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' : i 7 a-Y -t 7 ( '.y y A V A ' A r _ V ; Y Y t ,\' -; i -, -. - 7 ; y fy -' e ■*•-■ v ~.y -. , ^ [ ) ~ } / 1 > :i ■- r; > hf A^ - A >r ^ y ^ ii - ' i ' - ..^4'' , 'a y . A / v ' AAA-^^A -A \ ! /t H A fA't-lS 7/ - A -A i A ; X E a r ( 4i^, , AAA'A' r- A y } , ' v ': c a , 'ifi / : > X-. , / A ' : ' f ' "A^v \ A/v\ i j ' . I / A Aa »C: yy aX'A'vI' y.A' y,yA a 7^ /f^yy y \ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Getty Research Institute /' https://archive.org/details/partsecondofklauOOsamu EXECUTRIX’ SALE. ESTATE OF J. H. A. KLAUDER, DECEASED. SAMUEL T. fREEMAN & CO., Auctioneers, Established November 12, 1505. Part Second of the “Klauder Collection” - COMPRISING - Japanese and Chinese Porcelains, a number of Choice bronzes, an Exceptional Collection of Inros and Netsukes, about 200 pieces of Fine Lacquer, a number of Ivories Some Chinese and Oriental Rugs, Flemish Tapestries, 20 Kakemonos, by some of the Great Japanese Masters AND a Collection of Oil Paintings TO BE SOLD IN OUR ART GALLERIES, 1519-21 CHESTNUT STREET MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND ERIDAY, MAY 15, 16, 17, 15 and 19, 1 911 , at 2.30 p. m. each afternoon AND THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS, at 7.30 o’clock Open for examination Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May II, 12 and 13, 1911 By order of MARGARET L. KLAUDER, Executrix. SAMUEL T. FREEMAN & CO., Auctioneers, 1519-21 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia XL ^ % CATALOGUE COMPILED BY SAMUEL T. FREEMAN & CO. PHILADELPHIA \, L .. , / PRESS OF WM. H. PILE'S SONS 422 WALNUT STREET, PHILA. TERMS OF SALE. 1 — The highest bidder to be the buyer ; and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and resold. 2 — Purchasers to give names and addresses, and to make a de¬ posit of 25 per cent., in part payment, or the whole of the purchase money if required; in default of which the lots or lot so purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. 3 — The lots to be taken away and paid for at the buyer's risk and expense within the time announced by the Auctioneer, the Auctioneers not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, authenticity or defect in any lot, and making no warranty unless specially mentioned at the time of sale. No reduction on damaged articles, all goods are exposed for public exhibition, and sold just as they are. 4 — To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale; and the remainder of the purchase money must absolutely be paid on or before delivery. 5 — Upon failure to comply with the above terms, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be resold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the purchaser at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. 6 — The Auctioneers will not be liable for non-delivery of any article above the amount paid by the purchaser of such article. 7 — All claims must be made before the removal of the goods. 8 — The record kept by the clerk of the sale, together with the marked catalogue of the Auctioneer, shall in all cases be accepted by the buyers as final when any question arises as to the prices the lots have sold for. PREFACE. This, the second part of the Klauder sale, comprises the cream of the collec¬ tion. While almost every article will appeal to the connoisseur, there are many pieces in the collection which are especially rare. The collection of tea howls and tea jars is probably unique, and each bowl and jar is enclosed in a cover of Japanese cloth of the same period, as the pottery. The collection of inros is one of the most beautiful in the country, comprising about 100 examples of both ancient and modern workmanship. The ivories are unusually fine. The collection of sword guards and ornaments includes a number of exquisite examples, both ancient and modern, in iron, bronze and gold. There are about thirty Chinese and Oriental rugs, including a Rose of Persia, an antique Kermanshah and a number of antique Chinese rugs of Tiger Tooth and other rare patterns. Special note should be made of the lacquers,, including many beautiful examples of this art, in lunch boxes, writing cases, etc. Of single pieces, probably the rarest is a bronze Buddha of heroic size (about ten feet high, including pedestal), which is one of ten, the other nine now being in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. This piece and a bronze temple bell are both of ancient workmanship, and beautifully lacquered. There are also two cabinets, one of gold lacquer and one of black lacquer, beautifully carved, which was purchased from the Bishop collection. The Kakemonos, of which there are about thirty, were purchased at the time of the Centennial, before this country was flooded with cheap and spuri¬ ous Japanese goods, and include examples of some of the great masters of Japan. There are also a number of Japanese and Flemish tapestries, some of which are rare and all of which are beautiful. The last day's sale will comprise the modern paintings of the estate, included among which are examples by Karl Daubigny, Michel, Rousseau, William T. Richards, Dietrich , Carl Koss and a number of canvases by other almost equally well known artists. The collection will be on exhibition Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 11th, 12th and 13th. SAMUEL T. FREEMAN & CO. Auctioneers. LOT 1263 CATALOGUE FIRST SESSION. Monday, May 15th, at 2.30 P. M. CABINET PORCELAINS. 1 Kanzan Flower Vase Clay. Bulb shape, with slender neck. Grayish brown. Finely crackled brown glaze, with decorations of Pine and Plum Blossoms in green and purplish blue enamels. 2 Incense Box Chinese Porcelain. Yellovdish white clay. Thin white glaze. Decorated with Lotus flowers in blue and green. Has silver rim. Sandal wood cover and Shhan wood stand. Date 1595. 3 Chinese Tea Cup Body Porcelain. Glaze Indian red. With carved stand. Date 1765 4 Chinese Tea Cup Mate to the above, but slightly damaged. 5 Ash Jar Kioto Pottery. Decorated in Colored enamels, with designs of Iris flowers. Ninsei mark. Made by Okumura, Kyoto. Date 1880-5. 6 Flower Vase Chinese Porcelain. Lemon yellow glaze. Signed. Date 1736. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 6 Comfit Jar Imari Porcelain. Made in Arita, province of Hizen. Twisted hexagonal shape, with small neck and cover. Decorated in blue, with medallions, and band of Karakusa design. Date 1800-30. Incense Burner Kaga. Turnip Shape. Glaze white decorated with stags and maple leaves in colors and gold. Date 1795. Water Vessel Kozan Porcelain. Lustrous white glaze, with a land¬ scape painted in purplish brown and blue under the glaze. Date 1882. Koro Kioto Pottery. Decorated with Chrysanthemums in medallions in various colors, with body enamel of rich green. Mark Imakura. Date 1650-1700. Rice Bowl Chinese Porcelain, with cover. Sang de boeuf glaze. Diameter 53/4 inches. Date 1715. Rice Grain Tea Bowl, with Cover Chinese Porcelain, with decorations of flowered grasses, pierced through the paste and filled in with trans¬ parent glaze. Date 1720-50. Libation Cup Chinese porcelain. Green enameled. Two lizards holding handle. Date 18th Century. Koro Okawachi Porcelain. Province of Hizen. Square shape, with landscape and grapevine decorations, skilfully carved and enameled borders. Has perforated cover. Date 1650-1700 Rice Bowl Arita Porcelain, with various designs painted in colored enamels, with teakwood stand. Date 1695. 7 16 Imari Porcelain Cup Province of Hizen. Floral Decorations in Blue under the glaze, inside and out. Date 1750-1800. 17 Imari Koro Blue enameled decorations , with landscape in gold , silver and red. Perforated cover. Date 1650-1700. 18 Incense Burner Hirado Porcelain. Globular body, with narrow base. Decorated with designs of Jardinieres, etc., in blue. Diaper patterns and borders. Date 1750-1800. 19 Square Bottle Chinese Porcelain. Green glaze, with carved designs of Chinese characters in panels. Date 18th Century. 20 Hirado Koro Landscape decorations in blue under glaze. Date 1700-50. 21 Hirado Koro Archaic bands in blue under glaze. Ivory lid. Date 1700-50. 22 Hirado Incense Box Shape of Plum Flower. Blue decorations. Date 1700-50. 23 Satsuma Koro Tripod, with upturned handles. Decorations of flowers and grasses in colored enamels in medallions. Cover of openwork design, surmounted with Dog Foo. Neatly repaired with gold lacquer. Date 1830. Height 10 inches, Diameter, 8 inches. 24 Water Jar Chinese Clay. Fukushu. Globular form with long neck and mouth. Iron rust glaze. Date 1606. Height 6 inches. 8 25 Kyoto Bottle Mirror black glaze. Date 1877. Height 8 inches. 26 Japanese Vase Kutani Porcelain. Glaze. Grey decorated with Peonies, enameled in deep green, purplish brown and dark yellow. Date 1675. Height 7 i /4 inches. 27 Chinese Porcelain Bowl Glaze bluish white. Floral and plant decorations in green, yellow, red and blue. Date 1825. Height 81/2 inches, Diameter 6 inches. 28 Chinese Porcelain Vase Ovoid with flaring top. Floral and Dragon scroll de¬ signs and borders of key pattern in colored enam¬ els. Date 1720-60. Height 4 inches. 29 Large Vase Chinese Porcelain. Ovoid form, with narrow neck. Stag heads for handles. Mustard glaze. Rare soft texture. Height 123/4 inches. 30 Large Vase Old Satsuma Porcelain, with narrow neck and flaring top. Vertical stripe decorations of alternate red. Blue and black enamels. Height 24 inches. 31 Large Porcelain Vase Made at Okawachi, Province of Hizen. Short ovoid body, with long trumpet shaped neck, edged with silver rim, and “Noshi” shaped handles. Deli¬ cate decorations in pale blue of figures of Kiri, Lotus, etc. Date 1800. Height 18 inches. 9 32 Large Satsuma Vase Ovoid form, with short neck. Fine cream crackle ground with decoration of the Ho-ho bird, Chrys- themums, etc., in beautifully colored raised enamels. Crest and signature. Height 12i/a inches. 33 Satsuma Vase Elongated ovoid form. Figure and Floral decorations in medallions and diaper work, in which colored enamels and gold. Has crest and signature. Height 93/4 inches. 34 Satsuma Vase Ovoid form. Beautifully decorated with figures, etc. on fine colored raised enamels and gold. Emblem borders on neck and shoulders, ground of fine grayish crackle. Crest and two signatures. Height 81/2 inches. 35 Goroso Bronze Koro Finely carved Archaic border around body. Bands on shoulders and neck. Openwork cloud effects with Kirin on lid. Handles and 3 feet. Red mottled bronze. Rare. Height 13 inches. 36 Antique Bronze Flower Pot Round body with three feet. Rich Suaka bronze, with relief decorations of flowers, etc., in gold, silver, shakudo, etc. Height 7 inches. 37 Antique Bronze Hanging Vase Raised designs of plants, a temple, etc. Scroll handles. 38 Antique Bronze Water Pot, with raised designs of Sea Fish, Crabs and Tortoises in gold, silver and colors. 39 Iron Box Square Shape, with lid and lined with silver. Richly incrusted and mounted with gold and silver orna¬ mentations of Pine Tree, Flowers, Animals, etc. Size 61/2 by 41/2 inches. 10 40 Gold Lacquer Box Body wood (Nashi-ji ). Pear skin lacquer, decorated with Vines and Flowers in gold. Date 1810. 41 Lacquer Medicine Box Body wood. Hexagonal column, made in four sections- Pear skin lacquer inside. Outside alternated with black and Nashi-ji. Top decorated in gold with Maple Tree and Deer. Inside lining of silver. Date 1810. 42 Gold Lacquer Combination Yedo Body wood. Decorated with various medallions on fret and diaper patterned ground. Date 1825. Length 43/4 inches. 43 Gold Lacquer Medicine Box, Tokyo Cylindrical form, made in 4 sections. Nashi-ji lac¬ quer, decorated with Grape Vines in gold. Damaged. Date 1860. 44 Red Lacquer Saucer Raised decorations 0} Pheasants on trees, etc., in metallic colors. Diameter 6 inches. 45 Red lacquer Saucer Decorations similar to the above. Diameter 71/2 inches. 46 Gold Lacquer Netsuke Octagonal, inlaid with mother-of-pearl, figure of bird on tree, by Sakai. Date 1835. 47 Incense Box, Hi=go Body wood. Outside black lacquer decorated with floral designs in gold. Inside Nashi-ji lacquer. Date 1800. 48 Sake Cup Red lacquer with metallic designs, representing scene of Arashi-Yama (celebrated resort of Kioto.) Signed Sho-gun Moku-an. 18th Century. 11 49 Round Flat Box Black lacquer, with Chrysanthemum decorations in gold. Interior Nashi-ji lacquer. Date 1700-50. 50 Box Black lacquer of oblong shape. Decorated with Chrys¬ anthemums, trees and flowers in powdered gold lacquer. Rich specimen. Date 19th Century Size 5 x 83/4 inches. 51-52 2 Tea Bowls Black lacquer on wood. Red inside. Decorations of Fowers and emblems in colors of gold, with lids. 2 Pieces. 53 Oblong Box Bakanuri on Foochow lacquer. 54 Hanging Flower Vase Black lacquer on wood. Decorated with Waves and Plover in gold. Date 1790. Height 7 i/4 inches. 55-56 Pair Small Trays Antique red and brown lacquer, with figures and bor¬ ders in gold and raised enamels. 57 Despatch Box, Kyoto Black lacquered body, with medallions of Chrysanthe¬ mums in gold and silver. Date 1780. Length IO1/4 inches. 58 Antique Cake Box Rectangular form. Keyaki wood, showing the natural grain, decorated in gold with village scenes, land¬ scape and deer, floating boat, etc. Pear skin lacquer and decorations inside, with silver and etched metal rims. Date 1750. Size 51 / 4 x 81/4 inches. 59 Jewelry Box, Tokyo Rectangular shape. Nashi-ji lacquer with figures of Phoenix, Chrysanthemums, etc., in gold. Size 53 / 3 x 43/4 inches. 12 60 Box Gold Aventurine lacquer, decorated with flowered vines in powdered gold lacquer. Metal rings and silk cords attached. Date 1640-90. Size 7x6x5 inches. 61-62 2 Pair Trays Round shape, footed. Dark greenish lacquer, with Vase and Plant decorations and tracings in gold. 63-64 Pair Tea Trays Antique black lacquer. Square form, with figures of Birds, etc., in raised colors and gold. 65 Pipe Case Black lacquered, with silver ornamentations. 66 Tea Jar Black lacquered, with raised gold. Signed. 6 Round Perfume Box Ritsuo. Inlaid with pearl. Antique. 68 Toilet Mirror and Stand Metal hand mirror, with deep carving on back, Signed. Having black lacquered case and easel adorned with gold decorations. TEA BOWLS AND JARS. 69 Tea Bowl (Cha=wan) Chinese Nankin. Gray clay. Reddish Dark Brown glaze. Date 1545. 70 Tea Bowl, Ninsei White clay, with silver rim. Glaze finely crackled greenish white decorated with wistaria in green and dark purple. Date 1825. 71 Tea Bowl, Yatsushiro Crackled grey , with tortoise shell patterns and four Chinese characters. Inlaid in white. Date 1805. 13 72 Tea Bowl, Satsuma Finely crackled ivory white, with decorations of Hy¬ drangeas in bright colors and gold. Date 1745. 73 Tea Bowl, So=ma. Body reddish gray clay. Glaze gray mottled, with brown. Raised decorations and crest of So-ma family. Date 1845. 74 Tea Bowl, Kanzan. Thin yellowish gray glaze, decorated with Pine Trees, Bamboo and family crest of Ka-to in colors and gold. Date 1695. 75 Tea Bowl, Yatsushiro Glaze crackled gray, with band of white. Brush marks inside. Rain drop decoration. Inlaid with white. Mended with gold lacquer. Has brocade bag. Date 1615. 76 Tea Bowl, Chinese Rare specimen of bronze, iron plated, and finely dam¬ ascened with silver. Decorations are Lotus Flowers, Storks, etc., on diaper patterns. Bowl lined with lacquer. Date 1545. 77 Tea Bowl, Yatsushiro Scalloped form. Glaze white and gray. Brush marks. Date 1835. 78 Tea Bowl, Nankin Porcelain decorated with Chrysanthemums in dark blue, on bluish white ground. Has bronze rim. Date 1645. 79 Tea Bowl, Raku Body brown clay. Dark brown glaze, speckled with reddish brown. Date 1775. 80 Tea Bowl, Ninsei Brownish gray. Glaze decorated with lattice patterns and Phoenix in metallic reddish brown. Date 1715. 14 81 Tea Bowl, Higo Satsuma Finely crackled gray, decorated with Chrysanthemums and Vines, inside with a Dragon. Painted in dark gray and iron rust color. Has brocade bag. Date 1775. 82 Tea Bowl Copy of Kan-zan. Crackled Naples yellow. Decorated with Chinese characters and ten pine trees, in blue and metallic reddish brown. Date 1765. 83 Tea Bowl, Maku Ninsei Ash colored clay, with finely crackled ivory white glaze. Decorations in dark brown are sixteen disciples of Buddha, a Tiger and a Dragon. With bag. Date 1775. 84 Tea Bowl, Un=Yei Crackled yellowish white. Decorated in high colors, with the “Seven flowers of Autumn.” 85 Tea Bowl, Yatsushiro Crackled gray glaze. Decorated with five u Rain Drag- ons.” Inlaid in white. Date 1665. 86 Tea Jar Old Seto. 87 Tea Jar Old Seto. Ivory lid. 88 Tea Jar Old Seto. Ivory lid. 89 Tea Jar Old Seto. Ivory lid. 90 Tea Jar Old Seto. Ivory lid. » 91 TeafJar Old Seto . Ivory lid . 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 15 Tea Jar Old Seto. Ivory lid. Tea Jar Old Yusetsu. Carvings of Birds , etc., and inlaid. Has three feet. Tea Jar Shidoro. Ivory lid. Tea Jar Ninsei. Ivory lid. Rare. Tea Jar Old Seto. Ivory. Tea Jar Old Seto. Ivory lid. Tea Jar Old Seto. Ivory lid. Tea Jar Old Toshiro. Ivory lid. Tea Jar Yatsushiro. Ivory lid. SWORD GUARDS, ETC. Sword Guard, or Tsuba Decoration “Rihaku gazing at the cascade of the Lii Mountains. Inlaid in high relief with gold , silver and Shakudo and red bronze. Signed Kuzai. Pupil of Sho-zui. Date 1852. Sword Guard Iron. Decorated with pierced design of Dragons and grasses. Partly covered with gold Date 1650-1700. 16 103 Sword Guard Twelve signs of the Zodiac in high relief, with gold t silver and Shakudo Date 18th Century. 104 Sword Guard Form of a Chrysanthemum. Decorated with Kiri crests in gold. Date 17th Century. 105 Sword Guard Copper Bronze. Decorated with Country Road House and Pack Horse, in gold and bronze. Date 17th Century. 106 Sword Guard Iron. Decorated with Peony flowers, profusely chased and pierced. Inlaid with gold, with rim of fret and diaper work. Signed Goto Tsunemasa. Date 1750-1800. 107 Sword Guard Pierced with design of Rain Dragons, etc., in medal¬ lions of squares. Date 1650-1700. 108 Sword Guard Yellow Bronze. Gold and pierced design of Sennin holding incense bowls from which a Dragon is created. Date 18th Century. 109 Sword Guard Made of Iron and finished in imitation of leatherwork. Rare specimen. Signed by Toda Hikozayemon. Date 18th Century. 110 Sword Guard Iron. Decorated with the face of Oni, or demon, form¬ ing the face of the guard. A specimen of masterly work of Buten of province of Dewa. Date 1700-1750. 111 Sword Guard Iron. Chased and decorated in geld, silver and Shak¬ udo, with scene of famous battle of Ujigawa. Fine specimen. Date 1700-50 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 17 Sword Guards Iron. Inlaid with gold and silver. ' One signed, 2 Pieces. Sword Guards Of different qualities and designs. Some curiousftwa beautifully inlaid in gold with figures of Ho-ho Birds, etc., together, six pieces, three being signed. Sword Guard Very old and crude, with damascened decorations. Sword Guard Old and crude, damascened floral designs. Sword Guard Pierced and raised designs and inlaid. Sword Guard Elaborately inlaid with gold and bronzes. Large, old choice specimen. Sword Guard Iron. With engraved designs of helmet and pennant,, and inlaid with gold. Signed. Sword Guard Engraved designs of waves, etc. Inlaid. Sword Guard Yellow Bronze. With engraved designs of waves, etc. Rare. Sword Guard Figures of warrior on horse, waves, trees, etc. Inlaid with gold. Sword Guard Pierced design of Pine tree and Stork. Sword Guard Engraved design of Lotus leaves. Signed. 18 124 Sword Guard Curiously engraved figure of an Oni, etc. 125 Sword Guard Very old and important piece, with figures of Ho-ho Birds, and Chrysanthemums in gold, and damas¬ cened work in silver. 126 Sword Guard Engraved and gold inlaid. Cloud effects. 127 Bronze Placque Engraved figure of a Lion in the jungle. Signed by two artists. 128 Knife Handle (Kozuka) Bronze. Wrought in Shakudo and gold, with figures of geese, rivulet, etc. Date 18th Century. 129 Knife Handle Bronze. By Sho-Ku. Seal. Decoration Hotei and Boy. Chased and inlaid in low relief with gold and silver. Date 18th Century. 130 Knife Handle Bronze. With decorations of Birds and Plum Tree in relief, and inlaid with gold and silver. Date 18th Century. 131 Knife Handle Shakudo Bronze. With gold rims. Decorations in high relief. Fox running into trap, in gold and silver. Signed Yanagawa Nao-toki. Date 18th Century. 132 Knife Handle Shakudo Bronze. With Shibu-ichi back. Decorated with Grasshoppers in gold and red bronze work, full of spirit and delicacy, by Moto-tosht. Signed Sei- Shinken Moto toshe. Date 18th Century. 19 133 Knife Handle Copper bronze. With Decorations of Horse Fly, etc., in gold. Signed Riu-Chi-Ken Yuizui. Date 18th Century. 134 Knife Handle Iron. Decorated to imitate a piece of old board, with Spider upon it. Inlaid. Signed Mi-boku. Date 18th Century. 135 Knife Handle Bronze. Decoration of Moon and Crow. Chased in flat relief, and Willows on bank. By Yoshinori. Date 18th Century. 136 Knife Handle Ivory. With decorations of a Fagot gatherer, in gold and silver, etc. Specimen of good workmanship, by Sho-zui, founder of the school of Hamano. Early part of 18th Century. 137 Knife Handle Shaku Bronze. Long armed monkey reaching for the moon, finished in gold and Shibu-ichi on chased back ground. Signed Sho- Ka-tei, Moto-Hiro. Date 18th Century. INRO AND NETSUKES. 138 Inro of Tsugi Wood In one’section, with carvings of Dragon and Tiger on sides. Spirited designs. ALSO Carved ivory Netsuke and Cornelian Ojime. Date about 1800. 139 Inro and Netsuke Four sections in old black lacquer, gold chrysanthemum decorations. Interior finished in gold Aventurine lacquer. Date 17th Century. Netsuke Of carved wood, representing a collection of vegetables. Bronze Slide made by Tomo-nobu. 20 140 Inro and Netsuke Four sections, black lacquer. Decorated with design representing a royal flower cart, a cow, reeds, etc., in colored lacquers and gold. Signed Chiku-Nao. Fine and rare specimen. Has Netsuke of polished wood, with stone Ojime. Date 18th Century. 141 Inro and Netsuke Black lacquer. One section. Decorations in gold of Fisherman drawing their nets. Carved Netsuke with Coral inlay. Date 17th Century. 142 Inro and Netsuke Black lacquer of four compartments . Decorations of Fuji and Sea Beach in powdered gold lacquer, with gold leaf fillings called Hirame, lacquer encrusted on the mountain scenery. Interior is of Nashi-ji gold lacquer. Netsuke is carved wood 11 No Dancer,” having ivory masks, made by Nori-Zane. Date 18th Century. 143 Inro and Netsuke Iron. With Cloisonne decorations in silver, filled in with black lacquer. Interior of red lacquer. Ojime Cloisonne. Bronze Netsuke in design of Duck. Date 1600-50. 144 Inro and Netsuke Three compartments in powdered gold lacquer. Deco¬ rated with Cranes and small Pine Trees. Interior Aventurine lacquer. Date 17th Century. Netsuke. Ivory bunch of Egg Plants, with minute carvings of scenery on largest one. By Nao-Masa, and signed. 145 Inro and Netsuke Circular form, two compartments. Decorated with coiling Dragon and Clouds, etc., finished in raised gold and powdered lacquers. Netsuke. Carved ivory representing a Fish and Lotus leaf (used for Buddhist prayer service .) Mother- of-Pearl slide inform of gourd. Date 17th Century. 21 146 Inro and Netsuke Black lacquer, three sections. Decorations of Cranes on field in gold lacquer on hr own ground, hearing the signature of Inagawa. Date 18th Century. Lacquered Netsuke. Decorated and inlaid metal slide, inlaid with silver and Shakudo. 147 Inro and Netsuke One section. Carved and lacquered designs of Peony flowers and Chrysanthemums. By Ahata Ho-tei. Date 1800-60. Netsuke and gold inlaid slide. 148 Inro and Netsuke Cylindrical form. Four compartments. Decorated with Dragon raising from the cloud, delicately executed in highly polished gold lacquer on black lacquer ground. Interior gold Nashi-ji lacquer. Netsuke —Carved ivory lion. Signed excellent exam¬ ples of early 18th Century work. 149 Inro and Netsuke Inro in three compartments in black lacquer. Decora¬ ted with aquatic plants in gold and black lacquer. Interior of gold Aventurine lacquer. ( Nashi-ji .) The work of one of the most celebrated lacquerers named Ze-shin, a follower of the school of Ritsuo. Netsuke. —Ivory inlaid with colored pearl to repre¬ sent Butterflies. Slide, iron, inlaid with gold. 150 Inro and Netsuke Black lacquer in four sections. Decorations of Chinese figure and flowers in gold and red lacquer, with mother-of-pearl inlay. Ivory Netsuke, “ Hotei.” Inlaid bronze slide. 151 Inro and Netsuke Three sections. Design of flowers in a tub, done in wood grain lacquer, with raised gold and colored lacquered on back ground. Signed by Haru-tenki. Silver Ojime with cloisonne decoration. Interior Aventurine. Date 1650. Netsuke —Engraved with Shibuichi tablet inlaid. 22 152 Inro and Netsuke Four sections. Fine gold lacquer. Relief decorations represent Landscape with man and sacred Bull, the Fuji in the distance. Reverse side Tree and House. Interior Nashi-ji lacquer. Slide of silver — Horse. Netsuke.— Carved ivory group of Dogs of Foo. 153 Inro and Netsuke Dull gold lacquer. Four sections. Decorations of Pine Trees, Horse and Clouds in raised gold and colors. Interior gold lacquer. Slide—a silver nut. Netsuke— Carved ivory seal—Dog Foo. 154 Inro and Netsuke Five sections. Black lacquer. Raised and powdered gold decorations of garden entrance, the Fujiyama, Flowers, etc. Interior gold pear skin lacquer. Silver slide. Netsuke— Carved ivory mendicant. 155 Inro and Netsuke Old black lacquer, with iron rust finish. Medallion decoration in raised gold and colors and pearl inlay. Netsuke and Ojime of ivory. Rare. Case slightly damaged. 156 Netsuke Carved silver and ivory. 157 Netsuke Wood with interior carving. 158 Netsuke Carved ivory chestnut. Signed. 159 Netsuke Carved ivory and mica in shell. 160 Netsuke Carved ivory tortoise and brown lacquer. 2 Pieces. 23 161 Chinese Card Case Exquisite and minute carving of sandalwood. 162 Card Case Green lacquer in cloud effects. Raised gold decorations. Vine and flowers. Interior Nashi-ji lacquer. 163 Card Case Black lacquer, mottled with brown tortoise shell effect. Decoration of gourd and Vines in raised gold and colors. Interior Nashi-ji lacquer. 164 Pic=Nic Box, Antique Comprising cabinet, with section boxes, Sake bottle, plates, etc. Black lacquer, with Pine tree decora¬ tions in gold. 165 Triangular Box Powdered gold background with Landscape and flowers. Decorations in raised gold and various colors. Choice modern specimens. 166 Box Gold lacquer, with raised Butterfly decorations and silver rings. Inside black, powdered gold, with tray and decorations. 167 Round Box Aventurine lacquer. Decorated with powdered gold lacquer, with Pine tree on Nashi-ji back ground. Date 1700-50. 