Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 https://archive.org/details/mayqueenOOtenn m an must foak mh MI nu mrty, ml mt t:\xl\i, mother bear: - tjlo-morroftr'II fa % I/api^st kg of all jfyt ^sbj^tii-ymt ; Of all iljt $Mx Jtyfo-^rfear, motl/fr, tjf ]por to fa QiwfH 0' tl/^^ag, mot]} err. jTtkm\ mairg a Marii Warfe .eg* tk^ sag, fori «uitc S0 M$gt as whte ; % fere's p^arpwt aao $%rg, turn's ♦ J^ate anir Cfaroluix : mmwmv, jBut ttoiie S0 fair as little Jjltrc in aIN tire laitir tjwg sag, 00 Jtw to hQneen % ftag, mother^ Jfrn to beQueen 0' tlie ^an. t tym$t J oras a o^osf, mo%r, for J mas all in m]rit* t 3©?$©^ irir J ran trg |rim mitjront sneaking, ^ lih a flasjr of Kgft.-^^s^ tjlreg call tmd-fymxttb, luttj care not m|rai tjreg sag ; mmmmm or J'm to fo Q neen 0' thefl} ag, motfor? Jm to be Qnern 0' % (§ag.^i© fog sag jre's irgino, all for Iooe ? but that can ncucr be U \ jreg sag ps Ireart is taking, mother : U^'k nj|at is t|rat to mt " fore's mang a folfor lao 'II moo me ^ ann summer bag no J'm to treQnrrn o' tfofl}ng ? motfor. J'm to fo Q nceu 0' tfo P|ao. ►XI 4 iitic e& 0^ 11W, nir pit 'II fa \\ mt mnfa ifa qwtm afytx, 10 sec I ox tyt $t$$txis hte 011 tbtx% sik'II tomt from far aluov 'it to Qitteu 0' %&att { f $e I/0itcgsttcMe wiutfr % ptxlr Jus ' Jr j&rjod&jfta its fmt&jr 'ba&m^c^m: ^ jjntf &g tlte iwakifo trairltes Mofo tlje | feint sfowt mrb0-ft0bn-s ; fa flitir % iuifo imtrslj-inaripltf sltinxs lik fire in skiittjjs airS kllofos gnrg, ^ path xur 10 &e Queen n' tlie^njr, 1110th e§fg! Jut tn fa Queen 0' % slee$ sa?0ttnir all ra if at Is|raII lubtx £*Jf JJ0M ^ not mil we touir fata % frags ^ beams to break : *B«t J[ must flatter knots 0f fiote, anba I bith ituir prlauirs 0ag t s««s»w Jpjr Xm to kQwmr o' tpiftaig, motlier. J'm to be Qmm o 1 tljt $§ag.»w«iraF ftp J tarn* n$[ tire baling fajwrM tlrink© ge jjjwrttlir BWfi^^^^mg^®^ ]/ J&ttt JtybiM, kraraa 011 tire brtoflets^ cfl tin ? tl/0«0l;t 0f tfat 8§a:r$ 100k, matyitt,®® JSutXw to beQiteen 0' % flfcnr, m0tl;er.' We Qiteeit 0' fhtWws.fflm •1 \t iiigljt fomxrs tarn anir p t matytx upn % itteakr&r Qmu,PmmH \\t |rajjjjg stars akk t|rem smrt tu trivial as \\t g pss ;^?s§ss her* Mil mat k a kujj 0f rain % fulmle of fyt Iikl0]j0 kg Jm to feQ»M 0* %(3^ag t nwtkr. Jm to k Qumr 0' tjri ag.6)^js II % fralleg, matytt, II k fres|r aiiir gtttn mxb still, ^-^-^.i rib \\t X0foslip ati0 t|* rrofofwrt are 0kr all % pi t ^.iv^x^^. Jfriir % riMets in i\t Mrrrg k(e 'II wtralg iter* auir j]Iag ; «® J*0r J'm t0 kQ neen 0' tl/eit|ag t mo%r, km Jra t0 k Queen 0' i\t $||ag. v ^ ? I irr JT0U mmt fmh imo call mt rarlg, ) mil mt farlg, mofytt fom f mm 0-mtsmm 11 fce % tajikst time of all % glair jf^fo-y rar : mmmmm g-motmm II Ixe of all % jpar tlje m m'Mwt, mtxtmt km, ^^ssas®?©* 0i'JL'iit io kQitmt 0' Ijpfl^Hg, matter, f ptrrr maMittf, ntll mr ear% rail J m me earltr mother bcar^ms^s » " ^ForJ[ foxritljEr sec the smi rise npn % glair Jj em-grar jssssb *Tt is t|e last Jjjem-pir, iiwfl/er. tjmt J sjmll rfrrr srrf^of^a^- =30*® 4 Qhr Mcrsatrm 011 tl/r Marlrtkra, tjre leaf 9 gf \t MMiuj tool II rafo fxam Wjt fuinirg MI dm txttfkw^em ttir % tflMr jiMer |p aktuj % fkttflfo lea, jBiirir tlje sMMulI route lunlv again jmtjr smttwrr f rr tjrr ftraftc, (j) ~£ ut J fifjirlT He alone, ntotlrer, (uitMu yj 'A ^Ipit % rlrattrrl-raimtMit, anir irpn tjrat 0ra6r 0f miitr,^ ^ Jltt % rarlg, rarljr momma, % sitmtttrr m& 'II sl/ittr ; ^s^?9 Jlrfrirr % W0 rnrlt rarte front the farm jf upon the In 1 1, • mmmmm® ^ m pit aw torn aslerf , Mfltlrf r, attir all lire Jtarrftr is still , , : -U- m spates pn tjre ftofoers come again, mottref ktreatl; tjre warriitg li$fi&&s< jfmxll itener see we wore in tjre long $rag fteftrs at nigjrt ;,g I;en from tire kg irarl molir tjre summer airs Mom run! ^^^^^2*? On tjre 0at-0rass anir tjw sm0rb-0rass. aui tire Irulrusjr m tjre pool. ^-^^ hull Iwrg me, mg motjrer, just freneaflr tjre |amtjr0rn sjraire.