. - , .-I • CATALOGUE OF A VERY CHOICE AND VALUABLE ASSEMBLAGE OF CAPITAL ftaltan, jfrnirij, jflemtsf) anb ®utcf) PICTURES, Very recently brought from the Continent, The Italian part Purchased from the Private Collection of the Duca di San Pietro , in the Province of Bari in the Kingdom of Naples ; P . AMONG THESE ARE A Female Portrait by L. da Vinci, a truly Enchanting Performance for Sentiment and Sweetness of Execution ; a Grand Subject by Ribera lo Spagnoletto, a chef d’ceuvre; the Murder of the Innocents by Alessandro Veronese, a capital and finely coloured Specimen ; a Whole Length Gallery Portrait of a Neapolitan Princess of the House of Spain by Rubens ; the Calling of St. Matthew, a most rich and brilliant¬ ly Colored Easel Picture by Rubens ; and various others in fine Preservation, by PERUGINO, TITIAN, SCHIDONE, DOMEN1CHINO C. CIGNANI, MURILLO, CLAUDE, REMBRANDT ALSO VICTOR, BACKHUYSEN, BREKELENKAMP A Noble Bust of Conde, and Five Magnificent Groups, ITALIAN BRONZES. Four Magnificent Views of Leghorn and Florence , m June22 LoChS in Water Colours, by MARI of ROME, Glazed with Plate Glass. WHICH tBSJtll be ia’olti tip Auction By Mr. CHRISTIE, At his Great Room , Pall Mall , On SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1811, at one o’clock. May be Viewed Three Days preceding, when Catalogues may be had. ILAP05 Conditions of Sale* L 1 HE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. i • II. No Person to advance less than Is—Above Five Pounds, 2s. 6d. and so on "in Proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s in the Pound, in part of payment of the Purchase Money: in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased, to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away with all Faults at the Buyer’s Expence, within One Day after the Sale. IV\ To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend long and open Accounts, the Remainder of the Purchase Money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery. VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment, shall be forfeited, all Lots uncleared within the Time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale; and the Deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. A CATALOGUE ,, &c. &c. &c. SATURDAY, JUNE the 22d, 1811. r / /£ o \ , .. , M* AngelloCerquozzi 1 A Landscape and Figures, a Neapolitan scene; a pleasing cabinet picture Ditto. 2 Ditto; the companion Van Pol. 3 A Vase with Flowers, Fruits, and Birds Nests; in the elegant taste of his master V- Huy sum 2 Ribera lo Spagnoletto 4 Head of St* Peter sleeping—an earJy picture of the master, but possessing much of the grandeur and truth which dis¬ tinguished his latter performancest Ditto. 5 St. And rew, half length; equally spirited Schidone. 6 Death of St. Joseph—scenery torch-light, giving a beautiful effect of chiaro scuro—very elegant S. Rosa . 7 St. Jerome, size of life—the management of light is scientific, and produces an admirable effect ( * ) Passerotti 8 Portrait of Gregory XlII.*=*a spirited and well coloured picture by the founder of the great school of Bologna Guereino 9 Jael and Sisera— figures larger than life, and finely colored L= Giordano ........ 10 Martyrdom of St. Peter-spirited and fine Ditto..... •........ • 11 Martyrdom of St. Andrew. It was Spain and Naples that L. Giordano enriched with his fihe°t works: these have been greatly esteemed for the spirit of the execution Brekelenkamp ....... 12 An Interior with Lacemakers—a pleasing picture and painted - with great truth Claude ............. 13 Italian small Landscape, evening, twilight Philip de Champagne 14 A Crucifixion—the expression very good Backhuysen......... 15 A sea View with Vessels in a strong Breeze—painted with his usual science and free penciling Rembrandt-......... 16 Portrait of a Spanish General, with a hat and feather, and a gold chain P. di Cortona*....... 1? St. Paul and Ananias—a well composed and elegant cabinet specimen; a finished study for the large picture in the Church of the Capuchins at Rome P. Perugino.. 18 The Crucifixion—a very curious and early specimen: from the delicacy of expression and finishing in the heads, m this picture has been considered an early performance ot Raphael. The Picture appears to have been painted for the family of Villa Marina, Counts of Salerno—[see the inscription with the date 1503 ] Titian ...■...