m V • ■ w '■i ‘ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research institute https://archive.org/detaiis/cataiogueofgenuiOOford J A CATALOGUE Of the Genuine and Valuable COLLECTION O F Greek, Roman, Saxon, English, and Irish, Gold, Silver, and Brafs Coins and Medals, Of the Learned and Ingenious Mr. JAMES SIMON, Fellow of the Royal and Antiquaries Society of London^ Author of the Hiftorical Account of I r i s h Coins, Late of the City of Dubhn, Merchant, Deceafed. Which will be Sold by AUCTION By Mr. FOR D, At his Great Room in the Hay^Market, on Ehurfday, the 8th of Deccfnber, 1757, and the following Day. Ihe faid Collection will be exhibited to publick View on Tuefday the 6th and every Day after till the Time of Sale, which will begin each Day at half an IrlOtiT dJtCT Catalogues may be had at Mr. Ford’s in the Hay-Market, Price Six-pence which will be allowed to thofe who urc Purchalers. Conditions of Sale as ufual. [ 2 ] The Firft Day’s Sale, Thurfday^ Dec. 8th, i 757. Englijh and Foreign Silver Coins and Medals. Lot L ewis. XIIL Ludovlcus, &c. Rev. the Portrait of CAR. RICHLIEV —MENS. ET. MANVS. One of Hen. III. of France. One of HENRY. IIII. and his Queen. M One of LEWIS. XV. and his Queen. I One of GVST. ADOLPHVS. I A Silver Farthing of CHAR. II. QVATVOR. MARI^,. I GEORGE II. Proof Six-pence. L And two other foreign Coins. == 9. r ELIZ. half Teftoon, Irifh Bafe Silver. I CI-IAR. I. Shill. Oy^ DEVS,, &c.. 2 \ The Two-pence of ditto, by BRIOT. I COM. WEALTH Six-pence, 1656. L And 14 ocher Coins. = 18. 3 Englilh Coins of fundry Reigns, 3 oz. i d‘W. = 4o» r A Medal of CHAR. IPs Queen, j A ditto of K. WILL, and his QUEEN. 0 ^ CAROLINE’S Coronation. L And one of the Royal Society. fFl. ^ oz. 14 dw. = 4. f A Medal of CHAR. II. and his Queen. FAVENTE. DEO. BRITANNIA. 5] And one of King WILLIAM. GVLIELMO. III. VICTORl. L. P. RE- t- DVCI. D. XXXI. IAN. MDCXCI. m. 2 oz. 17 dw. = 2. 6 A Medalion of CHAR. II. PRO. TALIBVS. AVSIS. m. 3 = i. 7 One of King WILLIAM. RESTITVTORI. BRITANNIA. 8 OneofQueenANN.NOVAE.PALLADIUM.TROI^./r/. ^oz. ^dw.^i. 9 Two of King WILLIAM, and LEWIS. XIV. JVt. /\.oz. ^dw. = 2. Greek, Roman, and Englijlo Gold Coins. JO PHILIP and ALEXANDER, of Macedon. = 2. 1 r TIBERIVS. and M. AVRELIVS. = 2. 12 NERO. \ [ 3 ] Lot 12 NERO, and VESPASIAN. Rev. COS. VII. a Bull. = 2 1 3 ANTONINVS. PIVS. and CONSTANTINE the III. = 2 14 THEODOSIVS. II. and ANASTASIVS. I. = 2 15 ERACLIVS. ET. CONSTANTINE. & CONSTANTINE. Pogon. = 2 t EDWARD. Noble and Half with DVX. AQVIT. ° t And the Quarter of ditto. Wt. 8 dw, 14^. = 3 17 HENRY. V. Noble and Quarter. Wt. 5 dw. 8^. = 2 c HENRY. V. Noble. EDWARD. III. Quarter Noble And a Quarter Guinea of GEOR. I. Wt. ^ dw. 2^. = 3 r ELIZ. Half and Quarter Sovereign 19 s I AMES. I, Quarter Broad C COM. WEALTH. Half Broad 1 649. Wt. 6dw. 11 c EDWARD. VI. Half Sovereign crown’d ELIZ. — Half Sovereign engrail’d. Wt. j dw. 4^. = 2 21 OLIVER. CROMWEL’s Guinea or 23 Shill. By Simon. = i Saxon and Danijh Silver Corns. 