*1. .-V>. ; . ^ -■ V'V' ihi i > I 4 ^ 4 ^- - 1 . ^ ^ . /i^ - \ \ \ s ^ ym Portraits, Popography, Capital Drawings, A or A GENVINS COLLECTION of PRINTS and DRAWINGS, &c. COMPRISING Englifh Portraits by Bartolozzi, Fait horne, Ve r- TUE, &c. Charles and his Queen, after Van- DYCK, BY Sir Robert Strange, Proofs: a largo Colleftion of Topography, particularly relating to London; Hollar’s large Plan, on twenty Sheets, unpasted, and other uncommon Plans and Views: Capital Drawings, by Shelley and Pococke, to illuflrate Milton, Tasso, &c. — Views in Switzerland, finely coloured; and • many very curious relating to the French Revolution. The Sorte of Gibraltar, by Sharpe, Proof. Harding’s Prints to illuftrate Shakfpearc, large Paper. The Itine- rant, 100 Views in Great^riuin anilreland, &c. &c. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. RICHARDSON, AT HIS HOUSE, No. 31, the Corner of Villiers Street, in the Strand, On Monday, May 13, 1799, and the two following Days, AT TIVELVE CLOCK. 7 'o be viewed on Friday and Saturday, May 10 and ii. Catalogues may- be had of Mr. Clarke, Bookseller, Bond-street; Mr. Geo. Cooper, Glass-Grinder, &c. No. 82, Lombard-Street; and of Mr. Richard- son, No. 31, Strand. CONDITIONS OF SALE. L The higheft Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Difpute arife between two or more Bidders, the Lot fa difputed (hall be immediately put up again and re-fold. IL No Perfon to advance lefs than 6d. ; above One Pound One Shilling; above Five Pounds 2s. 6d. j and fo in Pro-. portion. Iir. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, in Part of Payment of the Purchafe-money ; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo purchafed to be imrtiediately put up again and re-fold. IV. The Lots to be talcen away, with all Faults, at the Buyer’s Expence, within Three Days after the Conclufion of the Sale ; and the Remainder of the Purchafe-money to be abfolutely paid on or before Delivery. V. Upon Failure of complying with the above CondL tions, the Money depofited in Part of Payment (liall be forfeited; and all Lots uncleared within the Time afore- faid (hall be re-fold by public or private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Re-fale (hall be made by the Defaulters at this Sale. 5:3:* Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their CommilTions faithfully executed by their bumble Servant, W, Richardson, Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute ^ / - . ^ https://archive.org/detaiis/portraitstopograOOrich CATALOGUE, &c. FIRST DAY’S SALE. P'ORTR AITS. 1 JP'lFTEEN— -Admiral Anfon, Major Bernard, Sec. 2 Six — Theodore, King of Corfica, &c. 3 Nine — ‘George of Denmark, Queen Arne, &:c. 4 Eight — Bacon, Diyden, Gower, &c. by Vertue and Hou- bracken. 5 Eight — Sir Thomas More, &c. Holbein. 6 Eleven — Lady Falconberg, Sec. 7 Three — Princefs Elizabeth, hy Gayvvood ; R. Earl of Edex, by Glover, See. 8 Sixteen — Sir Robert Viner, Sec. 9 Twenty — Theatrical. 