OF A COLLECTION OF Old Sporting Prints i3sr ooLoxjiis, THE PROPERTY OF HENRY MILNEE, ESQ.; Drawings by H, Aiken and T. Rowlandson ; Pictures by J. F. Herring, J. Ferneley and H. Hall; AND A COLLECTION OF OLD SPORTING AND OTHER ENGRAVINGS, PICTURES by Sarforius, Stubbs, Seymour, Sir E. Landseer, and others, THE PKOPEETY OF A NOBLEMAN: WHICH mill bj »alb bg Mttian bj L .b^31^ Messes. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, Air TSIEIE (SEEAT S©@MS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1899, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. May be viewed Friday and Saturday preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Maxsok and Woods' Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. T. THE highest Bidder to he the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 11. No person to advance less than Is, ; above Five Pounds, 58. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. YI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the Bettlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part ol payment shall be forfeited; &li Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1899, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. The Projjerty of HENR Y MILNER, Esq. ENGRAVINGS— i^^ramed 1 A Mail Coach, after Newhouse ; Mail Coach after Pyne ; and A ^.7 French Diligence— m colours 3 Z^^*^^^-^^^ S^ ' 2 Lioness attacking a Mail Coach, after J. Pollard, by Havell— in . colours ///^/^^-^ ^ . 3 Doing the Handsome ; and " Three Blind 'Uns and a Bolter "~in /^ colours 2 6 • 4 Mail Coach, after Robertson ; Mail Coach Breakfast — mezzotint -^ j and two others /^ . 5 Posting in Scotland ; and Posting in Ireland, by Lorraine Smith /T/y^^^^ — coloured ,.,-, 2 ^^ 6 The Comforts of Being Drove like a Gentleman ; and The Com- / f "7 ' C>\ panion — in colours 2 17 Tandem and Stage Coach — a pair ; and Mail Coach — in colours 3 8 Coaching Scenes, after Cooper Henderson — a set of six, in two ^ frames 2 B 2 ' * ' 9 Malle Poste Anglaise ; Diligence Anglaise ; and Stage Coach — ^^j^^^^^^^n,^ set of three, in colours ; and two others 5 ' ^ ' 10 Coaching Subjects — a set of three, in colours 3 /t^^c-^*--* — //^^ ■ 11 The Royal Mail ; A Barouche ; and Tandem, after Hixon — a set / of three, in colours 3 .12 The Mail Coach in a Drift of Snow, after J. Pollard ; and Oppo- yi , . / ) sition Coaches at Speed — in colours 2 '^ ^/A^^^-^ 13 George IV. in Hyde Park, after J. Pollard, by Dubonrg; and His Majesty in liis Travelling Carriage — in colours 2 fO ^ 14 Coaching Incidents, after Cooper Henderson — in colours 3 /^^i,^^tr>^ • 15 Stage Coach, after Pollard, by Dubourg ; and A London Mail and Stage Coach — in colours 2/x^^^'^^-*''^'**^ ffi . 16 A Trip to Brighton, after J. Dean Paul — a set of four, in colours 4 ^^ . 17 The Eoyal Mail ; and A Waggon and Six, after J. L. A.