M« B« A» CATALOGUE, Sfc. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 https://archive.org/details/catalogueofpaintOOunse CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS, STATUES, BUSTS, &c. AT THE SEAT OF JOHN SMITH BARRY, ESQ. IN THE COUNTY OF CHESTER. WARRINGTON . PRINTED BY J. AND J. HADDOCK, HORSE-MARKET. 1819. CATALOGUE, No. 1. X2. 3. 4. 5. 6. y 7. 8. 9. X10. 11. 12. v M3. 14. X15. Christ raising Lazarus Christ mocked Sarah entreating Abraham to Wife The Death of Hector Peasants at Cards Achilles' Quarrel with Ag The Assumption Death of Achilles Peasants regaling The Cyclops forging Achilles The Rialto at Venice A landscape view in Italy The Lake of Albano St. Catharine A Portrait A Landscape to take Hagar amemnon the Armour for 1 F°. di Cortona. G°. Delia Notte. P°. di Cortona. Rubens. Fabris. Rubens. Vandyke. Rubens. Fabris. Rubens. Carnaletli. Fabris. \ Moore. Guido. Corn'. Janson. Both. 2 No. -A Boy's Head Carlo Dolce, X16. A Group of Boys Vandyke. X17. A Madona Carlo Dolce. XX/ 18. A Madona and Child Titian. 19. A Portrait Giorgione. X20. Candle-light Sialken. 21. A Monkey X22. Salvator Mundi Guido. *23. Virgin Sassaferrata. 24. Holy Family with Fruit Raphael. 25. Nymph and Satyr F Hippo Laura. 26. An Italian Pedlar Fabris. X y 27. A Landscape Salvator Rosa. 28. Horses and Figures IVouvermans. ^29. Two Heads Corregio. A Judith Oiorgione. 30. The Decollation of St. John Guido. 31. Holy Family Raphael. 32. A Waterfall Vernet. 33. Ruins Ant 0 . Jolli. 34. A Portrait of James Hugh Smith Barry, } j, y Angelica Kauffman. - 35. Holy Family Leo. da Vinci. y 36. Flight into Egypt Sib". Bourdon. 37. Waterfall Vernet. 38. A Landscape Gas r . Poussin. 39. A Group of Boys reaping Vandyke. 40. Triumph of Silenus, (small.) 41. A Landscape Salvator Rosa. No. 42. Virgin and Child 43. Apollo, Pan, and Midas 44. A Madona X 45. Holy Family X 46. Virgin and Child / 47. Holy Family 48. Pharaoh and his Host drowned in the Red Sea 49. Bacchus and Ariadne 50. The Magi 51. St. Francis 52. St. Francis - 53. A Head V 54. Holy Family 55. A Battle-piece 56. One of the Thieves on the Cross 57. Achilles dipt by Thetis in the River Styx to render him invulnerable 58. The murder of the Innocents 59. The Reposo 60. Christ restoring the Blind to sight 61. Centaur Chiron with Achilles 62. Holy Family 63. A Landscape 64. Christ in the Garden .... 65. A Landscape 66. A Landscape 67. A Landscape 68. Holy Family Carlo Maratli. Filippo Laura. Sassqferrata. F. Mola. Carlo MaratlL Le Seur. Burgonione. JV. Poussin. Elishmaer. Carracci. J Dominichino. Guido. Titian. 0 Borgonione. Dominichino. Rubens. L. Jourdano. F. Mola. L. Jourdano. Rubens. P°. di Cortona. Claude. G°. delta Notte. Claude. Gas r . Pottssin. Gas r . Poussin. Raphael. No. 69. 70. 71. 72. X73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. *80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. =£87. 88. 89. A Sea-piece A Holy Family Portrait of a Dog iEneas carrying his Father Anchises Roman Charity A Landscape A Sea-port St. Catharine Ruins Blue Cap, a favourite Hound of the Hon. John Smith Barry's A Group of Fortune-tellers .... A Landscape The Deluge The Destruction of Herculaneum Virgin and Child attended by Angels .... A Sleeping Cupid A Landscape Finding of Moses A Drawing of a Roman Battle A Landscape St. Francis The Martyrdom of St. Lawrence 90. A small Landscape 91. The Entombing of Christ 92. A Storm 93. Holy Family / 94. A Landscape Fabris. Car. Maratti. Haekert. c' N. Poussin. Sandrone. Lingleback. Sembert. S. Bourdon. Gas r . Poussin. Sartorius. Velasques. Gas r . Poussin. O Moore. Moore. Vanni. Vandyke. Salvator Rosa. Julio Romano. Jidio Romano. Gas r . Poussin. Lod". Carracci. 