This ^ook itme fmuM la flip Burlington Fine Arts Club to on 1.(4 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 THE COLLECTION OF ENGRAVINGS, FORMED BETWEEN THE YEARS 1860-68, BY ALFRED MORRISON. ANNOTATED CATALOGUE AND INDEX TO PORTRAITS, BY M. HOLLOWAY. 1868. / COLLECTION OF E N G RAVI N G S AT FONTHILL HOUSE. ■ ADAM (Jacob.) Born at Vienna, 1748 5 living in 1808. he Marriage Ceremony of the Archduke Francis of Austria with the Princess Elizabeth of Wurtemburg, performed in the Parochial Church of the Court, Vienna, 6th January, 1788. After I. Ch. Sambach. 1 ^NEAS (P.) Worked in Holland about 1680. Amelia Anhaltina, daughter of John George Prince of Anhalt Dessaw — married in 1683 Henry Casimir Prince of Nassau, who was born 1657 ; died 1696. Large oval mezzotint. 2 b — 2 — AKERSLOOT (Wilhelm.) Worked at Harlem in 1626. Frederick Henry of Nassau, Prince of Orange, Stadt- holder, succeeded his brother Maurice. Turenne studied under him the Art of War, 1628 — recovered Breda from the Spaniards, 1637 — born 1584; died 1647. Whole length in armour. From the Mariette Collection. 3 Amelia de Solms, wife of Frederic Henry Prince of Orange. Whole length, with her son Prince William (afterwards William II), and her daughter Louise Henriette, Electress of Brandenburg. Dated 1628. From the Mariette Collection. 4 ALDEGREVER (Heinrich.) Born at Paderborn in 15025 worked at Nuremberg j pupil of Durer; died 1558. Bartsch, Vol. vm,/. 362. JOHN OF Leyden, King of the Anabaptists at Munster— headed the Revolt in 1 5 34 — taken prisoner and put to death in 1536. (182). 5 Luther (Martin). -Engraved in 1540. (184). From the Marshall Collection. 6 Helle (Albert von der) said to be the Inventor of Pocket Watches. JEt. 28. "H. Aldegrever fee. 1538." (186). 7 Aldegrever (Heinrich) Painter and Engraver — born 1502 ; died 1558. (188). Half length, in a flat hat. "JEt. 28, 15 30." 8 Aldegrever (Heinrich) at the age of 35. (189). 9 Design for the sheath of a Poignard. (259). From the Marshall Collection. 10 Design for two Spoons. Dated 1539. (268). From the Dumesnil and Thiers Collections. 1 1 ALLARD (Karl). Worked at Amsterdam about 1 750. Cleaveland (Barbara Dutchess of) Wife of Roger Palmer, afterwards Earl of Castlemaine — Mistress of Charles II. Ob. 1709. Three-quarters, seated, mezzotint, after Sir P. Lely. 12 ALTDORFER (Albrecht). Born at Altdorf in 1488 j worked at Ratisbonne, and died in 1538. Bartsch, Vol. Mill, p. 41. Design for a goblet composed of shells. (81;. 13 Design for a goblet. (84). 14 AMMAN (Jobst). Born at Zurich in 1539; died at Nuremberg 1 59 1 . COLIGNY (Gaspard II de) Admiral of France. Took up arms with Conde to resist the edict of Charles IX. against the Huguenots, 1 561 — murdered in the Massacre of St. Bar- tholomew, 1572. Three-quarters, oval, with a View of the Massacre beneath, dated 11 1573." 15 Frederick, Bishop of Wurzberg, 1558, died 1573. Oval, half-length, seated, in a rich dress, surrounded with shields of arms and a profusely ornamented border. Dated 1572. 16 ANDERLONI (Pietro). Born at Brescia in 1785 j pupil of Longhi j Professor of the Academy at Milan in 1832. Holy Family with St. John, called "II Passeggio," after Raphael. Artist's proof. "P. A. F. 1832," with the letter D in the inscription left white. The picture is in the Bridgewater Gallery. 1 7 Judgment of Solomon, from the Fresco by Raphael in the Stanze of the Vatican. Artist's proof before the border. 18 — 4 — ANDERLONI (Pietro). Madonna and Child, with adoring Angels, after Titian. Artist 1 s proof, with " P. A. F." etched. 19 Moses with the Daughters of Jethro at the Well, after Nicholas Poussin. Artist's proof, with the white sandal. 20 The Woman taken in Adultery, after Titian. A rtisfs proof with the white flower. 2 1 ANDREA (Zoan). Worked in Italy at the commencement of the 16th Century. Bartsch, Vol. XIII. p. 293. A Dance of four Women, in the style of Mantegna (18) 22 Panels of Ornamental Designs (23-29). Nos. 25, 26, 29 are printed on one sheet. From the Driigulin Collection. 23 ANONYMOUS PORTRAITS. Anne, daughter of Frederick II. King of Denmark, Consort of James I. of England; died 1619. Whole-length, holding a glove in her right hand, a flower in her left. " P. Kaerius excudit." 24 Anson (George Lord) Circumnavigator, born 1697. In conjunction with Admiral Warren, defeated the French off Cape Finisterre, died 1762. Three-quarter length mezzotint ; a ship in the dista?tce. 25 Ariosto Lodovico and GlACOBO Sannazaro, an Italian poet, born at Naples 1458, died 1530. Engraved in the style of the School of Marc Antonio. First state, before the plate was divided, the two portraits having been engraved on one plate ; from the Marshall Collection. 26 5 ~ ANONYMOUS— PORTRAITS. Balmerino (Arthur Lord) beheaded August 18, 1746. Small mezzotint 27 Bannister (Charles) Comedian. Half-length oval mezzotint. Proof before any letters. 28 Bastwick (Dr. John) Controversist ; ob. 1654. "The lively Portrareture of Mr. John Bastwick, Dr. of Physick, late Captayne of a foote Company." Whole length ; staunching the blood from his ear. 29 Baxter (Richard) Celebrated Nonconformist Divine, born 1615, died 1691. Half length ; a book on the table before him, eight English verses beneath, commencing — M Farewell vain world. As thou hast been to me Dust and a shadow ; those I leave with thee. The unseen vital substance I committ To Him that's substance, light and life to it." 30 Blith (Walter) Author of " The English Improver Improved, or the Survey of husbandry surveyed," 1652. A native of Devonshire, and senior Uncle to Oliver Cromwell, to whom this volume is dedicated. Whole-length, surrounded by mathematical instruments 3 1 Blood (Thomas) "Colonel," notorious for his attack on the Duke of Ormond, with the intent to hang him at Tyburn, and his attempt to steal the Crown and Regalia from the Tower. Half length oval mezzotint, in the disguise of a parson as he went to steal the crown. 32 Bonner (Edmund) Bishop of Hereford in 1538, London in 1540. Ob. 1569. A woodcut, representing the whipping oj "Thomas Henshawe, taken from " Fox's Acts and Monuments, London, 1 562." 33 Burleigh (William Cecil Lord) ob. 1 598. " Master of Her highnes Wardes and Liveries, one of the Lordes of her Maiesties Privie counsaile and lord High Tresorer of Eng- land." " Cor Unum, Via una." Oval. 34 — 6 ANONYMOUS— PORTRAITS. Calvin (Joh :) Celebrated Reformer, born 1509, died 1564. Whole lengthy holding a book. " C. J. Visscher exc." 35 Charles I. King of England, born 1600, beheaded 1649. Whole length, seated at a table, his arm leaning on a skull, " Eikon Basilikon" before him, Doctor Gauden by his side, and a jester removing the crown from his head. Twelve lines of English verse beneath, commencing — " The Curtain's drawne, all may perceive the plot." 36 CHARLES I. after Van Dyck. Oval, with high-crowned hat and mantle, the star of the Order of the Garter on the right shoulder, three lines of Dutch inscription beneath. "C. J. Visscher exc." From the Corrie Collection. 37 Charles II., King of England, born 1630, died 1685. " Represents sur un piedestal, place sur l'avantcour (Buitenhof) a La Haye, et adore par le peuple. Caricature sur Inclination des Etats-generaux pour faire la paix avec le Roi ; on lit sur le piedestal en ecriture ancienne : De Groote Afgodt van Hollant, 1674. Sans nom de graveur. pet. in-4 0 ." " On a cru voir dans cette statue Guillaume III. mais toute la figure, la couronne et le sceptre prouvent assez que c'est Charles II. Tres- belle gravure, probablement par C. van Dalen." This description is taken from a Catalogue printed at the Hague, where the print was purchased. 38 Charles V, Emperor of Germany, son of Philip (eldest son of Maximilian I) and Joanna, daughter and heiress of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain — born 1500 — elected Emperor 15 19 — died 1558. Large half length, in armour, holding a sword, woodcut after Titian. From the Tunno Collection. 39 Chesterfield (Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of) died, 1783 ; aetat. 78. Three-quarters length, seated, mezzotint, Proof before any letters. 40 ANONYMOUS— PORTRAITS. Cocker (Edward) Writing Master and Arithmetician — ob. 1677 ; aet. 46. Half length, in oval, holding a pen, figures of Mars and Minerva in penmanship on either side, and of angels crowning him with a wreath above ; also his ornamented prospectus in facsimile as follows : " Such as would learn to write all or any of the most curious Hands practised in England, or Hands used by other Nations, and the art of Arithmetic, in whole Numbers, Fractions, Decimalls, or Logarithms, may be commendably taught, with Expedition By Edward Cocker, Dwelling in Pauls Church Yard, betwixt the Signes of the Sugar Loaf, and the Naked Boy, right over against Pauls Chaine, Where you may have choice of Copy Books made by the same author." Such as desire to learn privately, may be attended at their lodgings. Also you may have any thing fairly written by the said E. C." 41 Colley (Anthony) " Med. Londinensis." JEta,t suae 41 Nat. 1628. From the Gulston, and Bindley Collections. 42 Cromartie (George Earl of) convicted of Treason, 1746, but not excuted — ob. 1766. Small mezzotint. 43 Cromwell (Elizabeth) wife of the Protector, daughter of Sir James Bourchier, of the same family and name as the ancient Earls of Essex, related also to John Hampden — ob. 1672. In a black hood, to the right a monkey, beneath four lines of English verse, prefixed to "The Court and Kitchen of Elizabeth Cromwell," &c. 1664. i2mo. From the Tunno Collection. 44 Cromwell (Oliver) Lord Protector — born 1599; died 1658. Equestrian Portrait, with view of London from the south side of the Thames beneath ; with the arms and two Latin lines of inscription, but before the eight Latin verses com- mencing " Cernimus hie omni." " F. Mazot execudit." 45 — 8 — ANONYMOUS— PORTRAITS. Cromwell (Oliver) Equestrian Portrait, with view of London from the south side of the Thames beneath ; an inscription and eight Latin lines below. " Rombout Vanden Hoeye excudit." 46 Cromwell (Richard) Protector, 1658 — born 1622; died 1712. Large oval half lengthy in armour } with allegorical border. " Allardt excudit" 47 # # # Allardt was an Engraver .and Publisher in Amsterdam from about 1637 to 1660. Derby (Alice Spenser, Countess of) Patroness of her relation Spenser the Poet — ob. 1636. Oval, with arms, crest, and genealogy beneath. 48 Donne (John) Dean of St. Pauls', 162 1— ob. 163 1. Small oval. 49 Doolittle (Thomas) Presbyterian Divine— ob. 1707; set. 70. 50 Elizabeth, Queen of England — born 1533; died 1603. Whole length, between pillars, holding a globe in her left hand and sceptre in the right ; in the background a sea coast with shipping ; beneath the inscription, two Latin verses, and " In honorem serenissimse Suas Maiestatis hanc effigiem fieri curabat Joannes Woutnelius belga. Anno 1596." From the Corrie Collection. 5 1 Elizabeth (Queen) sitting in full Parliament, frontispiece to Sir Simonds D'Ewes' "Journals of the Parliaments of this Reign ;" fol. 1682. 52 Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia, daughter of James I, wife of Frederick V — ob. 1662 ; aet. 66. Oval, in a rich dress, with four Latin lines beneath, "Broer Jansen exc. Hage." 53 Eon (Chevalier d'). Representation of a Fencing Match which took place at Carlton House on the 9th of April, 1787, with Mons. de St. George, in the presence of H. R. H. the Prince of Wales. 54 — 9 — ANONYMOUS— PORTRAITS. Essex (Robert Devereux, Earl of) Favorite of Queen Elizabeth; born 1567, beheaded 1601. Equestrian Portrait in armour, an army and fleet in the back ground. Dated 1601. 55 Fielding (Robert) called "Beau Fielding," married Barbara Duchess of Cleveland— Convicted of bigamy but pardoned by Queen Anne. Three-quarters length mezzotint, fondling a dog, after Wissing ; proof before any letters, printed in brown ink. 56 Fludd (ROBERTUS) " alias de Fluctibus, Oxoniensis, medicinse doctor," &c. Oval, with arms, holding a glove in his left hand. 57 Frederick V., of Simmerin, born 1596 — Elector Palatine 1610 — titular King of Bohemia 161 9, married Elizabeth daughter of James I., died 1632. Half-length oval, in rich armour. Four lines of inscrip- tion beneath, and five medallions above, containing the names of his children — Henry Frederick, born 1614 ; — Charles, born 161 5 ; — Elizabeth, born 161 8; — Robert or Rupert, born 1620; — Maurice, born 1621; — Louise, born 1622; — Louis, born 1624. "Are to be sould by William Peake." From the Puibusque Collection. 5 8 Frederick V. and Elizabeth of Bohemia. Full lengths, under two arches, with ten historical vignettes of their coronation, and a Dutch descriptive text. " Nicolas Visscher exc." 59 %J The portraits of the King and Queen were afterwards erased, and Oliver Cromwell introduced instead of the King, and a figure of Justice in place of the Queen; the head dresses in the historical vignettes were also altered. C - io — ANONYMOUS— PORTRAITS. Prince Frederick Henry, son of Frederic V. and Elizabeth of Bohemia ; drowned 1629, in the fifteenth year of his age. "Eldest sonne of the thrice illustrious Fredericke King of Bohemia," etc. Small Jialf -length, in oval ornamental border, richly habited, holding a baton in his right hand. From the Martin and Marshall Collections. 60 Gammon (Leonard). "Vera Effigies Leonardi Gammon generosi vi." From the Wenman Martin Collection. 61 Garnet (Henry) Superior of the Jesuits, executed for taking part in the Gunpowder Plot, 1606. Half-length, with the miraculous ear of corn in the right top corner, three lines of inscription beneath. From the Tunno Collection. 62 Hancock (The Honble. John) of Boston, President of the American Congress. Oval half-length mezzotint, after Littleford. Published by Henry IV., King of France, born 1553, assassinated 1610. Half-length, in armour, an ornamented border, with view of the battle of Fontaiize-Frangaise beneath, in which Henri IV. defeated the Spaniards, June $th. 1595. "iEtat anno 44, 1595." From the Puibusque Collection. 65 Henry IV. seated with Marie de Medici, holding the hand of his eldest daughter Elizabeth of France ; on the right Louis XIII. when a child of about five years of age ; beneath verses commencing " O que ce prince." This print must have been engraved before the birth of Christine C. Shepherd, 1775. 63 Henderson (John) Actor; born 1747, died 1783. Half-length mezzotint. Proof. 64 in 1606. 06 — .II — ANONYMOUS— PORTRAITS. HENRY V., King of England; born 1388, died 1422. Half-length, in armour, with seven lines of inscription beneath. "Are to be sould by Roger Daniell in lumber Streete." From the Puibusque Collection. 67 Henry VIII. presenting the Bible to the Clergy; frontispiece to the Apocrypha of Cranmer's Bible, printed by Grafton and Whitchurch, 1539. Folio zvood engraving from a design by Holbein. From the Puibusque Collection. 68 Henry Lord Darnley, Consort of Mary Queen of Scots; ob. 1567, ait. 21. " Illustr : Prin : Hen : Steward Domin Darnley Dux Albanian Obiit 1566." " The Pourtraicture of the right Excellent Prince Henry Lo : Darnley Duke of Albany Father to our Soueraigne lord James of Great Britaine France and Ireland, King. Knight of the noble order of St. Michael." "Are to be sold by George Humble at the white horse in Popes head Alley." Oval, in a hat and feather, richly dressed in a robe em- broidered with fleur de lis, wearing the collar of the order and the badge of St. Michael. From the Tunno Collection. 69 This print was probably originally engraved for Francis II. of France, as may be partly inferred from the robe and collar. James I. King of England, and Anne of Denmark his Queen. Whole-lengths, standing in niches holding sceptres, arms above, and long Latin inscriptions on pedestals beneath, between them a pedigree surmounted with a- medallion portrait of Henry Prince of Wales. 70 JAMES I. King of England; born 1566, died 1625. Whole-length, standing by a table, on which is his helmet, a page in the back ground, his genealogy above. 71 — 12 — ANONYMOUS— PORTRAITS. James Francis Edward Stuart, son of James II., "The Pretender," born 1688, died 1765. Half-length, oval, in armour ; mezzotint. Proof before any letters. 7 2 Jefferies (Lord George) Chief Justice of the King's Bench, 1683 — Lord Chancellor, 1685 — died in the Tower, 1689. " The Lord Chancellor taken disguis'd inWapping" (Dec. 12, 1688) Engraved for the Devil's Broker." Folio. 73 Kilmarnock (William, Earl of), beheaded Aug, 18th, 1 746. Small mezzotint. 74 Laud (William) born 1573 — Bishop of St. Davids, 1622 — of Bath and Wells, 1626 — Bishop of London, 1628 — Arch- bishop of Canterbury, 1633 — executed 1645. Oval, four lines of inscription in Dutch beneath, with English translation, C. J. Visscher exc. 75 Lorraine (Charles Leopold Nicolas Sixte, called Charles V., Duke of) born 1643, died 1690; by the treaty of Montmartre Louis XIV. deprived him of his right of succession — became an enemy to France — candidate for the Crown of Poland — married in 1678, Eleanor Arch- duchess of Austria — Governor of Tyrol — assisted his brother Leopold against the Turks — besieged Mayence. Three-quarter length oval, in armour. 76 Lorraine (La Famille de). 1. Monseigneur le Due de Lorraine, born 1679. 2. Madame la Duchesse de Lorraine, born 1676, married 1698. 3. Prince Charles, Bishop of Osnaburgh, born 1680. 4. Prince Joseph, born 1685. 5. Prince Francis, born 1689. Whole lengths, after P. Graf ait. 77 LOUIS XIV. King of France, born 1638, died 171 5 ; with his mother, Anne of Austria, Regent, and Philippe de France Duke d'Orleans. Whole lengths, seated, view of the battle of Rocroy in the distance. 78 — 13 — ANONYMOUS— PORTRAITS. Louis XVI. and Marie Antoinette. Oval medallions surrounded by festoons of flowers, a wreath of laurel in the centre above. Printed in colours on satin. 79 Maccallame (Anna) " Borne in the Orknes of Scotland in the year of our Lord 161 5, being presented to the kings Majesties sight Octob. 1662." 80 Maximilian II. Emperor of Germany, son of Ferdinand I., born 1527 — married Maria daughter of the Emperor Charles V., and appointed Vicegerent in Spain 1548 — elected King of the Romans 1562 — became Emperor on the death of his father 1564 — died 1576. Equestrian portrait, woodcut, with a curious wood engraving of the game of " Goose " at the back. 8 1 Oldenbarnevelt (John) Grand Pensionary of Holland, head of the Arminians — imprisoned for his opinions — beheaded 1618. Large half-length, oval, with long beard and large frill. " Michael Johannis a Mierevelt pinxit, Gaspar de Besliniere excudit Parisiis." 82 Paoli (Pascal) born 1725 ; headed a revolt in Corsica against the Genoese, 1754 — assisted by Lord Hood, established the dominion of Great Britain in Corsica, 1794 — died 1807. Proof before any letters. 83 Paris (Matthew) Celebrated Benedictine Historian, author of the " Historia Major" and " Historia Minor." Whole length prefixed to the last edition of his history. 84 PETRUCCI (LUDOVICUS) Native of Sienna, in 1602 — when appa- rently from fifty to sixty years of age, served in the Venetian Army in Crete — in 1610 became a Commoner of Baliol College, Oxford — ejected from the University as a Papist — author of several Latin poems. Oval half length in armotLr. " Tho : Pothecarius, Magister Artium : Pub : ludimagister Sarum." 85 — 14 — ANONYMOUS— PORTRAITS. Philip III, King of Spain, born 1578, died 1621. Half length oval, in chased armour, engraved in the manner tf/Wierix — "Paul" de La Houe excud." 86 Philip IV. of Spain, born 1605, died 1655. Half length oval, when a youth, two Latin lines beneath. — " Peter de Jode excud." 87 PHILIP, Prince of Orange, Count of Nassau, eldest son of William I. inherited the title on his father's death, 1584 — kept prisoner by Philp II. of Spain — never entered the Netherlands — died 161 8. Three-quarter length, in rich dress and cuirass, plumed helmet by his side, engraved in the manner of Wierix. " Paul" de la Houe excudebat." 88 Pym (John) Leader of the House of Commons in the Long Parliament — ob. 1643. Half length in oval, after Edward Bower, with three lines of Dutch inscription beneath. " C. J. Visscher exc." 89 Rafter (Miss) afterwards Mrs. Clive, Actress, born 171 1 — retired from the stage 1769 — died 1785. Three-quarter length mezzotint, in the character of Phillida, after G. Schalcken. 90 Rooke (Admiral Sir George) Lord of the Admiralty, 1694 ; died 1 7 10. Half length oval mezzotint, after M. Dahl. " Sold by E. Cooper at y e 3 Pidgeons in Bedford Street." 91 Sacheverell (Henry) D.D., died 1724. Half length oval mezzotint, after Gibson ; two Latin lines beneath. 92 Selden (John) Celebrated Jurist, born 1584, died 165 1. Oval half length, with shelves of books in the back ground, Latin inscription, arms and four lines of Latin verse beneath. 93 — i5 — ANONYMOUS— PORTRAITS. Sibbs (Richard) " The Portracture of the Late Reverend and Judicious divine Richard Sibbs, D : D : M r . of Katherine Hall in Camb : and sometimes Preacher to that Hon b # ! e Society of Grayes Inn, London." 94 Spinola (Ambrose Marquis) Spanish General, appointed Governor of Milan, 1629 — born 1569, died 1630. Oval half length, in armour, with four lines of inscription beneath. " R.D. exc." From the Martin Collection. 95 Symonds (Joseph) Vice-Provost of Eton College; JEt suae. 50 Half length, holding a glove ; and the copy by Richardson. 96 Taylor (George) The Famous Bruiser ; ob. 1750. Half length mezzotint. " Printed for John Bowles." 97 Trapp (Johannes) "A. M. ./Etat. suae 59, 1660;" Vicar of Weston-upon-Avon, Author of several Commentaries upon the Bible. Oval, holding a book. 98 William III. King of England, born 1650 — died 1702. Half length, in armour, a crown of laurels supported over Ids head ; in the back ground the departure of a fleet. " G. Laresse inv : Isbrand Haring excudit Amstelodami." 99 William III. In an oval, surrounded by a wreath of laurel, on each leaf of which is a description in Italian of one of the important events of his reign ; beneath, a translation of the same in French. Published at Amsterdam, by Paul Marret, 1696. 100 WILLIAM III, when Prince of Orange. Equestrian portrait. " Het Hof Van Yorck," in the back ground. 101 — 16 — ANONYMOUS— HISTORICAL. Egmont and Horne. The Execution of the Counts Egmont and Horne, June 5th, 1568. A curious woodcut, published by Benoist Rigaud, at Lyons, in 1570, with portraits of the Counts, three views of the execution, and a descriptive text in French. 102 Egmont and Horne (The Execution of) 1 568. 103 " POURTRAIT d'une nouvelle Bourse pour la nation Angloise A bastir devant la refectoir des Cordeliers." 104 Allegorical Composition relating to the Duke of Alva's Cruelties in the Low Countries, 1 569. The Duke of Alva is seated on a throne to the left, Cardinal Granville blowing with a bellows in his ear. Margaret of Parma in the background fishing in blood. " J. P. Vennius exc. Middelburgi, 1622." 105 Gunpowder Conspirators. Portraits of Bates (Servant to Catesby) — Robert Winter — Christopher Wright — John Wright — Thomas Percy — Guido Fawkes — Robert Catesby and Thomas Winter. On either side, account of the Conspiracy in German verse ; beneath, view of their conveyal to execution — execution — and eight heads on spears, four Latin and four French lines. "Anno 1606." 106 The Tomb of Henry Prince of Wales, son of James I. Eight lines of Latin verse beneath, and " t' Amsterdam by Abraham de Koninck." 107 ANCRES. The Execution of Marshal d'Ancres, 1617. An etching, divided into six compartments. 108 The Synod of Dordrecht, opened on the 1 3th of November, 161 8, terminated on the 25th of May, 1619. 109 — 17 — ANONYMOUS— HISTORICAL. Aix-LA-Chapelle, View of the Royal Banqueting Hall and Cast Fountain in the year 1620. 1 10 SLATIUS (Hendrick Daniels)— Perty (William)— Blancert (Jan) — Blancert (Abraham.) Four Conspirators against the life of Prince Maurice, executed on the 5th of May, 1623, at the Hague. A curious Dutch broadside, with ten small views of their execution, burial, &c. Published at Amsterdam, for Nicholas Jan Visscher, 1623. 1 1 1 London Bridge. A Prospect of Old London Bridge, imme- diately after the building of the Houses, with description by John Norden. This View was taken in the time of Queen Elizabeth, but has engraved upon it the arms of Sir John Gore, Lord Mayor in 1624. The only impression known is in the Sutherland Collection, now in the Bodleian Library. The present copy was engraved for W. Scott, May's Build- ings, Lond. 1820. 112 Charles I, King of England. Curious broadside, in reference to the Expedition against the Scotch, in 1639, containing a whole-length portrait of the king in armour, surrounded by a description in Dutch and English of " the Names of the Earles, Lords, Knights and Gentlemen that attend his Majestie, each having 200 Horse a piece : As also a Cattalogue of all the Horse and Foote, raised out of every Shyre ; with a list of his Majesties Schippes, and the Names of every Captaine of each Schip : S 5 ; John Pennington, being Admirall for this Expedition." Published at Amsterdam in 1639. On the right a para- graph in Dutch, headed — Latest News from Scotland, as follows : " The King's family having commenced their journey on the 1 8th of March, the King himself went by Post on the 17th March, old style, intending to be at York or Newcastle on the third day, to march out with his army. The Scots have undertaken with experienced commanders, to gather together their friends and followers and set them in order, thus to unite under General the Marquis of Hamilton, for the D — 18 — ANONYMOUS— HISTORICAL. service of the King. The Earl of Lindsey is gone to sea with 1 7 of the King's great ships manned with 3000 soldiers ; 600 horse are said to be actually sent towards Scotland to despoil the border places : our adversaries here are awaiting their arrival ; our excommunicated bishops with their followers have fled to England. It is already determined that the lands and property of the nobles, barons and burgesses who hold with us here, shall be divided as booty among our enemies." From the Puibusque Collection. 1 1 3 %* There is a second state of this plate with different text, omitting the news from Scotland. Charles I. Trial and Imprisonment of Charles I. German print in five compartments, 1 14 The Retreat of the Spanish Garrison from the Town of Gennep, besieged by Frederick Henry Prince of Orange, 29th July, 1 64 1. Set of 10 plates. " Claas Jan Visscher exc." Frojn the Vers to Ik Collection. 115 Charles II. and the Pope on their Thrones, Prynne presenting his Book to the King. — Frontispiece to the first volume of his " Records." From the Puibusque Collectioii, 116 LONDON. u Delineation of the Citie of London, shewing how far the said Citie is burnt down and what places do yet remain standing/' With a descriptive text, in Dutch, French and English beneath. " Marcus Willemsz Doornich, Amsterdam, 1666." 117 William III. Departure with the Dutch Fleet from Helvoets- luys, and Arrival at Torbay, Nov. 5th, 1688. " C. Allard excudit" engraved on two plates. 118 Louis XIV. A satirical print on the Defeat of the French Fleet at La Hogue, May 1692 — headed, " The Cryer of Versailes, or a Hue & Cry after the French Fleet." " Sold by Randall Taylor." 1 19 George I. State Entry into London with the Prince of Wales, Oct. 1st, 1714. " Allard exc." 120 — i 9 — ANONYMOUS— HISTORICAL. " LE REGNE de Louis XV. Roi de France et de Navarre com- mence par la deliverence des Prisonniers d'Etat et le rapel des Exilez, le 4 Septembre, 17 15." 121 LOUIS XV. Entrance into the Town of Reims on the 23rd of October, 1722. View of the Facade of the Cathedral. Published " chez Demortain." 122 " BUCENTOR." A View of the Ceremony performed by the Doge of Venice on Ascension-day since 131 1. 123 u Dessinee sur le lieu. Mis au jour par le soin de Pierre Mortier." * # * The last of these celebrated galleys was built in 1728, and destroyed by the French in 1798 for the sake of the gold. Massacre of the Chinese in Batavia, October 9, 1740. 124 Representation of the Marriage Ceremony of Frederick Henry Louis, Crown Prince of Prussia, and Wilhelmina of Hesse Cassel, at Charlottenburg, 1752. 125 Emblem of Religion. " Estampe du tableau trouve dans Teglise des cy devant soy disant Jesuittes de Billom en Auvergne Tan 1762. Voyez les comtes rendus aux chambres assemblies des Colleges de Clermont Ferrand et Billom, le 15 Juillet, 1763." 126 Placard used during the French Revolution — " Unite, Indivi- sibilite, de la Republique. Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite, ou La Mort." In an oak wreath, surmounted by the Bonnet Rouge, a cannon at the bottom, with the tricoloured flags of the Republic. Printed in red, white and blue. 127 FROST Fair on the River Thames " as it appeared in the Hard Frost, February 4th, 18 14, between London and Blackfriars Bridges, when the River was one sheet of ice and snow, and on which several trades and pastimes were carried on. The above view was taken on the spot at Bankside, February 4." " Published by G. Thompson, Long Lane, Smithfield." 1 28 Frost Fair on the Thames. " A View of Frost Fair on the Thames, February 18 14." " Published by T. Batchelar, Long Alley, Moorfields." 129 — 20 — ALMANACKS. Almanack for the year 1680. The Marriage of Marie Louise d'Orleans, eldest daughter of Philippe d'Orleans, brother of Louis XIV. with Charles II. of Spain, celebrated by proxy at Fontainebleau by the Prince de Conty, — the ceremony was performed by the Cardinal de Bouillon, 31st August, 1679, in the presence of their Majesties and the Court. 130 Almanack for the year 1685. Louis XIV. seated on a Column as Mars, crowned by Victory, — Hercules treading on the Hydra at his feet. — Portraits of Leopold I, Emperor of Germany, Charles II. of England and Charles II. of Spain, — in commemoration of the taking of the Town of Luxembourg and the Treaty of Ratisbon, in September, 1684. 131 Almanack for the year 1685. Representing " La Publication de la Treve entre la France, l'Empire, TEspagne, et les etats d'Holande, Faite a Paris le Above is the Siege of Luxembourg by Marechal Crequy, 4th June, 1684. 132 Almanack for the year 1687. Louis XIV. seated on a Throne, with the Members of his Court receiving the Siamese Ambassadors in the Chateau of Versailles, 1686, with presents of Indian Porcelain* from their King ; above is a list of Venetian victories over the Turks. * " 1 500 pieces de Porcelaine de toutes sortes de facons, et de gran- deurs, des plus considerable qui ayent jamais estez trouve dans les Indes." 133 Almanack for the year 1693. Representation of the taking of the Town and Fortress of Namur, Louis XIV. commanding in person, 30th June, 1692. " Le tout dessine sur les lieux par un Officier du Roy, avec les autres Expeditions Militaires de la mesme annee" * # * The lower portion of this is wanting. 134 21 — ALMANACKS. Almanack for the year 1699. View of the Camp, near Compiegne, with full-length portraits of Louis XIV. of France, James II. of England, Philippe d' Orleans, and the young Princes ; — in the back ground a representation of the sham Attack and Defence of the place, Sept. 1698, on the occasion of the visit of James II. 135 Almanack for the year 1701. Representing "La Reception fait par Philipe V, Roy d'Espagne a la Princesse de Savoye son Epouse a Figuieres en Catalogne le 29 bre , 1701." 136 Almanack for the year 1703. Representation of the Solemn Entry of Philip V. of Spain into the Town of Naples, 1702, with Equestrian Portraits of the King and members of his suite ; and small represen- tations of other events of the year beneath. 137 Almanack for the year 1705. Representing "l'Hereuse naissance de Monseigneur le Due de Bretagne arriere petit fils de Louis le grand ne a Versailles le 25 Juin, 1704." 138 Almanack for the year 1706. Representation of the Battle of Cassano, gained by the Army of Louis XIV, commanded by the Duke of Ven- dome against the imperial troops under the command of Prince Eugene of Savoy, on the 16th August, 1705 ; — in the foreground equestrian portraits of the Duke of Vendome, the Comte de Medavy and others, with small representa- tions of other events of the year beneath. 139 Almanack for the year 1740. The Ceremony observed at the publication of the Peace between the Emperor Charles VI. and Louis XV. of France, on the 1st of June, 1739. 140 — 22 — ANONYMOUS. ITALIAN, about 1450. In a rocky landscape over which a torrent appears rushing from the sea, various grotesque and some wild animals are attack- ing and hunting each other. On the left below a dragon attacking a lion. # # * This impression, described by Passavant, (Vol. v. page 23), was sold in the Sternberg Collection, and is probably unique. 141 ANONYMOUS. ITALIAN WOODCUT. Three Monkeys grouped in imitation of the Laocoon. " C'est une imitation du groupe du Laocoon et, selon la tradition une epigramme du Titien sur la copie faite par Baccio Bandinelli de ce chef d'ceuvre de la statuaire antique — La graveur en est attribute au Boldrini." — Passavant, vol. vi. 243. See also Jackson's History of Wood Engraving (1839) page $17. 142 ANONYMOUS. — EARLY GERMAN. DESIGN for a richly chased goblet. 143 ANONYMOUS.— GERMAN WOODCUT. A LABYRINTH, in the centre and at the four corners are circular woodcuts which have been attributed to Holbein ; beneath are verses in Latin and German, giving a description of the Labyrinth built by Daedalus in the Island of Crete. 144 ANSELIN (JEAN LOUIS.) Bom at Paris in 17645 died in 1823. POMPADOUR (Jean Antoinette Poisson Marquise de) born 1722 — married in 1741 Normant d'Etiole, — mistress of Louis XV, 1746 — died 1764. Half length, holding a basket of flowers, after C. Van Loo. Proof before any letters. From the Thiers Collection. 145 ARDELL (James Mac.) Born in Ireland about 1710 ; died 1765. Beard (John) Actor, ob. 1791— aet. 75. Half-length mezzotint, after Hudson. 146 Bower (Archibald) Historian and ex Jesuit, obit 1766— Brunswick (Charles William Frederick, Duke of) when Prince of Brunswick, mezzotint, after Quiesensis. Buckingham (George 2nd Duke of) and his brother Francis. They rose in arms with Lord Holland for Charles I. near Kingston-upon-Thames, but were defeated and refused quarter. Whole-length mezzotint, after Van Dyck. Proof before any letters. 149 Franklin (Benjamin) born 1706 ; died 1790. Half-le7igth mezzotint, holding a volume lettered " Electric Exptsy 150 Garrick (David) Actor, ob. 1779 ; set. 63. Three-quarter length mezzotint, in the character of Hamlet, after Wilson, published 1754. 151 Garrick (David) Actor and Poet, obt. 1779 ; aet. 63. Oval mezzotint, after Pond. 152 Garrick as Hamlet. Three-quarter length mezzotint, after Wilson. 153 Garrick and Mrs. Cibber as Jaffier and Belvidera. Whole-length mezzotint, after ZofFany. Proof before any letters. 154 • GARRICK in the character of King Lear. Whole-length mezzotint, after Wilson. 1 5 5 George III. when Prince of Wales. Mezzotint, after Luders, 175 1 156 aetat 83. Three quarters, seated, mezzotint, after Knapton. 147 Proof before any letters. 148 — 24 — ARDELL (James Mac.) GEORGE III, King of England, born 1738 ; died 1820. Mezzotint, after S. Myers. 157 Gwynn (Eleanor) Actress and Mistress of Charles II., ob. 1687. Three-quarter length, seated, mezzotint, her right hand on the head of a lamb, " Sold by Ja? M c Ardell at the Golden-head, Covent Garden." 158 Newton (Sir Isaac) Philosopher, published his " Principia," 1687 — President of the Royal Society, 1703 — Knighted by Queen Anne, 1705 — born 1642 — died 1727. Mezzotint, after Enoch Seeman. Proof before any letters ; from the Thiers Collection. 159 * # # The picture was in the possession of Thomas Hollis. Pritchard (Mrs. Hannah) Actress, obt. 1768 ; set. 57. Oval mezzotint, P U P^ °^ J* ^ as > died J 8o4. Elisabeth Philippe Marie Helene de France, sister of Louis XVI. — born 1764 : executed 1794. Oval, after Ducreux. 391 Marie Therese, Arch-Duchess of Austria. After a picture painted at Vienna by Ducreux. 392 # ** Presented to the Dauphine in 1 774. C. B. (Master of the Monogram.) Bartsch, Vol. mil, p. 533. Charles V. and his brother Ferdinand L (3). Half lengths between two columns, with the No, 58. 393 CECILL (Thomas.) Worked in London from 1628 to 1 63 5. Armstrong (Archibald) Jester to James I. and Charles I. " Archee by kings and princes grac't of late Iested him-selfe into a fayer estate And in this Booke doth to his friends Commend His Ieeres Taunts Tales, which no man can offend." Small whole length. From the Tunno Collection. 394 Edward Prince of Wales, commonly called the Black Prince, son of Edward III. — born 1330; died 1376. Whole length in armour, holding a spear and shield ; a representation of the Battle of Poictiers in the background, with twenty-two lines of verse on a tablet in the upper corner on the left, ending " This to his deathless memory bee erected and to famous Archery too much neglected." — 55 ~ " Dedicated to all the worthy and trew lovers of Archery." " Are to be sold at the Globe over against the exchange in Cornhill." From the Pnibusque Collection. 395 ELIZABETH, Queen of England ; born 1533 ; died 1603. Oval medallion on the title of " A Generall Historie of the • Netherlands/' by Ed. Grimeston, 1627. 396 Shrewsbury (John Talbot, Earl of) " Great Marshall to K. Henry 6 : of his realme of Fraunce, who died in the battaile of Burdeaux w** 1 John Viscunt Lisle, his sone, 1453. I s buried at Roan in Nor: w th this epitaph upon his monument." 397 CHANTRY (John.) Worked at Oxford about 1660. Charles II. " Charles y e 2 d by the Grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of y e Faith : Began his Reign over his subjects the 30: of January 1648 at the which time the bloody Regicides so barbarously Murdered his father." Half length, crowned, in a square border of oak leaf, a view of the execution of the Regicides in the back ground, rays of light over his head, and inscription in the clouds, " God save the King." 398 Whitaker (TOBIAS) Physician to Charles II. set. 60. Author of " The Tree of Human Life, or the Blood of the Grape, proving the possibility of maintaining Life from Infancy to Old Age without Sickness, by the Use of Wine" Lond. 1638. 8vo. Small half length. From the Sykes and Wenman Martin Collections. 399 CHASTILLON (Claude.) Worked in Paris about 1600. Henri II. Representation of the Tournament on the Place Royal given in honour of the double Marriage of Philip II. - 56 - of Spain and Elizabeth de Valois, and Marguerite, sister to the King, with the Duke of Savoy. Henri II. was accidentally killed during these fetes by Count Montgomery, June, 1559- 400 CHAUVEAU (Francois.) Born at Paris about 1 620 j died 1676. CHARLES I, King of England ; born 1600 ; beheaded 1649. Half lengthy in an octagon, with arms beneath. 401 CHEREAU (Francois.) Born at Blois in 1680 j pupil of Gerard Audran j died in Paris, 1729. Fleury (Andr^ Hercules de) Cardinal and Prime Minister to Louis XV ; born 1653 \ died 1743. Large oval half length, after Hyacinthe Rigaud. 402 Gondrin (Louis Antoine de Pardaillan de) better known as the Due d'Antin, celebrated French Courtier, only son of the Marquis and Madame de Montespan ; — born 1665 ; died 1736. After Hyacinthe Rigaud, 1724. 403 POLIGNAC (Melchior, Cardinal de) Ambassador to Poland, 1693 ; died 1741. Three-quarter length seated, after Rigaud. 404 CHEREAU (Jacques.) Born at Blois 1694; died at Paris, 1776 5 pupil of his brother Francois. Colbert (Charles Joachim) Eveque de Montpellier, fils de Charles Colbert, Marquis de Croissy; — born 1667 — died 1738; after Ravoux. 405 CHEVRON. Contemporary French Engraver. The Kiss of Judas, after Ary ScherTer. Artist's proof, on india paper. 406 — 57 ~ CHIOSSONE (D.) Contemporary Italian Engraver. Coronation of the Virgin, after Fra Angelico. Artist's proof, on india paper. The Original is at Florence. 407 CLAUDE GELLEE DE LORRAINE. Born i6ooj died at Rome, 1682. Dumesnil, Le Peintre-Graveur Frar^ais, Paris, 1835, Vol. t. The Dance on the Bank of a River. (6). From the Morant Collection, 408 The Sea Port, with a large tower. (13). Second state, before the angles of the plate were rounded. 409 The Wooden Bridge. (14). Second state, from the Dumesnil Collection. 410 The Departure for the Meadows. (16). Second state, before the angles of the plate were rounded. From the Morant Collection. 411 The Shepherd and Shepherdess conversing. (21). First state, before the tree on the left of the village was reduced in height. 412 CLINT (George.) Born 1 770 j died 1854. The Kemble Family in the Trial of Queen Catherine, after Harlowe. Proof. 4U CLOUET (Pierre.) Born at Antwerp, i6o6j died 1677. Holland (Henry Rich, Earl of) favorite of James I. Ambassador to France, — negociated the treaty of marriage between Charles I. and Henrietta Maria —beheaded 1649. Half length, after Van Dyck. Second state, with the address of Hendricx. 414 l - 58 - COCHIN (Charles Nicolas.) Born at Paris, 1 71 5; died 1788. Representation of the Ball given at Versailles in celebration of the Marriage of Louis Dauphin of France to Marie Therese, 20th Feb., 1745. Proof before any letters. 41 5 Theatre at Versailles constructed for the representation of the Ballet " Princess de Navarre " on the occasion of the Marriage of Louis Dauphin of France to Marie Therese. Proo f before any letters . 416 COLLAERT (Adrian.) " Monilium Bullarum Inauriumque Artificiocissim^ Icones Joannis Collaert opus postremum. 1581." 417 * # * Ten beautiful designs of Jewels, made by Joannis Collaert, engraved by his son Adrian, and published by Galle, in 1582. COLLIGNON (Francois.) Born at Nancy, 162 1. THE Siege of Grave, 1586, by Alexander Farnese, relieved by the English, under Sir John Norris and Hohenlohe — the Sieur de Hemert who capitulated was caused by Leicester to be tried for high treason and executed. 418 "PUGNA AD Engelam, anno 1587," (Sept. 13) — View of a Battle in the Dutch War of Liberation from Spain, taken from Strada, "De bello belgico," 2 vols, folio, Roma, H. ScheuSy 1640-47. 419 Representation of a Tournament at Rome. 420 COLLIN (Richard.) Born at Luxembourg, 1626. MURILLO (BARTOLOMEO ESTEBAN) celebrated Spanish Painter ; born 161 3 ; died 1682. Half-length oval, on a pedestal — engraved 1682. 421 — 59 — CONDE (John.) Worked in London at the close of the 1 8th Century. FlTZHERBERT (MRS.) born 1756; died 1837. Whole length, seated, after Cosway. 422 COOPER (Richard.) Born in England about 1730 ; worked in Paris and London. Anna Boleyn, born 1503; married to Henry VIII, King of England, 1530; beheaded 1536. Half length, in a rich dress, after Holbein. The picture in possession of M. Wocher, of Basle. 423 COOPER (G.) Worked in London in the latter half of the 1 7th Century. Williams (The Lady) Mistress of James Duke of York, 1680. Whole-length mezzotint, after Lely. Proof before letters. 424 CORBUTT (Charles.) Worked in London about 1760. Rivers (Mrs. Penelope Pitt, afterwards Countess,) Half-length mezzotint, in a circle, as Ceres with a wreath of corn in her hair, after Miss Reed. 425 CORNELI (Lambert.) Worked in the Low Countries, about the end of the 1 6th Century. " Retrato al Vivo de la Galera del Adelantado Maior de Castilla defensor Delestrecho de Gibraltar 426 CORR (Erin.) A contemporary Engraver at Antwerp. The Crucifixion, after Van Dyck. Artist's proof on india paper. The picture is in the Gallery at Antwerp. 427 — 6o — CORT (Cornelius.) Born in Holland, 1 5 30; died at Rome, 1578. The Painters' Academy, after Jan Stradan. Proof before any letters ; the inscription written with a pen. From the Marshall Collection. 428 COUVAY (Jean.) Born at Aries, 1 6zz ; worked in Paris. Orleans (Philippe de France, Due d') only brother of Louis XIV — born 1640; died 1 701. Half lengthy as a child, after Justus d'Egmont, 1643 4 2 9 CRANACH (Lucas.) Born, 1470 j died at Weimar, 1553. Bartsch, Vol. vii,p. 273. Saint Genevieve of Brabant, or the Penitence of Saint Chrysostom. (1). 430 Representation of a Tournament. (124). Woodcut bearing the date 1 506. From the Collection of Baron Marochetti. 43 1 John Ernest, Duke of Saxony — second son of Ernest — succeeded his brother, Frederic III, — assisted the Reforma- tion, 1525— died 1532. (133). Whole-length woodcut. 432 Sibylla, wife of Frederic I, Elector of Saxony. (137). Half-length woodcut. 433 Melancthon (Philip) born 1497 ; died 1560. (153). Woodcut ', whole lengthy dated 1 561. 434 CROSS (Thomas.) Worked in London at the commencement of the 1 7th Century. Brownlow (Richard) Prothonotary of the King's Bench, founder of the Tyrconnel Family — setat. 86. 435 Wing (Vincent) Astronomer, born 16 19. Ovaly holding a pair of compasses ; six lines of Latin verse beneath. 436 — 61 — CUNEGO (Domenico.) Born at Verona, 1727 j worked at Berlin'} died at Rome, 1794. Frederica Charlotte, Princess of Prussia (Duchess of York.) Whole lengthy after Cuningham, 1787. 437 DALEN (Cornelius Van). Engraver and Publisher, born in Holland, from 1613 to 1640, pupil of Cornelius Visscher. Aretino (Pietro) Italian Poet — born 1492 at Arezzo; ob. 1556. Half-length holding a book, after Titian. Proof before any letters. 438 Barbarelli (Giorgio) called Giorgione — fellow-pupil of Titian in the school of Giovanni Bellini — born 1477 ; died 151 1. Half-length, after Titian ; proof before any letters. 439 BOCCACCIO Author of Decameron — born 13 13; ob. 1375. Half-length holding a book, after Titian. Proof before any letters. 440 Piombo (Fra Sebastian del) Pupil of Bellini, and afterwards of Giorgione — born 1485 ; died 1547. Half -length, after Titian ; proof before any letters. 441 Charles II, when Prince of Wales Oval, in a hat and feathers, with two lines of Latin verse beneath, and English translation. From the Tunno Collection. 442 Charles II, King of England, born 1630 ; died 1685. Three-quarter length in armour, holding a baton in his right hand, with a crown on the table — after R. Nason. 443 Deleboe (Franciscus Sylvius) Physician, Professor at Leyden — born 161 5 — died 1678. Proof before any letters and before the motto in the arms ; and an impression with the letters. 444 Gloucester (Henry Duke of) youngest son of Charles I. — born 1 641 ; died 1 661 — after Luttychuys. Oval, half length, in armour. Proof before any letters with the arms. From the Tunno Collection. 445 — 62 — DALEN (Cornelius Van.) James II, when Duke of York — born 1633 — succeeds 1685 — died 1701 Oval half lengthy in armour, after Simon Luttichuys, within a border of laurel. " Nicol. Visscher excudit." 446 Pennington (Sir John) ob. 1646. " The true portracture of that Famous and Valliant Sea Cap* Sr John Penington, knight, one of the Gentlemen in Ordinarie of his Ma^f privie Chamber, Gouernor, & Captaine of Sandowne Castle in kent : and Vice Admirall of his Ma fl .f Fleete for this expedite A° 1636." Half-length oval in armour, shipping in the distance. " Sould by Tho. Ienner at Exchange." 447 SCHURMANN (Anna Maria) celebrated Scholar, Linguist, and Poetess, she also engraved two portraits of herself which will be found under her name in this Catalogue — born 1607 ; died 1678. Oval half lengthy after Jansen. Proof before any letters. From the Marshall Collection. 448 Tromp (Martin Hapertz) celebrated Dutch Admiral, set. 42 ; born 1597 ; died 1653, Half-length oval f with views of the three engagements with the Spanish fleet in the Downs, 1639, after Simon de Vlieger and Van de Velde. " Abraham Waesb. excud." From the Camberlyn Collection. 449 DANCKERTS (Heinrich.) Worked in Holland and Italy in the middle of the 17th Century. CHARLES II, King of England — born 1630; died 1685. After Hanneman. Large oval, half length in cuirass, published at Antwerp. 450 " LA Loi DES AMANTS," after Titian, " Ex eollectione Comitis Pembrochiae." From the Camberlyn Collection. 451 - 63 - DARET (Pierre.) Born in Paris, 1610 j worked in Paris and Italy; died about 1680. Louis XIII. trampling on Envy, crowned by angels, bearing emblems — beneath, eight lines of French verse, commencing " Aveoir ce Grand Monarque en ce degre supresme." 452 " Rene Gentilhomme Croisiquis S r de L'Espine P e Domestique de Monseigneur Frere du Roy/' Natus anno 1 6 10, aet. 27. Oval half length, with emblems at corners and arms beneath, with ten lines of inscription. After Du Pre, dated 1637. 453 DAULLE (Jean.) Born at Abbeville in 1703, pupil of Hecquet, worked in Paris, and died 1763. Chastenet (Jacques Francois II. de) Mareehal de France, in 1735. Proof before any letters. 454 Feuquiere (Catherine Mignard Comtesse de) daughter of Mignard the painter — born 1652 ; died 1742. Three-quarter length, holding the portrait of her father, after Mignard. 455 Lembriere (Francois Febure de) Eveque de Soissons, 1736 Undescribed first state before any letters From the Marshall Collection. 456 LOUIS Dauphin of France, son of Louis XV and Marie Leczinska, Princess of Poland — born 1729 ; died 1765. Half -length oval, after Tocque\ 457 Marie, Princesse de Pologne, Reine de France et de Navarre, consort of Louis XV, born 1703 — married 1725 — died 1768. Whole-length, after Tocque\ 45 8 Marriette (Jean) Celebrated Book and Printseller, born at Paris, 1660 ; died 1742. Three-quarters length ,after Pesne, 1723. 459 -64— DAULLE (Jean.) Maupertius (Pierre Louis Moreau de) celebrated Mathematician and Philosopher ; served at the Siege of Fribourg, in 1736, sent with other French Academicians to the polar circle to ascertain the figure of the earth ; born 1698 ; died 1759. Proof before any letters. From the Camberlyn Collection 460 Rousseau (Jean Baptiste) French Poet — born 1669 — died 1741. After Aved, 1738. 461 Simon (Claudius de Saint) Bishop of Noyon, 1731, and of Metz, 1736 — founded a seminary in 1743, which bears his name — born 1695 — died 1760. Three-quarter, seated, after Rigaud. 462 Troubetskoy (Anastasie, Princesse) married to the Land- grave of Hesse Hombourg Whole length, seated, after Rosselin, 1 76 1. 463 York (Prince Henry Benedict Stuart Cardinal of) younger son of James Francis Edward Stuart (the Chevalier St. George, or Old Pretender) and the Princess Clementina Sobieski — born at Rome, 1725 — died at the same place 1807 Three-quarters in armour, after Rigaud. Proof before letters. From the Camberlyn Collection. 464 DAVID (Jerome.) Worked in Paris and Rome, in the middle of the 17th century. LOUIS XIII, King of France ; born 1601 ; died 1643. Three-quarter length, view of Rochelle in the background. 465 DAWE (Philip.) Pupil of Hogarth ; worked about 1 760. YATES (Mary) celebrated Actress, ob. 1787 ; aet. 55. Three-quarter length, in the character of Electra, after Cotes. . 4 66 -6 5 - DELARAM (Francis.) Worked in London in the early part of the 17th Century. ABBOT (Robert) Bishop of Salisbury, Master of Baliol, author of several Controversial Works, ob. 1617. Oval. "Are to be sould by Jo. Sudbu. & G. Humb." First state, before the correction Johannes to Robertus. 467 BURTON DE Falde (WILLIAM) celebrated Antiquary, author of the u Description of Leicestershire," ob. 1645, aetat 70. Small oval, with heraldic devices in the corners. From the Marshall Collection. 468 CHARLES I. when Prince of Wales. " To whome greate Prince can els this work be due Then you now plac'd where All is in y r view And being the rule of what the people doo Are both the Scale and the Surveyor too." Oval, with large margin. 469 Frederic V. OF Simmerin, born 1596 — Elector Palatine, 1610 — titular King of Bohemia, 1 6 19; married Elizabeth, daughter of James I. 161 3 — died 1632. Three-quarter length, in rich dress, four lines of inscription beneath. Before the plate was altered to an oval. 470 Gresham (Sir Thomas) Founder of the Royal Exchange 1567 — died 1579. "The lively portraiture of y e most worthy Cittizen, S r Thomas Gresham, who amongst many other acts, wherby he hath eternizd his never dying fame, did at his owne proper cost bild y e Royal Exchange of London. Also he founded a Colledg and endowed it with livings for 7 learned men for the reading of the 7 liberall sciences." First state. " Are to be sould by Jo. Sudbu & G. Humb :" With large margin. 47 1 Henry Frederic, Prince of Wales, eldest son of James I. ; born 1593 ; died 1612. Oval half length, with collar and badge of the Garter, holding a baton, six English lines beneath. " Compton Holland excudit." 472 K — 66 — DELARAM (Francis.) Hertford (Frances Devereux Countess of) 1620 — Marchioness, 1640 — married afterwards Lodovick, Duke of Richmond and Lenox. Oval, with six English verses beneath. "Are to be sold by Roger Darnell at the Angell in Lombard Street." From the Marchioness of Bath and Tunno Collections. 473 Lobel (Matthias de) " Medicus & Botanographus Insulanus anno Reparatae salutis, 161 5. iEtatis 76." Half length, in an oval, within an architectural ornament, holding a plant in his right hand, shields of arms on either side. 474 Mary I, Queen of England, born 15 16 ; died 1558. " The Mightie Princess Marie by the grace of God Queene of England, France, and Ireland, etc." Three quarters, holding the supplication of Sir Thomas Honger. First state, before the plate was altered to an oval, From the Gulston and Tunno Collections. 475 Nonesuch (Arthur Severus O'Toole) remarkable for his singular composition of vanity, courage, and caprice, — he displayed great valour against the Irish rebels. Oval, in armour, 161 8, setatis8o — six lines in English verse beneath. " Are to be sould by Thomas Jenner at the white beare, in Cornewell — Franciscus Delaram sculp." From the Marchioness of Bath and Tunno Collections. 476 Richmond and Lenox (Frances Howard, Duchess of) married first Henry Prannel ; secondly Edward Seymour, Earl of Hertford ; thirdly Lodovick Stuart, Duke of Richmond — ob. 1639. Oval, richly dressed with the motto, " Coronat Constantia Anno 1623." First state, before the plate was reduced. 477 - 6; - DELARAM (Francis.) Segar (Sir William) Garter principal King at Arms, and Antiquary — author of " Honour Civil and Military." fol. 1602 — ob. 1633. Half length, oval y in his official robes , arms above. u Are to be sould by Thomas Ienner, at the whit beare in Cornewell." 478 Sommers (William) Court Jester to King Henry VIII. Whole-length, after Holbein. Eight English verses beneath. " Are to be sould by Thomas Jenner." 479 Vere (Sir Horace) "The Honourable and ryght generous Sr Horatio Veer knight Lord Generall ouer his Maistis Forcis for defence of the County Palatinate." "Compton Holland excudit." Oval half-length in armour, supported by two armed figures. From the Marshall Collection 480 Williams (John) Archbishop of York, 1641 — Lord Keeper, 1621 — resigned 1625 — Lord Chancellor, 1641 — ob. 1650 ; set. 68. Half-length in an oval, supported by two whole-length figures, cherubims above, six Latin lines in a tablet beneath. 481 "Are to be sold by Geo: Humble in Pope's Head Alley." DELFF (WlLLEM JACOBSZ.) Born at Delft in 1580, died 1638. Bergh (Henry, Count de) Spanish General, born 1573, — although related to the Prince of Orange he fought against the Dutch — joined Spinola before Breda — afterwards reconciled to the Prince, and died in Holland, 1638. Large oval, after Mirevelt. 482 Buckingham (George Villiers Duke of) favorite of James I — attended Prince Charles into Spain — assassinated by Felton 1628. Large oval, after Mirevelt, 1626. From the Sykes and Tunno Collections. 483 — 68 — DELFF (WlLLEM JACOBSZ.) Charles l } King of England — born 1600 — beheaded 1649. Large oval half-length, after Daniel Mytens, 1628. Henrietta Maria, daughter of Henri IV. of France ; born 1609 ; sister of Louis XIII — married Charles I. King of England, 1625 ; died 1669. Large oval half length, after Daniel Mytens, 1630. 485 Charles Louis Count Palatine ; born 1617 ; died 1686. Large oval, after Mirevelt. 486 CULENBORCH (Catherine Countess of) Large oval, after Mirevelt, 1636. 