168 Square Box Flat shape, with lid to form tray. Profusely decorated with designs of autumn flowers in gold, and inside decorations of Fuji, the sea, and grove of Pine trees. 169 Square Box Antique gold lacquer. " Butterfly and crest decoration on lid. Background is key pattern of diamond shape in black line. 24 170 Jewelry Box Black lacquer, beautifully inlaid with figures in pearl, representing Landscape, with Storks, Musical Instruments, etc. Inside red lacquer. Date 17th Century. 171 Despatch Box (Fubako) Oblong shape, of old Nashi-ji lacquer. Decorations of Eagle, etc., in raised gold and colors. Fine speci¬ men. 172 Despatch Box Finely drawn decorations of Chrysanthemums in pow¬ dered and gold leaf lacquer on black. Has silver rings and silk cord. Date 1750-1800. 173 Large Tray Beautiful gold lacquer, inlaid with ivory, representing three wise men bringing offerings and standing beneath trees, with figure of a dragon on the ground. Deep leaf border in scroll designs. Size 17 x24 inches. 174 Large Tray Gold lacquer, ivory and pearl inlay. Scene of a noble¬ man and his wife in a garden, overlooking a river, with the Fujiyama in the distance. Finished in gold and various colored lacquers, with inlaid figures of birds, etc. Border of deeper patterns, relieved by flowers and scrolls. Size 17x24 inches. MISCELLANEOUS. 175 Tea Bowl Old Kioto Pottery. Enameled designs 'of Pine, Bamboo and Plum tree. Has silk bag. Date 1700. 176 Tea Bowl Ninsei Glaze grayish yellow. Decorations inside with raised figures of Clams and Horse-radish, in Colors. Date 1605 25 177 Tea Bow! Aka-Hada. Glaze crackled, reddish Naples yellow. Date 1625. 178 Tea Bowl Copy of Ten-moku, Seto, Grayish brown clay. Dark brown glaze, with fine splash of reddish brown. Date 1775. 179 Tea Bowl Seto. Brownish clay. Glaze, dark brown, mottled red¬ dish brown. Date 1695. 180 Tea Jar Old Seto. Brown glaze, ivory lid. Date 1695. 181 Tea Jar, Tamba Tea leaf running glaze. Date 1665. 182 Tea Jar, Shino Running chocolate over brown. Date 1745. 183 Tea Jar, Hagi Reddish glaze. Date 1845. 184 Tea Jar, Shima=mono Glaze. Imitation of wood grain. Inside and mouth brilliant green. Ivory lid with mark. Silk bag. Date 1595. 185 Sword Guard Pierced and chased decorations of old Pine trees, gold inlay. Signed Masachika Tsukuru, of Bushin. Date 18th Century. 186 Sword Guard. Beaten iron body. Inlaid figures in gold and silver of Chinese priest and his demon-faced attendant holding a banner. Fine. Date 17th Century. 26 187 Sword Guard Iron. Representing basket work and decorated with flowers and insects in gold and Shakudo, and gold border. Date 18th Century. 188 Sword Guard Carved, chased and inlaid with gold. Representing a demon’s fright at the Kakemono with Shoki. Fine and rare. Date 16th Century. 189 Sword Guard Iron, gold a?id silver. Inlaid figure of Peony. Signed Katsumori. Date 1800-50. 190-1 Sword Ornaments Red Bronze. Dragons. 2 pieces. 192 Sword Ornament Gold, silver and Shakudo. Three wise men. 193 Water Bottle Old Bronze and silver basket Pattern. 194 Netsuke Silver and gold, with colored cloisonne enamels. Shape of a folding fan. 195 Yellow Bronze Small ornament. Style of Goroso. Finely carved. 196 Sword Ornament. Bronze, Inlaid with Gold and Silver. 197 Sword Ornament. Bronze, with raised metallic decorations. 198 Belt Ornament. Iron, with silver design of dragon. 199 Bronze Paper Weight. Bunch of Fagots. 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 27 Large Seal Goldstone, with carved gold, bronze and inlaid mount¬ ing. Goroso type. IVORIES, ETC. Bone Netsuke Carved figure of Buddhist Saint, Rakan. Full of ex¬ pression. Date 1800-50. Netsuke Persimmon and Bees. Date 18th Century. Netsuke Standing figure, acting with his comic cap. Date 18th Century. Netsuke Clam shell, with a farmer on top of the shell taking his noon-day smoke. Date 18th Century. Netsuke Two boys at play. By Tomo-Chika, an eminent maker of the 18th Century. Netsuke The Sennin Chohvaro and his gourd. Date 18th Century. Netsuke Horn group of innumerable Storks and Tortoises, very minutely carved by Mune-Nobu. Date 1750-1800. Ornament (Okimono) Group of children at play. Complicated carving. Signed Rio-Raku. Date 19th Century. Netsuke Sitting Dog. Date 19th Century. 28 210 Netsuke An awakening figure of a man. Date 19th Century. 211 Netsuke Koku-tan wood. (Japanese ebony.) Rice ball inside of which are figures of Daikoku and Tashi-toku wrestling. Date 18th Century. 212 Netsuke Clever wood carving of man carying a big radish. Date 18th Century. 213 Netsuke Wood. Carved with figure of damsel called Kiyo hime, the spirit of disappointed love, clasping the temple bell, beneath which her lover hid himself. Date 18th Century. 214 Netsuke Wood. Noble’s hat and shells, laid on book. Date 18th Century. 215 Netsuke Black wood. Monkey holding persimmon. Date 17th Century. 216 Netsuke Figure of Daikoku in his treasure bag. Signed Shiu- min. Date 19th Century. 217 Netsuke Carving of Kara-shi-shi (Dog Foo.) By Masa-Mitsu. Date 18th Century. 218 Netsuke Representing two Chinese boys at play. Date 18th Century. 219 Netsuke Carving of priest pulling a bell. Signed Shin-Raku. Date 18th Century. 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 29 Netsuke Carved figure, with Movable eyes (octopus). Date 1800. Tobacco Pouch Carved shell, with Keyaki wood belt guard inlaid with figures of insects. Book Markers Carved ivory. 3 pieces. Book Markers Carved ivory. 3 pieces. Umbrella Handle Carved Bone Elephant Head. Umbrella Handle Carved Bone, grotesque fish. Cane Handle Carved head of Oni. Netsukes Carved wood Rain Hat, etc. 2 pieces. Netsuke Figures of Storks. Pierced carving. Netsuke Basket lid, with rat. Netsuke Carved red Sche che lacquer . Belt Ornament Inlaid bronze. 30 SWORD GUARDS, ETC. 232 Sword Guard Bronze. Decorated with three fighting female figures, Water-fall and Pine tree. Minutely chased and inlaid in gold and Shakudo. Signed Ki-go-do- Hamano, Choku-zui. Date 18th Century. 233 Sword Guard Shibu-ichi. Figure of Emma riding on a lion's back. Reverse figure of demon rising out of storm cloud. Signed Seki- Yenshi. Date 1750-1800. 234 Sword Guard Yellow and dark bronze. Cherry tree and Pheasant beautifully chased in high relief in gold, silver and Shakudo. Signed Ishi-guro, Masa-haru. Date 18th Century. 235 Sword Guard Iron openwork carving of dragon. Sigyied Ischiriu Tomanaga. Date 19th Century. 236 Sword Guard Iron. Decorated with Chinese Landscape, with cascade and moon and rising rocks, gold and silver chasing. Signed Nori-Tsugu. Date 18th Century. 237 Sword Guard Flowers, moon and skull, etc. Incrusted with silver and gold. Signed Tatsu-Naga or Shin-Zin. Yedo. Date 18th Century. 238 Sword Guard Iron. Decorations of Cherry flowers and Stream. Signed. Masa-tashi. Date 18th Century. 239 Sword Guard Iron. With damascened gold border. Decorations of Dragon rising out of stormy clouds. Finely wrought. Date Early 18th Century. 31 240 Sword Guard Carved and pierced iron. Decoration Dragon and Waves. Inlaid. Border of damascened gold. Date 17th Century. 241 Sword Guard Shakudo Bronze. Finely chased and incrusted in gold and silver, with figures of Quail and autumnal grasses, and night scene, with moon on reverse. Beautifully executed. Signed Shimi-dsu Yashi- aki. Period 1871. 242 Sword Guard Iron. With chased openwork figure of Rain Dragon. Signed Ki-nai of Echizen. Date 1650-1700. 243 Knife Handle Shakudo. Artistic decorations of Herons in water, incrusted with silver and gold. Date 18th Century. 244 Knife Handle Shakudo, with gold rim. Signs of the Zodiac in heavy gold, Shakudo and silver. Good specimen of work of the Goto school. Date 18th Century. 245 Knife Handle Yellow bronze. Leather pattern, with figure of Deer wrought in silver. Date 17th Century. 246 Knife Handle Shakudo, ivith rim forming panel. Lotus flowers exe¬ cuted in colored enamels, with gold wire outlining. 247 Sword Ornament and Head Shakudo. Corrugations and gold inlay band of Kara- kusa pattern. Date 1750-1800. 2 Pieces. 248 Sword Mounts Shakudo. Finely inlaid in gold, silver, etc. Signed Kazu- Nori. 2 Pieces. Date 1800-60. 32 249 Sword Mounts Black bronzes. Guard and head. Butterfly. Decora¬ tion in red bronze, inlaid with gold. Signed. 2 Pieces. 250 Hilt Head (Kashira) Silver. Decorated with figure of a Warrior carrying bow and arrows. Chased in high relief with gold, silver, Shakudo and red bronze. Date 1800-20. 33 SECOND SESSION. Tuesday, May 16th, at 2.30 P. M. PORCELAINS, LACQUERS, IVORIES, BRONZES, &c. 251 Tea Jar Old Imari porcelain. Landscape decoration in blue and red. 252 Tea Jar Old Imari porcelain. Deep blue and white chrysan¬ themum and scroll decoration. Made by Dohi - chi. With carved stand. 253 Incense Box Blue and white Chinese porcelain. 254 Incense Box Old Shonsui porcelain. Gourd shape. Blue and white. 255 Gourd Vase Old Chinese. Blue Dragon, decoration. Mark Tai- Ming, Kea Tsuing. 256 Chinese Bottle Very small neck, with octagonal body of dark blue, overrun with blossoms in relief work. Fine old piece. 257 Old White Corean Saucer Leaf shape, with Teakwood stand. 258 Satsuma Vase Square neck, with Lizard handles. Beautiful colored enamel. Floral and band decorations. Bears signature and crest. 34 259 Satsuma Vase Hexagonal shape. Bamboo and Plum decoration in colored enamels and gold. Bears mark and crest. Teakwood stand. 260 Owari Koro Fluted shape, with blue decorations and pierced lid. Fine. 261 Perfume Box Banko ware. Shape of fan. Landscape in black. 262 Incense Burner Chinese Go-su porcelain, with three feet and silver rim. Decorated with Peonies and Vines in coral red. Very rare. Date 1545. 263 Snuff Bottle Old Nanking. Blue decoration. 264 Tea Cup Old Chinese porcelain. Beautiful floral designs on red orange peel ground. Four marks. Ching=hwa. Rare. 265 Old Celadon Cup Carved under glaze. 266 Incense Burner Chinese Ivory white, with lid. 267 Chinese Bowl Blue and red decorations of floral design and double line. Keen=lung period. Rare. 268 Chinese Box Round peach color glaze. 269 Imari Tea Bowl Engraved under glaze and decorated with figures of Dragon, Trees and flowers in colors. Diameter 7 inches. 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 35 Large Vase Flaring top, with square shoulder. Chinese porcelain, with beautiful greenish mirror glaze and leaf decoration in celadon and colors on neck. Fine old example. Rare. Tea Jar Toshiro Faience. Date 1695. Tea Jar Old Toshiro. Date 1595. Tea Jar Ki-Seto. Tea Jar To-shiro. Tea Jar Old Seto. Tea Jar Old Seto. Tea Jar Old Seto. Tea Jar Old Seto. Tea Jar Old Seto. By Toshiro. Date 1595. Tea Jar Old Seto. Date 1635. Tea Jar Seto. By Toshiro. Date 1588. Tea Jar Old Seto. Date 1645. Date 1745. Date 1645. Date 1595. Date 1695. Date 1595. Date 1590. 36 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 Tea Jar Old Bizen pottery. Date 1650. Tea Jar Seto. Date 1797. Tea Jar Seto. Date 1695. Tea Bowl Aka-hada. Crackled yellowish gray, with Storks inlaid white. Date 1615. Tea Bowl Aka-hada. Glaze pitted red clay. Date 1695. Tea Bowl Kanzan. Decorations of Narcissus, painted in blue. Mark under glaze. Date 1695. Tea Bowl Yatsushiro. Marbleized in gray and white. Date 1725. Tea Bowl Ten-roku. Dark reddish glay, with silver rim. Glaze purplish black with splashes of brown. Rare. Date 1545. Tea Bowl Shiga-raki. Glaze thin grayish white, mottled with reddish brown. Date 1695. Tea Bowl Old Raku. Yen-shu. Made by Kozan. Decorations Butterflies and a Chinese character, Yume or dream. Date 1695. Tea Bowl Old Akahada. Yamato. Glaze finely crackled ivory white. Decorations of Cottages, Storks, Pine Trees, etc., in brilliant colors and gold. Date 1615. 37 294 Tea Bowl Satsuma. Profuse medallion. Decorations in gold and colors of Soldiers. Various persons , etc. Inside band. Decoration, etc. Date 1882. 295 Tea Bowl, Iwa Kura Finely crackled ivory white. Decorated with a Tai fish and bamboo leaves in blue and brown. Date 1745. 296 Tea Bowl Ninsei. Crackled reddish ivory white. Decorated with Peonies and Vines painted in dark grayish blue. Date 1695. 297 Tea Bowl Raku. Red. Decorated with Pine Tree laden with snow. Date 1705. 298 Tea Bowl Ninsei. Crackled ivory white. Lion and Peonies. Painted in colors and gold. Date 1795. 299 Tea Bowl Dohachi. Enameled. Decorations of Gourds. 300 Tea Bowl Raku. Reddish brown. Crackled and mottled. Date 1755, 301 Lacquer Writing Case Oblong. Decorated with Sho-Chicku-bai design in gold, silver and red lacquer. Interior in Nashi-ji and decorated with Landscape in raised gold lacquer. Date 1700. 302 Writing Case Brown lacquer. Top has view of Mikasano- Yama in Nara, with deer walking up the mountain. Chrys¬ anthemums and, grasses below. Refined taste in workmanship in colors and gold. Length 9i/* inches. Date 1640-1700. 38 303 Bonbon Tray Rare specimen of Cinnabar, showing the several layers of lacquer, generally known as Guri-bori. Shape of flower called Yuri. Signed Zokoku, Rare Date 1788. 304 Box Square at one end and shape of fan at the other. Beau¬ tifully decorated with Landscape, gold and Fool lacquer, and interior of Nashi-ji lacquer. 305 Section Boxes Panels of flowers and birds in gold raised lacquer. Body of Shippo-tsunagi or cloisonne fret work pattern. Interior Nashi-ji. Date 17th Century. 306 Perfume Box (Ko=ai) Black lacquer with figure of Kusakari boy on Sacred Bull’s back. Chrysanthemums in powdered gold lacquer, etc. Date 17th Century. 307 Round Box Brown lacquer carving called Guri-bori. Designs of flowers deeply engraved. Date 19th Century. 308 Square Box Black. Decorated with autumnal grasses and Katy¬ dids in gold and black. Date 18th Century. 309 Writing Case Ro-iro lacquer, with Toqidashi decoration of an old couple standing beneath a pine tree. Called the Takasago design and typical of long and happy married life. Interior, pine branches and flecked with gold. Has inkstone and silver water bottle. Length 8 inches. Date 1700. 39 310 Despatch Box Wicker work design, with brown lacquer outside and black inside. Decorations, Grape Vines, Bamboo Fences and Border, done in gold. Has inner tray, with inkstones, bronze water bottle, cords and rings, etc. Length 10 inches. Date 1700. 311 Comb (Kushi) Gold lacquer, decorated in high relief. 312 Gold Lacquer Comb With design of Plum tree and flying Nightingale in relief. 313 Gold Lacquer Comb Flowers and Butterflies in high relief. 314 Gold Lacquer Comb Embellishment, Plum tree and Bird. 315 Gold Lacquer Comb Pine, Bamboo and Plum decorations. 316 Gold Lacquer Comb Delicately executed scene of sea shore and house on beach. 317 Comb Gold lacquer, decorated with Chrysanthemums and Kiri crests in leaf and powdered gold. Date 18th Century. 318 Gold Lacquer Box Shape of Netsuke. Signed. 319 Sake Cup Red Lacquer. Decorated with Plum Tree, Birds and Stream in gold. Date 18th Century. 320 Sake Cup Red lacquer, with acquatic plants in gold. Date 18th Century. 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 40 Wood Carving Dancing figure of Shinto temple. Date 1850-70. Bone Netsuke Chrysanthemum. Branch with sickle on back. Date 1700-50. Carved Ivory Netsuke. Carved to represent Gama Sennin and his toad. Date 18th Century. Ivory Netsuke Monkey eating peaches. Signed Tomo-Tada. Date 18th Century. Ivory Netsuke Representing Okamee (wolf) bitten by crab. Signed Oka-tomo. Date 18th Century. Ivory Netsuke Mass of fish. Openwork carving. Date 18th Century. Ivory Netsuke Boy at dance , called Shika-Odore or deer dancing. Signed Ichi-yu. Date 19th Century. Ivory Netsuke Clever carving of mouse on shell. Date 18th Century. Ivory Netsuke Representing Emma-0 trampling on an Imp or Oni. Date 18th Century. Ivory Netsuke Bunch of Fruit, with minute carvings of Bird , Land¬ scape, etc., inside. Date 19th . Century. Ivory Group Boy with basket of fruit and a dog. Signed Giokuitsu. Date 19th Century. 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 41 Ivory Carving A night traveler frightened at a fox. Signed by Giokumin. Date 19th Century. Ivory Carving Street mendicant, with baby on shoulder. Ivory Group Boy teaching dog to stand on a drum. Signed Yuraku. Date 19th Century. Ivory Netsuke Carving of lady and three demons, representing, Devils out, Happiness in. By Ikosai Ko-jitsu. Date 1880. Ivory Netsuke Engraved with figure of old man watching a tea kettle. Signed by Chok-ko. Date 1880. Ivory Netsuke Figures of Dancers by Ho-Jitsu, 1878. Ivory Netsuke Two Herd Boys. One riding an ox, the other with basket and rake. By Ko-ju. Date 1880. Koku=tan Wood Netsuke Cow and calf. Signed Yamada So-un. Date 18th Century. Wood Netsuke Rat in curled up position. Signed Masa-nao. Date 18th Century. Netsuke Carved out of a nut, with collection of treasures called Takara-dsukishi. Signed Masa-nari. Date 18th Century. Wood Netsuke Well pail and frog. Faithfully executed. Signed Masa- tade. Date 18th Century. 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 42 Miniature Netsuke Black wood ( Kokutan .) Face with inlaid ivory orna¬ mentation. Date 1750-1800. Wood Netsuke Imp at washtub, on bottom of which is painted in black lacquer inscription Ka-ne in Japanese alphabet. Date 18th Century. Wood Netsuke Faithful carving representing wood sawyer at work. Signed Shiun-Sai. Date 1750-1800. Wood Netsuke To represent a young girl carrying a large bundle. Date 18th Century. Carved Ivory Miniature mask. Date 18th Century. Wood Netsuke Boy making faces and holding a mask behind him. Signed Masa-Kazu. Date 1750-1800. Netsuke Miniature natural gourd. Metal inlay of flowers, etc. Date 18th Century. Wood Netsuke Two mice. Date 19th Century. Seal Box Diamond shape. Chinese panel. Carved grass and scroll pattern in blue. Seal mark Kien-lung . Date 1736-95. Tea Jar Cylindrical, with lid. Old Chinese. Blue decoration of boys, etc. 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 43 Incense Box Glaze white. Decorated with Phoenix, Dragons and Horse, in blue under glaze. Ming. Date 1572. Medicine Bottle Chinese porcelain. Octagonal. White decorated with flowers and plants in dark blue under glaze. Date 1695. Incense Box Chinese porcelain. Diamond shape designs and in¬ sects in blue under glaze. Date 1645. Small Vase Pierced Chinese porcelain, blue decorations. Tea Cup Old Chinese porcelain. Seal under glaze. Dragon ' decorations in blue. Teakwood stand. Cup with Handle Flat shape. Celadon glaze. Small Porcelain Box Shape of Horse. Blue decoration. Jar Chinese porcelain. Apple green striped with brown. Relief decoration of dragon. Sword Guard Pierced iron. Chrysanthemums and leaves forming the guard. Gold inlay. Date 1700-50. Sword Guard Iron. Sparrows and basket incrusted in red and yellow bronze. Date 17th Century. Sword Guard Iron. Decorated with marine birds, called Chidori . Incrusted in gold and bronzes. Signed Ho-zui. Date 18th Century* 44 364 Sword Guard Bronze. Figure of Ben-ten, goddess of speech and learn¬ ing. Reverse baskets of red bronze. Beautifully chased and inlaid with gold and metals. Date 18th Century. 365 Sword Guard Iron. Trunk of tree, with flies and spider in Shakudo and bronzed Signed Mune-Masa. Date 18th Century. 366 Sword Guard Iron. Pierced work and figure of dragon. Border of silver. Early 18th Century. 367 Sword Guard Iron. Decorated with pic-nic party on a boat and landscapes. Incrusted with silver and gold. Date 18th Century. 368 Sword Guard Iron. Flying bird and cage. Metal inlaid. Date 17th Century. 369 Sword Guard Bronze. Bordered with Shakudo. Decoration, chased work of weeping willow, Herons, Rocks and Stream. Fine. Date 18th Century. 370 Sword Guard Copper bronze. Sea shore and shells. Incrusted with gold and silver. Signed Yokoya Naga-toski. Date 18th Century. 371 Short Sword (Tanto) Blade Yama-to. Scabbard, Magnolia lacquered in black, with silver top. Hilt, Covered with sharkskin and bound with silk cords. Silver top and dragon fly ornaments. Guard, of iron, incrusted with gold, with Shakudo and silver decorations of waves, etc. Knife, Yellow Brass of bamboo design, with signature. Length II 1/2 inches. Date 1820. 45 372 Short Covered Sword (Hari=Kiri) Blade, Tokyo. Scabbard, Leather, shape of a bean pod. Ornamented with Pea-vines in gold lacquer and mounted with silver rings. Hilt, Sandal wood and gold lacquer. Guard, Bronze and gold plating. Date 1830. 373 Swort Sword Blade, Mi-no, grooved. Scabbard, Magnolia wood. Lacquered in black Shibu- ichi, with rain drops. Hilt, Covered with sharkskin and bound with silk cord. Guard, Silver, with gold plated Habaki. Ko=tsuka, Mounted with Lion in relief. Mountings and Ornaments, of various designs in gold and silver. Length 13 inches. Date 1750. 374 Dagger Spear blade of I-se. Made into a Dagger. White magnolia wood scabbard. Length 9 inches. Date 1870. 375 Sword Hilt, Sharkskin, bound with cross cord. Bronze guard, gold Shakudo. Inlaid figures and bronze Habaki. Red lacquered scabbard, with bronze top. Silk cord, etc. Length 34 i/ 2 inches. 376 Long Sword (Katana) Blade, Yamato. Scabbard, Magnolia, lacquered to imitate iron. Hilt, Sharkskin, bound with black and brown cords. Guard, Pierced iron, inlaid with gold plated Habaki. Ornaments, Engraved silver. Has silk cord, etc. 377 Sword Mounts Shakudo bronze, Habaki and hilt tip. Beautifully engraved and decorated with figures of Fish in stream, Flowers, etc., in gold, silver and bronze. Signed. 46 378 Sword Mounts (Kashira) Bronze, with Crane in high relief. Done in gold and silver. Date 1750. 379 Sword Ornaments Bronze, showing designs of Storm Dragons and cloud. Date 1750-1800. 380 Sword Ornament Butterfly in silver relief. 381 Sword Ornament Relief work. Storks in Nest, Flowers and a Pond. Done in gold, silver and Shakudo. 382 Sword Mount (Kashira) Bronze, decorated with Persimmon tree and sheaves of rice in gold, silver and Shakudo. 383 Hilt Ornaments Clusters, Mushrooms and Persimmons, laid on fern leaves. Signed Ittei and Teisai. 2 Pieces. Date 1800-50. 384 Sword Ornaments Gods of wind and of thunder. Made of bronze, silver and gold. 2 Pieces. Date 1750-1800. 385 Sword Ornaments Bronze, with Dragons in gold relief. Fine. 2 Pieces. 386 Sword Mount (Menuki) Shakudo. Representing group of shells. 2 Pieces. Date 1750-1800. 387 Sword Mount Gold , silver and Shakudo. Fish. s Date 1700-50. 47 388 Sword Mount Shakudo. Gold and silver. Representing a demon hold¬ ing a Gohei (,Sacred Paper Banner.) 389 Sword Mount Shibu-ichi and silver and Shakudo. Representing Pigeon and Basket. 2 Pieces. Date 1750. 390 Chop Sticks Silver, with gold inlaid handles. Telescopic. 391 Sword Hilt (Tenka) Sharkskin, bound with silk cord. Bronze Kashira and Fuchi. Decorations warrior, Birds and Waves. Bronze Menuki, representing a court noble playing a flute. Date 1750-1800. 392 Knife Handle Bronze. Decorations, Rabbits, Moon, etc., in silver and gold inlay. Signed So-unsai-Tokatsune. Seal. Date 18th Century. 393 Knife Handle Bronze, decorated with a figure of a stout performer in gold and Shibu-ichi. Signed Gekko. Date 1750-1800. 394 Knife Handle Decorations of Warriors in gold, silver and bronze. Signed. 395 Knife Handle 396 Shibu-ichi metal. Ancient warrior on horseback. High relief and inlaid with gold and silver. Signed Katso-riu-Ken, Maseyashi {aged 72 years.) Date 18th Century. Knife Handlle Red bronze, with back plate of Shibu-ichi and Shakudo. Decorations, Dragon and Clouds, finely chased in in high relief. By Riogi. Seal Date 18th Century. 48 397 Knife Handle Shakudo, panelled in same metal. Decorations quartz and grasses, finely incrusted in gold, Shakudo and bronze. By Chikushi. Seal. Date 18th Century. 398 Knife Handle Shakudo. Aquatic plant with insect gracefully done in gold, silver and Shibu-ichi in high relief. Signed Ichi-vin-Ken Masa-Yoshi. Date 18th Century. 399 Knife Handle. Iron, decorated with Grasshoppers in silver. Date 17th Century. 400 Knife Handle Shibu-ichi. Lightning bugs and post in a stream. Done in high relief. Signature and seal. Date 19th Century. 401 Bronze Jardiniere Square urn shape, with four scroll feet. Paneled sides . Decorated with Insects, admirably chased in high relief on basket work back ground. The borders having rich brown patine. Cast by Sei-min during Bunsei period. Signed. Date 1817. This celebrated work is highly valued by collectors in Europe and America, and is quite difficult to obtain. The excellence of the work ranks with the highest done in the beginning of the 19th Century. 402 Old Chinese Gong Made of iron. Flat shape, with inscription, crest and decorations of Lotus flowers. Used in temple. 403 Bronze Vase Ovoid shape, with short neck. Very fine patine. Deco¬ rations of seven Storks in relief, rising from the nest. 49 404 Bronze Statuette (Kwan=non) Gracefully modeled and chased. The workmanship and design of the drapery, etc., stamp this piece as being of a very early period. Has Keyakiwood stand. Height IO 1/2 inches. 405 Inro and Netsuke Black lacquer. Decorated with Japanese Warriors, “Benkei” and u Nasuno Yoichi.” Exquisitely drawn in the style called Makeiro, or perfectly smooth surface, with variously colored lacquers. Interior of aventurine lacquer. Signed. Ko?na Korin. Celebrated lacquerer of early part of the 18th Century. Netsuke, Lotus pod and Snail, with movable seeds inside the pod. 406 Inro and Netsuke Black lacquer. Decorated ivith turbulent waves in polished and raised gold lacquer. Nashi-ji lac¬ quer interior. Netsuke, Wood figure of a Nomask in box. Ivory Ojime shape of gourd. Date latter part of 18th Century. 407 Inro and Netsuke Black lacquer, in four sections Representing a stack of bales on which are a flock of sparrows Done in gold and colors Date 18th Century. Netsuke, Carved nut. Gold inlaid, openwork slide. 408 Inro and Netsuke Black lacquer, profusely decorated with Hagi and Pine trees, etc., in various layers of highly polished, powdered and heavy cut gold lacquers. Nash-ji interior. By Sho-getsu. Date 17th Century. Netsuke, Box wood carving, Peasant riding a cow. 409 Inro and Netsuke Black lacquer of high polish. Crescent moon in silver and two drying fish nets in gold lacquer on one side, 50 and the other reeds in polished lacquer. Perfect workmanship hy Koma-Yasu-Akira and signed. Date 18th Century. The house of Koma is the most ancient and one of the most celebrated of Ye-do (now Tokio.) Netsuke, Wood. Representing group of mice. Date 17th Century. 410 Inro and Netsuke Black lacquer. Two sections. Autumnal flowers and Butterfly in raised gold, bearing signature of Matsu-Yama. Date 18th Century. The Netsuke and slide are Nara-Ningei, or small images painted in many colors. 411 Inro and Netsuke Black lacquer, with aventurine interior. Decorated with a Dragon coiling around a Plum tree, clouds, etc., painted in gold and colored lacquers. Signa¬ ture of Kaji-Kawa. The most celebrated make of the time. Date 18th Century. Netsuke, Carved wood. Storm Dragon, holding the Sacred Jewel. Ho-Shiro-tama. Signed Hidari Ichi-zan. Date 1750-1800. 