SPECIAL 1809 Jan.l8 LoDoD Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofexten1818dodd Rare § valuable Collection of Engraved British Portraits CATALOGUE OF THE EXTENSIVE AND TRULY VALUABLE COLLECTION OF Engraved British Portraits; ILLUSTRATIVE OF ecangec’0 'Bto&tapljtcal JDtetorp of CnsIanOj COMMENCING WITH THE REIGN OF ALFRED THE GREAT, TO THE END OF THE REIGN OF JAMES THE SECOND: COMPRISING THE MOST RARE PRODUCTIONS OF Brown, Fajthorne, De Leu, Valck, Blooteling, Gaywood, Marshall, Vandalen, Cecil, Glover, Muller, Vanderbank Cross, Goltzius, The Passe’s, V AUGHAN, Delaram, Hollar, Payne, Vertue, Droesiiout, H U LSI us. Place, White, Elstracke, Loggan, Smith, WIEEIX, Faber, Lombart, Thomson, AND OTHER ARTISTS OF EQUAL EXCELLENCE. The. Impressions are choice and brilliant, and in the finest State of Preservation, and combine a Number of Prf/its of extraordinary Rarity, that even the com- ptealest Collections do not possess. The Whole formed by an Amateur of dis¬ tinguished Taste and Experience, within the last Thirty Years, without regard to Expence. tofll be £=doID bp Ey Mr. ID ( AT HIS ROOM, No. 101, St. Martins Lane , On WEDNESDAY, the 18th of JANUARY, 1809, And Nine following Days, (Sunday excepted) AT TWELVE o’clock EACH DAY. _ To be Viewed on Monday and Tuesday preceding, and on the Days of Sale. ^UCtiOlT, OBI) CONDITIONS of SALE. First . .THE higheft Bidder to be the Buyer; aud it any Difpute arifes between two or more Bid¬ ders, the Lof fo difputed fliall be immediately put up again, and re-fold. Second . No Perfon to advance lefs than 6d.—above One Pound is -above Five Pounds 2s. 6d.—and fo in Proportion. Third . The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, in Part of Payment of the Purchafe- Money; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fc purchafed to be immediately put up again and refold Fourth The Lots to be taken away, with all Faults and Errors of Defcription, within two Days after the Sale, and the Remainder of the Purchafe Money to be abfolutely paid on or before the Delivery. Fifth.. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depofited in Part of Payment fliall be forfeited; and all Lots un¬ cleared within the Time aforefaid fliall be re¬ fold by public or private Sale, and the Defi¬ ciency (if any attending fuch Re-fale) fhall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. Gentlemen, who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Commiflions faithfully executed, by their humble Servant, THOMAS DODD. A HE Cabinet of Engraved British Portraits now presented to the Public, was formed by a Gentleman particularly attached to the Pursuit, and who pos¬ sessed a discriminate and excellent Taste in his Selec¬ tion. It is unnecessary to expatiate on the innumerable Gems that are to be found in this Collection. The scarce and rare Prints throughout, (with very few Exceptions,) are in the purest State as to Condition, and the Impressions singularly choice and brilliant. It is these Qualities that afford a grateful Pleasure and Admiration to the Amateur. One pure and ex¬ cellent Impression of a Print is preferable, and far more valuable, than Ten that are bad. I have beheld Impressions from the JPorks of Passe, Elstracke, and others, so miserably bad, that scarcely a Trace or Lineament of the Face and other Parts, has been dis- cernable, and, sometimes, not in the least perceptible; whereas the same Prints in this Collection are pure and beautiful to a Degree. To elucidate my remark, I shall refer to the following Print by Poet, of which there are Two Impressions in this Collection. It represents Charles the First and a Lady playing at Cards with Killigrew and another Person. One Im¬ pression is as brilliant as the Art of Man could take it from the Press; the other is almost Blank and obliterated , 4 It is only the experienced Collector that can cbiU ceive the Difference or the Variation of Impressions ; therefore, I think it more necessary to instil in the Minds of those who are not so well acquainted with Prints, that they may form a true Taste upon this Basis: the Beauty of an Impression consists in Clear¬ ness, and a peculiar Richness of Effect. In drawing up this Catalogue, I have been more than ordinary scrupulous when mentioning the Terms brilliant , fine, scarce, and rare, to such Prints only that are truly so, that Gentlemen, who have not an Opportunity of viewing the Collection, may fx their Commissions with a Degree of certainty, without any Risque of Disappointment. The Collection is arranged in the Order of Granger s Biographical History of England, and the Biography of each Person , in general, accompanies their Portrait. THOMAS DOBB. ^ Printed by J. § IV. Smith, King Street, Seven Dials. A Catalogue , Sgc. First Day’s Sale, WEDNESDAY, the ISth Day of JANUARY, 1809, eiTgratca 'Britt#) $ortrart# Reigns from Egbert to Henry the Seventh inclusive. LOT /•■-?• o O ■ //,, 0 ; A, /? ? - A- P _EV. Mr. Granger, within an elegant engraved omtx-QVg,. y/ii mental title—A 1 tied the Great, 2 prints ot, bv burghers, &e.—Edward the Confessor, from Rumtord Church win¬ dow—William the Conqueror, 2 prints by Hall, See. • William the Second and Henry the Eirst, both by PJstrack, very jine y /c William the Second, 3 prints by Fertile and Hall-Demy ' C t h e 1 'irst, 2 ditto by Sherzcin, Sec.'—Stephen, 2 ditto by Heath, Sec.—Henry the Second, by l anghan, very Jine, Sec .—King John, by Elstracke, extra fine 9 ^ King John, 3 prints by 1 rotter, See.' — Henry the Second, 2 ,// t j ditto by Sherzvin, &c.—Richard the l'irst, 2 ditto by ( Thornthwaite, Sec.—Henry the Ihird, 4 ditto by Latter, Sec. 11 4 Edward the Eirst, 2 prints by CaldwaU, Sec. Edward the - A A 9 • if): y: 0 0 ; /#: /) Second, 5 ditto by Faber, PJstrack, See .fine Edward the Third, 5 ditto, some curious and rare , 12 Edward Prince of Wales, 4 prints by / ertae, ballon, (*od-q t'rcy, Sec. one on horseback —John ot haunt, by ( lamp - Richard the Second, 7 prints by (Rover, 1 ertae and Flstrack, fine f ^ G Henry the Fourth, 5 prints, one sold by Compton Holland, ,J very tine—Henry the l itth, 3 prints by Shernin, Sec. ) Katharine Queen of ditto, by S. Harding --Henry the Sixth, 2 prints of, one from the zeindow oj Kings Lolup< Chapel, bv Bretherton 1 1 V, FIRST DAY’S SALE. Ilenvy the Sixth, 2 prints of, by Gardner, his marriage from Walpole—Margaret Queen to ditto, by Sheneker — Edward. Prince, Son of Henry VI. by F. Harding— .John Duke of Bedford, 2 prints of, by Vertue, 8cc. — Humphrey Duke of Gloucester, 3 ditto of, by Burghers, Sac. 10 Jacjuehne Duchess of Gloucester, fine proof, by Folkema — Ditto, 3 prints of, two of them whole lengths — Edward the Fourth, 5 prints of, by f ertite and JVhite — Elizabeth Queen to ditto, by Gardner • - - 10 Edward the Fifth, 3 prints of, by Cook, See. — Richard the Third, 5 ditto of, by Vcrtue, & c. — Ditto, venj fine, by Cross—Ditto fine and scarce, sold by C. Holland — Perkin Warbeck - - O ° 11 Henry the Seventh, with medallion beneath—Ditto, from Battersea Church Window, coloured—Ditto, small oval, vert/ fine, by Glover —Marriage of Ditto, by Grignion — Ditto, 5 prints of, by Payne, Sac .— Elizabeth of York, 2 prints of, by Gunst, &c. %'/CO 12 Henry the Seventh and Elizabeth his Queen, together with Henry the Eighth and Jane Seymour his Queen, stand¬ ing in a room richly adorned, by Vertue —and the three Children of Henry the Seventh, by Ditto of/crrxV 2 Margaret Countess of Richmond, 2 prints, benh extra fine, by Faber —Ditto, 3 prints of, published by Thane — Robert the Second of Scotland, Robert^the Third, and James the First, very fine, by Gay wood 8 James the First of Scotland, 3 prints of, by Trotter —Ditto, whole length, curious —James the Second, by Adam — James 2d, 3d, and 4th, extra fine, by Guyicood —James 4th, by Harding— Duke of Surrey.,and Sir J. Howard first Duke of Norfolk 11 II. Stafford I). of Buckingham—3 prints by Houbraken, See. — H. Lupus Earl of Chester sitting in his Parliament, by Hollar —Sir J. Oldcastle, 3 prints of—Lord Talbot and Lord Rivers, by Parker and Clatnjj —John the Eighth Pope, 2 prints, one by Cava/leris —The Delivery of Ditto while carried to the Lateral) Church—St. Dunstan, and 2 prints of Adrian the Fourth, by Cavaller/s v //z,c•■ O 20 Job ■4- •' & Cl Trover, . Sec.—Sir W. Gascoigne, by J. Jcuius —Sir Richard ton, 2 ditto Harding y y c Sir Wm. de la More, / in Armour, Whittington with his Cat, by Elstracke —Geffery Chau¬ cer, 6 prints of, by Houbraken, Vertue, See. one with his genealogy, and 2 mints ot John Gower, by Vertue, 9 :// * 0 Sec. oc-f'/tsC 11 22 John de Mabuse—Mary Countess of Pembroke, by Faber —Jane Shore, 4 prints of, one scarce —a drawing of ditto —4 prints of Philip, and Charles Duke of Burgundy 11 23 Maximilian, Emperor, 4 prints of, one by Sm/derhoef, extra fine—Hadrian the Fifth Pope, one by Cavalleris — Estienne Chevalier, and John^Froissart, 2 prints of, by Larmessin , Sec. crp-Ai^C 9 */0t 6 ■/A ■ 9 Reign of Henry the Eighth. 24 Ilenry the Eighth, 7 prints of, by Faithorne, Hollar, Sec. 7 / 25 Henry the Eighth, 7 prints of, by Pass, Cecil and Delaram, rare and curious 7 26 Henry the Eighth, 8 prints of, by Sheppard, Faber, Ferine / and Fanderbanck —Ditto on his Throne, 2 curious wood cuts d 27 Henry the Eighth, 1.3 prints of, by Ilulsius, fertile, Clover, Sec. i7/fSF/f*E , 13 2S Henry the Eighth granting the Charter to the Barber Surg*- (j ons, by Bernard Baron, large sheet fA? 1 29 Henry the Highth and Family, by Bartofozzi, fine proof ff Catherine of Arragon, 3 prints ot, by Houbraken and White —Ann Bullen, G printsof, by. Hollar, Houbracknt, Bouttats and White, fine (fto/f;CV/ R) 30 Jane Seymour, 4 prints of, by Hollar, Houbracken, Sec. rare f) and fine —‘Catherine Howard, 2 prints of, 1 by Houbrac¬ ken, on India paper, jirte-^Ann of Cleeves, 2 prints ot, by Ditto, Jine - - - ° // * q 31 Anne of Cleeves, by Hollar, extra fine and raref cmyo 1 < .32 Catherine Parr, 5 prints of, by t ermeulen. Sec.— Princess f) Mary, by Hollar, fine —Ditto, by Halt —Ihincess Eliza¬ beth, by Faber, whole length, very jine 3 • ’ l// . 9 ' ■ /A & 9 fa ■■ I? .. 9 -S ’V6~ . / V ( 3 FIRST DAY'S SALE. /*’/ 0 / ft? 33 Mary Queen of Louis the Twelfth, by De Bie —Ditto, with Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolk, 2 prints of, by Vertue and Trotter, fine —James the Fifth King of Scotland, 4 prints of, by Gayieood, &c.—Mary Queen of Ditto, by . Gunst (Pffty 8 (j 34 Thomas Cromwell Ear] of 7 Essex, 7 prjnts of, by Iloubracken, White, &c. fine ff//)//H ‘ 7 ■ft 34*Thomas Cromwell Earl of Essex, by Hollar, fine and rare 1 () 33 Thomas Cromwell Earl of Ess^x, 3 prints of, by Pass, Pil¬ lion, &c .Jine and rare V If/-f s’/? O 3 / O’// '' 0 3® Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolk, with the Staves^s Earl Marshall, by Vosterman, extra fine and scarce fifty 1 7 Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolk, a wood cut—Edward Stafford Duke of Buckingham, by Taber, fine —Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolk, by Schiavonetti —Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolk, and the Earl of Surry, both 0-7 /■■ f /.. /■• O 0 3 by Harding, and Sir Henry Ghuldeforde, 3 prints of, by / Hollar, Vertue, Sec. fine (/t / /{yy/'Sd/y 10 J ft , 0 33 Henry Howard Earl of Surry, by Hollar, extra fine and, rare L ‘ 1 }■- ft 33*Two prints of Ditto, by Iloubracken and Vertue —Archibald Earl of Douglas, and Margaret Queen of Scotland, 2 ovals in \ plate —’Thomas Wolsey Car^nal, L2 prints of, bv P Faber, l:\nidrinier, and others fiy/s )'/?13 /^/ ' / 30 Thomas W olsev, 3 prints by Elstracke, Se.c. fine and rare 3 ftfix)e>yA Cl AO John Fisher Bishop of Rochester, 0 prints of, some curious andAy, < , / fine —Thomas Cranmer, 2 prints of, by Pass, ?cc. \VfiaJs]0/ /'■//'■ ft' 41 William Warham, 2 prints of, bv Vertue, Sec.—Cuthbert ^ /•■// O / /tf Tonstall, by Foudrinier, and Richard Fox bishop of Winchester^ prints of, by Faber and Vertue, 1 a Jine , 7 ,/ / , proof ft/ft/tvy/e, ft' . /// / r 7 42 John Collet Dean of St. Paul’s, 6 ston, prints of, by Sturt, llnu- Scc .-—\\ m. Smith Bishop of Lincoln, 2 prints of, by Faber, &c. Jine — Win. Tindall, 3 plants of, by Pass, &c. and John [.eland, by Vertue err" 14 ft! l/ y \ f ' 43 Erasmus Roterodamus, Cock execudit, 1 553, 'extra fine and rare —Ditto, by Albert Duper,, 15^6, an<^ the Statue of Ditto in Rotterdam, tine. /fife ft///Y-y'O/tfS'? 3 / o & (~l 44 Erasmus Roterodamus, by Francis Hogenbcrg, extra far and rare, and 3 joints of Ditto, by Iloubracken, Gunst, See. fine O/fifi Sf/O/s yry yj 4 O' '/O' ( } 43 Erasmus Roterodamus, 3 prints ofWbv Tfiosperman\ Stock, and , /) , / Philippe, fine and scarce (0/*?8 O' /O' ft 1 46 Erasmus Roterodamus, 6 prints*of, 'oy //. L. Roghman, r i / , Marshall, ike. fine and scarce - — 00° 0 is 1 : ft 47 John Skelton, 2 prints of—Sir Thomas More, Chancellor, E2 prints ul, by lloubraken, Vosterman, Pass, Sec, fine sonic cs FIRST DAY’S SALE. 9 U O 6 <8 Sir Tlioraas More, S prints of, by J aider, JV ierix ., MarsluiU, V> /Si Debrie , &c. some extra rare, and fine fiSv-'-xp/c'/i o 8 49 Sir Thomas More and Family, by Chr. de 'Mechel, and 1 / / fi other from the same picture i> '/ / ’ flc 2 50 Sir Thomas More and Family, by Ditto, in aquatinta, fine, / '//-/ : f> and the original print of Ditto, by Cockier 2 51 Sir Anthony Denny, 2 prints of, 1 by Hollar, fine —-A draw- $. /- / ing of Ditto—Richard Sutton, Founder, by Faber —Ditto with Wm. Smith, by Burghers —Henry the Eighth, by C/aessens —Dr. Butts, by Gardiner —Andrew Borde, a wood cut ■—Thomas Linacre M.D. japd 2 prints of Sir Thomas Wyatt, by Ogborne ’ 11 52 Thomas More, by laid or, fine—Lodis Vives, .3 prints of, / by Bou/lonois, &c.