C 9 > 1 H I R D D A T’s S A L Ej SATURDAY, FEBRUARY tj, * rrj . 7crregiatu Ditto Ditto Ditto Piaosetta Ditto Lolman Ditto Ditto Marco Ricci Cojfia Ditto Marco Ricci Ditto Ditto Ditto CleriJJcau * VflE W of Ruins, with Figure* — 2 Ditto, its Companion - 3 View of a Sea- port _ 4 Ditto ___ _ 5 Head in Black Chalk - 6 Ditto — _ 7 Landfcape with Ruins and Figures 8 Ditto, its Companion - 9 A Sketch of Tivoli taken on the fpot - 10 Ruins and Figures — — _ . 11 A Landfcape with Figures - 12 Ditto, its Companion — . 13 The Ponte Salaro — _ 14 A Landfcape with Figures, Companion to the 1 former — | 15 Ditto, ditto , _ . - 16 Ditto, ditto 17 Ruins of a great Hall, in the manner of thofe \ in the antique Themes J High I Wide Ft. In. Ft. In. 0 8 by c 11 0 8 0 11 0 10 1 2 0 8 1 1 I 2 I 6 I 3 0 11 I 2 1 8 I 2 1 8 I 2 1 8 0 10 1 2 I 2 j 9 I 2 1 9 I 2 1 7 I 2 1 7 I 2 1 7 I 2 1 7 2 2 I 8 ( 10 ) Ditto 18 Ditto 19 Ditto 20 Bartol07.su 21 Torrtgiano 22 Ditto 23 Pecbeux 24 Ditto 25 Lalman 26 Ditto 27 Rofe Alba 28 Cltrijeau 29 Ditto 30 Lalman 3 1 Ditto 32 Tucchi Ditto Panini Ditto Ditto Lalman Ditto Ditto Infide View of an antique circular Temple • • • " ” , '- t - with different High Ft. In. Sepulchral Building Maufoleums nn * w. o o * Venus and Cupid in Crayons A Landfcape with Ruins - Ditto, its Companion " — TT7 * A drawing of Marcus Aurelius in theCapitol 7 in Chalk * Another V iew in Rome Head of an Abbey 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 A barcopnagus, wiui p*** 1 ** 1 u * 1 v - w A View of the back front of the Temple of 7 Peace at Rome 1 A View of the Arch of Septimius Severus, 1 and part of the Campo Vaccino at Rome $ The Seven following drawings by Zuccarelli, were done originally for a Nobleman, from which he propofed to have his Tapeftry ex- ecuted, and are almoft the onely ones in this Style by that ingenious Mafter. They reprefent an expedition of the Turks, under a Conductor or General, to vifit the Tomb of their Prophet at Mecca. 8 io io 8 8 io 10 1 1 ioi lot IO IO by Gas. Occhiali 48 A Bas-relief in the manner of a Cameo, after the antique A ditto, its Companion — Ruins with Figures — Ditto, ditto — ' Ditto, ditto — ' A Landfcape with Ruins and Figures — Ditto, its Companion A View of the Campo Vaccino at Rome • — - 1 -- A View of the Bridge and Cafide of St. Angelo, > i with St. Peter's and the Vatican at o'U diftance * 6 10 1 o 10 IO 9 9 8 8 2 S 6i 9 ! 9 10 Wide Ft. In. 1 8 2 2 1 7 0 9 o 11 0 II 1 s I s I 4 » 4 e 9 O 7A 0 7 4 1 2 I 2 0 4 1 7 1 10 o II 01 II © 7 ° 7 1 o I o o ri 0 10 0 8£ 1 3 1 3 1 3 i S Clerijjeau Ditto Ditto Pechtux Ditto Lalman Ditto Panini Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Clerifjtau Ditto Ditto Marco Ricci Ditto Ditto Ditto Panini Ditto Lalman Clenjftau Ditto Ditto Cleriffeau Ditto Ditto Ditto ( ** A 49 Remains *f an ancient Temple — — • 50 Infide of an antique Hall — • «— 51 Trophies with part of an aquedulb — 52 Hercules Farnefe — — 53 Venus of Medicis — ■ — " ■ 54 A View of part of theCoaft of Italy — » 55 A View of the Colifeum and Arch of Con- , ftantine, with, part of the Palatine Hill in l Rome J 56 A Landscape with Figures — ■ ■ ■- 57 A View of Tivoli »■— — ■■ - 58 Ditto of an Aqueduft near Tivoli, its Com-1 panion S 59 Ruins — — 60 Ditto, its Companion 61 An infide of arijantique Temple , - 62 The infide of a circular Tfemple — 63 The outfide of the Terhple of Veftaat