10 Fourteen — Ladv Dlgby, & c. 11 Twenty — Thanes Autographs, 22 Five— Charles L by Vorlkrman — Charles and his Queen, by Voerd, &c. 13 Fiv^— Sir Edward Coke, by Loggan ; Clarendon, Sir John Potters, John Rulhworth, by White, &:c. 14 Nine— Jofiah Burchett, by Vertue ; Edward Coldon, by ditto; Dr. Mead, bv Pond, See. B C 2 j 15 Twelve — CraggSjby Vertue, Sec. 16 Nine — Pennant, John Ives Sec. 17 Twelve — Clergy — Bull, Bates, Neal, Sec. 1 3 Ten — ‘Ditto— Samilel Salter, Tanner, by Vertue, Sec. 'I9 Twenty-nine — Men of the Sword, Sec. to iiluftrate Gran- ger. 20 Six — Dr. Nalh, private plate ; Kippes, by Bartolozzi ; D, Ducarel, &c. 2 1 Eight — Dr. Donne, John Boys, Sec. 22 Eight — Bifliop Bonrer, John Gauden, Sec. 23 A parcel of Foreigners. 24 Thirty — Portraits of Eminent Men, to illuHrate Gran- ger. 23 Thirty-two — Ditto. 26 Three — Edmund Callellus, by Faithorne, fine ; Rob. Bay- field, by ditto ; and Wm. Cartwright, by Lombart. 27 Three — Bifhops — Atterbury, Dawes, and Robinfon, by Van- der Gucht. 28 Nine — Ditto, Andrejys, by Payne ; Rob. Abbot, by Delap ram ; LBher, by Glover, &c. 29 Six — By Hollar ; William Burton, Sec. 30 Twenty-fix— Poets to illufirate Granger. 31 Four — Pennant, Horace Walpole, Thomas Day, Sec. 32 Three- — By Hollar; R. Crew, John Pym, and Lionell, Earl of Middlefex. 33 Two — By ditto ; Mary, Princess of Orange, fmall whole length, and John Price. 34 Six — Madam Banti, John T.'renchard, by Singleton, Sec. 35 Six — Countefs de Thunn, Lady RunclilFe, by C. Wilken; William, Prince of Orange, by C. Watfon, Sec. ' 36 One — Moore, Archbifiiop of Canterbury, by Jones. 37 Nineteen— ‘Literary Charaders, to 'illullraie Granger. - 38 Three — Ear l of Tot n ess, byVoerst; Sir Henry Chauncy, by Savage; and George Chapman, in the Clouds, ficarce. -.>-39 Seven — Flora tio Walpole, by Simon ; John, Lord Carteret, by Pelham ; J ohn Townlhe n^. Sec. 40 Five — Wm. Briggs, Defaguliers, Martin, Folkes, Sec. 41 Seven — Walter, Count Liflie, John of Aullria, and pthers who have been in England, or mentioned in Claren- don. 42 Five — Brindley, Cafion, W. Dobfon, Sec. 44 Five — fiifiiops— Boulter, Compton, Cumberland, Sec. 45 Four — Barton Booth, Cibber, Foote, &c. 46 One — John Knight, of Gosfield, with his wife and fon, by \Sd.hcr, fiuie. -J4\ Ml /S'- 7/iZ 7 /> ^?<- 47 Two — After Galnfborough ; Henry, Duke of Buccleugh, hy Dixon ; and Richard Warren, by Jones. 48 Five — Lord Afhley, by Tompfon ; Charles I. by Faber ; Lord de la Mer, by Smith ; Lord Cutts, by Schenck, See. 49 Five — James, Duke of Ormond, Sec. 50 Seven — Sidney, Earl of Godolphin, Sir Chaloner Ogle, Sec. 51 Five — Sir John Barnard, Sir Chrift. Gafeoyne, &c, 52 Five — Lord Clive, Lord Duncannon, Lord Edgecumbe, James, Earl of Kildare, after Sir Jolhua, i^c. 53 Three — Thomas Fmrnet, by Faber; Lord Cowper, by John- fon ; and Sir Simon Harcourt, by Faber. •54 Five — Sir Thomas Chaloner., byEarlom; Duns Scotus, by Faber, Sec. ^55 Three — Sir Ralph Cole, by Pla:e, a reverfe ; 1 ohn, Lorj . Cutts. by Simon ; and Sir Phil Perceval, by Faber. ^6 Sixteen — Remarkable Characters, to illuftrate Granger. 57 Fifteen — Foreign.Portraits, by DellF, Muller, &c. < 58 Eight — Due de Berry, by Edelinck ; Lewis XXV. by Nan- tueil. Sec. 39 Twenty — Artifts. 60 Nineteen — Portraits — Emperor and Emprefs of Ruflia, Sec. 61 Seven — Oliver Cromwell, General Monk,-Piince Rupert, Sec, 62 Plfty-hve— rPoRTRAiTs to illustrate Watson's History OF Philip IL 63 Forty- three — Historical Subjects for ditto, ^erj . . • , , 64 Twelve — Scotch Portraits. ^ ^ 65 Eleven — Ditto. 