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S y '/z^ 22 ,: /fy/ c V'/^- tzz-yx.s y<- s / / X /' Z St.'/, i (//r 1^ V /'/.^ /^/ V- z/ ' '//SL-SS Si/ / X1. s o'/s c yS . i' i / ^ a/ c SS‘ SI j^. i\, / / /V v / ^ >4 ' S' Sc,* >-» i ^ /s y. , sX / 'y 22/ S-S ySa /z ^ ^ //f /fyz —jy? >^y2/' r ^ ^ * 2-^ y c ■<6 2/* /fez. -^/.f y *-n--s- a^y /y!. ,, ^ — jvv y y ^ ^y2c>y ^ 2. f //^?2- - /Z 2 SS-* y --*// y/z'* y °y/y2>3>y,> /^> "y.y .■*■/>: ^ 4>^ y> :/ -x y *Z i ^ si~Z <334. ? ^ , 23# 2 - *32,5 ^ y^Z /?. 3' * J ^ / trrrj ^Sy^yr /2 ^ /(f/P 2 ^ _ J7 j Z'x-X 3* /s#z ■-" — - ^^51 ^ x /'yL ^XtiJ yf y^y z ? 2 .7 y. y y 3c. s*-*. zv? u ' SZ.-2 />» / t. v Zr y y ,— Z/ SI y? 2y s''s2&2 - - >33^ 2 2/~ / ■ C^CCC c ■'// ery^/ A Valuable and Choice COLLECTION OF OF THE ITALIAN, FRENCH, FLEMISH, AND DUTCH SCHOOLS, LATELY CONSIGNED FROM HOLLAND , Confining of the Works of the following great and admired Mailers: P. Purigino, M. Angelo, Titian, Giorgione, S. Rofa, Pouffin, Canaletti, Swaneveldt, Larais, Mignard, Rubens , Teniers, P. Neefs, Rembrandt, Cuyp, G. Douw, Mieris, V. der Heyde, Lingelback , A. V. de Velde, To which, by Permiffion, are added, -€>— May be Viewed till the Sale, when Catalogues may be had at the Rainbow Coffee Houfe, and in Pall Mall. I 802. May 25 LoCh A Selection of CABINET PICTURES, The Property of a GENTLEMAN, diftinguilhed for his fine Tafte in the Arts, Amongst the mojl remarkable Pictures, are the following: A very grand Scene of the Coilofeum and other Buildings at Rome, by Salviofe, the Figures by Jean Miel; a large and capital Landfcape, with Cows, by Cuyp ; Interior of a Farm Houfe, with Herbage and Implements for Hulbandry, a chef D’oeuvre, by Teniers; Dido and ALneas, a very capital Pi&ure by Rubens; a Family Piece, King James II. with his Queen and Children, very capital, by Mignard. mm WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. CHRISTIE, cw AT HIS GREAT ROOM, PALL MALL, On SATURDAY, MAY the 29th, 1802, AT TWELVE O’CLOCK. ^ ’ o / CONDITIONS of SALE. I. *"T’'HE higheft Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Difpute arife between Two or more Bidders, the Lot fo difputed fhall be put up again and re-fold. II. No Perfon to advance lefs than is. Above Five Pounds 2s. 6 d. And fo on in pro¬ portion. . , ; V’ . III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, if required, and to pay down 20I. per Cent, in Part of Payment of the Purchafe Money; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo purchafed, to be immediately put up again, and re-fold. IV. The Lots to be taken away at the Expence of the Purchafers, within One Day after the Sale. V. To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend long and open Accounts, the Remain¬ der of the Purchafe Money to be abfolutely paid on or before the Delivery. VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depolited in Part of Payment fhall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the Time aforefaid, fhall be re-fold by Public or Private Sale; and the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Re-fale, fhall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. I « 11 CATALOGUE, &c. &c. &c. Second Day’s Sale, SATURDAY, MAY the 29th, 1802. - /A — jr- / * //■■ /o // /S 2 - 2 /- /' A */■ / / ’ Sartorius ^ Snyders V. der Neer - Heemlkerk Crafbeck - Brekelcamp fv. Dyck t,G. Pouffin * Ruyfdael - Teniers - Pourbus —'V. Dieft - Italian - Oftade - Campidoglio PICTURES . 