Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofoldch00chri_2 /2o CATALOGUE ( t ~ | OF CHINESE PORCELAIN, Carvings in Jabe, &c. FROM THE COLLECTION OF W. R. ADAMSON, Esq. Deceased, late of Rushton Park, Battle ; DECORATIVE OBJECTS, SOLD BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS OF THE DOWAGER LADY GARYAGH, DECEASED; AND ine old Chinese Enamelled Porcelain and Nankin Cisterns and Yases; old Imari Yases; old Sevres, Dresden, Crown Derby and other Porcelain; Bow and Chelsea Figures; old Italian and French Bronzes, and 16th and 17th Century Objects of Art; French Decorative Objects and Furniture, FROM NUMEROUS PRIVATE SOURCES: WHICH 2Etll lie Solti bg Auction bo Messrs, CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOO DS, AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Friday and Saturday preceding, and Catalogues bad, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S. TV. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Cuiustie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account bo removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE On MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. ORIENTAL PORCELAIN. A pair of Nankin barrel-shaped bottles, painted with flowers in shaped panels ; and a pair of small flower-pots, with foliage and flowers A jar and cover, with conventional flowers and foliage in dark blue —5 in. high A pair of dishes, with dragons and clouds in blue and white on dark blue ground—15 in. diam. A fluted powdered blue bowl, pencilled with landscapes and flowers in gold, and enamelled inside with a peony, utensils and diaper-pattern border in colours A bowl, enamelled with dragons and Hd-Ho birds in colours; a /j small hexagonal bowl, with green and yellow decoration ; anti / & a bowl, with fish and foliage in red and gold A dish, enamelled with kiku and other flowers and rocks in colours in shaped panels and diaper-pattern border—101 in. diam .— famille verte B 2 Jv -- 4 / - / * & y. ■ ° / / 14 A pair of Japanese vases, with dragon in white on red trellis , ground—14^ in. high ENGLISH PORCELAIN, Etc. / &7' O 15 A large Lowestoft mug, with twisted handle, red and j»pld trelli / border, and jewelled pale green l/ ~ i 6 16 A Crown Derby bowl and cover, with dark blue and gold bord^s, ^ and spiral fluting L /if , /i? & 17 A pair of small Chelsea bowls of lake and gold trellis pattern, with turquoise white and gold shell and scroll borders and ftjet, flowers and butterflies in gold inside /£. /6. O 18 An octagonal-shaped Battersea enamel casket, painted with panels of flowers on white ground in gilt borders on pale greei ground 2,. /o , O 19 A pair of Battersea enamel candlesticks, painted with sprays 6f . flowers on white ground p. PORCELAIN AND FAIENCE. ^ 20 A pair of Vienna two-handled vases, painted with figures, flowers, and insects on white ground &21 A Pair of Paris Flower-Pots, painted with peasants, sheep and cattle, in circular panels on pale canary ground, and with pfy- ' coloured and gilt borders— fabrique du Comte d’Artois ^ 22 A pair of Paris faience seaux, painted with flowers and insects and gilt borders — by F. Gaidan—from the Paris Exhibition, 1878 ; y and a pair of small turquoise porcelain vases, painted with //? , P flowers in medallions (f} 23 A large oblong Capo-di-Monte casket, with classical subjects ^n relief, coloured and gilt 24 A Rose-Water Ewer, of Dutch faience, painted with seaports, ' shipping and figures in panels on red trellis ground, and flowers in colours on black ground, mounted with silver cover and shell billet— hall mark, a seeded rose, crowned', and a faience dish, with a cornucopia, flowers and bird in colours ° 25 A set of three Delft vases and covers, and a pair of beakers, entirely painted with flowers and scrolls in blue—11 in. high^ 26 A pair of ditto fluted beakers, with a figure, flowers, rocks, &c.