.specie c- 5 «S« '*^^^«:^<^S^^*S-^ ^m^-Ccc '"^■^c c .^C c" Reader , if I ftndied thefe Things ^ I lliould think myfelf word imployd then the Roman Chaucer was in his Troilm, I come out as if there were no /fo«/^^^ in the-D^jf, nor planets in the Houres : neither do I cafe for any thing, but that Interlude of Pe- rendenga in Michael Cerzantes : Let the old Man my Mafler live , and Chriji hemthus all. Thou wilt wonder now* where this drives , for I have neither a Conde de lemos^ nor a Cardinal to pray for. /"pray for the D^/Zij/, that is^Iwifh him zfrirRememhrance^vjho^c Labours have defervd it At happened in expofing my former Difcourfe to C^«/»r^,(aGu- ftom hath ftrangrd manyTruths in the Cradle) that a Learned Man fuggefted tomefomebad Opinion he had of my Author 5 Henricm Cormlim Agrippa. To the Reader. j7^ I ever under ftood, it was not 0?7e^ but tns^^y in whofe fentiment that miracle fuffer'd. It is the Fortune of deep wri- ters to mifcary becaufe of ohfcurity : Thus the Spots in the Moon with feme Men are Earthy but 'tis more probable they are Heater. There is no Day Co clear ^ but there zxtLees towards the Horizon : fo inferior wits , when they refled on higher IntelleHs^ leave a Mifl^ int\itnBeames. Hadhe Jiv'd mlgno- rance^zsmo^do^ he might have paft hence like the laftyeares Cloudes^ with- out any more Remembrance. But as I believe the Trueth a maine Branch of that End^Q which I was horn'^{o I hold It my Duty to vindicate him ^ from whom I have received it. The world th^n being not able to confute this mans Principles by Reafon^ went about to do it by Scandal^ and the fir'i Argument they faften'd on,was that of the Jews a- gainft his Saviour : Thou an a Samari- tan^ and ha} a Divel. The Chief m A 5 this To the Reader. ^his Terfecution is Cicognes , and after him De/m in his Fabulous Difquifiti- ons. But Paulus Jovim ftirr'd in the Vomit ^ who amongft other mens Lives hath put my Authr to Death, It is done indeed Emphatically betwixt Him^ and his Toet , whom he hird fit feems) to ftitch ver^e to his Vrofe , and {opatch'd up the Legend. Quis (fayth he) in Henrici Cornelii Agripp£ [edato vultu portentofum Ingenium latuijje crediderit? In his fubfequent Difcourfe heftateshis^«^y?/o;^5 and returns my Authors Seft parts as a Liiell on his memorie. Buc that which troubles him moft of all is, That Agrippa fhould prove his DoHrine out of the Scriptures, Then he inculcates the folemn Cramhe of his Dog'Devill ^ whok Collar Em- hleTnatically wrought wixh Nails ^ made the Ru^e to his Familiar. For a Clofe to the ilory , he kills him at Lyons^ where being neer his D^/?4y^«/e he un- raveird hisMagick in this defperatDifr miflion. ^ To the Reader. miffion J Ahi perdita B ejlia^ qui me te^ turn perdidi^i. This is the mod grojfe Lie^ and the kzOiproiaile in every r/>- cumftance that ever was related* Devils ufe not to quit their Con]urer$ in the day ofDeath^ neither will they at fuch Times be exterminated. This is the hour wherein they attend theit Prey ^znd from feeming fervants become cruell Ma^ fters. Befides , is it not moft grofs,' That any fliould dog this Devil from Agrippa's Lodging to ArarU , where (fayth thisPrelate)he plung'd himfelf? Certainly fpirits paffe away invifibly,' and with that dispatch no mortall n\an can trace them. Believe this^^ believe zlltbe Failles of Purgatdry. Now Rea- defj thou haft heard the mrft ^knd a juft Bare, and thou fhalt hear the Bejl. Jo- hannes JVjerus 5 a profeft Adverfarie to CeremonialMagick^and fometimes feC" cretary to Cornelius Agrippa^va his D 5 would have it. Here now \^asa Joviall ftride from Gratianopolis to Lugdunum : Sure this ?^»/ was a /^4/2t Geographer. But Reader, it is not my Intention to concealeany thing in this matter^now therfore that Agrippa had another dog , his FiUoli : and this la^ died in more refpeB then n^ofl of his mafters Adverfaries, For my 4^rW by feme fecret meanti having ftrangely qualified him ^ divers learned men writ Epitaphs upon him,vvhereof fome have been puiUfhed^ and arc yet extant,. Out of this F^Z/^ of the Cerherusi To the Readen Saptifia Poffevi^us pumpt thefe ver (es. *Vive»s ijuem cerKisTHmtihm^ neferte mentHr ^OsplactdHm^ftjgh Rtxfmt tfie Lacas, ^Qnare ettam Cuflods habnit, du viveret, Orci, *^HinHnc in Tenebrisprdda d;tret Com'ttem, Aji Hic,ft Ingenm moderarifciffet^ ad Auras ^Tanmm ij[et ^QuantHm Tartars nigra fubit. Thus have they all-to-ie-divel/'dh/m^ but why may not 7 ruith run in verfe^ afwell as fcandal > 'Sic Agi'ippa inge^s.duplld fAof n^c ^n'^i , a definition they know not what to make of, and the foul is itn\ty^l*t , or aBus Corporis Orgamicu Thcfe Two lart Deferiptions(fQi- they are flf> Suhftan^ mi Ablcondka. . 