THE J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM LIBRARY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 The pictures described in this catalogue are for private sale. For further particulars and prices please write to the owner, Chas. SEDELMEYER 6, rue La Rochefoucauld Paris. ILLUSTRATED Catalogue of oo PAINTINGS of OLD MASTERS Of the Dutch, Flemish, Italian, French and English Schools belonging to the Sedelmeyer Gallery Which contains about iooo original Paintings of ancient and modern artists N wo PARIS 6, rue Larochefoucauld, 6 Chas. Sedelmeyer, Publisher and Art dealer in Paris, has the richest stock of original paintings in Europe. His gallery includes over 5oo pictures from Old Masters, of which this catalogue describes only a portion, and a similar number of pictures from living artists and of the Barbi\on School. Chas. Sedelmeyer, who imported and sold to the United States the two celebrated paintings by Munkacsy « Christ before Pilate » and « Christ on Calvary » controls the works of this artist and those of V. Brozik, Tito Lessi, Eugene Jettel, etc. He publishes every year some highly artistic and important plates of which only a small number of proofs are printed. He is preparing now a most extensive book in 8 volumes on Rembrandt, containing the reproductions of all the works of the master; the text to be written by Doctor W. Bode, Director of the Berlin Gallery. Subscriptions now to be taken. The prospectus of this book and the illustrated catalogues of the other publications to be had at Chas Sedelmeyer\s, 6, rue Larochefoucauld, Paris. — 2 — THE J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM LIBRARY DUTCH AND FLEMISH SCHOOLS VAN BEYEREN (Abraham) (i63o) 1. — Still-Life A tabic with a greenish-brown cloth, partly covered with anoth- er white cloth. — On a pewter plate, on the right, a big crab. Next, a chalice lying on its side. Behind this, a high goblet with a cover. Next, a huge brilliant tankard. Before this, on a plate, two lemons, one partly peeled. Near by, a blue ribbon and a round golden box. On the right, grapes, bread and flowers. Signed on the goblet. Canvas, 3 ft. 6 1/2 in. by 3 ft. 1 3/4 in. VAN DER CAPELLE (Jan) (xvii. — Amsterdam) 2. — Sea- Piece On the right and on the left are fishing-boats; that on the right has its sails spread. Both are filled with fisher-men. Opposite the boat on the right, which is beautifully reflected in the sea, a fisher-man, is wading heavily through the water, stoop- ing under the weight of a bucket. A large sailing vessel and several boats are seen in the haze, standing out against a splendid sky, over which fine clouds are spread like a transparent veil, and which is reflected in the smooth sea. Signed on the left. Canvas, 1 ft. 8 1/4 in. by 2 ft. 1 1/4 in. 2. — Van der Capelle (Jan) CUYP (Albert) (1620-1691) 3. — River Scene with Cattle In the foreground, the river bank is rapidly rising on the right, which is covered with a brownish vegetation. Near the centre a woman in a red bodice, with white sleeves and collar and white coif, is milking a fine black and white cow that is standing there quietly, in profile. Two milk-jars are behind the woman. A cow is moving up the hill. Two red cows are standing near the water's edge. The river, seen in the middle distance, is running towards the left; the sailing-boats upon it, as well as the trees of the opposite bank, are reflected in its calm, smooth water. The bank on the left, is flat and covered with trees, between which is seen the spire of a village church. The sky is blue, covered here and there with light, silver-edged clouds. Birds flying in the air. Signed : A. Cuyp. Panel, 18 1/2 by 29 in. One of Albert Cuyp's celebrated master-pieces. From the collection of the Earl of Lichfield. Exhibited at the Old Masters' Exhibition, Royal Academy, London 1893. — 6 — CUYP (Albert) (162O-1691) 4. — Interior of a Gothic Church Through a lateral entrance on the left, a woman comes in with her child. Above this entrance, is a large window with small panes, through which the light enters into the church. At the foot of a huge pillar, is a group of women, seated. Two gentlemen are stand- ing in the centre; one of them is pointing towards the organ which is brilliantly illumined. On the right, a gentleman is speak- ing to a lady. The pulpit is a little more to the background. Quite in the foreground are two boys. Signed : A. Guyp. Panel, 3o by 2 5 in. CUYP (Albert) (162O-169I ) 5. — Pastoral Scene On the right is a group of three shepherds. The first, from the right, is lying on the ground; the second, seated, is playing on a bag-pipe; and the third, standing, is playing on a flageolet. Behind them, two cows are stretching out their heads from the bushes. — In the centre is a dog of a white and black colour. In the middle distance are four sheep. — In the background, on the left, is a river; houses in the distance. The sky is covered with clouds of different tints. Signed on the right. Canvas, 2 ft. 11 1/2 in. by 3 ft. 11 1/4 in. - 8 - 5. — Cuyp (Albert) CUYP (Albert) ( I 620- I 69 I ) 6. — Cows on a Bank in a Landscape (Smith, vol. V. p. 826. n° 149, gives the following description) : « A herd of seven Cows, grouped together, on a bank, in the foreground of a landscape. Six of them are lying down, and the seventh, of a black and white colour, stands in a profile view, look- ing towards the left. A herdsman, with a stick in his hand, sits on the declivity of the bank, with his back to the spectator. The distant country is intersected by a river, near which are a house and a mill. The glowing warmth of a summer's evening, completes the charm of this excellent picture. » Signed : A. Guyp. Panel, 2 ft. 1/2 in. by 2 ft. 1 1 1/2 in. Collection of Frederik Perkins. Collection of M. Bernal, 1824. Bought by M. Zachary and sold to M. Perkins. — 10 — DOV [Gerard) (i 6 i 3-1.675) 7. — Portrait of Rembrandt's Mother Half-length, turned to the right, three-quarter face. — A wrinkled, toothless old woman. — A large, black cap on her head. Dressed in a fur-trimmed cloak. She is reading a book, which she holds in her hands. Panel, 10 1/2 in. by 8 1/2 in. From Dr Le Roy d'Etiolles' Collection. DOV (Gerard) (161 3-1 6 7 5) 8. — Rembrandt in his Studio Seated on the left, on a low seat which is covered with a greenish- grey cloth; turned to the right; three-quarter face, with eyes towards the spectator. A blue beret on his head, pushed back. Dressed in a brown-grey, loose garment, which is fastened around the waist with a variegated sash. The border of his shirt visible around the neck. In his left hand he holds his palette and brushes. Before him, on the right, a table covered with a blue cloth, upon which a large, open book, some smaller books, a mandoline, a skull, a quill-pen and inkstand. An easel behind the table. On the floor : a globe, a roll of papers and a mask of plaster. — On a pillar, in the background, a curved sword. — Dark background. Signed on the roll : G. Dov. Panel, 1 ft. 1 1 3/4 i* 1 * by 1 ^- 4 3/4 in - VAN DYCK (Anthonie) ( I 5g9- 1 64 I ) 9. — Portrait of a Young Pastor Three-quarter figure. His right arm is leaning against the pilaster of a column. His face is slightly bent to the left; bare-headed; the beard just beginning to grow; long, curly hair. White collar and cuffs; black cassock with black sash around the waist, from which a small medallion is sticking forth. The fine aristocratic face and hands are brilliantly illumined. Canvas, 4 ft. 1/2 in. by 3 ft. 3 1/2 in. ® VAN EVERDINGEN (Albert) ( I 62 I - I 675) 10. — Scene in Norway ; with a Cascade A hilly country. A mountain-stream is rushing over a dam and rolling down in mighty cascades, around an immense bowlder. Various country-houses near the dam, surrounded with pines and other trees. The stream is bordered with high rocks, on which flocks and shepherds