.33T. & y S. dcS C^tuA , /$&. / 2 3 /6 - f 6 '. /OZ . /O £T //4^ / 3 Z, /$& /S CL.&rcU. / Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofremai00chri_6 /22 - 0 ' / 5 ! C 7 . rv- -p? - . /3 3 . fzL /3< J ■ /s * ' /£ 7- Oc,C-craU t C t 1 i ^ ~i 1 € /ZS-. /tf-Z. /ss~. CuCjL-.. /. 3. 13 .3& fo Qz. •shk■ $ . IP'. 4 ^ 2 , /5/. /ss~. 2.0. 2b. 2 3 9 fa fa. fa 3. 9- $ 3 /ftn. Ci. ZniSffiUy. sr. /of. //j . /2/ . / faa-c^A^3 /$ 3 . /2 9. /3/. /V-V-. yp'-uuc/****-**- / 3 / -■■■■■ / YULLS colics / 4 ?/. 3o.33. f Sf 66 //V-- I.C./S. 3 3 ,« f? , . Jam -4-c ^oC . //*-/- /?3. Af~- /& ■ /3 ■ 3 2 - 6' 6 - (u^_CcU^ ■ Q • H-t UcscsUm a.cL /O.S. /2fr. /30./3CL. /3 b /**- ■ r#-. M. . /Ot/- . / 2 2 . /S/. Cb ' c>Q. /OS', /i+g-. 12. 3o.3^ -3. /V2- - /S’/ CX. .Crt'-oJ'C . /oy- ■ / 3 0. CtsU / 7 a/. jz 3 . 3o. 3 ^-. 3(a>. 3 Y ■ L/L o . 4-4- 4 . 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CATALOGUE m7 0 U.ib OF THE REMAINING PORTION OF THE COLLECTION OF WATCH [ JEWELLERY FORMED BY MARCUS SHARPE, ESQ., J.P. DECEASED, LATE OF DOVER, Comprising a large number of Keyless and other Watches, by well-known English and Foreign Makers, in Gold Oases; Gold and Platinum Watch- Ohains; Gold Pen and Pencil Oases; Studs, Pins and Trinkets; and a number of Rings, set with Brilliants of unusual size and other Precious Stones; &c. &c.: WHICH (by Order of the Executor) Mill be Solb bn Auction bn Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James’s Square, S.W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, M anson and Woods not being responsible , for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and, making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. O On FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1S97, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. WATCH CHAINS. ^141 A platinum and gold curb-pattern double Albert chain —weight 3 oz. 7 dwts. g 'A 2 , ^ 3 -? gold, with charms attached ; and a short ditto chain, chased withx if? ^'/w figures of a huntsman, hounds and boar—3 oz. 15 dwts. 144 Two silver curb-pattern Albert chains —weight 6 oz. ,v 145 One larger ditto; and a fancy curb ditto, with two keys attached -^/ 7 —4 oz. 17 dwts. 146 A silver plaited-pattern Albert chain, with seven charms attached ; - and two other silver chains—4 oz. 14 dwts. gross GOLD SIGNET RINGS, TRINKETS, Etc. ’ 147 Five gold signet rings —weight 2 oz. 8 dwts. ’ 148 Five ditto, with bloodstone and cornelian seals—2 oz. gross / f/i-zZ 149 Six ditto, with cornelian, bloodstone, &c .—2 oz. 2 dwts. gross A 150 Two chased gold rings ; three others ; and a scarf ring, with mosaic. -2 oz. 4 //rf,? 151 X, /& ' ^152 Y/ / # * ^153 0. //' *2*7, 6 156 157 L? * fj , 0 159 £ / 0,0 160 £*/ 7 * / 161 J . 2162 /# , & 163 ±3 s c?, 0 164 6 ' <3*0 165 £ * 0fi-r~0 166 167 /* 0 , 0 168 169 Three plain gold pen and pencil-cases /fy A gold and platinum pencil-case; a gold pencil-case, engraved with a calendar; and one, set with pearls - Four gold-mounted compasses fi/JZ' Two ditto, formed as mortars ; a gold key and seal < Four gold vinaigrettes, one with short chain ^ ^ Y ^ Three engraved gold lockets; and three others , vV? A gold scarf-ring, with an owl’s mask set with turquoise and pearls; , a scarf-slide, with cameo head; and two, with stones ? /6 Four gold-mounted compasses; and four bunches of' gold masonic charms A gold-mounted compass ; a gold barometer; two ditto boatswain’s < whistles; and a key, formed as a pistol A key, in gold case formed as a cannon; three gold keys, with z seals ; and three charms * Four gold and silver mounted compasses; and nine gold and other keys and charms Two cut topaz seals, with chased gold mounts; a pair of gold sleeve-links, enamelled pale blue; and an enamelled solitaire ^ Three gold seals, chased with animals ; a pair.of plain gold sleeve- links ; and a pair of onyx ditto Three gold seals (two with compasses); a