datalngue .ixljihitinn nf Mnvkz nf Ammratt Artists Stje Hlargian& Susttlut? (£allmi iJImmt SUnjal Annutr. Salttmurf April 4 in April 3D. 1910 1 of Kmnxmn Artists 3% UKanjlanft 3mi\tut? (gaUerg Ulouttt Engal Kvmxw, IBaltimor* April 4 April an, lain Ittanjlatti* Jtaattittfr Jfautt&eii 1B4B t£^* %rarti xxf 4Hmt&g*r*, 1009-19111 JOHN M. CARTER, President ERNST SCHMEISSER, . . . . . . Vice-President JAMES YOUNG, Secretary G. HARLAN WILLIAMS, Treasurer LEMUEL T. APPOIyD, Asst. Treas. (Term Expires 1910.) SAMUEL W. REGESTER GEORGE C. MORRISON GEORGE R. SKILLMAN THEODORE F. KRUG FRANK A. FURST OLIVER C. CROMWELL SPENCER E. SISCO (Term Expires 1911.) FRANK N. HOEN JOHN B. SISSON FREDERICK W. WOOD GEORGE A. BOYDEN JACOB S. DETRICK LEMUEL T. APPOLD B. HOWELL GRISWOLD, Jr. (Term Expires 1912.) THOMSON P. PERINE WHvLIAM B. SANDS SAMUEL R. WAITE HENRY ADAMS FERDINAND C. LATROBE MARTIN MEYERDIRCK ANTON H. FETTING THOMAS B. EVERIST Actuary fflnmmttt^B in Cttljarg? of tlfje lExljihttum d& l£tatttotu( (Enmmttto of ttj* Itoarii nf MamajevB tin MxtBtnmB nnb iExijibttuma, 1309-1910 LEMUEL T. APPOLD, Chairman JOHN M. CARTER FERDINAND C. LATROBE ERNST SCHMEISSER GEORGE C. MORRISON G. HARLAN WILLIAMS limtiir nf lExJytbtttnn JAMES FREDERICK HOPKINS C. Y. TURNER, Chairman H. BOLTON JONES FRANK C. JONES The Board of Managers of the Maryland Institute would gratefully acknowledge the services rendered by the Jury of three New York artists (and former Baltimoreans) to whom has been committed the invitation of works for this Exhibition, and the selection from those examples submitted for consideration. In all cases the judgement of this Jury has been final. The arrangement of the pictures upon the Gallery walls has been decided by the Hanging Committee : JAMES FREDERICK HOPKINS, Chairman C. Y. TURNER RALPH RANDOLPH LATIMER In the majority of cases the pictures are for sale. Prices may be ascertained at the desk, and purchases accomplished by checks made payable to the Maryland Institute. A Warh of Stttronttrttmt HE Board of Managers of the Maryland Institute present this Exhibition of Works of American Artists to the citizens of Baltimore in the confident belief that one of the great purposes of the Institute is to stimulate and aid in the formation of sound public taste. They have, therefore, invited to Baltimore and to the Institute the works of those artists of reputation and training that would best present a comprehensive view of what is being accomplished by the strongest men in the field of American art. Now that the pictures are gathered, satisfactorily arranged and hung, and the Gallery prepared for its visitors, it is recognized that here is a remarkably representative collection, selected from the winter's exhibitions and studios in New York, Philadelphia and elsewhere, and loaned by artists, citizens, and institutions, the list of artist names representing the foremost men in their several fields. This Catalogue has been prepared as an aid to the visitor in appreciating and enjoying the pictures. Believing that its value might be made more lasting, there have been included within its pages a considerable amount of personal notes concerning each artist, his training, honors, and accomplishments. The courteous and prompt responses in an extensive correspondence with the artists have convinced those editing the Catalogue that this feature of personal notes will be greatly appreciated by all in any way identified with the Exhibition. We regret that we have not received such complete returns as would allow our presenting a brief history of every exhibitor. The advertisements have been placed among the text pages by request of those who have generously recognized this Catalogue as a medium for publicity. J. F. H. COPYRIGHT 1906, BY LOUISE COX PEGGY BY LOUISE COX, A. N. A. BY H. BOLTON JONES, A GRAY DAY BY HOWARD RUSSELL BUTLER, N. A, SUMMER AND SEVENTEEN BY F. LUIS MORA, N, GITANA Y SOL COPYRIGHT 1908, BY J. G. BROWN, N. A. BY J. G. BROWN, N. A. AMERICAN FARMER BY WILLIAM T. SMEDLEY, N. A. PORTRAIT OF MRS. W. T. SMEDLEY THE BLUE CUP BY F. HOPKINSON SMITH THE MILL RACE PAINTINGS FRANCIS R. ABBOTT, Philadelphia, Pa. Born, Philadelphia, Pa. Studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Pupil of B. Constant and Laurens, Paris. Fellowship, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 1. On the Upper Delaware THOMAS P. ANSCHUTZ, Fort Washington, Pa. Born, Newport, Kentucky, 1851. Pupil of the National Academy of Design, New York; the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Phil- adelphia; and of Doucetand Bouguereau, Paris. Awarded Honorable Mention, Art Club of Philadelphia, 1901; Silver Medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; Walter Lippincott Prize, Penn- sylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1909; and Gold Medal of Honor, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1909. Fellow of the Penn- sylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and Instructor in the Schools of the Academy. Member of the Philadelphia Water Color Club, New York Water Color Club, and the Philadelphia Sketch Club (President) . Represented in the permanent collection of the Pennsylvania Acad- emy and many private collections. 2. Margaret HUGO BALLIN, A. N. A., New York Born, New York. Pupil of Art Students' League, New York, and studied in Rome. Awarded Shaw Fund Purchase, Society of Ameri- can Artists, 1905; Thomas B. Clarke Prize, National Academy, 1906; President's Prize, New York Architectural League, 1900; Second Hall- garten Prize, National Academy, New York, 1907. Associate of the National Academy, and Member of the New York Architectural League. 3. Autumn Strains CECIUA BEAUX, N. A. Born, Philadelphia, 1863. Pupil of William Sartain, Philadelphia, and in Paris studied with Bougeureau, Constant, Courtois, and Dag- nan -Bouveret. Awarded Gold Medals, Philadelphia Art Club, 1893; the Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg, 1899; the Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; the Dodge Prize, National Academy. Member of the Society of American Artists, the National Academy, and the Soci£te Nationale des Beaux-Arts. Member of the International Jury, Expo- sition-Universelle, Paris (1900), and Louisiana Purchase Exposition (1904). Represented in many public and private collections. 4. Girl with Lyre. 17 COLONIAL TRUST CO SARATOGA STREET AT CHARLES :: IN THE SHOPPING DISTRICT :: A MOST CONVENIENT PLACE FOR YOUR SAFE DEPOSIT BOX IN OUR MODERN FIRE AND BURGLAR-PROOF VAULT :: :: :: :: :: 0 0 0 BOXES FROM $5.00 UP VAULTS FOR THE STORAGE OF SILVER IN CHESTS 0 0 0 WE ALLOW INTEREST ON DE- POSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK LADIES' ACCOUNTS ARE INVITED BY THIS COMPANY, AND A SEPARATE DEPARTMENT IS MAINTAINED FOR THEIR CONVENIENCE :: J. HENRY FERGUSON L. T. APPOLD - HENRY WILLIAMS - T. ALEXIS BERRY - HOPPER EMORY PRESIDENT - VICE-PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENT - REAL ESTATE OFFICER SECRETARY AND TREASURER FRANK W. BENSON, N. A., Boston * Born, Salem, Mass., 1862. Studied at Boston Museum School of Fine Arts and in Atelier Julian, Paris, under Boulangerand Lef£bvre. Third Hallgarten Prize at National Academy, New York, 1889, and Clarke Prize at National Academy, 1891; Medals, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893; Mechanics Institute, Boston, 1894; Ellsworth Prize, Art Institute, Chicago, 1894; Cleveland Art Association Prize, 1895; Jordan Prizes, Boston, ($500 in 1894 and $300 in 1895); Boston Art Club Prizes, 1895 and 1896; Shaw Prize ($1,500), Society of American Artists, 1896; Chronological Medal (and $1,000); Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg, 1897; Silver Medals, Paris Exposition, 1900, and Pan- American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Lippincott Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, 1903; Gold Medal (and $1,500), Carnegie Institute, 1903; Two Gold Medals, Universal Expo- sition, St. Louis, 1904; Proctor Prize, National Academy, New York, 1906; Corcoran Silver Medal and Glover Prize, Washington, 1907; Gold Medal, Philadelphia Art Club, 1907; Temple Medal, Pennsyl- vania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1907; and Norman W. Harris Medal and Prize, Chicago, 1909. Instructor in drawing and painting, Schools of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, since 1889. Member of the National Academy and of "The Ten" American Painters. Rep- resented in National Library, Washington; Navy Department, Wash- ington; Providence School of Design; Art Institute, Chicago; Cin- cinnati Art Museum; Buffalo Fine Arts Academy; St. Louis Art Museum, and in many private collections. 5. Three Sisters SAUI, BERNSTEIN, Baltimore, (1872-1905) Born, Posvol, Kovno, Russia, 1872. He came to America in 1888, being but 16 years old, and after six years of struggle managed to save sufficient funds to enable him to begin his art studies at the Maryland Institute. After two years of study here, supplemented by six months in the life class at the Art League in New York, he went to Paris and entered the Julian Studio. He soon tired of the limitations of academic study, struck out boldly for himself, and went to Laren, Holland, where he soon developed an independent style. His numerous studies of this period show virile treatment and the most subtle appreciation of tone and color. Two small pictures of Dutch interiors, with single figures, were hung on the line at the Paris Salon of 1902, and received universal commendation of the Parisian press. In August, 1902. he went to Galicia, and made those strong studies that are noted for their character and intense feeling. From April, 1903, and until his death (1905), Mr. Beanstein had his studio in Baltimore. 6. The Talmudist. Loaned by Mr. Frederick H. Gottlieb, of Baltimore. EDWIN HOWIyAND BLASHFIELD, N. A., New York Born, New York, 1848. Studied in Paris, under Bonnat. For twenty years a resident, student, and worker in France, Italy, Greece 19 MRS. WILLIAM REED. PRES. ESTABLISHED 1878 MISS ANNA LYMAN. SUPT. THE DECORATIVE ART SOCIETY OF BALTIMORE ART EMBROIDERIES AND DECORATIVE ARTICLES 413 N. CHARLES STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. JACOB W. HOOK. PRESIDENT CAPITAL - - - $200,000 AARON BENESCH, VICE-PRESIDENT SURPLUS AND PROFITS. 90.000 HENRY O. REDUE, CASHIER AVERAGED DEPOSITS 1.400,000 THE OLD TOWN NATIONAL BANK UNITED STATES, STATE, AND CITY DEPOSITARY LETTERS OF CREDIT FOREIGN EXCHANGE CORNER GAY AND EXETER STREETS HENRY ADAMS, M. E. CONSULTING ENGINEER NEW YORK BALTIMORE, MD. CHICAGO ARTISTIC METAL WORK BRASSES AND BRONZES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION METAL COLORING RESTORED AND REFINISHED THE J. ARTHUR LIMERICK CO. BRONZE AND BRASS FOUNDRY MEMORIAL TABLETS, RAILINGS, ARCHITECTURAL BRONZE WORK HOWARD AND PARK AVE. - BALTIMORE, MD. TELEPHONE CONNECTION and Egypt. Member of the Society of American Artists (for some time President), and the National Academy. Represented by the well-known figure pieces "Christmas Bells" and the "Angel with the Flaming Sword. ' ' Better known as a mural decorator and noted for decorative work on a large scale, as for instance, large panel in the Appellate Court, New York, the central dome of the Congres- sional library at Washington, the decoration in the Baltimore Court House, "Washington Resigning His Commission, " and "Lord Balti- more's Kdict of Toleration." In conjunction with his wife, he is widely known as an author on art subjects, among their joint works being "Italian Cities," and an admirable English edition of Vasari's "Iyives of the Painters," issued in conjunction with Mrs. Blashfield and A. A. Hopkins. 7. Angel with the Flaming Sword GEORGE H. BOGERT, A. N. A. (No biographical data at hand.) 8. Moonrise. Loaned by Mr. Jacob Epstein, Baltimore. SOPHIE MARSTON BRANNAN, New York Born, New York. Studied at Mark Hopkins Institute of Art, San Francisco, Cal., under Arthur F. Matthews. Exhibited National Academy of Design, Exhibitions in San Francisco, and elsewhere. 9. September Afternoon J. G. BROWN, N. A., New York Born, Durham, England, 1831. Pupil of William B. Scott, New- castle-on-Tyne, England; Robert Scott Lander, Royal Scottish Academy, Scotland; and the Academy of Design, New York, under Thomas Cummings. Member of the National Academy (1862, and Vice-President for four years); The Artists' Fund Society (President, ten years); the American Water Color Society (President, seventeen years); Honorary Member Salmagundi Club, and the Century Club. Represented in the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and many private collections. 10. American Farmer. (See Illustration.) "The rank is but the Guinea Stamp, The man's the gowd for a' that" Jtobt. Burns 11. Making His Toilet. Loaned by Mrs. Greenway, of Roger's Forge, Towson, Md. MABEL S. BROWSE, Philadelphia, Pa. Born, West Virginia. Pupil of Philadelphia School of Design for Women; Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; and studied under Elliot Daingerfield; William Sartain; Henry B. Snell; Ben Foster; William M. Chase; and Frank Brangwyn. Represented in exhibitions At American WaterColor Society, New York; Art Club, Philadelphia; Philadelphia Water Color Society; Chicago Institute of Art; Maryland 21 PHONE, MT. VERNON 4636 G. KRAFT, Manager ORIENTAL RUG COMPANY 1101-03 CATHEDRAL STREET Carpet Cleaning, Storing relaying and refitting SKILLED CARE OF ORIENTAL RUG CO. IN CLEANING AND REPAIRING FINE RUGS WOVEN FROM YOUR OLD WORN-OUT CARPET. ANY SIZE TO FIT A ROOM OR HALL. ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SERVICE ORGANIZED 1810 COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS NATIONAL BANK ACCOUNTS SOLICITED HOWARD AND GERMAN STREETS G. KRUG & SON :: :: :: :: :: makers of :: :: :: :: :: ARTISTIC WROUGHT IRON WORK S. W. COR. SARATOGA AND JASPER STREETS BETWEEN EUTAW AND PACA STS. :: :: BALTIMORE. MD. AUMEN MACHINERY and SUPPLY CO. ENGINES, BOILERS, PUMPS, HEATERS, STEAM TRAPS, EXHAUST HEADS, VALVES, PIPE, FITTINGS, ETC. SHAFTING, HANGERS, PULLEYS AND POWER TRANSMISSION APPLIANCES. LEATHER, RUBBER AND COTTON BELTING. RUBBER, COTTON AND LINEN HOSE. PACKINGS AND GAS- KETS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. WOOD AND IRON WORKING MACHINERY FOR EVERY PURPOSE telephones l c * st. paul I3SO 324 N. HOLLIDAY STREET * IMD..COURTLAND 2205 BALTIMORE. MD. Institute, Baltimore; Louisiana Purchase Exposition; and American Water Color Exhibition in London. 