A The Distinguished, Capital, and Truly Valuable COLLECTION OF J.ATE THE PROPERTY OF THE COUNTESS OF HOLDERNESS, Dec. CONSISTING OF CHEF d’oeUVRES of THE MOST CELEBRATED AND ESTEEMED FLEMISH AND DUTCH SCHOOLS, PARTICULARLY Bubens, ji, V. de Velde, W. V. de Velde, Berghem, JV ouvermans. Hobbima, Riiy.sdael^ Lingelbac!:, Rembrandt, Teniers, P. Neefs, V. der Heyde, Ostade, J. Steen, Netscher, Slingelandt Mieris, Palamedes, Schivekkhardt. AMONG WHICH ARE The JUDGEMENT of PARIS, a rich aiul beautiful Cabinet Picture by Rubens; a LANDSCAPE and FIGURES, an exquisite Picture, by A. de Velde ; a VIEW near SCHEVELING, by Ditto; a brilliant LANDSCAPE, by Borghein, one of his lincst Performances ; -a Capital- and Noble LANDSCAi E by Hobbima, the Figures by A. V. de Velde; and many others; The Whole in the most {)ure and perfect Preservation. mm WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Y Mr. CHRISTIE^ AT HIS GREAT ROOM, PALL MALL, On SATURDAY, MARCH the 6th, 1802, AT TWELVE O’CLOCK. May be Viewed Two Days preceding the Sale, when Catalogues inav be had (at One Shilling cacli,) in Pali Mull. ' / CONDITIONS OF SALE, I. ^T^HE higheil Bidder to be the Buyer j and if any Blfpute arife between Two or more A Blddersj tlie Lot fo difputed ihall be put up again and re^fold. II. No Perfon to advance lefs than is. Above Five Pounds as. 6d. And fo on in pro.>- portion. III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, if required, and to pay down aol. per Cent, in Part of Payment of the Purchafe Money; in Pefault of which, the Lot or Lots ib purchafed, to be immediately put up again, and re-fold. IV. The Lots to be taken away at the Expence of the Purchafers, within One Day after the Sale. V. To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend long and open Accounts, the Remain- der of the Pmchafe Money to be abfolutely paid on or before the Delivery, VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depofited in Part of Payment (hall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the Time aforefaid, Ihall be re-fold by Public or Private Sale; and the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Rc-fale, ihall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. HE Reputation- of the'- small/ but/ ;cho5ee Collection of DUTCH PICTURES, late the Property of the COUNTESS of HOLDERNESS, is too well estahlislied to require any Comment, further than to state, that it was formed at the^ Time \yhen Holland abounded with the Works of its greatest Masters, and when the Arts, which, comparatively, have ceased to flourish in that Country, were patronized by such Personages as the elder Greffier Fagel and his Son, who, from their distinguished Situations, their Taste, and unbounded Liberality, flad the Opportunity of selecting what- ever was exquisite from the yery Easels of the Artists whom they encouraged and protected. From them this Collection descended to its late Possessor : and as every Accession of yVirth becomes hit Subject for Congratulation to the British PulsLic, Inasmuch as'^it • % t*V .. w X * tends to improve the Taste, correct the Judgement, and' enlarge ’ the Ideas both of Artists and Collectors, in like Manner may^the > . ^ i present Cabinet of Pictures be commended ; and those, whose Spirit, ^ and Aflection for the Arts have been warmed by the recent Im- . , portations from Italy and France, will, we conceive, have fresh * Pleasure in being permitted to participate in the public Distfibu- ^ - tjon, of so exquisite an Assemblage as the Holderness Collection. * -VC in A Cataloguty &c. SATURDAY, MARCH the 6th, 1802. PICTURES. ^ / Van Dyck — 2- 2 — 3 Ditto — Raphael — 4 Jof. Van Winghen 7 Holbein — -Vevi.Antitnt Cj J-Lievens /9 ^ /2 Albert Durer O, aS. a Breughel i , L . — - 7 ^Vertangen — ^ Rembrandt - — r.//-^ Ditto. — ^y/ . ^ Breughel — //-/. ^Kuo - /2/. Oftade — C Schalken — ^ Breughel — /' iZ Ger. Douw 1 2 3 4 S' 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 U *5 16 *7 18 »9 20 .21 ^^UPIDS in crayons A young Gentleman’s Portrait, ftyle of A Gentleman’s ditto • A Lady’s ditto The Madona and Child, circular, a fine old copy Ditto, a very old Piilure, in fine Prefervation A gentleman’s Portrait A ditto holding a Book, Dated 1540 A man’s portrait Interior of a GothicChurch, on copper - ■ Two fmall fine Portraits, in one frame A froft Scene, view in Flanders, fmall The Repofo, an elegant fmall Pifture Old woman’s Head, a fmall Pifture A Jew Rabbi, the companion A high fini filed fmall Landfcape, view in Flanders, on copper A ditto with a bridge, &c. An interior with Boors drinking A concert A Landfcape with View on the BrufTels Canal A Converfation, playing Trictrac, a beautiful little Pifture,^ in the flyle of Ncticher , — 22 Ger. Douvr — 23 /f. Mireveldt — ^ 24 — C. Bcga — ^5 ZC. t - Hondikootcr — 26 Ditto — n 2A - Ditto — 28 91.