Centennial International Exhibition, MELBOURNE, 1888-9. SPECIAL CATALOGUE OF THE EXHIBITS IN THE ARMAMENT COURT. /Melbourne: PUBLISHED BY M. L. HUTCHINSON, 15 Collins Street West. PRINTED FOR THE VICTORIAN COMMISSIONERS EY MASON, FIRTH & M'CUTCHEON, 390—394 Flinders Lane West. mdccclxxxviii. / V * Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Getty Research Institute \ https://archive.org/details/specialcatalogueOOcent INTRODUCTION. Of all weapons of war, heavy guns—the armament of our ships and fortresses—are of paramount importance to Great Britain, the integrity of whose empire depends upon the maintenance of her supremacy at sea and the retention of her foreign military stations. It is gratifying then to know that England holds her own in this respect, for her progress in heavy ordnance has not been surpassed by any nation. The battles of the Nile, Trafalgar, and all other naval actions about the beginning of this century were fought and won with no heavier pieces than 68-pounder carronades of 36 cwt. (for short ranges), and 3'2-pounder guns of 56 cwt.; but if England went to war to-morrow some of her ships might go into action with guns weighing 111 tons, firing a shell 2000 lbs. in weight. The first marked improvement after Lord Nelson’s time was made about 1830, by General Miller, R.A., the head of the gun factory at Woolwich, who introduced the 8-in. and 10-in. shell guns for horizontal firing. In 1840 Mr. Monk, chief clerk in the department, proposed the 42 and 56-pounders; and subsequent to this, Colonel Dundas, R.A., who succeeded General Miller, introduced 68-pounders: a great stride, as it was then thought, in the progress of heavy ordnance. But the supremacy of the 68-pounder was not of long duration, and it is no longer a heavy or powerful gun. Since the introduction of rifled guns—in the years immediately following the Crimean war—the armaments of nearly all countries have undergone repeated changes of more or less importance. England began with the Lancaster cast-iron muzzle- loader in 1855. but adopted the Armstrong wrought-iron breech-loader in 1859. The method of closing the breech of these guns not proving successful, discredited breech-loaders. Muzzle- loaders were again resorted to in 1864, built up, however, on the Armstrong principle, and in the same year Armstrong’s 64-pounder R.M.L. gun was introduced as an improvement in point of safety and simplicity, on the breech screw arrangement. Although, however, these 64-pounder R.M.L. guns were more powerful than the smooth-bore 68-pounders, they soon became insufficient for the modem requirements of naval warfare, as the power and precision of rifled guns, and the growing use of shells which would burst on striking a ship’s side and make a hole beyond repair, or, having penetrated, would burst between decks, dealing death and destruction around, and probably set fire to the vessel, necessitated the use of ironclad ships. To penetrate these necessitated the use of still more powerful guns, and then commenced those contests of gun3 verms armour-plates, which are still continuing. The 7, 8, and 9 inch Woolwich gun3 were introduced in 1865, and a few 12-inch guns of 25 tons were completed by 1866, built upon Sir William Armstrong's principle. In 1875 the 38-ton gun was finally approved of, and in 1876 the 80-ton gun, throwing projectiles of 1700 lbs., was completed. In 1878 four 100-ton Armstrong guns, throwing shot of 2000 lbs., were adopted, and about the same year the British Government returned again to the breech¬ loading system. At this time attention was drawn to the increased length of modern guns. Breech-loading having become a necessity, and having carefully considered the best known systems in force—such as Krupp’s, Whitworth’s, the French, and several others—preference was given to the interrupted screw, and up to the present time the British Government has built guns of thi3 description, from the 12J-pounders and smaller natures up to the 111-ton gun. It might be here mentioned that our forefathers were not behindhand in the theories of gunnery, for as far back as 1615 a rifle gun was invented 2§ inches in diameter, 62 inches in length of bore, and rifled in nine grooves. Owing, however, to the backward state of metallurgy and mechanism, it is only of late years that the manufacture of steel as a material for rifled ordnance has made such rapid progress. The difficulties which used to attend the forging of wrought iron in large masses were so considerable that a heavy anchor was one of the greatest achievements of the forgemaster, and, until the recent introduction of steam hammers, it wa3 impossible to forge our modern monster guns; but now there are machines so perfect and easily manipulated that guns can be made, true to gauge, to the minute limit of one-thou3andth part of an inch. It will be seen by the exhibits from the Defence Department that thi3 colony is kept well up to all the latest improvements, thanks to those who were entrusted with the groundwork of the defence system, which has worked without the slightest hitch for the last five years. 