22 BVRGRED. EDMOND. P. ETHELRED. diff. 2. ^DRED. diff. 5. = 9. r ETHELRED. diff. 2.— EDWARD. P. ETHELSTAN. REX. 23) REX. TO. BRL— & REX. BRIT^ 3. L EDMOND, diff 2. ^DRED. diff 2. = 10 24 ETHELRED. i. ETHELSTAN. diff. 2. one REX. TO. BR. iEDRED. diff. 7. = 10 25 EDWY. diff. 2. EDGAR diff. 4. ETHELRED. diff. 3. EDRED. diff. 2. = 1 1 26 EDGAR, with TO. B. ditto with the Head i. EDMOND, i. CNVT. i. = 4 27 EDWY. diff. 2, EDWARD. IP. one, EDMOND, diff. 3, .SDRED. diff. 4. = 10. 28 EDWARD. IP. two, EDWARD. IIP. one,, ETHELRED. 2, ^DRED. diff. 5. — 9 29 EDWY. 2, EDGAR, i, ETHELRED. i, EDMOND. 2, EDRED. 4. = IQ 30 EDWARD, II. I,— ETHELSTAN. 2, one REX. TO. B.— EDGAR, ETHhLRED. II. i,— EDMOND. I. 2,— EDRED. i,— EDWY. i. 31 ETHELSTAI^. 2, one REX. TO. BRL— EDMOND. 3.— EDRED. ETHELRED. i, — EDWARD, the Confeffor i. = 8 A 2 32 ^DRED^ 32 iEDR£D. with the Plead i, EDWY. i, EDMOND, 2, — ETHEL- STAN. 2,~-ETHELRED. i, EDGAR, i. = 8 33 EDWARD. P. 1,— ETHELSTAN. 2, one TO. BR.—^DRED.2,— EDWY. I, -EDGAR. I, -ETHELRED.— EDWARD, the Con£ with the Head i. = 9 N. B. All thofe that are repeated, or that have two or more in a Lot of the fame Name, are every one different. Greek a7id Roman, Confular and Imperial Siher Coins. 34 ALEXANDER, and LYCIMA. Tetrad, fine pref. = 2 35 ATHEN. Tetrad, one,— 3 Denarii of HADRIAN. Reverfe FELICITAS. AVG. two Fig. — ASIA— HISPANIA. — And 23 other Denarii. = 27 36 Aemilia i, Anteffia 2, Atilia i, Antonia i, Caffia 2, Calpurnia i, Caecilia i, Claudia i, Cornelia 1, Creputia i, Fannia i, Fiaminia i, Fonteia i, Furia i, Herenia i, Julia i. — 18 37 Anteftia 1, Fania i, Julia 2, Junia i, Licinia i, Norbana i, Pinaria i, Pomponia i, Scribonia i, Sergia i, Servilia i, Sentia 2, Tituria 2, Thoria i, Vibia i, Volteia i. -= 19 38 IVLiyS.C/\ESAR-M. ANTON. & AVGVSTVS.— GALBA-OTHO — NERVA— .^LIVS. CAESAR-ALBINVS. = 7 39 From TIBERIVS to GET A = 30 40 From GETA to POSTVMVS = 34 ^ 41 From AVQVSTVS to POSTVMVS = 30 42 Of CONST ANTIVS, IVLIAN. Apof. GRATIAN, VALENS, THEO- DOSIVS, all of fine Silver 21 Greek and Roman Copper Coins. j 3 PTOLOMEY 1 °. one, GERMANICVS CALIGVLA TREB. GALLVS— CARAVSIVS— IVSTINIAN. Reverfe ANNO XXXII. NIKO in the Exergue, and 23 others. = 29 44 GORDIAN, AFR. Reverfe P. M. &c. and 25 others of fundry Emperors. = 26 S,eries of Irif: Silver Coins. AC KING lOHN’s Pennies two, Reverfe ROBERT. ON. DIVI. & WILL. ON. DIVI and the Halfpenny ROB. ON. DI. = 3 '‘G lOHN’s Pennies two, WACI. ON. LIME, not publifhed, and WILL. ON. ^ LIME, and theHalfuenny WILL. ON. DI. = 3 47 lOHN’s Lot 47 1 48 49 ' 5o| "1 52 53 54 55 [ 5 ] JOHN’S Pennies two, WILLELM. ON. DI. and WILLEM. ON. LI. the Halfpenny ROB. ON. DI. and HENRY. HP’s Penny, RICARD. ON. DIVI. = 4 HENRY. IIP. Penny, RICARD. ON. DIVI.