are seen. Signed. Canvas, 3 ft. 9 12 in. by 5 ft. 7 1/2 in. - 14 — IO. - Van Everdingen (Albert) FYT (Jan) (i 6 i i - 1 66 1 ) ii. — Dead Animals A table of solid marble, with bassi-relievi on the sides ; the left corner covered with a white cloth. On the table, at the right, a hare; behind, a basket of fruit, upon which is a pheasant. In the centre, a pea-cock with its tail hanging down to the ground. On the left, a boar's head. A bloody chopping-knife on the ground, leaning against the table. Dark background. Signed. Canvas, 4 ft. 2 in. by 4 ft. 3/4 in. ® VAN GOYEN (Jan) (i 596-1659) 12. — Calm Sea The sea is smooth as a mirror. Three men are busy on a barge with flabby sails on the left. Near by, a small boat with two men. A buoy and a gull in the centre. On the right foreground, a large boat, full with sailors, rowing. The coast with a village and vege- tation, back on the right. Sailing vessels in the distance. Cloudy sky. Signed and dated. Panel, 14 1/2 by 24 inches. From the Collection of Charles Butler Esq. London. — if) — i2. — Van Goyen (Jan) VAN GOYEN (Jan) (i 596-1 656) 13. — View of Dort Three fishermen are pushing off from the low bank in the fore- ground; their net is floating behind their boat. On the left, a large sail-boat on the smooth water, crowded with men; in their midst a very tall man, standing, with high hat. Near by, several smaller sailing and rowing boats. On the opposite bank, on a mole, stands the large church of the town, with a massive square tower. Far- ther back, houses among trees. Several wind-mills along the bank. Cloudy sky. Signed and dated. Panel ; 2 ft. 2 in. by 3 ft. 2 in. Collection of C. Butler, Esq. London. VAN GOYEN (Jan) (1596-1656) 14. — The Calm before the Storm Three fishermen are in a boat in the fore ground on the left. They have thrown out their net, which is floating on the dark smooth sea. On the extreme right, a low building with a small turret. Before it, a wharf. Near by, seveal vessels with flabby sails and flags of different nations. Sailors are loading and unloading the vessels. Two men in a boat, lying near one of the vessels. — Ships sailing in the distance. Dark sky, rent by flashes of lightning. Signed and dated. Panel, 16 by 24 inches. There are forty five other pictures by van Goyen in the Sedelmeyer Gallery. — 18 - 14. — Van Goyen (Jan) HOBBEMA (Meindert) (1638-1709) 15. — The Castle of Kostverloren (Smith, vol. VI, n° 116, describes this picture as follows) : A view of Het Huis Kostverloren, on the Amstel. The building is distinguished by a lofty square tower, and situated near the centre of the view, enclosed by a wall and having a broad moat flowing around its base. Two lofty oaks rise from an adjacent bank, beyond which the eye looks to a draw-bridge and a field, the latter of which is bounded by a hedge and a gate, enclosing a small cottage. The scene is animated by a man and a boy who are close to the front, and four other persons are seen within the wall which surrounds the tower. » Signed : M. Hobbema. Panel, 1 ft. 11 in. by 2 ft. 5 in. Collection of Fred. Perkins Esq. — 20 — HOBBEMA (Meindert) (1638-1709; 16. — The Water-mill in the Forest Near the centre are several old houses of timber work with high gables. Between them runs the spray-covered wheel, the water falling down into the brook which runs towards the foreground, between green banks. A man in black robe and hat and large white collar, is seated on the edge of the brook before the mill, reading a paper. On the road, on the right, a man and woman are standing together in conversation. Clusters of splendid trees; the forest in the background ; white clouds in the sky. Signed on the right, below : M. Hobbema. Panel, 1 ft. 6 1/2 in. by 2 ft. 1/2 in. HOLBEIN JUNIOR (Hans) (1497-1 543) 17. — Portrait of Landenberger ; a young Swiss Nobleman Half figure; turned to the left; three-quarter face. Small mous- tache and full beard. He wears a Henri //hat, with a white feather. His black garment is cut out in front, showing his shirt, which is laced with black. His cuffs are similarly laced. His hands are folded over his breast. His left hand, with a ring on the index and another on the little finger, is holding a pair of gloves. Panel, j ft. 1 1/4 in. by 10 1/4 in. From Salting Esq. London. — Holbein junior (Hans) HONDECOETER (Melchior) (i636-i6[)5) 1 8. — Ducks and a Cock ! A landscape, composed, on the right, of a large tree, some shrubs and rocks, and on the left, by a river and a glimpse of the sky. — In front of the landscape, on the right, is a splendid cock, crowing, and a turkey, holding a kernel of corn in its bill. In the fore- ground, ducks and ducklings are swimming about on a pond. Canvas, 3 ft. 5 3/4 in. by 4 ft. 2 in. ® DE HOOCH (Pieter) ( I 63o-l677) 19. — The Music Party A company of three ladies and a gentleman are assembled under a vestibule of rich architecture; two of the former are sitting near a table, covered with a Turkey carpet, and the third stands near them, with a mandoline in her hand. The gentleman is playing on the guitar, while the two ladies are singing. On the left, a dog is seen at some distance off. In the centre is a building with a steeple, surrounded by trees. Signed. Canvas, 26 in. by 3i 1/2 in. From the Viscount de Buisseret's Collection. — 24 — i9- — De Hooch (Pieter) MASSYS (Quintin) (Born in 14(56 — died about i53o) 20. — The Entombment of Christ The rigid body of Christ is stretched over Mary's lap. Grief is depicted on her line face; her arms are crossed over her breast. Beside her, St. John is holding a towel under the Lord's head. Behind this group is a hill with the three crosses. On the left, on a plain, are some horsemen before a fortified town. Blue sky. Panel, 1 ft. 1 1/4 in. by 1 ft. 7 1/4 in. MOREELSE (Paulus) (1 571-1638) 2.1 . — Portrait of a Young Woman Three-quarter figure; turned to the left, three-quarter face. Richly dressed in a black silk dress, with gold embroidery and striped, puffing sleeves; a broad lace ruff and lace cuffs; pearl ear- rings and a broad pearl necklace; jewelled brooch and bracelets. In her right hand she holds a feather-fan. Panel, 3 ft. 7 3/4 in. by 2 ft. 7 1/2 in. - 26 - VAN DER NEER 'Aart) (Amsterdam i 603-1677) 22. — Winter in Holland Different figures are on an island, formed by the arms of a brook. Behind them is a sluice, near an old bridge, built of bricks. On the left is a rampart, surmounted by a high structure. — The brook, on the right, is bordered by trees, behind which are several houses. In the background is a mill. Signed. Canvas, 1 ft. 1 1 in. by 2 f t . 7 1 1 2 in. Ivan Tourgueneff's Collection. G. Rothan's Sale, 1890. m VAN DER NEER (Aart) (i6o3-l677) 23. — The Borders of the Meuse; Moon-light The monn-lit river winds its way through the middle distance; small boats and barges are plying to and fro, or are at anchor. A large one-masted boat, with the crew on deck, is anchored on the right, wooded bank. On the extreme right, a man is running behind a dog. In the left foreground, two men on a boat, near the bank. Higher up, a man and woman, talking. Several houses behind a splendid tree, the windows partly lit-up. A windmill farther back. A beautiful clump of trees on the left. The full-moon on the horizon in the background, surrounded with silver-edged clouds. Signed. Canvas, 2 ft. 1 1/2 in. by 2 ft. 9 1/2 in. From Count DuchateTs Collection. 2d. — Van der Neer (Aart) VAN DER NEER (Aart) (1603-1677) 24. — River Scene : Morning Royal Academy. — Exhibition of old Masters, 1898, n° 99. View looking across a river, with houses and trees on the farther bank. In the foreground, three men in a boat pushing off, while a a fourth man leans on his stick, watching them. The figure of another man is seen stooping down at the water's edge on the opposite side of the river. Cloudy sky. Signed. Panel, i5 1/2 by 26 in. From J. D. Fripp Esquire, M. D. ® VAN OSTADE (Adrian) (16 io* 1.685.) 