I^^^^^^^^M 1/6/9^ ^^1 3/29/9^ ^^H h .^^^H f J.fv^ v: w\: ,ik * y I M' /^ -^^ fc'T^ 1^ L ! \' I \ iS^ i^ hj \ l'"*^ «m M gap- P % ^1 4 T: ^,:? '. Ai ^'i 1 / \^ bi rff .V.' THE VALUABLE STOCK OF MODERN PICTURES AND WiaUv-calam ©ratoings OF THE CONTINENTAL SCHOOLS OF Messrs, H. KOEKKOEK, Jun., Limited, IN LIQUIDATION: WHICH lUiU ht rolti Dy Auction h}) Messes. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, JLT r^EXn ©EEAT EOOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On SATUHDAY, MARCH 31, 1894, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8 King Street. St. James's Square, S. JV. iLP^S^'^X-^SX-xk^'X CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; abo^e Five Pounds, 5s. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the poimd, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase- Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days fiom the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct descriptions, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VTI. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1894, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. BILBAO. 1 A Cavalike i.^^ B. C. KOEKKOEK. 3 A Landscape — pencil sketch ^^o J. M. TENKATE. 4 A Seascape ^'^(> B. C. KOEKKOEK. 5 A Landscape:— sej/ta ^^'o B 2 » B. C. KOEKKOEK. (6 A Landscape — pencil sketch B. C. KOEKKOEK. 7 A Farm House— pena7 sketch B. C. KOEKKOEK. 8 A Landsoapb — fmcil sketch I / "?.- /i.- 9 A Landscape — pencil sketch B. C. KOEKKOEK. 10 A Landscape— penctZ sketch J. M. TENKATE. 11 Interior of a Church A^ B. C. KOEKKOEK 12 A Landscape— penct'Z sketch ^ 13 An Interior H. TENKATE. \ JAMES WEBB. ^ - 14 Coast Scene ^^'o «^ B. C. KOEKKOEK. oLu^sj^r <^^!^?>yx» J. H. KOEKKOEK. f^'- 16 A Calm — «ej?m «tx^— BAKKERKOEFF. 116 La Leotdbe — pencil sketch f <<*" SCHELFHOUT. 17 Dutch Winter Scene ' "^y J. M. TENKATE. f3£cuJxi0^ WITKAMP. /l9 By Appointment /ix^ I JOHN FAULKNER. L20 A LANDbOAPB, with cattle /^.4^A^^Jljl M. MA DON. 25 Attentive Listeners f^^o ^-^txeJlajH^ 3'/^ /26 T HE Waterfall PTNE. JOHN FAULKNEE. 27 The Harvest /^xi,6 i>- /4.- A. MAUYE. 28 Head of a Cow — pencil sketch, J. M. TENKATE. 29 Interior of a Church /'^^t /i~.- /x.- i/. EANITZ. 30 A LANrsoAPB <*^X/0 HUBEET. 31 Street Scene r^a JAMES WEBB. 32 Coast Scene /c*,/*- f LUCAS. 33 La Debutante ^ RICARDI. /O'/x 47 Charles Wtndham and Mary Mooue, in " David Garrick " SIMONETTI. 48 Festivities <^*"' '^ COLEMAN. ej^ 49 Italian Lanobbs / 9^:^-1/. ^^AsiJjDi T. SCHWARTZE. -*- 50 Fancy Head— pasfe/ *^fV^ ^^hA^ GALOFRE. 51 Playmates ±v^v.o GALOFRE. 52 An Old Roman Well x^k^o LANGELAAN. 53 Fruit /a^/,^" SIR EDWIN LANDSEER, R.A. f 54 The Sportsman — ^&ncil sketch PROFESSOR DAKE (Aptbb). 55 H.M. The Queen of Holland — engraving PICTURES. J 56 The Visitor MONVALET. / 57 A Landscape DONAT. i^.//-.- 58^EoME A. BRANDEIS. A- 59 The Smoker TAANMAN. 1 / A. DE RIVIEEE. 60 The Potato Peeler ^^x^ A. BRANDEIS. J/c- 61 II Collosba, Roma ^kS" \-3.