A CATALOGUE GF A GENUINE AND CURIOUS COLLECTION O F Greeks Roman^ Irijh and Rnglijh C O I N S and M E D A L S, In Gold, Silver and Brafs, Very rare, and finely preferved. Which will be fold by A U C T I O N, By Meffi-S. P R E S T A G E and HOBBS, At their Great Room the End of Savile-Row, next Conduit- fireet, Hanover-Jquare, On Monday next, the 5th of April, 1762. "To be viewed on Friday the n,d of April, to the 'Time of Sale, which will begin punEiually at Twelve o’clock. Catalogues may be had gratis at Meflfs. Prestage and ■Hobbs aforefaid. [ 2 ] Monday, April the 5th, i‘] 6 z. BRASS, COPPER, iSx. B B E Y pieces, jettons and counters of various forts of Medals. c6 j ^ ^ 2 A parcel of medals of different forts ftrucic in pewter and lead 2 Satyrical and other medals on tlie revolution, &c. in hard metal (Iruclc in Holland 4 Roman (one a Caraufius) Englifh, Scotch, Irifti and foreign 5 A fine Paduan Homer, ditto Priam, i^ineas, Dido, Alcibiades, Julius Caefar, Fauflina, Pertinax, Antoninus and Sept. Severus - 6 Fifteen medals ofLcwis XIV. and XV. 7 A fet of the kings of England, by DalTie-r 8 A compleat fet of the Popes medals from Alartin V. to the late Pope Benediil: XIV, one ot each 9 A fet of the Reformers, by Daflier 10 Two different farthings of Qiiecn Anne and a .fine Ijialfpenny with her head on both fides — — *10 A medal of Card. Fleury, by Dajfier^ and 6 other pieces — ANCIENT IRISH SILVER COINS. 11 Anlaf king of Waterford (See Simon, pi. i. N® ii.) (rare) ■ ■ ■ 12 Sithric king of Dublin, 5 yr;z/rW Mo Rini and Rareman Mo Dyjli (SeeSimon, pi. I. N° 4. and 6.) finely preferved and very rare ■ 13 Five ancient unkoownikings (SeeSimon, pi. i. ’N® 22. and pi. 8. 162, 163, 166, and 167.) fine prefervation and rare — — 14 Six ditto all in high prefervation and very rare - — — J5 One penny of John, ditto of Henry III. two ditto and a halfpenny of Edward ]. and II. and 6 niore lrifh coins — — - . ■ • 60 36 42 24 3 7 SAXON SILVER COINS. j 6 Edred one, Edmund one, Ethelred one, Eadgar one, Edward the Confeffor two 6 17 ./Ethelftan one, Ethelred two, Edred one, and Edward the Confeffor two — 6 18 Edward the elder one, Edmund one, Etheldred two, and Edward the Confiffor ig Eadwig one, Edred one, Edmund one, and Etheldred one 4 20 Eadgar one, Ethelred one, Edward the Conlefibr one, and Harold one 4 21 Eadred one, Ethelred two, and Edward the Confefibr two ^ 22 Eadred with his head (rare) ■ — . ■ ■ i 23 Egbert one, (rare) Burgr-cd one 2 ENGLISH COINS fmee the Conqueji. 24 William I. pennies fide faced two, full faced with the fword diff. two, ditto with the feepters two, ditto .with bobs one, and two ditto of William. Rufus with fiars. See a View of the filvcr coin, (printed for T. Smiling^ in Lleet-Jlreet^ 1762) pi. I. N° I, 4, 5, 7, II & 12. ■ — — — 8 25 ditto fide faced three, full faced with fword and feepter one, ditto with bobs one, ditto with the fword two, and two of Rufus ' g 26 Henry I. penny full faced with the annulets very rare (View pi. i. N? 13.) — x 27 Henry II. penny and one ditto of John 2 28 Henry III. penny with Tercy (rarej and 3 more — : 4 29 Edward I. and II. pennies, Robert de Hadlieie, de Hadf Exonie, Ceftrie, Kyn- gefton, Lincol. St. Edmundi, Novicaftrii.Berewici,London,pu.reme,Ebo- raci, Briftolie and Cant, compleat (View page 13.) 