CHRONOLOGICAL SERIES ENGRAVERS a fe DR de CHRONOLOGICAL SERIES | OF ENGRAVERS INVENTION oF THE ART. TO THE BEGINNING OF THE PRESENT CENTURY. CLM B RIT DG Printed by ‘¥. Archdeacon Printer to the UNIVERSITY. Printed for 7. Woodyer in Cambridge ; and fold by 7. Beecroft in Paternofter, Row, J. Payne in Caftle-ftreet, 7. Davis in Ruffel-ftreet, Covent Garden, J. Cadell in the Strand, 4. Hingeffon without Temple-Bar, London; and =~ D. Prince at Oxford, M.DCC,LXX, A Oey city, os (0d (ork BE gw tae t ’ ER, he An Cece H E principal defign of the following Se ries is to affift the Collector in the arrange- ment of his Prints, and in tracing the art of engraving from its fourte.. Many other modes of arrangement might be adopted; *but none of them feem more ufeful, and even natural than this, provi- ded we do not adhere too ftrily to the chronologi- cal order, but deviate fometimes from the ftrait path, in order to bring together thofe who are of the fame fchool, or who evidently refemble each other in their manner. Thus the company of Albert Durer will by no means fuit Aare’ Antonio: but give the Italian his Agoftino and his Marco; let the German be attended by Lucas, Burgmair, Kulenbach, Beham, Aldegrever ~.— and the groups will be pleafing. But we muft “not make a parade of thefe trifles, which every ~ man’s common fenfe will ferve to direct him in. 7 The fource of the art has this in common with moft’ _ others, that it is involved in obfcurity. Italy, Ger- many, and Holland, have refpectively put in their claims to the honour of the invention — with what fuccefs, I fhould very unwillingly determine. Let : every ‘a See’an Idea of a fine collection of Prints in Sculptura Hifforico-Techa' ica, —- Granger's Biographical Hiftory of England Vol, II..p. 367, * a ; Ci every, Reader. try the iffue for him(felf from the vig ing account. : ‘he Italians» tell us, that Majo or. ae a fet of hiftories in 36 pieces, and fometimes ufed his mafter’s mark ; foinetimes H: Bo 1. B. Sic. OT Shige ALBERT. ALTORFFER: of ee Switzerland... His works both on wood and copper are excel- Tent for the ame uae ; | A Or OTF | Bot 00, HANS BALDWIN GRUN, 7 piIsth, 22. HANS VAN KULENBACH: : of | Franconia. _ A pupil of Albert Durer. — Mark H. V. C. or I. C. or I. K. vy 94. SEBALD BEHAM, V. HISBENS: Pats of Nurimberg. . ae OS _ He engraved beautiful fmall pieces, both on | 7 520 wood and copper. — There lived alfo in this! fey o7 century one Bartholomew Beham. - NICOLO, or NICOLETTO, ae ae Modena. ) His pieces owe their merit to their antiquity and rarity. 26. Hans HOLBEIN:: of Bafil 1515s Born 1498. — Wood cuts to the inftruction of Chriftian Religion, More’s Utopia, &c. He died 1554. nS WENDEL REICH. [RQ 1515 phen 1516, 28. AGOSTINO VENETIANO. gee Mare’ Antonio’s difciple. In a ftyle inferior | xis to his matter, he engraved after Rafaelle, Giulio A. Romano, &c. — Mark A. v. —~{] Ee f 7 29. Marco ad Ravenna. Another of Marc’ Antonio’s difciples. M. R. 30. PHILIP ADLER PATICINA. 1518 ate JAMES BINCK af Cologre. he Be, EB. I 42. HEN- ase ES oy Bee 1520) 32. HENRY ALDEGREVER; v. 155 ALDEGRAFT: of Weftphalia. ' He imitated the manner of Albert, whofe pu- | pil he was. His works confift of 350 pieces. at & leaft. He was born in 1502. © | , 33.. DIRCK VAN DER STAREN.. Mark D. V. with a ftar or bird between the | letters. 1525. Bde, FRANCISCO MAZZUOLI; Vv. PARMEGIANO. A celebrated Painter, born in rs04.. He etch- ed fome pieces chiefly of his own ep enoeiion: and died 1540. Sie "35: _- ADRIAN COLLAERT: of XE | «Antwerp. | ot he ine ‘of Chrift after Martin de ai hunt- \ \ing and fifhing pieces after Stradan Be. His | manner is neat: but his fon Fohn Collaert en- “~~ graved in a better tafte than his father. 1526, 30. Jacomo CARAGLIO: es Verona. He imitated Marc Antonio’s manner. 37. ANT. VUORMACE : of Cologn. — _ 1529. a8, Antoig ; oe oJ 38. ANT. van Worms. He did the plates for the firft edition of Lu- ther’s works, and a Bible printed 1532. 39. GASPAR MEDEBACH: of Co- logn. Hiftories on wood. 40, GEORGE PENTZ, PENZ, or PENS: of Nurimberg. Albert Durer’s fcholar. He engraved with Mare’ Antonio from Rafaclle. His {mall pieces are much efteemed for the neatnefs of the work. Al. “ERHART SCHOEN : of Nur- § tnberg. Mark E. S. interwoven. 42. JAMES KoBEL: of Oppenheim. 43. JAcomMo RosusTi; v. TIN- TORETTO: of Venice. Born 1512. He etched the portrait of Paf- chal Ciconia Doge of Venice ; and died 1 594. 44. NICHOLAS WEILBRONNER. Mark N. W. | 1630. 1530. ae ad B 45, PER." 15353 1536, 1623. 1538, 1540. 48, GIOVANNI Francisco #4 Phe 3 1560, 1540, } (1550. BS A540, 5 1540. [10 ] Ag. o> PERIRCOUBER: SEG, Tenet ts A FIORENTINO. 49. FRANCIS FLORIS : of Ant Werp.. “aera He died 1570. 50. MARTIN VAN Chee Vv. MARTIN HEEMSKERKEL Born 1478. He was bred under Lucas and : ~ John Schorel. — Mark M. H. &e. . v a4 bia h) UCARLA Deurecut Zutphen. Some have attributed to him the invention of etching ; but falfely : for we have etchings fupe- rior to his, many years older. 2. MARTIN TREU, Mark M. T. | : fe 53. GI- [31] a 53. /GIOVANNI BATTISTA.— 154t | FRANCO: of Venice. | Hiftoric fubjects. He died 1571. ‘ 2 54+ ViRGILIUS Sours: of Nur- 4 '5$0 amberg. vay His works confift of 8 59 pieces. Ovid’s Me- tamorphofes in wood: the ftory of Pfyche after _ Rafaelle : cuts for the old and new Teftament : Fier. | : $5. ENEA Vico, or VIGHI: of 1542. _ Paryga.. , Hiftory, Dreffes, Portra aits, Medals. _ Niseko. vu ae ae Ve * » HEV 56. ANTONIO FonTUZI, Or (1543. FANTUZZI. After Primaticcio, &c. Ni oe A. of as 3 57. ANDREA SCHIAVONES Of Sem. 1543+ benigo in Dalmatia. Born 1522. He did fome etchings from his own defigns, from Parmegiano, &c. 58. AUGUSTIN HIRSCHVOGEL: 1543. * of Nurimbers. ‘i Mark, an Owl attacked by two fmall birds Be 59. THE-— «14S [12] 1543-5. THEODORE CORNHERT. ‘. : Born 1522: died 1590, RAE or 1545. 60. LAMBERT ScHWABET 3 Vv. i “oe es viuS: of Liege, a . He was a difciple of Lambert Lombart, eee ee graved chiefly after him ; fometimes from Rafa- elle or his own defigns. His mark was L, S. ahah -L Suavius. 3 sas. 61. GODOFRID Ligon of Hil frein, 1545. 62. JEROM Cock : > of Antwerp. | Land{capes after old Breughdl. re. Mark, I. C. F.or:H: ce | | 7, ZC _ 1546. (ea Cornftitus. 66s, or. VAN. DEN Boscu: Flanders, fain cs 1547. ea wa W JAMITZ. : re va NGC SS arn ae Pe ee His mark B. I. “ag47. 65. Louis DANET, or LEON | . ok D’AVEN. After Primaticcio. — Mark L, D. OREN 66, ) Pol * [3 66. SIMON GUILAIN. | f 1547, | _ Mark S.G. or S.G. fF. Ee 67. Mecuior Loricu, de Flens= } 1548 | e —bourg:: a German. la He was at Conftantinople, and engraved there 176 & the Sultan and favourite Sultana; and a cur ious. . fet of Turkith Habits — Mark M. L. &c. 68, FRANCISCO VILLAMENA: 1550. of Ail. Ror BR om Born about 1485 or foon after. He engraved many hiftoric fubjects after the Italian mafters; _ and died at about 60. — Mark F. V. F. han, RK 70, NICOLAS BEATRICI, or BEA- 1550. j TRICETTO: Lorrain. G) > : oF | He engraved Hiftory at Rome. His marks are N. B.F. and N. B. L. f &c. Ko oe 69. Marius KARTARUS: an Ita- 1550s 71.) |.) JAMES OF oe { 15595 3 : 1570. 72. JouN TORTOREL, - © 155% ~ He engraved in conjunction with Perriffin, 67 : the cae ai. 1 é, 15 5o ft 14 J. - the war of the Hu guenots, and diivee hiftoric fub- } 1554+ 1555. 1556, 1567. 1556. 1557+ 1559. jects. 730 F. A. REUTER. 74. HuGUES SAMBIN: of Dijon. He publifhed at Lion — Pilafters and Cary- atides See after Greek models. | 75. GiorGio GHIsI, Mantuano. - Giovambaptifia, and Adam Ghifi, both engrav- ed about the fame time. Diana Ghifi fitter to Giorgio was alfo an engraver. MarkG. F, & G.F.F.&G.M.F. 76. Luca PENNIS: of Rome. 3 Rafaelle’s Scholar. Ae RB nt & 77, HUBERT GoLTZiUs: K Wurtzbourg. | Born 1526. — Tn{criptions, Medals, Antiqui | ties. He died 1583. — Mark H.G. uf 78. . BERNARDO ‘GALLO. Plates for the Bible, and Ovid’s Metamor- phofes. : 79, RU- [15] 70. RUFI, BF Tata RISD So, Es DEUTSCH: of Zum 1559. . rich. | MD 81. SIGISMOND FEYERABEND, 1560, 82, James Bos, or Boscw': 15604 Flanders. 83. ABRAHAM DE BRUYN: : of a ; Antwerp. pa Father of Nicholas — His beft works are por- traits. — Armatura equeftris Col. 1577. FB AeB 84. ANDROUET DE Cekerau : (ee | of Orleans. Archite@ture,: 7 i 8e. LEONARDO PARASOL, OF 1560, | NORSINO. He engraved for Tempetta ; and by order of _ Pope Sixtus V. the Herbal of Caftor Durantes. Labella his wife was alfo an engraver of plants. Another woman of the family named Hieronyme did a battle of the Centaurs, &c. from Tempef- ta. There was allo a Bernardino. 86, GEORGE [ 16 | 1560. 86. GEORGE SCHARFFENBURG : Saxony. ~ An engraver on wood. ee Oz; GIAcoMo PaLMA: of Venice. ‘ | A famous painter, nephew to old Palma. He etched a nativity, a decollation of St. John, and . adrawing book. He was born in 1544, and di- ed in 1628. 1566. 88, GERARD DE TebeE : of Ant= | Werp. An engraver on wood. His fon Peter was Goltzius’ ’s pupil : he defigned correétly, and was ~ lefs a mannerift than his mafter. His pieces are dated about 1607, and he-died at Antwerp 163.4. : — He had a fon Peter born at Antwerp 1602, who equalled the beft artifts of his time ; and to diftinguith him from his father, is called Peter the younger. His fon Arnold was alfo an engray- er. Gerard’s mark G. I. or G. D. I. 1466. 89, . JOSEPH METZ RER : of Gar An engraver of fmall: pieces on wood. oe t 1566, 90. PAOLO FARINATI: x Ver. i | ronda. | Born 1522; he died 1604. A good Ls : | pain- Ly J painter. We have fome etchings from his own defi igns, Mark.P.F. Se CAMILLO PROCACCINI: of 1567 Bologna. — | Another good hiftory-painter, born Tes He alfo etched fubjects of his own invention ; and died 1626. — Giulio Cefare his brother (who _ was born 1514, and died 1626) dida Virgin with the infant Jefus. — Andrea Procaccini, who ex- ecuted fome pieces after his mafter Carlo Marat- ti, was later than thefe, and died in 1739. 92. HANS ROGEL: of Augfbourg. 15676 93. LAURENCE STOER: of Aug f- 1557. bourg. The two laft were engravers on wood. p is daa JOHN ANDREW GRAF: Ger- 1507 Many. Qs. N. WEYER. 1567. | _ Mark N. W. 96. CORNELIUS CorT: of Hoorn f 1567: | 1575; - an Holland. ~ Born 1536. He fixed at Rome, and died there C 1578, ~ 4 : “| 1570, 158 3 1568. ) 1569. [ 18 ] 1578. His defign is correct, and his tafte good: 97. NicoLto NELLI: ‘of Venice. . * Portraits: - WWF 98. MARTIN RUOTA, or ROTA 5 “of Dalmatia. The laft judgement from Michael Angelo: in this the painter’s head is turned to the left; whereas in Michel Gaultier’s copy itis turned to 2 the right. He alfo engraved two other laft judge- ments from défigns of his own, and other fub- jects from the Italian painters. His mark is ei- ' ther MR joined, or M. with a wheel 4 in | allufion ‘. .* to his name. gg. PHinip GALLE: of Antwerp. He was born 1537, and.died 1612. We have a ereat number of prints executed by, him; both from compofitions of his own; and from Heemf- kerke, Stradan, Martin de Vos, old Breughel, ' 8c. His eldeft fon Theodore was an Engraver, -‘as was alfo another fon Cornelius, who excelled all — 5. the reft: and a fecond Cornelius, fon of the latter = 100, JEROM WIERIX: atl lander. He and Fohn Wierix (born 1555.) have grav- ie a great number of plates — neat, but hard. There we . [ 19 J There was Antony Wierix, whofe mark is A, W., —Jerom’s was H. 1.W.orH. 1. W,F, or H. W. G,. or I. W. iol. GIOVANNI BAPTISTA DL 1570. CAVAGLIERI,, or, CAVALLERIIS. | to2 CRISPIN. VAN DEN. BRo- 1570. TA B ECK: of Antwerp. i or 4 . 103. HAEYLER; or HAEDELER:. 150. of patigiee | If ie 104. PETER VAN DER BORCHT: 1570. of Antwerp. | Small “hiftoric landfcapes. — Mark P. B. or Bet 10s. TOBIAS STIMMER: of Straj- } be. 3 bourg. --A painter, born at Schaffhaufen, and fettled at Strafbourg. His brother Chri/fopher engraved ) on wood after his defigns — particularly figures ! ee. for the Bible, which are much efteemed. ny -; 16.8 CRISPIN VAN Pas, Pass) 5795 : or Passe: of Ufrecht. ¥ He publifhed Holland’s Heroologia, and a : | treamion [ 20 ] ; : treatife ‘Dell? Arte di Difegnare e di Pingere” ~ Ok in 1643. He alfo did the plates for Withers’s Emblems 1615. — A@agdalen his daughter: Wil- liam his fon : and Simon of the fame family, were 4570. 1570. ’ 1579. * all engravers.* MMéagdalen did Katherine duchefs of Buckingham. William did the family of K. James I.; the King and Queen of Bohemia and their children 1621; and fome fingle poriraits. Simon fettled in Denmark, after having fpent 10 | years in England: he engraved counters of the Englifh Royal Family ; Liberum Belgium; and a great number of portraits, — There was alfo a younger Cri/pin. 107. TH ERODORE DE Bry: of Liege. He fettled at Francfort. Tho’ his manner is fomewhat dry, yet his works are in requeft, not without reafon. Mark D. B. B, 108. -ETIENNE DU PERAC, or STEPHANUS PERACIUS. France. Painter and Archite@. He engraved the an-. tiquities of Rome in the manner of ieee. pe alo land after Titian, Mark S. P. F.. 109. ETIENNE DE LAUNE; ae _ Orleans, Mark S. or S, F, : 110. PE- [21] a. | | rio. PeTER Hus: of Antwerp., 157% prooe ‘A. rit. BALTHAZAR JenckeL. 1571. 112. BERN. Gob Non eh sithwrrtscscupt, 1375s Mack Bi Zz, | : 113. CHERUBIN AUBERTI... 4 Piaeeges ee _ Born at Borgo di San Sepolero near Rome, “EB £552. ponies Rafaelle, Michael Angelo &c, Oh ee pd. "HERMAN COBLENT. ler 1576. Ths. AHASUERUS DE LAND- 5 i FELD, or LONDERSEL. , * ‘9% There was alfo a Sohn van Lon, ot Londerfel about 1590, who.engraved mea after Vincke boons. | KL a. $6 116. MICHAEL CoxIs. 1576. 117. Joun SAENREDAM: ddolland, j 15779. - An excellent engraver of hiftories’ after Paolo ‘ Veronefe, Lucas, Van Mander, Corn. Bloemart, _ . he He died in'1607, ~ Mark H. 5. &c, He $e a 118. P. fe] : 1577 11850. P. (MARS HichY 2S con 3578. eget Jost, or Jopocus AMMAN, | ‘or AMMON'’: .of Zurich. “| He defigned well. We have many pieces on . _ |wood which he executed from ‘compofitions of his own. He died 1591. Mark A. di. Z. or, . cages as - " Ae % A. 8, ‘Mat ee ea al 120. Luca CIAMBERLANO: Italy. pet 121 (JOHN SADELER: of Bruf- 1589. 5: fels. jill 7 ’ ‘He was born in 1550, and worked at Antwerp, *-- €" Munich, Rome, and Venice. “He is famous for tis his landfcapes, particularly a fet of Bavarian Her- mits after Martin de Vos; and died 1600. + His brother Raphael was vost 1555, and engraved: with him. — 4egidius or Giles their nephew and aio pupil was born at Antwerp 1570, and died at eee aa ' Prague 1629, after having furpaffed his uncles int a. 4 _. the beauty and delicacy of his works, Ffu/tus 2 | fon of John, bred under the three former, ‘en graved about 1600. — dark was only the editor of Giles’s works. — Raphael the younger, fon. of the other Raphael, engraved in his father’s man— ner among other things in the fet of Bavarian iceamits, JOHN [ 23] y20, JOHN WoOEIRIOT, or Vo- sg i ERIOT : of Lorrain. WR 12 3. HENRY GOLTZIUS: of 1580. ar | Fulers. Ae was born 1558, learned engraving of The~ odore Cornhert, and fettled at Haerlem .He has a bold and free manner. —tho’ his drawing is. | not always juft, and his engravings fometimes | Idy ra * ed want effect; yet he is defervedly placed in the firft rank of. engravers. He workedfuccefsfully = = in the ftyle of Lucas van Leyden and others: had and died 1617. 4 ree ta ee 124. CORNELIUS VAN SICHEM: | Vo | + |. 0f Holland. ee He engraved on wood after Goltzius; and etched fome portraits: he did 1o8 cuts for the Old Teftament 1569.” Ma. os M. .. ros. Herman MULiER. MW or W, »Of Goltzius’s fchool. He ei PAved after Heemfkerke, &c. ‘Ffohn Muller of the fame fa- mily was another of Goltzius’s pupils, 126. BARTH. DOLENDO. ... | ashes _ He was Gerard Dow’s matter. ~ There are egerevings after Caravaggio, Spranger, and Abra- . [ 24] - Abraham Bloemart, “i one. Zachary Dolenda a ak Ay 8 127. ADRIAN HUBERT: OF Signs | fe Se OS ae See. 128, CHARLES STEPHENS : 9 Snake 181, F290. “Bakrovowmes Seadoo of Modena. : 130. MICHAEL CoLyN: of Ai EF Serie hoih Ue 15815} 131, \ LEONARD GALTER,, or Py, 1599: | GAULTIER : Germany. ee oe Joun STEPHENS: : of Strafe bourg. : ‘AY Mark I §&. 1582, 139. Mantras GREUTER: / Germany. sl Mark M. A lh “1583. 134. <0 PETER PERNA. Of Mark P. P. et re FRAN- [25] 135. “FRANCISCO VANNI: of Si- enna. A hiftory painter, born 1563. He etched 3 pieces from defigns of his own. — St. Francis, St. Katherine, and a Virgin contemplating the infant Jefus afleep. He died 1609. — Giovam- baptifti Vanni who was born at Pifa, and died at Florence’ in 1660, alfo etched the dome of the 1584, cathedral at Parma, after Correggio, and the mar- riage at Cana after Paolo Veronefe. Francifco’s mark is F. Vy. ¥. 136. ANDREA ANDREANO, or ANDREASSI: of Mantua. An engraver on wood from Rafaelle, Parme- giano, &c. — The triumphs of Julius Ceefar in io plates 1 599. 137. GIOVANNI BATTISTA FONTANA: Italy. Large defigns after ‘Titian &c. Marks B. F. and 1. B, F.. 138. NATALIS BONIFACE: & Sebentco. D 139. GI- 4 1585, 1608, Bee ‘ . 1 1586, - 1586. 1587. 139. | Giacomo. FRANCO: 4 of | ie Venice. He executed with Auguttin Caracc the ae for. Taflo. Genoa 1590. 15877 140, JOHN FRED. Cater of Strafbourg or Francfort. EGe Son of Matthew (n° 133.) born 1566. He f{et- | r | tled at Rome, and was an excellent engraver: y he 141. . AGOSTINO CARACCI: | of Bologna. Born 1557.° One knows not which to admire ae. - moft in this great .mafter’s pieces, the correct- -nefs of defign, or the beauty of the execution. He died at Parma 1602. — Ludovico or Louis born at Bologna 2 years before him was his cou- fin germain and mafter : he etched a few pieces, - / >, and died in 1618, — Aznibal born at Bologna he 1560, was Agoftino’s brother, and with him Louis’s fcholar. He both etched and engraved; | and died at Rome 1609. — France/chino their ». nephew was born 1595, was bred under his un- cles, and died young 1622: he etched a few plates. | eas Agostino’s marks are 4. C. or Ag. Car. Fe. or AVG. F. or Agos. C. fe. or Ag. C, Bononia. 142. A. aoe a eee ey as 142,°°° Ay DREBBER. ie PebO: He worked after the defigns of Goltzius, &c. “143. “James LEDERLIN: of Tu |p bingen. 1@L 500 ee TAL “GapereL SCHNELLBOLTZ: : | 0 8 Wittemberg. ae 14s. WILLIAM VAN SwANEN- Wo BURG: Holland. CG 146. NrchdLes pE BRUYN: of 1 1618. Antorf. Son of Abraham (n° 83.) — He engraved a vaft deal, in a neat laboured manner, Hisde= Aap figns have no great tafte ; yet his works are not! - without great merit, and are efteemed by the! curious. Mark N. D. B. and N de B. fe. &e. 147. VESPASIAN STRADA: @f 1590. Rome. He etched pieces of his own compofition. Mark Ves. S.andV.S. 148. JAMES MATHAM, or MAE- ee THAM: of Haerlem. re Born 1571. Son-in law and {cholar of Golt- zius, ' gius. — He fon Theodore was a good engraver, | ae 1592. 7) kee , eet Adrian was of the fame time and family. 149. JAMES HOEFNAGLE: of — . Francfort. Born 1572. — Flowers and infeéts after his — father George Hoefnagle : alfo fubjects of his own Competitiins and after other mafters. 150, HERCULES SEPTIMIUS oF Modena. Etchings of fmall hiftoric fubjects well defign- | . ed in the old tafte. Mark H. S.. 151. JAMES BeuTueR: of Ra- | Deities A Mark I. B. | 162. MARTIN PLEGINK. fi PW 153. ODOARDO Teer oh | Bologna. | ings ; and died 1638. 154. .VENTURA SALIMBENT: f Sienna. Mark V.S. 155. GEORGE |) 3 5 e Born 1573. He did a great number of etch- | [29] iss. ° GEORGE FRENTZEL: of § 195, Ingolftadt. | aa 156. ‘DIEDERICK MEYER: of 1595. Cae 'Zarich, Bord 1571. He did a fet of illuftrious perfons in Switzerland, and died 1658. — Rodolph. his fon, born 1605, engraved portraits, emblems, &c. and died 1638. — Conrad brother of Ro- dolph, was born in 1618, and engraved fome pieces of his own compofition. — One dadrew Meyer engraved views of places. 2 157. JOHN andBaptistaDEU- | TECUM. Is James ZUBERLEIN: obs china ‘if bingen. | AD E3 159. LAMBERT CorNEL TE Fan ders. ae 160. ADAM ELSHEIMER: of Francfort. A painter, born in1574. He excelled in night- pieces; etched a few fubjects of his own compo- fition ; and died in Italy 1620, Mark AL, i61. ALEX- ee [ 30 ] 1596- 1610. - ALEXANDER Mair? of [596 : Augshourg. ee #598. 102. PETER PAUL RUBENS : f Cologn. | This celebrated painter etched a St. F rancis, | >. a St. Katharine, and a woman holding acandle, — with a boy — this is. extremely rare, — Mark P.P.R. "E599. JAMES GUCKEISEN : of | ee, ‘logn. iv of W. Hteniberg. 165. SIMON FRISIUS: : of Holland. q Portraits after Henry Hondius, and fubjets — after Abr. Bloemart ; alfo excellent pieces: in Goltzius’s manner. — Mark S. F. 266s): Lucas KILIAN : of Augf -. bourg. There are a great. many pieces of his hand, ite done in a freeand agreeable manner, Wolfong or | Welgang his brother is inferior to him. + Bar- tholomew of the fame family, oe Philip his brot’s] _ ther, fs a ee F ’ cae 164. LAURENCE SAUBERLICH: E sed ther, both later than the others, engraved excel- lent portraits. — Mark ok. Gotu KA. Se. 167. PIETRO STEFANONI. He engraved after the Caraccis.. Mark fe. oF: 168.. GIOVANNI Maacai; or Jo- ANNES Malus: of Rome. Mark I. M. F. or lO. MA.F. Ancient buildings. 169. JOACHIM THEODORUS Co- RIOLANUS: of Bafil. : . There were two others of this name, Fohz- Baptifi and Bartholomew, brothers, and both en- gravers in the 17° century. Mark I. T.C. F. B. 170. ANDREW BRETSCHNEI- | DER: of Leipfic. 171. CONRAD GRAHL: of Leigh. Mark C. G. F. &c. } 1600, 1618. Ya 1600, } 1600, : me. { 1600s) wy 1620. & CHRIST. JAMITZER: of 1600.. G _ Nurimberg. ‘Befides this and Bartholomew (n° 64.) — there was a Wenceflaus famitzer who worked alo at Nurimberg. ¢ 173, GEORGE : &) G : [ga J’ . 1600. . 173. “GEORGE KELLER: of France’ 1616. fort. 7 : 1600. 174. JAMES Granpitomnen: of Ge Oe arn & AZ. PAUL i Gort. me L176, HANs SCHRODER. | Mark H. S. FR 177. ~Pever Isserzourc. a ae Re Mark P. I. &c. ! 7 (bo, 78 JAMES DE Guewa: Holland. “eS cul of | €? MATTHEW VON Sommer. oe. 7 TLandiapes — Mark M. VS; or ‘In the beginning of this Century, | flourifhed 180. UGO DA CARPI. i181. BENEDETTO MONTAGNA:; | e of Vicenza. We have by him among other things — a ho- — ly family by a river’s fide, a town on the back — ground, and his name Montagna at the top — — Venus whipping Cupid — and Europa. t There — ‘ Fae | «There lived! alfo during the courte, of this Century. . 293 __ FRED. BARRACCIO: of Urs | ae bind. | , _ This sleureer potter etched fome pieces of | his own compofition, He died 1612, aged 84. — Mark F.B.V. 183. | GIULIO BONASONE :-v. Bo- -LOGNESE. A pupil of Marc? Antonio’s: he engraved a great number of pieces after the beft, matters, in a good tafte, Mark I. B. 184. Francisco Bricci, or BRIZZ1: of Bologna. We have many both etchings and engravings => by him: he is faid alfo to have affifted Agoftino Caracci. He died in 1623 aged 49. — Mark F. B. 185. BaRTOLEMEO passanor- PB 1: of Bologna. | Mark B. P. oy 186, ‘Micu ant LUCHESE : of Rome. ~ Mark M. L. ; . 187. BER-. —6mE 34) ae 187, DES NERBIN PASSARI3. ee | Rome. 1 S) 188. SILVESTER DI RAVE NNA, or RAVIGNANO, | | A se of Marc’ Antonio’s, who approached. the neareft to his mafter in correctnefs of defign. 189. CESAR DE AVIBUS; v. CE- SAR PATAVINCIS, Portraits of the Auftrian Family. 190. RAFAELLE GUIDI. He engraved after Barroccio, Jofepin &c. — His fon Michael- ak Daioh was alfo an enurayes but a very indifferent one. ; a 191. DADo. BHP After Rafaelle. ay 192. ALBERT FLAMEN. B Birds, fifhes, and landfcapes of his own com- pofition. 