.. >■ if. 1 ♦•^- ff; - ^ W^ * 5 ^*"'^^^ .iTjK A, 1V« OP '(■! CHOICE ^^ MEZZOTINT ENGRAVINGS, After SIE J, REYNOLDS, THE PKOPERTT OF PETER ALLEN, ESQ., Deceased, late of Overbrook, Kersal, near Mancliester (Sold hy Order of the Executors) ; MEZZOTINTS after SIR H. RAEBURN, SIR J. REYNOLDS, and G. ROMNEY, from the Collection of the late Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A., THE PEOPEETY OF A MEMBEE OF THE FAMILY; AND MEZZOTINT AND OTHER ENGEAVINGS OF THE EAELY ENGLISH SCHOOL, THE PROPERTY OF HIS EXCELLENCY GEN. A. DE GOELOFF: WHICH Messes. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1893, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. ■^ay be viewed the Saturday and Monday preceding;, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, ^Ianson and Woods' Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S.W. ^ , CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5s. • and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up agam and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, witliin Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared witliin the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by pubUc or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1893, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. The following are the Property of His Excellency GENERAL A. BE GORLOFF. In the Folio. 1 A View of Snowdon, after Wilson, by W. WooUett ; Skiddaw, after de Loutherbourg ; &c. 4 2 Ceyx and Alcyone ; and Phaeton, after dittOj by ditto ; &c. 4 3 Haymakers ; The Eural Cot ; and Apple Gatherers, after G. Smith, by ditto ; &c, 6 4 Cicero at his Villa ; Aj)ollo and the Seasons, after Wilson, by ditto; &c. 7 5 Shooting, after G. Stubbs, by ditto — a set of four 4 6 Breaking Cover, after P. Keinagle, E.A., by J. Scott 7 The Battle at La Hogue, after B. West, by Woollett ; &c. 4 8 La Chasse au Sanglier, after J. Pillement, by Woollett ; &c. 10 9 Boman Edifices ; and The Temple of Apollo, after Claude, by W. Woollett ; &e. 7 B 2 10 Apollo and Marsyas; The Waders; &c., after ditto 6 11 Jonab, after G. Poussin, by Vivares; &c. ^ 12 A Brisk Gale, after Vande Velde, by Cauot ; &c. 5 13 Going to Market, after Eubens, by J. Browne ; &c. 6 14 Dutch Pastime, after Teniers, by J. Collyer ; &c. B 15 A Flemish Collation ; and A Flemish Entertainment, after Van Harp, by E. Earlom ; &c. 6 16 The Doctors of the Church, after Guido, by W. Sharp; The Annunciation ; &c. 5 17 Venus binding Cupid's eyes, after Titian, by ditto ; &c, 9 18 Thirteen Etchings, after Nature, by J, 51. ^^ histler — the French set 13 MEZZOTINTS. 19 Charles II., after Sir P. Lely ; and Louis XIV., by Blooteling ; W. Wycherley, by J. Smith ; &c. 3 '20 Mr. Tenducci, after T. Beach, by W. Dickinson ; Earl Harcourt ; &c. 3 21 Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark, after F, Cotes, E.A., by J. Watson 22 Alexander and Philip, after B. West, E.A., by V. Green ; &c. 5 23 Queen Charlotte and Princess Eoyal ; and the Companion, after ditto, by ditto 2 24 The Life School at the Eoyal Academy, after Zoflfany, by E. Earlom 25 The Storm, after Morland, by W. Ward ; Bulls Fighting, after Stubbs ; &c. 3 26 The Due d'Aremberg, after Vandyck, by E. Earlom — coloured 27 Pilate, washing his hands — coloured 28 Innocent X., after Velasquez, by V. Green ; &c. 6 29 Eubens, with his Wife and Child, by J. McArdell ; and Rubens' Wife, by R. Earlom 2 30 