23 30 Edward III. groat ( Aqt) and half groat, 2 pennies and a halfpenny of Richard II. 4 31 Henry V, and VI. four groats, one half groat, 3 pennies, and 6 groats, one half groat, one penny and a halfpenny of Edward IV. ~ 32 Henry VII. five groats, two half groats and one penny *32 — -his Shilling (extremely rare) - - ^ 33 Henry VIII. one teftoon, ten groats, eight half groats and 3 pennies of London, Cantor, Eboraci, Briftolie, Dublini. TW. EL, TC. WA, &c. - 21 t 3 ] 34 Edward VI. one crown, one half crown, one fhilling, one fi.-t-pence, pence and a bafc teftoon , 35 Mar}', two eroats before and after her marriage, 2 fix-pcnces, 1554, icc? and two (hillings - - , 36 Elizabeth from the crown to the halfpenny 37 Portcullis crown (rare) . 38 Jarnes 1 . from the crown to the halfpenny — 39 Charles I. from the crown to the halfpenny - 40 crown, 0 finely preferved and very rare — 1 41 A Pontefradl fhilling, two ditto of Newarke,‘and afine fix-pence of Lord Balti- more ‘ ■ 42 Oliver Cromwell’s half crown and fhilling - ^ 43 Crown, half crown and fhilling ,, SILVER MEDALS. 44 Three fine jettons of James I. his queen Anne, and his fon Henry prince of Wales — . 45 Charles I. Englifh and Scotch coronation medals, one ditto with his queen and children and 3 more ■ ■ - 46 -his bull, reverfe the city of London, one ditto reverfc his queen, by Rawlins, and two of Charles II. by Simon 47 Qycen Anne, on the Vigo expedition one, one on the peace and the coronation medals of George II. and queen Caroline .. 48 The coronation medals of their prefent majefties king George HI. and queen Charlotte ■ 49 Two fine medals of Queen Chriftina, by Hameranus 50 Three ditto — — *50 One of Prince Maurice and fixteen other pieces — — . - - - ROMAN BRASS. 51 Large brafs of feveral Emperors and different reverfes , -■ f 4 ugujlus Imp. Nerva iff Reji. I Tiberius Civitatibus ^fia ReJl. Caligula - - SP^R. Ob Cives Servatos , Claudius Spes Augt^a J Nero ■ ' ■ Decurjio ^ j Galba Libertas Publica I Vefpafian Pax Augujli Titus Pax Augujli Demiiian Tr. P. Cof. VIII. Def. VIII. p. p. ^ al> large brafs and in high prefervation 53 yffp(lfianyTt\eTkJudaey Verus two, reverfes Aug. Vi£f. Part. Commodus two, Crifpina one, Sept. Severus one, reverfe Moneta^ and Gordian one, good prefervation — — — — 54 Tiberius one, Adrian feven, Sabina one, and /Elius one, mid. brafs well pre- ROMAN SILVER. 55 Aqullaea, Cornelia, Fonteia, Furia, Hofidia, Julia, Marcia, Petronia, Pompeia, Pomponia, Porcia and Vibla, fine prefervation — ^ C Lepidus Cap, Auguftus (very rare) ^ ( Anthony Cap. Au'guftus — — — — f Julius Cfcfar — Sepulius Macer Auguftus - — Cap. Anton. I Tiberius — ■ Qiiadriga I Caligula — Cap. Auguftus Ciaudius — De Britanni ,Nero and Agrippina* Quadriga 57 ^ Gallba —■ — — -~~koma Rcnafc. j Ocho ■ Securitas P. R. 1 Vitellius — ■ Piiloria I Vefpafian — « "Judae Titus •— ■ Poniifex Max. l^Domitian — ■ — ••■Princip. Juveut, 45 N? of Medals [ 4 ] Jfine prefervation and very rare NUMMI REGUM ARGENTEI. nq 5 ^'^-''rcdonia a. cap. imberbe. — b. Clava, Wr. jEfilas - • Alexander— ■ a. cap. leonina pelle, tcdl.