PARTICULARS of AND CONDITIONS of SALE for, THAT MAGNIFICENT FREEHOLD VILLA, With the Park, Lawns, River, Plantations, and Estate, OF THE LATE Bourchier Cleeve, Efq; 2DecearcD; Called FOOT S-C RAT- PLACE, In the County 6F KENT. Which will be fold by A U C T I O N, By Mr. LONGFORD and Son, At their Houfe in the Great Piazza, Covent Garden, On 'Tuefday the 14th of April) 1772, In FIVE distinct LOTS, Beginning pun&ually at O N E o'Clock, viz. L O T I. THIS VILLA it built of (tone, on a plan of Palladios, with portico' i, &C. and contain* a Ruftic Story, a Principal Story, and an Attic Story, N.I.L. ( * ) 72* R U S T I C, Contain* a K itchen——- an outer Kitchen — a Scullery a Butler's Room — an Heufekeeper** Roam -Wine Cellar Pantry — Dairy — Babe-Houfe — > Strong 'Beer Cellar Small Beer Cellar ■ ■ Servants Hall and Larder. The PRINCIPAL FLOOR, Is afceoded to by a noble flight of fteps, ornamented with two beautiful porticos North and South? under the fteps of which are contrived retiring Clofets — Coal Hole — Wood Hole — Bottle Houfe, and feveral other conveniences ; and from the South portico, i; a beautiful view of the ground, the River Cray, and all the environs ; and from •thence there is like-wife a moft entertaining view of the {hipping up and down the Thames. On the G R O U N D F L O O R, There are, an India DreJJing Room— —an outer ditto. ■ a Library— an Eating Parlour a Gallery "" a Drawing Room, and a fpacious O&agOn Hall, with a fupcrb Dome and Gallery^ all fnijhed in the highejl and mojl approved tajle. The ATTIC STORY, Confifts of four Bed Chambers four DreJJing Rooms ' t wo fmaller Bed Chambers -——four Garrets for Servants, and two mezzonino ditto. At a convenient dijlance from the Manfion a„e two out buildings ; theafl* is from a defign of Inigo fones, and contains a good Brewhoufe a Landry, and. a Waftjboufe, with courts and menageries for breeding fowls, fwinfe and other conveniences .The other contains {tabling for 12 horfes, Coach houfes for 4 carriages — three Harnefs Rooms Bed Chambers for the Stablemen, Haylofts, &c. there is «lfo rfn^-excellcnc oblong Kitchen Garden in fine manurage, and in full produce, walled in with crofs walls, With a Hot Houfe, Green Houfe and Ice Houfe, a large Barn, Cart- Houfes, Cow Houfes, Stables, Granary, Sec. and likuvife near the River, a Pidgeon Houfe, and a Fifinng Houfe, containing two neat Parlours and rooms over the river. » The land, including the cherry Orchard and Canal, confifb or" 56 acres of meadow, 89 of pajlure ; and 8 of wood, on leafe ; all furrounded with a pale fence, iq good order; being exceeding well manured, and kept, and efteemed worth £ 2. An acre. N. B. The cherry orchard may be taken into hand, allowing £ g. per Annum out of the rent for that and the Tyger's Head together, on giving twelve months notice. KPalladian Bridge of one arch is thrown over the river to the meadows, which are planted with dumps of Fereji Trees ; and through the coppice there arc cut circuitous gravel walks of near half m mile. The Premifes are finifhed and compleated at an immenfe expence ;. are all Freehold} (except the wood of 8 acres aforefaid) and with the feveral marble chimney pieces and flabsj paper hangings, locks, bolts, bars, and other faftnings, dreflers and ihelves, the vafes on the Houfe; the pumps, leaden cifterns, refervoirs, and fixed grates arid ft6ves in the houfe, and outhoufes, will be put up at whatever Sum the Company Jhall approve. LOT \ ( 3 ) LOT II. The Tyger's Head Inn at Footfcray, with the barn, gardens, ftables, outhoufes, and large outlet be- hind the fame, and about four acres