■% 4 K^'^A •' Y^^-J^ uUMnrut fJi lii: I. POLTGRAFHICE: O R, The Arts of Drawing, Engraving, Etching, Limning, Painting, Vcr- nifliing, Japanjng, Gilding, d^c. In Two Volumns. CONTAINING, I. The Arts nf^ Drawing Men, Women, Landskips, i&c* II. et ermine, (is you are ad-^ mirahly Skilful to ferforvL The Work of it [elf is kit as a Dead Body, hat as a Bod) with- out a Soul 5 it is your Character and 'Name inuji give it Life and Spirit j and then with your Ade-- mtrry, I am fure it will be Confe- crated to Eternity, I am wholly unskilld in the Arts of Adulat.iony and know nothing of 'Flattery : hut this I fay, that could I V/ritc as £:c- cellentlyi^ as you can Defg'i^ and Decipher in Words, as well as you can with the Pencil, I would leave to all Fofterity, the Great Life of the Immortal Kntllcr, I will not detain you any long-' er ; hut I have this to Ooferve, 4 3 That Epiftle Dedicatory. That jou who are the Honor ef your Frofejjiony and the Glory tf your Art, have by your Excellency therein, ohtained a Vrecedency a- hove other Men ; and all your Verformances are fuch, not to make Imitators, but Admirers, amongfi whom is, Sir, Your Faithful, AND Humble Servant, William SalmoJL THE PRE FACE T I.r ■ ^ i^E Si(hje[i of the enfuing Work^ is the Art of Painting •, a Name not only too fingular^ hut alfo too Jhort or narrow^ to exprcfs whit is here intended there- by : For we do not only exprefs that Art^ ( oi it is generally received ) but alfo Drawing, JEngraving, Etching, Limning, Painting in Oil, Wafhing, Co- loring and Dying : All winch being confidered in their proper Extent^ infinitely exceed that curtaiPd Name , I will not lay ^ himfelf affirms it : And very Wile Men, fuch as ^aracelfus.^ Vontaniis^ and ethers^ fcem to give Credit to it. And tliereby ¥hiwmc1^ a t'rc/ich Man. originally ll poor Scrivener in Farjs^ left fo great posrscRipr. great Monuments behind him, as muft convince th« molt Incredulous, that he knew the Secret, and did fuch mighty Works, at his own proper Colts and Charges, as the moft Opulent Prince in Europe can never do the like. He built Twenty eight Hofpi- tals in France^ alfo T^venty Churches and Chappcls> and Endowed them all, with large Revenues and Incomes. IV. As to the many Additions to every Impref- fion of this Book hitherto, 1 make bold to excufe my felf : I confefs it is an abufe, and fuch an one which I my felf, who have been a great buyer of Books, have often complained of ^ it is indeed an Oppreffion upon the Publick, for when a new Edi- tion comes forth, with confiderable Additions, the former Book is worth little or nothing. The truth is, the Copy was formerly in the hands of fiicBi Men, who thought much at every Penny they laid out, and provided it would but anfwer their ends, ,and bring them Money, they cared not how meanly the Publick was ferved by it. But now it is fallen into the hands of more GenerSks Spirited Men, who were delirous of having a good Work, and a Compleat Thing, and ituck at no Money to bring the fome to Perfection : And accordingly, you fee to what a Maturity their Gentleman-like Ijifpofiti- ons, and Noble Spirits have brought this Book : 'Tis through them, and their means, you have it thus compleat ^ and to them you ought to (hew your good Nature, in rendring your Acknowledg- ments and Thanks, for that otherwife you muft ha\'e been contented to have taken up with the few Fragments, wliich the penuriouHiefs of the for- mer Bookfellers had aflPorded you. V. But to make you amends for this trefpading, not fo m.uch upon your Patience, as upon your Pur- ics, we oiTer you here the Valuable Additions wliich tiiis IrapreifiOn is enriched withal ^ ivhich i am POSTSCRIPT. am very confident, the ingenious Artift would no?- be without for ten times all that tlie Book will coft him, ( notwitliftanding all the other Editions which he has foimerly bought, which are now like an old Almanack, out of Date : ) This is enough, we hope, to give fome fatisfa8:ion, and flop your repining, efpecially when you fliall confider ( by comparing this Edition with Ibme of the former ) , what Care and Pains I have taken in the Editing thereof : This Copy alfo is all Correded from the Prefs with my own hand, which I will not promife any future Edition (hall be ^ and therefore may be, on that account, more Valuable than any that (hall be hereafter Printed. And withal I promife. That ftom henceforth I will never make any more Alte- rations or Additions to this Work. From my Houfe ztBiackr William Salmon, Fryers Stairs, Lmdm, 24 OSaber, 1700. ERRATA. ^Ag. 44. lin. 29. and pag. 45. lin. ^o, for ReSl'tfiedy read Ke- fieliii, pag. 774. lin. 30. for Cen(uralf read CmtrnU THE THE CONTENTS. Liber Primus. Of Drawing. Chap. ^ Page. 1 /If Polygraphice in General. I 2 Of the Injlruments of Dramng. 2 Of WAking Pajiils or Crions. 2, 3> 4, 5 Of u/ing Paxils or Crions. 6 Of ujtng Indian Ink. j 3 Of the Precepts of Dramng in General. 7 4 Particular ehfervations in Dramng. lO 5 Of the Imitation of the Life. 15 6 Of the Imitation of Draughts. I^ 7 Of Dramng the fMe of a Man. iS • 8 Of Dramng the extream Parts. 23 9 Of Dramng the whole Body. 21 10 Of Dramng a naked, Body. 22 11 Of fhadoTPing a naked Body. 24 12 Of the re ay and manner of Sh adorn ng. 25 13 Of exprejjing Pajfions in the Face. 26 28 16 0/ 14 Of human Proportion, 35 Of Drapery. The CONTENTS. Chap. Pag 94 Ohfervations on Reds. 9^ Ohfervations on BrofpnL 99 Ohfervations on Greens. it>iJ. Ohfervations on Tsllows. ibid Ohfervations on Blems. too Ohfervations on Whites. ibid Ohfervations on Blacksi ibid -f4 glorious color of Eaft-Iiidi.l Cz^^/. } ot 19 0/ /z?/Vv^ and compound Colors. ibid 20 Of Colors for Drapery. 1 05 21 Of Liquid Gold and Silver, 107 Argentum Muficum- ibid Autum Muficum^ . p ^- icS 22 Of preparing the Color). t^ailUfa .' ic^ Mixtures for fhadomng Hi [lories. j i r Mixtftres for fhadomng Faces. ibid Mixtures for fhadow.ing Hair. ibid 23 0/ f/)# manual Injlruments. 112 24 Of Preparations for Limning, 1.14 2^ Of Limning in A^iniature,.. n6 26 Of Limning Drapery. lip 27 0/ Limning Landslip. 1 24 28 Of Light and Shadamy 1 26 29 Of Colors more particularly. :, ■. \-..y. 1^0 30 Of making fome Original Color s:^- , 1 31 Of Limning to the Life in General c i m- ?^ 71;^ JDf^^ coloring of a Figure. To draw rcith Indian Ink. 1 3 5 ^2 Of Limning Landslip parikularly. , J:^9 33 Of the various forms or degrees of, Coloring,* I I'a 34 0/ Limning the She, Clo-dsj ,&c. " i f,' 35 Of Limning Towns, Ceiftlesj R^tini. i.^.-- a . 36 Of The CONTENTS. Chap. Pgae 36 Of Mountains, Hills and the like. J45 37 Of Trees, Boughs, Cottages, &c. 146 38 Of Limning naked Figures. 147 3P Of Limning^ Hair. 145 40 Of Walls, Chambers and the like. ^ 14^ 41 Of Marble Pillars, Rocks, &ic. I^o 42 0/ Coloring Metals. ibid 43 Of Limning Florvers. 151 44 Of Radifhes, Turneps, Melons, Cucumhrs. 152 45 0/ Limning Fruits. 1 55 46 Of Limning Birds. 1 54 47 Of Limning Beajis. 1 55 48 0/ Limning Serpents. 157 ^p Of LimningWaters and Fijh. 158 Li^^r Tertius. Of Painting, Wafhing, Gilding, Colors, ^r. I /^^ Painting in General. 1 59 ^^ 2 0/ Painting in Oil and the Materials there- of. 161 3 Of Colors in General and their Jiguifications. 163 4 O/" fitting colors for Painting. 1 64 5 O/^ Co/or J- /o/- Velvet. . 165 6 0/ Colors for Sattins. 1 66 7 O/" Co/or; /<9r Taffety, Cloth, Leather. 1 67 8 Of Colors for Garments in General. 168 p Of Colors for Metals and Precious Stones. j6p 10 Of Colors for Landskip. 1 70 II Of Painting the Face. 1 71 12 Of clean ftng eld Paintings. 1 72 13 Of a Picture in General. 174 14 0/ //)^ c/;{)zf(? ofCoppies or Patterns. 1 76 15 0/ dijpofmg of Pitlures and Primings. ijy 16 Of Oiap. _ ^ Pigc^ 16 Of Frefcoe, or Painting of Wijlls . 17S ly Of Painting Sun dials ^ Tl^hcr-worl, Sici lyp How Colors are to he Jet off. 185 To transfer the drasfght of a Dial upon the Plane:. iSo To Gild the Figures of Sun dials. 1S7 18 Tvafhing Maps, PiEiurcs, Sic. i^p ip Of Colors fimple for rcafhin^JUfaps-i S/x. ipi To mah Verdigrife according to Glauber. ip'i, , ■30 Of Colors compound for wa/hing Maps, &c, ip.y 2i Of mixing Colors and Shadomng. ip6 22 Of Colors for ivafl:^ing Landskips. ipS^ 23 Of the PraBice of WafJping. ipp , HoTv to lay on your Colors. 200 ^iJ. Ohfervations on Vegetable Colors. 23 2: 25 Ohfervations on Mineral Colors. 226 16 Of Metals. [ \\ . 20p' 2y Of the way and inafiTisr of Gilding. 215 28 0/ making vploite Colors, and wmt^ning PUijfer Walls. 2p 0/ Mczzotinto, and taking ojf an old PHm on ivhite Paper. 220 30 Of making various forts of Ink. 221 Liber QuarUis. The Original, Advancement cind Perfedrion of the Arc of Painting : E)cemplified m the various Paintings ofdie Ancicnrs. C\t^ the Original of thefe Arts. ^-^ 2 Of tbe Proirrefs of thefe Ans. 3 Of the PerfeEiion ef^the Art of Painimg. . ^16 4 Of the Ancients de pitying their Ggds,. 4t]iftf-fiof S4t.iirn. ■■■-.' ■ ' ■ ' 3'3i> a 2 5 Ca*^ The CONTENTS. Chap. Page, 5 Of the Ancients depi^ing Jupiter. , 327 6 Of tke Ancients depi^iing Mars. 529 7 Of the Ancients depiUing Phcebus or Sol. 330 8 Of the Antients depiEling Venus. 332 p Of the Ancients depi^ing Mc^ccmy- 335 10 Of the Ancients depicting Diana or Luna. 335 1 1 Of the Ancients depiBing Janus. 337 1 2 0/ the Ancients dcpiBing Aurora. 338 13 Of the Ancients depi^ing Juno. 33P 14 or the Ancients depiEiing Ops or Tellu?. 340 15 Of the Ancients depiBingNt[)\.imQ and Sea-gocls. 341 16 Of the Ancients dcpi^ing Ncmeiis. 343 17 Of the Ancients dcpitlingVstn. ibid 1 8 Of the Ancients dcpiEiing Plato. 345 1 9 Of the Ancients depicting the Vsmcx. 346 20 Of the Ancients depi^ing Minerva or Pallas. ibid 21 Of the Aficients depicting Vulcdn, 347 22 Of the Ancients depiBing Bacchus. 348 23 Of the Ancients depicting Fortune. 349 24 Of Virtue, Trmh, Peace , Honor , Fume, Opinion, 352 25 Of Ni^ht, Sleep, Silence, Pleajure, Fear 353 "26 Of Pmlofophers, Law-givers, Kings, Qneens^ 355 27 Of the Painting of the Sybils. 357 28 Of Arts, Virtues, Pajfions, and minor Gods. 359 29 Of cxprfjjing the Powers. 362 Eternity. ibid Time. Fate, Fortune. ' 363 Ecjuality, ViBory, Peace, Providence, Concord, Fame, Dcftiny. 364 ::50 Of depicting Virtues and Vices. 365 31 Of depict in g Rivers. ^6j Tiber, Nilus, Tigris. ibid Ganges, IikIus, Tliamifis, Ainu-, Po, Daiuibius. • 3^S AcheJou?, Niger. 369 -3 2 Of depiBing the Nymphs. ibid Napjea, Dryades, Naiade?, llictis, Galatea, Iris. 370 Nymph.'c dianx, Aurora. ^71 3 3 Of depicting the nine A'laje.:. 'ibid ^^ O'- the foHr Winds. , 372 ^5 Of the Alanths of the Tear- 373 Liber The CONTENTS. hiber Suintns, Of Beautifying and Perfuming. Chap. Page: I ^\P Painting the Face and Skin. ^ 375 ^^ ^OfCofmmchwhichhaMifymthofitPaint. 380 3 OfX^ofmeticks for the Fices of the Skin. 384 4 Of other admirable Beautifiers, 3°^ 5 Of cleanfing the Teeth. ^91 6 Of making a fweet Breath. 35?3 7 Of beautifying the Hair. ^90 8 Of Perfuming in General. 3PP p Of the Aiatter of which Per fumes are ?nade. . ibid 10 Of the Oil of Ben. , 400 II 0/ Svpeet V/aters. 401 J 2 Of Perfuming Oils and Spirits. 404 1 ^ Of Perfuming Ejfences. 406 l^ Of Perfuming Unguents. 408 1 5 0/ Perfuming Ponders. 409 16 Of Perfuming Baljams, 4^4 1 7 0/ Perfuming Tablets. \ 415 1 8 Of Pomanders for Bracelets. 41 6 IpOfPerfumingWaJh-balls. 4x9 ^o Of Perfuming Soaps. 421 21 Of burning and boiling Perfumes. 422 22 Of Animal and Mineral Perfumes. _ 425 23 Of ?/jf Adulteration of Musk, Civet, Ambcrgrije, 426 2\ Of Perfuming Cloth, Skins, Gloves. 428 * 5 Liher The CONTjEHTS. Liber Sextus, Of the Arts of Dying and Staining. Chap. Page, "^ (\^ ^y'"S ^fh Colors. 431 ^^ 2 Of Dying BUds. 433 3 Of Dying B I cm. ^ 436 4 Of Dying Broy.ns. 438 % Of Dying a CinnamonColor. 44O 6 Of Dying Clove Colors. . 442. 7 O" Dying Flejh Colors. ' 443 8 Of Dying Gnyy RHJfet^ or Lead Colors^ 444 p Of Dying Greens. 445 I o O,^ Z); j/z^ H.?/V Co/or/. 449 I I Of Dying Ahiife Colors. 45Q 1 2 Of Dying Pink Colors. 453 1 3 Of Dying a Rofe Color. 453 14 Of Dying Red Rofe or Carnation Color. 454 150,^ Dyins^ Red Colors . 455 1 6 or D).//;ir ^ Re:{ Blufh Color. 45a 17 0/ 7^;/;.'_^ Scarlet nnd the Bon-dy:. 459. 1% Of Dying Sand Colors. ^ 461 19 Of Dying Sn^-^ Colors. ^ " 462, 20 O/" T^T'wj ^/£'/iff 4 Pafle for a Beryl, or Sky-Color. 778 1 1 To male a Chalcedony. 778 1 2 Pa/le for an Oriental Ckryfolite. 783 15 Of making fair Oriental Diamonds. ibid The CONTEKTS. Chap: Page: 14 PAJiesfor an Oriental Emerald. 787 1 5 Pafies for an Oriental Granate. yBp 10 Pajies for an Oriental Jacynth. ^po 17 Pafles for making Artificial Pearls. frgi 18 Other various ways of making Artificial Pearls. 794 Ip Padesfor Oriental Rubies and Carbuncles, 801 20 Pajies fer an Oriental Saphir. ^4 21 Pafies for an Oriental Topaz,. 8^5 22 Pafies for an Oriental Turcois. 807 SECT. III. Of E N A M E L S. 23 Of Enametsin General. ibid 24 The may of Enamelling. So^ 25 To Enamel on Metals. Si I 26 Of Painting on Enamel. 815 27 Of Milk White Enamel. 814 2B0f Black Enamel. 815 2p Of fine Blerv and Turcois Enamels^ 810 30 Of Green Enamels. 8 1 7 31 0/ Purple Enamels. Si8 3 2 0/ Rofe colored Enamels. 8 1 9 ^^ Of Red Enamels. 820 34 0/ TelloTV Enamels. 822 ^^Of making China, to Enamel, Paint and Qild it. 825 SEC T. IV. Of Painting Glass. 36 Of Painting Glafs in General, and of the Colors. 826 37 Preparations of Vegetable Colors. 830 38 Preparations of Mineral Colors. 835 3P Coloring or Staining Glafs from Randdlphe Holme, /z««>y, M.Halfapound. 0«f4/«%{7''««f^^rr7. -^ * ^ s.^ oHnces Averdepit, ib A pound. Containing S^i''*''''''^^' , *^ 6^16 omces Aver depot z, T^ Recipe. Taks or Receive, 'Jina. Of each a like. viz. alike Weight or Number, SSS, Stratum fuper Stratum. Which //, Lay n^onLay, VOLT' TOLYGKATHICES Liber Primus. o F DRAWING P CHAP. I, Of Polygraphke in General, I. "ta 'polygraphke is an Art (6 much itnirating Nature, aS that by proportional Lines, with anl werable Co- lours, it teacbeih to reprefent to the Life fand that in piano) the Forms of all corporeal things, with their refpedive PaiTions. This Definition is clear out of the Nature of the Arty {being atfi a liberal Art^ as are Arirhmeiick, Geometry, Aftronomy, Dialing, Mufick, C^c.) It is [aid to reprefint things in piano, to difjtinguijh it from Carving, which is alfi a ^eprefemation of tiHtural things with Rotundity and Thicknefs. 11. It is called, in general, in Greek ]spa(^.nx.ii, in Latin PiElura, and in Englilh the Art of Painting. IIL It is Sevenfold ftowitj in Drawings Engraving, Etch- ings Limning, Painting, Wafhing and Colouring. IV. Drawing is that whereby we reprefent the Shape and Fcrnj of any cvporeal Swbrtance in rude Lines only. V It confifts in Proportion and Paflion, as it bath relation I'o motion acd fiiuiiion, in refped of Light and Vificn. K B to 2 Foljigraphices Lib. I. to preportioneJ Quantity you add Colour, you will have at length the Form and Pcrfcdion of ibc Figure ; fo that wbofoever lees it, may be able to (ay, ibis is a Man, that a Peacock^ that a Leopard ; and again tb.s is John, tbat Thomas, a ihird ano- ther Man, ^c. And by the exad perfoimiug of ib'ie things, you may depitfl one Fearful, ano-her Crying and Lamevring^ another >^w^r;, another in Love, Sec. and that fo exctllemJy, that the Party counterfeited may be thereby eafily known. VI. Sanderfjn faith, This admirable Art is the Imitation of the Surface of Nature in Colour and Proportion, i. By Ma- thematical DamoDir ration. 2. By Chorograpbical Defcrip- tion, 3. By Shapes of living Creatures. 4. And by the Forms of Vegetable?. Id all which it prefers Likenefs 10 the Life, coufcrves it after Death, and this aUogetbcr by the Senfe of Seeing. VIL The Pr^/fom^w fliews the true length, breadth, or big- nefs of any part i'\n known mealuresj in refpedt of the whole, »nd how they bear one to another : The Vajjion reprefeuis the vifual Quality, in refped of Love or Hatred, Sorrow or Joy. Magnanimity or Cowa'dice, Majefty or Humility : Of all which things we (hall Tpeak in order. VIII. Herein alfo Painting uitfers from Carving ; for t\\t Carver s Intent is only co give the relf-lame Quantity to his Fi- gure, which his riifiural Pstfern hath, vi:(. equal to the Life in Quantity only: VVhri'i-s the Painter, by the help of Colours, adds a k:~c! of life to ihc Similitude, and giies not only Q^ati^ itty, but a Colourable {{efcviiK'.nce alio. CHAR II. Of the Infirumcnls of DrAwmg. 1. ^He Infltuments of Drawing are Sevenfold, vi:{. Char- -■- coals, Feat^prs of a Duck's Wing, Black and Red Lead Pencils, Pet,s made of Ravens Quills, Rulers, Compa(- ies, and Paftils or Crions. II. Charcoals are to be cbofen of Sallow-wood fplit into the Form of Pencils, and fliarpned tea point, beirg chiefly known hj their PUh la the middle. Their Chap. 2 . The Jvjlrujmnis of Drawing, 5 Their ufe is to draw lightly the Draught over at firfl, that if any thing be drawn amifs^ it may be tvifed out and amended. III. The Feathers oiighc to be of a Duck's Wing, ftbough others may feive well enoughj with which you may wipeoui any Stroke of the Charcoal where it is drawn amifs, kit Va- riety of Lines breed Confufion, IV. Blacl{ and J^ed Lead Pencils are ro go cv^r your Draught the fecond time more exactly, becaufe this will not v;ipe out with your Hand when you come 10 draw it over with the Pen. V. Pens made of Ravens Qaills (but others may ferve; are to fini(h the Work : Bat herein you muft be very careful and cxacH: i for what is now done amifs there is no altering of. VI. The I{ukrs which are of ufe to draw ftralght or per- pendicular Lines, Triangles, Squares or Polygons, the which you are to ufe in the beginning, till Pradlice and Experience may render ibem needlefs, ^ VIL CompaJJes made of fine Brafs, with Stee! Points, to take in and our> that you may ufe Black or Red Lead at plea- lure. Their VCe is fir/} to meafure (by help of a curious Scale of e^ual Parts upon the edge of your Bjiler) your Proportions, and whether your fVork^ is exaS tvhich is done with the Charcoal. Secondly, To draw Circles, Ovals and Arches withal. VIII. Pafiils or Crions are made of feveral Colours to draw withal upon Coloured Paper or Parchment. Thus, Tali^ Plaifier of Paris or Alabafler calcined^ and of the Co" lour of which you intend to makf your Paftils withy ana. q. f. grind them fir/i a/under, then together^ and with a little Water makp them into Pafie i then with your Hands roul them into long pieces like Blacky Lead Pencils, then dry them moderately in the Air : Being dried, when you ufe them, fcrape them to a point like an ordinary Pencil. And thus may you make Paflils or Crions of what Co- lour you pleafe, fitting them for the Faces of Men or iVomen, Landslips, Clouds,. Sunbeams, Buildings, and Sha- dows. IX. Another way to make Pafiils or Crions. Take Tobaco- pipe Clay, and with a little Water temper the fame with wfaatCoIotir you pleafe, making feveral accord- ing to the feveral Heights ot Colours you intend j which mix B 2 with 4 Poljigraphkes Lib. I. with the faid Tobaco-pipe Clay, fo much as the Clay will bear ; work all well together, make or form it into Pajiih or CrioNSy and let tbetn dry for ufe. X. A Pa/lil or Cr ion for a brown Compleclion. Grind on your lione Cerufe, Red Lead, or Vermilion, Englifh Oker, ind a lictle Pink ; to this add a proportionable quantity of Plailtcr of Paris burnt and finely fifted, or Toba- co-pipe Ciay , mix either of tbcra with the faid Colours, and then roul them up. Here note, that Cerufe is mixed with all the other Colouts alfo. Roul them up upon a Marble Stone, and le» them be about the length of a Finger, and the thicknefs of a Goofe- Quill. XL Tbcle Papii's or Crions being dry, you may fharpen them (wben you ufe them) wirh a Pen-knif? to a point, fo (harp that you may draw a Hair. The Colour moft difficult to work in tl-is kind is Cii'mfon, if you make ufe of Lake, tvhicb you may avoid hy making ufe of I{pjfet ; and be fure to n-)ix Cerufe wi;b all your other Colours and Shadows whai- fotvtr. • j^ftsr this manner, with proper Compojjtions, yon may make a'S n'lanner 'df bedidtifu! Colours, as Greens for Landskips, and Of her Colours, for I{^c!{s, Grrunds, Sk^es, fVai^s, &c. XIL j4 Pajlilor Crion for Greens. ThcfeCr;Vw are made of Pink and Bice; and Mafticote and Small ; and Mafticote and Indico, with which Colours you may make them lighter or deeper, as you pleafe ; re- membring that where you are ro temper Ibfi or firm Colours, as Umber, Ok?r, Indico, G?c you are to take the lefs PUifier cf Paris ; but where the Colours are loofe, there bind chem ftronger and fafter, by adding more Plaijler cf Paris. Xin. ^^nother way to make Pajiils or Crions. Take your Colours and grind them very fine upon a Mtr- blv% ar-d fife tbern through a fine Tiffany Sieve ; then take a piece of Tobaco-pipe Clay, and lay it on your Grinding- Stone. and temper it and your Colours together with ftrong Ale-V/qrf. Yon muft -be very careful not to make them too wet, ;but of an even temper, like moift Clay, to rou! up with your Hand upon your Srone : Then take a piece of Paper, and dry them in an Oven, after the Bread is taken out ; or you may otberwife dry them in a Fire (hovel by degrees till they be hard cnourh ; which to know, have a piece of Pa- per by you, and try if ihey caft, which if they do, t|iey are ppt dry enough j iheh dry them again longer tjli they will not ■'■■"■ " * c|ai Chap. II. The hiflrunients of Drawmg, 5 ctft i after which uke a Feather, and fome Sallet-Oil, and oil ihem lightly over, and lb lay them to dry jgain, nil the Oil be drank well into them, whith will make ihem excellenc and to work free and ealie. XIV. Obferve that ihofe Colovirs which bind bard of them- felves, muft be tempered with lefs Tobacco-pipe Clay. More- over, TeOow 0)^er burnt, and rouled up into a Paftil or Criori, and dried with a moderate Heat ; an'd then being throughly dried, and made very warm, and dipp'd idto Lin feed Oil, and dried again till the Oil becomes well foaked into it, be- comes molt excellenr. This being (hsrpened to a very fine point, you may draw admirably withal, and ir will have that quality, that wl^it is drawn with ic, although rubbed hard with your Finger or Hand, it will not rub off, nor any pare of it ftir. And without doubt all the other Colours may be made to have the fame Quality. The German Mafters. and ihofe of the Loiv-Dutch, made all their Crions wirh that Qua- lity not to rub off, but were exireamly neat, brisk, lively, anu Clike Oil-painringj very ftrong. XV. The way and manner of iifing your Pa/iils or Crions. Colour the Paper that you intend to draw on with a Car- nation or Flefh-colour, near the Complexion of the Party you intend to draw after : Cover the whole Paper with the laid Complexion, which is made of Cerufe, Minium, and a littJg Yellow Oker ground with a little Gum-Arabick. When you prepare thera, make a good number ot various Complexions together, it not being worth while to make one at a lime.i lay this Ground-colour with a wet Spunge, but lee the Colour be fo bound with Gum, that it may not ftir from the Papel" by rubbing. This being done, and dry, draw the Ouifcetches or firft rough Draught with Coal ; that being as you would have it, draw over the fame Lines again more peikAly with Red Chalk; then with your feveraJ Paftils or Crions rub in your Colours firit, and after, with your Fingers fweeten and mix them together, driving and confounding them one into another, after the mannpf of Oil-Painters. And becaufe many times the Crions will not fiurpen to fo good a Point as Black or Red Chalk, you muft be very careful to clofe and finilh all your Work at laft with Red and ^lack Chalk, which you may Iharpen atpleafure. B 3 XVI Ano' 6 Polygraphkef Lib. I. XVI. Another way of Drawing with Paftils or Criota on Blue Paper, The Ground-colours are to be robbed in firft wicb a Pencil, and afterwards with a ttubbed Pencil or your Finger. After the fame manner you may work in Parchment exceeding neat- ly and fo curioufly, thatac a fmall diiiance they may be taken lor Limning. XVII. To maJ{e white Paflih or Crions. Take Cerufe, or ordinary white Chalk, four Ounces j Roach-Allum, two Ounces j grind them together fine, make cbem up into a Mafs, burn them in a Crucible, and keep them for cife. XVIII. To the former add good Copies, Patterns and Examples of good Pictures and other Draughts; wiihotic which it is almoft impoflible that the young Artilt fiiould ever attain to any Perfedion in this Art. Thcfe that defire to be ftirnijhed with any excellent Patterns, Copies or Prints, may have of all forts, tvhether of. Humane Shape y Perfpe^ive, Defign, Lands kips. Fowls, Bea/ls, Infers, Plants, Countreys, or any other artificial Figures, exquifitely drawuy at very F^eajonable I^tes, where this Book^ is to be fold. XIX. Another way to make Paflils or Crions. Take Tobaco-pipe Clay, before it is burnt, and grind it well with a little weak Gum-water j then add to it Vermili- on. Blue Bice, or Tellow Oakfr, or what other Colour you pleafe : Let your Gum- Water be very weak, left it bind too bard ; make it up into little Rowls, which dry, and fcrape each to a Point for ufe, as you need them. XX. Another way to do the fame. Take a great Chalk-ftone, make deep Furrows in it, two or three Inches long, and fo large, that you may lay in each a Quill ; then take White Chalk ground very fine, temper \t with Oil or Wort, and a little new Milk, and fo make Pap thereof; then pour it into the Chalk Furrows, which in a fliort time you may take out, and roul them up as you would have them ; or otberwife let them lie till they are quite dry, «nd then take them out and fcrape them into the Form you defire : You may temper Lake, with burnt Alabafler, for a Red, and fo for other Colours > bur Colours which bind over" liard, mult have a little Water added to thsm in their grind- iog. XXI. T. Chap. 5. The Precepts of Dratpmg, 7 XXI. Tt draw with Indian Ink: Tbe Out-ftrokes being firtt drawn with Black Lead, fafter the Duft of the Charcoal is well bruOid off with a Feather) then take a Stick of Indian Ihl^^ of the beft fort, (not that which is whitifh and hard within, for that is naught, and will not work wellj wet one end of it with Water, or rather with your Spittle, which is better, for that h not fo fubjed: to fiok into the Paper, which ought to be very good Du(ch Paper 5 and have ready fix or eight fniall Pencils, of feveral fizes, which put en little Sticks two or three inches long, the better to hold theiQ. XXII. With the one Pencil you isiuft drav7, and with the other at the other end of the Stick, you muft, (ii being a lii« ile wet with your Spittle) wipe off the hard edge : Begin faiot at fii'Itj then (hadow it higher, as you pleafe 3 otberwife, if St be too dark at firft, you will be in danger of fpoih'ng your Work. The leaft touch of your Pencil on the Indian Ink is enough. This manner of Drawing is pleafant and admira- ble, and now much in ufe, fetting off the Work very neatly. See Lib. 1. Caf.^u Se&. 30. of this Work. CHAP. III. Of the Precept i^ of Drawing in General. 1. HE fure to have all the Neceflaries aforefaid in readineftj but it will be good ropradife as much as may be with- out the help of your Rule and Compaffes : It is your Eye and Fancy mult judge without artificial Meafurings. II. Then firfl begin with ^lain Geometrical Vigttres, as Lines, Atjgles, Triangles, Quadrangles, Polygons, Arches, Circles, Ovals, Cones, Cylioders, and ib? like. For thefe are the Foundations of all other Proportions. III. The Circle helps in all orl^'ular Forms, asintbeSun^' Moon, ^c. the Oval in giving uft Proportion to the Face And Mouth ■-, the Mouth of a s or Well, the Foot of a Glafs, (§c. the Square con'ines tb P.dure you are to copy,^c, the Triangle in the half Face i tbe Polygon in Ground-plats, Fortifications, and the like 3 Angles and Arcbet in Perfpedive^ B 4 ih« 8 Poljigraphices Lib. 1. iht Cone in Spires, Tops of Towers tnd Steeples* the Cjlifr der in Columns, Pillars, Pilalkrs, and (hado wing the Mouth-line at thecor-^ Ger», II. Fc45 Chap. 1 9' OfVatJionsmtheConntenancc. 27 II. Fear is expreflcd by making the Eyes look hollow, hea- vy and downward^ thin faU'ri Cheeks, clofe Mouth, and ftar- ring carelefs Hiic about the Ears. III. Envy is beft deciphered by the oaly hangirg of the Cheeks, and a pale Countenance ; and fomeiimes by grin- ning of the Teeth. IV. Let every Paflion be reprefented according to the out- ward appearance thereof, as it is in ihofe Perfons in whom ic reigns 5 obferving thz Rules at the fixtb Sedjon of the feventh Chapter, V. If you de%n a Perfedicn in this Art, you muft endea- vour to chufe out the beft Adlions for every purpofe, in re- ftraining the luxurious Fury of Nature by a deliberate Dif- cretion which you ought to have in the Idea ; by the benefit whereof you will finish your Defign with Delight and Con- tentmetst, always expreffing in each Member a certain hid- den refemblance of the principal Motions which afFed: the Eye and Soul of the Spedlators, and merit the chiefeft Com-^ mendation. VI. To exprefs a Pa/Iion truly, you ought to give every thing and pan its proper Motion, or that which beft befits your Intention, which is nothing elfe but the agreement of proportion and form to the nature and matter of the Adion or Paffion intended, wherein confifts the whole fpirit and life of the Art, which by Artifts is fometimes called ihcfury^ fome;- times the gracey and fometimes the excellency of Arc : For hereby you put an evident difference between the Living and the Dead, the Fierce and the Gentle, the ff^ife and the Simple^ the Sad and the Merry j and in a word, difcover all the fe- veral Paflions and Geftures which Man's Body is able to perform. VIL But thefe things are impoilible ever to beexacflly done in a Pid:ure, till you have firft carefully beheld the Life, that thereby you may come as near the fame as pofTtble may be | to which adding Arc withal, you will meet with no Motions fo potent which you will not be able artificially to imitate : Thefe things will be the more exadlly accomplifbed, if yoa be often feeing and continually pradlifing what you have feen. By this means yoa will unawares attain to a moft exad: habit of doing v^ell, and lively exprefs all Geftures, Adions, and Paflions ^bjed to natural Bodies, VIII. The 28 . Polygraph! ees Lib. L VIII. The Paflions of the Mind are certain Motions pro- ceeding from the Apprehenfion of feme moving or powerful Objed ; now this Apprehenfion is threefold, vi:{. Senfitive, Hationalt and Intelle^ual. From thefe three there arife three principal Paflions in the Mind, vi:(. Pleafures of the Sen/is ; Moral Vertues or Vices ; and a Pious, I{eligiom Life^ or Ineli' giom and fVick^ed. IX. From the particular Paflions or Affedions of the Mind, as Love, Hatred, Deftre, Fear^ Joy, Hope, Sorrow^ Defpair, Confidence, Boldnejs, Impudence, Conftancy, Fortitude, Ttmo- rcufnefs. Valour, Anger, Pleafantnefs, Humility^ Patience, &c. there arife fo many kinds of Adions, exadly to imitate which, you ought to obferve carefully the motions of the Bo- dy, by which they are outwardly exprefled. X. And fo accordingly to diftribute and difpofe of them in your Pidure , as you have obferved them in Nature ; which if you fail in, you pervert the Order of Nature vid of Things ; run your felf into Confufioo, and fo lofe the Beauty of your Work. CHAP. XIV. Of Hamati Proportion. I. THe lergth of an upright Body is equal to eight times * the length of the Face or Head: The Arm, hanging ftraigbt down, reacheth within a Span of the Knee : The length of the Hind muft be the length of the Face: The Arras extended muft be ihe juft length of the Body. Ti^wfotver f faith Vitruvius) tviU proceed in his iVorks with Judgment, mujl needs he acquainted with the nature and force cf Proportion. For all Dejigns carry with them fo much the more Grace and Beauty, by hour much more tngemoujly they are pro- portioned : This being well underfiood makes a Man not only an excellent Judge of ancient and modern Arties and their fVorkr manfhip, but alfo an admirable Inventer and Performer of rare and excellent things himfelf. It adds Majefiy and Beauty to bis DeJjgnSy and draws his Invention many degrees on to Perft- fiion. II. Thofe Parrs of the Body near to the Eye muft be made greater and longer than thofe farther off, fbecaufe the Eye judgetfa Chap. 14. Of Human Proportioft, 29 jndgeth fo of themj and according to the diftance from the £ye, (o muft you vary from tbat which is otherwife the real true proportion of thole. It is almofi tmfojfible to do awf thing in the Art of Proper^ tion commendabljf, without the Kjiowledge of Ariihmetick and Geometry i wherefore the Kjiowledge of thefe Sciences is required as a thing mofi necejfary : For how otherwife Jhould any one un- derftand the exaH Meafure and Proportion of a Body ? III. To makp a Side-way Head. You muft firft form an equilateral Triangle, in what pofi- lioQ you pleafe, turning the Triangle to noake the Face upon one of the three fides, be it which it will, either upwards or downwards, higher or lower, dividing that fide into three equal parts ; the one to ferve from the lower part of the Hair to the lower pan of the Forehead ; the fecond, thence to the upper pare of the Noftrils ; the third, to the lower part of the Cbin. IV. Now having framed thefe three Lines, draw a little crooked ftroak with a Coal, Chalk, or Biacklead Fencil,out of the right line, which may reach from the top of the Fore- bead unto the Eye-brow , from whence draw the flope line, bending.ift the end. To make the Nofe 'either long , fliort, grofs, or cbin, as you defire it,) let it end at the fecoad di- Aance where the Noftrils are to end. V. Then fubdivide the remaining third part in the midft, where the Month Ihall be placed for the parting of the upper and under Lips : Then frame the Chin, having refped to the perpendicular Line , that it fall not cue of the middle of the Chin, adjoining thereto, the under Chin,down to the Throat- pipe or Gullet. VL With the other two dividing lines , (the one frofti the top of the Forehead downwards, ending in the midft of the back part of the Ear ; and the other proceeding upwards from the Chin, afcending till it meets with the fuperior de- fcending line) guide your felf in defcribing the Ear, taking heed that its Circumference ftretch not out too far about the upper part of the Forehead. Vll Defcribe a great circular line.by which,from the round- nefs of the Head, to the nape of the Neck, obferviag the na- tural proportion, and form iheoce downwards the reft of the Neck. Obfcfve alfo tbiJt the tip of the Ear excseds tiot the lower part of the Nofiril. \in. To defer ibs the Fofe-right Fact., Form 3© Tdlygraphjces Lib. I. Form a perfe(5l Oval, v/hich divide in the mid ft with a line the longeft way. {vt:^) a perpendicular line, wbicii divide into three equal parts, allowing a fourth of one of the three parts for the Hiir in the Forehead. So have you the firit third part for the Forehead and Hiir, the fecond third part for the Nofe, the third part for the Chin. IX. In the midit thereof nmft the Mouth be formed , al- ways renaembring that the Eyes muit be in one line ; ihe crofs lines of the Nofe and Alouth muit always be correfpondcni to the crofs line ivbere the Eyjes are placed ; the Eyes t»uft be ifie length of one Eyedil-ar.t from another, and their inward corners let be exadly perpendicular orcr the out- fide of the Noftrils. X. To make the Ears, they muft be much forefliorincd, by forefliortning, w:^. for that the Eye doih not lee their ex- tended latitude , it mult be abbreviated or drawn in ; and the length of the Ear muft he frc m the Eye-brows to the bot- tom of the Noftrils ; thendtfcribe the Neck wiih the Hair according to their natural fituation. Xr. To draiv a Head fore-floor tned. To do this with Frets, Grates, Squares, or Geometrical Inftruments, breeds only a confufiou of lines, for ii;at this Face can fcarcely be meafured by any Rule, unk/s the whole Body be framed together: In this caSe therefore make a cir- cular Draught Cmuch like that in the forerighc Facej wichtbe afpe(5i: upwards or do'vnwards, as in the foreright Head, where the tranfvcrfe lines are ilraight, but thcfe are drawn circularly. XJf. if the Head fiies upwards , the traced flrokes and the divifions muft afccnd or rile upwards j but if it looks downwards, then they muft ali decline downwards, with tbiJ Caution, that the Ears and Eyes fall not out of their due points, as ^oh may fee in the Example. Xlll In forelhortniwg you mult take things as they appear to the Eye. and rot to draw the full proportion of each parr, but to fliorten all, according to the rate or reafon which tbey are obfnfcatcd. XI V.5o tfycu tfould draw a Ship foreright. there can .rppcar but tnly her forepart [for the reft hetng hid car.not be expreji :) The like of an Horfe looking fuB in my Face, or a Man lyin^ along ; I mtiH here of ncccffity f/trefloorten, to exprefs the vtfual proper- ty : And in this cafe your Eye and I^ a fin musl be your chxef Guide to give the true reajon and meafure of thefe appearances, tphc tber in Drawings Limning^ or Painting. XV, Chap. 14. Of Buman Proportion, 5 1 XV, The ufe of tbis forefliortning is to exprefs all manner of ai3:ions in Man or Beaft •, to reprefent many things in ft little room j to fhew at one view to the Eye and Mind, the whole Body of a Temple, with all its Arches and Pillars, whe'.her the infide or outfide, as alfo the fundry fides of Ci- ties, Caftles and Forts, and fuch-like. XVI. In every Cafe you muft make Nature the Pattern of all Draughts, fo that nothing be exprefs'd, but what dotti agree and accord with Nature ; and that nothing be either forced beyond Nature, nor yet any thing to come ihort of Nature. j^s if in drawirfg the Figure of a Man, be fure you draw nog fuch a PoUure as » impoffible for him to imitate tt>itb his nature ral Body. XVil. Obferve tbis Rule in all Forefliortnings, that you al- ways rather imitate the viCbIc proportions of things, than their proper and natural proportion by meafure ; for the Eye and Underftanding together being direded by the PerfpeSlive Art^ ought to be your Guide in Drawing and Painting. X.YIIL And therefore in all forefliortnings there mult be a proportion obierved,according to the Judgment of the £ye,thac what limbs or parts of any thing do appear , may agree ia proportion as well as in forelTiortning. XlX.If you make a Side-face without any prefcribed Mea- fure or Triangle j you ought however to confider in your Mind the natural diftances and proportions, and by drawing many without a Rule or Limit, you will, eafily do it by the Eye, and your Hand will draw all things right by cuftom, XX. And thofe firft Strokes or Draughts being taken from the Life , and reduced by the Pencil with Colours, you will find it very correfpondeni and like, and as exadt as you can defire ir. XXL The Proportion of aMan of ten Facts. From the top of the Head to the Soal of the Fool, is di- vided into ten equal parts. The iirit diftance begins at the top of the Head, and reaches to the root of the Chin : The fecond from thence to theTfaroar-pii; The third thence to the parting of the Breafts : The fourth thence to the Navel: The fifth thence to the Privities, which is juft the middte of the length of the Body ; From thence to the Soal of the Fooe are five pans more j whereof two are between the Privities and the Mid-knees, and three more to the Soal of the JFoot. 32 Polygraphkes Lib. L XXII.The firft of the ten parts which Is for the Face, is to be divided into three equal parts : The firft beginning at the upper pan of the Forehead, and ending upon the upper crofs line of the Eye-brows : The fecond diftance reacbeth from ihence to the bottom of the Nofe : The third reacheth to the bottom of the Chin, which is the firft and uppermoft divifion. Now in a foreright Face be fure to place the Eyes the length of one Eye diltant from another ■■, and the length of one Eye the bottom of the Nofe is to be. XXIILTbe breadth of this Body confifts alfo of ten Faces, vi:{. between the extremities of both the middle Fingers, Dvhen the Arms are extended or fpread abroad ; and it is thus divided. The Hand from the end of the middle Finger to the Wrift, is the length of a Face, (or one of the tenth parts '.) From the Wrift to the Elbow a Face and half : From the El- bow to the Shoulder-joint, two Faces : Thence to the Throat- pit, one Face : The Hands have the proportion of one Face : The Nipples muft be placed at the diftance of a Face and half from each other, equal to the diftance between the ^x'ii\ and the Elbow. XXIV. The compafs of the Head from the Eye-brows to the Neck behind is double to the length of the whole Head. The compafs of the Waft is the diftance of three Faces to ihe diameter thereof, and is all one with the Trunk of the Body. The circumference of the Body under the Arm-pits, and the fpace between them and the Writts, anfwer in a double pro- portion, and is agreeable to half of the Body. XXV. The Meafures which are equal between them/elves. I . The fpace between the Chin and the Throat-pit is equzl to the diameter of the Neck. i. The circumference of the Neck is equal to the diftance of the Throat-pit from the Na- vel. 3. The diameter of the Waft is equal to the diftance between the knob of the Throat and the top of the Head ; and that is equal to the length of the Foot. XXVI. 4. The fpace between the Eye-lids and theNoftrils is equal to that between the Chin and the Throat-bone. 5. The fpace from the Nofe to the Chin is equal to that from the Throat-bone to theThroat-pit. 6. The diftance from the hol- low of the Eye brow, and from the Eye-brow, to the centre •of the Eye, isequi! to the prominency of the Noftriis, and thft I'pare between the Noftri.'s atid the end of thei7pj-er Lip. XXV/f. 7. The diftance between the top of the Nail of tUef , Forc-fit)gcr, and the Joint next tbs Palm or Thumb , is equal ■ chap. 14. Of Htm/ an J? report? on, gg to the diftance between tbe faid Joint and ibe Wrift. 8. The greater Joint of the Fore-finger is the height of the Forehead. XIX. 9. The fpsce between that Joint and top of the NaiJ, is equal 10 the lengih of the Nofe, trorn the tip to the Arch a- bove the eyes,where the forehead and the Nofe is divided. 10. The two firit joints of the middle finger, are equal to the fpace between the Nofe and the Chin. XX. I . The firft Joint of the middle finger wbereoo the nail grows.is the diftance between the and No!e the Mouth. 2. The fecond joint anfwers to the iirft which is equal to ibe fpace be- tween the mouth and the chin. XXI. 3. The bigger joyot of the Thum is equalto the length of the mouth. 4. The fpace between the top of the Gbio, and the dint under the lower lip, is equal to the lefler joint of the Thumb. 5. .The leaft joint of each fiqger is double the length 3 GHAP, 3^ Polj/graphkes Lib. L CHAP. XVI. Of mixed and uncertain Forms, I. "pOr the drawing the form of any beaft, begin with your •*■ lead or coal at the forehead, drawang downward the nofe, mouth, upper and nether chop, ending your line at the ibroac. II. Then viewing it again where you begun, from the fore- head,over the head, ears, and neck, continuirg till you have given the full compalsof the buttock, then mark out the legs and feet. III. Viewing it again, touch out the breaft with the emi' nency thereof; Laftly, finifli the tail, paws, tongue, teeth.beard, and feveral fhadows. IV. In drawing Beafts you muft be well acquainted with their Hiape and atStion, without which you [hall never per- form any thing excellent in that kind : and here if yon draw it in an Emblem or the like, you ought to fliew the Landskip of tlie Country natural to that beaft. V. In Birds begin alfo the draught at ihehead /and beware of making it too bigj then bring from under the throat the breaft-line down to the legs, there ftay and begin at the pini- on to make the wing, which being joined to the back line will be prefemly finilhed. . VI. The eye, legs and tr^in muft beat laft, letting always fin birds as in beafts jtbe fariheft leg befliorteft ; their feathers (as the hair in beaftsj muft take their beginning at the bead very fmail, and fall in one way backwards in five rankSjgreaf er and H?reater to the conclulion. VII. Infeds, as flies, bees, wafps, grartioppers, worais,and fuch like, are eafie to be drawn and not hard to be laid in Co- lours •, in doing thefe, it will at firft be abfolutely neceflary to bavfthe living pattern before your eyes. VIII. To draw a flower, begin from the bofs tufft or wart in the middle ; a« in a Rofe or Marigold, with the yellow tufft, which being made, draw lines equally divided, from ibence to tfcc greatcft compafs oi extent of your flower. . Chap. 1 7* Of Landslip. 39 IX. You may draw thena either fully open, or in the bud, and laden with dew, wet and Worms, and then you may draw rudely with the coal or lead the leaves afterwards giving them their veins or jaggednefs. X. To take the natural and lively (hape of ths leaf of any Herb or Tree. F/r/?, rahfi the leaf that you would have, and gently hruife tht rihj and veins on the back-fide of it : afterwards tvet the fide tfitb Hnfeed Oyl, and then prefs it hard upon a piece of clean white Paper, andfoyoujhali have theperfeQ figure of thefaid leaf with every vein thereof fo exa&ly expreji, as being lively coloured it wiUfeem to be truly natural. C H A P. XVII. Of Landslip* 1. ¥ Andskip is that which expreflcth in lines the pcrfed vi- *^ fion of the earth, and all things thereupon, placed above the Horzion, as Towns, Villages, Caftles, Promontories, Mountains, Rocks, Valleys, Ruins, Rivers, Woods, Forefts, Chafes, Trees, Houfes and ail other Buildings, both beautiful and ruinous. II. Firfir, Always exprefs a fair Horizon, fliewing the heavens cloudy or clear, more or lefs according to the occafiOD, and if you exprefs the Sun, let it be either as rifing or fetting, and as it were behind or over fome hill or mountain. The Moon and Stars arefeldcm or never depiSled, unlefs it be in reprefentation of twi- light ^ becaufe all things arefuppofed to be feen by day, » III. Secondly, Ifycu exprefs the Sun, make bis light to re- fled: upon all the Trees, Hills, Mountains, RockSjOr buildings, Ihadiog the contrary fide, after wticb manner alfo Ihadow clouds, mifts, and the like, making the Ihadows to fall all obc way. IV. Thirdly, be very careful to augment or leflen every thing proporiionabiy to their diftance from the eye, making them either bigger or lefler. D 4 , V. 4Q Polygraph} ces Lib. I. V. Inexprefllng things at large diftance8,as ten, twenty or tfairty miles off ; where the objed is hard to be difcerned, as whether it be Tenapic, Caltlc, Houfc or the like, fliew no par- ticular figns thereof, or any eojincnt tiiftindlion i but rather as weakly, faintly, and confafedly as the eye judgeth of it. VI. If Landskips be laid in Colours, the farther you go, the more you muft lighten it with a thin and airy blue, to make it I'eem as if it were afar off, beginning at fir ft with a dark green, fo driving it by degrees into a blue, according to the diltance. VII. Makeyour Ltndskip to (hoot (ts it were) away, one part lower than another, making the neareft hill or place high- eft, and thole that are farther off, to flioot away under that, that the Landskip may appear to be taken from the top of ao bir. VIII. Let every thing have its proper motion, as in Trees when they are fhaken with the wind, making the fmaller boughs yielding j the ftiff;r lefs bending : in Clouds that they follow the Winds : in f^verh the general current, and flalhing of the Waters againft the boat fides. IX. In rhe Sea, the waves and other proper agitations, the fowling of the Billows, the tumbling of VefTels up and down ; Ships floating, fome dipt, fome half-drown'd, fome flaodirg almoft an end, fome hid almoft with the Waves, through the uncertainty of the Surges, others endeavouring to live. X. In the motion of Waters falling from an high place, bat efpecially when they fall upon Rocks or Stones, you mufl: make it leaping up into the Air ; and fpriokling all about.And laftly, let every thing which moverh, whether effentially or ac- cidentally, have its proper reprefcniatiou. XI. Let your work imitate the feafon you intend it for. As if you intend it for a tpinter fiece^reprefent felling of H^'ood; Jliding upon the Ice ; fowling by night ; hunting of Bears or Foxes in the Snow ^ making the Trees every wb«rcnak.ed or laden with a hoarfroft ■ the Earth hear without greennefs^Flowers or Cattle I the Air thickjy JVaterfro:{en,with Carts pajfing over it, and Boys upon it, &c. XII. Laflly, let every fJte have its proper parerga, adjuncts, or adiiional graces, as the Farm-houfe, Wind- mill, Water-mill, Woods, Flocks of Sheep, Herds of Cattle, Pilgrims, Ruines of Teojples, Caftles and Monuments ; with a thoufandfucb other only proper (o particular fubjeds. C H A Fg Chap. 1 8. Of Diapering and Antique. 41 CHAP. XVIIL Of D/aperiL'g and Afttiqne. I. T^Iapen'ng, is a tracing or running over your work again ^^ when you bave, £s it were, quite done, with damask branches, and luch like. Jt ii ufed to counterfeit cloth of Gold, Silver, Damdi^. Velvety CbamUt and the like, tfith what branch and in what faftoion you pleafe : it » derived from tht Greek tf^ord Sici.7:^.(c!My iranfeo, ta pafs over, and only Jigni fie s a light fajfmg over the {ame again. II. If you Diaper upon folds, iet your work be broken off accordingly, and taken as it were by the half. For reafonfhetveth that the fold covereth fomething which can- not befeen by reafon of it, tphich if it tvoi ^rawn out at levgth would appear plain. III. Let the whole work be homogene ; that is, let the fame work be continued tbrougbout the whole garment, felting the faireft branch in the moft eminent and perfpicuous place, cau- fing ic to run upwards,for elfeyour work would be ridiculous. iV. You may either ftiadow the ground and leave your work white ; or (hadow your work and leave the ground white ; and as you fliall pleafe in this kind, your filling may be with fmaf! pricks, which will (hew very fair. V. Antique (ab antes) are buttereffes whereon the building is ftayed, as alfo the outwardmoft ranges, ufed in fore- fronts of houfes, in all manner of Compartments, curious Arcfaite<5l- ure. Armors, Jewels, and Columns. VI. The form of it is (only for delights fakej a general or ir- regular conapofition of men, beafts, birds, fifties and flowers and fucb like, without either rule or reafon. VII. Laftly, obferve the continuation of one and the fame work.through the whole piece, without the leaft change or al- teration. As if it be naked Boys, playing, lying, fitttngjor riding upon Goats, Eagles, Dolphins and the lik^e ; firings of Pearl, Satyrs, Tritons, Apes, Dogs, Oxen, bearing or drawing Fruits, Branches, or any wild fancy after your own invention, with a thoufandfuch fl- ther idle toys 5 befureyou obferve the continuation. CHAP: 42 Velygraphjces Lib. I. CHAP. XIX. To take the perfe^ draught of any Figure. I. nrAke a flieer of fine Venice Paper, wet it all over with -■• linleedoylon one fide thereof, which then wipe off as clean as you can ; let the Paper dry, and lay it on any pain- ted or printed Pidure, then with a black-lead pen you may draw it over wich ea(e : put this oyled paper upon a (heet of dean white paper, and with a liiile pointed (tick or feather out of a fwallow's wing, draw over ihe ftroaks which you drew upon the oyled paper j fo ITiall you have the exadt form upon the white pajper, which may be fet out with colours at plea fu re. //. Or tbttt. The picture being drawn as before in the oyled paper, put it upon a flieet of white paper, and prick over the drawing with a pen : then take fome Imali coal, powder it fine, and wrap it iti a piece of fome fine linncn, and bind it up therein loofely, and clap it lightly ail over the pricked line by little and little, and afterwards draw it over again once or twice, with pen or pencil. III. Or thus, Rub a flieet of white paper all over on one fide with black-lead, or elfe with vcrmillion mixed with frefli butter i lay the coloured fide upon a flieet of white paper, then lay the pidure you would copy out upon the other fide of the coloured paper, and with a fmall pointed flick or fwallows quill, go over all the ftroaks of your pidore, and it will be exAit on the white paper. IV. Or thuiX^y a piece of Lanthorn born upon the pidlure, tV^en draw the ftroaks of your pid:ure with a hard nibbed pen upon the horn; and when it is dry, breath upon the born twice or thrice, and prefs it bard upon white paper a little moiftned. V. Or thus, Take an oyled flieet (as at the firft Sedion of tbi? Chapter) rub one fide of it with lamb-black or lake ; lay it upon a flieet of fair paper with the coloured fide downwards, and upon it lay the pidure you would copy our, and trace it over with a fwallows feather. VL Chap. 19. To take a perfe^ Draught, 4g VI. Or thus, Take fine lake mixed with linfeed oyl, and draw with it, inftead of Ink, all the ont>ftroaks of any pid- ure,aiid other tnaterial parts ; then wee the contrary fide of the Pidare and prefs it bard upon a fheet of paper, and it will leave behind it all that which you drew over. VII. Or thw, Grind Printers black fine, and temper it with water, and with a Pen dipt in it, draw over the oat-liaes and mafter ftroaks : wet then Tome white paper with a fpunge or the like, and prefs it bard thereupon ; and you (hall have the ftroaks you drew upon the white paper. VIII. Or thus. Lay the print (the back-fide of itj upon a clear glafs, or oyled paper, then lay a clean paper upon the print; hold it up againft the light, fo will you fee all the flroaks which you may draw out, and ihadow alfo if you pleafe. IX. To take thefoape of any Leaf , Herb, or Plant, Hold a whole Beaf or Sprig (as of Nettles, Plantane, &c.) m the fmoakof Gum Sandrack, Rofin,a Link, or Waz-candle, till it is well blackt, which place between the leaves of a (heet of white paper.and carefully prefs upon the Leaf with fomc fmooth thing ; fo Ihall you have in a moment the print on the paper, fefpecially the backfide thereof^with the very Ramifica- tions of the Fibres difperfed through it^ This may be of good afe in Travelling, when we meet with ftrange Plants. X. To take the PiSure of an Herhjfrom an old Pi&ure. Take Venice Soap, dip it in water, and rub or moiften the old Pidure all over, and very well with \t : then put up- on it a piece of white paper, with other paper over ir, and rub hard thereupon, or prefs them ftrongly together, and tb« old Pidure will come ok exadly upon the white paper. €HAP. 44 Poljigraphkes Lib. I. CHAP. XX. To extender contra^ aFitlure keeping the proportion, I. 'CNcompa^ your pidure with one greac fquarej which "^ divide into as many little ones as you pleale: this done, accordiog as you would have your pidure either greater or lefs, make another fquare greater or lefs, which divide into as many equal fquares which let be drawn with a black-iead plummet. II. Take your black-lead pen, and draw the pidure by lit- tle and little, pafling from fquare unto iquare f by the exam- ple of the patternj until you have gone all over with it : ob- ferving that in what part of the Iquare the pidure lies, you draw the like pare in the fquare anfwerable thereto, till you have finiflied the whole. III. Then draw it over with a pen, in which fecond draw- ing of it you may eafily mend any fault, and Ihadow it at pleafure. IV. Lafily, When it is throughly dry, rub it over with the crum ofwbire^bread, and it will takeoff all the black-lead ftroaks, fo will your draught remain fair upon the paper. CHAP. XXI. Of Perfpe^/ve in general. /^nriKH' in Greek, PerfpeSiva in Latin, iht An of feeing ^'^ in Englilh , is that by which we behold, contemplate, and draw the likenefs of all magnitudes, jvift in form and man* ner as they appear to the Eye. II. The matter to be feen or fpeculated is a magnitude : the manneroffpeculation is by radiations of Light, either dired, redified or broken. ' III. A magnitude is that which hath fortn ; and it is either liDeal) fuperiicial.or folidsthat is, either a complication of points, a complication of lines, or a complication of fuperficies. Chap. 21. Of Perfpe^^we in general. 45 IV. A line is a complication of points; that is (according to Euclid] a length only without either breadth or thickfiefs, V. A fuperficies is a complication of lines j that is, a length having breadcb without tbicknefs. For an the continuation of points makes a line ; fo the couching together of lines makes * fuperficies : which k only th» iayirg crofs wife, VI. A folid is a complication of fuperficies ; that is,t length and breadth, having depth or tbicknefs. , And indeed it k nothing but the continuation of points upon 4 fuperficies either perpendicularly or bending. VII. The Contemplation of the Objed: reprefenis the matter to the mind, in the fame manner as its outward appear-^ ance doth to the Eye. And from hence comes Judgment where by the Artifi i enabled to defer ibe the fame in lines y and delineate it^ according to its apparent or vifual proportions. VIII. To draw or defcribe the Appearance in lines Is the acftive part of this Art, whereby the Idea conceived in the mind fby fight and contemplation) is brought to light, IX. A radiation is a beam of light, conveighing the like- nefs of the thing, to the Eyes, or fight i and the knowledge thereof to the mind or underftanding. And this radiation « twofold^ either external from, the external lights or inteleSlual from its being and power. X. Dire& radiations are thofe which confider the direct oc (treight beams, which pafs between the eye and the object:, AndthisisthefirSt kind of perfpeSive ^ and is many titnei (alone) called the Opticks. XI. I^eUified Radiations are thofe which confider the re^ Hedion of beams, and their (hape upon any polifh'd body,' as on a Globe,Cone,Cylinder,Pyramid,or any regular folid. And tUk is the fecohd kjnd of Perfpe&ive 9 t^hicb « called the Art Catoptrica. XII. Broken radiations are thofe which confider the break-] ing of beams, as they are to be feen through a glafs or a Cry- ftal cut into feveral plains or fuperficies. And this » the third and laji kfnd of terffe^ive^hich n catted the Artl>\o^ivkz, GHAE 4^ Polygraphiccs Lib. L CHAP. XXII. Of the A&rue part of Perfpe&rue, I. ^He adive part of Pcrfpedive is either Ichnographicit^ -*- Orthographical, or Scenograpbical. II. Ichnographia^ is the de(cription of the plain bafe or bottom of any body or building. Or the Lines or figure on which the Subftance (Unds. III. And it is twofold, to wit, either Geometrical or Sceno- graphical. IV. Ichnographia Getmetrical, is that which gives the fight ofthebottomor bafeof any body or building. So a Circle is the bafe cf a Column j and a fqaare n the bafi cf a PeJefial, and the like y /"z/f */jff Geometrical Ichnography M not feen in Sexton, or through a Glafi, unlefs it lies parallel to the bafe ; andfo it makes no SeSlion tvith it. V. Ichnographia Scenographical is the Appearance of the fame bafe in Sedion, or through a Glafs, eretfted upright on the fame plain, on which the bafe ftaods. And by thk the faid bafe is extended in length but contracted in breadth,forfoit appeareth to the eye. VI. Orthographia, is the vifion of the forerigbi fide of any plain ) to wir, of that plain or fuperficies which lies cqaidiftant to a right line, paffing through the outward or convex centers of both eyes, continued to a due length. Andtherefore Perfpcftive Orthograpbia, is the delineation of the apparent fore-right p'lin. VII. Scenographia is the defcriptioQ of an oblique plain or Other figure, that declines from ihe apparent or foreright plain ; that is of that plain which makes Oblique Angels with the faid foreright plain, and the two ftrait lines imagined to pal^ thro' the two outward connex points of both your Eyes. VIII. The Scenographick vifion of any form, body or building is, of. that fide tpbich declines froyn, or conftitutes an Angle, ttfitb the right line, paffing from the centers of both Eyes aforefaid: this Artists calls the return of th* foreright fide. Mil Chap. 23- Of the Suhje^sto befeen, 47 IX. liottf the Difference between the Orrhographick and Scenograpbick vifionis this j the Orrhograpbick/b<«»j the fide of A hody or building as it is beheld when the plain of the Gla/i is placed equidifiant to that fide : but the Scenograpbick yfce»* the fide of a body or edifice as it appears through a glafs raijed ob' liquely to the faid fide^ or making an angle tberewttb. C H A P. XXIII. Of the Shhjed^s to be jeen. I. 'T'He Baji of afiy tbing is tbe plain, flat, or floor upop -■• wbicbany folid body, or objed: is placed, or raffed. II. The Altitude or height is tbe perpendicular fpace of place , between the bafe and eye, or height of tbe vifual poine above tbe bafe. III. The Vifual point, is a point in the Horizontal line, wherein all tbe beams of tbe ^yes unite. EjKiTipli gratia. If you look, on a longftraight Bsver, thefidet of which run parallel^ yet by reafon of the di fiance both fides of the Kjver (although it be very broad) will feem to incline ^ touch and units with eachather in one common Point or Center : and fo if you look on a lo?^fi-:'ti^ht brick-wall.the feveral lays of Brick., and courfes of Mortar, wiS [at a great diflance) feem to incline each tn other in one common Point or Center j this point refle&ed on a glafs raifed upright on the bafe, is called the vifual point. IV., The Hori:(ontat line is a line proceeding from the cen- ter of the Eye to rhe vifual point, parallel to the Horizon of tbe Earth. And this iSi in men of ordinary height crftature, commonly a" bout five foot from the ground or bafe. V. The Diftance is tbe fpace on the bafe between the Glafs and point in the bafe which lies diretflly under tbe eyes. VI. Tbe Seclion is a plain of tranfparem or periucid matter (as of Glafs) raifed upright upon tfae plain of the bafe ftaoding before you, purallel to a ttraigbi line, pafliog through the con- vex centers of both Eyes. IVithout the kjtowledge of this Section or'^Glafs it is utterly impnffble to underfiand perfpecftive, or l^nst^ what it mzans : Or be able to give a reafon far the difference between the Ori:hc to the bt ginning of the hayd'are five Nofes: ihe Thumb, and longeft Toe, are each of them a Nofe long. Ay. Laftly, as to the breadth of the Limbs, no exacft mea- fure can be given ; becaufe the proportions are changeable, according to the Qualities or magnitude of the perlbn.as being fat or lean ; alfo according to the pofture they are in, and the motion of the Mufcles ; all "which every Artiu is to regulite, according to bis owp Judgment, and as the occalion may require. CHAP. XXVII. General Ohfervathns. I, "IN drawing well, you muft endeavor to make your •* Ccmpofitions conformable to tfaofe of the Ancients and theip Cuftoms, yet having refped alfo to the prefent times. J/. Avoid wbatfoever has no relation to your Subject, or may be improper to it i things alfo having a lefs relation to it, are not to be put into ihe principal places; thofe being re- fcrv'd for the minutes of the Principal defign. /(/. Jn pidures, neither the face, proportion, age , nor Colour, are to be alike in all ; but they are to be as different, as are the true and living Objeds. IV, Your Subjed ought to be beautiful and noble, furnilhed with Delight and Charms elegant and graceful, tl^t it may not be faid that the Anift has laboured in Vain ; and fo as it may tend t^ Perfedion or Confummayon of Art, fo far as relates to tfft defisnation i that it may be as well as excellent, able Chap. 27. General Obfervations. 55 able ro iRilruA and enlighien ibe Underlinndiog. V. Your invention ought 10 be good, and rfae Poltures of your deiign agreeable and harmonious, in rc-fped: ro ligiit,and (hadows, which the Colours which are afterwards 10 b added, taking from each, what rrtay moft conduce to the beauty of your work. VI. The principal part of the Pidure ought to app.ear in the middle of the Piece under the ftrongert light, thai it may be more remarkable than the reft, and not by the 01 her adjacent parts behid from our fight ; yet lo as all together may cora- pofe but one body.with the Draperie proper tor the Jame. VII. All the Members or Pans of the' figure , are to be combined'or knit together with a kind of Harmonie, as the portions of the fame part are, that an apparent Chalm may not be made, which will be difgraceful in your work VllL' Where there are heaps of Objeds, th?y ought to be diftinguiihed by different poftures and motions, which ought not to be alike any more than^beir parts, ncr are they all to be on one fide, but fee as much as may be in oppoiition one to another. IX. Among many figures, if fome (hew their f^parts, let other fome Ihew their hinder parts, oppoling as 11 were the back or buttocks to the belly. X. Where alfo many figures are, let nor one fide of the piece be void or empty, whilft the other is filled to the bor- ders ; but let the parts and matter be fo difpofed, that both fides may equally participate of the amplitude of the defign. XL Let your piece not coofift of too marvy 6gure8 i for it will be impoffibleiodifpofe and introduce them into the work, with fuch a Grace.as may make the whole beaucifal. XII. Becaufe many difperfed ObjeAs breed confafion, de- tradling from the work that excellency and pleafiognefs, which ought to give fatisfadipn to the beholder, Xllh But if your work muft confift of many figures, you ought to apprehend the whole defigo in your mind togethers that when it is performed, it may appear at firft View, as the produd of perfect harmony, and natures real work. XJV. Such parts as are not eafy to be feen, and are not natural, and all fore d adions and motions/ alfo UDComly poftures and parts, are wholly to be avoided. Xl/'. You mafl: alfo avoid ail out lines, and other lines,' which are either equal or Parallel, or conftitute any pointed or Geometrical figure, whether Triangles, Squares, Quin- E 4 quaogles, %6 Polygraphices Lib. I. quangles^Hexangles, ^c. which by their exad:nefs,or Teeming exadrneis, fpoil ihe natural beauty> and give difpleafure to the Eye. Xl^. Nor are you lo be loo ftrid:ly tyed up to Nature, but foaaetiiues you are to give way to fjigiits of Fancy, aad your own Genius, by which many times things are added to make the defign much more beautiful. Wll. Yet you ought to imitate the Beauties of Nature, as all the Ancients have done before us : for which parpofe the whole Univerfe is often to be viewed and contemplated on, ibat you may be furnilhed wiih great Idea's, wi h which your work being adorned, they may be as (u many Charms upon the fenfcs and underltaodingofthe Beholders. XyiJL If your piece is but one lingle figure, it ought to be perfedly finiflicd in all its parts, its drapery fweetly fpread over it, the folds large, and following the order and motion of ihe parts, that they may be feen as it were underneath by the lights and ftiadows appendent, XiX. If the parts are too much diftari^ from each other. fo as there are void rpaces,you ate there to place fome fold cr folds, which are to be deeply fhadowcd.toconftitutea feeming joyning (as it vvere of the partsj AX The beauty, of Drapery confii^s not in the multitude of Folds, nor the beauty of Limbs in the quantity atid rifing of the Mufcles, but rather in their natural Order and fimplicity. XXL The management of the Drapery is to be taken frotn the Quality of the Perfoas i if it is of a Clown or Slave, it ought to be ccncife and ftort : if of iViagiftrates, bold and ample : if of Ladies, Light, Sweet, and Sofr. XXII Folds are fomerimes to be drawn out from hollows ' aod deep fliadows, to wbich you are to give a Iwellipg, that receiving the light, it may as it were extend the rlearnefs to thofe places where the body requires it, fo will you avoid ihofe bard fhadowings which are ever ungracefal. XXIII In laying the Scene of the Pidure, you are to con- fider rhe places fuppnfed, the Countrie': where brought forth, the manner of their Aclions, with the Ufe and Cuftoms belonging to them. XXIV. You are to follow the order of nature ; as iti draw- ing or painting Clouds, Lightning, Sun fliine, ^c. to place ib«m towards the top of the piece, not towards the bottom; and contratiwifc in putting WcIIj^ Waters, C^yes, Foiuidi- Chap. 28. Of Lights Shadow and Colour, 57 XXV. The lights and fhadows of round bodies ought to be lively and ftrong, but in their turnings they ought to loofe themfelves infenfibly , and confufedly, without a fudden or abrupt precipitation of the Light all of a ftxdden into the (hadow, or the fhadow into the Light. XXVL But the Paflage of one into the other ought to be eafy, fweet, and imperceptible, that is,they are to change gradatim, the Light to flide (as it were) into the Ihadow^and the fhadow into the Light. XXVn. In tJTc fame manner, asif you would manage a lingle head or figure , ) ou muft (in conformity to thefe precepts) draw a heap of figures, compofed of feveral parts. XXVIIL And where you have feveral heaps of figures (which or ght not to exceed three or four,) you muft take heed fo to place or feparate them from each other, that they may be plainly diftingulfhed by Lights, Shadows, or Colours. XXIX. And thefe things are fo dexteroufly to be managed,' that you may make the Bodies to appear enlightned by the Shadows which bound the fight, and permit it not fuddenly to go farther j and contrarily, the fhadows may be made evident by cnlightning your ground. XXX. You ought to draw a round body, in the fame manner as we behold it in a Convex Mirror, in which the Figures and all other things, are feen to bear out with more Life and Strength, than even in nature it felf. CHAP. XXVIII. Of Lights Shadow and Colour, J. TT He Drawer,Engraver, and Painter, are all to purfue * one and the fame Intention, and to be under one and the fame Condud: ; what the Drawer or Engraver, makes round with the Crion or Steel Inftrument, the Painter per- forms with his Pencil ; cafting behind what is to be made lefs vifible, by Diminution, and breaking of his Colours : and drawing forwards by the moft lively Colours, and ftrongeft Shadows, that which is direClly oppofite to the Sight, as teing neareft, or moft to be diftinguilhed. II. 5 3 Volygraphices Lib. I. II. If folid and dark bodies are placed on light and tran- fparent groi nds, as the Sky, Clouds, Warers, i'yc. thofe dark bodies, &c. ought to be more rough, and more to be diftin- guifhed than thofe with which thcv are encompalfcd j that being ftrengthncd by the Lights and Shadows, or Colours, they may fubhft and preferve their Solidity upon thofe tranfparent grounds. HI. In the mean feafon thofe light Grounds, as Sky,Clouds, Wate|;s, being clearer and more united, arc to be calt oif from the fight, to a farther diftance. IV. You muft never in one and the fame Pidlure make two equal lights , but a greater and a lelfer : the greater to ftrikf: forcibly on the middle, extending its grcatcft clearncis on thofe places of the defign ; where the principal Figures of it arc, and where the Strength ^f the Action feems to be ; diminifiiing it gradually,as it comes nearer and nearer to the borders. V. This is evident in Statues fet up on high in publick places, their upper parts being more erdightned than the low- er ; the which you arc to imitate in the diftribution of Light. VI. Strong fhadows on the middle of the Limbs are to be avoided ; left the abundance of black which com.pofcs thofe Shadows (hou Id fecm to enter into them, and feem to cut them : rather place thofe Shadowings round about them, thereby to heighten the parts ; making after great Lights, great Shadows to fuccccd . VII. On this Account Titiiin faid, he knew no better rule for dillributions of lights and lliadows, than his Obfcrvations drawn from a bunch of Grapes. VIIL Pure White, either draws an objedt nearer, or fets it off to a farther diiiance : it draws it nearer with black, and throws it backwards without it : but pure Black (above all other Colours) brings the ObjecV nearer to the Sight. IX. The hght (being altered by fome colour) never fails to communicate fomething of that Colour, to the bodies on which it ftrikcs : and the fame eflFedt is pcrform'd by the Medium of the air, thro' which it paffes. X. Bodies which arc clofe together receive from, each . other by reflexion, that Colour which is oppofite to them : •vi:{. the" rcHedl on each other, their own proper Colours. XL If a defign is filled with many figures, you muft al- ways endeavour a union of Colours,for fear, that being too different, Uiey fliould incumber the fight by their confulion, with Clwp. 2 8. Of Light ^ShadoTP and Colour. 59 with the great numbers of their Members, feparated by certain folds. XII. And for this reafon, the Venetians paint their Drape, ries v^ ith colours which arc nearly related to each other^and fcarceiy diftinguifli them any other way, but by the diminu- tion of lights and Ihadovvs. XIII. Thofe parts of a Picflure fvhich are placed foremoft or neareft to the View, lliould always be more finifhed^than thofe which are caft behind ; and ought to be more mani- feil than thofe things which arc tranllent and confufed. XIV. Things remov'd to a diftance, though they are ma- ny, yet ought to be made but one Mafs^ as the leaves on the Trees, a flight of birds, Billows in the Sea, G?c. XV. Objects v\hich ought to be feparated, let them be manifeftly fo,and that by a Imall and pleafmg differencejbut fuch as ought to be contiguous, let them not be feparated : and v\here two contrary extremities are,letthem never touch each other either in Colour or light. XVI. The various bodies are everywhere to be of dif- ferent Airs and Colours, that thofe which are feated behind, may be united together, and thofe which are feated fore- molt may be ftrong and lively. XVII. In painting a half figure, or a whole one, which is to be fet before other figures, you ought to place it near- er to the Eye, and next to the light : and if it is robe painted, in a great place, and at a diltance from the Eyes, then you ought not to be fparing of great lights,the ftrongeft Ihadovvs, and the moft lively colours. XVIII. But you ought not to put a Meridian light in your Pi(fture, becaufe there are no colours, which canrfulH- ciently exprefs it ; but rather a weaker light, fuch as is that of the morning or evening, whofe whitenels is allayed, and the fields are gilded (as it were) by the fun beams -, or that which appears after a Ihovver of rain, which the Sun gives thro' the breaking of a Cloud. « XIX. The parts which are neareft to us, and are moft raifed, muft be ftrongly coloured, as it were fparkhng : but the parts more remote from the fight, towards the borders, more faintly touched. XX. The field or ground ought to be free, tranfcient,light, and well united with colours, which have a friendly agree- ment with each other ; and of fuch a mixture, that there may be fomething in it of every colour chat compofes your work 6o Pelygraphices Lib. I, vvork : and let the bodies mutually partake of the Colour of their ground. XXI. Your whole Picture ought tote made of one piece, wherein you muft avoid as mucli as you can poflibjyj to paint drily. XXI I. Your Colours ought to be lively, but not look as if they had been rubbed or fprinkled with meal, vi:{. you are not to let them look pale. XXIII. When you make a Pidlurc by the life, you are exadlly to follow nature, working at the fametime on thofc pares which are refembling to each other. Ex. gr. the Eyes, the Checks, Noftrils, and Lips j fo that you are to touch the one, as foon as you ha\e given a ftroke of the Pencil to the other, left the interruption, and fpaceof timecaufe you to loofe the Idea of thofe parts which nature has produced to refemble the other. XXIV. Thus by imitating nature, feature for feature, with juft and harmonious lights and fhadows, and proper colours, you will give to the Pid:ure that Uvelinefs, tliatic will fccm asif it were the living hand of Nature. XXV. Smooth bodies, fuch as Cryftal, Glafs, Gems, poliih'd Metals, Stones,Boncs,\Vood«;, ]z^z:\z, things covered with hair (as Skins, the Beard, Head ; ) alio Feathers, Silks and Eyes, which are of a watery nature ; and things which are liquid as water ; and thofe corpoi-cal Species which arc rerieCled by them : and ail what touches them, or is near them, Ihould be painted and united on ilmr lower parts, but touched above boldly by their proper lights and fha,dows. XXVI. Let the parcsofthe Pidlure fomuch harmonize or confent together, that all the fhadows may appear as if they were but one : Embrace whatever is aflifting to you in your defign, but avoid the things which may hurt it. XX VII. Do not fo much .is touch with your CrLon,PcnciI, or Graver, till you have well confidercd your defign, and have fixed your out lines, and till you have prefcnt in your mind a perfcdl: I(^e.r of your work. XXVIII. By the help of a Looking Glafs, you may b« afliftcd in many beauties, which you may obfcrve from Na- ture ; as alfo by thofe obje»5ls which you may fee in an E- vening, where you have an ample field, or large profped:. XXIX. Thofe things which are painted to be feen in litT tie or fmall places, muft be very tenderly touched, and well united by gradual a'pproaches and colours ; the degrees of "which ought to be more different, more unequal, more ftrong Chap. 28. Of Lights Shadow and Colour, 61 ftrong and vigorous , as the work is more diftant. XXX. If the Picture is to be placed where there is but little light, the colours ought to be very clear ; but if it is ftrongly enlightned or in the open air, tlie colours ought to be very brown. XXXI. Large lights are to be painted the moil nicely that may be, and you muft endeavour to loofc them infcnfibly, in the fhadows which fucceed them, and encompafs them about. XXXII. The Eye is to be fatisfied in the firft place, even againft and above all other reafons, which may beget diffi- culties in the Art, which in it felf has none ; the compafs and defign ought then rather to be in your Eyes and in your mind than in your hands. XXXIII. Avoid objedts which are full of hollows, which fcem broken in pieces, or refradled, which are little, and are feparated, or in parcels, things which are rude, uneven, ill coloured, and are -difplealing to the Eye ; or which are partly coloured, and have an equal force of light and fhadow. XXXIV. You ought alfo to avoid all things which are obkene, impudent, cruel, poor and wretched, fantaftical or unfeemly ; things which are fliarp and rough to the feeling ; and all things which corrupt their natural forms, by {he confiiiion of their parts, and are entangled in each other. * XXXV. But you are to chufe thofe things which arc beautifiil,even in the utmoft degree of Perfection, which have fomething of magnanimity or greatnefs in them, and whofc Scetches or outlines will be noble, and magnificent ; which will be diftinguiihed, pure, and without alteration, clean, and united together, compofed of great parts, yet thofe bur few in number and diftinguiihed by bold colours, and fuch as are related, and are harmonious to each other. XXXVI. Tho' nature is to be followed in many things, and in moft, yet beginners are not at firft to be too fedulous in following nature, left their works feem ftarcht or Stiff, but they ought to begin with a certain carelefnefs/rccdom, and boldnefs, which will accelerate, all their after endea- vours, in order to the attaining the perfe(5tion of their Art. XXXVII. In the mean time, they ought to learn propor- tions, the connexion of Parts, and fixing the Scetches or out lines : they ought often to view and Exatrrine admirable Originals, and ail the inkniibiliries and fweetnelTes of the Arc, 62 Polygrnphiccs Lib. I. Art which will be attained rather by a skilful Mafter^ than by fevcre and only Pracflice. XXX VIII. After you have done foine part of 'your work, let it lye by yon for fome days or weeks,vvirhout looking on ir, and then view it again ; fo by that intermiirion, you may chance to difcover your faults^ or the hrrorsor Excellencies of your piece, which you may either mend, avoid, or ad- vance, according to your skill and difcreticn : it will be in vain for you continually to pore over your work, and dull your GeiiiuSj in fpight of nature, and your prefent inclina- tion. XXXIX. As you walk abroad in the Streets, Fields, and Country, obferve how nature plays and is dijjiolcd, and the particular Airs, of the various Objedls, their poftures, moti- ons, and pailions, and with what unconccrn'd freedom they dilplay themfelvcs. XL. And whatever you judge worthy to be obferv-ed (tho it is but the Image or remembrance of a Country Clown leaning with his breft upon his Club or Statf, as he is talking unconcernedly with his neighbour -in the ftreet or field) •whether it be upon the Earth, or in the Air, in the fire, or upon the waters, whilft the Species or lAcns of them ar^- frelh with you, record the fame, amd fo replenilh your Ima- gination and Judgment. XLI. ObjcAs of divers nanires which are aggroup'd or combin'd together, are agreeable and pleafant to the fight ; as alfo fuch things as are perform'd with freedom and eafe ; becaufe they feem to be full of Spirit, and to be animated with heat and fire. XLII. But thofe things are not to be attained to, till af- ter a long exercife and practice, and till they are throughly weighed and confidercd in your Judgment and underftand- ing ; tis an art to conceal from the beholders, the labour and pains you have taken. XLIII. If you would prove excellent in vour Myfteiy, you muft aim at ready apprehenfion , difcerning Judg- ment, Inclinations to learning, a noble heart, fublimc fenlc, ifervor of Soul,and a Greatnefs of Mind;to which add, youth, diligence, competency of fortune, a skilful Malter, and a good alfedtion to the Science, without which, it will be im- polfible for you to attain to any Excellency therein or arrive to the Honour and Glory of your Predeceffors, who with indefatigable labour, pains and Induftry, have brought the Art to its perfevitic»n. ^ CHAP. Chap. 2 9. Terms of the Art Rx^kakd, 62 CHAP. XXIX. Terms of Arts Explicated, I. j^L: The /I'r of a figure or Pidiure, is taken for Its Loo^ or Appeara7?ce, in refpecft to its Mode, Sight, Light, Shadowing^ and diipofition of the fame. II. Antique. It fignifies the Sculpture, Graving,Archite(5t- ure, and Paintings of the Ancients, made in the Times of the Ancient Greeks and I{pmar?s, from the rime of Alexander the Great ^ to PLocas hnperator, under whom the Goths and Vandals ravaged and fpoiied all Italy. See chap. i^. SeSi. 5. aforegoing. \ III. Apdtiide. It is faid to come from the Italian word Attitiidbie-, and fignifies the mean or Pofture, and Adlion, that any figure is reprefented in, or is capable of. IV. Aqua fortis. It is a ftrong water, or Spirit made of Vitriol and Nitre, of great Medical and Chymical Ufe ; but here of fervicc chiefly for Etching Brafs or Copper plates. See the making 'thereof in lih. 2. cap. 7. ScU. 1 8. & 15^^ following. . V. Br/^y7iP(?«a7. It isofufetodeanfethe work, wipe off duft, and ftrike colours even, ^c. VI. Surn'fJoer. It is an Iron ufed by Engravers,to rub out Scratches and Specks, or any thing which may blemifh the work ; and to make ftrokes or lines graved too deep, to ap- pear fainter and fmaller, by rubbing them over therewith. VII. Car too}?. It is a Dcfign made of many fheets of Paper paftcd together, in which, the whole Story to be painted in Frefco or otherwife, is all of it firft exa(5lly drawn. VIII. Colouring. It is one of the Parts of Paintinig,by which the Work or Piece receives its Tind:urejComplexion,Lights, Shadows, and Beauty. IX. Chiaro Scuro. It is twofold in Painting, i. When there are onlytwo colours ufed. 2. It is the Artful diipofiti- on of Lights and Shadows. X. Contouer. The Contouers of a body, are the lines which environ it, and conftitute its fuperficies. XI. Crions. They are Paftils, or dry pencils, made of ie- veral Coloured Pafts, to draw withal upon coloured paper ©r 6^ Volygraphiccs • Lib. t. or parchmcnnt. See their various kinds and ways of making in ///'. r . citp. z.fcB. 8. .-! o/ iV/>?r, or Aqua fortis : oi which, fee farther, in the following Book. XIX. Eifcl. It is an Jnftrument or Frame made of Wood, much like a I adder, with iides flat, and full of holes, to put in two pins,to fet your work higher or lower at pleafure, for the Enfc of the Awift, whence doubtlels came the Nam.e on the back fide ; there is a ftay, by which it may be fet more upright or Hoping. See ///'. 3. cap. 2. fcSl 3. XX. Figure, h is a general word, but here is taken for any Engraved, Drawn, or Painted Objevft : but in painting it is moftly taken for Humane Si.->apc and Proportion. XXL Frefco. It is a kind of Paintivg, where the Colours are applied upon frcfh Mortar, that they may incorporate with the Sand and 1 imc. XXII. Fefrocn. It is a fingular Ornament of Flower?, and fuch like, which are put upon the borders and Decorations of large Pieces of engraved works or Paintings. XXIII. Grotesk^, or Grotcfco. It is a kind of Painting found underground in th.* Ruincsof /het it very fiat and even, and there- fore be fure to carry your hind {iedfafi tvith an e^ual ftrength^ placing the forefinger firmly, upon the oppofite fide of the Graver. Then turn the next fide of your Graver, and whet that in lil^e Tn.^nner, that you may have a very fharp edge for an inch or more. Lafily, turning uppermoft that edge which you have fo whetted, and jetting the end of the Graver ohlifuely upon the fione, whet it very flat and fioping in form of a Lo3[enge [with an exaH and even hand) making to the edge thereof a fharp point. It K imp)fflhle that the work^fhould be with the neatnefs and curiqfiry dejjred, if the Graver be not, not only very good, but al/o exaBly and carefully whetted. V. The CufhioD is a leather bag filled with fine fand, to lay the pUreupon, on which you may turn it every way at eafe. Tou mtifl turn your plate with your left hand., according at the Jiroal^j trhicbyoy grave do turn, which muft bt attained with diligent care and praSiice. VI. The burnifhiog Iron is of ufe to rub out fcratches and fpecks or other things which may fault your work in the plate j as alfo if any ftroaks be graved too deep or grofs,io make them appear lefs and fainter by rubbing them therewith. VII To make your Gravers. Provide fome crofs-bow fleet, and cauCe it to he beaten out into fmall rods, and foftned, then with a q^oodfile you may fioape them at pleafure ! when you have done, heat them red hot, and ftraight dip It into Soap, and by fo doing it will be very hard : where note,that in dipping them into the Soap, if you turn your band never fo little awry, the Graver will be crooked. Jf your Graver be too hard, tal^e a red- hot Charcoal and lay the end of ycur Graver upon it till it begins to wax yellowtfh, and then dip it into t.illow (feme fay water} and it tpill be tougher. VIII. Have by you a piece of Box or hard wood.that after you have fharpned your Graver, by ftriking the point of it into tbe faid Box or bard wood, you may take off all the rougbnefs tbo'u the points, which was caufed by whetting it upon the oyl-ilonc. IX* Ghap, 5. Of holding theGraver, 7 1 IX. Laftly, take a file and touch the edge of the Graver therewith) if the file cut it, it is too foft.and will do nogood: but if it will not touch it, it is fit for your work. If it Jhould break, on the point, it is a /ign it w tempered too hard ; tvhich oftentimes after a little ufe by tvhetting tvill come into a good condition. CHAP. II. Of Polifiwg the Copper Plate. I, npAke a plate of Brafs or Copper of what bignefs yoa -^ pleafe, and of a reafooable tbicknefs, ttking heed that it be free from fire-flaws. II. Beat it as fmooth as you can with a hatntner, and thea rub it as fmooth as you can, with a putnice-ftone void of Gra- vel Cleft it fearch it, and focaufe as much labour to get them outj and a little water. III. Then drop a few drops of oyl Olive upon the plate , and burnid) it with your burnilhing Iron ; and then rub it with Charcoal made of Beech wood quenched in Urine. IV. Laftly, with a roul made of a piece of a black Felt, Caftor, or Beaver,dipt in oyl Olive, rub it well for an hour, fo Ihall your plate be exadly polilhed. CHAP. III. Of holding the Graver* I. iT will fae ueceflary to cut off that part of the knob of -^ the handle of the Graver which is upon the fame line with the edge of the Graver; thereby making that lower iide next to the plate flat, that it may be no hindrance in graving. II. For ttorkjng upon a large plate.tbat part of the handle (if not cut atvay] wiSfo reft upon the Coppery that it will hinder the fmooth and even carriage of your hand in making your ifroaks, and toiUcaufeyour Graver to run into your Copper deeper than it foculddo. This done. F 4 *~ IT* 72 IPolygritphkes Lib. II. III. Place the knob at the end ofifae handle of ihe Graver in ibe hollow of yum hand, and having extended your fore- finger towards the point of the Graver, laying it a top, or oppofiie to (be edge which fliould cut the plate • place your thumb on the one fide of the Graver, and your other fingers on the other fide, (o as that you may guide the Graver flat and parallel with the plate. IV. Be wary that your fingers interpofc not between the plate and the Graver, for they will hinder you in carrying your Graver level with the plate, and caufe your lines to be more deep, grofs and rugged, than otherwife they would be. CHAP. IV. Of the vpay and manmr of Engraving. I. OAving a Cuihion filled with Sand about faine • inches long and fix broad, and three or four ihick.and a plate well poliflied \ lay the plate upon the CuQiion, which place upcn a firm Table. II. Holding the Graver (as aforefaid) according to Art, in making ftraight ftroaks be fure to hold your plate firm upon the Culhion, moving your hand, leaning lightly where the ftroak ftiould be fine ; and harder where you would have the ftreak broader. III. But in making circular or crooked ftroaks, held your hand and Graver, ftcdfaft, your arm at)d elbow refting up- on the Table, and move the plare againft the Graver; for oiherwife it is impollible to wake thofe crooked or winding ftroaks with that neatnefs and command that you ought to do. IV. Learn to carry your band with fuch a flight, that you may end your llroak as finely as you begin it ; and if you have occafion to make one part deeper or blacker than another, do irby degrees ; and that you may do it the more exadly, obferve that your ftroaks be not too clofe. nor too wide. For ynur more exaifl Dbfcrvaiion. prai5ice by fuch prints whicharemore loofly fliadowed, lelt by imitating the oaore dark, you fljould oot know where to begin or end. V. Chap. $. Ofthe Jmitaimt of Copies or Vr'ints, 72 V. After yott have graved part of your work, it will be needful to fcrape it wiih the fliarp edge of a burnilher or other Graver, carrying it along even wiib the plate, (o take off the roughnefs of the ftroaks j but in doing it, beware of making fcratcbes. VI. And that you may the better fee that which is Engra- ven, with the piece of Felt or Cattor (at the fourth Se(5tion of the fecond Chapter) dipt in oyl rub the places graven. VII. Laitly, whatfoelrer appears to be amifs, you may rub out with the burniflier, and very exadly polilh it with your piece of Felt or Caftor and oyl ; which done, to cleanfe the plate you may boil it a little in Wine-vinegar, and rub it gently wiihabrulh of fmall Brafs-wire or Hogs briftles. CHAP. V. Of the Imitation of Copies or Prints. 1. XJAvirg a piece of Bees wax tyed up in a fine faolland •■■ -^ rag, heat the plate over the lire, till it may be hot e- Bough to melt the wazj then rub the plate with the wa:e lyed up in the rag, till you fee it covered all over with wax, (which let be very thin: ) if it be not even, heat it again by the fire, and wipe it over gently with a feather. II, If you would copy a printed pidure, to have it print off the fame way j then clap the print which you would i- mitate with the printed fide next to the plate ; and having placed it very exadly, rub the backfide of the print with a burniftier, or any thing that is bard, fmootb and round,wbich will caufe it to ttick to the wax upcn the plate : then take off" the print Cbeginning at one cornerj gently and with care, left you tear it (which may be caufed alio by purring too miich wax upon the plate) srd it will leave upon the wax the per- fedt proportion in every part. Inhere note, if it be an old ftSture, before ^ou place it upon the tPax, is Will be good to tracks it over in every limb iffith a black-lead pencil. III. But if yeu would have it print the contrary way, take the duft of black-lead, and rub the backfide put upon rbe vi'ax- cd plate J and with your needle or drawing point, draw all th'' 74 Poljigraphkes Lib. II. tbeouc-linesof thedefign or print, all which you will fiod upon the wax. This done. IV. Take a long Graver either Lozenge or round (which is better) very (harp, and with the point thereof fcraich over every particular limb in the om-ilroak i which done, it will not be difficult to mark out all the (hadows as you Engrave, having the proportion before you. V. Laftly, for Copies of Letters^ go over every letter with black-lead, or write them with ungum'd Ink, and clap the paper over the waxed plate as before. See Chap. 9. SeSi. 20. ad 25. following. CHAP. VI. Of Eftgravwg in Woody called Cutting and Carving, L *l^)At figures that are to be carved or graven in Wood -■- tnuft firft be drawn, traced,or pafted upon the wood; and afterwards all the other landing of the wood(excfpt the figurej muft be cut away with little narrow pointed kaives made for that purpofe. Tha graving in wood i( far more tedious and difficu/t than that in Brafs or Coffer \becaufe you muji cut it, and be careful in picking it otit, left you Jhoidd break any fart of the war kj which would deface it. II. For the kind of the wood let it be |)ard and tough : the belt for this purpofe is Beech and Box or Peai-tree ; let it be plained inch thick ; which you may have cut into pieces according to the bignels of the fifjure you grave. III. To draw the figures upon ihe wood. Grind white lead very fine, and temper it with fair water ; dtp a cloth therein, and rub over one fide of the wood and let it dry throughly: This k^epeth the Ink, (if 7°" draw therewith) that it run not about, ncr fink and tf you draw with P aft lis, it makes the ftroaks appear more plain and bright. IV. Having whicd iriC wood as before fif it is a figure yon would copy,) black or red the blank (ide ot ihe print or copy, and with a little Itick or 1 wallow's quill, trace or draw over iht Itroaks of ihc figure^ V. Chap. 7. Of Etching. 75 V. But if you pafte the figure upon the wood, you muft not then white it over (for then the figure will pill off) but only fee the wood be well plained : then wipe over the prin- ted fide of the figure with Gum-Tragacanth diflblved in fair water, and clap it fmooth upon the wood, which let dry throughly : then wet it a little all over, and fret off the paper gently, till you can fee perfedly every ftroak of the figure: dry it again, and fall to cutting or carving it. CHAP. VII. Of Etching, and the Materials thereof I. Z^Tcbing is an artificial Engfaving o£ Brafs or Copper plates with AquafortK. II. The Inftruments of Etching fbefides the plate) are thir- teen. I . Hard VarniSo. 2. Soft Farni/h. 3. Prepared Ojl. ^. Aquafortis. 5 'Needles. 6. Oyl-fione. 7. Brufis-Pencil. 8. But- nijher. 9. A Scraper. lo. Compajfes. 11. h^ler, iz, Stift. 13, The Frame and Trough. III. Topolijh the Plate. Although in Chap. 1 of this Book, we have fufficiently taught how to polifli the plate, yet nevertbelels we think it convenient to fubjoyn thefe following words. Firft, the plate being well planilhed or forged, choole the (mootheit fide to poliih I then fix it upon a board a little declining, and rub it firm/y and evenly all over with a piece of Grindltone, throw- ing water often on it, fb long till there be no dints, flaws, or mark* of the hammer. IV. Wafh it clean, and with a piece of good Pumice- ftone, rub it crofwife to the former, fo long till there be no rough ftroaks or marks of the Grindftone. V. Wafli it clean agam, and rub it with a fine Hoan and water croiWife to the former, till the marks of the Pumice- ftone are rubbed out. VI. Wafh it agsiin, and with a piece of Charcoal wit.hout kno's (being beat red hot and quenched in Urine, the outfide being pared off; rub 1 be plare wich water, till all the fmali firoakf of the Hoan be vaniihed. VII. 7<5 Peljigraphiccf Lib. If. VII. Laftly ,lf yet there remain any fmall ftroaks or fcratch- e5, rub them out with the end of the burnifliing Iron ; but in cafe they are very deep, you mult make ule of your Scraper, and fcrape them out, and burnifli them afterwards; and thea lattlytakea Charcoal prepared as aforefaid, and rub there- with, with water, till the plate is glafed, fo fliall the plate be fitted for work. VIII. To mak,e the hard Varnijh for Etching. Take Greek or Burgundy-pitch, Colophonium or Rozin, of each five ounces, Nut-OyI four ounces ; melt the Pitch or Rozin in an earthen pot upon a gentle tire •, then put in the Oyl, and let them boil for the fpace of half an hour : cool it a little upon a fofter fire till it appear like a Glewy Syrup ; cool it a little more, ftrain it, and being almoft cold, put it into a glafed pot for ufe. Being thus made, it will keep at leaft twenty years. IX. To makethifoft Varnijh for Etching. Take Virgin-wax three ounces, Mafticb in drops two oun- ces, Afphalcum one ounce: grind the Maftich and Afphaltum feverally very fine : then in an earthen pot melt the wax, and ftrew in the Mafticb and Afphaltum, ftirring all upon the fire til! they be well diflblved and mixed, which will be in about half a quarter of an hour i then cooling it a little, pour ir into a balbn of fair water (all except the dregs) and with your hands wet (before it is cold) form it into rouls. X. Or thus, Take Virgin H'^.tx,fonr ounces: Afphaltum, two runces r ^niber, Mafiich, of each one ounce : the three laft being in fine Ponder, mix it over a gentle fire, that it miy not be burnt ; then takjrg it from the fire, put it into a fot of fair tva- ter^ and make it up into Balls or I{ouls. and preferve it from the dufi ; trhen you ufe it^ take a quantity of it, and bind it up in a pieceofTaffaty or Silk., and tife it as hereafter tt*e fhall direct. XL Or thus, for a Red Ground. Takf Hed Lead, grind it very weS, and temper it with varnifh. XIL Or thus, for a White Ground. Take B^fm, two ounces'. Wax, one ounce : melt them together, adding Venice Cerufe finely nround, ttfo drams. XIU. Or thus, for a Black Ground. Take Afphaltum four ounces ; Bees TVax, two ounces ; melt them together, being loarm^ lay it thinly on With a Lawn ^ag. A7K Or thus, for another Red Ground. Take lied Lead or Vermillion, grind it very well, then grind it with Linfeed Oyl; lay it on very thin. XV. Chap. 7. Of Etching. 