— a I'ciV, /?^,^i^^ in colours 2 18 Stage Coach; and Mail Coach, after Pollard, by Rosenberg — a I pair, in colours 2 ' 19 Mail Coach in a Snowdrift ; Mail Coach in a Flood ; and Mail Coach in a Storm of Snow, after Pollard, by Reeves — a set of three, in colours 3 '6" ' 20 Mail Coach in Deep Snow ; and Approach to Christmas, after /yUyJii.^%-t^ Pollard, by G. Hunt — a pair, in colours 2 / - 21 Bowden's Coaching Recollections, Dec. 183G, after J. Pollard — a ATy/ set of four, in colours 4 ffi ■ 22 Coaching Incidents, after Cooper Henderson— a set of three J^^Z,.,^^ coloured lithographs 3 /^ ■ 23 Stuck Fast ; Late for the Mail ; In Time for the Coach ; Road fL^y^^ versus Rail, after ditto — a set of four, in colours 4 •^ • 24 Car-Travelling in the South of Ireland, after Hayes— a set of six, "".Z/^m-^^^ in colours g 25 Knee-deep ; and Flooded, after Cooper Henderson, by Harris — / / a pair, in colours 2 //? . 26 The Stage Coach, after Jones, by Hunt ; and The Turnpike -j y Gate, after C. Henderson — in colours 2i ■^^^^^^ ■ 27 Mail Coach Behind Time, after H. Walter ; and The Stage Coach, -^^ after Jones — in colours 2 28 Winter: Going North, after H. Aiken — in colours; and Mail /^><(!^^^ /^ ) Coach in a Thunderstorm, after J. Pollard — ditto 2 I 29 Four-in-Hand, after J. Pollard ; and The Same, after ditto, by Havell — in colours 2 /^ 30 One Mile from Gretna ; and False Alarm on the Eoad to Gretna, /^ after Newhouse — a pair, in colours 2 31 The Early Delivery; The Last Change Down; and The Eight /7^ X^, ,_^. ) Sort, after W. J. Shayer — a set of three, in colours 3 ] [32 The Ipswich Independent ; and The Manchester and London Coach — in colours 2 /^ - 33 The Age, after Cooper Henderson ; The Liverpool Umpire ; and ^^^^^-^ C The New London Mail, by Hunt— m colours 3 ^ • 34 The Taglioni, after Cooper Henderson, by Harris; and The pt^ Aj^-'i Hampton Court Coach, after Herring — in colours 2 y^- 35 The Edinburgh Express; The Eagle, Snaresbrook, after J. /^ Pollard ; and The Eton Coach — in colours 3 /C • 36 The Beading Telegraph Coaches ; and one other — both in colours ^^^Z^c- 2 ■ 6 ' 31 Manchester and London Coach; and The Cambridge Coach — o,/^^jCa^i, pair, in colours 2 /^ • 38 Quicksilver Eoyal Mail, after Pollard; and The Bed Kover /* Southampton Coach — in colours 2 ^^ ■ 39 The Cambridge Telegraph, after Pollard, by Hunt — in colours ; /^^ X^^ and The Bedford Times — coloured lithograph 2 /2— - 40 The Birthday Team, by and after C. Hunt — in colours C^ 41 The Eoadsters, by ditto — in colours T ' 42 Waiting to Change, after H. Aiken — proof in colonrs „ -<^-«?i -^*-* /D ■ 43 Four-in-Hand, after Pollard, by Dubourg — in colours '^^^-i^je-a^ ' 44 Frencb Travell-iug ; and English Travelling, after Eowlandson, /;jg^,j^j^ by Jukes — a pair, in colours 2 ^^_ r45 Graf Sandor, after Prestel — in colours ^ 46 The ^lail