COLORS GROUND IN JAPAN FOR CAR AUKMOBII PAINTING MADE BY WADSW0RTH,H0WLAND&C0. 82 84 WASHINGTON ST.. BOSTON, MASS. FACTORIES. MALDEN. MERRIMAC GREEN, LT. FACTORIES: MALDEN, MASS. WADS WORTH, HOWLAND & CO., (INCORPORATED) t (WADSWORTH, HOWLAIVD & CO (INCORPORATED) SAMPLE CARD Bay 5 Col MYSTIC RED. CONCORD GREEN. AZURE BLUE. CONCORD YELLOW. WINE COLOR A. PERFECT YELLOW. COACH PAINTER RED. S2 and 54 Washington Street^ BOSTON, MASS. riakers of Paints of Every Descrij Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute PRICE LIST. 1 r A Per Tube. Per Lb. Black, Bay Stale $ .2.> Black, Coach Paimcrs’ Drop .28 Black, En^lisli Droj) - .2.) Black, lUOl .24 Black, Ivory • .35 lilack, Jet $ .15 .40 Black, Dam]) .27 Black, Une Owl .22 Black, Two Owl .25 Black, Three Owl .30 Blue, Azure .20 .40 Blue, Chinese .25 .80 Blue, Cobalt .25 1.00 Blue, New .75 Blue, Milori .2.0 .90 Blue, Peacock .50 Blue, Perfect .25 .75 Blue, Permanent .20 .50 Blue, Prussian .25 .80 Blue, Steel . .30 1.20 Blue, Ultramarine .25 .70 Brown, Kusset .40 Brown, Seal .20 .50 Brown, Olive .35 Brown, Vandyke .17 .37 Brown, Very Deep .25 .80 Car Body Color .15 .27 Car Body Color, Pullman .33 Dutch Pink .20 .40 Garnet Color .20 .53 Green, Apple .37 Green, Brewster, L. & D .17 .40 Green, Bronze .35 Green, Brilliant .20 .55 Green, Concord .17 .31 Green, Coach Painters’, L., M., D., and D. D .20 .45 Green, Merrimac., L, M., D., and D.D .17 .35 Green, Milori, L., M., and D ,.25 .75 Green, New Haven,. .45 Green, New .20 .55 Green, Olive .20 .40 Green, Very Deep . . .25 .75 Green, Quaker, ll., M., and D .20 .40 Green, Sai^c* .15 .35 Green, W., H. & Co ’s L., M., and D. ( Blue Shade) .60 Ground for Ascot or Eastern Red. . . .35 Ground for Carmine .67 Imitation of Gold for Striping- .25 .67 Light Olive .35 Ochre, Golden .17 .33 Ochre, English Oxford .27 Portland Amber .20 .50 Red, Amesbury .50 Red, Ascot, L. and D .25 .80 Red, Bostonia .25 .65 Red, Brilliant .60 Red, Carmona, L. and D .25 .80 Red, Cart Red, Cherry .20 .50 .20 ..53 Red, Chicago .20 .60 Red, Coach Painters’ .20 ..50 Red, Coral .20 .50 Red, E istern .20 .60 Red, Indian .17 .33 Red, Merrimac ..50 Red, Mystic .80 Red, New Haven .25 .80 Red, Oxide .25 Red, Tuscan .20 .40 Red, U. S. Mail .50 Red, Western .55 Rose Pink .20 .40 Royal Purple .35 1.00 Russet Color .40 Sienna, Italian, Raw and Burnt .18 .37 Straw Color .35 Smoke, London .20 .40 V k ATE GROUND IN JAPAN FOR DRS CARRIAGE, I f CAR AND AUTOMOBILE PAINTING. lon. RUSSET COLOR. NEW HAVEN RED. CHROME YELLOW, EX. LT. SAGE GREEN. CHROME YELLOW, OR. merrimac red. LT. OLIVE. JERSEY TAN. CAR BODY COLOR. WINE COLOR B. QUAKER GREEN, LT. AMESBURY RED. GOLDEN OCHRE. WADSVi'ORTH, HOWLAND A CO. ^INCORPORATED) SPECIAL AUTOMOBILE COLORS. PRIMROSE TELLOW. PERMANENT BLUE. AUTO-PURPLE. ! AUTO-DEVIL RED. AUTO-RED. ( I ! \ 52 nd 54 Washington Street^ BOSTON, MASS. Makers of Fine Varnishes. ' AUTO-STRAW. AUTO-DARK OLIVE. AUTO-ROSE LIGHT. AUTO-WHITE. AUTO-BLUE. PACTORieS : MALDEN, MASS. PRICE Wadsworth, Howland & Go. (incorporated) BOSTON, MASS. MAKERS OF Coach Colors % Varnishes use: • Bay State Rough Stuff or Body Filler, Bay State Gear Filler, Bay State Keystone Filler, Bay State Carriage Priming Leads, Bay State Knifing=in Lead, Bay State Fine Colors in Japan for Car, Carriage, and Automobile Painting, Bay State Fine Carriage Varnishes, Magic Paint and Varnish Remover for cleaning off old paint and varnish. PRICES ON SPECIAL COLORS AND VARNISHES QUOTED ON APPLICATION. REG. U.S. PAT. OFF. r Black, Bay Stale Black, Coach I^ainierb’ Drop Black, English Drop Black, lyol Black, Ivory Black, let Black, *Lamj) Black, One Owl Black, Two Owl Black, Three Owl Blue, Azure Blue, Chinese Blue, Cobalt Blue, New Blue, Milori