - 410 546 Jefferson, C. G. - 521 Johnstone, Rev. R.- - 818 Jones, Charles 286 324 453 544 Jones, T. A. P.R.H.A. 472 485 Jopling, J.M. - 859 860 863 Joyce, J. F. * 589 Kennedy, P. W. 584 585 Kensington Museum, South - 270 Kelly, F. C. - 986 Kerry, Knight of - * * 116 Lambert, Miss - 586 Laugee, 788 789 Lawlot, J. F. - 778 Lawson, C. G. 378 539 Lawson, F. W. ‘ - 806 Le Farm, G. B. - 779 Le Grand, Henry r 284 Leighton, F. R.A. 278 345 398 436 478 482 483 484 Leslie, John, M.P. . 441 Lewis, C. J. 336 426 Lewis, F. 315 824 Lidwell, Captain Georg e - - 762 Lloyd, Mrs. * 970 Lockwood, Lady Julia, * 183 Longfield, Thomas H. 732 745 Ludovici, A. - 556 Lutyens, Charles - - 552 Lyne, R. E., - 143 a 754 814 998 MacCallum, A. 349 383 433 825 Macartney, J. W. E. 1 2 3 8 9 10 21 25 29 35 43 to 48 52 108 172 191 192 830 952 971 Maearthur, Mies B. - 475 MacDonnell, James - 503 Macrory, A. J. 39 66 69 107 115 141 154 186 187 239 248 to 253 253 Maguire, T. H. 392 435 Manly, Miss E. 341 361 517 Mannix, Robert - 416 Mannix, Miss - 1001 Marshall, Miss E. - - 246 Marshall, T. F. - - 470 INDEX. 155 No. Marquis, J. R. R.H.A. - - 340 Masweins, Joseph - 377 Mayne, A. J. A.R.H.A. 4’21 855 858 M‘Carthy, D. 24 37 M‘Comas, W. - - - 487 M‘Derinott, Charles 125 275 283 314 463 469 M'Guinness, B. - - 748 M'Nairn, J. 985 Meredith, W. R. - - - 228 Millar, R. C. - - 792 940 Milltown, Earl of - 67 954 960 961 Mitchell, George - - - 409 Molony, C. 112 143 155 161 164 166 173 189 270a 310 320 342 354 414 417 418 424 497 498 557 957 969 Monahan, Rev. D., C.C. - - 951 Moore, A. J. - - - 348 Moore, James, M.D., M.R.I.A., H.R.H.A. 720 727 735 749 853 854 862 Moore, H. Butler - - 56 Moore, Miss Jane - - - 551 Morley, E. - - 932 to 938 Mulcahy, J. H., A.R.H.A. - 359 Mulvany, Mrs. - - - 979 Murphy, L. - - - 190 Naper, J. L. - - 104 226 255 Nairn, J. C. 151 522 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 Newsome, Alfred - - - 460 Nowlan, Frank - 714 765 850 Nutter, W. H. 750 763 O’Ferrall, R. More 160 198 207 218 Oliver, Mrs. W. - 783 831 O’Malley, Janies 523 52.3a O’Malley, Rev. John - - 564 O’Neill, Lord - 1002 1003 O’Neil, Henry, A.R.A. - - 515 O’Neill, Hry., Dundalk 302 782 784 984 Palgrave, Charles ■ 758 767 Palliser, John - 5 Pellegrin, L. A. V. - - 303 Penrose, Rev. J. D. - 61 176 193 Perigal, Arthur, R.S.A. - 323 456 Perugini, C. E. - 333 561 Pilleau, Henry - 729 737 Plunket, Hon. Miss E. - - 996 Pollen, J. H. - - 864 Pollock, J. F. - 16 40 Portarlington, Earl of 99 127 233 338 965 Porter, Rev, J. C, - - 244 Powerscourt, Viscount, K.P. No. 386 429 Power, F. J. 438 457 474 496 - 15 Poynter, J. E., A.R.A. - 299 .300 Pringle, Graham Prinsep, Val .. 296 319 - 291 331 Primate, The "S3 93 146 267 Pritchard, T. - - 801 Provost, The 12 19 50 Quin, Henry - 223 231 240 Quinn, Mrs. - 353 Radcliffe, E. and A. 220 279'321 337 Rathdonnell, Lord - 756 840 to 848 Read, Rev. G. H. - - 63 119 121 Redgrave, R., R.A. - 446 Reeves, R. S. - 813 Richmond, W. B. - - 486 Robinson, John L. - 946 Robinson, N. - 232 Robeck, Baron de - 370 373 391 Roe, Mrs. - 184 Ruthven, W. C. B. - 367 Ryder, Emily S. 396 997 Salmon, J. C. - 587 588 Saunderson, E. J., M.P. - 285 Sharp, George, A.R.H.A. - 553 980 Shedden, Captain G. 214 256 259 261 262 263 264 265 266 Shedden, Mrs. 827 895 896 995 Skirmunt, S. - - 570 Smith, Catterson, R.H.A. - 195 412 542 Smith, J. Shaw Smyth, E. S. R. - 7 11 87 178 - - 139 Smyth, Robert 277 292 304 332 362 425 427 439 444 455 512 549 550 Smythe, W. B. - 117 123 Society of Arts 227 298 301 387 395 41: 3 902 to 930 Society, Royal Dublin 1370 to 1456 Solomon, R. - 348b 566 Spencer, Earl 22 68 79 80 98 128 Stanmore, H. - 415 810 Stanhope, R. Spencer - 721 811 Stigand, Helen M. - * - 817 Stoker, Miss M. - 821 822 Street, G. E. 722 941 942 943 Stronge,J. Calvert 390 393 419 420 423 434 451 452 Talbot de Malahide, Lord - 955 Talfourd, Field . 352 422 560 Taylor, H. Iv. - 404 982 loC INDEX. Taylor, Col. M. H.R.H.A. • 379 Tekusch, Miss M. - Tenison, Lady Louisa Thomas, Miss M. - Thompson, T. H. - Tottenham, Lieut.*Col. 64 71 196 202 368 832 Tracey, W. Tufnell, J. - - 280 No. 459 488 . 829 - 281 - 376 - 519 - 590 168 171 834 835 - 77 347 857 Vanbever, A. 348a Varley, E. J. - * 743 771 Vereker, Lieut-Col., The Hon. C. Smith 33 58 97 138 158 163 174 235 Vereker, The Hon. J. P. - 170 968 972 Vefnon, W. H. - - 385 Vincent, J. A. - * -91 Walker, F. S. - - 271 Wallis, H. - - 290 411 No. Walsh, John - - *538 Walter, Miss Emma - 802 803 Wardell, John 59 60 82 130 153 269 346 355 360 381 388 394 397 399 401 407 440 447 458 462 466 467 467 a 473 481 489 492 493 959 Waterhouse, S. S. 516 518 520 534 541 Watkins, B. Colles, R.H.A. 524 524 a W atts, U. F., R.A. 382 499 500 501 502 511 559 Webb, W. J. - - - 976 Wemer, G. - - - 273 Weigall, H. 527 Whistler, C4. A. M‘N. - 898 899 900 White, Mrs., Killakee - - 54 White, Mrs., Clonmel 272 287 295 309 311 849 Wino-field, The Hon. Lewis, R.H.A. 306 312 Wolfe, Mrs. - - - 994 Woolner, T., A.R.A. 20 238 465 S15 819 828 833 Wright, Rev. C. E. - - 201 Wyatt, Sir Digby - 747 777 787 Wyse, Miss 34 90 105 106 181 182 NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY. The Collection is restricted to portraits of distinguished persons, either Irish by birth, or connected with the public transactions of Ireland. The dates within brackets are those of birth and death ; the name within brackets is that of the painter. GALLERY No. 1. [Opening upon South Gallery of Leinster Hall.] 1 Sir Anthony Wingfield, K.G., Comptroller of the Household to Henry VIII., cousin of Sir Richard Wingfield, Marshal of Ireland, 1st Viscount Powerscourt, died 1552—(Holbein), - Viscount Powerscourt , K.P 2 Gerald Grace, of Ballylinch Castle, Co. Kilkenny, 8urnamed Marcach, the Horseman, ancestor of the family of Grace of Gracefield, Queen’s County, and Mantua, Co. Roscommon, died 1618, - - John Watkin, Esq. 3 Queen Elizabeth, (1533-1603) - - - C. Brien, Esq. 4 Gerald, 9th Earl of Kildare (1487-1534), Lord Deputy 1532 (the father of “ Silken Thomas ” and of the “Fair Geraldine”), accompanied Henry VIII. to the Cloth of Gold ; died in the Tower of London. This portrait was painted in 1532, - Duke of Leinster. 5 Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, K.G., born 1567, Lord Deputy of Ireland, 1599, Queen Elizabeth’s favourite, beheaded 1601, - - - Earl Spencer, K.G. “ The Earl of Essex (Robert) came to Ireland, as had been promised, about May this year (1599) with much wealth, arms, munition, powder, lead, food and drink ; and the beholders said that so great an army had never till that time come to Ireland since the Earl Strongbow and Robert FitzStephen came in former times with Dermot MacMurrough, King of Leinster.” Annals of the Four Masters. 6 Andrew Wyse, Knight of Malta, Prior of the Order in England, Privy Councillor of Philip King of Spain for the Kingdom of Naples, a younger son of the ancient family of Wyse, of the Manor of St. John, Waterford.—(See No. 264.) Painted at the age of 50 in 1602, - - - William, C. Bonaparte Wyse, Esq. 7 George, 16th Earl of Kildare (1612 1653), Governor of the Co. Kildare in 1641 ; had the guard of the city of Dublin entrusted to him in 1647, when Owen Roe O’Neill threatened to advance on the city. In this Earl’s time the Castle of Maynooth was despoiled by the Irish—very valuable library destroyed, ..... Duke of Leinster. 158 NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY. South Gallery of Leinster Hall. 8 Richard Botle, 1st ancl great Earl of Cork (1566- 1643), Lord High Treasurer of Ireland, temp. Elizabeth; acquired high honour and great estates in the service of Queen Elizabeth, and James I. He has left a narrative of his remarkable career, entitled, “ The True Remembrancer,” 9 Sir Richard Wingfield, Marshal of Ireland, 1st Yiscount Powerscourt, Commander in Ulster and Leinster, died 1634, .... 10 Sir Arthur Savage, of Rheban, County Kildare, knighted 1596, and appointed Vice Treasurer and Receiver-General of Ireland in 1616. Behind the figure of the knight is a skeleton representing Death, with a Latin line somewhat effaced :— “Nec munior contra te, nec me inennem terres,” which may be thus rendered:— Arm'd though I be, ’gainst thee I am not armed, Yet by thy terrors I am not alarmed. 11 Sir Richard Bingham, Knt., 13 years Governor of Connaught under Queen Elizabeth, Marshal of Ireland, died 1598. The inscription on the picture gives his history- ... 12 Sfk Christopher Plunkett, of Dunshoghly, Co. Dublin, an eminent lawyer,born 1.568. (See No.15) 13 Sir Walter Raleigh, -statesman, courtier, writer and soldier, served in Ireland, and received large grants of lands there (sold to 1st Earl of Cork) born 1552, beheaded 1618, 14 Si*r Anthony St. Leger, K.G., Lord Deputy of Ireland 1540 ; held a Parliament in Dublin, 1541, in which Henry YIII. received the title of King, instead of the .previous style of Lord, of Ireland ; died 1559. Founder of the noble house of Done- raile. - - - - - 15 Lady Plunkett, wife of Sir Christopher (No. 12), daughter of Marshal Bagnall: her sister, Mabel, married the celebrated Hugh O’Neill, Earl of Tyrone. Sir Henry Bagnall, her brother, was killed at the battle of the Yellow Ford - 16 Sir Dudley Carleton, Ambassador from James I. to the Republic of Venice, especially appointed to watch O’Neill and O’Donnell after their flight from Ireland, 1607. — Meehans “Flight of the Earls," ------ 17 Edmund Spenser (1553-1599),|Poet ; author of “The Faerie Queenesecretary to Lord Grey de Wilton in Ireland ; grantee of Kilcolman, Co. Cork, 18 Catherine, Countess of Desmond (1464-1604), daughter of Sir John Fitzgerald, Lord of Decies, and wife of Thomas, Earl of Desmond.—(Rem¬ brandt.) Raleigh, in his “ Historie of the World,” has this allusion to the old Countess:— - “I myself knew the old Countess of Desmond, of Inchiq in the year 1589, and many years since, and was married ir Sidney, Earl of Leicester, hi his Table-Book (1640), has thi Bake of Devonshire, K.G. Yieecnmt F Boyle, 3rd Earl of Burlington (see No. 124) Rev. G. li. Reade. Primate. W. Byrne, Esq. Marquis Tcnuntfiend. Earl of Bandoh. IF. B. Smythe Esq. W. Caldbcck, Esq. Ynyr Burges, Esq. Col. Gun-Cunningham. Duke of Devonshire, K.G. 400 Major-General Robert Ross, of Bladensburg. Dis¬ tinguished in the American War, 1812-1814; achieved the victory of Bladensburg, and fell in an engagement near Baltimore - - R. S. Ross, of Bladensburg, Esq. 401 General Guy L’Estrange (1781) ... Sir George L'Estrange. 402 1st Marquis of Abercorn. 403 Henry De la Poer, 3rd Marquis of Waterford (1811-1759). One of the most distinguished sportsmen of his time. Killed by a fall from his horse while hunting near Carrick-on-Suir - Marquis of Waterford, K.P. 404 Sir Martin Archer Shee, P.R.A. (1769-1850), artist and poet; one of the most successful por¬ trait painters of his time; was elected R.A. in 1800, and president upon the death of Lawrence in 1830; continued president till his death in 1850. Author of several works in prose and verse, including “Elements of Art,” “Rhymes on Arts,” “ Alasco, a tragedy”—(Himself at an early age) ..... 405 Sir William Betham, Ulster King of Arms, anti¬ quary and genealogist, .... 406 John Shears, one of the brothers executed in the rebellion 1798, ..... 407 Admiral Sir Henry D’Esterre Darby, K.C.B., commanded the “ Bellerophon ” at the Nile, 408 Archbishop Marlay, uncle of Right Hon. Henry Grattan, distihguished for his wit and social qualities ..... 409 John-Jeffreys, 1st Marquis Carnden, K.G. (1759- 1840), Lord Lieutenant in 1798 410 1st Earl of Longford, .... 411 Valentine, 1st Earl of Kenmare (1754-1812), 412 W. Cumming, R.H.A.—(Leahy) - - - 413 Right Hon. J. Philpot Curran—(S ee No. 223), as a young man ..... 414 The Right Hon. John Wilson Choker, author, Quarterly Reviewer, and editor of “ Boswell’s Johnston”—(Lawrence, P.R.A.) 415 Thomas Davis (1814-1845), political writer and poet— (F. Burton) .... The Artist. Lord James Butter. Molyneux Betham, Esq. W. H. Darby, Esq. Lady Louisa Grattan. Rev. J. C. Porter. Earl of Longford. Edrl of Kenmare, K.P. Royal Hibernian Academy. Mrs Curran. John Murray, Esq. NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY. Gallery No. 3. 187 416 The Edgeworth Family — Richard Lovel and Maria Edgeworth - - - - - — Edgeworth, Esq. 417 Thomas F. Meagher, politician and orator; impli¬ cated in the attempted rising of 1848 ; General in United States Army in the late American War—(Hayes) - - - - - T. Conolhj, Esq., M.P. 418 Robert Emmet (1780-1803), distinguished for his eloquence as a student of Trinity College, from which he was expelled for his revolutionary opinions in 1798. Chief of the attempted rebellion of 1803, for which he was tried and executed. His romantic attachment to Sarah Curran led to his arrest, and is immortalized in some of Moore’s most exquisite verses. The following letter from his nephew and namesake, the Hon. Judge Emmet, of New York, was received with this portrait in reply to an application from the Committee :— “New York, 28 th May , 1872. “ Sir—I have received Lord Dufferin's letter, with your postscript, requesting the loan of any portrait of my uncle, Robert Emmet, which might be in the possession of any member of my family in the United States, for the Portrait Gallery in the National Exhibition to be opened in Dublin. “The only picture which we possess of my uncle is a very small miniature, not much larger than an ordinary locket, which was taken by his own desire when he was under sentence of death, for the express purpose of being sent to my father, then his only surviving brother. It is a perfect likeness—probably the only authentic one in existence—but altogether too small an object for a portrait gallery or a public exhibition, where it would necessarily fail to attract attention or excite general interest. Let me add that it is too precious to his kindred in the United States to be put in peril of loss by the casualties of its transmission between the two countries. “ Wishing, however, to contribute to the best of my ability to an object of such national interest in my native land, and gratefully appreciating the feeling which dictated the request of your committee, I have procured a photograph from the miniature on an enlarged scale, which I send with this letter. Let me assure you, from a vivid recollection of my uncle, that it is a most exact and expressive likeness. He was my instructor in my early boyhood, and condescended in many ways to be my playmate, and Ills features never have been, and never can be, effaced from my memory. “ If, after it has served the purpose of the Exhibition, you deem this photograph worth your acceptance, I feel much pleasure in presenting it to you; at all events. I place it entirely at your disposal, and shall be happy to hear that you have received it. “Let me apologize for this, I fear, almost illegible letter. I am near the close of my 80th year, very infirm, and have been for several years out of the habit of writing. “ Believe me, with much respect, “ Your obedient servant, “ Henry Doyle, Esq., . “R. Emmet. “ Dublin Exhibition ” 419 John Doyle, Esq.—(1797-1868)— author of the HB. Political Sketches, which, commencing in 1829, continued for more than twenty years to be a pictorial commentary on the political events of the time (in crayons, H. E. Doyle), 420 Daniel O’Connell, Richard Sheil, and Jack Lawless. The original design for one of the HB. Sketches, - 421 Major-General Sir Justin Sheil, K.C.B., brother of The Right Hon. R. L. Sheil. For many years British Minister in Persia (in crayons, H. E. Doyle) - - - - 422 John Banim, one of the authors of the “O’Hara Tales ” (painted by himself when an art student) 423 Right Rev. Dr. Doyle, R.C. Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin (1787-1834), author of the famous letters signed J.K.L. 424 The Rev. Francis Mahony (Father Prout). Scholar, Journalist, and Poet (Lister) Artist. H. E. Doyle, Esq. Edward Shell, Esq. Michael Dani/)\. 188 NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY. Gallery No. 3. 425 Cardinal Wiseman (see No. 284)—(in crayons, H. E. Doyle) - 426 Gerald Griffin, novelist, dramatist, poet, author of “The Collegians,” Gissepas, a tragedy, &c.; devoted the latter part of his life to the education of the poor, and died a member of the order of Christian Brothers. - 427 Clarance Mangan, the poet—(P. W. Burton) 428 Professor M‘Culloch—(F. W. Burton) 429 W. Harvey, naturalist—(F. W. Burton) 430 James Barry, R.A. (see No. 156 ) —(Himself). 431 Edward Lysaght, lyrical poet 432 William Hogan, RH. A.—(Sculptor)— (Mulrennen) 433 W. Mulready, R.A. (see No. 251 )— (C. Martin) 434 D. Maclise, R.A.— (himself) 435 Duke of Bedford —(Lawrence) 436 Sir Richard Mayne, K.C.B., son of Judge Mayne, organizer, and jointly with Colonel Rowan, first Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Lon¬ don—(Engraving by Gruner). 437 Eugene O’Curry — (Photograph) - 438 Robert O’Hara Burke, the Australian explorer— (Photograph) 439 William Smith O’Brien —(Photograph) 440 Catherine Hayes, singer — (Lithograph) 441 Y. Wallace, composer—(Lithograph) 442 Dr. Wills. Author of “ Remarkable Irishmen,” - 443 Michael Balfe. Composer^ 444 Sir James Prior, Biographer of Goldsmith, and Burke ------ 445 Thomas Haviland Burke, Esq., nephew of the Right Hon. E. Burke - 446 The Earl of Carlisle. 447 Entrance of King George IV. into Dublin. 448 O’Connell — (Hayes) .... 449 Viscount Castlereagh - 450 General Sir John Doyle - 451 Right Rev. R. Mant, Bishop of Down and Connor - Artist. Wm. Griffin, Esq, Artist. Artist. Artist. Edward Lysaght Griffin. Rev. Titus Bentley. W. Smith, Esq. W. J. 0’Driscoll. Lord James Butler. Dr. Lyons. Mrs. Horace De Vere. Miss O’Brien. Irish Academy of Music. Do. Mrs. Wills. Irish Academy of Music. ] W. Smith, Esq. W. Smith, Esq. T. Conolly, M.P. J. Cashel Hoey, Esq. W. Smith, Esq. IT. Smith , Esq. ENGRAVINGS. Those with an asterisk were engraved in Ireland. 500 Aldborough, Countess of 501 Aylmer, Matthew, Lord (proof) 502 *Boyle, Henry 503 Boyle, Michael 504 Boyle, Robert 505 Bingham, Lady (proof)- 506*Boulton, Hugh 507 Bourke, Archbishop Tuam (proof) 508*Brooke, Henry 509 W. Burton Conyngham (proof) 510 Burke, Edmund (proof) 511 Clive, Catherine 512 *Charlf.s Cobbe, Archbishop, Dublin The Property of Mr. John Challoncr Smith. Painter. Engraver. Einslie. Brooks. Zoust. Purcell. Failturm. Hauffman. Watson. Brooks. Reynolds. J. R. Smith Miller. Hamilton. Green. Romney. Jones. V. Haechen, Bindon, Miller. ENGRAVINGS. Gallery No. 3. 189 513 Connolly, William - 314 Coote, Sir Eyre (proof) 515 Coventry, Countess op (Gunning) (proof) • 516 Curran, John Philpot (proof) - 517 "Daly, Denis - 518 Duncannon, Lady - 519*Echlin, Thomas .... 520 Grattan, Henry (proof) 521 Goldsmith, Oliver (proof) 522 Gunning, Catherine 523 Hamilton, Duchess of (Gunning) 524 Hertford, Marquis of (proof) 525 Garrett, Bishop of Ferns (proof) 526 Frye, Thomas - 527 Hutchinson, John Hely (proof) 528 *Clanricarde, Marquis of (painted in colonrs)- 529 Dorothy Jordan (proof) 530 Nathaniel Kane - 531 * William King, Archbishop of Dublin 532 Walter Blake Kirwan 533 Duchess of Leinster (proof) 534 Charles Lucas (proof) 535 James MacArdell (proof) 536 "Samuel Madden - 537 Miss Magill - 538 Countess of Meath - 539 *John Murphy - 540 "Cornelius Nary - 541 Daniel O’Connell (proof) 542 Hon. Mrs. O’Neill - 543 First Duke of Ormonde 544 Second Duke of Ormonde (proof) 545 Sir William Petty (proof) 546 Oliver Plunkett 547 "Thomas Prior, - 548 R. B. Sheridan (proof), 549 Erasmus Smith, .... 550 Arthur Smyth, Archbishop on Dublin, 551 "Isaac Sparks, - 552 Richard Steele, .... 553 "John Sterne, - 554 Laurence Sterne, .... 555 Earl of Strafford, ... - 556 "Dean Swift, ----- 557*Nicholas Lord Taaffe, 558 "Ussher, Archbishop of Armagh, 559 George Walker, - - - - 560 Margaret Woffington, 561 "Barry Yelverton, - - - - 562 John Lord Fitzgibbon (Lord Clare), 563 John Foster, .... 564 "Henry Singleton, C. J. Com. Pleas, - 565 "Sir John Ligonier, - - - - 566 Arthur O’Connor, - 567 "Sir Gervase Parker, - 568 Godart, Baron Ginkel and Earl of Athlone (proof), ----- 569 John Earl of Orrery and Cork, 570 "Robert Lord Newport, Painter. J ervas. Hamilton. Lawrence. Barrett. Reynolds. Wheatley. Reynolds. Cotes. Gainsborouj Reynolds. Hunter. Jervas. Shee. Reynolds. Reynolds. Van Nut. Reynolds. Mignard. Haverty. Peters. Kneller. Van Vert. Reynolds. West. Carlton. Reynolds. Bindon. Hunter. Hayttry. Stuart. Id. ad viv. Latham. Lee. Kneller. Stevens, Engraver. Fandriani. Dawe. M‘Ardle. Smith. Miller. Grozer. Spooner. Green. Manchi. Houston. M‘Ardle. Dixon. h.M'Ardle. Frye. Watson. Sedgwick. Jones. Brooks. Purcell. Clint. M'Ardlc. Earlem. Spooner. Watson. V. Somer. Ward. J. R. Smith. Willians. Smith. Smith. V. Vaart. Spooner. Hull. White. Watson Delane. Simon. Beard. Fisher. Hollar. Miller. Dixon. Miller. V. Banc. Faber. Robinson. Hodges. Id. Forde. Brooks. Ward. Miller. Smith. Faber. Miller, 190 ENGRAVINGS. Gallery No. 3. Wills. Brooks. Brooks. Tilliard. Ipse. Ipse. Latham. Brqoks. Kneller. Faber. Iloare. Simon. Gavin. Jack soy. Gaven. Gainer. M iller. West. Watson,. Vandyck. Yertue. 571 *Josiah Hort, Bishop of Tuam, 572 *Cornelius Callaghan (Lord Lismore), 573 Patrick Earl Sarsfield, 574 Nathaniel Hone, 575 *John Baron YVainright, 576 Sir Hans Sloane, 577 Philip Earl of Chesterfield (proof), 578 Spranger Barry, 579 *J0HN PONSONBY, 580*John Lawson, 581 Arthur Smyth, Archbishop of Dublin, 582 Strafford and Mainwaring, 583 Rev. Luke Wadding, O.S.F. (died 1657), anm theologian .... 584 Bonaventure Barron, O.S.F. (died 1696), nephew of Luke Wadding, historian, philosopher, and poet - - - - - - 285 Philip O’Sullivan Bear (died 1618), soldier and Rev. Q. R. Meehan. historian - 686 Right Rev. Peter Lombard, R. C. Archbishop of Armagh (died 1626), author of “ De Regno Hibernice.” - - - 587 Sir James Ware, historian ... 588 Duke of Schomberg - 589 Archbishop Ussheb - 590 William III. .... 591 Andrew Jackson, President of the United States -l 592 Right Hon. H. Grattan - - 593 Lord Wellesley .... J. Cashel Hqey, Esq, OUTER CORRIDOR. 594 Earl of Ely and Family .... 595 Surgeon Cusack ..... 696 Lord Chancellor Middleton 597 Lord Chancellor Cos .... 598 Major Butler and Capt. Clayton Brown receiving blessing of Pope Pius VI. (Northcote) - 599 General Lord Bloomfield (Partridge) 600 First Marquis of Abercorn (Lawrence) 601 Field-Marshal Viscount Beresford 602 The late Earl of Roden, K.P. (Say) - 603 Primate Stewart - . - . - 604 Lord Bantry ..... 605 Hon. Arthur Pakenham .... 606 Sir Lowry Cole - 607 First Duke of Ormonde - 608 Lord Galway - 609 Rev. J. Barrete, F.T.C.D. .... 610 Rev. Dr. O’Conor (Columbanus) 611 The Volunteers Meeting in College-green. Por¬ traits of the Duke of Leinster, Earl of Charle* mont, &c.—(Wheatley) - 612 Battle of the Boyne. Portrait of William III., &c.—(Wyke) . Marquis of Ely. College of Surgeons. Earl of Bandon. Royal Hospital. South Kensington Museum. Royal Artillery Mess. Duke of Aber-eo'm. Pack Beresford, Esq. Viscount Poicerscourl, K. P. Earl of Bantry. Earl of Longford. Earl of Enniskillen. Royal Hospital. Royal Hospital. Trinity College. O'Conor Don, M.P. Duke of Leinster. Lord James Butler. CATALOGUE OP tfHl! LOAN MUSEUM OP ORNAMENTAL ART. LIST OF ARTICLES SENT BY COMMAND OP HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN, FROM WINDSOR CASTLE. 1 Shield of Achilles. Illiad, xviii. line 483. In it were Heaven, Earth, and the Sea, which surrounded the whole as a border. In the Heavens —The Sun, the Moon, the Hyades (on the right of Apollo), Pleiades; on the left, Orion and the Bear. Below the Heavens — The Marriage, the Feast, the Orators, War, Mars, Minerva, Discord, Tumult, Fates, &c., Husbandry, Harvest, Vintage, Lions seizing the Bull, the Dance, line 594. Designed' by Flaxman. Executed by Messrs. Ruti¬ ded & Bridge. 2 The Armada Flagon. Found on board the Duke of Medina Sidonia’s ship commanding the Spanish Armada, 1588. 3 Carved Bog Oak Tinkard. Subject, Donnvbrook Fair. Carved by Lorenzo Percy. Mounted by West, Dublin. Presented by the Marquis of Anglesea to his Majesty King William IV. 4 Cop. Silver gilt and enamelled. “ The Apotheosis of His Royal Highness Prince Albert.” This cup, of Greek design, was called by the ancients a cup of libation, and represents the Apotheosis of Prince Albert. The Prince, supported on an eagle, is borne to the heavenly regions. He carries in his left hand a scroll, and resting his head on his right hand, he appears to meditate—directing his thoughts to his dear wife, Queen Victoria, and his "children. On his right is an armed figure, emblematic of the army; and, on the left, &fioth£r figure representing the maritime power of England. These figures repose on a scroll of Raphaelesque foliage. The cup rests on a plateau richly relieved vfith ornament, and on which are displayed the arms of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Coburg, in enamel. Maker’s name on the plinth. 192 LOAN MUSEUM. 5 Two Silver-gilt Fire Dogs. Richly chased with scrolls, dragons, &c., and cypher of Charles II. surmounted by a vase. 6 Early German Fan. Painted on vellum. A pastoral scene. Slick, ivory- painted. A domestic scene. Imitation Vernis Martin. Given to the Queen by H.R.H. the Prince Consort, from the collection of fans at Gotha. 7 Small Dress Fan. Time of Louis XIV. Ivory, richly painted and gilt ; subjects in Cartouches ; on the back a vintage. Finely decorated on Vernis Martin. Formerly belonging to Queen Marie Antoinette. 8 Italian Fan. Early 18th century. Mount , vellum; subject, a highly finished copy of the Aurora of Guido; on the back a figure of “Hope,” with Cupids bearing a wreath of flowers. Stick, ivory, with the guards delicately carved ; the decoration surrounding the handle with a wreath when closed. Formerly belonged to Queen Charlotte. 9 French Fan. Imitation Chinese. Mount, painted on vellum in raised lac. Stick, ivory, decorated in lac; Guards, English; silver gilt and jewelled. Formerly belonged to Queen Adelaide. 10 A Flounce op Old Guipure Lace, with the initials of Maria Lecsinska, Queen of France. 11 A Flower Holder, made after an antient Irish drinking horn at the Library of Trinity College, given to the Queen by H. R. H. the Prince Consort after Her Majesty’s fh - st visit to Ireland, in 1849. 12 A Smelling Bottle, bought at the Irish Exhibition, 1S53. 13 A Casket, studded with Scotch stones and pearls, designed by H.R.H. The Prince Consort. 14 A richly chased Burmese Vase and Stand. 15 The Sword of Christopher Columbus, and a Sword and Dagger of Philip II. of Spain. 16 A Statuette of Lady Godiva. By Elkington. 17 A bronze Figure of “ Infancy.” By Pigalle. 1733. 18 A do. do. By do. 1784. 19 A handsome Vase of Indian Bideri-ware, and a Bust of Shakespeare, carved by Perry, from “ Herne’s Oak.” 20 The Boxwood Cradle. Carved by Rogers for the Prince of Wales. 21 Four Italian Bronze Plaques, “The Seasons.” By Soldani. 1715. 22 Twelve Military Costume Pictures— Infantry. 23 Twelve do. do. Cavalry. H.R.H. THE PRINCESS LOUISE, MARCHIONESS OF LORNE. 24 Silver Gilt Toilet Glass, Inkstand and Tray, pierced border with heads and foliage in high relief. Presented to H R.H. on her wedding day. LOAN MUSEUM. 193 LIST OF ARTICLES CONTRIBUTED BY HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH. 25 A Dress made of the bark of a tree, worn by His Royal Highness on hit reception by the Queen of Otaheite. 26 Four Books of Paintings of Birds and Flowers, native character, costume, &c. f folding like a screen. Presented by the Mikado to His Royal Highness. 27 Silver Hookah, with tube of gold thread, velvet holder, and silver mouth¬ piece. Presented with an address by the native community of Calcutta. 28 A Book of Chinese rice paper drawings, in embroidered case. 29 An Indian Jacket of rich red silk, elaborately embroidered with pearls and set with stones. Presented by His Highness the Gaekwar of Baroda. SOUTH KENSINGTON COLLECTION. Centre Gallery. REPRODUCTION OF FRENCH DECORATIVE ART. Painting. Oil on canvas. Modern French. Sketch by Mons. Frappaz, of the decoration of one side of the “Salle du Conseil," Fontainebleau; time of Louis XV. H. 2 ft. 11 in., W. 3 ft. 10 in. 32.-70. DESIGNS FOR FANS. Fan Design. Painted in water colours on kid leather, representing nymphs and cupids alternating with vases ; by J. Mazerolle. Modern French. 21J in. by 5| in. Bought, £18- 488.-’69. Fan Design. Painted in water colours on kid leather, representing the procession of La Rosiere ; by A. Pascatti. Modern French. 21| in. by 5f- in. Bought, £14 8s. , 489.-’69. Fan Design. Painted in water colours on silk, representing the chariot of Helios ; by Emile Wattier. [Modern French. ,21| in. by 4|in. Bought, £11. 492.-69. Fan Design. Painted in water colours on silk, representing the Queen of the Lilacs ; by Edouard de Beaumont. Modern French. 211 in. by 6j in. Bought, £11. 493.-’69. Fan Design. Painted in water colours on silk, representing, in monochrome, two seated female figures, called Leda and the Swan ; by Henri Picou. Modern French, 21 in. by 6 in. Bought, £3 10s. 494.-’69. Fan Design. Painted in water colours on silk, representing cupids and captive nymphs, called “Love, chief of Brigands by Du Bouloz. Modern French. 21^ in. by 6 in. Bought £4 10s. 496.-’69. Fan Design. Cupids playing upon musical instruments and dancing. Painted on kid by E. Froment. Modem French. W. 1 ft. 10 in., H. 10£ in. (Paris Exhibition, 1867.) Bought, £8. 730.-’69. Fan Design. Roses and lilacs, painted on silk by Reignier. Modern French. W. 21 in. H. 10£ in. (Paris Exhibition, 1867.) Bought, £12. 732.-’69. a 194 LOAN MUSEUM. Fan Design. Lilacs. Painted on silk, by T. Henry. Modern French. W. 21f in. H. 18 b in. (Paris Exhibition, 1867.) Bought, £2. 734.-’69. Fan Design. Group of figures dancing. Painted on silk, by E. D. Beau¬ mont. Mod.ern French. W. 21 in., H. 10| in. (Paris Exhibition, 1867.) Bought, £6 735.->’69. Fan Design. Water-colour on vellum ; “La Grace:” prize object in com¬ petition of fan designs. By Hilda Montalba, South Kensington School of Art. English. 1870. H. 10^ in., W. 20| in. Bought, £2. 29.—’71. Fan Design. Water colour on silk, in lilao camaieu ; “Hay-making prize object in competition of fan designs. By Susan James, Hull School of Art. English. 1870. H. lOf in., W. 21 in. Bought, £3. 31.-’71. ARCHITECTURAL MODEL. Centre of Main Building. Model of the Memorial of the late Prince Consort, now in course of erection in Hyde Park, London, close to the spot on which stood the Great Exhibition Building of 1851. Designed by George Gilbert Scott, R.A. The decorative sculpture is by the following artists :•—H. H. Armstead, J. Bell, J. H. Foley, R.A. J. Lawlor, P. MacDowell, R.A., W. C. Marshall, R.A., J. B. Philip, W. Theed, J. Thorneycroft, and H. Weeks, R.A. REPRODUCTIONS OF ANCIENT ROMAN METAL WORK FOUND IN POMPEII AND HERCULANEUM. Tripod (Ara). The lower part of the font is in the form of a dog’s leg, above is a bearded mask and ornament; on the upper part is a sphinx with wings expanded upward, from the back of which an ornament rises to support the brazier. The outer rim of the brazier is ornamented with ox skulls and fes¬ toons in relief. The original, in bronze, was found at Herculaneum, and is preserved in the Museo Nazionale. Engraved in “ Real Museo Borbonico,” T. IX. tav. 13. Antique. Roman. H. 3 ft. 5 in., diam. at top, 20| in. M. Castellani. Metal casting, bought, £100. 70. -7. Pail (Situla), with double handles, resting on three feet representing satyrs. Under the rim are three ornamental friezes, and at the hinges of the handles are masks with diadems. In the original the upper frieze and the handles are damascened with silver filigree, and the words “ corneliaes chelidonis” are inscribed on the handle. The original was found at Pompeii, and is pre¬ served in the Museo Nazionale. Engraved in “ Real Museo Borbonico,” T. III., 14. Antique Roman. H. 1 ft. in., diam. at top, 1 ft. 1 in. M. Cas¬ tellani. Metal casting, bought, £80. ’70.-13. Lamp. The handle is in the shape of a bird’s head, the neck surmounted by the monogram of Christ, which is likewise twice repeated on the body. An¬ tique Roman. The original in bronze, is in the Museo Nazionale, Naples. H. 6k in., L. 9 in. M. Castellani. Metal casting, bought £10. ’69.-1. Candlestick. The base six-lobed and supported on three lions’ paws. The original, in bronze, is in the Museo Nazionale, Naples. Antique Roman. H. 94 in., W. 4| in. M. Castellani. Metal casting, bought, £4. ’69.-2. Candlestick. The base six-lobed and supported on three lions’ paws. The original, in bronze, is in the Museo Nazionale, Naples. Antique Roman. H. 9£ in., W. 4J in, M. Castellani. Metal casting, bought, £4. ’69.-3. LOAN MUSEUM. 195 Tripod Stand. The legs formed by three Hermes figures of cymbal players in lions’ skins. The original, in bronze, is in the Museo Nazionale, Naples. Antique Roman. H. 6h in., diam. 3§ in. M. Castellani. Metal casting, bought, £6. “ ’69.