1 CjTAME Cocks, a Pair 7 2 A Study of Dogs rfe 3 A Moon-light l 4 A Dutch Family at a Repaft t 5 Boors regaling and a Magdalen ft# 6 An Interior, with a Boor holding a Jug f/c 7 A Philofopher, Ryle of > ^ r 8 A Landfcape > 9 A Waterfall 10 Boors regaling /$ 11 Portrait of a Lady £ 12 Two Landfcapes /a j i c IK.' 13 Two, a Girl with a Cantfle, and Portrait of a Cardinal * 14 An Interior, after; a Madona and Child, and a Head ^ 15 A Pair of Fruit ♦ Tiepolo 16 A Pair of Sketches for Cielings Bamboccio 17 A Pair of Upright Landfcapes with Iiorfes and Figure?, ftyle of Fyt 18 A Hare and Dead Game Murillio 19 20 Two, Italian Peafants, domeflic Scenes, Style of King William on Horfeback, and a View of Mount Vefuvius Murillio < 21 The Virgin in the Clouds, with Angels, after S. Vouet 22 Defcent from the Crofs Baffano 23 The Vintage / . A Sea Piece A View on a Canal, with Cottages Pococke 24 Deeker 25 Holbein 26 A Gentleman’s Portrait Pether 27 A Pair of Landfcapes Wheatley 28 A Pair of Rural Scenes B. Cortona 29 A Canonization Palamedes 3° A Pair of Skirmilhes Murillo 3 1 St. Ignatius Ditto 3 2 St. Gregory and St. Arabrofe, a Pair Ditto 33 The Holy Family with Angels and the Wife Men’s offerring Ditto 3+ Tire Vifitation and the Nativity L, Giordano 35 The Offering in the Temple and the Elight into Egypt, a Pair Pether 3 6 A Landfcape Canaletti 37 A Pair of Views in Venice Brookes 38 A View from Nature, near Hampftead L. Carracci 39 The Angel appearing to St Francis V. Dyck 40 The Defcent from the Crofs, after, by Victor De Vries 4i A fmall Landfcape G. Pouffin 42 Ditto y / Jacob’s Journey Baffano 43 Canaletti 44 A View in Venice The Interior of a Church, Candlelight P. Neefs 45 Ruyfdacl 46 A Landfeape, view from Nature Lingelback 47 A Ditto and Figures, with a Hay Cart Holbein 48 Portrait of Erafmus Old Palma 49 The Affumption of the Virgin Berghem 5° A Moon and Fire-light, a Landfcape and Figures Ditto 5 1 A Landfcape with Ditto Canaletti 5^ A Pair of Views in Venice, very capital Cuyp 53 A View in Holland V j , V . l f *» s • Jo. 7 /** •4 1 ' r ^ 2_ /' /?• / J. dc Witt Teniers P. Panini L. Carracci . Van Ooft • J A. Elfheimer //, Fer S Morland Dietrich Keerinx Q - ^De Bruyn De Koninck P. Neefs /s. De Vos Omeganck Jlf /_ i Albano h A Guardi V. Goyen Ruyfdael -//> P. P° tte C ~ Yates Schidone / 0 ~ Tintoretto 3 ' . -Le Fage 7 - /7 /, / Jon )}-lt - BalTano // ./f Pordenone 7 - A Old Palma n -jo Matfys JO -/0 Rottenharner L r L, Floris 37. /< P. Neefs Balen and Breughel Ag. Carracci Giorgione A. Durer V. der Neer V. de Velde ( 5 ‘); 54 A Vanity / : , t 55 An Interior with the Portrait of a well known Beegar at Antwerp ^ Rums, a pair of fome of the moil capital Antiquities of Rome St. Catharine Portrait of W. V. de Velde A Landscape with the Flight into Egypt A pair of Views in Switzerland An Aft and Sow, and a Fortune Teller, a fine Sketch A .Landfcape and a Sea Piece by Ditto A Nymph and Satyr Aftronomy, in Chiaro-fcuro A Landfcape, View in Holland Lazarus at the Rich Man’s Door 56 57 5 S 59 60 61 62 6 3 64 % 66 'O' C 49 W A ColourTn!