—Hans Holbein, 6 prints of, by Hollar, Gayzeood, Vosterman ., Stock, pCc. fine, and Mr. Morett, by Hollar, ditto 11 53 ITans Vans Zurch, by Hollar, fine—Lady Guildeforde, by g) /f; Ditto, very fine —Wm. Sommers, 3 prints of, by Clamp, See. and Elenor Rummin, published by Richardsob^^B 6 54 Charles the Fifth Emperor, 11 prints of, by Pass, Lombart,iP • /if / Van Kessell, Beham, See. some fine and scarce ■' 3 11 ' / 55 Charles the Fifth Emperor, 4 pdnjs oL/by Fischer, Baca Vico, &c. fine and scarce /'Ve 4 56 Charles the Fifth Emperor, (> prints 7 of, by Bouttats, 8cc. / ’// / ^ —William de Croix, by Ditto —Ferdinand Archbishop of Cologne, bv C. Bass —Ferdinand King of Castile, 2 prints of, and Francis the First of France, 7 prints of. by Montaigne, Petit, Binch, See. fine - - - -^ f)° 17 57 John Sleidan, by Faithorne —Henry Cornelius Agrippa, 3 prints of, by Debrie, Sec. and Ignatius Loyala, 4 prints of, by Peter Danoot, See .fine 8 58 Ignatius Loyala, 6 prints of, by JVeirix, extra fine —Ditto, .'//? g u whole length, by Bolsxaert, very fine, .anc^ Peter Ronsard, 2 prints of, fine - - - ••*5- Reign of Reheard the Sixth. 59 Edward the Sixth, 14 prints of^by Vaughan, l ertuc, Mar - g // g f shall, Pass, &c .fine (f ■}''/!//* & 14 60 Edward the Sixth, with the Rattle, by Hollar^ finesttyl scarce. 9g// f : ( and Ditto, whole length, met. proof ■fist ??/?///■£■'/'//2 61 Edward the Sixth granting the Charter to Bridewell IIos- R / (fi . g pital, by f ertile, and the proof etching oj the same, scarce 62 Edward Seymour Duke of Somerset, 3 prints ot, by Hou f)c //'/ brakeu, Pass, &c.—John Russell first Duke of Bedford, by Iloubrakeu, fine —John Dudley Duke of Northumber¬ land, 2 prints of—Thomas Seymour Lord Sudiey, 2 prints of, and Wijliutn Herbert Fail of Pembroke, In Pm ^ ( 10 FIRST DAY’S SALE. o • / ; % ! //,' 063 Edward Courtenay Duke of Devonshire—Thomas Cranmer Archbishop, 2 prints of, 1 a fine proof —Nicholas Ridley, by Pass —Stephen Gardiner, by Gardiner —Hugh Lati¬ mer, by G. Gifford, scarce —John Baylie, 3 prints of, 1 a wood cut, and John Bradford 10 O 64 Doctor John Chambers, by Hollar, extra fine and rare, and small copy of the same l • o 2 (J 65 Peter Martyr, 3 prints of, by Sturt and Houston —Martin Bucer, 4 prints of, by Bouttats, Falck , Sec.—Paul Faguis, by Ilaid, and John Alasco, 2 prints of, by Savage, Sec. 10 ( 66 Sir Thomas Smith, 2 prints of, by Houbraken, Sec.—Edward / Seymour Duke of Somerset, by Gardiner —Sir John ( Cheke, by Nutting —Sir Thomas Chaloner, proof —Lady Jane Grey, 4 prints of, by Vermeulen, Boullonois, See. 9 / /f l f) 67 Henry the Second King of France, by Nicolo Beatrici, 1558, very fine and scarce and Ditto, 4 prints of, by Gaultier, See. 3 / O - /a Vr* | Reign of Queen Mary. /; o os 0 : O 69 0 ! Jf i 0 70 f 0 7i 3: O : 07Z /: //; 0™ 0: /b: ”4 0 •’ /3; 0 0 • //: O 76 Q 77 Mary Queen of England, 11 prints of, some rare and curious V 11 Mary Oueen of England, 6 prints of, by Delaram, Sec. 6y7 / 'C£ZA^ Philip the Second King of Spain, 9 prints of, by Fischer, Morin, Brenner, Ferine, Sec. 9 Philip the Second King of Spain, 3 mints of, by Franco, See. 1 extra fine and rare YwYe/f/OYYY/V7 3 Philip the Second King of Spain, 3 prints of, bv JVierix, C. Pass, and Thomas l)e Leu, extra fine and rarey/'Z3f^figfi3 Philip the Second King of Spain, p prints of, by SuyderlweJ and Wierix, fine 5 Edward Courtenay Earl of Devonshire, 2 prints of, by Chambars, Sec.—Henry Radcliife Earl of Sussex—Cardi¬ nal Pole, 4 prints of, by Larmessin, Sec. very finny/telega Carninal Pole—Thomas Cranmer, 9 prints of, by Gunst, Sec. —Matthew Parker, by Vertuc, and Hugh Latimer, by Faber - - - 12 Stephen Gardiner, 2 prints of, by Gunst, Sec.—Nicholas Ridley, 5 prints by Ditto, II hite, Miller, Sec.—Bishop Bonner, 3 prints of, 2 of them wood cuts —Martyrdom of John Hooper and Hugh Latimer, 4 prints of, by Pass, Savage, Fertue, Sec. - -- If) 0 15 Thomas Cranmer—Nicholas Ridley—Hugh Latimer—John Hooper, and Robert Farrar, the Five Bishops who suf¬ fered Martyrdom for the Protestant Faith, p ovals on 1 sheet, by liobert White, fine and rare - - ^ 1 FIRST DAY’S SALE. 11 78 Bernard Gilpin—John Bradford, 3 prints of—John Rogers— @ / . ( , Lawrence Saunders, from the Heroloogia —John Knox, by Cooper —Sir Thomas Pope, 2 prints of, by Faber, Sec. fine —Thomas White and John Caius, by Ditto, fine 12 79 John Gaius, Sprints of, one a wood cut, scarce —Sir Anthony /.'fp/ P More, 3 prints by Hondius, 8tc.—A drawing of Ditto— John Hayward, whole length, zvood ait, scarce —Joas Van Cleeve, by Miller, and Lady Jane G*ey, 5 prints of, by Vertue, White and Marshall, /S’/? 12 80 Ferdinand Duke of Alva, 7 prints of, by Van Sichcm, Pan 0 Queboren, &c. —Margaret of Austria, 5 prints of, bv ditto, and Adrian Junius, 3 prints from Boissard, &c. 15 Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 81 Elizabeth, Queen, 4 prints by C. flavid and R. White, one f)^ from the Pacata Hibernia /fff) &?'/ 4 8'2 Elizabeth, Queen, 3 prints by C. Passe, rare and curious,^,. y, ^ one, P. de/a Hove excud. rare, and 4 prints by Vertue, &c. V 3 83 Elizabeth, Queen, with the feather Fan, 2 prints, scarce —■ gp ( ytg ^ . Ditto with James the 1st and Prince, 3 ovals, in afrontis. by Barra, rare —Ditto with Lord Walsingham and Lord Burleigh, by Fait^kornc, fine, and 6 others by Vertue, &c. - — ^ 10 84 Elizabeth, Queen, by IT. Hondius, rare, 2 wood cuts of/,' fp; ditto, one representing her at Devotion, and 3 others 6 85 Elizabeth when old, by C. Pass, rare and curious— Ditto ; //) \ by Van Queboren, and 2 prints of her in a ricK-D^ess / holdng a truncheon, variations, rare and curiou hWyfi? 4 of then' 6 6 / ot SG Elizabeth, 10 various, by Qudioren, Glover, 3 of then? woo i (9 .■//,-: cuts (fsssYyi's/ey 10 85*Elizabeth, by Delaram —Ditto by Elstracke —Ditto, sold by < ' /^ / f Comton Holland, affd ditto, in an oval, all rare and curious x/ fx/y £t) 4 a 8G # Elizabeth, Cock execudit. and ditto when aged, both extra raref) >4/ : / and curious e < 2 Elizabeth, by Thos. Gemini, 1559, extra rare —ditto a drawing/ / . ^ to a title deed, and ditto, from a drawing by Zucchero 3 Elizabeth sitting on her Throne, 2 prints of, one by If hitc // //,' f — Ditto sitting in her Parliament, Mey.fyie, and G small prints of ditto from silver plates ( /yo /f&SVh 9 y / Q 89 Elizabeth, herJProcegsion to, Ilunsdon Hodse, by Vertue, extra />'/, Mary Queen of Scots, 10 prints of, by Vertue, lloubraken, Sherwin, Sec. a 10 u o 0 ' y o/tc/ asm, at. v iw l /<-]*' C*97 Marv Queen of Scots, 11 prints of, by Simon. Sherwin, j / De Lew, Gaultier, Sec. some scarce C/ C't> rV 11 1 // » 98 Mary Queen oji-Scots, .with view of her Execution, b}’ Convoy, extra fine /f/ V ft 0>? <0V / ■ lx 7 99 Mary Queen of Scots, whole length, with view of her Execu-® Jc/7/ p /) . o ton—Ditto with a Crucifix, by Gay wood,fine and scarce 2 » * i^ ^ 99*Mary Queen of Scots, with vignettes/-of hpr Execution, targe r L . // folio, extra rare and curious 1 * S’* * *■' 100 Mary Queen of Scots, 7 prints of, by Harrewyn, Gal/e, Sec.-—one ditto, byElstrachc, extra rare, 3 prints of Henry / Lord Darnley 11 ( ' /f vO 10 103 Lord Burleigh presiding at the Court of Ward, mid 1 other of Ditto, by Vertue, both extra fine 2 104 Lord Burleigh, 2 prints of, from the Bishops Bible, by Humphrey Cole, with variations, fine —2 ditto, by Gardiner and. Marshall —Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolk, 2 prints of, by lloubraken, Sec.—Robert Devereux Earl of Essex, 5 prints of, by Gunst, Houbracken, Pass, Sec Mine, and Henry Fitz Allen Earl of Arundel!, by I lalj 105 Robert Devereux Earl of Essex, in Hat and Feather, holding a Truncheon, by Pass, most brilliant and extra /n./n, ■) , rare • J / fifi - /< • (' lofi Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, in Armour , riding on a Dappled Charger, with view of a Military and Naval En¬ gagement, in the bach ground, extra rare and exquisitely .fine / / sv/ v 1 O - /? : /i /S 6 o / H.arl yy in 112 114 115 George Clifford Earl of Cumberland, by Pass, rare, 3 -< • //? * / prints of ditto, by Vertue, &c.—Ambrose Dudley Earl of Warwick, 2 prints of, and Henry jSjdney Earl of Pembroke, from the Iieroloogia C {A- 7 Francis Russell 2d Earl of Bedford, by Iloubracken — fi) ! V ( Hamilton Earl of Arran, by Gunst —Matthew Parker, 6 ' prints of, by Vertue, &c. fine 8 113 Matthew Parker, 4 prints of, by Pass, See .—Edmond Grin-^? • /Jfi i ( dall, 2 prints of, by Ditto —John Whitgift, 5 prints of, by Vertue, White, Pass, Sec. one a woodxut, and Edwyn Sandys, 4 prints of, by Pass, Sec. *2/''’ 15 Matthew Hutton, by Perry, proof —Ditto John Aylmer, /’./{) ' f, by White —John Jewell, 7 prints of, by. Vertue, Pass, Sec. fine—Lesley Bishop of Ross, 2 prints of, by Gunst and Barlow, and Alexander Nowel, 2 prints of, by Pass, Sec, fine V 7 7 13 Laurence Humphry, by Pass — John Reinold, by Pass, Sec. fifi ( —William Whittaker, by Ditto, and Thomas BaFotf by • Ditto, and 2 wood cuts of ditto, both scarce/ffi/jf/S/i/y// llG Hugh Price, by Vertue, fine —David Whitehead, by Pass // / . —Doctor Foulke, 2 prints of, by Marshall, Sec. —Edward Deering, by Pass —Thomas Holland, by Ditto —Richard Hooker, 3 prints of, by Hollar and Fa it homo,, veryfine, and Mr. John More, from Speed, map, Jine.fi 117 John More, 2 prints of, by Pass, Sec. —Henry Smith, 2 / / prints, by Gross, Sec. very fine —William Perkins, 3 prints of, by Pass, Sec. very fine, and Richard Rogers, 2 prints of, by Boissard, Sec. V: ■fiy/S'/Ffi'/ r .. 9 .. 117 * William Perkins, by Elstracke, fine and rardJ/fy^/ (fi /, J 113 Thomas Brightman, aged 45,'—George Harflgill, by Gay- y , / wood,Jine, and cop\ r of ditto—Thomas Cartwright—John Fox, 2 prints of, by Glover and Pass —John Knox, from Boissard atuLThpmas Stapylton, published, by Richard- * ou y/fir/r y//y/yy 8 / C ( 6 SECOND DAY’S SALE. 14- /! ? ; O 120 / y V ; O 124 3 • < 3 : O 125 Richard White, by II. Mortier —Cutlibert Mayne—Ed¬ mund Campaign—Ditto with Henry Garnet, Robert Person, and Richd. Blondus, in a frontispiece, by Neefs, and Edmund Jennings, by Martin Bas, extra Jine and rare ? VV /Ap 5 Sir Francis Walsingham, 4 prints of, by Iioubraken, Pass, &c.—Sir Thomas Smith—Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, by Vertue —Sir Walter M i Id may, by Faber —Sir Thos. Bodley, by Burghers, and Sir Nicholas Racon, <4 prints by Iioubraken, Fertile, Gunst, 12 Sir Jacob Dyer, by Drapentier —Edmund^Anderson, by Faithorne, and John Clench, by Hollar, jinp y/rr ft Iffjfi> Win. Barclay, 2 prints of^by Mellon and C. dc Mailer ay, extra fine and scarce O 'NSV/Ay 2 Robert Dudley Earl or Leicester, by Adam —Sir Philip Sydney, 5 prints of, by Vertue, lloubracken and Pass, very fine, and Ditto with Lord Bacon, 2,small ovals in a frontispiece, by Faithorne, extrafine j 7 Sir Francis Vere, 2 prints of, by Faithorne, very fine —Sir John Ogle, hxuDitto, and Christopher Carlisle, by Pass, fine ^ Captain Christopher Carlisle, between two pillars, Army and Navy in the back ground, by Robert Boissard, extra rare and fine * 1 END or THE FIRST DAY’S SALE. Second Day’s Sale, THURSDAY, the 19th of JANUARY, 1809. TOT 0 ’ //>' O 126 O’ / 6 . O 127 /; 9 O 128 V 1 / 0 129 / O 130 Reign of Elizabeth continued. SlR Francis Drake, by Iioubraken — Sir Walter Raleigh, 3 prints by Vertue, See.—Charles Howard Earl of Not¬ tingham, 2 prints by Iioubraken awFChapman, and 22 of Admirals from Pine’s Tapestry 0-Off’/fie 27 Sir Francis Drake, by R. White, and Ditto inArmour, 1. fo. 2 Sir F. Drake, hand,on Globe, 8 lines in English verse, very rare and fine '■ / O • I Sir F. Drake, the same print as the last, in its original state, before the plate wayreduced, IS ary in the back ground, extra Sir Francis Drake, 7 prints of, by De Leu, Pass, B ierr, &c. extra fine and rare —Sir WalterJialeigh, and Sir John Hawkins, from the Heroloogia^ SECOND DAY’S SALE. 15 131 132 rt-Zf-: //>: o 133 134 JiO 135 136 137 o Sir John Hankins and Sir Martin Frobisher. in two copay ments, by Robert Boissard, extra rare -//'/c* ny cm 1 Sir Martin Frobisher—Richard Grenvil — Sir Humphrey/.’/^; 0 Gilbert, and Thomas Cavendish, from the Heroloogia— the Globe, with portraits of the Admirals, by Vaughan, and Thomas Cavendish, by Crispin Pass, extra fine and scarce ' 6 6 Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Thomas Cavendish, in tup copart- 4: Jh : 0 ments, by Robert Boissard, extra rare and fine ey/ri-ujc/P Sir Thomas Gresham, by Faber, Smith, Michel and Vertue, f) i O *• proof —Sir Henry Tirrell, and 4 portraits of Lord Mayors, • published by Richardson V/e4L- 9 Sir Thomas Gresham, by F. Delarum, fine and scarce \f } .'//»’ /' John Bruen—Queen Elizabeth, by Queboren —William f?: yfl ; (1 Bullen, a wood cut —Richard Haydocke, in a frontispiece / —A copy of ditto by Thane —Dr. William Cunning¬ ham, by Barrett, and’a drawing of ditto! 7 Mark Ridley—Thomas Gale, and John Hall, wood cuts — 2 Jp.’ 3 of Edmund Spencer, by Vertue, and 4 of William Shak— s pea re, by Vertue, Halt, Houbraken, Kc.fine • WorfiF/ifQPfi) William Sbakspeare, by MtnsJialVfiuexjnd scarce, and Ditto fifi: J/ by Vertue, Dol/e, &c. 6 Seven of Ditto, by Lc Goux, Kmight, Hall, Trotter, Earlom, y &c.—A view of his House at Stratford—George Gas¬ coigne, and Dr. Donne, by Marshall, extra fine \ fif ° 10 _ Sir John Harington, frontispiece to the Orlauda Furiosa, (/ l ( fine and scarce c Vf/ce,-r/yr on I . George Buchanan, by. Jlotfbraken, Blockhuysen, Robert f)' > //j White, See. 7 George Buchanan, firfe, by Boulonois, Cooper, Granthome,tr / . &c.