77 XV. Or thus, out of a Manufcript. Take Virgin Wax, four ounces : Afphaltum, Amber, MafiicJ^, of each two ounces (but if cold weather, but one ounce of Majiickj B^Jln, Shootnak^rs Pitchy of each an ounce : Common Fami/h, half an ounce : melting the TVax in an Earthen Pot, put in the other things by degrees, tpbich then well mixed, make it up into Balls or l{nuls, and keep itfrdm dufiforufe. X(^. Or thus, from Rinebrant. Take Afphaltum burnt, lidajiick,. Amber, of each half an ounce : Virgin PVax, an ounce : mslt the Wax and mix therewith the former things in Pouder, then make it i"to Bal's or ^ouls for tife : M^^ you ufe it, heat not the plate too hot, and lay your Blac\ Gtounninery thin, and the White Ground upon it. XVII. To make the prepared Oyl. Take Oyl Olive, make it hot in an earthen pot, and put in- to it a fufficient quantity of tried Sheeps Suet ffo much as being dropped upon a cold thing, the oyl may be a little hardened and firm) boil them together for an hour, till they be of a/reddilh colour, left they fliould feparate when you ufe them. This mixture is to make the fat more liquid, and not cool fo faft, for the fat alone would be no fooner on the pencil, but it would grow cold ; and be fure to put in more oyl in Winter than in Summer. XVllL To make the Aquafortis. ^ Take diftilled White-wine Vinegar three pints ; Sal-Armo- niack, Bay-falt, of each fix ounces j Verdigreafe four ounces. Put all together into a large well giszed earthen pot (that they may not boil over) cover the pot clofe, and put it on a quick fire, and let it fpeedily boil two or three great walms aad no more ; when it is ready to boil, uncover the pot, and ftiric fometimes with a ftick, taking heed that it boil not over ; having boiled, take it from the fire, and let it cool, being clofe covered, and when it is cold, put it into a Glafs bot- tle with a Glafs ftopple : If it be too ftrong in Etching, weaken it with a glafs or two of the fame Vinegar you made it of. A7X, There is another fort of Aqua for ta, which is called €ommon, which is exhibited in our Pharmacopeia Londinenjit (3 Doron. Medicum. But becaufe thofe Books may not be \n every mans hand, we will bereinfert it j ic is thus : Take dri- ed Vitriol two pound, Silt-perer, one poupd, tr.is them and diftil by a Retort, in open fire by degrees, XX. To tnak? the Utchit^g Needles.. Choofe yS Polygraph'ices Lib. II. Cboofe Needles of feveral fizes fuch as will break without bending, and of a fine grain ^ then taxc good round flicks of firm wood (not apt to fplitjabouc fix inches loogjand as thick as a large Goufequill, at the ends of which fix your Needles, fo that they may Itand out of the fticks about a quarter of an inch or lotuething more. You ought to have twenty Needles at leaft j which you may fix in luch ItickSi as to have a pen- cil at ibe other end. XXI. I'o wbet thb points of the Needles tvith the Oyl-fione. If you would have ihem whetted round, you mult whet their points ftioi upon the Oyl-ilone ("not as lowing Needles arej turning thetn round whilft you whet them, as Turners do. If you wbet them Hoping, firft make them blunt upon the Oyl-ttone, then holding them firm and fteady, whet them floping upon one fide only, till they come to a flieri and roundilh oval. XXII. The bru/h pencil is to cleanfe the work, wipe oflf duft, and to ttrike the colours even over the ground or var- nilh, when laid upon the plate, XXIII. The burnijher is a well hardened piece of fteel Tome what roundilh at rhe end. Its ufes are what we have fpoken at the fixth Se(5lion*r is one of the Inftruments fitted for clearing the plate of all deep fcratcbes or ftroaks which the burnilher will not take away j you are firft to fcrape them out with the fcraper, (carrying your hand evenly, that you make not more WGrk)aDd then afterwards to butnilTi upon what you have fcraped. XXV. The CctnpaJJes are chiefly of ufe to meafure a di- ftance, or ftrike a Circle, or fome part or portion of a Circle, where you defire your work to be cxadt. XXVI. The Bjdler is of fervice chiedy, to draw all the firaighr hatches or lines of your defign. upon plate j or, to mark out dirtances upon a ftraight line. XXVjr. The Seift is ufcd to draw through all the ouimoft Lines or Circumferences ot ihe Print, Pattern, or Drawing, which you Etch after. XXVIII. To make the Frame and Trough. The Frame is an cn'ire board, about whofe top and fides is fattened a ledge two inches broad, to keep the Aqua fortis from running rfffrom the fides when you pour it on: the lower end of this board muft be placed in the Trough, leaning floping Chap. 8. Of Etching. y^ floping againfl: a wall or fome oiher thing, wherein you muft fix feveral pegs of wood to reft the pUie upon. XXIX. The Trough is made of a firm piece of EJai or Oak fet upon four legs, whofe hollow is four inches wide ; and fo long as n:iay beft fit your ufe : the hollow muft be fomething deeper in the middle, that the water running thither may fall through a hole fthere made for that purpofej into an earthen pan well Leaded. The infide of tb» board and trough muSl be covered over with a thick^oyl colour^ to hinder the Aqua iotmfrom eating or rotting the board. CHAP. VIII. The way and manner ofujing the Hurd ZJarnip. I. O Aving well heat the polilhed plate over a Chafing difli ^^' of coals, take fome of the firft varnifli with a little ftick, and put a dropof it on the top of your finger, with which lightly touch the plate at equal diftances, laying on the var- nifh equally, and heating the plate again as it grows cold, keeping it carefully from duft or filth ; then with the ball of your thumb tap it upon the plate j ftill wiping your hand over all, to make it more fmootb and equal. And here bettare that neither the varnifio be too thicJ^upon the flate, nor your handfweaty. II. Then take a great lighted candle burning clear, with a fliort fnuff, ^placing the corner of the plate againft a wallj bold the varniflied fide downward over the candle, as clofe as yoo can, fo it touch not the varnifli, guiding the flame all over, till it is all pcrfedly black, which you muft keep from duft or filth till it is dry. III. Over a fire of Charcoals hang the varnilhed plate to dry with the varnifh upwards, which will fmoak j when the fmoak abates, take away the plate, and with a pointed ftick fcratch near the fide thereof, and if the varnifli eafily comes off, bang it over the fire again a little, fo long till the varnifii will not too eafily come off j then t&ke it from the fire and let it cool, if 8o Volygraphkcs Lib. II. If the varnifhjhould be too hard, caH cold water on the hack,' fide of the plate to cool it, that the heat may not make it too hard and brittle. This done, IV. Place it upon a low desk, or fome fuch like thing, and cover tbar parr wbicb you do not work on, with a flieet of fine white paper, and over that a Ihcet of brown paper, on wbich may reJt your band, to keep it from the varnifh. V. If you ufe a ruler. Jay (omc part of it upon the paper, that it may not rub ofFfbe varnuTi ;and have an efpecial care, that noduft or filth get in between the paper and the varoini for tbac will hurt it. CHAP. IX. The wn.y and manner of Etching. I. 1 N making lines or hatches, fome bigger, fome lefler, A ftraigbt or crooked, you muft ufe feveral forts of Needles, bigger or leffer, as the work requires. II. The great lines are made by leaning bard on the Needle; its point being (hort and thick, (but a round point will not cut the varoilh clear : ) or by making divers lines ; or hatches, one very clofe to another, and then by pafllng over them again with a thicker needle; or by making them with an indifferent large needle, and letting the Aquafortis lie the longer thereon. The heft 'Needles for thU work, are fiich as are tvhet Jlopirg with an oval^ becaufe their fides tt'iS cut that trhich the round ttfies will not. III. If your lines or hatches ought to be of an equal thick- nefs from end to end, lean on the needle with an equal force ; leaning lightly where you would have the lines or ftroaks tine or finall ; and tnore heavy where you would have the lines appear deep or large-, thereby the needle may have fome Impreffion in the Copper. IV. If your lines or hatches be too fmall, pafs over them again with a fhort round point of fuch a bfgnefs as you would have the line of, leaning ftrongiy where you would have the Ike deep. V. Chap. 9. Of Etching, 81 V. The manner of holding the needle with oval point* (which are tnoft proper to make large and deep itroaksj is much like that of a pen, only the flat (ide whetted is ufually held towards the thumb : but they may be ufed with the face of the oval turned toward the middle finger. VI. If you would end with a fine itroak, you ought to da that with a very fine needle. VII. In ufing the oval points, hold them as upright and ilraigbt in your band as you can, firikingyour ilroaks firm- ly and freely, for that will add much to their beauty and dearnefs. VIII. In Landskips, in places faribeft frona the figbr, as alfo nearelt the light, uie a very llender poinr, lean-' Ing fo lightly with your hand as to make a fmall faint ftroak. IX. In working be careful to brufli off all the duft which you work off with the needles. X. But this you ate to obferve, that you be able to copy any Drawing or print exadlyjand to draw afrei good heads of Plafter, or Figures, according to your own fancy, and skilful in fliadowing every thing exadiy according ro art : And therefore when you imitate Platter, be fuie to take the true out-lines or circumferences, and taking novice bow the Hiadow falls, to do it very faint and loft as the defign re- quires. XI. Therefore it is convenient that you be able to batch with the Pen, exa(5tly after good Prints or Copies, at)d wberi you can perfcdiy do that, and draw after Plainer, then to imitate the life ; bat before you draw after the life, you muft be very exacS: and true in your Out-lines or circumfe- rences. XII. Now to take the outmoft lines in any Draw- ing or Print, upon the ground of tbe plate, you muft fcrape a little white lead upon ihe btck fide of it, then rake a feather, and rub it over every where alike, and fhake off that which remains loofe. This done, take the print and lay it upon tbe Plate, on that fide the ground is, and fatten tbe four corners thereof to tbe plate with a little fofc Wax: acd rake the Stift^ and drav/ Upon the Print all tbe outaioft .'ines or circumferences exadtly ; which dotifj take off th*^ pjinrfrom tbe plaic^ and all the fame our~(ines and circumferences 5 'a bich you drew opoti the print with the Stift,WilI be exa(ftlv found upoa the ground. 82 Folygraphices Lib. 11 XIII. Then o'Dfeive exadtly how your original or pattern is Ihadowed, and how dote tbe hatches joya, how they are laid, and which way the light fails or comes in: and be fu're to make the light to tall all one way ; if the light falls fide- ways in the Prim j you mult hatch the other fide darkclt, which is fartheit from the ligbr, and fo place your lights alto- gether on one tide, and not confuledly, part on one tide, and part on another. XIV. Oblerve how clofe all the harches joyn, how they incline, and which way they twift and wind ; which follow as exadly as poifibly you can : but before you begin to hatch or fliadow, you mult be fure to draw all the outtnolt lines with a Needle upon the ground as artificially as you can, which fhadow with your Needles of feveral foru according to your Original. XV. When you are to make a broad ftroak, then break off the pointof your Needle, and whet it upon the oyl (tone, four fquare till it comes to a point •, if you hatch fine ftrokes then you mult ute fine pointed Needles: if middle fized ftroices, then break oflF ibe point of a middle iizcd Needle, and whci it as aforefaid i and fo in like manner according to all the fizes : but lome Artifts, in making a bold or broad- itroke, hatch it firlt fine, and fo by degrees make it broader. Etching Land-skips. XVI. When you etch Land-skips, batch that which li nearelt to the eye darkcft, and fo let it loofe or decline its (hadows by degrees, making that which is fartheit off fainteft. XVII. The fame thing you muft obferve in etching of the sky. For that which is neareft to the eye, muft be dark- eft (hadowed, but in general as faint and loft as may be, loofing it felf by degrees as is before dired:ed ; and the near- er the sky comes to the ground, the more it muft loofe and be fainter : when they both meet as it were together, the sky muft be quite loft. XV/II. When you have hatched it as exadly as you can po/Tible with your Needles, after the Print or Drawing, then compare them cxatftly together, that you may fupply any dc- fecft, or mend what is done amifs. XIX. In etching a piece q( Perfjfe8ive after a Draught or Print, beware of Peifec'tion at a difiance, and be fure to ftadow that which is neareft to the eye, perfefteft and firongeft. Chap. 9. Of Etching, 85 {Irotigeft, and the farther from the eye, ft muft decline ia iengtb, bread tb, and beightfr according to Arc and Proporir on ; letting ibe Ihadovvs loofe, and grow fainter and fainter, gradatim, till they are nearly loft, Ft hing or Engraving of Letters. XX. Screw the Copper place Cbeing fit for etching, by one of its corners j CO a hand Vice, which hold over a Char- coal fire till it be warm: then take a piece of Virgin Wax, and rub it all over the plate, until it is coveied every where alike. XXI. This done, take a ftifF Ducks-wing feather fr.oc riifledj and therewith drive the Wax even and faaootb, every where alike, and lo let it ccol. XXII. Then write the Letters or Hand, which you intend to put upon the plate, on a piece of Paper with ungum'd Ink : this psper thus written, lay with the written fide down- wards, upon the waxed plate, and faften the four corners with a little foft Wax ; the writing being fo jjlaced that the lines may run itraight, XXIII. Then take a Dogs tooth, and rub the pa- per all over with it, not milfiDg any place ; which done take off the Paper from the plate, fjp will all the letters which you wrote on the papers be left cxadly upun the Wax. XXIV. Take nowa5'^»/V, anddraw all the letters through the Wax upon the plate, and take a linneo rag, or Pencil brufli, with which cleanfe the work from the loofe Wax i lo will all the letters be drawn upon the Copper. XXV. This, if you pour upon it good Aqua fortify will be etched : but if you take away all the Wax, you may better and more cominendably perform it by Graving, with good Gravers well ground, and made fliarp towards the points ; then whetted very fmooth and (harp upon a good Oyl-ftcoe. Gi CHAP. 84 Volygraph'jces ^ Lib. II. CHAP. X. Of ufing the Aqua fortis. I.|F there be any ftroaks which you v/ould not have the ■■• jiqua fortis eat into • or any places where the varnifli is rubbed off, meit fome prepared OyJ, and with a pencil,cover thofe places pretty thick. II. Then take a brufh pencil, or rag, and dip it in the pre- pared oyl, and rub the bak-fideof the plate all over, that the ^(jua fortif mzy noi hurt it, if by chance toy ftiould fall thereon. ///. Before you put ^^tt4 /or^» to the plate, gently warm or dry rhe place by a fiie 10 dry up the humidity, which it might contraifh by reafon of the Air j and to prevent the breaking up the varniih upon the fiift pouring the Jquaform ihereon. ir. Place the plate by the nth. Sedion of the ytb. Chap- ter of this Book, and with rhe Aqua fort a in an earthen pot pour upon the plate, beginning at the top, To moving your band rhac it may run all over the plate, which do for eight or ten times: then turn it corner-wife, and pour iht Aqua fonu on it that way ten or twelve times ; and then turn it a- gain corner- wife theoiberway, pouring on \ht Aqua fortk cig'tor ten rime? as before j doing thus feveral times for the Ipace of halfa qiarter of an hour or more, according to the ftretigihof the waier, and nature of the Copper. Icor there mufl be Icfs time allctved to hard and brittle Coffer forpnurtr,2^ or> the Aqua fortis, ^«f more to thefnft. . V. Bu r you murt have fpecial regard tla caft on the Aquafor- tis as occafion iTiall require, and as the work is j calling ic on at leveral times, and on feveral places ; where you would have it ^ry deep, often ; where lefs deep, fewer times : where-light, lefs yet; where lighter, leller yet: and where fo light as it can fcarcely be feen, once or twice : wafli it with water, and cover it where you would have ic lighter. Chap. I o. Of tijing the Aquafortis. 85 VI. Having thus covered your plates as occafion requires for the fecond lime, place the pJate on the frame as aforefaid and pour on it your AquafortK for a full half hour. Vn. Then waflj it with water, and dry it, covering the places which require lightnefs or faimnels (that they may be proportionable to the deflgnj tfaen^our on the AqttafortK for the laft time more orjels according 10 the naiure of your work, and the deepnefs that it requires. VlII. Ycumay rub off the varnilh or ground, as occafion in your work requires with a Charcoal, to fee whether the water hath eaten deep enough ; by which you may judge of thefpace of time, that you are after to implpy in pouring on the Aquafortis, in the works you will have to do, which if the ftiadows require much deptb,or ought to be very black, the water oughc to be poured on fat the leaft time) for an hour or better i yet know,wo certain rule of time can be limited for thii. CHAP. XL Of Fifjrpobig the work, J. A LL the former operations being done, wafh the pfate ^^ with fair warer j and put it wet upon the fire, till the mixture be weli melted, and then wipe it very clean on both fides with a linnen clotb, till you have cleanfed it of all the mixture. II. Take Charcoal of Willow, takeoff the rind of ir, and putting fair water on the plate, rub it with the Charcoal^ as if you were to polifti it, and it will take off the varnilh. Where note, that the Coal muft be (esc from all knots and roughnefs, and that no fand or fihb fall upon the plate. Ill Take ordinary Aqua fortis, to which add two third parts of water, and with fome linnen rags dipped therein rub the plate all over, fowili you takeaway its dilcolourirg, and recover its former beauiy. IV. Then take dry linnen rags, and wipe the plate fo as to take off all the aforefaid water, and then holding it a lit- tle to the firej put upon it a little Oyl Olive, and with a G 3 . piece ^6 Folygraphkes Vb. If, piece of an o!d Beaver rplled up, rub the plate weH all over, and laiilVj wipe it well with a dy cloaih. V. Iden if any places Dttd touching with the Graver, as fometimes it bapptos, cipecully where it is to b^' vi-iy deep or black, perfc(5t them vvirh care • which done, the f late is ready for the R.olling-Preft. CHAP. XIL T/je way ofnfing the foft Varnifl). I. "THe plate being prepared by cleanfing it with a Char- ■* coal and clean water, walh it well and dry it^ then with fine whire Chalk fcraped and a fine rag, rub it well over, not touching it with your lingers. II. Lay down you plate over a Chafing dilh of fmaJl-coal, yet To as the fire may have airi then take the ground or loft varniH) (it being tied up in a fine rag) and rub it up and down the Copper, fo as it may lufHifrtly cover it, f»;or Korbin nor too thick :;' then lake a iliff Ducks feither, and fmoothit as well as poilibly you can all one way, and then crols it till it lie very well. But you muji take heed that the plate be not too hot, for tf it lie tiSthe oround fmcak^, the moijtnre will b: dried upland that will fpoil the work,, andmake the ground break, or fly up. III. Then grind fca^e Cerufe or Whice-iead with Gum- water, To th?.t it may be of a convenient rbicknefs to fpread on iheCopperj and with a large pencil, or fmall brulh, ftrike the plafe crofs over, twice or thrice till it is fmootb ; and then with a la: ger brufli fmade of Squirrels lailsj gently fmootb rbe white, and then let it lie till it is dry. IV. Or you may black the varnifli wiih a candle, as we taught at tlvs Second Sedion of the Eighth Cbapier, and then if it be cold, warm it over the fire, till the vamifh begin to melt, that the fmoak may melt into the ground, fo thai you rub it not off with yoar band. CHAP. Chap. 19, Of Fmiflnvgihe Work. S7 CHAP. XITI. ^ The way ofEtcInng upoft the fcft VarniJI}. I. TrHe way of Etching is the fame with that in the hard "■- varnifli, only ycu muft be careful nor to hurt your varoifli, which you may do by placing on the lides of your plate two little boards, and laying crofs over tfaem another thin one, fo as ibat it may not touch the plate, on which you muft reft your hand wbilft you work. M. Then place the plate oa a Dc;sk fif you fo plcafc) for by that means the fuperfluous matter will fail away of it felf. III. But if you have any defign to transfer upon the plate from any Copy or Print, fcrape on the backfidc thereof fome red Chalk all over j then go over that, by (crsjing (ovc\t fofc Charcoal, till it mingle with the Chalk ; and wi(h a large ftiff pencil rub it all over till it be fine and even and fo lay down the defiga upon the plate; with a blunt Needle draw over the out Itroaks : and oi you work, you need not [cratch hard into the Copper, only fo as you may fee the Needle go through the farni/h to the Copper. IV. Always befurewhen you leave the work, to wrap the plate up in Paper, to keep it from hurt, and corrupting in the air, which may dry the varnilh : and io Winter time wrap the plate up in a piece of Woollen, as well as paper, for if the froft get to it, it will caufe the Varnifli to rife from the Copper in the eating. An inconveniency alfo will accrew, hy letting the Vamifh lio too Ung upon the Plate before the work^ is finifoed j for three or four months will confttme the moiflure andfofpoil all. V. The marking of the defign upon the fofc varnidi, is beft done with Black-lead or Chalk, if the ground is white ; but with red Chalk, if the ground is black. VI. Having Graved what you intend upon the varni(h,take feme fair Water, a little warm, and caft it upon the Plate ; and then with a foft clean Spunge, rub upon the White-lead to moiften it all over ; and then walh the pUte to take away the whiting, and dry it. G4 VII. 88 Polygraphices Lib. II. VII. Oi Laftly, with Apa forta mixed with fiir water, Wifh it all over, and by this means you may take away the wbicing , which then wafh with common water and dry it J and thus have you the plaie prepared for the Aqua forta. CHAP. XIV. Of vjmg the Aqua fortis, and finWing the Work. I. pUi foft wax frcd or green) round the brims of the -* plare^ (being firtt diawn into a loog flender roul or firing/' and kt it be raifed above the vatnifh about half a BaiUy Corns le; gjh ; fo chat placing ihe plate level, the wa- ter being poured upon the plate may by this means be retained. But that V ju iTiaf be lu'-e that 'he Aijiia forta fliall not run out, you muft take a knif_* and heat it in the fire, and fear the wax lound »buut under the plate, very clofe : and be (ure to fatten the Wax as near to the edges of the plate, as you can con- veniently, Tliis done. 11, Take fingle or common jitjua forrii fix ounces, com- mon water two ounces ; mix them, and pour it gently upon the plate, fo that it may cover it fully all over ; (o will the ftiorger hatchings he full of bubbles, while the fainter will ap- pear clear for a while, not making any fudden operations to the riew. "Note, to weah^en the Aqua fortis, you may alfo mix it with Viie^ar, or a little of that ^qua fortis tvhich hoi been tifed for- merly : for if ygur liquor be too fir mg, it tvill make the ipork^very hard, &nd flmetimes make the ground to break-up. The deeper the Aqaa tortis lies^ the harder it tvill eat. III. When you perceive the water to operate a fmalltime, pour i-- off inro a glazH carth-n difli, keeping itto ufe with forae other , and throw fair water upon the plate, n wa(h a:; wav the /Jquafcrtif, then dry the pJatf. IV And where ynu would have thsCut to be fainf, tender or fwcct, ccvprit vvi;h the prepared Oyl, and then cover the plate ag^Jn uiih Aqua fort ii as before, leaving it on for eight or tf D minutesor longer : then put off the Aquafortn as before, walhing and drying the plate^ and covering with the prepared chap. 14. Of Ujtng AqHii Fortk, 89 prepared Oyl other places which you would not have fo deep as the reft. V. Laftly, put on the Ai^ua fortis agaiB, for the fpace of half an hour Cmore or leljj and then pour it off, wafting the plate with fair water as before, VI. As you iPou'id have your lines or ftroakjt to he deeper and deeper^ fo cover the fweeter or fainter farts by degreef tvith the prepared Oyl^ that the Aqua fortis may lie the longer on the deep ftr oaks- Then, Mil. Take ofFrbe border of wax, and heat the plate, fo that the Oyl and varni/h may throughly tnelt ; which wipe away well with a iinnen cloth; -then rub the piste over with Oyl Oiive,and a piece of an old Beaver roU'd up.wbicb done, touch it with the Graver where need is. VIII. But if any rbi(»g be (at laft) forgotten; then rub the plate aforefiid with cruans of bread, fo well that no filth or ^oyl remain upon the plate. IX. Then heat the Plate upon a Charcoal fire, and fpread the foft varrifii with a feail3er upon ic^as before) fo that the hatchings may be filled with varniih j black it, and then touch it over again, or add what you intend. X. Let your hatchings be made by means of the Needles, according as the manner of the Work (hall require, being care- ful before you put on the Aquaforta, to cover the firlt gra- ving on the Plate with the prepared Oyl, (left the varniHi Ihould not have covered all over :J then caufe the Acjua fortis to eat into the work ; and lal^iy cleanfe the Plate as before. XL Your plate being deanfed, if you perceive that the A(lua fcrtif has not eaten as deep in fome places, as it Hiould have done,you muft help ibofe defedls with a Graver. XII. To know when the Aquafortis has eat deep enough after it has layen a quarter or half an hour, poisr oft' the Aqua fortis from the Plate into a Glafs, wa/h it with a little fair water.and with a knife fcrape offa little bit of the ground, where it is hatcht, and may be leaft prejudicial to your work ; ahd if you find it not deep enough, cover the bare place of your Plate with your prepared Oyl, arid put the Aqt/a fortis upon it again, letting it lye till you think it deep enough. XIIL Or mix it with fome new Aquafortis, if you think what you have ufed to be too weak ; by many Tryals and Frsidice, you will at length come to a certainty. ' XIV. 90 Poljgraphicef Lib. II. XIV. Or you may make ihe Tryal upon a wafte piece of Copper rudely hatched j pouring the /ipta fortts both upon the Plate, and that at one and the fame time: after a luffici- eot fealoD, with a knife take off a little piece of the ground from the watte piece of Copper where it is hatched, and if it be not deep enough, cover it again with your prepared Oyl, and make a new Tryal, and lb proceed on, till you find the Aqua fottis ba5 earen dteep enough. XV.Obferve to wafli the Plate with a little fair water,before you waim it.for o'herwife,ibe >^^«d/orrjj will ftain the Plate. XVI. If the ground be broken up in any place, put off iht Aqua fortis from the Plate, walh it with fair water, and cover it with your prepared Oyl, then pour on the Aqua fonts again , thus will you prelerve your Plate fium injury. ^ XVII. To mtktyom Aqua foreii \vri\k harder or fofter, you muft cover tbofe places of your Plate which you would have to be faint (after that the Aqua fonts has been once poured off your Plate) with your prepared Oyl, which Oyl you muftufeby degrees, as you would have your work fainter : this in Etchirg L«ndskips yci will find nectffary, tor that they muft iole and (taod at a di&.incegraiiatiTn. CHAP. XV. Of Llmmngy atd the Materials thereof, I. T Imning is an Art whereby in water Colours, we ftrivs *^ lorefemble Nature in every thing to the Life. II. The Inftruments and Materials thereof are chiefly thefe 1. Gum. 1. Colours, 3. Liquid Gold and Silver.^. TheGrind- Jlone and Muiler.i "y. Pencils. 6. Tabid to Limn ^in.j. Little Glajfes, or Horefmufcle-jheHs. III. The Gums are chiefly thefe four, Gum-Arabick' Gum-Lake, Gum-Hedera, Gum-Armoniack. IV. The principal Colours are thefe feven, ff^hite, Black,^ ^ed, Green, Yellow, Blue, Brown : out of which are made mixt or- compound Colours. V. The Liquid Gold and Silver is either -natural or ar- tificial. Tfa( Chap, 1 6. Of th& Gums ^and their Ufe, 91 The natural is that which is produced of the MetaJs them-' felves ; the arrilkial is that which is formed of oiher co- lours. VI. The Grind^one, MuSer, Pencils, Tables, and Shells^ or little Glajfes, are only the rieccflary inttruroents and attend- ants^ which belong to the pra-flice of Limning. VIL Chufe luch Pencils as are clear and fiiarp pointed* rot dividing into parts : of thefe you muft have many in a readinels, a feveral Pencil at leail, for every feverai Co- lour. CHAR XVT. Of the Gttms^ and their Z)fe. I. "THs chief of all is Gum-Arabick, that which is white, -■■ clear and brittle ; the Gum-water of it is made thus. Take Gnm-Arahick^y hruife it and tye it up in a fine clean linnen cloath, and put it into a convenient quantity of pure fpring-water, in a glafs or earthen vejfel ; letting the Gum re- main there till it is dijfolved ; tvhicb done, if the water is not fl iff enough, fut more Gum into the cloath i but if too flijf, add more tvater ; of which Gum- water have two forts by ycu, the oneftrong, the other weak 5 of which you may make a third at plea fure. II. But if you be where Gum-Arabick is not to be got, you may inftead of that ufe the prepatatioa of Sbecps leather or parchment following: Take of thefhreds of white Shsep-Skjns (which are to be had, plentifully at Glovers) or elfeof parchments, one pound ; Conduit or running water two,^uart3,boil it to a thin gelly, then fir airt it whilfi hot through a fine Jirainer, andfo ufe it. III. Gum-Lake, it is made of whites of Eggs beaten and ftrained a pint, Honey, Gum- Hedera, of each two Drams, ftrong wort four fpoonfuls, mix tbem, and ftrain them with a piece offpunge till they run like a clear Oyl, which keep in a clean veflel rill it grows hard. This Gum will dijjolve in water likf Gum-Arabick^ of which Giim-'wateris made in like manner j it is a good ordinary varnifh for PiSttres. IV. 92 Polj'grapfjues Lib. 11. IV. Gum-Hedcra, or Gum of Ivy ; it is gotten out of Ivy ; by cutting with an Axe a great branch thereof; climbing upon ao Oik-tree, and bruifing the ends of it with the head ot the Axe ; at a Months end, or thereabouts, you may take from it a very clear, and pure fine Gum, like Oyl. V. It is good to put into Gold-fi:(e and other Colours, for thefe three reafons : J. It abates the ill /cent of the /i::(e : i. It tviH prevent bubbles in Go!dfi:(e and other Colours ; 3. Laftly^ it talics attay\the fat and clamminefs of Colours :befides which it is cf ufe in making Pomanders. VI. Gum-Amoniacum, It is a Foreign Gum, and ought to be bought ftrained. Grind it very fine with juice of Gar- lick and a little Gum-Arabick water, To that it may not be too (hick, bat that you may write with it what you will. VII. l^^hen you ufe it., dratff tohat you will ttith it, and let it dry, and when you gild upon it, cut your Gold or Silver to the fajhion which you dreto with the fi;(e or gum, then breath upon thefj::^e, and lay the Gold upon it gently taken up, which prefs down hard with a piece of wool 9 and then let ft weS dry ; bein^ dryed. with a fine linnen cloth Jiri^e off the loofe Gold J fo will what was drawn be fairly gilded if it were as fine as a hair : it is called Gold-Armoniackc CHAP. XVII. Of the Scv^n Cobnrs hi Gaiernl. I, 'T'HE chief Whites^Tcct thefe, Spodium, Cerufe, White- ■^ lead, Spamffj-whiie, Egg-ftiells burnt. II. This Colour ;s called in G/"fe/i AJt'xo^ of mvx^o, video t^-i fee, becaufe hivy.orn'i 'oh J'tAHf^ivMv o.^^f; whitenefs (3$ Arifiotle faidj is the object of fight.in Latin Albus, from whence the Alps had their name, by realon of their continual white- nefs with Saow. III. Tbe Spanijh- white is thus made. Take fine Chalk three ounces^ Alum one ounce, grind them together with fair water till it be like papj roul it up into balls, which dry ieilnrely : then pui them into the fire till they are red hot ; rake them out, and let tbcm cool : it is the be[i white of all, togarni/h with, being ground with weak. Gum-water, 1Y« Chap. 17. Of Colours "in General, 92 IV. The chief Btackt are thefe, Harts-born burnt, Ivory burnt, Cherry-ftones burnt, Lamp-black, Charcoal, Sea-coal, Verdiier burnt, Mujpny burnt. V. Black,^ in Latin Niger, is. fo called from the Greeks word r£;cpo?, tohich fignifies dead, hecaufi putrefied and dead things are generally of that colour. Lamp-black is theJmoal(, of a Link., Torch, or Lamp gathered together. VI. The chief i^e^i are ihefe. Carmine, V,ermiIion, Red- lead, Indian-lake, native Cinnabar , Red-Oker , Yellow- Oker burnt, Indian Red. yil. It is called in Latin I{uher th^ rw pow j corticihta vel grants mali punici ; from the Rinds or Seeds of Pome- grances.as Scaliger faith. VIII. The chief Gr^ew are thefe, Green Bice, Green Pink, Verdigrife, Verditer, Sapgreen, Pink mixt with Bice. IX. This Colour is called in Latin l^iridHs from Fires t in Greek ^^ V. Then decant the clear water, and put to the fediment freflj ttater,J}ir it as before mentioned, then let it fettle half the time itdidat firfl, and pour cjf the white water into another clean bafnn., leaving again ibe courfir part behind ; 1st this water Jet tie, and decant away the clear water from it: the remaining Lead dry, and then put it up into papers for your ufe. Thus reiined five or fix limes, it will be moll pure, and bed for ufe. Vr. When you have occafion for it, Iprcad a lirtle of ft about a fliell with your finger, and temper it with Gum-water. Ir be fame manner muft Certije be waflied. Obferve alfo in grinding of White, that you grind it not too much, left it prove greafy or Oyly, or of a dirty colour. VII. % Chap, 1 8. Of Colours mVarticluar, 95 VII. Spanifh-white, It is the beft white of alI,to garnifli wiib, ground with Gufn-wacer. VIII. Lamp-blacky ground with Gum-water, ic makes a good black. IX. Vermilion^ Grind it with the glair of an Egg, and in the grinding put a little clarified honey, to make its colour brigbiand perfedt. Native Cinnabar is better and a brisker colour. X. Cinnabar-lake y it makes a deep and beautiful red, otr rather purple, atmolt like unto a Red-rofe. Grind it with- Gum-lake and Turnfole-waier : if you will have it light, add a little Cerufe, zn^ it will make it a bright Crimfon j if to Diaper, add only Turnfolc water. XL ^ed lead, Grind it with feme Saffron, and ftiff Gum- lake ; for the Saffron makes it orient, and of a Marigold colour. XII. Tumfole, Lay it in a Sawcer of Vinegar,and fet it over a Cbafing-difh of coals ; let it boil,then take it ofi*, and wring it into a Ihell, adding a little Gum-Arabick, let it ftand till it is diffolved : It is good to ihadow Carnation, and all Yellows. Xnl. Hsfet, Grind it with Brazil-water, and it will make a deep purple ; put Cerufe to it, and it will be lighter j grind it with-Litmofe, and it will make a fair Violet. XIV. Spanijh brown, Grind it with Brazil-water: mingle it with Cerufe, and it makes a horfe-fiefh Colour. It w not fa brisk and lively as Indian ^d. XV. Bo/e-Armoniack., It is a faiac colour j its chief ufe Is, id making fize foe burnifh'd gold. XVI. Green-bice. Order it as you do Blue bice ; when it is moift, and not through dry, you may Diaper upon it with the water of deep green. XVII. Fer^i^rz/e, Grind it with juyce of Rue, and a little weak Gumwacer, and you will have a moft pure green : if you will Diaper with it, grind it with Lye of Rue (or elfe the decodion thereof) and there will be a hoary green. XVIII. Diaper upon Verdigrife green with Sap-green : alfb Verdigrife ground with white Tartar.and then tempered witb gum-water, gives a moft perfect green. XIX. It ii extrcamly courfe unlefs it be purified as I have taught in my Doroo, lib. 3. cap. 4. Sed. 13. § a. Being fo prepared one ounce (till be ttortb Ten of the Courfe, or that »bich is bought in thejhops. It is done withfpirit of Vtnegar, XX, 96 Polygra^h'ices Lib. IT, XX. Ver^iter, grind it with a weak Gum-Arabick water: it is tbe fainteft green that is, but is good to lay upon black, in any kind ot Drapery. XXI. Sap green ; lay it in (harp Vinegar all night ; pur in- to It a little Alom to raife its colour, and you will have a good green to Diaper upon other greens. It is a fhining but a fading colour, ufe green Pink inftead of it i for it has neither of thitie faults. XXII. Orpment, Arfenicum or Aur i pigment um grind h with a itiff water of Gum lake, becauieitis tbe beft colour of it felf, it will lie upon no green, for all greens, White and Red- lead, and Cerufe ftain it ; Wherefore you muft deepen your colours fo that the Orpimept may be higbeft, and fo it may a- gree with all Colours. It is of a Venomous property^ and fame of it is courfe. XXIII. Majiicoty Grind it with afmall quantity of Saffroa in gum-water, and never make it lighter than it is : it will en- dure to lie upon all colours and metals. XXIV. Sfl^row, Steep it in glair : it may be ground with Vermilion. XXV. Pink: yeBow, If yoa would have it fad coloured,grind it wiTh Saffron ; if light,with Cerfue : mix it with weak gum- water, ard (buie it. ■ XXVI Oker de Luce, grind it with pure Brazil water: it makes a paifirg bair colour i and is a natural Ihadow for gold. B^man Oker ts the more glowing of all tbe Okcrs. XXVII. Vmber, It is a more fad brown colour. Grind it with gum-water, or gum-lake ; and tighten it (if you pleafe) with a little Cerqfe and l" blade of Satfron 3 to clcanfe it , burn it in a Oucib^e, then grind it, and ic will be good, and when you temper it in your (hell.ufe a dropor two of Onion- water, and it will preferve it from crackling. XXVIII. VUramarine, If you would haveir deep, grind it wi:h Litmofe-wtter ; but if light, with fine Cerufe and a weak G'jm-Arabick water. XXIX. In s^rtndin^ ZJltramarine and other colours, let not your motion be roofwifr, but grind it gently and flow, be-* caufe the fwiftnefs of tbe motion, caufetb the Itones to hear, which will caufc your colour to l^arve or loofc fomewhat of its Lultre. el'peciallj^ if >i be a colour of ho great body, ti Pink, Tndico, (^c. XXX. Indico, ,Gr'iad it with water of Gum-ArabIck, as Ujiramarine.*- XXXf, Chap. 18. • Of Colours in Farticnlai\ ^y XXXI. B'ue-Bice, Grind h wkh clean vvater, as fmzU as you can, then put it into a fiiell, and vvarti it rhus : put as much water to it as will fiii ap the vtiid or (hc!i, aod iiir it well, let it ftand an hour, and thefilcfa arjd dirty water caft away j then put in more clean water, do thus four or iive times. , .• XXXII. At laft put in Gutn-Arabick water fbmewbat weak, ibai the Bice may fall to the bor-oin ; pcur ttfi the gum-wacer, and pot lacte loit, wafiiit agiln, dry it, ar;dm;s it wirh weak guai- water fif you would have it rjle ot the fame colourj^ut with a itiff water of (jupaHak^:, if yoii would have a mo(t pirfedl: blue J if a light b.'u*, grind it with a litile Cerufe i but if a aioft deep blu?, add water of Liimole. - — XXXIII. SmaU, Grind ir with a little I;:ic Fvofet, andiE will make a deep Violk.'c : and by puaiog in % qaantity of Cerufe, it will make a light Violet. XXXIV. Litrnofe blue^ Griod'it with Cerufe : with too much Litmofe it makes a deep Line 5 wicb too much Ce- rufe, a light blewr-giind it with the weak water of Gum- Arabic k. XXXV. Take fi.'is Litmofe^ cnt it in pieces Jay it in weak, tva- ter of Gum- lal'^ for twenty four hoursj aniyou fhall have a wa- ter of a moil ferfeSt A:{urei with tt'hich crater you may Diaper and Damasks upon all otter hluei, to tjiake them fJcew tvore fair and beautiful. XXXyi: Orcha!, Grind it with unHaVd Lime and Urine^ it makes a pure Viokt : by pauirg to more or lels Lime, yea may make the Violet light or deep as you plcafe. XXXK//. Munsmy byrnt, makes a good black: but other- wife it is ill conditioned, bard,and will not flow fiom the pen- cil, you cbay Hum ir in a Crucible well lared. XXXVni EngHfh Oker, It is a yellow colour, and lies even in the(ljell,o! lUeif : it is of great a fe being well ground. . XXXlX Ptnk mixed with Bice, It is a good Green, the faireft Pmkis beft; well ground and tempered with blue Bice, allowing one quantity of Pink, to three of blue Bice. To deep- en this colour in Landskip or Drapery, mix with it a little Indico finely ground. , XL. Indian Lake. It makes a delicate Purple, grind it with a little Gum-water, and when it is ground fine, befireyois pat it into the Ihell, mix a lirtle |Bouder of white Sugar-candy wilt it, which will preferve it from crackling ; thes; may H yoo 98 Pvl)'g)\ihkcs Lib. 11. you rpread ii thinly with your linger about the flielf. XLI. Indian I^d. It makes a dark Red, becaufe this colour is very courfe, you may ufe Z^mber^zrA « little Lake tempered, which it as good. XLI I. Ivvry black Grind it with a little white Sugar-can- dy, It will prcferve it f'loin crackling out of your Ihell: it makes a black. XLIU. Chenyfione. It is burnt in s. Crucible fas is the fcr- mer^ and fo ground. It is good for Drapery, and for a black Saiiin. Tetnper it with a little white^lndtan-Lake^ and Indico. Heighten it with a lighter mixture, deepen it with Jvory black ; this was HilUards way. XLlF. Caput mortuitm of Vitriol, Firft grind it well upon a Porphyry; then carefully vvifli it, as we have taught you to wafli White-lead in C/j<»/'. 18. Set^. 1. aforegoing i after grind it with a weak Gum-lake- water : it makes a deep red.or al- motta purple color. XLV. Ohfervations upon fome of the preceding Colors, and fir(t of £{EDS. I. Vermillion. It is a mo(k perfetft Scarlet color; it is fo fine that it needs no grinding, but may be tempered with your Finger with Glair or Gum-water and fo ufed mixt with a little yellow Benies, it makes it the lighter and bftgh- ter Color, and is then principally u!«;d for Garments. XLVJ. 2. i^-ii Le4^, It is the neareft toan Orange Color j and mixt with yellow Berries, it makes a perfei5l Orange. It is ufed for Buildings and high ways in Landskips, being mixt with a little White. It is the only bright Color to ftiadow vellow Ga«-ments with, to make rhem Ihcw li!:e changeable Taff-tv, rjnd to color -any light Ground in a Piclurc.and feve- ral other. ufe?, as you feeoccafion. XLVII. 3. Cinr.ahar Lake. You may Hiadow. with it yel- low Girments in tlie darkeft places,, as alio Vermillion mixt with white only, it makes a Sky Color. With white and red Lead, a F!'.'fh CJor i and is an excellent Color ofitfelfto colour Garments with. Thts Color is dear, and therefore inftond thereof, for ordinary ules, you may ule ^d Ink- thick- red upon theFite.which wiillervc very well ; and better than L.'^!''\ unlels it b." vrry good. XLVIII. ^ I{edJ>:k It is made by boy ling Bra^^il in Pou- der in Vinegar mixt wiih Beeradding a little Alum to heighten the Color : boyi it tiil ir rafts ftrong on the To-gue, then (train it out, add keep it clofe (topt for ufe. If you mix it with chap. 1 8. Of Colours in Particular, j^- og with a Flefh Color, or make a Sky Color thereof, you muil not thicken ir. XLXIX. OhfervAtions on B^WN Colors. I . Spanijh Brown. It is a djrty Brown Color, but of gre^t qfe i as alio to (hadow Vertniliion,or iay upon a dark Ground behind a Pidure. You may ftiadow yellow Berries with it in the darkeft places, when you want Lake or thick I^d Inl{. Color not Garments therewith, unlefs it be old Men's Gowns. L. 2. Vmber. It is a Hair Color, and the beft and bright" eft when it is calcined red hot. But to color any Hare, Horfe, Dog,^c. with it, you muft not burn it j but for other ufes ic is beft calcined or burnt, as to color Pofts, bodies of Trees, Timber-work, or any dark Ground in a Pidure. LI. Ufe it not in Garments, anlels in old Men's Gowns, or Caps ftanding together, for that they muft not be all of a Color. But fordiftindlion and variety fake, you may ufe h un burnt in many cafes. LII. Obfervations en GI{EEN Colors. 1. Verdigrife. h is a good Green, but fubjedt to decay t being dry upon Paper, it will be of a higher Color than when it was firft laid on ; therefore to preferve it from that fault, diflblve Sap-Green in if, and it will keep its Color. You may make it fine by extracting its TioClure with Spirit of Vinegar, and then evaporating to drynefs j an ouBce of that will bt worth ten ounces of the other. LIU. X, Verditer. It is a light Green, feldom ufed in any thing but coloring Land-skips, which feemafar oSi and it is good for fuch a purpole, becaufe it is inclining to blew., LIV. 3. SapGresn. It is a dark dirty GreenvHever ufed but to fliadow other Greens in the darkeft places i or tolayupoa fome dark ground behind a Pidure, which ought to be of a dark Green : bat you may do without this Color, for Indico mixt with yellow Berries make juft fuch another Golor. gi LV. 4. Copper Green, h is an excellent tranfparent Colof^ of a fhiningnacHre, if ihickned in the Sun, or over a gentle Fire. It is raoft uled of any Green in wafhiog of Prints or Map$, e- fpecially in coloring of Trees, Ground, Grafs, ^c. for it is a mofl perfeEi Grafs green. LVL Obfervations on rELLOfV Colors. I . Saffron, It is a deep Yellow if it ftands long, and is good principally to (h«dow yellow Berries with inftead yf Red Leadi H 2; b« 100 Polj'graphkes Lib. II. buc is fomewbat a bi igbter iliadow : Red Lead and yellow Berries, make juft the like Color. LVII. 2. Mafiicote. It is a liglit Yellow, juft like yellow Btriies mixt with White : it is tiled ro color a lighr Ground in aPidurejand tbrn to Jl-iadow it with rhe Water, r;;^. the ihinnclt part of the Color of burnt Umber or red Lead. LVUI. 3. TeUc0 Berries It is mnft ufcd in walhing of Map! , Pi(5tures, (3c. of all other Colors it is bright and tranfparent, fit for all ufes, and fufncient without the ufe of any other Yellow. LIX. Obfirvati^ns on BLEl>F Colors. I. BleiP Bice, h is the moft excellent Blew next to Ultra- marine, andinay(e?ve inltead thereof, it is too good a Co- lor to ufv" upon all ocofions: and for more ordinary ufes.you may ufe Smalt in Itead of cither of them, but it will not "work (o well as Bice, when you intend to beflow fome coft and p^ins upon a piece, you may ufe Bice ; othcrwi.'^e ycu need u(e no other Blew in your Work than BlewVerditer ; with which in ordinary Works, you n: ay make a pretty good fhifr, though all the other B/fWi be wanting. X.A'. 2. Jndico. It is a dark BIew,ard principally ufed tofha- daw with upon other Blews. Mixi wiili yellow Berries, it makes a dark Grcrn, to ftiadow other Greem* with in the dark- eft places. LXI. 3. BkwVerditer. It is a very bright plea fant Blew, and the eaGeft ro work with in Water: it is fomewhat incli- ning fo a GteeR> and the Riewj which isthe molt of all ufed mixed with yellow Berries it makes a good Green. LXU. Ohfervntinrs on WHITE Colors. 1. Cerufe. It isthe beft White, next toSpantfli White, and better than whirc Lead, if it be good and finely ground, as you naay have it ready prepared at the Colour Shops i being only tvbite Lead cleaned and made tnore pure. LXni. 2. H^hi:e Lend. It will ferv^n place of the for- mer, if waftt as before is directed ; either of them will ferve the fao'e occafion, and being mixed with another Color they trake itlighrei, the which you may vary in proportion as you ice occafion, LXIV. Ohfervarions onBLACl^Colcrs. . I. . Lamf Black or FH^fiteYs B/aci(.Tt is the moft ufedbecaufe k is the eafieil to be bad, dnd is j?cod in W-thing. But you muft never put Black aroongft other Colors, to make them dark, for io they will beccme dirty i neither (h&dow any Co- lor Chap. 19. Of fftlx'i a g Colours. loi lor with Black, unlefs it be 5/>4»;7^ Bro/rw, when you would color an old Mans Govyn, which ought to be done of a fad Color J all other Colors ih'.dowed with Black, look dirtilyj not bright, fair or beamiful. LXV. 2. Ivory Black; It is the deepeft Black that is; and is thus made. Take piecesof /voiy put it intoa Furdacetill it.be throughly burned, then take it out, and let it cool i pare off the outfide, and take the blackeft in the middle. LXVI. A glorious Color of Eaft- India Cakes. In uling ot diefe C-kts, you may take one, or a part of one of them, and put it into a Horfe-iVlurcle-Sheli, which is very dean,addiog a little fair Wiaier i juft enough to wet it all o- ver, letting ic lie lo abouc a quarter of ao hour: then fqneez it hard againlt the Shell, or wring it out berwea\ your Fingers*, and there will come forth an admirable trdnfparent Color, which will ferve initead of Lal^e, if your I^d Cake be good. LWlI. Thefe Cakes are commonly counterfeit and good for little, but you may know them by cutting a little way in- to them : if they be good they are as red within as they are without i if naught, they look pale and whitifh within. CHAP. XIX. Qfr/tixt kud c&m^ound Colors, I. ^A^^U:, It is a wonderful beautiful color, compofed of ^^ purple and white : ic is made thus. Take Cinnabar-' lak? two ounces ; White-lead one ounce, grind them together. See the twenty fourth Sedlion following. If. Aglafsgray, mingle Cerufe with a little Azure. III. ji haycoljr, toiogle V^frmillion with a little Spanilh brown and black. , , . IV. A deep purple^ It js.vofkdt of Indico, Spanifli-brown and white. It is called in Latin Var^tem, in Greek, 7n;pyt;j:-.(3-/ro»> 7r^?$u^.^ a kind of jloeU-fiftj that yields a liquor of that color. V. An Ajk-color, or Gray, It is made by mixing White and Lamp-black i or v/hite with Sinapex j Indfcoand black make an A(h-coIor. H3 h 102 Polygrapbh'es Lib. II. It is called in Latin C^Gus, and color Cinereus j in Greeks TKctv/Ji and n^t^iiJui. VI. Light Green, It is made of Pink and Smalt j wiib white to make it lighter if need require. VII. Saffron Color, It is made of Saffron aloDe by infij- fion. VIII. Flame Color, Jt is mpde of Vermilion and Orpimcnr, mixed deep or light atpleafure: or thus. Take Red-lead and mix it with Mafticot, which heighten with white. IX. ji Violet color, Indico, V^hiic and Cinnabcr-lake. make a good Violet. So alfo Cerufe and Litmofe, of each e- qual pans. X. Lead color. It is made of White mixed with Indico. XI. Scarlet color. It is made of Red-lead, Lake, Vermili- on : yet Vermilion in this cafe is not very ufeful. XII. To tnak^ Vermilion. Take Brimltone in pouder four ounces,mix it with Quick- filver a pound, put it into a Crucible well luted, and upon a (Charcoal-fire beat it till it is red hot ; then take it off and let it cool. You have a berter way to do this in my Pharma- copeia Londinenjls lib. 3. cap. 7. Se^. 54. to which I refer you. XIII. To make a bright Crimfon. Mix tindure of Brazil with a little Cerufe ground with fair water. XIV. To make a fad Crimfon. Mix theaforefaid light Crimfon with a little Indico ground with fair water. XV. To make afure Lake. Take Urine twenty pound, boil it in a Kettle and fcum it with an Iron fcutomer till it comes to fixteen pound ; to which add Gum-Lake one pound, Alom fiv2 ounces ; boil all till it is well colored, which you may try by dipping therein a piece of lionen cloth ; then add Iweet Alom in pouder a fufficient quantity, ftrain it and let it ftand : ftrain it again through a dry cloth till the liquor be clear : that which re- mains in the cloth or bag is the pure Lake. XVI. To make a Crimfon-Lake. Its ufually made of the floks (horn off from Crimfoncloth by a Lye made of Salt-peter, which extrads the colour ; which precipitate, edulcorate, and dry in the Sun or a Stove. XVII. A fear green. ^ Take Chap* 19. Of mixing Colom-s, 103 Take white Tartar apd Viidigrifej temper tfaem.wiih ftrong White-wine Vinegar, in which a little Gum-Arabick haih been difTolved. XVIII. A f me Violet. * Take a iittle Indico and tiodure of Brazil, grind tbetn with a little Ceiuie. XIX. A pure Purple Color. Take fine brimttone an ounce and an half, Quick-filver, Sal-Armoniack, Jupiter, of each one ounce j beat the Brim- fione and Sale into pouder, and make an Ama^gama with the Qaick-fiiyer andTin,mix all together, v. hi ch put into a great glafs goard j make under it an ordiriury fire, and keep it in a conftant heat for the fpace of fix hours. ^ • XX. To makfi a TeBotff color. , ' Take the Yellow chives in white Lillics,ftceptbefiT in gum- water, and it wiU make a perfed: Yelio-4/ j'the fame froip $'*(-_ fron and Tartar tempered with gum-water. XXI. To mahaJ^dCohr. Take the roots of the lefTer BurglofSj vi-{. Alkmet-, and heki them, and Itrain out the j«yce, and mixt it with Aloni- water. XXII. To make excellent good Greens. The Liver of a Lamprey makes an excellent and durable graf? green: and yellow laid upon blue will change 'into green j lo likewife the jayce of a blue Flower de Luce, mixed with gum-water, win be a perfeiit and durable green or blue, ac- cording as it is ufed. XXIII. To make a Purple color. Take the juyce of Bilberrie?, and mix it with Alom and Galls, and fo paint with it. XXIV. Tomakeaggod Murrv. Temper Rofet with a little Rofe water, in which a little gum hath been diiro!ved,and it will be good,bui not exceed- ing that at the lirft Sedion of this Chapter. XXV. To ma^e A:(ureor Blew, Mix the Azure with glew-waier, and not with gum- water. • t XXVI. To make a TeBottf Green or Purple. Buck-thorn berries gathered green and fteeped in Alom- water yield a good yellow : but being through ripe and black they yield a good green i and laftly , ^ being gather- ed when they are ready to drop off, which is abowi rhe mid- H 4 ^le iC4 Volygra'phicss Lib. II. die or end of tJvemher, their juice mi xt with Alom-wtter yields a ^od Purple coKiiv, XXVII. To JHakc a Purple color. ^ Take Log-wood, boyi it in Vinegar and Beer, in a gla- red earcbcn VtfTel, adding ihi^rcto a little Alum, till you tafte ii ro be Itrong oa your Tongue : being fufHcienily boileij, fiiain out ihe L'q'jor ibroagh a Cicrtb, and keep kin a Glats dofe ftcMpt for ule, ^ XXl'Jiil Avother P;>rph Color. MiK B Woodfoct, &c. thefe when boyled are to be k^ept clcfe flopc in GlaJJesj till you have occajion to ufe them. XIII. To temper the Cclors. Take a little of any color, and put it into a clean fhell, and add thereto a few drops of gum-water, and with your fingers work it about the (hell, then let it dry ; when dry, touch it with your fingers, it any color comes off, you muft add ftronger gum-water: but being dry, if the color glifter or ihine, it is a fign there is too much gum in it, which you may remedy by puting in fair water. XIV. To help the defeas. Some colors, as Lake, Umber, ami others which ars hard, willciatk when they are dry ; in this cafe, in tempe- ring them add a little white Sugar-candy in very fine pouder, which mix withihe color and fair water in the (hell, till the Suparcandy is dilfolved. XV. Tbefe colors, Umber, Spani(h-brown, Colen Earth, Cherry-ftone,ard Ivory-black, are to be burnt before ihcy be pround or wafh'd. XVI. To hum or cak'xie Colors, This Chap. 2 2. Of Preparing the Colours. m This is done in a crucible, covering the mouth thereof with clay, and letting it in a hot lire, tilt you are fure it is . red hot through : which done, being cold, wafli or grind it as aforeiaid. XVII. To prepare /haJotrs for Colors. White is (haded with Black, and contrariwife : Yellow with Umber and the Okers : Vermillion with Lake : Blue- bice with Indie: Black-coal with Rofet, G?<:. c XVIII. Ihefeveral temperatures for coloring and (hadotO' ing of Hiftories. They are twenty in number, t;!;;;. Sea-cole mixt with Lake. 2. Umber with Mafticot. 3. Yellow Oker burnt with white. 4. Umber with Ultramarine. 5. Yellow with Umber. 6. Uml^r with Lake. 7. Verditer burnt with Red-lead and "White. 8. Ultramarine with Lake. 9. Ultramarine with Red- lead. 10. Ultramarine with white. 1 1 . lodico with white. 12. Indiqo and Lake with white. 13. Indico, Pink with white. 14. Indico with Oker and white. 15. Indico with Mafticot and white. 16. Cherryitone burnt with White and Red-lead. 17. Burnt Ivory with Lake. 18. Indicoand Pink with the belt Ruft of Iron. 19. Lake and Ruftoflron with light Pink. 20. Ruftoflron SLad^LikCj for the deeper Jhadows. XIX. The fever al temperatures or mixtures for fhadowing Heads after the Life. The principle mixtures are twelve in number, vi^^. i. Lake with Indian Red. 2. Red-lead with Roman Oker. 3. Indian Red with Ultramarine. 4- Indian Red with Pink and Gall- ftone. 5, Yellow Oker with Indico. 6. Red-lead with Pink and Indico. 7. Red-lead with Roman Oker and Indico. 8. Red-lead with Pink, Yellow Oker and Lake. 9. Indico, Lake and Roman Oker with whiie, 10. Indico. Pink, aad Roman Oker with Indian Red. 11. Red-lead with Umber, Mafticote, and Pink. 1.2. Pink vjith Roman Oker. XX. Ike fever al mixtures for fhadotving hair, I . White and Roman Oker for' light hair. 1, White and Yellow Oker for lighter haih 3. White with Ruft and Ro- man Oker. 4. Light Pink with 5ea-Cole and Yellow Oker. 5. Dark Pink with Ruft and Roman Oker. 6. Pink with the beft Ruft and Gall-ftone. 7. Florence Pink with Lake And bnrni Ivory ^ a good fhadoftf for hair and face. 8. White with Umber and' Yellow Oker, for light hair. 9. The laft mixture with more Umber and Cherry ftone black /or a deeper hiir 112 Polj'graphices .Lib. JF. %air. lo. Yellow Oker with Umber and Cherryftoae-black for dark h.iir. \i. The lift mixcarc with Umber and Cherry- ftone-black for a darkfr hair. XXI. To do thefe things artificially, you may temper the natural Colors with your pencil upon your pallat, btiog firft placed in order, then wee your pencil in water, and temper upon the color you intend to make u(e of firft in your mix- tare ; then rub your Pencil in a clean place of your Pallat, leaving part of the color upon the place. XXII. And in the fame manner take from as many of the other as fliail be diredted for fucb and fuch temperatures or mixtures. Or thus. Dip your finger in water, and temper or mix your colors as you did with your Pencil, placing your colors fo mixed upon your pallat in order. CHAP. XXIII. Of the Ma/7 u ill Inftntnients. I. TTH^ manual Inftrumeots are four (by the feconJ ScxTri- ■"■ on of the fifteenth Chapter of ibis Book) to wit,T(^ Grinding- fi one and Mailer, Penrih, Tables to Limn on, and fiiellsor little glalTes to hold your colors. II. The Grindi7inr-(}one may be of Porphyry, Serpentine or Marble, but rarher a Prbble, for that is the beft of all others : The MuSer only of Pebble, which keep very cleao. Theje may be eafily got of MarbUrs cr Stone-cutters in London. III. Choofe your pencils thus, by their faftnefs in the quiils,and their (harp pointi after you have drawn or wetted tbem in your mourfa two qr three times j fo that although larger, yet their points will comf|o as fmallas a hair, which then are go^d ; but if tht y fpread or have any exiravagaot hairs they are naught. IV. To waPo your pencils. After ufing them, rub the ends of them well with Soap, then lay them a wfails in warm water to ftccp, then take rbcm out and wafhtbem well in orher fair water. V. To prepare the Table. h Chap. 29. The Manual Instruments, iig It inuft be made of pure fine pafte-board, fucb as Cards are made of (of what tbicknersyou pleafe) very finely Qick'd and glazed with a Dogs lootb. Take a piece of this paite-boafd of the bigoeft you intend the Pi(5turc, and a piece of the fineft and whireft parcbment you can get (virgin parchment^ which cut of equal bignefs with the pafte^board j with thin, wbire,new made itarcb,patte the parchment to the pafte-board, with the outfide of the skin out ward-moft : lay on the ftarch very thin and even, being thus pafted let it dry throughly. VI. Then the grinding ftoae being clean, ky the Card thereon wiib the parchment fide downwards, and as bard as you can, rub the other fide of the pafte-board with a Boars-, tooth fet in a ftick ; then let it be thorow dry, and it will be fit to work or Limn any curious thing upon. VII. The fheils boldirg or containing your colours, ought to be Horfe-mLsfcIe ftiells, which may begot in July ^cm. Rivers fides j but the next to thefe are fmail Mufcle (hells, or inftead thereof little glafe veflels in the fame form i£ poiTible. VIII. Your Table or Card being thus prepared, you are to lay a ground cf flelh color, before yon begin your work, and that muft be tempered according to the complexion of the face to b^ drawn. JX If the complexion be fair. Temper white I{ed lead and lake tngether. li' iny bird, fwarihy complexion, Temper mith your White and I{ed a little fine Majlicot, or Engli/h Oker. But note that your ground ought always to be fairer than the face you draw : for it is an eafiy matter to darken a light color, bar a diiSculc to lighten a deep one. X, Your ground thus prepared, lay it upon your Card, whh a Pencil full of color, and rather thin and waterifl), than thick and grofs, and with two or three daubs of your great Pencil, lay it on in an inftant, the nimbler it is laid on,the*e- vener the color will lye. XL Cover alfo rather ton much of your Card, than too li'tle, with this prime color; fomewbat more of the Card with the ground color, than you (hall ufe for the face. XII. This done, take a pretty large Fillnr of Ivory or Cocus-wood, and before you begin to work, temper certain lit- tle heaps of feveral (hadows for the face, wbisb you muft mix with your finger, about the Pallar. I CHAP. 1 14 Polj/grapbicef Lib. II CHAP. XXIV. Of Prcparathfts for Limnbig, I. TJ Ave two (hells or fmall glaffes, in either of which muft ■*- -^ be pure clean water, the one to wafh the pencils in being foul i the other to temper the colors with, when there is occad'on. II. fiefides the pencils you Limn with j a lar^e, clean and dry pencil, to cleanle the work from any kind ofdult.ihat may fall upon it, which are called FitcD-pencils. III. A fharp Pen-knife to take off hairs that may come from your pencil, either among the colors or upon the works or to take out fpots that may fall upon the Card or Table. IV. A paper with a bole cut therein to lay over the Card, to keep it from dull and filth, to reft your hand upon, and to keep the foil and fweai of your hand from fullyicg the parchment, as alfo to try your pencils on before you ufe them. Let the floeUs or fmall glajjis, water, pencils and pen-knife lie all on tie right hand. V. Have ready a quantity of light Carnation or flelh'co- lor temper'd up in a (hell by it felf with a weak gum-water, if it be a fair compLxion, mix White and Red-lead together i if a brown or fwarthy, add to the former, Mafticot.or Englilh Oker, or both, VI. But be lure the Po(h color be always lighter than the complexion you would Limn ; for by working on it you may bring it to its true color. VII. In a large Horfe-mufcle (hell place your feveral (ha- dows ffor the flelh color) in little places one diftin(5t from another. VIII. In all (badowings have ready fome whiie,and lay a good quantity of it by it (elf befides what the (hadows are fyrii mixed with. IX. For Red for the cheeks and lips, temper Lake and Red-lead together : (or blew (hadows (as under the eyes and iQ veins] Jcdico or Ultrtmiriae and white. X. Chap, 24. Preparation for Li mtjif^g. 115 X. For gray faint (hadowj, white,' Englilh Oker, fometiaes Malticot: for deep (hacjows. white, Englifh Oker, Umber : for dark /hadows. Lake and Pink, which make a good fleihjr Ihadow. XI. to make choice of the light. Let it be fair and Urge and free fromjhadows of frees or Houfes, but aS dear Skie-ltght, and let it be direci from above^ and net traf^fverfe ; lef it be Northerly and not Souther Ij;: and let the room be clofe and clcAn, and free from the Suh- beams. XIL Of the manner of fitting. Let your dsik^on which you wor}{_ be fa fitaate, that fitting before it^ your left arm may be tottfards the light, that the light may Ilril{e /idling upon your wor!{. Let the party that is to he Limned^ be in what pofture jhemfehes tffill defign^ but not 4- bove two yards off you atmojl.. and level ttithyou. XIU. fi^jcrem ohferve their motion, if never fo fmall,for the leaji motion, if not recalled, may in /hort time bring on you many errors. ' XIV. Laflly, the face being fini/hed, let the party fl and (not fit) at a farther dtjiance (four or jive yards off) to dram thepoHure of his cloths. XV. If you defgn to Limn upon Sattin- you m'liil take Ifing-g!a(s, and fteep it four and twenty hours in water, thea boyi it in fpirir of Wine, untilit be very clammy, which yon will perceive by ciping your finger into it : then after your out-iines are drawn upon the Satdn, uke an indifferent large pencil, and walh it tbid over, as far as your out-lines are, which will prevent your colors from finking or flowing. XVI. To prevenc your colors from Unking into your Card, Paper, or Parchment, you defjgn to Limn on. Tal{e ^och-Alum, boy I it infprir.g water, then take a bit of a fpunge, and wet the back: fide of your paper, (hut you intend to draw on very thin, whilji the Water is hoty be as quick^in Wet- ting of it as you can; this fvill prevent the colors finking. XVil. Lafl'y, thefe general things are to be obferved^ I. That if your colors peel, orbyreafonof the greaiinefff of your Parchment, will not lie on, you muft mix with them a very little ear Wax^or Civet. and it will help them. i. That fie you not above two yards from that you draw by, 3, That the perfon you draw, lit iu a higher (eat, than you that draw. XVIIL 4. That you draw not any part in the face of a Pid:ure, e:gadly at firft j ueuher finift an Eye,Nofe,or Mciitb, li * cilf Ii6 Pol/'^rifpltices Lib. II. till the reft of your work come up, and be wrought together with it. 5. That when you have finifhed the Face> lei the party ft»nd up, to draw the Drapery by. X/X. 6. That blew Bice i( never ufed in a Face. 7. That black muft not by any means be ufed : for oiher Ihadows, your own obfervation muft diredt you, it being impoflible to give a general Rule for the ftiadows in a!i Faces. CHAP. XXV. Of the Pra&ke of Liwniug in IsVimiiire , or Dramtig of a face in Colors, I. ^^0 begin the work- -■• Have all things in a readinefs (as before; then on the Card lay the prepared color faafwerable to the complexion prelected) even and thin, free from hairs and fpots, over ibc place where thePidure is to be. II. The ground thus laid, begin the work, the party being fet, which muft be done at three fittings : at the fit It lltting the face is only dead colored, which takes up about two hours time. HI. At the fecond fitting, go over the work more curi- oufly, adding its particular ^ces or deformities, Iweetly couching the colors, which wnl take up about five hours time. IV, At the third fitting, finifli the face, in which you muft perfect ail that is imperfeti and rough.putting the deep Iha- dows in the face,as in the eyes,eye-brows, and ears, which are the laft of the work, and not to be done till the hair, curtain, cr back fide of the Pidure, and the drapery be wholly finifh- ed. 1 y. The operation or work^at fir§l Jitting. The ground for the complexion being laid, draw the out- lines of the face, which do with Lake »nd white mingled j draw faintly, that if you mifs in proportion or color you may alter it. VI. This done, add to the former color Red-lead, for the cheeks cdq lips ; let ii be but faint (for you cacnot lighten Chap. 2 5' The Practice of Lm»hg^S^c. jij a deep color) and make the Ihadows in their due places, as in the cheek, lips, tip of ihecbio and ears, the eyes and roo^ of the hair : Ihadow not with a flat pencil, but by (mall loucfcl- es(asin batching) and To go over the face. VII. In this dead coloring rather than to be curious,flriFe as near as may be to imitate nature. VIII. The red fliadows being put in their due places? Ihadow with a faint blew, about the corners and balls bf the eyes j and with a grayifli blew under the eyes and about the temples, heightening the Ibadows as the lighr falls, alio the harder Ihadows in the dark fide of the face, under the eye- brows, chin and neck. IX. Bring all the work to an equality, but add perfedion to no particular part at this time j but irtiitate the life in like- nefs, roundnef?, boldnefs, pofture, color, and the like. X. Laftly, touch at the hair with a fatable color in fuch curls, folds and form, as may either agree wiih the life, or grace the Pidure : fill the empty places with color, and deepen it more ftrongly, than in the deepeft fliadowed be- fore, X/. The operation or work, atfecond fitting. As before rudely, fo now you muft fweeten thofe varieties which Nature affords, with the fame colors and in the fame places driving them one into another, yet fo as that no lump or fpot of color, or rough edge may appear in the whole wo k ; and this muft be done with a pencil fiiarper than that which was ufed before. XJI. Thisdone,goto thebackfideofthe Pidnre which may be Landskip, or a curtain of IWw or red Sactin : if of blew temper as much Bice as will cover a Card, and let it be well mixed with gum; with a pencil draw ibeour-lincs of the cur- tain: as alfo of the wbo'e Pidure ; then with a large pencil lay thinly or airily over the whole ground, on which j'ou mean to Limn the blew ; and then with a large pencil lay over the fame a fubftantial body of color j in doing of which be nimble, keeping the color moift, letting no part thereof be dry till the whole be covered. X/IJ. If the cartain beCrimfon, trace it out vfith/qdian- Lakej lay the ground with a thin color i and lay the light with a thin and waterifli color, where ^faeyfallj and while the ground is yet wet, with a ftrong dark color tempered fometbing thick, lay the ftrong and hard fliadows clofe by the ether lights. '5 XIV 11 8 P.oUgrAphic^s Lib, II. XIV- Then lay the liiwien with f buc note, your Silver mult be laid round and full. XIII. For Diamonds, lay a ground of liquid Silver, and deepen it with Cherry- {tone-black and Ivory-black: the deeper the (hadow, the fdiier the Diamond. XIV. For Babies, lay a Silver ground, which burnifh to the b:gnels of a Ruby ; then with pure Turpentine temper'd with Indian Lake, from a fmall wire heated in a Candle' drop upon the burniftied place, fafliioning it as you picafe with year Inftruments, which -let lie a day or two to dry ; and if it be too long in drying add to the compofition a litde powder of Maftick. Xl^. For EmerauUs, or any green ftone, temper Turpen- tine wih Verdigrife. and a linle Turmerick root, firft fcra- ped, with Vinegar, drying ir, grind it to fine poudcr and mix ic. l(Vl For Saphires.mvx. or temper Ultramarine with pure Turpentine, which lay upon a ground of liquid Silver polilht: which mufi be the ground for all thefe ftones. To make liquid Gold or Silver : fee the firji SeEiion of the twen • ty fi>-fi Chjpter of this Book, Xyil. For Scarht, Temper Carmine, and deepen it wirh Indian-Lake. Or thus, Temper native Cinnabar and a little Red-lead, and fhadow it with Indian-Lake. XVIII. For Crimfon, Temper Cinnabar,L«kc and White : deepen it with Lake. XIX. For Crfr«/j//^t?,Terr per Lake and White, and deepen or fliadow it wftb L^ke*. For a Peach Color, Ttmper Car- tnibe and a liitle White ; and deepeo or fliadow it with Lake. XX. For a Violet, Temper fine Dutch- Bice and Lake; and deepen it with Indico. For a Purple, Temper Bice and Lake, and a liitle White ; and deepen it with Lake aed Indico. XXI. For an Orange: Temper the beft Red-Lead, and a lit'le fine yellow Mafticcte ; (hadow it wiihGall-fkooe and Lake. For 'an Orsnm Tgwney: Temper Cwnab-ir, ligbt Pink, Chap. 16. Of Limmfig Drapery, 121 Pink, and a little yellow Mafticote ; fliadqw it with Gall- ftone and Lake. - XXll For a Sea-green : Temper Bice, Pink, and White ; and deepen it with Greea Pink. For a f'rench Green : Tem- per ligbi Pink one part,witb Dutch bice fix parts j and deepen with green Pink. irXIlI. For Sky: Temper Ultramarine with a little Whirej and deepen with Indico. For Foppnjay : Temper Pink, and a litrle Indico ; and deepen it wub Indico. XXiV. For Straw : Temper yellow Mafticote with a very little Cinnabar ; and deepen it with dark Pink. For a Lyon Tawney : Temper Red- lead and iVIafticote, and deepen it with Umber. XXy. For /}(h colour. Temper Cherry-ftpne and White 5 and deepen it with Ivory black. For a bright B^d: Temper Indian Lake with native Cinnab«r : The Indian Lake is the beft of all other Lakes; but ii being very fcarce and dear, you may ufe Florence-Lake iaiiead thereof. XXVI. For all colors where Dutch-Bice is ufed, be fure to make choice of that which is very fine, or elfe you will find, that in working, in will lye very rough and uneven,and not cover well. JCXFII. And be fure that when you temper any of tbefe colors for a Complexion or Garment^ you temper it on your Pallat or (hell with your finger j and temper them very well to mix them altogether, to make a good mixture and not too waterifli. XXVIII. Be fure alfo to preferve all your colors from dud, and before you temper either in the (hell or upon your pallat, to brufh it off with a large Pencil or Hairs foot, or to blow it off. XXIX In drawing of Cloths, be extream careful in habi- ting every one, according to fbe degrees and Functions of the peribn defcribed, givirg them alfo their right and proper co- lors. XXX For Example, the Virgin Mary is commonly repre- fenied in Purple and Azure. J^ohn the Evangelift in Scarier. John Baptift in a Hairy Mantle. The reft of the Apoftles in Green or-Crimfon. XXXI, There are two ways of working Drapery, The firft way is that which the haliavs ufe ; which is done with the point of a Pencil and hatching it. XXXII. 122 Folygraphices Lib. II. XXXII. Some places are touched «li over alike,yet fo, as when it isfinifhcd, you may perceive the Parchment appear in ieveral places, quite ihrougb the work, which is indeed too flight a way, and ought net to be called Limnirg, but Wafliing. XXXIII. The fecond wayyjhxch is the beft.Fir;^ lay a good foil flat ground all over where you defign your Drapery, of what color you would have it : this aone, you will find it much eafier to work upon ; and you may either heighten or deepen it, according as your ingenuity or the Life Ihall di- rect you. XXXIV. If you would have the Drapery blev^, you may take an indifferent large Pencil with Ultramarine, cr inflead of that, Dutch-Bice well prepared i let your Pencil be alircjll fulJ of either of thefe colors, and therewith lay the color even and fraootb, all over the place you intend for Drapery : this you may deepen with Lake and Indico. Heighten very faintly, and fair in the extream'^ft lights: the like oblerve in all other colors of Drapery whatloever. XXXV. Crimfon Velvet, Red, Green, and Blew, may be heightned with fine Ihell Gold, it gives a m )ft admirable ornament in cluth of Gold, efpecully if you mix fome of the Gold, with the ground color it felf, which will make it much the fairer. Thus great Painters hefghtned :ill their works of Archiiedlure and Buildings, efpecially in ftately Rooms and Palaces. XXXVI. Be fure that you draw the out-linc« of the Gar- ment very true and faint, becaufe the whole grace of a pid- ure confifts much in the ouimoft draught, and more than in the curious work within, XXXVIL To do this, you muft fute the Garments to I be body, and make them, bend and yield with it, and not ftraitand tttff where it bendeth. XXXVIII. Tn fit the Garments rightly to the body ; ob- ferve which pan of the body bends in or cur, that the Gar- ments may aofwer to the body upon the kaft turning any way. XXXIX. That the Garment may turn with it, you muft cbferve where the body Ihould be, if it were bare, and there form the Garments in the right places, making them to bend or fit out, according to the Joynts and Limbs, and fometimes plainly to appear through the Garments, and efpecially where they are driven b^ the wind, or any other aition to lye loofe frooa Chilp. 26, Of Limnbjg Drapery, 125 from the body. In this c^k exprels them lightly, and with a kind of traalparency. XL. Begin at the upper part of the Garment, and fo draw down that part of the Garment (on both fidesj that lies dole to the body, before you draw the loofe parts, that fly off from the bddy, XLI. For if you draw the loofe parts firft, before you have finilhed chofe parts which lye clofe to the body or its parts, you will be prefenily out] i^nd be apt to draw the body awry. • XLII. Therefore fome great Artifts draw lightly the naked body firft, and put on the Garments afterwards, by which means they can better fee to place the Cioathing rightly, and to harig even upon the body. XLIII. You muft alio draw the greateft folds firft, and fo ftrike the greater folds into the lefs ; and be fure that you make nor one fold to crofs another, Break alfo fome of the folds into lefs ; and make them the narrower, where the Gar- ments fit clofer. XLIV. Obferve alfo to order your Drapery fo, that the folds may fall all one way,efpecially in a ftanding Figure, though, it will be otherwife fometimes in a Figure that is drawn fit- ting. XLV. For the Garments of a ftanding Figure, are lyable to be driven by the Air and therefore muft be placed one way. XLVI. Be fure alfo not to make folds, where the Garment ihould fit ftreight and doi^i as the Breafts, Knees, Thighs, (fjc. which beat them out, and therefore in fuch places ought al- ways to fit plain. XLVII. Jojhadow in Ltmen : ufe black, white, a Utile yel- low, and lefs blew : the black muft bedeepned with burnt I- vory, with which mix a little Lake and Indico, or Litmofe- blue. For greater variety of Colours and Mixtures, y^e Chap, 20. beforegoing. XLVIIL As for Sattens and Silks, and all other fliining Stuffs, they ought to have certain bright reflections, exceeding bright, with fudden light Glances, efpecially where the light falls brighteft ^ And fo by how much the Garment falls the more inward from the light, by fo, much the Reflexions will be the lefs bright. XLIX. The like is Teen in Armour, Brafs-Pots and Kettles, or any Gliftriog Metalj where you fee a fudden brighinefs in the 124 Pofygr/iphices Lib. IF. the middle or Center of the Iigfar, from the Ihiniog quality tnd difpoiition of thole things. L. Chafed^ EmboJJed or ftointng Armour. The lighter places ofit muft befpirklmg, which you may exprefs by raiiing the high atid round places, with a Temper of Gall-ibne, and Roman Oker, by touching with your pencil full of the Color of it, over and over,!n one and the lame place, till the Touches be raifed above the other work. LI. Then cover over the raifed work, with the fineft (hell Gold, (that is made at Anttverp) and burnifh it wi:b a Weefels Tooth ; and the like if it be Silver Etnbofled. Lll. Silver Armour. Take Ihell Silver, and Iiy it on, as you did the Gold fat Scd. 3. abovej and burnifli it alfo when it is dry, as you did the Gold. LIII. For the Ihadows, temper Lake and Indico, with a very little Umber: work all the (hadows down even and fmootb, according to what youobletve in the Life. LIV. The heightnirgs are to be left fthe Silver being brightly burnifhed/ as in the Gold. The thinner part of the Ihadou'S, being part of the depth of the ftadows, muft be tempered with a little fliell Silver, and Iweetly and neatly wrought into the Silver, being laid very flat and even as be- fore mentioned. LV, Cherryftone burnt, Dark, Pink, and Ruft of Iron, aie a very good Ihadow for Emboffed Silver Armour : fo alfo is Ivory Black mix: with Dark Pink, c H x\ P. xxvir. Of Limmttg Laudskip. A LL the variable exprejfions of Landskjp are innumerable, ■^ ■*■ they being as many as there are men and fancies ; the gene- ral rules follow. I. Always bigin with the Sky, Sun-beams or lighteft parts firft ; next the yellowilh beams (which make of Mafticos an4 while) next the blewnefs of the Sky, (which make of Ultra- marine or Smalt only :) for purple Clouds, only mix Lake and white. n. Chap. 27. Of Limning Lands kjp. 12* II. At firil working, dead Color ali the Piece over, leave no part of the ground uncovered, but lay the Colors fmooth all over, III. Work the Sky downwards, towards the Horizon fainter and fainter, as it draws Dearer and nearer the earth, except in lempeftuous Skies: the tops of mountains far remote, woik fo faint that they may appear as loll ia the Air. IV. Let places low, and near the ground be of the color of the earth, of a dark yellowilh, or brown, or green- the next lighter green ; and fo fucceifively as they lole in difianccj let them abate in color. V. Make nothiog which you fee at a diftance perfect, by expreffing any particular lign which it hath, but exprefs it in colors, as weakly and faintly as the eye judgetb of it. VI. Always place light againft darknefs and darkaefs ai- gainft light , by which means you may extend the profped: as a very far off. VII. Let all Ihadows loofe their force as they remove from the eye 5 always letciog the itrongeft fliadow be neareftband. VIII. Laftly, Takelfinglafs infmall pieces half an ounce, fair Conduit-water two quarts, boil it till the glafs is diffolvedi, which fave for ufe: with which mix fpiritor oyl of Cloves, Rofes, Cinnamon or Amljergriefe, and • lay it on acd about the Pidure where it is not colored (left it fliould change the colors : but upon the colors ufe it without the perfumes) fo it will varnidi your Pidures, and give them a glofs, retaining the glory of their colors, and take from them any ill fcem which they might otherwife retain. See the way of tempering Colors for Shadomingt in Chap. It. Se^. 13. aforegoing. IX. For Trees you muft have a dark Green, which you may make by mixing Verditer with P/mA. ^^^ Indico : the deepeft (hadows of all in Green, are made with Sap-green and Indico. X. To preferve your Colors in Limning. Take Rolecnary-water double diftilled, or pure Spirit of Rofemary, and with a few drops of it, temper your (hell of while. However dead and faded it was before,ii will inftant- ly become perfcd white. This Water or Spirit binders alfo the Bubbles io White and Vmherj which are irgubUfomein Grinding. CHAP. 126 Polygrd^hiccs Lib. II. CHAP. XXVIII. Of Light and Shadow. I, r Igbis and /hades fet in their proper places in fuch a juft *-* and equal proportion, as Namre dotb give, or the life require, give a true Mea of the thing we v^ouid reprefent j fo that lis not any color wb»t(ocver,nor any fingle itroak or ftroaks which is the caufe thereof, but that excellent Symme- try of Light and Shadow, which gives the true refemblance of the light. 11. Jn (hadowing, be careful you fpoil not your work by too grofs a darknels, whether it be hard or foft. /]/. This Oblervation of light and dsrk is that which cau- fetb all things contained in jour work ro come forward or fail backward, and makes every thing from the firlt to the laft to ftand in their juft places, whereby the diftancc between thing and thing feems to go from you or come to you as if it were the work of Nature it ielf IV. Suppofe it were a plaifter Fig'-^re,take good notice what appears forwards and what backwards, or how things fuc- cced one anorber ; then confider the caule which makes them in appearance eicher to incline or recline, and confider the degrees of light and darknefs, and whether they fall forward or backward, accordingly in your draught give firft gentle touches, and after that heighten by degrees according as the example and your own ingenuity (hall diredl. V. Thofe parts are to be heighin'd in your work which appear higheft in your Pauero; The greatert life which we can give on white paper is the paper it felf, all lefTer lights muft be faintly (hadowed in proportion to their refpeclive de- grees. VI. But on colored paper white Crions and Tobaccopipe- cJay areufed for the firft and fecond beighteniogs^putting each in their proper places, as more or lefs light is required, which is a fingular obfervation in this manner of drawing, VII. Then you muft take heed you beigbren not too many places, nor heighten any thing more than what is needful, Bor too near the datk or fliadows, or any out-line, (except where Chap. 28 Of Light and Shadow. 127 where you intend fome refiexiun J left your work (hew bard and rougb. VIII. In faeigbreniog, or fueb figures «s require great ligfat, put the greacelt light in tbe middle, «nd tbe lefler towards the edges for the better peripicuity of your work. ' IX. Laftly, leave fufficieni faint places on tbe gtouod of your pa^per between your lights and /hades, that tfaey may appear pleafaruly with a fingular plainnefj and fmoothncls. X. Refledioti, is to be ufed in delineating, glittering, or Ihining bodies, as Glafs, Pear!, Silver, (^c. let the caufeof tbe refledlioD, be it more or lefs, be feen in tbe thing it felf, XI In plain drawing, lay all your fhades fmooih, whe- ther it be in batching or fmutcbing, keeping every thing wichin its own bounds, and this is done by not making your ftixdes at firft too hard, or putting one (hadow upon ano- ther too dark. XII Obferve that the greater parts of light and /hadows, and the fmall parts intermixt in the fame, may always fo correfpond as thereby to make more appearent the greater. XIIL In Pidnres, let the higheft light of the whole, Cif any darknefs ftand in the middle of it) appear more dark than indeed it is : and in working always compare light with light, and dark with dark, by which you will find the power of eacB, and the genera! ule thereof in all operations. XIV. L^t all your lights be placed one way in the whole work, whether in tbe Figure, Face, or Garments. XV. Ifthe light fall fideways on the Pidhire, you mnft make the other fide which is fartfaeft from the light darkeft, and let the lights be placed all together on the other fide, and not confufedly on both fides, as if it ftood in the midft of many lights, for the body cannot be lightoed equally ia all places. XVI. But. when you exprefs a Dungeon or Prifon with a Torch lighted in it, you muft obferve that every thing in it, as well as tbe Garments, muft receive their lights from it, and therefore muft be fliadowed all on the contrary fide, which obferve in all Ihadowings of the fame kind. XVil. The true and natural difpofition of light, is that which gives the principal grace to a Pit^ure, for that without its due light, is clearly another thing. XVlII. And although fo, it may be beautiful in its kind, fo far as it is wrought ; but if afterwards it fliall be flja- dowcd without judgment and Art, fo that the fkadows be 12 8 Polygraph'jcet Lib. IL be confufedly placed, where the lights on^i to be; or con- trariwife, ibc /i^/jfj where ibc Jhadowi Hiould be; and the Concavities and Convexitiet out of their natural fituations, the woik will nor only be conUifcd, but wholly if o led. XIX Whereas on the contrary having //j^/jf/ rightly difpo' fed, it lb mighiily adds to the perftd:ion of the Figure, that it makes the Flat or Plane Icenn to be imb.fjj'ed. XX. And thus light lightly difpoled, does that in the Vainterj work, \sh'\t:ix fubjl ance or matter dots in the Car- vers work ; infotnufb ibat ihcy Iftm robe Itnbolfed out- wards, fuch is the force of Ito^bt and fhadouf. XXI. And herein you will find admirable fcenes and forejhortnings, proceeding purely from the true dilpofition of the Itght ; without which the Figure would not only be impcrfed:, but lole alfo much of its grace ; .dou"^b other- wife well proportioned and placed. XXII. This light is the caufe or formal reafoft v/bereby colored things are ken, whofe Shapes and Images pafs to'rhe Phantafy, and efpecially inlighten the eyes in which the Image is formed ; which firft paflcth to the Common-fenfe, after- wards to the Phantafy, and laltofallto the underftanding ; whereby every thing is difcovered to be what indeed it is. XXIII. In refpedt of this light, three things occurc to cur vifive faculty, r;:^. the viliua nines, the colored body.and the faculty of feeing, which is in the eye. XXIV. The Vifual lines l^gkncd, fwhich are the proper fubjedt oi PerfpeBive) come to the eye in a Pyramidal form, the ba fe of which Pyramis refteth in the objed: ; and the Cone or Angle thereof comes to the eye more blunt or ob- tufe, if the faid objed be near ; but more fliarp or acute, if it be farther off, whereby it is not (o clearly or eafily difcern- ed, as otherwife it would. XXV. The colored ObjeFl or Body, comes not to the eye, but its vifible fpecies or Ihapes are diffufed through the clearnelis of the Air unto the Efe i which fpecies are only certain Images like thofe we fee in a Glafs. XXVI. And if the colored body ftand near ro this I- mage, it comes to our eye in the fame qiunnry and big- nefs of the Angel of the Pyramis, which being nhtufe or blunt, makes the Image ferm as great as indeed it is, and (o difcerned tbe morediltindly. XXVII. chap. Q 8. Of Light and Shadow. 129 XXVII. But if far off, the vifible fpecfes appears lefSjaccor-' diog to tbe proportion of the diftance and acutene.'s of the Pyramidal Aagle. XXVIII. The faculty of feeing is formed by the Concur- rence of the other two things, vit^. the vifual lines, and th which iBformetb tbe eye by reducing it from meer Ability into A, and ftrong deep toncbeSj it is wondeirful fair. Chap. JO. Makifig Original Colors, 131 VIII. Ivory hlac\^ it ferres for a deep black, but is noceafis so work wijbout h be well lempered with Sugai-candy, to prevent peeling. iX. ^d lead, well wafti'd, is a good color, but Vermilion for thofe pieces which require an exquilite rednefs. X. Indian- Lake, is the dearelt and moil beautiful of all ordinary reds ; k is to be ground as wi-iue-lead, and mixt with a litile white Sugar-candy and fair water, till the color and Sugar- candy be throughly diflblved, which being dry will lie very faft, without danger ^ cracking or peeling. X CHAP. XXX. Obfirvations of mahlng fome Original Colors* I. T" O make white-lead. A ptji in o an earthgn pot or Crucible feveral plates of fine Lead, cover ihem with White-wine Vinegar, covering ihetop of the pot clofe with clay, bury it in a Cellar for (even or eight weeks, and you will have good white lead upon ihe plates, which wipe off. II. To make Verdigrife. This is made by hanging plates of Cdpper over the futnes of AquafortH, or fpiric of Nitre, or by dipping them in iliC fame or in Vinegar. III. To make an Emerald Color. Take Verdigrife in fine pouder, which temper with var- nifli, and lay it upon a ground of liquid Silver barnilhi, and you have a fair Eooerald. IV. To make a ^uby colour. Mix the fame with Florence Lake, and you Ihall have a vf.^^ ry fair color. • V. To make aSaphire color. Thefame, '»«;(. Verdigriiemixt with Ultramarine, makes a glorious Saphire. VI. To ma\e a Crimfon Velvet. Take Turnlble and mix it wirh Tndian-fake fwell ground with gum and Sugarcandvj ! y it full, and when ir i' veec wipe away the color with a dry pencil, where yoo woald, K * - [iaf9 i}2 Polygrapljices Lib. II. have the beigbtning of the Crimfon Velvet appear, and the ftrongcr refleiflioDS will be well exprefled. V i. To mal^ a Silver blacky. Tike fine Silver filings or plates, which dilTolve in fpirir of Nitre or W(7«/i/(jm/, and evaporate to drinefs, or precipitate cum Oleo Sulphuru or Salt-water, and you (hall have a fnow- whice precipitate, which mixt with water makes the beft black in the world, to dy all manner of Hair, Horns, Bones, Wo'>d, Metals, C^^:. VIII. To make a Murry or Ametbyjl. It is made of Indian Lake ground with Gum-Arabick wa- ter only. IX. To maJ(e s B^d or I{iihy for Limning. It is made of Indian-Lske (^which breaks of a Scarlet color j ground with Gum-water and Sugar-candy. X. To mak^ A:{iire blew , or Saphire. It is made of Ultramarine of Venice f which is bcftj the befl blew Smalt, or blew bice ground with gum-water only : you may make good fliadowing blews of Indico, Flory and Liimofe, all which need no waftiiog, nor Litmofe no grind- ing, but only infufed in a Lixiviuni of Soap-alTies. XI. To make a Green or Emerald. It is made of Cedar green : in place whereof, take Green- Bice to draw with : Pink i« good alfo for Landskips, mix- ed with Bice-aOies ^as alfo with Mafiicotand Cerufe. XII. To make a TeUowor Tofa:{. It is made of Mafticot which is the beft, of which there are divers forts, r;;^. deeper and paler: Yellow-Oker alfo for want of better may do. Shadow Mafticot with Yellow- Oker deepen it with Oker de Luce. Xill. To make Vltramarine. Take the deepeft colored Lapi La:(uli fbaving few vein* of Gold upon it) heat it red-hot in a Crucible clofe covered, then qaench it in Urine, Vinegar or Water in a Leaded earthen pot, dry it well, then with a pair of pinfers nip off the bard, gray, and whiieft pan from it, and grind the remain- der with honied water as fine as may be, then diy itforufe. The honied water is made of water a quart, boiled with honey two fpoonfuU. CHAP, Chap. 51* Limning totfje Life^bcc. 135 CHAP. XXXI. Thefum of the Obfervat/o^j of Limning to the life in gcfjci'al. I. f ET the Table be prepared very exactly by fhefifib *^ rule of the twenty third Chapter of ibis fecond Buck. II. Let the ground be of iie(h color, tempering it accord- ing to the complexion to be painted. 11/. If ir be a fair complexion, mix a good quantity of Red and Wbiie-Leacf together fomewhat thick. IV. If fwartby or brown, mix with the former a litilefine Malticot or Englifh Oker, or botb, alwiys* obfervirg that your ground be fairer than the complexion painted. For faitnefs may be Jhadotted or darkened at fkafurt ; but if it ^e fad or darl^, you can never heighten it. ^ for in Limnirg, the figure is altoays wrought dotvn to its exail color. V. Lay the ground upon the Card or Tablet, with a larger pencil than ordinary, fee from fpors, fcrachesof the pencil* or duft, and as even as polfible may be ; alro let the coloi be rather thin and wateriih than too thi^:k, doing it very quick and nimbly with two or three dafnes of the pencil. VI. This done, prepare your fhadows in orJer, by tJte fcventh rule of the four and twentieth Chapter of this fecond Book. Vir. Then draw the out-lines oif the face with Lake and white mingled together very fine i fo that if you Ciould mi- ftake in your firlt draught, ycu may vi/i h a (trong ftro-.k draw it true, the other line by reafon of its faintncfs being no hinderance. The fe Ikies mufi be truly dratorij fharp andr.eat, tPith the greateft exoHnefs imaginable. Vni. Obferve the moft remarkable and deep fhidows which keep in memory when you go over them with mo;e exadnefs; drawing our alfo (\i you fo pleafe) the (h.pc of that part of the body next adjoining to rhe face, x^/y. a little beneath the (houlders, with a Itrong ^.nd dv k color, which in cafe of miftake in proportion may ta/ily be ahered, K 3 ' IX X34 Polygraphrces Lib. II. IX. The Sirt fiitiog IS to dead color the face ; the fecond Cciirg is ihe exact coloring and obfervacion of the feveral fhadows, gracei, beauties or dcto:miiics, as they are in Na- ture : the tiiird lilting is making ftuooth vvbai was before rough an;:! rude j cloathing what was naked, and giving ftror.g and deepaing touches to every relpcchve (hidow. X. The dead color is thus made. Tak« ff the afcrefaid ground (at the third or fourth SeSion of this Chapter) and mix tt iriih fine I{ed lead, tempering it ex- aEiij/ to a dead color of the cheeh and lips, having a great care, that )ou make it Tiot too deep 'j which if light, you may do at ple.'fwe. Xi. The face is firft begun to be coloured in the reds of the chfcks and lips, and lomewhat ftrc^ngly in the bottom of the chin fifbeardlefsj alio over, undcuj and about the eyes with a faint rednefs. XII. The tm is moft cotninonly rcddifn,as alio fometimes the roots of ;be liair. XIII. The ground being walh'd over with this rcddilh or dead color, let rbe fhidows be as wcli bold and lirorg as ex- acfV Slid curious. XIV. j4 good Figure, if hut dt ad colored only ^ and feeming near hand very rcugh^ uneven and utipkcfant^yet being boldly and firong'y done ahd fJof^otred tt^ill appear very fmooth, delicatiy and ■ne^f if hut vieived at a diflance frrm the eye. XV. Therefore curtojity and neatnffs of Color, is not fo much to be regarded J as bold, lofty,, avd jhcng txprefjlng tt'hat is feen in the life. XVI. The next thing to be done is the ufe of the faini blews, about the a)rners arid balls of the eyes and rcmple.*:, which you muft^ork out exceeding fweetly, atid faint by degree*. XVII. Always be fure torrake the bard (hadows fall in the dark dde of the face under the nole, chin, and eve-brows, as the light falls, with lomewhat ftrong touches. XVIII The light (had ows being donear.J finootbed.worfc »be hair into fucb forms, curlings, and difpolitions as bcft a- / dorn the piece. ' XrX. Fii ft drato it with ccloYs. neatly and to the life -, then wafhit roughly as the reft ; and-' the next time ftrfeH it : fit' Unzuptbe empty f laces witb color ^ and the partings thereof tPtib b/etf, ■ XX. Chap, 51' Limn'ifigto thcLife^^LC, 135 XX. And ever remember, when you wou?d have your co- lors or (hadows deep, Itrong, aod bold ; that you do tbem by degrees, beginning faintly, and then encreafing the fame. XXI. Firft, ufe the former colors in the fame places again, driving and iweetning tbem into one another, that no pare may look uneven, or with an edge, or patch of color, but altogether equally mixt and difptrkd, lying foftand Imooib, like fmoak or vapours. XXII. Secondly, this work being done for an hour or two, lay the ground for behind the Pidure cf Blew, or Crimfon, like to a Satiin or Velvet Curtain. XXIII. If blew, let it be done with Bice well tetupered in a (hell : Firft draw the out-linc$ with the fame co!or,with a fmall pencil ; then with a tbin and wateri^ blew walh over the whole ground with a larger pencil. XXIV. Laftly, with thicker color cover the fai^e which you before wafli'd, fwiftly, that it dry not before all be co- vered, fo will it lie fmooth and even. XXV. If Crimfon, work A?ith Indian-lake, in thofe pla- ces where the ftrong lights, and high rcfiedlions fall, let the light be done with thin and waierift Lskej the deepning and ftrong fliadows, ciofe by the light with thicker color : this done, the Picture will be much changed ; the beauty of theie jRrounds will much darken and deaden it. XXVI. Let the apparel with fuitable colors be done only flat with heightening or deepning ; and then go over the face again, reducing the (hadows to ftnoothnefs and neatnefs with a (harp and curiou« pencil : drawing the eyes, the lines of the eye-lids; rednefs of the nef'trils ; foadow of the ears : deepnefs of the eye- brows, and ibofe other remarkable marks of the face. XSVJI. So fmeetning the out- lines of the face Chy darkning the ground, above from the light fide, and belotv on the dark^fide) that when the tporl^is done ^ the ground may ft and as it were at a diftance from the face behind i and the face may feem tofiand off forttfard from the ground. XXVllT. Then go over the h»ir, making it light or deep by the life: and in apparel make ibe feveral folds and (hadows, and what elfe is to be imitated, as it h in the life it (elf; lightning the lines with the pureft white, a little ^leilow a,fd fome blew j and deepning wish Ivory black . and bei^-ii- ning with black mixed with a little Lake or Indico. K 4 xurx J ^6 Tolygraphices Lib. II. XXIX' This done, aod the pcrfon gone, your work beiug yer rough, by your felf polish it, and ftrive to make it fmooth and pleafanc, filling up the empty places, and fweetniog the fhac'ows, wbicb yet lie uoeven aod hard. XXX The apparel, hair, and ground being finilhed, now give {tror:g touches for' the rounding of the face ; aod obferve wbatfoever may conduce to liknels and rcfcoablance, as moles, fmilings, or glancings of the eyes, motion of the mouth, ©"c. XXXI. For which purpofc,you may find an accifion of dif- courfe.or caufe the perlon to be in acf^ioo, and to look merrily and chearfully. XXXII. Laftly conclude, that the eye gives the life; the ■ofe the favor ^ the mouth the likeoels ; and the chin the grace. XXXIII. In fa?r colored Drapery, if the lightning be done with fine fliell Gold it will add a mo(t wonderful lufture, and be a Angular ornament to your works i and if this Gold be mixt with the very grouncUit ieif, the apparel will appear much the fairer. XXXIV. The Dead coloring, of a whole figure defigned for Htjiorical Limning. It is twofold. I. To temper a fic-fli color fomewhat light- er than you iuend it to be after it is wrought down by the Variety ofjhadotring mixtures, which fleffi color you muft temper in a large fliell, becaufe ic requires a quantity ; it muft be of a good mixture, neither too thick nor toe ihin. ^ - XXXV. Then take a feoofe-quil- pencil full of the color, and lay it on quick, even, and fmooth.on the place where you defign the Figure; if 'you be not very nimble in the laying it on, ir will not lye even. XXXVI. The other way ' is thus. Inaead of flefh Color, make ufe of the beft Lakfi- white, well prepared, aod lay it on with the fame fizcd Pencil as before mentioned,and fo you^ dead Color is as the Oyl- painters do, which muft be done free, rough, and bold eft of all. XXXVII. But note. That you draw all the out-lines of your figure fnft with a Temperature of Lake andfVhtte, befor^ jou Uy the ground Color for the flefli. Alfo, in dead colorings Jenve not your Ihadows too dark, harlh; or hardj next to the Jigbi, but fains:, even and rjifty. xxxviir. Chap. 31. Limning to the Life^ &c. 137 XXXVIII. This done, mix FUkf-f^hue, and a little Med fead, with which touch all the deep places both in Face and Body, as your ingenuiiy, or the life fhall direift you. XXXIX, This do exiream fainr, beuule if you lay it too dark, you cannot heighten ic up again, wiibouc running the hazard of fpoiling of it, but if too light, you may deepen it by degrees at your pleafure. XL. In the face make a deh'cate faintnefs, or faint Red in- clining to a Purple, under the Eyes ; then touch the tip? of the Ears, with the aforemeniioned mixture, as alio the Cheeks, Lips, and the bottom of the Chin, and lo go on to the foal of the foot, touching in all the following Mulcks and places with this glowing color. XLI, Then mix Gal-fions and Pink,, for the general ye Howifo glowing JhadowSi and in fome places add to the fortner mix- ture or temperature, a little Lake. XL/!. Moreover you will perceive in the life, a faint blew i(h color in feme parts of the body, which you mayex- prefs with a temperature or xnlxxwrc oilndico and lVhite,2.r\d (o proceed according to the fubjed: you draw after, whether the life or coping after Painting. XLIII. All thefe (hadows are to be exprefled after the manner of hatching with a Fen, with gentle and faint ftrokes walhing it along. XLIV. But in this Dead coloring. See that you cover your ground-color with the aforefaid Red and other (ha- dows. XLV. And be not to© curious in the firit working, bur ra- ther make choice of a good, free, and bold following of na- ture, than to affed: an extream near, fer, or ftarcht way. XLVL Let not the roughnefs of your color difcourageyou, for that is to be wrought down and couched by degrees with the other fliadows, but not at firft. XLVII. Then by degrees fweeten and heighten your flia- dows according as the light falls. XLVIIL In fome places touch ir with ftrong touches, and in tho(e places bring your work up together, to an equal roundnefs and firength, not finilhing any part of the figure before the other, but vifiting and working all the parts curi- ouOy alike, but in a manner at Random. XLIX. Then obferve the roundnefs, coloring, and Iha- ilowing, or whatever elfe is requifite to the perfe^ion of the Work, " ^ L. 138 Polygrap/jices Lib. II. L Having done with the fainter (hadows, fvveeten and work them imo the Red ttill. LI. Carefully oblerve all the variety of coloring, and with your pencil cuiioufly delineate tl^fe leverai varieties of na- ture vibjch you bad I udely traced out before. LII. To do this make ufe of the fame color is the fame pUces as you did before, working, driviogj and fweetening the fame colors one into another 5 that nothing be left in your woik wi^b a biilh edge, uneven, or in a lump, but all as it were foccet, or driven one into another with the point of lomewbat a /harper pencil than you ufe at firft, fo that your ihadov.'s may lye dii'perfed, foil, 1 weec, fmooth, and gently extended one into a noiber like Air, LIU. Lziily, ob.