487 Dorchester (Sir Dudley Carleton, Viscount) Ambassador to Holland and Venice, Secretary of State to Charles I ; ob. 1632. Small oval, after Mirevelt, dated 1620. From the Marshall Collection. 488 Ernest Casimir, Count of Nassau, celebrated General in the Thirty Years War ; born 1573 — killed before Ruremond Frederick Henry Prince of Orange, son of William I, Prince of Orange, and brother to Prince Maurice, whom he succeeded as Commander in the Low Countries — father of William II. and grandfather of William III. King of England — born 1584; died 1647. Three-quarter length, in a rich dress, after A. Van de Venne. 490 Mansfeld (Ernest, Count) supported the Bohemian Pro- testants, against Ferdinand, 161 8 — defeated Tilly 1622, — defeated at Dessau by Wallenstein 1626, and died soon afterwards. Large oval, after Mirevelt. 491 From the Marshall Collection. 484 1632. Large oval, after Mirevelt. 489 -69- DELFF (WlLLEM JACOBSZ.) Maurice, Count of Nassau, celebrated General-— defends Bergen ob Zoom against Spinola and Farnese 1622 — born 1566 — died 1625. Large oval, after Mirevelt. From the Tunno Collection. 492 Mirevelt (Michel) celebrated portrait painter — born at Delft in 1568 ; died 1641. After Van Dyck. Proof before any letters, and before much extra work, particularly on the finger of the glove. From the Morant Collection. 493 Orange (Princes of the House of) Philip — Maurice — Henry Frederick — William Louis — Ernest Casimir — John Ernest. Equestrian portraits, after Van der Venne, 1621. 494 Oxenstiern (Axelius) born 1583 , Prime Minister of Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden 161 1 — Regent for his daughter Christina 1633 — retired from office and died 1654. Large oval half length, after Mirevelt. 495 William of Nassau, born 1533, succeeded his cousin Rene as Prince of Orange 1544, assassinated at Delft by Balthazar Gerard 1584. Large oval half length, in armour, after Cornelius Visscher; dated 1624. 496 William Louis Count of Nassau, Stadtholder of Friesland, born 1560; died 1620. Large oval, after Mirevelt. 497 Wolfgang Wilhelm, Prince of Orange, Count Palatine of the Rhine — born 1578; died 1653. Large oval half length, after Mirevelt ; dated 1630 498 DESNOYERS (Auguste-Gaspard-Louis Boucher, Baron.) Born in Paris 1779. La VlERGE, dite la Belle Jardiniere, after Raphael. Proof. The picture is in the Louvre. 499 — 72 — DIE (The Master of the.) A FRIEZE composed of a Child seated on a goat, accompanied in procession by many other children — after Raphael. (36). From the Thiers Collection. 519 A Frieze, The Triumph of Love, Cupid is drawn in a car by two goats — after Raphael. (37). 520 DIETRICH (Christian Wilhelm Ernst). Painter, Etcher, and Engraver, born at Weimar, 171 2 j died at Dresden, 1774. Linck " Monographie der von Dietrich radirten Vorstellunger," Berlin, 1846. The Charlatan, in the style of Ostade. (74). First state, the plate uneven below, and before the No. 79. From the Thiers Collection. 521 The Wandering Musicians. (80). First state, full of burr. 5 22 A Wild Rocky Landscape, in the manner of Salvator Rosa (158). First state before the branch overhanging the rock was effaced. From the Marshall Collection. 523 DIRK VAN STAREN. Dutch Engraver, living between 1522 and 1 544. Bartsch, Vol VIII, p. 26. The Miraculous Draught of Fishes (3). 524 St. Luke painting the Portrait of the Virgin and Child (9). From the Marochetti collection. 525 DIXON (John.) Born about 1740, died in London 1780. Buccleugh (Henry Scott, Duke of) — born 1746; died 1812. Three-quarter length, fondling a dog, after Gainsborough, 1 77 1 . Proof before letters. 5 26 Fleetwood (Charles) Proprietor of Drury Lane Theatre, about 1743. Three-quarter length, mezzotint, being arrested by a Bailiff. "Dixon ad vivum delineavit et fecit." 527 — 73 — DIXON (John.) GARRICK (DAVID) Actor and Poet— born 1 7 1 7— performed first at Ipswich 1741, and in Goodman's Fields, 1742 — took Drury Lane Theatre 1747 — retired 1776 — died 1779. Large whole-length, mezzotint, proof, after N. Dance, published 1772. 528 Garrick (David). Half-length mezzotint, seated holding a hook, published 1779- 529 Garrick (David). Whole-length mezzotint, in the character of Abel Drngger, after ZofTany. 5 30 Garrick (David) as Abel Drugger, with Burton and Palmer. Whole-length mezzotint, after ZofTany. Proof. 531 Hertford (Francis Seymour Conway, Earl of) Viceroy of Ireland in 1765 — Lord Chamberlain of the Household in 1766. Oval half-length . 532 The Tigress, after Stubbs. Mezzotint. Artist s proof . 533 DREVET (Claude.) Born at Lyons 1710J died in Paris 1768. Le Blanc, " Manuel de 1' Amateur d'Estampes," Paris, 1856. Bret de la Briffe (Marguerite Henriette le), Femme de Cardin Le Bret, President au Parlement d'Aix. (8). Three-quarter length, represented as Ceres, after Rigaud, 1728. 534 Oswald (Henry) Cardinal d'Auvergne — Archeveque deVienne. Abbe de Cluni — Chanoine et grand Prevot de Strasbourg. After Rigaud. (13). 535 Vintimille (Charles Gaspard Guillaume de) Eveque de Marseilles 1692 — Archeveque de Paris 1729 — ob. 1746. After Rigaud (16). 536 L — 74 — DREVET (Pierre.) Born at Lyons 16645 died in Paris 1739. Le Blanc, " Manuel de l'Amateur cTEstampes," Paris, 1856. Beauvau (Rene Francois de) Archev£que de Narbonne 1719; ob. 1740. After Kigzud, 1727. (18). 537 Bignon (Jean Paul) Abbe de Saint Quentin — Membre de TAcademie Francaise en 1693 — Bibliothecaire du Roi 17 18; born 1662 — died 1743. After Rigaud, 1707. (23). 538 Blais du Quesne* (Johannes le) Baron de Crepon — made " Conseiller d'Etat " by Cardinal Mazarin, for having supported the king during the troubles of the Fronde — born 161 5— died 1698. After De Piles, 1696. (24). First state, before the name of the painter. 5 39 Bourbon (Louis Auguste de) Prince de Dombes, Due du Maine — natural son of Louis XIV and of Madame de Montespan — born 1670 — made legitimate 1673 — died 1706. After De Troy, 1706. (29^). 540 * # * Undescribed by Le Blanc— a different engraving to No. 49, though the same person ; this large oval plate having been dedicated the year of his death, 1706, to tl Jacobus du Champ Du Mont." BOURGOGNE (Louis Due DE) eldest son of the Dauphin — born 1682 — died 1712. Oval, in armour, after Rigaud. (31). 541 Conde (Louis Henri de Bourbon Prince de) Premier Ministre de Louis XV en 1723 — born 1692 — died 1740. After Gobert. (41). From the Marshall Collection. 542 Cromwell (Oliver) Protector. After Van der Werf. (43). I11 a circle, on a pedestal, upon which is a Fox's skin, snake, scales, &c. From the Marshall Collection. 543 Dangeau (Philippe de Courcillon Marquis) Aide de Camp to Louis XIV. — negociated the Marriage of James II, with the Princess of Modena — Editor of the Journal Dangeau, from 1684 to 1720. (45). Proof before any letters, after Rigaud, 1703 544 — 75 - DREVET (Pierre.) Dombes (Louis Auguste de Bourbon Prince de) Due du Maine, Natural son of Louis XIV and of Madame de Montespan — born 1670 — made legitimate 1673 — died 1706. After De Troy, 1703. (49). 545 Fleury (Andre Hercule de) Cardinal, Prime Minister to Louis XV — born 1653; died 1743. (56). Second state ; after Rigaud. 546 Forest (Johannes) Painter — born 1635 ; died 171 2. Proof before any letters, after Largilliere. (57). From the Marshall Collection. . 547 Louis, Dauphin de France, son of Louis XIV. and Marie Therese of Austria — father of Philip V. of Spain — born 1661 ; died of small pox, 171 1. After Rigaud. (62). 548 James Francis Edward, the attainted Prince of Wales, commonly called " The Old Pretender" — ob. 1766 ; setat. 78. Large oval, after Largilliere. (63). 549 Halifax (Charles Montague, Earl of) Poet and Statesman — ob. 17 1 5 ; set. 54. (68). Half length, after Kneller. First state, proof before letters. 5 50 Keller (Jean Balthasar) Founder of Artillery to Louis XIV. After Rigaud. (72). 551 Lambert (Messire Nicolas) " Conseiller du Roi." " President en la chambre des Comptes." After Lagilliere. (74). Undescribed, first state, with the address, " Rue du Foin." 552 Lambert (Marie de Laubespine) wife of Nicolas Lambert, Seigneur de Torigny, President de la Chambres des Comptes. After Largilliere. (75). From the Marshall Collection. 553 Nemours (Marie d'Orleans Longueville Duchesse de) wife of Henri de Savoye, Due de Nemours — married in 1657 ; died 1707. (91). Three quarters, seated, after Rigaud. 554 — 74 — DREVET (Pierre.) Born at Lyons 1664.J died in Paris 1739. Le Blanc, " Manuel de l'Amateur d'Estampes," Paris, 1856. Beauvau (Rene Francois de) Archeveque de Narbonne 1719; ob. 1740. After Rigaud, 1727. (18). 537 BiGNON (Jean Paul) Abbe de Saint Quentin — Membre de l'Academie Francaise en 1693 — Bibliothecaire du Roi 17 18; born 1662 — died 1743. After Rigaud, 1707. (23). 538 Blais du Quesne" (Johannes le) Baron de Crepon— made " Conseiller d'Etat " by Cardinal Mazarin, for having supported the king during the troubles of the Fronde — born 161 5— died 1698. After De Piles, 1696. (24). First state, before the name of the painter. 5 39 Bourbon (Louis Auguste de) Prince de Dombes, Due du Maine — natural son of Louis XIV and of Madame de Montespan — born 1670 — made legitimate 1673 — died 1706. After De Troy, 1706. (29a). 540 * # * Undescribed by Le Blanc— a different engraving to No. 49, though the same person ; this large oval plate having been dedicated the year of his death, 1706, to tl Jacobus du Champ Du Mont." BOURGOGNE (Louis Due DE) eldest son of the Dauphin — born 1682 — died 1712. Oval, in armour, after Rigaud. (31). 541 Conde (Louis Henri de Bourbon Prince de) Premier Ministre de Louis XV en 1723 — born 1692 — died 1740. After Gobert. (41). From the Marshall Collection. 542 Cromwell (Oliver) Protector. After Van der Werf. (43). In a circle, on a pedestal, upon which is a Fox's skin, snake, scales, &c. From the Marshall Collection. 543 Dangeau (Philippe de Courcillon Marquis) Aide de Camp to Louis XIV. — negociated the Marriage of James II, with the Princess of Modena — Editor of the Journal Dangeau, from 1684 to 1720. (45). Proof before any letters, after Rigaud, 1703 544 — 75 — DREVET (Pierre.) Dombes (Louis Auguste de Bourbon Prince de) Due du Maine, Natural son of Louis XIV and of Madame de Montespan — born 1670 — made legitimate 1673 — died 1706. After De Troy, 1703. (49). 545 Fleury (Andre Hercule de) Cardinal, Prime Minister to Louis XV — born 1653; died 1743. (56). Second state ; after Rigaud. 546 Forest (Johannes) Painter — born 1635 ; died 1712. Proof before any letters, after Largilliere. (57). From the Marshall Collection. . 547 Louis, Dauphin de France, son of Louis XIV. and Marie Therese of Austria — father of Philip V. of Spain — born 166 1 ; died of small pox, 171 1. After Rigaud. (62). 548 James Francis Edward, the attainted Prince of Wales, commonly called " The Old Pretender" — ob. 1766 ; aetat. 78. Large oval, after Largilliere. (63). 549 Halifax (Charles Montague, Earl of) Poet and Statesman — ob. 17 15 ; set. 54. (68). Half length, after Kneller. First state, proof before letters. 550 Keller (Jean Balthasar) Founder of Artillery to Louis XIV. After Rigaud. (72). 551 Lambert (Messire Nicolas) " Conseiller du Roi." " President en la chambre des Comptes." After Lagilliere. (74). Undescribed, first state, with the address, " Rue du Foin." 552 Lambert (Marie de Laubespine) wife of Nicolas Lambert, Seigneur de Torigny, President de la Chambres des Comptes. ^/^Largilliere. (75). From the Marshall Collection. 553 Nemours (Marie d'Orleans Longueville Duchesse de) wife of Henri de Savoye, Due de Nemours — married in 1657 ; died 1707. (91). Three quarters, seated, after Rigaud. 554 - 76 - DREVET (Pierre.) Noailles (Adrien Maurice de) Marechal de France — married Francois Daubigne, niece of Madame de Maintenon — born 1678 ; died 1766. After De Troy. (92). 555 Noailles (Louis Antoine de) Bishop and Count of Chalons, 1680 — Archbishop of Paris 1695 — Cardinal 1700 — died 1729. Large half length oval on a pedestal, after Rigaud. (93). 556 Philippe V. of Spain — Duke of Anjou — second son of the Dauphin Louis (son of Louis XIV.) and Marie Anne Christine de Baviere, born 1683 — declared by Charles II heir of the Spanish Monarchy, and proclaimed King 1700; opposed by the Archduke Charles, son of Leopold I — ob. 1746. (51). First state before the dedication. 557 Portail (Antoine) Premier President au Parlement de Paris. After Tournieres. (100). 558 RlGAUD (Hyacinthe) celebrated Portrait Painter — born 1663 ; died 1743. (102). Proof before letters •, with margin. 559 Rigaud (Hyacinthe) se ipse pinxit. (102). With the date 1 72 1 . 5 60 SERRE (Maria) Mother of Hyacinthe Rigaud. (104). After Rigaud 561 Sobieski (Clementina) Consort of James Stuart, the Attainted Prince of Wales — ob. 1735. After Davids. (105). 562 Toulouse (Louis Alexandre de Bourbon, Comte de) Son of Louis XIV. and Madame de Montespan — at the age of twelve distinguished himself at the Siege of Namur — defeated the English under Admiral Rooke, near Malaga — friend of St. Simon — born 1678; died 1737. (ill). From the Archinto and Marshall Collections. 563 Toulouse (Louis Alexandre de Bourbon, Comte de) Admiral of France — natural son of Louis XIV. and Madame de Montespan — born 1678 — made legitimate 1681 — died 1737. (112). 564 — 77 — DREVET (Pierre.) Villars (LOUIS Hector, Due DE) Marechal de France- defeats Lord Albemarle at Denain 1712, the result of which was the Peace of Utrecht — born 1653; died 1734. (ii5). With nine lines of inscription beneath. From the Thiers Collection. 565 DREVET (Pierre Imbert.) Born in Paris 1697 ; son and pupil of Pierre Drevet; died 1739. Le Blanc, "Manuel d'Estampes,'' Paris, 1856. Bernard (Samuel) Comte de Coubert, Banquier de la Cour — died 1759 ; aetat 88. Whole-length seated, after Rigaud. (18). First state, before the words " Conseiller d'Etat." From the Marshall Collection. 566 Bossuet (Jacques Benigne) Eveque de Meaux — Preceptor of the Dauphin, son of Louis XIV. — born 1627 ; died 1704. (19)- Whole length, after Rigaud. Second state. From the Marshall Collection. 567 Cotte (Robert de) Architect et Controleur des Batiments du Roi en 1707 — born 1657; died 1735. (23). From the Marshall Collection. 568 Couvay (Pierre Nicolas) Secretaire du Roi — ob. 1751 ; setat 65. (24). First state, before the artist's names. 569 Dodun (Charles Gaspard) Controleur General des Finances, 1722 — retired 1726. After Rigaud, 1724. (25). 570 Dubois (Guillaume) Cardinal Archbishop, Due de Cambray — born 1656 — concluded the treaty "de la triple alliance" between England, Holland, and France, at the Hague, Jan. 14th, 17 1 7 — minister to the Duke of Orleans, Regent of France — died at Versailles, 1723. (26). Three quarters, seated, after Rigaud, 1723. 571 - 78 DREVET (Pierre Imbert.) Louis XV of France, as a youth. (27). Oval half lengthy in his robes, after Rigaud. 572 Louis XV when a youth, seated on the throne. After Rigaud, 1723. (28). 573 LECOUVREUR (Adrienne) celebrated Actress, who made her debut in 17 17, at the Comedie Francaises in the part of Monime — mistress of the Marshall de Sax— Voltaire was one of her distinguished adorers, and wrote a poem on her death in 1730. She was said to have been poisoned by the Princess de Conti. (31). Before the final e was added to the word " Model." From the Camber lyn Collection. 574 Orleans (Elizabeth Charlotte Palatine du Rhin, DuCHESSE d') second wife of Philippe de France, Duke of Orleans, only brother of Louis XIV. — born 1652; married 1671 ; died 1722. (37). From the Collection of the Comte de H arrack. 575 Orleans (Louis Due d') son of Philippe Due d'Orleans, Regent of France and Mad lle de Blois (daughter of Louis XIV. and Mad me de Montespan) — married Marie Leczinska — founded a library, which he left to the Dominicans of Paris —born 1703 ; died 1752. (38). 576 Orleans (Louise-Adelaide d') Abesse de Chelles, one of the daughters of the Due d'Orleans, Regent of France, (grandson of Louis XIII. and Anne of Austria) and Mad lle de Blois, daughter of Louis XIV. and M me de Montespan. (39). From tJie Marshall Collection. 577 Rohan (Armand Gaston, Prince de) son of the Prince de Soubise — took part in the negociations on the affairs of the Church towards the end of the reign of Louis XIV. — born 1674; died 1749. (41). First state, before the collar of the order of St. Esprit. 578 — 79 — DREVET (Pierre Imbert.) TRESSAN (Mons. DE) Archbishop of Rouen— ob. 1733. (44). Kneeling in adoration of the Virgin and Child, after Vanloo. 579 The same. (45). The small plate engraved for the title of a Breviary. From the Marshall Collection. 5 80 DROESHOUT (John.) Worked in England in the 17th Century. Elton (Richard) Author of "A complete Body of the Art Military," Anno 1649 — 39. Oval half length in armour, holding a baton, surrounded by emblems, with eight lines of English verse beneath. 581 Hudson (Jeffrey) a dwarf presented by the Duchess of Buckingham to Henrietta Maria — ob. 1678 ; set. 63. Small whole length prefixed to the " New Year's Gift from Lady Parvula to the Lord Minimus," 1636. From the Sykes, Woodbum and Tunno Collections. 582 # # * At Petworth is a whole length portrait of Henrietta Maria with Jeffrey Hudson, after Van Dyck. DROESHOUT (Martin.) Worked in England about 1623. Hamilton (James Marquis of) Favourite of James I. — created a Peer of England in 1619 — Lord High Commissioner of the Parliament of Scotland, 1621 — ob. 1625, said to have been poisoned by the Duke of Buckingham. Whole length, in armour, standing by a table under a canopy ; four lines of title beneath, and " Martin D. Sculpsit, London, 1623. Are to be sould at the Globe over against th' exchange." With large margin. 583 Newport (Mountjoy Blount, Earl of) Natural Son of Charles Blount Earl of Devonshire, by Penelope, daughter of Walter Devereux Earl of Essex, and wife of Robert Lord Rich — ob. 1665. Half length, in a border, with two knights combatting beneath. " Tho. Jenner excu." From the Wenman Martin Collection. 584 - 8o DUCLOS (Antoine Jean.) Born in Paris 1742 j Pupil of Aug. de St. Aubin. Le Concert ; after St. Aubin. From the Moffatt Collection. 585 LE Bal Paris ; after St. Aubin. From the Moffatt Collection. 586 DUNKARTON (Robert.) Painter and Engraver 5 born in London about 1 744. BRINDLEY (James) Engineer to the Duke of Bridgwater, and to the Canal Navigations. Half length mezzotint, after Parsons, 1773. 587 MARY Stuart, Queen of Scotland, and Henry Lord Darnley. Mezzotint. " From the unique print by Elstracke in the possession of Sir Mark Masterman Sykes, Bart." 588 * # * The original will be found under Elstrack DUPLESSI BERTAUX (Joseph.) Born at Paris 1747; died 181 3. L'Assemblee Nation ale, 1 796 ; after Monnet. 589 This plate was etched in 1796. DUPONT (Henriquel.) Contemporary French Engraver. The Madonna and Child, after Raphael. A rtisfs proof on india paper. The original drawing is in the Louvre. 590 DUPUY (Charles.) Born in Paris 1695 ; died 1742. Largilliere (Nicholas de) celebrated Portrait Painter — born 1656 ; died 1746. Half length oval, after Gulain. 591 * # * This plate was engraved for the reception of the artist in the Royal Academy, 1730, — 8i — DURER (Albert.) Painter, Engraver and Etcher j born at Nuremberg 1471 5 pupil of his father and of Michel Wohlgemuth j worked in Germany and in Italy j died 1528. Bartsch, Vol. VII. Adam and Eve. (i). 592 The Nativity of our Lord. (2). From the Maberly Collection. 593 The Passion of our Lord. (3-18). Mounted and bound in one volume, morocco antique. 594 Christ praying in the Garden. (19). 595 Christ expiring on the Cross. (24). From the Mariette Collection. 596 Two Angels holding the Sudarium. (25). From the Marshall Collection. 597 An Angel flying and holding the Sudarium. (26). From the Marshall Collection. 598 The Prodigal Son. (28). 599 St. Anne and the Virgin. (29). 600 The Virgin, with a crown of stars and sceptre. (32). 601 The Virgin, with the Infant Saviour in her arms. (33). From the Ferol, A rosarena, and Marshall Collections. 602 The Virgin suckling the Infant Jesus. (34). From the Maberly Collection. 603 The Virgin, seated, embracing the Infant Jesus. (35). From the Mariette and Debois Collections. 604 The Virgin, seated, suckling the Infant Jesus. (36). 605 The Virgin crowned by an Angel. (37). 606 The Virgin, with the Infant Jesus in swaddling clothes. (38). 607 The Virgin crowned by two Angels. (39). \ From the Morant Collection. 608 The Virgin seated by a wall. (40). From the Marshall Collection. 609 M — 82 — DURER (Albert.) The Virgin with the pear. (41). From the Dumesnil and Marshall Collections. 610 The Virgin with the monkey. (42). First state, before the two scratches across the nose and the back of the monkey. 611 The Holy Family, with a butterfly. (44). 612 The Disciples. (46-50). St. Philip. (46). 613 St. Bartholomew. (47). 614 St. Thomas. (48). 615 St. Simon. (49). 616 St. Paul. (50). 617 The complete set, from the St. Aubyn and Marshall Collections. St. Christopher. (52). From the St. Aubyn Collection. 618 St. George, on foot. (53). 619 St. George, on horseback. (54). 620 St. Sebastian tied to a tree. (55). 621 St. Sebastian tied to a column. (56). From Prince de Paar's Collection. 622 St. Eustachius kneeling before a stag. (57). From the Morant Collection. 623 Also a reverse copy of the dogs in the above plate. (Heller, 736). St. Anthony. (58). 624 St. Jerome in the cell. (60). 625 St. Jerome in the Desert. (61). From the St. Aubyn Collection. 626 The Sorceress. (67). From the Archinto Collection. 627 Apollo and Diana. (68). From the Marochetti Collection. 628 - 8 3 - DURER (Albert.) The Satyr and his Family. (69). The Rape of Amymone. (71). 629 630 Pluto carrying off Proserpine. (72). Inscribed with the name of Mariette, From the Marshall Collection. 63 1 The effects of Jealousy. (73). From the Archinto and Marshall Collections. 632 Melancholy. (74). This impression was in the possession of P. Mariette t 1707. 633 A Group of four Naked Women. (75). From the Donnadieu and Marshall Collections. 634 Idleness. (76). From the Marshall Collection. 635 The Large Fortune. (77). From the Donnadieu Collection. 636 The Little Fortune. (78). From the Marshall Collection. 637 Justice. (79). From the Beckford and Morant Collections. 638 The Little Courier. (80). 639 The Lady on Horseback. (82). From the Thiers Collection. 640 A Peasant walking, in conversation with a woman. (83). From the Marshall Collection, 641 The Hostess and Cook. (84). From the Palmer Collection. 642 The Oriental, with a woman and child. (85). From the Debois and Marshall Collections. 643 The Three Peasants. (86). 644 The Ensign. (87). 645 The Assemblage of Warriors. (88). 646 DURER (Albert.) The Peasant with a basket of Eggs. (89). From the St. Aubyn and Marshall Collections. 647 A Countryman and a Woman dancing. (90). From the Marshall Collection. 648 The Player on the Bagpipes. (91). From the Marshall Collection. 649 Le Violent. (92). From the Marshall Collection. 650 The Offers of Love. (93). From the Palmer Collection. 65 I # # * The copy of this print by Marc Antonio will be found under the head of that engraver. (B. 650). The Lady and Gentleman walking, with Death behind A TREE. (94). 652 The Monstrous Hog. (95). 653 The Little Horse. (96). 654 The Great Horse. (97). From the St. Aubyn Collection. 655 The Knight of Death. (98). From the Palmer Collection. 656 The Cannon Landscape. (99). 657 The Shield of Arms with the Cock. (100). From the Archinto Collection. 658 The Shield of Arms with the skull, (ioi). This print was in the possession of P. Mariette, 1668. 659 Albert II, Elector of Mayence — born 1490; died 1545. (102). Frederic III, Elector of Saxony— Supporter of the Reformation, Friend of Luther and Durer — born 1463 ; " Anno etatis sue XXIX. MD.XIX. 1 660 Albert II, Elector of Mayence. (103). From the Marshall Collection. 661 died 1525. (104). 662 - 85 - DURER (Albert.) Melancthon (Philip) born 1497 ; died 1560. (105). From the St. Auby7i and Marshall Collections. 663 Pirkheimer (Bilibald) born 1470; died 1530. (106). From the Marshall Collection. 664 Erasmus of Rotterdam. (107). From the Marshall Collection. 665 Woodcuts. Samson slaying the Lion. (2). 666 The Bath, with six men, two of which are playing on musical instruments, a third drinking. (128). 667 The Siege of a Town — dated 1527. (137). Engraved on tzvo blocks. 668 A circular Design for Lace. (141). 669 A circular Design for Lace. (143). Proof before the monogram of Durer, and an impression with the same. 670 Maximilian I, Emperor of Germany — born 1459; died 15 19. (153). Large half length in a border. 671 DURER (ALBERT) Bust in profile, turned to the left. (156). 672 DURR (John.) Worked from 1625 to 1670. Erskein (Alexander) Ambassador from the King of Sweden to the Treaty of Munster. 673 * # * His portrait is also in Suyderhoef s Treaty of Munster." DUVET (Jean.) Dit, " Le Maitre a la Licorne." Painter, Goldsmith and Engraver} born at Langres in 1485 j worked until 1 561. Dumesnily " Peintre-Graveur Frangais" Vol. V. A King and his suite pursued by a unicorn. (55). 674 "Faisant peut-etre allusion aux amours de Henry II et de Diane de Poitiers." (Dumesnil). - 86 — DUVET (Jean.) Poison and Antidote. (6i). The following is DumesniVs description of this curious allegorical print, which is from the Esdaile Collection. 675 " Un ours et une lionne combattent contre un dragon qui mord un lion. A gauche, un homme nu, assis sur une butte, se garantit contre les exhalaisons mortelles du dragon en se couvrant d'un bouclier rond et poli. A droite, une licorne, arrivant au galop, enfonce sa corne dans le dragon. Le fond presente des rochers d'entre lesquels sort un sanglier. Morceau sans nom ni marque et d'un bon gout de dessin." " II parait que dans cette estampe Duvet a voulu designer la qualite de contre-poison que Ton a autrefois attribute a la corne de la licorne; erreur qu : 'Ambroise Pare a des premiers refutee dans son " Discours sur la Mumie (Momie) la Licorne, les V enins et la Peste" in 40., Paris, Gabriel Buon, 1582." DYCK (Sir Anthony Van.) Painter, Engraver and Etcher; born at Antwerp 1599} pupil of H. van Balen and P. P. Rubens; worked in Holland, Italy and London, where he died 1641. Breugel (Joannes) celebrated Painter — born 1565; died 1642; son of Peter, a native of Antwerp. Second state, with only a small portion of the background ; worked in very fine horizontal lines, with a slight marginal line and before any inscription. From the Archinto and Marshall Collections. 676 Breugel (Petrus) Brother of John — born 1562; died 1642; Landscape painter : his liking for grotesque and fiend-like forms obtained him the name of " Hellish Breugel." First- state before the inscription, and having only a slight marginal line etched beneath, with large margin. From the Marshall Collection. 677 CORNELISSEN (ANTONIUS) Descended from one of the wealthiest families of Antwerp ; great patron and collector of works of art ; friend of Rubens and Van Dyck. Second state, the plate finished by Vorsterman, with the address of Vanden Enden, but before the name of the engraver, zvith margin. From the Marshall Collection. 678 * # * The Duke of Buccleuch possesses the original sketch in grissaille from which Vorsterman finished the engraving. - 8 7 - DYCK (Sir Anthony Van.) Dyck (Sir Anthony Van) Portrait of the Artist himself when about thirty years of age. First state. Pure etching of the head only ; a slight line indicating the collar — the marks from the polisher very distinct. From the Marshall Collection. 679 Dyck (Sir Anthony Van). The preceding etching, the shoulders and drapery having been finished by Isaac Neefs. The plate in this {third) state served as the title page to the edition of the " Centum Icones," issued by " Giles Hendrix," 1 645 . With margin. From the A rchinto and Marshall Collections. 680 Erasmus, of Rotterdam. First state, before the inscription beneath. From the Chambers Hall, and Marshall Collections. 68 1 FRANCK (FRANCISCUS) Artist, son of the historical painter of the same name — born at Antwerp 1580; died 1642. Second state, with the engraved background, but before the marginal lines and the inscription. From the Marshall Collection. 682 Le ROY (PHILLIPUS) Politician; confidant of Philip IV. of Spain, privy councillor and member of the council of finance of Brabant. Pure etching, the head only finished, before the background, marginal lines or inscription. From the Marshall Collection. 683 Le Roy (Phillipus) reverse of the above. The following description of another impression in the British Museum is taken from Mr. Carpenter's " Descriptive Catalogue of the Etchings of Vandyck." ''In the collection of the British Museum there is an impression from a plate with the head turned towards the right shoulder, and which a casual observer would imagine to be a counterproof from an impression in the first state of the plate before described ; but, on a careful examination, it will be found to be executed with a less — 88 — DYCK (Sir Anthony Van.) painter-like feeling, more particularly where the nostril joins the upper lip, the working of the lines in the shadows about the eye is more mechanical and the extremities of the hair want the firm- ness of hand shewn in the other, but still it has so much of the character of Van Dyck's work, that the compiler does not feel justified in omitting it." From the Hawkins and Marshall Collections. 684 MOMPER (JUDOCUS de) Landscape Painter, Native of Antwerp — born 1580; said to have assisted Rubens in the painting of his Landscape backgrounds. First state, before the inscription or marginal lines. From the Marshall Collection. 685 MOMPER (JUDOCUS DE) second plate. Second state, the plate finished by Vorsterman, with the address of Vanden Enden, but before the name of the engraver, with margin. From the Marshall Collection. 686 Oort (Adams Van) First Master of Rubens, native of Antwerp — born 1557 ; died 1641. Rubens is said to have observed, that had Van Oort visited Italy, and not debased his powers by intemperance, he would have surpassed all the artists of his time. Second state, with a pilaster introduced as a background. From the Carpenter and Marshall Collections. 687 PONTIUS (Paul) the celebrated Engraver, native of Antwerp, contemporary of Rubens and Vandyck, after whose pictures he engraved many plates. Proof before the inscription, with the marginal lines irregular and slight. From the Marshall Collection. 688 SNELLINX (JOANNES) Historical Painter, native of Mechlin — born 1544; died 1638; patronized - by Ernest Count Mansfeldt, the Archduke Albert, and the Infanta Isabella. First state, before the inscription, with only a marginal line etched beneath. From the Carpenter and Marshall Collections. 689 - 8 9 - DYCK (Sir Anthony Van.) Snellincx (Joannes) second plate. Second state, the plate finished by Peter de J ode, with the address 0/Vanden Enden, but before the na7ne of the engraver. From the Carpenter and Marshall Collections. 690 SNYDERS (FRANCISCUS) distinguished Animal Painter, native of Antwerp — born 1579; died 1657. The Archduke Albert commissioned him to paint several large pictures, which were presented to Philip III. of Spain, and are now in the old Palace of Buen Retiro. First state, pure etching, the head only finished, before the marginal line or inscription. From the Marshall Collection. 691 Snyders (Franciscus). Third state, the plate finished by James Neefs, and with the address of Giles Hendrix. From the Marshall Collection. ' 692 STEVENS (PETRUS) a wealthy Merchant of Antwerp, patron of Art — Grand Almoner of the City of Antwerp in 1632. First state, with the address of Vanden Enden, but before the name of the engraver, with margin. From the Seguier, Sheepshanks, Carpenter and Marshall Collections. 693 Stevens (Peter). Second state, with the address of Vanden Enden, and the name of Vorsterman. From the Marshall Collection. 694 SUTTERMANS (Justus) distinguished Portrait Painter, a native of Antwerp — born 1597; died 1681. Having fixed his residence at Florence in the time of Cosmo II. he was retained by the Court to the end of the reign of Cosmo III. First state, before the inscription, and with the marginal line merely etched in beneath. From the Arosarena Collection. 695 N — 90 — DYCK (Sir Anthony Van.) TRIEST (ANTONIUS) Bishop of Bruges and Ghent — Friend and Patron of the principal Painters of Flanders. Du Quesnoy executed a bust of him, as well as the mausoleum, which is erected to his memory in the church of St. Bavon, Ghent. Second state, finished by Peter de J ode. With margin ; from the Marshall Collection, 696 The first state is only known to exist by a counterproof in the cabinet of the Duke of Devonshire. VORSTERMANS (Lucas) one the most eminent Engravers of his time, 1630 ; he was employed in England by Charles I. and the Earl of Arundel. First state f with margin, before the inscription or marginal line. From the Northwick, and Marshall Collections. 697 VOS (GUILIELMUS DE) Painter, native of Antwerp, studied in Italy. Second state, before the inscription but with the background ; with large margin. From the Marshall Collection. 698 A photograph of the unique first state in the British Museum. VOS (PAULUS de) Animal Painter, pupil of Snyders — born near Antwerp about 1 600— visited most of the Courts of Europe — patronized by the Emperor of Germany and the King of Spain. First state, the head and frill only finished. From the Debois, Dreux, and Marshall Collections. 699 Vos (Paulus de). Second state, the figure etched in by Meyssens, before the extra work and retouch by Bolswert. With margin ; from the Marshall Collection. 700 Wael (JOANNES de) Historical Painter — born at Antwerp 1560; died 1633 ; visited Paris and Italy. First state, before the introduction of the sleeve and hand, and before the inscription. From the Chambers Hall, Weber, and Marshall Collec- tions. 701 — 9i — DYCK (Sir Anthony Van.) Wael (Joannes de). Fourth state, with the sleeve and hand introduced, and with the address of Giles Hendrix. 702 Waverius (Joannes) Friend and pupil of Justus Lipsius — Member of the Council of the Archduke Albert — sent by the Infanta Isabella on a mission to Madrid. Third state, the plate finished by Paul Pontius, with the address of Vanden Enden, and before the name of the engraver. With margin; from the Seguir, and Carpenter Collec- tions. 703 A photograph of the unique first state in the collection of C. S. Bale, Esq. Christ crowned with thorns. Second state, completely finished, before the address of Bon Enfant, but with the inscription. With margin; from the Dumesnil, and Marshall Col- lections. 704 A photograph of the unique first state in the British Museum. Titian and his Mistress. Third state, finished throughout, with the verses commencing " Ecco il belveder ! O che felice sorte ! " before the address of Bon Enfant. From the Peart, and Marshall Collections. 705 A photograph of the unique first state in the British Museum. # # * The first and second states are unique, and will be found in the British Museum. The Holy Family — the Virgin is seated on a bank with the Infant Saviour on her lap, he is looking up at four cherubims hovering above. Beneath on the right " Antoni Van Dyck in." From the Carpenter and Marshall Collections. 706 * # * The Portraits after Van Dyck will be found under the head of their respective engravers. — 92 — EARLOM (Richard.) Born 1728 j died in London 1794. Ardell (James Mac) Mezzotinto Engraver. Half length mezzotint, after a drawing by himself 1765. 707 Mrs. Baddeley and Mr. King in the Clandestine Marriage. Whole lengths, mezzotint, proof, after Z off any, 708 Carlos (Don Balthazar) son of Philip IV and his first wife Isabella of Bourbon, daughter of Henry IV — born 1629 ; died 1645. Equestrian portrait, after the picture by Velasquez, at Madrid. 709 Pitt (The Right Honble. William) born 1759; Prime Minister 1783; died 1806. Half length oval mezzotint, proof before any letters. 710 Rubens' Child and his Nurse, with fruit and vegetables. Mezzotint, artist's proof, after Rubens. 711 Embassy of Hyderbeck to Calcutta, " from the Vizier of Oude, by the way of Patna, in the year 1788, to meet Lord Cornwallis." Mezzotint, open letter proof after Zoffany, R.A. 712 The Fish Market. 713 The Flower Market. 714 The Fruit Market. 715 The Game Market. 716 The complete set of four mezzotints, after Snyders. Proofs before letters, with the arms. A Fruit Piece. After ' Van Huysum. Mezzotint, artist proof, before the motto in the arms. 717 A Flower Piece. After Van Huysum. Mezzotint, artist proof , before the motto in the arms. 718 The Tiger and Boar. After Snyders. Mezzotint, proof, with the artists names. 719 — 93 — EARLOM (Richard.) The Boar Hunt. After Rubens. Mezzotint, proof before letters, with the arms and artists' names etched. 720 The Blacksmith's Forge. After Wright. Mezzotint, proof artist's names only etched. 72 1 The Royal Academy. After Zoffany. Mezzotint, proof, artists' names only etched ; and key. 722 Tiger Hunting in the East Indies, containing portraits of Sir John Macpherson — Mr. Staples — General Carnac, and John Zoffany. Mezzotint, proof, artists' names only slightly etched, and key. After J . Zoffany. 723 EDELINCK (Gerard.) Born at Antwerp 1610 ; worked in Paris j died 1707. Robert Dumesnil, "Le Peintre Graveur, Francaise," Vol. vn. p. 169. Moses holding the Tables of the Law. (2). After Philipe de Champagne. With the address of Drevet. From the De Kat Collection. 724 Berry (Charles, Due de) third son of Louis, Dauphin of France, and Mary Christine of Bavaria — married in 17 10, the eldest daughter of Philippe d' Orleans, Regent of France — born 1686; died 1714. (147). Oval half length, after Troye. 725 BOURGOGNE (LOUIS, Due DE) eldest son of Louis, Dauphin of France; grandson of Louis XIV; father of Louis XV — married 1697, Marie Adelaide de Savoie — born 1682 ; died 1712. (158). Oval half length, after Troye; from the La Salle Collection. 7 2 ^ Carcavy (Pierre de) Garde de la Bibliotheque du Roi — ob. 1684. (163). 727 Champagne (Philippe de) Peintre du Roi — born 1602; died 1674. (164). Se spse pinxit. First state, before the slip of the graver in the sky to the left. 728 — 94 — EDELINCK (Gerard.) Descartes (Ren£) celebrated Philosopher at the Hague — born 1596; died 1650. (181). After Frank Hals. First state, before the address of Chereau. From tlw Marshall Collection. 729 Dilgerus (Nathaniel) Minister of Dantzic — set. 75, 1683. (185). 730 Dryden (John) Poet — born 1631 ; died 1700. (187). Oval, with arms beneath. 731 Fagon (Guido Crescentius) celebrated Botanist, and Doctor of Medicine to Marie Therese of Austria, and Louis XIV. (200). Second state ; from the Thiers Collection. 732 Gramont (Antoine III Due de) Marshal of France, 1641 : Ambassador to the Diet of Frankfort in 1657, anc * to Spain, 1659 — born 1604 J died at Bayonne, 1678. (220). Half length oval, in armour. 733 Helyot (Marie Herinx) wife of Claude Helyot, Counsellor at Paris — obit. 1682 ; aetat. 37. (223). Half-length oval, holding a crucifix. Second state. " F. Luc. RecoL In. Jac. Galliot pinx." 734 Lamoignon (Magdeleine de) daughter of Christian ; sister of the President of Parliament — born 1609; died 1687. (234). Half-length oval, after De Seve. First state before the retouch. From the Camber lyn Collection. 735 Louis XIV. (256). Three quarters, in armour, after Jean de la Haye. First state, before the Latin lines of inscription were engraved. 736 Louis XIV. (257), Large oval bust, life size, in armour, with a Thlse beneath. " Nanteuil ad vivum effig Pinx." " Edelinck sculp, cum Privil Regis, 1679." 737 — 95 — EDELINCK (Gerard.) Montmorency (Francois de) Duke of Luxembourg-Piney, Peer and Marshal of France, Captain of the Body Guard, Governor of Normandy, Commander of Forces in Flanders — born 1628 ; died 1695. (263). Half length, oval, after Hyacinthe Rigaud. From the Thiers Collection. 738 Mouton (Charles) Musician to Louis XIV. (281). Second state,with the address of S. Jacques, au Seraphin. 739 Parent (Jean Charles) Chevalier Romain. (287). Half-length oval, on a pedestal, after Tortebat. Second state, before the address. 740 Philip V, King of Spain, when Duke of Anjou ; second son of Louis Dauphin of France, and Mary Anne of Bavaria; declared King 1700 — born 1683 ; died 1746. (294). Half length, in an oval, on a pedestal. 741 Rigaud (Hyacinthe) Peintre du Roy — born 1663 ; died 1743. (303). Second state, with the letters CP.R. following " Edelinck se ipse pinxit? 742 Santeuil (Jean Baptiste) Chanoine Regulier de Saint- Victor deParis — celebrated LatinPoet — born 1630; died 1697. (311). Second state, before any address. 743 SlLVESTRE (Israel) Draughtsman to the King and celebrated Architectural Engraver — born 1621 ; died 1691. (319). Oval half length, after C. Le Brun, with a view of Paris beneath. From the Thiers Collection. 744 Pelletier (Michel le) de Sousy, Maitre des Requetes, Conseillerd'Etat et Intendantdes Finances — died 1725. (322). Oval half length, after Van Oost. 745 Toulouse (Louis Alexandre de Bourbon Comte de) Amiral de France, natural son of Louis XIV, and Madame de Montespan — born 1678 — legitimised 1681 — died 1737. (329). Oval, in armour, surrounded by trophies, after Gobert. 746 - 96 - EDELINCK (Gerard.) Ulrica Eleanora, Queen of Sweden, daughter of Charles XI. — - sister of Charles XII — elected Queen 17 19 — transferred the crown to her husband Frederic, Prince of Hesse Cassel, 1720 — born 1688; died 1742. (331). Proof before any letters, and before the arms. Villacerf (Edouard Colbert, Marquis de) " Conseiller du Roy, en son Conseil d'Estat, premier Maitre d'Hotel de feue la Reine, Surintendant et Ordonnateur general des Batimens et jardins, Arts, et Manufactures de sa Majeste." (336). Large oval, after Mignard. 748 Villeroy et Beaupreau (Francois de Neufville, Due DE) Favorite of Louis XIV, called "Le Charmant," com- manded at the Battle of Ramilies. (337). First state, before any letters, after Rigaud. From the Marshall Collection. 749 EDWARDS (Edwin.) Contemporary Artist. A Collection of Etchings, comprising the fifty as published; also a large number of trial proofs from other plates. 750 ELLIS (B. B.) Deane (Silas) Commissioner from Congress in France. 75 1 Dickenson (J.) Member of Congress, author of Letters of a Farmer of Pennsylvania. 752 Drayton (W. H.) Member of Congress. 753 Gates (Horatio) celebrated American General in the War for Independence. 754 Huntingdon (S.) President of Congress. 755 Laurens (Henry) President of the first American Congress, 1774 — Minister Plenipotentiary for treating of Peace with Great Britain. 756 Lay (John) President of Congress, Minister Plenipotentiary from Congress at Madrid. 757 — 97 — ELLIS (B. B.) MORRIS (Governor) American Statesman, Member of Congress, Ambassador to France, 1792. 758 Reed (General) Member of Congress, President, and Com- mander in Chief of the State of Pennsylvania. 759 Steuben (Major-General, Baron). 760 Thompson (Charles) Secretary to Congress. 761 Washington (General) Commander in Chief of the United States of North America. 762 ELSTRACKE (Renold.) Worked in London at the end of the 16th and commencement of the 17th Century. Cesar (Sir Julius). "The right Honourable S r Julius Caesar knight, Master of the Rowles and one of his Ma^s most hon bI . e privie Counsell:" ob. 1639. "R. Elstracke sculpsit." "Are to be sold by Compton Holland over against th' exchange." 763 Elizabetha, D. G. Anglle Francle et Hibernle Regina ; Mortua 1602. Oval. " Shee was, Shee is, what can there more be said, In earth the first, in heaven the second maide." "Are to be sold by J. Sudbury and George Humble in Popes Head Alle at the white horse." 764 Essex (Robert Devereux, Earl of) Parliamentary General — Married Lady Frances Howard 1610; divorced 161 3 — born 1596; died 1646. Oval, in a lace ruff, at about the age of 20. "Are to be sold by Compton Holland over against th exchange." 765 Frederick III, King of Denmark, son of Christian IV — born 1609; died 1670. "The most Excellent and Hopefull Prince Frederick Christian, Heire of Norway, &c." Half length oval. "Are to be sold by Tho: Jenner." From the Puibusque Collection. 766 o ELSTRACKE (Renold.) Frederick V, and Elizabeth of Bohemia. Whole lengths, richly dressed, crowns on their heads, beneath their titles in six lines. " Are to be sold at the whit horse in popes head Alley by John Spilsbury and George Humble." From the Puibusqne Collection. 767 Frederick, King of Bohemia. On horseback, crowned, holding a sceptre, the view of a city in the background, and in the right top corner a coat of amis with motto underneath, on the left tJiree shields of arms on a tablet, inscribed with his titles, below twelve lines of English verse. "Are to be sold in Pope's head Alley by John Sudbury and George Humble." 768 Harrington (John, Lord) ob. 1613. "Dominus Johannes Haringtonus, Baro de Exton aetat 22." "Religion, Learning, Language, &c." An oval, supported by a lion and a cock, with sixteen English verses beneath. 769 This print was sold at the Delabere sale for £32. and at Lord Fife's for £18. Mary, Queen of Scotland, and Lord Darnley. "The Most Excellent Princesse Marie Queen of Scotland, Mother of our Soveraigne Lord King James, and the most Illustrious Prince Henry, Lord Darnley, King of Scotland, &c." Whole lengths, standing near each other, with the arms of France and Scotland between them. The King is represented in a cap and feather, holding a truncheon, the Queen mag- nificently attired, with a large veil and lace kerchief in her hand. "R. Elstrak, Sculp, and sold by Sudbury and Humble." 770 * # * This print sold in the sale of Sir Mark Masterman Sykes, 1824, for £81. 1 8s. — 99 — ELSTRACKE (Renold.) Mary, "Queene of Scotland and Dowager of France, Mother to our Soveraigne Lord James of greate Brittaine France and Ireland, King." "Are to be sold by Compton Holland." 771 More (Sir Thomas). " The true Portraicture of Sr Thomas More, sometymes Lord Chanceloure of England, famous for letters. He died anno 1534." * Are to be sold by Compton Holland ouer against the exchange." With large margin. From the Wcnman Martin Collection. 772 PERKINS (William) Learned Divine ; ob. Cambridge, 1602. "Are to be sold by Compton Holland." 773 Philip III. of Spain. " The most high and right potent Prince Philip by y e grace of God King of Spaine, Castille, Leon, Arragon, Navarre, Hierusale, Naples, Sicile, Maiorca, Minorca, Sardinia, and of the Indies, Archduke of Austria, &c." " Compton Holland excudit." From the Wenman Martin Collection. 774 Sheffield (Edmund, Lord) afterwards Earl of Mulgrave — ob. 1646 ; set. 80. First state. Sold by " Sudbury and Humble." The inscriptions were altered when he was created Earl of Mulgrave. 775 Sidney (Sir Philip). " The pourtraicture of the most valiant, and perfect honourable Gentilman, S r Philipp Sidney knight, late Gouerneur of Flushing in Zelande ; Famous for Letters and Armes, H ee received his Deaths wounde at a Battle nere Zulphen the 22 of Septemb: and died at Arneham the 16 day of October, Ao 1586." "Vix ea nostra uoco." With the address of " Compton Holland." 776 *#* This print, which was done in the reign of Elizabeth, is supposed to be the first head published by Elstrack (Granger). — 100 — ELSTRACKE (Renold.) Suffolk (Thomas Howard, Earl of) ob. 1626. " The righte Honourable Thomas Howard Earle of Suffolke Lorde Walden and Lorde Tresurer of England and one of his Ma tIes most hon b . Ie privie Counsell and knight of the most noble Order of ye Garter." "Are to be sold by Compton Holland over against th' exchange." 777 Sutton (Thomas). " The pourtraiture of the most famous Mr. Thomas Sutton Esquire, late of Castle-Camps in Cambridgeshire: sometimes Master of y e Ordinance at Barwicke : and sole flounder of the admired Hospitall called the Kings Hospital at y e Charterhouse : who lived 79 yeeres and died December an 0 161 1." " Compton Holland excudit. R. Elstracke sculpsit." 778 WOLSEY (Thomas) Bishop of Lincoln, 15 13 — Archbishop of York, 1 5 14 — Cardinal, 1515 — Lord Chancellor, 15 16; ob. 1530; set. 59. " Compton Holland ex." Half-length profile turned to the left, Cardinal's beretta, cap and rochet, roll of paper in his left hand — arms in the background ; eight Latin verses beneath, with margin. 779 FABER (John.) Born in Holland about 1684 $ worked in England j died 1 756. Argyle (Archibald Campbell, Duke of) 1682 — ob. 1761 ; aet. 79. Oval half-length mezzotint, his hat under his arm, dated 1748, after Ramsey. 780 Birch (Thomas) Historian and Biographer — Rector of St. Margaret Pattens — Author of "Illustrious Heads" — be- queathed his Extensive Manuscript Collection to the British Museum — ob. 1766; aet. 78. Half-length mezzotint, holding a book, after J. Wills. 781 — 101 — FABER (John.) Children of Frederick and Augusta, Prince and Princess of Wales. Princess Augusta, born i Aug. 1737. Prince George, born 24 May, 1738. Prince Edward, born 14 March, 1739. Princess Elizabeth, born 30 Dec. 1740. Prince William, born 14 Nov. 1743. Prince Henry, born 27 Oct. 1745. 782 Clive (Mrs.) Actress — born 171 1 ; retired from the stage, 1769 ; died 1785. Three-quarter length mezzotint, in the character of Phillida, after G. Schalcken. 783 Dorset (Charles Sackville, Earl of) Master of the Bed Chamber to James II — Chamberlain of the Household to William and Mary — ob. 1706. Mezzotint, after Sir Godfrey Kneller. 784 McSwiNY (Owen) Manager of the Opera — ob. 1754. Three-quarter length, seated, holding a book ; mezzotint. After Vanloo, 1752. 785 Mercier (Philip) Painter — ob. 1760; aetat. 71. Half-length mezzotint, holding a pallet, se ipse pinxit, 1735. 786 MONAMY (Petrus) Painter — ob. 1749. Half-length mezzotint, holding a sea piece. After T. Stubly. 787 Ranelagh (Catherine Boyle, Countess of) daughter of Richard Boyle, first Earl of Cork : wife of Arthur Jones, Earl of Ranelagh : sister of the Philosopher. Whole-length mezzotint, after Sir Godfrey Kneller. Proof before any letters. 788 # # * The picture is at Hampton Court. WILLIAM IV, Statholder — William Charles Henry, Prince of Orange, Nassau Diez — born 171 1 ; died 175 1 ; and his Consort, Anne, Princess Royal, daughter of George II — born 1709 ; died 1759. Three-quarter length mezzotint, after P. van Dyck. 789 — 102 FABER (J.) Woffington (Margaret) celebrated Actress — ob. 1760, aet. 42. Three-quarters, seated, after Henry Pickering. 790 Woffington (Margaret). Half length, holding a book, after Eccard. 791 FAITHORNE (William.) Born in London, 1620 j worked in England and France; died in 1691. Beaufort (Henry Somerset, 3RD Marquis of Worcester and first Duke of) ob. 1699, aetat. 70. ^792 %* This portrait has formed the subject of frequent controversy among connoisseurs, it being supposed by many to represent Edward Somerset, second Marquis, author of the te Century of Inventions." On the print we find : — 1 st. The motto — rt Mutare vel Temere Sperno" — under the coronet of a Marquis of the Worcester family. 2nd. That it is engraved by W. Faithorne, who returned from France about the year 1650, and died in the year 1691, and represents a man at the age of forty or forty-five, wearing the badge of the Garter. The correspondent who signs S. in Wornum's edition of Walpole's Anecdotes of Painters, clearly proves that it is not Henry, first Marquis of Worcester, who died in 1646. Edward Somerset, second Marquis of Worcester, was born about the year 1601 ; this would have made him forty-nine years of age at the earliest possible period Faithorne could have engraved the portrait, which does not resemble the pictures of this Marquis now in the possession of his Grace the Duke of Beaufort, the features being larger and finer in the engraving. The only authority that he had any right to wear the Garter is a " stupendous commission or warrant which remains in the Office of the Signet," (Lodge's Portraits of Illustrious Personages, Vol. VII. No. 18, 8vo. 1827), executed by Charles I. on the 1st of April, 1644, neither Ashmole nor Beltz make any mention of his investiture, nor is there any notice of it on his coffin plate. Henry Somerset, third Marquis of Worcester, was born in 1629, succeeded to the Marquisate in 1667, and was elected K.G. in 1672, and Duke of Beaufort in 1682 ; he died in 1699, aged 70. Supposing Faithorne to have engraved this portrait in 1672, Henry Somerset, whom I consider it represents, would then have been forty- three years of age, and Walpole informs us that he had an impression on which the titles are finely written by Faithorne himself, "Henry Somerset Marquis of Worcester." There is also a contemporary copy by Gay- wood, bearing the same inscription. — io3 — FAITHORNE (William.) Bridgeman (Sir Orlando) Chancellor in the reign of Charles II. "W. Faithorne ad vi : sculp." From the Mariette (1667) and Marshall Collections. 793 Brownrig (Ralph) Bishop of Exeter — ob. 1659. Oval, with four English verses beneath. 794 Castlemaine (Roger Palmer, Earl of) Ambassador from James II. to the Pope — ob. 1705. 795 Catherine of Braganza, daughter of John IV. of Portugal — born 1638 — married to Charles II. in 1661 — died 1705. Richly dressed as on her arrival from Portugal. From the Wenman Martin, and Corrie Collections. 796 " Carolus D. G. Rex Ang. Sco. Fran, et Hib." " Henreta Maria D. G. Reg. Ang. Sco. Fran, et Hib." Two ovals engraved on one plate. " Sould by Robt Peake neere Holborne Conduit." 797 Charles I, King of England — born 1600 ; beheaded 1649. Oval, in armour, with the badge of St. George suspended by a chain. Prefixed to Sanderson's History of his reign, London, 1656, folio. First state, before Lib. III. p. 153 beneath on the right. From the Camberlyn Collection. 798 Charles II, King of England — born 1630; died 1685. " The most Mightie and Illustrious Prince Charles, Prince of Great Brittaine, and Ireland, Duke of Cornwall, &c." Half length oval, with cuirass, and badge of the order of the Garter, after William Dobson. From the Puibusque Collection. 799 Charles II, King of England — born 1630; died 1685. " The most Mightie, and Illustrious Prince Charles Prince of Great Brittaine, and Ireland, Duke of Cornwall, &c." Half length oval, in a Van Dyck dress. First state. " Are to be sould by Rob*. Peake." From the Puibusque Collection. 800 This plate was afterwards altered to Major General Lambert. — 104 — FAITHORNE (William.) CHARLES II, " Heire of y e Royall Martyr." Oval in armour. The motto of the order of the Garter above, and six lines beneath, commencing "The Second Charles, Heire of y e Royall Martyr." This impression, in the first state before the arms, considered the finest in existence, was found by Mr. Evans in a book, it was sold to Mr. Craw hall in 1855, and afterwards passed into the hands of Mr. Marshall, at whose sale it was purchased in 1864. 801 Charles II. when Prince of Wales. Oval, full face, with a scarf over his armour. From the Tunno Collection. 802 Coker (Sir Henry). "Of the County of Wilts Knight High Sheriffe An 0 63 Coll: of Horse and Foote to Kinge Charles the First Coll: to the King of Spayne, and Coll to his Ma: that now is, for the Servis of Worcester now Gent: of the Privy Chamber ^Etat 48 1669." From the Gulston and Martin Collections. 803 " There is a short account of a family of this name in a * Survey of Dorsetshire,' published in folio, 1732, from a manuscript of the Rev. Mr. Coker of Mapowder in that county. The author tells us, that the Cokers of that place derived their name from Coker in Somer- setshire, where they were anciently seated ; and that Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset, ancestor to the present Duke, descended from it : that the branch of the family which has long flourished at Mapowder, were very fortunate in marriages with the heirs of Norris, Walleis, and Veale ; and that the Cokers of Ashbosom are a distinct family. As Wiltshire and Dorsetshire are contiguous counties, it is probable that this gentleman was of the ancient house of Coker : quaere. I knew one gentleman of the name, who lived at Knoyle, near Hindon, in Wiltshire."