1861 Jan. 24 LoPh I^^l A CATALOGUE OF A COLLECTION OF OQ. f), &* ANCIENT PORCELAIN,-^'^' RECEIVED DIRECT FROM CHINA, Comprising — SEVERAL VEET EARE AND FINE SPECIMENS PARTICULARLY A DOUBLE GOURD BOTTLE OF DARK BLUE, Enamelled in Dragons, 24 inches high ; A LIGHT GREEN VASE, PENCILLED IN FIGURES, 26 inches high; SQUARE BLACK & GREEN BOTTLE WITH FLOWERS, 26 inches high ; 24 inches in diameter ; And numerous other Examples of rare Colour, Form and Decoration; A FEW BEAUTIFUL ENAMELS, OBTAmED FROM PEKIN, OP UNUSUAL FORM AND COLOUR, And a variety of Objects of Ceramic Art, interesting to Collectors, BY MR. PHILLIPS At his great Rooms, 73, New Bond Street, On Thursday, 24th of January, 1861, . AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. i 'X ^ J ^ ^ L~ ' May be Viewed on Tuesday and Wednesday preceding the Sale ; and Catalogues had. J. Davy ait'l Sent, Prxuttrt, 137, Loiiy Acre. CONDITIONS OF SALE. First.— The highest bidder to be the purchaser, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders the lot to be put up again and re-sold. Second. — No person to advance less than Is. at each bidding; above five pounds, 2s. 6d., and so advance in proportion. Third. — The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, to pay down immediately a deposit of £25. per cent, in part payment of the purchase-money. Fourth. — The lots to be absolutely cleared away, with all faults and errors of description, at the purchaser's expense, within one day after the sale. Fifth. — The remainder of the ptirchase-monet/ must he paid on or before the delivery of the lots. Sixth. — Upon failure of complying with the above conditions the money deposited in part payment will be forfeited, all the lots uncleared within the time limited will be rC'Sold either by public or private sale, and the defi- ciency, if any, together with all charges of such re-sale made good by the defaulter at this sale. Lastly. — And should any purchaser or purchasers obtain their lot or lots, and leave the same, or any part, uncleared or by any neglect omit paying for the same, such purchaser or purchasers shall pay £5. per cent, per annum interest on the amount of the said purchase from the day of sale until the amount of the said bill shall be discharged, and all expenses attending such delay. CATALOGUE. On THURSDAY, the 24th of JANUARY, 1861, COMMENCING AT ONE o'cLOCK PRECISELY. LOT 1 A nest of 9 cups and a square enamelled tray 2 A nest of square flower pots and a pomegranate jar 3 A rare crackle joss, and 4 beautiful shaped and enamelled cups 4 A jar, enamelled in figures, and 6 small pieces of china 5 A blue ribbed bottle, with cHrious swan shaped neck 6 A pair of dark blue bottles, pencilled in black, and 2 shells 7 A circular bowl, enamelled in flowers, and red border 8 An enamelled plate, 8 hanging vases and a shell shape dish 9 A flat shape Nankin pilgrim's bottle, with the sacred eye, and a yellow tripod 10 Two lavender crackle dishes, and a turquoise incense bottle 11 A crackle plate and a pair of bowls, enamelled in figures 12 A globular jar with handles, purple ground 13 An 8 in. fish globe, white ground with kylins in colours 14 A circular match pot, of the rare black and gold japanned china 15 A 14 in. fish bowl, enamelled in green dragons 16 A 2i^ in. jar, brown with raised dragons in red 17 An 18 in. Nankin ditto, white with blue flowers 18 A circular enamelled and fluted dish, and a purple vase with birds over 19 A large and curious splashed crackle kylin 20 A fine old 14 in. FONT, delicately pencilled in land- scapes and figures 21 A DITTO, larger (faulty) 22 Three ancient mottled jars 23 A 26 in, vase, with handles, brown scale ground