25. — Dancing Peasants Numerons peasants making merry; some dancing to the tunes of a fiddler who is standing back; others drinking, smoking their clay-pipes and conversing gaily together; some looking on. On the ground : a cart-wheel, jars, upset chairs, a bundle of straw. Signed and dated : 1G42. Panel, 2 ft. 1/2 in. by 1 ft. 7 1/4 in. From the Gsell Gallery, Vienna; and Prince Esterhaszy's Gallery. 25. — Van Ostade (Adrian) VAN OSTADE (Adrian) (i6io-i685) 26. — Dutch Interior A villager is seated on the left, with a pipe in his mouth. He is looking at the smiling house-wife, who is standing opposite to him, holding a little girl; the latter has a little basket in her hand. Farther back, before a hearth, are three other figures. Signed in full on the cupboard. Canvas, 2 ft. 1/2 in. by 1 ft. 11 in. From the Collection of Frederick Perkins, Esquire. VAN OSTADE (Adrian) (1610-1685) 27. — The Card players (Smith, Supplement n° in, describes the picture as follows) : « Two men and a woman in a room. One of the former, dressed in a green jacket with light sleeves, and a dark-grey cap, is seated in a profile view on the right, holding a jug and a pipe in one hand, and a piece of money in the other : he appears to be speaking to the woman, who sits on the opposite side, with a glass in her hand, which she rests on the table. The other man stands, leaning his elbow on a chair, listening to his comrade. — ■ Figures seen to the knees. Panel, 10 3/4 in. by 8 1/2 in. Formerly in the possession of Thomas Emmerson, Esq. Count Cornelissen , M. Gilkines and Tardieu. Engraved by M. linger. Sold at the Chevalier de Lissingen's Sale, Paris, 1876, for 28100 francs. VAN OSTADE (Adrian) (i 6io-i685) 28. The Smoker Half-figure; turned to the left; looking down. With moustache and imperial ; bare-headed. He wears a dark-blue vest with sleeves. Seated, holding a clay-pipe in his right hand; his left hand is in- serted in his vest, over his breast. — Grey background. Panel, 91/2 in. by 7 in. VAN OSTADE Adrian) (1610-1685) 29. -- The Rustic Concert Smith, vol. I. p. 25o, n° 1S4, describes this picture as follows : « An interior, with two men and a woman grouped round a little table; the latter is singing from a music-book, which she holds with both hands, and is accompanied by one af the former, who sits opposite to her, touching the violin with his fingers; the other man stands between them, playing on the violoncelle. A freely painted picture. Signed and dated : 1 67 3 . Panel, 10 1 12 by g 1/2 in. Collection of Baroness Thorns, Leyden, 1S1G. — — Rynders 182 1. It was afterwards purchased by the Writer. In 1S42, in the possession of Edmund Wood, Esq. of Chichester. » — 3 4 — 29- — Van Ostade (Adrian) REMBRANDT VAN RJIN (1608-1669) 30. The good Samaritan In a landscape with high rocks in the background, is seen a wounded man stretched out on the ground, reclinig on his elbow. He is in profile, dressed in a linen shirt of a dazzling white and with a white turban on his head. On his right, the good Samaritan is kneeling. Full-face; he wears a red garment with a variegated turban, and holds in his hands a phial; a medicine-box is open on the ground beside him. In the centre stands a grey horse with its back to the spectator. On the left, a Pharisee is walking and reading a book. He passes without stopping, throwing a side-glance on the pathetic scene. In the distance, among the rocks, we perceive the outlines of another Pharisee. Signed, on the left. Canvas, 3 ft. t 3/4 in. by 4 ft. 3/4 in. Described in The Life and the Works of Rembrandt by, « Emile Michel », page 33o. — 36 — REMBRANDT VAN RJIN ( I 608- I 669) 31. — The Artist's Wife (Smith, vol. VII p. 1 83, n° 5y6, gives the following description of the picture) : A Young Lady, styled : « The Artist's Wife. » She has a florid full countenance, which is seen in a three quarter view, and her bright auburn hair is partly concealed by a muslin veil, embroi- dered with gold, which falls on her shoulders behind. She wears a dark-coloured dress, relieved by an embroidered neck-kerchief, and a gold chain. — This is a carefully finished work of the master. » Panel, 2 ft. 1 in. by 1 ft. 8 in. A Mezzotint by Read of this portrait, Styled A Dutch Lady has been published by J. C. Bryer, Oct. i st 1776. Collection of William Wells Esq. Redleaf. Collection of H. Bingham Mildmav, Esq. — 38 — REMBRANDT VAN RJIN (1608-1669) 32. — Pilate washing his Hands In the foreground is a group of three persons : Pilate, the High- priest and a page. Pilate is seen in profile, turned to the left, seated on a chair with high back, of carved wood. He has white whis- kers and moustache. His head is covered with a large, black cap, putting the upper part of the face in the shade, ornamented with gold stripes and two splendid pearls. A magnificent cloak of yellow silk, embroidered with gold, covers his shoulders and falls down in large folds over the chair. Beneath his cloak he wears a black velvet garment, with rich gold embroidery at the wrists. Over his breast hangs a gold chain, to which a large medal- lion of a Roman Emperor is attached. On his lap is a large basin, over which he holds his hands. The page (half-figure, in profile to the left), pours water on them from a silver ewer. He is dressed in a rich garment of green silk, with wide gold embroidered sleeves. On his right shoulder is a long white towel, hemmed with gold. Behind Pilate, the High-priest is standing, almost in pro- file, turned to the left. White hair and beard; a yellow silk skull- cap and gown. He is leaning over Pilate and looking attentively at the latter' s proceedings. In the rear, behind this group, is an architectural structure with a large column and sculptured capital. In the right background, is a curtain with a cord terminating in a big, gold tassel. On the left, behind a stone parapet, in the open — 39 — air, is a group of Roman soldiers in arms, gesticulating with their lances. In their midst is a Pharisee with a large white turban, tur- ning his back to the spectator. — In the background is a grey sky, a broad tower standing ont against it. — Full-length figures to the knees. Canvas, 4 ft. 2 3/4 in. by 5 ft. 5 in. This picture has been described and reproduced in Rembrandt's Work by Emile Michel p. 424. And also described in W. Bode's « Geschichte der hollaendischen Malerei » p. 5 7 5. It comes trom Lord Mount Temple, of Broadlands (Hampshire) where it w as hanging, ever since the 2 d Lord Palmerston father of the great States man, had bought it from a Paris dealer during the French Revolution, in 1794. — 40 — REMBRANDT VAN RJIN (1608-1669) 33. Saskia as a Bride Half-length; the figure turned to the left and the face, slightly turned to the right, is seen in three-quarter view. Her hair is ornamented with flowers; she also holds flowers in her left hand, which is resting on her breast. Dressed in a bluish, flowered robe. Her hat is hanging down her back; it is attached to the shoulders by a ribbon. Grey background. Oval Panel, 27 by 20 in. From Sir Charles Robinson's Collection. - 41 — RUBENS (Peter-Paul) (1577-1640) 34. Head of an old Man A venerable old man, bald, with large, white beard; three quarter face, turned to the left. This head is a study for one of the figures of « The Adulteress, » which famous composition is in possession of Sir Philip Miles, Bristol. Panel, i ft. 10 3/4 in. by 1 ft. 4 3/4 in. Vide: Engraving in Max Rooses, vol. II, p. 32; and Plate 353; vol. V, p 25. RUBENS Peter-Paul) 1577-1640) 35. The Holy Family The Virgin, wearing a scarlet dress and a blue mantle, with the Infant Saviour, sitting naked on a pillow and reclining His head affectionately on her bosom. St-Joseph, seen in profile, is on her left, a little retired from the front, viewing the interesting scene with lively