193. PauL BRILL: of Antwerp. The famous land{fcape-painter, born 1 556. He etched fome of his own landfcapes, and died at Ae 1626.. tA. CHRIS- ‘ ee, [35] : _ . 194, CHRISTOPHER AMBERGER¢ q . of Zurich, or Nurimberg. He engraved on wood his own compofitions. | ; 4 195. Davip HopFEr: of Nara és % a berg. L¢H He executed a.great number of prints in a ol ar ic ftyle. His two brothers Ferom and Lam~« i: engraved in the fame manner, 196.. NICOLAS DE LA a Lorraine. Dp" 197. PETER BREUGHEL: de Velours. 198. PETER BREUGHEL: dEn- fers. Thefe two etched fome landfcapes and tha? ments. 199. BERNARD ve Perit: of Lion. He engraved excellent wood cuts for the Be she and other books. Ez To- a. [36]. Towards the end of the fame Cen-— tury, we find \ 200+ WILLIAM DELrt, or DEL- | PHIUS.— i CPorrats — Mark GC, Vid: 201. PETER PERRET: Flemifo. _ 202, JAMES Bye: of Antony. 1601. _ 1602. "203. - JEAN RABEL: French. Daniel his fon‘etched’fome of his own com- pofitions, ean spe ine CENTURY XVII. 204, Jost ‘Momprr: Bander _ Born 1580... Etchings of his own compo- fition. PAN: +. 7 a : ae LOE. PAT Pi BAD RUS ESET Og oF - Parma. _ A hiftory- pny born, 1581, and difciple of Annibal Caracci. He etched: with freedom. and. a correcinefs of defign, He died at Rome 1647. 206. Gl- | 212. HENRY VAN DER BORCHT: : 208. Hans Kum. L 87d | 206. GIOVANNI LANFRANCO: of Parma. This excellent painter was born 1581, and ftudied under Agoftino and Ann. Caracci. He etched a few fubjects, and died in 1647. 207. RAFAELLE SCAMINOZZI, Mee or SCHIAMINOSI: of Rome. . ® .S S24 ~ | Sh wae | 209. J. Mauro RovERo: of 1604. # Milan. Mark I. M.R.F. 210. LEO PALLAVICINI: of Milan. : Mark L. P. f. 211. HENRY ULRIC.. '. Mark H V.. of Bruffels. ! é 213. WILLIAM NIEULANT: of ves Antwerp. ° He etched a fet of Jand{capes after Paul Brill — and [28] | q and his own compofitions. He was s born int 1584 ; and died at Amfterdam i in 1635. us ’ SL 214, Janus. or Jann LutMa: of 3 : 3 ping fers ) 1606. 215. Jonn FISCHER: of Serafturg. . Mark I, F. Se 216. JOHN there of Copen- ? aE | tee 7 W1,.™M . Bee eer 2a, ABRAHAM BLOEMART : of ae Gorcum. . Born ro died 1647+ 16082 9: HENRY COUNT GOUDT: 3. Ids (ES OY ape ee ee ¥ He engraved teven pieces ina dark manneraf- _ ~ ter Elfheimer: they are much fought after, and — not very common. 1608. 219. PETER SERWOUTER. | If the time would permit, one fhould fuppofe By the name Periecouter. (n° 45.) to haye been NW sformed by miftake from this. — Mark P. S. &c. 220. JEAN — it See ee eee ee eee a -- eel Se 220. JEAN LE CLERC: of Nancy. Born 1587. He etched the death of the vir- gin, &c, after Carlo Venetiano, and died in 1633. 221. GuIDO RENI: of Bologna. cia This celebrated painter etched a great num- ber of pieces in a free flight manner. Mark G.R. or G.R.F. or G.R.B.F., 222. Jost HonpT; or JODOCUS. i - Honpius: of Aagter damn _ He was born in 1563; was an engraver of maps only; and died in 1611. His fon Henry was bred under Wierix. Befides maps he executed a few landfcapes after Breughel, and died at the ‘Haguein 1610. Another Henry was the beft en- graver of the family, and did a confiderable num- ber of good portraits. — William his fon engrav- ed alfo a few portraits. And Abraham about 1672 did a few fubjects of his own compofition . | | 223. JOHN WAYER: of Cobourg. sien’ E.W. 224, JAMES VON DER ERR f isi, 9g of Francfort. 225. RA- ERR | FR or Hy meant Or JP [40] 1610, 225. RAPHAEL enanee af Erancfort. eet nMlark, Reeder. seats con ie 1611. 226. Giovaeee PRAnciom _ BARBIERI. v. GUERCINO: of Cento, es: He was born in 1590; and died 1666. — He i a a St. John, anda St. , Antony of ; Padua. ‘4 27. JOHANSSEN WEYNERS. He engraved on copper after the defigns of Chriftopher Schwartz. — His mark is a bunch | of ena + Sih 1612, 228. Paut Moreen. /P, Te 229. JoHN HavER: of Altenburg. Tole Small fubje&ts on copper; and large portraits 4 of the Electors of Saxony on wood, in conjurie= 3 tion with Moyfes Thim 0 or Ti Ss | 230. WARNART VAN VALKERT: Holland. 613, 231. BOETIUS & BOLSWERT, - ~ or BOLSUERD: of Frizeland, Contemporary with meting and one of his” M dp. By in j an sy ee en Lite ae < [ge “excellent erigravers: he kept a print-Mop at Ant« werp. — Adam his father was no engraver, tho’ fometimes miftaken for fuch. + His younger brother Sche/te engraved alfo a great number of plates after Rubens, in which he has produced the effect, and, as far as it is pofflible for black and white to do, the very colouring of the ori- ginals. — He and Vo/ferman (n° 252.) may ferve as models for engraving hiftoric fubjects. — Wil- liam Panneels of Antwerp, a pupil of ee S. etched after his matter. Be... PA $32. PETRUS HARLINGENSIS, or 16145 P. A, HaRnsiuUs : of Haerlem. | : : 234. MATTHEW MERIAN: of 24. or Ba/il. Born 1593. Bred under de Bry, whofe daugh-_ , ‘ter he married. He etched views of to wns, fa. + | eu meer. © cred fubjects, and landfcapes. His Grand-= Ts: : daughter Maria Sibylla was the well-known au- | | thor of the hiftory of infects. ina Le oe NICOLAS VAN AELST? of Rome. Mark N.V.A. 23s. CORNELIUS BoEL. EF 236, HORs 1615. 236. HORATIO BORGHIANI: f eB 1615, §63.5. “> ence ; [42] Rome. He was a painter, and etched with freedom and {pirit. 237. JAMES JORDAENS: of Ant- | werp. This well known mafter made fome etchings from his own defigns. He was born 1594, and died 1678. 238. CORNELIUS DE WAEL: of Antwerp. Born 1594. He etched fome little fubjects of his own compofition. ‘ohn Baptiff Wael a “relation, executed alfo fome pieces after him. ba , 2 FS en ET ce ae, a ee eas "s Net ee pie Ne a est wal ies! nie os =e Ss Pe OO at an, el 239. JACQUES CALLOT: of 4 Nancy. Born 1563. ‘This excellent mafter etched a~ bove rso00 pieces. “The variety and diftribution — of his groups, the diftinctnefs and expreffion of his figures, and the eafy elegance of his man- ner, render his works fo agreeable and fo much . admired. He died 1635. 1615, 240. STEPHANUS CARTERON. Mark S.C, zat. LU- [ 43 ] 241. Lucas VAN UDEN: of Ant. 1616. werp. Born 1595. He etched landfcapes from his own defigns, and thofe of other mafters. 242. ANDREW GENTSCH: of : Augsbourg. | ee 24.3. MATHIAS. BEITLER: f J Augsbourg. Ww 244. CHRISTOPHER VAN ae = i CHEM. | yt ee There is allo.a Karl or Charles van Sichem. ’ 1625 — rns. ESAIAS VAN HULs, or — HuLSEN: of Zeeland. He was born at Middelburg, and fettled at | : Stutgard in Wurtemberg. He publifhed orna- | ne ments well defigned. Mark E. V. H. &c. | 246. MICHEL LASNE: of Caen. Born 1595. His defign is correct, and man- ner free. He died at Paris 1667. F M, ne = 53 2475 THEODORE CRUGER: of 1617 Germany. | = wf F2 248, JOHN [ 44 ] | 248. Jorn JosEPH 1 VAN Goy- | EN: of Leyden. Born 1596. He worked chiefly at the Hague, — where he died 1656. He etched fome ane of his own compofition. ce 1613. 249. ROLAND ROGMAN: of 4m. at | fierdam, m Born 1597. He alfo etched landfcapes of his own compofition. 1619. 250. JOHN’ VALLET. 251. Hans BRESANCK. 16B | - Plates for the Bible. Chrift, the 12 Apoftles, and St. Paul. “1620. 22, LUCAS VORSTERMAN: Vv,» iW NW F of Antwerp. 231.) — His fon Lucas was alfo an en-, graver, but much inferior ‘& his father. 253.. ANTONY ae Dyck: . gf Antwerp. | ae: There are many portraits of this celebrated ae painter’s etching ; and fome hiftorical pieces. 254. JOHN [45] ac4. JOHN MIEL: Flanders. : Born 1599. He etched fubjects from his own defigns, and died at Turin 1664.. 255. SEBASTIAN FURCK, or FUL- j 16205 ae CARUS: of Goflar. & hate 256, JOHN DANIEL HERZ, or 1620. Hertz: of Nurimberg. A landfcape and hiftory painter; born 1599. He etched fubje€ts of his own compofition, and died in 1635. Mark I. D. H. 257. FRANCIS BRUNNER. 258, ESAIAS VAN DER VELDE: 1 Holland. bie He etched {mall landfcapes from defigns of his own. Mark E. V.V. &c. — ‘ohn of the {fame family, and his contemporary, both etched and engraved, Mark I. V. Co oso. CLAUDE MELLAN: of {iz Abbeville. He worked in the Louyre at Paris; and en- craved a great quantity of plates in a free flight _ manner, with only one ftroke. = ae 260. JOHN ‘ 1621, HW 1622. 1623. 1626 rl : [ 46] 260. Joun DEMER. 261. CoRNELIUS SCHUT: ee : Antwerp. y ‘ 4 a ¢ q ‘e ge oe wits Born 1600. He engraved si fubje&s of § « Be) his own compofition. x at + ae 262. HANS TROSCHEL: of Nur- q zmberg. Small landf{capes. 263. CLAUDE GELPE: v.:\CLAU- DE LORRAIN: of Toul. ~ This celebrated painter was born in 1600. He etched a fet of 28 land{fcapes. 264. VALENTIN SEZENIUS. Mark V.S. | 265. MicH. ANGELO CERQUOZ- Z1: Vv. DELLE BATTAGLIE: of Rome. Born 1602. He etched fome pieces whofe merit is owing to their fcarcenefs rather than to any beauty in the execution. He died 1660. 266. PAUL PONTIUS: of Ant- ‘Werp. | Ba hother of Reubens’s engravers. ‘The great pain- q . * ig, d [ 47] painter was particularly fond of him. He was accurate in defign, character, and expreffion; his manner was agreeable; and he had the art of exprefling in his engravings the very chiaro- - ofcuro and harmony of the pictures themfelves. 267. CORNELIUS BLOEMART: of 1624. Utrecht. Born 1603. He learned of Crifpin van Pas, fixed at Rome, and died there very old, having executed a great number of pieces with great neatnefs, exactnefs and beauty. — His brother Frederic engraved alfo after their father &c. but in a manner much inferior to Cornelius. 268. JOHN VAN BRONCKHORST: of Utrecht. Born 1603. Heetched landfcapes after Poew leans 269. J. SWELINCK: of Amer eas Emblems. Mark 7 8S. 270. JOHN VAN DEN Hexen: : of Audenarde. Etchings of animals, &. from his own - drawings. 291. JOHN 1625. $k 7 ‘Pate | | FELD: of Augsburg. 272, MICHAEL LE BLOND: of . Francfort. | Ornaments. He died at Amfterdam 1650. — — Fames Chriftopher le Blond was much later. (See n° zr) 273. GIOVANNI FRANCISCO GRIMALDI: v. BOLOGNESE. An excellent landfcape-painter, .born 1606. He executed 42 landfcapes in a good tafte; either of his own compofition, or after Tiziano, Ann. Caracciy &c. He died at Rome 1680. 274, JOACHIM SANDRART: of Francfort. is Author of the lives of the Painters,-was born — in'1606, and died at Nurimberg in 1683. He ~ etched fome {mall pieces of his own compofition. ° — James his nephew engraved a great number of portraits, in a very neat manner. — And ‘fohn Fames {on of the laft, etched, and executed many of the plates for his uncle’s books, which are touched with great fpirit. — His fitter Su/an- na Maria publifhed defigns for ornaments. ye eee . a75. HL. SCHAERER. | FSL 276. Giov. Lup. VALEGGIO pr 1628, VALESIO: of li) or Bologna. ii Portraits and Frontifpieces. — =e Ve | > _W tow hh JosEPH DI Riven, U. SPAGNOLETI: of Xativa in Spain. He was born in 1589, ftudied the manner of Michael Angelo Caravaggio, ; and died at Naples 1656. — He etched hiftoric “ie of his own compofition. eR sP. KR oY or 278. ERASMUS BERING: of Antwerp, “He was born 1607, was fcholar to Rubens, - and died in 1698. — Hudert of the fame family etched in 1655 all the feulptures which were ex- ecuted by Arius Quellinus his brother, in the Stadthuys at Amfterdam. 279. REMBRANDT VAN RHYN: Holland. ‘This great mafter was born near Leyden in 1606, and etched 342 pieces, not to mention —__ doubtful ones. If the ftrokes want fmoothnefs | RL a G and | ict [ 50] and regularity, and are ufually done with great me apparent negligence ;.yet there is fuch a bold- 1629. - nefs and freedom of ftyle, fuch a diftribution of light and. fhade : that Rembr4ndt’s prints are al~_ ~ moft always lively and ftriking, and will ever be _ fought after with eagernefs. “The peculiarity of his manner, arifes from the art with which he ~ has united dry etching with the agua fortis ; and in the dark manner, which is not known to have been practifed before his time. His Portraits are © in general efteemed the moft excellent of his works. Many of his Landfcapes are moft fcarce: thefe nae? a fine effect, and are ufually ftriking, J 280. LaurenT pe La Hire: of | Paris. q ~ Born 1606. — Etchings from his own defen. ‘—— He died in 1656. 281. OLIVER GATTI: .of Parma, 282. JAMES BAKKER: of Haerlem. Born 1608. He etched at Amfterdam fome — pieces of his own compofition ; and died in 163 Bs or 1641. 283. ADRTAN BRouWwnER, or BRAUER: of Audenarde. q Born 1608, — Etchings, 284. ’ NI- ¢ ig ; \e [ 52] 284... Nicouas MIGNARD: of : Troyes in Champagne. Born about 1608. He engraved from Agof- ‘tino and Ann. Caracci’s paintings in the Far- nefe Palace at Rome, and died at Paris 1668. — Pierre, his brother was born 1610, and_ died 1695. — There is aprint by him of a devotee at the Virgin’s feaft. 28s. STEFANO DELLA BEL- Morisey aA: of Florence. ‘ Born 1610, and Canta Gallina’s {cholar along with Callot, whofe manner at firft he imitated, but afterwards forfook it for one entirely his own. His light, free, yet mafterly ftroke, makes his per- formances full of tafte and fpirit ; and gives them a wonderful effect : his heads have great charac- ter, and his figures are well defigned. — He ex- ecuted above 1 500 plates of hiftoric fubjects, bat- tles, hunting-pieces, land{eapes, fea-pieces, ani- mals, and ornaments, all in a good tafte. . His imagination tho’ fertile did not come up to that 286. GIOVANNI Haters a VAN- 16305 me : | i } of Callot. Mark S. B. Bic. NI: of Pia. See n° 135. G2 287, AGOS.~ 1630, f | or 1655 Hey AGOSTINO MITELLI: f 630,27 3 i yous — the fmaller ones the beft. His A Mark W. H. &c. | Wy .. We: 1630. ted - Bologna. ae Born 1609. = . Etchings of ornaments. = He : died at Madrid 1660. — His fon Gio/eppe Maria born at Bologna 1634, engraved a great wes i fubjects, chiefly emblematical. i 3 288. WENCESLAUS HOLLAR: 4 4 AERTS EOP F paoges 5, Born 1607. His works are extremely num be See furs, infects, and fome landfcapes’are particularly — ' admired. He died ina very advanced age. “f 289. THEODORE VAN pee THULDEN:? Bois-le-duc. 5 viet difciple of Rubens ; born 1607. He en- graved 1 the life of St. J ohn in 24 plates ; the hif- " tory of Ulyfies i in 58; and the entry of the Car- _ : dinal-Infant Ferdinand into Antwerp. He died © after 1662. Mark T. v, T. ‘ 290. WILLEM SCHWAN: : 291. ent ee r Ser a 4 7s os fe aes é 2 _ gor, EBERHARD KIESER: of : | | Ses MakE.K. ~ 298. FREDERIC HULSIUS: ser | - Francfort. A | 293. AnpREw KouL: of Nurim- | berg. P88 od Mark A. K, &e. | AK (204. SALOMON KONINCK:: of Ams fierdam. | 295. HERMAN SACHTLEEVEN: of Rotterdam. Born i609. Bred under Van-Goyen. He fixed at Utrecht, and died there in 1635. He etched fome of his ‘own landfcapes, which he painted from nature. 296. CLAUDE VIGNON: of Turs, He éngraved facred fubjects from his own defigns, and died very old in 1670. 297. JoHN BoTH: of Utrecht, 163% Born 1610, = Landfcapes. — He died 1640 298. PE- Oa Want PPA ie Me Lae oy Si ea J ~ “4 PT €.5 ri wfc if ~~ dae on Di! a eS Ms rate -¥ or Ps ia Br EAU ih Bak tN ; . SUG H Stee d a3 SE aes (ha cee : ' Ss f - Y ‘ y So tS Soe , } 7 eg, Bo ‘ y ¥ : / » » : . : a ‘ : , r ries i 3 AN y . ’ m Tle Se ae ; 9 f + 3 F Z * ; ie : ' ? Pia, 3 x fea 3 y ‘a ale Teds : 298. PETER SOUTMAN: of Hegre ee tem. a A difciple ae Rubens. ‘There, is a confider- able number of prints by him of his own com- ‘pofition, and after Rubens, Bc. pe : + 299. CORNELIUS VISSCHER : | Bo » Holland. @ | Bred under Soutman. The eutellenes of ‘his 2 | artift is well known. — ‘fohz his brother was al- _ fo.a very good engraver. — Claas or Nicolas of OY | the fame family, engraved fome fmall land{capes. La re — Lambert engraved portraits at Rome — alfo Antiochus with Stratonice after Pietro di Cortona. ee 300. JOHN GEORGE VAN VLI- the ET: Holland. i He etched in the manner of Rembrandt ; _ did alfo 7. P. van Leeuw (who with es chy + hocf was bred up under Soutman) and ohn Li- vens born at Leyden 1606; Ferdinand Bal &c. 2 2 | a 40t. ADRIAN VAN OSTADE: of Lubeck. He was born i in 1610. fettled in Holland, at- , tached himfelf to low fubjeéts, which he has re-. ae prefented with great truth in ¢2 admirable etch-. fy ~ . ings, and died 1685. 302. WIL- | 155) 302. ‘WILLEM Baur: of Straj- bourg. Born 1610. His works, which are landfcapes and architecture confift of more than 500 pieces | — part is executed by himfelf in a flight and free manner: Adelchior Kuffel did the reft. He died at Vienna 1640. ‘ { 0B.¥ Z 303. DAVID TENIERS: of ike ‘ WEI pe 3 Born 1610. — A Wake, and other fmall aba ' ings from his own defigns. He died 1694. 304. . SIMON CANTARINI: ¥. PESARESE. Born 1610, and one of Guido’s beft fcholars. — He etched 30 pieces which often pafs for his mafter’s, and died at Venice 1648. _ | 305: PIETRO DEL Po: of Palermo. Born 1610, and pupil of Dominichino. He’ etched after his mafter and others, and died at Rome 1692. 306. FIAMINIO ToRRE: of Bo- . logna. Etchings after the Caraccis, Guido, re. Mark F, T.F. 307. Pl - es ee = - — ve [56 2 | Pre TRO TesTA: of Lucca. By? horn 1611. Moft of his defigns were etched by himfelf, or his nephew Cefar Tefta. : 308. GIOVANNI BaTisTA Bo- ' LOGNINI, or BOLOGNESE. Born 1611. One of Guido’ s beft fcholars. He etched after his matter, and died 1688, 3009. JACINTO GEMINIANI: of Piftoya. Born 1611. ‘Difciple of Pouffin and Pietro di _ Cortona. He etched from his own compofitions, ah and died 1681. 310. G1uLIO CaRPIons : side ; nice. Born 1611. Etchings from his own defigns. gir. GOTTHARD RINGEL: Of | Zurich. = 4633. 212. FRANC. PERIER: of Bur- : Be oe |Antique Statues. 3634, 313. F. BONAVENTURA Bist. _ He died in 1662, — Mark F.B. B.F. Tia ey * wn eo ee POSES ey ae See a 314. RATER auier 9 Fe ‘arg. Gaspar DUGHET, v. — ced POUSSIN: of Rome. ~ Born 1613... Etchings of landfcapes from his own defigns. Hedied 1675 — John his brother engraved at Rome fome of Pouflin’s pieces. 316. PETER VAN LAER: Holland. Born 1613. A fet of 8 and another of 6 rural fubjeéts with animals of his own compofition. ; ns died at Haerlem 1673. ° — Mark P. D. L. 317. MATTHEW Rawe Mark 44. R. 318, SALVATOR ROSA: born near Naples... | The moft fublime painter of landfcapes, See that Italy has produced. The etchings by his own hand have that great effect and fpirit, which mark all the works. of this illuftrious matter. — The fall of the giants — Oedipus expofed — * ’ a fet of 12 hiftories ; and another of 60 foldiers and other figures, &c. His life extended from 1615 to 1673. “a H 319. SA- 1635. 1636.. wr La. / 319, SAMUEL BERNARD? 06f Paris, | Born 161 s> Bitouy etchings — ~ He Hine : 1687. 320. Louis eae : of Paris. Born 1615 — Etchings — He died 1655. 637. 31, BENEDETTO CASTIGLI- br aC ss TRyONE = of Genoa. “Born rere. — He etched 50 plates with tafte and fpirit ; and died at Mantua 1670. 322. FRANCIS VAN DEN Wyn- GAERDE: ih EEE Mark F. V. W. 323. SEBASTIAN BouRDON: re Montpellier. : Born 1616, — He etched 40 hiftories and land- {capes. ae 1638. 324. CARLO SACCHTI: of Pavia. : Born 1617. — He etched the birth of Chrift , after Tintoret — and the adoration of the Magi after Paolo Veronefe, and died 1706. 325. GIULIO BENSI: of Genoa. He etched his own compofitions, and died in 1668. , 326. E. [59] 326. ELlas. HOLL: Aairinkes Hi 327. CORNELIUS BLEKER, or BLECKER. Hiftoric landfcapes — There was an oe G, Bleker who etched at the fame time hiftoric fub- jets from Scripture after Poelembourg. 328. JEAN LE PAuUTRE: of Paris. Born 1617. - He engraved ornamental parts of buildings, &c. and died in 1682. — His fon Peter etched, and died 1744. B 329. EUSTACHE LE SUEUR: of Paris. Born 1617. — We have only a holy family by the hand of the French Rafaelle. — He died 1655, 330. CHARLES LE BRUN: of OParts, Born 1618. — He etched a St. Charles; the four times of the day; and a child on its knees before a crofs. He died in 1690 — Gabriel his brother engraved the Apoftles, &c. after Charles; and feveral pieces after Agoft, Caracci, Tintoret, &c, H -2 331. JOHN 1639. : [60 ] 33% JoHN VALDOR: of Liege. nN Plates for the triumphs of Louis the Juft, print ae ed at Paris’ 1699. . - ceehae ANDREA PoTESTA. 333. GIOVANNI SIRANI: of Bo- logna. ae Etchings — Mark G.S.0 | b Se 334. _DOMINIQUE Piggy nw of Marferlles. Landfcapes and fea-pieces of his own compo- _ fition ; and after'Claude, &c. in the manner of Stef. della Bella. | 335. NicoLAs COCHIN: of Cham- pagne. AO He etched after Rembrandt, Callot, Della ‘Bella, &c — There are two others of the fame name with the addition of Charles, father and fon: thefe are more modern, — Mark N. C. f. &c. / 336. . PIERRE FIRENS: fa aoe a He copied Sadeler’s hermits, and engraved af- ter fome of the French painters. | 337. NI- [ 61 ] 3705 NicHowas LAUWERS: of | | Flanders. | 338. | Jonas Aen eeonne 1641. Holland. -A famous engraver, bred under Soutman, © ~whom he much exceeded : he worked chiefly af- ter Rubens, Berghem, Terburg, and Oftade: he alfo did fome beautiful portraits after Van ‘Dyck and Frans-Hals. | 239s: BAUR WOUVERMANS: of Haerlem., Born 1620 — He did a land{cape with a horfe faddled in the middle of it. — He died 1668. 340. ANT. BOSSE. 341. FABRIZIO CHIARI: of Rome. 1642. _ Etchings. He was born in 1621, and died in © 1695. 342. PIETRO FRANCISCO MOLA. Born at Coldré in the Milanefe 1621. — Etch- ings. — He died 1666. 343. JOHN FyT: of Antwerp. He etched animals from his own drawings. 344, FER- , [ 62 1. ae R445, FERDINAND Bou: : of Dor- | drecht or Doré. A pupil of Rembrandt’s, and an imitator of his 4 manner both in his paintings and eretieaee ‘He 4 died 1681. | ' ei 4 : 345. ALDERT or Aine VAN RB VERDINGEN: of Alkmaar, Born 1621. — He etched in a fpirited manner 100 {mall landfcapes from his own defigns, 8c, He died in 1675. Mark AVE. ‘ 348: Madera Dosteny: of sa Quintin 7. “Toit 1609. —~ Vouet’s {cholar, fon-in-lwy and imitator. — Hiftoric fubjects of his own. it compofition, and after Je Sueur, &c. — He died. in 85« i a 347. JACQUES Coun ai : Um BORGOGNONE: of Frariake-Comiadl The famous battle-painter ; born 1621. He — etched fome battles with the fame fpirit that — ¥ reigns in his paintings; and died in 1676. — His _ brother William who was bred under Pietro di_ { Cortona, and died at Rome 1679; engraved To- ; bias burying the dead. : 4 cf re 348. 1S- ees a a [ 63 ] 448. ‘IsRAEL SILvEsTRE: of : : Nancy. ~ Born bat, — His works confift of more than. 700 pieces, of views of places, &c, — He died at ‘Paris 1691. Alexander his fon, etched fome Jand{(capes after his brother Louis. — Nicolas- ‘Charles his grandfon, who died 1767 aged 67, : was an engraver: as was alfo Su/anna of the fame family — fhe engraved portraits and heads after f Van Dyck. | B iP | 349. DoMINICo onunae of Bo- 1644. logna. | One of Guido’s beft difciples, born fais =~ | ‘Etchings — He died 1684. Mark D,M.C, 350. PETER BOEL: of Antwerp. Born 1633. — A painter, and pupil to Snyders. — he etched animals from defigns of his own. , — Coryn of the fame family, executed the bat- tles of Charles V. after Tempefta, and feveral pieces after Corregio, Michael Angelo, &c. 351. JAMES VAN DER Doss: of | | Amfterdam. : Born 1623. — He etched fmall land{capes with animals, from his own defigns, and died in 1673. = We mutt not confound him with another of the ie eat = Sa aft Bi of ee ae born at A 1 foram 1653, etched fome of his own. n defignals 352. JAMES LENFANT: of Abe : ugha. og (a Bh ee a . an [ 81 ] : 449. © CORNELIUS NICHOLAS SCHURTZ: of Nurimberg. “Mark C. N.S. 450. CLAUDINE BOUSONNET STELLA. She engraved hiftoric fubjects, as did her two fitters Antoinette and Francoife. — Claudine died 1697, and Francoife 1676. — They all learned of their uncle Facgues Stella the painter, who was born at Lion 1596, and died at Paris 1647. — _ Healfo engraved fome fubjects of his own in- vention. 