Ss 1896 May LoChH \y % \i \mclloyB y y^i ^ ^r /^WPfS THE COLLECTION OP PICTURES OF ARTHUR SEYMOUR, ESQ. On SATURDAY, JULY 4, 1896. \ZH^ OF U(?hS THE COLLECTION OF Choice Pictures B^ ©lb fTDastevs OF ARTHUR SEYMOUR, ESQ. f WHICH Wiiil tt ^olti t)i) auction \^^ Messrs. CMISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, JULY 4, 1896, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. May be viewed Three Days preceding, and Catalogues bad, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S,W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5s. ; and so on in proportion, III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Chbistie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the Bettlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On SATURDAY, JULY 4, 1896, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. DUTCH AND FRENCH SCHOOLS. BAPTIESTE. 1 A Vase of Flowees • (J / V ^ ^ \. 32 m. by 24 in. ' /^ B. VAN BASSEN. > 2 Intebiok, with figures — a pair Signed and dated, 15 in. by 12^ in. / I W. VAN BEMMELL. 3 A Woody Landscape, with a peasant driving a bull, and other figures on a road 27 in. by 20 in. L. G. BLANCHET. 4 POKTRAIT OF THE AETIST, in white and yellow dress trimmed with fur, with the works of Palladio and plans on a table before him Signed, and dated Home 1758 49 in. by 38 in. B 2 J. BOTPT. / f\ 5 An Italian Lake Scene, with muleteers and cows Vl\ in. by 25^ in. E. BEACKENBORG. . . . 6 The Senses — a set of four On copper — h\ in. by 3f in. From the Collection of C. H. Tandy, Esq., Q.C., 1883 E. BEACKENBOEG. "P* 7 Twelfth Night ^L ^ .\ 15^ in. by 20J in. / ^? BEEUGHEL. 8 A EivEE Scene, with chateau and figures in a wood 15 in. by 19 in. BREUGHEL. 9 A Village Scene, with a pleasure party embarking 13^ in. by 18 in. ^ti N. BERCHEM. ^-^-V^ 10 L' EspoiB DU Gain, inspire la gaite et dissipe I'ennui du voyage 10 in. by 13 in. Engraved by J. Aliamet N. BERCHEM. I ^ 11 Milking Time : a peasant woman milking a black and white cow, "~~ a brown cow behind and utensils at the side On panel — 11 in. by 9 in. N. BERCHEM. 12 The Ford '^ 12 in. by 9^ in. N. BERCHEM. £^y^ ^^^7 9 / 13 MULETEERS ARRIVING. A landscape exhibiting a grand ^^ mountainous country, deliglitfully varied with clusters of trees, a cascade of water with a bridge over it, and a round tower and other buildings seen on an eminence in the middle distance ; a party of peasants with laden mules and several sheep are on a road in the left of the picture near a clump of three trees ; amongst them may be observed a woman who appears to be speaking to a man, and at the same time points to some distant object ; beyond these is another man mounted on an ass ; on the opposite side is a herdsman driving some cows over the bridge : the warmth of a fine summer's evening completes the charm of this clief d'ceuvre of the master 46 i in. by 78 in. ^ From the Collection of J. Trumbull, Esq., 1797 ^^ ^ ^^'^^ '^ From the Collection of D. W. Acraman, Esq., 1834 Smith's ' Catalogue Baisonne,' No. 109 /Z /J A. CUYP. 14 A Soldier, in breast-plate, dismounted, holding a horse ; another riding behind and advancing towards a skewbald colt; two figures in conversation under some old trees on the left 16 in. by 22^ in J. G. CUYr. 15 A Child, with a basket of cherries Dated 1606 23 in. by 24^ m. ST> x( DECKER. 