'!/'t ty /-it ^ dc f ,'^ ^ J (f ^ • — Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/cataiogueoftruiyOOphil_0 / ^ ^7. k A /i C ^ 7'-^^ ,.^/^ v 7:: ^ j3 / A •^/tr^ y . /AZ' /^-t, 1-/^2 3 a.A t--. fn a; s cy 7 ’ yA' y ^ y^y/y ^ y '' ^ *y Ac * z t, '^yA- AA /Ayy ^ f A 7^ A~ A^^^ y.f ^ A'^^ ^r . A- AA r /SZ 3 — ■ A A , /A/^ ^A/ y y y ^ /yA'Z y -tyAZcyt A/ /r^ 2 z A /A - /A/^ _ ^ ^ / ‘ ' A Th- 'r y A'/i-c A ^ / y'l A- • -.yA/''. AZAyAt- y\^ <^y'»'yyA A^ .^Ay^z- AAe^^^j,^ /i-Ayt<7yA A A A A — ■ /y ACAi/y^ A A- A Ay;y*-', AA/^ - /^ 7 . AA/*yyA ty - /A/^ A y Zt^c A^ A/ — Aa jz Al^^ i^Aev y^yA’ ^ yt 'A' A'A' Z- *- -^ AZ z~~i <^(> :>-‘^/- Pf/“- /'j^ A ^-' ^ ^ - //^7 7 / , A A/ - ■ //y - A. ^/t. -/S^K AA ^ / AAa/^ . ^^f ''- -■ZS-y 2/? 2// - ZfS- -Zy y. X . >i:t^ ^ 4 S - y - /P2^ - y/- 1\:y ,r v' ’;' .-.* n? si ft; ■ ; i.r. -t . ’ 'i •"■ rr irVi;; oiy]:., I ‘^>ii I;;{n ,o) y.'. • Sttr ..i -i n -fU us I,;;;; ili.-r t>'- '* rr.v '^ i.: 'a_I i. ..!./ t"m j; }•/.-•;.{ oi'.S *’* . r nrif ,ol -Drp.li i>l::.:s i .■i-w'7 til I i;U-I ;;'.7 .' JUiSaLxJ *;* .- it , ; ft; i'W. U n ' ff- , .->1 >; ... .. c' '{i.v i.'j i s-ji yi.yi . ..j «I Jx n^^Xyy .3 I ;: T H Pictures, Choice TVines, Musical Instruments, Alabaster Urns, and large Pier and Chimney Glasses, Mirror, Sfc. Sfc. r/ Wir.ZZ CATALOGUE OF A TRULY VALUABLE COLLECTION OF PICTURES, BY THE MOST ESTEEMED MASTERS OF eje ftalian, jTrentf), .cflemtsi), atiD Butc^j ^c|^ool0. THE GENUINE PROPERTY OF WM. CHAMPION, ESO. Selected with great Taste and liberal Expence from the most celebrated Cabinets that have been dispersed in Europe. They comprise Specimens in the purest Condition, BY CARACCI, DOMINICHINO, CUYP, GUIDO, L. DA VINCI, BERCHEM, A. DEL SARTO, RUBENS, MIERIS, SEB. DEL PIOMBO VANDYCK, .JAN STEEN, PARMIGIANO, SIR A. MORE, REMBRANDT. Among the most distinguished in this Collection are The Titian Venus, from the Borghesi Palace, esteemed a Miracle of Art — Moses with the Brazen Serpent, by Rubens — The Holy Family, A. Del Sarto — St. Sebastian, by Guido — Christ with the Woman of Samaria, P. Veronese — The Holy Family, Titian, 3cc. Arc. tDiIl be bp 3iicn'oit, By Me. H. PHILLIPS, AT HIS GREAT ROOMS, JVb. 78, JTEW BOJVD STREET, On FRIDAY, the 23d Day of MARCH, 1810, And following Day, punctually at One o’Clock. To be Viewed Two Days preceding the Sale, and Catalogues had (at One Shilling each) at the Mart, and at Mr. Phillips’s Great Rooms, No. 73, New Bond Street. TITIAN, P. VERONESE, B. GARAFALO, C. DOLCE, S. ROSA,' iLAfgS- CONDITIONS OF SALE. First. . TTh E highefl Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Difpute arife between two or more Bidders, the Lot fo difputed fhall be immediately put up again and refold. Second . . No Perfon to advance lefs than is. — above Five Founds 5s. and so on in Proportion. Third . . The Purchafcrs to give in their Names and Places of Abode, if required, and to pay down 30 per Cent, in Part of Payment of the Purchafe Money, in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo purchafed, to be put up again and refold. Fourth . The Lots to be taken away, with all Faults and Errors of Defcription, at the Expence of the Purchafers, the Day after the S^le. Fifth.. AS THIS AUCTION IS MADE ON CONDITION OF PROMPT PAYMENT, THE REMAINDER OF THE PURCHASE MONEY TO BE ABSOLUTELY PAID ON OR BEFORE THE DE- LIVERY. Sixth . . Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depofited in Part of Payment fhall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the Time aforefaid fhall be refold, by public or private Sale ; and the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Refale, fhall be made good by the J)efaulters at this Sale. o f3 Printed hy J. and W. Smith, King Street, Seven Dials, ^ A Catalogue^ ^c. OF FIRST DAY’S SALE, FRIDAY, 2Sd of MARCH, 1810, Commencing at One o’ Clock precisely. Titian •••..* Dominichino Rembrandt "^erchem •••■ Mieris 6 - PICTURES. LOT 1 TThE Magdalen lamenting the Death of Christ, full of expression 2 A small Landscape with Figures, a pleasing cabi~ net picture 3 The Head of- David, painted in a rich tone of colour 4 A Landscape, Cattle and Figures, a pleasing composition, spiritedly painted 5 An Interior, with F'igures in Conversation,^ an exquisite high finished picture 6 A Portrait^ very fine Pabmigiano 4 / - - A. Ostade Dominichino - - C. Dolce L. Caracci S. Kosa 1 1 1 Ditto Titian zT /.. — P. Veronese Baroccio G. Poussin ........ d '> _ Giorgone Ad. Ostade • ff„ //“ — - L. DA Vinci Vandyck •• / 4 - Two whole length Terra Cotta Figures, Rubens and Fandyck, on gilt tripod stands Dutch Boors, an exquisite cabinet picture Portrait of Cardinal Borghesi, an animated and capital portrait The Magdalen Contemplating, painted in his most finished style The Holy Family in a Landscape, a graceful and elegant picture A grand Landscape with Figures, in his best manner, a clear and brilliant specimen The companion, of equal merit The Magdalen, half length, size of life, finely drawn and nchly coloured Mars and Venus, an elegant composition The Virgin, a graceful and finely coloured picture A grand Landscape and Figures with the ElFect of a Storm, painted in his best time Herodias with the Head of St John, com- posed, and richly coloured The Lawyer reading a Letter, a fine specimen of the Master, from Mons. Robit’s celebrated collection Christ and St. John embracing, in a Landscape a pleading high finished picture Venus reposing, finely drawn and coloured, painted with great freedom of pencil 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ]6 17 18 19 20 21 GriDO • • • • 22 A Study for one of the Heads in the celebrated Picture of the Doctors' of the Church, very fine Ditto 23 The companion, St. Michael, of equal merit R. Rutch 24 A Flower Piece, an elegant composition, finished with great delicacy of pencil and beauty of ^ect Titian 25 A capital Portrait of Philip the Second of Spain, in Armour, very fine Mieris 26 The Fruit Girl, a charming picture of this cele- brated artist, exquisitely finished G. Poussin 27 A grand Landscape and Figures with the Effect of Lightning, this truly capital picture for- merly adorned the Colonna Palace Titian 28 The Rape of Europa, a most spirited and brilliant ^ specimen Jan Steen 29 Twelfth Night, a composition replete with genuine humour, painted xvith great truth and highly finished Vandyck 30 Portrait of Henrietta Jtlaria, half-length, very capital Titian 31 Titian’s Mistress reclining on a Couch, in a Landscape, finely drawn and richly coloured ■^UYP 32 A beautiful Landscape, with Buildings, Cattle and Figures, an exquisite cabinet picture Sir a. More 33 A capital Portrait of Sir T. Gresham, very fine B. Garafalo 34 The Holy Family, attended by Saints, a grand composition, for correctness of drawing and colouring, not inferior to the fine Works of Raphael < 7 / Seb. Del Piombo .. S5 1 ( Berchem Teniers — P. Veronese •••• CUYP Rubens • • • Titian A. DEL Sarto •••• ^ P. Veronese •••• vj^~ A fine Portrait of Catherine de Coinaro, a grand and capital picture A Romantic Landscape with Cattle and Figures, painted in his best manner An Interior of a Guard Chamber, with Soldiers and a variety of Implements of War, touched with great spirit, and precision of pencil — a truly capital picture The Magdalen, in a grand Landscape, a noble gallery picture, painted in his best time A capital Landscape, with Cattle and Figures, a Warm Evening Scene, painted in his best time, from Mr. Crawfurd’s collection The Satyr and Tigress, painted with great truth and brilliant effect St. Sebastian, finely composed and drawn, painted in his silvery tone of colour, a grand gallery picture Mars and Venus, a truly capital picture, finely composed, richly coloured and of brilliant effect The Holy Family, an elegant composition, correctly drawn, nery capital Christ and the Woman of Samaria, a charming picture of the celebrated painter, the composi- tion is elegant, the drawing correct, and the colouring rich and brilliant no •■■ •'.■ : ■ >r ■ ' i :'0,' :-■■■' Kl' p'y'7/i?'!0 'Oj r" ■- '■ ^ '[.VJ '-'1 j'l JO' -lui-' .. p y'.iin-o . :> y.I't ■ - ‘vi.rA ot i.''.*i\\pv ^ ‘^v f;.A .t'" "f? jy o>1^ ’ ;;i -Uiy^ ir'don ■_ w ^ < ■• .nH ., lA u pi'inrf'.-s?. ;i ' . :u!i 'y> '■ y yi ;/ p : ■ ^'1 ;y;''yfr' fti '-y- .. ; ' , A yy i 5 .p fyyi^ ' ' yy. !'c> .i-olyvp y ,l ;o y..,-., ■,. A y yo .y yv "■'•'v' A'-A ^ yriryy.t .y/y j:,'r;y :A'A ,■ ;y ayy y;-: a'A 'vA y>. '■<-.y:'^