- 62 PosiiiiFO A Nafoli A. BRANDEIS. BOUTIBONNE. VERDICK. ^' ^- C 64 An Important Message /ox^^ xeaA 10 J. H. HOOPER. ^X 65 Sunset /^^r J. H. B. KOEKKOEK. // 66 St. Michael's Mount 4oiciy.o A. HEULLANT. //- 67 Fancy Head /^^C^ ^^fej>^ J. KUYPERS. ' 68 Fete in Memobt op William the Silent J. H. B. KOEKKOEK. ^^■-- 69 A FiSHiNa Smack (5\/*- J. H. B. KOEKKOEK. A'/o.- 7Q jgj^j. Qp Mabken ^^^^ J. THOES. ^ 71 FoEBST Scene -^o-Kh-i^ CARAUD. •^/^ 72 Feeding the Pigeons '^^/^ CARAUD. 73 The Mobning Walk 4e;c/i ^-h^ctej^ WYNFELD. ^'^•- 74 At Play ^xv-:^ ^i^^tM^^ 11 SENNA. /^ 75 A Landscape, with cattle :$t)xyo J. H. HOOPER. Q 76 On the Upper Thames -^^^e J. H. HOOPER. /^/>- 77 Sunset c^'>.o Ou^r^^Uu^ J.XJ.VyiU.X O^-fXI* 92 Cattle /^7<.>-C> AEENI. 93 Moonlight 3G tc ^o AERNI. ih-^^'- 94 Mountain Scene s6^p.o I 13 H. W. KOEKKOEK. ^;4- 95 In Camp ^^ i>' H. KOEKKOEK, Sen. / 96 The Whaep ^^^^6 B. GALOFRE. ^'A- 97 Fete at Rome '"'^^ VERSCHUUR. ^ 98 Fbiends ^^ o 14 PAGLIANO. (?'/^^ 105 The Needlewobker i/-c^9o J. H. KOEKKOEK. 106 Rough Water A. BRANDEIS. 107 EOMK A. BRANDEIS. ^>lci^ 108 EOME /- J. M. TEiNKATE. •5 124 The Chbistknihg /4'-x// H. 'A/r\^i. 16 PITTAEA ^ 125 Thb Cow Keeper ^yi^ 127 The Maid Servani A. BRANDEIS. 128 Venice JAMES WEBB. 129 A Moor /^7 ^i^ut^ JAMES WEBB 130 The Sussex Coast y^f W. KOEKKOEK, -^ 131 Street Scene, Utrecht ^^'^o '^^t^W^ H. TENKATE. 132 The Pedlar ^ei.x4i? '^l^^w^Cv. J. DE JONGHE. ^^ 133 At Play s-V-v/^ W. KOEKKOEK. -^^^ 134 Street Scene, Groningen 17 J. H. HOOPER. V 135 Wargrave Church J€>^ <^ A. BRANDEIS. ,^/r,~ 140 Rome ^ /^3 A. BRANDEIS. /^ 141 Piazza Cavour Firrnzi "/^^ A. BRANDEIS. t/- 142 Porta Borsari a Verona/ ^ H. KOEKKOEK, Sen. ^9- 143 Unloading /^h»-c rhcUj^ L. MEYER, t'/a- 144 A Stormy Day 18 X^ P. LAZERGES. 145 A Type of Beauty ^^>^V- ^/;i S/^ A. BRANDEIS. 146 Palazzo Comunalk a Bologna 147 Rome A. BKANDEIS. K^yO^jGg 148 A Lady J. DE JONGHE. 6i M. DE MUNKACSY. 162 The Hero of the Villaoe A. MARINUS. 163 Flowers— a pa/r /i?\'%Ji^caA. 2 A. MARINUS. »W^ 164 A Landscape ; and Two Sketches, by T. Tenkate 3 ^ 2(1 LANCEEETTO. // 165 The Promenade ^O^&o ilz£tL^?\ W. B. THOLEN. ^ 166 Summer Time ^^^O Tvi&d^fi^ JAMES WEBB. ^ 167 On the Scheldt ^^e^ GEORGE VINCENT. ^^ \12 h. Norfolk River /«!?^r yiUlCo^m^ R. P. BONINGTON. , ^ 173 A French Town /^^ ^^^*^^yU^ ARTZ. V 171 The Young M-.tuer ^e^t/C H^^MCd 21 JOHN KOEKKOEK. >.— 175 A EivEB Scene pia-o JOHN KOEKKOEK. 176 A River Scene •"■• ?^^ W. KOEKKOEK. >i 177 A Dutch Town: Winter L78 In Full Cry L79 The Death J. F. HULK. yoxfoa J. F, HULK. GEORGE MORLAND. 180 A Smuggler's Cave /^/^ G. COURTOIS. 181 A Solemn Anniversary W? >^^^~o ??^WiJkiB HENRY BRIGHT. 182 On the Norfolk Broads iio^id ^■^UU^ WM. MULLER. 183 Winter Scene, near Bristol JAS. STARK. 184 In Windsor Forest ^^^-t- 22 J. BAKKER (of Bath) 185 A Cooling Stream ^Oxk^ j^jI ALEX. NASMYTH. •^4 186 BoNNiNGTON Lynn, CD the Clyde o {/Mh.'^rW^n^ J. O'CONNOR. y^ '^ 187 A Coming Stobm ^f^tMhO London : Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Cliariug Cross. *\^ ■Vav, ^/ l>ry. ,'^-^^ % '^'^ ^■-■-.r GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00834 2194 ^^^^