4 MITRAILLEUSE. Any arm by means of which two or three men can pour in a shower of bullets at the rate of not less than four hundred rounds a minute must take an important part in future war¬ fare, both on land and at sea. On land, in the form of volley guns, it will be most effective against bodies of men exposed up to 3000 yards. In the attack of open batteries the fire from the mitrailleuse in the tops of large ships will be very effective in sweeping away the gun detachments, provided that the depth of water be sufficient to enable the ships to come to close action, and at the comparatively long ranges of 1500 and 2000 yards a shower of bullets into an open battery will greatly harass the enemy. Against torpedo boats these small machine guns are powerless, but against their crews they will probably be used with considerable effect. MACHINE GUNS AND RAPID FIRE GUNS. As the speed of torpedo boats increased, so did the uncertainty of disabling craft of this character. That uncertainty has necessitated the provision of a weapon which can be laid and loaded with rapidity, and is at the same time powerful enough to inflict serious damage. The guns of this description are the Gatling, Nordenfelt, Hotchkiss, and Maxim. The last- mentioned weapon uses the force of the explosion of the cartridge to extract the empty case and insert a fresh cartridge. The cartridges are attached to a belt, holding from 400 to 2000 cartridges, so that the man firing the gun has only to think of the laying, and not of the loading. The barrel is kept cool by means of a water jacket. Lord Armstrong, at the annual meeting of the Elswick Ordnance Company, dwelling on the great strides made in the manufacture of quick-firing guns, pointed out that increased rapidity of fire is equal to increasing the number of guns in a ship or fort, without a corresponding increase in the number of gunners. Furthermore, it enables a successful shot to be repeated before the enemy can materially change his position, which in a slower-firing gun would necessitate relaying. Powder has also been improved, so as to give a muzzle velocity of 2400 feet a second. This, in the case of the 6-in. gun, is equivalent to piercing 15 inches of wrought iron as against 12-1 inches with the present charge of 50 lbs. of cocoa powder; As for rapidity of fire, ten rounds can be fired in 47| seconds, and at 1300 yards a target 6 feet square has been hit five times running in 31 seconds. It is evident, therefore, that few cruisers would try to run by well-placed 6-in. quick-firing guns with every chance of being hit by these deadly weapons, which are able to pierce 15 inches of iron, and hit a target 6 feet square five times in 31 seconds. No greater assistance has been given to the defence of a port like Melbourne during the past few years than that afforded by the invention of the4f-in. and 6-in. quick-firing guns of the improved type. SMALL ARMS. Spanish historians state that Spain was the first power that armed her soldiers with hand guns. Hand guns were used in England as early as 1446. The matchlock, an improvement in firearms, was introduced at the close of the reign of Edward IV. The novel feature in this weapon was the fixing of a cock to hold the match, the cock being brought to the priming by a trigger. The flintlock, about 1677, supplanted the matchlock, owing to the danger of sparks from the match igniting the powder before the soldier had taken aim, causing serious accident to sight. Flintlocks of various kinds seem to have been used until 1842, when the percussion musket was introduced, which continued in use in the British army until partially superseded in 1851 by the Minid rifle, and altogether by the Enfield rifle in 1855. In 1866 to 1867 many Enfield rifles were converted on the Snider principle; and in 