with figures in blue 24 An oval bowl, light green ground, richly enamelled in dragons 25 A shaped ditto, enamelled in figures 2Q A large Oriental marble Dish, 24 in. diameter 27 A 20 in. ditto Dish, of blue turquoise 28 Two 14 in. Dishes, enamelled in figures and buildings 29 A pair of fine old enamelled screens, pencilled in trees and flowers, on carved stands 30 A fine old 18 in. JAR, deep blue ground pencilled over with gold landscapes 31 A purple jar and cover, with enamelled flowers in colours 32 A fine old mottled square jar, with ribbed ornamentation, and having the sacred eyes S^ An ancient figure of a JOSS, richly enamelled in colors, the hands carved in ivory 34 A very curious Imperial yellow bottle, with engraved characters and perforated handles 35 A beautiful square Perfume Burner and Cover, with perforated sides, white ground with rich borders in colours SQ A small jar, of the rare apple green crackle, very brilliant in colour 37 A leaf shaped mottled vase, striped with blue, of rare form 38 A long necked globular bottle, 23 in. high 39 A beautiful Jar, of salmon colour, pencilled over in birds and flowers 40 A fine globular BOTTLE, of brilliant turquoise, 14 in. high 41 A PILGRIM'S BOTTLE, with handles, white ground pencilled in flowers and fruits 42 A beautiful BOTTLE, of the rare pink china, ornamen- ted with enamelled flowers, 14 in. high 4] A ditto, of elegant form, white ground with flowers and border in pink 44 A bottle, of splashed crimson 5 45 An elegantly formed Bottle, of the apple green crackle, a beautiful specimen, 13 in. 46 A melon shaped ruby crackle jar 47 A FINE JAR, of bright red porcelain; a curious and unique specimen 48 A pair of Garden Seats, lavender ground, embossed and ribbed 49 A long necked BOTTLE, of the rare sea green, with embossed pattern, 16 in. high 50 A NOBLE VASE, OF RICH TURQUOISE, CRACKLE, ivith raised ornamentation of trees, birds, ^"c, 24 in. high 51 A 13 in. circular dish, enamelled in flowers 52 A shaped ditto, deep blue ground, enamelled in dragons 5S A tall bottle, of light green crackle, with bronze rim 54 A pair of curious china altar candlesticks, on carved stands 55 A pair of yellow enamelled flower vases and stands 5Q A small bottle, of beautiful emerald green crackle 57 Fifteen plates with perforated borders, the centres pencilled in figures 58 A beautiful JAR, of light green, engraved over and enamelled in birds, flowers, &c., 14 in. high 59 A NOBLE BOTTLE, 21 in. high, white ground with the pomegranate tree and fruits richly enamelled in colours, and a figure on the reverse 60 A very elegant BOTTLE, of rare ancient TURQUOISE BLUE, engraved over with flowers and borders, with the ancient Nankin mark, 18 in. high the following ENAMELS DIRECT FROM PEKIN. 61 A MATCHLESS VASE, OF THE ANCIENT ENAMEL, designed in landscapes, buildings, &c. in various colours on a light blue ground, 22 in. high ; considered to be unique 62 ANOTHER, of different form, designed in scrolls, flowers, &c., 27 in. high 63 ANOTHER, of sexagonal form^ designed in landscapes birds, &c., with handles, on a beautiful perforated metal stand, 15 in. high 64 A very rare and beautiful BOTTLE, of white enamel, with scrolls and flowers in blue, 14 in. high 65 A ditto fan shape SCREEN, designed in trees and foliage, with inscriptions proving it to be 500 years old, 3 ft. 8 by 2 ft. 1 66 A ditto GLOBULAR BOTTLE, blue scale ground, with the Imperial dragon in red, 14 in. high 67 A DITTO RAM, formed of WHITE ENAMEL, richly ornamented, and supporting a gourd shape vase of deep blue 68 A ditto TRIPOD VASE, of brilliant turquoise ground, with green, black and red flowers 69 Three circular boxes and