pair of carbuncle ear¬ rings; and a small chatelaine, with seven charms attached, some enamelled A silver pencil-case ; seven ditto studs; a pair of sleeve-links; a pair of solitaires; nine malachite and onyx buttons; a pair of onyx sleeve-links; three charms; five other pieces; and seven silver and copper coins Two gold brooches, with shell camei; and a gold bracelet, set with carbuncles 5 r 170 A twisted gold bracelet, set with a brilliant and rubies, and partly ^ enamelled dark blue ~ ^ 171 An engraved gold bracelet, enamelled pale blue and set with car¬ buncles and pearls IS i/Si > 7 172 An oblong nielloed silver snuff-box, with a hunting scene on the lid, gilt inside and engraved with inscription ^ 173 An oblong snuff-box, nielloed with flowers ; a niello fusee-box; anc a silver cigarette-case, with enamelled filigree ornament 7 174 A small silver pocket-flask; two plain silver match-boxes; and an enamelled silver fusee-box > 175 A silver stick-top, formed as a man’s head; a silver ring, with a French gold five-franc piece; and two engine-turned silver match-boxes > 176 Three plain silver match-boxes; and eight chased silver lockets amL ^ charms, Ac. / f 177 A silver Baltic medal; a ditto China medal, with clasp; three silver, match-boxes; and a chased parcel-gilt caddy-spoon ^ 178 A metal brooch, inlaid with gold, chased with a group of flowers; a stick-top, damascened with gold and silver; and a ditto dagger Ct' ^ 179 Two aneroid barometers, with thermometers and compasses, in ,, / silvered and gilt metal cases PINS. w V 180 Six gold scarf-pins, with military trophies, &c. fiS&Sif- & 181 Six ditto ^ 182 A gold scarf-pin, with a bugle ; one, with a skull and cross bones; _ and four others 0 183 Three gold horse-shoe scarf-pins; one, with a cameo; and two others ^ 184 A gold pin, with a canoe enamelled in colours ; and one, with an enamel picture on easel B 3 6 Two gold and crystal pins, painted with a butterfly and dog’s heatR/ and one other . f c / 0 , ^1S6 Four scarf-pins, with monkeys’ masks, carved in Labrador spar, and set with diamond eyes 0{T ^ JL / / 193 A' O • ^194 (t/T 0 , f 195 /✓ /0 , V 196 fj y 0 , O 197 Three larger ditto, with demons’ masks, &c. in the same * ft , 0 198 if / 0 , <7 199 if, 07 , 0 200 A' A ^ 2C2 7 , -x 203 f./*,5^ A Sapphire and Brilliant Cluster Scarf-Pin, also forming a stud ug , y RINGS. JL+ , C? cZ ./<7, (7 0 . O 205 A small sapphire and brilliant ring 206 A partly enamelled ring-mount, with brilliant border 207 A gipsy ring, with a cat’s-eye 208 A ring, with a brilliant in blue enamel setting 209 210 211 ;212 y 213 214 f 215 216 ^17 • 218 7 219 7 220 > 221 7 222 7 223 7 224 7 225 7 226 s? 227 A black enamel ring, with a brilliant A ruby and diamond marquise ring A sapphire and ruby ditto A ring, with a single brilliant A Ring, with a large brilliant Another A Gipsy Ring, with a large brilliant A Ditto A Ditto A Ditto - " A Ditto A Ring, with a large brilliant 1^' L A Ditto A Ditto, with a larger brilliant A Gipsy Ring, with three brilliants A Ditto, with a sapphire and two brilliants A Ditto, with an emerald and two small brilliants An Opal and Brilliant Cluster Ring Z-J ■ ' • ' - X7 jfo— ~~~ 7 An Opal and Brilliant Marquise Ring SILVER WATCHES. 228 A watch, by C. Mitchell (No. 40,544), with engine-turned silver dial and case; and a keyless watch (No. 47,403), with enamelled dial, calendar, &c., in gun-metal case Y 229 A Large Keyless Clock-Watch, by Dent (No. 31,052), repeating ^ hours and quarters, with compensated balance, in plain silver ^ case l * * ^ 230 A large keyless watch (No. 22,394), with compensated balance, in i plain silver case; and a pedometer, by Archbutt, in engine-^ 1 y turned silver case 231 A keyless watch (No. 36,961), with compensated balance, in plain^ silver case ; and a pedometer, in engine-turned silver case 8 A , 232 A keyless Waltham watch (No. 