Prints, Books, Books of Prints,^ Copper' Plates, Pictures, Colours, Piano I'orte, Engraving Tools, 16 Reams of Copper-Plate 'Paper, dsc, A Catalogite OF THE GENUINE COLLECTION OF PR IJVTS, Proofs and Etchings; engraved Copper- Plates, Books and Books of Prints ; 16 Reams of Copper-Plate Printing Paper ; Pictures; Water- Colours ; a Piano Forte ; a com j)! etc Set of French Tools for Engraving in the Chalk Manner, &c.&c. OF , An eminent ARTIST, deceased. WBiefi WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION . By Mr. RICHARDSON, AT HIS HOUSE, No, 31, in the Strand, Corner of ViUiers Street, On WEDNESDAY, JANUARY the 20th, 1808,. And Two following Evenings at Six o’CIock. To be Viewed on Tuesday the 19 th, and Days of Sale, Catalogues may be had of Mr. Richardfon, N", 31 , Strand, CONDITIONS OF SALE. !• 'TT'HE higbeft Brdder to be the Buyer }' and if any Difpute arife betweeu two Or more Bidders, the Lot fo difputed Ihali be immediately put up again andre-lbld. II. No Perfon to advance lefs than is. Above Five Pounds as. 6 d. and fo on in Proportion. III, The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5 s. in the Pound in Part of Payment of the Furchafe Money, if required j in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo pm chafed, to be immediattly put up again and re-fold. iV. The Lots to be taken away with all Faults, at the Buyer’s Expence, within one Day after the Sale. V. To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend long and open Accounts, the Remainder of the Purchafe Money to be paid on or before the Delivery. ' VI, Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money oepol^tec- in Part of Payment fliall be forfeited} all i.ots urolejryil with.n the Time aforelaid, fhall be re-fold, by public or priva^t Sale ; and the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Re- file, inali be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale, \ A CATALOGUE, STc. 5rc. Sfc. Firft Evening’s Sale, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY the 20th, 1808. 1 ARCEL, natural hiftory 2 A parcel 3 A parcel, fcripture prints 4 Ditto, foreign views 5 Ditto, topographical, Englifh 6 Ditto, Foreign 7 Ditto, various 8 Ditto, Archite6lure, ^c. 9 Ditto by Grignioij, 6cc. ' 10 Ditto, after Sheliey, &cc, 11 Ditto, bookplates, feveral etchings and proofs 1 2 Ditto, portraits ( 4 ) X3 Ditto V . 14 Ditto 15 Ditto, Whitefield, &c. 16 One hundred portraits . , ly Twenty-!even, Gravelot, See, 18 Twenty-five, feveral proofs 19 Twenty, after Claude, by Earlom, etchings 20 Twenty-one, 'iS^7r/(5/(32;z/ 21 Nine Shipping by Pollard 22 Fifteen Modern 23 1 hirty-three ditto ^4 Eight after Bunbury, Sec, 25 Sixteen ditto 20 Seven Circles, Bartolozzi 27 Fifteen after Stothard, &c.' 28 Twenty-eight after Cofway, See, 29 Eleven by Nutter, &c. 30 Nine by Jukes, See. 31 Fiiteen portraits 32 Thirty, theatrical 33 Fifty book plates, proofs 34 Parcel cofiume 35 Forty-ieven views, &c. Le Porte r r : 36 Parcel by Ditto 37 Ditto archite£lure 38 Ten by Bartolozzi, See, 39 Forty-nine Shelley, See, 40 Twenty^nine topographical proofs 41 Sixteen, Bartolozzi, &c. 42 Fourteen, by Thompfon, See, fame proofs 43 Twenty-one figures from the antique 44 Twelve views by Angus, 45 Sixteen ditto by Milton, fine 46 I'wenty-five, Rollin’s Roman HiftoryJ by Gravelot, See, fine 47 N’neteen after Shelley, proofs 48 Sixty, ditto 49 Parcel