—Jacob Crichton, 2 prints by Hall, Sa/amanacio, Sec. 3 ^4/vJ 43 Alexander Boyd, by De Leu, fine and scarce —-William Cam- / /? / den, 2 of, by Larmessin, &c. and Ralph Brooke, 2 of 5 William Lambarde, by Vertue —John Stowe, 2 by l ertue / t// ; and /. T. Smith —Humphry Lloyd, by Clamp —Sir Thos. Bodlev, bv Burghers —Edward Kelly—Dr. Dee, 2 diffe¬ rent of—John Blagrave ami John Palmer, in a frontis¬ piece, by Logganffine (; /9 John Gerarde, by Rogers, fine and rare —Ditto by Payne, and Roger Ascham reading a Letter to Queen Elizabeth, 138 139 0 o 140 141 0 142 / ( 144 145 5)°14G by Burghers ( y'//rc -M J 3 Thomas Hill, small oval, wood cut —Isaac Oliver, 3 by Hon- / ’ f? 148 dius and Miller, 1 a proof —Nicholas Hilliard, by Cham- bars, and 2 of Cornelius Ketel, by Chambars and Hondius 7 Cornelius Ketel, with emblems of Justice and ’Temperance, a /. ’ < j goblet of liquor in his hand, by James Mattham, extra fine and rare , fi/ fi t . 0 / 1 0 ? 0 16 SECOND DAY’S SALE. 0 ! /% l 0 149 01 //; 0 150 0 i /6\ 0 151 /O . ; O 152 /' # ■' O 153 n . "S • /*■ \ l? 154 9 . -■% i i 0 155 3 i 3 i o 15G 3 i /3 (? 157 /.' /S ; a 158 A / 9 ■ a 159 // //' 0 IGO d * o lGl <3: / : 0 162 /: /A o 16s 9 - /0. ’0 164 0 '• y 1 ' ( ' 1 65 Frederick Zucehero, by Bannerman —Henry Cornelius Urooin, by Chanibars —Mark Garrard, by Bannerman — Sir Nathaniel Bacon, 2 prints—Thomas Lant—John JDay and John White., wood cuts, and 2 of Theodore de Brie, by himself <• cxsj 10 Frances Duchess of Suffolk and Adrian Stokes, by Vertue , Lady Hunsdori, and Lady Effingham, published by 7 /) J Thane, Alice Perceval, by Faber , scarce, Catherine Bret-' tw* terg, and Frances Countess of Sussex by Faber 6 Maximilian 2d. two of—Charles the Ninth King of France, 6 of, and Rodolph 2d. Emperor, b, by Hondius, Jlieriv and Sadder (.YY/S Y<, 10 "Rodolph Qd. Emperor, by Martin Kota, fine and rare \ YT° Henry the ThircL King of France, five by IVierix, he. fine and scarce £ 5 Francis Duke of Anjou, and Henry the Fourth of Fiance, 9 portraits of, by De Gfie^yn fifiindby, IVierix, Bass, he. extra fine and rare ■//ft Yfi 10 Henry the Fourth, 5 by De Leu and Gaultier, extra fine and scarce i "ei/VS € 5 Henry tire Fourth, by, lfiondfiis, De Leu, Moncornet, Morin, 8 y Peter Firens, sheet, and Ditto, hv YD n'xrtsi he. fine , ( fir> Henry the Fourth, Thomas De Leu, an oblong, exquisitely fine and rare Henry the Fourth, surrounded with emblematical subjects, by De Leu, sheet, and Ditto supported by Justice and Prudence, by Dr Fry, both fine and rare <' £/> 2 Henry the Fourth, bust, in a niche, and Ditto, as an Archangel, in an^vafof Palms,, both by De Leu, extra fine and rare ( fi/rd- 2 Henry the Fourth on horseback, Army in the distance, by John Van Halbeck — Ditto, by Crispin Pass, and 2 others of ditto on horseback, by Gaultier, fine and scarce 4 Henry the Fourth, 2 of, on horseback, with Armies^ the '/i/iny* back ground, by Leonard, Gaultier, fine and rare F Henry the Fourth, by Ilenry Goltzius and Ditto, whole length, wLthjn an/acrade, by De Leu, exquisitely fine and rare ‘'Yd Yd 2 Henry the Fourth, 5 different of, by De Marccnay,Cfi ( Hubert, Tardien and Ponce, and Frederick Duke of Weirs temberg, 3 portraits of, by Jacob ah Heyden, fine 8 Francis Duke of Alengon, 2 of, one on horseback—Cecilia Marchioness of Baden—Pompone de Bellievre, 5 of, bv Nantueil, he .—Joshua Sylvester, by Fan Dalen —Wil¬ liam Du Bartas, wood cut —Paul Tossjinus, by De Zettcr and Seigneur De Brantome, fine / 12 Paulas Melissus, from Boissard, Francis Gomarus, 3 of, by Szeanenberg, he .—Peter Bertius, by Larmessin — Peter Molinajus, 2 of, by De Leu, he. and 3 of Domi- nicus Baudius, from Boissard, he. fifi (L 10 CSS SECOND DAY'S SALE. 17 l66 Janus Dousa, o of, bv Cornelius Fisscher, Larmessin V -De ^ r y —^ au ^ us Merula, by Matharn, very fine, and 7 Daniel Heinsius b} r Larmessin and Swanenberg, ditto tto 8 / , 1 67 Daniel Heinsius, by Lievens and Suyderhoef, extra fine — C?.' /fy(s, / rh •'<■?"/ / Carolus Clusius, by De Bry, De Gheyn and Martin Rota and Orlanduo Lassus, by l)e Bn/ and John Sadelar, fine 7 Reign of James the First. 1, 168 James the First, by Smith, Fertile, White, Lamsvelt, Peter Dc Jode , Vaughan, Chantry and Pass, some rare and curious 9 169 James the First, by Crispin Pass, Thomas De Lei/, g curious woodcuts, 8cc. some fine and rare r ]] 170 James the first, by Wolfgang Kilian, Dela/am, Elstrache, fine and rare „ f ^ 8 ctnc//ic 171 James the First, by Simon Pass, Elstrache, Sec. scarce 4 'f° 172 James the First, by Fan Sichem, Picart, &c. some curious 9 178 James the.First, in an oval, with globe and sceptre, by Simon Pass, brilliant and rare // a* s ess sv / / i r 17-4 James the First, with Prince Henry, whole lengths, with S> : 3 ; O -c '/O 6 181 Henry Prince of Wales, by Hole, Pass, Iloubraken, Fertue, / &c. fine ( c/f ci't '' 10 V^/a/Y^^Sl^Henry Prince of Wales by Crispin Pass and Ditto at the /) j head of a genealogical tree, extra fine and rare 2 'Jeff? 182 Henry Prince of Wales, by Coryn Bod, very fine and rare 1 / ’J0 ' 0> 0 -fcr. 0 : 0 Ytr /: f? : 0J <0 :/#; 0 /■• 0 : o O ■/#!& 18 SECOND DAY’S SALE. S:/5 18 ^ 4- iO i O 184 /: /3: 0 185 ' « * 0 6 186 /. '//: 187 9 • ^ • ///’. 0 188 St //: o 189 t/p- : 0 190 /.' /4~- 0 191 /: / /O ; 0 201 y V J 202 a g* n 203 kJ / */• O 204 Henrv Prince of Wales, entitled the most high and mighty Prince Henry Prince of Great Brittayn and Ireland, are to be sold in Lombard Struct, by Hen. Balaam, extra fine and rariss b 1 Henry Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall, truncheon in his hand, George and ,Harter, by Brands Delaram, fine and extra rare f f 1 Charles Prince of \^ales, by Pass, Delarum, 8 tc. very fine (. /re'T'if'fi i r O 6 Charles Prince of Wales, by Simon Pass, rariss *■ 1 Mary Queemof Phflip IV. of Spain, by Ditto, extra fine and rare f 9 1 Prince Charles and th fit Robert Burton, by Le BIon, fine and scarce, and 4 of Rich-'-.^A , ffi v , fiy aid Stock, by Thomas Rawly ns, Sec. 5*- . John Dod, original and copy—William Pemble in the fit ■■/fi’’ fi' Oxford Almanack, and Thomas Wilson, by Cross 4'- ( Authur Hildersham, 3 of, by Payne, Vaughan, Sec.—Hugh 0 •• /dfi ■, 7 Broughton, by Payne and Van Hove, and John Carter;. ' by Dunstall, fine J, ooo cer/f ~~~ 2-. \,0 " l / /s a- / Sr. o C2 ooq fire cue, 224 - • fiT 225 fififiy 226 228 £ e-. fi) • ' /& 'zz /j 20 SECOND DAY’S SALE. O : / 0 < /) 229 /”//' O 230 Z " 3 ■> 0 <231 Z- ^ 232 / ' / " O 233 /VZ-0 234 8 Sir Edward Coke, 4 of, by Loggan, Sic. fine and scarcely 4 Ditto, by Simon Pass, rare fiy 1 Sir Henry Mount ague, by F. Delaram, most brilliant and rare 1 242 Sir Henry Hobart, by Pass —Sir James Ley, by Payne —Sir^^/ . George Croke, by Vaughan —Sir Francis Moore, by /*' Z " O 243 (7 - /S' > ^ 244 y, Faitltorne— 2 of Michael Dalton—Sir Thomas Craig, by Vertue, and 3 of Sir Edward Coke, by Cross and Payne R r , Henry Blackwood, by Mellon, and Adam Blackwood, by -£3° John Picart, fine and scarce 2 /V Arthur Lord Chichester—Sir Horace Vere, by Faitliornef.7c<-c-t fine —Sir William Fairfax—Henry Earl of Holland— Authur Severus—O. Toole, and Captain John Smith, by Pass fif , 6 Sir Hugh Myddleton, by Vertue, fine and scarce 1 ^ Sir Richard Spencer, by Hondius— Sir Phillip Parker, by / y Faber, and 2 of Sir William Wadd, by Payne, &c. 4 ^ex'/) Sir Thomas Chaloner, by Earlom —Darcy Wentworth, hyy? IV. Pass —Thomas Harley, by Vertue, proof —Sir Compton—Thomas Sutton, by Passe, Vertue, Van Hove and Faber —Nicholas and Mary Wadham, by Burghers, , 0 and John Graves, by Vertue . 11 / ' v *' O 248 Alderman Leate, by Payne, fine and rare & 1 O •« Zy /? 24.5 4n ^ 246 /•< $ ' o 247 / 7o End of the Second Day’s Sale. 21 Third Day’s Sale, FRIDAY, the 20th Day of JANUARY, 1809. t OT'C T' 4 crrv J4i-r~) i p, s Ct-'J'- '.0<.-yg Reign of James the First continued. LOT 249 J. o 250 251 'JO _ '20 5 254 n Joo 256 257 258 259 2,60 2Gl 262 D 6 6 c ( AMES the First, by Vaughan —William Harvey, by Faithorne —Theodore de Mayerne, by Elder —William Butler, hiQi xi Roissard, and Ditto, by Simon Pass, all fine 5 Robert Fludd/4 of, by Merian, &c. very fine and scarce 4 2-/S'* 0 ’William Shakspeare, by Martin Draeshout, extra fine and /.. /fig s g, scarce, and Ditto, by Gravelot Ccffic*?' 2 W illiam Shakspeare, 8 different prints, and his Monument, / ,, fig- by Vcrtuc, &c.—Gilbert Jacchaeus—John Milton when young, by Cipriani, and John Anthony, by Cross,fine 11 Ben Johnson, by Fertile, 2 of, one a proof, and Ditto, by fij '' /y Houbraken and Elder,fine ry 4 * Ditto, by Robert Vaughan, very fine and rare l fij Francis Beaumont, by Fertue —2 of Shakspeare and 6 other . fi. Poets in one plate, by Fourdrinier —2 of John Fletebpr, / by Fertue, and Ditto, by Marshall, very fi 6 John Donne, by Lombart —Michael Drayton; by Clamp , f’■ / Jf' and Ditto, by Hole,,fine and scarce 8 Michael Drayton, by Marshall —Samuel Daniel, bv Cock son, ? /s and 2 of Sir Thomas Overbury, by Simon Pass, all fine 4 Sir Thomas Overbury, bu Sinipn Pass, 4 to. extra fine and M.. /fig rare ~-Wg 1 Sir Thomas Overbury Knight, a'tat 52, writing his oren fin , fig epitapth, twelve lines in English verse beneath, by Renold Joist ruche, ar ng half-sheet, extraordinary rare and exqui¬ sitely fine < /ft 1 N.B. Only two impressions are know n to be extant, exclusive of this. George Chapman, by Hole —Ditto, a copy—Joshua Sylves- /•, fig >. ter, by Fan Dalen, and 2 small of John Owen and Richard Martin 5 Ge J John layior me, water roet, oy c.ocnson, very jme ami/ • j y , t / scarce • / ( o Kichard Martin 5 Jorge Withers, by William Hole, scarce —Ralph Ruggle— /’>'/■. John Taylor, and 2 of James I. by White 5 dm Taylor the, Water Poet, by Cockson, very fine and/ • /*", t 6 22 THIRD DAY’S SALE. 263 o '-tj •' fo 264 /•■/" <9 £65 /-//*. <9266 <9 "/<9 v <9267 O’'/$'•()*& <9 ' •/£ '• < 9 * 269 <9 ■ • /? * O 270 <9 - /- <9 271 93 "/^’' £>272 9.. £> 273 <9 »•//;» <9274 93 ••/// \ 9 £75 vj \ /9 0 2 76 c ■«/O O 277 /) ' O 278 /? "/C/sO 2 <9 ’• y 7 ’- <9 280 / ' $ 281 and it Ludovicus Pctrucci, 8 Latin verses,armour tenth truncheon, very fine and scarce O ofi 1 William Drummond de Hanthornden, by Gaywood, and 5 of John Barclay, by John ah Hey den, Larmessin, Mellon, 8 tc. (/fiocs/? e/y' (J William Lord Brouncker, by Hollar —Sir Francis Bacon, by Marshall and Cross, and 3 of Sir WjilterJlataigh, by Pass, Vaughan and Houbraken, fine fiy cx-//cr^(J (j William Camden, 8 of, by Gaytcood, White, Marshall, See. and his Monumept, all fine - - r - t) Sir John Hayward, by Ceci/l and Hole —Thomas Allen, by Bretherton, and Robert Colton Bruce, by Vcrtue, ditto 4 Sir William Segar, by Dclaram —Sir Thomas Roe, by Vcrtue —Aaron Rathbone, by Pass —Robert Cotton Bruce, by Cross, and William Burton de Falde, by Delaram,fi/ie and scarce ( • c{. .5 Thomas Coryate with a Venetian Courtezan, by Hole, the title to his works Samson Lennard, by Vaughan —John Florio, by. Hole, both very fine, and 6 wood cuts of John Lithgow / 3 Peter Oliver, by Chambars —Paul Vansomer, by ditto —Cor¬ nelius Janssen, by ditto —Ditto, by Waumans —George Jameson, by Alexander and Trotter —Francois Quesnei, by Lasne, and Nicholas Stone, by ChamharsJe t* r>P' 8 Paul Vansomer, by Simon Pass, extra fine and rare Cj 'tx&fil George Heriot, jeweller to James I. by Esplins, ancl view of Heriot's Hospital, fine and scarce I /<> +? ■// 2 Henry Hondius, by Boattats —John Davies of Hereford, and Martin Billingsley, scarce 3 ✓) , Mary Countess of Pembroke, by Simon Pass, rariss B-ofif, Mary Countess of Pembroke, by Courbes —Ditto, by Hall — Frances Duchess of Richmond, by Ogborne —Ditto, by Pass and Ifidaram, and Lady Oxford, small oval, by Pass, scarce * 6 Francis Duchess of Richmond, by Francis Delaram, the en- tire plate, fine and rare 1 Ditto, by Simon Pass, half sheet, ditto and extra rare 1 * Katherine Marchioness of Buckingham, with ornamented bor¬ der of a tournament, tfic. by Magdalen Pass, most rare and brilliant < ( V. /v it 1 / c-t- Frances Countess of Somerset, by Simon Pass, most rare and extra fine y eyre*./* < I Lady Arabella Steuart—Catherine Countess of Desmond, proof —Catherine Marchioness of Buckingham, by Ha/l — Frances Countess of Essex, by ditto —Dorothy Wad ham, by Faber and Burghers —Catherine Lady Parker, bv Faber —Lady Mary Vere, by Van Hove —Ladv Ann Clifford, 2 of, by Maze 'll, &c.— Lucy Countess of Bedford, and Eli¬ zabeth Countess of Shrewsbury, fine 12 THIRD DAY’S SALE. 23 282 Ann on 283 £84 285 286 Bill, by Simon Pass, rare~J)itto,/a curious drawing /' -.. vellum, and her Epitaph ( f f t* ?* ff k 3 ^ Matoaka, alias Rebecca, by Simon Pass, fine and rare 1 * > • Mulled Sack, 9 of the Gunpowder Conspirators, ajtd Guy /•. Faux, whole length, an historical print 11 The Gunpowder Conspirators, with their several fames above 3 /'• 0 «3 - O P'-O each person, oblong folio, fine and rare ' - - -y* l3 287 288 . \3 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 293 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 : 10 OUO/l yvi,/ OCSIV, -' ” “ ~ The Execution of ditto in Old Palace Ward, by Nicholas Viss- chcr, very fine and rare /? Eve Fliegen, sold by Humble, brilliant and very rare Christian King of Denmark, by Haelmgh, and Ditto, by^. Muller, fine proof 2 Ditto, by Muller, extra fine, and an unfinished proof of the f . same - -xfi ^ > 3 Ditto of his Son Frederick, whole. Ipigth, 20 lines in verse, by / • William Pass, very rare A ^ fie y - . 1 f Ditto, by Elstracke. extra fine and rare 7 c ^ ■ l ' ’ Ditto, 5 of, by Heyden, de Jode, &c. 1 a drawing—Frede- rick the Third, sold by Stent, and Ditto by Elstracke 7 Frederick Count Palatine, 4 oLby John Hogenberg, Crispin Pass, 8cc. fine and scarce Vy ?4 Frederick Count Palatinel richly apparelled, by Bolswert, X- extra fine and scarce 1 Ditto after Mierevelyby Dcljf, and ditto by Hondius, very X> fine and scarce K 3 Ditto, by Delf Visscher, See. scarce > . ffifiV' t\/ 4 V." Ditto, by Crispin Pass, &c. very fine f < • ' > * * 3^ ■ Ditto, by Van Dalen, Queboren, &c. ditto 3 The Orange Family on horseback reviewing an army, b; y3 • ■ Queboren, large sheet, scarce 1 Maurice Prince of Orange, by Delffi, sheet, brilliant l / •• Ditto on horseback, army in the back ground, sheet, extra fine X •• and rare * „ Ditto, by Muller, in armour, very fine 1 ' " Ditto, 3 of, by Vertue, Delff and Mathani, and Ditto laying in State, curious 4 Ditto, 3 by E. Kieser, on horseback, fine and rare 3 o' '• Ditto, 5 of, by Suyderhoef, Queboren, lanje, Sxc.fine 5 /•. Christian Duke of Brunswick, by Simon Pass, fine and rare, fy , and Ditto, by Voerst ^ Ditto on horseback, surrounded bi/ the several towns taken bij / him, Visscher excud. oblong folio, fine and rare 1 Cardinal Barberini and his Nephews, by Greater— Ditto by fj Picini, Testana, &c. 3 ot, and the Duke of bully, by Ponce . j One, Maximilian Duke of Sully, the original print, fine and , / rare 1 r f One, Count Gondamor, by Simon Pass, fine and rare /{/: O 0 •• / •/// > o // o /,3-. /? 