— 10 in. high', a pair of jars, with hawthorn blossom and animals J in white on blue ground ; and a bottle, with pomegranates, &c. 27 A ewer, with pierced neck; a pair of circular salt-cellars, one formed as a sledge ; and a ditto, painted in colours , /i/^'7 28 A pair of fluted beaker-shaped vases, with flowers, buildings, &c. in colours—12 in. high 6 OLD DRESDEN. /•f * ^ 29 / 34 ground inside, with gilt border A circular box, of old Dresden porcelain, painted with groups of poultry, butterflies and flowers, and mounted with silver-gilt/£^^- ; A kidney-shaped ditto, painted with pheasants, peacocks, a hawk and poultry, silver mounted An oblong-shaped ditto, painted with sprays of flowers on white ground, a fox and poultry inside the lid £ Another, painted with soldiers and distant views of towns on white ground, a skirmish of cavalry inside the lid £ - , & 35 / A shaped box, painted with figures on blue scale pattern ground, a portrait of a lady inside the lid BRONZES. , & 36 A small bronze group of two boys—4^ in. high —on black marble 2 pedestal ^ & 37 Napoleon I. : a bronze statuette—9 in. high —on giallo marbl pedestal 7 7 The following are Sold by Order of the Executors of the DOWAGER LADY GARVAGH, deceased. 0 , 0 38 A Louis XIV. small clock, in shaped case of coloured Boulle, mounted with borders of chased or-molu—12 in. high —glass J shade and f-tand S /L Pair of Empire Or-molu Candelabra, with figures of Roman warriors, the stems formed as fasces, with banners above, and branches for four lights each, on square pedestals of rosso marble, mounted with military trophies and other (0 39 A / 0 chasings of or-molu—32 in. high d other y ' 40 A pair of or-molu candelabra, of Louis XV. design, on vasq^ shaped stems and triangular plinths, chased with terminal sphinxes, rams’ heads and foliage, with scroll branches^ for four lights each—21 in. high The following were the Property of W. R. ADAMSON, Esq., deceased, late of Rushton Park, Battle. OLD CHINESE PORCELAIN c o 41 A pair of famille verte bowls, enamelled with figures, landscape j* ' > s and buildings—on wood stands < ~ 0 42 A cylindrical bottle, with ladies, child and inscription in colours —10 in. high 0~ , '2^3 A Pair of Vases, with mandarins and numerous other figures, ^ palm trees and bands of ornament—14^ in. high ^ / ^44 A Cylindrical Vase, enamelled with figures, buildings and J£o- Ho birds, trellis borders, &c. —18 in. high 8 1 7 46 Another, with a mandarin and oilier figures and childreindeer, cranes and other decorations —wood stand / " t, 46 A Famille Yerte Yase, richly enamelled with a picnic scene ^ in an extensive landscape—18^ in. high L? * t 0 47 A circular bowl, enamelled with the eight Chin in coloured borders, the interior elaborately decorated with figures; * > a white porcelain seated figure of Buddha /ly^'C ^ /j 0 O 48 A grey crackle vase ; and a white crackle jar, with mask handles CHINESE CLOISONNE ENAMEL. 7 , £> , & 49 A pair of Chinese cloisonne enamel flat vases and covers, jvitl^ arabesqnes in colours, on tuiquoise ground v s? s — & 50 A Chinese Cloisonne Enamel Globular Bottle, with flowed ^ ^ blossoms and butterflies in colours, on turquoise ground—> 21 in. high ^ CHINESE JADE. /<> C> 0 61 A Disc of Pale Green Chinese Jade, boldly carved with dragons and waves, and with scroll ornament in low relief on the obverse—5^ in. diam .—on black wood stand 64 A pair of Derby Chelsea figures of a girl and youth, carrying a J / lamb, basket of eees and flowers—8 in. hinh ^ 4. /■ /r. lamb, basket of eggs and flowers—8 in. high 65 A Liverpool jug, printed with the Death of Louis XYI.; and a jug, printed in colours with the Cockney’s Attack on the Bee¬ hive, &c. 0 66 A large jug-, printed with masonic arms and emblems, and with 22 A coloured vine leaves and grapes—9 in. high &7 A pair of Battersea enamel table candlesticks, with gilt decoration . . e? on turquoise ground 0 CONTINENTAL PORCELAIN. / * / o . tJ ' /«/ • ^ / c A£ ' if ~ & 68 A pair of Hochst figures of a girl, with a bird, and a boy, with- * a bird’s nest in his hat—7 in. high 69 A set of eight white Nymphenburg allegorical figures of ladies S and gentlemen, with flowers, music, wine-flask, &c., on scroll Jr plinths—8 in. high 70 A Sevres biscuit figure of a boy, with a wine-skin and basket of// corn and fruit—9 in. high O 71 Le Baiser : a pair of small ditto bust groups—on or-molu stands /pfA O 72 A Menecy porcelain tea-pot and cover, painted with bouquets of flowers on white ground; and a sucrier and cover, en < 3 A