1/6/9^ to 5/29/9^ xV ..■'^> Sm^ ..jN HM 'MM.MM ii-!5^^ J^r ¥ n«t f I C-A-T-A-XjOOXTE Apr. lo LoCaO CHOICE PICTURES AND SEater-rnlour ©ratoinga THE PROPERTY OF JOHN BETTS, ESQ., Deceased, late of 36 Harborne Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, AND GEORGE GRAHAM, Esq., Deceased, late of Oaklands, near Birmingham: WHICH miiii he S^oili h}} auctton t}) Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THEIR GRKAT EO©MS, 8 KING STEEET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE. On MOI^DAY, APRIL 16, 1894, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. May be viewed Friday and Saturday preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods' Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S.W. \Si S-^M^l, XU^nX-K^AloVy, CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute aris(; between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute sliall bo immediately put ui^ again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Pui'chase- Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so jiurchased to be immediately put up again and re- sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct descriptions, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VTI. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by pubUc or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re sale shall be made good by the Defaiilter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On MONDAY, APRIL 16, 1894. AT ONB O CLOCK PBKCISKLT. The follonjing are the Property of the late JOHN BETTS, Esq., of 36 Harborne Road, Edghaston, Birmingham. SEPIA DRAWINGS. Exhibited at the Cox Exhibition, Birmingham, 1890 D. COX. 1 Windmill ; and a Mountainous Scene ^^^ ^J'^iAjhMt, 2 The Hayfikld 6-^y iJ^n^i^^ 3 On the Tereace/v* ^Meot^j^L^ 4 A Landscape, with sheep ; and In the Glen^S 2 '^■^^^ 5 Greenwich Hospital y-^r" 6 The Stepping Stones ^^ ^-'^hni.u^- 7 Viaduct, with train and figures ^f/o 8 A Flock of Geese ; and A Cornfield, with figures 2 B 2 i3 '1 ^A ( /0'/i> ^ ■/Q- - V ir 2>- J- D. COX. 9 Bolton Abbey 6*t ^y^f^TV&yV 10 A Hatfield ^^P 11 The Sheimpers ^x^ 12 Coast Scene, with boats and horsescirx^ (A^'7\ja^ 13 On the Coast ; and A Sea Piece Ci/pw^'^ 14 A EiVER Scene, witli boats and windmill '^h^y^ 15 A Gossip bt the Way«'^7 -<^^ 16 A EivER Scene /^r 'fy\ct^ 17 A Mountainous Landscape, with bouse in tbe foregroun^^^,|^ 18 Windsor Castle s^q From the Gillott Collection WATEE-COLOUR DRAWINGS. G. CATTERMOLE •^/»- 19 An Interior, with falconer y^i.^ G. CATTERMOLE. ^'A 20 A River Scene, with watermill -^.^W^ G. CATTERMOLE. -5- - • — 21 A FoitEST Scene ^x/x. /V<^it<>^ J. S. COTMAN. 22 A Swiss River Scene, with bridge {.A^o-njuo- D. COX. y^ 23 WARWICK CASTLE Ol^.n-.iaxr 21 in. by 29 in. Exliihited at ilie Cox Exhibition, Birmingham, 1890 D. COX. 24 PENMAENMAUR 24 in. by 15^ in. Exhibited at the Cox Exhibition, Birmingham, 1890 D. COX. 25 A FOREST SCENE, witli sheep i/^ruiAA^ 13 in. by 19 in. D. COX. 2. 26 BOLTON ABBEY -A 18^- in. by 27 in. D. COX. 27 A Classical Composition, with figures ^uy^ 7 in. by 14 in. D. COX, 1842. 40 Near Bardon, Yorksliire /^a/». H. DAWSON, 1862. 42 A RivRR ScENF : Evening*^ /i. W. HAMILTON, R.A. 45 Sdbjkcts, with figures — oval — a pair C. E. JOHNSON, 1877. 