0'* o . 3 ■■ O // * < /.. & / n //• / P: 0 0 - O s o X- 0 /A x. X •, o V/s o S'. 0 vy.o /0 * c . O c 24- THIRD DAT’S SALE. 4 ■■//?" 0 311 /”/4'0 312 £~S' O 313 G «,8 - /? 514 ^ ,.// .. 320 /” ' / <9 321 / • • P •. <9 300 6 O 323 6. '• ^ 324 Ditto surrounded ..zedt/p emblems, by William Pass, extra rare and fine ffD&f/cc'yfiy ] Ditto a small oval, and a wjr^le length of ditto, with Ant de Dominis, curious /-‘■s'rff-u 4 2 Ditto, Gasper .de Besliniere excudit. Paris, sheet, fine and rare '// 1 Ditto, 6 of, by C. de Pass, Barry, Vaillynt, Sec. aiul 2 prints of his Execution, one curious / ^ 0 / 0 8 _ y Hugo Grotius when a Boy, by De Gheyn, scarce, and 5 ditto, by Iloubraken, Delff, Bun /, Sec. all fine , 6 Emanuel de.IV^eteren, 2 of, by di. de Baudois, Sec. very scarce ifivrfiee 2 , , ✓ Hadrian Paw, ditto, by Matham, a proof ditto, by Tarije , Sec. Aloysius Contareno, by Fosterman, sheet —3 of ditto, by De f Jode, Sec. and Dominicus Contareno, by Fait home o " l ^ c Metrophanes Critopulus, by M. Vandergucht —2 of Ludovi- cus Capelins, from Boissard, Sec. and fi of Samuel Bochart, ?> y ffi ¥'■ // '< o 325 O 0 *• r) 326 0 - // s O 327 - o ✓ ' —/- 328 (/•, 6 329 o /?* 6 < 530 O'/ ?t "O 331 O 'y r *’ <6332 Ofi '/y >"<9 333 O ' // 'Q 334 by Lochon, Fan Schuppen, Sec. Andreus Ilivetus^ by f uyderhoef and xdondius, both very fine i 'c/0■*' 2 Ditto, by Vandalen mid Simon Pass, and Philip Cluverius, by ditto, scarce 'ycxe'-t * 3 Ernest Count Mansfield, 3 of, by ff. dejfass- — E. Reiser on horseback, Sec .fine and rare K, fi//’/ 2 Ditto, by Simon Pass, extra fine and rare ' f i Abraham Scultetus, from Boissard—2 of Festus Hommius— Thomas Erpenius — Peter Cunteus, and 4 of ISicolas Claudius Fabricius Wry^MAlyn, Lubin, Gay wood and Vor~ sternum, all fine p Peter Gassendus, by Nantie/d —Constantine Huygens, 2 of, by Delff and Pontius effigy" 4 Constantine Huygens, 3 of, ov Blooteling, mez.—Diy.o an engraving, proof, and ditto, by Vorsterman Offi sh3 Simon Vo ; uet, 4 of, by Perier, Morin, Bouttats and Leoni, fine ( *"fi*-/ ciey 4 Gerard Mercator, by De Bry and Francis Hogenberg, and^-6 Ditto in the same plate, with Iodocus Hondius , all fine ^3) The Treaty of A\ estphalia, by Suyderhoef, very fine ff c* co-c THIRD DAY’S SALE. 25 Reign of diaries the First. o ^frcff -> 841 342 343 344 34.5 346 347 348 349 vi' l/~ o50 351 352 353 354 OJ0 356 Charles the First, 10 by Picart , Sharp, White, Chauveau, fj'. / Q , / Fertile, Glover, &c. . Q)° 10 Charles the Fyst, 11 by Cornelius Galle, Marshall, Strange , f " / " $ 8cc .fine /) r^/^) fr/t 11 Charles the First, 10 by Faithorue, De Marcmay, Fertue, fif '■/{? >, /) Marshall, Smith, Faber and Picart, very fine'/ ? 0 , , . , Charles the First, 5 by Gunst, Hertocks, &c. t'Lyvr./fiCii/ffr 5 /'//’• tfi Charles the First, 8 by Lidd, Guywood, Fandergucnt , Ac. */■■/»•■ 0 Charles the First, 8 by Gaywood, Hollar, &c. some rare and curious 8 Charles the First, 3 by Faber, Meyssens and Suydcrhoefi', extremely Jine 3 Charles the First, by Forsterman, and Ditto, Le Blond excu- dit. both extremely fine y 2 Charles the First, by Delfifi, very fine and scarce » l O '// Charles the First, in armour, oval folio, by Fiiithorneyrydd by ff ,, Robert Peake, remarkably fine and rare Jryexfigfovt 1 Charles the First, after Faudyck, in an oval supported by / '• fifi dragons, view of London in the back ground, most brilliant and rare I Charles the First, in an oval of Palms, by Hollar and a whole Jerkily erqwned by Justice, by Ditto, fine and scarce Vyfi f and the latter in mezzotinto, by IV. Faithorne, j an. 3 J lhe Lady Mary Princesse of Great Brittaine, 2 small ovals rare g / - / - 385 The Lady Mary Princesse of Great Brittaine, a small oval within an emblematical border, representing the Seasons, Ditto, square in a border of palm branches, both rare and curious a 3SG D. Maria Principissa, Mag. Britan, cetatis suce 10 , 1641 , by Queboren, very fine and rare j Z 387 Mary Princess oj Orange, in an oval, right hand holding her mantle, by Faithorne, sould by William Faithorne fbril- liant and rare 2 388 Princess Elizabeth, in an oval, by Hollar, fine and scarce, representation of her Coffin—Lady Anna, small whole ^ length, and 2 of Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia, bv Sher- win and Vertue 5 £ 7 td-l ? /o - /o — FOURTH DAY’S SALE. a s 389 / ' ' > 390 o / 4 * 391 • CO 392 /. 2 393 / 394 / £ ■ 39 0 /6. M. 396 Z A - 397 /// ^ 398 '?■ 399 / /fit 400 /. p r 401 402 / - 403 v '? ^ 404 Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia, in a rich dress, after Micreve/t, hi/ Bclff, very fine and scarce J Ditto, by William Hondius , sheet, remarkably fine and scarce 1 The Palatine Family in a park, greyhounds, rabbits, fyc. in the fore ground, fine and scarce 1 The most hopefull mightie Prince Frederick Henry, First begotten sonne of the thrice illustrious Frederick the Fifth, Count Palatine of the Rhine, fyc. Childhood here with majestie. Agreed but in this face and eye. Shewing he shall raise his race. Be greate and gratious like his face. Compton Holland excud. Franciso Delaram sculp, in a mag¬ nificent laced dress, holding a ball in one hand and a racket in the other, small folio, most brilliant and extraordinary rare 1 Frederick Henry, by De/Jf, sheet, very fine, and 2 of Ditto, one on horseback 3 Charles Lewis Count Palatine, 4 by Hollar, Bernard, Glover and Deljf, fine and scarce 4 Prince Rupert, 2 the large and small ovals, by Hollar, and 3 of ditto, by Snyer, &c. 5 The most illustrious and high borne Prince Rupert, Prince Elector Palatine of the Righne, after Hobson, by Faitliorne, sold by Thomas Rowlett, remarkably brilliant and rare 1 The Effigies of the highe borne Prince Maurice, sone of the Count Palatine of the Rhyne, borne in Custrine in Marc of Brandenborch, whole length, hat and feather, a whip in his right hand, fountain in the back ground, by Cornelius Van Ha/en, extraordinary rare and brilliant 1 Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia, the large and small plates, by Van Queboren, and the Princess Sophia, by Smith 3 James Earl of Marlborough, by Harding —Bishop Juxon, by J ertue —Francis Lord Cottington, by Iloubraken, Hollar and J andergucht, and 2 of Henry Earl of Man¬ chester, 1 by Glover, small oval, fine and rare 7 Thomas Earl of Arundel, 4 by Moncornet, Iloubraken, &c. and 2 of ditto with his Grandson, by Record and Car¬ mona (j Thomas Earl of Arundel, by 1 orsterman, and ditto, in armour, oval, by Hollar, very fine 2 Thomas Earl of Arundel, after Mierevelt, by Simon Pass, extra rare and very fine 1 The Apotheosis of the Earl of Arundel, after Cornelius Scut, by Hollar, fine and rare 1 Henry Earl of Arundel, by Lombart, and 7 of George Duke ot Buckingham, by Dolle, Glover, Moncornet, Sec. 8 FOURTH DAY’S SALE. 29 405 George Duke of Buckingham, by Delff, Simonneau, Ilou- broken and Captain Bail lie. 4 / 40G George Duke ok Buckingham, in armour, with a truncheon, emblems of peace and war, bi/ Marshall, rare 1 ' 407 Algernon Earl of Northumberland, 5 by Payne, Glover, Houbraken, Sec. some scarce 5 ' 40S Algernon Earl of Northumberland, holding a truncheon, ships in the distance, by Fan Dalen, rare 1 < - 409 Ditto, in its original state, without the truncheon, in a cloah, y most brilliant and rare 1 / 410 Robert Earl of Warwick, 5 by lloubrahen, Glover, &c. very fine, and a drawing of ditto by Harding (i 411 Jomes Duke of Richmond, 6 by Houbraken, Poerst, Hollar, ^ and Glover, and Ditto, whole length, with a greyhound, by Earlom, fine 7 412 James Duke of Richmond, in an oval, by Faithorne, a most ■ brilliant impression I 413 II illiam Earl of Pembroke, after Mytens, by D. Dc Granges, , fine and rare 1 ^ 414 IVilliam Earl of Pembroke, sheet, by J oerst, most brilliant n ? and very rare 1 415 William Earl of Pembroke, by Gucht, and 5 of Philip Earl of Pembroke, after Vandyke, by Vocrst, &c. 0 416 Philip Earl of Pembroke, after Vandyke, by Hollar, bril - ? Hunt and rare 1 417 Philip Earl of Pembroke, by Simon Pass, very fine and extra rare l 418 The Pembroke Family, after Vandyck, by Baron, fine 1 419 Edward Earl of Dorset, by Hollar, extra fine, and ditto, by Houbraken and Vaudergucht 3 420 James Marquis of Hamilton, 7 by Glover, Jlobeit Flute, Stc. and John Marquis of Winchester, by Hollar 8 421 Henry Earl of Worcester, 2 of, William Duke of Newcastle, by Vertue, See. Robert Earl of Oxford, 2 of, published by Thane , &c.—George Duke of Buckingham with his Brother Francis, bv M‘Hr dell, and 2 of William Marquis of Hartford, by Hollar, &e. 8 422 William Duke of Newcastle, by Vosterman, fine —Francis Earl of Bedford, 2 of, by Vertue, &c.—William Earl of Bedford, by Houbraken — Henry Earl of Huntingdon, and William Earl of Salisbury, small ovals, by Hollar, and Spencer Earl of Northampton, by Gucht 7 423 Philip Earl of Montgomery, by / oast, extra fine and rare 1 424 Oliver Earl of Bullingbroke, Mildmay Earl of Westmor¬ land—Lionel Earl of Middlesex, small ovals, by Hollar — Ditto, by Harding—Henry Earl of Holland, 2 of, by Godefrey, &c. and Spencer Earl of Northampton, bv Vertue 7 F. /O 'O (9 /&. ■ fi O' ■ y / ■ 7- d . O ■ ■ v? . . , /<5 - /o //' //. / /- O /O' /. / 561 /o'" 562 Humphry Miles, in the frontispiece to his Night’s Search, rare, and the copy of ditto 2 Arthur Johnston, by Vertue and Vandergucht , and 6 of ditto, by Richard Cooper , scarce and curious 4 William Drummond, small oval by Gayzcood, and Ditto, an etching, curious and rare 2 Ditto, large oval, by Gaywood, remarkably fine 1 Peter Collins, by C. Galle —John Price, by Hollar, fine, and 2 of William Earl of Sterling, by Hall, 8c c. 4 JVUliam Hodson, by Marshall, rare 1 Lord Falkland, by Gucht —William Austin, large and small, by Glover-— Gertrude More, by Lochon, scarce, and Edward Lord Herbert, copy 5 John Speed, 2 of, by Savery, &c.—2 of Sir Richard Baker, and Sir Thomas Fairfax, by Halett 5 Charles the First giving his orders to Sir Edward Waller, and Thomas Lord Fairfax, by Savery 2 Captain Thomas James, small oval in a map for the discovery of a passage into the South Sea, fine and rare 1 Sir Henry Spelman, by Faithorne and White, both remarka¬ bly fine 2 William Somner, by Burghers —John Weever, by Cecill, and James Yorke, by Razdins, fine and scarce 3 Sir Kenelrn Digby, by Voerst, Vunden Enden impression — Ditto, by Cross and Larmessin, and Sir Henry Wotton, 4 of, b\ r Dolle, Lombart, and John Parkinson, a copy 8 John Parkinson, wood cut, and Ditto by Marshall, brilliant and scarce 2 Richard Braithwaite, 2 of, by Marshall, and Ditto, by Vavglian, all fine 3 Sir William Cornwallys, by Cecill, and John Hall, in an oval of bays, by Marshall, scarce 2 James Stanier, 2 of, both by Hollar, exquisitely fine and scarce 2 Thomas Neale, by Marshall, fine and scarce, Lewis Roberts, by Glover, and Charles Saltonstall, whole length, in a frontispiece, fine 3 Sir Thomas Urquehart in a rich habit, by Glover, fine and scarce 1 Gervase Markham, small oval in a frontispiece—John Bate, by Gifi'ard, and John Babington, by Droeshout, fine and scarce 3 Nathaniel Nye, Mathematician, by Hollar, exquisitely fine and scarce 1 John Dethick, by Lombart —John Thompson, by Marshall, rare , and John Li 1 bume, by Hollar and Glover 4 Mark Gerrard, by Hollar and Bannerman —Daniel Mytens, by Bannerman, and Sir Peter Paul Rubens, by Ho/lozvay, Worlidge, Chamlars, and Facias 8 FIFTH DAY’S SALE. 37 563 064 565 566 567 568 56f) 570 571 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 Sir P. P. Rubens, by Dickinson, Pontius, R. Custodis, &c. 4- Sir P. P. Rubens, by Pontius, half-sheet., Ditto—by Hollar, in a large hat, remarkably fine, and 3 Ditto, by Gregor//,^ Preisler, and IVoollett 5 Sir P. P. Rubens, with Sir Anthony Vandyck, 2 ovals, sur- f rounded with emblems, by Pontius, sheet , brilliant proof 1 7 Sir Anthony Vandyck, 7 by Dickinson, IVorlidge, de Marce- nay, Pontius, Gucht, and C/ouwct, and Gerard Seghers, by De Jode 8 Ditto, with the Sun Flower, by Hollar, fine and scarce 1 Ditto, 3 by Susanna Silvestre, Pazzi, and Plot —Gerard Seghars, by Vorsterman —Palainedes, by Pontius —Gerard- Honthorst, by De Jode, and William Dobson, small oval, all verij fine 7 JVilHam Dobson, by John Bveh/n, fine and rare 1 William Dobson, by George IVhite and Bannerman —Adrian Hanneman, by Ditto —Francis Cleyn, by Chambars — John Lievins, by Vorsterman —David Beck, by Coget — Henry Vanderborcht—Father and Son, both by Hollar — Henry Stone and Henry Steenwyck, by Bannerman — Abraham Diepenbeke, by Pontius —Francis Wouters, by De Jode, and 2 of Cornelius Poelemburgh, by Chambars and Ifaumans 14 John Torrentius, by Vande Velde, fine and rare 1 Henry Vanderborcht, by Hollar —Sir Tobias Matthews, by Gammon —Edward Pierce, by Bannerman —Abraham Vanderdort, by Chambars —Sir Balthazar Gerbier, 2 of, by Chambars, &c. and Nicholas Lanier, by Vorsterman, and Chambars, all fine 8 Hubert Le Soeur, by Bannerman, and Ditto, by John Van Sorrier, fine and rare. 2 Inigo Jones, by l oerst, Green, Bannerman, Hollar, See. fine 5 Wenceslaus Hollar, bv himself, 1 in an oval, and Ditto in a square, both exquisiteh/ fine ' 2 Robert Van Voerst, by himself, brilliant proof —Theodore Rogiers, by Clouwet —Lucas Vorsterman, by Vandyck, and Vorsterman, Junior, and Henry Lewis, by Grig- nion 5 James Gouter, curious proof etching, and Ditto, the finished print, by Li evens 2 Elias Allen, Mathematician, by Hollar, very rare 1 2 John Tradescant’s Father and Son, both by Hollar —Ditto, the Copy, by Smith —James Boehms, by Hollar, and Theophilus Metcalfe 5 William Stokes, Vaulting Master, by Glover, extremely fine <, and rare - 1 /O - ’■ Z - ■ G A - /6 - /a /. /j /6 /p> d ' 7 / / /0 d A3. 