66 Four — ByVertue; the Children of Henry VII. Jane Grey, &c. ^ 67 Three — Frances, Duchess of Suffolk;, Court of Ward and Liveries, Sec^ proofs, by Vertue. 68 One — Thomas Colter, of Briftol, fte and rare, by Faber. 69 Four— Ladies— Barkley, Elliot, Dorfet, and Rich, from the Holbein Collection, by Bartolozzi, Sec. 70 Five — Edward VI. Lady Parker, Earl of Southampton, Sir Richard Southwell, and Lord Wentworth, from ditto. 71 Five— Elliot, Sir John Godfalve, P. Hobbie, John More, and Southwell, Knt. ; ditto by ditto. 72 Three — Willi am -Burton, by Delarain ; Drum- mond, BY Gaywood; and R. Carpenter, by Cross ; fine and rare. 73 Twelve — Chaucher, Cleveland, Fuller, Fletcher, by Mar- fhall,.&c. One — Robert de V&ke, Earl of Oxford, and Duke ofIreland, withPhilippo deCoucy, -very rare. • * - - B 2 -J r 4 ] 75 \One— rancisRous, by Faitho^ne ; fine and rare * 76 One — Sir Thomas More and his Family, after Tolbein, BY Mechel; finely coloured from TH E original. 77 Twc — Bidloo, by Blooteling, a proof ; and Sir Ripkard Wynne, by Bartelozzi. 78 Twenty-fr/e — Of Clergy, to illuftrate Granger. 79 One — C aptain Co ram, after Hogarth, by NuT- ter; WHOLE le n gth, 80 Five — By Hogarth ; Bilhop Herring, Captain Coram, &c. 81 Five — The Times, &c, by ditto. • ' ‘ — '••82 Four — By ditto; the London-Hofpital, &c. one with the Richmond- Arms, 83 One — Frederick II. of Pruflia, by Baufe,^«f. 84 One— -Rubens and his firft Wife, after Rubens, proof by Keis. 85 Three — The Departure, and Landing of King William in England. 86 Four— William and Mary, with a View of Whitehall ; by R. de Hooge, &c. ’ 87 Oiie — Carolus de ’ Longue val, after P. P. Rubens ; by Vorflerman. 88 Five — Spiriola, &:c. 89 Four — Relating to the .Birth of the Pretender, Father Pe- ters, &c. ' ' 90 Four — Ditto. 91 OneClThomas Brown, Surveyor and Fferald, whole length ; private PL ate, after Dance,by Dick'enfon. 92 One — The Departure of Charles IL from Holland, 1660; with his Portrait, by P. H. Schut ; very fine and' RARE.'’ 93 Seven — By Roman de Hooge, relating to the Englifh Hif- tory. 94 One— ^Ki NG Charles THE First, whole length, standing with his Horse, after Van Dyck; by Sir Robert Strange; fine proof . 95 Ore— Henrietta Maria, with her Children ; ditto, ditto. 96 One — The Sortie of Gibraltar, af/er Trun- bull; by'W. Sharp; an early Subscription p R 0 o f' ; c a p I t A L . 97 Two — ^Audience of the States, Generals, Ambaffadors, &c. at the Hague, ‘ , 98 Threlf*^Death of the Prince of Orange, 1584^ &:c.by Luy- ken. ‘ ^ 99 Nineteen — The Loyalids, by Vertue, on ten plates, with the Biographical account, veryfine. /»• i r s ] |0O Twenty-feven: — Portraits from Ricraft, &c, by Glover^ Hollar, Pontius, &c. in a fmall Morocco portfolio, with leaves. ‘ ... . 101 Fourteen^— Ladies toil- uftrate Granger. 102 Two — Edward the VI. granting the Charter of Bridewell, by Vertue ; one, the Etching, scarce. *——103 Three — Admirals— Sir George Ayscue, Sir John / Lawson, and Sir Christopher' Minch, very O ■ ^ ^ «^RE. ♦ END OF THE FIRST DAY’s SALE; Second Day’s Sale. TOPOGRAPHY. 