-4. Fire Dog. Formed by an arch, against which two closely draped female figures recline. The original, in bronze, is in the Museo Nazionale, Naples. Antique Roman. H. 6£ in., L. 7g in. M. Castellani. Metal casting, bought, £10. >69.-5. REPRODUCTIONS, BY THE ELECTROTYPE PROCESS, OF PLATE FORMING A PORTION OF THE REGALIA PRESERVED IN THE TOWER OF LONDON. Wine Fountain. Copper gilt. The bowl embossed with subjects of marine deities surrounded by cartouche work, the stand or stem decorated with foliage and figures of mermaids ; the upper part of the fountain forms a qua¬ drangular pedestal, against each face of which stands a statuette in full relief surmounting a shell; the figures represent Neptune, Hercules (?), with a dolphin and two sea nymphs. On the summit of the pedestal is placed a statuette of Cleopatra with the asp. The original, of silver gilt, forms part of the regalia in the Tower of London. English. Second half of 17tti cent 7 . H. 2 ft. 6 in., diam. 2 ft. 4 in. Messrs. Franchi and Son. Bought, £145. ’65.-83. Christening Font, with Cover. Copper gilt. Embossed in relief with scroll foliage, natural flowers, and cherubs’ heads. The cover is surrounded with a group of figures in the round representing Philip baptizing the eunuch. Engraved with the crowned cypher of King Charles II. The original, of silver gilt, forms part of the regalia in the Tower of London. English. Date about 1660. H. 3 ft. 1| in., diam. 1 ft. 5| in. Messrs. Franchi and Son. Bought, £75. ’65.-80. Salver of Christening Font. Copper gilt. Embossed in relief with scroll foliage, natural flowers, and cherubs’ heads, and engraved with the royal arms. The original, of silver gilt, forms part of the regalia in the Tower of London. English. Date about 1660. Diam. 1 ft. 11 in. Messrs. Franchi and Son. Bought, £12. ’65.-81. Salver or Altar Dish. Copper gilt. The centre embossed in high relief, with a composition representing the Supper at Emmaus, below which is a cartouche bearing the cypher of King William III. and Queen Mary, the margin chased with scroll foliage and cherubs’ heads. The original, of silver gilt, forms part of the regalia in the Tower of London. English. Date about 1690. Diam. 2 ft. 3| in. Messrs. Franchi and Son. Bought, £17 10s. 65.-79. Flagon. Copper gilt. With foliated scroll work, cherubs’ heads, &c., in repoussd or beaten work ; in front a cartouche with cyphers of King William III. and Queen Mary. The original, of silver gilt, is a sacramental flagon, and forms part of the regalia in the Tower of London. H. 17§ in. diam. 9| in. Messrs. Franchi and Son. Bought, £20. ’65.-78. Tankard with Cover. Copper gilt. Embossed with a group representing the loves of the gods. Flemish (?). 17th cent y . The original, of silver gilt, forms part of the regalia in the Tower of London. H. 10 in., diam. at base, 8 in. Messrs. Franchi and Son. Bought, £25. ’66.-1. Salt-Cellar. Copper gilt. The base embossed with acanthus leaves, with a dome-shaped cover embossed with flowers surmounted by a rudely-moulded figure of a cavalier. English. 17th cent y . The original, of silver gilt, forms part of the regalia in the Tower of London. H. 14| in., diam. 7^ in. Messrs. Franchi and Son. Bought, £12. ’66.-2. g 2 196 LOAN MUSEUM. SALT-CELLAR on high pedestal. Copper gilt. Chased with foliage and alle¬ gorical figure subjects in circular medallions, the summit crowned by a small statuette of a warrior. The original, of silver gilt, forms part of the regalia in the Tower of London. English. Date about 1560. H. 131 in., diam. 6 in. Messrs. Franchi and Son. Bought, £25. ’65.- 82. Ampulla or Annointing Cruise. Copper gilt. In form of an eagle with wings expanded. The head screws off and the oil issues through three holes in the beak and nostrils. English. 17th cent y . (Probably representing an earlier piece.) The original, of gold, forms part of the regalia in the Tower of London, and is used for the oil of consecration at coronations. H. 7f in., W. 6 J in. by 6 in. Messrs. Franchi and Son. Bought, £5. ’ 66 .- 3 . Sceptre. Ivory. With electrotype metal mounting, surmounted by a figu re of a dove. English. The original, of ivory mounted in gold and enamelled, is known as the sceptre of Anne Boleyn, but was probably made for the Queen of James I., about 1603. Part of the regalia in the Tower of London. L. 3 ft. 3 in. Messrs. Franchi and Son. Bought, £5. ’66-4. Spoon. Copper gilt. The bowl engraved with foliated scrolls, the shaft enriched with filigree work, and set with four pearls. The original, of silver gilt, called “The Annointing Spoon,” and used in the ceremony of the coro¬ nation, forms part of the regalia in the Tower of London. English. Date about 1200-50. L. 10g in., W. of bowl, 2 in. Messrs. Franchi and Son. Bought, £2 10s. ’65.-77. IRONWORK. Wrought-Iron Screen or Railing from thegardens of Hampton Court Palace. The work of Huntingdon Shaw, a native of Nottingham, blacksmith. Date about 1695. H. 10 ft. 6 in., W. 8 ft. 6 in. EARTHENWARE AND PORCELAIN. ENGLISH. VARIOUS MANUFACTORIES. Basin. Whiehlon ware. Buff ground with raised leaf ornament in green. English (Staffordshire). About 1750. Diam. 5g in. Bought, 15s. 257.-’70, Dish. Old Staffordshire embossed earthenware. Lozenge-shaped perforations in border. 18th cent y . Diam. 12 in. Bought. (Wood Coll n .) 3152.-’52. Plate. Earthenware. Cream-coloured ground, ornamented with green enamel and perforated border. Staffordshire. Middle of 18th cent y . Diam. in. Given by Miss Barrett. 957.-’ 68 . Tea Pot with Cover. Glazed tortoise-shell ware. With raised and gilt flowers. English (Staffordshire ). About 1750. H. 5g in., diam. 4$ in. Bought, £1 5s. 261.-’70. Tea Pot. Old English manganese ware. Painted with birds and flowers in metallic colour's. 18th cent y . H. 4-g in., W. 7 in. Bought. (Bandinel Coll n .) 3079.-53. Cup and Saucer. Chelsea porcelain (the cup two-handled), painted with yellow festoons of drapery and flowers ; blue and gold quatrefoil borders. English. 18th cent y . Cup, H. 3 in., W. 3| in. Saucer, diam. 5 in. Bought, £2. 399.-’55. Pi. vpe, Chelsea porcelain. Dark blue and gold, with central figures of birds ...iii rhnvers on white ground. English. 18th cent y . Diam. in. Bought, £ 0 . 7o3.-'68, LOAN MUSEUM. 197 Salt Cellars (a pair). Plymouth porcelain. Each in the form of an escallop shell, resting on a group of small shells. English. 18th cent y . H. If in., W. 4 in. Bought, £15. 210, 211.-’64. Cup. Old Worcester porcelain. Four bands of dark blue. English. 18th cent y . H. If in., diarn. 3 in. Given by Herbert Minton, Esq. 4798.-’58. Cup and Saucer. Worcester porcelain. Ornamented with dark blue flowers in transfer planting. English. 18th cent y . H. of cup, If in., diam. of saucer, 5 in. Given by Mrs. Makinlay. 1096.-69. Vase and Cover for tea. Worcester porcelain. Dark blue and gold, with birds in white compartments. English. 18th cent y . H. 6§ in., diam. 3f. Bought, £6 15s. ' 534. ’68. Bowl. Wedgwood’s jasper ware. Blue ground with scrolls and acanthus leaf pattern in high relief. English. 18th cent y . A. 2f in., diam. 6 in. Bought, £2. 3497.-55. Cup and Saucer. Wedgwood’s jasper ware. Lilac, with white cameo figures of children. English. 18th cent y . Cup, H. 2 in., diam. 3 in. ; saucer, diam. 5\ in. Bought, £2 10s. 1491.-55. Cup and Saucer. Wedgwood’s jasper ware. Blue ground, with white cameo ornaments, large scroll round the centre of cup, and medallion of Cancer. English. 18th cent y . Cup, H. 2f in., diam. 21 in. ; saucer, diam. 5 in. Bought, 12s. 1278.-55. Pedestal. Wedgwood’s jasper ware. Circular, sage green ground, with a frieze of children sporting. After Flaxman. English. 18th cent y . H. 74 in., diam. 5 in. Bought, £5. 3466.-’55^ Tea Canister. Wedgwood’s jasper ware. Oviform ; lilac ground; white Vitruvian scroll ; acanthus and honeysuckle borders. English. 18th cent y . H. 5f in., diam. 3 in. Bought, £3. 3478.-’55. Vase or Ewer. Wedgwood’s agate ware. Oviform, with serpent handle ; green mottled ground ; the handle and lip gilt. English. About 1780. H. 124 in., W. 5 in. Given by S. Addington, Esq. 791.-’64. Vase. Agate ware. Oviform, with two gilt handles ; green motled ground on black plinth. By Wedgwood and Bentley. English , 18th cent y . H. Ilf in., diam 5| in. Bought, £1 7s. fid. 1102.-’55. Candlestick. Enamelled earthenware ; with masks and arabesques in high relief and of various colours ; three rams’ heads on the stem. English, modern. Reproduction of Pallissy ware. (Minton & Co.) H. 1 ft. 4 in., diam. fig in. Bought. 5881.-’59. E(sh. Enamelled earthenware, incised design, white and green : “Sgraffito on earthenware.” Subject, the Virgin and Child, after Titian. Modern Eng¬ lish. Designed by E. Lessore for Messrs. Minton. Diam. 17 in. Given by M. D. Hollins, Esq. 224.-’65. Ewer and Stand. Enamelled earthenware. In imitation of Pallissy ware ; the ewer copied, with some variations, from an original example in the South Kensington Museum [No. 7178.—’60]. English, modern. Modelled by Hamlet Bourne, Stoke-on-Trent. Manufactured by Minton & Co. H. of ewer, 104 in., W. 8f in. by 5f in.; stand, 12 in by 10 in. Bought. 4730, 4730a.-’59. Ewer. Porcelain. In imitation of Limoges enamel; dark purple ground, with pattern in white, relieved with gold. English, modern. Painted by Benjamin Lockett, Stoke-on -Trent. Manufactured by Minton & Co. H. 14f in., W. 6§ in. by 5| in. Bought. 4734.-’57. Match Pot. Porcelain, perforated pattern, with black and gold borders. Mo¬ dern English. (Minton & Co.) H. 5| in., diam. 3f in. Bought (Interna¬ tional Exhibition, 1862). 8088.-’63, 198 LOAN MUSEUM. Plate. Porcelain. Jewelled ; in the centre a medallion portrait of the Queen ; ground turquoise, two circles with wreathes of roses. Modern English' Painted by T. Allen. Manufactured by Minton & Co. Diam. 94 in. Bought. 4734.-’59. Plateau. Enamelled earthenware, imitation of maiolica. Painted with arabesques; in the centre a portrait bust of Queen Victoria. Modern Eng¬ lish. (Minton & Co.) Diam. 25 in. Bought (Paris Exhibition, 1855). 3340.-56. Plateau. Enamelled earthenware, in imitation of Limoges enamel. Circular, blue ground, border and centre painted with arabesque strapwork, festoons of fruit and flowers, masks, cherubs’ heads, &c., in grisaille. Modern English. Minton & Co.) Diam. 20f in. Bought. 3564.-57. Tazza. Enamelled earthenware, in imitation of maiolica. Painted in light brown, with an allegorical subject. Modern English. (Minton & Co.) H. 2^ in., diam. 13| in. Bought (International Exhibition, 1862.) 8110- 63. Teat or Plateau. Inlaid earthenware. Pale buff ground with geometrical bands and conventional foliage, &c., in white, red, and green. Modern Eng¬ lish. (Minton & Co.) Diam. 1 ft. 6 in. Bought. 7262-’61. Vase. Enamelled earthenware, maiolica. Upheld by three figures of Tritons, and decorated with seaweed and shells, modelled in relief, and painted in proper colours. English, modern imitation of ancient ware. H. 16g in., W. 13 in. (Minton & Co.) Bought. 505-55. Vase. Porcelain. Oviform, blue ground, painted with arabesques, trophies, &c., in greenish grey. Modern English. (Minton & Co.) H. 14f in., diam. 8| in. Bought. 3565-’57. Vase. Porcelain. Celadon green ground with white cordage pattern, and grasses and butterflies in relief. Modern English. (Minton & Co.) H. 1 ft., diam. 6f in. Bought (International Exhibition, 1862.) S090-’63. Vase. Enamelled earthenware. Amphora-shaped, with serpent handles ; black and yellow arabesque ornament on white ground. Modern English. Designed by A. Steevens; manufactured by Minton & Co. H. 17 in., W. 9 in. Bought. 184-’64. Vase. Enamelled earthenware. Amphora-shaped, with serpent handles; ornamented with festoons and children in white or dark blue ground. Mo¬ dern English. Designed by A. Steevens ; manufactured by Minton & Co. H. 11| in., W. 7i in. Bought. 185-’64. Plate. White Porcelain. Painted with a central group of shells, and a circle of fish and water plants behind a net of gold. Modern English. (Wedg¬ wood & Sons.) Painted by John Latham. Diam. 12| in. Bought. 733-’64. Tankakd. Enamelled earthenware, with metal lid. On the side a winter landscape sketched in brown. Modern English. (Messrs. Wedgwood.) H. 8| in., W. 64 in., by 4j; in. Bought (International Exhibition, 1862.) 8013-62. Cup and Sauceb. Egg shell porcelain. Lilac ground and garlands of green leaves. Modern English. (Kerr, Binns, and Co., Worcester.) Cup, 2| in., diam. 2f in .; saucer, diam. 5| in. Bought. 213-’54. Plate. Porcelain. White ground sprinkled with gold ; on the borders are raised figures of chimeras, and medallion busts of Shakespere and of charac¬ ters from his plays; part of a service called the Shakespere service. Modern English. (Manufactured by Kerr and Binns, Worcester.) Diam. 9| in. Bought. 501-55. Plate. Porcelain. Deep blue ground, painted in the style of the Limoges grisaille enamels. Designed and executed by W. J. Muckley, of the School ©f Art, Buralem. Modern English. Diam, 8f in. Bought. 4519-57. t LOAN MUSEUM. 199 Jug. Parian ware. With coats of arms of the nations contributing to the French Exhibition of 1865 in relief, with strapwork ornament. Modern English. H. 14f in., diam. 8 in. Bought. 5389-56. EARTHENWARE. Spanish or Hispano-Moresco Ware and Italian Maiolioa. Bowl. Enamelled and lustred earthenware. With feather-like ornament in centre. Spanish (Valencian or Andalusian). 17th cent 7 . Diam. 15 in. Bought, £1. 327-66. Plate. Enamelled earthenware, maiolica, lustred. With figure of a rampant lion in blue, and in inscribed round the rim “ Ave Maria gra. plena.” Spanish ( Hispano-Moresco). 16th cent 7 . Diam. 15 in. Bought, £5 10s. 1460-’70. Plateau. Enamelled earthenware. Hispano-moresco lustred ware; with raised ribs, decorated with blue and gold, in the centre a lion. Spanish. 15th or 16th cent 7 . Diam. 18 in. Bought (Bernal Coll a .), £11. 1711-55. Bowl. Enamelled earthenware, maiolica. The Birth of Venus. Italian (Urbino ). About 1560. H. 4b in., diam. 12£ iu. Bought (Soulages Coll".), £20. " 8406-63. Bowl. Enamelled earthenware, maiolica lustred. On elevated stem • in the centre is a female profile portrait ; the exterior decorated with scale-work pattern and gadroons. Italian (Gubbio) About 1510. H, 6 f in., diam. in. Bought (Soulages Coll"-), £15. 507-’65. Drug Pot. Enamelled earthenware, maiolica. Orange ground : painted with arabesques. Italian. Dated 1501. H. 18f in., diam. 64 in. Bought, £3 4s. 1569-55. Drug Pot. Enamelled earthenware, maiolica. With spout and handle, painted with three nude female figures ; the spout formed by a dragon’s head and neck. Italian. About 1540. H. lOf in., diam, 7f in. Bought (Ber¬ nal Coll"-), £11. 1707-55. Drug Pot and Cover. Enamelled earthenware, maiolica. Painted with half length figm-es of an aged man kissing a young woman ; scroll ornaments on blue, and inscribed label. Italian, About 1540. H. 17f in., diam. 9 in. Bought (Bernal Coll" ), £26. 1798-’55. Drug Pot. Enamelled earthenware, maiolica. Oviform ; brilliant orange ground, painted with arabesques, &c. Italian (Castel-Durante?) 16th cent 7 . H, 10 in., diam. 84 in. Bought, £5 5s. 3027-’55. Drug Pot. Enamelled earthenware maiolica. Painted in grisaille; trophies in various utensils. Italian ( Castel Durante). About 1550. H. 154 in. diam. Ilf in. Bought, £7 12s. 2586-’56 Drug Pot. Enamelled earthenware, maiolica. Globular ; painted with tro¬ phies in blue, orange, and brown; a shield of arms in front inscribed “ Ad Camomila.” Italian (Urbino). Dated 1638. H. 83 in., diam. 7 in. Bought, £1 10s. “ 4391-57. Flask or Pilgrim’s Bottle. Enamelled earthenware, maiolica. Painted with bacchanalian subjects and grotesque arabesques on white ground. Ita¬ lian (Urbino or Castel Durante). About 1560. H. 18 in., W. Ilf in. Bought (Soulages Coll"-), £125. 8408-’63. Jug. Enamelled earthenware, maiolica. With trefoil lip, painted with a female profile portrait within a wreath inscribed “Isabeta Bella;” with pewter cover. Italian. 16th cent 7 . H. 8 in., diam. Of in. Bought (Bandinel Coll"-). 2975-53. Pilgrim’s Bottle. Enamelled earthenware, maiolica. Painted with ara¬ besques and shields of arms. Italian. About 1600. H. 15 in,, W. 12 in. Bought, £12 13s. 4d. 323-’54. f 200 LOAN MUSEUM. Plaque. Enamelled earthenware, maiolica (“ Sgraffiato,” or incised ware). Circular ; in the centre a shield of arms surrounded by an elaborate border ot scroll-work. Italian (Perugio). About 1540. Diam. 114 in. Bought, £3. 1631-56. Plate. Enamelled earthenware, maiolica. Painted with Arion standing on a dolphin ; arabesque border with a coat of arms. Italian (Neapolitan) 17th cent 5 ". Diam. 114 in. Bought, £1 10s. 1658-53. Plate. Enamelled earthenware, maiolica. The death of Abel; inscription on the reverse. Italian. About 1530. Diam. 11 in. Bought (Bernal Coll"-), £8. 1753-55. Plate. Enamelled earthenware, maiolica ; lustred ware. In the Centre profile bust of a woman, inscribed “ Sura Fioreborder of arabesques. Italian (Deruta). About 1510-20. Diam. 13 in. Bought (Bernal Coll"), £10 10s. 1779-55. Plate. Enamelled earthenware, maiolica, lustred. Painted with a male and female hand clasped, over them a heart transfixed with three arrows, and’ flames beneath, a border of rays with conventional flowers between, the whole lustred in gold and ruby. Italian (Gubbio). Attributed to Maestro Giorgio. About 1500. Diam. 11J in. Bought (Soulages Coll 11 ) £20. 8900-’63. • Plateau. Enamelled earthenware, maiolica (“ Sgraffiato,” or incised ware). A lady and two cavaliers in costume of the 15th cent y . Festoons of leaves, &c. Italian. About 1480. Diam. 164 in. Bought (Bernal Coll"'), £40 10s. 1764—’55. Plateau. Enamelled earthenware, maiolica. Plialaris massacred by his sub¬ jects. Inscription on the reverse. Italian. About 1545. Diam. 15| in. Bought (Bernal Coll' 1 -), £9 5s. 1786-’55. Salt Cellar. Enamelled earthenware, maiolica. The body forms an oval vase, decorated with raised strnpwork, shields, and two statuettes, supported on scroll feet and elevated on a pedestal painted in imitation of green marble. Italian (Urbino ). About 1580-1600. H. 9 in., L. 84 in. Bought (Soulages Coll 11 -). £15. 509-’65. Tazza Plate. Enamelled earthenware, maiolica. Fluted and escalloped, painted with grotesques on a white ground. In the centre medallion a male classical figure seated in a landscape. Italian (Urbino ?) About 1560. Diam. 104 i n - Bought (Soulages Coll 11 -), £20. 8898-’63. Vase. Enamelled earthenware, maiolica. Oviform, fluted and painted with arabesques on white ground, basket handle. Italian (Urbino or Cast.el Du¬ rante). About 1560. H. 12 in., diam. 6 in. Bought, £16 10s. 4291a-’57. Vase. Enamelled earthenware, maiolica ; lustred. Twm-haudled ; with scale- work patterns, scroll foliage, gadroons, &c., in yellow lustre. Italian (Gub¬ bio or Deruta). About 1500-10. H. 9| in., diam 7^ in. Bought (Sou¬ lages Coll n >), £6. 513-65. FRENCH EARTHENWARE AND PORCELAIN. Various Manufactories. Dish. Enamelled earthenware, Palissy ware. Elliptic; with strap-work ornament surrounding five pools. French. 16th cent y . 10$ in. by 8f in. Bought (Soulages Coll 11 -), £15. 7l76-’60. Tazza Plate. Enamelled earthenware, Palissy ware. Subject, Perseus and Andromeda ; in the foreground, numerous figures witnessing the destruction of the monster. French. 16th cent 7 . Diam. 94 in. Bought (Soulages Coll-), £5. 7173- 60. LOAN MUSEUM. 201 Plate. Enamelled earthenware of Rouen. Painted with a centre medallion of amorini, one of whom blows a horn; on diaper ground surrounded by garlands, with diapered decoration round the rim, in blue and orange. French. Period of Louis XIV. Diam. 9?,- in. Bought, <£13. (Aigoin Coll u -). ' 397-70. Plate. Enamelled earthenware of Rouen. Painted in blue with centre rose ornament and border of flowers and scrolls. French. Period of Louis XIV. Diam. 9| in. Bought, £ 8 . (Aigoin Coll u ) 438-70. Candlestick. Earthenware of Blois. With decoration of fish and masks in purple, orange, and green. French. 18th cent y . H. lOf in., diam. of base, ti| in. Bought, £1 12s. 547-’69. Compotier, one of a pair. Enamelled earthenware of Niderwilier. Shell¬ shaped, painted with flowers in polychrome. It bears the initials B. N., the mark of a Baron of Beyerld. French. About 1770. L. 2| in. W. 8 | in. Bought, £8 the pair. (Aigoin Coll Ui ) 482a-7’0. Bonbonniere. Glazed earthenware. With polychrome decoration of birds, flowers, and cornucopiae; 'the handle formed by an apple. French (Gien). 1870. H. 3g in., diam. 6 in. Bought, 8 s. 6 d. 1435-70. Jardiniere, one of a pair. Glazed earthenware. The lower part gadrooned, with mask handles, and Renaissance ornament of scrolls, garlands, and ter¬ minal figures. French (Gien), 1870. H. 5| in., diam. 6 in. Bought, 12s. 6 d. the pair. 1434-70. Pilgrim’s Bottle with Stopper. Glazed earthenware. With mask handles, and polychrome decoration of scrolls, birds, and terminal figures. French (Gien). 1870. H. Ilf in., L. of base, 4| in. Bought, 16s. 1432-70. Plate. Glazed earthenware. Painted with a rustic male figure. By C. Benoist. French (Gien). 1870. Diam. 64 in. Bought, 6 s. 1437-70. Plate. Glazed earthenware. Painted with a horse standing in a landscape. By C. Benoist. French (Gien). 1870. Diam. 6 | in. Bought, 6 s. 1438-70. Cup and Saucer. Nevers enamelled earthenware. Blue ground with wreaths in white. Modern French. (Ristori, of Nevers.) Cup, H. 24 in., diaiu. 4J in. Saucer, diam. 54 in. Given by M. Ristori. 3673-56. Plate. Nevers enamelled earthenware. White ground, painted with a wreath of vine leaves in blue. Modern French. (Ristori, of Nevers.) Diam. 10 in. Bought (Paris Exhibition, 1855), £1 12s. 3668-66. Plate. Nevers enamelled earthenware. Border indigo blue ground, inter¬ laced ornaments in yellow. Modern French. (Ristori, of Nevers.) Diam. 9g in. Bought (Paris Exhibition, 1885), £1 12s. 3669-56. Ewer and Plateau. Enamelled earthenware. Brown ground, embossed pattern of foliage and medallion heads, white and blue. Modern French (Sevres). H. of ewer, 124 hi., diam. 5| in ; plateau, diam. 12 in. Bought (International Exhibition, 1S62), £14 12s. 8060, S061-’62. Salver. Enamelled earthenware. Dark blue ground, ornamented in white; in the centre a figure of Diana surrounned by an arabesque border with four male masks. Modern French (Sevres). Diam. 20 in. Bought, £4. 8—’65, Vase and Cover. Enamelled earthenware. Pale brown ground with foliated ornament in cream colour and blue ; the cover perforated for cut flowers or perfumes. Modem French. (Sevres). H. 91 in., diam. 8 in. Bought, £5 12s. ~ 10-65. Aiguiere, or Ewer. Glazed earthenware in imitation of Pallissy ware. Or¬ namented with figures in low relief representing the three Christian graces, masks, winged satyrs, and scrolls. From the original, in pewter, by Briot. By Mons. Pull, Paris. French. 1869. IT. 12 in., W. at bottom, 3| in. Bought, £10. 1081-71. 202 LOAN MUSEUM. Plateau. Glased earthenware in imitation of Pallisy ware. Round, with raised boss in the deeply sunk centre, and ornamented in low relief with figures within compartments representing the Elements and the various branches of learning. From the original, in pewter, by Briot. By Mons. Pull, Paris. French. 1869. Diam. 16| in. Bought, £30. 1880-’71. CUP and SaUOEE. Lustred porcelain ; pale green ground. Modern French. H. of cup, 2 in.; diam. of saucer, 5j in. Given by Messrs. Gillet and Brian- chon. 641, 641a—’64. Figure or Statuette. Porcelain, highly lustred. A female figure supporting H. 17| in., W. in. by 8116-62. a shell. Modern French. (Brianchon’s patent.) 8J in. Given by Messrs. Gillet and Brianchon. Plaque. Porcelain. Ground black and myrtle green, with group in^white slip of Love leading a nymph blindfold. Modern French. H. 7 in., W. 34 in. Bought, £3 4s. (Rousseau, Paris.) 33-64. Plate. Earthenware. Painted with various animals, insects, and flowers on white ground. Modern French. Diam. 9| in. (Paris Exhibition, 1867.) Given by Mons. J. Rousseau. 699-’69. Vase. Porcelain. Goblet-shaped ; the foot and bowl dark blue, the body mottled blue, with bacchanalian figures and emblems in colours. Modern French. (Rousseau, Paris.) H. 12§ in., diam. 6f in. Bought £1, 10s. 35-64. Candlestick. Inlaid earthenware in imitation of Henri Deux ware. Cream- coloured ground, with inlaid arabesques in reddish brown and black, and projecting masks, scrolls, &c., with festoons and shells in green. The base is copied from a cup in the Louvre, the rest from a candlestick in the collection of Baron Gustave de Rothschild. Made by M. Rondel. French. 1860-70. H. 7 in., diam. at base, 4| in. Bought, £124. 56-’70. Plate. Earthenware, in imitation of Henri Deux ware. An allegorical figure of Music in the centre, with names of various composers. Modern French. Diam. 1 ft. 2| in. Bought (International Exhibition 1862), £6. 8043- 62. Plate. Enamelled earthenware. Red ground, with birds flying around a bamboo stem, By M. Laurent Bouvier. Modern French. Diam. 12J in. Bought, £2. 1774-69. Cup and Saucer. White porcelain. On the cup a medallion enclosing a pho¬ tograph head of a child; on the saucer a medallion photograph head of a lady. Modern French. Lafon de Camarsac. H. of cup, 2| in., diam. 2| in.; saucer, diam. 4| in. Bought, £3 12s. 37, 38-’64. Vase. Enamelled earthenware ; grey crackle. With floral ornament in relief, and two panels of dark blue and gold. By E. Collinot. Modern French. H. 18 in., diam. of base, 4| in. Bought £6. 1779-69. Dish and Cover. Enamelled earthenware. Circular ; white ground with ribbon pattern in blue. H. 34 in., diam. 5f in. Modern French. Bought, £1 4s. 1103-68. Goblet (one of a pair). Porcelain. Painted with nude female figure playing cymbals. Designed by Milds. Modern French. H. 5| in., diam. 3| in. (Paris Exhibition, 1367.) Bought, £12. 747-69. Goblet (one of a pair). Earthenware. Painted with Cupids playing on Pan’s H. 84 in., diam. 3J in. Paris Exhibition, 1867.) 756a-’69 pipes. Modern French. Bought 14s. each. Vase. Enamelled earthenware. Bottle shaped ; the neck and foot dark blue, the body cream coloured, with frieze of foliage, containing cupids. Modern French. H. 1 ft. 2% in., diam. 7 in. Bought (International Exhibition, 1862), £3 4s. 8020-62. LOAN MUSEUM. 203 Vase (one of a pair). Earthenware. Enamelled, with embossed butterfly and birds in the midst of apple blossom on yellow ground. Modern French. H. 14f in., diam. of base, 4| in. (Paris Exhibition, 1867.) Bought, £3. 741-’69. Vase on Foot (one of a pair). Porcelain. Ornamented with butterflies on red unglazed ground. Modern French. (Paris Exhibition, 1867.) H. 10 in., diam. 4J in. Bought, 18s. each. 753a-’69. Vase (one of a pair). Earthenware. Painted with a child and bird. Modern French. H. 5 in., diam. 4g in. (Paris Exhibition, 1867.) Bought, 14s. each. 755-59. Vase (one of a pair). Earthenware. Painted with bust of Dante on chocolate ground. Modern French. H. 8f in., diam. 4| in. (Paris Exhibition, 1867.) Bought £1 each. 761-59. Vase or Toreen. Earthenware. Enamelled with medallion head supported by dragons and cupids. Modern French. H. 7. in., L. 174 in. (Paris Exhibition, 1867.) Bought, £6. 770-69. EARTHENWARE AND PORCELAIN. Various Manufactories—European and Oriental. Jus. Stoneware. Brown glaze, with metal cover, with heraldic medallion in relief six times repeated. Flemish. Early 47th cent 7 . H. 1 ft. 3 in., diam. 8 | in. Bought, £4 5s. 775-’68. Jug. Stoneware. Grey and blue, with band containing three shields of arms, the central one supported by griffins. Flemish. Dated 1599. H. 16 in., W. 9J in. Bought, £17. 791-’68. Tankard. Stoneware. With metal lid, dark brown glaze, with coloured and embossed figures of saints. Flemish. Dated 1631. H. 8 in., W. 6f in. Bought, £2 10s. 820-68. Sugar Basin. Bottcher ware. Chocolate-coloured ground, with Oriental figures and scrolls in gold, resting on three gilt claws. German (early .Dresden ). About 1708. H. 6 in., diam. 34 in. Bought (Bernal Coll"-), £3. 1951a-’55. Cup and Saucer. Dresden porcelain. Painted with flowers in colours, gold stalks and leaves on white ground. German. 18th cent 7 . (Marcolini period.) Cup, H. 2| in., diam. 3 in.; saucer, diam. 5^ in. Bought (Bernal Coll n ), £2 2s. 2015-55. Coffee Pot. Dresden porcelain. Pale crimson ground, painted with medal¬ lions of landscapes and figures on white, silver hinge to cover, gilt handle, and mask under the spout. German. 18th cent 7- H. 5| in., diam. 4 in. Bought (Bernal Coll 0- ), £4 4s. 1953-55. Coffee Pot and Cover. Dresden porcelain. Painted with a peasant netting a fawn, and dead bear and dogs. German. 18th cent 7- H. 5j| in., diam. 4 in. Bought (Bernal Coll" - ), £6 10s. 2017-55. Plate. Dresden porcelain. Painted in lake cn camaieu, with groups of cupids, allegorical of the arts and sciences ; richly gilt scroll borders. German. 18th cent 7- Diam. 94 in. Bought (Bernal Coll 11- ), £1 16s. 1979c-’55. Plate. Dresden porcelain. Margin grounded in crimson and gold, edged inwards with green, painted in the centre with a bird of rich plumage and gold flowers. German. 18th cent>' - (In imitation of old Chelsea porcelain.) Diam. 94 in. Bought (Bernal Coll n- ), £2 5s. 2016-55. 204 LOAN MUSEUM. Bottle (one of a pair). Enamelled earthenware. Gourd-shape, with long neck encircled by a projecting ring, painted with flowers in blue and yellow ; imitation of Persian ware. Italian (Candiana ). 17th cent?- H. 15 in., diam. of base, 5£ in. Bought, £S 8 s. the pair. 836-’70. Cup and Saucer. C,apo di Monte porcelain. With classical subjects in relief, coloured. Italian. 18th or early 19th centv. Cup, H. 3j- in., diam. 2f in. Saucer, diam. 54 in. Bought. (Bandinel Coll" ). 3385-’53. Bowl, Cover, and Stand. Venetian porcelain. White ground with green and gold ornament, and flowers in colours. Italian. 18th cent y- Diam. o. stand, 8 in., diam. of bowl, 4| in., ; H. of bowl, cover, and stand. 4f in. Bought, £4. 42 to 425-’69. Cup. Venetian porcelain. Rich gold borders and medallions of purple flowers, enclosing a red lion rampant. Italian 18th cent^ H. 1| in., diam. 3| in. Bought (Bandinel Coll n -) 990-'53. Plate. Venetian porcelain. White ground, with flowers in colours, border of blue and gold. Italian. 18th cenP'- Diam. 8 f in. Bought, £2. 43-69. Ewer. Enamelled earthenware. Painted with grotesques in white on a blue ground, relieved with yellow and red lustre ; a head of an old man in front on a shield wreathed with serpents. Imitation of maiolica. Modern Italian. (Marquess Ginori, Florence.) H. IO 5 in., W. 54 in. by 5 in. Bought, £3 2s. 8 d. 5446-59. Plate. Enamelled earthenware. Imitation of maiolica. Modern Italian. (Marquess Ginori, Florence.) Diam. 19 in. Bought (Paris Exhibition, 1855), £ 8 . 2722-56. Plate. Enamelled earthenware. Blue ground, with embossed arabesque pat¬ tern in yellow lustre, in imitation of Gubbio ware. Modern Italian (Neapo¬ litan). Diam. 114 in. Bought, £3 4s. 8054-’62. Plateau. Enamelled earthenware. Painted with grotesques in white on blue ground, relieved with yellow and red lustre ; reverse white. Imitation of maiolica. Modern Italian. (Marquess Ginori, Florence.) Diam. 94 in. Bought, £3 2 s. 8 d. 5445-59. Plateau. Enamelled earthenware, in imitation of maiolica. Dark blue ground, with orange and white arabesque pattern ; a figure in relief in the centre. Modern Italian. Diam. 11 in. (International Exhibition, 1S62.) Manu¬ factured and given by the Marquess Ginori. S081-’62. Vase. Enamelled earthenware. Bottle-shaped ; blue ground, with white floral decoration in relief. Modern Italian. H. 14^ in., diam., 7J in. Manufactured and given by the Marquess Ginori. 8047-’62. Bowl. Enamelled earthenware. Arabesque decorations, and ornamented with patches of red sealing wax. Tangerine (Morocco), modern. H. 4] in., diam. II 4 - in. Bought, 12 s. 1663-52 Bowl. Earthenware. Painted with with an interlaced geometric pattern of blue on a white ground. Morocco. H. 4j in., diam., 12f in. (Paris Exhi¬ bition, 1867.) Bought, 3s. 3d. 900-’69. Jar with Cover. Glazed earthenware, with decoration in bright colours. Moorish (Fez). (Annual International Exhibition, 1871.) H. 84 in., diam. of base, 4| in. Given by G. Maw, Esq. 1567-71. Jar with Cover. Green glazed earthenware. With handle, decorated wtih three raised bosses and flowers in gold leaf, discoloured. Bought off Gallipoli in 1862, and probably made there. Turkish. 19th cent- v - H. 204 in., diam. of base, 4| in. Given by W. S. Shoobridge. Esq. 1593-71. LOAN MUSEUM. 205 Bowl for Plate. Enamelled earthenware. Painted with red roses, and two scrolls of dark blue foliage. Persian. Diam. 12| in. Bought, £8. 1137-64. Ewer. Enamelled earthenware. Arabesque scrolls in green, blue, and orange. Persian. H. 104 in., diam. in. Bought (Bemal coll"-), £7 10s. 1708-55. Plate. Enamelled earthenware. White ground ; with a ship in black out¬ lines, rig of the 14th or 15th cent>'- Persian. Diam. 12 in. Bought, £5 5s. 315-’67. Vase. Glazed earthenware. Bottle-shaped, green ground, with ships and flowers in blue, red, and white on the surface : on the neck a boss in tur¬ quoise blue. Persian. 