582 Anne Countess of Arundel, published by Thane —Alathea Countess of Arundel, 2 by Hollar, and 3 small ovals of Elizabeth Countess of Kent 6 6 583 Elizabeth Countess of Huntingdon, by Marshall, extra rare, prefixed to her Funeral Sermon and Epitaph, by Lord Falkland l a 584 Elizabeth Countess of Huntingdon , by Payne, Cupul sup¬ porting a celestial crown over her head, jine and extra rare 1 585 Rachael Countess of Southampton, by AL‘Aide11 —Anne Countess of Bedford, by Eombart, and Elizabeth Coun¬ tess of Essex 3 586 Frances Bridges Countess of Exeter, after Vandyclc, by Faithorne, most brilliant and ext)a rure ] « 587 Ditto, by Ogborne —Elizabeth Countess of Devon, by Eombart —3 of Lucy Countess of Carlisle, by Lombart, Balliu, &c.— Margaret Countess of Carlisle, by Lom¬ bart, and Dorothy Countess of Sunderland, 2 of, by Ditto, &c .fne 8 O 588 Anne Countess of Caernarvon, by Morin and Lombart — Maria Countess of Portland, by Hollar —Catherine Duchess of Lenox, by Lommclin, and Penelope Lady FJerbert, by Lombart 5 - 580 Frances Countess of Portland, by Browne, and Ditto, small square, P. Stent excudit. both remarkably Jine 2 /J 5QO Lady Venetia Digby, by Basire —Susanna Lady Lister- Jane Goodwin, by Gunst, and Lady Philadelphia Whar¬ ton, bv Du/dcarton 4 591 Lady Catherine Howard, aged 13, in an oval, by Hollar , most brilliant , and Catherine Lady Percival, by Faber, f scarce 2 592 Elizabeth Lady Harvey, by Hollar , very fne and scarce 1 593 Margaret Smith, by Faithorne, rare I 594 Anne Countess of Morton, and Madame Anne Kirk, sitting in a landscape, by Groensvelt, fine and rare 1 595 Lucy Sacheverell, by Faithorne —Marv Griffiths, by Glover —Anne Wake, by Clouwet, and Margaret Lemon, b\ Morin and Ferdinand, scarce 5 v 596 Margaret Lemon, after Vandyck, by Lomme/in, and Ditto, a proof, both brilliant 2 597 Margaret Lemon, 2 of, by Gayzcood and Groensvelt, very fine and scarce 2 598 Margaret Lemon, by Hollar, scarce and brilliant impres¬ sion 1 599 Maria Ruten Lady Vandyck, by Bohzcert, Faithorne and Larmessin, scarce 3 . FIFTH DAY’S SALE. 39 / £> / /O /O / / / //j • // 600 Anne Countess of Morton, and Elizabeth Countess of Castlehaven, by Lambent —Lettice Viscountess Falk¬ land, by Marshall, fine-— Archy the King’s Jester—John Bradshaw, by Gucht, and Captain Robert Dover, with view of the Cotswold Games, a pen drawing 6 601 Hobson the Carrier of Cambridge, by Payne, scarce 1 602 Old Parr, 5 of, by JIabcrt, Hutting, Powle, King, and Fan Dalen, and Young Parr, 2 of, by George White, &c. 7 603 Francis Battalia the Stone-eater, by Hollar , fine and rare 1 / 604 John Clavel the celebrated Highwayman, by IVilliam Hole , „ fine and rare 1 Cm John Bull and Richard Farnham, wood cut, scarce —Jeffrey Hudson, by Fitt/er —Moll Cutpurse, a pen drawing, and — small oval of Ditto, and Richard ILerst 5 606 Mary de Medicis, 5 of, by Morin, Peter de .Tode, See. and her Union with Henry the Fourth, by Martenesie 6 607 Mary de Medicis, by Fertile, and 3 richly habited, by , Thomas de Leu, fine and rare 4 / 008 Mary de Medicis, in an oval, on a genealogical tree—Ditto, by John Wierx, and Ditto, by Jacques Granthome, curious / and rare 4 O 09 Mary de Medicis, under a canopy supported by angels, holding the svyord and balance, by Thomas de Leu, 2 ^ with variations, both extremely fine 2 GlO Mary de Medicis, seated, holding a sceptre, and Ditto in a widow’s dress, by Gaultier, remarkably fine and. curious 2 til 1 Mary de Medicis, in an oval, by Cornelius Guile, and Ditto, in an oval, with emblems, oblong sheet, fine 2 612 Mary de Medicis kneeling at her devotions, by Forsterman, and Ditto with Charles the First and Henrietta Maria presenting a crown and sceptre, by Hollar, fine and scarce 2 613 The Entrance or Grand Cavalcade of Mary de Medicis through Cheapside, rare and curious I G14 William Prince of Orange, after Cooper , by Henry Hondius , fine and rare, and Ditto, small oval, by Marshall 2 015 William Prince of Orange, on horseback, commanding an army, Cupid crowning him with laurel, by Jaques / J Levecque, 1645, rare and curious, and Ditto, by Captain Baillie 2 Gl 6 Claude Due de Chevreuse, by Daret and, Gustavus Adol¬ phus, 3 by Sebastian Funk, Marot, See. J ine and y scarce 4 617 Gustavus Adolphus, 8 prints of, by Cecil, Ilibbert, de Leu Killian, &c. some scarce 8 / Gl8 Gustavus Adolphus, 2 prints, by Michael Lasne, large ovals ^ in armour, fine and scarce 2 / // / <9 / / /■ /j- o 40 FIFTH DAY'S SALE. <0 . / —" /o / /2 /Z /• 2. / / /- // O. /J_ ^> ?' /■ d /cP ■ d>. d? / Oliver Cromwell, by Gayzcood, Worlidge, Sharp, Gucht, Latnborne, Breiherton, &c. Ditto in an oval with emblems, Clement, de Jonghe excudit. rare y Oliver Cromwell, by Vanhove, and Ladmiral —Ditto with a rope round his neck, and variation, fine and scarce 4 ’ / /. 2. '? ro 7- SJ . /• /O - - 2 - o’'- /6 - 6 V Houbraken and Gardiner , and General Fleetwood, by lloubraken 7 James Earl of Derby, by Loggan, fine and scrace 1 SIXTH DAY’S SALE. 43 674 G~ 5 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 6 S Nalton, by Chantry —Hezekiah Holland, and Thomas Cawton, fne and scarce 5 John Murcot, by Faithorne, 6 English verses, most brilliant and scarce l / /- J2 /■ /2 / / /a • 7 /■ /o /4- /2

^ 699 / / • /4 700 701 & 702 / 703 • l 704 t-' ‘ 705 t , 706 J 70? / 4 70S 709 710 «3 897 John Kettlewell, by Smith, mez.—Ditto, by Vertue, and Clement Ellis, 7E. 68 3 898 John Newton, aged 39, and Jphn Goad, bv JVhite, fue and scarce 2 899 Thomas Manton, 2 prints, 4to. and folio, by JVhite —Tho¬ mas Goodman, by Ditto —John Owen, 2 prints by Ditto and Vertue, and Robert Walwvn, all fine <», 930 John Codings, by White- —William Baker, 3 prints by JVhite and Sturt, and Anthony Tuokncy, by W hite, ten/ fine 3 901 John Owen, oval mez. /. Vandevelde , exc- and John CoU lings, oval mez. sold bv Beckett, both fine amt rare 2 9)2 Four frontispieces to Farewell Sermons, containing nume¬ rous portraits of eminent Divines, fine and scarce 4 903 Stephen Charnock—Samuel Cradock, and Matthew Bole. all by R. JVhite, very fine 3- 904 Joseph Caryl, the large and small print, both by R JVhite —Ditto, by Caldwell —John Howe, by W hile Tho¬ mas Doolittle, and 3 prints of Thomas < louge, by If kite . Gucht, and Van Hove. 8 EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. So 905 906 907 908 / 909 910 91 1 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 Samuel Clarke, 7 prints of, by Cross, Gayn'ood, 2 with va¬ riations, and Thomas Watson, by Sturt 8 Henry Newcome and Samuel Clarke, both by White, fine and , scarce a - Nathaniel Vincent, by White —Christopher Nesse—James Eorbes, and Ralph Venning, by Hollar, scarce 4 John Ray, by L/der -—George Trosse by Vertue , and Richard Baxter, by Spilsbury, Drapentier, Van Hove, and JR. White, some scarce and f ne 7 John Flavel, 3 prints of, by Gucht and White, Richard Baxter, by White and Ar. So/ey, scarce, and Matthew Mead, 2 of, by White, &c. 6 Isaac Ambrose, IF. 59—Edmund French, by White—- Na¬ thaniel Partridge, by Hopwood, and Benjamin Keach, by Gucht and Drapentier 5 Hansard Knollis, iE. 67 —John Hopwood, by Drapentier, and Hugh Peters, 2 prints, 1 with JO English verses, scarce " 4 Cardinal Howard, by Hob/in, and Ditto, by Poilly, large , sheet, fne and scarce 2 - Cardinal Howard, mez. by John Vanderbraggen, and Ditto, - in an octagon, by F. Bouttats, jun. fnc and rare 2 Bonaventura Baron, oval, in a grand architectural entablature - by Wolfgang Kilian, fine and rare 1 " H. Brady—Oliver Plunkett, by R. Collin —John Young, Jesuit—Thomas Pickering, and John Fenwick, by Mar - ^ tin Bouche, rare 5 Oliver Plunkett, mez.—John Banyan, ditto, by Houston, and Collier —Richard Carpenter, by Faithorne, and Ditto, by Cross, curious and rare 5 Sir \\ illiam Mortice, by HoubraJcen— Sir Edward Nicholas, by Gucht, and Ditto, by Vertue, very fine, and a curious manuscript, account of him 3 Sir Richard Fanshawe, by Faithorne, and Sir Leoline Jen¬ kins, by G, l under Gucht, both fine and scarce 2 Sir William Temple, by Vertue —Ditto, by Vinkeles, and Ditto, by Vunderbanc 2 Sir Dudley North, by Vertue, and Sir Stephen Fox, bv Simon, rare *t John Hervey Esq. hand on a bust, after Lely, II. Thompson excudit. very fine and rare 1 ^ Andrew Marvell, by Bonner and Cipriani —Edward Lord Clarendon, mez. by T. Johnson, and Sir John Perciva! by Faber, fine and rare 4 Edward Earl of Clarendon, by White, fine, and Ditto, by , Loggan, scarce 2 Sir Orlando Bridgman, by Gucht, White , and Faithorne, all / fine 3 / / /o • / cP /4l //j . /U - \3 - . 2 . o /// • / 2 - sdi // 4 // / t3 ■ ■ z2 - • A/ . 0 \ // . / . f *J v/' /Z //• / 2 J- /• /<3 z ■

Place, very fine and rare ] Thomas Killigrew, Page of Honor to Charles the First, seated in his study , by Faithorne , most brilliant and rare 1 Sir I’hilip Percival—Sir John Percival, 2 prints. Father and Son—George Percival and Robert Percival, from the House of Yvery, by Faber, fine and rare " 5 Dr. Scarborough, by Gucht— Peter Barwiek, bv Fertile— John Archer, and 2 of William Ramsey, by Sherwin, & c * ^ ^ W illiam Sermon, by Sherwin and Cross, both fine and scarce n Sir Edmund King, after Lely, by Williams, extra fine and sea rce I ,Z Sir Edmund King, after Kneller, by White, fine and scarce I /t> . 2 / / 7 968 / - 969 /• /J' / • fi& k3/0 sy / ~ / — z . // . / /'o £ / /3 - / / • / 970 971 972 973 974 975 970 977 978 979 ' ■ $80 J V of 981 /o' > 982 983 ,984 / /

.A3 / £ - /2 - //. / CO NINTH DAY’S SALE . V- ct~ 7 /<3 __ / . /O - A d? 7 2 . 77 / / / 7 / /2 7 7 7 1099 1100 1101 / 1102 / - 1103 /o _ 1104 /. /

_ /v3 _ / • /*3 Z - A End of the Ninth Day’s Sale. 66 Tenth Day's Sale, SATURDAY, the 28th of JANUARY, 1809- LOT n. /j 11S7 /. o ‘ 1138 1139 2. 1140 J. <3 . /- //. 6 1141 1142 1143 ~ /z - 1 144 4l. 1145 / 7 . / 1146 *3. 6 / 1147 1148 _ _ _ y / 1149 /- 1150 Reign of Charles the Second continued. ARLES the Eleventh King of Sweden, whole length, by Boulanger —Ditto, by Blessendorf , and Ditto on horse¬ back, by F. Stephani, scarce 3 Cosmos Third Duke of Tuscany, by Simon, Cause, &c. and Cardinal Deretz, by Morin, Lasne, and Deroschers 7 Hamet Ben Unmet, Ambassador Extraordinary from Mo¬ rocco, by R. White , most brilliant and scarce, and Ditto, bv Tomkins 2 Kaia Nebba and K. A by say a Scdana, Ambassadors from the Sultan of Bantam, in the same plate, by R. White, extra fne and rare 1 Ditto, oblong mez. by Luttrell, fine and rare 1 Cornelius Trump, large sheet, by Lambert Visscher , and Ditto, by Van Dalen, scarce 2 Ditto, after Leh/, by Bloote/ing, sheet, very fine and scarce 1 Christian Hugens, by Edelinck, proof, and Marcellos Mal¬ pighi, 2 of, by Kip, &c. fine and scarce 3 Charles John Lord Koningsmurke, in an ornamented oval of foliage, arms and title beneath, by R. White, most brilliant and very rare 1 Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek, by Goeree, Sec. —John Bap¬ tist de Seignelay, by Desrochcrs and Edelinck, and the Mareschale de Grammont, by Ditto, f ine 5 Charles Patin, by Masson, very fine, and Ditto, by Le Febure, &c. 4 The Family of Charles Patin , by Juster, fine and scarce 1 Charles Patin, by Fancier Gucht —Guy Patin, by Desrochers —John de la Fontaine, by Edelinck and Picart —2 of Gregory Leti, by Go/e, &c. and Daniel George Morhof, by Fritcsch 7 Reign of James the Second. 'The grand Cavalcade to the Coronation of James the Second and his Queen, on 19 sheets, by She ruin, Collins, Syc. 1 TENTH DAY’S SALE. 67 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 ■ 7 - / o■ £ /&■ & 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 The Inthronization, Coronation, Interior of St. Peter’s Westminster, and Ditto of Westminster Hall, with 0.7-/6 representation of the Coronation Dinner, by S'. Moure and W. Sherwin , on 4 sheets, very fine 4 James the Second, in armour, by Smith, and Ditto, in his robes, by Ditto, both fine 2 James the Second, by Thomassin and Audran , and Ditto, by Blondeau, fine and scarce 3 James the Second, ornamental oval, in armour, by Peter Stevens, very fine and scarce 1 James the Second, by Tkornthwaite —Ditto, in an oval, inscribed Jacobus II. fugitivus. Ilex Britannia, &c.— Ditto, inscribed Re Giacomo, curious and scarce —Ditto, by White, and 1 historical of his Departure from Paris to Ireland, by Schoonbeck 5 James the Second, on a charger, Dutch inscription, battle in the distance, fine and scarce 1 Maria Beatrix Queen of James II. oval, mez. by Smith, and Ditto, P. Tempest excudit. very fine and scarce 2 Maria Beatrix, by G. Audran, White and J. Blondeau, very fine and scar ce 3 Maria Beatrix, in an ornamented oval, by Peter Stephani, / very fine and scarce, and Ditto, by White, Svo. 2 Katherine Queen Dowager, sitting by a fountain, after Lely, fol. inez.