1 J^ERKSHIRE-pFourteen — Windfor Caftle^ by Langley, &c. 2 Bucks — Seventeen — Eton, High Wycombe, &:c. 3 Cambridge — Ten — King’s College, &c. by Lamborn ; New.* market, &c. 4 Chelhire — Nine — The Cathedral, Plan of the City and Caille ' of Chefter. 5 Cumberland-^EIeven-r-Cathedral of Carlifle, Plans of the Lakes, and two Drawings of Lanercoll Priory and Car-, liile Bridge. 6 .Derbylhire— Seven — By Buck, &c. ^ 7 Devonftiire — Fourteen — View of Taviftoke, St. Michael’s Mount, &c. S Eight — Mount Edgecumbe, Exeter Cathedral, CaflleHill, Plan of Exeter, &c. Three-^Exeter Cathedral, by Jukes; and Rouge- mount Caille, by ditto, in colours. 10 Dorfetihire — -.'1 w^enty-three — North View of Weyr^uth Bay, &c. ^ ^ ‘.'4 €l\ 1 1 — T welve — Views of Weymouth, in colour. 12 Elevation, Flan, and Dclcription of Dorcheiler goal. ^ 13 Durham — Four — Plan of the River Wear, two Drawing's, Monailery ot Lindisfarn and Jarvoife. 14 Effex — Sixteen->-By Buck, Sec. Eight — Wanlied Houfe, &c. ^ . — SN — The Font in Debden Church, the Micro- cofm, with the Portrait of Henry Bridges, &c. *7 i8 '*9 20 a/ 22 / 23 ^4 25 26 7*^7 28 29 30 3* 32 33 36 3S 39 40 41 42 4-3 44 45 46 47 48 49 f 7 ] Bodolph’s Priory, and mitage at Baxtead. ^ Alban’s Abbey, &c. four in co- r~~ "r Twenty-feven— Views in colours, by Jukes. . Kent — Twenty-iive — By Buck. ~ — Seven— Greenwich, Sir Gregory Page’s, &c. by Hollar; Monu- Twenty-one — Dover, &c. Six Rocheller Caftle, Dover, &c. J.ancaihirej-_Plan and South Profpea of Mancheller and the rublic Buildings, two flieets, &c. ^ Drawing of the Old Church Numbers ; and a North Weft Viety of Gaxnlborough, by G. Venue, 1 747. J^ondon— highteen— Maps and Plans. ^ p -■ Seven— Map of London after the Fire, by Robert rricke, occ.jcarce, ~ Hollar, Vanden Keere, &c. ditto. View of London, on four Iheets, by Hollar. — Two— MapofGreat Bbitain, with a View OF London IN FLAMES, and a Map of London after the Fire, by Ho l l a r, i 666, very rare, London on four sheets, rare. w Dunllan’s in the V ed to the Tower, three fheets. -- Plan of London and WeftminHer, and the Borough of Southwark, by JefFerey’s; 1732, 13 dieets. Hollar’s large Map of London, on 20 sheets, not PASTED, EXTRA Ra\RE Nineteen— Plans and Surveys. Six— The large Views, by Rooker. Two St. Paul s and the Monument, by Morris. Phree— The Ceiling at Whitehall, by Gribelin,><'. fifteen — Herald’s OfEce, &c. Thirteen — The Tower, &c. Thirty-nine — Various. Six— Royal Academy, by Malton, &C. -Eleven — Navy Office, &c. twenty-one— Public Buildings, &c. Twenty-eight— Monuments. _ One— View of London before and after the Fire, by Hollar ; fine. ^ One— The Royal Exchange, by ditto, scarce. 50 r 8 3 / 5 1 London — EigKt — The Monument, Shoreditch Church, &c. ^2 Ten — The Fire of London, &g. 53 Eight — Bridges. Three— St. Clement’s Church, by Kip ; Temple. Church, by Emmet ; St. Paul’s Church, with the Portrait ofBenlowes, scarce. Eighteen — Churches. j6 i Two— St. James’s Church, Clerkenwell, in colours, by’ Jukes. 