^crve, that Skies, Waters, Trees Plants, Flowers, and Giouod, arc all to be dead colored before the Figures. LlV. How to draw with Indian Ink- It is done after the tnanner of WaHiing : Or, inftead of the Indian Ir\ you may temper Lamp-blacky, or bread burnt. LV. Take your Indian Ink, or Lamp-black ; and temper it with fair-water, in a ftiell, or upon your band, your out- lines being drawn with Cn!e, or Black-lead, take an indif- ferent long (harp pointed pepcil, dip the point into fair water, then dip the pencil into Indian Ink, and draw all your out- lines very faint. LVI. (Note that all the temperature of Indian Ink mud be tbin and vvarcrifh, not too black.) LVII. Whks, with Minium and Mafticot, or Minium and Saffron ; fothat the fcaiiering upwards may ap- pear fainfj and below, afar off near the Landskip, fome- whar fiery. VI}! A fiery Sky, let be made with a pale blew, fmooth- ing ir dtnvr vardu whirh afrervA.»rds, you muft mingle with' a lironp Red-I^ad mixi wirh CeruTc traking long dimina- liveftroaks like the Sun-beams upnnrhe blew Slcy,wiih which; let fall fooie purple ftroaksj much like tbs faid beams ; ibttfi fweeiea* Chap, 36. Of Mount ams^^c. 145 fweeteo one into another with a fofi brufli pencil, wet in gum- water, not too ftrong. IX. Laftly, you may make a fair Sky, by ufing fair Bice alone, and tempering it by degrees with more and more white , fmoothing one into anoiber, from above down- wards, and fhading ic as you Aail fee reafon and nature require. CHAP. XXXV. Of the Limnwg of Towns, Caflles^ and Rnlnes, I. npHofe Towns, or Cities, which feemai fartheftdi- ■■- ftance, muft have but little fliadowing or heigbtning, and fometimes none at all, tbefe if they appear againft the Sky, muft be laid with Bice, and a little purple, and fliaded faint- ly with a good blew. II. Thofe which lie at a farther diftance, muft be laid with Bice and purple as aforefaid, and (haded with light blew, and heightned wich white. III. Thofe which appear at an ordinary diftance, muft be done with Vermilion and purple, and fhaded with a ftrong purple (haded wiib white. IV. Thofe which are near, muft be done with Vermillion and white, and then (haded with a ftroug Vermillion and brown Oker, mixt with white. CHAP. XXXVL Of MoHntains, Mills ^ and the likei I. 'THofe Mountains which are next in fight, muft be laid ■*■ with a fair green, and Ihaded with Sap-green ; fome • times with brown Oker, and French Berries, to diftinguiih tfeem from fucb as are farther off. L £E. 1^6 'Polygmphices Lib. IL II. Sacb as lie farther off, maft be laid with green , blew, and Malticot, and be (haded with blew, green^ and Ver- digrife. III. Such as lie yet farther, muft be laid with fomc ftrong blew, white, and Bergh-green, and Ihtded with ftrong blew. IV. Such as lie yet farther, muft be laid with ftrong blew and white, and (hided with blew only. , V. Such as lie yet farther, with Bice and white, aod fta- ded with Bice. VI. Such as lie farther off, are only laid with white, and (haded with a faint Bice. VII. Fields being near, muft be done with a (ingular good green, the which muft always be fainteft, according as they are farther diftant ; heigbtning them with Mafticot, or a light green, and Hiadowing with Sap-green, but not too much. VIII. Thofe which lie far, are to be laid with a French berry yellow, made of a blew greenifli ; fliaded with Oker. IX. And in Fields, Hills, a«d Dales f whether near or far off) there are many roads, paflages and ways, which muft be laid either fainter or ftronger according to their diftance and iituation. CHAP. XXXVII. 0/ Trees^ Boitghs^ Cottages^ and the like. L T* Hofe Trees df divers colors which ftand upofi the forc- * ground, muft be laid with divers colors, as with Ver- digrife. mixt with other gre^, or wiih Mafticot, and Bergh- green mixt. and then fliaded with Sap-green j which you may heig-htcn with Mafticot, mixt wirh White-lead. II. If they appear yellow, ufe Verdigrife and Mafticot mixt.and fhadow with Verdigrife. III. If they be of a whitifli color, let them be laid with Verdigrife mixt with Wfaitc-lead, and fhade tbem with Ver- digrife, mixt with Indico faint i heighten them with Cerufe, thai Chap. 58. Coloring Naked Figures. 147 thattbey may look of afaint ydlow green; or elfe wica a little IndJco and yellow. IV. Tbofe which ftand at a great diftance, lay with Indi- CO, and white, and Hiadow wicb Icidico, and heigbcen with the fame made a little Igbier. V. If Trees be very old with mofs upon ihem,give them the appearance of green and yellow, which coiri nix with Pink, and Bergb-grecn : if they be of a wduilh yellow, do rbem with Pink and white mixt with a little green VI. Country Cottages lay with light Oker, which order according to the newneis or oldnefsof the building. Yil. Cottages of Timber, let be laid of the color of Trees and Wood-work. VIII. Thaicbt Coitagej if new, lay with Pink, Ihadow with brown Oker, and heighten with Mafticoc mixt with white: but if old, lay them with brown Oker raixt with white, and heighten with uic fame. IX. Straw colors at a diftance are done with lodico and white, mixt fometimes with brown Oker, and fliaded with indico. CHAP. XXXVIII. Of the Coloring of Naked Figures. I. pOR PVomen and Children, take the beft Flake Wfafte-' -*• lead, and a little good Lake, with which if you pleafe you may mix a little Vermillion, but take heed that your inixture be neither too red or too pale, but exadlly agreeable tii the life it felf ; the which in this cafe is the beft di- re€. Containing the Defcrifti^n and Z^fe of all the chief InJirnmentS' and Materia als, and the way and manner of Workc ing. CHAP. I. Of Fainting in General, !. r-« % HE Art of Painting (which is tfce imitatiod of I Nature^ confifts in three things, to wit, Defign^ ■B Proportion, and Color : all which are exprell in three foris of Painting, vj:(. Landikip, Hi/icryund Life. 11. Landikip or Perfpediive, wonderfully refpeds freedom and liberty, to draw even what you pleafe. Hijlory refpedls proportion and figure : Life refpedis color j in each of which there is a neceflary dependency of ^all the other. Hi. The work of the Painter is to exprefs the exadl imi- tation of natural things; wherein you are to obferve the ex- cellencies and beauties of the piecCj but to refufe its vices. IV. l6o Poljigraphkes Lib. Ill, IV. For a piece of Painting may infome part want Diligenctt BoUnefs, Subiilty, Grace, Magnificence^ &c, while it isjuffict- ently in other parts excellent ; and there/ore you are not fo much toimttaie Ornaments, as to exprefs the inward fowet and ftrengtb. V. In Imitatidn, always be fure to follow the examples aod panerns of the bdi mafters i left evil precedents beget in you an evil habir. Vi. The force of Imitation refides in the fancy or imagr- nation, where we conceive fwhai we have feen^ the form or Idea of that, or tbofe things which we would reprefeot in lines and colors. VII. This Fancy or Imagination is ftrengthoed, by lodging therein all variety of vifible rarities; as i. Forms made by light and darknefsj fucb as are to be feen in Summer io the clouds, near SuQ-letting (which vani/h before they can be imi- latedj VIII. 1. Forms made by proximity or diftance of place.fuch as are Trees, Woods, BuildiQgs,appeariag perfe(5l being near, or confufed in their parts being far off. IX. 3. Forms ofdfeams^ofwbich(wbeiher fleeping or wak- ing/ the fancy maft be fully polfett. X. Where Defjgn is required •, you njuft fancy every cir- cumitance of the matter in hand, that in an inflant, with a nimble hand, you may depi(5l the fame with livelinefs and grace. XI. Slow performance caufes a preturhation in the fancy, cooling of the mind, and dejlru^ton cftbat pajjion which Jhotild carry the work^ OH : but quickjiefs and diligence brings forth things even excellent indeed : Care, I nduStry and Exerctfe are the frops^fup- porters and upholders of Art. XII. Be lure you dwell not too long upon defigning : alter not what is well, left for want of exquifite jadgmeot you make it worfe : and if in dcfigning, you want that ability to follow ihcquicknefs of fancy, fubmir to a willing negligence; a carekfs operation adds fometimes fuch a fingular grace, as by too much curiofity would have been totally loft i then by reviewing what is dcntf, make a regular connexion of all the Idei "s conceived in your mind. XIII. With ^;> which when you are at work you mud hold in your left hand ; and laying the end which hath the Leather ball upon the Cloath or Frame, you may reft your right arm up- on it, wbiltt you are at work. IX. The Colors are in number feven (utfupr^) to wit. White, Black, Red, Green, Yellow, Blew, and Brown, Of which fome may he tempered on the Pallet at firji, fomt tnufi be ground, and then tempered y and other fome mufi be burnt , ground, and lajily tempered. X. To make the Size for the Primed doath at the fixth Secilionof this Chapter. Hake Glew, and boil it weB in fair water j till it be diffolvedy snd it is done. XI. To make tbe Whiiing for tbe fistb 5edioa of this Chapter. Take of the aforefaid 5;;^f, mix it with whiting grotmd, and fo white your boards or cloath (being made fmooth) dry them, and white them afecondor third time i lajily, f crape them fmooth, anddr^w it over with White- lead tempered with Oyl. XII. To keep the Colors from skinning. Oyl Colors (if not prefently tifed) Will have a skin grow over . tJjem, to prevent which put them into a glafs, and put the glafs three or four inches under water Jo wiB they neither skin nor dry. XIII. To cleanfe the Grinding-ftone and Pencils. If the Gritjdinz [lone be foul, grind Curriers fhavings upon itt and then crumbs of bread, fo Will the filth come off: if tbe pencils befoul, dip the ends rf them in oyl cf Turpentine, and fiuee:{e them htween your fingers, and they will be very clean. CHAP. Chap. J. Colors in General, &c. 163 CHAP. III. Of the Colors in General, and their fignifications, I. 'T'He chief Whites kvVtivimg in Oyl are, White-Icid, ^ Cerufe and Spodium. II. The cKiti Blacks are Lamp-black, Sctcoal-black, Ivory- black, Charcoal, and JEartb of Colen. III. The chief /^f<^j are, VermiUioBjCinnaber Lake, Red- lead, Indian Red, Ornocto. IV. The chief Greens are, Verdigrife, Terra-vert, Ver- diter. V. The chief Tellows are, Pink, Mafticot, Englilh Oker, Spruce Oker, Orpiment. VI. The chief J5/f/rj are, Blew Bice, Indico, Uliraojarilift Smalt. VIL The chief Browns are Spanift-browo, burnt Spruce Umber. VIII. Tfaefe Colors, Lamp-black.Verditer, Vcrmih'oD,Bice, Smair, Mafticot, Orpiment, Ultramariee, are not to be ground at all, but only tempered with oyl upon the Pallet. IX. Thefe Colors, Ivory, Cerule, Oker and Umber are 10 be buret, and then ground with oyl. X. All the reft are to be ground upon the Grinding ftone wiib Lin feed oyl (except White-lead, j when it is to be uled for Linnen, which then is to be ground with oyl of Walna;s, for Linfeed oyl will make it turn yellow. Andnotpfince we are engaged to treat of colors^ it may neither leunnecejfary^ nor unufeful for the young Artift to kflom tbeirnar ' tural fgnifjcations; which takf oifollotveth. • XL Blew fignifieth truth, faith, and continued zStiStiom ; A^ure, Conftancy ; Violet, a religious mind. XII. Orange tawny fignifies Pride, alfo integrity j TrftPw;, forfaken ; Limmon, jealoufie. XIII. Green fignifies hopes : Grafs-greent youtfajyouthfuloefs, and rejoycing: Sea-green^ Inconftancy. XIV. I^d fingnifies f uftice, Venue and Defence : Flame-, color. Beauty and Defire : Matdens-blu/h, Envy, Mi XV. 1^4 Voljgvaphkes Lib. IIL XV. TcHcw fignifics Jealoufie: pei fed: yellow, Joy, Ho- nour, and greatnels ofSpirir: Gold color. Avarice, XVI Flefocolar lignii^cthL^icivioaintfs ; Carnation, Cra.(ty Sub;i'ty and Deceit: Purple, Fotiiwde ind Strength. XVII. JVilloai Color (jgnifieih forfaken : Popingjay-green, Wanionne's : Peach colory Love. XVIH- ^H/Vtf fjgnitieth Death: Mtik^irbtte, Jnnocency, Purity, Truth, JnU'griiy : Blacl^, Wildom, Sobriety, and M,^iirn'r)g. XlX. Siratp cdor Ggn'iBcthVknxy : I^iji of Iron, Witbered- nefs ; £>-.-77/Kff Religion and holioers. . XX. The W'-itC; Black,. I((d, and Green, are colors held/acred in the Church c/Romt : VFhite is worn in the FelUvals of ViVg'ns,Sainrs, Confellbrsand Angels, to ftiow their Inoocency : I{ed in the Sokmnities of the Apoftles and Martyrs of Je- fus: B/^cJ!^ in Lent and other Fa iHng days: Green is worn between the F.pifhar.y and SeptuageJJima : and between Pc«- tecoil and advent. CHAP. iY. Of the fittirjg of Colors for Paint iffg I. r TPon the Pallet difpofe the feveral colors, at a conveni- *''* cnt diitance, that they may not intermix : firft lay onthe Vet mi lion, then the Lake, then the burnt Oker, then the /ndian Red, Pink, Umber, Black and Smalt* each in their order, snd lay the White next lo your thumb, becaufc it is ofc- nefl ufed, for with it all the (liadows areto be Jigbtncd,- md next the Whirea ftiff fort of Lake i ibws is the Pallet fur- fflflu'd with fir pie colors for n face. N et to temper them for jhadotving various compkxioKS do th^. II. For .1 fair complexion. T^h Pf'^hite one dram, l^ermiUim, Lake, of each ttvo dram.r^ temper fhe*n, end Ijy them a fide for the deepc/l Carnation of the f.scr • t.-i part of the afortfaid mixture put a little more trhite^fcr la I jr^bt Carnal if.T! ; and to pa>t rf that put rn ore rrhitt (ufhich ttrr,pa on the Pal! i'O for the light el} color fthefac^. HI. •Chap. 5^. Coicrs for Velvet, r^5 III. The faioifliadows for the fair Complexion. Tal^ Smalt ^ and a little white, for th eyes ; to part of that add a. little Ptnli and tamper by it feif for faint greenifto jhadi-irs tn the face. IV. The deep fiadows for the fame, Takf Cinnaber Lake Pink^and blacJ^of each,a f'^^cierit tjua-itity, tphich temper together'-,Jf the Jhadotrs ought to be redder than tnhat ts temperedy add more Lakfi iifyellott'tr, add more Pink, i if lte;P' er or grayer ^add more blacl^: thus (hall ibe_ PaUet he fiaedtnth colors. V. For « brown or fwarthy complexion. The Jingle colors being laid on the Pallet at bt/ore, and_ i.'mpe- red : to the U'hite, Lake and Vermilion, put a little burnt Ol^^r for a TatOvy ; and for heigh tnimi^ add fome Tellow O'^er^ [» mtiuh as may juji chani^e the colors. The faint and deei] fh.idoips are the fame as at r/je third and founfaSe(ilion of this Chapter. ' VI. For a Tawny compipxOn. ' ~ The colors are the fame iptth the former, but the f.T^idou's are different ; -trhich nttijl be made of burnt Oker and ^'m/'^r, (a'hich tvtll fit well:) if thefhadotps be not yelloiv enough, add- a little Pint{ to it. VII. For a black complexion. The dar\ fhadotvs are the fame tvith the former i but f.r heightning take IVhite, Black, Lak'-, and burnt Oker ; in tem- pert*ig of which put in the white by degrees, till you come to the light ejl of all. M-'hers note that the finglc colors at firfi laid upon the Pallet and ternpccd ferve for foadoms for ail com- plexions ; and that all deepmn^s ought to be with black, Lal^ and Pink, tempered together. e H A p. V. Of Colcrs for f^tlvet. I. pOR black.Vchet.Tsiks. Lampblack and Verdig rife for the firit ground ; that b^iilg dry.iakc /voiy biaik.snii Verdigrifcrhadow it with White-lead mixt w\^h L feoi p-bla<.k., J/- For G WW. Take Lamp-black and Whi'^e-iead, a^d wjrK it like a RuOet Velvet, and ler^it dry -, ttien draw it o^ei wub Verdig rile tempered with a iir;fe Pir,k. Ms L[> l66 Polygra^hices Lib. III. HI. For SeA-green. Take only Kerdigrife, and lay it over Ruireiilf n Grafs-green^ put a little Malticoi to it; (hadow tbele greens wub Rulfei, which lay according to the deepneft of the greet). JV. Por B^ed. Take Fermilion, and ftiadow it with Spanifli- brown ; and where yoa would have it darkeft, (hadow with Seacoal- black and Spanilh brown with the aforefaid colors, dry it, and then glofs it over with Lake. V. ForCrimfonor Carnation. Take rermilion, lo which tdd White-lead at pleafure. V[. For Bktp. Take Smalt tempered alone. VII. For TeHow. Take Malticot and yellow Oker, and where you would have it darkelt, (hadow it with Umber. VIII. ForTawny. Take Spanifh-bio^vn, White-lead, and Lamp-black, with a little Ferdigriie, lolbadow where need is ; when dry, glofs it over with Lake and a lictle Red- lead. IX. For hair color. Take Umber ground alone j and where it fliould be brigbteft, mix form White-lead about the folds, lighten or darken with Wbice-lead and Umber. X« For y^yfc-co/or. Take Charcoal, black and White-lead; lighten with White-lead : a color Itkf to a dark^ ^Jfef «"'^ ^» an Afh-coler. XI. For Purple. Take Smalt and Lake, of each alike, tem- per them (light or deep as you pleafej with white-lead. XII. Lafily note, thatin painting f'clvet you muft aC firft work it fomewhac fad, and theD give it a fudden brigbtnefs. CHAP. vr. Of Colors for Sattins. L COR Blacky Take Lamp-black ground with Oyl, and tem- ^ pered with white-lead ; and where you would have it fliine moft, mix Lake with the white-lead. II. For Green. Take Kerdigrife ground alone and mixed wirh white-lead ; adding Pink where you would have it brighteft : to the deepeft (hadows add more Terdigrife. HI. For TeSf.tP. Take Mafticot, yellow Oker and Umber fgroood each by themfeives) where ic Ihoald be brighteft ufe Mafticot Chap. 7* Colors for Taffaty, &c. \6j Mafticot alone ; where a light fliadow, ufe Oker, where dark- eft ufe Umber. /v. For Purple. Take Smalt alone , and where it fliould be brighteft u(e whiie-lead. V. ForI{ed. Take Spanilh- brown (ground alone) mix it with Fermilion, and where it Ihould be brighcelt mix white- lead with the Kermilion. VI. For White. Take White-lead (ground alone) and Xvory-black, which temper light or dark. Vir. For Bletf. Temper Smalt and White-lead; where it fliould be faddeft, uie Smalt ; where lighieft, White- lead. VIII. For Orange Color. Take Red-lead and Lakes ; where brighteft. Red-lead, where faddeft. Lake. IX. For Hair Color. Temper Umber and White-lead ; where it fliould be brighteft, puc more Whire-lead,and where the greateft fliadow, ufe Seacoal-biack mixed with Umber. CHAP. VIL Of Colors for Taffaty , C loath and Leather. \, *'rjiffaties are Painted much as Sattin, thus : Take fuch -*• colors as are fit for the purpofe, and lay them one bj aooiher upon the work, and fliadow them with others. II. Clotb is the fame work with Sattin, fa?e, you muft nor gire to Cloth fo fudden a fliining glofs. * III. Cloth of Gold is made of brown Oker and liquid. Gold •, water and heighten upon the fame with fmall gold ftroaks. IV. For Buff, mix yellow Oker and White-lead •, and where it fliould be daik by degrees, mix it with a little Um- ber; whan you have done, fize it over with Umber and Sea- coal-black. V. For TeSottf Leather, take Mafticot and yellow Oker, fl»£- dowit withUaaber. VI. For black Leather, take Lamp-black, and fljadow it with White-lead. VII. For white Leather, lake White-lead, and fliadow it with Jvory-black. M 4 CHAP, t63 PoIjgr.?phkes Lib. Ill, CHAP. vur. 0/ Colors for Garments in general. I. Y'OK Back, Ler ihe dead color be Lampblack and Ver- -^ digrife : being dry, go over with Ivory-black and Verdigrilc jbuc before ibe fecond goiog over, heighten ii with white. if. For huiir Color. Take Uaiber and White for [he j^rfunds; Umber and black f^r the deeper Ihadows; Umber god Eng! fh Okcr for ;he meaner Ihadowi i while and Eng- hih Oktr for the hcjghtning. iJi. F.r bietp. Take /ndico and White: firft lay chc White, th:n the Indico and White mixed i then deepen it witb J'.di.o, and when dry, glaze it with UUiamarioe which will never (^de. Smalt wiH turn black.., and Bice will turi} green, . IV. Por FUrple. Take Smalt tempered wiih Lake and White-lead i then heighten with White-lead. V. For a fad R^d. Take Indian Red heightned with Whire. VJ. For a light I{ed. Take Vermilion, glaze it over with Lake, and heighten it with White. VII, For a Scarlet, Take Fermilion and deepen it with Lake, or Indian- Red. VI [1. For Grsen. Take Bice and Pink, heighten it with MaOicot, and deepen with Indico and Pink. IX. Foryel'oi:^. Take Mafticot, yellow Oker, Umber ; lay Mslticoc and white in thu* lighted places j Oker and White in rhe mean places, and Umber in the darkelt, glaze it with Pink. X. For Orange Color. Lay the lighteft parts with Red- icid and white, the mean parts wich Red-lead alone ; the deeper pans wiib Lake, and if need is, heighten it with white. Xf. For a fad Green. M'X Indico with Pink : Y or a light Green mix Pink and Malticot j for a Grafs-green qaix Ferdi- XII. chap. 9. Colors for, Metals, ^c. i^g XII. Remember always to lay yellows, blews, reds and greens, upon a wbiie ground, for tbac orjly giveth chem lik. CHAP. IX. > Colors for Metals and precious Stones, 1. TyO^lron. Take Lamp-black and Wfaite-Iead ; if you * would have ic ruUy, take Seacoal- black, and mix- it with a httle white. \L For Silver. Take Charcoal-black and White-lead ; v.'bere you wcuid have it darkeit, ufe n-iore Charcoal •, work, Silver foo^pwhtt ruitilh, and give it afudden glofs with White- lead only. r Jll. YqtGoII TakeLike, Umber, Red-lead, JViafticot; lijiy the ground with Red-lead, and a litrle dry Pink : where you would have it darkelc , fiiadow it mo(t with Umber, where ligbteft with Mafticor. Note, in griming I^d-Iead for the Goldfi:{e, put in a little Verdigrife to make it dryfopmr. IV. ¥ or Pearls, Temper Charcoal-black with white-lead, till it be a perfed: ruiTet ; then make the Pearl with it, and give it a fpeck of White-lead only JO make it Oiine. ' IVherenote^ that Cerufe tempered with Oyl cf white Poppy » exceUent to heighten up Pearls. V. Fo^ precious Stones. For Rubies, {^"c. lay their counter- feit grounds with transparent colors , a'ndLake, Verdigrife and Verditer give them a, fliining color. CHAP. 1 70 Folygraphices Lib; III. i ,....■ . ■ " I.- . C H A P. X. Of Colors for Land ski p. I. pOJ^ alii^ht Green, ufe Pink and Mtfticot befgfained* ^ witb white : for a fad GrMnJndico and Pink faeigbcned with Malticot. II. For fame Trees ^ take Lake, Umber and White, /or other i Charcoal and .vbite for others Umber, black and white, with fome green ; and lometimes Lake or Vermilion, with other colors. III. For PVuoJ lake Lake, Umber and white,, mixing fometimes a little green witbal. • IV. For Fire, lay Red-lead and Vermilion tempered toge- ther where it isreddelt : where it is blew, lay oyl, Smalt, and white-lead : where it is yellow, take JVlafticot, and wcrk it o- yer in certain pTaces ; where you would have it (hine mo(t with Vermilion. V. For an A:{ure Sf^ie, which feems a fir off, take Oyl , Smalt, or Bice, and temper them with Linfeed-oyl. But grind them not: for Smalt or Bice utterly loje their color in grind ing. VI. For a I{ed Skie, take Lake and white ; and for Sun- beams, or yellow clouds aC Sua-rifiog or fetting, take Mafli- cot and white. Vll For ,a Night Sl^ie^ or clouds in a ftorm, take Indico deepned with black, and heigbtned witb white. Fill. For JVood Colors, they are compounded either of Umber and white, Charcoal and white, Seacoal and white^ Umber black and white ; or with fome green added : to which you may adjoin fometimes, as in barks of Trees, a lit- tle Lake or Feruiillion. IX. Lastly for the fraFlical performing of the 0ork^ have recourfe totbe rules delivered in chap, i f, lih. I. and chap. ^n.libAV CHAP. Chap. II, Painting of the Face, 171 CHAP. XL Of the Painting of the Face, I. pjAve your necefTary pencils in readinefs, as two pendia *• ■*< ducks quill fitcbed j and two ducks quill pointed ; iwo Goofe quill fitched, and two pointed : two briftles both alike ; one Swans quill fitcbed, and one pointed ; one lar- ger pencil in a Tin cafe fitched -, and a briftle of tbe fame Bignefj, every one having a ftick of about nine inches long put into the quill tbereofj tbe farther end of which ftick mutt be cut to a point. - II. Have the pencils in a readinefs in your left hand, with the pallet upon your tbutub.prepared with fit colors, and your moljiic^ to reft upon j you muit work according to the di- redtions following. III. Tbe clotb being prinaed, and ftrained upon the Frame,' take a knife, and with the edge thereof fcrape over the cloth, left knots or tbe like fliould trouble it. IV. Then fet the Frame and Cloth upon the Eajel, at a convenient beighth, that fitting on a Itool (even with the party you drawj you may ffave the face of the Pidure equal, or fometbing higher than your own : fet tbe Eafel to the light (as in Limning we ha ve taught) letting it come in upon your left hand, cafting tbe light towards tbe right. V. Let the Perfon to be drawn, fit before you in tbe poft- ure be intends to be painted in, about two yards diitant from you. VI. Then with a piece of painted chalk draw the propor- tion of the face upon the clbtb, with tbe place of the eyes, tioCey mouth, ears, hair, an^d other poftures. Here ^ no difficulty in t hi, if you mi fi much , tbe colors (fill hrinji all to right again. VII. Then take a pencil. Swans quill pointed, and begin to paint fome of the iigbteft parts of the face with the lighteft color, (as the beigbtning of tbe forehead, nofe, cheek- bone of the lighteft fide :J tbe mean parts next (as tbe cheek- bone of the dark'lide, cbia, and over the upper lip: proceed- iV^ Folygraphkcs Lib. \\\. proceeding, gradually lill you come to the redde(t parts of aU Vllr. L«y faint grecnilh fliadows in convenient places, and where it is neceirary to foften barlhtr fliadows, but take heed ot puttiug green where red ftiuul J b^\* iX. The fiint- or light pans thus done, take one of the Goole quill poihted, or Djcks quill fitcbed, and begin at the eyes to ihadow wish Lake, guing uvcr the nofc, mouth, cojnpafsofthe car, (3c. before you lay on any color, wiping it lightly over with a lin.ntn rag to prevent ihs overcoming of the other colors. X. The colors both light and dark being put in, take a great iitch pencil • and i'weeten the colors therewith, by going over the Ihadows with a clean fufc pencil, which being well hand- led, vvil! drive and intermix cbe colors one into another, that they will look as if they were all laid on at once, and not at divers times. Wi:ere note, that the bigger pencils you ufe, the ftveeter and hsttsr your worl{^tt*itl lie. XL At the [econd fittings begin again wi:h clean pSncrls, of foch bignefs as the work requires, and obferve well the perfon, and fee what defe^fls you find in your work at firft (itting, and amend them : then bcigbreo or deepen liie flia- dows as occafion requires. XII. Ld/?/)- take a Goofe quill bfiftle, and put in the bair about the face (if iliere muft be any) and rub in the greater hair, with the greater briitle, heightning it up wi;h the Goofe quill penci!. CHAP. XII. Of the cleatijjffg of any old hainthg. I.. Tj^Ake good wood- afhes, and fearce tbem, or elfe-fbjme *- S.tiaft or powder-blew, and with a Spunge and faif water geatly walh the Pidlure you would cicanl'e ftaking great caicol 'he (hidow?) which doqe, dry it very wclJ with a . ck^nc'.oih. II. Chap. 13- thedeanfir.g^cfan^^ildTainthg. 175 II. Then vatnifh it over again with fomegood varnilh.bu fuch as may be waftied off again with water if need be. We fodfl hereafter fhew the way of making varnijhes of feve- ral forts, meanfeafcn this folktttng may jtrve. III. Take either common Varnifli fmade with Gum fan- drackdiflblved in Linfccd-oyl by boiling^ or glair of£ggs,and with your pencil go over the Picture once, tviice, or more therewith as need requires. IV. // your painting be Wainfcotting, or any other Joy-^ nery or Carpentry Work, you may take the Wood- aflies (at Secil. i.) and mixing them lomewhat thick with "Water, rub them over the Painting, with a ftiffBriftle Biufli, as a Shoo Brufli, and '\o IcOur, wafh and dry ir, as aforefaid, and rhen varnifli it with common Varnirti. V. But if the Painting be more curious, as Figures of Men, Beafts, Landskips, Flowers, Fruits, t3c. then take Smalt only, and with a Sponge wet in Water.cleanfe it asabovefaid genjy, which wafh after with fair Water, then dry and varnifii it, lb will the luftre and glory of your Painting be much reco- vered. VI. This cleanfing of Paintings, ought not to be pra(5ii- fed but feldom (w;^. when it is very much foyled) becaufe of- ten and too frequent cleanfings in this kind, will by degrees wear off" part of the Colours : And therefore endeavour .to preferve their firft Beauty, by keeping them from fmoak, duft, flys, ^c. VII. All Pidures Cchiefly tbofe performed with mixtures of white Lead; are apt to grow tawny, to tarnifh or grow ruiiy, as may befeeninall old pieces: To prevent this, czpofe them to the hot Sun three or four days in May or '^ur.e : i'o will the ill Colour be much drawn offhand the painting appear more frelhand beautifnf : this dcing yearly, you will wonder; fully preferve them. CHAP. 174 Tolygraghices Lib. I If. CHAP. XIIL Of a Figure in general, I. IN every Pidure there are always four principal confi- -•^ derations : to wii, i. Invention, x. Prof onion. 3. Color', and 4. Life. II. Invention muft be free, and flow from a general know- ledge of Aniiquiies, Hiiiory, Poetical Fidions, Geometrical conclufions, and Optical confiderations, according to its Situ* ttion or Afpedl, either near or far oflf. III. And ibis Invention muft exprefs proper and fit things, agreeing to the Circumftances of Time, Place, Mattery and Per/on i and having refpedt to the modes of habits belongisg 10 the Country or People whether Antient or Modern. IV. Proportion, Analogy, or Symmetry Cwhich you pleafe) is that which limits each pare ta its proper bignefi, in reip ed: to the whole. iVhatfoever differs from this recedes from beauty, and may he called Deformity. V. This Proportion is called by Artifts the defigniog lines i which are firft drawn before the whole is painted. VI. Thefe proportions or lineal defigns, draughts, and fcetches, may be called PtStme, which being tPeB done, flaem not only the foape, but alfo the intent. VII. In lines only, ipe may drattf the proportion of a Blacky Moor, andfuch as fkall he Itkf html Nouf this skill proceeds from the very higheji principles of Art. VIII. Color is that which makes the Pidure referable what we define to imitate j by mixing of various colors together. I^- In making any thing apparentticisnecelfary to exprefs its oppofire or contrary. X. So light and fhadotvs forteard, fet forth Paintings out- wards, as if you might take hold of them with your hand: black' nefs makes things Jeem farther off, and is ufed in things hol- lofp, as Caves, PVells, Sec. the more deep the more black: XI. Brigbtoefs exceeds and is as light fparklirg m iplecdor. IP Chap. 13. A Figure ijf general, 175* It M ufed in the Glory of Angel: j twinkjing of Gems, Ar- 9noryy Gold and Siher vejjils, fires and flames. XII. In Ptioting of a m&a, grace eacb limb with its pro- per and lively color ; the black make fincerely black j the white pure, with rednefs intermizt. XIIJ. But to paint purely the exquifite beauty of a wo- man,is never to be well done fexcept it be by a very ingenious Artift indeed j her rare complexion being fcarcely poflible to. be imitated with colors : There it none really kjiows the exaii mixture for fuch a Countenance. XIaT. Life or Motion is that from whence action or pafHon doth refult, which in colored Pi\5lares is feen with a lively force of Gefture and fpirit. XV. Ta Jo flj^ if fi necejjary that the Artijh be wei acquainted with the nature, manners, and behaviour of men and momen, m in anger, fadnefs^ joy, earneftnefs, idlenefs^ love, envy ^ fear, hope, defpair, &c. Every difturbance of the mind alters thf Countenance into feveral pojiures. XVI. The head caft down flicws humility ; caft back.arro- gancy or fcorn ; hanging on the neck, languilhing; fiififand fturdy, morofity of mind. XVir. The various poftnres of the bead fliew the paffioos j the Countenance the fame ; the eyes the like ; and in a word, all the other pans of the body contribute fotuetbiog to the cxpreflion of the ftid paffions of the mind, as is eatiiy to be obferved in the life. In excellent pieces youmay at a view read tht mind of the Af tifi in the formality of the Story. XVIII. Laftly, Be always fure firft to conceive that in your thoughts, which you would exprefs in your work ; that your endeavours being affifted by ao iniellecftual energy, or power of operation, may at length render your produi^i- OBS perfe(^. <;;hap. 1-^ Pdygraphkes Lib. Ill' CK AP. XIV. Of the Choke of Copies^ or Pattern. I. TJE that chufeth a Pattern, ought to fee i. that it be -tA well defigned * 2. that it be well covered. If. lo the well defigning, be fure that it be true in every pan ;and that the proportion of ibe figure be juft andcor- relpond to the life. HI. Il the Pitftiire be a fidllon, fee that it be done boldly, rot only to exceed the work (but alfo the poffibiliry) of na- itsre, as in Centaures. Satyrs^ Syrens, Flying-horfes, Sea-horfes, TtitoriJ, Kereides^ See. Alexander ah Alexandrio j'^/V^,f^4^ Theodore Gaza caught one of thcfe Nereide«^>2 Greece, and that in Zealand, another tras taught tnfpin : thefe Tritons and Noreides are thefe tvhich are called Mare-maids, the Male and the Female. IV. Natural figures (hew property. and are required to sgree with the life : forced ligures exprefs novelty, and are ro be beautified by exorbicincies according to the fancy of the Painter wirhou": limitation: novelty caufes admiration, and »drnirat!on curioliiy, a kind of delight and fatisfadicn to the mmd. Thefe things are not the produHs of fiupid brains, nor are fhey com. lined ttrithin the ferimetreof clouded and dull Concep- tions. V. In the weM colf-rinp, know that in obfcurity or dark- nefs there is a kind of dcepne'? ; the light being fwcctly deceived ^r^<^if;»7J in breaking the Colors, by infenfible change from the more high ro the more dull. J« the I{ain-koiP t'^rs mixture it perfeEl ; the T>ariety of Co- lors are throughly difpers d {like Sterns m the Sunbeams) am/r.g one ar.rither.to create its juj} appearance. VI. See rbat tne fwellings of the work agree to th? ex- ili^ne Is of nature, ?rd as the parts rbcreof rrquire, without iharpnels in oat-liney, or ilatneis within the body rf the piece; .';s .lib that each hollownefs exadly correfrond :i. due pro" pciions. • % V/f. Ghap. If. The Difpojing of Figures Jkc. 177 VII. Laftly, View precifely the pa(Jions, as Joy, Sorrow ^ LovCj Hatred^ Fear, Hape^ 8cc. and fee that they correfpond with their proper polturesi for a touch of the pencil may firaugely alter a palTion to its ju(t oppgfite or contrary, as from Mirth to Mourning, ^c. CHAP. XV. Of the Difpofing of Figures and Faint ings. I • A ^M^^ works, or Grotefce, may become a wall, the •^ borders and freezes of other works j but if there be any draughts in figures of men and women to the life upon the wall, they will be beft of black and white, or of one color beigbtned : if they be naked, let them be as large as the place will aiJbrd: if of Marbles, Columns, Aqujeduds, Ar- ches, Ruines, Catarads, lec them be bold, high, and of large proportion. II. Let the beft pieces be placed to be feen with fingle lights, for fo the (hadows fall natural, being always fitted to anfwer one light; and the more under or below the light the better, efpecially in mens faces, and large pieces. III. Let the Porch or entrance into the houfe, be fet out with K^uflicl^ figures, and thing rural. IV. Let the HaS be adorned with Shepherds, Peafants, Milk-maids, Neat-herds, Flocks of Sheep and the like,in their refpe«5live places and proper attendants i as alfo Fowls, Fifli, and the like. V. Let the Stair-cafe be fet off with fome admirable mo- nument or building, either new or ruinous, to be feen and ob- ferved at a view pa/Iiog up : and let the Ceiling over the top- ftair be put with figures forefhortned looking downwards out of Clouds, with Garlands and Cornucopia's. VI. Let Landskjp. Hunting, Filhing, Fowling, Hiftories and Antiquities be put in the Great Chamber. VII. In the Dining-room let be placed the Pictures of the King and Queen j or their Coat of Arms;forbearing to put any other Pi(5lures of the life, as not being worthy to be their coEnpanion? j unlefs at the lower end, two or three of the chi^f N Nobility, 178 T: ::ts Lib. III. KoUby. asatie Royal Perfom : for wut koccf T. : - -■ - " t the oeareft blood. VHl Chamikrrs, pal otbcr dri : e or i'pecaal fric- IX. iid o^rry PtiooBgs, 5?-? •; ^, ..«.—:.>* lie UkCjbaiiorbcar- Qaut.: wt&,aadcxiercifeikdrlBBfes9 XI - -aii^i.pwCaftlc^Chwcb- es or UKTkC C&ir r :rs. pot Boicage, aadwSd wr ' :- - -^ Tawtikipt, for tbqr CI a~ z^cft pnvscc R b«anty) tbtm : -.e. z^abovc r: ; :t» ; becasle Tf, cr- :_j^ . . . ^ r chu thojc attbf CHAP. xvr. QfFrefcoe, »r PaiKtirg cf iTjl/s. T. TN PjuziQcg apQB WaUs, to make k eodare ike weatfaer, . '^ jammaAgpHiyam[cakaawiAlJmewmBt,MSL, at ^F^, wjxim fize color m poo. IL Tbe pmfeeor piaifter Baft be BMde cf «cB waA*d line, mixt vvitb 6ae ponder of oU nUift Axaes : tbe Line moft beibofcea«aii'd,di«UitsSBkii«fa*nd«iiaBd aU yaw work mft be done ia dear sad dxy weaibcr. m. To nakc tbe work eDdsre,i)nkeiKacfaewal t— |w of fataided aik, aboai fve «r it bdn ifanW, aai • bf chap. i6. fating Sun- Dials, &cc. 179 by this means you may preferve the plaifter from peeling. IV. Then with this pafte, plaifter ibe w*ll, a pretty thick- nefs, letting it dry : being dry, plailter it over again about the thicknefs of half a Barky corn, very fine and fraooth,ihen your colors being ready prepared work this lalt piaiftring o- ver, whileft it is wet, lo will your Painting unire and joya faft to the plaifter, and dry together as a pertedl compoft. V. In painting be nimble and free, let your work be bold and ftrong, but be fure to be f xa(fl, for there can be no Al- teration after the firlt Painting, and theiefore heighten your Paint enough at firti, you may deepen at pleafure. VI. All Earthy Colors are beft.as the Oker, Spanifh White, Spanifh brown, Terraeveri, and the like : mineral Colors are naught. VII. Let your pencils and brufhes be long and fofi, other- wife your work will not be fmooth. VIII. Let your Colors beful', and flow freely from the Pencil or Brufb, and let your defign be perfedl at firft, for ia this, there is no after alteration to be made. CHAP. XVIL * of Painting Sun Dials, Timler-work, (SiC. J. IP the Dial be not drawn upon the Wall it felf ; you * mufl have a Dial Plain, which you may make of the firmeft and clearefl Oak, and throughly dry, fo as that it may be free from (hrinking. //. Cut your Board to fuch a length, as you intend the length of the Dial to be of, and fo many of them, as may make up the defigned breadth ^ joynt and plain them on both (ides, then fet them to dry ffor though they have lain in a Houfe ne- ver fo long, and are never fo dry, yet being thus (hot and plained, they will fliriok afterwards beyond belief.) lU When they are dry enough, and will Ihrink no more, fhote them again with good Joyots, which fatten together io the glewing with Pins or Pegs, as Coopers do the bottoms of their Tubs. N2 jr. r8o Poly^raphices C? Lib. III. IV. Being tbas glewcd and dryed, let ii be well plained, and iryed every way, that it may be borh fmootb and true : let tbe edges be (hoc true, and all of a ibicknefs, that they may fit into the Rabccsof tbe Moulding, put round it, juit as a Pannci of Waioicot dotb in its Franne. V. This wili give tbe Board liberty to fliriok and fwell witbout rending, wfaereas mouldings, nailed round tbe edges, as the vulgar way is, dotb To reftrain tbe motion of tbe AVocd, tbat it cannot (hrink witbout tearing- but made tbis way, tbey will lalt a long time, witbout eiiber parting in ibe Joyots, or fplitting in the Wood. VI. The colors cbiefiy made ufe of in painting Dials are I. Cerufe, i. white-lead ; 3. Ltmp-Black, 4. Cbar cole or Sea-cole, 5. Spanirti-brown, 6. Red-lead, 7, Vermillion, 8, Cinnabar Lake, 9. Smalt, lo. Blew Bice, it. Blew Verdi- ter, iz. Indico, 13. Umber, 14. Verdigrife, 15. yellow Oak- er, i6. yellow Pink. VII. But for a Plain Sun-dial, tbefe four Colors will ferve, 'vi:{. 1 . Spamjh-browriy for tbe priming Color, 2. Vermillion t for drawing the Lines, 3. Lamp-black., for drawing tbe Figures, 4. white Lead, for ihe laft Color to be laid upon tbe Plain. VIII. But if you will bare your Dial more rich, you m«(i have, I. Leaf-Gold (or gilding, z. Gold Sj:{ey to make tbe Fig- ures to lay Gold on, ^. Smalt or Blew Bice for tbe Margin and innrr Table. IX. And for curiofity fake, you may ufe fuch other Colors, as your faocy fliall direct you to be molt fuitable to 'the detigo. X. To fhefe. things add Linfeed Ojl, to temper your Colors with : and 07/0/ Turpentine, to mix a little of ft with your Colors, 10 make them d/y tbe more fpecdily. XI. Cerufe and ti^hite Lead, are eafie to be ground fine: and the only white Colors ufed in Painting in Oyl : tbele «'e the laft Colors 10 be laid on the plains of Dials. KIT. And with them Ports, Pails, Paliradocs,Gate?, Doors, Windows, Wainfcotting, ^c. are often colored both for beau- ty and prefervation, they relifting the Weather well. Xlll. Tbey dry well, but to make them dry more fpecdily, fome in tempering put Oyl of Tutpentine to ibemi but ihtn without doors tbey telift not the Wc&iber fo well. XIII. Cbap. 17. 'Paint if}g Sun- Dial Sy^c, igj XIV. Lamp Blacks is a fair Color, and may be tempe- red with Linleed Oyl : But it muft be firtt barnt,iben ground, afterwards tempered with the Oyl. XV. A Utile of this with much fVI?ite, xmkes an ajhcolor; and according to the proportion of either, it gives feveral de- lightful varieties. XVL Charco/gy is a good Black for ordinary ufes, but it muft have good labor in grinding to make it fine ; it dries well. XVII. Spanijh Brown, the beft is of a deep bright color and free froro Stones ; it grinds well with pains, and is the only color ulcd in /»"iWm^ all manner of Timber- work. XVIII. I. Becaufe it is cheap : z. Becaufe it drys kindly, yet gives the Oyl Tufficient time to pierce into the Wood. 3. Becaufe it freely receives all other Colors which are laid up- on it. XIX. This of It felf is a perfed: horfe-Flefh color, and a natural fliadow for Vermilion : being mixt with white, it gives fundry varieties, according to the various proporti- ons. XX. I^ed-Lend, it is not to be ground very fine on a Stone, but you may make it fine by washing : ic is a great dryer and binder, for which caufe it is mixed with fome other Co- lors, to make them dry fpeedily : and it notably refifts the weather, as well as any Color whatfoever. XXI. Vermillion, It is a rich Color, and of a good body, if it be fine ground, otherwife it is as bad a Color as any : but being ground as foft as Oyl, no Color works better. You had beft to buy it in the Stone, left it be fophifticaied with red Lead. XXII. It is a perfe(9: Scarlet, and mix with white,it gives a Carnation, in divers varieties, according to the proportiooj. Its fliadow is Spanilh Brown. With this we comaaonly draw the Hour Lin^s on Sundials. XXIII. Cinnabar Lakfl, it is a rich Crimfon color, and k to be ground very fine. Mixt with Bice it make a purple of divers varieties, according to the proportions. XXIV. Mixt with White, it makes a Crimfon Carnation in divers Varieties, which White abd I{ed-Lead, a flefli cor lor. XXV. It IS ufed in Ornaments of Dials, and in feveral Flowcts. A Margin of a Dial with Gold Figures, is beautiful, N s xxn, i82 Volygraghkes Lib. Til. XXVI. Smalti ii is * delicate Blew at a difttnce, if ftrew- ed on: if you will work it in Oyl, it mufi be made fine with walhirg, andmixi wi'h wbite-Lead, but even ihcn it work*; not well, but in time will be apt to turn Black. XXVII. The beft way therefore is to llrew it on, and then tbeie is Icarcely a more glorious Blew: ir is a good color for tbe Marginof a Dial, if it be figured with Gold, as alfo for other purpofes. If yon buy it to work in 0)1, tbe fineft is befi which they call Oyl Smalt. XXVI II. Blew Bice, it is a pa!e color, and fine enough for almoit any ufe, and works well, though a little fandy. It is ufed for a Margin ground in Dials, to gild Figures in fmall Plains, that are near the Eve. XXIX Mixt with Pin}{, it makes a Green : with Lal^ a VuYple : with white a light Blew -^ and in each feveral varie- ties according to the proportion?. XXX. Blew Verditer^ It is fandy, apt to change and turn greenirh. It may ferve in Dial Painting where Bice and Smalt are wanting, but not lo good as either o^ them. Mixed with yellows, it makes a good green : with Whites or Yellows, or both, many other varieties. XXXI Ifiilico, h is a very dark Blew, and feldom ufed without a mixture of White, unlefs to (hadow with. It grinds fine, works well, and is much ufed in common Painting for |He laft colors of Poli', Pales, Rails, Pallifadoes, Doors, Windows, or any other Timber work, for that it refitts the weather well. XXXII. Itisilear, and therefore many Painters ufe Blew- Ballsy wbKh arralraoft like it, hut wt fo good a color either for beauty or lalling, mixt with Wbite,it makes a Lead-Color: and it is excellent to marble IVloite withal or to ftia' dow it. XXXIII. VnAer. It is a perfect hair color, it may be ground very fine with much labor, and dryes and binds ex- ceedingly, aod rherefore very well refills weather. XXXIV. It is much ufed in Painting for the many vari- eties it gives. Calcin'd in a Crucible, it is the natural (ha- dow for Gold, and fome other colors. XXXV. Verdigrife i It i$ a perfed Willow GrecD, and therefore for fome ufes muft be corrected with yel- lows. 'Tis very foul, and tberefoie ought to be cleanfed tJlttS, XXXVI. Chap. 17. PaintiftgSun-Dials.dic. 183 XXXVI. Grind it fine, and put to it eight times itt ttf eight t>f fpirit of Vinegar j digeft till the Vinegar is tinged very Green ' then decant the color, ca^ away the Faces, and evaporate the Vi- negar in a brafs Vefica, fo have you a glorious Verdigrife at the bottom, of which one ounce » ttforth ten of the former. XXXVII. It drys fpeedily : mixt with Ptnk yellow, it makes a pure lively grafs Green : with White, many varieties of light Greens, ^c, XXXVIII. Ifellow Oker. It is either Et^glifli or Foreign. The one is of a Wheat Itraw Color, the other fomewhat deep- er, with much labour it may be ground very fine. It is much ufed in vulgar Painting, and to make Gold (ize vi'itha.l. XXXIX. Teltow Pink. It is a yellow inclining to Gretr), and grinds well. It is a good color for fome ufes, but chiefly to mix withorher colors, to make Green wiihal. XL. The aforegoing Colors are now to be either Burnt, Ground, or H^ajht^ as they feverally require, and as we have taught in C/j. 22. aforegoiogof this Book : this done you are to grind thenj with Oyl, thus. , XLI. Take about two fpocnfuls of the color yotl intend to Grind, and pur to ii a little Liofeed Oyl, fbut fee yoa put not too much) mix tbem together, and grind them well upon your (tone with a Muller: add Oyl by degrees, till ii comes to the tbicknefsof an Oynimeni, for fo it grinds much better than when it is fo thin as to run about the ftone. XLII. Oftentimes as you grind, bring the matter together with a piece of Lanthorn horn, and as much as may be keep it together in the middle of the ftone, till it is ground fine enoughs then take it off, and put more cPor upon the ftone, grinding as before, which work continue till you have Color enough to ferve your occafion. XLIII. This done, if you grind other colors after it,cleanfe the ftone firft by grinding Sand and Water upon it,then walh- iog it, and drying ic XHV, The Colors thus ground wij] be too thick for ufe, without adding more Oyl : therefore when you ufe them fwheiher fimple or compoiinded, as your occafion requires) you muft r^dd more Oyl ro them, till they be fo thin as to run free with the Pencil, XLV. Yet not to let the ground on which they are laid, to be feen through them, or to run about when it is laid on ; for fo, you muft be forced to go over it the oftnej*, before your work will be fubftantial. 4 N XLVL 184 Polygraphices lib. III. XLVI. Whereas, if your Color be as ftiff as it can well be wroughr, your work will be done with more fpeed ; and once doing will be more fubftaniial, than three times with the thin Color. XLVIi. This is the cheat of common Painters who do work by ibe yard, at a certain price; they do it with fuch thin Color that all ibeir three times doing Gver,is not lofub- ftjniial as one time would be, if the Color bad been of a thick and ftroiig body. XLVi II. And three times coloring w ith fuch a thick and well bodied Color will Utt ten times as long, as that which is wrought thus flightly by common Painters. XLIX. Oblcrve alfo, that if the Color to be mixt,be your priming Colorj viz. thefirft color you lay on, it ought to be made iomuch the thinner, that it may have Oyl enough to pierce into the Wood, which is much for its durability ^ but after yourfifft Color is laid on, let your next be thicker, as before is taught. L But if your Color to be mixt be for the drawing of Hour-lines, or making the Figures in a Sun-dial, then let it be tempered as {tiff as is pcffible to ule it.tbai ir may not prefent- !y decry, but may be capabfe by the quantity laid on, to laft as lonp any color on the Dial. LI. To which puvpofe, its being wrought in Fat Oyl will much conduce :tow this fat or thick Oyl is made, we now come to teach. LII. flofp to make the [aid fat or thick, Oyl. Take Linfeed Oyl what you pleafe, put to it a fufficient quantity of Red- Lead fthe more, tJM| better) fo as it binders not the boyliag.* This Red-Lead j'^dds a drying quality to the Oyl: Let them boyi gently, over a Charcole fire without flame, till it is boyled enough, which you may know by taking a lit- tle of it out and cooling of it; if it roaps like thin Treacle, or a Syrup, it is enough. LTII. Then with a lighted paper fet it on fire that it may take away much of its greaGnefs, let it burn a minute or two, more or lefsasyour Oyl is in quantity: then extinguifli it, by covering h clofe over with a Cloth, and letting it cool and fettle, decant the clear Oyl, and keep it in a bladder for ufe. LIV. To make the GolJ fi:(^r. Take Tellottf Oker, grind it on a ftone with water, till it be very fine, and lay it on a chalk 5tone to dry, LV. Chap. 17. Painting Sun- Dials ^ &c. 1 8 5: LV. Or thus. Firft grind it fine as tforefaid, ihenwafliit , (by Sed:. 6. Chap. ii. of this Book) and thereby feparate the pure fine part of the Color, which dry as the former. ", . LVf. Take of this prepared OA.er, what you plea fe, add to it a little of the former prepared Oyl, and grind them together as you do other oyl Colors ; this work will be labo- rious, for it muft be ground very fine, even as the Oyl it felf ; and the finer it is, the greater luller will your Gold carry that is laid on it. LVII. Where note, that you put fo much of the prepared Oyl to the Oker, that it may be of a good ftifl'nefsto work well, and of fuchafit body, that after ilislaidon, it may fettle it felf fmooth and glofly, but not fo weak as to run. See Chap, 21. Sen. 5. LVIU, Horn Colors are to be fet off, I. Bletts fet ofFbeft with Telloiff and iVbites: indiflferently mih Black^i znd I{eds ; not at all with Greens, Purples , or Browns. LIX. a. Greewj fet off beft wiih VVbitet-^nd Yellows: not at all WnhBlacks, Blews^ creeds. LX. 3. Reds fet off beft with Whites and Yellows, indif- ferently with Blews and Blacks. LXI. 4. Tellows fet off beft with Blacks, Blews, and B^ds , indifferently with Greens, Purples, and Whites.. LXII. 5. Pf/j>>« and B/^c^f fet off well with any Color, becaufe they fo much differ from all others. LXIIl. The manner of Painting Sun-dials. Having the draught of your Dial on paper, your Plain or Board fitted.and your Colors prepared, proceed thus. •■ LXIV. Take Spanifh Brown well ground, mixed, and fomewhat thin, and with a large ,Briftle Bru(h, color there- with your Plain all over, on every fide, fo that no part be left undone. LXV. This is called the Priming of your Dial. When it is dry, do it over again wiih more of fhe fame Color, tempe- red fomewhat thicker, which when dry alfo. LXVI. You may do it over again a third time, with the fame color, fo will your work be the ftrdnger, and laft longer. LXVII. When this laft time of coloring your Plain is dry; then go over it with White-Lead Color ; which when dry, go pyer it again three or four times facceffively after each dry- ing: iB<5 Folygrapbices Lib. III. ing: fo win the face ot your Plain be defended a- ginli the fury aod violence of cbe weather for many years. LXVIII. Totramferr the Draught of your Dial upon the Plain. The Ult Colonng being dry, draw on the Plain Cwiih . a black Lead Pencil j a Horizontal Line, fo far from the up- permoft edge of your Dial, as your Reafon (hall think fit, or beft convenes with the Plain. LXIX. Then fet out the margin of the Dial, with fundry Lines for bouis, half hours and quarters: after, take the Draught, and place it on the Horizontal Line, obferving to place the Center, according as the Situation of your Plain re- quires: LXX. If the Dial be a direct South Dial, let the Center be exadily in the middle of your Plain ; if your Dial declines Eaftwards or Weftvvards, place the Center of the Draught, between the Center of the Plain, and the Ealtern or Wefteru fide rhpffof. LXXI. li it declines but little, place the Center of the Draught, but a little from the Center of the Plain ; if it de- clines much, place the Center of the Draught the more out of the Center of the Plain. LXXII. For by thus doing you gain a greater diftance forihofe Hour-lines, which in declining plains fall neafer to- gether on one fide than they are on the other. LXXIII And you ought to do it in all declining Plains, except they decline far, as between eighty and ninety de- grees, for then they are beft to be drawn without Centers.to gain the more diftance for the Hour-lines. LXXIV. The Draught being thus placed on the Plain, and faftned with Pins or Tacks; transfer it upon the Plain, by lay- ing the Ruler over every hour, half hour, and quarter divifion. LXXV. And where the Ruler fliall interfe(5l theboHndary lines in the Margin, there make marks, by drawing lines with a Black Lead Pencil of fuch length as each divifion requires, drawing the boar and half hour lines quite through the Margin, for the guiding you in the right placing the Fig- ures. LXXVl. Then draw the Suh-flile Line, as it lies in the Draught, that it may guide you in right placing the Stile of your Dial. Lxxni, Chap. 17. Tainthg Sun- Dials, &c. 187 LXXVn. This done, take the Draught off, and with Ver' million well ground and prepared, draw (be boundary lines, aS al(b the hours, half hours, and quarters. LXXVlll. Lei the color be as thick and ftiffasyou can work it, lo as to draw a clear and fmooth Line ; the Lines being drawn, then with Ltmp-Black delineate the Fig- gures. LXXIX. And io the Margin at the top of the Plain, you may put the date of the year, or fome proper Motto. LXXX. La ftly fix in, the Stile of your Dial, and paint it in like manner as you did the Dial before : thus is your Di- al compleated. J.XXXL To gild the Figures of Sun-diah. Draw the Figures or Letters you defire to have gilt with the Gold fize (at Secfl. 53. above^ which let dry fo long, till that by touching it with the end of your finger, it will ftick a little, yet not come off. LXXXII. Then take leaf Gold, lay it upon your gild- ing Cufliion, and with a very fliarp and fmooth-edged knife, cut the Gold into fucb pieces as may bed befit your work. LXXXlW. Then with a flat ftick lin'd with Cloth, take up your cut pieces of Gold, and transfer it to your fize, upon which clap it down, and your Gold will leave your lin'd ftick, and cleave to the fi2e,;,\f bich then prefs down with Cotton, or a Hares foot. LXXXLV. Thus do till all your fize is covered with Gold: and when it is perfectly dryed, with your Hares foot, brulh off all the loofe Gold, and the gilding will remain fair and beautiful. LXXXV. Then if you pleafe, Diaper on your plain with thin Vmber, whatfoever fhall be fuitable to your defign. LXXXVh How to lay on your Smalt. '^\ien yon defjgn to make the Margin of your Dial Blew, you muft do it thus. After the figures are gilt, take white Lead, flifly tempered v;ith fat Oyl fatSed:. 5r. above) and therewith cover over your whole Margin : and then with a fmall fine fearfe fifton your Smalt. LXXXVIL Or otherwife with a Goofe quill Feather, co- ver your Margin over with it, and with a piece of Cotton dab it down clcfe.thai it may ftick faft to the ground laid un- der it. • Lxxxmi. \ i8g Pclygraphices Lib. III. LXXXniI. When it is all throughly dry.wipe off the loofe color wiib a Feather, and blow the remaiDder off with a pair of Bellows ; lo is your work finifhed: the iquare of the Dial may alfo be colored Blew fif you fo pleafe) after the fame manner. LXXXIX. To Paint PVainfcot^ Doors, JVindotts^ Pojls, I(ails, Pails, Gates, and other Timber tfiork. This differs not much from the former method of Painting Sun-dials ; you may proceed thus. Prime (the thing to be painted; firft with Spanijh Brotpn, as you did your Dial Plain, two or three times. XC. Then ake iVhite Lead we\lKmpsred,or Vmber and finite or B/erp Bafls, or Indico and Pf^iutf^ or any other Color you intend your work fliall be done with j and that Color fwhai ever it bej let it bcliidover your former Priming, four or five times focceliively after each Dry- ing : for the ofiner it is gone over, the longer it will lalt. XCI. You may do it with variety of Colors, or Marble it as you pleafe, fo fliall your work be finilhed according 10 yourdefire. XCII. But here note , that Wainfcotting, and other Paintings within Doors, need not be done above twice over, with the laft Color ; 'tis only that Painting which is ex- pofed to the Air and Weather, that requires lo many times running over it. XCIII. And indeed, if it be not- well and often done, it will not lift long, or be of any conliderable feriricCo CHAP. Chap. 1 8. IVa/hhg Maps y Figures, dec. 189. 'CHAP. XVIII. Of Wajhing Maps, TiBures, &c. /. r> Y Walhiog we have intend nothing elfe, but eiihej- to ■*-' fet out Maps.or Printed Pidures in proper Colors. II, The Inftrunaenis and Materials of Walhing are chiefly thefe few, z;/;^. i. Alum Heater, z. S;;^e(jr Gum-water^ ^.li- quid Gold, 4. Pencils. 5. Colors, III, To make Alum-Heater. Take Alum eight ounces : fair water, a quart : boil them till the Alun:i is difToIved. IV, Or thus. Take fpring or Well- Water a Gallon, Rocb Alum a pound, pouder and diflblvs it in Water by boil- ing : filter it thro brown paper, and keep it for ufe. V- With this water if you wet your Paper, before you lay on your Colors, it will keep them from finking in, and withal add a Luttre and beamy to the Colors laid on. VI. But this you ipuft note, that if your Paper is not good, you muft walh it over four or five times,, which may be done with a large Brufh Pencil. VII. h is alio to be noted, that .4/wot raifes ftaining Co* lors, and preferves them from fading, VIII. To make Sis[e. Take Glew, and fteep it all night ia Water, then melt it over the fire, to fee that ic be neither too ftrong, nor too weak : then let a little of ir cool : if ic is too ftifF when it is cold, put more water to it: but if too weak, put more Glew, and ufe it, Luke-warm. IX. To rnake Gum-water. Take pure fpring water a Qyari : pm ic into aJar-GIafsj and hang therein a fafficient quantity of pure white and clear Gum-Arabick, bruifed and lyed Ijp in a rag : let it hang till the Gum is all diffolved. X. Then put your fingers into the water, and if you find them to ftick together as if they were slewed, your water is too U iff, or full' of the Gum, which you muft remedy by puttiqg thereto more fjjr water j and if you find it coo weak, you may help it by adding more Gum. XI 190 Pc/jgraphices Lib. III. XL With this water, or the fortner fize, moft colors are to be lempered, and with lo much of the (aid Gam-water^which being louche when dry, the color will not come off. where note, that if the color glifter, there is too much Gum in it. XII. Liquid Gold, h is exadly made by the firft Sedion of the 2 1 Chapter of the fecond Book. XIII. Pencils are to be of all forts both fiich'd and poititcd, as alfo a large peocil bruITi to palle Maps upon Cloth i ano- ther to wet the' paper with Alom water j a third to it arch the face of the Pi(Sture withal before it be colored: and a fourth to varnilh withal. XIV. The colors are the fame with ihofe which we men- tioned in Chap. 17, lib.^. to which add, i. Of Black^Vnu- lers black. Fr4«;(j/or^ black, i. O/Jf^eJ, Vermilion, Rolfet. 3. Of Blear, Verditure, Liimofc, Flory. 4. Of 2c//o/»,Cambogia, Yellow-berries,Orpiment. •y.Of l{ed 6raztl,Logwood (ground/ and Turnfole, Cochenele, Madder. XV. But for the realon, that all thofe colors are not of ufe for ftainitig or wafliing of Maps, PiAures, Globes, (^c. Artifts have fele(5led out the moft proper which are as follows. XVI. I. I^ed, Brafil, Turnfole, Indian Lake, Cochenele, Indian Cakes, RoflTet, Cinnabar, Vermillion, Red-lead. XVII. 2. Tetlowj, Aloes, Cambogia, Yellow-berries, Saf- fron,. Mafticot, Orpimeni, XVIII. 3. Blews, Litmofe, Logwood, Indico, Verditer, Blew Bice, Smalt, Ultramarine. XIX. 4. Greens, Verdigrife, Sap-green, Verditer, Green Bice. XX. 5. >f^x>«, Flake White, Spaoifli White. XXL 6. Brownsi Wood-foot, Rinds of Green Walnuts, Walnut-tree Leaves, Spanilh Brown, Umber, iron Ruft. XXII. 7. BUckj, common Jnk, Printers Black, Lamp' black. Ivory Black, Hartshorn Black. XXIII. Of thefe Colors, i. Some are to he burnt, isSptimOi Brown, Umber, Printers B'ack, Lamp-black, Ivory Black, Hartshorn Black, which are afterwards to be pround. XXW. 2. Seme are to he ground ^i Vermili'in, Cinnabar, Indian Lake, Indico, White-lead, Spanilh White, Ma- fticot. XXV. "i. Some are tohe tvajhed, as, RofTei, Red-lead, Bice, Verditer, Orpimcnt, Spaoilh Brown, XXl% Chap. I f. Colors fimple for Wajhing. i^i. XXVI. 4. Some are to be fteefed, as, Aloes, CambogJa, Yellow-berries, Sap-green, Verdigrife, Indian Cakes, Saffron, Wood- foot. XXVII. 5. Some are to be boyled, as, Brazil, Logwood, Turnfole, Green Walnut Rinds, Wood-foor. Hotp thefe Ope- rations are to be performed we have taught at large in lib. 2, cap. 22. to which I refer you. CHAP. XIX. Of Colors fimple for Wafijing of Maps.&c. I. A Xow, Let it be diflblved in a weak Gum-water ; it ^■^ makes a deep or lad kind of Yellow Color, accord- ing to ibe goodnefs of the Aloes. IL Bra:(il. To i^t ground Brazil put fonall Beer and Vinegar, of eacb a iuff^nt quantity, let it boyl gently a good while, then put ^ herein Aluoi in pouder to heighten the color, and fome Gum-Arab^cic to bind it ; boyl it till it lafte firong on the tongue, and make a good red, Pink color, or light Vi- olet III. Logwood. Ground Logwood boiled as Brazil, makes a very fair traofparent Violet or Purple Color. IV. Qochenele. Steeped as Brazil was boiled, makes a fair tranfparent purple : as tfaus^ take Cocbenele, and put it into cbe ftrongeft Sope-Iees to fteep, aiid it will be a fair purple, which you may lighten or deepen at pleafure. Infufed ia ftrong Vinegar, it makes a tranfparent purple. V. Madder. Take madder four drachms, ground Brazil one ounce, Rain-water a quart ; boil away a third part ; then add Alom half an ounce boil it to a pint j then Gum- Arabick one ounce, which boil till it is diflblved, cool it ftirring it often, and ftrain it for ufe. It is a good Scarlet die for Lea- ther. ^ VI. Verdigrife. Take Verdigrife ground finely one ounce, put rn it a good quantity of common varnifh, and fo much oy! of Turpentine, as will make it thin enough 10 work wiibal j it is a good green. VU. 1 91 Polygraphices Lib. III. Vil. Fine Verdigrife, difiblved in Rheoifli wine or Vi- negar, makes a tranfpareut Green iacliaing to blew. VIII. Ground with juice of Rue aud Gam-water, it is a pure Green: wichouc the juice, it makes a glorious eiuerald, mixt with Cryftals of Tartar in white-wine Vinegar, in wbicb Gum-Arabick has been difiblved, makes a pure Green, IX. And Verdigrife, Alum, of each one drachm. Logwood three drachms, boiled in Vinegar, make a good Murry. X Gamhogia. Diffoive it in fair fpring water, iind it w^I make a beautiful and tranfparent yellow : if you would have it ftrotiger, dilfolve fome Alum therein : it is good for Silk, Linnen, white Leather, Parchment, Vellom, Paper, Quills, &c. This color delights in no mixtures. Xl. To make Verdigrife according to Glauber. This color is made with Venus in Vinegar in earthen pots fet into hot horfe dung : but if you diflblve your Venus with fpirit of Nitre, and precipitate with a lye made of Salt of Tartar, edulcorating and drying the Venus will yield an ex- cellent Verdigrife, which will not corrode other colors as the common Verdigrife doth. X/T. To make Cerufe according to Glauber. It is made with Saturn and Vinegar in an Earthen pot fct in borfe- dung : butif you dilfolve your Saturn with Spirit of Nitre, and precipitate with Salt water, you will have a Cerufe whiter and purer than the ordinary, and much better whe- ther for Painting or Chyrurgery. XIIL Tehw Fu^ick_-berry. Boil it in water or fteep it in AInm water, it makes a good and tranfparent yellow for ihe fame purpofe. XIK Turnfole. Put it into a fliarp Vinegar over a gen- tle fire till the Vincg«r boil, and is colored ; then take out the Turn(oIe and fqueeze it into the Vinegar, in which diflblve a little Gum-Arabick ; it fliadows very well on a Carnation or yellow. AT. Lttntofe, Cnt it into fmall pieces, and fteep it a day or two in weak Gum-Lake water, and you wiil have a pure tranfparent blew water to walh with. XVI. FhryBletp. Grind it with gltir of Epgs, if then you add a little Roflet it makes a light Violet blew ; mix- ed with White and Red-leaJ, it makes a Crane feather color. XVII. Ghap. 19. Colors fimple for WallMng. i^_^ XVII. Saffron. Steeped in Vinegar and mixed wiib gum- water is a good yellow. In White wine or Sack, it makes alfo a good yellow j but more glorious if mixc wirh equal parts of Cocbenele : you may alio Iteep icin glairof £ggs, or grind it with Vermilion. XVIII. Indian Lal^e. Ground with Gum-Arabick waier, makes a glorious Murry i in grinding it, add a little Sugar- candy: feme fay it makes a deep Pink or Bloom color. XIX. Vermillion. Being ground with glair of Eggs and Honey or Gum-water,it makes a deep Red, or Scarlet color. XX. I^d-leaJ. Grind it v; it b a ftiff Gum-lake water ; if you add Saffron, it makes it Orienr, and of a Mangold color: of it felfii is between Red and an Orange color. XXI. I{pJJet Walhed and tempered with Gum-water, dif- fers not much in color from Indian Lake j but it will foon fade and grow lighter i but bdng tempered with Brafil-water, » twill be more deep. XXU. hidiarrC,ik''s. Ufe them as ye do Turnfole fat SeEt. \o. above) they make agoodiranfpareni Red color: into the liquor put fame Gum to bind ir. XXill. Mafiicote. Ground and tempered with Gum-water, makes a good yellow, but not tranfparent. XXIY. Orpiment. Walhed and colored with Gum-water, makes an Orient or Gold color : there are feveral degrees of it, fome more red, others more yellow. XXV. VerJiter. WaHied and tempered with Gum-water, is a good blew, but not tranfparent, or inclining to a Green. XXVL Jndico, Ground afid tempered with Gum-water, makes a deep blew, and is iii to Ihadow all other blews. XXVII. Bleip Bice. Waflied and tempered with Gum- water, it is an excellent blew : there are ieveral forts of ir, fbme lighter, fome faddcr. XXVIII. Bletff Bice, Verditure, and fmah, ground (Ingly witbGnm-waier for together) make a good blew. XXIX. Smalt. Ground with a little fine Roflet, makes a deep Violet, XXX. Vltramarine, If you would have it deep, grind it with Litmofe water j it is the beft and dcareft of all blews. XXXI. Sap-green. Steep it in Iharp Vinegar all night, to which add a little Alum to raife its color. In Alum water it fiaakes a good green to Hiadow with. O xxxit; 194 Polygraphkes Lib. TIL XXXll. Green Bice. Wafhed and tempered with Gum- water, makes a good, but no iranfparent Green. XXKIH Lamp' blacky or Printers 'blacl{^ Burnt, ground and tempered with Gum-water, make a good black. XXXIV. Ivory black. Burnt, ground and tempered with, Gum-water, as tbe former makes alio a good black. XXXV. FUkf-Lead. Ground and tempered with Gum- water, IS an excellent white. XXXJ^L Spanijh IVhite. Ground and tempered io like manner with Gum-wacer, makes the beft of all whites. XXXVIL Spanifh Brown. BurtJt , ground, and tem- percckwith Gum- water, makes t Redilh brown, or Liver color. XXXVni Vmber. Burnt and ground, and tempered with Gam-water, makes a good haw color i and is very good to fliadow with upon Gold. XXXlX. Green of fVallnufs. Boiled in water and drain- ed, and Gum-Arabick difTolved in tbe liquor to bind it, makes an excellent color to exprefs High-ways, Lanes, (^c. XL, fVood Soot, Prepared in all refpeds as the for- mer, ferves to the fame intentionsi and is much the better color. XLI. Native Cinnabar. Grind it as Red Lead, it is a glorious Red color ; much exceeding the Artificial* CHAP. XX. Of CompounJeJ Colors for Wafhifig of Maps, ^c. L f^^^nge Color. Red-lead and Yellow berries make a ^^ good Orange color : thus, take Arnotio half an ounce. Pet afhes one Drachm, water one pound, boil it half away, then (Ira in it, and ule it hot. It H good for yVhite Leather, Vaper^-Vellom, ^illsy Parch- ment, ikc. II. Green. Take diftilled vinegar, filings of Copper, digeft till the vinegar is blew, which let ftand in the Sun or a flow lire till it is thick enough, and it will be a good greea. III. Cljaf). 20. Compouncled Colors y^Q, t^§ Hi. Or thus, Takf Cedar-green (which is befi tf all) or in fiead therof green Biee, fteep it in Vinegary and Brain it; tbe"^ grind it well with fair water, and put to it 4 little bonejf, antt. dry it well; whenjou ufi it, mix it with Gum-water. IV. To make fine Indieo. Take the blofToms of Wotde three ouncesj Amylutn one onncei grind them with Urine and ilrong Vinegar, of which make a Cake, then dry it in ibe Son, and fe keep it for ufe. V. A Blew to wajh upon paper. Take of the bed Azure an ounce, Kermes two ounces^ mvt thetn, which temper with clear Gual-water, and it will be a glorious color. VI. To make a Venice Blew. Take quick Lime, make ic into a pafte with firong Vfne^ gar, half an hour after put thereto more Vinegar to foften it t then add Indieo in fine pouder one ounce, mix ihem^ and di-> geft it in horfe-dung for thirty or forty days. VII. Another excellent Blew. Mix tine white Chalk with juice of JEIder-berries fuU ripe, to which put a little Alum-water. VIII. Tomak^blew Smalt. Take fluxible fand, Sal-Nitre and Cobalt, tatx thetti to<: geiher. IX. A lively Yellow. DifTolve Orpiment in gum-water, to ^^ichpuc a little ground Vermilion ; grind them together and you diall have < very lively color. X. A light Green. Take j'uyce of Rue, Verdi grife, and Saffron, grind theqi well together and ufe them with gum* water. XI. Or thus, Take Sap-green, Flower-de-luce, or Tattmy greenl which fleep in water : Verditure and Cerufe mixt mith a littk Copper green, make a good light color, / Xn. Blew. Ultramarine, felew-Bice, Smalt, and VerdiiureJ grouQd ficgly with gum- water, or together make a good blew. . ^ XIII. Brown. Cerufe, Red-lead, EnglilbOker, and Vis&l make a good brown, XIV. Spanifh-brottm. To color any Horfe, Dog, or the like, you inuft not calcine it ; fyet not . calcined it is a dirty color^ : but tefliadow Vermilion or lay upon any dark ground^ behind a pi(lliire, to Ihade birries in thedarkeft places, or to Oa colQff 19^ Polygraphkes Lib. III. Color wooden pofts, wainfcot, bodies of Trees and tbp like, it is very good (biing buratj XV. Flejh Color. Mix white, Indian Lake, and Red-lead Caccoiding as you would have it light or decpj and ro diftinguilh a mans ilefh from a womaD5, miegle with ica litde Oker. XVI. Colors of Stones. Verdigrife with Varni'fli makes aa Emerald : with Florence Ltktz Ruby j with Ultramarine « Sapbire. XVH. A never fadingGreen. Take juice of tiowers of Flower-de-luce, put ft into Gum- water and dirjr k in the Sun. CHAP. xxr. Of mixing Colors and Sha^owhg. " ' >■ I, iN mixing be careful not lo make the color too fad, nor ■■- take the pencils out of one color and put them into a- nother. II. In mixing colors, ftir them well about the water fe- Tcrally till they are well mixed 5 then put them together, tiSiking the color fadder or lighter at pleafure. III. Gr^^n. is fliadowed with Indico and yellow-ber- '^'tV. Blew is fhadowed with Indico, Litmofe and Flory, or any ot them being fleeped in Lees of Sope-afhes, and uf^d with gum water. ' V, Garments are fhadowed with their own proper co- lors r or you may mingle the color with white f for the light^ ar^d (hadow it ufitb the fame calor unmiogled : or you may take the ihinneft ofthc color for the light, and fliadow with the thickeft or bottom of the fame. VI. Sap-^reen is only ufed to fliadow other greens with, and not to belaid for a ground in any Garment. ■ VIL Lake ought not to be fliaded with any color, for it IS a dark red ; but for variety you may fliadow it with Bice, or blew Verditnre, which will make it like changeable Taffata. VIJL f Cliap. z I . Colors for Landskip, &c. 197 VII/. The fliadow for Telhw-Berriei is Umber j but for beauties fake with Red-Lead, and the darkeft touches with Spanifh-browo i and for variety with Copper-green, blw^ Bice or Verditure, j IX, White feisoff hUws and hlacki very well : H{d fets off well with yelloitf : Tellows with redt, fad blews, hrotens, greens, and purples. X. Blem (a off well yN'nhyellows, reds, whites, hrcwns, and hlacl^s : and Greens fet off well with purples, »nd r*i/. XI. Morc' efpecially, all light colors are fhtdowed with colors of the fame nature, buc more fad ; as for Example : Vermilion is fhadowed with Lake or Spanilh brow. Verditer and Bice are Hudowed with Indico. XII, Gamboge and ye llottf berries tvt fliadowed with XJiXi" ber, with Red-lead or Vermilion. XIU. I{ed-Lead is (hadowed with Lake or Spanilh brown Mafiicote, is fhadowed with Red Orpiment. XIV. Spani/Jj brown is fliadowed with burnt Umber, with Brafil-water. XV. Vmber is fliadowed with Umber burnt, I{pjfet t3 Brafil are fliadowed with Spanifli brown mixed with brafil- water. XVI. Verdigrife is fliadowed with Indico mixed with yellow berry water. XVI/. Wood Soot and WaUnut-fhellt are fliadowed with Umber. XVIII. From the various mixtures of the foremention'd Colors, infinite varieties almoft may arife, even wbatfoever one pleafes. XIX. But for our purpofe of wafliing Maps,Glohes PiSureJ^ Landslips, &c. the moft tranfparent colors are principal ; of which tbefe are chief, vi:(. Brafil, Logwood, Indian cakes, Tarnfole, Cambogia, Saffron, yeilotv berries, Litmrfe, Sap-green^ Verdigrife, Wood Soot, green Walnut Jhells : of ihefe you may by mixture make feveral compounds, as. XX. Jl Compound Green. Mix verdigrife water with yellow-berry-water: it will be tranfparent, and you may Hiake it deeper or lighter according to the proportioa that you take of either. XXJ. 4 Compound blettf color. Mix Litmofe warer with yellew-berry water, and you will have a triofpareot fad blew, which yoa may heighten or deepen as the former at plea- fure. O s XXlh ip8 Pclygraphices Lib. III. XXU. A Compound Orange Color. It is made by asixing Brafil vratcr with yellow-berry water of a tranfpareni color, infinite other Varieties you may find out by pradice, much better than to learn tbetn by many words. See other dil- Courfes of this work. CHAP. xxir. Of Colors for rvafiiftg Landskips, I. /^Reen mixed with white, Pink, Bice, Mafticot, Smalr, ^"^ Jndico, or Cerufe ; or blew Yerditure mixt with a few yellow berries makes a good gfeea for Landskips, 11. For the faddeil btlls ufe Umber burnt : for the Ughteji places, put yellow to the burnt Umber : for other bills lay Copper green thickned or the fire , or ia the Sun: J/7. For the bexthiSs farther ojf mix yellow berries with Copper green: let the fourth part be done with green Verdit»re; and the furthefi and fainteji places with blew- Bice, or blew Verdiiure mingled wiih white, and fliadow- td with blew Verdiiure, in the (hadows indifferent thick l\t Let the high-ways be done with red and white Lead, and for variety Yellow-oker ; (hadow it with burnt Umber, which you may ufe for fandy Rocks and Hills. V. Bfcks may be done with feveral colors, in fome places black and white, in other places red an^ white, aad in others blew and white, and the like, as you fee con- venient. VI. Ihe i^ater taxi^ be black Verdiiure and white, flia- dowed with green and blew Verditure, when iht banks call a green (hadow upon the water, and the water is dark fha- dowed, then (hade it with iadico, green thickned, and blew Verditure, VIL Color huildimgs with as much variety of pleafant co- lors at may be itsaginable, yet Ie( feafoa be your cnle ia mixing yovr colon. VUL Chap. 23. The TiSiureofWafhing^ &c. ipp VlU, You may fometimes ule white and black for the Wall, Conduits or other things : for Bricli^-boufis and the like, S^d- lead and white. IX. If many houfes ftand together, fet them off with va- riety of colors, as Umber lod while j Lake and white j Red*lead and white, and the like. X. Laftly, for the SIqc, ufe Mafticot or yellow-berries, and white for the lo^efi and li^htefi places ; red RofTet and white for the next degree ■■, blew Bice and white for the other i blew Bice, or blew Verditurc for the bigfjeft. XL Thefe degrees and colors mufl btfo tvrought together ^that the edge of each color may not receive any Jharfnefs j that K,fo as that you cannot perceive where you began to lay them, being fo drotvned one into another. CHAP. xxni. Of the Pra^ke of Wafhing, I. VY/Itb the Alum ttfater wet overih« pidures to beco- ^^ lored, for that keeps the colors from finking into the paper, and will add a luilre uQto them, make them fiiew fair- §r, and keep thetn from fading. II. Then let the paper dry of it felf fbeing walhed with Alum-ttjater) before you lay on the colors 7- or before you wet it again, for fome paper will need wetting four or five times. III. The waHiing of the paper with the Alum-water muft be done wkb a large pencil bruHi, fucb as we have advifed to at the iixtb Sedion of the nioeteenth Chapter of this Book. IV. But if you inteod to varnilh your Pictures after you lave colored them> infteadof wafliitig them with Alum' water, firft fize them with new £ze made of good white ftard), with a very fine brulh; and this you mud be Aire to do all over, for elfe the varnifh will fink through^ V. Having thus prepared your work, go to laying on your colors according to the former direi^ions, fuitiog tbem^asnear as may bie, to^ie Hlb of every thing, Q 4 W. *oo Telygrapmcej Lib. II f Vi. But before you lay on your Colors, yon mutt know how 10 cemper them ; which you may do in this man- ner. F//, r. Such colors as are ground trith fair water: take a fmall Quantity of them, put it into a Florfe Mufcle-Jhell, fntttng thereto fome Gum-water , and the Color in a little time will be foftned : then with your finger being very clean bruife the Co- hr againfi the fhell till you find no kjiot undiffohed : after with a clean pencil fir oak^down the color to tfx bottom of the fhell, and it is fit for ufe ', if it be too thicl{, add more gum water to it. VIIL 1. Such colors as are wafhed you muft temper in a fhell with Gum-water in the fame manner as the former. IX. 3. Such Colors as are fieeped, the liquor only of them is to he ufed Without any other preparation. X. The Pidure being painted, you may with fize (as at the fourth Scdtion of the nineteenth Chapter of this Book) pafte your Maps or Pidures upon cloth, thus : wet the flieet of cloth therein, wring it out, and ftraio it upon a Frame, or nail it upon a wall or board, and fo pafte your Maps or Pi(fl- ures thereon. XI. Laftly, if the Picflure be to be varniHied, having thus fixed it into its proper Frame, then varnifli it with a proper varnilh fby the following rules) and the work will be fully fi- nilhed. How to lay on your Colors. XII. Firft, provide your felfof pencils of feveral fizes, and if you will be curious, you ought to have a great and a fmall to each refpecSiive color : if nor you muft always have by you a difli of fair Water, in which you muft wafh and cleanfc your pencil, wiping it with a clean linnen cloth, be- fore you put it into another Color. XIII. For your pencils, chufe thofe that are good, thus : fee that they be fulleft next to the quill, defcending or lefTening into a fmall room and fliarp point, which you may fee by putting the hair into your mouth, and drawing it through your lips once or twice ; thee you will fee what ic is, and if you find any extravagant hairs, £nge them off by a Candles fjame. XIV. Beitjg thus provided with G)lors and pencils ; if you defign to lay any color about the edges of any Map, Firt, Piece, or divifion of CrcuDd, in a PUt > as fuppofe you Chap. 23. The Vra^ke of fVaJhhg, &c. aoi you would indDfe a particular Field or Clofe in a Manner with yellow. XV. With your pencil take Camboge or yellow-berry water a very Imall quantity, and on the iafide of the bJack- leadline, draw the Color along of an equal breadth (as near as you can) from the line, broader or narrower as yeur field is in bignefs ; not daubing the field or clofe all over with the Color, which would he put an abufe to your Map or Plat. XVI. Then having gone round the Clofe or Field in this manner, with your Color, wet your Pencil in your mouth, or have by you a fmall quantity of water to dip it in, and ftrike along the infide of the colored line, bringing it more down towards the center of the field. XVII. And this will fweeten your Color, and make it (hew as if it loft it felf by degrees, to the very color of your paper or parchment. This cocrfe is to be taken not only for yellows, but for all other colors. XVIII. Laftly, with a pen fif you cannot do it handfomly with a pencil,) take fome of the color which fhadows the color you have already ufed about the field, and go over your black-lead line only, fo (ball your field be fi- nilhed. XIX. Lajlljf, after the fame manner yoa may adorn all the fields ia your Plat or Map, of divers colors obferviog this, that you color not two fields ad joyning one to another both of the fame color, but of different- XX. And therefore it behoves you to know what colors do fet off one another beft ; and as oear as you can, to lay Clofes or Fields, adjoyning one to another, of two fuch co- lors, that one fliadow may fervebotb. CHAP. lOr Poljigraphiccs hib. III. CHAP. XXIV. Experimental Ohfervations on Vegetalle Cohrs. I. A ftrong Infufion of Galls filircd, mixed with a ftKong •• and clear loiuiion of Vicriol, makes a mixture as black a' i»i^: which with a little itrong Oil of Vitriol is made Tranfparent again : after which, by the affuGon of a little quatiiity of a Itrong Solution of Salt of Tartar, it regaiss its black color again. Thefirji black, (alt ho pale tn writing yet)bting dry J appears to be good Ink^ II. Adecodion of dried red Rofes in fair water, mixed with a filtrated folution of blew Vitriol, makes a black color; this mixed with a lutl'* Aejuafortis, turns it from a black, to X deep Red : which by afFufion of a little Spirit of U- rine, may be reduced Itraight to a thick and black color. III. Telloto Wax is whitned by diflblving it over the fire in Spirit of Wine, letting it boil ^ little, and then exhaling the Spirit ^ or elfe whilft it is hot, f(?J^ating it by filtra- tion. IV. Fair water mixed with a blood red Tin^S^ure ofJ5e»- jamin drawn with fpirit of Wioe, immediately makes it oi a milk white color. V. Blacknefs may be taken away with oyl of Vitriol ; fo black pieces of Silk or Hair I have lurn'd lo a kind of yellow, VI. A handful of Lignum Nepbriticum rafped, infufed in four pound of fpring water, yields between the light and tka eye an almoft golden color Cunlets the infufion be too (Iroag) bur with the eye between the light and if (in a clear vial) a lovely blew as indeed it is : this with fpirit of Vinegar may be made to varniHi (^i\\ keeping its goldeti color) anii after with oyl of Tartar per deliquium may be leftpred again. VII. Cloih died with blew and Woad, is by the yeUow decodion oiLuteola died into a greea. vni. Chap. 24 Of Vegetable Colors, a 03 Vin. Syrup of Violets mixed with a bigb folption ofGoId in /l^ua regia, produces a reddiih mixture ; and with a high folution of filings of Copper in fpirii of Urine, a lovely fair greeo. /X. Syrup of Violets mixt with a little juyce of Lemoaj> fpirii of Salt, Tmegar, or the like acid Salt, will be immedi- ately red ; but mixt with oyl of Tartar, or a folution of pot- allies it will in a paomenc be perfe(5t green : the like in juice pf blew-bottles. X. A good quantity of oyl of Tartar, put Into a ftrong folution of Verdigrife, gives a delightful blew, which may be varioufly changed by adding fpirii of Urine, or Hartf- boro. XI. AJtboijgb red Rofes hueg over the fume of Sulphur lofe all their rednels, and become white, yet oyl of Sulphur (which is nothing but the fumes condenfed)doth wonderfully heighten the tindure of the fame. XII. Cochenele will have its color far more heightoed by fpirit of Urine than by redlified fpirit of Wine : and one grain of Cochenele in a good quantity of fpirit of Urine,beiDg put into one hundred twenty fix ounces of water, tinged it falthough but faintly :) which amounts to above one hundred twenty five thoufand times its own weight. XIII. Twenty grains of Cbochenele heiog mixed with an ounce of Saccharuth Saturni, makes a molt glorious purple color : and fo accordingly as the quantity is either diminilhed or encreafed, fo the purple color Iball be either lighter or deeper. Xiy. A few grains of Cochenelt being mixed with the Lixivium of Quick-lime in a due proportion, makes a fa- fling purple color, of the greateft glory imaginable in the world. XV. The juice of privet berries with fpirit of Salt, is turned into a lovely red : but with a ftrong folution of pot- afhes into a delightful green. XVI. Upon things red by nature, as Syrup of Clove- gilliflowers, juice of Buckthorn berries, infufion of Red Rofes,' Brazil, &c. Spirit of Salt makes no confiderable change, but rather a lighter red : but other falts turn them into a greenifli i ^fpecially juice of buckthorn berries. XVII. Juice of Jafmin and fnow drops, by a ftrong alcali- t{ate folution, was (although of no color) turned into a deep sreeniA yellow. xv/ir. 104 PoljgrapJukes Lib. III. XVIII. Buckthorn Berries being gathered green and dried are cal'ed Sap-berries, which being infufed in Alum-water gives a ftir yellow {which is ufed by Boolchinders for the edges of their Books, and to color Leather alfo : ) being gathered whenihey are black, they »re alkd Sap-green, and make a green color being put into aBrafsor Copper veffel for three or four days j or a little heated upon the fire, and mixed with . Alum in pouder, and prefled forth i fo put into bladders, banging it up till it is dry : and being gathered about the end of November, (when they are ready to drop) they yield a purplifli color. XIX. Tindlure o( Ccchenele, diluted never fo much with fair water, will never yield a yellow color : a fingle drop of a deep folution in fpirii of Ufine, diluted in an ounce of fair water, makes a fair Pink, OFCaroation, XX. Oyl or fpirit of Turpentine, digefted with pure white Sugar of lead, yields in a fliort time a high red tindure, which Chymxiis all BalfamutnSaturni. XXl Spirit of Salt dropt into a ftrong infufion of Cochc releor juice of black cherries, makes immediately a fair red: but dropt into the infufion of Brazil, a kind of yellow : I'o the filtrated lindure of Balaujiins mixed with good fpirit of Urine, or the like, turns of a darkifli green; but with fpirit of Salt, a high rednefs, like rich Claret wine ; which glorious color may in a moment be deftroyed, and turned into a dir- ty green, by fpirit of Urine. XXII. A high iafufion of Lignum Nephriticum, mixed with fpirit jof Urine gives fo deep a blew, as to make the liquor cpaceus : which after a day or two vaniftes* and leave the li- quor of a bright amber color. Where note that infiead of Spirit of Vr ins you may ufeoyl of Tartar^ or a flrongjolution ofpot-afhes. XXIIT. Infufion of Log-wood in fair water (mixt. with fpirit of Sal-Armoniackj ftraight turns into a deep, rich, lovely purple ; two or three drops to a fpoonful is enough, left the color be fo deep, as to be opacous. XXIV. Spirit oi Sal-Armoniack^'il^ turn fyr up of Violets to a lovely green. XXV. Infufion of Litmofe in fair water gives in a clear glafs a purple color: but by addition of fpirit of Salt, it will be wholly changed into u glorious yellow* XXVf Chap. ^4. Of VegetahU Cohrs, 105 XXVI. The Infufions and jaices of fever*! plants will be much alcered by a folution of Lead in fpirit of Vinegar : it will turn infunon of red Rofe leaves into a fad green. XXVII. So Tindure of red Rofes in fair water, would be turned into a thick green, with the folution of Minium in fpi- rit of Vinegar ; and then with the addition of oyl of Vitriol the refolved Lead would precipitate white, leaving the liquor of a clear, high red color again. XXVIII. We have not yet found, that to ezbibie ftrong variety of colors, there need be imployed any more than iJhefe five. White, Black, Red, Blew, Yellow : for thefe being varioufly compounded and decompounded^ exhibit a variety and number of colors i fuch as thofe who are grangers to painting can hardly imagine. XXIX. So Black and fVbite varidufly taixed, make a vaft cotnpany of light and deep Grays : Blew and YeBm, many Greens ; I{ed and Tel^otty Orange-tawniesi I{ed utid PJ-'hite Carnations: ^ed and Blem, Purples^ &c. producing many colors for which we want names. XXX. Acid falts deftroy a blew color: Salphureous, Uri- nous or fixed reftore it, XXXI. Acid and Akala^ate falts with many bodies that abound with Sulphureous or oyly pans will produce a red, as is manifeft in the Tincfture of Sulphur, made with Lixi- yiums of Calcined Tartar or pot-aflies. XXXII. Lafilyit maybe tPorth trial (finct it hath fucceeded infome experiments) fo to take away the color of a Liquor, as that it may be'colorlefs ; which in what we have tryed, was tbiis: fir ft by putting into the Tindure, Liquor, or Juice, a quantity of the folution of pot-aflies or oyl of Tartar per deli- quium^ and then affufing a good or ftrong folutionof Alum, which in our obfervations precipitated the tinging matter, or gathered it into one body (like as it were cnrdsj and fo left the Liquor tranfpartnt md clear as £ryfiaU GHAP. ^^^ Toiygraghices Lib, III, CHAP. XXV. Experimental Ohfervations of Minerdl" Colors. ^S ' VhlimAte Aii^oUtdi in fair wateri and mixed with a hV tie fpirit of Urine, makes a milk white mixture in a motneni: which by addition of AquA fortis^ immediately a- gain becomes tranfparent. II. If Sublimate two ounces, and Tin-glafs one ounce be fublimed together, you will have a (ubiimatc not inferior to the beft Orient Pearls in the world. III. Silver diflblved in Aquafortn and evaporated to dry; nefs, and fair water poured two or three tinaes thereon, and evaporated, till the calx\% dry, leai'esii of a Snow white- nefs : which rubbed upon the skin, (wetted with fpittle, wa- ter or the like) produces a deep blacknefs.not to be obliterated in Tome days. ■ PVith this, Ivory, Hair and Horns m^y he dyed in fair water of a lafting blacl{, iV. Coral diflblved by oyl of Vitriol, Sulphur, or fpirit of vinegar, and precipitated by oylof Tartar yields a Snow wbiteBefs. The fame of Crude Lead and Quickfilver diflbl- ved in Aquafortw: So butter of Antimony redbified by bare aflPuGonin much fair water, will (though UniSkious^be pre- cipitated into that Snow white pouder which (being wafhed from its corrofive SaltsJ is called Mfrcttriw Vite : the like of which may be made without the addition of any Mercury at all. V Mercury Sublimate and precipitate yield (with the fpirit of Uiine, H«ri«horn, or the like) 4 tvhite frecifitate : hwx with the folution of Poi -allies or other Uxtviate Salts an Orange Tatvny. And if on a filtrated folution of Vitriol.yotf f>ut the folution of a fixed fait ; there will fubfide a copi- ous lubftance far from whitencfj, which Chymifts call the Sulphur of Vitriol. chap. 1^: Of Mineral Colors, 207 VI. If Copper two ounces be mixt with Tin one ounce, the reddiihnels will vaoilh : and if Arfenick fcalcined with Nitre) in a jult proportion be naixed with melted Copper, ii will be blanched both within and without. VII. Fine pouders of blew Bice, and yellow Orpiment nightly mixed, give a good green : and a high yellow foluti- on of a good Gold in ^^«<2 i^^j^Mj mixed with aduequan- lily of a deep blew foluiion of crude Copper in ftrong Spirit of Urine, produces a transparent green : And To blew and yel- low Enamel fuf d together in the tiame of aLamp,being Itrong- hy blowed on wiihout cealing, produces at length a green color. VIII. An urinous fait, largely put into the diflblution of blew Vitriol in fair water, turn'd the liquor and corpufcules (which reGded) into a yellowifli color like yellow Oker. IX. Verdigrile ground with Sal'Armoniacl{, and the like fdigeited for a while in a dunghilj makes a glorious blew. X. The true glafs of Antimony exiracfled with acid fpirits (with or without Wine) yields a red tinClure. XI. Balfaoa of Sulphur Cof a deep red in the glafs) (haked about, or dropt on paper gives a yellow ftain. Xli' If Brimftone and Sal-Armoniack. in pouder, of each five ounces, be mixed with quick-lime in pouder fix ounces, and diftilled in a Retort in fand by degrees ; you will have a volatile fpirit of Sulphur of excellent rednefs, though none of the ingredients be fo. So alfo oyl of Annifeeds mixed with oyi of Vitriol^ gives in a trice A blood red Color, whieb/oon decays. XIII. Fine Silver diflblved in Aqua fortn, and precipitated with fpirit of Salt; upon the firft decanting the liquor, the re- maining matter will be purely white : but lying uncovered, what is fubjed; to the athbient Air will iofe its white- nefs. XIV. Sublimate diflblved in a quantity of water and fil- tred, till it is as clear as Cryftal, mixed Cin a Venice glafs) with good oyl of Tartar fer and alfo ef a Purplilh or Murry: and with a greater quaDtity, into that deep color, which pafifes for black. XXVI. YcMow Orpiment fublitiMd with fea- fait, yields a, white and Cryftalline Arfenick : Arfenick^cdiontA with pure Nitre being duly added to Venm in the fufion,gives it a White- nefs both within and without. XXVII. So La^ii CaUminarfs turns Venns or Copper, into Brafs. , XXVIII. And ^ink^ duly mixed with Venus when it is i« fufion, gives it the nobleit golden Color, that was ever feen in the belt Gold, but it will not endure various meltings^ XXIX. Copper difTolved in Aqua-fortk will imbue fc- vcral bodies of the Color of the foluiion. XXX. Gold diffolved in Ai^ua ^ffia will (tho not com-' monly known j dye Horns, Ivory, ana other Bones of a du^ rable Purple Color. XXXI. Laftly, Cryftals of Silver made with Aquafort» (tho they appear White) will prefeniiy dye the Skin, Nails, Hair,Horns,and Bones, with a Blacliuoi to be walhed off. CHAP. XXVI. Of Metals, ' ' • ^ I. *^0 harden Qiiickr/ilvet. . , "*■ Calt your Lead feparated from its drofs into a vsSd, and whenic begins to cool, tbruft ia the point of a (tick, which take out again and caft in the Argent Vive, and it will con; geai : then beat it in a mortar, and do fo often ; when it U hardj melt it often and put ic into fair water, doing it fo P long zio Polygraphices Lib. III. leng till it is bard enough, then being al! in a piece, boyl it in Liofeed oyl, the (paceoi (ix hours, and it will become Mal- leable, and may be hammered. II. To ttnge Q^iicl{-filver of the ctlor of Gold. Break it into foiall pieces fbeing hardncd) which put into A Crucible, •*. uh the pouder ot Cadmia.Jiratumjuperflratum^ mixed wiih Pomtgranate peels, Turmerick fbeaten fine) and Railons, cover the Crucible and lute ii well, dry it well ; and then fet it on a fire for fix or fcven hours, that it may be red-hot j then blow it with bellows till it run, which then let cool wbilit covered with coals> and ic will have the color of gold. III. To fix "Quiclc/ilver hef»g hardned. This is done with fine pouder of Cryftal glafs, laid with the Metal ftratum fuper (Iratum in a Crucible covered and luted J heating ic all over red-hot, and then melting of it. IV. To ma\e ^iick^filver malleable. Firit harden ir by the firit 5edion, then break the Metal into fmall pieces, and boil it a quarter of an hour in fharp vi- negar : iheo add a I'mle Sal- Armomacl{, and digeft all toge- ther for ten or twelve days ; then boil all together in a luted Crucible, till it is red-hot, and by degrees crackt, Laftly, hang the Mercury in a pot with Britnltonc at boitona : co- ver it, lute it and fer it itiro the fire, that ir msy grow hot by degrees, and receive the fume of the Sulphur ; do tfaos for a month once a day, and the Mercury will run and be hammered. V. Another way of tinging Mercury. Take purified Mercury one ounce, Sulphur two ounces, A- ^uafortfs three ounces, let ihem all ftand till the water grow dear ; dittil this with iis fcdiment, and at bottom of the Limbeck you Ihall find the Mercury hard, andofaocxad: color. VI. To color and /often Gnld. Diflblve Verdigrifein vinegar, and drain it through a felt, then congeal, and when it begins to wax thick, put to it , feme S^I-Armoniick and let it harden a good while, then melt gold with ir, and it will heighten the color and make it fotc. VII. To make Gold and Silver fofter. Take Mercury Sublimate, Sal Armnniack, of each alike ; liwuder ih-m melt the gold, and put to n a little of this pou- ier, and it will be foft. VIII. Chap. i6. Of Metals. 'an VIII. Another wAy to do the fame. Take VitrioJ, Verdet, Sal-Ai mouiack, burnt Brafs, of each half an ounce, mix them with Aqua fortis^ Itt it fo repofc in the heat two days, then ]et it harden, do thus three times with Aqua for'tis, and let it dry, make it into pouder. tti one drachm put one ounce of gold three iiines> and it will be fof ter. ^ IX. Amber aiay to do the farm in Silver. Take 5'alc-peier, Tartar, Salt, Verdet, boil all together, till the water is confumed, then put to it Urine, and let it fo confume, and you (hall have an oyJ, which put into mcl" ted silver will do the fame. ^ Or thus, T<«4e as matx^ wedges as jou have mleted, pit them one night into a crucible in a furnace^ but fo as they melt not^and they will be fcft and fair. Or thus , Take honey , oyl^ of each ali^e, in whieh quench the Gold or Silver three or four timeSy and it will b§ fof ter, • Or thus, "Take Mafiick,. Frankincenfe, Myrrh, Borax, Ver- nix^ of each a like in pouder. Or thus, Quench the Gold or Silver in water of Sal-Armonii Hckr ^nd it Will be fof t. ' X. To tinge Silver of a Gold color. Take fine Gold, fine Silver, good Brafs, and Brafs of Copper calcined with Sulphur-vive, of each alike, melt ^hesn down togeiher,snd it (hall appear to be gold of eighteen carets fine. XI. Another way to tinge Silver. Take Quick-lUver, purged three ounces, Ieaf-g6ld one ounce, mix them and put them into a glafs Retort well lu- lled, put it on the fire till it grow hot j then lake it off and add to it Quick-filver purged two ounces, Sal- Armoniack, one ounce, Sal Ellebrot hiK itx ounce, Borax two drachms, then feal up the glals hermetically, and put it into a continual fire for three days; then take itoqt, let it cool, open the Retort, take cut the matter, and pouder it very fine; of which pouder mix one ounce with filver five ounces, and it will linge ic into a good gold color. Note, Sal Ellebrot is thus made. Tal{e pure common Salt, $al Gem, Sal Alcali in pouder^ of each one ounce, juice of Mints four ounces, ffrtng water four founds mtti^le them, and evapo- rati.