THE J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM LIBRARY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 MASTERS IN ART fl&jtasinjirt ^ettesj^^y^-ittpnofltaplis Among the artists to be considered during the current, 1906, Volume may be mentioned, Sodoma, Constable, Bouguereau, Goya, and Ingres. The numbers of 4 Masters in Art ’ which have already appeared in 1906 are : part 73, January stuart Part 74, FEBRUARY DAVID PART 75, THE ISSUE FOR 01 a r c Jj WILL TREA T OF Biu&lin NUMBERS ISSUED IN PREVIOUS VOLUMES OF ‘MASTERS IN ART * VOL. 1. Part i, VAN DYCK Part 2, TITIAN Part 3, VELASQUEZ Part 4, HOLBEIN Part 5, BOTTICELLI Part 6,R EM BRANDT Part 7, REYNOLDS Part 8, MILLET Part 9, GIO. BELLINI Part 10, MURILLO Part i i, HALS Part 12, RAPHAEL * Sculpt ur VOL. 3. VOL. 2. Part 13, RUBENS Part 14, DA VINCI Part 15, DURER Part 16, MICHELANGELO* Part 17, MI CHELANGELOf Part 18, COROT Part 19, BURNE-JONES Part 20, TER BORCH Part 21, DELLA ROBBIA Part 22, DEL SARTO Part 23, GAINSBOROUGH Part 24, CORREGGIO f Painting VOL. 4. Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part 25, PHIDIAS 26, PERUGINO 27, HOLBEIN g 28, TINTORETTO 29, P. dkHOOCH 30, NATTIER 31, PAUL POT TER 32, GIOTTO 33, PRAXITELES 34, HOGARTH 35, TURNER 36, LUINI g Drawing . VOL. 5. Part 37. Part 38 Part 39. Part 40. Part 41. Part 42. Part 43. Part 44 Part 45. Part 46 Part 47 Pari r - * F 1 Part 47, Part 50, Part 51, Part 52, Part $3> Part 54, Part 5$, Part 56, Part 57, Part 58, Part 59, Part 60, BARTOLOMMEO GREUZE DURER* LOTTO LANDSEER VERMEER PINTORICCHIO THE VAN EYCKS MKISSON 1 ER B A R Y E VERONESE COPLEY • Engraving 1 Part 61, Part 62, Part 63, Part 64. Part 65, Part 66, Part 67, Part 68, Part 69, Part 70, Part 71, Part 72, ROMNEY , FRA ANGELICO , WATTEAU RAP HA El ' DON A 'I'EL LO GERARD DOU CAR P ACCIO ROSA BONHEUR 1 - 1 I DO R EN 1 P. drCH AVANNES , G I O R G I O N E ROSSETTI cos VOL. 6. WATTS PALMA VECCHIO VIGEE LE BRUN , MANTEGNA C HARDIN BENOZZO JAN STEEN MEMLINC CLAUDE VFR ROCCHIO RAEBURN FILIPPO LIPPI ALL THE ABOVE NAMED ISSUES ARE CONSTANTLY KEPT IN STOCK Prices on and after January 1 , 1906 : Single number* of back volume*, 20 cent* each. Single number* of the current 1906 volume, l 5 cent* each. Bound volume* 1,2, 3,4, and 6. con tam- ing t he part* li*tcd above, bound in brown buckram, with gilt •tamp* and gilt top, Jt j . 75 eachj in green half morocco, gilt stamp* and gilt top, 54-M each. LETTERS # LETTERING AN Illustrated Treatise by Frank Chou- J. teau Brown, containing two hundred and ten Examples. A complete and varied collection of Alphabets of Standard and Mod- ern Forms, so arranged as to be most practi- cally and conveniently useful to Designers, Architects, Craftsmen, and all who have to draw letter-forms. WHAT THOSE WHO USE IT HAVE TO SAY I consider the work very good, and far ahead of any- thing of its kind that I have seen before. James F. Rudy, W. Philadelphia, Pa. It is very well adapted to my line of work, and is used for general office lettering. It has many commend- able features. Walter H. W hitlock, Architect, Binghamton, N.Y. It is comprehensive and at the same time concise, and well adapted as a reference book. I find it the most complete book on the subject that I have examined. Mary Ketcham, Inst. College of Fine Arts, Syracuse Univ. The very best I have seen. I have handled many, both Foreign and Domestic, but never found one that gives so much good information and