Coach, after G. Morland, by S. W. Reynolds— prmfed in colours 4:7 The Unicorn Norwich Coach, after J. Pollard, by Hunt — in fM-^ ) colours (48 The Brighton Day Mails passing on Hookwood Common, after Shayer, by Hunt — in colours i49 The Brighton Coach, after ditto, by ditto — ditto ^^ ^^^^^S3_^ 50 The Crack Team, after J. F. Walker, by Harris— (Zi«o 51 The Olden Time; All Right; Pulling up to Unskid ; and ^^^^^^ Waking Up, after Cooper Henderson, by Harris — a set of four, in colours 4 62 Uphill : Springing 'era ; and Duwidiill : The Skid, after W. J. (^.^i-^^^ Shayer, by Papprill — a pair, in colours 2 53 Mails Starting from the Post-Oflfice ; and Mail Coach by Moon-*^^^^^^^-^^ light — a pair, in colours 2 f 54 Regent Street from Piccadilly, after T. H. Shepherd — m colours 55 Highgate Tunnel, after Pollard, by G. Hunt — in colours ,-{;i^5t-^Z'^*-**-<*'^ 156 View on the Highgate Road, after ditto, by ditto — ditto f^ ■ 57 The Four-in-Hand Club, Hyde Park, after ditto, by J. Harris— ^^,^<^[<^ ill colours i58 The Duke of Beaufort Coach, after Shayer, by C. Hunt— n* /^y-L^^L-^j^^ colours 59 The General Post-Office, London, after Pollard, by Reeves — in colours eo Coaches Starting from the Angel Inn, after ditto, by Ticexe^/^^*^''''*^''^ — in colours /^ • 61 Regent Circus: The Brighton and Loudon Coach — in colours ^^^-if--^'^'-*^^ L /z DRA.WINGS. 62 Coaching : Summer and Winter — a pair 2 .«%4,^. 63 J, Pollard, 1805; Mail Coaching Scenes— a pair, signed O'^^^^.^Z^ dated 2 y^ .^»- The Property/ of the HON. LADY DUCANE. H. ALKEN. 63a Hunting Subjects — a set of eight, in coloured chalks TITER PROPERTIES. ENGRAVINGS.—i^mmecZ. 64 The Grand Leicestershire Steeplechase, after H. Aiken— a set of "^.-i,-*--*^ eight, in colours 8 If- ■ 65 Setters, after G. Morland — printed in colours ,Z'^^t^-c_ . /O - 66 Morning; and Evening, after ditto, by W. Ward — ditto 2 /pCy . ^'^, 67 The Eeturn from Market, after Wheatley; and two, after Morland -£ — in colours 3 /^ . 68 Feeding Pigs ; and Shepherd and Shepherdess, after Morland — J^Ct..t,^*^~^ printed in colours 2 DRAWINGS. H. ALKEN. 6 — . , ^^ 69 Stebplechahing — a set of six drawings 6 ^..^■'^-C*^.^ 2_ . T. ROWLANDSON. / /^ ^ 71 The Barbel C^^f-^-^ / ' 72 Clearing the Premises without Consulting the Landlord ^^^ /O ' 73 The Love Letter (^^^^^^^jLa.-^!^^^ /S ' 74 View of Hereford; and Milking Time 2 -^i-^-^^ /^ '75 Rustic Courtship; and A House on Fire 2 C^^ ^ ■ 76 A Hunting Morning ^j^U^^^-.^-^ /^ ' 77 Antiquaries; and A Penurious Man ^~j)^^q.^^^ 78 On the Thames ; and The World's End 2 -/-^^-^ /S^ . 79 Xg^ GRAVESBiND BoAT ^^^^^J^^-^^^ The original drawing for ' Johnny Newcome in the Navy.' 80 The Custom House , / /^-'^ ^t-^^-'^^ Engraved in ' Sentimental Travels in the Southern Provinces of France.' PICTURES. J. FERNELET, 1840. ' 81 "Launcelot," with W. Scott up 27^ in. by 35 in. H. HALL, 1864. ^-i^^/^i^^L. ^^ ' (d 82 " Loiterer," witli portrait of John Dawson, sen. ...