— Granger. Collins (Samuel) Doctor of Medicine at Oxford, 1659. 8o 4 Cromwell (Oliver) Lord Protector — born 1599; died 1658. Whole length in armour between pillars, surrounded by various emblems. Brilliant impression, in perfect condition. From the Tunno Collection. 805 The lines on the scroll beneath appear to have been stopped out in this impression. — 105 — FAITHORNE (William.) ELGIN (THOMAS, Earl of) Attended Charles I at his coronation in Scotland. His son Robert was created Earl of Aylesbury — ob. 1663 ; aetat 63. Oval, with the arms beneath. From the Tunno Collection. 806 Exeter (Francis Bridges, Countess of) Daughter of Lord Chandos — second wife of Thomas Cecil, first Earl of Exeter, maliciously accused of incest with her son-in-law Lord Ross — James I took great interest in this trial, and himself sat in judgment. From the Tunno Collection. 807 Fairfax (Thomas, Lord) " Generall of all the English forces for the service of ye two houses of Parliament." Oval, in armour, before any address. 808 FAITHORNE (William) The Original drawing, by himself, from which the engraving (by H. Robinson) was made for "Walpole's Catalogue of Engravers." From the Wellesley Collection. 809 Glanvill (Joseph) Rector of Bath, chaplain to Charles II, author of " Plus Ultra," and several other works. Small oval, prefixed to his Sermons, 1681. 810 GLISSON (Dr. Francis) celebrated Physician and Anatomist, King's Professor of Physic at Cambridge, author of several works — ob. 1677. First state. 'tat sua 75. 811 Gouge (William) Minister of St. Anne's, Blackfriars — Bible Annotator — ob. 1653; aet. 79. 812 Greatrakes (Valentine) An Irish gentleman, who attempted the cure of diseases by touching or stroking the parts affected. Prefixed to the "Account of Valentine Greatrakes and divers of his strange cures." 813 Hamilton (James, Marquis of) Head of the Moderate Presbyterians in Scotland, favourite of Charles I. In 1648 invaded England ; defeated by Cromwell and Lambert ; beheaded the 9th of March, 1648-9. First state- " Sould by Robt. Peake," &c. 814 P I — 1 06 — FAITHORNE (William.) Harvey (William) Discoverer of the circulation of the blood —born 1578 ; died 1657. 815 Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I. Oval, with a pearl necklace and jewels. First state " Are to be sould by Robert Peake," &c. 816 Hobbes (Thomas) Celebrated Author and Philosopher in the reign of Charles I. — ob. 1679; setat 92. 817 Hooker (Richard) Master of the Temple ; Author of " Ecclesiastical Polity," a defence of our church government against the cavils of the Puritans — ob. 1600. 818 Kersey (John) Mathematician ; author of " The Elements of Mathematical Art commonly called Algebra." " Soust pinxit, 1672." 819 Lawes (Henry) Musician to Charles I — killed at the siege of Chester, 1645. 820 Lindsey (Montague Bertie, Earl of) Devoted Royalist- wounded at Naseby; ob. 1666. Oval in armour, after Van Dyck. From the Marshall Collection. 821 Lucian. Bust in a niche prefixed to Jasper Maynes. " Part of Ltician made English from the originally Oxford, 1664, folio. 822 Mace (Thomas) Author of " Musick's Monument, or a Remem- brancer of the best practical Musick both divine and civil." 1676. 823 Mary, daughter of Charles I — born 1631 — married William II, Prince of Orange, 1641 — mother of William III — died 1660. "The most Excellent and High Borne Princesse Mary Princesse of Orange Countesse of Nassovv Cattimelle &c." Half length oval. First state. " Are to be sould by Robt. Peake." From the Puibusque Collection. 824 Mary, Princess of Orange. Oval, holding her mantle, after Van Dyck. " Sould by Will. Faithorne." 825 — io7 — FAITHORNE (William.) MAYHOW (John) celebrated Physician— ob. 1679. 826 Mordaunt (John, Viscount) enterprising Royalist, made several attempts to restore Charles II, for one of which he was brought to trial — father of the celebrated Earl of Peter- borough — ob. 1675 ; aetat 48. From the Marshall Collection. 827 More (Sir Francis) Serjeant at Law, Speaker in Parliament during the reigns of Elizabeth and James I — his " Reports " were published in 1663 — ob. 1621 ; aetat 63. First state, before the correction of the spelling in the word nihill. 828 More (Dr. Henry) celebrated Divine and Philosopher- author of "Opera Theologica," 1675, folio. Before the shading of the collar. 829 OUGHTRED (William) considered the greatest Mathematician of his age — author of " Clavis Mathematical the general plan of which was adopted by Sir Isaac Newton — ob. 1660; aetat 86. First state, before the age and name of Faithome. From the Mariette, and Marshall Collections. 830 Paston (Sir William) of Oxnead, Norfolk, distinguished traveller — created 1641. 831 # # # Horace Walpolc esteemed this print the masterpiece of Faithorne. Paston (Lady) Second Wife of Sir William. From the Fothergill, Bindley, and Tzmno Collections. 832 Perth (James Drummond, Earl of) Lord Chancellor of Scotland 1684 — follower of James II, by whom he was created Duke, and appointed governor to his son — he died at St. Germains in 17 16. First state, before the head and background were re- engraved. 833 Playford (John) Musician, author of " An Introduction to the skill of Music/' 1655. 834 — io8 — FAITHORNE (William.) PORTER (Endymion) Groom of the Bed Chamber to Charles L After Dobson. This plate was afterwards altered to the Earl of Essex, From the Wenman Martin Collection. 835 Richmond (James Stewart, Duke of) " Captaine of y e gaurd to y e King great Chamberlaine & Admirall of Scotland. Gent: of y e Bedchamber to our Soueraigne Lord King Charles/' &c. — created Duke 1641 ; ob. 1655. 836 ROUS (Francis) Speaker of the House of Commons during the "barebones" parliament — Provost of Eton in 1643 — ob. 1658. From the Marshall Collection. 837 Rupert (Prince) Elector Palatine of the Rhine. Oval, in armour, after Vandyck. First state, " Sould by Robt. Peake." From the Thane (1799), Sykes (1824), and Tunno Collections. 838 Sanderson (William) Secretary to George Villiers Duke of Buckingham, attached to Charles I during the civil war; author of the Histories of Mary Queen of Scots, and Charles I — ob. 1676. First state, before the face was re-engraved, and with the names of Souse, and Faithorne ; also an impression in the second state. From the Marshall Collection. 839 Spelman (Henry) learned Antiquary, author of several works — ob. 1 64 1. Prefixed to his " Glossarium." Proof before any letters on the tablet beneath. 840 Stanley (Thomas) Poet, Translator, and Historian — ob. 1678. A fter Sir P. Lely ; prefixed to his " History of Philosophy," 1655, folio. 841 William II, Prince of Orange — born 1626; died 1650. "The most Renowned, and Hopefull Prince William, Prince of Orange, Earle of Nassow, Cattimelle, &c." Half length oval, companion to No. 824. First state. " Are to be sould by Robt. Peake." From the Puibusque Collection. 842 — 109 — FAITHORNE (William.) Wallis (John) celebrated Mathematician, Inventor of the art of Deciphering practised during the Civil War — ob. 1703 ; aetat 87. 843 FAITHORNE (W. Jun.) Mezzotint engraver j born in London 1656; died 1686. Mary, Princess of Orange, daughter of Charles I, wife ot William II, Prince of Orange, mother of William III. Three-quarter length mezzotint, after Hannaman. First state, before the name of " Van Dyck " was substituted for that of " Hannaman." From the Drugulin Sale. 844 Read (Sir William) Oculist to Queen Ann, and George I — ob. 1715. Oval mezzotint. " Sold by E. Cooper." 845 Richelieu (Armand Jean Duplessis, Cardinal de) Secretary of State to Louis XIII, 1616 — Prime Minister 1624 — born 1585 ; died 1642. " G. Faithorne excud." 846 Rooke (Mary Luttrell, Lady) Wife of Admiral Sir George Rooke. Three quarter length mezzotint, proof holding a basket of flowers, after Dahl. 847 FALCK (Jeremias.) Born at Dantzic 1 629 j died in 1 709. BRAHE (Tycho) celebrated Astronomer — born 1546; died 1601. Half length oval, with twelve lines of Latin verse beneath. From the Thiers Collection. 848 Charles X, King of Sweden, when Charles Gustavus Count Palatine — ascended the throne on the resignation of Queen Christina, 1654 — besieged Copenhagen 1658 — died 1660. After David Beck. 849 Christina, Queen of Sweden, daughter of Gustavus Adolphus, born 1626 — succeeds her father with Oxenstiern, as regent, 1633 — resigns the crown, 1654 — died at Rome a Catholic 1689. Half length in a helmet as Minerva. 850 — no — FALCK (JEREMIAS.) LlLlO (Axelio) Swedish Senator. After David Beck, 165 1. 851 Louis XIV. — born J638; died 1715. Half length, as a child, after Justus d'Egmont, 1643. 852 OXENSTIERN (Axel Comte d') celebrated Swedish Statesman- born 1583 ; died 1654. A fter David Beck, painted in 16$ 2. 853 FAR (Eustache de St.) Architect to Louis XV. VUE DU D^CEINTREMENT DU PONT DE NEUILLY FAIT EN PRESENCE DU ROY LE 22 ^re 1772." 854 FELSING (Jacob.) Born in i8oz. Holy Family, after Overbeck. Artisfs proof . 855 " Jesu AL ORTO," after Carlo Dolci. Artisfs proof. 856 La Madonna del Trono, after Andrea del Sarto. Proof before letters. 857 The picture is in the Tribune of the Uffizi Gallery. St. Catherine borne to Heaven, after Mucke. Artisfs proof 858 The Marriage of St. Catherine, after Corregio. Artisfs proof The picture is in the Royal Gallery, Naples. 859 St. Genevieve, after Steinbruck. A rtisfs proof before the border. The picture is in the Gallery at Darmstadt. 860 Maids at the Well, after Bendemann. Proof before letters. Engraved for the Art Union of the Middle Rhine. 861 " II Suonatore de Violino," after Raphael. Proof before letters. The picture is in the " Sciarra" Palace at Rome. 862 Ill FENNIZER (George.) Mezzotint Engraver; worked at Nurnberg in 1690. Kastner (Jacob) English Clothworker in Nurnberg, anno 1620. 863 FERDINAND (King of Portugal.) An old Woman standing by a donkey cart. An etching, executed in 1849. 8(54 Two Men galloping on horseback, and a Pointer. An etching, executed in 1848. 865 FERDINAND (Louis.) Born in 1612 ; worked in Paris; died 1689. Elizabeth, Princess Palatine, after Van Dyck. 866 * # * This portrait is by some considered to be that of Lady Mary Ruthven. FINLAYSON (John.) English Mezzotint Engraver; born about 1730; died 1776. Coventry (Maria Gunning, Countess of) celebrated Beauty — ob. 1760. Large half-length oval, after Read. Proof before letters. 867 Mr. Foote, and Mr. Weston, in the characters of the President, and Dr. Last in the " Devil on Two Sticks.' 1 Whole lengths, after Zoffany. 868 Garrick (David) — born 1717; died 1779 — in the character of Sir John Brute, in the " Provoked Wife? Proof after Zoffany. 869 Mr. Shuter, Mr. Beard, and Mr. Dunstall, in the charac- ters of Justice Woodcock, Hawthorn, and Hodge, in " Love in a Village? Whole-lengths, after Zoffany, published 1768. 870 Zamperini (Signona Anna) Singer. Half-length, after Hone, published 1769. 871 — 112 — FIQUET (Etienne.) Born at Paris in 1731 5 pupil of Schmidt, and Lebas j died in 1794. Maintenon (Francois d'Aubign^ Marquise de) Favourite of Louis XIV, 1683 — founded the College of St. Cyr, for the education of the Female Nobility of France, 1686 — died 1719. Small oval half lengthy after a picture by Mignet, dated 1694. 872 FIRENS (Pierre.) Engraver and Publisher j born at the commencement of the 1 7th Century ; worked in Paris. Coronation of Louis XIII, after Quesnel. From the Puibusque Collection. 873 Henry IV. King of France — born 1553; assassinated 1610. Large busty in his robes and crown on his head, with arms and monogram on either side, and sixteen lines of French verse beneath. From the Puibusque Collection. 874 Henry IV. touching for the King's Evil. From the Collection of Sir Charles Price. 875 FISHER (Edward.) Mezzotint Engraver, born about 1 730 j died 1785. CHRISTIAN VII, King of Denmark, son of Frederic V. — born 1749 — succeeded his father, 1766 — married Caroline Matilda, sister of George III. 1768 — died 1808. Proof before the artist's names, after Dance, 1769. 876 COLLEY ClBBER — Poet Laureate — born 1671 ; died 1757. Three quarters, seated, after Vanloo, 1740. 877 Grindall (Richard) celebrated Surgeon. Half length, with his hand in his bosom, after T. Hudson, 1755. 878 Havard (William) Actor— died 1778. Half length, proof before letters, after T. Worlidge. 879 Sandby (Paul) Landscape Painter. Drawing a landscape from a window, after F. Cotes. 880 — ii3 — FLAMEN (Albert.) Born about 1620 j worked in Paris from 1648 to 1664. JANSENISM. — A curious allegorical print, representing the Fall of Jansenism, after its condemnation by a Bull of Innocent X in 1653. The king is seated on the left, fire descending from the Pope enthroned above, consttmes a dragon with seven heads. 88 1 # # * " Cette estampe parut en 1653. Elle irrita beaucoup les solitaires de Port-Royal, et le Maistre de Sacy crut la faire tomber par * Les Enluminures de l'Almanach desjesuites' qu'il publia en 1654." — Dumesnil, vol, v. p. 191. FLAMENG (Leopold.) Contemporary Engraver of Paris. Andromeda chained to a Rock, after Ingres. India proof before the artist's names and before the border. 882 Angelica, after Ingres. Proof before the artist's names. 883 Dan.e, after Greuze. India proof before letters. 884 GUIZOT (Francois-Pierre-Guillaume) Historian, and States- man. After Baudry. Proof before letters. 885 La Source, after Ingres. India proof before the artist's names were etched. 886 LATOUR — se ipse pinxit. Proof before letters. 887 Marguerite at the Fountain, after Ary Scheffer. India proof before the artist's names. 888 Sea Piece, after Ruysdael. Proof before letters. 889 St. Sebastian, after Leonardo da Vinci. India proof before letters. 890 The Virgin and Child enthroned, after Hemling. Proof before letters. 89 1 Q \ — H4 — FLAMENG (Leopold.) The Birth of Venus, after Alexander Cabanel. Proof before letters. 892 The Halt by the Road-side, after Meissonier, 1862. India proof the name of Flameng slightly etched in the centre be7ieath. 893 Charge of Cavalry, after Schrez. Proof before letters. 894 FOKKE (Simon.) Born at Amsterdam, 171a; died 1784. Anne (Princess) daughter of George II.— wife of William IV. of Orange — Representation of her Funeral Procession at the Hague. After La Fargue. Sixteen plates, proofs before the numbers. Half bound in morocco. 895 The Ceremony of the Marriage of the Prince of Nassau Weilburg, with the Princess Caroline of Orange and Nassau — celebrated at the Hague on the 5th of March, 1760. " T. P. C. Haag del. ad viv." 896 FORSTER (Francois.) Swiss Engraver j born 1 790; worked at Paris. La Vierge au Bas Relief, after Leonardo da Vinci. A rtisfs proof, on india paper. The picture is in the possession of Lord Warwick. 897 La Vierge a la Legende, after Raphael. Artist's proof on india paper. The picture is in the Collection of Mr. Munro. 898 The Virgin and Child, called " La Vierge de la Maison d' Orleans." After Raphael. India artist's proof before any letters. 899 " Mater Dei," after Guido. A rtisfs proof j on india paper. 900 %* Martinet assisted in the engraving of this plate. FORSTER (Francois.) Portrait of Raphael at Fifteen, after himself. Artist's proof on indict paper, before the lines. The picture is in the Louvre. 901 Portrait of Raphael, after himself. Artist' s proof with the white block. The picture is in the Uffizzi Gallery at Florence. 902 The Graces, after Raphael. Proof before letters. The picture was in the possession of the Earl Dudley and Ward. 903 FRANCIA (Jacomo.) Son and disciple of Francesco Francia, who died 151 8. Ottley, Vol. ll, p. 773. A Female Saint standing and holding a picture of the Madonna, around which is inscribed, "Ab omni malo defende tuum populum " — on the right, St. Martin and St. Francis ; on the left, two other saints. 904 FRANCO (Giovanni Baptista.) Born in 1498 or 1510} worked at Rome and Venice j died 1580. Bartsch, Vol xvi,p. 109. A Man seated beneath a Statue of Bacchus, giving audience to two men kneeling before him. (79). 905 Elizabeth Queen of England. Half length, crown on her head, richly jewelled, arms above on the right, beneath, " Elisabetha Regina di Inghilterra," undescribed. 906 FRANCOIS. Contemporary Artist. Hebe, after Ary Scheffer. Artist's proof on india paper. 907 Le Galant Militaire, after Terburg. Artist's proof. 908 — n6 — FREY (Jan Pieter Van.) Born at Amsterdam in 1 770. Dalen (Cornelius Van) celebrated Engraver; Pupil of Cornelius Visscher ; worked about 1650. On india paper. From the De Kat Collection. 909 Tromp (Martin Harpertz Van) celebrated Dutch Admiral — born 1597 ; died 1653. An etching of the head only, after Lievens. 910 FRYE (Thomas.) Mezzotint Engraver j born in London, 1721 j died 1762. His own Portrait, profile, resting his head on the left hand. Half length y life size, proof before letters. 911 FYT (Jan.) Painter and Etcher ; born at Antwerp about 1 62 5. The subjects of Dogs. (9-16). The complete set, before the address of Van Merlen on the title. 912 GAILLARD (Ferdinand Claude.) Contemporary French Artist. Gattamelata. An equestrian statue by Donatello. 913 " La Vierge au Donataire," after the picture by Jean Bellin, formerly in the Pourtales Collection. 914 " Portrait du Condottiere," after the picture by Antonello da Messina. Purchased for the Louvre Museum at the " Pourtales " sale. Proof before letters. 915 GALLAYS (P.) Engraver and Publisher j lived in Paris in the middle of the 17th Century. LOUIS XV. "Representation dans sa vraie grandeur de la Couronne de Pierreries qui a servi au Sacre de Louis XV, le 25 d'Octobre 1722." With an engraved descriptive text. 916 - ii7 — GALLE (Cornelius, the elder.) Born at Antwerp 157OJ son and pupil of Philip Gallej died about 1 641. Wolfart (Artus) Historical Painter. After Van Dyck. First state, before the name of the engraver. 917 GALLE (Cornelius, Jun.) Born at Antwerp 1 600. Ferdinand III, Emperor of Germany — born 1608 — married Maria Anna, daughter of Philip III of Spain — died 1657. Half length in armour, after Van Dyck. First state, with the address of Meyssens. 918 Henriette de Lorraine, Princesse de Phaltzbourg, daughter of Francis Count Vaudemont, and his wife Christina — younger sister of Charles III, Duke of Lorraine ; married, first, Louis Guize, Prince of Phaltzbourg ; second, Jerome Grimaldi ; third, Christopher de Moura ; fourth, Charles Guascus; fifth, The Prince von Lixheim — born 161 6 — died 1660. Half length, after Van Dyck. First state, with the address of Meyssens. 919 Maria of Austria, wife of the Emperor Ferdinand III, daughter of Philip III of Spain. Half length, after Van Dyck. First state, with the address of Meyssens. 920 Olivares (Gaspar de Guzman, third Count) Duke of San-Lucar ; celebrated Spanish statesman — born at Rome 1587 ; died at Toro 1645 — youngest son of the family, and destined for^the Church — ambassador extraordinary to Rome under Philip III — favorite of Philip IV — monopolised the principal offices of state — fell into disgrace and exiled to Toro. Half length in oval, on a pedestal, after Rubens. From the Thiers Collection. 921 Pappenheim (Godefroy-Henri, Comte de) distinguished German General — served in the armies of Sigismund, King of Poland, Maximilian, King of Bavaria, and the Emperor of Austria, distinguished himself at the Siege of Magdebourg ; rival of Count Tilly — born 1594; died 1632. Half length in armour, after Van Dyck. First state, with the address of Meyssens. 922 — u8 — GALLE (Cornelius, Jun.) Wright (Peter) Jesuit, executed at Tyburn 29 May, 165 1. Small half lengthy with a knife stuck in his breast ; proof before the name of Galle. From the Sykes Collection. 923 GARAVAGLIA (Giovita.) Born in Paris 1789 or 1790 j pupil of F. Anderloni} died 1835. Agar and Ishmael in the Desert, after Barroccio. Artist's proof with the white brooch. 924 David with the Head of Goliah, after Guercino. A rtisfs proof on india paper, with the white jewel in cap. 925 La Madonna della Seggiola, after Raphael. A rtisfs proof in the earliest state, with the white cross. The original is in the " Pitti Gallery," at Florence. 926 The Assumption of the Virgin, after Guido. A rtisfs proof, with the white key. The original picture, which is one of the largest and most important works of the master, is in the Church of the Jesuits at Genoa. 927 Garavaglia died, having completed the upper portion of this plate, which was terminated by Anderloni. GASCAR (Henry.) French Portrait Painter and Mezzotint Engraver j visited England in the reign of Charles II. Portsmouth (Louise Ranee de Querouaille, Duchess of) with her son (the Duke of Richmond) as Cupid. Mezzotint, after Gascar. 928 GAULTIER (Leonard.) Born at Mayence about the middle of the 1 6th Century j worked in Paris j died 1 641. Henry IV. of France. Whole length in rich armour, holding "Le Sceptre de milice," at his feet a Hydra, from which the seven heads are cut off. From the Thiers Collection. 929 — ii9 — GAULTIER (Leonard.) Henry IV, King of France and Navarre — born 1553 ; assassinated 16 10. Half length small oval, with four lines of French verse beneath. From the Thiers Collection. 930 Jeanne d'Albret, Queen of Navarre — married Antony de Bourbon 1548 — mother of Henry IV — died by poison June 10, 1572. Half length oval, with four lines of French verse beneath, dated 1596. " Gourdelle ex." 931 LOUIS XIII, King of France — born 1601 ; died 1643. Small equestrian portrait, two angels supporting a crown of laurels over his head ; on a printed sheet headed "Anagrammes Prognostiques de Gloire." From the Puibusque Collection. 932 GAYWOOD (Robert.) English Etcher j born about 1650; pupil of Hollar. Albemarle (George Monk, Duke of). M The Effigies of the most magnanimous, & thrice puissant George Duke of Albemarle Earle of Torrington ; Baron Monck of Potheridge ; Beauchamp, and Teyes ; Captaine- Generall, & Commander in Cheife of all his Ma^ Forces in his Kingdomes of England, Scotland and Ireland ; Knight of the most noble order of y e Garter ; Master of his Ma ties Horse; and one of the Lords of his Majesties Privie Councill." Half length in uniform, with his hand resting on a helmet. 933 Camden (William) Historian — born 155 1 ; died 1623. Engraved for " Morgan's Sphere of Gentry." 934 Catherine of Braganza, Queen Consort of Charles II— born 1638 ; died 1705. "The true Portraiture of the Infanta Dona Catharina, Sister to Don Alfonso, Present King of Portugal, taken from the original as it was presented to Don Francisco de Mello, Ambassador of Portugal in London." From the Wcnman Martin Collection. 935 — 120 — GAYW00D (Robert.) Drummond (William) of Hawthornden, Scottish Poet and Historian — ob. 1649. Oval half length, with his arms beneath, dated 1654, with Killegrew (Cecilia Croft, Mrs.) Maid of Honour to Henrietta Maria in her exile, and first wife of Thomas Killegrew the Jester — ob. 1654. Three quarter length, binding a wreath of flowers, after Van Dyck. Proof before the name of Gay wood. 937 KiRCK (Madam Ann) Dresser to Queen Henrietta Maria. After Van Dyck. 938 Strafford (Thomas Wentworth, Earl of) " Lord Lieu- tenant, Generall, and Generall Governor of Ireland" — born 1593; executed 1641. Half length in armour, 939 Trapp (Johannes) A.M. — aetat 53, 1654 ; Vicar of Weston upon Avon ; Author of large comments upon the Old and New Testament. Oval, frontispiece to his "Exposition of the twelve minor prophets." 940 Trapnel (Hannah) a Quaker and pretended prophetess, follower of James Naylor. From the Wenman Martin Collection. 941 Whitelock (Bulstrode) Historian — ob. 1676; aet. 71. Oval half length, his arms above on the left, with margin. margin. 936 " P. Stent excud." From the Corrie Collection. 942 GEROME (Jean-Leon.) Contemporary French Artist. An Oriental smoking a pipe. India proof before letters. 943 Head of a Negress. Proof before letters. 944 — 121 — GHEYN (Jacob de) le Vieux. Painter and Engraver j born at Antwerp 1565 j pupil of H. Goltzius; died 161 5. Passavant, Vol. ill, p. 11$. Bourbon (Henri II, Prince de) "aetat 10— anno 1599." Small oval. Undescribed. 945 BRAHE (Tycho) celebrated Astronomer — born 1546; died 1601. (2). Half length, under an arch, wearing a medallion portrait of his patron Frederick II of Denmark. From the Collection of the Comte de Harrach. 946 GROTIUS (Hugo) Imprisoned for his adherence to the doctrine s of Arminius, 1618 — escapes 1621 — while a refugee in Sweden writes "De Jure Belli et Pacis," 1625 ; sent to Paris as ambassador from Sweden 1635 — born 1583 ; died 1645. (3). Undescribed first state, before the plate was cut, and with a note by the hand of Grotius himself, on the margin beneath giving an account of Fl. Josephus having written a work at the age of 14. And an impression with the plate reduced. From the Marshall Collection. 947 GHISI (Adam.) Painter and Engraver j born at Mantua; son of J. B. Ghisi j worked after 1 566 j died at Rome 1 5 74. Bartsch, Vol. XV, p. 375. Cupids sporting with Dolphins. After Giulio Romano. (23). 948 " Cette piece est la meilleure estampe qu'ait grave Adam Ghisi, si toutefois elle est de lui, ce qui pourrait bien etre conteste." — Bartsch. A Bacchanalian Scene, representing three fauns and two nymphs. (24). After an antique bas-relief. 949 " On attribue la gravure de cette estampe a Adam Ghisi." — Bartscb. Combat between a Lion and a Horse. After Giulio Romano. (107). 950 R — 122 — GHISI (Diana.) Painter and Engraver} born at Mantua, 1530$ daughter of J. B. Ghisi, and pupil of Giorgio Ghisi j worked at Mantua and Rome, where she died about 1590. Bartsch, Vol. xv,/. 375. The Birth of Apollo, and Diana on the Island of Delos. After Giulio Romano. (39). First state, before the address, " Horatius Pacificus Formis." 95 1 Festivities on the Marriage of Cupid and Psyche. After Giulio Romano. (40). Engraved on three plates — the present impression is not joined. 952 The Sacrifice of a Bull to Jupiter. (46). After Giulio Romano. First state, before the address, " Horatius Pacificus Formis." From the Dumesnil Collection. 95 3 GHISI (George.) Painter and Engraver; born at Mantua, 1520 j son and pupil of J. B. Ghisi ; worked at Mantua and at Rome j died at Mantua, 1582. Bartsch, Vol. XV, p. 384. The Angles of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. After Michel Angelo. (17-22). The complete set of six plates with the address of Van Aelst 954 Hercules. (41). After the celebrated statue in the Farnese Palace. 955 Interior of a Prison, with criminals chained. After Giulio Romano. (66). 956 Raphael's Dream. (67). A figure much resembling Michel Angelo, standing near a rock, surrounded by various chimerical animals — on a tablet beneath " Raphaelis Urbinatis inventum." 957 A Cemetery — Skeletons leaving the Tombs to appear at the Last Judgment. After J. B. Bertano. (69). From the Marshall Collection. 958 — 123 — GIFFART (Pierre.) Born at Paris, 1648; died 1 72 3. Maintenon (Francoise d'Aubigny Marquise de) married the Poet Scarron at the age of 16 — favourite of Louis XIV. — born 1635 ; died 17 19, at St. Cyr, where she founded a College for the education of the female nobility of France. Oval, with emblems at the four corners. 959 Victor Amadeus II. Duke of Savoy, son of Charles Emanuel II. — born 1665 — succeeded his father, 1675 — instigated by Louis XIV. to proscribe all religions but the Romish in his States, and to persecute the Waldenses, 1686 —joined the League against France, and induced by England and Holland to restore the Waldenses and grant toleration to Protestants, 1690 — resigned to his son, Charles Emanuel, 1730 ; died 1732. Large half length oval, in armour, after Ferand. 960 GLOCKENTON (Albert) le Vieux. Painter and Engraver; born at Nuremberg about 1450 j flourished at the commencement of the 1 5th Century. Bartsch, Vol. vi,p. 344. Christ's Entry into Jerusalem. (2). 961 The Last Supper. (3). 962 Christ praying on the Mount of Olives. (4). 963 Christ taken in the Garden. (5). 964 Christ brought before the High Priest. (6). 965 The Flagellation. (7). 966 Christ crowned with Thorns. (8). 967 The bearing of the Cross. After Martin Schongauer. (15). 968 GLOVER (G.) Flourished in England, 1637. Fox (John) Author of the " Acts and Monuments of the Church." Anno d°. 1587. ^Etat. 70. Half length in a hat, with four Latin verses beneath. 969 — 124 — GLOVER (G.) Stokes (William) Rope Dancer, author of "The Vaulting Master, or the Art of Vaulting reduced to a Method," to which this portrait is the frontispiece. Small oval, eight lines of Latin inscription beneath. 970 Urquhart (Sir Thomas) a Scottish writer of the 17th Century, known as the translator of Rabelais, author of " The Disco- very of a most exquisite Jewel found in the Kennel of Worcester Streets the day after the fight." " G. Glover ad vivum delineavit et sculp. 1641." From the Wenman Martin Collection. 971 GODEFROY (J.) Born in London, 1771. The Congress of Vienna — containing Portraits of the following Ministers. After Isabey. Castlereagh (Viscount) Wellington (The Duke of) Stewart (General Lord) (-England. Clancarty (Count) Cathcart (General Count) j Dalberg (Le Due) \ Dupin (Le Comte de Latour) Noailles (Le Comte Alexis de) Talleyrand (Le Prince de) > Nesselrode (Lc Comte de) Rasoumoffsky (Le Prince de) Stackelberg (Le Comte) Humboldt (Le Baron de) Hardinberg (Le Prince de) Metternich (Le Prince de) Wissenberg (Le Baron de) Lobo (Le Comte de) Palmella (Le Comte de) Saldana (Mons. de) Labrador (Chevalier Gomez) Lowenhielm (Le Comte de) Gentz (Mons. le Chevalier) Wacken (Mons.) 97 2 -France. \ Russia. J Prussia. I Austria. • Portugal. Spain. Sweden. — 125 — GODFREY (R. B.) Born in London, 1728. Foote (Samuel) Actor and Poet— ob. 1777; set. 56. Oval mezzotint, after Colson. 973 GOLE (Jakob.) Born in Amsterdam in 1660 j died about 1730. Charles XL King of Sweden — born 1655 ; married Ulrica Eleanora, daughter of Frederic III, and sister of Christian V King of Denmark — died 1697. Half-length oval, in armour, proof before any letters. 974 Charles Leopold Nicholas, Duke of Lorraine — distin- guished General and Politician — married in 1678, Eleanor of Austria, Queen Dowager of Poland — born 1643 > died 1690. Half-length oval mezzotint, after Wissing. 975 James Francis Edward (The Old Pretender) An infant, with his mother Mary Beatrice of Modena — born 1688 ; died 1765. Whole lengths, mezzotint. 976 Maria, Wife of William III. Three quarters mezzotint, holding a sceptre, with the address of Nicolas Visscher. 977 Tromp (Cornelius Van) Dutch Admiral — born 1629; defeated by the English and deprived of his command, 1666 — died 1691. Mezzotint half length oval, in armour. 978 William III, King of England. Three quarters, mezzotint, holding a sceptre, with the address of Nicolas Visscher. 979 GOLTZIUS (Conrad.) Elizabeth, Queen of England. Medallion portrait surmounting an oval map of England and Ireland, the four corners of the plate occupied by full length figures illustrative of the costume of the period ; beneath " Angliae et Hiberniae Compend : Descriptio." 980 — 126 — GOLTZIUS (Heinrich.) Born in 1558 j pupil of Cornhaert; worked at Harlem j died 161 7. Bartsch, Vol. ill, p. I. The Set of the Masterpieces. (15 to 20). The Annunciation, designed in the style of Raphael. 98 1 The Visitation, in the style of Parmegiano. 982 The Adoration of the Shepherds, in the style 0/Bassano. 983 The Circumcision, in the style of Albert Durer. 984 The Adoration of the Magi, in the style of Lucas Van Leyden. 985 The Holy Family, in the style of Baroccio. 986 The Virgin weeping over the dead body of our Saviour. (41). Engraved in imitation of the style of Albert Durer. 987 Frederick II, King of Denmark, son of Christian III — born 1534; died 1588. (166). Small oval half length. From the Marshall Collection. 988 Egmont (Francoise d'). (168). Oval half length, richly dressed, her right hand resting on a skull, with the address of Adolfz. From the Marshall Collection. 989 Forestus (Pierre) Doctor of Medicine at Leyden — aet. 64, 1586. (169). 990 GOLTZIUS (HENDRICK) born 1558; died 1617. (172). Bust, life size ; from the Camber lyn Collection. 991 Henry IV. of France. (173). With the address of Paul de la Houue effaced. 992 * # * Marguerite de Valois, engraved as a pendant to this portrait, will be found under Jerome Wierix. Henry IV, King of France — born 1553; assassinated 1610. (174). Small oval half length, dated 1 592, first state. From the Marshall Collection. 993 — 127 — GOLTZIUS (Heinrich.) Leicester (Robert Dudley, Earl of) born 1532; died 1588. (175). Small oval, in a hat and feather. Engraved on a silver plate. From the Drugnlin Collection. 994 NlCQUET, Dutch Lawyer — ast. 56; anno 1695. (177). Half length. From the Defries, and Marshall Collections. 995 William I, Prince of Orange, surnamed The Taciturn, succeeded his cousin Rene, 1544 — appointed Stadtholder of Holland and Zealand, 1575 — Stadtholder of the United Provinces, 1 581 — assassinated at Delft by Balthazar Gerard, 1584. (178). Three quarter length in armour, in an ornamented oval, with emblems at the four corners. "JEt An 48 A 0 . 1 5 8 1 996 BOURBON (Charlotte de) daughter of Louis II. de Bourbon, Duke de Montpensier — third wife of William I, Prince of Orange, 1575- (i79> Three quarter length, richly dressed, in an oval ornamented with emblems at the four corners. JEt. An 33 A°. 1581. 997 Spronk (C. Vander). "Amouz le tans se pas." (185). From the Mariette, and Marshall Collections. 998 The Boy and Dog. Portrait of the son of Theodore Frisius, a Dutch painter. (190). From the Hippisley, and Morant Collections, 999 Daventer (Nicolas Peter de) Mathematician. (205). " L'homme propose Et dieu dispose A° 1595." Small half length, with a globe and mathematical instru- ments before him. 1000 SOVIUS (SlMON) Gymnast in Amsterdam — born 1553; died 1625. (207). " Bene agere et nil timere JEtaiis suae 30 A 0 . 1583." Half length small oval. 1001 Decker (Catherine) Foster-mother of Goltzius. (210). 1002 — 128 — GOLTZIUS (Heinrich.) Faille (Noel de la) Governor of Antwerp during the siege. (212). Rare proof before any letters round the oval. 1003 Faille (Cornelia Capellen de la) Wife of the above. (213). Rare proof before any letters round the oval. 1004 The Venetian Wedding Dance. After Th. Bernardus. (247). " Henricus Goltzius Sculptor A° 1584." 1005 GOODALL (Edward.) Contemporary English Engraver. The Castle of Ischia. After Clarkson Stanfield, R.A. A rtisfs proof on India paper. 1 006 * # * The picture, sold at Dr. Nott's Sale, was purchased by Lord Overstone. TlVOLI. After J. M. W. Turner. Artist's proof on india paper. 1007 GOYA (Don Francisco.) Born about 1760 j worked at Rome and in Spain j died 1830. Margaret Archduchess of Austria, married Philip III of Spain in 1599 — mother of Philip IV. and Anne of Austria wife of Louis XIII. Equestrian portrait, after Velasquez. 1008 Philip III, King of Spain — born 1578 ; died 1621. Equestrian portrait, after Velasquez. 1009 The Fool at the Court of Philip IV of Spain. After Velasquez. 1010 GRANTHOMME (Jacob.) Born at Heidelberg about 1560 j worked in Italy and Paris. HENRY IV, King of France — born 1553; assassinated 1610. Oval half length, with the Order of the Saint Esprit, dated 1 60 1, and four lines of French verse beneath. 101 1 Marie de Medici, Queen of France and Navarre, wife of Henry IV. — died 1642; aet. 68. Oval half length with a jewel in her hair, dated 1601, and four lines of French verse beneath, commencing " II faudroit un Paris." 1012 — 129 — GREEN (Valentine.) Mezzotint Engraver j born in London about 1707; worked in Germany and England j died 1800. Cumberland (Richard) Author and Dramatist — born 1732 ; died 1811. Large half length, after Romney. Proof before any letters, artist's names etched only, published 1771. 1013 GARRICK (DAVID) celebrated Actor — born 17 17 — made his first appearance on the stage at Ipswich, 1741 — performed in Goodman's Fields, 1742 — took Drury Lane Theatre, 1767 — retired from the stage, 1776 ; died 1779. Whole length, leaning on a pedestal, with the bust of Shakespeare, after Gainsborough, published 1769. 1014 Mr. Garrick and Mrs. Pritchard, in the Tragedy of Macbeth. Whole lengths, after Zofifany, published 1776. 1015 GEORGE IV as Prince of Wales, and Frederick Duke of York after West. 1016 Laurens (Henry) President of the American Congress, 1778. Whole length, seated, after J. S. Copley, R.A., 1782. Open letter proof 1017 Maria Charlotte Theresa (PRiNCESs)daughter of Lewis XVI — born 1778 — married her cousin, the Duke d'Angouleme, 1799 ; died 1 851. Oval half length, from a picture taken at Basle, 1795, on her arrival to be exchanged for the Deputies and French Ministers, then prisoners in Germany. Published by Chr. de Mechel, 1796. 1018 PETER the Wild Boy, found in the Woods, near Hanover, brought to England by George I, supposed to be at that time about eleven years old ; he could never be brought to any show of reason or understanding — living at Berkampstead in 1782, then upwards of eighty years of age. Whole length, seated, after Falconet. Proof before letters. 1 o 1 9 S — 130 — GREEN (Valentine.) Mr. Powell and Mr. Bensley, in the characters of King John and Hubert. After Mortimer ; published 1771. 1020 Mrs. Yates as the Tragic Muse. Whole length, after Romney. 1021 The Air Pump, after Jos. Wright, 1768. Proof artist's names only etched. 102 2 GREENWOOD (John.) Born at Boston in 1729 j worked at Amsterdam till 1760. Wesley (John) Founder of the sect of Methodists, Chaplain to the Countess Dowager of Buchan — born 1703 ; died 1791. Three-quarter length mezzotint, from a picture by N. Hone, in the possession 0/Thos. Wooldridge, Esq., of East Florida. 1023 GRIBELIN (Simon.) Born at Paris, 1632 ; died about 1733. The Ceiling of the Banqueting House at Whitehall — representing the Apotheosis of James I, painted by Rubens, in 1635. The three plates joined. 1024 Trumbull (William) Envoy from James I. and Charles I. to the Court of Brussels. 1025 GRONSVELT (Johann.) Born at the Hague about 1660. Herbert (Penelope Lady) daughter of Sir Robert Naunton, Secretary of State to James I, wife of Philip Lord Herbert. Three-quarter length, holding a wreath of flowers in her left hand, after Van Dyck. 1026 Morton (Ann Villiers, Countess of) Governess to Princess Henrietta, afterwards Duchess of Orleans. Three quarters, seated with Madam Ann Kirke, Dresser to Queen Henrietta Maria, after Van Dyck. 1027 — i3i — GUADAGNINI. Italian Artist of the present Century. The Annunciation, after Guercino. Artisfs proof, with the white jewel. The picture is in the Gallery of the Capitol at Rome. 1028 The Crucifixion, with the Madonna and St. John, after Guido. A rtisfs proof on india paper, with tJie white nail. The picture is in the Gallery at Bologna. 1029 GUCHT (Michael Van der.) Born at Antwerp in 1660; worked in London; died 1725. Harrington (James) Politician, author of the " Commonwealth of Oceana" — ob. 1677 ; set. 76. Oval, on a pedestal, after Sir Peter Lely. 1030 GUERCINO (Francois Barbieri, called.) Born at Cento, 1590J died 1666. St. Anthony of Padua, (i). Also an undescribed copy — " Colignon excudit." 1031 GUNST (Peter Van.) Born at Amsterdam 1667. Ann Princess of Denmark — ob. 1714; aetat. 50. Oval, after Wissing. First state, with the address of Visscher. 1032 Chesterfield (Catharine Anne, Countess of) daughter of Thomas Lord Wotton, widow of Henry Lord Stanhope, governess to Mary, Princess of Orange ; after the restoration made Countess of Chesterfield for life — ob. 1677. Whole length, after Van Dy ok, proof before any letters. 1033 Chaworth (Patricius, Lord Viscount) of Ardmagh, Ireland — ob. 171 1. He was of the same family with the Mr. Chaworth, killed in a duel by Lord Byron. Whole length, after Van Dyck, proof before any letters. And a print of the same. From the Tunno Collection. !034 George II. when Prince of Wales. " Gunst. deliniavit." 1035 — 132 — GUNST (Peter Van.) George, Prince of Denmark and Norway, Consort of Queen Anne — ob. 1708 : setat 55. Oval after Wissing. First state, with the address of Visscher. 1036 JAMES II. " By the Grace of God King of England, &c." " Att Amsterdam by Nicolas Vischer." 1037 Marlborough (John Churchill, Duke of) celebrated General — Commander in Chief under William III and Queen Anne — ob. 1722 ; aetat 73. Three quarters in armour, holding a baton, after Van der Werf. 1038 Mary II, Queen of England — born 1662; died 1695. Large oval half length, richly dressed, after Tiedeman. 1 039 MARY II, Queen Consort of William III. Life size bust, in an oval border, after Brandon. 1040 Oliver Cromwell, Protector — born 1599; died 1658. Large half length oval in armour. From the Collection of Baron Marochetti. 1041 Peterborough and Monmouth (Charles Mordaunt, Earl of) born 1658; died 1735. After KxyqWcv. 1042 Smith (Margaret) Lady Herbert — married first Sir Thomas Carey, and aftewards Sir Edward Herbert. Whole length, after Van Dyck, 1636, proof 'before any letters. From the Tunno Collection. 1043 SPANHEIM (Ezekiel) Diplomatist and Scholar — born at Geneva 1629; died 17 10 — Envoy extraordinary from the Elector of Brandenburg to Paris, and London. Half length oval, after Arland. 1044 William III. Life size bust in an oval border, after Brandon. 1045 GUTTENBERG (Karl.) Jones (John Paul) " Commodore au Service des Etats-Unis de l'Amerique." Half lengthy depicted in his engagement with the Serapis, under Commodore Pearson, after C. J. Notte, with an account of the action beneath. 1046 HADEN (Francis Seymour.) Contemporary Artist, Amateur. A Collection of Twenty-five Etchings, in a portfolio, with descriptive text and vignette etchings. Only 250 impressions were taken from these plates. 1047 HAELWEGH (Albert.) Born in the Low Countries or Denmark about 1610 j died 1675. Christian IV, King of Denmark, son of Frederick II — born 1577; brother of Anne, Queen of James I of England; died 1648. Equestrian portrait, with the Castle of Fredericksburg in the distance, after C. van Mander. 1048 * # * The horse in this engraving much resembles that on which Cromwell rides in the print published by Mazot, which will be found under " Anonymous — Portraits." HAID (Johann Gottfried.) Mezzotint Engraver; born 1710 j died at Vienna 1776. Foote (Samuel) Actor and Poet — ob. 1777. Whole length as Major Sturgeon, proof before letters. GARRICK in the " Farmer's Return." Proof before letters, after ZofTany. Rembrandt's Mistress. Proof before letters, after Rembrandt. Rembrandt's Mother. Proof before letters, after Rembrandt. Rembrandt, holding a dagger. Proof before letters, after Rembrandt, HALBEECK (Johann Van.) Born at Copenhagen j worked at Paris during the first half of the 1 7th Century. Henry IV, King of France — born 1553; assassinated 1610. Equestrian portrait in armour, a battle in the background. First state, with " Henry de Bourbo IIII Roy de Fra et Nav" encircling the head. 1054 1049 1050 105 1 1052 1053 — 134 — HALBEECK (Johann Van.) Henry IV of France — born 1553; assassinated 1610. Equestrian portrait in armour, surrounded by " Sommaire discours de la Naissance du progres de la vie heroi'que, & du lamentable trespas de Henri IIII. Roy de France et de Nauarre." A Paris, Chez Jean le Clerc, rue S. Jean de Latran a la Salemandre Royal e, 16 10. From the Tunno Collection. 1055 The Tomb of Henry IV of France. The Virgin kneeling on the right, the queen on the left, after P. Dubois, 1 610, beneath French verses, commencing "Pleurons a jamais nos ennuys," in the centre a dedication to Marie de Medicis. 1056 HALNEREN (Johann.) Passavant, Vol. TV, p. 136. A series of Designs for Goldsmith's work, engraved on nine plates, in the style of the commencement of the sixteenth century; on the title " Hier hat boichilgen zusamen gedragen, Durch Johann Halneren Goltschmidgesel." 1057 * # * Passavant obtains his description from impressions in the Museum at Amsterdam. HARDING (Samuel.) English Engraver at the end of the 1 8th Century. BUCKINGER (Matthew) born in the Marquisate of Branden- burgh, near Nuremberg, without hands, feet or thighs, June 2nd, 1674; exhibited in England — died 1722. Oval in an ornamented border, drawn and written by himself. Chapters 27, 121, 128, 140, 149 and 150, of the Book of Psalms, and the Lord's Prayer, engraved in the curls of his large flowing wig. 1 05 g HARDY (Thomas.) Moody (John) celebrated Comedian. Half length mezzotint, after Hardy, published 1 792. 1059 — 135 - HAWARD (Francis.) Worked in London during the latter half of the 1 8th Century. Eon (Chevalier d') born 1728; died 1810. Proof, oval, half length, in female attire, after Angelica Kauffmann and La Tour. 1060 H. H. E. (Master of the Monogram.) Bartsch, Vol xv, p. 461. The Adoration of the Shepherds, (i). From the Beckford, and Harford Collections. 1061 HOFFMAN (Auguste.) .\ t A .... *o*w«.i S^.tv^C"- Contemporary Engraver of Dusseldorf. U The Madonna and Child with two Saints. After Pietro Perugino. Artist's proof on india paper, with etched name. 1062 HOGARTH (William.) Born 16975 died 1764. Arranged according to Nichol's Chronological Catalogue of Hogarth's prints. An emblematical print on the South Sea Bubble. (160). 1063 The Harlot's Progress. (181). The set of six plates, in the first states, before the feet of the old woman were introduced in the first plate, and before the word "London" on the letter the parson is reading. From the Esdaile, and Marshall Collections. 1 064 A Midnight Modern Conversation. (186). First state, before the contents of the vessel were cross hatched. 1065 The Rake's Progress. (189). The complete set of eight plates, in the first states, with " Memodms 1721" on the book to the left ( in plate I ), in the after state the book is erased to make room for an old shoe, with the cover of a bible in it. From the Marshall Collection. 1066 Before and After. (195). 1067 - 136 - HOGARTH (William.) The Sleeping Congregation. (195.) Second state, "Dieu et mon Droit" beneath the king's arms. 1068 The Distressed Poet. (196). First state, with Pope thrashing Curll on the print hanging near the window. 1069 Strolling Actresses dressing in a Barn. (200). First state, with the Actress personating Flora {greasing her hair with a tallow candle) wearing a cap and feathers. 1070 The Enraged Musician. (209). First state, with the horse s head in the background white. 1071 Lovat (Simon Fraser, Lord) (219). Born 1667 — projected a plot in Scotland, betrayed it, and was confined in the Bastile by Louis XIV, 1704 — secured Inverness for the Royalist, 171 5 — arrested for taking part in the Rebellion, 1745 — beheaded April 9, 1747. Copy after Hogarth. 1072 The Stage Coach, or Country Inn Yard. (221). With the words, " No old Baby" on a flag, which was afterwards taken out. 1073 The Gate of Calais, inscribed, "The Roast Beef of Old England." (225). First state, before the retouch. 1074 Hogarth (William) celebrated Painter and Engraver — born 1697 ; died 1764. (227). Oval, with a pug dog and a palette. " Se ipse pinxit et sculpsit, I749-" From the Marshall Collection. 1075 Gin Lane. (233). First state, before the cross lines on the face of the baby ; and an impression in the second state. 1076 Paul before Felix. (240). First state, before the imp sawing off the leg of the stool on which Paul is standing. 1077 — 137 - HOGARTH (William.) Moses brought to Pharaoh's Daughter. (241). From the original painting in the Foundling Hospital. First state, before Dr. Wartoris Critique engraved at the two bottom corners, and with " W. Hogarth Pinxit." 1078 The Analysis of Beauty. (243). Plate I. — with the portrait of Essex the Dancing Master (7), and Quin as Brutus (19). Second state, the " Et tu Brute" on the pedestal erased — in this impression the outlines of the letters are however still quite perceptible. Plate II. — The Wanstead Assembly. Second state. 1079 Four Prints of an Election. (247). An Election Entertainment. First state, with the seven half lemons near the punch bowl. Canvassing for Votes. First state, with the lion's teeth white. The Polling. First state, before the " Milicia bill " was inscribed on the maimed voter's skirt. Chairing the Member. Second state, with the shadow on the sun dial. The complete set of four plates. From the Marshall Collection. 1080 The Bench — The four Judges represented are : Hon. Wm. Noel, Sir John Willes, Hon. Mr. Justice, afterwards Earl Bathurst, and Sir Edward Clive. (250). First state, with the king's arms above. 1081 The Cockpit, near Great Queen Street, St. James's Park. (251). 1082 The Five Order of Periwigs, as they were worn at the late Coronation, measured architectonically. (256). Second state, the second " e" in advertisement added above. 1083 T - 138 - HOGARTH (William.) The Times— Plate I. (265). First state, with Henry VIII. blowing the bellows — the Earl of Chatham was afterwards introduced, 1084 The Bathos— A Tail Piece. (272). 1085 HOGENBERG (Franz.) Born in England about 1555 5 died 1 590. Egmont and Horne (Arrest of the Counts) on the ioth of Sept. 1567. 1086 Elizabeth Queen of England. " Elizabeth Dei Gratia, Anglise, Franciae et Hiberniae Regina Anno 1559. " Cok. excud." Oval, half length, in a rich dress, holding a scroll. 1087 Francis II. of France, son of Henry II. — born 1543 — married to Mary Queen of Scots, 1558 — succeeds his father, 1559 ; died 1560. "Dei gratia Francorum et Scotiae Rex anno 1559." Small oval. 1088 Mary I. Queen of England — born 15 16 ; died 1558. "Maria Henr. VIII. F. Dei. Gratia Regina Anglise et Franciae et Hibernian. Fidei Defensatrix, 1555." " Veritas Temporis Filia." Oval, in an ornamental frame, pendant to the Philip II. — no address beneath. From the Corrie Collection. 1089 Philip II. King of Spain — Consort of Queen Mary — born 1527 ; died 1598. "Philippus II. Carol. V. Caes. F. Rex Angl. et Franc. Princ. Hispan. etc. 1555." " Nec Spe nec metu." " Cock excudebat." Oval, in an ornamental frame. From the Tnnno Collection. 1090 139 — HOLBEIN (Hans.) Born at Basle in 1498 $ died in London, 1554. The Dance of Death. The following plates from the above series are proofs, printed with great clearness and brilliancy on one side of the paper only ; they are supposed to have been trial impressions taken at Basle before the first edition, which was published at Lyons, in 1538, by Melchior and Caspar Trechsel, and contained forty-one subjects. 4. Adam cultivates the earth. 8. The King. 9. The Cardinal. 11. The Queen. 12. The Bishop. 13. The Duke. 14. The Abbot. 15. The Abbess. 16. The Nobleman. 17. The Canon. 20. The Magistrate. 22. The Parish Priest. 24. The Nun. 26. The Doctor. 28. The Rich Man. 29. The Merchant. 30. The Sailor. 32. The Count. 34. The Countess. 35. The Lady. 40. The Last Judgment 1091 Mounted and bound in one volume, morocco antique. * # * Mr. Ottley possessed forty of these proofs, which were purchased in 1837 for the British Museum. The original drawings, which formerly belonged to Mons. Crozat, are now in the possession of Mons. Ambroise Didot. " Imagines Mortis : his accesserunt epigrammata e gallico in lat. translata. Ad hsec, Medicina ammae," etc. Lugduni excudebant Joan, et Fr. Frellonii fratres. 1545. Bound in morocco antique. 1092 Erasmus of Rotterdam, standing under an arch, supported by termini. First state, with two Latin lines beneath. From the Marshall Collection. 1093 — 140 — HOLE (William.) Worked in England about 1 613. Henry Frederick Prince of Wales, eldest son of James I. Whole length, in armour, exercising with a lance. First state, before the arms, with margin. 1094 Florius (Johannes) Tutor to Prince Henry— Teacher of Italian to Queen Anne. 1095 HOLLAR (Wenceslaus.) Bom at Prague in 16075 worked in Germany and England j and died 1677. W. Hollar " Beschreibendes Verzeichniss seiner Kupferstiche von Gustav Parthey," Berlin, 1853. The Passion of Our Lord, a Satire on the Monks. After Holbein? (116-131). 1096 The Great Virgin of Cleves. (138). 1097 Queen Anne Boleyn as St. Barbara, after Holbein. (176). 1098 Richard II. kneeling before his Patron Saints, John the Baptist, King Edmund, and Edward the Confessor, two plates. (229). 1099 This picture was painted in 1377 — considered by Waagen to be by John Van Eyck — formerly in the Royal Collection — given by James I. to Lord Castlemaine — now in the Collection of the Earl of Pembroke, at Wilton. The Dance of Death, after Holbein. (233-262). The complete set, before the border and extra work. 1 100 The Rich Man and Death, after Holbein. (264). 1101 Illustrations to ^Esop's Fables, small plates, (333, 35, 36, 40, 41, 46, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 66, 67, 69, 71, 73, 74, 75> 77, So, 81, 84, 87, 88, 89, 90), 29 plates. 1102 Bust of Charles II. on a pedestal, supported by figures of Lords Brouncker and Bacon. (459). 1103 Marie de Medici receiving the Crown and Sceptre. After Le Serre. (461). 1104 — 141 — HOLLAR (Wenceslaus.) Apotheosis of the Earl of Arundel. After Cornelius Schut. (466.) 1105 Groups of Children. After Van Avont. (498, and 505). 1106 Funeral Procession of Jean Baptiste de Tassis, killed at the siege of Bonn in 1588. (531). 1107 Panoramic View of the Fleet off Deal, with a part of the town and castle — dated 1640. (548). Two plates joined. 1 108 "The true Maner of the sitting of the Lords & Commons of both houses of Parliament upon the tryal of thomas earle of strafford, lord lieu- TENANT of Ireland, 1641." (551). 1109 " The true maner of the execution of Thomas Earle OF Strafford, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, upon Tower Hill, the 12th of May, 1641." (552). This and the preceding are in the first state, with the English inscriptions, and before the " Parliamentum Londinense" above. n 10 The Proclamation of Peace at Antwerp between Spain and the Low Countries in 1648. (561). First state, with the cornucopia in the foreground. 1 1 1 1 Reception of Lamoral Count Tassis at Hemissen. (563-66). 1 1 12 Procession of the Knights of the Order of the Garter, with portrait of Queen Elizabeth and view of Windsor. (580). 1 1 13 Manner of sitting at Dinner of the Knights of the Garter, temp. Charles II, in St. George's Hall. (581). 1 1 14 Procession of Charles II and the Knights Companions of the Order of the Garter, in the 23rd year of his reign. (582). 1115 A Young Lady playing on a Clavercin. (594). 11 16 The Lacemaker. (595). 11 17 A Naked Woman. After Rembrandt. (603). 11 18 — 142 — HOLLAR (Wenceslaus.) A FULL LENGTH Female Figure, representing Autumn. (608). 1 1 19 The Seasons, represented by half-length figures of Ladies. (610-13). 1 120 The Seasons, represented by Landscapes with figures, views of Strasburg. (622-25). First state, before Overadfs address. 1 121 Bird's-eye View of Coburg. (821). 1122 Bird's-eye View of Ansbach. (822), Engraved on two sheets 1 123 The Cathedral of Antwerp. (824). First state, with only one line of title beneath, and before additional work on the houses to the right, 1 124 Panoramic Views of Bacharach and Bingen on the Rhine. (827). The two views on one plate. 1 125 View of Groenendael. (849). First state, before the address of Drevet. 1 126 Bird's-eye View of Cologne and Deutz. (857). 1127 Architectural View of the Tower of Mechlin. (865). Engraved in outline. 1 128 Panoramic View of Prague. (880). On three sheets joined ; first state, before the retouch. 1 129 View of Strasburg Cathedral. (892). 1130 Bird's-eye View of the Abbey of Tongerlo. (894). 1 131 Willebroek, near Boom. After]. Breughel. (901). First state, with the address of Meyssens. 1 1 32 Bird's-eye View of Tokay, in Hungary, (905). 1133 Views of " London," " Whitehall, Lambeth," " Tootehill Fields, S. Peter in Westminster," "Windsor." (911-14). 1 134 Views of Albury in Surrey. (937-42). First states, before the members. 1 135 HOLLAR, (Wenceslaus.) View of Albury House. (954). 1136 Panoramic View of Canterbury, with the Ground Plan and Cathedral on one sheet. (961). n 37 Clifton House, Staffordshire. (966). 