Bacchanalians, after ditto, by R. Earlom ; The Cyclops, after L. Giordano; &c. 3 31 The Fig ; and Meleager and Atalanta, after ditto, by ditto 2 32 Rembrandt's Mother, after Rembrandt, by J. McArdell ; &c. 3 33 Abraham's Sacrifice, after ditto, by Murphy ; &c. 3 34 Portrait of B. Van der Heist, by Blooteling ; and Rembrandt, by R. Earlom ; &c. 3 35 Le Maitre d'Ecole, after Murillo, by W. Pether^proo/ 36 A Game Alarket, after Snyders, by R. Earlom; and A Dutch School, after Jan Steen ; &c. 3 37 A Sorceress entering the Infernal Regions, after D. Teniers, by R. Earlom — proof 38 Bathsheba bringing Abishag to David, after Wanderwerff; &c. 4 39 Landscapes, after Cuyp, Moucheron ; &c. 11 40 Mes. Noeth, after G. Romney, by J. R. Smith 41 Thomas, Lord Grantham, after ditto, by W. Dickinson — second state ; and Sir James Mansfield, by J. Jones — proof AFTER SIR J. REYNOLDS. 42 Sir Geofirey Amherst, by J. Watson ; Admiral Charles Saunders ; &c. 4 43 Charles, Marquis of Rockingham, by E. Fisher 44 Lord Robert Manners, by W. Dickinson — first state 45 Sir Robert Fletcher, by ditto— ^^rsf state ; &c. 2 46 Mademoiselle Bacelli, by J. R. Smith 47 Ladt O'Bbien, by J. Dixon 48 Lady Charles Spencer, by J. Pott 49 Lady Elizabeth Keppel, by E. Fisher — third state B 3 6 50 Viscount Ligonier, by E. Fisher ; and The Duke of York, after Beechey — proof 2 51 George III., by Dickinson and Watson — second state 52 The Hon. Lady Stanhope, by J. Watson 53 Mrs. Mathew, by W. Dickinson 54 Mbs. MustebSj by J. R. Smith — first state, with title and line of publication in MS. — framed The following ivere the Property of SIR HENRY RAEBURN, R.A., and have been in the Painter's Family since his death. ENGRAVINGS— //I the Folio. 56 Diploma of the Eoyal Academy, granted to Sir Henry Raeburn, as A.E.A. 57 Diploma of the same as E.A. 58 Hawking, after J. Howe, by Charles Turner — fine proof 59 Gulliver and the Horses, after S. Gilpin, K.A., by V. Green — first proof 60 J. P. Kemble, after Sir T. Lawrence, by W. 8a.y ^fine proof 61 Hon. Alexander Abercromby, by G. Dawe — proof AFTER SIR HENRY RAEBURN, U.A. 62 Sir Walter Scott, by William Walker — presentation proof; and one by E. Mitchell 2 63 Sir Walter Scott, by W. Walker — presentation proof 64 Biiio— "finest proof " 65 Kt. Hon. Robert Macqueen, by Lizars ; and Rev. A. Alison, by Walker ; &c. 5 66 Sir "Walter Farquhar, by W. Sharp ; and Rev. A. Alison, by Walker; &c. 5 67 Sir Walter Scott, by W. Walker — ^presentation proof 68 Ditto — ditto 69 Hon. David Hume ; John Clerk ; and J. Robinson, by C. Turner 3 70 Alexander Adam ; Sir H. Moncrieff ; and R. Carthcart, by C. Turner 3 71 Dr. Nathanial Spens, by J. Bengo — fine proof 72 Lord Melville ; and Captain G. DuflF, by G. Da we— proo/« 2 73 Rt. Hon. R. Macqueen ; and Rt. Hon. C. Hope, by G. Da we 2 74 Dr. James Gregory ; and Dr. John Erskine, by G. Dawe 2 75 Sir Walter Scott ; and Sir Henry Raeburn, by W. Walker— ^r«i proofs 2 76 Ditto— di«o 2 77 Rt. Hon. Robert Blair, by J. Heath ; and Sir W. Farquhar, by W. Sharp 2 78 Henry Erskine, by J. Ward ; Thomas Elder, by R. Earlom; and Robert Dundas, by J. Jones 3 79 Col. Patrick Macleod, by J. Young ; and Rev. A. Alison, by W. Walker; &c. 3 80 Sir Walter Scott, by William Walker — presentation proof 81 T>iiiQ— ditto 82 Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A., by W. Walker — engraver' s proof 83 John, MalBquis of Bute, by William Ward, K.^.K.