emotion. Entirely painted by Rubens. Panel, 3 ft. 5 in. by 2 ft. 6 in. From, the Collection of the Duke of Marlborough, Blenheim Pelace. — 44 — RUBENS (Peter-Paul) ( 1577-1640) 36. Christ on the Cross during the Eclipse Christ is stretched on the Cross. All His members are contracted with pain. With the approach of death, His divine face bears an indefinable expression. His eyes are directed heavenwards. From His half open mouth we believe we hear these words : « Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do ! » The eclipse on the left; below, in the distance, tke city of Jerusalem. Panel, 3 ft. 7 in. by 2 ft. 4 1/4 in. The painting formerly belonged to the Dominican Convent at Antwerp. Collection of the Rev. Father Veerecken. Branded with the arms of the Painters Guild of St-Luke's, Antwerp. — 4 5 - RUBENS Peter- ( i 577-1640) Paul) 37. Neptune and Cybele Neptune, with his back to the spectator, is sitting on a rock and leaning on an urn, from which the water is flowing. His face is turned towards the Goddess who is standing naked, holding a cornucopia in her right hand; near by is a tiger's head. Two small Genii and a Triton, blowing in a shell, emerge from the water. Canvas, 6 ft. 8 1/4 in. by 5 ft. 3 3/4 in. The painting, also called « The Alliance between the Earth and the Water » and t The Tiger and the Cornucopia », has been described, under the fatter title, in the work of Max Rooses : « L'CEuvre de P. P. Rubens », t. Ill, n° 683. This picture comes from the collection of Lord Lyttleton, and from that of Sir Thomas Lawrence. At the sale of the latter, it was sold for £ 2?o. - It was once called the « Marriage of Neptune and Cybele and was till 18 58 at Hagley Park, residence of Lord Lyttleton. The latter remitted it into the hands of Mr. W. E. Gladstone, the distinguished statesman, his brother- in-law, in order to find a purchaser. Mr. Gladstone sold it for £ 525 — to John Niewenhuys, the great art dealer, about i860, according to a letter or Mr. Gladstone, published by « the Times. » - 46 - RUBENS (Peter-Paul) (1577-1640) 38. - St. Catherine's Mystic Marriage The Holy Virgin is seated on the right near a column, dressed in a red gown and blue cloak. The Infant, seated on her lap, is in the act of putting a ring on St. Catenne's finger, who is on the left. Her head, with beautiful blonde hair, is bent in an attitude of sub- mission. Her left hand is placed on her shoulder; the right one is is extended towards the Divine Infant. St. Joseph is in the centre, in middle distance. His beard is white; he holds two keys in his right hand. Canvas, 3 1 by 45 in. The picture is of the master's first period. ® RUBENS (Peter-Paul) (1577-1640) 39. Portrait of the Artist's Brother Bust; slightly turned to the right; three-quarter face, Bare- headed ; dense hair of a dark chestnut colour; moustache and small, pointed beard. Dark cloak, hanging loose; long, white collar. Panel, 1 ft. 1 1 1/2 in. by 1 ft. 7 in. Collection of Due de Morny. — Dr. Leroy d'Etiolles. - 48 - RUISDAEL (Jacob) (1628-1682) 40. — Mountainous Landscape The view presents a mountainous landscape. In the fore-ground, at the right, three men are stopping on a road, seemingly plotting together (perhaps the conjuration of the Rutly). In the centre, a shepherdess crosses a wooden bridge with her flock. Farther back, a ruined castle is seen on a rock. On the right, in the background : large pines and high peaks. Splendid sky, with clouds on the peaks. Signed. Canvas, 40 in. by 53 in. From the Duke of Somerset's Collection. RUISDAEL (Jacob) (1628-1682) 41. — A Cascade In the fore-ground, the water falls in white, foamy masses over the rocks. Above the fall is a dam, from which an immense block is detached on the left, and several smaller ones on the right. On the bank of the weir, in the middle distance, whose water is as smooth ao a mirror, we see a villa, surrounded by trees. A clump of trees on the right, beneath the largest of which are two men. Signed, on the right, on a rock. Canvas, 26 3/4 in. by 20 1/4 in. Collection of the Earl of Onslow. RUISDAEL (Salomon) (1623-1670) 42. - Landscape with Gentlemen on horse-back On a road, a gentleman and a lady on horse-back, followed by their hounds. Several peasants have respectfully stopped on the edge of the road and see them passing. Farther back, we see another rider, followed by huntsmen and hounds. In the centre and on the left, some trees. Signed. Panel, 25 1/2 in. by 36 1/4. ® STEEN (Jan) (1626-1679) 43. A Candle-light Scene (Smith gives the description of this picture as follows) : A company of five persons grouped round a table on the left of a large room illumined by six lights. Amongst the party are a young lady and a portly gentleman who stands by her to consult him in the game. On the opposite side of the table sits a merry fellow with a card in his hand; and the remaining person stands by, smoking his pipe. A youth is seen entering the room with a candle in his hand; and on the landing of a stair case above him, are two persons also with a light. A company of seven persons is on the opposite side of the apartment, one of whom is a woman opening oysters. This excellent picture appears to have been painted in competition with the celebrated School by Gerard Dov, and like thai great painter, Jan Steen has succesfully triumphed over the conflicting effect of so many lights. Signed. Panel, 1 ft. 4 1/2 in by 1 ft. 9 1/2 in. Collection of Baron Verstolk van Soelen, The Hague. - 52 - 43. — Steen (Jan) STEEN (Jan) ( 1 626-1 679) 44. St. Nicolas Day (Described as follows, in Smith's Gat. Suppl. p. 5 10, n° 49) : « Children scrambling for fruit. — This picture verry nearly cor- responds with n° 55, Vol. IV, but is very superior to that in quality and consits of eleven figures instead of nine. In the centre sits a young woman in an antique chair, holding a child upright on her lap, who is much delighted at seeing four children scrambling for apples, which an old woman is throwing from an upper window into the room, and two of these young ones are struggling together on the ground. A man with a pipe in his hand, and a young woman, stand by the chimney, observing the fun. On the opposite side, are the grand-father and grand-mother of the family. » Signed : J. Steen Panel, 1 ft. 9 1/2 in. by 1 ft. 8 in. Formerly in a small collection belonging to the Due de Berri. Imported by Mr. Glurne, 1840, and bought by Mr. Chaplin. ® STEEN (Jan) ( ! 626-1679) 45. The Skittle Ground (Described in Smith's Catalogue, vol. IV, p. 29, n° 91, as follows) : « A view of an open common, intersected by paths, and bounded by rustic habitations. A little ale-house is on the right, in front of which are assembled a number of artisans and others, to enjoy the usual rustic recreations of the country. Among them may be observed a droll fellow, lolling on a form, and evidently - 5 4 - saying something gallant to a young woman, sitting near him with a glass of liquor in herhand. Their conversation appears to arouse a man, who with a pipe in his mouth, in seated near a tree, lean- ing forwards with his elbows on his knees to listen. Close to the latter is a stout artisan, who seems by no means satisfied with the landlord's version of the reckoning, and is counting it over himself. A part}' at a table, and a man chatting with a woman who has a child in her arms, are near the tree. In a second distance, on the opposite side, are four more playing at skittles, and a boy with a basket on his arm is looking on. Two dogs and some poultry are close to the front. The figures abound with animation, and the whole is finished with unusual care. » Signed, on the right. Panel, 2 ft, o 1/2 in. by 1 ft. 8 in. Collection of Walsh Porter Esq. 18 10. Michel Zachary Esq. 1828.' Fr. Perkins Esq. SNYDERS (f ran s) (1579-1657) 46. Stag Hunt A pack of hounds pursue a stag; some of them