412 Inro and Netsuke Black lacquer in three sections. Decorated with Plum tree and Storks, in gold and colors, in relief. Date 1800-20. Netsuke, Carved ivory Bird and Hand of Buddha. 413 Inro and Netsuke Black lacquer. Three compartments. Descending geese from clouds in powdered and leaf gold. Reverse side, flock of Swallows in tinted colors and leaf gold. Fine example of the Kaji-Kawa School. Date early 18th Century. Netsuke, Polished ivory, representing a nut called Ginnan. The slide is of bronze, with minute deco¬ rations of basket of fruit and water kettle. 51 414 Inro and Netsuke Four compartments. Black lacquer. Decorated with Dolls in gold and colors. Reverse side shells in polished and powdered gold lacquer. Interior finished in aventurine gold lacquer. Work of the celebrated Kaji-Kawa and signed. Date latter part of 17th Century. Netsuke, is of Shakudo, with gold inlaid decoration of cherry bough and scroll paper, and is the work of the talented Shin-raku and signed. 415 Inro and Netsuke Five sections. Black lacquer. Decorations of autumnal flowers in raised gold and colored enamels. Ex¬ tremely fine specimen. Signature of Chi-Kaku- Date 18th Century. Netsuke, Carved wood, imitating a small box and lacquered with floral designs. By Kwan-sai. Slide of variegated enamels. 416 Japanese Helmet Made of six iron plates, with Shakudo Hachimanza and ornament ring. Brownish lacquered neck guard, to imitate tortoise shell. By Miochin Nobumasa. Signed XVI Century. Choice and rare specimen. 417 Japanese Helmet Twelve iron plates, with angular ornamentation. Rare. Date 1700. 418 Jewel Box Cloisonne on Silver. Design of myriads of Chrysan¬ themums in colored enamels. 419 Chinese Box Black mirror glaze. Lacquered with Ho-ho Bird and other designs in colored cloisonne. Has seal mark. 420 Water Pot Shape of mask face . Carved and ornamented old red clay. Curious. 52 421 Round Box Old Chinese porcelain. Decorations in deep blue on white. 422 Coupe Chinese porcelain. Shape of pink flower. Carved under glaze. Outside rose. Interior green. Keen-lung period. 423 Seto Koro Tub, with three feet. Character decorations under Celadon glaze. 424 Hirado Incense Box Shape of duck. Celadon glaze. 425 Seji Cup Frog. Celadon glaze. 426 Kuzan Incense Box Shape of Fruit. 427 Round Box White Chinese porcelain. Decorations of Warrior in bright colored enamels and gold. Has seal and signature. 428 Hirado Saucer Diamond shape. Raised carvings of cherry blossoms^ etc. Date 1805. 429 Perfume Box Odd shape. Old Chinese. Blue. Decorated. 430 Incense Burner Kyoto. Square shape. Peony decorations in raised blue enamel. Date 1815. 431 Sweet Meat Box (Kwashi=bako) Dark greenish lacquer. Round shape, resting on five legs. Butterflies in golored cloisonne on lid. In¬ side greenish lacquer cloud effects. Date 1820. 53 432 Letter Box Egg shell lacquer, with top panel of Tsui-shu or Cinnabar lacquer, with design of Ho-ho Bird and Pomegranate. Interior polished black lacquer. Metal hinges, etc. Date 1870-80. 433 Sweet Meat Box Natural bamboo, with carved teakwood cover. Deco¬ rated with Grapes and leaves. Set with Mother- of-pearl and metal inlays. The sides decorated with Crawling Ants made of various metals. Riveting in various metals, done with taste. Signed. Made by special order by Jiriu-Gam-bun, at seventy-three years of age. Size 81/4 X63/4. Date 1700-60. A most interesting and odd piece. 434 Sweet Meat Box Nashi-ji gold lacquer throughout. Decorated with Squirrels and Grape Vines in powdered gold and shaded lacquers. Round shape, with narrow mouth and lid. An extraordinary example. Size 4x6 Inches. Date 1650-1700. 435 Fan Shaped Box Black lacquer. Decorated on top with Pheasant, Bam¬ boo and Flowers in gold lacquer. Interior gold aventurine. Date 18th Century. 436 Lacquer Box Same shape, color and similar decorations. 437 Round Lacquer Box Black. Same style of decorations as above. 438 Sake Cup Red lacquer. Decorated with View of Fuji and Crest in gold. Date 18th Century. 439 Sake Cup Red lacquer. With decoration of bird called “Sheki-rei.' ’ Date 18th Century. 54 440 Sake Cup Red lacquer. With u Whirlwind” of pine needles in gold. Outside decoration of Plum blossoms . 441 Teakwood Incense Box Barrel shape, with opening on cover, with silver rim. Decoration of Ho-ho Bird and Drum in painted in finely powdered and polished lacquers. Inter¬ ior of Hirame-ji or u Sharkskin” lacquer. A speci¬ men of costly work. Date 1700. 442 Sake Cup Red lacquer. Decorated with Domestic Bird. Date 18th Century. 443 Iron Half Mask Curiously hammered. Red lacquered inside. Date 1650. 444 Iron Visor. Four plates, with adjustable nose guard. Pierced ornamentations. Corded neck guard, etc. Date 1400. 445 Iron sleeves Chain mail inlaid. Pair. 446 Gate Hinge Old French damascened steel. 447 Sword Guard (Tsuba) Shakudo. Decorated with Dragon, chased in flat relief . Signed Tsune-nao. Date 18th Century. 448 Sword Guard Iron. Decorated with Tom-bo or Dragon fly and Beetle. Chased in high relief and inlaid with gold, Shibu- ichi and Shakudo metals. Date 18th Century. 55 449 Sword Guard Iron. Decorated with Bamboo ( Take-ni-tora) and Tiger. (Emblem of longevity and strong will.) Chased and incrusted with silver, Shakudo and bronze. Date 18th Century. 450 Sword Guard Iron, with pierced work. Decoration of Maple Leaves. Date 19th Century. 451 Sword Guard Yellow bronze. Decorations of Owl on Willow Tree, tastefully incrusted with gold and bronze. Date 18th Century. 452 Sword Guard Iron. Dragon coiling and rising from a cloud. Cu¬ riously wrought through and through effect. Incrusted in silver and gold. Date 19th Century. 453 Sword Guard Iron. With Farm House, Pine Tree, etc., tastefully chased and incrusted with gold and silver. Signed Hira-ta Haru-Yuki. Date 18th Century. 454 Sword Guard Iron. Decorated with a Dragon in gold rising out of a cloud. Heavily chased in fine gold on old iron background. A part of the body is seen on reverse side. Date 17th Century. 455 Sword Guard Iron. Inlaid figure of coiling Dragon in chased flat gold. The ground work stippled in shaded gold, representing clouds of sparks. A remarkable piece. Date 18th Century. 456 Sword Guard Iron panels. Maples and Cherry blossoms in chased and openwork Carving Inlaid with gold. By Masachira, a resident of Bushin ( Musashi .) Date 18th Century. 56 457 Knife Handle Shibu-ichi, with Shakudo back. Decoration of Carp leaping up a waterfall, (emblem of great ambi¬ tion.) Beautifully chased, with gold incrusta¬ tion of Carp. The work full of movement. Signed Omori Terumasa, (uncle and adoptive father of “Teru-hide” and pupil of the celebrated metal chaser, Somin. Rare. Date 1705-72. 458 Knife Handle (Shibu=ichi) Flock of geese returning at sundown. Artistically finished in Shakudo. The sun inlaid gold. Fine chasing of waves on back. Signed Tsuchi-ya Yoshi-chika. Date 18th Century. 459 Knife Handle Shakudo, with black chased panel. Decoration Quail in grasses, inlaid with silver and other alloys and finely executed in high relief. Signed Ishiguro Moriaki. Seal. Date 18th Century. 460 Knife Handle Representing scene of night battle. Gold, Shakudo and silver inlaying. Bronze back. Goto school. Date 18th Century. 461 Knife Handle Shibu-ichi. Carved to imitate woven bamboo, with Grasshopper, etc., in panel, finished in gold, silver a?id Shakudo. Date 19th Century. 462 Knife Handle Decoration of Thunder god in India ink on gold lacquer background. Fine. Date 17th Century. 463 Knife Handle Shakudo, with decorations of Crows and sun and clouds, incrusted in bronze, Shakudo and gold. By Sho-Zui. Date 18th Century. 57 464 Knife Handle Shakudo, with gold hack plate. Dog Foo playing with a stringed hall. Chased and encrusted. Seal. Signed Tomhari-Tomihisa. Date 18th Century. 465 Knife Handle Shakudo, with Peacock inlaid with gold and silver . Signed Rin-sen-do, gold seal. Date 19th Century. 466 Knife Handle Eagle watching a flying sparrow, and Pine Tree. Chased and heavily inlaid in gold and copper on Shihu-ichi. Signed Ishiguro Masayoshi. Date 18th Century. 467 Sword Ornaments Kashira and Fuchi. Silver hronze Storm Dragon and Clouds, chased in relief and inlaid with gold. By Toku-oki. Date 1860-90. Set of 2 Pieces. 468 Sword Ornaments Shakudo. Chased and inlaid with gold, silver, etc. Subjects, Monkeys carrying branches of chestnut tree. Fine. Date 18th Century. Set of 2 Pieces. 469 Sword Ornaments Bronze. Carving of Heron and Willow in flat relief. Inlaid. Signed. Masayoshi. Date 1800. 470 Miniature Bronze Tortoise, carved in relief, with signature on silver tablet. 471 Sword Mounts Silver and bronze No dancer’s masks. Pair. Date 1700-50. 472 Sword Mounts Bronze mask of Hiottoko. Pair. Date 1700-50. 58 473 Silver Ornament Grasshopper in a bird cage. 474 Curious Vase Made up of various metal sword ornaments. Has four feet, handles and lid. 475 Inro and Netsuke Four sections of black lacquer. Decorations showing moon rising and a boat lying in a swamp. Pow¬ dered and togadashi ( polished ) gold lacquers. Interior of fine Nashiji. Date 17th Century. Netsuke, Carved wood. Men taking hold of a fish. By Ho-kio Takayama. Date 18th Century. 476 Netsuke and Inro Black lacquer of four sections. Decoration of Storm Dragon covering both sides, in powdered and pol¬ ished gold lacquer in relief. Interior of silver and gold. Netsuke, Ivory, with bronze tablet of Fuji, Dragon, etc. 477 Inro and Netsuke Fine black lacquer of three sections. Chrysanthemums in raised powdered gold lacquer on background of gold leaf. u Sharkskin” finish. Signed Chika- nao. Date 18th Century. Netsuke, Ivory Chrysanthemum. Silver openwork slide. Date 1700. 478 Inro and Netsuke Bronze, with two compartments. Figures of Dai- Koku and Jiu-ro-jin in flat relief and inlaid with gold. Signed on tablet Nao-tsugu. Date 18th Century. Netsuke, Black, with Head of Lion in red lacquer. 479 Inro and Netsuke Four sections. Red Tsui-shu lacquer. Carved flat relief. Group of Chinese Sages beneath willow and pine trees. Netsuke, Wood carving, representing a public singer seated. Slide silver, bundle of bamboo. Date 17th Century. 59 480 Inro and Netsuke Old carved teakwood, of miniature design, with silver slide and ivory Netsuke. Signed. 482 Inro and Netsuke Carved wood. Flat shape of two sections, with Netsuke of carved nut. Agate slide. 483 Tea Jar Pear shaped, with lid. Black lacquer, with decorations of Bamboo and Waves, exquisitely drawn in pow¬ dered gold lacquer. Interior silver and gold lac- quer. Date 18th Century. 483 Perfume Box (Ko=ai.) Square black lacquer, with lead rims. Profusely deco¬ rated with grasses and gold. u Pear skin” lacquer inside, with insects in gold. Date 17th Century* 484 Incense Box Nashi-ji lacquer inside and out. Decorated with Pine leaves and Daimio crests in powdered and leaf gold. Square shape. Date 17th Century. 485 Tea Jar So-Bo-Kai. Date 1745. 486 Tea Jar Kyoto. Copy of black Satsuma. Rare. Date 1815. 487 Tea Jar Lusong. Dark blue and grayish brown glaze. Rare. Date 1595. 488 Tea Jar SekiShise. Date 1810. 489 Tea Jar Seto-Guro. Date 1695. 490 Tea Jar Jo-jo. Brown glaze. Date 1800. 60 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 Tea Bowl Yatsushiro. Zig-zag lines, inlaid with white under gray glaze. Tea Bowl Ninsei. Crackled gray. Floral spray decorations in bright iron rust glaze. Signed. Date 1835. Tea Bowl Ninsei. Crackled white glaze, with Stork painted in black and white. Date 1805. Tea Bowl Yatsushiro. Crude white brush marks on gray. Rare. Date 1595. Tea Bowl Sei-Kan-ji. White, overrun with brown on one side and decorations of Plum and Bamboo in brown. Rare. Date 1595. Tea Bowl Satsuma. Decorations of gold fish. Bands, etc., in colors and gold, inside and out. Date 1705. Tea Bowl Shimizu, Kyoto. White ground, with profuse bamboo designs in blue. Very odd. Date 1775. Tea Bowl Black Awata. Silver rim. Finely crackled. Ivory white. Overrun with brilliant black. Date 1845. Tea Bowl Ju-raku. Red clay, mended with red lacquer. Date 1595. Tea Bowl Yatsu-shiro. Marbleized in white and^gray. Mended with gold lacquer. Date 1615. 61 THIRD SESSION. Wednesday, May (7th, at 2.30 P. M. PORCELAINS, SWORD GUARDS, HELMETS, LACQUERS AND INRO. 501 Small Jar Chinese porcelain. Garden scenes in blue. 502 Satsuma Vase Creamy crackle. Figure Decorated in colors and gold. 503 Chinese Porcelain Cylinder Vase or brush holder. Red glaze. 504 Old Imari Tea Cup Floral decorations in blue. Red and gold. 505 Hirado Tray Flying Stork. 506 Tea Cup, or Coupe Beautiful Chinese copper enamel. Dark blue with floral decorations in white. 507 Water Vessel, Ming Twist ovoid shape. Various patterns in blue. Curious. Date 1575. 508 Small Box Champ-leve. Form of fruit. Blue enamel on gilt ormolu. 509 Porcelain Koro Old Hirado. Round shape, with imitation of Woven cane cover. Decorations of Plum blossoms. 62 510 Cylinder Vase, or Koro Old Hirado, with fret work. Decorated in blue and red over white. Bronze pierced rounded cover. 511 Satsuma Vase Shape of Narrow neck bottle. Finely crackled ivory white, with flowers painted in colors and gold. Date 1855. 512 Old Satsuma Vase Flaring top, square neck. Finely crackled with Chinese red band around neck. Blue and medallion deco¬ ration on base. Rare. 513 Satsuma Bowl Lavishly decorated in colored enamels and gold, to represent brocades, on finely crackled white ground. Has signature in gold and seal. Special piece. 514 Bottle Vase, Kan=zan Very frail slender neck. Crackled light brown, with a band of Shakko pattern painted in green, blue, red and gold. 515 Flower Vase, Ming Bottle, with long thick neck. Fine soft tea leaf glaze. Rare. Date 1475. 516 Satsuma Dish (Sara) Oblong shape, decorated in red, green, blue and gold flower and border pattern. Date 1835. Has teakwood stand. 517 Old Bizen Vase Represents end of an elephant’s trunk in shape and color and character, in red lacquer. Engraved signature. Date 16th Century. 518 Water Pot Old Kutani. Scroll decorations in apple green and red. Inscribed on bottom. 63 519 Nagasaki Koro Cylindrical form, with square handles and sides. Pierced brass cover. Beautifully decorated in blue with Landscape and floral designs under glaze. Rare. Date 1690. 520 Sake Bottle (Sake=Ire) Hirado panel. Square shape. Landscape in blue under glaze. View of Katata, province of Omi. Choice and rare. Date 1770. 521 Hirado Koro Form of bird cage, with three feet, top and lid, repre¬ senting woven cane. Inside, trunk of a tree on which rest birds. Glaze white with blue decorations. AN EXTRAORDINARY SPECIMEN OF FINE BASKET WORK. Height 10 Inches. Date 1885. 522 Chinese Bowl Butterfly decorations in raised colored enamels and beautifully executed. Has seal mark in red. Choice. 523 Bowl Old Imari porcelain, made at Arita. Bell shape, with beautiful decorations in panels of Birds and Flowers in blue, red, green. Mark in blue, Ki- gioku Ho-tei No Chin. Mended. Has large black teakwood stand, finely carved. Diameter 81/2 Inches, Height 3i/a Inches. Date 1750. 524 Cylinder Vase, or Brush Stand Chinese. Mirror black glaze. Height 5 i /4 Inches. Date 1645. 525 Coral Red Vase Bottle shape. Cylindrical. Made by Sei-fu of Kioto. Mark under glaze. 526 Enameled Dish Octagonal shape, with decorations of Peacock Feathers. Old Chinese. 64 527 Enameled Saucer Chinese. Done on copper in bright colors, representing Dragon, Flowers and other designs in minutely finished style. 528 Enamel Dish, Old Chinese Bright yellow border, with white field of conventional flowers. Under decorations are blue border with white field and flying bats. Diameter 81/2 Inches. 529 Chinese Vase Ching-wah period. Leaf and flower decorations in green and red on white green glaze inside. 530 Satsuma Faience Round sweet meat box. Spray of Peonies in relief resting on lid. Chrysanthemum and band decora¬ tions in colors and gold. Has large teakwood stand. Diameter 71/2 Inches. 531 Large Tea Pot Chinese porcelain, with designs of Pheasants and pro¬ fuse flowers painted in colors, enameled on white. Straight round shape. 532 Tea Jar 0-Do To-Sa. Brilliant black, mottled with iron rust. Date 1665. 533 Tea Jar Aka-hada. Reddish brown. Date 1695. 534 Tea Jar Kioto copy of Ten-Roku. Date 1685. 535 Tea Jar Ninsei. Black with brown. Date 1695. 536 Tea Jar Karatsu. Dark brown. Overrun. Date 1745. 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 65 Tea Jar Old Seto. Reddish brown and black. Date 1695, Tea Jar Sobokai, Mino. Date 1745. Tea Jar Satsuma. Brown and grayish glaze. Date 1695. Tea Jar Seto. Tea drop glaze. Date 1645. Tea Jar Nin-sei. Crackled gray. Decorated with Chrysanthe¬ mum and Cherry blossoms. Date 1695. Tea Bowl Ninsei. Crackled and pitted gray mottled, with red¬ dish brown. Decoration of Stork. Inlaid. Date 1755. Tea Bowl Yatsushiro. Greenish gray, inlaid with white Storks and Clouds. Date 1745. Tea Bowl Satsuma. Decorations of Chinese boys at play and inside band of Vines and Peonies. Date 1835. Tea Bowl Satsuma. Chrysanthemums in colors and gold. Date 1815. Tea Bowl Mi-zoro. Gray crackle, with Stream, Frog and Willow Trees, in white and colors. Signed. Date 1765. Tea Bowl Ninsei. Painted yellowish gray. Date 1665. 66 548 Tea Bowl Higo Satsuma. Fine crackled reddish gray. Decorated with thirty-eight new moons, etc. Date 1715. 549 Tea Bowl Ninsei. Grayish white crackle. Fans in colors and gold. Decorated with two Date 1755. 550 Tea Bowl Ten Roku. Brown clay, with silver rim. Glaze, Peacock Feather running from hr own into deep brilliant blue. Date 1595. 551 Sword Guard Iron chased in high relief, with silver and gold. Ikebana or flower arrangement showing Peony in a bamboo vase. Reverse, branch of flowers, called Kwaido, and a pair of Scissors. Signed Masa-Sada, pupil of Masa-Naga. Date end of 18th Century. 552 Sword Guard Iron, decorated with three flying geese. Damascened and chased in gold and other metals. Date 18th Century. 553 Sword Guard Bronze, decorated with bamboo fence and Vines in gold, Shakudo and bronze. Signed Masa-Naga. Date 18th Century. 554 Sword Guard Iron, decorated with Dragons and Cloud. Chased in relief and inlaid with gold. Date 1800-50. 555 Sword Guard Iron, decorated with moon and Hoto-to-gisu bird and river scenery. Tastefully executed in Shibu-ichi, Shakudo and gold. Signed Nara-ki-gen. Rare. Date 18th Century. 67 556 Sword Guard Iron. Plum Tree blossoms and trees. Chased and pierced, with gold inlay around rim. 557 Iron Mempo Curiously carved lines and ornaments, adjustable nose guard, with moustache. Decorated leather throat guard. Red lacquer inside. Date 1700. 558 Iron Helmet Made of thirty-nine plates. Finely ornamented in bronzes and brocade, with lacquer neck guard. 559 Knife Handle Copper bronze. Monkey and Eagle fighting. Chased and inlaid in Shibu-ichi, Shakudo. Signed Sho- zui, founder of the Hamo-no school. Date early 18th Century. 560 Knife Handle Red bronze. Decorations of Daruma in flat relief , with gold and Shakudo. Date 17th Century. 561 Knife Handle Yellow bronze, wrought in gold. Bronze and Shakudo. Date 17th Century. 562 Knife Handle Iron. Inlaid with gold and silver on both sides. An¬ tique Indian designs. Date 17th Century. 563 Knife Handle Red bronze. Skilfully decorated in high relief with figures of boy catching insects. 564 Knife Handle Yellow bronze. Representing Sanzo-Hoshi, with a large hat and staff. Date 18th Century. 68 565 Iron Helmet Silver damascened ornaments on crown. Bronze Hachimanza and lacquer neck guard Date 1700. 566 Short Sword Blade, Mino, Made by Kanetaka. Scabbard, Magnolia, lacquered in black with leather finish, with tortoise shell Tsuka. Hilt, Sharkskin bound with cord, with bronze and Shakudo guard. Bronze and gold ornaments. Kozuka, by Ari-Chika. Gold mounting. Length 61/4 Inches. Date 1800. 567 Short Sword Blade, Mino, Made by Kane-sada. Scabbard, Sandal wood, lined with Magnolia, with corrugations. Hilt, Sharkskin bound with whale bone, with Shakudo and gold. u Dragon” ornaments. Guard, Shakudo and gold, plated. Kozuka, Shakudo, chased and inlaid in gold. Shibu-ichi Fuchi and ornaments. Beautiful specimen. Length 14 Inches. Date 1521. 568 Short Sword Blade, Shinano, inscribed with a Sanskrit letter. Scabbard and Hilt, Magnolia, imitating natural grain of wood and ornamented with long arm apes picking Ants. Ornaments of Shibu-ichi, copper, etc. Kozuka, Shibu-ichi, with Ants in copper. Curious. Length IO 1/2 Inches. Date 1650. 569 Ivory Carving Traveling priest. Date 19th Century. 570 Ivory Netsuke Man with a gourd. Signed. Date 1840. 571 Wood Netsuke Kato Kyomoso Mezing a tiger. Signed Minko. Rare. Date 18th Century. 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 69 Wood Netsuke Oni hiding in a box. Date 18th Century. Ivory Netsuke Daikoku lifting bale of rice. Date 18th Century. Wood Netsuke Relief openwork carving . Head of dried salmon. Date 18th Century. Wood Netsuke Family of Monkeys at play. Date 18th Century. Wood and Ivory Netsuke Frog on nut shells. Ivory inlaid. Signed Rio-cho. Date 18th Century. Ivory Netsuke Toshi-toku carrying a boy on his back. Date 18th Century. Ivory Netsuke Ferry boat, with passengers. Date 18th Century. Ivory Netsuke Mass of clam shells, with Minute carvings inside of landscape. Signed Masa-mitsu. Date 18th Century. Ivory Carving Imp carrying bundle. Date 18th Century. Tobacco Pouch Carved with Ho-ho and Kiri flowers. 70 582 loro and Netsuke Fine black lacquer of seven sections. Decorations of Storks flying and Turtles in Kiri-kane work (gold leaf inlaid) on a togidashi background, by the famous artist Kajikawa. Interior of Aven- turine lacquer. Netsuke, Red Cinnabar lacquer, with slide of ivory. Date 1770. 583 Inro and Netsuke Powdered gold lacquer in 4 compartments. Decorated with Peacock and Hen, finished with skill and perfection. Part of the feathers inlaid with mother-of-pearl. Remarkably fine and minute rendering of the feathers and coloring. Date 18th Century. Netsuke, Remarkable piece of ivory. Openwork carving with scene under the surface. Signed by Kwagio- kusai. 584 Inro and Netsuke Three sections, in powdered gold lacquer of high grade. Decorated with autumnal grass called Ka-ya, and part of the mounds filled with cut square gold leaves, and the moon incrusted with silver. Signed by the famous artist Yo-yu-sai. Interior is Nashi-ji gold lacquer. Date 19th Century. Netsuke, Wood carving of a bear. Bronze inlaid slide. 585 Inro and Netsuke Gold powdered, lacquer of fine quality. Decorated with figure of Juro-Jin (god of longevity) standing under Pine trees. Reverse boy giving water to a crane. Interior Aventurine of lacquer. Per¬ fect workmanship in raised gold powdered lacquers variously shaded. Signed Kaji-Kawa of To-To Date 18th Century. Netsuke, Carved ivory, with figure of Fukuroju in flat relief. Signed. Silver slide. 586 Inro and Netsuke Five sections. Black lacquer with Landscape. Scene on Lake Biwa in round gold lacquers. Interior fine quality Nashi-ji. Netsuke, Carved ivory figure of Rishi holding a gourd. Coral Oji?ne. Date, middle 18th Century. 71 587 Inro and Netsuke Togidashi gold lacquer in four sections. Ducks in stream, beautifully done in raised gold and col¬ ored lacquers, by the noted, artist, Naoyoshi. Interior in Nashi-ji. Ojime of cloisonne. Date 1750. Netsuke, A small Shibu-ichi box, with cloisonne deco¬ rations. 588 Inro and Netsuke Black lacquer. Four sections. Decorations of trees and flowers in mother-of-pearl and lead inlaid and gold lacquer. Inside finished in Nashi-ji lacquer. Date 17th Century. Netsuke, Ivory openwork carving, with figure of duck in silver. 589 590 Yedo Tobacco Pouch Iron damascened with figures of Dragon, etc., in silver and gold. Onion shaped, with hinged lid. Date 1825. Tobacco Box Antique iron pouch, with ornamental hand work. Has Netsuke and slide. Very rare and curious. 591 Iron Helmet Made of thirty-two plates, with Hachimanza in gold, Shakudo and bronze. Leather covered neck guard , etc. Date 1700. 592 Iron Mempo Signed by Sotome lyenari. Finely decorated, having silver teeth, cut openwork sides, etc., and black lacquer neck guards. 593 Match Lock Gun Finely damascened barrel. Engraved brass mountings . 594 Sword Guard Iron, decorated with Japanese battle scene. Cut out of the solid iron and subsequent chasing of numerous figures clad in armors. Fine example of artistic relief work, chasing, etc. Gold inlaid. Signed So-heishi Niudo So-ten, Hikone, province of Omi. Date 17th Century. 72 595 Sword Guard Copper Bronze. Hawk sitting on Pine tree. Relief and flat chasing and gold inlay. Signed Hiro- Yoshi. Date 1750-1800. 596 Sword Guard Iron. Decorations of bamboo Cloud and flowered pat¬ tern (emblematic of nobility.) Refined work, neatly inlaid with gold. Date 18th Century. 597 Sword Guard Floral design in Fan shaped panels. Gold inlaying. Signed Masachika. Date 18th Century. 598 Sword Guard Copper bronze, with Shakudo rim. Famous Historical Battle of Dan-no-XJre being represented on both sides. Specimen of masterly workmanship in every particular by the great artist Soten. Signed So-heishi Niudo So-ten, of Hikone, Omi. Date 1700-50. 599 Sword Guard Iron. Pierced designs of Deer and Maple Trees. Much admired by Japanese poets and old artists. Signed Miochin Yoshi-hisa. Date 17th Century. 600 Sword Guard Iron. Decorated with Landscape and traveling Chinese nobility. Incrusted with gold and Shakudo. Date 17th Century. 601 Sword Ornaments (Fuchi and Kashira) Water Fall and Rocks and Dragon and Clouds. Made of bronze and inlaid with gold, silver, etc. Date 18th Century. 602 Sword Ornaments (Fuchi and Kashira) Shibu-ichi. Decorated with pheasant and inlaid with gold and bronze. 73 603 Sword Ornaments Bronze of Nanako, ground with finely chased figures, Landscape, etc., by Kishotei Mitsuhiro. Date 18th Century. 604 Temple Gong Repousse brass. Nail head design. Very old and resonant 605 Writing Box Oblong. Decorations of conventional waves worked in brown lacquer over black. Border of cover in Kin-fun, with Arabesque decorations. Interior in Nashi-ji cloud effects. Has inkstone and carved silver water vessel. The work throughout is treated with wonderful skill and it would be diffi¬ cult to fully explain its merits. Size 8 x107/s Inches. Date 1700-50. 606 Bird Cage Stand Round shape, with three feet. Gold aventurine lac¬ quer of finest grade. Decorated all around with aquatic plants and grasses in leaf gold. Low toned powdered gold lacquer in colors Interior brown lacquer. A fine specimen which can be used as a fern stand. Diameter II 1/4 Inches. Date 1650-1700. 607 Writing Box Black lacquer of oblong shape. Cover decorated with Pine Trees and figure of Poet sitting on back of bull, done in raised gold and brown lacquers. A rope of silver leading through nose of bull. In¬ terior tray and reverse of cover decorated with bamboo leaves and Plum branches in raised gold and red lacquers on fine clouded Nashi-ji ground. Inlaid gold treatment on branches. Has bronze water holder of fine patine and inkstone. A most artistic specimen. Size 7x10i/2 Inches. Date 1700-50. 