1871 the present Martini-Henry was adopted. Some of these muskets and rifles are to be seen in this Court, bearing so early a date as 1650. The following is the description of the new experimented magazine rifle which is about to be introduced into the service in place of the Martini-Henry:—Calibre, 0'303 in.; no. of grooves, 7; rifling “Met- ford,” 1 turn in 10 in.; weight of rifle, with magazine oil bottle and jag, 9 lb. ozs.; magazine, detachable, holding eight cartridges. The bullet is of steel, covered with nickel, and has a much flatter trajectory and greater penetration than the Martini-Henry. _ There is also very little recoil with the rifle. The penetration at 2800 yards is quite sufficient to disable a man or a horse; the accuracy of the shooting at extreme ranges is surprising. On a target representing a battalion of eight companies, in quarter column, the size of the target being 30 yards by 40 yards, the result was— 5 2000 yards 2400 yards 2800 yards Number of men firing „ rounds fired „ hits Number of men firing „ rounds fired „ hits Number of men firing „ rounds fired „ hits 36 ) Percentage 324 of hits, 156 1 48-1. 36 j Percentage 360 \ of hits, 96 \ 26-6. 36 j Percentage 612 ^ of hits, 91 ' 14-8. SUBMARINE MINING. The term “ submarine mine” has, of late years, been substituted for “ torpedo,” which serves to distinguish it from the Whitehead and other inventions of a similar nature. It is now understood that defensive or stationary mines form part of the branch of submarine mining, whilst offensive locomotive weapons charged with explosives are named “ torpedos.” They come under the charge of the navy. The development of the application of submerged charges to destructive purposes has been gradual, as in the seventeenth century—viz., in 1628 —the English employed such means against the French fleet off Rochelle. In 1777 con¬ trivances devised by an American were used, though unsuccessfully, against the English fleet off Philadelphia. In 1800 Mr. Robert Fulton, an American, submitted plans of a submarine boat and explosive machines to the French Government, and in 1804 laid his inventions before the British Government. A few unsuccessful trials were made in 1805 against French vessels, but a successful experiment made the same year destroyed the “ Dorothea,” a brig of 200 tons. In 1812 Fulton attempted to apply his inventions to the destruction of English ships. The next proposal on the subject was made by Captain Warner to the British in 1844. In 1854 the Russians employed submerged charges in the Baltic, and also had others prepared with a view to their use in Sebastopol Harbour. Up to this period the charges were fired mechanically, although in 1839 electrical means were used in destroying the wrecks of the “ Royal George” and “ Edgar.” During the ten years succeeding the Crimean war, improve¬ ments in submarine warfare were made by the English, French, Austrian, and Danish Governments, the Austrians using submerged charges to a considerable extent during the war of 1866. The chief development in this direction took place, however, during the American War, submarine mines being employed on both sides with great effect. Their first use was by the Confederates, having for their object a means of rapidly closing their harbours against the advancing Federal fleets. Some thirty-four vessels of all sizes belonging to the Federals were either destroyed, sunk, or injured, but apparently only one Confederate vessel was destroyed by the Federals. A few instances may be given of the effects of these charges against the U.S. vessels. Destruction of the U-.S. Monitor “ Patapsco” in 1865.—“When near Fort Sumter there was a shock, a sound of explosion, a cloud of smoke on the port side, and in less than half a minute the deck was under the surface. Five officers and 38 men were saved; 62 officers and men were missing.” Destruction of the Ironclad Gunboat “ Baron de Kalb.” —“ Whilst moving slowly she ran foul of a mine, which exploded and sank her. There was no sign of anything of the kind to be seen. While she was going down another exploded under her stern.” Considerable as was the destruction of Federal vessels, this was not the only important result. The demoralising effect on the crews of the ships in the latter part of the war, from the constant anticipation of complete and sudden destruction, had a most baneful influence on the fleet. In a report from a Federal Admiral in 1864 he says:—“At 