451. G. TASNIERE: of Turin. Age. GIOSEPPE ROLI, or ROLLI: of Bologna. Born 1654. — He etched after Guido, and o- thers of the Bolognefe fchool. 453. GIOSEPPE DEL SOLE: of Bologna. Born 1654. — died 1719. — Mars receiving a fhield from Jupiter and Juno — and S. Francis Xavier preaching to the Indians. L 454. DIRCK, 1672. 1674, 1675. [ 82] | 1677: 454 Dirck, or ‘THEODORE MAAS : of Haerlem. | fen 1656 — He etched a fet. of foldiers, hor- fes, &c. 1679. 455° GERARD SCOTIN: a FRAY TASES ander Vadrionelen — ‘the Feb end. and bap- tifm of Chrift after Mignard — and feveral pie- ces after Dominichino, &c. — The Scotin who engraved Van Dyck’s Belifarius was a relation of his. 1680. 456,. FRANCOIS,.DE Louye- | MONT : France. | 457: ANDREW TROST: of Car- EK niola. 458. J. BENSHEIMER, Portraits of the Electors of Saxony. 1681. 469. Louis CHERON: of Paris, . Born 1660. He engraved in a good tafte 23 fubjects for the Pfalms ; and other facred hifto- ries from his own compofitions. He died at | Lon- [ 83 ] don 1723.5 Elisabeth Sophia Cheron born at Paris 1648, engraved a defcent from the crofs, a drawing- book, &c. She died 1711. 460. FRANCISCO ANTONIO 1633. MELONI: of Bologna. He’ engraved after Francefchini and others of © the Bolognele {chool ; and died at Vienna 1713. 461. Lupovico MATTHIOLT: of Bologna. Born 1662. He etched from his own de= figns, and after Ludov. Varacel, ORS Cref- pi, &e. 462. BoM 1110 Tito: of Rome, 1685 463. CoRNELIUS DusarT: of ee Haerlem. Born 1665 — died 1704. — He engraved in a flight and free’ manner fome ‘pieces of his own compofition. AG4. LUCA CARLEVARIIS: of 1686. : Udina. Born 1665. — Views of Venice in 160 plates. L.3 465. GI- 1687. a BA 465. GIOSEPPE MARIA CRESPI:. of Bologna. Etchings. — He was born 1665, and died ‘ 1747+ | 466. F. ANTONIO LORENZINI: of Bologna. A Francifcan, born 1665. — The Grand Duke’s Gallery, &c. 467. FRANCIS JOACHIM BEIck, , or BEICH: of Ravenjburg. Born 1665 — Landfcapes of his own compo- fition. — He died at Munich 1748. 468. JEAN MAROT: France. He and his fon engraved a great number of elevations, and views of Churches, eer &c. 469. BENEDETTO LuTTi: Gh Florence. ‘Born 1666, — He engraved only Chrift on the crofs, with the Virgin, S... John, .and Mary Magdalen — his own compofition — and a land{cape after Guercino — both very fcarce. 470, GEORGE [ 85} 470... GEORGE PHILIP RUGEN- | DAS: of Augsbourg. Born 1666. — He engraved a-great number of his own compofitions, in which we find much fire and variety.: He died in 1742. 471%. GIACOMO MARIA GIOVAN- NINI: of Bologna. Born 1667 — died at Parma 1717. 472. _ ANToNTO BALLESTRA : > of Verona. Born 1666 — died ere, — fmall etchings from his own defigns. 473. N.RUYTER. ATA. BNICINE RIVALZ: of Tou- loufe. Born ‘66, — died 1735. — Allegoric fubjects in 5 plates. 475. ‘AN TOINE TROUVAIN: : France. _ Luxembourg Gallery, and other hiftoric fub- jects, 476. THOMAS 1688. 1689. 1690. 1691. 1692. 1694. [ 86 J 476... (THOMAS, DE. Leu,, or | . LEEUW: France — Portraits. — Mark T. d, 1. — 477. Wi.Lem SWIDDE.. .... — A great number of views in Sweden, &c. de- ‘ figned and engraved me pile and others. — ‘we | W.S: ‘ 478. JAMES COELMANS: of Antes werp. : Born 1670. — He engraved the Cabinet of is M. de Boyer d’Aguilles at Aix; it was finifhed in 1709, but was not publifhed till 1744. 479. - -Hupert VINCENT. 480. PIETRO DIPETRI: of Rome, — A pupil of Carlo Maratti’s, born cert He died at Rome 1716. 481. DOMINICO MARIA FONTA- © | NA: of Parma. Born 1673. — His daughter Veronica engrav- éd very neatly on wood, efpecially fmall portraits. 482. CLAUDE | ae 482, CLAUDE GILLOT: of Lan- eres. Born 1673. He engraved comic and fatyric | fubjeéts with freedom and fpirit. He alfo did the plates for the Fables of La Mothe-Houdard, and died in 1722. 483. PIETRO LEONI GHEZZI: | of Rome. 484. H. FRANC DE LANDGRAF: ae of Vienna. At the beginning of the Century, flourifhed : 485, REMI CANTA-GALLINA: of Florence. Landfcapes, feftivals, &c. from his own com- pofitions, or after Giulio Parigi, 486. GIOVANNI BATTISTA MERCATI: of Szenna. 487, VALERIANO REGNARTIO;: ss: of Rome. 488, COR- 1695. 1696. a {88 ] of Antwerp. (488. CORNELIUS DANCKERTS: He engraved Chrift’s paffion, Ruins of Rome, — &c. in fmall.. Danker Danckerts his fon, en- jects after Tiziano, Seghers, P. de Jode, &c. graved hiftoric landfcapes after Nolpe, Wou- vermans, and Berghem; and many other fub- ” 489. CHARLES DE MALLERY: of Antwerp. 490. STEPHEN COLBENSCHLAG, re ee or COLBENIUS : Germany. — 491. . DOMINICK CUSTOS: of - Augsbourg. Mark D.C. : | 492. pb seni \ LASTMAN: Hoj- land. Pie Peg of ye cnee ECK ; Holland. 494. A. GARNIER: France. After Primaticcio, Pouffin, Caravaggio, and Blanchard. _PHI-- [89] 495. PHILIPPE THOMASSIN: France. He did a.great number of engravings after the Italian Mafters. Simon of the fame family, en- graved the ftatues and fculptures at Verfailles ; Portraits, dc. — Henri-Simon fon of the latter, _ Was a better engraver, and executed many fub- jects after Paolo Veronefe, F etl, Rubens; La | Foffe and other French. Painters. — He was born at bt 1688, and died 1741. 496. RoserT Picovu: of Tours. 497. CAMILLUS CoNncIvs. : Mark €. Cz &c.- ~ . | ce ; 498 MatrHizu MonrTAGNE. A Flemifh Painter: his true name was Van Platenberg ;, but when he fettled in France, he ~ took the nameé of Plattemontagne, and afterwards of Montagne. He-etched fome of his own fea- pieces. — Nicolas his fon etched fome fubjects after his mafter, Champagne, and ‘from his . own defigns; but his moft confiderable works are his Portraits, to to which he has put the name of Nicolas de Plattemontague, M 499. MEL- ge he 499. MELCHIOR TAVERNIER. © Engravers during the courfe of the Century. | 500. JOHN Baron, or BARONI- | US ; v. IL TOLOSANO. sor. PIETRO SANTE BARTOLI. A great number of fubjects after the beft Ita- lian mafters. soz. GIOVANNI BATTISTA Bo-. NACINA: ahs Aika 503. FRANCISCO BURANI: of : AGRE: 504. BERNARDINO CaPITELLI : of Stenna. 505. CARLO CEsSIo: of Rome. wort He engraved many pieces aftet Ann. Caracci, ’ Guido, Pietro di Cortona, Sab Domini- | _ ¢hino, Romanelli, &c. 18 506. FRAN- [91 £] wi sania dase COLIGNON: of Rome. : ‘He iid Della Bella; and Callot, whofe manner he imitated. : 507. MELCHIOR GIRARDINI. 508. LORENZO LOLLI: of Bologna. - Guido’s fcholar: he etched after his mafter and others of the Bolognefe fchool. Mark L. LL. F. | g09. GIOVANNI BATTISTA Pas- \. . CALINI: 510. GIOVANNI ANDREA Po- DESTA: of Genoa. gti. HIERONYMO Ross! : of Bo- logna. ‘He engraved after the Bolognefe fchool. _ Another of the fame name, executed Portraits, &c. at Rome, the beginning of the prefent cen- tury. 512. JACOMO ANTONIO STEFA-. NONI: of Bologna. Me 513. Gl- fool: 913; GIOVANNI BATTISTA — ‘TESTANA: of Rome. _ s14. GIULIO CESARE VENEN- > T1: of Bologna. - " “ste, H1zroNyMo IMPERIALI: | of Genoa. | 516, PETER BAILLU: of Antwerp. He engraved many prints which are in good repute, after Ann. Caracci, Guido, Rubens, ~ Van Dyck, Pietro di Cortona, Rembrandt, &c. 17, Joun BapristT BarBe’: ei Flanders. He magtaved after Rubens, Paggi, Franck, Martin de Vos, Theodore van Loon, &c. - ; « 18. MaTTHEw BoREKENS : of Antwerp. 519. NICHOLAS. VAN HOEJ, or Hoy: Flanders. _ 520, ROM- [93 ] | s202 ROMBAUT (REMOLDUS) EYNHOUDTS: of Antwerp. s21. PHILIP FRUYTIERS: of | Antwerp. 522. HAREFELDT: of Antwerp. 523. "THEODORE VAN KESSEL: Flanders. 524. ARNOLD LOEMANS: of Ant- | werp. 525. JOHN Louis : Flanders. Soutman’s fcholar. He engraved hiftories, but chiefly portraits, after Rubens, Van Dyck, Oftade, Both, &c. in the manner of his mafter. 526. MARINUS: of Antwerp. He engraved well after Rubens, Jordaens, Sachtleeven Van Dyck, Caravaggio, &c. 527. JOHN MEYSSENS: of Ant- werp. He engraved after Rubens, Van Dyck, Bee. — Cornelius his fon or nephew, engraved por- traits, [ 94] traits of the fovereigns of Event, publifhed at Antwerp 1662. 526. J. MUNICHUYSEN: Flanders. He engraved Autumn and Winter after Lair- effe, and many Portraits in a good ftyle. 527. JAMES NEEF: of Antwerp. After Rubens, Seghers, Jordaens, Ann. Ca- racci, Quellinus, &c; and Portraits after Van Dyck. 528. Francis NEVE: Flanders. . Land{capes etched from his own defigns. —_ excellent for their foliage. "20; PreteR NoLpE: Flanders. Hiftories, Views, Landfcapes, very well exe- cuted, a yy $30m ANDREW PauL, or DE Pau- LIS : Flanders. 7 531. JOHN PopeLs: Flanders, 532. CRISPIN QUEBOOREN: Flan- An engraver of Portraits, 533. P. [95] 533. P. RysBrack: of Antwerp. Landfcapes etched from his own defigns. 534. HENRy SNYERS: of Antwerp. - A good engraver after Rubens, Van_ Dyck, ‘Tiziano, &c. 535. ANDREW STOCK: of Antwerp. 536. MICHAEL SUERTS: Flanders. 537, JOHN THomaAs: Flanders. 538. CONRAD WAUMANS: of Antwerp. §39- RICHARD COLLIN: of Ant- . werp. 540. ELIAS HEINZELMAN: of te Aug shourg. Bred under Poilly. He engraved after Ann. Caracci, Bourdon, Albano, &c.- 641. CHRISTOPHER JEGHER: Germany. _ A good engraver on wood — he worked un- der the in{pection of mabe and after the death af 96 a . death of that great Painter, polled mott of his Platts Mark C, I. | 542+ . MELCHIOR KuSsBL: Ger- mr NN | man AN f or KN : a . e. 543.\ MICHAEL NATALIS: of Liege. | He oe the ftatues and buits of the Jufti- nian Gallery in 150 plates 5 befides many Pires after the beft mafters. 544. CHRISTIAN SAS: Germany. 545. CORNELIUS VAN DALEN: | Holland. He engraved with neatnefs and tafte in a ‘ manner fometimes approaching to that of Vit. cher, fometimes to that of Bloemart. - 546. ABRAHAM DE HEUSCH: f Utrecht. Etchings of landfcapes from his own defigns, — William of the fame family, a pupil of Both’s excelled in landfeapes and animals, — James, nephew to William born at Utrecht 1657; etch- ed fome fubjects of-his own _compofition, and — died 1715. i 3 547. JOHN ‘ ¢ < - s i ‘a 7% ~ ‘: sy “Sa " Pe ty [97 ] thie Jou HACKAART: of Am- flerdam. 548. Dichoias MoojakERt : of Amplerdam, - 549. HENRY NAIWINCX: Hol- tae land. Sixteen Landfcapes. 550. OSSENBECK : of Rotterdam. - Two landfcapes after Salvator, very {carce. Other pieces after Tintoret, Baffan, Feti, &c. $51. SIMON DE VLIEGER: Hol- land, 552, ANTONY WATERLO: si .. Utrecht: lesan: etched in a fine tafte, and mafter- ly ftyle. 553. CORNELIUS CLAAS WIER- ! INGEN: Holland. IC ory 554. A. ZYLVELDT: Holland. | es yi oe FX CONRAD : Holland. MAT 2: N s56. JOHN {98 ] a 556. JOHN VAN DER BRUGGEN, Portraits, and fimall fubjects in mezzotinto, after Van Dyck, Rembrandt, ee FON . wer, Teniers, Oftade, &c. | ‘BS - 557. Marc DE BYE. Sets of animals after Paul Potter. 558. ANT. VAN DER Dogs. | gsg. EDWARD ECKMAN. After Bufinck, Callot, &c. in wood, s60. FRANCIS ERTINGER. 561, PETER VAN LEYSEBETTEN, 562. JOHN VAN TROYEN. 563. Moyses UYTENBROECK, — Pretty fmall pieces of Fables, Landfcapes, and» ‘animals, from his own defigns in the ftyle of Poelembourg — much efteemed. ; 564. JosEPH JUSTER. s6¢. S, BLESENDORFF: Sweden. 566, JEAN 566. | 567. 568. 569. 570. ele 5726 573. 574: 575 [99] JEAN BERRAIN: France, FRANCOIS Poet. France. } JEAN Couvay: France. 667 JEAN DOLIVAR: France. JACQUES GRIGNION: “oP _ France. CHARLES DE LA HAyE: France. PIERRE LANDRY: France. JEAN LANGLOIs: France. RENE’ LOCHON: hee HENRI Ai topancne France. N2 576. JEAN [too } - 376. JEAN NOLLIN: Fragce. He engraved well after Caracci, Pouffin, &e. 577. JEAN PESNE: France. He chiefly engraved after Pouflin, whofe man- : ner he ee well preferved. 578. FRANCOIS Racor: France: 579. S. ANDRE’: France. The little gallery of the Louvre after le Brun. 580. JEAN SAUVE': France. e8re- PIERRE SIMON: France. Portraits. — Alfo a martyrdom after Salvator - Rofa, and feveral pieces after Pouffin, &c. 582. TOURNIER : France. 583. } GUILLAUME Vaan | | France. 584. SEBASTIEN VOUILLE- MONT: France. “585. RE- i {ror ] 585. REMI VUIBERT: France. . 586.. FRANCOIS BIGNON: Franee. 587: CHARLES AUDRAN: of — Lion, ‘He kileravedl in a neat manner a number of pieces after Ann. Caracci, Dominichino, Tizi- ano, Perrin del Vaga, Pietro di Cortona, Guido, ‘Albano, Sacchi, Vouet, le Sueur, &c. 588. Jacques BELLI: of Chartres. 589. PIERRE BREBIETTE: of Mantes-fur-Seine. sgo. CLAUDE DERVET: of Nancy. He engraved in a ftyle approaching to Cal- . lot’s firft manner. 591. FRANcoIs LANGOT: of Me- lun. 592. MICHEL VAN LocHom: of Paris. 593. GA- na, hiad 693. GABRIEL PERELLE: er Paris. 7, ry. “He and his two fons Adam-and Nicolas, did a) great number of excellent landfcapes from the Father’s defigns, or after Paul Bril, Poelem- bourg, Pouffin, Affelin, Fouquier, Callot, &e, : — which are fufficiently celebrated. “The a a- ther was the beft hand. | 594. GILLES RoussELET: of Paris. He engraved a great number of plates, in a good tafte, after Rafaelle, Tiziano, Dominichi- — no, Guido, Pouffin, Bourdon, Le Brun, Ann, Caracci, Pietro di Cortona, Van Dyck, Cham- pagne, &c. ee 595+ H. Bary. pe be 596. NICOLAS BAZIN. 597. ANT. FRANC, BAUDUINS.. 598. Jacoues BLONDEAU.. 599. ROBERT, and NICOLAS Bo- NART. 600, F RAN- figs ya’ 600. FRANCOIS BONNEMER. 601. Gaspar Bourrats. 602. N. BRior. - 603 Louis BusINnck. 604. ANT. COCHET, COUCHET, ve or COGET. 605. Louis Cossin. 606. P. DANNOOT. 607. MARTIAL DEsBoIs. Frontifpieces of books after Louis Dorigny. 608. ZACHARY HEINCE. Portraits of illuftrious perfons after V ouet 609. IsRAEL HENRIET. - He imitated Callot’s manner, and died at ’ Paris 1661. 610. GREGOIRE HURET. 615%. JOHN f 104) 611: JouHN BAprist PaLpa? ? He etched views of the churches, palaces gardens, and fountains at Rome. 612. Louis FERDINAND. .°>° . Son of Ferdinand Elle or Helle one of Pouf. fin’s mafters. — Portraits after Van Dyck, &ei 613. GILBERT FILLEUL. After le Brun, Brey — Peter his fon was alfo | an engraver. 614, ETIENNE GANTREL. 615. CLAUDE GoYRAND. 616. ADRIAN LOMMELIN. 617. PAUL MauPAIN. An engraver on wood; as was alfo his father, — 618. MicHEeL MOosIN. 619. NOBLESSE. ~ He ftudied the works of Callot, and etched : fome fmall landfcapes in his manner. He died — 1730+ 620. NI- © | [105 | 620. Nicoras REGNESSON, 621. Rigges. A ROBERT. _ Beafts, birds, and plants. — 4. Robert was a {cholar of Le Blona’s, and engraved in colours. 622. DE SON. ° 623. FRANCOIS.TORTEBAT. 624. NICOLAS VIENNOT. \ s ‘At “ end of the fame Century, flourifhed, 625. PETER AQUILA. His etchings after Rafaelle, Ann. Caracci, Pietro di Cortona, Ciro Ferro, Carlo Maratti, &c. are efteemed. 626. FRANCIS AQUILA. Rafaelle’s paintings in the Vatican, and other pieces after the Italian mafters, } 627. CESAR FANTETTI. 628. GIOVANNI HIERONYMO. O 629. G, [206 fi a 629. G. LEONE. ay J Animals from his own drawings, done in a good tafte. . 630. FRANCIS HARREWIN: of Bruffels. 631. RICHARD VAN ORLEY: Flanders. 632, CORNELIUS VERMEULEN: of Antwerp. He engraved hiftories and portraits after Gui- do, Rubens, Van Dyck, Dominichino, Ri- gaud, &c. ; 633. Hans FRANCK: of Nurims berg. — 634. JOHN MEYER: of Nurimberg. 635. ROMAIN DE HooGHe : Ao/- | land, 636. BENOIT FARJAT : of Lion. 637, MiPI- : pt97 637. PIERRE DREVET. The beauty and truth with which he graved portraits is fufficiently known. — His fon how- ever of the fame name, born 1697, furpafied him in the delicacy of his work, and died 1739. 638. PIERRE PICAULT. ‘The battles of Alexander, and fome portraits, &c. eee 639. J. DIEU DE S. JEAN; Modes and dreffes of the time. Se ee ee [ 108 ]} BRITISH ENGRAVERS. 1546. aa - THoMaAs GEMINIE, or Ga ) MINUS. 641. REMIGIUS HOGENBERG. 1555, 642. FRANCIS HOGENBERG. Maps. — | 7 643. HUMPHREY LHUyYD. isso. 644. WILLIAM CUNYNGHAM. A Phyfician at Norwich. Plates in his Cof- mographical Glafs. 1562. 645. ANTONY JENKENSON. : Maps. 646. RoBeRT LEETH. Maps. 1578. 647. RALPH AGGAS, A Surveyor — Maps. 648, HUM- [ 109 1 648. HuMPHRY COLE. TKO 2, A Goldfmith. — Map and Frontifpiece iid Parker’ s Bible. 649. JOHN BETTES. Painter and Engraver. — Pedigree = Vig- “nettes in Hall’s Chronicle. — Dead in 1576. 650. TYRRAL. 651. CuRE. 652. CHRISTOPHER SWITZER. Wooden cuts for Books. — The broad feals of England from the Conqueft to James I. 653. WILLIAM ROGERS. Title to Linchoten’s Voyages. — Cuts to Broughton. — Heads. “54. CHRISTOPHER SAXTON. Of Tingley near Leeds in Yorkfhire. | The firft maps of the counties of England and Wales. 655. NICHOLAS REYNOLD. a Es agen 656. AUGUSTINE RYTHER. Maps. 657, GEORGE 1580, 1587. [ 110 ] | 657. GEORGE HOEFNAGLE: of. Antwerp. | ' Maps. — A plate of Nonefuch. | 658. THEODORE DE BRIE. 659: RoBERT ADAMS. Plans and Charts. 660. REGINALD ELSTRACKE. Portraits. — His works are more fcarce than | valuable. ‘ 661. FRANCIS DELARAM. Portraits. — Better and neater than Elftracke. — 662. THOMAS JENNER. | 663. CRISPIN Pass, &c. Portraits. — See n° 106. 664. JOHN PAYNE. | Scholar of Simon Pafs, and the firft Englith- man who diftinguifhed himfelf by the graver ; he died about 1648. — A print of the Royal Sovereign, a ftorm, plates for books, and heads. 665. JOHN BARRA. ‘Title-pages and heads, . . 666, JOHN | - Poi y ‘ _ A topographical engraver. 667. THOMAS PORTER. Plan of London, | 668. CHARLES WHITWELL. _ Map of Surrey. : 66g!"°C: BOREL) Title plate for the Englifh Bible 1611. 670. WILLIAM HOLE, or HOLLE. 1613. Heads and Penmanfhip. 671. pIOE RC YS id Hanae Hon- DIUS. See n° 222. 672. A. BLOOM. 673. THOMAS COCKSON. Portraits. _ 674. PETER STENT. 675. THOMAS CARTWRIGHT. 676, WIL-" ‘676, WED SEER Dotte. a oh Portraits. rie Sree Se 677. icon 1628. 678, R., MEIGHAN. | 1631. 679. THOMAS Crerbn. a - Portraits. 7 680. .ROBERT VAUGHAN. ‘Portraits. Cuts in Norton’s Ordinal, and Ath- mole’s Theatrum Chemicum. ~~ 683. J: HULET Se 1634. 684. WILLIAM MARSHALL. a Heads. | sg 1637. 685. G, GLOVER: Portraits. 686. Henry PEACHAM. era Sir Thomas Cromwell from Holbein. | 1635. 687. ROBERT DE Vorrst.\\ Portraits; Animals. : i) thy 688; LUKE. [113] 688. Luke VosTERMAN. Hiftoric fubjects and Portraits. See n° 2 §2. 689. WENCESLAS HOLLaAr. See n° 288. 690. Danie. KING. Dugdale’s Monafticon. , 691. MARTIN DS OESHOE Ts Heads. | | 692. H. Stock. Heads. . 693. H. VANDERBORCHT. 163t, 694. T. SLATER. 695. WILLIAM DELFF. Heads. 696. GEORGE GIFFORD. Heads. 697. WILLIAM SIMPSON. 4635. Part of the Prints in Quarles’s Emblems. 2 : 698. THO- [114 ] 1646, 698. ‘THOMAS CROSS. Heads. whe 699. S. SAVERY. Portraits. 1651. 700. J. GODDARD, Portrait. ‘ 701. WILLIAM TREVILLIAN. Oliver Cromwell’s Porter. 1662. 702. J. CHANTRY, Heads. 1660. 703. J. DICKSON. Heads. 1661. 704. A. HERTOCKS. © Heads and F rontifpieces. Ou. F. H. van Hove. 706. ROTERMANS.,. Heads. 707. FRANCIS BARLOW. He ‘was born in Lincolnfhire, and died in 170%, [ 115 ] 1702. — Etchings for Benlow’s Theophila fol. 1652 — for Ogilby’ s Virgil and Teg An eas gle with a cat. 708. R. Gaywoop. | Scholar and imitator of Hollar. — Portraits. — Venus witha Spaniard playing on an organ, from Titian. Vbek 71 0. DUDLEY. CARTER. , Ane ROBERT PRICKE. Difciples of Hollar. 712. FRANCIS PLACE. ‘A gentleman of Yorkfhire, who painted, de- figned, and etched. — Views — alfo a mezzo- tinto of Henry Gyles; and prints of Richard Thompfon, and Archbifhop Sterne. 713. J. SAVAGE. Heads. | 714, WILLIAM LODGE. Born at Leeds 1649. — Heads and views. He died 1689. ) Pis 715, WIL- [ 116°] . 1670. 715. WILLIAM SHERWIN: >. * © 1660. Heads. 716. JOSEPH NUTTING. -. Heads. : i 717. WILLIAM FAITHORNE. Born in London about 1616, He died 1691. — A great number of portraits and heads, dif- fering widely in point of merit. Some hiftoric prints, and plates for books. 718. WILLIAM FAITHORNE, Ju- nior, Portraits chiefly i in mezzotinto. 719. JouN FILLIAN: ng ap Eva The elder Faithorne’s fcholar, — Heads, 720, PETER LOMBART. Heads, portraits, frontifpieces. His beft work is 12 half lengths from Van Dyck. er 721. JAMES GAMMON. A few bad heads. — Richard Cromwell, 722. ROBERT THACKER, The Catl hedral at Salifbury. | 723. MOR- [7] 723, ———— MORGAN. ‘Plan of “ieee 70h. Witiram SKILLMAN. Views. 725. JOHN DUNSTALL. A drawing-mafter. — Portraits. — He Sag etchied a book of Flowers. 726 MEE BROWN. 927. PRINCE RUPERT. The inventor of Mezzotinto about 1649, — A head in Evelyn’s @halcography ; another of the fame in large; a man with a fpear; anda woman’s head looking down, in an oval. — He ~alfo etched fome Landfcapes. — There is in the -Public Library at Cambridge a Magdalen in 1662. 1676. Mezzotinto by the Prince, from M. Merian, | ~ Ns with this infcription underneath — Rupertus D. G. C. P. D. B. — Princeps Imperii nae ’ gratia lufit, — See Evelyn. p..131. 738. WARNER VAILLANT. He came from Holland with Prince Rupert, and was admired for his mezzotintos. 729. JOHN — {ary 429. JOHN EVELYN Efq; _ Five fmall etchings of his journey from Rome to Naples 1649. — Views’of Wooton and Put- ney: iA RLS TALLEY cal! ska 730. DAVID LOGGAN. Born at Dantzick in 1635.°-+ Oxonia. and Cantabrigia illuftrata. — Habits of Graduates at Oxford on 11 folio plates. — One of the moft confiderable engravers of Heads in his time, — He died in 1693 or 1700, | 731. PETER WILLIAMSON, | FES ABRAHAM BLOOTELING. A Hollander. ‘Portraits, mezzotintos, and Agoftino’s gems. 733. GEORGE VALCK. He came with Blooteling from Holland. — The famous ‘Dutchefs of Mazarin and other Portraits. | 734. EDWARD LE Parry. Of Weifh extraction, and ePprgatige to bes: i gan. _ He engraved Portraits, 735. Witutam LicuTroor. » 736. MI- — : [ 119 ] 736. MicHaEL BURGHERS. © Of Utrecht; fettled at Oxford, where he engraved the iatininacss his firft appeared in . 7676 without his name: alfo fmall views of Queen’s College, and Portraits. | 7327, PETER, VANDERBANK. Born at Paris: he died in 1697. — Large heads for Kennet’s Hiftory. — He alfo engrav- | ed after Verrio’s paintings at Windfor, and fome other hiftories. Plates in Fijon’s book of Iron- works, wh 7 738. NICHOLAS YEATES. 1680, 3 739. “JOHN COLLINS. Obfcure engravers of heads. 740, R. COLLINS, Junior. — 741. WILLIAM CLARKE. Heads. 742. JOHN CLARKE. 1690, An engraver at Edinburgh. — Heads, and Vignettes for i Lanfdowne’s works, PARR. ToMPson. _ Heads. 744. THO- . i 120 ] | ThA. - Bipacal DUDGEN (nee Heads: | Q. tent Lise ‘tent of Darius: the Cartoons : 2 great num ber of hiftoric pieces in fmall, and a few Por- traits. 1708. 762. GEORGE VERTUE. Born at London 1684. Portraits, Antiqui- ties, Oxford Almanacs, Heads for Rapin, illuf- trious Heads, fome hiftoric prints; &c. — of all which Mr Walpole has given a lift, at the end of his Catalogue of Englifh ray - ~: He * died in 1756. i7it. 763. Sir NICOLAS DORIGNY. — Born in France. — The Cartooris, &c. — 764. CHARLES Dupuis. 765. CLAUDE DU Bosc, The Cartoons — The Duke of Marlborough’s battles — Religious Ceremonies from Picart — Scipio’s Continence from Poullins 766. ~ EPICIERE. a He affifted Du Bofe, ‘ , 767, - BEAUVAIS. #708. 768. LEwis. DU GUERNIER, ae _ Born 1677 ~— He died 1716. Frontifpieces, and. ° [123 J and the Duke of Marlborough’s Battles... Lot and his. daughters from Caravaggio ; ; and the Duke and Dutchefs of Queentberry. 769. GEORGE BICKHAM. 108. . A few heads. | 770. S, COIGNARD. 771. T. JOHNSON. stom Kip. Born at Amfterdam. — Palaces and feats. ~ He died 1 in Weftminfter at near 70, in the year 17226. 773. GEORGE KING. Portraits. — ohn King engraved the plates. for ah art of defence. 774.. S. NICHOLS. 775.) JOSEPH SIMPSON. 