12. Downs of Suffolk HOWARD RUSSELL BUTLER, N. A., New York Born, New York, N. Y., 1853. Pupil of the Art Students' League, New York, and Dagnan-Bouveret, Roll, and Gervex, Paris. Awarded Honorable Mention, Salon, Paris, 1886; Temple Silver Medal, Penn- sylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, 1888; Medal, Atlanta Exposition, 1895; Medals, Paris, 1899, 1900; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Bronze Medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Member of the National Academy, New York; the New York Water Color Club; the New York Architectural League, and Honorary Member of the Art Students' League, New York. For many years (1889-1905) was President of the American Fine Arts Society. 13. Summer and Seventeen. (See Illustration.) MARY BUTLER, Philadelphia, Pa. Born, Philadelphia, Pa. Studied at Philadelphia School of Design for Women; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; Colorossi Academy, Paris. Pupil of Robert Henri, William M. Chase, and Edward W. Redfield; and Gustav Courtois, Prenet, Ingelbert, and Girardot. Secretary — Fellowship of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Member of Plastic Club, Philadelphia. Represented in collections in New York, Boston, Buffalo, Aurora, Ills.; West Chester, Pa.; Milwaukee, Wis. 14. Sunlit Rocks 15. The Gorge 16. Surf at Ogonquit CARLTON T. CHAPMAN, A. N. A., New York Born, New London, Ohio. Pupil of Art Students' League and National Academy, New York, and of Academie Julian, Paris, under Boulangerand Lefebvre. Also studied in South Kensington Museum and in National Gallery, London. Silver Medal, Boston, 1892; Bronze Medals at World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Atlanta Exposition, 1894; Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Charleston Exposition, 1902. Member of the Jury of Selection for the United States Section, Department of Art, and also of the Inter- national Jury of Award for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Associate of the National Academy. Member of the American Water Color Society; New York Water Color Club, and the New York Etching Club. Represented in Collections of the New York Yacht Club, the Atlantic Yacht Club, the Larchmont Yacht Club, and the Lotus Club, of New York; the Duquesne Club, of Pittsburg; the Elliott Club, of Buffalo; and of J. Pierpont Morgan, Esq. , of New York. 17. Capture of the Spanish Treasure Ship, by Sir Francis Drake, 1579 23 C. ft P. PHONE, ST. PAUL 1946 T. MILTON OLER, MANAGER THE LOUIS A. DIETER CO. DECORATORS AND PAINTERS WALL PAPERS SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO MANUFACTURERS OF PLASTER MODELS FOR DIETER STUCCO RELIEF SCULPTORS AND ARTHITECTS LMfclfcK is 1 ULLU KfcLltf- 716 W. BALTIMORE STREET PICTURE FRAMES REGILDING A. H. GRAPE & CO. 204 CLAY STREET MARYLAND BOTH PHONES CHESAPEAKE COURTLAND 1506 ST. PAUL 4024 ORENDA COAL COMPANY S. E. COR. BALTIMORE AND LIGHT STREETS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ANTHRACITE ORENDA COAL BITUMINOUS FOUR DISTRIBUTING YARDS C. & P. PHONE, ST. PAUL 590 MD. PHONE, COURTLAND 2683 R. HENRY HOLME ERNST A. WADDINGTON HOLME & WADDINGTON BUTTER, EGGS, MILK AND CREAM THE CELEBRATED ,- D «rAn ak.p» LOCAL AND SHARPLESS BUTTER AND SUBURBAN DELIVERIES snAhrLtss OkJ I tn NEUFCHAFEL CHEESE AND OTHER FINE BRANDS BOTH PHONES 1422 DRUID HILL AVENUE, BALTIMORE WILLIAM M. CHASE, N. A., New York Born, Franklin, Ind., 1849. Pupil of B. F. Hayes, Indianapolis' J. O. Eaton and the National Academy, New York, under L. E. Wil" marth, and of Wagner and Piloty, Munich. Medal, Centennial Expo" sition, Philadelphia, 1876; Honorable Mention, Salon. Paris, 1881 > Honorable Mention, Munich, 1883; Silver Medal, Exposition-Uni" verselle, Paris, 1889; First Prize, Cleveland Art Association, 1894; Shaw Prize ($1,500), Society of American Artists, 1895; Gold Medal of Honor, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1895; Gold Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1900; Temple Gold Medal, Pennsyl- vania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1901; Gold Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Gold Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Gold Medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902. Member of the International Jury of Award, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Member of the International Jury of Award, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Member of the Jury of Selec- tion, United States Section, Department of Art, and of the Inter- national Jury of Award, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; Member of the National Academy; the American Water Color Society; "The Ten" American Painters; the New York Etching Club; the Pastel Society; the International Society of Sculptors, Painters, and Gravers, London; the Circle of Twenty, Brussels; and Corresponding Member of the Secession, Munich, Knight of the Order of St. Michael of Bavaria. Represented in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Chicago Art Institute; St. Louis Museum of Fine Arts; and Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg. 18. Autumn Landscape FREDERICK S. CHURCH, N. A., New York Born, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1842. Studied in the Schools of the National Academy and the Art Students' League, New York, under Lemuel E. Wilmarth and Walter Shirlaw. Member of the National Academy, the American Water Color Society, and the Chicago Etching Club. Honorary Member of Society of New York Illustrators. Represented in National Gallery at Washington, D. C, and St. Louis Museum of Fine Arts; also in private collections of Charles L. Freer, Col. Frank J. Hecker, W. K. Bixby, William T. Evans, John Gallatly, and others. 19. The Sirens EUOT C. CLARK, New York Born, New York, 1883. 20. March. (See Illustration.) GABRIELLE DE VEAUX CLEMENTS, Baltimore Born, Philadelphia, Pa. Studied at Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; Academie Julian, Paris; under T. Robert Fleury; Bou- 25 C. a P. PHONE, MT. VERNON 1327 Artistic Hardwood Floors The Maryland Parquetry Floor Co. ALL KINDS OF FLOOR AND GRILL WORK 420 NORTH CHARLES STREET UNDER THE ROCHAMBEAU BALTIMORE, MD. The National Exchange Bank ====== OF BALTIMORE, MARYLAND ===== GERMAN AND LIBERTY STS. HOPKINS PLACE JANUARY 31, 1910 CAPITAL, SI, 000,000.00 SURPLUS AND EARNINGS, - - - $687,000.00 WALDO NEWCOMER, PRESIDENT R. V. LANSDALE, CASHIER SUMMERFIELD BALDWIN. VICE-PRESIDENT C. G. MORGAN. ASST. CASHII FOREIGN EXCHANGE LETTERS OF CREDIT SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES CHRONIC DISEASES OF telephones f RESIDENCE : C. a P.. MADISON 1286 WOMEN AND CHILDREN ON5: loFFlCE; c. & p., ST. PAUL 2662 osteopathy DR. ALOHA M. KIRKPATRICK RESIDENCE: OFFICE: 242 WILSON ST., near linden ave. 319 N. CHARLES STREET BALTIMORE, MARYLAND guereau; and Stephen Parrish. Awarded Second Toppan Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; and Mary Smith Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Fellowship, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 2 1 . Portrait 22. Sewing the Seam B. WEST CLINEDINST, N. A., New York Born, Woodstock, Va., 1860. Studied at Maryland Institute; and Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Pupil of Bonnat and Cabonel. Mem- ber of National Academy of Design, 1898-1901. Awarded Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo; Medal, Charleston Exposi- tion, South Carolina; Evans Prize, American Water Color Society. Member of National Academy of Design; American Water Color Society; and Society of American Artists. 23. Long Ago 24. Artistic Fancies COLIN CAMPBELL COOPER, A. N. A., New York Born, Philadelphia, Pa. Studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and the Julian and Delacluse Academies, Paris. Awarded Bronze Medal, Atlanta Exposition, 1895; Jennie Sesnan Gold Medal, Pennsvlvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, 1904; Honorable Mention, Washington Water Color Club, 1904; Gold Medal, Philadelphia Art Club, 1905; Commemorative Medal as Member of International Jury of Awards. Member of the Jury of Selection, United States Section, Department of Art, and of the International Jury of Awards, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Member of the American Water Color Society, New York Water Color Club, Lotus Club, and Salmagundi Club, of New York; the Philadelphia Water Color Club, and the Art Club of Philadelphia. Associate of the National Academy of Design, New York. Represented in permanent collections of the Cincinnati Museum; St. Louis Museum of Fine Arts; Art Club of Philadelphia; Art Club, Boston; Lotus Club, New York; Art Museum, Rochester; Dallas (Texas) Art Association. 25. An Old Town in France THOMAS C. CORNER, Baltimore Born, Baltimore, 1865. Studied at Maryland Institute; Art Students' League, New York; and Julien Academy, Paris; also under J. Alden Weir, and Kenyon Cox, New York; and Jules Lef6bvreand Constant, Paris. 26. Portrait of Mr. Robert Garrett 27 WESTERN NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL, . . . $500,000.00 SURPLUS $400,000.00 PROFITS, ... $ 150,000.00 CHAS. F. RIEMAN, prest W. B. BROOKS, vice-prest WM. MARRIOTT, cashier JNO. L. SWOPE, ass'T cashier ACCOUNTS SOLICITED CORRESPONDENCE INVITED BENJ. B. OWENS SPENCER E. SISCO OWENS AND SISCO ARCHITECTS 1605 CONTINENTAL BUILDING BALTIMORE, MD. TILE AND INTERIOR MARBLE telephones I WAREROOMS, ST. PAUL 876© WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION I WORKS, MT. VERNON 1421 HUGH SISSON & SONS GRANITE AND MARBLE MONUMENTS AND TOMBS SALESROOM: STEAM MARBLE WORKS : 113 N. LIBERTY ST. 23d ST. AND BELT LINE R. R. THE HANDICRAFT CLUB OF BALTIMORE POTTERY, METAL WORK, JEWELRY, FABRICS, BASKETRY, TOOLED LEATHER, BOOKBINDING, PHOTOGRAPHS, Etc. THE HANDICRAFT SHOP, 523 N. CHARLES STREET / E ANGER IRVING COUSE, A. N. A., New York Born, Saginaw, Mich. Pupil of National Academy, New York; Bouguereau, Robert-Fleury, and l'Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Shaw Prize for black and white at Salmagundi Club, New York, 1899; Second Hallgarten Prize, National Academy, New York, 1900; Proctor Prize, Salmagundi Club, 1900; Honorable Mention, Exposi- tion-Universelle, Paris, 1900; Honorable Mention, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; First Hallgarten Prize, National Academy, New York, 1902; Bronze Medal, Louisiana Purchase Fxposition, St. Louis, 1904. Associate of the National Academy. Member of the New York Water Color Club, and the American Water Color Society. Represented in collections of National Gallery, Washington, D. C; Museum of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences; Montclair Art Gallery, New Jersey; Museum, Smith College, Northampton, Mass.; Omaha National Gallery, Nebraska; St. Paul Museum, Minne- sota; Dallas Museum, Texas; and the Lotus Club, New York. 27. The Cypress Grove KENYON COX, N. A., New York Born, Warren, Ohio, 1856. Studied at the McMicken School, Cin- cinnati; at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; with Carolus-Duran and later in l'Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, under Gerome. Was awarded Second Hallgarten Prize, National Academy of Design, New York, 1889; two Bronze Medals, Exposition-Univer- selle, Paris, 1889; Temple Silver Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1891; Medal, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Gold Medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; Medal of Honor for Mural Painting, Architectural League, New York. Member of the National Academy of Design; the Archi- tectural League, New York; the National Society of Mural Painters; the National Institute and American Academy of Art and Letters; and Fellow of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Repre- sented by mural paintings in the Library of Congress, Washington, D. C; the Walker Art Building, Bowdoin College; the Minnesota State Capitol, St. Paul; the Iowa State Capitol, Des Moines; the Appellate Court, New York; the Essex County Court House, Newark, N. J.; the Luzerne County Court House, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., and by paintings or drawings in the Metropolitan Museum, New York; the Cincinnati Museum; the Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg, etc,, and the collections of the Lotus and Players' Clubs, New York. 28. The Silver Hand Glass LOUISE COX (MRS. KENYON COX), A. N. A., New York Born, San Francisco, Cal., 1865. Pupil of the National Academy of Design and of the Art Students' League, New York. Awarded Third Hallgarten Prize, National Academy, 1896; Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1900; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Julia A. Shaw Memorial Prize, Society of American Artists, 1903; Silver Medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposi- tion, St. Louis, 1904. 29. Peggy. (See Illustration.) 