QtyJ\ffNUAL CeleB/^A r/O/V of the /AANAGEF^ & AGENTS FO(\THE U-S Cincinnati’s • C«™5 • Enterprise. A RESULT OF SIXTY YEARS’ PROGRESS, RIPE WITH EXPERIENCE AND ENERGY. -<1 OISE OF THE SIGHTS OF THE CITY [>- THE JOHN SHULITO COS DRY GOODS STORE RACE SEVENTHS GEORGE ST Visitors and Strangers in the City are politely “ r f d t0 , see --=-__ ± our new and large lines of FALL GOODS, coming from nearly every clime and country of the globe. It will be a sight and revelation to you seldom met with. The potent and persuasive power in the commercial world—LOW PRICES— prevails with us. THE JOHN SHILL1T0 COMPANY, Race, Seventh and George Sts. CINCINNATI. COHEN & CO., PRINTERS. • • PHI N'S • • CINCINNATI, OHIO 0en)n}er)cit)ej ^luejusf 22±tl) Sorjhrjuir)^ except §)ur) y&vX hdXKi/ Uvi 2 )uX ^V^OvTtx Q/yuL “ 2>W0 US'O-WvVW OA/O WOt/ WVV’UmX' W Q^y \10WWwo Ov ’OuVcwXvr bi W30U>