^ gflmffl rome sometimes anir see me hfym J am lolulg Iaifr. %s^>sss J sjrall not forget gou, motjrer. J strati I/ear gou £ufcit jpm pass, sa^® lE^itlr gour feet a&o&c mg jreair in tire ktro, atro pleasant grass, m&sm II fxto-mgji gooo-nigjrt, fotyn J trab saib Qsah-ni^t for ebermore, ® jflrtir pa see me rarrieb out from % t|m|fflir of fyt kor^s^gasKBB? J>oit't let wk ttm fo sw me till ittir orabe be pofomg pern :<$*©«®®© ell be a better rpRr to 0011 tban J Jrabe *brr bwtr. ®s9&sbs&$^ t/e'H ffrrb mjr proen tools uoou tire ojaoarjr floor :msmsmm& $f et Jrw take 'or, tjrejr are \m : J sjrcll nelur garktr mow : t^^yy*?*^ tit tell |rer, brjreit Jta pite t to train tfr msf-tef tfrat J &elasfc®2«ass® bout tire prlom'-faiooobj atrb tl;e bos of nripoirette. ^ " , A^f / aoh-m$lt f sfowt mofytx: rail me ^ Mxrw % kg is kra*^^ jjjfl «i# J lag afirafce, hit JM astog ;| at w#m j ya®^$s>ss®^®^sy®®!? J fawdfr m tire sun rise upu tire JSfo if pit '» Mtiigf, rail we, rail we ea% wfltlxer tear.sg)®©®®® -el/ ■3C V \ """" T~"TT PPPPfPIP! 15 bib not hear tire bug ftofol, inatjrer, at tire bcatMuatrlr bcat,^^ 6 6 6' Irere fame a sbeeter token tirlreu tire HigM ant woniing meet jBnt sit Iresibe mg beb; watlrer, aiib jjtrt Mnr Iranb in wme t d^i^^ jptttir€(to 0it tire otfrer sibe. anbj MI tell tire srgn.jas*?^^ J5ll m tire foift ffi arrfr mornings J barb Ibe angels cail t ^««2i^ Jt to Mreii tire moou -to setting aub . tire barb to ofrcr allH^^^) J lib tire trees began to (uM^ier, anb . tire foinbs beqan to xtt\\,3s*&#* jffn^jtt tire Mb ftarrlr lntrrmtuj®*® bearb tlrettr rail ma sonl®^^ "V f m o 1 ] ibfmj$t ijraf it mas fatten, auk©: J[ listctritr hx my kb, to^m*** jjtiff twit Mir sometl/ittg. sjjcali to me : T timrk twt mfat mas saiir ]Ftfr great ktigjrt akr sl/ttfrkriitg took I/0I0 of all mg mmJr,^®^*^ it| tjte falleg ntm* a smell af musk 011 t|te Mfl0.fcR>5s)<^^ Jfcut 00« mere sluing ; attfr J saia, " X t's twt for tjrem: it's minc.'W wxe if it comes time times. tl/ottok, X take it for a sip. y^&m^m fifai} onct apitt it came, am} dose ksik t|re mtitkrm-Irars, emw&m&j&m C(ku seem'0 to 00 eic^t tt| to^eaktt alio Me amowg tk stars. smeet anb strange it sterns to mt t|rat rre tps bag is bone tflrc froici tbat now is speaking man be bfgonb % sun ;m^gs^SK§i Jor cto anir for *&er, witlr tbose just souls atro txm^s^^^^ ft no folrat is life Aral toe slronlb moan. Mm make be sudr atro >«f® ^Por e&er anb for fbrr, all iu a Messed jjno tkw to wait a little mlrile till pu ano €(ftie route :*$v,*sfc>v;*s>s> fcfo lw mitlrin tire ImM of <5ob. as*« ,1 lie upon nour breast. jjnb tire mirbeb rease from troubling, anb tbx mr-am are at rest. Frederick Warne & Co., Publishers. ILLUSTRATED WORKS. In post 4to, cloth, New Style, price £i us. 6d. Clje ^ability ot &tfe: PORTRAYED IN ITS VIRTUES AND GRACES. EMBRACING Religion— Faith— Hope— Charity— Truth— Courage— Justice— Mercy— Love— Affection— Friendship —Cheerfulness— Patriotism— Duty— Hospitality— Obedience— Self-Denial— Resignation — Genius— Dignity — Childhood — Youth — Manhood — Age. IB Y THE BEST AUTHORS. Compiled and Edited by L. Valentine. In large Crown 8vo, cloth gilt, gilt edges, 720 pp., price 9*. With Six Hundred Illustrations. By J. H. PEPPER, Professor of Chemistry, and Honorary Director of the Royal Polytechnic Institution. 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