74 608 Oval Box Gold lacquer, with arched sides. Decorated on top with waves in splashing movement in raised powdered gold lacquer and leaf over fine aventurine ground. The sides are decorated with Lobsters and Shrimps splendidly drawn in low toned gold, and running - streams painted in black lacquer and gold tracing. Interior beautifully designed with u Kaidsuka-shi” (collection of shells ) in profuse numbers on Nashi- ji ground. Rich specimen of early gold lacquer. Size 4x53/4 Inches. Date 17th Century.. 609 Makura (Pillow) Finely woven bamboo, with ends of Nashi-ji lacquer, decorated with Kiri and Nanten tree in raised gold and colored lacquers, and around the borders Crests of Toku Gawa family. Date 1700-30. 610 Cylindrical Box Ro-iro Black lacquer. Decorated with maple leaves and Tanzaku (or scroll ) with verse. Done in raised gold, gold leaf and colored lacquers. Height 3 inches, Diameter 23/4 Inches. Date 17th Century. 611 Incense Box Black lacquer. Decorated with Lion on top and rim of deeper pattern. Wave designs on sides. Cracked. Date 1770. Diameter 21/2 Inches. 612 Incense Box Square. Black lacquer. Ornamented with red cloisonne enamel work. Chinese character in centre and flowers on four panels. Date 1800-50. 613 Despatch Box (Fubako) Brown lacquer. Decorated with Butterflies finished in Togidaslii style in tinted lacquers. Interior, Chrysanthemums scattered over flecked surface. Has two silver rings with Butterflies. Date 1700-50. 75 614 Writing Case Gold aventurine ground with books of various designs in raised powdered gold lacquer and colors. In¬ terior decorated with Landscape drawn with great talent in raised lacquers. The edge and cover mounted with lead. Sub-surfaces of flecked gold lacquer. Size 7 i/4x8 Inches. Date 1620-70. 615 Picnic Box (Sage=ju) Presentation Piece Oblong frame containing lunch box in four sections, a wine jar, three square plates, a small tray, all of Togidashi lacquer with interiors of Nashi-ji. The frame decorated with Noshi, Chrysanthemums and Maple Leaves in various tones of gold and silver. The Box and Jar with Landscape and Sea Views, and the Plates with leaves and flowers . The handle on top is of copper bronze to imitate Midsu-hiki. Boxes of this quality and style were made for presentation purposes among the early Japanese aristocracies Date 1700-50. Height 83/4 Inches, Length 11 Inches. 616 Compass (Shin=ban) Bed Cinnabar lacquer frame, mottled with brown, of char¬ acteristic design in open work. The dial has twelve signs of the Zodiac carved from ivory and inlaid in high relief, with outer rim of waves of delicately carved ivory. Outer rim of stand of finely inlaid silver cloud effects. 617 Incense box Flat circular shape. Top decorated with incrusted de¬ signs of Grasshoppers made of mother-of-pearl, and wild Chrysanthemums in gold lacquer on black ground. Interior plain powdered gold. Outer base Nashi-ji. Date 17th Century. 618 Netsuke Gold lacquer inform of Tan-Zaku and shiki-shi (poppers used in writing poems). Minute decorations of Maple Trees, Grasses and key patterns. Date 18th Century. 76 619 Small Section Boxes Black lacquer, with Landscapes and Chi-dori birds in gold. Interior of Nashi-ji. The lower box silver lacquer. Height 2 Inches. Date 18th Century. 620 Lacquer Box (Natsume) Cover decorated inside and out with Crows in black, on black lacquer ground. Also rising sun on inte¬ rior. Date 19th Century. Height 2 i/2 Inches. 621 Ivory Carving Figure of wood-cutter taking his rest. Signed Tama- yuki. Date 19th Century. 622 Ivory Carving Brush holder. Pierced carving of Ho-ho birds and Peonies. Cylindrical shape on carved teakwood base. Date 18th Century. 623 Ivory Carving Boy holding rooster. 624 Ivory Netsuke Monkey tamer. Date 18th Century. 625 Ivory Carving Two travelers carrying bundles and smoking. Date 19th Century. 626 Large Tea Tree Root Mounted with carved ivory figures. The scene repre¬ sents the famous legendary warrior Shoki hunting the Oni or devils. Shoki, the large figure, stands at the foot of a gnarled and twisted tree, while the Onis go scampering, hiding and clambering among the branches high above him, from whence they defy him. There are seventeen figures showing remarkable expression and action. Signed Ko-ho- sai on ivory tablet. Height 23 i/ 2 Inches. Date 19th Century. 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 77 Wood Carving Group of Fishermen. Wood Netsuke Face of Ofuku . Date 1800-50. Wood Netsuke Face of Ofuku, with carved fungus on hack. Modern. Ivory Netsuke Monkey holding gourd and leaning on fish. Ivory Paper Weights Bamboo designs. 2 Pieces. Date 18th Century. Ivory Tea Scoop Carved Plum blosso?n designs. Signed Piece. Date 19th Century. Ivory Netsuke Engraved with figure of Ki-Mura-Mata-zo capturing a wild hog. Signed Ko-sai-juo. Date 1880. Ivory Netsuke. Chinese hero capturing a Lion. Signed Kokura. Date 1880. Ivory Netsuke Fu-gen-Bosatsu riding on an Elephant. By Ko-ichi. Date 1880. Wood Carving Face of Suba-so (Religious Dancer ) with hat of teak- wood. Signed Garaku. Date 1850-70. Ivory Netsuke Sennin sitting on rocks. Date 18th Century. Ivory Carving (Okimono) Aged Chinese personage holding basket of Peaches, a Dog watching him. Date 18th Century. 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 78 Ivory Netsuke Elephant. Signature on pearl tablet. Ivory Carving Hotei and Boys. Signed Masutsugu. Small Bronze Koro (Chinese) Rounded bowl, with three straight feet. Finely inlaid gold designs. Date 1700. Height 3i/s Inches. Ink Vessel Iron. With Chrysanthemums. Shape of tea pot. Bronze Kwanon Old lacquered surface. Bronze Vase Small bulb shape. Chinese. Date 1670. Bronze Water Pot Four straight legs. Straight spout and decorations of archaic carvings. Chinese. Rare. Height 3 i/2 Inches. Date 1650-1700. Bronze Brazier Koro of Ming period. Musk melon shape, with wide mouth, having fret decorations and handles. Panels on sides with Dragons in relief. Three short feet. Has mark on rim and bottom. Height 3 i/4 Inches. Date 1416. Iron Helmet By Miochin. Highly ornamented with gold and silver. Bronze Hachimanza, brocade trimmings, etc. Date 16th Century. Chinese Bronze Curious water vessel, with flat ring handles on shoulder. Archaic band of carved silver around body and coloring in relief. Ming period. Rare and cu¬ rious old example. 79 649 Iron Helmet With sixty-five plates. By Nobuiye. Wonderfully made. Date 1600. 650 Sword Guard Iron. Pierced and chased designs of flowered vine, with gold inlay. By Masakane. Date 18th Century. 651 Sword Guard Shakudo. Grasshoppers and Beetles incrusted with Shakudo and gold. Body finished in Nanako style. Date 18th Century. 652 Sword Guard 653 Iron. Dragons forming circle, work. Gold seal. Sword Guard Chased and pierced Date 18th Century. Bronze. Melon and Bamboo. Exquisitely chased and incrusted with gold, silver and colored metals. Excellent workmanship. Signed Toshi-Naga, of Yedo, one of the three great masters of the school of Nara. Date 1736. 654 Sword Guard Iron. Pine Tree, forming circle. Pierced and inlaid. By Masaharu. Date 18th Century. 655 Sword Guard Iron. Decorated with Lotus flowers in high relief in gold, silver and bronze. Date 17th Century. 656 Knife Handle Shibu-ichi, with figure of man and dog in high relief work in gold and other metals. Reverse side, trunk of tree. Signed. 657 Knife Handle Copper bronze. Lightning bugs and stream. Chased and incrusted in Shakudo and gold on background of Nanako-ji. Signed Namura Masa-Yoshi, aged fourteen years. Date 19th Century. 80 658 Knife Handle Yellow bronze. Vines of gourd. High relief work in gold, Shibu-ichi and Shakudo, with delicate silver vines. Date 18th Century. 659 Knife Blade Grooved steel. 660 Knife Engraved blade. Shakudo handle, with crests of the Sho-gun. 661 Short Sword Blade, Ji-sho. Engraved in deep relief with a snake. Scabbard, Wood wrapped with leather and ornamented with a silver snake. Hilt, Same as Scabbard, with Menuki of Frogs and Snail. Guard, Etc., Gold and black lacquer. Length 93/4 Inches. 662 Short Sword Blade, Awata-Guchi, with engraved figure of Dragon and three grooves on reverse. Scabbard, Magnolia covered with waka-sa lacquer. Hilt, Sharkskin with silk cord and gold plated Dragon ornament. Guard, Hilt and Scabbard tips iron, damascened with silver. Kotsuka, Engraved metal. Fine work throughout. Length 11 Inches. Date 1810. 663 Short Sword Blade, Michi Yuki Scabbard, Magnolia, lacquered to imitate grained leather. Hilt, Sharkskin corded with silk. Guard, Iron. Ornaments engraved and inlaid figures of the Phoenix. Kotsuka and Ko=gai attached to Scabbard. Rare. Length 93/4 Inches. Date 1680. 81 664 Imari Sashi=mi Or Sliced raw fish platter. Blue white, with borders of diaper patterns. In the centre is a tortoise floating over waves and bearing on its back a rock planted with Pine, Plum and Bamboo. Storks flying in the air and cloud effects. Painted in bright enamels and gold. The under part on out¬ side decorated with scroll vine designs in blue. Diameter I 81/4 Inches. Date 1745. 665 Satsuma Saucer Ivory white crackle. Decorated in colors with the seven Chinese sages in a valley and minute border. Outside with Chrysanthemums. Signed. Diameter 7 Inches. Date 1877. 666 Kyoto Vase Bulb shape, with long neck and vertical handles. Glaze white, decorated with Storks, etc., in deep blue. Signed. Date 1785. 667 Hirado Incense Box Round. Landscape in blue. Date 1875. 668 Kioto Vase Dark clay. Peacock decorations in raised enamels. 669 Kyoto Incense Box Monkey embracing two young ones . Date 1745. 670 Incense Box Star shape. Signed. 671 Chinese Incense Box Blue decorations of Peonies, etc. Date 1665. 672 Tea Jar Iga. Date 1615. 82 673 Tea Jar Satsuma. Made by order of the Daimyo. Shape of Sea Cucumber. Date 1610. 674 Tea Jar Shi-doro. Date 1695. 675 Tea Jar Iga. Running brown glaze. Handles. Date 1765. 676 Tea Jar Irnbe. Sea cucumber. Date 1695. 677 Tea Jar Iga. Date 1615. 678 Tea Bowl Yeiraku. Fine crackled light gray. Decorated with Tanzaku and leaf in colors. Date 1835. 679 Tea Bowl Light brown clay. Plum blossom shape. Glaze, gray and brown frogskin surface. Curious and rare. Date 1595. 680 Tea Bowl Satsuma. Finely crackled ivory white. Minutely deco¬ rated with helical patterns of Sashes or Obi, and bands of Chrysanthemums in red, green, black and gold. Date 1879. 681 Chinese Tea Bowl Ming. Overrun with Sang de Boeuf. Signed. Rare. Date 1572. 682 Tea Bowl Awata. No dancer in attitude of dancing “Okina.” Colors and gold. 83 683 Sword Guard Iron pierced design of flying geese and rushes. Gold and silver inlay. Date 18th Century. 684 Sword Guard Bronze. Decorated with collection of cuttle fish in gold, Shakudo and red bronze on Nanako-ji back ground. Richly executed. Signed Hachizayayemon Zimpo, of Musashi. Date 18th Century. 685 Sword Guard Iron with yellow bronze back. Buddhist Saint and Pine trees in raised and pierced work, by the noted chaser Miboku. Date 18th Century. 686 Sword Guard Iron. Bamboo work, with floral and fish decorations in gold, Shakudo, etc. Signed Yasu-chika. One of the three great masters of the school of Nara. Date 1670-1744. 687 Sword Guard Iron. Man sleeping by the waves. Orangoutang in tree, etc. Incrusted with gold. Date 18th Century. 688 Sword Guard Grain of wood, with gold cobwebs. Date 18th Century. 689 Sword Guard Iron. Shape of Daruma, with decorations of priests . Brush and Sceptre. The Inscription signifies that Daruma studied Budd¬ hism for nine years with determination strong as iron and with spirit as devoted as Samurai, and is by the late head priest O-tsuna, of the church of Daitokji, Kioto. The Guard is the work of Juso-Hozen. Date 1850-70. 84 690 Sword Guard Dragon fly, Butterflies, etc., in various alloys. Signed Nakagawa Isshi. Date 19th Century. 691 Miniature Cabinet Red carved lacquer called Tsuishu with designs of Cranes t Plum and Pine trees. Minutely carved. Made in three sections, incased in gold, decorations teak- wood case with feet. Choice specimen of this valu¬ able lacquer. Height 33/4 inches. Date 17th Century. 692 Black Lacquer Box Decorated with Plum blossoms in polished and pow¬ dered gold. Diameter 23/4 Inches. Date 19th Century. 693 Pouch (Ton=Katsu) Kiri wood. Decoration of Monkey attempting to steal the pouch from a man. Carved in relief and inlaid with ivory and pearl. By Komin. Netsuke, Carved wood monkey eating persimmon. Signed Ki-gioku-sai, with slide similar. Signed by Tomo-Kadsu. Very interesting and rare. 694 Tobacco Pouch Curious old wood carving and decoration by the famous artist and lacquerer Ritsuo, with several subjects worked in lead, ivory, bronze, etc., and done with great skill. Signed A wonderful specimen of this very scarce work. Date 1663-1747. 695 Tea Jar Aventurine lacquer. Decorated on cover with view of setting sun. Sides with grasses and rivulet in leaf and powdered gold omd shaded lacquers. Inside Nashi-ji lacquer. Date 17th Century. 85 696 Inro Made of natural gourd. Decorated with vegetable leaf designs in powdered gold lacquer, and Beetle and Semi in Shakudo and gold. Raised inscription on the background. Netsuke, Carved wood gourd, with silver stopper and ring. Ojime of colored cloisonne. Date 18th Century. 697 Leather Pouch Shape of a hand bag. Very old. Embossed leather. Has gourd in ornamental metal work. Carved. Ivory Netsuke. Signed, with heavy silver chain and ornaments. 698 Leather Pouch Shape of hand bag. Old enameled leather, lined with old Dutch point. Silver ornament of man at Snow Lantern. Heavy silver gourd with belt hook. 699 Large Sake Cup Red lacquer. Decoration of Deer and Maple grove in powdered gold lacquers and gold leaf. The deco¬ rations continuing on the back. 700 Double Tray Aventurine lacquer, with decorations of young Pine trees and Waves, done in relief. Rim of diaper patterns. Date 17th Century. 701 Letter Paper Box Beautiful black polished lacquer. Decorations of Plum tree in gold and red Togidashi, with stamens in slightly raised gold. Interior has edges of gold lacquer and flecked with gold. Fine specimen of Togidashi. Size 8x9 Inches. Date 1700-40. 702 Sectional Cake Box Two compartments, with alternate band of Nashiji and black lacquer, ornamented with Arabesque Diapers, Medallions and conventional designs in raised 86 gold and colored lacquers. The ornamentation of the top or lid is particularly fine. Interior, silver Nashiji-lacquer. Height 9 Inches. Diameter 9 Inches. Date 1650-1700. 703 Dispatch Box Gold aventurine of high grade. Decorated on top and sides with Bamboo, Pine and Plum trees, and Cranes and Tortoise in raised gold lacquers. Has two silver cord rings. Interior of Nashiji lacquer The work throughout being of the highest order. Length 15 i/ 2 Inches. Date 1600-40. 704 Perfume Box Square. Two sections. Fine dark aventurine back¬ ground. Decorated on top with figure of nobility on horseback and Landscape, with Cherry tree. The sides, Landscape and Cherry trees in blossom. Interior, aventurine. Has two silver cord rings. Height 2 i/2 Inches. Date 17th Century. 705 Oblong Box Covered with brownish green lacquers, with reddish speckles. Decorated on top with Tsubaki flower branch and Grasshopper in gold and pink lacquer. Interior, aventurine. Length 4 Inches. Date 19th Century. 706 Small Oblong Box Flying sparrows in raised gold on back ground of net work pattern. Interior Nashiji. Date early 18th Century. 707 Sweet Meat Box (Ritsuo) Square rustic design with Tenbaki flower and Willow branches, boldly yet most artistically executed in gold lacquer and faience incrustation. Signed with seal mark “ Kwan.” The masterly work of the famous lacquerer and artist Ritsuo. Size 3x7i/4 Inches. Date 1663-1747. 87 708 Perfume Box Black lacquer with view of To-Kai-do (Eastern main road) and Mt. Fuji. Most delicately executed in fine powdered gold lacquer. Date 19th Century. 709 Tablet Gold Nashiji lacquer. River and cloud designs in fine powdered gold with Mosaic filling of square cut leaf gold and mother-of-pearl inlaying. Signed Tai-shin. Seal Wonderfully fine detail. Date 18th Century. 710 Flat Circular Box Black lacquer with geometric decoration in gold on top and sides. Diameter 5 Inches. Date 18th Century. 711 Ivory Carving Figure of Quail. Much detail. Damaged. 712-713 Ivory Netsukes Pair masks. Carved and inlaid with pearl. 714 Ivory Netsuke Chinese priest riding sacred hull. Date 18th Century. 715 Ivory Carving Group of men fighting with monkey. Signed. 716 Kokutan Wood Netsuke Carving of Turtle. Signed Hidari Ichizan. Date 18th Century. 717 Wood Netsuke Lion’s head mask, with small carved face in hack, by Riu-goku. Date 1850-70. 718 Lacquer Netsuke Red Tsuishu. Mermaid holding hell with inscription of character “Ju” ( longevity .) Date 17th Century. 88 719 Wood Netsuke Man having a smoke. Signed Jo-fo. Date 18th Century. 720 Wood Netsuke Group of eleven masks. Curious and full of spirit. Date 1750-1800. 721 Netsuke Black ( Kokutan ) wood and ivory Frog. Date 18th Century. 722 Netsuke Badger beating a drum. Signed Rio-ichi. Date 19th Century. 723 Ivory Netsuke Minute carving of Tortoise and Biwa fruits. Date 18th Century. 724 Wood Netsuke Skeleton figure of man at a rat trap. Date 18th Century. 725 Ivory Netsuke Puppy biting a bean. Signed Ran-tei. Date 18th Century. 726 Netsuke Carved and lacquered, young. Rare. Representing a Lion and its Date 1700-50. 727 Wood Carving Miniature. Snake coiling around tree. 728 Wood Carving Oni. By Mori moto. 729 Wood Netsuke Daruma. Finished in black and red lacquer. Date 18th Century. 89 730 Ivory Netsuke Pomegranate. Signed Mitsu-tsugu. Date 19th Century. 731 Water Vessel (Ming) Decorated with Dragons in blue under white. Signed. Date 1513. 732 Incense Burner Okawachi porcelain. Decorated in blue under glaze with Chrysanthemums and Bamboo fence. Corner pierced in design of storm clouds. Height 3 i/ 2 Inches. Date 1730. Hozen. 733 Incense Box Old Ninsei Faience. Hotei. 734 Incense Box Old Ninsei porcelain. Fan shape. 735 Small Vase Old Shonsui Brush holder. Blue key designs. 736 Kutani Koro Ovoid shape. Fluted with fret. Yellow and green enamel. Bronze pierced lid. 737 Sake Cup Red lacquer inside. Green outside. Fine example. 738 Sake Cup Red lacquer, with beautiful design of Carp in raised powdered lacquer and water plant in flat gold. Fine. 739 Sake Cup Red lacquer, with design of Shiki-shi and Tongaku and gold lacquers and leaf inlay. 740 Imari Porcelain Jar Red, blue, green and gold decorations. Geometric de¬ signs. 90 741 Wood Netsuke Country cottage and Plum tree. Sho-Kei. Date 19th Century., 742 Wood Netsuke Boy holding young child on shoulder. Date 18th Century. 743 Wood Netsuke Traveler in rain coat resting on straw mat. Carved with skill. Date 17th Century. 744 Netsuke “ Kingio” or golden fish. Red and gold lacquered. 745 Netsuke Dancing figure ( Man-zai.) Red and black lacquer... Nara style. Date 18th Century. 746 Sword Guard Iron pierced and chased in designs of Dragons. Gold inlay. Signed Masanaga, of Bushin. Date 18th Century. 747 Sword Guard Iron. Pierced openwork Dragon in bold relief. Fine specimen. Signed by Tomonaga. Seal. Date 19th Century. 748 Sword Guard Couch ( Hora-gai), Ax and Priests box, partly inlaid with gold and silver. Signed Tate-waki Masahisa, a resident of Iwaki. Date 17th Century._ 749 Sword Guard Bronze. Decorated with Tiger and Rain Storm, etc.. Finely chased and inlaid. Signed Toshikagi. Date 1800-50.. 91 750 Sword Guard Shakudo. Celebrated subject called “ Mi-zaru,” or three monkeys. The Simian trinity. Sight, Speech and Hearing. The illustration is to indicate that they will neither see, say nor hear anything that is evil. A fine piece of work. Signed by Yoshi- Haru. Dated 12th Year of Tempo period (1841. > 92 FOURTH SESSION. Thursday, May 18th, at 2.30 P. M. PORCELAINS, LACQUERS, IVORIES, BRONZES, ETC. 751 Chinese Tea Cup Egg shell, Waved surface. Rich blue decoration. 752 Incense Box Heart shape. Decorated with figures under Maple trees in blue and brown enamels. Signed Keuzen, great father of Japan. Date 17th Century. 753 Hirado Porcelain Figure of Hotei sitting by his bag. Date 1800. 754 Hirado Porcelain Figure of girl, with stand. Colored enamels. Very old. 755 Old Ninsei Bottle Plum, Pine and Bamboo decorations in blue, green and gold on fine crackle. 756 Corean Porcelain Kwan-on. Old Goddess. Extremely rare. 757 Small Tea Bowl Chinese 11 Rice grainV Hawthorn design. The Plum blossoms pierced through and filled in with light transparent glaze. 758 Kioto Bottle Long narrow neck. Decorated with two Vignettes with outlines diaper work, enclosing Landscapes. In gold and colors on faint cream crackle. Height 7 Inches. Date early 19th Century. 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 93 Chinese Porcelain Coral Red Tea bowl. Carving under glaze inside Signed. Sake Bottle Kyoto. Crackled light brown. Devil carrying a subscription book. Painted in colors. Date 1695. Hirado Vase Slim neck bottle. Landscape in deep blue on white. Mulberry wood stand. Date 1815. Kanzan Bottle Hexagonal, with tapering neck. Highly colored raised enamel and gold geometrical designs. Date 1775. Chinese Vase Finely mottled green. Brilliant colors. Date 1825. Satsuma Koro Onion shape, with feet. Square lid, with Chrysanthe¬ mum knob. Decorated with a band of Chrysanthe¬ mums in colored enamels. Very fine. Chinese Vase Slender neck bottle. Beautifully mottled purple. Flarnbe glaze. Date 1522. Tea Jar Shu-zan. Dull gray crackle. Has handles. Date 1535. Tea Jar Ori-be. Black glaze. Has handles and spout. Date 1695. Tea Jar Seto. Date 1795. 94 769 Tea Jar Seto. Date 1745. 770 Tea Jar Im-be. Date 1795. 771 Tea Jar Seto. Tea leaf, overrun with brilliant brown. Date 1695. 772 Tea Jar Oribe. Date 1695. 773 Tea Jar Seto. Brown and ochre. Date 1695. 774 Tea Jar Seto. Date 1595. 775 Tea Jar Ori-be. Greenish brown. Date 1695. 776 Tea Bowl Sei-Kan-ji, Kiyo-Mizu. Finely crackled. Ivory white. Castles, Chrysanthemums and Clover. Painted in red, green, blue and gold. Date 1645. 777 Tea Bowl Satsuma. Crackled ivory white. Artistically decorated with Plum blossoms and Pine trees and Land scape, with profuse grasses, in red, green, blue and gold. Inside border. Rare example. 778 Bowl (Domburi) Nin-sei. Finely crackled reddish gray glaze. Decorated with the fabulous story of Cho-rio after his master’s shoe, and a Dragon riding on a cloud. Colors, red, black, blue and gold. Has arched edge. A strikingly characteristic and rare production of Ninsei. Height 33/s Inches. Diameter 5 Inches. Date 1645. 95 779 Goblet, or Sake Cup Old Kutani. Copied from the Chinese. Glaze white. Decorated inside with fine flying Phoenix and outside with Dragons, forming a hand. Done in brilliant reds and gold. Silver rim. Has stand. Date 1685. 780 Bowl Chinese porcelain. Kea-king period. Glaze white. Decorated with Butterflies in colored enamels. Seal. Date 1821. 781 Small Jar Chinese porcelain. King-he period. White with rose decoration. Seal. Date 1662. 782 Libation Cup Chinese. Decorations of Lizards in relief and various panels and borders in green, yellow and lavender. Seal inside. Early Ming. Rare. 783-4 Comfit Jars Gourd shape. Respectively Rose du berry and Sang de boeuf and mixed colorings. Made by Takemato Hayata , a Tokio Keramist. Two pieces, with stands. Fine. Date 1880-90. 785 Wood Netsuke Curious carving of bird on bough of a tree. Date 18th Century. 786 Wood Netsuke Man with abnormal head. Date 19th Century. 787 Wood Netsuke Boy sleeping. Date 17th Century. 788 Wood Netsuke Kara-shishi or Dog Foo in elaborate style. Date 18th Century. 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 96 Wood Netsuke Skilful carving of man holding a bottle and cup. Date 18th Century. Wood Netsuke Fox on Lotus leaf, a hunter hiding beneath. Signed Ki-gioku. Date 18th Century. Wood Netsuke Wrestling match. Vigorous and full of spirit. Date 18th Century. Ivory Figure Monkey eating fruit. Yokohama. Date 1880. Ivory Netsuke Monkey emerging from a chestnut. Signed To-raku. Date 18th Century. Wood Netsuke Sea animal called Sui-gin. Signed Ikkwan. Date 18th Century. Wood Netsuke Boy riding on a cow. Signed Tomo-tada. Date 18th Century. Wood Netsuke Sleeping girl. Signed Masa-Jo {a lady artist.) Date 18th Century. Wood Netsuke Daruma. Teacher. Ivory Group Man with a child on his back. Ivory Netsuke Ivory with bronze medallion of Toshi-toku. Signed Ten-min. Date 18th Century. 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 97 Automaton Head of religious Demon Sanba-so. Signed Ho-gitsu. Date 1850-70. Automaton Boy playing with the 11 Snow Daruma .” Ivory Carving Blowing soap bubbles. Ivory Carving Lady and infant arranging flowers. Finely carved and engraved. Date 19th Century. Ivory Netsuke With gold inlaid medallion of a u No-dancer.” Date 18th Century. Ivory ornament Sacred tortoise. Date 18th Century. Ivory Netsuke With bronze medallion of Benkei. Date 19th Century. Wood Netsuke Sleeping girl. By Tada-toshi. Date 1750-1800. Ivory Netsuke Demons’ wrestling match . Date 18th Century. Ivory Netsuke Chinese personage sitting on scroll. Date 18th Century. Wood Netsuke Man carrying bundle from which a mask is appearing . Date 1800-50. 98 811 Despatch Box Fine gold aventurine lacquer. Decorated with Cherry Tree in blossom and Ferns, in raised gold. In¬ terior dark Nashi-ji. Has metal rings and plates. 812 Large Perfume Box Black lacquer flecked with gold dust. Chrysanthemum and grasses minutely drawn in polished gold lac¬ quer on top, sides and on inside tray. The edges are of gold Karakusa design. Interior fine quality of aventurine. Specimen of fine old lacquer with most careful treatment. Size 7x43/4 Inches. Date 1640-90. 813 Incense Box Circular shape. Old Chinese lacquer work, with Land¬ scape and figures in finely inlaid pearl work and borders on sides of geometric designs. Very rare. Date 1650-1700. 814 Perfume Box Black lacquer, with inscription in corner, and seated figure, skilfully executed in pearl inlay. Date 1700-40. 815 Radan Incense Box Flat round shape, with Narrowry base and rim. De¬ sign of garden and Chinese children at play. Finely incrusted in pearl in smooth fashion. Bands of Diaper patterns on side. Interior black, with inlaid designs of flowers. Diameter 3 i/ 2 Inches. Date 17th Century. 816 Bon Bon Tray Sogai-zaiku or flat finish of mother-of-pearl inlay. Square shape, with fluted corners. Decorated with floral designs in several patterns. Quaint inlaid squares, circles and edges, etc. An excellent speci¬ men of this old Chinese art. Size 7 i/ 2 Inches. Date 1600-40. 