of rich meadow land (let with the Cherry Orchard in Lot I. to William Cock, tor a term whereof eleven years were unexpired at Chrijlmas laft, at £ 34. per Annum, clear of all taxes, excepting land tax. Alfo two fmall Mejfuagts adjoining, with yard and gardens behind the fame, now let to John hlunn, at the final! rent of £ 6 6 . in conf deration of his laying out £ 30. in repairs thereof, the timber for which was found him. N. B. The Tyger's Head Inn is much under let, and the tenant was bound by covenant to lay out ^105. in repairs thereof, which he has accordingly done. LOT in. A MefTuage in Footfcray Village, with a garden, orchard, and field behind the fame, in the pofTeflion of Mr. George Cotton, tallow chandler, let with other premifes after mentioned, to Mr. John Cotton^ for a term of which nineteen years are unexpired at Lady Day laft $J efteemed worth at leaft £ 14. ICJ. per annum. Alfo two other Meffuages in Footfcray, with the garden ground'behind the fame, formerly BrownfmitVt Cottages ; let alfo to Mr. Cotton for the above term, and efteemed worth about £ 1. 10s. per annum. Alfo a \nccc or parcel of arable land called Series Field, containing about 2 acres and an half, let alfo to Mr. Cotton, with the premifes above named, for the fame term, and valued at .£ 2. \os. per Annum, L O T IV. Two pieces or parcels of arable land, called Mount Calver and Small Gcirs, fituate in Fcots Cr#y aforefaid, containing about 8 acres and 3-^rj. let alfo to Mr. Cotton for the abo?e mentioned term, and valued at £ 9. os. qd. per Annum, LOT V. Sundry pieces of land; containing about twenty-four acres and an half of rich arable land, let on leaje alfo to Mr. Cotton (with the Premifes in Lot III. and IV.) for the fame term, at ^47. per Annum, all together; there remains therefore for the twenty-four acres and an half £ 19. 9/. 3^. per Annum. About fourteen acres of wood land, let alfo to Mr. Cotton for the abovementioned term, at Seven Pounds per Annum. The tenant has covenanted to grub up the wood land at his own expence, in confederation of which he has it at fo low a rent. CONDI- ( 4 ) rf-i. >..<0«f* CONDITIONS of SALE. lyf, *T*HAT the hlghefi Bidders /hall be declared the Purchafersx and if anv DijptttiS fhall arife between *■ Two or more Bidders, the Premifes fhall be immediately put up again u;id tv/o/*/. 2<#y, That no Perfon fhall advance lefs than Fifty Pounds at each Bidding for Lot I. and fo on in Proportion for the other Lots. idly, That the Purchafers pay down immediately, into the Hands of Mr. Langford and Son, a Depofit of Ten Pounds per Cent, in part of the Purchaje Money, and fign Agreements for the Payment of the Remainder on or before Midfummer Day next enjmng. 4-tbty, That the Truste es will execute (at the f aid Pur chafer 1 s Expence) proper Conveyances of the Premifes fo purchafed, free of all Incumbrances, upon Payment of the Remainder of the Pur chafe Money on or before the Time above limited, and that all Taxes, Parijh Rates, and oincr Outgoings ihall be cleared to the faid Purchafer to Midfummer Day next as ajorefaid, tfpflby That if the faid Purchafers fhall negleSl or fail to comply with the Conditions beforementioned, the Money by them depofited fhall be forfeited, the faid Trustees fhail be at full Liberty to rejell the fame; and the Deficiency (if any there Jhould be by fuch fecond Sale, together with all Charges, attending the fame) fhall be made good by the Defaulters at this prefent Sale, Particulars may be had of Mr* Palmer, in Coleman-Street ; MefT. LanofoRd'c, in Covent-Garden ; and on the Premifes. AlttW U> Lad MM IH£ tWER