— Two Pennies of ED- WARD. P, DVBLINI. and WAT RFORD. and the Halfpenny WATERFORD, and one Halfpenny of lOHN. WILL. ON. DI. = 5 JOHANNES. DOM. King John as Lord of Ireland full faced His Halfpenny. Rev. RODBER. ON. DW. ditto TOMAS. ON. DW. ditto WILLELMVS. ON. WA. = 3 See Simon, Plate II. No. 38, 39, 42 HENRY. V.’s Groat, CIVITAS. DVBLINI. Plate 3 -No. 56 EDWARD. IV. with the three Crowns. Rever. the Arms, as in Plate 4. No. 87. = 2 HENRY. V, Groat, reads HENRCVS. &c. CIVITAS. DVBLINI. Plate 3. No. 59. EDWARD. IV. Groat, the Arms one Side, and 3 Crowns on the other, Plate 4. No. 88. — 2. EDWARD. IV. Groat with the Head. Rever. VILLA. DE. TRIM. Plate 4, No. 86. = I EDWARD. IV. Groat with the Head, Rever. CIVITAS. LIMERICI. Plate 4, No. 83. = I EDWARD. IV. Groat two, one with the Head, and CIVITAS. LIMERICI. Plate 4, No. 84 The other the Arms and 3 Crowns, Plate 4, No. 88. = 2 EDWARD. IV. Groat with the Head, Rev. a Rofe in the Center of the Crofs, and VILLA. DE DROGHEDA. Plate 4, No. 82 ; and the Penny the fame, as Plate 5, No. 1 1 5. = 2 EDWARD. IV. Groat with the Head, Rever. a Rofe in the Center of the Crofs, and CIVITAS. DVBLINIE. Plate 4, No. 80. EDWARD. IV. Groat CIVITAS. WATERFORD. Plate 4, No. 75 One ditto VILLA. DE. DROGHEDA. Plate 4, No. 77. = 2 EDWARD. IV. Groat CIVITAS. WATERFORD. Plate 4, No. 76 One ditto CIVITAS. DVBLINI. as in Plate 4, No. 85. = 2 EDWARD. IV. Groat CIVITAS. DVBLINI. Plate 4, No. 79 And two Pennies CIVITAS. DVBLINI, & VILLA. DE. DROGEDA. Sec Plate 4, No. 91 and 92. = 3 EDWARD. IV. Half Groat, Reverfe CIVITAS. DVBLINI. the Sun fills the Area not in Mr. Simon, and the Penny a large Rofe on one Side, and the Sun on the other, as in Plate 5, No. 1 14. extreme rare = 2 B 61 EDWARD , t 6 Let 61 EDWARD. IV. Half Groat, the Arms and 3 Crowns, Plate 5, No. 95 and the Penny of the fame, as in Plate 8, No. 168, extremely rare = 2 62 HENRY. VI. Groat, the Arms and 3 Crowns DOMINVS. HIBERNIE. Plate 3, No. 65, and the Half Groat of ditto with CIVITAS DVBLINE, fame Plate, No. 67 = 2 . 5 HENRY. VI. Groat with the Head CIVITAS. DVBLINIE, PL 3, No. 70 One ditto. Arms and 3 Crowns, CIVIT. WATERFORD. No. 62 = 2 r HENRY. VI. Groat, Arms and 3 Crowns, as in Plate 3, No. 63 64 4 One ditto with the Head, as in Plate 3, No. 70. Both CIVITAS. DVB- t LINI. 65 HENRY. VI. Groats, Arms and 3 Crowns, CIVITAS. WATERFORD & CIVITAS. DVBLINI. Plate 3, No. 62 and 64. = 2 66 RICHARD. III. Groat, Arms and 3 Crowns, DOMINVS. HIBERNIE. Simon, Plate 5, No. 96, extremely rare, and fine Prefer. ~ i 67 HENRY. VII.’s Groats with the Head two, both CIVITAS. DVBLINI. as in Plate 9, No. 98. = 2 68 HENRY. VII. Groat, with the Head two, CIVITAS. DVBLINI. = 2 69 HENRY. VIII. Groats eight, the Arms on one Side, and Harp on the other, all different, as in Plate 5, No. 103 — 4 — 5 — 6 — 7— 8 = 6 70 HENRY. VIII. Groats, with the Head two, CIVITAS. DVBLINI. bafe Silver, and four others. Arms on one Side, and Harp on the other, 3 of them fine and one bafe Silver = 6 71 PHILLIP. & MARY’s Irifh Shilling orTeftoon bafe Silver 1555, as in Plate 5, No. ii2‘, and four Six-pences 1555 — 56 — 57 — 58 = 5 72 PHILLIP. & MARY. Irifli Shilling 