57 Six — After Rowlandfon, &c. in colours. ^8 One-^Monument of Sir William Pickering, a Draw- One — Portrait of Sir William Morton, a ditto. Thirty — Shop Bill, kz. Pinchbeck, Banti’s Ticket, Bartolozzi> &c. ■ Two — Guy’s Hofpit.il, and his Monument, by Bar- tolozzi ; fine and fcarce, Miidlefex— Thirty- four— Kenfington Garden?, &c. Eleven — Pope’s Tloufci after Ry (brack, &c. Eight — Hampton Court and Ken/ington Palace, by Tinney. Four — By Schutz, in colours. Ten — Hampton Court, by Jukes. Norfolk — Ten — Holkham, &c. Twelve — Norwich Cathedral.. Twelve — By Buck, &c. Thirty — The Schoale Inn, &:c. Northampton — Four— South Weft Profpedl of Northampton, by Harris, &c. - — Two — Aditto, and ViEWOF Eton ChuAch, WITH THE Portrait of John Palmer, after Hogarth, scarce. Thirty — Views of Laventre, &c. Northumberland — Six — View of Newcaftle, a Drawing of Brinkburn Priory, &c. Nottinghamftiire South Prospect of Newark Church, by Hollar, fine^ kc. Oxfordfhire — T welve — Blenheim. Twenty-fix — View of Oxford, &c. Thirty — Colleges, 8cc. Nine — Almanacks, &c. Thirty — Ditto, 1722 to 1751, very fine. Shropfhire — Seventeen-r-Town of Shrewlbury, by V. Gucht; &c. 82 Somerfetftiire — Five — City of Bath, &c. Twenty — Ditto. 84 — — _ Two— The New Room, kc, by Gandon. ^ 73 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 s 9 ^ d^■'^^l »rtx r ^ . // -f 2 ^ ~ f 4 J^- - ^ /y/ Aj^ ..-^-==, y^ — 2^ ' M _ ^ *^- fy ^T'A - ff /r^ ^ . jm /A^, //. ^ : -V^-^ / t/^m /d 3 A L 4^ ^ A /^r. ^ m — ^ -I ‘ - -r POLITICAL AND SATYRICAL. 29 Seventeen — Satyrical, coloured, 30 Fifteen — Ditto. 31 Seven — By Gillray. 32 Four — The Prince's Bow, Englidi Slavery, &c. coloured. 33 Thirty — The Duel between Mr* Pultney, Lord Harvey, the Court Shuttle, Cook, &c. 34 Twenty-four — Political. 35 Twenty- five — Ditto. PRINTS RELATING TO THE FRENCH REVOLUTION;, &C. — - 36 Thirty-feven — Portraits. ■*^37 Twenty-two — Ditto, Convention, — ^8 Nine — Ditto, in colours. 39 Four — Queen of Ftance, Princefs Maria, Louis XVII. &c* 40 Seventeen — Philip Witt, &c. 41 Three — William Tell, M. A.C. Corday, &c. in colours, 42 Five — Aflemblce Nationale, &c. 43 Six — Prife de la Baftille, &c. 44 Four — Champ de Mars, &c. in colours. —^5 Four— La Mort de Louis, &c. 46 Eleven — Political. 47 Eight — Mirabeau, &c. 48 Four — Arrival of the Princefs Maria at BaflCj See* 49 Six — Faites la Paix, &c. 50 Seven — Les Payables, &c. 5 1 Seven — Dame de Lorette, &c. VIEWS IN COLOURS. K 2 Six — Dudley Caftle, Hinfley, th^eafowesi Preftwood, Hag- ley, &c. • ^ 53 Two — Lyme Caftle, -and View of Canterbury, by Jukes. [ 12 ] 54 Four — Views on the River Wye, by Jukei. 55 Four — The PafTage Houfes, ditto. 56 Five — Views ofChelfea, Batterfea, &c. two Drawings. VIEWS IN SWITZERLAND. &C. FINELY COLOURED. 57 Ten — The Glaciers. 58 Ten — Ditto. 59 Ten— Ditto, with the Letter-preft. 60 Four— Geneva, &c. 61 Two — Ditto, Drawings. 62 Four — Source deL^Arveron, &c. 63 Four — Pont des Doable, &:c. 64 Four — Chute d’Eau, dans le Canton de Berne. 65 Six — View ofBafle, ^c. 66 Six Zurich, &c. 67 Six— Ville d’Arau, &c, 68 Six Morat, &c. 69 Six Laufane, &c. 70 Six — Porte de Sax, &c. 71 Six — Lac de Thoun, &c. 72 Six — Schwanau, Sec. 73 Six — Lac de Brientz, Sec, 74 Two — Lac de Brienne, highly coloured, equal to Drawings. 75 Twelve — Small Views. 