3 tialdefimtiom) are fuch ^/'/^/er his Ignorance in thefe points. For why fhould a Form, be call'd v>pf , or in what other Author can we find this ^n\(p^::t > But be- cauie Nature in General!, that is, m her Mij.ve\ and P^jfiy^ portions , namely Matter and Fcrm^ together with the SouLo^ man, are the main Fundamentals wherein to buiJd a 'Philo- fophie, and that this Arifiotle is \o S aimed by his Clients^ that ihcDtvines of Collein tell us, : He was pr^.cttrfor Chrtfli in Naturnlihm , i:t , Johannes Baft i ft it m ^reituitisil(]^z\\ further examine thele his Definitions , and acknow- ledge the Benefit when I finde it. In the firrt place then , it may be thought I am beholding to this Man for telling me, tliat Nature is a Principle. So I may tell theKea- der,The Magictdns f;ipive fptrit is a princi- ple, but if I tell him not what kind of lub- ftance it is, I will allow him ten years ftudie, and ifche^f^^ went back every day tetj "De- grees in his Drall. he fliall not without a fu- pernaturall affiitance know what , or where it is. But you will reply : He tells me further , it is a principle caufeti Bodies to move and reft. I thank him for his Nothing. I d^fire not to know what this Principle doth , for that is ob- vious to evei'y Eye 3 but I would know what 4 Anima Magica it U, and therefore he may pocket hisDcfini- tbn. Again you will object, he tells me not oiiely that Nature is a Principle, but that Na* ttira ejl Forma^ and by Confequencc Forma efi NAtnra. This is Idem per /dem^hc retains me in a circle of notions,but refolvcs nothing at all EffentUlly, Befides, Forma in the gennwe fcofe of the Liin^naq^e fignifies the outward fymme" trie, or (hays of a Compound, But the Perij>ate' ticks who impole on Tottf^gs , as they do on Nature^ render it otherwife in their Books; and niiftake the effeEi for the caufe. 1 ftiall ihcreforc cake it in Their fenlc , and be content for once to [uhjcribe to their C^m^ merits. Forma then in their Conception is the fame with «^'»«/^c«x«r'i - low with the Matter. But have a care IcH you - milconceivc me. Ifpeakenoc ni this place of ^ the Divme fprit^ but I fpeake of a certaiue ^rthy which z particular Spirit m2Ly be uni- ted to the Hmverfull, and Nmure by conlc- quence may be flrangely exalted^ and multiply- ed. Now then, you that have your Eyes in your Hearts^ and not your Hearts m your Eyes, attend to that which is fpoken, and that I m exhorc you to Hagickxn ihe Magicians phraic Intcltetiu Cordis Audite^ It is obvious to all thole whom Nature hadi inrich'd with fence, and convenient Organs to to exercife it, That every body in the World is fubje^ to a certain Species of Motion . Ani- mals have their ProgrcHive outward, and their Vital I Inward Motions. The Heavens are car- ried with that [pedes which the Peripatecicks call Lation^ -where by the way I mult tell you, it proceeds from an Imrmfecall Fri'/iciple,£oT Intelligences are fabulous . The y^ire moove? varioufly. The Sea hath his Flux and Refluxe . VegetMes have dieir growth aixl augmentati- on, which neceflarily inferre a C^oncodion ; And finally the Earthy with her Mineralls and all other Trcafures , are Tub je6t to altei'ation, that is to Generation and Corruption . Now the Matter of it felfe being meercly pafflve, and B 4 furniilicd lo Anima Magica ftiiniriicd with no motive Faculty at all, wee mull of necflfiity conclucle,that there is Ibme o- . ther imvard^rmctvle which av5i:s and regulates it in every feverall /pedes of motion. But veri- ly it is not enough to call this Principle a Form, andfb bury up the Riches of Nature in this narrow , and moli abfurd Formality . We fiiould rather abftaine from Scribing, or fludy to pubhfli that v^hich may make Ibmething for the Authors Credit, but much more for the benefit of the Readers. To be pfainethen, Cthis/*;'V>7r/^/^ is A-ntma CMundt^on the uni- ver fa 11 //?