29 THE DULANY-VERNAY CO 339-341 N. CHARLES ST. ART GOODS SCHOOL FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES PRINTING AND ENGRAVING KINDERGARTEN MATERIALS BOOKS •• OFFICE FURNITURE STATIONERY FILING CABINETS AND SUPPLIES WALLACE STEBBINS & SONS POWER PLANTS AND STEAM HEATING APPARATUS ENGINES, BOILERS MACHINE AND PIPE WORK PIPE FITTINGS AND PUMPS, &c. A SPECIALTY SUPPLIES CHARLES AND LOMBARD STS. BALTIMORE BOTH TELEPHONES Washington show rooms: 1412 H STREET, N. W. JOHN C. KNIPP & SONS FURNITURE INTERIOR WOODWORK BANK FIXTURES, MANTELS, PAINTING, DECORATIONS UPHOLSTERY, DRAPERIES, LACES, WALL PAPERS FACTORY: 218-220 CLAY STREET Baltimore 338 NORTH CHARLES STREET J. S. HOPKINS-MANSFIELD CO. 4-6-8 WEST FAYETTE STREET THE FINEST THAT CAN BE HAD IN CHINA :: CUT GLASS :: AND :: BRIC-A-BRAC FROM EVERY CORNER OF THE WORLD BRUCE CRANK, N. A., New York Born, New York, 1857. Pupil of A. H. Wyant, New York, and a student abroad from 1879 to 1882. Awarded Webb Prize, Society of American Artists, 1897; Bronze Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900; George Inness Memorial Gold Medal, National Academy, 1901; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Salmagundi Purchase Prize, 1901; Silver Medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902; Gold Medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; and Bronze Medal, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg, 1909. Member of the National Acad- emy, American Water Color Society, New York Water Color Club, Society of American Landscape Painters, and Artist Fund Society. Represented in the permanent collections of the National Gallery, Washington, D. C; Metropolitan Museum, New York; Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg; the Museum of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences; the Peabody Institute, Baltimore; Montclair Art Gal- lery; the Lotus Club, the Salmagundi Club, and the Alpha Delta Phi Club, New York. 30. The Woodchuck Hill. (See Illustration. ) CHARLES C. CURRAN, N. A., New York Born, Hartford, Ky., 1861. Studied at the School of Design, Cin- cinnati; National Academy and Art Students' League, New York; and in the Julian Academy, under Benjamin Constant and Doucet, Paris. Third Hallgarten Prize, National Academy, 1888; Honorable Men- tion, Salon, Paris, 1890; Clarke Prize, National Academy, 1893; Medal, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Second Hall- garten Prize, National Academy, 1895; Silver Medal, Atlanta Exposi- tion, 1895; Honorable Mention, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1900; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Carnegie Prize, Society of American Artists, 1904; Silver Medal, Universal Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; Corcoran Prize, Society of Washington Artists, 1905; First Prize ($500), Osborne Competition, 1905; Shaw Fund Purchase, Society of American Artists, 1906. Member of the National Academy; the American Water Color Society; and the New York Water Color Club. Was Assistant to the Director of Fine Arts, United States Commission to the Paris Exposition of 1900; and Assistant Director of Fine Arts at the Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. Member of the Jury of Selection for the United States Section, Department of Art, Universal Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Represented in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Columbus, Ohio, Museum of Fine Arts; Collection of Mr. Luygens, former Minister of Fine Arts, Paris; the William T. Evans Collection; Vassar College Gallery; Richmond, Indiana, Museum; Toledo, Ohio, Museum of Art; and the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. 3 1 . The Breakfast Party HOWARD GARDINER CUSHING, A. N. A., New York Born, Boston, Mass. Associate of the National Academy of Design. Honorable Mention, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Medal of the Third Class, Carnegie Institute, 1904. 32. The Green and Gold Mirror 31 WE BELIEVE THAT THE REASON THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE MARYLAND INSTITUTE MADE US THE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR FURNISHING ART SUPPLIES TO THE STUDENTS OF BOTH DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOLS, IS BECAUSE OUR GOODS WERE FOUND TO BE OF SUPERIOR QUALITY & LOWEST PRICE WE WILL BE VERY HAPPY TO HAVE SEVERAL OTHER SCHOOLS ON OUR LIST FOR WHOM WE COULD ACT AS PURVEYORS OF THE BEST MATERIALS. OUR BUSINESS AS A SUPPLY HOUSE HAS MANY BRANCHES AND DEPART- MENTS. WE ARE ABOUT TO OPEN A PICTURE DEPARTMENT FOR THE SALE OF REPRODUCTIONS, AND FOR THE FRAMING OF YOUR PICTURES. THE HIRSHBERG ART CO. 418 N. HOWARD ST., BALTIMORE, MD. ELLIOTT DAINGBRFIKLD, N. A., New York Born, Harper's Ferry, Va., March, 1859. Studied in New York. Awarded Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Clarke Prize, National Academy of Design, 1902. Member New York Water Color Club; Society American Artists, 1903; National Academy, 1906. Member Faculty Philadelphia School of Design. Represented in Metropolitan Museum, New York; Brooklyn Institute of Art Sciences; National Gallery, Washington, D. C; Decorations (mural) in the Lady Chapel Church of St. Mary-the- Virgin, New York; and also private and public collections. 33. Pearls of the Morning HENRY GOIyDEN DEARTH, N. A., New York Born, Bristol, R. I., 1863. Pupil of l'Ecole des Beaux Arts and Aime* Morot, Paris. Awarded Webb Prize, Society of American Artists, 1893; Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1900; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y., 1901; Silver Medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902. Member of the National Academy, New York. Represented in the Lotus Club, New York; Museum of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences; the Albright Gallery, Buffalo, and many private collections. 34. Road and Canal. Loaned by The Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, from the Albright Gallery, Buffalo. JOSEPH DE CAMP, Boston, Mass. Born, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1858. Pupil of Duveneck, Cincinnati Academy; Royal Academy, Munich. First Prize, City Hall Deco- rative Competition, Philadelphia; Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1899; Honorable Mention, Paris Exposi- tion, 1900; Gold Medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; Second William A. Clarke Prize and Corcoran Silver Medal, Corcoran ArtGallery, Washington, D. C, 1909. Member "The Ten" American Painters. 35. The Blue Cup. (See Illustration.) LOCKWOOD de FOREST, N. A., New York Born, New York, 1850. Pupil of Herman Corrodi, Rome, 1869; Frederick E. Church, New York, 1869 and 1870 ; traveled in Egypt, Syria, and Greece from 1875 to 1878, and in India during 1881 and 1882 in the study of Industrial Arts. Awarded Medal for Indian Woodcarving, Colonial Exhibition, London, 1887; and Medal for Indian Woodcarving, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Member of the National Academy (Associate, 1891), (Academician, 1898), (Treasurer, 1899 to 1908); Imperial Institute, London, (Re- signed, 1896); Artists' Fund Society; Artists' Aid Society; Archi- tectural League; Boston Society of Arts and Crafts; Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Municipal Art Society, etc. 36. Point Lobos, Carmel, California. 33 LACES. EMBROIDERIES TOILET ARTICLES. LINENS, WHITE GOODS AND HANDKERCHIEFS. CLARK & COMPANY THE LINEN STORE 334 N. CHARLES STREET BALTIMORE National Bank of Commerce 26 SOUTH STREET, :: :: BALTIMORE, MD. CAPITAL, - - - - $500,000 SURPLUS, - . - - 500,000 UNDIVIDED PROFITS, 37,000 OFFICERS: EUGENE LEVERING, - President JAMES R. EDMUNDS, VICE-PRESIDENT AND CASHIER MAGRUDER POWELL, ASSISTANT CASHIER ACCOUNTS SOLICITED INTERVIEWS INVITED STANDARD ELECTRIC & ELEVATOR CO. CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIRS MOTORS ELEVATORS WIRING DYNAMOS. ARMATURES REWOUND, ALL KINDS, CABLES RENEWED, FOR LIGHTS, TELEPHONES, COMMUTATORS REFILLED FIRE DOORS, SAFETY GATES, POWER, BELLS. SWITCH- OILED BOARDS st. paul 1346 211 SOUTH CHARLES STREET Baltimore LOUIS P. DIBTERICH, Baltimore Born, Lich, Germany, 1842. Self-taught. 37. Head of Old Man WALDEMAR F. DIETERICH, Baltimore Born, Baltimore, 1876. Pupil of Benjamin Constant; J. P. Laurens and L'Hermite. Exhibited in Salon des Champs Elysces, and Salon de Champe de Mars. 38. Portrait of Rev. D. H. Steffens J. H. DOLPH (No biographical data at hand.) 39. Kittens and Goldfish. Loaned by Mr, Francis E. Waters, of Baltimore. WILLIAM HENRY DRAKE, A. N. A., New York Born, New York. Studied under Benjamin-Constant and Leon Doucet, at the Julian School, Paris. Awarded Honorable Mention, Paris Exposition-Universelle, 1889; and the George Inness, Jr., Prize, Salmagundi Club, 1902. Member, American Water Color Society and the New York Water Color Club. 40. Royal Hunters JOHN WARD DUNSMORE, New York. Born in Ohio, 1856. Pupil of Thomas Couture, Paris. Resident of London, England, five years, and of Paris, France, six years. Exhibitor at Paris Salon and at English and American exhibitions; Medal at Boston, 1881. Director, Detroit Museum of Art, 1888-1889. Director, Detroit School of Arts, 1890-1894; President, Cincinnati Art Club, 1889-1902. Member of various art societies and clubs in Eng- land, France, Italy, and the United States. 41. Salon, Petit Trianon-Versailles CHARLES EBERT, Greenwich, Conn. Studied at Cincinnati Art School; and Art Students' League, New York. Pupil of Benjamin Constant and Jean Paul Laurens, Paris. 42. Winter Haze and Sunlight JAMES MONTGOMERY FlyAGG, A. N. A., New York Born, Pelham Manor, N. Y., 1877. Pupil of the Art Students' League, New York; Hubert Herkomer, Bushey, England, and Victor Marec, Paris. A well known illustrator. 43. Sunday Morning 35 EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT THE MARYLAND INSTITUTE IS AN EXAMPLE OF SPOTLESS CLEANLINESS CLEAN TOWELS ARE CONSTANTLY SUPPLIED AT ALL STATIONS THROUGHOUT THE BUILDING WE FURNISH THE TOWELS WE SHOULD BE GLAD TO OFFER THE SAME SERVICE TO YOU THE OLIVER TOWEL SUPPLY c. a p. phone madison 431 1 430 PENNSYLVANIA AVE., BALTIMORE THE Luxury of Absolute Security IS TO BE FOUND IN A SAFE DEPOSIT BOX IN THE ARMOR PLATE VAULT OF THE CONTINENTAL TRUST CO. BALTIMORE AND CALVERT STREETS HANGING AND PACKING OF PICTURES AND MIRRORS EXHIBITION PICTURES MOVED AND HUNG W. F. REYNOLDS ENGRAVINGS CLEANED OF ALL STAINS AS GOOD AS NEW. OIL PAINTINGS CLEANED AND VAR- NISHED AT YOUR HOMES. STATUARY CLEANED. FLOOR STAINING, &c. 1814 CLIFTON AVE. BALTIMORE, MD. MONTAGUE FLAGG, New York (No biographical data at hand. ) 44. Portrait of My Wife BEN FOSTER, N. A., New York Born, North Ansen, Me. Pupil of Abbott H. Thayer, New York, and of Luc Olivier Merson and Aime* Morot, Paris. Medal, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Bronze Medal, Exposition- Universelle, Paris, 1900; Silver Medal, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg, 1900; Webb Landscape Prize, Society of American Artists, 1901; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Silver Medal, Louis- iana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; Carnegie Prize, National Academy, 1906; George Inness Medal, National Academy, 1909. Member of the National Academy; the New York Water Color Club, and the American Water Color Society. Represented in collections of Montreal Art Association; Museum of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences; Corcoran Gallery, Washington; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; the Art Club, Boston; the Lotus Club, New York; and the Luxembourg Gallery, Paris. 45. Last Gleam CHARLES P. GRUPPE, New York. Born, Picton, Canada, 1860. Studied in Holland, chiefly self-taught. Awarded Gold Medal, Rouen; Gold Medal, American Art Society of Philadelphia, 1902; Two Gold Medals, Paris; Silver Medals (for oils and water colors) Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Member of Pulchre Studio, The Hague; the Arti, and Saint Lucas, Amsterdam, Holland; also the New York Water Color Club; the Art Club, Philadelphia; the Salmagundi Club, New York; the Rochester Art Club. Represented in the Library of Rouen, France; in the Royal Family Collection at The Hague, Holland; in the Museum of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Brooklyn, N. Y.; in the Philadelphia Art Club; Detroit Museum of Art; in many private collections in the United States and abroad; and by a special exhibition of paintings arranged in the St. Louis Museum of Fine Arts in 1905. 46. The Wood Cutters. (See Illustration.) PAUL HAL WIG, Baltimore Born, Baltimore, 1866. Studied at Maryland Institute; Munich Royal Academy; and with Prof. Fritz H. Kaulbach; Prof. Loetz; Prof. Nauen; and Prof. Franz von Leubach, of Munich; and with Carlos Duran, of Paris. Awarded, Peabody Prize, Maryland Institute; and Gold and Bronze Medals, Royal Academy, Munich. Represented in the exhibition of the International Art Exhib., Munich; and also the Royal Kunstberine, Munich. 47. Ignorance 48. Intelligence 37 POTTHAST BROTHERS MANUFACTURERS OF EXACT REPRODUCTIONS OF ORIGINAL PIECES OF CHIPPENDALE, HEPPLEWHITE, SHERATON, ADAMS AND OTHER OLD ENGLISH MASTERS HAND-MADE MAHOGANY DINING-ROOM FURNI- TURE. AFTER THE BEST ORIGINAL DESIGNS. OUR SPECIALTY 507 N. HOWARD ST. BALTIMORE. MD. PAINTINGS AND ENGRAVINGS PAINTING AND MIRROR FRAMES CLEANED AND RESTORED RESTORED AND REGILDED PURNELL ART CO. 224 NORTH HOWARD STREET PICTURE MERCHANTS AND OBJECTS OF ART THE CORRECT AND ARTISTIC EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS FRAMING OF PICTURES WE BY W. R. C. WOOD. MAKE A SPECIALTY APRIL 4th TO 16th. 1910 J. W. SCOTT JAMES FRANCIS JAMES F. HUGHES CO. GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHY TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS 205 WEST FAYETTE STREET I,. BIRGE HARRISON, A. N. A., Woodstock, New York Born, Philadelphia, Pa., 1854. Pupil of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Studied under Cabanel, at l'Ecole des Beaux Arts; and Carolus Duran, Paris. Member, Society of American Artists, New York, 1883; Associate National Academy, 1903. Member Century Association; Salmagundi Club; National Academy of Arts and Letters; American Federation of Fine Arts. Fellowship, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Awarded Silver Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1889; Hors Concours, Paris Salon, 1890; Medal, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Bronze Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Silver Medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; and Second Prize, Washington, 1904. Represented in collections of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; City Art Museum, St. Louis; Art Institute, Chicago; Spartansburg, S. C; Oakland, Cal.; National Art Museum, Marseilles; and prominent private collections. 49. (Moonlight in Charleston Harbor GEORGE W. HARVEY, Annisquam, Mass. (No biographical data at hand.) 50. Children of the Dunes, Holland. Loaned by Mr. Fred- erick H. Gottlieb, Baltimore. 