16th cent*'- (?). H. 17 in., diam. 8 in. Bought, £14 14s 6783-’60. Vase. Oviform. Glazed earthenware of similar character to the so-called Persian ware ; ground white, with figures of winged horses and birds in black, tinted with blue. Siculo Arabian. 14th cent/- H. 15 in., diam. 10 in. Bought, £15 16s. 482-’6 4. Vase. Chinese egg-shell porcelain. Oviform ; blue ground with white rings and raised white flowers ; on each side two large coloured medallians of Chinese figures in a landscape with buildings. H. 14f in., diam. 7 in. Bought, £8. 3015-’53 Bowl. Earthenware. Ornamented with gilt scrolls and floral medallion on white crackle ground. Modern Japanese. H. 2‘- in., diam. 4 in. (Paris Exhibition, 1867.) Bought, £1 Ss. 86^-’69. Dish. Japanese porcelain. A basket of flowers in the centre, flowers and scrolls round the margin in blue, red, and gold. Diam. 18j in. Given by Her Majesty the Queen. 7332-60. Canette. Stoneware. Light brown, with metal lid embossed with medallions of religious subjects. Flemish. Dated 1570. H. 14J in., W. 5| in. Bought, £12 15s. 817-68. Bottle. Brown earthenware. A water bottle with a diaper in silver. Modern Indian. H. 11| in., diam. 7f in. Bought (Exhibition of 1851), 10s. 439-’52. Goblet. Red earthenware. Lacquered in various colours, with incised de¬ signs on the lacquer. Modern Indian. H. 9§ in., diam. 6J in. Bought (Exhibition of 1851), 2s. 6d. 449-’52 CONTRIBUTED BY THE INDIA MUSEUM, LONDON, BY ORDER OF HIS GRACE THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR INDIA IN COUNCIL. In the South Corridor. TEXTILE FABRICS. 1 Crimson Cashmere Scarf, embroidered -with gold—-Delhi. 2 Garment used by women, yellow silk and gold borders—Benares. 3 Man’s Garment, silk—Coimbatore, Madras. 4 Man’s Scarf, orange-coloured silk and gold—Mooltan. 5 Do. green coloured do. Mooltan. * 206 LOAN MUSEUM. 6 Woman’s Garment, “Saree,” yellow silk check, deep flowered ends—Tanjore, Madras. 7 Gold Embroidered Shawl-end or Waist-band— Madras. 8 Man’s Scarf, silk gauze, “Doputta”—Bhopal. 9 Scarf for the head, muslin printed with gold—Delhi. 10 Muslin Scarf, ornamented with gold ribbon and tinsel— Odypore, Bengal. 11 Brocade, “Kincob”—Benares. 12 Do. do. 13 Do. do. 14 Garment, printed in gold and colours— Jeypore, Bengal. 15 Muslin, crimson and gold ornamentation—Madras. 16 Muslin Scarf, embroidered—Madras. 17 Woman’s Jacket, piece, silk and gold—Madras. 18 Blond Lace, worked with gold — Hydrabad, Deccan. 19 Thread Lace, 10 samples — Hydrabad, Deccan. 20 Do. Travancore. 21 Pair of Net Sleeves—M adras. 22 Two Muslin Embroidered Handkerchiefs— Dacca, Bengal. 23 Two Net Worked Collars—M adras. 24 Sample of Silver Bibbon—D elhi. 25 Velvet Band, embroidered with gold (blue) — Surat. 26 Do. do. scarlet, 4 yards—Surat. 27 Two Cap Tops, embroidered with gold and silver— Surat. 28 Three Gold-laced Bands—M adras. ARMS. 29 Dagger, “ Peshkubz,” gold ornamentations, scabbard of black leather and gold mounts—Lahore. 30 Dagger, “Kuttar,” green scabbard, velvet—Lahore. 31 Dagger, “ Kuttar,” with two pistols attached, velvet scabbard—Joudpore. 32 Ankus or Elephant Goad, inlaid with gold—Bengal. 33 Dagger, curved blade, green velvet sheath—Madras. 34 Dagger “Kuttar,” blade finely wrought, sheath of red velvet, mounted with silver—Vizianagram. 35 Sword, “ Mahomood,” silver mounted, purple velvet scabbard—Lahore. 36 Sword, inlaid with gold, crimson velvet scabbard—Punjab. 37 Sword, “Mahomood” inlaid with gold, green velvet scabbard—Gwalior. 38 Sword, Damascus blade, black leather scabbard—Persia. 39 Sword, Damascus blade, leather scabbard, with inscriptions embossed thereon— Persia. 40 Matchlock, gold mounted, silver chain and pincers attached—Malvva. 41 Matchlock, mounted with silver and silver bands—Coorg. 42 Matchlock, Damascus barrel, inlaid with brass and ivory—Bijnour. LOAN MUSEUM. 207 43 Matchlock, accoutrements of velvet embroidered with gold (in four pieces)— Punjab. 44 Shield of rhinoceros hide—Hyderabad, Deccan. 45 Sword, broad carved blade, ivory hilt, brass sheath, with massive silver chain attached—Coorg. 46 Gauntlet SwoRr, “ Puttah,” taken at Lucknow. 47 Battle Axe, painted blue shaft—Lahore. 48 Battle Axe, with movable blade, wood shaft—Ko lap ore. 49 Dagger or Kriese, waved blade—Borneo. FANS AND MATS, ETC. 50 Table Mat of kuskus and peacock feathers, embroidered with silver and beetle’s wings—Poonah, Bombay. 51 Two Baskets of kuskus and peacock feathers, embroidered with silver and beetles’ wings—Poonah, Bombay. 52 Two Baskets of kuskus and peacock feathers, embroidered with gold and beetles’ wings—Poonah, Bombay. 53 One Tray, of kuskus and peacock feathers, embroidered with silver and beetle*’ wings—Poonah, Bombay. 54 Hand-Fan of peacock feathers and quills—Nuddea, Bengal. 55 Do. embroidered with silk and peacock feathers—Poonah. 56 Do. of strips of ivory and gold (handle ditto)—Silhet. 57 Do. of palm-leaf, edged with lace—Bengal. 58 Glove Box of ornamented leather—Punjab. 59 Do. figured with gold braid and spangles—Punjab. 60 Do. “ Kuskus,” do. do. do. 61 Do. figured velvet, in colours do. 62 Three Leather Mats, ornamented with mythological figures— Kurnool. PAPIER MACH£ INLAID SANDALWOOD AND LACQUERED WARE. 63 Papier Machd Tea Caddy —Cashmere. 64 Work Box of inlaid and carved sandalwood—-Bombay. 65 Glove Box do. do. do. 66 Do. do. do. do. 67 Do. do. do. do. 68 Lacquered Box, containing 12 painted slides (mythological figures). 69 Three Circular Bamboo Boxes, containing trays—Burmali. 70 Two Charpoy or Bedstead Legs, lacquered and figured. 71 Long Bound Ruler, painted. 72 Two lacquered Pen Trays— Madras. 73 Tobacco Box, lacquered and figured. 208 LOAN MUSEUM. 74 Two circular Teats, lacquered. 75 Tour lacquered Ball Boxes, striped—Sind 70 Four small lacquered Balls, marbled—Sind. 77 Five flat circular Boxes— Sind. IVORY CARVINGS. 78 Elephant and Howdah—B erampore. 79 Beahmin Bull do. 80 Camel do. 81 Vase and Covee do. 82 Caed Case do. 83 Two Combs do. MODELS. 84 Native Peeachee—B ombay. 85 Blacksmith’s Shop do. 86 Wood Cuttee do. 87 Five Paiks of Models of Natives, various. METAL WORK. 88 Hookah, bottom and stand of Bidree ware—Purneab. 89 Ho. Pewter, figured—Keroly. 90 Goglet of Bidree ware—Purneah. 91 Fouh Beass Vases. 92 Two do. Bowls. 93 One do. Hish. 94 One do. Lamp. 95 Paib of Betelnut Cuttees, figured brass. 96 Two pair of do., ornamented with coloured stones. 97 Inkstand and Pen-kack of Koftghari work—Sealkote. 98 Beass Casket (oval) figured. 99 Two Idols. SILVER WARE, JEWELLERY, ETC. 100 Silver Enamelled Cup and Cover (blue). 101 Ho. Cup (green). 102 Glove Box of filigree silver—Cuttack. 103 Card Case do. do. 104 Casket and Stand do. do. LOAN MUSEUM. 209 105 Bracelet, gilt, set with imitation stones—Madras. 106 Anklets, gilt (one)—Nepal (463). 107 Do. pair, gilt—Madras (688). 108 Do. pair, zinc—Mysore, Madras. 109 Do. pair, do. do. 110 Do. pair, do.—Benares. 111 Do. pair, brass. 112 Neck Ornament, set with imitation stones—Madras (713). 113 Arm Ornament do. Madras (716). 114 Ear Ornaments (pair), do. do. (557, 763). 114 a Head Ornament (circular) do. do. (708). 115 Lac Bangles, ornamented with gilt tinselling—Madras. 116 Carved Agate Cup and Saucer— Cambay. 117 Ho. do. do. 118 Carved Jade Vase, cover and tray. —Lahore. 119 Inlaid Marble Tray—A gra. 120 Four Idols, carved wood—Nepal. 121 Two Pair of Wooden Sandals. POTTERY. 122 Goglet, plain—Oudh. 123 Do. 124 Do. 125 Do. 126 Do. 127 Do. red, ornamented. and Cover, red, gold striped. red, plain. and Cover, black, ornamented—N. W. Provinces, large—Sind. 128 Vase, open work, glazed. 129 Do. and Cover, painted—Sind. 130 Do. red. 131 Do. glazed and figured. 132 Do. and Cover, painted—Hydrabad. ARCHEOLOGICAL PHOTOGRAPHS. 133 Fifty Photographs of Archeological Remains— Madras, &c. TEXTILE ILLUSTRATIONS. 134 Four Frames of Photo-Lithographs of Textile Fabrics, 210 LOAN MUSEUM. GOLD EMBROIDERED ARTICLES. 135 Cap, embroidered with gold and set with green stones, No. 11,698—Madras. 136 Do. green, embroidered with gold—Triplicane. 137 Do. red, embroidered with gold and silver—Triplicane. 138 Do. embroidered with gold—Madras. 139 Do. do. do. 140 Do. embroidered with gold and beetles’ wings—Burrhampore. 141 Pair op Shoes, crimson velvet, embroidered with gold—Deccan. 142 Purse, embroidered with gold and set with pearls and other stones~Delhi. 143 Do. do. do. do do. . ILLUSTRATONS OF CALIGRAPHY. 144 Nine Sheets of Caligraphy—B engal. 145 Book, showing embroidered binding—Bombay. SHELL BRACELETS. 145a One Chank Shell Anklet—S. India. 146 Do. do. do. 147 Five Chank Shell Bracelets do. 148 Emblem of Nobility, embroidered garland—Lucknow. 149 Photograph of Ajunta Cave Temples—B ombay. 150 Two Frames, containing figures of birds, painted on talc. 151 Five Frames, containing figures of native procession, trades, servants, con¬ veyances, &c., painted on talc. Contributed by His Excellency The Lord Lieutenant— 30 Old Sevres vase, boat-shaped (vaisseau h m&t), the cover in form of a mast with cordage and pierced festoons, on the top of which is a white flag covered with gold fleur de lis ; the boat is of gros bleu and gold, with painted medallions of Teniers’ subject and landscape, resting on four scrolls, at stem and stern a lion’s head. 31 A pair of Sevres vases, oviform, white ground, gilt and raised festoons, and goat’s head handles ; on the sides are paintings of an engagement of Chinese junks, boats and figures. Date, 1778. 32 Chelsea cup with two handles, painted with fruit and flowers. 33 Bow cream jug, of white porcelain, the lower part in form of two goats, with a bee in relief in front. 34 Plymouth white china pheasant. LOAN MUSEUM. 211 35 Wedgwood tea-pot, white ground, with raised festoons of leaves, and berries in lilac and green, from which medallions are suspended. 36 Salopian cup and saucer, white ground, and deep blue edges, gilt, from which hang festoons of gilt leaves. 37 Wedgwood cup and saucer, lavender gray ground, with raised figures and leaves. 38 Bow porcelain butter-boat ornamented in coloured relief, with a lobster, shells, &c. 39 Tournay porcelain cup and saucer, painted with birds—mark, a kiln in gold. 40 Capo di monte dtui, with figures and buildings in coloured relief. 41 Dresden cup, cover, and stand, with blue flowers in relief, and vignettes of landscapes ; the stand has a pierced border. 42 Frankenthal china box, white ground, dark blue flowers and gold ornaments with the mark of Carl Theodor. 43 Clignancourt porcelain tea pot, white and gold—mark, a windmill. 44 Plymouth figure of white porcelain, a boy drinking. 45 Furstenberg china basin and cover, pale green ground, painted with small land¬ scapes, on the top a female seated. 46 Porcelain of the Comte d’Artois, Hue du Faubourg St. Denis, a two-handled ^cuelle cover and dish, deep blue ground, elaborately gilt and painted with medallions of children, highly finished, marked underneath in gold with the initials of Charles Philippe under a crown. About 1780. 47 Mene§y porcelain basin, painted in pale colours with bouquets of flowers. Im¬ pressed mark, D. V. 48 Venice porcelain basin, painted in dark brown and gold, with Oriental reclining figures. 49 Worcester mug, dark blue mottled, and painted with flowers. 50 Vicenza porcelain dcuelle, white ground, painted with flowers, deep blue border. 61 Plymouth porcelain salt cellar in form of a shell on a base of small shells. 52 Copenhagen basin, white ground, with medallions of figures, cornucopise, &c. 53 Chelsea cup and saucer, octagonal, white ground, painted with sprigs of flowers—mark, a raised anchor. 54 Bristol china tea-pot, green festoons, gold borders and medallions on the sides of the crest of a bird holding a flower in its beak. 55 Jug and cover, hexagonal, painted in Indian ink with battles and trophies. German. 56 Capo di Monte basin, richly gilt with scrolls, and painted with figures of Time and a female with turreted crown, animals and birds, and small medallions of classical subjects ; inside is a painting of Bacchus. 57 Tournay basin, with two handles and dish, blue ground, with medallions of highly finished landscapes and figures. 58 Limbach porcelain tea-pot, painted with figures—mark, a double L. 59 Frankenthal cup, with two handles, cover and saucer, painted with landscapes and figures—mark of Carl Theodor. 60 Hochst jug and cover, painted with cottages and landscape, and two country girls holding flowers. 61 Tournay plate, fluted border, painted in the centre with cupids in purple camaieu. 212 LOAN MUSEUM. 62 Loosdrecht china, with highly finished painting of a review and a river scene. Usual mark, M.o.L. 63 Sevres coffee cup and saucer, painted in blue, with an interior and figures from Ostade. 1780. 64 Sevres coffee cup and saucer, painted in pink, with the “ Knife-grinder,” after Teniers. 1779. 65 Vienna bowl, gros bleu, with a deep border of gold oval medallions and light, blue festoons and headings. 66 Madrid porcelain cup and saucer, with May flowers in relief—mark, a fleur de lis in blue. 67 Vicenza cup and saucer, blue and gold edges, painted- with vases and boys holding festoons of flowers—impressed \V. 68 Fulda cup and saucer, painted with landscapes and figures. 69 Sceaux Penthi^vre cup and saucer, painted with birds—mark, S.X. impressed. 70 Sevres cup and saucer, painted with garlands of flowers tied with pink bows. 71 Sevres cup and saucer, green ground, with broad Rose du Barry scrolls bor¬ dered with gold. Date 1760. 72 Vincennes cup and saucer, lapis lazuli ground, with medallions of birds. 73 Le Nove cup and saucer, painted with scrolls, and dark blue medallions with gilt emblems. 74 Worcester cup and saucer, fluted, painted with flowers, dark blue edges. 75 Anspach cup and saucer, with pink camaieu landscapes bordered with gold. 76 Zurich cup and saucer, painted with landscapes and figures. 77 Venice porcelain cup and saucer painted with figures. 78 Capo di Monte cup and saucer, with coloured classical subject in relief and flowers. 79 Berlin coffee cup and saucer, dark blue, with cupids in gold and white borders with gold leaves. 80 Palissy plate with raised figures, coloured—subject, Perseus and Andromeda. 81 Maiolica group of a female holding a shield of a lion rampant, seated on a throne, supported by four lions sejant. 82 Chelsea Derby dejeuner of four pieces and plateau, white ground with brown medallions of heads, and festoons bordered with blue and gold. 83 Oriental china teapot embossed with leaves, gilt engraved mountings. 84 Nymphenburg basin, painted in Indian ink with a battle and siege of a castle. 85 Frankenthal jug and cover, painted with a sleeping nymph surprised by Bacchus and satyrs, of the Carl Theodor period. 86 Pair of Dresden mugs, painted with landscapes and Chinese figures. 87 Kronenburg open-mouthed vase, painted with two dwarfs, male and female, on ormolu stand. 88 Gera porcelain cup and saucer with pink festoons. 89 Pair of Chelsea jardinieres, blue ground, painted with Teniers subjects, on the back landscapes. 90 Kronenburg tankard, painted with hunting scenes after Wouvermans on white ground. 91 Bristol jug painted with festoons of flowers, a mask under the spout. LOAN MUSEUM. 213 92 Pair of Venice porcelain oviform vases, blue centres, radiated with gold and miniature landscapes, flowers on the necks, and female head handles. 93 Neales ware vase of mottled agate, gilt masks and festoons, on blue pedestal. 94 Wedgwood vase and cover, white ground, blue figures in relief, black borders and pedestal. 95 Adams’ ware vase and cover, oviform, two handles, white figures in relief on dark blue of females emblematical of the Arts and Sciences. 96 Sevres sugar-basin and cover and spoon attached by loops at the side ; blue, red, and gold borders. 97 Pair of Chelsea vases, gros bleu ground with medallions of birds, resting on four feet; open-work necks—gilt borders. 98 Pair of Sevres vases, globular, on four feet, bleu du Roi ground. 99 Old Chelsea octagonal vase and cover, painted with oriental flowers in blue, red, and green. 100 Dresden teapot, basin, milk pot, and cup and saucer, lake scale ground, painted with fruit and flowers. 101 Dresden basin, cup and saucer, jonquil yellow ground, with white medallions of flowers. 102 Dresden cup and saucer, painted with Chinese flowers, on white ground. 103 Sevres milk pot, blue line border and festoons of flowers. 104 Sevres cup and saucer, painted in blue with flowers, gold edges. 105 Dresden cup and saucer, painted with butterflies and insects. 106 Vienna basin and coffee-pot, lake scroll borders, semde with gold stars and medallions of flowers. 107 Worcester plate, blue scale ground and birds. 108 Pair of white Bow figures, emblematical of winter. 109 Small Sevres toy cup, turquoise ground, richly gilt, and painted with flowers. 110 Set of twelve Sevres plates, all differing in pattern, part of a harlequin service. 111 Pair of Chelsea vases, globular form, blue ground, with medallions of cupids • and flowers—the gilding has been removed. 112 Derby plate, gold ground, painted in the centre with a naval engagement, “ Capture of La Virginie by Sir E. Pelew in the Indefatigable ,” black border and sea horses, emblems, &c.; signed F. Baxter, 1801. 113 Two Chelsea plates, blue and white border, birds and flowers in the centre. 114 Two Chelsea plates, embossed borders, birds and flowers in the centre. 115 Two Chelsea dishes, leaf-shaped, green borders, painted in the centre with flowers. 116 Two Chelsea dishes, leaf-shaped, flowers in relief on the handles. 117 Two Chelsea oval dishes, painted with large leaves, fruit, flowers, and insects. 118 Ewer, with embossed scrolls, painted with feathers and flowers, cover and silver hinge. 119 Oriental ewer and basin, shell-shaped and fluted; blue, red, and gold designs. 120 Part of a Sevres table service, blue and gold borders, and small medallions of flowers—viz., Verridre, two ice pails, and two plates. 121 A pair of Sevres tables, of tulip wood, mounted in ormolu, each decorated with seventeen china plaques, painted with bouquets of flowers, green borders. 214 LOAN MUSEUM. 122 Capo di Monte ewer and basin, with coloured shells in relief. From the Marryat Collection. 123 Two terra-cotta groups of “ Day and Night,” attributed to Michael Angelo, as models for the celebrated tomb at Florence. 124 Limoges enamel tazza, painted on blue ground with Moses breaking the tables of the Law, the golden calf and feasting in the back ground; outside decorated with strap-work, masks, &c. 16th century. 125 Limoges enamel tazza and cover, painted on blue ground with figures seated at a table, and David playing on the harp; outside, leaves; and on the cover, four medallions of busts. Dated 1544. 126 Limoges enamel plate, with Moses receiving the tables of the Law, blue ground ; four small medallions on the border; on the back a female por¬ trait. 16th century. 127 Limoges enamel cup and saucer, with medallions of Jael, Semirnmis, and Pauline, and heads of Roman emperors, by Jean Laudin. 17th century. 128 Venetian enamel tazza, blue ground, senate with fleur de lis, shield of arms in centre. 16th century. 129 Oxydized silver plateau, partly enamelled and gilt, an enlarged copy of the inside of the foot of the Ardagh Cup. Made by Joseph Johnson, of Suffolk-street. 130 The Marlborough Table Service. Presented by Queen Anne to the Duke of Marlborough ; engraved with the Marlborough arms ; all of London make, 1701-1702, consisting of the following pieces :— 131 A large silver cistern, bold gadroon edge, scroll, feet and handles, 1920 oz. 132 A smaller silver cistern ; weight, 460 oz. 10 dwt. 133 A large silver fountain ; weight, 416 oz. 134 Pair of large silver flagons, with chains attached to the stoppers ; 645 oz. 135 Pair of smaller silver flagons, with chains; 196 oz. 15 dwt. 136 Pair of ewers, with broad spouts and handles in form of female busts; 139 oz. 15 dwt. 137 Pair of ewers, plain, with leaves in relief. 138 Three large circular plateaux ; 574oz. 10dwt. 139 A silver gilt cup, with one handle ; 37 oz. 140 A set of six silver gilt sugar castors ; 96 oz. 15 dwt. 141 Pair of gold vases or seaux, with lion’s head handles, fluted leaf ornament on the bases ; weight, 365 oz. 5 dwt. 142 Silver christening bowl and stand, fluted, with chased borders of acanthus’ leaves and scrolls; London Hall mark, 1723. 143 A silver punch-bowl repoussd with scrolls and leaves, escalloped corona, lion’s head handles ; date about 1700. 144 Pair of silver sconces and brackets, with prickets for candles; German work, circa 1700. 145 Silver soup tureen and cover, repoussd with scrolls, resting on four sphinxes, and sphinx handles, the cover surmounted by a lemon and cupid ; Augsburg work of the beginning of the 17th century. 146 Silver gilt double pine-apple cup, engraved borders with silver scrolls in relief Nuremburg work ; 16th century. LOAN MUSEUM. 215 147 Silver-gilt pine-apple cup and cover, a woodman on the stem; German, 16th century. 148 Lofty silver-gilt ewer, of elegant form, chased with scrolls, scroll handle ; a fine example of modern London manufacture in the year 1837 ; engraved with the Spencer arms ; weight, 299 oz. 149 Large silver-gilt oval plateau, pierced border, presented by the Earl of Macartney to Earl Spencer, 1806 ; weight, 149 oz. 10 dwt. 150 Pair of oxydized silver statuettes of a man and woman, beautifully modelled by an Italian artist; purchased of Hunt and Boskell. 151 A set of three silver castors, repoussd with leaves, flowers and scrolls, and four raised handles ; London Hall mark^ 1766. 152 A set of four silver sauce boats, elaborately chased, with bird handles. Contributed by J. Cassidy, Esq. 153 The Gold Whip presented by William IV. to the Turf Club. Miss Sandford. 154 A Suite of Delhi Paintings on Ivory, mounted in fine gold, and jewelled settings, as Bracelet, Brooch, and Ear-rings. Indian native work. Mrs. Hall Stirling. 155 A Stick carved out of one piece, with a number of figures, heads, and insects. Said to be a Burmese Idol. Mrs. Bookey. 156 Painting on Porcelain. A copy of the “ Ecce Homo” by Guido Beni. Mrs. Henry Koe. 157 Kussian Altar Piece taken from Sebastopol. Highly finished painting on panel of the Adoration of the Shepherds, all the picture being covered (with the exception of the faces, hands, and arms) with a plaque of richly gilt metal, representing in relief the draperies, manger, and landscape, and a scroll frame; the nimbus on the heads of each of the Holy Family set with turquoises and pastes. At the bottom an inscription on white enamel. 358 Tortoise-shell Comb. The Baroness Lionel de Kothschild. 159 Saint Januarius. A silver gilt bust, German workmanship, of the 18th century. 160 A silver figure of Prometheus bound with chains to a rock, his liver being devoured by a vulture. German workmanship of the 18th century. 161 A silver gilt Ewer and Basin for Bose Water. German workmanship of the 18th century. J. W. Ellison Macartney, Esq. 162 Indian Idol, in soapstone, of a female figure holding a child. 163 Square plaque of Castelli Maiolica, painted with landscape and cattle, in gilt frame. 21G LOAN MUSEUM. Contributed by The Duke oe Leinster. 164 Pair of Sevres Vases, oviform, white ground, with gold festoons in relief, and gilt flowers. 165 Pair of Sevres Vases, bell-shaped, gold flutings, and medallions of swans. John Hamilton, Esq. 166 Two old Wedgwood Vases, 18 inches high. 167 Old Dresden Group—Venus and Cupid. Miss Eliza Mallin. 168 Model of a Man-of-War, 50-gun ship, enclosed in a bottle ; dedicated to the Prince of Wales, Earl of Dublin. Made year 1849. 169 Small Miniature Altar, enclosed in a bottle. Made 1S49. Right Rev. Dr. Gilloolt. 170 A Crozier of Eog-oak, mounted in silver gilt, and set with precious stones. W. Agar, Esq. 171 Eight ornamented and carved Wax Candles, brought from Constantinople by J. G. Agar. John Lentaigne, Esq. 172 Electrotype fac-simile of the Shrine of St. Manchan (7th century), restored by Alexander Carte, Esq., Ml)., Director of Museum, Royal Dublin Society, on which are placed various figures formerly abstracted from the shrine, and found in museums here and in England. (The original Shrine was taken to pieces, and each part carefully moulded and electrotvped, so that the model is a perfect fac-simile of the original.) 173 Fac-simile executed by Alexander Carte, Esq., M.D., of the Shrine of St. Patrick’s Hand, placed in Down Abbey in 1186, earned off by Edward Bruce in 1315, and used by him as a standard; preserved in the family of Magennis, lords of Irvagh, at Castlewellan, and afterwards in the family of Savage (now Nugent), of Portaferry, Co. Down ; at present in the possession of Very Rev. Dr. Dorian, R. C. Bishop of Down and Connor. 174 Antique French Watch, found in the Bog of Allen. 175 Leaf of an ivory diptych, carved with scriptural subjects of the 15th century. 176 Ancient Pastoral Staff or Episcopal Crozier, found in the Bog of Allen, near Prosperus, county Kildare, belonging to Clongowes College, Clare. 177 Encaustic Tile, from the ruins of the Abbey of the Tallaght, Co. Dublin, founded in the 8th century. John Rak, Jun., Esq. 178 Four Canoe Cups. Won by John Rae at Dublin and Kingstown. LOAN MUSEUM. 217 Contributed by The Earl of Desart. 179 Lofty silver gilt Cup and Cover, chased with strap work, dolphins and flowers, with the inscription, “ This Cupp Was Made of The Create Seale of Irelande In Anno Domini 1604, After the Deathe of The Blessed Queene Elizabetthe. The Moste Blessed Prince That Ever raigned, Adam Loftus Lorde Archbisshopp of Dublin Was Then And Is Nowe Lorde Chaunceller of Irelande and Was Three Tymes Lorde Justice and governor of the same realme.” London Hall Mark of 1604. 180 A large silver gilt Salver, repoussd with bold scrolls and animals ; in the centre a shield of arms ; supposed to have been taken from a church in Spain. C. B. Caldwell, Esq., New Grange, Co. Meath. 181 Two antique silver oxydized draped Female Figures, as tapers. 182 One piece of old Worcester China, part of a service which belonged to Admiral Henry Osborne, Vice-Admiral of England. 183 Coffee Cup and Saucer, Toumay china. 184 Two Russian pottery Jars and Stands, very curious. 18 j Two pieces of Jade and Stands, part of the collection of the late Due do Morny. 186 One silver Sauce Boat. Irish plate. 187 Two Chinese bronze Vases and Stands. 188 Two Chinese bronze Candelabra and Stands. (These, and Numbers 187 and 188a, were brought from China in 1844 by the late Commander Caldwell, R.N.) 188a Two Chinese carved flower pot stands. [siem/so] 189 Wooden Box, painted with Watteau subjects and views of Spa. 190 Four Toilet Boxes of wood, painted with flowers, English work. 191 Two old Wedgwood ware Medallions. “ Childhood.” 192 Two gold Coronation Medals. George IV. by Pistrucci; William IV. by Wyon. 193 Silver gilt Russian Cross and Chain, worn at St. Petersburgh. 194 Two parcel gilt-silver Tankards, with inscriptions in Russian. From the Exhibition of 1851. 195 A white Marcolini Dresden China Vase, stand and cover. 196 A Worcester China Plate, painted by Bott. 197 A silver salver, presented to Charles Caldwell, of New Grange, Co. Meath, by the Earl of Bessborough. London H. M., 17-34. 198 Three chased silver vases, presented to the same by the Earl of Drogheda. London Hall Mark, 1766. 199 Two silver tureens, covers, .and stands, presented to Mrs. Caldwell, wife of the above. The tureens, Irish of 1710 ; the stands, made to match, in 1813, London. 200 A silver tea-caddy, belonging to Sophia Frances Caldwell. London Hall Mark, 1766. 201 Two china trays, made to order by Messrs. Daniels, New Bond-street, London, from designs given by the owner—one representing the four seasons ; the other copies of antique gems, made at Colebrook Dale ; the latter painted by Charles Palmer. 202 Two miniatures, enamel on copper, of Charles Caldwell and Elizabeth Heywood, his wife, to whom the plate was presented. 203 A pen and ink drawing, “Never too late to mend,” by an untaught deaf and dumb boy, Laurence Fegan, of Drogheda. 218 LOAN MUSEUM. Contributed by P. Culloden, Esq. 204 Model of Sebastopol, mounted in case, with descriptive catalogue attached in frame. C. De GernoN, Esq., R.M. 205 An interesting Processional Cross, taken during a sortie from Sebastopol, having on it well-painted figures representing the Trinity, the Cruci¬ fixion, the Virgin Mary, and Mary Magdalen. J. H. Finnemore, Esq. 206 An Abyssinian Altar Piece, and portion of a Bible taken from Magdala. (The medals were sent by one of the Popes to Abyssinia when a Portuguese mission was founded there, and were presented to the King of Abyssinia). 207 Two Abyssinian Spears, and two Knives. Mrs. William Magee 208 Part of a Dessert set of Chelsea China, eleven plates, one deep plate and five oval dishes, painted with fruit and leaves. W. B. Smythe, Esq. 209 Ancient Silver Cup and Salver, engraved with Malay figures, given by Lord Berkeley to liis son-in law, Robert Nelson, author of “The Faith and Festivals of the Church of England.” Inscribed with Berkeley and Nelson arms, and the words “ To my most deservinge sonne Nelson,” bequeathed to his family about 1740, as an heirloom ; to be held as such under a penalty of £200 if alienated. Thomas Cooke Trench, Esq. 210 Service of China and Plate, presented by the Empress Maria Theresa to Sir James Caldwell, Bart., consisting of silver gilt kettle, lamp, and stand, tea caddy and sugar bowl and cover, six teaspoons and pair of sugar tongs, engraved with Chinese figures and scrolls ; Dresden china teapot, basin, six cups and six saucers, with Chinese figures on gold ground. 211 Miniature of the late Mrs. Thomas Trench, by Dunn. 212 Miniature of Miss Maria Trench, by Dunn. Mrs. Webber, Miniatures— 213 Lord Downs (Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Queen’s Bench, Ireland) by Comerford. 214 Mrs. Tighe, of Rosanna, by Comerford. 215 John Blachford, Esq., of Altadore, by Comerford. 216 Mrs. Henry Tighe, authoress of “ Psyche,” by Hamilton. 217 Daniel Webb Webber, Esq., Q.C., by Comerford. Vibcopntess Gough, 218 Delhi Child’s Robe. 219 Indian Mantle. Rev. Richard Johnston, 220 Two Miniatures of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Johnston, Founder and first President of the Royal Hibernian Academy, by Comerford. 221 Scotch Claymore, used at the memorable siege of Derry, 1688, by William Johnston, of Lisnadill, Co. Armagh, Esq. 222 Trowel presented to the late F. Johnston, Esq. LOAN MUSEUM. 219 Contributed by W. H. Flood, Esq., 223 Original Miniature of the Hon. Mrs. Aldworth, the only female Freemason. Viscount Powerscourt. 224 A pair of Fire Hogs in brass, with figures in bronze 225 Two bronze figures of Eolus. From the collection of Prince Napoleon. Formerly part of a fountain in the palace of Duke Litta at Milan— 16th century. Hamlet Thompson, Esq., 226 Oriental Stork, the emblem of Eternity 227 Two curious pieces with grotesque figures 228 Small Vase, yellow—Bernal collection 229 Small Vase, blue—Bernal collection 230 Small Vase, green—Bernal collection 231 Cup and Saucer, green dragon 232 Two large Dishes, green dragon 233 One ruby Plate 234 Wedgwood Teapot 235 Wedgwood black Cream Ewer 236 Three plaques of French China, with marine Tie’,vs by Vernefc 237 Old Wedgwood Vase 238 Two Dresden pedestals 239 Two Italian pedestals 240 Two Dresden pedestals 241 One Frankenthal pedestal 242 Two green Indian pedestals 243 Two carved wood pedestals 244 Small Teapot, Nymphenburg, after Teniers 245 Cup with figures 246 Small Teapot, Furstenberg 247 Vienna Cup and Saucer, views 248 Milk .Tug, old Berlin, with birds 249 Milk Jug, Frankenthal, Venus and Satyr 250 Large Cup and Saucer, white, old Sevres 251 Small Cup and Saucer, Bose du Barry, old Sevres with flower* 252 Group, Vienna, Hercules and Centaur 253 Group, Chelsea, Genius of Music 254 Group, Kronenberg 255 Figure of Venus, Frankenthal 256 Figure of Venus, Hdchst 257 Figure, Susanna, Hochst 258 Figure, Mars, old Chelsea 259 Figure, Minerva, companion old Chelsea 260 Figure, Italian grotesque with cymbals (pair) 220 LOAN MUSEUM. Contributed by Hamlet Thompson, Esq.— (continued) 261 Figure, Hochst, with instruments 262 Two small Greek Warriors, Hoehst 263 Figure, Milkmaid, Furstenberg 264 Figure with monkey, Furstenberg 265 Figure, Boy with broken eggs 266 Bust, Frankenthal 267 Bust, Dresden 268 An old Berlin Vase, with goats' head handles 269 An Italian Vase, with figures 270 A Capo di Monte Ewer 271 A jewelled Sevres plateau, painted by Morin 272 Six Plates French porcelain, gros bleu borders, painted after Vernet, Cupy, aud Teniers 273 Vase, gros bleu old Derby, with medallions 274 Vase, old yellow Dresden, Chinese decoration 275 Cup, Buen ltetiro (Madrid) 276 Vienna Cup, with cameo portraits 277 Old Dresden Marcolini Cup, with Marcus Aurelius 278 Kudolsdat Cup, with Centaurs 279 Hochst Cup with cover, gros bleu 280 Angouleme Cup, view of Lake of Geneva 281 Capo di Monte Cup, with Bacchus and Ariadne 282 Naples Cup, gold and colours. 283 Ivory casket, carved by a French officer. 284 Silver Hookah, with Indian figures, and ornaments in relief. Captain Alfred Hutton. 