OWANS 1 S ART BOOKS ^° 7m OTT] m M5fE5PilCE5 Of THE EARLY FLEM- ISH PAINTERS! ONDON & GLASGOW, GOWANS 6" G«AV, L' L . Telephone No 1X17, MAYFAIR. The Carlton Galleries, Ltd. (CLAUDE & TREVELYAN), PALL MALL PLACE, LONDON, S,W, PURCHASERS AND SELLERS OF FINE PICTURES BY THE BEST OLD MASTERS. Messrs. CLAUDE & TREVELYAN also invite the attention of anyone desiring Portraits painted in Oil and Pastel ; Marine Pictures ; Portraits of Horses ; to the work of exceptionally clever Artists whose work can be seen at the Galleries, Pictures and Engravings Cleaned and Restored. Valuations made for Probate or otherwise. Collections Classified and Arranged. All Gowans's Art Books can be obtained at the above Address. Where to get Gowans's . . Art Books abroad. . . . France.— A. Perche, 45 Rue Jacob, Paris. Belgium. — Spineux & Cie, 3 Rue du Bois Sauvage, Brussels. Holland. — Kirberger & Keeper, Amsterdam. Jas. G. Robbers, Amsterdam. Swets & Zeitlinger, Amsterdam. A. Abrahams, The Hague. Italy.— Rosenberg JAN VAN EYCK F. Hanfstaengl Photo. The Holy Hermits Les SaintTI^rmites {Royal Gallery, Berlin) (Mus/e royal, Berlin) Die heiligen Einsiedler (Berlin, Kgl. Galerie) HUBERT & JAN VAN EYCK F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. The Holy Pilgrims ^ Les Saints Pelerins {Royal Gallery, Berlin) {Muse'e royal, Berlin) Die heiligen Pilger {Berlin, Kg I. Galerie) HUBERT <5r» JAN VAN EYCK F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. 24 The Man with the Carnations L'Homme aux (Eillets {Royal Gallery, Berlin) {MusSe royal, Berlin) Der Mann mit den Nelken {Berlin, Kgl. Galerie) JAN VAN EYCK F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. ?5 26 Centre of an Altarpiece Centre d'un Tableau d'Autel {Royal Gallery, Dresden) (Galerie royale, Dresde) Mittelbild eines Flugelaltars (Dresden, Kg I. Galerie) JAN VAN EYCK F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. 2 7 Wings of an Altarpiece Volets d'un Tableau d'Autel {Royal Gallery ; Dresden) [Galerie royale % Dresde) Flugel eines Flugelaltars (Dresden^ Kgl. Galerie) JAN VAN EYCK F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. 28 A Flemish Merchant and Un Negociant flamand his Wife et sa Femme {National Gallery \ London) (Galerie nationale, Londres) Ein flamischer Kaufmann und seine Frau (London^ Nationalgalerie) JAN VAN EYCK F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. 2 5 Portrait of a Man Portrait d' Homme {National Gallery, London) (Galerie nationale, Londres) BlLDNIS EINES MANNES (London^ Nationalgalerie) JAN VAN EYCK F. Han/staengl, Photo. The Annunciation L'Annonciation {The Hermitage, St. Petersburg) (L 'Ermitage, Saint-Pttersbourg) Die Verkundigung {Petersburg, Eremitage) JAN VAN EYCK F. Hanjstaengl, Photo. 3i Cardinal della Croce (?) Le Cardinal della Croce (?) {Imperial Gallery, Vienna) (Galerie impiriale, Vienne) Per Kardinal della Croce (?) (Wien, Kaiser 1. Galerie) JAN VAN EYCK F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. 32 Jan de Leeuw Jan de Leeuw {Imperial Gallery, Vienna) (Galerie imfe'riale, Vienne) Jan de Leeuw (Wien, Kaiser I. Galerie) JAN VAN EYCK F. Hanjstaengl, Photo. 