book plates, proofs 50 Twenty, Teleinachus 51 Parcel topographical { 5 ) 52 Sixteen Views, aquetint 53 Twenty-one, Jordaens, &c. 54 Four by De Launay, &c. 55 Nine portraits after 'Sir J. Reynolds, ^c. 56 Three La Lifeufe, by Wille/ &c. 57 Thirteen by Fittler, &:c. 58 ^'Icven by Ryland, &c. 59 Ten views, Margate, &c. 60 Thirty-four modern 61 Thirteen ifluftrious heads, Houbraken, &C. 62 Thirty Englilh views 63 Fourteen from voyages, proofs 64 Twenty topographical, proofs 65 Sixteen ditto 66 Thirty ditto foreign 67 Seven after Corregio, Raphael, &c. 68 Twenty-nine foreign topography 69 Twenty-five Roman Hiftory, by Gravelot, &c. fine 70 Four, lofs of the Grofvenor, &c. by Pollard, etchings 71 Fourteen after Claude and G. Pouffin 72 Three, Ladv Ackland, &c. by Pollard 73 Seven after Sir J. Reynolds, &c, 74 Eighteen animals, &c. 75 Twenty-feven anatomical 76 Eleven portraits, Thomas Paine, by Sharp, &c, 77 Ten from Cook’s Voyages, &c. by Rooker, Wooilett, &c. 78 Forty-nine archite£lure, from ancient Buildings in Rome 79 Six Oxford almanacks, by Ifaac Taylor, proofs 80 Nine ditto 81 Six after Wouvermans, &c. 82 Six, Ihipping by Pollard, the etchings 83 Four ditto, after Dodd, proofs 84 Fifteen, after Weitall, &:c. 85 Three, Evening after Both, by Byrne, &c. 86 Eleven fcripturai drawings in India ink, very fine 87 Twenty-one old hiftorial drawings, &c^ ^8 Parcel county maps 89 Seven after Dodd, by Pollard, Sic. 90 Seventeen criminals of Bern by Ifaac Taylor 91 Seven ibippina; by Pollard, etchings 92 Tluee after Cuyp, &c. proofs ' 93 I wenty-fix alter Shelley, &c. 94 Four after Guido, Van Dyck, S>cc, Six after Weft, &c. 96 Seven after Ferg, &c. g'j Five, Democritus and Protagoras, after S. Rofa, by llaac 'Faylor, proofs 9§ Nine view's, proofs and etchings 99 F'iftern after Polydore Catravagio, by Bartoli, fine 100 S‘x after Rubens, Van Dyck, &c. 101 Seven figures fiom the antique, 102 Five by Bartolozzi ; Hercules and Dejanira, » proof, occ. 103 Survey of Calcutta and Environs by Upjohn, / on 4 flieels ' IC4 Ditto ' IC5 Five, after Teniers, &c. ro6 Four, Alexander vifiting the tomb of Achilles, etchings 107 Eleven, trees, &c. ic8 Twenty-four, Bartolozzi, ^cc. '109 Seven, Margaret NichoUon’s attempt to aflafli^ nate the King, &c,' I TO Filieen emblems after Angelica 111 Fourteen portraits, various 112 Two, Democritus and Protagoras, after S. Rofa, . by Ifaac Taylor, proofs 113 Five, after Sir Jcfhua Reynolds, &c, 114 Four Scu\>iurCf etchings and proofs 115 Two, baptizing the Eunuch, and St.John in the Wildernefs, etchings ii8 Five, after Claude, Pouftin, &c. by Vivares, fine 117 Seven, Triumph of Love, &c. 118 Six after Smirk, ( 7 ) lig Twenly'two after Le Brun, Scd, 120 Seven after Angelica, by Ryland, See, 121 Two, the drowned and recovered youth> after Smirk, by Pollard, proofs 122 Seven in colours after Bunbury, &c. 123 Five portraits after Sir J. Reynolds, See, 124 Two boys playing at marbles, after Paye, by Pollard, fine proofs 125 Three, murder of David Rizzio, Set. proofs 126 Proof impreflious^o Chambers’s Cyclopaedia, imperfedt 127 Five, lofs of the Grofvenor Eaft Indiamaii, &c. fine 128 Two, after Stubbs, the fall of Phaeton, and Lion and Stag, by Green 129 Two, Apollo lamenting the fate of Hyacinthus, after Wed by Pollard, proofs 130 Three, Country Race Courfe, &c. after Mafon 131 Four, Vi 61 ors of the Nile, See, by Bromley and Landfeer, Sec, • 