285 A scimitar and sheath of figured steel, hilt and mountings of scabbard and belt being of solid gold, ornamented with porcelain enamel. This sword was taken at the fall of Lucknow in the Palace of Attar Ullah Shah, “The Moulvie.’’ It is of Persian manufacture, and its age is about 250 years. 286 A scimitar, richly mounted in jade, obtained from JumaD Khan, chief of the Ourkzaie tribe of Affghans, to whose father it is said to have been presented by Runjeet Singh. 287 A large dagger (Peshkabz), hilt of white crystal, mountings of silver, enamelled with black, from Lucknow. 288 A small knife, with crystal hilt, and damascened mounting. 289 A dagger from Cabul, the hilt of “ Shir Mahithe blade and hilt richly damascened with gold, and ornamented with carvings of scroll, and texts from the Koran. 290 A battle-axe from Cabul, mounted in silver, the blade carved with a pattern of birds and fruit; damascened wjth silver. LOAN MUSEUM. 221 Contributed by Captain MacEniey, 291 Turkish yataghan. 292 Turkish sabre. 293 Albanian pistol. 294 Albanian pistols (2). 295 Persian dagger. 296 Afghan dagger. 297 Afghan dagger. 298 Circassian dagger. 299 Circassian dagger. 300 Indian dagger. 301 Malay creese. 302 Mameluke battle-axe (16th century). 303 Oriental priming-horn (16th century). 304 Persiau priming-horn 07th century). 305 Turkish carbine (17th century) 306 Turkish gun. 307 Turkish girdle and cartridge pouches (2). 308 Koran pouch 309 Turkish writing case 310 Persian writing-case 311 Circassian girdle 312 Two Wheellock rifles (16th century) 313 Highland pistol (18th century) 314 Marriage knives (16th century) 315 Sword (18th century) 316 Turkish ramrod 317 Sword (18th century) 318 The buff gauntlets of Jacob Lord Astley, which he wore in the last fatal engagement when he commanded for King Charles I. 319 Couteau de Chasse (18th century) 320 Priming horn (17th century) 321 Ecclesiastical sandals (16th century) 322 Sheath of a “ Misericorde ” (16th century) 323 Sword with wheellock attached (16th century) 324 Leather frog for a sword (18th century) 325 Broadsword (Andrea Ferrara) (16th century) Austin Cornwall, Esq. 326 Infant Daphne, in bronze, by Pfeiffer 327 Algerian man, in bronze, by Salmson 328 Algerian women, in bronze, by Salmson 329 Clock, representing male and female pheasants and brood 330 Two candelabra 222 LOAN MUSEUM. Contributed by Austin Cornwall, Esq. —( continued) 331 Inkstand, by Rcetter Interlaken 332 Blotting book 333 Dish old Dresden 334 Dessert dish, old Dresden 335 Dessert dish, old Dresden 336 Four dessert plates, Dresden 337 Two plates, painted in blue, with children 338 Plate, “ Cupid at the fountain.” 339 Two Berlin china dessert plates, views painted in Indian ink 340 A soup and a dinner plate, old Dresden 341 Four cups and saucers 342 Coffee can and saucer 343 Three cups and saucers of a later period 344 Collection of seven pipes, old Dresden Sir J. J. Coghill, Bart. 345 Snuff-box of tortoise-shell, mounted in gold, with a portrait of Louise de la Valliere on the lid Earl of Charlemont. 346 Rosalba and the Abbd Vamelli, painted by Rosalba on ivory, in a gilt frame 347 Alexander Pope, on ivory 348 Dean Swift, painted on enamel 349 Frederick the Great, on ivory 350 Emilia, Duchess of Leinster, 1746, on ivory 351 .Tames, First Earl of Charlemont, by P. H. Hone 352 Pair of silver candlesticks, with very large flat stands reponssd with leaves. London Hall mark of 1677 353 Silver gilt cup repoussd with cupids and amorini in boats ; the cover sur¬ mounted by a statuette of Minerva 354 Silver ink stand on three feet, pierced lip, chased scroll border, and a dish, inscribed with the names of members of a guild, 1780 to 1790 355 Silver bell,chased with scrolls, the handle in form of a dolphin (17th century) 356 Roman silver spoon, and an early English spoon, found in a bog at Charlemont 657 Two silver-gilt spoons, twisted stems, terminating in heads, with three rests on the back ; part of a set; German 358 Two silver spoons, gilt bowls, the stems carved and chased, with terminal figures, the knobs in form of female heads. German. Part of a set 359 Two silver-gilt spoons, curved stems, lion’s paw, terminating in an animal’s head 360 Large silver bowl, with lion’s head handles, and a detached corona, escalloped and chased with scrolls. Dublin Hall mark of the year 1682 LOAN MUSEUM. 223 Contributed by Earl op Charlemont—( continued ) 361 Gold Enamelled Snuff-Box, fitted as an Etui, with pastoral figures French temp. Louis XIV. 362 Cameo Bust of Queen Elizabeth, carved in full relief with large ruff, and elaborately ornamented bodice, clad in lion’s skin and jewels. 363 Pewter Canister and Salver, engraved with scrolls and figures. German inscription and date 1571. J. James, Esq., 364 Tray of Wedgwood Ornaments, formerly in the possession of Mrs. Flaxman. Ladies’ necklace, pair of bracelets, earrings, two brooches, and eight buttons and pair of sleeve-links. 365 Tray of Old Garnets en suite in a case. 366 Tray of Enamel and Pearl Ornaments, necklace, pair bracelets, two pair earrings, locket and brooch. 367 Tray of Lockets, Buckle, &c. 368 Snuff box, portrait of Buffon. 369 Sixteen Rings (Geo. III.) 370 Five Brooches (Geo. II.) 371 Four Blue and White Wedgwood Brooches. 372 A Sugar Basin—tripod. (Geo. III.) 373 A large Miniature, by Leprince, of two women. 374 Eight Miniatures, in frames 375 A Chatelaine 376 Two Silver Gilt Frames 377 A Set of Bracelet Clasps. (Geo. III.) 378 A Silver Claret Jug, parcel gilt. London Hall mark of 1775. Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. 379 Porcelain bust of the Duchess Dubarry, coloured after nature 380 The Waterloo Medallion. A clichd of this splendid die, by B. Pistrucci, of the Allied Sovereigns, surrounded by an emblematical border, and on the rev. two warriors led on by Victory, with a border of the Destruction of the Titans, Jupiter above. Given to Mr. Gladstone when Master of the Mint 381 A Set of Seven Enamel Representations of the Raphael Cartoons on Leather, formerly in the possession of Frederick, Prince of Wales 382 Greek tablet elaborately carved in wood, with Scriptural subjects, by Agathangelos Lady Rathdonnell. 383 Gold Vinaigrette, with musioal box, border of turquoises, and enamelled centre painted with flowers 384 Bonbonnibre, the cover cornelian with a painting of Venus and Cupid in the centre, on the box a painting on enamel of Mars and Venus, cupids inside 385 Persian Ewer and brazier of iron, inlaid with silver, cover wanting 224 LOAN MUSEUM. Contributed by Lady Redington. 388 A Buckle made of Californian Gold. The shield represents the Redington and Talbot Arms, and is surrounded by spears, halberts, and sword, in gold and silver 389 A Blue Enamelled Gold Snuff-box, with Holy Family on the cover, which belonged to Joseph Bonaparte, King of Spain, and was found in his carriage after the battle of Yittoria, by Colonel Brian O’Toole William La Tooche, Esq. 390 Pair of Worcester Vases, hexagonal form, very fine. About 1770 Mrs. Courtenay, 391 Persian Enamel Ewer, blue ground with white flowers 392 Pair of Chelsea Candlesticks. 393 Two engraved Mother-of-Pearl Shells. I. T. Hamilton, Esq., M.P. 394 Portion of a Porcelain Tea Service. One piece marked “ Donovan’s Irish Manufacture.” Pompeian figures in black, gilt edges. Sugar basin, slop basin, milk jug, and two cups. The Lord Primate. 395 Early Irish Bronze Bell, square, joined on one side by rivets. 390 Early Irish Bronze Bell, square, with handle on the top. Called the Baru Garreagh. 397 Early Irish Square Bell. 398 Early Irish Square Bell, and a clapper, with double ring handle on the top, smaller than the preceding. 399 Early Irish Round Bronze Bell, with handle on the top supported by two outside pieces. 400 Bronze Stand, circular, with three raised spikes at top to support a vessel. 401 Ancient Bottle of Bronze, long neck fluted. 402 Bronze Mortar, with figures in relief (16th century). 403 Stone Chisel, the cutting end formed like the ancient celt, with handle and boss of a man’s face (12th or 13th century). 404 English Bronze Stirrup of the 17th century. 405 Small Bronze Bell. 406 Small Bronze Chisel. 407 Spur without a rowel. 408 Persian Bottle of Bronze, inlaid, black and red design. Mrs. Dunn, 409 Palissy Ware Oval Dish, with reptiles, &c., in relief; modern French. Patrick O’Brien, Esq. 410 Miniature of Lord Edward Fitzgerald, by Petrie. C. R. C. Tichborne, Esq. 411 Original Horse Cloth belonging to Robert Tichborne, Lieutenant of the Tower, and Lord Mayor of London, 1656 ; one of the High Court of Justice for the trial of Charles I. This is a fine specimen of silk embroidery of the 17th century. LOAN MUSEUM. 225 Contributed by Mrs. Bradford. 412 A highly-finished Miniature (being a copy of Pliny’s ring magnified), from an antique cameo. 413 Snuff Box of Lumachelli, mounted in gold and enamelled. 414 Snuff Box of Matrix of Garnet, gold mounts. 415 Snuff Box of Arborised Agate or Mocha Stone, mounted in gold. 416 Snuff Box of Bloodstone (which belonged to the Empress Elizabeth, daughter of Peter the Great), mounted in gold. 417 A Watch which belonged to Peter the Great, enamelled, with Venus and Adonis outside, inside with landscapes. Maker, Auguste Bretsoneau k Paris. G Fitzgerald, Esq., 418 Miniature of John Foster, Lord Oriel, last Speaker of the Irish House of Commons, painted on ivory. Mrs. George Roe. 420 A Set of Berlin china, Pompeian pattern, consisting of six Cups, six Saucers, Ewer and Cover, Sugar-basin and Cover, and Cream-ewer. 422 Dresden Ticket Tray, raised flowers. 423 Dresden China, Vases, with raised flowers. Lady Laura Grattan. 424 A Silver Cream Pail, chased and pierced, which belonged to the Rt. Hon. Henry Grattan ; London ball-mark, 1768. Mrs. Fitzgerald, 425 Ancient Spanish Rosary, coral and silver (17th century). Miss Anna Maria Braddell, 426 A Gilt Watch, in the shape of a bird, formerly belonging to the Duchess® de Grammont; supposed date 1680. Mrs. John Sankey. 427 A Filligree Silver Etui. Major Annesley, 428 Three pieces of German black glazed ware, mounted in silver, the covers surmounted by small statuettes of boys, viz. :— Coffee-pot and cover. Milk-pot and cover. Sugar-basin and cover. Henry E. Hamilton, Esq. 429 Model of a Life Boat presented to the contributor by the Royal Life Boat Institution. Alexander Durdin, Esq., 430 Miniature of the Right Hon. Major-General Sir William St. Leger, Lord Deputy of Munster a.d. 1627. Set in diamonds. 431 Miniature of William Penn, a.d. 1663. H 226 LOAN MUSEUM. Contributed by Lins. Williams. 432 Papier-machd circular snuff box, mounted in gold, in the centre a medallion painted with figures. Richard Williams, Esq. 433 Miniature sculpture bas-relief, by Michael Angelo, under 12 inches square. Subject: Diana surprised by Actason whilst bathing, surrounded by her nymphs. Hon. Mrs. Smyth Veeeker. 434 A pair of Spanish mirrors. Miss Manntx. 435 Painting on velvet Miss Wtse. 436 An Egyptian sepulchral tablet (the inscription in hieroglyphics), brought from Egypt in 1820, by the Right Hon. Sir Thomas Wyse, K.C.B. The Right Rev. Dr. Moriarty, Bishop of Kerry. 437 Early Irish crozier. The staff is of wood, covered with brass and plates of silver joined on the inner side. The crook terminates in a horse’s head, which opens as a reliquary, and is ornamented in front with gold Runic knots, a stone of a ruby colour in the centre : at top of the frame is a human head, at bottom a bird ; the head of the staff is ornamented with interlaced w r ork and four medallions of gold filigree knobs ; the stem has two bosses, and terminates in a square open work end The Rev. J. G. S. MacNeill. 438 Miniature of Dean Swift, worn by Stella 439 Miniature of the Right Hon. Marcus Patterson, Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas in Ireland (by Angelica Kauffmann) The Viscount Goet. 440 Capo di Monte Bowl, with coloured figures of classical subjects in relief. 441 Hbchst group of a Girl Asleep, a Man, Boys, and Dogs. 442 Bouquet of feather flow'ers, from Bahia in Brazil. 443 Pair of Chelsea Candlesticks, boys supporting branches. 444 Pair of Bronzes, statuettes of Rousseau and Voltaire. 445 Bronze Chariot, with two horses, on marble pedestal. 446 Dresdan China Tray, yellow ground, painted with figures. 447 Dresden Cup, cover and saucer. 448 Sevres China Tray, lozenge shape, painted wuth flowers. 449 Sevres Bowl, Dish, and Cover, medallions of flowers, &c. 450 Dresden Vase and Cover, Cupids and flowers in relief. Lewis Harris, Esq. 451 A Silver Centre and Cruet, with original glasses, 1677. 452 Silver Cruet. 453 A Gold Enamelled Box, mounted with pearls and fine painting. 453a Two old large Oriental Vases. LOAN MUSEUM. 227 Contributed by Lewis Habeis, Esq.—( continued) 454 Two old Worcester Vases, griffin handles gilt. 455 Two Worcester Baskets and Stands of the earliest period. 456 A specimen of Dessert Service, Worcester ; nine plates. 457 A fine old Sevres Teapot. 458 Three Cups and three Saucers of Sevres. 459 A Milk-pot and two Egg-cups, Sevres. 460 Cup and Saucer, fine Dresden. 461 A Sevres Jardiniere. Mbs. Badham Thoenhill. 462 A large Shell Cameo. 463 An Onyx Cameo Head of the Apollo Belvidere. The Hon. J. P. Veeekee. 464 Bow china plate painted with flowers. 465 Three enamelled watch cases. 466 Wedgwood black ware teapot. 467 Wedgwood milk pot. 46 8 Two French porcelain vases, pedestal richly gilt and painted with figures, &c. 469 Group—Vulcan forging arrows for Cupid. 470 French cup and saucer, painted with portrait of Madame de Maintenon. 471 Two antique bronze candlesticks, ornamented with Homan fasces, &c. 472 Dresden dish, bowl, and cover, richly enamelled in blue, and painted with flowers, &c. 473 Old Berlin plate, ornamented with flowers and insects. 474 Sevres cup and saucer, richly enamelled in blue and gold, with white medallions containing groups of flowers, &c. 475 Sevres cup and saucer, with blue and gold enamelled borders. The cup with portrait of a lady, in a jewelled medallion. 476 Small delft jar glazed -with pale blue, height 4 inches. 477 Oriental egg-shell porcelain vase, flowers in relief and medallion of land¬ scapes j height 9 inches. 478 A set of three Chelsea groups on scroll stands. The centre a shepherd and shepherdess with flowers, height 134 inches; and a pair of single figures with dog and lamb, height 11 inches. 479 Bow porcelain vase, scroll-shaped, flowers in relief and a bouquet on the cover, painted with birds, height 15 inches. 480 Dresden vase and cover with flowers, height 14 inches. 481 Dresden (marcolini) jug and plate, painted with exotic birds. 482 Wedgwood; pair of blue and white jasper bell-pulls. 483 Capo di Monte cup and saucer, coloured figures and flowers in relief. 484 Dresden enamel on copper snuff-box, with horsemen fighting and war trophies. 485 Battersea enamel snuff-box, painted on the cover with Britannia. 486 Three Bilston enamel patch-boxes. 486a Oriental china hand-candlestick, with European paintings of flowers. 228 LOAN MUSEUM. Contributed by The Hon. J. P. Vereker —( continued) 487 Colebrook Dale china ewer, with flowers, figures, and sea-horses in relief. 488 Six cups and saucers of Dresden and Berlin china, painted with figures, flowers, &c. 489 Wedgwood bowl, dark red ware, with raised Greek pattern in black. 490 Small Chinese figures and toy teapot. 491 Three Worcestershire vases, richly glazed with purple enamel, and ornamented with gold and other flowers ; height 4 inches. W. C. Cornwall, Esq. 492 Two large Sevres dishes, gros bleu, painted with shepherd and shepherdess, mounted in ormolu. 493 One small Sevres dish, gros bleu, jewelled, and painted with cupids riding on a dolphin. 494 One Berlin bowl and cover. 495 Sevres cup and saucer. 496 Pillar and figures of Amsterdam Porcelain. 497 One Dresden cup and saucer, with raised flowers and birds, painted in the interior with marine views. 498 Pair of Sevres vases and covers, bleu du Poi ground with jewelled borders. 499 Pair of Dresden candlesticks, formed of figures of Autumn and Winter. 500 Large Dresden vase and cover, white ground, painted with garden scene. 501 Oval Porcelain tray. 502 Pair of Dresden vases and covers, blue ground, with white medallions of equestrian figures. 503 Ecuelle, cover and stand, and two cups and saucers, gold and white, painted with garden scenes. 504 Square Dresden tray, painted with hunting scenes. 505 Pair of gros bleu Sevres jewelled cups and saucers, painted with portraits of Hortense Mancini and C. Maneini. 506 Sevres bleu du Poi jewelled cup and saucer, painted with Venus riding on a dolphin. 507 Pair of green Dresden vases and covers, white medallions painted with battle scenes. 508 Dresden group of a figure on a crocodile—Africa. 509 Capo di Monte basin with raised figures. 510 Pair of Dresden vases and covers, white ground with raised festoons, and medallions of garden scenes. 511 Silver gilt plateau, repoussf; with classical subject in the centre, and border of four heads of emperors, fruit and foliage between. German work, 17th century. The Hon. Mrs. Smyth Vereker. 512 Dresden group of two seated figures. Miss O’Malley. 513 A bacchanalian group of three children, in rosso antico, bas relief. Mrs. Edward Peeves. 514 Old Derby figure. LOAN MUSEUM. 22s) Contributed by The Marquis of Lorne. 515 Oxydized silver cup, partly enamelled and gilt, copied from an ancient Irish example, discovered at Ardagh, Co. Limerick, in 1869. Manufactured by Edmond Johnson. Presented by His Excellency Earl Spencer. Miss Burke. 516 A Chinese silver card case. Lady Plunket. 517 A silver filligree card case. Mrs. A. S. White. 518 A carved ivory Chinese casket. 519 A carved ivory card case. 520 A miniature of Louisa, Queen of Prussia. A. F. Lloyd, Esq. 521 Chinese Ivory basket. 522 Two brass bowls, inscribed with Arabic characters. 523 Two Persian bronze mirrors, chased with heads and a horseman. The Countess of Erne. 524 A black oak card case, carved by Mr. Goggin, with Crom Castle on one side, and the Earl of Erne’s arms on the opposite side. 525 A French chalk drawing, executed by M. J. Bullock. Andrews and Co. 526 A large pair of Chinese jars. 527 A pair of Dresden grotesque figures. 528 A pair of green jars. 529 A pair of pink jars. 530 Pair small pink jars. 531 Pair Chinese raised crocus jars. 532 Pair small white jars. 533 Pair medium size white jars. 534 Pair china candlesticks. 535 Two china mugs. 536 A china bowl. 537 Six pomade pots. 538 A china spill jar. 539 Three Pairs of chince screens. Miss L. G. Pollen. 540 A tobacco-box, silver gilt. The Lord James Butler. 541 Composition bust of King William III. in full relief, coloured, in ebony frame. The artist’s name on a tablet. 542 Pair of bronze Centaurs. 543 Bronze statuette of Marsyas bound to a tree. 230 LOAN MUSEUM. Contributed by The Lobd James Butler— [con tinned) 544 Silver cup with two handles repoussd, with cherubs’ heads, Irish Hall Mark, 1675. 545 Two Rouen fayence plates, painted with cornucopias. 546 Sevres ddjeuner service, raised May flower pattern and blue flowers. Four pieces—plateau, milk pot, sugar basin, and cup and saucer. 547 Belleek parian statuette of the Crouching Venus, from a clay model by Flaxman, at J. C. Bloomfield’s, Esq., Castle Caldwell. 548 Bair of white Dresden figures—a gentleman and lady—with flowers. 549 White Dresden group of a man and woman sitting on the ground. 550 Oriental china monkey, painted mottled blue. 551 Two oriental china kylins, brilliant blue glaze. 552 Bair of oratory tablets, with carved ivory plaques of the Betrayal and Bearing the Cross, tortoise-shell, and pierced silver frames of the 16th century. 553 Vienna china dejeuner service of six pieces—plateau, coffee pot, milk pot, sugar basin, and cup and saucer, 554 Bair of porcelain vases, jonquil ground, beautifully painted frieze of danc¬ ing figures, after Boussin and Guido, mounted in ormolu. 555 Bair of gros bleu vases mounted in ormolu. 556 Bair of Chelsea porcelain figures—man and woman seated, with a dog and a lamb holding branches for candles. 557 Spanish terra-cotta Bdnitier—Cherubs holding a shell. 558 Bair of Naples porcelain caddies, painted with landscapes and figures. 559 Coral group, Holy Family •, the Marriage of St. Catherine, framed and glazed. 560 Oval Chelsea dish, painted with flowers. 561 Chelsea china leaf-shaped dish. 562 Chelsea china basket, pierced and painted with flowers. 563 Chelsea china figure of a clown. 564 Dresden gi'oup, a Chinese woman and children. 565 _ Dresden pot-pourri vase and cover, painted with flowers. 566 Bair of Wedgwood vases, green ground, white festoons. 567 Bair of Wedgwood vases, black ground, white festoons. 568 Bair of Wedgwood vases, dove-colour, white ornaments. 569 Bair of Spode china vases, fruit and flowers in coloured relief. 570 Borcelain jug, with coloured flowers in relief. 571 Derby china vase, painted with flowers on gold ground, supported by three terminal figures. 572 Large marriage coffer, inlaid with mother-of-pearl. 573 Lambeth delf plate, with the arms of the Duke of Bedford. 574 Bart of a Worcester tea service, festoons of flowers, blue borders; five pieces—teapot, milk pot, basin, plate, and cup and saucer. 575 Japanese porcelain stork. 576 Staffordshire pottery group of a man and woman seated holding a bird and cage. LOAN - MUSEUM. 231 Contributed by The Lord James Butler— (continued) 577 Plymouth porcelain triple shell for conserves. 578 Pair of ivory busts of children, by Fiammingo. 579 Ivory skull, beautifully carved. 580 Terra-cotta female head, by Clodion. 581 Terra-cotta head of a girl. 582 Oval delf dish, large bouquet of flowers with gold borders {two handles). 583 Shell-shaped Bow dish, bouquets, gilt edge (anchor and dagger mark). 584 Sevres small turquoise dcuelle stand, white centre, bouquet of flowers. 685 Bose-coloured Sevres (Chateau de St. Cloud) service, plateau, coffee pot, milk pot, sugar basin and cover, and two cups and saucers. 580 Sevres porcelain tray, teapot and cover, milk jug and cover, and two saucers, painted with flowers and wreaths. 587 Sevres gros bleu compotibre and cover, with initial letter B. 588 Sevres gros bleu milk jug, gold flowers and birds. 589 Sevres gros bleu compotibre and saucer, painted with landscapes in medal¬ lions. 690 Sevres gros bleu cup and saucer, painted with birds in medallions, gilt edges of flowers. 591 Sevres bleu du ciel cup and saucer, with gold sprigs and border of ara¬ besques. 592 Sevres cup and saucer, pale blue and yellow edges, birds on sprigs—Duke of Bedford’s. 593 French cup and saucer, green and gold edge, gold stars on white and bouquets of roses. 594 Sevres turquoise salt cellar, flowers on white. 595 Sbvres toilet cup, turquoise ground, medallion of wateringpot andspade, &c. 596 Sevres small rouge pot, spotted blue medallions, trellis flowers, &c. 597 Modern Sevres cup and saucer, gold and brown scrolls. 598 Sevres toy cup and saucer, painted with bands of roses in white and gold. 599 Sevres cup and saucer, turquoise ground, wreaths and bouquets and gold flowers. 600 Clignancourt cup and saucer, white and gold, painted with a vase of flowers on the cup and bouquet on saucer. 601 Dresden tea-kettle, cover, and chain, green ground, with bouquets of flowers on white medallions. 602 Large Sevres bowl, turquoise ground, three white medallions of birds, gold borders of flowers inside and out. 603 Two large turquoise vases, gilt snake mounts on pedestal of four plaques 604 Sevres compotibre and cover, feuille de choux and flowers. 605 Carved ivory tankard and cover—German. 606 Two Moorish water jugs, covers, and dishes. 607 Bowl, cover, and dish. 608 Jug and dish. 609 Blue dish 610 Two Japan china vases and covers, 2 feet high. 232 LOAN MUSEUM. Contributed by The Lord James Butler—( continued ) 611 One Japan china centre vase, 20 inches. 612 One Japan china centre vase, 22 inches. 613 Pair of high blue and white quadrangular vases. 614 Reproduction of a Pompeian bronze figure of a slave. 615 Oriental bronze figure. 616 Moorish Pottery.—Three bowls and covers. 617 Three dishes. 618 A jug. 619 Silver gilt, highly decorated centre vase, repoussd with tritons, dolphins, Bacchus and Cupid, &c., resting on four swans—corona for hold¬ ing flowers on the top. Mrs. D’Olier. 620 Tortoise shell comb, formerly belonged to Jane Duchess of Gordon. 621 Reproductions on vellum of two pages of the Book of Kells, in the MS. Library of Trinity College, Dublin. Ornament and initial letters from the same, by Mrs. D’Olier. 622 Book-cover, studded with antique Irish ornaments, fac-similied from the binding of the Gregorian Chaunts in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, containing reproduced pages of the illuminated MS. music, by Mrs. D’Olier. 623 Heraldic work by Mrs. D’Olier, bound in carved oak, mounted with oxydized silver. 624 Dragoman of Sir David Wilkie—from one of his last sketches in Constan¬ tinople—(Mrs. D’Olier). 625 Specimens of drawing in crayons on glazed porcelain—(Mrs. D’Olier). Mrs. Maccallum. 626 Ivory casket. Mrs. Tottenham, 627 Sevres Rose du Barry Bowl, painted with birds and cupids. Mrs George Kinahan. 628 Antique Ring with initials in seed pearl. P.N. 629 Miniature of Paul Seguin, Esq., in blue enamel and gold, set as a locket. G. Fetherstone, Esq. 630 An Alabaster Florentine Vase, height 2 feet 9 inches. Mrs. Taylor. 631 A Chinese enamelled Table, taken from the Emperor’s summer palace, Pekin, 1860 ; supposed of great antiquity. John Rothwell, Esq., 632 A Miniature of O'Connell, by an English artist. Richard Atkinson & Co. 633 Specimen of tapestry weaving in Dublin, 1738—being a portrait of George II. in a rich and elaborately carved frame LOAN MUSEUM. 233 Contributed by .Robert Day, Esq. 634 The Bell of Ballymena, of square form, made of bronze. Found near the ruined church of Kilconriola, July, 1870 635 An Irish bronze war trumpet, of curious form, with projecting pellets at each end, and four holes. Found in a bog near Killarney, in 1855. 636 A case containing seven personal ornaments or beads of coloured glass, and an armlet of pale green glass. Found in Ireland. 637 Nine Irish bronze penannular-ring brooches, with ornamented ends ; the enamel still remaining in some of the cavities. Found in Ireland. 638 One silver brooch of similar form, ornamented with raised pellets on the ends 639 Two bronze ring pins, one having remains of enamel 640 One bronze pin of unusual length, from Armagh 641 Two Celtic bronze leaf-shaped swords, with skeleton handles. 642 Three bronze Celtic skeins, or rapier blades 643 One Irish bronze battle-axe, from Tullamore, with rivets in situ 644 One Irish bronze socketted dagger, from Athlone 645 Three Celtic bronze socketted spear heads (one engraved) 646 Sixteen celts, comprising a series of Irish, Scotch, Italian, and Danish axes and palstaves, some having engraved and cast ornaments The Misses Lambert. 647 Japanese scroll of an idol, on silk 648 Book of Japanese paintings of figures 649 Card Case carved in tortoise shell 650 Card case in ivory, painted 651 Ivory belt-clasp, inlaid 652 Japanese bracelets 653 Small book of Japanese views, painted on silk 654 Full-length figure of Japanese lady, painted on silk 655 Head of Japanese lady on silk 556 Painting of Japanese prince 657 Japanese lady writing 658 Japanese lady at tea Sir John Esmonds, Bart. Irish Plate— 659 Large chased bread basket 660 Large chased tea-pot 661 Large chased salver 662 Two small chased salvers 663 Two large two-handled cups, with covers 664 Four small two-handled cups 665 One small two-handled cup and cover, gilt inside 666 One large plain two-handled cup 666 a One plain pint mug 234 LOAN MUSEUM. Contributed by Sir John Esmonds, Bart .—{continued.) 667 Two large plain sauce boats (stork handles) 668 One sugar bowl, three-legged, chased, milkman 669 One sugar bowl, three-legged, chased, smaller, cattle 670 One sugar bowl (sunk beaded) 671 One small chased butter boat, three-legged, bird chasing 672 One silver trowel, bog oak handle 673 One soup ladle, beaded and chased 674 One soup ladle, fluted bowl, scroll handle 675 Two chased sugar nippers . 676 Two sauce ladles (fluted bowls) 677 Two bright cut dessert spoons 678 One pierced and gilt sugar sifter 679 Four plain antique table spoon* 680 Large chased coffee pot 681 Six pair pistol-handled knives and forks English Silver- 682 One oval pierced bread basket (festooned) 683 One oval pierced bread basket, chased and beaded 684 One pair twelve inch fluted pillar table candlesticks 685 One large cruet frame, with three silver and two glass bottles 686 Two shaped chased tea caddies 687 One small chased threedegged cream jug 688 One small pierced card basket 689 Two festooned and bead Sauce Tureen, with covers and stands 690 Four pierced and chased oval Salt-cellars, with glass linings 691 Two 9-inch Salvers, plain centres, ram’s heads, antique pierced borders 692 One large Salver, 19-inch, engraved with arms Maurice Brooks, Esq. 693 One antique Mosaic Snuff-box, with likeness of Napoleon I., presented by him to the late Henry Grattan Miss Nugent 694 A pair of gold Ear-rings, set with emeralds (Indian work) Miss Joanna Taaffe 695 Two Spanish high-backed Combs, in lightest tortoiseshell; one carved, and one engraved 696 Flat Valencia Comb, gilt. Another perforated 697 Tortoise-shell Comb, probably French 698 Two flat Ivory Combs, carved, Indian Mrs. Caldwell, New Grange, County Meath. 699 Psalm xcv., illuminated by Miss Park Smith, Torquay, Devon, in a carved ivory and ebony frame LOAN MUSEUM. 233 Contributed by Miss Darby 700 Chased silver Albanian clasp Miss Browne 701 Four plates, decorated by Donovan of Dublin 701 a One Oriental china saucer Mrs. Endle 702 A bloodstone thumb ring, of native gold workmanship, originally worn by Runjeet Singh. William Mulvany, Esq. Miniatures— 703 Head of an old man, painted by T. J. Mulvany, It.II.A. 704 Ariadne, painted by T. J. Mulvany 705 Feg Woffington, artist unknown 706 Portrait of a boy, artist unknown Miss Bermingham 707 A Coral Crucifixion, the work of an eminent Roman artist. The coral is from the coast of Japan, of the finest and hardest description ; carved in the solid piece. King and Queen’s College op Physicians 708 The silver mace of the King and Queen’s College of Physicians in Ireland, of elaborate workmanship, and representing classical groups, statuettes of celebrated physicians. Made in 1850 by West, Dublin. Richard Walsh, Esq. 709 A filligree gold and silver “Tasse” or Asperges (Indian manufacture), to sprinkle rose water on guests. Presented to Staff-surgeon Walsh by Colonel Hammerton, Consul-general at Zanzibar Mrs. Courtenay 710 An antique French marquetrie cabinet, containing a model of the Temple of Diana, inlaid with ebony, mother-of-pearl, and ivory ; lined with mirrors ; containing eleven statuettes in ivory, eight of which represent the Four Seasons. This cabinet was once the property of Napoleon I. Mr. and Mrs. Grierson, 711 A Plate engraved with music (“ Non Nobis Domine ”), one piece of a set of china desert service, manufactured at least 70 years ago. 712 Tortoiseshell comb Rev. G. H. Reade 713 The Bell of St. Columba or Columkill, of Gartan, County Donegal, of square form, composed of bronze lined inside with iron. St- Columba founded the Monastery of Doire Galgacli or Derry, A.D. 546, and this bell may be referred to this date. • 714 Large Celtic bronze leaf-shaped sword, with hammer-hardened edge, called the “ Moraltach,” with skeleton handle pierced with rivet holes. 715 Small Celtic bronze sword with skeleton handle, found at the Giant’s Causeway. 236 LOAN MUSEUM. Contributed by Rev. G. H. Reade—( continued .) 716 Bridle bit of bronze, with a large flattened ring at each end, the ground cut out in patterns of scrolls, and key ornament to receive enamel, some of which still remains. 717 Large copper celt, flat with semicircular end. 718 Large stone hammer, pear shaped. From the drift, Inniskeen. 719 A pair of bronze stirrups, used by Charles Tottenham in his memorable ride to the Irish House of Commons, when he gave his casting vote at the end of the last century. Mbs. Paget Butler 720 Dresden china cane handle. Mbs. Wynne 721 Suite of paste intaglie, copied from antique gems presented to Admiral Sir Samuel Warren, K.C.B., in 1805, by Prince Lucien Bonaparte, con¬ sisting of necklace, comb, ear-rings, and brooch. Henry B. Dobbin, Esq. 722 Carved wooden triptych, German work of the 14tli century. In the centre is a figure of the Virgin, bearing the Infant and St. Catherine. On the right, St. Martin of Tours in the act of dividing his cloak with a beggar. On the left the figure of a bishop. The right leaf has a figure of St. Barbara ; the left of St. Catherine. Verb Foster, Esq. 723 Miniature portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte, painted on enamel by Augustin in 1815. This ring belonged to Caroline Murat, Queen of Naples, sister of Napoleon. The hair was given to the late Sir Augustine J. Foster, Bart., by Denon. 