33 34 Two Moneychangers Deux Usuriers {National Gallery, London) (Galerie nafiona/e, Londres) Zwei Geldwechsler {London, Natio>ialgalerie) MARINUS VAN ROMERS IV A EL F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. 35 The Misers Les Usuriers {Windsor Castle) {Galerie royalty Windsor) Zwei Geldwechsj.er {Windsor, Kgl. Schloss) QUINTEN METSYS F. Hanfstaengl, rhoto. 36 The Legend of St. Anna La Legende de Sainte Anne {Royal Gallery, Brussels) (Musee royal, Bruxelles) Die Legende der hl. Anna (Brussel, Kgl. Galerie) QUINTEN METSYS F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. The Angel announcing St. Anna's L'Ange annoncant Pregnancy la Grossesse de Ste. Anne {Royal Gallery, Brussels) {Musee royal, Bruxclles) DEK ENGEL VERKUNDET DEM JOACHIM DIE SCH WANGERSCH AFT der ml. Anna (Brussel, Kgl. Galerie) 33 Christ bearing the Cross Le Christ portant i.a Croix (Imperial Gallery, Vienna) {Galerie imfe'riale, Vienne) Die Kreuztragung Christi (IFien, Kaiserl. Galerie) HANS MEM L INC F. HanJstacn&U Photo. The Ascension L'Ascension {Imperial Gallery, Vienna) (Galerie im/>eriale, Vienne) Die Auferstehung (JVien, Kaiser I. Galerie) HANS MEMLINC F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. 4i The Virgin Enthroned Le Couronnement de i.a Vierge {Uffizi, Florence) (Galerie des Uffizi, Florence) Thkonende Maria (Florenz, Uffizieri) HANS MEMLINC F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. 42 Wing of an Altarpiece Voi.et d'un Tableau d'Autkl (Duke of Devonshire, Ckatsworth) {Due de Devonshire, ChatswortJi) Flugei. eines Flugelaltars (Chatstvorth, Herzog von Devonshire') HANS MEMLINC F. Hanjstaengl, Photo, 44 Centre of an Altarpiece Centre d'un Tableau d'Autel {Duke of Devonshire, Chatsworth) {Due de Devonshire, Chatsworth) MlTTELBILD EINES FLUGELALTARS {Chatsworth, Herzog von Devonshire} HANS MEMLINC F. Han/staengl, Photo. Wing of an Altarpiece Volet d'un Tableau d'Autfl {Duke of Devonshire \ Chatsworth) (Due de Devonshire \ Chatsworth) B'lugel eines Flugelaltars (Chatsworth, Herzog von Devonshire} HANS MEMLINC F. Han/staengl, Photo. ■ Portrait of a Man {Royal Gallery, Brussels) Bildnis EINES {Brfissel, KgL HANS MEMLINC Portrait d'Hommr (M usee royal, Bruxellcs) Mannes Galerie) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. 47 William Morerl, Guillaume Moreel, BURGOMASTER OF BkUGES BOURGMESTRK DE BRUGES {Royal Gallery Brussels) (Musee royal, Bruxelles) Wilhelm Moreel, Burgi- rmeister von Brugge (Brf/ssel, Kgl. Calerie) HANS MEMLINC F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. 43 The Wife of William Moreel La Femme de Guillaume Moreel (Royal Gallery, Brussels) (Muse'e royal, Bruxelles) Die Gattin von Wilhelm Moreel (Briissel, K&1. Galerie) HANS MEMLINC F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. 49 The Descent from the Cross La Descente de Croix {The Hermitage t St. Petersburg) (L'Erwitage, Saint-Petersbourg) Die Kreuzabnahme {Petersburg, Eremitage) B A REND VAN OK LEY E, Hanfstaengl, Photo. S9 The Baptism of Christ Le Bapteme du Christ {Imperial Gallery^ Vienna) (Galerie imperiale, Vienne) Die Taufe Christi {Wien, Kaiser I. Ga/erie) JOACHIM PA TINIR F. Han/staengi, Photo. 