132 Four, Huntings, after Woldenholme by Reeve, proofs 133 Two, conjugal AfFe 61 :lon, and the Grand- mother’s Blelang, after Smirk, fine 134 Five, Ridinger, Set, 135 Two, View of the Jetty at Yarmouth, and Lynn Market Place 136 Five, infide view of St, Paul’s on the day of Thankfgiving for the recovery of his Majedy, after Dayes, Sec, 137 Two, ditto, and trial of Warren Hadings, Efq, proof 138 Five, the Nativity, after Corregio by S’oane, &e. 139 One, interview between Edgar and Elfrida, after Angelica by Ryland, fine pro f 140 Two, Apollo lamenting the fate ot Hyacinthus, after Wed, fine proofs 141 Five, Bonaparte reviewing the Confular Guards, after Mafqueriet, Sec, ( 8 ) 142 Two, Drowned and Recovered Youth, after Smirke by Pollard, fine proof 143 Two, Ditto 144 Four, View of Falmouth, &c. 145 Four, Inkle and Yarico, &c. 146 Three, Vauxhall Gardens, after Rowlandfon/ proof and etching, tSc, 147 The lofs of the Grofvenor, Halfwell, ix,c, fine End of the Elrfl Evening* s Sale^ ^ \ Second Evening’s Sale, ^ THURSDAY, JANUARY the 21fl, 1808. 1 ARCEL, ornaments 2 Parcel, natural hiRory, &c. 3 Parcel, maps, &c. 4 Parcel, Scotch Kings 5 Parcel, fcripture prints 6 Parcel, ornaments 7 Thirteen, after Angelica, &c. 8 Parcel, architedlure 9 Eight, Rake’s progrefs, Hogarth 10 Fifty-feven book plates, proofs 11 Twenty-eight modern 12 Fifteen, after Sir Joflina Reynolds 13 Fourteen, by Fittler, &c. 14 Eighteen, after Angelica, &c. 15 Thirty-fix, Englifli hilfory 16 A parcel of portraits 17 Eight circles, Bartolozzi, &c, 18 Forty chalk prints 19 Sixteen after Eifen, &c. B ( 10 > 20 Thirty-fiK topographical, feveral 21 Twenty-five, Vivares, &c. 22 Thirty-one, proofs, etchings, &c, 23 Fourteen, after Cofway, &c, 24 Twenty-two, animals and etchings, 5 cc, 25 Ten circles, Bartolozzi, &c. 26 Ten by Jukes, &c. 27 Parcel vignettes, &c, by Ifaac Taylor 28 Coftume 2g « — ornaments from the Vatican, &c. 30 Thirteen books of vafes, &c. 31 Thirty, by Picart, &c. 32 Parcel book plates, after Hayman 33 Ten portraits, Voltaire, &c. 34 Pajcel, by Gravekt — Ditto Rollin’s Roman liiftory 26 book plates, proofs 37 archite6lure from ancient buildings in Rome 38 Thirty-feven, modern 39 Twelve, French hiflorical emblems, fcarce 40 Fourteen, after Smirke, 5 cc. 41 Seven, Giardini’s Ticket, by Bartolozzi 42 Nine various, ditto 43 Fourteen, Bartolozzi 44 Twelve views, by Angus, fine 45 Thirteen, after Hamilton, &C. 46 Twelve, after Stothard, Bunbury, &c. 47 Fifteen, Bartolozzi, from Ariofto, &c, 48 One ditto. Virgin and Child, unfinijhed proefx fcarce 49 Twenty-nine, after Shelley, &c. 50 One hundred theatrical portraits and vignettes, proofs 51 Parcel engraved titles, &c, to Spedtator, Guar- dian, &c. 52 Thirty ditto, Spedlator and Pope’s works 53 Thirty-three book plates, by Ifaac Taylor, and etchings ( n ) 54 Twenty-four ditto ■ 55 Twelve ditto 56 Twenty ditto 57 Nineteen ditto 58 Sixteen ditto 59 Ditto ' 60 Fifteen ditto 61 Thirty ditto 62 Fourteen ditto 63 Thirty-three Don Quixote, proof and etchings 64 Twenty-four ditto 65 Twelve ditto 66 Six, employment of Criminals at Berne, by Ifaac Taylor, proofs, etchings, 67 Twenty-eight, Don Quixote, proofs, 8vo. 68 TwentyTeven, ditto, by Grignion, Ravenet, &c. 69 Eighteen for Milton, after Haymanby Grignion, See. 7© Twenty-five, Rollings Roman Hifiory, by Gra- velot, fine 71 Kirby’s map of Suffolk, 4 Jheets, and Taylor’s