11 38 View of Compton House in Warwickshire. (968). 11 39 Panoramic View of Greenwich, with the Thames and London in the distance. (977). 1 140 * # * Hollar engraved this plate for the sum of thirty shillings for Peter Stent. View and Plan of Hull. (984). 1141 Ground Plan of a portion of London before the Fire, (iooi). 1 142 " A Map or ground plott of the Citty of London, with the Suburbes thereof so farr as the Lord Mayors Jurisdiction doeth extend, by which is exactly demonstrated the present condition of it, since the last sad accident of fire, the blanke space signifijng the burnt part & where the houses be, those places yet standing A° 1666." (1003). " Sould by Nathanael Brooke in Gresham Colledge." 1 143 View of London before the Fire, taken " from ye top of Arundel House." (1011). 1144 Large Panoramic View of London before the Fire, on four sheets. ( 1 o 1 3 ) . 1 1 45 London before and after the Fire, (1015). With the address of John Overton. 1 146 St. Paul's Cathedral from the North. (1019). 1147 Two Views of Arundel House. (1034-5). 1148 View of the Royal Exchange of London in the year 1644. (1036). 1 149 First state, before the medallion portrait of Sir Thomas Gresham, and before the alteration of the inscription. From the Mors on Collection. 11 50 The Royal Exchange of London. (1036). with the medal of Sir Thomas Gresham From the Tunuo Collection. 1 1 5 1 — 144 — HOLLAR (Wenceslaus.) View of Richmond Palace and the River. (1058). 1 152 View of the Choir of St. George's Chapel. (1081). 1 153 "Prospect of the Cancell of St. George's Chapel." (1084). Proof before any inscription, and before the addition of the organ. 1 1 54 * # * The only impression Parthey knew of this state is in the British Museum. View of the Cathedral of York from the South. (1086). 1 1 5 5 Bird's-eye View of Jerusalem. (1130). Engraved on two large plates ; first state., before the address of Overton. 1156 Bird's-eye View of the Temple of Jerusalem. (1131). Plans and Views of the Palace of Pekin. (1 164-5). H5 8 The Pagoda, Pekin. (1166). Proof before the inscription beneath. 1 1 59 Panoramic Views of Tangiers. (1199-1201). The set of three plates. 1 160 The Four Windmills; after Breughel. (1215). First state, before the inscription " Buy ten Brussels 1 161 The Straight Canal, after Breughel. (1218). From the Fsdaile, and Marshall Collections. 1162 The Stone Bridge, after Elsheimer. (1222). 1163 "A True Relation of Capt. Kempthorn's Engagement in the Mary Rose, with seven Algier Men of War, 1669." (1247). With a descriptive text beneath. 11 64 The engraver was an eye witness of this engagement, when on board a French merchant vessel returning from Algiers. Set of Shipping. (1256-60). 1165 "Francis Cottington, Lord Cottington, Chancellor," ob. 165 1 ; set. 77. (1290). 1166 — H5 — HOLLAR (Wenceslaus.) "William Seymour, Marquis and Earle of Hartford"— ob. 1660. (1297). 1 167 In the reign of James I he was imprisoned in the Tower for marrying Arabella Stuart, who was nearly allied to the Royal Family — in the reign of Charles I he was made Governor to the Prince of Wales, — at the breaking out of the Civil War appointed Lieutenant General of the Western parts. — See Clarendon's Rebellion. "Henry Hastings, Earle of Huntingdon" — ob. 1643. (1301). 1168 * # * One of the first that rose for Charles I in Leicestershire, father of Lord Loughborough. "William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury "—born 1573 ; executed 1645. (1304). 1169 "John Pym," born 1584; died 1643. (1313). 1170 "William Cecill Earle of Salisbury" — ob. 1668. (13 16). 1171 * # # Ambassador from Charles I to the King of France to conclude the Peace of Dunse. "John Paulet, Marquesse of Winchester," ob. 1674. (1325). 1172 * # # Garrisoned Basing House and defended it against Cromwell for two years ; the plunder of this Palace was valued at £ 200,000. Elias Allen, Mathematical Instrument Maker — ob. 1653. (1338). 1173 Lancelot Andrews, Bishop of Winchester, celebrated Divine and Linguist — ob. 1626; set. 71. (1340). 1174 Anna Bullen, Queen of Henry VIII ; beheaded 1536. After Holbein. (1342). 1175 "ANNA CLIVENSIS Henrici VIII Regis Angliae Uxor Illlta — died 1557. After Holbein. (1343)- From the Tunno Collection. 11 76 Anna Maria, wife of Philip IV of Spain — daughter of the Emperor Ferdinand III — second wife of Philip IV of Spain, married in 1649 — mother of Charles II of Spain and Margaret Therese — married in 1666 the Emperor Leopold I — ob. 1696, (1344). 1 177 u — 146 — HOLLAR (Wenceslaus.) "Thomas Earle of Arundell and Surrey, Earle Marshall, etc." employed in several embassies — collector of the celebrated Arundelian Marbles — died in Italy 1646. (1350). 1178 Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel, on horseback, an army in the background. (1352). 11 79 JOANNIS Banfi — set. 68, 1644. A Philosophical Fanatic, noted Alchymist, and particular friend of Elias Ashmole. After Gowy. (1358). And Richardson's copy. 11 80 Daniel Barbaro, an Italian Theologian, died 1570 — coad- jutor of the patriarch of Aquila — assisted at the Council of Trent, where he made himself remarkable. A fter Tit ian. ( 1 3 5 9). 1 1 8 1 Steffano della Bella, native of Florence, celebrated Painter and Etcher — pupil of Callot. After Helt Stoccade. (1360). First state before the number. 1 182 Richard Bernard, Rector of Batcombe, Somerset, author of "Thesaurus Biblicus," also "Abstract and Epitome of the Bible," and "Guide to Grand-jurymen with respect to Witches," &c. — ob. 164.1. (1363) 1183 Anna Francisca de Bruyns, aetat 23, anno 1629. (1366). 1 184 Edward Calver, of Wilbie, Suffolk. (1369). 1185 Thomas Chaloner, Governor and Chamberlain to Prince Henry — ob. 161 5 ; set. 51. After Holbein. (1371). First state y before the word "poeseas" was altered to " poeseos," and before the word " vero " was altered to " vere," and with I. R. I. after " ad Fer" instead of I. M. P. 1 186 Thomas Chaloner, after Holbein. (1371). Qirioas facsimile drawing in pen and ink. 1 1 87 David Chambers, Physician to Henry VIII — founder of the College of Physicians in London, Canon of Windsor, 15 10 — Archdeacon of Bedford, 1524 — Warden of Merton College, Oxford, 1526 — Dean of the King's Chapel at Westminster — died 1549. After Holbein. (1372). 11 88 — 147 — HOLLAR (Wenceslaus.) Sir John Clenche, Baron of the Exchequer, 1582 — Justice of the Kings Bench, 1584. (1376). 11 89 VlTTORlA COLONNA, Italian Poetess — born 1490 — died at Rome, 1547 — wife of Ferdinand Francis D'Avolos, Marquis of Peschiera. After Sebastian del Piombo, (1379). XI 9 0 Richard Cromwell, Lord Protector, ob. 1712. (1385). 1191 DlODATI, eminent Swiss Theologian, translator of the Bible — born 1576 ; died 1649 — friend of Beza and follower of Calvin ; — correspondent of Milton ; — represented the reformed Church of Geneva at Dordrecht in 161 8. (1388). First state. 1192 Albert Durer, the elder, Goldsmith of Nuremberg — born 1427; died 1502. After A. Durer. (1389). 1193 Albert Durer, the younger, Painter, Carver, and Engraver — born 147 1 ; died 1528. (1390). 11 94 Antonio Van Dyck, holding a sunflower. (1393). Before the retouch. 1 195 "Edwardus VI, Anglle Rex, Henrici VIII filius natus, Ao 1537," as a child holding a rattle. AfterHolbein. (1395). From the Tunno Collection. 1196 The original picture is in the possession of the Earl of Yarborough. Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex — ob. 1646. "W. Hollar fecit 1643." (1400). First state y with the date 1643. 1 1 97 Sir Thomas Fairfax, "General van de Armee," — born 161 1 ; died 1678. (1402a:). Before any address. 1 198 "William Fenner, Rector of Rochford, B.D., sometimes Fellow of Pembroke Hall, in Cambridge." — Noted Puritan Divine, dated 1656. (1403). 1199 William Fenner, setat 45, 1645. (1404). 1200 — 148 — HOLLAR (Wenceslaus.) Marc Garrard, Painter and Etcher — ob. 1635 ; set. 74. (1407). 1201 # # * A native of Brussels, historical and landscape painter ; also illumi- nated and designed for glass. Sir Henry Guldeforde, Comptroller of the Household to Henry VIII — served with reputation under Ferdinand and Isabella against the Moors in Spain — corresponded with Erasmus. After Holbein. (1409). From the Marshall Collection. " 1 202 Hans von Zurch, Goldsmith, after Holbein, 1532. (141 1). 1203 Henry VIII, after Hans Holbein. (1414). 1204 Rev. Alexander Henderson, Scottish Commissioner — during the Civil Wars played an important part in several nego- tiations. (1415). 1205 Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury— ob. 1679; set. 92. Author of the " Leviathan," 1642. After Caspar. (1417). From the Tunno Collection. 1206 Wenceslaus Hollar, Engraver, holding his plate of St. Catherine. (1419). Proof before any letters. 1207 Wenceslaus Hollar, Engraver. (1420). Proof before tJie name beneath. 1 208 "The Lady Catharina Howard, Granchilde to the Right Honourable Thomas, Earle of Arundell " — set. 13, 1646. (1423). 1209 James II. King of England — born 1633 ; died 1701. (1424). Half lengthy in an oval wreath of laurel, when Duke of York, after Teniers, aetatis 18, 165 1. One of the rarest of the works of Hollar, with large margin. From the Puibusque Collection. 12 10 FRANCISCUS JUNIUS. Eminent Philologist and Mathematician — Author of several learned works — born 1589 ; died 1677. (1431)- *2II J — 149 — HOLLAR (Wenceslaus.) Charles I. (1434). In an oval, on a pedestal, supported by military trophies. 1 2 1 2 Charles II, after Van Hoeck. (1441). From the Marshall Collection. 12 13 Charles II, with a View of St. James's Park and Whitehall in the background, after Van Dyck. Dated 1649. (1442). 12 14 William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury — born 1573; executed 1645. ( I 453)- First state, before the name of the painter. From the Marshall Collection. 12 15 " La Bella Laura del Petrarca," after Palma. (1455). First state, before the alteration of the inscription. 12 16 Margaret Lemon, Mistress of Van Dyck. (1456). 1217 " NICOLAUS LOCKYERUS," Chaplain to Cromwell, and a frequent preacher before the Parliament — Author of several works — ob. 1684. (146 1.) From the Tunno Collection. 12 18 Martin Luther — born 1483 ; died 1546. (1462). 12 19 Blasii de Manfre, The Waterspouter, set. 72, 165 1. (1464). * # * One of the most wonderful jugglers that ever appeared in the world, generally regarded as a magician, exhibited in Germany, France, and several other countries of Europe, and lived long in England. 1220 Princess Mary, daughter of Henry VIII. After Holbein. (1465). 1221 Mary Princess of Orange, daughter of Charles I. (1467). 1222 Mr. Morett, Jeweller to Henry VIII. After Holbein. (1470). * Executed the Holbein Cup. 1223 Henry Baron Mowbray and Maltr avers, Eldest son of Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel, father of Henry Duke of Norfolk, who gave the Arundel Marbles to the Univer- sity of Oxford — ob. 1652. (1470- I22 4 Franciscus de Neville — anno 1644. Capucin Convert to the Church of England. (1473). 1225 — iso — HOLLAR (Wenceslaus.) Algernon Percy, Earl of Northumberland— ob. 1668. (i474). First state of the plate, which was afterwards altered to James Duke of York. 1226 " Sir Philipp Herbert, Knight, Earle of Pembroke," &c.-— ob. 1649. (148 1). First state, before the hair ivas diminislied on each side of the head, and before any address. From the Marshall Collection. 1227 Philipp IV. of Spain — born 1605 ; died 1665. (1482). 1228 John Price, Antiquarian. (1485). 1229 "Raphael d'Urbin," se ipse pinxit — born 1483; died 1520. (i486). 1230 Alexander Roelans, Postmaster-General of Antwerp. After Diepenbecke, 1655. (1491). 123 1 The Rev. Peter Smart. (1504). "Who for preaching against Popery, Ano. 1628, lost above 300 11 . peranu, and was imprisoned in y e K s . bench," &c. 1232 * # * In this impression the name of Hollar is just visible on the left. Dr. Parthey describes it without the name. " Joannes Spotiswoode Archiepiscopus St. Andreanus totius Scotiae Primas et Metropolitanus ejusdemque Regni Can- cellar ." (1505). First state, before the head was all worked over, and other repairs made to the plate. I2 33 S R . Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford— beheaded 1641. (1508^). The second plate ; the knight, standing by his horse in the distance, is looking down. From the Marshall Collection. 1234 Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey — set. 25 ; beheaded 1547. Accomplished Nobleman and Poet in the reign of Henry VIII. After Holbein. (1509). Proof before the flowers on the mantle ; and an impression in the second state. From the Tunno Collection. 1235 — i5i — HOLLAR (Wenceslaus.) A Laughing Head, after Biler. (1528). Said to be the portrait 7 2 > 73> 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 1601, 3, 4, 5> 6, 7, 10). 1248 Francis Battalia, known as the Italian Stone Eater, dated 1 641. (1689) From the Gulston, and Tunno Collections. 1249 Henry Colthurst, dated 1644. (1698) 1250 — 152 — HOLLAR (Wenceslaus.) THEATRUM Mulierum, "sive varietas atque Habituum Fceminei Sexus, etc." London, 1643, small whole-length costumes of ladies (1804* 5*, 6*, 7, 8*, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15*, 16*, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27*, 28, 29, 30*, 32*, 33, 34, 35*, 36, 37, 38, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52*, 53, 54, 55, 56*, 57, 58, 59*, 60, 61, 62, 63*, 64*, 65*, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75*, 78*, 79*, 80*, 81*, 82, 83*, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89*, 90*> 9 1 * 93, 94, 95, 9^*, 98, 1900*, *9°4> Fifty-eight of these are proofs before any inscription above, the remainder, tJwse indicated by a star, fine impressions, with the Latin and German inscriptions before the English. 125 1 Portraits of Ladies, in circles. (1908-44). Number 191 2 is in two states, 1252 The Complete Set of Muffs. (1946-52). 1253 A Gentleman paying his respects to a Lady. (1997). 1254 Habits and Ensignes belonging to the Order of the Passion of Jesus Christ. (1986). 1255 The Jealous Clown. (2002). 1256 Various Negro Heads. (2003, 4, 5, 7). 1257 An American Indian. (2009). 1258 Hunting, Hawking and Fishing, according to the English manner in 1671, after Barlow (2028, 29, 30, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40). 1259 Emblematical Titlepage to Set of Hunting Plates. (2041). Curious unfinished proof before any arms or letters on the hide of the stag. 1260 Recumbent and Walking Lions, afterDurer. (2094-5). 1261 A BOLOGNESE Dog, after Matham. (2097). 1262 The Mole. (2106). 1263 "Diverse Avium Species Studiosissimi ad Vitam delineate per Fra. Barlow." (2125, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43)- 1264 — 153 — HOLLAR (Wenceslaus.) The Woodpecker on a branch. (2159). 1265 The Water Fowl. (2160). 1266 "Muscarum Scarabeorum Vermiumque Varle figurae et format omnes primo ad vivum coloribus depictae et ex collectione Arundelian a Wenceslao Hollar aqua forti seri insculptae Antverpiee, anno 1646." (2164-75). Proofs before the numbers. 1 267 The Tomb of Edward IV at Windsor. (2282). Said to be the last plate Hollar engraved. 1268 JOANNES de Gavarelle, Catholicae Maiestatis in Belgio a Supremis Consiliis. JEt 67, 1645. (2293). 1269 HALES (JOHN) Canon of Windsor, ob. 1656. "Resurgam." (2386). In a winding sheet, on a tomb prefixed to his "Remains." 1270 Ornamental Designs for Swords and Daggers, after Holbein. (2596-99). 1271 Designs for Cups, Jugs, and Vases, after Holbein. (2626-29, 30, 3h 32, 34, 35, 36, 37)- 1272 A magnificent Chalice, from a design by A. Mantegna. (2643). 1273 HONDIUS (Heinrich) the Younger. Born in London about 1580 5 worked in England and the Low Countries, and died about 1648. ALLEGORY on the Prosperity and Religious Freedom of the Netherlands under Prince Maurice. After Jordaens, 1603. 1274 Philip William, Prince of Orange, eldest son of William I, inherited the title on the death of his father, 1584 — kept a prisoner by Philip II of Spain — never entered the Netherlands — died 161 8. Large oval half length dated 1628. 1275 WlNWOOD (Sir Ralph) Ambassador from James I to the Hague, delivered to the assembly of the states that monarch's remonstrance against Vorstius the Arminian — ob. 1617. 1 276 x — 154 — HONDIUS (Jodocus.) Born at Ghent 1563 ; worked in England and at the Hague j died 161 1. Candish or Cavendish (Thomas). "Haec ilia est candide inspector, illustrissimi Thomae Caundyssh nobilis Angli, ad vivum imago ; qui ex Anglia 21 Julii 1586, navem conscendens, totum terrae ambitum circumnavigavit, rediitq. in patrise portu Plimouth 15 Septemb: 1588." Oval, his left hand placed on the hemispheres. From the Tunno Collection, 1277 HONDIUS (William.) Born at the Hague in 1610 $ worked there and at Dantzig. A Book of Foliage, artistically drawn by Jacques Caillart, goldsmith of Paris, and engraved 1638. Set of four plates, numbered 1 to 4. 1278 Frederick, King of Bohemia, and Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia. The pair of large ovals y the portrait of the Princess in 1630, the Prince in 1632. 1279 Hondius (Guilielmus) the Engraver — born at the Hague 1610. After Van Dyck First state, the name engraved in large characters, 1280 William II, Prince of Orange, son of Frederick Henry — married Mary, daughter of Charles I, 1642 — father of William III — elected Stadtholder on his father's death, 1647 ; died 1650. Large oval half length, afterVan der Maes, dated 1628. 128 1 HOOGHE (Romyn de.) Bom at the Hague about 1630-385 worked in Holland, England and Paris; died about 1718. James Francis Edward Stewart, a curious Dutch satirical caricature on his birth, entitled " L'Europe Allarmde pour le fils d'un Meunier." First state, with the Dutch verses, 1282 Prince's Almanack for the year 1674. William III and Prince Casimir surrounded by De Ruyter, Tromp, Bankert, J. Maurits, Rabenhaubt, and other celebrities of his time — — 155 — HOOGHE (Romyn DE.) In medallions the principal events of the campaigns of 1672-73. Proof before any letters on the tablet afterwards occupied by the almanack. 1283 Prince's Almanack for the year 1678, commemorative of the marriage of William Prince of Orange with Mary, daughter of James, Duke of York — Nov. 4, 1677. Full length portraits of the King and Queen, beneath is a view of the ceremony. Proof before any letters on the tablet afterwards occupied by the almanack. 1284 William III as Prince of Orange. Three quarters, holding a baton in his right hand, a representation of a siege in the distance. Dedicated to Nicolas Pancras, burgomaster of Amsterdam. 1285 WILLIAM III, holding a sceptre, seated by his Queen, with a view of Whitehall in the distance, and a pedigree in Dutch of both the King and Queen. Published by Allard, Amsterdam. 1286 The Dutch Fleet on the Thames, from the 19th to the 23rd of June, 1667. The attack on Sheerness, &c. 1287 William III, Departure with the Dutch fleet from Helvoetsluys, and arrival at Torbay Nov. 5th, 1688. Proof before any letters. 1288 William III, Arrival and reception in London, December 28, 1688. 1289 The Reception of James II by Louis XIV, with illustrations of the events of his flight, surmounted by a medallion portrait, and inscription "No Monarchy no Popery." 1290 The Reception of Her Royal Highness, the Princess of Orange as Queen of Great Brittain. " Printed by John Tangena, 1689." 1291 The Coronation of William and Mary in Westminster Abbey, April 11, 1689, the Procession, Banquet, and Fire- works on the Thames, &c. 1292 - i 5 6 - HOOGHE (ROMYN DE.) William and Mary enthroned on the left, surrounded by the celebrities of the day, are receiving the homage of prisoners kneeling before them. Engraved on two plates, joined, with the address of Tangena. 1293 William III receiving the condolences of the States on the death of his wife, and a view of her lying-in-state. With the Dutch text, published by Persoy, Amsterdam . 1 2 94 The Funeral Procession of Queen Mary, Jan. 7th, 1695. Engraved on six plates. 1 295 HOPFER (Daniel.) Worked at Augsbourg in 1549. Bartsch, Vol VIII, p. 473. The Descent from the Cross, contained in a richly orna- mented frame — probably a design for some reliquary carved in wood. First state, before the number. (17). From the Ottley, and M or ant Collections. 1296 A Combat of Tritons, after Andrea Mantegna. (47-48). 1297 A Panel of Ornament. (100). First state, before the number 69. From the Van den Zande, and Thiers Collections. 1298 Design for an Armoire. (125). 1299 HOPFER (Jerome.) Worked at Augsbourg in the early part of the 1 6th Century. Bartsch, Vol. Mill, p. 506. The Virgin suckling the Infant Saviour, after Marc Antonio. (7). Proof before the number. 1 300 A Man striking another with a lash, after Agostino Veneziano. (40). 1301 Innocent VIII, Pope, Gian-Battista Cibo, cardinal of S. Cecilia, elected Aug. 29, 1484; died 1492. (51). 1302 HOPFER (Jerome.) The Two Armies, supposed to represent the battle of Fornovo, gained by Charles VIII of France in 1495, against the confederate princes, composed of the troops of the Pope, the kings of Spain and Naples, and the Grand Duke of Urbino. (47). 1303 * # * This subject was also engraved by Na. Dat and Aug. Veneziano. ; Scheck (Jacob Paul) Doctor. (66). 1304 HOPFER (Lambert.) Worked at Augsbourg at the commencement of the 1 6th Century. Bartsch, Vol Yin, p. 526. The Conversion of St. Paul. (21). 1305 HOUBRAKEN (Jacob.) Born at Dordrecht, 1698 ; died at Amsterdam, 1783. Arundel (Thomas Howard, Earl of) employed in several Foreign Embassies — Collector of the Arundelian Marbles — ob. 1646. After the portrait by Rubens. Formerly in the Collection of Dr. Mead, now in the possession of Lord Carlisle. 1 306 COTTINGTON (Francis Lord) Chancellor and Under Treasurer of the Exchequer, celebrated Financier — ob. 165 1 ; aet. 77. 1307 Mary Queen of Scots. Oval, with view of her execution beneath. Proof. 1 308 Morton (James Earl of) Chancellor of Scotland in the reign of Mary, and Regent in the Minority of James VI — executed on account of his being privy to the murder of Lord Darnly, June, 1581. Proof before letters, with large margin. 1309 Peter I. Emperor of Russia. Large oval. 1310 Catherine Empress of Russia. Large oval. 131 1 HOUSTON (Richard.) Mezzotint Engraver 5 born 1725} died 1775. Beckford (Alderman William) seated at a table with Alderman James Townsend, and Alderman John Sawbridge. " Published by John Smith." 1 3 12 - i 5 8 - HOUSTON (Richard.) Beckford (Julian) of Jamaica— ob. 1764. Whole length, seated. A fter Dance. 1 3 1 3 Domestic Amusement— playing on the Guitar. After Philip Mercier. 1314 George II, after T. Worlidge. Circular, in profile, proof before any letters. 1 3 1 5 GRENVILLE (The Rt. Hon. GEORGE) Treasurer of Her Majesty's Navy, Chancellor of the Exchequer — ob. 1770 ; set. 58. Three quarter length, seated, after Hoare. 13 16 Maddox (Anthony) Equilibrist — ob. 1758. Three quarters, balancing a straw, after King. 13 17 Pamela — Portrait of a Female. Half length, after Vander Mij n. 1 3 1 8 Thornton (James) Gardener at Kew to George III. Half length oval. Prooj \ after Zoffany. I 3 1 9 WlLKS (John) Chamberlain of London and M.P. for Middlesex, seated at a table with Mr. Serjeant Glyn, Member for Middlesex, and the Rev. John Home, Minister of New Brentford. 1320 Yates (Mrs.) Actress — ob. 1787; set. 55. Whole length, in the character of Electra, after Zoffany. 1321 HOVE (Frederick Hendrick van.) Flourished in London, 1670. Charles II and Catherine of Braganza. Half lengths, surrounded by emblems and ornaments, arms beneath, "Sould by George Baker, in Gresham College." 1322 HUBER (Joseph Ignace.) Born at Augsbourg, 1759 5 worked in Germany and Paris. Oligny (Mademoiselle d') celebrated Actress of the Theatre Francais. Oval half length. Proof before letters, after Vanloo. From the Thiers Collection. 1323 — 159 — HUCHTENBURG (Johann van.) Born at Harlem in 16465 worked in Holland and Italy; died at Amsterdam in 1733. The Battle of Staffard, in Piedmont, in which Prince Eugene, as Lieutenant Field Marshall, at the age of 25, under Victor Amadeus of Savoy, was defeated by the French, under Marshal Catinat, 1690. I3 2 4 The Raising of the Siege of Coni, in Piedmont, besieged by the French and succoured by Prince Eugene in 169 1. 1325 View of the Bombardment of the Town of Geldern by the Troops of Frederick I King of Prussia, Oct. 1703. Engraved on three plates. 1326 A View of the Battle of Hochstet. Victory gained by the Allies, commanded by Marlborough and Prince Eugene, over the French and Bavarians, Aug. 13, 1704. "G. Valk exc." 1327 HURET (Gregoire.) Born at Lyons, 1610 5 worked in Paris j and died, 1670. PALLIOT (Pierre) Historiographer to the King, represented presenting one of his works to Henry II, Prince of Conde, and Louis D'Enghien — the town of Dijon in the background. 1328 HUMPHREY (William.) Born about 1740. ARNE (THOMAS AUGUSTIN) Doctor of Music — ob. 1778. Half-length oval, mezzotint, proof, after Dunkarton. 1329 HUYBERTS (C.) Worked at Amsterdam at the commencement of the 18th Century. William III Enthroned in the House of Lords, anno 1689. The upper portion of this print contains medallion portraits of William and Mary. 1 330 I. B. (Master of the Monogram.) German Engraver at the commencement of the 16th Century. Bartsch, Vol. VIII, 299. Luther (Martin) Reformer — born 1483 ; died 1546. (9). Small hist, dated 1 5 30 ; beneath, " In silencio et spe erit fortitudo vestra." 1 33 1 — i6o — I. B. (Master of the Monogram.) Frieze of the Triumph of Bacchus— dated 1528. (19). From the Thiers Collection. 1332 ISAAC (Claude.) Worked at Paris at the commencement of the 17th Century. Frederick William Duke of Brandenburg — born 1620 ; died 1680 — and Louise Henri ette, his wife, daughter of Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange, and Emelie de Solms; born 1628. Three-quarter lengths, standing on a balcony between two columns, a garden in the distance. " Rombout Vanden Hoeije et excudit." 1333 ISSELBURG (Peter.) Born at Cologne, 1568. Frederick V, King of Bohemia — born 1596; died 1632, Half length oval, in armour, with arms supported by lions beneath — eetat. 23. 1619. From the Tunno Collection. 1334 Henry VIII, King of England. " Henricus VIII Dei Gratia Anglise, &c. Rex &c, Fidei Defensor," 161 6. Oval half length, holding a scroll, the arms of England in the left top comer, and five Latin lines of inscription beneath. From the Corrie Collection. 1335 JAMES I, King of England — born 1566 ; died 1625. Oval, in a hat and feather, and four Latin verses beneath. 1336 JACQUE (Charles Emile.) Contemporary French Artist. La Bergere — an Etching. Proof before the artists' names. Printed on toned paper. 1337 — - 161 — JACQUEMART (Jules.) Contemporary French Artist. Les Gemmes et Joyaux de la Couronne, conservee dans le Musee du Louvre, publies et expliques par Henry Barbet dejouy. 1338 * # * This volume, containing thirty etchings, was published by the " Calcographie des Musees Imperiaux," in 1865. A FRENCH Mirror of the 16th Century, in the Collection of M. Monbrison. Proof before letters. 1339 Bracelet and other Antique Jewels, in the Campana Museum. Proof before letters, 1 340 Various Antique Jewels, Brooches, Ear-rings, &c, in the Campana Museum. Proof 1341 Le Cabinet des Medailles au Louvre. Proof before the artists' names. 1 342 Three Greek Medals and their Obverses, in the Cabinet of M r . Le Due de Luynes. Proof before letters. 1 343 Two Pistols and a Powder Flask, richly chased and inlaid. Proof before letters. 1 344 HENRI III, after the Bronze Bust, in the Pourtales Collection. Proof before letters. 1 345 A RICHLY chased Watch, surmounted by two Jewels. Proof. 1346 A Tripod. Proof. 1347 The Soldier in conversation with a young Girl. After Van der Meer. Proof, with the arms, before the letters. 1348 JANSON (Jacob.) Painter and Etcher; born at Amboyna, 1729; came to Holland when eight years of age, and died there in 1784. A Calf standing — foreshortened. Pure etching, before the sky and background ; and an impression with the same. From the Dumesnil Collection. 1349 — l62 — JANSON (Jacob.) A COW, LYING DOWN. Pure etching, before the sky and background ; and an impression with the same. From the Dumesnil Collection. 1350 JARDIN (Karl du.) Painter and Etcher; born at Amsterdam in 1635 ; pupil of Nicolas Berghem and Paul Potter j worked in Holland, Rome and Venice, where he died, 1678. The Sleeping Dogs. (5). Proof before the number. 1 35 1 The Two Donkeys. (6). Proof before the number. 1352 The Goat and the Two Sheep. (7). Proof before the number. 1353 The Three Pigs sleeping in the Farm Yard. (8). Proof before the number. 1354 The Four Sheep. (14). Proof before the number, 1355 The Two Pigs. (15). Proof before the number. 1356 The Three Pigs. (16). Proof before the number. 1357 The Two Oxen near a Post. (24). Proof before the number. 1358 The Two Horses near a Plough. (25). Proof before the number. 1 3 5 9 The Ox and the Ass. (26). Proof before the number. 1 360 The Mule with the Bell. (29). Proof before the number. From the Dumesnil Collection. 1361 The Shepherdess talking to her Dog. (31). Proof before the number. 1 362 — 1 63 — JARDIN (Karl du.) The Flock of Sheep and Goats. (33). Proof before the number. 1 363 The Cows, the Bull and Calf. (34). Proof before the number, and before some dry point work on the rising ground in the distance to the right. 1364 Portrait of Gerard-Jean De Vos, a Dutch scholar. (52). 1 365 * # * This collection of Du Jardin's etchings are almost without exception from the Marshall Collection. JESI (Samuel.) Born at the commencement of the 19th Century j pupil of Longhi j worked at Milan. Ripudio di Hagar, after Guercino. Artists proof 1366 The picture is in the Brera Gallery at Milan. La Vierge de la Maison de Tempi, after Raphael. Proof before letters, 1367 La Vierge a la Vigne, after Paul Delaroche. Artist' s proof . 1368 The original picture is in the Collection of Sir Thomas Baring. The Madonna and Child crowned by Angels, after Fra Bartolommeo, from the altar piece in the Cathedral at Lucca. A rtisfs proof on india paper y 1 369 LEO X, seated between the Cardinals Giulio di Medici, and de Rossi, after the picture by Raphael in the Pitti Gallery. Proof before the artists' names. l 2>7° JODE (Arnold de.) Born at Antwerp 1636. Infant Saviour with St. John, after Van Dyck. " Arnoldus de Jode sculp. Londini Tempore Incendii Maximi 1666." 1371 Evertsen (Cornelius) Vice- Admiral of Holland. 1372 Evertsen (Jan) Vice- Admiral of Holland 1666. Half length in an oval wreath, after Borselaer. Proof before letters. 1373 - 1 64 - JODE (Peter de.) Born at Antwerp in 1570 ; pupil of H. Goltzius. Christ delivering the keys to St. Peter, after Rubens. 1374 JODE (Peter de, the Younger.) Son of the preceding j born at Antwerp 1606. Charles I, King of England. Three quarters in armour, holding a truncheon, after Vandyck. 1375 Henrietta Maria, wife of Charles I. Three quarters, after Van Dyck, 1633. 1376 Coster (Adam de) Painter, remarkable for his moonlight effects — born at Malines Proof before the right hand was finished. After Vandyck. From the Carpenter Collection, 1377 Ferdinand III, Emperor of Germany—born 1608 ; died 1657. Oval in armour, an eagle holding a crown of laurels above him, before the name of the engraver. A fter A.V. Hulle. 1 378 Ferdinand of Austria, Cardinal Infant of Spain — son of Philip III and Margaret of Austria, brother of Philip IV — born 1609 — Paul V created him Cardinal and Archbishop of Toledo — Viceroy of Catalonia in 1634 — present at the Siege of Nordlingen — died at Brussels 1641. Three quarter length, after Van Dyck. 1379 His own Portrait, Half length, after Van Dyck. First state, with the G. H. 1380 PUTEANUS (ERYCIUS) Scholar and Historiographer to the King of Spain — born at Vanloo in 1574. After Vandyck. First state, before the name of the engraver, 1381 Wallenstein (Albert, Count) Duke of Friedland — com- manded the Imperial Army during the greater part of the thirty years war — born 1583; assassinated at Egra 1634. A fter Vandyck. First state, with the address of Vanden Enden. 1382 - i6 5 - JOHNSON (James.) Mezzotint Engraver j worked about the middle of the 18th Century. MacDonald (Flora) Friend of the Chevalier St. George, The Young Pretender — ob. 1790. After Le Clare, 1747. 1383 JONES (John.) Born about 1740. Frampton (Tregonville) " The Father of the Turf." Mezzotint, after Wooton. 1384 Henderson (John) Actor and Poet — born 1746; died 1783. Half length mezzotint, after Gainsborough, published 1783. 1385 King (Thomas) as Sir Peter Teazle, with Miss Farren, after Downman. Whole length. 1386 Lewis (William Thomas) as the Marquis in the " Midnight Hour." Whole length mezzotint, after M'Shee. 1387 Sestini (Signora) afterwards Mrs. Stocqueler. Small oval mezzotint, after Lawranson, published 1780. 1388 JUSTER (Joseph.) Worked at Venice about 1690. Patini — the Family of Charles Patini, celebrated Physician and Antiquary — born at Paris 1633 ; died at Padua 1693 ; dated 1684. 1389 KESSEL (Theodore Van.) Born in Holland about 1620. Martyrdom of St. Barbara. Beneath " Antoni vem deijck." 1390 This print has been attributed to Van Dyck. KIESER (Eberhard.) Worked at Frankfort-on-the-Maine from 161a to 1630. The Coronation of Frederick, King of Bohemia, 4th Nov. 16 1 9, with portraits of himself and his wife, in ovals, and seven smaller representations of portions of the Cere- mony. 1 39 1 — 1 66 — KILIAN (Lucas.) Born at Augsbourg, 1579 j son of Bartholomew j pupil of Custos ; worked in Germany and Italy j died 1637. Christian IV, King of Denmark — born 1577; died 1648. Oval half length, in armour. From the Marshall Collection. 1392 CLAUDE DE MEDICIS, married first Frederic Ubald de Rouere, Duke of Urbino ; secondly Leopold, Archduke of Austria — died 1648. Half-length oval, dated 1629. r 393 Durer (Albert) Painter, Engraver, and Wood Carver — born 1471 ; died 1528. Half length. " Se ipse pinxit." First state, before the address of Kummelmann. From the Thiers Collection. 1394 Ferdinand II de Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany — born 1610 — succeeded his father, Cosmo II, 1621— died 1670. Half-length oval, dated 1628. 1395 Fugger (Catharine) second daughter of James Fugger. Half-length oval, in an ornamented border, with arms above. 1 396 Leslie (Walter Count) a Count of the Empire, Ambassador from Leopold Emperor of Germany, to the Grand Signior, Sultan Mahomet Han the Fourth — ob. 1668. Oval, with trophies ; beneath, " Lucas Kilian. Aug. ad vivum delineavit et sculpsit, 1637." I 397 John Frederic Duke of Wirtemberg — born 1582; died 1628. Three-quarter length, in rich dress, dated 1614. From the Marshall Collection. 1398 KILIAN (Philip.) Born 1628 ; son and pupil of Wolfgang; worked in Germany and Italy j died 1693. Bournonville (Alexander II. Due de) General of the Low Countries and Governor of Artois, 1674. Oval half length, in armour, after Merian. Proof before any letters, and an impression with the letters. 1 399 — 1 67 — KILIAN (Philip.) ROOS (JOHN Hendrick) celebrated Dutch Animal Painter and Etcher — born 1631; died 1685. 1400 KONING (Cornelius.) Born at Harlem, 1624. Erasmus of Rotterdam, Theologian, Scholar and Reformer- born 1467 ; died 1536. Large oval, after Holbein. 1401 KRUG (Louis.) Painter, Goldsmith, and Engraver j died at Nuremburg, 1530. The Nativity — dated 15 16. 1402 KUESSEL (Mattileus..) Born at Augsbourg, 1621 j died 1682. Charles II, King of Spain, son of Philip IV and Maria Anne of Austria — born 1661 — succeeded his father, 1655, under the regency of his mother ; died 1700. Half length, when young y in an octagon border. 1403 LA GUILLERMIE (F.) Contemporary French Arcist. A Cavalier, after Franz Hals. Proof before letters. 1404 LALANNE (Maximilian.) Contemporary French Artist. Large View of Paris — Etching. India paper, trial proof before any letters. 1405 Vue du Pont Henri IV et le Musee du Louvre — Etching. Proof before letters. 1406 LANDRY (Peter.) Engraver and Publisher \ born at Paris about 1630. Gondy (Marguerite Claude de) Fille d'Albert, married Florimond d'Halluyn, Marquis de Maignelais — ob. 1650 — set. 80. 1407 — 1 68 — LANDRY (Peter.) Louis XIV, King of France — born 1638 ; died 1715. Half length oval, in armour, crowned with a wreath of laurel — arms beneath, " F. P. Joan Francois Franciscanus pinxit." 1408 LANGENDYCK (Dirck.) Painter and Etcher ; born at Rotterdam, 1748 $ pupil of D. A. Bischopp ; died 1805. Embarkation of the Russians and English at Helders, in 1799. Proof before any letters. 1409 LARMESSIN (Nicolas) the Younger. Born at Paris 16845 died 1756. LOUIS XIV. decorating with the Cordon Bleu the Infant Duke of Burgundy, " Father of Louis XV." After Watteau. 1410 Marie Antoinette, daughter of Maria Theresa of Austria — born 1755 — married Louis, Dauphin of France, afterwards Louis XVI, 1770 — beheaded 1793. Whole length in her robes, after Boizot. 141 1 Marie Leczinska, Princess of Poland — born 1703 — married 1725, to Louis XV of France. Whole length in her robes, after Vanloo. From the Collection of Baron Marochetti. 141 2 Marie Therese d'Espagne, first wife of the Dauphin, Louis, son of Louis XV — born 1726 ; died 1746. Whole length seated, after Vanloo. 141 3 LASNE (Michel.) Born at Caen 1 595 ; died at Paris 1667. LOUIS XIII, King of France — born 1601 ; died 1643. Equestrian portrait, with a view of the Battle of Veillane, 10 July, 1630, engraved by Callot as the background. (Meaume, 507). 1414 Marillac (Michael de) Chancellor of France, attached to the party of Marie de Medicis — one of the principal actors on the "Journee des dupes" 1630 — died in prison, 1632; setat 68. 141 5 — 169 — LASNE (Michel.) MARILLAC (LOUIS DE) Marshal of France, distinguished himself at the Battle of the Isle of Rhe and the Siege of La Rochelle — beheaded 1632. Half length in armour. 14 16 Saint Bonnet (Jean de) Seigneur de Toyras— Marechal de France, 1630. 141 7 Seguier (Pierre) Chancellor of France— born 1588; died 1672. Half lengthy aetat 45, 1633. 141 8 LATER (Jacobus de.) Painter and Mezzotint Engraver; worked in Holland about 16S0. William III, King of England — born 1650; died 1702. Half length in a high crowned hat, with the address of Nicolas Visscher. 14*9 Mary II, Queen of England — born 1662 ; died 1694. Half length in a high lace cap, with the address of Nicolas Visscher. 1420 LAUNAY (Nicholas de.) Born at Paris 1739; P U P^ °^ Lempereurj died 1792. Le Billet Doux, after Lavereince, painter to the King of Sweden. 1421 Qu'EN DIT l'Abb^, after the same. From the Moffatt Collection. 1422 LAUTENSACH (Hans Sebald.) Born at Bamberg, 15075 died about 1560. Bartsch, Vol. IX, 207. Ferdinand I, Emperor of Germany, second son of Philip I and Joanna of Spain — born 1503 ; died 1564. (15). Half length tinder an ornamental arch, the Town of Vienna in the background, dated 1556. 1423 Roggenbach (George) Jurist in Nuremberg. " Anno ^Etatis sue 38, 1554." (9). Large half length, view of a town in the background. 1424 z — \yo — LAUTENSACH (Hans Sebald.) The Great Tournament at Vienna in 1560. (21). Proof before the inscription. " Secundum circensium ludorum equestre certamen." From the Drugulin Collection. 1425 LAURIE (Robert.) Mezzotint Engraver; born in England about 1740; died 1804. Garrick's Farewell, after Parkinson. 1426 Mr. Shuter, Mr. Quick, and Mrs. Green, in the characters of Hardcastle, Tony Lumpkin, and Mrs. Hardcastle, in " She Stoops to Conquer." Whole lengtlzs, after Thomas Parkinson. 1427 LE COMTE (Narcisse.) Born at Paris 1794; pupil of Lignon. Dante and Beatrice, after Ary Scheffer. Artist's proof on india paper. 1428 The Holy Family, after Raphael, called "The Pearl." Proof before letters on india paper. 1429 * # # The picture was purchased by Philip IV of Spain, from the Col- lection of Charles I, and is now in the Royal Gallery at Madrid. LEFEVRE (Achille Desire.) Born at Paris 1798. St. Cecilia, after Raphael. Artist's proof on india paper. 1430 The picture is in the Gallery at Bologna. The Immaculate Conception, after Murillo. Artist's proof on india paper, names slightly etched. 143 1 The picture is in the Louvre. LENFANT (Jean.) Born at Abbeville about 1615 3 died at Paris 1674. Paiot (Andre de) Premier President en la Cour des Monnoies 1663. 1432 LENFANT (Jean.) Spinola (Philippe, Marquis) son of Ambrose Marquis Spinola, the celebrated General, President of the Council of Flanders at Madrid. Half length oval in armour, surrounded by laurel and the arms of distinguished Dutch families, after Ponchel, dated 1663. 1433 LENS (Bernard.) Born at London in 1659; died in 1725. Gloucester (William, Duke of) son of Queen Anne — ob. 1700. Mezzotint, when an infant, with his nurse. 1434 LEPICIE (Bernard.) Born at Paris 1699 ; died in 1755. Dufrene (Catherine) nee, de Seine, in the part of Cleopatra. Oval, after Aved. 143 5 LEROUX (Jean Marie.) Born at Paris in 1788 j pupil of David. La Vierge du Musee de Parme, after Correggio. Proof first state. 1436 LEU (Thomas de.) Born at Paris in 1562} worked at Paris and Amsterdam j died about 1620. Beaugrand (Jean de) "Martre a ecrire prenant le titre d'Ecrivain du roi et des Bibliotheques Royales, Secretaire de la chambre de sa Majeste en 1594." Proof before any letters. From the Marshall Collection. 1 43 7 Biron (Charles de Gontaut Due de) Marshal of France — served under Henry IV — made Admiral in 1592 — employed as ambassador to England and other countries — joined with the Spaniards in a conspiracy against the king ; executed 1602. I43 8 Bourbon (Catherine de) Daughter of Antoine de Bourbon, King of Navarre, and Jeanne d'Albret — married the Due de Bar ; born 1558 ; died 1694 "Sceur unique du Roy" (Henry IV.) Oval half length } richly dressed. H39 — 172 — LEU (Thomas de.) Chopin (Rene) Jurisconsulte et avocat celebre au Parlement de Paris — ob. 1606. Small oval half length, dated 1597. 1440 Conty (Francois de Bourbon, Prince de) third son of Louis I, Prince de Conde — ob. 1614. 1441 Conty (Jeanne de Cocesme, Princesse de) first wife of Francois de Bourbon — married 1582 ; died 1601. 1442 Elizabeth or Isabella of France, eldest daughter of Henry IV and Marie de Medici, as an infant — married Philip IV of Spain, 161 5 ; mother of Marie Therese, wife of Louis XIV ; born 1602 ; died 1644. " Pourtraict de Madame *Fille Unique de Henri IIII Roy de France et de Navarre nee a Fontainebleau le 22 de Novembre a 9 heures du matin 1602." Oval small whole length, with four lines of French verse beneath, a bird on the table by her side. 1443 * " Fille Unique." This print was engraved before the birth of Christine, 10th February, 1606, who married Victor Amadeus, Duke of Savoy ; and Henrietta Maria, born 25 th November, 1609, married Charles I of England. Francois de Valois, son of Francis I, Dauphin of France — born 15 17; died of poison at the Chateau de Tournon, 1536. Half length small oval, with four French lines beneath. From the Mariette Collection. 1444 Gonzague (Charles de) Eighth Duke of Mantua — grandson of Louis, Duke of Nevers, succeeded Vincent II — married Maria, daughter of Francis IV, 1627 — supported by France and Venice against the Duke of Savoy — Mantua blockaded 1629 — sacked 1630 — born 1576; died 1637. From the Marshall Collection. 1445 Henry III, King of France and Poland, youngest son of Henry II and Catherine de Medici — born 1 55 1 ; assassinated at St. Cloud by Jaques Clement, July 31, 1589. Half length small oval, wearing the Order of the St. Esprit, foitr lines of French verse beneath, first state, before the retouch. From the Thiers Collection, 1446 — 173 — LEU (Thomas de.) Henry IV, King of France — born 1553 ; assassinated 1610. Bust on a pedestal, in an architectural niche, after Bunel. From the Thiers Collection. 144.7 Henry IV, King of France. Small whole length, seated on a dais, his right foot resting on the emblem of war. 1448 Henry IV of France. Three quarter length, holding his sword in both hands. 1449 James I, King of England — aged 42. Small oval, with four lines of French verse beneath, commencing " Un seul Peintre jadis pouvoit peindre Alexandre." 1450 Lorraine (Louise de) daughter of Henri de Lorraine, wife of Francois de Bourbon, Prince de Conti. 1451 Lorraine (Henri Prince de) Prince de Joinville, afterwards Duke of Guise — son of Francis and Anne d'Est ; killed in the States of Blois, 1588. 1452 Louis XIII, King of France, as an infant — born 1601 ; died 1643. "Portraict au Naturel de Monseigneur le Daulfin ne a Fontaineblau le 27 Septembre a 10 Heures de Nuict 1601." Oval small whole length, with four lines of French verse beneath, holding a spear in his right hand. 1453 # # * Companion print to 1 443 . LOUIS XIII receiving the Communion previous to his coronation, after Quesnel. From the Puibusque Collection. r 454 Louis XIII. Equestrian portrait in armour, with a view of Paris in the background, and six verses beneath. 1455 Murat (Antoine de) Conseiller au Parlement de Paris. "iEtat XXXVI. 1589." 1456 Raleigh (Sir Walter). hi an oval border — beneath in a vignette a viezv of the English fleet off Cadiz, and six Latin verses. 1457 — 174 — LEU (Thomas de.) Savoye (Henri de) Due de Nemours et de Genevois, one of the Princes of the league — married to Anne de Lorraine, daughter of Charles Due de Lorraine — born 1572; ob. 1632. Oval half length, aged 25. 1458 SERVIN (LOUIS) Advocat-General du Parlement de Paris, Conseiller d'Etat — ob. 1626. 1459 Vigenere (Blaise de) born 1523; died 1595. Proof before any letters, and an impression with the letters. From the Marshall Collection. 1460 LEWIS (Charles G.) The Random Shot, after Sir Edwin Landseer. India proof before letters. 1461 LEWIS (John F.) Lion and Lioness. Mezzotint, proof. 1462 LEYDEN (Lucas Damesz, called Lucas Van.) Born at Leyden, 15 14 ; died 1533. Bartsch, Vol. VII, p. 351. Cain killing Abel. (13). From the Esdaile and Marochetti Collections. 1463 Joseph and Potiphar's Wife. (20). From the Marshall Collection. 1464 The Accusation of Joseph. (21). 1465 David playing before Saul. (27). 1466 Solomon adoring the Idols. (30). From the Marochetti Collection. l 4&7 The Triumph of Mordecai. (32). 1468 The Adoration of the Magi. (37). From the Collectio7t of Count Harrach. 1469 The Baptism of Chirst. (40). From the Debois Collection. I 470 The Raising of Lazarus. (42). From the Camber lyn Collection. 1471 — 175 — LEYDEN (Lucas Damesz, called Lucas Van.) Christ presented to the People. (71). The rarest and most esteemed of Lucas Van Leyden's engravings. From the Marshall Collection. 1472 The Return of the Prodigal Son. (78). From the Munro Collection. 1473 The Virgin and Child with two Angels. (84). From the Esdaile and Marochetti Collections. 1474 The Conversion of St. Paul. (107). From the Marochetti Collection. 1475 The Dance of the Magdalen, or Marie Magdalen giving herself up to the pleasures of the world. (122). # # * " Cette belle piece que Lucas a gravee dans le temps de sa plus grand force, est une de ses meilleurs ouvrages. Les bonnes epreuves en sont extremement difficiles a trouver ; elles se vendoient, deja du vivant Lucas, un florin d'or." — Bartscb. From the Marshall Collection. l 47& The Monk Sergius killed by Mahomet. (126). 1477 A young Man heading a Troop of Soldiers. (142). From the Marochetti Collection. I 47^ A young Woman embraced by a Fool. (150). 1479 An old Woman holding a Bunch of Grapes. (151). 1480 The Surgeon. (156). From the Thiers Collection. 148 1 An Ornamental Composition — dated 1528. (162). 1482 Panel of Ornament with two Syrens— dated 1528. (164). f 1483 LIGNON (Etienne Frederic.) Born at Paris 1781 ; pupil of Morel. Saint Cecilia, after Domenichino. Artist's proof. 1484 LISEBETTEN (Peter Van.) Born in Flanders about 1610 ; worked at Antwerp. Hamilton (James Marquis of) Adherent of Charles I — impri- soned by the King in Pendennis Castle — released by the Parliament — collected an Army in Scotland against them — entered England and surrendered to Cromwell, 1648 — beheaded 1649. Half length, in armour, after Van Dyck. 1485 — 176 — LIVENS (Jan.) Painter and Etcher j born at Leyden, 1607 j died at Antwerp, 1663. HEINSIUS (DANIEL) distinguished Scholar — Friend of Scaliger and Correspondent of William III — born 1580; died 1655. First state, with the address of Martin Vanden Enden. From the Endris Collection. i486 South (Robert) Canon of Christchurch, installed Dec. 29, 1670. First state, the pure dry point, with burr. l 4%7 *%* This curious and interesting portrait has been very differently esteemed by two of the greatest connoisseurs of our age. Bartsch, who has seen an impression of the first state, but cut, describes it amongst the works of artists who imitated the manner of Rembrandt, (Bartsch, Rembrandt, Vol. 11, p. 108, No. 25), and he adds, "II est execute avec beaucoup de facilite et d'une pointe extremement delicate," while Claussin, from an impression of the third state, calls it " Bien de la main de Livens, quoique tres mediocre." It is, in fact, one of the finest productions of the master, but the plate has been spoilt at a later period, by unskilful hands. The attribution of the likeness to Robert South, a centenarian, is rendered likely enough by an impression in the Imperial collection at Vienna, on which Theodore Matham, a contemporary of the artist, and who published several of his plates, has written "Joannes Livius fecit, Robert South, Anglais, age 1 1 2 ans." In England it is considered by some as a portrait of Sir Kenelm Digby. On the margin of the present impression is written, by an old hand, "Jacques Pern, Musicien du Roy, d'Angleterre." VONDEL (Justus) celebrated Dutch Poet and Dramatic Author — born 1587; died 1679. First state, with the address of A. de Wees. From the Endris Collection. 1488 LOGGAN (David.) Born at Dantzig, 1630 j pupil of Crispin Pass the Younger j worked at Oxford, Cambridge, and London, where he died 1693. Allestry (Richard) Provost of Eton, 1665— ob. 1681 — aetat. 61, — seated at a table with John Dolben, Bishop of Rochester, 1666 — Archbishop of York, 1683; ob. 1686 — set. 62 — John Fell, Bishop of Oxford ; ob. 1686 ; set. 61. Oblong mezzotint, after Sir Peter Lely. From the Marshall Collection. 1489 LOGGAN (David.) BARROW (Isaac) Learned Divine— born 1630 ; died 1677. Proof of the large plate before any letters, and before the arms. 1490 Blount (Sir Henry) celebrated Traveller— Charles I com- mitted to his care the young Prince just before the Battle of Edge Hill — Author of Travels to the Levant, &c. — ob. 1682. Oval, with motto above, and arms beneath, 1679, ad vivum. 1491 Boyle (Michael) Archbishop of Armagh— ob. 1702— set. 93. Half length, in an ornamented oval, with arms beneath. 1492 Clarendon (Edward Hyde Earl of) Lord High Chan- cellor to Charles II — born 1608 ; died at Rouen, 1674. Half length, in his robes of office — ad vivum — with margin. From the Marshall Collection. 1493 Derby (James Stanley, Earl of) distinguished Royalist, taken prisoner at the Battle of Worcester, and beheaded in violation of a promise of quarter, 165 1. H94 HOLT (John) son of Thomas Holt, of Grislehurst, in the County of Lancaster. Proof before the "^Etat. 12 ob. March 19, 1659." From the Wenman Martin Collection. 1495 Isham (Sir Thomas, Baronet) of Lamport — born 1656; died 1681. " D. Loggan ad vivum delin. 1676." 1496 Laud (William) Archbishop of Canterbury — born 1573; executed 1645. Three-quarter length mezzotint, after Van Dyck. 1497 # # * The original picture was sold in Lord Lyndhurst's sale, and is now in the National Portrait Gallery. Sancroft (William) Archbishop of Canterbury — born 161 6; died 1693. " Ad vivum delineavit." 1498 Sharpe (James) Archbishop of St. Andrews, 1661— murdered by Balfour and other Covenanters, May 1, 1679. Half-length oval, on a pedestal, with arms beneath, anno 1675. "ad vivum." 1499 - i 7 8 - LOGGAN (David.) Stafford (Robert) of Bradfield, Berks. Oval half-length, on a pedestal, arms beneath. Proof before any letters. From the Tunno Collection. 15 00 Strangeways (Colonel Giles) Active Loyalist, commanded a regiment under Prince Maurice in the West — Member of the Privy Council to Charles II. Oval, on a pedestal, with the arms beneath, and six English verses. From the Tnnno Collection. 1501 WATERHOUSE (Edward) Lawyer and Antiquary. "ad vivum." 1502 View of London before the Fire, on a sheet, with various Views of St. Paul's (with and without the spire) ground plan, nave, crypt, &c, and a small oval portrait of Edward BENLOWES, author of "Theophila " — ob. 1686 ; aetat. 73. "D. Kingdelin. et excudit A° 1658;' From the Tunno Collection. 1 503 LOMBART (Peter.) Born at Paris about 16135 died 1682. Arundel (Henry Earl of) father of Earl Thomas, who was reinstated in the Dukedom of Norfolk, which had been forfeited by the attainder of Thomas Howard, his great grandfather, in the reign of Elizabeth — he was also father of Cardinal Howard — ob. 1652. Three quarters, in armour, after Van Dyck. 1504 Bedford (Anne Countess of) daughter of Robert Carr, Earl of Somerset, wife of William Russell, Earl of Bedford — ob. 1680 ; aet. 64. Three-quarter length, after Van Dyck. 1505 Charles I in armour, on horseback, Mons. de St Antoine holding his helmet ; in the background a battle. After Van Dyck. 1506 179 LOMBART (Peter.) Carlisle (Margaret Russell, Countess of) Three-quarter length, seated with her daughter y after Van Dyck. 1507 The portrait is at Woburn Abbey. Carlisle (Lucy Countess of) daughter of Percy, Earl of Northumberland, wife of James Hay, Earl of Carlisle. Three-quarter lengthy after Van Dyck. 1508 * # # This lady communicated to Pym the intention of Charles I. to arrest Cromwell, Hampden and the other members. Carnarvon (Anna Sophia Countess of) daughter of Philip, Earl of Pembroke, wife of Robert Dormer, Earl of Carnarvon, who was killed at the Battle of Newbury, 20 Sept. 1643. Three-quarter length, after Van Dyck. 1509 * # * Both their portraits are in the family picture at Wilton. Castlehaven (Elizabeth Countess of) daughter and co-heir of Benedict Barnham, Alderman of London, wife of Mervin, Earl of Castlehaven, executed 1,631. Three-quarter lengthy after Van Dyck. 15 10 Devon (Elizabeth Countess of) daughter of William Cecil, Earl of Salisbury, wife of William Cavendish, third Earl of Devon. Three-quarter lengthy after Van Dyck. 15 1 1 Herbert (Penelope, Lady) daughter of Sir Robert Naunton Secretary of State to James I, wife of Philip Lord Herbert. Three-quarter lengthy after Van Dyck. 15 12 Middlesex (Rachel Countess of) daughter of the Earl of Westmoreland, wife of Lionel Cranfield, third Earl of Middlesex. Three-quarter lengthy after Van Dyck, proof before any letters ; and an impressioit with the letters. 15 13 « Mb Thomas Morant, Chler Marquis du Mesnilgarnier, Coner Ord re du Roy en ses Conseils, Maistre des Req tes . 1662." Oval half lengthy after Vaillant. From the Mariettc Collection. 1 5 1 4 — i So — LOMBART (Peter.) Morland (Sir Samuel) Secretary to Thurloe — employed by the Protector in several embassies — Master of Mechanics to Charles II — inventor of the drum-headed capstan and speaking trumpet. Oval, after " P. Lilly." 1 5 1 5 Morton (Anne, Countess of) daughter of Sir Edward Villiers, President of Munster — wife of Robert Douglas, Earl of Morton — governess to Princess Henrietta, afterwards Duchess of Orleans, whom she conveyed in disguise from Oatlands to France. Three quarter lengthy after Van Dyck. 15 16 Pembroke (Philip, Earl of) when Lord Herbert — set. 18. Three quarter length, after Van Dyck. 15 17 Sunderland (Dorothy, Countess of) daughter of Robert Sidney, Earl of Leicester — wife of the Earl of Sunderland, who was killed in the Battle at Newbury, aet. 23. " Waller's Sacharissa." Three quarter length, after Van Dyck. 15 18 Taylor (Jeremy) Bishop of Down and Connor 1660; — of Dromore 1661 — born 161 3 ; died 1667. Oval half length, with arms and three lines of Latin inscription beneath. 