^^^^Co-'i^^ 22 in. bv 29i in. /^ 22 in. by 29| in. H. HALL. /O • 83 " FiTZ Roland," with "Wells up, winner of the Two Thousand J^--p^-*-*>« 27 tw. by 35 t«. ' ' ^ H. HALL, 1876. $$L^_^ , /^ . 84 " Kisber " 14^ in. \ij 19^ in. H. HALL, 1863. y^ /2~ • 85 " Fantastic," with H. Custauce up 22L in. by 29^ in. H. HALL, 1864. '1 • 86 "Antoinette" .,.*^^^^t- -^^ ' 221 ,•„. by 29^ in. /^ ^-— . H. HALL, 1850. ^ 87 "Glendower" 22^ in. by 29^ in. / H. HALL. flf ■ 88 "The Hero" "^^T-^L., 10 tn. by 11^ in. H. HALL. // . ^ 89 " Brigantine " -:£^Jj^, 9^ tn. by 13 in. H. HALL. ^ • V 90 " Vespasian," with H. Custance up "p^t 10 in. by 13 tn. ^TT^'t J. F. HEERING. 91 " The Eeoorder," winner of the Grand Leamington Stakes, 1841 . y 24 tn. by 29 tn. ^^^ ^-^^^^^L_ nEBItlNQ . lA/i^vM^miJ. ^ iS^ 92 The Mid-day Meal ^^^^^^su^ V 12 in. by 16 tn. J. F. HERRING, Sen., 1827. // . 93 Matilda and MimMA B wa B, running for the St. Leger, 1827 /Zcl^-l---^^ 23 tn. by 34^ tn. Painted for Mr. Gully t Lot 10 Tne Property of A NOBLEMAN. ENGRAVINGS.— i^mm^cZ. 14 A Gamecock, after Sartorius — in colours ^'i-^y^.^^t^i.^^^ -95 Throwing Off; Gone Away; Full Cry; and The Deatli, after Aiken, by Eeeve — in colours 4 °f i "Wnnrlrnrrh ; ?1n"lT ^ iii rti"; ri i n-^l "RTfi f^ i ^mr^ inPl i TH ii rV) ^y 0. Tui'DCP pr&ofs m I '*^ / 97 A Spaniel, after Milton, by Cook and Smith — proof; and A -^^^l^^^-^ Hound, after Agasse, by C. Turner 2 98 The Sport-man's Dog, after Northcote, by S. W. Reynolds — ^^ proof ; and Partridge Shootiug, after Reinagle 2 , ,^ 99 A Spaniel and Wild Dock, after Barrett, by J. Watson — (Z^^i^i^y^ prooj ■ 100 Phyllis (a pointer), after Stubbs, by B. Green ; and A Spanish ^^i-^i^^^^f-^ Pointer, after ditto, by Woollclt 2 ^ Id 101 Snowball (a greyhound), after Chalon, by ^Y. Ward — proof y (TV^^i"''^ ■ '7 • 102 The Merstham Hvht — lithographs 3 '/^e-^ — ^^ liy . (^ 103 Countess GitKY, and children, after Sir T. Lawrence, by ^/^^-^lyi^ S. Cousins, E.A. — proof /$ . 6 101 Portrait of a Gentleman, after ditto, by ditto — proof hefore /'t2»--«-'-^ letter /O ' (> 105 Et. Hon. W. Windham, after Hoppuer, by Say ; and Portrait oi ^-en--*^'-^^^ an Officer 2 6 ' 106 Et. Hon. C. J. Fox, after Sir J. Eeynolds, by J. Jones ^./^^^■u^t.i,.-^ c? 107 Lady Louisa Manners, after ditto, stipple by C. Knight ^ -^ fO ■ U 108 Lady Chaelotte Legge, after Eomney, by J. Grozer - ^ 109 Henuietta, Countess of Warwick, after ditto, by J. E. Smith fiho . 1^ ' 110 Lady Caroline Montagu, after Eeynolds, by S. Cousins, E.A. — ^J'pp^ I-^ artist's proof 11 ' ' 111 Muscipula, after ilitto, by ditto; and Mother and Child, by G. Q/l/lje^^ Zobel— ar/iVs' proofs 2 .