Blue, Peacock Blue, Perfect Blue, Permanent Blue, Prussian Blue, Steel Blue, Ultramarine. Brown, Russet Brown, Seal Brown, Olive Brown, Vandyke . Brown, Very Deep Car Body Color Car Body Color, Pullman Dutch Pink Garnet Color Green, Apple Green, Brewster, L. & D Green, Bronze Green, Brilliant Green, Concord Green, Coach Painters’, L., M., D., and D. D Green, Merrimac., L, M., D., and D.D Green, Milori, L., M., and D Green, New Haven Green, New Green, Olive Green, Very Deep Green, Quaker, ll., M., and D Green, Sage* Green, W., II. & Co ’s L., M., and D. (Blue Shade) Ground for Ascot or Eastern Red. . Ground for Carmine Imitation of Gold for Striping Light Olive Ochre, Golden Ochre, English Oxford Portland Amber Red, Amesbury Red, Ascot, L. and D Red, Bostonia Red, Brilliant Red, Carmona, L. and D Red, Cart Red, Cherry Red, Chicago Red, Coach Painters’ Red, C:oral Red, E istern Red, Indian Red, Merrimac Red, Mystic Red, New Haven Red, Oxide Red, Tuscan Red, U. S. Mail Red, Western Rose Pink Royal Purple Russet Color Sienna, Italian, Raw and Burnt.... Straw Color Smoke, London 1 Per Tube. Per Lb. $ .‘i.i .■>s . 2 .) .24 .35 ; .15 .40 .27 .22 .25 .30 .20 .40 .25 .80 .25 1.00 .75 .25 .90 .50 .25 .75 .20 .50 .25 .80 .30 1.20 .25 .70 .40 .20 .50 .35 .17 .37 .25 .80 .15 .27 .33 .20 .40 .20 .53 .37 .17 .40 ..35 .20 .55 .17 .31 .20 .45 .17 .35 .25 .75 , .45 .20 .55 .20 .40 .25 .75 .20 .40 .Ll .35 .60 .35 .25 • D 1 .67 .35 .17 .33 .20 .50 .25 .80 .25 .65 .60 .25 .80 .20 .50 .20 ..53 .20 .60 .20 ..50 .20 .50 .20 .60 .17 .33 .50 .80 .25 .80 .25 .20 .40 .50 .55 .20 .40 .35 1.00 .40 .18 .37 .35 .20 .40 J 7 i PRICE LIST. 2 Per Tube. Tun, Jersey Umber, Turkey, Raw and Burnt.... .17 Vermilion, American, L. and I). ... .20 Vermilion, Austrian, L. and I) .20 Vermilion, Engli.'^h, I... and D ..>0 Vermilion, Eureka .20 Vermilion, Unfading .2.’) White, Crcmnitz .20 White, P'lake .20 White, Silver .17 YclIow,Cadiniuni,English,L. and D. 1.2.’» Yellow, Cadmium, German, L. and D. 1.00 Yellow, Canary .2o Yellow, Chrome, L.,M.,D., and I). (). .20 Yellow, Citron .20 Yellow, French Chrome Yellow, Concord .20 Yellow, Extra Light Chrome Yellow, Milori Yellow, Naples, I., and I) .2.7 Yellow, New Haven Yellow, Perfect, L. and D ..>0 Yellow, Primrose .If' Yellow, Street Car LAKES. Brilliant Lake, A Brilliant Lake, B Carriage Part Lake .2.*) Carmine I^ake, A .40 Carmine I-ake, B ..TO Carmine Ri d .M) Carmine, No. 40, I.,, and D Carmine, Oriental .7.7 Carmine, Opaque, L. and I) .40 Carmine, Portland ..70 Chatemuc, Lake Crimson Lake, A., American Crimson Lake, B., American Crimson Lake, A., English .SO Crimson Lake, B. Englisl .00 iLureka Lake Green Lake, W., H. iV Co.’s ..7.7 Munich Lake, A .7.7 .Munich Lake, B .70 One Coat Body Lake, L. and I) One Coat Scarlet Lake Purple, Perfect .40 Purple Lake, W., II. C'o.’s .77 Red !.ake, A Red Lake, B Rose Lake, A Rose Lake, B Scarlet I.ake, English, A .70 Scarlet Lake, English, B .77 Scarlet Lake, English, C .SO Scarlet Lake, W., H. iV Co.’s .0.7 Wine Color, A .17 Wine Color, B Wine Color, C Yellow Lake, A .’17 Yellow Luke, B 40 SPECIAL AUTO. COLORS. Auto. Carmine Auto-Yellow Auto. Rose, Dk Auto-Green Auto- Pui pie Auto-Devil Red Auto-Red Auto. Olive Auto-Frencli Blue Auto-Str.iw Auto. Dark OHn e - Auto. Rose, I..ight Auto- White Auto. Blue'. Per Lb. .40 .:i.7 .47 ..77 .77 .00 .40 .40 .80 5.00 4.m) ..70 .40 .40 .07 .40 .47 .00 .77 .40 2.07 .44 2. . 70 3.00 .00 2.(M) 8.00 4.50 .7.(M) 4.00 2.00 3.00 .80 1.. 70 2.00 4. 00 ,7.0(» 1.00 2.. 70 2.70 8.70 1.00 .5^1 • .07 2.70 8.77 1.. 70 2.00 1.00 1.27 8.00 8. . 70 4.«’0 .8.00 ..8.8 .40 ..70 1.. 7U 2.00 $ .40 1.10 ,.70 1.011 .00 .so .:i.7 1.00 .44 .:i7 l.ot) .40 .40 i ’sr&.iAi <^0 2Z <• \ tENia L«v