1 5 1 9 LONGHI (Joseph.) Born at Monza 1766 ; died at Milan 1 83 1. VIZION OF Ezekiel, after Raphael. Artist' s proof , with the names etched. 1520 The picture is in the u Pitti Gallery," Florence. The Marriage of the Virgin — "Lo Sposalizio," after Raphael. Artist's proof before any letters or inscription under the portico. 1521 The picture is in the " Brera Gallery," at Milan. The Marriage of the Virgin, after Raphael. Proof with the verses only. 1522 — 181 — La Madonna del Lago, from a picture by Marco d'Oggione, after a design of Leonardo da Vinci. Proof bef ire letters and before the verses, on india paper. 1523 Joseph with the Infant Saviour in his arms. After Guido. A rtisfs proof on india paper, with etched names. 1 5 24 The Repose in Egypt, after Procaccini. A rtisfs proof with remark, the donkey with white nose. 1525 The Reading Magdalen, after Correggio. Artist's proof with etched names only, and before the arms. I52 6 The picture is in the Royal Gallery at Dresden. LOUYS (Jacob.) Born at Antwerp 1600 j pupil of Soutman. Anne of Austria, Queen of France, wife of Louis XIII-— born 1602 ; died 1666. Large oval in a border of flowers, after Rubens. 1527 LOWRY (Robert.) Mezzotint Engraver j born about 1 740. Argyle (Elizabeth Gunning, Duchess of Hamilton, afterwards Duchess of) celebrated beauty — ob. 1790. Half length large oval, after C. Read, 1771. 1528 Baddely (Mrs. Sophia) Actress — ob. 1786; set. 38. Half length oval mezzotint, after Zoffany, 1772. 1529 Choiseul (Etienne Francois, Due de) Minister of Louis XV — exiled in 1770. Whole length, after Vanloo. 1530 LUCAS (David.) Mezzotint Engraver. Landscape, called " The Lock," after Constable. Proof before letters. 1 53 1 Salisbury Cathedral in a landscape, with a rainbow. After Constable. Proof before letters. 1 5 3 2 — 1 82 — LUCAS (David.) A Collection of Proofs from Constable's Work on English Scenery, the greater part in rare proof STATES, and many touched by Constable himself during the progress of the work ; showing desired alterations in effect, the whole bound in two volumes, green morocco ; and a copy of the "Life of Constable" illustrated with various proofs, &c. bound uniform. 1533 LUTTRELL (Henry.) Cleaveland (Barbara Villiers, Duchess of) after Sir Peter Lely. Three quarter length seated, with pearl necklace. J. Becket, excudit. From the Tunno Collection, 1534 LUYKEN (Jan Van.) Born at Amsterdam 1649 j died 17 12. Representation of the Massacre of the Huguenots in Paris on St. Bartholomew's Day, August 24th, 1572. 1535 Tromp (Cornelius) representation of his Funeral Procession. 1536 Procession and Reception of Released Slaves at Amsterdam, 1690; two plates. 1537 MAAS (Dirk.) Born at Harlem about 1656. Le Blanc, Manuel de V Amateur d'Estampes. "Le Manage." (2-10). The complete set of nine plates, from the De Kat Collection. 1538 A Cavalier directing his horse to the left. (ii). Pure etching. 1539 A Cavalier starting his horse in walk to the left. (12). Pure etching. 1540 * # * These two upright prints (i 1-12) appear to be supplementary plates to the Landscape set of nine plates, " Le Manege." - i8 3 - MAAS (Dirk.) The Battle of the Boyne, July ist, 1690. (13). " Designe* apres la Nature, et Paint pourle Roy, et grave* par Theodor Maas." Engraved 011 two sheets. From the Drugulin Collection. 1541 Soldats et Chevaux, desin6z et gravez d'apres nature. (14-25). Complete set of twelve. From the De Kat Collection. 1 542 MAES (Pierre), the younger. Native of Holland j worked about the middle of the I 7th Century Mary, Queen of Scotland. Oval, surrounded by emblems. Jan Busem exc. 1543 MANDEL (Edward.) Contemporary artist of Berlin j born 1809. Charles I, King of England — born 1600; died 1649. Large half length, in mantle and badge of the order of the Garter, after Van Dyck. A r list's proof on india paper. 1 5 44 The picture is in the Royal Gallery at Dresden. Dyck (Anthony Van) celebrated Dutch Painter and Etcher- born 1599; died 1 641. Half length within a border, after Van Dyck. Artisf s proof on india paper, with the white block. 1545 Head of the Saviour, after Guido. Artisf s proof, with the etched name. r S4^ Head of the Magdalen, after Carlo Dolce. A rtisfs proof with etched name. 1 5 47 La Vierge au Livre, after Raphael. Artist's proof on india paper. !54^ The picture formerly in the Colonna Palace, at Rome, is now in the Royal Gallery, Berlin. Raphael at the age of fifteen, after himself. Artist's proof on india paper. I 549 The picture is in the Louvre. — 1 84 — MANDEL (Edward.) TlZlANO VECELLIO, Italian Painter, of the Venetian School- born 1477 ; died 1576. Half length with the border, after Titian. Artist's proof 011 india paper, with the white block. 1550 MANSFELD (Johann-Ernst.) Born at Prague 1738 5 died 1 796. Keith (Sir Robert Murray). Three quarters seated, after Graff, 1770. 155 1 MANTEGNA (Andrea.) Born at Padua 143 1 j died at Mantua, 1506. Bartsch, Vol. xm,/. 222. The Flagellation of Our Saviour, (i). 1552 The Entombment. (2). 1553 Bartsch has erroneously attributed this print to Giovanni Antonio da Brescia — both Passavant (vol. v. p. 75) and Ottley (vol. ii. p. 497) consider it to be by Mantegna. The Entombment. (3). 1554 The Roman Senate in Triumphal Procession, (ii). From the Thiers Collection. 1555 Roman Soldiers bearing Trophies in Procession. (13). From the Thiers Collection. 1556 Combat of Marine Gods and Tritons. (17-18). Engraved on two plates. 1557 The Triumph of Silenus. (20). 1558 MARCENAY DE GHUY (Antoine de.) Amateur j born 1722 j died at Paris, 181 1. Mirabeau (Victor de Riquety, Marquis de) great Political Economist, grandfather of the celebrated Orator — Author of many works on Political Economy — born 171 5 ; died 1789. Half length, in armour, after Aved. Pure etching, before any letters, dated 1758 ; and an impres- sion with the letters. 15 59 - i8 5 - MARCHAND (J.) ClBBER (Susan Maria) Actress— obit. 1766; aetat. 51. Oval, after Hudson, published 1749. 1560 MAROT (Daniel.) Architect and Engraver ; born about 1650. Representation of the Grand Ball given at the Hague by the Princess of Orange to celebrate the Birthday of the Prince of Orange, Dec. 1686. Engraved on two plates. 1 5 6 1 William III. — The great Congress at the Hague, 1691. — (Macaulay, vol. \v. p. 6.) 1562 MARSHALL (William.) Born about 1616. Bacon (Sir Francis) Three-quarters ; seated, writing in a book. Frontispiece to the translation of his " Advancement of Learning," by Gilbert Wats, 1640, folio. From the Marshall Collection. 1563 Carpenter (Richard) Envoy from the Pope to make Proselytes in England — he was alternately a Papist and a Protestant three times afterwards. Half length, holding a book, "aetatis suae 33, 1641." Frontispiece to his " Experience, History, and Divinity," 1642. 1564 DONNE (Dr. John) Dean of St. Paul's, 1621— ob. 1631 ; ast. 58. In a winding sheet. Frontispiece to his Poems, \21no. 1635, 1565 Laud (William) Archbishop of Canterbury, 1633, executed 1645 ; set. 71. "Gull: Quondam Arch: Cant:" Six lines of English verse beneath, prefixed to Fuller's " Argument against the Ecclesiastical Commissioners." sm. 4to. 1641. 1566 13 B — 1 86 — MARSHALL (William.) SlBBS (RICHARD, D.D.) « The reverend faithful and profitable minister of God's Word, Master of Catherine Hall, in Cam- bridge, and preacher in Gray's Inn, London." ^Etat. 58. Prefixed to his " Precious Promises," 1638, \21no. 1567 MARTIN (D.) Rousseau (Jean Jacques) born 1712 ; died 1778. Mezzotint, after Ramsay, 1766. 1568 MARTINET (Achille Louis.) Born at Paris, 1806. La Vierge au Palmier, after Raphael. A rtisfs proof on india paper. 1 5 69 The picture is in the Bridgewater Gallery. La Vierge a la Voile, after Raphael. A rtisfs proof on india paper, with the etched names. 1 5 70 The picture is in the Louvre. Madonna with the Sleeping Saviour and St. John, after Raphael. Artist's proof on india paper. 1 571 The original is in the Louvre. MARVIJE (Martin.) Born at Paris, 171 2. Vue Perspective de la Decoration elevee sur la Terrasse du Chateau de Versailles, pour Tillumina- tion et le feu d' Artifice qui a ete tire a l'occasion de la Naissance de Monseigneur le Due de Bourgogne le XXX Decembre M.DCC.LI. Large whole sheet, after a drawing by C. N. Cochin fils. 1572 MASQUELIER (Claude Louis.) Born at Paris in 1 781 j Professor of the Academy at Rome. The Entombment, after Raphael. Artist's proof 1573 The picture was painted for the Church of St. Francesco at Perugia, and is now in the Borghese Gallery, Rome. - 1 8; - MASSARD (Jean Baptiste.) Born at Belesme in 1740 j worked at Paris j died 1822. Charles I King of England — born 1600; beheaded 1649. Whole length y seated, with Henrietta Maria, and two of their children, after Van Dyck. A rtisfs proof before any letters, signed by the engraver. 1 5 74 MASSON (Antoine.) Bom in 1636} worked at Paris; died 1700. Dnmesnil, " Le Peintre-Gravetir Frangais," vol. ii. p. 99. BRISACIER (Guillaume de) Secretaire des Commandements de la Reine, 1644. (15). Firs t state, proof before letters. 1575 Marin (Denis) Seigneur de la Chataigneraye, Cureau de la Chambre. (24). Oval, after Mignard, 1665. First state, before the cross hatching on the cheek. 1 576 DUPUY (Alexandre) Marquis de Saint- Andre-Montbrun, one of the most distinguished leaders of the Calvinists — defended Privas against Louis XIII and Richelieu — served under Rohan and Gustavus Adolphus — born 1600 ; died 1673. (26). Large half length oval, in armour, after G. de Seue. Second state, before the name of the painter. From the Thiers Collection. 1577 Guise (Marie de Lorraine, Duchesse de) called Made- moiselle de Guise, daughter of Charles de Lorraine, fourth Duke of Guise, and Henriette de Joyeuse Countess of Bouchage — born 161 5 ; died 1688 — with her the illustrious house of Guise became extinct. (32). Half-length oval, after Mignard, before the word, Roma after pinxit. 1578 Harcourt (Henri de Lorraine Comte d') Grand-Ecuyer de France — born 1601 ; died 1666. (34). After Mignard. First state, before the No. 4 in the margin to the left ; and an impression in the second state. 1 S79 Louis Auguste de Bourbon, Prince de Dombes, Due de Maine, flls naturel de Louis XIV et de Madame de Montespan — born 1670; legitimised 1673; died 1706. (47). Oval, in armour, with trophies beneath, dated 1677. 1580 — 1 88 — MASSON (Antoine.) Marie Anne, Christine Victoire de Baviere, Dauphine of France, wife of Louis, only legitimate son of Louis XIV, and mother of the Due de Bourgogne (father of Louis XV.) (48). Large oval, published in 1 680. 1 5 8 1 Ormesson (Olivier Le Fevre d') Conseiller au Parlement de Paris et Maitre des requetes. (58). Second state. From the Donnadieu Collection. 1582 MASSON. Engraver of the present Century. Cortes (Fernando) Founder of the Spanish Dominion in America — born 1485 ; died 1547. Three-quarters lengthy from the picture in the Gallery of Don Josi de Salamanca, 1583 MATHAM (Adrian.) Worked at Harlem from 1620 to 1650. Montrose (James Graham, Marquis of) executed 1650 ; set. 37. Half length, in armour, arms, &c. in the top corners, four lines of inscription beneath. 1 5 84 MATHAM (Theodore.) Born at Harlem in 1589; worked in Holland and at Rome. Brederode (Wolfard) Count of Holland. Large oval, in armour, at the age of about 16, after My tens. 1585 CHARLES II in the Council Chamber at the Hague, 1660. After]. T. Vliet. 1586 Charles II taking leave of the States at the Hague on the 1st of June, 1660. 1587 Pauw (Adrian) Ambassador from the States of Holland to the Courts of England, France, &c. — born 1585 ; died 1653. Proof before any letters, and His arms engraved at the time of his third embassy in Paris, 1635, by Michael van Lochon. 1588 — 1 89 — MATHAM (Theodore.) Webster (Sir John) Commissary for the Emperor of Russia — created baronet 1660. Half length, after Cornelius Jansen. First state, with eight lines of Latin verse beneath. 1589 Wittenhorst (Wilhelm Vincent, Baron van) Half length in armour, after B. van der Heist, proof before letters. !590 Wittenhorst (Wilhelmina van Bronkhorst, Baroness of). After B. van der Heist, proof before letters 1591 MECKEN (Israel van.) Goldsmith and Engraver} born at Malinesj worked at Bocholt from 1482 to 1498; died 1503. Bartsch, Vol. vi,/. 184. The Portrait of " Israhel van Meckenen, Goltsmit." (2). From the Marshall Collection. l S9 2 The Dance of Herodias. (3.) From the Marochetti Collection. 1 593 Christ presented to the people. (16). From the Beaumont, and Marochetti Collections. 1594 The Resurrection. (20). First state before the retouch. 1595 The Supper at Emaus. (21). First state before the retouch. 1 596 The Crucifixion, with the Virgin on the left and St. John on the right of the cross. (29). 1597 The Marriage of the Virgin. (33). From the Marochetti Collection. IS 98 The Circumcision. (37). From the Marochetti Collection. 1599 The Death of the Virgin, surrounded by the Twelve Apostles. (40). From the Maberly Collection. 1600 The Mass of St. Gregory, (ioi). From the Marochetti Collection. 1601 St. Catherine of Sienna. (125). From the Marochetti Collection. 1602 — 190 — MECKEN (Israel Van.) The Dancing Couple. (172). 1603 The Guitar Player and the Young Lady singing. (174). 1604 The Organist and his Wife. (175). 1605 The Falconer and the Young Lady. (177). 1606 The Duet, a young woman playing the harp accompanied by a youth playing on the guitar. (178). 1607 The Lovers seated in a chamber. (179). 1608 The Officer and his Wife. (182). From the Barnard Collection. 1609 A Chimerical Animal. (193). 1610 A Shield of Arms, with a man standing on his head. (195). From the Marochetti Collection. 161 1 A piece of Ornamental Foliage, in the midst of which a female is seen surrounded by six men dancing. (201). First state before the retouch. From the Marshall Collection. 161 2 A piece of Ornamental Foliage, in the midst of which is seated a gentleman, and a lady with a lap dog on her knee. (20s). 1613 MEDICIS (Marie de.) Bust of a Young Woman, profile turned to the right — beneath " Maria Medici. F. mdlxxxii." From the Marochetti Collection. 16 14 " La preuve que cette piece est due a. la reine resulte d'une note conservee, avec une epreuve, dans le Recueil des amateurs du cabinet des estampes de la Bibliotheque royale de Paris et qui est ainsi concue : La planche de cette estampe a ete gravee par la Reyne Marie de Medicis qui la donna a M^- Champagne dans le temps qiCil la peignoit, lequel Champagne a ecrit derriere la planche ce qui suit : Ce vendredy 22. de feburier 1629. La reyne mere Marie de Medicis m'a trouve digne de ce rare present fait de sa propre main. Champagne, " Cette estampe, qui est fort rare, parait representor la reine a l'age de neuf ans. Le millesime 1582, dont elle est revetue, ne peut se rapporter qu'a cet age et ne saurait signifier que la planche a ete gravee cette annee-la, puisque la princesse n'avait encore que neuf ans." — Dumesnil, V ol. v, p. 66. — i9i — MEERS (T.) Yates (Mrs. Mary) Actress— ob. 1787; aet. 55. Oval mezzotint, proof, in the character of Jane Shore, after Parkinson. 161 5 MEISSONIER (Jean Louis Ernst.) Born at Lyons in 1811. The Serjeant's Report. India proof with the monogram M E followed by a cross. 1616 MELLAN (Claude,) Born at Abbeville in 1601 j died 1688. Henriclea Maria de Buade Frontenac, wife of Habert de Montmor, Councillor of State, and one of the superior Masters of the Court of Requests. Oval half length, dated 1 64 1 . 1 6 1 7 MERIAN (Matthew.) Born at Basle in 1593 j died 1651. James Duke of York, second son of Charles I. " The High Borne Prince James Duke of Yorke borne October the 13. 1663." Whole length playing at Tennis, in a court with various spectators. First state. " Sould by Tho. Jenner at the South Entry of the Exchange." From the Grave and Tunno Collections. 161 8 MERYON (Charles.) Born at Paris 1821 ; died at Charenton February 13th, 1868. Philippe Burty — " L'CEuvre de M. Charles Meryon." — Gazette des Beaux Arts, Tome xiv-xv. La SALLE DES Pas perdus, after Ducerceau. (15). Second state, with the address of Deldtre. 16 19 Panoramic View of San Francisco. (21). Trial proof, before any letters on the tablet beneath or the initials on either side, indicating the names of M.. M. Bayerque, and Pioche, for whom this plate was engraved ; also an old impression with the letters. 1620 — 192 — MERYON (Charles.) Presentation au Roi Louis XI du "Valere Maxime" imprime a Paris vers 1475. (24). Engraved after an original drawing in the possession of M. Niel. 1 62 1 Partie de la Cite* de Paris vers la fin du XVI I e Siecle sur la rive gauche de la Seine entre le Pont Notre Dame et le Pont au Change. (27). A fter a drawing in the possession of Mons. Bonnardot. Trial proof on india paper, before the monogram, any letters or the border line. 1622 Le Grand Chatelet a Paris. (28). After a drawing executed about 1780, in the Collection ofM. Berard. Trial proof before any letters. 1623 Title for the series of " Eaux-fortes sur Paris par C. Meryon, mdccclii." (29). 1624 Le STRYGE. " C'est Tune des figures sculptees formant Tangle de la tour Notre-Dame, a gauche." (35). Second state, with the verses — " Insatiable vampire, l'eternelle luxure Sur la grand cite convoite sa pature," effaced, but before the title Le Stryge. 1625 Le Petit Pont. (36). First state, before any address or letters. 1626 L'Arche du Pont Notre-Dame. (37). Second state, before the No. 3 and the monogram C M. 1627 La Galerie de Notre-Dame. (38). First state, before the title or the five ravens which were afterward? added in the sky. 1628 La Tour de l'Horloge. (40). First state, with the initials C. M. before the address or title. 1629 Tourelle de la Rue de la Tixeranderie, demolie EN 1851. (41). First state, proof before the title. 1 630 MERYON (Charles.) Saint Etienne-du-Mont. (42). First state, with the monogram CM., but before the inscription on the angle of the Pantheon. 163 1 La Pompe Notre-Dame, 1852. (43). Intermediate state, between the second and third, with the address of Deldtre, but before " Publti par 1' Artiste." "La Pompe Notre Dame! ' 1632 Le Pont Neuf. (45). First state before the verses beneath. 1633 La Morgue, 1850. (48). Second state of four, with the address, but before the number 11 and the monogram CM. l &34 L'Abside de Notre-Dame de Paris. (50). Second state, before the title and the number 12. 1635 La Rue des Chantres a Paris, mdccclxii. (54). Proof before any letters below, with the monogram of Meryon between two bells above. 1636 Ancienne Habitation a Bourges. (57). Second state, with the monogram, but before the title. 1637 NOUVELLE Zelande. " Greniers indigenes et habitations a Akaroa," 1845. (61). Undescribed intermediate state, before the address 0/Delatre, but with the title. 1638 OCEANIE. Hots a Uvea Wallis, Peche aux Palmes, 1845. (63). 1639 Nouvelle Zelande. Presqu tie de Banks, 1845 ; Pointe dite des Charbonniers a Akaroa. Peche a la Seine. (64). 1640 LOI SOLAIRE. (69). " Ces deux fantaisies philosophiques reposent sur un ordre d'idees qiiil nous est interdit d'aborderT 1641 VUE DU MUSEE DU LOUVRE. Trial proof printed on large paper, before any letters. 1642 Vue du Bain Froid Chevrier dit de l'Ecole. Proof, with the verses beginning " Eh oui voila la Loi " beneath, printed in blue. 1643 c c - 194 - MERYON (Charles.) VUE DE L'AMIRAUTE* A PARIS. Proof, with the monogram of Miry on beneath, and various fantastic representations in the sky. 1644 Vue du College Henri IV. Trial proof, before the sky, and before the steam boat was added on the sea in the distance. 1645 Vue du College Henri IV. Proof before the title, but the sea has been replaced by a number of houses. 1646 MERZ (Caspar Heinrich.) Born in 1805 5 worked at Munich. The Mad House, after Kaulbach. Proof. 1647 MEURS (Jacob Van.) Born at Amsterdam about 1 640. Charles I, after Van Dyck. Oval in a hat and mantle, supported by two dragons, eight lines of Dutch inscription on a tablet beneath, " D. Kleer-besem Excudit." First state, before the name of the engraver. From the Graves, and Tunno Collections. 1648 Charles II when young, after Van Dyck. Oval in armour, with high hat and feathers, supported by two dragons, nine lines of Dutch inscription 011 a tablet beneath. "D. Kleer-besem Excu." From the Graves, and Tunno Collections. 1649 MEYSSENS (Cornelius.) Born at Antwerp in 1646. CHARLES II. " Carlo Secondo Re della Gran Bretagna Anno 1660." " Cor Meyssens. Fe. Viennae." Oval in armour, 1650 MICHELIS (F.) Worked in Italy during the latter half of the 1 8th Century. Orange (William II, Prince of) as a child, with a dog. Mezzotint, after Van Dyck. 165 1 — i 9 5 ~ MILLER (J.) Gray (Thomas) Poet— born 1716; died 1771. Three quarter length in a vest, leaning on his hand. A fter Echardt, 1753, proof before any letters. 1 65 2 MONTAGNA (Benedetto.) Native of Vicenzaj flourished about 1500. Mercury Metamorphosing Aglaurus into stone. (18). 1653 MORGHEN (Raffaello.) Born at Florence 17585 died 1833. The Last Supper, after the fresco by Leonardo da Vinci at Milan. Open letter proof 1654 The Madonna and Child, called "Delia Seggiola," after Raphael. Open letter proof. 1655 La Madonna del Sacco, after Andrea del Sarto, from the fresco lunette in the Court of the Church of " S. S. Annunziata at Florence." Proof. 1656 La Madonna del Cardellino, after Raphael. Proof 1657 The picture is in the Tribune of the Uffizzi Gallery at Florence. La Madonna col Bambino, after Ludovico Carracci. Proof before letters. 1658 " Fides Salvam," The Magdalen with the cup, after Carlo Dolci. Proof before letters, printed upon vellum. ^5 9 " Noli me Tangere," after Baroccio. Artist's proof, with the white stick, 1660 The picture is in the Corsini Gallery, Rome. Il Salvatore Bambino, after Carlo Dolci. Proof before letters. 1 66 1 Head OF our Saviour, after Leonardo da Vinci. Small circle, proof . 1662 The original of the same size was in the Gallery of the Brothers Trivulzio, at Milan. — 196 — MORGHEN (Raffaello.) Parce Somnum Rumpere, after Titian. A r fist's proof 1663 The Repose in Egypt, after Nicholas Poussin. Proof. 1664 The Praying Magdalen, after Murillo. Artist's proof before any letters. 1665 St. John in the Wilderness, after Guido. Proof before letters. 1666 The Aurora, from the fresco in the Rospigliosi Palace at Rome, by Guido. Proof before letters. 1667 Jurisprudence, from the fresco by Raphael, one of the iunettes in the Stanze of the Vatican. Proof before letters. 1668 The Mass at Bolsena, from a drawing by Tofanelli, after Raphael. Proof before letters. 1 669 The Dance of the Seasons, after Nicholas Poussin. Proof. 1670 Diana and her Nymphs, after Domenichino. A rtist's proof 1 67 1 The picture is in the Borghese Gallery at Rome. La Poesia, after Carlo Dolci. Artist's proof with " R. M." only. 1672 La Fornarina, after Raphael. Proof. 1673 The picture is in the Uffizzi Gallery at Florence. The Four Italian Poets, after Tofanelli and Ermini. Dante. Tasso. Petrarch. Ariosto. Proofs before letters. 1674 Raphael Sanzio d'Urbino, Painter, Sculptor and Architect, chief of the Roman School — born 1483 ; died 1520. Proof. 1675 Jeanne d'Arragon, after Raphael. Proof before letters. 1676 The picture is in the Louvre. — 197 — MORGHEN (Raffaello.) Portrait of Leonardo da Vinci, after himself. Artist's proof. 1677 Lorenzo de Medici, son of Pietro, the son of the great Cosmo — born 1448 ; died 1492. After Vasari, artist's proof with remark. 1678 Moncada (Don Francisco de) Count of Ossuna and third Marquis of Aitona, Ambassador from Spain to the Emperor Ferdinand II — Generalissimo of the Spanish Troops in the Low Countries, in 1633 — born 1586; died 1635. Equestrian portrait, after Van Dyck. Proof before the cross hatchings on the armour. l &79 Portrait of Napoleon from a drawing by Tofanelli, after Gerard. Proof before letters. 1 680 MORIN (Jean.) Born in Paris at the commencement of the 17th Century; pupil of Philippe de Champagne; died 1666. R. Dumesnil, " Le Peintre-Graveur Frangais," Vol. II, p. 32. Anne of Austria — Regent of France during the Minority of Louis XIV — ob. 1666; aetat. 64. (41). Half length, in mourning, after P. de Champagne. From the Thiers Collection. 1681 Harcourt (Henri de Lorraine Comte d') called "le Cadet a la Perle," Grand-Ecuyer de France — born 1601; died 1666. (58). Half length, in armour, after Philip de Champagne. 1682 Henry II, King of France— born 15 18 ; died 1559. (59)« Half length, after Janet. From the Marshall Collection. 1683 Henry IV, King of France — born 1553; assassinated 1610. (60). Half length, in armour, after Ferdinand. 1684 Louis XI, King of France — born 1423 ; died 1483. (63). From the Marshall Collection. 1685 — 198 — MORIN (Jean.) Marie de Medici, Queen of France and Navarre, wife of Henry IV— died 1642 ; set. 68. (4). Half length y after Pourbus. 1686 Mazarin (Julius Cardinal) born 1602 — succeeded Richelieu as Prime Minister to Louis XIII, 1642 — assisted Anne of Austria in the Regency, 1643 — retired to Cologne, 165 1 — recalled 1653 ; died 1661. (68). Half length } after Philip de Champagne. 1687 PHILIP II — married first, Maria of Portugal, 1543 — secondly, Mary of England, 1553 — born 1527; died in the Escurial, 1598. (71). Half length, after Titian. 1688 Thou (August de) Historian and Statesman, Favourite and Confidant of Henry IV, instrumental in bringing forward the Edict of Nantes, 1598 — born 1553 ; died 16 17. (77). Oval half length. From the Marshall Collection. 1689 MOSLEY (Charles.) Born 1720 } died 1770. Charles James Stewart (The young Pretender.) Oval portrait beneath a curious satirical Dutch print, published in 1745, of his departure from St. James's Palace for Scotland, in a coach drawn by six horses, headed by the flag of the Inquisition — the Pope as jockey, the Devil as foot- man, &c, entitled, " Perkins Triumf." 1690 Clive (Catherine) Actress — born 17 11 ; died 1785. Whole length, in the Fine Lady in " Lethe," published 1750. 1691 MOUNTAIN (Gerard.) Born at Groningen j worked at Bremen in the first half of the 17th Century, and afterwards in London. White (Francis) Bishop of Carlisle, 1626 — Norwich, 1628— Ely, 163 1 — Almoner to James I — distinguished Controvertist against Popery — ob. 1637. Oval, seated at a table writing, with six Latin lines beneath. " Are to be sold by Geo. Humble in popes head Alley." 1692 — 199 ~ MULLER (Christian Frederic.) Born at Stuttgart, 1782 ; pupil of his father, Joh. Gothard 5 died 181 6. Madonna di San Sisto, after Raphael. Proof. 1693 The picture is in the Royal Gallery at Dresden. St. John, after Domenichino. With the date 1808. 1694 MULLER (Gustavus Adolphus.) Born 1700. Schuppen (Jacob van) Painter, son of Peter van Schuppen, the Engraver, pupil of Largilliere — born 1669; died 175 1 . Three-quarter length, holding a pallet — se ipse pinxit. 1695 MULLER (Jan.) Born at Amsterdam about 15705 imitator of Goltzius ; worked from 1589 to 1625. Bartseh, Vol. ill, p. 261. Fontanus (Joannes) Doctor of Medicine at Amsterdam. (20.) Curious unfinished proof before any letters. From the Marshall Collection. 1 696 Sweling (Joannes Peter) Organist of Amsterdam — ob. 1621 ; setat. 60. (22). Proof before any letters, and an impression with the letters. From the Marshall Collection. 1697 Leyden (John Beuckels of) King of the Anabaptists- headed the revolt at Munster, 1534 — executed 1536. (24). Half length, holding the sceptre, after Aldegrever. First state, before the name and address of Midler. From the Marshall Collection. 1698 Knipperdolling (Bernard) Duke of the Anabaptists. (25). Half length, after Aldegrever. First state, with the artist's address. 1699 Christian IV of Denmark, brother of Anne, Queen of James I — born 1577; died 1648. (56). Three quarters, richly dressed, holding a baton, after Peter Isaac. Proof before any letters, and before the helmet and part of the background was completed. From the Tunno Collection. 1700 — 200 — MULLER (Jan.) Maurice, Prince of Nassau, second son of William I, Prince of Orange — born 1566; died 1625. (58). Three quarter length in armour, after Mirevelt, dated 1608. From the Marshall Collection. 1701 Spinola (Ambrose, Marquis) born 1569 — sent to assist the Archduke Albert in the Netherlands — took Ostend after a siege of three years, 1604 — conquered the Palatinate of the Rhine, 1620 — Governor of Milan, 1629 — died 1630. (59). Three quarter length in rich armour, after Mirevelt. 1702 Albert, Arch-Duke of Austria, Governor of the Low Countries — son of Maximilian II — married Clara Eugenia, daughter of Philip II — engaged in an unsuccessful warfare with Maurice of Nassau — besieged Ostend 1601 — born 1559; died 1621. (62). Three quarters, richly dressed, after Rubens, before the "cum privileg" was erased. 1703 Bellona, Goddess of War, after Spranger. (75). First state, with the address of Muller, 1600. From the Marshall Collection. 1 704 MULLER (John Gothard Von.) Painter and Engraver; born at Bernhausen 1747 ; pupil of Wille ; died at Stuttgart 1830. Lebrun (Madame Louise Elizabeth) Artist — born 1755 ; died 1842. Oval, se ipse pinxit ; proof before any letters. 1705 Wille (Jean Georges) celebrated German Engraver — born at Kcenigsberg 171 5 ; died at Paris 1808. Half length, after Greuze, 1776. Proof before any letters. From the Debois Collection. 1706 MULLER (John Sebastian.) Painter and Engraver; born at Nuremburg 1720; pupil of C. Weigel ; worked principally in England; died about 1780. An Allegorical Composition, containing medallion portraits of George I, George II, Queen Caroline and their children, after S. Wale ; dedicated " To all true Britons, lovers of Liberty, and the present Succession," published 1747. 1707 — 201 — MULLER (John Sebastian.) A North-east View of Westminster, with the new bridge taken from Somerset Garden in 1751, after Canaletti. 1708 MULTZ (Andreas Paul.) Painter and Engraver j worked at Nuremberg in the first half of the 17th Century. Ferdinand Albert, Duke of Brunswick and Lunenberg, 1679, in armour, holding a truncheon in his right hand. Mezzotint. 1 709 MUSIS (Julius de.) Born at Venice j worked in 1553-54. Bartseh, Vol. XV, p. 508. Restoration of Ancient Rome, after the design of Pyrrhus Ligorius, of Naples, dated 1553. 1710 Undescribed by Bartseh. THE PORT OF Ostia, after a design by Pyrrhus Ligorius, of Naples, dated 1554. (1). 171 1 NA DAT (The Master of the Rat Trap.) Worked in Italy at the commencement of the 1 6th Century. Bartseh, Vol. xni,p. 362. The Two Armies, supposed to represent the Battle of Fornovo, gained by Charles VIII of France, in 1495, against the confederate princes, composed of the troops of the Pope, the Kings of Spain and Naples, and the Grand Duke of Urbino. (2). With the date 1530 on the scroll near the rat trap. 171 2 * # * This subject was also engraved by Aug. Veneziano and Hopfer. NANTEUIL (Robert.) Painter and Engraver j born at Reims in 1630; pupil of Regnesson, P. de Champaigne, and Ab. Bosse; died 1678. R. Dumesnil, " Le Peintre Graveur Frangais" Vol. iv,p. 35. AMELOT (Jacques) Premier President de la Cour des Aides. (19). First state, with the escutcheon but without the inscription. 1713 Amelot (Michel) Archeveque de Tours, 1671. (21). L ife size btist. 1 7 1 4 D D — 202 — NANTEUIL (Robert.) Autriche (ANNE d') Reine de France. (22). Second state, before the marks of erasure on the fillet of the border on the right. From the Donnadieu Collection. 171 5 Anne d'Autriche, Reine de France. "Anne Infante d'Espagne Reine de France et Mere du Roy. 1666, etc." (23). Life size oval bust, first state before the crochet. 1 7 1 6 Arnauld de Pomponne (Simon) Ministre et Secretaire d'Etat, Ambassadeur en Suede et en Hollande — ob. 1699; set. 81. (24). Life size, third state, with the lines parallel. I 7 I 7 Aubray (Dreux d') Lieutenant Civil au Chatelet de Paris, 1658, father and one of the victims of the celebrated Marquise de Brinvilliers. (25). 17 1 8 Auvry (Claude) Eveque de Coutances Tresorier de la Sainte Chapelle— ob. 1687. (26). First state, with the plain border. I 7 I 9 Bailleul (Louis de) President a Mortier au Parlement de Paris — ob. 1 701 ; set. 79. (27). First state, before the date, and with the lozenge-shaped point after the word " Infulatus." 1720 Barberin (Antoine) Cardinal, Archeveque de Reims — ob. 1671. (28). 1721 Barberin (Antoine) Cardinal, Archeveque de Reims, nephew of Pope Urban VIII — born 1608; ob. 1671. (29). In an oval border of laurels, first state before the retouch. 1722 Baurillon de Morangis (Antoine) Conseiller d'Etat, Inten- dant des Finances. (31). 1723 Bartillat (£tienne Jehannot de) Garde du Tresor royal — ob. 1701 ; set. 92. (32). First state, with the date 1666, and the escutcheon sur- mounted by a helmet and mantle. l 7 2 4 Beaufort (Francois de Vendome, Due de) Grandson of Henry IV — born at Paris 1616; died 1669 — served in the army under Richelieu, distinguished himself at the sieges of Corbie, Hesdin, and Arras — confidant of Anne of Austria, — 203 ~ NANTEUIL (Robert.) by whom he was afterwards imprisoned at Vincennes — killed his brother-in-law, the Duke de Nemours, in a duel — in 1666 commanded the French Fleet, which, in conjunction with the Dutch, was to attack the English — in 1669 he assisted the Venetians in the defence of Candia against the Turks, where he lost his life in a sortie. (33). First state ; as published by Le Blond. 1725 Beaumanoir de Lavardin (Philibert Emmanuel de) Eveque du Mans, Lieutenant General of Brittany, Ambas- sador to Rome — excommunicated by Innocent XI without having been admitted to an audience — married first the sister of the Duke de Chevreuse, and afterwards the sister of the Duke de Noailles ; ob. 1677. (34). First state, dated 1651/ the quarter ings of the shield not emblazoned according to the rules of heraldry. 1726 Beaumanoir de Lavardin (Philibert-Emmanul de) Eveque du Mans. (35). First state, with the date 1660; from the Donnadieu Collection, and impressions in the following states — l 7 2 7 Third state, with the original background taken out and the head altered, before the inscription, 1728 Fourth state, with the spectacles. l 7 2 9 Fifth state, with the address of "Major? 1730 Bellievre (Pompone de) premier President au Parlement de Paris, fils de Nicolas, President — born 1606 ; died 1657 ; Ambassador to Italy and England. (36). After P. de Champagne. Second state, with an inscription on the tablet beneath, printed on satin . 1 7 3 1 Bellievre (Pompone de). (37). Second state, with the crochet. From the Thiers Collection. 1732 Benoise (Charles) Conseiller au Parlement de Paris (1626), after Philippe de Champagne. (38). 1733 — 204 — NANTEUIL (Robert.) Blanchart (Francois) Abbe de Sainte-Genevieve— born 1606; died 1675. (39). First state, before the inscription. From the Donnadieu Collection. 1734 Blondeau (FRAN90IS) President de la Chambre des Comptes. (40). 1735 BLONDEL (David) de Chalons en Champagne, Ministre Pro- testant et Historien — born at Chalons sur Marne, 1 591 ; died at Amsterdam, 1675 ; created Historiographer to the French Court to refute the writings of Chifflet against France. (41). Second state, with the tablet containing the distich, com- mencing " Hcec Franci Fades'. 1 1736 Boileau (Gilles) Greffier de la Grand' Chambre du Parlement de Paris, father of Boileau Despreaux. (43). Second state before the inscription. From the Thiers, and Donnadieu Collections. 1737 Bochart-de-Saron, Chanoine de l'Eglisede Paris. (42). 1738 Bosquet (Francis) Eveque de Montpellier — born at Narbonne, 1605 ; died 1676 — first embraced the legal profession. (44). Second state; the date 1671 followed by a point and a crochet. 1739 BOSSUET (JACQUES-BENIGNE) Eveque de Condom, puis de Meaux — born at Dijon, 1627 ; died in Paris, 1704. (45). Life size. First state, before the alteration of the word " Condomensis" in the inscription. 1740 BOUCHERAT (Louis) Chancelier de France — succeeded Le Tellier as Chancellor in 1685 — born 1616 ; ob. 1699. (46). 1741 Boucher (Pierre) Abbe de la Ferte, puis de Clairvaux. (47). First state, with the word " Firmitatis " in the inscription, which was afterwards altered to Claraevallis. 1742 Bouillon (Fr^d&uc-Maurice de La Tour d'Auvergne, Due de) son of Henri Due de Bouillon, Marshal of France, — 205 — NANTEUIL (Robert.) and of Elizabeth, Princess of Orange — served under his uncle, the Prince of Orange at the sieges of Bois le Due and Maestricht, of which latter town he was made governor in 1632 and defended it against the Spanish in 1634 — in 1641, joining with the Count de Soissons against Cardinal Richelieu, routed the French army at Marfee — arrested at Cassel, charged with favouring the conspiracy of Cinq Mars — saved by the Duchess of Bouillon threatening to deliver up Sedan — born 1605 ; died 1652. (48). Second state, with the date 1649, before the inscription on the console, giving the names and titles of the personage. From the Donnadieu Collection. 1743 Bouillon (Frederic-Maurice de la Tour d'Auvergne, Due de.) (49). In an oval border, with arms beneath. Fifth state, with the three marks in the middle of the lower margin. 1744 Bouillon (Godefroi-Maurice de la Tour d'Auvergne, Due de) Grand Chambellan de France — married Marie Anne Mancini, 1662 — born 1641 ; died 172 1. (50). Fourth state. 1 745 Bouillon (Emmanuel-Theodose de la Tour d'Auvergne, Cardinal de) Grand Almoner to Louis XIV, Nephew of Turenne — published a Memoir of the Family of Auvergne — born 1644; died 1715. (52). In an oval border, life size. First state, before the introduction of the order of the Saint Esprit. From the Donnadieu Collection. 1746 Bouillon (Emmanuel-Theodose de la Tour d'Auvergne, Cardinal de) at a more advanced age. Life size. (53). First state, before the alteration of the dedication, " OfTerebat Bartholomaeus Chappuis de la Fay." From the Donnadieu Collection. 1747 — 206 — NANTEUIL (Robert.) BOUTHILLIER (Victor Le) Archeveque de Tours, 1641, — Almoner to the Duke of Orleans — ob. 1670; In an oval border, first state, with the date 1659. From the Donnadieu Collection. 1 748 BOUTHILLIER (Victor le) Archeveque de Tours, dated 1662. (56). Inscribed " P. Mariette." 1749 Bragelogne (Maria de) Veuve de Claude le Bouthillier, Surintendant des Finances. (57). Third state. 1 7 5 o Castelnau (Jacques Marquis de) Marechal de France- assisted at the siege of Dunkerque — served under Turenne, taking the command of his army in Holland during the year 1656. (58). From the Thiers Collection. 175 1 Chamillard (Guido) Maitre des Requetes de l'Hotel. (59). Second state. 1752 Charles II de Gonzague, Due de Mantoue, son of Charles I de Gonzague and Catherine de Lorraine — born 1609 ; died 1 63 1. (62). Inscribed P. Mariette, 1672, and from the Donnadieu Collection. 1753 Charles de Lorraine, Ve du Nom, inherited the title and took command of the Imperial army, 1675 — checked the French on the Rhine, 1677 — married Eleanor, Archduchess of Austria, 1678, and made Governor of Tyrol — besieged Buda, 1684 — recovered a great part of Hungary, 1685 — defended Germany against Louis XIV — born 1643 ; died 1690. (63). Inscribed P. Mariette, 1660, andF. Debois, 1841. 1754 Chaubard (N.) Conseiller au Parlement de Toulouse. (64). 1755 Chaulnes (Charles d'Albert-d'Ailly, Due de) — born 1625 — French General, Ambassador to Rome ; died when Governor of Guienne, 1698. (65). Second state, with a line after the date 1676. 1756 — 207 — NANTEUIL (Robert.) Ciiavtgny (Leon Le Bouthillier, Comte DE) Ministre d'Etat — born 1608 — called to the Council of the Regency by the will of Louis XIII ; died 1652. (66). 1757 Christine, Reine de Suede, daughter of Gustavus Adolphus and Marie Elinor de Brandenburg — abdicated in favour of Charles Gustavus, 1654 — born 1626; died 1689. (67). Third state, dated 1654, with a note of interrogation at the end of the inscription. 1 7 5 8 Clermont-Tonnerre (Francois de) Eveque de Noyon, Member of the Royal Academy of France, 1694; died 1701. (68). First state, before the pastoral cross. l 7S9 Coislin (Pierre du Cambout, Cardinal de) — born 1636 ; first Bishop of Orleans, then Almoner to the King, after- wards Grand Almoner of France and Cardinal ; died 1706. (69). First state, dated 1658. From the Archinto Collection. 1760 Coislin (Pierre du Cambout, Cardinal de.) (70). First state, before the pastoral cross. 1761 Colbert (Jean Baptiste) Controleur-General des Finances — born 1619 ; died 1683. (72). Second state, the two points separated by a bar ./. 1762 Colbert (Jean Baptiste) Controleur General des Finances. (76). Oval life size. First state, before any lettering on the top of the oval border ; and an impression in the second state. 1763 Colbert (Jacques-Nicholas) Archeveque de Rouen— second son of Jean Baptiste and Marie Charton — born 1654; died 1707. (78). First state, before the inscription was altered. From the Donnadieu Collection. 1 7°4 Conde* (Louis de Bourbon, IF du nom, Prince de) — while Duke d'Enghein commanded the French army in the Nether- lands, defeated the Spanish Governor, De Mellos and Count — 208 — NANTEUIL (Robert.) de Fuentes, at Rocroy, 1643 — assisted Turenne to gain his victory at Nordlingen, 1645 — formed a new Fronde, 1649 — arrested, 1650 — defeated Turenne, near the Faubourg St. Antoine, and entered Paris, 1652 — defeated by Turenne at Arras, 1654 — assisted the invasion of Holland by Louis XIV, 1672 — gained the battle of Senef, 1674 — born 1621 ; died 1686. (79). 1765 COURTIN (Honore) Conseiller d'Etat. (80). First state, before the inscription i7i the border. 1 766 Crequi (Francois de Bonne, Marechal de) Due de Lesdiguieres, Pair de France, Chevalier des Ordres du Roi, Gouverneur de Dauphine — married in 1620, Catherine de Bonne, his aunt, daughter of the Constable Lesdiguieres ; distinguished himself at the siege of Dunkirk — born 1624 ; died 1687. (81). Second state, with the date altered to 1662. 1767 De Seve (Alexandre) Conseiller d'Etat, Prevot des Marchands. (82). 1768 Doni d'-Attichy (Louis) Eveque d'Autun, 1665, Theologian and Biographer — born 1596; died 1664 — of Florentine origin. (83). 1769 DORIEU (Jean) President en la Cour des Aides, fils de Nicolas, Ecuyer, Seigneur de Grand-Pre et de Marie de Be ; il epousa Genevieve de Creil. (84). 1770 Dulieu de Chenevoux (Fran^OIS-Antoine) Maitre des Comptes. (85). From the Donnadiea Collection. 1 77 l Dunois (Jean-Louis-Charles d'Orleans-Longueville, Comte de) eldest son of Henri II d'Orleans, Due de Longueville, and Louise de Bourbon, Comtessede Soissons — born 1646; took holy orders in 1669; died 1694. (86). 1772 DUPUY (Pierre) Conseiller d'Etat, Garde de la Bibliotheque royale, French Historian; born 1582; studied in Holland; died 1651. (87). From the Donnadieu Collection. l 772> — 209 — NANTEUIL (Robert.) DUPUY (PIERRE) Conseiller d'Etat, Garde de la Bibliotheque Royale — French Historian, assisted his brother in his history of Thuanus — left 9000 volumes to the Royal Library. (37). 1774 Dupuy (Pierre) Conseiller d'Etat, Garde de la Bibliotheque Royale. (88). 1775 Dupuy (les deux freres Pierre et Jacques) (89). First state, before the plate was divided. From the Weber Collection. l 77& Enghien (Henri-Jules de Bourbon, Due d') surnomme" Monsieur Le Due — only son of the Great Conde" and Cl^mence de Maille (niece of Richelieu) — born 1643 > died 1709 — took part in the Wars of the Fronde during the imprisonment of his father by Mazarin — with his mother defended Bordeaux for four months — served afterwards in Holland. (90). 1777 Espernon (Bernard de Foix de la Valette, Due d') born 1592; died 1661— -served at the Siege of St. Jean d'Angely and Royan, 1621 — took part in the attack of Fontarabia, 1638 — but Conde having thrown upon him the failure of that enterprise, Richelieu, who was his enemy, condemned him to death for treason, but he escaped to England — he married in 1622, Gabrielle, daughter of Henry IV and of the Marchioness of Verneuil, whom he poisoned in 1627. (91). First state, before the date. 1778 Estrees (Cesar, Cardinal d') born 1628; died 1714 — negotiated between the Court of Rome and the Jansenists the truce known by the name of the " Paix de FEglise," and was recompensed by Louis XIV obtaining him the Cardinal's Hat in 1674. (92). From the Donnadieu Collection. l 779 Evelyn (John) celebrated Author, Philosopher, and Statesman — born 1620; died 1706. (93). Third state. 1780 E E — 210 — NANTEUIL (Robert.) Faure (Charles) Abbe et Premier superieur general de Sainte Genevieve — author of the "Dictionnaire des Novices " — born 1594; died 1644. (94). 1 78 1 FlEUBET (Gaspard de) Premier President du Parlement de Toulouse, puis Conseiller d'Etat — Magistrate and Poet — born 1626; died 1694 — Chancellor to Marie Therese of Austria. (96). 1782 FOUQUET (BASILE) Abbe de Barbeaux ct de Rigny, Chancelier des Ordres du Roi, brother of Nicholas Fouquet, the cele- brated Minister of Finance. (97). First state, with the date 1658. l 7&3 Fouquet (Nicolas) Surintendant des Finances — born 1615 ; died in prison 1680 — displaced and prosecuted for his malversation in 1661, the trial lasted three years, and was an important event in the reign of Louis XIV. (98). First state, with the " Messire" spelt " Missire." 1784 Fronteau (Jean) Chanoine de Sainte-Genevieve — born 1614 ; died 1662 — celebrated antiquarian and controvertist, author of " Thomas a Kempis vindicatus." (99). First state, before the page of letter-press on the reverse. 1785 FURSTEMBERG (GuILLAUME-EgON, CARDINAL DE) born 1629 ; died 1704 — successively Bishop of Metz and Strasburg — founded a College of Jesuits. (100). Second state, in lieu of Ego, Egon is inserted. 1786 Gassendi (Pierre) Prevot de l'Eglise de Digne, en Provence et Homme de lettres — celebrated philosopher and astronomer born 1592; died 1655. (101). First state, before the crochet which follows the point after the date 1658. From the Donnadieu Collection. 1787 Gillier (MELCHIOR de) Maitre d'Hotel du Roi. (102). 1788 Gillier (Madame de) wife of the above, nee Marie Joly. (103). 1789 — 211 — NANTEUIL (Robert.) Gue*briant (Jean-Baptiste Budes, Comte de) Marshal de France — born 1602 ; died 1643 — distinguished himself at the siege of Alet — gained the battle of Wolfenbuttel in 1641, against Piccolomini. (104). First state, with the words "Nomine" a Fordre du St. Esprit," &c. 1790 Guenault (Francois) Medecin de la Reine Marie Therese. (105). From the Thiers Collection. 1791 Guenegaud (Henri de) Marquis de Plancy, Secretaire d'Etat— born 1609; died 1676 — rendered much assistance to Louis XIV in the troubles of the Fronde, and received great honours in consequence. (106). First state, before the badge of the order of the Saint Esprit, the arms are supported by lions. 1792 Harlay de Chanvallon (Francois de) Archeveque de Paris, in an oval border, inscribed " Franciscus De Harlay Archiepiscopus Parisiensis regiorum ordinum commendator Sorbonae Provisor" — born 1625; died 1695; succeeded Perefixe as Archbishop of Paris — in the confidence of Louis XIV and Madame de Maintenon. (108). Second state ; the date 1673 followed by a crochet. 1793 Hesselin (Louis) Conseiller d'Etat, Maitre de la Chambre aux Deniers. (109). The oval alone without the border. 1794 Hesselin (Louis) Conseiller d'Etat, Maitre de la Chambre aux Deniers; at a more advanced age. (no). First state, before the inscription. 1795 Jean-Frederic, Due de Brunswick-Lunebourg — born 1577; died 1619; never married, (m). 1796 La Barde (Denis de) Eveque de Saint-Brieuc, 1641. (115). From the Donnadieu Collection. 1797 La Chambre (Marin Cureau de) Medecin du Roi. (116). Second state. 1798 NANTEUIL (Robert.) Lallemant (Pierre) Prieur de Sainte Genevieve — born at Reims, 1622 ; died at Paris, 1673. French mystic writer and theologian — author of several works. (117). First state, with inscription in the border. From the Donnadieu Collection. 1799 La Meilleraye (Charles de la Porte, Due de) Mankhal de France — born 1602 ; died 1664 — assisted at the siege of La Rochelle — Captain of the Guard to Mary de Medicis — created marshal by Louis XIII. (118). First state, undescribed, before the crochet From Lord Northwick 's Collection. 1800 LAMOIGNON (Guillaume de) Premier President du Parlement de Paris — born 1617; died 1677. (119). First state, with the date 1659. 1801 Lamoignon (Guillaume de) (120). 1802 La Vrilliere (Louis Phelypeaux de) Secretaire d'Etat, Prevot et Maitre des Ceremonies des Ordres du Roi — died at Bourbon 168 1 ; set. 83. (123). Second state, with the date 1 662. *5*. 1 803 Le Boultz (Noel) Conseiller au Parlement de Paris, 1632. (124). From the Donnadieu Collection. 1 804 Le Coigneux (Jacques) President a Mortier au Parlement de Le Masle (Michel) Secretaire du Cardinal de Richelieu, Prieur des Roches, Chantre et Chanoine de l'Eglise de Paris. (126). Le Tellier (Michel) Minister of State, afterwards Chancellor and Keeper of the Seals of France — follower of Mazarin during the wars of the Fronde — obtained the signature of Louis XIV to the revocation of the edict of Nantes on the 2nd of October, 1685 — born 1603 5 died 1685. (129). First state, with the date 1658. 1807 Le Tellier (Michel) Ministre d'Etat, puis Chancelier et Garde des Sceaux de France — in an octagon border. (130). From the Franck, and Vanden Zande Collections. 1 808 Paris, 165 1. (125). 1805 First state, with the date 1658. 1806 NANTEUIL (Robert.) Le Tellier (Michel) in a wreath of laurel. (131). 1809 Le Tellier (Charles-Maurice) Archeveque de Reims— born 1642 ; died 1710 ; son of the Chancellor — author of several Ordinances against the Jesuits — founded a Library. (138). From the Donnadien Collection. 18 10 Le Tellier (Charles-Maurice) in an octagon border. (139). Third state, with a crochet and two commas following the date 1663^". 181 1 Le Tellier (Charles-Maurice) with a pastoral cross in an oval border. (140). First state, before any work in the margin. From the Donnadieu Collection. 1 8 1 2 Le Tellier (Charles-Maurice.) (141). L ife-size bust. First state. 1 8 1 3 Le Vayer (FRAN901S DE La Mothe) Conseiller d'Etat— Tutor to Philippe de France, Due D'Orleans, frere unique de Louis XIV. (143). Second state, with the addition of inverted commas after the date 1661. 1814 LONGUEVILLE (HENRI D'ORLEANS, II e DU NOM, DUC DE)— born 1595; died 1663 — married, 1616, Louise de Bourbon, daughter of the Count de Soissons — obtained the Govern- ment of Normandy — married, 1642, Anne Genevieve de Bourbon, sister of the Grand Conde — after the death of the Duke of Saxe Weimar, succeeded to the command of the army in Germany — replaced Bouillon in Piedmont. (149). 1815 Loret (Jean) Poete. (150). Second state, before the comma. 1 8 1 6 LOTIN de Charny (FRAN90IS) President au Parlement de Paris, 1632. (151). Third state. 1 8 1 7 LOUIS XIV — born 1638; died 1715. (152). Second state, with a crochet after the date i66i«o». 18 18 Louis XIV. (153). First state, before the border was altered, and before the kings mantle was altered to armour. 18 19 — 214 — NANTEUIL (Robert.) Louis XIV. (155). First state, before the alteration in the hair, there being three curls on the left, and four on the right. 1820 Louis XIV. (159). Life-size bust. First state before the dedication. 1821 LOUIS XIV. " Aux Pattes de Lion." (161). Life size bust. First state, before any marks in the margin, with the These de M. Jacques Nicolas Colbert completing the portrait, and imdescribed by Dumesnil. 1822 Louis XIV. (162). Life-size bust. Fourth state, with the letter A in the oval border. 1823 Louis, Fils de France, Dauphin, surnomme Monseigneur, son of Louis XIV and Marie Therese of Austria — married Marie- Anne-Christine- Victoire de Baviere, 1680, by whom he had Louis Due de Bourgogne, the father of Louis XV — born 1661 ; died 171 1. (163). Fourteenth state, with the date 1677 E. .c^». 1824 Louise-Marie de Gonzague, Reine de Pologne — daughter of Charles de Gonzaga, Duke of Nevers — married, 1645, Ladislaus Sigismund, King of Poland — died 1667. (164). Second state. 1825 Maisons (Rene de Longueil, Marquis de) Surintendant des Finances. (165). 1826 Maisons (Rene* de Longueil, Marquis de) Surintendant des Finances. (166). Third state, 1661. 1827 Mallier du Houssay (Francois) Eveque deTroyes — ob. 1678. (167). Second state. 1828 Maridat de Serrieres (Pierre de) Conseiller au Grand Conseil, 1640. (168). 1829 Marie-Jeanne-Baptiste de Savoie-Nemours, Duchesse DE Savoie — daughter of Charles-Amedee de Savoie, Duke de Nemours and Elizabeth de Vendome — married Charles- Emmanuel II, Duke de Savoie. (169). First state, before tlic words " pendant la Minorite de son Fils." 1830 — 215 — NANTEUIL (Robert.) Marin de la Chataigneraye (Denis) Conseiller d'Etat, Intendant des Finances — ob. 1678 ; aet. 78. (170). First state before the plate was reduced. Marolles (Michel de) Abbe de Villeloing, Homme de lettres et grand curieux d'estampes. (171). MATIGNON (Leonor Goyon de) Eveque de Coutances, puis de Lisieux, son of Charles and Leonore d'Orleans Longue- ville. (172). First state, the Prelate is decorated with the pastoral cross, which was afterwards replaced by the Order of the Saint Esprit. From the Donnadieu Collection. 1833 Mazarin (Jules) Cardinal, Ministre d'Etat — born 1602— succeeded Richelieu as Prime Minister to Louis XIII, 1642 — assisted Anne of Austria during the Regency, 1643 — died March, 1661. (174). First state, before the additional work in the face, and before the plate was cut. 1834 Mazarin (Jules) Cardinal, Ministre d'Etat, after Van-Mol. (175). First state, before the mscription on the border. 1835 Mazarin (Jules) with an escutcheon of arms and the motto, " Dat formas admitque." (177). Second state, with the Latin verse commencing " Terrarum Domitor." From the Storck Collection. 1836 Mazarin (Jules.) (179). From the Storck, and Archinto Collections. I ^37 Mazarin (Jules) with a vignette beneath of Louis XIII on his death bed appointing Anne of Austria Regent — on either side is depicted the battle of Rethel, and the Siege of Arras. (180). First state, before the inscription was altered. 1838 Mazarin (Jules) " Julius * Mazarinus * Cardinalis * Dux," &c. From the Donnadieu Collection. 1831 First state. 1832 1839 — 2l6 — NANTEUIL (Robert.) Mazarin (Jules.) (184). First state , in an octagonal border. 1 840 Mazarin (Jules.) (185). Whole leugtky seated in a gallery of antiquities. 1841 Mazarin (Jules.) «(i86.) Second state. 1 842 Mazarin (Jules) in an oval border of laurel, dated 1661. (187). First state, before the inscription was altered and the tablet enlarged. 1843 Menage (Gilles) Homme de Lettres — born 161 3 ; died 1692. (188). First state, before the plate was reduced, inscribed P. Mariette, 1676. 1844. Mercgeur (Louis de Vendome, Due de) son of Cesar, Duke de Vendome, who was the eldest son of Henri IV and Gabrielle d'Estrees — born 161 2 ; died 1669 — served in Piedmont and Holland — married Laura Mancini, 165 1 — Governor of Provence — commanded the Army in Lombardy with the Duke of Modena. ( 1 89). 1 845 Mesgrigny (Jean de) Premier President au Parlement de Provence, 1645. ( l 9 0 )- First state, before the title. 1 846 MESMES (Henri de) President a Mortier au Parlement de Paris, 1627 — ob. 1650. (191). First state, with the date 1650, zvhich was afterwards altered to 1654, incribed P. Mariette, 1673. 1847 Mesmes (Jean Antoine de) President a Mortier au Parle- ment de Paris, 165 1 — ob. 1672. (192). First state, before the inscription in the oval, with the date 1655. From the Donnadieu Collection. 1 848 Mole* (Edouard) President a mortier au Parlement de Paris, 1602 — born 1540; died 1614 — imprisoned in the Bastille by the League, by whom he was afterwards made Procureur- General. (193). From the Debois Collection. 1849 — 217 — NANTEUIL (Robert.) Mole* (MATTHIEU) Garde des Sceaux— born 1584; died 1656 — son of the preceding, first President of Parliament during the Wars of the Fronde. (194). 1850 Mole (FRAN90IS) Abbe de Sainte-Croix de Bordeaux, 1646, puis Maitre des Requetes — died 1712 ; set. 87. (195). 