—James Prince of Wales, mez. by P. A / o Schenck , and Ditto, in an oval, by P. Bouttats, junior, scarce 3 / ■ A? A .2 1161 Katherine Queen Dowager, small oval, mez. E. Cooperexc. and Ditto, 4to. mez. by Smith, both fine and rare 2 1 162 Mary Princess of Orange, fol. mez. by P. Schenck, and Princess Anne of Denmark, whole length, by Vanderbanc , both extra fine 2 1163 George Prince of Denmark, in armour, by Gunst —Ditto, bv Ca/dxa/l —Laurence Earl of Rochester, and George Marquis of Halifax, by Iioubraken, very fine 4 1164 John Earl of Mulgrave, oval, mez. by Smith, and Ditto, in armour, by Bechet, fine and scarce 2 1165 Alexander Earl of Murray, in an oval of armorial bearings, by Vanderbanc, very fine and scarce 1 1166 James Earl of Perth, after Riley, by White, in a rich oval of armorial bearings, extra fine and scarce 1 1167 James Earl of Perth, in an oval of ditto, after Kneller, by White, and Ditto, by Jac Blondeau, both fine and scarce 2 1168 Archibald Earl of Argyle, by Haelwegh, and Ditto, by P. Vanderbanc,, both fine 2 11 69 Archibald Earl of Argyle, in an ornamented oval, by D. Loggan, very fine and scarce 1 1170 Charles Duka of Somerset, bv Faber, and Count D’Ada, oval, mez. by Beckett, fine and scarce 2 A ^ / / - - / // /- Z, /o , . . /cP . •7 •7 X. ' /J' , ' At-. / X - - //* l // . ^ so l 2 .e ~ * /e> . o / ^ /l 4 a o , - I /A /• /«3 1171 Christopher Duke of Albemarle, by Beckett, oval, mez. most brilliant and rare 1 1172 James Duke of Monmouth, on horseback, after Wyck, by Bail/ie, very fine, and view of his Execution, by Schoonc- beck 2 1173 James Duke of Berwick, oval, large sheet, emblems in the angles, by P. Drevet, very fine and rare 1 1174 Lord Euston, whole length, by Smith, and Lewis Earl of Feversham, oval, by Ditto, fine and scarce 2 1175 Wriotherley Lord Russell, whole length, by Beckett, fine and scarce 1 1176 Ilenry Lord de la Mer, and John Duke of Marlborough, both by Smith, very fine 2 H77 John Earl of Me fort, by Beckett, oval, mez. very fine and scarce 1 1178 John Earl of Melfort, in an oval of armorial bearings, by Vanderbanc, extra fine and rare 1 1179 John Viscount Dundee, in armour, folio—Ditto, by R. Smith, 12mo.-—Charles Marquis of Winchester, by White, and Roger Lord Castlemaine kissing the Rope’s toe, by Westerhout, very fine 4 1180 William Sancroft Archbishop of Canterbury, by White , and Ditto, oval, mez. by Vincent,fine and rare 2 1181 William Sancroft, by David Loggan, extra fine and scarce 1 .1182 The Seven Bishops, by A. Haetzoegh, sheet, very fine and rare 1 1183 The Seven Bishops, by John Sturt, and Ditto, by Gribclin, both very fine and scarce 2 1184 The Seven Bishops, by Robinson, fol, mez. and Henry Compton Bishop of London, by Beckett, fine 2 1183 Thomas Lamplugh Archbishop of York, after Kneller, by Vanderbanc, extra fine and rare l 1186 Nathaniel Crave Bishop of Durham, aj'ler Kneller, by Loggan, ditto 1 1187 Nathaniel Crewe, by Francis Place, oval, mez. most brilliant and rare 1 1188 Thomas Barlow, by Loggan, fine and scarce —William Lloyd, by Vertue, and Thomas Kenn, by Ditto , all fine 3 1189 Thomas Spratt Bishop of Rochester, by D. I.oggan, jine and rare 1 1190 Ditto with Thomas Spratt Archdeacon of Rochester, by Smith —John Tillotson, by While and Houbraken — Ezekiel Hopkins, by Sturt, and Simon Patrick, by G. Vandergucht 5 1191 John Hough, oval, mez. proofs -Gilbert Burnet, by White, very fine —Thomas Burnet, by Faber, and Richard Bax¬ ter, by White 4 1192 Increase Mather, by While, Sturt, and Ditto, small oval, mez. iEtatis 42, fine and scarce, and Bonaventure Gifford, bv Du Bose 4 TENTH DAY’S SALE. 69 Francis Couplet, in a Chinese dress, whole length, by Faber, extra fine, and John Bunyan, by Spilsbury 2 George Lord Jeffryes Baron of Wem, oval, mez. Cooper excudit. very fine and scarce 1 f ng6 1197 1193 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 / disguised in Wapping, zvhole length, surrounded by a multi¬ tude of people, “ Engraved for the Devil’s Broker,” extra fine arid, very rare 1 Sir Stephen Fox, aged 75, oval, mez. by Simon, fine and scarce 1 The Bishop’s Council, 7 ovals, 4to. mm. fine —Sir Creswell Levinz, by White , and John Lord Sommers, by Faber 3 Sir Thomas Street, JEtatis 63, by White, very fine and „ scarce 1 Sir George Mackenzie, oval—Ditto, by Vanderbanc, scarce, and Sir John Hoskins, copy 3 John Lord Cuts, in armour, by Simon, very fine, and Wil¬ liam Cecil, whole length, by Smith, ditto 2 7 Sir John Lowther, after Lely, by Broom, fine proof, rare 1 Sir Charles Cottrell Master of the Ceremonies to three Kings, JEtatis 75, oval, mez. by li. Williams, fine and scarce 1 'Thomas Worsley, Esq. 4 to. mez. after Kneller, by Beckett, rare 1 Benjamin ITewling, Svo. f ine proof, rare 1 William Richards, by Smith —Samuel Pepys, by White — James Bonnell, by Nutting and White, and his Monu¬ ment 5 Sir William Petty, by Smith, very fine —Daniel Ivenrick, by White —2 of William Salmon, by White, &c. and George Jones, by Drapentier , scarce 5 John Dryden, oval, mez. by Faithorne, junior —John Locke, by Ficart, proof —Sir Roger Lestrange, by White —2 of Sir John Chardin, by Loggan and Thomassin, and Sir Paul Rycaut, by Gucht 7 William Winstanley, by Fun Hove —Samuel Wesley with the Maggot, 6 English verses, curious and rare, and Ditto, whole length, by Fertile 3 Sir Isaac Newton, profile bust, within a circle formed with a serpent, etching, by IToare, very rare, and Ditto, a small oval ,fine and scarce 2 Charles de la Fosse, by Duchange , fine —Ditto, by U alker —Henry Tilson and John Sybrecht, by Chambars—Z of Pearce Tempest, whole length, &c.—Henry Purcell and f /o 4- — /o . <9 • £ X /o d? /« __ / / . / John Blow, by Grignion, and Henry Gyles, copy Godfrey Finger kneeling before a bust ot James II Gribelin , fine and scarce, and Lord Henry Scot, i ’at thome, junior, fine ~9 b y bv 52 / / / - / ? ■ sr . i /i3 „ 4 ?- / 4 - /cP . /J. / //.' /< 9 , /<9 // . // // 70 TENTH DAY’S SALE. 1212 Charlotte Countess oF Litchfield, oval mez. and Ditto, whole length by Beckett, scarce 2 1213 Charlotte Countess of Litchfield, after Verelst. hy Vandrebanc, extra fine and rare, and an impression of the same reduced 2 1214 Catharine Countess of Dorchester, after Kueller by Smith, and Madam Jane Skeffington, by Ditto, both very fine 2 1215 Lady Elizabeth Wilmot as a Shepherdess, and Madam Eli¬ zabeth Brownlowe with a parrot, both by Smith , extra hie 2 121G The Ladies Henrietta and Mary Hyde, sitting caressing a Dove, extra fine and scarce —Ladies Henrietta and Anne Churchill, both by Smith, and Henrietta Lady Wentworth, copy 3 1217 Madam Baker, oval 4to. mez. by Beckett, foie and rare 1 1218 Madam Soams, bv Beckett, and Madam Dorothy Mason, by Smith, both extra fine 2 1219 Elizabeth Countess of Kildare in a large hat, oval mez. by Smith, and Ditto, by 11. Williams, fine and scarce 2 1220 Madam Loflus, by Smith, and Madam Lucy Loftus, sold by Browne, fine and scarce 2 1221 Titus Oates standing in the pillory surrounded by seven por¬ traits of Jesuits in ovals and representation of his punishment at the cart's tail, sheet rare ] 1222 Ilans Billing, mountebank, wh. len. with a monkey, after Laroon. 4 to mez. rare 1 1223 Fourteen of remarkable characters from Tempest's Cries 14 1224 Philip’s Merry-Andrew on the stage—Hugh Massey, the merry tidier—Clark the English posture-master, and two different of the female Dutch rope-dancer, brilliant im¬ pressions before the numbers 5 1225 Hans IVormbergh the Dwarf \ whole length, mez. brilliant impression, scarce and curious, and a small etching of ditto 2 122G Sir Richard Stacpoole of Pembrokeshire in armour, by James Watson, private plate, remarkably fine 1 1227 Carolus Utenhovius, by Crisp. Pass, and James Marquis of Hamilton, wh. len. by Martin Droeshout, scarce 2 1228 Sir Richard Shelley, by Basire —Richard Kingston, copy — George Earl of Shrewsbury, and Anne his Countess, pub¬ lished by Thane —Henry Duke of Richmond, bv Clamp — Henry Earl of Northampton, two of—Anne Duchess of Somerset, by Nugent, and Lady Arabella Stuart, copy 8 1229 Sir Thomas Chaloner, by Earlom,fine —two of Charlotte Countess of Derby, by Gardiner and Nugent —Henry Earl of St. Albans, by Gardiner, and small oval by Sir John Maynard TENTH DAY’S SALE. 71 ADDENDA. /z / /Kj /&■ i // /- /J / /> / 1230 Henry the Fourth of France, touching to cure the evil, by P. Firens, with printed account beneath, rare 1 1231 An emblematical representation of the Coronation of Mary de Medicis, by L. Gaultier, sheet, rare and curious 1 1232 Sir Robert Naunton, secretary of state to James I. and au¬ thor of the Fragmenta Regalia, three quarters, richly dress- f r • 6 cd, by Simon Pass, 4 to. fine and extraordinary rare 1 1233 Sir John Huyssen Cattendyck, knighted by James /. at Theobald's, 1624 , brilliant proof, extra rure } 1234 The Illustrious Lord Robert Devereux, Earle of Essex and Eice, $c. in armour, sash, arms, motto, and eight English & verses on a tablet beneath his crest, by Compton Holland, see Walpole, extra rare 1 123.5 Robert Earl of Essex, General of the Army, oval, after Dobson, by Faithorne, fne and rure l 1236 Count Corfitz Vfield, with his Lady sitting in his lap, the original print by Folkema, rare, and the copy 1237 Captain Robert Dover on horseback, with representation of the Cotswold Games, the original print, very rare and curi¬ ous l 1238 James Scot, within an oval, bv Crispin de Pass, very fine, and William Mackdowell, JEtatis 57, f ine and scarce 2 1239 Colonels I. Barkstead, M. Corbet, and John Okey, 3 de¬ tached ovals in 1 plate, with view of their being drawn on sledges and their execution beneath, extremely rare and cu¬ rious 1 1240 Adoniram Byfield with the windmill on his head, the devil blowing the sails, inscribed, a Bull and Mouth Man, 8 Eng¬ lish verses beneath, most rare and curious J 1241 Edmund Gregory, by Marshall, fine and scarce 1 1242 John Owen, by It. White, brilliant proof, rare 1 / . 1243 Robert Dixon, I). D. Prebendary of Rochester, See. within an oval, arms beneath , TV. Reader pinxit, I. Collins, sculp, fol. fine and extraordinary rare, not mentioned either by Granger or Bromley 1 1244 George AI sop, cap and surplice, by Shcrzcin, 4 English verses, scarce, and the Unfortunate Court Favorites, 9 portraits, in different copartments 2 1245 Anthony Turner Jesuit, by C. Fan Merlen, fine and scarce 1 1246 Robert Aylett, JE. 52, 1635, by T. Cross, very fine and rare I 1247 Doctor Peter Levens holding an urinal, by I. Chantry, remarkably fine and rare 1 1248 John Starter Anglo Britanus, oval, in a shell drawn by swans, directed by cupid, fine and scarce 1 / Z < 9 & Z /<9 c 9 ;/ /■ 7 O v / o AT — //- /j A ^ A AA /o - /a 2# /fp cA ^ / O' /2 - /- / J2 /• 4 //j / 35 - -, Robert Devereux, Earl of, 104 to 106. no. 498 to 502. 1234, I2 35* -, Francis, Countess of, 281. -, Margaret, Elizabeth, Countess of, 585. -, Arthur Capel, Earl of, 854, 855. •-, the Countess Dowager of, 1080. Etienne, Chevalier, 23. Evelyn, John, 1008. 1044. Everard, Dr. yiSv Euston, Lord, 1174. Exeter, Frances Brydges, Countess of, 586, 587. 1078. -, John, the Earl of, 849. Fabricus, N. Claud, 329. Fagius, Paul, 63. Fairclough, Samuel, 468. 688. Fairfax, William, 244, -, Ferdinando, Lord, 304. -, Sir Thomas, 302 to 506. 347. 666. 70S. -, Thomas, Lord, 548. 868. Faithorne, William, ro42. Falconberg, Thomas Bellasyse, Viscount, 835. 838. Falkland, Henry Cary, Lord, 433. -, Lucius Cary, Viscount, 546. -Lettice, Lady, 600. Falkner, William, 896. Fanshaw, Sir Richard, 918. Farewell Sermons, Frontispieces to ditto, 902. Farrar, Robert, 77. Featly, Daniel, 455. -, John, 46 1. Fenner, William, 458. Fenwick, John, 915. INDEX. 79 Ferdinand, Archp. of Cologne, 56. -, King of Castile, 56. Feversham, Lewis, Eail of, 1174. Fevre, Claude le, 1035. Fideli, Thomas, 707. Fielding, Robert, 952, 933. -, Lady Mary, 1119. Fiennes, Nathaniel, 672. Finch, Edward, 459. -, John, Lord, 4S0. -■ , Heneage, 923. -, Lady Essex, 1084, 1083. -, Henry, 886. Finger, Godfrey, 1211. Fisher, John, 40. Flamsteed, John, 896. Flatman, Thomas, 991. 1035. Flavel, John, 909. Fleetwood, Charles, Lord Deputy, 672. 707. Fleming, Richard, 19. Fletcher, John, 233 Fligen, Eve, 287. Florius, or Florio. Jo. 270. Fludd, Robert, 230. Fontaine, Jean de la, 1149. Forbes, Patrick, 217. -, James, 907. Fortescue, Sir John, 20. Fox, Richard, 41. -, John, 118. -, Sir Stephen, 920. 1196. Francis I. of France, 56. - II. &c. 93, 94. Frank, Mark, 883. Frederick III. ot Denmark, 290. 292. Frederick Henry, Son of the Pals¬ grave, 392, 393. 6 zi. 624, 625. •-, Elect. Palat. 293 to 298. Frobisher, or Frobiser, Sir Martin, *3 1, ' 32 - Froissard, John, 23. Frost, John, 694. Fulke, William, ii6. Fuller, Thomas, 433. 883 . ——, Isaac, 732. Gadbury, John, 750. 1026, Gale, Thomas, 137. Gamble John, 752. Gardiner, Stephen, 63, 76. Garencieres, Theophilus, 976. Garnet, Henry, 119. 230. Garrard Mark, 149. 562. Gascoigne, Sir W. 20. Gascoigne, George, 139, Gassendus, Peter, 330. Gauden, John, 680, 681. George, Prince of Hanover, 829. -, Mother, 1135. Gerarde, John, 145. Gerbier, Sir Balthasar, or Baltha¬ zar 473, 474. 572. Gethinge, Richard, 1250. Ghibbes, J. Alban, 992. Giffard, Bonaventure, 1192. Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, 132, 133. -Samuel, ion. Gilly, Sarah, 1030. Gilpin, Bernard, 7S. Glanvil, Jos. 890. Glisson, Francis, 968. Glocester, Humphrey Duke of, 7. -, Jacq. Duchess of, 8. -, Henry, Duke of, 378. 814, 813. Goad, John, 898. Godfrey, Sir Edm. Bury, 947, 948. Godwin, Francis, 214. Goldsmith, Francis, 721. 723. Gomarus, Francis, 163. Gondamor, Count, 31010313. Goodwin, Arthur, 313. --, Jane, 590. -, John, 461. 690, 692. *-, Thomas, 899. Goring, George, Lord, 491. Gouge, William, 457. ■-, Thomas, 904. Gouter, James, 577. Gower, John, 21. Grafton, Henry, Duke of, 844. -> Isabella, Duchess of, 1073 to 1073. Graham, Madam, 1095. Grammont, Philli. Count, 1146. -, Lady, 11 iS. Grandison, Will. Villiers, Vis. 433. Granger, Rev. Mr. 1, 1239. Granville, Sir Bevil, 491. Graves, John, 247. -, Richard, 933. Gray, Lady Jane, see Gray. Grcatraks, Valentine, 980, 80 INDEX. Greaves, John, 74.1. Gregory, Edmund, 1241. Greenhill, John, 1035. Grenvile, Sir Richard, 132. Gresham, Sir Thomas, 134, 135. Grew, Nehemiah, 969. Grey, Lady Jane, 66. 79. ■——, Lady, 1087. Griffith, Mary, 595. Grindall, Edmund, 113. Grotius, Hugo, 318. 721. Guilford, Francis, Lord, 930, 931. Guldeforde, Henry, 37. -, Lady, 53. Gustavus Adolphgs, 616 to 623. Gundamor. See Gondamor. Gunpowder Plot, the Conspirators in it, 284 to 286. Gunning, Peter, 880. Gwynn, Eleanor, 1103 to 1109. Gyles, Henry, 1210. Haddington, Simon, Earl of, 1255. Hackett, John, 877. Hadrian. See Adrian. Hale, Sir Matthew, 932, 933. 