— first state, very s:arce AFTEE SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. 84 Madame BaccelH, by J. E. Smith — spcond state 85 Duchess of Buoclbuch and Daughter, by James Watson — second state — framed 86 Lady Bampftldk, by Thomas Watson— j^ne impression — framed 87 Mrs. Bouverib and Mes. Chewe, by J. Marchi — first state, cut close — framed 88 Mrs. Bonverie and Son, by James Watson 89 Duke of Cumberland, by Thomas Watson 90 Anne, Duchess of Cumberland, by James Watson — second state — framed 91 Lord Canideu, by S. F. Ravanct 92 G. J. Cholmondeley, Esq., by John Jones 93 Miss Frances Anne Greville and Brother, by J. Mac Ardell 94 Viscountess Crosbie, by W. Dickinson — second state— framed 95 Elizabeth, Countess of Derbt, by W. Dickinson — first state — framed 96 Sir John Leicester, Bart., by S. W. Reynolds 97 Lady Elisabeth Lee, by E. Fisher — second state 98 Duchess of Manchester and Sou. as Diana and Cnpid, by James Watson 99 Mrs. Mathew, by W. Dickinson 100 Maequis of Townshend, by L'hailes Tuvuav— fine proof 101 The Honoueablb Mes. Parker, by Thomas Watson — first state — framed 102 The Honourable Lady Stanhope, by James Watson 103 Viscountess Spencer and Child, by S. Paul 104 The Age of Innocence, by J. Grozer 105 Countess Spencer, by F. Bartolozzi, E.A. lOG "Lesbia," by F. Bartolozzi, R.A. — proof before letters 107 John, Duke of Argyle, after T. Gainsborough, K.A., by J. Watson— ^rsf state 108 Lady Isabella Hamilton, after George Eomney, by James Walker — first state — framed 109 Miss Feances Woodley, after George Romney, by James Walker— ^rs^ state — framed The following are the Property of A GENTLEMAN. FRAMED. 110 Miss Harriett Parrot, after Falconet, by V. Green — first state 111 The Flute Player, after F. Hals, by J. Dixon — second state 112 Mathematicians, after Rembrandt — first state 113 Burgomaster, after Rembrandt, by C. H. Hodges 114 Hans von Loo, after Rembrandt — proof with the burr 115 Lioness and Boar, after Snyders, by R. 'EaTlom— first state 116 Edmund Burke, after G. Romney, by J. Jones 117 Lady de Tabley, after J. Hoppner, R.A., by H. Mejer— first state 118 The Duke of Rutland, after J. Hoppner, R.A., by C. Turner — first state 119 Marchioness of Sligo, after J. Hoppner, R.A., by S. W. Reynolds — first state 120 Miss Jones, after C. Read, by J. Wilson 121 A Visit to Geandfathek, after J. R. Smith, by W. Ward 122 A Visit to Grandmotheb, after J. Northcote, R.A., by J. R. Smith 123 Gulliver and the Horses, after S. Gilpin, R.A., by V. Green — first state 124 Signora Festini, after W. Lawranson, by J. Jones 125 Master Skinner, after F. Cotes, R.A., by J. Watson— first state 10 126 White Heifer, after Collins, by W. Ward 127 " Shot," after J. S. Cooper, by C. Turner 128 Vulture and Serpent, after J. Northcote, R.A., by S. W. Reynolds 129 The Death of Nelson, after S. Drummond, by G. Clint 130 The Strayed Child; and The Strayed Child Restored, after J. Ward, by B. Pym and J. Young ^ 2 131 Miss Carter, painted and engraved by J. R. Smith AFTER SIR J. REYNOLDS. 