™” ,hC Cr ° fS ’ “ V ' ry e,0Wi "8 ““W Fi '« °f o A Landfcape with Cattle Bacchus' and Ariadne, from Lord Be^ugh’s ColMion A Bacchanalian Scene A View in Venice A Landfcape A View of Harlaem from the Land Side Cattle in a Landfcape / Lord Howe’s Victory Portrait of Himfelf Tlie Prefentation in the Temple Lazarus at the Feaft A Vi (ion- \ ■; Tim Adoration of the Magi 81 The Mifcrs, an excellent Copy after the well Itiown Pi6lui e at W indfor, by Hopkins S2 Nymphs in the Bath 83 Sufannah !a the Bath and the Elders 1 84 Interior of a Church. 85 Madona and Child with Angels in a Landfcape 86 Chrift crowned with Thorns 87 The Bapliftnal Ceremony 88 The Wifemen’s Offering 89. A View in Holland, Moonlight 90 A Sea Piece 68 69 70 7 * 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Walker Swaneveldt Rubens Le Nain Perugino V. Mander Palamedes M. Angelo N. Pouffia Greuze Perugino S. Rofa Yan. Balen Alb. Durer Seb. Ricci Titian G. Pouffin W. V. D. Velde Teniers Rembrandt Hobbima Van Goyen Salviofi and Jan Miel Cuyp Rubens A. V. de Velde Lingelback Van der Heyde Ditto Ger. Douw Mieris G. Laraifs < 6 )) 91 An original Portrait of Oliver Cromwell, very fine t, y 92 A View near Rome with Ruins and Figures, capital 93 Two Seafons, Spring and Autumn 94 The Holy Family 95 Madona, Child, and Saints 96 The Conftrudlion of the Ark, and the deluge, a pair in Chiaro-Scuro 97 A Converfation 98 A Fortrefs ftormed by Cupids, allegorical, ftyle of 99 Chrift bleffing the little Children, ftyle of 100 A Fancy Portrait lot A.Holy Family with Saints 102 A Lmdfcape with Sartorius and his Army X03 Mofes paffing the Red Sea ' v - 104 St. Jerome, a very High finifhed Pidlure 105 Venus and Adonis 106 Venus at her Toilet, very capital 107 A Landscape, a grand Scene 108 A Storm at Sea 109 Interior of a Country Surgeon’s Shop, with a Tooth Drawer 110 A Lady’s Portrait, Half length, capital 111 A Landfcape, View from Nature, fine 112 A Sea View on the Coaft of Holland, a brifk gale 113 A Giand Scene of the Colloieum, and other fine Ruins at Rome, very capital 114 A large and capital Pidlure of Cows, with a View of Dort in the Diftance 115 Dido and jEneas, from Virgil, a noble Compofition by that furprifing great Artift 116 A cattle Piece, very highly finifhed 117 Going out on the Chafe, beautiful, equal to the fineft Works of Wouvermans 118 A Landfcape, View in Holland, a fmall very fine Cabinet Picture 119 View of a Town in North Holland 120 A Girl getting Water at a Well, a furprizing fine high finifhed Picture 121 A Woman felling Fruit and Herrings, one of the moft finifhed Pictures ever feen of this Mafter 122 A Venus epofing, attended by a Cupid j a moft delicate and high finifhed Pidlure ( 7 ) Ciiyp Teniers Cuyp Mignard 123 A Landfcape with Cattle and Figures, with a rich glowing fine EfFedd; of the Sun 124 The Interior of a Dutch Farm Houfe, with Herbage and Farming Implements, a chef d’ceuvre 125 A Landfcape with a Group of Cattle 126 A grand family Piece of King James II. with his Queea and Children, very capital FINIS. J. Sraeeton, Printer, 148, St. Martin’s Lane. * M WmB r&, WJgwM i9fg&Ej WM 4§ iMi A - ** ■% '' : ' ■ m- ||§S§ Wi[‘ ■\i.. abii . iTSRga&f ww^w