7.40 a.m. the monitor ‘ Tecumseh’ was struck by a torpedo and sank, going down rapidly, and carrying down all the officers and crew, with the exception of the pilot and eight or ten men. Regular discipline will bring men to any amount of endurance, but there is a natural fear of hidden dangers, particularly when so awfully destructive to human life as the torpedo, which requires more than discipline to overcome.” In 1868 a joint Naval and Military Committee reported to the English Government on the use of submarine mines for coast defences, with the result that a complete system of “submarine mining” was established, the work being entrusted to special companies of the Royal Engineers. The first attempt to introduce submarine mines as a part of the defences of this colony was made in 1870, by the establishment of a Torpedo and Signal Corps. During the re-organisa¬ tion of the local forces the two duties have been separated, and the work of attending to the submarine mines allotted to the Submarine Mining Company, composed at the present time of 22 permanent and 62 militia officers, non-commissioned officers, and men. Their duty consists in preparing, laying, and keeping in order the submerged mines, and 6 in working the powerful electric search-lights in connection with the mine-fields and the forts. For instructional purposes a submarine mining depot has been established at Port Mel¬ bourne, where every facility is available for training officers and men in all branches of their work. A complete equipment of boats is provided, including “ laying out” steamers and rowing boats. The principal submarine mining depot is at Swan Island, where stores, explosives, &c., are kept, and where the mines are prepared. There are also establish¬ ments at the South Channel fort, at Queenscliff, and at Nepean, from which points the various mines are controlled. Each station is also provided with an electric search-light. For the proper preparation of the mines, for laying them in their respective positions, and for ascertaining after they have been submerged if they are in serviceable condition, and for the purpose of controlling and firing them, a number of ingenious and special pieces of apparatus are required. All the apparatus has been designed by the Royal Engineers. The following is a brief description of some of the exhibits from this department:— Mine cases are shown containing from 50 to 1000 lbs. of guncotton. These cases are made of steel and iron, strengthened with angle irons, and made water-tight. In the buoyant mines, or those not laying on the bottom, the required flotation is obtained by making the case considerably larger than is required for holding the amount of explosive. These mines are held in position by means of mooring ropes attached to iron sinkers. The ground mines are heavy enough, when loaded, to sink and lie on the bottom. The different size mines are employed according to the depths of water and situation. Models of Mines in Position. —In a tank are shown the different classes of mines, method of mooring, and attachment of electric cables, together with their relative positions to the fort from which they are controlled and fired. The fort with its guns protects the whole of the mine-field, and would prevent an enemy’s ship or boats stopping or attempting to cut the connecting cables or remove the mines. At night time the search¬ light is directed from the fort over the mines so as to prevent any attempt to destroy the mines in the dark. The method of laying the mines is shown by the small steamer. Four electro-contact mines are slung, two on each side, all ready to be dropped over their respective positions. After each mine is laid the connecting electric cable is attached to one leading into the fort. The Position-findek is an instrument invented by Major Watkins, R.A., and is used as a range-finder, to determine the exact distance a ship may be from a fort. The principle of its construction is—a telescope similar to a “ level,” having cross-wires arranged in the eye¬ piece, and so mounted that, being fixed at the eye-piece end, the object-glass end can be depressed or raised by means of a screw. It follows, then, that the nearer a ship approaches the instrument the greater must the object-glass be depressed, and as the instrument is first set up at a known height above the water level, the range can be read off at once on the scale at the side of the centre bar. For observing