map of Worcefter, 4 fieets 72 Moore’s map of Jamaica on 4 fiieets, engraved by Rooker, and 2 others 73 Parcel, prifons and hofpitais 74 Eight, after Angelica, &c. 75 Six views by Nolpe, fne and fcarce 76 Eleven, Waterloo, &c. 77 Fifteen after Wagner, &c. 78 Seven, Oxford Almanacks, by [Ifaac Taylor 79 Six' ditto 80 Thirty-three modern prints 81 Five, Fox chace;' Stag at Bay, &c* 82 Fifteen emblems, after Angelica 83 Seven Portraits, after Sir J. Reynolds, 5 cc. 84 Fifty modern prints 85 Ditto 86 Twenty-five views 87 Eighteen, Telemachus ( 12 ) S8 Nineteen, ditto 89 Forty tight modern prints 90 Twenty- four after Tintoretto — fine 91 Six arter Angelica, by Ryland, &c. 92 Nine portraits, Colley Cibber, by Fiiher, See* 93 Fourteen, Flobbes, by Faithorne, &c. 94 Nineteen Artilis 95 Nineteen by Vertue 90 Twenty, clergy, by Ditto, See, 97 Nine, poets, &c. by Ditto 98 i en, Iliuftrious heads, Houbraken, &c. 99 Seven, iiilfory of England 100 SiX aqua fortis proofs 101 Three ditto after Teniers, Scq. fine 102 T wo, the drown’d and recovered youth, after Smirk, by Pollard, proofs 103 One Batik of the Boyne y after Weft, by Hall, an aqua jortis proof 104 Survey or Calcutta and Environs, by Upjohn, 1793, on 4 ftieets 105 Ditto 106 Two Democritus and Protagoras, after S, Rofa by Isaac Taylor, proofs 107 Two portraits of Rubens by Woollett, proofs ; and Landfeape alter Pouftin, by ditto unf- nifijed proof 108 Two views in Kew Gardens, &c. etching ditto fcarce log One, Cebdon and Amelia, ditto 110 i wo, premium lands-eape after Smith, ditto 111 Six, Ceyx and Alcyone, Celadon and Amelia, the Cottagers, 6 cc, 112 Five, Vicar ot W akefield, Jofeph Andrews, &c» by Woilett and Eliis 1 13 Two, Vicar of Wakefield, See* uffinified proofs 114 One, ihc Good Siiepherd, alter Murilio, by i\iajor, ciching 115 Two, the Ketton ox, and the Durham prize. ( *3 ) 116 One, St. John preaching in the Wildernefii, after S. Rofa, by Brown, the etching, 1 17 Twelve, Hijiory ef Adam and Eve ^ by Ridinger, fcarce 118 Seven from Boydell’s Shakfpeare, after Opie, See, fine 119 Four, Lord Nelfon, &c. 120 Two, Apollo lamenting the fate of Hyacinthur after Weft, and Edgar and Elfrida,by Ryland fine proofs 121 Two, view of the Jetty at Yarmouth, and Lynn market place 122 One, interview between Edgar and Elfrida, by Ryland, fine proof 123 Two, Apollo lamenting the fate of Flyacinthus, after Weft, fine proofs 124 Twm, the drowned and recovered youth, after Smirke, fine proofs 125 Ditto 126 Two, the battle of Chevy Ghace, after Graham and Gilpin, fine proofs 127 Two, infide view of St. Paul’s on the day of thankfgiving for the recovery of rfis Majefty, proof and etching 128 The burid of Genera! Frafer, and the Death of Abercrombie, proofs 129 Two, tryal of Warren Haftings, Efq. proofs^ one before the letters 130 One, the groufe fhooters, after Northcote,/^?^/ 131 Three, huntings by Pollard, 132 Two, village charm, he, proofs 133 Two monuments in Weftminfter Abbey, proofs 134 Two views of Highbury and Cannonbury Place, proofs 135 Two, Englilh hiftory, after Fufeli, he. proofs 136 Two, view of Gibraltar, with Sir G. Bryd^es Rodney coming to its relief, he. proofs on India paper 137 Three proois before any letters, fine //^ n /u^ \ / ( *4 ) 138 Two, the Lady Hobart Packet, proofs 139 Four topographical, proofs, &c. 140 Two after Weft and Angelica, proofs 141 Two, tryal of Warren Haftings, Efq. one a proof 142 Two views in India by Hodges and Browne, with a diflertation on Hindoo and Gothic architeifture 143 M‘Swiny’s Tombs of Princes, &c. \ • End of the Second Evening s Sale ( *s ) Third Evening’s Sale, TRIDAY, JANUARY the 22 d, i8o8. 