776. PETER VAN GUNST.. 1713. Whole lengths after Van Dyck, &c. 777. ROBERT WILLIAMS, Of Wales. — A good mezzotinter. — $ir Richard Blackmore. R22. 278. W, | pee 778. W.WILSON. © © 779. MICHAEL VANDERGUTCH, Of Antwerp. Scholar of Boutatts and Maf- ter of Vertue. Anatomic figures — the Royal — Navy — a print of Mr Savage, &c, He died — 725 780., GERARD VANDERGUTCH, ‘His fon; born 1697. He chiefly practifed etching. —- Six academic figures after Cheron ~ — Chefelden’s Ofteology —- Cupola of §. Paul’s —~ Tancred and Erminia from Pouffin, 781, CLAUD DAVID. € ) “OF Burgundy. 782. CHEREAU Juntor. 783. BERNARD LENS. ‘A mezzotinter and drawing-matfter. =_ * He . fometimes etched. — The judgement of Paris in mezzotinto from Lely ; and a multitude of _ fmall hiftories and landfcapes i in the fame way, : -— He died in 1725. 784. BERNARD LENS, Junior. - His fon.— The painter in water-colours. He etched id “ffagg.y% etched two or heh little gawinebocks Hs land{cape. | 78s. SAMUEL Moore. 786. SCOTIN. Belifarius from Van Dyck. 787. ENGLISH. He ma Chrift and the difciples at Ema- us after Titian, and died in 1718. 788. HENRY HULSBERG. Born at Amfterdam. Portraits, — He died in 1729. 789. JOHN FABER, ‘ Born in Holland..— Mezzotinto. 790. JOHN FABER, Junior. : A great number of portraits in mezzotinto. -—— He far furpaffed his father. : 791. EDWARD KIRKALL, Born at Sheffield in Yorkfhire. Arms, ftamps, ornaments, and cuts for books. He difcovered a new method of printing, compofed of etching, mezzotinto, and wooden ftamps. 792. JAMES 4 826 1 ees 792+ James ‘CHRISTOPHER LE “BLON. ~ He - Aifcovered a method of giving colour to mezzotinto, and thereby imitating paintingty. 793. JOHN SIMON. 73 Born in Normandy. Portraits in mezzotinto from Kneller. | He died about 1755. 794... Li Borrarp. 47z5. A Frenchman and very neat workman, He engraved chiefly for books. — - Anatomic figures. ~- the rotunda after Panini — and the plates hor Spence’s Polymetis. ; 795. B. BARON, The ftory of Achilles from Ruberis — the: Cornaro Family — the Earl of Pembroke’s Fa- mily — the Family of Naffau — fome other. confiderable pieces after the beft mafters — a few portraits — and a great number of other works... He died 1762. | 796. HENRY GRAVELOT. Plates to Hanmer’s Shakefpeare, and a view of Kirkftall Abbey. ; 797+ » JOHN Ping. Bren os The ‘seremonies at oy revival of the order of ~ | o SOUpie he fs 127 d the order of se Bath — the Tapelitry j in the Houfe of Lords — Romie, &e. 798! Artuur Ponp. : He etched his own head, Dr Mead’s, and Mr. Sadler’s. ! 799. HENRY FLETCHER. 1729. 800. CAREY CREED. tH Nace 801. . JOSEPH WAGNER. 1733. 802. THOMAS PRESTON. ” 803. JOHN LAGUERRE. 804, PETER FOURDRINIERE. 805. JAMES GREEN. _ Not Fohn. — Bred under Bajire, who was mo engraver of Maps; but did cuts for Don Quixote from the defigns of Hogarth, &. That the continuation (I may fay with ’ © the accomplifhed Mr Walpole) will afford a *¢ brighter lift, one may augur, from the pro- *S tection given to the arts, from thé riches 3 and fee and flourifhing ftate of our dominions, arid ““ from the mafters we actually poflefs.”” —— Let not the loud cries for Liberty drown once again the fmall voice of Genius! \ ioe eae FS at BSH > 1 a a ) THe A .CATALOGUE, = &c.', ~ oe Piet Day's Sales LOT ie | i Ae H. Vander, Dutchman, 1 head — 1700. Anacco, Ant. Malian, 3 Archite@ure i 1550 — + *ABacus, Marius, Ital. 1 Hiforical, RR — 1630* *ApBAs, P.Vincentius, Jéal. 1 Hiftorical, R — 1680). 2 Apps, H, Dutch, 2-Ornaments vn — 1670 4 Axnents, Leon, Germ. 1 Hiftorical pe eee NS ae *Apxkou, J. Germ. 1 Land{cape, R oa 5 Apam, P. Engi. 2 Land{capes — 3 Apams, R. Engl. 1 Title. — — . Aexst, Nic. Van. of Bruffels, 1 Obelitk —y AGwNettt, Fred. Jtaf. 1: Archite@ure. °” 1600, * | Acucenta, Giov. Ital, 1 ArchiteQure. = 20° 1589 ok AxeEn, J. Van, Dutch, 3 Land{capes, 1 Cattle Etchings, 1590" —* A, B..1 Emblem — nh — 1610 « 4 AKERSLOOT. Germ, 2 Port. 1 View, | Hitt. 1 Title, RR 1620 . AGOSTINO, de Van. Agoftino, Ital. 1 Hiftorie + Arpertt, Cherubini, Mal. 5 Hift. 2 Heads, 30rma, 1600 ~ 6 ALpecraver, Hen. Germ. 22-var. Imali'Subjeéts, <1590 7 ALDEGRAVER, Hen: Germ. 1 Port. 11 fmall Subje@s; 1590 ¢ & ALDEGRAVER, Hen. Germ. | Portrait of F, Van Leiden, RR : alas . Wa Sa | es ote. #9 Attaw, D. Dutch, 2 Adordtion Etchifigs!”\ a / J3op. *Artarn, Abr. Germ, ‘1 Build, 1 'Fightes) .) 700 es het Fe Ae t rf ALLE, J. Charles, Frenchman, I Port. I. Saint, a rite | 1Hit, | we 1690 “10fArecRT: “Ant. or Corrégio: lial. <1 ‘Hit. RRS 1580 . Aten, Franc. Dutch, Portrait © pant ga 0: ¥% ALMELOVEEN, John, Dutch, 2 Landf. Piohings; - 1690 11 Avrporrer, Alb. Germ. 28 various fmall Subjects, 1510. 12 ALTporrFer, Alb. Germ. 2 Hiftorical .- — 1510 | Amine, C.Guftavus, Germ, 1 Port. 1 Hitt. - 1670 13 Ammon, Joft. Germ, 13 Hift. Wood Cuts | NGS yr) Aximon, Clemens, Germ. 2 Titles =. 1650 f Ammon, John, Germ, 3 Antiquities, 1 Figure, if 1620 14 Aue Ra Ni, Andrea, Ital. 7 Woed Prints — 1590 ' 15 Anprrot, Franc, Fr. 2 Portraits © 7, — 1670 \" “Anpbroust, Jacques, Fri’ 2 Build. = © — = §1610 Anicuinyi, Pietro. Ital: 2 Portraits’ - — 11650 Antonio, M. Vide Raimondi : <-. *Antonius, F. Ital. 1 Saint, & _ 1660 A APPELMANS, G. Dutch, A Head, 4 Bas 167Q 6. Aqwiza, F: Farone, tial. 3 Pitt, 3:7 tele — b6S0 18 AaQuiLa, Pietro, Ital. " 3 Hiftorical, 1 Title, 1 Portrait, ai mezzollnto ae ae nae Ga meaisin gaye r °1690 _ 17*Armentvus, Arnold, Jial. 1 Hitt, RR — . 1550 .. *ARNouLLET, Jobn, Fr. 1 View shai wood, 1560 eo RNOULE, IND FF 14 Pome 160 I8*Arteaca, Math. Spaniard, THe "3 veil. 1 Head, : 1 Embl, — pe neat ~ 1670 , DARTEAGA, Fran. | Emblen > Lea ee ee *ARTHUR, Engl. \ Title — 5, EEO (i ASTOR; Daven, Span.) Title- co -— 1610 “ag Assen, J, Wal ter Van, Dutch, 4. Hifi, Wood Cuts, - YRIO \ AuBer, L. Fr. 1 Head ‘ay TE GRD j.. Aunry, Abr. Fr. Port. I Title, 1 Land{cape, - 1650 XO) Ausry, Peter, Germ. 5 Portraits. . Wane o¥y —e1 SAupewnarn, Roh. fr. 8 Hitt. 1 Port. l Vale, oka “DEVO 92 AWDRAN, ‘Claude, i. . 1 Head PO St? ee Aupzan, Karl. Fr. 4 Hift, 2 Titles, 1 Pope, 1620 Vc. yee 2an, Germain. fr. 1, Hitt. 1 Portrait, 23 Auprayn, Gerard, M5 Hiftor real woe 24, Aupnain, Benoift, John and Louis, fr. 5 Hit. 25 AVEELEA a; Duich. 3 Hitt. 2 Titles, 1 Build, HEN ew, wAalts eDuohy > A Baud Saba Avetine, sAnth. Fr. .2 Trophies “Ave .ine, G. Dutch, 1-Garden 26 Ayizus, Gatper ab f/al. 3, Hitt, 4 27 AVONT, Pe er, Dutch, ed | Titles» . “‘Avroux, Nic. Fr... 1 Port.'d Saint, 2 Titles, i: AYRES, Tho. Engl. 2 Spectr nens, of Writing, ree > agett. lohné Germ, 1 Port. Y Battle, 1 Building, — a Ge ee Pe oe A s a a e TU eae ag Pm nae ga OD past Bieri 4 chs = Bi, are atid curious Pr ‘ints, with Mariirtants many. not mentioned in Profefor Chrift, with Dates. i a vo eae ca é' 4 / 2 1 Five, various _ “2 Twenty, ditto, without Dates 8 Three; difto, very ancient 4 Hight ditto, fome ancient -5 Fifteen, ditto 28" BacKEREEL, Will. Dutch, 1 Hiftorical . 4620 - ¥BackxHusen, Lidolph. Germ. 3 Sea tia s BO ‘ 1630 29yBapaLtocenio, Silto, tal. 6 Hiftorical — 1600 30 Bapiatt, Aleffan; /tal. 2 Hiftorical = 1650. 831*Bascx, Elias, Germ. 2Caftles, 1 Hit. RR GatO7 32 Barner, John Alex. Germ. 4 Portraits “— §1670 _- Bars, Mart. Germ. 1 Portrait, | Hitt. = 1670 33 Bairnu, Bern. fr. 1 Portrait, 1 Build. 1 Saint, 1670 *Barttiu, Peter, Dutch; 2 Port. 1 Bithop, Y Build, 1630 a SRarwey, J... Fri 2 Flowers» 11690 $4 Babes, at Span. 1 Build, Etching a 1670. *Batpes, Lucas, Span. 2 of Emblems; Etching, | 1670 +4*Batpi, Lazaro, I/al: 1 Hitt. ne bOaO: a $5 Batvune, Hans, Germ. 5 Hitt. Wood Cute. 1530 36 BaLpona, Mans Germ: - 8 Horfes, Waod Cuts. 1530-4 37 Banex, Peter Wand. Duteh; 2 Port. 1 Iron Work, 1679 BAPTISTA, Jacques, Dutch, 2AM — 1690 a 38*Barara, L. fal. 1 Landf. RR — 1590 \ Barse, John Bapt. Dutch; 6 Hift. — ~" 1630. + BARsrent, Dom: del,’ Ital. 2Hift; 1 Anatom: R +. 1576 | ARBIERT, John, Franc. or Guercino, /tal, 1 Landfcape, he 1 Samt; Etching, RRR a 1620 , 40*BareEA, J. Germ. 1 Hitt. oe 1590 | *Baren, Juft. Vand Germ: - 1 View of a City,” 1590 $¢ Bareas, Ae ok Dutch; 3° Caftles aind Landfcapes te Etchings, R 1690 . *Barick, F. Portug. 1 Peter ab Pore — .1660. a Aly BaRLow, Francs; Brgl, “1 Port. 1 Faby, rTie.<2 Hit. < 1860-4 42 Baron, John, Fr. 2 Port. 2 Hift. 1 Title, 1650, = ) 43 Barra, John, Engl. 2 Hilt. 1 Ornament, : 1620 | % BarRroccio, Fred, . Zéal. Ta. wood, 1Madona, ISaint, « ees 1560 ¥ er Rage ce Sebatt. Be 2 Sea Finda mezzrotinto, 1700 " » Barret, Giacomo, Ital. 1 Hilt. ee Ga a 5): PPAR Ree Dom, > Hilt, ( Landl 1 Title; dBig. hit 1 Scene. — a) ne eet 1640 y 29 Barrout, P, Sanéte, Jtai.: 5 Hi. 1 Build, 1a6u Bartsceu, Godf. Germ. 1] Head, 1 Hitt: OT GIG 46 Bary, H; Duich, 2 Port. i Hig. 2hamorous, | 1650 a SNe ot aS ae Ra Ad Nova ph bi BRC ae ie sy eel ae ok i Wg ey A ; 46*Bassay, Cefar, Cera. 4A Hitt. Pte pee eee 162| *Bassze, W. Dutch, 1 Hitt Ppeaee: 2 eae “Bassr, Martin, Dutch, 1Port. 2Titles © — 159) -) Bavper, Steph, Fr. 2Port. 1.Landf. an etching, 1671 “Bavpoins, A.F. Fr. 2 Landf, 1 Hitt. —~ 9. F66if «48 ‘Bavupovux, Rob. de, Fr. 1 View with Shipping, R 162) 4 yBaur, John Will. Germ. 6 Landfcapes vand Battles etchings, R° —— — ~ 1634 49 Baucin, J. &. ‘It Portrait YS — Re eas _ Bazecuo, Ercole, Landfcape with Shipping — 164¢ Bazreanva, Hercules; Dutch, Cavaleade, R . 164(| Bazin, Nicolas, Fr. ‘. | -Port,. t Saints Ath 2 ) feet _ *Be, Jean le, Fr. ~ 1 outline of Heads — 161 ay Beatrici, Nic. Ital. 5 Hitt, 1 Equeftrian, 1 Heal: A A 155¢ ey “Beaupoux, Day. Pr. 4 various oe a 1676 51 Becker, Ifaac, Eng. . 3 Mezzotinto, Jine, and 2 various if ; 1686 eS * Beam PRERS, ©.) Ef. at ~_ - T66C *Becuon, J. Fr. 1-Landfcape, etching - —. . 167 52 ‘Becxer, Ifaac, Eng. 1 Countels of. Weftmorland, Ae mezzotinto, RR i — 168C ; 53 Becket, Iaac, 2 The Lady Williams, ee. mexzotinto, nA fine, RR « —_ -— anata 1680 4 4 Broa, Cornelius, Germ. 3 Converfation, &c.. 165¢ "Bewag | Hans Sebald, Germ. 1 Dutch Fair, curious, tn pee wood “— _—- — 1546 a Beuam, H, Sebald, 40 various fmall Subjeéts, fies, (15AC Ee 56 Bradn; Bartholemew, Germ. .4 Hiftorieal — 1540 % 57 Bercn, F. Joachim, Germ. 3 Landf. etchings, ee RR 1690 | 58*Briczr, Conrad. Germ, 1 Map. - aa L630 . | Berta, Stephano de la, J/al.. - 6 various —_ "1640 cane Berar, John, Dutch, 1 Hifts fmé. oo. 9c © VO8G . $9 Berua, Steph. /tal. 20 various ~ ~— i a | 60 Bexrances, Chev. James, Fr. 3 Hiftorical — 1680 py Bevui, James, Fr. 5 Hiftorical oo 164% 61*BeLLows, P. Mich. Zéal.. 1Honorary Flag, — M1694 “BENDINO, G. Jtal.. 1 Crucifixion, etching, RR. 3) 1580 Bensuemmer, J. Germ. . 2 Ornaments — . 1689 Beratn, Jobn, Fr, 3 Titles, &e. ao ee ETG BeERWINKEL,, John, 1 Madona, capled by Strut Bernynket CDs iow s: LODG 62 Beeenkn Nicol. Cae 4 Cattle Ci eam bon TOG 63 Bercuem, Nicol. 12 Gattle . a 164 2. BERGES, Peter, Dutch. Port, 2 Landf,. Fig: ArTitle, Be ye OOD F 3 Bes Linen, Cainille, Ftaki Lansieunes etchings YL B60 ies Bernarp, Sam. Fr. 1Hiftoriceal — 4 > 166¢ 65 BERNARD, Soloman, Bram Sheets, iAH Uy feed cuts Mie ay “PR by ss Ve sy “TR 5€ eB ratsnnrs, 8. Germ. 1a’ Hinoriedl, Rr < eo ite. | . Bernicerotu, M. Germ. 3 Portraits, Be. 6 ESO -*®Berrenzi; Francis, lta. 1 Saint rue 46 908- Berreruam, J. Dutch, 2 Port. and Archite@. —- 16 ae *Berrouerri, Pietro, ftal. |! Hiftorical, RR 2. F Bag. 7*Beron, &r. 1 Shield and Trophy | —_ r Berres, Pong baal) F ithe 8 yk ee oe 0 -PBaurvcer, James, Germ. 1 Portrait, ee MP HOD *Beverensis, Nicafius, J/a/. 1 Portrait,R © = 1650 Bia Rae oe Ga bat. lial. 2 Portrait and i Neat Lot 1C7Z -Brarp, Peter, Fr. 2 Hiftorical ” — 16% *Bicxxier, Albrecht, Germ. | 1 Portrait sir 1700 38*BripENHARTER, Tobias, Germ. © 1 Ornament, 1610 Bicnown, Francis, Fr. 1 Portrait, proof Sa POOR ew _ BiInneMan, Walter, iat. 1 Portrait,-1 Title, °, 1670". a 39. Binck, James, Germ, 27 fmall ee OS ane 1590) "0 Bincx, James, Germ. 2 Hill. 3 ee 2 Heads, 1 sein ; 3 various _ ey 1590 ~*Brrex, Paul, Germ. $8 Ornaments ip tee 1590 | BrrekHatr, Anth. Germ. 2 Portraits, &c. | 1680 - BirCKENHULT, Paul, Germ. 1 Ornament, 1670. | Biswor, John, Dutch, 5 Hiftorical, 1 Head, 1670 1iMBIsCAINI, Barth. Zeal. +Y Portraits 9 Hit: etchings, 1630. (2%Biscaint, Barth. Iéal. 4 Hilt. etchings, &e. 1630. *Brsz, Bonaventura, fal. 1 Hilt. Lik a 1640) 73 Buacrave, John, Engl. | Title eee ORY: Brancus, Chriflopher, Germ. 1 Tule . — 160@ — .. Brancus, J. Paul, val. 4 Hift. &c. a 1620 ° | *Brave, Ant. Iida. 1 'Title, an etching | — Teo, i cgetheniorcnlats J. G. Germ. 3 Cattle, etchings, RE 1630 (5 BreckurR, |. G..Germ. 2 Cattle; etchings, RR - 16300 6 BLesseEnDoORE, S. Sede, 3 Portraits eae ® 187 |" Buryswick, F. Germ. 1 Hitt. 2 Titles — TCI «: Brozm, A. Germ. 2 Battles - oem Sane) crn || Broemart, Abr. Dutch, 2 Cattle pe 13co 7 Broemary, Fred. Dutch, 8 various et 1620 78 Brormart, Corn. Dutch, “5 Hilt. 2 Portraits, ae kee 1) 79 BLoeEMART, Corn. Dutcli 3 Het. 1 Portrait, 1650 Parroneey) J. Francis, Dutch, 2 Buildings, etchings, 1 16380 7, Biors, Abr. fr. 2-Port. 1 Title eres uae Brow, C. te. Fe... 3 Titles Actor 1620) “ -Bionv, Mich. le, Fr. 2 various Ornaments, Br 1c 0) a 31 BLreonpeau, James, 2 Fr...1 Hif, ¥,Column, 2 Portraits, Po” Water Wheel ree i670 + | Broorgentne, A, Deck, 1 Portrait aie GTO (82 BLOOTELING, ay: ‘Dutch, 1 Portrait, Nell Guynne’s'Son, Ye i 1670. 2 es Sco remite. nA: Dutch, 1 Portrait, 1 Church): 3 Title, A 1 Flowers, 1 ete —— 670 ‘a ve Broorzainc, A. Dutch, 5 Mezzotinto, fine, 1650 = “abs. SO 4 Fraticis a SES 3 Hiftortcal. Rec. RR git | °86*Bocxxin, J.C. Germ. 2 Englith Port. USaint © 167 nates ‘Rochteas Nicol. and *Francis, 3 Hilt. == Tet ~- *Bopiegy, Will. Engl. 1 Title : i ——— =. 168 87 Boru, Hubert, Dutch, 1 Battle, R — 169! Boex, Corn. Dutch, 2 Pork Hae PP eye a GE 88 Borex, Quirinus, Duich, 4 Hilt. 2 rey Menten 166i 89 Bog:, Peter, Dutch, 1 of Animales RE te | obal 90 Borssart, Rob. Dutch, 5 Hift. R yea 1601 Borvin, Rene, Fr, 3 Hift. and Trophies —— —— 157| *Borzort, Claude, Fr. 2 Saints, RR — +» 1681 9] Bore, Rene, fr.- 1 Hilt. | aes oetatit Aaa Bot, Hans, Germ. 3 Landf. R merce SRE of 92 Bor, Ferd. Germ. 3 Etchings, 2 Heads, 1 Hitt. fine, 164 apr 93, Box, Ferd. Germ. .1 Etching Head, Pie — 164¢ 94 Bor, Corn. Germ. 2 Shipping, R — «165k *Botpscurpt, Sam. Germ. 1 Hiff’ R © — — 168¢ Botocnin1i, G. Bat. Tal. eee. Oe sas *Botprinus, Nic. /fal. 2 Wood Cuts; RR!) | 156¢ Bors, Martial and Mich. des, fr. 2 Portraits, 2 Hift. 168( uy 95 Borswert, Boetius Adam, Dutch, 2 Saints, | Cottage 4 1 Madona, 1 Fig. 2Fitles — 161¢ 96 Botswert, S. 4, Dutch, 2 Hiftorical ae 162¢ » 97 Botswert, Scheltiusa, Dutch, 2 Portraits, 1 Prieft, 162¢ - 98 Bonacin1, Gio Batt. Ital. . 1 Hifi, | Tile: li Port. 165¢ ee et ee SR ee Pi -..» Bonawny, Philip, Ival, 2 Architeét. —. 169¢ ' 99 Bonasonr, Julio, Jial. GHiftor. a — 153¢ i 100 Bowasont, Julho, /tal, 3 Portraits » — 1: T5S€ 101 Bonavera, Dominicus, [fal, 1 Hift. 1 Anat. Fi 69 ». Bonavera, Dom. Maria, Ital. 1 Saint, 1 Hift. 169€ -... Bonirace, Natalis, Jéal. 1 Portrait, R — -159€ i Bonnart, Nic. and John, Fr. 1 Metz. 2Part. LHif. 168¢ ie “102 Bonwcrowne, E. ftal. 3 Etching Hitt Ro 167( yaa Borcnr, Henry v. Dutch, @ Figures oo 161( . 103 Borcurt, Peterv. Dutch; 3. Hitt 1 Saint — | 458¢ tes Borexins, Math. Dutch, 2 Port. 2 Saints, ~ 164¢ - * 404 Borciant, Horagio, Ital.. 5 Hilt. 1 Port. fe .. 1606 os Boscurn1us, Mar. Ital. teal 1 Maps ak |» 167C (105 Bosse, Abrah. Fr, 10 Hift. Port. Fig. Title, ie 1630 ‘Bosstvus, Jac. Ital. 2 of Statues, Ro | > — 1562 106 Botn, John, Dutch, 2 Landf. etchings R —-/ 164€ x 106*Borsu, i, and Andrew, Dutch, 1 Head, and 2 of Figures, _. 1640 | 407 Boricett, Sandro, I¢al. 2 Crucifixion, 1 Prophet, RR147¢ 208 Borrscuitp, Sam. Germ. 8 Heathen Nyipeney> an 168@ Ings : “> a Bouc#e, Martin, Dutch, 3 Port. 1 Hil various, 1680 iy 109 Bowcner; John, Fr. 3 various : 168¢ “ *BourK Le, Anna v.' Dutch, .1 Portrait, R aes ' 1696 ie *Boucuet, E, Fr, 1 Land, etching, L Head, R 3 1700 On rw sae Sor. of Tre ieee PY AVE ey we ee Pree ey iil etic scat, '’ RP FE Diet ty We EN one OP AM ee Ae sae) ( ; ' ” A wa hae hae 4 ‘ Poe *Boupay, Ll. Fr. 1 Pott, } View, Ro | «1680 | 10 Boup, R. Germ. 2 Port. 1 Flowers, wood, R =~ —«:1590 ae BOULANGER, J. Fr. 4 Port. 4, Madona, I Title, 2 Vig- nettes —— Seamed 1650 u I¥Boutocne, Louis de, Fr. 3 Hiftorical, etchin 1ZS, 1640 J - Bovuuowots, E. de. Fr. 5 Portraits | —_— 1570 '12*Bourpon, A. Fr. ‘1 Saint, R 1610 -¥-Bourpon, Seb. Fr. 2 Biching Hitt. cue ly 16490 + Pky Bourrays, Fred. Dutch, - 2 Portraits — PSD | 4 Bourtrats, Gafp. Duich, 2Port. 1 Title, 2Views, 1620 Hogans, Philibert, Dutch, 3 Port. 1 Mufical Boys, 1640 — *Bouttrars, Gerrard, Dutch, 1 Sea View, 1 Hift. R 1670 114*Boypr, Jacob, Coin VView of City, R 1680 _ *BoxpeRGER, M. Germ. 1 Wood Cut to Teffament, 8 1570 Waa des se Geo. Batta, 1 St. Peter and an Etching, R , Brarn, Nicol. Dutch, 1 Hitt. _ 1600. Braen, Corn. Dutch, 6 Hift. 1 Embl. » — 1600. 115 BramBrtia, Ambros. fal. 5 Archited. called. by Strut — Brambini 1580 biG BRANDT, R. Germ. 1 Etching, Hiftorical — 1660 *BRAENHAL, N. Germ. 1 Fig. of Pallas, RE 1590 *BRAMVERE, Pafchafius, Dutch, 1 Etehing Hift. RR... 600 117 Brary, Jacob de, Germ. 1 Etching, his own Portrait, R ! 1660 — -*Bravet, J. du, 4 Hift: 2 Heads _ POTS Bresis,.}. Bapt. Fr. 1 Title to Architecture, 1680 BREMDEN, D.v. Germ. 1 Head — 1660 11SWBRepteTte, P. Fr. 8 Etchings, Hift. R .TGROE | JfO*BRECKERVELD, H. Germ. 1. Portrait, - 1620 Breew, G.iv. Germ. Mufic and Converfation, 1630 ‘ To. poe clade; é ‘Recon Day’s Sale.” a § * + Nee 120 Bink Barth. Gee 7 1 Bichings, Vani RR nk Paine : 16: : / gat Brenpen, D, v. Germ. 3 Porktaits, Title, 1668 . BREsane, Hans, Germ. . 2 Hift. Wood Cuts, R ~ 1510 aie Paul, Dutch, i. Landi. RR — » 1590 RIOT, J. Fri 2 Portraits, 1 Hiftorical, ©«.— ~ 1620 os *Brrson, Geo. Batt. I/al. 1 Archite@, | 1690 >>> Brissart, P. Fr.’ 4 Trophies — * 1670 12S Bric'cio, Francifco, Jal. 1 Hitt. RB. mer 2 1600 Brixrensis, Gio. Ant. Jtal. ’ ‘Hercules aK ea tee RR 1500 abe Baorens! a 2 Etchings, Landf and Battle, R #680 Broeck, Crifp. v. Dut ich 2) Hitt, BE a i TOS is, Broxgn, C.:v. Dutch, >, Hiftorieal 22) 5° 1670 bs Bis 5*Broen, Ww. ie Dutch, 2 Port. 2 Dateh Subjeas, y 1700 -° *Broecn, A. vy. Dutch, »1 Map — 1620 est) ie Baek ee) i G. Dutch, 2Port. and Archiee etehings, R = : , 1600 ie Pa BrosameEr, Hans, Germ. 13 Crucifixion, Em jine, 1530 307 Brosamer, Hans; Germ. 7 various, woodteuts, .. 1530 - he einwtes noeee James, Dutch, 1 Landl. etching, 1670 Broucx, Mart. v. 2 Landf. with Figures, R- 1620 ~ 799 Browwr, Adrian, Germ. 4 Port. Beggars, &c. R , 1630 130 Brown, Alex. Engl. 1 Portrait of Charles LI. mexz. RR : 1670 ft has been doubted whether this Artift ever fertined any Plates, : 13! Brucce, H!P. Dutchy 2Shipping = 1670 Bruccen, J. v. Dutch; 2 Portraits,’ mets. ie S50 ~ Barua, J.B. Germ. 4 various - Lage 1690 132 Bruin, Abr. de. Ditch, 13 various nail Subjeats, 1570 133 Bruin, Nic. de, Dutch, 11 Hitt. and fmall vey, 1590 134 Brun, Haac, Germ. “2 Portraits 1610 “s¢ Baun, Ch. le, A. 2 Port. and Hil. . . +=. 1640 I N Dt Be Met Avot : 442, Adams, Robert 659. Aelft, Nicolas van 234. Agegas, Ralph 647. Agoftino Venetiano 28. Albert Durer 6. ——— Junior —— Albert Flamen 192. Alberti, Cherubin 113. Aldegrever, v. Aldegraft. 32. Altorifer, Albert 21. Amberger, Chriftopher 194. Amman, or Ammon, Jodocus or Joft 119. Andreano, or Andreaffi, Andrea 136. Aquila, Francis 626. , Peter 625. Audran,. Benoit 421. Charles 587. ‘Claude 420. ——__—— Gerard —— ———— jean — Aven, Leond’ — 65. Avibus, Cefar de 189. B Backhuyfen, Ludolf 396. _ Badalocchio, Sifto 205. 362, Badiale, Aleffandro Baron, B —— John Baronus — Baillu, Peter: Bakker, James Baldini, Baccio Balleftra, Antonio Bandinelli, Baccio . Baptifte Barbé, John Baptift 5 170 Barbiere, Domenico del 3617 Barbieri, Giov. Franc, 2264 Barlow, Francis” Barra, John Barri, Giacomo di Barriere, Dominique Barroccio, Fred. | Bartoli, Pietro Sante Bary, H. ” Bafire ———— 805, hal aA Ant. Fr: ranc. 597, Baur, Willem Bazin, Nicolas Beatricetto Beatrici, ‘Nicolas Beauvais Beccafumi, Dominico _ Becket, Ifaac 75 Beham, Bartholomew . ————=-—— Sebald [adel 178 IN a eick, Fr. Joachim 467. Beitler, Matthias 243. Bella, Stefano Della 285. Belli, Jacques 588. senafchi,-Giov. Batt. 406. ~ Benfheimer, J ae x: Benfi, Giulio 326. Berghem, Nicolas 354. Bernard le Petit ~ —-.199. Bernard, Samuel 319. Helen Jean 566. efozzi, Ambrogio 436, Bettes, John. 649. Beutler, James sss 1 Bickham, George 769. Bignon, Francois 586. Binck, James at: Bifcaino, Bartolomeo 400. Bifchoff, John de | 439. Bifi, F. Bonaventura 313. Biffchop, John de 439. Blecker, Corn. g27,, Bleker, Corn. — Blefendorff, S. 565. Bloemart, Abraham —217. - Cornelius 267, ————— Frederic Blond, James Chrift.le} 79%" = —-—— Michaelle 272. Blondeau, Jacques 598. Bloom, A or: Blooteling, Abr. ie Bocholt, Francis Pref. Boel, Cornelius 235, 669. —— Coryn 350, Boel, Peter Ane SORT GS | Béitard, Lo ehee eta Bol, Ferdinand 300, 344. Bolognefe - 1 'Giov. Batt. 308. —-—— Giov. Franc. 273. Bolognini, Giov. Batt, 308. Bolfwert, Adam 231 ———— Boetius a- ———— Schelte a Bon de Boullogne 447. Bonacina, Giov. Batt. 502. Bonart, Nicolas “599. 7 Robert Site Bonafone, Giulio 183. Bonaventura, F. Eyer Boniface, Natalis 138. Bonnemer, Francois © 600, 212. Borcht, Henry van der} 63% ————— Peter van der 104. _ Borekins, Matthew’ 518. Borghiani, Horatio 256, Borgognone 347. Bos, Cornelius 63. ———--———— James 82. Bofc, Claude du 765. Bofch, Corn. van den 63. ——~——. James 82. Boffe, Abraham 416. ——— Antony 340. Both, John pus one Sandro >, Aras oulanger, Jean 386.. Boullogne, Sod deine cof | ———— Louisde . —— Bourdon, Sebaftian 323. Bour- 183. — | oP ©) he we lis ae eae 7 ee Oe oP Om GH Abe fa er ad, UC, Ve cee eee e EeU PeR er eee! TP ee ars aN Ree TAL er OM rTP, Mie Lee ky el & Nal DeSA Ne mes eb neste pee Mec aN ty Lath be ; 7 F *Brun,. Gab. le, Fro 2 Port. and Hitt. PORE wi TOG - + 45 By sg, James de, Dutch, 3 Hift. and Port. , = 1600 Monograms. B he ret “Cawvrt,, Dom. Mar. Jal. 2 Etchings, Hitt. R. ae 6G CAaPipELL, Bernard, Jal: 4 Hift. J Port. Rvs -'163¢ 5 Caraio, Jacobus, Ital. 1 Pontifical Marriage, Re 152 *CARAIO, Jac. Ital, 1 Saturn, B dee OME SE MG Garni, Ludov. Ital. 1 Hitt. Etching, ° any. -— 159¢ 156 Carracct, Ludov. Stal, 3 Hitt. Etchings, Ro» 1586 * Carraccr, Agoft. Ital, 9 Hift.1 Port. R » 1586 xg 157 Caracer, Agofl. Ital. ¥ Dead Chriff, 1 Port. R 158¢ ae 158 Caracct, Annib. I/al. 6 Hit. - — 158¢ 159 Caraccr, Annib. Jral. 3 Hilt. 1 Head ~ — 1586 “(160°C ARkeENzENUS, Ant. Jzal. 1 Satirical, Ry “—— 1584 *Carontus, Fr. Maria, Jtal,24 Hiftorical, 2: 168¢ Caron, Ital. «1 Sans, he ane! Cars, S. Dutch, 2 Heads : ) *CargutTuer, A. Scotch, 1 Coat of Arms mew 7 1698 23€161 Carpr, Ugo de, Ital. 2 Block Prints, Hift. fine, R 1500 -¥161*C ARPI, Ugo ae Ttal. ' 3 Block Prints, Hift. fine, R 1504 x~ 162 Cantariny,.S Jia, -4Etching, Hifl, Ro e-- "1646 365 Carpront, Giulio, Z/al, 4 Etchings, | Hitt, 1640 164 Carter, Will, Lvgl. 1 Etching, Hift. = | 1660 Casa, Nic. dela, Ieal, Pot. ola Statuary, fine, R 1584 es Oa dsrernt, Giese Mars. si Samet mee 1620 o 165 CasticLion1, Gio. Bened. Ltal. 5 Etchings, various, fix &, 1646 % 166 capac coy Gio, Be ened. Jial. 2 Etchings, fine, 1610 ear SATENARO, J.B. Téa, 1 Etching, Hitt. —. 