99 817 Box with Tray Green and blue lacquer. Decorated cover, with Carp and Stream finished in cloisonne style and filled in with red and brown lacquers in style called Zousei after the name of its inventor, an artist of the seventeenth century. The sides are decorated with Lotus leaves and flowers in colored and raised lacquers. Every edge and corner is treated with the greatest care and the interior is finished in fine aventurine lacquer. The work of the master is shown upon every portion, and this wonderful combination of different styles in one piece makes it a most de¬ sirable specimen. 818 Ceremonial Tea Bowl and Stand Imari porcelain. Made in Arita. Red and blue enamel with gold drawing of the Karakusa design and bor¬ ders. Mark on bottom Kiogoku Ho-tei No-Chin (a rare treasure.) Stand and cover black lacquer, decorated with Chrysanthemums in powdered gold lacquer. Height with stand 7i/z Inches. Date 1690. 819 Bon Bon Tray Square shape, with feet and arched corners. Landscape with Moon and Cloud effect on ground of fine mottled aventurine lacquer. Rare. Size 7x8i/2 Inches. Date 1600-40. 820 Ceremonial Water Kettle Round shape with straight spout. Arched handle and three small peg feet. Fine aventurine lacquer with floral designs in powdered gold and shaded lacquers. Interior red. 821 Ritsuo Figure Representing the figure of a Warrior in ferocious atti¬ tude about to strike with his sword. Carving and lacquering by the great master Ritsuo. Done in dark coloring with the decorations on the costume in light enamels and raised work. The eyes are of agate, inlaid. Height IO 1/2 Inches. Date 1663 to 1747. 100 822 Ritsuo Panel Round shape. Lacquered in clouded brown, with theatri¬ cal hat and flute. Artistically executed in gold lacquer. Mother-of-pearl inlay and faience enam¬ eling. Signed with seal “ Kwanfl 823 Ritsuo Panel Background of natural wood grain. Decorated with design of temple ornaments, etc., in relief lacquer, with inlay, etc. Originally this was part of the door of an old temple. Signed by Ritsuo. Seal. Extremely rare and desirable piece. Date 1663-1747. 824 Sword Guard Iron. With decoration of coiling Dragon and Clouds. Signed Watai Inko. Mito. Date 1750-1800. 825 Sword Guard Iron. Chased to imitate silk finish, which is most difficult in metal work. Date 18th Century. 826 Sword Guard Iron. Pierced designs of Japanese ceremonial parlor , with light incrustations. 827 Sword Guard Iron. With design of floral vine in low relief and inlaid with gold. Signed Yu-Raku. Date 18th Century. 828 Sword Guard Chased and incrusted designs of Crabs, etc. Rare and fine specimen of the work of Ume-tada. Date 16th Century. 829 Sword Guard Bronze. Scene on the main road from Tokio to Kioto, with figures chased and incrusted in gold in flat and high relief. A good specimen of refined work Signed by Hiro-Shige. Date 18th Century. 101 830 Sword Guard Iron. Incrusted relief work. Dragon fly and Beetles on rough surface. Date 1700-50. 831 Sword Guard Iron. Trees and Eagles in hold relief. Incrusted with colored 'precious metals. By Mitsunuki. Date 18th Century. 832 Sword Guard Shakudo. Decorated with figures of Kanzan and Zittoku, a Pine tree and Broom and Moon, very skilfully treated in precious metals on background of soft pitted surafce. Refined work. Date 1800-50. 833 Sword Knife Blade, Made by Kane-Mitsu and signed. Shakudo, Handle, with design of gathering of Court Nobles. Carefully incrusted and chased with gold, etc., on finely stippled background and is the work of one of the celebrated Goto artists. Date 1750-1800. 834 Knife Handle Iron. Decorated with gourd vines in gold, Shakudo and silver. Date 17th Century. 835 Knife Handle Yellow bronze. Decorated with scene near Nara. Favorite with ancient poets. Date 18th Century. 836 Knife Handle Yellow bronze. Decorated with gourd, Vines and Dragon fly. With gold Shakudo and red bronze inlaying. Date 18th Century. 102 837 Knife Handle Shakudo. With Shibuichi back. The front corrugated and inlaid with Butterfly and Dragon fly, etc., in gold, silver and red bronze. Date 19th Century. 838 Knife Handle Shakudo. Decorated with figure of the oil thief (Abura Boyu ) on a stormy night. Work of Sho-zui. Signed Kan- Kei Sho-zui. Date early 18th Century. 839 Sword Guard Iron. Decorated with the famous subject Senbiki- or the Thousand Apes. Pierced and chased with great skill. A specimen of most complicated work¬ manship. The work of Mitsu-hiro, famous chaser of Hizen. Rare. Date middle 18th Century. 840 Sword Guard Shibuichi. Decorated in high relief, with figures, Willow tree, etc, in gold, Shakudo and red bronze. Signed Gei-Kwa-Ken Gen-to. Date 18th Century. 841 Sword Guard Yellow bronze. Decorated with sprays of young Bamboo beautifully incrusted with Shakudo, gold and red bronze on finely f rosted background. Date 18th Century. 842 Sword Guard Bronze. Shoki dispelling Demon. Reverse, a festival flag, finely chased and inlaid with Shakudo, gold and silver in flat relief. Seal, Date 18th Century. 843 Sword Guard Dragon and Waves. Vigorously carved and pierced y with slight inlay of gold. Date 18th Century. 103 844 Sword Guard Shakudo. Delicately chased in low relief with designs of Willow trees and Cows. Signed Ichi-jo-sai Hiro Naga. Date 18th Century. 845 Sword Guard Willow Tree and Swallows. Gracefully executed in gold and silver and chased iron work Masterly work. Date 18th Century. 846 Short Sword Blade, By Yasu-chi-ka. Scabbard, Lacquered in dull red in imitation of leather surface, with inscription on silver tablets, inlaid. Hilt, Sharkskin, with silk cross cords. Guard, Shibu-ichi, ornamented with Chinese heroes, in relief work, with gold plated Habaki. Ornaments, Butterflies, etc., in gold and bronze. Katsuka, or knife, made by Kane-Michi. Shakudo handle, with gold Butterflies. Length 9 i/ 2 Inches. Date 1720. 847 Sword Blade, by Iseno Kame Sukehira. Scabbard, Black lacquer, with cross ribbed corruga¬ tions. Hilt, Covered with sharkskin and bound with leather. Guard, Shakudo, with Fan design. Ornaments, Etc., Gold and silver. Inlaid designs Knife missing. Length 13 Inches. Date 1447. 848 Iron Helmet Made of sixty plates. Gold plated and bronze Hachi- manza. Rare. Dated Tembun, Seventh year, 1538. 849 Iron Helmet Gold plated and Shakudo Hachimanza and ornaments. Date 1750. 104 850 Sword Ornaments Shakudo, with Kiri crests in gold and Shakudo. 2 Pieces. Date 1750-1800. 851 Sword Ornaments Shakudo. Designs of Scoop and Whip. Wrought in relief and inlaid with gold on Nanako ground. Work as fine as a goldsmith 1 s. 2 Pieces. Date 18th Century. 852 Sword Ornaments Three sets mounted in one case. Finely wrought Shaku¬ do of different designs. Some incrusted with gold. 853 Inro and Netsuke Four sections. Fine black lacquer. Decorated with flying Storks in raised gold lacquer on togi- dashi background of cloud design. Interior in fine Nashi-ji. Netsuke, Ivory. Form of a sleeping boy, with Cat on his back. By Naramitchi. Ojime of carved cinna¬ bar lacquer. Date 1700-50. 854 Inro and Netsuke Black lacquer of four compartments. Decoration of Hawk resting on a fence. Most delicately executed in powdered gold lacquers and leaf gold. On reverse side a basket minutely drawn in gold. Date 18th Century. Netsuke, Shibuichi panel, with Shakudo work, repre¬ senting Moon and flying Swallows, encased in wood. Bronze Ojime, flock of Storks. Date 1792. 855 Inro and Netsuke One section. Carved with continuous designs of Land¬ scape in colored lacquer. Signed Knyo-sai. Date 1800-25. Netsuke, Ivory. Monkey and Chestnut. Cloisonne ojime. 105 856 Inro and Netsuke Four sections. Togidashi decorations of Ducks swim¬ ming in stream, beautifully done in gold and silver on black. Interior, fine Nashi-ji. Netsuke, Wood, with new Moon, Waves and Birds in gold lacquer. Signed Koma Ankio. Date 1624-43. 857 Inro and Netsuke Old Chinese. Pearl inlay ( Sogai-zaiku ) flat finish. Black lacquer, with minute decorations of Land¬ scape in iridescent colorings. Interior, powdered gold lacquer. Netsuke, Bone. With a Keoi flower inlaid in bronze. Ojime bronze, inlaid with gold. Date 1700. 858 Inro and Netsuke Black lacquer. In four sections. Dove resting on bough of a Fig tree. Exquisitely drawn in gold and colored lacquers and mother-of-pearl inlay. Work of Kaji-Kawa school. Netsuke, Wood. Representing Dog and its young ones. By Sho-zui. Ojime, iron with leaf gold inlaying. High class workmanship. Date 18th Century. 859 Large Inro Fine black lacquer. Decorated with Storks and Clouds in active positions in high relief work, and done in powdered gold, silver and colored lacquois and pearl inlay. Interior black lacquer. Netsuke, Black lacquer. Turtle, with bronze inlaid ojime. The largest specimen in the collection. Size 4 i/ 2 inches square. Date 1750-1800 860 Inro and Netsuke Old red Chinese lacquer. Four sections, with raised Landscape. Decorations in dark colored lacquers. Netsuke, Carved wood. Lotus flower. 861 Kioto Bottle Conical shape, with narrow neck and silver rim in design of running glaze. Decorated with Landscape in raised enamels on dark ecru ground. Band of 106 bird medallions and Diaper work, flame aroundi base, etc. Drawn with much detail. Fine specimen of Awata ware. Date 1700. 862 Raku Bowl Shape of basket. Rough gold and brown ground. With Chrysanthemums. Decorated in colored enamels. Seal. 863 Kioto Bottle Gourd shape. Small neck with silver rim. Blue deco- tions of Landscape and poetry, signifying, Drink like a Whale. Fine soft tone. Date Kio-ho, 1717. 864 Chinese Dish. Landscape in blue, with counter mark. 865 Hirado Saucer Blue medallion decorations. 866 Kioto Vase Grecian shape, with square neck and base and small handles. Arabesque decorations in heavy raised enamels. 867-8 Ivory Carvings Man holding a u Snow Daruma,” and Companion. 2 Pieces. 869 Netsuke Kokutan wood. Chinese Landscape minutely carved*. Signed Se-bun. Seal. Date 1800-1820. 870 Ivory Netsuke Nightingale. Signed An-raku. Date 18th Century. 871 Ivory Netsuke Sitting Chinese personage with Cup of Tea. Date 18th Century. 107 872 Ivory Netsuke Collection offish. Date 19th Century. 873 Netsuke Grotesque head, with tall hat and movable tongue . Inlaid with ivory. Signed Shun-sai. Date 1800-20. 874 Ivory Carving Yebisu and fish. Signed Ko-Getsu. Date 19th Century. 875 Ivory Carving Large group. Monkey tamer and his family. Date 18th Century. 876 Ivory Netsuke Frogs around a Lotus leaf. Date 18th Century. 877 Ivory Netsuke Boy making a Yuki (snow) Daruma. Signed Sanko. Date 19th Century. 878 Wood Netsuke Storm dragon. Carved on round box. Signed Tame - taka. Date 1700-50. 879 Wood Netsuke Figure dancing the “Mai.” Lacquered in black. Date 18th Century. 880 Wood Netsuke Mouse holding a chestnut. Date 1750-1800. 881 Chinese Saucer Enameled on copper. Decorated with Dragon on yellow star. Border of flowers, etc., in brilliant colors. Fine example. Date 1775.. 108 882 Chinese porcelain Large bowl ( Domburi .) Bell shape, with floral and scroll designs in bright green on black enamel. Date 1720. 883 Flower Vase Chinese porcelain. Finely crackled. Deep green glaze. Date 1615. 884 Brush Stand Chinese porcelain. Rectangular shape, with raised circles on twi sides, and flat rim. Decorated with Plum blossoms, Peonies, Dragons and Waves, etc., in colored enamels. Fine old specimen. Date 1295. 885 Ming Flower Vase Chinese porcelain. Ovoid with flaring top. Orange peel surface in dark blue speckled with light blue. Height 9 Inches. Date 1435. 886 Ming Vase Chinese porcelain. Bulb shape with narrow neck and conventional ring handles. Decorated with Phoenix, Clouds, etc., in blue. Date 1495. 887 Flower Vase Irregular shape, with narrow neck. The neck and lower part decorated with reddish purple, the shoulder green, mottled with gray, with touch of u peach blow” on rim. By Take-moto. Date 1884. 888 Hirado Koro Form of two globular bamboo baskets, resting on a square table. Minutely modeled bamboo and floral designs and exquisitely decorated in blue, with sub-decorations inside of basket work. An ideal piece of China openwork. Date 1880. 889 Chinese Vase Chinese porcelain. Lustrous green green. Mottled with light green. Seal. Date 1775. 109 890 Miniature Incense Burner Ming period. Conventional shape, with feet, handles and Dog Foo on pierced lid. Rich blue enamel in relief. Carved wood stand, damascened with silver. Date 1595. 891 Ivory Jar Decorated on top with group of Cranes, grasses, etc., Sides with profuse groupings of flowers, grasses and birds. Done in powdered gold and shaded lacquers, mostly in relief, and mother-of-pearl inlay. Decoration of Insects inside of lid. Worked with great taste and perfection. Height 4 Inches. Date 19th Century. 892 Ivory Carving Yebisu, with fish and mice. 893 Ivory Carving Group. Hotei and boys playing. 894 Ivory Carving Eagle and fox. By Yei-itsu. Signed. Date 19th Century.. 895 Ivory Miniature Humming bird and cage. Square shape. The sticks or wires being of polished ivory. The base of Shitan wood, with ivory legs. Height with Stand 53/4 Inches. 896 Ivory Carving Group of stout performers. Signed Wo-sai. Date 19th Century. 897 898 Ivory Netsuke Hunter and his hound. Date 18th Century. Netsuke Silver repousse of Stork, Dragon. Encased in ivory of fine quality. Date 1800-50. 110 899 Netsuke Bronze. Goddess Kwan-non. Encased in ivory. Date 18th Century. 900 Wood Carving Legendary figure. Long legged man carrying a monkey. Date 1700-60. 901 Sword Guard Iron, with flock of Cranes in silver and gold, on ground of beaten iron. Date 18th Century. 902 Sword Guard Landscapes by day and night. Beautifully incrusted in gold, silver and bronze, with figures of Cranes, Tortoise, Moon, etc. Date 19th Century. 903 Sword Guard Iron. Black bird resting on tree. Style of Kano school. Date 18th Century. 904 Sword Guard Bronze. Garden keeper, etc., in Shakudo, gold and sil¬ ver. Seal mark. Date 18th Century. 905 Sword Guard Iron. Dragon in deep pierced covering. Slight gold inlay. Signed Ichi-riu Tomoyoshi. Mito. Date 1700-50. 906 Sword Guard Yellow bronze. Hawk and Pine tree. Talented work¬ manship in high and low relief. Signed Tsune- Shige. Date 18th Century. 907 Sword Guard Iron. Cherry Blossoms. Pierced. Slight gold incrusta¬ tions. Date 19th Century. Ill 908 Sword Guard Finely inlaid gold leaf design of brocade. Signed Umetada, celebrated artist of seventeenth Century. 909 Sword Guard Yellow bronze. Pierced design of an Eagle after the birds. Fine deep carving. Date 18th Century. 910 Sword Guard Iron. Chased design of Leaves. Openwork. Signed Masa-Chika. Date 1800-50. 911 Sword Mounts Shibuichi. The Fuchi decoration, Chinese procession in gold and other metals. Signed Sai-un-ken. Kazu- Yashi. The Kashira, a wrestling match, in bronze. 2 Pieces. Date 1750-1800. 912 Knife Handle Chinese Sage gazing at Cascade. Iron chased and inlaid with gold. 913 Knife Handle Sentoku bronze. Octopus in high relief. Back, aquatic plants engraved and signature. Sei-so. Date 1750-1800. 914 Knife Handle Iron with gold back. Panel with gold rim and decora¬ tion of Plum tree. Gold and silver inlay. Date 18th Century. 915 Knife Handle Yellow bronze. Decorated with gourd vines in Shakudo and red bronze with silver linings. Date 18th Century. 916 Knife Handle Iron. Fisherman holding fish, incrusted with Shakudo and yellow bronze in high relief. Date 18th Century 112 917 Knife Handle Shibuichi. Incrusted in high relief in gold, silver and red bronze, with figures and drapery. Back en¬ graved. Signed. 918 Paper Knife Shakudo. Scene of great festival-day in Kioto. Inlaid with silver and gold on chased ground. Signed Hosono Sozayemon. A celebrated artist. Rare. Date 19th Century. 919 Iron Helmet Gilt rim. Thirty-five plates. Signed Sotome Iyesada . Inscription inlaid. Date 15th Century. 920 Iron Helmet Bronze Ornaments. Leather trimmings and guard. Early date. 921 Square Section Boxes Fine black lacquer. Togidashi work. In four sections. Decorations represent View in a Bamboo forest on a foggy day. Done in part gold lacquer. Finely penciled. Interior aventurine gold lacquer. Height 7 1/2 Inches. Date 17th Century. 922 Writing Case Black lacquer. Decorated on corner with wave and Pine tree and Storks in gold lacquers and silver . Interior Ishime — Nashi-ji lacquer of fine quality. Has bronze water holder, Inkstone, etc. Length 83/4 Inches. Date 1600-40. 923 Dispatch Box Fine brown lacquer, with wood grain finish. Decorations of large Chrysanthemums in powdered gold and silver lacquers and cut gold leaf. Interior yellow gold aventurine lacquer. Length 93/4 Inches. Date 1640-90. 113 924 Writing Case Brown lacquer finished in Nashi-ji. Decorated on corner with group of Yamobushi (wandering priests ) in raised powdered gold lacquers, with pearl inlay. Inside of cover has scene representing a priest meet¬ ing a lady by the rivulet. Done in similar style. Inside of box has tracings of Pine branches. Bronze water holder, inkstone, etc. Fine specimen of old Chinese. Size 81 / 2 x 91/2 Inches. Date 1600. 925 Tall Box Fine black lacquer, with decorations of autumnal flowers and insects in gold lacquer, inlaid with mother-of-pearl and metal. Interior dark Nashi-ji A highly finished and refined production. Height 41/2 Inches. Date 1700-40. 926 Sake Bottle Melon shape. Aventurine ground on black, with fine Nashi-ji treatment. Designs of Melon Vine, Flowers, Leaves and Tendrils in gold and soft red and green lacquers. Carved wood Snail orna¬ ment on shoulder. Stein and stopper silver. An odd specimen. 927 Writing Case Magnificent specimen of gold lacquer of highest quality. Outside decorations, Emblems of New Year (ferns and straw tied with cut papers and leaves), in polished and powdered gold on sharkskin ground. Inside of lid, Landscape by moonlight and crest designs in gold and mosaic inlay on fine toned aventurine ground. Interior of box, etc., aventu¬ rine with touches of the main adornments. Has fine inkstone and solid silver water holder of floral design. Date 1650-1700. Size 81 / 2 x 91/4 Inches. Fine specimen of old Nashi-ji lacquer. 928 Large Box For sweet meats. Handsome black ground, with large designs of Fans irregularly dispersed on top and sides. After paintings by old masters of Japan, 114 and showing different styles of early schools. Finished in powdered gold, with Nashi-ji hack ground. Interior black lacquer. Has large drawer beneath. Size 81/4XIO1/2 Inches. Date 1700. 929 Deep Tray Gold aventurine lacquer. Decorations of Weeping Willows and Herons. Carefully drawn in pow¬ dered gold lacquers. The rims mounted with lead and interior black flecked with gold. Very rare. Size II 1 / 2 XI 41 / 4 X 33/4 Inches. Date 1640-90. 930 Oblong Box Rounded corners. Rich powdered gold surface, with designs of Cherry tree branches, Sparrows and Swallows in profusion on top and sides. Done in raised gold and colored lacquers. Interior Nashi-ji of fine quality, with bird decorations of inside of cover. A superb specimen of the modern art. Length 71/2 Inches. Width 61/4 Inches. Date 1860 . 931 Inro and Netsuke Ivory. In four sections. Decorations finely carved panels representing the u Gama Sennin” or ghosts, with background, etc., of geometrical designs. Date Early 18th Century. Netsuke, of carved wood. Signed. 932 Inro and Netsuke Four compartments. Black lacquer. Decorated in raised shaded lacquers on powdered gold, giving a slight clouded effect. Subject, wild geese and reeds, with river scene. Interior aventurine, top box has two compartments inside. The work of Ko- ami-Nagatoka. Signed. His work is of great fineness and in a color peculiar to himself. Netsuke, Carved wood, with ivory mask. Bearing signature Ho or Nori. 115 933 Inro and Netsuke Four sections. Gold lacquer. Decorated with wild Chrysanthemums and rocks in raised and flat gold lacquer and pearl inlay. Interior Nashi-ji. Made hy Kaji-Kawa, a leading master in the art and hears his seal. Rare and scarce Date 17th Century. Netsuke, Wood and ivory figure. By Teizui. 934 Inro and Netsuke Beautiful glazed black in four sections. Decorations of two Pheasants. Finely drawn in gold and shaded lacquers. Signed Toshi-hide. Seal School of Kaji-Kawa. Date 18th Cenuury. Netsuke, Carved wood. Frog on an old sandal. Signed. 935 Pouch and Netsuke Black lacquer. Han-getsu (half moon) shape. Deco¬ rations of flowers and Snail in raised lacquers and inlaid with pearl and faience. Signed “Gen- roku-do Ken-ya.” School of Ritsuo. Netsuke, An Egg Plant and Frog, with metal slide shape of plum blossom. 936 Inro and Netsuke Three compartments. Black lacquer. Decorated with Sho-bu (Iris) inlaid with mother-of-pearl and lead, together with gold lacquer. Interior gold lacquer. Signed Ho-Kio Korin. Date 1661-1716. Netsuke, Ivory Kingfisher. Signed Kwai-gishu Masa-tsugu. Date 18th Century. 937 Bentwood Pouch Red lacquer. Decorations of Butterflies in faience and gold lacquer, and vegetables in colored lacquers. Netsuke, Wood. Rat and mice pod. Pouch signed Shiun- Kei. Date 18th Century. 116 938 Inro and Netsuke Five compartments. Telescoping pattern. In outer case of black lacquer, highly polished. Decorated with Scene of Sea Shore in finely powdered gold lacquer. Inside cases aventurine lacquer. Date 18th Century. Netsuke, Carved wood mask. Mirth. With slide repre¬ senting Youth and Old Age. 939 Inro and Netsuke Fine black lacquer, with incrusted decoration of morn¬ ing glory and Grasshopper, in mother-of-pearl, leaf and powdered gold lacquer, in high relief. Signed Sho-shin-po. Date early 19th Century. Netsuke, Curious carved wood two-headed figure of masked dancer with movable tongue. By Miwa. Shibuichi slide. 940 Inro and Netsuke Black lacquer. Decorated with river scenery, in which are a Weeping Willow tree, Boy in a boat, Swan, etc. Done in powdered gold lacquer and polished gold inlay. Netsuke, Carved wood figure of Daruma with bronze Ojime. Date 18th Century. 941 Japanese Porcelain Old Hirado tea pot. Conventional blue decorations on white ground. Has carved teakwood stand. 942 Porcelain Tea Pot Ming period. Dragons and clouds. Decorated in blue on white ground. Chinese. Carved teakwood stand. 943 Tea Pot Old Chinese porcelain, with stiff arched handle. Deco¬ rations of Chrysanthemums and small vines and carved figures under the glo,ze. 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 117 Fluted Tea Pot Imari 'porcelain. Arched handle. Bamboo and Chrys¬ anthemum decorations in red , blue and gold. Celadon Tea Pot Carved decorations under glaze. Dolphin spout and handle. Silver lid. Fine example. Old Chinese Tea Pot Blue white. Dragon decorations in colors. Suen Tei period. Rare. Chinese Saucer Pheasant and flower decorations in colors. Chinese Bowl Seal mark Kien-lung period. Profuse emblematic and floral decorations in colors. Rare. Satsuma Vase Finely crackled. Floral decorations in colors and gold. Incense Box Satsuma. Form of a Sho-jo sleeping against a Sake jar. Crackled ivory white and colored. Finely carved. Oblong teakwood stand. Hot Water Pot Black lacquer. Decorated with expensive key design in gold, and lined with red. Covered Bowl Fine reddish gold. Aventurine throughout. Writing Case ‘‘Sharkskin” lacquer. Richly embellished throughout in gold lacquer and mother-of-pearl incrustation. Equestrian figure, Landscape, River and other designs. After Unkoku Togegi, one of Japan's old masters, who died about 1600. Has water bottle in design of book, wrought in gold and silver. Inkstone, etc. Interior in gold. Nashi-ji finish. 118 954 Writing Case Decorated with Landscapes, Houses and Waves. Skilfully depicted in gold lacquer of many layers over gold Nashi-ji ground, with gold mosaic inlay. Interior, autumnal grasses, Pheasants, etc. Date early 17th Century. 955 Shrine Old Carved wood figure of ’’Buddha.” Mounted on pedestal of ornate conventional designs and finished in gold and colored lacquers. Gold lacquer screen. Encased in wood, with metal mountings and gold lacquer lining. 956 Wood Carving Thatched house, made into a box of two sections and ornamented with Cucumber vines in gold a?id colored lacquers , etc. Interior black. Marked with polished lacquers. 957 Gold Lacquer Box Flower and Butterfly decorations in great profusion of objects in raised gold and colored lacquers and gold and pearl incrustations. Interior fine aventurine gold. 958 Flower Vase Form of a well bucket. Showing wood grains and vine decorations faithfully produced in various lac¬ quers. Height 15 Inches. 959 Black Lacquer Box Overlapping cover. Landscape, with Ferns, Mount¬ ains and Moon, penciled in gold and inlaid with silver. Interior speckled gold. Has silver rings. 960 Writing Case Gold Nashi-ji lacquer. Landscape with houses and a bridge leading to an island. Reverse of cover, Ducks resting on rocks, on Nashi-ji ground Incrustations of gold and other metals. Date 17th Century. 119 961 Wood Box Double diamond shape with ornamentations of Cranes r Shells, etc., in lacquer, porcelain, pearl incrusta¬ tion, etc., work of a Corean artist. 962 Chinese Cinnabar Box Garden and Landscape scenery with group of Chinese figures, etc., Carved decorations on sides with fine ground work. Regular design. Chien-lung speci¬ men. 963 Small Box Two sections of black lacquer in design of folded paper. Decorations of Lightning Bugs scattered over Landscape designs of gold lacquer. Incrusted with pearl. Date 17th Century. 964 Small Silver Lacquered Box Overlapping cover. Designs of Chrysanthemum flowers floating on stream in powdered gold lacquer. In¬ side has small decorated tray. Interior aventurine gold lacquer. Date 18th Century. 965 Goose Egg Raised designs of insects in gold lacquer. Interior, rich designs of flowers on powdered gold back¬ ground. 966 Inro Two compartments. Tsuikoku black lacquer. Open¬ work carving of Peonies upon background of red wave patterns. Netsuke, Button design with masks and figure of old man with metal ojime. Inro signed Zokuku. 967 Inro Three sections. Made of curious natural tree bark. Ornamented with symbols in gold, silver and bronze. Carved ivory netsuke. Peach stone, with incrusted ornaments. Signed Shibayama. Carved openwork ojime. 120 968 Inro Gold lacquer of five sections. Finely penciled. Decora¬ tions of Landscape, with birds and other designs. Interior Nashi-ji. Signed Kajikawa. Ivory Netsuke of minute openwork designs by Todo. Metal ojime by Shogiokusai. 969-970-971 Chinese Agate Carvings of Chestnuts, etc., in matrix. 3 Pieces. 972 Ivory Carving Farmer’s family. Signed. 973 Netsukes Ivory and wood carvings. 3 Pieces. 974 Netsukes Carved ivory traveler on horse, etc. 3 Pieces. 975 Netsukes Ivory and wood. Goat and Chestnuts. 3 Pieces. 976 Netsukes Ivory and wood. 3 Pieces. 977 Netsuke Ivory carving. Long tail rooster standing on drum. (.Emblem of peace.) Signed. 978 Netsuke Ivory carving. Coiled Lion. 979 Netsuke Ivory. Toad and Snake on a skull. 121 980 Incense Box Old Satsuma, with figures of a Daimio and his wife in gold and colors. Signed. 981 Chinese Box Brown lacquer, with Landscape. Decorated in gold. Date 16th Century. 