0 N. Poussin. Quere, of the Spa- nish School. Schidone. Vernet. Vandyke. No. 95. Venus disarming Cupid V 96. Departure of iEneas for Carthage 97. Maternal Love 98. Holy Family \ 99. The Adoration of the Shepherds 100. A Landscape 101. Holy Family 102. Love and Friendship 103. St. Francis comforted by Angels 104. Death of Lucretia, on Ivory 105. Lot and Daughters, on ditto 106. Six Drawings of Ruins near Naples .... X 107. Cattle 108. Mount Vesuvius 109. Six views in Ireland of Forte, Cove, &c. 110. Six Views near Naples, in Water Co- lours 111. Six of Flowers 112. Atila deterred by Peter and Paul St. Nilus' Miracle 113. A Landscape 114. A Head, on Ivory, Odescalcus 115. Death of Capt. Cook 116. Boyne and Hogue 117. Death of Lord Robert Manners (after Correggio, by \ Clarke. N. Poussin. Sassaferrata. {after Raphael, by \ Clarke. Rubens. Salvator Rosa, i after Raphael, by I Hamilton. by Ditto. Lod". Carracci. Fabris. Berghem. Lin voir. Roberts. ^ Fabris. Crrandidier. i after Raphael. In t Red Chalk. Algorda. In ditto. N. Poussin. Ditto. A Print. Ditto. Ditto. 6 118. Oliver Cromwell and King Charles the £ A Print Second 119. Col. Mordant's Cock-match Ditto. 120. Girl and Calves, Girl and Pigs Morland. 121. Five, Fox-hunting Prints. 122. Two, Fox-hunting Morland. 123. Three, Shipping .... Prints. 124. Love and Fortune A Print. 125. Three Prints from Wheatly. 126. Holy Family Leo", da Vinci. 127. A Head Correggio. X 128. Duke of Monmouth S. P. Lilly. 129. St. John the Divine Bassano. Q X 130. The Decollation of St. John Rottenhammer. 131. 132. Queen Elizabeth Cor. J an son. 133. Mary Queen of Scots Howe. 134. James the First Cor. Janson. 135. Duchess of Hamilton Howe. 136. Portrait of Vandyke Vandyke. 137. Three Miniatures 138. Three Models in Wax )C139. Holy Family Vandyke. 140. A Magdalen Correggio. X X 141. A Portrait Vandyke. 0 142. Virgin reading S. Bourdon. 143. A Head Dominion ino. 144. Abraham circumcising his Household .... Leo. Jordans. 145. Mount Vesuvius Valaire. 7 No. 146. The Sacrifice of lphigenia Leo. Jordans. 147. St. Stephen Tintoretto. 148. Battle- piece Borgonione. £ V 149. Holy Family with St. Francis Shidone. 150. Death of Adonis Cignani. 151. St. Mark .... .... .... Tintoretto. 152. Three Drawings, in Chalk 153. Five Prints 154. A large Italian Family Piece .... .... Veroneese. 155. Forty-four Prints of Horses 156. Christ before the chief Priest G. Delia Notte. 157. Job Lan franc. 158. Peter delivered from Prison G. Delia Notte. ^ 159. A Landscape .... after Salvator Rosa. 160. Holy Family after Raphael. X y"161. Susannah and the Elders Titian. X 162. Louis the Fifteenth 163. Triumph of Silenus Bassano. 164. A Landscape after Sahator Rosa. /\165. Holy Family Raphael. 166. Two Heads Giorgione. 167. St. Gregory after Tintoretto. 168. Portrait of Mr. Smith Barry 169. Ditto of the Earl of Donegall 170. Twenty-three Portraits of Horses and > Dogs y 171. A Group of Figures after Titian. 172. Susanna and the Elders Ditto. 173. A Head 8 No. 174. Portrait of Miss Smith Barry 175. Virgin and Child and St. John A. Sacchi. 176. Portrait of a Dog French. 177. Earl of Rivers 178. Countess of Barry more 179. Earl of Donegall 180. Portrait of a Lady 181. Angels appearing to the Shepherds .... Castiglione. 182. Crucifixion 183. Portrait of a Lady 184. James, Earl of Barry more 185. A Head 186. Countess of Barry more 187. A Magdalen Correggio. 