^ And ^ickrjilver is purged by wajhivg it in /harp Vi- P % negar 2, IX Folygraphices Lib. III. f^ffl^ar three or four times andftraining it thro Shamou Leather j or h ftiblirHing it, tohtck is better. XII. To brirg Silver into a Calx. This is done by amalgamaiing of it with Quick-filver, and then fubliming of it j or by diflblviog it in Aquafortisy and precipitating it with the folmion of Salt, in fair water, ^U)d then wafliing it with warm water often jo free it from the falts : or elfc by mingling the lih'ngs with fublimcd Mercury, and in a Retort caufing the Mercury to afcend, which will leave at bottom the Calx of Silver, tit for Jew- els, (3 c. XIII. To blanch Silver. Take Sat-/1rtnmiacl{_^ i{och-Alum, Alum Pulmofum, Sal Gem, Argol, B^manVitrtoL of each ahkf i poiider and mix thetD,and dilfolve them in fair water, in which boil the Silver fo long, till von fee it wonderful white. XIV. To color Silver of a Gold color. Take Silt-peter two pouid , Roch-Alum five pound, mingle, and diltil them, keeping the water for ufe. When you ufe it, melt the Silver, and quench it in the faid water. XV. To tinge Brafs of a Gold color. DifTolve burnt Brafs in /^.;« then the Copper being bright being waflied in this water, vvill turn inta the color of Gold, XXII. Another way to do the fame. Melt Copper,to which put a little ^/n;^ in filings, and the Copper will hare a glorious golden color, XXIII. To ma\e Copper of a white color.- Take Sublimate, Sal-Armoniack, of each alike j boil them in Vinegar, in which quench the Copper being made red-hot i and it will be like Silver. XXIV. Another way to whiten Copper. Heat it red-hot divers times, and quench it in oyl of Tar- tar per deliquium, and it will be white. XXV. Another way to whiten Copper. Take Arfenick three ounces, Mercury Sublimate two oun- ces, Azure one ounce, mix them with good and pure greafe like an ointment, with which anoint any Copper veflTeljthen put that vefTel into another, and fet it into a digeftivi^kfaeac for two months, after which cleanfe it with ^ brulh a^jwa- ter, and It is done. XXVI. Another may to whiten Copper. Take Arfenick calcined with Saic-peter, and Mercury Sublimate, which ca(t upon melted Copper, and it will be white like Silver. XXVli. Jofoften Copper. Melt burnt Brafs with Borax in a Crucible, quench it in Linfeed-Oyi, and then beat it gently on an Anvil- boil ita- gain, and quench it in oyl as before, ' doing thus five or fix times, till it is (oft en£.ugh ; and this will neatly unite with Gold, of which you may put in more by half than yoq can of other Brafs. XXVlU. To tinge Iron with a Gold color. P3 Lay ^I4 Polygr.ijfhices Lib. III. J-ay in a Crucible plates of Iron and Brimftone ftrgtum fuper jii atum, cover and Jute it well, and calcine in a furnace, ibtn take them out and tbey ui!l be brittle : put them into a poi with a large tnoutb, and put in fharp diililicd vinegar, digesting till they wax red over a gentle beat: iben decant rbe vinegar, and add new, thus doing till all the Iroh be dilfolved J evaporate the inoiliure in a glals Retort or Vefica, and talt the remaining poader on Silver, or other white Metal, and it will look like Gold. , XXIX To make Iron or Silver of a Brafs color. * Take Flowers of Brafs, Vitriol, 5(i/--/frOTot2/ater to gild Iron, Steel, f^nives, Stfordr, and Armour with. Take Fire-flone in pouder, put it into a ftrong red Wine- vinegar for twenty four hours, boil it in a glazed pet , ad- ding oQore Vinegar as it evaporates, or boils away: into this water dip your Iron, Steel, (^c. and it will be black; dry ir, then polifh it, and you will have a gold color under- r*ath. VII. • Another way to gild Iron with. Take Salt-peter, Roch-alum burnt, of each half an ounce, Sal-Armoniack an ounce, all being in fine pouder, boil with ftrong Vinegar in a Copper Vf ITel ; -with which wet the Iron, ^c. then lay on Leaf-gold. VIII. Another way to gild Iron tvith. Take Roch-Alum, and grind it with boys Urine, till it ii well diffolved, with which anoint the Iron, heat it red- bot in a lireof wood coals, and it will be like Gold. IX. Togild Bookj. Take Bole-Armoniack four peny weight, Sugar-candy one pcny weight, mix and grind them with glair of Eggs, tbenoa a bound Book, (while in the prcfs, after it hath been fmear- ed with glair of Eggs, and is dryedj fmear the faid compofi- eioB, let it dry, then rub it well ^ad polifh it : then with fair water Gbap. 2 7' The manner of GiUhg. ziy water wet ibe edges of the Book, and fuddcnly lay on the gold, prefling it dawn with Cotton gently, this done, let it dry, and t^hen polifli it exactly vyich a tooth. X Anotbsr way of gilding Iron. Take water three pound, Alum two ounces, Sal-gem three oujnces, Roman Vitriol, Orpiment of each one ounce, fios yEris ttveciy four grains j boil all with Tartar and 5ait as at the third Setftioo. XL To makfi Iron of the color of Gold. Take Linfeed-oyl three ounces, Tartar two ounces, yolks of Eggs boiled hard and beaten two ounces, Aloes half an ounce, Saffron five grains, Turmerick two grains : boil all in an Earthen veifel, and with the oyl anoint Iron, and it will look like Gold. If there be not Liv{eed-oyl enough, you may fut in more. XII. A Golden liquor to color Iron, iVood^ Glafs, or Bones ttfith. Take a new laid Egg, through a hole at one end take out the white, and fill up the Egg with Quick-filver two parts, Sal-Armoniack iinely poudered one part ; mix them ail toge- ther with a Wire or little ftick : Itop the hole with melted wax, over which put an half Egg-fhell: digeft in horfe- dung for a month, and it will be a line golden colored Li- quor. X//J. To gild Silk. andLinnen. Take Glew made of Parchment, lay it on the Linn«n^ or Silk, C^c. gently, that it may not fink : then take Cerufe, Bole and Verdigrife, of each alike, mix and grind them up- on a ftoae : then in a glazed veflll mix it with varniih, which let firaper overafmall fire, then keep itforule, ^/K Another of a pure Cold color. Take juice of frefli Saffron, or ('for want of it/ Saffron ground, the beft clear Orpiment of each alike : grind them with Goats gall or gall of a Pike (which is betierj digeft twenty eight days in horfe-dung, and it is done. XK To gild on Wood or Stone. Take Bole-Armoniack, oyl of Ben,of each a fufficieni quan- tity ; beat and grind them together : with this fmear the wood or ftone, and when it is almoft dry, lay on the Leaf- gold, let it dry, then polilh it. Xl^I. To gild ttith Leaf 'gold. Take leaves of gold, and grind them with a few drops of honey ai8 Folygraphkes Lib. Til. boney, to which add a litile gum- water, and it will be cx- Celleof to write or pajnt wuh. IVll. To gild Iron or Steel. Take Tartar one ounce, Vermilion three ounces, Bole- Armoniack, /i^ua-vitte of each two ounces, grind ibem to- gether wirb Linietd oyl, and put thereto Lapts CaUminarii the quantity ot a haile-nut j and grind iherewuh in the end a few drops of varniJh ; take it off the Hone, Itrain it thro' a Lionen Cloth, ("for it muft be as thick as botiy) then ftrike it over Iron, or Steel, and let it dry.- fo lay on your Silver or Gold, and burnifli it. XVIH To color Tin or Copper, ef a Gold color. Take Linteed Oil,(et it on tiae fire,Scuin it ; and put in Am- ber, Aloes, Hepatick, of each a like ; ftir them well together till it grows thick ; take it off, cover it dole j and let it in the Earth three days : when you ufe it, ftrike the Metal all over with it, witha Peacil, let it dry, and it will be of a Golden color. XIX. To Silver any Meial. Take ftrong Aqua-f^tis in which diffblve fine Silver, to which put fo much Tartar ir fire ponder as will make it imoPafte: with which rub any Metsl, and it will look like fine Silver. XX. To gild.fff as itjhall rat out with anylVater. TakeOker cilcin^d, iriri^'cc ftone, of each alike, Tartar a little : beat them with Lir^u 4 Oil and five or fix drops of VarniHi j ftrain all thro a linnen cloth, and with this Liquor you m«y imitate Gilding. XXI. To gild Paper. Grind Bole Armoniack with Rain-water, and give one lay- ing of it : be'n^jdry, take Glair of Eggs, and add to it a lit- tle Sugar Can.-iy and Gum-water, which lay over the former, and upon this, (when in a fit drynefs) lay your Leaf Silver, or Leaf Gold. CH AR ,lChap. 2-8. Of wakhg White Colors f^c. ti^ CHAP, xxvnr. Of making White Colors , and Whitening Plai' Jler Walls. I. A fine H^hitefor Water Colors. ^Tak? filings of fine Silver,o^ Leaf-Silver, which difTolve in A^ua-f or tis or Sp. MfJ-z.evaporate the Aqua fortis^xiW it looks like Cryftals in the bottom of the Glafs : the other part of the Aqua fortn decant, and waih the Silver in fair common water, fiveor fix tio3es,iill it is freed from the Aquafortis, ■which yoa may know by taltingj then dry ic for ufe. It maft be ufed with Gum water, with a little water of Sugar- candy. II. An Incomparable fine white Lead. Take choice white Lead in Flakes, ^rind it well upon a Porphyry with Vinegar, and it will turn BlackiHi ; thentaka a pot full of Watcrjin which walh your White Lead very welF, let it fettle, and pour off the Water : grind it again with Vi- negar, and walh it in like manner again j repeat this work pnce or twice more, a|;;i^ you will have an Excellent White,as well for Water colori, as Painting in OyJ. III. To tvhite tsajlo plaiftcr Walls. I. The wall is to be very well Plaiftered, with very fine Plaifter and well layed, which being throughly dry, it is to be whitened with Lime Mi!k very clear as follows. 2. Before you lay on the Lime Milk.thc Wall h to be very well wetted with water i for in this confifts the fecret, chat the Wfaitning may not dry too fall, but rather very flowly, for fo by drying Leifurt-ly, the Lime will have time to fatten, fo as it will nei- the whiten your Hands nor your Cloths. 3. If it is an old wall andt here is any dirt on ir, or if it is free-ftone and it is dirty, it ought M be fcraped pfF. 4. Lime Miik is made uf Lime which baleen a long time flaked with a fuiScient quantity of Water, ftirring it till it makes a white Froth; the water is to be decanted after fome days time,and the Lime dryed,and then it is to be made into Lime Milk, Ibme fay with New Milk, but it is certain, that skimed Milk will dojtfae Cream or Oily parts being taken off. 5. The Wall ought to be walht over three or four timeSj and then the lall doing of it, ought to iao J^olygraphicej Lib. Ilf. 10 be with Milk of nnflack'c Lime, that the white may be the Gfoffier. IV. Another may to da the fame. The Wall being fitted and prepared as aforefaid, the Lime Milk may be made either olwellflaked Lime, or rather of Whiting i which done the firft time the W«I| is waQit over, the Lime Milk ought to be ihin,ihenext time fomewhat thick- er : the third time Itill thicker, putting in lels of the Milk as yott think fit ; and the fourth time ihickeft of all, To wili vour Wall be purely White. ^ CHAP. XXIX. Of Mezo-tinto : and the taking off^ an old Print on White Paper. L 'TTAke a well poliflied Copper plate, which make all ■■■ over rough one way, with an engine particularJyde- Ijgned for this purpofe ; then crofs it over with the Engine a- gain i and if you fee occafion, crors it over again the third lime, till it be made all over rough alike, t'i:^. fo as if it were to be printed it would print black all over. II. This done,take Cbarcole, black Chalk or black Lead^to rub over the plate, and draw your defigtis with wbtte Chalk upon the fame, then take a fharp Stiff, and trace out the out- lines of the dcfign which you drew with the white Chalk. IIL Where you would have the light ftrike ftrongeft, rake a burnilhcr, and burniHi that part oftbe Plate, as clean and fmooth as it was when it was firft polifhed. IV. Where you would have the light fainter ; there you mufl not poliih it fo much : and after this manner you muft either increafe or decreafe the light in your defign, making it either fainter, or ftronger, as the necelTity of your work fhall require. V. The fliape or form of the Engin or Inftrum^ is va- rious and manifold, according to the fancy of the Amfl ; thofe that defire them, may have them of feveral perfons in London, who profefs and pradlife the Arts of Drawing, Etching, and Engraving. VI- To take an old Print off, on a piece of ttbite Paper, and not fpoil the Print. Take Linfeed Oyl and fmear it all o- ver the Print with a clean cloth. VII. Chap. 50. Of makhg Ink. 221 VII. Take a clean piece of Paper, lay it over the former Print j lay them both upon a pollifti'd Copper Plate, «od pafs them thro' the Rouiing Prefs ; fo will the white Paper receive the Reverfe ot the Print, or the Print back- wards. VIII. But to take the Oil out of the Print, you muft wafli it with Oil of Spike or Turpentine : thee being dryed by or over the Fire, the Linfeed Oyl, with the Oyl of Spike will evaporate, and leave the Print as fair as it was at firft. G H A P. XXX. Of making various forts ef Ink, I. "TO mal^egood hlack^writ ing Ink^. ^ Take ponderous galls three ounces in polder, rain- water three pound, infufe them ja the Sun, or in a gentle heat two days: then take Roman Vitriol well colored Ccom- mon may do betier)and poudered, ihree Ounce: which put therein, and fet all in the Sun for two days more^ fhake all together, to which add of [good Gum-Arabick an ounce. II. To makf red writing Ink. Take Rafpings of Brazil obe once, white lead, Atom, of each two drachms, grind and mingle them, infufe them in Urine one pound, with gum-Arabick two fcruples, or a drachm at moft. III. Another way to makfi red Ink. Take Wine-vinegar two pound, Rafpings ofBrafil two ounces, Alom half an ounce, infufe all ten days ^ then gently boil, to which add gum Arabick five drachms, diiTolve the Gum, ftrain, and keep it for ufe. Note, two drachms of the Gum in fome cafes may be enough; IV. To make green Ink fo «'''»^^ With. Make fine Verdigrife into pafte with ftrong Vinegar, and infufion of green galls, in which a little Gum-Arabick bath been dilfolved, let it dry and when you would write with it, temper it with infufion of green Galls afore- faid. V Anether way to maksgrun Ink to write witl^ ' ' Dififolve 112. Votygr /aphides Lib. III. Diflblvc Vcrdigrife in Vinegar, then ftrain it, and grind it with a little Honcy,and mucilage of Gum Tragtcamh, up- on a porphyry (ione. VI. ' To make another ^reen hiJ^ to write with. Boil Verdigrije wiib Argpl m fair water; and then diffolve' in it a liitic ' Gum-Arabick^ , add it will be goodi Vll. ' To make blew Itik to ttfrite tfith. Grind Indico with H then pour off the U- rine ; and patting on more.Uritje, repeat this work eight or ten times, fo will the Vermilion be well cleanfed ^ to which pur glair of Eggs to'fwim on it above a fingers breadth, ftii* .chert* together, aod' fettling abilradt the glair ; then put on 'OipfeiKgUic of Egi(?s, repeating the famfe work eight or tea.titr<^a$l(b,to takeawiy the fcent of the Urine: laftlyv mix iij w/ith frefti glair,' ind keep it in a glafs-vefTcl clofe fixJp'd;iBfttrJ^;^f*. Wh«n ^vi ufe ir, mix it A/»hb water 0*^ vinegar. :*' i • i-' ''•"'>-' 1 • •. IX. To make Printers black. Jh^. TliJis is made by mirfglln^Lamf'-^Iack with liquid Var- iMfti,'<»r^Wnfeed Oyl[and biiiliiig it a little,wb!ch you may make k^hjckltt pteaftire. Ybii maft make it natoifterjn Winter,th»n; in Summer ; and note that the thicker Ink-tnakes the fairer letter. .'«! V»^< i>;.w 0^ yv-x\ (i-iu -v. * If ' it*1ji "kto thick, you itieift put in liiore Linr^cd oil^'or oil of'Wilnuis, fo may you make it thicker of 'ibinaer at p(«afiirei' X. To make red Printing Tnk Grind Vermilion very well with the aforefaid liquid Var-* nifli or Linfeed oyl. KV. T6'tnake green Printing Ink. Grind' Spanilh greeri with the faid VarniHi or LinfeetJ oyl as aforeiaid : And afrer the fame manner, may you make Printers Bieiv , by grinding A:{tirt with the faid Liofeed Oyl Chap. 3 c. 0/' n^aking Ink. ii j XII. To make white Ink. ^o ^^^te upon blac^ Paper. Diirolve Tin Glafs or Spelter in AquafortKy made of N»- tre and ^/«f» : piecipitaie with Oyl ot Tartar i edulcorate perfectly with fair water, and dry it in a glafs Ba(bn : this poudcr mix with Gum water, and it will bf a White, with which you may write upon Biack paper : and with pure tphite Flowers of Antimony you may do the fanoe. XIII. To make China Ink^ I Take Lamp-bJack puritied eight Ounces : Indicb, two Ounces: Ivory black one Ounce : Peach ftone bbck' half an Ounce : beat all together and make a MaA: make all into a body with water, in which a very little Gum Ara- bick has beet\ diflblred: and fo form them into long fquare Rods, or Tables. XIV. To make hlac^. tvriting Ink,. Take Rain-water three pints : Nut Galls broken into little bits, three Ounces: digeft in a Sand heat for a Week : Then take Vitriol or Copperas two Ounces, and diflblve it ia Rain- Water a pint, by gentle boiling ; adding in the DifTo- Imion, a little Gum-Arabick; being diffolved, mix it with the Water and Galls; digeft a Week in a faod heat^ and keep the Clear for uie. XV. A blacky Ink, which Vanijhes in twenty four hourt time. Boil or Digeft Nut Galls ia grofs pouder in Aiqua fortiJ : add to them Vitriol or Copperas^ and a little Sal-Armoniackj and it is done : what is written with this will Vanifh in twenty four bouts. XVI. To make Indian Ink. Take Horfe Beans, burn, ih^ ^ill they are perfectly black, grind it to a fubtile pou.(J?r, and with a weak Gum- Arabick water, make it into a Fade, which form into long fquare Reds. XVII. To make another hlackt^^ifiig J"k; / Take White Wine two quarts : Logwood ground on/ pound: or fliavings of ic : boil till a quart isconfum^: ftrain the Liqtior from the Wood, and put into it ?vut* Galls bruifedjEigbt Ounces : Pocnegrante Peels four 0^ces: mix and digeft in a Sand heat for a Week, (baking^t four or five times a day : then add to it Roman Vitriol pr green Copperas four Ounces : digeft two days more 3 afi^ which y add 214 Polygrapiiices Lib. IH. add Gum Arabick four ounces : digeft twenty four hoursi and Itrain all out into another VcfTel, tnd keep the Ink for ufe Nore.tbat ihefe faeces will fcrve again for the fame quanti- ty of Liquor, or Logwood Infufion. z. That ibe Pomegra- nate jfecis are put in to make the Ink rt)ine. 3. That Rain- water feems to be better Jor this purpofe than White Wine. 4. That probably the quantity oftbe Gurn-Arabick is too mach. XVIII. Another very good black, writing lnl{. Take Thames or Rain Water a Gallon, Nut-Galls crackt only into fmall bits one pound : Copperas four Ounces: In- fufe all in a Gentle Sand beat, for fix Weeks, fhaking the bottle four or five times every day : then dilfolvein it Gum- Arabick eight Ounces, (1 fear the Gum is too ttftich, and will make the Ink too thick:) and let it Itand upon the f^cesfor ufe. ^ XIX. Another hlac\ tvriting Ink.- Take Rain Water a Gallon : Nut-Galls only Crackt into bits a pound i Copperas eight Ounces : Alum eight Ounces : lofufe all in a Gentle Sind beat for a Month : add Gum-A- rabick eight Ounces : which diHulve in it, and keep the mix- ture for ufe. XX. Another tvriting In^. Take ftrong ftale Beer a Gallon, (or White or Red-Wine ihe fame quantity 5) Old Nails fix or eight pounds • digeit in a Cold place for eight ten or twt Ivc Months : then decant of the clear Tihdture. Take Catechu in fine pouder fixcuncesi common Brandy a pint ; mix and in afand heat make a llrong Tindlure which decant ; mix this with the former Tiovilure of and it becomes a black Ink. XXL Another very excellent black, tvriting Ink- Take Mr. Toww^j Water zt IJIingten, or Water in which a large quantity of old Nails has lain for a Year or two.a Gallon, Nut-Galls broken into little bits a pound ; Common Vitriol, or Copperas four Ounces ; lofufe all together for a Month, Ivrring or (baking the VeDTei very well five or fix times every day then add Gum-Arabick cut into bits two Ounces: difTcf-vc and keep it continually ftirring once or twice eve- ry day Note, when you ufe it, you may put in a little white Sugar Candy, and difiblveit, fa will your writing fhine ; but you ou£Jbt not to put it in but as you have occafion 10 ufe it,, for after three or four days, it fpoHsihi Ink. Ex f licit Liter 'j'ert*0 3oi P LIGKA FHICES Liber du a r x u s. Containing the Original^ Advancement and FerfeBion of the Art of Painting : Particularly exemplified in the ^various Paintings of the Ancients, / .^ _ CHAP. L Of the Original of thefe Arts. T I. ^ I ^ H E Original of the Art of Painting mas t^ hn from the Forms of things Tchich do ap- ■pear ; exprejjing the fume (as Ifidorus Pelu* fiota faith) with proper ColourSj imitating the Life, either hollow or frtelling, dark or light, hard or fofty rough or fmooth, new or old. Of fuch things (amongft Vegetables) Flowers yield the greateft variety : of Animals, Man : of things^ Inanir mate, Landskips, C>"(r. For this matter of Imitation was prefented in the chief things only, for who i"hould learn to imitate all things in NJature ? the greater being at- tained, the lelTer will follow of themfelves ; if any Inall attempt fo great a burthen, two inconveniences, faith Sli'.intilian, will neceflarily follow, to wit, Always to fay too much) and yet never to fay all. II. And this Imitation of things feen rdth the Eysy rtoi much helped hy the Idea's of things conceived in the mind, frcm the cgminual mQtion o/" tht Imasrination, ^ Al Whore-: joa Polygrafhtces Lib. IV. Wherefore as Q^iintU'mn faith f///'. lo. cap. 3. of his Inltitutions of Oratory) " We fliall do ^vell to accu- " ftome our minds to luch a ftedfafl conft.incy of concei- *' ving, as to overcome all odier Impediments by the ** earneftnefs of our Intention , for if \it do altogether "bend this Intention upon things conceived, our mind ." need never take notice of any thing which the Eye lees, "**'orthe Ear hears. And therefore thofe wliich would profit much, muft take caie and pains to furnilli their minds with all forts of ufcfiil Images and Idea's. " This treafury of the mind (faith Cajfiodnrtis cap. 1 2. de ** Anima.) is not over-loaden in halte ; if it be once flir- ** nidied, the Artift fhall find upon any fuddcn occafioii, *' all things neceflary, ready at hand ; whereas thofe " which are unprovided iliali be to fcek. It is like to the Analytical Furniuue in y^igchra, without the know- ledge of which , no notable thing can be performed. Now although the Imagination may be cafily_ moved, j"et this fame excellency is not attained in an inftant ; And without the ability oT exjprefling of the conceived Images, all the exercife of the farcy is worth nothing. III. Thefe Forms and Ideas nere not fingly confidered^ hut compile at ely. For whereas Nature fcarcely ever reprefents any one thing perfedl in beauty, (in all its parts) lell it lliould be laid, that llie had nothing more to diihibute to others : ib Artifls of old chofe out many Patterns, which were abfoiutely peifcit in fome of their parts, that by dcfign- ing each part after that Pattern, which ^vas perfect therein, they might at la(l prefent fmiediiiig perfeA in the whole. And fow'hen Zenxis intended an exquifite Pattern of a bcautitiil Woman, he fought not for this pericdion in one particular body, but chofe five of the TOott well favoured Virgins, that lie might find in theni that perfect beauty, which (as Lucian iaith) muft of ne- ceflity be but one. And Adaximns Tyrhu Iaith, you fhall not find in haft a body io accmaiely exacl, as to compare it with the beauty of a Statue. And Prcclus tilth, if you take a Man brought tbrth by Nature, and another made by Art of Car\dng, that by Nature Ilia 11 aot feem the flatelier, becaufe Art doth many things more exactly : to which Ovid affents, w^hen that lie faith, that Pjgmatm did Carv« the Snew-white loaage of Ivo- Chap. I . The Original of theft Arts, :jo 5 I}-, ivith fuch a happy dexterity, that it was altogether impoffible that fuch a Woman iliould be Bom. IV". T'rom tkh r.ranner of h^itaikn did arife the Skill of Defigning^; from v^hence [prang the Artsof Painting^Liwri- jngy Wapyins;, Cuflingy and allothcrs of tknt kind. "Thel'e Arts in their infancy, were f.> mean, that tlie firft Artift was forced (:is'zy£lianm fmh lib. 10. cap. 10. of his Hiihry)m Painting to write, This is an Ox, this a Horfe, this a Dog : but as Tully faith, (in lihro de dark oratorihm) there is nothing bodi invented and finifhed at a time. And AmDhita in lihro fecundo adverfm Gentes *^ faith, " The Arts rue not together with our minds, *' brought forth out oithe heavenly places j but are all *' found out here on Earth, and in procefs of time, foft- " ned, forgeJ, and beautified, by a continual meditati- *' on : our poor and needy Life, perceiving fome cafual *' things to lall out profperoufly, whileft it doth imitate, *' attempt, try, flip, reform, and change, hath out of " the fame afllduous reprehenfion made up iojne fmall '' pieces of Arts, the which it hath aftenvaris by ftudy " brought to fome perfe6lion. ' • V. The Perfons'who were the fir ji Inventers of thefe Arts arefcarcely inorfn, C^ecanfe daily nevp Inventions tvere ad- ded) hit thofe famom Perjons nho either jirove to bring them to perfeHion, or add to what was already invented, or other- "wife were famous in any one particular thing, Hijiory has in- part inforr^ed tts of. The famous Paujias was the firft that attempted to bring the Art of Painting to perfedlion. Apelks was the firfl that undertook the expreffrng of invifible things, as Thunder, Lightning, and the like; the which confidera- tion of thefe ahnoft Impoflibilities, made TheophylaBm Simocatm fin Epift. 37.) fay, that Painters undertake to exprefs fuch things, as Nature is not able to do : and the fame Apelks had a certain Invention and Grace, proper to himfelf alone, to wlrich never any other Artificer ever attained. And although Zeuxls, Apelles, Aglaophon, did none of them feem to lack any thing of Art, yet they dif- feredvery much, and had each of them fome peculiar Ex- cellency, of which neitlier of tlie other two could boaft. Here is but one Art of Calling, in which Myron, Poly- cletm, Lyftppm have been excellent, yet did one very much differ from another ,* Zenxis did furpafs all other Aa 2 Am- ^04 Polygraphices Lib. IV. Artizans in Painting Womcns Bodies ; Lyfippiu is molt excellent in fine and fubtile Workmanfliip : Polycletm made excellent Statues upon oqe Leg ; Samim did excel in conceiving of Vifions and Phantafics : Dionyfi-^ in Painting of Men only: Polignotm moft rarely exprclTcd the Affections and Pafllons "of Men: y^ntimochm m-ddc noble Women : NiciM excellent in Painting of Women, but moll excellent in four-footed Creatures, chiefly Dogs : Calami^ made Chariots, with two or four Horles ; the Horfes were fo excellent and exaft, that there was no place left for Emulation : Euphranor, the firit and moft excellent in expreffing the dignity, and marks of Heroi- cal Perlbns j ^rejiodemm Painted Wreftlcrs : Serapion- tvas moit excellent in Scenes : Pyrckiu (infcriour in the Art of Painting to none) Painted nothing but Coblers and Barbers: Ludio the firil and moll excellent in Paint- ing Landskips : yiUpolhdorm, ylfclepiodonts Androhnlm, AleviiSj were the only Painters of Philofophers, &c. VI. Another Reafon of the Invention hereof, na^ from the TKOving of the P^iffions. For as Simonides faith, (comparing Painting with Voz- fy) Pi6bare is a filei it Pocfy , and Poefy is a fpeaking Picture: Upon the occafion of thefe words, Phtaroh laith, The thi,igs reprcfemed by Painters, as 'if they me^-e as yet doing, are propounded by Orators as done already : Paint- ers e.xprejs in Colours and Lines, what Poets do in Words ; the one doth that ixith the Pencil, which the other doth iviih the^ Pen. When Latinia Pacattts had made a full Dc- fcription of the miferablc end of the wicked Aiaximics, he calls upon all the Painters to alTill him : Bring hither, bring hither you pious Poets, (faith lic) the whole care and fludy of your tedious nights : ye Artificers alfo, de- Ibife the vulgar Argument of ancient Fables ; thefe, thclc things deiervc better to be drawn by yourcunning Hands : •Jet the Market-places and Temples be filled with llich Speiladcs , work them out in Ivory j let tliem live in ColoiuT^ ; let them Itand in Brals ; let them exceed the price of precious Stones. It doth concern the lecurity of all Ages, that fuch things might be fecn to have been done, if by chance, any one filled with wicked defircs, might drink in Innocency by his Eyes, when he lliali fee the (horrid and deplorable) Monuments of thefe our tirnes. And Gregorj Nyffen, upon the Sacriiicuig of Ifaac iaith. Chap. 1 . 7 he Original ofthefe Arts, ^05 laith, / often faw in a Picture the Image of this FaBj upon which I could not look mthout Tears i Jo lively did Art pKt: the Hi/fory before my Eyes. VII. The Egyptians wr^ thefirfi Invent ers of Painting : The Greeks brought it fof^t of its rtidenefsj to proportion : The Romans adorned it with Colours : The Germans (fol- lowing them J made their rvorh more durable by Painting in Oil : of whom ^^^Engliihj Dutch, Italian and French ar$ become Imitators. It is reported, that the Grecians were the firft Painters,' and that their Colours were (in the infancy thereof^ on- ly White and Black : but it appears more with reafon and truth, that the Invention thereof fhould be afcribed to the Egyptians, who (before the Invention of Letters) figniiied their conceptions by Hieroglyphicls of Figures, Cjrphers, Charaders and Pidlures of divers things, as Birdsy Beajisy Infers, FiJJpes, Trees, Plants, and the like, which by Tradition they transfer'd to their Children 5 fo .they made the Falcon to fjgniiie Diligence, Strength and Swiftnefs : the Bee a King ; its Honey, Mildnefs ;^ its Sting, Juftice : a Serpent, (tail in mouth) the Revolution of the Year : the Eagle, Envy : the Earth, a labouring Beaft : a Hare, Hearmg, &c. Now, our bare learning to imi- tate, is not enough 5 it is requifite, that fince we are not firft in Invention, we fhould ftudy rather to outgo than to follow. If it were unlawful (faith Quintilian) to add any thing to things invented, or to find out better things, oar continual lahoftr would be good for nothing ; for it is certain that Phydias and Apelles have brought many things to lights "which their Predeceffors ^new nothing of. Apdtes did ali things with compleatnefs : Z euxis ^mth. aninelHmable grace: 7?r'9/o^(f«fj with an indefatigable diligence : 77- manthes with a great deal Oi fubtilty and curiofity : Ni- cophanes with a irately magnL'icence. Now, to attain tothefekind of Excellencies, it is necefTaryto havere- courfe to variety of great Matters, that fomething out of the one, and fomething out of the other, may be as fo many Ornaments to adorn our Works ; and as fo many lieps to lead us on to the door of perfection. VIII. Abopit the time of Philip King of Macedon, /■/[»«■ .Art began to flourijh : growing into great ejlimation in the days of Alexander and his Succeffors : from thence through all the feries of time even to this day, it hath received by dc- A a 3 ^ gj-e^Sg 3o6 TolygYAphices Lib. IV. greeSy fuch rtonderf'Al advanccryients that it may he notvfaU, ii is arrived at perfeShion. For without doubt there is a perfection of Art to be attained, and it is as poffible that I, or thou, or he, may as well attain it, as any body elie, if v;e rcfolve to Itrive, and take pains, Avithout fainting, or fear of dcfpair. And fince the Art of Painting is (as Socrates faith)* the refembJance of vifible thingc, the Artift ought to beware tliat he abufes not the liberty of his Imagination, in the Shapes of monftrous and prodigious Images of things not known in Nature ; but as a tme lover of Art, prefer a plain and honeft ^vork, (agreeing -with Nature) before ^- aiy phantaftical and conceited Device ^vhatfoever. IX. Lafily, That from Time, Form, Ma.^nitude, Num- ber, Proportion, Colour, Motion, Reft, Situation, Simi- litude, Diilance, Imagination ^wr/ Light, inajmgleand complicate confUeration, this Art hath its ejfcnce or hei)7gy ^indat la,} had by the help of inditjiriom .md unwearied Afindsy its Original Production and A^anifefiation. Light is that only thing, without which all thofe o- ther things from which this* Art Iprings, -would be ufe- •^^ leis ; -without which the Art it lelf cannot be. " It is *^ .(as Sander/on £iith) the Heavens Oft-lpring, the eldeft " Da.ughter _ of God, fiat hx, the iir/l days Creation : it *^ twijikles in a Star, blazes in a Comet ; dawns in a *^" ^tv:dy diffembks in a Glow-worm ; contradb it fclf *' in a Spark, rages in a Fhme, is pale in a Candle, and ** dyes jn a Coal. By it the Si^ht hath being, and the " Imagination life, which comprehends the Univeifility "of ail things without fpace of place: the whole Hea- *' vens in their vaft andflill c^rtent, enter at oncethiough ** the Apple of the Eye, Avithout any itraitnels o'( paf- *^ lagc ; the Sight is a Senfe, -which comprehends that *' which no other Senfe is capable of; it judgcth and di- *' ftingullieth between two contraries in an inftant, it *' confidcrs the excel lena^ and beauty t-f every Object; *''the Ipangled Canopy of Heaven by night, the wan- ** deling Clouds by day, the Avondsrful Form of the *' Rain-now, the glorious matiitine appcMrancc of Pb(£' ** bus-, the meridional Exaltation, the golden Rays which . *'' flirround him, the' mutability of his Siradows,' his vef- ***pettinc Setting ; the loftry tops of Mouiitaii,;^, unacccf- i' (ibie and ridgy Rocks, profound Valleys, large Plains, '< which Chap. 2I Farther Vrogrefs ofthefe Arts, ^07 " which feem to meet Heaven, green Tree?, and pica- " fant Groves, delightful Hills, fweet and flowery Mea- *^ dows, pleafant Streams, fpringing Fountains, flowing " Rivers, ftately Cities, famous Towers, large Bridges, " magnificent Buildings, fruitful Orchards andGardens, " iliapes of living Creatures, from the Elephant to the " Ant, from the Eagle to the Wren, and from the Whale " to the Shrimp, the wonderful forms of Infers, the " marching of Armies, the befieging and fbrming of •^■^ Garifons, the Ipfolencies of rude People, and flight " of the DidrefTed, the delblation^ and depopulation of '^ Kuigdoms and Countries, the failing of Ships, terrible " Sea-fights, great beauty of Colours, together Avith thou- " fands of other things, all w^hich itdigefts, and niar- " llials in ample Order, that when occaiion may be, it " may exert its {tore, for the benefit, advantage, advance- ** ment, and perfection of Art, CHAP. II. Of the farther Progrefs of thefe Arts. I. A S God Almghty (i^ho is the Author of all WifdomJ •^ ivoi the firjt Injiitutor hereof, fo alfo rvas he the Pro- mfihator, by whom thefe Arts have made Progrejfion in the World. Certainly, faith Philojlratus, Pi6ture is an Invention of the Gods, as well for the painted Faces of the Mea- dow^s adorned with Flowers, according to the f everal Sea- fons of the year ; as for thofe things which appear in the Sky. What wonderful Eloquence is this 1 that in lb few words, this Philofopher Ihould clear fo great a Poirit. ButAvhat faith Gregorius Nyffenus ? Man, faith he, is an Earthen Statue : and Snidas in Oratione prima de Beatitudinihm, fpeaking of ^^, by wdiich the Towns-men being fright- ed, yielded the City : Efaminondas at Thebes, by the Image of PalLts did Wonders : Amafis King o£ Egypt, his golden Image made of the Bafin, in which his Feet ufed to be Wafhed, which the Egyptians religioufly Woriliip- ped, whereby he brought them to aft'ecl him, being now a King, who was of an ignoble and bafe Parentage ; the wooden Elephants of Perfens, King of A'facedonia, with which he wonted his Horfes, that they might not be frighted in time of Battel. _ The Ornaments of Temples, Market-places and Galleries, places both publick and private. Jniim Ca:fa/i Image m Wax, hideous to look to, for 23 gaping Wounds he received, did mightily ftir iip the Ronuns to revenge his Death. Worthy Men, which had defended well ofthe World, had their Memo- ries conferved with their Images j by ^vhich all thofe tftat afpire to Goodnefs, and to follow their fkps, are likewife filled with Hope. The Athenians have ere61ed untQ zy^fcp a moll goodly Statue, l^ith Pbxdrns, and have fet a contcm.ptible Slave upon an everlalling Bafe, that all wight iindcrjliind, horv the nay -of Honour lieth open to everyone, and that Glory likervife doth not fo TKuch follow the Condition of our Birth as the F'irtnes of our Life. Bero- y»j excelled in. A firolngy, wherefore the Athenians, for his Divine PrognofHcations, creeled him a Statue with a golden Tongue, fet up in their publick Sclioo!^, as Pliny laith, l:h. 7. cap. 37. Publick Libraries were fiirniihed alio with Golden, Silver, and Brafs Images of llicli, whofc Immortal Souls did fpcak in thofe places- The Provoca- tions of Vices have alfo augmented the Art j it hath Ixca pica- Chap* 2> farther Frogrejs ofthefe Arts, 5 1 j pleafing to Engrave wanton Lutts upon their Cups; and to drink in Riba^ldry and Abominations, as Pliny faith in tlie Proem of his 33. Book. XI. 773^ ufe therefore of thefe Art j extending itfelffo Hnt- verfally to all Intents hoiJo in War and Peace, it came to pafs that Artificers were honoured by all forts of Aden, which them- felves perceiving, did fiill endeavour to encreafe thi-s enjoyed favour, by a daily advance of their Skill. By Kings they ^vere Honoured ; for Demetrius, whileft at the Siege or Rhodes, came to Proto^jnes, leaving the hope of his ViL;l:oi7 to behold an Artificer. Alexander the Great came alio to Apelks his Shop, often accompa- nied with many Prince?. It was his will that none but Polycle:m 'alone lliould Call his Statue in Braf?, that none hut Apelles alone ihoa Id Paint him in Colours, that none but Pyrgoteles alone Ihould Eng-rave him. The Effimati- on of the Artifts were alio underitood from the Efteerr? and high Rates their Works were prized at : a Pi6lure of Bftlarchus, a Painter, was valued at its weight in Gokl by Candaiiles King of Lydia : Ariflides was fo fingular in his Art, that it is reported of Kirig Attains, that he gave an hundred Talents (which is about 17500 Pounds Ster- ling) for one of his Pictures. As much had Polycletus for one of his. Apelks had for Painting the Pi6lure of Alex- ander the Great 3500 Pounds, given him in Golden Coin. Cctfar paid to Timoma'chus So Talents (about 14000 Pounds Sterling) for the PicUires of Ajax and Medea, Many more Examples we might produce, but thefe may fufiice ; at length no Price w^as thought equal to their worth : fo Nicias, rather than he would Sell his Pi6lure, called A^fn-z^ to King Attalus, who proffered him 60 Ta- lents, (worth near 1 1000 Pounds Sterling) beftowed it as a Prefent upon his Country. XII. Art meeting Tvith fuch Succeffes, created a boldneji in Artificers, to attempt even the greatefi Matters. The great Coloffes of the Antients may ferve here for an Example ; Zeuxes, above all the rert, hath been admi- red for his Boldnels : Enphranor alfo excelled Parrhafta^ in this kind, in that the Thefeus of the ■ one fo infinitely excelled ihcThefeus of the other. So great an Excellency of Spirit arofe in the old Artificers, as not to be daunted by the Authority of thofe, who were like to cenflue their JVorks : it was a great mark they aimed at, to avoid a PJce- ^14 Pol)graphices Lib. IV. prepofterous Sha mc or Fear. And this they accompli.ilied by takinn, care, not only to pvc them content, who muft of neccfTity be contented with the Work, but a lib thar they mi,^ht feem admuable unto them, which may judge freely without controul. So they heeded to do well in the Opinion of accurate and judjcious Speilators, rather than to do tliat which liked themlelves. And therefore whatfoever is dedicated unto Pofkrit^^, and to remain as an Example for others, had need be well done,Neat,Po- lilTied, and made according; to tlie true Rule and Law of Art, foraiinuch as it is likely to come into the hands of skilful Artificers, judicious Cenfurers, and flich as make a narrow fcrutiny into every def.dl:. But as it is ijnpofTi- ble to attain to an Excellency, or height of any thing ivithout a beginning, fo do the firit things in going on cf the Work, feem to be the lead : the height of Arts, as of Trees, delighteth us veiy much, fo do not the Roots ^ •yet can tliere be no height without the Roots. And therefore we lliall find, that a frequent and continual Excrcife, as it is moft laborious, lb it is moil profitable ; leeing Nature doth begin, hope of Profit doth advance, and Exercife doth accowplifh the thing j ought after. In luin, by doing quickly, we fliall never learn to do wcllj but by doing Vv-cll, it is very likely we may learn to do quick- ly. To this Ipeedy and well doing there belongeth three things, i;/-^. To add, to dctratt, and to change. To add or detmcl, recjuireth Icfs Labour and Judgment ; but to clcprefs thofc things that fwell, to railc thole things that link, to tye clofe thole things Avhich arc fcattered, to di- gcft things that ai'e without order, tocompofe things that are different, to reftrain things thatare inlolent, requireth double pains: for thole things maybecoiidcmncd,^vhich once did pleafc, to make ^vay for Inventions not yet thought of. Now without doubt, the beft Avay for E- inendation, is to lay by tlie Defign for a time, till it leem unto us as new, or anothers Invcnton j Ml otu' own, iike newBirtlis, pleafc us toonnuch. XIII. Laftly, That Txhich gave the greaiejl, and as it tv en , the lajijlep totrards the augmentation of Art, rtas that free ii- lerty tvhich Artiz,ans ^avc every one, tocenfttre^ to find fault Tyith their Works, ana to wark their Defers. It was the Opinion of Seneca, tliat many would have attained unto WiBom, if they lud not conceived them- felves Chap. 2. Farther Frogrefs ofthefe Arts, i i ^ felves to be Wife already. When Phydm made Jupiter for the Eleans, and (liewed it, he flood behind the Door Jiftnin^ what was commended, and what difcommend- ed in his Work ; one found fault with the grofnefs of his Nofe, another with the length of his Face, a third had Ibmething elfe to fay : now, when all the Spedators were gone, he retired himfelf again to mend the Work, ac- cording to what was liked of the greater part ; for he did not think the Advice of fiich a Multitude to be a fmall matter, judging that fo many faw many tilings better than he alone, though he could not but remember him- felf to be Phydias. But yet Artificers did not from hence admit their Judgments generally in every tiling, but they followed their Dircclions only in fuch thi?igs as did belong to their Proffjfion. ' t^swhen ^|7v"//w made a Work, he ex- pofed it in a place where all that palled by might fee it 5 hiding himfelf in tlie mean time behind the Pidure, to hear what faults were marked in his Works, preferring the common People before his own Judgment. And he is reported to have in ended his Work, upon the Cenfnre of a Shoo-maler, who blaming him for having made fewer Latchets in tlie infide of one of the Pantoffles, than of the other; the Shoo-maker finding the Work tlie next day mended according to his Advice, grew proud, and began to find fault with the Leg alfo ; whereupon Apelles could not contain him.felf any longer, but looking forth from behind the PiihirCjfaid, Nejutor ultra crepidam, he bid the Shoo-maker not go beyond his Lail: ; from whence at laft came that Proverb. He is the befl Man that can advife himfelf what is fit to be done ; and he is next in goodne% that is content to receive good Advice : but he that can neither advife himfelf, nor will be dire^^d by tlje Advice of others, is of a very ill Nature, ICHAJe, 5i6 Toljgraphites* Lib. IV. CHAP. III. Of the Corffummntion or VerfeEiion of the \^rt 1 of l^Ainting» ^ t. AS Invention gave reay to the advancement of Art, fo ■^^ the advancement of the fame made way for its Per^ fcBion. The Invention arofe from the appearance of things na- tural, conceived in Ideas, as we have abundantly figni- iicd Qn the firjl Chapter of this Book) the Advance from the bringing of thofe Ideas to hght through practice Ch Chap. -2..) iVom whence arofe things very excellent for Greatnrfs, very good for their /IfefnlneJ?, choice for their Novelty, and fm^iilar for their kinds. II. Eafe of Invention, plenty of Alatter, and neatnep of Work, vpere fieps by v^hich Art vcoi Conftmr/iaied. For eaje of Invention gave Encouragement, plenty of Afatter gave Formation, and Neatneji gave Delight -, all which fb con- Ipired together, to put fo much of Emulation into the Artificer, to undertake or endeavour to do thofe things, which in their kmd might never after be exceeded : this indeed was their aim of" old, which although the Anti- ents of this Art could never attain unto, yet did they make fucli way, that fome of their Followers have done thofe things, -which never any after them could ever iTiend, northemlclvcs Icarcely come near. Eafie Inven- tion fprings out of a great and well rooted fulnets ofLearn- ing ; by being converfant in all forts of Studies, having familiarity witii Antiquities ; the knowledge of innume- rable Hiitorical and Poetical Narrations, together with a through Acquaintance with all fuch Motions and Idea's of the Mind, as are natui"ally incident unto Men : for the whole force of this Art doth principally conlilt in thefe things, liothing bearing a greater iway in the manifold Varieties of Painting. III. It Tvas the Opinion of Pamphilus (the Ma(ier of ApcUcs) that TvjthoHt the knowledge of Aritbmetici, Geome^ try, and the Opticks, this Art cokld not be brought to Per' fe^ioii. The Chap.^. TheVerfe^ionofVdnttng, 517 The Examples of Phidioi and Akamenes is pertinently brought here : Tht Athenians intending to fet up the Image of Minerva upon a high Pillar , employed thofe two Workmen, purpofmg to chufe the better of the tvvo ; Al- camenes (having no Skill in Geometry nor the OptichJ made her vv^onderful Fair to the Eye of them that faw her near. Phidia^s contrariwile (being Skilftil in all Arts, chiefly the OpticbJ confidering that the whole Shape would change according to the height of the place, made lier Lips wide open, lierNofe fomewhat out of order, and all the reft accordingly, by a kind of Refupination : the tvvo Images being brought to view, Phidias was in great danger to have been Stoned by the Multitude, until at length the Statues were fet up ; where the fweet and ex- cellent ftroaks of Alcameaes were drowned, and the dif^ figured diftorted hard-favourednefs of Phidias liis Work vanillied (and all this by the height of the place by which means Alcamenes was Laughed at, and Phidias much more Efteemed. Of like perfedion is Amidius his Miriervfi j the Image of JyMo in the Temple of the Syrian. Goddefs j the Head of Diana exalted at Chios^ made by Bapahfs and Anthermus, Hercules in the Temple of An- toniaj &c. An Artificer , faith Philo\iratus in Prmmia Iconum, mull undcrftand the Nature of a Man through- ly, toexprefsall his Manners, Guile, Behaviour, &c. he muftdifcern the force in the Conltitution of his Cheeks, in the turning of his Eyes, in the cafting of his Eye-brows ; in lliort, he muft obferve all things which may help the Judgment -, and whofoever is thus fiirnillied, willdoubt- iefs excel and bring things to perfedlion ; he then may ealily Paint a Mad-man, an Angry-man, a Penfive-man, a Joyful-man, an Earneft-man, a Lover, &c. in a word, the perfection of whatfoever may poflibly be conceived in the Mind. IV. Continual ohfervation of exqtdfite Pieces, Cf^hether Ar^ tificial or Natural J nimble Conceptions, and Tr.anqmlity of A^ind, are great means to bring Art to PerfeElion. The Works of the Antients could never have be-en €0 exquifite in theExprefEon of PaffionSjbut by thefe means- How perfeftly did Zenxis Paint the modeft and chafte Behaviour of Penelop: ; Timomackis the raging mad Fit o£ Ajax ; Sil anion the Frowardnefs of Apollodorus 5 Protoge-' na the deep Penfivenefs of Philifcus 5 Praxiteles the Re- Bb joycings 1 1 8 Folygrdphkes Lib. IV. joycings o^Phrpe ; Parrhafins a Boy running in Armour ; SiTi^ArijiUes \i)& Anapa'Aomenos Dying for Love of his Brother? Bodws\iii Image o£ Hercules, is of the fame na- ture : Themijiius fhews us the true Image of feigned Fricndlliip ; A^ellhis a moft lively Image of Juftice ; A- fslks an admirable Picture of Slander ; thoufands of Ex- amples more mi^^ht be drawn out of antient Authors, to approve thefe things, if thcfe may be thought not fuffi- cient. V. This Perfection alfo lyeth in the trnth of the matter, the occafnn thereof, ani Difcretion to ufe it. The moft antient and famous Painters did make mucb account of Truth, and had rather lofe the neatneft and glory of their Pieces, than to endanger the truth of their Story ; which indeed is the great Commendation of a Picture, for as much as Lucian faith, That nothing can be profitable but what proceeds from Truth. Occafion alfo is a great matter ', the Pi6lure of Bacchus may here lerve for an excellent Exaiif^le, whofe Paflion ot Love w-as fo clearly expreffed therein ; carting afide his brave Apparel, Fiowcr>, Leaves, Grapes, &c. Now, fn rcprc- fenting things truly according to the occafion, Difcretion ou"ht to be your Guide; for as in Tragedies, fo alfo in Pi'Jtures all things ought not to be rcprefcntcd -, let not A'Icde.i (faith Horace in lihro de Arte) Murder her own Children in the prefcncc of all the People ; let not the wicked Atrciis Boil Humane FlelTi openly; there are doubt lefs many things, which had belter be left out, though with iomt lofs of the Story, than with the lofs of MoicRy^ wanton, unlawful and filthy Lufts, (though they may gain the vain title of Wit) yet ihcy diminifli not oi:ly the F.ftunation otthe Work-man, but alio the Er;cellcncy of tht Woil', debannig it of perfcdlion. Pre- cepts help Art nmch, in propounding unio us the right way; but where they fail, our Wits muft iiipply, by warily confidering wliat is decent and convenient ; for tliis Art requireth ftudious Endeavours; adiduous Exer- citations, great Experience, deep \Viidom, ready Coun- iel, Veracity of Mindj diligent Obfervations, and great Difcretion. VI. To the former add MagnificincSj rfhich gives Anthoi rity f fl things fxaUfnt,^ Great Chap. j[. The PerfeSfionofPainthg. ^ig| Great minded Men are mofl of all given to entertain ilately Conceits ; therefore an Artiz^an ought to be of a magnanimous Nature ; if not, yet that at leaft he ought With a determined Refolution to aim at magnificent things. So it feems, that Nature did difppfe Nicopkanes to a high ftrain of Invention; Nicopkc.ms (X^xth. Pliny, lib, 35. cap. 10.) was gallant and neat, fo that he did Paint Antiquities for Eternity^ whereby he was commended fon the magnificence of his Work, and gravity of his Art. Such Artificers therefore as do bring any thing to perfe6ti- on, muit be of an exceeding great Spirit, and entertaiii upon every occafion great Thoughts and lofty Imaginati- ons ; by this means they fhall gain an cverlalting Fame ; but this is impoiTible (faith Longinus) for any -^vho bufie the Thoughts and Studies of their Life about vile andfla- viili Matters, to bring forth any thing which might de- lerve the admiration of fucceding Ages. If any Aniz^an^ . be not naturally of fo great a Spirit, let him help Iiimfel£ by the reading ot Hiffory and Poefie. Hiltory cannot but mlpire a magnanimous Spirit, when fhe reprefents to us lo m.any rare Exploits, and the Examples of fo many great, noble and valiant Souls, who throughout all Ages,' in the midlt of mo(i eminent Dangers, have demonftra- ted their Virtues and Spirits not only to thofe prefent, but all fuccceding times. Poefie alfo being of a haughty and lofty Stile, doth much enlarge the Mind, and from thence many excellent things are brought : the much admired Elem Jfipiter which Phidias made, hinlfelf confelfed ta be formed after the Image of Jupiter defcribed in Homer » From the fame Poet did Apelles Paint the Image o^Di^na among the Sacrificing Virgins. It is not the prefent Age, but the Sacred Memory of all Polterity, which gives un- to us a weighty and durable Crown of Glory. VII. Exacl Analogy or Proportion, not only advanced Art, h-it aljo hronghtit a degree nearer Perfe^ion. Philoftrattis calls it Symmetric^ fome Analogy, others Harmony ; this is the Appellation of the Greeks -, what the Latins called it fcarcely appears, (as Pliny faith //&.' ^4. cap. 8.) yet words equivalent in power thereto are tbund, as Congruens, Equality ; and Tully (lihro primo ds OJJiciisJ calls it Agreement and apt Compofition, Vitriviufy Commodulation ', Agellius calls it a natural Competence ^ P^intilian approves the word Proportion i by which, faith B b 2 Phtarc^hf 520 Poifgraphkes Lib. IV. Pint arch, beautiful things are perfeded: it is one ofthofe things which the moft High ufcd in the Fabrication of the World, (Wifd. 1 1 . 20.) He h^th difpofed all things in mca- ftire, and mimher, and veeight. The firft giver ot Symme- trie or Analogy was Parrhafius ; Pdlycletus was a diligent Obfer/er thereof; Afclepiodorm, an exaft Pra6lifer there- of, whofe Admirer was Apelles, who efteemed it to pro- ceed out offome Perfc6tions in an Artificer furpaffing in Art, and which is moft apparent in naked and undif- guifed Bodie?. Strabo faith, that Phidias cxa6tly obfcr- ved this proportion in the Image Oi Jupiter Olympicus fit- ting. The fame Phidias, as Ltician reports, could exa6lly tell upon the firft fight of a Lions Claw, how big a Lion he was to make in proportion to the fame Claw. Lineal Pi6ture is the Foundation of all Imitation, which if it be done after the tme Rules of Proportion, will lively re- prefent the thing delineated : this is a Perfe6lion in kind, w-bich vet cannot be compared to the perfe6lion of a co- loured t^iilure. VIII. Thii point of Perfection rvas farther advanced by the exqfii/i.'enej? of Colof^ring. The perfe^ion of Colouring arifcth from a certain right underftanding of each Colour fevcrall}', without which it is impr-fhble to mix any thing rightly, as Hern:ogenes faith. The Greds (as Porpkyrins) call this mixtion of Colours, CorrHp'.ion, "which n^")!!! Phi! arch alfo ufcd, when he faid, that Ap-/lodvr'/.s (who firft found out thcCorniption, or way oi'Shado'.ving in Colours) was an Athenian. Lnei- f.n calls it G.'^f-^fion, where he faith, that by the. Art of Pointing, Ima,?cs Avere made by a moderate confufion of • Colour?, asWiiite, Blac!:, Yellow, Red, C>"f. by which, as Philcfiy-atf-y^ laithin Prrxtmin IconatK, we know how to imitate tiie Diverlities of looks in a Mad-man, in a (ad orchecrfulCoume-.iance .- the colour of the hve,as brown, gray or black: of the Hair, as golden, nrldy, brighter flaxen • of the Cfoaths, as Cloth, Leather, or Armour - of Places, as Chamberf, Houfes, Forcll-s, Mountains, Rivers, Fountains, &c. this is done by the accurate mix- tion, due Application, and convenient Shadowing,- as Lucian laith in Zeaxide; through the Obfenation ot light, fliadow, obfcurit\- and brightnefs, 3.s Plutarch \\'i\i have it. For tliis caufc, faith Johannes GramnjaticHs, is a white or golden Pi6iure made upon a black ground. Light is Chap. J. Ihe Perfe^ioft of V Aiming, it\ is altogether neceflary, feeing there can be no fliade with- out it : Light and Shadow cannot fubfitt afundcr, be- caufe by the one the other is apparent, for thofc things ivhich are enlightned feem to flick out more, and to meet the Eyes of the Beholder ; thofe which are iliaded to be depreflfed. This fame of Light and Shadow, Nicias the Athenian did moft accurately obferve ; as ■a.KoZeHxisy PolyinotHS and Euphranor, as Philoflratus faith in lihro fe~ cundo de vita Apollonii, cap. g. Apellcs Painted Alexan- der as if he held Lightning in his Hand ; Philoftrattis ob- fervedthe fame in the Pidiure of an Ivory Venus, fo that one would think it an eafic matter to take hold of her ; PaHJi.ti arrived to fuch an excellency in this, as Scarcely any after could attain unto, as in the Painted Ox, faith Pliny y which he made inimitable. Obfcurity or Darkneis is only the duskinefs of a deeper Shadow, as Brightnefs is the Exaltation of Light: if White and Black be put up- on the f une Supeificie?, the White Avillfeem neareft, the Black farther off: this being known to make a thing feem holbw, as a Ditch, Cave, Ciftern, Well, &c. it is coloured with Black or Brown 5 and fomuch the black- er, fo much the deeper it feems ; extream Black reprefent- ing a bottomlefs depth ; but to make it rife, as the Breafts of a Maid, a ftretched-out Rand, &c. there is laid round, or on each fide, fo much black or brown, as may make the parts feem to ftick out, by reafon of the adjacent hollow- nefs ; brightnefs is fometimes ufed for necelfity, but ge- nerally for Ornament, (as in thePi6lures of Angels, Gems, Armour, Flame, Flowers, Gold, and the like) the which IS made always ^vith a mixture of light ; which mixtion Painters call Harmoge, but is nothing elfe fave an undi- fcernable piece of Art, by which the Artiz^an ftealin^ly pafleth from one colour into another, with an infenfible diftinilion -, this Harmoge is moft perfect in the Rainbow, xvhich containing evident variety of Colours, yet leaves them fo indiftinguilliable, as that we can neither fee where they begin, nor yet where they end, as Boethius ob- ferves in lihri qainti de arte mujica capite quarto. The laft and chief perfedion of Colouring lieth in the out-lines or extremities of the Work, being cut oft' with fuch a won- derful fubtilty and fweetnefs, as to prefent unto us things ■we do not fee, but that we rfiould believe that behind the Piitures, there is fomething more to be feeoj than can B b 3 eaJil? ^22 Folygraphices Lib. IV. eafily be difccrncd ; thereby fetting forth, as it were, thofe things which are really concealed, this was Perrhajius his chict glor^r ; but herein ^pelles exceeded all others what- soever, as Pctronuisin Satyrico feems to affirm. IX. Aciion and, Vajfiori id next to he confidered, in which confi/fs Life and Motion . There is not any thing that can add a more lively grace to the Work, than the extream likenefs of Motion, pro- ceeding from the inward A6lionor PafTion of the Mind. It is therefore a great point of Art, which leads unto Per- fection, the which Ave are to learn by cafting our Eyes aipon Nature, and tracing her Iteps. Confider all the Gelhires of the Body, as the Head, by which is expreiTed the Affedions of the Mind. The cafting down of the Head, fhewethdejeftion of Mind ; being caft back, Arro- gance ,- hanging?, on either fide, languifhing; being ftiff or iiurdy, chur'lillnnefs : by it we grant, refiife, affirm, threa- ten j or pafTively, or balliful, doubtftjl, fallen, envious, &c. by the motions of the Countenance appears Sorrow, Joy, love. Hatred, Courtefie, Courage, Deje6tion, &c. by the motions of the Countenance, are exprett the Qualities of the Mind, as Modefty and Shamefacednefs, or Boldnefs and Impudence : but of all the parts of the Countenance, athe Eyes are moft powerful, for they, whether we move or move not, iTiew forth our Joy or Sorrow; this is excel- lently expreft by the Prophet, in Lcni. 3. 48. tlD^D JI^D :'JDy TO, 1311^ hf UlJ^lin fi'd^e majim terrfldgnenijgnd fheber bat gnan:mi, which TremelliHs renders, Rivis aquarnm ^erftuit ocuIhs fTjeus, propter contri. ionern filia populi mei : and again HDID ^*4'^ *1 niJH U[J^ griem nigger ah velo tidmah, a. e. oculns mem deflmt nee defijtit . For the fame purpofe it is that Nature hath furnillied them with Tears ', but their Motion doth more cfpecially exprefs the Intention, as Meeknefs, Pride, Spitefulnels, and the like; all which are to be imitated, according as the Natureof the Adion lliall require, as flaring, clofed, dull, wanton, glancing, asking or promifing fomething. The Eyc-broAvs alfo have rfome adlions, £ox they chiefly command the Fore-head by contrafting, dilating, raifmg and dcpreuing it ; wrink- led Brows ITiew Sadnefs and Anger ; Difplayed, Cheer- fulnefs \ Hanging, Shame ; Elation, Confent ; Deprct- fion, Diffent, &c. The Lips fliew Mockmg, Scorning, Loathing, &c. The Arm gently caft forth, is graceful in fami- Chap. ^ . The FerfeSiion of Pamhg. 321 familiar Speech ; but the Arm fpread forth towards one Ude, llicws one fpeaking of feme notable Matter ; with- out the motion of the Hands all motion is maimed ; the Hands, as it were, call, difmip, threaten, reqzefl, abhor, fear, asi, demand, promife, deny, douht, confep, repent, numher, measure, rejoyce, encourage, hefeech, hinder, reprozfe, (tdmire, relate, commend, &c. In admiration we hold the Hand up, bent fomewhat backward, with all the Fin- gers doled: in relating we join the top of the Fore-finger to the Thumb-nail : in promifmg we move it foftiy : in exhorting or commending, more quick : in penitence and anger, we lay our clofed Hand to the Brefi: we clofe the Fingers ends, and Jay them to our Mouth when we confider, &c. It is not yet enough that the Pi6lure or I- mage refembles the proportion and colour of the Life, im- lefs it hkewife refembles it in the elerneanour of the whole Body ; therefore CalMratus calls tliis Art, the Art of Coun- terfeiting Manners. Ulyjfes is evidently, faith Philcfiratfix, difcerned by his Aufterity and Vigilancy ; Menelans by his gentle mildnefs j Agamemnon hy a kind of Divine Majefty^ AjaxTelamonmshy bis gnmlook; Locrus hy his readinefs and forwardnels. The beft Artifts ever change their Hands, in expreffing of Gods, Kings, Priefts, Sena- tors, Orators, Muficians, Lavnyers, &c. Zenxis Painted the Modefty of Pf«f/o/'f : Echion made a new Married but Shamefaced Woman : Ariftides Painted a running Cha- riot drawn with four Horfcs : Antiphilus made a Boy blowing the Fire ; Philoxenns Eretrias depi6ted the Pi6hire of Wantonnefs: Parrhajiy.s made the Hoplitides ox Pi- .nd Soul of the Work^ the entire and joint Summ of all Per" feSlions. It is not enough, that a Pi6lure is excellent in one or more of the aforefaid Perfe6lions, but the Confummati- on is, that they all concur ; for if but one be wanting,, the whole Work is defeftive. A good Invention affe(xs the Mind ; true Proportion draws the Eyes ; lively Moti- on moves the Soul; exquifite Colours beguile the Phanta- fie^ and an orderly Difpofition wonderfully charms all the Senfes ; if all thefe unite and center in one piece, liow great an Excellence and Perfedlion will appear? What a comely Grace ? this Grace it is, which in beautiful Bodies is the Life of Beauty, and without which, its greateft Accomplilliments cannot pleafe the Beholder. For it is not fo m.uch the perfedion of Invention, Propor- tion, Colours, Motion and Difpofition apart, which af^ feet the Senfes, but all thofe Pcrfe6lions abfolutely united, which brings forth that comely Grace, and higheft Perfe- 6lion, which Art aims at, and the Artizan firives after. This Grace proceeds not from any Rules of Art, but from the excellent Spirit of the Artificer; it is eafier attained by Oblerv^ation and a good Judgment, than learned by- Precepts, as Huintilian in his Inttitutions, lib. ii, cap. i. learnedly obferves. And this Grace is molt graceful when it flows with Facility, out of a free Spirit, and is not for- ced or ftrained out with Labour and Toil, which quite ipoils and kills the life of the Work: Now, this Facility Springs from Learning, Study and Excrcitation. Art and Nature mufl concur to the Conftitution , of this Grace j Art rauft be applied difcreetly to thofe things which we naturally affedl, and not to things which we loath -, left we mifs of that Glory which we feek after. CHAPJ 5'-^^ //^ Polygrnphices Lib. IV. CHAP. IV. floivtfje Afitknts Depicted their Gods i andfrfi of Saturn- TJITf htre \nteni to comprehend the various rcays of the I ' » Antisnts in DcpiFting their Idols, according to the Gi" jloms of thofe feveral Nations, where they ivere Adored and IVorPnppedy and that from the mofi antient, chiefeli and beji 'approved Authors now extant. I. The 2.ntknt Romans Rgmcd Saturn like an old Man,' tvith a Scythe or Hook in his Hand, by fome fignifying Time, as his name C/'/'o«oj_ alio intimates. II. They alfo figured him in the ihape of a very Aged Man, as one who began with t lie beginning of the World, holding in his Hand a Child, which by piecemeals he feems greedily to devouro By this is fignified the Revenge he tool: for heing expulfed Heaven by his own Children, of which thofe which efcaped his Fury, were only four, Jupiter, Juno, Pluto and Neptime, ly which is jhadowed forth the four Ehnents, Fii'e, Air, Earth and Water, which are not perijhahle hy the all-cutting Sickle of devouring Time. III. Martianus Capella Depi6ls him an old Man, hold- ing in his Right Hand a Serpent, with the end of its Tail in its Mouth, turnmg round with a very flow pace, his Temples girt with a green Wreath, and the Hair of his Head and Beard milk white. The Wreath on his Head fJpews the Spring-time, his fnowy Hair and Beard the approach of churl i(h Winter; the flow ne^ cf the Serpents motion, the fuggifh Revolution of that Planet. IV. Afacrohius defcribes him Avith a Lions-head, a Dogs-head, and a Wolfs-head. By the Lions-head is fignifed the time pre fent, (which is al- ways flrongefi, for that, which is, r/jiji needs he more porverful than that which is not J hy the Dogs-head, the time to come, (which always fawns on us, and by whofe alluring Delights Tve are drawn on to vain and uncertain hopes J^and hy the Wolfs- head, time pall, (which greedily devourcth whatfosver itfirids^ leaving no memory thereof behind.) V. Macrd' Chap. ^. Of Defimng Jupiter. 527 V. Macnhitis alfo faith, that among the reft of his Deicriptions, his Feet are tye^ together with thi-cads of Wooll. _ %. By which is Jhewedy that God does nothing in hajie, nor Jpeedily cafiigates the Iniquities of Man, hit proceeds foivly and unmllin^lyy to give them time and leifare to amend. VI. EufehiHs faith, that ^/?^r^^ (the Daughter ofC(r- lum. Wife and Sifter of Saturn) did place alfo upon his Head two Wing^s, demonflrating by the one, the excel- lency and perfedtion of the Mind -, by the other, the force of Senfe and Underftanding. The Platonich underjiand by Saturn the Mind, and its inroard Contemplation of things Ccele/lial, and therefore called the time in t^hich he lived, the Golden Age, it being refute mth Qnietnefsy Concord, and true Content. CHAP. V. Horv the Antknts Defined Jupiter. 'i^C\Rpheus defcribes him with golden Locks, having en ^^ his Temples peeping forth two golden Horns, his Eyes fliining, his Breft large and fail-, having on his Shoulders Wings. By the golden Loch is fignifed the Firmament, and its florioHs Army of Trahcent Stars : by his two Horns, the iaft and Weft : by his Eyes, the Sun and Moon : hy his Brsfi, the fpacious Ambtdation of the Air ^ and by his Wings, the Fiery of the Winds. II. Porphyrins and Snidas Depidled the Image of J^-yi- ter fitting upon a firm and immoveable Seat -, the upper parts naked and uncloathed, the lower parts covered and irivefted ; in his Left Hand a Scepter ; in his Right Hand a great Eagle, joined with the Figure of ViVvoria. This Image -was ercB:ed in Pirsus, a jlately and magnif- cent Gate of Athens ; by the Seat is ftoewed the Permanency of God's Porter: the naked parts fhevp that the Compajfion of the Diz>ine Porper is alw^ays manifeji to thofe of an tmderfianding Spirit : the lower parts covered, fhevn that -while we wallow in the WQrld, and a^s it were rock'd ajleep with the illicebrous Blan' |2S Polygyaphices Lib. IV. 'Blandijhmfnts thereof, that the Divine Knovcledge is hid and oh/cured from m : by the Scepter is fignified his Rale over all things .♦ Eagle and Vi6loria hoTv alLM)ings fiand in VaffaUge And Suhjection to the all-sommandin^ Povper. III. Martianas Depiclares him with a regal Crown, a- dorned with moft precious and glittering Stones ; over his Shoulder?, a thin Vail (made by Palloi own Hands) all white, in which is inferted divers Imall pieces ofGlalsre- prefenting the moft refplendent Stars ; in his Right Hand he holdeth two Balls, the one all of Gold, the other half Gold half Silver ; in the other Hand an Ivory Harp with nine Strings, fitting on a Foot-cloth, wrought with Itrangt Works, and Peacocks Fea±ers ; and near his Side lieth a Tridental Gold Em-bofTed Mafs. IV. Plutarch faith, that in Crete^ he had wholly Hu- mane Shape and Proportion, but without Ears. By that Tvas (ignified, that Sy.periours and Judges ought «of to he carried avpay by Prejudice nor Perfrvafion^ but (iand firm, fledfafl and upright to all mithout Partiality. V. Contrariwife the Lacedemonians framed his Pi6lure v/ith four Ears. By that they fignified, that God heareth and underjiandeth all things j and that Princes and Judges ought to hear all In- formations, before they deliver definitive Sentence or Judg- ment, VI. Paufanioi faith, that in the Temple o'i Aiinerva (amon^ the Argives) the Statue of Jupiter was made -with tlireeEyes; two of them in their right places j the other in the middle of his Fore-head. By Tsfhich is fignified his three Kingdoms ; the one Heaven, tfje other Earth, the la/} Sea. VII. With the Eleans (a People o^ Grece) the Statue cfjove was compa6led of Gold and Ivory, empaled with a Coronet of Olive Leaves; in his Right Hand the Iitiage o^l^i^oria; in his Left a Scepter, on the top of which was mounted the Portrai(5h.;re of an Eagle, upon a Seat of Gold, enchafed with the forms of many unknown Birds and Fifhes, upheld and fupported by four Images of ViEloria. VIII. In Caria (a Place of the kffcr A/iaJ the StaUie cff Jupiter was made holding in one of his Hands a Pole^, Axe. The Chap. 6. OfDepI^hgM2iTs, ^29 The reajon of this was, as ¥lut3.XQh. faith from Hercules, who overthromng Hippolyta the Amazonian ^ueen^ took it from her y and ^ave it to Omphale/);V Wife, ^Lydian. The "Platonilk underfiand hy Jupiter, the Soul of the World ; and that Divine Spirit, through whofe Almighty PoTV.er every thing receives its Being and Prefervation. IX. He is alfo Painted with long curled black Hair in a purple Robe, trimmed with Gold, and fitting on a golden Throne, with bright yellow Clouds difperied a- bout him. CHAP. VL How the Antients DepiS^ed Mars. ISKXAcrohim faith, that the Pi6lures of M^trs were a- ^^ domed and beautified with the Sun-beams, in as lively a manner as could be devifed ; with an Aipedl fierce, terrible, and wrathfiil, hollow red Eyes, quick in their motion. Face all hairy, with long ciuied Locks on his Head, depending even to his Shoulders, of a coal black colour, landing with a Spear in tlie one Hand, and a Whip in the other. II. He is alfo fometimes Depicted on Horfeback, and fometimes in a Chariot, drawn with Horfes called Fear and Horror : fbme fay the Chariot was drawn with t'.vo Men, which were called Fury and Violence. III. Statins faith he wore on his Head a Helmet mod bright and lliining, fo fiery as it fcemcd there iffued flalli- es of Lightning 3 a Brett-plate of Gold, infculp'd with fierce and ugly Monftersj his Shield depainted all over vv'ith Blood, enchafed with defonned Beafe, with a Spear and Whip in his Hands, drawn in a Chariot with two Horfes, Fury and Violence , driven with two churliili CoacI>men, Wrath and Befiriiction, IV. Ifidorm faith, that the Pidlure of Mars was de- painted with a naked Breft. By Tvhich is fignified, that Men ought not to he timorous in War, hut valiantly and Uldly expofe themfelves to Haz,ards md Dangers. V. Statins 5 ^ o Polygrafhkes Lib. IV. V. Scmta. faith, that die Houfe of Man was Built in an obfcure corner of 77;r rehich over fees and beholds all things. III. The Lacedemonians Depi6led Apollo with four Ears, and as many Hands. By which ivas /tgnified the Judgment and Prudence of pod^ leing fmft md ready to hear, hfit flow to fpeai, and from thence grew that Proverb among the Grecians. IV. Herodotus tz'goittth, that th^ Phoenicians had the Statue of the Sun made in black Stone, large and fpaci- ous at bottom, but inarp and narrow at top, which they boafted to have had from Heaven. V. LaBantms faith, that in Perfia, Phoebus or Apollo was their chiefeft God, and was thus defcribed • he had the Head of a Lion habited according to the Perfian Cu- ftom, wearing on his Head fuch Ornaments as the Wo-; menof jPfr/^ufed, holding by main force a white CoWj by the Horns. The Head of the Lion ^yeweth the Suns Dominion in the Sign Leo J the Cow pews the Moon, Twhofe Exaltation is Taurus j and his force Me holding, the Moons Eclipfe, which fhe cannot avoid. VI. Paufanias tdkihy that in Patra, a. City of Achaiay a metalline Statue of Apollow^s found in the proportion ofanOxorCow. VIL. Lucianus faith, that the Ajfyrians fhaped hirri with a long Beard, (iLewing his perfe6tion ^ upon his Brett a Shield ; in his Right Hand a Spear, in the top of which v/as ViBoria ; in his Left Hand Anthos, or the Sun Flower : this Body was covered with a Veiiment, upon -which was painted the Head ofMedufa, from which dangled downwards many fwarms of Snakes ; on the one fide of him Eagles flying, on the other fide a lively Nymph. VIII. ThQ Egyptians compofed the Statue of the Sun ia the fhape of a Man, with his Head half Shaven. By the Head half Shaven, is fignified, that though his Beamy or Shining tnay be clouded for a time, yet that he will return and beautifie the fame with his prifiin BrightneJS; as the growing of the Hairs (which fignipe his Beams J to their, fulfextent and perfe^ion a^ain, may denote. IX. Martianus thus defcribes him j upon his Head (faith he) he wears a Rwal and Gorgeous Crown, in- chafed with multitudes of precious Gems \ three of which jbeau- 35^ PoljgrAphiees. Lib. IV* beautifie his Fore-head; (ix his Temples ; and three other thehindermoft part of the Crown : his Hair hanging down in trefTes, looks like refined Gold, and his Countenance wholly like Flame : his Veftment is thin, fubtil, and wrought with fine Purple and Gold ; in liis Right Hand he holds a bright Shield, and in his Left a flaming Fire- brand : on his Feet he hath two Wings, befet with fiery Carbuncles. X. Eujehim wniQth, that in Elephantinopolis (a City in Egypt) the Image oi Apollo w^as framed to the due like- nefs of a Man throughout the Body, fave only, that he had the Head of a Ram, with young and fmall Horns, and his Afpe6l of a Cerulean and blcwifh Green, not un- like to that of the Sea. The Head of the Ram fignifies the Sum Exaltation in the Sign Aries ; and the young Horns the change or nerv of the Moon, made by her Conjun^ion mth the Sun, in rvhich /he iooks blemfJy. XI. He is alfo Drawn with long curled golden Hair, Crowned with a Lawrel, in a purple Robe, a filver Bow in his Hand, fitting on a Throne of Emeralds. There might yopt fee mth greatcfl Skill intexed. The Poriraittare of Phoebus lively dravon ; And his fair Sifiers Shape thereto annexed, Whofe fhining parts jeem'd fhadorv'd ore mth Lawn', Arid though mth equal Art both were explaind. And Workme)is care gave each of them their d;tc, Tct to the view great difference retrain d. In Habit ^ Shape, Afpecl, and in their Hue. For one of them muji give the day his light : And th' other reign Commandref of the night. CHAP. viir. How the Affcients Depicted Venus. I. TTT E R Statue is framed in the fhape of a moft beau- •'--*• tifiil and young Woman, itinding upright in a ?juge Shell of Fiih, drawn by two other moit ugly and ftrange Fillies, as Ovul at large noteth. II. Z'^^- Chap .9. 6f Depicti/igMcTcuxy, 533 II. Patifanm faith ilie is drawn in a Coach, through the airy paiTages, -^vithtwo white Doves, (a.s Apnlems 2lI- fo affirmeth) which are called the Birds of Venns. III. Horace 3.nd firgil affirm, that the Chariot of r>- nus is drawn by t'vvo white Swans, of Avhich Statim alfo iTiaketh mention, w^ho faith that thofe Birds are moft mild, innocent, and harmkfs, and therefof^ given unto Venui, _ ■"■ IV. Praxiteles an excellent Engraver in the liland of Gnidos, made her Image Naked, and wathout Cloths, as alfo did the Grecians. By Tvhich was fignified, that all LuxurioPM and. Licentious People mere,, hy their inordinate Lufls, like Beafis, depri-ned of Serife, and left, as it tvere. Naked, and defpoiled of Reafon, and. Underflanding ; and oftentimes alfo firipped thereby of their Riches, Goods, and Eflates. V. LaUantim faith, that the Lacedemonians framed and compofed the Image di Venus all Armed like a Warrior, holding in oiie hand a Spear, in the other a Shield or Target. And this reas hy reafon of a certain ViBory which the Wo^ wen of that Place got over their Enemies, the People o/Mef- fenia, which fnccefs ihey fuppofed to have proceeded from the Poveer and Affifance of Venus, as infpiring thsfe Womens Hearts with Courage, Stout nefs and Refolation. VI. She is alfo depi6led with Yellow Hair, attired with Black J a Scarlet, or elfe Dun-coloured Robe. CHAP. IX. Horv the Ancients depi^ed Mercury. I. "Tp H E Ancients defcribed him in the fhape of a -■• » Young Man without a Beard, with two fmall Wings fixed behind his Shoulders and Ears, his Body al- moft all Naked, fave that from his Shoulders depended a thin Veil, which Avinded and compared about all his Body ', in his Right Hand he held a Golden Purfe, and in his Left a Caducens, or Snaky Staff, to wit, a {lender \Vhite Wand, ab^ut which two Serpents do annodate C c and 5 54 Polygraphkes Lib. IV. and entwinerthemfelves, whofe Heads meet together juft at the top, as their Tails do at the lower end. This rcjemhlc.nce wa.^ called Concordia or Signum Pacis ; upon which it came to pafs, that Amhajfah'ArSj and great Men in matters of St ale ^ carried always in their hand Jnch a hie Staff", and were called Cadiiceators. II. Aptilems ymttxh that A^ercury was a very youth, having very l"hort Hair on his Head, of an Amber Co- lour, and Curled, paving for a Vertment only a liibtil and thin Veil made of purple Silk. III. Martianm Capella defcribes him young, yet of a ftrong and well compofed Bodj'-, with certain young Hairs, of ayellowini colour sprouting out of his Chin. IV". Patifanias faith, that in a Province of Corinth, he was dcpidicd like a young Man carrying a Ram upon his Shoulders : And that a Statue ( brought from Arcadi.i unto Rome ) cre6led in the Temple of Jupiter Olympicus, had on its Head a Helmet of Engraven Steel • and over his Shoulder, a Coat, who held under his Arm the Image of a Ram. V. Among fome of the Egyptians his Image was fra- med with a I^cad Jike a Dog's, holding in his Right Hand a Cadticem, or Snaky Wand ; iliaking with his Left a green Bough o'i Palm. By the Head of the Do^ was underftood fuhtihy andcraf- ttnefs C no Bcaji bein^ Jofubtil as a Dog ; J by the Sn^ky Wand, the power. of Wifdom and Eloquence in prodncing of Peace, Jimrnificd by the (nreen Palm. VI. B\- fome he was depicted in the Similitude of a very aged Man, his Head almoll bald, lave that on the fides there remained lome few Hairs, lliort and curled ; his Looks grim, fevere and fovvre ; his Complexion of a tawny, ancient hue ; his upper Garment, of a Lions skin; in his Right Hand a huge Poll-ax, in his Left Hand an Iron Bow 3 at his Back hanging a Quiver of Stecl-hcadcd Arrows ; to the end of his Tongue were faftned many fmall chains o^ Gold, at whole ends were tied multitudes of all forts of Men, which he fecmed to draw unto him ', looking always backward, to behold the innumerable Troops of People following him. By th:s defcription is Jignified the All-pow^rftd and Attra-* ^ive Virttte of EloaMnce ; which by his Age is underfiood :q h( found only in Otd^ Wifcj and ExperioKtd Mm^ oa being in chap. 10. Of DepEiing Diana or Luna 3 j ^ in thim more mature and ferfett, than in thofe of younger Tears^ of which Homer /peaks at large in his Commendation and Praife o/Neitor : from mhcfe Mouth C faith he J plen- tifully rolled forth .wojl pleajant and dnlcid Streams ', rphofe Pen difiilled Cryflalline drops of delicious Srxeetnefs j rahofe Wor^s and Fruits fo compleatly adorned with Golden Sen- fences y aJfnvJgeth the malice of Time, and mitigateth and al- layeth the fpight of Forgetfdnefs, that his Perpetuity is In-* graven in the Brafs-leavd Books of Eternal 2\demory^ never , to he Blotted out. ' VII. He is alfo drawn with long curled yellow Hair, in a Coat of flame colour, and with a Mantle purely white, triimned with Gold and Silver ; his Beaver white, with white Feathers, his Shoes Golden, his Rod Silver. CHAP. X. Hojv the Ancients depi^ed Diana or Luna.' I T\Iana, Cynthia, Lucina or Ltina, was, according to *-^ Propertitis, depicted in the likenefs of a young Beautiful Virgin ; having on either fide of her forehead t^vo fmall glirtering horns, newly putting forth, drawn through the Air in a Purple Coloured Coach, b^ two fwift paced Horfes, the one of a Sad Colour, the other of a White. Thefe tm differing Horfes, Boccslcc faith, Jherv that Jhe hath power both in the Day and Night. II. Claudianus faith, that her Chariot is drawn by two White Bullocks, ( which Image the Egyptians worfhipped with great zeal and reverence) having one of their flanks befpotted with divers Stars, and on their heads two fuch fharp horns as the Moon hath in her chiefeft Wane. III. OVfro defcribes her Statue ( which he brought out of a Temple in CiliciaJ of a wonderful height, and large dimenfion, the whole Body covered with a large thin Veil, of a youthful Afpegraphices Lib. IV. IV. The Poets (who call her the Goddefs of Hunting, and Imperial Govcrnefs of Woods and Groves ) defcribe her in the habit of a young Nymph, Avith her Bow ready bent in her hand, and a Quiver of Arrows hanging by her left fide ; a fwift paced Grey-hound fall tyed to her right fide, with a Collar about his Neck ; and after her followed Troops o^ Sylvan J^irginsy w^hich are Chart, and are called the Nymphs of Diana. V. Thefe Virgins and Votrcfies of the Goddefs, are thus, defcribed. Scarce mounted Sol upon his glorious Car, When o're the lofty Hills, and lowly Plain^ Running ap.ice yon might perceive afar -A Troop of Amaz,ons to poji amain : But nhen they nearer came unto yo>ir vieiv, Tou might difcern Diana and her Crerv. A carelejs Crejv of lively Nymphs, dcjpifmg The joyous Pleafures and Delights of Love ; Wafiing their Days in Rural Sports dcvifing : which knovc no other, nor mil other prove. Wing'd nith defire to overtake the chafe, Affay they jiung rfith unrcjilied pace. Their Necks and purple Veined Arms arc hare. And from their Ivory Shoulders to their Knee, A Silken Vej}v:ent o're their Skin they ware, Through nhich a piercing Eye might chance to fee. Cloje to their Bodies is the Jamc engiried, Bedeck'd faith plcafin^ fion-ers there injertcd. Each in her Hand a Silver Bow doth hold, IVith -u ell- ft or d Quivers hanging at- their Backs :' Whofe Arroixs being /pent they may be bold To borrow irecly of each others Packs. Thns are thefe nimble skipping Nymphs diflday'd, 77m do attend that Goddefs, Qneen and Aia'id. VI. In Arcadia, faith Paufanias, was a Statue of Diana, covered over with the skin ot a Hind, and from her llioul- ders hung a Quiver of Arrows ; in one Hand a burning Lamp, the other leaning upon the Heads of two Ser- pents, and before her Feet a Hound. VII. The Egyptians worlhipped her under the name of IJis f and dcpi(5tured her covered with a Black and SabJe Chap. II. Of DeftCiing Janus. 957 Sable Veftment, in token that (lie her felf giveth no light ; holding in one hand a Cymbal, in the other an Earthen Vefi'el of Water, upon which, as Servim laith, many thought her to be the Genius of Egypt. By the Cymbal is Jhewed the murmurings and roarings of Nilus, If hen it overflows Egypt ; and by the other veJJeJ the nature of the Conntry, which is moijf and fnll of Lakes, Pools and Rivers. VIII. She is alfo depided with Yellow Hair, a Grafs Green Mantle, trimmed with Silver ; Buskins Silver ; Bow Golden, Qiiiver of various Colours. IX. Nymphte Diana in White Linnen to denote their Virginity, and their Garments girt about them, their Arms and Shoulders naked, Bows in their Hands, and Arrows by their Sides. CHAP. XI. Hotp the Ancients depi^ed Janus, I. TAnas is depicted with two Faces ; in. the one of his J Hands is a long Rod or Wand ; in the other a Key. The two Faces of]a.nusJtgnifie time ; the one being wither- ed and hoary, fJyews time paji, the other Tottthful and Beard- lefs, time to come. II. Pliny laith that Numa, King of the Romans, caufed the Statue of Janus to be hewed out in inch fort, that the Fingers of his' Hands appeared to be thiee hundi'ed fixty five, to lliew that he was God of the Year, whereupon they called the firft Month in the Year Januarius, from Janus their God. Under the Feet of Janus are oftentimes placed twelve Al- tars, fhemng thereby the A4onths of the Tear, or Signs of the Zodiacl, thro" which Sol males his Revolution. III. The Phcemcians, as Cicero and A^acrobius report, framed his Image in the form of a Serpent, holding hec Tail in her Mouth, and continually turning round. IV. Some depidied Janus with four Faces, ( as were thofe Statues wjnich were found in divers places oiTuf- £/inj/, Cc 3 By 3 J » Polygyaphices Lib. IV. By the four Faces nere fignified the fonr Seajons of the Tear y Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter : which fome think to he Venus, Ceres, Bacchus and Vulcan ; and fometimes the Winds ^rvith Mollis, their Cowr^j and r. CHAP. xir. How the Ancknts depi^ed Aurora, I. TjOmer defcribes her like a young Virgin, having her •*^ Hair dil"hevelled, and hanging loofe about her {houlders, being oFthe colour of the purefi Gold, fitting in a Golden Chair, with all her Veftments of that hue and colour. II. ^irgil faith, that upon the inftant time of the Sa- ble Nights departiire, llie coineth with one of her hands full of Rofes, Gilliflowers and Lillies, taken out ofa Bas- ket which fhe carries in the other hand, which fhe be- fpiinkles on the Marble Pavement of the lower Heavens, adorning the Sun with unfpeakablc Beauty. III. Others defcribe her, holding in one hand a fla- jning Torch, and drawn in a Gorgeous and Star-befpot- ted Chariot, by winged Pegtufus j whidi favour fhe ob- tained of Jnpiter by many importunate rcqucits, pre- fently after thedownfal of Bellerophon. IV. She is as it were the Herald and Meffenger oi' Pha- Iffs, who receives her being from the Virtue of his Beams ; and is no other but that Rubicund and Vermillion blulh in Heaven, which Sol's firit appearance workcth in the Orient, and from thence defccnding, beautifies our Hcmi- Jphere with fiich a rcfplendency. V. She is alfo depicted m a purple Robe, in a blue Mantle fring'd with Silver. , CHAT. Chap. I g . Of BepBing Juno. 3 \ 9 CHAP. XIII. Hov9 the Ancients delisted Juno. I. CHE was fet forth by the Ancients like a middle ^ aged Woman holding in one hand a Silver Veffel, in the other a lliarp Spear ; and Homer faith fhe was drawn in a Chariot gliftering with Precious Stones ; whofe Wheels were Ebony, and their Nails fine Silver, mounted upon a Silver Seat ; and drawn with Horfes, which were faftned with Chains of Gold. IL She is oftentimes depided with a Scepter in her hand, to fliew that fhe hath the beftowing of Govern- ments, Authorities and Kingdoms. III. Martianm depi6ls her ( fitting in a Chair under Jupiter ) with a thin Veil over her Head, with a Coro- net upon it, inchafed and adorned with many Precious Jewels \ her inward Veftment fine and glittering, over which depended a Mantle of a fad darkifh colour, yet with a fecret iLining Beauty ; her Shoes of an obfcure and fable colour r, in her right Hand a Thunderbolt ^ and in her other a loud noifed Cymbal. IV. Paufanioi faith that in a Temple in Corinth, her Statue ( made of Gold and Ivory ) was adorned with a glorious Crown, on which was infculped the Pictures of the Graces j with a Pomegranate in the one hand, and a Scepter(on the top of ^vhich was a Cuckow) in the other : for that Jupiter, when he was firft enamoured of Jttno, transformed himfelf into that Bird. Torching this Story ( and others of like kind ) Paufanias faith, that althongh he did not believe fuch things to he true, nor any others, which are fo written of the Gods -, yet, faith he, they are not altogether to be reje^ed, in that there were nofpich things, as reported, bm that they were impleated and, filled with Myjieries, and carried in themfelves an inward meaning, and fecret underfiandin^, the which no doubt fome might by their writings have unfhado^ed, if the Tyranny of fore-paffed times had not deflroyed and obliterated the fame. V. TertHUian writeth, that in Argos, a City in Greece, the Statue of Juno was covered all over with the boughs Cc4 ~ ' of 54© Polygrdfhtces Lib. IV. of a Vine, and underneath her Feet lay the skin of a Lion, which difcovered the hatred and difdain llie bare towards Bacchm and Hercules, to whohi ( as the Poets fay) {"he was Step-mother. VT. Some have Painted her a middle aged Woman, holding in one Hand a Poppey-flower, or Head : with a Yoke, or pair of Fetters lying at her Feet. By the Tohe vfM meant the Band of A^farria^e, which tyeth Alan, and Wife together : And by the Poppey, fruit fnlnejs, or the innumerable ijjfue of Children, nhich are brotight forth into the Worl I C flgnified by the roundnefs of the Poppey heady and its nnmberlefs Seeds therein contained. J From hence ma- ny fuppole her to be the Goddjfs of Marriage, VII. She is alfo Painted wnth Black Hair and Eyes, adorned wnth a Sky-coloured Mantle, or Pied j wrought •with Gold and Peacocks Eyes, like the Orient Circles in the Peacocks Train. CHAP. XIV. How the Ancients depi^ied. Ops nndTtWrn, I. \A Artiantis faith, that Ops ( the Wife o^ Saturn ) is an Old Woman, of great bignefs, continually bringing forth Children, with "whom llie is encompaffed and fet round, going in a Green Veftment, with a Veil over her Body, Ipotted Avith divers cokairs, wrought with infinite curious knots, and fet with all forts of Gems and Metals. II. Farro ( out of Boccace ) thus detcribes her : She is Crowned ( faith he) with a Crown infculpt with Ca- illes and Towers ; her Apparel Green, ovcrlhacicd with Boughs ; in the one hand a Scepter, in the other a Ball orGbbc • "and near to hiv a Ch:uiot of four Wheels, drawn by four Lions. By the Cro-An is ftgnifcd the IIMtations cf the Earth ; by the Greennf's :ind Bo'.tghs, the Increafe thereof ; by the Scep- ter, the KwgdotT/s and Govenr-Kcnts of the Wolhi; by the Fall, the rojmdnejs thereof : by rhe Chariot, the continual Amotion, Change and Alteration of Things- : by the Lions, the : ■ ^ ' ' WI-!o>n Chap. 15. Of DepiBing Neptune. 541 Wifdom and Strength of Mankind, by rshich things tire car- ried on and managed. III. Ifidorm faith, that this Goddefs was Painted hold- ing a Key in one of her hands : which fhews, that in the \Vinter the Bowels of the Earth are Locked up by reafon of cold ; which at the approach of Spring and Summer are unlocked again. IV. She was I'ometimes depifted in the form of an Ancient Woman, having her Head Circumcindl with Ears of Corn, holding in her hand a Poppey-head ; drawn in a Chariot (as Orpheta faith ) with two fierce and un- tamed Dragons. V. The Earth is alfo called Ceres, which many hare depi6led with Torches, Lights and Fire-brands in her Hands ; as Praxiteles in a Temple, feated upon a Pro- montory of Attica. VI. She is alfo Pi6lured in a long Green Mantle. CHAP. XV. Horv the Ancients depicted Neptune, and the Sea Gods, I. 'VT£pm«f among the Ancients is depainted with Ic- -^^ veral Countenances, fometimes with Mild and. Pleafant Looks, ibmetimes with Lowring and Sad, and at other times with a Mad, Furious and Angry Afpecl 5 Naked, holding in his Hand a Silver Trident or forked Mace, (landing upright in the Concavity of a great Sea Shell, forcibly drawn by two Monttrous Horfes, which from the middle downwards have the proportion and lliape of Fillies, as Static fiith. • That variety of AfpeEts (according to Virgil and Ho- mer ) is given him from the Sea, in that it at Jundry times Jhen-eth it felf fo : And the Trident, the three Gulfs of the Alediterranean Sea. II. Som.etimes he is depainted with a thin Veil hang- ing over one oi his Shoulders, of a Cerulean or Blewilh Colour. III. Lmanns i^ttQth him down with marvellous Ion? Hair 542 Poly^raphices Lib. IV. Hair hanging down over his Shouders, of a very Sad and Darkifli Coloui- Tet SzxvwxsKini others affirnf, that nil the Gods of the Se.i ttere for the nicjl part in the fhaps of Old Men with White and Hoary Hairs, proceeding from the Froth or Spnme of the Sea. IV. Plato defcribes him in a fi.imptuous Chariot, hold- ing in one hand the Reins of a Bridle : in the other a Whip, drawn by Sea-Horfes Galloping. V. Adartianas defcribes him of a Greenifh Complexi- on, wearing a White Crown : figniiying thereby the Spume and Froth of the Sea. VI. GlaucHs ( another Sea God ) faith Philojiratus, hath a long white Beard and Hair, foft and dropping about his Shoulders, his Eyes green and gliftering ; his Brows fiill of wrinkle?, and green fpots ; his Brefl: all over- grown with greenifh Sea-weed, or Mofs, his Belly, and from thence downwards, Fil"h-like, full of Fins and Scales. VII. Galatea ( a Se;a Goddefs ) is defcribed ( by the faid Philolirattis ) to be drawn in a ftrange framed Cha- itot, by tAvo mighty Dolphins, which were guided by two Silver Reins held in the hands of old Tritons daugh- ters ; over her head, a Canopy made of Purple, Silk, and Silver, with her Hair hanging careleQy over her Shoul- ders. See her defcribed oi a JMymph^ Chap. 32. Se^l.y. VIII. Oceanus, ( the Father of all the Sea Gods ) faith Thales Milffiiu, is depainted, drawn on a glorious Cha- riot, accompanied and attended with a mighty company cf Nymphs ; with tlie Face of an Old Man, and a long white Beard. IX. ew Sadnefs and Horrour, afed in Burials, and ahom the Dead : the other more grateful, and are ujed in memory of the untimely Death of that Touth. ' IV. Charon C Pluto's Ferriman, w^hich carries Souls over the three Rivers of Hell, Acheron, Cocytm, and Styx J is defcribed old, yet exceeding ihong, with a black Mantle hanging loolely over his Shoulders, as Boccace and Servius lay. By Charon f; under jiood time ; and whereas he is fuppofed to have the tranfportation of Souls from the one fide of thofe Rivers to the other ^ thereby is jlgnified, that time,Jofoon asji't are born and brought forth into the World, doth carry us along ly little and little unto our deaths ; and Jo fetteth us over thoje Rivers, mhofe names, by interpretation, fignifie Sorrovpfulnsjs^ for that vpepajs this Life rpith Adifery and Adverfity. V. He is alfo depiaed with long'^urls^t black Hair ] in a Robe of Cloth of Geld, CHAP. 54<5 Folygrafhices Lib. IV. CHAP. XIX. UoTiV the Ancients Depi^ed the Parcae, or Siflers, I. 'T^ H E Sirters, ivhich are called Parcdj are faid to at- -■- tend upon Pluto, which are three, and are called ClothOf Lache/is and Atropos. II. Clotho takes the charge of the Births and Nativi- ties of Mortals : Lache/is of all the rell of their Life ; and Atropos of their Death, or Departure out of this World. III. They arc all three depicted fitting on a row, very bufily employed in their leveral Offices ; the youngelt Sifter drawing out of a Diltaff a reafonable big Thread : the lecond winding it about a Wheel, and turning the lame, till it becomes little and flender : the eldeft (which is Aged and Decrepit) ttood ready with her Knife, when it lliould be Spun, to cut it off. IV. And they are defcribed to be inverted with white Veils, and little Coronets on their Heads, wreathed a- bout with Garlands made of Flowers of NarcijJHi. CHAP. XX. How the Ancients Depi^ed Minerva, or Pallas. 1. \Alnerva, (as taken for Bcllona) as Licophrones faith, ^^ was depided with a flaming Fire-brand in her Hand by the Ancients- II. Molt Writers have defcribed Minerva in the fhape of a young Woman, o^ a lively and.frci"h Countenance, yet of an angry look, fix'd Itcdfaft Eye, of a blcwilh green colour, complcatly armed at all Weapons, with a long Spear in the on9 Hand, and in the other a Cryftal Shield, or Target : upon her Helmet a Garland of Olive Branch- es, and two Children, Fear and Horror by her fide, with naked Knives in their Hands, fveming to tlireatcn one another. III. Pati- Chap. 21. Of Dep^ing Vulcan. 547 III. PaHJanlu faith, that in Greece the Statue oi Mi- nerva was made with 2.n Helmet, on the top of which was the Shape of a Sfhynx; and on the fides thereof two Can'^ed Grifjins. ' , IV. Phidias making her Statue in Greece, placed on the top of her Hehnet the form of a Cock. V. She was alfo painted in Greece, fitting on a Stool, and drawing forth little fmali Threads from a Diftaff ; for that the Ancients fuppofed her to be the Inventreis of Spinning, and the like. VI. Lajily, She is depidled with a blew Mantle Em- broidered with Silver: and is called the Goddefs of Wifdom. CHAP. XXI. How the Ancients Depi^ed Vulcan. I. 'VT^lcan is depifted ftanding, working and hammer- , y ing in a Smiths Forge, on the Hill (L/Etna, fra- ming Thunderbols for J«/7iffr,and fafhioning Arrows 'for the God of Love. The Opinions rvhich the Ancients had of Vulcan vpere varioti^, in nhich refpeU he iajhaped Jome times in one form^ fome times in another- ' II. Some make him Lame of one Leg, of a very black and fwarthy Complexion, as it were all fmxoaky ; of a general ill iLaped proportion in all his Lineaments ; and becaufe that he is the Husband of Venus , often depidlure her with him. III. Alexander Neapolitanu5Xt\2ittthj that in one place o^ Egypt was ereded the Statue c£ Vulcan, which held in one of its Hands the true and lively Proportion of a Mole, and in his other Hand a Thunderbolt. The Mole mas fo placed, hecatife they thought he fsnt nn- fpeakahle numhers of Moles among them, as a Plague to them^ Tvhich did eat, gnaw and dejiroy every thing -which tsm * good. IV. . He is alfo paiijted Lame ija a Scarlet Robe. CHAP. J48 Polygraphiees. Lib. IV. CHAP. xxir. How the Ancients Depicted Bacchus. J.T^Hilofrratiti faith, that his Statue was framed in the -*- likenefs of a young Man without a Beard, of a cor- pulent and grofs Body, his Face of an high colour and big; about his Head a Garland of Ivy Leaves; upon his Temples two fmall Horns; and dole by his Side a cer- tain Bea(t, called a Leopard or Panther. This Defcription is dn^^rtn from the nature of Win*, ((*[ Tfhichj oi the Poets feign, Bacchus is the God) vehofc Inven- ter and Finder ottt rvai certainly Noah, vchich not only Mofes, hut alfo Jolephus rt«r/ Ladlantius Ipecially affirm ; veherefore fame fuppofe him to be this God Bacchus. II. Clandianus faith, that his Image or Statue is mad\s all naked ; thereby iTiewing the Nakednefs orthofe which abufe thcmfelves with Wine, by which they reveal and open thofe things which ought to be concealed and kept hid. III. Diodornf Siculm faith, that B^dms among the Grecians was depid^cd in two fcveral forms, the one of a very aged Man, with a long Beard, (lift" and thick, the other of youthtul year?, of a pleaiant and amorous Af- pecl:. By fhe firjl is flxned the (ffe^Ts of the intemperate life of Wine, rdoich overcQ-mci Natsire, and brings with it old Age : hy the other, hoiv it Cherijlxs and Revives the Heart, ttfcd Tnoderately. IV. Aiacrohisis f lith, that Bacchus Avas framed fome- times in the likenefs ot a young Child, Ibmetimcs of a Youth, Ibmetimes of a Man ; and lometimes in the like- nefs of decrepit old Age. By theje was fignified the four Seafons of the Year, the Vine "being dedicated to Sol, in whom they all exijl. V. This Piflure was made m the likenefs of a Br.ll, among the Cyrenians, (a People Inhabiting the farther part of Perfu.J The reafon hereof yeas, becaufe Profeypina (^r/;^ Danghter cf love") iroHzht him forth in that form, ^ WhPhik^ Chap.2.j. Of Dep/c^wg fortune. 