185 1 MONTPEZAT DE CARBON (Jean de) Archeveque de Bourges, 1644; puis de Sens, 1674 — died 1686. (196). First state, with the date 1673, and before the alteration of the inscription. 1852 Mouy (Henri de Lorraine, Marquis de). (197). First state, before the inscription " Henry de Lorraine, Marquis de Mouy." From the Donnadieu Collection. 1853 Nemours (Henri de Savoie, Due de) born 1625 ; died 1659 — third son of Henry I of Savoy, and Anne de Lorraine, Duchess d'Aumale — Archbishop and Duke of Rheims — married 1657, Marie d'Orleans, daughter of Henry II d'Orleans, Duke de Longueville, and Louise de Bourbon Soissons. (198). First state, with the date 165 1. 1854 Nemours (Henri de Savoie, Due de). (199). First state, before the name. 1855 Nemours (Anne-Marie d'Orleans-Longueville,;Duchesse de) wife of the preceding, author of her own memoirs — born 1625 ; died 1707. (200). 1856 Nesmond (Francois-Theodore de) President a Mortier au Parlement de Paris, 1636. (201). 1857 Nesmond (Francois) Eveque de Bayeux, 1661 — born 1626; died 17 14. (202). Second state, before the date 1663, was altered to 1667. From the Donnadieu Collection. 1858 Neufville (Ferdinand de) Eveque de Chartres, 1657 — ob. 1690 ; set. 82. (203), Second state, zvith the date 1657. 1859 F F — 218 — NANTEUIL (Robert.) Neufville (Ferdinand de) Eveque de Chartres. (204). First state, before the crochet after the date 1664. From the Donnadieti Collection. i860 Novion (Nicolas Potier de) Premier President au Parlement de Paris, 1567 — born 1 541 ; died 1635. Mary de Medicis honored him with the title of Chancellor in acknowledgment of his fidelity — in an octagonal border. (206). Second state, dated 1657, an ^ with the badge of the order of the Saint Esprit. 1861 Novion (Nicholas Potier de) — in an oval border of laurel foliage. (207). First state, before the crochet 1862 Orleans (Philippe, Fils de France, Due d') surnomme Monsieur, only brother of Louis XIV — born at St. Germain en Laye, 1640, died at St. Cloud, 1701 — married 1661, Henrietta Anne, daughter of Charles I — secondly in 1671, Charlotte Elizabeth of Bavaria — commanded in the Low Countries; father of the Regent Orleans. (208). Life size, second state ; the word Regis followed by a point and crochet. From the Donnadieu Collection. 1863 Ormesson (Andre Le Fevre d') Conseiller d'Etat — born 1576; died 1665. (209). First state, with the date 1654. 1864 Payen-Deslandes (Pierre) Doyen des Conseillers— clercs du Parlement de Paris, Abbe de Saint-Martin et Prieur de la Charite. (210). 1865 Perefixe de Beaumont (Hardouin de) Archeveque de Paris — born 1605 ; died 1671 ; appointed by Richelieu tutor to the Dauphin, afterwards Louis XIV — succeeded Balzac in the Academy — French Historian. (211). First state, before the inscription and the border were erased. 1 866 PiSre'fixe de Beaumont (Hardouin de). (213). 1867 Perefixe de Beaumont (Hardouin de). (214). Life size ; first state, before the bar which subsequently was placed before the words R. Nanteuil, &c. 1868 — 2i 9 — NANTEUIL (Robert.) Poncet (Pierre) Maitre des Requetes, puis Conseiller d'Etat (215) . First state, with the collar descending to the tassels. 1869 Regnauldin (Claude) Procureur General au grand Conseil. (216) . First state, with the date 1658 only followed by a point. From the Thiers Collection. 1870 Regnauldin (Claude). (216). First state, with a sonnet of fourteen French verses beneath. 1871 Retz (Jean-Fran90IS-Paul de Gondi, Cardinal de) at the age of twenty-three conspired against the life of Richelieu — promoted the Insurrection of the Barricades, 1648 — im- prisoned by Mazarin in the Castle of Vincennes, 1652 — author of his own memoirs — borni6i4; died 1679. ( 2I 7)- First state, before the plate was cut. From the Thiers Collection. 1872 Richelieu (Armand-Jean du Plessis, Cardinal, Due de) born 1585 ; died 1642 — Secretary of State to Louis XIII — Cardinal 1622 — Prime Minister to Louis XIV. (218). First state, with the date 1 65 7 followed by a point only. 1 873 Saint - Paul (Charles - Paris d'Orleans - Longueville, COMTE DE) born in Paris 1649; died 1672- — son of Henry II, Duke de Longueville, and Genevieve de Bourbon, sister of the Grand Conde. (219). 1874 Sarrasin (Jean Francis) Homme de Lettres — died 1655; aet. 50. (220). First state, before any marks in the border. 1875 SCUDERI (Georges de) Membre de l'Academie Frangaise, Gouverneur du Fort de Nostre Dame de la Garde ; died 1667. (221). First state, before the plate was reduced to an oval. 1876 Seguier (Pierre) Chancelier de France, 1635 — born at Paris, 1588 ; died, 1672, at St. Germain en Laye — in 1639 con- demned to death the Duke de La Valette, and President at the Trial of Cinq Mars and De Thou. (223). First state. 1877 — 220 — NANTEUIL (Robert.) Seguier de Saint Brisson (Pierre) Prevot de Paris, 1653 ; died 1669. (224). From the Archinto Collection. 1878 Servien (Francois) Eveque de Bayeux, 1654, after Cham- pagne — ob. 1 66 1. (225). First state, before the inscription. 1 879 Steenberghen (Jean-Baptiste Van) Conseiller du Roi au Conseil de Flandre. (226). First state, before the " nob. D. F." preceding the name of Duchastel. From the Thiers Collection. 1880 SUZE (LOUIS-FRAN90IS DE LA Beaume de) Eveque de Viviers — ob. 1690. (227). First state, before tlie two lines / / in the tipper angle on the left. 1 88 1 Talon (Denis) President a Mortier au Parlement de Paris, 1689, Advocate-General during thirty-eight years — born 1628 ; died 1698. (228) 1882 Talon (Denis) " Diony. Talon Comes Consisto. et advocatus Catholicus." (229). Life size. First state, with the date 1669. 1883 Thevenin (Claude) Chanoine de l'Eglise de Paris. (230). 1884 Thevenin (Claude). (231). Second state. 1885 Turenne (Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne, Vicomte de) Marechal de France — born 161 1 — celebrated General during the Wars of the Fronde, killed at Salzbach, 1675. (232). Second state. 18S6 Turenne (Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne, Vicomte de). (233). Life size. Second state. 1887 VOITURE (VINCENT) Membre de l'Academie Francaise — Maitre d' Hotel du Roy et introducteur des Ambassadeurs — favorite of both Mazarin and Richelieu. (234). 1888 — 221 — NANTEUIL (Robert.) Bonzi (Pierre de) Cardinal, Archeveque de Narbonne — born at Florence, 1638 — Archbishop of Toulouse, 1673 ; died 1703. (1, Appen) Life size. First state, before any marks after the crochet which follows the date 1678. From Weber's Collection. 1889 Coislin (Pierre du Cambout, Cardinal de) Eveque d'Orleans, 1665, son of Cesar and Magdalen Seguier, premier Almoner to the King, died suddenly at Versailles, 1706; aged 70. (3, Appen) Life size. From the Donnadieu Collection. 1890 Le Camus (Jean) Lieutenant civil, puis Maitre des Requetes et Conseiller d'Etat, author of " Les Actes de Notoriete du Chatelet" — born 1636; died 1710. (4, Appen.). L ife size. Third state. 1 89 1 Louvois (Francis-Michel Le Tellier, Marquis de) Ministre et Secretaire d'Etat, puis Chancelier et Garde des Sceaux de France — born 1603 ; died 1685 — follower of Mazarin during the wars of the Fronde — obtained the signature of Louis XIV to the revocation of the edict of Nantes, 2nd October, 1685. (6, Appen.) Life size. First described state. From the Donnadieu Collection. 1 892 * # * This Collection of Nanteuil's engraved Portraits were, with but very few exceptions, purchased at the Marshall Sale, in June, 1864. NEEFS (Jacob.) Born at Antwerp, 1630. Egmont (Maria-Margaret de Barlemont, Countess of). Half length, after Van Dyck. First state, with the address of Meyssens. 1 893 Parsons (Robert) Jesuit, son of T. Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury — ob. 1 610. From the Tunno Collection. 1894 — 222 — NEEFS (Jacob.) Tassis (Anthony de) Canon of Antwerp — died 165 1. Half length y after Van Dyck. First state, with the G H. 1895 NICHOLLS (Sutton.) Worked in London, 1 710. St. James's Square. First state, before the fountain, and an impression in the second state before the plate was used for S tow's Survey of London. 1896 Charterhouse Square. First state, before tJie plate was used for S tow's Survey of London. l %97 Golden Square. First state, before the Statue in the Square ; and an impression in the second state. 1 898 Grosvenor Square. Before the plate was used for S tow's Survey of London. 1 899 Hanover Square. First state, with the wooden palings and before the plate was used for S tow's Survey of London. 1900 Leicester Square. First state, with the square planted with trees and before the plate was used for S tow's Survey of London. 1901 NELLI (Nicholas.) Engraver and Publisher j born about 1530 j worked at Venice. Mary I, Queen of England. Oval, half length, in an embroidered dress, with a jewel at her breast, 1568, with large margin. 1902 NIELLI. ORPHEUS, playing on a guitar, is seated beneath a leafless tree, among the branches of which many birds are assembled, while at his feet are crouched different animals ; beneath "O.P.D.C." signifying Opera Percgrini da Cesena. (Bartsch xiii. p. 208, No. 6.) Duchesne (255.) 1903 — 223 — NIELLI. Judith holding the Head of Holofernes in her right hand, and a drawn sword in her left — she is standing turned rather to the right. From the Wilson, Wellesley, and Marshall Collections. 1904 The Temptation to eat of the Forbidden Fruit. Beneath the letter P. (Peregrini.) U ndescribed. 1 905 The Lovers ; a Cavalier and his Lady sitting together ; he wears a cap, long hair, tight hose, and peaked shoes ; she is seated at his right, her eyes downcast, her right hand on her breast, and her left placed upon his right hand ; above are two knotty boughs, which twine and form an arch. This curious specimen partakes somewhat of the German School, and is undescribed. 1906 The Resurrection of our Lord — the composition is of pyramidal form, in the centre of which is represented our Saviour rising from the open tomb, with a banner in the right hand and giving the benediction with the left, two sleeping soldiers crouch in the angles on either side. Undescribed. From the Endris, and Marshall Collections. 1907 NOLPE (Peter.) Painter and Engraver; born at the Hague 1601 ; flourished from 1630 to 1670. Henrietta Maria. The procession on her arrival at Amsterdam, \ on the 20th of May, 1642. Engraved on three plates, after Peter Potter. 1908 NORMAND (Charles Pierre Joseph.) Architect and Engraver j born at Goyencourt 1764; died 1824 Apollo, after Raphael. Proof before letters. 1909 NORSINI (Leonardo) called Parasole. Born about 1570 ; worked at Rome. BOURBON. Genealogical Tree of the House of Bourbon, to the time of Henry IV, whose portrait is in a frame at the bottom to the left; dated Rome, 1595. 1910 — 224 — NOUE (GUTLLAUME DE LA.) Flourished in Paris about 1584. The Assassination of Henri IV by Ravaillac, 1610, with representations of the tortures and execution of the murderer in the background. A curious contemporary woodcut. From the Puibusque Collection. 191 1 OSTADE (Adrian van.) Painter and Etcher $ born at Liibeck 1610 j died at Amsterdam 1685. " Catalogue d'A drien van Ostade" par L . E. Faucheux, Paris, 1 862. The Baker blowing his horn. (7). Before the oblique lines in the top left-hand corner. 19 12 A Man and Woman in conversation. (12). Pure etching, before the completion of the outline of the man's cloak. I 9 I 3 The Interior of a Barn. (23). Before the cross lines on the beam, and with burr very strong above the woman's back. 19 14 Two Boys fishing from a bridge. (26). Before the monogram of Ostade was made distinct in the water to the right. 191 5 The Painter in his studio. (32). Before the cap of the painter was reduced in height, and with the verses beneath; and an impression with the cap reduced. 19 16 The Knife Grinder. (36). First state, with the fine marginal lines. From the Sheepshanks Collection. 19 17 The Charlatan. (43). Pure etchingy a man and boy approaching a cottage in the distance. 191 8 Interior of a Cottage, with a peasant, his wife and three children — called " La Famille." (46). Pure etching, before the horizontal lines on the steps of the staircase, the wall around the head of the man is left white. 1 9 1 9 — 225 — OSTADE (Adrian van.) The Village Fete under the trellis. (47). With the diagonal lines on the gable of the cottage in the distance, but before the retouch. 1920 The Village Fete under the tree. (48). With the monogram of Ostade on the flag to the right. 192 1 The Dance in the Cabaret. (49). With the name of Ostade in the margin beneath. 1922 A Dutch Interior, with four men and a woman round a table carousing — called " Le Gouter." (50). Proof before the verses beneath, with the name of Ostade. From the Thiers Collection. I9 2 3 PARK (Thomas.) Born about 1750 j worked in London. Mrs. Jordan in the character of the Comic Muse. Whole length mezzotint, after Hoppner, proof 1924 PARR (Remi.) Born at Rochester in 1723. Hampton Court. A view of the royal palace in 175 1. 1925 Kensington Palace in 175 i. 1926 Ranelagh Gardens — an inside view of the Rotunda in 175 1. 1927 PASSE (Crispin de.) Born about 1540 j worked in Holland, England and France j died about 1629. " Effigies Regum ac Principum, eorum salicet, quor vis ac Potentia in re Nautica prse caeteris spectabilis est." Frontispiece, and four plates representing the various shipping of the period. 1928 Candish or Cavendish (Thomas) Circumnavigator— ob. 1592. Oval, his left hand placed on the hemispheres, and six Latin verses beneath. From the lunno Collection. I 9 2 9 G G — 226 — PASSE (Crispin de.) Charles I when Duke of York. " Florentis Regni, &c." With four Latin lines beneath. 1930 Christian IV, King of Denmark — born 1577 ; died 1648. Small oval half length in armour. 193 1 ClCOGNA (Pasquale) Doge of Venice from 1585 to 1595. Small oval half length, dated 1598. 1 93 2 Clement VIII (Hippolytus Aldobrandini, Pope) born 1536; elected 1592; died 1605. Small oval half length, dated 1 596. 1933 Columbus (Christopher) born 1442; died 1506. Small oval half length. 1 9 34 DORIA (Andrea) celebrated Genoese Admiral — born 1468; died 1 5 60. Small oval half length. 1935 Drake (Francis) Admiral and Circumnavigator — born 1545 ; died 1596. Oval, with his hand on the hemispheres, six lines of Latin verse beneath, large margin. 1936 Elizabeth, Queen of England, born 1533; died 1603; whole length, in the magnificent jewelled dress in which she went to St. Paul's to return thanks for the destruction of the Spanish Armada. After J. Oliver. From tlie Sykes, and Morant Collections. l 937 Elizabeth, Queen of England. Contemporary impression from a silver medal, with the obverse, the royal arms of England. 1938 Elizabeth, Queen of England. Half length, in a circle, with four Latin lines beneath, commencing " Corporis effigies tua pulchra est fortis Eliza." From the Tunno Collection. l 939 Elizabeth, Queen of England. Oval, with the motto " Posui Deum Adintore meum," and six Latin lines beneath. From the Tunno Collection. 1940 — 227 — PASSE (Crispin de.) "De la Charity Sarme." 194* * # * This is inscribed reversed, on an impression taken from a small circular silver medal. The portrait and costume much resemble Queen Elizabeth. Elizabeth, daughter of James I, afterwards Queen of Bohemia. Half lengthy under an arch, richly dressed, with four Latin lines beneath. "Crispi: Pass: fig: sculp: et excud." With large margin. 1942 Farnese (Alexander) son of Octavius, Duke of Parma, and Margaret of Austria — took the command of the Spanish army in the Netherlands, 1578 — restored the authority of Philip II in the ten provinces, 1583 — relieved Paris, 1590, and Rouen, 1591 ; ob. 1592. Half length in armour, wearing the order of the Golden Fleece. 1943 Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, son of Charles IX — born 1594 — fell in the hour of victory at the battle of Lutzen, 1632. Equestrian portrait in armour, a battle in the back-ground. From the Tunno Collection. 1944 Henry IV, King of France, born 1553 — assassinated 1610. Small oval half length in armour, dated 1 596. 1945 Henry IV, King of France. Oval half length. ^Etat Anno : 40. " Crispin de Passe ad vivum fecit." 1946 Henry IV of France, small oval. 1947 James VI of Scotland. Anno 1598. Oval, with the motto " Quod sis esse velis," and six Latin lines beneath, large margin. 1948 Laudonniere (Rene Goulaine de) a French Captain, one of the first discoverers of Florida, 1562 — returned to France, 1566, was badly received by the court and died in obscurity. Small oval half length, dated 1 598. J 949 Magellan (Ferdinand) celebrated Portuguese Navigator- born about 1470; died 1521. Small oval half length. !95o — 228 — PASSE (Crispin de.) Mahomet III, Sultan of the Ottomans, son of Amurath III — born 1566; died 1603. Small oval half lengthy dated 1595. 1 95 1 Mansfeld (Ernest Count) distinguished German General — born at Malines, 1585 — supported the Bohemian Protestants against Ferdinand, 1618 — defeated Tilly at Wiesloch, 1622 — commanded an English army destined for the Palatinate — defeated at Dessau by Wallenstein, 1626 — died at Wrako- wicz, 30 Nov. 1626. Oval half lengthy in armour. From the Gulston, Grave, and Tunno Collections. 1952 Maurice Prince of Nassau, second son of William Prince of Orange — Stadtholder, 1587 — born 1566; died 1625. Small oval half length. 1953 Maurice Prince of Orange, second son of William I, Prince of Orange — born 1566; died 1625. Equestrian portrait in armour, with the battle Z PASSE (Simon de.) Son of Crispin de Passe the Elder; born 1574 or 158 1 $ worked in Germany, England and Denmark j died about 1644. Anne of Denmark, Queen of James I. Oval, holding a fan, richly dressed, with ten English lines beneath — anno 161 7. " Are to be sould in Popes head Ally by Joh. Sudbury and Georg. Humble." From the Grave and Tunuo Collections. 1964 — 230 — PASSE (Simon de.) Bacon (Sir Francis) Lord Chancellor — born 1 561 ; died 1626. Oval, in a hat and the motto, " Moniti Meliora." " Are to be sould by John Sudbury and George Humble at the signe of the White horse, in Popes head Ally." 1965 Bedford (Lucy Harington, Countess of) ob. 1628. "Are to be sould, in Popes head Ally by Joh. Sudbury & Geo. Humble." 1966 Charles I when Prince of Wales. Oval, with the Collar and Badge of the Order of the Garter. " Compton Holland excudit." From the Corrie Collection. l 9&7 Coke (Sir Edward) Lord Chief Justice. Oval, with six Latin verses beneath. " Compton Holland excudit." 1968 Edward VI, King of England. " Edwardus sextus Dei Gratia Angliae Franciae et Hiberniae Rex, etc." Oval, with eleven lines of inscription beneath. "Are to be sould by G. L. in loathb^ " 1969 Ellesmere (Thomas Egerton Lord) Chancellor, Founder of the House of Bridgewater — ob. 1617. Oval, with large margin. " Compton Holland excud." 1970 GONDOMAR (Count) Spanish Ambassador in London from Philip IV of Spain — proposed the marriage of Charles Prince of Wales to a Spanish Princess, 161 8. Proof before the address of J enner, dated 1622. From the Marshall Collection. 1971 Henry Frederick Prince of Wales, holding a lance — in the background a tilt. " Are to be soulde by Compton Holland ouer against the exchange at the signe of the Globe," J 972 * # * This print, executed the year of his death, 161 2, was purchased at the Hague. Mansfeld (Ernest Count) distinguished German General — born at Malines 1585 — supported the Bohemian Protestants against Ferdinand, 161 8 — defeated Tilly at Wiesloch, 1622 — 231 — PASSE (Simon de.) — commanded an English army destined for the Palatinate- defeated at Dessau by Wallenstein, 1626 — died at Wrako- wicz, 30 Nov. 1626. Oval half length, in rich dress. " Simon Passaeus ad vivum delineavit et scuplsit A<> 1623, Crisp, de Pas excudit." From the Grave and Tnnno Collections. l 973 Maria of Austria, daughter of Philip III of Spain and Margaret of Austria — proposed bride of Charles I of England — married Ferdinand III, Emperor of Germany, 163 1 — mother of Ferdinand IV of Austria. Small oval half length, with four lines of English inscrip- tion beneath. " Are to be sould by Geo. Humble." From the Marshall Collection. l 974 Maria of Austria. Small oval half length, with four Latin lines beneath, commencing " Te Maria," dated 1622, and a proof before the border. From the Marshall Collection. 1975 MATOAKA, alias REBECKA, daughter to the Mighty Prince Powhatan, Emperor of Virginia, called by Captain Smith, in his curious " History of Virginia," Pocahontas, converted and baptized in the Christian faith, and married to Mr. John RolfT — set. 21, 1 616 — brought to England and received at Court — she died on ship board at Gravesend upon her return home, 16 17. Half length oval, "Compton Holland excud." From the Collection of the Marchioness of Bath. 1976 Nottingham (Charles Howard, Earl of) Baron of Effing- ham, Lord High Admiral of England. "Compton Holland excud:" l 977 Pembroke (Mary Sidney, Countess of) sister of Sir Philip Sidney, Translator of the Psalms — ob. 1621. Oval, holding in her right hand the Book of Psalms. "Are to be sold by Jo. Sudbury & Geo. Humble in Popeshed." 1978 — 232 — PASSE (Simon de.) Pembroke (Philip Herbert, Earl of) ob. 1652. Oval, in a lace collar. " Are to be sould by Jo: Sudbury & Ge. Humble." 1979 Pembroke (William Herbert, Earl of) Lord Chamberlain in the reign of James I — Poet — ob. 1630. Oval, holding the staff of Treasttrer in his right hand, after P. Van Somer. " Are to be sould by Jo Sudbury & Geo. Humble. Simon Passseus sculpsit. Lo A° 1617." 1980 Raleigh (Sir Walter) born 1552; beheaded 1618. Oval, with his arms beneath, on the title of " The Historie of the World.'' 198 1 Saley or Sawley (James Hay Baron of) Ambassador and Member of the Privy Council in the reign of James I — ob. 1636. Oval, holding a glove in his right hand. Anno 161 7, fecit. " Are to be sould in Popes head Ally by John Sudbury & Geo. Humble." 1982 Smith (Capt. John) Admiral of New England, Author of the " History of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles." Oval, aetat. 37 anno 161 6, in the left top corner of a Map of New England. 1 98 3 Smith (Sir Thomas). " The honourable S' Thomas Smith, Knight, late Embas- sador from his Ma st . ie to y e great Emperour of Russie Gouernour of y e Hon ble and famous Societyes of Marchants tradinge to ye East Indies, Muscovy, French and Somer Hands Company Tresurer for Virginia, etc." " Simon Passeus sculp. Lond. A° 1616. Compt. Holland excu." 1984 Somerset (Frances, Countess of), married first, Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, from whom she obtained a divorce, and secondly, Robert Car, Earl of Somerset. Oval, in the first state, with the hair very round and curled like a wig. 1985 The same, second state, with a hat and feather. 1986 The picture from which the first state of this portrait was probably engraved, was lent by the Earl of Essex to the National Portrait Exhibition, at the South Kensington Museum, in 1866. — 233 — PASSE (Simon de.) Southampton (Henry Wriothesley, Earl of) patron of Shakespeare, friend of the Earl of Essex, condemned to death for his share in the plot against Queen Elizabeth, but pardoned — ob. 1624. " Simon Passoeus sculp: L5 A? Doni 161 7. Are to be sould in Popes head Ally by Jon: Sudbury & George Humble." From the Marshall Collection, 1987 Wallingford (William Knollis, Viscount) Treasurer of the household to Queen Elizabeth — ob. 1632 ; aetat 88. "Sold by John Hind." From the Grave, and Tnnno Collections. 1988 Worcester (Edward Somerset, Earl of) an accomplished Courtier in the reigns of Elizabeth and James I — Master of the Horse to Q. Elizabeth — keeper of the Privy Seal in the reign of James I — ob. 1627. Oval, Anno 161 8, first state, with the address of Sudbury and Humble. 1989 PASSE (William de.) Son of Crispin de Passe the elder j born at Utrecht 1 572 or 1 580 $ pupil of his father j worked in London. Bacon (Sir Nicolas) Lord Keeper— ob. 1759; setat 69. Engraved for the Heroologia. 1990 Buckingham (George Villiers, Duke of) Favourite of James I and Charles I — assassinated by Felton Aug. 23rd, 1628. Richly dressed, on horseback, shipping in the distance, beneath eight lines of title, and " Graven and dedicated by Wil Passaeus in the Yeare of or Lord God 1625," and engraved 011 a separate plate, but printed on the same sheet beneath, six lines giving the titles in French. From the Marshall Collection. 1991 Christian IV of Denmark, son of Frederic II— born 1577 — succeeded his father 1588 — crowned 1596 — brother of Anne, H H — 234 ~ PASSE (William de.) Queen of James I of England — visited England 1606, and again in 16 14 ; died 1648. Whole length, with his eldest son, Frederic Christian, the view of a park and deer in the background, 1992 Cromwell (Oliver) on horseback. "The Portrayture of His Highness Olliver Lord Protector of the Commonwealth/' &c. " London printed and sould by Ro. Walton at the West end of S. Pauls." 1993 # # # The horse and back-ground of shipping engraved on this plate appears to have served consecutively for the following portraits — George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham ; James, Marquis of Hamilton; and Oliver Cromwell. Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange, 1625-1647. Bust in armour, the upper portion of the print is arched by foliage, beneath are plans of the towns of Hertogenbosch and Wesel. 1994 Frobisher (Sir Martin) celebrated Navigator — ob. 1594. Oval, engraved for the " Heroologia," without any text on the back. From the Tunno Collection, 1995 Gondomar (Count) Spanish Ambassador to England from Philip IV of Spain — proposed the marriage of Charles Prince of Wales to a Spanish Princess, 16 18. ^Etatis suae 54, A 0 1622. From the Marshall Collection. igg6 Hamilton (James, Marquis of) 1625, sent by Charles I with an auxiliary force to assist Gustavus Adolphus in recovering the Palatinate, 1630 — commanded the fleet sent against the Covenanters, 1639 — created Duke, 1645 — collected an army in Scotland against the Parliament — surrendered atUttoxeter to Cromwell, 1648 — beheaded March 2, 1649. Equestrian portrait in armour, a fleet in the distance, " Sould by Will Webb in Cornhill right against Birchin lane end." 1997 * # * This plate had previously served for the portrait of the Duke of Buckingham, and was afterwards used for that of Cromwell. — 235 — PASSE (William de.) HAYWARD (Sir JOHN) Historian and Biographer— ob. 1627. 1998 Holland (Henry Rich, Earl of). "The generous and most Noble Henry Rich, Knight Captaine of the Guarde To his Royall Maijestie." General of the Horse in the expedition to Scotland — favorite of James I — negotiated the marriage of Charles I and Henrietta Maria — made a rash effort for the King, for which he was executed i64f . Oval y half length in armour, with emblems in the corners. u Are to be sould by Thomas Ienner in Cornhill." From the Marshall Collection. 1999 James I, seated on a throne, surrounded by his family, AND THAT OF THE King OF Bohemia, containing full length portraits of James I, Anne of Denmark, and their Children — Prince Henry Frederick — ob. 161 2. Prince Charles, afterwards King. Princess Elizabeth, married Frederick of Bohemia. Princess Maria ) Princess Sophia} both died Children of the King and Queen of Bohemia Prince Frederick Henry — crowned king by his faction — drowned at the age of 15, 1629. Prince Charles Louis, married 1650, to Charlotte, daughter of William V, Landgrave of Hesse. Prince Rupert — ob. 1682. Prince Maurice — shipwrecked. Princess Louisa Hollandina, became a Lady Abbess. Prince Louis. Oblong folio, above " Triumphus Jacobi Augustseqz Ipsius Prolis," beneath five Latin verses with English translation. "Are to be sold by Tho. Jenner at y e Exchange." Undescribed proof before the date 1621, and before the introduction of the figure of Henrietta Maria. 2000 PAUL (I. S.) Barry (Mrs.) Actress — died 17 13; aet. 55. Half length mezzotint, after Kettle. 2001 — 236 — PAYNE (John.) Born about 1606 j disciple of Simon de Passe ; considered as the first artist of this country who distinguished himself by the graver. Alabaster (William) Prebendary of St. Paul's— Author- accompanied the Earl of Essex in his expedition to Cadiz — ob. 1640. After Cornelius Jansen. From the Marshall Collection. 2002 Hall (Joseph) Bishop of Exeter, 1627 — Norwich, 1641 — ob. 1656; set. 82. Ovaly 011 a tablet — arms and mitre above 2003 There is a copy of this plate by Marshall prefixed to his u Cases of Conscience." HOBSON (Mr.) Carrier of Cambridge— ob. 1630. With eight English verses beneath. 2004 Huntingdon (Elizabeth Stanley, Countess of) youngest daughter of Ferdinando Stanley, Earl of Derby — ob. 1633. An oval — a coronet supported by two angels over her head, prefixed to her " Funeral Sermon," by J. F. 2005 Oxford (Henry Vere, Earl of) ob. 1625 — served under Sir Horace Vere against Spinola. Small half lcngth t in a hat and feather, holding a trun- cheon. 2006 Rudyerd (Sir Benjamin) "Surveyor of his Matyes court of Wards & Livery es An 0 Do ni 1632. After D. My tens. 2007 Sibbs (Richard) Preacher of Grays Inn in 1626 — author of the " Bruised Reed." Oval, with verses beneath. 2008 Whitaker (William) Chancellor of St. Pauls, 1580 — ob. 1595 — set. 47- Oval half length, holding a book, five lines of inscription beneath. "Are to be sould by Compton Holland over against the Exchange." 2009 PELHAM (Peter.) Born in London, 16S4; died about 1738. Swift (Dr. Jonathan) Dean of St. Patrick's— ob. 1745 — set. 78. Oval mezzotint, twelve lines of English verse beneath, " J. Bowles excudit." 2010 — 237 — PENCZ (George.) Painter and Engraver ; born at Nuremberg in 1500; imitator of Albert Durer; worked in Italy and Germany; died at Kcenigsberg, 1550. John Frederick, Elector of Saxony, surnamed the Mag- nanimous — assisted the Reformation — renewed the League of Schmalkalden, 1536 — made prisoner and deprived of his States, 1547 — born 1503; died 1554. (126). This print is dated 1 543. From the Esdaile and Marshall Collections. 201 1 PERAC (Etienne du.) Born at Paris about 1540 j worked at Rome ; died 1 60 1. "La Festa di Testaccio fatta in Roma." Beneath on a tablet is " Paul III. P.M. 1534." 2012 PERELLE (Adam.) Born 1638; died 1698. "L'Isle de la Conference, ou la Paix Generalle a este conclue entre la France et l'Espagne le 7 em Novemb. 1659." 2013 PERFETTI (Antonio.) Contemporary Italian Engraver. The Birth of the Virgin, from the Fresco in the Cloister of the Church of S. Annunziata at Florence, by Andrea del Sarto. Artist's proof on india paper, with the white jewel. 2014 Presentation in the Temple, after Fra Bartolomeo. Artist' s proof , with etched name in the centre. 2015 The picture is in the Imperial Gallery at Vienna. La Madonna della Seggiola, after Raphael. Artist's proof, on india paper. 2016 The picture is in the Pitti Gallery at Florence. La Madonna del Gran Duca. Artist's proof on india paper, with the white sleeve, 2017 The picture is in the Pitti Gallery at Florence. The Sibylla Samia, after Guercino. A rtist's proof before any letters. 20 1 8 — 2 3 8 — PERFETTI (Antonio.) The Sibylla Cvmma, after Domenichino. Artist } s proof before any letters, and with the remark of the white music. 2019 La Sybiilla Persica, after Guercino. A rtists proof on india paper. 2020 The picture is in the " Uffizzi " Gallery at Florence. La Bella di Tiziano. Artist's proof 2021 The picture is in the Sciarra Palace at Rome. Portrait of Dante, from a Fresco lately discovered at Florence. Artist's proof on india paper, with remark. 2022 PERIER (Francis.) Called the Burgundian, French Painter and Engraver; born about 1590, at St. Jean-de-Losne ; died at Paris, 1650 or 1656. Vouet (Simon) " Parisiensis Pictor." 2023 PETHER (William.) English Painter and Mezzotint Engraver ; flourished about 1770. Students drawing a Female Statue, after Wright. Proof y with the artist's names. 2024 PETIT (Giles Edme.) French Engraver j born at Paris, 1696 j pupil of Chereau j died 1760. Louis XVI, profile half length. After the original, executed in 1780 by Bernard. 2025 Marie Antoinette, companion to the above. 2026 Phelypeaux (Jean Frederic) Comte de Maurepas, Secretary of State and of the Marine — born 1701. Whole lengthy after Vanloo, 1736. 2027 Potier (Joachim Francis Bernard) Due de Gesvres, Gen- tleman of the Chamber to Louis XV — Governor of Paris — born 1692 Whole lengthy in his robes •, after Vanloo, 1735. 2028 — 239 — PHELPS (Joseph.) The Fisherman's Departure. After W. Collins, R.A. India proof before letters, names etched only. 2029 PHILIPPE (Peter.) Dutch Engraver 5 flourished at the Hague about 1660. Charles II at the Hague — The Banquet. After J. T. Vliet. 2030 Charles II, Departure from the Hague. After A. Van Venne. 2031 William III when Prince of Orange. — standing on a balcony. After Ragueneau. From the Mariette and Tunno Collections. 2032 PINE (John.) Died 1756. Garrick (David) Actor and Poet — ob. 1779— -aet. 63. Mezzotint head, taken from a cast — published 1779. 2033 PIOTTI-PIROLA (Catarina.) Engraver of Milan j pupil of Longhi. Queen Thomyris receiving the News of the Revolt of her Subjects. After Guercino. Artist's proof. 2034 The picture is at Milan. PITAU (Nicholas.) Born at Antwerp 1633. Colbert (Nicolas) Brother of the great Colbert — Bishop of Lucon, 1 66 1, and afterwards of Auxerre — died 1676. Half length oval, after C. le Febre, dated 1663. 2035 From the Marshall Collection. Louis XIV. Three quarter length in armour, after C. Le Febure. 2036 Austria (Maria Theresa, of) after Baubrun. 2037 # # * Pitau engraved this plate in 1662, two years after her marriage with Louis XIV. — 240 — PITAU (Nicholas.) Voysin (Daniel) Maitre des Requetes, Conseiller d'Etat, Prevot des Marchands de Paris, after Mignard, 1668. From the Marshall Collection. 2038 Voysin (Daniel) Chancellor of France — born in Paris about 1654 ; died 1717. 2039 POILLY (Francois.) French Engraver; born at Abbeville 1622 j died at Paris 1693. FABERT (Le Marechal) after Ferdinand. 2040 LOUIS XIV, born 1638; died 1715. Oval, after Mignard. From the Marshall Collection. 2041 Orleans (Philtppe, Fils de France, Due d') surnomme Monsieur, only brother of Louis XIV — born at St. Germain en Laye, 1640 — died at St. Cloud, 1701 — married 1661, Henrietta, daughter of Charles I, and again in 1671, Charlotte Elizabeth of Bavaria — commanded in the Low- Countries — father of the Regent Orleans. Oval half length in cuirass, after Nocret. 2042 Holy Family, with St. Elizabeth and St John, after Poussin. Proof before letters. From the Debois Collection. 2043 POLLAJUOLO (Antonio del.) Born at Florence 1426. Ottley, Vol. I, p. 445. The Combat of Gladiators in a wood. This print was probably engraved between the years 1460- 1470, on a tablet to the left is inscribed " Opus. Antonii Pollavoli. Florentini." From the Goddard Collection. 2044 Hercules combatting the Giants. From the Goddard Collection. 2045 * # * This print is so rare that Mr. Ottley writes, " I am not aware that any impression exists in the collections of this country." An unfinished proof is in the Imperial Collection, Vienna. — 241 PONTIUS (Paul.) Born at Antwerp 1 596; pupil of L. Vostermans. Christ taken down from the Cross, after Rubens. 2046 The Body of our Saviour supported by the Virgin, after Van Dyck. 2047 Bourbon (Elizabeth) daughter of Henry IV of France and Marie de Medicis — sister of Henrietta Maria — married Philip IV of Spain, 161 5 — born 1602; died 1644. Half lengthy arched top, after Rubens, "Paul Pontius sculptor 1632." 2048 Cantelmus (Andreas) General in Germany, Flanders, &c, author of military works — born 1596; died 1646. Half length in armour, after Michael Woutiers. 2049 # # * The Cantelmi, an illustrious family of the Kingdom of Naples. Charles II acknowledged, 1683, by solemn act, that this house descended from the Kings of Scotland, through the last son of Duncan I. Charles II, King of England, born 1630; died 1685. Three quarters in armour, after Diepenbecke, the back- ground with setting sun, engraved by Hollar. From the Tunno Collection. 2050 Christina, Queen of Sweden, daughter of Gustavus Adolphus — born 1626 ; died 1689. Half length in ornamented oval, supported by figures of Apollo and Minerva, with arms above. 205 1 Ferdinand III, Emperor of Germany, born 1608 ; died 1657. Large oval in armour, wearing the order of the Golden Fleece within a laurel wreath, an eagle above holding the sceptre and crown of laurel, after Anselmus van Hullen. 2052 MEURSIUS (Henry) Dutch Philologist — born at Losdun, 1579; died at Sora in Denmark, 20th September, 1639. Half length oval, after Codden. Proof before the border, any letters or the writing on the book, and an impression with the same. 205 3 1 1 - 242 — PONTIUS (Paul.) Olivares (Gaspar de Gusman, third Count of) celebrated Spanish Statesman — born 1587; died 1645 — Philip IV entirely abandoned public affairs to his management — in foreign affairs he was constantly thwarted by Richelieu — under his administration the Catalonians revolted — Portugal was dismembered from Spain — Brazil and other Colonies fell into the hands of the Dutch — dismissed by the king in 1643. Drawn by Rubens, after a picture by Velasquez. 2054 Philip IV, King of Spain — born 1605 — married to Elizabeth, daughter of Henry IV of France, 16 1 5 — afterwards to Mary Anne of Austria, 1649 — died 1665. Half length in a niche, after Rubens, dated 1632. First state, with slight moustache. From the Marshall Collection. 205 5 Roelans (Jacobus) Postmaster of Antwerp. Three-quarter length, seated. 2056 Rubens (Peter Paul). Half length, in hat and cloak, under an arch, "se ipse pinxit" Proof before any letters, but very few impressions are known to exist in this state. From the Marshall Collection. 2057 Warwick (Elizabeth Ingram, Countess of) first wife of Robert, fifth Earl of Warwick and Holland. Small oval, proof before any letters, with margin. From the Marshall Collection. 2058 The following Portraits are all after Van Dyck. Bazan (ALVARO) Marquis de Santa Cruz— Admiral under Philipp II — Governor in Belgium — died 1646. First state, before Belgior in the inscription was altered to Regior. From the Seguier, and Carpenter Collections. 2059 Colonne OR Coloma (Don Charles) Spanish General in the Low Countries under the Arch Duke Albert and Isabella Clara Eugenia — ob. 1643. First state, before the alteration in the inscription of the word " Cubit " to " Cubic," &c. From the Carpenter Collection. 2060 — 243 — PONTIUS (Paul.) Crayer (Caspar de) Historical and Portrait Painter— born at Antwerp 1582. First state, before the name of the engraver. From the Seguier, Sheepshanks, and Carpenter Collections. 2061 Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange, born 1584 ; died 1647. Large half length in armour, after Van Dyck. From the Thiers Collection. 2062 Frockas Perera et Pimentel (Don Emanuel) Spanish Commander — favorite of Philip III. First state, with the address of Martin Vanden Enden. 2063 Geest (Cornelius Vander) Amateur and Collector of Pictures in Antwerp. First state, before the name of the engraver. From the Carpenter Collection. 2064 Gerbier (Sir Balthazar) Painter, secretly an agent in the treaty of marriage with the Infanta — Ambassador to Brussels. Half length seated, "^Etatis suae 42 Anno 1634;" third state, unknown to Weber, before the words on the paper were effaced, with the age, and before the words " Eques auratus/' and the address. 2065 Gevartius (Caspar) Historian to Ferdinand III — died at Antwerp, to which town he was secretary, in 1666. First state, before the name of the engraver. 2066 HUYGENS (Sir Constantin) Secretary to the Prince of Orange — visited England in the time of James I — born 1596; died 1687. First state, with the address 0/ Vanden Enden. From the Dumesnil, and Carpenter Collections. 2067 Marie de Medicis, Queen of France and Navarre, second wife of Henry IV— died 1624; set. 68. After Van Dyck. First state, with the engraver's name spelt " Ponsius." 2068 Mytens (Daniel) Portrait Painter, native of the Hague, supplanted in England by the arrival of Van Dyck — was living in Holland in 1656. First state, before the name of the engraver. From the Carpenter Collection. 2069 — 244 — PONTIUS (Paul.) Nassau-Siegen (Johan, Count of) served successively under the Duke of Savoy, the Kings of France, and Spain — born 1583 ; died 1638. First state, with the name of Pontius spelt Ponsius. From the Carpenter Collection. 2070 Palamedes, or Stevens, Painter of Landscapes and Battle ■ Pieces — born in London 1607 — his father, a clever goldsmith, was employed by James I for the mounting of crystals, agates, &c. — ob. 1638. First state, before the name of the engraver. 2071 PONTIUS (Paul) the Engraver — born at Antwerp 1596; pupil of Lucas Vorsterman — friend of Rubens and Van Dyck. Undescribed state, between the second and third, with the two lines of title, but before the G. H. 2072 Ravestein (Jean Van) Portrait Painter — born at the Hague, 1572 ; died 1657. First state, with the address of Vanden Enden. From the Carpenter Collection. 2073 Rombouts (Theodore) Historical Painter — born at Antwerp 1597; died 1637. First state, before the name of the engraver. From the Dumesnil, and Carpenter Collections. 2074 Sayoye (Francois-Thomas de) Prince of Carignan — youngest son of the Duke Charles Emmanuel — born 1596 — fought first with Spain against France, but afterwards served Louis XIII, who gave him in 1642 the command of the armies of Savoy and France in Italy. First state, with the address 0/ Vanden Enden. 2075 Scaglia (Cesar Alexandre) Abbe de StafTorde— envoy from Carl Emmanuel of Savoy to the courts of France, Holland, and England, which latter he visited in 1627 — ob. 1641. First state, before the name of the engraver. From the Seguier, and Carpenter Collections. 2076 Seghers (Gerard) Painter — born at Antwerp 1589; died 165 1. First state, before the name of the engraver. 2077 PONTIUS (Paul.) Stalbent (Adrien Van) Landscape Painter— born at Antwerp 1580; died 1662. First state, before the name of the engraver. 2078 STEENWYCK (HENRICUS) remarkable Painter of Interiors of Churches, Palaces, &c. — born at Antwerp 1589. First state, before the name of the engraver. 2079 Vanloon (Theodore) Historical Painter of Louvain. First state, before the na7ne of the engraver. 2080 Vos (Simon de) Painter — born at Antwerp 1603. First state, before the name of the engraver. From the Carpenter Collection. 2081 WiLDENS (Jean) Landscape Painter — born at Antwerp 1584; died 1644. First state, before the name of the engraver. 2082 POTT (John.) Worked in London in the second half of the 1 8th Century. Barry (Mrs.) nee Ann Crawford, Actress. Half length mezzotint, after Kettle. 2083 POTTER (Paul.) Painter and Etcher j born at Enkhuysen in 1625 ; pupil of his father} died 1 654. The set of Oxen and Cows. (i-8). With the address of Clement de Jonghe, and the numbers. 2084 The Piping Shepherd. (15). With the address of Clement de Jonghe. From the Esdaile Collection. 2085 PREISSLER (John Martin.) Born at Nuremberg in 171 5; pupil of his brother and G. F. Schmidt j died at Copenhagen 1794. Bouillon (Emmanuel-Th^odose de la Tour d'Auvergne, Due d'Albret, Cardinal de) born 1644 — Doctor of Sorbonne in 1677 — created Cardinal 1669 — Grand Almoner of France — Chief of the Sacred College and Bishop of Porto ; died at Rome 1715. Whole length seated, after Rigaud. Proof before any letters. 2086 — 246 — PRESTON (Captain Thomas.) Flourished about 1730. Blake (Robert) celebrated Naval Commander — defeated De Witt and De Ruyter on the Coast of Kent, Oct. 22, 1652 — surprised in the Downs by Van Tromp, Nov. 29th, 1652 — defeated the Dutch on the Coast of Holland, July 29th, 1653 — commanded in the Mediterranean — captured or destroyed a Spanish fleet near Cadiz, 1656 — born 1599; died 1657. Mezzotint, proof, the head only finished, supposed to be unique. From the Tunno Collection. 2087 PURCELL (Richard.) Mezzotint Engraver j flourished about 1760. Charlotte of Mecklenburg, Queen Consort of George III, after Frye, ad Vivum. 2088 George III, after Frye, ad Vivum. 2089 QUEBOREN (Crispin van.) Dutch Engraver j born at the Hague 1604} worked about 1630. Brog (William) Scotch General, served under Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange, particularly at the Siege of Bois le Due. 2090 Frederick V, King of Bohemia, born 1596; died 1632. Half length oval, in rich dress, dated 1622, with four Latin lines beneath, commencing " Ut tandem David." From the Tunno Collection. 2091 Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia, daughter of James I, wife of Frederic V — ob. 1662; set. 66. Oval half length, in a rich dress, with four Latin lines beneath, commencing " Magnis prognata From the Tunno Collection. 2092 Bohemia (Frederick, King of). Small three-quarter length, 1622. 2093 Bohemia (Elizabeth, Queen of). Small three-quarter length, 1622. 2094 Mary, daughter of Charles I — born 1631 — married William II, Prince of Orange, 1641 — mother of William III ; died 1660. Half length oval, after Van Dyek ; companion to the above. From the Puibusque Collection. 2095 — 247 — QUEBOREN (Crispin van.) Mary (Princess) daughter of Charles I, wife of William II, Prince of Orange, mother of William III. " Anno ^Etatis suae 10, 1641." Oval. 2096 Maurice, Prince of Orange, second son of William Prince of Orange — born 1566 — took command of the war after the assassination of his father, 1584 — appointed Stadtholder, 1587 — recovered Breda, 1590 — took Nimeguen, 1 591 — died 1625. Oval half length. " Meurs excudit 1624." 2097 Skute (John Baron) Ambassador from Sweden. Small half length. From the Graves, and Titnno Collections. 2098 William II, Prince of Orange— born 1626 ; died 1650. Half length oval in armour } after Honthorst. From the Puibusque Collection. 2099 QUITER (Hendrick.) Dutch Engraver, born 1 620 j died 1 700. Jenkins (Sir Leoline) Secretary of State — ob. 1685 ; a3t. 62. " Ulmus e t Exc mus Dom. Dom. Leolinus Jenckins Eques auratus, Legum Doctor, in suprema Admiralitatis Angliae et Hybernias Curia locum tenens Generalis, et Preses Curiae, prerogatives Cantuariensis Magister in consessu ordinum Regni, vulgo Parlimento, Senator & Legat Extraord m & Plenipotentiar. ad Tract. Pacis Noviomagensis." Half-length mezzotint in circle. "I. H. Quiter pinx. & excud." 2100 RAGOT (Francis.) Bom at Bagnolet, 1641. Laubespine (Charles de) Marquis de Chateauneuf sur Cher, in 1629 Ambassador from Louis XIII to England, Keeper of the Seals in 1630, and again in 1650 — died 1653. Half length, after Moustier. 2101 — 248 — RAIMONDI (Marc Antonio.) Born at Bologna, 1488 ; died about 1527. VENEZIANO (Agostino di Musi.) Born at Venice about 1490 ; died about 1540. RAVENNA (Marco Dente da.) Born at Ravenna about 1496. Bartsch, Vol. xiv. The prints not respectively described as by either of these engravers, are those upon which different opinions exist as to the master. Adam and Eve eating the Forbidden Fruit, (i). One of Marc Antonio's most exquisite productions en- graved from a design of Raphael, who probably assisted him in some parts of the outline, especially in the figure of Eve. (Ottley, Vol. II, p. 785.) The present impression of this rare print is believed to be unique, having been printed befoi'e the plate received much additional work — the outlines of the figures have not been strengthened, neither is there the slip of the graver from the thigh of Adam. From the Marshall Collection. 2102 The Almighty appearing to Noah, after Raphael (3), by Marc Antonio. 2103 The Almighty appearing to Noah, after Raphael (30), attributed by Bartsch to Marco da Ravenna. 2104 Joseph and Potiphar's Wife, after Raffaelle (9), by Marc Antonio. From the Goddard Collection. 2105 David with the Head of Goliah at his Feet, after Francia ? (12), by Marc Antonio. 2106 The Massacre of the Innocents, after Raffaelle (20), by Marc Antonio. This iinpression of the plate, without the chicot, appears to have been twice in the possession of Mariette, in the year 1670, and again in 1683. It has also been in the Buckner, and Goddard Collections. 2107 — 249 — RAIMONDI, VENEZIANO, and RAVENNA. The Massacre of the Innocents, after Baccio Bandinelli (21), by Ravenna. From the Goddard Collection. 2108 Our Saviour in the House of the Pharisee, after Raphael (23), by Marc Antonio. First state, before the retouch and address of Lafrery. 2109 The Last Supper, after Raphael (26), by Marc Antonio. An impression on vellum. From the Puccini Collection at Pistoja. 21 10 The Entombment of Our Saviour, after Francia (30), by Marc Antonio. From the Goddard Collection. 2 1 1 1 The Entombment of Our Saviour, after Francia (31), by Veneziano. From the Goddard Collection. 21 12 The Descent from the Cross, after Raphael (32), by Marc Antonio. From the Mariette (1676), and Harford Collections. 2 1 1 3 The Virgin weeping over the Dead Body of Our Saviour, after Raphael (35), by Marc Antonio. From the Endris Collection. 2 1 1 4 The Death of Ananias, after Raphael (42), by Agostino Veneziano. 21 15 St. Paul preaching at Athens, after Raphael (44), by Marc Antonio. 21 16 The Virgin seated on the Clouds with the Infant Saviour, after Raphael (52), by Marc Antonio. From the De Valois, Btcckner, and Goddard Collections. 2 1 1 7 The Virgin seated on the Clouds with the Infant S AVIO U R, after Raphael . (53). The initials of Mariette are on the back of this impression. 2118 The Holy Family with ruins in the background, after Raphael (57), by Marc Antonio. 21 19 K K — 250 — RAIMONDI, VENEZIANO, and RAVENNA. The Virgin suckling the Infant Saviour, after Raphael (61), by Ravenna. From the Donnadieu Collection. 2120 La Vierge au Palmier, after Raphael (62), by Marc Antonio. From the M or ant Collection. 2 121 The Martyrdom of Saint Laurence, after Baccio Ban- dinelli (104), by Marc Antonio. From the Collections of Sir Thomas Lawrence and the Marquis de Br em. 2122 Our Saviour seated in the Clouds, with the Virgin and St. John on either side, beneath on the left St. Paul, and to the right St. Catherine, after Raphael (113), by Marc Antonio. 2123 Saint Cecilia, after Raphael (116), by Marc Antonio. From the Camber lyn Collection. 2124 The Martyrdom of Saint Felicita, after RafTaelle (117), by Marc Antonio. From the Goddard Collection. 2125 Saint Marguerite, after Francia (119), by Marc Antonio. From the Goddard Collection. 2126 Saint Lucia (120), by Marc Antonio. This is the left-hand print of the three engraved 011 one plate, as described by Bartsch. 2127 The Cum^ean Sybil, after Raphael (123), by Agostino Veneziano. First state, before tlie address, dated 15 16. From the Dnmesnil Collection. 2128 Saint Barthelemy (130), by Marc Antonio. From the Comte Harrach Collection. 2129 Saint Matthew (131), by Marc Antonio. From the Goddard Collection. 2130 Saint Job (153), by Marc Antonio. From the Goddard Collection. 213 1 RAIMONDI, VENEZIANO, and RAVENNA. Saint Lazarus (159), by Marc Antonio. From the Comte H arrack Collection. 2132 Saint Roch (164), by Marc Antonio. From the Comte Harrach Collection, 2133 Dido presenting the dagger to her breast, after Raphael (187), by Marc Antonio. First state, before the retouch, with the Greek motto, " To die honorably is to live," on the tablet to the left. 2134 Dido presenting the dagger to her breast, after Raphael, (187), by Marc Antonio. From the Marshall Collection. 2 1 3 5 Lucretia, after Raphael (192), by Marc Antonio. 2136 * # * u This exquisite print, from a design of Raphael, appears, from Vasari's account, to have been executed very soon after Marc Antonio's arrival at Rome, and to have given occasion to the notice with which Raphael afterwards honoured him." — {Ottley, Vol. 11, p. 809.) Alexander depositing the works of Homer, after Raphael (207), by Marc Antonio. 2137 The Triumph of Vespasian and Titus, after Andrea Mantegna (213), by Marc Antonio. From the Collection of Comte Harrach, of Vienna. 2138 The Dance of Cupids, after Raphael (217), by Marc Antonio. From the Goddard Collection. 2139 Neptune recumbent, after Raphael (214), by Agostino Veneziano. This print is a small reverse of the figure to the right in the composition of the Judgment of Paris. 2 140 A Child carried in a basket by two fawns, after an antique bas-relief (230), by Marc Antonio. 2 141 A Bas-relief, representing three cupids, two of which are bearing a large shell, the third a trident (242), by Marco da Ravenna. 2142 The antique is in the Church of St. Vitali, at Ravenna, — 252 — RAIMONDI, VENEZIANO, and RAVENNA. The Judgment of Paris, after Raphael (245), by Marc Antonio. The marks of the pumice stone in the foreground are in this impression very distinct. From the Hawkins, and Hippisley Collections. 2143 Apollo seated on Mount Parnassus, surrounded by the Muses and Poets, after Raphael (247), by Marc Antonio. This impression is considered the finest known, it has nearly one quarter of an inch margin, and was in the Collections of Sir Peter Lely, and the Rev. H. AL. Goddard. 2144 The Bacchanalian Frieze, after an antique bas-relief near the Church of St. Mark, at Rome (248), by Marc Antonio. One of the finest impressions known. From the Puccini (of Pistoja), and Marshall Collections. 2145 A Satyr with a child, after Raphael (281), by Marc Antonio. From the Buckner, and Goddard Collections. 2146 Jupiter and Leda, after Raphael or Julio Romano (283), by Ravenna. From the Goddard Collection. 2147 Venus after her bath with Cupid, after Raphael (297*2), considered by Bartsch to be a repetition by Marc Antonio himself. From the Goddard Collection. 2148 The young Olympus, after an antique statue (309). From the Sykcs, Esdaile, and Goddard Collections. 2149 VENUS ACCROUPIE, after Francia (313), by Marc Antonio. From the Durand, De Bammeville, and Goddard Collections. 2150 Cupid and Three Children (320), by Marc Antonio, dated 1506, 18 S (Septembris). From the Comte Harrach Collection. 215 1 Venus and Cupid riding on dolphins, after Raphael (324), by Marco da Ravenna. First state, before any address. From the Rysbrach, and M or ant Collections. 2152 — 253 — RAIMONDI, VENEZIANO, and RAVENNA. Mars, Venus, and Cupid (345), by Marc Antonio, dated 1508. Fine impression, in the first state, before the torch in the hand of Venus, and the head of Medusa on the shield. From the Goddard Collection. 2153 Mars, Venus, and Cupid (345), by Marc Antonio. An impression, with the torch in the hand of Venus, and with the head of Medusa on the shield. From the Rysbrach, and Sir Joshua Reynolds Collections. 2154 Apollo and Hyacinthe, after Francia (348), by Marc Antonio. From the Goddard Collection. 2155 * # * This print, in Marc Antonio's early manner, bears the date 1506, his earliest dated print being the Py ramus and Thisbe (322), marked 1505. Amadeus. Austeritas. Amititia. Amor, after Francia (355)> by Marc Antonio. This impression has the border surrounding the engraving, and is from the Puccini Collection, purchased at Pistoja in 1862. 2156 Mons. Galichon, of Paris, lately presented to the Bibliotheque an impression before much extra work on the gown of the figure of Amadeus. Trajan between Rome and Victory, after one of the bas- reliefs on the Arch of Constantine (361), by Marc Antonio. One of the finest impressions known. From the Puccini Collection, at Pistoja. 21 57 The Bent Stick, after Francia (369), by Marc Antonio. From the Goddard Collection. 2158 A Man striking another with the tail of a fox, after Francia ? (372), by Marc Antonio. From the Goddard Collection. 2159 A Man and Woman standing, the female resting her foot on a ball, considered to be after Francia (377), by Marc Antonio. From the Palmer Collection. 2160 — 254 ~ RAIMONDI, VENEZIANO, and RAVENNA. Poetry, after Raphael's fresco in the Vatican (382), by Marc Antonio. From the Goddard Collection. 