724 Cameo of Napoleon Bonaparte when First Consul. One of Tassie’s gems Marchioness of Drogheda 725 A large piece of embroidery on white silk, intended originally for the skirt of a dress, but now made into a table cover. Charles Arundel, Esq. 720 Parcel gilt shield, first prize, seven mile walking race at the University Sports, 1870. Presented by the Provost. 727 Oxydized silver jug, first prize two mile walking race, won at the North of Ireland Sports, 1870. 728 The Spencer Cup, presented by his Excellency Earl Spencer, at the Civil Service Sports, 1870—first prize two mile walking race. 729 Claret jug, won at the University Sports, 1871 —first prize two mile walking race. 730 Mercury Cup, won in 1869, at a meeting between the Military of Ireland and the Irish Civil Service—first prize for the two mile walking race. The Countess of Howth 731 Enamelled and gilt casket. 732 Silver-gilt oval box, with cupids in relief on the cover. 733 Gilt metal oblong box, with German inscription on the cover. 734 Paper-cutter, made of wood from St, Patrick’s Cathedral, LOAN MUSEUM. 237 Contributed by Walter Emden, Esq. 735 Worcester cup and saucer. 736 Old Venetian glass goblet. 737 Old Wedgwood centre piece, tliree dishes, twelve plates, four compotiers, and one sauce tureen. Lord Cloncurry 738 Council cup, won by Lord Cloncurry at the meeting of the West of Scotland Artillery and Rifle Association 739 Two oriental china garden seats. Irish Rifle Association, per Captain Smyley, Hon. Sec. 740 The All-Ireland challenge shield, presented by Major A. B. Leech and a few friends, to be competed for annually by Irish Rifle Clubs, designed and manufactured by E. Johnson, Dublin John Rigby, Esq. 741 The Abercom cup, presented by His Grace the Duke of Abercorn to the Irish Rifle Association, 1867 ; won by John Rigby; designed and manufactured by G. Garrard, London 742 The Wimbledon cup, won at meeting of the National Rifle Association at Wimbledon, 1870, after Briot, manufactured by Elkington. 743 A silver cup, presented to National Rifle Association by Hunt & Roskcll London. Won by J. Rigby John Lloyd, Esq. 744 Thistle silver cup, won at West of Scotland Rifle Association meeting 745 Claret jug, won at Irish Rifle Association meeting 1869 746 Two goblets, silver gilt, won at Irish Rifle Association meeting 1869 747 A silver plate in case, won at Irish Rifle Association meeting 1867 J. Pollock, Esq. 748 The Abercorn cup 1871, being the fifth annual prize presented by His Grace the Duke of Abercorn, for competition among candidates for the Irish Eight. Won by J. G. Pollock W. O’ Carroll Robinson, Esq. 749 Specimen of ancient Irish illumination, executed by Sender The Hon. Mr. Justice Keating. 750 The ancient crown of the Kings of Munster, of silver gilt, formed in eight compartments, each six inches high by two and a half in width, from which hang silver leaves. They are joined together by a small statuette of St. Patrick, attributed to the 13th century Colonel Meadows Taylor. List arranged by himself, in the India Museum Shawls— 751 One orange cashmere 752 Two red cashmere Scarfs— 753 One black and yellow, Delhi embroidered 754 Two white and crimson 238 LOAN MUSEUM. Contributed by Colonel Meadows Taylor—( continued ) 755 One red and yellow 756 Two shell-lac ornaments, Hyderabad 757 One card case, steel inlaid with gold, Shorapoor 758 One fan, sandalwood, Hyderabad 759 A pair of slippers, gold embroidery, Hyderabad 760 A sandalwood carved worlcbox, Mysore 761 A lacquered ware workbox, Sing 762 A lacquered ware pen tray, Lahore 763 A box of Indian playing cards, Hyderabad The Countess Mayo, 764 Four shields of steel, inlaid with gold, from Sealkote 765 Four jewel caskets of steel, inlaid with gold, from Sealkote 766 One jewel casket (tripod), inlaid with gold, from do. 767 Utturdan, steel, inlaid with gold, from do. 768 Bound tray, steel, inlaid with gold, from do. 769 Octagon tray, „ „ do. 770 Two leaf-shaped trays, „ „ do. 771 Fen rack „ „ do. 772 Fen tray „ „ do. 773 Shield, with inlaid border, and four gold bosses (Goozerat) 774 Gold and silver-chased plate, with pagoda-shaped cover (Cashmere) 775 Gold and silver cup and cover (Cashmere) 776 Two trays of papier maclib (Cashmere) 777 Glove box of papier machd (Cashmere) 778 Card-case of papier machd (Cashmere) 779 Fen-tray of papier machd (Cashmere) 780 Cigar-case of papier machd (Cashmere) 781 Tray of soap-stone (Agra) 782 Inkstand of soap-stone (Agra) 783 Wafer-box of satin wood, inlaid with ivory (Yezaga pattam) 784 Waking-stick of carved sandal wood (Mysore) 785 Brass urn (Vezaga pattam) 786 Sword, with richly enamelled handle and gold embroidered belt, with enamelled mounts (Kajpootana) 787 Sword, with gold and silver inlaid handle (Bajpootana) 788 Chowrie handle, mounted with diamonds (Jeypore) 789 Uttur holder, mounted in gold and diamonds (Furmah) 790 Cup, saucer and spoon of pure gold, enamelled and set with diamonds (J eypore) 791 Utterdan to correspond, set with diamonds 792 Silver Chateleine (Mysore) 793 Two chowries of carved sandal-wood (Mysore) LOAN MUSEUM. 239 Contributed by The Countess Mayo — {continued), 794 Two folio covers of carved sandal-wood (Mysore) 795 Fan of carved sandal-wood (Mysore) 796 Card-case of carved sandal-wood (Mysore) 797 Tea poy of papier macke (Cashmere) 798 Four Mosaic trays of papier machd (Cashmere) Mrs. Knox 799 Wedgwood fruit dish and stand SOO Plate decorated by Donovan 801 Delf dish George W. Knipe, Esq. 802 Two jewelled Sdvres plates, painted with battle scenes, sap green ground 803 Two gros bleu Sdvres plates, painted with battle scenes 804 Old Dresden bowl, and milk jug 805 Old Dresden sauce tureen W. C. JBermingham Euthven, Esq. 806 Two antique salvers, copper. One representing the temptation in the Garden of Eden, with inscription. Second represents the spies returning from the Promised Land, with inscription—“Godt onder- hovedt legu, Girboeat, 1650 ” 807 A pair of wheellock pistols, date 1667. Stocks inlaid with brass and mother of pearl 808 A pair of very old Damascened pistols 809 Old mirror, with the Lord’s Prayer engraved on it, 1728 810 Telescope used at Waterloo by Ney, with inscription 811 An old missal, dated 1586 Emanuel Hutchins, Esq. 812 A gold watch, double case, repoussd with scrolls and classical subject. English Hall mark, 1720 813 A gold watch, double case, repoussd with Hagar and Ishmael. Maker, Oakley, London, formerly belonging to Admiral Drake 814 Gold repeater watch, chased and pierced with scrolls. Maker, Graham. Date, 1731 815 Tortoise-shell watch case piqud with silver coat of arms 816 Silver salver, made by West, designed by Percy, presented by Lord Plunket to Judge Burrowes 817 Gold repeater watch, repousse with classical subject. Maker, Sidey C. Brinsley Marlay, Esq., 818 Three large oval Wedgwood Plaques, with Figures after the antique. 819 An Italian Ewer and Basin of Brass, engraved with classical subjects in medallions, black hatched ground (16th century). 820 A pair of very fine Italian chased and engraved Brass Candlesticks (of the 16th century). 821 Large silver gilt oval Salver, repoussd with Venus and Cupid on the sea, and border of fruit. 240 LOAN MUSEUM. Contributed by C. Bbinsley Marlay, Esq.—( continued ). 822 Large silver gilt oval Salver, repoussd with husbandman, woman, and dog, border of fruit. 823 Silver gilt Hose-water Dish, repoussd with Diana and Calisto. 824 Two silver gilt Tankards. Lady Clanmorris, 825 Gold Watch, with plaques of agate, arborist. 826 Gold Etui, with plaques of agate arborist. G. Salviati and Co. 827 Italian Mirror, 17th century, dedicated by the Bishop of St. Angelo to Cardinal Capponis. 828 Collection of Venetian glass (modern). Duke of Devonshire, 829 An ancient Crozier, found at Lismore Castle. Beat ing the following inscrip¬ tion in the Irish character :— Otuqc no HjaI njAC 2f)eic ?leMiCAin car a oeprjAO 70 jpefA. Opo]c no neccAt) in cepb t>o ntgoe 70 5 tterA. “ A prayer for Nial, son of Mac Educan, by whom was made this ornament. “A prayer for Necton, the artist who made this ornament.” Mac Educan (or Mac Gettigan), was Bishop of Lismore, and died A.D. 1112 . Mrs. O’Neill, 830 Old Dresden Cup and Saucer, with views of Dresden. 831 Indian Brooch and Ear-rings, painted at Delhi (portraits of the Begum, Runjeet Sing, King of Delhi, and King of Oude, and views of the Juggernaut and Tomb of the Kings of Delhi). Lord Talbot de Malahide, 832 Three large stone axes or clubs. 833 Two small stone axes or clubs. 834 Two stone hammers. 835 One flint spear-head from St. Michael’s (near Amiens). 836 One flint lance-head or knife. 837 Two bronze celts. 838 Three bronze palstaves. 839 Four bronze palstaves. 840 Chisel of bronze. 841 Two bronze spear-heads. 842 One dagger, bronze. 843 Two large bronze spear-heads. 844 One flint knife, with handle of moss. 845 One iron spear-head. Dr. Evans, 846 First prescription compounded for the Duke of Wellington, when a baby, proving his age, &c. LOAN MUSEUM. 241 Contributed by The Countess of Charlemont. 847 Three caddies repoussb with Louis XIV. figures and scrolls. Date 1759. English Hall mark 848 Mother of pearl case, silver mounted 849 Necklace of Etruscan scarabaei, with intaglie, sapphire beads between 850 Gold filligree bracelet, set with turquoises and pearls 851 Battersea enamel chatelaine 852 Set of blue enamelled on gold lady’s ndcessaire 853 Silver inkstand, in form of a monkey holding a book 854 Tortoise-shell and gold pique perfume box 855 Work-box of Venetian glass, with gold and turquoise fittings 856 Old English tea-tray, gilt border, painted with garden scene and figures 857 Three agate cups, mounted in silver filligree 858 Two silver filligree candlesticks 859 Silver girdle, from Sadowa Modern Wedgwood Ware, pointed by E. Lessore, viz.:— 860 Pair of oviform Vases, snake handles painted with women and children. 861 Pair of globular Vases, handles at the sides painted with children. 862 Pair of quadrangular Jardinibres, medallions of .landscapes. 863 Pair of Ice Pails—women and children. 864 Pair of Vases, with blue and white medallions of portrait busts. 845 Pair of small Vases, conversations. 866 Pair of Match-pots, children holding grapes. 867 Oval Dish, female reclining on the bank of a river. 868 Triangular Dish, woman, child, and dog. 869 Pour quadrangular ring trays. 870 Triangular Salt-cellar. 871 Large circular Dish, painted with “ the School,” in ebony frame. William Joyce, Esq. 872 A clock in ormolu, made by Thomaire & Co., of Paris (a.d. 1791) ; subject—Apollo driving the Horses of the Sun. Viscount Gough, 873 Front of a Chinese bed, the panels inlaid with ivory and box wood. 874 Head of Chinese imperial standard, taken in a 98 gun battery (Amoy, 1841). 875 State dress, complete, of a military Mandarin of high rank. 876 Five specimens of buttons worn on the tojr of the cap to denote the rank of Mandarin. The sable tails denotes his being a Tartar, the peacock’s feathers a mark of rank conferred by the Emperor for special services. 877 Yeue or Chinese sceptre, made of jade. 878 Two drinking cups of Rhinoceros' horn, considered to be an infallible antidote against poison. 879 A very handsome jade vase. 242 LOAN MUSEUM. Contributed by Viscount Gough—( continued ). 880 Three silver medals, struck by the Emperor of China, to be given to his troops when they had driven the British army (Fan Qui) into the sea. 881 A bow, with ease, and two quivers of arrows. 882 One of the so-called “ Silk Guns,” taken on the Yang Taze Keang, during the first Chinese expedition, 1842. 883 A Chinese wall-piece (mitrailleuse), 1842. 884 A Chinese toy cannon. 885 A lady’s head-dress. 886 A lady’s neck ornament. 887 Silver basket (enamelled). 888 Two tea-pots and two cups on silver stands. 889 Llamas’s praying wheel. Thibet. 890 Two official seals. 891 Two compasses. 892 Three jade ornaments. 893 One silver perforated salver. 894 A grotesque figure, cut out of the diseased branch of a tree. 895 Six enamelled vases. 896 One chopstick. 897 A goddess. 898 A Chinese pillow. 899 A jade stone buckle. 900 Agate ornaments. 901 Ornamented ebony stand. 902 Two tables. 903 Seven mandarins’ buttons 904 Three feathers 905 Shoe worn by a Chinese lady 906 A specimen of Sycee silver 907 Two horsebells 908 The white “fighting coat” and cap worn by the late Lord Gough 909 An iron claw, carried in the hand as a weapon 910 A model in silver of the Cootab Minar, and an elephant in silver for com¬ parison 911 A model in silver of the porcelain tower of Nankin, made from the medals struck at Pekin, by the order of the Emperor of China for distribution among his troops, in commemoration of their driving the “Fanqui” into the sea, but captured by the British soldiers cn route. Also one of the medals of which it was composed 912 The late Viscount Gough’s Field-Marshal’s baton. 913 Ten medals and orders. 914 Two miniature decorations. 915 Three stars (one as presented). 916 A hundred guinea gold snuff-box, presented with the freedom of London LOAN MUSEUM. 243 Contributed by Viscount Gough—( continued ). 917 A silver snuff-box (a French eagle) presented with the freedom of Limerick. 918 The Sword, belt, and two scabbards, presented with the freedom of the city of Dublin. 919 Jewelled gold sword and belt, presented by Eunjeet Singh before Lord Gough left India. 620 A General’s sword, worn by him in nil the four campaigns. 921 Sword as Colonel of the Horse Guards (Blue). 922 Horse trappings with gold bosses. 923 Specimens of Maharatta, Affghan, and Sikh matchlocks, taken in the Gwalior and first and second Punjaub wars, or left on the field of battle. 924 Long knife, richly inlaid with gold. 925 Long knife, with silver ornamented sheath. 926 Four daggers. 927 Three spear heads. 928 A battle axe. T. A. Jones, Esq. 929 A miniature of a gentleman, by Comerford Kev. John Dardis, P.P. 930 The shrine of St. Man chan. Irish manufacture of the seventh century. It is ark-shaped, with large enamelled bosses in form of a cross, the borders chased with interlaced scrolls, and figures of saints in relief. Eight Hon. The Lord Chancellor. 931 Silver gilt mace of the House of Lords (Ireland) 932 The Lord Chancellor’s purse, richly embroidered in gold and silver, with the royal arms, &c. Major General Sir Thomas Steele, C.B. 933 Silver urn or fountain, designed and executed by Le Cointe h, Paris. On a bold scroll stand are three nereids holding garlands supporting a vase, dolphin spout, the upper part repousse with garlands of fruit, and handles of two figures of Hercules seated, on each side the Austrian eagle. The cover surmounted by a coronet, on a banderolle the motto “Domine ad adjuvandum me festina,” Kev. J. Godley. 934 Enamelled watch, painted with the conversion of St. Hubert, inside is a ship of war. Maker, Augier h Paris Dr. Evory Kennedy. 935 Skin of a man-eating Tiger; it devoured 32 natives, and was shot in the Deccan, April, 1871, by Lieutenant E. Kennedy 936 Bronze group of Satyrs and Bacchanals 937 Chain worn by Abyssinian prisoners for fastening the wrist to the ankle. 938 Sword of state of Abyssinian Bishop 939 Cross from an Abyssinian Church, plundered by Theodore 244 LOAN MUSEUM. Contributed by Sir William Wilde. 940 Chinese bronze censer and cover, on wood pedestal 941 Modern bronze of the dying gladiator 942 Chinese carving in box-wood of a pagoda and figures 943 Jade teapot and cover, carved and pierced ornaments 944 Chinese joss of gilt wood 945 Chinese delf vase 946 Chelsea figure of a shepherdess 947 Chinese porcelain bowl, enamelled with figures 948 Chinese porcelain caddy and cover, painted blue 949 Two Oriental cups and saucers, flowers 950 Two small china trays 951 Small china vase The Earl of Enniskillen. 952 Silver filligree vase and dish 953 Two candlesticks 954 Two boxes and three cup holders 955 Bow centre piece 956 Plymouth butter-boat 957 Chelsea basin, with coloured leaves 958 Butter-boat, two handles, landscape inside 959 Two baskets, wicker pattern, painted with cherries 960 Four round dishes, embossed with coloured leaves 961 Two oval dishes, coloured leaves in relief, and small bouquets of flowers 962 Three oval dishes, in sizes, embossed borders, with landscapes, flowers, &c 963 Two butter boats, covers and stands, in form of cabbages 964 Two circular dishes, with handles 965 Two oval dishes, egcalloped edges, vine leaves and grapes 966 Four leaf-shaped dishes, edged with green 967 Three leaf-shaped dishes, with handles, sunflower in centre 968 Fruit basket, pierced sides, painted with cherries and butterflies 969 Two leaf-shaped dishes, with handles 970 Two circular plates, painted with flowers, brown scroll borders 971 Two leaf-shaped dishes, with pink-edged flower 972 Two large leaf-shaped plateaux, embossed with sunflowers, &c. 973 Two sugar dishes, covers, and stands, painted with flowers 974 Three oval dishes, painted with flowers 975 Two leaf-shaped dishes, painted with thorns and flowers 976 Centre piece, pierced top, painted with fruit 977 Two oval dishes, painted with birds and leaves 978 Cauliflower dish 979 Two oval dishes, embossed with leaves, edged with lake 980 Five oval leaf-shaped dishes, painted with birds and flowers LOAN MUSEUM. 245 Contributed by The Earl of Enniskillen—( continued .) 981 Four small leaf-shaped dishes, embossed with leaves and painted with flowers 982 Two small oval dishes, painted with butterflies and flowers 983 Two plates, painted with flowers, gilt edges 984 Leaf-shaped dish edged with green 985 Round escalloped dish, painted with flowers 988 Two Derby biscuit figures, peasant and girl 987 Derby biscuit group of boy and girl playing musical instruments 988 Derby figure of Apollo 989 Derby figure of a girl 990 Derby white china figure of a gardener 991 Derby biscuit group of a girl asleep and a boy drinking out of a bottle, another boy behind 992 Two Italian groups of nymphs and satyrs 993 Oriental basin and stand, flowers in relief 994 Tazza, flowers in relief 995 Dresden dish with pink flower (Chelsea pattern) 998 Two Oriental jars and covers 997 Six plates The Marquis of Conyngham, 998 Silver gilt Warwick vase, engraved with Earl's coronet and coat of arms 999 Silver gilt cup, Brighton races 1828. Won by Marsfield, four years old 1000 Silver gilt cup, Brighton races 1829. Won by Marsfield, five years old 1001 Silver gilt cup, St. Alban’s races 1829. Won by Rasselas, four years old 1002 Silver gilt cup, Epsom Grand Stand 1829. Won by Coronet, four years old 1003 Silver gilt cup, Royal Ryde regatta 1850. Won by the schooner Constance, 218 tons 1004 Silver gilt cup, with a medal of King George IV. on the lid ; date inside “accessit xxix. Jan., MDCCCXX.” 1005 Silver gilt equestrian statue of King George IV. 1006 Silver cup, Confy Castle steeplechase 1852. Won by Ganymede and Nell Gwynne, called “ the Wild Huntsman Cup.” 1007 Silver cup, Royal Yacht Squadron regatta 1842. Won by the Flower of Yarrow cutter, 145 tons 1008 Silver cup, Howtli races 1857. Won by Vine, four years old. Figure of Richard Coeur de Lion. Called the “Vine cup.” 1009 Gilt and oxydized electrotyped rosewater plateau, “The Iliad," modelled by Grant 1010 Gilt electrotyped rose water plateau, bust of Shakespeare 1011 Gilt electrotyped rose water plateau, after the original by Briot 246 LOAN MUSEUM. Contributed by Mbs. Batley. 1012 Buhl clock and bracket. 1013 Mandarin Oriental china bowl 1014 Old Dresden soup tureen 1015 Four old Dresden plates Sib Abthur Guinness, Bart. 1016 Silver sconce, the back plate pounced with two Chinese figures, an attendant carrying an umbrella over the head of a warrior, the upper part repoussd with flowers. London Hall mark 1665. 1017 Silver two-handled cup and cover, repoussd with bold scrolls and flowers. London Hall mark of 1772. 1018 Silver Monteith or punch bowl, with corona and two handles, chased with cherubs’ heads and scrolls, fluted bowl, London 1697 1019 Silver two-handled cup and cover, chased with vertical bands and scrolls. London Hall mark 1716 1020 Silver jug, fluted on the lower part; one handle, with female bust on the top. London Hall mark 1714 1021 Bair of silver escallop shells. London Hall mark 1730 1022 Silver tankard, repoussd on the lower part with leaves, scroll purchase. London Hall mark 1690 1023 Silver cream ewer, in form of a cow 1024 Bair of silver plates, scroll borders, repoussd in the centre with historical subjects, inscribed “ Margaretha von Anjou” and “ Ottokar ” 1025 Silver plate, repoussd border of flowers. London Hall mark 1764 1026 Silver gilt plate, repoussd with flowers. London Hall mark 1767 1027 Silver gilt coffee pot, repoussd with scrolls and flowers, formerly belonging to the Duke of Sussex. London Hall Mark, 1790 1028 Bair of silver plateaux, engraved with flowers, escalloped edge, the centres engraved and gilt with flowers. London Hall Mark, 1S50 1029 A large collection of Worcester porcelain, illustrating the manufacture of the Royal Borcelain Works from its commencement to the present time. In Centre Case D. 1030 Old Dresden clock and stand, ornamented with four figures playing musical instruments, and bouquets of raised flowers Edward Cecil Guinness, Esq, 1031 Two silver gilt ewers, repoussd with flowers; bacchanalian figures on handles and spout. London, 1830 1032 Silver urn, chased with boar hunt and landscapes 1033 Silver gilt salt-cellar in form of a lion—German work 1034 Silver dome-shaped cover, repousse in bold relief with a skirmish of cavalry. London, 1829 1035 Silver punch-bowl, repouss^ with vine leaves, bacchanalian figures and escalloped corona. London, 1768, on a pierced stand of scrolls, with the Irish Hall Mark, 1768 LOAN MUSEUM. 247 Contributed by Messes. Waterhouse & Co. 1036 Silver gilt marshal’s baton, surmounted by a crown 1037 Malay creese, wavy blade, inlaid with gold, carved ivory handle 1038 Silver chalice and paten. “ The gift of Mrs. Dorothy Ormsby to the Pariah Church of St. Athleague, 1725.” Irish Hall mark 1039 Silver die for a seal, obverse and reverse, of the “ Court of Delegates, Ireland,” and plaster impressions Mr. Charles Bennett 1040 Dejeuner set of early old Dresden, with figures in the Chinese style 1041 Portion of an old Dresden tea and coffee service, painted with bouquet of flowers 1042 Old gros bleu Berlin cup and saucer, painted with mythological subjects 1043 Marcolini Dresden coffee cup and saucer, painted with landscape 1044 Marcolini Dresden coffee cup, painted with pastoral subjects 1045 Menegy tea-pot, painted with birds 1046 Bottcher tea-pot 1047 Figure of Apollo in Kronenberg porcelain 1048 An old Dresden Bacchanalian figure 1049 An old Dresden figure of a peasant girl 1050 Two Wedgwood flower-pots and stands 1051 Two Wedgwood pedestals 1052 Four old Worcester plates 1053 Old Dresden group, representing Astronomy 1054 Old Dresden group, representing Autumn 1055 Indian jar, with cover Edward B. Sayers, Esq. 1056 Oriental china vase and cover, painted with horses, &c. 1057 Oriental china vase and cover, painted with figures 1058 Two oval Oriental dishes, painted with fish and crabs 1059 Oriental supper set—a centre and eight dishes 1060 Oriental plate, painted with birds 1061 Oriental plate, flowered border, and flowers in centre Sir Arthur and the Hon. Lady Cunynghame 1062 An antique Dresden snuff-box, formerly the property of Lord Chancellor Thurlow 1063 A complete set of writing-desk ornaments of steel, inlaid with gold wire, manufactured at Logha, in the Punjaub 1064 A turquoise necklace, stones from Bokhara, set by Emanuel 1065 A turquoise ring from Shikapoara 1066 A Chinese back scratcher and thumb ring, taken in the War in 1842. 1067 A pair of silver mandarin nail covers 1068 An Indian lady’s nose ring, set with pearls and emeralds 1069 An elaborately worked silver comb, made at Delhi 248 LOAN MUSEUM. Contributed by Sir Arthur and the Hon. Lady Cunynghame—( continued ). 1070 Two silver tea canisters, and a silver sugar basin, which were found in the roof of Molsanger House, Hampshire, made in the reign of Anne 1071 An amber mouth-piece, from Constantinople 1072 A ruby bracelet, from Delhi 1073 A pair of turquoise bracelets, from Delhi 1074 Two coats of armour, the greater portion of which was formerly the property of Runjeet Singh Maharajah, his sons, and widows. It was manufactured at Lojha, in the Punjaub, and is made of fine steel, and inlaid with gold wire. In Wall Cases 1075 A pair of necklaces. These are formed of five thousand three hundred small turquoise, and are fitted with turquoise snaps ; from Shevaw, on the Indus 1076 An ornamental service of silver chased plate, consisting of eight large water bottles ; four second size ; four third size ; three fourth size ; one with handles ; one very small, with handles and tray ; one very large tankard ; one smaller tankard ; one curved-shape jug ; one small jug, with stones ; two mugs ; one pot and lid ; one casket; two round dishes ; one cover-dish ; incense burner. This plate was manufactured under the express directions of Maharajah Runbeer Singh, at Cash- mere, for the Lahore Exhibition. In Case C. Private Kennedy, Royal Dragoons 1077 Indian Cashmere shawl, scarf, and set of mats, worked by a soldier in India Lord Lisgar 1078 A pair of gold figures of an emu and kangaroo, the supporters of the arms of the colony of Australia. The figures were executed by Mr. Hogarth, a pupil of Thorwaldsen, who was in Sydney at the time, and obtained a medal at the International Exhibition of London in 1862 Miss O’Conor 1079 Reprint of the “ Livre d’ heures de la Reine Anne de Bretagne,” called the “ unsurpast ” 1080 Pearl head-dress, comb, necklace, and brooch 1081 Brooch, Oriental onyx cameo, in Roman gold mounting 1082 Brooch, Florentine mosaic 1083 Brooch, cinnamon stone of India, old setting 1084 Gold brooch, Roman cameo—head of Ceres 1085 Two Genoese silver brooches, and pair of ear-rings 1086 Two pins and a bracelet 1087 Roman stone bead bracelet Captain Burton 1088 A cabinet, inlaid with native New Zealand woods (unstained), manufactured by A. Seuffert, of Auckland, New Zealand. The surroundings of centre panels are of original Maori design, copied from ancient carvings and tattoo. The picture represents the tree-fern and the cabbage tree (on right), with the moa ( I ) inorb is giyanteus ) and kiwi { Capteryx ). 1089 A box, iidaid with New Zealand wood, by same artist 1090 A pair of vases, roughly turned from the stem of the tree-fern LOAN MUSEUM. 249 Contributed by Mrs. Richards, 1091 A set of carved ivory Chessmen, Chinese. The Countess of Caledon, 1092 A Jewel copied from an ancient Irish one in the Irish Institute, Dublin The stones were found in the wall of an old castle belonging to the Earl of Caledon, a stronghold of the O’Neills ; the stones are sup¬ posed to be Spanish. The O’Neill who owned the castle married a Spanish lady. St. Vincent’s College, Castleknock, 1093 Ebony Cabinet; the panels inside the doors and the drawers painted with scriptural subjects, by Old Franks. Lieut.-Col. the Hon. C. Smyth Vereker, 1094 Mosaic of a fish’s tail (re-set), from the Roman remains at Marsa, the ancient port of Carthage (18 inches by 18). This and other interesting mosaics discovered at Carthage, are mentioned in “ Scenes in the Sunny South,” Col. Vereker’s book of travels in North Western Africa. 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1108 1107 1109 1110 Earthenware Bottle, with small neck and open at the bottom, 18 inches long, from the ruins of the Roman Port and City of Tipasa, in Algeria. There are a very great number of these relics placed horizontally in the ruined walls of the Roman Governor’s house, they are supposed to have been employed for heating the building by means of hot air, the neck of one being inserted in the open end of the one in front. Piece of Mosaic from the floor of the ruined Roman Cathedral at Tipasa. Fragments of wood and bone from the tomb of a Roman at Tipasa. Fragment of mosaic from the ruins of Lambessa in Algeria. Sword presented to Charles, second Viscount Gort, by the Corporation of Limerick. Abd-el-Kader’s gun and sword. Brace of Algerian Arab pistols. Algerian dagger. Algerian boar’s tusks, mounted in silver. Japanese vase. Dresden cup, saucer, and cover, with views of Meissen and Dresden. Vienna jug and cover. Dresden sugar-basin, stand, and cover. Sdvres Ecuelle, blue border and flowers, mounted in ormolu. Castelli bowl and cover, painted with cupids and flowers. Nautilus cup, mounted in silver gilt—16th century Mrs. Comerford 1111 Chinese Card Case,elaborately carved in bas-relief. Subject—TeaGathering Dr. Madden, 1112 Miniature of Lord Edward Fitzgerald. 250 LOAN MUSEUM. Contributed by Miss Cogan 1113 Miniature on ivory of Raphael’s Madonna della Sedia. Mrs. Fitzgerald, 1115 A Miniature of Dr. Tully, Loughrea, Co. Galway, painted about 150 years ago, with the human hair. Artist unknown. Mrs. Kirkpatrick 1116 Gilt metal casket, with medallions of heads in relief, and plaques of malachite. Two birds on the cover. Modern work 1117 Old watch and two keys. F. Smith, London Miss Caldwell 1118 Pair antique earrings, set with jura crystals 1119 Pendant, with rubies and rose diamonds 1120 A cross set with garnets 1121 A brooch and earrings set with garnets 1122 Pendant, silver and rose diamonds. Bought at Antwerp 1123 Case with medallions of hair 1124 Miniature set round with pearls. (Portrait of Admiral Sir Benjamin Caldwell) 1125 Memorandum case in ivory. The wedding gift of two sisters (Marchionesg of Bute and Countess of Abingdon) to Charlotte, daughter of Admiral Osborn, and wife of Admiral Sir B. Caldwell, G.C.B. 1126 Crayon drawing, by the late Elish La Monte, of Belfast 1127 Silvered card dish M. Montefiore 1128 Two silver plaques, repoussd with Apollo playing on the lyre before Jupiter and other gods, and a combat of horsemen Dowager Viscountess Gort Pair of silver busts of a burgomaster and his wife, repoussd on black, semi¬ circular pedestals, with applique festoons, &c., and shields of arms underneath. Inscribed I.H.W. Prsefectus, 1678 Silver statuette of a troubadour, playing on the guitar. Augsburg work, 17th century Square silver casket, repouss^; on the cover, a wedding; on the sides, cupids, &c. Augsburg work, 17th century 1132 Silver casket, chased with terminal figures at the angles and medallions of boys, with musical instruments. Augsburg work, 17th century 1133 Silver candlestick, flat, with long handle, with the cipher of two C’s inter¬ laced and crowned, on a shield borne by a beef eater. On circular stand 1134 Medallions of domestic scenes, heads between, &c. The time of Charles II. 1135 'Dresden china snuff-box, painted with horsemen fighting, pink scale borders 1136 Gold watch (repeater) miniature of a iady on the back. 18th century 1137 Small gold enamelled watch, shield shaped, painted with cupid on the back. The face has on the top the balance wheel, set with diamonds and below a dial plate. 18th century 1129 1130 1131 LOAN MUSEUM. 251 Contributed by C. Brien, Esq. 1138 Miniature on ivory, in gold case, of Mrs. Newcomen, mother of the Countess of Eglinton, by Comerford 1139 Painting on vellum, by Lebrun 1140 Painting on agate, by Schidone 1141 Nine illuminations on vellum, from a missal of the 14th century. Mrs. Joliffe Tufnell 1142 Dresden group of two nereids catching tritons in a net 1143 Dresden group of Pluto and Proserpine 1144 Old Dresden figure of Bacchus on a wine cask and child drawing wine from it 1145 Dresden group of children, allegorical of Sculpture and Painting 1146 Dresden faun with tambourine 1147 Dresden faun crowning a child 1148 Dresden children with mask and vase 1149 Modern Dresden double saltcellar with Cupid 1150 Prankenthal figure of St. Jerome with lion 1151 Frankenthal figure of Diana asleep, with two dogs 1152 Frankenthal group of Time elevating Virtue, trampling on Vioe 1153 Frankenthal group of two figures, musicians 1154 Frankenthal figure country girl 1155 Chelsea fruit girl carrying basket of grapes 1156 Chelsea girl with chickens 1157 Chelsea girl with flowers 1158 Pair of Crown-Derby figures, musicians 1159 Pair of Derby figures with baskets 1160 Dresden figure of a shepherdess 1161 German porcelain, gardener with flower-pot 1162 Dresden figure of a woman with triangle 1163 Chelsea flower girl with basket 1164 Two Chelsea figures of autumn and winter Miniatures :— 1165 Mrs. Tufnell. By Stephen Crowe 1166 Mr. Tufnell. By Stephen Crowe 1167 Miniature of a lady and child. By Stephen Crowe 1168 Madame Du Barry 1169 Mrs. Dorothy Jordan 1170 Colonel Tufnell Lady Fitzgerald 1171 Paii 1 of Chelsea figures, hunter and huntress 1172 Bow china figure 1173 Chelsea group, shepherd and shepherdess 252 LOAN MUSEUM. Contributed by Lady Fitzgerald— (continued). 