and firing mines the observer has merely to keep the cross-wire constantly on the advancing ship, and when the ship is over a mine the instrument itself automatically fires the mine. The Shutter-board and Test Table Apparatus is fitted up in the fort, from which the mines are controlled. It contains all the instruments necessary to test the condition of the electric cables and the mines day by day, and enables faults to be discovered. The shutter apparatus is used for the purpose of signalling when a mine is struck by a ship, and it is so arranged that the mine will either fire at once, or it will merely ring a bell and signal when the mine can be fired or not, at the option of the observer. Test and firing batteries are in connection with the table, and the cables from all the mines are brought to the board and attached to the binding screws seen at the sides. The Mangin Projector is an electric lamp or lantern having a peculiar shaped glass mirror at the back, ground to a curve, that enables a beam of light to be thrown to a great distance, the pays being quite parallel. The current is supplied from a powerful dynamo driven by a steam engine, and the light given is equal to fifty thousand candle power. The beam of light can be thrown to a distance of five or six miles. Search-lights of this description are fixed at Queenscliff, Nepean, and the South Channel forts, and protect the mine fields laid down there. The Multiple Junction Boxes are iron boxes into which the cables are laid, and from which branches are taken to the mines. These boxes are laid on the bottom of the channel, and can be raised at any time for testing purposes. Apparatus for Electro-contact Mines. —This apparatus is enclosed in the mine case. A blow will cause it to vibrate. This vibration completes the electric circuit, and so fires the mine. There is also apparatus connected with it that enables those in charge of the test table to ascertain if the mine and its works are in good order and capable of being fired. Samples of Cables and Detonators. —The detonators are the electric fuses which are placed in each mine. They contain a small piece of fine platinum wire, which becomes heated on the passage of an electric current, and this sets fire to some guncotton wrapped around it, which in its turn fires a small quantity of fulminate of mercury, and this detonates, exploding the charge. 7 FIELD AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY.—CORPS OF ENGINEERS. Tools and Models of Military Engineering. Fortification is the most ancient of all the arts used in defensive warfare, and dates from the remotest ages. A tree or ravine afforded protection to our ancestors from wild beasts, and the same method of protection is now in use. To stop the advance of an enemy a ditch is dug, while to afford protection to the defenders, the earth excavated is shaped into various forms, and called a parapet, which is so constructed that it will keep the attacking force in view and under fire until the last moment, while to render their advance more difficult, and so keep them under the fire of the defenders, obstacles of various description are constructed in advance of the ditch, such as fallen trees, wire entanglements, and abattis. These are placed under cover, in order to prevent their destruction by artillery fire. Sunken pits, deep and shallow—“ trous-de-loup”—are also used for the same purpose. The most modern system of obstacle is that of wire entanglement, with land mines in front, which are exploded by electricity from the interior of the work by the defenders, or by contact by means of hidden wires under foot. In no branch of the service are the duties more multifarious than in the field companies of engineers. They must be always ready to construct, repair, or destroy rail¬ ways, telegraph lines, bridges of all descriptions, and construct works at a few minutes’ notice from materials to be found on the spot. The water supply of the army, camping grounds, huts, stables, and hospitals also come under their duties. When rivers have to be crossed, and suitable timber is available, frame bridges are constructed up to 80-ft. span, the joists, rafters, and floors of houses forming the roadway ; suspension bridges for 100-ft. span are made of wire or hemp cables; and floating bridges, with the service pontoons, transported on waggons, or from material collected on the spot. Field engineers are called upon to trace works at a moment’s