1555, and 3 Six-pences 1555 — 57 — 98 = 4 73 ELIZABETH. Irifh Tefloon or Shilling bafe Silver, one Harp on the Re- verfe, andtheHalfof ditto, Plate 6, No. 116 — 117 = 2 74 ELIZ. fine Silver Irifh Shilling, Reverfe 3 Harps, Plate 6, No. 1 18, and the Groat of ditto. No. 1 1 9, extremely rare = 2 75 ELIZ. Irifh Shilling bafe Silver, the Arms on one Side, the Harp Cn the other, Plate 6, No. 120 — 121 =2 c I AMES. I. Irifh Shilling and Six-pence, Plate 6, No. 124 — 125 ‘ \ ELIZ. Shilling fine Silver and Six-pence bafe Silver = 4 f lAMES. IP’s Crown and Six-pence ftruck out of the Dye of the Gun Mo>- ney- ‘ j King Will.’s Halfpenny Irifh, ffruek out of the Copper Dye. C And another. Plate 7, No. 142^-148—157 — 159 = 4 ] 78 Three I Lot 78 [ 7 ] \ Three Irlfli Promiflbry Silver Tokens, viz. I. PROMISE. TO. PAY. THE. | BEARER. THREE. PENCE. On the Reverfe ALEX. MORTON. | ARMAGH. 1736. andlOHN. OVEREND. PORTADOWN. and j SAM. MACKIE. ICH HIL. And one CORK Brafs Token. = 4 j Eight Irifli Copper PromifTory Tokens. . ' And one Farthing of Queen Anne, 1714 = 9 Two Irifh Halfpennies of ELIZ. 1601 and 1602. And the Farthing of ditto 1601. 31 Irifh Traders — 3 Saxon Stykas — and 4 Scotch Coins of Char. I. and 11 . and one Farthing of Char. II. Quatuor Ma»ise vindico. = 42 QUEEN. ANN.’s Farthing, PAX. MISSA. PER. ORBEM. 1713. finely ■preferved. = i One hundred and Eighteen Englifli Tradefinen Halfpennies and Farthings, moft of them of different Towns and Counties., ELIZ. Shill, and Six-pence bafe Silver. PHILLIP. & MARY. Six pence 1554. ELIZ. Shill. Six-pence, Groat, and Three-pence, milfd. And one Irifh Groat of Edw. IV. with the 3 Crowns. = 8 The Second Day’s Sale^ Friday^ Dec, pth. Modem Copper Coins and Medals. Lot 1 rr^EN Swedifh Mint Tokens, and 173 Roman and other Coins. 1 - 183 2 Eighty-nine Englifh and Irifh Halfpence,, from Char. II. to Geor. II. in a Drawer. 3 Ninety-three Irifh Gun-Money from the Crown to the Six-pence of lAMES. IT. Some of the Dates very fcarce. 4 A complete Set of the Kings of Sweden. = 17 5 A complete Set of the Kings of France, from Pharamond to Lewis XIV. — 66 6 Twenty-four Reformers, by Dacier. r 7 The Kings of England by ditto, from the Conqueror to his pr^fent Majefty. 34 Gold, Lot 8 9 10 1 1 I 12 13 s>4 ^5 16 17 20 21 22 23 2’4 25 [ 8 1 Go/^ Greek and Roman^- ALEX. of Maced. HADRIAN, Reverfe ^gipto. = 2 MATIDIA. Rev. Pietas with two Children. ALEX. SEVERVS. Aequitas FAVSTINA Aeternitas. = 2 ALEX. SEVERVS Virtus Aug. VICTORINVS Oriens Aug. = 2 CONST. CLORVS. Herculi Vidlori. Kercul. Hand, with his Club and Lion^s Skin. JVSTINIAN. HONORIVS. ANASTASIVS. = 3 Britijh and 'Englijh Gold Coins. CVNOBOLIN CVNO. CA. and two Silver BRITISH. = 3 RICHARD II. Noble, m. 4 dw. 22 g. CHAR. II. Half and Quarter broad hammered Money. U^t. 4 dw. 8 ^. = 2 A curious Medal of young Lewis, King of Hungary and Bohemia, LV- DOVICVS. FILIVS. R. VNGA. ET. BOHE. 1508. CORONATVS. Reverfe 1544. BVDA. POTENS. ET. PANNONGENS. MARTIA. REGNI. ^OD. FVIT. ESET. SI. VIVERET. ISTE. PVER. V.G. Wt. 8 dw. 20. g.