51. Close of a Winter Day. Loaned by Mr. Frederick H. Gottlieb, Baltimore. CHILDE HASSAM, N. A., New York Born, Boston, 1859. Studied in Boston, and under Boulanger and Lefebvre, Paris. Awarded Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889; Gold Medal, Munich, 1892; Gold Medal, Philadelphia Art Club, 1892; Medal, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1903; Prize, Cleveland Art Association, 1893; Webb Prize, Society of American Artists, 1895; Prize, Boston Art Club, 1896; Medal, Car- negie Institute, Pittsburg, 1898; Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, 1899; Silver Medal, Exposition- Universelle, Paris, 1900; Gold Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Gold Medal, Universal Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; Thomas R. Clarke Prize, National Academy, 1905; Gold Medal, Car- negie Institute, Pittsburg, 1905; Carnegie Prize, Society of American Artists, 1906; Walter Lippincott Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1906; Sesnan Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy, 1910. Member of the National Academy; American Water Color Society; New York Water Color Club; "The Ten" American Painters. Associate of the Soctete" Nationale des Beaux Arts, Paris; and Corre- sponding Member of the Secession, Munich. Represented in Car- negie Institute, Pittsburg; Cincinnati Art Museum; Boston Art Club; Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C; Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; Telfair Academy, Savannah, Ga.; Buffalo Fine Arts Academy; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; and Walters' Gallery, Baltimore. 52. The Sirens* Grotto 39 NEW LINES MODERATE PRICES THE J. G. VALIANT COMPANY INTERIOR DECORATORS AND FURNISHERS A NEW IMPORTATION OF WILLOW PORCH AND ROOM SPRING WALL PAPERS, FURNITURE JUST RECEIVED CRETONNES AND CURTAINS 224-226 N. CHARLES ST. BALTIMORE, MD. HENRY SMITH & SONS COM PA NY CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS 116-120 SOUTH REGESTER STREET BALTIMORE, MD. BOTH PHONES BUILDERS OF THE MARYLAND INSTITUTE LES BEAUX ARTS STUDIO ORIGINAL FREE-HAND DESIGNERS HAND-PAINTED NOVEL- HAND-PAINTED COSTUMES. TIES, OIL PAINTINGS, FANS, GLOVES AND HOSE WATER-COLOR SKETCHES TO ORDER 519 N. CHARLES STREET BALTIMORE, MARYLAND ALBERT M. HKIvWIG, Baltimore Born, Baltimore, 1890. Pupil of Maryland Institute, under Henry B. Snell and C. Y. Turner. 53. The Pier, Fort McHenry ROBERT HENRI, N. A., New York Born, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1865. Studied in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Academie Julian and l'Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, and in France, Spain and Italy. Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Silver Medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; Harris Prize, Chicago Art Institute, 1905; Gold Medal, Art Club, Philadelphia, 1909. Member of the National Academy; National Institute Arts and Letters; Society of American Artists. Fellowship of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Represented in Luxembourg Gallery, Paris; Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg; Gallery of Spartanburg, S. C.; Art Association, Texas; Gallery of Fine Arts, Columbus, Ohio; and Art Association, New Orleans. 54. Young Woman in Black E. ly. HENRY, New York Born, Charleston, S. C, 1841. Studiedat Suisses School, Paris, and with Weber and Courbet. Awarded Medals at New Orleans, Chicago, Charleston and St. Louis. Honorable Mention, Paris, 1889. Member of Council of the National Academy of Design, 1873 to 1875; Art Committee Union League Club; Member Water Color Society; Century Club, N. Y., Northern Historical Society, and Geographical Society. National Academician. Represented in Historical Society, Albany; Historical Society, Westerly, R. I.; St. Petersburg (New York Harbor) with the Russian Fleet; Collections of Lady Northcote, London; the late Morris K. Jessup; J. S. Kennedy, New York; John G. Myers, Albany; the late William Astor, New York; Mr. Statesbury, Phila- delphia; The Union League, New York (City Point); Mrs. Lansing, Albany, (James River, Silver Medal Picture at Charleston); and in Museums and private collections elsewhere. 55. A Reception at Stenton, the Homestead of James Logan, Secretary to William Penn, about 1760. "Stenton" was the residence of James Logan, Secretary to William Penn. The house was built in 1739, and is still standing. It was purchased by the City of Philadelphia for the Society of Colonial Dames, and to house a Museum of Relics. The Home was widely noted for the receptions which were held there and the hos- pitality dispensed prior to the Revolution. (See "Watson's Annals," Wescott's "History of Philadelphia," "Hugh Wynne," "The Red City," by Weir Mitchel, and many others.) The house is an excellent example of the Country House of that period, and shows the servants' quarters in the rear connected by galleries to the main house. 41 1795 19TO THE NATIONAL BANK OF BALTIMORE WE SOLICIT BUSINESS ON CAPITAL, $1,210,700 BANKING PRINCIPLES SURPLUS, $450,000 NORTHEAST CORNER BALTIMORE AND ST. PAUL STREETS OTIS ELEVATORS THE STANDARD OF THE WORLD EQUITABLE BUILDING :: * noITOlV^rt BALTIMORE, MD. S. S. WALLACE, LOCAL MANAGER CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED THE SAFE WAY TOjDO BUSINESS IS TO USE A CHECKING BANK ACCOUNT. IT ENCOURAGES THE SAVING OF ODD PENNIES. IT PREVENTS LOSS OF MONEY EASILY LOST IF KEPT IN THE HOUSE. EVERY CHECK IS A RECEIPT. THE HOUSE- KEEPER NEEDS A CHECKING ACCOUNT AS WELL AS A MERCHANT MARYLAND TRUST COMPANY NORTHWEST CORNER CALVERT AND GERMAN STREETS WANTS YOUR ACCOUNT. REMEMBER, IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE A LARGE ONE.^ SMALL ACCOUNTS ARE WELCOMED AND GIVEN THE SAME CON- SIDERATION. THEY OFTEN GROW TO BE LARGE. WE PAY INTEREST ON DAILY BALANCES THOMAS HOVENDEN, N. A., (1810-1895). "An American genre painter, born in Dunman way, Ireland. He studied at the Cork School of Art, and at the National Academy of Design, after he came to America, in 1863. Afterwards he was a pupil of Cabanel, in Paris. He was elected a National Academician in 1882, and was a member of the American Water Color Society; the Society of American Artists, and the Philadelphia Society of Artists. His "John Brown Being Led to Execution," is in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City. His other works include: "In the Hands of the Enemy," "Jerusalem, the Golden," "Cloe and Sam," "A Breton Interior, " and "Breaking Home Ties," one of the most popular pictures shown at the World's Columbian Exposition of Chicago, 1903." New International Encyclopaedia. 56. The Old Nurse's Visit. Loaned by George C. Morrison' Baltimore. 57. The Clock Mender. Loaned by Mrs. Helen C. Hovenden* Plymouth Meeting, Pa. WILLIAM H. HOWE, N. A., Bronxville, N. Y. Born at Ravenna, Ohio, 1846. Began the study of art, 1880, at the Royal Academy, Dusseldorf; pupil of Otto Von Thoren, 1881. First . exhibited, Paris Salon, 1883. Mention Honorable, New Orleans Exposition, 1885, and at Paris Salon, 1886; Gold Medal, Paris Salon, 1888; Silver Medal, Paris Exposition Universelle, 1889; Grand Gold Medal, London, 1890; Gold Medal, Boston, 1890; Temple Gold Medal, Philadelphia, 1890; Hors Concours, Paris Salon, 1890; Medal, Chicago International Exposition, 1893; Gold Medal, San Francisco, 1894; Gold Medal, Atlanta, 1895. Elected A. N. A., 1894; Officer d'Academie, Paris, 1897; N. A., 1897; Cross of the Legion of Honor, Paris, 1898; Life Member of the Lotus Club. Represented in the col- lections of the St. Louis Museum of Fine Arts; Cleveland Museum of Fine Arts; the Illinois Club, of Chicago; the Lotus Club, of New York; the Alpha Delta Phi Club, of New York; and many noted col- lectors throughout the country. 58. Return of the Fishermen 59. Coming Storm, the Challenge RUTH JOHNSTON, Baltimore Born, Sparta, Georgia. Pupil of the Maryland Institute; the Char- coal Club, under Andr6 Castaigne; and the Art Students' League of New York, under J. Carroll Beckwith, Kenyon Cox, George Bridg- men, Robert Blum, and Rhoda Holmes Nichols. Instructor in antique atvSt. Timothy's, Catonsville, 1898-1902; and Instructorin Illustration, Life, and Anatomy at the Maryland Institute. Member of the Art Students' League, Baltimore Water Color Club. 60. Juniper and Bayberry on the Coast of Maine 45 The Baltimore School of Art Needlework MISS A. M. MCDOWELL, PRESIDENT 327 N. CHARLES STREET Embroideries and Fancy articles TABLE COVERS, LUNCHEON SETS, BUREAU COVERS, QUILTS, VENETIAN AND FILET WORK, LAMP AND CANDLE SHADES. ..ORDERS ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY ALWAYS SATISFIES c. & p. phone, wolfe iboo G-B-S "SPECIAL" BEST BEER BOTTLED 24 BOTTLES $1.25 G-B-S BREWING COMPANY CENTRAL AVE. AND FAWN ST. BALTIMORE MARTIN MEYERDIRCK T. H. MANSON R. W. MACDONALD PRESIDENT SECRETARY ASST. SECRETARY German American Fire Insurance Company of Baltimore :: :: :: ALSO INSURES AGAINST TORNADOES 411 E. BALTIMORE STREET, S. E. COR. CUSTOM HOUSE AVE. FRESCO DECORATORS, CHURCH AND HOUSE DESIGNERS PAINTERS EMMART 8c QUARTLEY GENERAL COLOR WORKMEN 210 W. FAYETTE STREET, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND REUBEN JOHNSON (No biographical data at hand. ) 61. A Brace of Ducks. Loaned by Gen. Ferdinand C. I/atrobe, of Baltimore. FRANCIS C. JONES, N. A., New York Born, Baltimore, Md., 1857. Pupil of the Kcole des Beaux Arts, Boulanger, and L,efebvre, Paris. Awarded Thomas B. Clarke Prize, National Academy, New York, 1885; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Shaw Purchase, Society of American Artists, 1904; Silver Medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. l/ouis, 1904. Member of the National Academy; the American Water Color Society; National Society of Mural Painters; Architectural League; Fine Arts Commission, City of New York; National Academy of Design (Treasurer), and Fine Arts Federation (Treasurer). 62. The Mirror H. BOLTON JONES, N. A., New York Born, Baltimore, Md., 1848. Studied in France. Bronze Medal, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1899; Medal, World's Columbian Expo- sition, Chicago, 1893; Bronze Medal, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1900; Webb Prize, Society of American Artists, 1902; Shaw Fund Purchase, Society of American Artists, 1902; Gold Medal, Universal Exposition, St. Iyouis, 1904. Member of the National Academy and the American Water Color Society. Member of the Jury of Selection, United States Section, Department of Art, Universelle Exposition, St. Iyouis, 1904. Represented in Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington, D. C; Art Club of Erie; Philadelphia Art Club; Peabody Museum; Public Library, Winona, Wis.; Union Iveague Club, New York; Cresent Club, Baltimore; and Ellicott Club, Buffalo. 63. A Gray Day. (See Illustration.) WILLIAM J. KAULA, Boston, Mass. (No biographical data at hand.) 64. Sunlight and Shadow MARIE DE FORD KELLER, Baltimore Born, Germany. Studied at Art Students' L,eague, New York, under Georgede Forest Brush, C. Y. Turner, Walter Shirlaw, William M. Chase, and Kenyon Cox; and at Munich, under Franz Duer and Franz Von Lenbach. Instructor at Maryland Institute, 1889-1893. 65. Portrait of Dr. Irving Miller 45 JOHN TURNBULL, JR., & CO. IMPORTERS AND DISTRIBUTERS OF CARPETS, FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY FABRICS :: :: HOWARD AND FRANKLIN STS., BALTIMORE, MD. MEMBERS TELEPHONES- ■[ C - & P " 2600 ST - PAU «- NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE " *• MD - 1337 COURTLAND J. S. WILSON, JR., & CO. BANKERS CALVERT BUILDING (main floor) BALTIMORE, MD. OPPOSITE RICHMOND MARKET PHONE, MT. VERNON 4S40 E. B. TAYLOR The Society Caterer 886 LINDEN AVENUE BALTIMORE, MD. SINCE THE INTEREST IN ARTS AND CRAFTS AND ALL HANDWROUGHT PRODUCTS IS SO PRONOUNCED AT THIS TIME, WE ARE OFFERING A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF DESK SETS, LIBRARY PIECES, LEATHER GOODS, SMOKERS' ARTICLES, AND OTHER NOVELTIES IN COPPER AND BRASS. ALSO A FINE LINE OF CHINA AND GLASSWARE FOR THE TABLE, INCLUDING BEAUTIFUL PICTURES AND ARTISTIC FRAMING. SEE THEM AT THE ART SHOP OF LYCETT STATIONERS 317 NORTH CHARLES STREET ENGRAVERS BOOKSELLERS IMPORTERS WILLIAM SERGEANT KENDALL, N. A., Newport, R. I. Born, Spuyten Duyvil, N. Y. Pupil of Art Students' League, New York; Thomas Eakins, Philadelphia; l'Ecole des Beaux Arts, Julian Academy, and of Iyuc Olivier Merson, Paris. Awarded Honorable Mention, Salon, Paris, 1891; Medal, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Lippincott Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, 1894; Honorable Mention, Tennessee Centennial Exposition, Nashville, 1897; Second Prize, Worcester, Mass., Art Museum, 1900; Bronze Medals, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1900, and Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg, 1900; Second Prize, Worcester Art Museum, 1901; Silver Medal for painting, Bronze Medal for drawing, and Honorable Mention for sculpture, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Shaw Prize, Society of American Artists, 1901; Shaw Fund Purchase, Society of American Artists, 1903; Gold Medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; Harris Prize, Chi- cago, 1908; and Isidor Gold Medal, National Academy of Design, 1908. Member of the National Academy aud Society of American Artists. Represented in the permanent collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art; of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; the Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C; and the National Gallery, Washington, D. C. 66. Mischief PAUL KING, New York Born, Buffalo, New York. Pupil of the Art Students' League, Buffalo, and of the Art Students' League, New York. Awarded Inness Prize, Salmagundi Club, New York, 1906, and Shaw Purchase Prize, Salmangundi Club, 1906. Member of Salmagundi Club, N. Y.; the Art Club of Philadelphia; Artists' Fund Society; Artists' Aid Society, N. Y. Represented in Shaw Collections and Collections of Engineers' Club, N. Y. 67. Hauling Logs D. RIDGWAY KNIGHT, France Born, Philadelphia, Pa., 1850. Pupil of Gleyre and Meissonier, Paris. Honorable Mention, Paris Salon, 1884; Third Class Medal, Paris Salon, 1888; Gold Medal, Munich, 1888; Silver Medal, Paris Exposi- tion, 1889; Medal, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Medal, P. A. F. A., 1893; Medal, Antwerp Exposition, 1894; Cheva- lier of the Legion of Honor, France, 1889. Represented in public and private collections. 