188. Drawings of Flowers in Japan 189. Holy Family School of Titian. 190. Lady Marbury 191. Holy Family after Titian. 192. A Portrait 193. Lord Buttevant 194. Sir Arthur Chichester 195. Lady Buttevant 196. Portrait of Lady Donegall t)t / \ 197. Hon. Mrs. Smith Barry 198. Lord Mountjoy 199. Hon. Arthur Barry .... 200. Arthur, Earl of Donegall, 1734 201. James, third Earl of Barry more 202. A Group of Boys Ca Salt. 9 No. 203. Honourable John Smith Barry, and Family 204. Portraits of Birds in Japan 20-5. Sixteen Prints of Horses 206. Fifty-eight Prints and One Drawing, in a Case >< 207. Virgin and Child 208. A Landscape 209. A Venus bathing 210. A Head of Dominichino 211. A Sibyl, from the Italian 212. Rebecca at the Well 213. The Death of the Virgin 214. Dominichino's Mistress 215. An Apollo 216. A Landscape 217. Venus and Cupids < 218. Cattle, Castigionse 219. Holy Family, Italian 220. Venus and Cupids 221. Cattle, Castigionse 222. A Pomeranian Dog < 223. Boys' Heads 224. Holy Family .... 225. Holy Family 226. Lion and Tiger 227. A Boy with Fruit and Game 228. A Landscape j^229. Flowers n Deris* Carlo Maratti. Vernet. Guido. Dom". Clarke. Clarke. S. Conea. Clarke. Titian. Salv r . Rosa. N. Poussin. Rosa Trivoli. Clarke. JV. Poussin. Rosa Trivoli. Stubbs. Dominichino. Titian. Perugino. Rubens. M. A. Caravagio. Vernet. Baptist, 10 No. 230. A Landscape HorizontL 231. Salutation of the Virgin Cassalli. 232. Flowers Baptist. 233. A Landscape HorizontL '231. A Reposo Castiglioni. 235. Christ healing the Sick A Sketch. X 2 - /Cornelia after Titian. 236. Salutation .... after Salv r . Rosa. 237. Two Landscapes for Doors after Vernet. 238. Portrait, Lady Donegall S. P. Lily. 239. Venus after Titian. 240. Two Heads 241. Two Heads on Pannels 242. A Portrait Gorgione. 243. Cartoone, original .. Raphael. 244. St. Nilus curing one possessed .... .... after Raphael. 245. A Portrait Brood Mares Sar tortus. 246. A Horse .... Spencer. 247. A Hare 248. A Dog Sartorins. 249. Mars and Venus Poussin. 250. Prints after Canaletti. 2.51. Apollo and Shepherds Hamilton. (\ 252. St. Mark XX 253. Cornelius the Centurion 254. Two Portraits of the Smith Family X / 255. St. Sebastian Morellio. 256. Venus disarming Cupid P. Veroneese. XX 257. Virgin and Child Ditto. 11 No. 258. Holy Family after Titian. ^(259. A Magdalene after Ditto. 260. A Landscape ^\261. Three Landscapes Vogelsang. X 262. A Battle- piece Borgonione. 263. One Historical {/. 264. Holy Family Raphael. )( 265. Mary Magdalene Guercino. $ y y 266. Judith and Holofernes P. Veroneese. 267. Bacchus and Ariadne after N. Poussin. Y 268. One Historical, small 269. One Allegorical, small / 270. Holy Family 271. Salutation Titian. 272. Flowers 273. St. Catharine P. Veroneese. X 274. Sophonisba Guido. y 275. Lord's Supper School of Raphael. 276. Conversion of St. Paul Borgonione. 277. Cupid and Psyche 278. A Landscape Horizonti. 279. A Landscape Ditto. y 280. Entombing of Christ Schidone. \ 281. Christ and the Evangelists L. Jordaens. 282. Diogenes Tintoretto. 283. A Cherub Doniinichino. \2%\. A sleeping Boy after Guido. KX 285. Two Half-length Portraits 286. Peasants and Cattle Bassano. o No. 287. Dan* .. $f r0m Titian > % t Clarke. 288. Peasants and Cattle Bassano. 0 289. A Sketch Holy Family offer Raphael. 290. A Lady at her Harpsichord Frank. Hales. 291. Holy Family after Titian. 292. A Landscape Artois. 293. A Head Zoust. 294. A Head Ditto. 