16 A Village, on a river, with feray boat and figures 18^ in. by 24^ in. J. DUBBELS. /) ' 17 Sea Pieces, with shipping — a pair 2 16 in. by 23^ in. J. LE DUG. 18 The Sobtie from the Guard Eoom Panel — 15^ in. by 23 in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1876 EARLY FLEMISH SCHOOL. 19 Portrait of a Lady, in black dress and gold chain, in white cap, holding a carnation Ebony and tortoiseshell frame On copper — 9^ in circle EARLY FLEMISH SCHOOL. 20 A Pair of Wings of a Triptych, with portraits of donors, with arms, Saints on the reverse 2 38 in. by 17 in. FRAGONARD. _ ,. j,. 21 A LADY, in a pink and blue dress trimmed with fur, and bird on her right hand, her left arm resting on a table on which is a bird-cage 37^ in. by 301 {n. p. GHEYSELS. I / fj 22 A VIEW ON THE KHINE : a fair in the foreground ; a cider press near the entrance to a town on the left Signed and dated On copper — lOf in. by 14 in. J. VAN GOYEN. '7 , 23 A Village on a Kiveb, with ferry boat Signed Oval — 11^ in. by 16 in. t P,AL D. HALS. r 26 in. by 20 in. (J 21 Intekiob, with a cavalier, boy and dog J. DE HEEM. 25 A Glass Bowl, with flowers and numerous insects and butterflies Signed On panel — 36 in. by 27 in. From the Collection of Kat of Dordrecht DE HEEM. 26 Frdit on a table 27 in. by 43 in. HEEMSKIRK. ' l-i^J^: 27 Intebioks, with boors smoking and drinking — a pair 2 From the Collection of C. E. Tandy, Esq., Q.C., 1883 J. VAN HUGHTENBURGH. 28 A Camp Scene ^iTO^c- ^- Signed 12 in. by 15^ in. VAN DER IIEYDEN. ; OF 7 in. by 8^ in. 29 The Gate House of a Town ' " -^-^^■^ '<- J. VAN DEK HEYDEN. / > 30 The Garden of the Chateau of the Prince of Orange, with / V figures and a greyhound, by Adrian Van de Vcldc 8| in. by 11^ in. G. HOET. r\^ /] 31 The Death of Sophonisba .„ 37 AN AKCADIAN LANDSCAPE, with uymphs sacrificing to Bacchus ; Silcnus on the right Signed 15^ in. by 21^ in. ^ F. C. JANNECK. . (^i^^O^CC^ ^ 38 Interior, with a gentleman seated at a table, holding a glass of wine ; a lady playing a guitar, to whom a gentleman is singing ; another lady on the j'ight On copper — 11 in. by 8^ in. K. DU JAKDIN. Mit^ 39 A Landscape, with ruins, a milkmaid, and bay horse drinking, a boy on a horse, and a dog drinking at a stream Signed, and dated 1667 17 in by 15^ in. P. DE LAEE. 1 -^ 10 An Upright Landscape, with a gentleman on horseback in conversation with a boy with a dog ; a peasant on the right On panel — 23^ in. by 10 in. — arched top 10 N. LANCRET. 41 THE FOUNTAIN OF LOVE : A composition of nine figures in a landscape, near a fountain 30 in. by 26 in. P. LASTMAN. 42 The Angel appearing to the Shepherds 27 in. by 54 in. VAN LOO. 43 Musio 30 in. by 37^ in. From the Collection of J. Coysgarne Sim, Esq., 1876 J. DE MABUSE. 44 A Lady, in a black dress with green sleeves, and golden under- . dress and waistband, jewelled ring and gold chain necklace, holding a flower in her right hand 12^ in. by 8J in. — arched top J. DE MABUSE. ^ 45 A Gentleman, in black dress, shirt edged with gold trimming, crimson cloak trimmed with fur, and black cape, holding a letter in his right hand The Companion 12^ in. by 8^ in. — arched top P. V. MAES. 46 A Seaport, with buildings and figures near a fountain Signed 22J in. by 19 in. 11 F. MANS. 47 A River Scene, with yachts, boats and mimerous figures Sif/ned 23 in. by 32 in. G. METSU. 