549 VI. Philojhatus Ikith, that Bacchus was oftentimes drawn cloathed in Womens Garments, and in a long purple Robe ; wearing upon his Head a Coronet of Rofes, with Companions and Followers, all of them in like loofe and wanton Garments, falliioning themfelves fome like Rural Nymphs^ as the Dryadcs, Oreades, &"c. fome like Sea Nymphs, as the Nereides^ Syrens., &c. Ibme like Satyres, Fauns and Sylvans, &c. The Womens Garments Jhere, that Wine males a Man Taint, Feeble and Unconjiant, like to a Woman. VII. Paufanias faith, that among the Eleans, the Pi- 6lure of Bacchus was made with a long Beard, and cloathed with a long Gown hanging to the Feet ; in one Hand a fharp Hook, and in the other a Bowl of Wine, and round about him many Vine-trees and other fruitful Plants. VIII. The Statue of Bacchus alfo Avas fometimes fet forth and adorned with Coronets made of Fig-tree Leaves, in Memory of a Nymph (as fome fay) called Pfyche,-w\n.Qh. was by the Gods Metamorphofed into that Plant. In like manner the Nymph Staphilis (on whom Bacchus rtas alfo Enamoured) mas Transformed into the P^ine, from Tuhence it is that thofe Plants are fo exceeding grateful and pleafant unto this God. IX. He is painted alfo with iliort brown curled Hair, with a Leopards Skin, or in a green Mantle, a tawny Face, with a Wreath of Vine Branches. CHAP. XXIII. Horp the Ancients Depi^ed Fortune. I. T^Ortune was depided by fome -^vith two Faces, one ^ white and well-favoured; the other black and- ugly. And this was, hecaitfe it was held, that there were two For- tunes, the one good, from whom came Riches, Happineji, Quiet, Content and Pleafure : the other had, from whom came Wars, AffliEiions, Crops, Vifafiers, CdamitieSj and all o- therMiJeries rphatfoevtr' P4 H. The ^S'o Polygraphkes -Lib. IV. II. The Thehcam wmi'Xq. her in the Hiapeof a Woman ; in one of her Hands a young Child, to wii, Plmo or Riches. • So thr.r in the H.inds of Fortune, they put the difpofing of We.^l hy Hosv^ur, Glory ^ and dl Hiippmcjfes. III. Ad,irilnnm dclcribes her a youno; Woman, al- wa5's moving; covered with a Garment of the thinned Silk; her ftcps uncertain, never refting long in a place; carrying in hcrlpacious Lap the univerfaf fulnels ot" the Trcafurce, rs.iches, Honour and Glory of this World ,- which in lia{}:y nianner (with her Hand)"llie offers; which Qfler, if not infbntly received, m-rs utterly loll; in her Right Hand a white Wand, with which ilie finitcs iiich as Offend her, flight her Kindnefs, or are not nimble enough to receive them. An old Poet thus fung : Oh cruel Fortune, S.epdame to all Joys, That difmhcrit'li m frofv fneet Content, PhmginF^ onr Hopes ih troubled Seas annoys j D'pnvw2^ f!\ of that rvlrch Nature lent! When will thy proud ipfdting HmnoHr ceafe, T' alfwnge tl?e Sorrows of an only one? Thai free from care, its Soul may live, in peace, j^nd not be Adetan'orphos'd into Sione. But nhy entreat I thy un (table Heart, Kr.oning thy gre^te]} Phafure, thy Delight Cunfifts in aggravating Agonal s jhtart Poijond niih Woes, by l^enoM of thy Spi^ht f 'Tis what thou nih, wufl Hand, tlyerefl wufl falL All Hsn-ane things pay Tribute to thy A-^igh: : And this mu^ i'ij'c, 7vhen pUafcrh'thec to call. The Oiloer Perifh in a noeful Plight. And this is it, that chokes true Virttus Breath., Aiahng it Die, th'oUgh fhe ImK/nrtal be: Friiitleji it mahs it ', fubjeci: unto Death, To fatal Darkncft^ where no Eye can fee. Oh come yon mounded Souls, conjoin mth n;e j In fome adnr^ibraie Thicket let us dwell. Some place n-hich yet the Heavens ne'r did fee, There let ns bttild Jome defpicable Cell. Strength, Beauty perifh : Honours fy an'ay : And T^iih Efrates, Friends vanijh and decay. IV. In chap. 2 J. Of DefiBing Fortune* 351 IV. In a Temple in Greece^ Fortune Avas made in tlie form of a grave Matron, clothed in a Garment agreeable to fuch Years, whoie coimrenance leenied very lad ,• be- fore her was placed the Image of a young Virgin of a beauteous and pleafant Alpe6t, holding out her hand to another j behind thele, the Image of a young Child, lean- ing with one of of its Arms upon the Matron. The Adatron is that Forttme, nhich is already paji ; the young P^iigin, that ivhich now is j and the youngChild beyond them bothy is that which is to come. V. Qitintm Cnrtins laith, that among the people of Scythia, Fortune was depicf ed in the form of a Woman without feet, having round about her at her right hand a number of little Wings. VI. Alexander Neapoliianm relateth, that in Greece, her Image was made Avhoily of Glafs ; to fhew that her favours are brittle, and lubjcil to fudden decays. VII. Cehcs the Philofopher refembled Fortune unto a Comedy, in which many Aclors appear ofter, a^ Kings and great Monarchs ; and prefently after become poor Filliermen, Slaves, Bond-men, and die like. VIII. Socrates compared her to a Theatre, or Com- mon Meeting Place, where without all Order or Obfer- vance Men take their Places and Seats, without reipe6t to the Dignity of any. Hereby is fheived^that [he C withoftt refpeB of birth, -worth, merit or jiate,) blindly, unadvifedy, and mthout any order or reafon, bejhrvs felicities, riches and fa'TJOurs. IX. In Egira, 3. City of Achaia,, Forttme W2is drayvn in the iliape of a Beautiflil Woman, who held in one of her hands a Cornucopia ; in the other, the Boy Cupid, By Tvhich is jignified C ^ Paufanias jaith ) that Beauty rc'ithout Riches avails nothing j and indeed I may jay he is douhly fortunate, mho in his Love enjoys the fruition of both Beauy and Riches : bat he is happy in the Superlative Degree, v^tjo, with the other tmo. meets vpith Virtue and Love aljo. X. Giraldpu faith, that Fortune was %vith fome depi- cted riding on a Horfe galloping 3 with vsrhich fwiftnels ihe feems to pafs invifible, after whom followeth Defli-^ ny with great wrath and fury, holding in her hand aa Iron Bow, and aiming to ftrike Fortune at the heart. By her jviift galkping, is fignified her mutability. See Se^c, 4. CI^p. 2§, vphersfhe i7tahnfor one of the Porvers. Dd2 CHAP. ^52 Folygrafhices Lib. IV. CHAP. XXIV. How Vertue, Truth, Peace, Honour, Fame and Opinion, were depi^ed, I. XTErtfie in Greece was made in the form of a Pilgrim^ ^ like a grave and aultere Woman ; fitting alone upon a four Iquared Stone, MelanchoUy, and leaning her Head upon her Knees. Being A Pi I grimy fhews Jl^e hath no refiing pi ace, fecure abode, or certain habitation upon the Earth : the form of her fitting, fhevps her life to be full of troubles, dangers, croffes. And mijeries, See Se6l. i. Chap. 30. of thts Book. Hsc angiifta via horrendis fcatet undique monftris, Et vita innumeris eit interclufa periclis. Sed tamen incolumes hac virtus ducit ahunnos, Extrema ut vitent, ne pes hinc inde vacillet. Proclamat longe fpes, hic limt digna laboris PrtEmia, & excipient mordaces gaudia curas. Pax, fiiiecra quies nullo temeranda dolore, Lstitia hic, habitant Ion gum, fine fine, per scnim*. Fierce Aionflcrs do this narrow paffage bonnd, yind deadly dangers it encompaji round. Tet VertHc doth her FoHon-ers fafely guide, Lefi they Jhould go afiray on cither fide. And Hope proclaims afar ; lo here you P^all Hime Joy for Sorrovo ; Honey for your Gall. Here Peace and Joyful Reft for ever dwelL Which neither Crufs nor time fl^all ever quell. II. Truth, faith Hippocrates, was framed in the fimiii- tude arid likenefs of a BeautifiU Woman, attired with Gravity and Modefty : Philofiratmid^wh that {[\q. remain- cth in the Cave o\Amphiarus, clothed all in white Gar- ments of a Beautiiiil hue : Lucianns faith, that her Sta- tue was made in the form of a young Woman, habi- ted in rags, and bale attire, with a Superfcription over her Hud, how {be was vtp^onged and ahtfed by Fortune. III. Peace, I Chap. 25. Of kftding Silence y Sleep fi^c : ^55 III. Peacey faith Arifiophanes^ was framed in the ihape of a young Woman, holding between her Arms the In- fant Plmoy tlie God of Riches, and Ruler of the lower Regions. Shs is alfo called Concordia, and is afpecial friend to the Goddefs Ceres, from nvhom comes the encreafe of Frmts, Corny and othernntriments . ^f^Chap. 28. Se6l.4. IV. Hononr is depicted with two Wings on its Shoul- ders ; which, as Alciams faith, was made in the form of a little Child, clothed in a purple Garment, having a Coronet or Wreath of Laurel about his Head -, holdmg hand in hand the God Cnjiid, who leads the Child to the Goddefs Venue y which is depainted right over againft it. V. Fame is Painted like a Lady, with great Wings,!' and feeming to proffer a flight, and to mount from the Earthy and rove abroad : having her Face full of Eyes ; and all over her Garments an infinite number of Ears and Tongues. See the XXI. Se^ion of the twenty ninth Chapter of this BooL VI. Opinion, faith Hippocrates, refembles a young Wo- man, not altogether fo fair and lovely as Truth, yet not deformed, or ill proportioned ; being rather impudent than modeftly bold in her demeanour, with her hand ftretched forth to take whatfoever is offered and prefien- ted to her. CHAP. XXV. How Night, Sleep, Silence, Pleafure and Fear^ mre depicted, !• "^^/j^ ( the Mother of Sleep and Death ) was depi- "^^ ded by the Ancients in form of an old Woman, having two great Wings growing on her fhoulders, alt coal black, and fpread abroad, as if Ihe feemed to offer a flight ; and that ihe is cbrawn in a Chariot, whoic Wheels are made of Ebony : having a fad Countenance, and an upper Garment oi a deep black, fpotted all ovef with Silver ipots like Stars, as Boccm ikith ^ Dd 3 She \ J 54 Folygraphices Lib. IV. She is alfo dep'iBed like an old Wowm in a black Alamle, f potted mth Stars of GoU. II. Sleep, ( the Brother of Death) faith Hefioiy was Pain- ted of a moft fowre, Icnvringandfid Afpcd; a^ed, and holding in her left hand a young Child, very beautiful ; aixi in her right, another Child, of a mod fwartliy, black and dull Complexion, with Legs and Anns very crooked. Philojirattis in a Tablet ( ivhich he made for Ar^whiarm) makes her like an aged Woman, flothful and lluggilli, clotheii with feveral Ciaiments, the imder black, the up- per white, holding in on€ of her hands, a Horn, pouring forth Seed. By th Garment is fignified Nisrht and Day ; hy the Seedy Ref}[ Eai^and Q;iiet. III. Harpocrates ( thcGodoi Silence ) called in Grcel; Sigtrleor-, was made, as Martia/im and yiptileim fay, in likenei. of a young ChiKi, who cloie to his Lips l^eld oue of his Fingers, as a fign of Secrecy. Some pourtrAict him -without any Pace at all ; all covered with the ?kin oi a Wolf, painted full of Eyes and Ears: Shemng it to be good to See and Hear much, but to [peak litcle. IV. Voh4pti4 or Pleafure, was depainted a Lady, ha- ving a pale and lean Countenance, fitting in a Ponti- fical and Maieftick Chair, Embroidered and EmbolTed with Stars of Gold, Treading and Trampling upon Vertue. V. Fear, faith Paufanitu, -^vfts fliaped in feveral forms by the Ancients 5 fometimcs with the Head of a Lion among the Grecians ( as on the Shield of Agamemnon : J and fometimes with the deformed Face and Body of a Woman. 77;f Corinthians dedicated this PiElure fo made Mnio the Sons cf Medea j which mere fain for bringing J:tch fatal gifts to the Daughter of old Crcon, whereby f>e, and all thai; Regal Family perijhed, and were for ever Extin^. CH A P. Chap.26. Afitcknts depii^.Wifenten^^c. 5155 CHAP. XXVL How the Ancients depiCied fever alWifemen^ Fhi- lojophers, LarvgiverSj Emperonrsy KJngs and Queens, I. Qldonitis Apoll'mmus in the ninth Epiille of his ninth ^ Book, faith, that the Philofopher Zettfi^^itf-is was Painted with a crooked Neck : Arams with a Neck bowed downwards : Zcno with a wrinkled Forehead. II. ■ Epicurus was painted with a fmooth skin : Dio- fenes with a hairy rough Beard : Socrates with whitilli fi^ht Hair. III. Arijhtle was paintel with a ftretched out Arm ; .Zf^^o^r.^^^ with a Leg fomewhat gathered up : Hemcli- tHs, his Eyes lliut with crving. IV. DemocritHs with his Lips open, as Laughing; Chry- ftppus with his Fingers clofe prelfed together, for num- bering : Epiclid with his Fingers put afundcr, for the fpace of meafurcs. v. In fbme ancient Bibles, and many Piilures yX/c)' fes is deicribed with horns. " The ground of this abfurdity was a mirtake of the " HehrCiV Text, in that of Alofes defcending from the "Mount, upon the nearnefs of the words, \^p Keren^ " CornMy an horn, and pp Karan, Lmcco, to ihine. The *' vulgar Tranflation ( oi Exodus -^i^. 29. 35. ) agrees with *' the tormer, to wit 5 Jgnorahat qubd cornuta e/fet fades " ej:is. Qsii videhant faciem Mofjs e([c comrnkm. The *' Tranflation of Paulas Fagiiis is otherwife, vl<>. Mofes ** nefciebat qabd mulms ejfct fplendor gloria vahjts ejns. Ec '^ viAernnt plii Ifrael, cjmd nitdta ejfet claritas gloria faciei *' Molis. TremeVms and Junius have it thus, Ut ignoraret *' Mofche fplendidam ejfe faEtam cutem faciei fpta. Quod *^fplendida faBa effet cutis faciei Mofchis : agreeing with '* the Septuagint, AJi%dtseu » ^o-^n t* x?*5«^7®" tb -s-^irotri^, '* glorificatus efi afpetim cutis feu colons faciei. VI. But Mojes is generally depi(5ted with bright Hair, a very beautiful Vifage, with radiant Scintillations about his Head, in form of HoarinelSj which in Painting is called Glory. Dd 4 YIL^Mv« ^$6 Polygraphlces Lib. IV. VIT. Alex.inder the (jreat, "vvith brown Hair, and a ruddy Complexion, riding upon his Horfe ; but by fome riding upon an Elq:>hant. The re (if on of thfs t6 hard to he difcerned j for at much m J find not in Hijiory^ that ever he ufed that beafi in hi^ Ar- mies^ much lejs in his own Pcrfon : except it were for that remarkable haitel which he foa^ht rcith Porus Kinz of India, 7f herein re ere n^any Elephants: In rvhich himjetf C ^ti Cur- tius, Arianus and Plutarch relate ) tpo^ on Horfeback, the name of which Beafi yet lives^ and is famous in Hifiory to this di'^ VIlT. Numa Pompilitis -with white Hair Crowned with a Silver Bend or Diadem • his Robe Crimfon, trimmed •with Gold; his Mantle Yellow, trimmed with Silver 3 his Buskins Watchet and Silver. IX. ey£ncas the Trojan Prince in a Purple Mantle trimmed with Ciold. X. David (the King oflfraelj with Brown Hair, a ruddy Complexion, and a long Beard. XI. Elizabeth Queen of England, pale Faced, light bro\vn Hair, and gray Ey'd. 'XII. Dido Queen of Carthage in a Purple or Scarlet Mantle, her Under-garments Purple ; a Golden Qui- ver ; Hair Yellow, tyed up with Spangles and Knots of Gold. XIII. GuJiavHs Adolphw King oi Sweden with Yellow Hair. XIV. Adahomet the Turh great Prophet in Garments all of Green. XV. German Emperours in a Violet-coloured Robe, Watchet, or Light-coloured. XVI. Roman Ewperonrs, with Yellow Carrufliers Em- broidered with Silver ; the Labels of their Sleeves, and fliort Bafes of Watchet ; the under Sleeves, and long Stockings White ; a Laurel Wreath, with a Silver Jewel before : and Rays of Gold ifliim^ from the Wreath. XVil. Pyi.ha"or/is in White Garments with a Crown ofGold. XVIII. Empedoclesy in Violet, Murry, or Purple, and fogeiurally the rell 01 thcGrccian Philofophers. XIX. Erajmiu Roterdamusy Ycilow Hair'd, gray Ej^'d, and fomewhct Pale. XX. The Chap. 27. Pahting of the Sibyls, ^^j XX. The Virgin Mary is commonly reprefented in Purple and Azure : John the Evangelifi in Scarlet : John. Baptifi in a Hairy Mantle : The refi of the Apojiles, in Green or Crimion, CHAP. XXVII. The Fainthg of the Sibyls, T, Qlbylla Agrippina, a Woman in Years, in a Rofeal *^ Garment. She is by divers Authors called ^A-]^yt)- tica. Said as writes, that llie Prophefied m'^y£gjpt in the days of Pharaoh : She Prophefied thus, That hands Jhptild he laid on the invifible Word, his Beamy fhall not appear, hin Mothers Womb JJpoil encloje him, and He C '^ho is Eternal Joy) jhall Weep. II. Sibylla Libyca, an Elderly V/oman, Crowned with a Garland of Flowers, in Purple Garment?. She was Born in Libia, (otherwife called Elijfa J and lived in the time of Euripides : Ldian'ti:? qivss her the fecond place among the Sibyls for her admiiable Predictions, viz.. The time dravcs on, and is not far off, vphen the God of Light fhall he environed with the radient bfiir-KS of the San. III. Sibylla Delphica, with a Black Garment, a young Woman with a Horn in her Hand. She was fo called, becaufe iht was Born at Delphos. She lived before the Siege of Troy, and foretold the manner of that War : and Prophefied of Cliriit thus ; Know him for thy Lord, ycho it the Son of God ; a Pcophet fhall be Born of a pure Vir" gin rtithout the Seed of Man. IV. Sibylla Phrygia, in red Garment?, having an old Saturnian hard favoured Face. She is fuppofed by many to be Cajfandra, and Prophefied very Divinely of the day <0i Judgment. A Trumpet ( laid ilie ) from Heaven fhall give a very terrible and dreadful found j all Kings fhall (land before the Judgment Seat of God, who will at once Judge both Jufi and Unjufi. V. Sibylla Herophila, a young Woman, very fair, in a Purple Garment, and Head covered with a Vail of J-awn. She was alfo called Erithrea, who (^SLsApollo" doras 15^ Polyoraphkes Lib. IV. inrus Erirhretif fzyz ) was a Citizen of Erhhrea in lonui j {he Piophelied to the Greeks^ that they lliould overcome Troy : and alio of Ch^-ift, That the Earth Jhall fweat as a token of Judgment ; a Kingjhnll come from Heaven, vehofe Kingdom fhall he Everlafting. V i. .Sihylli Europe a, a comely young Woman, having a high, red-coloured Face, ri fine Vail on her Head, and clad in a Garment of Gold work. It is faid, that Hie was Born in JerafaUfn, but the place of her Birth is not certainly known : She Prophefied thus ; The Almighty fhall coj}?e accompanied' n'iih his Legions of Angels, he jhall realk over the Hills and Cloud::, he jhall live Poorly, and in. Silence jhall he bear rule. VII. Sibylla Perfica, with a White Vail, and a Golden Garment 'thz lived in the CXX. Olympiade, and was Born in a Town called Noe, by the Red Sea : She Pro- phefied thus : O Eca. h, thou fhah be trodden under foot ; the Son of God Jhall be Born into the Vyorld, and he Jhall bring to Man Salvation : the Invifible Word Jhall he made nftble. VIII. Sybilla Samia, a middle aged Wonmn, clothed in Willow w^eedsj having a Pahu m her hand. She w^as Bom at Fhiton in the Itle of Samos in the -?.'/, fitting upon a Sphear,Tfhh the Stin in one Hand, and the Aioonin the other : ( by her fitting is figniiied perpetual conrtan- cy. ) III. In the Aiedah of Fauttma,/^." is drawn mihaVeilj and in her right hand the Globe of the World. IV. Boccace, mriting of the Progeny of the Gods, faith ^ that the Anciems derived it from Demogorgon, as the principAl anifirji oftherff rdl^who inhabited in tlye A'fiddle or Center of the Earth, encircled round about, and circumvefted with a dark and obtiifcate Cloud, breathing from his mouth a certain liquid humidity. Bat however iv^at Eternity w, the name doth clearly dif- cover, containing in it/elf all Worlds and Ages, and not limi- ted, or meaJHred by myjpace of time. V. Claudius ^fj^^/kj' tt by a Serpent that encompaffah roswd Toith her Body, the Cave or Den m herein it licth, fo as makinz aGrcle, fhe holds in her moHth the end of her tail, which with the ytgyplians was the Emblem of ayear. All in a Circle thus fh; fits involved, Whoje firm tenacity is ne'r dijjolv'd : She lends f:/rth times, and thefN rccals again, Ages to come, and pafijhedoth retain. VI. Bfit according to Boccace, as Eternity hath an ahfolttte command over all times, Jo jhe lives far hence in jome remote and :i/iknmn Vale, where humane fieps never approached, but u even :n,fo!4nd out of the Grlefiial inhabitants, thofc happy Smilsy who (land b/fore the prejence of the greatefi, that only incrrs all things. VII. Tme. Chap. 29- lo exprefs the Powers: ^61 VII. Time, It is drawn flanding upon an old Ruine winged, and with Iron Teeth. Or thm. An old rnan in a garment of Stars ; upon his head aGirland oFRofes, Ears of Corn, and dry Sticks, ftanding w^m the Zodiack, with a Looking-GIals in his Hand • two Children at h^ Feet, the one Fat the other Lean, writing both in one Book ; upon the Head of one the Sun, upon the other the Moon. Or tkm, An eld Man, Bald behind, Winged,^ with a Scithe and an Hour-Glai's, having a lock of Hair On his Forehead. VIII. FatCy a Man in a fair, long, flajren Robe, Iook= ing upwards to two bright Stars encompaifcd with thick clouds, fi'om whence hangs a Golden Chain. IX. FortwiCj a Naked Lady, having an Enfign or Veil overlliadowing her, (landing upon a Globe or Ball, La.6h.ntKi?, faith th^nt Fortune is a'yain, idle and, fsnje" hfs fi.^me, fhemng forth Aians ive.^hiejs in attributing any thinf thereto : -which Marcus Tuiluis confirmsth, fvkere he faith. That this natKe of Forttme, was firjl brought in ta cover the ignorance of Man. Alexander Neapolitaniis faith, that in Pr^neile, in a Temple, [he was depi^ed in the Jhape and form of two Sifiers, both conjoined in one and the fame Statue. X. Paufanias /^/tV/;, That her moji ancient Statue roas that TPphich Bupalus made in Greece inP^ape of a Woman, upon ivhofe Head was a ropmd Ball, and in one of her Hands a Oornuco- pidjhe is called the blind GoddeJ^, and partial Lady, by reafon of the befiowing of her nnconjiant and mztable Favours. Imperious Ruler of the Worlds defigns, Lady of Solace, Pleaiure and of Pains : Like Tennis Balls thou beat'lt us to and fi:o, From Favours to Difgi" ace, from Joy to Woe ; From Wars to Peace, from Rule to be commanded i But with unconftancy thou now art branded. XL Macrobius faitb fhe, nasfet forth with \¥ings on her Shoulders, (to jhewthat poe was always atHand among Aden J had by her fide the Rudder of a Ship ( to poew that fhe doth Rule and Command ) her felf placed upon a Wheel, holding in her Right Hand a Oolden Sail;, ana in the other a Whip j fkmng mere th: f?mled , Wcalti) and Honof»'; md where Jhs frowned J Crops and Mifcrylhonld fQlkw. ft In ^^4 Polygraph tees. Lib. IV. XII- In ^gypt Fortune rtas depiH-ed lih a Lady turning a ^eat Glajs Wheel ^on whoje Top rvere f^nny Men. playing^ others clirnhing up ; and others having attained it, precipitating them- felves, and falling domi hack again. XIII. Equality, A Lady lighting tvvo Torches at once. XIV. Vichory, is expreffed by a Lady clad all in Gold, in one Hand a Helmet, in the other a Pomegranate : By the Helmet is meant Force, by the Pomegranate unity of Wit and Counfel. XV. Auguflus drevo her mth Wings ready to fly, /landing hpon A Globe, with a Garland of Bays in one hand, in the other A Coronet of the Emperor, voith thefe Wor^j,Imperator Cacfar. XVI. In the Medals c/Octivius, fhe is drawn mth Wings, (landing on a Baje, in one Hand a Palm, in the other a Crovpn. of Golf. XVII- Peace, is drawn like a Lady, holding in her right Hand a Wand or Rod downwards towards the Earth, over a hideous Serpent ot fundry colours ; and with her other Hand covering her Face with a Veil, as loth to be- hold Strife or War. XVIII. Trajan gave a Lady, in her Right Hand an Olive branch, in her Left u Cornucopia. In the Medals of Titus, a Lady having in one Hand an Olive Branch, the other lending a Lamb and a Wolf coupled by the Necks in oneToke. TheOiivs TPas iilways the Emblem of Peace. XIX Providence, A Lady lifting up both her Hands to Heaven, with thefe Words, Providentia Deornm. Or thus, A Lady in a Robe, ni her Right Hand a Scepter, in her Left a Cornucopia, "with a Globe at her Feet. XX. Concvd, A Lady fitting, in her Right Hand a Charger for Sacrifice, in her Lett a Cornucopia, with the Word Concordia. Or thus, A fair Virgin, holding in one Hand a Pomegranate ; in the other a Mirtlc Bunch. The nature of theje Trees are Juch, thai if planted, though a. good [pace one from another, they mil meet, and mth twining embrace one another. XXI. Fame^ A Lady clad in a thin and light Garment, open to the middle Thigh, that ihe might run the falter j two exceeding large Wings -, Garments embroidered with Eyes and Ears, and blowing ot a Trumpet. XXII. Defliny, A Lady, who with great fury, and ex- cealing celerity holds in her Hand an Iron Bow rea- dy bent, aiming to ilrike Fortune even at the very Heart. Deltiny Chap. JO. Of Vertues And Vices, 365 Deftiny ani Fortune can never ap-ee ; and therefore as Fortune flics from Deftiny, fo Deftiny parfaes Fortune j for where Deftiny Jets focty there Fortune is, as it vpercy Inchantei and Conjnredy as having no Power, Efficacy or Vertfie. CHAP. XXX. Of Vertues a^ictFices; I. yrr^rtue is reprefented by Hercdes, naked, with his ^ Lyons Skin, and knotted Club, performing fome one of his Labours ; as offering to ftrike a Dragon keep- ing an Apple-tree : or holding in his Hand three Golden Apples. Hercules is nothing elfe hut Vertue, his name in the Greek Tongue is 'H^js^ajJ? , qmf% r\^<; KMof, Junonis gloria : vel qnia K?.mei tk? ti^eoai celebrat aut commemorat Heroas, Tvhich is the property ofp^ertue : he is drawn naked to demon- fir ate her fimplicity : by the Dragon is fet forth all manner of yices : hy the Lions skin, magnanimity and greatnefs : by his Oaken Club, Reafon and Policy : by its knottinefs, the difficulty, pains and labour infeeking after Vertm : by the three Golden yuppies, the three Heroical Vertues, Afoderation, Content and Labonr. II. Piety is drawn like a Lady, with a fober counte- nance ; in her Right Hand llieholdeth a Sword ftretched over an Altar ; in her Left Hand a Stork -, and by her fide is placed an Elephant and a Child. The Stork isfo called of raf>H, the reciprocal or mutual Io7je of Parent and Child, of which this Bird was ever a» Emblem, for the love and care fhe hath of her Parents h' ing old. The Elephant feems to Worfhip towards the rifing of the Sun, III. Hope is drawn like a beautiflil Child in a long Robe hanging loofe, ftanding upon Tip-toes, and a Tre- foil, or Three-leav'd Grafs in its Right Hand, in its Left an Anchor. The loofe Veflment {hews, fhe never pimheth or UndsTruth, ^mding Qn Tip-tQjs fhms fhe always flandeth dangeronfly } ' E^ fhe ^66 Pofygraphices Lib. IV. thi branch of Trefoil [hews Knowledge , (the ground ofFaichJ ^aith (the ground of Hope, ) a>td Hope it felf. IV. Mercy^ a Lady fitting upon a Lion, holding in one hand a Spear, in the other an Arrow j which llie feemeth to caft away. In the Medals of Vitellius/^f fits with a branch of Bays in her hand, and a Staff lying by her. ^ , V. Jujiice^ a fair young Virgin, drawing after her, with her Left Hand, a black, hard, ill favoured Woman, ha- ling her by main force, and flriking her over the Face in a Kverc manner. The young Virgin was Juftice, the other Injuria : fhe is drawn young, and a Virgin, tojhevp, that Judges and Admi- nijirators ojLavf ought to he incorrupt and free from. Bribes, Partiality or Flattery, but Jufl, Confiant and Sincere. VL Felicity, a Lady fitting in an Imperial Throne, in the one hand fhe holdeth a Caducens or Rod, in the other hand a Cnmacopia. VII. Fruit fulnefi, a Lady fitting upon a Bed, and two ittle Infants hanging about her Neck. VIII. Dijfimulaiion, a Lady wearing a Vizard of t^vo Faces, in a long Robe of ciiangeablc colour ; and in her right ha,nd a Magpye. IX. Security, a Lady leaning againft a Pillar, before a^ Altar, with a Scepter in her hand. X. Calurmiia, a be to fion-, or babble, as tvater doth. VI. Thetis, a Lady of a brown Complexion, her Hair fcattered about her Shoulders, crowned with a Coro- net of Periwinkle and Efcallop fhells, in a Mantle of Sea-green, with Chains and Bracelets of Amber about her Neck and Arms, and a branch of red Coral in her Hand. VII. Galatea, a molt beautiflil young Virgin, her Hair carclefly falling about her Shoulders like Silver threads, and at each Ear a fair Pearl ; with a double ftring of theni ( fometimes ) about her Neck and Left Arm; a Mantle of pure thin and fine white, waving, as it were, by the gentle breathing of the Air, viewing in her liand a fpunge made of Sca-fioth : She is fo called from >aAtf, lac, milk. VIII. Iris, a Nymph with large wings, extended like to a Semicircle, the Plumes fet m rows of divers colours, as yellow, green, red, blue or purple j her Riir hanging before her Eyes, her Breafts like Clouds, drops of Water falling from her Body, and in her hand Iris, or the Flower- de-luce. Virgil makes her the Mcffenger of Juno ( where fhe is taken for the Air ) when he iaith, Irin de Cdo mifit Sa- tnrnia Juno. *X. V Chap. J J. Of the nine Mufes. 571 IX. Nymphdi Diana ; Let them be clQathcd in white Linnen to denote their Virginity, and their Garments ^irt about them 5 their Arms and Shoulders naked j Bows m their hands, and Arrows by their fides. X. Aurora, the Morning. A young Virgin with car- nation Wings, and a yellow Mantle ; in her Fore-head a Star, and Golden Sun-beams from the Crown of her Head, riding upon Pegajm, with a vial of Dew in one hand, and various Flowers in the other, which fhe fcat- tereth upon the Earth. CHAP. XXXIII. Of the Nine Mufts, I. r^Lio, She is drawn with a Coronet of Bays ; in lier y^ right hand a Trumpet, in her left a Book, upon which may be written Hiftoria j her names is from Praife or Glory. II. Euterpe, Is crowned with a Garland of Flowers, holding in each hand fundry Wind-inftruments ,• her name is from giving delight. III. Thalia. Draw her with a fmiling look, and up- on her Temples a Coronet of Ivy, a Mantle of Carnation embroidered with Silver' twift, and Gold fpangles, and in her left hand a Vizard -, her Ivy (hews {he is Miftrefs of Comical Poefie. IV. Melpomene. Draw her like a Virago, with a ma- jefteck and grave Countenance, adorn her head with Pearfe, Diamonds and Rubies ; holding in her left hand Scepters with Crowns upon them, other Crowns and Scepters lying at her feet : and in her right hand a naked Poniard, in a Mantle of changeable Criinfon. Her gra- vity befits Tragick Poefie. V. Polyphywnia. Draw her a6Hng a Speech with her Fore-finger, all in white, her Hair hanging loofe about her Shoulders, of an Orient Yellow, upon her Head a Gar- land of the choiceft Jewels intermixt with Flowers, and in her left hand a Book, upon which let be written Stta- dere j her name imports Memory to whom the Rhetori- cian is beholden, Ee4 VhErato: -^ji Polygraphkes Lib. IV^ VI. ErAto. She hath her name from ''E.f«<, Amor^Love: draw her Avith a fwcct and comely Vifage, her Temples girt with Myrtles and Rofe?, bearing an Heart with an Ivory Key ; by her fide CufU, winged, \vith a lighted Torch ; at his Back, his Bow and Quivers. VII. Terpftcore j a cheerful Vifage, playing upon fome Inrtrument ; upon her head a Coronet of Feathers of fundry Colours, but chiefly green ; in token of the Vi- <5lory which the Mules got over the Syrens, &c. by fmg- ing. VIII. Urania. A beatiful Lady in an Azure Robe; upon her Head a Coronet of bright Stars ; in her ri^ht hand the Celcftial Globe, and in her left the Terrelhrial. Her name imports as much as Heavenly j Urania C/iyfpots and freckles from the Face : li^-t yonmul} norHavc the liqmr long on, but rvafh it off with dccoclion of Wheat Br any that it corrode not the Skin. II. To make the S^in foft and fmooth. The Face being very clean, by the tenth Sedion of the firrt Chapter, w^alh it very well with a Lixivium of Salt of T.irlar, and after tliat anoint it Avith Pomatum ; or which is better, Oil of fivcct Almonds, doing this every Night going to Bed. The Pomamm we have taught the way to make in our Pharmac:>pceiaj lib. 5. cap. 4. Sefl. 22, & 2<,. III. A Water to cleanfe the Face from Scurf and Jl'for- phew.. Take diftilled Rain Water fi^ ounces, Juice of Liinons twelve ounces, mix them, andwaih Avith it Morning and Evening, anointing after it at Night going to Bed with the Oil or Pomatum aforeikid. IV. An Unguent rvhich brings the Skin to an exquiflte he amy. Take of our Pomatum one ounce, Salt of Tartar one drachm, Musk twenty grains, mix them well, and ( the Face or Skin being very clean ) anoint Morning and E- vening. V, A C hap. 2 . Of Pamtwg theFace^ 8^c. 381 V. A n.'onii£rf%l Cof.yjjtikk cf great }^orth. Take white Tartar twenty ounces, Taick, Salt, of eat '1 ten ounces, calcine them in a Potters Furnace verywdi ^ tlien grinding; the matter upon a Marble, put it into Hippocrates his Sleeve, and let it in a Cellar, or other moift place for twenty or thirty days, and there wiU drop from it a precious Oil ; which being rubbed upou the Skin loftly with a Linnen Cloth ( the Skin being duly rkanfed firlt ) takes away all kind of fpots, and makes it loft and delicate. VI. A cheap J yet excellent Cofineticl. Take Alum in fine ponder, and iLake it with Whites of new laid Eggs, being a little heated, till fuch time as they grow thick to an Ointment, with which anoint the i':Ke Morning and Evening three or four days 3 and it will take away l]30ts and wrinkles, and make the Skin grow clear and £iir. VII. An excellent Mercurial Cofwetich prevalent again^ mnl} deforrh'ities cf the Skin. Take Mercury purified from all blacknefs half a pound. Mercury Suhlimate in pouder as much, mix them in a Stone or Marble Mortar ; put them into an Alembick o£ a firait Orifice, put on dilHlled Vinegar, till all De co- A-ercd three or four fingers, letting it ttand four days, dai- ly ilirring the lame at certain times, then it extracts a Ttvhitiiii Pouder ; the whitilli Vinegar by inclination fe- parate, rejecting it, and put on other Vinegar : the pou- der at bottom keep fo for fome days : which labotir y '..i muit io often reiterate, till you have abundance of that while pouder, which dry, and keep for ufe : anoint widi it", by mixing with it a little dilfiUed Rain Water, and it wall take away all blemillies of the Skin, as alfo Tetters. Life it not too often, and beware you touch neither Eyes rior Teeth with it. VIII. Another of great ejiimation. Take Mercury SHhlimate., Saccharum Saturni, of each two drachms. Role Water, Juice of Limons,of each two oun« ces, mix them like to an Ointment, with which anoint gently at Night, and the next MotningWith. the Pomatum aforelaid. IX. To male a kind of Lac Virginis, an excellent Cof- ^etick. Take dittillcd Rain Water a quart, SdccharHm Saturn i F f cryffal- 382 Polygrdphices Lib. V. crylbiUized one ounce, miK them, and then walli uith the^water, being I'ettled : the fine white Ponder at bot- tom, is alfo an excellent Fucus or Paint, which may be laid upon the Skin, if very clean : note, ibmc ufc Vine- gar inltead of Rain Water. X. To make Oleum Tartari ^er deliquiftm. Take Salt of Tartar, which put into a bag, with a corner, in" a moift Cellar, and the Oil will diftil there- from in drops : with this Oil you may mix a little fair water, and wafti your Face at Night going to Bed ; and' the next Morning, the Face being very clean, you may wafli with the aforefaid Lac Virginis 5 thus continuing for fome days, you may create an exquifite and lalting Beauty. XI. A compound Cofmetick ejieemsd by fame of great force. Take of the aforefaid Lac Firginls one ounce. Oil of Tartar, aforefaid, half an ounce, mix them, with which wafh Morning and Night for about a Week, or more, as you fhail fee occafion ; then anoint with the following Ointment. XII. To r,iake the Cofmetick Ointment^ aforefaid. Take Musk three drachms, Ambergrife two drachms. Civet one drachm, grind them upon a Porphyre or Mar- ble Stone, with Oil of Ben, and RhoJium, of each three ounce?, with which anoint, as aforefaid : note, lome in- ftead of the Oil of Ben, vie Oil of iivect Almonds. XIII. A Vegetable Cof7netkk. Befmcar your Face or Skin at Night going to Bed, with the juice of Wake Robin ; it is excellent. XIV. Ah incomparahle Cojmetick of Pearl. Diill^lvc Pearls in Juice of Limons or Diliilled Vine- gar, which dig,eft in 'Horfe-dung, till they lend forth a dear Oil, which will fwim on the top : thii is one of the mort excellent Cofmciicks- or Bcautiriers in the World ; This Oil-, if mil prepared y is richly rt^orth fcven pound an ounce, XV. A Cofmetick Ointment of great worth. Take or' our Pomatumj aforefaid, {m oiAccs, Saccljarum Satfirni two ounces, mix them, and anoint Morning and Evening. XVI. Another very good for the Skin. Mix Sacchmtm SAttfrni one drachm, in Vinegar half an ounce, chap. 2. Of^aintifJg the Face, Sec: jSj ounce, which mingle with the glair o: Eggs, and anoint with it. XVII. A Cofweticl wonderful to make c. pkajtng rnddy Complexion . Take Oil of Tartar four ounces, Alum, Sal Gem, of each one ounce, Borax, Camphire, of each half an ounce, beat them well together, to which adi of Briony water ■ a Pint, diilil them in Balneo, and you will have yout defire. XVIII. Another for the fame. Take Madder, Myrrh, Saifron, Frankincenfe, of eacfi alike, bruife and iteep all in White Wine, with which anoint the Face going to Bed, and in the Morning wafh. it off, and the Skin will have a gallant pleafmg biufh. . XIX. To make the Cofmetick of Aiyrrh very excellent. Boil Eggs till they are hard, flit them and take out the yolks, fin them up with poudred Myrrh, clofe them toge- ther, and lay them in a moitt Cellar, and the Myrrh will dilTolve into Oil. XX. Ti m.ike a very good Wajh to whiten the Sknij and give a good Corripicxion. Take Limons, Hens Eggs boiled, of each ttvelve oun- ces, Turpentine eight ounces, diriil all in Balneo Marine, with which wajfh : when you wafh, you may drop into it a drop, two or three of Oil of Oranges or Cinnamon, for fragrancy lake. XXI. A Cofmetick to wake a rough Skin fmooth. Take fweet Almonds blanched four pound, moiflen them with Spirit of Wine and Rofe Water mixt toge- ther, of each two ounces, beat them together, and fry them ; and when they begin to Imoak, put them into a Bag, and prels them ( in a Prefs made for that pur- pole) and there will come forth a very clear Oil ^ which put into Rain Water, and beat it till it is exceed- ins; white. Ff2 CHAP. J 84 Polj/graphices Lib. V. CHAP. III. Of Cofmetkksy rvhicb remedy the various Vices of the Skin, I. 'T'O tah avpay Sun-hHrnings. -■• To the gliir of ten Eggs put to it Sugar-candy one ounce, and anoint with it going to Bed : or anoint with the ]uice of Sow-bread at Night going to Bed • and in the Morning with Oil Ompkacine. The like cfteds hath our Lac Firginis, at the ninth Se6lion of the fecond Chapter, as'allo Oleum Tartar i, and other things of Hke nature. II. To tah away Rehiefs and Pimples. Firlt prepare the Skin by batliing it often with the decodtion of Wheat-bran, and applying Pultifes of Bread, Milk and Oil thereto : when the Skin is thus fupplcd and rariHcd, you may cure them either hy our Liquor of Talck, at the firft Section of the fecond Chap- ter, or Mercurial Cofmetick at the fcventh Se6tion of the lecond Ciiapter, or our Lac Fin^^inis and Oil oi Tartar at the ninth and tentJ] Section of tiic fecond Chapter, or by often walliing with juice of Limons. •III. To take aivay Freckles. Take juice of Limons,. put it into a Glafs-bottle, to vvhicii put fine Sugar, and Borax m poudcr, digett it eight days in Sand, tlicn ufe it ; or mix Sal Tart.vi with VVhitesof Eggs, and apply it ; or often ufe our com- i30und Colinctick at the eleventh Seition of the fecond Chapter, or Oil of Tartar alone, for fome Weeks ; but if all fail, you muft have rccourlc to our Liquor of Talck at the fird Scdion of the fecond Chapter, or Mercurial Cofmetick at the Icventh Scdion of the fiid lecond Chapter. IV. To take away ff^ots from the Face or Skin. This is done by anointing Avith Oil of Tartar for ten days ; and after all that to walli it with a Lixhmnt of Qukk-lime in which Sal-armoniack liath been diffolved .^r a I0112 time : or you may ule the Cofmetick at the tliird Se3tion of the fecond Chapter camphorated. ^ V. T9 Cha p. ^ . Of remedying Vices of the Skin, 3 S 5 V. To cleanje a fcurfy Skin. It the Creature be fat, foment firft with a Lixivium of Salt of Tartar ; biit if lean, make a Fomentation of Bor- rage, Buglofs, and Mallow leaves, which ufe for fome days : this being done, Bathe the place where the fcurf is, with Splritm Nicot'un.t made by fermentation, which being dried in, anoint firfl with Oil of Tartar, then with Oil of Almonds ; repeating the three lad works fo often till the fcurf goes away. If all thefe fail, yon mufl have rccourfe to our Liqmr of Talckj or Adercurial Cofmetklz ; or thofe at theffth and eighth Se^iion of the fecond Chapter, which without doubt mil perform your defire. VI. To free the Skin from Tetters and Ring-worms. Diffolve Sublimate one ounce in a Glafsof RedWinc by boiling, with w^hich wafh the place Morning and Evening, letting it dry of it felt, for three or four days together, and it will certainly cure : if they be not in- veterate, our Liquor of Talck at the lirtt Section of the fe- cond Chapter, or Mercurial Cofmetick may fufficient- ly do ; or you may anoint with this ointment. Take Sal' Tar tar i two drachms, burnt Alum three drachms, poudcr and incorporate with Whites of Eggs : . Or this. Take Sulphur vive three drachms , Camphire on^ drachm, Hogs-greafe two ounces, m\% and make an Ointment. VII. To tah away Wrinkles from the Skin. Take Oil of Almonds, lees of Oil Olive, and make them into an Ointment with Wax, pouder of Camphire and Maftich, with which anoint. Oil of Myrrh to a- iioirit with, is eminent in this cale : or walli with a de- codtion of Briony roots, and Figs, of each alike : or dif^ foive Gum Tragacant in Lac Virginis, and walh with that. Excellent good is a rtrong decodlion of Pomegra- nate Peels in White Wine, to walh often with. VIII. _ To take away Warts. The Juice of the greater Spurge with Salt, anointed, takes them away, fo alfo a continual walliing with a Lixivium of Quick-lime and Salt of Tartar. The Juice of Verrucma performs the lame. A Plailter of Cantha- rides, with a defenfative, is very good in this cafe : fo alfo this following Wafh ; Take Saccharum Saturni three ounces, Sd-armoniack one ounce, Vitriol common fix F f 3 drachmsj ^S6 Polygraphices Lib. V. drachms, Quick-lime ei^ht ounces, boil all in water four pound, to the confumption of the half, with which often bath the Warts, and then walh with our Mercurial wa- ter. Black So.'p hath often been found very good j but efpecially a Flaifhr of Turpentine. IX. To heal Chaps in the Skin. Our Tomatmi in this cafe is moft excellent : yet thii> following is commendable. Take Capons ^reafe mixed well with Camphire, and anoint with Oil ot Turpentine two drachms, mixed with \Jn7uentHm Populeon two oun- ces. So alio Oil of Rofes mixed with Sheep Suet and Wax to an Ointment. X. To heal Burnings and Scoldings. Excellent good is the Vngiicntum Bithrum in our Synopfts A'fedicinte, both to draw out the fire, and to heal. To draw out the foe alfo, glair of Eggs mix- ed with Role Water, is very prevalent : lo alfo is Salt, raw Onions, Soap, Yeft, Oil of Tartar, and the like. To hinder the rifing ottheBlifterSjHens dung three oun- ces, mixed with Hogs greafc four ounces, and Salt of Tartar one ounce is very good 5 fo alfo a Cataplafm of Honey and Caims of Bread ; but bcil: of all a plai- ner of lirained Opiums with Oil and Wax, which per- forms all the intentions to admiration. If the Blifter break, it may be prefently skinned by anointing with Oil of Eggs, and waOiing often with Lac F'irginis, Itrew- ing upon tlie lore, ppuder of Bole, Tutty, Cerufe, or the like. XI. To title away Scars and Maris of the Swall Pox* Take of Oil ot Tartar one ounce and half, Cerufe dif- folvedin Oil of Roles one ounce, Borax and Sd Gem oi each one drachm, mix and make an Ointment, with whicli anoint. Oil of Tartar alone performs this work well : lo Salt of Tartar, mixed with poudcr of Myrrh and Oil of Roles. But Emplaft. EpiJ'pai?icum is infallible and fafe. XII. To heauti§e the Hands. To make them ibit, often anoint with tl;e Oil of ^1- jnonds or our Vowaium at Night going to BeJ, waOiing them ihc next Morning widi dccocVion of Whcat-bian : after a wiiile waii them with Salt of Tartar, dilToIved in fair water, perfumed with Oil of Cloves, Oranges, Rliodmi'i .-.r Ci (..ivron. o, rliif, Ti':f T'niirc Soap dil- lolvcd Chap. ^ . Of remedying Vices of the Skin, ^8 1 folved in Juice of Limons one pound, Virgin-honey four ounces, Sublimate, Orrice root, Sugar, Salt of Tartar, A- lum, Borax, of each one ounce, Balfam of Peru, two drachms, Oil of Cloves one drachm. Oil of Rhodium and Cinnamon of each half a drachm, make a mixture. to wafli the hands withal : Or this, take pouder di Venice Soap one pound, Orrice Root eight ounces, Amylum fix ounces, mix them and make an Ointment with UqnU Storax and Oil of Benjamin a fufficient quantity ,• it wonderfiilly whitens, fmooths and foftens the hands. To anoint alfo with Bulls Gall is very good. XIII. To help hands which arefwoln, and look red or blfte Tviih cold. What we even now faid ( in the latt Section ) may be faid again here : to -which' we add, that a long bathing bf them in a lather of Caftle Soap, is very good : or if a repercuflive Plaifter be applied made of Bar- Icy meal, Saccharum Satirml, and Oil of Myrtles ; vv^alliing ( after the coming off of the Cataplafm ) with Juice of Limons or White-wine Vinegar*: a Plainer of Turpentine mixed with Salt is good. Often to anoint the hands with Oil of Rofes, Almonds, or Pomatum at Night, and the next Morning with the Lac Virginls pre- vails much. Oil of Annifeeds, Caraways and Fennel prepared Chymically, as alio Cloves and Oranges, mix- ed -with Oil of Almonds, and often ufed, are eminent above all other things. XIV. To wale the Skin f oft, fmooth and white, take ajt>ay Pimples, Morphew, Scurfy &c. Bath the places affeded, well. Morning and Night, with Powers of Rofcnrary, Amhcr or Limons, and you will have your defure in fome lliort time with advantage. Thefe things arc beyond all iiitherto named« iF f 4 C H A E '588 Polygraphlces Lib. V. CHAP. IV. Other AdmirAble Bcauf/fiers, I. *TpO remedy the evil cnlottr of the Green Sichnejs. *■ Take Crocus Mirtis aperitive, Harts horn cal- cined in fine ponder, ot each an ounce ; double refined Sugar two ounces : mix them. Dole two drams Morn- ins; and Evening, wafhing it down with a Glals ot White Wine. n. For Sore nnd Bleared Eyes, or a [harp humor in thcw. Take Damak Rofe Water a Pint, Sricchamm S.iturni a dram ; mix anddiflolve : drop it 3, 4, 5, or 6 times a day into the Sore, Rhcumntick or Inflamed Eye. III. For Sore and WtCfiin^ Eyes. Take fair water three Quarts ; and being boiling hot, put into it fine Bole one ounce, w^hitc Vitriol fix drams, Camphire one dram ; digeft upon the faeces a Week, and decant the clear for ule It cures Sore Jiunning Eyes, tilllorts of Ulcers, Tetters, Ring-worms, Scabs, C^r. be- ing in' thefe larter cafes ufed twice a day, half an hour tit a time, as ho: as the Patient can endure it. IV. To remove rhe filrhy colour of the Tellnw Jaundice. Give the part}' Morning and Evening a brge fpoonful of the black Tindture of Iron, ( made by putting old Nails into White Wine, anddigcfting them together fur fome Months, lliaking the Bottle once a day ) this clear Mack Tinclure you may give in White Wine or Ale, as the Patient likes beft. Ir cures alfo the Grcen-fickncfs, and provokes the terms in \'\'omen. V. For Fir^pleSy and other Deformities of the Face and Skin. Take Damask Rofe-water a Gallon : Salt Peter in fine ponder half.a pound ; mix and diifolve over a gentle heat, and keep it for ufc. Wafn often the Face and Skin therewidi, it admirably clears it from almofi- all Dcfor- jcities. • VI, Another fcr the fame. T;ike Dama.-k Rofe-water a Gallon, Oil of Sulphur an Ounce ; mix and let the Patient walh th;.rewith Morn- ing Chap.4» Other Admirable Bemi fey Si 389 jng and Evening. If it is too fharp, you may put in 'more Rofe-water : it is good againlt Pimples, Tetters Ring-worms, Scurf, Morphew, Leprofie, Freckles, &c. VII. Another mixture excellent againfi rednefs of the Face and Pimples. Take fair water two Quarts, White Wine Vinegar a Gallon, Lime Juice a Qiiart, Spirit of Wine or Brandy three Pinf^^, mix them ; walli herewith two or three times a day. VIII. A Cofmetich again/} Freckles. Take Flower of Sulphur, Salt Peter, of each two oun- ces j Juice of Limons a pint and half ; Brandy, fair Wa- ter, of each a Pint; mix", digeft in Sand for 14 days, and keep the Water upon the Faeces : wa(h with it twice a day, and Jet Cloths wet therein dry upon the Freckles. IX. Another againft Pimples, Scurf, JUforpherv, Scabs, Freckles, &c. Take fair Water a Gallon ; Spirit of Wine two Quarts ; Oil of Salt four or five ounces : mix them, and ^valli therewith twice a day. X. Another Cofmetick. Take Corroftve Sublimate made into fine pouder ( be- tween pieces of ftrong Paper and Leather, and beaten Tvith a Hammer, that its Atomes may not fly into 5X)ur Mouth, Noftrils, and Eyes : ) one ounce ; put it into boiling Water a Gallon ; when it is diifolved put to it three Gallons of Damask Rofe-water, and keep it for life. With this W' ater touch or wafh Scabs, Pimples, King-worms, Tetters, Scurf, Morphew, Freckles, Len- tils, &c. twice or thrice a day, and it will cure. XI. Another Cofmetick. Take Crumbs of Wheat Bread hot out of the Oven four pounds ; glair of Whites of Eggs N® xvii;. Goats Milk two Gallons ; Shells of Eggs N'^ xviij. burnt white j mix, and diftil off the Water in a Glais Alembick, with a gentle fire. It is good againrt fpots and rednefs of the Face. XII. Another excellent Cofmetick. Take Ox Galls N° vj. Roch Alum, Nitre, of each two ounces j Flowers of Sulphur one ounce ; Borax, Gam- phire, of each half an ounce -, the grols ingredients be- ing in fine pouder, mix them with the Galls, and Ihake them g^ Poljoraphices ' Lib. V. them together for a quarter of an hour, tvtrj day for a fortnight ; then let all fettle, decant the clear, and fil- ter through brown Paper, and keep it for ufe. It is an excellent Beautlficr. XIII. A Cenr-Cloth to lay over the Face all Night, to mah it foft and fmooth. Take white Bees Wax four ounces, SheepsSuet, Spernja Cstiy of each two ounces ; Oil of Ben, Camphirc, of each cne ounce ; melt all together, and fprcad it thin upon Cloth, and fo apply it over the Face every Night. XIV. To dcarije the Hands and Face, and make the?i; Jphite^fo^tj and fmooth. Take Water two or three Gallons ; Calves Feet a liifficient quantity ; boil all together, and make a good firong Gclly ; ftrain boiling hot through a double FLin- nel bag : add to it half the Qinntiiv of the Juice of Li- mon?, filtred through brown Paper, boil to a confidence, and keep it for ufe : -walli Morning and Evening the Hands and Face with this Geily, and it will make an txcellent Skin. XV. A Wajh for a Tannd Face. Take Wheat Bran a quarter of a Peck : WHnte Wine Vinegar three ■ Quarts ; infule warm for one Night : then add twenty Egg^? beaten all together, lliells and all j mix, and diitil m a Glafs Balnea to dr^'uefs : fb will you fcave a Water, which will add an admirable Beauty to tl]e Face. XVI. Another excellent Water for a Tannd and Sun- lurnt Skin. Take Barley Water, the fccond water made of hull'd Barley, and filtred r'lrough brown Paper, a Gallon ; Tin- cture of Balfam of Peru four ounces j miK thcin together, and keep it for ufe. It is fiid to clear the Skin, make the Flelli plump, and take away wrinkles, if long ufed, and preferves Youth and Beauty : your Face ought al- ways to be wafli'd very clean bctore vou ule it. XVH. To CfirePiiji't}es,Pm.pleSj Ruhufh Inching, Ring- Tforr,:s, Tetter s^ Scurf, A/orpl:e;v, and oiher like Defornsities cf the Face and Skin. Take choice White Wine Vinegar, a Gallon : Juice of Lumons filtred tlirough brown Paper, a Quart: BraA- dy a Pint : mix them and keep it for ufe. Sprinkle this jfcjuKturc upon a Chafing-du^i of Coals, and receive the Fumes Chap. 5. Ofclea?2fmg the Teeth. ^91 Fumes of it upon your Face, Hands, Arms, or other parts afFc6ted, three or four times a day -, and continuing this courfe tor fbme few days, it will effediially cure thofe difeafes aforenamed. XVni._ ^«^ excellent Pomatum for the Face, Lips,8cc. Take Oil of Ben fixteeri ounces ,• choice tryed Mutton Suet, or Lamb Suet, four ounces ; melt them together ; and colour it of a reddiOi bluOi, by putting into it M- kanet Roots : with this you may anoint as you fee occa- fion. It wliitens ajid foftens' the Skin, being often ufed. CHAP. V. Of clears fmg the Teeth, I. "Tp O cleanfe Teeth r^hich ere furred over. •*- Rub them every Mornins;, and every time after catmg with Crernor Tartcri in fine pouder ^ and then walli them with this mixture. Take fair watcrj a Oucrt ; White WtneF'jnegar, a Pint^ Juice of Limons, halfaPint ; White Port Wine, a Pint and half ; Brandy, half a Pint ; mix thenj, to make a walli for the Teeth. II. Another excellent Wafh for thcjap^e. Take redified Spirit of Wine a Pint ; Oil of Sulphur an ounce ; mix them : this makes them purely ckan ; liril wafli or rub them with this, and then afterwards w^afh them with fair warm water. III. To Tyhiten hlack Teeth. Take Sjrup of Rofes fixteen ounces ; Damask Rofe- water twenty ounces ; Spirit of Sulphur, or Vitriol, four pounds ; mix tliem. Firil rub your Teeth with a cloth dipt in this Liquor, then wafh your Mouth in Damask Rofe-^vater- ly. yi Pouder to cleanfe the Teeth rphenftirrd. , Take Red or White Coral, which beat to Pouder and levigate upon a Porphyre, with Damask Rofe-water ; dry it, and keep it for ule : Avith this rub the Teeth twice a day. Some ufe pouder of Bricks, which if fine, is good, being mixt with a little ' Honey. After rubbing th« Tcetli ^92 Polygraphices Lib. V. Teeth ivith thefe Poudcrs, walli them with fair water, or Role-water. V. Another for the fame. Take Allic- oi^ Rolcmary-branche?, a pound ; Rofe Vinc|vir q. s. digLft^xxiv.hours, then dry it, and keep the poud-.r to rub your Teeth Avith. VI. Another for the fanie. Take levigated Poudcr of Crabs Eyes and Claws, and of red Coral, Ponder of burnt Harts-horn, ana four oun- ces ; Salt of Wormwood one ounce: mix them, aiid make a Pouder. VII. Another Ponder for the Teeth. Take Puinice-lbne in' fine Pouder, Coral levigated, Brick-durt, of each a pound ; Catechu twelve ounce=; ; Orrice Root, c'2,lit ounces : mix and make a Pouder to rub the Teeth with, Morning and Evening : wafhing them after wardb with a mixture oi c> jual parts of Damask Rofe-water, fair water, and White Wine Vinegar. VIII. To V(hiten black Teeth. Take Roic-water a Gallon ; Oil of Sulphwr four oun- ces ; mix them. Tye a Rag to the end of a ftick, dip it in the former water, and Icowrc the Teeth therewith ; this do Icveral times, Morning, Noon and Night, till the blackncfs is gone j then rub tlicm with Oil Ben, perfu- med with a few drops of Oil of Cinnamon. IX. To l.iftcn loofe Teeth. Firll rub the Teeth with this- Pouder. Take Catechu, Roch-Alnm, of each alike quanthy in fine Ponder^ mix them^ and rub the Teeth mth the fame. Then waih with this : J^ Damask Rofc-water a Quart, ifrong Tinthnre of Catech:^ fx ounce:, mix them : and after that Avalli them with the beft Red Wine, Morning, Noon and Night : and every Night going to Bed lay fre("h or green Scur\'-y-grals be- tween the Cheeks, Lips and Teeth all Night. X. To Cure Teeth Vyhich are Rotting. Take Harts-horn calcined and levigated, magifhry of Coral, of each four ounces; Qrricc in poudcr fix ounces; Oil of Rhodium a dram : mix them for a Dentifrice to rub the Teeth withal. It will keep them white and fcund. XI. Another for the fame. Take Harts horn calcin'd and levigated. Salt of Tartar fulphuratcd, of each eight ounces ; mix them for a Den- tifrice, 't»s exocilent. XII, A Chap. 6. Of making a Jtveet Breath. 595 XII. ^ Liqmr t(k cleanfe them. If you do but touch them twice or thrice a day vv ith my SpiritHs Apsriens, it will in a little time make them as white as it is pollible for them to be ; after ufmg of which each time, you may walli your Mouth with fair water. XIII. Where the Teeth are P^otten and. Hollon\ Make httle Pellets of fJrained Opium, and Myrrh^ with a few drops of Oil of Caraways, and put them into the hollow Teeth ; repeating it as oft as need re- quires. XIV. To help or eafe the Pain of the Teeth. - If the Teeth are hollow, fill the hollo wnefs with fome of the former Pellets : Or make fmall Pellets of our Lm- cianum^ and a little Lint, and ufe them as the former ; but if they be not hollow, lay long Rolls of our Laada- nnm made up v,4th Lint, all Night between the Cheek and Teeth, or Gums, repeating, the application two or three times in the Night, and if the Pain is vehement, take alfo inwardly two or tlirce (3rains of the fame Lan- dannm. , XV. 71? Help or Cure the StinUng of the Teeth. If they ftink much, often walh then with Damask Rofe-water, a little lliarpned with Oil of Sulphur ; or with Brandy, a little lliarpned with Oil of Vitriol ; or with Spring Water, lliarpned with choice Juice of Li- mons I or with Tincture of Cinnamon made in common Brandy j and you muli: be always fiire to ^valli them ivith lome of the former things ; or with fair water mixt with White Wine, or White Wine Vinegar, after Eat^ ing : and this is daily to be continued till the Cure is abfolutely compleated. CHAP. VI. Of mahmg a Srveet Breath. I. A Stinking Breath comes from one of thcfe four caw- ^^ les, vU. from rotten and defeilive Teeth ; putri- fied Lungs ; or Ob^rudion of the Stomach j or a Diftem- per of the Head. 11. To 394 Poljgraf bices Lib. V II. To Cure it when it proceeds frofn Rotten Teethyf>ic. This is to be' cured by the directions given in the for- mer Chapter, of which we h:ivc ipoken largely enough, lb that no more need be laid in tliis place. III. To rer/;edy a jf inking Breath, nhen it proceeds from futrified Lungs. Outw^ardly anoint the Breft and Stomach with Juice of Tobacco, boiled to a thicknefs, mixt with an equal quantity of Oil of Amber. In^vardly give Balfam of Sulphur Morning and Evening, and in all that the Pa- tient drinks in the day t'mc, lomeDropSyW<-. 20, 30, or 40 Drops at a time or our Spirit tu Aperiens. \Y. Some other Ren:edies for the fame purpofe. Give inwardly the Anifated Balfam of Sulphur, Mot- nlng and t\ening 15, or 20, or 25 Drops, made into a Bolus w^ith double refined Sugar ; at Ten in the Morn- ing, and Three in the Afternoon, give half a dram o^Be- z,oar Minerale, or Antimonmni Di.^.phoreticMm, or as much of Antihe^iciim Poterijy or a Scruple of Arcanum Jovis^ made up into a Bolus with Syrup of Green Ginger. Let him alto now and then eat a Race oi Green Ginger, and drink after it a Glals of good Re I Florence Wine. Thefe things being taken for leveral Days, or Weeks, at laft conlummate the Cure -with this : In the Morning, and at four Afternoon, let him take this Bolus : TAe Catechu in fine ponder, NH'.n;egs in poudcr, Bez,oar mincralj of each /in ounce ; Oil of Cinna'/Kon x:<:. dr'tps : choice Honey enough to make it into an ElcEiuary ; Dofc as much as a Chefnut at a time : and at Night let him take this. Va Venice Turpentine two ounces , Catechu in fine ponder q- s. mix md make Pills : Dole, a dram every Night at Bed tune. V. A Siinhng Breath from Vijlcmpcr of the Stomach. This is cured ty opening and cleanling the Stomach : firlt Vomit with Vmum Benedtcium one ounce, or more, as Itrength requires, which may be repeated two or three times : or you may Vomit in like manner with Tartar Emetic k, or fome other Antimonial Vomit, or with P^i- negar or Wine, or Oxymel of Sipils : this done, you may purge the Bowels with our Farrtiiy Pills four or five times, and after that, every Morning tailing the Patient may take a Scruple o[ Pil.Rujfi, or three drams of Elixir Pro- ^rietatis for ten or twelve times, cither aery day, or" eve- ry Chap. 6. of making a fweet Breath, ^^5 ry other day, in the Morning farting, drinking after it fome warm Broth or PolTet-drink. VL A Stinking Breath' from Dijhmper of_ the Head, You are to confider the Caufe of the Diftemper, whe- ther it is from Apoftems, the Pox, Leprofie, Elephantia- fis, &c. and then to purfue the Method uled in the Cure of thofe Difeafes ; for fo the Cauie being taken away^ the Effeds will foon ceafe. Yet neverthelefs, if the Pa- tient will be pleafed to take fome few Dofes of the Pi- luLi Lunares every other Night at Bed time, or every third, or fourth Night, he will find a Satisfadion beyond ail Expe6lation. VIL A Stinking Breath from Ulcers of the Nofe, ThroAt, or Mouth, This cannot be cured but by curing of thofe Ulcers : if they be not inveterate and Ikibborn, they may be cured with this Walh : Take Aqua Regnlata two ounces : Tin- Bure of Catechu one ounce : Honey, enough tofppeeten mithkl: with this gargle or wafli the Throat, Mouth or Nole, three or four times a day : if this will not do, you muft ufe the Water of the Griffen, which feldom lails, though the Ulcers be never fo rebellious : but if all thefe things f'lil, you mud make ufe of this. Take Damask Rofe-water fvc oannces : Pomrs of Mercury tvoo Arams j mix them * and therewith gargle or walh the Parts affeiled three or four times a day, this will not fail. VIII. To re^ifie the Breath when it fmells of any thing that is eaten. Chew Coriander Seeds or Zedoary in the Mouth, or Ja-' maica Pepper, drinking a draught of Wine after it : or you may chew the Perfumed Grains of Catechu, which wilt give the Breath an incomparable Odour, beyond moii other things. C H A^ K ^^6 Poljgraphiees. Lib. V. CHAP. VIL Of Beautifyiffg the Hair, I. T^O dye the Hair black. J- This is done with the Calx of Lmia ( made by Spirit of Nitre) mixed with fair water, and the Han walhed therewith, with a Spungc : it is the moft excel- lent thing of th.at kind that is yet known. II. To keer> the Hair from falling off. Take Myrtle-berries, Galls^Emblick MjTobalans, of each alike, boil them in Oil T)mphacine, with which anoint ; it is an excellent Medicine, yet as old as Ga- len. III. To remedy Baldnefs. This is a hard thing to cure, yet the following things are very good. Rub the Head or bald places every Mor- ning very hard with a coarle Cloth, till it be red, anoin- ting immediately after Avith Bears greafe : when ten or fifteen days are paft, rub every Morning and Evening %vith a bruifed Onion, till the bald places be red, then anoint with Honey well mixed with Muftard-leed, ap- plying over all a Plaliter of Labdan'/.m mixed with Mice- dung, and Pouder of Bees : do this for thirty days. If all the former fail, bath with a decodtion of Bur-dock roots, n^dc with jl Lixivuim ( of Salt of Tartar) two parts, and Muskadcl one part 5 immediately applying this lilnguent : take Thaffi 01 Turbith one dram (in pouder ) Bears-greale one ounce, mis them, which ule for fixty days ; if this make not the Hair come, the de- fcd is incurable. IV. To take aw/'.y Hair from places mhere it f}?oiild not grorp. Take Quick-lime four ounce?, A-^ripi^nientum one ounce and a half, Sulphur vive. Nitre, ot each half an Giiwzc^ Lixivium of Salt of Tartar a quart, mix and boil all 10 long in a glazed earthen pot, till puituig a quill therein, all the feathers peel off, and it is done. Firlt foment the place with warm water a little before you ufe the aforelaid Medicine ; a quarter of an hour after waflii Chap. 7. Of making the Hair grorv: ^gj wafh v/ithvery hot water ; then anoint with the afore- faid Unguentj and in a quarter of an hour it will do the work, when the hairs ai*e fain avvray, remember to anoint with Oil of Rofes ; now to keep them from ever grow- ing again, anoint for fome da^^s with an Ointment made of the Juice of Henbane and Nightihade, Opium and Hogs-greafe. V. To wake the Hiiir curl. Walli the hair very well with a Lixivhim of Quick- lime, then dry it very well, that done, anoint it with Oil of Myrtles, or Oil Omphacinej and pouder it well with Sweet Pouder, putting it up every Night under a Cap : if the party be naturally of a cold and moift Conititution, the waflning, anointing and pondering muft be perpe- tually ufed once or twice a Week during Life, the Hair being put up every Night. VI. To mah Hair lank and jif.g that cp.rls too much. Anoint the Hair throughly twice or thrice a Week with Oilof Lillies, Rofes, or Marlli-mallows, combing it after it very well. VII. To m^le the Hair grow long and/oft. Diiiil Hogs-greafe or Oil Olive in an Alembick, with the Oil that comes there -from anoint the Hair, and it will make it gro^v Jong and foft : ufe it often. VIII. To preferve the Hair from fplitting at the ends. Anoint the ends thereof, with Oil Omphacine, or Oil of Myrtles, they are eminent in this cafe to preierve the Mair from fplitting ; fb alfo an Ointment made of Ho- ney, Bees-wax and Oil Omphacine, or Bears-greafe. IX. To maie White Hair of a Brown colour. Take Aqua fortis three ounces : filings of Siver two penny weight, or value of Six pence, digefl in a boiling Balneoj till the Silver is perfedlly diffolved, then mix with it a little Strong Water -, with which wafh White Hair, and it will make it of a Brown Bay color. X. To male the Hair grow -well and thick. Make a flrong decoilion of Tops of Hemp in Wine,"' and therewith wafh the Head and Hair Morning and Evening for three Weeks or a Month. XI._ To make a Tellow Head of Hair Black. Anoint the Teeth of a Comb with Oil of Tartar per deliamum, and dip a Sponge in it, and do the Comb with itj and Comb the Head in the Sun ( it being firlt G g waihed ^98 Polygraphices Lib. V. vvalTicd clean with fair warm' Avater ) do this for a qaar- ter ot "an hour togrther, often anointing; the Comb with the Oily Sponge, and repeat it thrice a day for leven (.lays, lo will the Hair become Black, afterwards you may an- oint it with Oil of Rhodim7. XII. A Water to colour the Hair hlacl. Take Aqua fortis three ounces ; fine Silver in Leaves one ounce : put them in a GlafsMatrefs, and over a gen- tle fire diffolve the Silver t then add Damask Rofe-water half a Pint, boil a quarter of an hour ; after add the Jirice of two large Citrons ; boil again another quarter of an hour, and'keep it for ufe, in a Bottle clofe ftopt. When you ufe it, take four Spoonfuls thereof, and add as much juice of Citrons ; warm them, and waili the Hair therewith, with a bit of Sponge, taking heed that you touch not your Skin, or any of your Linen, becaufe It will rot it ; the Hair being wafht, let it dry on. XIII. To ir.ah the Hair prow long. Malce a Lye of the Aihcs of Maidenhair, Southern- wood, Mullein, Hemp tops, and Cane Roots, diffolve in every quart of Lye half an ounce of Myrrh, and add to it an equal qiuantitv of White Wnie ; with this walh the Hcr>d Morning and Evening for twenty days. XIV. To n-iike the Hair gruw in bald places. Firlt wafli tl.c places atfcCted very well, for almoft a quartcr-of an hour, with a Deco6tion of Wheat Bran ; then for a quarter of an hour, or longer, rub the faid af- fected places with a large Itrong Onion cut in halves : do this fu' almolt half an hour ; and afterwards anoint tlje parts with this Ointment. Take Bcars-grcalis a pound ; Juice of MoUy^o; of Onions, eight ounces : pou- f/cr of Moufe-dung fix ounces,: Oil of Tarter per deiiqHi:mi one ounce ; mi^ them, and anoint, therewith : Let all this work be done two or three times a day, and conti- nued for a Month compleat ; if the defomuty is not un- ciuiiWe, this.wiil p^rfoxio the \\oik> C H A P. chap. B, 9. 0/ Ter fuming in General, j^i^ C H A P. VIII. Of the Art of Perfuming in General, 1. TN this Art two things are to jbe confidered, viz. -*- I. The way and manner of making of PerRimesJ 2. Tiie way and manner of Perfuming. II. The Perfume it felfis confjdered, i. In relpe6l of its form. 2. In relpedf of itsCompofition. III. The Form of the PcrFume is either Water, Oil, Ef- lence,Unguent,Pouder, or Tablets. IV. The Making and Compofition is taken from the Form and Matter. V. The Matter is either Vegetable, Animal or Mi- neral. . -^ ■ : , , VI. The way of Perfuming is according to the Matter to beperfiimed. VII. The matter to be Perfumed is either Natural, as Hairs, Skins, Cloths, Air, cr^. or Artificial, as Pomanders, Pouders, Walli-balls, Soaps, Candles, and other tilings of like nature. C H A P. IX. Of the Matter of which Perfumes are made, I, ^HE ground o£ Vegetable Perfumes, is taken from -*- Flovpers, Seeds, Herhs, Roots, Woods, Barks, and Gums. 11. The chief FW^n- for this ufe, are of Clove-gilli'^ flowers, Rofes, Jafemin, Lavender, Oranges and Saffron. • HI. The chief Seeds or Fruits are Nutmegs, Cloves, Ca,--' rawaySjGrains, Seeds oi Geranium Mofchatptm, Musk-feeds, and the Nut Ben, which Oil is only ufed as a Vehicle. ^ ! IV. T^he chief Herhs are Geranium AhfchntHm, Bafil;^ Sweet Marjoram, Savory, Time, Angelica, Rpfemary, L^- nnderj HyiTop, iweetTrefoil, Mint, and B^y-treeleaves. ~ G§ 2 Y- The 400 Polygraphices Lib. V. y. The chief Roots are of Calamus Aromatku;, Ginger, China.,Caryoph)!Uta, Indian Spickruird, and fwect Orricc, or Iris. VI. The cWiQ^ Woods are of yellow Sanders, Xylo-hal- fanmmy Lignum, Aloes, RkodiMn;, Sajfafras and Cedar. VII. The Barks and Peels are of Cinnamon, Mace, Granges, Limons and Citrons. VIII. The chief Gums are Frankinccnfe , Olibanum, Labdanum, liquid Styrax, Balfamiim l^ermyj, Amber-grife, Styrax Calamita, Benjamin, Amber, Camphirc. IX. The chief matters of Perfumes taken from Ani- mals, are Musk, Civet, Cow-dung, and other Turds. X. O^ Minerals there are tvvo only, which yield a Per- fume, and they are Antimony and Sulphur. chap: X. of the Oil of Ben. I. TH E little Nut which the ArMans call Ben, is the lame \vhi'ch the Lajins call Nux Vnguentari.i ; and the Greeks y Balanta Afy-epfua ; out of which is taken an Oil, of great ulc in the Art of Perfuming. II. 71? make iheOil of Ben. Blanch the Nut5, and beat them very carefully in a Mortar, and fprinkic them with Wine, put them into an Karthen or Iron Pan, and heat them hot, then put them into a Linncn Cloth, anil prefs them 'in an Almond Prcfs, this work repeat, till all the Oil is extraded, fo have you Oil of Bin by cx- preflion. III. In like manner you may exprefs the Oil out of Citron Seeds, incomparable for this purpofc, to extract the fcent out of Musk,Civct, Amber, and the like, becauie it will not quickly grow rank, yet Oil of the Nut B^n is much better. i IV. Tills Oil of Ben hath two properties ; the pne is, that having no fcent or odour of it fell, it alters, chanr!,cs Or diminilhes not the fcent of any Perfume put into it : the otlier is, that it is of a long continuance, fo that it fcarcc- Chap. IT. Of Sweet Waters, 401 fcarcely ever changeth, grows rank, cormpts, or putrifies, as other Oils do. V. To make a Perfume thereof, put the Musk, Am- bes^ &c. in fine pouder, thereinto, which keep in a Glafs Bottle very clofe ftopt for a Month, or more, then ufe it. VI. Or thiu, Blanch your Nuts, and bmife them, ( Hade Nuts may do, tho' not fc good ) and lay them be- tween two rows of Flowers, fuppofe Rofes, Jafemin, &c. or other Perfumes ; when the -Flowers have loft their fcent and fade, remove them, adding frefii ones ; which repeat fo long as Flowers are in fealon ; then fqueez out the Oil, and it will be moft odoriferous. VII. Laltly, by this laft you may draw a fweet fcent out of thofe Flowers, out 6f which you cannot diftil any f^veet water. CHAP. XL Of Sweet Waters, I. "-v. HE firfi Sweet Water. -*- Take Cloves in pouder an ounce, yellow San- ders, Cdlamm Aromaticpts of each half an ounce, Aqua Ro- ' farampdwafcenarum fifteen pound, digeft four days, then diftil in an Alembick ; to this new diftilled water put in pouder Cloves, Cinnamon, Benjamin, Storax Calami- fa, of each half an ounce, diftil again in Balneo ; laftly put the water into a glafs bottle with Musk and Ambergrife, of each ten grains, keep it^clofe ftopt for ufe. II. The jecond Sweet Water. Take Damask Rofes exungulated three pound. Flowers of Lavender and Spike, of each four ounces, Clove-gilli- flowers, and Flowers of Jafemin, of each two pound. Orange-flowers one pound. Citron peels four ounces. Cloves one ounce, CinnamonjiromA- CalamitayBenja.mm, Nutmegs, of each half an ounce, all in pouder, Aqua Rofarnm fix pound, digeft ten days, then diftil in Balneo : to the diftilled water add of Musk and Ambergrife of each thirty grains. g 3 m,^ 402 Folj^raifhices Lib. V. in. The thitil Sneet Water. Take Rofes, Clove-gilliflower?, of each one pound, Flowers of Rofeman-, Lavender, Jafcmiriy Marjoram, Sa- vory, Tirne, of each three oun^e?, dry Citron peel=, one ounce. Cinnamon, Beniamin, Stor^.x Caiimita^ of each half an ounce. Nutmegs, Mace, of each one dram ; bruifs the Herbs and Spices well, digert in the Sun nvo days, then difBl in B^Jnfo : to the diftilled water add Musk in ponder one fcruple. IV. The founh Sifeet Water. Take Cloves, Cinnamon, of each one dram, Mace, Grains, Musk, Ambergrile, Citron peel?, of each hall' a dram, Benjamin, Storax- Calamita^ of each one I'aruple, Aquy. Rofar'Am twelve pound, digeft fifteen days, then di- ftil in B.^.lneo. V. The fifth Street Wetter. Take Rofemar^-flower --ater, Orange-flower water of each five pound, Ambergi ife one fcruple, digeft ten daj"?, then difHl in Balneo, or keep it without dilHlling. VI. The ftxth SrrmW.tter. Take Rofes two pound, Macalcb, half a cbam, Am- bergrile ten grams, bruile what is to be bruifed, digeft in Sand three days, then diftil in Balnen. "VTI. The Jn-enth Siree: Water. Take green peels of Oranges and Citrons, of each four ounces. Cloves half a dram. Flower? of Spike fix ounces, ^qy.:i Rfifarum Bamajcenaram fix pound, digeft ten dapj then diliil in Balneo. VIII. The eighth Svteet Water. Take ofthe\\'aterof the fifth Sedion fix pound. Musk ten grains, m.k and digeft them for ufe. iX. Tl:e ninth Sneet Wetter. Take ^cjtf.x Rofar'^n:, Aty.ix F^rrffm de Jafcmin^ of each four pound, Musk one fcruple, digeft tendays, then diltii in "Sand. X.'The tenth Svreet W^^ter. , Take Damask-rofcs, Miisk-rofes, Orange-fiower^, of each foLU' pound, Cloves ^.vo oimces, Nutmegs one ounce, diftil in an Alembick, in the nofe of which hang Musk three Icruples, Amber t^vo fcruples, Civet one fcruple, tyed up in a rag dipt in bran, and the White of an Egg mixed. XI. nf Chap. II. . Of Sweet Wdten. 4© 5 XI. The eleventh Sweet Water, calhd Aqua Nanla, or Naphe. Take Aqua Rofaritm four pound, Orange-fiosver wa- ter nvo pound, waters of fwect Tiefoil, Lavender, Sweet Marjoram, cf each eight ounces, Benjamin two ounces, Storax one ounce, Labdanum half an ounce, Mace, Cloves, Cinnamon, Zanders, Lignum Aloes, of each one ounce, Spicknard one ounce ^ all being grofly beaten, digeft a Month, tliin in a glafs retort diftii in B,iln:o. XII. The tTvelfth Sireet Water, called Aqua Mofchata. Take Spirit of Wine redlified to the higheft two pound, Musk three fcruples, Ambergrife two fcruples, Civet one fcruple, digeft in the Sim t^venty days clofe ftopt in a grals vt^d; a drop of this water put into any otlier li- quor, will ver^- well perfiime it. So may yoy. extract the /cent out offaeet Floners, irirh this difference, that they lie hnt a little nhile, becauje iheir earihy fnhjlance rcill mah the fpirit ill-favoured. XIII. The thirteenth Sireet Water. Take a quart of Orange-flower water, and as much ' Damask Rofe-^vater : add thereto Musk- willow feeds, grofly bruifed, four ounces, Benjamin two ounces, St^'rax one ounce, Labdanum fix drams. Lavender flowers two pugils, musked Cranesbill three pugils, Sweet Marjoram as much, Calampu Aromatic m a dram, diftii all in a glafs Stillatory in Balnea, the Joints being well clofed that no vapor get out. XIV. The fourteenth S^eet Water. ., Take Beniamin, Stoi2.%Calamita, of each tvvo ounces; Cloves, Winter Cmnamon in pouder, of each gee ounce j Orange peels, Limon peels, ( the yellow ) of each half an ounce ; Musk feeds an ounce and half ; Spirit of Wine a quart : digeft twenty days, fhaking it €\-ery day : then decant the clear, and add idusk, Ambergrife m fine pou- der, ana five grains ; mix them well, and keep them to- gether for ufe. XV. The Queens Perfumed Water. Take Dam.asK Rofe-water a gallon, Orange-flower- water two quarts j Sweet Marjoram water, Angelica water, of each a quart ; Winter Cirmamon, yellow of Orange and Limon peels, Jamaica Pepper, of each two ounces ; Cloves, Cinnamon^ Nutmegs, of each half an ounce j yellow Sanders, Saflafras, Rhodium, of each one Gg 4 ounce; 404 Tolygrdphices ' Lib. V. ouiKC ; Benjamin eight ounces : All the ingredients be- ing in fine pouder, put them to the waters in a glals bot- tle, adding Spirit ot Wine a qtiart ; digelt in a gentle Sand hear for a Month, tlicn decant the clear water, and add to it, if you lo plcafc, Musk in fine pouder a fcruple, Ambergrife ten grains, tied up in a Nodule, which let lye in the liquor fo Jong as it Jafts. XVI. Another excellent Perfumed W/tter. Take Damask Rofe-water a Gallon, Spirit ^f Wine a quart ; Benjamin, i'.'^r^A- Calami: a, yellow Sanders, Mu?k leeds, of each fourteen oimccs ; SafTafras, Winter Cinna- mon, of each two ounces : Orrice Root three ounces ; Cloves, Nutmegs, Cajjia Ligna, Wood of Aloes, yellow of Limon and Orange peels, of each half an ounce : Musk in fine pouder a fcruple, mixt with double refined Sugar half an ounce ; the ingredients being each a part made into fine pouder, mix akogether, and digeft in a gentle Sand heat for fourt)' days ; and keep the Water for life. XVII. An excellent Perfumed and Colored Water. Take DamasJc Rofe leaves frefli gathered, Clove-gilli-- flowers, Violets, or any other Sweet and Aromatick Flower, put them into an Alembick, and aftufe thereon a fufficient quantity of fair water impregnated with Spi- rits of Salt, C an ounce of Spirit to a pint of Water : ) fill the Alembick fiill of the Flowers, and this impregnated water: digeft xxiv. hours till you lee your water is well colored ; then decant the clear liquor, i^o will it have the color and fmell of the Roles, or other Flowers, as if they were frelh gathered. CHAP. XII. Of Perfuming Oils and Spirits. I. 'Tp O njohe Perfuming Oils by Jnfitfion. ■ •*• This is taught fiilly at the hftli Section of the tenth Chapter aforegoing. II. To wrike Oleum ^mperiale. Take Ambergrife four dram?, Storax Cahmita eight • - ounces, Chap. 12. f Perfuming Oils^^c, 40^ ounces, Rofc-water, Oh am Rofatum, of each two pound. Oil ot Cinnamon and Cloves, of each half a dram, put all into a glafs, and digeft in Hoife-dung twenty days : this done, gently boil all for a quarter of an hour, which then let cool ; with a fpoon take off tlie Oil which fwims a top, to ^vhich put of Musk and Civet, of each two drams, digeft all in a gentle heat for twenty days, and keep it for ufe. Where note the Amber and Storax at bottom will ferve to make Sweet Balls of, to Jay among Cloths, or Beads to carry in ones hands j or for. a Per- fume to biu-n. III. To make Oil ,of Cinnamon. Digeft Cinnamon grofly bruifed in fpirit of Wine, fharpned with Oil of Salt, in a glafs veflel, with a blind head clofely luted, in a gentle heat for ten days, then di- liii in an Alembick, as we have more at large taught in om PharJKAsop. Lend. lib.d^. cap.^.Jecl.i2. it is a wonderfiil Perfume, the moft fragrant and pleafant of all Oils, as wtH m tafte as fmell : the ufe of it will certiinly take away a flinking Breath. IV". To make Oil of Rofes, called adeps Rofarum. Take Damask Rofcs, pickle iheni with Bay Salt, and after three Months, with a large quantity of water diftil in afties with a gentle fire, fo have you Oil, and Spirit, or water, which keep for other diltillations. Wickerm hath it thus, Rofarum folia in umbra aliquandift ajfervara in matula, "vitrea magna ponuntur, chjh^ fi[ fundus latftSy C^ ad dimi- dinm vas impfetur : inde affiinditur ipfis Rojarnm foliis tan- turn aqm rojaceA [tillatitiA, qaantmn jatis fuerit, m optimi made ant : appof:6que pileo viirco caico, jiipaiifque optimi rl' mis cera gummiata^ quindecim dlehts equinofimomacerantur : Jic tamen, ut matato, ami frigejcere c(Ppr,it, fi;.vo, calor aqua- lis fervetur. AppofiiO mox matula rojfrato pilco, igne mode- rat o cinerum, aqua omnis elicittir : qua ntrjiis in eadem matula, optime prius a fxcihm mnndain ahhtaque ponitur, fT calemis aqua balneo lentijfwio igne elicittir, dim tota in. I'as rccipiens aheat. Nam in fundo matuJa, remanehit oleum rofarum, colore ruhrum, perjpicuum, & Afojchi odore fua-_ viter fragrans. This IS the greateft of all vegetable Perfumes, and of an ineftimable value. See the Left way of making it in ray Pharm. Bateana, lib. i. cap. 2.fs^. 6p. 7, 8, & 9. y. To 4e6 ToljgtAphkes Lib. V. V. To muh Oil 0/ CAUr^r^a j4r0f>:aticni. It is made as Oil of Cinnamon : it is a very great Per- fume, helps a Stinking Breath, Vomiting, weak Memo- ry, &c. VI. To r^: ah Oil of Rhodium. It is made as Oil of Cinnamon : is a very excellent Pcrfiime, good for the Head, Breath, and the Senfes. VII. To make. Oil rif Indutn Spicknard. By inftifion it is inade by the firit Section ; by diftilla- tion, as Oil of Cinnamon. It is an eminent Perfiime. VIII. To make Oil of Benjamin. Take Benjamin fix ounces in pouder, which diflblve in Oil of Tartar, and Aqtij. Rojjrum, of each one pound, which diliil with a dole pipe in an Akmbick. So is made Oil ol S:orax and Lahdanum. IX. To n:ake Oil of St'jr.zx compound. Take Oil of Ben, or iiveet Almond?, one pound ; Sto- rax grofly beaten four ounces ; Benjamin, Cloves, of each two otmces, digefl: (till the Gums are melted) over hot Coals ; then prefs out the Oil diligently. X. To n.ake Spirit of Amher^^rife. Take of the bell revitiiied Spuit of Wine, a pint j Oil of Salt half an ounce, Ambergrife, Musk ( both in fine poudcr ) of each two drams, ical up the glafs hermetical- ly, and digett in a very gentle heat, till the Tincture is fully drawn out ; three cr four drops of tl^s Spirit will Permme a pint of any Li(]uor richly ._ Or you miay put a drop or two round the brmisof a drinking-glafs ; hair a Ipoontiil of it mixt with a fit Vehicle, is a rich Cordial. CHAP. XIII. Of Perfuming Efftnces. J. "T* HE ir.iy to extract EJfences is fome7t>hat difficnhy -*- viz. by DijIilUtion, CakinMionj Dige'iion or Men- fintum. II. If by a Menj^m^fij ufe not a watry One for a wa- try Eifence ; nor an oily one for an oily EiTence • be- caule being of like naaires, they are not eaOly fcparated ; but Chap. 1 5 . Of ftr fuming Ejfe^jces* 407 ^it on the contiaiy,chufean oily A'fenftrmnz foraAvatry EfTence, and a watry Aienjtruum for an oily ElTence. III. IF the ElTence of any Metal be to be extraded by a Corro[we A<[enjlr;mM, after the work is done, feparate the Salts from the Waters, and uie only thofe Salts which will be eafily taken out again ; Fhriol and Alom are ve- r^' difficult to be feparated by reafon of their earthy fub- Itance. IV .- To extraB: the E [fence oyj ofA^Iusl, Amhergrife, Civet, and other Spices or Aromaticks. Mix the Perfume with Oil of Ben, which in a glafs bottle fet in the Sun or Sand for ten days, then itram it £'om the dregs, and the ElTence will be imbibed in the Oil. Then take Spirit of Wine, and diftilled fountain water, which mix with the faid Oil, and digeft for fix days, then didil in Sand ; fo will the ElTence and water alcend, (the Oil remaining; at bottom without any fcent) that effence and water diiUl in BJneo in a glafs veffel, till the water be come off, and leave the ElTence in the bottom in the form of Oi!. V. Another way to do the fame. Infiife the matter in Spirit of Wine a fufficient quan- tity, mixt with a tenth part of Oil of Salt, or Sulphur, di- gelt for ten days, then dilHlin Sand, as long as any water will come over ( but have a care of burning ) which di- ftilled Liquor draw off in Balneo,^xith. a very gentle heat, and the quintelTence will be left in die bottom, of a liquid form. Vl. To extraB the Effence om cf Herbs /md Florvcrs, as of Sweet Marjoram, Ba/il, Orange-flo'iverSj Jafeminy &c. Eruife the matter, and put it into a glafs velTel to fer- ment in Horie-dung for a Month, then difliil in Bnlneo : fet it in dung for a week again, and diilil in Balneo a- gain ; which reiterate fo long as it will yield any liquor ; put the diftilled matter upon the Capm mort'dum, diitil- ling thus for fix days ; draw off the water in Balneo ; and the ElTence remaining exprefs in a prels : which being a week fermented in dungy will yield the perfect fcent, co- lour and vertucs of the matter defired. VII. To extraB the Effence out of Salts. Calcine the Salt, and grind it very fmall, then lay it upon a Marble in a moift Cellar, fetting under it a pan to receive' the dilTolution -, therein let it ferment for a Month, '4o8 ' Tolygyaphices Lib. V. Month, tfien with a gentle fire diililin Biilnfo : caflaway the infjpid water, which comes from it j and let tliat which rcmams in the bottom, to ferment another Month, then diftilout the infipid water, as before ; repeating this work fo long as any infipid water may be dxawn : then evaporate a^vay all the moilture, and what remains is the qirintefTence of Salt. ' Where Note, i . That thefe Saline qHintejfcnces as they may te ufedy mil draw forth the perfect and compleat ejfence of any vegetable rchatfoever. 2. That the ejfence of Salts thus drairn, TfUl Scarcely come to trvo ounces in a pound. VIII. Ejfence of Cinnamon. Take Oil of Nutmegs, by expreffion, eight ounces : Oil of Cinnamon four ounce? ; mix perfedly, and keep it for ufe. IX. yi Liquid Ejfence of Cinnamon . Take Chymical Oil of Nutmeg? Uirct ouncet : Oil of Cloves one ounce ; Oil of Cinnamon eight ounces : mix, digert ten day?, and keep it for ufe. CHAP. XIV. 0/ Perfuming Unguents, h*T*0 waie Unguentum Pomatum, or Ointrnent ofAp- ■* pies. Take Calves Suet three pound, Oil of Ben one pound, SheepsSuict nine ounces, bmifed Cknesone dram, Aqua Rofarnm two ounces. Pom waters pared and fliced one pound, boil all to the Conlumption of the Rofe-w.itcr ; then rtrain without prclTmg, to every pound of which add Oil oi' Rhodium and Cinnamon, of each thirty drops. II. To make a compound Pomatum. Take of the.Pomatum aforefaid, (without the Oils) four pound, Spicknard, Cloves, of each two ounces ; Cin-- fiamon, Storax, Ben;amin, of each one ounce, ( the Spices and Gums bruifcd and tyed up in a thin rag) Rofe-wa- tcr eight ounces ; bcil to the Confumption of the Rofe- water, then .add white wax eight ounces, which mix well by melting, Itrain it again, being hot j and when Chap. 15. Of Fer fuming Fouders. 409 it is almolt cold, mix therewith Oil of Musk ( made by the firft Section of the twelfth Chapter ) then put it out, and keep it for ufe. III. Another excellent Ointment. Take Calves Suet, one pound, Oil of Ben fix ounces, Sacchartim Satarni two ounces, mix them well by gently melting them , to which add Oils of Musk and Amoergrife, of each half an ounce, let them all cool, and beat th« Unguent well in a Mortar, and keep it for ufe, IV. To make Unguent nm Adofchatum. Take Lambs Suet one pound, Oil of Ben fix ounces, Am- bergrile, Molcb, of each one dram and a half, ( ground with Oil of Jalemin upon a Marble ) adeps Rofarum half an ounce, ( ground with Civet one dram) mix ail together into an Ointment, which keep for ufe. V. A good Fomatuni. Take Sheeps Suet two pounds ^ Oil of Ben one pound : mix them over a gentle heat j add to them Oil of Tar- tar per deliquhim one ounce : when well mixt, caft all into warm ivarcr, ilir them well together ; then let it ftand and cool : then gather the fat lubltance from the top of the water, and mix with it Chymical Oil of Oran- ges, and of Limons, of each half an ounce, and keep it in a pot clofe covered for ufe. Note, Hogs Lard is not to he ufed in theje Compofitionf, lecanje it quickly grows rank, and jiinks. CHAP. XV. Of Fer fuming Fouders. I. "Tp O make Pouder of Ox dung. -■- Take red Ox dung in the Month of May and dry it well, make it into an impalpable Pouder by grind- ing : it is an excellent Perfume without any other ad- dition ; yet if you add to one pound of the former, Musk, and Ambergrile, of each one dram, it will be beyond comparifon. II. To make Cyprian Pouder. Gather Musk-mofs of the Oak in Bscemlery Jamury or Fehruary, wafh it very clean in Rofe-water, then dry it, '41 o Pofygraphices Lib. V. it, (kep It in Rofe- water ibr two days, then dry it again, whidi do olten times ; then bring it into fine ponder and learce it ; Ol which take one pound, Musk one ounce, Ambcrgrile halt an ounce, Civet two drams, yellow San- ders in pouder two ouncts, mix all avcU together in a Marble mortar. III. Another rcay to mnle the f^me. Take of the aforefaid Pouder ot'Oak-mofs one pound, Beniamin, Storax, of each two ounces in line Poudtr ; Musk, Ambergrilc and Civet, of each three drams, mix them well in a mortar. IV. A Sweet Damash Pouier to lay among Cloaths. Take Damafk-role leaves dyed one pound, Musk halt a dram, Orricc root, fweet Marjoram, yellow Sanders, Wood of Aloes, Saffafras, of each three ounces j mix them, and put them in a bag. V. Anoibcr for the j.:me^ or to v:.exr ^ihout one. Take Rofe leaves- dryed one pound. Cloves in ponder half an ounce, Spicknard two dram, Storax, Cinnamon, of each three dran-is, Mui^k half .a dram, mix ihem, and put them into bags for ulc. VT. Pofider of Sivcet OrricCy the firji tray. Take Florentine On ice-root in Ponder one pound, Ben- jamin, Cloves, of each four ounces in ponder, mix them. VII. Po'jdcr of Floreruine Orricc y the jecond nay. Take or" Orrice-root fix ourices, Rofe leaves in ponder four ounces, Marjoram, Cloves, Storax in pouder, of each one ounce, Benjamin, yellow^ Sanders, ol' each half an ounce, Xylo aloe;^ four bunces,Musk one dram,Cyprus iialf a dram, mix them j being groily poudcicd, put them in- to bags to lay ainongil linrien : but being line, they will ferve for other ufe, as we lliall iLew. VIII. Pofider of Orrke-rootSythe third w^, e.vcellent for linnen in h^gs. Take roots of Orriee, Damask Rofes, of each one pound. Sweet Marjoram twelve ounces, flowers of Rofemary,aiid Rowan Camomil, leaves of Time, Gerauinm AIojchatHm^ Sa- vory,* of each fqur ounces, Cyprus roots, Benjamm, Xylo- aloes, yellow Sanders, L/^««w Rhodnm, Citron peel, 6". o- rax, Z..'W^,-2»»?, Cloves, Cinnamon, of each one ounce; Musk two dramsyCivet one dram arid a half, Aiiibergrile one drain, pouder and mix them for bags. This compo- fition will rctainits'ftrength near twenty years. IX. Po'.t' Chap. 1$. Of perfuming Pouder Si 411 IX. Ponder of Orrice^ the fourth way. Take Orrice roots in ponder one pound, Calamus Aro- nimcm, Cloves, drj^d Rofe leaves, Coriander feed, Gc" ranium Mof chat urn, of each three ounces, Lignum Aloes y Marjoram, Orange peels, of each one ounce, Storax one ounce and a half, Lahdanum half an ounce. Lavender, Spicknard, of each four ounces, pouder all, and mix them, to which add Musk, Ambergrife, of each tivo fcruples. X- Pulvls Calami AroMAt'id compojltm. Take Calamm ArornMicm^ yellow Sanders, of each one ounce ; Marjoram, G:ranium Mofchatum, of each one ounce ; Rofe leaves, Violets, of each two drams, Nut- megs, Cloves, of each one dram -, Musk half a dram, make all into pouder, wliich put in bags for Linnert. XI. Another of the fame. Take Calanjus Aroriiatici-iS) Florentine Orrice toots, of each two ounces, Violet llowers dr}"ed one 'ounce, round Cyprus roots two drams ; adep Roj^uHm one dram and a half, reduce all into a very fine pouder: it is excellent to lay among Linnen, or to ftrew in the Hair. XII. An excellent perfuming Pouder for the Hair. Take Orrice roots in fine pouder one ounce and a hali^ Benjamin, Storax, Cloves, Musk, of each two drams ; be- ing all in fine Pouder, mix them for a Perfume for Hair Pouder. Take of this Perfume one dram, Rice-flower impalpable one pound, mix them for a pouder for the Hair. Note, fome ufe white Starch, flour ot French Beans, and the like. XIII. A Siveet Por>>dcr for a Silk Bag. Take Benjamin, Storax Calamita, Cloves, Lignum Aloes, of each two ounces ; yellow Sanders three ounces, Flo- rentine Orrice Hyi ounces, Musk half a dram, mingle them. XIV. Another for the fame. Take Florentine Orrice, Spicknard, Sweet Marjoram dried. Geranium Mofchatum, of each four ounces ; Da- mask Rofes, Cyprels, Lavender Flowers, of each three ounces ; Benjamin, Lignum Rhodiumj of each an ounce, mix them. XV. A Damask Pouder for the like intention. Jake Damask Rofes, yellow Sanders, Lignum Aloes, of 412 Polygraph iees. Lib. V. of each four ounces ; Benjamin, Spirknard, Cyprefs, of each two ounces, mingle them together. XVI. Another for the fame pfirpofe. Take Damask Rofe leaves a handful, cut off the white?, put them in a glafs, and put to them Musk hah"' a fcru- p!e, Ambergriie Gx grains, Civet four grains, fiop ti:C glafs dole, and fet it in the Sun till the leaves be through- 1}^ drv. XVIT. A Pouderfor a Sjveet Bag. Take Orrice, Cyprcfs, white Sanders, Lavender, Da- mask Rofes, of each four ounces ; Calamm, Storax Calr.- mit/t, Benjamin, Sweet Bafil, Sweet Marjoram, Geraninm yi/q/oW«w, of each two ounces ; Cloves, Rofemary flow- ers, of each one ounce, mix them. XVIII. Damask Poider for a Srveet Bag. Take Damask Rof^s four ounces and a half ; Mario- ram, Orrice, of each four ounces ; Gcraninm A'fojch.iiHm three ounces ; Lahdanm?? two ounces and a half, Lignur/i Aloes, white Sanders, Cloves, Cyprefs, Benjamin, GiU- mns, of each two ounces j Musk, Oil of Savin, of each one dram, mingle them. XIX. White Damask Ponder very €ne for Hair. Take Orrice in ponder, white Starch, of each eight ounces ; fine Musk a icmplc, mix it firft with a little, then with more, and laltly with the whole by degrees, the longer it i? kept the. better. XX. Another Damask Po:*dsr in Grofi. Take Damak Rofcs two ounces and a half ; Cr- lamas, Orrice, Cyprcfs, Geranium Aiofchatnm, Laven- der flowers, Iweet Marjoram, Labdanum, of each tno ounces ; Benjamin, S.orax Calamita, of each an ounce and half J NigelU Romana one ounce ; Musk a dram, mingle tlicm. XXI. Another Damask Ponder. Take Orrice four ounces 5 Cloves two ouncc<^ ; L.-rA- dany.m, Cyprefs, Benjamin, of each one ounce ; Calamus, St or ax Cat am it a J of each half an ounce ; Civet,. Musk, of each ten grains, mix thein. XXII. Another Street Pea kr. Take Orrice fix ounces ; Cloves four ounces ; yellow- Sanders, ^'^or^tAr Calamita, ana t\vo ounces, Labdannm one ounce, Musk a fcruple, make a Poudcr. XXIII. y^'t Chap. 1$. Of Ferfuming Ponders. 415 XXIII. An excellent Siveet Bag. Take Florentine Oirice three pounds, Cdamm Arom.i- ticMs, Lignum Rhoiium^ of each one pound ; yellow San- dets ten ounces, Benjamin in grofs pouder eight ounces. Cinnamon in pouder four ounces, Cloves in pouder two ounces, mix them for a bag. XXIV. Another Pouder for Sweet Bags. Take Damask Rofes four pounds, lliavings or ralpings q£ Ligmm Rhoditim three pounds, Florentine Orris in pouder two pounds ; yellow Sanders, Qdampu Aroyyiati- cHs^ Galingal, Cinnamon, Cloves, yellow of Citron, Li- mon, and Orange peels, ana four ounces j Benjamin, Styrax Calamity, ana two ounces ; beat all in a Mortar to a fine pouder, and fift it thro' a hair Sieve, &c. XXV. A Cylrrcfs Ponder. Take Musk-mois four pounds, tteep it in Damask Role-water two quarts, mixt with Powers of Rhodium^ Sweet M:ir;oram, and of Savin, ot each lour ounces ; af- ter it has lain xlviii. hours, take it out and dry i.t - \i\~ fufe it again for as long a time, take it out and drv 7?-^ and repeat this to the fourth time, then reduce it Vc :\ line pouder J to which add yellow Sanders in p' o.ie- eight ounces, Musk in pouder four drams; Ambergiiif. two drams : Civet a dram : mix them all well to-,etii -r in a Marble Mortar. XXVI. A Perfuming Ponder- Take Musk-feed eight ounces, Musk four ounce?. Am- bergrife two ounces. Cloves two ouiices, Virginia Sna'<- - root one ounce ; make each apart into fine pouder, th. ... mix them, and add thereto Civet half an ounce ; mix them well in a Stone Mortar, and keep it for ufe. With this you iTiay Perfume Hair Pouder, Sweet Bags, ar4 other like things. XXVII. To male Grounds for White Pouder. Take Cuttle-bone in fine pouder twelve pounds, while Starch eight pounds, Orrice pouder, fine bone Allies, of each one pound j each being in fine pouder, mix them together, and pafs them through a fine hair Sieve. XXVIII. Another for the fame. Take pure white Starch, Rice, each in fine pouder, of each tu^elve pounds ; Florentine Orrice in fine pouder three pound : mix them. H h XXIX. A 4x4 Pofygraphices Lib.V. XXIX. A Ground for Grey Ponder. Take what remains at Sccl. 27. above, which beat a- gdin, and add to every pound thereof, Avhitc Starch ciglit ounces, yellow Oaker two ounces, Charcole a fmall quantit^^, all being in fine pouder, pafs it through a hair Sieve, and keep it for ufe 3 and to be perfumed as you lliall fee fit. XXX. Another Brown Pouder. Take Rotten Wood, beat it to a fmall pouder, and pais it through a hair Sieve, and then perfume it. XXXI. A Perfume for ordinAry Ponder. Take Florentine Orrice in fine pouder two pounds ; Damask Roles in fine pouder, Musk-f^ed^ in pouder, of each one pound ; Benjamin four ounces, yellow Sanders in pouder three ounces, Storax two ounces. Citron peels in pouder one ounce, Cloves in pouder half an ounce 5 mix them : this will ferve for forty pounds of white Starch in fine pouder, being mixt together, by pafTing them through a hair Sieve. XXXII. An excellent Amher Pouder. • Take Rotten Wood,Bean-flower, of each eight ounces ; yellow Sanders, Ligrium Rhodium, of each four ounces; Cyprefs Wood, Saffafras, of each three ounces, Benjamin two ounces j Storax Calamita one ounce, CaUmtu Aro- Tfi^jicffi half an ounce ; make each apart into fine pou- der, and mix them. Then take Machaleb, or Musk-leeds in pouder two ounces, Musk ten grains, Ambergrile lix grains, both in pouder ; mix thefe three things together, and then put them to due former mixture, and keep it in a glafs dole ibpt for ufe. CHAP. XVI. OfFerfunung Balfams, I. "^r^Aturd Balfams perfumed. ^^ Take Baljamum verum one ounce. Musk, Am- bergrifc. Civet, of each two fcruplcs ; mix them for a Perfume : it is the molt fragrant and durable of all Per- fumes. W.An Chap. 1 7. Of 7er fuming Tablets, ^i 5 II. An odoriferous compotind ^ alj.hr/. Take of the aforefaid Balfam periiuTied one cui:ce. Oils oi^ Rhodium and Cinnamon, oi each two drams, raix them : this is an incomparable Perfume, and better than the other for fuch as are not affected fo m,uch with Musk. III. Balfamum Aiofchatum. Take Oil of Musk one dram, Oil of Cinnamon half a fcmple. Virgin Wax one dram and a half, melt the VVax, and miK them according to Art. IV. Another very good. Take Cloves, Cinnamon, Lavender, Nutmegs, of each two drams, Oils of Cloves and Rhodii^^r/?^ of each half a dram, Wax three drams, Musk and Ambergrife, of each ten grains, mix them into a Balfam. V. Another very excellent for thojc thAt love not the f cent of MtMky and the like. Take Oil oi Geranium Mofckatnmy ( made as adeps Ro-' jarmt by the fourth Sedion of the twelftli Chapter ; adeps Rofarum, Oil of Cinnamon, of each one (.iram, Virgiu was fix drams, melt the Wax,, and mix the Oils for a Perfume. CHAP. XVII. Of Ferftimmg TabktSo I. 1^ mdh red Admlardines or TaHets, •*• Diflblve Gum Tragacanth in Rofe-water, fo thaj: it may be as thick as Gelly : which make into pai-'-c with the following compofition. Take Amyhim one pound, rnie Sugar half a pound, Cochenele two ounces, Musk three drams, all being in fine pouder, t?\k them, and make Tablets with the aforefaid Mucilage of / ragacanthy Iquare, long, round, or of what form you pleafe, which dry in an Oven , out of which Bre^-d hath besa late- ly drawn ; but be fure you dry them till they be as hard as horns. II. Another fort of Red Tablets . Take gf the jiiTpKlgid comppfiuon o|ie.'P9Uj:^d, Clpv^^, Hh 3 Cinnamon, 4i6 Polygraph fees Lib. V. Cinnamon, Nutmegs, Ginger, of each t%vo ounces, Co- chenele one ounce, all being in fine ponder, make into Tablets, >vith the aforeikid Mucibge, and dry as afore- laid. in. To make Telloiv TMets. Take Amylum one pound, fine Sugar half a pound, yellow Sanders four ounces , Saffron two ounces, _( or you may dip the Amyhm in ftrong tin6lure of Satfron, and then d^vj it again ) Musk four drams, all being in fine pouder, make the Mais into Tablets, w'wh the aforefaiil Mucilage, adding Oil of Cinnamon in drops two tUams, diy them carefully in the lliade. TV. Another fort ofl^ellow Tablets. Take Amyhm died with tinclure of Saffron one pound, Sugar half a pound. Saffron two ounces. Nutmegs, Cin- namon, Ginger, of each one ounce ; Carraways half an ounce. Musk three drams, Ambergrile one dram, all in fine pouder make into Tablets, as aforefaid, adding Oil of Cinnamon two drams ; which dry in the lliade, till they be as hard as horn. V. To wake Adufcardines or Tablets of any other colour. You mufl: make them after the lame manner, only ad- ding the colour you do intend ; and in this cafe we think 'that it is better that the Amyhm be dipt in the tincture, and dried firft before you ufe it. Where note, that thele Tablets, when ufed, are to be held in the mouth, in which they will dilfolve, thereby cheerins; the Heart, reviving the Senfes, comforting the Spirits, ftrengthening Nature, icftoring the Body, and indeed nobly perruniing the Breath. For them that do not love Musk, you may make ifiem without, ufing inftead thereof, fomuch the more Oil of Rofcs or Cinnamon. CHAP, xviir. of makff/g Pomanders for Bracelets. I. 'np//£ fir/} fort. Take Orrice pouder, Cloves, Mace, -■- Cinnamon, of each lialf an ounce ; yellow San- ders, Styrax, Iweet AJf^j of each two drawj j Ambergrile, Musk, Chap. 1 8. Of Pomanders for Bracelets. 