notice, either for defence or attack. In the latter the works may consist of sunken trenches (called parallels), approaches, flying sap, batteries; these require constant supervision and skilled labour in tracing out. For the defence of positions— one of the most important duties required from field engineers in this colony—a knowledge of the country and lay of the ground is requisite in order to trace the defence works advantageously to the defenders, to enable the latter to defend vital positions against a superior force. Thus the skill of the engineer is shown in adapting the ground to the best advantage, whether it be for a temporary defence of a few minutes, or for a siege of weeks or months. In two or three hours’ labour a system of shelter-trenches for infantry pits or epaulements for artillery can be constructed. These, if supplemented by land mines, afford quick and formidable works against an attacking force. If a day is available, the shelter-trenches and other defences can be converted into breastworks, having a low parapet 3 feet high and 6 feet thick, with a sunken interior trench; and the gun pits connected and formed into a strong battery. If more time is available, a field-work, comprising ditch, parapet, gun banks, magazines, traverses, blindages, or casemates, can be constructed. Models in the collec¬ tion show the maximum and minimum of defence, according to the time and labour employed, together with the defence of villages, in various design and form. Thus it is seen that, under the direction and supervision of the field engineer, the 3pade and axe are of as much importance to the soldier as the rifle and bayonet. A variety of models termed “ provisional” are shown. This description of worn is semi¬ permanent, and requires several weeks for construction. All have the modern system of wire entanglements and land mines to protect them and provide accommodation for the garrison in casemates and blindages. Models of fortification in other countries are shown, such as the celebrated “ Krischin redoubt” at the Turkish defence of Plevna, with two and three lines of fire; a Swiss redoubt having a very strong profile; a Maori pah manifesting ingenuity of con¬ struction against artillery fire, and an American fort erected by a Confederate engineer. There are other models of interest, such as a “ hasty redoubt” on the shelter trench principle, affording protection against shrapnel fire, which can be constructed in twelve hours by two hundred men. There are also models of the defence of houses in isolated positions, the construction of block-houses, and frame bridges available up to 80-ft. span between abutments. The comical figure described as the flying sapper is constructed of tools and material used for revetments. The horse is made of brushwood, called “fascine,” resting on pickets in which the wood is choked up tight by means of a choker, shown as reins. The head of the figure represents the outline of a field-work, with a river around the neck, having a bridge across for a necktie. The head-dress is a sandbag, with a paint brush for a plume. The sapper is well armed, having a handsaw for a sword, pickaxe for a carbine, implement for clearing obstacles in erecting air line telegraphs for a lance. Pontoon or mud boot3 form the legs, with shovel and spade for stirrups, a firepot 8 for a nosebag, and a soldering iron with coal for his rations, and wire gauntlets are used for gloves. Field telegraphy appliances for rapid communication during an engagement, such as flags, a heliograph, an air line, outpost cables, and telephones, also appear in the collection. The air line is carried on light bamboo poles, and over it messages are sent by the Morse code of signals, a key word often being used, to prevent the enemy from reading the messages. The Theilor sounder, or “buzzer,” will transmit messages along a bare wire laid on the ground. The collection of photographs shows details of works in course of construction in military engineering. Amongst other exhibits of interest are models of some of our largest ships trading between Melbourne and the United Kingdom, many of which are fitted as armed cruisers, and available for carrying troops. 9 STEAMSHIPS AND ARMED CRUISERS. (MODELS.) 1 P. & O. S. N. Co.. Collins-st West—S.S. “Massilia." Built by Caird and Co.. Greenock, March, 1SS4. Tonnage, 4913; I.H.P., 6000 ; speed, 15) knots (at full pressure) ; dimen¬ sions—420 feet long, 45 feet broad, 34) feet deep; passengers, first class, 130; second class, 104 . 