. CATALOGUE or A NOBLE AND SUPERLATIVELY CAPITAL COLLECTION UNDOUBTED ORIGINAL PICTUBES. BY THE FOLLOWING MASTERS, OF THE Italian, jfrenri), Buttf), anti jflemta!) ikliools VIZ. CORREGIO, TITIAN, N. POUSSIN, SALVATOR ROSA, CARLO DOLCI, GIROFALO, DOMENICH1NO, P. DA CORTONA, ALBANO, RUBENS, CUYP, OSTADE, TENIERS, P. POTTER, A. VANDEVELDE, C. DU JARDYN, BERCHEM, MIER1S, W OUW ERMANS, LINGLEBACK, PYNAKER, NETSCHER, LE NA1N, HONDEKOETEK, BOURDON MO UCHE RON, METZU, NEEFS, Ac. Ac. Ac. Now Exhibiting for Sale by Private Contract , AT THE OJ.25 ACADEMY DOOM, PALL MAUL, NEAR CARLTON HOUSE . OOOSOSO'3 ADMISSION, Is. CATALOGUES, Is. EACH. SEORCE SMESTOW, PRINTER, ST. MARTIN’S J-ANE. < ~>p* L 1 Lo f— ft i -rrK-rrnr^- I LA ^ ¥> X Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofnoble3118hill This Catalogue of a small, but select and truly valuable Collection of Pictures, now offered for sale, is divested of all panegyric ; the Proprietor being fully aware, that if their intrinsic merit will not recommend them, no description however elaborate, can enhance their value in the estimation of the Connoisseur. Many of the Pictures in this Exhibition were purchased by the Proprietor on the Continent, and of which he could not have become possessed, but from the convulsed state of the Countries in which they were bought. They are now submitted to the judgment of the Nobility and Gentry, with a recommendation seldom or ever attached to Pictures, which is, that each Picture will be warranted the undoubted production of the Master whose name is annexed to it. Gentlemen who may wish to treat for any of the Pictures, will be pleased to signify their intention to the Person in attendance at the Room, who is furnished with a List of the Prices ; and who will refer Gentlemen inclined to purchase, to Mr. Hill, at the Room, or No. 6, Greek Street, Soho. Cmrtutions of Sale. I. The Purchaser to pay £25. per Cent, on the Purchase Money, and the remainder at the time of delivery, which may be immediately, or the Pictures may remain on Exhibition until the 31st of July next, at the option of the Purchaser; but if not removed on or before that day, and the remainder of the Purchase Money paid, the deposit to be forfeited. II. Each picture to be removed at the expence and risk of the Buyer, whose presence, or written order, will be necessary for the delivery. CATALOGUE. ro. HONDIKOETER, 1 Geese, Ducks, &c. &c. in a Landscape, 36 f— ffrM JOHN WOUWERMANS, 2 Frost Piece with Figures skaiting. ^ aJU 2 the Figures by Adrian Vandevelde. LINGLEBACK, Italian Peasants gaming. berchem. 35 Landscape and Figures. ^ ' u i^ (^) SALVATOR ROSA 3 3> Death of Archimedes. 9 no. QUINTIN MATSYS, 17 The Portrait of Foger (and his Wife,) the rich Merchant of Antwerp, who lent the Emperor of Germany a Million of Florins, and when honored by a Visit from him, cancelled the obligatory Bond in his presence, by burning it in the Fire made of Cinnamon Bark, which was light up in compliment to his noble guest. PETER NEEFS, 18 Interior of a Church. PAUL POTTER, 19 Landscape and Cattle. B 10 so. 20 Dead Game. WEENIX. VANDERHEYDEN and A, VAN DEV ELBE, 21 View in Holland. SCHIDONE, 22 Holy Family. JOHN WYNANTS, 23 Landscape and Figures, D TENIERS, 24 Interior ©f a Kitchen with a Woman sleeping, / r r / O 11 no. GAROFALO 25 Holy Family with St. Elizabeth. WILSON, 26 A Pair of Views near Rome. METZU. 27 An Interior with a Lady dressed in White Sattin at her Toilet, J'/Ua i o ( fi (/ * i / * L ‘ f PHILIP WOUWERMANS, 28 Landscape with many Figures; return from Hawkii g. 12 NO. DU J AR DIN. 29 Landscape and Figures. P. WOUWERMANS, SO A View of Schevilin, with Fishermen. BERCHEM, S I The Woman in the Wilderness. See Revel: Chap: 12, iVu >.(* \ Ca (vt j K. DU J AR DIN, 32 Interior of a Stable with Cattle. NETSCHER, 33 An Interior with Ladies and Gentlemen, 1>JU U, ! f M (%Q 13 no. LE SOEUR, 34 Reposo, with Angels. &X (M CUYP, 35 View of Dort, the place of Cuyp’s Nativity, with his Father and himself on horseback ; Cows, Sheep, uc.; presumed to be a chef d’eeuvre. HO BE IMA,' 36 Woody Scene with Figures N. POUSSIN, 37 Holy Family with St. Elizabeth. 14 no. CUYP, 38 Landscape, View in Holland, w r ith various Figures, one a Gentleman on horseback in a Turkish Dress. FERG, 39 Landscape and Figures. LUCATELLL 40 Landscape, (oval) Italian Scene. VANDYKE, 41 Charity; the School of TENIERS, 42 Landscape and Figures* 15 NO. ADRIAN VANDEVELDE, 43 Landscape, Figures and Cattle. CARLO DOLCL 44 St. Rosat; an Angel presenting her with Flowers. 4V>U xh f j