Tivoli 64 A View of Ruins and Architecture remarkably ■» fine j 65 Ditto, its Companion —— 66 Ditto, ditto ■ — - — — 67 Ditto, ditto- — ■ — - 68 Ruins — — - ■- 69 Ditto, its Companion 70 A LandfCape" with Figures beautifully drawn, 7 in the ftyleofSal. Rofa J 71 Lateral View of the Temple of Antoninus and i Fauftina. Engraved by Cunego 3 72 View of a Gate of the ancient City of Cuma, on the Baian Shore near Naples, alfo en graved by Cunego 73 View of the Temple of Venus on the Baian Shore, alfo engraved by Cunego 74 View of the three Colums of the Portico of Jupiter Stator, in the Campo Vaccino, alfo engraved by Cunego 75 View of the Temple of Tola in Iftria, alfo en 7 graved by Cunego j 76 View of the triumphal Arch at Pola, alfo en-- 7 graved by Cunego » j 77 View of an ancient Tomb near Puzuoli, on | the Baian Shore, alfo engravtd by Cunego J N. B. A Print oi each V iew will be given along with its original Drawing High Wide Ft. In. Ft. In; I 7 by l 3 1 7 f 3 1 7 t 3 2 c * 5 2 0 I S 0 ii I 4 O 1 1 1 ; 4 1 2 0 9 O 11 0 8 0 1 1 0 8 0 11 0 8 0 1 1 0 8 1 6 I 2 I 2 0 IOX 0 11 I 2 0 11 I 5 0 11 I 5 0 11 I S 0 1 1 1 5 0 1 1 0 8 r 0 1 1 0 8 1 7 I 2 1 5 2 0 1 5 2 0 1 5 2 0 1 5 2 0 1 5 2 0 i 3 2 0 1 5 2 © End of the Third Day’s Sale, ( M ) »T i ■; v i s ' . v 'v • Fourth Day’s Sale, MONDAY, MARCH I, *775- Piaister Casts from the Antique. f, b /, 1 2 b 3 s f\ 7 ^ 7 7 AN Antinous The Ids of the Capitol A Prieftefs of ditto The Flora of ditto The Pyrrhu i of ditto The Juno of ditto The Marcus Aurelius of ditto High I 1 High Ft. In. Ft. In. 5 5 by 4 o 4 0 4. 0 4 o 4 o 4 0 ( *3 ) totr B i) q Jt - io J . // 1 1 /?/ I + //^S The Caius Marius of ditto _ ”* __ The St. Sufanna ot Fiamingo in the Rot unda ^ An Agrippina The Graces of the Villa Borgheze < The Numidian Slave "* V^e^^Me^ids^repiefentingthe Sacrifice of Iphigenia, the| Workmanfhip of Phidias the Athenian Statuary ) \ afe of Borgheze, reprefenting a Bacchana lian Choru., j Worlcmanfhip of the fame Statuary h fe N. B. Thefe two arc thought to be the only Calls or e Vafes to the full Size in England High Ft. In. 4' 4 2 by o IO 9f 16 *7 JO Mi i 18 3 7 19 2S 20 2 ££ /f 2 ! 4 Modern Marbles. Two Tables of Verd Antique Marble . A Pcdefial for the Vafe of Medicis, richly oanamented in the-, antique Stile, with Rams Heads, Sphinxes, &c, ' A circular Pedeftal, with Candelabria, teftoons, Fietts, Me* ^ A denial for the Vafe of Borghefe, in the antique Stile, with? Heads of Jupiter Ammon, Eagles and Feftoons A Candelabrum, Irom Cardinal Paffionei’s Co.leCtion Ditto, its Companion * “ . , . r , A Boy on a Dolphin, by Baccio Bandinelli, extremely beautiful , A Bufto of Marcus Brutus, by Valle at Rome — - ’ A (quare PedeOai, a copy from the famous Bronze Peddtal in 1 the Medicis Gallery at violence J 1 1 anti qu e b A 3 - r e L I E F S r N MARBLE. tij \i * 25 The nine Mufes with Apollo and Minerva, being the front part ? * of an ancient Sarcophagus / n 2 5 Re '.ulus leaving Rome to return to Carthage, his t riends ail- ) •O wading him and deploring hislofs, very curious for us Bega or ^ ancient Chariot drawn by two Horfes a 27 A Bas-relief reprefenting a combat, perfectly entire Long I Ft. In. IO and forming a pannel of a proper iize for fine the Tablet cf a Chimney, very r 1 1 o to 4 Square 7 Diam. 4 Square o o o o 7 6 2 9 ( '14 fj L O' K 28 Fragment of a Bas-relief being a part of a circular Pedeftal /. //. (, 29 Two Figures in Bas Relief, representing a Sacrifice ANTIQUE URNS IN MARBLE. ,JV- !