4n Glencoe /^vM^ C. E. JOHNSON, 1877 47 The Timber Waggon /^^(f^ 48 Evening 2A X3l6 z^U-ot^ D. cox. 41 A Coast Scene, with boat^^^ -^- hoMl^n^ ■^y-p-t^tK: H. DAWSON, 1861. 43 A Coast Scene, with shipping : Sunset •^^irt-C^ H. DAWSON, 1865. 44 Ulle6 water /d~y fY&fU^ ^^W<^ t/JW^ B. W. LEADER, A R.A., 1861. ,/ ^yf>-i>rr.>t^^ G. MORLAND. 49 A Landscai'e, with horseman and beggars ^^' '^"-^^t-n^ 8 E. J. NIEMANN. ^O 50 A Sea Piece, with dismasted East Indiaman T. STOTHAED, E.A. ^ 51 Tbe Enchanted Stbeam y^x^ ^b'^ i/^^jLax^ Engraved J. WRIGHT (of Derby). 9^ 52 Boys Blowing a Bladder: Candle-light ^^%r^- From the Gillott Collection, 1872 THE PROPERTY OF A LADY. D. COX, 1850. •^^^ 53 MILKING TIME ^-^cA^xA, /fioA^ jida^rAr From the Collection of the late Mr. Tarrant The following are sold by Order of the Executors of GEORGE GRAHAM, Esq., deceased, late of Oaklands, near Birminyham. DRAWINGS. T. COLLIER. 54. Evening, ou a moor .r^y T. COLLIER. 55 A Moorland Scene /(^/^ T. COLLIER, 1873. 56 KiLOHUKN Castle, Loch Awe bl Cows T. S. COOPER, R.A. D. COX. 58 A Pakk Scene, with sheep'^p' Ji^^noo^J^ %-^o 'J2xu/— {Jm7\£AA)~ t^Tl/' (/bjU)L^. C. FIELDING. 59 A Coast Scene, with castle : Sunset J. HARDY, JuN., 1869. 60 A Highland Gillie, with setters J. SYER, 1874 61 Near Baemodth 10 s^ /r /Jr UA j(. J. SYER, 18R9. 62 A MoonL4ND Scene, with sportsman J. SYER. /?^We^ 63 A Welsh Mountain Scene, with cattle ■c k/G E. M. WIMPERIS. r^^t^n^cJl^ 64 A Moorland Scene /Syy^x^^ ^ E. M. WIMPERIS. // 65 A Park Scene /-t^/6 •^«'i:*-€>f~" The following drawings were exhibited at the Cox Exhibition^ Birmingham, 1890. D. COX, 1842. 9^ 66 BOLTON BRIDGE AND ABBEY /^^H-n^ •^^ 67 LUDLOW CASTLE /ox^i^ Mi£yu),^M^ 9^ D. COX. ^ 68 A VALLEY, NORTH WALES, with sheep and figures, by ttcASMo^Y. Tayler D. COX, 1848. ^ 69 THE OLD MILL /i D. COX. 78 Windsor Castle ^XO 't'n-j D. COX, 72 A Gossip on the Sands ^y i/^^tlm^a- D. COX. 73 Kenilworth Castle ^'^^ ^'"^^^^^-H-^rK^^.^^otyKi D. COX. 74 Evening by the Sea ^'^^ ^>^ (fuy^ ^Unk D. COX. 79 The Fight for the Standard D. COX. 80 Greenwich Hospital ^^'i- ^'-^^y^yHtK 12 Z^' 81 The Gravel Pit /O'A 82 A Sea Piece D. COX. ^Xti- 'fyC^^cO'yyy D. COX. h-?- KA^n^'ASi'AyO-' PICTURES. D. COX, 1850. <^ 83 PEAT GATHERERS /iux/6 ^^-tu-u^ Exhibited at the Cox Exhibition, Birmingham, 1890 D. COX. / i/^ C. T. BURT. 87 A Welsh Landscape, witli a woman on a horse C. T. BURT. 88 A Wateet Lane, with rustic bridge and angler C. T. BURT. 89 Lancabtek Sands /-2^<'6 C. T. BUET. 90 Deserted Church, Pensarn, Nortli Wales ,^:frzjt(Ayi4>T\ C. T. BURT. 91 The Ferry -^^ ^'^ C. T. BURT, 1873. J/^^^^ 92 A Welsh Landscape : Driving cattle across a ford W. ETTY, RA. 93 Cupid and Psyche /6-^f^ C. E. JOHNSON, 1877. 94 A Highland Scene, with cattle ff^CL^fkiin/ W. MULLER, 1843. ^ 95 A Landscape, with a cottage, and a boy and girl with two donkeys on a sandy road ^0^ A/kt>-\/b~ /« E. M. WIMPERIS. 104 On the Cornish Coast : carting sand /b-xJu> FINIS. ^?/h&U^ /3 102 A Coast Scene, with fishing boats «^^^e-,4AeA^ ^ 103 A Common Scene, with sheep K^^i/OL/Coum^ '^-/kX^Co-^n/ E. M. WIMPERIS. ^^ 105 The Way to the Village^ ■^^HiJvx.mr^^ London : Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. '^^* \ ■^ y- I ' 4 ^ -^ m:^ v fev^; ^-^^-^^ ^i^^lt, ^^■- ^N^ ' ; "- \ r^ :c^ "iic 1,1C .:i>>**^ GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00834 2194 #:*9Ce' rS