417 Musk, of each one dram ; Balfam of Peru, Oil o£ Rho- diuwj of each one fcriiple -, Civet two drains, all being in fine pouder ( except the Balfam and Oil ) mix toge- ther, and make into pafte with Mucilage aforefaid, of which form Beads, drying them in the fliade for ufe, II. The fecond Jon. Take S-crnx, Lahdanwr!, of each one dram and a half ; Ben;amin one dram. Cloves, Mace, Spicknard, Geranium Mojchatumy of each tea grains 5 Musk, Ambergrifc, of each fix grains ^ with Mucilage make a Pomander for Bracelet^. III. The third fort. Take Damask Kofe leaves extin- gulated two ounces, beat them impalpable : Musk, Am- bergrife, of each two fcruplcs. Civet one fcruple, Z.r/- danum one dram with Mucilage of Gum Tr.igacmtfj, in Rofe-water aforefaid, make a Pomander for Bracelets. W. The fourth fort. Take Storax, Benjamin, of each an ounce and half, Musk two drams. Oil of Cinnamon one dram., with Mucilage aforefaid make a palte of Pa- mandcr, very excellent. V. The fifth fort. Take Spicknard an ounce, f\veet Marjoram, Geranium Mofchatum, of each half an ounce 5 Orrice, Cloves, of each two drams, Calamm, Lignum Rhodium., Lignum Aloes, of each a dram ; Cyprefs, cen- jamin, Cinnamon, white Sanders, of each a fcruple ; Lahdanum, S^yrax Calamity, and Liquida, of each half a Icruple ; -with Mucilage of Gum Tragacanth in Rofe-wa- ter make a paRe for Pomanders. VI. The fixth fort. Take Storax Calamita two ounces, Bafii three ounces. Cloves an ounce and half, Benjamin, Marjoram, Storax liquid, of each one ounce ; Calamm, Cyprefs, Lahdanum, of each half an ounce ; Musk a fcru- ple, Ambergrife twelve grains. Civet {^iyl grains, with MuciJage of Gum Tragacanth in Rofe-water make Po- manders. VII. The feventh fort . Take Labdanum an ounce, Sto- rax, Cloves, Mace, Cinnamon, of each three drams, Am- bergrife, Musk, of each a dram and a half. Virgin Wax an ounce, mixt with Sweet or Chymical Oil of Bays half an ounce, dilTolve, mix and work them weli together. VIII. The eighth -n'ay. Take Labdanum fix ounceS;, Wax two ounces, Camphire, Calamus, Myrrh, yellow Sanders, Wood of Aloes, Olibanumj Mafticli, of each H h 3 two 41 8 Folygraphieti Lib.V. two drAins ; Cinnamon, Cloves, Zedoary, Storax, Cala- mint, of each a dram And a half • Musk, Ambergrife, of each a fcmple ; put them into a Mortar, and with a lit- tle MaliP.fey, make i mafs for Pcnanders. IX. The^ 7jh:'h 0t. Make Gum Tra^acanth half a pound into a Mucilage with Damask RoK-water Muski- fied, to which add Storax CaL'^mua nine ounces, Nut-- megs four ounces, Lah^anum three ounces, Cinnamon, Cloves, Camphire, liquid Storax, natural Balfam, of each one ounce : put the Lahdanum into the Mortar, with a little Oil of *^^pike, and then the other things, which beat into a pafte, with pouder of black fallow Char- cole. X. The tenth fort. Take ftrong Mucilage of Gum Tra- gaciinth, in Rofewater, which make into pafte with Musk and Ambergrife in fine pouder, of each a like quantity ; then anointing your palm arjd fingers with Oil ofMu^k, or fome other Iweet Oil, as of Lavender, or the like, form them into round little Balls or Beads, which put upon a firing, and dry them between two papers ; being dry- cd, keep them clofe from the Aii', till you have occafiou to ufe them. XI. The eleventh fort. Take Cloves four ounces, pou- der of Contrnyerva^ Virginia Snake root, of each three CUncee ; Winter Cinnamon two ounces. Liquid Storax one ounce, Mucilage of Giuii Trdgacanth a fufficient quantity ; make them into a pafte by beating in a mor- tar ; and your hands being anointed with Oil of Ben, mixt with equal quantities of Oil of Rhodium, or Oran- ges, orLimons ; form them into round little Beads, which put upon a Silver Wire, and dry them. XIL P^iftili of Rojes. Take Damask Rofes half blown cut off* fiom the whites, Ben;amin in pouder, of each four ounces j Musk in fine pouder, Ambergril'e in fine pouder, ann^v^ grains : beat all together in a mortar to a pafte ; then add Oil of Oranges or Limons, or of Savin, one dram : mix well and make a Paflc, &c. XTII. Another more rich. Take Benjamin in fine pon- der four ounces, Cloves in pouder, Storax liquid, of eacli two ounces ; Lignum Aloes in fine pcudcr one ounce : Musk, Ambcrgrili;, of each one dram in fine pouder i beat all in a mortir to a pafte, adding more Storax as you lee occailon : and fo make it up iuioBcad?. CHAP. Chap. 19. Of Smtt Waters. 4 1 9 CHAP. XlXi^ Of Ferfum'wg m/b-Balls. I- 'T^O male Barhers Wafh-Balls. ^ Take puriiied Venetian Soap fix ounces, Macaleb four ounces, Ireos, Amyh'm^ of each fcven ounces ; Cloves two oinices, LahAanwn^ Annifesds, of each one ounce ; Nutmegs, Marjoram, Cyprefs pouder,. Geranmn Mojcha- tuTHy Camphire, of each half an ounce, Storax luyucia half a dram. Musk ten grains, all being in fine pouder, with a little fine Sugar, beat all in a mortar, and make them up into Walli-balls. II. To do the fame another way. Take of the faid Soap two pound, juice of Macaleb two ounces. Cloves, Orrice, of each three ounces, Lahdanptm two ounces, Storax one ounce, all being in fine pouder, mix with the Soap, of wliich make Balls, drying them in the ibadow. III. To male Balls of white Soap. Take of white Soap five pound, Orrice four ounces, Amyltim^ white Sanders, of each three Qxmzz^Storax one ounce, all in pouder, fteep in Musk-water, of which make palk for waili-balls. IV. Another jort very good. Take of white Soap four pound, Orrice fix oimces, Macaleb three ounces. Cloves two ounces, all iii pouder ; mix with the Soap afittlc Oil of Spike, Rhodhtm, or the like, of which make Balls. V. Another way to make them of Goats Fat. Make a ilrong Lixivium ofPot-aibcs, as that a new laid Egg will fwim thereupon, which boil with Citron peels: take of this Lye twenty pound. Goats Fat two pound, boil it for an hour, then iirain it thi-ough a linnen cloth into broad Platters of fair water, expofing it to the Sun, mix it often every day till it begins to grow hard, of which you may form Balls, wliich you may Perfume with Musk half a dram, Civet one fcmplc, Oil of Cinnamon ten drops. H ii 4 yi. To ^20 Polygraphices Lib. V. VI. To mah covimon IVafJj-Balls, the hcfl of that kind. Take Veiiice or Caftk Soap iliccd very thin, four pounds, Spirit of Wine half a pint, beat all together ; then add Chymical Oil oFSalfafra5,or Limons,an ounce or more ; and beat again very well : Lartly, add white Starch made into a Pafie with water, by boiling a futii- ciei]t quantity to make all into an even and fniooth Mai^, which form into Balls of four ounces a piece, with pouder of w^hite Starch, dry them and keep them for ufe. VII. To male the />(/? Bolonia W.tfJj-BaHs. Take Genoa '^oap, white and pure, fliced thin, eight pounds • iindackcd Lime two pounds ; ^qua P^ita a quart : beat them well together in a Mortar, and Jet them lie torcthcr for 48 hours i then fpread it abrcad, and lay it a drying : being dry, be;it it in a Mortar, and add to it A4acaleh, or Musk-leeds in fine pouder, yellow Saiider? in fine pouder, Orricc-root aUb in pouder, of each eight ounces : mix, and beat them up ir;to a Parte with Wl.ites of Eggs q. s. and two pounds of GumTr.t- gacanth uifTolved in Damask Role-water, and lo make the Mais up into Wafli Balls. VIII. Another fort of Wafl^-Batts. Take Genoa Soap fliced thin twenty pounds, Aqua Fitzc. IV. Afccr the fame manner yon m.iy make ^is fubflantial a "Perfume of Sulphnr or Brimjione. The making of the Oil cf Flint Sy i\e have taught at the [even and fiftieth Seel ion of zhe nine and. tmmieth Chapter of the third Book. CHAP. XXIII. Of the Adulteration of Musky Civet and Amhtr- grife. B T reafon that thefe choice Perfumes are often adulterated or counterfeited, we /hall do our endeavour to dijcover the Cheat, le(l any being deceived therchy^ jhouldfujfer lofi. I. Mmk is often adulterated by mixing Nutmegs, Mace, Cinnamon, Cloves, Spicknard, of each alike in a fine or impalpable pouder, with warm blood of Pidgeons, and then dried in the Sun, then beaten again, and moiltcn- ed with Musk-water, drying and repeating the fame work eight or ten times ; adding at la(t a quarter part of pure Musk by moifbiing and mixing with Musk-wa- tcr ; then dividing the Mais into feveral pans, and roul - ino them into the hair of a Goat, Avhich grows under his tail. II. Others adulterate it thus : By filling the Musk-cods %vith Goats blood, and a little toailed Bread, mixed with a quarter part of Musk well beaten together. The cheat is difcerned by the brightness of the Goats blood. III. Or thusy TdkeSiorax, Lahdanum-, poudcr of Xylo- aloes, of each four ounces ; Musk and Civer, of each half an oimce, mix all together with Damask Role-water. The cheat is dilcerned by its eafie diifolving in water, and its different colour and fccnt. IV. Or thus, Take Go:its blood, pouder of Angelica roots, Musk, of each alike, make a mixture. V. To adulterate Civet : Mix with it the Gall ofa^iOx, and Siorax iKiueficd and walhed : or you may adulte- rate it by the ;'ddition of Honevof Gr;.". VI. Tc Chap. 2 3- OfMulieratwgMuik^kc. 42^ VI. To re[iore the loji [cent to Mml^ or Amhergrife. This is done, by hanging it fometime in a Jakes or HoLife of Office : For by thele ill fcents its innate vertue and odour is excited and revived. VII. Another vpAy to c.duUerate Civet. Take pure Pulp of Raifins of the Sun eight ounces : Musk in fine pouder one. ounce : mix them well together, and add Civet eighteen ounces : mix again, and dige^ in a Bolt head in a Sand heat for tAventy days j then be- ing cold, take it forth, rtir and mix it well together, and keep it in a Jar glafs clofe covered with Bladdei;s. VIII. Another rvay to do the fame. Take Uqnid Storax-, Honey, Ox Gall, fine pulp of Figs^ of each two ounces and half : Musk in fine pouder one ounce : choice Civet twenty ounces : mix them well in a Mortar, put them into a Bolt head, and digeft twenty days, aforefaid, &c. IX. Tb Adulterate Amhergrife. Va. Ben Nuts three ounces, beat them in a perfe6lPuIp : to which add SperrKO. Ceti three ounces ; beat them alio well together ; then add Benjamin in fine pouder, Flo- rentine Orrice in fine pouder, white Starch, of each fevea oimces : Bitumen in fine pouder one ounce : Musk in fide pouder half an ounce : Ambergrife in fine pouder fix ounces : mix them all together, and with Mucilage of Gum Tragacanth make a Mais or Paile, which work ivell togetlier wdth your hands. X. Another adulteration of Amhergrife. Take of the former compofition ten ounces, Amber- grife in fine pouder twelve ounces : Spirit of Damask Ro- les a fufficient quantity : beat them together in a Mor- tar till they are well iiiixt j and keep the Mafs to make Perfiiines with. CHAP, 428 FoljgraphUes. Lib. V. CHAR XXIV. Of Verfuming Cloth^ SkinSy Gloves^ 8^C. I. "T^ O Perfume Shins or Gloves, ^ Put a little Civet tliereon here and there, (if Gloves, along the Ibams ) then walli in Rofc or Masked Avater four or five times, or fo long as that they favour 110 more of the Leather, prelfing them hard every time j tlien Jay them in a platter, covered with the faid water, mixed with poudcr of Cyprefs a day or two ; take them out, prefs them, and dry thcni in the ("hadow : beins; half dry, befmear them a little with Civet mixt with Oil of Jafemin or Ben, on the inward fide chafing them with your hands before a fire, till you think that the Ci- vet hath pierced or gone through the Leather j leaving them fo a day or more j then rub with a Cloth, that the Gloves or Leather may grow foft ; leaving them lb till they arc almoft dry, being drawn and ftretchcd out ; then hold them over fome burning Perfume to dry, and wetting them again with Musk-water, do thus twenty times : lattly, take Musk and Ambcrgrifc a fufficient quantitv, which mix with Oil of Jafemin, Benjamin or Ben, difiblve at the fire with a little ^erfiimed water, with which ( with a Pencil ) (Irike the Gloves or Leatlier over on the outfide ; befmearing the feams with Civet ; laftly lay them for fix or eight da^'s between two Mat- trefles, fo will the Skins or Gloves be excellently per- fumed. IL Another rvay very excellent. Take three pints of Wine, Shceps Suet or Fat one pound, boil them together in a VeiTel clofe covered, this done, wafli the Greafe fix or feven times w^ell with fair tvater, then boil it again in White Wine and Rofe-wa- ter, of each one pound and a half, with a fmall fire, till the half bs confumed : then take the faid greafe, to which put pulp of Iweet Navews, roafted, half a pound ; boil all in Rofe-water half an hour ; then ftrain it, and beat it in a Mortar, with ^ Ijtilc Oil of Jafemin and Musk, with Chap. 24, Of Perfuming Q loves] 429 with which befmear your Gloves ( after due wafhing, as aforefaid ) rubbing it well in by the fire. III. Another rpay for Gloves. Waih new Cprduban Gloves, wafh them well three or four days ( once a day ) in good Muskified White- Wine, prefling and fmoothing them well • laflly, walli them in musked water, letting them lye therein for a day, then dry them with care. This done, iteep Mmk, Amber, Bafl, of each one dram in a quart of fweet wa- ter, in which difTolve Gum Tragacanth three drams, boil all gently together, and in the boiling add Civet one fcruple, with which befmear the Gloves, rubbing and chafing it in, then drying them according to Art. IV. Or thui- : Firit walli the Gloves or Skins in White- Wine, then dry them in the (hade ; then wafb them in fweet watet, mixed with Oil of Cloves and Labdannrnj of each alike : laltly, take Musk, Civet, Ambergrife, or each the quantity of fix grains, Oil of Musk half adrapi, mucilage of Gum Tragj?.canth fifteen trains : mix them well together in a Mortar, which chafe into the'waih'd Glov^es before the fire. V. Or thus. Take Damask Rofc-water muskified, q. s. put it into a Pewter or Earthen difh, and lay the Gloves in it one night and day, with a little turning now and then, and that they may be throughly wet ; then take them out, and dry them carefully : Take Cloves an ounce and half, in fine pouder ; mix it with the fame water, and lay it upon the Gloves, wetting them through- ly, and dry them as before : Take Oil ot Ben, ox of Al- monds an ounce j Musk half a dram; Ambergrife a fcru- ple : grind all well together upon a ftone, with a few drops of the former water, with which anoint the feams, and chafe it into the Leather, laying many pairs one • upon another for fome time, till they are throughly foak- cd, and then keep them carefully from the Air. VI. Or thm. Take Oil of fweet Almonds, 6r of Ben, which is better, two ounces : Musk two drams : Amber- grife half a dram : Oil of Cloves Chymical, a dram and half: Grind all well together upon a Porphyre (the Musk and Amber being firft in fine pouder ; ) then digeft tw^o Months, and keep it for ufe : Take Damask Rofc- water muslofied, and wet your Gloves therewith very well upon a bo«iid, then dry ^emj da this three or four I i times. 4^0 Volygraphices Lib. V. tiiries,and at laft anoint them with the former, with this Oyl, you may anoint your hands, it will not only per- fume them, out alfo make them foft and fmooth. VIT. Or thii. Take Oyl of Cloves two ounces : Sty- rax O.lamitn^ one ounce : Benjamin half an ounce, Cin- namon three drams : Musk half a dram : Ambergrife a fcruplc : fwect Marjoram, Time, of each fiftteen grains : mix and grind them on a Porphyre, to be ufed as the former Oyl, after wafhing of the Gloves in Damask Rofe-water. VIII. Or thm. Take Musk two drains : Ambergrife one dram : Civet twelve grains ; mix them together well : then add Gum Trag^.cmth diffolved in Damak Rofe-wa- • ter muskified ; grind all upon a (tone till they are very fine, and fully mixed ; then Jay it upon your Gloves with a Brull), being firl-t wafht in this following water. Take Lye of rcood-afhes a tint and half : the yellow of a do- z,en Oranges : Brajll and yellow Sanders in ponder .^ of each An ounces \ Alum a fmall quantity : boil to the Conjumpti^ en of a third part ; firain, and with a clean cloth or hrufh "jfafh oz'cr your Gloves ( being firjl Tv/ijht in rain water from their Alum and Ezgs ) to colour them, fonr times j then be' . in^dry, ^ply to them the former Oyl. jX. Of ihu. Take Musk a dram : Ambergrife half a dram, Civet fix grains, grind them on a rtone with Oy^I ofLijnonS; or with equal parts of Oyl of Liinons, Saiu- fras and Rhodium ; with which your Gloves ( being waiht as in the former Sc(^ion ) are to be perfumed by anointing them witii a fitiall brufh. X. Cloths, Linneny or Woollen, Coffers, Trttnh, and the like, are beft perfumed ( with little coft ) with the fmokc of burning Perfumes, after which you iriay Iprinkle them often with Damask Role-water muskified, and anoint 1 he Corners and Clofurcs of the boards with lb;ne of tlic former Oyls. •• •■ Alt ^ T LTGRA THICES Liber Sextus- The Art of Dying and Staining. CHAP. I. Of T)yin^S^^ Colour Si \:: .-■ I. "T"* O i^t an Afh-0)hnr.^ ^ ' Take Water a fufficient quantity : Nut Galfs' bruifed fmall eight ounces : Madder two ounces : put all into the VcfTeljand let them boil : then enter twenty yards of Broad Cloth, and handle it, letting it boil two hours: then cool it, and pilt in Copperas t^vo ounces, and enter your Cloth again, and handle it ; and let it boil a (quarter of an h,our longer, and cool it. If you would harp it lad- der, you muft put in more Copperas. Note, 7^4t Ha nd- ling of it, /ignites to RohI it on the Roller, Oi it Is hoilinF, find to let it all in again^ to hinder its Spotting, and to ma^e it take colour equally. And Cooling it, fignifies to take it tip and Air it. II. Another AJh-Colour. Take Nut-galls bruifed fix ounces : red Tartar bruifed four ounces ; let them boil well one hour and half in the Liquor j then enter twenty yards of Broad Cloth, and handle it well, aad cool it : after which put in li 2 " ~ two 432 ♦ Polj/graphices Lib. VI. two ounces of Copperas, and fadden it with Copperas as you pleafe. III. To dye the be(i Ajh-ColoHr. Take fair Water a fufficicnt quantity : red Tartar four ounces ; Nut Galls thr-c ounces; bruife them fmall, and enter your twenty yards of Cloth, and boil an hour and half : then cool, and fadden as you think fit^ IV. Another vpay to dye an Ajh-Colottr. Take Water a fufficient quantity, which put into the Copper ; to wluch put Nut Galls bruifed fmall fix oun- ces : kt the Copper boil, and enter your Cloth, and boil an hour and half, and fo cool your Cloth : Then put in of red Tartar four ounces, which difiblve : put in yoiu: Cloth again, and boil half an hour ; and fo take it forth, cool and air it : Laftly, put in Copperas half an ounce, and let it melt ; enter your Cloth again, and fadden it as you pleafe. This will Dye three pounds weight. V. Another Afh-Coloar. Take Water a fufficient quantity ; Galls bruifed fmall fix ounces ; put all into a Cauldron, and let them boil : then enter your Cloth the fpace of an hour and half : then put in of red Tartar five ounces, (the Cloth being firft taken out ) which dilTolve, and put in the Cloth a- gain, and let it boil half an hour. Take the Cloth out again, and put in Copperas, White Vitriol, of each half an ounce , dilTolve, enter your Cloth again, and it will be a good Colour, for to Dye three or four pounds weight. VI. Another kind of AJh-ColoHr. Take Water a fufficient quantity, and add to it Nut- Galls beaten fmall four ounces : Cochenclc half an ounce ; boil them together, and enter your Cloth, and boil an hour and half, and fo cool your Cloth : then put iji Copperas four ounces, and enter the Cloth, and ladden : toiswill dye twelve pounds of Yarn or Cloth. CHAP. Chap.2. Of Dying BUch. 45J CHAP. n. ; Of Dying Blacks, I. 'Tp O Dye a Black Colour. -■- Take Water ^. \f- Alder-bark, or Alder-tops fix handfuls, more or lefs, made fmall ; put them into your Copper, and boil them an hour with a rery good fire : then take them forth, and put in Nut-galls bruiled fmall two pouncfs : Sumach one pound : Logwood four oun- ces ; and let them boil : then enter your twenty yards o£ Cloth, and handle it ; and boil four hours : take it out and cool it ; then put in of Copperas one pound ; beiVig melted, enter your Cloth again, and handle it : boil it an hour, and cool it again : put in Chamber-lye eigte quarts, enter your Cloth again, boil it half an hour, then cool, and wafh it well. II. To Dye a Black upon a Blue. Take Water q. s. or thirty fix quarts ; Nut-galls bea- ten fmall nine ounces: Wool!, Woollen Yarn, or Wool- len Cloth or Flannel, the weight of three pounds ; boil them for four hours : after Avhich take the Matter forth and air it ; then add to the Liquor green Copperas eigh- teen ounces j and if there is not Liquor enough, put in more Water, fo much as to cover the Cloth, ere and let it boil tivo hours, handling it always. Then take it out and Air it ; put it in again, and Air it ; and put it in again, till it is black enough : After which cool and walli it. Note, if you put in fome Sumach with tlie Galls, it will make a better Black. III. Another Black Dye. Take fair Water q. s. Nut-galls bmifed fmall a pound, Sumadi half a pound ; Alder-bark, Oak-bark, of each four ounces : make them boil, and \vhen it begins to boil, put in a little cold water, that it may break the boiling ; flir all together, and put in your Cloth, letting it boil three hours ^ after which take it out, and put m more frelli water, and make it boil, adding to it Cop- peras one pound : being dilfolved, put in your Cloth, and boil it two hours : then take it out again, and put 113 in 4H Polygraphices Lib. VL in more Copperas cf. s. and Log-wood ground half 3. pound: make itboi], and put in your Cloth again, and let it boil an hour. This "vvill Dye five yards of Broad Cloth, or ten yards of Cloth, three quarters wide. IV. Another Bl^ck Dye. Take Water q! s. Log-wood ground, Sumach, of each a pound : Nut-galls bruifed linall two pounds : boil them together for an hour, and fo enter your Wool, Cloth, Flannel, Yarn, &c. boil again an hour, and take it out, cool and air it ; then put in Copperas three pounds, let it melt, and put in the "Wooll, Cloth, &c. again, and boil near an hour, take it out and walli it. This will Dye twenty pounds weight of any^bf the for- mer things. V. Another to Dye tnenty Tards of Broad Clothy Szc. Take Water q. s. Sumach five handfuls j Logwood s^found two handfuls, Alder-bark bruifed fmall two liandfuls, boil them all together ; then put in your Cloth, and boil tliree hours : take it out, cool and Air it, and . make it Black, with a fufficient quantit}^ of Copperas. VI. Another Black Colour for twenty Tards of Btoad Cloth. . Take Water q. s. Nut-galls bruifed fmall two pounds, Aldcr-bark a pound and half. Madder one pound. Su- mach half a pound ; mix all together in the Caklron • when it boils, put in the Cloth, and let it boil three ihours, after which take it out, and let it cool : then put in Copperas half a pound, and when it boils put in your Cloth again, and boil an hour ; and handle it, and boil an hour, and take it out and cool it : after which put ill more Copperas, and fome Urine, then put in your Cloth again, and boil till it is Black enough. VII. Another Black Colour. Take Water q. s. Nut-galls bruifed fmall a ix)und ; Logwood ground, Sumach, of each half a poimd : Alder- bark four ounces ; boil, and enter your Cloth ; then cool and Air it, and with Copperas, a' pound and Imlf, dar- ken the colour, as you delire it. This is enough for four- teen pounds of Wool, Yarn, Flannel or Clotli. VIII. To mde a firm Black Dye. Firit Wadd it with the Blue (in Chap. ^.^SeCt. 8. fol- lowing) then take Water thirty quarts ; Galls bruifed fmall one pound ; Vitriol three pounds : firli boil^ the Galls Chap. 2. Of Dying BUch. ' 4^5 Oalls and Water with the Stuff or Cloth two hours : then put in the Copperas at a cooler heat for one hour : after which take out the Cloth or Stuff, and cool it, and put it in, boiUng it for anotlier hour : laftly, take ir out again, cool it, and put it in once more. IX. To recover the colour of Black Cloth, when decayed. Take Fig-tree kaves, boil them well in Water, wafh your Cloth in it, dry it in the Sun, and it will be a much fairer Black. X. To mah Lamp-bUci hetter. Make a Fire-fhovel red hot, and lay the Color upon it, and- when it has done fmoaking, it is enough. It may be ufed with Gum-water, and ought not to be ground when uftd with Oil. XI. A finer Lamp-blacl: than vrhat is uftially fold. It is made with Lamps of Oil, laying Something clofe over to receive the Smoak. XII. A Black from Skeeps-feet. ^ Take Sheeps-feet bones q. s. calcine them in an Oven^ or in a Crucible in a Furnace, and quench them in a wet Cloth : you muil grind them in Water before you add any Gum. This Black will mix with Lake and Umber for Carnation in Min iature or Water Pamting. XIII. To Dye Martins Skins, with long Hair, of a very good Black, fvhich never fades. Take Water q. s. new Nut-galls two pounds, Beef Marrow two ounces : boil them in an Earthen Pot clofe covered, often ftirruig it, lelt the Galls burn, and boil till it makes no noife when you (iir it, then beat it, and ilrain out : Take of this liquor two pounds : Copperas twelve ounces ; Roch Alum twelve ounces : Litharge eight ounces : Verdigrife, Sumach, Sal_ Armoniack, of each four ounces : each being beaten by it fdf, mix, and boil them together, and keep the Liquor to Dye with. Note, Before you apply the Liquor, you muil wafii the Skins two or three tunes in very pure clear Lime water; and when you apply the Dye, you mutt do it with a Pen- cil againft the gram of the Hair, and afterwards the other •way alfo. Thefe okms, when dry, differ little or nothmg from Sables. The Verdigrife fome leave outj but it doss iiO hurt to the Liquor. I i 4 CHAP. ^^6 PolygrAfhices Lib. VI. CHAP. III. Of Dying Blues, 1 I. 'T' O Bye a Blue or Sky Colour. -■- Take Urine cj.s. Jndico four ounces, beat it fmall , and diilblve it in the Urine in a gentle heat, clofe cover- ed : then try its ftrength with a little piece of Wool or Flannel : if it does not dye well, let it (land longer, un- til its colour is good. It will be gjeenilh at firft, and afterwards it will turn Blue : put in a Pint cf Yeft into your Liquor before you put in your Wool, Yarn, Flan- nel, &c. and it will make it Dye the better : the Icfs In^ dico you put into the Liquor, the better Sky-cobur it will be, provided it be not too little. IL ^n excellent Blue Colour. Take (iile Urine q. s. Rock Jnclico, in fmall pouder, four ounces ; let them ftand and ibak in a good heat till the Indico is diffolved, add to it a pint of flacked Lime, and a pint of new Ycil : mix well together, and let all ftand a quarter of an hour very hot, then ftir it : And enter t^venty yards of Broad Cloth, and handle it over and over, tor the fpace of half an hour : then cover it up for twelve hours, and then take it forth and wafli it. If it is not deep enough, heat the Fat, and put it in again. III. Another Blue Colour. Take boiling Water q. s. put into it Pot-Afhes : Indi- CO a pound ^ Madder two ounces ; Wheat Bran four pints': mix all together, and cover it the Ipace of twelve Lours : then open it, and put in one pint of Woad, ftir it about very well, and cover it up tor an hour ; after which open and ftir it about, fcum it, and then put in your W\iol, Yarn, Flannel or Cloth. This will Dye a- bout fourty pound weight. IV. To Dye another Blue Colour. Take Urine q. s. make it very hot ; put into it Indico m fine pouder lour ounces ; Madder half as much as of Indico : ground Malt as much as of the Madder, and a little Yeft ^ Pot- Aihes nvo ounces j cover it up, and let ' ■ ' ' ' it Ghap; ^ Of Dying Blues. 4^7 it Itand in the warmth of the Fire, and try when it co- lours well ; then wet your Cloth in warm Water, and keep the Fat warm, and work your Cloth in it, till it is a good Blue ; obferving to ftir it often that it may not fpOt : keep it thus working till you think the Dye is deep enough. V. To Bye another Blue Colour. Take EbuUis or Dwarf Elder-berries ripe and well dried ; fteep them in Vinegar twelve hours, then with your hands rub them, and ftrain them through a linnen Cloth, putting thereto fome bruifed Verdeter and Alum... Where note. That if you would have the Blue to be clear, you mutt put the more Verdeter to it. VI. Another excellent Blue Dye. Take Tincture of Brafil q. s. Vinegar three ounces ; Copper fcales one ounce : Salt one dram : mix all in a Copper VefTel, in which put the Matter to be Dyed. VII. Another (Ingnlar Blue Dye. Take calcin'd Tartar three pugils, unflaked Lime one pugil ; water q. s. make a Lixivium, and filter it : to twelve or fifteen quarts of this Lixivinm, put Flanders Blue one pound, and mix them well. Set it to the Fire, till you can fcarcely endure your hand in it, then firlt boil, ( what you would Dye ) in Alum Water, then take it out, and dry it 5 aftenvards dip it in hot Lye twice or thrice, and put it into the Dye again. VIII. To make ajuhjiantial Blue Dye. Take Water a Gallon, more or lefs ; Woad one pound ; infufe in a fcalding, or almoil: a boiling heat for nventy four hours : then put into it Wool, Cotton, Stuffs, Flan- nels, or Cloth of a White colour. IX. Another good Bhe. Take Urine q. s. heat it in the Caldron, and diiTolve therein Indico eight ounces 5 then put it into the Fat, and add Madder one ounce, and a little ground Mault ; let it ib.nd a while ; then enter twenty yards of Cloth, working it till it is deep enough. X. Another fair Blue. Take Sal Armoniack, Quick-lime, of each a pound : Verdeter two or three ounces j put all into a Vial, and let it in a Horfe Dunghill for fourty Days. XI. Another fair Blue Colour. Take Turnfole, infufe it all Night in Urine j the Day foi- 43S Poiygraphices Lib. VI. following grind and mix it with a little Quick-lime, ac- cording as you intend the colour : if you would have it a little (liining, add to it a little Gum Arabick. XII . To By: Barley Straw, &c. of a Blue Colour. Take a Lixivium of Pot-Alhes q. s. Litmos, or Log- wootl ground, a pound : make a Deco6lion ; then put in your Straw-, and boil, and it will be Blue. CHAP. IV. Of Dying Browns. J. "TpO Dye a :^ood Brown Colour. -*- Take Water a. s. q. s. put It into your Copper or Cauldron, and put thereto Redwood ground. Nut-galls bruiicd fmall, cf each twenty ounces : boil them toge- ther, and enter your Cloth (twenty yards of Broad Cloth) and let it boil two hours and a half, cooling it always with a Cooler, for fear of Ipotting, after which, take it up and Air it ; then put in Copperas fixtecn ounces ; and enter your Cloth again when it is near boiling, and handle it, letting it boil half an iiour, and fo cool it. If you would have it ladder, put in more Copperas. II. To Dye a Sad Bro)vn. Firlt infuie tlie matter to be Dyed in a fti-ong Tin- <5lure of H(fr;?;o^.? (."/■.<•, then in a bag putSaftron and Allies, (iratHn: Juper fira'.Hw, upon which put Water two parts, mixed with Vinegar one part : ih'ain out tlie Water and Vinegar, being throughly hot, fifteen or fixteen times : in this Lixiviate Tincture of Saffron put your fpnner matter to be Dyed, letting it lye a Night, then take it out, and without wringing hang it up to dry: tliis work repeat the fecond and third time?. III. To Dye a Brorvn Tawney, or Iron Rnjl Cclostr.^ Make a ftrong Decodion of Walnut-tree leaves in fair Water : then put in the Matter you would Dye, and boil it fome hours with the Leaves in the laid Liquor : and when it comes out, it Avill be txaclly of tlic colour you defire. IV. To Chap. 4' Of Dying Brmm. 4^9 IV. To mdke the Colour called a London Brown. Firft make your Cloth ( twenty yards of Broad Cloth) of a bright Blue : then take ihle clear Liquor made of Wheat Bran q. s. Logwood ground four ounces : Alum two pounds and half: mix and boil your GJcth two hours and half, and fo cool : after which take freOi Li- quors made of Wheat Bran and clear, to which put Mad- der two pounds and half, and handle it, with a quick: fire, to a boiling, then cool ; after which take clear water q.s. Logwood ground eight ounces : Braiil ground four ounces, let them boil well, adding fome Urine ; then enter your Cloth, and handle it, and let it boil a quarter of an hour, cool, and walli it well. V. Another Broivn Qlour. Take Water as much as may cover twenty eight pounds of Wool, Yarn, Flannel, or Cloth, put it into a Cauldron or Copper, to which put Nut-galls bruifed fmall two pounds : Redwood ground eight ounces, and put in the matter to be Dyed : boil all together three hours, and take the Cloth out, and Air it : then put in- to the lame Liquor Copperas four pounds, melt it, and enter 3^our Cloth again, and boil it, to deepen the co- lour as you pleafe. VL Another London -Frw;;. Take Water q-s. Nut-galh bruifed fmall Ostecn oun- ces, Redwood ground, Madder, Fuftick, of each eight ounces j boil all together an hour ; then put in your Cloth, &c. and let it boil an houralfo; after which take It out, and let it cool : then put in Copperas two pounds, and when melted, put in your Cloth again, and ladden it : this will Dye twenty pounds weight. Vn. Another kind of Brown. Take Water q. s. and put into it Nut-galls bruifed fmall one pound : Redwood ground two pounds and half: boil tvvo hours: enter twenty yards of Broad Cloth, and fadden as you pleafe. VIIL Another London Brown. Take Water q. s. Redwood ground twenty- four ounces : entertwenty yards of Broad Cloth : boil all together one hour ; take it forth, and cool it ; and put into the Li- quor W^ood-ioot q. s. and let the Copper boil till the Soot is diffolved ; then put in your Cloth, and boil an hour j take out the Cloth and cool it : put in Cop- peras 'i^o Tofygrdphiees Lib. VI. peras q. si put in your Cloth again, and fadden as is ^ufual. IX. Another Brorvn Colour. Take water q. s. Madder two pounds : Nut-galls bruifed fmatt twenty four ounces : Fuftick twelve ounces: put all into the Cauldron together, and let them boil -, then enter fifty pounds weight of Wool, Yarn, Flannel, or Cloth, and boil two hours and half : then cool it, and put in Copperas two pounds, and boil to a juit fadnefs. X. To Dye Bttrley-jtrMVP^ 8zc. Broron. Take of Lixivinm q. s. Indian wood grortnd, green (hells of Walnuts, ana eight ounces : ftecp the Straw four or five days in a gentle heat, and then take them out. XI. To Bye or Stain Wood of a Walnut-tree Brown. Take the green {hells of Walnuts, dry them in the Sun, then boil them in Oil of Nuts j and with this Oil rub your Wood. CHAP. V. Of Dying a Cinnamon Colour, I. *TpO Dye a Cinnamon Colour. •*- Take Water q. s. emit Madder a pound and half ; Nut-galls a pound ; Fuftick a pound ; Red- wood two ounces ; boil all in your Cauldron ; after enter your txventy yards of Cloth, and handle it, boil- ing it ftrongly for two hours -, cool it, and put into the Liquor, Copperas four ounces, enter your Cloth again, boil and handle it • boil a quarter of an hour and cool j and put in Copperas two ounces more : enter your Cloth again, and handle it, and let it boil a qiuuter of an hour, then cool, and it "will be a good Cinnamon co- lour : the lefs Copperas the lighter it will be ; the more Copperas the deeper. II. Another Cinnamon Colour. Take Water q. s. dry rotten Oak half a Bullicl, Mad- der two pounds 'j boil them well, and enter twenty yard.s Chap. ^ i Of Dying Cinnamon Colours: 441 yards of Cloth ; which handle well, and boil three hours, ftill handling it : take it out of the Cauldron and Air it j and if need be add a little more water to the Dye, and put in Copperas twenty four ounces : enter your Cloth again, take it out and cool it ,• and if it is not fad enough put it in again with more Copperas. III. Another Cinnamon Colonr. Take Water q. s. Nut-galls bruifed fmall four pounds ; Fuftick, Red-wood ground, of each a pound 5 boil theni all together : then enter your Cloth, and handle it well, for fear of fpotting, and boil it two hours, and cool it : then put in to ladden it Copperas two pounds. This will Dye 48 or 50 pounds of Wool, Yarn, Flannel, Bays, Cloth, &c. IV. Another Cinnamon Colour. Take Water q. s. Madder two pounds : Redwood ground a pound ; boil them together for an hour : then enter 40 pounds of Wool, Yarn, Cloth, &c. and boil again an hour : take it up and Air it, and put in Cop- peras three pounds ; which when melted, put in the Cloth again, and make it boil, &c, V. Another Cinnamon Colour. Take Water q. s. cruft Madder three pounds ; Nut- galls bruifed fmall, Fuftick, Redwood ground, of each a pound: rotten Oak-wood, Tanners-bark, of each half a pound ; boil all together : then enter t\venty yards of Cloth, and boil an hour and half, afterjwhich cool, and fadden with Copperas eight ounces j and if that deepens it not enough put in more. VI. Another Cinnamon Colour. Take Water q.s. Nut-galls, Madder, of each a pound: Fuftick twenty four ounces ; Redwood ground fix oun- ces : boil, ana enter twenty yards of Broad Cloth, cool, and fadden with Copperas four ounces, &c. CHAP, 44a Folygra^hices ^ib. VI. CHAP. VI. Of Dpng Clove Colours. I. *irO Bye an excellent Clove Colour. ■■- Take Water q. s. Fu(tick twenty four ounces : cruft Madder, Nut-galls, of each a pound : Red-wood ground tour ounces ; boil and enter twenty yards of Broad Cloth: boil two hours with a iltong heat, hand ling it : then put in Copperas half a pound, Oak Ihavings four ounces ; enter your Cloth again, handle it w^eli ; boil half an hour, ancl fo cool it ; it' you would have the colour ladder, put in more Copperas. II. Another Clove Colour. Take Water q. s. Joyners Oak-lhavings four pounds: Madder two pounds : Red-wood, Walnut-tree Leaves, of each four ounces ; boil them well : and enter t^venty yards of Cloth, which handle well and boil three hours, ftill handhng it : take it out, and Air it ; adding if need requires a little noore water : then take Copperas tliirty ounces ; enter your Cloth again, take it cut and cool It 'j and fadden it ( if need requires ) "ivitii more Copperas. III. Another Clove Colour^ Take Water q. s. Nut-galls, Red- wood ground, of each a pound : Fuilick, Madder, of each eight ounces: Sumach four ounces ; boil all thcfe together tor an hour ^ then enter your Cloth, &c. and boil aa hour ; take it out, and put in Copperas two pounds ; being melted, put in your Cloth again, and let it boil; This will Dye twenty pounds weight of Wool, Yarn, Cloth, &c. IV. Another Clove Colour. Take Water q. s. Sumach fix: handfuls ,• FufHck three handfiils : Red-wood 2,round one handfuL boil all thefe two hours and half with t^venty yards or Broad Cloth, then cool, and fadden with Copperas as you lee fit. V. Another Clove Colour. cjTakp Water q. s. Nut-galls two pounds : Madder two pounds: Fultick a pound and half; boil all together; tool with a little Water, and then enter 48 or 50 pounds of Chap. 7' Of Dying Fkjb Colours, 445 of Wool, Yarn, Cloth, &c. handle your Cloth, and boil two hours and half, then cool, and ladden with Cop- peras two pounds four ounces. VI. A Liver Colour. Take Water q. s. Nut-plls bruifcd fitiall, Red- wood ground, of each one pound ; Sumach eight oqnces : Mad- der four ounces : Fuftick two ounces : boil all together, and enter twenty yards of Broad Cloth : boil half an hour and cool ; adding nipre Copperas if yow would have it fadder. CHAP. VIL Of Dying Flejh Colours, I. 'T'O Dye ttn Incarnate or Flefh-colour in Grain. ■*• Take ttale Liquor made with fair Water and Wheat Bran, or fowre Tap-wort, being very clear ^. s. Alumbruifed two pounds and half : red Tartar bruifed foiall one pound : boil all together, and enter twenty yards of Broad Stuff: boil and handle it well for three hours, after which cool your Cloth and waili it -^vell • then take freflh Bran Liquor, ( made of a Peck of Bran ) tlie clear Liquor q. s. Grains of Cherraes four ounces_, dryed iipon a Pewter Difh before the fire, and made in- to a fine pouder : red Argolin pouder fourouiices : mijc, thefe three things together, and make them boil -, enter ypur Cloth, and handle it, boiling it three quarters of an hour ftrongly, and keeping the Cloth un^er the Li- quor ; then cool and wafh It well . II. Another InfarnateColonr in Grmn. Take fmall Beer q. s. Alum twenty ounces : r^d Tar- tar ei§ht ounces': melt or diflblve, and enter twenty yards of Stuffy Cloth, d^c. and boil it two hours ana a half, then cool it, and let it lye in the Water^ twenty four hours, : after which walh it well. Take fair Wa- ter, fmall Beer, of each equal parts q. s. Grains in fine pouder an ounce j infufe them all night, putting in al- io a little Wheat Flower, about an ounqc , tl:ien make it ready to boil; aod CQtec the Cloth. 444 Poljfgraphiees, Lib. VL III. Another Incarnate or Fle^y Coloftr. Firft boil your Cloth very well in a good Alum wa- ter, take it out, hang it up dropping, and let it dr}^ Take clear Bran liquor q. s. Cochenele in fine poudcr one ounce, Tartar half an ounce j mix, and make almoft a boiling heat, letting it take as little Air as may be, then enter your Cloth, and handle it as quick over as may be, for about^ half an hour j after which take it out, wafh it well in cold water, and hang it up to dry. IV. Another Incarnate or Flefh-colonr^ called fi Rafp-her- ry red. Take Water, or rather Bran Liquor q. s. Alum three pounds ; boil for three hours j then add Madder four pounds, Brafil ground four ounces, Alum one ounce, trefh Bran Liquor q. s. boil ; and then enter twenty yards of Chamlet fluff, but riot boiling j keep it in two hours, take it out and walli it well. CHAP. viir. of Dying Grey^ R^Jf^^} ^^ ^^^^ Colour. I. A Silver Grey Colonr. ■^ Take Water q. s. Nut-galls bruifed fmall two ounces : Tartar bruifed three ounces ; boil them : enter twenty yards of Stuff, Cloth, &c. handle it, and boil an hour and half, and cool it : then put in Copperas an ounce J enter your Cloth again at a boiling heat, han- dle it, and boil a quarter of an hour, and fo cool. If you would liave it ladder, put in more Copperas. II. To Dye a Light-grey Colour. Take Water q. s. bfut-galls bruifed fmall four oun- ces : white Tartar bruifed iinall four ounces ; make them boil : then enter twenty yards of Broad Cloth, and han- dle it, boiling an hour and half : cool your Cloth, and put in Copperas an ounce and half ; enter your Cloth again, and handle it ; boil a quarter of an hour, and cool it : if you would have it ladder, adil more Ccp- pcrae. m.n Chap. 9. Of Dying Gnens, 44^ III. To Dye a Lead Colour. Take Water q. s. Nut-galls bruifed fmall one pound, Madder half a pound ; make thein boil ; enter twenty- yards of Broad cloth, boil an hour, take it out and cool It : then add to the Liquor Copperas four ounces ; boil, and put in your cloth again, and handle it a quarter of an hour ; after which take it forth and wafh it. IV. To Dye another Lead Colour. Take Water q. s. Nut-galls bruifed fmall a pound : Red-wood ground two ounces : boil all together ; enter twenty yards of Broad cloth, and handle it, and boil an hour and half: take up your cloth and cool it : after which put in Copperas eight ounces ; enter your Cloth again, at a boiling heat, and handle it, and let it boil half an hour, and cool it : if you would have it fadder, ufe more Copperas. Note, That quantity which Dyes tAventy yards of Broad cloth will dye forty yards of Stuff. V. To male a fair Rnffet jColour. Take Water q. s. Brafll ground one ounce : boil it an hour: Grains in pouder half an ounce ^ boil and enter your Wool, Yarn, Cloth, ore. boil an hour, cool, and add Copperas four ounces : enter your Matter again, boil, cool, &c. VI. Another Rnjfet Colour. Take Water q. s. Brafil in pouder. Red-wood, of each half a pound : Nut-galls two ounces ; Copperas four ounces : mix, boil an hour, enter the Matter you would Dye, and let it lye twenty four hours. C H A P. IX. Of Dying Greens. I. ^T'O Dye an Olive Green. -*• Take clear Bran liquors, but ftale q. s. Alum, three pounds ; Logwood ground one pound, boil and enter twenty yards of Broad cloth, boil two hours and half ; cool and waili it well. Take clear water q. s. Nedder ( comnjonly called Linge ) Heath Strawel, or K k Fuftick, 446 Polygraphices Lib. VI. rulHck, fo much as may make twenty yards of Broad cloth Gieen. Then take clear water ij.s. Furtickapound, (Jm(t Madder, Nut-galls, Sumach, of each four ounces ; boil, and enter your clotli, and handle it well : boil it an hour and half, and lb cool : add Copperas four oun- cef;, and enter your cloth again, boil half an hour j if you would have it fadder, put in more Copperas. II. To Dye a Poping jay Green. Take Water q. s. Alum two pounds : Logwood cround eight ounces : boil and enter twenty yards of Broad cloth ; boil three hours, and make it a bright yel- Io>v ; then draw it through a cold Fat, and then waih it. III. To Dye a good Sen-green. Firft make it a fad Blue, then take Water (}. ;. Alum two pounds : Logwood four ounces : boil and enter your cloth, boil three hours ; then waili it, and make it a bright YcJloAv : after w^iich draw it through a cold Eat, and then v/ail\ it again. IV. To Dye a Grah Green. Firtt make it a fact Blue : then take Alum two pounds, boil, and enter your cloth, and boil three hours, and wadi it ; then dip it into a good Yellow Dye. V. To Dye a French Green. Take clear ftale Bran Liquor q. s. Alum two poimds and a half, boil ; enter twenty yards of fad Blue Broad cioth, boil it two houVs and a half, and walli it well. Take fair Water y. j. Heath Strawcl, or Fuftick, a fuffi- '■-'•cnt quantity ; boil well, and put in your cloth, and handle it well : then take twenty ounces of Logwood ?,rcund, and put into the Dye, alfo Copperas four oun- ces (wliich binds the colour) and if you pleafe, you may new draw the cloth through a Blue Fat, and han- dle it, lb will it be finillit. VI. To Dye a i^crdigrife Green. Take Water (j. s. make it as hot as you can endure your hand in it ; to which put Verdigrife^ two ounces in fine ponder : enter twenty yards of Muff, and handle it well v/ith your hands : let it lye in the Liquor all Night, ftii-ring it Ibmetimcs ; and then let it lye till it IS deep enough. VII. To Dye a Popingjay Green. Take clear ftale man liquor, or fowre Tap-wort q. r. Alum chap. 9. Of Dying Greens, ^47 Alum three pounds,^ boil, and enter twenty yards of Broad cloth, and boil three hours ; cool your cloth and walli it well. Take fair water y\ng Red Colours, 457 half, Tartar two ounces : enter twenty yards ofBroa Cloth, and boil three hours, and take it out. Take frelli Bran Liquor q. s. Madder four pounds : boil, handle, and finilli it. VII. Another Red Dye. Take ftale Wheat Bran Liquor, fix days old, or fowre Tap- wort q. s. Alum three pounds : enter twenty yards of Broad Cloth, boil three hours, cool and walhi. Take frefb and clear Bran Liquor q. s. Madder four pounds, fteeped in the fame Liquor : enter your Cloth at a good heat, and handle it to a boiling ; take it out, cool, and waili it well. VIII. A good Red Dye. Take Rain-water, q. s. Brafil in pouder, fine Vermil- lion, of each an ounce : Alum one dram. : boil them till half is confumed. IX. Another excellent good Red Dye. Take Lixivium of unflak'd Lime five Gallons, Brafil ground two pounds and a half ; boil to the half : then put to it Alum twenty ounces : keep it warm, but not to boil : Then what you would Dve in this Liquor, dip firrt into a Lye made of Afhes of Tartar, letting it dry, then dip it into the Dye. X. Another very good Red Colour, or Dye. What you would Dye, firtt boil in Alum Water ; then dip it into the following Liquor. Take Water q. s. Roffct one pound, Gum Arabick a little, boil a quarter of an hour, and then ftrain it for ufe. XI. To make a pure clear Red Dye. Take Wheat Bran Liquor thirty quarts, or q. s. Bjrafil in pouder four pounds : Alum in pouder two pounds : Tartar one pound : mix, and diifolve, and make a Tm- 6lure : enter your Stuff, or Cloth : boil for two hours: take it out, and boil it again in frefh Bran Liquor thirty quarts ( adding madder three pomids ) and perfect the Color with a moderate heat without boiling. XII. Another good Red Dye. Boil the things you would Dye firft in Alum Water, then take them out, and boil them in Water, with Brazil in fine pouder : let it boil till the Icum arifes, then put in the things to be Dyed, and let them boil till the Water looks of an Orange Tawny ^ carting in then alfo a hand- ful of Bay Salt, XIIL To 458 PolygrA^hices Lib. VI. XIII. To colour Barley Srra.vci^ 8cc. Rel. Boil s^round Brafil in a Lixivinm of Pot-adies, and in that boU your Straw. XIV. A Red Tigment ivhichfh.ill not grow Black. Take pure fine Vermillion, grind it with Water of Cnm AmmoniacHrrty with the addition of a little Saffron. XV. To Dye a good Red. Jake Ibfc clear Wheat Bran Liquor (j. s. Alum three pounds : enter twenty yards of Broad Cloth, handle it, and boil three hours : take it out, cool it, and walh it well. Take frclli Bran Liquor q. s. Madder fix pounds : enter your Cloth at a boiling heat, and handle it, till it is as deep as you would have it j and if you pleafc finiili it with Brafil. XVL To mah Red Paper. Take Bartard Saffron, or Safflower, eight ounces; put it into a Linnen Bag, and wafli it by a River fide, till it fcarcely gives any colour : then put the remainder in- to a Balbn, fprinkhng it with the poudcr of Glafs-wort, ( or rather with Soda) one ounce ; fo put it into a little Pail of Blood-warm Vv'ater, always ftirring it • after which lirain it, and add a little Juice of Liraons, to make it give a Red Color. The Paper ought to be fine, an^ dipt into the Bafon. CHAP. XVL Of Dying a Red Blufh Colore LnrODr a Red BlaP^-Color. ^ Take Italc clear Wheat Bran Liquor fix days old, q. s. Alum three pounds and a half : Red Tartar half a pound : melt them, and enter twenty yards of Broad Cloth j handle, and let it boil tliree houi;s j take It out, andwalliit well (butlbmcwalh it not.) Take frelli Liquor q. s. of the befl Madder three pounds, enter your Cloth, and handle to a boiling heat ; cool, ami Avafh again. Laitly, take frelh clear Bran Water^ q.,s. let it boil, enter your Cloth, and let it boil a quarter of an hour : t:ool, and wain it well again. ZL A Chap. 17- Of Dying ScarktSy^Q. 4^^ II. A Red Bltfjh-Colour in Grain. Take ftale fowre clear Bran Liquor q. s. Alum three pounds and a half : Red Tartar half a pound : enter twenty ^^ards of Broad Cloth, boil three hours, cool, and walli. Take frelli clear Bran Liquor (j. s. beit Madder three pounds : enter and boil again. Take freili Bran Liquor q. s. Grains in fine pouder four ounces : Red Tartar three ounces : enter your Cloth, and boil an hour or more, keeping your Cloth well under the Li- quor: then cool and wafh. III. Another BhJJp Color in Grain. Take clear Itale or fowre Wheat Bran Liguor, q. s. Alum three pounds and a half : Red Tartar eight oun- ces : melt them, and enter twenty yards of Broad Cloth, boil three hours, handle it %vell, take it out, cool and wa(}i. Take frelli Bran Liquor, q. s. enter your Cloth, and handle it, letting it boil a quarter of an hour, cool, and walli. Take more frefli Bran Liquor, q. s. make it boil, and add thereto Grains in pouder tw^o ounces: Red Tartar an ounce and half ; Jet them boil, enter your Cloth, handle it, and let it boil three quarters of an hour, then cool, and walli it well. IV. To make a Spanifh Carnation Colour. Take Baftard Saffron, or Safflower, walli it well, dry it, and beat it ; and to a pound of it, being beaten, add Calcined Tartar four ounces : grind all together, and put it into a double courfe Linneu Bag j and affufc upon it a quarter of a pint of Limon Juice blood warm ; put this into a fufficient quantity of fair water, and then put in the things you would Dye. But the Stuff-^ or Cloth you would Dye, is firft to be boiled in Alum w^ater. CHAP. XVII. Of Dying Scar let y and the Bow Dye* I. ^0 Dye a Scarlet Color in Grain. ■*• Take liale clear Wheat Bran Liquor q. s. Alum three pounds : enter your twenty yards of Broad Cloth, and 460 Polygraphises. Lib. VI, and boil three hours, cool and wafli it : Take fair wa- ter q. s. Ncdder or Strawel a fit quantity, Jet them boil well, cool with a little water, enter your Cloth, and make a bright yellow ; cool and walh it again. Take frelli Wheat Bran Liquor q. s. Madder four pounds : enter your Cloth at a good heat, handle it to a boiling, cool and walli it well. Take more frefh Bran Liquor q. s. Cochenele in fine pouder five ounces : Tartar three ounces : enter your Cloth, and boil an hour or more, keeping it under the Liquor, then cool and wafh. IL To Dye a Bajiard Scarlet color. Take (tale Bran Liquor twelve days old, q. s. Alum three pounds and a half ; Red Tartar one pound ; dif- Iblve, enter twenty yards of Broad Cloth, boil four hours, and handle it well, cool it, and let it lye in the Alum watc?r twenty tour hours, and walh it in fair wa- ter ( but lome do not. ) Take frelli Bran Liquor q. s. bed Madder one pound : enter your Cloth at a good heat, handle it well to a boiling, keeping but a flow fire : cool and waili well. Laftly, take frelli Bran Liquor q. s. enter your Cloth again, boil half an hour, cool it, and 'wafli it well. in. Another Scarlet Coloftr in Grfiin, from a White Colour. Take fair water, clear Bran Liquor, of each equal parts, q. s. Alum nine pounds and a half : Tartar five pounds and a half, melt tliem : then enter thirty pounds weight of Wool, Yarn, Flannel or Cloth : boil four hours,'take it out, and let it cool, and Avalli it well in fair cold water. Then take Grains ( commonly called Cochenele ) fifteen ounces, in fine pouder : Tartar fifteen ounces : frelli Bran Liquor q. s. mix them, enter your Cloth, &c. handle it to a good heat, and your Cloth being White, it will be of a good Scarlet Colour j let it boil two hours, handle it well, take it out, and wafti it. IV". To perform the Bow Dye. Take double Aqm fortis ten ounces, ( fome fay Gxteen ounces ) Filing,s of Pewter twenty ounces : Filings of Silver, or leaf Silver two ounces : put in the Pewter into the Aqna fortis to dilfolve, and after that the Silver, dif- folving over a gentle heat : Then take Cochenele in fine pouder i Crtaai of Tarter in fine pouder five ouncc^ * mix Chap. I S. Of Dying Sand Colours. 461 mix them with the former things, and add to them White Starch forty Spoonfuls, dilTolving and mixing. Now take the Liquor you intend to Dye with, and put in a proportional quantity of the former mixture, ( but in a Brafs Veffel lined with Pewter or Tin ) boil a quar- ter of an hour, and it is done, &c. See C^^p. 14. Se^. 5. aforegoing. CHAP. XVIII. 0/ Dyiftg Sand Colours. I. ^O Dye d Smd Colour. J- Take water q. s. Nut-galls in pouder one pound, Madder fix ounce^ Fuftick four ounces : let them boil, and enter your Cloth (twenty yards of Broad Cloth) let it boil two hours, and handle it, and fo cool it : add Cop- peras four ounces ; enter your Cloth at a boiling heat, let it boil a quarter of an hour, and handle it, and fo cool it again. If you will have it fadder, put in more Copperas, enter your Cloth again, and boil another quar- ter of an hour, cool and -vafh. II. Another Sand C Take water q. s. Red-wuo.: ground two pounds and a half. Sumach one pound : enter your Cloth, boil two hour- . .id cool. Add Copperas two pounds, eater yo-ir Cloth again, and fadden as you tliink fit, &c. III. Another Sand- Colour. Take water q. s. Nut-galls a pound in pouder, boil them a little : then add Red-wood ground q. s. viz.. ac- cording as you Avould have the Sand Colour, Light or Dark : enter your Cloth, boil an hour, and handle it : if you would have it Darker, add a little Wood-loot : enter your Cloth, and boil pretty well, and cool ; after fadden as you pleafe with Copperas. IV. Another Sand Colour. Take water q. s. Nut-galls in pouder one pound : Madder fix ounces : Fuifick four ounces : Red-wood ground three ounces : Brafil ground two ounces : boil, enter twenty yards of Broad Cloth, boil two hours, and * Li cool: 4^2 Polygrsphices Lib. VI. cool : add Copperas three ounces : enter your Cloth again at a boiling heat, handle it, and boil a quarter of an hour, and fo cool. If you would have it ladder, you mult put in more Copperas. CHAP. XIX. Of Dying Snuff Colours. I. npO • Dye a. Sntfjf or Chefnnt Colofir. -■- Take water q.s. Nut-galls in pouder one pound. Madder four ounces and a half, Red-woal ground one pound, Fultick four ounces : make them boil, and enter twenty yards of Broad Cloth ; handle it, and boil two hours, and cool: add Copperas fouf ounces, enter the Cloth, and handle it, and boil it a quarter of an hour, and cool it ; if you would have it f adder, ufe the more Copperas. II. Another Snuff Colour. Take clear ftak Bran Liquor, 7. s. Alum three pounds : enter twenty yards of Broad Cloth, boil tluxe hours, cool and wal"h it. Take f ' 'er 7. j. Nedder or Stra- well a fufficicnt quantit' nr rbod Take water q. s. Logwood gl^pupH^oe pound ; Fu^- ftick, Sumach, of eacH two oUnqes'; mix,; and make the Lead boil lirongly, enter your Cloth, j^Qq jboil :a fluar*- ter of an hour, and fo cool : add Copperas eight di^hces, and fo iadden as you fee occaiiom.// _.;; ;i ;. ,_ ,.1^1 VL Another Snujf Colour. : scam mi- i -' ■' .^ jiCVf Take Water ^./. Red-woodw^oij^^ two J)otinds': Brafil giound one pound : Sumach [one pound, Nut- galls bruifed fmall two ounces : bdil,; enter your Cloth; boil two hours : then add CopperajS^vi pound and hall^ enter your Cloth again, and iadden a? f^oxt. fee fidj il. i .\'ll. Another Snt^ Colour. " • ^ • "7 Take Watery. /. Fuftick two pounds, Madder or^ pound. Red-wood ground half ^3>'^!?'^ • ^^t them, boil and then enter twenty' yards of Broacl' Cloth, liandle i.t> and let it boil two hours, andi cool it : add Copperas four ounces, which is enough for the lighter Color ,• then cnter^ your Cloth, handle it, boil half an hour, andtheii take it out and ^opi it • •! . jjiii. ijuj ; ^iJk.ti CHAR XXI 3t '^2!^^ Of Dying Violet and. Vurfk Colours, ,;;.;j ^7 I. 'TpO make a Purple Colour, or Dye. ; -*- Take Water q. s. Alum twenty .oupces : Mad- der five ounces: boil, enter twenty yards of Stut^'j ah A boil two hours and half, take it out, and walli it well. Walli the Lead, and then put in clean Water q.s. Log- wood ground two pounds, boil it a while, and enter your Cloth, handle it well, and take it out, and coolit : enter it again, and put it in and out, till the Colour is flrong enough. IL To make a Violet Colour in Grain, out of a fad Blue. Take fair Water, clear Bran Liquor, of each equal partSj^ qi sy Alum nine pounds and a half : Tartar five LI 2 pounds 4^4 Tolygrafhms Lib. VI. pbutids and a half ; melt them, and enter thirty pounds wei^t of Wool, Yarn, Stuff, Cloth, &c. of a fad Blue color J boil four hours, cool, and waQi it in cold water. Then takie frelli Bran Liquor q. s. Cochenele, Tartar, both in fine pouder, of each fifteen ounces : mix, enter your Cloth, handle it to a good heat, boil two hours, •handle it welij take it out, and walli it, and it will be €>£a,pure Viokt or Purple color. (•:.:y\\\.. Another Turple Color., mthoat Bluing. Take clear ftale Wheat Bran Liquor, or fowre Tap- wort q. s. Alum three pounds : enter twenty yards of Broad Cloth, boil three hours, cool, and waih well. Take freih Bran Liquor, q. s. Madder twenty ounces j £titer your Cloth, boil with a quick fire, cool, and wafli. Take clear, or fair water, q. s. LogAv-oocl ground twenty four ounces, boil half an hour, and put in fome Urine, then enter your Cloth, handle it, and boil half an hour, take it out and cool it : add Nut-galls bmifed two oun- ces, and enter yc^j^'Cloth again, handle it, and boil half an hour, cool arnd' walli ir.-'. .- em'iy,. Another f^joht or P'yirph Color'i. •;tTake clear Ifeile Bran Liquor q.f-. Alum three pounds: enter twenty -^af4s of Broad Cloth, and boil two hours and half J cool and walh well. Take fielh Liquor q. s: Madder t^vent}' ounces : enter your Cloth, and boil with a t}ui€k-fiic, <:.©oi,-and wafli wrcH;— Trik^ friir Water q-. t.~ Logwood ground ci^ht ounces : Braril|,round two ouii- ces : let them boU"^4"arter of aiifioup] enter your Cloth at a boiling heat, handle it, and boil a quarter of an ' hoiu', take^ it puf, .a^(| cool it : add Urine q. j. enter your Cloth again,' boif a^quarter of an hour, then cboi and Vv'alli it well. - , - V. A p-eorl P^iolei- or Purple Color. . /- r ■/iTifteW^-iWftoftir gallons: Myrtle berries eightpouTids ; AJuin one oun^J'calcin'd Bralsone ounce : mix them ift aBrafsKetEle-GrVdrel, boilhalf ^ hoiir, an,d (tain 1j VL To male /another pleafifnt Vhlct ar P:rrph Dye. . Viril Dye it Blue by Chap. :?. Secl-:S. of this Book;' then boil it in the former Red at f/.'^p. 15. Scfi.ii. aforegoing; laftly, finilh it with a Decoction of Bra- fiL--.'4?i \ VIL Ar.G- Chap. 21. Of Dying Teltom^ &c. 4^5 ''^ Yll. Another Pwple Color. _ r^/.- Take Orchal, mix it with half Urine, and let it boil^^ till it is of a Dark color : then put in the Matter ypi^., would Dye, letting it lye 24 hours or more. '^ ' - VIII. An Excellent Violet Color. Take calcin'd Tartar, Turnfole, of each a pound, - beat them, and tye them up in a Linen Cloth, and fteep • them 24 hours in Water ; and then put in the Matter which you would have to be of a Violet Color. J'/'- CHAP. XXI. Of Dying Tellows^ and Orange Tawny. I. 'T'O Dye a Tellow Colour. -*- Take Water q. s. Alum one pound : enter ygur Yarn, Cloth, &c. boil two hours, and take it out, a^i^^ walli it clean. Take frelh fair Water q. s. Fuitick ,tw.p\ pounds ; let it boil, and enter your Cloth, boil it aii^ hour, and take it out : this will Dye twenty pounds weight. II. To Dye an Orange Tajvney. Let youi- Wool, Yarn, Flannel, Stuff, or Cloth, d:- water. V. To yprite rcith Green Ink. Take Verdigrife, Litharge, Quick-filver, of each a fuf^ ficient quantity, grind and mingle them with Urine, and it will be a glorious green, like an Emerald, to write or paint with. Or th.m^ Grind Juice of Rue aod" Verdigrife with a lit- tle Saffron together ; and Avhen you would write with it, mix it with Gum-water. Or thm^ Dilfolve Verdigrife in Vinegar, ftiain it ; then grind it with common water, and a little Hony, dry it j then grind it again with Gum water, and it is done. Vi. To write on Paper or Parchment rciih Bine Inl. Grind Blue with Honey, then temper it with glair of Eggs, or Gum-water made of lling-glafs. Y\l. To dye Skins Blue. Take Berries of Elden, or Drawf-elder, firfl boil them, then fmear andwalli the Skins therewith, and wring them forth : then boil the Berries as before, in the diffo- lutioii 470 Polygraphicfs Lib. VI. lution of Alum-watcr, and wet the Skins in the fame water once or tA\-icc, dry them, and they will be very Blue. VIII. To dye Shins into a Reddijh Colour. Firft wafti the Skin in water, and wring it well : then wet it with the folution of Tartar and Bay-falt in fair water, and wyn? it again : to the former diffolution add Arties of Crab-rtv.'!?, and rub the Skin very well there- with, then walli with common w^ater, and wring them out : then Avalh them with tindhirc of Madder, m the folution of Tartar, Alum, and the aforefaid Allies ; and after ( if not red enough) with the tincture of Brafil. IX. Another rcay to dye them Red. Walli the Skins, and lay them in galls for t^vo hours, wrin| them out, and dip them into a colour made with Ligup-HTK^ Alum and Verdigrife in water. Laftly, twice dye them with Brafil boiled with Lye. X. Another n:ay to dye them Blue. Take the bed Indico, and ileep' it in Urine a day, then boil it with Alum, and it will be good. Or, temper the Indico with Red Wine, and w^aln the Skins there- with. XI. Ti dye Shins purple. Tal.e Roch-alum, diftolve it in warm water, wet the Skins therewith, drying them again ; then take rafped Brazil, boil it in water well, then let it cool j do thus thrice : tliis done, nib the dye over the Skins with your hand,, which being dry polilli. XII. To dye Skins of a fad green. Take the filings of Iron and Sal-Armoniack, of eacli alike, Itccp them in Urine till they be foft, with which befmear the Skin, being llretched out, drying it in the lliade, the colour will penetrate and be green on both fides. XIII. To dye Shins of a piiVe Shie Cobur. For each Skin take Indico an ounce, put it into boiling water, let it (land one night, then warm it a little, and witji a brulli-pencil befmear the Skin twice over. WV . To dye Shins of a pure TeHors:. Take fine Aloes one ounce, Linfced Oil two pound, diilolve or melt them, then ilrain it ; bcfmearing the Skins therewith j being drj^, varniili them over. XV. To Chap. 2f . OfDywgTarchfnent,2>:c, ^jt, XV. To dye Skins Green. Take Sap-green, Alum-water, of each a fufficient quan- tity ; mix and boil them a little : if yoiv would have the colour darker, add a little Indico. XVh To dye Skins TelloTV. Infufe Woad in VinegJ^r, in which boil a little Alum ; Or thus, having dyed them Green by the fifteenth Sedi- on, dip them in deco(5lion of Privet-t5erries, and Sai&on, and Alum-water. XVII. To dye them of an Orange Colour. Boil Fuftick-berries in Alum-water : but for a deep Orange, ufe Turmerick-root. XVIII. A liquor to gild Skins, Afetals, or GLrf. Take Linfeed Oil three pound, boil it in a glazed VcC- fel till it burns a Feather being put into it, then put to it Pitch, Rofm, dry Varnilli, or Gum-Sandrach, of each eight ounces, Aloes Hepatica four ounces ; put all in ponder into the Oil, and Ihr them with a {tick, the fire being a little encreafed : if the liquor is too clear or bright, you may add an ounce or two more of AlocsSoc- catrine, and diminilfi the VarniiL, io the liquor will be darker, and more like Gold. Being boiled, take it, and Itrain it, and keep it in a Glafs for ufe : Avhich uie with a Pencil. Other jiaining Colours. XIX. To make a fine Blue Jtaining vra*cr. Make a weak Lixivium of Pot-a(lnes, or take Lime- water, put into it a fu'ficient quantity of Florcy, and difiblve therein a little Alum, ^i.nd (Hr it well over the fire ; then take it o^\ and call: therein Wool Allies, fo will you have a fine Blue. XX. A weaker Blue jiaining^ n>atcr. Take water a fi^cient quantity, dilToIve therein a iii^ ficient quantity of Florey blue, and a little Alum 3 fo will it be of a fainter colour than the former. XXI. A jiaining Blue water, weaker than the latter. Take pure Well-water a quart : two ilielbtiill of Flo- rey blue J mix them well together, and lay them on thin ; This is the faintett of all the three. XXII. A deep green ftaining water. Take Juice of the greened: Worts half a pint, luain it through a Cloth ; and dilTolve therein a lutiicient qiLiri- tity of purified Verdigrife : mix them well together, and it 472 PolygraphiceV, Lib. VI. it will be a ^ood colour. How to purifie Verdigrife fee in my Doron, lib. 3. cap. 6. Sed. 13. §.2. being Jo prepared, one ounce mil he rtorth ten of that unprepared. XXIII. Another green finning Colour. Firft ftain the Leather, Parchment, or Paper with a Blue, and let it dry : then lay thereon a yellow ftaining colour, lb %vill the green be much the better. XXIV. To maie a light fiaining green colour. Take a pint of Wort made of Malt : and mix there- with a fhell full of Florey, ftirring them well together ; firft ftain with this, then upon this ftaining, lay yellow, till it grows green : the more of your yellow ftaining li- quor you lay on, the better will your green be. CHAP.' XXIV. Dyi;jg of JV^odj Horns dnd Bones, &c, I.'X'O dye Elder ^ Box, A'fulherry-treey Pear-tree, Nu> tree of the colour of Ebony. Steep the Wood in Alum- water three or four days, then boil It in common Oil, with a little Roman Vitriol and Sulphur. Where note, the longer you boil the Wood, the blacker it mil' he, but too long rKt^kes it brittle. II. To dye Bones green. Boil the Bones in Alum-water, then take them out, dry them and fcrape them, then boil them in Lime-wa- ter with a little Verdigrile. in. To dye Wood like Ebony, according to Glauber. Diltil an A.juafortis of Salt-peter and Vitriol, and ^therew ith befmear the Wood, as oft as you fee occalion. IV. To rfiake Hdrns black. Vitriol diifolved in Vinegar, and Spirit of Wine will iTiakc Horns black : fo the Snow-white Calx of Silver in tair water. V. To make Bones -^yhite. They are ftra!:H,cly made white by boiling with water and Lime ; cominiully (cumming of it. VI. To dye Bones green. T.ike white Wine Vinegar a quart, filings of Copper, Verdi- Chap. 24. Of Dying Wood^ Horm^ &c. 47 j Verdigrife, of each three ounces ; Rue bruifed an hand- ftil ; mix them, and put the Bones therein for fifteen days. VII. To dye Woodf HornSy or Bones red. Firft boil them in Alum-water, then put them into tin(^re of Brazil in Aluin-water for two or three Weeks : or into tin6lure of Brazil in Milk. VIII. To dye them Blue. Having firft boiled them in Alum-w^ater, then put them into thedilTolutionof Indico in Urine. IX. To dye them green Hie Emeralds. Take Aquafortis^ and put as much filings of Copper into it, as it will dilTolve ; then put the Wood, Horns, or Bones therein for a Night. X. To dye Brijlks and Feathers. Boil them in Alum-warer, and after, while they are warm, put them into tin6kire of ^affton, if you would have them yellow : or Juice of Elder-berries, if blue: or in tincture of Verdigrife, if green. XI. To dye an Az^ure Colour. Take Roch-alum, filings of Brafs, of each two ounces ; Fiili-glew half an ounce, Vinegar, or fair water a piut, boil it to the confumption of the half. All. To J(if ten Ivory and Bones. ^ ^ Lay them t^velve hour? in Aqua fortus, then three da)^ in the Juice of Beets, and they will be tender, and you may make of them what you will : To harden them again^ Jay them in strong White Wine Vinegar. XIII. To make Horns f oft. _ Take Urine a Month old, Qiiick-lime one pound^ cal- cined Tartar half a pound, Tartar cmde, Salt, of each four ounces ; mix and boil all together, then Ihain it twice or thrice, in which put the horns for eight daye, and they will be foft. XIV. Another rvay to make them foft. Take allies, of which glafs is made, Q.uick-lime, of each a pound ; water a fufficient quantity, boil them tijl^ one third part is confumed, then put a teathef into it, if the feather peel, it is fodden enough, if not, boil it lon- ger, then clarifie it, and put ic out, into which pur ii- Imgs of Horn for t^vodaysj anoint 3^our hand with Oil, and work the Horns as it were Palte, thexi make it into what falliion you pleafe. -* XV. A no- 4)4 Polygra^hkes lib. VI. XV. Another fpay tofoffi Boms'. Take Juice of Marubiun. Alexanders, Yarrotv, Ce- landine and Radilli roots, with ftrong Vinegar, mix them, into which put Horns, and digell ieven days in Hofls- dung, then work them as before. XVI. To c^fl Horns in a moHld., lih as Lead. Make a Lixivium of calcined Tartar and Quick-lime, into which put filings or Icrapings of Horn, boil them well together, and they will be as it were Pap, tinge it of the colour you w^ould have it, and then you may call it in a mould, -and make thereof' what falliioned things you pleale. XVII. To wc.h Ivory white. If Ivory be yellow, fpotted or colotired, lay it in Quick- lime, pour a little water over it, letting it lye twenty four hours, and it wall be fair and white. XVIII. To dye Bmes black. Take Lythargc, Quick-lime, ana t\vo pounds : Water j^. s. mix, and put in your Bones, and Itir with a Hick till they boil apace : then take it off the fire, and ftir till all is cold, and the Bones will be very black. . CHAP. XXV. The CONCLVSIO N. I. TTO enumerate all the great variety of Dyes or Co- -*■ lours, or olfer at an .Ellay to reduce them to a certain method, as jt is a labour needlels, lo it is as alto- gether impoflible, there being infinite Colours to be pro- cluced, for which ( as yet ) we have no certain, known, er re.d name. II. And out of what wc have already enumerated in this Book, ihe ingenious (ifthey pleale j ilia 11 find (by little Pradice and Experience ) fuch great variety to be apparent, tl at lliould we exprefs the number though but in a very low or mean dcgie:, we could not but be cxpofed in cenlure to an Hyperbole, even of the higheft. III. Every of the foregoing Colours, will alone, or fingly, produce a great number of others, thc'firfl more deej^i Chap. 2$. Ihe Conclufton. 47^ deep or high ; the latter, all of them paler than each o- ther. IV. And according to the variety of Colours the Mat- ter is of, before it is put into the Dye, fiich new variety alfo lliall you have again when it comes out j not ac- cording to what the Colour naturally gives, but another clean contrary to what you ( although an Artift) may expect. V. For if Grange Colcfurs be dipt into Dyes not na" tural to them, they produce a forced colour of a new texture, fuch as cannot poflibly be preconceived by the mind of Man, although long and continued experience might much help in that cafe. VI. And if iiich variety may be produced by any one of thofe fmgle Colours j what number in reafon might be the ultimate of any two or three or more of them, be- ing complicate or compounded ? VII. Now if fuch great nmnbers or varieties may be produced, i. By any one fingle Colour. 2. By being complicate ; how fhould we ( without a certain and de- terminate limitation, by denomination, or name ) ever order fuch confufed, unkown, various, and undeterrai- nate Species of things, in any pleafant intelligible me- thod ? VIII. Since therefore that the matter ( as yet ) appears not only hard, bat alio impofhble ; we Ihall commend what we have done to the ingenuity of the induiirious : and defire that favour from the Experienced, with love to corredl: our Errors ; which a6l of kindneis will not only be a fliture Obhgation to the Author, but alfo en- force Potterit}- to acknowledge the fame. . Explicit Liber Sextns, ' 477 P LTGKA FHICES Liber Septimus. 0/ A L C H Y M I E: Wherein is treat- ed of the true Fhilofophers TinSiurej and Procefs of the fame. CHAP. I. Of Alchymie m General. I. K LC H Y M I E IS 2in Amhicl word, and figni- aA fies the Tranfmutation of Metals, Semi-Me- -^ tals and Minerals. II. It is then chiefly concerned with the Mineral King- dom, which confilb of Metals, Semi-Metals, Salts, and Stones. III. The Metals are in Number Seven, vi-c. Saturn, Jupiter y Mars, Sol, Venm, Mercury, and Luna. ; called by the Vulgar, L€ad,Tin,Iron, Gold, Copper, QHtck-Jiher, and Silver. IV. The Semi-Metals are, Antimony, Cinnabar „ Tin- gUfs, and Zink. V. The Salts are chiefly, Vitriol, Sulphur, Arfenici^y Alum, Nitre, Borax, and Salt. VI. The chief Stones are, Lapis Calaminaris, Tutia'y hamuli, and Lime-ftone. VII. Now out of thefe the Alchymiji defigns one of three things : to wit, i . Either the Counterfeiting of the fine Metals. 2. Or the Separation of fine Metals out of the bale : or, 3. Tht Generation of the fine Metals out of the bafe, by Tranfmutation. Mm Vnr.The 47? Pofygraphfcet Lib. VII. VIIl. The Counterfeiting of the fine Metals is done by giving the Color and Body of a fine Metal to that which IS bate ; as the tinging of Lead into a Gold color ; the whiting of Copper ; the reduction of Mercury or Quick' Jther. ' IX. The Separation of fine Metals out of bafe, is done by attrading of the Particles or Atoms of the fine ( con- tained in that bafer) into one heap or mals, that they might not be carried away by the wings of the Volatile or bafer Metal. X. Thtu it appearSy there is a large puantity of Goldy in Lead, Tin^ Copper and Silver : and much Silver in Tin^ Cop- per, and Iron : the proof of this is manifeji by the parting Say C as they call it) to wifj the Teji by Strong Waters ; by which you may find that one' pound of Lead rvitl yield near three or four- penny weight of Silvac, and one ofGAd. XI. One pound of Tin mil yield fomething above an ounce of Silver ; and ahtfut tvpo penny weight of. Gold, or more ; one pound of Silver mil yield about one ounce of Gold ; and Copper about a quarter of the fame quantity, or 7K0re,%iC ..: J '.',-. ^ . . . y.^: XII. But this is according to the goodnefs of the Metals, and the skill of the Undertaker ; for by this re ay of Separation^ Tvhat is gotten will never pay the Co?, it remains there fo-e, that Tve fearrh out fome way more profitable, the which in the fol- lowing Lines, to the' true Sous of Art, we (hall f lit h fully pre- fent according to the bcfi of our knowledge : But we are bound to be a little the more obfcure, for the fakes of fome ingratcfiil Men, by whom we know our jufi meaning will be traduced ; OHr skill in Art abufed ; and our perfon fought to be rent and dejlroyed, jhould we but adventure to be fo open^ as to give them the clear knowledge thereof. Let others fcarch ^ ve have done, it is Jome fatisfa^ion, that the matter here fought, is really in rerum natura ; the which joined to the certainty of anothers attaining thereof, may give life to fu- ture hopes, which as the purcurfer of better tki»gs, may point at the great work it j elf. . ■ '- XIII. The Matter of Tranfmutation is done by that great Pouder, Ttn^'ure, Elixir, or Stone of the Philofo- phers, which, according to the Opinion of Paraceljp^; and others the moi\ Icained , we ihall fignifie in few words. XIV. By chap. ?. 0/Saturn, or Lead, 47^ Xiy. ^f^isTtn^iire or £/;>/>, according to thejuda;- in^m of the Ancients the whole Body of any Metal '' *■ ' fcpa;at6d from its impurity ) is changed mto fine CM A P. IL Of Saturn, or Lead. I. Q^turn is a cold, grofs, dull and heavy Body, re- ^ piete with much Impurity, yet full of a Golden ^etcury.^ « 'II. ijt is tinged irito a pure Golden Color by calcina- tion thereof witti Antimony, and imbibing the Calx thereof with the Spiru of Kenw^ Lapis Calnminnri^, Tmui^ and Zink^ feverally prepared, and mixt ana^ and then jredUjCe^, adjoynin^ to every ounce of Xead in Calx, a peii-r ny weight of the Golden Sulphur of Venm. \ III.' Its Lunar property is extracted, by a fimple calci- iiation with ^rfenick a.n6. Nitre, ana, and imbibition of the faid Calx for about feven days in the Oil of Salt. IV. Or thm. Take of our Seed or Salt of Li^na one ounce, of the Salt diVemM one ounce and a half • of the crude body of Saturn one ounce, mix, and melt theiii • then feparate, and you ihall iiave the Satarnian Luna, , with confiderable advantage. ' • V. Take Lead beaten into thin Plates ; and let them be put into a Glafs Vefl'el, together with common Sale and Mercury : Let it be well doled together, and digeli- ed in the Earth or Horfe-dung, for ten whole Months j ^nd it will be coil verted into Quick-filver. .VI. Take Lead purified a pound, Sd Armoniack two ounces in pouder, Sal Nitre in pouder one ounce, Sal £/f/>ro/- bruiled, half an ounce : Put ail into a Cmcibl? on a violent hot fire, for two whole hours ; then take it out, and it will be prepared for the Silver work. _ yil. Or tkm. Get an earthen Pot, whofe bottom is full of hole?, put it into another Pot, and let it be co- v-ered in a fmall Pit : dig up the Earth thereon on every (i\t, and tread it down with your Foot ; Fill the upper M m 2 void 4^0 Polygrdfhsces Lib. VII. void place with unflaked Lime, to the middle : then take Lead cut into tliin little bits, and lay it upon the Lime ; and over the Lead more Quicklime ; put upon it boil'd Llrine, cover the Pot arid lute it well j make a great fire on every fide, heaping it up even over the top, and -continue it io for a day ; fo fhall a purified Lead f:ill through the Lime and Holes into the lower VeiTel, which will be prepared for Tranfmutation. VIIL Or Lead may be thus purified. Melt your Lead often, and cait it into the Hiarpell Vinegar : Melt it a- gain, and caft it into Juice of Cellandine : then into Salt-water : then into Vinegar, in which Sd Armoniack his been dilTolved. And laitly, let it be poured out into the Cupel, and fo it will be very well purified. IX. Take jpring-water. Vitriol, of each a pound ; ir,i\; them together : filter through brown Paper, and dilbl the Water off in a Glafs Alembick, which keep in a Glafs for ufe. Take Quickfilver an ounce : put it into a Ciiicible over the fire ; and when it begins to be hot, add purifi^rd Leaf Gold an ounce j and fo remove it from the fire : then take of your purified Lead one p(iund ; amalgainate it with the aforefaid mixture of Quickfilver and Gold, over a gentle fire, ftirring it with an lioii Kod : being well mixed, piut thereto an ounce of- the former Vitriol Water, ftir, digeft a Month, eva- porate, and you have a Medicine in order to Tranfmu- tation. X. The Preparation of Saturn. Set it in a Furnace of Calcination, (lirring it while in Flux, as you do Jupiter, till it be converted into Allies : fift this, and fct it again in a Fire of Calcination, till its fugitive and inflamabic fubflance is gone : then take this red Calx, ijnbibe and jirind often with common Salt clcanfed. Vitriol puri- fied and fliarp Vinegar : this matter often imbibe, dry and grind, till all its nnclcannefs be wholly removed ; this done, add Glafs ground to pouder, mix them well together, and make thtm How in a Crucible. Calcine it again with pure Sal ArmcniacJ;, -And moil fubtilly grind and dilfolve it into a clear Water upon a Porphyry Stone in the open Air, in a cold and moid place ; augment- ing the Salt, if need be. This is the Preparation of the Ferment of Lead for the Red Elixir. CHAP. Chap. ^ Of Jupiter, or Tin. 481 c H A P. m. Of Jupiter, or lift, I. Tl7j5/Vfr is much a more noble body than Saturn, and 3 ( as we laid before ) abounds much more with a Solar and Lunar Mercury. II. It is reduced into the Imitation of Silver by often melting of it. and quenching of it in the Spirit of Arfe- nick J or by Calcination of it with Lime ( three ounces to a pound of Jupiter granulated ) and then by often cxtinguifhing the fame in the fpirit of Arjenick afore- faid. III. The Luna is extracted out of it thus : Let Jupiter be married to our Luna of the fame ftature, by the Pried Mercury, after which let them drink their fill of the Mi- neral fpirit of the Grape ; then put them to Bed in the exaltation of Luna, and houfe of Venus, and the next morning let them drink very well of the fmitmll Wine of the Daughterof L»«^ J this bein^^ done, you will find Luna like a Bride coming forth out ol the Marriage Cham- ber ; but with the Wings of an Eagle, which Wings you muft clip by the means of Mars, elfe you will lofe her : Thus, take of the Seed of Mars, and the eldeft Son of old Saturn, ana, make them contend with Tellus, for three whole days and nights, till they conjoin and be- get a Son, white as Luna, and fixt as Sol. This Son will by force take Jupiter % Wife from him, and being fmitful caufe her to bring forth a plentitul and profitable IfTue. IV. Or this. Kill Jupiter ( in conjunclion with Luna) by_ the fire of Tellm, then revive the dead Body ( after it is impregnated with the A^ineral fpirit of the Grape) by the help o£Sat{irn,3.nd you have a numerous oft-fprnig of Luna. V. Or thus : Marry Jupiter to Luna ; then marry him to her daughter, and join thefe IlTues together, and they will fympathetically attradl: and join all the Seed of Z^- na into one family or lump. M m 5 VI. Or 4§|> Poiygraphicer Lib. VII. VI. Or thtu : Which is both the bcft and cafieft way. Take Jupiter and melt him, then quench him ten times in xht Spirit o^ Tenus , till he is reduced very fmall and Jow : this done, join . him with the Daughter of Luna calcined with Tellti),2Ln^ the work is over. This U very profitable, and the wojl uJef'A of all, bm by reafon of the un- vcdrthinefs of this generAcion, it cannot admit of any expli- canon. VII. The Gold, is thus Extra6kd : marry Jupiter ter Vemis, and their oft-fprmg to Sd by the means of Pricft Mirciiry : put them to Bed ( in the life of Phcebm J for three whole days and nights, afterwards make them dnmk with the Ipirit of the Daughter of Fenm, then make a perfc6l conjun6lion with the eldeft Son of.S'^f- tur^i, and you fliall have what you fought. VIII. Or thus: Calcine J Hpiter granulated one pound, with Qiiick'lime four ounces, mix all with die Calx of Venui and Luna ana ; calcine again for three days, im- bibe in the fpirit of Fenm ( that is, the fixed Oil) for feven day?, then reduce to a regulfu with Saturn, and afterwards feparate with Antimony. IX. The preparation of Jupiter. Mt\t Jupiter, and con- tinually {lir it with an Iron Rake, till it is brought to Allies. Thefe Allies fift, calcine them again, adding fire not exceeding the Fire of it? funon,and ftir it often, calcining it for 24 hours, till all its fuperfluous humidi- ty be wafted : then well walli it wath purified common Salt and Alum 5 and moft Ibarp Vinegar, and dry it ; g^rind again, and walTi and dry, doing thus fo often, till by the acuity of the Salts, Alum and Vinegar, its whole humidity, blacknefs, and filth is done away and confumed. Add to it Glafs in ponder, mix, and with a fufficient fire make it flow in a Crucible, having a hole in its bottom, let within another, and the pure clean body will delcend -, the whole Earthlv feculent fubftance remaining above with the Salts ana Glafs : for in that Body reduced and defcended is an equal and perfcdl: proportien of pure Argent Vive, and white Sulphur not burning ; becauie fire and the Corrofive?, have divided the whole humidity, and fugitive inflainable, conupt, and black flibftance : and through that delcenfory th?. whole feculent fubilance is compleatly fcparated. Ar- terwards calcine this pure reduced Bgdy again, ^vnh pure Chap. 4' 0/ Mais, oy Iron, 4^^ pure and clean Sal Arntoniad, until it be in weight nearly equal ; being well and perfedtiy calcined, grind the whole well upon a Porphyry Stone, and put it in the open Air in a cold and humid place, or in a Glafs Veffel in Horfe-dung until the whole be diffolved, aug- menting the Salt, if need be. This water is the ferment o£ Jupiter, for the White Elixir'. CHAP. IV. Of Mars, or Iron I. W-^^^ is yet a more noble body, but harder and ^^ more replete with /rem or filth, yet full of a So- lar and Lunar Mercury. II. It is converted into Copper by the Oil or Spirit of Vemu : into Brafs by the means of Lapis Calaminaris, and made to imitate Silver by impregnating its Calx in the burnmg Spirit ofArfenick. III. It has much Silver and Gold in it, But they are extraCled with great difficulty ; thus, firft melt the body with an equal quantity of Tin, Lead and Copper ; this done, granulate it, and imbibe the body with Oil of Venus very itrong, then calcine it with the butter ofArfc- nick ( if you extrail its Silver, ) or Antimony ( if its Gold ) imbibe this Calx over a gentle heat in the ftrongeft Oil of Flints, or Sand for ten days : tiicn reduce it. IV. Mars is whitened by the rales which we have delivered in Lib. 3. cap. 26. Se5h. 31. and made of a Gol- den Coloir by Se6l. 28. of the fame Chapter. V. The preparation of. Mars. Let it be calcined as f^e- ntu with common Salt cleanfed, and let it be wafhed with pure Vinegar ; bemg wafl^ed, dry it in the Sun, arid when dryed, grind and imbibe it with new Salt and Vinegar, and then put it into the fame Furnace, as Vve fhall hereafter fay diVcnm^ for three da^'s: this calcina- tion dilTolve into a clear water, which is the -vvatcr of the fixed Sulphur, wondciiu!iy augmenting the Colour of the Elixir. M m 4 VI. Anc 4^4 Polygrdphicis Lib. VIT. VI. Another preparation of Mars. Grind one pound of the filings thereof, with half a pound of Arjenicl fublimed. Imbibe the mixture with the Water of Salt' peter and Sal-Alcali, reiterating this Imbibition thrice : then make it flow with a violent Fire, and you will have jour Iron White ; Repeat this work till it flow liifficienth'^, with peculiar dealbation. VII. Take of the Calx of Mars made into a Parte xnxh Mercury \). pounds: o£ P^enm iv. pounds: o( Sa- turn iv. pounds : mix thefe without Ferment, and boil the mixuire for feven days, and you will find the whole dry. Fix it rnd put it (together with half its weight of Litharge beaten into Pouder) into a reducing Furnace, and you will find a body of great profit. CHAP. V. Of Sol, or Gold. I. COL is the pureft of all Metals, and the very perfefti- ^ on of the Mineral Kingdom, at the wlwch, all our pains, labours and endeavours aim. II. This Gold of it felf is dead and without force or power, but being quickned, and enlivened, it has an in- ward feminating or germinating property, which being raifed and brought forth by its innate life ( till now lockt lip) can dilate it felf C having a fitting Womb to receive it J into ten thoufand times its own quantity ; and thereby tranfmiue or change the Mercurial property (which is in- deed immature Gold) of all Metals into its own nature and kind. III. This imntatme Gold in the bodies of all Metals would have come to perfe6tion oF its own accord, had it been ennobled with a fufhcient fulphur, lite and heat, to have caufed fuch a natural fermentation and excretion of the abounding filth anddrofs, in which the fo fmall par- ticles and Atoms of the Seminal Golden property was latent, or buried. IV. The quickning of the inward life of this Metal is folcly done by the help of the Seed of Metals, to wit, Mercury^ Chap. 6. 0/ Venus, or Copper. 4$ 5 Mercury, but^ how or after what manner we fhall mor^ plainly (hew in Cha^. 12. following V. Sol is thus prepared. Take Sol beaten into thin Plates, or rather Leaf Gold, and with them and Com- mon Salt prepared, make Lay upon Lay in a VeiTel of Calcination, which fet into a Furnace and calcine well for three days,untillthe whole be fubtilly calcined ; then take it out, grind it well, wafli it with Vinegar, and dry it in the Sun, afterwards grind it well with half its weight of Sal-Armoniack, cleanfed from its common or Sea-Salt; fet it to be diiTolved, untill the whole (by the benefit of the Salt) be diiTolved into a mofi clear wa- ter : this is the precious Ferment for the Red Elixir, and the tme body made Spiritual. VI. Take Gold diifolve it in its own water, and de- C06I and prepare it, by boiling it away to a third part ; then expofe it to the Air,and let it in Balneo or in Dun^ for certain days ; then will it be the Oil of Gold ; lo will the Ferment of Sol be perfect for the Red, which keep forufe. CHAP. VL Of Venus, or Copper. I. ^EtiHS is the fineft of the bafe Metals, and contains ' more of a Golden Sulphur than them all. II. She is Whitened, and made like unto Silverj by calcining it with Butter of the Daughter of Luna, and Sah of Tartar, and tiien reduced by Saturn, and being often melted and extinguilhed in the faid Butter. III. Or thus. To the afore reduced Kfw/if^, being melted add (for an ounce of Venm^ two penny weight of our fixed Mercury. IV. She is made of a Golden colour by often changing the calx (calcined with the Son of Sattsrn) in the SpiiiL of Antimony, Zink, Lapis Calaminarls, and Laprs Tutia : then reduced by being melted with a lliliicient qiuuiitv' of Lapis Tutia, and ten or twelve times malted, ani quenched in the aforefaid Spirit. VI. Her 4S5 Tolygraphiea Lib. Vlf. V. Her Silver is extracted as tliat of Tm by the Third SeEi. of Chap. 3. Or thwy calcine her with Butter of the Daughter of Luna , to which calx adjoin the calx of Lma and^ and reduce with Saturn. VI. Her Gold is extracfled thus : Calcine her with the Son of Saturn : then calcine Lima with the fame alfo r put both thefe calxes together and calcine for three days with the Son of Saturn inixt with Tellm ; to which aad the Calx of Sol calcined with the fame Son of Saturn , j4nai put all together and calcine them for twenty four hours, reduce them with Antimony j keep them all in a melting heat for three days, then take it forth,and quench it being melted ten or twelve times in the tinging and fixing Spirit of Lapis Calaminarisy Antimony and Zink, Ana. This is very proftahic, and not difficult to perform ; it way he done alfo (at before J rtithom ealcination. VII. yenus is made of a Silver colour thue. Take Merairy fublimate,and a proportionable quantity of phi- loio^Yiick Sal-Armoniack; add Vinegar, and let them boil together: in this quench Auricalcam or Copper (being heat red hot) and it will become white like Silver. VIII. She is made of a Gold colour thus. Take Cop- per, Lapis Calami/iarisy ot each halt an ounce ; Lapis Tutia I}, drachms: let the Copper be firft heat red hot and cxtinguillied 2 or 3 times in Urine : do the like with the Lapis Calimanans and Tu:ia : To the Copper thus pre- pared add Honey half an ounce, boil them together till the Honey becomes black and dry : which take and beat with the Lapis Calimanaris and the Tutia^ then mix all together by melting, and you have your dcfire. IX. She is whitened thus. With purified and reduced Litharge mix fuMmied Arfenick ; and cait it upon Copper in fufion ; it whitens it veiy well. X. Or thu^. Mix Silver and Copper together ; and upon that mixture call the Whitening medicine. For the Silver is a greater friend to Arjenick, than any other Metal ; it alio takes away fradVion from it, XI. Or thtts. Upon a mixture of f^enus and Dora melted caft pieces of iliblimed Arfenick^ and Afcnnry : They arc better in pieces than Pouder, bccaufe the Pon- der coniumes and vanillies Iboncr, or before it can do its opciauon. XII. Take CAdp. 6, 0/Vcnus, or Copper. 487 Xn. Take Mercury precipitate, and Copper ca.\cincdy diflblye each a part in diflblving Water and mix the dif- folutions together j. coagulate , and put the whitening Medicine on it, and it will be exactly like Silver. XIII. Or thus. Take Mercury precipitate, and Li- tharge, diiToh'E each a part : joyn thefe folutions in one : then take the Calx of the Body you intend to whiten, difTolve it: ;oyn all thefe together ^ coagulate, and re- duce with Borax. . XIV. Or thai. Take Qaici-fflver, fliblime it fo often from precipitate Merctay ^ till it be fixed in it, and fprouts forth, put this upon melted Copper , and it will be very wliite. XV. Or thfis. Diflblve I^^fA'/zffr and Litharge in a proper diiToIving Water : joyn thefe folutions together 5 and by thefe the fubftance ot Copper will be whitened. XVI. Or thus. It is alfo whitened with lublimed Arfenkh : Take Calx of Copper , mix it with fiiblimed Arjenkk. Reiterate the Sublimation, and continue it till the Arfenick flay with it : this will be the more eafie and firm if a quarter part of the Calx of Silver be added to the faid Calx of Copprr. XVII. Orthns. Put the i\Muxitdi Arfenicl to the Sil- ver ; and then the whole upon the Copper, and it will be excellently whitened: Or mix Litharge, or Calx of Lead diifolved with Silver, put tliis upon Arfenick ; and laflly caft all this mixture on the Copper Body and it will be very white. XVIII. To Prepare Copper. Cement very thin Plates of f^enas with Common Sale well cleanied in a Cruci- ble, covered and well luted, for 24 hours : this cementa - tion repeat (fcraping oif wiiat is caianed) till all the Plates are confumed. Grind this Calx to a moft fubtil Pouder and walli it with Vinegar, till ir comes from it colourlefs : imbibe it again with Salt and Vinegar,giind, and calcine in an open Veifcl for 3 days; takeicoui, grind, and waih well with Vinegar, dry. and add haii Its weight in Sal- Armouiack, grind till \i is imp:ilpabif> and expofe it to the Air to be diifolved, adding Itill frelh Sal-Armoniack if need ihall be, till the v.-hole be maoc Water. Tliis is the Water of the fixed Sulphur of f'^i- flHS. CHAP, 488 Pol/^rdphieef. Lib. VU. CHAP. vn. Of Mercury or Quickfllver. I. 'XM^'^o is the Roct of" Metals, and pureimma- aVI turatc G:ild. n. By this the Body of Sol is opened thus : make an Amalgaina of Sol and Alercury fo long till the Mercury will f^valbw up no more : leparate and you fliall find your Gold likeEanh newlv broken up: tins Gdd being put into the iWeetOil o: Salt becomes more perfectly dilTolred, which being dialled till it comes ever the Hslm will anfxver your intenton : but there is a more noble and excellent way of opening of the Body of Gold which here v»-e may not declare, yet in its due and con- venient place l"hall be mankeft, and that is only by the help of a perfect fweet, or rather infipid THen.incPft. III. To mak.! oar -xhitt Mtrasj ; This is only done by a fimple dilTolution in the aforeiaid 'in(%^'xd nan tr-Aum. By this white Aia-y^ ; is Coppa- made of a durable white, after a thouland meltings. IV. To n-iki onr nd Mtrcitry ; This is done by a dif- folution of the Spirit of Tdlus, and then tinged by the Mineral Spirit cf the Grape : and laftly ^xtd h :ht gran, Sriri: 3-' Venus. Tl)is Ttill ^rr-titly unite rritb Gold, never more to be feparated by all the Art of Man. V. Take Q^.ck-jiher 2 or 3 times purified with Sal- Armoniack and Urine ; put it into a Crucible over a tem- perate Fjre J %vhen it waxes hot, put prepared Jupiter thereon as much, and augment the Fire by degree?, till the Flame grows blew : make the Fire then ftronger, and blow a little : when you fee it begins to give ever fnioaking, take it trom the Fire, and you will find your Silver a'>nfiierably Augmented. VI. Take Sulphur of Ven'^.-^ pure, red, and fixed, but mel: n^ like Wax: cart it upon purified Aferr^y m a iult proportion, and in a fit heat j and the Aiercury will become good Gold. VII. r# Chap. 7. O/'Mercury, w Quickfilver. 489 VII. To harden Qmck-filver. It is done with the fiimes of either Saturn oijttpner. Melt Jftpttr, and when it begins to be cold, make holes in it, and put youi QHtck- filver therein, and it will be hardned j which being re- peated often, will be the more firm. VIII. Take Mercury and Salt-Peter, ana ; beat them into dufl, put them mto a Glafs well Luted, over a gentle Fire for 2 hours : augment the Fire, till the Imoaking ceafes; after the fmoak comes a Flame, out of the neck of the Glafs, and the Mercurial Sulphur re- mains in the bottom, as it were white and fixed. Take it out, and add to it an equal quantity of Sal-Armoni- ack J beat them to a P9uder and mix them well ; fub- lime, firft in moderate Fire j then in aftronger ; fo con- tinuing for 4 hours : take this fublimate, and fublime it again with its /^^cf; 6 times, fowill the Sulphur remain in the bottom of the Veffel: take it, beat it to Pouder, and on a Marble, let it refolve to an Oil : This is Sul- phur of Aiercury for Tranfmutation. IX. Take purified Quick-fiver ij. ounces; Leaf-fihsr j. ounce : make an Anialgama, and let it lUnd 7 days, then fublime therefrom the Silver, walh it in Water clean, and dry it. Take this Calx of Silver and^'" "">lre it in Aipa fords ^ and evaporate to drynefs ; mir 'ry Calx with Borax, and melt it into a Mafs ; of this Silver and mix it with the like weight of ime Gold and you have a prepared Body to be tinged of a Gold colour : Make of this an Amalgama with ten times its weight of purified Quick- filver : Abitrail the Silver, and you have a porous Body, fit to receive the tinging Me- dicine. X. The Ferment of Ferments. It is made for the white after this manner. Take Ferment of Lma with its Oil (at Chap. 8. Se[i. 6. and j.J add to it twice as much Arfenick, lublimed and diifolved in its proper Water ; then to both thefe add Mercury, diiToh'-ed as much as the Arfenick : Mix the Waters and fet them over a Fire for one day to be incorporated : then draw off the Water by an Alcmbick , and Cohobate it 15 times; fo inceratintr, it will be fluid as fufible Wax. Add as much melted Wax, commix, and proje6t upon J/^rf«ry walhed, as you defile. v'^" XI. Thi 4 Jo Polygrdfhices Lib. VII. XI. The Ferment of Ferments for the Red. Diflblve Sol in its own water ; ^add to it Sulphur, diflblye it in the lame water 2 parts: Mercury diliblvcH 3 parts: let all be truly diffolyed into a moft clear water, which being mixt boil for one day, that they may be Fermented, draw d^i cohobate the water 1 5 times : Incerate wi^h yellow Virgins Wax, with half its weight of Oil of Blood or Oil of Eggs : then projedl upon Crude Mervny, and you lliall have your defire. CHAP. VIII. O/Luna. or Silver. I. T XJnd is the meaneft of the fine or pure Metals, ^n(J •*-' (^as it were) vnhite Gold. But Luna differs from Gold, more tlian in the coloiu: onlyj vU. in Weiglit too, and that very (;opfidera- bly. " II. She is tinged of a Golden colour by our red Mercf^ ry (c^' 41 'd per je for 2S days in a Pelican or other con- veriient \'eirel, till fuch time as the faid Mercury will endure the llrongett Fire) the yellow colour this Mercury gives is fixtd. III . Her Gold is exadily extrafted by the method deliver- ed in Ch'ap. 6. ScEi. 6. Or thus. Take Sol, Luna., J^enus^ of each a likequan- ty ; melt them together, and keep them in fufion for 7 euiys: then take them forth, and by the Refiners Art leparate the Gold ; you will find your Gold (if you have been careful in the Operation) to be augmented nearly an fixteenth part. ., '' . IV. Or thus. Calcine her with the Son* of S^tttfm^ to which add our red Mercury ^ ana. put all into Oil of Salt tor ten or twelve days; heat it red hot, and ex- tinguiGi in Oil of Flints or Sand ten times ; to this Caixaddof ^nt Lapis Tutia, ana. reduce all and feparate with Antimony. V. Take Sal-Armoniack ij. pound ; purified fiom 2ts Common or Sea Salt: pure Vermilion i. pouml: Grind them again togetliei and fublime 6 or 7 times : then Chap. 9. OfMetds. 