are seizing him; one, lynig down, bites him in his hind-leg, and another has been thrown bleeding in the air. Huntsmen on horseback are approach- ing from the distance. Signed. Canvas, 83 1/2 in. by 12G 3/4 in. From the Collections of the Duke of Osuna and of the Marquis of Murrieta. — 56 — TENIERS (David) (1610-1690) 47. The Alchimist He is seated in the centre of a laboratory; turned to the left, seen in profile. Dressed in a sallow-blue fur. With his bellows he is setting the coals ablaze on the hearth, beneath an earthen retort : Vessels, flasks, jars, retorts and other utensils, and books are everywhere, on shelves and on the floor. Back on the right are two men. Through the open window on the left, a glimpse of the blue sky. Signed. Panel, 10 1/4 in. by 14 1/4 in. TENIERS (David) ([GlO-l690) 48. Interior of a Cabaret (Smith, vol. Ill, p. 359, n° 377, describes the picture as follows) : The subjects represents a Dutch woman sitting on the right, near a tub, lightnig her pipe, and apparently listening to a peasant, who is near her. Beyond them are three other figures, near the chim- ney. A^arious culinary objects are distributed on the fore-ground. Signed : D. Teniers fee. Panel, 1 ft. 1/2 in. by 1 ft. 7 1/2 in. Collection of M. Tolozan, 1801. — Anonymous, 1S18. John Webb Esq, 1821. Bought by Zachary. Perkins' Collection, 1891. — S8 — 4 8. — Teniers (David) TENIERS (David) (161O-1690) 49. — The Skittle-ground Before a cabaret, a peasant sets the bowl a-rolling; two peasants are seated at a little table near the skittles. And two others are stan- ding wat ching the game. A servant girl is coming out from the caba- ret and a man is looking from the window. In the foreground, on the left, is a large sign-post, and in the background, a fine landscape with a river. Signed on the right. Panel, 16 3/4 in. by 28 1/4 in. From the Dubois Collection. m TENIERS and DE HEEM (Jan-David) (1610-1690) (lbOO-1674) 50. — The Interior of a Kitchen (Smith, vol. Ill, p. 377, n° 45o, describes the picture as follows) : The interior of a kitchen, garnished with an abundance of fruit and vegetables, and an infinite variety of pots, kettles, tubs and other culinary utensils. These objects are introduced by de Heem. The master of the house is in front, giving orders to the servant; and a woman with a dog near her, is seen at the door. Signed by the two masters and dated, Panel, 1 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. Collection of Smeth van Alpen, Amsterdam, 18 10. — Madame Hogguer, — 1817. Again at Paris (at M. Le Rouge's). 1818. And the Duke of Morny's Collection. - Go - 5o. — Teniers and de Heem (Jan-David) VAN DE VELDE (Adrian) (1635,-1672) 51. Landscape with Animals In an Italian Landscape with ruins and a cluster of trees on the left, and distant hills ou the right, a heard of cattle is reposing on the banks of a small stream, at which a horse is drinking, and near which several goats are standing. Behind the cattle the Shep- herd is seen holding a long staff and talking to a woman seated on the ground. Signed. Canvas, 18 1/2 in. by 21 1/2 in. VAN DE VELDE (William) (1633-1707) 52. — The Gun-shot On a foamy sea two hostile vessels are firing at each other, fire and smoke escaping in vast volumes. Other vessels are engaged in the distance, their masts and sails perceptible through the smoke. On the right, a red-coated mariner is clinging to the rigging of a sinking ship. Two boats, crowded with men, are near by. The sea is dark and rough in the fore-ground. The blue skyse en is through the smoke. Canvas, 22 3/4 in. by 29 in. From the Nieuwenhuys, Collection i883. Engraved by Champollion. 52. — Van de Velde (William) WOUVERMAN (Philips) (1619-1668) 53. — The Farrier's Shop (Smith, Suppl. 175, n° 107, describes the picture as follows) : « A building of a picturesque appearance with a shoeing stall in front of it, in which a grey horse is fixed, while a smith shoes one of its hindfeet. A boy stands by watching him. Near them is a man holding up the fore-leg of a white horse, while another examines the mouth » etc. Signed. Panel, 21 1/2 in. by 3i 1/2 in. Collection of R. Norman Esq. 1818; and of Fred. Perkins Fsq. m WOUVERMAN (Philips) (1618-1668) .54. A Battle (Smith, Suppl. n° 172, describes this picture as follows) : A battle, exhibiting a desperate rencontre of cavalry, and a conflict between bodies of infantry, near a burning windmill and village adjacent to a river, which divides the country. On the bank of a stream is a soldier on a bay horse, who has just discharged his piece at an adversary on a piebald charger, which is galloping up the bank, and the rider is falling wounded from his seat. A little in advance of this is a soldier in armour on a dark-grey horse, making a back-handed cut at his enemy, w r hose horse lies wounded on the ground. Bodies of combattants, partly enveloped in smoke, occupy a great portion of the surrounding country. - - Painted with a broad free pencil and a clear tone of colouring. Signed with the monogram. Panel, 1 ft. 9 1/2 in. by 2 ft. 7 3/4 in. Collection of Baron Verstolke de Soelen. - 6 4 - — Wo U VERM an (Philips I WYN ANTS Jan) (Died 1679) 5 5 . Landscape In the foreground, the trunk of a tree is stretched among flowery shrubs. Another big trunk is standing in the ground. — A hill, rising from right to left; a house, surrounded with trees on the extremity of the hill. A man, standing before the house, is pointing towards some travellers in the distance. A woman is looking out of the window. A pedestrian is coming near the house. On the foot of the hill is a man on horseback, with two dogs. A person, seated there, shows him the way to the house. Different travellers in the direc- tion of a distant town in the valley. Clumps of trees. Blue sky with clouds. — The figures are painted by Lingelbach. Signed and dated. Canvas 33 1/2 in. by 40 1/2 in. — 66 — ITALIAN AND SPANISH SCHOOLS BELLINI (Giovanni) ( 1428-1 5 16) 56. - — The Artist's own Portrait Three-quarter face, turned to the left with moustache, full beard and abundant, blonde hair, which hangs down over the fore-head and falls on the shoulders. Small, black cap, and black doublet. In his right hand he holds a strip of white paper with the inscription : « Bellinus — 1488 » — In the background is a hilly landscape with blue sky, and a town on a height on the right. Panel, 21 in. by 16 1/4 in. From Lord Dudley's Collection. MORONI Giovanni Battista) (1520-1578) 57. Portrait of a Nobleman Half-length; life-size; seated at a table with green cover; his body turned to the right and face to the left, in three-quarter profile. Brown eyes; reddish hair and small moustache. The right arm resting on a table, with the fingers between the leaves of an open book. Two more books and a bell are on the table. Around the wrist is seen a strip of a black undergarment. A white surplice seen on fore-arm. Black cape and black, cornered cap. Brown background. Canvas, 35 in. by 29 1/2 in. - 68 - CANALETTO (Antonio Canale) (1697- i 768) 58. Church of San Giorgio Ma^giore The whole front of the island on the right with the church and campanile, and the houses of a reddish colour, is brilliantly illu- mined by the sun and reflected in the water. On the canal are a great number of boats and barges. The composition is terminated, on the right, with the Customhouse, and on the left, with the extreme point of the Quay degli Schiaponi. Canvas, 2 3 in. by 37 1/2 in. CANALETTO ^Antonio Canale) (1697- 1 768) 59. — The Ducal Palace In the fore-ground, boats are plying in all directions, filled with port-labourers, whose red calottes, poised on the side, gives them a swaggering air. On the right, we see parts of some gondolas; in one of them the gondolier is lying down, with his head turned towards a comrade. In the centre, on the opposite side of the canal, is the palace of the Doge, and on the left, behind some other palaces, the campanile. Numerous gondolas and canoes are mooring along the quay. Clear transparent sky. Canvas 20 1/2 by 27 1/4 Sq. — Canaletto (Antonio Canale)]] GUARD I (Francesco) (i 7 i 2- i 793) 60. La Piazza San Marco The view is taken from St-Marc's Church. The Place in full sun- light, is crowded with people. In the centre are three tradesmen under white tents. Canvas, 18 1/2 in. by 25 1/4 in. ® GUARDI Francesco) (1712-1793) 61. The Feast of the Bucentoro The large canal is covered with magnificent gondolas and elegant boats, full with people dressed in splendid costumes, the lively colours of which are reflected on the dark water of the canal. The palaces on the opposite bank swarm with people at each window and even on the roofs. The Bucentoro is on the left; from a platform, the Doge is going to throw his ring into the water, symbolizing the marriage of Venice with the Adriatic. Canvas, 4G 1/2 in. by G5 in. From the Febre Collection. Crabbe Sale, 1800. — 16000 francs. 