covers, with inscription, a sexagonal ditto and 2 trays 70 A remarkably fine ANCIENT VASE, of square form; black ground with pencillings of flowers in green and white, 26 in. high ; unique 71 A square white vase, pencilled in flowers and birds 72 A very beautiful PERFUME BURNER, richly gilt and enamelled, with perforated sides, on an elaborate stand 73 A SUPERB VASE, DOUBLE GOURD SHAPE, deep blue ground, with dragons and scrolls in rich enamelled colours ; a matchless specimen; 24 in. high 74 A brilliant turquoise bottle, double gourd shape, 12 in. high 75 A globular bottle, of the rare black and pearl japanned porcelain, 15 in. high 76 A Ditto ditto, light green with red dragons in relief, 18 in. high ; a very rare specimen 77 A Turquoise Crackle VASE, 24 in. high 78 A large and fine sea green Jar, with embossed pattern, 21 in. high 79 A curious white bottle, with traced pattern and mask handles 80 A MAGNIFICENT VASE, of the highest quality, 'pale green ground with group of figures in fronts the reverse scrolls and Chinese characters, 26 in. high ; a very rare and choice specimen 81 A DITTO BOWLj the interior and exterior exquisitely pencilled in medallions of subjects from Chinese life, and rich borders, 24 in. in diameter 82 A fine TURQUOISE CRACKLE VASE, with snake handles 83 A very beautiful high green VASE, with leaf shape landscape medallions, 17 in. high 84 A brilliant tuiquoise blue bottle d>5 A light green jar, enamelled in peacocks and flowers 86 A mottled turquoise jar with metallic spots 87 A white jar pencilled in figures 88 A 4 ft. 6 SCREEN, with figures in relief 89 A fine yellow vase with red imperial dragon 90 A pair of beautiful JARS, with rich enamelled borders and medallions of figures, 16 in. high 91 A pair of bamboo spill holders 92 A ruby crackle jar and cover 93 A red and blue splashed vase 94 A double gourd vase of beautiful form, white with red flowers 95 A turquoise jar 96 A white crackle jar, and a yellow and blue beaker 97 A mottled bottle and a brown ditto 98 An elegant beaker of pale blue 99 A crimson crackle bottle 100 Six small inlaid bronze cups 101 Nine small grotesque carvings in ivory, and 4 brooches 102 A finely carved ivory emblem of Peace 103 Four carved amber and agate charms, and a joss stick holder 104 A finely carved ivory flower vase 105 A fine blue and white perforated stand 106 A double gourd bottle, lavender ditto, and a barrel shape vase 8 107 A turquoise blue bottle 108 Ten enamelled sweetmeat trays and a crackle bowl 109 A tall white bottle, enamelled in figures 110 A fine old lavender crackle jar 111 A globular shaped ruby crackle bottle 112 A beautiful old JAR, white ground, pencilled in flowers and scrolls, 18 in. 113 An ancient crackle oviform bottle 114 A ditto with double neck 115 A white pillar vase pencilled in scrolls, with metal top 116 A fine ruby bottle, the lip crackled 117 A long necked purple bottle with embossed scrolls 118 A flat shaped lavender vase, with embossed flowers and perforated handles 119 A pair of yellow Monkeys, ditto vase, kylin, and a mottled bottle 120 Two splashed bottles 121 Two ditto 122 A curious blue and red vase 123 Two mottled blue bottles 124 Twelve feather hand screens, and 12 embroidered ditto 125 Two jars painted in figures 126 A red bottle 127 A blue and white crackle ditto 128 A bronze bottle and a ditto jar 129 A blue bottle and sundry china (faulty) 130 A yellow beaker and a blue dish 131 A sea green jar, and a perforated dish (faulty) 132 Sundry Japanese baskets 133 Sundry fans and hand screens 134 135 FINIS. THE GETTY CENT tR UBRARY 1861 Jan.24 LoPh c.1 Phillips /Ancient porcelain, rece 94-P498 ^Lnf^^^PH^S 3 3125 01185 8930