^- P. Neefs — 29 lo- Titian 30 Rembrandt — 3* /s - Z'jccaro — 32 'fio ^ VerkoHe — Jean of Maobcuge — * • .' St. w_ Van Toll — V/. ?,Iieris — 3 — Djtio — ^7 Ditto 33 34 35 36 37 38 A Boy blowing Bubbles A Boy feeding a Bird, a very beautiful Pi£lure in the manner of A GefitJeman's Portrait^ much in the ftyle of Van Dyck Interior of a Dutch Cabaret y with Boors and Women ' linglng and regaling, a fine Groupe_of Figures in his fuperior Style . A frirait of a Dutch Nobleman on horf e-back, with his Game-keeper and Dogs going a-courfing ; the Whole a clofe imitation of Nature, and finely coloured ‘ Ditto with Horfe'sy part of a Villa and diftant Grounds The Mafer of the Manege, with Horfes, ditto Interior of a Romijh Church ; a capital grand Gothic Building, the Figures, by Old Franks, reprefent a \ prieft going out to adminifter the Hoft A Nobleman’s Portrait, half length A fine fpirited Portrait of an Artijl, at his ftudy, very capital, ditto A fniail whole-length Portrait of ^een Elizabeth, en- graved by Vertue ; with the following inferiptipn.- “ XJxor amet, fileat, fervet, nec uhique vagetur 'f “ Hoc tejiudo docet, claves, labra jun£laque turtur:'* , Hcec tails fuit. A Mufical equal to the Works of Van der Werf Two Portraits in one Frame, reprefenting a Gentlemaa and Lady at Devotion, very finely painted, for that early period of the Arts ; and in fine Prefervation A Dutch Family at Repaft— a brilliant ftriking Pi 6 lore, equal to Gerard Dow A Woman fu'ckling her Child, a groupe of four Figures ; a very capital elaborate and high finilhed PiSure A Fruit Shop, an old Dutch Woman felling Chefnuts to a Boy— a furprifing Performance for the great attention bellowed in imitating Nature in the moft minute Obje£ls The Interior of a Kitchen, fuppofed a Gentleman’s, with three Servants employed in different Domeftic Occupations, an infinite number of Utenfils; very highly finilhed, fine H. Sachtle\^en 2y Ditto — S / Gafp. Netfcher W. V. Velde ~r /^S — W.Mie^ .. — J^O — — Greffier — . 1^0 J. Wceni cemx ifo <5, .FUnk V i t.. f — 39 A Pmr of Views on the Rhine Two beautiful and eKtenfive Profpeds, en- riched with a variety of Figures, Villages and . Buildings ; Figures undoubtedly of the Firft Clafs of this Admired Mailer — 40 A Pair of fmaller uprights, equally fine — • 41 yf Lady at her Toilet A moil delicate J.ewel forming, with her At- tendants, a groupe of elegant Figures, finiihed with that Delicacy Softnefs fo much admired in his fine works 42 A Storm nt Sea. This great Artlil treated his Subjefls in a moil mailerlyilile : how truly the Reprefentation of thpfe few Boats and Shipping nearly overpowered by the Force and Violence of the Storm !— a fine Pidure in his beil Manner 43 ^ Lady with aphil 3 J.n a Cradle. > ‘7 The whole Scene charaderized with great Deli- cacy and, ^xquifite, Accuracy of finiihing, equal to Ger. . Douw 44 A VIEW ON THE RHINE. ' A noble extenfive Profped, exhibiting a Va- riety ‘of Villages, Cailles, Buildings and the Ship- ping employed on that River : the whole a lively interefting Scene, executed wit^-^n accurate fmart pencil 45 Fowls and Fruit. The works ©f this admirable Artift have been thought wsorthy to adorn fome of the firft Cabinets in Europe. This Pidure is a Specimen of his fineft Works, painted with great Delicacy and 5oftnefs, rich and beautifully colored 46 A Milk Girl. Flink was j uftly rated the firft of Rembrandt’s School ; he moftly painted Hiftory or Portraits ; Subjeds of this Sort are uncommon : valuable ^nd capital ^o6 _ Oftadc — ^ - 37 , 3/C - ^ 6 ^ - 1 '( ‘7 ) 47 ■ I'ntlnor of a Dutch Cabaret. It is not eafy to conceive a more ftriking pic- . turefque Scene than this Groupe enjoying their Pipes and Liquor : The whole moft delicately finilhed with a fine glowing colouring 3 . Ruyfdael ^ 48 A LA'NJ>SCAPE. A wry fine finiflied Figure,, accurately copied after Nature, that true Guide to Perfedion : The Pigures are by the mafterly Hand of P. Wouvcr- mans moft exquifitcly touched and finely placed, — ^ Capital DuTart ? — 49 ^ Merry Making. This Maftcr was a Scholar of the celebrated A. Oftade, whofe Style he imitated, in point of EfFe£l, his Gumpofition being genuine and little . inferior to Oftade A. V. de Veldf — 50 A VIEW OF THE WOOD AT THE HAGUE. A fine Copy of Nature,, on a fmall Scale, treated in a mafterly Style, a few Cows and Figures on the Foreground moft exquifitely touched A. V. deVelde — 51 A fmall Landf cafe with Cattle and Figures , A delicate little Jewel ; the Cattle drawn with great Prccifioii.i the whole highly finilhed, and in fine Prefervation * Terbargh 52 Portraits of a Dutch Family.. ‘ ACompofition of Three Figures; his greatcft Skill and Excellency lay in thefe kind of Portraits- which he painted with great Tafte.