1 I'lFTEEN portraits, T. Watfon, by Hunt, See, 2 Fifteen, Chriftian VII th of Denmark, 3 Twenty-three byVandyck, See, 4 Parcel Emblems, &c. 5 Nineteen, Collet, See. 6 Parcel Berghem, Callot, Sec, 7 Twenty-one, Rembrandt, Hollar, Sec* 8 Twenty drawings, Van Dyck, &c. 9 Eighty Englifh and Foreign portraits 10 Sixteen mezzotinto portraits 11 Eighteen old mafters 12 Parcel book plates 13 Ditto topographical 14 One hundred theatrical portraits and ,vigncttcS| /traaj} 15 Two after S. Rofa, &c. 16 Parcel various 1.7 Twenty views, Sec, 18 Twenty-two Berghem, Sec, 19 Thirty-one etchings various ' 20 Fourteen, Barlow, Sec, 21 Twelve views, Hollar, Rooker, Sec, i i6 ) 22 Thirfy-fix old maftors 23 Forty portraits 24 Thirty-two ditto, Houbraken, Vertue, &c. 25 Fifteen, Earl of Shrewfbury, &c. 26 Parcel 27 Twelve, after Stotbard, ^rc. 28 Four Theatrical Chara6lers, drav/ings^ Mor- timer 29 Twenty threeviewsin WarwickHiire, &c. 30 Twenty-five, Theatrical, &c. 31 Twenty- feven, Topographical 32 Thirty- feven Theatrical Portraits, proofs 33 Twenty-one ditto 34 Thirty, Ancient Coflume 35 Tw^enty-four views in London 36 Thirty-three ditto, and Portraits for Pennant 37 Two, His Majefly with the Prince of Wales, &c. an etching, and the Duke of York, after Hopner 38 Five, after Opie, Rembrandt Copper Plateij PlSfureSy Colour Sy 39 Five copper plates, various I 40 Twenty-eight ditto, defigns for Cabinet Furni- ture 41 Canute reproving his flatterers, and fifty im- preflions 42 Two after Morland, Mczzotinto 43 Fourteen, Portraits, King Alfred, Selden, Sir F. Drake, Sir M. Hale, &c. 4i Two, Tom Jones and Sophia Weftern, ova^s 45 Two pictures of dit to by Paye, and one other by ditto 46 Four circles af ter Shelley with the proofs finifii- ed, n e veT^fBl iffi ed 47 Three views, Topographical *47 Copper plates of Mrs. Mountague’s ceiling, after a defign of Adams, by Ifaac Taylor V { >7 ) 48 Three, Diana and Endymion, the Golden Prize, &c. 49 Ten portraits of Artifts, &c. 50 Milton compofing Paradifeloft, etched by Barry^ and eight irripreflions 51 Twelve Iheets of India paper 52 Sixty-five, a complete Jet of French tools for engra- ving in the chalk manner 53 A pi61:ure of our Saviour with a reed 54 Three ftudies of heads in oil, 2 landfcapes, an ecce homo, and St. John 55 Nin e pieces of oak pannel for pictures, more tTian 200 years old 56 Five prepared canvas's for painting 57 Two landfcapes in oil 58 St. John and 2 prepared canvas’s *^58 Two portraits by Worlidge, in oil, and I other 59 Fdhr landicapes in oil 60 A p ortrait of Sir P. Lely and i other 61 Nine ftudies in^^ '*61 Four prints on drainers - 62 A quantity of mineral and other colors in a paper, fame very fine and fcarce 63 Ditto 64 Ditto 65 Ditto 66 Ditto 67 Ditto ^8 A mariner’s Compafs by Thomas Wright, in a box 69 A theodolite with chain, &c. *69 A ruling machine 70 Twelve oval frames 71 La Verrou, par Blot y very fine impreflion, in a neat frame and glazed 72 Marquis de Marigny, by PFille ditto Copper Plate Printing Paper. 