5? A Knight of Santiago Un Chevalier de Santiago {Imperial Gallery, Vienna) {Galerie imperiale, Vienne) Ein Santiagoritter (IVien, Kaiser I. Galerie) IRAN'S POUR BUS, SENIOR - F. IJanfstaengl, Photo, S3 St. Luke drawing the Virgin Saint Luc dessinant la Vierge (Pinakothek, Munich) (Pinacotheque y Munich) St. L;;kas zeichnet die Madonna (Miinchen, Pinakothek) ROGIER VAN DER WEYDEN F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. 54 55 The Entombment of Christ La Misk au Tombbau (Uffizi) Florence) (Galerie des Uffizi^ Florence) Die Grablegung Christi (Florenzy Galerie Pitti) ROGIER VAN DER WE YD EN F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. The Birth of La Naissance de John the Baptist St. Jean-Baptiste {Royal Gallery, Berlin) {Musee royal, Berlin) Die Geburt Johannis des Taufers {Berlin, Kg I. Galerie) ROGJER VAN DER WEYDEN F. f/an/slaen^l, Photo. The Baptism of Christ Le Bapteme du Christ {Royal Galerie, Berlin) (Muse'e royal, Berlin) Die Taufe Christi {Berlin, Kgl. Galerie) ROGIER VAN DER WEYDEN F. Hanfstaengl, Photo, The Beheading of Decapitation de John the Baptist St. Jean-Baptistk {Royal Gallery, Berlin) {Musie royal, Berlin) Die Enthauptung des Johannes {Berlin, Kg I. Galerie) ROGIER VAN DER WEYDEN F. Hanfstaengl, Photo* Wing of an Altarpiece Volet d'itn Tableau d'Autel {Royal Gallery, Berlin) (Muse'e royal, Berlin) Flugel eines Flugelaltars {Berlin, Kgl. Galerie) ROGIER VAN DER WEYDEN F, Hanfstaengl, rhoto. Centre of an Altarpiece Centre d'un Tableau d'Autel {Royal Gallery, Berlin) (Musee royal, Berlin) Mittelbild eines Flugelaltars (Berlin, Kgl. Galerie) ROGIER VAN DER WEYDEN F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. Wing of an Altarpirce Volet d'un Tableau d'Autel {Royal Gallery, Berlin) {Musee royal, Berlin) Flugkl eines Flugelaltars {Berlin, Kgl. Galerie) ROGIER VAN DER WEYDEN F. Han/staengl, Photo. The Holy Family La Sainte Famille {Royal Gallery, Berlin) (Musee royal, Berlin) Die heilige Familie {Berlin, Kgl. Galerie) ROGIER VAN DER WEYDEN F. Han/staengl, Photo, The Mourning for Christ Le Christ pleur£ {Royal Gallery, Berlin) (Musee royal, Berlin) Die Beweinung Christi {Berlin, Kgl. Galerie) ROGIER VAN DER WEYDEN F. Hanfst*engl y Photo, Christ appearing after his Apparition du Christ Resurrection apres sa Resurrection {Royal Gallery, Berlin) (Muse'e royal, Berlin) Christus ercheint Maria (Berlin, Kgl. Galerie) ROGIRR VAN DRR WEYDRN F. Hanfstaengl, Photo, 65 A Complete List of Published Photographs of PICTURES BY EARLY FLEMISH PAINTERS to be had of Mr. Fran% Hanfstaengl, l6 Pall Mall East, London, S.W. SIZES and PRICES of PHOTOGRAPHS — F = Folio (io*x 8*) Silver Print, 1/6 ; Carbon Print, 3/- R = Royal(i5*xi2") - - „ 6/- I = Imperial (2 i"x 1 6") - ,, 12/- Facs = Facsimile (2 8" x 20 £") - ,, 30/- E = Extra ( 3 4i' / X26 ,/ ) - - „ 50/- Average Dimensions are quoted. In ordering it is essential that both Gallery and Order Number are stated as well as the Sixe. Title. Gallery. No. SlZK. = 3 « - S3 BOSCH, Jkhomk. — The Fall of the Dammed, Brussels 128 F B — Adoration of the Kings Madrid (Prado) V I — The Damned, .... — .Martyrdom ot St. Julia Paris (Louvre) V FI (Triptych), .... Vienna V I BOUTS, Dimick (Dirk Tan Haar- lem), alt* called " Stueerbout." — The Virgin, .... Antwerp V F — The Feast «f the Passover, • — The Prophet Elijah in the Berlin 2C0 F B F Desert, 261 F R 3 — The Virgin Mary adoring, • 585 V ? — The Virgin Mary with the Holy Child, - T27 F r — The Unjust Sentence of the Emperor Otto, Brussels 15 FBI — The Emperor Otto making good his Unjust Sentence, • 16 FBI — The Holy Sacrament, - 113 F R — Martyrdom of St. Sebastian, 18T FB — The Removal of the Shrine of St. Perpetuus to the Church of Bouvignes after the siege and sack of Dinant in 1466, ..... Chantilly V I 68 h TlTLK. Gallery. No. Size * 3 — The Emperor Augustus and the Sibyl, .... Frankfort V I — Virgin and Child. . London, N. G. 517 F F — St. John the Baptist, ■ Munich 255 CFR — Melehisedek and Abraham, • " 256 C F R — Gathering the Manna • 257 CFR F — Adoration of the Three Kings. 418 C F It I F — St. Christopher, - 536 CFR F — St. John the Baptist, • 537 CFR BRUEGHEL. Pieter Brueghel the Elder, called " Peasant- Brueghel." — The Massacre of the Innocents Brussels 131 F R — Les Vieux, .... Budapesth — The Parable of the Blind leading the Blind, Naples 8 F — The Parable of the Blind leading the Blind, Paris V F 1 — A Gathering of Beggars, V F — A Peasant's Wedding, - St. Petersburg 34 F K, — The Bird Thief, - Vienna 225 R F — Village Fair, .... M 226 R F — L mlcLren at Play, ... 227 F — Landscape, with Mountains ; Autumn, Group of Cattie, - V I — Calvary: Jesus bearing Hit M V I CONINXLOO, Corhelis van. — The family of the Vugiu Brussels 206 F R CBISTUS, Pktrub. — Annunciation : Birth of Christ : The Last Judgment, Berlin 168 F R F — A Young Girl,- 423 F F — The Virgin with St. Jerome and St. Francis, • Frankfort V I — A Young Man, London, N.G. 521 F P — An Altar : Screen in 4 parts— I. The Annunciation, Madrid ! II. The Visitation, - V III. The Nativity,- V i IV. The Adoration of the Kings, V i DAVID, Gerard. — Christ on the Cross, Berlin 272 F R F — Adoration of the Shepherds,- Budapesth 1072 F R — - Annunciation of the Uoly Virgin, Frankfort V F — A Dean and his two Patrons, London, N.G. 315 F R F — The Mystic Marriage of St. 316 Catherine, .... F R 1 F — Madonna and the Infant Jesus and Saints. • Munich 197 CFR F — Adoration of the Three Kings, 441 C F R I — Marriage at Cana, • Paris (Louvre) V F I - Pieta St. Petersburg 59 Fi (57 5^ Trr lb. Gallxrt. No. Size. H The Archangel Michael, 8t. Jerome and St. Francis (Triptych), Wing* of the Triptyoh, .... Vienna V I — The Donors, .... F mm portrait of a Jeweller, - F PKIVATB COLXKCTIOKt. — Departure of St. Ursula, Devonshire 9 F — St. Nichoias restoring to life the dismembered Children in the Salt Tub, - Somsee 1U3Z F R mmm Birth of St. Nicholas, Bishop •» q F R — St. Nicholas bestowing the dowry on the three daugh ters of a Nobleman of Panthera, F R — St. Anthony compelling a Mule to kneel before the Holy Eucharist, - M F R — St. Anthony restoring to life a young Child wh» was scalded to death, ■ 1096 F R — St. Anthony preaching to the Fishes, .... 