- Ancient IriJJj Silver Coins in the 'Time of the Saxons. SITHRIC. See Simov, Plate 2 No. 28. ETHELRED. coin’d in Ireland — 29. DIMNROC. — — —30. And feven others, as No. 31-32-33-34-35-36-37. all very rare. = 10 SITHRIC diff. Six. Plate i. No. i — 2 — 3 — 4 — 5 — 6. all extremely well preferved, and extremely rare. = 6 EDRED. Reverfe DYMODH. ENLAF. Rev. WADTER. Plate i. No. 9 and ir. extremely rare. And three others, as No. 12 — 22 — 23, fame Plate. = 5 Six others all different, highly preferved. = 6 Seven ditto different, two of m full faced much like William the Conqueror,, and Will. Rufus. = 7 One like the Conqueror under a Canopy, one full faced, a Star on each Side, and three others. = 5 One under a Canopy, and fix others. = 7 One full faced, a Scepter on each Side, like Rufus, and feven others. = 8 26 One t 9 ] Lot 26 One like Hen. I. with Anulets on each Side of the Head, one like the Con- queror full faced, and fix others. = 8 " 27 Six finely preferved, as in Plate 8— No. 162 — 3 — 4 — 5-^6— 7. = 6 28 One full faced with Anulets on each Side, and 14 others. = 1 5 Series of Englijh Silver Coins. f WILLIAM. I. and II. Pennies 2. t HENRY. III. Rev. fhort Crofies, diff. 20. = 22 t WILLIAM.^, and II. Pennies 2. 3 ° { henry. III. long Croffes, diff. 16. = 18 31 HENRY. I. Penny, with Anulets on each Side the Head. = 1 5 KING. STEPHEN. 3 ^{ HENRY. I VN. = 2 33 EDWARD. I. II. and III. Pennies, different Mints and Towns ■= 29 34 EDWARD, the Black Prince half Groat, extremely rare. i 35 Half Groats from EDWARD. III. to HENRY. VIII. = 21. 36 RICHARD. II. Penny. EDWARD. VI. Three-pence Eboraci, very rare. 37 RICHARD. II. Penny, and eleven Coins of ELIZ. = 12 38 Groats from EDWARD. III. to HENRY. VIII. = 42 39 RICHARD. II. Groat, London. EDWARD. IV. ditto Norwich. = 2 c RICHARD. III. Groat the Rofe EDWARD, nil. Groats Briftol, Briftow, and Eboraci 2. = 5 5 HENRY. VIII. bafe Silver Penny, Civitas Cantor. PHILIP. & MARY. Penny of the Rofe, Civitas London. EDWARD. VI. ditto, Civitas Eboraci. = 3. The two laft very rare, r PHILIP. & M ARY. Penny of the Rofe, Civitas London. 42 ELIZ. Three-Halfpenny and Three-Farthing Pieces. C And Two Halfpennies of RICHARD. III. and HENRY. VII. = 5 43 ELIZ. Six-pences from the Year 1561 to 1602 included = 35 44 ELIZ. lAMES. I. and CHAR. I. Six-pences, all different Dates or Mints. = 37 45 ELIZ. and I AMES. I. Shillings of different Mint Marks = 21 CHARLES. I. Shillings, diff. Mints nine. COMM. WEALTH, ditto, diff. Dates five. = 14 r HENRY. VIII. Teftoon. 47 j EDWARD. VI. fide faced Shilling, INIMICI. &c. at the Head Side. ^ =2 C 48 HENRY. t 10 ] Lot „ 5 HENRY. VIII. Teftoon; 4 » I EDWARD. VI. bafe Silver Shilling. = ,2 ’ 49 OLIVER. Shilling DATED. 1656. By Simon, s i 50 OLIVER. Crown, Half Crown, and Shilling. = 3 5 r ELIZ. PORTCVLIS. Crown and Half Crown. = 2 S I E G E^s MONET. 