6i. — Guardi (Francesco) MURILLO (Bartolome Esteban) (1618-1682) 62. The Portrait of the Artist Half-length, life-size, turned to the right, three-quarter face, looking at the spectator. Bare-headed ; long, wavy hair, falling on the shoulders. Brown, heavy Spanish cloak, open at the neck, where the equally open shirt is seen. His left hand is placed on his breast. Dark-grey background. Canvas, 3o 1/2 in. by 24 1/4 in. MURILLO (Bartolome Esteban) (1618-1682) 63. Portrait of Doha Juana Eminente Curtis, in « Valasquez and Murillo », p. 3o2, n 479, describes this picture as follows : « A lady of the Court of Philip IV, in black dress with slashed sleeves, white undersleeves and scalloped lace collar with long hair parted on her shoulders; her right hand, holding a fan, is on the back of a red chair; her left touches an ornament on the bosom of her dress. » Canvas, 39 by 3o in. Sold as a Valasquez in the Louis Philippe Sale, n° 1S2. J. C. Robinson Esq. London. From a private Collection in Madrid. Praised by Head, Handbook, i5j. This may be a portrait of the wife of Don Francisco Eminente, mentioned at n° 3 1 8. (Was in the Gallery of the Louvre, in the Louis Philipps Collection, till 1848). - 74 - MURILLO (Bartolome Esteban (ib i 8-1 682) 64. Our Lady of Madrid Half-length figure - Rising above the clouds with a crescent before her. Three boy angels are on each side of her head. Her body is turned to the right, her face slightly to the left; almost full front; looking upwards. Black eyes; black hair Killing over her shoulders. White garment, leaving the neck bare. With her hands, crossed over her breast, she holds a black drapery, which falls over her left shoulder and down her back. Reddish background. Canvas, 3g in. by 29 0/4 in. m MURILLO (Bartolome Esteban) (1618-1682) 65. St Francis In oval. Half-length, turned to the left, three quarter face looking upwards; black hair and beard. Black cloak; the edges of the white shirt visible around the neck and left wrist. A burning flame is on his breast; his right hand is pointing to it. He holds a staff in his left. A glory above his head. From his lips issue these words : « Satis est Domine, satis est! » Canvas, 21 1\4 ' n - by 17 1/4 in. Erom the Monro Collection of Novar. MURILLO (Bartolome Esteban) (1618-1682) 66. Portrait of a Spanish Nobleman Entire length, life size, standing, turned to the left in three-quar- ter profile. Dark complected; dark eyes; short, black moustache; black hair falling on the shoulders. The right arm akimbo. Small, white collar; the white sleeves of his shirt are covered with black, transparent lace. Black cape; black hose, with bows on the knees; white stockings; black shoes, slashed with white. In his left hand he holds his gloves. White and black marble floor. A red curtain around a column behind the figure. His scutcheon on the wall, on the left. Canvas, 78 in. by 47 1/4 in. - 78 - Murillo (Bartolome-Esteban) MURILLO (Bartolome Esteban) (1618-1(582) 67. St Francis de Paul Kneeling before the columns of a Temple, his hands on his breast, in prayer. Angels appear in a vision, showing him the w ord « Charitas, » surrounded by an aureola. On the left an episode from the life of the Saint. Canvas, 88 3/4 in. by Go in. Curtis « Velasquez and Murillo » (p. 23g n° 3o2) calls this picture : « St. -Francis de Paul »and says that it is probably the picture called « St. -Fran- cis at his devotions » exhibited at the British Institution in 1 85 2 by Frederick Perkins, and in 1862 by George Perkins. From the Perkins' Collection. m MURILLO (Bartolome Esteban) (1618-1682) 68. St Francis oi Assisi in Ecstasy The Saint is kneeling on a knoll, near a clump of trees in the solitude. His arms are stretched out; the marks are visible on his hands. Before him are a crucifix and a skull. An angel appears in the sky. Canvas, 88 3/4 in. by 60 in. Vide : Curtis, « Velasquez and Murillo », p. 237 n" 298. Exhibited at the British Institution 1862. A'Picture w ith this title w as exhibited by J. Perkins in 1821, and bvF. Perkins in 1 85 2. From the Perkins' Collection. TINTORETTO (i 5 12-1 594) 69. Portrait of a Venetian Nobleman Half length, the head seen in a three quarter view, turned to the left, with black beard and moustaches and thin hair. He is dressed in a silk overcoat and velvet vest, buttoned in front with a small white collar. Above, in the background, a latin inscription. Canvas, 29 in. by ib 1/2 in. m TIZIANO (Vecelmo) (i 4 77-i5 7 6j 70. Diana surprised by Actaeon Diana and five nymphs, all nude. The Goddess is seated on the right; her head is ornamented with a crescent and strings of pearls. With her left hand she holds up a white cloth before her face. A nymph wipes her feet. Action, followed by a dog, is coming from the left. Two of the nymphs are trying to hide themselves behind columns. A red curtain on an arch ; trees and rocks in the back- ground ; cloudy sky. Canvas, 22 3/4 in. by 26 1/4 in. — 82 — 70. — Tiziano (Vecellio) RAPHAEL (Santi) (1483-1 520) 71. — La Vierge du Due de Lorraine The Holy Virgin, dressed in a red bodice and blue petticoat, with a transparent veil attached to her hair and a glory above her head, is seen in profile, seated, holding one hand on her breast. The naked Infant is seated on a cushion which is on Mary's lap, with an aureola around His head. His left hand is inserted in Mary's bodice. His right rests on the cushion. Panel, 29 3/4 in. by 22 1/2 in. This picture was presented to James, Earl of Waldegrave, by the Duke of Lorraine, and purchased at the former's sale in 1768. Later on, as it is stated on the back of the panel, it was left to Her Grace, Maria Janetta, Duchess of St-Albans by her attached and faithful friend, Lieutenant Colonel Francis, Cunyngham, who died Sept. 19 th. 18 16. - 84- FRENCH SCHOOL BOILLY (Louis-Leopold) (1761-1845) 72. - A Family Scene : The Return of the Father Three persons, father, mother and daughter, are standing at the door-way of a dark building. The father is dressed in the costume of the end of the XVIII. century, with his hat lying on the ground. The wife has a light silk dress with lavender-coloured bodice, and the girl a green silk frock. The three hold each other entwined, and the father is looking tenderly at his little child. Canvas, 21 1/4 in. by 18 in. M lle LEDOUX (Philiberte) (1767- 1 840) 73. — A little Girl at her Toilet She is standing before her toilet-table, almost in full front, her head bent to the left, her hands crossed over her breast. The head of the girl has been retouched by Greuze. Canvas, 25 1/2 in. by 20 3/4 in. - 80 - BOUCHER (Francois) (1704-1770) 74. Cupids near a Fountain Two little rosy Cupids, seated on draperies of various colours, are bathing their feet in the water of the fountain. The latter is composed of a marble group of two Cupids holding an urn, from which the