pair of ditto cylindrical toilet pots and covers, painted with bouquets of flowers and rose-bud knobs, and mounted with /. i 'Y'i a r J * silver rims—6 in. high 74 A Dresden milk-jug and cover, painted with laurel wreaths and sprays in green and red ; and a ditto canister and cover, painted with flowers in colours i5 A Ludwigsburg milk-jug and cover, painted with bouquets of flowers on slightly raised scale-pattern ground; and an f Angouleme milk-jug, formed as a figure of a cock 11 76 A Toilet Set, of white Buen Retiro porcelain, with raised * ^ groups of flowers and hawthorn branches, with silver mounts, consisting of jug and cover, pair of cylindrical pots, pair of globular ditto, and oval shaving dish—in parqueterie with mirror casket, *0 ^77 An old Chinese porcelain tea-pot, cover and stand, enamelled with circular panels of flowers on pink and blue chequer-patteri ground—famille rose 78 A Large Chinese Celadon Vase, with kylins, masks, handles z? and bands of raised flowers, foliage, key pattern and other __ _ ornament—19 in. high —on rose-wood stand ° ^ .. ^ ; '> ■ THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. 79 AN 80 A OCTAGONAL-SHAPED BATTERSEA ENAMEL CASKET, fluted at the angles and with slightly arched lid, finely painted with landscapes, ruins, figures and cattle in colours in five large medallions, with gilt scroll borders on pale green ground—9^ in. by 6 in., 4 in. high BATTERSEA ENAMEL WRITING DESK, with sloping front beautifully painted witb Italian lake scenes, buildings and figures, and bouquets of flowers in white medallions in gilt scroll borders, on pale green ground, with ink-pot and pounce box, the inside painted with bouquets and sprays of flowers in colours on white ground, mounted with border of chased and engraved metal-gilt—11 in. by 8£ in., 3£ iy^deep ^ ^ 12 THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. 81 An Old English Leather Blackjack, mounted with silver rim, foot and engraved shield-of-arms —10J in. high — 17 th century 82 A GLOBULAR CISTERN OF OLD CHINESE PORCELAIN, enamelled with peonies and other flowers in brilliant colours - ^ and red and white bands, and with fish and marine plants inside, with flat rim enamelled with panels of flowers oi green trellis ground, kylins, mask handles—famille rose— 17 in. high, 281? in. diam. 83 AN OLD NANKIN CISTERN, of similar form, painted with —-p kylins, ribands and balls in blue and panels of flowers on the rim, on trellis ground, gilt kylins, mask handles— 1R in high, 23^ in. diam. THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. 84 An Old Worcester Dinner Service, dark blue scale pattern in gilt borders, consisting of— Four vegetable-dishes and covers Sixteen oval meat-dishes, in sizes Sixty-six dinner-plates, and Twenty-three soup-plates £> 85 Eighteen dessert-plates, with nearly similar decoration on dark blue ground, richly gilt with foliage 86 A Crown Derby plate, painted with a basket of fruit in the * & centre, in richly gilt border ; and a Lowestoft plate, enanr 11 1 with a shield-of-arms and supporters in gilt border 13 * , 0 87 A Harlequin set of eleven plates, of Paris porcelain, painted with figures, birds and fruit in coloured and gilt borders ^ ^ /0 . *88 A Battersea enamel etui, formed as a casket, painted with river , scenes, figures and cattle, and fitted as an inkstand L Pair of Old Japan Porcelain Vases, dark blue ground, y richly gilt with scroll foliage and flowers, and enamelled with ^ * river scenes, flowers and trees in variously shaped panels— / - - •"* —20^ in. high The following are Sold by Order of the Executors of II. F. BROAD WOOD, Esq ., deceased, late of Lyne, Ilorsham. BOW AND CHELSEA FIGURES. 