1689 ok OAT h BT, The. Engl. 2 Lathe, Gee. — + 1680 he Sahatiligd Ge Gu Wes DL ey Ce een hd oe ake : Ms HE aoa es Gi wACLERIES J. Batt... Stat 08 ero, a ts 1570 168*Cavarortis, Margarita de, Ival. 1 Etching, Hiit. # 167 f CauKkErRkon, Cor. v. Dutch, 3 Hilt. 2 Port. 1 Title, 1650 me Cause, Heat Bri. 5 Port, Hit, we ee 1690 ah Crere, Tho, Engl ol Portal fee 1630 *s./169 Cesrus,. Carlo, Hall! 4H. 2 eee 1660 | SO ONC Ba wee By dat Gir aes heen —_——— 17.00 Ling). *CHAMPLEMON, Ai Fr. a Battle: RR! iy 11600 # 70 Crapreron, Nie. fr. 3 bit. Be ss 16 10 | COASTELLUS, “GIO. vara 2 tae, — ‘ 1620 | - ‘Cratirion, Louts ie Fr, 1 Siege}. — 1680 : Casterzius, ‘Will, 2 Serip. Hift. — 1660 % 17 Cuavvean, Hata ie 19 Ait Paris 925 ese } 172 Cunron, Eliz. dela Haye, Ee 2 of Gems, 1670 v ea Cueron, Ludov. B.. 1, Hit Ve 1690 “ Craat, Fabr. dial. 8 Etchings, Hite is = 5 heae 173 Crrstout, Fro ae Hift . et 1680 *“Cuhrrecee, M. Giov: Germ. 4 Atch, — 1589 “Crarewe. John, Bugl: , 3 Port; &ei — 1630 *Chusert, M. flail. 2 Initialsin Wood — 1560 174 pa REE, Will, £xgéd, 1 Port, of Shower, mel, fine, R 1680 } * ry 7 ‘ y | ie Ny De Es Bourlier, Francois 567: Bouttats, Gafpar Gol. Bragge, Francis Z de Brandt, Sebaftian } bo J Brauer, Adrian 283. Brebiette, Pierre 5809. Breenbergh, Barth. _,. 382. Brown, J. 726. Bruggen, John van der 556. Brun, Charles le » peter —— Gabriel le Brunn, Ifaac 409. Brunner, Francis 207, Bruyn, Abraham de 83. —— Nicholas de 146. Bry, Theodore de 107, 658. Buno, C. 389. Burani, Francifco 503. Burghers, Michael 736. Burgmair, Hans 20. Burnford Pitot Bufinck, Louis 603. Bye, James 202. X, Bye, Marc de 557 | C a Cabel, Adrian van der 397. Callot, Jacques 239. Campagnola, Dominico 16. Giulio —— Canta Gallina, Remi - 48s. Breughel, Peter 197, 198. Cantarini, Simon 304. Brefanck, Hans 2s1, Canuti, Dominico 349. _ Brefcia, Giov. Ant. dig. Capitelli, Bernardino 504. —— Gioy. Maria di Caracci, Annibale 141. Bretfchneider, Andr... 170. —— Agoftino — Bricci, Francifco 184. ——— Francefchino —— Brie, Theodorede 107, 658.. — Ludovico see Brill, Paul 193. Caraglio,.Jacomo " 96. ae ‘ 602. Carlevariis, Luca 464. rizzi, Franc. 184. : ee 180, Broeck, Crifpin van den so Carpi Ugo da FP refa Bronckhorft, John van 268, Carpioni, Giulio 310. Brofamer, Hans 47. Carter. 710. Brouwer, Adrian 283. Carteron, Stephanus 240. Cartwright, Thomas , 675. Cafa, Nicolas de la 196, Caftellus oe Bide Caftiglione, Benedetto 321. Cavaglieri, Gioy. Bapt. ror. Cavalleriis, Giov. Bapt. —— Caukernen, Corn. van 371. Cecill, Thomas 679. Cerceau, Androuet de 84. Cerquozzi, Mich, Ang. 265. Cefar de Avibus 189. Cefio, Carlo 505. Chantry, J. 702. Chapperon, Nicolas 366. Chateau, Guillaume 414, Chauveau, Francois 360. Rz ~ Che- Ao ee ee lcchereet Junior 78.2. Corneille, Michel © Se ‘Cheron, Elis. Sophia 459. Cornelis, Lambert 159; ; ——— Louis a Cornhert, Theodore > 59: Mt ‘Cherubin Alberti. 113. Cort, Cornelius — 96 a Chiari, Fabrizio 341. Coffin, Bours Yeats: 605. j Ciamberlano, Luca 120. +Couchet, Ant. ’ '? 6043" ° B ‘larke, John i gage Courtais, Gallant! Ae yan l William TAT. Jacques 7 Cl ler’: Jean‘Te’ *": 220. ° Cor eae is 568, ——— Sebattien le 408. ‘Coxis, Michael AO pg 7 Clouet, or Clowet, © Coypel, Antoine 365. EB Peter bas 372, ————— Charles —— pCoblent, Herman ——1r4. Noel? Kihei -Cochet,. Ant. 604. Noel Nicolas —— ~ eae Charles Nicolas Craen, Lucas de mrss a —— 335. Cranach, Lucasde — ge -—— Creed, Carey 800. ock, Jerom 62, Crefpi, Giof. Maria’ 465. | Cockion, ‘Thomas 673. Cronach, Lucas de 13 “Coelmans, James 478. Crofs, Thomas © 698. | Coget, Ant. 604. Cruger, Theodore "247. } Coignard, S. 770. : Cunyngham, William’ 624. ¢ Colbenfchlag or Col- Cure Ogee |. benius, Stephen 490. Curti, Francifeo af ehet | Cole, Humphry 648. Cuftos, Dominick 491. Solignon, Franc, 506. ~ Raphael 2o5 : C ollaert, Adrian cae € Collin, Rictiard 539. Dado TOT. ¢ Collins, John 739. Dalen, Cornelius van’ 545+ — Richard 740. Dammeze, Lucas - © 10. EA Solyn, Michael 130. Danckerts, Cornelius 488, ; Congius, Camillus 497. ———— Dancker _ Conrad, A. 555: Danet, Louis’ 4 obo E Coriolanus, Barthol. 169. Dannoot, PS -606,: ai Joachim Theod.—— Jaret, Pierre He bee 2 John Bapt. —— D’Aven, Leon ect _ Corneille, Jean Bapt. 426, David, Charles ie avi ee he : 75 CIAMBERLANO, Lucas, [fal 1 Port.2 Hit. R 1600 » *Cinectus, Jacob, Jal. .1 Madona, etching, RR © 1650 16 Crassens, D. Dutch, 1 Hift. pa 1660 > Crern, Franc. Germ. 3 Titles, and Ornam. 1640 Cuerc, Sebaftian le, Fr: 7-Hitt. Landf. &c. 1660 77 Curive, Hen. v. Dutch, 3 Views, R — 1580 Crocs, Nic. Dutehy 2 Hilt Re —* 1580 78 CrowetT, Alb. Dwich, 4 Hitt, Port.&ce° . — 1660 -, Crower, Pet. Dutch, 4 Hilt. Port. &c. ei BOO 79 Cortent, Herm. Dutch, | Fig. of Vulcan, & 1570 by Cochin, Nic. Fr. 1-Landf.. 2 Hiit. —_ 1660. » Cocet, Anth. Dutch, 3 of Boys, 1 Port. 1680 80 CocHiN, Noel. R. fr. 1 Battle, 2 Hift — 1690 ~ Cock, ferom. Dutch, 3 Land. 1 Hift. R 1550 Cock, Gerrard, Dutch, 1 Map —— ~~ 1680 Cock, John, Glaus de, Dutch, 1 Etching Hift. R . 1660 81 Cocxson, Tho. Engi. * } Port. of White, fre, tof Armour, 4 pay | —— a 1630 82*Corrker, G. Germ. 1 Port. R —— 162 CozLemans, Jacques, Dutch, 5 Hitt, and Figures, 1690 > *Cokssevox, Ant: 1 Figure, R 1690. 83 Cozremans, J acques, Duteh, 6 Hift. Port: and Flowers, : 1699 84 Cogenranpr, Lawr. Ditch, 1 Port, —- 1690 » *Cornrats, A, Duich, 1 Head ee 1650- ~ Courn, or N. Cochin, Germ. 1 Battle sna 1670 ¥ Ware gpad Fr. 1 Execution _- “W650. » *Cots, po Germ Fk Hitt: | on 1640. Morpeweryus, oieph, fial. JAR eT) Cone, Hump. Engl. -1 Map, RR. The anly Print by this. Ariéift —— we 13:70 85 Cotrarert, Adr. Dutch, 3 Hitt. 2 Animals, fne, 1600 86 Corzaerr, Adr. Dutch, 2 cult and 12 {mall Subje@ts, 1550. — 86*CottareRT, Hans, Dutch, 6 Hill. &e. —— 1600 87 CorrGnon, Francis, Fr. 3 Hift, and Landf, 1640 ie *Coiret,. Louis, Pr 4 Ornam. and Figures, R 1610 . 88 Coruins, Rich. Engl. 6 Port. Hift. Title, &e. 1660. & Coxtins, John, Engi, 3 Hilt, 3 Port. 3 Build. 2 Tables, . iY 1 Figure —— noe 1680 . 89 Coompss, Peter, Engl. 1 Metz. Hift. fne, RR 1700 90 Comin, Giov. /tal. 1 Head and Hitt —_ 1630 ComTe,le, fr. 1 Figure a 1690 * *Cowtt, Fra. Cecchi, Jtal.. 1 Infide ofa Chapel, R 1680 \ Coninex, Corn. Dutch, 2Port,RR = = — RBS Os bY Conna pr, ~Abr. Dutch, 2 Port. — 1696 al VOSTANTING, Gio. Bapt. Ital, 1 ‘Triam ph of Bacchus, R it ee 850 C3 res « Coon, Peter, F. 3 Hitt. ° ren 1690 — A pr COrvaNs, John, Engl. ] Ornaments — 1680 if C2 | ze = . pre) Cae Rial a UN ig al, MEN ON \y 7) aoa 5 is i A « he * . Fane | *Coprens, Auguk Dutch, 1 View Aten See Mat MA Oe pi, Lud. Ital. ] Pon. 1 i Tide’ oa tee ta his 164) rw Cornisrr, R. Er, 3 Titles, 1 Map,R = =— 192 Corpusa, Fran. (al. 2 er Fountains ~ Covroranus, Chrift, lial. .5 Wood Cuts, R 154 i Coriot's sis: Gio. Batt. 6 Hitt. Head, and Titles, 162 193*CorroLano, Barth. Lal, 6 Hitt. Wood Cuts, R 163) . 194 Cornernte, M.. Fr. Btching tas: — 167 Corweitte, J.B. Fr. 2 Shooting and Fifhing, “167 y% Cornerite, Mich. Fr. 1 Hitt. — 167 | *CorneLy, And. Fal. 3 State Coaches — 169: *Cornia, D. Fabre del in fial. 1 Mufical, RB Meh ee gl 195 Cor, M. Ial. 1 Hits 160: , *s*Conona, J. Maria, Ita, 1 Shield ) ==, 1401 4 « Gort, eee ict 2 Fitt..2 Heads —— 196 Corr, Corn, Dutch, 3 Hit. pine % 197 Cor TESI, Gy. Tial. J Etching Hitt. seb Strut Cartert a K- ¢ ata edt tae OS een E Fes Bes 166¢ osstn, Louis, Fr. 2 Port. 1 Saint — | 166¢ t Correcio, vide Alleges ses at Coster, D. J Head, 1 Hift.- —— 1706 Corta, James, Ital. 1 Hilt. 1 Port. fine, Ro «* 1606 198 Coucuer, Jofeph, Dutch,’ .b Pork ne 168¢ *- “Cournses) J-de, Fr. 3 °Port, and Titles o— 1620 Couvay, John, Fr. 6 Hift. Se. = 168¢ Couvay, John, mee rex te Port 169( og 199 Covert, ‘Anth, Fr, 1 Satvyss 1, Heady sy 169 »* Cozza, Fr. ftal. 2 Etchi DES: Bane Chaaiy. ee BR 164C 200 CRANACH, Lucas, Germ. % Wood Cuts, fine, 150€ 2 Cwanica Lucas, Germ, 5 W ood Cuts,. five, 150 202 Cranacn, Lucas, Germ. 1 Aig. jie, 3; ead, 500 ; 203; Cr ewowrr ware! ‘Ane lial. 2 Wood, 1 Archite@, R 1560 Lee so Crespiy Gi ufeppe Maria, ta 1 Hitt) R 1690 : *Crisp, B. du F Filia, 1 Gif. RRR: rd fo Pie 204. OH Gix! Uitula dela, Bye ud Heads, 2 Sacrifices, 1700 205*Creirs, Fr. 1 Btn Ho (eee 1600 Caoock, Hub. Germ., 1, Hitt. Wood, RR |... 1490 206. Cross, Tho. Engl 8 Port. 1 Anim, . ose R640 1350 LOE Caucus, fr. 1 Ancient Map a aR UE ET apa iy View 1 in. Rome — — 1660 208 Croce. Theod. Germ. °3 Hitt. 1 Port. 7% poe co TB TO CURENHERT, Dirieck, v. Dutch, 7 Hitt. — 1550 209 Cunotus, Camill. ‘zai. 7 Eig, Titles, &e..R reuiL6da _*Cutor, James, Fr,’ 1 Pane | Cid bIB20 ,CotmBack; Hans, Germ. 1] Crneifnen Reis 1510 210 Curr, Bern. Jral, “4, His Seo aaah Kee ae Curti, Francis, [éal.’ ] Cupid alleen) ak . 1670, Custos, Raph. Gera. 4. Pitles 1649, 211 Custos, Domin. Germ, 7 Falk, riecdeisbateak ~ 1600, NM i fe by ad ad al sai a Se age ¥ Ma ns i é : } 4 ea es aden yay a a Custos, Dav id, Chins ts CRE iy Alb, “Dutch, 4 finall Cattle, RR 2 Hitt oLandt. 1 Map, 11 Seventeen ditto 12 Eight ditto as Daczt, Claude, fal, _ Darcremont, M. Fr. Daris, A. Ital. Dame, Giles la, " *Damepry, J. Lal. 15 Daren, Corn. v. Sen. et Jun. 16 DanxeEgs, Corn. Dutch, 1 Hitt. 3 Port. and' Ornan). 1] oe ero, 1620, Neieand 1610: 1670 16so0- 1660 1590 1640 1610. P aE Hitt. 2 “Tonde with Cattle, 'DANKERS, Danker, Dutch, : Dawnkers, Taha: Datchcd Etching eds by Dawnoor, Pi Be 4. Piles ree Heads Duret, P. Fr. -1669° 1660 1670° 1690 1640 2 Hitt. Wocd Prints, fxe, RRR Bi DaRDant, Ant. Ital. 2 Dutch Scenes, "9 Dassonvitte, Jacques, Fr. 5 ae Hitt. and Landf, R Daven, Leon, Ital. tO*DaucHeER, Germ. Pe DAuneET, J. Fe. Davrp, Char, Fr.. . Davin, Jerom. 1 Davis, Edw. le, Welch, Decker, C. Germ. DgtaraM, Franc. Dutch, '2 Deurt, Will. James, Dutch, 8 Dextrr, W. James, Dutch, i Denan?o; Fr. Stal. oe Ciarianks . 4 Landf. Port. 7 various eee and 7 Titles 6 Port. 1 a itle, Aue I Sete Wace Print, RE, We Deven, PP. Dutch, Deurcn, Rodolph. i Dramaer, H. F. Corn 5*Deucuar, D. Fr. DigePewrecn, Abr. Germ. ee Abr. v. Dutch, 6 DietTeR Lin, Vuindelinus, Germ. Droparrt, Fr. *Dirick, Chritt. Duich, 1 Dirmer, John, Dutch, Draicwsen, D. Duich, i Bat 2 of Churches, V9 Wicd Ruts, various, 2 Domeftic Sabena R. 1 Cattle Etching, R 2Landf. Etchings, Ro 3 Titles, Etchings, l Head of Boyle 3 Hitt. L Poa 1680 1690 1540 1690 1560 1640 1640, 1640 1680 1620 1610 1610 1530 1660 1690 1540 160 1680 1630 1680 1590 1670 1670 1570 1690 Hite Sea ‘aay esos ead ee oe Pag. Coes ere wy ee ee 227 Dozs, Ant. Vander, ‘Dutch, 5 Heads, arc. pk : : 4 4 ; ; = Ln x Dorspurcu, T. Germ. 2 of Sacrifices ~~ Doeticum, John, Dutch, 1 Title, 1 Map, R- Dorticum, Bapt. Dutch, 2 Maps, R -— 228 Dotenpo, Zach. Germ. 3 Hilt. 1 Figure —~ Doxrenvo, Barth. Germ. 5 Hilt. Arch. &c. 229 Dorie, Will. Engl. 1 Port. 1 Fide — Derive: John, Fr. 1 Dutch Piece, 5 var. @rnam. *Doox; B. Dutch, 1 Head, an Etching Beane *Donne, N. Engl. 1 Etching Landf. Bith Venus, &e. 230*Dooms, Gafp. Germ. I Port. o-_ : Sf Doricny, Mich, &. 9 Hift. and various = — 231*Dourtirer, Fr. 1 Plan of a City —_ Doven, le, Fr. 2 Saints oo Deeeksiriek, John, Fr. 3 Port. 1 Fitle SR | ‘Drevet, Peter, &. 1 Headof Charles II. — 1681 232 DreBBer, A. G. Dutch, . 1 St. John’s Head brought t Herod, RRR — 5D 233 DroesnouT, Mart. Dutch, 2 Port. “Shakefpeare, &e. : Titles — FO ee 234 DroesHouTt, John, Dutch, ¥ Port. 1 Hitt. 1 Title, RI Pape . : , 163 ind Day's Sale. a M, Henderic, Dutch, 1.Map, R. 1690 Y ; *Droonstoor, J. C. Dutch, .} Dutch Merriment Etching, Py R ' Ac ‘ sd ea eID Duptey, Tho. Engl. 2 Aelop’s Life fnew -1670 -*Dupot, R. Fr. 1 Hit. Etching, J cosa 1630 ioMDucQueE, Johnle, Dutch, 2 Etchings of Dogs, jine, ce 4 BEDuc, John, Dutch, 3 Etchings, fine, RR — 1660 P| 4@ Ducuer, ever. 2H, — 1640 fj 8 Doucuet, Galp. Pousstn, Fr. 3 Landf. Etchings, RR i 3 vip ete 9 Dunsrat, John, Engl. 2'Port. 1 Build. 7 Flowers, &c. 2 a | ‘1660 1). Durtos, Claude, Fr. 1 Hitt. — \ AZIO * Duranr,J, Engl. 1 Head of James II. R 1680 7 Duretto, Simon, Germ. 4 Port. | Fig. of Atlas 1660, i 24 | DuReE R, Alb. Dutch, 4 Hitt. fine — 14900 = . JURER, Alb. Dutch, 3 Hilt. fine =~ F490 44 SeDuReER, Alb. 1 St. George, wood cut, fine? 1 Horfe, Pies ew fi 3 ; 1490 @ ‘4 Duger, Alb. 2 Heads, 2 Hift. 1 Dogs,. 1,Ir. plate, 1490. L5 Durer, Alb, 4 Hitt. wood cuts, fine — 1490 16 Dure R, Alb. Head; Z Hift. 2 Ornam.8zc. wood cuts, 14.96 Du®er, Alb. M.S —3 A. (Difciples of), 3 Hift, 1500 _, '%eDusart, Corn. -Germ. 8 Etchings, Merriment, &zc. 1690 Fa I8yDusart, C. Germ. 4 Mezz. Playing at Snow-ball, &c. FA pine; Be: i680 $9 Duvet, John, Germ. 2 from the Revelations, Hift. R 1510 *Duysenn, C.Clau. Dutch, . 5 Titles — 1690 * 0 Dyck, Sir Ant. v. Dutch, 2 Etchings, Hilt. &c, fine, R 1620 2, 11 Dyck, Ant. v. Ditch, 3 Etchings and Portratt, fne, R 2 ~ i | "1620 ge | Dyex, Dan. v. Dutch, 2 Etchings, Hitt, 2 1640 : Moxograms. . D | ae 13 Ten various | 14 Four ditto; wood ents, very ancient fcarce 15. Two, Artiff unknown 1460 oe. Keonevist, Maite de, Germ. 3 Bit. Rey yc 1650 ag ‘253. Ecoman, Edw. Fr, 1 Pilgrims, woodcut, RR. 1626 Epvezinecx, John, Germ. 1 Portrait — 167€ Evexnincxk, Gir. Germ. 1 Port. 1 Hitt, — 169€ _ *Epwaros, Peter, Engl. 2 Heraldic os 168C 254 Eeckuout, Gerbraud, v. Dutch, 2 fobs waa Heads, ine: ’ RR — 164€ 255 Eimmart, G, Chriftop. Germ, 1 Hitt. R “Stbeee *Ersennott, Ant. Germ. 1 Herefis Dea, J 1Ag RR or een at 1536 . ‘*Earncer, Gab. Germ. 2 Etchings, emblematic — 1656 | *Evanp, H. Germ. 1 Hitt R — 1690 256 Exper, Will. Engl. 4 Portraits, 1 Fencirg, 2 ) Hitt. 1680 O57 Eistrack, Renold, Germ. 2 Port. a Tiles Tg | #EMMEtt, Will. Engl. 2 Mezz, Port. fine, RR b690 Enoursu,.Jofias, Engl.’ 1 Script. 4 HeathenDeitits, etch, R —__—— e 6 5e 258 ENGELBRECHT, Chriftian, Germ. 2 fon Ovid 1g0¢ ‘ Errar, John. Dutch, 1 Etch. Landf, from Water-loo, R es iy, O59 ERTINGER, Francis, Dutch, 1 Port, fine, 3 Hilt. etchings 1676 260. Eriuincer, Geor. Germ. 1 Title, in wood, RR —. 156€ ‘EYNHOUETS, Renold, or Rombout, Dutch, 4 Hilt. elphingy R SSE 168¢ 28 1 Randhiaeky, Alb. v. Dutch,. 5 Etchings, want fine; | 656 | Monograms. ie E : % 4 16: e 1864 Two Saints in Gothie Niches, Unique. This is the earliet Date, but one, known ona Print, the on Publifhed by Strutt, 1461, is eddie ha the fams aa . as the prefent, .e¢. One Portrait, probably by the fame. Artif, cota about. the fame Date. se Forty- feven Patterns of -various — and Work. . 962 Faser, Peter, Dutch, 1 Title sili @ 1694 Fasper, John, Dutch, 1 Saint NS eepe 169% tN aAparctus, C. Dutch, (4 Etching, a Saint ; 16% Face, Raymond le, Fr. 4 Etchings, allegorical, 167, 063, Fairuorne, Will. Eng. -2 Hift. 2 Port. Pe, he 1644 264 Farrsorne, W. Jun. 1 ik 1 Port. 1 Death’s Head 1 Flowers, efx. eo | 1636 265 Faucx, Jer. Polan. 1 Singing, 3 Port. 3 Plowar, 1 Title 266 Fauco, Angulo, Teal. 2.Etchings, Hit. RR Mas 1351 ome 8 Age» he Baia © | David, Claud 781. H 435+ erom some Davis, Edward le 734. Delaram, Francis 661. Delft, William 200, 695. Della Bella, Stefano 285. Delphius 200. Demer, John 260. Deodate 697. Dervet, Claude 590. Desbois, Martial 607. Deutecum, Baptifta 157. ————. johna se 51. Lucas a ; Pref. Deutfch, Manuel 80. Dickfon, J 703. Does, Ant. van der 558: James van der 351. Simon van der Dofin, Oliver 425. Dolendo, Barthol. 126. Zachary Dolivar, Jean 569. Dolle, William 676. Dorigny, Michel 346. —— Sir Nicholas 763. Drapentiere, Jone F526 Drebber, A. 14.2. Drevet, Pierre M637: Droefhout, Martin 691. Dude John le 407. . Dudiey 09.” Thomas oat. | Bahn Gafpar 315. cian John se Hi x ~ Dunftall, John Prag) Dupuis, Charles 704. Durer, Albert Gi: Junior » —— Dufart, Cornelius 403%... Dyck, Antony Van. --253« E Eckman, Edward 559. Edelinck, Gerard 429. ee eae ——- Nicolas — Elder, William 753: Elfheimer, Adam 160. Elftracke, Reginald pee re ae note 5. neli B7ae apibiore eee i\pifcopius 439. Ertinger, Francis §60. Evelyn, John ni g2e Everdingen, Aldert or ... pfilard spore ieee Eynhoudts, Rombaut 520. F Faber, John ; 789. es) UNION os Fage, Raymond la 422. Faithorne, William 717. rguncrmmuanaat iii ese Falck, Jeremiah S0ix,, Falda, John Bapt. — Fantetti, Cefar 627.) Fantuzzi, Antonio $6.) Farjat, Benoit | Farinati, Paolo ; go. Fer- Se S Mees) bY ei . iy Nae De Bentinainds Louis 612. F eyerabend, Sigifmond 8r. Fialetti, Odoardo 1k4,, Fillian, John =~ 719. Filleul, Gilbert 613. eile antes Peter —— Finiguerra, Mafo or | Tomafo Pref. Fiorentino’ 48. 361. Firens, Pierre 336. Fifcher, John ahh Flamen, Albert 192. Fletcher, Henry 799. Floris, Francis 49. Fontana, Domin. Maria 481. ‘Giov. Batt. 137. , - Veronica A8t. Fontuzi, Antonio 56. Fourdriniere, Peter 804. Francifco, Giovanni 48. Franck, Hans 633. Franco, Giacomo 139. ~ Giov. Batt... 53. Frentzel, George 155. Frey, Agnes 6. Frezza, Giov. Hieron. 628. Frifius, Simon 165. Fruytiers, Philip» Sti: Fulcarus or Furck, Se- baftian 255. sk et VES John 343. wa Py. a? te G » ae ; leftruzzi, Giov. Batt 404. Galle, Cornelius 99. Philip — meee Theodore —— ‘ Eig) XG Gallo, Bernardo. Pk, oi we se: Galter, Leonard” tok Gammon, James". (amperlein, V. _ Gantrel, Etienne Garnier, A. Gatti, Oliver _ Gaultier, Leonard Gaywood, R. Geleé, Claude - Gember! ein, V. Geminiani, ‘Jacinto . Geminie or Geminus, ‘Thomas Genoels, Abraham Gentfch, Andrew Gheyn, "James den Ghezzi, Pietro Leoni Ghifi, Adam Diana — Giorgio ——- Giov. Batt. | Gifford, George © Gillot, Claude Giordano, Luca Giovannini, Giac. Maria Girardini, Melchior ti Glauber, ‘John Glockenthon, Albert Glover, G. Goar, Van Goddard, J... Goltzius, Henry Hubert Goudt, HenryCount Goyen, John JOB ER: van My J2t. ray 494: 281. 338 708, 263. 14, 309. 640. 424. 24.2. 178.) 433. 75s Earnest ats Cee er enemy 696. 482. 504: 471. 5O7« 43 I "i 19. 685. (Ads. ae N83 Sista 218, 248. Goyrand, © 268 Fara, Giov. Battifta, Ital. 6 Views, &e, “4660. Panrerti, Caf, Ital, 4 various, allegorical, R © 1690 269 Farrar, Benoit, Fr. 2 Madona and Hift. 1 Port. 1670 1 270KFakinato, Orazio, Ital, 1 Etching, Hift. RR 1550 | /X¥Farinaro, Paolo, Ital. 3 Etchings, Hitt. RR 1560 74 271 Fauriz, Mich. Fr. 1 Port. 1 Hift sa 1650 | Ferre, Val. le Fr. 1 Hift. etching «a ~ 1680 iwoFerure, Claude le, &. 1 Etching, Port. 1 Anatom. 1670 Fexice, Sim. I¢al. 1 Archit. : Ferpinanpbo, L. Gérm. 4 of Boys, 1 Port. 1 Hift. etch. * ERG, Jr: JP 4 ip 1640 v2 Ferront, Jerom, Ital, 2 Etchings, Hitt. R 1700 _ Feverasenn, Sigifm. Germ: 1 Diana and Ateon,R1580 | XM Fiarerti, Odoardo, [tal. 5 Etchings, Hitt. &c. R 1600 P } 273 Frtirepo, Theod, Ital. 6 Figures, R- — 1670 Fecrevu, Gilb, Fr. } Port. t Tent of Darius 1700 *Frx1021, Ludv. fal. 1 Hift. RR o— ' 1580 274 Frxuraw, John, Engl. °1 Port. I Saint, I Title 1680 Frrens; Pet. fr. i Fithes, | Saint, 1 Ornam. 1640 -*FLAMAN, ie Oe | Battle, etching, R — 1660 75 Fisner, John, Germ, 5 Bible Cuts, tn wood, R 1600. %&Framen, Alb. Dutch, 10 Ktchings, Landf. Fith, &c. 1590 Vad *FoAMEN, FEF. Fr, 2 Etchings, Views, R- — 1760. <4 76*FLann, H, Dutch, | Etching, Group of Horfes, &c. 1690 Pretsurercer,J.F.Germ, 4 Port. 1 Prophet, 1 Title, . 1660 FreisuMan, A.C. Germ. 1 Monument Se PO Freuner, Pet. Germ. 1 Hitt. in wood — 1540 Freur, Nic. W. dela, Fr. | Flowers atl 1630 T7T*FLORENTINO, J.-F. Ital. Temple of Pomona, RR 1540 *Frorentinus, Balth. Dutch. 1 Title. R ~ 1610 | _ Frorrmur, John, Mal. 1 Head, R — 1620.) 78 Froars, Franc. {tal. | Etch. Hift. 1 Head, 1 Hit. PR 1550 2 79 Fo, > Swift, 13 Wood Cuts of various Animals, fine, - 1540 80 Fontana, Geo. Batt. Zfal. 3 Crucifixion, &c. Hitt. 1570 *FontTana, Ger. Ital, 1 Nativity ——. 1570 Fontana, Dom. Jtal. 1 Saint 1670 | Fontana, Dom. Maria, Ital. Hift, wees 1670 \81*Fonruzazr, Ant. Jal. 1 Hit. t Title ee 1540 he A ORNAV ERT, 44.P.. ff.) 1 Title ea SA ee | *Fosoman, Greg. Span. 1 Predicator ramets OR os af, Fouvarn, Moles, Fr. 1 Head —— 1690 Fornazerts, Jac. Fr. 3 Port. 1 Title — 1600 $2*FRANCESCHINE, Jul. Lal. 3 Port. and Saint 1600 o | "Francia. F.M. Ital, 2 Port. 2 Saints — 16§0. 7) |> Franw, Hans, Germ. 1 Fountain, 2 var. Port, t Allegor, 7 Sa 1660 w ne 3983 Franco, Bapt. /tal. 6 Hift. 2 Heads, 1 Anim. £. 152 284 Franco, Bap. Jal. 1 Hift. in wood, RR. — | 152 . Franco, Giac, Ital. 6 Hift. Port.&ce. 159 285*FRANCOL s, Louis, Fr. 3 Etchings, Hitt. &ic. fF 163 ‘a FrentzeL, Geor. Germ. 1 Head, 2 Hift. R i TBC 286*FriepLetn, John, Germ. 3 Heads and Titles 169 *Frrcreg, Gierolam. Jéal. | 1 Saint — 169 Frretvus, Ellart, John, Dutch, 1 Port. mete gf) OO BSE Frezza, Giralom, Ital. 5 Serip. Hitt. 1 View, 169 287 Frizius, Sim. Dutch, 3 Etchings, Landf, fie, R 164 Frourcx, Andr. Germ. 1 Head, t Hift. R oS ea 288 Frosne, John, Fr. 3 Port. 1 Title —— 164 xe . Fruytiers, P. H. Dutch, 2 Port. etchings, ~ » PP 164 289 Fuscus, Adam, Germ. 12 of Boys, RB — 154 = 290 Fuscus, Adam, Germ, 13 Sea Horfes, 2 Saints, 1 Titl R ; 7 | 154 291*Futcarus, Franc. Jtal. 1 Hitt, — 161 . *Fuertie, Dan.‘dela, Fr. 1 Cyphers: — 166 *Fytcari, Sebaft. Ital. ‘7 various Heads nome 16% Furck, Sebaft. Germ, 4 Heads and Titles 166 292 Fuurer, John. Engi. 2 Hilt. 1 Title, 1 emblem — 16% 293’ Furnius, Pet. Dutch, 4 Hilt. R . Pe % 294 Fyt, John, Dutch, 95 of Animals, etchings, fine RR 164 295 FursteEnBURG, Theod. Cafp. Germ. 1 Mezz, St. Johr Head, fine, unique : “ )G@ Theodore Cafpar de Furflenburg wvs a Canon of Mayence, a the. fecond Scraper in Mezzotinto known ; whether he lear the Art from Colonel de Siegen is not afeertained; if he di he certainly furpafjed his Majer : he, as well as Colonel Si gen, was before Prince Rupert; none of his Works have ev , been fold in England, and very few are exifiing.. - 296 FurstensurG, Theod. Galp. Germ. 1 Mezz. Chr crowned with Thorns, fine, HER. “163 297 FurstenpureG, Theod. Gafp. Germ. 1 Leop, Dux At trie, mezz. fine and rare, RRR I Monograms. . i ‘i 18 Eight, very fcarce and rare 19 Fifteen various, /carce and fine + 998 GALLeEstuzz1, Gioy. Batt. Jal. 5 after Polydore, 16 GALLE, Phil. Dutch, 6 Hift. 1 Head, 2 Titles, © 154 299 Gate, Theod. Fr. 1 Anim. 1 Head — 15} *G. Heflel, Dutch, 3 of the Seafons, 1 Title, « Pe | “300 Gauze, Cor. Fr. 11 Hift. &e. 2 are a 300 Gatie, Corn. Jun. Fr. 3 Port. after Vandyke, 1 Tit ee « hich 16 302 Gammon, Sam. Engl. - Gantret, Steph. Fr. 9 Port: 1 Title R — . re6o 303 GAMPERLIN, Van. Germ. 2 Wood Cuts, Hift.R © 1510 GamieReE, 1 playing at Dice, R —_ 1640 2 Heads — 1690 i GaAttanT, \F. Pr. “1 Eady at:her Toilet — 1690 304*Gampera, Lorenzo, Jal. 1 Etching Hilt. Sore R 1600 *Gare, Johnle, #.~ 1 Ornament 1610. GARNIER, Antoine, Fr. \3 Saints, alleg. — 16C0 GatTTI, Oliver, Ital, 4 Madona, &c. —- 1610 | *GASTELLI, Gi. Ftal, -2-Saints, R st 1680 | ‘*GARINER, C.G. Germ. 1 Wood Cut, RR 1590 405 GavuLtier, Leon. Fr. 9 var. Port. Titles, &c. 1610 ee Gaurtier, |, fr. ‘lt Port. b Embl. o~ 1630 106 "Gouw, G. Dixeh 3 Etchings, PoRerey and Land{cape, fine, RR a 1640 (08 Gaywoop, R. Engi. 09 Gaywoop, R. Engl, s1O®GEILEKIRCK, Nic. Ger 13 GEMIGNIANO, beg -*GETHINGE, Rich. Engl Cc. bese ‘184¢GeERRETSZ, Rembrandt, Shepherds, &c. 19yGereersz, Rembrandt, very fine impreffion 20yGerReETszZ, Rembrandt, 2weGerretsz, Rembrandt, l%%Gerretsz, Rembrandt, 22¢G ER RETSZ, Kembrandt, 107 Gouw, G. Dutch, 2 Heads, curious Eichings RR 1640 3 Port. 1 Title 1660 4of Animals, 1 Landf. fe, 1660 m. 2 Maps 9 hs 7 eee 1610 Geventivs, Sigifmond, Germ. 2 Wood Cuts, Hift/R 1530 AbgGEter, Claude Lorraine, Germ. 4 Landfcapes, with Fi- gures and Cattle, fine etchings, R — 1630 12 GELLE, John, Germ. 1 Hoift. 