1174 Two Chelsea figures, Jewish sacrifice, dove and lamb * 1175 Old Worcester tureen 1176 Old Worcester vase 1177 Two jars and covers and one beaker, Indian china 1178 Three Batavian China vases 1179 Old Worcester cup and saucer Colonel Eyre 1180 One Indian blackwood carved flower vase in four pieces, viz., Cover, bowl, pedestal, and stand. Made at Ahmedabad, Guzerat, Bombay, India, 1855, by a Hindoo carpenter named Jena, then in the employ¬ ment of Major Thomas Eyre, 3rd Bombay Light Cavalry, and paymaster Northern Division Bombay Army. Was exhibited by him at the first Paris exhibition, in 1855, and gained the Emperor’s first medal for carving and design. £60 was offered for it by the Empress of the French. Height of vase, four feet three inches 1181 One Mahomedan “Shah Jehan,’’ model mosque carved in sandalwood, made at same place, and by the same carpenter David Thompson, Esq. 1182 Six lofty china jars and covers, 1183 Mason’s stoneware vase Mrs. Edward Stoppord 1184 Mosaic plaque in case Lady M. Aldwobth 1185 Masonic emblem, set with pastes 1186 Masonic apron, worn formerly by the lady mason, the Hon. Mrs. Aldworth. Michael Scallan, Esq., 1187 Model of a 70 ton trawler, the Commodore, built from this model; won the first prize at the Royal Irish Regattas of 1863 and 1865. 1188 Model of 40 ton lugger. 1189 Draft of a 5 ton yacht, the Blarney, built from these lines ; won first prize at R. I. Regatta, 1861. 1190 Model of a 50 ton yacht. 1191 Draft of a plan for removing kelsons, and replacing same without dis¬ turbing the masts or rigging. 1192 Model of a 250 ton clipper schooner. 1193 Skeleton model of a 1,000 ton slop, on a scale of 3 16th of an inch to foot. Col. Poulett Somerset, C.B., 1194 Two turquoise Sevres Jardinieres. 1195 Two turquoise Sevres vases. 1196 One plate, turquoise. 1197 One small cover and stand, with green. 1198 One small cover and stand, with blue, 1199 Two English cups and saucers. 1200 One old Dresden and cover. LOAN MUSEUM. 253 Contributed by Francis J. Gervais, Esq. 1201 A gold mind or diadem found at Cecil, Co. Tyrone. Mrs. Johnstone. 1202 Five pieces Indian embroidery. Lady Olive Guinness, 1203 Set of Neapolitan coral ornaments'of pale pink coral. The Persian Ambassador, 1204 Two marqueterie jewel cases. 1205 Saddle cloth. Lady Nugent 1206 The Liber Cronicarum. Mrs. Brooke 1207 A pair of oriental china vases, yellow figured ground, ornamented with flowers, and lined with green. William Chaffers, Esq. 1208 A Worcester tea service, transfer painted views and figures, coloured and heightened with gold. 1209 A Worcester tea service, oriental pattern, blue and pink stripes of scrolls and flowers. 1210 A Turner tea set, with brown medallions of figures on white ground, pierced covers. 1211 An oriental tureen, gold ground, elaborately decorated with landscapes, &c. 1212 Two Derby vases, with bands of flowers on gold ground. 1213 Vienna tea pot, beautifully painted with classical subjects, on morone and gold ground. 1214 Turner of Caughley tea set, painted in blue with Chinese figures and landscapes. 1215 Woi’cester cup, with transfer printed tea-party by Hancock. 1216 Dresden plate, painted with the view of a bridge, blue and gold border, from the Stowe Collection. 1217 Chelsea cup, painted with butterflies, insects, and flowers. 1218 Worcester cup, painted with Chinese ladies. 1219 Dresden sugar basin and cover, etched with a diamond with animals and flowers, by Canon Bush of Hildesheim. 1220 Bow China plate, blue ground, white medallions of flowers. 1221 Wedgwood porcelain, two plates painted with birds. 1222 Lowestoft tea-pot and cup and saucer, painted with ships by Allen, the borders by Rose. 1223 Worcester plate, blue dragon. J. M. Kennedy, Esq., 1224 Miniature of Richard, Duke of Tyrconnell. 1225 Medals of Prince Charles Edward Stuart. 1226 Miniature of the Countess' of Vryberge. 1227 Medal given to D. M. Vryberge. 254 LOAN MUSEUM. Contributed by J. M. Kennedy, Esq.—( continued ). 1228 Silver medal of Cardinal York. 1229 Copper medal of Cardinal York. 1230 Miniature of Dr. Fergus. 1231 Miniature of Charles III., King of Spain. 1232 Miniature of Lucius Carey, Lord Viscount Eaulkland. P. W. Kennedy, Esq. 1233 Runjeet Singh and two of his favourite wives. Mbs. Overend. 1234 A deal box, containing Japanese writing case, with cover, tray lid, inner lid slab, water bottle, pens, and piece of Indian ink Oliver Beownbill, Esq. 1235 A pair of old Wedgwood vases, with fin? cameos on blue-grey ground Mbs. Patman. 5236 A piece of needle work in tent stitch, framed and glazed. Subject—“The murder of the Princes in the Tower of London, A.D. 1843.” 1237 A smoking cap, and a cosey. Philip O’Cabeoll Patman, Esq. 1238 A rare Chinese picture in metals, in gilt frame, and two books. 1239 A four-barrelled inferna machine. John Dooling, Esq. 1240 10 specimens of 13th century tiles, fixed in frames ; found in rubbish at Christ Church Cathedral 1241 20 specimens of 14th century tiles, fixed in frames 1242 One Spanish tile 1243 One head in case 1244 Two carved capitals 1245 One piece of carved capital 1246 One stone ware, Bellarmine. The above were found in the restoration of Christ Church Cathedral. Mbb. Aleeed Trevelyan 1247 Venetian coffret de marriage of the 15th century, with carved bone figures, marqueterie borders J. Heywood Hawkins, Esq. 1248 Roman bronze vase, found at Pompeii 1249 Greek bronze helmet, found on the site of the ancient city of Dordona * 1250 Greek bronze greave, found in Greece 1251 Anglo-Saxon silver gilt bowl, ornamented outside with raised scrolls, enclosing mosaics, ending on the lip in animals’ heads ; inside is a circular medallion of gold filigree knobs and scrolls. Pound in the River Witharn LOAN MUSEUM. 255 Contributed by Philip Hardwicke, Esq. 1252 A frame of carved panels of wood (a portion of a casket); subject, “The labours of Hercules.” 16th century 1253 Two frames, containing specimens of iron work of the 15th and 16th centuries Mrs. Eyre 1254 A small lock of the hair, with part of the last waistcoat and garter worn by James II., in frame Trinity College, Dublin 1255 Silver gilt dish, repoussd with cherub’s heads and fruit; on the border inscribed, “ Ex pecunia legata a Doctore Gilbert.” Irish Hall mark, 1743 1256 Silver basket, in form of a shell, the border chased with small shells, high handle. Irish, no date mark 1257 Silver punch bowl, with corona, inscribed, “ Ex dono Plunkett Plunkett, 1702.” English Hall mark, 1609 1258 Silver punch bowl, with corona, inscribed, “Ex dono Pierce Meade, 1708” 1259 Silver tankard, cylindrical. Moses and Edward Hill, 1638 1260 Silver fruit dish, repoussd with flowers. Ex dono Nehamiae Donelan, 1666. 1261 Lofty silver cup and cover, with a crest of a horse’s leg, the gift of William Dunscombe. Irish mark 1680 1262 Lofty silver cup and cover, the gift of William Palliser, 1709; on the top an eagle displayed. Irish mark 1688 1233 Silver salver, the gift of Robert Huntington, 1692 1264 Silver salver, the gift of William Phipps, 1714 1265 Pair of sauce boats and covers, the gift of William Villiers, 1699 1266 Silver penannular fibula with arbutus ends 1267 Gold disc with annulets and bosses in relief 1268 Small silver penannular fibula with triangular ends 1269 Celtic earthen urn, with bosses and rude ornamentation 1270 Curious old glass bottle found in a bog at Killarney 1271 Crozier with staff, ornamental head 1272 Crozier head inlaid with silver 1273 Charter horn of the O’Callaghans, ivory and bronze mounts, inscription round the mouth 1274 Head of a penannular fibula in bronze, finely worked 1275 Celtic bronze sword 1276 Three spear heads 1277 Ten stone celts 1278 Cast of the harp of Brian Boroihme John Hatch, Esq. 1279 Bellewstown Cup, won by Mr. Hatch’s horse Sir Nicholas 1280 Six silver medals of the Louth Farming Society 1281 A presentation medal to Mr. Hatch, in 1755, by Mr. Tipping, on his election 256 LOAN MUSEUM. Contributed by Samuel Swinburne, Esq. 1282 The Sundorne Cup, given as a prize, 1868 1283 The Elsham Cup, 99 99 1869 1284 The Limerick Cup, 5 ) 99 1869 1285 The Coole Cup, 99 99 1869 1286 The Creagh Cup, 99 99 1867 1287 The Ormond Cup, 99 99 1871 Miss Louisa Watkin. 1283 Buhl jewel casket Freemasons’ Lodge (the Prince Masons’ Chapter, Cork). 1289 An original miniature of the Hon. Mrs. Aldworth in oils. 1290 Masonic jewel worn by the Hon. Mrs. Aldworth, deed of gift from Thomas Hewitt, deceased 1291 Letter written by the Hon. Mrs. Aldworth Lev. P. B. Weldon, sen. 1292 Dutch cut glass goblet Dr. W. Frazer 1293 Collection of Irish medals (many of them proofs) struck by Mossop Parks, Woodhouse, and others, in silver, copper, and white metal. 1294 Collection of tiles found in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Abbey of St. Peter and St. Paul, near Trim, &c. —in all 19 specimens. Joseph Johnson, Suffolk-street. 1295 A fac-simile of the early Irish silver cup of the 7tli or Stli century dis¬ covered at Ardagli, Co. Limerick, on the estate of Mr. Gould; enamelled bosses and gold filigree scrolls between, with Runic inscription in niello round the cup of the names of the Apostles. 1296 A brass bowl, with foot and piece of the cup, imperfect, not ornamented ; found with the preceding. 1297 Four penannular fibuke, made of white metal, richly enamelled, oxy- dized and gilt ; from the same trouvaille. Robert Greenhill, Esq.. 1298 The Abercorn Cup, 1869. Presented to the Irish Rifle Association by His Grace the Duke of Abercorn. Shot for in the competition for the selection of the “Irish Eight.” Won by Robert Greenhill. 1299 The Spencer Cup, 1870. Presented to the Irish Rifle Association by His Excellency Earl Spencer. Won by R. Greenhill. 1300 The Spencer Cup, 1871. Presented to the Irish Rifle Association by His Excellency Earl Spencer. Won by Robert Greenhill, Dublin. 1301 The Leinster Challenge Cup. Shot for by the subscribers monthly. Rev. Edward Slaughter. 1302 Silver gilt chalice and paten, with enamelled medallions, richly chased and Bet with stones. Copied from a chalice of the 14th century. 1303 Bronze Medal of Pope Pius IX. Ob. his bust; rev. the interior of the Vatican. LOAN MUSEUM. 257 Contributed by Mbs. R. Hates, 1304 A Japanese gentleman’s dress. 1305 A Japanese prayer-book. 1306 A map of Yokohama. 1307 Sixteen coloured Japanese prints. Mbs. Pollen. 1308 Three pieces of embroidery. Mbs. Redmond. 1309 Canton crape shawl. The Queen’s Institute of Pemale Professional Schools, 25, Molesworth-st., Dublin. Work executed by the students. 1310 Three water colour paintings of flowers from nature. 1311 Two painted photographs—Madonna della Sedia ; madonna photographed from a statue in the possession of the late Yery Rev. Dr. Spratt. 1312 Three frames of illuminated borders. 1313 One frame of floral borders for albums. 1314 Three frames of engravings on wood. 1315 One engrossed deed of conveyance. 1316 One engrossed pedigree. Sib Robebt Peescott Stewaet, 1317 Portrait of Sir Robert Prescott Stewart. John Hamilton, Esq. Collection of Wedgwood :— 1318 Two square stands, with rams’ heads, blue. 1319 Round stand, with figures of the Muses, blue, with green border. 1320 Two upright oval plaques, with a Muse on each, blue. 1321 Horizontal oval plaque, with figure of Hylas and the Eagle, blue. 1322 Three Vases, with Venus and Cupids, chariot and swans on the largest of the three ; blue and white, with covers, , 1323 A small Vase, blue. No cover. 1324 A large black Etruscan Vase. 1325 A box, ornamented with small Wedgwood Cameos (white) on the lid. Three trays inside, containing 26 medallions of different sizes. 1326 Nine black medallions ; six with brass rims and three without. 1327 Two blue medallions in frames. 1328 A set of blue Wedgwood ornaments :—necklace, bracelet, ear-ring, and brooch. 1329 Four pieces of Dessert Service ; lustre ware. 1330 A blue Vase, with quatre foil pattern in green. No cover. 1331 A Tea-pot, blue. I 258 LOAN MUSEUM. Contributed by John Hamilton, Esq.—( continued). 1332 A Bowl, and Cup and Saucer, blue. 1333 A Jug, blue. 1334 An Ewer, small handle (broken), dark blue. 1335 A bust of Marlborough, black. 1336 A bust of Mercury, black. 1337 A Vase, imitation of marble. 1338 A white cameo head of Medusa. Mrs. William Stokes, 1339 Three small blue and white Wedgwood Medallions, mounted in gold as a necklace. 1340 A blue and white Wedgwood Medallion, mounted in gold as a pendant, Mrs. Shelley, 1341 Pair of Indian fans. Rev. James Jones, 1342 Battersea enamel snuff-box, in form of a ship, 1343 Silver Derry Apprentice Boys’ Medal, Colonel Meadows Taylor 1344 Two silver salvers, presented to the Rev. Philip Taylor by the members of Eustace-street Congregation, Dublin, 1828. Irish Hall mark for the year 1828 1345 An Indian silver salver 1346 An old Irish silver salver. Date, 1698 1347 A silver mug, repoussd with the seasons. Spanish work 1348 A silver salver, engraved with crest. Irish, 1769 Mrs. Joyce. 1349 Spanish dollar of Ferdinand II. 1350 Gold five guinea piece of Charles II. The Rev. Richard Johnston. 1351 Miniature of Sir Joshua Reynolds. By Mulrennen. W. C. Cornwall, Esq. 1352 Gold repeating watch, with figures striking the hours on the dial. 1353 Battersea enamel double snuff-box. 1354 Pair of shell-shaped enamel snuff-boxes. 1355 German enamel cup on ormolu stem and foot. 1356 Wedgwood earring, mounted in gold. 1357 German enamelled silver snuff-box, painted on the lid with Lot and his daughters. 1358 Naples coffee-pot, sugar basin, and cream ewer. 1359 Pair of 6cent-bottles, with raised flowers. LOAN MUSEUM. 259 Contributed by W. C. Cornwall, Esq—( continued ). 1360 Pair of bleu du roi tases and Covers, mounted ifi oftnoiu. 1361 Dresden porcelain pipe bowl, painted with Ariadne. 1362 Pair of Dresden flasks, painted with garden scenes. 1363 Filligree silver frame and miniature. 1364 Silver gilt snuff-box, chased with classical subjects. 1365 Stone snuff-box, with mosaic of the Colosseum on the lid. 1366 Dresden stick handle in form of a Russian. Mrs. Elizabeth Morrison. 1367 Lofty silver dpergne of pierced work, with chased scrolls and flowers in relief, resting on four scroll feet: a centre basket, and four branches for condiments ; Irish. Dublin Hall mark, 1769. 1368 Silver cup and cover, two handles, chased with vine leaves and grapes, fluted base. 1369 Three silver two-handled cups, chased with cupids, grapes, and scrolls. 1370 Silver butter dish, cover, and stand, chased with flowers and birds. 1371 Silver basin, with band of roses and leaves. 1372 Silver sugar basin, with punched ornament. 1373 Silver sugar basin on three legs, chased with scrolls of flowers. 1374 Pair of small taper candlesticks. Mrs. Fitzgerald. 1735 Carved Chinese shell. Lord Clonbrock. 1376 Oval gold snuff-box, purple enamel, 1377 Oval gold snuff-box, with interlacing bands and coloured flowers. 1378 Square gold snuff-box, English make, coloured gold border of Scrolls. 1379 Gold musical snuff-box, with piping bull-finch, enamelled medallion on the cover, a watch in front. George Schoales, Esq. 1380 The cap and gloves worn by King Charles the First at his execution. Rev. James Jones. 1381 An antique watch. 1382 Ring with miniature. 1383 Pair of old shoe-buckles. Miss Mabel Hall-Dare. 1385 Small Battersea enamel snuff-box. 1386 Battersea enamel patch-box. Captain Sterling. 1387 Oval silver snuff-box, with neatly worked borders—Amsterdam make. 1388 Oval silver toilet box, engraved with cipher, surrounded with cupids and scrolls. English, temp., Anne. 1389 Gold snuff-box, square, engine turned, with highly finished painting on the cover of Britannia (supposed to be a portrait of the beautiful Miss Gunning). 260 LOAN MUSEUM. Contributed by Captain Sterling— {continued). 1390 Square black stone snuff-box, with gold appliqud flowers and scrolls, in coloured gold, set with diamonds and rubies. Temp., Louis XIV. 1391 Gold snuff-box, blue enamel ground ; the cover painted on enamel, with a girl reclining on a couch, and cupid with a rose (French). Temp., First Empire. Bought at the Empress Eugenie’s sale. 1392 Russian silver nielloed snuff-box. 1393 Crystal cup and cover, oviform, fluted, with enamelled borders, supported by a stork of old enamel, Crystal foot. Italian, sixteenth century. 1394 Chinese carved tortoiseshell snuff-box. 1395 Small silver gilt bowl, with two handles projecting from the lip, chased with flowers. Lady Olive Guinness. 1396 Gold bracelet formed of six Roman gold coins of the Ceesars—two of Nero, two of Vespasian, one of Domitian, and one of Hadrian; set with turquoise links between. Sir Arthur Guinness, Bart. 1397 Silver inkstand, with tripod of terminal figures, the cover surmounted by cupid reading—a copy of “Petrarch’s Inkstand.” 1398 Pair of Dresden vases and covers supported by three children; the vase with coloured figures in relief. 1399 Ancient Chinese duck, standing on a water lily ; coloured after nature. 1400 Letter-box, with cupids on the angles ; the panels handsomely carved with scrolls. 1401 Sevres china smelling bottle, painted with garden scene and pastoral figures ; modern mount, set with turquoises. 1402 Early Irish bronze bell of large dimensions, square, with handle on the top. 1403 Ancient Irish horse’s bit of bronze, originally gilt. 1404 Painting on porcelain, “ Huss before the Tribunal.” Painted by L. Eckardt, Bamberg. 1405 Painting on porcelain, “ The Rape of the Sabines,” after Rubens, by C. M einelt. Mrs. Caldwell, Grange, Co. Meath. 1406 Bracelet of Lapis lazuli, the gift of H. M. Queen Adelaide, to Emma Sophia Countess Brownlow. Mounted in chased gold scroll work. 1407 Bracelet of Lapis-lazuli, mounted in gold. 1408 Bog-oak Blotting-book, the carvings copied from the Cave of New Grange, Co. Meath. 1409 Bog-oak Envelope Case. 1410 Bog-oak Letter-scales. 1411 Bog-oak Paper-weight, with Runic border and pebble from the beach, Wicklow. 1412 Bog-oak Box for postage stamps. 1413 Bog-oak Stand for seals, &c. 1414 Silver Inkstand and Tray, modelled from an old Italian pattern. Mrs. Browne. 1415 Miniature of Margaret Percy, Duchess of Newcastle, 1672. 1416 Mary Stuart, when Queen of France. Mrs. Henry Roe. 1417 Embroidered Indian Scarf. Sir William Wilde. 1418 Cluster Restoration of the Shrine of St. Monchan. 1H9 Inlaid Marble Top of a Table. LACE : COLLECTION. Contributed by Her Majesty the Queen. 1500 Flounce for Alb, Sicilian lace, 17th century, 4 yds. 10 in. X 194 * n -> having the initials of Queen Maria Leczinska. Mrs. Braddell. 1501 Lappet, point de Binche, Flanders. Miss Caldwell, Audley-square, London. 1502 Veil, Brussels applique vrai r6seau, date 1802. Mrs. Cooper, 73, Lower Leeson-street. 1503 One piece Italian linen lace, 1504 One piece gold lace. Countess op Charlemont, Marino. 1505 Two lappets point d’Angleterre. 1506 Two lappets rose point. 1507 One piece point d’Alenyon. 1508 One Venetian point flounce 3£ yds. X 20 —presented by Napoleon I. to Cardinal Fesch. Mrs. Colles, Upper Mount-street. 1509 Piece old lace in process of being worked, as left by an old Huguenot lady 200 years ago ; also the materials used. 1510 Piece of gold lace, commenced by the same lady. Mrs. Cooper, 73, Lower Leeson-street. 1511 One piece Italian linen work. Mrs. Cornwall, Harcourt-street. 1512 Lappet. Old English point. Lady Cunynghame, Mount Dillon, Koebuck 1513 Lace lappet, point d’Angleterre. Lady Drake, 12, Prince’s Gardens. 1514 Lace (point de Venise) cape, formerly belonging to Queen Marie Antoinette. 1515 Point lace flounce. Italian rose point, 4 yds. 34J in. long, 3| in. wide; 16th century. 1516 Rose point flounce, Venetian ; 16th century—4J yds. long, 24 in. wide. 1517 Spanish point a l’Aiguille flounce, 17th century ; 4£ yds. long, 26 in. wide, 1518 Cover Italian, 16th century work; If yds. long, 40 in. wide. 1519 Cover Italian, 16th century work, yds. long by 1| yd. wide. 1520 Spanish gold wire lace, 16th century, 3 yds. long. 262 LACE COLLECTION. Contributed by Countess op Erne, Croxn Castle. 1521 One piece old Valenciennes, If X 2 in. 1522 One piece, Brussels point, f X 3 in., If X 2 in. 1523 Two lappets, point d’Alen§on. Mrs. Ferguson, 20, North Great George’s-street. 1524 One piece old Brussels, 2 yds. X 3 in. 1525 One Berthe, old rose point. 1526 One Berthe, point de Venise. Miss Finlayson, 19, Herbert-place. 1527 Collar, Flanders lace transferred. 1528 Lappet, Flanders, vrai reseau. 1529 Piece, old pillow lace, 1 yd. X 3 in. Mrs. Ffoeliott, Holybrook, Boyle 1530 Square table cover, Greek lace Italian work Mrs. Fitzgerald, 54, Upper Mount-street. 1532 One piece Italian guipure Mrs. Forbes, 4, Coates-crescent, Edinburgh 1533 One pair of lappets, point d’Alengon, 23 inches by inches 1534 One pair of lappets, point d’Alengon, 34 inches by 5 inches 1535 One pair of lappets, point d’Alengon, 34 inches by 5 inches 1538 Piece of point d’Alengon, 1 yard 33 inches long 1537 Piece of point d’Alengon, 2 yards 7 inches long .1538 One entire set of finest Flanders point, in 18 pieces Mrs. Gore 1539 Lace embroidery, as commenced by an ancestress, in 1739 Mrs. Edward Geale, 27, Lower Leeson-street 1540 Cape, Venetian point 1541 Piece rose guipure, of yards by 4 inches 1542 Cap, Venetian point Lady Olive Guinness 1543 One flounce, black Chantilly 1544 One flounce, white Brussels 1545 One piece, Brussels trimming Dowager Viscountess Gort, Merrion-square 1546 Scarf, Chantilly black 1547 One piece point d’Argentan 1548 One piece Hcfniton 1546 Two pieces Mechlin 1550 One fichu, Brussels application 1551 One collar, point d’Angletefre 1552 Two pieced gold laee 1553 One collarette, Honiton lace LACE COLLECTION, 263 Contributed by Mbs. Seed, Avoca Lodge, Blackrock, 1554 One square veil ; one piece. Darned lace, Flemish Mbs. Jaspeb Jolt, Rathmines-road 1555 One scarf, Brussels’ appliqud, worn at the marriage of Princess Charlotte Mabchioness of Kildaee, Carton, Maynooth 1556 Cap, point d’Angleterre 1557 Cap, old Spanish rose point 1558 Pelerine, point d’Alenfon Mbs. Kiekpatbick, Donncomper, Celbridge 1559 Piece, old Italian pillow lace, 3^ yards by 3 inches Miss Langeishe, Ballyduff, Kilkenny 1560 Piece Italian braid lace, 1| yard by 3^ inches 1561 Piece Mechlin, 2 yards by 3 inches 1562 Piece darned lace, last century, 2 yards by 3 inches 1563 Piece English point, 2 yards by 2^ inches 1564 Pair Mechlin point lappets 1565 Piece Old Valenciennes, 1J yard by 2 inches * 1566 Piece Urlings lace Miss Laffan, 33, Molesworth-street. 1567 One collar, old Venetian point 1568 Lappet to match Mbs. Maccallum, 47, Bedford Gardens, London. 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 One piece Point de Veniee, 7 in by 5 in. 17th century One chalice veil—Punto }n Aria Six chalice veils—Italian One chalice veil, Punto di Milano, in silk. 17th century One flounce for alb, Punto di Milano, 17th century, two yards. One piece, Genoese point, Church lace, two yards, 8 in. by 12 in. One piece Rococo, three yards, by 5 in. One piece Rococo, one yard, 4 in. by 4| in. Trimming for altar cloth, Genoese. 17th century. 10| feet by 4J in. One piece of Venice flat-point, 16 in. by 21 in. 17th century One piece Venice Punto in Aria, insertion. J7th century. Two feet jn, by 5 ip. One piece Venice, Punto in A^a, Vandyke edge. 17th century. One yard by 3^ in. One linen pillow cover, Punto in Aria. 17th century One piece Venetian embroidery, 17th century, 15 in. by 12 in. One Venetian embroidery, 18 in. by 18 ip. One top of a sheet, Italian embroidery, 17th century, 6 fgpt $ jp, by 2 feet 2 in. One fringed Venetian embroidery, 21 in, long 264 LACE COLLECTION. Contributed by Mbs. Maccallum—( continued ). 1586 One fringed Venetian embroidery, 22 in. long 1587 One Italian embroidery, 6 in. by 44 in. 1588 One square Laciswork, Italian, 16 in. 1589 One Italian Laciswork, 2 feet 4 in. by 11 in. 1590 One Italian pillow lace, 4 feet 10 in. 1591 One Italian applique work, on hand-made net, 4 feet long 1592 One Venetian rose point, 17th century, 2 feet 3 in. by 4 in 1593 One Venetian rose point, 9 in. by If in. 1594 One Venetian Punto in Aria, 204 in. 1595 One Punto in Aria, 5 in. by 4 in. 1596 Fiounce for alb, Flemish lace, 9 feet 5 in. 1597 Stomacher, Flemish point, 9 in. by 6 in. 1598 Coarse Venetian point, 18 in. 1599 Flemish point, 10 in. by 8 in. 1600 Flemish point, 10 in. by 3 in. 1601 Flemish point, 13 in. by 2f in. 1602 Point d’ Alen^on ruffle, belonged to Marie Antoinette, 2 feet 8 in. by 34 in. 1603 Piece vandyked Punto in Aria, 1 foot 10 in. by 7 in. 1604 Linen embroidered in coloured silk, Italian, 1 yard Lady O’ Hagan. 1605 Three pieces old Valenciennes Miss O’Conob, 6, Herbert-street. 1606 One piece old Devonshire, 2 yards by 3 in. Mbs. Buby Palliseb, 33, Kussell-road, London, W. 1607 Piece of point d’Alen$on, powdered with bees, part of the curtain of the bed furniture made on the occasion of the marriage of Napoleon I. with Marie Louise, 1 square foot 1608 Piece Point d’Argentan, 15 in. by 6 in. 1609 Piece of Mechlin, made at Caen, 1845, 1 yard 25 in. by 4 in. 1610 Piece guipure, pillow made, probably Flemish, 1 yard 33 in. by 8 in. 1611 Infant’s cap, old Valenciennes Mbs. John Hungeefoed Pollen, 11, Pembridge Crescent, London. 1612 Cape, Italian pillow lace 1613 Border for an altar cloth, Laciswork, Italian. 17th century ! 1614 Piece Italian church lace, Punto di Milano 1615 Piece Flemish point Lady Plunket. 1616 Parasol cover, modern Brussels. 1617 Sleeve trimming, old French lace. 1618 Two black veils, modern Brussels 1619 Two pieces black Spanish lace. LACE COLLECTION. 265 Contributed by Mrs. George Roe, Nutley, Donnybrook, 1620 One flounce, old Flanders, 4£ yards X 14 in. Do. do. 4 yards X 27 in. Mrs. Henry Roe, Mount Anville Park, Dundrum, 1621 Shawl, modern Brussels, black. 1622 One flounce, modern Brussels, point, 5J yards X 23 in. 1623 One flounce, old Flanders, 4J yards X 22 in. 1624 One piece trimming lace, Lille, 3| yards X 6 in. Do. do. Mechlin, 2£ yards X 5 in. Do. do. do. 4 yard X 4 in. 1625 One piece modern Brussels, 4 yard by 5 in. 1626 One pair old silk long gloves. Baroness Mayer de Rothschild, 107, Piccadilly, 1627 3 yards point d’Alen§on, 34 yards wide. 1628 6 yards point d’Alen§on, 6 inches wide, formerly belonged to Queen Charlotte. 1629 4yards Italian guipure, 64 inches wide. Mrs. John Sankey, 1630 One piece Tuscan lace. 1531 Old Brussels point, 3 yards X 3 in. Miss Shelley, Island-bridge, 1632 One handkerchief, modern Brussels, application. Her Excellency Countess Spencer, Dublin Castle, 1633 Flounce, 74 yards X 21 in., old Brussels point, and trimming 74 yards X 7 in. to match, supposed to have been Maria Antoinette’s, formerly in possession of the late Jane Clarke, and purchased of Mr. Rathborne, South Audley-street. 1634 Scarf, old Mechlin. 1635 Shawl, old Brussels appliquA 1636 Pointed scarf, old Brussels. 1637 Lappet, old point d’Alen§on. 1638 Berthe, point de Valenciennes. 1639 Lappet, joined, fine old Brussels. 1640 Lappet, modern Brussels. 1641 Modern Brussels, black half square. 1642 Modern Spanish, black scarf. Mrs. Trevelyan, 5, Fitzwilliam-square, E., Dublin, 1643 Flemish cushion lace altar trimming. 1644 Contadine’s apron, filet guipure. 1945 Point de Venise guipure. 1646 Point d’Alen 5 on. 1647 Punto di Burano. LACE COLLECTION. 266 Contributed by Mrs. Trevelyan—( continued .) 1648 Italian cushion lace (thick). 1649 Italian cushion lace'(sleeve). 1650 Vandyke collar, cut work. 1651 Fine Italian tape lace. 1652 Altar trimmings embroidered; 1653 Point, Rosaline di V enise. 1654 Punto nell’ aria< 1655 Point di Venise guipure. 1656 Finest Venetian guipure. 1657 Point d’Espagne. 1658 Italian embroidery. 1659 Flemish curtain lace. 1660 Italian lace. 1661 Italian cut work. 1662 Scalloped curtain lace. 1663 Modern Brussels lace collar. Miss Taaffe, 24, Hatch-street, 1664 Black Spanish lace. Almagro. 1665 Do. Chantilly. 1666 White Spanish. Hon. Mrs. Smyth Vereker, 14, Dawson-street. 1667 One flounce, 8 yards X 12 in., point d’Alen 5 on. ' 1668 One piece old rose point, 2 yards X 5 in. 1669 One piece point de Venise, \\ yards X 6 in. Mrs. White, Killakee, Rathfarnham, 1670 Cap, old rose point. Mrs. Wybrants, 1671 Two pieces antique lace, worked by an ancestress. Miss Waddell, Queen’s Institute, 1672 A collar, point Alen§on. Mrs. Johnson, Chippenham, 1672a Piece of trimming, d’Argentan. Lady Rachel Butler, Drumcondra Castle, 1672b Lappet, old Valenciennes. Mrs. Joyce, Rahasane Park, Co. Galway, 1672c Piece old Brussels application. 1672d Piece point d’Angleterre. LACE COLLECTION. 267 IRISH REPRODUCTIONS OF OLD LACES. Contributed by Miss Keane, Cappoquin House. 1673 One piece rose point. 1674 One piece point coupd. 1675 Italian point. 1676 Do. 1677 Half rose point. (For Sale.) Made at the Cappoquin Lace School. Miss Harnett, Queen’s Institute, 1678 Collar, Irish point. Sisters of Mercy, Kinsale. 1679 One collar Genoa point. 1680 One head-dress point, cushion braid Convent, New Loss. 1681 One collar Venetian point. Presentation Convent, Youghal. 1682 Part of flounce, Irish point lace, Man, at the schools. Convent, Tallow, 1683 Two flounces black Maltese, 6 yards X 18 in. and 6 yards X 15 in. 1684 Parasol cover 1685 One alb trimming, white Limerick lace Carrickmacross, Bath, and Shirley Estate School. 1686 Two pieces Irish appliqud. 1687 Two pieces Irish guipure. Countess of Erne’s School. 1688 Frame of Valenciennes lace—specimens \ " • •"> ' >' 1 . V > '•) »* • ' ' i <. . ! ; , i . i > ( -1 .■ *0 ■ . o- ‘ v ,, '■ 1 f.i t ( COLLECTION OF FANS. Contributed by Her Majesty the Queen 1689 Square glass case, containing :—Early German fan—painted on vellum, a pastoral scene ; stick , ivory, painted, a domestic scene, imitation Vemis Martin. Given to the Queen by H. R. H. the Prince Consort; from the collection of fans at Gotha 1690 Small dress fan—time of Louis XIV., ivory, richly painted and gilt; subjects in Cartouches; back, a vintage; finely decorated in Vemis Martin. Formerly belonged to Queen Marie Antoinette 1691 Italian fan, early 18th century— mount , vellum ; subject, a highly-finished copy of the “Aurora” of Guido; on the back, a figure of “Hope," with cupids bearing a wreath of flowers ; stick , ivory, with the guards delicately carved, the decoration surrounding the handle with a wreath when closed. Formerly belonged to Queen Charlotte. 1692 French fan, imitation Chinese— mount , painted on vellum, in raised lac: stick , ivory, decorated in lac ; guards, English, silver, gilt and jewelled. Formerly belonged to Queen Adelaide Mrs. Alley, Hill of Ward 1693 Fan, carved ivory, lace pattern, initials in medallion Miss Allies 1694 Fan—grotesque figures, etched on white silk Miss F. Bowden, 32 Thurloe-square, London 1695 English ivory fan, late, 18th century ; finely carved and pierced, with medallions painted by T Angelica Kauffman ; studs, jewelled Countess of Charlemont, Marino, Clontarf 1696 Fan— mount , skin, painted, Guido’s “ Auroraon the other side, a land¬ scape : sticks , mother of pearl, carved with figures of the muses, surrounded with gold work: guards richly carved with figures. Signed, Leonardo Germo, 1752 1697 Fan— mount , skin, classical subject; sticks , mother of pearl, carved in figures 1698 Fan, ivory, carved; guards , filligree gold, set with rubies and diamonds, very fine 1699 French pocket fan, horn, pierce work, painted with flowers 1700 French pocket fan, tortoiseshell, carved cartouche and medallion, carved figures 1701 Pocket fan, carved ivory cartouche, with figures, and medallion with initials 1702 Pocket fan, carved ivory figures 1703 Pocket fan, metal, pierced, decorated with enamel 270 FAN COLLECTION. Contributed by Miss Caldwell, Audley-square, London. 1704 Fan— mount, chicken skin, classical subject, procession ; sticks, ivory, inlaid with mother-of-pearl; gold figures in app'lique; studs, diamonds guards, gold and silver figures. Old French Mrs. Tankerville Chamberlain, Clifton House, Monkstown 1705 Fan— mount, silk, painted with figures, spangled 1706 Fan, painted with a sacrifice, ship, birds, &c.; sticks, ivory 1707 Fan— mount, painted, children, cupids, Vulcan forging armour ; \tick& } carved ivory Miss Caldwell 1708 Japanese fan, figures embroidered, faces painted in ivory; sticks, sandal wood, carved Hon. Lady Cdnynghame, Mount Dillon, Roebuck 1709 Antique Spanish fa n — mount , a festive scene; sticks , pearl figures, em¬ bossed with gold Miss Corlett, 18 Upper Leeson-street 1710 Fan, modern Spanish— mount , paper, painted; sticks, carved mether-of pearl; studs, opal - Countess op Erne, Crom Castle 1711 Fan, ivory carved, Chinese, very fine 1712 Pocket fan, tortoise-shell carved Mrs. Ffolliott, Clarinda Park, 1713 Fan, carved ivory, lace work on ground, birds in medallions Mrs. Edward Geale, Leeson-street 1714 Fan— Mount paper, mourning for Marie Antoinette used by the ladies of her court, represents the four seasons : summer—nymphs and cupids playing with flowers ; winter—an old man warming his hands at the fire, cupids in cloaks. Sticks, ivory pierced, enamel ornament 1715 Fan— Mount, paper, garden scene ; sticks, mother of pearl pierced, orna¬ mented with gold foil, studs, diamonds. Qld French Dowager Viscountess Gort, 12, Merrion-square, N. 1716 Fan— Mount, garden scene catching butterflies ; carved mother of pearl sticks ; guard, cut-steel flowers, amethysts in setting Miss Gray, Temple-street Upper 1717 Fan—Modern Chinese ; mount, feathers painted; sticks, carved ivory ; string tied with Celtic knot Mrs. Humphries, Ballyhaise, County Cavan 1718 Fan— Mount , Japanese embroidery ; sticks , lac painted with figures Mrs. Jasper Jolt, 38, Rathmines-road 1719 Pocket fan—carved ivory ; figures, Chinese Marchioness op Kildare, Carton, Maynooth 172Q Fan— Mount, kid ; old French, Watteau scene • sticks , mother of pearl embossed with gold 1721 Fan— Mount, feathers ; sticks, carved tortoise-shell. Taken from the Summer Palace, Pekin. Strings tied in a Celtic knot FAN COLLECTION. 