2 161 A Young Woman standing near a tree watering a PLANT (383), by Marc Antonio. One of the rarest of the works of Marc Antonio ; the present impression was purchased at Pistoja in the Collection of Cavalieri Puccini. 2 1 62 Force, represented by a Woman leading a Lion (395), by Marco da Ravenna. 2163 The Plague (417), by Marc Antonio. First state before the inscription, " Effigies SacraB Divom Phrigi," on the rays of light shining through the window on the left, 9 and before the " Im. Rap. Vr.," and monogram of Marc Antonio on the block of stone to the right. From the Goddard Collection. 2164 The space at the base of the terminal figure, usually occupied by the inscription, u Linquebant dulces animas, aut aegra trahebant corp," has been cut out and inlaid blank. The Carcase, called " II Stregozzo," after Raphael. (426). The finest impression known, in the first state, before the initials A. V. on the horn. Purchased at the Goddard Sale. 2165 Exhibited at the Art Treasures Exhibition, Manchester, 1857. * # # Passavant, vol. vi. p. 37, attributes this print to Marc Antonio. The Soldier fastening his Cuirass, after Michael Angelo. (463). From the Barnard and Goddard Collections. 2166 Two Naked Men in Conversation (464), by Marc Antonio. From Sir Jacob Astlefs Collection. 2167 The Three Singers (468), by Marc Antonio. Bartsch describes this print as without the monogram of Marc Antonio. The present impression has the mark bJF on the hat of the singer holding the scroll. From the Arosarena and Goddard Collections. 2168 — 255 — RAIMONDI, VENEZIANO, and RAVENNA. The Musician playing upon a Guitar (469), by Marc Antonio. 2169 * # * This is said to be the portrait of Giovanni Philotheo Achillini of Bologna, author of the poem, "II Viridario " published in 15 12. L'HOMME QUI SE CHAUSSE, from the Cartoon by M. Angelo, at Pisa (472), by Marc Antonio. From the Marochetti Collection. 2170 Female Figure standing by a Vase, after a design attri- buted to Raphael (474), by Agostino Veneziano. From the Rysbrach Collection. With a reverse copy of the same, undescribed. 2 171 The Bathers, called " Les Grimpeurs," after the design of Michael Angelo, for the Cartoon of Pisa (487), by Marc Antonio. 2172 From the Sir P. Lely, Esdaile, and Palmer Collections. Exhibited at the Art Treasures Exhibition, Manchester, 1857. * # * The background of this print will be found to resemble much the print by Lucas Van Leyden, of the monk "Sergius killed by Mahomet." A Figure from the Cartoon of Pisa, by Michael Angelo, called " Le Grimpeur" (488), by Marc Antonio. 2173 The Cassolette, supported by two Cariatides, after Raphael, (489), by Marc Antonio. From the Morant, and Denon Collections. 2174 Bartsch supposes this design to have been executed for Francis I. of France. Jerome Alexander Archbishop of Brindisi andOtranto, " I 53^" {$ l 7)> by Agostino Veneziano. 2175 Barbarossa (Hayraddin) founded the piratical States of Barbary, 15 18 — defeated the Venetian Fleet at Prevesa, 1538 — assisted the French at the siege of Nice, 1543 — died 1546 (520), by Agostino Veneziano. 2176 The Passion of Our Saviour (584-620), by Marc Antonio, after the woodcuts by Albert Durer. The complete set, composed of impressions in the second and third states, bound in morocco. 2 1 77 — 256 — RAIMONDI, VENEZIANO, and RAVENNA. CHRIST ON THE CROSS, with the Virgin and St. John on either side, supposed to be after a picture by Albert Durer (645), by Marc Antonio. 2178 LES Offres D'AMOUR, after the engraving of Albert Durer (650), by Marc Antonio. 2179 RAIMONDI (C.) TOSCHI (Paolo) celebrated Italian engraver — born 1788 ; died 1854. A rtisfs proof on india paper. 2 1 80 RAVENET (Simon Francis.) Born at Paris, 1706. GEORGE II ON HORSEBACK, a battle in the background, after Morier. 2181 RAVENNA (Marco Dente da), see Raimondi (Marc Antonio). REGNAULT (T. C.) Contemporary French Artist. Portrait of Meissonier, se ipse pinxit. India proof before the artists' names. 2182 REMBRANDT VAN RHYN. Born near Leyden 1606; probably died at Stockholm about 1670. The numbers refer to Wilsoris "Descriptive Catalogue of the Prints of Rembrandt r London, 1836. Rembrandt and his Wife. (19). From the Esdaile, and Harford Collections. 2183 Rembrandt leaning on a stone sill. (21). First state — the narrow band or fillet at the lower edge of the cap does not extend over the hair at the right extrem ity. 2184 The Portrait of Rembrandt drawing. (22). Before the landscape seen through the window on the left. From the Palmer Collection. 2185 — 257 — REMBRANDT VAN RHYN. Portrait of Rembrandt, in an oval. (23). Second state, before the plate was reduced to a perfect oval. From the Palmer Collection. 2186 The Triumph of Mordecai. (44). 2187 Christ preaching in the Temple, called " La petite Tomb." (71). First state, with margin. 2188 * # * The first state described by Wilson is now considered a forgery. Jesus driving the Money Changers out of the Temple. (73). First state. 2189 Christ healing the Sick, called "The Hundred Guilder." (78). Second state, on thick China paper, with margin, before the background was more worked upon so as to conceal the outline of the vault. From the Six and Debois Collections. On the back is written by Debois — "Epreuve donne par Rembrandt au bourgue maitre Six du cabinet du quel elle faisait partie ainsi que Tindique l'autographe Hollandais ci contre. F. D. 1836." / 2190 Christ healing the Sick. (78). The original plate, retouched by Capt. Baillie, priiited on white paper. 2 1 9 1 Christ presented to the People. (80). Magnificent impression, with brilliant effect of burr, printed on China paper, with small margin, in the second state, and before the name of Rembrandt with the date 1655. From the Verstolk de Soelen and Herman de K at Collections. "The China paper on which impressions in this (first) and the next state are found, not being procured in sheets large enough to take the whole plate, Rembrandt was forced to paste pieces of paper to the top of each sheet, to obtain the desired size ; such impressions are extremely rare, as he was soon tired of this method, and reduced the plate. An impression, in this state, in the possession of M. Robert, at Paris, is described by De Clausin as unique, but the Dcnon Collection possesses a similar one, also, on China paper." — Wilson. The present impression measures in the widest parts 17-ff in. l l — 258 — REMBRANDT VAN RHYN. by 154- in., whereas, Wilson gives it before the plate was reduced as in. by 15 in. The second state in the British Museum, previously in the Cabinet of Lord Aylesford, is on a single sheet of China paper, and has the same dimensions ; but does not compare favorably as to condition with the present. The superb collection of Rembrandt's Etchings in the Museum at Amsterdam, does not contain an impression in the second state, which is far more rare than the first. 2 1 92 The Three Crosses. (81). Third state, conveying the effect of the thick darkness. 2193 This is the companion print to the preceding, and is dated 1653. Ecce Homo. (82). First finished state, before the cross lines 011 the face of the Jew, above the man that holds the reed. From the De Boissieux, Michel de Marseille, Dcbois, Delessert, Drcux, and Marshall Collections. 2194 The Descent from the Cross. (84). Before the address of Ulenburgenses. 2195 The small Crucifixion. (86). From the M or ant Collection. 2196 The Baptism of the Eunuch. (103). From Lord Aylesford 's Collection. 21 97 The Death of the Virgin. (104). Second state. 2198 St. Jerome sitting before the Trunk of an old Tree. ( 1 08) . Second state. 2 1 99 The Jew with a High Cap. (135). From the Collection of Mons. Thiers. 2200 The View of Omval, near Amsterdam. (206). From the M or ant Collection. 2201 View of Amsterdam. (207). 2202 The Landscape with the Three Trees. (209). From the M or ant Collectio7i. 2203 The Landscape with the Three Trees. (209). A very deceptive copy, and another reverse copy. 2204 — 259 — REMBRANDT VAN RHYN. A Village near the High Road, called "The Three Cottages." (214). Fourth state. 2205 The Landscape with a man sketching. (216). From the Chambers Hall Collection. 2206 Landscape with a cottage and hay-barn. (222). 2207 A large Landscape with a mill sail seen above a COTTAGE. (223). 2208 The Cottage with the white pales. (229). Second state. 2209 The Landscape with the Mill. (230). From the Lord Aylesford, and Simon Collections. 2210 This piece is said to represent the house in which Rembrandt was born and his father's mill. The Landscape with a cow drinking. (234). Second state. 22 11 An old Man in a fur cap divided in the middle. (267). From the Collection of Mons. Thiers. 2212 Doctor Faustus. (272). Second state, on Japanese paper. 22 1 3 Clement de Jonge. (274). Fourth state. 2214 * # * This is the portrait of the celebrated Dutch printseller, whose name we find so frequently on the prints of his day. Abraham Fransz. (275). Fourth state, on thick Japanese paper. From the De Kat Collection. 2215 Young Haaring. (277). Second state, on thick Japanese paper. 2216 JOHN Lutma, a noted Goldsmith of Groningen. (278). First state, before the introduction of the window and bottle in the background. From the Harding, Maberly, and Palmer Collections. 2217 John Lutma, a Goldsmith of Groningen. (278). Third state. 2218 — 26o — REMBRANDT VAN RHYN. John Asselyn, celebrated Painter — born at Antwerp, 1610 ; died 1660. (279). Second state, on China paper, the remains of the easel are very visible. From the Comte H arrack Collection. 2219 John Asselyn. (279). Third state, the background cleaned but full of burr. 2220 Ephraim Bonus. (280). Second state. 2221 Uytenbogaert, a Dutch Minister under the Government of Prince Maurice. (281). Third state, before the angles in the octagon of the plate were suppressed ; and an impression in the fourth state. From the Barnard Collection. 2222 John Cornelius Sylvius. (282). From the Coimt Graaf and Marshall Collections. 2223 Uytenbogaert, called "The Gold Weigher." (283). Third state, the money contained in the cask again strength- ened, and also the folds of the table cloth and other parts of the plate. 2224 Uytenbogaert, called The Gold Weigher. (283). The original plate retouched by Capt. Baillie. 2225 Coppenol (Lieven Williams van) called the Great Coppenol. (285). Before the plate was reduced in size, with a fine specimen of his writing. 2226 The Burgomaster Six. (287). Third state, with margin of this most rare print. From the Weber, and De Kat Collections. 2227 # # * The first state, which may be considered almost unique, is at Amsterdam; the last impression sold of the second state at the sale of Mons. Arosarena, realized above £250. Head of an Oriental. (288). From the Collection of Mons. Thiers. 2228 * # * This is said to be the portrait of Cats, tutor to William II, Prince of Orange, of whom Rembrandt also made an etching as a child. Various Sketches on one plate. (363). 2229 — 26 1 — REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua.) Born at Plympton, in Devonshir 1723 ; died 1792. The arrangement, name of proprietor, and date, are derived from Mr. William Cotton's valuable " Catalogue of the Portraits painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds, Knt., P.R.A., London, 1857." ABINGTON (Mrs.) Mezzotint, by E. Judkins, 1772. Painted March, 1771. Proof, with artists' names etched. 2230 Ancaster (Mary Duchess of) Mezzotint by Dixon. Painted in 1764. In the possession of the Countess of Clare. Whole length, proof before any letters. 2231 Banks (Sir Joseph) Mezzotint by Dickinson. Painted in 177 1. In the possession of the family. Proof. 2232 Baretti (Joseph) Mezzotint, by J. Watts, 1780. Large half length, seated. 2233 Beaumont (Lady Margaret Willes) Mezzotint, by J. R. Smith, 1780. Painted in 1779. ^ n tne possession of Sir George Beaumont. Half length in oval, proof before any letters, and an unfinished proof . 22 34 Beaumont (Sir George) Mezzotint, by S. W. Reynolds. Painted 1787. In the possession of Sir George Beaumont. Half length in oval, proof before any letters. 2235 Bedford (Francis Duke of) as St. George, with the Lords John and William Russell and Miss Vernon. Mezzotint, by Valentine Green, 1778. Painted in 1777. In the possession of Lord Jersey, at Middleton. Whole lengths. 2236 Belgioso (Louis Comte du St. Empire Romain de Bar- biano et de) Mezzotint, by John Jacobi, 1779. 2237 Painted in 1777. Blake (Annabella Bunbury, Mrs.) as Juno. Mezzotint, by Dixon. Painted in 1 764. In the possession of G. Boscawen, Esq. Whole length, proof zvith artist's name only. 2238 — 262 — REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua.) Brunswick (Princess Augusta of) Mezzotint, by McArdell. In the possession of the King of the Belgians. Large half length. 2239 Bull (Mrs. Elizabeth) Printseller. Mezzotint, by Watson, 1770. Half length, looking over her left shoulder. Proof before any letters. 2240 Bunbury (Lady Sarah) Mezzotint, by E. Fisher, 1766. Painted in 1764. In the possession of Sir H. Bunbury. Whole length, proof before any letters. 2241 BURKE (Edmund) Statesman and Author — born 1730; died 1797. Mezzotint, by James Watson. The picture is in possession of Sir Robert Peel. Half length, in a circle, published 1771. 2242 Carlisle (Lord) when young, in a Van Dyck dress. Mezzotint, by J. Spilsbury. The picture is at Castle Howard. Half length, in oval, published 1764. 2243 Carpenter (Lady Almeria) daughter of the Earl ofTyrconnel. Mezzotint by Watson, 1768. Half length, in a circle, proof before any letters. 2244 Chambers (Sir William) Mezzotint, by Valentine Green. Painted for the Royal Academy in 1780. Three-quarter length, seated. 224.5 CHOLMONDELEY (Miss A.) afterwards Lady Mulgrave — whole length, carrying a dog across a brook. Mezzotint, by G. Marchi. In the possession of Lord Romney. Proof, with the artists' names etched. 2246 Clinton (Lady Catherine Pelham) feeding Poultry. Mezzotint, by J. R. Smith, 1782. 2247 In the possession of the Earl of Radnor. COCKBURN (Lady) and her Three Children, " Cornelia and her Children," by C. Wilkin, 1792. 2248 Painted Aug. 1773. In the possession of Sir James Llamilton. — 263 — REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua.) Crewe (Miss Emma) afterwards Mrs. CunlifTe Offley, and her Sister, Mrs. HinchclifTe, with a basket of flowers. Mezzotint, by Dixon. Painted in 1766. In the possession of Lord Crewe. Three-quarter length, proof with artists' names etched. 2249 Cumberland (Duchess of) Mrs. Horton. Mezzotint, Watson. Painted Feb. 1773. In the possession of Sir Wilmot Horton. Proof before the artists' names. 2250 Cumberland (Henry Frederick Duke of.) Mezzotint, by T. Watson, 1774. In the possession of Her Majesty. Whole length. 2251 Damer (The Hon. Mrs. Anne.) Mezzotint, by S. W. Reynolds. Painted in 177 1. In the possession of Colonel Dawson Damer. Whole leng th, proof before any letters. 2252 Devonshire (Georgiana Duchess of) with her Daughter, Lady G. Cavendish. Mezzotint, by Keating, 1789. Painted Feb. 1786. In the possession of the Duke of Devonshire. Open letter proof . 22 5 3 Devonshire (Georgiana Duchess of). Mezzotint, by Valentine Green, 1780. Painted in 1780. In the possession of Earl Spencer. Whole length, proof before letters. 22 5 4 Erskine (Hon. Thomas Lord). Mezzotint, by]. Jones, 1776. The picture at Buckingham Palace. Three quarter length, proof, the lettering only etched. 225 5 Fox (Charles James). Mezzotint, by John Jones, 1784. Painted in 1784. In the possession of Lord Crewe. Three quarter length. 2256 Foote (Samuel) Actor and Poet — ob. 1777 ; set. 56. Mezzotint, by Blackmore. The picture is in the possession of the Duke of Newcastle. Three quarter length. 2257 Garrick (David) in the Character of Kitely. Mezzotint, after Finlayson. The picture is in possession of Her Majesty. Half length. 2258 — 264 — REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua.) Garrick (David) Actor and Poet — obit. 1779 \ aetat. 63. Mezzotint, by R. Lawrie. Painted for Mr. Thrale. Purchased at Mrs. Piozzi's Sale by Dr. Burney for 175 guineas. Half length. 2259 Gloucester (Maria Duchess of) Mezzotint, by S. W. Reynolds. In the possession of the Duke of Gloucester. Half length, seated, proof before any letters. 2260 Gordon (Jane Duchess of) Mezzotint, by Dickinson, 1775. Proof, artists' names etched. 2261 Greenway (Miss.) Mezzotint, by J. Watson. Half length, seated, proof before any letters. 2262 Greville (Miss) and her Brother as Hebe and Cupid. Mezzotint, by J. McArdell, 1762. Painted in 1766. In the possession of Lord Farnborough. Whole length. 2263 Hale (Mrs.) as L' Allegro. Mezzotint, by J. Watson. Painted in 1764. In the possession of the Earl of Harewood. Whole length. 2264 Hamilton (Lady Emma Lyon) as a Bacchante. Mezzotint, by J, R. Smith, 1784. In the possession of T. Chamberlayne, Esq. Open letter proof. 2265 * # * This picture was purchased at Sir W. Hamilton's Sale for 125 gs. Hare (Mr.) Mezzotint, by S. W. Reynolds, 1804. Painted 1773. Private plate, proof before letters. 2266 Hargrave (Francis.) Mezzotint, by J. Jones, 1793. Painted in 1787. Half length. 2267 Hastings (Warren.) Mezzotint, by Thos. Watson, 1777. Painted in 1766. In the late Lord North wick's Collection. Three-quarter length, seated. 2268 — 265 — REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua.) Herbert (Lady Harriet) sister of Lord Powis. Mezzotint, by Val. Green, 1778. Proof, with artists' names etched. 2269 HORNECK (Mrs.) Mezzotint, by R. Purcell. Half length, proof , with the artists' names. 2270 Horneck (Miss Mary) "The Jessamy Bride," afterwards Mrs. Gwynn. Mezzotint, by Dunkarton. Painted Jan. 1766. In the possession of Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart. Proof. 2271 Ingram (The Hon. Lady Frances.) Mezzotint, by W. Doughty, 1 784. Painted in March, 1780. Proof before the artists' names. 2272 JACOBS (Miss.) Mezzotint, by Spilsbury. Proof before the artists' names. 2273 Johnson (Dr. Samuel) Mezzotint, by Wm. Doughty, 1784. In the possession of P. Massingburd, Esq. Large half length. 2274 Kemble (Miss Frances) afterwards Mrs. Twiss, sister of Mrs. Siddons. Mezzotint, by J. Jones. Half length, proof before any letters, with ornament of flowers beneath. 2275 Lee (Lady Elizabeth) daughter of Lord Harcourt. Mezzotint, by E. Fisher. In the possession of Lord Harcourt. Whole length, seated, proof before arty letters. 2276 Legge (The Honorable William) when a boy. Mezzotint, by J. Spilsbury. Picture in the possession of the Earl of Dartmouth. Half length in oval, published 1764. 2277 Leinster (William Duke of.) Mezzotint, by Dixon, 1775. In the possession of the family. Three-quarter length, seated. 2278 M M — 266 — - REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua.) LlFFORD (Lord) Lord High Chancellor of Ireland. Mezzotint, by Dunkarton, 1790. Painted in 1788. In the possession of Lord LifFord. Open letter proof. 2279 LlGONlER (Lord) Mezzotint, by E. Fisher. Painted in 1 760. Now in the National Gallery. On horseback, a battle in the background. Proof before any letters or the artists' names. 2280 Marlborough (Caroline Duchess of) with her infant daugh- ter, Lady Caroline Spencer. Mezzotint, by Watson, 1768. The picture is at Blenheim. Three-quarter length, seated, proof before letters. 2281 Marlborough (George, fourth Duke of) and his Family. Mezzotint, by Charles Turner, 1838. Painted in 1778. The picture is at Blenheim. Whole length. 2282 Members of the Dilettanti Society — Banks (Sir Joseph) Crowle, Esq. (Charles) Dundas (Lord) Greville (Hon. Charles) Galway (Mr. Payne) Hamilton (Sir William) Leeds (Duke of) Mulgrave (Lord) Seaforth Lord) Smith (Mr.) of Heath. Stanhope (Mr. Spencer) Taylor (Sir J.) Thompson (Mr. Richard) Wynn (Sir W. W.) A pair of mezzotints, by Say and Turner. From the pictures in the possession of the Society, at the Thatched House Tavern, in St. James's Street. Proofs before letters. 2283 Monckton (The Hon. Miss) Mezzotint, by John Jacobi, 1781. Whole length, painted in 1777. 2284 Montague (Lady Caroline) Mezzotint, by J. R. Smith, 1776. In the possession of His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch. Proof, with the artists' names etched. 2285 Morris (Mrs.) Mezzotint, by J. R. Smith. Published 1776. Oval half length. 2286 — 267 — REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua.) MUDGE (JOHN, M.D.) Mezzotint, by Dickenson. 2287 In the possession of Zachary Mudge, Esq. Mudge (Rev. Zachariah) Mezzotint, by Watson. Painted in Aug. 1766. In the possession of the Family. Proof before the artists' names. 2288 O'Brien (Miss Nelly) Mezzotint, by J. Wilson. Three-quarter length, the left arm resting on a pedestal. 2289 Orleans (Louis Philippe Joseph Duke of) — born at St. Cloud, 1747 — guillotined 1793 — father of Louis Philippe. Mezzotint, by J. R. Smith, 1786. Proof. 2290 Painted Feb. 1786. Burnt at Carlton House. Palmer (Miss) afterwards Marchioness of Thomond. Mezzotint, by Doughty, 1779. In the possession of Miss Gwatkin. Proof, with the artists' names etched. 2291 Palmer (Miss Theophila) afterwards Mrs. Gwatkin. Mezzotint, by J. R. Smith, 1777. In the possession of Miss Gwatkin. Proof before the artists' names. 2292 Parsons (Miss Nancy) as Juno. Mezzotint, by Richard Houston. Whole length, leaning on a car, with peacocks. 2293 Pembroke (Henry Lord) with Elizabeth Spencer, his Countess, and George Lord Herbert. Mezzotint, by Watson, 1773. The picture is at Wilton. Proof before letters. 2294. Pembroke (Elizabeth Countess of) and George Lord Herbert. Mezzotint, by J. Dixon, 1 77 1. Proof, with the artists' names etched. 2295 Pembroke (Elizabeth Countess of) and George Lord Herbert. Mezzotint, by Dixon, 1771. Three-quarter length, seated. 2296 Pembroke (Henry Herbert Earl of) Mezzotint, by Dixon, 1772. Three-quarter length, in uniform, a battle in the background. Proof, with the artists' names etched. 2297 — 268 — REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua.) Rawdon (Francis Lord) Mezzotint, by John Jones, 1792. Painted in 1789. One of the last portraits Sir Joshua painted. Whole length. 2298 Reynolds (Sir J.) with bust of Michael Angelo. Mezzotint, by Valentine Green. In the Royal Academy. Three-quarter length, proof before any letters. 2299 Reynolds (Sir J.) in the manner of Rembrandt. Mezzotint, by S. W. Reynolds. In the Vernon Gallery. Half length, proof before any letters. 2300 Reynolds (Sir J.) by Sherwin. Painted in 1775 for the Florence Gallery. Half length in a hat, proof with the artists' names only slightly etched. 2301 Robertson (Dr. William) Historian. Mezzotint, by Dixon, 1772. Proof, the engraver's name only etched. 2302 Rutland (Duchess of) by Sherwin. Painted Aug. 1781. Burnt at Bel voir Castle. Proof before the artists' names. 2303 Rutland (Duke of) Mezzotint, byW. Dickinson, 1791. 2304 Painted Aug. 1781. Burnt at Belvoir Castle. Sheridan (Mrs.) as St. Cecilia. Mezzotint, by W. Dickinson, 1776. 2305 In the possession of the Marquis of Lansdowne. Sheridan (Mrs.) as St. Cecilia, by Thomas Watson, 1794. In the possession of the Marquis of Lansdowne. Whole length. 2306 Spencer (Georgiana Viscountess) and her Daughter. Mezzotint, by Watson. In the possession of Earl Spencer. Proof before the artists' names. 2307 Tavistock (Marquis of) Mezzotint, by J. Watson, 1767. Painted 1766. In the possession of the Duke of Bedford. Three-quarter length, seated. 2308 — 269 — REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua.) Tollemache (Mrs.) as Miranda. Mezzotint, by John Jones, 1785. Painted in 1773. In the possession of J. Tollemache, Esq. Whole length, proof with artists' names only. 2309 Waldegrave (Maria Countess of) and Lady Elizabeth Laura. Mezzotint, by Houston. In the possession of the Countess of Waldegrave. Proof before the artist's names. 2310 William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, son of George II. — born 1 72 1 — served at the Battle of Dettingen, 1743 — gained the Battle of Culloden, 1746 — died 1765. Mezzotint, by Charles Spooner. The picture in possession of Her Majesty. Half length. 23 11. Windham (Right Hon. William) Mezzotint, by J. Jones, 1792. The picture is in the National Gallery. Half length. 2312 Woodward (Harry) Actor. Mezzotint, by Watson. The picture is at Petworth. Half length, holding a mask, proof. 2 3 1 3 Portrait of an Old Man reading a scroll. Mezzotint, by J. Okey. Half length, proof before letters. 2314 The Snake in the Grass. Mezzotint, by Wm. Ward, 1802. 2315 REYNOLDS (Samuel William.) Mezzotint Engraver j born 17745 died 1835. Bedford (Georgiana Elizabeth Byng, Duchess of) ob. 1 80 1. Whole-length mezzotint, after Hoppner. Open letter proof, one of the first fifty. 2316 Hall (George Webb.) Whole length mezzotint, after a painting by J as. Lonsdale, presented by the Agricultural Association of Great Britain to Mrs. Webb Hall. Proof before any letters. 2317 — 2JO — REYNOLDS (Samuel William.) The Falcon and Serpent. Mezzotint, after James North- cote, R.A. Proof , published by Jeff ryes and Co., 1799. 2318 RIBERA (Giuseppe), called LO SPAGNOLETTO. Born at Xativa in Valencia, 1589; died at Naples, 1656. Don Juan of Austria, Spanish General, son of Philip IV of Spain and Maria Calderonna — born 1629; died 1679 — m 1647 commanded the Spanish army in Italy, and suppressed the Neapolitan revolt — lost the battle of Dunes in 1658 against Turenne. Equestrian portrait, with a view of Naples in the back- ground — dated 1648. First state, before the plate was retouched, the head altered to the portrait of Charles II, and the date to 1 670. From the Collection of Baron Marochetti. 2319 RICHOMME (Joseph Theodore.) Born in Paris, 1 785 5 pupil of Coigny. Adam and Eve, after Raphael. Proof. 2320 The Holy Family, the Virgin crowned with flowers, after Raphael. A rtisfs proof on india paper, with the white stud on the sandal, and an artist 's proof. 2321 The picture is in the Louvre. Thetis bearing the Armour of Achilles, after F. Gerard. A rtisfs proof, on india paper, with the etched landscape. 2322 The Triumph of Galatea, after Raphael, from the Fresco in the Farnesina Palace, Rome. A rtisfs proof, on india paper, with the etched landscape. 2323 RIEDINGER (Johan Elias.) Painter and Engraver j born at Ulm, 1695 j died at Augsburg, 1767. A Portfolio, containing fifty-three engravings of Wild and Tame Animals, Horses, Game, &c. 2324 ROB (B.) (Robert Bandous.) " De Rhoemse Kercke." Composition of Grotesque figures, representing the abuses of the Romish Church. Engraved on three sheets. D. G. (J. de Gheyn) exc. 1605. 2325 Passavant, vol. iii. p. 126. Muller, st Nederlandsche Geschiedenis in platen," p. 67. ROBETTA. Goldsmith and Engraver of Florence; flourished about 1520. Bartsch, Vol. xm,/. 393. Cupid tying a young Man to a Tree. (25). From the Marochetti Collection. 2326 ROBINSON (R.) English Mezzotint Engraver ; flourished at the end of the 1 7th Century. The Seven Bishops sent to the Tower in 1688 by James II. Kenn (Thomas) Bishop of Bath and Wells. Lake (John) Bishop of Chichester. Lloyd (William) Bishop of St. Asaph. Sancroft (William) Archbishop of Canterbury. Trelawney (Sir Jonathan) Bishop of Bristol. Turner (Francis) Bishop of Rochester. White (Thomas) Bishop of Peterborough. Seven ovals, mezzotint, within etched border. From the Tunno Collection. 2327 ROCHEBRUNE (Octave Guillaume de.) Contemporary French Artist. ECOUEN, Fagade des esclaves de Michel Ange. 2328 Entree principal du Chateau d'Ecouen. 2329 ECOUEN, Facades dans la Cour. 2330 COUR INTERIEURE DU CHATEAU DE BLOIS. 233 1 Facade Orientale du Chateau de Chambord. " Bati par Pierre Nepveu, dit Trinqueau, Architecte Blesois." 2332 Lanterne du Chateau de Chambord. "Constuite en 1533, par Pierre Nepveu dit Trinqueau." 2333 Chateau de Chambord. Proof before letters. 2334 — 272 — ROCHEBRUNE (Octave Guillaume de.) Vue du Donjons de Pierrefonds, Prise de la cour du Chateau, 1866. 2335 Chateau de Pierrefonds, 1866. 2336 Clocher de N. D. de Fontenay, Le Comte Vendee. 2337 La Sainte Chapelle de Champigny, 1865. 2338 La Rochelle, Maison du XVI*™ Siecle dans la Rue du Minage. 2 339 FA9ADE DE L'HOTEL DE VlLLE DE LA ROCHELLE, " COnstuite en l'annee 1606." 2340 L'Abside de Notre-Dame de Paris. 2341 Facade du Louvre. 2342 ROGERS (William.) Born in London about 1545. Maximilian I. of Austria. Whole lengthy standing under an arch. 2 343 ROGHMAN (Roland.) Born at Amsterdam, 1597. Views in Holland. (9-16.) The complete set in the first state, with the address of Clement de JongJic. 2344 ROKESZ (Hendrich), called ZORG. Born at Rotterdam 1621; died 1682. William III. as Prince of Orange — aetat. 5. After Pieter Janse. 2345 The following description is taken from the Catalogue printed at the Hague, 1867, where this curious print was purchased, " Guillaume III, comme Prince d'Orange, aet. 5. II est monte sur un bidet, au fond a gauche le Vyverberg et l'hotel du Doelen, a. droite le palais des Stadhouder. Au haut dans la planche sont les armes de Nassau et de Hollande, au bas le nom et le titre et huit vers hollandais de Henr. Seel: D'Oranje spruyt verbeft zich weder uyt den sadel, etc. Pieter Janse Invent. Hend. Rokesz sculpsit, adr. Lodewyck Lodewycksz, 1655. in-fol. T res-beau et de toute rarete. Nous ne connaissons d 'autre exemplaire dans les collections de Hollande." — 273 — ROOS (Jan Heinrich.) Born at Otterdorf, 16315 worked at Amsterdam ; died 1685. Bartsch, Vol. I, p. 129. Landscapes with sheep and goats. (10-17.) The set complete, with the address of " Carelse" and before the numbers. 2 346 Landscapes with different groups of animals. (18-30.) The set uniform arid complete, with margin, in the first states with the German title, before the numbers, and before any writing on the column in plate 25. 2 347 The Shepherdess. (31.) First state before the strengthening of the border line. 2348 The Shepherd sleeping near his flock. (38). 2349 * # * The portrait of this artist, aetat. 52, will be found No. 1400 of this Catalogue. ROSASPINA (Francesco.) Born at Rimini in 1760. The Dance of Cupids, after Albano. Artist's proof before any letters, and before the termination of the border. 2 3 5 o ROTA (Martin.) Born at Sebenico in Dalmatia about 1532. Bartsch, Vol. xvi,p. 245. The Martyrdom of St. Peter. (20). After Titian. First state, with the address of " Guerinonius." From the Marshall Collection. 2351 * # * This is a contemporary engraving of the celebrated picture lately destroyed by fire. The Last Judgment, after M. Angelo. (28). First state. From the Mar ochetti Collection. 2 35 2 Charles Archduke of Austria, son of Ferdinand I, Emperor of Germany — born 1 540 — negotiated for marriage with Queen Elizabeth of England, 1568 — died 1590. (60). Oval half length, in armour. 2 353 Charles V, Emperor of Germany. (61). 2354 Feierkuvy (Etienne) Bishop of Vesprim — aetatis suae VL, mdlxxv. (67.) From the Collection of the Comte de Harrach. 2355 N N — 274 — ROTA (Martin.) Rudodph II, Emperor of Germany, eldest son of Maxi- milian II — born 1552 — crowned in Hungary, 1572, and in Bohemia 1575 — succeeded as Emperor, 1576 — died 161 2. (94). Half lengthy in his robes holding a sceptre, first state, with the date 1575. From the Mariette, Hermann, and Marshall Collections. 2356 Rudolph II, Emperor (96.) Half length in armour. 2357 Rudolph II, Emperor. (97). Three-quarter length in armour, first state, with the date 1574. From the Marshall Collection. 2358 Henry II of France — " Henricus II Francoi. Rex, seta xxvin, 1547." Three-quarter length, his right hand resting on a helmet, clad in a magnificent coat of armour, and crowned by a wreath of laurel. 2 359 This print does not bear the monogram of Rota, neither is it described by Bartsch or Passavant; but from the character of the engraving, it may be attributed to that artist. The Battle of Lepanto, gained by the combined Fleets of Spain, Venice, and Pius V, against the Turks, 1571 — the Christian Fleet was commanded by Don John of Austria. (114). 2360 ROTTERMONDT. Native of Holland 5 flourished about 1 640. Waller (Sir William) Parliamentary General — defeated the Royalists under Lord Herbert, near Gloucester, 1643 — Recovered Arundel Castle from Lord Hopton, 1644 — the Army required his expulsion from Parliament, 1647 — Imprisoned, but afterwards released — born 1597 ; died 1668. Oval, in the background a battle, after Cornelius Janssen. " Pieter Stent excudit 1643." 2361 275 ROULLET (Jean Louis.) Born at Aries, in Provence, 1645. Beringhen (Jacques Louis Marquis de) Chevalier des Ordres du Roy, premier Ecuyer de Sa Majeste et Gou- verneur des Citadelles de Marseille — print collector — born 165 1 ; died 1723. After Mignard. 2362 Colbert (Edward) Marquis de Villacerf. "Con er du Roy en son conseil d'Estat, Premier Maitre d'Hostel de Madame La Duchesse de Bourgogne, Sur- intendant et ordonnateur gnal des batimens et Jardins Arts, et Manufactures de sa Maieste." 2363 LOUIS XIV, after Mignard. Large three-quarter length, in armour. 2364 Louvois (Camille Le Tellier de) fourth son of the Chancellor — Librarian to Louis XIV, collected many books in Italy, which were added to the Royal Library — born 1675; died 1718. After Largilliere, 1697. Oval. 2365 Lully (Jean Baptiste) Secretaire du Roi et Surintendant de sa Musique — born 1633 ; died 1687. Half length oval, after Mignard. 2366 ROUSSEAUX. Christ and St. John, after Ary Scheffer. Artist's proof on india paper. 2367 ROYBET (F.) Contemporary French Artist. Court Jester of the time of Henry III. Proof. 2368 RUBENS (Peter Paul.) Born at Antwerp, 15775 died 1 640. Basan, "Catalogue des Estampes Gravies d'aprls P. P. Rubens!' Paris, 1767. St. Francis receiving the Stigmata. (9). 2369 St. Catherine standing on the Wheel. (15). " P. P. Rubens fecit." From the Dumesnil Collection, 2370 — 2j6 — RUPERT (Prince.) Bom 16195 died 168a. A Street Singer, in a torn dress and with bare feet ; in the background a river on which is a boat ; a bridge in the distance. An etching. 2371 RUYSDAEL (Jakob.) Born at Harlem about 16355 ^' ie( ^ !68i. Landscape — a swamp in the middle of a forest, called " Les Voyageurs." (4). First state, before the clouds were added, and before some additional work on the trees and in other parts of the com- position. 2372 # # * But very few impressions are known to exist in this state. Bartsch gives his description from an impression in the Collection of Le Comte de Fries. The present impression was purchased at the sale of the Marshall Collection in 1 864. The Corn Field, bordered by trees. (5). With the strong border line and the address of Wyngaerde. 2373 Landscape, with three oak trees near a pond. (6). With the strong border line and the address of Wyngaerde. From the Barnard Collection. 2 3 74 RYLEY (Thomas.) Caroline Wilhelmina of Brandenburg, Consort of George II, King of England, 1705 — ob. 1737 ; setat. 55. Whole-length mezzotint, in her robes, holding a sceptre. 2375 SADELER (^Egidius.) Born at Antwerp, 15705 died at Prague, 1629. Matthias, Emperor of Germany, son of Maximilian II — born 1557 ; died 1619. Half lengtli, in his imperial robes, dated 16 16. From the Marshall Collection. 2376 Anna Catherine, daughter of Ferdinand Archduke of Austria, Consort of Matthias, Emperor of Germany. Half length, in her imperial robes, dated 161 6. From the Marshall Collection. 2377 — 277 - SADELER (yEGiDius.) Vos (Martin de) Flemish Painter — born at Antwerp, 1520; died 1604 — friend of Vandyck, who made an etching of his head. Oval, in an architectural border, after Heinz. From the Mariette and Marshall Collections. 2378 SADELER (John.) Born at Brussels, 15505 died at Venice, 1 600. FA9ADE OF THE JESUIT COLLEGE AT MUNICH, built by the Count Palatine Wolfgang Wilhelm. 2379 SADELER (Raphael.) Born at Brussels, 1 561 ; died at Venice, 1 61 6. The Triumph of Folly, after " Judocus a Wingc." " Stultitiam Patiunter Opes." From the Marshall Collection. 2380 Landscape, after Bassano. From the Mar si tall Collection. 2381 SAENREDAM (Jan.) Born at Leyden, 1565; pupil of J. de Gheyn and H. Goltziusj died 1607. Bartsch, Vol III, p. 215. The Parable of the Five Wise and Five Foolish Virgins. (2-6). First states before the address of Rob. de Bandceus," and before extra woi'k on plate 1 . From the Marsliall Collection. 2382 Emblematical Engraving illustrative of the prosperity of the United Netherlands in the year 1602 — the Conquests of Prince Maurice of Nassau over the Spanish are represented by the return of that Prince with his Generals from a hunt, laden with the results of the chase, which are laid at the feet of a richly clad female, representing the United Pro- vinces. (10). 2383 — 278 — SAENREDAM (Jan.) Maurice Prince of Nassau, second son of William Prince of Orange — born 1566 — took command of the army after the assassination of his father, 1 584 — appointed Stadtholder, 1587 — died 1625. (12). Oval whole length, in armour, supporting a shield with his arms — an army and fleet in the background. First state, before the alteration of the head and beard. 2384 The Dance of Herodias before Herod, after K. Mander. (112). From the De Kat Collection. 2385 SAFTLEVEN (Herman.) Born at Rotterdam in 1609 5 worked at Utrecht, and died there, 1685. Bartsch, Vol. I, p. 235. Saftleven (Herman) his own Portrait. (1). First state, before much extra work. 23S6 Landscape, with a river winding in the distance. (18). 2387 The Two Boats. (20). First state, before the cross lines on the sky. 2388 The House at the Foot of a Rock. (21). 2389 Landscape, with two sportsmen on the margin of a wood. (27). 2390 Landscape, with a great tree in the foreground, dated 1647. (28). From the Thiers Collection. 2391 The Swineherd. (30). From the Arosarena and Marshall Collections. 2392 SANDRART (Jacob von.) Born at Frankfort, 1630; pupil of Cornelius Dankerts and William Hondius; died at Nuremberg, 1708. Kraus (Sebastianus Jacobus) eetatis 51. an. 1562. Half length oval, holding a book, after Daniel Preislcr, with motto beneath, " Meum Solatium Jesus Christus." 2393 — 279 — SART (Cornelius du.) Dutch Painter, Mezzotint Engraver and Etcher; born at Haerlem, 1665 ; pupil of Ostadej died 1704. Bartsch, Vol. v,p, 463. The Merry Cobbler. (14). Proof before any inscription, and before much extra work. 2394 An Interior, with people carousing, a man seated playing on the violin. (15). With the roulette work very strong. From the Marshall Collection. 2395 Mezzotints, published on the occasion of the taking of Namur, 1695, by William III. A Man about to fire a rocket. (33). 2396 A Drunken Sailor dancing. (37). 2397 A Harlequin standing on a ladder. (39). 2398 A II proofs before letters. From the Verstolk, and Marshall Collections. SAUNDERS (John.) Born in London about 1750. Elliot (Miss Anne) Actress — ob. 1769. Half length, mezzotint, in the character of Minerva, after Cosway. 2 399 SAVAGE (J.) Worked in London about 1680. The Lords Justices in the absence of King William III. " Europa Pacata." Pembroke (Thomas Herbert Earl of) died 1750. Dorset (Charles Sackville Earl of) died 1707. Romney (Henry Sidney Earl of) died 1704. Somers (Lord Chancellor) died 17 16. Tenison, Archbishop of Canterbury, died 1715. Halifax (Charles Montague Earl of) died 171 5. Devonshire (William Cavendish Duke of) died 1707. Marlborough (John Churchill Duke of) died 1722. Orford (Edward Russel Earl of) died 1727. 2400 SAVERY (SOLOMON.) Dutch Engraverj born at Amsterdam about 1601. Speed (John) Historian and Geographer — ob. 1629, set. 76. Three-quarter length, seated, holding compasses, prefixed to his " Chronicle of England,'' / Robert) Major-General of His Majesty's Forces — Colonel of the 17th Regiment of Foot, and Governor of Berwick. Whole length, after West, with a plan of Martinique in his right hand. 2844 O'Brien (William) Actor. Oval, after Cotes. 2845 PARSONS (Ann) afterwards Lady Maynard. Oval, half length, after H. D. Hamilton, proof before letters. R. Sayer excudit, 1771. 2846 Pompadour (Jean Antoinette Poisson Marquise de) — born 1722 — married, in 1741, Normant d'Etiole — mistress of Louis XV, 1746 — died 1764. Bust in oval, after Fr. Boucher, proof before letters. 2847 Wilkes (John) Chamberlain of London and M.P. for Middlesex — born 1727; died 1797. Three-quarter length, seated with a bas relief of Hampden, after Pyne. 2848 - 336 - WATSON (Thomas). Mezzotint Engraver; born in London, 1748 ; died 1781. Apsley (Henry Bathurst Lord) Whole lengthy with his brother, after N. Dance, 1776, proof before any letters. 2849 Beauties of the time of Charles It Cleveland (Barbara Duchess of) Ossory (Amelia Countess of) Northumberland (Elizabeth Countess of) Richmond (Frances Stewart Duchess of) Rochester (Henrietta Boyle Countess of) Whitmore (Lady) The set of proofs with large margins, half lengths, painted by Sir Peter Lely. 2850 * # # In the Gallery at Windsor. WB (C. V.) Cromwell (Oliver) Lord Protector — ob. 1658 ; set. 59. Equestrian portrait, attended by a page (Richard Cromwell) holding his helmet, an angel crowning him with laurel, Fame flying before him — a view of a battle in the back ground. Latin inscription and seven lines in latin beneath, commencing Cernitur hie Victor Regnis et honoribus Auctus, &c, not desci'ibed by Granger, nor in the Catalogues of Bindley, Martin, Stowe, Sykes or Woodburn. 2851 This print has many points of resemblance with the portrait of Charles I, which will be found under the engraver Lombart, it is not, however, the same plate altered to Cromwell. WERD (NlCOLAUS VON.) Living at Leyden in 1670. Boehme (Jacob) German Philosopher. After Stierhout van Leyden. Circular portrait, surrounded by a most curious allegorical and emblematical border. Nagler describes this print as very rare. 2852 - 337 ~ WHITE (George.) Bom 1671; died in London, 1734. Ramsay (Allan) Scottish Poet— ob. 1758. Oval half length, mezzotint, after Aikman. 2853 WHITE (Robert.) Born in London, 16455 died m London, 1704. Albemarle (George Monck Duke of)— ob. 1670. "A Prospect of the Chamber and Bed of State in which the Effigies of the Duke of Albemarle lay in Somerset House." "A Prospect of the Hearse in which the Effigies of the Duke of Albemarle lay in State in the Abbey of West- minster." 2854 Baxter (Richard) celebrated Nonconformist divine— ob. 1691; ast. 76. Small oval, holding a book, cetat. suce 55, 1670, eight lines of English verse beneath. " Farewell vaine world." 2855 Baxter (Richard) Oval half length. " Ministri Jesu Christi." 2856 Brown (John) Surgeon in Ordinary to Charles II — author of many Treatises, 1678 — getatis suae 36. Half length, in an ornamented oval. 2 $57 Caryl (Joseph) eminent Nonconformist divine — author of the well-known Commentary on Job — attended Charles I at Holmby House — Commissioner to the Treaty of the Isle of Wight — in 1650 sent into Scotland to attend on Cromwell and officiate as Minister — born 1602 ; died 1673. Oval half length. 2858 Clifford (Lady Anne) Countess of Dorset, Pembroke and Montgomery — ret. 13, 1603 — married first Richard Sackville, Earl of Dorset ; second, Philip, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery — ob. 1676 — graced the Courts of Elizabeth, James I and Charles I — celebrated for her boundless muni- ficence and charities. 2859 x x - 338 - WHITE (Robert.) Dugdale (Stephen) "Discoverer of the horrid Plott" — servant of Dr. Aston, gave evidence against him, the Earl of Stafford, &c. on the Rye House Plot. Half length in an oval, with margin. From the Marshall Collection. 2860 James II when Duke of York. Three-quarter length, with his right hand on his breast, in his robes, and wearing the collar and badge of the Garter. First state, the plate was afterwards altered when he became King. "Sold by John Overton att y e white horse without newgate." 2861 James II. " His Royall Highness James Duke of York and Albany, etc. Only Brother to his Sacred Ma^ King Charles y e II d ." Large oval, half length, in armour, within an ornamented wreath surrounded by emblems, after Kneller, 1682. "Sould by R. White in Bloomsbury Market near the Golden Heart." 2862 Jefferies (Lord George) Chief Justice of the King's Bench, 1683 — Lord Chancellor, 1685 — died in the Tower, 1689. Oval, on a pedestal, his arms bencatJi, 1684, after Kneller, first state before the plate was altered on his being made Lord Chancellor. 2863 Jolliffe (Lady Mary) daughter of Ferdinando Hastings, Earl of Huntingdon — ob. 1678. Proof before any letters. From the Wenman Martin Collection. 2864 Keeling (Josiah) " Who being Touch'd in Conscience, was y e first Man that came in, & Voluntarily Discover'd y e Late HELLISH CON- SPIRACY of y e Phanatiques, against the Life of his Sacred Ma tie , and of his Royall Highness ; Designed to have been Executed at y e Rye HOUSE in Hertfordshire ; in April 1683." Half length, oval, with arms beneath — " ad vivum." From the Marshall Collection. 2865 339 WHITE (Robert.) Leeds (Thomas Osborn Duke of) President of Council — ob. 1712. Half length y within an oval wreath of laurel, with arms beneath — " ad vivum.". 2866 Maynwaring (Everard) M.D.— -getat. 38, 1668. 2867 More (Sir William de la) made Knight at Poictiers. Whole length, from "Guillim's Heraldry." 2868 Nottingham (Heneage Finch Earl of) Lord Chancellor — ob. 1682 After Sir Godfrey Kneller. 2869 Perth (James Drummond Earl of) Lord Chancellor of Scotland — turned Roman Catholic — followed the fortunes of King James, by whom he was created a Duke — died at St. Germains in 1716. Half length, in his robes, after Riley, in an oval border, decorated with coats of arms, his arms beneath and titles, in French. 2870 POTEMKIN (Peter John) Ambassador from the Czar of Muscovy, 1682 — favorite of the Empress Katherine II — born 1736; died 1789. Oval half length, after Kneller. 287 1 Rupert (Prince) Count Palatine of the Rhine— ob. 1682. In an oval of laurel with his arms beneath. From the Marshall Collection. 2872 Thynne (Thomas) of Longleat — murdered immediately after his marriage with Lady Elizabeth Percy, Countess of Ogle, daughter of Jocelyn Percy, Earl of Northumberland, 1 2th Feb. 1682. Half length oval, after Kneller, with his arms in a hatch- ment beneath on a pedestal, before the address. From the Marshall Collection. 2873 Bedlam Hospital. "A prospect of the Hospital called Bedlam for the releife and cure of persons distracted w ch by y e great care and — 34-0 — incouragemt of Sr William Turner, Knight, Alderman (sometime Lord Major of London), the most worthy pre- sident Benjamin Ducane, Esq. and ye other Governo rs of the Hospitall was begun in April 1675, and finished in July 1676." "Sold by John Garrett." 2874 WIERIX (Jean, Jerome, and Antoine.) Three Brothers, natives of Antwerp, flourished 1 562-161 8. Louis Alvin, "Catalogue Raisonni de Vceuvredes trois Wierix" Bruxelles, 1866. The Nativity, after Albert Durer. (152). First state before the monogram of Wierix was effaced. 2875 Albert Archduke of Austria, nephew, afterwards son-in- law of Philip II — born at Neustadt, 1559; died at Brussels, 1 62 1 — Sovereign of the Catholic Low Countries — Cardinal at the age of 18 (1835). Oval half length, in armour, dated 1600; and a duplicate. From the Marshall Collection. 2876 Catherine de Bourbon, only sister of Henry IV— Duchesse de Bar — born in Paris, 1558; died at Nancy, 1604 ( l %7 2 )* Large dust, richly dressed, dated 1600. From the Marshall Collection. 2 %77 Henry IV, King of France— born 1553; assassinated 1610 (i873). " Henricus Borbonius D. G. Rex NavarrsQ Dux Vendomae Comes Bearny, etc." Small oval half length. 2878 Lorraine (Charles de) Due de Mayenne, second son of Francis Duke of Guise — Lieutenant-General of the State during the League — born at Alencon, 1554; died at Soissons 1611 (1879), Proof before the name of Wierix. 2879 DRAKE (Francis) Circumnavigator — born 1545— commenced his voyage round the world, 1577 — explored California, 1578— died 1596 (1890). Small oval half length, in armour. 2880 — 34i — WIERIX (Jean, Jerome, and Antoine.) Elizabeth, Queen of England— born 1533; died 1603 (1892). Small half length, first state zvith the address of Antonio Wierix. 2881 Ernest, Archduke of Austria, son of the Emperor Maxi- milian II — brother of Rudolph II — born 1553 — contended for the throne of Poland with Sigismund, Crown Prince of Sweden, 1586 — defeated at Bitschin and taken prisoner, 1588 — Pope Sixtus V obtained his release, 1589 — appointed by Philip, Viceroy of the Netherlands, 1594 — died 1595 (1895). ' Half length, published 1594. 2882 Alexander Farnese, son of Octavius, Duke of Parma, and Margaret of Austria — born 1545 — commanded the Spanish Army in the Netherlands, 1578 — succeeded his father as Duke of Parma, 1586 — died at Arras, 1592. (1899). Small oval half length, in armour. 2883 Frederic Otho. (1992). Three-quarter length, with armorial bearings in the upper corners, and eight lines of latin verse beneath. 2884 Garnet (Henry) Superior of the Jesuits— executed for taking part in the Gunpowder Plot, 1606. (1908). Small half length, in an ornamented oval, dated 1606. 2885 Garnet (Henry.) (1909). Small head in an ear of corn, surrounded by the following inscription — " Miraculosa Effigies R. P. Henrici Garneti So tis Jesu Martyris Angliae 3 a Maii, 1606." From tlie Tunno Collection. 2886 WILLIAM V. Count Palatine of the Rhine, Duke of Bavaria — born 1548 — left the government of his States to his son in 1596, and retired to the solitude of the Chartreux, near Ratisbonne, where he lived thirty years, and died there, 1626. (1915). 2887 — 342 — WIERIX (Jean, Jerome, and Antoine.) Isabella Clara Eugenia, danghter of Philip II, King of Spain — born 1566 — proposed by him as Queen of France, in oppo- sition to Henry IV, 1590-15 93 — married to the Archduke Albert of Austria, received the Netherlands as her dowry, 1598, and governed them after his death, 1621 — died 1633. (1951). Small half length, in a hat and feathers, and richly jewelled dress. 2888 Isabella Clara Eugenia. (1952). Half length oval, richly dressed, dated 1600. 2889 Isabella Clara Eugenia. Small oval half length, with inscription beneath — " Con- nubio quaerens ISAM sibi iungere BELLAM Austriacus, laudes et opes sibi junget avitas." And a reverse copy. 2890 LAYNEZ (JACQUES) Spanish Jesuit — died at Rome, 1565 — one of the first disciples of Ignatius, and succeeded him in the place of General in 1558 — author of many works. (1962). From the Marshall Collection. 2891 James I and Queen Anne. " Jacobus-et-Anna : Rex-et-Regina. Anglias. Franciae. Scotiae et Hiberniae. Johan. Wiricx. F. et excud. cum. 9 privil. Buscher." Whole lengths, arms of England resting against a pedestal, on which is a helmet. The inscription on this plate differs fro7n that described by Alvin, No. 1956. From the Tunno Collection. 2892 Louis II, King of Hungary, son of Ladislas VI of Hungary and IV of Bohemia — born 1506, and betrothed when just born to Maria youngest daughter of Philip of Austria — succeeded his father, 15 16 — married his affianced bride, 1 52 1 — defeated by the sultan, Soliman II, and killed at Mohatz, (1967). " Ludovicus Hungariae et Bohemias, Rex. in Prelio contra Turcos Caesus mdxxxvi." Small oval half length. 2893 - 343 ~ WIERIX (Jean, Jerome, and Antotne.) Marguerite de Valois, wife of Henry IV of France. (1972). " Hieronymus Wierx sculp in Septembri Anno 1600." Second undescribed state, the address of de la Hoime replaced by that of Harman A do If z. 2894 * # * This is the pendant to the portrait of Henry IV under Goltzius. Mercueur (Philipes Emanuel de Lorrayne Due de) Governor of Brittany — died 1602. (1982). 2895 Nonius (D. Alvarus) Physician of Antwerp. (1991). Small oval, dated 1586. From the Marshall Collection. 2896 Philip II, King of Spain. ./Etatis suae 59, 1586. (2004). Large half length, in a high hat, with a furred coat. 2897 Philip II, King of Spain — born 1527; died 1598. (2007). 2898 Philip III, King of Spain — born 1578 ; died 1621. (2012). 2899 Rudolph II, Emperor of Germany — born 1552; died 1612. (2020.) 2900 Sigismund III, King of Poland and Sweden, son of John III — born 1566 — deposed in Sweden, 1604, died 1632. (2027). " Sigismundus III Rex Poloniae Magn. Dux Lituaniae, etc. Princeps Sueciae." Small oval half length. 2 90 1 WILL (Joh. Martin.) Arnold (Colonel) commanded the Provincial Troops against Quebec, wounded in storming that City under General Montgomery. Three-quarter length mezzotint. 2902 Lee (Charles) Major-General of the Continental Army in America. Three-quarter length mezzotint, after Thomlinson, published by C. Shepherd, 1775. 2903 — 344 — WILL (Joh. Martin.) Washington (George) " General and Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army in America." Three-quarter length mezzotint, after Alex. Campbell, of Williamsburgh, Virginia. Published by C. Shepherd, 1775. 2904 WILLE (Jean Georges.) Born at Konigsberg, 171 7 j worked in Paris j died 1807. Charles Le Blanc, " Catalogue de TCEuvre de Willed Leipzig, 1847 Cleopatra, after Netscher. (5 ) . Proof before any letters, and before the completion of the border, of the greatest rarity. From the Marshall Collection. 2905 Les MUSICIENS Ambulans, after Dietricy. (52). First finished state, on india paper, before the letters and with the arms, signed by the engraver. 2906 Les Offres Kjeciproques, after Dietricy. (53). First state, on india paper, before the letters and before the arms, with etchings of rocks in the margin, on the left. Le Blanc remarks of this state — " II n'y a, dit-on, que trois epreuves tirees de cet etat de la planche." 2907 L'Instruction Paternelle, called The Satin Gown. After Terburg. (55). Finished proof before any letters or the arms. 2908 Les Bons Amis, after Ostade. (56). First state, before any letters or the arms. 2909 La Liseuse, after Gerard Dow. (62). First state, before the arms or any letters. From the Marshall Collection. 2910 La Menagere Hollandaise, after Gerard Dow. (63). First finished state, before any letters. 291 1 La Tricoteuse Hollandaise, after Francois Mieris. (64). First state, before any letters or the arms ; and an impres- sion in the second state. 29 1 2 ~ 345 ~ WILLE (Jean Georges.) L'Observateur distrait, after Francois Mieris. (65). First finished state, before any letters, with arms. From the Marshall Collection. 2913 Tencin (Pierre de Guerin de) Archeveque d'Embrun en 1724 — Cardinal en 1729 — Archeveque de Lyon en 1740 — Commandeur de FOrdre du Saint Esprit — born 1679 ; died 1758. (109). Half length in oval, after Parrocel. 2914 PHELYPEAUX (LOUIS) Comte de St. Florentin, Due de La Vailliere, Ministre, Secretaire d'Etat, et des Commandemens, Chancelier de la Reine — born 1705 ; died 1777. (124). Three-quarter length, seated, after Tocque, 1749. Second state, before the word " Ministre," and with the white mallets in the arms. From the Marshall Collection. 29 1 5 Marigny (Abel Francis Poisson de Vandieres, Mar- quis de) Directeur-General des Batiments, Jardins, Arts et Manufactures du Roi, younger brother of Madame de Pompadour — sent by his sister with Soufflot, Cochin the Engraver, and the Art Critic Le Blanc, on a voyage in Italy and Asia Minor, 1749-175 1, preparatory to his occu- pying the appointments she had designed for him — patron of the Artists of the period, particularly Coustou, Cochin, Vanloo, Boucher, and Joseph Vernet — inherited the greater portion of the property and works of art collected by his sister, which were sold by auction after his death — born 1727 ; died 1781. (125). Three-quarter length, after Tocque. Proof before any letters y with the arms and the point of the sword indicated. 2916 Boullogne (Jean de) " Controlleur General des Finances Commandeur et Grand Tresorier des Ordres du Roi" — born 1690. (126). Half length, in robes, within an architectural border, after Rigaud — engraved 1768. 2917 — 34^ — WILLE (Jean Georges.) Berrier (Nicolas Ren^) Lieutenant of Police, Minister of Marine, Keeper of the Seals — born 1703 ; died 1762. (127). Three-quarter length, after Jacques de Lyen. First state, proof before any letters or the arms. 2918 MASSE* (Jean BAPTISTS) Peintre du Roi— died 1767. (130). Three-quarter length, after Tocque, 1755. First state, proof before any letters. From the De Kat Collection. 