1’ Head — 1600 - ¥*Gettvus, Giles, Dutch, 1 Title — 1610 Gemini, Tho. /ial. 1 Title, 1 Anatom. RR 1540 Ital. 2 Hilt. 2 of Boys, etchings, R jine 1630. h- 4G ENOELS, Abrah. D piduhe 5 Etchings, Lanel. fine, 1670 Genrtor, B. Dutch, 1 Iron Work = 1690 Groret, Gion. Jtal. 7 Port. &e. —_ 1650 1 Script. Hift. “— 1630 1@Gerrersz, Rembrandt, Dutch, 5 the Good Samaritan, .. — 1530 4 various 1630 2 the Angel appearing to the _— —_ L630 1 Lazarus raifed from the Dead, 1630 g Rikads YLaendica be, 1630 1 Hugo Grotius, fine, 1630. 3 of Heads ~— 165Q° | a Nose G Wctesints Alex. Ital. “Laie. RR =e «1606 324*Guemert, Hans v. Dutch. 3 Ornam.. = 9) 158k _ Gueyy, Will. de, Dutch, 1 Children at Play, 167¢ Gueyy, Jacques de, Dutch, 6 Hilt. 1 Landf,. Reehing 2 Port. | Title od 159 - $25*Gueyn, John James de, Dutch, 2 Hitt. 2 Wood Cuts 16% ' Gueyn, Jacques de, Jun. Dutch 1 Title, 3 various, 162 9 Guezzzt, Pietro Leoni, /éal. . | Hit. 2 Etchings, 1701 326 Guisr, Giov. Batt. Jéal. $3 Hilt: — 153 ‘ Gurs1, Adam, ftal. 7 Hift. 156 327 Grist. Georg. Jial. 4 Hilt. ee JSG 328 Guis1, Giorg. Ital. 7 Figures Hift, &c. _ 156 329 Guis1, Diana; Ital: 4 Figures and Hitt. R 158 “330 Girrorp, George, Engl. 1 Head of Latimer, fine, R 162 351 Girrart, P, Fr. 2 Hift. 2 Port. 1 Title © —. 167 ’ Girrart, P, Jun. 1 Port. -— — 170 *GeorGrout, Franc. Ant. Ital. 1 Etching } Hit. R 160 *Goper, J.G. Germ. 1 Head 160 4332 Grorpano, Luca, Jal. 2 Etchings Hitt. fearce, RR 165 333*GIOoVANNI, Gidcanie: Ital. .2 Hikt,- --- ‘169 Grovawni, Giacope Maria, Iva. 5 Hift. Se. 169 a 334 Gurauser, John, Ditch, 3 Etchings, Land{, and Hif 168 335 Grockenven, Alb. Germ, 4 Hift. Wood Cuts, &c. fin ae 151 i ae Grover, George, Engl. ~ 2 Port: 4 Flitt. pon Titles, 163 2 337 Goar, V. iia, 4 various, R ! os 15.1 : 338*GoxILLx, J. Fr. 1.Chemiftry ROMs: 167 : Gonparp, J. Engl. 3 various ee ae Goereg, f. Dutch, 5 Alleg. % —— ky 170 839 Gore, John, Dutch, 3 Metz, and 1 Engr. fine, Re i 340 Gourzius, Hub. Netherl. 3 Block Prints ae ae a Goxrziys, Hen. Nederl, 4 Block Priits ~~" === at 341 Goutzius, Hen. Netherl, 5 Dead Chrift, &c. ‘Hikt. fn Ms ie BY. "$42 Goxrztus, Hen, Netherl. 7 Hitt. and Port. 158 $43 Goxrzius, Jul. Netherl. 4 Hilt. &c, jine, °- 158 344 Goos, Abr. Engl. 2 Maps — ~ 162 *GousBLom, C. Dutch, 1 Head = 16¢ Gourmonr, J. Fr. Cardinal —— ee - *Gouwen, G.v. Dutch, 5 Hit, &c. R 9 — 168 345 Gount, Hen. Count. Dutch, 6 var. fine, R - ¥6] x 346. Govun, John Jof. v. Dutch, 1 Mountebank Stage, 166 im) Goyrann, Claude,..Fr.” 8 various — . 18s Grapo, Frane. Ital. 1 Head, R —- i 16s Near cn, Camillo, Ital; 1 Madona «= — 158 847 GRANDHOMME, Jacques, Fr. 7 Port. &e. — 16 348 Grances, D. ae. Dutch; ° 1 Title —_ Sayer Greut, Jof. Germ. ee &ze. eae Le i ‘Greure rn, G. Germ. 7 Hit. Port. &zc. 1690 349 Greuter, Math. Germ. 12-Hift. and various, 1580 350 Gripen, Sim. fr. 4 Hilt. 2 Port. one proof, 6 Ornam. 1690 51 Gricnion, Jacques, Fr, 4 Portraits — 1690) ~Grirfier, John, Dutch, 1 Metz. 2 Anim. from Barlow, A | e's 1670 $52*Grim, Sim. Germ. 1 Head, 2 Views — 1660 9 ¥%GRIMALDI, Ab, Bolognese. 4, Etchings, Hift. and Land, c 1630 153*Grispotpt, Gio. Fr. Gafp. Ital. Titles mw 1620 Gronvett, John, Dutch, 3 Hitt. y ‘Uandf. oe etchings, 1660 ee ick! VSainkiit Se ek 4690 | Grunwatp, Math. Germ. 3 Hilt. wood cuts 1510" | Gryp, Dirick, 1 Map o—_ — 1620 355 Guexriers, Francis, Fr. 2 Etchings, Saints, &c. 1650 *Guazzius, Fred. [ial. 2 Angels a 1650 *GUEROREN, Crifp. v.. Dutch, 1 Port, — ' 1630 Guerra, John, [tal 1 of Bucephalus,R = — 1560 > Guexr, M. v. Dutch, 1 of Iron Work oan 1690 396 Guerarp, N. Sen. and Jun. f&. 1 Card. — 1610 *GuFER, J. M. A. Germ. 1 Port. — 1680. Cin taatonu Ve Pre} Card, — 1670 , GuwnstT, Peter, v. 4 Portraits 1690 b57*Guipi, Giov. Cisofibio, Jial. 2 Biehines: Hik. RR 1620 | ®Gurpicerut, Lucius, M. /tal. 1 Suliah ee 1680 GUEKRIER, Franc. Fr, 1 Etching, _Japiter and Europa, Guino, Afcanius, Ital. 1 Dead Chrift, R — > Joag 1 *Gouranomtt, Franc. Ital, 1 Saint < Aah 590 p59 GuUILLAIN, Sim. fr. 7 various Etchings —* 1610 Monograms. Ne oe G 90 Eleven various 60 HIARERT, He. Germ. 2 Portraits, fine se 1700 1620. 158 Gurno, Raphael, fal. 3 Hif. &c. ed | Hagrren, Nic. v. Dutch, 6 Mifcellaneous 1690 powElackarnr, John; Dutch, 1 Etching, a View 1660 *Haensperca, J. Duich, 1 Etching, Cattle and View, 1660 | *Hartwecu, Alb. Germ. 3 Port. and Tiile — 1660 ’ 162 Harrner, Melchior, Germ. 6 Ornam. and various,’ 1690: ma) Hacens, Chr. Dutch, 1 Port. 1660. 1 WagecwecGu, Adrian, 1 Prieft pale, LORS. rt *HAEYLEN, , Dutch, 3 Hittor. &e. ag 1580 M63 TLAYLER, Mad aer. or Sadeler, Germ. 3 Hifi. | 1670. ee Oe Ne ae See eet ee See Yl ssh bl a « WHarcnt, G, V. Dutch, 1 Hit. = — ery ROLES Hacens, Chrif. Dutch, 1 Title — — 166 : *Hartter, M. Dutch. 1 Title —~ — . 16% HaInzELSMANN, E. Germ. 4 Port. —- (168 *Hanias, John, Germ, 2 Ornam. . 165 864 Hauen, Arent. v. Dutch, 3 Metz. Hift. &c. ae 1671 365 Hawnivs, Will. Germ. 1 Hift.- 1 Port. — 167 *Harspecu, Adr. Germ. 4 Port. 7 170 $66*Harms, Gio. Ofwaldo, J¢al. 7, Etchings, ey gly: wit. Build. RR. 176 ... Hareretnpt, Bern. Dutch, 1} Etching, Holy Family, 161 367 Haxrpeck, J. v. Germ. 5 Port. and Mafk-heads 161¢ *HamMersveipt, Edw. Sim. Dutch, 1 Map — _ 161¢ Hawwnas, Marc. Ant. Germ. 1 Hift. wood cut, RR 160 *Harrewyn, J. Dutch, 5 Buildings and Plans 168¢ Harrewyn, F. Dutch, 2 Port. 1 Hitt ~— 168« 368 Harwstus, P. A. Germ. 6 Etchings, var. 1 Title 161¢ *Havusecin, Nic.’ Germs i Porte —- 168¢ 369 Have, Charles dela, Fr. 2 Port. 2 Etch. Hitt, 166¢ Hayneswortu, Will. Engl, 1 Head, R J 1666 . S10"H eck ex, Peter, v,' Dutch, 2 Etchings, R 166¢ %- Hecke, John, v. Dutch, 8 Etching of Animals, Dogs, 165¢ . $71*Heserte, J. Andre, Dutch, 1 Building — 169( Hecxenpver, Leonardo, Germ. 1 Port. — 167( *Heexe, John, Germ. 1 Ornam. — — 166¢ Heim, W.C. Germ. 2 Port. = — 9 = 165C *Herss, Gottlieb, Germ. 1 Port. Metz. Ane, R 170¢ Y Heiss, Elias Ch. Germ. 2 Metz. Hilt. fine, R 169¢ 372" Huwrtcus, Leon. Hal. 2 Heads . 160¢ Hensperco, Jerom, v. Dutch, 2 Hift, _ 166¢ a Herrecounpts, J. Baptifta, Dutch, 1 Etching, Hift. 160C *HerrRerA; D. F. de, Spaniard, I Etching, with Port, 1670 ye Herrocks, A. Bvigh of Porrane, ore; — t65@ $75* Hercuor, P. Dutch, 1 Etching, Hift. wale 1630 - *iHerscu, M. C. Germ. 1 View of a Church, 1610 Heypen, Jacques, v. Germ. 4 Port. —_ 1610 Hevien, Gonz. v. Dutch, 2 of Wood Cuts 1690 &-374 Heuscn, Ab. de, Dutch, 2 Etchings, Landf, fine, RR 1660 375 Hevissen, Corn. Germ. 3 Hilt. in wood, farce, 1530 476"HipseLiMAN, Germ. 1 Battle, R — .. 5600 Hiviiarp, Nic. Engl. 1 Title, wood cut — 1580 x Hyre, Laur. de la, Fr. . 3 Eichings, various 1630 , 378 Hircurocer, Aug. Germ. 2 Etchings, Hilt. &e. fine, R 1540 379 Herscurocet, Aug. Germ. $3 Etchings, tN aadh fine, R 1540 380*Hrescuman, I. Germ. 2 Pleads, 1 Title — § 1650 *Hocwxner, John Cafper, Germ. 1 Port. a 1650 *Horer, Hans, Germ. 1 Hut. coloured wood cul, RRR 1509 or oth. cB he Goyrand, Claude — Graf, John Andrew - Grahl, Conrad Grandhomme, James Gravelot, Henry Green, James Greuter, John Fred. - Matthew Gribelin, Simon Grignion, Jacques Grimaldi, Giov. Franc. Grun, Hans Baldwin Grunewald, Matthew Guckeifen, James Guercino Guernier, Lewis du Guertiere, Franc, dela Guidi, Rafaelle —— Mich. Angelo Guido Reni Guilain, Simon Gunft, Peter van H Hackaart, John Haedeler, or Haeyler Halbeeck, John Harefeldt Harlingenfis, Petrus Harnfius, P. A. Harrewin, Francis Hauer, John Haye, Charles de la Hecke, John van den Heemikerke, Martin Heil, Leon van Heince, Zachary Heinzelman, Elias 61 gs 94. 17!I. 174. 790. 805. 140. 133. 761. 579+ ence 22. 6. 163. 226. 768, 337. 190. 22K. 66. 779. S4/* 103. e210. er 25. 630. 229. ei eee 270. ifs 377- 608. 540. Henriet, Ifraél Boga | Henfberg, Jerom von 413. Hertocks, Aue’: 704. Hertz or Hérz,. John ‘4. 34 Daniel » ' 350, Heufch, Abr. de 546, ——— James. —— —— William Heyden, Jamés von der 224. ————— John van der 410. Hire, Laurent dela 280. Hirfchvogel, Auguftin ki 68. Pay Hifbens ies Hoefnagle, George 149, 657. ——_——- James IAQ. Hoej, Nicholas van 519. Hogenberg, Francis 642. eres Remiginy */ 6414 Hoij, Nicholas van ss 519. Holbein, Hans 26. Hole, William == 6770. Holl, Elias | 326.. Holle, William 670. Hollar, Wenceflaus j 2a 689. Hondius, Abraham 22a Henry 222, 671. Jodocus 222, 671. ho William Z2Z2. Hondt, Joft 222, Hooghe, Romain de 635. Hopfer, David 195. ee COM Gen erp -~ Lambert . —— Hove, F. H. van FOS. Hubert, Adrian 127. Huchten- Sooo aege: oa Ni Au ale Huchtenburg, John van 4 Hulett, fe: i ~ Huls, Efaias van - Hulfberg, Henry ~ Hulfius, Frederic Huret, Gregoire: Hus, Peter | ait atria Jackfon, Robert Jamitzer, Barth. — Chriftopher : Wenceilaus Jardin, Karel du ~ Jegher, Chriflopher .. Jenckel, Balthazar Jenkenfon, Antony Jenner, Thomas imperiali, Hieronymo Jode, Arnold de —- Gerard de. — Peter de Johnfon, T. - Jordaens, James iffelbourg,. Peter Jufter, Jofeph K Kartarus, Marius Keller, George .. Keffel, Theodore van Kiefer, Eberhard Kilian, Bartholomew Lucas += Philip Wolfgang ~~ King, Daniel fe 683. 245. 788. 20 2. 610. LIO; 756: “64, 172, 172. 405. 541. i | 645. 662. 515° 88. eaeeene 771i. 237. 177. 564. 69. 173. 523. 291. 166. 690. ——W.P.van 300. Lenfant, Jean | 362.) Lens, Bernard ky | ——— ‘Junior’ 784. - Leonard CTU. egg Leone, G. 629 27 fpotivat: oe King, George - Wished, ke ——— John ee Kip Saat ot nat | Kirkall, Edward’) 791. Klim, Hans 208. Kobel, James ee Koninck, Salomon — 294. Kohl, Andrew — - 2936 Kulenbach, Hans van 23. ‘Kuffel, Melchior 9 3°? Laer, Peter van _. 316. Laguerre, John LEehBogd Lairefle, Gerard - 419. Landfeld, Ahafuerusde 115. Landgraf, H. France. de 484. Landry, Pierre 5725. Lanfranco, Giove | 206. Langlois, Jean Qo... 673. Langot, Francois") « 591. Lafne, Michel 246. Laftman, Nicolas” 492.) Laune, Etienne'de’:- 109. Laurence of Haerlem Pref. Lauwers, Nicholas 337. | Lederlin, James 143. Leeth, Robert | 646. | Lefebure, Claude 402. Leeuw, Thomasde +. 476. Leu, Thomas de tt 31 Hocenserc, Com. Franc. and Remigius, Dutch, 4 Mapa, | 1 /. 13978 - Hocensere, Franc. Dutch, 1 Etching, Hilt. foarce, 158+ ~Hoctwserc, Abr. Dutch, 1 Port. eta) Hournac.e, James, Germ. View ofaCity — 1590 HoxzrnacGLe, George, Duéch, 3 of Cities, 1 Wood Cut, BC de’ | 1580 $2*Hocenserc, John, Germ. 1 Port. 1 Hift, 2 Ornam, 1600 Houser, Hans, Junior, Germ. 19 various Wood Cuts, # ae — 1320 83 Hosein, Hans, Sen. and Jun. Germ. 7 Wood Cuts, R - Binh ok 4 1520 84 Hore, Will, Engi. 5 Port. and Titles, 1 Map 1610 85* Hotvar, Wenceflaus, Germ. 3 Port. —_— 1640 86 Horrar, W. Germ. 6 Birds and Infeéls, 1 View | 1640 87 Horrar, W. Germ. 2 Landf. and View, 6 Drefles, 3 | various - : a MAA ELD 88 Hottar, W. Germ. 2 Hift. 3 Port. 6 Vignettes 1640 89 Hortrar, W,. Germ, 2 of China, 3 Muffs, 4 Animals : 1640 90 Hozrtar, W. Germ. 1 Map, 2 Shipping, 4 Titles and | Monum. | Boy afleep, 1 Order of the Garter 1640 ‘91. Hormns, Peter, Fngl. 1 Title a 1670 *Houst,’ J. v. Dutch, 2 Maps~ ~ D1 1s Mecaestees 2 2X 1670 ~--@htersrein, P. Didch, 3 Port, &c. — 1600 *Hourmay, Pheod. Germ. 1 Port. ee OSD Honpivs, fort. Dutch, .1 Port. | Map, Title “1590 (92 Honovrus, Hen. Duich, 2 Landf. with Cattle, 2 Archit. 4. Heads, 1 Title | 1666 193 Honpius, Hen. Dutch, 3-Landf. and View - 1600 394 Honpius, Will. Dutch, 2 Port. from Vandyke, 2 various . , i 1630 295 Honptivus, Abrab. Dutch, 5 Etchings of Animals — 1660 396*HoucksTRAT, V. Dutch, 1 Port. R — —* 1640 Hoocue, Romain de, Dutch, 1 Port. 4 Battle, &e, 1680 308 Hoprer, Dav. Germ. 1 Hift. 2 Heads, R- ey 1530 By comparing thefe two prints with Struit’s article, Philip Ad- ler, if will immediately be seen the error he and others have got into, and that Philip Adler was a patrician, who was at the expence of erclting the allar-picce, and not the perfon who engraved it. 401 Horrer,Jerom. Germ. 3 Hitt. farce, R cad 1530 402 Hoprer, Jerom. Germ. 1 Hift. 2 Heads, R 1539 403 Herrer, Lambert, Germ. 5 Hilt. &c. RRO — 1530 404" Horneck, Erafm. Germ. 1 Title —— 1580 Houpraxen, Amold, Dutch, 6 Etchings various, fine he ec A A hlh FO hee OD D239 ¢ 1700 zs 400 Ditto, 2 Altar-pieces, RK ia 1530, 307 Horrer, Dav. Germ. -3 Infide of Churches, Wo R 1530. ~ . *Houten, John, v. Dutch, 1 Head —— 1680 a Pe ey oo) ree ee ae Rete ie | Cee. Akan Gaon 2. , | i 405 Hove, F: H.v: Dutch, 1 Hitt. 3 Port. 5 Flowers, &c : ° 3 i j Fifth Day’s Sale. — ry - 74 Paae Peter, Dutch, 4 Hift. 1 Port. 166 ATS Locuon, Mich. v. Dutch, 2 Hitt. — 163 bio buon. B. v. Dutch, 1 Crucif: 7 Small Ornam. 159 («< Leecnon, Rene, Fr. 4 Port. 1 Vafes, 8c. : 165 476. Lopce, Will. Engi. 1 Etching of View in Scotland 16§ . Lopcan: David, Dane. 3 Port..5 various — ~J6§ . *Loccan, Will.. Engl. 1 Alleg. jine, RR am fl 6S A77*Lopi, James, Jéal. .1 Head, 1 Hift. . — 164 Losmans, Arnold,-Dutch, 1 Garden path Fig. 2 Heads hae | 169 Ko tmeymLorr, Nicol. Fr. 4 Groups of Boys, 1 Port. “368 478 Lorr, Alexis, Fr. 2 Hift. 1 Ornam. wee 16¢ Lorsy. Peter de, Fr. 1 Port. 1 Hift. | — 164 » ‘Loisex, Jacob, Fr. 2 Hilt 4 Buildings. &ce. hE 479; Loui, Lorenzo, Ital. . 3 Hitt. r- 1G *Loxrinck, Balthazar, Germ. 1 Port. — 16: -‘LomBarp, Peter, #/.. 2 Hift. 1 Tide — 16¢ 480"°LomBart,-Peter, Fr. 5 Port. | is 16 481 Lommexin, Adrian, Dutch, \.4 Vuhilgher 8 6 Heads. 16: Lonverset, Ahes. Dutch, 1 Infide of Church, 4. Wo ‘ Hitt, : —_ noe oes & . 482: Lons, D.E.. Dudek, 7. Hitt. “piu tee hg oa Loon, H. v..Duich, .1 Plan ——— ss T6: c.odoregnazt, F. Ant. Ital. 2 Hitt. 1Head — = 16 *Loerenzi, Giov. Ant. Ital. 1 Etching Hitt, 16 483 Loricu, Melchior, Germ. 1 Hift. 4 Sia Hitt. &e. Wood Cuts V5 484* Love, Pereg. Engl. $8 Heads, RR _ 16 | Lows, jet. 2 Fort, a on 16 os Louwantapupel. de,efog 1 Hite bhewon tel Bi A i. ‘ 4 | L WwW ee Se mm iY ry 2 y ea ? vey R : } d 85 Lupin, James, Fr. 3 Port. : See 1690 e Lucensis, Mich. Ital. 2 Etchings, Hift. &c. baa 86 Lucini, Ant. Franc. J¢al. 2 Buildlings ps 164 Lwrtivs, Phil. /fa?. 1 Hitt. —. 1690. Lurma, James, Dutch, 1 Landf. 1.Head, 1 Fountain, % Shields, all etchings — 1G50 87 LurMa, Janus, Dutete pa: 2 Hoaite: done by a chisel, fire 16809 88 Lurrrec, &. Engl, 1 Mezz. of Arthur Earl of Eilex, fine, D E. | 1680 — 89 Luyxen, John, Dutch, 5 Hitt. 1 View, 1 Title. + 4670- ‘90*Luncuis, Ant. Maria de, Jéal. 1 Etching, Hilt. RR 1690 o*bLuynan,; C./ Dutch,...2 Hilt. —- 1700 *LYNE, Rieh. Engi, 1 Genealogy — i 1570 * This artifi was in the fervice of Archb. Parker, ahs TER, Anna, Engl. 2 of Sheils, — 1680 _*Lux, J. Dutch; 1:Port; ~— —_ L680: . Monograms. L * | OR Cec | 28 Twelve, various. 91*Mazs,P. Germ. 2 Etchings, Alleg. 8 1650 . *Macrore, Steph. Span. 2 Hitt. R —- 1690 | Macer, Gioy. /éal, 3 Fountains and Buildings 1600 92*Marrtor, —, Ir. 1 Plan sins , 1700 *Matne, George, Scotch, 5 Anim. and Flowers, R. 1680 © Marr, Alex. Germ. 4 Titles and Vignettes ok RIO 93 Mayor, aac, Germ. 2 Land. es 1620 7 Marus, Johan. [tal, 1 Fire-works, 1 Medici Fam. 1600 Mine y: Charles de, 7 Hift. 1 Title — 1600 94 Matpuccr, Bern. I/al. 10 Wood'Cuts, Triumphs of Ce- o) : GEA ER oscs * 1590 7 95 Maxpucctr, Bern. fen. Jéal. 2 Wood Cuts, RR 13009 ' Man, eects de, Dutch, 1 Vandyke Head, R 1640 Dp Mantztus, John, Germ. 1 Port. — 1610 2. Miistaden Andrea, Jie. 2 Hilt. R — 1680 2 (96 MANTEGNA, Andrea, /iai, . 4.Hift. R ane’) 4 LOBO AM cate we, Andrea, /tai. 3 Hilt. R — 1580 | 197 MAnTEGNA, janes Ttale 2 Hitt... R oes 1680. © SMSROY eo Bre! i Fig. — ta FOO: Marco, Alleffandro, Teal, 2Etchings, Hitt. R 1670 .- Marcuant, Peter, Dutch, 3 Allegorical, R 157074 -O8*Mareiui, M, Angelo, Liaked i ae R — 1609 *Marecur, Andrea, Iai: > 1 Hitt. is 1600 ‘99 Maxinus, —,- Dutch, ed I Bait, 2 Dutch Pieces, R Z 41 i Ig6S0. 4 — Martats, J. Fr. 1 Cattle, 1 Hitt. —_ 1690 (4 00 Maror, John. Fr, 4 Titles, 3 Build. © sn 1670 4 Maxor, Dan. br, 5 Various : mmo 1680 “4 “Martinez, G. Fr 1 Tritimphal Capon ae: tae he 16! ‘* 502 MaRiefTeE, John, - Fr. 2 Figures, &e.*: ny LeU ae *Marrocci, Hippolito, Ital. 1 Be Group of Boss) eo Lie reer Will. Engl. 3-Port. 1 Map; 5 Titles — 164 -'503*Mane, dela F. J. FB 1 Head, Rome 16¢ ©” | Marsnart, Will Engl. “1 Fairfax on Horfeback 164 *Martin; G. Dutch, 1 View, R-°**% «= WE TR 604*Marson, R. Engl. 1 Head of Liean 164 ‘¢ *Martino, Marco fan, Jal. 4 Etchings, Hift. ‘&e. R 166 Massimi, C, Ital. 2 Ladies can 165 504 Masson, Ant. Fre. 1 Port. Grey Headed Man; bery Jee) 166 | 805 Masson, Ant. Fr. 2’Port. fie Aes Nw _ 166 x » Masson, Madeline,’ Fr. ' 3-Port, Cente T GG 606 Matruam, Adrian, Fr. 4 Hilt. &e. OPort. ‘163 sig) Mar HAM, Theod. Fr. 1 Hift, 1 Title, 1 Fig: . 16% * 507 Marna, Theod, Fr 6 Port. from Vandyke, &e. 163 508 Maruam, Jacques, Fr. 2 Port. 4 Hitt. — 19 509 Marutevu, Janne, Fr: 1 Head . 165 Maruews, John; -&..6 Hift. Title and various 162 510 Matsy’s, Coe Dutch, 7 Hitt. 2 Heads, 1 Ornam. R154 Matrevs, Corn. Ditch, ] Etching, Landf. HS A 168 eo MarzHtonus: Ludovic, Tial. a aides 2 Hitt: 3 La and ‘EG 519*Maraxen 4 Joleph, Germ: 3 Sea Gods and Horfes, R “60 4613 Nivea dae. Hen: Fr. 4 ‘Richigpes Landf, R 166 o <> 8 Maver, HH.’ Dutchs'«1 Port. (ie a 166 514 Maurer, Chriftop. Germ. 11 Wood Cuts, 1 Title, R’ : ee 153 *Mavetor, Charles; Fr. 4 Crake: a 168 | *Mazaa, Barth. Ttal. Y Hitt. RR eee 160 ASS Mase boat: Franc. Parmegiano, lial: 10, R se 152 516 Mecueny, Ifrael, v. Germ, 1 Hitt. fine, ae fo hiner oie 517 Mecue cn, Ifrael, v. Germ. 2 Hilt. fine, R'''” © 148 ‘618 Mecnretn, Track v. fen. Germ. ~ 1 Small Hitt. 147 Mervenn, Ifrael, v. Germ. 1 Hitt. 1 Ornam. a Saints. 148 $4519 Meer, John Vander de Jonge, Germ, gh Etching, Land ~ with ice: RR resets - 168 520° Mercauri; M. détal.” 3 Head. Roo 4s 168 ‘MEVEUX, James, Engl. 8 Mezz, various, aed RR 13 521 Mers, Libs Girne Or Hits 166 , MeLagr, Adrian, Dutch, 4 Heads, 2 Titles, 2 Hitt. 165 .§22 Metuan, Claude, Fa. 2 Port. 4-Hitt: wae 2S POR ‘§23. Mrerian, Claude, Fr. 1 Chrift crowned with Thorns, | Hilt?) Port. Vdaniditetine OR Ks | 5a6* Matern nnd John; Germ. 1 View of a City, R 159 - Ooyl Merony, Frane, Ant, fiat: «5 Bike’ oe ee whe + da et. ¢ Vwi om y “*Mewarorta,P.T. Mal. 1 Etch. Hit. RR -2 Etch. Hitt, s¢Mercaty, Giov. Batt. Ztail. He MeErRIAN, Mathew, Germ. a - Merqay, Nh La Germ. 6 Mertay, Math. lies _ Mertay, Math. jun. Germ. ~ Merian, Sibylla, Dutch, — 1 Title, 5 Titles, &c. 1 Beehive, ‘with wreath, 4 ¥M ER LEN, Theod. v. Dutch, 28 Merten, jacob, v. Dutch, 1 Market *MERcen, Corn. v. Dutch, 1 Embl. *Merto, Giov. Jtal. 1 Hig. ay Mersizr, Magdelaine le, Fr. 1 Cattle and Fig. R 29 METENSIsy Carn. Germ. 6 Small Subjuéts, R _. Mey, Bapt. Germ, 1 Alleg. R - : ‘*Mey, Co..Germ. 4 Bible Cuts, R Mrver, Conrad, Germ. 4 Bible Cuts, 1 Port. 30 Meurs, J. v. Dutch, 1 Title, 2 Heads re MEYER‘ Joach. Gerw. 12 Bible Wood Cuts Meyer, Dirich, Germ. *1 Head, 5 of Birds, &c. Meyer, John, Germ. 1 Garden Scene Meyer, Randolf, Germ. 1 Port. etching , Meyer, Andrea, Germ. } Building Midis, John, Germ. 1 Flowers gets Felix, Germ. 3 Etchings, -*Mever, Corn. Germ. R 6 Port. 3 various, | a ca oad el mead Land{,.-R Ho*Mevssews, John, Dutoh, . Mevssens, Corn, Dutch, 3 Port, 1 Anim, 1 Map 3MeMevering, Alb. Dutch, 2 Etch. Landf. WaT LC AEN Os Dom. Beccalumi, Hiss 1 Vandyke Head, Ett 34 MicHaeuis, J. W. Germ. 1 Head — MIELE, John, Dutch, 1 Etch. a Shepherd Micnarp, Nic. Fr. . 4 Hitt. $5 Micwarp, Pet. Fr. -1 Hilt.3@ *%Mripeman, Niclaffen, Germ. KR. *Mriueusi, J. Ital. CMeaugate Cupid, R 36*Mrtierp, James, Lugl, 1 Plan of Briftol Lie ss Mw QT; .: , Dutch, ) Saint *MINETTE, J. Ditch. 1 Port. eh By Nee a M, 1 Etching, Holy, Family, RR *Myprty, P. Fr. 1 Title; 2 Aftron. 1 Scripture | Mtraveut, Mich. Dutch, J Hilt. ee MELEE LD Giov. et Agoftino, ‘Ttat. 10 Etching, Hitt. —— — owours, eerie moe 38 Veen Jofeph Mart. tal. ;- 4660 1629 1 Bille, 2 Fors 3 Landf, } Landf. 1 Imp. Eagle, 1 View 1440 1650 1650 1760. “side 1 ‘Title, 2 Eschings, Shipping, # 2 Wood Cuts, RR a . 1700 1 Dutch Fair, We Print, a EBTO 1 Mez. Infide Kitchen 1690. 1660 1610 1640 R Q 1670 { 1650 1670" 1690 1700 1660 1630 1660 | 1560 1608 1600 1630 1640 1680 : 1640. 2 1650. 1680 ~ 1510 i 0 1630 1530 1690 Tea 1660. 1630 1650 1580 Orn. 1690 Mopewna, Nicolo de, Ital, 1 \Ghoudlane, 3 Hit. 151¢ 539*Mortner, C. de, Germ. - 1 Vafes, } Hift. 1 Friefe, 165€ Moryvart, Claes, wei 2Hift.. R Res EG cs. S40 Morin, Jean, Fr. 1 Madona, 4 Port. 2 Landf. © 166¢ SAL Monat. Edme, Pr. 2 Heads, ¥ Build, — 167¢ Moretse, Paul, Duich, 2 Block Prints, ‘RR 1606 *Morrr, J. Galp. Germ. a Port. R — 169€ 542*Moraces, Louifa, Span, 4 Etchings, emb. R* 167¢ *Moratort, Dom. Maria, I/al. 1} Scrip. Hift. R 169¢ Moore, Sam. £ngl. 1 Infide of W. Abbey, 3 var. 168¢ ss 543 Morenaer, J. Dutch, 1 Etching, convivial ——-168€ *“MONTALEGRO): Jof. v. Germ. 1 Head on 169¢ *Montanint, Pietro, J¢al. 1 Etching, Alleg. R’* 161 Montenat, Franc. Fr. . 1 Block P. RR — 164¢ *Moor, Carel de, Dutch, 2 Etch. Port, Self and Daughter BB RR -— 168¢ $44 Moncorner, Balthaz, Fr. +1 Port. 1 Saint, 2 Etchings Shipping 165€ Monracna, Bened, Venet. 2 Hiftor. RR “1508 *Monrarecre, Jof. v. Germ. 1 Hitt. x 1696 < §45 Moxa, Pier France. Jéal. 1 Hift. R oom 163¢ *\Niorzto, Giov. Batt. Itai. 1 Etching, Hift. RR 164¢ J ween Mortyn, Peter Tempefta, Germ. 1 Hitt. 1 Landf. R 162¢ 546:Monnoyer, J. Baplifie, Dutch, 6 Flowers CF TEN 547.Moro, Bapt. del, 3 Etchings, Hift, R oo 156C ( P48 NP OLGBERON Tfaac, Fr. 2 Views, with Figures, R 169¢ ‘ Movunrer, fonn, Fr. 3 Wood Cuts, Hift. R 155¢ *Morne, J. le, Fr. 3 Ornam. and Title c—— J67€ 549 Morentin, Gerard, 2 Port. of White, &c. RR 162¢ 550 Mozyn, ‘Mich. Dutch, 6 Groupes of Satyrs, &c. 1706 + &51*Mvuccts, John Franc.:Hal. . 4Heads, Hift. RR . 164¢ : *Muccis, John France. Ital. .1 Samt, RR... — , TH¢ Muxrper, J. Dutch,. } Battle, 2 Titles — 169¢ 552 Muxier, Jolin, Germ. 2 Heads, 3 Hift. —_ 159¢ 553’Mouxzier, Harman, Germ.’ 5 Hift. 2 Port, &c. 158¢ Muxrer, facob, Germ. 1 Landf. 2 Build. &c. 168° 554 Munwicknulsen, J. Dutch, 1 Title, 3-Heads ~~ 168¢ 555 Muratrori, Dom. Maria, Jal. 1 Head — 169( MuscHER, M. Ve). Dutch, \ A iPorts ——e 168¢ Mus1s, Agofiiho de, Venet. 3 Hitt. 2 Vale, 1 Head, anc Ornam. oe ene — i 153¢ *Musts, Julius de, Fal. 2 Plans of Cities pi EOE 556 Musis, Augultino de, Kenet. 5 Hift. 1 Head, 1 Orn, 153¢ sare Myr, Jacob, Germ. 6. Hitt. Wood Pare es 161¢ Monograms. . | 29 Ten, various SO Six ditto, 1-o# velluin, tary old, ee 4) a ee eee a eee T/T oy + tS No Be) %: Leyden, Lucas van 10. Leyfebetten, Peter van 56i. Lhuyd, Humphrey 643. ~ Liegel, Godofrid 61. Lightfoot, William 735. Lingelback, John 358. «Livens, John 300. Lochom, Michel van 592. -Lochon, René 574. Lodge, William 7146 Loemans, Arnold 524. Loggan, David 730. Loir, Alexis 358. - Nicolas oe Lolli, Lorenzo 508. - Lombard, Claude 434. : Peter 720. Lommelin, Adrian 616. Londerfel, Ahafuerusde 115. ———. John van 115 Lorenzini, F. Antonio 466. Lorich, Melchior 67. Lorrain, Claude 263. Louis, John 525- Louvemont, Franc. de 456. ~ Lucas a Deutecum Si. _ » Lucas van Leyden 10. _ Luchefe, Michael 186. Lucini, Ant. France. 357. Lutma, Janus or John 214. Lutterel pid . Lutti, Benedetto 4.69. Luyken, John - 445. M . Maas, Dirck or Theo- dore AS 4. Maes, P. - 418, Maetham, Adrian. 148. ~ James — Theodore —— Maggi, Giovanni 168. Mair 7 ie —— Alexander 161. — Paul » 175. Matus, Joannes 168. Mallery, Charlesde 489. —— Philip de 380. Mantegna, Andrea } Prof. 4. 4 ews Mantuano, Giorgio Ghifi 7” 756 j Maratti, Carlo 6% Marco Aritonio Rai- Z : mondi » eres Marco di Ravenna pag. 4 Marinus 1620. . Marot, Jean 468, Marfhall, William O24, 4 Maffon, Antoine 438. Matham, Jamies * 148, | Matthioli, Ludovico 461. Maupain, Paul 617. Mauperche, Henri ean. Mauro, J. Rovero’ 9. Mazzuoli, Francifco j Pref. ; Mechenich Ifrael von ie : Medebach, Gafpar 300” Meer, John vander 383. Meighan, R. 678. Mel, John de 4006.7 Mellan, Claude 26061 Meloni, Ant. Franc. 