982 Writing Case Black lacquer. Chrysanthemum flowers and Screen in powdered gold, lacquered. Edge of cut leaf gold, inlaid. Interior, Chinese Landscape, with Waters fall and Wave decorations on Nashi-ji ground work and leaf gold. Inlay. Date 18th Century. 983 Chinese Vase Iron rust glaze of fine quality. Chien-lung period. 984 Chinese Vase Rich green glaze, with large crackles. 985 Chinese Vase Robin’s-egg glaze. Mottled. Chien-lung. 986 Wood Carving Figure of “Fukurokujin” one of the seven gods of good luck. Signed Sho-un. Height II 1/2 Inches. Date 18th Century. 987 Writing Case Black lacquer, with gold lacquer. Decorations of Plum Blossoms, Pine Trees, Tortoises and Bamboo Leaves, Cloud forms and River. Artistically ren¬ dered. Interior of Nashi-ji, with two trays. Date 18th Century. 988 Writing Case Garden scene and Moon in gold lacquers on clouded gold and black surface. Interior, sea shore scene in gold lacquer, with fine wave patterns over Nashi-ji Gilded bronze water holder in design of nuts and inkstone. Date 17th Centur 122 989-90 Pair Panels 4 Designs of Flower Basket and flower pot, with flowers - and plants in high relief lacquers and incrusta¬ tions of carved Ivory and Pearl on greenish clouded surface. 991 Carved Panel Keyaki (iron) wood. Cherry Tree in blossom and Parrot. 992 Large Temple Gong Chinese bronze, of large size and loud tone. Very old. 993 Daimio Sectional Box Five sections. Gold Nashi-ji lacquer, with elaborate designs of Peony flowers and leaves in raised gold lacquer and leaf gold. Interior of deep red lacquer. Height I63/4 Inches. Width II1/4 Inches. Date 18th Century. 994 Sword Guard Iron pierced designs of seven worthies of the bamboo grove. Inlaid with gold and bronze. Signed Sohei- shi Nindo So-ten. Hikone. Omi. Date 17th Century. 995 Sword Guard Iron inlaid gold. Bamboo design with insect, Rising Sun, etc. Signed Sei-riu-do Hide aki. Date 18th Century.. 996 Knife Handle Dark bronze. Chased and inlaid with gold, silver and, bronze, with designs of tree trunk, snow ball and Sparrows. Signed Hamano Juzui. Date 18th Century. 997 Iron Sword Guard Tops of vessels.and Waves. Reverse, Waves and Sea Birds, gracefully treated in chased and incrusted workmanship. Signed Mune-yoshi. Date 1800-50- 123 998 Iron Sword Guard Decorations of Moon and Rabbit in pierced work.. Executed by two artists. Chasing and inlaying by Mun6-yoshi. Date 18th Century. 999 Pair Tea Room Rammas Openwork relief carving of Bird in Bamboo tree. Size 18 i/ 2 x 39 Inches. 2 Pieces. 1000 Pair Large Rammas Massive openwork. Deep carving of Peony flowers done in a free hand manner. Frame with old brass mountings. Size 29x6x7 Inches. 2 Pieces. Date 17th Century. 124 FIFTH SESSION. Thursday Evening, May 18th, at 7.30 P. M. EMBROIDERIES, KAKEMONO, ORIENTAL RUGS, ETC. 1001 Chinese Embroideries Circular panels, with garden scenes in colored silk and Bullion. 2 Pieces. Date 1875. 1002 Chinese Embroideries Circular panels. Colored silk embroidered in gauze. Flowers and Butterflies. 3 Pieces. Date 1880. 1003-4 Chinese Embroideries Circular panels. Phoenix, Flowers and Butterflies. Embroidered in colored silks and bullion. 4 Pieces. Date 1880. 1005-6 Chinese Embroideries Flowers and vases. Style of French knots. 4 Pieces. Date 1880. 1007 Chinese Embroideries Circular panels. Lotus flowers and Butterflies in colors. French knots worked in gauze. 2 Pieces. 1008 Chinese Embroideries Colored flowers, etc., worked in gauze. 1009 Chinese Embroideries Silk and bullion. 2 Pieces. 125 1010 Tsuzure Tapestry Chinese embroidery in colors and bullion. Designs of flower basket and emblems in colors. Finely worked 1011 Chinese Embroidery Square silk panel. Bird and clouds. 1012 Kakemono Tall Pine trees, Sea Beach, with Man. Old Farmer and his Wife, two Cranes and two Tortoise. Painted by Mori-Moto. Signature and seal. 1013 Kakemono Mountain scenery, with Waterfall and figure of a Priest. By Mori-Moto. 1014 Kakemono Carp and Sun Fish in the Stream. By Mori-Moto. 1015 Kakemono Horse’s Head, by Mrs. Mori-Moto. 1016 Kakemono River scene. By Mori-Moto. 1017 Altar Cloth Dark blue satin. Embroidered with figures of Dragons and Waves in various colors and gold thread. Length 59 Inches. Date 1880. 1018 Priest’s Robe Pink and white silk brocade. Design of Flowers. 1019 Panel Screen Four fold, with black lacquer frame. Beautiful River Scene, with large birds designed in cut and uncut velvet and painted in colors. 1020 Tapestry Pine forest. Dyed in deep shades, with flying Storks. Embroidered in silk. 126 1021 Kakemono Scene in Japanese nobleman’s house. Painted in bright colors on silk crepe, relieved by stitching. Signed. 1022 Kakemono (Set) Subject, A Sennin walking under a cliff, etc. Painted in India ink on paper and mounted with silk damask. By Tosa, Sakanno, Shogen, Niudo, Josho. Signed. Set 3 Pieces. Date 1706. 1023 Kakemono Fujiyama and flying Cranes. Signed by Toyo. 1024 Kakemono Spring Landscape. By Goshun Gekkei. 1025 Kakemono (large) Kwannon and group of lady attendants. Done in gold and colors. Signed. Chased metal mountings. 1026 Kakemono Kwan-non and view of Waterfall. By Ko-Gen. Date 1780. 1027 Kakemono Fire flies. By Sekizan. 1028 Kakemono A willow by a stream and a Nightingale ready to make its flight. Painted on silk in colors and India ink. By Ki-itsu. Date 1840. 1029 Kakemono A hen feeding chickens under a bamboo bush. By Sta-jo-o. Date 1838. 1030 Kakemono Wild Ducks swimming in water. In colors and India ink. Bordered with gold brocade. By Moto-Nobu. Date 1505. 127 1031 Kakemono Waterfall. By Chikado of Kioto. 1032 Kakemono Temple on island. India ink. 1033 Kakemono Wisteria and Swallow. Bun-rin. In colors and ink on silk. By Date 1860 1034 Kakemono Pine grove on the shore of Marko. Mount Kobe and Hyogo in distance. On silk in colors and ink. Date 1860. 1035 Kakemono Cascade with overhanging cliff. Birds and flowers. Painted on silk in colors and India ink. By Bai-itsu. 1036 Kakemono Chinese lady walking under a Plum tree in the moon¬ light. On silk. By Mori, Koho. Date 1871. 1037 Kakemono Figure of a lady flying over the sea, with figures in pursuit. Painted on silk. By T. Aoki. 1038 Kakemono Snow laden pines and mountains and Sparrows flying amidst falling snow. Painted on silk in India ink and embroidered treatment in silk. A large and interesting work. By Yu-zen , Kyoto. Date 1880. 1039 Kakemono Landscape scene in springtime with bright colored foliage and Landscape. A companion to the fore¬ going number. By Yu-zen, Kyoto. Date 1880. 128 1040 Kakemono Silk crepe. Winter. 1041 Kakemono A monkey stealthfully coming down the branches of a tree to catch a Spider. Painted on silk with re¬ markable skill in India ink and colors. Bordered with silk damask. Painted by So-sen, one of the greatest artists of the old school whose works are scarce by reason of their fineness and the eagerness of collectors to possess them. Has signature and seal. 1042 Kakemono A monkey and its young one, sitting on the ground under a blossoming Cherry tree. Painted in India ink and colors on silk. By Mori-Moto, professor of art at Tokio, Japan, who is credited with being the greatest living artist at this style of work. Has his seal and signature. 1043 Kakemono A Peacock. Painted on silk in India ink and colors. By Mori-Moto, with the same wonderful skill as characterizes all his best works. A fitting compan¬ ion piece to lot just preceding. 1044 Kakemono Birds of Paradise ( Onagadori ) and Plum blossoms~ Painted on silk in colors, with border of silk dam¬ ask. By Aka-mizu Hen-Shioku. Date 1810. 1045 Kakemono The Fuji with mythological bird. Painted in brilliant colors on crepe. 1046 Kakemono Groups of blind men, investigating and criticizing an¬ tiques. Painted on silk in colors and India ink Signed To-sha, So-do, Shujin, Priest of the temple of Hi-le, Tokio. Date 1815.. A curious and interesting subject. LOT 1080 129 1047 Photographs Japanese characters, mostly colored by hand. 33 Pieces. 1048 Colored Print Showing the custom of Bunroku Era. Date 1592. 1049 Colored Prints Ancient personages. Signed. 3 Pieces. 1050 Colored Prints Japanese ladies. Signed. 2 Pieces. 1051 Colored Prints Festival gathering, etc. Signed. 2 Pieces. BOOKS. 1052 Japanese Warriors. Colored Illustrations, 3 Vols. 1053 Japanese Illustrated Works, 2 Vols. 1054 Japanese War Stories, 2 Vols. 1055 Sekisho-sai, 3 Vols. 1056 Famous Historical Scenes of Settsu, 17 Vols. 1057 Plays and Amusements. Illustrated, 1 Vol. 1058 Landscape Drawings. Colored, 1 Vol. 1059 Famous Kiso Scenery, 6 Vols. Manners and Customs of Old Japan, 9 Vols. 1060 130 1061 Oriental Ceramic Art Illustrated by examples from the collection of W. T. Walters, with one hundred and sixteen plates in colors, and over four hundred reproductions in black and white. Text and notes by S. W. Bush- ell, M. D., Physician to H. B. M. Legation, Peking. Edition of 500 copies, of which this is No. 97. Printed on plate paper with the colored plates mounted on vellum. Published by D. Appleton & Co., N. Y. 1897. A sumptuous work, in folio form, with padded binding in Japanese style. Clean fresh copy. Published at %500.00. 10 Vols. TAPESTRIES. 1062 Kioto Velvet Hangings On panels for a screen. Cut velvet, Yu-zen dyed. Representing night scenes, with Fire flies among Rushes and Cherry trees. The figures are cut so as to deepen or soften the shading. Three panels forming a continuous illustration. Date 1880. 1063 Silk Tapestry Hanging (Tsuzure=no=Nishiki) Kioto A medallion of Dragons in various colors. Surmounted with clouds on white ground. The figures in this work are all inlaid, as are several other pieces of like productions which follow. Size 61 Inches Square. Date 1885. 1064 Silk and Gold Hanging (Tsuzure=no=Nishiki) Kioto Representing Chinese children at play. Done in many colors and bullion. Size 55 Inchesx90 Inches. Date 1880. 1065 Velvet Hanging (Ke=Kirazu) Kioto Landscape with Plum tree, wild Ducks at the river, etc. The birds and flowers are embroidered in colored silks and the ground work in cut and uncut velvet, partly painted in colors. Size 37x75 Inches. Date 1880. 131 1066 Cloth of Gold Hanging (Tsuzure=no=Neshiki) Nine fan shaped designs, with nine different kinds of Chrysanthemums in various colors. Size 54x83 Inches. Date 1880. 1067 Tapestry Hanging Landscape, with Chinese children at play, about a Lotus pond, with Sen-nin and Phoenix flying among the clouds. Replete with beautiful inlaid designs in rare colorings of silk and gold bullion. Size 53x91 Inches. Date 1880. 1068 Tapestry Hanging Silk and gold bullion. Mountain immortelles welcoming Ju-ro-jin, who is accompanied by his servants, and descending upon clouds. Done in brilliant colors and elaborate style. Size 53 i/2x94i/ 2 Inches. Date 1810. 1069 Miniature Costume Part of dress worn by Court Ladies. Made of thin silk. Date 1860. 1070 Old Flemish Tapestry With figures nearly life-size, in greens and bronzes, representing a mythological subject. A warrior being vorne away on a cloud by an angel and cherubs, showing landscape. Has a deep floral hnrrlpr Tfnrp Size 6x10 feet. * Date 17th Century. ORIENTAL RUGS. 1071 Shirvan Prayer Rug Thick\texture, with centre of deep tone and light borders . Size 5.4x3.7. 1072 Antique Samarcand Rare Tiger Tooth design, with deep border represent¬ ing Tiger heads. Size 5.10x3.7. 132 1073 Bijar Thick soft texture. Blue ground of rare pattern in trellis effects. Light border. Size 9.9x3.3. 1074 Antique Bergama Tile medallions in red and light blue, with light golden border. Size 7.7x4.2 1075 Antique Bergama Tile patterns, with rich centre of deep rose and black, old gold and blue borders. Thick and soft. Size 4.3x6.7. 1076 Chinese Samarcand Floral centre in rich red, with key border of blue and outside borders white and salmon pink, with Chinese figures. Soft and silky sheen. Size 7.9x3.11 1077 Antique Bergama Triple tile patterns. Centre bright blue and the ends white. Old gold figured border. Rich coloring. Fine weave. Size 4.6x6.8. 1078 Antique Feraghan Conventional blue ground, with floral design in red and white. Size 6.8x12.10. 1079 Antique Ladick Mosque rug. Blue field, with five sections of deep bor¬ ders. Many minute figures in fine weaves. Good specimen of this very old and scarce weave. 1080 Antique Herat Rose of Persia design. Made especially in the years of Shah Abbes in the 17th Century and handed down by him, being used only at certain import¬ ant functions. Has been extremely well preserved. Subdued shades of coloring. Close thick texture. This rug is noted for its wonderful state of pres¬ ervation. Size 5x9. 133 1081 Antique Kerman Flower garden pattern on blue grounds of pure Kerman type. Has four borders of various colors and de¬ signs. Rich velvety pile. A fine example of this rare type. Size 10x6.3. 1082 Qulibahar Salmon pink centre, with Palm Leaf designs. Fine Texture and unusually fine coloring, with beauti¬ ful sheen. Size 7.6x4.2. 1083 Antique Ispahan Mosaic Palm Leaf design in white and light colorings on rich black ground. Fine and velvety. Size 10.5x4.5 1084 Antique Samarcand iC Tree of life.” Pomegranite design in old rose on soft light blue ground. Has two conventional Chinese borders. Finely blended rich colorings. Size 9.10x5.10. 1085 Feraghan Flower garden designs on dark blue, with corners of red. Six band border. Unusually fine texture. Size 5.5x11.4. 1086 Antique Samarcand A temple rug of great variety, with a richness and soft¬ ness of tone rarely found. The centre has three large figured blue medallions on ground of red , with three deep band borders of tile and running patterns. Date 14th Century. Size 5.10x12.10. 7 Samarcand Rug Camel’s Hair. Brown centre, with border of dark blue, orange and gold. Size 12x9.2. 1088 Samarcand Indian red ground with quaint floral designs, with a variety of toned colors and outlined in black. Size 6.6x11.10 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 134 Samarcand Red ground,, a little darker than the above, and slight variations of coloring in designs, and of the same weave. Size 9.2x11.7. Samarcand White ground with a bold pattern in three shades of . Indigo. Bears name of the maker in Chinese characters. Size 9.2x12. Samarcand Light tan ground, with large conventional design of tile pattern with well blended colors. Size 4x7.2. Samarcand Tan ground. Meant for one of a pair with the above. Size 4.1x7. Samarcand Tan ground, with a small design in harmonizing shades of red, green and blue. Size 3.1x6. Samarcand Dark wine red ground, with design like the above, but the color scheme is in riper shades. Size 3.1x6. Samarcand Brown, with a seal character woven in a blue disc in the centre, and Peaches of longevity. Size 3.2x6.3. Samarcand Seal character in centre. Ground work and border shows a dull blue, red and yellow. Size 3.1x6.1. Samarcand Old ivory ground, with an odd design worked in red, several shades of blue and copper. Size 3.4x6.10. 135 RARE PORCELAINS. 1098 Satsuma Sake Jar Oblong rectangular form, with small mouth in the centre and spout in corner. Finely crackled. Ivory white glaze. Decorated with Horses, Cherry and Plum Blossoms, etc., in colored enamels. Rare. Length 61/4 Inches. Height L/2 Inches. Date 1615. 1099 Sake Bottle Ming period. Tall square shape, with small silver mounted neck. Glaze, finely crackled white mar- bleized with brown. Decorated with Landscape in blue under the glaze. Height 81/2 Inches. Date 1475. 1100 Satsuma Incense Box Chrysanthemum and Phoenix in bright colors and gold on fine crackle. Date 1880. 1101 Garden Satsuma A tall teapot with melon shaped body and square sta¬ tionary handle. Minutely outlined and colored designs in round medallions and borders of va¬ rious designs. Made of clay from the Mikado’s garden. This ware is exceedingly scarce, being of limited production. Height 7 Inches. 1102 Satsuma Incense Box Decorated with Maple Leaves and red, green and gold on fine crackle. Date 1715. 1103 Satsuma Vase Hexagonal cylinder with beautiful bamboo and floral designs in raised gold and enamels. Fine ivory white crackle. Choice specimen, with seal mark. Height 61/2 Inches. 1104 Incense Box Rounded shape, with the characteristic Satsuma Chry¬ santhemum decorations in raised enamels. 136 1105 Small Vase Shape of a hag. Date 1745. 1106 Satsuma Incense Box Fan shape. Minute decorations. Fine white crackle. 1107 Netsuke Old Satsuma figure. 1108 Satsuma Curio Small incense burner with rich minute decorations. Carved silver openwork cover. Choice specimen. 1109 Satsuma Koro Design of Chrysanthemum floating on water, the flower resting on leaves forming the howl. A specimen of good quality in fabric and coloring. Date 1695. 1110 Incense Box Flat round shape. Iris decorations. Signed. 1111 Bowl Chinese porcelain. Kien-lung period. Floral decora - tions in red and blue. Seal mark. 1112 Incense Box Small specimen of modern Satsuma, about 1855. Minutely decorated. Floral designs in colored enamels and gold. 1113 Incense Box Turnip shape. Decorated with sea shells in red, green, blue and gold on fine ivory crackle ground. 1114 Bowl (Domburi) Ming period. Chinese porcelain. Rare single glaze of copper outside. Poudre blue inside. Diameter Inches. Date 1690. i?!SiES^3i8S& LOT 1081 137 1115 Incense Burner Satsuma, with three feet and pierced lid. Relief and colored floral decorations. 1116 Ovoid Vase Chinese single glaze. Rich purple with heads on should¬ ers. Date 1645. 1117 Small Vase Ming. Brilliant dark blue. Date 1455. 1118 Incense Box Sana de boeuf qlaze. Chinese porcelain. Rare. Date 1645. 1119 Bowl Chinese porcelain. Lions, Gem, Balls and Flame deco¬ rations in colors. Diameter 8i/s Inches. Date 1736. 1120 Large Bowl (Sachi=mi) Sliced raw fish dish of Imari porcelain. Decorated inside with Akirin Medallion. Wove and key patterns in brilliant colored enamels and gold. Diameter 13 i/ 2 Inches. Date 1739. CARVED IVORIES. 1121 Ivory Figure Boy holding a fan. Engraved. 1122 Ivory Group Shinto dancer and boy. Signed So-gioku. Height 5 i/ 2 Inches. 1123 Ivory Carving Figure of Bishamon standing on a Tiger’s back and riding a cloud. Signed Hosai. Date XIX Century. Height 5 Inches. 138 1124 Ivory Carving Group. Farmer and his son. 1125 Ivory Carving Fisherman. 1126 Ivory Carving Grotesque group. Frog, man and Dog. Length 5i/a Inches. 1127 Wood Carving Figure of a Demon carrying a Mokugio. Cleverly done . 1128 Ivory Carving Figure of Sennin conjuring a horse out of a gourd. Date 18th Century. 1129 Netsuke Collection of masks made of wood, some inlaid. Date 18th Century. 1130 Ivory Netsuke “Bat.” Signed. 1131 Ivory Netsuke Warrior riding over splashing waves. Intricate carv¬ ing. Date 18th Century. LACQUERS. 1132 Daimio Manuscript Box Gold Nashi-ji lacquer. Decorations of Landscape r with Pine Trees and Mountains, Camelia in flower, Water View, Ducks, etc., in powdered and gold lacquer with overlays of gold leaf and leaf silver. Reverse of cover decorated with Landscape, etc. Interior, fine Nashi-ji. Sides have beautiful Landscapes to conform with designs on the lid. Length I 61/2 Inches. Width 13 i/ 2 Inches. Date 17th Century. 139 1133 Dispatch Box Gold Nashi-ji of fine quality, inlaid with Kiri-Kane gold lacquer. Gold lacquer designs of Vines and Fan. Interior aventurine. Silver cord holders. Length 9 Inches. Date XVII Century. 1134 Writing Case Black and gold Nashi-ji. Clouded. Top decorated with fishing scene in gold lacquers of many tones and mother-of-pearl inlays. Interior, Mountain Scene with Cascade, Geese in flight, River Scene, etc., with mosaic inlays. Has Cloisonne enamel water holder, inkstone, etc. Length 83/4 Inches. Date XVII Century. 1135 Gold Lacquer Box Profuse decorations of Butterflies, Chrysanthemums in raised gold and colored laquers. Interior aven¬ turine. Length 5i/s Inches. 1136 Despatch Box Wave design in gold on black lacquer, with raised de¬ signs of Weeping Willow Tree and Rocks, in heavy gold lacquer, with mosaic filling. Interior aventurine gold lacquer. Rings and ornaments for cord. Length 83/4 Inches. Date 1640-1690. 1137 Lady’s Toilet Cabinet Has two drawers and mirror holder. Fine Nashi-ji lacquer with takamakiye decoration of Chrysan¬ themums and Arabesque designs. Interior of aventurine lacquer. Mounted with bronze orna¬ mentations. Fine example. Date 1640-90. 1138 Manuscript Box Roiro black lacquer. Decorations on top with Plum tree in blossom and young Pine tree, admirably drawn in highly polished lacquers of various tints. Interior black with edges of gold. An extraordi- dinary example of the school of Shunsho. Size 91 / 2 XII 1/2 Inches. Date 1700-40. 140 1139 Daimio Cabinet A sumptuous specimen of gold lacquer work, the deco¬ rations being fans of various shapes with minia¬ ture decorations in shaded lacquers and mosaic fillings of leaf gold. Shape nearly square with three drawers inside and door. Interior Landscape decorations and fine Nashi-ji linings. Handle and mountings silver. 1140 Cabinet Fine black lacquer, with decorations of Cherry blos¬ soms running over the top and sides in gold and silver lacquers. Has five drawers of various sizes finished inside in aventurine lacquer. Ring handles and plates on drawers of chased silver. Height 61/2 Inches. Width 81/4 Inches. Date 18th Century. 1141 Writing Case Black lacquer of high quality. Decorated with a col¬ lection of Crabs and Sea Grass, finished in lead and mother-of-pearl incrustation, with powerful effect. Interior decorated with goldfish and stream in fine cloisonne effect, in gold and colors. Inte¬ rior of box clouded gold. The outside of cover is the work of Soyetsu, the lacquer artist of first rank, and signed Tenchida Soyetsu, painted at the age of seventy-five. Date 1650-1700. Inside of cover is the work of Koma and is signed Koma-kiu-haku, contemporary and the rival of Kajikawa and Shunsho. Date 1650-1700. Length 91/2 Inches. Width 9 Inches. 1142 Square Box With overlapping cover and inner tray. Ancient Chinese style of gold lacquer. Decorated with mother-of-pearl inlay in designs of Squirrels and and grapes in great profusion, the reserve space being filled out with fleck of pearl. Has rings and ribbons. Rare specimen . Date 1600-40. 141 MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS. 1143 Teakwood Carving Round stand with five curved legs surmounted on circu¬ lar base. Various designs in relief and pierced carvings. Most artistically executed. 1144 Flower Chariot Arita porcelain. Blue -decoration, shape of a caisson. Length 20 Inches. Date 1670. 1145 Tobacco Pouch Ri-ri wood, with incrusted decorations of Sleeping Men on one side, and Kitchen Scene on the other, all inlaid with carved ivory and black wood. Work of Ziaku-o, aged sixty-five years and signed. Date early 19th Century. Netsuke, Mask, by Deme Jioman, one of the earliest mask carvers in Japan. Silver ojime. 1146 Pipe Silver bronze, with figure of a Storm Demon fishing. Signed. 1147 Tobacco Pouch Oval shape, with hinged lid and opening on side, also a hook for belt. Figures of Dragon, etc., finely damascened with silver and gold. A rare and curious piece. Signed. 1148 Section Belt Old Chinese red lacquer, with bronze ornaments. Date 1700. 1149 Tea Jar Arita porcelain. Orchid blossom decorations in blue. Date 1865. -1150 Tea Jar Seto. Date 1765. 1151 Tea Jar Kioto. Date 1745. 142 1152 Tea Jar Oribe. Date 1745. 1153 Tea Jar Oribe. Date 1825. 1154 Tea Jar Seto. Date 1195. 1155 Tea Jar Seto. Date 1845. 1156 Tea Jar Irnbe. Date 1495. 1157 Tea Jar Shiga-rake. Date 1635. 1158 Tea Jar Irnbe. Red mark. Date 1595. 1159 Tea Jar Shiga-raki. Date 1795. 1160 Tea Bowl Rokubei. Date 1780. 143 SIXTH SESSION. Friday, May 19th, at 2.30 P. M. IVORY AND WOOD CARVINGS. 1161 Netsuke Group of Lions. Carved and lacquered in various shades. Date 1700. 1162 Netsuke Carved ivory. u Sennin.” anda u No-dancer.” 2 Pieces. 1163 Netsuke Carved wood. Seven worthies of the Bamboo Grove. Signed Min-Setsu. Date 1800-20. 1164 Ivory Netsuke Man riding a Tai and Demon . 2 Pieces. 1165 ^Netsuke Carved ivory and wood. Priest Sawing Horns of a Devil and Monkey Eating. 2 Pieces. 1166 Carved Ivory New Year decoration, called Shime-Nawa, with a mouse running through it. Date 18th Century. 1167 Carved Ivory Man carrying a Dog Foo on his back . Date 1750-1800. 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 144 Ivory Netsuke Quails and millet. By Yoshi-Kazu. Date 1750-1800. Ivory Ornament Intricate openwork carving, being five balls, one within the other, the outer one having many figures of men . Ivory Netsuke (Signed) Group of nine monkeys and collection of Shells. The Shells by Go-ho. Mitani So-hei. Date 19th Century. Netsukes Carved ivory. Fruits on basket lid and monkey. 2 Pieces. Netsukes Carved ivory. Seal and group of Dogs of Foo. Carved Ivory Sennin. Cho-Kwa-Ro with his gourd. Ivory Carvings Regent of the Buddhist Hells resting on a stand and a Hare on a grape arbor. Ivory Netsuke Hotei in his bag. Date 19th Century. Netsukes Ivory group and a wood Octopus. 2 Pieces. Netsukes 1 vory mask , etc., Seal. 2 Pieces. Button Netsuke Square box. Carved and lacquered . Fish designs . 145 1179 Ivory Netsuke Fox devouring a Rabbit. Signed Tomo-Tada. Date XVIII Century. 1180 Netsuke Wood and ivory. Signed. 2 Pieces. RARE TEA JARS AND BOWLS. 1181 Tea Jar Irnbe. Date 1775. 1182 Tea Jar Oribe. Made by third To-shi-ro. Date 1645. 1183 Tea Jar Oribe. Brownish purple. Date 1715. 1184 Tea Jar Seto. Mottled. Date 1695. 1185 Satsuma Tea Bowl Fine ivory crackle. Decorations of Plover flying over waves, with border on base and four bands around top. Done in brilliant colors and gold. Height 4 Inches. 1186 Ninsei Tea Bowl Decoration of one hundred wise men and Storks, in brilliant glazed enamels and gold. Outlined in black. Date 1695. 1187 Ninsei Tea Bowl Grayish white crackle. Nine bands in colors on outside, four inside. Decorated with five crests in colored enamels and fine laid gold of the following person¬ ages — Tomae, Hano-bishi, Kiri, Matsu- Kai- bishi and Ship-po. Seal mark. A fine specimen for a collector. Date 1695. 146 SWORDS AND SWORD GUARDS. 1188 Iron Sword Guard Bamboo designs, tastefully cut and chased in the style called Sukashi-bori. Date XVII Century. 1189 Iron Sword Guard Cut work of Bamboo, forming the circle. Light gold covering. Date XVII Century. 1190 Sword Guard Shibu ichi, with figure of a Chinese carrying rice bales, chased in low relief. Signed Seki-zio-Ken. Date XVIII Century. 1191 Iron Sword Guard Chinese Warriors and Dragon. Vigorous work. Cut and chased by Soten. Signed So-heishi Soten, resident of Hikone, 'province of Omi. Gold and silver incrustation. Date XVII Century. 1192 Iron Sword Guard Carved designs of flowers with fine gold inlay around rim. Signed Masatsune, of Bushin. Date XVIII Century. 1193 Sword Guard Light bronze, like Shibuichi. Decorations, a gardener enjoying his smoke, a Pine Tree, Rocks and Stream. Gold, Shakudo and bronze incrustations. Seal. Date XVIII Century. 