271 Contributed by Mrs. Kirkpatrick, Donncomper, Celbridge 1722 Fan—Modern Spanish, foil work on crdpe Mrs. A. F. Lloyd 1723 Fan—Japanese embroidered ; subject, a festival; sticky carved ivory ; guards, richly carved with figures, flowers, &c. Mrs. Styleman L’Estrange, Hunstanton Hall, Lynn 1724 Old Chinese fan, ivory, delicately pierced, carved and gilt; lace pattern, with birds and flowers. Formerly belonged to the Empress Charlotte of Mexico Mrs. Maccalldm, Bedford Gardens, London W. 1725 Italian fan, 18th century; mount, chickenskin painted, views of Naples; stick , tortoise-shell, pique gold Mrs. Montefiore, 4 Great Stanhope-street, May Fair 1726 Fan — Mount, paper figures ; sticks, mother of pearl figures embossed in gold; guards, inlaid with plaques in porcelain painted, two with figures, two with flowers. Mrs. C. Lloyd Norman, 1 Cromwell-place, London W. 1727 Spanish dress fan 18th century— Mount, vellum painted on both sides; stick, tortoise-shell pierced with figures in gold and silver, studs, opals 1728 Modern dress fan— Mount , Guipure over blue satin ; Stick, mother of pearl finely carved Mrs. Overend, Kutland-squarO 1729 Fan, carved ivory, medallions MfcS. John HungerFoRd Pollen, 11 PembHdge Crescent, London 1730 Large Indian fan, 18th century, Madras, sandalwood, pierced guards and handles finely carved 1731 Old Chinese fan, sandalwood, pierced and very finely carved on both sides 1732 Old Chinese fan, lac, embossed and gilt with figure subjects on both sides 1733 French fan, 18th century— Mount, vellum painted, a pastoral scene ; stick, ivory pierced, carved, and gilt; studs jewelled Miss O’.Conor, Herbert-street. 1734 Carved ivory pocket fan. Mas. GeGRGe Ke&nie, §0, Lowndes-street, London. 1735 Spanish fan, 18th century, mount kid, painted; stick, ivory and mother of pearl, richly decorated, carved, painted, and gilt; studs, emeralds. • 1736 French fan, 18th century, mount silk, painted, with spangles ; stick, ivory, pierced, carved and ornamented with variegated gold ; studs, jewelled. 1737 Italian fan, beginning of 19th century, mount satin, printed in colours, and richly decorated with spangles; stick , plain ivory pierced, inlaid in variegated gold and steel. 1738 Japanese fan, modern, mount tinted paper, painted. “A river sfcehh, with figures ;” stick, cane ; guards, imitation bamboo green, with flowers, inlaid with mother of pearl. To a tassel an ivOry ball is attached, inlaid with flowers, insects, &c. 272 FAN COLLECTION. Contributed by Baroness Mater Rothschild, 107, Piccadilly. 1739 Fan, French, modern mount , point d’Alen§on, lined blue ; stick and guards, jewelled ivory. 1740 Fan, Vernis Martin, French, 18th century, ivory, painted. Subject, “A Marriage.” 1741 Fan, French, 18th century, ivory painted, Vernis Martin. Subject, “ Jephtha’s Daughter.” 1742 Fan, English, 18th century, mount, silk, painted and spangled; stick, ivory, finely carved and gilt; studs, jewelled. 1743 French dress fan, 18th century, mount silk, painted and spangled ; stick, mother of pearl, carved and gilt. 1744 Spanish fan, 18th century, mount, painted; stick, mother of pearl, carved and gilt. 1745 Dutch fan, 18th century, mount, painted. Subject, “Bird Catching;” stick, ivory, pierced and gilt, and enriched with mother of pearl. , • 1746 French fan, mount, vellum, painted, altar of Hymen, 18th century; stick, mother of pearl, carved and gilt; studs, jewelled. 1747 French fan, mount, vellum, painted, Watteau subject; stick, mother of pearl, carved and gilt; studs, turquoises. Joseph Sandell, Esq., H.M. Stationery Office, Prince’s-street, ^Westminster, London. 1748 Dress fan, 17th century, mount, painted on silk, the figures, &c., outlined in gold ; stick, ivory, finely pierced, decorated with figures raised in relief, and gilt with variegated gold, the guards enriched with miniatures. 1749 Early English, mount, silk, decorated with flowers and spangles; stick, ivory, pierced and carved. 1750 Dress fan, 18th century, mount, painted in three tableaux, with insects, wreaths of flowers, and two bird cages, the open wire work contrived as peep-holes for the wearer; stick, mother of pearl, with gilt ornament, signed, Peint et montd par F. Sulz a l’aigle a Winterthur, 1780. 1751 Small fan, early 19th century, mount, English vellum, centre with figures, musical instruments, and Pompeian ornaments ; stick, Italian ivory and tortoise shell, curiously carved and painted ; guards, piqud silver. 1752 English fan, end of 18th century ; mount paper, painted with the laws of the game of whist; sticks, cedar wood. 1753 English fan, end of 18th century, mount paper. “New Church Fan.” Painted with the Ten Commandments, &c. ; sticks, cedar wood. 1754 Neapolitan fan, middle of 18th century, mount, painted on paper, backed with chicken skin. “ An eruption of Mount Vesuvius ;” sticks, ivory, ornamented with gold. 1755 French fan, modern, mount paper painted : sticks, mother of pearl, carved, painted with flowers, &c., enriched with gold. 1756 French pocket fan, 18th century, horn pierced, painted flowers in colour, both sides. Mrs. Hall Stirling, Gardiner’s-place 1757 Fan, carved ivory r R. H. Soden Smith, Esq., South Kensington Museum 1758 Pocket ivory fan, Chinese, pierced, and delicately carved with flowers, &c. FAN COLLECTION 273 Contributed by Miss Taaffe, 24, Hatch-street 1759 Pocket fan, Japanese lace. Mrs. Wall, Wallscourt 1760 Fan,carved ivory 1761 Fan, Japanese lac Mrs. W atkin 1762 Fan— mount, paper figures in a landscape ; stick, ivory inlaid with gold foil, formerly belonged to Marie Antoinette Mrs. White, Killakee, Rathfarnham 1763 English Fan— mount silk, garden scene, family portraits in cartouches, surrounded with gold spangles ; sticks, figures, gold appliqud h jour, guards, gold figures, studs, diamonds, very old and curious Miss Wilson, 54, Stanhope Gardens, South Kensington 1764 Fan, chicken skin, mount, etching, fair scene; sticks, mother of pearl painted in enamel with figures Lady Wyatt, Tavistock-place, London 1765 English fan, about 1760, mount, vellum, painted with pastoral group; stick, pierced and painted 1766 English Fan, early 18th century, mount, vellum, painted—“Rebekah and Eleazar ;” stick, ivory, centre, mother of pearl, carved gilt figures and foliage 1767 English fan, middle of 18th century; mount, vellum, painted, “The Fortune-teller ;” stick, ivory, richly carved figures and gilt foliage 1768 English fan, middle of the 18th century; mount, vellum, painted, “The Sportsman’s Return ;” stick, ivory, pierced and carved 1769 English fan, early 18th century ; mount, vellum, painted with pastoral group, flowers, &c. ; stick, ivory, curiously carved, Harlequin and Columbine, dogs and birds. 1770 German fan ; mount, vellum, painted, “Jacob and Rachel; stick, ivory, pierced and carved 1771 English fan, about 1770 ; mount, paper, gaily painted and decorated, a group with flowers, &c. ; stick, ivory carved open work, gilt and painted, guards decorated with embossed variegated gold; studs, jewelled. (Made by Clarke of Ludgate-hill) 1772 Supposed English, last half of 18th century ; mount, vellum, Watteau sub¬ ject ; stick, ivory, plain, guards, pique, silver and small mother-of- pearl inlays 1773 Old Chinese fan ; mount, paper, a landscape, with Chinese bow and arrow, sportsman ; stick, mother-of-pearl carved and engraved. 1774 Large English fan, early 18th century; mount, paper painted, English • merry-making, dancing, &e. ; stick, ivory carved, birds and flowers, painted and gilt; guards, mother-of-pearl, carved and painted 1775 English dress fan, about 1770, mount, paper and silk, painted dancing group, cupids, flowers, &c., spangled ; stick, ivory inlaid with silver, profiles in gold. (Made by Clarke, of Ludgate-hill) 1776 English fan, 1775 ; mount, silk, centre medallion, painted in body-colours with musical instruments, wreaths, &c., decorated with coloured spangles ; stick, ivory, carved and gilt in variegated gold gold ; guards enamelled and embossed. (Presented to Lady Wyatt’s grandmother on her wedding.) 274 FAN COLLECTION. Contributed by Lady Wyatt —( continued) 1777 English fan, mount, skin, painted by Sir Digby Wyatt, ‘'The Triumphs of Love,” in three medallions, with cupids, flowers, &c.; stick, ivory, finely carved, gilt, and painted ; studs, turquoise. 1778 English dress fan, about 1770, mount, silk, painted, rural subjects in three cartouches, bordered with spangles and flowers in tambour work; stick, ivory, pierced, and ornamented with carved and gilt figures and flowers. 1779 Small ivory fan, Chinese, pierced and delicately carved with flowers, &c. 1780 French fan, Louis XYI, mount, silk, spangled and decorated with groups of flowers and musical instruments ; stick, ivory, plain gilt. 1781 English fan, end of 18th century, mount, vellum, “Shepherd and Shepherdess,” emblems of industry, &c. ; stick, mother-of-pearl, decorated with raised gilding. 1782 English fan, middle of 18th century, 'mount', veilum, a pastoral group, landscape medallions ; stick , ivory carved. 1783 English fan, middle of 18th fcentury, mount, vellum painted, a pastoral group, with fruit and flowers ; stick, ivory, carved in open work foliage, &c.; studs, jewelled. 1784 German fan, 18th century, mount, silk, with lace peep-holes, doves painted in centre, with flowers, &c. ; stick, open-work ivory, with gilding; guards, plain ivory. 1785 English fan, about 1800, mount., painted vellum, centre, a classic landscape, and lozenges, with cupids, flowers, and emblems, gilt; stick, ivory, pierced, spangled, and gilt; guards, open-work on mother-of-pearl; studs jewelled. 1786 English fan, middle of 18th century, ‘mount, painted on silk, centre, a pastoral; sides, landscapes, groups of gilt flowers, spangles, &c.; stick, ivory, inlaid with silver. 1787 English dress fan, early 18th century, mount, silk, painted group, outlined in tambour work, flowers in the same formed of coloured spangles ; stick, ivory, carved in open-work, and gilt; guards, With small patch glasses ; studs, jewelled. 1788 Modern French fan, mount, silk, painted by Eugene Andre, “Cupid Show man Stick, Chinese ivory, with flowers painted, fine lac; guards, Carved figures, fish, &e. 1789 English fan, middle of 18th century, mount, silk, painted, “Lady and Sportsman,” and worked in tambour, and spangled; stick, ivory, carved. 1790 English fan, about 1810, mount, silk, with medallions printed in colour on satin, centre, a domestic group ; sides, cupids forging and sharpening arrows, decorated With gilt and spangled wreaths; stick, ivory, carved open-work, and spangled 5 guards, steel; studs, jewelled. 1791 English fan, mount, vellum, painted, a river Scene, with vase, bee-hive, and border of flowers ; stick, ivory ; studs, jewelled. 1792 English fan, end of l!3th century, mount, painted vellum, Subject “Venus Victrix,” shepherd and shepherdess in side medallions, gilt foliage; stick, mother-of-pearl, with carved and gilt figures ; studs, jewelled. 1793 German fah, mount, silk, painted and spangled, central subject, lady and gentleman holding a wreath of roses ; stick, ivory ; studs, jewelled. 1794 English fan, about 1740, mount, vellum painted ; sticky ivory, inlaid with mother-of-pearl, flowers, &c.; guards, curiously carved and painted. FAN COLLECTION. 275 Contributed by Lady Wyatt —( continued) 1795 English fan, about 1760, mount, silk, with painted medallion, encircled with w’oaths of flowers, curiously worked in coloured straw, and birds and butterflies of feathers, spangled ; stick, finely carved in ivory, and decorated with silver and gold inlays ; studs, jewelled 1796 English fan, about 1780, mount, a landsdape in monqchrone, painted on chicken skin ; stick, ivory, finely carved open work, figures and flowers ; studs, jewelled J797 JDutch wedding fan, about 1710, mount, vellum painted, three landscape medallions, with miniature portrait, cupids and wreaths of flowers ; ?tick, ivory carved open work, painted figures, insects and flowers. 1798 English fan, middle of 18th century, mount, vellum pastoral scene, with figures; stick and guards carved and ornamented in colour 1799 German fan, 18th century, mount, chicken skin, painted “Rebecca and Eleazar ; ” stick, fine ivory open work ; studs jewelled 1800 Dutch fan, beginning of 18th century, mount, vellum, elaborately painted, stick, ivory carved 1801 Dutch fan, about 1720, mount, chicken skin, painted a pastoral; stick > ivory, carved animals, birds, &c.; guards repaired with mother of pearl 1802 Dutch ivory fan, middle of 18th century, painted Jphinegia ; on the back a river scene. Vernis Martin 1803 Flemish fan, about 1650, mount, a landscape apd figures embroidered in silk ; stick, tortoise-shell carved and richly embossed hi variegated gold 1804 Flemish fan, about 1700, mount, painted on chicken skin, “Rinaldo in the gardens of Armida,” back covered with elegantly painted flowers; stick, ivory carved 1805 Austrian fan, about 1760, mount, vellum painted garden scene, with grapes ; stick, ivory, painted with flowers and gilt foilage, and enriched with coloured foil 1806 French mourning fan, about 1806— mount. Tiffany, with painted figures and ornaments laid on, flowers, &c. spangled; stick, horn, spangled with steel 1807 French fan, 1770— mount, paper, painted, representing the fetes given on the marriage of the Dauphin, and so inscribed and dated; stick, carved ivory and mother-of-pearl, gilt in variegated gold ; studs, jewelled 1808 French fan, middle of 18th century— mount, paper, finely painted in body colour, a pastoral scene in the Watteau manner, bordered with flowers and fruit; stick, mother-of-pearl, richly carved, group of figures em¬ bossed in gold 1809 French fan, end of reign of Louis XV.— mount, skin, richly painted on both sides, medallions with Chinese groups, gold ground ; stick, ivory pierced 1810 French fan, middle of 18th century— mount, vellum, painted, “Music,” in three medallions ; stick, mother-of-pearl, carved and gilt 1811 French fan, early 18th century, ivory, river scene, boats and figures on both sides, Vernis Martin 1812 French fan, about 1780— mount, skin, richly painted, “Story of Pygmalion;” stick, mother-of-pearl, carved and decorated with variegated gilding and foil; guards, fruit, flowers and insects, embossed in silver 276 FAN COLLECTION. Contributed by Lady Wyatt —( continued) 1813 French fan— mount, paper, painted and decorated in imitation Chinese ; stick, ivory, painted 1814 French pocket fan, ivory, pierced, guards plain, jewelled studs 1815 Small ivory fan, Italian, about 1730, finely pierced in open floriated work in the centre, cupids painted in a lozenge gilt 1816 Pocket Italian fan, middle of 18th century, horn, finely pierced, and decorated with spangles 1817 Italian fan, about 1720— mount, chicken skin, view of Home from the Porto del Popolo, the tomb of Cecilia Metella, and the Colliseum, with Pompeian ornament; stick, ivory, pierced, carved and gilt; studs jewelled 1818 Italian fan, believed Florentine, middle of 18th century —mount, silk painted with flowers and spangled ; stick, ivory, elegantly painted and gilt in the Japanese style 1819 Italian fan—About 1760 ; mount, painted on vellum, Apollo and the muses : stick, mother of pearl finely carved and painted 1820 French pocket fan—Ivory, pierced, plain centre for painting, studs jewelled 1821 Italian fan—About 1760 ; mount, chicken skin painted centre, a classic landscape and two smaller ones, decorated in the Pompeian manner ; stick, alternate ivory and cedar pierced 1822 Italian fan—About 1700 ; mount, kid, Venus and Adonis finely painted by Leonardo Germo of Rome; stick, tortoise-shell engraved and gilt. Formerly belonged to Benjamin West, P.R.A. 1823 Italian fan—About 1700 ; mount, skin painted a battle scene, on the back an Italian landscape ; stick, ivory plain ; guards, figures and flowers 1824 Italian fan—Early 18th century; mount, skin etched in pen and ink, “ The Judgment of Paris, attributed to Boucher; back decorated in same manner : stick, mother of pearl pierced and engraved 1825 Small ivory fan, finely pierced and carved 1826 Old Chinese fan— mount, paper, a traveller’s refreshment; stick, ivory carved and pierced 1827 Old Chinese fan—Lac, painted on both sides, landscape centre bordered with animals and birds 1828 Old Chinese fan, mother-of-pearl, engraved on both sides, boats, &e. 1829 Old Chinese fan, silver gilt filligree, ornamented on both sides in blue and green enamel, and gold foliage with a bird, and bordered with gro¬ tesque figures, birds, and animals. 1830 Old Chinese fan, sandal wood, carved on both sides, figures, foliage, and flowers, studs jewelled. 1831 Old Chinese fan, ivory, carved figures, boats, flowers, and foliage, bordered by grotesque figures. 1832 Old Chinese fan, ivory, pierced and finely carved with foliage and flowers ; centre initials in medallions, border birds, flowers, and animals. 1833 Old Chinese fan, sandal-wood, pierced and carved on both sides very finely. 1834 Old Chinese fan, ivory, finely carved, lace pattern, covered with flowers. 1835 Old Chinese fan, sandal-wood, delicately pierced and carved. 1836 Modern Chinese fan, ornamented in lac on both sides, landscapes, figures, and flowers, FAN COLLECTION. 277 Contributed by Lady Wyatt —( continued) 1837 Old Chinese fan, tortoise-shell, pierced and carved very finely. 1838 English fan, early 18th century; mount, vellum, pastoral scene; stick, ivory, pierced, painted, and gilded, guards, carved figures, &c. 1839 English fan, middle of 18th century ; mount, silk, with three painted me¬ dallions, flowers worked in spangles and tambour; stick, ivory, with gilt inlays, guards carved and gilt, jewelled studs. 1840 Old French fan, Louis XV., imitation Chinese; mount, paper painted ; stick, ivory, finely carved. 1841 English fan ; mount, paper painted ; stick, ivory, carved and gilded. 1842 German fan; mount, vellum, painted on both sides; stick, ivory, carved and gilded, studs jewelled. 1843 Englishman; mount, paper painted; stick and guards ivory, painted with figures and flowers. 1844 Dutch fan ; mount, vellum, painted, a Watteau group, &c.; stick and guards fine mother-of-pearl, carved and gilded. 1845 German fan, mount, silk embroidered and painted; stick, mother of pearl; studs jewelled 1846 Japanese fan, mount, paper, painted ; stick, deal guards, ivory, painted 1847 Italian fan, mount, chicken skins centre engraving 1 , painted vignettes; stick, ivory, with gilt ornament in imitation of Chinese 1848 English fan, mount, silk, painted and worked in tambour; stick, studs, jewelled 1849 French fan, mount, paper, with Watteau scene ; stick, fine ivory and mother of pearl studs jewelled 1850 German fan, mount, chicken skin, painted landscape and nymphs; stick, mother of pearl, studs jewelled 1851 German (or Spanish) fan ; mount, paper, painted* Watteau subject; stick, mother-of-pearl and gilt jewelled studs 1852 German fan— mount, paper, painted ; stick, fine mother of pearl, gilt jewelled studs 1853 Spanish fan—Early 18th century; mount, painted “Solomon and the Queen of Sheba ;” back also painted : stick, fine mother of pearl and gilt, studs jewelled 1854 German fan—Middle of 18th century ; mount, silk painted, jewelled studs. 1855 French fan—Modern ; mount, painted by Marie P. Delavault; stick, fine mother of pearl, studs jewelled 1856 English fan—1760 ; mount, painted figures &c.; stick and guards, ivory, finely carved and gilded, studs jewelled 1857 Modern Chinese fan— mount, paper painted with Chinese groups, the heads on ivory, back the same ; stick, and guards richly japanned 1858 Modern French fan— mount, ancient Guipure lace ; stick, mother of pearl 1858a Modern French fan— mount, Brussels point; stick and guards,|mother of pearl 1859 Modem French fan— Mount, black Brussels lace ; stick, clouded mother of pearl 1860 Modern French fan— mount, black Brussels lace; stick and guards, ivory, pierced 1861 Modern French fan, ivory, pierced, and studded with steel 1.862 Vienna fan, modern wood, painted with peacock’s feathers 1863 Modern French fan— mount, purple satin and white Brussels lace ; stick and guards, mother-of-pearl, stained purple 278 FAN COLLECTION. Contributed by Miss Joyce, Rahasane Park, Co. Galway 1863Horn pocket fan, pierced and painted 1863b Horn pocket fan, pierced and painted 1863c Carved ivory pocket fan Miss Mabel Hall-Dare, 7 Martello-terrace, Bray 1863d French fan, Louis XV.— mount, blue, painted with pastoral subjects in cartouches; ornament, ribbon and lace; mother-of-pearl sticks inlaid with gold figures and scrolls Mrs. Willes Johnson 1863e Ivory fan. FAN MOUNTS FRAMED. Countess op Charlemont, Marino, Clontarf 1864 Fan— mount , subject painted by a Neapolitan artist 1865 Fan— mount, landscape with figures after Claude 1866 Fan— mount, “Rape of the Sabines,” after Pietro da Cortona Lady Clanmorris, property of Hon. Mrs. Brassey 1867 Fan, formerly belonged to the Empress Eugenie, Venu3 and Nymph, &c. ; sticlcs, mother-of-pearl engraved. Lady Colthurst 1868 Fan— mount, chicken skin; medallions painted by a pupil of Beniamin West, about 1786 Lewis Heinekey, Esq. 1869 Two fan mounts, views in Rome. Queen’s Institute, Molesworth-street 1870 Fan— mount, painted on white silk, mermaids in sea caves, sea-weeds from nature. Artist, Sarah A. Thwaites Mrs. Hall Stirling 1871 Roman fan— mount, by family tradition said to be of vellum made from human skin, St, Peter’s at Rome, Temple of Vesta, &c. F. G. Watney, 17, Pembridge-crescent, London 1872 Fan— mount, Italian, early 18th century; subject. “Triumphal entry of Alexander into Babylon,” from the painting by Charles Le Brun in the Louvre, painted on skin. 1873 Fan— mount, Italian, middle of 18th century; subject, “The rape of the Sabines.” INDEX Of contributors TO THE LOAN MUSEUM OF ORNAMENTAL ART. »*o DU S<- Page Agar, William - * - 216 Annesley, Major - - * 225 Atkinson, R. & Co. - 282 Arundell, Charles - ‘ >■ 236 Association, Irish Rifle, per Captain Smyley - - - *■ 287 Alley, Mrs. T. - - - 269 Andrews & Co. • - - 229 Aldworth, Lady M. - * - 252 Ambassador, the Persian - - 258 Allies, Miss - - *■ 269 Bookey, Mrs. - - - 215 Bradford, Mrs. - - - 226 Butler, Lord James • - 229 232 Braddell, Mrs. - - 225 261 Brooks, Maurice - - - 234 Browne, Miss ... 235 Bermingham, Miss - - - 235 Butler, Mrs. P. 236 Brooke, Mrs. - - - 253 Bay ley, Mrs. - - - 246 Bennett, Charles ... 247 Burton, Captain ... 248 Brien, Charles - - - 251 Bowden, Miss F. - • 269 Brownbill, 0. - - - 254 Burke, Miss 1 - - 229 Browne, Mrs. ... 260 Butler, Lady R. - - 266 Cassidy, James - - - 215 Caldwell, Charles B. - - i 217 Culloden, Patrick - - - 260 Caldwell, Miss - 4 261 270 Coghill, Sir J. J. - - 222 Cornwall, Austin - • ‘•221 Charlemont, Earl of - - 222 Charlemont, Countess of 241 261 269 278 Courtenay, Mrs. - ■ 224 235 Cunyngliame, Sir A. and Hon. Lady 247 Corlett, Miss - * - 270 Caldwell, Mrs. - 234 250 260 Cornwall, Mrs. i 261 Clonbrock, Lord - - * 255 Paga College, Trinity, Dublin - - 265 Ciencurry, Lord - - 1 237 Carroll, Miss i i Convent, New Ross 1 - 267 Convent, Tallow - - - 267 Clanmorris, Lady - • 240 278 Colthurst, Lady - - 278 Chancellor, the Lord * • 243 Conyngham, Marquis of 1 245 Cunyngliame, Hon. Lady - 261 270 Chaffers, William - - 4 253 Cornwall, W. C. 4 - 223 258 Ohamberlaine, Mrs. TankerVilie - 270 Colies, Mrs. Henry - - 261 Convent, Presentation, Youghal - 267 Caledon, Countess of - -'249 College, St. Vincent’s, Castlekribek - 249 Comerford, Mrs. ... 249 Cogan, Miss <■ J 250 Cooper, Mrs. - - *■ 261 Desart, Lord - - - 217 De Gemon, C. 218 Dunn, Mrs. ... 224 Durdin, Alexander - - - 225 D’Olier, Mrs. - - * 232 Day, Robert - - - 233 Darby, Miss ... 235 Dobbin, H. B. - - - 236 Drogheda, Marchioness of - - 236 Devonshire, Duke of 240 Dardis, Rev. J., P.P. - - 248 Dooling, J. ... 254 Drake, Lady - - - 261 Edinburgh, H.R.H. The Dukh of - 193 Erne, Countess of - 229 262 270 Esmonde, Sir John - - 233 234 Endle, Mrs. - - “035 Emden, Walter - - ‘237 Eyre, Mrs. ■* - 255 Evans, Dr. - - a “ 240 Enniskillen, Earl of - * - 244 Eyre, Colonel - - * 252 Erne, Countess’ School - - 267 280 INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS TO THE LOAN MUSEUM, Page Finnemore, Dr. J. H. - • 218 Flood, W. H. - - 219 Fitzgerald, G. W. 225 250 225 Fitzgerald, Mrs. 225 250 262 Frazer, Dr. W. - - 256 Freemasons’ Lodge, - - 256 Fetherstone, H. G. - - - 232 Ffolliott, Mrs. - 262 270 Finlayson, Miss - - 262 Foster, Yere - - 236 Ferguson, Mrs. . - - 262 Fitzgerald, Lady - - 251 Forbes, Mrs. - - 262 Gillooly, Right Rev. Dr. . - 216 Gough, Viscountess - - 218 Gladstone, Right Hon. Win. - 223 Grattan, Lady Laura - - 225 Gort, Viscountess 250 262 270 Gort, Viscount - - 226 Gray, Miss - • 270 Grierson, Mr. and Mrs. - - 235 Geale, Mrs. - 262 270 Gough, Viscount - 241 243 Godley, Rev. J. - - 243 Guinness, Sir Arthur - 260 246 Guinness, Lady Olive - 253 262 Guinness, E. C. - - 246 Gervais, F. - - 253 Greenhill, R. - - 256 Gore, Mrs. - - 262 Hamilton, John _ 216 257 Hutton, Captain A. - - 220 Hamilton, Ion Trant, M.P. - - 224 Hamilton, H. E. - - 225 Harris, Lewis - - 226 Humphreys, Mrs. - - 270 Howth, Countess of * - - 236 Hawkins, J. H. - - 254 Hardwicke, Philip - - - 255 Hutchins, Emanuel - - - 239 Harnett, Miss - - 267 Hatch, J. - - 255 Heinekey, L. - - 278 Hayes, Mrs. - 257 Hall-Dare, Miss M. - - 278 Institute, the Queen’s - 257 278 Johnston, Rev. R. - 218 258 James, J. - - 223 Joly, Mrs. Jasper 263 270 Joyce, Wm. - 241 Jones, T. A. > 243 Johnstone, Mrs. - 253 Johnson, Joseph - - 256 Johnson, Mrs. - 266 J ones, Rev. J. . - 258 Joyce, Mrs. - - 258 266 Page Joyce, Miss - - - 278 Kildare, Marchioness of _ 263 270 Kirkpatrick, Mrs. 250 263 271 Kinahan, Mrs. George - - 232 Keane, Miss • - 267 Keating, Hon. Justice - - 237 Knipe, George W. - - • 239 Knox, Mrs. - - 243 Kennedy, Dr. Evory - - 308 Kennedy, Private - - 248 Kennedy, J. M. - 253 Kennedy, P. W. - - 254 Lome, Marquis of - 229 Leinster, Duke ot - - 216 Lentaigne, John - - 216 La Touche, Wm. - - 224 Lloyd, A. F. - - 229 Lambert, The Misses - - 233 Laffan, Miss • - 263 Lloyd, John - - 237 Langrishe, Miss - - 263 Lisgar, Lord - - 248 L’Estrange, Mrs. S. - - - 271 Louise, H.R.H. The Princess - 192 Lloyd, Mrs. A. F. - - - 271 Macartney, J. W. Ellison • - 215 Mallin, Miss Eliza - - - 216 Magee, Mrs. Catherine - - 218 Mannix, Miss - - 226 Moriarty, Rt. Rev. Dr. - 226 Macneill, Rev. J. G. - - 226 Mulvany, Wm. - - 235 Museum, India - 205 210 MonteSore, Mrs. T. M. - 250 271 Mayo, Countess of - - - 238 Mercy (Kinsale) Sisters of - 267 Marlay, C. Brinsley - - 239 Malabide, Lord Talbot de - - 240 Museum, S. Kensington > 193 204 Maccallum, Mrs. 232 263 271 Madden, Dr. - - 249 MacEniry, Capt. - - 221 Morrison, Mrs. E. - - 259 Nugent, Miss _ - 234 Norman, Mrs. Ch. C. - - 271 Nugent, Lady - - 253 O’Brien, Patrick _ - 224 O’Conor, Miss 248 264 271 O’Hagan, Lady - - 264 O’Neill, Mrs. - - 240 Overend, Mrs. - 254 271 O’Malley, Miss - - 228 Powerscourt, Viscount _ - 219 Primate, the Lord - - - 224 INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS TO THE LOAN MUSEUM. 281 Page Plunket, Lady - - 229 264 Physicians, King & Queen’s College of 235 Patman, P. O’C. - - - 254 Patman. Mrs. Susan - - 254 Pollock, James - - - 237 Pollen, Miss L. G. - - - 239 Pollen, Mrs. - 257 264 271 Palliser, Mrs. Bury - - - 264 Queen, Her Majesty the 191 261 269 Roe, Mrs. Henry - 215 260 265 Rothschild, Baroness Lionel de - 215 Rae, John - 216 Rathdonnell, Lady - - - 223 Redington, Lady - - - 224 Roe, Mrs. George - - 225 265 Rothwell, John - - - 232 Ruthven, W. C. B. - - - 239 Reade, Rev. Mr. - - - 235 Rigby, John - 237 Robinson, W. O’C. - - - 237 Richards, Mrs. - - - 249 Rennie, Mrs. George - - 271 Rothscluld, Baroness Mayer de 265 272 Reeves, Mrs. E. - - 228 Redmond, Mrs. - - - 257 Scallan, M. - - - - 252 Stopford, Mrs. - - - 252 Somerset, Col. Poulett - - 252 Swinburne, S. 256 Slaughter, Rev. E. - - - 256 Stewart, Sir R. 257 Stokes, Mrs. W. • - 258 Sandford, Miss Wills - - 215 Stirling, Mrs. Hall - 215 272 278 Shelley, Mrs. - - - 258 Shelley, Miss ... 265 Smythe, W. B. - - - 218 Sankey, Mrs. John • - 225 265 Spencer, His Excellency Earl 210 215 Spencer, Her Excellency Countess - 265 Page Seed, Mrs. .... 263 Sandell, Joseph ... 272 Salviati, G. - - - - 240 Steele, Major-Gen. Sir T. - - 243 Sayers, Edward B. - - 247 Sterling, Captain - - - 259 Schoales, George ... 259 Smith, R. H. S. - - - 272 Shirley Estate School - - 267 Thompson, David - - - 252 Talbot de Malahide, Lord - - 240 Thompson, Hamlet - - - 219 Trench, T. C. - - - 218 Tichborne, C. R. C. - - 224 Thornhill, Mrs. B. - - - 227 Tottenham, Mrs. - - - 232 Trevelyan, Mrs. A. - - 254 265 Taylor, Mrs. - - - 232 Taaffe, Miss - 234 266 273 Taylor, Col. Meadows - 237 258 Tufnell, Mrs. Joliffe - - 251 Yereker, Hon. Mrs. Smyth 226 228 266 Vereker, Hon. J. P. - - 227 Vereker, Lieut.-Col. Hon. C. S. - 249 Wilson, Miss Matilda - - 273 Watkin, Mrs. Louisa - 256 273 Webber, Mrs. - - - 218 Williams, Mrs. - - - 226 Williams, Richard - 226 Wyse, Miss ... 226 White, Mrs. - 229 266 273 Wall, Mrs. - - -.-273 Walsh, Richard - - - 235 Wynne, Mrs. - - - 236 Wilde, Sir Wm. - - 244 260 Waterhouse, Messrs. - - 247 Watney, Mrs. E. G. - - 278 Wyatt, Lady - - - 273-277 Waddell, Miss - - - 266 Weldon, Rev. P. B. - - 256 Wybrants, Mrs. - - - 266 INDEX TO EXHIBITORS. Page Alexander, John, Laneshurg, Co. Mayo • - - - - 30 56 Appleyard, Henry, 36 Lower Sackville-street, Dublin - - 28 Asylum, Richmond, North Bj’unswick-street, Dublin - - - 29 Asylum, Trustees of Molyneux, Leeson-park, Dublin - - - - 80 Atkinson, Mary Jane, 7 Mervue-place, Queenstown, Co. Cork - - 80 Ali, Mrs. Mir Aulad, Relgrave-square, Rathmines, Dublin - - 81 Atkinson, Richard, and Co., 31 College-green, Dublin - • - - 82 Allen, Charles, 108 Grafton-street, Dublin - - - r - 32 Arnott and Co., 125 Henry-street, Dublin ----- 83 Adcoclc, St. John, 109 Grafton-street, Dublin - - - - 83 54 Andrews, P., 42 Great Brunswick-street, Dublin - - - - 41 Andrews, Robei’t, and Co. 83 Fountain-street, Manchester - - - 48 Austin, Thomas K. and Co., 39 Westmoreland-street, Dublin - 48 Arrowsmith, A- J, apd Co., 80 New Bond-street, London, W. - - - 54 Anti-A-dulteration Society, Peter street, Dublin - - - 61 Andrews and Co., 20 Dame-street, Dublin - - - - - 61 62 Bagot, J. - - - - Bolton, William and Co., 35-6 Westmoreland-street, Dublin Byrne, John, 91 Talbot-street, Dublin - - - Brown, J. S. Belfast - Bateman, L. J., 116 Gardiner-street, Dublin Burke, J. H., 31 Wellington-quay, Dublin Beechey, F. F., 2 Corrig Castle, Kingstown Boyle, Richard B. 82 Marlborougli-street, Dublin Booth, J. and Son, 4 Stephen’s-green, Dublin - Booth, Brothers, 63 Upper Stephen-street, Dublin Byrne, J. J. and Sons, 6 Henry-street, Dublin - Bowen, T. A., 122 Great Brunswick-street, Dublin Box, W. R. and Co., 105 Middle Abbey-street, Dublin Browne, William, and Son, Camden-street, Dublin Bates and Sons, Joseph, Gorey ... Brown and Co. H. E. Redmond’s-hill, Dublin Broomhall Tile Co. Cox’® Wharf, Blackfriars, London Bailey, C. J. C. Fulham Pottery, Fulham, London Branegan, J. F. 118 Stanhope-street, London - Brooke, Jane, 4 St. John’s-villas, Southall-green, Middlesex Barton, John E. Kidderminster - - - Bussell, Henry, 7 Westmoreland-street, Dublin Brooks, Thomas, and Co. Sackville-place, Dublin Bashford, C. and Co. Ely-place, Dublin Boru and Co. 13 Berner-street, London Burke, Mark O’Malley, 72 Grafton-street, Dublin Bapty, Frederic, 30 Grafton-street, Dublin Brunker, Thomas, 111 Grafton-street, Dublin - Bryan, Corcoran, Witt and Co. 48 Mark-lane, London Bryan, Charles, Westcliff, Whitby Braham, L. and Co. 142 Southampton-road, London Berger, Spence and Co., Pendleton Alum Works, Manchester Burke, John, 18 Lower Clanbrassil-street, Dublin Belfast Portland Cement Co. Greencastle, Belfast 61 60 26 - 27 28 30 80 SO 84 84 37 35 36 87 <• 40 41 41 44 46 46 48 48 50 51 51 55 55 55 57 58 59 59 61 80 63 INDEX TO EXHIBITORS. 283 Page Boileau iind Boyd, 92 Bjide-street, Dublin (>g Bewley and Draper, 23 Mary-street, Dublin - - - - - 62 Boyd and Alexander, 76 Rogerson’s-quay, Dublin - - - - 61 Baxter, John, 49 Lower Baggot-street, Dublin - - - - - 64 Callaghan and Co. 16 Dame-street, Dublin - - - 4 - 28 Callinan and Son, 25 Suffolk-street, Dublin - - - - * 44 Convent, Presentation, Cashel ------ 4 80 Carr, Edward, 76 Grafton-street, Dublin - - - ■. 