707. Hales, John, 453. Hall, John, 137. --, Joseph, 443 to 447. -, John, 555. -, Jacob, 1128, 1229. Hatifax, George Savile, Marquis of, 1163. Hamden, or Hampden, John, 476. Hamet, Ambassador, 1139. Hamilton, Ja. Marquis of, 420. 1227. -, William, Duke of, 675. ---, Anthony, Count of, 999. H anneman, Adrian, 570, Ha rcourt, Henry, Count de, 627, 628. Harley, Thomas, 247. —>-, Sir Robert, 513. -, Sir Edward, 946. Harrington, Sir John, 140. -, John, Lord, the Father, 204. -, the son,205. -.James, 1019,743 to 745. --, Catharine, 745. H arrison. Major-general, 504. —-John, 515. HarfgiU, George, 1 i8. Plarvey, Wm. 249, 521. 522* -, Gideon, 974. Hatfield, Martha, 761. Hawkins, Sir John, 130, 131. -, Francis, 319. Hawkwood. See Acutus. Haydoek, Richard, 136. Hayward, Sir John, 79. 267, Head, Richard, 993. Hearne, Thomas, 638. Heath, Sir Robert 483. -, Henry, 471. Heinsius, Daniel, 166, 167. Helyot, Madam, 1116, 1117, Henchman, Humphrey, 873. Henderson, Alexander, 468. Henry I. 1, 2. ■ - II- 3 * -- III. 3. - IV. 6. - V. 6. - VI. 6, 7. - VII. .0, n. - his three Children, 11. - VIII. 11. 24 to 29. 51, - II. of France, 167. - III. of France, 153. -IV. of France, 154 to 163., 606. 1230, - Prince, 174, 176, 177. 180, 184. Henrietta Maria, 338 to 367. 645 to 646. 796. Herbert, Edward, Lord, 433. 346. -, George, 453. -—, Penelope, Lady, 588. Heriot, Geo. 273. Herst, Richard, 603. Herrick, Robert, 537. Hertford, William Seymour, Mar¬ quis of, 421. Hervey, William, 515. ■ -, Lady Elizabeth, 592. -, John, 921. Hewitt, John, 68z, 683. Hewling, Benjamin, 1204. Hewse. See Hughes. Plewson, John, 709. Heydon John, 1029. Heylin, Peter, 891. Hibberf, Henry, 894. Hicks, William, 732. INDEX. 81 Highmore, Nathaniel, 971, 972, Hilder, Thomas, 700. Hildersham, Arthur, 228. Hill, Thomas, 146. Hilliard, Nicholas, 146. Hobart, Sir Henry, 242. Hobbs, or Hobbes, Thomas, 991. 1012 to 1015. Hobson, Mr. 601. Hodder, James, 1025. Hoddesdon, John, 728. Hodson, William, 545. Holbein, Hans, 52. Holder, William, 885. Holland, Thomas, 116. --—, Philemon, 524.-• --, Hezekiah, 694, --, Henry Rich, Earl of, 244. 424. 490. Hollar, Wenceslaus, 575.1040. Holies, or Hollis, Denzil, 863. Holt, John, 7 (2. Hommius, Festus, 329. Hondius, Henry, 274. •-, Abraham, 1037. Honthorst, Gerard, 568. Hooker, Richard, 116. Hooper, John, 76, 77, Hopton, Ralph, Lord, 49r. Hopkins, Ezekiel, 1190. Hopvvood, John, 911. Hoskins Sir John, 1199, Hotham, Sir John, 479. Hough, John, 1191. Howard, SirJ. 13. --, Lady Catharine, 591. -, Thomas Phil. 912,913. Howe, John, 904. Howell, James, 738. Howson, John, 444. Hudson, Jeffrey, 605. Hughs, Margaret, 1112, 1113. Humphrey Laurence, 115. Hunsdon, Lady, 150. Hunt, William, 1006. Huntingdon, Henry Hastings, Earl of, 422. —— -, Elizabeth, Countess of, 583, 584. Hutton, Matthew, 114. 208. -, Sir Richard, 483. Huygens, Constantine, 330, 331. Huygens, Christian, 1144. Hyde, Thomas, 885. -, the Lady Henrietta, and the Lady Mary, 1216. Jack (Jaccheus) Gilbert, 252. Jackson, Arthur, 692. James I. King of Scotland, 12, 13. -II. &c. 13. - III. 13. - IV. 13. - V. 33. - VI. 102. James I. of England, 95. 100*. 168. 178. 249. - his Family, 191, 192. -, Duke of York. See York. -, Captain Thomas, 549. -II. 1150 to 1156. -, Prince of Wales, n6o. Jamesone, George, 271. Jansen, Cornelius, 271. Jaurar, Ben Abdallah, 632. Jefferies, Sir George, 933. -■, George, Ld. 1194, 1193. Jegon, John, 214. Jenkins, David, 485, -, SirLeoline, 918. -, Henry, 1131. Jennings, Edmund, 119. Jessey, Henry, 466. Jesuits in Council, 229. Jewel, John, 114. John VIII. Pope, 14. -, King of England, 2,3. -- of Gaunt, 5. Johnson, or Jonson, Benjamin, 253, 254. 530. -, Robert, 974. Johnston, Arthur, 541. -, John,978. Jones, Sir William, 484. -, Inigo, 574. -, Lady Elizabeth, 109!. -, George, 1206. Jordan, Sir Joseph, 940. Ireton, Henry, 509. 672. Isabella, the Lady, 813. Isham, Sir Thomas, 943, 944. Israel, Manasseh Ben. 766. Junius, Hadrianus, 80. -, Francis, 633, 634. 82 INDEX. Juxon, William, 399, 444. Katherine, Queen Dowager. See Catherine. Keach, Benjamin, 910. Keay Nabee. See Bantam Ambas¬ sadors. Keeling, Josiah, 1127, 1130. Kelly, Edward, 144. Kelsey, John, 1128. Kenn, Thomas, 881, 1188. Kenrick, John, Esq. 958. -, Daniel, 1206. Kent, Elizabeth, Countess of, 582. Kersey, John, 1005. Ketel, Cornelius, 146, 148. Kettlewell, John, 897. Kilburne, Richard, 741. Kildare, the Countess of, 1219. Killegrew, Thomas. 958. 961.989. King, John, 208, 209. •-, Sir Edmund, 965, 966. Kingston, Robert Pierpoint Earl of, 493- -, Richard, 1228. Kirk, Anne, 594. -, Mary, 1093. 1252. Kneller, Godfrey, 1033. Knight, Mrs. 1109. Knollis, Hansard, 911. Knox, John, 7S. 118. Koningsmark, Count, 1145. Lake, Authur, 216. Lambarde, William, 144. J-.ambert, John, 509. 707. 732. Lamplugh, Thomas, 1185. La Motte, John, 516. Lane, Jane, 639. 759. Laniere, Nicholas, 572. Lant, Thomas, 149. Largilliere, Nicholas de, 1036. La Soeur, Hubert, 573. Lassus, Orlandus, 167. Latimer, Hugh, 63. 75, 76, 77. Laubespine, Charles de, 626. Laud, William, 437 to 442. Lauderdale, John, Duke of, 863 to 866 . -, the Duchess of, 864. u 15. Lawes, Henry, 576. 758. 1237. Leate, Alderman, 248. Le Blon, Michael, 6294 Leeuwenhook, Anthony van, 1146. Leicester, Robert Dudley, Earl of, 107 to no. 123. Leigh, Edward, 731. 996. Leighton, Dr. Alexander, 458. -, Robert, 701. Leland, John, 42. Lely, Sir Peter, 1032 to 1C34. Lemon, Margaret, 595 to 598. Lennard, Sampson, 270. Lennox, Cath. Duchess of, 58S, Le Piper, Francis, 1037, 1038. Le Soeur. See La Soeur. Lesley, John, 114. Leslie, or Lesley, David, 712. L’Estrange, Roger, 998. 1207. Lethieullicr, Catharine, 1253. Leti, Gregorio, 1149. Leven, Alexander, Earl of, 510. Levinz, Sir Creswell, 1197. Levens, Peter, 1247. Ley, Sir James, 242. Leybourne, William, 742. 1004. Lichfield, Bernard Stuart, Earl of, 432. -, the Countess of, 1212, 1213. Lightfoot, John, 889. Lilburne, John, 561. 712. Lilly, William, 748. 1023. Linacre, Thomas, 51. Lindsey, Robert Bartue, (Bertie,) Earl of, 492, 493. -, Montagu, Earl of, 493, . 494 - Lisle, Sir George, 513. Lister, Sir Martin, 513. -, Susanna, Lady, 390. Lithgow, William, 270. Littleton, or Lyltleton, Judge, 20. -•, Sir Edward, 480 to 482. Livens, John, 570. Lloyd, Humphrey, 144. --, William, Bishop of St. Asaph, 1188. Locke, John, 1207. Loekyer, Nicholas, 684. -, Lionel, 979. Loftus, Madam, 1220. ■-, Lucy, 1220. Long, Jane, 1098. Longueville, Henry, Due de, 764. Love, Christopher, 690 to 692. . . INDEX. 83 Love, Richard, 885. Loveday, Robert, 748. Lovelace, Richard, 535. Louse, Mother, 1134.1254. Lower, Sir William, 725. Lowther, Sir John, 1201. Loyola, Ignatius, 57, 58. Lucas, Sir Charles, 513. Ludlow, Edmund, 704. Lumley, John, Lord, 204. Lunsford, Col. 493. Lupton, Dr. 458. Mabuse, or Mabusius, John, 22. Maccallame, Anne, 1136. Mace, Thomas, 1046. Mackenzie, Sir George, 936. U99. Mackdowell, William, 1238. Maitland, Richard, Lord, 866. Malpigi, Marcellus, i'44. Manasseh, &c. See Ben Israel. Manchester, Hen. Montague, Earl of, 399. ---, Edward, Earl of, 509. Manfre, Blaise de, 768. Mansfield, Ernest, Count, 325 to 328. Manton, Thomas, 899. Margaret of Austria, 80. ■■ — • -, Queen of Henry VI. 7. ■ ■ - , Mother of Henry VII. 12. -, Queen of Scotland, 38*. Markham, Gervase, 559. Malborough, James Ley, Earl of, 399 - « - - —, John Duke of, 1176. Marriot, 760. Martin, Richard, 260. Martyr, Peter, 65. Marvell, Andrew, 922. 990. Mary, Princess, 32. -, Queen of France, 33. -, Queen, 68, 69. -, of Lorraine, Queen of James v. 33. -, Queen of Philip IV. of Spain, 187. -, Queen of Scots, 93 to 100. -, Princess of Orange, 381.384 to 387. 816 to 821. 1162. --, of Medices, or Medicis, 606 to 613 '12 j 1 • Mary, or Maria Beatrix, Duchess of York, 1157 to 1159. Mascall, Edward, 754. Mason, Dorothy, 1218. Massey, Edward, 509. -, Hugh. See Merry Fidler, 1224. Massinger, Philip, 534. Mather, (Crescentius) Increase, 1192. Matoaks, or Matoaka, 283. Matthew, Tobie, or Tobias Mat¬ thews, 208. 470. -, Sir Tobie, 572. Maurice, Prince, 300 to 305. 397. Maurois, Thomas, 470. Maxwell, Thomas, 1054. Maximilian, Emperor, 23. -, II. 151. May, Thomas, 722. -, Robert, 751. Mayerne, Sir Theodore, 249. 523. 717. Maynard, John, Alderman, 1229. Mayne, Cuthbert, 119. -,John,1024. Maynwaring, Everard, 974. Mayow, John, 069. Mazarine, Hortense Mancini, Du¬ chess of, 1120 to 1123. Mead, Mathew, 909. Melisses, Paul, 165. Meldrum, Sir John, 510. Melfort, John, Earl of, 1177, 11 78. Menteth, Robert, 739. Mercator, Gerard, 333. Merkes, T. 19. Merry Fiddler, 1223, 1224. -Milk-maid, 1223. Merula, Paul, 166. Metcalf, Theophilus, 579. Meteren, Emanuel de, 319. Mews, Peter, 876. Middlesex, Lionel Cranfield, Earl of, 424. - - Rachael, Countess of, 759* Middleton, Richard, 222. -, Sir Hugh, 245. -, Thomas, 535. -, John, 1027. -, Jane, 1094. Mildmay, Sir Walter, 120. S4 INDEX. Mill, Humphry, 540. Milton, John, 252. 527, 528. 725. 982, 983. 999. Mocket, Thomas, 69S. Molineus, Peter, 163. Monck, Nicholas, 716. Monmouth, Henry Cary, Earl of, 739 - -, James, Duke of, 836 to 840. 842. 1172. • -, Anne, Duchess of, 1057, 1058. Montague, Lady Anne, 1086. Monteage, Stephen, 1025. Montgomery, Philip, Earl of, 423. Montrose, James Graham, Mar¬ quis of, 495, 496. Moore, or More, Sir Francis, 242. -, Jonas, 742. 1004. • -, Samuel, 698. Mordaunt, John, Viscount, 676. .-, Lady Henrietta, 1085. More, Sir Anthony, 79. -, Sir William. See Delamore. ——, Sir Thos. 47, 48, 49, 50. 52. -, John, 116, 117. -, Gertrude, 546. --, (or Morus) Alexander, 701. -, Henry, 893, 894. Morett, Mr. 52. Morgan, Sylvanus, 1039. --, Sir Henry, 1133. Morhof, Daniel George, 1149. Morice, Sir William, 917. Morison, Robert, 970. Morland, Sir Samuel, 704. -, Lady, 1091. Morley, George, 874, 875. Morton, Richard, 969. --, James, Earl of, no. -, Thomas, 445. • -, Anne, Count, of, 594. 600. --, Dr. 526. Montague, Sir Henry, 241. • --, James, 210,211. Mountaigne, George, 2x1. Moxon, Joseph, 1005. Moyser, John, 959. Mugglelon, Lodowick, 1128. Mulgrave, John, Earl of, 1164. Murcot, John, 695. Murray, Alexander, Earl of, 1165. Mytens, Daniel, 562. Nalton, James, 694; Naunton, Sir Robert, 1232, Naylor, James, 760. Neale, Thomas, 997. Nesse, Christopher, 907. Neville, Catharine, 1088. Newcastle, William Cavendish, Earl of. 42 1 , 422. 42 7. --and his Family, 674. -, Margaret Duchess of, 994. 995- Newcome, Henry, 906. Newport, Mountjoy Blount, Earl of, 427. Newton, John, 898, . -, Isaac, 1209. Nicholas, Sir Edward, 703.917. Norfolk, Thomas Howard, Duke of, 36, 37. 104. North, Sir Dudley, 920. -, Roger, 933. Northampton, the Earl of, 422. 424, 1228. Northumberland, John Dudley, Duke of, 62. -, Henry Percy, Earl of, 202. --, Algernon Percy, E. of, 407 to 409 -, George Fitzroy, Duke of, 845. - f Elizabeth,Coun¬ tess of, 1077. Norton, John, 1024, Nott, Sir Thomas, 958. Nottingham, Charles Howard, Earl of, 126.1915,196. -, Heneage Finch, Ear 1 of, 928, 929. Nowel, Alexander, 114. Nye, Nathaniel, 560. Noy, Sir William, 485. Oates, Titus, S95. 1125 to 1127. 1221. Oatlands, see Gloucester. Ogilby, John, 993, 1258. Ogle, Sir John, 124. -,Jack,1124. Okey, John, 509, T239. Oldcastle, see Cobham. Oldham, John, 990. Oliver, Isaac, 146- . INDEX. 85 (Oliver, Peter, 271. Orange Family, 299. --, William, Prince of, 379, 380. 382, 383. -- -, the Third Prince of, 614, 615. 649. 823,824,823. Orleans, Philip, Duke of, 826, 827. - -, Henrietta Anne, Dutchess of, 827. Ormond, Janies, Duke of, 830,831. Orrery, Roger Boyle, Earl of, 869. Ossory, Thomas, Earl of, 869. -, the Countess of, 1118. O’Toole, Arthur, &e. 244. Otway, Thomas, 988. Overall, John, 214. Overbury, Sir Thomas, 237 to 239. Overton, John, 1052. Oughtred, William, 460. 683; Outram, William, 891. Owen, John, 260. 899. 901. 1242. Oxenden, Sir Henry, 993. Oxford, Lady, 276. ■—-, Robert Vere, Earl of, 42i* Palatine Family, 391. Palamedessen, Palamede, 368. Palmer, John, 144. »< . Herbert, 438. --—, Geoffry, 933. Papilion, David, 1249. Parker, Matthew, 73. 112, 113. — , Sir Philip, 246. -, Catharine, his Lady, 281. Parkinson, John, 552, 533. Parr, Thomas, 602. -, the Younger, 602. Parry, Edward, 678. Parson, Madath, 10994 Partridge, Nathaniel, 910, -, John, 977.1026. Passe, Magdalen, I253 Paston, Sir William, 715; Patin Charles, 1147. 1149. Patrick, Simon, 1196. Paule, Rachel, 1090. Pauw, Adrian, 320. Pearson, John, 878, 879. Peeke, Thomas, 729. Pemble, William, 227. Pembroke, Mary of St. Paul, Coun¬ tess of, 22. Pembroke, William Herbert, Earl of, 62. -, Henry Herbert, Earl of, III. -, Mary, Ctss. of, 273, 276. -, William, Earl of, 200. 413 to 4151 -—, Philip, Earl of, 415 to 418. 434. Penderell, Richard, 1124. Pennington, Sir John, 497. -, Isaac, 513. Penruddock, John, 709. Pepys, Samuel, 1205. Percival, Alice, 150. -■, Richard, 233. -, Sir Philip, 473. -, Catharine, Lady, 5914 -, Sir Philip, 962. -, Sir John, 922. 962. -, George, 962. -, Robert, 962. -, (Catharine Southwell,) Lady, 1120. -, (Catharine Dering,) Lady 1120. Perkins, William, 117, 117*. -, Mr. 1006, Perrot, Sir John, no. Perth, James, Earl of, 1166, 116/. Perwich, Susanna, 739. Peters, Hugh, 699. 700.703.9x1* Petrucci, Ludovisio, 263. Pettus, Sir John, ioii. Petty, Sir William, 1206. Petyt, William, 1001. Philaras, Leonard, 767. Philip the Good, 22. -II. comsort of Queen Mary, 71 to 73. Philips, Catherine, 730. -, Merry Andrew, 1224. Pickering, Thomas, 91 3. Pierce, Edward, sen. 572. Playford, John, 1048. Plukenet, Leonard, 970. Plunket, Oliver, 915, 916. Plymouth, Don Carlos, Earl of) 836. Pococke, Edward, 887. Pointz, Major-general, 509. Pole, Reginald, 74, 75. -, or Poole, Matthew, 903. Polemburg, Cornelius, 570. M -86 INDEX. polyander, John, 629, 630. Pope, Sir Thomas, 78. Pordage, John, 700. Porter, Endymion, 521. Portland, Jerom Weston, Earl of, 427.. ——, Maria Frances Stuart, Countess of, 588, 5S9. Portsmouth, Louisa, Duchess of, 1066 to 1072. Bowel, alias Morgan, 472. -, Thomas, 1136. Prance, Miles, 1127. Preston, John, 454, 455. Price, Hugh, 116. ——, John, 544. 