1194 Sword Guard Pierced iron. Odd carvings of Herons and Waves. Fine gold inlaid border of talented workmanship. Date XVII Century. 1195 Sword Guard Pierced iron vjork. Odd design of Ten ceremonial articles {Chanoyu dogees.) Gold inlay. Date XVII Century. 147 1196 Iron Sword Guard 1197 Dog Foo and Fret work in pierced carving and with gold inlay. Date XVII Century. Sword Guard Shakudo. Decoration of aquatic plants, finely incrusted in precious metals on stippled hack ground. A beautiful specimen. 1198 Sword Guard Iron, with chased decorations of Chrysanthemums. Signed Toya-hisa, resident of Idsuma. Date XVIII Century. 1199 Sword Guard Pierced iron. Chrysanthemum designs. Signed Matsu - Mura Toda-Masa. 1200 Knife Handle Shakudo. Three figures under a Maple Tree, on stip¬ pled background. Incrusted with gold, silver, etc. 1201 Knife Handle Shakudo. By Zimpo. Surface of fine dotted lines. Decoration to represent a picture of a horse. The horse galloping away from the frame, while a monkey holds on to the rope. Finely chased and inlaid with gold. Creation of the noted Kanaoka. Date 17th Century. 1202 Knife Handle Made of iron, with gold panel on back. Decorated in gold, Shakudo and bronze, with three horses in a stable. Most artistic work. Mostly done in high relief. Date 1750-1800. 1203 Knife Handle Shibuichi. Engraved and inlaid. Scene at a market place. Signed. 1204 Knife Handle Shakudo. Three Men and a Tiger sleeping. Gold and silver incrustations. Engraved Shibuichi back. 148 1205 Knife Handle Yellow bronze. Engraved and inlaid with silver. 1206 Long Sword (Katana) Blade, Bizen. Scabbard, Lacquered in dark red and black (chess board pattern.) Hilt, Covered with Sharkskin and bound with green silk cord. Guard, Iron, Monkey and Cherry Blossoms of gold and silver. Ornaments, Sharkskin lacquer. Arrows, Lotus, etc. Length 25 Inches. Date 1690. 1207 Short Sword (Wakizashi) Blade, Kyoto, engraved with a Dragon. Scabbard, Magnolia wood. Made in shape of a Bam¬ boo tube and engraved with a Warrior. Hilt, Wood, with engraving and ornaments. Fuchi and Kashira Shakudo, with Warriors in relief. Length 81/2 Inches. Date 1830. 1208 Dagger (Tan Ken) Blade, Hizen. Scabbard, Magnolia, lacquered and ornamented with a Dragon in gold. Hilt, Covered with Sharkskin and bound with silk braid. Guard, Shakudo, with Dragon in gold with gold plated Habaki. Fuchi and Kashira, &c., Shakudo, with gold Dragons. Length 10 Inches. Date 1820. 1209 Short Sword Blade, Made by Taido. Scabbard, Magnolia, lacquered. Hilt, Covered with Sharkskin and bound with silk. Guard, Fuchi and Kashira, &c., of silver, chased with floral designs and Phoenix in gold. Kozuka, Made by Yamato-No-Kami. Fine speci¬ men. Length 13 Inches. Date 1740. 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 149 Sword Guard Iron, Decorated with figure of Raifujin (god of wind.) Executed with much spirit in gold and silver re¬ lief work. Reverse, Falling Maple leaves. Signed Ho-shin-sai Toshi-kage. Date 1800-50. Sword Guard Wood grain carving and incrustations of Spiders and Cobwebs. Date XVIII Century. Sword Guard Iron. Bamboo and Plum tree and Stream, beautifully chased in bronze and gold. Sword Guard Iron with fine chasing and inlaying. Full Moon, a Badger, Grasses, etc., in gold, silver and bronze. Signed Iye-Tsugu. Date 1800-50. Sword Guard Shibuichi. Finely decorated in deep relief, with Mount¬ ain scenery. Akirin. Chinese lady offering prayer, etc. Inlaid. Date 18th Century. Iron Sword Guard Rain Dragon, chased in high relief in gold, silver and bronze. Date 18th Century. Iron Sword Guard Moonlight night and a Hare. Reverse, a Grasshopper. Signed Ume-Tada, a resident of Nishi-jin. Date 17th Century. Sword Guard Iron, with Moonlight Scene, a Badger, etc., incrusted in gold and silver. Signed Ha-Kuo. Date 1800-50. Sword Guard Shibuichi. Incrusted figure of Praying Oni, in Shakudo, Red bronze and gold. Reverse side, a Japanese Ballad, incrusted in gold letters. Signed Zippo- wo Haru Aki Hogen. Date 1800-25. 150 1219 Sword Guard Bronze. Floral designs incrusted and chased in gold on hammered ground. Date 19th Century. 1220 Iron Sword Deer and Bat, etc., Night Scene, incrusted in metals. Signed Gato Ko-ran. Date XVIII Century. 1221 Mailed Sleeves Made of fine iron chain, with Chrysanthemum orna¬ mentations and lacquered pockets. Date 17th Century. 1222 Sword Stand For two swords. Covered with black and gold lacquer, bearing a Daimio’s crest. 1223 Sword Stand For two swords. Black Nashi-ji panels, with elaborate turbulent wave decorations. Moon and Rocks in thick gold and colored lacquers. The frame and reverse side of fine red Cinnabar lacquer, with engraved designs, and framed with carved black and buff lacquer frame. Signed Kawasaki Seiho, aged seventy-five years. Length 37 i/2 Inches. Height 13 i/ 2 Inches. Date 18th Century. A remarkable and exemplary piece of laquer work. 1224 Sword Rack For three swords. Keyaki wood carving. Panel of openwork design of Landscape, with Waterfall, Bird of Paradise, Plum tree, etc. Frame covered with fret designs. Length 22\fi Inches. 1225 Sword Hilt (Presentation) Mounted with heavy solid gold. Kashira and Fuchi decorated with Maidsuru (flying crane) and Chinese figures. Made of Shakudo gold and Shi- buichi on fine stipp led gold ground. The menuki are of same Chinese figures. Made of Shakudo gold and Shibuichi on fine stippled gold ground. The menuki are of same metals to represent twelve sizes of the 151 1226 zodiac, showing twelve different animals. The mountings are not signed on account of the pre¬ sentation piece. Specially made for the use of Tokugawa Shogun. Date 1750-1800. Sword Ornaments Kashira and Fuchi solid gold. Ornamentations are two Storks resting on a Plum Tree, and Jurojin (god of prosperity) reading a scroll. Also a Stork by a stream and a Tortoise. All exquisitely chased in relief and inlaid with silver and Shakudo in most delicate and artistic style. Signed Ishigaro Koruyashi. Has seal. Date 1800. 1227 Sword Ornaments Bronze Sennin and Eagle. 2 Pieces. Date 1750. 1228 Sword Ornaments Dog Foo, etc., {One signed.) 2 Pieces. Date 1750. 1229 Sword Ornament Group with Oni. Chased in precious metals. 1230 Sword Ornaments Gold and Shakudo, Menuki and bronze Ring, “Monkey,” etc. 2 Pieces. 1231 Sword Ornaments Long armed monkey, etc., 3 Pieces. 1232 Short Sword Blade, Awata, with a groove on each side. Scabbard, Magnolia, finished in black polished lac¬ quer, with fruit design. Hilt, Sharkskin, with cords and metal Fuchi and orna¬ ments. Knives {Kozuka and Kogai ) silver with decorations of Persimmons, and damascened iron. Length IO 1/2 Inches. Date 1820. 152 1233 Short Sword Blade, Yoshi-toshi, grooved. Scabbard and Hilt, Sandal wood, lined with mag¬ nolia. Bronze mountings of cloud effects and gold and silver ornaments of Moon, Butterflies, etc. Has two knives. The Kashira hy Uchi-tsugu. Length 12 Inches. Date 1840. 1234 Long Sword Blade, Made hy Hiro-Chika, Tokio. Scabbard, Shibuichi and silver, inlaid with insects in gold, and lined with magnolia wood. Hilt, Shibuichi, with elegantly incrusted designs rep¬ resenting a garden scene and a country traveler. Guard, Shibuichi, incrusted as are also the other mounts, etc. Kozuka, Shibuichi handle. Signature and seal on scabbard. 1235 Short Sword Blade, Harima, Made by Minamoto Toshi-uki. Scabbard, Lacquered in rich black, with soft fluted corrugations running diagonally. Hilt, Wound with whale bone. Guard, Iron with Rice Plants and Iris in relief. Menuki, Three rice bags, gold plated. Kozuka, Handle Shibuichi with basket ornament. Length 12i/a Inches. Date 1815. 1236 Long Sword (Katana) Blade, Harima, Made by Fuji-wara Masa-tsuma with deep engravings of a Dragon and representation of two edged sword. Scabbard, Lacquered in black with heavy corrugations running lengthwise. Hilt (two handed), Covered with Sharkskin and bound with silk, with ornaments of “Falcons.” Guard, Carved iron dragon, with gold inlay, gold key borders, etc. Ferule, Fuchi, etc., of iron and bronze incrustations of fine quality. Has silk bag with signature. Length 27 i/ 2 Inches. Date 1825. 1237 Iron Sword Guard Various crests in pierced designs. Date 16th Century. 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 153 Iron Sword Guard Pierced desiqn of Oi mitsu (aqed Pine), liqht qold inlay. Date 1700-50. Bronze Sword Guard Design of Rakan and Pine Tree. By Sho-zui. Date XVIII Century. Iron Sword Guard Old Pine Tree with insect and Plum Tree and Spar¬ row. Signed Nori-tsugu. Dare 18th Century. Iron Sword Guard Rain Dragon and Bamboo Tree. Gold inlaid. Seal character. Date 1750-1800. Iron Sword Guard Shakudo border. Old temple and Pagoda Landscape Scenery in gold and red bronze relief. Date XVII Century. Sword Guard Relief decorations of the Rooster on the Drum. ( Em¬ blem of great peace). Inlaid. Date XVIII Century. Iron Sword Guard Moon, Bird, etc. Inlaid. Silver and gold. Sword Guard Bronze, with Shakudo rim. Metal relief work. Boy fishing and incense basket. Signed. Sword Guard Yellow bronze. Boating by moonlight and Waterfall in relief work. Sword Guard Yellow bronze. Moonlight Scenes. Signed. Sword Guard Chased iron. Inlaid with gold. Landscape and River Scenes with Storks. 154 ANTIQUE BRONZES. 1249 Large Koro Square form with carved sides, narrowing at base, which sets on four feet, the whole mounted on square tablet of fret designs. The decorations on the front panel are a mythical subject representing an ancient personage riding on a flying Stork. The lid mounted with figure of a Warrior trampling on a Demon. Dolphin Handles, etc. Finely cut and chased. Height I81/2 Inches. 1250 Bronze Group Chinese lady giving water to a Dragon. The stand represents rocks and shaggy form. The figure is of mottled Kaga bronze. An attractive piece. Height I61/2 Inches. 1251 Tall Vase Ovoid shape. Woven Bamboo basket work resting on a stand, with five feet. Remarkably fine modern casting. Signed Ka-Ko, a celebrated bronzist of Tokio. Height I 61/4 Inches. Date 1880. 1252 Bronze Statuette “ Buddha” standing on a Lotus flower. Partly finished in gold bronze. A graceful example of old modeling. About three hundred years old. Rare. Height 21 Inches. 1253 Kwannon Gracefully modeled in ancient bronze, of dark color. Height 16 Inches. 1254 Large Vase Hexagonal bottle shape, with narrow curving neck and hexagonal cylindrical ring handles. Entirely covered with fine diaper work, with plain bands on edges and around body. Mark on bottom. Height 14i/4 Inches. Date 1600-50. 155 1255 Bronze Koro The howl resting on a base of rocks, or a cave. The design is to illustrate a Fox slyly watching from the cave three pigeons which form the handle at the top of the Koro. Elaborate carvings of em¬ blems in relief, panels, Dragon handles, archaic borders, etc. The whole mounted on a flat tablet having a cut border of wave designs. Signed with Qpn l 'vnnvb Height I 81/2 Inches. Date 1800-60. 1256 Large Vase Representing the trunk of a tree, with figures at the base to represent the family of a woodchopper. The old man smoking his pipe, the wife tying a bundle of fagots and the children playing among the canes. The great mass of underbrush, wild running vines, the hills and hollows show wonder¬ fully artistic taste and are most admirably ex¬ ecuted. Signed Kin-riu sai Naga-Michi. Height 18 Inches. Date XIX Century. 1257 Pair Vases Kaga bronze. Ovoid shape, with short flowing necks. Comventional ears on shoulders with oblong rings. Decorated with large Plum branches in blossom. Nightingale, Onagadori and other birds, most skilfully carved and chased in gold, Shakudo and red bronze. Signed Kiriu Kosho Kuaisha. Height 143/4 Inches. 2 Pieces. 1258 Large Vase A square basket with thin round neck. Made to imitate woven bamboo basket work in different patterns, with numerous crabs crawling over the sides. Feet of tiled bamboo designs. Most skilful model¬ ing. Modern. Height 16 Inches. 10 Inches Square. Date modern. 1259 Large Vase Murashido bronze of tall ovoid form with short neck with band of key decoration. A huge Dragon 156 wrought encircles the body, which is in designs of dashing waves, Clouds and Sprays. A fine speci¬ men of this choice modern bronze. Height 24 i/ 2 Inches. Diameter about 33 Inches. Date 1870-80. 1260-61 Pair Large Bronze Vases. Cylindrical shape. Large relief decorations repre¬ senting Yamato-take no Mikoto, son of the Em¬ peror Keiko ( 71-130 A. D.). A great hero of pre-historic age. Disguised as a girl. Reverse panel, Rebel Chieftains carousing in the cave where they dwelt. (No. 1260.) On No. 1261 will be found Yamato destroying the rebels of western Japan and reverse panel two rebels sleeping. Yamato was one of the eighty children of the Emperor Keiko; was a great hero. While yet a stripling he was sent by his father to destroy the rebels of wesstern Japan, an object which he accomplished by disguising himself as a girl, thereby winning the love of the rebel chieftains, and while ca¬ rousing about the cave with them suddenly drew a sword from his bosom and smote them to death. He next subdued the Province of Idzumo, and finally conquered eastern Japan. After many adventures he died on the homeward march to Yamato, where the Emperor, his father, held his Court. Mark Dai Nippon Kako tsukuru. (Made by Kako, Japan.) Height 24 i/ 2 Inches. Diameter 14 Inches. 1262 Large Brazier Heavy bronze base, with two openings on sides, stubby feet, and sweeping decoration in relief of two Ho-ho birds. The incense holder is iron, with crude designs of trees and twisted handles. Height 12 Inches. Diameter 13 i/ 2 Inches. 1263 Large Bronze Eagle The bird in angry mood, with outstretched wings, watching the Dragon as it writhes in the waves about the base of the rocks beneath. Full of action and fine casting. Height 60 Inches. See illustration. LOT 1264 157 BRONZE TEMPLE BUDDHA. 1264 GREAT STATUE OF ANAN SONJA. FROM A TEMPLE IN PEKING. Standing in attitude of prayer. The robes elaborately decorated in colored lacquers. Around the feet is the conventional design of the Lotus flower. On a hexagonal base, having six relief panels of Lotus flower designs. Height 8 feet. Ming Period, 1368-1644. Can be seen at No. 1513 Allegheny Avenue. LARGE BRONZE TEMPLE BELL. 1265 Bell from a Buddhistic Temple Has eight large panels with Dragon and Cloud designs running around the body. Eight smaller ones with Ho-ho birds and eight small ones with a Rooster all elaborately colored in lacquer. There are eight marks or characters in the raised metal running around the lower part, and a wave line border, also cloud. Decorations in colored enamels. The top or stem is formed of a design of two heads set in opposite directions, under which are palm leaves lying over and forming the top. Height about 4 feet. 1266 Bronze Jardiniere Square shape, widening at the top. Ornamented in relief, vnth Storm Dragon, Ho-ho bird and other symbols on background of deeper patterns. Large straight top archaic handles. Base, narrow, with Dragon feet. Signed Dai Nippon, Tokio, Kako . (Cast by Kako, Tokio, Japan.) Height 7 Inches. Diameter 9 Inches. Date 1860-80. NOTE.—the above two numbers, on account of their great size and weight, have been left at the residence, No. 1513 Allegheny Avenue, where they may be inspected any day previous to the sale, being in full view from the front. 158 LACQUERS. 1267 STATUETTE OF BUDDHA Carved wood, representing the conventional Buddha standing upon a Lotus flower, the base being finely carved and lacquered in gold and having symbols of the Lotus. The halo at the back carved with cloud forms and richly painted in gold foils. The head and forehead have two crystals inlaid. The carving throughout has been done with great taste, and the years of service of this idol may be readily appreciated by its smoky appearance from con¬ tinued burning of incense. Has inscription u Nano Daibutsu-shi Sadatomo tsukuru,” or made by Sadatomo, a Buddhistic carver of the Southern Capital ( Nara .) Height 72 Inches. Date about 1200. 1268 Two Fold Screen , Heavy teakwood frame, with centre panels of red lacquer bearing two original wood carvings taken from the famous temple Ho-riu-ji at Nara. These rare old carvings are low relief figures of the two temple guardians Niwo (30 inches high) and are finely executed portrayals of bold power and action, made in XV Century. Bordering panels of brown lacquers with carved vignettes and gold backgrounds, and corner ornaments of carved red lacquer. The back or outside panels are paint¬ ings of Iris flowers on white silk by the famous artist, Koitsu. This screen was specially made for the Exposition at Barcelona, Spain, in 1888. Height 4 feet 7 Inches. Width of Panels 3 O 1/2 In. each. 1269 Temple Screen Two-fold. Made entirely of fine lacquer for the Exposi¬ tion at Barcelona in 1888, where it was awarded a first premium gold medal. Panels are Ro-iro black lacquer, highly polished, with narrow bordering panels of red lacquer carved in designs of Peony flowers in relief on a background of diaper work. The decoration is a large Sacred Bull standing by a stream, with the mountain Elf Bokudo seated on his back. The Bull is of solid brown lacquer, 159 with metal and gold embellishments. The figure of Bokudo is fine ivory colored lacquer, called Mitsuda, and the robe polished gold lacquer, the principal figures being modeled in relief. Flowers in the foreground with blossoms of carved porce¬ lain inlaid. Daisies with petals of white and hearts of yellow pearl, called “ Hazai.” A young Lac tree with autumn leaves in various tones of red lacquer. The outside or back is of plain aventurine, bordered with narrow panels of black lacquer and with fine togi-dashi decorations of Hydrangeas in colors. Outside borders and edges carved fret designs. A masterpiece of skill and art in lacquer work. Height 6 Feet. Width 3 Feet I 1/2 Inches. 1270 Wood Carving Image of Kwannon (goddess of mercy .) Very quaintly carved and finished with touches of gold lacquer. Intricate floral carving for base. Height 24 Inches. Date 1600. 1271 1272 Miniature Kaga (Sedan Chair) Gold aventurine lacquer with Kiku crests and Butter¬ flies in powdered gold. Interior painted in col¬ ors with Cranes and Pine trees, on gold. After the Tosa school. Has the small Bamboo curtains. Brass ornamentations, etc. Fine example. Date 1650-90. Daimio Box Square with four feet. Fine black polished lacquer. Decorated with swamp scenes on top and sides in powdered gold. Executed in Togi-dashi style with great taste. Interior rich Nashi-ji lacquer. Size 11 Inches by 123/4 Inches. Date 1720-80. 1273 Writing Case Illustrative of the full moon setting in the waves. Finished in powdered and flat gold, the moon silver lacquered. Gold mosaic inlay and shad¬ ings. Inside decorated with flocks of descending birds ( Chidori) and reeds in powdered gold on Nashi-ji background. The ink holder is solid silver in shape of a boat and the stone forms the sail. A most artistic and rich creation. Date 1650-1700. 160 1274 Writing Case Black 'polished lacquer with decoration of a flight of Storks over seashore and Pine grove in polished and powdered gold of various shades and mosaic inlay. Inside has similar decoration, with gold aventurine ground. The bottom of box also being decorated to conform to the rest. Has silver water holder. Inkstone and other accessories made of lacquer. Date XVIII Century. 1275 Scroll Box Aventurine lacquer. Leafy scroll and Peony flower. Decorated in shaded powdered gold. Interior Nashi-ji. Carved rings on sides. Length 15 i/ 2 Inches. Date XVIII Century. 1276 Manuscript Box Fine grade of aventurine gold lacquer. Decorations on obverse and reverse of cover and on sides consist of Fan designs, inside of which are Landscapes, Houses, Flowers, Birds, etc. Accurately and minutely drawn in gold lacquer of many layers. Inside finished in Nashi-ji and damask material. Edges of box covered with lead. A costly specimen of XVII Century. Length 13 Inches. Width IO 1/4 Inches. 1277 Lacquered Cabinet Mirror glaze. Scenes from an ancient “ Nodance.” The various characters of the play are in exquisite lacquers of various colors and tones. Top has panel of Fan design, with indentation like a shell and a flute lying across forming a handle. Mountings of Shakudo and bronze. Length IO1/4 Inches. Height 83/4 inches. 1278 Writing Case Highly polished black lacquer. Landscape with Deer and Maple trees in powdered gold. Inlay. Inte¬ rior of cover, floral design, over a Nashi-ji ground, with water holder with a crescent moon in silver. Inkstone and trays finished in Nashi-ji gold lacquer. 161 1279 Writing Case Gold Nashi-ji of high quality. Cherry trees in blossom, a box of wicker work design, on a hillside done in raised gold, silver and gold overlay. Inside of cover is a mass of floating Maple leaves in pow- and leaf gold and colors. Interior of box has designs of scattered Maple leaves. Has bronze water holder and inkstone. Date XVII Century. 1280 Writing Case Overlapping cover, decorated with heavy raised designs of Landscape and stream in many layers of gold lacquer and gold mosaic. Reverse of lid has scene of mountains and cascade. Interior of box of fine Nashi-ji lacquer. Has inkstone and chased silver water holder. Date XVII Century. GRAND TEMPLE CABINET 1281 Large Lacquer Cabinet Hinged lattice doors, with four carved panels repre¬ senting a Hen, Squirrels, etc., Large upper panel of deep carving of two Ho-hos and Lotus flowers two smaller scroll panels at bottom. Inside of doors gold lacquer with colored floral designs and interior of cabinet finished in gold throughout. The outer frame work is richly lacquered in red with dark panels on sides. Decorated with masses of flowers. Has two drawers beneath, spacious inside compartments. Hinges and other mount¬ ings of chased brass. Size 79 Inches high, 56 Inches wide, 23 i/ 2 Inches deep. 1282 Teakwood Tables Tall shelf pedestal tables, with relief openwork carv¬ ings and ornaments of black teak. Marble tops, inlaid, with two shelves beneath. Old and entirely acclimated. 2 Pieces. 162 1283 MAGNIFICENT GOLD LACQUER CABINET (Gold Nashi=ji Finish Throughout) Eighteen old finely lacquered panels, showing twenty- four old Chinese fables, called Nijou Sicow, rep¬ resenting the “love and duty of children to their parents.” Done in massive layers of powdered gold and gold mosaic inlay, etc. The entire surface of this cabinet is decorated with scenes and figures — back, sides, front and partly inside—in most elabor¬ ate style and delicate finish. Chased metal mount¬ ings. The base is decorated with a crest of the former owner, Shogun Tokugawa, in whose palace at Nagoya this cabinet was formerly used. Daimio crests in powdered gold lacquer are scattered over different parts of the surface. Made and signed by Kaji- kawa Motoharu, about one hundred and sixty- five years ago, from Tosa designs. Has numerous closets, drawers and shelves of different sizes and designs, the whole resting on a finely made table or stand of gold Nashi-ji lacquer to match. 1284-85 Mahogany Curio Cabinet (Pair) Tall upright cases. Solid mahogany frames, with deep rope edge and corner carvings, and claw feet, and delicate ormolu mountings. The sides and top are heavy French plate glass as well as the shelves, of which there are six mounted on grad¬ uated metal pegs. Made to order in the best manner and are perhaps the only pair procurable of such a make. 2 Pieces. 1286 Mahogany Oval Cabinet Tall quaint shape. Solid frame, with mirror back, glass shelves, etc. Mountings of solid brass and repousse. Ogee sides and swell front glass. Made in first class manner. 1287 Mahogany Curio Cabinet Oval shape, similar to preceding lot. Having glass enclosed cabinet and open shelf beneath. Mounted and finished to match. 1288 Vernis=Marten Cabinet Tall, with serpentine front and sides. Colored enamel Watteau designs on gold ground. 163 ITALIAN AND FRENCH CABINETS. 1289 Antique Miniature Cabinet Ebony inlaid with panels of engraved ivory. The front has various compartments mounted with metal caryatides and inlaid with rare semi-precious stones. Chased gold plated spring lock and hinges. Has tall ivory inlaid table to match. 1290 Italian Cabinet Design of a Roman temple. Inlaid with etched and colored ivory and mounted with six miniature marble columns. Eight ormolu figures of saints. Old painted marble medallions set in sides. Ta¬ ble to match. 1291 French Miniature Cabinet With many beautiful colored miniature panels and columns. Enameled in copper, with several figures of ormolu mounted. RARE JADES AND PORCELAINS. 1292 India Ink Holder Translucent grayish white. Carved in shape of Lotus leaf surrounded with small leaves and flowers. Date 1775. 1293jgJade Brush Stand Trunk of a Plum tree, with branches and blossoms in cameo cut. Height 37/s Inches. Date 1715. 1294 SmalljMirror Screen Finely carved openwork teakwood frame and stand, with jade panel carved with a Stag and Pine tree. Date 1845. 1295 PaperJWeight Figure of Dog Foo. Greenish white jade. 164 1296 Chinese Table Screen Large green jade tablet, mottled. Size 81/2x11 inches, with garden scenes and Plum tree decorations and verse. Engraved and inlaid with gold. Mounted in beautiful teakwood frame, with elaborate carvings in low relief and openwork. An unusually large specimen of Jade. 1297 Rosette Thin lace work carving of floral designs in white Jade. Intricate carving. Fine setting for a brooch. 1298 Jade Carving Intricate pierced carving, with eight Chinese characters. engraved on the tablet. 1299 Jade Ornament Finely carved openwork figure of a Dragon. Green Jade. 1300 Jade Saucer Opaque white, marbleized with yellowish brown. Diameter 5 i/4 Inches. Date 1695. 1301 Jade Bowl Translucent greenish gray. Quaintly cut granulated flutings of a conventional Chrysanthemum pat¬ tern, with the petals cut intaglio and cameo with wonderful tact and precision. Diameter 5 Inches. Height 2i/s inches. Date 1865. KOREAN PORCELAIN. 1302 Libation Cup (Sakadsuki) Chinese ivory white incised under glaze with Chinese inscription. Date 1700-50. 1303 Flower Vase Shape of bottle with broad base and narrowing neck. Ivory white color with Lizard decoration in relief Ming period. 165 1304 Korean Vase Ovoid with short neck. Engraved with fine incised designs of vines and Peonies under the glaze. Very fine white paste. Rare. Diameter 3s/s Inches. Height 61/2 Inches. 1305 Water Jar White Korean porcelain of fine texture. Shape of a flower bucket, with handles on sides. Decorations of Clouds and Waves and Key bands in intaglio cutting. Height 61/2 Inches. Date 1544. 1306 Vase Narrow base with heads on shoulders. White Korean porcelain. Height 53/3 Inches. Date 1595. PEACH BLOW PORCELAIN. 1307 Ko=zan Vase Pear shape, with small necks. Glaze, color of a green peach, with a blush of red. Rare coloring. Seal mark. Height 8 Inches. Date 1880. 