68. Waiting for the Boats. Loaned by Mr. John H. Converse, Rosemont, Pa. F. W. KOST, N. A., New York (No biographical data at hand.) 69. Belle Port Beach 47 THOMAS C. BASSHOR CO. :: ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS :: .MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS I.N. BOILERS, ENGINES, PUMPS AND MACHINISTS* SUPPLIES STEAM AND WATER HEATING BOILER AND TANK WORKS, 28 LIGHT STREET, BUSH STREET AND B. & O. R. R. BALTIMORE Owen Daly 8c Company ======== BANKERS =========== INVESTMENT SECURITIES NO. 23 SOUTH STREET BALTIMORE, MARYLAND FRANK A. FURST JOHN T. DAILY FREDERICK W. FELDNER PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER MARYLAND DREDGING & CONTRACTING CO. GENERAL CONTRACTING RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS OFFICE: 803-4-S FIDELITY BUILDING BALTIMORE, MD. SAILINGS EVERY SATURDAY ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE PASSENGER SERVICE NEW YORK TO LONDON 201 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BALTIMORE ALICE ASMUS-KOWNATZKI, New York Born, Berlin, Germany. Pupil at the Art Society for Women, Berlin, under Profsssor Graef and other masters. Represented in private collections in Berlin, Germany, and New York. Exhibitor at the National Academy of Design, New York; and in the "Grope Berliner," Kunstausstellung, Berlin, Germany. 70. Study WILLIAM L. LATHROP, N. A., New Hope, Pa. Born, Warren, 111., 1859. Self-taught. Awarded William T. Evans Prize, American Water Color Society, 1896; Medal, Philadelphia Art Club, 1897; Webb Prize, Society of American Artists, 1899; Bronze Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Medal, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg, 1903; Third Prize, Worcester Art Museum, Mass., 1904; Bronze Medal, Universal Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Member of the National Academy and of the New York Water Color Club. Represented in National Gallery, Washington, D. C. ; Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg; Minneapolis Art Museum. 71. Winter Evening RALPH RANDOLPH LATIMER, Baltimore Born, Baltimore, 1862. Pupil of Maryland Institute; the Charcoal Club; and a student in Antwerp and Paris, under Bougereau, Gabriel Ferrier, and Jean Paul Laurens. Instructor in Water Color, Mary- land Institute, 1888-1892; Vice-Principal Maryland Institute, 1902- 1906; Instructor in Color and Composition, Maryland Institute, 1906- . Member of the Baltimore Water Color Club. Exhibitor in New York, Philadelphia, and local exhibitions. 72. Brown Autumn JOHN LA FARGK, N. A., New York Born, New York, 1835. Pupil of Thomas Coutoure, Paris, and of William Morris Hunt, Boston. Gold Medal, Pan-American Exposi- tion, Buffalo, 1901. Diploma, with Medal of Honor, for distinguished service in Art, Universal Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Knight of the • Legion of Art, Louisiana Pnrchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Knight of the Legion of Honor, France. Member of the National Academy; the National Society of Mural Painters (Honorary Presi- dent); the American Institute of Architects (Honorary); the New York Water Color Club, etc. 73. Entrance to Tantira River, Tahiti, Fisherman Spearing Fish WILLIAM H. LIPPINCOTT, N. A., New York Born, Philadelphia, Pa., 1849. Pupil in Paris of Leon Bonnat. Professor of Painting, National Academy of Design, 1882-83-84. Awarded Honorable Mention Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; 49 HURLBUTT & HURLBUTT Interior Decorators 403-405 N. CHARLES STREET BALTIMORE, MD PASSION PLAY AT OBERAMMERGAU, BAVARIA MAY 16th SEPTEMBER 25th, 191Q FOR SEATS AT PERFORMANCES; FOR LODGINGS; :: :: FOR PASSAGE TICKETS :: NEW YORKl PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG 1 BREMEN incvv T Vw/r*r\ I LONDON PARISj DricmtlN NEW YORK - GIBRALTAR - NAPLES - GENOA BALTIMORE DIRECT TO BREMEN ROUND-THE-WORLD TOURS TRAVELER'S CHECKS GOOD ALL OVER THE WORLD . . . APPLY TO . ... A. SCHUMACHER 8c CO. GENERAL AGENTS OF THE NORTH GERMAN LLOYD STEAMSHIP CO. AT BALTIMORE, MD. HOWARD F. RITTE PLUMBING :: STEAM AND GAS FITTING HYDRAULIC MACHINERY C. & P. PHONE--MT. VERNON 1074 413 NORTH CALVERT STREET BALTIMORE. MD. and Bronze Medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Member of the National Academy of Design; American Water Color Society, and the Century Association. Represented in public galleries and private collections. 74. Pleasant Reflections 75. The White Mantle G. H. MACRUM, New York (No biographical data at hand.) 76. Market Day, Brittany GEORGE WILLOUGHBY MAYNARD, N. A., New York Born, Washington, D. C, 1843. Studied at Royal Academy, Ant- werp, Belgium. Awarded Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; Gold Medal, Competitive Prize Fund Exhibition, New York, 1888; William T. Evans Prize, American Water Color Society, 1889; Medal, as one of the Designers of the World's Colum- bian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Shaw Prize, Society of American Artists, 1897; and Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. Member of the National Academy; Society of American Artists, and American Water Color Society. Represented intbe Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, and the National Gallery, Washington, D. C. 77. In the South Sea GARI J. MEL,CHERS, N. A., New York Born, Detroit, Mich., 1860. Studied at Academy, Diisseldorf, Ger- many, and in Paris at l'Ecole des Beaux Arts, under Boulanger and Lef£bvre. Honorable Mention, Salon, Paris, 1886. First Class Medal, Amsterdam, 1887; Third Class Medal, Salon, Paris, 1888; First Class Medal, Munich, 1888; Grand Prize, Exposition-Uni- verselle, Paris, 1889; First Prize, Art Institute of Chicago, 1891; Medal of Honor, Berlin, 1891; Gold Medal, Philadelphia Art Club, 1892; Medal of Honor, Antwerp, 1894; Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, 1896; First Class Medal, Vienna, 1898; Gold Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Gold Medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Mem- ber of the National Academy, New York; the Paris Society of Ameri- can Painters; the International Society of Sculptors, Painters, and Gravers; Associate of the Soci£te" Nationale des Beaux Arts, Paris; Associate of the Royal Society of Austrian Painters, Vienna; Member of the Royal Academy, Berlin; Corresponding Member of the Seces- sion, Munich; Officer of the Region of Honor, France; Officer of the Royal Order of St. Michael of Bavaria, etc. Represented in the Luxembourg, Paris; National Gallery, Berlin; Royal Gallery, Dres- den; Royal Gallery, Munich; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg; Congressional Library, Washington; and the Art Institute, Chicago. 78. Portrait of Mr. Thomas H. Bowles. Loaned by Mr. Thomas H. Bowles, of Baltimore. 51 ROBERT K. WARING PRESIDENT WILTON SNOWDEN VICE-PRESIDENT THOMAS G. POTTS TREASURER Central Savings Bank of Baltimore S. E. COR. CHARLES AND LEXINGTON STREETS DEPOSITS OF 50C AND UPWARD INTEREST 3%* PER ANNUM INCORPORATED 1854 BANKING HOURS: 10 A. M. TO 3 P. M. SATURDAYS: 10 A. M. TO 8 P. M C. J. BENSON & COMPANY WALL PAPERS, DRAPERY, UPHOLSTERY STUFFS, FURNITURE, WOODWORK, LEADED GLASS, POTTERY 325 NORTH CHARLES STREET BALTIMORE, MD. HILGARTNER MARBLE CO. INTERIOR BUILDING MARBLE SHARP ST. AND B. Qc O. R. R. show room: OA I TiUAnr KAt~\ 223 N - CHARLES ST. DAL 1 1 lYiL/KCL, IV! U. UNDER MASONIC TEMPLE ESTABLISHED 1827 M. PERI N E & SONS MANUFACTURERS OF STONE AND EARTHENWARE FLOWER POTS JUGS MILK POTS BUTTER PANS FANCY FLOWER POTS JARS PITCHERS BEAN POTS JARDINIERS PANS SPITTOONS STOVE PIPE POTS BLACK GLAZED WARE DRAIN PIPE AND FIRE CLAY CHIMNEY PIPE 1009 W. BALTIMORE ST. BALTIMORE, MD. WILLARD L. METCALF, New York Born, Lowell, Mass., 1858. Studied in Boston and Paris. Elected to Society of American Artists, 1887. Awarded Honorable Mention, Salon, Paris, 1888; Medal, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Webb Prize, Society of American Artists, 1896; Honorable Mention, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1900; Silver Medal, Pan- American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Silver Medal, Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, 1904; First Corcoran Gold Medal and William A. Clarke Prize, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Wash- ington, D. C, 1907; Member of theSocietyof American Artists (1887); American Water Color Society ( 1893) ; ' 'The Ten" American Painters; and the National Institute of Arts and Letters. Represented in the permanent collections of Smith College, Northampton, Mass.; Cin- cinnati Museum of Fine Arts; National Gallery, Washington, D. C; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; St. Botolph Club, Boston; and the Worcester Museum of Fine Arts. 79. Ice-bound FRANK DAVIS MILLET, N. A., New York Born, Mattapoisett, Mass., 1846. Educated at Harvard University, Drummer-boy and Assistant Surgeon in Civil War. Pupil of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp, 1871-1872. Also student in France and Italy, and author of illustrated articles in American maga- zines. War correspondent for the New York Herald and London Daily News during Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878), attached to Gen. Skobeleff's Staff. Director of Decorations, World's Columbian Expo- sition, Chicago, 1893, also Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Correspondent for London Times and Harper's Weekly in the Philippines, 1898. Best known as a painter of genre subjects of Eighteenth Century, England, and of classic Greece and Rome. Prominently identified (1905-1906) with the organization and endow- ment of the American Academy at Rome (Secretary). Member of National Academy of Design, and honored by many military orders. Closely identified with the formation. (1909) of the American Federa- tion of Arts, (Secretary). Represented by "At the Inn," Union League Club, New York; "A Cozy Corner," Metropolitan Museum, "Between Two Fires," National Gallery of British Art, London; Decoration in the Minnesota State Capitol, Minneapolis, 1905; Por- traits of Mrs. Millet, and President Butler, of Columbia University, 1906; Decorations in the Baltimore Custom House, and in a Cleveland Financial Institution, Cleveland, Ohio. Author of several literary works. 80. Lucky at Cards, Unlucky in Love F. LUIS MORA, N. A., New York Born, Montevideo, Uruguay, South America, 1874. Studied at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, under Benson and Tarbell; and at Art Students' League, New York, under Mowbray. Gold Medals, Phila- 53 FINE FLOORS OF HARD WOOD LAID, SMOOTHED AND POLISHED IN THE MOST THOROUGH MANNER J. M. ADAMS GROUND FLOOR. PROFESSIONAL BLDG. 330 N. CHARLES STREET THE ART OF COOKING HAS BEEN GREATLY ADVANCED BY "THE MODERN FUEL DELIVERED IN PIPES" GAS RANGES, $12. 50 TO $160.00 CASH OR CREDIT THE GAS 8c ELECTRIC CO. LEXINGTON AND LIBERTY STS. ANTON H. FETTING GEO. R. BULLEN ENTERPRISE STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING CO. OFFJCE: 109 E. LOMBARD STREET, :: BALTIMORE, MD. GAS delphia Art Club, 1902; Bronze Medals for painting and illustration, Universal Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; First Hallgarten Prize, National Academy of Design, 1905; Evans Prize, Salmagundi Club; Beal Prize, New York Water Color Club; Shaw Purchase Prize, Salmagundi Club. Instructor in drawing and painting, Art Students' League, New York. Member of the National Academy; the Municipal Art Society; the American Water Color Society; New York Water Color Club; New York Architectural League; the Society of Illustrators, and the Salmagundi Club. 81 . Gitana y Sol. (See Illustration.) THOMAS MORAN, N. A., New York City Born, Bolton, England, 1837. Member of the National Academy of Design. 82. A Rocky Mountain Solitude 83. Cloud and Sunshine, Montauk DORA MURDOCK, Baltimore (No biographical data at hand.) 84. Portrait J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N. A., New York Born, Oswego, N. Y., 1853. Substantially self-taught, visited Europe and painted abroad. Landscapes characteristically American. Awarded Second Hallgarten Prize, National Academy, New York, 1885; Webb Prize, Society of American Artists, 1887; Gold Medal, Prize Fund Exhibition, New York, 1887; Medal, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Evans Prize, American Water Color Society, 1894; Gold Medal, Art Club of Philadelphia, 1899; Honorable Mention, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1900; Silver Medal, Pan- American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Gold Medal, Charleston Exposi- tion, 1902; Carnegie Prize, Society of American Artists, 1902; Silver Medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; Inness Medal, National Academy of Design, 1910. Elected Associate of the National Academy, 1885, and Academician, 1887. Member of the Society of American Artists, 1901; and American Water Color Society. 85. Late September. FRANCIS ISABEL NEIIJv, Baltimore Born, Warren, Pa. Studied at Art Students' League, New York; Academic de la Grande Chaumiere, Paris. Studied under F. V. DuMond, Henry B. Snell, W. H. Lathrop, New York; and Raphael Collin and Courtois, Paris. Exhibited in New York and Baltimore* 86. The Yellow House 87. Hillside Pasture 55 CAPITAL, $1,000,000 SURPLUS, $2,500,000 THE BALTIMORE TRUST COMPANY 25 EAST BALTIMORE ST. SUCCESSOR TO INTERNATIONAL TRUST CO. OF MARYLAND, AND THE BALTIMORE TRUST AND GUARANTEE CO. OFFERS THE FACILITIES OF A MODERN BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, COMBINING SAFETY WITH PROFITABLE SERVICE. THOMAS H. BOWLES, DOUGLAS H. GORDON, PRESIDENT 1ST VICE PRESIDENT GEO. C. MORRISON, 2ND VICE PRESIDENT SAMUEL C. ROWLAND, 3RD VICE PRESIDENT WALTER NETTLETON, A. N. A., Stockbridge, Mass. Born, New Haven, Conn., 1861. Pupil of Boulanger and Lefebvre, Paris. Awarded Honorable Mention, Salon, Paris, 1892; Silver Medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Associate of the National Academy, New York; and member of the Society of American Artists. 