1097 F R f YOK. Hubbrt & J XX vak Eyck. — Six wings of the Altar piece : Adoration of the Lamb, — The Righteous Rulers, - • Eernn F R I F — The Soldiers of Christ, • • » 2/7 F R I — The Singing Angels, •» V 278 F R I E F — Detail : Heads of Angels, V I vt; V4 ...... — ■ virgin Mary, - *• F R I — The Angelic Musicians,- V F R I E ? — The Angel Gabriel, *oi F R I — The Holy Hermit*,- • •» 282 F R I V — The Holy Pilgrims. - « 283 F R I w St. John the Baptist, »• 284 F R I w — Portrait of Jodocus Vyit, »• 285 F R I w — Detail ; Bust only,. V I — Pt. John the Evangelist, 2^6 F R I V «— .rorcrail 01 ii»aueiia v yci*, • 287 1 R I jr — Detail : Bust only,. J* I — Adoration of the Lamb, 757 F S 1 p> — Adam and Eve, Brussels 1 F R I V — Mury Magdalene and the - Donor, .»•■«• Snmt^e 1 101 R — Faint Barbara, Aatwerp • > V F at 5/ — Tfaw Holy Virgin, ■ V F at 5/ — The Holy Virgin, St. George and St. Douatlus * v V I — The Virgin and Child in an Arbour of Roses, • Berlin 205 F R F — The Man with the Pinks. »• 214 F R F — Portrait of Christ : Rex Regum, - " J4 2 F R F — Portrait of John Arnolfinl, 440 F F — Christ Blessing, 441 F F — The Madonna with the Car- »• 442 F F — Portrait of John Arnolfiui, M 796 F F 68 — Christ on the Cross, — The Adoration of the King% — The Virgin with the Infant Christ, — The Virgin and Child ; St. Anne, tit, Joseph, and St. Joachim, - — Wings of Abo re : Angels with the instruments of torture,- — The Adoration of the Kings, (Triptych), — The Madonna, called "De Lucca," — Portrait of John Arnolfint and his wife, .... — A Man's Portrait, - — A Man's Portrait, ... — A Monk praying, ... — The Virgin reading, — Triumph of the Church over the Synagogue, ... — The Virgin and a donor, — The Annunciation, — Two Wing» of a Triptych, - — The Crucifixion : Last Judg ment, — Portrait of Cardinal della Croce, — Portrait of Jan de Leeuw, - Private: Collections. — Consecration ol Thomas a Becket, — The Virgin and Child, • — The Virgin and Child. - GOSSAERT (JAV).calledMabuse. — Portrait of Philippe de Bour- gogue, Bishop of Utrecht, - — The Pour Marys mourning at the tomb of Christ, — The Righteous Rulers, * — Fcce Homo, .... — Neptune and Amphitrlte, • — Adam and Ere in Paradise, • — Christ at the Mount of Olives, — The Virgin and Child, - — Portrait of a Young Man, — Jesus in the House ol Simon the Pharisee, - — The Resurrection of Las arm — Transfiguration of Mary Magdalene, - — The Adoration of the Magi, - — The Virgin by the Fountain, — Portrait of a Man, - — The Infant Christ caressing the Virgin, - — The Virgin and Infant Christ, — Danae and Jupiter, — Virgin and Child, ■ — Portrait of Jean Carondslet, Chancellor of Flanders, Berlin Brussels Florence. Uffizi Frankfort London, N.G. Madrid Paris (Louvre) St. Petersburg / Devonshire. \ \ Chatsworth J North brook J.Fletcher.Milton Amsterdam Antwerp Dresden Glasgow London, N.G. Madrid Mnnich Paris (Louvre) 798 2 \ V V V 149 436 437 108 268 20 33 1102 292 293 473 474 475 V 4 158 V V 195 196 F FRI I I I I FRI F F F at 5/ Fat 5/ I I FRI FRI F R Fat 5/ I I F it 5/ F R F R F F F FRI FRI I F R F R F at 5/ F at 5/ F R FR 69 — Virgin and Child, - — gkull en back of the preeed- lug picture, - — Portrait of a Benedictine Friar, .... — Holy Family, - — Virgin and Child, - — St. Luke,- — The Call of St. Matthew, Private Collections. — The Adoration of the Magi, — Virgin and Child, - — Triptych: The Virgin, Infant Chriat, enthroned with Angela - — Outside wtnga of the preced- ing pictures: Adam and Eve, MARINUS, VAX RoYSf ERSWA EL. — A Money Changer with hia Wife, .... — Two Bankera or TJaurera in their Office, ... — St. Jerome in Meditation, — A Money Changer and hii Wife, .... — Virgin and Infant Christ, — A Money Changer with hia Wife, .... — A Tax Collector in hia Office, MASSYS, QaiNTiw. — Head of Christ, — Head of the Virgin, — Magdalene, — The Burial of Christ, Trip- tych, central panel, — The Beheading of St. Job: the Baptist, right •wing, — St. John the Evangeliat in boiling oil, left wing, - — Head of Christ. - — The Virgin enthroned, with Infant Christ, — St. Jerome in hia Study, — Magdalene, — Magdalene, — The Legeud of St. Anne, — The Aagel announcing to Joachim the pregnancy of St. Anne, ... — A Barrister and hia Clients, — Self Portrait, - — Portrait of the Artiafa Wif> — Another small Portrait of the Artist by himself, - — Half-length Portrait of a Man, — Portrait of Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester, — Salvator Mundi and the Virgin Mary, Gallery. No. SlXE. Sj=* iff Park (Lourre) V Fat 5/ V Fat 5/ St. Petersburg V F at 5/ 126 F Vienna 309 B F Windsor 310 E F V I Carliale V I 37 F It 116 F R 117 F Dresden 376 R p London, N.G. 383 F R F Madrid V I V I * •■ V F at 5/ Munich 367 F R F 492 F R F A otwcrp v F at 5/ V F at 5/ V 1 ,, V I B ,, V I V I V F at 5 Berlin V 33 FR IB F 303 F R F 746 F F 790 F F 210 F R F Dresden 211 F R F y I Florence, Uffizt V I y I F at 5/ Frankfort V I Liechtenstein 76 F R F London, N.G. 552 F R I W 70 — Plata, — Portrait of Jehan Carondelet, — Thi Two Tax Collectors, — A Banker and his Wife. — Christ Blessing, —-The Coronation of Mary, — The Triumph of the Virgin, - — The Two Money Changers, • Privatk Coixxonove. — Christ Blessing, — Virgin and Child enthroned, — The Misers, .... — Adoration of the Kings, MEM 1-1 NO, Haws. — Portrait of an Old Man: Canon of the Order of at. Norbert, .... — Portrait of a Member of the Family of Croy, • — The Holy Virgin— Double Diptych— right wing, - — Portrait of Christian de Hondt: 30th Abbot of Dunes— left wing, — Virgin and Child, - — Virgin and Child enthroned, — Portrait of an Old Man, — The Shrine of Bt. Ursula : many details at 15/- and 30/-: particulars on application, — Triptych : Crucifixion with the Virgin. St. John, St. John the Baptist, St. Katherine, and St. Barbara, — Detail : Crucifixion, Virgin, and St. John, — Detail : Adoration of the Infant Christ, John the Baptist, St. Catherine, and St. Barbara, .... — St. Jerome and St. George, ■ — Portrait of a Man, • — Portrait of William Moreel. Burgomaster of Bruges, — Portrait of Barbara von Vlaenderbergh, wife of William Moreel, - — Holy Family. - — The Crucifixion, • — Diptych consecrated to Jeanne of France, Duchess of Bourbon: Virion and Child