76 Eight — Swiis Soldiers, Sec. 77 Thirty-one — Swiss Peasants, Sec. very fine. 78 Twelve — C ivil and Military Dresses, after Hol- bein, ditto, 79 Six — Habillemens de la Ville de Berne, Jine. capital DRAWINGS, BY MR. SHELLEY, ScC. 80 Three Drawings — Frontespieces to the three V oLUxMEs OF Boydell’s Milton, elegantly de- signed, and most elaborately finished by Mr. Shelly. Si Fouf — Ditto, from TalTo’s Jerufalem. i. Book I. The Angels appearing to Godfrey on the Plains of Tortofa. 2. Book 11 . Sophronia, a ChrilHan Virgin paffing to Aladine, to accufe herfelf of taking the Image from *' their Mofque. 3. Sophronia’s lover in hopes of faving her i declares himfelf the Perfon who Hole the Image. \ t 13 3 4. Book III. Erminia and Aladihe on the Walls of Jc- rufalem. — -g2 Four — No. 5, Book IV. Armida^s efcape by night with her two maids. No. 6. Armida’s diftrcfs at the refufal of Godfrey to aflifl: her. No. 7, Book V. Tancred arrives at his friend Rinaldo’s. No. 8, Book VI. The frieiidfliip of Clorinda and Erminia. . — —83 Four — No. 9, Book VU. Clorinda in difguife, is introdu- ced by the Old Shephard to his Wife. No. 10. Erminta tending her Flock. No. ii. Book VIII. The Hermits furveying the Field of Battle. No. 12, Book XII. Arefte^ relates to Clorinda the hiftoryofher birth. - — ^4 Five — Ditto, No. 13, Book XiV. TheChriftian Magician makes a way through the waters for Ubald, and Charles the Dane. No. 14, Book XVI. Rinaldo and Armida iu the Gardens. No. 15, Book X'/II. Armida in her Car. No. 16, Book XVIII. Rinaldo in the enchanted Wood, No. 17, Book XX. Armida’s defpair after the lofs of the Battle. 85 Four — Views of Berne, Bafel, &c. on Ifinglafs. 86 Four — Ditto Manheim, Stralburg, &:c. ditW), 87 Four — Ditto Frankfort, Heidelberg, &c. ditto. 8S Four — Ditto Leipzig, Nurenberg, &c. ditto. 89 Two — Fuonatori Calabrefi, and Delie Coiline di Pofillpo, by E. Morgan, highly finilhed. 90 Three' — Donna di Mergellina, by Cailelli, ditto. BOOKS OF PRINTS AND PORTFOLIOS.' 91 The Itinerant; 100 Views in Great Britain and Ireland, from Drawings of Catton, Dayes, Girtin, 'i'urner. Sand- by, &c. fine. 92 Thirty-two— -Views in Rome. 93 Via Appia Illullrata, twelve Prints. 94 Li Profeti e li Sibilledi Michal Angelo da Piroli. ; 95 The Campagna of London, fix Numbers, with Views by W. Ellis, proofs » 96 Angus’s Views, Nos. 10 and ii, proofs ; Milton’s ditto in Ireland, No. 6. 97 The Copper-plate Magazine, No. 46, 47, 48, and 49 ; and a Book of Saints, by Caliot. 98 Laroon’s Cries of London, 73 Prints, by P. Tempell,/;/^ and fcarce. 99 Harding’s Illudrations for Shakfpeare, large paper, a very line lets. N. B. Some of the Plates are destroyed. a C ^ IOC Thane’s Autographs, Part I o. 10 1 140 Portraits, Hiftory, &c. etched by J. Rlchardfon, Sen. Wilfon, Winftanley, A. Pond, &c. bound in a Portfolio. 102 Carta Corograficadegli di Sardegna, &c. 1772, bound in a Portfolio, 103 A let of Roman Emperors, fine old Imprcflions* 104 A Volume of thirty-three Dukes of Sabaudiae, by Tafniere, Jim, ■ •105 A large and capital Plan of Rome, by Nolli, palled on Cloth j and a Cafe for ditto. 106 A large Portfolio, with leather fronts and fides* 107 Four Portfolios. jtoS Three ditto, with leaves; THE END. 0/^ m L . //c. /»!> M’^y . /Z-i^ ^ w //f. m Wo. ^ -^''P^CtAZ /^’ .t J- /^' 4 ' L jc^ ^ K 1 ^ ' I \ . 3 / \ Cr,' 5 . ■ >1 / 4 ■ h~ »"■ .- I