— Avery capita Pi dure ' 5 Teniers — ““53 ^tfide of a Gardener' s Houfe. Reprefenting a Woman with Herbage, kettles, 8cc. No Artift ever equalled Teniers in painting thefe fubor'dlnate Subjeds, in fuch a pidurefque Style, of which this Pidure is an undeniable Proof, the Colouring is of that beautiful Silvery Tone fo juftly admired in his fineft Works Palaintdfc — 54 This Groupe of varied fpirited and lively Charaders, playing at Cards, Mufic, &c. far furpafles the • Generality of his Works, from the great Atten- tion and Corrednefs to every Part : it is prefumed to be the fineft Pidure ever painted by Palamedes /r/ ( 8 ) p - Slingelandt yS> Rembrandt *t:-r Van der Heyde «— ,iScbweickhardtt ^3 Lingelback •— 55 A BOY FISHING. A pleafmg living arch expreflive Countenance, it is at a Moment when he is fuppofed to have got another Bite ; painted with great Spirit, and finilhed equal to his Mafter, Gerard Douw 56 Hi% ovin Portrait. ■ A moft ftriking Pifture ; a Charader, full of Energy and impreffive Senfibility, painted in a bold mafterly Style. This Portrait may vie with the fineft Works of Titian. Rembrandt was Born at Leyden, 1606, and Died at Amfterdam, aged 68 57 A view of a Town in Holland. The' Speftator may be appealed to, whether it I be poffible for the Art of Painting fo come nearer to Nature, than in this little matchlefs high finiflied Jewel ! the Figures of the fineft Clafs of A.lV.dc Velde ' 58 A Froji Piece, a View of a Canal in Holland. A capital Performance, with many Figures Skaitiiig and varioufly employed. With what fur- prifing Truth and Corretftnefs has he portrayed and charadlerized the People of Holland, his native Country ! the very Houfes are exadt Copies, and ftiew their Manner and Tafte of Building: this Picture being painted for Ladv Holderness, who patronized the unfortunare Emigrants from Holland, he exerted all his Powers, and this is efteemed to he one of the very beft Pidures he ever painted 59 An Italian Market This Mafter was endowed with real Genius, though he fometimes imitated the Style of Bamboccio or Wouvermans. This Pidure is quite in his own fuperior Manner, painted during his Refidence in Italy; the Buildings and Fountain in the Diftance elegant, the Figures pidurefqiie, full of Charader, Animation and Spirit > • j B. Peters 6o — Terburg 2cc William Mieris //O Jan Steen ^3 ^ A. V. de Velde ^“2 — Van der Heyde ^ 2 ^ De Moni // ^ Jan Steen ( 9 ) A View en the Scheldt^ This Pidlure proves the Artift to be One of the Founders of the fine Style of Dutch Marine Painting. Living fomc time prior to W. V. dc Velde, or Backhuifen ; it reprefents an aftual Scene from Nature, the Shipping correft, and the Water clear and tranfparent. One of his fineft Piftures. 6 1 A Lady Drinking. A graceful elegant Reprefentation of Nature, one of the moft celebrated Piflures known of this Mafter, from which a fine Print was engraved by the ingenious George Willc, of Paris 62 The Raree Shew-man. A Groupe of Eight Figures, one of thofe furprifing elaborate Pidtures, which no Artift, except a Man endowed with the Patience of W. M. could poffibly perform —wry capital ^3 A School Majier It is almoft fuperfluous to fay any thing refpec* ting the charadlers here reprefented, he has immor- Mized himfelf ; it is prefumed impoffible that the Excellence of this Work of Art, can be furpafled 64 A beautiful Landfeape on the Banks of a Canal A pleafing Scene with the Serenity of a fine Evening Sun ripling and playing on the Surface of the Water; a Horfeman on the Foreground, with many other charming Figures: one of his fiheft Cabinet Pidlures 65 A View of a Village in North Holland. A Mafter, whofe particular Style far furpafsed all others in the high finifhed Imitation of Nature, this Beautiful Cabinet Picture poffelles all the Per- feftion of his Art : to which is added, .the beft Efforts of A. D. Van de Velde in the Figures 66 A Kitchen Scene, with a Servant cleaning Fifh ; a very high-ficiftied Pidture. De Moni was efteemed one of the beft Matters of the Holland fchool 67 The Pancake Girl. This furprifing Genius ftands unrivalled at the Head of the Dutch School for native Humour, and forcible Expreftion : a Groupe of Children truly replete witli all the excellencies of this Maftcr’s art B £ 10 J J