appearing to Jeanne of France — Calvary. - — Madonna enthroned with two Angels, .... — Portrait of a Man in prayer, — St. Benedict, • ~ Bust Portrait of * Man, — St. Jerome, - — Virjrin and Child, • Munich Paris (Louvre) St. Petersburg Rome, Doria Berlim (Weber) North brook Windsor Hughes of Eimmel Bruges Budapesth Chantilly Florence, Utfizl Frankfort Liechtenstein 213 250 260 V V 187 V 55 55 305 549 7-58 6a 6 7 8 46 48 49 ' 1066 V 41 V V V 77 71 — Virgin and Child, with St. Anthony and a Donor, — Virgin and Child enthroned : in a Garden, - — Adoration of the Magi— centre of Triptych, — The Nativity and Presenta- tion in the Temple — right and left wings, - — The Seven Joys of Maria, — St, John the Baptist, • — St. John the Baptist, - — St. Mary Magdalene, — The Virgin and Child adored by the Donore, — Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine, - — St. Luke painting the Por- trait of the Virgin, - — Virgin and Child, - — Deposition of Christ, — Triptych : centre — Virgin and Child, - — The Inside of the Two Wings : St. John the Evan- gelist and St. John the Baptist. — The Outside: Adam and Eve, — Christ bearing His Cross and the Resurrection, - Private Collections. — Virgin and Child enthroned and Two Angels, - — Triptych : Virgin and Child with Saints : side wings— St. John the Bapt st and St. John the Evangelist. - — Outside Wings— St. Christo- pher and 3t. Anthony of Padua, OK LEY, Baresto vast. — Portrait of a Man— right panel, — Portrait of a Woman— left pan«l, — The Last Judgment, — The Healing of the Sick, — The Distribution of Alms to the Poor, .... — (Orley ana de Patenir) Virgin and Child, .... — (Orley and de Patenir) Ths Adoration of the Magi, — Christ before Caiaphas, — Plata, — The Trials and the Patience of Job, — Lazarus at the Door of the Blch Man's House: The Theft of Job's Herds, ■ Liechtenstein London, N.Q. Madrid Munich Paris (Louvre) St. Petersburg Borne, Dorta Vienna Mrs. Stephenson Claike Antwerp Berlin Brussels V 78 V554 V V 152 255 F R I F RI I PR I Facs F R I I 1 E F at S .'- F R F R I F R I I I I I J I F F R I FBI FRI 72 mm Job's Friends : The Death of the Rich Man, • — The Birth of the Virgin : Joachim's Offering refused, — The Apparition ef Christ: The Marriage of St. Anue and St. Joaohirn, - — Portrait of George Ton C«lle, a XVI. Century Physician,- — The Annunciation, — Portrait of Philippe Hanne- ton, his Sons, and 8t. Philippe: Margaret Hamil- ton, her Daughters and St. Margaret, .... — Portrait of Wilhelm von Norman, .... — The Holy Family, • — Portrait of Man, • — St. Hadrian, .... — The Magdalene reading, — Descent from the Cross, — Centre of an Altar-piece, with tho Legend of St. Matthew and St. Thomas, - Private Colleotioks. — Portrait of a Girl with a Book, — Portrait of a Woman writing, — Portrait of Charles V. on Horseback, • PATENT It, Joachim dk. — (Patenir and van Orley) Virgin and Child. — (Tatenir and van Orley) Adoration of the Magi, — Best on the Flight into Egypt, — Conversion of St. Hubert, • — The Flight into Egypt, • — The Crucifixion, • — A Nun, — The Crucifixion, • — The Flight into Egypt, - — The Temptation of