1308 Ko=zan Vase Body porcelain. Pear shape. Same as preceding lot. Glaze, color of a peach nearly ripe. Finely mottled coloring. Seal mark. Height 8 Inches. Date 1880. 1309 Ko=zan Vase Ovoid body with slender neck. Lustrous white, overrun with peace red, gradually shading into reddish gray, leaving a figure of a Stork. Most artisti¬ cally treated. Height 7 Inches. Date 1880. 1310 Chinese Saucer (Ko=zara) Lustrous grayish red of exceeding soft texture. Marked with six characters. Diameter 63/3 Inches. Date 1663, Kang-hi. 166 1311 Rice Bowl Chinese porcelain, with cover. Beautiful Sang-de- boeuf glaze. Diameter 6 Inches. Date 1700. 1312 Garden Satsuma Miniature vase of white clay. Large neck and spreading mouth. Finely crackled ivory white glaze. Rare. Made of clay from the Mikado’s garden. Height 3 i/2 Inches. Date 1745. 1313 Chinese Bowl (Domburi) Ming. Glaze white. Decorated with eight Chinese “Fairies” riding through clouds and waves on fish and other favorite things. Figures painted in blue on white and the clouds and waves in red. Inside decoration of Jurojin holding a rain dragon and a Stag and riding over the waves. Height 3 i/2 Inches, Diameter 9 Inches. Date 1570. 1314 Chinese Bowl (Domburi) Yung-Ching period, in bright colors. Flowers and Vines in profusion Six mark seal. Date 1723. 1315 Chinese Bowl (Domburi) White enameled in red over a surface of orange peel finish. Fine soft texture. Four medallions out¬ side with scenes and emblems beautifully done in the most brilliantly colored enamels. On the inside a mass of peaches and bats. Date 1835. IVORIES AND INRO. 1316 Large Ornament Tea tree root with carved ivory figures representing the famous legendary warrior Shoki hunting the Oni or Devils. Shoki stands at the foot of a gnarled and twisted tree with upraised sword about to decapitate a writhing imp, while the others are scampering away and secreting themselves or 167 clambering among the branches and defying him. There are twenty-four figures skilfully carved. Signed Ko-ho-sai on ivory tablet. Height 28 Inches. Date 18th Century. 1317 Ivory Carving Street musician and her boys. Date XIX Century. 1318 Ivory Carving Farmer stooping and holding his pipe and “ Kuwa.” Date XIX Century. 1319 Ivory Carving Cat and Rat on lantern. 1320-21 Ivory Vases (Pair) Fine flat relief carvings of Japanese nobleman and assistants. Shitan wood stands with gold lacquer decorations. 1322 Ivory Carving u Tusk” vase. Japanese body looking out from the opening of the wall. Inlaid with corals. Signed Mori-tashi. Seal. Date early XIX Century. 1323 Ivory Vase Large elephant tusk. Ancient Japanese warrior, Court noble and Plum tree, carefully carved in low relief. Signed. Jin Raku. Height with stand 12 Inches. Date 1820-60. 1324 Inro Gold lacquer. Decorations of Fuje, turbulent waves, Dragon and Clouds in spirited drawing done in heavy powdered gold. Sandal wood case inside with three minute carved boxes with Daimo’s crests. Fine bronze Netsuke, with minute medal¬ lions. Signed Rio-Sai. Date 1800-60. 168 1325 Inro Gold lacquer of four sections. Decorations of Roosters and Hen, in raised and colored and flat 'polished lacquers, most exquisitely drawn, with ground partly covered with gold mosaics. Interior aven- turine. Ivory button Netsuke. School of Kaji- kawa. Date 17th Century. 1326 Inro Gold lacquer. Five compartments. Landscapes with Mountains, Cascade, River scenes, etc., in thick powdered gold lacquers of many layers and gold mosaic fillings. Interior of gold Nashi-ji lacquer of rich grade. Netsuke, Fine ivory openwork. A fine specimen of early 18th Century work. 1327 Inro 1328 Gold lacquer. Four sections. Daikoku and Yebisu (Household gods), in raised gold lacquer, with faces of silver on flat polished surface of powdered and speckled gold, and partly inlaid with gold mosaics. Interior Nashi-ji. Netsuke, carved red lacquer of fine quality. Date 18th Century. Inro Gold lacquer. Three sections with figures of bird, Bamboo and flowers partly incrusted in mother- of-pearl and lead. Signed inside of cover Ho-kio Korin tsukuru. Seal. Ivory Netsuke. 1329 Inro Four sections. Decorated in raised gold and colored lacquers on polished powdered gold surface. Sub¬ ject, “ Kan-Ko-dori”—emblem of peace. Reverse side, Hen and chickens and Plum tree. Interior, Nashi-ji. Netsuke, Carved wood, with slide. Signed Kaji- Kawa. Date 1781-8. 1330 Inro Decorated in raised gold on togidashi background. Lumberman on rafts in the river. Interior fine aventurine. Netsuke, Gold lacquer, inlaid with Ducks. Signed Kaji-Kawa. Date 1770-1800. 169 1331 Inro Gold lacquer. Five sections. Gold lacquer. Medallion decorations. Inlaid in pearl on a background of minutely penciled diaper, the fineness of which is remarkable. Interior aventurine gold. Carved red lacquer Netsuke. Ivory Ojime with birds inlaid. Date 1700-50. 1332 Inro Fine togidashi gold lacquer. Brocade finish. Of four sections. Peony blossoms in colors. Dogs of Foo in thick raised lacquers and pure gold overlay. Powdered gold interior. The Netsuke is finely carved head of Dog Foo. Signed Koma Kiuhaku tsukuru. An extraordinary specimen. Date XVII Century. 1333 Inro Black lacquer. Four sections. Odd designs of Monkeys playing in a persimmon tree in gold lacquer and silver and Shakudo metals, in the style called Kama-Kura work. Gold Nashi-ji inside. Netsuke, a carved wood Monkey. Ivory slide. Date early XVII Century. CARVED IVORIES. 1334 Ivory Netsuke A Nodancer carved in low relief and engraved. By Shiu-Min. Date 1880. 1335 Ivory Netsuke Sho-jo holding a Sake cup. By Ho-jitsu. Date 1878. 1336 Ivory Netsuke Dancing boys and a Ten-bu Mask. By Ho-ryu. Date 1880. 1337 Ivory Netsuke Engraved with a temple dancer. By Ho-jitsu. Date 1878. 1338 Ivory Netsuke Boy playing with a drum. By Kiku-Sei. Date 1880. 170 1339 Wood Netsuke Mask. Signed. 1340 Lacquer Netsuke Small black box, with gold decorations of tobacco leaves, etc. Date 1800. 1341 Ivory Skull A faithful carving said to be anatomically correct in every detail , Date XIX Century. 1342 Ivory Carving Group of two skeletons struggling after the Hosu (Buddhistic brush) skilfully. Has mask. 1343 Ivory Pipe Case Ornamented with figure of Buddhistic saint perform¬ ing miracles on copper overlay. Relief carvings, etc. Length 9 Inches. 1344 Ivory Pipe Case Fine deep carving representing a street performer with Monkey and Mice, inlaid with pearl. Relief and engraved ornamentations at top. Signed Jo-so. Length 10 Inches. 1345-6 Large Ivory Vases (Pair) Elephant’s Tusks of fine quality. Decorated all around the body with Tsubaki tree, a rivulet near the base, Pheasants and Birds, in fine powdered gold, lac¬ quer of various shades and admirable workmanship. Signed Ho-ju-sai. Date 1800-60. Height with stands 11 Inches. LACQUERS. 1347 Writing Case Decorated on the cover with Aji-Saye flowers finished in Togidashi or polished gold lacquer and gold and silver mosaics on a highly polished black lacquer ground, the blossoms being exceedingly fine. Inside 171 of cover is a large silver crescent riding on waves with fine Nashi-ji background. Cut bronze water holder representing a quail eating millet. Ink stone, etc. Size 9x9i/2 Inches. Date about 1700. 1348 Writing Case Aventurine gold lacquer. Cover decorated with Plum tree in blossom, and a Stream. Done in heavy layers and low relief and incrustations and mosaic inlay of gold leaf. Inside of cover Landscape with River and Mountains, Birds, etc., in fine gold lacquers of different quality. Inside of box deco¬ rated to conform with lid on aventurine gold. Inkstone and water holder of silver with chased design. Size 81/4 by 9 Inches. Date 1650-1700. 1349 Despatch Box Rich gold aventurine lacquer, decorated with Landscape, Cranes, Tortoises, Crests, etc., in powdered gold lacquer and Kiri-Kane work. Interior clouded aventurine mounted with metal cord rings. Length 10 Inches. Date 1600-40. 1350 Writing Case Aventurine lacquer. Decorated on top with Landscape and houses in raised gold of many layers over a Nashi-ji lacquer. Inside -of cover River View, Pine Grove, Houses and Birds in gold lacquers of exquisite tones, chased silver water holder, inkstone, etc. Date early XVII Century. 1351 Writing Case Black lacquer with fine decorations of a fence, Cherry and Willow trees in finely powdered gold lacquers, with overlay of gold leaf. Reverse, a River View with Plum blossoms, three family crests of Lord Nabeshima, executed in beautiful gold lacquer and partly inlaid with squares of cut leaf gold upon a fine Nashi-ji ground. Inkstone with gold lacquer edge and a gold water holder, with chased design. Choice specimen. 172 ANTIQUE ROMAN MARBLES FROM THE BONAPARTE MANSION AT BORDENTOWN. 1352 Bust of Caesar Augustus Carrara marble. Very old and magnificent sculpture of the Roman Emperor. Of colossal size. Height 30 Inches. 1353 Bust of Bacchus Colossal size. Sculptured in Carrara marble by Bosio. Height 27 Inches. 1354 Bust of Ariadne Companion to lot 1353. 1355 Bust of Achilles Sculptured in marble. Height 30 Inches. 1356 Female Figure Roman dress. By Bosio. Height 3 feet 4 inches. The few foregoing lots were removed from the Bonaparte mansion to the Carpenter mansion at Germantown, from which sale they were purchased in 1893. 1357-8 Caryatides Fine sculptured in cararra marble by Frillie, Flor¬ ence, Italy. Tall square shafts with double heads of Grecian and Bacchanalian designs. 1359 Marble Pedestals Solid round shafts. 2 Pieces. 1360 Pedestals Round Scagliola composition. 2 Pieces. LOT 26 173 SEVENTH SESSION. Friday Evening, May 19th, at 7.30 P. M. OIL PAINTINGS. DONAT (M.) Brussels. Pupil of B. C. Koekkoek. 1 Going to the Village Canvas, 9 i /2 by 65 / 8 . DURAND-DURANGEL (Antoine Victor Leopold) called Duran- angel Paris Born at Marseilles (Bouches-du-Rhone), Jan. 17, 1828. Pupil of Wachsmuth and Horace Vernet. Entered the Academieyles Beaux Arts, 1852. Medal at Lyons. Medal at Bordeaux. 2 The Sleeping Nymph Canvas, 13 i/ 2 by 7 i/ 4 . ATALAYA (Enrique.) Paris. Born in Spain. Pupil of Boldini. Honorable mention 1889, Exposition Universelle. 3 Resting by the Stream Canvas, II3/4 by 22r/s. FILOSINI (C.) Rome. Born in Italy. Pupil of Filosa. Medal at Florence. 4 The Intruder Canvas, 14 by I81/4. 174 VERHOESEN (A.) 5 Cows, Sheep and Dutch Landscape Panel, 9 by 67 / 8 . LAZERGES (Hippolyte Jean Raimond.) Born at Narbonne (Aude), 1817. Pupil of Bouchot and d’ Angers. Medals, 1843, 1848, 1858. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Officer of the Academy. Hors Concours. Conservator of the Municipal Museum of Algeria. 6 A Street in Algiers Canvas, 81/2 by II 1 / 2 . HOPPENBROWER 7 Alkmaar, Holland Canvas, 17 i/ 2 by 13 i/4. SPOHLER, (J. F.) 8 Jews Quarter, Amsterdam Canvas, 14 by 17 i/2. SPOHLER (J. F.) 9 Ouderkirk and Amstel, near Amsterdam Canvas, 14 by 17 i/ 2 Inches. DUVERGNE (P.) Born in Frane. Pupil of Rico. 10 Venice Canvas, 4s/s by 63 / 8 . COESSIN DE LA FOSSE (Charles Alexandre) Born at Lisieux (Calvados), Sept. 7, 1829. Pupil of Picot and Couturs. Medal, Third Class, 1873. Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. Societaire. 11 In the Summer—By the Sea Canvas, 127/s by 16i/s. Amsterdam. Paris. Holland. Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Paris. Paris. 175 AGOSTINI (Guido) Pupil of Sanchez-Perrier. Medals at Rome and Florence. 12 Forest near the Mountain of Cararra Canvas, 12s/s by 15s/s Inches. LAZERGES (Jean Baptiste Paul) Born at Paris. Pupil of his father. Medal 1884. Honorable mention, 1887. Exempt. Societaire. 13 Selim of Stamboul Canvas, 61/2 by 81/2. LAZERGES (Jean Baptiste Paul) Born at Paris. Pupil of his father. Medal 1884. Honorable mention, 1887. Exempt. Societaire. 14 A Woman of Scutari Canvas, 57 /s by 71/2. DUVERGNE (P.) Born in Frane. Pupil of Rico. 15 Venice Canvas, 4s/s by 23 / 4 . KOEKKOEK (John) Born in Amsterdam. Pupil of his father, H. Koekkoek, Jr. Long resident in London. 16 On the Upper Thames Canvas, 24 i /4 by 361/2. Florence. Paris. Paris. Paris. London. 176 KOEKKOEK (John) London. Born in Amsterdam. Pupil of his father, H. Koekkoek, Jr. Long resident in London. 17 A Back Water on the Wye Canvas, 24 i /4 by 361/2. GOETHALS (Raimond Eugene) Paris. Born at Bordeaux (Gironde.) Pupil of his father and Gudin. Medal at Toulon. Medal at Vienna. 18 The Monarch of the Field Canvas, 257 /s by 40 s/ 4 . ROUSSEAU (Theodore), Deceased. Pupil of Lethiere. Born 1812. Died 1867. Medals, 1834, 1849, and 1855. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867. One of the eight Grand Medals of Honor, 1867, Exposition Uni- verselle. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition Universelle. 19 Autumn Sunset Canvas, 6 by 51/4. GOETHALS (Raimond Eugene) Paris. Born at Bordeaux (Gironde). Pupil of his father and Gudin. Medal at Toulon. Medal at Vienna. 20 Near Scheveningen Canvas, 323 /s by 19 . LAZERGES (Jean Baptiste Paul) Paris. Born at Paris. Pupil of his father. Medal 1884. Honorable mention, 1887. Exempt. Societaire. 21 Treading Out the Grain Canvas, 137 /s by 97/s. LOT 40 177 DELORT (Charles Edouard) Born at Nimes, Feb. 4, 1841. Pupil of Cleyre and Gerome. Medals 1875 and 1882. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1889. Hors Concours. Societaire. 22 In the Garden of the Monastery Canvas, %/s by 6i/s. PITTARA (Carlo) Born at Turin. Pupil of Ch. Humbert. Medals at Rome°and Naples. Hors Concours, 1889, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. 23 The Meet Canvas, 16 by IO 1 / 4 . PLASSAN (Antoine Emile) Born at Bordeaux, September 29, 1817. Medals 1852, 1857 and 1859. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1859. Hors Concours. Societaire. Medal, Centennial Exhibition, 1876. 24 At Civray Canvas, 13i/s by 81 / 2 . BERNE-BELLECOUR (Etienne Prosper) Born at Bologne-sur-Mer (Pas de Calais.) Pupil of Picot and Barrias. Medal, 1869. Medal, First Class, 1872. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Medal 1878, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. 25 Each One for Himself Canvas, 9 i /2 by 6 . DIETERLE (M.) Pupil of Van Marke. Cattle at Rest Canvas, 33 by 2 I 1 / 4 . Paris. Paris. Paris. Paris. Paris. 26 178 HARBURGER (Edmond) Munich. Born at Eichstadt, Vavaria. Pupil of W. Lindenschmidt, Munich. 27 May and December Canvas, 23 i /4 by 13 i/ 4 . MATHON (Emile Louis) Paris. Born in Paris. Pupil of Arbant and Daubigny. Medals at Rheims and Ghent. Medal at Antwerp. Medal at Marseilles. 28 The Lieutenancy at Honfleur Canvas, 233 /s by 13 i/ 2 . DUVERGNE (P.) Paris. Born in France. Pupil of Rico. 29 Venice 9i/ 2 by 5 i/2. ROFFI (A.) Naples. Medals in Naples, 1871, 1884. 30 Saluting the Madonna Canvas, 61/2 by 9 . MUNGER (Gilbert) London. Born in America. Student of Rousseau, Corot and Daubigny. Officer of the Order of the Liberator, Venezuela, 1888. Grand Cross of Saxony for Art and Science from the Duke of Saxe-Meiningen, 1889. King Leopold Gold Medal, Belgium, 1889. Honorary Member and Decoration Academy of Fine Arts, Italy, 1889. Honorary Member and Gold Medal Academy of Fine Arts, Larino, Italy, 1889. Commander of the Order of the Liberator, Venezuela, 1889. Knight if the Saxon House, Order from the Duke of Saxe-Co- bourg and Gotha, 1890. This artist has attained to great distinction abroad, and many of his works have come from London and Paris to this country. 31 Near Mar ley Canvas, I81/4 by 12 s/ 8 . 179 ISABEY (Louis Gabriel Eugene), Deceased. Born at Paris, 1804. Died in Paris, 1889. Pupil of his father. Medals, First Class, 1824 and 1827. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1832. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1852. Medal, First Class, 1855, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. 32 Honfleur Canvas, I65/8 by 12. GOETHALS (Raimond Eugene) Born at Bordeaux, (Gironde). Pupil of his father and Gudin. Medal at Toulon. Medal at Vienna. 33 La Giudecca—Venice Canvas, lfo/s by 8s/s. BILLET (Pierre) Born at Canton (Nord) France. Pupil of Jules Briton. Medal, Third Class, 1873. Medal, Second Class, 1874. Medal, Second Class, 1889, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concors. Societaire. 34 Algerian Landscape I67/8 by 121/2. LAZERGES (Jean Baptiste Paul) Born at Paris. Pupil of his father. Medal, 1884. Honorable mention, 1887. Exempt. Societaire. 35 A Bay of Algeria Canvas, I61/4 by IO1/4 Inches, Paris. Paris. Paris. 180 VIBERT (Jean Georges) Born at Paris, 1840. Pupil of Barrian and of the School of Fine Arts. Medals, 1864, 1867 and 1868. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1870. Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1882. Hors Concours. Societaire. 36 Awaiting the Contest Canvas, 147/s by 9s/s. GUARDI (Francesco), Deceased. Born in Venice in 1712. Died in 1793. Pupil of Canaletto. 37 Venice Canvas, IO3/4 by 8. ROSSI (Lucius) Born in Italy, Pupil of Fortuny. Medal in Parma. Medal in Turin. Medals in Rome and Naples. Medals in Milan and Bologna. Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle. Medal, World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. 38 The New Catch Canvas, 12 i /2 by 16i/s. CROFTS (Ernest), Deceased. Born at Leeds, England, Sept. 15, 1847. Pupil in London of A. B. Clay. Pupil in Dusseldorf of E. J. Hunten. Elected A. R. A. in London in 1878. Medal at Vienna. Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle. 39 Napoleon at Waterloo Canvas, 19i/s by 14. Paris Paris London LOT 42 181 MICHEL (Georges), Deceased. Born in Paris, 1763. Died, 1843. Pupil of Taunay. The artist was neglected during his life, but his paintings are now sought for by connoisseurs. He is represented in the Louvre and other public galleries. He never went further than the hills and plains of Montmarte till he died in 1843. There he daily worked, the Constable of Frame. He never signed his pictures nor made any effort to sell them. He laughingly said there was but one Michel, and there never would be another. A large number of his pictures were distributed at his death, and after nearly half a century the tardy im¬ mortality expected has come. 40 Gathering Storm Canvas, 24 by 195/s. JAPY (Louis) Paris. Born at Berne (Doubs.) Pupil of Francais. Medal, 1870. Medal, Second Class, 1873. Medal, Argent, 1889, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. Societaire. Medal at Strassbourg. 41 On the Borders of the Seine Canvas, 32i/s by 26. DAUBIGNY (Karl Pierre), Deceased. Born at Paris. Pupil of his father. Medals, 1868, and 1874. Hors Concours. 42 A Threatening Day Canvas, 215,/s by 18. DIETRICH (Dietrici or Dietericy) (Christian Wilhelm Ernest). Born in Wiemar, Oct. 30, 1712. Died in Dresden, April 24, 1774. German School. History, Genre and Landscape Painter. Pupil of his father, Court Painter in Weimar. Pupil of Alex. Thiele, in Dresden. Made Court Painter in Dresden by Augustus the Strong. Removed to Weimar in 1734, but returned again in 1742. In 1743 the Elector sent him to Italy. In 1745 was made Inspector of the Gallery. In 1765 was created Professor of the Academy. Member of the Academies of Augsburg, Bologna and Copenhagen. 43 The Adoration of the Magi Canvas, 3 I 1/2 by 38. 182 CASTILLO (Juan del) Seville. Juan del Castillo was an eminent Spanish painter, born at Se¬ ville, who studied under his father, following closely in the traditions of the Italian School. His greatest and most distinguished scholar was Murillo. This picture bears his signature. 44 The Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Canvas, 65 i/ 4 by 781/4 KOSO (Carl) Paris. Pupil of Diaz. 45 Forest of Fontainebleau Canvas, 34 by 27. VIOLLET-LE-DUC (Etienne Adolphe) Paris. Bom at Paris, 1817. Died, 1878. f Pupil of Leon Fleury. Has exhibited at the Salons since 1844. Three Medals at the Salons. Two Landscapes of his were sent to the Salon of 1878 after his death. 46 Port de Trouville Exhibited at the Salon in Paris in 1888 . Canvas, 11 by 14. LARGILLIERE (Nicholas), Deceased. Born in Paris, Oct. 10, 1656. Died in Paris, March 20, 1746. Pupil of Ant. Goubau at Antwerp, where his father had settled. Received into St. Luke’s Guild in 1672. Went to England in 1674. Where he restored the Old Masters at Windsor under Sir Peter Lely’s direction. In 1678 went to Paris and gained great reputation as a portrait painter. He then returned to England and painted the portraits of James II. and his Queen. Member of the Academy in 1686. Professor in 1705. Rector in 1722. Chancellor in 1743. From the Angiola Convent, Florence. 47 Portrait Canvas, 29 by 36. LOT 43 183 WATER COLORS AND DRAWINGS. RICHARDS (William T.) Philadelphia. Born in Philadelphia, 1833. Studied in Florence, Rome and Paris. Honorary Member of the National Academy of Design. Associated Member of the Water Color Society. 48 The Cliffs of St. Sevans Size 37 by 22 3 / 4 . fl^One of his Masterpieces. LAZERGES (Jean Baptiste Paul) Paris. Born in Paris. Pupil of his father. Medal 1884. Honorable Mention, 1887. Exempt. Societaire. 49 Sporting in the Fields Size 24i/s by 20. LAZERGES (Jean Baptiste Paul) Paris. Bom in Paris. Pupil of his father. Medal, 1884. Honorable Mention, 1887. Exempt. Societaire. 50 Near Tunis Size 237 /s by 18i/s. 184 GALLAIT (Louis), Deceased. Born at Tournay, Belgium, March 10, 1810. Pupil of the Academies of Tournay and Antwerp. Pupil of Hennequin. First prize at Ghent, 1831. Medals, 1835 and 1848. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1841. Grand Medal of Honor, 1855, Exposition Universelle. Member of the Institute of France. Hors Concours. The city of Brussels struck a Special Medal in his honor in 1841. Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Oak of Holland. Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. Commander of the Order of St. Etienne of Austria. Chevalier of the Order of the Lion, Heerlandaes. Member of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Belgium. Member of the Academy of Antwerp. Member of the Royal Academy of London. Member of the Academies of Munich, Berlin and Paris. Great Gold Medal of Austria at Vienna, 1882. Received the Prussian Order of Merit. 51 Watching on the Shore Size 14 i/ 2 by 20. His works are mostliy owned by European govern¬ ments and crowned heads. The Belgian Govern¬ ment offered him for “The Plague of Tourney before it was finished, ^ 5000 . ROBERTI, (J.) Milan. 52 Venice During the Eighteenth Century Size 9 i /2 by 14. COLOMBO. 53 Cavalier Sharpening His Sword Size 8 by II 1 / 2 . PELLI (L.) 54 Charlotte Corday Size 5 i /2 by 11 . PELLI (L.) 55 Countess and Child Size 81/2 by 11 . 185 GAULIS (F.) Medals at Rheims and Toulouse. Medal at Lyons. One of the greatest aquarellists in Paris. An artist of the highest class. 56 The Banks of the Marne at Chenevieres Size 11 by 15i/s. GAULIS (F.) Medals at Rheims and Toulouse. Medal at Lyons. One of the greatest aquarellists in Paris. An artist of the highest class. 57 Wood Market on the Seine—Paris Size 18 by 93 / 4 . GAULIS (F.) Medals at Rheims and Toulouse. Medal at Lyons. One of the greatest aquarellists in Paris. An artist of the highest class. 58 Road Across the Fields at Chenevieres Size 15i/ 2 by 9 i/ 2 . GAULIS (F.) Medals at Rheims and Toulouse. Medals at Lyons. One of the greatest aquarellists in Paris. An artist of the highest class. 59 Chenevieres on the Marne Size 14 by 9s/s. GAULIS, (F.) Medals at Rheims and Toulouse. Medal at Lyons. One of the greatest aquarellists in Paris. An artist of the highest class. 60 The Bridge Louis Phillippe—Paris Size 16i/s by IO 7 / 8 . Paris. Paris. Paris. Paris. Paris. 186 GAULIS (F.) Paris. Medals at Rheims and Toulouse. Medal at Lyons. One of the greatest aquarellists in Paris. An artist of the highest class. 61 The Docks at Havre Size 15 i/ 4 by 9?/s. ROBERTI (J.) Milan. 62 Waiting Size 12 by 17. ANASTASI (auguste), Deceased. Born in Paris. Pupil of Daubigny. Medal at Lyons. Medal at Marxseilles. Medal at Reims. 63 Near Abconde—Holland Size 127/8 by Ts/s. GAULIS, (F.) Paris. Medals at Rheims and Toulouse. Medals at Lyons. One of the greatest aquarellists in Paris. An artist of the highest class. 64 Canal St. Martin—Paris Size I 87/8 by lb/s. GAULIS (F.) Paris. Medals at Rheims and Toulouse. Medal at Lyons. One of the greatest aquarellists in Paris. An artist of the highest class. 65 The Cliffs at Havre Size 14i/s by 10. GAULIS (F.) Paris. Medals at Rheims and Toulouse. Medal at Lyons. One of the greatest aquarellists in Paris. An artist of the highesbclass. 66 The Hill of Montmarte, Paris Size 10 i/s by 147/s. 187 THOMPSON, (G.) Born in England. Pupil of the Academy. 67 Moonlight on the Bosphorus Size 261/2 by I 81 / 2 . THOMPSON, (G.) Born in England. Pupil of the Academy. 68 Off Boulogne Size 26 by 19. LEMOINE, (H. F.) Born in France. Pupil of Theodore Frere. 69 Evening Near Cairo Size 36i/s by 2 O 1 / 4 . ROBERTI, (J.) 70 The Lovers Size 8 by 11. CONSTABLE, (J.) RA 71 Passing Storm Size 13 by 10. LAZERGES, (Hippolyte Jean Raimond), Deceased. Born at Narbornne, July 5, 1817, (Aude). Died in 1887. Pupil of Bouchot and d’Angers. Medals, 1843, 1848 and 1858. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Officer of the Academy. Hors Concours. Conservator of the Municipal Museum of Algeria. 72 Madonna Size 13 s/ 8 by 18. London. London. Paris. Milan. 188 LAZERGES (Hippolyte Jean Raimond), Deceased. Born at Narbonne (Aude), July 5, 1817. Died in 1887. Pupil of Bouchot and d’Angers. Medals, 1843, 1848 and 1858. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Officer of the Academy. Hors Concours. Conservator of the Municipal Museum of Algeria. 73 The Pet of the Household Size IO3/4 by 153 / 4 . LAZERGES (Hippolyte Jean Raimond), Deceased. Born at Narbonne (Aude), July 5, 1817. Died in 1887. Pupil of Bouchot and d’Angers. Medals, 1843, 1848 and 1858. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Officer of the Academy. Hors Concours. Conservator of the Municipal Museum of Algeria. 74 Christ in the Garden Size 12 . 5/3 by 97/s. LAZERGES (Hippolyte Jean Raimond), Deceased. Born at Narbonne (Aude), July 5, 1817. Died in 1887. Pupil of Bouchot and d’Angers, Medals, 1843, 1848 and 1858. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Officer of the Academy. Hors Concours. Conservator of the Municipal Museum of Algeria. 75 Study for a Magdalene Size 2 I 7/8 by I 67 / 8 . - f;-y ^ u v 7 N > y ■ / -r' tY ~v' •> ^ jfiT vs' ~f\ V VA f V v_ > ) / - " S' v -Vi l-y v f - / ,: v / i ' ' ! ) ' ‘ . ^ * Jfc A- I ^ ^ J ■ • \ J ■ rv A / ' v '* ' - ^ > :.\ ■ I >1 \ \ S \l \\ ■ A V> --| J k J (/ .. / I - y f / 7 v*r v vr N- , , • A- 4( (. - ^.' / ^ /; y L y / , ‘ -< \- } ( W \ \ ,/ c S ft vv m •M v \ , d[) -r i , , * V r J\ -4 V ' / .< L • y t i\\y'\ ^X' \, yt ^ -i y o , A?. V' • v Wx v 1 ^ V . 1 V ■ 1 / l , > •' (' , , V - x y ■ y ( V Pify 1 ' t ' I ', - / -■ ^ V y ,[ I ft J r' 'iL'Vt '- ~ ‘ A ‘ ■' \ v - <<*.- ■/ 1 ' r ' V. A . - . V ' : -V V r'-Y 1 " ; N v v 1 i ■ i VsW v 1 ' | i C ft > ,,, „ v, t y / -'' v; N ;v ^ A -a | ^; - s, 1 ^ r / ■i.rJ.% k 'Y t/v J < o V'’:. ' J . ?> . 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