water is flowing. At the foot of the fountain is a lion, sculptured in marble. Canvas, 10 in. by 24 3/4 in. GREUZE (Jean-Baptiste) (1720-1805) 75. The two Sisters In an interior of modest appearance, an old man, seated, is push- ing away his daughter who is standing before him in rich costume and is offering him a purse of money. With his left arm he protects his second daughter, plainly dressed, who is seated beside him. A little dog with yellow ears is in the foreground. On the left, are two little children, leaning against a chair and looking on with astonishment. Canvas, 23 in. by 28 1/2 in. - 88 - GELLEE (Claude) CALLED Le LORRAIN (i 600- I 682) 76. — - Sea-port in Italy In the foreground, five fishermen are pulling a net ashore. Two men stand close by, in conversation. On the left is a hill with villas and trees. A massive square tower is at the foot of the hill on the strand. Ships and several towers farther back. A blue promontory rising in the distance, at the point of which is a light house The picture terminates, on the left, by a high mast and on the right by a pier, on which an angler is seated, talking to a man, and by high columns. Behind the latter is a ship with her crew, and a pleasure-boat near by. Dark-green, rolling waves. The setting sun, surrounded with purple clouds, is reflected in the water. Canvas, 38 1/2 in. by 48 in. From the Collection of Mr. Francais, the Landscape painter, and that of Mr Secretan. m PATER (Jean-Baptiste-Joseph) (1696-1736) 77. — Fete Champetre A landscape, with hills in the distance. In the centre, a gentleman is seated on a chair, turning around and looking tenderly at a lady who is leaning coquettishly over the back of the chair. To their right, a lady is toying with a dog. On the left, near a cluster of trees, is a group of nine figures : a lady playing with a child; a gentleman playing on the guitar; a lady holding a book for him; two loving couples in sweet conversation; a little girl plucking flowers. In the middle distance, on the right, a marble statue; farther back, a chapel. Canvas, 27 1/4 in. by 39 in. — 90 — 77- — Pater (Jean-Baptiste- Joseph) NATTIER (Jean-Marc) (1685-1766) 78. -- Princesse de Lambesque Bust, turned to the right, with face slightly to the left, nearly full front. Brown eyes; curly, auburn hair, powdered in front. Low dress; neck bare; a red cloak trimmed with brown, black-spotted fur. Sky background. Canvas, 23 3/4 in. by 18 1/4 in. ® SAUVAGE (M.) (i 744 -i8i8) 79. — Autumn (Decorative Panel) In the centre of the panel is seen a medallion imitating a bas- relief in white marble, suspended from a ribbon bow and placed within a gilt frame of the style of Louis XVI, and surrounded by a garland of flowers. It represents five Cupids gathering fruit. Below the medallion, a small panel, imitating a bas-relief in grey marble, is supported by a gold ornament. Canvas, 69 1/2 in. by 44 1/4 in. There are three Companions to the above in the Sedelmeyer Collection : « Winter » (Cupids warming themselves near a fire). « Summer » (Cupids reaping). « Spring » (Cupids winding flower-garlands). TRINQUESSE (J.) XVIII. CENTURY 80. A Love-scene In a park, on the left, is the statue of Cupid, on a pedestal en- twined with flowers. Before it, is a loving couple, the woman seated, the man half kneeling, holding her right hand and giving her a tender last kiss. Another woman has taken hold of her com- panion's left arm and tries to make her leave her lover. Blue sky with light clouds. Canvas, 25 1/2 in. by 19 3/4 in. Engraved. WATTE AU (Antoine) (1684-1721) 81. Children at Play In a landscape, is a group of live children : four fair, bare-headed girls and a boy with a straw hat. They seem to play at keeping school. One girl, the school-mistress, standing near the right, with a bat under her arm, the other arm akimbo, is looking sternly at her pupils who are seated or crouching on the ground, Trees with dense foliage on the right and left. Cloudy sky. Panel, 7 1/2 in. by 1/2 in. by 17 1/2 in. MORLAND (George) (1763-1804) 90. — In the Snow A snow-covered landscape. At the foot of a leafless tree, a wood- cutter, in a light-coloured cloak with red hood, is in the act of placing some dry wood on the ground, preparatory to making a tire. His companion, in a white, round jacket, brings another bundle of wood In. the background, on the right, is a hut, with snow on the roof. Panel, 16 1/2 in. by 1 in. - 104 — LAWRENCE Sir Thomas) ( I 769-1830) 91. A Bacchante Bust, three-quarter face, turned to the right. A garland of ivy is entwined in her brilliant, reddish hair, the curls of which fall over her fore-head, ears and neck. Fine blue, lustrous eyes; her fresh, lightly coloured face is enlivened by a charming smile. The bare neck is of a marble whiteness. A yellow shawl is thrown over her left shoulder. Dark-blue background. Panel, 19 3/4 in. by 16 in. ® ROMNEY (George) (r 7 3 4 -:8o2) 92. — Lady Hamilton Bust, in three-quarter profile, turned to the right. Head and shoulders are covered with a grey veil. The eyes, full of expression, are looking upwards. Canvas, 17 1/2 in. by i5 in. — 10G — REYNOLDS (Sir (Joshua) (1723-1792) 93. Judge Dunning and his Sister (Lord Ashburton and his Sister) Three-quarter figures, life-size. The Judge is seated on the left, turned to the right in three-quarter profile. Powdered wigand judge's robe; white lace collar; black vest; blue, flowered coat with gold brocade; black breeches. He holds a paper in his right hand. The sister is in profile, turned to the left. Fair hair; bare-headed ; white dress with bows and frills; black lace shawl. A table, covered with documents and writing utensils, is between the two. Curtain and architectural background. Canvas, 49 1/2 in. by j3 r/4 in. John Dunning was an Advocate, and a personal friend of Sir Joshua Reynolds. It was he who defended Wilkes at the bar of the House of Commons when Wilkes was elected a Member of Parlia- ment for Middlesex, and was, on account of his religious and political — 108 — opinions, refused permission to take his seat in the Chamber. Dunning became himself a Member of Parliament, and held high office in the Government. He filled the office of Chancellor of the Duchv of Lancaster, and Attorney General. He was raised to the House of Lords under the title of Baron Ashburton. Sir Joshua Reynolds painted him several times. Dunning was a very notorious person in his daw The picture fell by inheritance to Lady Cranstoun, the wife of the last Lord Cranstoun, and from Lady Cranstoun the picture was purchased by Thomas Agnew and Sons, and by them sold to Mr. C. Sedelmeyer. This picture was exhibited at the Winter Exhibition of the Royal Academv, 1 878, n° 72 of the Catalogue. The portrait of Judge Dunning has been engraved from this picture by W m Bond in 1809, and by F. Bartolozzi R. A. I UIJ — REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua) .'1723-1792 94. Lord and Lady Wentworth Three-quater figures, lifc-sizc. — The nobleman is standing, turned to the right, in three-quarter profile, looking at the spectator. His right arm is leaning on a pedestal, his left hand is on the wrist of the lady. Bare-headed; powdered wig; grey-blue coat; lace collar and cuffs. — The lady is seated to his left ; three-quater face ; looking to the left. White coif, blue dress with bows; white mantilla ; white lace on breast and arms, broad gold-chain around the neck; large pearl in her ear. A small dog is on her lap. Landscape background. Canvas. 