52 CARLISLE. Three Shillings Piece, and the Shilling, s: 2 53 ORMOND. MONEY, from the Crown to the T wo-pence inclufive = 7 r NEWARK. Half Crown, Shilling, Nine-pence, 54 <] Two 1 645 and 46, and L CORK Six-pence. = 5 i;5 PONTEFRACT. Shillings, diff. 2, Lozange and Odlogan. = 2 56 LORD. BALTIMORE. Shilling and Groat. = 2 SCOTCH COINS. C WILLIAM. I. Pennies five. 3 LE. REL WILA. Reverfe— -DVE. WALTER, two. 571 LE. REI. WILAM. Rev.— DVE. WALTE. two. L And~HNRlLER. one. == 5 r WILELMVS. R. Reverfe RAVL. ON. ROSE. ditto — ON. ROSES, ditto — VE. ON. EDMEBVR. ditto ^ VTAR. ON. PERT, ditto — WATER. ON. POET, ditto — ADAM. ON. RO. ditto — DERISADAM. ON. RO. ditto — DERISADAM. ON. ROSE. — S f DAVID. II. Groats two. Half Groats two, all different. 59 ) Pennies two, one VILLA. ABERDON. C ROBERT. II. Groats two, Half Groats one, = 9 r ALEXANDER, II. Penny, Reverfe PIERES. ON. RO. 60 < WILLIAM. II. Pennies four, one of themDVE. VAL. &c. on the Head i Side, WILLIAM. &c, on the Reverfe. 5 r KING. JOHN. BALLIOL. Penny and Halfpenny, very rare. 61 < ROBERT. II. and lU.’s Groats. I I AMES. I. II. and III. Groats. = 7 r lAMEL I. Groat and Half Groat, OPID. EDIN. 62^ Two Coins of MARY, one of them OPIDVM. STIRLINGI. t And another. — 5 63 MARY*s Lot 63 { 64 65 66 67 68 69 t ” ] MARY’S Teftoons four, 1555 — 56 — 58 — 60. Two Half of ditto, — 1556 — ^58. == 5 MARY’S Teftopn with her Portrait, finely preferved and extremely rare. MARY. & HENRY.’s XXX — XX — X Shilling Pieces, being a complete Set. = 3 lAMES. VI.’s XXX — ^XX Shilling Pieces with the Sword, and the Ten Shill, with his Portrait. = 3 I AMES. VI. Quarter Mark 1572. one ditto with Scales, and five others. = 7 lAMES. I. of England’s Scotch Shilling, extremely rare. = i CHARLES. II.’s Dollar and Half Dollar, and two Quarters, and his Double and Single Mark = 6 WILLIAM. & MARY.’s 60 and 10 Shill. Pieces. WILLIAM, alone 40 — 20 — 10 Shill. Pieces. ANN’s Five Shill. Piece. = 6 Englijh Coins from ELIZ, to GEOR. II. ELIZ.’s Crown one. lAMES. I. two, one with the Feathers. = 3 CHARLES. I. Crowns, the Caftle and the Sun m. m> ss CHARLES. I. Crowns two. COM. WEAL, ditto one. CHaR.II. Half Crown hammered with XXX.' = 4 CHARLES. I. Crowns two. ELIZ. I AMES, and CHARLES. I. Half Crowns 5 = 7 OXFORD Money, from the Pound Piece to the Three-pence Inclufivc ™ 9 CHARLES. II. Crown, Boar Head Mint Mark. One ditto, an Elephant under the King’s Buft, QUEEN ANN/s Crown VIGO one. = 3 LAMES. II.’s Crown one. WILLIAM. & MARY.—one. GEORGE. I. — one. GEORGE. II.~three. = 6 CHARLES II. Half Crown, with the Elephant. WIL LI AM. III. Half Crown. ANN.’s Half Crown, VIGO. =s 3 79 CHARLES. Lot [ 12 I' (• CHARLES, II. Half Crown one. \ WILLIAM. — ditto— one. I ANN. ditto, diff. four. - £ GEORGE. I. and 11. ditto — two. = 8 SHILLINGS. r CHARLES. II. Eleph. and Feathers two. ' .ANN. — difF. — feven. 8 o^ WILLIAM, and WILL. & MARY. -three. GEORGE. II.— diff.— four. . And five Six-pences, and one Groat. s= 22 81 Mr. SIMON’S CABINET; FINIS, \