LIST or PRICES OF THEIR AT.SO COPYING PRESSES. Cl M €111 MANUFACTURERS OF WARRANTED CAST STEEL, AND EXTRA CAST STEEL SAWS SEGMENTS AND MANDRILLS; ALSO, COPYING PRESSES, Printing fpressca, PRINTING MATERIALS, MACHINERY, ETC. Warehouse, Pfos. 29 and 31 Gold Street, MANUFACTORY, Corner of Broome, Sheriff, and Columbia Sts., !tew-Yor»i. NE W-YORK: Printed by OLIVER & BROTHER, Sun Building, ON HOE’S IMPROVED NAPIER PRESS. 1849. COA/S TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS. Gentlemen: We hand you a list of prices of our Cast Steel, Patent Machine Ground Saws, and other articles belonging to that branch of our business, to which we invite your attention. R. HOE & CO. 29 and 31 Gold Street. I LIST OF PRICES OF CAST STEEL SAWS, COPYING PRESSES, ETC. The following extract is from a report made by a committee of practical and scien¬ tific gentlemen appointed by the American Institute. The Special Committee of the American Institute, to whom was referred the exam¬ ination of Mr. Richard M. Hoe’s Machines for grinding Saws, report, that they visited the extensive manufactory of R. Hoe & Co., at the corner of Broome and Sheriff streets, and there witnessed the machines in question in operation. There are two of these, one for grinding Long Saws, the other for ginding Circular Saws. * * The advantages to be obtained from the use of these machines are highly important, as will manifestly appear to those who are accustomed to use saws of the description which they are calculated to grind. Their merit consists in the power which they place at the disposal of the workmen engaged in the manufacture of saws, to make them perfectly true and regular in thick¬ ness, or thick or thin at any particular part they please ; thus preparing the cutting edge of Long Saws to operate with less set, and strengthening Circular Saws by gradually increasing them in thickness from the cutting edge to their centre. The truth and uniformity of their surface make, in all cases, less set in the saw teeth necessary, and on this account it will take less power to drive the saws made by these machines than is required for the use of the ordinary hammered and ground saws ; be¬ sides, they will not require so frequent sharpening, be less liable to become heated, and by cutting relatively a much narrower curf, produce a saving in timber, which, in some varieties, is an object of considerable importance. Your committee are of unanimous opinion, that in the apparatus invented by Mr. R. M. Hoe, as above described, he has displayed great ingenuity and tact in the adaptation of machinery to the production of results in the manufacture of saws, which may with propriety be denominated the ne plus ultra of the art. JAMES HAMILTON, EDWARD CLARK, [Signed,1 THOS. B. STILLMAN, JAMES WILSON, JOSEPH CURTIS. N. B.—Since the above we have much improved this Machine, and added several others. CERTIFICATES FROM WELL KNOWN SAWYERS WHO ARE DAILY RUNNING OUR SAWS. Having used R. Hoe & Co’s. Saws for some time past, we take pleasure in stating that we fully approve what is said in the above report, and farther, that the saws are by far the best article ever used by us during an experience of many years. [Signed,] WILLIAM SCOTT, GEORGE W. RIBLETT, Steam Saw Mill, foot of Grand street. New York, September 13, 1843. I consider the above Saws a very superior article, and would recommend them to Sawyers generally. [Signed,] FREEMAN CAMPBELL. New York, October 6, 1843. 4 I have used, very extensively during the past eight years, R. Hoe & Co’s. Patent Ground Saws in my portable circular saw mills. Their saws have universally given the most perfect satisfaction, and I can confidently recommend them as far superior in every respect to any other I have ever used or seen. [Signed,] GEORGE PAGE, Baltimore, Md. May 1 , 1848. Manufacturer of the Patent Portable Saw Mills. Necessary Directions for Hanging and Setting R. Hoe work complete for Saw Mills. Mill Saw Stirrups, per pair, from . $15 00 Pit Saw handles or Tillers and Boxes, per set 1 75 Shingle Machine. Cast Steel Cane Knives. 12 inch Cane Knives, straight paltern, per dozen, 810 00 14 it ti a tt n 12 00 16 a tt tt tt it 14 00 12 it a tt scimetar pattern tt 12 00 14 n it tt << it 14 00 16 a tt tt tt a 16 00 18 tt u tt a a 18 00 20 a tt tt a « 20 00 Plastering Trowels. Cast Steel, 10 inch, 101 « 11 12 “ 89 50 doz. 10 00 “ 10 50 “ 12 50 “ U 11 Mandrills for Circular Saws, WITH BRASS BOXES, BOLTS AMD BUTS. No. 1 suitable for 46 to 48 inch saws, • $40 00 2 a 38 to 44 “ 35 00 8 << 30 to 36 “ 27 50 4 u 26 to 28 “ 25 00 5 u 20 to 24 “ 22 50 6 H 14 to 28 “ 20 00 7 »< 12 and under, 17 00 If the above are ordered without boxes, a deduction of 15 per cent, will be made. Also, Mandrills to run on points. 12 Gamming Machine. This machine is made of wrought and cast iron, attached to an under frame. With it two persons can re-tooth a six feet mill saw in few min¬ utes. It is of great power, and does not bend the teeth, and they require but little filing afterwards. The dies are of best cast steel; Price $65. 13 Improved Copying Presses. We manufacture and keep constantly on hand, various kinds of Copying Presses, the most approved of which are here represented. The impression surfaces of all our presses are turned perfectly true, so that a uniform and perfect copy may be obtained with ease and expedition. Copying Ink, Copying Paper, and Copying Books, of the best quality. DIRECTIONS FOR COPYING. For copying in the book, lay a sheet of oiled paper under the sheet on which you in* tend to take the copy, dip the brush in water and dampen the leaf, take off the surplus water with blotting paper, turn the leaf over and dry the other side likewise, then lay the letter in the book, turn the damp sheet on the letter, and lay a sheet of oiled paper on that, close the book, and put it in the press. IFF For copying on a loose sheet, the same directions are to be observed. FRENCH SCREW PATTERN. This Press ha 3 a wrought iron arch or yoke. Every part is finished with much care and it is a beautiful and useful ornament for the counting room. Size of the platen or follower, 16^ by 10§ inches. Prick <$35. The arch of this Press is wrought iron. The whole is strong and durable, and not likely to get out of order. Size of platen or follower, 1G| by lOf inchea. Price $25. SCREW AND LEVER PRESS. 15 SCREW AND BALL PRESS. This is a strong, neat, and durable article.—Size of platen or follower, 18 by 11 inches. Price $18. COLUMN PRESS. The above differs from our other Screw Copying Presses in being secured with wrought iron rods through the columns. Size of platen or follower, 15f by lOf inches. Price $16. 1G Notarial, or Seal Presses. FACE PRESS. This Press is very powerful, and is suitable for public institutions. i Pkice, with Stand, $50. SCREW PRESS. SPRING PRESS. Price $18- Price $35, with Stand.