4(^1 then lay the Vermilion on a Marble ftone to diflblvf. into Water, which keep for your Work. Take pieces of ficefli Vermilion iij. ounces wet it in the former water, and afterwards in the Glair of Eggs : and roul it in tlw filings of fine Silver \). ounces, fo often till it has take« up all the ij. ounces of Silver. Put thefe in a firm Iron Pot, which may be clofed with a ttrong Screw : put it into a Furnace, give Fire by degrees, and incrcafc it gradatim to the higheft degree, continuing it fo for a Philofophical Month, and you will have a Medicine for Tranfmutation of Copper into Silver, which being try'd upon the Teft with Lead, will prove good at all Aflays. _ VI. The Preparation of Luna. Lnna or Silver is fiib- tilized , or attenuated, and reduced in manner as is above faid of Sol. Therefore in all and every part of this Work, do the fame in its Subtilization, as you did with the Gold : And this water of Luna is the Ferment for the white Elixir. VII. DifTolve Lma in its own Corrofive water, which water boil away to a third part ; then expofe it to the Air, or fet it in Balneo, or in Dung for certain days ; fo liave you Oil of Lma, and the Ferment for the white Perfedled. C H A P. IX. Of the Accidents of Meuls, I. T^ O make Iron of a Gold colour. ^ Take Alum of Melancy in Pouder, Sea- Water ) mix them : then heat the Iron red-hot, and quench it in the fame. II. To make. Iron of a Silver cohnr. Take Pouder of Sal-Armoniack, unflack*d-Lime, mix and put them into cold water, then heat the />o« red-hot, quench it therein, and it will be as white as Silver. III. To [often Steel to ^rave upon. This is done with a Lixivium of Oak-alhes and un- flak'd-Lim.e,,l?y caliipgthei'f^/ijico itj ajiid letting i| reiiKiia 492 Pofygraphfcef Lib. VII. remain there fourteen days. Or thus, Take the Gall of an Ox, Man's Urine, Verjuice, and juice of Nettles, of each alike, mix them ; then quench 5fff/ red-hot there- in four or live times together, and it will become very foft. IV. To harden Iron or Steel. Quench it fix or feven times in Hogs blood mixed with Goofe-greafe, at each time drying it at the fire before you dip it again, and it will become very hard and not brittle. V. To folder on Iron. Set the Joynts of Iron as clofe as you can, lay them in a glowing Fire, and take of Venice-G\2Lk in Pouder, and the Iron being red-hot, call the Pouder thereon, and it will folder it felf VI. To connterfeit Silver. Take Ci^^ftal Arfcnick vii; ounces, Tartar vj. ounces, Salt-Peter ij. ounces, Glafsj.ounce and an half, lubli- mate half an ounce: make them feverally into fine Pouder and mix them : then take iij\ Pound of Copper in thin Plates, which put into a Crucible (with the former Pouder firamm Jnper jfratuw) to calcine, covering it and luting it fbongly, let it ftand in the Furnace for about eight or ten hours : then take it out, and (being cold) Ireak the pot, and take out all the Matter, and melt it wiih a violent Fire, carting it into fome Mold. Then take Purged Brafs i|. pound, of the former metal j. pound ,• melt them together, cafting in now and then, ibme of the aforefaid Pouder, after which add half as much of fine Silver melting them together, and you have that wliich is defired ; Laflly^ To make it as white as Silver, boil it in Tartar. VII. Another way to counterfeit Silver. Take purified Tin viii. ounces, Quick-Silver half an ounce, and when it begins to rife in the firfl heat, take Ponder of Canthandes, and calt into it, with a lock of Hair, that it may burn in it; being melted put into it the Pouder atbrelaid, then take itfuddenly from the fire, and let it cool, VIII. To p«/r^f Brafs. It is clcanfetror purged, by carting into it when it is mcltetl, broken Glais, Tartar, Sal-armoniack and Salt- peter, each of them by turns, by little and little. IX. T9 Chap. 9. Of Metals, 495 IX. To tinge Lead of a Gold colour. Take purged Lead one pound, Sd-Armoniacly in pou- der, oae ounce, Salt-peter half an ounce, Sal Elebrot two drams ; put all irito a Crucible for two days, then add to it Sulphur of Sol, and it will be throughly tinged. X. To purge Lead. Melt it at the fire, then quench it in the fharpett Vine- gar ; melt it again and quench it in the Juice of Celan- dine ; melt it again, and quench it in Salt-water : then in Vinegar mixed with Sal Armoniack : and laitly melt it and put it into Ailies,and it will be well cleaii- fed. XI. To Make Lead of a Golden colour. Put Qiiick-filver one ounce into a Crucible, fet it over the fire till it is hot, then add to it of the beft leaf- gold one ounce, and tnke it from the nre, and mingle it with purified Lead melted one pound ^ mingle all well together with an Iron Rod, to which put of the filtrated lolution of Vitriol of Sol in fair water one ounce ; then let it cool, and it will be of a Gold colour. Diifolve tr.e Vitriol in its equal weight of water. XII. To take aiy,ay the ringing and fcftnefs of Tin. Melt the Tin, and cad in fome Qiiick-filver, remove it from the fire, and put it into a Glals Retort, with a large round Belly, and a very long Neck ^ heat it red hot in the fire, till the Mercury fublimes, and the Tin remains at bottom 3 do thus three or four times. The • fame may be done by calcining of ,it three or four times, by which means it will looner be re.i-hot than melt. XIII. To take away the foftnefs, and creaking noife of Tin. This is done by granulating of it often, and then re- ducing it again, and quenching it often in Vinegar and a Lixivium of Salt of Tartar. The creaking noiie is ta- ken away by melting it feven or eight feveral times, and quenching it in Boys Urine, or elfe Oyl of Walnuts. XIV. To take aw.ay the deaf found of Tin. Tliis is done by dilfolving it in Aquafortis over a gen- tle fire, till the water tiy away ; doing thus fo long till ic is all turned to a Calx -, 'which mixed with Calx of" Silver, and reduced, performs the work. N n XV. To 494 Polygraphices Lib. VII. XV. To r»ah that Tin crack not. Take Salt, Hony, of each alike, and mijS them : melt 'your Tin, and put it twelve or more times into it, then ftrain out the Tin, and it will purge and leave crack- ing ; put it into a Crucible, which jute, and calcine it four and twenty hours, and it will be like Calx of Gold. XVI. To tale arvay the hrhtlenefs of any Metal. Firft calcine it and put it under dung, then do thus ; when it is red-hot at the fire, or melted, quench it often in Aqua vit grow by little and little, which is wonderful and plea- lant to behold. XXI. To make the Golden Tree of the Philofophers. Take Oyl of Sand or Flints, Oyl of Tartar per deli-' quiu'/Tiy of each alike, mix them well together ,• then dif- lolve Sd in Aqua Regis, and evaporate the Menftrmrn, dry the Calx by the hre, but make it not too hot ( for then it will lole its growing quality ) break it into little bits ( not into pouder) which bits put into the aforeiaid Liquor, a fingers breadth one from another in a very clear glafs, keep the Liquor from the Air, and let the Calx fiand {till, and the bits of Calx Vvill prdently begin to grow : firil fwell \ then put forth one or two iiems j then divers branches and twigs, lo exadlly, as you cannot but wonder to fee. Where note, That this growing is not imaginary hut real. XXII. To make the Steel Tree of the Philofophers. Dilfolve Steel in redlified Spirit or Oyl of Salt, fo Triall you have a green andfweet iolation, fmelling like Brim- Kone ; filter it, and abllraft all the moifture with a gen- tle heat, and there will dittil over a Liquor as fweet as rain water, ( for Steel by reafon of its drynefs detains the Corrofivenefsof the Spirit of Salt whidi remaineth in the bottom, like a blood-red mafs, and it is as hot on the tongue as fire;) diflblve this blood-red mafs in Oyl of N n 2 Flints 49^ Pol^graphices Lib. VII. Flints or Sand, and you fhall fee it grow up in two or three hours like a Tree with ftem and branches. IfyoH prove this Tree at the Tej}, it mil yield zood Goldy vhich it dravaeth from the Oyl of Sand or Flints', thefaidOyl leing ffill of a pnre Golden Snlphnr. XXIII. To mah Oyl of Flints or Sand. Take of moft pure Salt of Tartar in fine pouder twen- ty ounces, fmall Sand, Flints, Pebbles, orCryftals in fine pouder five ounces, mix them ,• put as much of this as Avill fill an Egg-lThell into a Crucible, fet it in a Furnace, and make it red-hot, and prefently there will come over a thick and white Spirit; take out the Crucible whilft it is hot, and that which is in it, like tranfparent glafs, keep from the Air ; after beat it to pouder, and lay it in a moill: place, and it will diflblve into a thick, fat Oyl, which is the Oyl of Flints, Sand, Pebbles or Cryftals. This Oyl precipitateth Metals^ and mahs the Calx there more heavy than Oyl of Tartar doth ; it is of a Golden Nature, and extra^is, Colours from all Minerals ; it is fixed in all fires, r/jdketh fine Cry/fals, and Borax, and matnrateth imperfe^ Metals into Gold. XXIV. To melt Afetals quickly. Take a Crucible, and make in it a lay or courfe of the pouder of any Metal, then lay upon it a lay of Sulphur, Salt-peter, and Saw- dull:, of each alike mixed togetlier, put a coal of fire to it, and the Metal will immediately be in a mafs. XXV. He that fhall obferve the work and reafon of the Silver, Golden and Steel Trees, may in like manner proiuce the like out of the Calx of other Metals. XXVI. To whiten Silver, 6irc. Silver Vcffcis or Inltrumcnts boiled with Salt, Alum, and Tartar, gives them that whitencfs and clcarncls, which they would Icarcely be brought to by Brulhing, Puuiice-ftone, or Putty : old fuUied pieces may be bro'jglit in a trice to the like fairnefs, by the help of warm^i.y;w- fortis. XXVII. To Blanch Venus. T'AkQ u^rfenick eight ounces : Sal-nitre, white Tartar, of each two ounces, Borax one ounce : being in fine pou- der. Cement rcnni therewith, by laying thm plates, lay upon lay, after 48 hours, of a Cementing heat ( the Cru- cible being Itrong, well ftopt, or covered and luted ilrongly ) Chap. 9. Of Metals, 497 flrongly ) encreafe the fire, and caufe it to melt all down together. XXVIII. Another way to do the fame. Sublime rafped or granulated 'Jupiter with Nitre into flowers, of which take one ounce : Mercury fublimate as much ; diffolve each in Aqua fortis : mix the folutions, and evaporate, or draw off to drynefs. One ounce of this pouder will blanch four or five ounces of Venm^ without ever Tarnifliing. XXIX. Another rriay to do the fame. I. Take White Wine Vinegar, itrong Lye made of Wood Afiies, fo ftrong as to bear an Egg, of each four pounds : Sulphur, Hogs-blood, of each one pound i pou- der the Sulphur, mix altogether, and digcft in an Earthen pot clofe covered for eight days, then drain it. 2. Take f^entio eight pounds : melt it and quench it in the afore- faid Lye : melt it again, and quench again ; this do for four times, fo will ihtVenm be in raeafure prepare J. 3. Take white Arfenid, Sheeps-iuet tried, of each a pound : white Lead four ounces : boil all together in a Kettle, continually (Hrring them, till they boil to a pou- der, which keep for ule. 4. Take the atore. prepared Venus^ melt it now a fifth time, to which put of your prepared pouder of Arfenid, a little and a little at a time, by eiegrees, ( the F&nm being firft melted ) (iiiring it wnth a wooden (tick, till it is dillblved in the Metal, then catt it into a clofe Ingot. The former rou.ler will ferve for eight pounds of Fir of Sol or L<:fna, a quarter of an ounce; and of the Spirit iv. ounces ; put all of them into the U- rinal, and put on its Head or Cover, with a Receiver well clofed or luted. XXIII. Dirtil the Water from it with a molt foft Fire, :jnd there will come off the firft time ylmoft iii. ounces : Put the Vv^iter on again, without moving the Urinal, and diftil it again, until no more Liquor will diftil ; which do fix or fevcn times, and then every thing will be firm. Then fet the fame Urinal in Horle-dung itven days, and by the virtue and fubtlcty of the heat, it will be converted into Water. XXIV. Diftil Chap. 12. Of thePhilofophersStojie. 41 1 XXIV. Diftilor filter this Water with ftripes or Qireds of Woollen Cloth j a grofs part will remain in the bot- tom, which is nothing worth ; all that which is pafTed through the Filter congeal, which will be about iv. or V. ounces ; and fave it. When you have congealed it three times, melt x. ounces of moft fine SolotLma, and when it is red hot, put upon it iv. ounces (fome fay xiij. ounces) of this Medicine, and it will be all true and good Medicine. XXV. Likewife melt Borax and W.ix, ana j. ounce, to which put of the former Medicine j. ounce -, put all thefe upon Mercury^ or any other Metal, iij. pound, and it will be moft fine Sol or Luna^ to all Judgments and AlTays. Thus have I ended this Proccfs, in vvhich, if you have any Pradice or Judgment, and know how to follow the Work, you may nnil'h or compleat it ia forty days. This Procefs is under a Vail, yet there is indeed mucH to be learnt out of it. CHAP. XII. Of the Smlities of the Philofophers Stone. I. f\^ what Qualities the Philofophers Stone confifb, ^^ I hold it neceifary to make a ihort and true In- formation, though one or more may know it aheady ; however, the Coniequence is this : If this thing be right- ly and plainly underftood, then one finds himfelf near the Scope, and can eafily judge, whether the Matter handled, and the imagined Subje6l contain all the nc~ cellary Requifites, you will not then go to work after an unskilful manner, and commit it to Succels. II. He that hath not the following Properties together in one _Mafs or Centre, or only gueifcth that they are there, is truly far from the mark, and Shooteth at the white, ^ whicti he doth not fee, and will have the lels hope of it. III. Therefore let none dream, that he hath accom- j)lilli5;d the Art, or that he can compafs the Stone in a O o 3 Ihort ^14 OftheVhiloJophersStotti, Lib. V If. Ihort time, or any particular, whilft yet he doth not know, what Qiuatities or Properties the Stone or the particular Tin<^ure muft have ; if he knoweth neither the beginning nor middle, how can the end then be known to him ? IV. Thofe could beft teftify of it, who hate fcen a Tindure with their Eyes, and have felt it with their Hands ; and do know that this noble Pearl is not .a vain and foolilb work, as many ignorant Perfons fuppofe. V. It is fuch a work, which tranfmuteth really all inferior Metals into pure or fine Gold, or Silver, it fud- denly penetrates all the parts of Mans Body, and refto- reth the defects of Nature, and bring? Health again, in fuch manner, that Man may rather be amazed at, than only admire it. VI. And hereby it is manifeftly feen in the tranfmu- tation of Metals, how the Tincture is a tranfcendent fixed J>ibihi/?ce, -which can far lefs be deftroyed by any Element, than Gold, but the Tinclure in it felt is the tranfcendent- ly pcr.ed: Eflence of Gold; nor is there any thing com- parable to this precious Jewel, in refpedt of the ingrefs into other Metals. VII. And though many fluid things are in Vegetables, as Wax and Oyl ; in the Minerals, Sal Tart art, Sal E- lebro;, Mercuric SublimatUi ; in the Metalline Bodies, Tiiui, Lead, Wifmuth, Antimonia, Zinick, and the ]ike ; yet all thefe are not comparable to this not in the leart degree. VIII. A likenefs, fimile, or example, may be given thus: if you melt one pound of Lead, and put into it one dram of Gold or Silver, the Lead receivctn that Bo.iy io, that afterwiud in the leafl quantity of that Lead, this dram of Gold or Silver can be found effimated in tl";e proof. IX. Now if this can be done io fuddcnly and eafily in a mean or bafe Metal, what wonder is it, if the eter- nally fixt and fluid Medicine fhould do the like? On the other fide, let Men open their Eyes, and fee, whither the Salts, Tartar and Mercury, or the mentior.ei Mnierals, penetrate fo, and mingle with the Body s radically. X. Though all the requifites be in this Tincture, yet it it Avanted only the ingrefs, then lurely all hopes would be lolt : Therefore thole deal fooliilily, wliich intend to coaguUie Chap. 12. Of th^ 'Bhilofo^hrs Stont, 515 cpagij^ite the Spirit of Vitriol, Tcn;^, &c. with all forts of Salts to a fixt Mafs. XI. And though a fixation llioukl appear to thein, yet it would not be equal to one atome, in comparKon of our Salamander, and they will Hill want the mod ne- celTary thing, namely the ingrels. XII. Though other things, as Wax arid Butter, be fluid, yet their fluidnefs is not comparable with the fluidnefs of Metals, the one mingleth not with the other, but IWims on the top, burns away, evaporateth, and tumeth to nothing. XIII. If none could meet with fiich Dire6lions or In- (Irudions in the Writings and Books of the truly Learned in this Art, out of what Kingdom the true and only Me- dicine ihould be made, or taken, yet he may perceive it out of this Difcourfe : but the Books of all Philolophers are full and clear to the fingle Eye, which inform, that like muft be affociated or ioyned unto its like. XIV. Again, this noble Pearl mull: have a liiltiili penetrating nature, and be endued with all the Ihengths ot the four Elements. XV. If it lliall diffolve in any Liquor, and in a mo- ment divide it felf in the Human Bo ly into all the Ar- teries and Blood, then it muft not be likened unto any thing in the World, but only unto Salt or Sugar. XVI. Our S.'ibjetlHm mult be colder than Ice, and yet hotter than Fire, becaufe it muft temper the extream hotBodysof J^^?.f and yenns^ and tranlmutc them into the molt like proportioned fabltance 01 Gold ; and a£;ain, it muft heat the molt cold Bodys oF Lead and of Silver, io as that they may never return to their former fiitc a- gain. / XVII. Now, though this may feem incredible tomoft, tliat in one only fiibitance all the quaUties of the Ele- ments lliould meet togechir, and be joyned together in one tye or covenatit : yet it is not ftrar.gc to thole, who fee how their matter or iubltance containeth all things : and how it is a V/atcr asid yet no Water, how the Earth fr^immeth on the Water j how the Earth is Water and no Water. XVIII. And alfo, how the Air is our Mafia, and how our Earth is a mcer Fire, according to Hermes his laying, O 4 whsn i; 1 6 Of the Philojophick Work. Lib. VII. when he faith, the Wind or the Air doth carry it in its Belly. XIX. Laftly, in this our moft noble Bird or Phsnixy there arc all the Heavenly and Earthly Vertues or Strengths, becauie it is generated out of the moft Volatile and the molt fixed fubftance. XX . Heaven is the Father, and the Earth is the Mother, ivhich are revealed, when Heaven joyneth with the Earth, and our Solar and Lunar Child is Born. XXI. But many will fay to this, as unlikely as Hea- ven can be brought to the Earth, fo unlikely is this Phi- lofophcrs Stone to be had : As the one is impofllble, fo is the other a Deceit and Lye. XXII. But to anfwer this in fhort : we have no need of the vifible Heaven and Earth, but of their Powers. For as the Moon worketh on Man, Beafts and Vegeta- ble?, by her Power, and is not prefent or near them : fo is it here alfo. XXIII. The Moft High hath replcnilhed our Heaven with all Heavenly Powers, and our Earth with all Earth- ly Powers, io that no more need be faid hereof. Yet wc lliall fpeak further of this matter in the profecution of our Dilcourfe : though now we let 'it reft, lliewing by this little in few word?, the Properties of the true Philo- fophick Stone of the Ancients. XXIV. Others fee whither their Operations be uni- form G-r no, and whither their Principles be fo too ; that they be not impure or unfenriceable to the work they de- fign them for, which requires the higheft homogenity and fixity. XXV. He that taketh exa6l heed to himfelf here, and pondereth all well which we Ihall Difcourle, he may judge firmly and truly of any Procefs which he hears, whether it be true or not,' and whether the dcfircd and hoped for end may be obtained or no. CHAP. XIIL Chap. 1 J. Of the Fhtlofofhers Stone, ^i 7 CHAP. XIII. Of the matter of the Fhilofo^hers Stone. I. CEcondly, what is the matter of the Stone ? Here you *^ may remember, what innumerable opinions there are concerning this one point. Some think becaufe this Medicine is Univ^erfal, therefore it is and it mutt be found every where, and can be made out of every thing, elfc tlie name cannot be proper for it. II. Another defends the contrary: This they do becaulc they have not the knowledge of the matter, and this is one of the greatett Errors ; For if Men fail or err in this point, then furely they err in all the rett. III. It is remarkable, and I tettify it upon my Con- fcience, as often as I have difcourfei with feveral Men, tho' profoundly Learned, yet I heard them talk of this point varioufly and the clean contrary way, and I could never perceive of any, tha.t they were within the pale of Truth. IV. Every one imagined to himfelf a matter, which he defended afterward in the beft manner ; at latt I heard lo much, efpecially of the moft skilful in this noble work, that nothing can be reported from their Opinions : muchlefs, becaufe it is Univerial, they thought no one thing could be preferred before the other. V. Here lyeth the caufe of the great difficulty in at- taining unto this high Secret, as alio by reafon of Mans unthankfulnefs and evil concupifcence, the one con- founding the other, as it was at the Building of the Tow- er 0^ Babel y where the one hindreth the pLirpofe and in- tention of the other ; fo that the Mytteries of this Science cannot be revealed unto them. VI. Greatly w^as this point darkned, but may eafily be refolved, yet hardly believed : the uiott are of opinion, he that nameth the matter by nauic, iu this work, is the greatett Seducer ; yet Theophrafics and others did no;: ftick to nominate the Matter or Subjcd to be the Minera Solis, Lun^ et Saturai. » yiL Though 5 1 8^ Ofphe Phtlofiphen Sfont. |,ib, VIL VII. Though they ufed herein no ambiguitie, yet io many judgments were given upon their Writings, that all believed, th^iTheophrajiw and Bcfdiiu had never the true Univerfal Tindhire. VIII. But fuch Calumniators were never in the Phi- lofophical School, nor underftandany thing of their My<» fterious Writings, which is the reafon why they cannot imagine how the one is three, three five, and five one ; or how two are four, and four are two. IX. Nor will they grant that this Secretum is the work of Women, and Childrens Play j nor that the Poor may attain unto it as well as the Rich. X. It would be prejudicial to their deep Intelle6l, if a poor iimplc Creature fhould indeed ("hew the work done with the Hand, before them ; whereas they think not tliat God diltributeth his Gifts wonderfully, even as it pleafes him. XI. In brief, he that will undertake to open the Gate ofMyfteries, with the naked Intelleft, without the illu- mination of Gods Holy Spirit, and without an induflri- ous, careful working, willabfolutely mifs of his end. XII. And here all Underltandingand Reafon is de- fedive, and there is none but mull itand amazed, that God lliould hive ibut up, lockt in, and hid fo deep, this mofl noble Jewel next to the Soul, and that in lb mean a Subjcif, difeftcemed by all Men. XI II. Therefore avoid or meddle not with any Vege- tables, nor yet witli Minerals, fo may you find that to be true, which Theophrajfn^ faid, that there is found in mam' places in Europe^ one Mineral in the Bowels of the Earth, which in theoutfide is marked with the figure of the Addcrocofme, and is in the beginning ^jirnm Sphe- re Solis, or the Tree of Goldy or its Root ; which breaketh or groweth nigh unto the Gold Oar. XIV. This carrieLh its Seed in abundance about it, and is Saturnine^ bcciule it cometh from the Heart of Saturn, and mav well be called Sencx, which the mo(i Ancient and molt Judicious Philolophers, call ihe Father of SAtnrn 5 and have marked it with tliegreateltand moii wonderful Sign, viz.. , XV. They gave it a round circle, which containeth all things, and a direct upright line, and a Diameter coin- ing out of the Center, and then vi'itn a Crofs, which ihcwcth Chip* 1 5. Ofthf Fhilofofhers Stom, 519 fheweth very Great and Mylierious things, as it is fcen in this annexed Figure. $ XVI. The Greateft Potentates and Monarchs have ufed this Sign, as a means of their Felicity and Dominion. For this caiife, ThtophrafluscsAhit Signutn Majoris Mnn-' 4i, and Baftlius calls it the round Ball of the Goddefs For" fmey in which Gold, Life, and the Refurredion dwel- leth, bringing the Salvation of Truth to the Man of God, and is indeed all in all ; the which every Philofbpher may take into further confideration. XVII. But I teftify, that this Sign is at once, the Ma- giftery, beginning, middle and end of the whole Work : and through it, is it difcovercd and publillied ; and it is that in which all, what Men fcek for, and dcfirc to know, is typified and contained. XVIII. NoAv left any be yet fcnipulous, that I keep Men ftill in darknefs, and my declaration is not fuffici- ent,- and that feeing the work is Univerfal, there are of ncceffity more parfs belonging to it : for this caiife, I di- re6l both the one and the other to Philofophers and their Sayings. XIX. And chiefly to FUmellm, who holds theSubjedl to be not only one matter, but fneweth alio, what may be drawn from it, when he faith ; \Jnnm habetur in hoc Aitmdo Afetalln?n, in quo MercmtPi'S mjier feti £qtia hcecno- fira ahunde reperitnr. _ Tabul. paradifi, Know ye, that there is but one thing in all the World, out of which our Art is made. XX. Scndivogii'i-Sy in Tra^. de trihm Principiis : There is but one matter in the whole World, through which, and out of which, the Philofophers Stone can be made. XXI. Though he nominateth two things, as S'/Aphnr and Mercviry^ yet know, that nvo things may be but one, as when I lay, Spirit and Boly is but one, it is rightly faid \ for the Body was a Spirit at iirii:, and by the Ar^ chem was coagulated into a Body. XXII. Therefore Phiiofophersdefire but one m.atter of X)ne Subftance, Avhen they lay, our Body and our Spirit, our Father and our Mother. XXI II. And as Husband and Wife are one Body, one Fleih and Blood, arid from one Seed, yet unlike to the Eye and Generation, and yet are but one ; io is the Spi- rit ^20 Of thePhilofophers ^tone, Lib.VIL rit and the Body one, though they be not like one to a- nother in the outfide. XXIV. Hence it follows, that the firft beginning of this magiitery, is of one bein^ out of two Subitances, of a fix and unfix J that the one is the Seed, and the other is the Womb, the one is the red fixed Man, and the o- ther the white Woman j the one is the Mercury, the o- ther is the Sulphur. XXV. And to make it clearer, under the Name of the Flying Eagle j all that muft be underitood, which Philolophers have called their Aqua Sicca, Mercnrie, Fnnie, Acetum Acerrmum, Aqua AiercHrialis, Spiritpu Mercurii, Mare ficcum, Avis Hermetii, &c. thereby to fleceive the Ignorants. XXVI. But to inform the Underttanding, this Vola- tile Spirit is of a noble quality, all in all, and deferves to be called Spiritm Univerfalts Mandi j but among the Fix, there remained only the name of Corpus Solis, be- caufc it is adorned with the moil equal proportion of all the Elemental Powers and the Itrongeft Strength, and containeth perfeilly as in a Center, the property of all things. CHAP. XIV. ji continuation of the former Difconrfe, I. C\^ this one Body many things may be faid, becaulc ^^ itpreienteth it lelfalfo, fo that one, (unlefshe be fenfelels and ftupid) mufl: admire it as a noble and principal Agent, and a great work of Gotl. II. Befides the Carpus Solis, it is endued with fuch fixity, that it is only for it felf firm, and keeps io; and it is known by experience, it cannot communicate the Jeafi: of its fixednels to its Brethren. III. BcHdes it is known, what tliofc have effected, %vhich divulged fo many Defcriptions how the Anmm Potahile lliould be made ,• and to lay nothing, how that Philofophcrs have quite rejeiled connnon Gold. My in- t.cntion is this, to make known, firit, wliat kind of Gold ia Chap. 14. Of the Fhihf others Stoned 521 is meant, and afterward to diftinguifli, what the Gold is in it felf and its Matrix, then the faid Qucftions will cafily be anfwered, and a new regeneration be granted. IV. I havefpoken afore of twoSubitances in one be- ing in one only matter, and imparted the fame faithful- ly, the one I called Saturnine, or after our Language, Lead Oar, Lead Glafs, Minera Philofophka Satttrnij or magnejia Plumhea. V. The one is as the other, yet the one is more nigh, more excellent, then the other, very fiibtil, penetrating, fluid, volatile, poyfonous, metallin, animal, mineral and vegetable, the principle of all things j out of which are generated Gold and every Metal. VI. It is a Fume, and a Medicament of all Medica- ments, like Sealing Wax, whatever you print it upon, you may have that print again. VII. This is the true Principle of the one Afercftrius CatholicHs Miner aW-, and Genitor oi Sol, and the Mother or Womb of the Gold in tlie ftrength unremoved, on which Nature wrought little, becaulc the little Grain of the Fix'd is yet very fmall in it. VIII. This is the Minera, which is cfteemed for the higheft and greateft Secret, becaufe it hath the qualities of all things, and can be turned into Water, Fire, Air and Earth ; yea, the Effences of all Elements are toge- ther in it. IX. But as the Seed of Gold is fo high and great, fo is the Matrix much higher ; for without that the Gold could not be regenerated, renewed, opened and fhut again -, and made perfect after a tranfcendent way, as Bafilim attelteth, vi^. X. That it is impoffible to make Gold without this Potable Spirit, much lefs can be prepared the Sulphur of Sol with any Corrofive : for this Water excels in its ftrength, as well the great Ocean, becaufe the EfTence of the Water is in it, as alfo'the Fire, in which is the greatcll and ftrongeit Fire, and is fitly enough compared with Cerberus. XI . He faith further, that this Spirit is a fupernatural, volatile Fire, Spirit ; for which caufe, it was called the Sulphureous livm^ Water, which muft exalt the Body of Sol into a Medicine, fo as to get a tranfcendent power tor to tinge his Fellows. XII. And 52^ Ofth Fhilofo^ers Stem, Lib. VH, ' IXHrAnd that never any, either univarfai oi parti- cular TiiKStiire, nor other Univerfal Medicines' can be obtained, without this Sulphureous, Spiritual Being, oj: SpiritHS A4ercMHi. Xm. For no Natural, Heavenly or Eartljly Fire can bum the Body c£ Sol, without tl>is SuilphurcouE, Living File of ours, there isjio Aiiio fubtiJ and pure, which can carry our Body in its Belly, as this Air c*n. XIV. Not any Earth fo qualified, out of wbich this Lyon may be generated, as ours, becaufe it is with the Gold, in refpeit of its principle, uniform, and of one being.; of which more Inall be fpoken hereafter in the Preparation. 5CV. The matter of the SoJar Body, which is as the Fixt is .of a very equal affinity with the Volatile : For the fix'd Blood with the Red. Lyon is drawn from the unfix 'd Blood of the Green Lyon. BeGdes or without this, Uith BafiiiuSy it is impofTible to obtain a new Generation. XVL Thele two Subftances muft be, and can be re- duced again into one, by the help of Vulcan, fo that they never can be feparated again ; and herein Jyeth tlxe greateft and higheft Mattalhip and Science. XVIL Many liave tormented the Gold very ill, ma- king ufe of a Men{hruiun which was not right, and was incongruous, neither did they ufe the legitimate Matrix ; hence it was impofl'ible for them to loqfen or break its faft, firm Bands, and to bring it to its firit Being. XVIIL Many Jiave brought the Spirit oi Salt, Urine, Wine, Sal Armoninck, yhriol, ros r^AJalis, and the like, to make it a calcined Body,or thoiight to open them with common Mercury, but they miifed it -, though they knew, Unsit Am- itm is the Leader, Pnnceps and Moderator omni- um lumnum, et corpcmm rtliqiiorum ; and that its pre- paration mui-t be bit with a true diifolution, cUe no Tni- cture can be obtained. XIX. Yet they were ttill kept ignorant of the noble .Alenfirmm ; ib tliat they begot inikad of Legitunate Children, meerly Baitards. .XX. But if they had known the Prima Materia, viz- the one matter ot" Gold, they would not liave miifai of the only dilfolving water, as'thefirlt matter of the Gold- -He that doth notknon^ this, can never attain to any true preparation of Gold, or of the Philofophick Tinii^ure ; but Chap. 14. Of the Fhihfofhirs Stof2e] ^^ but it is like to a hidden Treafure kept under Lock and Key, he that hath not the Key, mutt let the Treafint alone. XXI. I muft needs confefs, that I my felf have quite defpaired of fuch a dry Menftrmm,^ but by the Grace of God I ^ot an illumination, to dilcern the meaning of the Philofophers dark Sayings, having confidercd that which Bajilim taught, Saying. XXII. If thou canft not find thy Menjirmm, do not defpair therefore, but call in to thy help the Power and Virtue oi Sutttrn, he will not leave thee unrefolved, but he will put an Offering into thy Hand, of a high glitter- ing Minera, which is grown out of the firit matter of all Metals. XXIII. If I had not committed io many Errors in Chymick Proceffes, and wrought in vain, I had not yet attained thereunto : for it is not a fmall matter to get the true Bird oi Hermes truly and ferviceably out of th& One Being. XXIV. Therefore that obje6lion is to no purpofe, that tnany wrought in vain upon Gold, wliich muii: be impu- ted to their ignorance, and not to the.poffibiUty. XXV. But that there Ibould be no more ftrength and vertue in Gold, than it flieweth in its fubftance, and that it could impart nothing to its Brethren in its fub- ftance of his precious Blood, is not to be beUeved ,• for otherv^^fe the Regeneration, Multiplication, yea, and the Tranfmutiition alfo it felf would have been un- known. XXVI. But as this cannot be denied, fo is it pofTible to prove, that Gold is the true Seed of our Tin6ture. XXVII. If any {"hall deny this, I could wilb to fee him, that could defend and demonftrate a more congru- ous and fitter matter. XXVIII. Is it not palpably feen, how grofly thofe did err, which fought for this moft fixed Being out of an o- ther Kingdom, and preferred the lame before this noble Body ? Such could reap nothmg but Shame and Difgrace, who took in hand fuch mean and corruptible po3':fonous things, fir differing and far diflant from the pure, in- corruptible and permanent Nature of Gold. XXIX. They ihould have confidered the Philofophers Sayings, as Smdivogim in 7, Tra^. Thangh thoft hadjr the 5«4 Of the Philofophers Stone, Lib. VIL firft matter of Metals ^ according to the judgment ir faying of Ph ilofophers, yet rrere it impojfible for thee to multiply the fame central Salt without Gold* XXX. Item thefe Verfes. Taie pure Gold refind, ExtraEl its Soul or Mind. Corrode not, but dijfolve. Its Tinclure you involve. Its hands of (ircngth untye. And make the Dead to Dye. Its Body thus dejlroyd. Life comes to he enjoy d. JStU through our hidden Fire, Obtained is your defire. XXXI. And if Baftlnu had known another Ferment, he would not have bid thee in his firft Key to make the Purple Cloathing out of Gold, but perhaps .out of Mars or Venus. For if you Avill meliorate the Fruits of the Tree of Gold or Silver to this inoculating, there muft not be taken any other twigg, but a Solar or a Lunar one. XXXII. Gold alone 'tis true, as alfo'all the Metals, are in themielves dead, fo that it Icems as if the Philo- fophers had reiedled it, and recommended the Philofo- phical one j but a faithful Follower mult fee here, with open Eyes, and learn to undeiftand, that indeed com- mon Gold is dead, and fo long it, is to be rejeded, and and is unierviceable. XXXIII. But when it fliall be radically diffolved with the Philofophical Spirit, or Spiritual Gold, and reduced to its Prima Materia^ and then raifcd with its Amma glorified and tranfcendently perftBed ; then it may be feen whither it will iliew it fclf dead or living. XXXIV. In the mean time let none feek for any o- ther Ferment bcfides this, to the end, that the truth of that Saying may Itand firm, what is lowed will be reap- ed again; and that there is not found in all the World a more fixed Sulphur, (Namely, unto Fermentation^ than tlRri. i^ in the Bodies of Sol and Luna CHAP. XV- Ghap. I> OfthePhilofopbfik Work. J25 G H A P. XV. Of ibt freftttition of the PbUofophtrs Stone, 1* /^ Oncerning the Preparation, I will takeaway front v^ the Reader really all his doubts, and not talk by hcar-fay, as others have done: but I will make known boldly, not Opinions, but an experimental Knowledge, having put my Hands to the Work. IT. r did hope, that I fhould be joyflilly recompenfed for my pains, to the end, that my Fellow Searchers in Nature fliould cftedhially reap comfort thereby; and feerein I was not deceived : but yet at firft this noble Work was cut off and brought to nought ; fo that there was no more left to me, but only a dark or clouded Di- redion, and a Draught or Ocular demonttration. III. But purfuingNature in her own way, I fay and mean by this way, I had caufc to expert a far grcatv^f and abounding reward, then I could have from my So- phifticated Labours j and accordingly it fell out fota me. IV. For although the true dcfired Fixity was not y«t at hand, yet fome feleft pieces in the Proje6lion {"hewed an eminent pofTibility, befides what I had taken notice of at.thediffolution of Bodies in the changing of Coiors. V. Therefore will I communicate now the praclick part feithfully, and more largely or plainly, -than evesr a-ny hatli done before me; and will omit nothing of thg Manuals which- Philofophers, as is apparent, pafs by in filence. VI. As you find in BernhardfU, where he faith ; that he knew many which knew the matter of the Secret, but they knew not the manner of the Preparation. VII. Therefore let every one take heed and have a cars, that he be not feduced by Sophifters, much leis kt hiiu fix any thought on forcible Fires, Aqua Fortis, or othef firange things, as to make his beginning thereby to this Miftery ; for all fiich things will be in vain, VIII. Let him foft be acquainted with the right iTsat- ter, and confjder the beginning, then he will know how P p w? 526 FolygrAphieesl Lib. VII. to proceed, and learn experimentally how he muft finiOi the Work. IX. The fame known and noininatcd matter is found in many places : and it is well faid of it ; that it, or the Stone, which is flung at the Cow, is more worth than tht CGn% X. In the fame is the true only Phllofophers Mercury, in form of a mofl: fair, moft pure and white Pouder, which is called the white Dove, and the Doves of Diana, An'ima Samrniy and tlie Prima Afateria Aietallorum^ which is drawn from the Secunda, of an excellent vola- tile, penetrating Subitance. XI. So that according to its quality, it foaks in as Oil into every Metalline Body, and tmges them in a moment into a white Body, as Theophrajlm faith in Li- Iro Vexat : My Sjm-it is that Water which Joftntth and open- eth all the congealed Bodies of my Brethren. XII. In Medicine it is the greatert centrated Purge, and the Poylbn of the Dragon : if but the 100 part of a Grain be taken, it giveth many Stooles,to admiration. XIII. This white jLilly is not unfitly called the dry Corporeal Water, becaufe it mingleth with Metals, as Water mingleth with Water ; it is alfo the great Salt Sea, ffom -whence Metals have their beginning. XIV. It can be turned alfo into a right natural wet clear Water, like Cryfiial: it is the molt bitter matter^ and can be made to be the fwceteft : and it is the Spirit, which is found dilperfcd every where, and in every thing. XV. About this Preparation many -went to work, but could not hit the trwe w^ay : they had the knowledge of this Mineral, but .they were amazed at the wonderful Operation, and at the appearance of the great variety of Colours therein ; fo that they ceafcd to confider fur- ther of the other Miracles. . ";>1 ■ ■• XVI. Many a judicious Man which followed thtf Let- ter, hath given over there, where he lliould have begun ; many a one came fo nigh to it, that he had the Lilly in his Hand, knew in Ibme meaiure its Virtue, and yet they dclpaired, as not conceiving and believing the great things which it could pertorm. XVII. This noble white Flower is that which they put many Names to, and is obtained by Art, x/;*. the icpa- OtlOR C hap. 15. Of the Philofophers Stone. ^27 ration of the pure from the impure ; but it befools them all, becaufe they knowing that the Kings Bathlliouidbc pure, were mightily offended at the mean form of the Subie6i, and could not comprehend that the Pearl was vailed or hidden, which lyes in it, under flich a poor gray Coat, and with the rankeft Poyfon. XVIII. And becaufe they would be more wife than the Creator himfelf, therefore they invented a multitude c£ A'lenfirmms, thereby to perform the faid Separation, and to get the true Philofophical Mercury, which Zc.eha.- rius calls Flos Soils ; and Ridley and others call it, the Sperme or the QHintejfence of our ftinking Earth, XIX. But their intention being a m^eer invented work, fo there came nothing of it: for to our matter no ftrange thing muft come: which if any fuch Meterogenity is put to it, then is it impure and unieiviceable. XX. In it felf it hath no fuperfluity, but it is altoge- ther like unto a common A4erc'/.ryj to be driven up in a Fume, wliich is the life of Metals : and when this loofeth the leaftintheFire, it is impofllble to open and to bring the Gold therewith into its Prmn Materia, as the Turbo, witnefleth ' ^ XXI. Therefore there is required this Minera at the begiriijng, without the addition of any Itrange thing at all, for the diflblution or Icparation, but only by and of its felt ; out of which, afterward Avith the help o^iTd- can is brought forth its hot Baliam_, that it is in form palpable and impalpable, and yet is it prcfented vifibly 5 fb that nothing more can he required of it. XXII. For which caufe, Philoibphers cry. Our Stom dorh ffihlime ml dijfdve its felf, and doth all it felf. They fay, "that after the ConjunCliOn it is a moff eafie Wcrkj, a V/omans Work, and Childreus Play. XXIII. And'ib they reject altogether thofe, that iifi great Subtilties and divers hlements, and would get ne'.^r Principles : whereas Nature aforehand hath put the mat- ter into the Hand of the Son of Wifdcm, in which is to be found the pure Subftance, or as I m.ay fay, the Fote- /i:;tes or Qitintcffsnce of ths Elements, and the three pute Principles. XXIV. And on tlie ether fide, among tlie Sophiilers t^'ierc arifeth a great doubt, what Nature intended to f'laks of her ilippofedPiindp^-^s? 5tis sw Errcr^ if Ha- "P p 2 twr^l 528 Pofygraphices, Lib. VII. tures be not diftinguiilied and kept in order ; whereas God for orders lake puts every thing into its own place, where it lliould ftand. XXV. Therefore how miferable a thing is it, when an old wife Fool with his opinion banifheth as it were, by his fubtilties, the Truth and real Science out of or from Natures poifibilitv ; and on the other fide leadeth them on impolllble, difficult BufinefTes which he doth not un- derftand, neither hath he any ground for it. XXVI. Many boafl:, that they have the Philofophical Luna and So/, and cannot defend or prove in fadl, what they in words maintain, neither indeed with the Philo- fophers Sayings, becaufe according to the meaning of Rojariusj there is no Sulphur to be found under the Sun, which i? like to the Sulphur of Sol and Lunay XXVII. Underftand here the Fixity of it ; therefore none can call his Sulphur or Mercury in defed o^ Fixity ^ a Sulphur or Mercury of Sol or Luna Ewbryonaied, much lels elemcntated, but he mult be doubtRil iHll, whither it be not ^nArfenicalFumcox a. Real^rijh Sulphur, which IS far off from our red and white Ferment. XXVIII. And it is lufficiently feen now adays, that many cry up for an Aurum potabile, the EfTences of Li- tharge, of Copper, Iron, Tartar, &c. and often a na- turally fallen Rain water Afenflruum, which ftood on a Gold Calx, which was not extraited, and become red of its Iclr', by vertue of putrefadlion ; thefe they fell for a great price to People, tho' a notorious and grand Deceit, and containing no kind of fixed Solar or Lunar Sulphur whatloes'er. XXIX. But it is far other\vife with our Pradica: and though our Subjed of the Mineral Stone containeth the true Philofophical Adercury and S.'dphur, fo that by its Iclt, ffue :i.U addinone vel diminutione, fucha perfect Uni- vciial Medicine can be made of it ; yet the Univerfale Gc.'icraViJJhrjHm is far higher, which is proved thus. XXX. B'jcaufe this Lmpii A'fineraUs doth not touch any Mcials yer, unlef^ it be iirit Fermewtcd : therefore Philo- fophers bid us, to carry this Medicine upon Gold and Sliver, that the Spirituality may be confirmed thereby, and the Uis,rets may be compaiicd or obtained. XXXI. Now if the Fixity and Ingrefs lliall be taken fiom two fixe.l forts of Metals, what think you can hin- der. Chap. x6. Of theVhilofophers Stom, 529 dcr, if I fliould prcfently mingle therewith the Calxes of both Bodies ? XXXII. I tell thee of a truth, that this was the very fhort way of the Ancients, of which Theophr^jipu wioto. fo much, in which many before me have gone, and I my .felf have walked in. CHAP. XVI. Of the PraSiick part of the Preparation. I. T fhall now faithfully reveal and i"hew the Pra6llca •*• how firft may be had our Matrix ^ Adercnri^u dn- plicatui, and our Regina, or Aqua jlcca. Let every one obferve carefully the Dodrine of Philofophers, and fee how we bring wholly and alone the Eletlmm unto per- fedion, M^hich containeth the Philofophical Mercmy and Stilphnr, to the end that the right Lap^ Mineralis be made out of it. II. But becaufe we intend to operate upon, or for the general work or Univerfal Tin^ure, you mufl know, that you are not to take the Body, but the cleareil:, pureit Effence of our Subje6l, to make therewith our Ferment foft, and tranfcendently or plufcjuam perfeil, for to get the Arcanum Arcamrum ; in w^hich lyes hid the greateft Myfteries, which the Philofophers kept moft fccret. III. However its Preparation is intimated by them thus, when they lay : fac Meramum per Mcrcurinm^ per Aquam Mercurialer/iy which are Golden Words, and impolTible for Ignorants to believe. IV. Viz.. That itfhould be Mercwins d-Aplicatns ojcSab- limatus : however this Preparation cannot be had ^vithout addition, neither muft that which came to it in the Pre- paration, ftay with it, as Theophr.ipis faith, in Tiucl^ira Phyftcornm. V. He that will follow the footfteps of Truth, let him feek after the nearer matter, ' which in tlie Druggilts Shops may be had for a fmall price, and m many places it may be had for nothing. Pp 3 VI. TijlA 5^0 Tolygrnfhkes. Lib.VR^ VI. This muFcbe mingled with two parts of the mod bitter Water, which ir the orpanded Fagle, or the glow- ing Coal, which the Court-Milbcls, orControler/of an Hundred Years old, in the white ii-iiidlc, giveth forth ^ and it va\\[\ itand f:r a time in the Cellar. VII. Then our Green Lyon is Iben with admiration, and that is made manif;!!:, which in many places is found in Mines; and out of which Metals grow, which is the lij.'ht Salt or Vitriol, of which ^^/'ff/jf/'^ faith : F'i^rioUm jc'A Sal ejj medianj CT" fn'jopritwi Sewen gentrandi omnia Me- tf.!u, ti?.nq;ta'm principi'im reTT^orijJimum omnium Aietallornm. VIII. When this diifoJution is dor.e, then is it brought h\ Diftillation on tlie top of theOlympick Mount, where ou! white Dove delireth to rert, being eagerly purfucd by the Fagle, to n^ike a Prey of her. IX. But it is io beaten off by the Rainy Weather, tliat our Dove bv tlie help of tlie Red L^'on, becomes io pure as pulveriled Pearl, or Diamond Pouder ; a Poyfon of Poyion, and the tme Spirit of Saturn, and of Arfeniclc. X. This is afterward our White Lilly ^ or Spirit us Ader- enriiy Aqua. BeneAltia^ wdiich Philofophers called a Cry- ftalhnc Air, coagulated by Nature, ^►i/j/w very plainly calls it AlHK-im phmojum ; but Salomon calls it the bright glittering Lace. XI. If this work be rightly performed, you have then found the firfl Key which opens into the Virgins Caftle : and there to wait for a further fuccefs, and to be kept from erring in the Fermentation, that all may be brought to the wifhed end. XII. But tliisonc thing muft be well confidered, how the Ferjremu.r or Semen yiultbe prepared, that the Pin- guedo Terra n jirA may the better work into, and be quick- ly di/Tolved. XIII. Ar.d becaufe mention is made of Gold belong" ing thereto, it is requifite, that the fame be well broken and iubtiltzed by BalHi'.fs his Femer Bath. ' XIV. Othcnrife, if it be dilfolved by the common A qua Fonts, and the prajcipitated Gold by Salt of Tar- tar be taken, th?n the Spirits of Viitriol are prxcipitated alfo with the lame ; fo that of one dram of Gold two are gotten often ; neither can thefe Spirits be edulcora- te.!, aiul arc vcit obftrucHve. XV. With Chap. 1 6. Ofthe'PhilofofhickWorki 531 XV. With the Silver it is done thus ; it is diiTolved in TLTiAqmFortisy prsecipitated in a Copper Pan, then the Calx is to be very well edulcorated^ and refen^ed for ufe. XVI. But for more fecurity, left you iliould be hin- dered, by reafon of the cdlhroGvc Spirits, it is more fafc, that folia Solis & LunA be taken inftead of the diiTolved Goli and Silver to proceed in the Work, then will you be free from any fear or danger. XVII. And the truth of thefe old Verfes fiands firm. If thou the Gem mthin vpouUfi gety The Key muft to the Loci he fit. When Head and Tail are joynd in one. The mighty Work's perform'd and done. XVIII. Where for a further inftrudion I fay, that by means of Sendivogius and others, I went mightily aftray, when they faid : the one is the Matrix, the other is the Seed of the Man, and the third the Seed of the Woman. XIX. Others take the Red Servant and the White Woman : Others put the Volatile to the Fixt, coagulate after the ancient way, then fay they you have the Tin- 6lure of Philofophers. XX. Theophrajius faith, take the red Blood of the Ly- on, and the Gluten AquiU, &c. After a long confidera- tion, and for experience fake, I took in hand two Works together. XXI. I mingled in a due proportion, the Ferwentum Solis & Luna, as the perfect Seed of the Man, and of the Woman, with the Matrix. XXII. After that I joyned the Frrmentum Solis, as the Seed of the Man, with the Philofophical Earth, as its Matrix or the White Woman. XXIII. Thirdly I joyned the Mercury with the white Ferment or Calx Lunrk, and yet fooleth many. XIX. For when oui" Body hath been firft in tlie filrifh Waters, they mult be the lame at lalt, for the true Uni- venal Tnic^uie mult infillibly luve fuch qualities, if fo, be it Ihall be ler\iccable to its Brethren, as lus been laid, yi^.. to the inferior Metals ; and Cure Mans In- hrmirics. XX. For .as in Hirreft time, the Husbandman gathers Ins Sowed Corn with great cnaeal'e, fo here there is feeu alio Chap. 17- Of the Thilcf of hers Stone. 5^5 alfo a great augmentation; lo that it rcioyces and rc- frcfhcs the Poficiror, and requites all his pains in quanti- tate &qualitaie. XXI. Nou-, that all thing? may be compleat in this Work, and that I may not be blamed lor any conceal- ment, I will fufficiently innm6l you, how the laid Se- paration muft be made, and hc.\v the Central Salt after Calcination and Fixation, mufl be cxtradcd. XXII. Though the Philolbphers, by rcafon of fomc Ignorant?, and unexperienced Peribns in the Work, were filcntand myfkriou?, yet they made tl-c erd clear and manife(t ; and they conicll plainly, that the final Soluti- on was in the Wine VclTcl, viz.. tnat by the Spirit, which lyeth |-:'d therein, thi? faltilb Extraction can be had. XXIII. For fay they, as a Glaf?, jRlIed with common W^ine, doth not run ovcrir any Gold be laid in it, but keepeth together, and as the Magnet draweth Iron, fo doth the Spirit of Wine and the Elfcnce of Gold, far more abundantly; fo that thereby a full reftitution of Mans weak Body may etifuc. XXIV. So that Philolophcrs by the help of their Work, may take fomething out oi it, for to hold out the better, that the Operator may in the interim have folnewhat to live upon. XXV. And they bid Men to reduce it to a particular Worky (wliich is underltood thus, th;^t Silvr can be tranfmutcd into GoldJ of which more Ihall be fpokcn in the Chapter of particulars, to which place 1 refcive it. XXVI. Every one may cafily gucfs by that, which hath been laid, of what the Lapis mult be compotcd, if ^t the half lime, a Booty may be taken out horn thence. XXVII. I lliould Ipeak alio of the augmentation, but Jiot having perfeded the Work fo far, to the great and Univerial latisfaction, I leave it now here with this Preparation, and fo far as my experience has truly taught me. XXVIII. Not doubting, but when you have come thus far in the true way, and that it is fully known ta you, that the augmentation may prolperouily fuccced or ?n(ue, which, as I conceive, cannot be performed byany other means but tlirougli its Principles; and thus 1 leave ;liis Dil'courfc of Preparation. CHAP. XVIII. ^1$ Foljigraphices. Lib. VII. CHAP. XVIII. Of the Inftruments ft for this Work, I. /^F the neceflary Inttruments I have this to fay; ^^ our Stone, fay Philofophers, is one matter, and requires one VeiTel, and one Furnace : hence it may be gathered, that indeed it mutt be no otherwife. II. I my felf hadno need of SubUming, Calcining or Reverberating Furnaces, Athanors or dull Henrys, or o- ther leveral Furnaces ; there is no need of Artificial Vcf- fcls, efpecially to thofe that have the truth. III. OneGlafs, aVelTelof Glafs orClay, in the form of a round Chamber or Egg, is enough at the beginning. IV. It is true indeed, that thofe which walk in this way in an other form, invent other Veifels and Furna- ces, becaufe their intention is itrange j therefore they muft have ttrange Inltrument-s alfo. V. But they may be asked, if Spirit hs Mercurii, ViEiri- cliy Solisj Roris Afaialis, Sulphfirisj Salis Armoniaciy &c. have been the MenflrHo. PhilofophorHm ; pray what In- ftruments had the Ancients} in whofe time there were no Glajfes in ufe ? And what ufed they for their Coagula- tion of corrofive Spirits ? VI. I am of opinion, that their Earthen Pots, would have attracted far fooner, as they truly thought, and fuddenly coagulated fuch Spirits. VH. But by this confideration every one may guefs, that their Aqua Solvens whi} needs have been a dry Water or Spirit) for ethervfife it hadheen impoffihle, that the [aid An- cient s^ by reafon of the vant cf GUjfes or firm In/hnmentSy could have coagulated the [aid Spirits. VIII. And all the Philofophers had grofly err'd, that ever made mention of a ^r> AienjirHHWy if there had been at hand another Diffolution. IX. Now, though fbmething may be obiedled againtt this, yet I do hold, that I may build further upon my Experience and the futhfiil Writings of Philofophers, than upon any Mans imagination. X. Befidc?, Chap. i8. Of the Fhtlofof hers Stone. 557 X. Befides, the faid Ancieat truePhilofophers had not fo great Expences to build luch fair Artificial Furnaces and ftately Laboratories, as they do now a days, kit made ufe of a fmall Furnace in a quiet place, and at- tended the fame. XI. The variety of feveral Furnaces intimates the va- riety of Labourp, and diverfity of Matters, when other- wife all the Writings concord with one Saying ; that the Being of our Art doth not confift in varieties of Mat- ters, as // in a ftrong Fire, and cauleth damage ; how one might be fo cautious, as fp^cially to oblerve it, feeing that" in the fourth degree the ftrongett Fire mult be uled } XVIII. Here obferve, that the Matter or the 6p?rit, at the beginning, hath not endured yet a irae unitnii^ with the Body, but through the force of Fire may eafily be feparated from it in the Flux, Melting, or Sublima- tion. XIX. But after the DilTolution our Spirit is coagulated, and hath no more any fuch fiuidnel?, and is no more feparable, two are become one j fo tliat no Element can feparate them. XX. It may be objedled, doit not thou contmditft thy felf .^ inuft not thy perfe^a Maffa, or Laps Philofophkus, be fluid, like Wax or uv the moft unworth^^ . XXVI. And in brief, after this final Sepiaration, thoii haft thy Medicine in forma Sicca & Liqmia ; the true Trea- fure of all Riches, the greateft Miftery, which lay fecreC and hid in Nature, the true Afylnm defertornnrPauperttmj and the right taie infallible augmentHm ; yea, fijch al Treafure, of which I fpeak, tliat thou mayft cry, VIC-' TORI A. XXVII. For this Salt hath the vidory of ail things, over all the Volatile Spirits of Mctah, and, to coagMate' AiercHry. CHAP. XX. Of the Ignis Internuf* I. *T^O fay fomething of the Myfterious Fire of our mat- -*• ter, I muft confefs the truth, that I muft agree and confent with the true and faithful Philofophers, andj fay, that our dry Water is nothing elfe, but a Sulphu- reous Living Fire. II. But it is not the common Sulphur, which Calci-. iieth Metals, burneth and deftroyeth them; but it is a.* SulphfireoHs Water, which bringeth Metals into a Melt- oration. III. And of this Geher faith,^»j Sulphur contMifcerey & Corporthns Amicari noverit, inveniet Arcannm de fecretis ISiattirdi maximum. IV. This Sulphureous Living Water, is one of the greateft Fires, which hath power to mingle with our Body. V. And it is the true EfTcnce of the Elemental, Hea-f venly and Earthly Fire, which tvpifieth the Fire of the Laft Judgment, whereby the Elements themfelvcs are dilTolved; and HkiII bring forth new Elements, as it were the Elfences of the former. VL But Ch ap. 2 o. Of the Phitofophick Workp 541 VI. But becaufethis Eir exceeds, or goethbeyond the common reafon, it is counted an ImpofHbiiity, and Ab- fuidity ; and none takes pains to underfimd tbefe plain Sayings of the Philofophers. . Vil. Much lefs do tliey underfbnd the profound Al- legorical Doctrines of the true Sons of "VViidoin, who wholly concealed their Fire. VIII. And it is iuR, it lliould be concealed, and kept fecret, that it may be efleemed as a folly or fondncfs to the Self-defigning and wicked World. IX. Many undertook to elucidate this point, but they have not meliorated the Spagyrical Republickj but only deteriorated it. X. They invented a Itupendious multitude of Firesj of Candles, Lamps, and the like: they adviled the ufe of Steel Glaffes, ofHorfe Dung and Hogs Dung, imbi- bed with Urine, oi* Aqua Vitat : at lall: they iiiYented, the continual lliaking and ftirring, that they inight ftir up our Fire, and to be the caufe of the Solution. XI. But Bernhardtis counted all this meer Foppery, and rejeded them ; though many did iraagiue,. that ^ diverfity of Fires was requifite. ■_ XII. For, as perchance a Philofbpher may have pb? tained the end fuccefsfuUy, for which realon he has rt^ je6led all other ways, and walks only after his owri way: fo, becaufe out of any thing in the VVvorld this our Medicine may be prepared, therefore of necetTity irt thofe cafes there are required alfo fevefal Furnaces, lu- (h-uments and degrees of Fire. XIII. Every Mailer, who knows beft the qiialitics of his Work, knows how to order the Regiment of Fire as hepleafeth. XIV. But it needs no exaft Art or Goverrmcnt, bs- caufe Children and Women fportingly can perform it. XV. The Fire, (viz.. the natural) is ail the Art, where- by Nature or the W^ork is accompliflied, the other In- grediences are mean, as Bernkardu.: iixixh*. mreriirkmid- tiUidine Ars ncjira non co,^fi}it : ell enbn Res pina^ Medici- na una, Lapis unus, in quo totm^. A-Ia^iileri^m conjiilit, cni 7',on addiwHS rem extranearyi nifi q'iod in ejus prctparatiofie Jiipf?flfia rermvemus. Nam per cnni-^ et hi ea fimt omni4 Artinecejfaria. He that teacheth other'.v'fe, is a Sophi- ftcr; and. only ufes the Baliances of Deceit. Q.q XVI.Befide?, 542 . Polygrafhicts. Lib. VII. XVI. Befides, if every Philofophcr, in time of Bern- hardt^s, made his Stone out of a fingular matter, no knowledge could be had concerning it fo foon, and fo eafily ; but only by this means, their ivords and deeds agreeing, it produced a Knowledge and FriendOiip one ^mong another ; and Avithout this it would have been as a concealed Trcafure to this day. XVII. But their agreeing and Harmonious Difcourfe, in the Fundamentals of Truth, drew them together, that they could judge, whether this or that, or the other Man, ran the race of TTruth, or faw into the depth of the Miltery they Ibiight after. CHAP. XXI. Of the time for ptrforming this Work. I. T Aftly, and in the fixth place, of the time, which is •^^ required for the preparation of this great Work, we come now to Treat. Authors arc in feveral opinions, fome fpeaking of eight, three, two and one Year,* thefe lincqual judgments concerning the time, may make a Man doubtful, and ready to err j yea, and after a due pondering, to fall into Error. II. But I hold it with Bernhardus and Sgndivoginsj that our Stone, as my own great experience affures me, I fay that it may very well be finillied in a Years time. III. For in one Month the putrefadion is performed ; m the fccond Month the Dillolution, Calcination and sublimation, all which is but one ; in the third Month appcareth in the Mafia, canda pavonis, and the Rainbow j in the fourth Month the Agent and Patient j aiid the white Colour alfo appears. IV. This white Colour lafteth two Months ; and if you do not keep the true and due degree of Fire, it hold- tth yet longer. V. After the ending of the whitenefs, nothing can be amils in the Fire, yet fo long it murt be continued, till the Medicine gettcth the true pUJqmm perfeElion , and is of Chap. 21. Of the Philofof hick Work. 54$ of a tranfparent, Ruby like Colour; which at laft th\~ loweth infallibly. VI. But why they differ fo much in the time, I think the reafon thereof to be this, becaufe at the firfl in the Solution, their degree of Fire Was too gentle, anl their Work went flow unto blacknefs ; or dit that feme hai invented to themfelves fuch a long time, and then" pio- pofed matter could no fooner be coagulated. VII. I alfo believe, that fometimes, many Years are rtqyivctdiunlo Coagulation, 2ind.plufqHam perfetlion, of the Spirit of Kiiwo/, Terra, Roris, Satis, &c. and no willied efte6l foUoweth. VIII. Thefe differing times doth not take away the pofTibility of this great Work ; and the iliortcr time is tiotto be flighted or rereded, as untrue or falfe. IX. Laftly, none ought to imagine, as if this my Tin- 6lure at its firft beginning lliould tinge prefently One Hundred Thoufand parts, and bring in great Riches ; no, this cannot be done, becaufe it is yet in its Infancy', or "the firft degree. X. But it mufl be brought to fuch redundancy, fuper- fiuity, or mighty fmitfulnefs, through the long continued and manifold Imbibings. XI. But if one hath gotten to a deep Ruhcio in this Work, he may be fully allured, that his Labour will •ftot go unrewarded; and that it ^vill not be in vain, or without effed. XII. This Tincture is fufficient in the Medicinal UfCj and has no need of augmentation ; but it is eafie 10 ex- traft the white fixed Salt out of the caldn'd Work ; and iiiay be ufed to all Difeafes, to cure them, and rellore the Body unto perfe6t Health. XIII. And thus have we Hniilied this Difcourfe in few and true Words, and Dedicated it to the Life of the fm- cere and indefatigable Searchers out of iraili. dq ^ CHAP. X}(it 5 44 Polygraphias. Lib. VII. CHAP. XXII. Of a frofitable particular Work, I. y^Aily Experience teftifics, that among many thou- *~^ land Pruceifc, yea, among Cart Loads ot them, the'c is not one which is true: by reafon whereof this noble ArtisiTighted, defpifed, andfet at nought. ' il. Andbecauleby t'lele many talfe ProcelTes, Man- kiiid has been deluded, therefore it Avas alfo thought, that ihcic was no fuch thing as the Philofophers Stone, or 'iniCtuK; and that the Univerlal TinClurc could never be brought to perteclion, or to perform the Tranlmuta- liisi of Metals. HI. To which we Anfwer, That there is infallibly fucii a ihing as the true Univerlal Ti:n6lure; and befides tLic, that there are certain profitable infallible particu- lar,-, which are pra6t cable without great difficulty. IV. In the Operation of the whole Work, the matter mull be found on the one part, as well as on tlie other j file the Writin^^? of the Pluloiophers, w^ill be found no- thing but fallhoods. \^. But as the Phi lofophick Stone or Tin6lure hasits peculiar and manifold requifites j ib alfo have the parti- cul.:rsthe lame rcciuifites. VI. Now, that you may avoid tlie falfc ProcefTes, and have a fure foundatioii to bailcl upon, as to particulars, lo as to make them profitable, and not fail neither in beginning, continuation, nor end, I ihall lay down the ioUowing Philojophick r'i.-riiy for a Rule, z/i^. VII. To:i muji unite Sol and Lnnn fo firmly and ahjolutelyy that thy may he for ever infeparable ;• If you know not hovv to do this, you knownotliing truly in our Art. VIII. Here lies the Root and Foundation, yea, the profound Milkry of all particulars, the which my expe- rience has demohlTiatcd to me in manifold and various ways. IX. Undcrftand tli-^ thing rightly, and lay hold of Diligence, lb will the Vail oi' Ignorance be taken from your Chap. 22. Of the Philofnphers Stone, 545 your Eyes ; for all Proceiles which center not in this f^s- rity are vain and falfe. X. Now, that you may have no caufe tocomp!:iin of the brevity of the afore didnrsd Pkilofophick F'crl'y^ heir fart-her what the Ancients and Great Men in this Art fay. . XI. You muft fo join or mi^ Gili and Silver, aiat they may, (notwithttanding any means svhatlbever; be infeparable. This is Ipokcn of a particular Work. XII. What think you, if I fliould fo perfectly unite thefe two Bodies, what would this Union cojiie to? I give the Searcher after Truth leave to judge. XIII. But truly I tell thee, that this united Sol and Lnna^ thus perfectly done, can ne -er be feparated, no: neither by Aqua Forns, the QHari, O.mem^ nor And^ monj. XIV. And when they are thus united, it is a very great and profitable particular: for here Lum^ by the virtue and power of ^'y/, is totally fixed, graduated, and made ponderous. XV. This is the particular which the Ancients (learn- ed in this Art) bid you to underltmd ; that you may be able to proceed on, and to purfuc, to the finilliing of the great Work. XVI. Here Lnna, rides on a Chariot of four Wheels, like Sol^ viz. Color, Fixity, A/LilLhVny and Pondcr-fi:y : Here llie borrows Six Meafures of the Sun, and as a Queen, wears the Kings Crown: here the Frigiiity is conquered by the Calidity ; and the White Woman be- comes the Red Man. XVII. And here the tfue Filiids Hcrmetis may fee, that the Doctrine of the true Philofophers differs much, from the jugling Procelfes of Deceivers, for that our p.-^rnc:fUr.r have thdr Ojf~jpring from the Root of the tnie UrAverfal SnbieEi. ^ ^ XVIII. And it is tlie greatefl of Truths, that the Con- junBion and Union of the Boiies of Sul a>iJ lyma is -he real beginning of our triie Medicine-, Elixir or 'Tihclure. XIX. Among the vulgar Proceff-S, there is nothing but fillhooi arid deceit, wherein the Lnna is iitvtv ii«e i, but is wanting of pond'^rofiiiy, and black; h iviug i)'2-;n oulr walhed^ and hxe I (as they ciU itj wit'i J/iic, a:id 0-4 3 . gV.iduaLs^l, ^/\6 Poiy^yaphicef. Lib. Vir. or.idi'atcd, with the Sulphurs of Af an zn^VenHs, and made p Miderous with Sainrn. XX. O tnoliiliners! O blindnefs of Mind! can com- ino;i S;ilr be the Soap of the Philofophers ? can the Vo- latile Sulphurs of A'fars a.nd f^enHs be ever made the Red f.xe-^ Ef^gle, or the Ked fixed Sulphur of Sol i XXI. Can common Satnrn^ ox its f^itramy ever become «iur ponderous Ruby Star, or our fixed Salamander ever livipp in the Fire? XXII. Have not the Philofophers faid, that whatfo- cver is to be meliorated, or made better, it muft be thro* a better thing than it felf, and not thro' a Avorfe, as is daily 'ih'!'. nradice of Sophifters, XXriI. How do they Rand with their fixing Pouders, and their ingrefs Pouder?, melting like Butter in the Sun ? whfiiT: t'icy want the true knowledge, how to diflinguiili bcnvcen that %vhich is fixed and that which is not fixed. •XXIV. If they underrtood in wliat degree of fixation S'.il and Lma are graduated, and of what Quality their Specie's 2irCy in Melting, Calcining, DifTolving, Cement- ing, Graduating, and the like ; they would be alliamed to i;o about the making of Gold with Drofs or Turds. V XKV. Bui as to the clearing up of thefe particular Work?, I refer vou to my former Difcourfe de preparatione Lapidisjifrom Chap. 1 2. to this prefent Chapter ; from w\hence you muii get the Kev, which muft open, and Jet vou iiito the iecret Miftery even of thefe particulars. XX\''I. Ey which you will kno\v how to take forne- thing out of the United Bodies of Sol and Luna, -^nd bow to r-diice the fame: if you proceed other wife, you will foolijlhly fall into Error, which may lead you {'tu pro- bable) into the Paths of too late Repentance. XXVn. He that has once truly obtained this -^ug- f^?c-zhi^;, is aifured that he has met with the '/nfallible Verily, with an incorruptible Tincture, yea,, with an inii:,!te Treafurej and needs the help of no otfier In- XXyjTI. This Augmentation in the particular and iTTKveri'al way is to be kept in the profundity of thePhi- Jofop'-.ick Silence; and Avhen Difccxirlcd of, to be done on?y in Parables, Kiddles, and Simil!tudf^*s, and as it ^v^ic at a diH;ince, tiiat Profane and Vik Pcrlons may L». ktpL" horn the knowledge thereof. XXIX. The Cha.p.22. Of the Philofophers Stone, 547 XXIX. The PoiTeflbr of this Treafure has no occafion to run to Kings, Princes, Lords, Nobles, or Great Men : they that do To, have none oF the Secret, but defire to try ConcluGons at other Mens Charges. XXX. The true PoiTelTor fecks not after fiich Friend- fliips, or Earthly Glories \ he is content with his Modi- cum, or Little, and has enough, even the whole World in his Philofophers Egg, which he can carry about him wherefoever he goes. XXXL Befides, he may confider, that between a Prince and himfelf, no endeared, no faithful or conftant Friendiliip is to be found : and fo lays Smdivogim : as often (fays he) as I went about to communicate ar.y thing to Princes and Lords, I always met with deceit and vexation. XXXIL But to the matter in hand : Endeavour mfely to prepare the Philofophick SubjeSl ; keep the fame in a da^ heaty in the Philofophick Marriage Bed ; and in patiencs pojfefs your Soul, till the Conjummmon of the Work is accons- pfijhed. XXXin. Avoid all great Compoimds ; and think not that you have obtained any Particular r/jo' /ro^ Luna; unhfsfhe is meliorated thro' the Influence, Po>ver, Goodnefs and Sweet- nefs of Sol. XaXIV. Tis a meer deceit to fay, that there is no Gold, but what was firft Silver; nor any Silver, but what was firft Saturn, Jupiter or FcnHs : if this was not true, then Aq. Regis would diifolve Silver as well as Gold : and Aqua Fortis would diifolve Gold as well as Silver, which we fee and know they will not. XXXV. Forif fo, we need not look long after the true Tin**fii, rr S«td et "^j/and I4Mj(, tiic Work would ^' tfaatooMaiiy tfao'ncvtiibioog L rcetbeendibeictif. AlC!\ I A. A -. who b it, that u fo filJ'd with Icariiinj: ani ''rH, and lis Spirit of Wii- dr ir_, thii C3: Trf ITx*^ r' .Mr.jdi: witS Out which, fiui -^ i ..^ r rebels, CDQld DCTCT bc accosT.- plil>;ed? XL. In conchirKm, be warned, and foiknr my Ai- ricc which in thi* Diicourie 1 hi'-e s.ircn: Oblerre tbe wrrJs of my Docrnre, and take it for a Maxim of Trath ; T.:g: vizhm :ti ^tH'iutdi*» §f S9I jnU Lmu^ the RfydO^- Jprut^ COM nivfr U ctxtfhed 0r trm^k ftnb. CHAP. XXTII. An A?? END I X, Ccntxnirr Cer;j-/i X^t.-irJ Extirimentj. I. ^O mh .-frr-- -.4/ f .rc. a« it comes forth out ord-.e Chen, being very hot, arsi as much as you pk^*? -•- •' -to a bolt bc2idof GLiis (wiiixHit anj other what is io the Bccai it ftit which preicT.:; 'nlly. Then fet it in Digtrfli^n ma- tbe fpaoe of nyo Mrntbs, and it wiji oc mnicd into a FibioiK FlcJh. Tb:s being exalted to a higher pcriCi^icn by the Rules of An, jTu TT-ay cafilr^ce bow great a Nooriihcr and Rc- fferar vc Whent is,' and what an Excellent Mediane xcav ht m^ic of it. J I. T rt4i( in yir-iirid MJL^Wrif. Take a Wine VciTel well Hoopt with Iron Kvp*, and one end open, to whidi a dole Corcr mull be fiiitd to nke on and oif at plealiire, let it in a warm piaa% fill it full of fair VVaitr, to crery Gallon of wfaidi put nro four^ of Mallago Raiions, fiift bmiTcd in a StociC- MoTaT j Chap. 2 J. Cerum natural Experrmefttj, ^49 Mortar; and to every Twent}- Gallons of ^Vater a good handrul ofCakVivc: corcr the Veffel dole, and keep it warm with Cloths : let it itand four or five days to work : then iee if the Raifons bs rilen upj and beat them do^sm, and cover it again as before, beating them down rs-ery fourth or fifth day for three or four Weeks : then put a Tap in, four Inches above the bottom, and fee if irtafts like Wine ; if not, let it ftand a while longer ; after which draw it off into another Wine Veflel, and to e\-ery Twenty Gallons put a Pint or Quart of the beft Spirit of Wine fas you would have it in flrength) two nevv laid Eggs, and a Quart or better of Allicant well beat- en together. Let it fiand in a Cellar as other Wine till it is fine, and fit to be Drunk. III. To Tr.alt an Artificial Clxret. Take Water iix Gallons : choice Cider two Gallons : bsft Mallago Railons braifed eight Pounds : mi^ and let them ftand all in a warm place fourteen davs, ftirring them well once every day. Then preis out the Pvailbns, and put the Liquor into the Veifel again, to which add Tuice of Rafp-Berries a Quart: juice of Black Cherries a Pint: juice of Black Berries a Pint and a half: co^tr this Liquor with Bread iprcad thick with ftrons, Muftard, the Muftard fide being downwards, and fo let it work by the Fire three or four davs ; airer which Tun it u-y^ let it ftand a Week, and Bottle it up, fo will it become a very brisk and pleafant Dnnk. IV. To n-^ie vill have a very high and large Augmentation, (a) See chap, i . fe^. 2, (b) Till a great part of it is tranfmnted. CHAP. XII. A fxed Impure for Venus. I.T^Ake filings of Venus ftj. of the beft Mercury -■■ wallied loij. beat'them with Vitriol in a Marble Mortar, till tlicy are am.iigam.ated together. II, 556 PoI^^SHm^:\v\v lib.vnr. II. ThisAmalgamabcat, and by many Lotions make it purely white, to whichratil Sil Ar^ioniack i^j. white Arfenick fvj. white Tartar $;. common Salt decripita- ted ij. , ^_ "111." Btat all to^^htr, am imbibe the Ponder with diftilled Vinegar, till the mafs becomes of the body and thicknefs of Honey. • IV. Put it into a Retort, and diftil to drynefs, or as much as you can make come over; and what iublimes, put upon the Faeces, and mix then* by beating or griudm^. V. This Miirture imbibe with new diftilled Vinegar (a) fo long till nothing will afccnd, but all remains fix- ed in the bottom. VI. This fixed matter beat, and mix it with the Whites of Eggs, dry it with a gentle heat, and put it in- to a Pot (not of Glafs or glazed) with a fit Cover well luted to it, and calcine it in a Itrong Fire, tor one whole day. Vn. Then diflblve the matter in (i) Mineral diflilled Vinegar, filtrate and make it very clear ; then evaporate the Vinegar by Diftillation to drynels. VIII. Diilolve it again, filter and clarify, which four times repeat, till your fixed matter remains in the bot- tom of the Alcmbick, like running Oil. IX. One part of this, conjoined and melted with as much of the bcrt Luna, is lufticient to be put upon thirty parts of purging Copper. X. And ifthe matter be oftentimes di/Tolved in Mine- ral diltilled Vinegar, and as often coagulated and dil- lolved again, at length (me part will be enough to caJt upon an hundred parts of purified Copper. (a) VijiiHing again to dryncfs^ mi imbibing and dillil- ling. (b) Thi-s Aiin:rd J^incgar ought to be extrMed with Niter, or common Salt, for then done it makes the Solutions and Coa2,HUitions. CHAP. CKap. 'i j* The Purgdth» is/ Venus.' i^6j . '' 'ill ■ ! \>r.':: .. ■ •'.; / • ^^^•''"'CM'A^P. XIII. - The Purgation ofVeniisfor the former TinSiarei I.'^Ake an hundred Whites of Eggs, beat them toge- •^ ther with a Stick, till they are conrerted into'a Glair or Water. II. In this Water put hot {d) Eggflhels to the quantity of ibj. crude Tartar tbi. put them into a Glafc VefTel, ftop it clofe, and digeft it in warm Horfe Dung for eight days ; then diftil a Water tiierefrom by a Retort. III. In this Water quench fufed and melted Copper three or four times ; fo will it be prepared and purged to receive the former Tinfture, (a) The word the Author ufes is Calens, hut in whatfenfe is fomewhat dijjichh to be uhderfiood ; if the thing he intends, be only drynejs, douhtlefs they only ou^ht to he made hot or warm : hnt if Incinerationy they ought to be made red hot, $r calcined. CHAP. XIV. 7o coKgtd or harden Mercury. 1,*"^ Ake of Mercury thus pjrepared as much as you pleafe. -*- Let the Mercury bou in the Juice of Limons for fix hours; then boil it again for fix hours in the Juice of Bears Breech ,• and then for other fix liours in common Oil and Vinegar mixt together in equal quantity. II. The Mercury thus prepared, putintoa ftrongGlafs Matrefs well luted wi:h this following Lute. Ill- R Calx viva well beaten, Tartar well beaten, and common Salt A. q.s. {a) makcaPalie with Whites ol" Eggs, ofvshich make Lute; and with which let the Matreis, wherein is the prepared Mercury, be luted ac- cording to Art. IV. Let 55f -^i Toljrgraphices. La>.VIII. IV. Let tlic Matrefs have a very narrow mouth, which clofc very -.veil with a Qafs>Stopplc, and the aforefaid Lute, (y) ' _ ' ' . V, TJiyi put it into a gentle Fire in Afhes for three hours, afterwards incrcale the Fire, and continue the iamc degree of heat for another day. , VL This dene, break the Glafs, and you (hall find the Mercury tranfmutcd into good I.una. (a) Teu may fee the way of making fever al other good Lutes fit for this Purpofe in onr Pharmacopoeia Londinenfis lib, 6. cap. 5. fe^. 3, 5, 10. (b) If the neck he narrow e- nought yoH may give it the Hermetick Lme atfett. 14. of the aforecited place. CHAP. XV. Pf^ith th Regulus ef Antimony to makt Gold, I.TAke Regulus of pure Antimony, fine Gold and Sil- -■■ vcr, of each equal parts, melt and make them run in a Ciiicible, fo liave you a friable or brittle matter like Glafs. IL Beat and ponder it, and make an Amalgama with ^iij. thereof with the Mercury of Antimony ^ix. which Thirt up in a Matrefs well cloicd. in. Put it upon a gentle Fire for a Month ; but m fuch a Fire, as in a Month i]Jay inlpiifate it, and make it grow black. IV. In the fecond Montli increafc the Fire, or bury the Matreis again more deeply in y\ flics ; but lo incrc-Mfc the Fire, or bury it lonuich the more deeply, as that the matter may grow up into a mineral Tree. V. Contiime this degree for a Month ; at length for eight days augment the Fire, till the matter is melted. "VI. This matter amalgamate again n-ith new com- mon Mercury well walLcd ; and boil it again tor three Months, as before, augmenting the Fire. VII. Thus have you the matter of the Projection, one part of which being put upon ten parts of Luna, tranl- mutes it into fine Cold. VIII. Tiiis Chap. i6* For the makhg of SoL 5^9 VIII. This matter, if it be throughly and perfectly depurated by Sublimation, and then fixed fo as to be a Pouder, fufible like Wax or Butter, you have rfie Poun- der of Projeilion to be put upon all Metals, one part up- on a thoufand of any impure MetaL IX. And if moreover this matter be yet diilolved in mineral dilHlled Vinegar, and then coagulated, it adds much more to the perfection of the Wor^.. X. And if it be often diifolved in common Water di- ftilled and coagulated, fo tliat the matter be made (a) fwect, it works perfedlly," and cui'cs all Difeafes, both in Mankind and Metals. . ,.,• XI. Thefc Solutions being: tfcty often^tcrated or re- peated with fair common Water, it will be converted into a fweet red Oil. ' ." ^ ': : (a) T^at is meant frv;et, a^ being freed, ftwn the Salts 9r corrojive Acidity of the Spirits of the mineral yinegar. .. 'h-j. hn . ^'>v^'V f :':.". '1 ■Ijl:' i\ t; ... ', For the makhg of Sol. . jr igr/iD- .'- ■ ' '^'.-i.'i':. .- . . L'TpAke Niter, Verdigrife, Sulphur vive, Roman Vi- -*- triol, A. ihfs. SaF Armoniack ^iv. Citinabar ^ij. reduce them into a fine Pouder and mix them. II. Put them into a luted Retort, and diftil therefrom an Aqua Regis, obferving the degrees of Fire. III. In thisA.R. diffolveof the beft Sol 5;. then in a- nother Matrefs, dillolve a part of the beft Mercury well wallied |iv. - IV. Conjoin the Diffolutions, and with a gentle Fire feparate the Aqua Regis, cohobating (the Water drawn off) thrice, upon the matter remaining in the Retort. V. And put common Water often diftilled (when the aforefaid A-R- is feparated) upon the Farces, which dif- folve, filter and clarify ; this often iterate, feparating the A.R. which at laft will all come forth. VI. Then put upon the matter the firft Water which is fweet, that at length it may Iweeten the matter re- trainiiig I.BQ 570 ' Polygraphices. Lib. VIII. maining ih the bottom oFthe Stiliatory, and convert it to a fweet and fixedOil. VII. One part of this Oil put upon tyirenty parts of (a) Saturn or Luna, -will convert it mto Gold. (a) Tott wuj} prepare yoitr Saturn, or yoa wll do nothing. • W rcHuu 'rv!-o:jq;iH A P. XVII. ^r the whitening of Copper. 'Ommon Salt calcined ^fs. Quicklime 5^5. Arfe* nick calcined 7^]. Tartar calcined 51s. fixed Salt Armoniack, Borax A. 51/. Mercury fublimed («) fevcn times as mi«:h, mix, and make of all a Pouder. II. Calcine it (/O for an hour, then diflblve it in (c) diftillcd. Vinegar, filter and evaporate the Diifolution. III. Calcine it again a little, and diirolve again in dilHlled Vinegar-,; ^is W-ork fo often repeat, till yoLi have a Salt fufible as Wax; aiid an incombulhble Oil. IV. One parf of this put upon p x. of (r^) purged Cop- per aforementioned, coi>f ert$ it. into goal Silver; tliis is the belt whitening of Copper. (a) Iffippofe there is intended 3xiv. or xlvfs. (b) Ton muii calcine it very gently, lejl yon lofe your Lahopir. (c) Where- foever yon meet, vith difiilled Vinegar, always underhand the Spirit thereof, of- that from rt^hich rhe fiegm is abjiratied, (d) Jhe rffty'is .taught in chap^ 1:^, aforegoing. C HAP. XVIII. The Cemtntdti(/n of Sol. I.'T'Ake Koman Vitriol ^iV: Sal Armoi-.iack 5!. Vcrdi- A gnfe 5Is. Croctii A'fartis, Niter, A.fi. mix and make a Pouder, which lubliiv.e tUi it will lublime no mor«. II- Then Chap. 1 9* Oil of Sulphur Vive. ^ 7 f II. Then diflblve it in putrified Urine, filter, clarify and evaporate the Solution -, that which remains at bot- tom, is the fecret Cement. III. Take (a) Luna and Gold of each 5;- nielt them together, and let the Mafs be beateh into {b) thin leaves, which cement with its equal, vy eight of the foregoing Pouder, and the whole Mafs^ will be tranfmuted ihtd fine Gold. ■''■■■''. 't (a) ToH muj} take cupelUted or fine Luna, (li)-' ff/tppofe vtry fnj all filings, made with a very fine File, may dk Jhh Tvork nearly as Tfell.' ■ ^ '■- -- ; . I ! V r. * C H A Fv; xtx. Qfhf Sulphur iMveu I.npAke of Tartar calcined ifcj. ^ilptiur Vive Itfs. beat •*■ them into Pouder^ and put it into a Retort, clo- fing it well, which keep fo for two days, without D^ filiation. ; - - — • II. That time being paft, diiiil by Aflies with a ftron^ Fire, fo liiall you have a v,ronderi"ul Oil, which certain^ ly cures the Failing-ficknefs, if about gut.x. be taken for fome days together in a Morning^faffing. (a) III. So alio Mercury prepared, as we have before de- clared in Chap. XIV". cures the Falling-fickneis, beiftg given (b) in gr. x. IV. And if it be caft upon throughly melted Venus, it perfe6lly whitens it. (a, b) In a convenient VehiculHm, as Ejfence tf Peony,) Win s of black Cherrie^ or fome fticb like Mqf^or. CHAP 57« Folj/gtdphkes, Lib. VIIL CHAP. XX. A It fixture for Sol. I.'T'Ake of Sol 5;. of Luna ^fs. of the bert Mercury J- wafhed 3ii. make an Amalgama, which put into a Glafsbody well clofed. II. Set it in a gentle hc^t for twenty or thirty days, till the Amal^ama is converted into a red Pouder. lit. Join this with new Mercury, and boil (or digeft) again till it is fixed, which work repeat tour times, and diflblve it in the following Aqua fortis. IV. Take Roman Vitriol, Filings of Mars, Sulphur vive, Niter, common Salt, A.itfs. froip all wliich pre- pare a Water by f>i(^11atit)n, which will be very red. V. In this Water difTolve the aforefaid matter, pre- pared from Gold, Silver ai^d Quick-filver. VI. Then abftrad the Aqua fortis, and cohobate of- tentimestijl the Water comes forth white. Vli. Dilfolve again in mercurial Vinegar diftillcd; filter, clarify and abftracl the Vinegar. . VIIT. After that difTolve the matter again in common. Water diflilled ; then filter, clarify and aWlrad the Wa- ter, till the matter remains in the bottom of the VclTtl, converted into a runningOil, or fulible Salt. IX. Cattp j. of this Oil-OrSalt upon crude Mercury made pretty hot p lOp. and the whole will be converted ill to good Gold. , . CHAP. XXI. V\ N- 7 he Extra^ton of Mercury from Antimmj. LHTAke Antimony 5viii. pouder it finely, and put it -■- into Capacious Matrcfs, upon which put the belt Aqua Vitae ifcii. Salt of Tartar \\\. Sal Armoniack Jn;. mix them well together in tb.e iiime Matrcfsj {top it up clofc, and putrefy in warm Horle Dunj for Hlteen days. II. ThcR Chap. i2. JfJ Elixir of the Golden Work, 5 7 J • II. Then take it forth, and circulate it (being yet dole llopt) eight da ySv . III. After boyl It for tvvt) da^'s, 2nd you will find the Mercury in the bottom running, ^nd Volatile : Out of every Eight Pound of Antiinony, you will have running Volatile'' Mercury |v. IV. This is the beft Mercury for the performance of the Preparation of that Arcanum at Chan, 15. aforfiooing. CHAP. xxii. An Elixir of the Golden Work, I. CUblimc Meiairv' feven times with common Salt pre- *^ pared, and at lart fublime the fame five or Icven times with Sal ArmoniacJc, till the Mercury remain at the bottom fufible as Wax.- II. This Mercury dilfolve in mineral diftilled Vine- gar, filter the Solution, and coagulate, by diiHf ling from thence the Vinegar. Ill,: Diffolve the Mercury in the Vinegar, wfiich re- peat three or four times till the Mercurv will melt as IV. This Mercury thus prepared, difTolve in pure di- ftilled Rain Water, then coagulate, which do many times 5 and at length diffoive it in the humidity of the Air. V. To this clear and limpid Solution add the Cals of Sol (prepared with Mercury and common Salt) which diffoive alone into a mo{t rubicund Liquor. VI. This liquor by many Solutions and Coagulati- ons, convert into a fixed Oyl and a pure Elixir. VII. Being caiUipon a thouland parrs of fine Luna, 'x% will tranimute it into the purert and belt Goli. S s CHAP. 574 Pofygraphices, Lib. VIII. CHAP. XXIII. Of Drmirjg forth the Virgins Milk, 1. 'TpAke Mercury feven times fublimed iti. Diffolve it J- in t[iis following Water. II. Take May Dew lix times Diftilled, common Aqua Fortis Icvcn times DilHUed A. ifci. mix them together, and Di(HU by a Retort two or three times, io have you a very Oiarp Vinegar. III. In this yt-TLi muft difToIve your aforclaid feven times lublimed Mercury, v:\-\\z\\ Dilfolution putrify for :i Month in •warm Horie-dung. IV. Tlicn Didill, and always conjoyn the Water which Dill:ills<>vcr, with that part oL the Mercury whicll ren"uiins at ti^c bottom, till all the Mercury alcends by Diftiilation, wiiich wiji quickly be done it'the Artift be a wife learcher out ot Nature. V. For the Water of May Dew muft be augmented whtn the dry Wat«r afcends from the Mercury remain- ing in the bottom. .VI. Wliich Mercury is {o often to be dilTolved in the Diliillcd Walter of May \)t\\\ till at length it all af- cends Acid. VII. This IS that which is called Lie Virgineum, or Virgins Milk, and the moll iliarp Diltilled Vinegar (/?) iittcd ror the Dilfolution of all MeLilick Bodies, convert- jn2, them into a fufihle Salt, and a fixed IncombuRible Oyl. VIII.- By the help hereof all Our Arcanums are moft perfectly compkated, without it nothing true can be found j from whence it comes to pals that this Vinegar is iilld in the making and perfecting oi every Secret. "*' 'GO 755^ ^ 'V^. '^ffrcitrial finegar mintionei Chap* 20, St'ct, y'.' ^^foregow^. G H A p. Chap. 34* lor Whit ning of Confer, 575 CHAP. XXIV. For the Whitening of Coffer, I. "TpAke of tlie beft Liihai as much as you pleafe, melt ^ it in a Crucible, and calt upon it an equal quaa- tit}' of the whitcft Arlenick broken into little bits. • II. Caft it into a Reed, or in the form of an Ingot^. and it will be brittle as Cjlafs. ; III. Then beat it to Pouder, and mix it with an e>i qual quantity of Mercury leven times Sublimed : Sub- lime again till the Mcrctiry is fixed with the Luna in the bottom of the Velfel. IV. If this be not quickly done, conjoyn your Luna fo prepared with fufible Mercury fo made {d) with Sal* Armoniack as is above laid^ fo will your matter be per- fectly fixed, V. This matter di lib Ive incur (i^) Virgins Milk, which Solutions being fevcral times repeated, it will be convert-' ed into a fufible Salt, and a fixed Oyl. VI. This is to be fweetned from its Acrimony, by Di- jftilled Water iterated with many Cohobations j lo will it be a moit perfe6tOyl. VII. One part of it put upon a thoufand part? of melted Copper, it gives it an Eternal Tindure^, whicb will always remain, yea, in the Fire it felf, (a) y^ccording as is taught in Chap^ 4. and Chap. 22. (/') Xhe making of ivhich yon may fee at large Chap. 23 > afore- going. C H ^ P. XXV. A Secret from Antimony and Mercury » I. •T^Ake Mercury feven times Sublimed with Vitriol -■- and common Salt, (the Vitriol calcined to reJ- nefs, being changed every time, and the common Salt diminiihed, being dilTolved, defecated, and made pure) S s 2 tjjac 57Q ^olygrapbices. Lib.Vin. that thereby, vi^. by the Sublimation thereof, the Mer- cury may extraftthe Tinttureof the Vitriol and Salt. II. Take of this Mercury feven tinies Sublimed ftj. Mi- neral Antimony, or Antimony as it comes from the Mine, as much j reduce all into aiine Pouder, and mix them together. III. i?ut them into a Retort, and digcft in wann Horfc Dufig for 25 days, or a month ; Avhich done, IV. Place the Retort in a Furnace in Allies, and Di- ftill vvith a very gentle Fire tor 12 Hours, then increafe the Fire, till a Red Oyl comes j after which put out the Fire, atid cool the Veffels. V. Take out the Oyl, and put it into a Retort clofe Hopped, which place in a very good heat for 8 days. VI. After that Diltill in Balneo Marix Ilx times, and a feventh time in hot Allies, till it is ver^- pure and clear, limpid, and lliining as Gold. VII. In this Liauor diflblve Gold calcined with Mer- cury and Salt, or let it be converted into a fixed Oyl, and then conjoin it with its equal weight of Gold, boyl- ing them together till they are fixed. VIII. Or Diftiri the Volatile part, which cohobate fo often upon the fixed remaining in the bottom of the Vel- fei, till the whole is fixed. IX. One part of this fixed Oyl tinges an hundred parts of Luna, and turns it into pure Gold. X. Alio Leaves of Silver heat red hot, and extingiiilh- cd in tliis Oyl, arc tranfmuted into fine Gold. XI. And it fixes Crude Mercury into Gold, if fomc few drops thereof be projected upon it in a hot Cru- cible (rf). XII. Its Vcrtues and Power are multiplied if it be Oi"- ten difToived (in the laid Water extracted from Antimo- ny and Mercury feven times Sublimed) repeating the DilH nations and Putrcfaitions. (a) /;/ this cafe it vfill he much the letter rvay fir(t to fix the AincHry by the fn>nes of Lead, in fitch fort that it may endure 7?sclting the bitter, led it ctherTfife Jhould all fly array, before the operation is pirformed. CHAP. QHAP. XXVI. j4 TinSiftre of Silver upon Cofper. I. npAke of Luna (Amalgamated with Mercery) Sii/- •*• •of 5 extraded with Calx Vive and Tartar from Mercury Sublimate, ^iij. II. Let the Mercury be well waOied with Salt and Vinegar, to which add Salt often purged till it flow like Wax, which is done by many Solutions, Calcinations^ and Fuflons. III. Mix all in a Fixatoiie Veffel, which for a Month put upon warm Allies, till the whole is fixed. lY. To this add Mercury Sublimate (fixed by many Sublimations with Sal Armoniack) thrice the weight, and fix again ; bojd it for a Month, and it will be per- fcdtly fixed. V. This you mufl: repeat four times, or till the Water flows like Wax without fume. VI. Then proie6l of this matter p. j. upon Venus p. x. and it will be tinged perfedlly into Silver. CHAP. XXVII. A Tw5fure of Gold upon Luna, I. 'T'Ake of fine Luna |ij. of fine Sol ^j. melt them toge- "* ther, and bring them into thin Leaves, which diffolve in Aqua fortis. II. To thisDilTolution add Mercury feven times Sub- limed ^iij. then Diliill to drynefs. III. To this matter aid fixed Mercury and fluid or fu- iible, prepared with Ssi\ Armoniack, as above laid; which again diffolve, and abfl:ra6t the Aqua fortis to drynefs, which repeat by thrice cohobating, till the mat- ter flows tike Wax without tlime. IV. Projecl: oF this p. j. upon fine Luna p. x. and it will be good Gold. S s 3 CHAP. 578 PolygrnLfhices. Lib.VIII c H ^ P. xxvin. jtftother lincfufe of Gold upon Lum, J. *TrAke of fine Sol cilcincd Avith Mcrcuty, Sulpluir'^ J- and common Salt pi'eparcd and well purified j wafh the Calx in warm Water, till it is fwcet, and freed from all manner of. faltnefs. IL Take of this Calx |ij. Mercury fcvcn times Subli- med, and reduced again into running Mercury |ij. mix them well. III. Then ptit them into a Fixatory or ftrong Matrefs ivell ilopt, which place in an Athanor for a Month, that the matter may be congealed. IV. Diflblvc again with the fame Mercury prepared in the fime manner as aforefaid, by beating and mix- ing till the matter will flow as Wax. V. Jhen diflblve it in our Virgins Milk, or our Diftil- led Vinegar, which wc have declared above, in the Three and Twentieth Chapter. VI. The Diflblution filter till it if cleat, which is ma- ny times to be dryed, and to be diffolved a?ain by many Cohobations; which is lb often to be iterated till tlie matter will flow ns Wax, without any fume. VII. Then edulcorate it with Spirit of May Devv,that it may lofe all its Acritude j fohave you a true Elixir, to pioicd upon Luna. VIII. One part hereof put upon a thoufand parts of melted Luna, will tranfmute it into the belt and fiwtik Gold, which will be more pure, if with patience it is •elaborated. It is a long Preparation. CHAP. XXIX. A Tincfiire of Sulphur and Mars for Luni* 1. ""pAke Scales of Iron (plenty of whichyou may find ; -■* in a Smith? Shop) being beaten off from the red kot Iron, tbj. yellow Sulphur as much. : , . 11. Muc Chap. 29. ATirtSinre forlMm, 579 II. Mix and burn them together, atkling new Sulphur ^j. or ii. for the fecond or third CombiilHon. III. Being burnt, beat it, put it into a Retort, and Diftillby Allies, obferving the degrees of Fire, lb have you an Oyl of Sulphur in a large quantity ,• becaufe the Sulphur of the Iron is adjoyned to tlie common Sulphur, by which the humidity is augmented. I v. The Diltillation being done, augment the Fire, till the matter remaining in the bottom of the Retort is red hot, and well calcined to Redncfs. V. This matter thus Calcined Red, take, and put up- on it its own Waterin aGlafs VeiTei, to which add Spi- rit of Life {a) four times as much as there wasot the Oyl or Hiarp Water, Diltilled from the Sulphur and Mars. VI. Put thefe in warm Allies that they may boyl gently, and extra(5t a Tincture by boylnig from the Cal- cined matter. "• VII. This Tin6lure decant by Inclination, and add new Spirit of Life, putting them into a gentle heat to digert till it is Coloured. VIII. This Tindlure decant, and conjoyn it with the former, which Work fo often repeat, till the Spirit of Life or Mercury will be no longer tinged. IX. Put thefe TincWesofthe Spirit of Li!e into a Stilbitor}', and with a very gentle Fu'c fcpirate the Sp:rit from the Tindure, which will rciUciin in the bottom ot the Veffel thick like Honey. X. To this Tincture add of Mercury, f/'J here is meant the Mercury of the Philofophers, well wa'licd an eiual Puantity, mix them throughly, which digeft in a gentle heat for one day, till the Mercury is fixed into a Red Ponder. XI. This RedPouJer dilfolve in our Virgins Milk, and Cohobate often till it is converted into a Red Oyl fixed. XII. This Oyl conioyn with an equ.il Qiiantity of the Oyl of Gold, and digcfr in an equal and gentle heat for a Month, and it will perfedly fix the Oyl of Mar?, Sulphur and Mercury. XIII. This being put one part upon mcl ted Luna an hundred parts, gives a wonderful Tindure. (a) There is meant ??;irier^l Spirit of Wine j fome think Spirit of Aicrcttry ; vohich is. the thini>^ : others Spirit. ofQjicklime, bn: they are deceived. S s 4 C H A P. 580 Potygraphices, Ub. VIII. CHAP. XXX, A rif95fure frtm Sulphur Vive, and Argent Vive, upon Luna. \. "T^Ake o? Salplmr l^ive^ or that which was never yet -■- melted, but is as it was taken out of tlic Mine, (for that has the better and greater Tinchirc.) IT. Take of this Sulphur Ifcii. reduce it into Ponder, and put it into a iirong capacious Glafs Urinal ; upon wliich put Spirit of Wine perrei^ly Deflegmated, io much as may cover it the breadth of five or fix Fingers. III. Place it in warm Allies, that it may gently boy?, taking off the Scum which arifes with a Spoon, and cart- ing it away ; this boj/Iing continue for three Days and Nishts, adding new Spirit of Wine as the former walks. IV. At the end of three days the Sulphur will be fufi- ble and incombufiiblc, which dry with a conti nued gen- tle heat, till the Spirit of Wine is totally vanil>icd. V. This fixed Sulphur mix well with its equal Quan- tity of Mercury (well walhed) in a Glals Mortar with a Glafs Velfcl, till they are throughly nungled. yi. Then put it into a Ihong Glafs Matrcfs, with Spirit of Wine covering it the breadth of foiu* Fingers, ^vhicln fiop very clofe, and place in warm Horfe Dung for fifteen days, and the Spirit of Wine will be defeca- ted, the matter remaining dry. VII. Take the Matrcfs from otit the Horfe Dung, and place it in warm Alhes, fo will the matter turn black as Pitch in a (c\\ days; andconthiuing this gentle heat, it will pafs thiiough all Colours, till it comes to a pcrfedl Rerlnefs, Wkc that of a Ruby. " VIII, This matter fix in a Fixatory in an Athanor for a Month, till its Odour or Smell is moft fragrant and I'vveet, which you inav perceive by the aperture of the Vclicl. • - ' , IX. If this matter be difiolvcd. in our {a) Virgijis Milk, and then a?aia in Spirit of May Dew, till it is Iwect ; It win more perfectly make a Tranlmutation into Gold. X. One Chap. 31- 7o whifett Venus. ^^t X. One part of it being' putupon a thoufand parts of melted Luna, or upon any other Metal, it tranfmutes them into the finett Gold. XI. Yea, bein| put upon Crude Merairy (h) in a Iiot Crucible, it tranimutes it into a Stone of the iapie Vir- tue and Efficacy. XII. One part of this Mercury being put upon an hun- dred parts of Qiiickfilver, fixes it into goed Gold. (a) The nay of mahng it is taught in Chap 23. aforegoing. (b) Toy. may firfi fix it rvith the fumes of Lead. CHAP. XXXL A Preparation ofJrfenick to whiten Ventts^ I. npAke Sal Niter, Roch Alum, common Salt prepa- -■- red, A. %]. mix and make an Aqiua fortis accord- ing to Art. II. The Faeces beat well, and put to them Cryfialine Arjhnck in fine Pouder ifcj. which Sublime once, ill. Beat this Sublimate fmall, and difTolve it in the aforefaid A. F. and clarifie the Solution. IV. Diltill this diiioived-^r/fw/VZ- by a Retort, and you will have in the bottom a dry matter, which in a nioiit place will relblve into Oyl. V. To this Oyl add the Oyl of /.««.?, (the Preparation of which we have taught before) and fix them^ together for a Month in a warm place. VI. Then abiha6l the liiperfluous humidity by Diftil- lation, till there remains in the bottom of the Stillatory a truly fixicd Oyl. VII. This Oyl will penetrate Copper and tinge it white; and one part or it being put upon one hundred parts of melted Copper,, will tranilntite it into good Silver. CHAP. s^ Pofygraphices, Lib. VIIL CHAP. XXXII. [A fixed lin^ffre to convert Luan into Sol. I. 'TTAke of the beft Z.«nrf calcined with Mercury, and Salt prepared : mix it with an equal Quantity of Cmnahar of Antimony ; thefe Sublime three times. II. In every Sublimation repeat the Cmnabar of An- timony. III. Then diiTolve this matter in a Compound Aqua Fortis, made of Niter and Vitriol, A. ifcj. Antimony, Verdigrile, A. ^iij. make the Solution over warm Alhcs. IV. Keep the Diffolution warm for three days, at the end of which time Diftill a Water, and reduce the Foe- ces into a Body, by melting or diflblving them with Borajc. V. Thus have 3'ou a Tin£lure foxLun/iy which with an ecjual Qiiantity of fine Sol, will tranfmutc it into good Gold. CHAP. XXXIII. Mercury Water, I. 