90 0 , 1 ground, with laurel foliage in gold 102 A Paie of Ditto X £ X/ , & 103 A Paie of Ditto 104 AN OLD SEVEES DESSEET SEEVIC^f painted with bouquets of flowers on white ground, and with blue lines on yj* /# , the border, consisting of— / An oval fluted dish Pair of square-shaped ditto Pair of shell-shaped ditto Circular fluted tazza, and Twenty-six plates & 15 105 A / 0 Small Globular Bowl, with Conical Cover, of old Dresden porcelain, pale turquoise, with slightly raised flowers in Chinese taste, and with Louis XY. mounts of finely chased or-molu, dragon handles, scroll feet and pierced rim- in. high 106 A pair of small cups, of old Chinese purple porcelain, mounted with handles and feet of metal-gilt OLD CHINESE AND JAPANESE PORCELAIN. <7 107 An old Nankin porcelain bowl, painted with H5-Ho birds, scroll foliage and flowers in white on brilliant blue ground, medal¬ lion and border inside- -7f in. diam. 108 An'old Chinese egg-shell tea-cup and saucer, enamelled with f & poultry and flowers in medallions, on pink chequered ground in green trellis borders; and a larger cup and saucer, ena¬ melled with a lady and child, and painted with flowers in / pink 109 A plate, enamelled with water-fowl and plants and legendary ' ^ figures, fish and waves on the border; and a pair of plates, ^ 'SSS with blue enamel borders, painted with landscapes and flowers in sepia, red and gold /^ £>110 A pair of old Imari bottles, of flattened shape, with long necks, ^ i - painted with peonies and kiku in red, blue and gold X / , f 0 111 A Chinese Egg-Shell Plate, enamelled with ladies and children at a table, in variously coloured borders, and with/'./ / / ruby back x ^ 0 112 A Pair of Large Old Nankin Vases and Covers, of octagonal shape, painted with flowering trees, birds and » insects in panels—30 in. high Pair of Hexagonal-Shaped Vases and Covers, of old Chinese porcelain, enamelled in colours, with landscapes, buildings and figures in medallions, on richly gilt ground, and surmounted by seated red and gold kylins 21 in. high 113 7 * 16 7 ' . 0 . 118 Pebseus : an Italian bronze figure — 8J in. high 119 A Limoges Enamel Ewee, painted with Hercules slaying the lion, with two attendant figures, in colours and grisaille, a band of arabesques round the lip, a cherub and masks below, / p in grisaille on round stem and foot with laurel wreath in colours—7f in. high £ • p? 120 A Gubbio Lusteed Dish, on foot painted with the Death of Jhr Adonis, with inscription and date 1543—11£ in. diam. ^>121 Boys holding torches aloft: a pair o'f old Italian bronzes —^ o 8^ in. high —on square giallo marble pedestals 122 The Marly Horses : a pair of small French bronze groups —S/7 5 in. high —on oblong black marble plinths j // 00*^ 17 / C 4 125 A . ^123 Venus and Cupid: French bronzo group — 9^ in. high— or^blac^ marble plinth / ^ 124 A Pair of Venetian Bronze Altar Candlesticks, on l&rgo O round bases with grotesque masks, acanthus and arabesque foliage and shields-of-arms in relief, on three cherub feet 9 in. high Rock Crystal Standing Cup and Coyer, the bowl of flattened cylindrical form, on vase-shaped stem and round foot carved with spiral fluting, mounted with silver-gilt, ancLj, , ^ surmounted by a dolphin—14^ in. high y,7/2^^ 126 A Lapis Lazuli Column, on hexagonal-shaped plinth of metal- gilt, with terminal figures, scrolls and cherubs at the angles, and inlaid with plaques of lapis—25^ in. high Vgnetwn f 18 th century ( 77 '4- £>127 A pair of upright panels, of old Genoa velvet, with large flowers and foliage in crimson, green and other colours, on cream- coloured ground— each 44 in. by 23 in. s 128 An Upright Panel, of buff satin, richly embroidered with ara¬ besques, conventional flowers and scrolls in gold Spanish 18 th century ^ 129 Another Panel, nearly similar; and several pieces of a stole (S'7 DECORATIVE OBJECTS 130 A Louis XVI. Clock, in dome-shaped case of or-raolu, wreathed with rose branches, on stand formed as an arcade with eight columns of statuary marble, mounted with a basket and> festoons of flowers of chased or-molu—26 in. high 131 A Louis XVI. Clock, in massive dome-shaped case of or-molu, ° with figures of Minerva and a reclining nymph emblematic of Plenty, on oblong chased plinth of the same—28 in. high \ 18 -1 3 2.. A pair o£-4>Eanze picture frames, boldly chased with dogs, deer— andioliage, in mahogany cases with platoglase-pamds—3 S~tn. by 46-m —v 133 A Pbie-Dieu Cabinet, of inlaid rose-wood, ebony and tortoise- shell, with shaped front, containing three drawers, on stai with drawer—32 in. wide — Flemish, 17 th century From the Collection of the Dowager Duchess of Bos&urgh FINIS. London : Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.