88. The Wardens of the Glen LEONARD OCHTMAN, N. A., New York Born, Zonnemaire, Holland, 1854. Self-taught. Prize, Brooklyn Art Club, 1891; Medal, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Gold Medal, Philadelphia Art Club, 1894; Silver Medal, Pan- American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Silver Medal, Charleston Expo- sition, 1902; Morgan Water Color Prize, Salmagundi Club, New York, 1902; Shaw Fund Prize, Society of American Artists, 1902; Inness Gold Medal, National Academy, 1903; Woodward Purchase Fund, Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, 1903; William T. Evans Prize, Salmagundi Club, New York, 1903; Webb Prize, Society of American Artists, 1904; Two Gold Medals (for oil and water color), Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; Rhead Purchase Fund, Richmond Art Club, Richmond, Indiana, 1905; Second Corcoran Prize, Washington Society of Artists, 1905; Inness Prize, Salmagundi Club, New York, 1906; Evans Prize, Salmagundi Club, 1907. Member of the National Academy; American Water Color Society; New York Water Color Club; Society of Landscape Painters, and the National Institute of Arts and Letters. Represented in the permanent collec- tions in Museum of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences; Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington; the National Gallery, Washington; St. Louis Museum of Art; Columbus Gallery of Fine Art, Ohio; Lincoln Art Association; Denver Art Club; Richmond Art Club; Salmagundi Club, and Lotus Club. 89. The End of Winter WALTER LAUNT PALMER, N. A., Albany, N. Y. Born, Albany, N. Y., 1854. Pupil of F. E. Church, at Hudson, N. Y.; and Carolus-Duran, in Paris. Awarded Second Hallgarten Prize, National Academy of Design, 1887; Medal, Columbian Exposi- tion, Chicago, 1893; Gold Medal, Art Club of Philadelphia, 1894; Evans Prize, American Water Color Society, 1895; First Prize, Boston Art Club, 1895; Second Prize, Tennessee Centennial Exposition, Nashville, 1897; Honorable Mention, Paris Exposition, 1900; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Silver Medal, Charles- ton Exposition, 1902; Bronze Medal for oil, and Silver Medal for water colors, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; Silver Medal, Philadelphia, 1907. Member National Academy; New York Water Color Club; American Water Color Society, and Century Association. 90. The Dell 5 7 DEALER IN RARE PRINTS PUBLIC CORDIALLY INVITED W . E . JONES FINE ART ROOMS IMPORTER OF FINE PICTURES. MANU- FACTURER OF ATTRACTIVE FRAMES. RESTORING OF OLD PAINTINGS. RE- GILDING A SPECIALTY 332 NORTH CHARLES STREET BALTIMORE LOUDON PARK CEMETERY BEAUTIFIED BY NATURE AND THE ART OF MAN OFFICES : ALSO MAIN ENTRANCE 21 W. SARATOGA STREET FREDERICK ROAD THE HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN THE ART OF BREWING GUNTHER'S "WHITE AND GOLD" BOTTLED AT THE BREWERY GEORGE GUNTHER, Jr. BREWING CO. TOONE AND THIRD STREETS. CANTON KATHERINE PATTON, Philadelphia, Pa. Born, Philadelphia, Pa. Studied at Drexel Institute, and Pennsyl- vania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; the Art Students' League, New York; and London School of Art. Pupil of Kenyon Cox; Charles W. Hawthorne; Henry B. Snell; Alexander Robinson; and Frank Brangwyn, A. R. A. Exhibited in New York Water Color Club; Woman's Art Club, New York; American Water Color Society; Art Club, Philadelphia; Baltimore Water Color Club; Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington, D. C; and London. 91. Sunday in Cornwall 92. Old Houses in Polperro WILLIAM M. PAXTON, Boston, Mass. Born, Baltimore, Md., 1869. Pupil of l'Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, under Gerome, and of Dennis M. Bunker in New York. Honorable Mention, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Bronze Medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Member of the Copley Society, Boston. Represented in all prominent exhibi- tions and numerous private collections. S3. The Listener CHARLES SPRAGUE PEARCE, A. N. A., Anvers, Belgium Born, Boston, Mass. Pupil of Bonnat, in Paris. Medal, Boston, 1878; Honorable Mention, Paris, Salon, 1881; Prize, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1881; Silver Medal, Boston, 1881; Third Class Medal, Paris, Salon, 1883; Gold Medal, Mechanics Institute, Boston, 1884; Temple Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy, Munich, 1888; Diploma of Honor, Berlin, 1891; Gold Medal, Atlanta Exposi- tion, 1895; Gold Medal, San Francisco; Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, France, 1894; Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, Belgium; Chevalier of the Order of the Red Eagle, Prussia; Vienna, Stadts Gold Medal, 1898; Order of Dannebrog from King of Denmark, 1899; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. Member of the Paris Society of American Painters; Society of American Art, 1886; Associate, National Academy, 1906. 94. The Geisha Girl. Loaned by Mr. Frederick H. Gottlieb, of Baltimore. EDWARD HENRY POTTHAST, N. A., New York Born, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1857. Pupil of the Cincinnati School of the Fine Arts; and studied in Antwerp, Munich, and Paris. Thomas B. Clarke Prize, National Academy, 1899; William T. Evans Prize, American Water Color Society, 1901; Gold Medal, American Art Society, 1902; Silver Medal, Universal Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; Shaw Fund Purchase, Salmagundi Club, New York, 1905; Shaw Pur- chase Fund, Society of American Artists, 1906. Member of the National Academy; American Water Color Society, and the New York Water Color Club. 95. Street in East Gloucester 59 THE WOMAN'S INDUSTRIAL EXCHANGE MAKES A SPECIALTY FINE CAKES, ALWAYS ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED OF ITS LUNCH ROOM BREAD, PASTRY ON HAND 333 N. CHARLES STREET A. HOEN & CO. LITHOGRAPHERS ENGRAVERS PRINTERS CHESTER, CHASE AND BIDDLE STREETS, BALTEMORE NEW YORK AGENTS FOR THE EXCELLENT REFERENCES MARYLAND INSTITUTE EXHIBITION CHEERFULLY FURNISHED COLLECTING AND FORWARDING FOR EXHIBITIONS A SPECIALTY W. S. BUDWORTH & SON ESTABLISHED 1867 PACKERS, SHIPPERS, AND PICTURES, ETC., RECEIVED, REMOVERS OF PAINTINGS, DELIVERED TO, AND RE- BRIC-A-BRAC, FURNITURE, TURNED FROM ALL IM- ETC. PORTANT EXHIBITIONS TELEPHONE CONNECTION, 424 WEST 52ND STREET, NEW YORK 120 columbus HENRY PRELLWITZ, A. N. A., New York Born, New York, 1865. Studied at Art Students* League, under T. F. Dewing; and also at Julian Academie, Paris. Instructor, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y. , 1893- . Awarded Third Hallgarten Prize, National Academy of Design, 1893; Clarke Prize, National Academy of Design, 1907; Silver Medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. Associate National Academy of Design. 96. Woodland Sketch JAMES PRESTON, New York (No biographical data at hand. ) 97. Cathedra! at Chartres WILL J. QUINLAN, New York Born, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1877. Studied at National Academy of Design; and Adelphi College, Brooklyn, N. Y. Member of Salma- gundi Club. Exhibited in National Academy of Design. 98. The Forerunner of Autumn HENRY W. RANGER, N. A., New York Born, Western New York, 1858. Studied Art outside of academies and during several years residence in France, England, and Holland. Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1900; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Gold Medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902. Member of the National Academy, and the Ameri- can Water Color Society. Represented in the Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington; Carnegie Gallery, Pittsburg; and in the collections of the Lotus Club, New York; William T. Evans; John Harsen Rhoades; Dr. Alexander T. Humphreys, and many others in America and Europe. 99. Sunrise at INoank F. K. M. REHN, N. A., 222 West 23rd Street, New York Born, Philadelphia, Pa., 1848. Pupil of Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Awarded First Prize, St. Louis, 1882; Prize ($250), Water Color Competitive Exhibition, New York, 1885; Gold Medal, Prize Fund Exhibition, New York, 1886; Honorable Mention, Paris Exposition, 1900; Bronze Medal, Pan-American Exposition, 1901; Silver Medal, Charleston Exposition, 1903; Silver Medal, Universal Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; George Inness Prize, Salmagundi Club, New York, 1905; Samuel T. Shaw Purchase Prize, Salmagundi Club, 1907; Gold Medal, Philadelphia Society of Artists, 1907. Member of the Society of American Artists; American Water Color Society, and Salmagundi Club. Represented at Detroit Museum ("Missing Vessel"); Boston Art Club ("Surf at Evening"); Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, ("Close of a Summer Day"). 100. Early Moonlight, Coast of New Jersey SI WILLIAM T. RICHARDS "The career of MR. WILLIAM T. RICHARDS (b. Philadelphia, 1833; d. 1903), embraced an important period in the depelopment of American Art, and affected its trend. Early training in his native city was supplemented by conscientious study" continued through the earlier years of a notable artistic career in Florence, Rome, and Paris, where he was of those Americans who interpreted to European culture his countrymen's capacity to make sterling use of an art edu- cational opportunities afforded by the old world. Honorable member of the National Academy, member of the American Water Color Society, teacher and active worker in the interest of American Art. Mr. Richards' influence was not merely academic, but direct and personal." Circular of the St. Louis Museum of Fine Arts, 1907, 101. The "Sheepfold," off Newport, R. I. The title of this picture was given from a fancied resemblance of the surf in the pic- ture to the form of a "sheepfold." Loaned by Major Samuel H. Lyon, 101 East Preston street, Baltimore. HENRY A. ROBKN, Baltimore Born, Baltimore, 1888. Pupil at Maryland Institute, under Henry B. Snell and C. Y. Turner. 1 02. Scene at Fort McHenry WILLIAM S. ROBINSON, A. N. A., New York Born, East Gloucester, Mass. Studied in Boston and Paris. Member of the National Academy; American Water Color Society; and New York Water Color Club. Honorable Mention, Exposition- Universelle, Paris, 1900; Honorable Mention, Pan-American Exposi- tion, Buffalo, 1901; Bronze Medal, L/Ouisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Ivouis, 1904. 103. A Pastoral ALBERT FELIX SCHMITT, Boston Born, Boston, 1873. Pupil of the Massachusetts Normal Art Schoo under De Camp and Major; the Cowles Art School; and the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, under Tarbell and Benson. Mem- ber of the Salmagundi Club, New York; the American Water Color Society; Copley Society, Boston; and Union Internationale des Beaux- Arts et des Lettres. Represented in St. Louis Museum of Fine Arts, and constant exhibitor in all prominent exhibitions. 104. In Wonderland 105. Blue and Gold W. ELMER SCHOFIELD, N. A., The Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts Born, Philadelphia, Pa., 1867. Studied at Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; and in the Academie Julian, Paris! 62 under Bouguereau, Doucet, Ferrier, and Aman Jean. Honorable Mention, Art Club of Philadelphia, 1898; Honorable Mention, Expo- sition-Universelle, Paris, 1900; Webb Prize, Society of American Artists, 1900; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; First Hallgarten Prize, National Academy, New York, 1901; Honor- able Mention, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg, 1901; Jennie Sesnan Gold Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, 1903; Gold Medal of Honor, Carnegie Institute, 1904; Silver Medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Member of the National Academy, New York; Fellow of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Represented in permanent collec- tions of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; the Cincinnati Art Museum; the Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg; and the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. 106. The Road WILLIAM T. SMEDLEY, N. A., Bronxville, New York Born, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1858. Studied engraving in Philadelphia, and painting at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Went to New York in 1870, and later to Paris, where he studied under Jean Paul Laurens. Awarded William T. Evans Prize, American Water Color Society, 1890; Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1900; Bronze Medal for Painting, and Silver Medal for Illustration, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Proctor Prize, National Academy, 1906; Carnegie Prize, National Academy, 1907. Member of the National Academy, and the American Water Color Society. 107. Portrait of Mrs. W. T. Smedley. (See Illustration.) 108. "Chattanooga," 40 Years After F. HOPKINSON SMITH, New York Born, Baltimore, Md., 1838. Member, American Water Color Society; Art Club, of Philadelphia; National Institute Science, Arts, and Letters; Cincinnati Art Club; and Century Association; Bronze Medal, Pan-American Exposition, 1901; Silver Medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902; Gold Medal, Art Club, Philadelphia, 1902; Gold Medal, American Art Society, Philadelphia. 109. The Will Race, Lucerne. (See Illustration.) 110. By the Public Garden HENRY B. SNELL, N. A., New York Born, Richmond, England, 1858. Pupil of Art Students' League* New York. Gold Medal, Philadelphia Art Club, 1896; First Prize, Tennessee Centennial Exposition, Nashville, 1897; Honorable Men" tion, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1900; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Silver Medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposi- tion, St. Louis, 1904; First Prize, Worcester, Mass., Art Museum, 1905. Member of the National Academy; American Water Color 63 Society; New York Water Color Club (President); and Officer de 1'Academie et de l'lnstruction Publique, France. Instructor in School of Design, Philadelphia; and Maryland Institute, 1906-1909. Represented in Boston Art Club; Philadelphia Art Club; Pratt Insti- tute, Brooklyn; Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, and Maryland Institute. 111, A Cornish Cove. Gift to the Maryland Institute, 1908, by the Alumni Association. M. LOUISA STEUART, Baltimore Born, Baltimore. Studied at the Maryland Institute, and Art Students' League. Studied under Hugh Newell, Jules Rostwaen, Abbott Thayer, and Gustave Courtois. Instructor at the Maryland Institute, 1892-1906. Member Baltimore Water Color Club. Ex- hibited at National Academy of Design; Chicago Institute; Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. 112. Portrait of Mrs. H. JAMES B. SWORD, Philadelphia, Pa. Born, Philadelphia, Pa., 1839. Studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts under Christian Schusselle; also William T. Richards. Awarded Gold Medal, American Art Society; National Exposition, New Orleans; President, Philadelphia Society of Artists; President, Artists' Fund Society. Member, Art Club of Philadelphia. 113. On Barnegat Shores A. F. TAIT (No biographical data at hand.) 114. Sheep. Loaned by Mr. James L. Sellman, of Baltimore. WILLIAM THORNE, A. N. A., New York Born, Delevan, Wis., 1864. Pupil the National Academy of Design, New York; and L' AcacUmie Julian, Paris. Awarded Honorable Men- tion, Salon, Paris, 1891; and Bronze Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. Associate Member National Academy. Represented in the permanent collection of the Corcoran Gallery, Washington, D. C; and by many portraits in private collections. 