••••••*• 19 Portrait of Machiavelli—finely painted Swaneveldt.......... 26 A Landscape and Figures, neatly and spiritedly pencilled Claude........ 21 A Landscape, Sun-set—the subjects etched in the Liber Veritatis, No. 18 Domenichino* 22 A very spirited and curious small Portrait of this great Pain¬ ter, by himself—the Inscription, 11 A 1 altum ftndere is expressive of the modest and unambitious character of the Painier V. Dyck. 23 Portrait of the Cardinal Infant Ferdinand, governor of the Low Countries for Philip IV. on horseback as in the great picture by Rubens, at Dusseldorff—with a fine Landscape J Victors. 24 The Departure of Rebecca—a well composed and interesting picture by one of the best followers of Rembrandt j and finely colored C» Cignani.. 25 Rinaldoand Armida—a fine specimen of this elegant Painter, displaying the elegance of Albano, but corrected by that bolder taste which lie acquired by his subsequent studies of the greater masters Rembrandt. 26 Semiramis at her toilette hearing of the revolt of Babylon— expressing by an oath her determination to reduce them to obedience :—in his first and more finished manner :— the colouring is harmonious and rich, and the draperies painted to illusion Rubens . 27 Portrait of a beautiful Female seated in a Chair;—the character evidently Spanish,—whence it is presumed, this picture having been purchased from the collection of the Duke of S. Pietro in the Province of Bari, that it is the portrait of some Spanish Princess who intermarried with the then reigning Family at Naples, in the time of the Paintei— the countenance is beautiful and sweetly painted Murillo. 28 A Shepherd Youth asleep—finely painted from Nature, with a very free and bold pencil S. del PibmBb •*.A . X r. \ X,^. — - v . *• 29 "A^Man’s Portrait— very fine Ribera lo Spagnoletto SO St. Jerome—a very fine specimen of the vigorous pencil of this great Valentian Painter RUBENS.......... 31 THE CALLING OF ST. MATTHEW—a very capital and beautiful easel picture—painted with great spirit of outline, and a most brilliant and harmonious display of colour ALESSANDRO VERONESE 32 THE MURDER OF THE INNOCENTS—a most noble picture of the Master; a mingled group, in which the passions of the several figures are admirably expressed, and . DA VINCI.. RIBERA LO SPAGNOLETTO ( 6 ) the whole is recommended by a rich and beautiful tone of colour ; a group of children above is designed .n correct and elegant-taste.—This picture was very highly esteemed tn the col ect on of the Italian Nobleman'from which it was purchased—it is a beautiful union of the fine expres¬ sion of the Roman, and the colouring of the Venetian Schools ‘ ” :j3 P0RTRAIT OF A FEMALE in A WHITE BODDICE and a low embroicered Turban Cap— a charming Bit o^ Nature. The simplicity of composition and colour in this picture attract the eye of the spectator whom a thousand graces will further detain. The female whom Leonardo has celebrated, ,s a Brunette with the most pleasing regularity of feature, and shape of countenance, the scanty head dress merely serves to heighten the oval contour- His superior knowledge of cbiaro-scuro is finely employe J while the means of producing it are almost imperceptible! he figure is simply relieved by a curtain of Emerald green —very capital 31 ST. SEBASTIAN EXPIRING, a female is drawing an arrow- from a wound, and another bears the ointment to be ap¬ plied to it: a capital picture of the master, and one of the very best of his works. The merits of Ribera are very -perfectly estimated by the many inferior productions of ms pencil usually exposed in this country— VERY CAPITAL y ^ jj- So 36 37 38 39 40 The Laoocon, a capital group of fine Italian workmanship Hercules carrying off the Erimanthian boar Atlas bearing the Celestial Sphere, the companion Hercules slaying the Centaur Nessus Hercules tearing off the Horn of Achelous-the companion Bust o r the celebrated Conde, size of life, very spirited and fine ( 7 ) ADDENDA. 1 A capital large View of Leghorn, in Water Colours, by the celebrated Mari of Rome, glazed with plate glass, and in , mahogany and gilt frame 2 A ditto, the companion 3 A ditto, with a warm Evening Sun, very fine ^ A View of Florence by Ditto, ditto FINIS. / G* Smeetoo, Printer, 17, St. Martin’s Lane, Westminster. 5jtou j i i.f Aviofio^ ?S-P CftfALflG' 5|tl * i i < %J, V\{ X3~ ' UCh $ Tl'it. (: E'ffY CENTER LIBRARY » Mr • • \ , 1 ; u ' . i • --ivj f. -• sji -i '■y \ :-.V '