^b. Jupiter fedens — - gQ 5 ~ — 3 - idem — b. idem — t Lyfi 6o *7 ^ f Antonia ■■ Conjiantia ^ I Claudius Cap. Agrippina r Caligula Cap, Germanicus^ 59 .} Caligula Cap. Agrippinas (.finely preferved and very rare — ■— — 3 4 Caligula Cap. Augufius 3 60 Auguftus one, Claudius one,Olho one, Vitellius one, Vefpafianone, and Titus 61 Auguftus three, Tiberius one, Vefpafian one, Nerva one, Trajan one, Adrian one, Fauftina two, Commodus one. Sept. Severus one, and Caracalla one 12 62 Auguftus two, Nerva one, Trajan one, Sabina one, i^ilius one, Antoninus one, Fauftinae Ant. one, Fauftinas Aur. one, Vcrus one, Lucilla one, and Com- modus one - — — — — — — 12 63 Sept. Severus Viif. Brit, one, Julia Aug. one, Caracalla one, Plautillaone, Geta one, Macrinus one, Alex. Severils one, andSaluft. Barbia one, Jn fine pre- fervation — — . — ■ — 8 64 Balbinus one, Maximinus one, Gordianus one, PhilUpus two, Ottafcilla one, Traj. Decius two, Mef. Decius one, Etrufcilla one, Treb. Gallus one, Volufian one, Valerianus jun. two, GalHenus one, Salonina one and 4 more 20 ■65 OnePupienus, and fifty-nine more of different emperors . 66 Seventeen Philips, fen, and jun. all different reverfes ROMAN GOLD. 67 Julius Caefar, reverfe — — ■ - C.ip. Auguftus — — ^ 68 -Tiberius — — Pont. Max. — — — ■ — 69 Nero, rev. yup. Cujios^ and Vefpafian, rev. Anmna — yo Marcianus, rev. Vi6toria Augg. (rare) — 7 1 Theodofius one, and Honorius one — — — — — ENGLISH, es’e. GOLD. 72 An angel of Richard III. (rare) — — — — 73 Ditto of Mary — — — — _ 74 Edward III. half and quarter noble — — —• — — 75 A fine medal of Prince Henry Ion to James I. (rare) — ■ ■— 76 Ditto of Oliver, by Simon, teverfe Non pejicient Oliva (very rare) 77 A Medalion of Chriftina queen of Sweden, wt. 1 oz. i8dwt. 16 gr.*( very rare) NUMMI REGUM EX iERE, f Seleucus IT. — a. caput gal. b. vifloria grad. I ' III. — a. cap. laur. — b. Apollo fedens idem — — b. bos Antiochuslll. a. cap. diad.— ^b. Apollo fedens j Seleucus IV. a. cap. Ven. — b. dimtdia navis g ^ Antiochus IV. a. cap. rad, — b. Jupiter ftans ' j — a. idem — b. Aquila a. cap.Ifidis — b. idem j a. cap. Jove— b. idem : Demetrius 1 . a. cap. diad. — b. Triremis, in imo lit. Phan. I a. cap. Equi— b. caput elephanti ; a. cap. Diana b. Area eipharetra — — — 13 vfimachus a. cap. diad. cornu aret. — b. Pallas fedens j Philippi Syrize — a cap. dud. 7 Demetrius I. a. idem. — g^ j Antiochus VIII. — a, idem — a. idem ( — a. idem ( Demctr'us - - - a. idem 84 Nicomedes a. idem 85 Milton’s head cut on a cornelian, by Ray. and fet in gold 8.. Ditto by Milton 83 — b. Jupiter fedens b. Apollo fedens b. Pallas ftans — — b. Aquila — b. Tripos ■ b. Apollo fedens — b. Jupiter flans max. mod. min. mod. max. mod. max. mod, max. mod. max. mod. max. mod. max. mod. min. movl. max. mod. max. mod. THE END. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofgenuiOOpres_0