2 Model representing the s.9. “ Victoria” “ Victoria." Built by Caird and Co., Greenock, 1SS7. Tonnage, '6207 ; I.H P., 7000; speed, 19 knots per hour (at full pressure); dimen¬ sions—length, 463 feet; depth, 34 feet; width, 52 feet; passengers, first class, 250; second class, 160. S.S. "Oceana." Built bv Harland and Woolf, Belfast 1888. Tonnage, 6362; I.H.P., 7000; depth, 34) feet; passengers, first class, 250; second class, 160. S.S. “ Britannia.” Built by Caird and Co., Greenock, 1877. Tonnage, 6257; I.H.P., 7000; speed, 19 knots (at full pressure); dimensions — length, 466 feet; breadth, 52 feet; depth, 34 feet; passengers, first class, 250; second class, 160. S.S. “ Arcadia.” Built by Harland and Woolf, Belfast, 1388. Tonnage, 6362 ; I.H.P., 7000 ; speed, 19 knots per hour (at full pressure); dimensions — length, 468 feet; breadth, 52 feet; depth, 34) feet; passengers, first class, 250; second class, 160. N.B.—AU these boats are available for carrying troops, and can be fitted as armed cruisers. 11 Dalgety & Co. Limited, Bourke-st. West.— S.S. ■* Damascus." Built by R. Napier and Sons. Tonnage, 3709; I.H.P., 400'; speed, 12.5 knots; dimensions—length, 362 feet; breadth, 44 feet 3 inches; depth, 23 feet 6 inches ; passengers, first class, 40 ; second class, 20 ; can fit up steer¬ age to accommodate 450. This boat is available for carrying troops, and can l>e fitted as an armed cruiser. 12 Messrs. John J. Thorneycroft and Co., Chiswick, London.—Five models of torpedo boats. Presented to the Government of Victoria. 13 Steam Yacht “Thetis,” R.N.Y.C. Built by Muir and Houston, Harbour Engine Works, Glasgow. I.H.P., 690; speed, 12) knots; dimensions— length, 137 feet: breadth, 25 feet; depth, 15 feet 6 inches. Presented to Sir W. J. Clarke, Bart., M.L.C. 13) Messrs. Jas. Bell & Co., (^uccn-st.— S.S. “Wainui." Built by Muir and Houston. Dimensions—length, 196 feet; breadth, 28 feet; depth, 15 feet. 14 Pacific Steam Navigation Co., Collins-st. West. Model, representing the mail steamers “ Pacific,” “ Limena,” “ Santiago,” “ Panama.” Built by Messrs. Randolph, Elder and Co., Glasgow. Tonnage, 2008; I.H.P., 1720; speed, 12 knots; dimensions—length, 282 feet; breadth, 40 feet; depth, 40 feet; passengers, first class, 146; second class, 36. 15 C. Strachan, Esq., Custom House, Melbourne. —Model of a lifeboat; with an illustration of going to, and coming from, the rescue. 3 Gibbs. Bright & Co., Flinders-lane West. — S.S. 11 Port Victor," 2792 tons. 4 S.S. " Rosetta." 6 Mr. Chas. Corbett.— Model of a small despatch boat. 0 S.S. “ Victoria.” 6a Messrs. Huddart, Parker and Co., Collins-st. West.—S.S. “Courier." Built by C. S. Swan and Hunter, Wallsend, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Tonnage, 728; I.H.P., 3000; speed, 21 knots; dimensions—length, 221 feet; beam, 30 feet; depth, 12 feet 6 inches; passengers, 1107. 7 S.S. “Elingamite.” Built by C. S. Swan and Hunter,Newcastle-on-Tyne. Tonnage,2585;I.H.P., 2800; speed, 15milesan hour; dimensions—length, 311 feet; breadth, 41 feet; depth, 21 feet; passen¬ gers, first class, 130; second class, 81. 8 S.S. “ Burrombeet.” Built by C. S. Swan and Hunter. Tonnage, 2420 ; I.H.P., 2000 ; speed, 14 miles per hour; dimensions—length, 300 feet; I breadth, 40 feet; depth, 20 feet; passengers, first : class, 112 ; second class, 80. 9 S.S. “Coogee.” Built by J. L. Thomson and Sons, Sunderland. Tonnage, 762; I.H.P., 2500; speed, 19 miles; dimensions—length, 225 feet; breadth, 30 feet; depth, 13 feet 6 inches ; passengers, 1900. N.B.—All these boats are available for carrying [ troops, and can be fitted as armed cruisers. 10 J. W. Payter, Esq., Postal Department, Mel¬ bourne.—Model of a torpedo and gunboat. 16 Model of yacht. 17 Orient Steam Navigation Co. (T. E. Pugh, Agent, 137 Collins-st. West).—S.S. “ Orizaba." Built by Barrow Shipbuilding Co. Tonnage, 6184 ; H.P., 7000 ; speed, 16 knots ; dimensions—length, 460 feet; breadth, 40 feet 3 inches; depth, 35 feet 3 inches ; passengers, first class, 126 ; second class, 154 ; steerage, 700. 18 S.S. “ Austral.” Built by John Elder and Co. Tonnage, 5588; II.P., 7000; speed, 16 knots; dimensions—length, 456 feet; breadth, 48 feet 2 inches; depth, 33 feet9 inches; passengers, first class, 124; second class, 144 ; steerage, 600. 