48 THE VISIT TO THE NURSE : a lady In yellow silk skirt and crimson jacket trimmed with white fur, and white handkerchief over the head, offering something to the infant in its nurse's arms ; a cradle in front on the right ; a fireplace in the background Signed On panel — 14 in. by 11 J in. METSU. 49 Savoyards — a pair 2 6 in. by 4J in. VAN DER MEULEN. 50 Soldiers attacking a Village On copper — 8j in, by lOj in. VAN DER MEULEN. 51 A Battle Piece Signed 10 in. by 14^ in, MIGNARD. 52 Madame de Montespan Oval — 31 in. by 24 in. / ^0 12 / '"^ H. VAN DEK MIJ. ^MrtcCX^.^^ 53 InteiuoKj with a gentleman seated with books Signed 19 in. by 16 in. A. VAN DER NEER. 54 A VILLAGE ON A EIVEE, with a man and boy on a road advancing towards the spectator ; two men with a dog on the left ; and two men with a landing net in the distance : Moonlight Signed On panel — 13 in. by 16 in. A. VAN DER NEER. 55 A River Scene, with windmills, figures and animals: Moonlight 11 in. by 13 in. A. \Jh^ ' A. VAN DER NEER. 56 A Village on a Rivee, with boats and figures i Moonlight 9 in. by 12^ in. EGLON VAN DER NEER. ^ , . 57 A LADY OF FAIR COMPLEXION, elegantly dressed in a blue silk vest and other suitable attire, standing at the side of a table, holding a large glass globe in which is reflected the principal events of the life of Christ ; an angel is on the farther side of the table, with both hands raised expressive of wonder while contemplating the globe Signed, and dated 1693 9f in. by 8 in. From the Collection of George Morant, Esq., 1832 Smith's ' Catalogue Baisonnc,' No. 28 13 G. NETSCHER. "^r 58 A Young Lady, in lich dress, hokliug a spaniel on a table covered with a Persian carpet Signed 12 in. by 10 in. G. NETSCIIEE, 16G9. /^ /? /" 59 A Lady, in red dress, seated, leaning on a Persian carpet Signed and dated 211 in. by 17^ in. A. OSTADE. / GO A Boor, at an open half-doorway, holding his cap in his right hand ; a vine trellis above 1 1^ in. by 9 in. ISAAC OSTADE. /^ 61 A Woody Landscape, with a cottage, and peasant on horseback on a road ; pool in the foreground Signed 15| in. by 19^ in. SCHOOL OF OSTADE. A < /^ ^^ 62 A Village Scene, with a group of thirteen figures before an inn door ; one woman nursing a child and two others inlaying cards ; other peasants fighting in the background by a cottage 25 in. by 31 in. PALAMEDES. 63 Interior, with cavaliers and ladies 25^ in. by 32 in. x^ 14 PRINS. G4 A ViKw IN A DuTon Town Baled 1796 8 «», by 10 in. o Lub^ S» RUYSDAEL. / <' 65 A Dutch River Scene, with n windmill and old buildings; a / '.4- ^' ' 'T ferry boat in the foreground and other boats in the distance 30^ in. by 42^ in. /f SLINGELANDT. i r/^V^, ^/''^/, 66 A Boob, holding a jug, and a girl, seated, holding a glass 9^ in. by 1\ in. SPAGNOLETTO. ^ 67 A Saint, with a skull *^ 30^ in. by 25 in. ¥r, • . ^Ji- JAN STEEN. ^^ >-:Z^;2^' IG / SS^S' A. WATEELOO. M 74 A IJooKY River Scene, richly wooded, with a hawking party on a , ") road 25 in. by 18^ in. DE WIT. / " 75 Boys, with a dolphin — in grisaille 21 in. by 40 in. DE WIT. ,4a J f O 76 A Group of Cupids : an allegory of hunting — in grisaille ^ '" 30 in. by 60 in. DE WIT. .vA'it,. 