St. An- thony, — St. Francis of Assist and another Monk in prayer, - — Rest on the Flight into Egypt, — The Baptism ef Christ, Peivatb Collsctiom. — Triptych : 8t. John the Baptist— Rest on the Flight into Egypt— The Pope Cor- nelius, Glasgow London. N.G. St. Petersburg Budapesth (Rath) Budapssth (Coglevitch) Brussels Liechtenstein London, N.G. Berlin (Bernstein) No. SlM. if 12 F R I F 13 F R I Fac* F 14 F R I F SO FR F 108 F R F 109 F R p 160 F R F V 93 R I F 2o8 R F 58 F 473 F F V 239 F RI 329 R I F V F at 5/ V F at 5/ 70 F v I I V 200 F R I jr 752 F F 185 F R F 89 F R F 479 F F V I V I V V F at 5/ V I V 339 RI F V I 73 POUBBUS, Frahs (The Elder). — Portrait of a Lady, — Portrait of a Man. ... — Portrait of a Man, - — Portrait of a Man. - — Four Panels representing the Family of Van der Kerckove, — Portrait of Old Woman, — Portrait of the Sculptor Franearilla, .... — Self Portrait, .... — Portrait of a Man Seated (half length), — Portrait of a Knight of St. J ago, - Private Collections. — Portrait of Ambrose Pare, Physician to Charles IX., - — Portrait of a Gentleman, WE YD EN (Rooikr vait dkr). — The SevenSacrameute: Trip- tych, central panel— The Eucharist, .... — Right wing : The Baptism— The Confirmation — The Con- fession, — Left wing: The Ordination —The Marriage — The Laat Sacrament, - — The Annunciation, — Portrait of Phiiipp the Good, Duke ef Burgundy, — The Holy Fain ily- Pi eta- Christ appearing to Mary. - — Birth of St. John the haytiat — Baptism of Christ— Execu- tion of St. John, - — Adoration of the Child -The Sibyl of Ti bur— The dtar of Bethlehem appearing te the three Kings, .... — Virgin and Child, • — Portrait of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, — The Annunciation: The Virgin receiyed on the steps of the Temple by an Angel, — The Birth of Christ— Adora- tion of the Kings, — Portrait of Charles the Bold, — Portrait of the Grand Bas- tard of Burgundy, — Christ on the Cross, — The Deposition in the Tomb. — Virgin and Child standing under a Baldachin with Saints, — Three Scenes from the life of St. John the Baptist, • GALLERY. No. Size. M _ 5 5 * 5 ** 2 Amsterdam V FatS/ Bruges V Fat 5/ Brussels 89 F R P Budapesth V I Dresden V 143 FBI F j: ioreiice, xj mzi y I V FatS/ at- v v. St. .rotors burg y I Vienna 345 R F Faculte de Medicine, Paris V FatS/ V F at 5/ Antwerp v V I y I V Fat 5/ V Fat 5/ Berlin 82 FRI F •i 92 FRI F 209 F R I F 330 F R F M 689 F F Airusseis 17 FRI p » 51 W F Chantilly V I Dresden 310 R F Florence, Uffizi V 40 I F Frankfort V I V Face 74 5E ij . The Deposition In the Tomb, . Mater Dolorosa, . Bcce Homo, - . The Crucifixion, - ! • The Crucifixion: Triptych, eentral part, - . The Punishment of Original Bin — right panel, • > The Laet Judgment — left panel, - • St. Luke th e Evangelist paint- ing the Virgin, • • The Annunciation, • The Presentation In the Temple, - ■ Adoration of the Kings, . Virgin and Child, - ■ Deposition from the Cross, • Bt. Luke painting the Madonna, . Virgin and Child, - ■ Triptych, Private Coulkcttoss. . Hell, .... . Bt. Anthony, • London, N.G. 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