'T'Ake Mercury Sublimate in fine Fouder If;. lay it * on a ftrong fubftantial plate of Tin, with a hole in its middle ; place it on a Glafs Funnel in a cold place, that the Mercury may melt per delLprnm. II. This Liquor Di(Hll in Balneo, repeat the DifHlIa- tions, until the whole in ittcr be turned into Water, and doth all arife in the Diftillition. III. Take all this DilHIIed Water and draw it off in Ailie?, Avhat remains in the bottom of the Alcinbick let it melt again per deUqniaWy and DiQill again in Balneo and Allies, as before, till no Faeces rcmaui m the boL- toni of the Alcmbick. • IV. In Chap. 34^ 7o tinge Luna />/t7 Sol. 585 IV. In this Mercurial Water feven times Diftilled in A flies, is Gold (Calcined with Mercury, Salt and Sul- .phnr) to be diffolved. V. This Solution is to be putrefied for fifteen days in HorftDung, and Diftilled with a gentle Fire in Allies?, and Cohobated upon the Foeces, till it be converted into a true fixt Oyl, whofe Vertue is wonderful. VI. One Pound thereof will go upon an hundred of melted Silver, and turn it into pure Gold, tinging and tranfmuting of it throughly. VII. If its Oyl be fweetned with Spirit of May Dew, by often DifTolving, Diftilling and Cohobating, its Ver- tue and Efficacy lb encreafeth, that it cures all Dileafcs both Humane and Metallick. CHAP. XXXIV. 7o twge Luna into Sol. h 'T' Akc of the bcft Sol calcined, Crociis Mank^ calci- -*- ned Brafs, of each alike ; add thereto Sd Armo-^ nUck^ redified upon Croci'i-s Adartis^ by Solution of the Sd Armonmck in lliarp Spirit of Vinegar ; for the Croats being lb diflblvcd, tingeth the Sd Armoniack with its Colour- II. By Diflillation or Exficcation and Sublimation, let this Tincfure be joyned to the Sal Armoniack. Illi DifTolve of this Sal Armoniack 4 Ounces, in our Vinegar ; our Virgms Milk {a) and put into this Soluti- on the Pouder of the Crocus, of Gold, and of Calcined Brafs^, in which perfectly diifolve them all. IV. Filter and purify the Solution, and let it putrefy for a Month in Horfe Dung, then Diitill by a Retort in a gentle Fire, or Alh or Sand heat. V. Cohobate the matter on the Faeces, till it be con- verted into a fufible Salt, u'hich fweeten with Spirit of May Dew, and then it Avill tinge very well; one part will go upon ten parts of melted Silver, and tranlinutc it into good Gold. (a) S{S Chat!. 22. aforegoing, C H A P. 5:54 Wygraphhes. Lib. VIIL CHAP. XXXV. 7o make Crocus Martis wore noUe^ forperfecf- hg the former Secret, I. 'TpAkc as many Filings of Steel as you pleafe, wafh -*- them Ten or Twenty times in Water, in which Salt is dilfohed, till the Filings arc very clear and pure, then dry them. II. Put them into a Glafs Matrefs, and Afflife there- on itrong Spirit of Vinegar, to which add a good Quan- tity of difToIved Sal Armoniack. III. Place the Glafs Matrefs in the Sun for 8 da^'s, turning it every day, and lliaking it ; then decant the Vinegar, and put on frelli Spirit, with new Sal Armo- niack. IV. Shake well the Matrefs or VefTel, and put it into the Sun again, until tlie Vinegar is tinged, which decant alfo, and add it to the former. ^ V. This Work you mult repeat, till the Filings are dilTolved in the Spirit of Vinegar and impregnated ivith the Sal Armoniack. VI. piiiill thcfe Tinduvcs with a gentle heat, fo will the Spirit come ofl^ and leave the Crocus at bottom, anort admirable in augmenting the Tindure in the for- mer Chapter. VII. This Crocus may be reduced into a true Red Oyl of Mars j and if it be often dilfolvcd in Spirit of Vinegar, and then diifolved in Spirit of May Dew, it will be turn- ed into a molt Red Oyf. VIII. This Oyl if it be joyned with the Oyl of Gold, and fixed, it will be a moft perfedWork, of which one part will go upon an hundiCvl parts of melted Silver. IX. Mercury feven times Sublimed will be tinged by it, and converted into a molt Red Oyl, nearly equal in Vertuc and Power, to the former Oyl of Gold. C H A P. Chap. 3^' To turn Water yfo Wine. 585 CHAP. XXXVI. To turn Water into good Wine. I. 'TpAkeofthebeliWine fix Quart?, or what Qjianti- -■- ty you pkafe ; Diftill it in a Gliik AIeiTibick,large and high, with a gentle Fire : Or fubiVitute goodSpirit of Wine (feven times at leaft reiiified) in its place, that it may be perfe6lly Dephlegmated. II. The Spirit thus reaified keep well ftopt in aGlafs, then -profeaite your Diftillation, and the FJegm will come over, which re6lify feven times, till it be vei^ piir'fe and clear, and free from all manner of Faeces in tlie Diftillation. III . The Flegm thus prepared, keep in a Glafs by it felf; increafe the Fire in the fame Diftillation, and you will have a Red and Foetid Oyl : This you muft fo often redlify till it be white and clear, and has loft its Em^j- reumay which keep in a Phial well ftopt. IV. Calcine the remaining Faeces in a Crucible, with a ftrong open Fire, till they are white; to which Calci- ned Faeces put the rectified Flegm, in a new Glafs Alem- bick, with a blind head: Let'it Boy I for an hour, then filter and purify it. V. This purified Liquor Diftill in an Alembick, and the Faeces remaining Calcine again, as before, and dif- folve it in the Flegm : Thus do 7 or 10 times. Calcining, Diifolving and Filtering, till you have a pure white Salt, freed from all Faeces and Impurity. VI. To this pure Salt add its own reclified Spirit, re- ferved after the feventh Rectification, and in it diftolve the Salt in a warm Sand heat ; filter and purify the Solu- tion, and if there remains any thing undilTolved, Calcine it again. VII. Being Calcined, diffolve it in the reftified Flegm, then Coagulate, and diffolve it in the re6lified Spirit; which Solution DilHll and Cohobate fo long upon the remaining Salt, till it be turned into an Oyl, which pu- rify, and make Volatile, by joyning it with its own Spirit. VIII. This ^86 PofygraphUef. Lib, VOL VIII. This by continual Digeition fix, being fixed, add to it the former rectified Oyl, and fix both together, then Volatilize and fix it again. IX. Thus arc all the Elements of the Winejoyncd in this fixed Mixttire ; and it will turn Water into good and pure Wine : One Pint will turn po Pints of Water in- to Wine, which is wonderful to ice. CHAP. XXXVII. 7o turn the fttpbk Oyl of the Golden Marchaftte into Gold I. "TpAke 6fthe heft Marchafite of Gold ftij- reduce it -*• into very tine impalpable Pouder, which diifolvc in AqM Regis J upon warm Allies. il. Decant off" the clear part of the Solution from the turbid Faeces, Diftillthe Solution clenr, dry the Poeccs^ and Cohobate the Diitilled Water upon the Faeces ; al-^ \vays purifying the Solution, and decanting it clear off from tlic troubled Faeces. III. At length dry the Marchafjte, and add to it of !;ood Gold (calcined with Mercury, Salt and Sulphur) ©ac Ounce, and of the Sal Armoniack nibified fwith the Crocus M.artis, as above) 2 Diachins ; of Mercury 7 times Sublimed ^ Drachms. IV. Mix and incorporate all togetlicr in a Marble Mor- tar, with a Glals Pclkll, :2i\d. put all into a Rciort, and Diftiil with a gentle Aih heat, till all tlie humidity is vaniilied. V. Then increafti the Fire, that the Volatile parts may Sublime into tlic neck of the Retort; after which break the Retort, and joyn the matter beaten into Pon* der in the bottom with wlrat Sublimed into the neck. VI. Mix them very well together, and Sublime them again; repeat this Work Icvcn tune?, the matter will be Cas fufible as Wax) in the bottom of the Retort. VII. joyn this fulible matter with the lixt Oyl of the Alcaly, or fixt Salt; Digclt them for a Month n\ an A- thanor ilia ftrong Glals j and if need require,. Diged it longer. Chap. 58. 7 otiffgeLun2L into Sol 587 longer, until it be congealed into a fufible, yet fixt mat- ter. VIII. You may prqiedl with this, by putting one Ounce thereof upon an hundred Ounces of Mercury, made hot in a Crucible. CHAP. XXXVIII. To make the Oyl of An jlcali to prepare the for" mer Secret, ^^j./ I. "TpAke Sal Alcali 10 Pounds, beat it inaMafbk -■- Mortar, and incorporate it with Dittilled Vine-r. gar, of which make round Balls,- and dry them in .tl« Sun. II. Put thcfe Balls into a Reverberatory, and calcine them for 24 hours, then diflblve them in a iufficient quan- XkY of Dirtilled Vinegar j filter the Solution, andDilHlI to dryncfs. III. Then diflblve it again in frelliDiftilled Vinegar, the miitter is turned into a fixt Oyl and Salt, fufible as Wax. CHAP. XXXIX. lo tinge Luna iftto Sol. I. npAke of thebeft Antimony well Poudred one Pound, -*- crudeTartar and Salt, of each as much ; Poudet them all, and being well mixed, calcine them in a Itrong Crucible, with a violent Fire. II. Encrcafe the Fire till the matter is melted, and let It remain melted for four hours^ that the Regulus may fall to the bottom of the Crucible. III. When the matter is cold, feparate it from the Re- gulus, which keep ; the reft of tli£ matter diflblve in fair Wateu 5^8 Vo^grafhices, Lib. VIlL Water, by Boy ling it; then filter and purify it as much as you can. iV. This matter tlius filtered and purified, mix with the Spirit of Vinegais lb will the Golden Sulp'.mr of tiie Antimony precipitate. V. This feparate by Filtration, fo will the Golden Sulphur remain in the filtering Paper, which dry by a gentle Fire. VI. The drycd Sulphiu: diffolve in our Virgins Milk, and Digeit it till it be tinged. VII. Then Diftlll the Solution, and the acid part of the Diftillation Cohebate upon the Faeces, tliatlhey may "bt diffblved again and purified. VIII. Repeat this Work fo often, until it be turned into a red fixt Oyl, which is to be;oyned with tlieOyi of Gold, and Digefkd until it is fixed into a fufible and tinging Salt. iX. One Ounce of this Salt will tranfmutc an hundred Ounces of melted Luna- into good Sol. -;ii;-i. ■ . - - Knim:>. . , C H A p. XL. Ho make the Mercury of Antimony. I. •T^A-k<: of the Regulus mentioned in ttie former^Chap- -*- ter 4 Ounces, of Sal Armoniack, well depurated by Solution anditirfed^'8 Ounces. , II. Ponder and mix them all together, and Sublime them in a ftrong Ghils. III. Repeat the Siiblimation 5 w 6 times, till the Re- gulus does rile with the Sal Armoniack. IV. Then diffolveall in common Xair Water, warm- ed, and impregnated with the Salt of Tartar; lo in the bottom of the Veffcl you will find the Reaulus farncd into a running Mercury, after Meniltual Dige(tion. See Chap. 21 atoregoing. C H A r. Chap,s!j.2» 7 otranft^ttte Antimony intoSol. 58.^ C H A P. XLI. To extrd^ Mercury from C\fet4s reduced tnto a. Calx. ' ' '^ ' ^ ■.',i oh -•• I.T\IiIblve in coipmon Aqua fortls, Salt: calcined bv^ -■-' degrees, until the Aqua for tis will dilTolve m more. . , ir. tnto this Water put Regulus of Antimony, if you defire its Mercury-, or the Calx of Lead, Tin, Iron, Cop- per, Silver or Gold, if you defire their running M^-rciury. III. Stop the Glafs %yell wherein the Solution of the metallick Calx is made ; digeft it for a month in Horfc- dung, and then diftil off the Aqua fortis, and dry tlic matter. IV. Repeat this Work again, digeft, diitil and dry, and add to it its Own weight of Sal Armoniack, and as miich of Tartar, upon a good quantity of Aqua ardcn.s, -Of.Spirit ofWine^'V-'-^.C , \'":!Jll'v!'1 ',)■..•.; _ti\ V. Digefl: this Mixture for 15' days, then caufe it to boil ; and you will find running iviercury in the bot- tom. CHAP. XLII. To IrAnfmnte Antimony into Sol. I.'T'Akc Mercurv of the Regains of Antimony yy. ■■' of the bed Gold filed or made into thin leaves ^i- make an Amalgama -thereof. II. Then with common Mercury and pure fine Silvei> make another Amalgama, beat and mi.x: both t!ie A- malgama's in a Glafs Mortar, with a Giafs Peilel. III. Being well inix d, put them into a 'lon-g Bolt Head well (lopt, and in a gcnik heat digef-t the matter, until it wax black. . IV. Then encreale the Fire, anddi^eft until it grows T t ^vb•ite-; ^go Polygraphicer. Lib. VIIL white; digeftftill, and encreafe your Fire, till the Mat- ter wax red as Cinnaber. ' V. To this add new Mercury drawn from the Regu- Jiis ot" Antimony or Silver, mix them well together, and digell them again, till the matter waxes white, and red as before. VI. This do three times, and you will have a true E- lixir fur Sol ; one ounce whereof will go upon a thou- land ounces of melted Luna. VII. And if this matter be difToIvcd in the mercurial Water we have taus,ht to prepare in the XXXIII. Chap- ter atoret;oing, it will l->c an unparalell'd Secret ; and being Iweetned with Spirit of May-dew : it cures all Difeafes, both Humane and Metallick. CHAP. XLIII. lo make Mercury of Silvery und with it & great Elixir, I.'TpAkc of the bed Silver 1'\]. diflblveit in Aqua fortis, -■- and digell it for a month, then diltil and coho- bate three or tour times. II. At lenj!;th draw off tlie Acui fords to a fourth part, and place the rcll in a cold moift place to cryftaN Jize. III. To thefe Cryfhls well dry'd, add of good Oil of Tartar rnadeofthe bell: and whitcft Salt ol Tartar *v;.. of diifolved Sal Armoniack §ii. digelt them in Horle- dnngfor amonth, or in Balnco, in a Glafs Matrafs very well fiopt. IV. Then add to It fliblim'dSal Armoniack, and Salt 'df Tartar, of each equal in weight. V. Digcft it -with Spirit of Wine for 15 days, and then let ii boil, and in the bottom you will Hnd a run- ning Mcrcurv, which dry, and wain with Salt and Vi- iiciz.ir, and a?,ain drv it. VJ. This Mercury amalgamate with Gold and Silver, anddigertthc Auial^ama, that it may be turned into a red Puudei. VII. Then Chap. 44. TofixLunz,&c. 5.91 VII. Then nourilh it with the like Mercury, digelt it that it may be fix'd, and again diffolve it : this do feven times, and fix it, till it he converted into a red Pouder. VIII. One ounce of this Pouder will make a Proje- 6lion upon an hundred ounces of melted Luna, and tiirn it into good Sol. IX.' And if this Pouder be diflblv'd in the Water of Mercuf)'-, and digefted into a fix'd Oil ; one ounce will prqjed upon a thoufand ounces of melted Luna : it will alfoprojed: upon all other Metals, but chiefly upon Tin, and Lead. CHAP. XLIV. To fix and tinge Venus into .good Luna. I.^T^Akc of Mercury feven times' ^fublim'd,fV;5i. Sal Ar- -*• inoniack as much ; Calx of Luna ca!lcin'd with Mercury ^ij. mix all together and lublime them. II. What Sublimes, add to the Fsec^s, beat them to- gether, and again fublime in a new Glafs : wliich Work: repeat till nothing fublime, but all remains at the bot- tom of the Glal's. _ ■- ^ III. Then pouder it, and in a moid place, let it run fer deliquium j which Liquor filter, purify and congeal upon warm Allies. IV. Dillolve it again with the Water which afcends, filter and congeal upon Ai}ies ; which Work repeat fe- ven times, and it wall be a Medicine ; of wliich one ounce will change fifty ounces of Mercury into Luna : and tinge an hundred ounces of Venus into good. Luna. Tt - C H A F 5s^,> /Pol):graphices, Lib. VIII. G H A P. XLV. ' .7:a fix Luna , and tinit it into good Sol. [.•npAIre McrcuiiV i^tven luiies lublim'd jiij. Gold cal- r 4- cin'd ( with MercuiT, S:ilt and Sulphur )7f;. Oil (jf Crocus Mattisl often diirolv'd, -vvaOi'd and purity 'd ^iii. rubify \i Sal Aritioniack ^iv.. II. Mix thein tos^ethcv, and fublime them with a. ftroiig Fire in a Glal? Matrafs in Allies: what Sub- hmes, put again to the Faeces n'liich remain in the bot- tom, and repeat chis io often till it will fublime no more. ., - III. Then wliat is'irfi the ■ bottom beat'and pouder vc- rv fm-ill : this Pouder put into a Glafs with holes in it, over a Glals Funnel, and in a raoilt place, let it melt fcr delicjaiuw to Water. IV. ThjiT- Water, hltcr, purify and didil it : ^^hat remains in the bottom,, dilTolve ag.ain in the Water that diibird over; and ix;peat this till the mattertcmains in ihc bottom, in.ii,uKiii(i, red and fufible Salt. V. One ounce of this cafi upon an hundred ounces of Mercurv, \vaim\l i^n. a Crucible, will tranlmute it into good Sol : and pvoieCtcJ upon an hundred ounces of fine Luna, makc<. it ail Gold of proof. C H A P. XLVI. To fix Mercury into fine Luna. I.T"Akc of calcin'd Tin |iv. diflolvc it in a fufficicnt -■- nuantity of the Virgins Milk, (in Chap. XXIII. aU>rei',('.ing.) II.' Dii!,elt the Solution for eight days in warm AOus, that the Calx may be dillblv'd. in. Dilloive the Calx of Silver Ot) in the fame Vir- pjns Milk, and dige{i it alio for eight days ; at length ;oin both thcli; Solutions together, and dillii them in Allies. IV. To Chap. 47* To fix Mercury f.fU-Q fifie SoL 593 IV. To the matter remaining in the bottom add f iv. of the Oyl o^ Sal -^c all (b) and diftiLit, and dry it. V. Then join both' the diftlMations together, w^. what is diftilled frojn the Virgins Milk, and what came troiu the Oil Oi^S"^/ ^l/J. do ib feven times. " ' II. Then heat and pouder it very fmall, and diiTolve It \n common Aqua fortis Cc), putrify the Solution 15 days in Horfe-dung, or Bdneo MarU. III. Filter the clear part of the Solution froiji the fs- ces, then diliill it, and cohobate upon what remains in the VeiTel ten times. IV. Then diffolve in our Vinegar or Virgins Milk, filter and purify the Solution as* before, and dili:il it. V. Then diifolve it in Oil or Water of Mercury (dj ; let it be diiTolved, dr3^£d CO and dilHUed, until it be turned into a fixt Oil, or fufible Salt. yi. To this Salt add Oil of Sol as much, then fi>: it, Tvhich is done by a ("hort digelbon becaulc the laid Solar Oil is fixed (f) of it felf ; therefore the fixation is done in a very little time after they are mixed together. VII, This red Tincture is multiplved, and its Virtue and Pouer increafed and 5;. ofthisTincWe will project upon a thoufand ounces of Mercury, and fix it into pure Sol. (a) That is Clnnab.ir ruztive or artificial, hm rather na- tive, (b) Here yoH are to under jfand Spirit ofyinegar, freed from all its fiegm. (c) Underfiand the ftrorigeii Al\ux forti^ of the commortd kind, viz. that which is doMe. (d) See the preparation thereof in Chap. :^'^. aforegoing. (€) By drying here is meant coaxal a: lag. (f) Not that it is abfolmely fixed in itfelf, for indeed it is mofl f'^olatile, but it is Jo called he- captfe it is of a fixinz property, nnd fixe: other things. T t 4. ^ C H A P. \^^ ^ "^ Pol^grafhilh?' Lrb.VIII CHAP. LI. To make the Oils of Gold and Silver, I. np Ake of the Gold, (calcin'd with Salt, Sulphur, ^ and Mercury, and then waflied) 5!;. dilToIve it in a fuflRcient quantity oi Aqua regin. II. Digert it in BAnto or Horlc-dung for i^. days, and dillolve the Solution to the conliimption ot a third part, the reft take trom the fire, and expofeit'to the cold Air, that the Gold may congeal C^O i"to yellow Stones Or Cryflals. in. Put thefe Stones upon a GLifs, and let it run to Water r/'^, the relt of the Solution again diftil to the third p:irt, then expole it to the Air to Cryftalize, as be- fore, and run per delujumm^ and diitil as before. IV. Repeat this Avork lb ofien, until the Crylhls or little yellow Stones are turned nito a fixed Oil. V. But by cohobating upon it Aqnafortis^ it will be Iboncr turned into a fufiblc Salt, (c). And after tliis manner is the fixed Oil of Luna prepared. VI. Thelc Oils are very nccejlary for the perfecting of feverals operations, and arc the principal things of note in Chvniidrv; for we need no other liscret, but tliclc Oils of Gold and Silver. VII. AndaluhoLigh there arc many other things which can do it, yet thcle very Oils augment and multiply, and are of that Virtue, that they arc true ferments. VIII. Tlicv turn allotherfixcd Oils drawn from Mi- neral? or Mct.ils into their own lubftances ; and fo by the Oils of Sol and Luna, the fixed Oils of nnperfccl Metals arc multiplied. (a) That is, fhoor wto Golden Cry;}aLu (b) viz^.. to dif- f'-lve into a liqu-ir per dcliquium. (c) This is according to 'the fnind f>^ Pa race Has, who thinks that by continual ^tjfuft- On of more of the drfjidvent y'>fi nill at length divide the mat- ter into fo l?raU- and Inbiil particles that it will become Oil. See my poron Mcdiclun, lib. 2. cap. i.ScCt. 16. §. i. and 5. CHAP. Chap. 5 3 . lotxtra^ Meicury from Sol. 5 97 € H A P. LU. Jo fi^, Lma, into Sol, I. ♦T'Akc ordryed Roman Vitriol fxi;. Antimony, and ••• Sulphur, of each |iv. Verdigrife, Sublimate, of each $ii. Sal Nitre 5vij. make of thefe a Water accordin* to Art. II. Take Ifcj. of this Water, and add to it |vi;. of Cryftals of Arfenick, in a large Glafs Matrafs with a Jong neck, which circulate till all beaked. III. Then dry it, and pouder it ; Take of this ponder Ifej. and caft it upon ftvj. of melted Silver ; and it will make it fomewhat brittle. IV. Toaft this Metal upon a Cupel, till it be fweet, and then dilfolve in Aqua Regia ; what will not diflblve, melt with Borax in a Crucible, and you will find halt the Luna turned into Sol. CHAP. Liir. Jo extr^a^i Mercury from Sol. I. T^Ake what quantity you pleafe of Sol, calcined %vith -*- Salt, Sulphur, and Mercury, and leven tunes ic- peated, by abttradling the Mercury in a Retort, and ad- ding frelh Mercury to the matter remaining in the bottom of the Glafs, till the Sol is reduced to a very fine Pouier. II. Take of this prepared Gold §i;. of ihe belt white Salt of Tartar (from which the belt reclihed Spirit of Wine has been diililled) |iv. common Salt decrepitated, dilToived, and congealed again |ii. Sal-Ariuoniack purely fublimed |i. the belt rectUicd Spirit of Wine ^v;. mix them all together. III. Put all into a Glafs VelTcl, ftoptwell, and pu- trify it in Horfe-dung, or Balnco, for a month. iy. Then diiHl oti the Spirit of Wine, and if any Qiiick- 598 PoljgrAphices, Lib. VIII. Quick-filver rcm-iin at bottom, diflblrc it in Aquaforthf and cehobate it three or four times. V. At laft put to it t!ie belt rcdtificd Spirit of Wine, and make it to boyl, fo lliallyou find the Mercury alone in the bottom of the Vcffcl, which purify very well, and keep it for perfe6ling of the following Arcanum. C H A P. UV. 7o fix this Mercury into mofifi»e Sol. I. TpAke of the forementioncd Mercury (of Sol) ^j. of -■- common Mercury drawn from Cinnabar, with Lime and Salt of Tartar, ^xx. mix all together, and put to it of the belt Oil j. drachm ; which mix well together in a ftrong Glafs. II. Digeft them for a month in Aflics, till the matter is turned into a fixed redPouder. III. DifToIve this Ponder in our Virgins Milk (4), the preparation of which we have formerly taught, filter and purify the Solution. IV. Digeft this in Horfe-duqe for a month ; then draw off the Virgins Milk, and keep or rcierve it for other fe- crets. V. The remaining matter diffolvc again in Spirit of May-dew, filter, and purify the Solution, and abftract it again by a gentle or flow diftiliation. VI. This work repeat fo often, till you have a Salt fufible as Wax or Butter; of which §;. will tranfmute a thoufand ounces ot' common Mercury (well wafhcd or clcanlcd) into pure Sol. (a) Se^ Chapter 23. aforegoing. C H A P. Chap. 5 5. lo cement Luna intG trtte Sol. 599 C H A P. LV. 7o fix the Mercury of Luna into Luna. I. •T'Ake of Mercury drawn frohi Luna 5I}. common -■■ Mercury, drawn from common fublimate §i;. and an half or ^xx. Oil of Luna ^ij- Oil of Tin 5ii;- mix all together. IL'Put them into a ttrong Glafs Matrafs, and boyl in an Afh heat, till the matter is fixed into a Pouder oi white Salt. IIL This Powder or Salt diiTolve in our Virgins Milk ; filter and purify the Solution: then diltil off the Milk, and cohobate it feveral times, till all the matter be con- verted into a Salt, fufible as Wax. IV. Diflblve this fufible Salt in Spirit of May-'Dtvi:, and dulcifie it by cohobation : fo long do this, till the Salt be turned into a true and white fixed Oil. V. One part of this Oil, will tranfmute a thoufand ^arts of common Mercury into pure and fine Luna, and tor ever fix it. G H A P. LVL To cement Luna into true Sol. I. npAke of burnt Brafs 5'- Roman Vitriol made red, and of the beft Crocus Martis, of each Sij. Lapis Tutia, Sal-Armoniack, of each ^i* make them into a moft fubtil pouder, and mix them together. IL Take then of the fineif Sol, and of the fincft Luna, of each equal parts thereof, which cement with the for- mer Pouder in a Crucible. HL Lay them in the Cmcihlc., firatttm f/iper /Iratum with the Pouder, which cover and well lute it, and ce- ment for twenty four hours. IV. Then walli the Plates, and melt them ag.iin, and make Plates, and cement as before with the lame Pou- der ; 4foo Folj/gYAphices. ^ib. VIII. der : this do fevcn times, and all the Luna will be turned into themofi pure Sol. 1 f ■ » . ■ ■ C H A P. LVIL y. To make Atinim Potabile, to prolong life. I. 'T'Akc of the moft pure and fine Sol, what you pleafe, *- diirolve it in Aqua regia in which prepared com- mon Salt is difTolved, and putrify the Solution in Horfc« dung for a month. , II. Then add thereto half a pound of rectified Spirit of Wine, digeft in Balneo for fifteen days, and abltrad the Spirit of Wine. III. The Sol again dilfolve, and cohobate feven times upon the matter remaining in the bottom. IV. Now here is to be noted in this Solution, that the S'lqHa foriis (a) which is firlt put on the Gold to dilTolyc It, is to be feven times rectified in new Retorts, that it jnay be freed from the Salt. V. The Sol being thus diflblvcd is then to be put into Spirit of yt/rfjy-Dcw, and fo difTolved: abftratl the Spirit, anidilfolve again, and abftract to drynels. VI. This dry matter expofc to a cold and moift Air for a night, tliat it may be diffolved, and the acrimony of the ^r/«^/or/ij r^^ be fully taken away. , VII. Dillolve again d( nfW'y with new rectified Spirit of Wine, anddry it by diliillation ; which Avork leven umcs repeat, till all the Sol is turned into a fweet Oil. Vf n. This is Av.r'.'.m Potabde^ which will cure all Dif- eales and Infirmities, and prolong life to cxtream old Age. Dofc one grain or drop m a Ipoonful of good Spirit of Wine (c). C.I. b.J Li both thcfs plucks yon Jte to HudmUnd Aqua Re- gia ; Cc) not rectified, fur then it nill be too jironv to he ta" ke-ii: jiillc.ii thereof you may ufe pureCm.iry, or which is bet- ter, choice Cinnamon W.iter. CHAP. Chap. ^Sy To make Argentum, &c. ^oj^^ CHAP. LVIU. >J 7o make Argentum Potabile, toCftre aSDifeXj fes of the Brain. I.nr'Ake of fine Silver what quantity you plea jfe, diir' -■- folve it in a fufficient quantity of Gommoa: (:4-) A-r qua fortis. II. Puttify the Solution in Horfe-dung for a.' month, or in BJneo MarU, ; then diHil the matter to drynefs, and cohobate upon the Faeces feven times. III. Diifolve the matter again into our Virgins Milk ; purify the Solution by Filtration, and putriiy again in Horfe-dung for fifteen days. :\ j | ' > , IV. Abttra6l "then xht Lad TirgineHnr, and cohobate upon that which remains in the bottom. . V. Then difiblve witl3 a fufficient quantity of the bed Spirit of Wine ; putrify the Solution in warm Horle- dung or Bdrieo Maria for eight days ; abftrad: the S^Tr?C and cohobate 'lei'en times; and if the Solution be >ot clear, filter it. VI. This done, ab^rack the Spirit of Wine, and dil- folveinSpirit of ^4)'-dew ; filter the Solution, and ab- ftra6l fo many times, till the matter is convtrte^l-iito a ■fufible Salt, and Iweet. VII. Arid to make it fwectcr, you^ may diitolve it in new freih rectified Spirit three or four times, fo will vou have a pure Iweet Oil of Luna or Argentum Po^dnle^ for the Cure of all Difeafcs which aii'ect the Brain. VIII. It is very certain, that if all the Oils of Sol and Luna (before prepar'd) were often dijfolv'd in -the-bcft re6lified Spirit of Wine, and dulcified with Spirit of ykf^-dew, and fo freed from the Spirit'of the Aquit'for- tis, they might with more fifety and plcafantnclsbe^ta- ken into the Body, for the curing of Difeafe?. IX. Neither is their Virtue and Property oi traniinu- tingMetals into Sol and Luna thereby weakned, but ra- ther fortified and extended. X. But fee that ^-ou operate warily and skilfully, for there is what can be delired in Chymical Preparations, if you can but obtain thefe metaliick OiJs, fi^r the cu- rms 6o2 Polygraphices. Lib. VIII. ing of Difeafcs in Men and Metals, as Experience can tcftify. XI. Yea, the Bodies of Vegetables may be cured by thcfe Oils, perfc6lly dulcified ; tor all Bodies, Animal, Vegetable and Mineral have one and the fame Fountain of Life. XII. And out of the fame Fountain, may be prefer- ved, and brought to the utmoft Perfection that can be, which few underftand or believe. (a) Without doiiht you ought to take the ie^ Aqu/tfortis, elfe you may chance to lofe your Labour, CHAP. LIX. To trmfmute Luna into SoL L'T'Akelt;. of the belt Aqua fortis, dirtil it from the -■- Sal Armoniack, and common Salt prepared, of cacfi ^iij. which repeat leven times. II. DilTolve in this Royal Water of the moft fine Gold ^j. and of Mercury amalgamated with llich Gold liv. III. Digeft or boil them in a fhoiig Glafs Matrals in warm Allies for a month, till tlie whole matter is con- verted into a red Pouder. ^ IV. This Pouder dilfolve in the aforefaid Water, and digert it in a warm Balneo MarUSot a month. V. Then diftil to drynefs ; cohobate fcven times, by putting what is dittill'dupon that which remains dry at bottom. VI. Add to the dillill'd W^atcr Spirit of May-dew, in which diflblve the matter, purify and filter the Solu- tion ; tliis repeat many times, till the nutter is convert- ed into a fulible Salt. VII. This Salt dulcify with the Spirit of yt/.n-dew, lepeating it with frclh Spirit of ALry-dtw, until the Salt be Iwcct, dml retains no Acrimony. VIII. One part of this will prolcd upon a thoufand parts of melted Silver : and if you continue diirolving it in Spirit of yl/^y-dcw, its Virtue will be thereby more and more augmented. CHAP. Chip.6o. 7otra»fmuteVtoxis intoLum\ 60 j Ch A P. ^tx: '' ''' ^ To irdffjhgt^e Venus' into'Lum. Ii*T*Xke Mercut^'j^awn from' Sublimate with Lime ' '*, and Tartar 3Yiy- of the bd\ Leaf-filver 311;. mix and make an Amaliania. II. Digeft this Amalgama in ^ Matrafs well clofed in warm Amesforamorith, tillit is converted into a Pou- der, br grows into a Tree. ', ' ' , HI. Let tliis Mercurial and Lunar Tree be diffolv'd in common Aqtia' forti^lTiAde of Vitriol, Saltpetre, and Alum. ^iMV: Digett this Solution in Balneo for a month, theti abftraCl and diftll to drynefs j and cohobate feven times with the diliill'd Water. V. Then digeft the matter %vith the molUhong Spirit of Vinegar, filtering and purifying the Solution 5 which putrify m warm Horfe-dun» for fifteen days. VL TIienabftra6l by DiftilLition, and dilTolve what remains at the bottom with Spirit of May-d^w, lever*, times reft ified. VII. This Work fo often repeat, till tlie matter is con • verted into a Salt fufible and nx'd. ' VIII. Projeft one part of this Salt upon a thoufand parts of Venus, and it will all be converted into moil pure Luna. IX. Let this Luna, made fufible, be oftentimes dil- folv'd in a cold and moift Air, and then congealed, that its Virtue thereby may be muldply'd ; fo thereby you may prepare a Silver Mine for tlie-Tranfmutatioa of Venus. X. From this Mine yoii may take every month or eve- ry week, half its weight, to proje6l on Copper. ff. XI. JBut let thei^e\be added to the xeraaming matter Mercury fublim'd or crude ; and {0 the Silver Mine or Matter will never decay, as will be manifeft by the fol- lowing Arcanwm. Jhe lame may be done with Sol. CHAP. fH .: " Polygraphices. lAb. VIIL e H A P. LXJ. J perpetfMl Silver Mine, that will never decay, 1,'T'Ake of the Silver and Mercury in the former Ghap- -■- ter it.j. to which add of the Mercury drawn from Cinnabar, with Lime and Salt of Tartar by DilVillation half a, pound. 11. lylix and beat all together in a Glafs Mortar with a Giais Pefkl; then put it into a Matrafs with a long neck, which clofe well, and digeft it in^warm AOics for a month ; in which time it will be all fix'd and con- verted into one Subftance with the former. in. "fhcn take half a pound thereof, and caft it upon an hundred pounds of purify 'd Copper melted, and it w^ill all be pure Luna. IV. Now, that this Mine may not decay, put half a pound of prepar'd Mercury, or common Mercur\', well wafh'd to the aforelaid Mine in a GlaJfs Matrals; and boil or digeft it for a month (clofcftopt) in warm Allies ; lb Avillthe whole Medicine be of equal Virtue with the iirft. ■ , . -. . V. And by this manner of feeding it with Mercury, your Mine will laft for cverj.fo that every month you may taKe out half a pound, for tlic Tranlmutation of Venus into good Luna. VI. In the lame manner may you likewife proceed with Sol, as Hull be declared ia the following Arca- num. CHAP. LXII. A ftrpetud Golden Mine^ to tranfmute Luna into SoL- I.T^Akc of the Sol, prepared by fome of the former Se- •*- crets, or at lealt, Sol that is by Art covertcd into a fix'd Oil or Salt which is tiifiblc; take of this tlifiblc Salt Chap. 6j' -^ trnging JVafer to twge Luna. 60 f Salt of Gold tfej. of Mercury drawn from Cinnabar, as is before taught, half a pound. ^ II. Mix and beat all together in a Glafs Mortar, with a Glafs Peftil ; and put it into a ftrong Glafs Matrafs, with a long neck, which flop or 61ofe well. III. Put this, Matrafs to digeft in warm Afhes for a month, and in that time all the Mercury will be con- verted into a Medicine, of equal Virtue with the foi:« itier. IV. Take of this Medicine one part, and cafl: it upon a thoufand parts of melted Luna, and it will all be turned into good Sol, V. To this remaining matter add half a pound of Mercury prepared, f «f fptpra) an.i digelj it for a month 5 fo will you find, that your Golden Mine will be inex- haulHble. Thus by the pure Oils of Sol and Luna are jnade the Golden and Silver Mines. CHAP. LXIII. A thging Water to tinge Luna. I.'TpAke of burnt Brafs (prepared and difTolved in com- -*• mon {a) Aqua fortis, and deficcatcd by Abftra- <5lion of the Aqua fortis) half a pound ,• of the Tindure of Mars, or of CVoc/^ Manis, dilfolved into Oil, half a pound ,* Roman Vitriol calcined only to whiteneis ftj' crude Antimony, _ Sulphur and Mercury fublimate, of each 5ii;. Verdigrife, Lapis Tutia, of each 5i;- pouder them all and mix them. H. Put them all into a Glafs Retort well luted, and. from hence draw arf Aqua fortis, and therewith often- times imbibe this matter. III. Then calcine it in a Crucible with common Salt and common Mercury ; or elfe difTolve your Luna in a Glafs Alembick, and abItra. uialc mineral Antimony, will caufc it to yitid more copiouflv the Oil of AntimcHiy. ■ XIV. AnJ ihis Oil will be of the fame Virtue with t\it former, being .prepared after the ianie method, as when diifolved in jjpirit of .4/»fj-de\v. CHAP. Chap.dS. Tv fixLunsi', 60^ CHAP. LXVIL To fix Luna. I.pvTffolve Sal Armoniack ^j. in the Water or Flegm •f-' of Vitriol, and as much, vU. y. of Sulphur Vive. II. Diftil them in a Glafs Retort,; 'apd after that the Flegm ofthe Vitriol is come over, encreafe the Fire, and fublime the Sal Armoniack with the Sulphur Vive. III. Caft of this Sublimate a fufficient quajitity on melted^" Silver in a Crucible, and it lliall be hxt to re- ceive the following Tindtu-e. CHAP. LXVIII. 7o extradi n T. injure from Mars to colour Luna . L'TTAke Filings of the beft Steel, heat them red hot in -*- a Crucible, and quench them in ftrong Vinegar : this repeat feven or ten times. II. Then take |iv. of thele Filings ; of Sal Armoniack 3ij- Mercury liiblimate as much : diflfolvc the Sublimate and the Sal Armoniack in warm Water, and filter it. III. Put this upon the aforefaid Filings in a Glafs Re- tort, or an Alembick ; after two or three days abftrail the Water; and what remains in the bottom dilfolvc in our Vinegar or Virgins Milk, and it will be tinged into the colour of Blood, IV. Decant the Tin6lurc, and affufe more Vinegar or Virgins Milk, until the matter will yield no more Tindure : then diftil it, and in the bottom ofthe Alem- bick will remain a molt excellent red Oil. V. This Oil will be better, and more penetrating, if 5'oucohobate upon it thf Vinegar or Virgins Milk, which will not afcend, bi.it remain in the bottom of the Alembick. II 11 3 . VI. One 6 to Poiygrdphices. Lib. VIH. VI. One part of this Oil caft upon fifteen parts of melted Luna, will turn it all into fine Sol. VII. And if to this Oil, you join an equal quantity of the Oil of Gold, and fix tkem together in Allies by Di- geftion for a month , your Medicine will be the more perfect. CHAP. LXIX. 7o reduce Sol into Mercury with commo»^^ Mercury. ^^•'•WIR^ ■«, I.'-pAke of the bcft Sol purified with Antimony, and -*■ niade into fmall Filings or tliin Leaves, fij a- malgamate it with ^xxiv. of common Mercury, wafh'd and purg'd very well. II. Divide the Amalgama into four parts, and put it into four feveral Glafies; add to it twelve times as much Aqua. RegUj di(Hllcd with Sal Armoniack, as the Amalgama weigheth. III.'^So divitle tliis Water, that in each Glafs there mav be the weight of the Amalgama, io that thefe tAvelve parts may dilTolve the whole Amalgama in a month, by Digeltion in Allies.^ IV. When the Amalgama is diflblved, diftil off the Aqua fortisy and dulcify the remainder with Fountain Water, till all the Antimony of the Salt or Aqna fortis is taken away, and the Water comes off fweet. V. Let the Water be very pure ap.d clear, or diftil- Icd ; and have a care that noDuft or Filth fall upon the rouder. VI. Dry all 3"our matter very well in an A Icmbick, that the Mercury may be f;ived. Vil. Then encreaic the Fire, that the whole Mercury may be brought over into the Recipient, and in the bot- tom you will hiul a calcined Salt, which reverberate for firtcen days in a Reverberator^^ Vin. So will vouf Sol b^ well calcined, and brought into an impalpable Ipungy Pouder. IX. Take half this Gold thus calcined, and the Mer- cury Chap. 6^, To reduce Sol hto Mercury. Sit CLiry that was diftUled from it, being well walli'd from the Impurities it contracled from the Aqua fort/4 : take of it as much as of the calcined Gold. X. Mix or amalgamate them very well together, by- beating or rubbing them in a Mortar. XI. Then put it into a Glafs well rtopt, which bury in warm Afhes for five days, until it be reduced into a red Pouder. ' " XII. To this matter add a third part of frefh Mercury, beat or grind, and mix them together, and boil or digeit them in a Glafs Matrafs, till all be converted into a red Pouder. XIII. Repeat this fo often, until the Sol hath imbibed een times its own weight of Mercury. XIV. Put this Pouder into a great quantity of com- mon Water diltillec -, &xx it with your Finger, that the Water may be thick or troubled ; then decant it whilft it is fo troubled, and put it into a Glafs Velfel. XV. Put on more of the fame matter upon the re- maining matter, flirring and moving the Water, till it is troubled again ; then decant it immediately. XVI. Thus continue, until the Water has taken up all the Pouder ; fo will you have a very lubtile Pouder. XVII. And if there be any thing in the bottom, which will not be taken up with the Water; calcine it with Mercury, by mixmg, grinding and digefting them in a Glafs Matrafs. XV III. Then pafs it all through Water, as before : take this Water, and let it fettle, and let fall its F.^ces ; decant the Water from the Fasces ; io will you have them of a Golden colour. XIX. Dr}^ them with a gentle Fire, and put them in- to a Glafs Matrafs, and digeit it in Allies for a day ; then take out the Pouder, and beat or grind it in a Glafs Mortar, and dii^ell it in warm Allies as beibre. XX. Then take it out and beat it again, and repeat this eight times, digelting lor a day at a tnne. XXI. Beat or griiid, aiid digell it again ; then put the Pouder into a {iiong Glais Matrafs well luted ar.d liopt, and bury it in a vefy hot Sand, making under it a very ffrong Fire, and the fuperfiuous Water of the Mercury will come forth firrt.' XXII. At kiit the Mercury will come forth in great qiwntiLiesj 6 It Tolygraphices'. Lib. VIII qiLintitles ; for all the Pouder will be turned into Mer- cury, and there will nothing remain in the VelTel but a black Pouder. XXIII. This Pouder, by a ftrong Fire, will be turned into a black Glafs. And thus is the Gold reduced into Mercury with common Mercury. XXiy. The Mercury is amalgamated or joined with the Spirit and Soul of the Gold, and is called animated Mercury ; of which are made Golden Mines by the fol- lowing method. CHAP. LXX. To make «t Golden 'Mine. I.*TrAkc of the Gold above calcined, whereof we have ^ -*■ left a half part for this Arcanum : Take, I fay, Silj. or as much as you have left ; and put to it a third part ot our animatea Mercury, as before prepared. II. Digeft it in a Glafs Matrals, buried in Aflics ; then give a itrong Fire, that ibme of the matter in the Matrafs may be iiixed. III. Put back that which comes over in the DifHlIati- cn, upon that which is fixed, and beat them together, incorporating, and mixing, and digelting or boiiing in a Matrafs till the Calx of Gold hiis drunk up much of the Mercury. ■ ly. And if the animated Merairy be fpent with the Spirit of the Gold, then fiibftitute in the place tlicrcof common Mercury wel.VOvanicd) dilfolved or purified. V. So will the red Pouder encreafe in an infinite quantity; and you may encreafe as much of this Mer- cury as you pleafe, making all running and live Mer- cury ; and it iliall be animated Mcrcurj'', and of die fame Virtue and Efficacy with the former. VI. Which muft agam be digeiled or boiled with the Calx ot Gold, and by degrees converted into a red Pouder. . VII. Of this Pouder make little Pills with Gum Tra- gacanth dilfolved in Water, and project it upon melted Gold Chap. 71 . ^0 tmge Luna into Sol. ^r| Gold in a Crucible, and the Calx will be meltecl with the Gold, and the Gold multiplied. VIII. After this manner will your Calx be turned into fine Gold, and your Mine be made to encreafe for ever. IX. But then you mult keep the faid Calx of Sol fer- mented with the Water of Mercury, and convert it into a red Pouder, and then into animated Mercury, and this animated Mercury into a Calx, and this Calx prch jeft upon 'melted Gold. CHAP. LXXI. I0 make the aforefaid Mine have the Virtue of tinging Luna into Sol. I.^Ake what quantity you pleafe of this Mineral or -■- Mine, and put it mto a ftrong Glafs Matrafs well ftopt, in warm Afhes, with a gentle Fire, for fourteen days, till the Calx has acquired a moft red Tin6lure. II. This very redTincbare it acquires only by this Di- gciHon, by Virtue of the Spirit of Gold, which gives the moit perfect red. III. If it be digefted longer, it will acquire a greater red, till it looks like deep Saffron or burnt Blood, fa deep will be the Tindure. IV. Take of this rubified Calx of Sol ^iii. of the Oil of Sol as much ; and as much of the Oil of Mars, and the red Oil of Antimony, as above prepared. • V. Mix and incorporate all tos;ether, and digefl till they are all converted into a moft red Pouder ; one part of this will projedtupon a thnufand parts of melted Luna, and tranfmute it into fine Sol. VI. If this Pouder be dilfolved in our Virgins Milk, into a fixt Oil, be filtered and 'clarified atterwards, and digelkd and fixed into a l\veet Oil with Spirit ot /t/.r^-dew, as we have before taught in many of thefe our Arcanums, it ^vill tranfmute ten thoul'and parts of melted Luna into fine Sol. VII. And if this Oil be yet fubtilized and attenuated, it /i4 Poljgrsphices. Lib. Vflf. it ^'ill tranfmiite Luna wiihout Fire into Sol, and that by bare Infufion of the Luna in the (aid Oil. CHAP. LXXII. lo trspfmute Mercury into Sol. I.'T'Ake Mercury ftj. crude Vitriol, Verdigrifc, crude •*- Tartar, common Salt, of each ft;. II. Put the Vitriol, Verdigrife, Tartar and common Salt into an Iron Pot, upon which atfufe the ftrongeft Vinegar, that they may all be diffolved. III. Being dilTolved, put to Fire, that they may boil; and when they begin to boil, put the Mercury into the Pot, and continue the boiling till the half part of the Vinegar is confumed, or fomcthing more. IV. Then take it from the Fire, and ftir or fhake the matter, and decant what is liquid into an Earthen Vef- fcl J and in the bottom of the Iron Pot you will find your Mercury half congealed or coagulated. V. This waih very well with common Water, till the VVater comes off clear. VI. Then digeR all this Mercury again with the liquid part of the Vinegar which you decanted out of the Iron Pot ; and clarify by adding new Vinegar, and boiling again for two or three hours in that Vinegar in which the Verdigrife, common Salt, Tartar and Vitriol were di/folved. VII. After this decant the liquid part by Inclination, and you will find the Mercury half congealed : this Luna wa("b again with common fair Water, till the Water comes otf clear. VIII. Expofe this Mercury to a cold and moift Air for three nights, and it will be coagulated very hard. IX. Reduce it into a verv iiibtil Ponder, and mix it with the Yolks ol Eggs and Crocus Mar: is, pure Earth (Chalk) Sirattiw ftipcr Stramm in a Crucible, giving a fliong Fire for two or three hours j and your Mercury will be like Copper. X. This join with an equal quantity ofcupellated or tefk-d Chap. 73« lotratffmuteMcrQmyimoSoh 615 totted Luna 5 melt them together, and teft them, and you will find your Luna tinged. XI. This tinged Luna melt with an equal weight of the bell Sol, and all will be pure and fine Gold, of a mpft pure colour. XII. And if your coagulated Mercury (made hard in the cold) be reduced into a moft fubtil Fouder, and im- bibed with Oil of Mars, and then melted with Luna, all the Luna will be tinged into Sol. XIII. And thus Mercury may be tranfmuted into the fineft Sol, which lliall ftand all Tryals, if fine Sol be joined therewith. XIV. For the Spirit of Verdigrife does convert and fix Mercury into Qopper ; and then the Oil of Mars doe^ augments its Tindure, and communicate it to the Sil- ver, and by adding fine Sol thereto, all is made into pure Gold. CHAP. LXXIII. 7o tranjmute Mercury and Luna into Sol. I.'TpAke of the Mercury aforefaid coagulated and fixed -*- in an Iron Pot, with Verdigrife, Vitriol, Tartar and common Salt ; Take, I lay, of this Mercury 5v;. of Silver calcined with Salt, Sulphur and Mercury, as much. II. Mix them well, and imbibe this Calx with the Oil of Mars tliree or four times, imbibing and drying it in a Crucible. III. Add then of Merairy Sublimate 5xvi;. and beat or grind them well together, and imbibe it three or four times, imbibing and drying it in a Crucible : then melt it, and all will be pure fine Sol. IV. This Sol, if thou diffoh^eft jn our Vinegar or Virgins Milk, and it be digelkd into aredfixeiOil, and then conjoined with equal weight of the Oil of Gold, and fixed together, you will have an Oil, one part of which will proiedi upon an hundred parts of melted Luna, a,nd tranfmute it into fine Sol, at all alTays. CHAP. 6i6 TolygrApbices. Lib. VIII. CHAP. LXXIV. To tinge Venus into Luna. I.^Akeof Luna calcined with Salt, Sulphur and Mer- •*■ cury, and three tunes repeated with frelTi Salt, Sulphur and Mercury : Take, I lay, of Silver thus pre- pared 5xvii;. which imbibe in the following Water e- leven times, imbibing and drying in a Crucible upon the Luna. IL Then take of Sal Armoniack 3xviij. Mercury fe- ren times fublimcd Z^\'\j. mix them together and dif- folve them in warm Water diltilled f and filter the So- lution. in. In this Water imbibe the aforefaid Calx of Silver, and then diifolve it in Spirit of Vinegar. IV. That which will not diifolve in warm Allies, cal- cine again with frelli Salt, Sulphur and Mercur}\ V. This Calx imbi'jc and exficate in the aforefaid Water of Sal Armoniack fo often, till itisall diflolved. VI. Thefe Solutions of Luna put into a Glafs Alem- bick or Retort, cohobating ottcnturic? upon the remain- ing matter in the bottom, till the Vinegar does afcend fweet andinfipiJ. VII. Then add frefh Vinegar, and again diifolve and coagulate, and that fc\'en times, till the Vinegar alcends fharp, and the Solution be uirned into a fixca Oil or fu- fible Salt. VIIL One part of this Oil projcclcd upon an hun- dred parts of melted Venus, turns or tranfmutes it all into good Luna. CHAP. LXXV. To tinge the fame Venus into Luna. L'TpAke of the before prepared Alcali Oil, (in Chap. -■- XXXVIII.) Mercury la- en times fublimcd with fixed Sal Armoniack, of each 5xx. II. Dil- Chap. 7^* 1o tingt Luna into Sol. di 7 II. Diflblve them in ivarm common Water diftilled; filter the Solution, and abftrad the Water by Diftil- lation. III. Take this Salt and Mercury, with Oil of Tartar, and difiblve them in the ikongelt Spirit of Vinegar, and dilHl to drynefs. IV. Cohobatc this Spirit of Vinegar now drawn off fo long, till the matter is conv^erted into a fixt Oil. V. Proie6l one part of this Oil upon an equal weight of melted Luna; mix them well in a Crucible, and the Oil will be reduced to a Pouder. VI. Take of this Pouder one part, andprojcfl: it up- on an hundred parts of melted Venus, and it will be all moft fine Luna. yil. If you diifolve this Pouder in our Vinegar, it will be converted into a fixed Oil: one part of which will tranfmute a thoufand parts of melted Venus into the befl: and moft pure Luna, not to be parallelled in purity, whitenefs and found. CHAP. Lxxvr. Jo tinge Luna into Sol. I.T^Ake cmde Antimony pxx. as much Crocm MmU : -*- crude Tartar 3xi;- Salt Petre as much j pouder and mix them. II. Then put it into a ftrong Crucible, and with a violent Fire calcine for fix hours; melt it wxll, that the Regulus may faU to the bottom of the Crucible. III. The Crucible being cold, break it, and take out the Regulus ; the reft of the matter diifolve in pure clear Fountain Water ; boil the Solution, and filter it. . IV. To this' filtefed Liquor- add, by degrees, diftilled Vinegar,' 'z//;^. drop by drop, and a Golden Sulphur of Antimony will precipitate to the bottom. V. To tills Sulphur w^ell dryed add an equal quantity o^ Crocus Alartis, and as much of fixed Sal Armoniack^ with 3xvi- of Mercury fublimate. yi. Mix them all and let them ftand in a Glafs Ma- trals 6 1 8 Polygraf kites. Lib. VIII. trafs with a long neck, in a ftrong Sand heat for a month ; then djlfolvc all in common Water, diftilled and warm ; filter the Solution, and it will be of a fine red colour. VII. Diftilitnowto drynefs, dilToIve again, anddi- ftil to drynefs, doing thus fifteen times. VIII. So iTiall you have at length aredfixt Oilj to which add the Oil of Sol and Oil oF Antimony, anddi- geft them in a Matrafs for a month, till they arc all uni- ted and fixed together. IX. So will you obtain a fixt Oil, one part of which being projeded upon a thoufand parts of melted Luna, will traniinute it all into good Sol at all aflays. X. But it will be more ftrong and effedlual, if the Luna on which you do project be fixt ; yet the confe- quence of this is not very great in this Work, becaufc here the Olenm Soils does fix the Luna. t XL Thus have you a Golden Oil of the fixt Sulphur of Antimony, wonderfully Efficacious in the Traniinu- tation of Metals, if you know how to work. CHAP. LXXVII. 7o tinge Luna into Sol. I.T^Ake of the Water from the above prepared Regulus -*• of Antimony (before the Sulphur is precipitated from it with Spirit of Vinegar) Ifeij. Crocm Afetallornm well rubified as much. II. Make an Amalgama orPafte oftheCrocfu, which dry with a gentle Fire, then calcine it in a Crucible for four hours, after which diifolve it in common diftilled W^ater or May-dew. III. Purify and filter the Solution ; and what of the CrocfM will not diffolv^e , calcine in a ftrong Crucible with a moft vehement Fire ftr a day and a night. IV. Then imbibe it again with the aforefaid Water, and make it pure; which dry and calcine for two or three hours : after wliich diirolve it in Spirit of May dew. V. Repeat Chap. 78. To make a Water of Mercury, 619 V. 'Repeat this the third time, calcining what doth not diflblve, till all the Crocns is turned into a moft red Water. VI. To this Water add Mercury fevcn times fublimed, and digert till they be turned into a red Oil : proiect one part of this upon thirty parts of melted Luna, and it iliall be all fine Sol. VII. But if an equal quantity of the: Oleum Solis be added to it, and fixed together in a Glafs Matrafs for a mor|h, it will be the more effedual and pou'crful in Tranfmutation. G H A P. LXXVIII. To make aWafer of Mercury* I.'T'Ake of Cinnabar of Mercury fublimed firom Vitriol **• and Hitre three or four times, always taking frelli Nitre and Vitriol : the Mercury thus prepared by the Cinnabar, mix with a fuflicient quantity of pure white Salt of Tartar. II. Difiblvc it by a Retort, and bring over the Mercu- ry in a live and running body : this ftrain through a C Loth- or Leather, and mix with it an equal quantity of coui- mon Mercur^^ III. Put them together into a Retort, anddigeft m Balneo for eight days, then dilHl by a Retort in AiKes, fo will you have a Water come over in great quantity-. IV. That which remains in the bottom wnli he a white Salt, which diifolve in a moift place, and reclity it by Diflillation in a Retort, always diltolnng what remainsin the bottom. * V. That which w^ill not afcend, join with your firit diftilled Water, and redify it leven times, and it will be the beft Water for performing of many great Works, but chiefly the following Secrsts. CHAP, 620 Pofygraphitef. Lib. VIIL CHAP. LXXIX. To tinge Venus into Luna. \rVhkt Luna calcined with Salt, Sulphur and Mcrcu- '^ ry %vj. diffolve this Calx of Luna in a fufficient quantity ot the afore jprcjDared mercurial Water. IL Digclt this Diflolution in a gentle heat, and diftil off the Aqua MercHril, and cohobatc it on the matter, till nothing more will rile or afcend. in. Thus at length you will have 0/(f«z??Z,»«^, which will tranfmute Venus mto good Luna, one part being proje6led upon fifteen parts of melted Venus. CHAP. LXXX. Another rvay to make the Aqua Mercurii. i.'T'Akc of Sol calcined with Mercury, Salt and Sulphur -*- ^iij. diffolve it in the above prepared mercurial Water. IL DifHl the Solution, and cohobate fo often upon the Solar Calx, till it is converted into a fixed Oil, or fufible Salt, having paffed through all colours, and be- comes red, fixt and fufible as Wax. ■ III. One part of this nxt Salt will tranfmute an hun- dred parts of fine Luna into pure and fine Sol. IV. If this Oil be joined vyith a fufficicnt quantity of the Aqua Adercnrii, and diiVille^, and all be made vo- latile ; and after, by confiant Digdlion, be again fixt, its Power and Virtue will be multiplied nd mfinitHm-. ♦cf?AP. Chap* St. to m^ke Aqua McrcurlL 621 G H A P. LXXXL I0 make the Aqua Mercurii another waf, 1. npAke common Mercury vT-ell w^tOied and fqueezed -*• through Leather, and inclofe it in a Ihong Ma- trafs with a long Neck, which Seal up Hermetically. II. The Matrafs being thus Sealed up, put it into a putrifying heat, with Woad, vi<,. where the Woad is prepared in the Shops to Dye Cloth with, there being i great heat, for four or five Months ; let^ the Glafs I lay be buried in the warm Woad up to half the Neck. III. Leave it in that heat for three or foiir Months, and in that time will all your Mercury be turned to Wa- ter, which reclify feven times, till it be molt clear, pure and limpid, and leaves no Fv^ces in Diftillation. ; IV. With this Mercury you may work great Things in the perfe6l Metals, by diflolving and coagulating them, and converting them into a fufible and fixed Salt. V. Thereby you have many Secrets and Elixirs to tinge Luna into Sol, and Venus into Lima ; and the reft of the imperied Metals, as Tin and Lead into Sol and Luna^ VI. This Aqua Mercmi may be made in a putrifyiii;* heat of the prefling of Grapes, which being redlified, is of the fame Vertue" and Efficacy. Chap, lxxxil 7o make an Elixir of the white Stoneifomdamof^g Lead» I. "TrAke the white Stones Avhic.h are found in Leaden' -*- Mines, .tnd towards the North of the fame Mines, for that it is moft moift : Take I fay a Stone newly taken out of the Mine, and break it into little pieces, with lit- tle pieces alfo of the Mine or Ore. II. Put them all into a Retort well luted, and Diftil for two days in a ftrong Fire, till the Retort grows red hot* • X X HI. Let' 622 Polygraphices. Lib. VUl. III. Let the Recipient be large, and to a third part fiill of the Spirit of uMay Dew, that it may receive the Spirits that come over. IV. When all the Spirits are drawn over, and the Re- tort has been kept in a red hot heat for two or three days, then take it from the Fire, and being cold, break it. V. If the matter be of a red colour, it is well ] but if it be more of a white, then it is to be calcined in a Cru- cible, with a very itrong Fire, for fix or eight hours. VI. Now wc eome to the Water, which is to be Di- ftilled with a very gentle heat, till the Acid Spirits afcend, o- Hre come forth, wliich are to be received in an open Veffel. VII. And the Spirits of yl^^j* Dew, which will afcend fii it, are to be kept ; but in the Acid Spirits are to be dif- lolvcd the cilcined matter, upon which a great quantity O- the fiiid Spirit is to be put, and in a Glal's Velfel. VIII. Let it be well Itopt, and made to boyl for an hour, then filter and purify it. IX. Upon the matter remaining undiiTolved, put more Acid Spirit, and boyl it again in a Glafs Veifel clofe ftopt, for an Hour, vvhich filter and clarify as before. X. Mix and Diltil all the Solutions to drynefs, and difTolve the matter again, by afEifing thereon all that vvhich has Diftillcd over. XL This Solution filter and clarify, and DiRil again ; which Work lo often repeat, till you have a white Salt or Pouder. XII. If all the matter will not yet dilTolvc, but fonic of it does remain, it mufi: be calcined again, anddilfol- vcd as before, till the whole or intire matter is dillolvcd and converted into a fulible Salt, which is fo often to be di/folved in our Acid Spirit, till by repeated Diflillations it is brought to a Volatility. XIII. And it is tlien farther to bediffolved in the faid And Spirit, till by repeated Dirtillations it is brought to a Water, which is to be redified feven times at the leaft. XIV. Then it will have acquired an exceeding pene- trating Vertue m diffolving of all Metals; and in this Water thiis prepared is to bediffolved the pert ect Metals, as Sol and Lima; one part of the Metal in ten parts of the WaLtr. XV- Mi*, Chap. 8 5. To prepare an Elixir from FearL 62 j XV. Mix, dilTolveand di^elt the Solution, or boyi it in a Glafs Matrafs, well clofed or lealed up Hermetically which is better: DigettferNineor Twelve Months, until the Water, with the Metal diflolved, be converted into a fufible Salt, fixed and red, if 3'ou have diflolved Sol in it j or fixed and white, if ^-ou have diflolved Luna in it. XVI. Thus at length is it become a wonderful and ftrange Secret, thetaie Arabian Elixir, ftupendioufly con-!- verting all impure Metals into Sol or Luna. XyiL And by diflblving this Pouder after Congelati- on, in new and frelh Water above prepared, it acquires far greater VertuesinTranfmutation. XVin. And from hence its Virtues and Force may be augmented to an Infinity. CHAP. LXXXIIL 7o prepare art Elixir from Pearl, i. "TpAke Golden or Silver coloured Pearls, as many as -■- you pleafe, Pouder them, and mix them with an equal quantity of Sulphur Vive. II. Calcine them in a Crucible, with a ftrong Fire, until the Sulphur be confumed ; then add new, but not lo much as before, and Calcine it as formerly. III. Increafe the Fire, and make the Crucible red hot, for four or fix hours ^ then let it cool, take out the matter and bcatit fmall. IV. Put it into a Retort, lute it well all over, and pi- t\[[ in a fhongFirc, that all the Acid Sulphureous Spirits^ may come torth, which are to be received in a Vclfel iialt full oii A/ay Dew. V. When all the Spirit is come over, break the Retort, and take out the matter, Pouder it, and expole it to the cold Air for a Night ; then put it into a well luted Retort, and with a (Irong Fire Diftill it into the fame Reccnver, that the yet remaining Sulphureous Spirits maybe brought Over. VI. Repeat this Work feven times, expofing it to the Air, and then Diltilling of it, until the Water in the Re- cipient have ail Acid Talk. Xx 2 VII, Duul ^24 Pol^grAfhices. Lib. VIIl. VII. Dillil this Water in a gentle Fire, lell it boyl, and when the Acid Spirits come forth, change the Recei- ver, and put a clean Receiver to, that you may receive them ap;irt. VIII. Rectify them feven time?, that they maybe pu- rified ; and in this Acid Spirit diftblve the matter left ir* the bottom of the Retort, after the firft Diftillations. IX. And in a Glafs well llopt, with a gentle Fire, di- g.e(l the Solution, then filter it, and upon the remaining lUidiiTolved matter, put more Acid Spirits. X. Dilfolve by DigeRing;, and filter the Solution ; this do till the greater part of the matter prepared from the Pearls be dilfolved. XI. Diltil this Solution to drynefs, and put the re- m lining drv matter into the Water Diftillcd from it ; purify and filter the Solution ; this do till you have a pure Salt, without any Faeces ilibfiding in the Solution. XII. Take of this Salt what quantity you pleafe, and dillolve it in ffclli Acid Spirit well dephlegmated, and d\^c{\. the Solution in a gentle heat. 'XIII. Then dittil to drynefs, keeping the Vinegar, and calbng awa^ that which comes over firrt, becaufeitis infipid; or if yoti plcafc, you may put it to the infipid Dirt' lied Water. XIV. Repeat this Work till the Salt becomes Volatile, and afccnds with the Acid Spirit. XV. And thus often difTolvc it in the faid Vinegar, ahvays feparating the Flcgm which comes firlt, and re- peat it till your Salt be turned into an Acetum, and riles with the Acid Spirit. XVI. This Spirit redlify fcven times, by fcparating it from its Plcgm ; and in this Spirit thus reclified, diffolve ih? p'. rfs;ct Metals, one part in ten parts of this Divine Water. XVII. Digeft this Solution in a Glafs well ibj^t, or Menncticajly lealed, (lell any thing afceiid) until the matter is fixed into a fuliblc fi^ed Salt. XVI n. But fijlt it is to be dilfolved four times in our Acid Water, and fixed and coagulitcd. XIX. Thus have you at length an Elixir molt powerful for t! e Trunlmijtation of imperfed Metals into Sol and Luna. 6hap. S^.Tomdefmall Pearls into great ones62^ XX. If there be Sol or Luna diffolved in this Acid Wat ter, and congealed by a continual Digellion, you will bave a {lupendious Elixir for the Great Work. XXI. This Metallick Spirit of a Mineral may be dravyn from any Marchafite or Mineral, becauf^it is inherent in them, and does give the Formal and ElTential Being to them all. XXII. But the way of drawing it is more facile ia fome than in others. XXIII. And the true way, according to the Chymical Art, is here mort faithfully delivered, if you undcritand the way of Calcining, Diffolving, DiftiUing, and luch other like Chymical Operations. XXI.V For thele things arc abfolutely ncceflary for you to know, that you may feparate from the Spirit all Fj:- culential Impurities, the Drofs or Lees of the Elements. XXV. This being thus perfecied, there remains nothing at lad to be done, but only to Digeli CHAP. LXXXIV. To mdke Jmdl Pearls into great ones. * I. 'T'Akeofthe le.ill, yet cleareft and brighteft Pearl;^, "* what quantity you pleafe, difroh'e them in our Acid Spirit, or in the Water of Mercur\-, DiiHlled Twelve times, or more, till it is fweet and clear. II. In this Water I fay, diifuh-e your Pearls in a Glafs, which flop well, and put it over a gentle heat. III. When all your Pearls are dillolved, filter the Solu- tion, and purify it, and Diibll in a gentle Balneo. IV. When the Di filiation is over,"cchobate the Dial- led Water upon the remaining matter, that it may again be diflblvedand purified. ^ V. This Work reiterate fo long, tliat at length it may diiTolve without any Fsces, and remain more cic.ir :v\d i^^lcndid at the bottom of the AlciMbick, like true Pearls. VI. Then have m a reidinefs Silver Moulds, which let be gilded with Gold, made of that bigneis and Figure you dehre your Pearls to be of. X X z Vil. And 6i6 PolygrAphkes. Lib. VHI. VII. And with a Silver SpAtula take your matter thus prepared and fill your Mould? on both parts, which let be perforated with a final 1 hole, to pafs a Silver Wire or Thre.id through, that the Pearls may be bored through. VIII. Then clofe your Moulds, (being full of the"^ pre- pared matter) and let them fland For two or three days m a warm place, that they may harden. IX. After which take out your Pearls from the Moulds, and put them into a warm Glafs, which cover with ano- ther Glafs. X. Or rather hang them in a Phial with a Thread faft- ned to them,andtyedabout_the Neck of the Phial; which Phial {bp,and let it ftand in a moderate heat for fifteen days, that they may be well hardned. XI. After that your Pearls are well hardned, take your Mercurial or Acid Liquor, wherein you diffolved your Pearls, and reduced them to their firft matter; in which Liquor let fome of your Pearl be diffolrcd. XII. Often repeat the Dirtillation, till your Pearls are turned to a Volatile Salt, and then to a Liquor. XIII. Take this Water or Volatile Salt of Pearls, and put it into the Glafs where your Pearls are fufpended. XIV. Let the bottom of the Glais be round, but let not the Pearls touch the Water, but hang as it were about the middle of the Glafs, your Water covering fomcwhatg more than the bottom thereof Xy. This done, flopivpthcGlafsclofe, andlctitltand to di|^eft in a warm place, or gentle heat, for a Month , or io long, till your Pearls iTiine, and are of a fplendent Colour, fo as to pleafe you ; then keep them, for they arc pcrfcdt. • ■ XVI. Almoft after the fame manner you may prepare great and refulgent Rubies from fmall ones; but yet it is after a more pcrfedl way and manner. XVII. If you proiedl ot" the fixt Oil of Gold on melted Cryfiil., you may prepare excellent Rubies orCarbtmclcs ^ccorduig to Art. CHAP. Chap. 8^. To make walkdle Glafs, Cij CHAP. LXXXVj To make malleable Glafs, I. *TpAke Oil of Luna Twenty Drachms, Oil of Mercu- -*• ry, or its Water feven times re6lified, one Pound j mix them together and Dilfil them. II. Repeat the DiWillation till the Oleum Luns rifes with the Water of Mercury in DiftiU ition III. Dirtil this Water again till it is fixed, and convert- ed into a fixed Oil ; and this repeat four times. IV. In the fourth time the Oil of Luna is fixed with the Oil of Mercury, fo that they render Glafs malleable; for lb great is the Vifcofity in your Oil, that it removes the brittlenefs of the Glafs, and fo leaves it of a malleable temper. V. Thereafon is, bccaufe that the Radical moifture of the Glafs is multiplyed by the Radical moiikire of the Metals, which is plentiful and turgent, or fwcUiiigin the Oils of Luna and Mercury. VI. Andif in thisOil made Volatile, Diamondsfiiould be dilTolved, and then digefted into a'fixt Oil, it would tranfmute all Glafs into Diamonds, only by projedting this Oil on melted Glafs. VII. There are alfo other precious Stones comprehended within this Oil, when it is made Volatile, and digefted, and fixed again by DigelUon continually, for the fpace of a year. VIII. Alfo this Oil can turn Glafs into precious Stones of any kind whatfoever, if therein, (being made Volatile) precious Stones of the fune kind have been diliolVed and digeded with it into a fixed Oil. IX. For as Metals are included in their fixed Oils, fo are precious Stones in theirs, as Raymnnd/'ts LMllii46 doth witnefs in many places; the which thing wc lliall teach you in the following Chapter. -Xx 4 CHAP. 6^^ Poljigrafhices. Lib. VIIL C H A P. LXXXVL Jo make Carbuncles ofCryfid. I. 'TpAke Oil of Sol tlirce Ounce?, Oil of the Vital Mer^ -*- cury before prepared, t\vo Pounds; diffolvc the Oil of Sol in the Water or Oil of Mercury. II. This Diitil lb often, by cohobating the Water of Mercury upon the Oil of Sol, till it does alccnd both red and clear. III. In this clear and limpid Oil diflblve the belt Ru- bies, purify the Solution, and Diftil it fo often till all comes over, and the Oil does iliine and fparkle in the darkeft of places; (for the Goodnefs and Beauty of Car- buncles confifl: in their Splendent Rays.) IV. Keep and digefl: this Water in continual Digeftion for a Year in a Glals Matrafs, Hermetically fealcd up, till it is molt perfectly fixed, which will be in about a year. V. Take this Radiant, or Glorious Red fixed Oil, and projed it upon melted Glais, or rather Cryital, a Pound m weight. VI. For if you ufe lefs than a Pound weight of Crylfcil, the Cr}^ftal v.ould be turned into a Medicine ; but two or three Grains or Drops will be fufficicnt for a Pound of melted Cryltal, and will turn it into a pure and fhining Carbuncle, which you mult caufe the Lapidaries to poiilli. VII. This Oil of Carbuncles is profitable to prelerve Health, and is eqtuil in Virtues and Properties to the Oil of Gold, for the confervation of the fame, and the pro- longation of Life, even beyond the bounds of Humane Nature. CHAP. Lxxxvir. 7o beautify Trees with Truii thrte times in Ajexr, I. "npAkc cf that Fniit which you would have to grow, ■ -■- three times a "Vear, beat it, and expreis tlierefrom the Juice, which put into a Wooden VclTcl well doled, adding to it a little Salt, and place it in a Cellar. 11. When Chap. 87. 7o hemtlfy Trees with Fruit, 62^ II. When it grows warm, diftil it in a gentle heat, to obtain its Spirit j which redify, and ieparate from its Flegm. III. Keep it all, and re6lify it feven times, andrcfeive the Spirit in a Glals Veffel well Itopt. IV. The Flegm redlify feven times or more, till it c- mits no Faeces, but afcends pure. V. All the Foeces or Body of the Fruit calcine (adding i>evv Fruit in Calcination) m an Earthen Pot able to en- dure the Fire, and in an open Fire calcine alfo a great quantity of Fruit, that you may have good irore of Allies. VI. Let the Aflies be calcined to a whitenefs : dit- folve the Salt in the redlified matter, by boiling in 3 Glafs VelTel well ftopt. VII. When it boils, purify the Solution by Filtrati- on ; then calcine the Afhes again in a (kong Crucible ; w^hich done, boil them in new Flegm fcven times rc- aifed. VIIL Purify the Solution by Filtration ,• mix all the Solutions together, and dilHl them to drynefs. IX. Calcine the Salt remaining in the bottom, and %vitha gentle Fire melt it; then diflblve it again in cU- ftilled Flegm, and purify it by Filtration. _ X. Then diilil again, and repeat thefe Operations, till you have a melt white Salt. XI. Dillblve this Salt in the above referved Spirit, di- rtil them together, and cohobate very often, till the a- bove-mentioned Salt does rile with the Spirit. XIL This Saltaiifing, you have inreadinefsthe Fruit of that kind, from whence this Spirit and Salt did pro- ceed. XIII. Now beat and bruifc your Fruit, and mix it with fome of your Flegm, and a little of your Spirit ; mix them well, and put them to grow fowr in the Sun, and let the Flegm be turned into Vinegar. Xiy. This Vinegar diftil often, aiid in it (.lifTolvc your -fixt Salt, and by reiicrated Cohobations convert it into a fufibleSalt. > XV. ThisSiffc volatilize with its Spirit ; and being vo- latile, turn it into \Vatei, to which add half of your $alt melted, and digelt it into a fixt Salt. XVI. Tills tixt Salt volatihze aitir the former manner, and 6^o Poly^rdphieef. Lib. VIII. and cwirert it into Water ; to xvhich add half of your Salt melted j convert it again into a fixt Salt, by boiling it in a clofe ycflfel. XVII. This Work yoii murt do four or fcvcn times, making the fixt volatile, and the volatile fixt ; and fo yoii lliall attain the atorcliiid Secret ; whofe Virtue and rroperty is to adorn Trees three times a year, with the Fniit of its own kind. XVIII. The way and manner of doing it, is thus : Take of your melted or fixt Salt *;. and diftolve it in five miarts ot common fair Water, or Aiay-d.zw : and with this Water, water or fprinkle your Tree, and it will caufe it to flourilh with Leaves and Fruit every three or four months. XIX. But you muft obferveto gather the Fruit as foon as it is ripe ; and then prefently again to water the Tree cx'cry day with a little of your former Water, wherein is diifolved an ounce of your faid fixt Salt. XX. It is alfo to be watered with other common Wa- ter, not forgetting alfo very well to dung and prune the iamc. ^ XXI. Hence wc may conclude the Salt is made vola- tile and fixt, by meansof the Ferment. XXII. If you diifolve the Salt in Alay-dcw, and in tliis impregnated Water moirten or (teepCorn, it will be very much multiplied ; the encrcafe will be much more plentiful, and the Grains and E^irs of Corn will alfo be much larger. XXIII. After this manner you may multiply and en- crcafe any other Friut or Grain whatlocver, in very large proportions. CHAP. LXXXVIII. 7o fix Mercury mth the Salt of Tin. I. 'T'Ake pure Salt of Tin purified froiff all its Fxccs -■- 5\'ij. Mercury fcven times fublimed *iii. inix and incorporate them together, and in a llrongGlafslublime them. II. Sub- Chap. 89. lofx Mercmy into an Oil. 6^t II. Sublime a fecond time upon the Faeces which are left in the bottom of the Glafs-^. III. Then weigh it, and if it be heavier than it was, it is well, and doth begin to fix a part of the Mercury witfi the Salt of Tin. IV. Continue the Sublimation of the Mercury upon the FcEces, by beating and mixing them together, until all be fixt, and the Mercury remain in the bottom. V. This will be done about the fiftieth time ; for the Merairy is very flowly fixt ; but at length it doth fix, and give a mctallickFufion, PLsGeber witnelTeth. VI. For the Proof of the Truth hereof, when you have thus fixt Mercury, add a little new Mercury icven times fublimed, viz,, about 5V- or ^ij. which you lliall mix and fliblime together, and immediately about the third or fourth part will be fixt by the Sublimation, and con- verted into a fufible and fixt Mercury. VII. Repeat this four or feven times, by adding to your fixt Mercury, new Merairy feven times liiblimed, until you have a great quantity of Mercury fixt, and flowing as Wax. VIII. One part of this pro,ie6led upon an hundred parts of melted Copper, will tranfmute it into fine Luna. IX. And being proje6led upon fine Luna melted in a Crucible, it will turn the Luna into a Medicine, of the lame Virtue and Property. T'o fix Mercury hto a white Oil^ which will tranf- mute imptre Mttals into Sol. CHAP. LXXXIX. I. •TpAke pure Oil of Mars |iv. Oil of Sol ^iv. mix •*- them together, and add thereto Mercury i^tv?.n times fublimed ^ii;. mix and iublime them m a ilrong Glals Matrals. II. What fublimes put back to the Foece?, till at length it be all molt perfedlly fixt. IIL Add to it new Mercury leven times fublimed ^ii. and 6^2 Polygraphiees. Lib. VIII. and mix them together, by beating and grinding them ; andfublime fo long till that which remains in the bot- tom of the Matrafs be fixt, and will melt as Wax, and he congealed in the cold. IV. Take of this matter one part, and projed it upon crude Mercury one hundred parts, and the Mercury lliall all of it be turned into good Sol. V. Alfo if you project it uport Saturn, Jupiter or Ve- nus, it will turn them all into fine Sol. VI. And if this Mercury be fixt, and tinged with the fixt Tin6ture of Sol, it will tranfmute all Metals into Sol. VII. For Mercury thus prepared, is true Sol opened, fixing and tinging all the imperfe6l Metals into its own Subrtance. VIII. Which Subftance being perfeft and communi- cable, it tranlmits its Pcrfedion to impure Metals, and perfedtly digeils their indigcfted and imperfcd: Subllance. CHAP. XC. To fix Mercury into a, white Oil^ which rvill tranf mute ifftpffre Metals into Luna. I. 'TpAkcO/^ww L'AHd:, and Oleum Jovi^^ of each 5iii- to -*- which add Mercury feven times fublimcd Jiij. mix and fublimc them together. II. Put back what is liibluned to the Faeces, and repeat this Worl< fo long, till all the matter be fixt to- gether in the bottom of the Glafs Matrals. III. To this fixt Mercury add frelli or new Mercury fcven times fublimed, and fublime as before, till all be fixt in the bottom of the Matrafs. IV. And that it may the fooner fix, add to every Sub- limation freih Mercury : and repeat this till you have a white Oil flowing like Wax, and fixt. V. Take one part of this Oil, and project it upon an hundred parts of any imperfect Metal, and all will be converted into moll fine Luna. VI. If this Oil be dilfolved or mixed with Mcrcury- Watcr, Chap. 9 1 . To make a red linctitre qf Nitre. 6^1 Water, and make volatile, and again fixt by Digeftion, for a year, in a ftrong GlafsMatrals Hermetically fealed, you will have a white Elixir, which will project upon all the imperfe6l Metals, one part tranfmuting a thou- land parts. VII. He who underttands this Art, vvill not contra- di6l thefe Secrets ; yet they require an ingenious and ex- quiiite Artificer or Operator to perform them. CHAP. XCI. T'o make a red linSture t>/'Nitre. I. ♦TpAkc the befl: Nitre and ponder it ; calcine it with ■*■ Charcoal in an Iron Crucible or Pot : diflblvc the calcined matter in Spirit of May-d^My filter and di- ftil it to drynefs. II. Calcine it again with a foft and gentle Fire, ta- king great care it meltnoti then diflblve, filter and di- Ifil it again. • '■' • \ III. Repeat this Work, always diflblving with frelli v^,«)i-dew, until you have a fixt Oil of Nitre flowing like Wax. IV. This Oil is to be made volatile, by often diffol- ving, dilHlling and exficcating of it. V. Take of this volatile Salt, a large quantity, and with yt/^>-dew, putrify it for a month in Horfe-dung in a Glafs Matrafs well ftopt. VI. Then difiil till all your matter is converted into the Spirits of .May-deWy and is purely volatile, and fe- parate it frpm its Flegm by a gentle heat in Balneo. VII. That which remams in the bottom of the Vef- fel, and will alcend by the heat of a Balneum, diftilp^r ciners!, and repeat it leven times. VIII. So have you the pure and univerfal Mercury of the World, moit likbtil and volatile ; by the help where- of moii wonderful things are to be done in Chymiitry., but chiefly in the following Secrets. C H A P. 6 34 Polygrafhices. Lib. VIII. CHAP. XCII. To make a white Elixir, I. ♦TpAkc of Leaf Silver, or Silver Calcined, as much as -■• you pleaie, diflblve it in a liiflicient quantity of this Mercury, and the Univ^erfal Liquor above prepared. IL Digeft the Solution for Eight days in Horfe Dung, then Diiiil it to dryncfs. in. Cohobate that which Diitiis over upon the re- maining matter, always putrifying the Solution for eight days. IV. Repeat this fo often, till the Solution of the Lu- na afcends with the Spirit which diflblved itj this Wa- ter Diltil feven times in new Retorts. V. Put to this Spirit or Water as much cupellated, te(ted, or refined Silver, as it will diifolve. VI. Tliis Solution being clear and pure, put it into a long Necked Glafs Matrals, which itop well, and digeft it in an Athanor, until it is fixed into a white Oil. VII. One part of this Oil willtranfmutea thoufand parts of any other Metal into pure Luna ; it will alfo tranlinutc crude Mercury into fine Silver, one drop there- of being calt upon it. VIII. If 3'oa yet proceed farther, and make this Oleum Ltma. thus prepared Volatile, and then bring it again into a fixed Oil, it will tranfmute all other Metals into fine Lmia, without any Fire. IX. And one drop being put upon the Metal, it will penetrate even to the Center of the Metal, and will tinge and tranlaiute into fine Luna all imperfecl Metals upon which it is projeikd. X. But it it be fcvcn times turned into a Water, and then fixed again, it will Tranfmute in an nifinite manner the laU inipci fed Me::ils into Luna. XL And if it be pro;ecled upon Luna, it will turn the Luna into a Medicine oi the lame vertue and property : Thus will your Medicine be multiplyed ad infinitum j ncr need you to du tlie lame Work ova agiun dc nuvo. CHAP. Chap.9?« '^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^ Elixir. 6^$ CHAR XCIII. T'i? make a red Elixir for Imnfmutation of all other Metals into SoL I. npAke of the bett Sol feven times purged with Anti- •*' mony, in fine Filings, or in Leaves, 1 8 Drachms, diffoive it in our above prepared Spirit. II. Digeft the Solution in a Glais Retort in Balnea Ma- ria for eight days, then Diltil it in Allies. III. Cohobate upon the matter in the Retort, (and if need be, add new Spirit to help it to diifolvc) fo often, till the Sol does afcend witii the Spirit in a red or white Water. IV. In this Water feven times Dirtilled, diifolvc as much frelli Sol as it will take up, anddigeii this Solution in a Glafs Hermetically iealed, till it be turned into a moftRedOil. V. This Oil is wonderful in preferving of Health ; one drop taken once a W^cek docs prolong Life beyond the bounds of Humane Nature . VL Bcnig ^rojeded on bafe Metals, it Tranfmutes them into fine Gold; and being projeded on SoJ, it chan- ges it into a Medicine of the fame vertue ; and cafi oa Cryfel, it produceth Rubies and Carbuncles. VII. It alio makes Glafs malleable, and Rubies to be of a relplendent Colour j it multiplys the Fruits of ail lorts ot Trees, if fome drops be dilTolved in Water, and the Tree watred therewith. VIII. It likewife renders all Animals more pleafact and itrong, and prolongs their Lives: Thus by this Medi- cine, (which exceeds all others) is whole Nature renewed. CHAP. XCIV. Jo frefare the Spirits of May Dcrv for the for-- mer Secrets, I, OAther Dew in the Month of May^ with a ckam *"^ wiateLinnco Cloth ipread upon tbcGiafe, which cxpicls 6^6 Polygraphke'f. Lib. VIIL Cxpiefs from the Cloth ; thus gather a very large quantit3^j and tilter it. II. Put this into a great and capacious Glafs Matrafs, which flop well, and digefl it in Horfe Dung for fou;*- teen days, then Diltil it in Balneo to a fourth part. III. This fourth part remaining, caft away, for it is in othing worth; and that which was Diftillcd, digcll a- $:,ain in a large Matrafs well ftopt, in Horfe Dung, for tourteen days. IV. Then Diffil to a fourth part, as before* do thus four times, digelHng what is DilhUed over, and Diftil- ling always to a fourth part, cafHng away every time the laid fourth part remaining in the Matrafs. V. Thus will you have a mort pure Spirit of Dew, and very penetrating ; by the help whereof you may prepare the Calcined Sol or Gold ; make it Volatile, and turn it into Water, aswe have taught in Chap. 6i aforegoing. VI. Thereby Salts are Calcined, made volatile, and fixed, and coiwerted into a volatile Spirit or Water. VII. And by the help thereof all the fixed Salts ofMe- tals are made volatile, and converted into a Spirit or Water ; and if you are indeed an Artill, you may by this turn all Metals into their firlt matter. V///. And out of this pure matter, freed from ail its Farces and Excrements, is made an Elixir of a wonderEii virtue in Tranfinuting of Metals- CHAP. XCV. 1 he fixing (?/ Arfenick. I. T^Ake well fublimed Arfenick^ and mix it with Oj-^ -■- of Tartar, and make it into a Palte, with Watet of Sal Armoniack, ib as it may be a foft Palie. II. Put this Palle into a Glafs Matrafs well flopped, and Digeft it in a temperate heat for Twenty Four hours. III. Then take it out and grind it on a Marble, moifl- cmug it with Oil of Tartar and Water of Sal Armoniack, antrOigclt it aga'n, repeating this Work four tunes. W. Then grind it well on a Marble, diffolve it in Horfe Dung in a Glais Mitrals well ftopt, and congeal or eva- porate upon W4j:m AlLes. , . ' V. Diliulve Chap. ^6,7o re/ohe^ol into itsfirfl ntitter. 6'^J y. DiifoJveitagain in Horfe-dung, and amalgamare it five times ,* fo will you find your Arfenick fixed and flowing as wax ; one part of which will tinge twenty parts oF Copper. VI. If this Oylbe diffolved in Spirit of May-dew, and purified, and then joyned with an equal quantity of Oleum Ltinay and Oleum Mercuriij and coagulated ; it "will tinge yet more poxverfully. VII. One part thereof being pcojedled upon an hun- dred parts of melted Venus, will tinge and tranlinute it all into fine and mofl: pure Luna. CHAP. XCVI. io rejolve Sol into itspjl matter. I» VJT'Ithout regeneration no Medical or Ghymical Ar- ' '^ canum is polTible to be attained ; therefore if you defire to obtain any thing from the common Gold, it mufl: be regenerated.- II. If that this Gold may be regenerated, it is to be reduced into its firft Principles, but chiefly into its vital Sulphur, the Baliam of whole nature. III. This Sulphur is called Gold; and Gold freed from its Fetters, is enabled to cxerciie its vertue and il:rength, and thofe Adions and Properties that lay hid in it. IV. To difcover this, we miift diiToive Gold with Gold, that is, with the internal Sulphur of Nature, %vhich lurketh or lyes hid in all things. V. Let us with common Suy it lelf, in a cold and moift place : The Solut on digeli ibr ten Days, then diftil it, and re- peat the Sittillation three times, which keep in a Glafi dole l!;cpi>€d. HI. Theotlicr partof the Mercury fublimc fo often in a Kcton, till it be hxcd in the bottom thereof. -^ IV. To Chip. 100. To make A tphite Elixir, Sec. 641 IV. To this fixed part ioyn an equal part of the Spirit of Mercury, as it is prepared and diftillcd above, and in a Glafs fealed up, putriiic it in Balneo for fittcen days, till it ^rows white. V. This white matter fublime in Afhes, into the Sul- phur of Nature. . ^ VI. This Sulphur diflblve with two Parts of your Sp'- irit before referved ; digeft the Solution in Balneo for ten Days. yll. Then gently diftil off the Spirit, and what re- mains in the bottom, is the Oyl of the Sulphur of Nature, which is to be fermented with an equal part of the Oyl of Luna, then digeft tiH it be fixed, and is become per- (cdly white, in a Glafs Matralswellclofed. VIII. This being pro;e(5led upon fufed Luna in a Crucible, th? Luna will become as brittle as Glafs. IX. One part of this Glafs, will tinge a thoulknd parts of Venus into true Luna. X. The Oy! of Luna for this fecret is thus to be pre- pared, Take of the firft Luna in Leaves |iv. dilfolve ic in ^aua-fortis, d'lgcCt the Solution for a month in Bi-Jneo, XI. This digeitcd matter diltil per Balnettm, nith a gentle heat : And to the liquid matter remaining in the bottom, put rcdified Spirit of Wme, fo much as may over-top It about four Inches. XII. This matter digeft w ^4/«fo ten Days, then diftil oft the Spirit of Wine, XIW. The remaining matter at bottom, digcfcw 5,?/- neo for one hundred and fifty Davs, till it putrincs aiul grows white. Xiy. This white matter fublime, then diflblve it in Alchohfatc Spirit of Wine, and digclt it m B^..--, mr ten Days; arter which abfcrad the Spirit, and thic which remains in the bottom is the Ovl of Iui:a.ind the- Fermentof the white Stone. XV. If this Oyl be filtrcd and diifalved in the Spiiit of Mercury, it wiJl at lait becoane a true StoHc, and of admirable venues, as is before dec bred- XVL After thw lame manner may you v.ork with Sol, to make the red Elixir, which will tratilamie all other' Metals into fine Sol. ' : ^'y^ C fj A F. <$42, Foljgrapbices. Lib, VUV C H A P. CI. 7o make a red JhSfureofMzts for Sol. I. T^Tfiblve Iron in our diffolving Water, and digcft the k *-^ folation in Balnea for ten days. . II. Then draw off the AcfuA-fortis in a gentle heat r the matter remaining in the bottom diffolvc in Spirit of Vinegar, digeft it ten days, and then diftil off th^ Vine- gar. ^ . . • IIT. pifTolveit again in frefh Spirit of Vinc^afV and digeiiit for ten days/« Balneo and then diflil ofttheSpi- "^it :'!-fupra. . » i ly. To the matter remaining in the bottom affufc Spivir of Wine, fo much as may cover it fix inches over, fMid dig Jii the matter in Balneo for ten days. V. Abflracl the Spirit of Wine by diftillation, and TiKrcdtindure of yJ-/<3'rf remaining in the bottom diftil - ^jU it afce.ids by the Alembick, which re6lify three or tour times, or till itbemoftpure. VI. Then from its Earth draw a Salt, which purify by many folutions and calcinations, and then joyn it with an equal weight of itsTind^ure, or red re6lifyed Oil. VII. Divert thele together till they are fixed into a Rubine, •which ferment with Oletim Soils, whofe prepa- ration we have taught in feveral places before goings VIII. The matter being all fixed, caft one part upon three parts of melted Sol; atid then upon a thoufand weight of Luna, or any other Metal, and all will be goodo')/. ' ' ' ' . ' IX. But farther, if this matter be joyned with the vo- Uiile Tin*5hire of Mars, and diffolved, and then again fixed; its virtue in tranfmuting of imperfect Metals, will be thereby veiT much increafed, ^Irnod ad infinittiw. X. And if that one part tliereef be projected upon. (looboo) an hundred -thouland parts of any imperfect . Metal, it Will be all-l'ranfmutcd into good Sol. XI. -And if tlii? Medicine be caft upon Sol, it will be. tranfmutcd into a- Medicine of cqiKi virtue to the for- mer. • '- ' CHAT. ■Clfcip* 102. To mike an Elixir 0/ Jupiter. 6\i 6 H A P. cA. 7o mikt 4^> Eliiir and Meciume of Jupiter for ,. ,, the whffe Work, I. "^Ake Mercury of Tin, half a pound ; diifolve it in ,;'%|"common Aqna-fortis, and cUgeit it m BaUeo. tot ten days. H. Then diftil off the AquA-fortis to drynefs, and re- peat this work three times, viz,. difToIving that which remains in the bot.tom, with new Aqtia-fomsj ^nd digcfl: ten days, and diftilling off the Aqtm-fortis to 4rjr ■ficfs. ,;■; III. Repeat the folution again with frelli Aq'^a-forty-^; digcft utfuprtHy and then draw off the Spirit in Afhcf .. • IV. Put what remains in the bottom into a llrong Glafs Matrafs well luted, and fublime it with a iiron^ fire for fix hours. , . V. What fublimcs, mix with freOi Mercury, drawu from Jupiter as. aforefaid, incorporate them tos^ether, and make an Amalgama. VI. This Amalgama wafh well, and filter it with clear Oil, fo that the Mercury may not appear to run. > VII. But a Pouder being made of both Mercuries with Aflies, let it be fublimed for fix hours ; and to this mat- ter afid an Amalgama of Liina with the Mercury of Ju-^ piter, and fublimc till all remain fixed m the. bottom of the Veffcl, and melts like Wax. VIII. And this is done, by adding ne^w 'Mercury of Jupiter fublimed, and then diffolve in A.jiM-frns, .uid again fublimed J thus wiU it become flscd and flowing like Wax. IX. This MeAicinc being pro)e(5led upon Saturn, Jupi- ter, Venu8 or Mercury, converts them ail. into finQ Luna ,• one part bcmg projected, upon an hundred ofanyimucr- fetft Metal. ^ X. And if it be projected upon fine Luna, all the Lu- na will be tamed into a Medicine, of equal Virtue witli th; foriner^ Yy4 CflAL. 644 Fel;^rafhicef, ^ Lib, VIII. ' 19 H A P. ,CW. j4 kjjer tinciurf for th white Work, I. 'TpAke common Salt diffolved in May-dicw, and (© A otten coagulartd, till it will melt in the fire like Wax ; which that it may the fooner be pertbrmed, every time you coagulaiev melt it in the crucible, and lb caft it ir.to the Water of yt/^y-devv. II. Then it is to be filtred, and this is to be fo ofteo dotie, till it will melt like Wax as aforefaid. III. Take 0^ this matter, ?5xix. of pure white Salt drawn from Egg-lliells 5xix. Mercury fevcn times fub- limed and dulcified, ^xx. pure white Salt of Vitriol ^xviii- mix all well together. IV. Then put them into a (irong Glafs Matrafs well luted, and fublime them with a (hong fire four or fevetj times. V. To this matter add of fublimcd and fixt Arfcnick, fxviii. of calcined Luna 5xix. of fublimed and fixed Sal- Ar;:iontck 5x\aii- mix them. VI. Then fublime them, and repeat the fublimations upon the faces, till the whole matter be fixed, and no- tliinw more will afcend. VII. Then dilfoive this whole inatter in a cold and moiii: place, letting it run pfr ^f/i£^«i«w ; filter, purify, and coa?.ulate the Solution. . \ VIIT. This Coagulum dilTolve \n May-(\z\v, till all Ix: converted into a fixed Oil, IX. 0:;e part of this Oil pro;e6lcd upon an hundred parts of fuicd V^nus, n-iil tranfmutc it all into fine Luna. X. Thefc Salts thus prepared and made fufible, receive their chiefJt Tincture from fhc Arienick, Mercury, and Lui:a, which are all dilTolved with theie Salts and by Art prepared, and converted into a while fixed Oil. XL This Oil wonderfully tingeth, and by tinging dodi fix ; UT it hasm it Iclf fixedncls, and permanency, 4ii tlie lire. CHAP. Chapb 104. Of the Thyficd StofteofDenr. ^45 C H A P. CIV. Of the Phyjical Stom made of Dew, X. T^Ake a great quantity W AprlU or Afay-Atw, an(l -»• dilHl It with a gentle heat, till it becomes fomc- what thick in the bottom of the Alembick. II. PutintothisWater a quantity of the Loadftone, and from the f»»e with a very ftrongfire, in a Retort^ draw forth an acid or lliarp Spirit, which rectify fcven times and referve it, III. The Loadftonc calcine with a ftrong fire in a ftrong Crucible for three hours, and extra(5^ a moft pro- fitable Salt, with the flegm of the Dew, before diitit- led, by boiling the Loadftorie in the faid flegm. IV. Filter the flegm and diftil it in an Alepbick, m*^ the bottom of which, you fhaii find a moli pure white Salt.' J.'^' ■ ■' ' / ■ .;■•' V. This Salt calcine in a Crucible with a ftrong fire, three or four hours ; and then dilTolve it in the Spirit of May-^^w^ before prepared. . VI. This folution filter and diflil with a very gentle heat, and that wjhicli remains in . the bottom, diflblve, and filtrate, fo long till it emits no faeces in diifolution, and remains in the bottom of the Alembick, in the form of a moft plive white Oil. ; VII. Sublime or caufe this Oil to afcend with a very - Itrong fire into the Sulphur of nature : This Sulphur dil- folveinthe Acid Spirit above prepared and referved. VIII. This Solution purify, and dry or evaporate it by ditiillation ; and again diflblve it and evaporate it 'by diftillatiofl ; and this fo often repeat till your Sulphur is diflblved into a volatile Water, and afcends by the Alembick' with the acid Spirit. IX-. And thus is this acid Spirit made the true Vine- gar of the Chymiilsj moft iharp, and diifolving all things. X. Take of this moft Iharp Vinegar, twenty eight drachms: of the fineftand beftSol; feventcen drachms ; diirolve the Sol in the laid Vinegar. « XI. Digeft 645 Fdy^raphiees. -^ ^tib*. VIB?. XI. Digcft this folution in a Mat^fs well ftopt for a month, then put it upon an Alciabick and dilHl it todrynefs. XII. What diilils, cohobs^te upon'tfic nfatt^remain- ing in the bottom, and repeat this work fo often, till it is all converted into a red fixed Oyl imh^Jb^ttomtrf" thp Matrafs or diftillatory. , ,_ '\v'ry\\^ , ' XIII. Separate thc^flegm or infipid drqps of Water, which came over firit in the diftillation oF our Vinegar ; and put that only upon the remaining matter which is (harp or acid, till it is all fixed into a red fijc?4 Qii- li XIV. One part of this will turn a thousand parts of jiny imperfedl Metal into pure Sol: and if it be pro- ieaedupon an equal weidit of fine Sol, it will convert it all into a Medicine of the fame Virtue and property, XV. And if youdiflblye this Medicine with new anf! •frefh acid Spirit, and digeft it again in a well ftopt Matrafs, till all is turned into a red fixed Oil, yoiv Medicine will be multiplied both in quantity and Vir- tue. CHAP. CV. ^ I. » • . - < 'to jfjc Mercury. I. »Tarcd in the former Chapter, it will be all converted Ci^ap. 167. To extra^ ^^ Mercury, &c, ^$47 converted into a Spiritous Water, which will penetrate and -diiTolve all things. ., y\f And herewith are performed ftrange and ftupen- dibus fecrets, with Sol, Luna, and precious Stones, in (brdcrto Mansjiealth, as alfo foe making Glafs mallea- tJ?, ;^d G^ycnjii^.ip ipato precious ftoncs.-,. .. , , ' . ■ ! vcf.rfMiar. ■■ C H A P. CVI. Jo congeifl Meroury into Luna. I. npAke Auyipigmentum, half a pound : Mercury Sqb- •*- limate as much ; mix them, and grind them' till they beconic a molt fine pouder. ^ ;' II. Put it intp a Retort, and diftil (according to Art) in AOics a gummofe liquor, which redlify feven tiiAes. III. Then take well waCbed Mercury four ounces, which amalgamate with filings or leaves of the mort pure Luna : wa{h the Amalgama with Salt and Spirit pf Vinegar till it he white and pure. IV. Ijubibc this Amalgama in the former liquor, and jdigeft in a Matjrafs covered with Ljitum Sapientite olqfe ftopt in a ftrong fire, for four days, and increafe the tire for eleven Hours.( . ^ V. At laft melt it in a Crucible, and it wilX be moft fine Luna. VI. And if you add a little Calx of Tin well calci- ned and well walhed, it will be better, and you will find in the fufjon a, greater ^ijuantity of Luna. CHAP. CVII. To extra^ thelAQioxcY aft the fire) one pouivi, beat' it into bits, or irrto a grofs pouder, and put it into a well luted Rc- tcnt. II, Diftil with a ftrong fire, and what comes over.. Jcccp m the Rc>:.ip'cnt doie Itopt. in. What Chip. 109* A 7 Mtire of So\y &c. 649 III. What remains in the Retort, expofe (whilft it is yet hot) to the cold Air for a Night ; and in the morn- ing put it into the Retort again, arid diftil it as before into the fame Recipient. IV. What remains in the bottom of the Retort, ex- pofe again (whilft it is yet hot) to the cold Air for a whole night ; the next mornilJg put it into the Retort again and diftil it. V. This work repeat fo often till you have a very great quantity of Water. VI. Then take your Mineral which remains in the bottom of the Retort, and difTolve it in a ftrong Aqua- fortis. _ • .'.'.'. VII. Puri^ the Solutioii, and digeft it for a whole month in Balneo MarU. VIII. Then diftil to drynefs, and cohobate the Wa- ter diftilled off upon the feces till it grows fweet. IX. After which, diifolve the matter remaining in the bottom, wath the above refcrved Water (in the^re- ceivcr well ftopped) drawn from the mineral expofed to the cold Air. X. Being diffolved, filter and purify the Solution; putiifie it for a month in Balneo j then diftil to drynefs : cohobate, and diftil again, until your matter afccnds the Alcmbick in a wonderful Salt. XI. This Salt dilTolve, and diftil till it is converted in- to an Acid Water, which rcdtify, and free it from ail its infipid flegin. XII. Then in this mofu ftrong reclified Vinegar, dif- folve Sol calcined with Salt and Mercury : all being well diffolved, purify the Solution and digeft it (abltraiting the flegm if any be) until the matter by a conftant di- geftion is converted into a red and and fixed Oil. X'lII. This Oil (as the other above prepared red Oils) may be mukiplycd, and its Virtue and Power extend- ed in like manner. XIV. One part thereof will pro;e6l upon athoufand parts of auy imperfedt Metal, and tianlmute it into inoft fine Sol, without comparifon. CHAP. 65A Potygraphkes. Lib.VIIfc C H A P. ex. ' J tMure of Luna, for ctkr Metals. I'.'T'Ake of the mineral of Luna in grofs Poudcr twd -■■ pounds : Mercury fevcn times liiblimed half i pound : mix them together, and in Bdlnco MarU putri- fy them for a month. II. Then diftil into a Recipient well joyned or luted to the neck of the Retort : what comes over into the Receiver, keep therein well flopped. III. The matter remaining in the Retort cxpofe while it, is yet hot, to the cold Air for a night : break the Re- tort, and if any thing be fublimed into the neck there- of, bruife and grind it, and mix it again with the mat- ter. rV". Then dilHl it as before, and keep the liquor that cornes over into the Recipient, with the other clofe fbpt * and expofe the matter whilft yet hot to the cold Air for a night «r/«pr4. V. What fublimes or afcends, if any be, mix with the remaining matter, and again dittil in a new Re- tort. VI. This work fo often repeat, till you have a very great quantity of Acid Water, which re6tify, andfepa- rate from its Hegm. VII. Then diflblve of thctmatter remaining in the Retort four ounces; in a llifficient quantity 0^ Aquit^ fortis: you ^rc not to diflblve all your matter, bccaufc It will be too much ; four ounces will be enough. VIII. Digeft the Solution in Balneo for a month, then diftil and dry it : and this work fo often repeat, till your diifolved matter is converted into an Oil. IX. DilTolve this Oil in the Acid Water above rc- fervcd in the recipient: then diftil it to drynifs, and fo often repeat the diltillation, till all the Oil afcends with the Acid Water, and the whole becomes one Acid. X. Rectify the Acid liquor feven times ; and therein diifolve a fit (juantity of Luna, and repeat the Solution and DiftiUatioii, till it be all turned into a fixed Oil ve- ry clear, XL Thi? Cha;p. 1.1^ T^o make areAOU of Vitriol 6^t^ -XI;ThikOU converts aUimperfedt Metals into fine Liina. • '■ • / " ' . XII. And ifyou diflblrc it again in the above lefervcd Acid Water, and according to art digeft it into a fixed Oil of Luna, one part will go upon ten thpufand Parts of any impcrfe