57 in. by Gi in. Engraved by I. W. Reynolds, in WHE ATLEY (Francis) (1747-1801) 99. — A Visit to the Farm A landscape, the background of which is composed of trees with dense foliage. In the centre, the farmer's wife is pouring milk into a jug which a lady is holding. Another lady presents a cup to the baby sitting on her lap. Several children, coquettishly dressed, are filling their jugsfrom a large tub. Animals and several persons in the middle distance. Canvas, 24 1/2 in. by 3o in. m W1LKIE (Sir David) (1785-1841) 100. — Highland Warrior returning from the Battle Interior of a cottage. The Highlander, dressed in national costume, is seated on the right, with his sword on his side, and holding the barrel of his gun with his left hand. His wife, before him, pre- sents him his baby girl who stretches her arms towards her father, A girl stands near the doorway. A fire is smouldering on the ground; two dogs are near by. A spinning-wheel, jugs and other domestic utensils are distributed here and there. Canvas. 20 1 4 in. by 35 in — 1 1 r, — ioo. — Wilkie (Sir David) ARTISTS' INDEX Paye Bellini (Giovanni). - - The Artist's own Portrait 68 Beyeren (Abraham van). - - Still-life 4 Bo illy (Louis-Leopold). — A Family Scene. The Return of the Father 86 Bonington (Richard-Parkes). — Sea coast in Normandy . . 98 Boucher (Francois). — Cupids near a Fountain 88 Canaletto (Antonio-Canale). — Church of San Giorgio Maggiore 70 Canaletto (Antonio-Canale). - - The Ducal Palace 70 Capelle (Jan van de). — Sea-Piece 4 Constable (John). — Rough Sea 98 Cuyp (Albert). — River Scene with cattle 6 Interior of a Gothic Church 7 — Pastoral Scene , 8 Cows on a Bank of a River 10 Dov (Gerard). — Portrait of Rembrandt's Mother 12 Rembrandt in his Studio 12 Dyck (Anthony van). — Portrait of a young Pastor 14 Everdingen (Albert van). — Scene in Norway with a Cascade. 14 Fyt (Jan). — Dead Animals 16 Gellee, dit le Lorrain (Claude). — Sea-port in Italy. ... 90 Goyen (Jan van). — Calm Sea - 16 View of Dort 18 The Calm before the Storm 18 Greuze (Jean-Baptiste). — The two Sisters 88 Guardi (Francesco). — La piazza San Marco 72 ■ — The Feast of the Bucentoro 72 Hobbema (Meindert). — The Castle of Kostverloren 20 The Water-mill in the Forest. ... 22 Holbein Junior (Hans). — Portrait of Landenberger .... 22 Hondecoeter (Melchior). - - Ducks and a Cock 24 Hoogh (Pieter de). — The Music Party 24 Hoppner (John). — Portrait of Countess Oxford 100 Portrait of Mrs. Angerstein 100 Lawrence (Sir Thomas). — Portrait of Miss Siddons . . . . 102 Portrait of Mrs. Kemble .... 102 A Bacchante 106 Ledoux (M 110 ). — A little girl at her Toilette 8(5 Massys (Quinten). — The Entombment of Christ 26 Morland (George). -- The Wood-gatherers 104 In the Snow 104 Moreelse (Paulus). - - Portrait of a Young Woma n 26 Moroni (Gio-Battista). - Portrait of a Nobleman 68 Murillo (B. E.). - - The Portrait of the Artist 74 Portrait of Dona Juana Eminente ... 74 Our Lady of Madrid 76 St. Francis 76 Portrait of a Spanish Nobleman . ... 78 St. Francis de Paul 80 St. Francis of Assisi in Ecstasy 80 Nattier (Jean-Marc). — Princesse de Lambesque 92 Neer (Aart van der). — Winter in Holland 28 The Borders of the Meuse 28 River Scene : Morning 3o Ostade (Adrian van). — Dancing Peasants 3o Dutch Interior 32 — The Card Players 32 — The Smoker 34 — ■ The Rustic Concert . . . 34 Pater (J. B. J.). — Fete Champetre 90 Raphael (Santi). — La Vierge du Due de Lorraine 84 Rembrandt (van Rjin). — The good Samaritan 36 The Artist's Wife 38 — Pilate washing his Hands. .... 39 Saskia as Bride 41 Reynolds (Sir Joshua). — Judge Dunning and his Sister . . 108 Lord and Lady Wentworth ... 110 Resignation 1 1 o — Portrait of a Young Lady .... 112 Reynolds (Sir Joshua). — Portrait of Ketty Fisher 112 Romney (George). — Lady Hamilton 106 Rubens ( Peter-Paul ). — Head of an old Man 42 The Holy Family 44 — Christ on the Cross 43 Neptune and Cybele 40* Catherine's mystic Marriage .... 48 Portrait of the Artist's Brother . . 48 Ruisdael (Jacob). — Mountainous Landscape 5o — A Cascade bo Ruysdael (Salomon). — Landscape with gentlemen on horse back . 52 Sauvage (M.). — Autumn 92 Snyders (Fransi. — Stag Hunt 56 Steen (Jan). — A Candle-light Scene .... 52 — St. Nicolas Day 54 The Skittle ground 54 Teniers and de Heem. — The Interior of a Kitchen Go — (David). — The Younger. The Alchimist 58 — — — Interior of a Cabaret. . . 58 — — — The Skittle ground ... 60 Tintoretto. — Portrait of a Venitian Nobleman 82 Tiziano (Vecellio). — Diana surprised by Actaeon 82 Turner (W. J. M.). — Ancient Italy 114 Trinquesse (J.). — A Love-scene 94 Velde (Adrian van de). ■ — ■ Landscape with Animals 62 Velde (William van de). — The Gun-shot 62 Watteau (A.). — Children at Play 94 — Le Bal Champetrc 96 Wheatley (Francis). — A Visit to the Farm 116 Wilkie (Sir David). — Highland Warrior returning .... 116 Wouverman (Philips). — The Farrier's Shop 64 — A Battle 64 Wynants (Jan). — Landscape 66 Imp. DRAEGER & LESIEUR Paris. Principal Publications ot CH. SEDELMEYER, PUBLISHER, PARIS Tin: Syndics of the Draper's Corporation. Etching by Charles Koepping after Rembrandt. Size of the etching : 23 in. by 34 in. — Plate destroyed. 125 proofs have been issued at Fr. 1.300 PORTRAIT OF AN OLD MAN. — Etching by Ch. Koepping after Rembrandt. sj/e of thc etching . 32 in< by 2I in< __p|. ltc destroyed 125 artist's proofs on Japan paper at Fr. SOO The Archers of St. -George. — Etching by ch. Koepping after Franz Hals. s[/c . 2 ., in> hy j]K _ pi;Uc destroycd> 125 artist's proofs on Japan paper at Fr. l.OOO Tin; Children of Charles I of England. — Etching by F. Laguillermie after Anthony Van Dyck. Siz2 : 24 1/2 in. by 3i in. — Plate destroyed. [25 artist's proofs on Japan paper at Fr. 800 Beatrice of Cusance, Duchess of Lorrain. — Etching by F. Laguillermie after Anthony Wan Dyck. Size : 27 1/2 in. by 21 in. — Plate destroyed. 125 artist's proofs on Parchment at Fr. 800 ClIRIST BEFORE PiLATE. Engraved by Ch. Waltner after Munkacsy. Size : 21 in. by 3 1 1 '4 in. Prints ' Fr. 75 ClIRIST ON CALVARY. Executed by Ch. Koepping after Munkacsy. Size : 21 in. by 32 1/4 in. Prints Fr. 75 Companion to the etching Christ before Pilate. Milton dictating Paradise Lost to his Daughters. - Etched by Ch. Courtry after Munkacsy. Size of the etching : i5 in. by 21 in. Prints Fr. 25 MOZAR' L directing- the first execution of his Requiem. — Etched by Armand Mathey after Munkacsv. Size of the etching : 16 in. 1/2, by 23 in. 3/8. Prints on India paper Fr. 25 The Virgin, Child and St. Catherine. — Etching by Armand Mathey after A. Van Dyck. Size of the etching : 21 3/4 in. by 18 1/4 in. 125 remark proofs signed by the etcher, each. . . . Fr. 250 Lettered proofs on India paper Fr. 30 Spring. — ■ Etching by E. M. Geyger after the picture by Sandra Botticelli. Size of the etching : ig 1/2 in. by 3o in. The artist is working on this plate for the last four years. It will be the most im- portant and the most perfect which has ever been executed after that celebrated painting. To be published in 1894 Illustrated catalogue sent on application Forthcoming Publication Ch. Sedelmeyer Art Publisher PARIS, 6, rue La Rochefoucauld, PARIS Will soon issue a most important book The Complete work of REMBRANDT 8 volumes which will contain r 1 Over 5oo large photo-engravings after all recognized authentic pain- tings by Rembrandt in public and private galleries. 2' 1 A great number of phototypes after the Masters drawings and etchings. 3 1 ' His Biography with many documents and the description and pedigree of his work : The text written by Doctor W m BODE, Director of the Berlin Museum and the greatest authority in Europe on Rembrandt. This text will be in German, English and French. The first volume will be issued before the end of this year; the others to follow every three months. Subscription-price in Paris i 25o franks for the 8 volumes. A small number will be printed on Japan paper at 2 ooo franks. Subscription are received by letters addressed to Ch. SEDELMEYER, 6, rue La Rochefoucauld, Paris. I in p r i m c pour C H. SE DE LMEY E R par DRAEGER & LESIEUR Paris 6 3 73^ GETTY CENTER LIBRARY MAIN N 8640 S44 1894 BKS c 1 Galerie Sedelmeyer. Illustrated catalogue of 100 paintings o 3 3125 00321 1113