460. — Mercati, Giov, Batt. 486. — S Merian, : . eS uy | ot ot, Ee ete Merian, Maria Sibylla 233. © YR ys gee Matthew oe Neiman, Henry | 54g, Metzker, Jofeph 89. Nanteuil, Robert, 3901. ches Andrew ~ -156.. Natalis Boniface 138, Conrad — Michael 5433 Diederick .. —— Neef, James ~ * 5275 ee eae john. 634. Nelli, Nicolo, i ee __——. Rodolph. ‘156, Neve, Fran¢is ee Meyring, Albert. _ 432. Nichols, $ 745 Meyfi ens, Cornelius 527. Nicolo or Nicoletta da. % John —— - _ Modena ——— 25, Mecarini 11, Nieulant, William 21% Michel. Angelo delle Nobleffe’ 13 OEO. . Battaglie 265; Noliin, Jean Stg76. Miel, john >. zea, Nolpe, Pieter. Weies Micnard, Nicolas 284. ‘Norden, John 666, a Pierre Norfino , : 85. - Mitelli, Agoftino 287% Nuitting,, Jofepite on ~ Giofeppe Maria. # “ . Mola, Pietro Franc. - 4425 ee pie ery Momper, Joft . 204. Oliver, ee > ew Kare tee -Monnoyer, Jean Bapt.. 430: Orley, Richard van. 631. Montagna, Benedetto 181. Offenbeck 550= saacae® Matthieu, 498, Oftade, Adrian’ van 308. _———- Nicolas es Moojaert, Nicholas 548)... | : Moore, Samuel 78h, ee Leo} eso spre: © -Moreel, Paul - 228; Palma, Giacomo ye Morgan | 723. Panderen, Egbert van 364. _ Morin, Jean 388: Pannartz, Arnold © Pref. Moro, Giov. Batt. d’An+.»; Panneels, William 23 r. gelo del 368. Parafol, Bernardino — Ay : Moi n, Michel 618, Hieronyma - i Maller, Herman 125. ————I[fabella _ John —— — Leonardo - —— John Pref; Parmegiano | Nga. Munichuyfen; J. roi se Parrocel, Charles 440. Parrocel, ap u, ' TALE TNR SRT CR EN Te Marea ty ete ay Tena FONT CLS tc Bd Ot *Napvat, —, Germ. 1 Hit. 1 Battle, RR 1330 | ) NaGcet,: Shi, Dutch, . 1 Head 1560 ~ NacGurecat, Aernout, Germ. 3 Port. <» --—«1680 Nextt, Nicolo, //al. 1 Head | 1560 ) NaNtreutrt, Robert, #7. 7 Port. 1650 _Natatuis, Mich. Germ. 2 Port. 6 Saints, &c. . 1650 *Narpini, Joan. Franc. Jigl, <1 Madona, R 1600 *Narvoris, J. Galtoth, #, 1 Etching, Landf. RR 1660 © Navaro, Juan. Spaz. 1 Emblem, R —- 1590 * Narwywnex, Henry, Dutch, 2 Etchings Landi. A 1670 eo Tho. Engl: 1 Port. 1-Title, — 1660 ‘Weer, James, Dutch, 4 Port. 2 Hitt. 1630 t Neers, James, Dutch, 4 Port. from Weatiieos &e. 1630 > Netz, Nic. Ital. 4 Heads 1560 “NEssENTHALER, Elia® Ditch, 1 Head, 1 Title 1690 Nrevuanr, Will. Dutch, 2 Landf. 1 Build. 1 Title 1610 5 Neve, Francis de, Dutch, 2 Etchings, Landf. ‘ 1680 . “Neyts, G. Dutch, 2 Etchings, Laude. Fine, Rie «OREO. NIGER: Franc. Germ. 1 Head 1650 Noa task, H. Germ. 2 Port. 1 Hitt. — iO + Norn, J. fr. 2 Port. 1 of the Seafons oo 1680), 8 Noupe, Peter, Dutch, 2 Etchings, Landf. 2 Dutch: 1640 | Noorpr, J.v. Dutch, .1 Etching, Landf. R 1640 9 NoveLLanus, Sim. Tat, 4 Hits _ 1590. Nurttine,Jofeph, Engi. 4 Port. 1 Spec. of Writing 1690 | Monograms. N 31 Nine, various, 7 Cee Mauro, Jtal. 2 Hitt. R _ 1660 " Re O*OciER, Math.. Fr. 3 Port. &c. nee 1680 __ a Otrvar, Peter, Engl. 2 Lady fitting with Differ RR. # .— 1680 .%. Outver, John, Engi. 1 Head, 1 Pavement, 4 Masious? a ‘y's : 1640.7 *Oraanni, J. fal. 1 Monument 1600, 1 Orxey, John, v. Dutch, 2 Etchings, Landf. 2 Hit. 1680 - | © Or ey, Rich. v. Dutch, 1 Hunting, | Hitt. 54 1680. te: 2*Onozca, Marcus, Jial. 1 Title, 1 Alleg. — 1680. 2. Ossensacu, J.v. Dutch, 4 Hilt. chiefly etchings, ] Landi. R, and 1 Figure, etchings 3 Ostape, Adrian, Dutch, 5 Dutch Subjects, fine 1640 4. OSTADE, Vaeulahe Duich, 8 Landf. Cattle, and various, fine 1640 ‘S5*OrrereN, Hub. v. Dutch, 4 of Flowers, BR 1680 FOveRLADEN, J.P, Dutch, 1 Port. RR me 1156Q, F hexanal (KL wey ene eS pe oe rere : ie } avIWw Le b' es . \ Ded ‘a b oan | ; Wihaneran: pen uma, Giac, Sal, , 577*PaLuzzi, Giov. Jéal, Pattaviciny, Leo, Jéal. PANDEREN, Egoert Vv. Girt, 6 Eichiss, Hitt. 8 Titles — 578 PANNEELS, Will. Dutch, 4 Script. Hitt. Seal. 1 Hift. large wood cut, RR S79*PaRasoria, Hieron. Parisino, Aug. Stal, Paott, Francifco de, PAPILLON, John, jan. sixth Day's Sale, ee 1 View of Rome R 1 Landf, 1 ene 2 Va 1 Hitt. R ee 1 Head, R 3 from the Pfalms ae EARNING TRA, aie Teal: 1 Head, R “1 Gardén and sip he *ParmeEnsis, Jacob Bapt. Jéal. 2 Hift. *Parici, Giulio, Jéal. 381 Parrocetn, Jof. Fr, 1 Hilt. 1 Battle eee —— rs ee *Parrocet, P, Fr. 3 of Cows, 1 Hift. from Ovid 582 Pasave tino, Gio. Batt. fal. 4 Hitt. ; 583 PasQuELino, Gio. Batt. Ia. 5 Saints, 584 Passe, Crifpin of Dutch, 4 Ports<‘k Bits: @ Views +... Shipping ——— 585 Passe, Crifpinde, Dutch, 9 Hitt, 586 Passe, Will. de, Dutch, 1 David, ] Saint, Passe, Simon de, Dutch,» 1 Pia 2 Port. Pasge, Magdalena, de Dust, ] Landi, Hitt. fine, f eiby ly 587#Pasavinr, J. Orland, Ital. 1. Madona, RR in *Passarrius, Ph. Ital. Passarormtt, Barth. Jad. Passero, Bernardino, Patavint, Gafp. eae _ Pationy, John, fr. - | Fountain Ttal, 1 Hitt. BR 4d Hitt. RY bait ¥ — ~ &c. SU Peete ee ‘ ee — 1 Port. 2 Hilt. Bc, ie 15% 16s 16¢ 16% 16% 16C 164 164 168 16g “t6¢ 3 167 16 168 162 164 1 OF ‘1 Hift. 1 Chriftian, etch, es nee Pr LSS 169 169 162 159 me. | oe ee brie. John’ ‘Anth, I¢él. 1 Hift. R: ; Pauutr, And. de, Dutch, PPaurini, Giac.. fal. 1 Hitt. BR. ‘ Payne, John, Engi. -1 Title, 2 Port. 1 Hift. ) Paurre, Jean le, Fr. 5 Hift. &c. 1 Head 9 Hift. 1 Build, 1 Title 1 Saint, 1 Alleg. 1 Head Pautre, Peter le, Fr. WPA DERE: Jacques le, fr. Peacuam, Hen. Engl. 4 Wood Cuts, R Pracke, Rob. Engl. 1 Alm. with wreath © "SREAKE, James, Engl. 2 Etchings of Dogs, R Peauam, George, Germ. 2 Etchings, Hift. SPELAIS; M. Germ. 1 Head, EBM ; Peins, Greg. Germ. 23 Small Subjeéis,” Hit: &e, ~Petns, Greg. Germ. 3 Hift: 1 Port. | Pen, Hitbel, Germ. Cuts Pennensus, F, Jal. 1 Etching, Hit. R | . Penni, Luca, Jie. 1 Hilt. R *PENNINGEN, D. Mat. Germ. *Pir, Dom. J/al. 1 Hift. RR’ } PeEreEwLE, Gabriel, Fr. 6 Landf. Perecte, Nicol. Fr. 4 various PerReLveE, Adam. Fr. PES 1 Head, 3 Titles; &c. er otD *Praprtx, Mich. la, Pr. 1 Figure, R _ Periecourer, J. Fr. 1 Archite@. 1 Shepherdefs *Perre, John de, Germ. 2 Port. os 5 Hift. 1 Fountain, 1 Title 1 Title, 2 Heads : Perret, Peter, Dutch, *Perrey, Nicol. J/al. . Perrier, Franc. Fr. Steen Cl —— 2 Landf, «1 View, 2 of Fountains 4590 3 Hilt. &c. 2 Fab. 1 Geueral » 1630 1630 1650 7“ 1690. | 1690 — 1630 1660 1690 159G 1620 1530 1530 «- i Various Small Subjeels: 4, hi fod 1520 1540 1550 1690. 1660 1640 1660 + 1660 — 1590 1530 1600. 1580 ‘ 1640 ( f ‘ Title, 8 Hift. ahd other Statues “2 ¥ 1620. Perrin, John, Fr. 4 Wood Cats ', Soe ASSO 28 ' Persyn, Reg. Dutch, . 3 Port. 2 Titles, 1 Anatom. I Joly a es 16 SQ ™Pescue, J. Fred. Ital, 1 View of Naples, 10 Small Sub- jects 1690 Resne, Jon, Fr. 2.Antique, 1 Port. — 167003 *Perrr, Adam, Germ. 1 Port. 1 Title — 1520. Perri, Pietro da, /tal. 1 Etching, a Madona “1690; *Perniow ass, Hieron, gabe Blatt. — 1680 § Peruzzi, Baldaflare, Ital. 1 Block Print woo 1510 %)- *Perusina, Lucretia, fal. 3 Wood Cuts, RR 1500. 3 | Prawn, John, Dutch, 3 Port. a 1650 i PHILIPPE, P: Dutch, 2 Titles, 1 Fencing, 2 Potts J Re- | joicing anrems 1660 Pairertus, —, Germ: 1 Map — 1570 *PrcarT, John, Fr, 1 Monum. 1 Port. — 1640 Picart, Hughes, fr. 2 Hitt a 1640 *Picart, Jacob, Fr, 1Pope, 1Vitle = 1640 RC May? | res, Bernard, Fr.: 1 Title, 5 Echings, Hitt. fine 1 604" Prcart, Steph. Fr. .2 Port. 2 Hilt.’ _ di 605*PicKaERDT, P. Fr. _ 1 Dutch Boor, a Se Mexz. fine O6*Praux, Caaiad. Germ. 2 Dutch Prints ane : *Picnon,—, Fr. 1 Dutchman Drinking as | *Prcinr, Elizab, Stal, 2 Hilt, fine, 1 Head = 607*Picin1, Elizab. Ital, 1 Port. ine 1 Pictns, James, Jéal 2 Hift. 1 Flora, 1 Title, 3 Port ) he *Picinr, Ifabella, Ital. 1, Port. ster) al 603 Picctony, Math. Ital. 4 Hitt, —. : 609. Picou, Rob. Fr. 1 Venus and Cup ids — ] ~ *Preau er TORE Fr. . 3 Goddefet A Cefars, 2 Port. ‘ 1 Prncuarn, P. &. 1 Title, 2 Heads | —_ 1 *Prront, Lunardo, [tal,, 1-Pope . — ie Pirront, Bapt. /fal. 2 Titles — 1 610*Prrav, Jacob, Dutch, 2% Port. ae 1 Prrav, Nicol. Duch, 2 Hitt. 3 Port, — ) 611 Prace, Franc. Engl, 4 Animals, 7 of Shipping, &e. 1 612 Prace, Franc. Engl. 2 Mezz. Heads. fine, * I 613*Priassarp, V. fr. 1 Etching, Madona — I PLATTENBURG,.Nic. v. Dutch, 2 Port. — 1 PLreypeNwurF, Will. Germ, 2 Nurenb. Chronicle. ] 614 Puumier, PP. D. Pr 2 Eichings, Hitt. — ] Po, Petrus del, Zta/. 1 Etch. Port. 1 Hitt. I * Po, James del, [éal. 2 Port. with Trophies . 1 *Po, Terefadel, Zéal. 1 Ports 1 Saint = 1 "i y 615 PopEsTA, PAR ORS Ttal. 2 etchings, Hitt. 1 *PoprIGNANt!, Hieron. Ital. 2 Obelifks © — } Poreuam, Martyn, Germ. $ Small Hift,. — 1 *Poe., A. Dutch tor. ee 1 *Porr, G, la, Fr. 1 Angel, Raph. — l 616 Porsry, Nicok. Fr. 3.Porti |" | mes Poitry, Frdéie! “Ps 2 Port. 4 Aik Vee ee ‘617: Pouce. trane, Fe. Pow, — on Porizyy J. Bapt. and France, Fr. “1 Hit. 4Ladie’ D cae ey OCR to -—— — — > 618 Pointe, F, dela, Fr. 1 lah) ae — . Poinsart, J. Fr. 1 Ancient 1a — *Pona, He T Hot, gin 2 Nipaek ne PAS .*Potansant, Franc. Ital. 1 Hitt, : ~~ Porestan1, And. Ital. 1 Etching nad *Porustinus, J. Bapt. Hest Plan 3S? 619 PoLtoro.a, eye Florentine, 1 Hift. Battle, a | _ 620 Rowbea ee Silvius, Jtal. .1 Head, 2 if. To ae ~~ Pontius, Paul, Dutch,.~1 Hit. 3 Hada — 1 _ 2t, PoNtiys, Poul, , Dyich, . 4 Heads, from Vahdyke, gy . bear ii Tn a eee ag 22 Porexs, John; Dutch, 2 Saints, 3 Hit. _L.Etching,; Hitt, | 3 4 eee’ - 1660. *Porma, Alard. de, Span. 1-Title — | 1640. a3 FoR DENOWE,, Giov:: Ant. Jia, 3 Hitt. wood cul, RRR / t 1510 24 Porta, Jofeph Salviati, Ifa?, 19 Various, Hift. wood cuts iethe: 1600 29 Portius, A. Ifa. } Hilts R : — 1630 *Poro, Hierony, Jal. 1 Landf. with Build, 1660 . *Pouwetszoon, Claes, Germ. 1 Hitt. R —_- 1680 26 Porter, Paul, Dutch, 3 of Horfes and Cows, fine, R 1650 27 Porrer, Paul, ‘Dutch, 4 of Cows, fine, R 1650. 28 Prax, Etienne de, Fr. 1 Head, ——- 1630 Paicxe, Rob. Engl. 1 Shipping, R —_— . 1670 Primaticro, Franc, va, 1 Etching, Group of Boys,’ RR - 1520 9 Procacrny, Camillo, Jal, 2 Ktchings, Hilt. fine 1590 » 30*PROCACCINI, Andr. fai, 3 Etchings, &c. Hif, 1590 «¢ Prov, Jacques, 1 Etching, Landf, Hitt, paint 1660 »*Provencane, Marcello, Jal. 1 Etching, Sea Triumph. 4 -. ».15Q0 *Pucciny, Biagio, Lal. 1 Ktebing, Hift.. — ~ 1670)) ' Puce, Paul. Fr, 1 Hift. ea ah 1690 - Monograms, P .* - $2 Nineteen, various, oe | tin Quast, Peter, Dutch, 2 Groups of Dutchinén » & 1630" QueBoren, Crifp. v. Dutch, 3 Anim. and Hitt, 1 Port,” fine a — _ reek, FOaOm 32 QUEBOREN, Crifp. v. Dutch, 6 Port. 1 Saint 1680 © 3 Queriinus, Erafm. 1 Title, 2 Etchings, St. John and ‘ Group of Boys — 1630 - - Quegitinus, Hubert, 1 Port. ‘3 Hift. eichiugs, 1 Title — nn 1650 4 Quewerrerre, Guil. dele, Dutch, 4 Ornam, 1680 — -*Quineau, G. Fr. 1 Hi. 1 Landf, or 1790 | Qurrer, J. H. Dutch, 2 Mezz. Port, — 1670 ; o*Raas, —, Germ 1 Title ——~ 1690 ¢ _ Rasen, Dan, Fr. 4 Hilt. Views — 1G! - x Rapemaker, Abr. 2 Views ve 1630 = _ Razrus, P. Germ, 11 Bible Wood Cuts, R 1570 16 RacoT, Franeis, fr. 1 Port. 2 Hit. 1 Etching, Dutch. | _ man = ope w 1640 . Ratpoutwnry, Francifeo Maria, /éal, 3 Hitt. 15@a0 7*Raiper, H.F. Germ. 9 Yandl, 3 Heads, RRR ~° 1640. 8 Raimonor, Marc. Anton. S/al, 3 Large Hitt. 1500 — 9*Rarmongs, Marc. Antonio, lial, 6 Hilt, m=. 1509 ee. i Ml 640 Raiméwbt, M: Antonio, Ital. SHIR fuer | 8 641 Rarmonnt, M. Ant. Jal, 6 Hift. &c. mes 151 642*R aiNoipus, Hieron. Ital. 2 Triumphal Arches 15: *RANCURELLUS, Raym. Jial, 2 of Cities — 15 - Ranpon, Claude; H. 2 Hift. 1 Port: 16 643 Ranscner, John, Germ. 7 Etchings, Tandl. 7 jine, ER oe Par 15 644 Ravenna, Silveftre, Jial. 4 Hitt. 1 Saint 15) Ravewnna, Marco, /éal. .3 Hift. i — ; 15. 645*Rawtrns, Tho. Engl. 2 Titles —— i¢ *Hiten ge: Ant. Cher. lat. 2 Hitt: 6 REGNARD, Valerian, ag i Title, 3 Hift. 2 > Sutnith | ae 646 Reonesson,-Nic. Fr. | 4 Port. fine 16 - *Rernnarnp, And. Gerni. 1 Hift. —_ 171 *Renter, Barth. 1 Saint, etching — 1G *Re1rz, J. Germ, 1 Infide of Church — 171 Res, Matth. Germ. 1 Building Re ines uf Rempranor, vide Gorretz, ‘ peat Remsdarp, Ch. Germ. 1 Tapeftry, i Head 1a 64.7 Rent, Guido, Ital: 3 Etchings, Hilt. fine — 16 648 Rent, Guido, Jial. 3 Kinkine s, Hilt. fine — ( 549 REVERDINUS, C. Jéal, oHG. 2 Friezes A ae *Reuscuoor, F. v. Dutch, 1 Eiching, Sporters *ReuTimMan, John Conr. Germ. 4 Ornam. mene REUTTER, Hans Will. Germ. 1 Plan ey! ReyNo tp, Nicolas, Engl. 1 Map — . AS 60 Risura, Guifeppe, called Pile lee ee 4. Heal ral I Saint, etchings gO) Rip Rizegs, Guil. called Spapuntels, Span. 2 @ Etchings. : : —— Breer, Marco, Ital. 1 Landf. eiching = FP 17 Riccroxtnt, N. Ital. 1 Hitt. erching, R s} €52*Kicner, L. Germ, 2 Hilt. 2 Maps ~ real Ritus, Mich. Engi. 1 Madona, etching, RR 5. Rivazz, M. A. Fr... 1 Hilt. etching = = — | ig *Rixon, Edw. Engl. 1 Port. mezz. RR — 16 ~ 65% Roser, Nicol. Fr, 7% Ornam. and Flowers, 3 Birds *ROBER DAY; —, Fr. 1 Ornam. ie — 654*Ropertt, Cefare, fal. 1 Hift. RR — *Rornenrus, Paulus, Germ. 1 Port. — 655 Ropetra, —, Ital. 2 Hilt. fine, R — 656*Ropiitart; J. Fr. 1 Port. — Rosvusti, Giac. Tintoretto, Jia. 1 Fone RR Rocuers, Edes, Fr. 1 Port. — Roprvus, R. Germ.’ 1 Wood Print, R ° — 5 Roce, Hans, Germ. 1 Title, 12 Bible Wood Cuts 15 657 ee —, Dutch, 1 Head, fine, etching, R 16 ene Ropinson, Engl. 3 Mezz. Birds, Game and Fifh, J —-ARosry, Giov, Tal, i Altar fee 16 a nn ae 1 1 1 lé 19 1¢ ‘| 1 1 Le Ni; Di; EX & Parrocel, Jofeph . _ 440. Picault, Pierre rehe yn nGeBt Pas, Pafss or Pafle, Crit Piccina, Gajetano =. .41t.. pe van ~ 106, 663. Piccioni, Matteo — 369. Magdalen _—< Picou, Robert io hOO bs ——— Simon ——— Pine, John > 7974: —— William Pitau, Nicolas 428. Paicalini, Giov Batt. 509. Place, Francis Fi 26 Paffari; Bernardino 187. Platenberg, Matth. van very Paflarotti, Bartolomeo 185. -—————— Nicolas de Pafti, Matteo Pref. note az. Plattemontagne,Matt-de498.. atavinus, Cefar 189. Pieginck, Martin 18 Puue Paticina, Philip-Adler 30. Po, ~Pietro del 305, Paul or ‘de Paulis, An- Podefta, Giov. Andrea 510. drew os Ss 530. Paitly, Francois de - ee Peirce, Jean. ies os 328. — Jean Baptifte —— ——-— Pierre eel — Nigelas —— Payne, John, 664. Pollaiolis Antonio tha Peacham, Henry 686. Pond, Arthur» 798. Pennis, Luca eh aide Pontius, Paul .. 256, Pents, Penz, or Pens, Pooft, Francis . 384. fit A SeOrge. seo 14.0. Popels, John 531s Perac, Etienne duy or Perter, Chomas 667. _ Stephanus:Peracius 108, . Potefta, Andrea 439 Perelle, Adam 502. Patter, Paul: ;). Pyickee 2 —— Gabriel —— Pouflin, Gafpar . 315. — Nicolas — — John a Periecouter 45. Pretton, Thomas 802. . Rener, Francis g42, .Pricke: Robert aa ems wi | : ia: Procaccini, Andrea } ste Persifin, james 71, ——- Camillo 9h; Perflyu, Regnier de 98s, o—————- Giulio Céfare — Ferngine 401, Pefarefe 304. Cn aee e : Pefne, Jean Rag. nat, Peter 314. ~ Petri, Pietro di 480. Quebooren, Crifpin 532. Picart, Bernard 398. Quellinus, Erafmus 278, —~—-— Etienne we bert 278, 403. | | woe laa a Rabel, ‘ ‘ ; tN D Rabel, Daniel “2038 sy Jean —— Ragot, Francois g7our eo ei Marco Anto- : 17, Rage! Cuftos ak Ravenna, Marco di 29. ———— Silvefterde 188. Ravignano Regiomontanus Pref. Regnartio, Valeriano 487. Reegneffon, Nicolas 620. Reich, Wendel 27, Rem, ’Matthew » 317. Rembrandt van Rhyn 279. | Reni, Guido wats Reuter, F. A. 7%, Reynold, Nicholas 655. Ribera, Jofeph di 277. Ringel, Gotthard Sts Rivalz, Antoine 474. Robert, A. 621. Nicolas —— Robufti, Jacomo 43), Rogel, Hans 92. Rogers, William 653. Rogman, Roland 249. Rolt or Rolli, Giofeppe 452. -Romftaedt, Chriftian 443. Roos, John Henr 395. ~Rofa, yaks 4 oe Roffi, Hieronymo err Rota, Martin 98. -Rotermans 706. Rovero, J. Mauro 209. Roullet, Jean Louis 433. Roufieau, Jacques 392. en Gilles Sieape Peter Paul’ ol woude Rugendas, Geo. Phil. bret ve Ruota, Martin Gc Rupert, Prince a i Bp ; Ruft, Luprecht c or Tarps 2) Lubert . Pref. Ruyfdael, Jacob rsgaot | “Ruyter, N. gg poi Nicholas ert Ryfbrack, eg he Ryther, “Anguftine: L 656. Sacchi, Carlo iets: Sachtleeven, sip acs if ts Sadeler, Magen ie iv John — ——— fuitus — iti Marke iste -nsaewes ——— Raphael ans Saenredam, John ©) ar7.- André Bry ik S. Jean, J. Dieude 639. Salimbeni, Ventura» ~154. Salvator Rofa 318. Sambin, Hugues ava Sanna James *) ooraygs Joachim => = John James ==. Sufanna Maria— , Santi, Horatio, © 9. 4% Sas, Chriftian © 99) 544. Savage, J. sm EBs Sauberlich, Laurence « ‘164. ° Savery, 5. 699. - Seave ‘ a 162. r 79- ed Cs 679 Ae ec N. de, Ditch, 1 Shipp’ ing ce 1680 i y Rycwemans, Nich. de, Dutch, 3. Hitt. —, 1660. 1@80. Rysspack, Peter, Dutch, 3 Biches Landf. R 3 1680. Monograms, | R : - 33 Fourteen, various, very fine and raré, | ¥ 2 6S1®SACKLEVEN, Cornel, Diiele 3 Animals, 7 7 Sniall Figures,F J RE — ry — 1640, 582*SacHLEVEN, Coenelins. Dak 1 View, l Farmer’s Boy, is etchings, RR — — 1620 383 SACHLEV.EN, Herman, Dies: 7 Etchings, Landf. R 16404 84 SADLER, John, Dutch: sek Pulte 2 Port. 1 Landf. 5 Hif. 1580 ig5 Sapter, Raphael, Dutch, 1 Title, 1 Pad, 1580 186 SADLER, Aigidius, Dutch, 2 Port. fine, 3 Hi, * 1600 .. “Sapier, Jutt. Dutch, 1 Hitt. — 1600 37 SADLER, /egidius, Dutch. ‘4 Port. fine _ 1600 88 SADLER, Raphael, jun. 1 Title, 1 Landf. 5 “Hit, 1600) p89°SapverR, Tobias, Dutch, 2 Hilt. 5 Small various, R 1660 90 Sea E HA se) John, Dutch, 3 Hitt. 2 Port. 1600 $9-SacemsBinti, Ventura, /ial. 3 Hilt. R — hie SALLARTS, A. Dutch, 2 Heads, 4 Hult, 2 Wood Hit. . SaLamanca, Anton. Ital, 2 Heads 3 “Bieene 4 Will. Enzi, 2 Titles. 1 Map, 1 Port, | 1590 ~ *Rocerus, Solom. Dutch, 2 Maps — 161 $5MRocman, Roland, Dutch, 4 Etchings, Land, > 1620 oe -*ROGMAN, Geitrat, ‘3 Converlation, &c. R - 1630 660 Rott, Jofeph, Iva. 2-Hift. ¥ Title, eee, 1680 ‘x*Romsour, Theod. Dutch, 2 Etchings, Hift. fxe, R 1620 r ‘Romstert, Chriftian, Germ. 2 Port. 1 View ; ee 661 Roos, J. Hend, Germ. 1 Landi. 2 Cattle, 2 bey P x - 1660 f #Roos, Theod, Dutch, 1 Landf, oe 1650 1 662*Roxcuo, Alb. Zeal. 1 Port. 1 Script. = = -_ 1596 ~~ *Roavess, Cl. Dutch, ‘1 Port. oe 1666 *Rosa, Francine: Jtal.. 2 Hitt He — ‘1660 663 Rosa, Salvator, Ital. 6 Etchings, Hift. — 1640 cen Ross Ferrante, tal. 3 Etchings, Hift. R 1590 665*Rosario, Guileppe, Lal. 1 Title -_ 1600 ; RK *R Ssenti, Dorh, ‘igi: 3 Utalian Views — 1670 . Ross1, Girolano, tal. 2 Hift. 1 Port. 1 Boy, etching 1650 666 Rostoniaxt, Giofeppo hae, Ital. \ 2 Wood Prints, fine, 2 — 1550 687 Royal Martin, Ital. 2 Dar of Todt _ 1560 668 Rora, Martin, Jéal, 3 Hift. 2 Heads, 1 ae 1566 —669* Rota, Agoftino, fal. 1 Saint, R 167¢ Révitrer, J. Louis, Fr. ~3°Port. 1 Hitt. a 167 ieadese Giles,. Fr, lon coe i Tie, 2 Hitt. Nena tt 10 Ravine. Giles, Fr.’ 2-Port. — 1656 Rousseau, Jacque, Fr. @ Land’, ea ee ea BE RoussiEReE, dela, Fr.. 1 Port, | i 169¢ Roy, Uenr. la, Fr. 2 Fith and Anim. 1 Map 16IC RytHer, Auguft. Engl. 1 Map — “157q. 671 RUuBENS, Peter Paul. Dutch, 1 St. Catherine, sie, R 160¢k 4672 Runens, Peter Paul, Dutch, 1 Head, 1 Saint, 1 Small 1601( 673 Rucuoite, Giles, Fr. 1 Chrift, 3 Port. 1 Title, } Arm} : eA % 1681 *Rurron, James, Germ, L Title, 1 Port, 3 Ceeaiey, "a *Ruece, John, Germ. 1 Port. ay tab A ta 674 Rucenoas, Geo. Phil, Germ, 1 Mezz RR | 169 : Ruceeri, Guido, fal. 1 Hift. Ry > 1551/0 *Rumprius, E. Germ. 1 Port. 9) = @ 163] 6795 Rupert, Prince, Germ. 2 Heads, ment. one, Suppofed uniqu fine, RR —* — —_ 163) The Old Man’s Head in this lot is defcribed by Evelyn, but n . having been feen by Dr. Chel ore he has miflaken it for t, | Print in Evelyn’s Book. - | 666 Rubert, Prince, Germ, 1 Soldier with Spear, oie: I) fe very jine, RR — “1h 6717 Ruyspau, Jacob, Germ. 1 Small } Ronde ‘fue, RR 16th 878 Ruyspat, Jacob, Germ. 2 Large Landf. fine, R 16] Po. ae yeaa [ si Al vn ie sae i z 1 nt ( apes: Andes! Pat, 3 Heads 1 Tile!” jieoo » _ Sattzsurcer, 2. Germ 1 Hift. 1 Birds, 1 Wood Hift. 1580 2 Sancris, Horatio de Aquilanas, Ttat. 9 Hift. fre, R 1560 _ 93 SANDRART, Joachim, fen. Germ. 2 Heads, from Titian | 1630 — 4. Sawok ART, Jacob, Gorm, 4 Port. 1 Hit. 1 Title 1660 Sanprart, Sufannah, Germ. 1 Hift. !} Fountain 1680 4 Samprast, Jacob de, Germ. 2 Port. 1 Equefician : ae 1660 *Sanprarr, Joachim, jun. 1 Hift. R -- 1660 OLiuakr: Lawrence de, Germ. 1 Title NOES We 184, 95 Santvoort, A. Dutch, 1 Port. 1 Hit. —~ 1660 Sanutvs, Julius, fial. 1 Small Hitt. — 1530 DARABAT, |. Fr. 2 Port. mezz. R — 1699 SARAGON, J. Germ. 2 Port, R oe 1640 6 Sarro, And. del, //al. 2 Hitt. RB ———— 1510 7 Sartorius, J.C. Germ. 1 Title, 2 Hitt. 1690 ' *Sartortus, J. Taenb, 1 Saint, id vs . 1690 |. Savace, John, Engi. 2 Port-| me 1680 SAURERLICK, Laur. Germ. 1 Port — 1590 1 Savory, Solom. Dutch, 1 Port. wee 1630 ) Sauve, John, Dutch, |! Hift. ere 1680 - *®Savoven, Cor. v. Dutch, 1 his own Port..R - 1680 98 Savery, Solom. Dutch, 2.Titles, 2 Shippin i, 4 Porte } Small Subjects — — — 1630 W9*SaveryY, Roland. Duich, 1 Tree, atching: R 1610 ) ScaiperGs, Peter, F&. 1 Title, 2 Hit. and 1 Landt, (h etching — — — 1630 *Scatxen, Godfrey, Dutch, 1 Port. sue 1680. 0 Scaminosst; Ranh. fic]. 4& Saints, 2 Hid. R 1600 Ji*Scamozzi, Vincent, lial. 3 Archite@ture —- .. 1610 | Scakamuceia, Luigi, called Perugino, Tal, 1 Hit. etch. ing, RR ~ 1669 Scatrer, Francis, Engi. 1 Map — 1570 ScHacen, Geret, v. Dutch, 1 Cattle, 1 Dutch Meeting, R SS 1660 : SCARFFENBERG, George, Saxon, 1 Hilt. etchinw, R 1560 02 ScaumLbEin, Hans, Germ. 3 Hilt. Small Subje és, R 1470 ScAUFLEIN, Hans, Germ. : Hilts wood prints, AR. 1540 i ScauFLEIn, Hans, jur. Germ. 8 Wood. 3 Prints, R 1540 HO3*SCHAUR, Phiip, Germ. 1 Head, etch. ‘R te 1660 ScHxrts, M. Germ 1 Beggars, eich. R — 1670 sce ala oes George, v. Dutch, 2 Landf. 2 Milk-Maid, &e. soe 1670 "> ag Peter, Dutch, 3 Mezz. Fifth, a Painter and Foun- i tain, 3 of Flies, 1 Fifhing, etch. "1700 as Scnenx, Peter, Dutch, 4 Meze. Port. ——e = 1 700 gpo*Scuerm, L. Germ. .2 Building. — , 1690 ey OPE Oe : i Scurpone,. Bart, tal... 1 Holy Fam. etch. RR. - *Soureriin, G..Heinr. Germ. 1 Vafes and. Oranee “7 | *ScHNITZER, Lucas, Germ. Pon en 16 iia’: LOR Ly Hen. v. Dutch, 1 Skaiting, 1 Hitt. ee 16 707 Scorn, Martin, Germ. 2 Hilt. fine and RR Re i 708 Scuoen, Mart. Germ. 1 Chalice, RR = ~ 14 709 Scuoren, Mart. Germ. 18 Hift. and various (mall Subj ~R seine ee “710: Retna Barth. Germ. 3 Hitt. 3 Small Subjeéts, PR - SCHOEN, Erhart, Germ. 1 Title, woodcil, R 15 ayy% SCHOLLENBERGER, H. J. Germ, 2 Heads me Scnoonrpeck, Adr, Dutch, 1 Head, 2 Titles, ee , ye WS HOON. pate v. Germ. 1 Front Aico onl ic ScHoore, J. vand. Germ. 1:Arms a *ScHuore, Steph. v. Germ, 1 Archit. —_ Sewory AERDTS,-M. Germ. I Dutch Market, etch. - Scuogren, Franc. Germ. P Part, —_— PRC HOPT I, G. Dutch, 1 Port. —- SCHULTZ, Cafp. Germ. 1 Vale 713 ouice «. Peter, v. Dutch, 4 Port. 1 Hitt. *Scuurk, Corn. v. Germ. (3 Port. 1 Tithe ~ ~* 714 Scuut, Corn. Duteh; 2 Masque, 7 Title, } Hift. etch. . CChwase: L. Duich, 2 Hift. 2 Saints, 2 Heads, R *Scuwan, Balthaz. Germ. 1 Title, 1 Port.. *Scuwerrzenr, Jolin, Germ. 3 Ports — 715*ScHuRMAN, Anna Matia, Dutch, Port. of Herlelf, ip ae alae IY Bags ft ° 716 Scuynvoet, J. Dutch, d Views R — Pilucelse gel BV ie Aer) hc 3 — past a ; SCOLARI, Gioseffo; Tial. 1 Head of Chrift, wood ol ‘ Scoppi, Orazio, fal. 1 Build. Po aciapeaaetisiont : Scotin, .G. uP Bapt. 1 Title, 2 Turkifh, 2 Arch, 1 o of Time ‘Seorts, Carlo, ie 1 Execution, 2 Heads, R ; : 717*Svecen, |. Van, Dutth, 2 Etchings, Hit Rt 16 . SEBASTIANO, ie Ir, 1 Antique A Dogs, RR a: Secrnrs, G. Germ. 1 Head, etch. f *SEEHELMANs, F, se 1 his Port. and Spec. of Writi SSEICN ER, |. (. Germs a Port) I Aftr. ‘J Anat. | ; *SEILLER, Diet. Germ. 1 Port, —— FOS | “Seis, P. Py;Rob. de, Pr... | Etching, Hitt, R “- “Sunwourter, Peter, Dutch, 1 Title, 1 Angelic ) ‘718 Ssrvwovurter, Peter, Dutch, 5 Hunting, 1 eae S | *” Spurux, john Adam, Dutch,’ 1 Porc: a er Cn rates: Val. Germ. 2Omam, —= -— 1620. 