19 S.S. “ Orfnuz.” Built by Fairfield Shipbuilding Co. Tonnage, 6116; H.P., 8500 ; speed, 18 knots ; dimensions—length, 465 feet 5 inches; breadth, 62 feet 1 inch ; depth, 34 feet 1 inch; passengers, first class, 136; second class, 168 ; steerage, 760. 20 S.S. “ Orient.” Built by John Elder and Co. Ton¬ nage, 5386; I.H.P., 6000; speed, 15 knots; dimensions—length, 445 feet 6 inches ; breadth, 46 feet 3 inches; depth, 35 feet 1 inch; passen¬ gers, first class, 108; second class, 136; steerage, 500. N.B.—All these vessels can be fitted as armed cruisers, and are available for carrying troops. 21 Model of a sailing ship. 22 Trustees of Public Library.—Model of an old English frigate. 23 A. Currie & Co., William-st.- S.S. “Methley Hall.” Built by Palmer's Shipbuilding and Iron Co. Limited, Jarrow-on-Tyne. Tonnage, 7260; 10 H. P., 1600; speed, 101 knots; dimensions— length, 330 feet; breadth” 43 feet 3 inches ; depth, 29 feet. 24 H.M.S. “ Orlando.” Built by Palmer’s Ship- building and Iron Co, Ltd. Tonnage, 5000; I.H.P., 8900 ; speed, 194 knots ; dimensions—length, 300 feet; breadth, 56 feet; depth, 31 feet 3 inches. 25 S.S. “Argus.” Built by Palmer’s Shipbuilding and Engineering Co. Limited. Tonnage, 5750; I. H.P., 1800; speed, 121 knots; dimensions — length, 325 feet; breadth, 40 feet; depth, 25 feet 3 inches. The s.s. “Argus” is available for carrying troops, and can be fitted as an armed cruiser. She comes under the Board of Trade requirements for carrying passengers under the Passenger Act. 26 Messrs. Petsch, Doehling & Co., 'William- street.—Model of torpedo boat, built by F. Schicau, Elbing, Germany. Dimensions—length, 150 feet; beam, 16 feet; draught, 7 feet 2 inches ; speed, 24.23 knots. Accomplished the voyage from Elbing Works in Germany to Foo Chow. 27 The Bay Excursion Co. Limited, Collins- st. West.—P.S. “Ozone. Built by Napier, Shanks and Bell, Yorker, Glasgow. Tonnage, 572; H.P., 314; speed, 21 miles per hour ; dimensions—length, 260 feet; beam, 28 feet; depth, 10 feet 6 inches; certificated to carry 1191 passengers, within Port Phillip Heads. Is available for carrying troops, and can be fitted as an armed cruiser. 28 Mr. Thos. Wallace, Osborne-st.,Williamstown —Model of a yacht. 29 Model of the “ William Symington” of 1802. The first practical steamboat This model is the very one made by the inventor himself. VICTORIAN NAVAL DEPARTMENT. 30 Projectiles used in the Victorian Navy. 31 Propeller of “ Childers.” 32 Outrigger torpedo for boat service. Charge, 374 lbs. guncotton. 33 Hotchkiss gun for “Childers.” 34 Two - barrel Nordenfelt mounted on board “Gordon.” 35 Propeller, forged steel, “ Nepean” or “ Lonsdale.” 36 An Electro Contact, or electro-mechanical Mine ; 72 lbs., naval service. 37 Torpedoes, two fuime, 14 inches. 38 One 14-inch torpedo, R.L. mark II *. 39 One 15-inch torpedo, Whitehead. Mounted on sections of torpedo boats, showing the new dropping gear invented by Mr. Dann, chief torpedo gunner, and the old dropping gear Imperial naval pattern. 40 Various pistols and primers for exploding tor¬ pedoes. 41 Gauge-tester, for testing air-gauges of 2240 lbs square inch. 42 Appliances for filling Hotchkiss cartridges. 43 Glass tank containing models of miniature mines. 44 Ohms’ lights or torpedo finder. 45 Ground or buoyant mine, 500 lbs., naval service. 46 Ten-barrel Gatling gun from the “ Nelson.” 47 Fuses for various shell and projectiles for machine guns ; electro and mechanical tubes for firing guns. 48 Gauge-tester for testing steam-gauges up to 250 lbs. 49 Four-barrel Nordenfelt from the “ Cerberus.” 50 Two special 6-inch B.L. powder cases. 51 Mould for building up charges of 8-inch B.L. gun with prismatic powder. 52 Mould for filling 6 inch B.L. charges with pris¬ matic powder. 53 Kynoch, G. & Co. Ltd., Witton, Birming¬ ham.—Military' and sporting cartridges. 54 M‘Lean Bros. & Rigg, Melbourne.—One case of Nobels’ explosives. 55 M’Lean Bros. & Rigg, Elizabeth-st., Mel¬ bourne.—Solid drawn and sporting cartridges. Cases by Eley Bros. Ltd., London. 56 John Hall & Sons, England.—One case, con¬ taining military, sporting, and blasting powder. Various Uniforms Representing the Victorian Defence Forces :— 57 Victorian Naval Forces. 58 Victorian Cavalry (mounted.) 59 Garrison Artillery. 60 Victorian Mounted Infantry. 61 Victorian Red Infantry. 62 Ballarat Rifles. 63 Victorian Volunteer Rifles. 64 Victorian Cadet. 65 Victorian Commissariat. 66 Undress Infantry. These figures were made and placed in position by Mr. Kreitmayer, Waxworks , Melbourne , and the uniforms supplied by Messrs. Lincoln , Stuart