729. Prideaux, John, 448. Pnnne, William, 487. 488, 489. 934 - Purcell, Henry, 1048. 1210. Purchas, Samuel, 223. Pym, John, 475. Quarles, Francis, 536. 726. -, John, 337. 726. Quesnal, Francis, 271. Rachael of Covent Garden, 11 2S. [Radnor, John Roberts, Earl of, 829. Rainbow, Edward, 878. Rainolds, John, 113. Ralegh, or Raleigh, Sir Walter, 126. 130. 265. Ramsay, Sir Janies, 511. -, William, 751.963. Randolph, Thomas, 532 Radcliffe, Lady Mary, 1082. Rathbone, Aaron, 268. Ravius, Christian, 766. Rawdon, Sir George, 937. Rawlet, John, 896. Rawlins, Richard, 747. Rawlinson, Robert, 716. Ray, John, 908. Reede, John de, 636. Rembrandt, Van Rhyn, 1031. Reynell, Carew, 1022. Reynolds, Edward, 678. 877. Rich, Jeremiah, 757. Richard I. 3. -II. 5. —-III. 9. Richards Nathaniel, 539, Richards, William, 1205. Richmond, Lodowic, Duke of, 196, 197. -, trances, Duchess of, 276 to 278. -, James Stuart, Duke of, 411,412. . . Elizabeth (Mary) Vil- lers, Duchess of, 581. -, Henry, Duke of, 1228. -, Frances Stuart, Duchess of, 1056. -,Charles Lenos, or Lenox, Duke of, 843. Ridley, Nicholas, 63. 76, 77. -—, Mark, 137. Rivers, Anthony Widville, Earl of 14 - Rivet, Andrew, 323, 324. Robert II. 12. -III. 12. Roberts, John, Lord, 509. -, Francis, 461. 689. -Lewis, 557. Rochester, John, Earl of, 851, 85* 99 o- -Laurence, Earl of, xi 6g> —-, Lady, 1088. Rodolph II. emperor, 151, 152. Roe, Sir Thomas, 268. Roelans, James, 579. Roestraten, Peter, 1037. Rogers, John, 78. -, Richard, 117. -, John, 463. 696: Rogiers, Theodore, 576. Rolle, Henry, 707. Ronsard, Peter, 5S. Rosetli, Charles, 626. Ross, Alexander, 682. Rotheram, Thomas de, 19. Rotier, Joseph, 1045. Rous, Francis, 734. Rowland, William, 976. Rubens, Sir Pet. P. 56210 565. 630. -, Lady, 631. Rudyerd, Sir Benjamin, 5x9, 520. Ruggle, Ralph, 261. Rummin Elynor, 53. Rupert, Prince, 395, 396.828, 829. 1044. Rushworth, John, 997. Russel, Win. Lord, 855. 859, 86c, INDEX. 87 Russel, Mrs. 1136. -, Wriothesley, Lord, 1173. Ruten, or Ruthven, Lady Mary, 599 - -, Conrad, 521. Rutland, Francis Manners, Duke of, 1 99• Rutter, Dorothy, 1100. Rycaut, Sir Paul, 999. 1207. Saeheverel, Lucy, 595. Sack, Mulled, a chimney-sweeper so called, 284. Saley. See Sawley. Salisbury, Robert Cecil, Earl of, 193, 194. --—,Wm. Cecil, Earl of, 422. Salmon, William, 977. 1206. Saltonstall, Charles, 557. Sancroft, William, 1180, 1181. Sanders, Laurence, 78. —-, Thomas, 710. Sanderson, William, 737. 997. ■-, Robert, S77. Sandwich, Edward Montague, Earl of, 833. 938. -, the second Earl of, 853. Sandys, Edwin, 113- -, George, 530. Saunders, Richard, 1028. ——Philadelphia, 1096, 1097. Sawley, James Hay, Baron of, 205. Say and Sele, Wm. Fines, (Fiennes), Viscount, 432. 434. Scarborough, Sir Charles, 963. Scelleius. See Shelly. Scot, Lord Henry, with his Mother, 121 j . -, James, 1238. Scoltus (Scot) Thomas, 224, 225. Scudder, Henry, 458. Scultetus, Abraham, 329. Sedgwick, Obadiah, 694. Sedley, Catharine, 1092. Segar, Sir William, 268. Seghers, Gerard, 566. 568. Seignelay, John Baptist Colbert, Marquis of, 1146. Seldon, John, 479.485, 486. Sermon, William, 964. Seymour, Jane, 11. -, Thomai, Lord Admiral, Shaftesbury, Anthony, Earl of, 92^ <0927. Shakespeare, William, 137 to 139. 251.252. 255. Sharp, James, 881, 882. Sheldon, Gilbert, 872. 874. Shelley, Sir Richard, 1228. Shelton, Thomas, 756. Sherlock, Richard, 893. Shirley, Sir Anthony, 234, 235. ———, Sir Robert, 235. -, James, 533. Shore, Jane, 22. Shrewsbury, George, Earl of, and Ann his Ctss. 122S. -,Eliz. Countess of, 281. Shute, Josiah, 452. Siamese Priest, 6j8. Sibbes, Richard, 455. Sidenham, Cuthbert, 693. Sidney, Sir Henry, no. -, Sir, Philip, 123. -, Henry, 942. -,or Sydney, Algernon, 704. 1017, 1018. Simon, Thomas, 752. -, Abraham, 752. 1041. Simpson, Edward, 457. ■ - . , Sydrach, 683. -Chris. 755. 1046, 1047. Skeffington, Jane, 1214. Skelton, John, 47. Skippon, Philip, 509. Slater, William, 222. Sleidan, John, 57. alingsby. Sir Henry, 712. Smart, Peter, 453. Smith, Sir Thomas, 66. 120. -, Henry, 117. -, Sir Thomas, 231. -, Captain John, 244. -, Margaret, 593. -, Madam, 1096. Smyth, William, 42. 51. Snape, Andrew, 1025. Soams, Madame, 121S. Somers, John Lord, 1197. Somerset, Edward Seymour, Duke of, 62. 66. — , Robert Carr, Earl of, 198, 199. ————, Francis, Countess of, 199, 280. 30. INDEX. 8 S Somerset, William Seymour, Duke of, 843. • --, Sarah, Duchess of, 1055. ^-, Ann, Duchess of, 1228. - - Charles, Duke of, 1170. Sommers, Will. 53. Somner, William, 531. Sophia, Princess, 390. South, Robert, 885. Southampton, Rachael, Countess of* 585. -, Thomas Wriothesley, Earl of, 829. -, Henry Wriothesly, Earl of, 20 r. Spanheim, Frederic, 635. Spark, Edward, 893. Sparrow, John, 735. Speed, John, 547. -, Samuel, 993. Spelman, Sir Henry, 550. Spencer, Edmund. 137, -, Sir Richard, 246.' --, Benjamin, 687. Spotiswoode, John, 449. Sprat, Thomas, 1189, 1 igo. Stacpole, Sir Richard, 1226. Stafford, Robert, 955. Stamford, Hen. Grey, Earl of, 427. * -, Countess of, 1079. 1251. Stanier, James, 556. Stanley, Thomas, 722. Stapleton, Thomas, 118. Stapylton, Sir Robert, 535. 739. Starter, John, 1248. Steenwyck, Henry, 570. Stephen, King, 2. Stephenson, Matthew, 993. Sterling, Wm. Alex. Earl of, 544. Stock, Richard, 226. Stokes, William, 580. -, Adrian, 150. Sfone, Nicholas, senior, 271. -, Henry, 570, Stow, John, 144. Strarlling, George, 883. Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of, 428 to 432. Streater, or Streeter, Robert, 1029. Street, Sir Thomas, 1198. Strode, Sir George, 736. Stuart, Arabella, 281.1228. Stuart, the Lord John, and the Lord Bernard, 433. Sturmy, Samuel, 1006. Suckling, Sir John, 531. Sudley,Thomas Seymour, Lord, 6 2 , Suffolk, Charles Brandon, Duke of, 33 - 3 7 - -, Frances, Duchess of, 130. Sully, Duke of, 308, 309. Sunderland, Dorothy, Countess of^ 587. Surry, Duke of, 13. -, Henry Howard, Earl of, 38. 38*. Sussex, Frances Sidney, Countess of, 150. -, Hen. Ratcliffe, Earl of, 74, Sutton, Sir Richard, 31. -, Thomas, 247. Sybrecht, John, 1210, Sydenham, Thomas, 967. Sylvester, Joshua, 164. 260 Sym, John, 462. Symonds, Joseph, 697. Talbot, Lord, 14, ■ -. , Sir Gilbert, 20. Tatham, John, 727. Taylor, Thomas, 456. -, Jeremy, 678. 881, -, John, 261, 262. Tempest, Pearce, 1210. Temple, Sir Peter, 713. -, Eleanor, Lady, 713. -, Sir William, 919. 1016, Terry, Edward, 686. Thomas, Lambrook, 683. Thomson, John, 561. -, George. 974; -, Richard, 1053. Throckmorton, Sir Nicholas, 120, Thurlow, orThurloe, John, 703. Thynne, Thomas, 947. 949, 950. Tillotson, John, 883. 1190. Tilson, Henry, 1210. Tindale, or Tindall, William, 42. Tirell, Sir Henry, 134. Tomlinson, Richard, 720. Tompion, Thomas, 1034. Tonstall, Cuthbert, 41. Torrentius, John, 571. Tossanus, Paul, 164. Totness, Geo.Carew, earl of, 426, Tradescant, John the elder, 579. -, the younger* 579, Trapp, John, 688. INDEX, Treaty of Westphalia, 334. Tremouille, Henry Charles tie, 764. Trench, Edmund, 910. Trivet, Nicholas, 16. Trosse, George, 908. Trumbull, William, 232. Tuckney, Anthony, 900. Turner, Sir James, 933. ~-, Robert, 1009. *-, James, 1131. ——, Anthony, 1245, Vaillant, Warner, 1044. -, Mrs. 11x4. Vanderborcht, Henry, 570. 572. Vande.rdort, Abraham, 572. Vande Velde, William, 1037. Vandyck, Sir Anthony, 565 to 568. Vane, Sir Henry the younger, 476, __ 477 * 73 6 - Vansomer, Paul, 271, 272. Van Son, or Vanzoon, 1039. Van Tromp, Cornelius, 1142, 1143. Vaughan, Richard, 208. -, Sir John, 933. Venner, Tobias, 718. -, Thomas, 1127. Venning, Ralph, 907, Vere, Sir Horace, 244, —, Sir Francis, 124. -, (Mary) Lady, 28r; Verio, 1031. Vincent, Nathaniel, 907, Viner, Sir Robert, 946. Virgil, Polydore, 19. Vives, John Lewis, 32. Voerst, Robert Van, 576. Voiture, Vincent, 636. Vosterman, Luke, 576. Vossius, Gerard John, 454. Vouet, Simon, 332. Ulfield, Count Corfitz, 1236. Uroom, Henry Cornelius, 149. Urquhart, or Urchard, Sir Tho¬ mas, 558. Urslerin, Barbara, 762, 763. Usher, James, 449 to 451. 677. Utenhovius, Charles, 1227. Wadd, or Waad, Sir William, 246. Wadham, Nicholas, 247. -, Dorothy, 281. 82 Wake, Anne, 593. Walker, Sir Edward, 548. -, Robert, 753. -•, William, 896. Waller, Sir William, 507, 508.996. -—, Edrn. 479. 530. 725. 987. Wallingford, William Knolles, Vis¬ count, 204, Wallis, John, 892. Walsingham, Sir Francis, 83. 120, Walton, Brian, 679. Walwyn, Robert, 899. -, William, 979. Warbeck, Perkin, 9. Ward, Seth, 878. Ware, Sir James, 732. Warham, William, 41. Warner, Lady Trevor, 1090. Warwick, Ambrose Dudley, Earl of, III. -, Rob. Rich, earl of, 410. -, Henry, Earl of, 849. -, Mary, Ceuntess Dowa¬ ger of, 1078. Washington, Elizabeth, 759. Wasse, Christopher, 721. Waterhouse, Edward, 1002. Watson, Thomas, 903. Waynfleet, William, 19. Webbe, George, 451. Webster, John, 945. Weckerlin, George Rodolph, 319. Weever, John, 551. Welby, Henry, 517. Wentworth, Darcy, 247. -, Lady Henrietta Ma¬ ria, 1216. Wesley, Samuel, 1208. Westmorland, Mddmay Fane, Earl of, 424, 425. Weston, Thomas, 1049. Wharton, Philadelphia and Eliza¬ beth, 590. -, George, 749. -, Sir George, 1026. Whatelie, William, 461. Whichcot, Benjamin, 893. -, Captain T. 539. Whitaker, William, 1x3. Whitby, Daniel, 883. White, Sir Thomas, 78. -, Francis, 217. -, John, 218, 00 INDEX. White, Thomas, 470. ■-, Jeremiah, 682. Whitehead, David, 116. . Whitgift, John, 113. Whittington, Richard, 21. Whitlock, Bulstrode, 706. Whyte, Richard, 119. Wickham, William of, 16. Wickliffe, John, 16, 17, 18. Wight, John, 149. Wildman, Major, 711. Wilkins, John, 878, 879. Willan, Leonard, 728. Willet, Andrew, 222. William the Conqueror, x. -- II. 1, 2. Williams, John, 216. 443, 444. -, Lady, (Mrs.) 1110,1111 Willis, Thomas, 967. Willsford, Thomas, 747. Willmot, Lady Elizabeth, 1215. Wilson, Thomas, 227. •-, John, 1048. Winchester, W T illiam Paulet, Mar¬ quis of, 102. ———-, John, Marquis of, 420. - — -, Charles, Marquis of, 1179- . Wing, Vincent, 1004. Winstanley, William, 999. 1208. Windvvood, Sir Ralph, 232. Wirtemberg, Frederick, Duke of, 163. Wissing, William, 1033. Wither, George, 261. 538. 72J, Wolsey, Thomas, 38*, 39. Wolveridge, James, 976. Wood, William, 1025. Woodall, John, 527. Woodcock, Martin, 472. Woolrich, Philip, 960. Worcester, Henry Marquis of, 4215 Wormberg, John, 1225. Worsley, Sir Thomas, 1203. Wortley, Sir Francis, 538. Wotton, Sir Henry, $j2. Wouters, Francis, 570. Wren, Matthew, 449. -, Christopher, D.D. 452. -, Sir Christopher, 1040. Wright, Peter, 702. Wyatt, Sir Thomas, 51. Wycherley, William, 989- Wyck, Thomas, 1037. Yarmouth, Robert, Earl of, 857. York, James, Duke of, 377. 804 to 807. 937. -, Ann Hyde, Duchess of, 8p$ to 812. -, James, 551. Young, John, 915. Zoust, Gerard, 1035. Zucchero, Frederic, 149. Zurch, Hans Van, 53. ORDER OF EACH DAY’S SALE. — i — w — First Day's Sale, Wednesday, January IS, 1809. Reign of Alfred to Queen Elizabeth, and including a Part of her Reign—Lot 1 to 125. Second Day’s Sale, Thursday, January 10. Continuation of the Reign of Elizabeth, and including a Part of the Reign of James the First—Lot 126 to 248. Third Day's Sale, Friday, January GO. Continuation of the Reign of James the First, and including a Part of the Reign of Charles the First—Lot 249 to 373. Fourth Day's Sale, Saturday, January 21. Part of the Continuation of the Reign of Charles the First—* Lot 374 to 500. Fifth Dar/s Sale, Monday, January 23. Remainder of the Reign of Charles the First— Lot 501 to 638. Sixth Day's Sale, Tuesday, January 24. The Interregnum—Lot 639 to 768 . Seventh Day’s Sale, Wednesday, January 25. Reign of Charles the Second—Lot 769 to 890. Eighth Day’s Sale, Thursday, January 26 . Part of the Continuation of the Reign of Charles the Second —Lot 891 to 1015. Ninth Day's Sale, Friday, January 27. Continuation of the Reign of Charles the Second- Lot 1016 to 1136. Tenth Day's Sale, Saturday, January 28. Remainder of the Reign of Charles the Second, Reign of James the Second, and Addenda—Lot 1137 to 1264. MAGNIFICENT AND SCARCE Topographical and Historical Library OF WILLIAM FLAXMAN, Esq. OF NORFOLK. TO BIE SOIL® BY AUCTION, By Mr. DODD, At his Rooms, No. 10-1, St. Martin's Lane * Early in the Month of FEBRUARY, 1809 , THE VALUABLE AND SCARCE COLLECTION OF BOOKS, historical ana Copograpliical, THE PROPERTY OF William Flaxman , Esq. of Norfolk: Among which are The Chronicles of Arnold, Caxton, Fabian, Grafton, and Holling-- shead—Gough’s Sepulchral Monuments, Wren’s Parentalia, and Drake’s York, in boards, uncut—Dugdale’s Pieces, Somer’s Tracts- and Life, Harleian Miscellany, House of Yvery, Thornton’s Not¬ tinghamshire, Willis’s Cathedrals, and other Works—Kennett’s Parochial Antiquities, Fuller’s Worthies, Strutt’s Pieces, Log- gan’s Cambridge and Oxford, Aubrey’s Surrey, Ashmole’s Birk- shire and Order of the Garter, Atkyn’3 Gloucestershire, 1. p. Bentham’s Ely, Northumberland Household Book, uncut— Hearn’s Pieces, Gent’s ditto, complete, Bryant’s Mythology, Nash’s Worcestershire, Part’s Westminster, 1. p. Sandford’s Coronation, l.p. Keeting’s Ireland, l.p. Ware’s Ireland, Prymee’s Records, and other Pieces—Stukeley’s Pieces, King’s Vale Royal, Thoresby’s Leeds, Risdon’s Devon, Statutes at Large, 1 . p. and almost every other Topographical Work relative to Great Britain and Ireland—being one of the finest Selections of County and other Histories ever offered to the Public, mostly in the Original Bindings, and in Boards. The Whole may he purchased hi) Private Contract prior to the 10 th of January, but not afterwards. Catalogues are now preparing, and will be ready for delivery early in the Month of January. SfglftU -"lUtf ft.OC.tW ? 7 ' E> «yBRARY ^ 3ETTY CENTER I'i j^O Po P IH£ GtTTV CLNTF library