« . rll2 Picture of Health, after Sir J. Millais, by ditto — artist'' 8 proof ^^^y^ 113 The Spinster, after Romney, by Jeens — aWisf's jproo/ r I - 114 Miss Kich, after Hogarth, by Cousins; and Rubens' Wife, after "Z^^^t^/ liubeiis, by G. Flameiig — artists' proofs 2 / ' 115 The Blue Boy, after Gainsborough, by Waltner — artist's proof "^^^^^ 116 Mrs. Siddons, after Gainsborough, by R. B. Parkes — artist's ^ proof (/^^^^ II ■ i 117 Rt. Hon. John Bright, after Millais, by T. 0. BatIow —artist' 8 ~^^^i-^ 7 proof signed . ^ 118 Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, after ditto, by ditto— cZ/^o I A ■ ^ 119 Hon. Mrs. Parker and son, after Reynolds, by R. B. Parkes — (A^t-^ artist's proof I P - h 120 Mrs. Mayne, after ditto, by ditto— ditto ^^ /121 Sunday Morning, after W. Collins, ^.K.— proof before ««2/ z^^^-^,^^ . / j'~ • y letters ^ 122 Youug Cottager ; and The Cottage Girl, after Gainsborough, by Whessell — a pair 2 / ^ ' 123 Morning; and Evening, after Morland — aquatints 2^/^'*^"'^; 1^ h 124 Thomas Fairfax, by H. Allerd ; and Cornelius de Wit 2 "^^^^^-"-^ - S^ ' 125 Portraits of William III. ; and Queen Mary 2 -^'^^^^^^ jj ' 126 Portraits of Lord Lansdowne ; and Lord Clarendon, after Grant ; /^r^^^a^ one, after Lawrence, by Turner — proof; and two others 5 j Lf. ■ 127 Portraits of Lord Nortbbrouk ; W. M. Thackeray; Lord Gran^-^/i>i-^-t^ ville ; &.C. 6 . 2, • 128 Message from the Sea, after Howard, by Cousins — artist' s proof \ '-^^,f^^^^/^ Highlander and Shetland Ponies — proof \ &c. 4 . /S^' 129 The Holy Family, after Reym-Lls, by W. Sharp— p-oo/; and -^^^^,_^ Titian's Mistress, by A-. Perfetti — proof 2 " . C^ ■ ^ 130 Flower Pieces, after Yan Huysum, by R. Earlom — a pair 2 (^L't---^ ' ^ 131 Marriage-a-la-Mode, after Hogarth, by R. Earlom — the set of six --^.i,,,^^ 6 12 DRAWINGS. 132 Carting Seaweed : Kormandy ; and A Kiveb Scene 2 W. BENNETT. 133 A Forest Scene, with figures 134 A Welsh Kivee Scene BOISOLI. 135 The Grand Canal, Venice ; an Equestrian Portrait, after A^^r-A^ Velasquez ; and a Lithograph 3/ W. BLAKE. 136 Death's Poor — sketch Pastel ^lu^^^ VANDTCK. Ip • 137 Portrait of the Princess Mary, in white dress *S5^^v,.t-.,^^i^ Chalk Formerly in the Collection of the Duke of Hamilton PICTURES. rp 138 March of the Medical Militants; and The Bath Coach ^^^£^ ' 139 Sea Pieces, with jetty and boats; and An Errand Boy ^^^a-^^ SIK E. LANDSEEK, E.A, ^ • » 140 A Lake Scene, with boats and figures ^y^ j2^^-*-i-»^^ From the Artist's Sale 2-.^ 13 SIK E. LANDSEEE, K.A. 141 A Lake Scene: Sunset From the Artist's Sale > G. F. LEWIS, R.A. ^ I '142 Spaniels ^-t^^ A. t^ On panel G. MASON, A.R.A. %- ' 143 The Evening Hymn ,^^t- Study for the Engraved Picture I J. N. SARTOEIUS, 1798. 144 A Groom, with two huuters outside a wood, hounds in the dis- tance ^l^'T^^y^ J. N. SARTOEIUS, 1798. *2— • 145 A Hunter, in a park (p{^ J. N. SARTORIUS, 1799 (2— ' s^ l^C -^ Hunter, in a wood J. N. SARTORIUS. Q- • 147 A Huntsman ^ tr-t^