132 St. John, by J. Grozer — proof in first state 138 Edwin, by C. H. Hodges 134 Sleeping Cupid, by John DQ&n— first state 135 Hope nursing Love, by E. Fisher 136 Princess Sophia Matilda, by T. Watson 137 Mrs. Crewe as a Shepherdess, by T. Watson 138 Master Herbert as " Bacchus," by J. R. Smith— jproo/ in first state 139 The Bedford Family, by V. Green — proof in first state 140 James Paine and Son, by J. Watson 141 Garrick, between Tragedy and Comedy, by E. Fisher 142 Mrs Hale as L' Allegro, by J. Watson 143 Miss Theophila Palmer, by J. R. Smith — second state 144 Marquis of Tichfield, by Jehner — proof in first state, with the hurr 145 Miss Mart Palmer, by W. Doughty — proof with hurr 146 Lady Caroline Montagu, by J. R. Smith— ^rsf state 147 Miss Nelly O'Brien, by Charles Phillips 148 Miss Harriett Powell, by R. Houston — piroof in second state 149 Lady Charles Spenoer, by W. Dickinson 150 Mrs. Bouvbrie and Mrs. Crewe, by Marchi — second state 11 The following are the Property of PETER ALLEN, Esq., deceased, late of Overbrook, Kersal, near Manchester. Sold by order of the Executors. FRAMED MEZZOTINTS. 151 Juvenile Eetirement, after J. Hoppner, E.A., by James Ward 152 Children Bathing, after J. Hoppner, K.A., by James Ward — first state 153 The Claveking Children, after G. Eomney, by J. E. Smith AFTEE SIE JOSHUA EEYNOLDS. 154 Ariadne, by W. Doughty 155 Lady Bampfylde, by Thomas Watson— ^rsf puhlished state 156 DuoHESs OF BuocLETTOH, with her daughter, Lady Mary Scott, by James Watson— ^rsf state 157 Lady Sarah Bunbury Sacrificing to the Graces, by E. Fisher — fii'st state 158 Earl of Carlisle, by W. Ward, Junr. 159 Mrs. Carnac, by J. E. Smith— ^rsf state 160 Lady Elizabeth Compton, by Valentine Green— first state 161 Lady Cornwallis, by James Wsitson— first state 162 Countess op Coventry, by James Wsitson— first state 163 Miss Emma and Miss Elizabeth Crewe, by John Dixon— first state 164 ViscouTESS Crosbie, by W. Dickinson — second state 165 Lady Betty Delm^; and Children, by Valentine Green— ^^ne proof 166 Charles James Fox, with Lady Sarah Bunbury and Lady Susan Strangways, in the gardens of Holland House, by James Watson— ^rs< state 12 167 Gabeick, between Tbagedy and Comedy, by Valentine Green — first state 168 Mrs. Hale, as Euphrosyne in " L' Allegro," by James Watson — second state 169 Miss Mary HoKNEOK(The Jessamy Bride), by R. Dunkarton — first state 170 Lady Caroline Howard, by Valentine Green — fine proof 171 Lady Hamilton as a Bacchante, by J. R. Smith — first state 172 Lady Elizabeth Keppel, afterwards Marchioness of Tavistock, by S. W. Reynolds 173 Lady Elisabeth Lee, by E. Fisher 174 George, Viscount Maiden, and Lady E. Capel, by C. Turner — first state 175 The Marlborough Family, by C. Turner — first state 176 Lady Louisa Manners, by Valentine Gvq&o.— first state 177 Lady Melbourne and Child, by Thomas Watson 178 Miss Meyer, as " Hebe," by J. Jacobe — second state 179 The Hon, Mary Monkton, by J. Jacobe — fine proof 180 Moses in the Bulrushes, by John Dean — first state From the Bernal Collection 181 Miss Nelly O'Brien, by J. Okey — proof 182 Mrs. Pelham, by W. Dickinson — first state 183 Lady Catherine Powlett, by J. R. Smith— first state 184 Lady Pembroke and Son, by J. Dixon — first state 185 The Piping Shepherd Boy, by J. Barney — first state 186 Lady Stanhope, by James Waston — first state 187 The Strawberry Girl, by Thomas Watson— ^rsi state 188 Lady Talbot, by Valentine Green — first state 189 Countess Waldegrave, by J. McArdell — second state finis. London: Printed by William Ci-owes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing CroBS. ■^'^/i k^ I :J^ y m h MS-- ,ji^y. K^n. SJ^ 4 i ,1^^ *V«f '♦•. s \^: GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 3125 009871050 ^>:m^is-m^.^m^i^s^^»sk.