295. A Landscape .... ••*■ Salvator Rosa. 296. Holy Family after Raphael. ^ 297. A Landscape Claude. 298. Martyrdom of St. Thomas from Titian. 299. A Landscape Claude. 300. Lord Massarin .... 301. Lady Barrymore 302. Christ in the Temple, very ancient 303. A Portrait 304. Battle of the Boy ne Tillemans. X305. A Family Vandyke. 306. Moses striking the Rock A Sketch. 307. Death of Tancredi Tasso Al. Veroneese. 308. Three Prints of Portraits Finlayson. 309. Venus and Cupid after Titian. 310. Death and the Miser Rottenhamer. 311. A Reposo F. Mola. 312. Landscape, Peasants reposing School of Berghem, 313. Peter and another at the Sepulchre .... Seb. Conea. 0 13 No. 314. A Sea-piece Peters. 315. Ananias healing Paul of Blindness .... Pie", di Cortona. 316. George the Second Print from Ramsey. Sir William and Lady Daniels 317. Miss Smith Barry 318. A Drawing by ditto 319. Cardinal Mazarin 320. Sir Watkin Wms. Wynne, Bart. .... Hudson. X 321. Lord Barrymore Worlidge. 322. Lady Barrymore Ditto. 323. Honourable Mrs. Smith Barry Devis. 324. Pamela Morland, Sen?'; 325. A Clergyman E STATUES, BUSTS, VASES, AND RELIEVOS. STATUES. No. 1. Jupiter Stator, from the Gardens of Tivoli, 2. An Apollo Pythicus. 3. A Ceres, Colossal. 4. A Vertumnus, or Antinous, 5. Alexander, Colossal. 6. A Venus armed. 7. A Paris. 8. A Female Bacchante. 9. A Piping Fawn. 10. A Naide, (small). 11. A Diana, (imperfect.) 12. A Homer, ancient, (small.) 13. Hercules and Antajus, a Group, (small.) 14. Bacchus and Ariadne, (ditto.) 15. An Infant Bacchus, Patrician. 16. A Young Paris, ditto. 17. A small Statue of a Roman Youth playing with a Dove. 18. A small Venus reclining. 19. A Young Bacchus mounted on an Ass. 20. A Paris hunting, on Horseback. X 21. A small Fawn (Couchant) in Porphry. 18 BUSTS. No. 1. Alexander, (the Head a Cast.) 2. A Trojan. 3. A Didius. 4. A Lucius Verus. 5. A Bust, (modern.) 6. A Bacchus. 7. Ariadne. 8. A Commodus. 9. A Marcus Aurelius. 10. A Roman Emperor. 11. A Ditto. 12. A Ditto Philosopher. 13. A Roman Empress, (small.) 14. Paulina, (ditto.) 15. Faustina, (ditto.) 16. Boy's Head, (ditto.) 17. An Old Man's (ditto) in Black Marble. 18. Head of a Satyr, Architectural. 19. Mr. Smith Barry. 19 VASES. No. 1. A large Vase, the Nuptials of Paris and Helen, 5 feet 2 inches high. 2. A Ditto, of Egyptian Porphyry. 3. A smaller ditto, Granite. 4. A Grecian ditto, by Apollonius. 5. An Etruscan ditto, of curious raised Yellow Marble. 6. A small Globular ditto, of Mottled Marble. 7. A ditto, of White, (pairs.) 8. A small Roman ditto, with Four Elements in Relievo. 9. A Font for a Chapel, the Pillar and Bason of dark Granite. 10. A small Vase, Derbyshire Spar, with a Pair of High Columns to match. RELIEVOS. No. 1. A Minerva, (small.) 2. A Sicilian Shepherd, with a Reverse. 3. The Muse Polyhymnia. 4. Menander. 5. A Roman Head. 6. A small ditto, Female. 20 ALTARS. No. 1. Pillar, in height 4 feet; the Subject, Two Centaurs playing Music. 2. A small ditto, Cupid and Bacchus, in Relievo. 3. A square ditto, each Side ornamented with Foilage. 4. A large square ditto, supported on Four Sphinxes, .5. A small ditto, Ateicae ; Pyramidi. 6. A ditto, higher, Junias Corinthidi. 7. A small ditto, M°. Junio. 8. A small ditto, M°. Ulpeio. 9. A Font and Pillar of Egyptian Porphyry. A large magnificent Statuary Chimney-piece of White Parian, with rich Entablatures and Ornaments. A smaller ditto, of Granite. A Grand Slab of mixed Granite, 12 feet by 3 feet 8 inches. A Sea-fight off Lepanto. FItlNTED BY J. AND J. HADDOCK, W A FIKIN GTON. 2.A S /.* 5 i z # 1 /2 // p s /IS