77 A Medallion Portrait op Louis XV. supported by Cupids — in grisaille 37 in. by 44 in. DEWIT. [ill>eitA£lKO 78 Vases with Friezes of Cupids— ?'w grisaille— a. pair 2 291 in. by 83i w. 1, '^ /? V PHILIP WOUVERMAN. V( ^''(jOAfh 79 DIEFILE DE CAVALERIE. Soldiers with artillery and baggagfe waggons, defiling through an open country which is intersected by a river ; upon a bank upon the right foreground is a group of three horse soldiers, one of whom (with his front to the spectator) appears to be an officer of distinction, and on his right is an ensign in the act of mounting, and tlic third is descending the bank to water his steed I On panel — 14 in. by 19;^ in. Engraved by Bedmont » From the Collection of Mrs. Bentleij, 1879 ^ ^l^ *^ ' ^c^^ Smithes Catalgue, No. 79 /^ 3/ 17 EARLY ENGLISH SCHOOL. BAKKEK (of Bath). 80 Sir John Falstaff 92 in. by 58^ in. Exhibited at Dublin ,^' ^^ E. COSWAY, R.A. 81 THREE LADIES, as allegorical figures with Cupid sacrificing to Diana, two children standing by an altar Signed On panel — 24^ in. by 29^ in. J. HOPFNER, R.A. y/J 82 A BACCHANTE ^ 30 in. by 25 in. From the Collection of the Earl of Londesborough, 1888 SIR J. REYNOLDS. 6^, ^^. .^ . 83 A LADY, in black dress and long grey gloves and white hat, ' \J her left arm leaning on a pedestal 30 vn. by 25 in, '.»tHt«» 86 SIR J. REYNOLDS. /(^a!^^^''^ 84 Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, in blue silk dress trimmed with lace, with white scarf and blue necktie, and hat with feather 30 in, by 24 in. [ SIR J. REYNOLDS. d 85 A Lady, in blue silk dress and white pelisse trimmed with blue ribbons and lace 30 in. by 25 in. C 18 G. ROMNEY. 86 Maria and Catherine, the two daughters of Edward, Lord Chancellor Thurlow. Maria maried 1801, Sir David Cunyng- hame, 5th Bart. ; died 1816. Catherine married 1815, Alex. George, 16th Baron Saltown; died 1826. Two full-length figures in white dresses, standing at a harpsichord, looking at the spectator ; one is playing the instrument, while the other leans on it ; both girls wear large white caps trimmed with flowers and ribbons ; brown background 60 in. by 47 in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1887 SIR D. T^ILKIE, R.A. 87 The Village Festival Signed, and dated 1810 24 in. by 29^ in. a^ tP^^ ITALIAN AND SPANISH SCHOOLS. ARELLANO. 88 A Vase of Flowers il> 9 in. by 7^ in. / ^ A. CANALETTO. 83 Studies of Buildings, at Venice — a pair 2 5f in. by 7f in. From the Collection of the Doivager Countess of Essex, 1883 u COELLO. 90 A Lady, in rich dress and ruff 25 in. by 19^ in. ''Ia:^ ^ 19 F. GUAEDI. 91 The Quay of St. Mask's, Venice 131 in. by 231 ;„. TINTORETTO. /? 4 <^ Dated 1567 34 in. by 23 in. P. VERONESE. 93 DIA^A AND Action 31^ in. by 19 in. A / tt-'i£.. ,yfy 92 PoKTBAiT OF A GENTLEMAN, in black dfcss, holding his gloves / A. OANALETTO. 94 THE ENTRANCE TO THE GRAND CANAL, Venice, with the Dogana and the church of Santa Maria delta Salute, with boats and figures 48 in. by 81 in. M. DE HONDECOETER. 95 A GARDEN SCENE, with a peacock and peahen near a stone wall on which is a cock and hen ; a Moscovy and other duck in the foreground ; a hen and chickens on the left ; a pigeon flying above St(jned 49 in. by 61 in. . -\/ //.^■j.z.^ FINIS. Ijon'lon : Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stanilbrd Street and Charlug Cross. :^.% f>iiH''53 ^ii^r ■■^li> ^; i^/^^ i jB^-r 5H 5-l?i 5( GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00885 8132