73 One ream, 23 in. by 18 in. 74 Ditto c .ZiZ-. /fb ( i8 3 75 Ditto 76 Ditto 77 Ditto 78 Ditto, 22 by 18 ' * ‘ 79 Ditto ^ 80 Ditto 81 Ditto, 22 by 18 82 Ditto 85 Ditto ' 84 Ditto 85 Ditto, 28 by 22 86 Ditto 87 Ditto, 34 by 23 88 Ditto 89 Ditto 90 Lodge’s Peerage of Ireland 7 v. 17,89 91 Bewick’s Birds — i8oq 92 Hervey’s Reflections, fine plates, 2 v. *1796 93 Harding'S plates to Shakfpeare 94 Forty-fijc plates to Ariofto by Bartolozzi, &c. with head, complect 95 Elegant Repofitory, 12 nos, and Telemachiis 96 Hutchinfon’s Hiftory of Cumberland, vol I 1794 97 Newton’s (Sir Ifaac) Philofophy 17218 98 Pollard’s Peerage, yol. plates ^fter Stothard 1793 99 Another Copy 1 100 A fet of proof plates and Vignettes to ditto 101 Temple of Tafte 29 nos,-^proofs lor The Cabinet, 91 plates, large paper — proo/s 103 Adventures of Telemachus, plates, 4to. 104 Sichem’s Bybels Lufthof, and figures de la Bible, wood cuts — 1587 104 Barraud’s Book of Angle cyphers and i other 106 Twelve heads and figures by Antonio Maria Zanetti 107 Two volumes of curious monuments and coats of arms 208 Lives of Painters in Italian, and Palladio’s Architecture ( 19 ) 109 Raphael’s Bible by Borgiani, very fine im- preflions no Plates to Anfon’s Voyage 111 A Colledion of wood ’cuts in a portfolio 1 12 A Volume containing Michael Angelo’s Angles, curious marks, See. 1 13 Wright’s Travels through France and Italy, 2 V. plates -r- 1730 1 14 Portlock^s Voyage round the World,' plates 1789 115 White’s Voyages to new South Wales, with coloured plates ; — ^79° 1 16 Seledl Views, 20 nos, large paper, fine plates 117 ALfop’s Fables, 2 v. fine plates ^793 1 18 Walpole’s Catalogue of -Fngravers, witli Portraits, and one other 119 Origine des Decouvertes attribuees aux Mo^* dernes, par Outers J20 Antiquities of the Inns of Court, large paper, fine plates 121 The Sportsman’s Cabinet, 2 v. fine plates 122 Richardfon on Painting, and Guicciardini’s account of the Ancient Flemifh School 123 Analitical Review, 22 v, 124. A German book and 2 maps on canvas 125 Whaley’s Poems, Gray’s Poems and 7 others 126 Bell’s Pantheon, 7 nos, and 9 others 127 Three books of Prints 128 Two ditto 129 Poi^PE Funebre PE Tutte le Nationi del Mondo, and one other 130 Journals of all the Parliaments during the reign of Queen Elizabeth ; and Sidney on Govern- ment ^ 131 Varie Vedute di Roma — 174.8 132 Helvetius’s Hiftorical and Chronological tables, and Digges’s compleat Ambalfador 133 Guillim’s Hereldry 134 Sadeler’sViews of anii^^nt Rome — fine imprejpons 13'? Le Fontatice di Roma par Falda 136 Teniers’s Gallery — -fine copy 137 Rapin’s Hiftory of England, 2 v. 138 Poftlethwayt’s Dietionary of Trade and coirt- merce, 2 v. I75t 139 Entick’s Naval Hiftbry 1757 140 Hafted’s Kent, vol. 4th^ ^799 141 Harding’s plates to Shakefpeare^ large paper, felecled proofs y complete 142 a Jet of proof impreffions to Chamber'* s Cyclopadiay by Ifaac Taylor, large paper, compleat, very rare 143 Beaumont’s Travels through the Lepontine Alpes — fine plates — 1 800 144 Freart’s Archite6lure 145 Plates to Chefelden’s Anatomy 146 Proof imprelfions to Chambers’s Cyclopaedia, imperfe6l 147 Ditto 148 Five Chaits, Tableau Hiftorique, del Europe, I’Afia, I’Africa, I’Amerique, de I’Ancient Monde, THiftorie des Revolutions Monar- chiques, pafted on canvas with rollers 149 A ColIe£lion of forty Etchings, Landfcape by Pouffin and Glauber 150 A Volume of imitations, after Italian Mailers 151 Berry’s Atlas 152 h piano fortcy by Beyer FINIS, I J. Smeeton, Printer, 148, St.Martin*sLane. |