115. Elizabeth. Loaned by the Osborne Company, New York. GRACE HILL TURNBULL, Baltimore Born, Baltimore, 1880. Studied at Maryland Institute; Art Students' League, New York; New York School of Art; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; and under Moses Ezekiel, Rome, and Mr. Metcalf. 116. Her Picture 64 C. Y. TURNER, N. A., New York Born, Baltimore, 1850. Pupil of the National Academy and the Art Students' League, New York. Also pupil of Laurens, Munkacsy, and Bonnat. First exhibited in the National Academy, in 1882. Elected Academician, 1886. Founder and President of the New York Students' League, New York. Instructor in drawing and painting from life in the Art Students' League; the National Academy of Design; and Cooper Union, New York. Member of the National Academy of Design (Vice-President for two years); the National Society of Mural Painters (President for five years); Society of Ameri- can Artists; American Water Color Society; and New York Etching Club. Assistant Director of Decoration, World's Columbian Exposi- tion, Chicago, 1893. Director of Color, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. Awarded Silver Medal, World's Columbian Exposi- tion, Chicago, 1893; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; and Special Medal as Director of Color, Pan-American Exposi- tion, Buffalo, 1901. Represented in the Metropolitan Museum, New York; Smith College, Northampton, Mass.; Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences; Union League Club, of Chicago; Manhattan Hotel; Waldorf Astoria, and Hotel Martinique, of New York; Appellate Court, New York; Court House, Baltimore; Hotel Raleigh, Wash- ington, D. C; and many private collections. 117. A Spinner. (See Illustration.) 118. A Coppersmith. Loaned by Mr. Theodore Marburg, of Baltimore. 119. The Days That Are No More. Loaned by Mr. Theodore Marburg, of Baltimore. GAYLORD S. TRUESDELL, (1850-1908) Born, Waukegan, 111., 1850. Studied at Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and in Paris, with Morot. Awarded Bronze Medal (1889), and a Second Bronze Medal (1892), also Hors Concours. Died 1908. 120. Three Generations. Loaned by Mr. Frederick H. Gott- lieb, of Baltimore. JANE H. VALENTINE, Ruxton, Md. Born, Belief onte, Penna. Studied at Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, under Cecelia Beaux and William M. Chase; and under George Hitchcock, in Holland. Exhibited in Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and in New York. 121. Portrait of My Father ROBERT W. VAN BOSKERCK, N. A., New York Born, New Jersey, 1855. Pupil of R. Swain Gifford, A. H. Wyant, and studied and painted several years in Europe. Silver Medals at Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; and Universal Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Member of the National Academy, New York. 65 Represented at Union League Club, New York; Hamilton Club, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Layton Art Gallery, Milwaukee; and Ellicott Club, Buffalo. 122. On the River Loing, France ALEXANDER T. VAN LAER, N. A., New York Born, Auburn, N. Y., 1857. Pupil of the National Academy, and R. Swain Gifford, New York; and of George Poggenbeek, Holland. Awarded Bronze Medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902; and Gold Medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Member of the Jury of Selection, United States Section, Department of Art, and the International Jury of Award; Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; Associate of the National Academy, 1901. Member American Water Color Society; New York Water Color Club; Artists* Fund Society; Lotus Club, New York, and Salmagundi Club. Elected an Academician in 1909. Represented in Lotus Club, New York; St. Louis Club, St. Louis; Brooklyn Museum; Evans' Collec- tion, Washington, D. C. 123. April Day Near Princeton, IN. J. DOUGLAS VOLK, N. A., New York Born, Pittsfield, Mass., 1856. Pupil of Gerome, in Paris. Medal* Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Shaw Fund Purchase, Society of American Artists, 1899; First Prize, Colonial Exhibition, Boston, 1899; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Silver Medal, Charleston Exposition, 1902; Carnegie Prize, Society of Amer- ican Artists, 1903; Silver Medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904. Member National Academy, 1899; Society American Artists, 1880. 124. Maid of the Manor FRANK CHARI^EvS LOUIS VON DER LANCKEN .Rochester, N. Y. Born, Brooklyn, New York, 1872. Studied at Pratt Institute; New York Art Students' League; Julian Academy, Paris; and Academie Carlorossi, Paris; under Herbert Adams, Carroll Beckwith, H. Sid- dons Mowbray, Benjamin Constant, Jean Paul Laurens, and others. Instructor in Pratt Institute, 1904; Instructor in Mechanics Institute, Rochester, N. Y., 1905- . Exhibited in Academy of Design, New York; Society of American Artists; and the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Member of the Salmagundi Club, New York; American Federation of Arts, Washington, D. C. ;and Rochester Art Association . Represented in Salmagundi Club and private col- lections. 125. The Old Chestnut Tree CHARLES H. WALTHER, Baltimore Born, Maryland, 1879. Studied at Maryland Institute; Charcoal Club, under S. Edwin Whiteman; Julian Academy, under Jean Paul 66 Laurens; Colarossis Academy, under Tournes and Gorguet; La Pal- lette, under Charles Cottet and Jacques Blanche. Instructor, Freehand Division of Maryland Institute Night Schools, 1901-1906; and Deich- man's Preparatory College, 1904. Awarded First Two Prizes, Char- coal Club; Second Prize, Charcoal Club. Member Maryland Institute Alumni Association; Charcoal Club; Baltimore Water Color Club; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Represented in collections in Baltimore, Georgia, Florida, Texas, and Tennessee. 126. Autumn Moonrise IRVING WARD, Baltimore Studied at Charcoal Club; and Art Institute of Chicago. 127. Portrait SUSAN WATKINS, New York Born, California. Pupil of Raphael Collin. Awarded Gold Medal, Paris, Salon; Silver Medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis; Julia A. Shaw Memorial Prize, National Academy of Design ; Honorable Mention, Paris Salon. 128. Interior, Candlelight HARRY W. WATROUS, N. A., New York Born, San Francisco, Cal., 1857. Pupil of Bonnat, Boulanger, Lefebvre, and Humphrey Moore, Paris. Thomas B. Clarke Prize, National Academy, 1884; Bronze Medal, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Special Commemorative Gold Medal, Universal Expo- sition, St. Louis, 1904. Member of the Jury of Selection for the United States Section, Department of Art, Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition, St. Louis, 1904. Represented in C. P. Huntington, W. C. Whitney, and Wilson Bliss collections. Member of the National Academy. 129. "There was a door to which I found the key; There was a veil from which my eyes were free." FREDERICK J. WAUGH, A. N. A.,Montclair Heights, N. J. Born, Bordentown, N. J., 1861. Pupil of Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia; and the Julian Academy, Paris. Asso- ciate of the National Academy of Design, New York. Member of the Salmagundi Club; and the Lotus Club, New York. Represented in the permanent collection of the Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, Eng- land; the Academv of the Fine Arts, Bristol, England; the Art Gallery, Durban, Natal, South Africa; the Art Club, Philadelphia; Masonic Temple, Philadelphia; by an "Evans' Gift," National Gallery, Washington, D. C; by a "Hearn Gift" Metropolitan Museum of Art; and in the Museum of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. 130. Clodgy Point, St. Ives, Cornwall, England 67 A. J. H. WAY (No biographical data at hand. ) 131. A Pair of Shad, loaned by Gen. Ferdinand C. L,atrobe. J. AlyDKN WEIR, N. A., New York Born, West Point, N. Y., 1852. Pupil of his father, Robert W. Weir, and of J. L. Gerome, Paris. Honorable Mention, Salon, Paris, 1882; Prize of $2,000. Competitive Prize Fund Exhibition, New York, 1886; Silver Medal and Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889; Medal, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg, 1897; Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1900; Gold Medal, Pan-Ameri- can Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Gold Medal and Silver Medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; Temple Gold Medal, Pennsyl- vania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1905; Inness Gold Medal, National Academy, 1906. Member of the National Academy, American Water Color Society, "The Ten" American Painters, and New York Etching Club. 132. October Day LOUISE WEST, A. B., Baltimore Born, Baltimore. Charcoal Club; Summer School, New York School of Art; Grande-Chaumie>e School, Paris; and under Frank Brangwyn, Thomas Anschutz and Henry B. Snell. 133. Portrait S. EDWIN WHITEMAN, Mt. Washington, Baltimore Co., Md. Born, Philadelphia. Studied in Paris under Boulanger, Lefebvre, and Constant. Awarded Honorable Mention, Salon, Paris. Instructor, Charcoal Club, Baltimore; and Member of the Faculty of the Johns Hopkins University. Represented in many private collections. 134. The Pool, Early Morning. 135. Summer Morning at West Mystic, Conn. (See Illus- tration.) Loaned by Frederick H. Gottlieb, of Baltimore. WILLIAM J. WHITTEMORE, A. N. A., New York (No biographical data at hand. ) 136. Child in Red and White CARLETON J. WIGGINS, A. N. A., New York Born, Turners, Orange Co., New York, 1848. Pupil of National Academy of Design. Studied with George Inness, and in Paris. Awarded Medal at Art Exhibition in 1887. Member of Society of American Artists, and Society of Landscape Painters. Exhibited in the National Academy; the Salon, Paris; and private collections. 137. An Autumn Sunset, "The Day is Done." Loaned by George C. Morrison, of Baltimore. 68 IRVING R. WILES, N. A., New York Born, Utica, N. Y., 1861. Pupil of his father, L. M. Wiles; William M. Chase, and J. Carroll Beckwith, New York; and of Carolns Duran, Paris. Awarded Third Hallgarten Prize, National Academy, New York, 1886; Thomas B. Clarke Prize, National Academy, New York, 1889; Honorable Mention, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1889; Medal World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; William T. Evans Prize, American Water Color Society, New York, 1897; Gold Medal, Tennessee Centennial Exposition, Nashville, 1897; Samuel T. Shaw Prize, Society of American Artists, New York, 1900; Bronze Medal, Exposition-Universelle, Paris, 1900 ; Gold Medal, Pan- American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; Gold Medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Member of the National Academy, New York; the American Water Color Society; National Institute of Arts and Letters; American Federation of Arts, etc. Represented in the National Gallery, Washington; West Point Academy; St. Louis Museum of Fine Arts, and in many private collections. 138. The Haircloth Sofa 139. Lady in Black FREDERICK BALLARD WILLIAMS, N. A., New York (No biographical data at hand.) 140. A Vermont Valley WILLIAM R. CLARKE WOOD, Baltimore Born, Washington, D. C, 1876. 141. Autumn Sunset. Loaned by Frederick H. Gottlieb, Baltimore. CULLEN YATES, A. N. A., New York Born, Bryan, Ohio, 1866. Pupil of the National Academy, and of William M. Chase, New York; and of the Ecole des Beaux Arts, and in the Julian Academie, under Jean Paul Laurens, and Benjamin Constant, Paris. Awarded Bronze Medal, Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition, St. Louis, 1904; and Innes Prize, Salmagundi Club, New York, 1907. Associate of the National Academy of Design. Member of the American Water Color Society; the New York Water Color Club; the Lotus Club, and Salmagundi Club. Represented in the National Gallery, Washington, D. C; Museum of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences; Montclair Gallery; Seattle Gallery; and the Philadelphia Art Club. 142. Upland Pasture 69 SCULPTURE HAYNSWORTH BALDREY, Baltimore Born, Cortland, N. Y., 1885. Studied at Rinehart School of Sculp- ture, under Ephraim Keyser. 143. Design for Bookplate (Bronze Original), for Mrs. A. Moses, of Baltimore. EDWARD BERGE, Baltimore Born , Baltimore. Studied at the Maryland Institute, under Ephriam Keyser and Charles J. Pike. Student in Paris, at Julien's Academy, under Verlet and A. Rodin. Awarded Bronze Medal, Pan-American Exhibition, Buffalo (1901), and Gold and Bronze Medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis (1904). Member National Sculpture Society. Instructor Maryland Institute. 144. Sleighriding 145. A Brother Please 146. Twins EMANUEL A. CAVACOS, Baltimore Born, Kithira, Greece, 1885. Studied at Maryland Institute; Rinehart School of Sculpture, under Ephraim Keyser. Awarded Prize, Rinehart School of Sculpture, 1908-1909. Member Baltimore Water Color Club; and Maryland Institute Alumni Association. 147. Portrait GEORGE A. CONLON, Baltimore Born, Lonaconing, Md., 1889. Studied at Maryland Institute; and Rinehart School of Sculpture, under Ephraim Keyser. Member Maryland Institute Alumni Association. 148. Portrait J. MAXWELL MILLER, Baltimore Born, Baltimore, 1877. Studied at the Maryland Institute, under Ephriam Keyser; in the Rinehart School of Sculpture, under Charles J. Pike, and at the Charcoal Club, under S. Edwin Whiteman. Student in Paris (Rinehart Scholarship), at Academie Julian, and with Raoul Verlet. Awarded Concour Medals, Academie Julien; Honorable Mention, Salon des Artistes Francais, and Silver Medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis (1904). Member of the 70 National Sculpture Society. Represented in the Walter's Art Gallery, Baltimore; the St. LouisMuseum of Fine Arts; thePeabody Institute, and the Maryland Institute. Instructor Maryland Institute. 1 49. Bust of Prof. Otto Fuchs. Gift to the Maryland Institute (1907), by the Members of the Faculty of the Schools of Art and Design. CARRIE G. MOSES, Baltimore Born, Baltimore, 1875. Studied at Maryland Institute; Rinehart School of Sculpture, under Ephraim Keyser; Julian Academy, Paris, under Verlet, Soudouze, and Baschet. 