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This work has been issued in response to numerous requests for larger Photographs than are contained in our Nature Books. The size of the page is I2|''x io'\ and there are 30 to 40 Photographs from life by the best nature photographers in each part, many full page, most half-page, and a few quarter-page, single photograph is often luorth the price of the part. Please apply to your bookseller for a part. If you find difficulty in procuring it, one will be sent for yd., post free, by the publishers. The Twelve Parts bound in One V 'jlume, Art Cloth, Coloured Edges. Price ']s, 6d. net ^ postage ()d. extra. LONDON & GLASGOW : GOWANS & GRAY, LTD AN ELEGANT CHRISTMAS PRESENT THE DESERTED VILLAGE BY OLIVER GOLDSMITH WITH 15 COLOURED ILLUSTRATIONS BY STEPHEN REID PRICE, BOUND IN PARCHMENT. 5/- NET POST FREE, 5/4. A DELIGHTFUL EDITION, SIZE OF ILLUS- TRATIONS 9ix7. WE THINK IT AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS PRESENT AT THE PRICE. 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Reprinted, December, igo8. ^HE rublishers have submitted the selection in the present vohime to Mr. Claude Phillips^ Keeper of the Wallace Collection^ author of zvhat is^ in their opinion, the best book on Watteau extant ( Seeley nd4 u Fats/ P»storftl Pleaeures. u Fats/ L'amante Inquiite, u F at 5/ A Qroup of Ladies »nd OectlO' men on a Terrace, - Dreiden U 505 F R I E F An Out^door Picnic, ... U506 RIB F The Dance, I>ulw;ch TJ 108 F R I FStePhamp^tie, - . . - U109 F R I Fdte Champ^bre. . . . . Edinburgh 8 F R The Toy Windmill, X I at 10/6 66 Title. Gallbry. No. Size. t% Gentlemen with a Lady in a Un TrouT^re, .... Florence, Uffizi Monastery of U Fats/ L'Escurial R F at 2/6 (Silver ouly) A Love Scene, . . . • R F at 2/6 (Silver enly) Gilles (a clown), . . - . Louvre U53 F at 5/ R I P Einbarkment for the Island of Cythera, U 57 F at 5/ 1 B F U Fats/ u F atV An Assembly in e Park, u F at 5/ I The Conjurer, .... u Fats/ The Judgment of Paris, u F at 5/ Le Faux p&s, .... u Fat 5/ u Fat 5/ Jupiter and Antiope, • •J u F at 5/ I u Fat 5/ A Marriage Contract, - Madrid U S4S FR I F A 76te in the Qardenii of St. Cload, Munich K.E. U546 FR I F Head and Hand of a Pierrot, T F at 1/6 Head of a Bey with & Phrygian St, Petersburg T Fatl/ Minuet. 4S9 F R F Sareyard with his Marmot, 440 F K The Gnitax Player, U 441 F R I F The Hardships ef War, 442 F F The Pleasures ef War, ... 443 g F !* U444 F R F A Guitar Player, .... Vienna 441 R F Harlequin and Oolumbiiie, ■ "Wallace 39 FR F The Music Lesson, L«8 Champs- Elye^es, - 45 F F 63 FR F Gilles and his Family, - 66 FR F Amusements ChampStres, ■ X67 F R I at 12/6 F The Fountain, .... 68 K R F The Music Party. .... o9 F The return from the Chase, X 70 FKIatl2/6 F 67 PRIVATE COLLECTIONS. Gallery. No. SlZK. Permank Prists, i A Bather, . • . . - Arau IT I Guitar Player, .... Buckingham Palace F F iicading^ Dy 0*110 le-iignt, • Sir F, Cook, Bart. F at 5/ Landscape with Figures, Czartorygki, Paris U F iit 5/ The Fountain, .... DeT«n shire U F at 5/ Out-door Entertainment, 64 F R F3te Chttmpfitre, - Demldoff U 1 FSte Ohainp^tre, . . . - Marquiiede Lavalette I at 12/ A Garden Sceue, - Chas. Morrison w I at 12/ A Theatrical Group, ... Opigez u t at 6/ The Fountain, .... Baron Alfred de Rothschild t The Village Betrothal, A Scene iu the Country, >' u I A. M. de Rosquinet The Maskers,- .... Spencer „ A Concert, 110 F Portrait of the Artist, • Wellington 111 F A FSt» Galante, .... u I La Gamine d'Amour, - P. B. 571 u Fat 5/ The Sign of the Caf^ des Singes, P. B. 572 u Fat 10 The Sign of the Picture Dealer, Gersaiut, I., - H.I.M. 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