(P 30 ACenerarioof Cenerary Urn, reprefenting a Soldier carried to} the Funeral pyle by his Campanions, Maffime Collection,, and > very fine * 3 3 1 A ditto with Heads of Jupiter Ammon, Feftoons, &c. Infcribed 1 Csedici Faufti, See. j 32 A ditto with Boys and Sphinxes infcribed Titus Claudius, &c. •» Maffime Collection j 33 A ditto with Griffins, &c. Ditto Collection - . 34. A ditto with the Gates of Tartarus, ditto Collection ~— f '1 " L f C / V L -46 High Ft. In 2 1 3 VARIOUS ANTI Q^U ITIES IN MARBLE. ~ 35 A Griffin and Candelabrium from the collection of Cardinal ^ / Paffionei, and very fine A- V 36 A Patterawith a Figure and Foliage border 37 Fragment of a Trophy, very fine ANTIQJJE VASES in MARBLE. J,a • 7 38 A Vafe reprefenting the Labours of Hercules — — / / .. l ?q A Vafe with Heads of Jupiter Ammon and Golofs, from-} " , Maffime Collection J /$• 6 40 A ditto with Eagles and Fefloons and Heads of Jupiter Ammon, .. from ditto Collection / lit. 3 . - 41 A ditto in form of a Cenerary Urn with Candelabria and Fdtoons ANTI QJJ E STATUES IN MARBLE. //) IL+ 42 A Ceres with a Crown of Barley ears and a Cup in her Hand 2 fl ' /O 3 A Ganimede with an Eagle and Cup of Grecian Work-manlhip, 1 2 J and very fine J 4 2. L 3 3 by Long Ft. In. 0 1 Dianu SI- -Jo Iq-.iP SI- /o Of yd'- 7 fr 7 r CjC-.i 2ct> f' ( *S ) 44 A Conful in his Robes, holding a Roll or Volume, very fine 45 A Mufe with a Lute — — 46 Another Mufe with a Volume or Roll in her Hand and a Filleti binding up her Hair J Another Mufe with a Volume or Roll in her Hand — ■■ A Conful fitting, holding a Volume or Roll in his Hand 47 48 o, o „ . • 49 The Mufe Erato finely drapery’d of Grecian Wormanfliip and? very beautiful 5 50 A Flora, with a Flower in one Hand, and her flowing Drapery** upheld by the other, in the Style and tafle of the Flora I Farneze, of Grecian Wormanfliip from the Barbarini Col- f le&ion J 51 The Emprefs Li via, in the chara&er of a Juno in flowing Robes, ^ of Grecian Workmanfhip remarkably fine, from the Popes (. Colle&ion in the Vatican j High Ft. In. 2 2 3 4 3 6 5 l 10 o 7\ I, by Wide Ft. In. End of the Fourth Day’s Sale. . a «* ) Fifth Day’s Sale. "TUESDAY, MARCH, 2, 1773. Plaister Casts from the Antique. J .6 1 rriHE Mufe of the Capitol 2 ji b 7. £ The Flora Farneze ^ £ 2 Paperius and his Mother 2 jo-b 4 A Mufe 2 bi t 5 AnAgryppina _ *n r j to Juno of the Capitol A 1 ( 7 Centaur Borgheze Sitting Figures, &c. JJli 8 A gryppina Farneze /. cj , q Sleeping Faune, Barbarini Ji /U -L 10 A fitting Conful, Negroni / £ n Niobe and one of her Daughters /3 12 Jupiter Verofpi ■ — / 2 33 One Figure unknown 1 + One ditto ~ ’5 One ditto High Ft. In. - 2 . 2 . 2 . 2 - 2 . 2 . 2 A. /t' 5 j A Vafeof Albani, with fix Figures, repiefenting a Bacchanalian 1 iiance by Wide Ft. In. C *7 ) D-C ■*’ fU-fU J Two Tables of ancient Mofaick, dug up in Adrian’s Villa? t near Tivoli, from Cardinal t urietti s Collection, and very finej 5 Antique Vases in Marble. 1 2 11 by n.L Height ' 7 ' K ■■ 0 29 A Vafe with Feftoons, fluted Tops and Trufles fc. (j - 3° A ditto fluted — ~r, b 3 1 A ditto with Vines twifted round it — 1 — 1 — 2 9 io’ 2 10 Long. Ft In. 1 < I 5 4i 10 3i 1 o 7 3 I < 18 ) 4 - .54 Jupiter Ammon — — .35 My.hridates with a Laurel Crown of Grecian Workmanship 36 The Emperor Adrian fji ' 1 1 0