2 9 l 9 Liebaux (Henri) " Geographe ordinaire du Roi." (131). After Chevalier. Third state. 2920 Gouy (Elizabeth de) wife of Hyacinthe Rigaud. (145). Proof before any letters, after Rigaud. From the Palmer Collection. 292 1 Charles Edward, the Young Pretender — born 1720 ; died 1788. (148). Half length, in armour, in an architectural border, after Tocque. 1748. 2922 Erlach (Jerome d') First Magistrate of the City of Berne, and General Field Marshal of the Emperor Charles VI — born 1667 ; died 1748. (167). Three-quarter length, after Rusca. First state, with the inscription in German. 2923 WILLE (Peter Alexander.) Son of the foregoing j born in Paris, 1748. Vauxhall Gardens in 1780. An etching, proof before any letters. 2924 WILLIAMS (J.) Charles Edward, son of James Francis Edward, the attainted Prince of Wales — served in the Spanish army under Mon- temar, 1734 — landed in Scotland and proclaimed his father at Perth, 1745 — defeated Gen. Hawley at Falkirk, 1746 — routed at Culloden, April 16 — escaped to France — born 1720 ; died 1788. Half length mezzotint, in female disguise, beneath, six verses commencing — " Routed o'er Hills the young adventurer flies." 2925 WILLIAMS (Robert.) Native of Wales; flourished about 1715. Bedford (William Russell, seventh Earl, fourth Duke of, 1694)— ob. 1700. Half length oval mezzotint, after Luttrell. 2926 Dorchester (Catherine Sedley Countess of) Mistress of James II — created 1685. Oval mezzotint, after Wissing. 2927 WINTER (Adrian van.) Flourished in Holland about 1 675-1 700. William III when Prince of Orange. Three-quarters length, in armour, holding a baton in his left hand — in the distance a battle ; large folio. "Amsterdam gedruckt bij Jacobus Robyn." 2928 WOOLLETT (William.) Born at Maidstone, 1735 j pupil of Vivares j died in London, 1785. Nagler, " Kunstler-Lexicon" Munchen, 1852, Vol. XXII. p. 76. Portrait of Rubens, after Van Dyck. (2). Open letter proof 2929 Jacob and Laban, after Claude. (6). Proof before letters, with the arms and artists" names etched. 2930 This is the last plate finished by Woollett. Landscape with figures, after Annibale Carracci. (8). Proof before letters, with the artists* names etched. 293 1 Phaeton, after Wilson. (13). Proof before any letters. 2932 The Sacrifice to Apollo, after the Altieri picture, by Claude. (14). Proof before letters, with the artists' names etched. 2933 Roman Edifices in Ruins, after Claude. (15). Proof before letters, with the arms and etched names. 2934 Cicero at his Villa, after Wilson. (17.) Open letter proof . 2935 — 348 — WOOLLETT (William.) Solitude, after Wilson, 1762. (18). Open letter proof. 2936 The Enchanted Castle, after Claude. (28). Finished proof before letters y with the artists' names etched only. 2 937 The Fishery, after Wright. (29). Proof before letters, the painter's and engraver's names slightly etched. 2 93$ The Maid of the Mill, after J. Richards. (37). Artist's proof before the painter's or engraver's names were etched in, and with the marks of the graver in the lower margin. 2 939 The Merry Villagers, after Jones. (44). Proof before letters, with the artists' names. 2940 The Spanish Pointer, after Stubbs. (46). Brilliant proof before letters, the artists' names etched. 2941 The set of Sporting Subjects, after Stubbs (47, 48, 49, 50). Proofs before letters, with the artists' names etched. 2942 WRIGHT (J.) Russell (Miss) Oval half length, mezzotint, in a cap with her hair rolled, after J. Russell. 2943 YOUNG (John.) Mr. Barnsby, Mr. Parsons and Mr. Watkins, in the Play of " Lethe." Mezzotint, after Zoffany, proof , published 1788. 2944 Dibdin (Charles) Nautical and Patriotic Song Writer — born 1748 ; died 1814. Half length, mezzotint, after Thomas Philips, proof. 2945 Hunter (Mrs. Orby) Whole length, mezzotint, her right hand resting on the head of a dog, after Hoppner. 2946 King (Thomas) Actor — in the character of Puff in the Critic. Whole length, mezzotint, after Zoffany, proof. 2947 ZAAL (J.) Flourished about 1670. The Boar Hunt, after Snyders. 2948 ZAGEL (Matthias) or ZASINGER. Flourished at Munich about 1 500. Bartsch y Vol. VI, p. 371. The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian. (4). 2949 St. Catherine, (ii). 2950 The Great Ball given at Munich, in the year 1500, by Albert IV, Duke of Bavaria, who is represented playing at cards. (13). 2951 The Great Tournament at Munich, 1500. (14). 2952 The Young Gentleman embracing a lady. (15). 2953 The Lovers seated in a landscape. (16). From the Marochetti Collection. 2954 The Husband subjugated by his Wife. (18). From the Marochetti Collection. 2955 ZEEMAN (Reinier.) Painter and Engraver j born at Amsterdam in 1 612. Bartschy Vol. v, p. 121. The Burning of the Hotel de Ville at Amsterdam, on the 7th July, 1652. (5). The most important and rarest work of the master. 2956 ZYLVELT (Adam van.) Born at Amsterdam, 1643 j working in 1687. William III, King of England— born 1650; died 1702. Three-quarter lengthy holding a baton in his left hand y published by Allardt, Amsterdam. 2957 INDEX TO PORTRAITS. PAGE Abbot, Robert, Bishop of Salisbury 65 Abington, Mrs. Frances 47, 261 Achillini, Giovanni Philotheo 255 Alabaster, William 236 Albemarle, Arnold Joost, Earl of 290 Albemarle, George Monk, Duke of ... 119, 286, 337 Albert, Archduke of Austria 200, 340 Albert II, Elector of Mayence 84 Aldegrever, Heinrich 2 Allen, Elias 145 Allen, Sir Thomas 319 Allestry, Richard 176 Alva, Duke of 16 Amelia Anhaltina 1 Amelia de Solms, wife of Frederick Henry Prince of Orange ... ... ... ... ... 2 Amelot, Jacques 201 Amelot, Michel 201 Ancaster, Mary, Duchess of 261 Ancres, Execution of Marshal d' ... 16 Andrews, Lancelot, Bishop of Winchester ... 145, 320 Anna Catherine, daughter of Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria 276 Anna Maria, wife of Philip IV of Spain 145 — 352 — PAGE Anne of Austria, Queen of France 12, 181, 197, 202, 322 Anna Boleyn 59, 140, 145 Anne of Cleves 145 Anne of Denmark, Consort of James I 4, 1 1, 1 31, 229, 235, 290 Anne, Queen of England 40, 131, 290, 342 Anne, Princess Royal, daughter of George II — wife of William IV of Orange 101 Anne, Princess, Funeral Procession of 1 14 Ansloo, Renier 46 Anson, George, Lord 4 Antoine, Mons. de St 178 Apsley, Henry Bathurst, Lord 336 Aquinas, Thomas 45 ARCY, Sir CONYERS D' 37 Ardell, James Mac 92 Aretino, Pietro 61 Argyle, Archibald Campbell, Duke of 100 Argyle, Elizabeth Gunning Duchess of Hamilton, afterwards Duchess of ... ... ... 181 Ariosto, Lodovico 4, 196 Armstrong, Archibald 54 Arne, Thomas Augustin 159 Arnauld de Pomponne, Simon 202 Arnold, Colonel 343 Arundel, Henry, Earl of 178 Arundel, Philip Howard, Earl of 328 Arundel, Thomas Howard, Earl of ... 146, 157, 321 Arundel, Apotheosis of the Earl of 141 Arundel Family 321 Asselyn, John 260 assemblee nation ale, 1 796 80 Astorga, Antoine Pierre Alvarez Olario, Marquis d' 289 AUBRAY, DREUX D' 202 — 353 — PAGE AUGUSTA, PRINCESS, daughter of Frederick, Prince of Wales 1 01 Augustus III, King of Poland 282 AUVERQUERQUE, HENRI DE NASSAU D' 290 Auvry, Claude 202 Bacon, Lord 140, 185, 230 Bacon, Sir Nicolas 233 Baddeley, Mrs. Sophia 92, 181 Baillieul, Louis de 202 Balmerino, Arthur, Lord 5 Banfi, Joannis 146 Bankert 154 Banks, Sir Joseph 261, 266 Bannister, Charles 5, 296 Bannister, John 296 Barbarelli, Giorgio, (Giorgione) 61 Barbaro, Daniel 146 Barbarossa, Hayraddin ... 255 Barbarin, Antoine 202 Baretti, Joseph 261 Barnsby, Mr. 348 Bartillat, Etienne Jehannot de 202 Barrow, Isaac 177 Barry, Marie-Jeanne Gomart de Vaubernier, Comtesse du ... ... 31 Barry, Mrs 235, 245 Bastwick, Dr. John 5 Bates, Servant to Catesby 16, 316 Bathurst, Benjamin 292 Bathurst, Justice, afterwards Earl 137 Battalia, Francis 151 Baxter, Richard 5* 3°°> 337 Baurrillon de Morangis, Antoine 202 z z PAGE Bazan, Alvaro, Marquis de Santa Cruz 242 Beard, John 23, in Beaufort, Francis de Vendome, Due de 202 Beaufort, Henry Somerset, third Marquis of Worcester and first Duke of ... ... 102 Beaugrand, Jean de 171 Beaumanoir de Lavardin, Philibert Emmanuel de 203 Beaumont, Sir George 261 Beaumont, Lady Margaret Willes 261 Beauvau, Rene Francois de, Archbishop of Narbonne 74 Beauvillier, Paul de, Due de St. Aignan 307 Beckford, Julian 158 Beckford, Alderman William 157 Bedford, Anne, Countess of 178 Bedford, Francis, Duke of, as St. George 261 Bedford, Georgiana Elizabeth Byng, Duchess of... 269 Bedford, Lucy Harington, Countess of 230 Bedford, William Russell, Fifth Earl, Duke of ... 347 Belgioso, Louis, Comte du St. Empire Romain de Bar- biano et de ... 261 Bella, Steffano della 146 Bellievre, Pompone de 203 Benlowes, Edward 178 Benoise, Charles 203 Bensley, Mr. 130 Bergh, Henry, Count de ...< 67 Beringhen, Jacques Louis, Marquis of 270 Bernard, Richard 146 Bernard, Samuel, Comte de Coubert 77 Berrier, Nicolas Rene 346 Berry, Charles, Due de 93 Berthelot, Catherine Germain, Madame 283 Beuckels, see John of Leyden — 355 — PAGE Beverland, Adrian 32, 280 Beverningk, Jerome van 29, 40 Bignon, Jean Paul 26, 74 Birch, Thomas 100 Biron, Charles de Gontaut, Due de 171 Blais du Quesne, Johannes le 74 Blake, Annabella Bunbury, Mrs 261 Blake, Robert 246 Blancert, Abraham 17 Blancert, Jan 17 Blanchart, Francis 204 Blandford, John Churchill, Marquis of 290 Blith, Walter 5 Blondeau, Francis 204 Blondel, David 204 Blood, Colonel 5 Blount, Sir Henry 177 Boccaccio, Giovanni 61 bochart de saron 204 Boehme, Jacob 336 BOILEAU, GlLLES 204 Bolton, Duke of 37 Bolton, Duchess of, see Fenton. Bonner, Edmund 5 Bonzi, Pierre de 221 Borri, Dr. Borro 283 Borromeo, S. Carlo 307 Bosquet, Francis 204 Bossuet, Jacques B^nigne 77, 204 Boucher, Francois 52 Boucher, Pierre 204 Boucherat, Louis 204 Bouilland, Ismael 283 — 356 — PAGE Bouillon, Cardinal de 20, 205, 245 Bouillon, Frederic-Maurice de La Tour d'Au- vergne, Due de 204, 205 Bouillon, Godefroi-Maurice de La Tour d'Au- vergne, Due de 205 Boullogne, Jean de 345 Bouma, Gellius de 324 Bourbon, Catherine de 171 Bourbon, Charlotte de 127 Bourbon, Genealogical Tree of the House of 223 Bourbon, see Conde*, Toulouse. Bourgogne, see Louis. BOURNONVILLE, ALEXANDER II, Due de l66 bouthillier, victor le 206 Bower, Archibald 23 Boyle, Michael, Archbishop of Armagh 177 Boyne, Battle of the 183 Boynton, Mary Heblethwaite, Lady 334 Bracegirdle, Mrs 323 Bragelogne, Maria de 206 Brahe, Tycho 109, 121 Brandenburg, see Louise. Brauw, Pierre Ignace de 283 Brederode, Wolfard 188 Bret de la Briffe, Marguerite Henriette le ... 73 Bretagne, Due de, great grandson of Louis XIV ... 21 Breugel, Johannes 86 Breugel, Petrus 86 Bridgeman, Sir Orlando 103 Bridgewater, John Egerton, third Earl of 290 Brindley, James 80 Brisacier, Guillaume de 187 Brog, William 246 — 357 — PAGE Brooke, Robert, Lord 317 Brouncker, Lord 140 Brown, Miss Ann 296 Brown, John 337 Brownlow, Richard 60 Brownrig, Ralph, Bishop of Exeter 103 Brunswick, Princess Augusta of 262 Brunswick, Charles William Frederick, Duke of 23 Bruyns, Anna Francisca de 146 Buccleugh, Henry Scott, Duke of 72 Buckinger, Matthew 134 Buckingham, George Villiers, Duke of ... 67, 233 Buckingham, George, Second Duke of 23 Buckingham, John Sheffield, Duke of 290 Bull, Mrs. Elizabeth 262 Bunbury, Lady Sarah 262 Buonarotti, Michel Angelo 44 Burgundy, Duke of 168 Burke, Edmund 262, 335 Burleigh, William Cecil, Lord 5 Burton de Falde, William 65 Bute, Earl of, see Mountstuart. Buts, Lady 151 Cachiopin, Jacques de 328 Cesar, Sir Julius 97 Callot, Jacques 328 Calver, Edward 146 Calvin, John 6 Camden, William 119 Camprich von Cronefelt, Johann 40 Cantelmus, Andreas 241 Carcavy, Pierre de 93 Cargill, Mrs., see Brown - 358 - PAGE Carlisle, Lord 262 Carlisle, Lucy, Countess of 179 Carlisle, Margaret Russell, Countess of 179 Carlos, Don Balthazar 92 Carnac, General ... ... ... 93 Carnarvon, Anna Sophia, Countess of 179 Caernarvon, Robert, Earl of 28 Caroline, Matilda, Queen of Denmark 335 Caroline, Princess of Orange and Nassau, Marriage of 1 14 Caroline, Queen 200 Caroline, Wilhelmina, of Brandenburg 276 Carpenter, Lady Almeria 262 Carpenter, Richard 185 Caryl, Joseph 337 Casimir, Prince 154 Castelnau, Jacques, Marquis de 206 Castlehaven, Elizabeth, Countess of 1 79 Castlemaine, Roger Palmer, Earl of 103 Castlereagh, Viscount 124 Catesby, Robert 16, 316 Cathcart, General Count 124 Catherine of Arragon 151 Catherine of Bourbon 340 Catherine of Braganza 41, 103, 119, 158 Catherine, Empress of Russia 157 Catinat, Nicolas 321 Cats, Jacob, tutor to William II, Prince of Orange ... 260 Cavendish, Lady G. 263 Cavendish, Lady, see Compton Cavendish or Candish, Thomas 154, 225 Chaloner, Thomas 146 Chambers, David 146 Chambers, Sir William 262 — 359 ~~ PAGE Chamillard, Guido 206 Champagne, Philippe de 93 Charles, Archduke of Austria 273 Charles, Duke of Bourbon 328 Charles I, King of England 6, 17, 56, 65, 68, 103, 149, 164, 178, 183, 187, 194, 226, 230, 235, 280, 302, 327 Charles I, Trial and Imprisonment of ... ... ... 18 Charles II, King of England 6, 18, 20, 55, 61, 62, 103, 104, 140, 141, 149, 158, 194, 241, 280, 300 Charles II, in the Council Chamber 188 Charles II, taking leave of the States 188 Charles II, at the Hague ... 239 Charles II, departure from the Hague ... 239 Charles James Stewart, "The Young Pretender" 198, 346 Charles V, Emperor of Germany ... 6, 33, 54, 273 Charles V, Duke of Lorraine 12, 40, 125, 206 Charles II de Gonzague, Due de Mantoue 206 Charles Louis, Count Palatine 68, 298 Charles Louis, Prince, son of Frederick V of Bohemia 235 Charles Emanuel II, Duke of Savoy 307 Charles II of Spain 20, 167 Charles II of Spain, Marriage of 47 Charles X, King of Sweden 109 Charles XI, King of Sweden 125 Charlotte of Mecklenberg, Queen Consort of George III ... ... ... ... ... ... 246 Chastenet, Jacques Francis II de 63 Chatham, William Pitt, Earl of ... 286 Chaubard, N. 206 Chaulnes, Charles d'Albert-d'Ailly, Due de 206, 289 Chavigny, Leon Le Bouthillier, Comte de 207 Chaworth, Patricius, Lord Viscount 131 Chesterfield, Catherine Anne, Countess of ... 131 — 360 — PAGE Chesterfield, Elizabeth Butler, Countess of ... 32 Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of ... 6 Chewton, Lady Elizabeth Laura 269 Choiseul, Claude de 44 Choiseul, Etienne Francois, Due de 181 Cholmondeley, Miss A 262 Chopin, Ren^ 172 Christian I, Prince of Anhalt-Bernbourg 287 CHRISTIAN III, King of Denmark 36 Christian IV, King of Denmark 133, 166, 199, 226, 233 Christian VII, King of Denmark 112 Christina, Queen of Sweden 109, 207, 241 Christine of Denmark 53 Christine de Lorraine 53 Christopher, Prince of Portugal 46 ClBBER, COLLEY 112 Cibber, Susan Maria 23, 185 ClCOGNA, PASQUALE 226 Clairon, Claire-Joseph-Hippolyte Legris de La- TUDE, connu sous le nom de M l } e ... ... ... 282 Clancarty, Count 124 Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of 177 Clayton, Sir Robert 291 Cleaveland, Barbara, Duchess of ... 3,182,291,336 Clement VIII, Hippolytus Aldobrandini, Pope ... 226 Clement IX, Pope 318 Clement de Jonge ... 259 Clenche, Sir John 147 Clermont-Tonnerre, Francis de 207 Clifford, Lady Anne 337 Clinton, Lady Catherine Pelham 262 Clive, Catherine 101, 198 Clive, Mrs., sec Rafter. — 361 — PAGE Clive, Sir Edward 137 Cocceius, John 37 Cock, Mr. 37 COCKBURN, Lady 262 Cocker, Edward 7 COEBERGER, WENCESLAUS 328 Coislin, Pierre du Cambout, Cardinal de ... 207,221 Coke, Sir Edward 230 Coke, Thomas William 315 Coker, Sir Henry 104 Colbert, Charles Joachim 56 Colbert, Edward 275 Colbert, Jacques Nicolas, Archbishop of Rouen ... 207 Colbert, Jean Baptiste 207, 335 Colbert, Nicolas 239 Colbert, see Villacerf. coligny, gaspard ii de 3 Colley, Anthony 7 Collings, Charles 334 Collings, Robert 334 Collins, Samuel 104 COLONNA, VlTTORIA 147 Colonne or Coloma, Don Charles 242 Colthurst, Henry 151 Columbus, Christopher 226 Compton, Lady Elizabeth 296 Conde, Henry II., Prince of 159 Conde, Louis de Bourbon II., Prince de ... 207, 289 Conde, Louis Henri de Bourbon, Prince de ... 74 CONDORCET, J. A. N. DE Caritat, Marquis de ... 25 Coningsby, Frances Jones, Countess of 291 CONTARINI, ALOYSIUS 329 Conty, FRAN901S de Bourbon, Prince de 172 AAA — 362 — PAGE Gonty, Jeanne de Cocesme, Princesse de 172 Conty, FRAN901S Louis, Prince de 20 Cook, Captain James 285 Cook, Lady Jane 37 Copley, Mrs. Elinor 291 coppenol, lleven williams van 260 Corday, Charlotte 306 cornelissen, antonius 86 Cortes, Fernando 188 Costa, Adam de ... 164 Cotte, Robert de 77 Cottington, Francis, Lord 144, 157 Courtin, Honore 208 Couvay, Pierre Nicolas 77 Coventry, Maria Gunning, Countess of 11 1 Cowley, Abraham 320 Cowper, William, Lord 291 Coysevox, Antoine 26 Crayer, Caspar de ... 243 Cre"qui, Francois de Bonne, Marechal de 208 Crewe, Miss Emma 263 Cromartie, George, Earl of 7 Cromwell, Elizabeth, wife of the Protector 7 Cromwell, Lady Elizabeth 291 Cromwell, Oliver ... 7, 8, 74, 104, 132, 234, 287, 336 Cromwell, Richard 8, 147 Crowle, Charles 266 CULENBORCH, CATHERINE, Countess of 68 Cumberland, Henry Frederick, Duke of 263 Cumberland, William Augustus, Duke of ... 269, 291 Cumberland, Duchess of, Mrs. Horton 263 Cumberland, Richard 129 Dalberg, Le Due 124 — 363 — PAGE Dalen, Cornelius van u6 Damer, Mrs. Anne 263 Dangeau, Philippe de Courcillon, Marquis ... 74 Dante 196, 238 Darnley, Henry, Lord 11,80,98 Davenant, Madam 291 Daventer, Nicolas Peter de 127 Dawkens, Salathea 300 Deane, Silas 96 Decker, Catherine 127 Deleboe, Franciscus Silvius 61 Delmont, Deodatus 329 Derby, Alice Spencer, Countess of 8 Derby, Charles Stanley, Earl of 40 Derby, James Stanley, Earl of 177 Derby, Countess of, see Farren. Descartes, Rene 94 De Seve, Alexandre 208 Devon, Elizabeth, Countess of 179 Devonshire, Georgiana, Duchess of 263 Devonshire, William Cavendish, Duke of 279 Dibdin, Charles 348 Dickenson, J. 96 Dickinson, Miss Mary 71 Digby, Sir Kenelm 327 Dilgerus, Nathaniel 94 Diodati 147 Dodd, William, D.D 333 Dodun, Charles Gaspard 77 Dolben, John, Archbishop of York 176 Dombes, Prince de, see Louis Auguste de Bourbon. Doncaster, Earl of 293 Doni D'Attichy, Louis 208 — 364 — PAGE Don Juan of Austria 270 Donne, Dr. John 8, 185 Doolittle, Thomas 8 Doria, Andrea 226 Dorieu, Jean 208 Dorchester, Catherine Sedley, Countess of 291, 347 Dorchester, Sir Dudley Carleton, Viscount ... 68 Dorset, Charles Sackville, Earl of ... 101, 279, 288 Drake, Francis 226, 340 Drayton, W. H 96 Drummond, William 120 Dryden, John 94 Dubois, Guillaume 77 Dufrene, Catherine 171 Dugdale, Stephen 338 dulieu de chenevoux, frangois-antoine ... 208 DUNDAS, Lord 266 Dunois, Jean-Louis-Charles D'Orleans-Longueville, Comte de 208 DUNSTALL, Mr Ill DUPIN, Le Comte de LATOUR 124 Dupuy, Alexandre 187 Dupuy, Pierre 208, 209 Dupuy, Les Deux Freres Pierre et Jacques ... 209 Durer, Albert, the Elder 147 Durer, Albert, the Younger 85, 147, 166, 300 Dyck, Sir Anthony Van ... 87, 147, 183, 316, 329 Edward the Black Prince 54 Edward IV, Tomb of, at Windsor 153 Edward VI. 147, 230 Edward, Prince, son of Frederick, Prince of Wales ... 101 Egleton, Mrs 37 Egmont, Arrest of Count 138 - 365 - PAGE Egmont, Execution of Count 16 Egmont, Francoise d' 126 Egmont, Maria-Margaret De Barlemont, Countess of 221 Elgin, Thomas, Earl of 105 Elizabeth, Queen of England 8, 55, 97, 115, 125, 138, 141, 226, 227, 341 Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia 8,9,42,98,111, 154,227,235,246 Elizabeth Stuart, daughter of Charles 1 28 Elizabeth, Princess, danghter of Frederick, Prince of Wales 101 Elizabeth of Orleans, Duchess of Lorraine 12 Elizabeth Charlotte, Palatine du Rhin, Duchesse d'Orleans 78 Elizabeth Petrowna, Empress of Russia 333 Elizabeth of France, daughter of Henry IV. 10, 172, 241 Elizabeth Philippe Marie Helene, de France ... 54 Elizabeth, Princess of Wurtemburg, Marriage of ... 1 Ellesmere, Thomas Egerton, Lord 230 Elliot, Miss Anne 279 Elton, Richard 79 Enghien, Henri-Jules De Bourbon, Due d' ... 209 Enghien, Louis d' 159 Eon, Chevalier D' 8, 49, 135 Ephraim Bonus 260 Erasmus 40, 85, 87, 139, 167 Erlach, Jerome d' 346 Ernest, Archduke of Austria 341 Ernest Augustus, of Brunswick-Hanover 280 Ernest, Casimir, Count of Nassau 68, 69 Erskein, Alexander 85 Erskine, Thomas, Lord 263 Espernon, Bernard de Foix de la Vallette, Due d' 209, 283 - 366 - PAGE Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of, Favourite of Queen Elizabeth 9 Essex, Robt. Devereux, Earl of, Parliamentary General 97, 147 Essex, Dancing Master 137 Est, Isabelle d' 329 Este, Rainauld d' 284 Estrees, Cesar, Cardinal d' 209 ETOW Oh Koam, King of the River Nation 288 Eugene Francis, Prince of Savoy 317 Evelyn, John 209 Evertsen, Cornelius 163 Evertsen, Jan 163 Evreux, see Tour D'Auvergne. Exeter, John Cecil, Fifth Earl of 292 Exeter, Frances Bridges, Countess of 105 Fabert, Le Marechal 240 Fagg, Sir Robert 37 Fagon, Guido Crescentius 94 Faille, Cornelia Capellen de la 128 Faille, Noel de la 128 Fairfax, Thomas, Lord 105, 147 Faithorne, William 105 Farnese, Alexander 227, 341 Farren, Miss Elizabeth 29 Faure, Charles 210 Faustus, Doctor 259 Favre, Nicolas 318 Fawkes, Guido 16, 316 FEIERKUVY, Etienne, Bishop of Vesprim 273 Fell, Bishop of Oxford 176 Fenelon, Francis Salignac de la Motte ... 26 Fenner, William 147 Fenton, Miss 37 PAGE Ferdinand, Albert, Duke of Brunswick and Lunenberg 201 Ferdinand of Austria 164 Ferdinand I, Emperor of Germany 33, 54, 169 Ferdinand III, Emperor of Germany ... 117, 164,241,303 Ferdinand I, de Medici 53 Ferdinand Maximilian, Margrave of Baden 298 Ferguson, James 300 Feuquiere, Catherine Mignard, Comtesse de ... 63 Fiamingo, see Quesnoy. Fielding, Sir John 71 Fielding, Robert 9 FlEUBET, GASPARD DE 2IO FlTZHERBERT, Mrs 59 Fleetwood, Charles 72 Fletcher, Rev. John 300 Fleury, Andre Hercules, Cardinal de ... 56,75 Fliegen, Eva 301 Florentin, Comte St., see La Vrilliere Florius, Joannes 140 Fludd, Robert 9 Fontanus, Joannes 199 Foote, Samuel 111, 125, 133,263 Forest, Jean 75 Forestus, Pierre 126 fouquet, basile 2io Fouquet, Nicolas 210 Fox, Charles James 263, 315 Fox, John 123 Frampton, Tregonville 165 Francis, Archduke of Austria, Marriage of 1 Francis I, Emperor of Austria 71 Francis II. of France 138 Franck, Franciscus 87 - 368 - PAGE Franklin, Benjamin 23, 25 Fransz, Abraham 259 Frederick II, King of Denmark 126 Frederick III, King of Denmark 97 Frederic III, son of Albert 1 303 Frederick V, of Bohemia 9, 42, 65, 98, 154, 160, 235, 246 Frederick V, Coronation of 165 Frederick Henry, Prince of Bohemia 10, 235, 327 Frederick Henry, of Nassau, Prince of Orange 2, 68, 228 234, 243 Frederick III, Elector of Saxony 46, 84 Frederick Henry Louis, Crown Prince of Prussia, Marriage of ... 19 Frederick William, Duke of Brandenburg ... 160,325 Frederick, Bishop of Wurzberg 3 Frederica Charlotte, Princess of Prussia 61 Frisius, Gemma 300 Frobisher, Sir Martin '' 234 Frockas Perera et Pimentel, Don Emanuel ... 243 Fronteau, Jean 210 Frye, Thomas 116 Fugger, Catherine 166 Furstenberg, Guillaume-Egon, Cardinal de ... 210 Gage, Lord 37 Galway, Henry Rouvigny, Earl of 288 Gal way, Payne ••• 266 Gammon, Leonard 10 Garnet, Henry 10, 341 Garrard, Marc 148 Garrick. David ... 23, 73, hi, 129, 239, 263, 264, 290 Garrick, in the Green Room 334 Garrick, in the " Farmer's Return " 133 Garrick's Farewell 170 — 369 — PAGE Gassendi, Pierre 210 Gates, Horatio 96 Gavarelle, Joannes de 1 5 3 Gay, Mr 37 Geest, Cornelius Vander 243 Gentileschi, Horace Lomi, called 329 Gentz, Chevalier 124 George, Prince of Denmark 32, 132 George I, King of England 18, 200, 308 George II 71, 131, 158, 200, 256 George III 23, 24, 101, 246, 333 George IV, when Prince of Wales 129, 297 Gerbier, Sir Balthazar 243 Gevartius, Caspar 243 Geyger, Conrad 151 glllier, melchior de 210 Gillier, Madam de 210 GlLLIS DE GLARGES ... 303 GlORGIONE, see BARBARELLI. Glanvill, Joseph 105 Glisson, Dr. Francis 105 Gloucester, Henry, Duke of 61 Gloucester, William, Duke of 171, 292 Gloucester, Maria, Duchess of 264 Glyn, Serjeant 158 Godolphin, Sidney, Earl of 292 Goltzius, Hendrick 126 Gondomar, Count 230, 234 Gondrin, Louis Antoine, de Pardaillan de 56 Gondy, Marguerite Claude de 167 Gonzague, Charles de 172 Gordon, Jane, Duchesss of , ... 264 Gouge, William , ... 105 B B 370 — Gouy, Elizabeth de Grafton, Augustus Henry, Duke of ... Grafton, Henry Fitzroy, Duke of ... Grafton, Isabella Bennett, Duchess of Gramont, Antoine III, Due de Granville, Cardinal Gray, Thomas Greatrakes, Valentine Green, Mrs Greenway, Miss Gregory XIII, Pope Grenville, George Gresham, Sir Thomas Greville, Hon. Charles Greville, Miss Grimston, Mary Grindall, Richard Grotius, Hugo Guebriant, Jean-Baptiste Budes, Comte Guenault, Francois guenegaud, henri de Guise, Marie de Lorraine, Duchesse de Guizot, Fran^ois-Pierre-Guillaume ... GULDEFORD, Sir HENRY Gunpowder Conspirators Gustavus Adolphus II, King of Sweden Gwynn, Eleanor Gwynn, see Horneck. Haaring, Thomas Jacobz Hadrianus, Junius Hale, Mrs Hales, John Halifax, Charles Montague, Earl of 346 3i5 32 292, 321 94 16 195 105 170 264 53 158 65, 143 266 264 — 32 112 121 de 211 211 211 187 113 148 ... 16, 316, 326 227, 329. 333 24, 37, 308,317 259 326 264 153 75, 279 Hall, Mr 37 Hall, George Webb 269 Hall, Jacob 49 Hall, Joseph, Bishop of Exeter 236 Halley, Edmund ... 321 Hamilton, James, Marquis of 79 Hamilton, James, Duke of 105, 175, 234, 302 Hamilton, Sir William 266 Hamilton, Lady Emma Lyon 264 Hampden, John 26 Hancock, The Hon. John 10 Handel, George Frederick 47 Harcourt, Henri de Lorraine, Comte d' ... 187,197 Hardinberg, Le Prince de 124 Hare, Mr 264 Hargrave, Francis 264 Harlay de Chanvallon, Francis de 211 Harrington, James 131 Harrington, John, Lord 98 Harvey, William 106 Hastings, Warren 264 Havard, William 112 Hayward, Sir John 235 Hedwig, Eleanora, Queen of Sweden 284 Heinsius, Daniel 176 Helle, Albert von der 2 Helyot, Marie Herinx 94 Helyot, N 30 Helvetius, Claude Adrian 25 Henderson, Rev. Alexander 148 Henderson, John 10, 165 Henley, Anthony 37 Henrietta Maria 68, 103, 106, 164, 327 — 372 — PAGt Henrietta Maria and her Children 302 Henrietta Maria, Arrival at Amsterdam 223 Henriette de Lorraine 117 Henry V, King of England 11 Henry VIII. 11, 148, 160 Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales 42, 65, 140, 230, 235 Henry, Prince of Wales, Tomb of 16 Henry, Prince, son of Frederick, Prince of Wales ... 101 Henry II, King of France 31, 197, 274 Henry II, Tournament in which he was killed ... ... 55 Henry II, Death of 309 Henry III, King of France and Poland 161, 172 Henry IV, King of France 10, 112, 118, 119, 126, 128, 133 134, i73> i97> 223, 227, 340 Henry IV, Assassination of ... 224 Henry IV lying in State 47 Henry IV, Tomb of 134 Henri II, Prince de Bourbon 121 Henry Frederick, Prince of Orange ... 69 Herbert, Anna Sophia 28 Herbert, Charles, Lord 28 Herbert, James 28 Herbert, John 28 Herbert, Philip, Lord 28 Herbert, William ... 28 Herbert, Lady Harriet 265 Herbert, George, Lord 267 Herbert, Penelope, Lady 130, 179 Hertford, Frances Devereux, Countess of 66 Hertford, Francis Seymour Conway, Earl of ... 73 Hertford, William Seymour, Marquis and Earl of ... 145 Hervey, Frances Felton, Lady 288 Hesselin, Louis 211 — 373 — PAGE Hinchcliffe, Mrs 263 HlNCHINBROOKE, EDWARD MONTAGUE, Viscount ... 292 Hippisley, Mr. 37 Ho Nee Yeath Taw No Row, King of the Generethgarich 288 Hobbes, Thomas 106, 148 Hobson, Thomas ... 236 Hogarth, William 136 Holland, Charles 297 Holland, Henry Rich, Earl of 57, 235 Hollar, Wenceslaus 148 Holt, John 177 hondius, guilielmus 154 Honigh, Nicolaus Johannes 317 Hooker, Richard 106 Hoornbeek, Johann 303 HORNE, Arrest of Count 138 Horne, Execution of Count 16 HORNECK, Mrs 265 Horneck, Miss Mary, afterwards Mrs. Gwynn ... 265 Howard, Lady Catharina 148, 321 Howard, Charles 321 Howard, Gilbert 321 Howard, Henry, Lord Maltravers 321 Howard, Thomas 321 Howard, William, Lord Stafford 321 Howe, Richard, Fourth Viscount and First Earl ... 335 Hudson, Jeffrey 79 Hulft, Gerard 38 Humboldt, Le Baron de 124 Hunter, Mrs. Orby 348 Huntingdon, Elizabeth Stanley, Countess of ... 236 Huntingdon, Henry Hastings, Earl of 145 Huntingdon, S 96 — 374 — PAGE Huygens, Christian 40 HUYGENS, CONSTANTIN 38, 243, 324 Ingram, Lady Frances 265 Innocent VIII 156 Isabella Clara Eugenia 303, 342 Isham, Sir Thomas, Baronet 177 JACK, Mother, nurse to Edward VI. 151 Jacobs, Miss 265 James VI, of Scotland 227 James I and his Progeny ... ... ... 315 James I, King of England 11, 160, 173, 235, 342 James II, King of England 21, 62, 132, 148, 191, 280, 292,338 James II, Reception of, by Louis XIV 155 James, Francis Edward Stuart, the Pretender 12, 75, 125 154, 284, 293 Jansenism 113 Jean-Frederic, Due de Brunswick-Lunebourg 211 Jeanne d'Albret 119 Jeanne d'Arragon 196 Jefferies, Lord George 12, 338 Jenkins, Sir Leoline 247 Jerome, Alexander, Archbishop of Brindisi and Otranto 255 Jersey, William Villiers, Earl of 293 Joanna of Castile 304 Jode, Peter de, the Elder 329 Jode, Peter de, the Younger 164 Johan, Count of Nassau-Siegen ... ... ... ... 244 John II, Abbot of Fulda 48 John Ernest, Prince of Orange 69 John Ernest, Duke of Saxony 60 John Frederick, Elector of Saxony 237 John Frederick, Duke of Wirtemberg 166 JOHN of Leyden 2, 199 — 375 — PAGE John Maurice, Count of Nassau 3 2 4 Johnson, Dr. Samuel 265, 314 Jolliffe, Lady Mary 33** Jones, Paul 47> l 3 2 Joseph I, Emperor of Germany 307 Kain, Henri Louis le 25 Kastner, Jacob 111 Kaunitz Reitberg, Wenceslaus Antoine, Comte de 282 Kean, Edmund 315 Keeling, Josiah 338 Keith, Sir Robert Murray 184 Keller, Jean Balthasar 75 Kemble, Miss Frances 265 Kemble Family 57 Kenn, Thomas, Bishop of Bath and Wells 271 Kent, Elizabeth, Countess of 151 Kerckhove, Johann Polyander van den 304 Kersey, John 106 Killegrew, Cecilia Croft, Mrs 120 Kilmarnock, William, Earl of 12 King, Mrs. Mary 297 King, Thomas 92, 165, 348 Kirk, Madame Ann 32, 120, 130 Knipperdolling, Bernard 199 kortenaer, egbert meesz 38 Kraus, Sebastianus 278 La Barde, Denis de 211 Labrador, Chevalier Gomez 124 La Chambre, Marin Cureau de 211 Jones, Sir William Jonson, Ben Jordan, Mrs. 287 320 225 Junius, Franciscus 148 — 37$ — Lake, John, Bishop of Chichester PAGE 271 Lallemant, Pierre 212 Lambert, Marie de Laubespine 75 Lambert, Nicolas 75 La Meilleraye, Charles de la Porte, Due de 212 Lamoignon, Guillaume de 212 Lamoignon, Magdaleine de 94 La Reynie, Nicolas Gabriel de 284 Largilliere, Nicolas de 32, 80 Latour 1 1 5 Laubespine, Charles de 247 Laud, William, Archbishop of Canterbury 12, t a r* H5> 149, 177 j Lauderdale, John Maitland, Duke of 308, Lauderdale, Richard, Lord Maitland, Earl of 3 IQ Laudonniere, Rene" Goulaine de 227 Laurens, Henry q6. I2Q La Vrilliere, Louis Phelypeaux de 212 La Vrilliere, Louis Phelypeaux de, Comte St. Florentin 345 Law, John 281 Lawes, Henry 106 Lay, John 96 Laynez, Jacques 342 Le Boultz, Noel 212 Lebrun, Madam Louise Elizabeth 200 Le Camus, Jean 221 Le Coigneaux, Jacques 212 Lecouvreur, Adrienne 78 Lee, Charles 343 Lee, Lady Elizabeth 265 Leeds, Thomas Osbobne, First Duke of 339 Leeds, Duke of 266 — 377 — PAGE Legge, The Honourable William 265 Leicester, Robert Dudley, Earl of 127 Leinster, William, Duke of 265 Lely, Sir Peter 32 Le Masle, Michel 212 Lembriere, Francois Febure de 63 Lemon, Margaret 149 Leo X. 163 Leopold I, Emperor of Germany ... ... ... 20 Le Roy, Philip 87, 329, 330 Leslie, Walter, Count ... 166 Le Tellier, Charles-Maurice 213 Le Tellier, Michel 212, 213 Le Tellier, see also Louvois. Le Vayer, Francis de la Mothe 213 Lewis, William Thomas 165 Leyden, see John of Liebaux, Henri 346 Lifford, Lord 266 Ligonier, Lord 266 LlLIO, AXELIO UO Lindsey, Montague Bertie, Earl of 106 Lipsius, Justus 43 Littleton, Sir Thomas 320 Lloyd, William, Bishop of St. Asaph 271 Lobel, Matthias de 66 LOBO, Comte de ... ... ... ... 124 Locke, John 293 Lockyer, Nicolas 149 LONGUEIL, see MAISONS Longueville, Charles Paris d'Orleans, Due de ... 330 Longueville, Henri d'Orleans II, Due de 213 Longueville, see also Dunois, Nemours, Saint-Paul c c c — 378 - PAGE Loret, Jean 213 Lorraine, Charles de, Due de Mayenne 340 Lorraine, Charles, Prince of, Bishop of Osnaburgh ... 12 Lorraine, Francis, Prince of 12 Lorraine, Henry, Prince of 173 Lorraine, Joseph, Prince of 12 Lorraine, Leopold Joseph, Duke of 12 Lorraine, Louise de 173 Lorraine, see also Charles, Christine, Harcourt, Henriette, Louis, Marguerite, Mouy lotin de charmy, francis 213 Louis II, King of Hungary 342 Louis XI, King of France 197 Louis XIII 10, 47, 63, 64, 119, 168, 173, 322 LOUIS XIII, Coronation of 112 Louis XIV, King of France 12, 18, 20, 21, 94, no, 168, 213, 214, 239, 240, 275, 284, 307, 318 LOUIS XIV, Reception of James II 155 LOUIS, Dauphin of France, son of Louis XIV. 75, 214, 284, 298 Louis XV, King of France 19,78, 116 Louis, Dauphin of France, son of Louis XV. ... ... 63 LOUIS XVI, King of France 13, 36, 238, 333 Louis, Prince, son of Frederick of Bohemia ... ... 235 Louis Auguste de Bourbon, Prince de Dombes, Due de Maine 74, 75, 187 Louis de Bourbon, see Conde Louis, Due de Bourgogne ... ... ... ... 74,93 Louis de Lorraine, Baron d'Ancerville 50 Louis Due d'Orleans 78 Louisa HOLLANDINA, Princess, daughter of Frederick of Bohemia ... 235 Louise-Adelaide d'Orleans 78 Louise Henriette, Electress of Brandenburg, daughter of Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange ... 2, 160 — 379 — PAGE Louise-Marie de Gonzague, Reine de Pologne ... 214 Louis Marie de Gonzague, Princesse de Mantoue, Marriage of 45 Louvois, Camille Le Tellier de 275 Louvois, Francois Michel Le Tellier, Marquis de 221, 285 Lovat, Simon Fraser, Lord 136 LOWENHIELM, Le Comte de 124 Loyola, Ignatius 43 LOYSE DE VlENNE 42 Lucan, Patrick Sarsfield, Earl of 308 Lucian 106 Lully, Jean Baptiste 275 Luther, Martin 2,149, 1 S9 Lutma, John 259 Maccallame, Anna 13 MacDonald, Flora 165 Mace, Thomas 106 MACPHERSON, Sir JOHN 93 McSwiny, Owen ... 101 Maddox, Anthony 158 Magellan, Ferdinand 227 Mahomet III 228 Maine, Due de, see Louis Auguste de Bourbon. MAINTENON, FRAN90ISE D'Aubign^, Marquis de 112, 123 MAISONS, Ren3 de LONGUEIL, Marquis de 214 Mallery, Charles de 330 Mallier du Houssay, Francois 214 Maltravers, Lord 321 Manfre, Blasii de 149 Mansfeld, Ernest, Count 68, 228, 230, 327 Marcellus II, Pope 44 Margaret, Archduchess of Austria 128 Marguerite de Lorraine, La Bienheureuse ... 284 — 38o — PAGE Marguerite de Valois, wife of Henry IV 343 Maria, Princess, daughter of James I 235 Maria of Austria ... ... 117,231 Maria of Burgundy ... ... ... 304 Maria Charlotte Theresa, Princess, daughter of Louis XVI ... ... ... ... 129 Maria Theresa of Austria 239 Maridat de Serrieres, Pierre de 214 Marie de Medici, Queen of France 10, 128, 140, 198, 243, 299 Marie, Princesse de Pologne ... ... 63 Marie Anne Christine Victoire de Baviere ... 188 Marie Antoinette 13, 168, 238, 306 Marie-Jeanne-Baptiste de Savoye-Nemours, Duchesse de Savoie ... ... ... ... 214 Marie Joseph, Queen of Poland 282 Marie Leczinska, Princess of Poland 168 Marie Louise d'Orleans, Marriage of 20, 47 Marie Therese, Archduchess of Austria 54 Marie Therese d'Espagne, wife of the Dauphin, son of Louis XV 168 Marie Theresa, daughter of Philip IV. of Spain, wife of Louis XIV 325 Marigny, Abel Francois Poisson de Vandieres, Marquis de ... ... 345 Marillac, Louis de 169 Marillac, Michel de 168 Marin de la Chataigneraye, Denis ... 187,215 Marlborough, Caroline, Duchess of 266 Marlborough, George, Fourth Duke of, and his Family 266 Marlborough, John Churchill, Duke of 132, 279, 280 Marlborough, Sarah Jennings, Duchess of ... 293 Marolles, Michel de 215 Marriette, Jean 63 - 38i - PAGE Mary I, Queen of England 66, 138, 149, 222 Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland 80, 98, 99, 157, 183 Mary, daughter of Charles I. ... 106, 109, 149, 246, 247 Mary Beatrice, of Modena, Consort of James II. 125, 293 Mary II, Queen of England 41, 125, 132, 155, 156, 159, 169, 280 Mary, Princess of Orange, Reception of, as Queen of Great Britain 155 Mary, Princess of Orange, Coronation of . . . 155 Mary, Funeral Procession of Queen 156 Mary, Princess, daughter of George II 288 Masse, Jean Baptiste 346 Matignon, Le*onor Goyon de 215 Matoaka 231 Matthias, Emperor of Germany ... 276 Maupertius, Pierre Louis Moreau de 64 Maurice, Prince of Orange 69, 200, 228, 247, 278, 301 Maurice, Prince, the Flying Chariot of 306 Maurice, Prince, son of Frederick of Bohemia 235 Mauritz, J 154 Maximilian, Archduke of Austria 330 Maximilian I, Emperor of Germany 85, 272 Maximilian II, Emperor of Germany 13 Maximilian Emanuel 321 Maximilian Henry, of Bavaria, Archbishop of Cologne 284 Mayenne, see Lorraine. Mayhow, John 107 Maynard, Ann Parsons, Lady 335 Maynwaring, Everard 339 Mazarin, Julius Cardinal 198, 215, 216 Mazarin, Hortense Mancini, Duchesse de ... 318, 335 Mecken, Israel van 189 Medavy, Comte de 21 Medicis, Claude de 166 — 382 — PAGK Medici, Ferdinand II de 166 Medici, Giovanni de 322 Medici, Cardinal Giulio de 163 Medici, Lorenzo de 197 Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest 256 Melancthon, Philip 36, 60, 85 Manage, Gilles 216 Mercier, Philip . 101 Mercoeur, Louis Vendome, Due de 216 Mercueur, Philipes Emanuel de Lorrayne, Due de 343 Mesgrigny, Jean de 216 Mesmes, Jean Antoine de 216 Mesmes, Henri de 216 Metternich, Le Prince de 124 Meursius, Henry 241 Michael Angelo, see Buonarotti. Middlesex, Rachel, Countess of 179 Mieris, Franz 41 Mignard, Pierre 281 Mildert, Joan van 330 Mirabel, Anton de Zuniga et Davila, Marquis de 38 Mirabeau, Honore Gabriel Riquetti, Comte de ... 33 Mirabeau, Victor de Riquety, Marquis de 184 Mirevelt, Michel 69 Mohamed, Ali Pacha 333 Mole*, Edouard 216 Mole, Francis 217 Mole, Matthieu 217 Moliere, Jean Baptiste Poquelin de 31 Molinos, Michael de 293 Momper, Judocus de 88 Monamy, Peter 101 Moncada, Don Francisco de 197, 304 - 3»3 - PAGE MONCKTON, Hon. ROBERT • •• 335 MoNCKTON, Hon. Miss ... 266 Monmouth, Anne, Duchess of 293> 3 l6 Monmouth, James, Duke of 27, 38, 41 Montague, Lady Caroline ... 266 Mont Joie, Saint Denis ... 34 Montmor, HenricvEa Maria de Buade Frontenac de 191 Montmorency, Francois de ... 95 MONTPENSIER, ANNE MARIE LOUISE D'ORLEANS, Duchesse de ... 289 Montpezat de Carbon, Jean de ... 217 Montrose, James Graham, Marquis of ... 188 Moody, John 7i> 134 MORANT, THOMAS, Marquis du Mesnilgarnier ... ... 179 More, Sir Francis ... 107 More, Dr. Henry ... 107 More, Sir Thomas 99, 318 More, Sir William de la ••• 339 Mordaunt, John, Viscount ... 107 Morett, Mr. ... 149 Morland, Sir Samuel 151, 180 Morley, George, Bishop of Winchester ... 308 Morris, Governor ... ... 97 Morris, Mrs. ... 266 Morton, Ann Villiers, Countess of 130, 180 Morton, James, Earl of ... 157 MoUNTSTUART, John, Lord Viscount, Earl of Bute ... 297 Mouton, Charles ... 95 Mouy, Henri de Lorraine, Marquis de ... 217 Mowbray and Maltravers, Henry, Baron ... ... 149 Mudge, John, M.D. . . . 267 Mudge, Rev. Zachariah . . . 267 Mulgrave, Constantine John Philip, Lord ... 266 — 384 — Mulgrave, John Sheffield, Earl of PAGE ... 294 Munster, Peace of ... 305 MURAT, ANTOINE DE 173 Murillo, Bartolomeo Esteban .... 58 Murphy, Arthur ... 334 Murray, Elizabeth, Duchess of Lauderdale ... ... 308 Mussard, Pierre ... 298 Mytens, Daniel ... 243 Napier, General Charles ... 294 Napoleon I, Emperor 70, 197 Nassau Weilburg, Prince of, Marriage of ... 114 Necker, M ... 25 Nemours, Anne-Marie d'Orleans-Longueville, Duchesse de Nemours, Henri de Savoie, Due de ... 217 Nemours, see also Savoye. Nesmond, Francis ... 217 Nesmond, Francjois-Th^odore de ... 217 Nesselrode, Le Comte de ... 124 Neufville, Ferdinand de ... 217 Neufville, see Villeroy Neville, Franciscus de ... 149 Newcastle, Margaret, Duchess of 284, 285 Newcastle, William Cavendish, Duke of ... ... 330 Newport, Mountjoy Blount, Earl of ... 79 Newton, Sir Isaac ... 24 Nicolea a Vienna ... 42 Nicquet ... 127 NOAILLES, ADRIEN MAURICE DE ... 76 Noailles, Le Comte Alexis de ... 124 Noailles, Louis Antoine de ... 76 Noel, Hon. Wm ... 137 Nonesuch, Arthur Severus OToole ... 66 - 3«5 - PAGE Nonius, D. Alvarus 343 Norfolk, Thomas Howard, Duke of 330 North, Frederick, Lord 49 Northumberland, Algernon Percy, Earl of ... 150 Northumberland, Eliz. Wriothesley, Countess of 48, 336 Nottingham, Charles Howard, Earl of 231 Nottingham, Heneage Finch, Earl of. 339 Novion, Nicolas Potier de 218 O'Brien, Miss Nelly 267 O'Brien, William 335 Oldcorn, Edward 46 Oldenbarnevelt, John 13 Oligny, Mademoiselle d' 158 Olivares, Gaspar de Gusman, Third Count ... 117, 242 Oliver, Peter 327 Oort, Adam Van 88 Orford, Edward Russel, Earl of 279 Orleans, Charles d', Archbishop of Cambray ... 281 Orleans, Gaston de France, Duke of 331 Orleans, Louis Philippe Joseph, Duke of 267 Orleans, Philippe, Fils de France, Due d* 218 Orleans, see Elizabeth, Louis, Louise, Philippe Ormesson, Andre Le Fevre d' 218 Ormesson, Olivier Le Fevre d' 188 Ormond, James Butler, Duke of 294 Ormond, Mary Somerset, Duchess of 294 Ossory, Amelia, Countess of 336 Oswald Henry, Cardinal d'Auvergne 73 Otho, Frederic 341 Oughtred, William 107 oxenstiern, axelius 69, iio Oxford, Heny Vere, Earl of 236 Oxford, Robert Harley, Earl of 294 d D D — 386 - PAGE Paep, John de 324 Paiot, Andre de 170 Palamedes, or Stevens 244 Palliott, Pierre 159 PALMELLA, Le Comte de 124 Palmer, Miss Theophila 267 Palmer, Miss, afterwards Marchioness of Thomond ... 267 Paoli, Pascal 13 Pappenheim, Godefroy-Henri, Comte de 117 Parent, Jean Charles 95 Paris, Matthew 1 13 Parma, Margaret of 16 Parsons, Ann 267, 335 Parsons, Robert 221 Parsons, William 71, 348 Paston, Sir William 107 P ASTON, Lady 107 Patini, Family of Charles 165 Paunceford, Major 37 Pauw, Adrian 188, 324 Payen-Deslandes, Pierre 218 Peiresc, Nicholas Fabricius 331 Pelletier, Michel le 95 Pembroke, Elizabeth Spencer, Countess of 267 Pembroke, Henry Herbert, Earl of... 267 Pembroke, Mary Sidney, Countess of 231 Pembroke, Philip Herbert, Earl of 28, 150, 180, 232, 327 Pembroke, Philip, Earl of, when Lord Herbert ... 180 Pembroke, Thomas Herbert, Earl of ... 279,294 Pembroke, William Herbert, Earl of 232 Penkethman, William 294 Pennington, Sir John 62 Percy, Thomas 16, 228, 316 - 3«7 - PAGl Pe*re*fixe de Beaumont, Hardouin de 218 Perkins, William 99 Perth, James Drummond, Earl of 107, 339 Perty, William 17 Peter I, Emperor of Russia ... ... ... ... 157 Peter the Wild Boy 129 Peterborough and Monmouth, Charles Mordaunt Earl of 132 Petrarch 196 Petrucci, Ludovicus 13 Phelypeaux, Jean Frederic 238 Phelypeaux, see La Vrilliere. Philip, Prince of Orange 14, 69 Philip William, Prince of Orange 42, 153 Philippe, Duke of Orleans, brother of Louis XIV 12, 21, 6o> 240, 285, 289, see also Orleans Philip I, King of Spain 304 Philip II, King of Spain 44, 138, 198, 228, 343 Philip III, King of Spain ... 14, 99, 128, 304, 343 Philip IV, King of Spain 14, 150, 242 Philip V, King of Spain 21, 76, 95 Piccolomini, Octave 331 Piombo, Fra Sebastian Del 61 Pirkheimer, Bilibald 85 Pitt, William 92 Pizarro, Francesco 229 Playford, John 107 POLIGNAC, Melchior, Cardinal de 56 Pompadour, Jean Antoinette Poisson, Marquise de 22, 335 Poncet, Pierre 219 Pontius, Paul 88, 244 Pope, Mrs. Elizabeth 297 Portail, Antoine 76 — 388 - PAGE Porter, Endymion 108 Portland, Frances Stuart, Countess of 48 Portsmouth, Louise de Queroaille, Duchess of 30, 41, 1 1 8, 308 Potemkin, Peter 339 Potier, Joachim Francois Bernard 238 Powell, Mr 130 Price, John 150 Prior, Matthew 321 Pritchard, Mrs. Hannah 24, 129 Prynne, William ... 18 puteanus, erycius 1 64 Pym, John 14, 145 Quesnoy, Francesco de 37 Quick, Mr 170 Quin, James 24 Quin as Brutus 137 Rabenhaubt 154 Rafter, Miss 14 Raleigh, Sir Walter 173, 232 Ramsay, Allan 337 Ranelagh, Catherine Boyle, Countess of 101 Raphael 44, 115, 150, 183, 196 RASOUMOFFSKY, Le Prince de 124 Ravaillac, Francois 229, 287 Ravestein, Jean van 244 Rawdon, Francis, Lord 268 Read, Sir William 109 R^camier, Jeanne Franc. Bernard, Madame ... 52 Reed, General 97 Regnauldin Claude 219 Rembrandt 133, 256, 257 Ren^ 63 — 389 — PAGE Retz, Jean-Fran^ois-Paul De Gondi, Cardinal de ... 219 Revius, Jacobus 305 Reynolds, Sir Joshua 268 Ricci, Bernardin 34 Rich, Mr 37 Richard II 140 Richelieu, Armand-Jean Du Plessis, Cardinal, Due de 109, 219 Richmond, Charles Lenox, Duke of 30 Richmond, James Stewart, Duke of 108, 328 Richmond and Lenox, Ludovic Stuart, Duke of 28 Richmond and Lenox, Frances Howard, Duchess of 66 Richmond, Frances Stuart, Duchess of ... 298, 336 Rigaud, Hyacinthe 76, 95 Rivers, Mrs. Penelope Pitt, Countess 59 Robertson, Dr. William 268 Robinson, Mrs. Mary 297 Robinson, Sir Thomas 37 Rochester, Henrietta Boyle, Countess of ... 24, 336 Rockox, Nicholas 331 Roelans, Alexander 150 Roelans, Jacobus 242 roggenbach, george 1 69 Rohan, Armand Gaston, Prince de 78 Rombouts, Theodore 244 Romney, Henry Sidney. Earl of ... 279 ROOKE, Admiral Sir GEORGE 14 Rooke, Mary Luttrell, Lady 109 Roos, John Hendrick 167 ROSSI, Cardinal de 163 Rovenius, Philip 324 Rous, Francis 108 Rousseau, Jean Jacques 186 Rousseau, Jean Baptiste 64 Rubens, Peter Paul 24, 242, 347 Rubens' Children 306 Rubens' Child and his Nurse 92 Rudolph II, Emperor of Germany 274, 343 Rudyerd, Sir Benjamin 236 Rupert, Prince 38, 108, 235, 339 Russell, Lord John 261 Russell, Lord William 261 Russell, Miss 348 Ruthven, Maria 43 Rutland, Duchess of 268 Rutland, Duke of 268 Ruyter, Michael Adrian de 39, 15 4, 299 Sa Ga Yeath Qua Pieth Tow, King of the Maquas 288 Sacheverell, Henry, D.D 14 Sachtleven, Cornelius 331 St. Aignan, see Beauvillier Saint Bonnet, Jean de 169 Saint-Paul, Charles-Paris d'Orleans-Longueville Comte de ... 219 Saftleven, Herman ... 278 Salamanca, Antonius ... 31 Saldana, Mons. de ... 124 Saley or Sawley, James Hay, Baron of ... 232 Salisbury, Frances Bennet, Countess of ... 294 Salisbury, James, Earl of ... 294 Salisbury, William Cecil, Earl of ... i45 Sancroft, William, Archbishop of Canterbury 177, 271 Sandby, Paul ... 112 Sanderson, William ... 108 Sannazaro, Giacobo . fcv Santeuil, Jean Baptiste ... 95 — 39i — PAGE Sarpi, Paolo 7 1 Sarrasin, Jean Francois 219 Savoye, Francois-Thomas de 244 Savoye, Henri de 174 Savoye, see Nemours. Savoye, Princess of 21 Savoye-Nemours, Duchesse de, see Marie. Sawbridge, Alderman John 157 Scaglia, Cesar Alexandre 244 Schade, Johann 305 Scheck, Jacob Paul 157 Schelhorn, Joh. Georg 30 SCHOMBERG, FREDERICK, Duke of 295 Schomberg, Meinhardt, Duke of 295 schout muylman, peter 38 Schuppen, Jacob van 199 schurmann, anna maria 62, 285 Scot, Lord Henry 293 Scuderi, Georges de 219 Seaforth, Lord 266 Seaforth, Harriet Powell, Countess of 297 Segar, Sir William 67 Seghers, Gerard 244 Seguier, Pierre 169, 219 Seguier de Saint Brisson, Pierre 220 Seigliere, Joachim de 289 Selden, John 14 Serre, Marie 76 Servien, Francois 220 Servin, Louis 174 Sestini, Signora 165 Seymour, Lady Catherine 48 Shaftesbury, Anthony Astley Cooper, Earl of . . . 39 — 392 — Sharpe, James, Archbishop of St. Andrews PAGE ... 177 Sheffield, Edmund, Lord , ... 99 Sheldon, Gilbert, Archbishop of Canterbury ... 309 Sheridan, Mrs ... 268 Shrewsbury, John Talbot, Earl of ... 55 Shuter, Mr in, 170 Sibbs, Richard 15, 186, 236 Sibylla, wife of Frederic I of Saxony ... 60 Siddons, Mrs. ... 50 Sidney, Sir Philip ... 99 SlGlSMUND III, King of Poland and Sweden 229, 343 Silva, Jean Baptiste ... 281 Silvestre, Israel ... 95 Simianes, Louis-Marie-Armand de ... 285 Simon, Claudius de Saint . ... 64 Six, The Burgomaster ... . . . 260 Skute, John, Baron ... 247 Slatius, Hendrick Daniels ... 17 Smart, Rev, Peter ... 150 Smith, of Heath ... 266 Smith, Captain John ... 232 Smith, John ... 295 Smith, Margaret, Lady Herbert ... 132 Smith, Sir Thomas ... 232 Smith, William ... 334 Snyders, Franciscus , ... 89 Snellinx, Joannes 88, 89 Soams, Madame ... 32 Sobieski, Clementina . ... 76 Somer, Jan van ... 299 Somers, John, Lord 279, 295 Somerset, Charles Seymour, Duke of ... 295 Somerset, Frances, Countess of. ... 232 — 393 — Sommers, William PAGE ... 67 Sophia, Princess, daughter of James I ... Sophia, Hediwischia, of Lunenburg South, Robert ... 176 Southampton, Elizabeth, Countess of ... 309 Southampton, Henry Wriothesley, Earl of ... 233 Southampton, Rachel, Countess of ... 24 Sovius, Simon ... 127 Spanheim, Ezekiel ... 132 Spanheim, Frederick ... 37 Speed, John ... 280 Spelman, Henry ... 108 Spencer, Lady Caroline ... 266 Spencer, Georgiana, Viscountess ... 268 Spinola, Ambrose, Marquis 15, 200, 331 Spinola, Philippe, Marquis ... 171 Spottiswoode, Joannes ... 150 Sprat, Thomas, Bishop of Rochester ... 295 Spronk, C. Vander ... 127 Stackelberg, Le Comte ... 124 Stafford, Robert ... 178 Stalbent, Adrian van ... 245 Stamford, Thomas Lord Grey of Groby, Earl of ... 48 Stanhope, Spencer ♦ . ... 266 Stanley, Thomas ... 108 Staples, Mr. ... 93 Steele, Sir Richard ... 295 Steenberghen, Jean-Baptiste van ... 220 Steenwyck, Henricus ... 245 Stellingwerf, Augustus ... 39 Steuben, Major-General, Baron ... 97 Stevens, Peter ... 89 Stewart, General, Lord ... 124 e e e — 394 — PAGE Sttllingfleet, Edward 39 Stokes, William 124 Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of ... 120, 150 Strafford, Trial of Thomas, Earl of 141 Strafford, Execution of Thomas, Earl of 141 Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of, Lord High Admiral 288 Strangeways, Colonel Giles 178 Stuart, Lord Bernard 24 Stuart, Lord John 24 Stuart, see James, Charles, York Suffolk, Thomas Howard, Earl of 100 Sunderland, Dorothy, Countess of 180 Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of 150 Sutton, Thomas 100 suttermans, justus 89 Suze, Louis-Francois de la Beaume de 220 swalmius, eleazar 305 Sweling, Joannes Peter 199 Swift, Dr. Jonathan 236 Sydenham, Thomas 39 Sylvius, John Cornelius 260 Symonds, Joseph 15 Talbot, Alathea 321 Talleyrand-Perigord, Charles Maurice de 70, 124 Talon, Denis 220 Tassis, Anthony de 322 Tassis, Funeral of Jean Baptiste de 141 Tasso 196 Tavistock, Marquis of 268 Tayadaneega, Joseph 297 Taylor, George 15 Taylor, Sir J. 266 — 395 — PAGE Taylor, Jeremy, Bishop of Down and Connor 1S0 Tee Yee Neen Ho Ga Row, Emperor of the Six Nations 288 Tegularius 305 Teissier, D. Eustachius 285 Temple, Sir William 319 Tencin, Pierre de Guerin de 345 Tenison, Archbishop of Canterbury 279 Thevenin, Claude 220 Thompson, Charles 97 Thompson, Richard 266 Thornton, James 158 Thou, August de 198 Thynne, Thomas 48, 339 Tilly, John, Count 331 Titian 53, 91, 184 Tollemache, Mrs 269 Tompion, Thomas 295 Tooke, John Horne 158, 334 TORRINGTON, THOMAS, Lord 295 Toschi, Paolo 256 Totnes, George Carew, Earl of 328 Toulouse, Louis Alexandre de Bourbon, Comte de 76, 95 Tour d'Auvergne, Louis de la, Comtc d'Evreux ... 281 Townsend, Alderman James 157 Trapnel, Hannah 120 Trapp, Johannes 15, 120 Trelawney, Sir Jonathan, Bishop of Bristol 271 Tremouille, Calliope de la 315 TRESSAN, Mons. DE, Archbishop of Rouen 79 Triest, Antonius, Bishop of Bruges 90 Tromp, Cornelius van 39, 125, 325 Tromp, Cornelius, Funeral Procession of 182 Tromp, Martin Harpertz 62, 116, 154, 305 Troubetskoy, Anastasie, Princesse 64 Trumbull, William 130 Turenne, Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne, Viscomte de 220 Turner, Sir Edward ; 25 Turner, Francis, Bishop of Rochester 271 Uden, Lucas van 332 Ulrica Eleanora, Queen of Sweden 96 Urquhart, Sir Thomas 124 Uytenbogaert 260 Valiere, Louise Fran^oise de la Baume, Duchesse de la 29 Vaillant, Waller ant 316 Vaillant's Wife 316 Valois, Francois de 172 Vanloon, Theodore 245 Velde, William van de, Jun 296 Vendome, Duke of 21 Vendome, see Mercceur. Vere, Sir Horace 67 Vergennes, Charles Gravieu, Comtede 319 Vernon, Miss 261 Veronese, Paolo Cagliari 53 Vespucius, Americus 229 Victor Amadeus II, Duke of Savoy 123 Vienna, Congress of 124 Vigenere, Blaise de 174 VlGNOLA, GlACOMO BARROZZIO DA 287 Villacerf, Edouard Colbert, Marquis de 96 Villars, Louis Hector, Due de 77 VlLLEROY ET BEAUPREAU, FRANCOIS DE NEUFVILLE, Due de 96 Villeroy, Madeleine de 229 VlLLIERS, Lady MARY 28 Villiers, Lord Francis 23 — 397 ~ Vinci, Leonardo da PAGE ... 197 Vintimille, Charles Gaspard Guillaume de ... 73 Vladislas, King of Poland, Marriage of ... 45 Vlugh, David ... 30 Voiture, Vincent ... 220 Vondel, Justus ... 176 Vorstermans, Lucas ... 90 Vos, Gerard- Jean de ... 163 VOS, GUILIELMUS DE ... 90 Vos, Martin de ... 277 Vos, Paulus de ... 90 Vos, Simon de ... 245 Vouet, Simon ... 238 Voysin, Daniel . . . 240 Vries, Tjerk Hiddes de ... 39 Wacken, Mons ... 124 Wael, Joannes de 90,91 Waldegrave, Maria, Countess of ... 269 Walker, George ... 319 Walker, Mr. ... 37 Wallenstein, Albert, Count ... 164 Waller, Sir William ... 274 Wallingford, William Knollis, Viscount ... ... 233 Wallis, John ... 109 Wallis, Miss ... 29 Warwick, Elizabeth Ingram, Countess of ... ... 242 Warwick, Henrietta Vernon, Countess of ... ... 297 Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of ... 328 Washington, General 97 > 344 Wassenaer, Jan Jacob van ... 305 Waterhouse, Edward ... 178 Watkins, Mr. ... 348 Watson, The Hon bl e Ann ... 296 ■ 39« - PAGE Waverius, Joannes 91 Webster, Sir John 189 Wellesley, Sir Arthur 315 Wellington, Duke of 124 Wesley, John 130 Westerbaen, Jacob 324 Weston, Mr. 11 1 Wharton, Thomas, First Marquis of 296 Whitaker, Tobias 55 Whitaker, William 236 White, Francis 198 White, Thomas, Bishop of Peterborough 271 Whitelock, Bulstrode 120 Whitmore, Lady 336 Wildens, Jean 245 Wilhelmina OF Hesse Cassel, Marriage of 19 Wilks, John, M.P. 158, 335 Wilkins, Dr. John 40 Wille, Jean Georges 200 Willes, Sir John 137 William I of Nassau, Prince of Orange ... 69, 127 William II, Prince of Orange ... 2, 27, 108, 154, 194, 247 William III, King of England 15, 18, 41, 125, 132, 154, 155, 156, 169, 239, 272, 280, 347, 349 William III, Prince of Orange, Marriage of 155 William III, Departure from Holland 155 William III, Arrival in London 155 William III, Coronation of 155 William III, Enthroned in the House of Lords ... 159 William IV, Statholder ... 101 William V, Count Palatine of the Rhine 341 William, Prince, son of Frederick, Prince of Wales ... 101 William Henry, Prince of Orange 298 — 399 - William Louis, Count of Nassau PAGE 69 Williams, John, Archbishop of York ... 67 Williams, The Lady ... 59 Winchester, John Paulet, Marquis of ■ • • 145 Windham, William , , , 269 Wing, Vincent 60 Winius, Andreas Deonyszoon . • • 324 Winter, Robert 16, 316 Winter, Thomas 16, 316 Winwood, Sir Ralph ... 153 WlSSENBERG, Le Baron de ... 124 WlSSING, GUILIELMUS ... 296 Wit, Cornelius de . . . 4i Wit, Cornelius de, Massacre of . • • 287 Wit, Jan de 30, 325 Wit, John de, Massacre of ... 287 Wittenhorst, Wilhelm Vincent, Baron van , , , 189 WlTTENHORST, WlLHELMINA VAN BRONKHORST, Baroness of ... 189 WOFFINGTON, MARGARET 37, 102 WOLFART, ARTUS ... 117 Wolfgang Wilhelm, Prince of Orange ... 69 Wolfgang- William, Count Palatine of the Rhine ... 332 Wolsey, Thomas, Cardinal ... 100 Woodward, Harry 25, 269, 297 Woollett, William ... 286 Worcester, Edward Somerset, Earl of ... 233 Wright, Christopher 16, 316 Wright, John 16, 316 Wright, Peter 118 Wycherley, William 296 Wynn, Sir W. W 266 Yarmouth, Robert Paston, Earl of 319 PAGE Yates, Mary 64, 71, 130, 158, 191 York, Henry Benedict Stuart, Cardinal of ... 64 York, Frederick, Duke of ... 129 Zamperini, Signora Anna m Zoffany, John 93 Zurch, Hans von 148 FINIS. ERRATA. AGE 28 No. 186, for Obit 1652, read Obit 1650. 29 194, for Valiere, Louise Francis, read Valli^re, Louise Franchise. 105 807, for Francis, read Frances, hi „ 871, for Signona, read Signora. 112 „ 872, for Francois, read Franchise. 112 „ 872, for Mignet, read Mignard. 150 ,, 1227, for Obit 1649, read Obit 1650. 160 „ 1333, for Died 1680, read Died 1688. 168 „ 1415, for Michael, read Michel. 202 ,, 1723, for Baurillon, read Barrillon. 219 ,, 1873, f or Minister to Louis XIV, read Prime Minister in 1624. 221 ,, 1892, for the description of this personage, read instead that of No. 2541. 288 „ 2469, for Obit 1705, read Obit 1706. 318 „ 2707, for Died 1672, read Died 1682. 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