19 PRIN. Will. Engl. 1 Hitt. 2 Titles, 4 Port. 1 Land{.. ‘oa v6Eyo 20: Sronen, Chrittop. ve Dutch, 2 Port. 2 Hiil.*wood, 2 Var. a ar A TeOO: Sicuem, Cornel. v. Duich, 1 Hit. wood cut, 2. Heads © ; . 1640 $2). SICHEM, ‘Criftop..v. Dutch, 2 Heads, :wood cuts, R 1600 Sicuem, Corn. v. Dutch, 5 Hilt. wood cuts, 1640 Weeki ach, Peter, v. 1 Madona, ! Hilt. R 1680 22 Stecen, Lud. Germ. 1 Port. of a Lady, mets. RERRR 1640 Louis Von Siegen, of Caffel, was Lieutenant in the fervice of. the Langrave of flee Caffel, he was the Inventor of Mexxo~ tinto Engraving, the foregoing Plate, which ts extremely rare, ts dated 15 years prior to any of Prince Rupert. r 23 Siecen, Lud. Germ. Holy Fam. metz. fine, RRR 1640 The lifcription to this Print is worthy of remark, it is dated 1657, when he probably had heard of, if not feen fome of, F urfienburg’s and Prince Rupert's Performances, and nut wifhing ‘to affront them by denying their difcovery, only pro- claims himfelf the firfi difcoverer. This is fuppofed to be, unigile. 24 Sitvestre, Ifrael, Germ. 2 Landf. 1 Build. 2 Titles 1640, *SILVESTRE, F.. Germ, 2 Land. 1690 95 Sitvius, B. Germ. 1 Dutch Market, RR —— 1550 26 Simon, Peter, /r. “2 Port. 1680 SIMONIN, —, Fr. 1 Battle, R. — 1690. _. StmonE au, Charles, Fr. , 4 Hift. 1 Title ~- 1670 Simoneau, Louis, fr. 1:Crucifixicn, 1 Port. 1690: 27 Stmpson, Will. Exg/. | 1 Small Subjeét — 1630. % STRANI, Gio. Andrea, “ial 2 Etchings, Boys,-2 Hilt. R 1640 © He Srrant, Eliz. féal. 3 Etchings —— 1660, 98. SkKILMAN, Will. Ey ms 1 Port. —_—— 1660 SLABBERT, K. Gee. 1 Port. — ; 1660 ShAtER. be olnel, . 1Port, I Hitt: 2-Titles 1630.. 29 StayTER, P. Dutch, 2 Port. 1700 ° ' Smirvu, Rob. Pipl, 1 Port. Rater sral i 1680 30 Smiru, J. Engl. 2 Mezz. Port. 1 Chrift kal 17@0 x 31 SmiscuBeckH, John Chr. Germ. 1 Port. 16350 4 SyyperRs, F. Dufch, 1 Animals pic 1700 Snyvers, Henry, Dutch, 2 Port. 1 Etching, Hitt, L650 ' Sonn, Erafm. Andre, Germ. Ih Fig. 4 2 Hit. 1 Vafe, 1 Title, © ee Pat. Ait. _———— “T680). $2 SoLantis, Paul Bapt. de,. Ital. 1 Holy Family 1600 » Soe, John Bapt. ‘a, I/ad.° Y Etching, Elift. 1680 Sous, Virgil, Ger m. 27 Various, Hift, and Small Subjecis q 15590 33 Sory, Arthur, Engl. 3 Port. ——— mana Yow) ~ Somer, Mathias, Duc, 1 Hitt, 2 Port. 2 Titles . 4600. 184 Somer, J. v v. Dutch, Mezz. 2° Port. one a. Peek 2 Heade Be ae Oe fine 4 Jo 1668 ‘735 Somer, John v. "Ditch. 1 Map 1660. # SoMER, Paul s v. - Dutch, $ Hitt. 1) Title,, 2 2 Landt’and Cattle, ; 1670 736 Somer, hanks .v. Dutch, 1 Head, 1 Mesa of Riewet, p. ‘ 670 -SIMPELIN, Peter, v, 2 Da J Port. fne -— 1640 at Sow, N. de, Germ. le ws —_-~ 1620 Slonco ne. I. /éal. re Rr -—_— 1650 Sorus, Philip, /éal. 1 Pope, R = 1650 ; Sourman, Peter, Germ. 1 Hift, _ 4640 437*Seava, v. dial. | large Theatrical =e 1670 Speceni, Alex, Jtal. 7 Archit. — 1690 *SPucut, Cafper, Dutch, 4 Views of Build, 1690 “138*SrieTLe, vit, Ro. Germ. 1 Title —_ 1540 Sprere, Franc. Fr. 3 Port. 2 Hift. 1 Title © 1670 SPILA, J. Germ. 1 etching, Hift. _ 1680 7.59% SPrrRAIN, Nic Germ. 1 Plan of City —-—— | 1610 Sprrin, XL. Germ. 3 Port. 8 Titles — 2 T65@ —*Sroprorts, Rob. Engl. BME ss lmap . — 1700 740 Sprancers, B. Durch, 2 etchings, -Hift. — 1570 x" *Spot, G, Dutch, 1.etching, Hitt. ~— 1630 741*Sranc, James, Germ. 1 etching, a Candlelight, R 1640 sh » *STALBANT, Abr. v. Dutch, 2 Views, Landf. and Cattle, & et : 1610 SSTAPTY, . van Germ. 2 Hitt. ine 1670 742 StraveEn, Dirich, v. Dutch, 5 Hift. 2 woe d cut, arms &c. R HSU AE Si = 15: 10 743 SterHaNto Pietro, Jéal. 2 Hift. 1 Head _ 1570 Srrew. Franc, vand. Duich, 3 Port. | Religieule, 2 Dutch, ] Infi@e of Halk 1660 > ba 744 Sreen, Fr. vand. Dutch, & Hit. 1, Card Play, - } Ornam. 447 Stimmer, Tobias, Germ. 2 Titles, 4 Hift. wood cut 1570) 4 1660 *STEINBERGER, J. C. Germ. 1 Hilt. R — 1670 , 745 Srerra, Jacque, Fr, | he 3 Rural — 1620 Steixa, Claudiie Boufonee Fr. _ 1660 STELLA, Fr. Boufonet, Fr. — 14. 1660 746 Steupener, M.C. Germ, 1 etching, Hift, R 1680 ’ Stevens, John, Gern. 18 Aift, ana other Small Subjecis Lota STIMMER, Chrift. Germ. % Hitt. 3 of Cities, wood cuts 7 na , 159¢ 74 Srimmer, Chrift, Germ. 3 Hift. wood cuts, fme - 159¢ StiMMER, Tobias, Germ. 12 Biblé woad cuts We: eh 749*SrOCCARD, Nich. ‘de Hett. Gerin. 1 Boys at Play R 1640 i datihe ft Dutch, 3 Heads from Vandyke, ] Ana ees PERC i 1 620 750 gece Andrew, Duich, |] Lands = 162 Schorel, Jo hn Schott, Frederic Pref. Schroder, Hans 176, Schuppen, Peter van 418. Schurtz, Corn. Nic. 449. Schut, Cornelius 261. Schwabe, Lambert 6o. Schwan, Willem 290. Schweynheim, Conrad Sick Scotin — 455.786. —— Gerard 455. Septimius, Hercules 150. Serwouter, Peter 219. Sezenius, Valentin 264. Sherwin; William 715. Sichem, Charles van 244. — Chriftopher van — Cornelius van 124. Silvefter di Ravenna 188. Silveftre, Alexander 348. i a ia i ee ee ly Set Sauvé, Jean gto Spilvetize, Ifracl .:.' 3 Saxton, Chriftopher 654... ——— Nicolas Charles —— - Scaminozzi, Rafaelle 207.. Sufanna — Scaramuccia; Ludov. 401. Simon, John - | 703085 Schaerer, H. L.. SIGS Pierre: ; 581.: Schaeufelin, Hans 15. Simoneau, Charles. 415. Scharffenburg, George 86. Simpfon, jofeph No agai 5 Shciaminofi 207, ————— William - 697... Schiavone, Andrea 57. sSirani, Elifabetta dita Schidone, Bartolomeo 129... ——— Giovanni 33 30 Schnellboltz, Gabriel 144. Skillman, William 724. ae : Prafs “Slater, 'T. os; | Bi Schoen, Bartholomew 1. re Celt a: Smith, John ae George 1. Snyers, Henry 5340 5 er — Sole, Giofeppe del ASB nak ak eae Solis, Virgilius BAe Schoenfeld, pete Henry z - Soly, Arthur 7486 ‘Sommer, Matthew von 179, © Sompel, Peter van aa 5 Son, De die | Soutman, Peter 298 Spagnoleti ‘297. Spierre, Francois 4276 Staren, Dirck van der = 33, Stefanoni, Jac. Ant. 512. Pietro 167. Stella, Antoinette 450. — Claudine —_ —— Boufonnet wove —— Francoife —_ — Jacques —— Stent, Peter 674. Stephens, Charles 128.5 ——- John 13234 Stimmer, Chriftopher 105. ——— Tobias Stock, Andrew 535% Stock, ° X Is Stock, H. hats — Martin Pref, Stoer, Laurence rena Stoop, Roderigo A23. FT codokigys. dacteenss. Stoopendaal, ‘Daniel 393. Strada, Vefpafian 147, Sturt, John ~ 154s — Suavius, Lambert 60. _ Suertz, ‘Michael bao. Sueur, Euitache le 329. - Suyderhoef, Jonas : - poy Swanenburg W. van. 145. Swelinck, ba 269. Swidde, Willem 477% ae Chriftopher 652. 50 7 ‘Patniere, G. ASI. ‘Tavernier, Melchior 499, ‘Tempefta, Antonio, 45. "Feniers, David <4». 303. Ferweften, Auguftin 446, ‘Teita, Cafar ern? —-— Pietro “Teftana, Giov. Batt. 513.. -'Teftelin, Louis. q20% ‘Thacker, Robert Cabs. - Thim, Moyles 220, ‘Thomas, John | bay, ‘Thomatlin, HenriSimon 495. — Philippe ——: ‘ — Simon em Thulden, ST ead ore ccsieie sca yan der =—— 289. Thym, Moyfes 229 473 . Aes Dominico Tinti, Lorenzo | sin Aaa ‘Tintoretto, » nid ad ge Tiziano Vecelli Shins Shae Tito, Pompilio — 462. ‘olofano. 500. Tompfon, R TAZ« Torre, Fiaminio,. .- 306. Tortebat, Francois he tet: ‘Tortorel, ” John 22s ournier a 582. Treu, Martin. Grae Trevillian, William ».7o1. Trofchel, dans. 262%. a P, B78. ‘Troft, Andrew seco. Trouvain, Antoine 475. ‘Troyen, John MAR? hr SO2E “‘Ryeral a3: : aeakt ak | Vaillant, Warner : Nae Valck, George . Pade Valdor, John tigi one ae Valegeio,. Giov. Lud, 276. Valefio comma Valkert, Warnart van 230% Vallet, Guillaume | Ras ey ~~ John - BIOs: Vanderbank, eter. w, mega: Vanderborcht, H. 212, 693+ Vandergutch, Gerard 780. er Michael
  • 253. Van Gunft, Patch mean Van Hove, Fr: Hosen! aanod. Vanni, Francileo js. oil 26 ——-— Giov, Fark L3Hy RAO ‘aniomer | | | pe me *Srocx, Ignat. v. Dutch, 2 etchings, Landi, R. . "1670 : Srone, John, Engl. 1 Monnm. .... aaa “. 6640. 751 Stoops. D. Dutch,-6 etchings of Horfes,&c. =~ 4650 | 752 Stoop, Roderigo, Dutch, 2 Animals, | Dance of Monkies aha : 1680 - *®Stroopennaat B.D. & J. Dutch, 2 Titles, 2.Coronas : tions, 8c. oe a . 1680. 753 Storer, Cuniftop. Germ. _ 1 etching, Bacchanalian [1670 754Sross Franc.Germ 1 Hift. RRR —_— 14590 This Perfon is fuppcsed to be the Mafier of Martin Schoen 755*STRADA John, Dusch, 1 Hunting, RR 4570- & StTrava, Velpas, Span. 4 Hilt, ees F600 796*Straucn, G. Germ. 1 Port. —— 1660 *“STEURHELT, —, Germ. |. Port. ~, 1650 - Sturt, John, Zxgl. 2 Port. 2 Titles, 2 Spec. of Wiiting 16:0 757*SuEMEREN, B. de, Fr. .2 Apoftles: =< ... 1680 ¢ SuguR, Pierele, Fr. 3 Small Subjects _— 1670 . *Surron, Henry, Engl. 1 Title. a — PTS | -——--Su¥DERHOOR, Jonas, Dutch, 2 Port. 4 Dutch Subjetis-. 1 PREIS, Gar | 3 1640 758 SwaneEnBeRG, Will. v. Dutch, 2 Port. 6 Hitt. 3 Title : r6!0. 759 Swanevect, Herm. vy. Dutch, & Landf, — 1650 760 SwEERTS, Mich. Dutch, 1 Port, Jig 1680 *Swetinck, J. Dutch, 1 Magdalen, 1 Hitt. RR 1620 Swippbe, Will. Germ. 2 Land{. 1 Proceflion, 1 Garden 1690 Switzer, A. Germ. 1 Title, 1 Seals a= 1610— Symows, Evert. Germ. 1 Map = ——— 1620 Monograms, S 34 Seven, very rare, 761 Tasniere,G, Fr. 1 Hift. 1 Hunting, 2 Port. 1 Build. 1680 *Tauvit, M. Fr. 1 of Cyphers 1690 | TAVERNER, Melchior, Fr. 1 Head — 1630 (%62"Tevciger, P. le, Fr. 1 Head, R —_— 1610. Teminti, Gioy. /fal. 1 Head ae 1630 | | | | TEMPESTA, Anthony, lial. 8 Hilt. and various . 1580 Temrestt, Down. Stal, 2 Port. iid 1680 783, Teniers, David, Dutch, 2 Cards and Drinking, Ane, RR NE ep htem ROETT _ . - 16400 764 Tenizers, Dav. Duich, 1 Head, 2 Landf. 2 Small Fig. RR 164@ i = er Lt » YY! "aS 765 Texasoy, H. oe 2 Flowers —— , Dasa “1690. ' *Tzrwoort, Leonard, Dutch, 1 Map . 1570 ’ *Terweston, A. Dutch, 1 Aik Ko) ae 1 670 a “TESTA, Pietro, tal. 3 Hitt. 1 his Port. 1 of sinine 3 1630. 766’ Trsta, Giov. Cefare, Ital. 3 Etchings, Hit ~:~" 4656; ‘ Tresrana, Giov. Jtal. 1 Hitt. — ' 1680 Tesrawa, Giofeffo, T/al, 3 Heads — 1680° TOT*THALER, John, Germ, 1 Title ~ —— 1610. ~ *Prayses, S. Germ. 1 Title 1670. *THELOT, John And. Germ. 1 Camp. — 1690 *Tuexort, John Phil. Germ. 2 Heads, 1 Tithe © 1690 *THeysseNns, —, Germ. 1 Title Wie hij: §) * »«-Purpovust, Benoit, 3 Hift. and Saints, 2 ‘Hands 1670 768 ‘Tuomas, John, Dutch, -2 Etchings, Hut. &c. fine, RR : 1630 769 THOMASSIN, Philip, Ital. 2 of Heads, 1 Madona 16007 Tuomassin, Simon, Fr. 3 Port. 2 Hitt. mee ORG THouRMEYsER, John. James, Swif, 2 Hift. 1 Arms 1680 aa TuuLper, Pheod: vy. 3 Hitt. 1630 Tuuretn, John, Germ. 2 Heads, wood cuts 1570, Pe a NN Dom. Peleg. Jal. 1Hift[T RR — - 1560 Tre t, G.idu, Dutch, . 1 Port. hime | 1630. : Trrz; John Car. v. Dutch, 1 Port. ©. . ——. 1640. Tint1, Lorenzo, Ital. 1 Hitt, 1 Head = 1650 a7 . f > 71 Lito. Pompilio, Jal. 1 Madona, R Bios 1680 Torre, Flaminio,//a/. 1 Etching, Hift. 1 Evangelift. R 1650 Torvepat, Franc. fr. 2 Hilt. — ~ 41660 Tousrain, I. Fr. 1 Port. ina Title — 1680 72 Trento, Ant. da, Ital. 1 Large 2 Small Hilt. wood cuts 1550 73 TrevetHEN, Will. Engl. 1 Map; | Port. 1650. *Tretrer, Tho. Pele, 1 the Polifh Eagle, R 1580 Triccris, Ant. de, Jial. 2 Hift. RR os 1680 aye ee P. Germ. 1 Etching, Antiquities 1670 74 TrocneL., Hans. Germ. 2 Port. 2 Landf, 1620 Trocuet, Peter, Germ. 2.Port. 1 Family Ports} Evang.” 1 Title -- — 31650 TS Trouvatn, Ant. Fr...2 Port, — | 1680 *VSCHERNINGH, John,¥Duich, 1 Title; 1-Port, - 1680. *Tust, J. Bapt. Tal. 1 Allegor. — 1690 76 Troven, John van, Dutch, 1 Title, 1 Port. 168Q 77 Turtanus, Barthol. Germ. 1 Hilt. wood print, fine, 1 Head, in wood, AR — 1530 t * ; - Monograms, ” T $5 Seven, various. 778 Vaart, J. vand, Engh 1 Duch ae of Somerlet, Mésn ia 167Q 779*Vacart,' Franc. Jéal., | Saint, 2 ef Poukisine 1600, *Vacauarn, A. Germ. 3 Grotefque — ee * ®Vapver, Louis de, Dutch, 3Landfi — 1394 *Varaniz, Anna Maria, Tial, 2Buafts, R- — 1676 Vas, M, du; Priced Port). fine rennin peeaamnnnian setdiae 1660 Vater, ‘Gerrard, Di itch, - Tithasx4 Head’ hee 1680 Vatex, Peter, Dutch, 1 Mars ox. 1680 780 Vaxicx, Gerrard, Dutch, Megz. 3 Port, 1 Cupid 1680 78l VaILLANT, Wallerant, Dutch, 4 Mezz. various 1650 782 VAILLANT, Wallerant, Dutch, 1 Port. 3 Mezz. 1650 ~~ *Vartrant, Andreas, Dutch, 3 Port..R > > 1680 783 Vaxrper, Jolin, Germ; I Hitt. 1 Saint, Landf, f Title, 3 Port. — — 1620 *Varens, Vince. Vidoria, 2 Etchings of Saints, R 3490 VALKERT, Warner v - Dutch, 2 Ait. + Head, B.on61 784 Virenito: Giov. Ital. 1 Ports, 1-Title 0 ees ag VaLesro, Gicv. Luigi, fat, 3 Eh, &e. . - 1570 VaLezio, Franc. f/al. *1 Title cee 1620 *Vaxest, Dion, Ital, 2 Heads, R — «1630 "Varies, Jofephy Fr, 1b Tithe, — “ 168¢ Vareet, Will. Ar. 2 Hilt. ¥ Saint — ~~ . 1680 785 Vaiist, Will. 2 H.R. 4 Port. — _ 1680 S* Vatteus, Alexan. Fal, 1 Pott. | — Y610 SVN WEE Ure ny Mart. ‘Dutch, EPoti. so 1690 3 Vanni, Franc. /éal. 1 Saint, Evehing — | 1530 *Varatorti, Dario, Jia. 1) Hift. 1 Head ~ — © Je64e 786 Vaucuan, Rob, ae 1 Map, 2 Titles, en 3 Port, 1650 'Vaucaay, Will. Engl, ° of Anim, and Title - 1660 ‘Vauauer, —, Fr. 5 of Flowers from Baptifte 1680 787*Usricut,. ei. 2 Hift. 1 Hitt. wood cut, BA 1508 - *Upeker, W. V. Bie L. Hitt. 'R ee 1660 *Upemans, H. Dutch, 1 Buildisg 1670 aN, -Licas, v, Dutghe, 6 Etchings, Landf. / fine, R.. 1620 Vicertt,: Titiano, fal, 1 Hilt. 1 Laacoon, wood cut, MG 46.788 “789 © 4790 Vicrntt Titiano, Ital.’ 8 Triumphs of Chrftaniy, wood crits. Fi A ae AER. i 15] pe “791 Veen, Gilb..v. Dutch, 4 Hitt, - 1580 Veen, ‘Martin v. or Hemfkick, Dutch, 4 HAS 1530 VEENHUSEN, J. Dutch, 4 Buildings ee 1650 | *VELDEN, Gab. Germ. -2 Port. ST iin eae 792 Verne, Efaias vand, “Dutely 5 Landf. Tees 1 Date Drinking, 2 — 1620 "93 Vetpr, Johnvand. 1 Title, 3 Hitt. 2 Tondh 1620 794 Vetpbe, John vand. 1 Title, 1 Saint, 3 Port. _ 1620 “9795 Veupt, Andr. vand. J Various, Animals with Landf. R | sceeerapnen nO ea PTR Am ‘ 1669 2 “ygetVuewstiano, Seba. called Piombi, Fal, 1 Bilt. WR yp AY 1510 R9F VENTURINI Giov. Francis; Ital. bray tigi 1 Landf, (oe Ui): l Arms sls Sa kas 16 ah 4 am) . eee Na DS Vanfomer, Paul 745. Vaughan, Robert. 680. Uden, Lucas van 241. Veen, Martin van 50. Velde, Efaiasvander 258. —— jfohn Venenti, Giulio Cefare 514. Venetiano, Agoftino 28. Verbeeck, P. 493. Verkolje, “John 448. Nicholas ‘Vermeulen, Cornelius 632. ees Verfchuring, Henry | 363. Vertue, George 762. Vico, or Vighi, Enea 55. Viennot, Nicolas 624. Vignon, Claude 296. Viilamena, Francifco. 68. Vincent, Hubert 479- Viilcher, Claas, or Ni- ‘cholas 299: —— Cornelius - fohn — Lambert —— Vlie ery Simon de ©) 5st. Vier, John George van 300. ‘Ulric, Hen enry Sains Voeriot, Pierre 122, Voertt, ‘Robert de 687. Voet, Alexander 374. Vofterman, Lucas 231. 252. - 688. Vouillemont, Sebaftian “Ph Vuibert, Remi 58 a ; Vuormace, Ant. ng Uytenbroeck, Mioyies veal PAGE fa VOW spat Wael, Cornelius de 238. ea! Save ee hk ee Ee. XS Wael; John Bapt. nt wil Waenery Jofeph 801. Waterlo, Antony Best Waumans, Conrad 538. Wayer, John 22%. Weilbronner, Nicholas . 44. Weifhun, Samuel 379.. Weyer, N. > 195s Weyners, Johanflen 227. White, George } FA ae —— Robert 746. W hitwell, Charles 668. Wieringen, Corn. Claas 553. Wi ierix, Antony 100. Jerom John Williams, Robert O17 « W ilhamfon, Peter WB. Wilton, W. ¢ 778. Winftanley, Hamlet — 749. W itdoeck, Withouc, or Witdouc, Hans’ 37%. Woceirict, Pierre 122. W ohlgemuth, Mich. ai is Worms, Ant, van A Wouvermans, Philip 336. Wyngaerde, Fr. van den 322. / Bc Yeates, Nicholas 738. th pees Matthew g. Zan, Bernard 12. Zuberlein, James 18. Zylveldt, A.. pag |: Miftakes Miftakes and Omiffions: | Page 25. line 6. For Bapti/ti read Bapitifia. P. 28. 1.15. For Plegink read Pleginck, = ~P. 30.1. 21. For Wolgang read Wolfgang. PB, 33. 1. 3. For Barraccio read Barroccio. — pe 5 ey) -1. 19. For Bartolemeo read Bartolomec. 34. 1. 8. For Patavincis renee 40. 1. 21. For Reubens read Rubens, 47.1. 20. For Hekce read’ Hecke. 8. 4. r 48. 1. 7. For 7 read 792. 5 born at Haerlem, imitated his manner, and died in 1664. 56. 1. 4. For Batifta read Baptifia, | P. P. P; P. P, Pp. Ps After the article Ofade, add ; Cornelius Bega his fcholar, 61. After art. 337. infert Herman van Swanenveldt a Flemith : Painter born about 1620, bred under Gerard Dou and Clau-— de Lorrain. He etched 14 large landfcapes, 40 of a midling - fize, and about 60 {mall ones.. ‘ ete | P. 64. 1.4. For Fames read Fean. see _P.'94. The numbers proceed wrong, by the repetition of n° 526, P.t05. 1. laft. After Giovanni Hieronymo add Frenxa. . P. 112. From n° 680. the numbers are wrong, by the omiflion of 681, 682. but they are referred to in the index as they ftand. # “8 PRE Tek, P. 120. After Paul. Vanfomer, infert ‘John Van/moer. t————— ], 21, For 750 read 751. e vah SAE wes e: Ve RDIBR, Baie’ Fr. Ni wei: AOE --1696 *Vervura, RB. Nic. bat 1 “Etching, Holy y Fainily 1630 * OM View worven, Abra, Dutch; -1.Port. ao 1660 PViaaeven, James, Dutch, 1 Title 9 ~— 2.1699 8 VeRKOLIE, John, Dutch, Mezz. 2 Port..1 Hifl, .: 1670 ‘4 ~ VERKOLIE; Braat: Dutch, Mezz. 1 Hitt. — 1700 bi 9 Verkoure, Nic. Ditch, Mezz. 3 Hitt. _ 17C0 Verkonre, John, Dutch, .Mezz. 2 of Dogs; 1670 * q Vern, res lial. 1 Etel ching, Hit, _— 1700 ~Vermuxien, Cornel, Dutch; 2 Port. 1 Frieze Etching, | ok Hilts: _ oe 1690. . 1 Verowensis Jacob, Iia?. 1 Hin. RR —=, «16 1630 . Verscuurinc, Hen, Dutch, 1 Etching, i Hitt, 21650 © *Verscuurine, W: Ditch, ees. Head, RRR- 1680, *Ucear, Joan de, and Vinexes, Joln de, Span. 1 Spec, wood cuts Ae TO aO *Viani, Gio. Teal, 4. Etchings Hift. Re — 1670 | 2 Viant, John, v. Dutch, 2 Hi 1 Aims, 2 Port. 2 Build, ; an | 1690 3*Vianr, Dom. Mar. I/al. 1 Etching, Hilt. Ro =. 1690 'Vico,.Eneas, ftal. 2 Hift, 1; Head, 1 Vafe -—~ +1540 4 Vico, Kneas, fal. 2 Head,-2 Hift. | 1549 > Victoria, Vicentius, Jal. 1 Etching, Hilt. 1670 *#Vieira, Franc. Portug. 2 Ltchings, Hilt. R. .. 1600 PN teem. Nico kr, 1 Port.«1 Shepherd ‘—— «1630 Vienon, Claude. Germ. $3 Etchings, Hitt, 1649. VILGAPRANCA, Pietro, Span. 2 Hitt. — 1670 » 5. VILLAMENA, Eranc. J¢al. 2 Saints, 5 Hitt. 2 Heads, Cage er 1600 JINCKENBOOms, David, Germ. I Hunt ing, J Landf, 2 Beegars, R —— eae -1600 © Vincentinus, Ludov. fal. 2 Small Subjeas, 1520". B Vincent, Hub. Jéal. ‘2 Port. 2 Hitt — 1690 | Vincent, Will. Engl. 3 Mezz. Various ——-= 1680 _ *Vincpoons, J. Germ. ageing ——— 4700 *Viscanbl,. Feraps: fil. VU LuGde ofa: Mufeun 1620 | Viscuer, Nicol. Jokn, Dick. 6 Landf 2 Port. 1 1 So gars ape tg: acai: Sram 2 kOP ) Viscner, Corn. Dutch, 1 View, 1 Church, ,1 Etching, Aft. 1 Dutch Merriment,.2 Port. eee 1640 Viscuer, Corn. Dutch,» 2 Heads from Vandyke 1640 Viscuer, fohn, Dutch, 2 Cattle, 2 Duich Merriment, 1 Port. 1 Grnam. Pek ane aaa Jr 1650 _Viscuer, Lamb. Dutch, 3 Port. —-— -1650 , Virus, Domin, /éal: 3 Hitt. R —— }580 | Une, Jacobvand. Dutch, 4 View at Amflerdam, R 1629 : ULircer, Simon de, Dutch, Etchiags, 2Landf. 1 Fith- | Market, 4 # Apiajals iS, R ™% < ar i650". THR nh Yue Oren eRe ie: SNES RG PE nara a '# ar rrr; John George v. Dutch, Bichings 2 Port. : 15 ~ -Voost Roby v. Dutch, Q Heads from Vandyke 16, VoERT, Alexander, Dutth l Lady reading a ee Vort, Alezander, Jun. Dutch, 1 Hit. 9Port. - 11 Voligny de Fr. 1 Port. . - 820 VosterMAN, Lucas, Dutch, 2 Hit. - wee € 821 VosTEKMAN, Lueas, Dutch, 6 ‘Port. from Vandyke, & O23 he 822 VosTERMAN, Lucas, Dutch, 2 Views, 1 hunting, 4 He a Vosterman, Lucas, Jun. Dutch, 3 Hitt. . Petey. 823 VosterMAN, Lucas, Jun. Dutch, ¥ Saint, 5 Heads 16 $24 Vou, J. de, Duich, 2 Views of Buildings a *VoNET, Sth, ir. 1 Hi, R i ee a at VouruLemont, Sebaft. Fr. 1 Port. 2 Hift. 1 Title 16 825 Ursino, Lucas de Ftal. 1 Muficians, 1. Anat. 1S ‘*Urerverrus, John Corn. M.D. Germ. 1 Head *Urinot,. fr. 1 of the Seafons. |. sane FE VutBert, Remy, Fr. 2 Hilt. See aN 826 Uyrensroeck, Mofes, v. Dutch, 4 Hitt, 3 Horfes, ‘S, Lavdf ee $27 Waex, Corn. de Durch, 3 Merriment, &ce. Waetr, J. Bapt. de Dutch, 1Sheplerd, 1 Title ' *Warr, Paulus, v. Dutch, 1 Port. 1 Hilt. 2 a 823° WAGNER, James, Germ. } etching, Land{ R 16 . Waten, (s. Germ. “2 Port. —— iy 14 Watch, Jacob. Germ. 1 Pryar nicer a Waneny, 1 Bar fearce, 14 Wat greicn, 1.G, Germ. 1 Hifi, we Sf *Wanoerersen, John, Germ. 1 Pope, } Title € 4929 Wart RLOO, Anthony, Duéch, 3 Lands with Trees pict ” fine — 6830 Warerroo, Anth. Dik: 6 Stchings Cgade fmall r 2 Heads PaaS, cs 831 WauMANn’s, rift Dutch, 4 Port, Mable i ¥WeEBBER, 7, Duteh, J VY Tithe’: 2s Wesver’ s, 5. Dut 3 Buildings = il Vert, John de, Duck? 2 Hilt. I Anat. Re ae CWeikauet: Sam. Germ. 1 Port. © an at 1 $32 Wersronner, Nic. Germ. 6 Small Omam. WENIG, 1% G. Germ. i Hitt. oe ee ‘*Weninc, Mich. Germ’ 1 Cini of a Bridge, | R *Wrrnetr, John, Germ. ‘¥ Ang. Gabriel Ro) wy eads, 2 Coaches, 1 Arms ~ 1680, Wuirt, Rob. Engl. 2 Hilt. 2 Port, 1 Monumi. 1 Flowers | 1670 Warts, G. Engl. 2 Mezz. Port. mane 1690 *Waurtrakers, John, Engl. 1 Port. RR —_ 1610 Wurrwe vt, Charles, Engl. ! Map pelt 5 1610 “WipkEMan, Elias, Germ. 3 Heads.. on 1640 Wrerix, John, Dutch, 7 Hitt. 2 Poieprartetautiy, wt-2"1570 Wriertix, Jerom. Dutch, 12 Hift. 2 Port. 1 Horfes 1580 “Wierix, Anth. Durch, $3 Hilt. 1 Port. 1 Pope 1580 *Witper, Mariade, Dutch, 2 Antique, 1 Title - 1699 "WirLtztems, S. Germ. 1 Head pe TES “- 1640 Wirrrams, R. Engl. 3 Mezz. Var, o 1700 Wrutramson, P. Lugi. -1 Title pasha es Hig 1660 Wirt, T. vand. Dutch, 2 Mezz. Portrait, &c. R 1680 "Wiiron, —, Engi. 1 Title ne 1670 PWincenporp, G. Germ: 1 Port. 2 Titles 1670 PWinterstein, H, M. Germ. 2Church, &c. 1660 Watreang,G. And. Germ, 1 Port. 1 Title, 1 Hunting 1670 "Wotrre,P. Germ. 1 Head eH fee 1690 Wotcemuts, Mich. Germ. 9 Hift. fearce, RR 1480 ‘Worms, Ant. van. 3 Hift. 1 Title, wood cuts 1530 Wouters, Gommaro,: Germ. > 1 Bridge 1680 ‘WogtNam, —, Germ. 1 Title 1690 sa 1660 Weusin,; Dan. Germ. 1 Title 1660 (Wryeke, Thom. Dutch, 5 Etchings, various, R 1640 |WrywcAarpe, fr. vand. Dutch, 3 Hift. 2 Landf, 2 Heads 1 Ladies Dreting PEE 1640 Monograms, | WwW | 37 Thirteen, various, jine and rare, and one with Z. ee + ee WITH DATES ONLY, ix curious Wood Prints, with early dates, |hirty-eight Small Subjeéts, wood privts. en, various, ‘with early dates. } Ine Leaf from the Apocalypfe, 1440. One from the Spe- | culum Salvationis, 1450, &zc. jdeven Specimens ef very early engraving. | welve ditto, before the Time of M: Schoen, cee re bay “Areold. v. Dutch, 5 Hift. 1 Saint, 2 WEYDMANs, N. Dutch, 1 Tooth Drawer, . 1670. Witter, Gafpar, v. Dutch, 1/View, 1 Waterfal, R 1680 ; Wirpozex, John, Duich, 1 Cecilia, 3 Heads, &c. 1630 Woerrrot, P. Germ. 3 Hilt. 5 Titles, and various 1550 - Wren, Sir Chrifiop. 21 Mezz. Head of Black Boy, RR Llane f PhS Si: re ue -Eighty- ise carious 5 old-Cards co _846*Y are, George, Pel Ve ‘Title a | Yeares, Nicol. ‘Boal, ‘ol Balt 1 Anat 3 €or0 i wk | bles, Sze. 7 ahi Nie oe | BAT Laws, Mattias, eeale, A Hitt. cHR ad ee _ §48* Zane gi, Ant. Ital,” 1 ‘Madona, a Head, 3 jer, Dutch, 4 Shipping ‘A ‘gto®Zan ber, Fa Tal. ‘| Mezz. -a Saint, RR. an Zenxoi, Dominico, [tals + 2, Hitt, 3 Heads. and Titles “3 ? Zetrer, Paul de, Germ. 4 Port. 1 Map - *Zovrpa, Marco, Ital. 2 PURO BRE B50F Zw ort, Anker de, Geri. 1 Cenare eats Exeyect, A. Vv. Germi.. Beate Ra: ing . 4 e* * Sy, \ Pye Fae xs ee 3 ¢ ¢ Fs 4 : te es eden: or é i =i 2) eS wth? 4 * 3 - eer » . Ye 4 nay » i 3, bus » by ee ie Re + iy ; Ps “’ * : w 4 + ay f ; / ; sag Us “ 4 A Fs f ; > ”" my ; ; ” me > * { Ma : ‘ * pe IE PONE SS ; aay * WA: y a Rona : ‘ ‘ « eS ! z x p-% he 4 : 4 © Nt f ¥ a7 ‘ 7 oe: * et aa, we + 4 - oe 1 ” P s : w x ‘aia * ¥ x ‘ R ni ki 4 ns Kin - ee ant ~ Rats oy ; : AN ‘ \ % ~ * ziti , Re < a & \ = ay Ds ; 4 Pe Sy