1 50. Portrait BEI^A L. PRATT, Boston, Mass. Born in Norwich, Conn., 1867. Pupil of Yale University School of Fine Arts, under Niemeyer and Weir; Art Students' League, St. Gaudens, Elwell, Chase, and Cox, in New York; Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, under Falguiere and Chapu. Awarded Honorable Men- tion, Paris Salon, 1897; Silver Medal, Pan-American Exposition, 1901, and Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Member National Sculpture Society; and National Institute of Arts and Letters. Instructor of Modeling, School of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. 151. The Dance. From the decoration of the Opera House, Boston . FREDERICK REMINGTON, A. N. A., October 4th, 1861— December 26th, 1909 Born, Canton, N. Y., 1861; Died, 1909. Student of Yale Art School; Art Students' League, New York. Clerk. Cowboy in West. Illustrator, Painter, Sculptor, and Author. Associate member of the National Academy of Design, New York. 152. The Broncho Buster 153. The Outlaw HANS SCHULER, Baltimore Born, Elsass-Loraine, Germany, 1874. Studied at Maryland Insti- tute; Rinehart School of Sculpture, and Julian Academy; under Ephraim Keyser; Charles Pike, and R. Verlet. Instructor, Maryland Institute. Awarded Rinehart Scholarship; Gold Medal, Salon, 1901; Silver Medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. Member National Sculpture Society. Represented in collections Walters Gallery, and Peabody Gallery, Baltimore. 154. Venus 71 MINIATURES S. CORINNE JAMAR, Elkton, Md. Born, Elkton, Md. Studied at Art Institute, Chicago; and Drexel Institute, Philadelphia. 155. Portrait of A Lady CARRIE TRUMPLER MORRISON, Elkton, Md. Studied at Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, under William ■ M. Chase and Elliot Daingerfield. Exhibited at Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; and Art Club, Philadelphia. 156. Miniature of William 157. Portrait of a Child AGNES DEMING VAIL, Baltimore Born, Norfolk, Va. Studied at Maryland Institute; Charcoal Club; and Art Students' League, New York. Pupil of Eleanor Wragg. 1 58. Portrait of George Whitelock 159. Portrait of Mrs. Henry Teller Cooke CHARLES WEISE, Baltimore, Md. Born, Baltimore, 1864. Studied under Wm. Sartain, Philadelphia; and in the Art Students League, New York. Instructor in Drawing from Life (Studio Classes in New York, 1891-1899), and Instructor in Miniature Painting (Baltimore and Washington Classes). Repre- sented in New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Cincinnati, Baltimore and Washington exhibitions, and in many private collections. Author of an "Anatomy for Art Students." 160. Portrait of Mrs. H. Coleman, Washington, D. C. 72 Stye Ulargtatti Jmrtttut* was organized January, 1848. One of its earliest activities was the establishment of Schools of Art and Design. These, for more than sixty years, have been maintained with expanding usefulness, and are to-day its prominent features. From a night school of 150 pupils these Schools have so grown that ten times that number are enrolled now in a year, instructed by a faculty of forty-five teachers in Day, Night and Saturday classes. The courses embrace thorough training in Drawing, Design, Painting in Oil and Water Colors, Modelling in Clay, Illustration, and the Industrial features of Mechanical and Architectural Drawing, Design, and Applied Art, carried on in the actual materials of Clay, Metal, Wood, and Leather. The Mount Royal Avenue Building gives accommodation for the entire Day School and the Free-Hand night classes, the Mechanical and Architectural Divisions of the Night School occupying the spacious building at Market Place and East Baltimore Street, built especially for its use, and where also is maintained a flourishing elementary mechanical class on Saturdays. In the Institute Night Schools thousands of young men have received a practical art education fitting them better for their life vocations, and making them skilled and trained mechanics and artisans rather than mere routine laborers. In the factories, workshops, draft- ing rooms, and offices of this city, and of the country at large, are everywhere found their graduates who have fought their way to busi- 73 ness success and financial independence largely by help of the pre- paration here received. On the Fine Art side instructors were selected who made good their promise of development, and our roster carries the names of many whose careers won them reputation, and reflect credit on the Institute. Numerous pupils have achieved scholarships in advanced schools, gaining, in the keen competition prevailing in home and foreign studios and salons, honors which gave ours distinction as a training school for artists. By their association with the schools, such artists as Rinehart, Turner, Adams, Way, the Keysers, the Joneses, Schuler, Berge, Miller, Bernstein, and others, have given them a luster which will be perennial. In the Gallery, which, though not of large proportions, is admirably designed and lighted, it is proposed to assemble a permanent exhi- bition of works of art for the instruction and inspiration of students and the pleasure and advantage of the public. In the Museum will be found a nucleus of collections of casts, models, ceramics, gems, carvings, and tapestries. Generous friends have already made it prac- ticable to begin these collections, and the managers solicit and count upon many other benefactions to extend this important and desirable feature of their operations. Meanwhile, there will be occasional displays, following the plan of the one now current, of the works of artists, in oil, pastil and water colors ; in marble and bronze, examples of etchings, engravings, hand craft, needlework, etc., to the end that taste may be stimulated and the performances of real artists seen and enjoyed by an appreciative community. W. B. S. 74 * * & Any person who shall donate one thousand dollars, or more, to the Institute, may appoint, subject to the rules of the Institute, a pupil for the Regular Course of four years' instruction in either the Day or Night School of Art and Design, and at the end of each term of four years during the life of the Donor, he or she may appoint another such pupil upon the same conditions. Upon the death of the Donor, and the expiration of the term of the last appointee, the Executive Committee of the Institute shall appoint a pupil from time to time for the term and upon the conditions aforesaid. The Scholarship and fund in each case shall be designated by the name of the Donor or Testator, and the funds shall be permanently invested and the income only expended. 3farm nf i&tspttat I give > devise and bequetk to the Maryland Institute for the Promo- tion of the Mechanic Arts, (insert amount of money or description of property.) On all business with the Institute, apply to or address, THE ACTUARY, Mt. Royal Avenue Building. 75 Names and Addresses of Artists Whose Works are in the Present Exhibition t * * PAINTINGS ~ Exhibit No. Abbott, Francis R. 1520 Chestnut St. , Philadelphia 1 Anschutz, Thomas P. Fort Washington, Pa 2 Q ♦ Baeein, Hugo, A. N. A. 146 West 55th St., New York 3 Beaux, Cecieia, N. A. East Gloucester, Mass 4 Benson, Frank W., N. A. Salem, Mass . 5 Bernstein, Saue. Born, 1872; Died, 1905 6 Bi^ashfieIvD, Edwin Howeand, N. A. 48 West 59th St., New York 7 BoGERT, George H., A. N. A. 204 West 55th St., New York 8 Brannan, Sophie Marston. 87 Madison Ave., New York 9 Brown, J. G., N. A. 51 W. 10th St., New York 10, 11 Browse, Mabee S. 1520 Chestnut St., Philadelphia .12 Butter, Howard Russeee, N. A. 135 East 66th St., New York 13 BuTEER, Mary. 2127 Green St., Philadelphia 14, 15, 16 O Chapman, Careton T., A. N. A. 58 West 57th St., New York 17 Chase, Wiuiam M., N. A. 333 4th Ave., New York 18 Church, Frederick S., N. A. Carnegie Hall, New York.... 19 Ceark, EeioT C. 939 Eighth Ave., New York 20 Clements, GabrieeeE DeV. 241 West Biddle St., Baltimore 21, 22 Ceinedinst, B. WEST, N. A. 46 Fifth Ave., New York 23, 24 Cooper, Coein Campbeee, A. N. A. 222 Central Park, South, New York 25 Corner, Thomas C. 260 West Biddle St. , Baltimore 26 CouSE, E. Irving, A. N. A. 58 West 57th St., New York 27 Cox, Kenyon, N. A. 130 East 67th St., New York 28 Cox, LouiSE (Mrs. Kenyon Cox), A. N. A. 130 East 67th St. , New York.29 Crane, Bruce, N. A. 118 East 28th St. New York City 30 Curran, Charees, N. A. 89 West 67th St., New York 31 Cushing, Howard Garidner, A. N. A. 80 West 40th St., New York..32 76 Exhibit No. Daingereield, Elliott, N. A. 222 West 59th St., New York 33 Dearth, Henry Golden, N. A. 396 5th Ave., New York 34 DE Camp, Joseph. 20 St. Botolph St., Boston, Mass 35 DE Forest, IyOCKWOOD, N. A. 7 East 10th St., New York 36 DiETERiCH, IyOUiS P. Charles and Mulberry Sts., Baltimore 37 Dieterich, Waldemar F. 347 North Charles St., Baltimore 38 Dolph, J. H. Born, 1835; Died, 1903 39 Drake, Wiuiam Henry, A. N. A. 37 West 22nd St., New York 40 Dunsmore, John Ward. 96 6th Ave., New York 41 Ebert, Charges. Greenwich, Conn 42 F" FlaGG, James Montgomery, A. N. A. 33 West 67th St., New York... .43 Flagg, Montague, A. N. A. 253 West 42nd St., New York 44 FOSTER, Ben, N. A. 253 West 42nd St., New York 45 O Gruppe, Charges P. 106 West 55th St., New York City 46 M HallwiG, Paul. 11 West Mulberry St., Baltimore 47, 48 Harrison, Birge, A. N. A. 7 West 43rd St., New York 49 Harvey, GEORGE W. Annisquam, Mass 50, 51 • Hassam,, N. A. 130 West 57th St., New York City 52 Helwig, ALBERT M. 1223 East North Ave., Baltimore 53 Henri, Robert, N. A. 10 Gramercy Park, New York 54 Henry, E. h., N. A. 222 West 23rd St., New York 55 Hovenden, Thomas, N. A. Born, 1810; Died, 1895 56, 57 Howe, William H., N. A. Bronxville, N. Y 58, 59 J Johnston, Ruth. 1215 John St., Baltimore 60 Johnson, Reuben 61 Jones, Francis C, N. A. 33 West 67th St., New York 62 Jones, H. Bolton, N. A. 33 West 67th St., New York 63 K Kaula, William J. Fenway Studios, Boston, Mass 64 KELLER, Marie de Ford. 2218 North Charles St., Baltimore 65 77 Exhibit No. Kendall, WmiAM Seargent, N. A. Kay St., Newport, R. 1 66 King, Paul. 1520 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa 67 Knight, D. Ridgway. Poissy, France 68 Kost, F. W., N. A, 146 West 55th St., New York 69 KownaTzki, Alice Asmus. 57 West 57th St., New York 70 l_ LaThrop, Whuam L., N. A. New Hope, Pa 71 Latimer, Ralph Randolph. The Albany, Center St. Baltimore 72 La Farge, John, N. A. 51 West 10th St., New York 75 Lippincott, William H., N. A. 7 West 43rd St., New York 74, 75 IS/I Macrum, G. H. 65 West 69th St., New York 76 Maynard, George W., N. A. 156 East 36th St., New York 77 Melchers, Gari J., N. A. 80 West 40th St., New York 78 Metcale, Willard L. 33 West 67th St., New York City 79 Millet, Frank Davis, N. A. 6 East 23rd St., New York 80 Mora, F. Luis, N. A. 142 East 18th St., New York 81 Moran, Thomas, N. A. 253 West 42nd St., New York 82, 83 Murdock, Dora. 245 West Biddle St., Baltimore 84 Murphy, J. Francis., N. A. 222 West 23rd St., New York 85 IM Neill, Francis Isabel. 9 East Biddle St., Baltimore 86, 87 Nettleton, Walter, A. N. A. Stockbridge, Mass 88 O Ochtman, Leonard, N. A. Carnegie Hall, New York 89 Palmer, Walter L., N. A. 5 Lafayette St., Albany, New York 90 PATTON, Katherine. 1522 Chestnut St., Philadelphia 91, 92 Paxton, William M. Fenway Studios, Boston, Mass 93 PEARCE, Charles SpraguE, A. N. A. Amers-sur-Oise, Seine- et-Oise, France 94 Potthast, Edward Henry, N. A. 222 West 59th St., New York 95 PRELLWiTZ, Henry., A. N. A. Peconic Island, N. Y 96 Preston, James. 22 West 9th St., New York 97 Q Quinlan, Will J. 51 West 10th St., New York 98 73 Exhibit No. Ranger, Henry W., N. A. 27 West 67th St., New York 99 Rehn, F. K. M., N. A. 222 West 23rd St., New York 100 Richards, William T. Born, 1833 ; Died, 1903 101 Roben, Henry A. 233 Edgar Place, Baltimore 102 Robinson, Wiuiam S., A. N. A. 202 West 74th St., New York 105 S SchmitT, ALBERT F. 221 Columbus Ave., Boston 104, 105 Schofield, W. Elmer, N. A. The Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts 106 Smedley, William T., N. A. 58 West 57th St., New York 107, 108 Smith, F. Hopkinson. 150 East 34th St., New York 109, 110 Snell, Henry B., N. A. 37 West 22nd St., New York Ill Steuart, M. Louisa. 839 Park Ave. , Baltimore 112 Sword, James B. Philadelphia, Pa 113 T TaiT, A. F., N. A. Died, 1905 114 Thorne, William, A. N. A. 58 West 57th St., New York 115 Turnbull, Grace Hill. 1530 Park Ave., Baltimore 116 Turner, C. Y., N. A. 35 West 14th St., New York 117, 118, 119 Truesdell, G. S. Born, 1850; Died, 1908 120 V Valentine, Jane H. Ruxton, Md 121 Van Boskerck, Robert W., N. A. 58 West 57th St., New York 122 Van Laer, Alexander T., N. A. 30 East 57th St., New York 123 Volk, Douglas., N. A. 510 Park Ave., New York 124 Von der Lancken, Frank Charles Louis. 38 South Washington St., Rochester, N. Y 125 \A/ Walther, Charles H. 4001 Park Heights Ave., Baltimore 126 Ward, Irving. Nelson Building, Baltimore 127 Watkins, Susan. 58 West 12th St. , New York 128 WaTrous, Harry W., N. A. 58 West 57th St., New York 129 Waugh, Frederick J., A. N. A. Montclair Heights, N. J 130 Way, A. J. H 131 Weir, J. Alden, N. A. 51 West 10th St., New York 132 WEST, Louise, A. B. The Montreal, Baltimore 133- 79 Exhibit No. Whiteman, S. Edwin. Mt. Washington, Md 134, 135 WhiTTEmore, WiuiamJ., A. N. A. New York 136 Wiggins, Cari,eton J., A.N. A. New York City 137 Wii^ES, Irving R., N. A. 130 West 57th St., New York 138, 139 Wiujams, Frederick Bayard, N. A. New York 140 Wood, Wiuiam R. Clarke. 2034 Park Ave., Baltimore 141 V Yates, Cuixen, A. N. A. 939 8th Ave., New York 142 SCULPTURE B Audrey, Haynsworth. 130 W. Iyanvale St., Baltimore 143 Berge, Edward. 1335 Greenmount Avenue, Baltimore 144, 145, 146 Cavacos, Emanuei, A. 1421 N. Washington St., Baltimore 147 Condon, George A. Maryland Institute, Baltimore 148 Mm,ER, J. Maxwsu. 1335 Greenmount Ave., Baltimore 149 MOSES, Carrie G. 1803 Eutaw Place, Baltimore 150 Pratt, Bei^a h. St. Botolph Studios, Boston, Mass 151 Remington, Frederick, A. N. A. Born, 1861; Died, 1909 152, 153 Schuxer, Hans. 5 East Lafayette Ave., Baltimore 154 MINIATURES Jamar, S. Corinne. Elkton, Md 155 Morrison, Carrie Trumpi^er. Elkton, Md 156, 157 Vaii,, Agnes D. 1713 Park Ave., Baltimore 158, 159 WEiSE, Charges. 347 North Charles St., Baltimore. 160 80 GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 3125 01429 9818 PRESS OF HOEN & CO. BALTIMORE