3,190,147), with compensated balance, in plain hunting case; a pocket aneroid barometer, in silver case ; and a pedometer O/y/2. //J,* 233 A keyless watch, by Ivleyser (No. 431,425), with compensated,. balance, in engine-turned case; and a small pocket aneroid 'At' / * j & 234 A watch, by Jenkins (No. 692), in engine-turned silver-gilt hunting case; and a watch, by L. Roberts (No. 2170), in plain silver hunting case 7> , ^/ 0,0 - 3: ' /-f / 0 . o 236 A J . * 237 /J, /.T. 0 239 /O' /O . O 240 /O'. * 241 /7, 0 , e 242 /Of 0 , o 243 /f, ff 244 /O, tT, e 245 GOLD WATCHES. A watch, by J. Pickford (No. 6129), with compensated balance and winding dial, in plain gold case Another (No. 20,483), in engine-turned case A watch, by Barrauds (No. 647), with compensated balance, in plain gold case A chronometer watch, by Arnold in plain gold case A watch, by David Morice (No. 185), in engine-turned case A repeating chronometer watch (No. 3064), with open gold face, in engine-turned case 484\ . , ), with compensated balance, U A watch, by J. McCabe (No. 17,184), with compensated balance in engine-turned gold hunting case A watch (No. l/,204), with compensated balance, in engine-turned gold hunting case An eight-day watch (No. 1411), with patent winder, in plain gold hunting case A repeating watch, by Ingold (No. 175), with centre seconds hand, in engine-turned case A largei ditto, by Du Bois (No. 33o3), repeating quarters, with silver dial, in engine-turned gold case 9 GOLD KEYLESS WATCHES. >46 A Keyless Watch, by J. & G-. Beasley (No. 12,494), repeating tbe minutes, with compensated balance, and dial with calepdar^ , in plain gold hunting case 147 A Similar Watch, by Weill and Harburg (No. 45,396) r A/ <7 >48 A Keyless Stop-Watch, by T. Russell & Son (90,306), with compensated balance, and centre seconds hand, in gold hunting ^ case with chased borders ^ 249 A Similar Watch, by the same (No. 87,960) ^ l 250 A Large Keyless Watch, by Lund & Blockley * re P eat ' ing the minutes, with compensated balance, in plain with screw caps 251 A Keyless Stop-Watch, by Boxell (No. 15,605), repeating the minutes, with compensated balance, centre seconds hand, and enamelled dials with calendar, in plain gold demi-hunter case enamelled with crest and motto ,252 A Keyless Stop-Watch, by Thos. Russell & Son (No. 7/,494), with compensated balance and centre seconds hand, m plair gold case ,253 A watch, by Barwise (No. 5414), with compensated balance, in engine-turned case " . 254 A watch, by A Hum & Co. (No. 1016), in engine-turned case with, engraved borders 255 A Keyless Stop-Watch, by Thos. Russell & Sons (No. 89,549), with compensated balance and centre seconds hand, in gold hunting case set with monogram A.B. in brilliants » 256 A Similar Watch (No. 89,596) ,257 A Similar Watch (No. 84,458), with monogram E.B. in bnB liants - 10 /V./0.0 2 / 2 * 0*0 2/6 *f 0 , o '20,0.o /^' /2' o /£/7 259 A Keyless Stop-Clock-Watch, repeating the minutes, with com¬ pensated balance and enamelled dials with calendar (No. 13,196^ in plain gold hunting case *226 260 A Similar Watch (No. 1796) 0/y 2*^ "Jr- - 263 A Keyless Stop-Watch (No. 32,955), repeating the minutes, with compensated balance and centre seconds hand, in plain gold hunting case—-Examined by Jas. Carter 264 A Similar Watch (No. 36,980 )—Examined by T. H. Kussellj 261 A Similar Watch (No. 30,487) 262 A nearly Similar Watch (No. 4540) 265 A Keyless Watch (No. 3780), repeating the minutes, with coi%* pensated balance, in similar case {/A /ei .0 O 266 A Keyless Stop-Watch (No. 36,565), repeating the quarters, with compensated balance and dials with calendar, in plain ‘ gold hunting case —Examined by Bowman ^ 267 A keyless Waltham watch (No. 1,310,468), with compensated, balance, in plain gold hunting case with engraved borders 268 A keyless watch, by B. W. Raymond, Elgin National Watch Co^ <3, /& ,o 0,0 .o