usefulness for the price of $2.00. Bernhard Benson, Art Industrial Works, Jamestown, N. Y. I have used the work as a reference book when de- signing the lettering for bronze tablets of every descrip- tion, and find the method of constructing the Roman letters very satisfactory. A. M. Long, Chicago, 111. I find it a great help to me in my work. The most valuable part in the book is the Roman capital letters, also the construction of Roman small letters and the spacing of Roman capitals. Joseph Olsey, Marble and Granite Worker. It is the best book I have seen on the subject. I wished it especially for the Gothic and Black Letter Alphabets, and consider them the best things in it, es- pecially Mr. Goodhue’s Alphabet. Miss Ruth S. Brooke, Gambier, O. The most complete of any treatise on letters and lettering I have ever seen. The artist who wishes to make letter designing a study, to become proficient, cannot well afford to be without it. C. J. Boyd, McCunc, Kan. In my work of designing I find myself constantly referring to it for standard forms. I believe that any one who is called upon to letter will find it to be of lasting value in saving time and getting results. Walter L. Burt, K1 Paso, Tex. PRICE, $2.oo, POST-PAID. MONEY BACK IF NOT SATISFACTORY Bates & Guild Company, Boston In answering advertisements, please mention Masti rs in Art MASTERS IN ART “IT HAS TAUGHT ME ALL THAT A TEACHER COULD HAVE TAUGHT — HOW TO BEGIN RIGHT, HOW TO AVOID DIFFICULTIES, AND THE ‘TRICKS OF THE TRADE.”' iprn Braxotng CHARLES D. MAGINNIS nly practice will make an accomplished pen- draughtsman; but this little treatise teaches whatever can be taught of the art ; namely, how to practise, what “style” is, and how to attain it, what pens, inks, and papers have been found most serviceable, how to use line and hatch, how to produce textures and to represent various surfaces, val- ues and colors, how to depict and treat details, — in a word, imparts a knowledge of all the ways, means, and processes that experience has proved useful. The key- note of the book is practicality. Each of the 72 illus- trations is a specific example of some important method. It is written interestingly and clearly. With this treatise at his elbow the draughtsman can make most valuable use of his spare minutes. Price, $1.00, Postpaid THE BOOK MEASURES 7^ x 5 INCHES, CONTAINS 130 PAGES AND 72 ILLUS- TRATIONS, IS PRINTED ON HEAVY PAPER, AND BOUND IN GRAY CLOTH. THIRD EDITION. BATES & GUILD COMPANY, PUBLISHERS 42 CHAUNCY STREET, BOSTON, MASS. In answering advertisements, please mention Masters in Art FRENCH SCHOOL MAHTKKH IN AMT IM.ATK I l l'» ) DA V ID T>: ' IIOHHIMi Mm NT HT. IIKKN AIIH I' AI.A* K III V KI(HA I I.I.KH ioroo in IN A I* A It THE OA TH OF THE HOHATTI M A HTKIIH IN A l«T I'l.ATF: III i If IIMJN) Ci 4 C l. | .-I I > A V 1 1) I'flltTK A IT ill' MO.NSIM I! H f'.H l/.l AT l.ill \ III . I 1 A It I H MAHTFKH IN AMT l»LATK IV Cl AC't I -.1 ] ^-OTOOI DA VII) VOHTI1AIT DF MADAM K HI- 1(1/1 \ T \.\D ('.1111.11 LODV MIC, I* A It IS THE S A HI N E W DM EN LOU V HE PA HIS " MAHTKHH I N AMT ^••OTOON A f M «f MAUI, f l Sfll l)A VIII POHTMAIT OK I'OPK P1DK VII. I«OU V M K, I'A It 18 PORTRAIT OF MADAM E RECAM I ER LOUVRE, PARIS MA0TKMH IN A H I HI. All- VIII l» A V I I ) OK III r. M A KUl'IHI «»K I II K • MM | I |IK | lutor 4 I'OHTK A IT r.Ol.I.H liMN M'OIIV I I.I.IKIIH I III N N K. I* \ II IS MAHTKHH IN A IIT IMiATK IX H »r •RAUft, Cl