30 Callan, Mary, 28 South Frederick-street, Dublin - - - - 31 Casey, Henrietta, 47 York-street, Dublin - - - - - 33 47 Cairns, Hunter and Lister, 84 Grafton-street, Dublin - - - - 34 Clarke, Thomas, 5 Richmond-place, Dublin - - - - - 34 Carroll, D. 44 Lower Sackville-street, Dublin - - - - - 37 Cummins, P. 4 Talbot-street, Dublin ------ 36 Curtis, William, and Son, 99 Middle Abbey-street, Dublin - - - 38 Cooper, E. and Co. 40 Kildare-street, Dublin - .... 38 Cohen, B. S. - - - - - - - - - 52 Clayton, W. J. Bushfield-avenue, Dublin ----- 40 Collins, Daniel, Bishop-street, Dublin - - - - - -48 Cocks, M. A. Bellevue, Greenleaf-lane, Walthamstow - - - - 48 Cramer, Wood and Co. 4 & 5 Westmoreland-street, Dublih - - 50 Colman and Glendenning, Norwich - - - - - 61 Clarke, J. R. Liverpool-street, London - - - - - 51 Carty, William, 1 Duke-street, Dublin - - - * - - 56 Carmona, B. London Crystal Palace ------ 57 Collyer, Robert H. 199 Brompton-road, London - - 1 - 58 Croft, Thomas, and Co. Seacombe, Cheshire - 4 - - - 60 Colman, J. and J. Carraw Works, Norwich ----- 61 Connorree Mining Co. 27 Dame-street, Duhlin ----- 63 Cantrell and Cochrane, Nassau-place, Dublin - - - - - 62 Cooney, Charles, Back-lane, Dublin - - - - - - 61 Crawford, Alexander and Son, Belfast ------ 63 Dockrell, Thomas, Sons, and Co. Great George’s-street, Dublin - 26 46 51 Dare, Mrs. C. Hall, Newtownbarry House, Newtownban-y - * 31 Daniel, William, 55 Mary-street, Dublin - - - - - 57 Dobson, James, and Son, 114 Stephen’s-green, Dublin - - - - 33 Drew, Lieutenant C., R.N. Galway - - - - - - 4 33 Donegan, Patrick, 32 Dame-street, Dublin - - 4 * * 40 Dublin Glass Bottle Co. North Lotts, Dublih - “ - * 1 40 Doulton and Watts, Lambeth, London - *■ - a - 42 De Groot, Mons. 48 Lower Gardiner-street, Dublin 4 - - a 50 Dodge, G. P. 79 Upper Thomas-street, Dublin - * 4 * 60 Dublin Cattle Food Co. 3 Jervis-street, Dublin - * - - 61 62 Duffy, James, 15 Wellington-quay, Dublin - - - - - 40 Drogheda Chemical Manure Co. Drogheda - 4 - - 62 Davidson, William, 5 Great Brunswick-street, Dublin - - - 4 71 Early and Powell, Messrs., Camden-street, Dublin Edwardes, H. Prince of Wales-terrace, Dublin - Edmondson, Thomas, 10 Dame-street, Dublin - Evans, Richard and Co. 34 Watling-street, London Elliott, Eliza, 27 North Audley-street, London * Edmundson, J. and Co. 33 to 36 Capel-street, Dublin Elkington and Co., Birmingham - Evans, James, 46 Seal-street, Liverpool - Eckford, A. L. Charlotte-quay, Kingsend - $9 40 - 40 50 47 48 49 - 57 58 - 62 284 INDEX TO EXHIBITORS. Page Elvery, J. W. and Co. 46 Lower Sackville-street, Dublin - - - 36 Erlich, Myer, 8 Parliament-street, Dublin ----- 36 Farrell and Son, Glasnevin - - - - - - - 26 Fry, William and Co. 31 Westmoreland-street, Dublin - - - 27 33 34 Forrest, James and Co. 100 & 101 Grafton-street, Dublin - - - 32 Fry and Fielding, 26 Westmoreland-street, Dublin - - - - 32 Fleming, Walter, 47 Dawson-street, Dublin - - - - - 35 Farrell and Son, 4 & 5 Hawkins-street, Dublin - - - - 37 Farrell, Isaac, 1 Clanbrassil-terrace, Dublin ----- 41 Fletcher and Ross, Ladbrook Grove, London ----- 47 Fraser, Joseph, 76 Westbourne Grove, Bays water - - - - 51 Franklin, John de Courcy, 61 & 62 Great Strand-street, Dublin - - 36 Fry, J. S. and Son, Bristol - -- -- --66 Field, J. C. and J. Lambeth, London ------ 66 Francis, W. Camden-street, Dublin ------ 71 General Mining Company of Ireland, 29 Westmoreland-street - - - 64 Gibb, Maud S. Rathmines ------- 31 Glennon, John, 46 Wicklow-street, Dublin ----- 35 Goodisson, T. H., 42 Serpentine-avenue, Sandyinount - - - - 36 Gregg and Son, 42 Great Brunswick-street ----- 37 Goggin, Jeremiah, 74 Grafton-street, Dublin ----- 33 Gunn and Son, 61 Grafton-street, Dublin - - - - - 27 40 Gibson, James and Sou, 50 Mary-street, Dublin- - - - -40 Green, John, 12 Graham-terrace, Ridley-road, Kingsland, London - - 60 Grubb, Howard, Rathmines, Dublin ------ 40 Grady, R. E. 38 Dawson-street, Dublin - - - - - - 41 Gregg and Son, 18 Upper Sackville-street, Dublin - - • * 37 53 Gibbs, S. and Moore, 85 Great Russell-street, London - - - 46 Garrard, R. 1 Loman-street, London - - - - - - 47 Gardner, Messrs, and Son, 453 Strand, London - - - 53 Geological Survey of Ireland, Hume-street, Dublin - - - - 63 Goulding, W. and H. M. North-wall, Dublin ----- 62 Griffin,-, Suffolk-street, Dublin ------ 61 Grains Company, Dublin, 3 Harcourt-place, Dublin - - - - 61 Gough, F. M. Viscount, G.C.B. St. Helen’s, Booterstown - - - 70 Gurgnan, John and Co. -------- 62 Harte, William, Buucrana ------- 27 Humphreys, Joseph and Co. 31 Dame-street, Dublin - - - - 27 Hill and Hughes, Blue Bell Factory, Dublin - - - - - 28 Holland and Holt, St. John’s, Warwick - - - - - - 30 46 Hopkins, A. W. 39 Great Brunswick-street - - - - - 30 Hallowell, Eliza C. 3 Lower Hartstonge-street, Limerick - - - 31 Hull, Henry and Co. Drogheda ------ 31 Hodges and Son, 16 Westmoreland-street, Dublin - - - - 34 45 Hickisson, John, 75 Southgate-road, London - - - - - 61 Hinkson, John, 76 Dame-street, Dublin ------ 35 Harris and Son, D., Charlemont-bridge Works, Dublin - - - 35 Harris, G. --------- 55 Hudson, Samuel, 65 Dawson-street, Dublin - - - - - 38 Hawkins, J. 68 Capel-street, Dublin - - - - - 40 Hanan, Thomas E. Coburg-street, Cork - - - - - - 41 Harrison, C. W. 178 Great Brunswick-street, Dublin - - - - 44 Hooper, Charles and Co. Eastington Mills, Gloucester - - - - 48 Howe Machine Company, 33 Lower Sackville-street, Dublin - - -55 Haddon, J. and Co. Bouverie-street, London - - - - - 50 Hawes, George E. Chapel Field, Norwich - - - - 51 Hinks, J, and Co. 91 Hampton-street, Birmingham .... INDEX TO EXHIBITORS. 285 Page Hornsby Alan, Ely-place (Secretary of Irish Fisheries) • - *56 Hounsell, Herbert E. Bridport ! ^- - - - - . ~ 56 Hughes, R. L. 23 Dawson-street, Dublin 59 Hodgson, George, Whitcliff, Yorkshire ------ 59 Holt, Nerwich, and Co. Vauxhall-wall, London - - - - - 60 Headech, William, Cloneybrien Slate Quarry ----- 63 Hayes, Brothers, New-row South, Dublin - - - - - 63 Henshaw, Thomas M. 81 and 82 Abbey-street, Dublin - - - - 71 Healy, Francis, Hammond-lane, Dublin ------ 71 Heywood, Higginbottam and Co., Hyde-road, Manchester - - - 58 Irwin, Edward, Albion-street, Leeds ------ 47 Ingram and Kemp, 1 Lombard-street, Birmingham - Jones, A. and Son, 135 Stephen’s-green W., Dublin - - - - 33 48 Johnson, S. and B., Ballina ------- 35 Jones, Percival, 15 Westmoreland-st.reet, Dublin - - - - 44 Johnson, Edmund, 89 Grafton-street, Dublin - - - - - 36 Johnston, James, Nelson-place, Cork - - - 41 Jeune, J. W. and Co. Stratford ...... Johnson, W. and A. K. 74 Strand, London - - - - - 52 Jewett and Co. 141 Leighton-row, London ----- 57 Keelan, Patrick, Carrickmacross ------- 30 Keely, Bartholomew, 1 Wesley-terrace, Dublin ----- 30 Kelly, Miss Caroline, Kellyville, Athy ------ 31 Kane and M‘Cluskey, 37 Bride-street, Dublin - - 35 Kerr, Edward, 7 North Strand, Dublin ------ 40 Kirby, Thomas, Sandy mount, Dublin - - - - - - 40 Kerr, James and Son, 115 Capel-street, Dublin - - - - - 44 Kent, George, Strand, London ------- 50 Kitchen, Thomas, Newton-le-Willows - - - ... 57 Killaloe Slate Company, Nenagh ------ 61 Kelly, John, Graigue - .....--62 Kennedy, J. Pitt, C.E. 3 Merrion-square (Agent for Draper’s Concrete Co.) - 71 Logan, John, New-row South, Dublin ------ 27 Lucy, D. and Co. Barrack street, Cork ------ 27 Lennan, William and Son, 29 Dawson-street, Dublin - - - - 38 Lawrence and Son, 5 Up. Saclcville-street, Dublin - - - - 34 38 Lapworth Brothers, 22 Old Bond-street, London - - - - - 46 Lucas, George, 6 Suffolk-street, Dublin ------ 53 Lewis, Fred, and Co. Fleet-street, Dublin - - - - - 36 Lawrence, John, 39 Grafton-street, Dublin ----- 58 Lee, George, 100 Northgate-street, Gloucester - - - - - 59 Mining Company of Ireland, 30 Lr. Ormond-quay, - - - - 27 64 Martin Mahoney and Brothers, Cork ------ 29 Merry, James, Cork-hill, Dublin 30 Molyneux, Lady, Castle Dillon, Armagh ----- 29 Marcus Ward and Co. Royal Ulster Works, Belfast - - - - 31 Mitchell, Thomas, Steam-packet Company, North-wall, Dublin - - - 39 Mannix, Robert, 17 Bachelors’-walk, Dublin - - - - - 40 Monsell, Mitchell, and Co. 73 Townsend-street, Dublin - - - - 43 Marezzo Marble Company, 483 Oxford-street, London - - - - 46 Millar and Beatty, 14 Grafton-street, Dublin ----- 48 Morton and Sons, Kidderminster •**»•«• 4$ 286 INDEX TO EXHIBITORS. Metzler -and Co. 37 Great Marlborough-street, London * * Milne, John, 115 South-street, St. Andrews * Mayer and Co. 19 Holies street-, London - - * * * Mason, Samuel, 56 Dale-end, Birmingham • » * * Marshall, John, London Crystal Palace * - » - * Martin, William, 9 Bedford-row, Dublin Manure Company, Dublin and Wicklow, 2 College-street, Dublin - Murphy, W. and B. Clare-street, Dublin » - Moses, Marcus Tertius, 3 Capel-street, Dublin - - * Marine Salts Company of Ireland* 37 College-green, Dublin Metcalfe, Samuel, 160 Capel-street, Dublin - Murphy, W. J. Richmond, Cork ------ Milner, Thomas and Son (agents, Edmundson and Co., Capel-street) - M'Birney, D. and Co., Belleek Pottery, Belleek ... M'Anaspie, P. and J. Great Brunswick-street, Dublin M'Geough, Bernard, 25 Upper Dorset-street, Dublin - - 1 M‘Dowell, Hugh, 52 Mary-street, Dublin - M‘Dowell, Brothers, 71 Grafton-street, Dublin *■ ^ - M‘Keon, M. A. and Son, 16 Aungier-street, Dublin i - - M'Mulien, Bartholomew, 54 Dawson-street, Dublin - - M‘Adams and Corcoran, 43 Lower Ormond-quay, Dublin * »• M‘Connell, James, 14 Westmoreland-street, Dublin - - - M'Kenzie, Thomas, and Son, 34 Dawson-street, Dublin M‘Master, Hodgson and Co. 121 Capel-street, Dublin - Page 50 51 53 59 59 61 62 62 62 62 63 63 71 25 27 33 34 38 84 87 39 40 63 62 Newman, Joseph, 156 Capel-street, Dublin Nire Yale Woollen Co. Clonmel - Nickson, John, and Co. 10 Westmoreland-street, Dublin Nowlan, Kate, 30 Bishop-street, Dublin Norbury, Mary, 157 York-street, Manchester - Newry Salts Company, Newry - - - - $3 28 30 30 48 62 Orphanage, St. Vincent de Paul’s, North William-street, Dublin Oldham, S. and Sons, 12 Westmoreland-street, Dublin - Osborn, James R. 5 Prince of Wales-terrace, Dublin O’Neill and Thompson, 25 Nassau-street, Dublin O’Connor, Jeremiah, Killarney - O’Neill, Anthony, and Son, North Strand, Dublin Ordnance Survey of Ireland, Phoenix Park, Dublin Oakes, J. and Son, Wicklow - 29 31 34 38 40 41 58 64 41 Patterson, B. T. 17 Kildare-street, Dublin Pirn, Brothers, and Co. William-street, Dublin Pike, J and W., Balbriggan - Panter, Thomas, and Son, 5 Leinster-street, Dublin Parker, John, and Son, 35 Dame-street, Dublin Peyton, John, 8 Sandymount-green, Dublin Peace and Gelder, Huddersfield PearSon, George, Victoria Mills, Stockport Peyton and Tedcastle, 40 Up. Sackville-street, Dublin Pavy, Pretto and Co. 14 Hampstead-street, London , - Piston Machine Freezing Co. 314 Oxford-street, London Peters and Son, Park-street, Grosvenor-square, London Price’s Patent Candle Co. Belmont Works, London Pickering, William, 24 Wexford-street, Dublin Plunkett, J. and Co., 15 Portland-street W. Dublin 27 27 -27 33 34 40 48 48 49 49 - 56 53 60 ‘ 64 «■ 61 Queen’s Institute, Moles worth-street, Dublin 26 INDEX TO EXHIBITORS. 287 Richardson, Brothers, and Co. Donegal-place, Belfast - Reformatory, Glencree, Co. Wicklow - Do. Spark Lake School, Monaghan s Do. Ballinasloe School, Ballinasloe •> r Richardson, Sons and Owden, Donegal-square, Belfast Richmond Asylum ? - Ross and Co. 8 and 9 Ellis’s-quay, Dublin i ? Rosenstein and Son, 16J Lower Sackville-street, Dublin Raynor, Thomas, Grafton-street, Dublin Reilly, Thomas H. 24 Grafton-street, Dublin - Rigby, John, 24 Suffolk-street, Dublin - Rimmel, Eugene, London .... Racine and Co. 33 Nassau-street, Dublin Roberts, William, 139 Derby-road, Liverpool Rogers; W. and Co. Bristol - Rothenheim, 166 Euston-road, London Royal Manufactory, Dresden - Rumsey, W. S. 281 Clapham-road, London Reekie, A. H. Loanhead, N. B. Raynbird, Coldercott and Co. Basinstoke Richardson, Brothers, and Co. Belfast - Rathborne, John G. 44 Essex-quay, Dublin Pag* * 28 62 28 28 28 . 29 32 29 ? 88 59 r 88 49 58 55 43 = 57 - 58 7J 58 59 42 60 60 60 - 28 62 61 Sibthorpe, H. and Son, 113 to 121 Great Brunswick-street, Dublin Simpson, Sheppard, 72 Blessington-street, Dublin Sheridan and Son, 22 Parliament-street, Dublin Smyth, Francis, Eustace-street, Dublin ... Scallan, P. Ringsend, Dublin - - Scott, F. and R. and Co. Island Bridge Mills, Dublin - Smyth and Co. 36 Lower Abbey-street, Dublin School, Industrial, St. Aim’s, Cashel .... Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Schwarz, Madame, Fitzwilliam-square, Dublin ~ Switzer, Ferguson and Co. Grafton-street, Dublin - Shirley, Mrs. Carrickmacross • Sullivan, Brothers, 27 Marlborough-street, Dublin Strahan, Robert and Co. 24 and 25 Henry-street, Dublin Spencer, J. and Son, Grafton-street, Dublin Sanderson and Son, 34 Lower Dominick-street, Dublin Artane, Artane, Co. Dublin St. Ann’s, Booterstown St. Joseph’s, Cavan St. Colman’s, Queenstown, Co. Cork Lady of Mercy, Kinsale, Co. Cork House Training, Union-quay, Cork St. Mary’s, Lakelands, Dublin St. Bridget’s, Loughrea St. Augustine’s, Templemore St. John’s, Parsonstown - Pembroke Alms’ House, Tralee St. Dominick’s, Waterford r St. Monica’s, Roscommon St. Joseph’s, Killarney St. Catherine’s, Strabane St. Lewis’s, Thurles St. Laurence’s, Sligo - St. Columba’s, Westport St. Nichols, Cove-street, Cork St. Kevin’s, Glencree St. Francis’ Aloysius’, Clonakilty, Cork 26 84 42 • 27 27 48 50 28 62 28 28 80 29 28 28 , 28 r 28 n 28 28 , 28 28 t 28 ■ 28 r 28 28 28 28 27 - 28 28 28 28 29 T 31 - 29 57 s 81 82 - 83 52 85 3S 41 288 INDEX TO EXHIBITORS. Page Salviati and Co. --------- 43 Salviati, George --------- 43 Simpson, W. B. and Son, 453 West Strand, London - - - 45 Smith, Thomas and Sons, Herstmonceaux - - - - - 46 Slater, Buckingham and Co. 35 Wood-street, London - - - - 47 Smith and Wellstood, 7 Capel-street, Dublin - - - - 51 Stanford, Edward, 6 Charing-cross, London - - - 51 Salomon, H. and Co. 44 Princes-street, Edinburgh - - - - 54 Singer Sewing Machine Company, 69 Grafton-street, Dublin - - - 55 Small, William, 34 Brecknock-street, Holloway, London - - - 59 Smith, T. O. Grassmarket, Edinburgh ---<--- 60 Stanford, Edward C. C. Edinbarnet, Dunlocher - - - 69 Somerville, John, Gaswork, Dublin - - - - - - 61 Steam Printing Company, Dublin, Abbey-street, Dublin - - - 71 Travers, Miss, 8 Seafort-parade, Blackrock . - - - - - - 13 Tickell, George, 50 Mary-street, Dublin - - - - - 33 Todd, Burns and Co. Mary-street . - - - - - - 35 48 49 Thompson, Mrs. 9 Nassau-street, Dublin - - - - - 38 Trulock and Harris, 91 Dawson-street, Dublin - - - - - 38 Trulock Brothers, 32 Essex-quay, Dublin - - - - - 39 Tupper, Miss Margaret E. - - - - - 43 Tagnon, Adolphus, 137 Gray’s Inn-road, London - - - - 46 Thom and Lawson, 15 Buchanan-street, Glasgow .... Turnor and Co. Icknield, Port-road, Birmingham - - - - 53 Tinning J. H. and Son, 7 Great Charles-street, Birmingham - - - 55 Thomas, W. F. and Co. 1 and 2 Cheapside, London - - - - 55 Thompson, Charles, Newington Butts, London - - - - - 58 Tipper, B. C. Ballsall Heath, Birmingham - - - 60 Tennant, James, 2 Hosier-lane, Smithfield - - 61 Tallerman, D. 90 Cannon-street, London - - - - - 61 Trustees of Molyneux Asylum ----- - - - - 30 Usher and Kelly, 175, Hampstead-road, London - - - - 45 Vere, Foster, Esq. Belfast ------- 31 Vansittart, Henrietta, 48 Maid of Honour-row, Richmond, Surrey - - 57' Verschoyle, Benjamin, Ropers’ Rest, Black Pitts - - - - 67 Victoria Slate Company, 43 Dame-street, Dublin - - - 64 Val-de-Travers Company, 71 and 72 Rogerson’s-quay, Dublin - - 64 Victory, Thomas, 14 New-row, South ------ 64 Wedgwood, Josiah, and Sons, Staffordshire - - - - - 42 Wright and Stanley, 11 Orinond-quay, Dublin - - - - - 28 Wright, Joseph, 33 Westmoreland-street, Dublin - - - - 30 Walsh, Edward, 11 Leinster-street, Dublin - - - - - 32 Walsh, P. J. 20 Bachelors’-walk, Dublin - - - - - 34 Wallace, Thomas, Jail-street, Ennis ------ 34 Wallis, Mrs. Littleton, Co. Tipperary - - - - - - 41 Waterhouse, S. S. and Co. Dame-street, Dublin - - - - - 39 56 Wem, Thomas, Birmingham - - - - - - - 55 West, Thomas and Co. 15 Dawson-street, Dublin Watson and Naylor, Kidderminster - - - - - - 48 Wheeler and Wilson, Stephen’s-green, Dublin - - - - 55 Walker, Campbell, and Co. 59 Bridgewater-street, Liverpool Windover, C. S. 32 Long Acre, London ------ 53 Wright, Freeman, Needham Market, Suffolk ----- 60 White, Thomas G. 49 Talbot-street, Dublin - - - - - 61 Williams, A. and E. 2 Dame-street, Dublin - - - - - 36 Worn, Austin, 4 Molesworth-street, Dublin - - - - - 36 Yeates and Son, Grafton-street, Dublin ------ 38 1872. ©ttutai Catalogue &trbevtfeer* 1872. PIM BROTHERS & GO., SOUTH GREAT GEORGE’S STREET, DUBLIN, Manufacturers of IRISH POPLINS, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS; MaxjixifaotTirers of CURTAINS, BROCATELLES, LINENS, & CALICOES, AND ..V gfttoolesale anJr q Silver PR' ze Meda1 - Paris Exhibition, 1867. Oporto, 1865. POPLINS. Dublin, London. London. 1850. 1851. 1862 New York, 1853. Paris, 1855. Dublin, 1865. LINENS, DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS. NAPKINS, SHEETINGS, &c., BALBKIGGAN HOSIERY, IRISH LACE, SILKS AND VELVETS, JEWELLERY AND PLATED WARE, BOG OAK ORNAMENTS, COSTUMES, &c., &c. See Cases 18 and 20, Section C, Class 2. The “LITTLE WANZER’’ SEWING MACHINE is now selling in Thousands in England, on the Continent, and in the Colonies, and is universally acknowledged to be the most useful Hand and Treadle Lock-Stitch (Sewing Machine) Extant, 2 Official Catalogue Advertiser THE LITTLE WANZER C \c-Stitch Sewing BROS. & CO., SOUTH GREAT GEORGE’S-ST., DUBLIN, 3irjcnts for Jtrclan&r* COMPLETE Price, £4 4 0 Case, 0 2 0 The following Extras are given with Machine: 1 Reel Holder. 1 Tucker. 1 Quilter. 1 Self-Sewer. 1 Thread Oiler. 1 Screw Driver. 1 Clamp and Screw. 4 Bobbins. 4 Needles (assorted.) 1 Oil Can. 1 Reel Cotton. 1 Thumb Screw. 1 Hammer. 1 Instruction Book. PRICE with Stand, to work by foot, £5 5s. Od. Polished Walnut Registered Stand , can he used as a Travelling Case , price , with Machine either worked by Hand or Treadle , £6 14s. Od. A variety of other Stands front One to Three Guineas. The WANZER MACHINES have been awarded the HIGHEST PRIZES wherever exhibited. PARIS, 1867. AMERICA, 1870. ENGLAND, 1868-9. SYDNEY (Australia), 1871. The “ Little Wanzer” lias now fully established itself as a first-class substantial Sewing- Machine, easily learned , easily carried about, and not liable to yet out of order, and its moderate price places it within reach of all. The Board of National Education for Ireland has pronounced the “ Little Wanzer" the Best SevAng Machine , and have selected it to be used in their 7,000 Schools throughout Ireland. The Church Education Society for Ireland have also adopted the “ Little Wanzer" to be used in their Educational Establishments and School* throughout Ireland. The “ Little Wanzer" can be inspected in operation at our Warehouse, where every information can be obtained; or an Instructor will be sent to the residence of purchasers within city or surburbs. PIM BROTHERS & CO., SOUTH GREAT GEORGE’S STREET, DUBLIN, AGENTS FOR IRELAND. Official Catalogue Advertiser. 3 Drakes’ Patent Concrete Building Company, LIMITED, 37 TO 41, ROCKINGHAM-STREET, NEWINGTON-CAUSEWAY, LONDON, 4 Concrete iimUrm antr Contractors, Sole Manufacturers of their Patent Concrete Building Apparatus } FOR SALE AND ON HIRE. CONCRETE MIXERS AND STONE BREAKERS. The Erection of Buildings of every class undertaken in any part of the Kingdom. Full particulars may be obtained at the above Address, and in the Exhibition, where a specimen of Concrete Building, and the Apparatus in operation may be seen. ROBERT ANDREWS & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND MERCHANTS, Velvets, Velveteens, Moleskins, Cords, Sec., 83, FOUNTAIN STREET, MANCHESTER, AND GREENFIELD NULLS, SHAW, NEAR OLDHAM, Sole Agents for Sale to Wholesale (f Shipping Houses for WILD & SMITH'S Fast Pile Cotton Velvet Plush (Patented.) Wild 4 Smith'* Patent. --- Wild 4 Smith'* Patent. Owing to the peculiarity of the manufacture of the Cotton Velvet Plush, it possesses the following advantages over the best makes yet produced of the Plain Hack Velveteens now in general use. The Face Pile is finer, closer, and much more securely fastened, consequently more durable. The Back being finely twilled, the fabric is less liable to defects in weaving, and although it does not exceed in weight similar qualities in the ordinary Plain Back, is much superior in elasticity, strength, and endurance. It has a capacity for receiving greater excellency of finish, a process which imparts to it an enduring brilliancy and softness, rendering it remarkable in resemblance, both in appear¬ ance and handling, to Silk Velvet. The Velvet Plush is manufactured in various qualities and substances, to meet the requirements of Children’s, Ladies’, and Gentlemen’s wear, and for upholstery purposes. It is produced in Black, Brown White, and all shades of fancy colours, also in a variety of printed designs; and wbil-t the range of qualities is restricted to medium and the best, these do not exceed in cost the ordinary makes of V^lvctcGiiSi It is protected by Letters Patent, ami is distinguished by a Registered Trade Mark (Tiger) to imitate which is felony. „ „ „ Manufactured only by the Patentees, Greenfield Mills, Shaw, near Oldham. ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF VELVETS , VELVETEENS , 5* ? ^ ^\ >5* ^ - 000 - To be had of the best Merchants. Preferred by good Judges. N.B .—AVOID INFERIOR BRANDIES AND SMALL BOTTLES. Trade Shipping Orders for these much approved Brandies are taken by _ WILLIAM WIGHT & CO., DUBLIN. _ J. H INKS ON, SADDLER & HARNESS MANUFACTURER TO HIS EXCELLENCY THE LORD LIEUTENANT, 76, DAME-STREET, DUBLIN. Awarded the First Prize at all the Exhibitions of Irish Manufactures. Also First Prize at the International Exhibitions of LONDON, 1862, and DUBLIN, 1865. Indian and Australian Outfits Executed. See Class 8, No. 101. 24 Official Catalogue Advertiser. TOPHAM & WHITE, Manufacturing Goldsmiths, Jewellers, & Silversmiths, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS, 33, GRAFTON-STREET, DUBLIN. (ESTABLISHED 1896.) H AYING a staff of efficient workmen on the premises, T. & W. can execute all orders for Diamond Setting, Mounting, Jewellery, and Watch Repairs, with skill and punctuality, at Moderate Charges. A large and choice stock of Watches, Plate, and Jewellery. All Goods marked in plain figures. 3 3, Gfrafton-street, IDulDlin. yfc\FRED LEWIS & CO, perfumers to tfje Courts ' of iEurope, Distillers of Perfumes from Flowers , TOILET PERFUM ERY. _ Manufacturers and Proprietors of the Celebrated IMMdTUS INK. Official Catalogue Advertiser. 25 BROWN, THOMAS, & CO., ©aural UrstjjcrS; 15, 16, & 17, GRAFTON-STREET, and 5 & 6, DUKE-STREET. Silks and Tabinets, Shawls and Mantles, Dresses, Laces, LIST OF DEPARTMENTS. Haberdashery, Gents’ Ties and Shirts. .Ribbons, Bonnets, Millinery and Hair, Hosiery and Gloves, A Large Stock of Calicoes, Flannels and Household Linens, Children’s Dresses and Ladies’ Underclothing, Flowers and Parasols, French Jewellery, Perfumery and Fans, Ladies’ and Children’s Boots and Shoes, Costumes and Made up Evening Dresses. THE SUMMER SUN AND BUST Are sources of serious inconvenience to persons of delicate complexion. Ladies will find the applica- tionof ROWLANDS’ KALYBOR Most refreshing’ to the complexion, dispelling the cloud of languor and relaxation, allaying all heat and irritability, and immediately affording the pleasing sensation attending restored elasticity and healthful state of the skin. Freckles, Tan, Spots, Pimples, Flushes, and Discolouration are eradicated by its application, and give place to a clear and healthy complexion. In cases of : unbu n or Stings of Insects, its virtues have long been acknowledged. Price 4s. 6d. and 8s. 6d. per bottle. The heat of Summer also frequently communicates a dryness to the hair, and a tendency to fall off, wh'eh may be completely obviated by the use of ROWLANDS’ MACASSAR OIL. A delightfully fragrant and transparent preparation, and as an invigorator and beautifier of the Hair beyond all precedent. Price 3s. Gd., 7s., 10s. 6d. (equal to four small), and 21s. per bottle. ROWLANDS’ 0D0NT0, OR PEARL DENTIFRICE, A White Powder compounded of the rarest and most fragrant exotics. It bestows on the teeth a pearl-like whiteness, frees them from ta tar, and imparts to the gums a healthful firmness, and to the breath a pleasing fragrance. Price 2s. 9d. per box. Sold by Chemists and Perfumers. *.* Ask for “Rowlands’" Articles. MAGNESIA. TtOR Thirty Years the Medical Profession have approved of this pure solution as the best remedy for i’ Acidity of the Stomach , Heartburn , Headache , Gout , and Indigestion; and as a mild aperient for delicate constitutions, especially adapted for Ladies, Children, and Infants. When combined with the Acidulated Lemon Syrup, it forms a most agreeable effervescing draught, in which its aperient and cooling qualities are much increased. In warm seasons and warm climates this simple preparation, when taken REGULARLY, has been found highly beneficial. D1NNEF0RD l 00., CHEMISTS, &C., 172, HEW BOND-STREET, LONDON. Sold by all respectable Chemists throughout the World. Caution. _See that “Dinneford & Co.” is on each Bottle and Red Label over the Cork; and use DINNEFORD’S friction gloves and belts. 26 Official Catalogue Advertiser. . ' ■ . * n • ; vjjto - > umPpIPB Official Catalogue Advertiser. 27 2S * * Official Cotnln/jiie Advertiser — ---■— « Official Catalogue Advertiser. 29 MOORE’S IMPROVED “RAYMOND” Cmmtlian Sewing Machines. Price, including all the latest Patent Improvements, £3. Easy to learn, and not liable to go out of order. Sews anything (in the shape of Family Sewing) the needle will go through. Makes little noise, and specially adapted for Ladies. Beware of worthless imitations not stamped with the Importer and Patentee’s Xante, W. B. MOORE, 51, GRAFTON-STREET. DUBLIN. Raymond’s Improved Hand Lock-Stitch, - price only i!4 4s. SOLD ALSO AT W, B, MOORE’S CORK SEWING MACHINE DEPOT, 28, GRAND-PARADE. Send for Prospectuses. hm: :o: o t eis x_. (Late WALSHE'S), 20 and 21, SOUTH ANNE-STREET, DUBLIN. G . M A L O Z, Late of the Sactvitle-street and Kttdare-street Clubs, and Manager to the ifarine Hotel, Bundoran. M ONSIEUR O. MALOZ. has the honour to inform the Public that his new Restaurant and Luncheon Saloon is now open, and will be found very comfortable. He has the services of a First-class Man Cook. Hot Joints ready from 1 to 7 o'clock. Select Bill of Fare. Speciality for Soups and Liqueurs A good Ladies' Coffee Room attached. The Dinner Parties always well served. Superior Sitting and Bed Rooms for families. N B.—Two First-Class Billiard Rooms. MANUFACTURER WATCHMAKER PRUNING pair, ADDHJESS. 30 Official Catalogue Advertiser. NEEDLES, SILK, COTTON, OIL, l EVERY REQUISITE. Exhibition Palace , Stand. No. 255, near the Grotto. The SEWING MACHINE Depot, 30, GRAFTON-STREET, DUBLIN. Patentee of Improvements in Sewing Machines. EVERY KIND SUPPLIED, REPAIRED, EXCHANGED, OR LENT ON HIRE. AND UNDERTAKERS 19 & 20, BACHELORS’-WALK, DUBLIN. MANUFA CriJRING Cabinet iftafccrs Auctioneers, Valuators, BEDSTEAD, BEDDING, Bed-Room Furniture, Cneta(n antr Wt intro hi Bltnfr MANUFACTORY. Manufacturers of the NEW OUTSIDE SUN BLINDS. See Class 3, No. 91. London Dining Rooms, 9, E DEN-QUAY, DUB LIN. HOT JOINTS, DAILY, FROM 12 TO 8 O’CLOCK, P.M. ON SUNDAYS, from 2 o’Cloek to 6 p.m. BREAKFASTS, FROM 7 O’CLOCK TO 11 A.M. Pic-Nic Parties provided with every delicacy in Season. LUNCHEONS AND SUPPERS SUPPLIED. WELL AIRED BEDS. NO CHARGE FOR SERVANTS OR ATTENDANCE. _W. SCOTT, Proprietor.__ most mohey lext ON DIAMONDS, PLATE. WATCHES, JEWELLERY, And every description of Valuable Property, AT THE OLD ESTABLISHED PAWNBROKING ESTABLISHMENT, 48, CU FFE-STREET, (Off Stephen’s-green and Harcourt-street, and convenient to the Exhibition.) 4s. to 8s. an oz. Lent on Plate. Extensive Storage for Furniture, &c. «ar PRIVATE OFFICE ATTACHED, ‘©a All Country Communications punctually attended to 31 Official Catalogue Advertiser. TWO PRIZE MEDALS. Used for many years by the various London Hospitals on account of its cheapness, superior flavour, and nutritive qualities WHITEHEAD’S Solid Essence of Beef. The only Pure Extract of Beef in a solid form, 1 lb. equalling 42 lbs. of Butchers’ Meat. Solidified Soup Squares No house .should be without, as they are one-fourth the cost of ordinary made soups. For up-country stations they are invaluable, as 16 Squares (each to make It pint) occupy only the same space and are the same weight as One 3Pint Tin of Preserved Soups. Delicious Soups of every variety made in a few minutes. Wholesale of Messrs. Copland & Co., Travers & Sons, Crosse & Blackwell, E. Lazenby & Sons ; and of the Manufacturers at 8 8l 9 Lime-street Square, London. J. GEOGBEGAN & CO., fUtteit ittcrdtanfs. Shirt Makers and Manufacturers of Ladies’ Outfits, Invite attention to their extensive Stock of Irish Damask Table Linen, Irish Linen Sheeting, Household and Family Linens, Cambric Handkerchiefs, Irish Lace, and Balbriggan Hosiery. ALL OF THE BEST MANUFACTURE , AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. THE IRISH LINEN WAREHOUSE, 20, UPPER SACKVILLE STREET, DUBLIN. Established 1771. j^tate Jiptlmancs, anti fljannamitital (Llinntsts anti f erfnmcrs. THE MEDICAL HALL. J. J. GRAHAM & CO, Beg respectfully to inform the Nobility, Gentry, Medical Profession, and Public generally, that PHYSICIANS’ AND SURG-EONS’ PRESCRIPTIONS Are carefully compounded by duly-qualified Pharmacians, and that none but the Purest Drugs and Chemicals, prepared in accordance with the New Pharmacopoeia, are used. Medicines delivered by the r own Porters in every part of the City and Suburbs; also along the Line of the Kingstown Railway, Free of Charge. THE MEDICAL HALL, 3 0, Westmoreland - street. 32 Official Catalogue Advertiser. F SJ IS NITUREi WILLIAM BRUNTON & CO. Have always in Stock a large and varied assortment of every Article of MODERN HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Suites in every Style and Material for Bed-Rooms, Drawing-Rooms, Dining-Rooms, and Study. Brussels. Tapestry, Kidder, and other Carpets, of the best Manufacture. Curtain Materials of the most superior Satins, Reps, Plain and Striped Terrys, Damasks, Laces, and Leno. A great variety of Gilt CHIMKE Y, PIES,. AND TOILET GLASSES. Estimates and Designs on application at the Cabinet an£r Sljificlstcrg 22tarcroom0, -3=3, 3E31 JE1 JS1' JEL TST JS5 T" ZO. 33 IE T . Cabinet and Upholstery Goods our own Manufacture. $ EW I MG MACH IN E S, Knitting Machines, &c. THE DEPOTS FOR T. BRAX>FOm3 CO/S Domett it* lament n, 23, Dawson-street, and 80, Dame-street, Dublin. R. L. _ HUGHES Sole Agent. Intending or Contempleting Purchasers are respectfully invited to call and inspect these Machines at The Largest and Best Selection of Hand and Treadle Sewing Machines in Ireland will be found at Under the Immediate Patronage of EXHIBITION 1872, DUBLIN, 1872, OF Arts, Industries, and Manufactures, AND ffaair Htusutm of (SSorhs of %x\, Under the Special Patronage of 'feiis ^Excellency ^Ehe T^ord Lieutenant, NOW OPEN DAILY. A. M3 XML M 2S S M €3 HI- ONE SHILLING every day, except on Wednesdays and Fridays, 2s. 6d., or by SEASON TICKET, =21 Is.; Children 10s. 6d. See Daily Papers for Special Amusements and Fetes. MUSICAL PERFORMANCES. For Tourist and Excursion arrangements see Railway announcements. ' Notice to Advertisers . Mr. JOHN FALCONER, 53, Upper Sackville-street, Dublin, Has been authorized to print and publish the Official Catalogue, and also appointed Agent for the Advertisements. All Advertisements must be paid for in advance. Payment may be remitted by Letter of Credit or Post Office Order, in his favour, and all information respecting Advertising will be given on application to him. All orders for Advertisements should be forwarded without delay. Agents for London— Messrs. STREET, BROTHERS, 5, Serle-street, Lincoln’s Inn; and Mr. GEORGE STREET, 30, Comhill. ALFRED EMDEN, Secretary. EDWARD LEE, General Manager, CROSSE AID BLACK 1 Purveyors to the Queen, SOHO SQUARE, LOW DC Direct attention to the following Articles of their Manufacture, which nu Grocers and Italian Warehousemen, who will supply, on application, cc various Goods Manufactured by them:—- pURE PICKLES IN MALT V] pAPTAIN WHITE’S ORIENTAL fJOLONEL SKINNER’S - MANGO Prepared from the Mango and other choice Fruits and Yegetabl rpABLE JELLIES — CALVES’ Orange, Lemon, Madeira, &c., in Pint and Quart Bottles. JAMS and'JELLIES warranted made from ** and w'ith Refined Sugar only. QRANGE MARMALADE made solely fror Orange and with Refined Sugar. " PREPARED SOUPS in Tins—Mock Turtle, C “ Mulligatawny, Julienne, Pea, Vegetable, &c. CROSSE & BLACKWELL, PURVEYORS TO Tl __ SOHO-SQUARE, LONDON. Protection from 1 PROTECTION FROM FIRE. a s fU N'f LIGHT ONLY Light only on the f GET R LIBRARY Up, tb ^ SIhmsoM- 'S?* 'kzy-^o^JL. fej/JO ,<} f, '?rif>, f 0 /Pfrvvw^ Uy/yo/7^ UylU*-. ( h o c> 3 3125 00112 4789 /