/>/.' ofNature. This Jimma js letaind in the Matter by certaine other ^rcprtionae runttres^ and milling a Vent, doth Orgamz^n-re ^M<'lem . She Jabours what (lie can to refume her former Liberty, frames for her ielfc a Ha- bitation here in the Center, puts her Pnfoyi into fomegood order, and branchediintothe feve- rall Members, that flic may have more roome to a6t and imploy her Faculties, But you are to obfcrve, that in evrry Frame there are 3 leadir>g ^ , Pri}Kifles, The firli is th is Anima whereof we have ipokcn fcnjething already. The fecond is that which is cal'ed jfinttis Adundi^ and this fpint iS the medium per (^Piod Ammo, infur.dt^ Utr oy movet ftium corpus. The third is a cer- , taine olectis dthcnnll wciter : this is (J^LnflrH- um^ cr M^nnx CMtrrM^ for jn it all things are Ablcondita. 1 1 arc framed and preiei ved . The Anima is a Compound ex aur^. tenHrjfimd^& hice Jimp lie i^ (fima. Hence that admirable Platonicall Poet fli I'd it ■ AtiTat f.mplicis tgyjcm . Virg. Neither (liould you wonder that 1 fay it is a Compound^ for there is no perfect fpectfica/l Nf.tme that is fimple and voyd of Compofiti- on, but only that ot God Ahmghty . TruH not then to Ariftotle, wl\o ceils you, that the Ele- ments are Corpora p.mplicta ^ for the contrary hath been manifefkd by abiblute, infallible Experience. The Pajfive fpmt isvl thinne ae- reai fubflance, the only immediate Veftimenc wherein the ^i';s/«^/z wraps her ielfe, when fhc (defccnds and applies to Generation. The Ra- dicAllVudlltqiior is a pure CGciclhall Nature, an^v^■ering in Proportion and complexion to the [y.per:ot2^ Spirit, it were impoffiblc for him to produce any thing at all. For let me fuppolc HylUrd with his Pencil l^ and Table ready to pour tray a Ko[e : if he doth not inwardly apj>rehend the very fLapc, and proportion of that whxh he intends to limne, he may afwell do it without his eyes, as without his Intelle^ualls. Let us now apply this to the Spirit which w orketh in Nature.This moves in the Center of all things, hath the matter before him, as xwt Potter hath his r/^7, or \h^ Limner hxscoUtirs, And firftof all he cxercu to Anima magu:a cxercii'ech his chymiftrj in feveraJl Tranfmuta tions^ producing Sinews^ Veines^ blotid^fleflj^ anc l^ones : which work alio includes his Arithme- ^/r^ for he makes the Joynts and all Integral parts, nay, as Chnft teils us , the very Hairs o our Hcads,in a certain determinate Number which may conduce to the beauty and motior c^zht Frame. Again in the outward Ltnea- me-its^ ox. [ymmetris of the componnd^ he prove; himfclf a mofi regular AfathematictA^^i^xojHX- tionr^ Parts to Parts , all which Operations can proceede from Nothing, but a Vivme, In- telieciH^ill fprrir. For if he hid not feveral Ideas or Concepthu correfpondcnt to his feveral Intentions)\t could not difiinguifh the one fron the other : And if he were not fenlible, if he die not foefee the work he doth intend, then th< End could be no Im;>ul:ive caufe, as the Teri ^Atettchj would have it. The Confidcra^ion of the(e leverall office which this fpint performs in Generation^ mad< ^r/;'?6?f/.We fliDuld therefore examine who weave: the flowers of Vegetables ? who colours then: without a pencill ? who bolts tlie branches up Hoards, and threds (as it were) dieir Root; downwards ? for ail thefe av'-lions include a cer- tain Artifice , vvhich cannot be done withrni Judge- I Abfcondita. 17 ■4iclgcmcnt, and Difcretion. Nowouif Saviour m\s us, My Father ivorketh hitherto; and in ^iiothci place, it is God c loathes the LH'te of the AieU.^ again mt cne S f arrow fais wnhofit yotit mther, Venly this is the Trueth , and the TV* ^hmotty of Trueth , notwithftanding Ariftctle 4id his Problems, Neither fhould you think the ■^^iv'me Sfirit dtfparagd in beirg prefident to 'cwcty generation, becaufe feme Produdbfecm ^oox, and contemptible : For verily as iong as ^Hiey conduce to the Glory of iheir Author,they »4re noble inough, and if you refledt upon ^^ypt^i ilibu will finde the bafeft of his Creatures to cx- 4>rt a Catholtk^ C^nfejfion from the fViz^rdi; m)iaitfis Dei efi htc , The Finger It Cjod is here. That I may come Exod^ l^jien to the point , Thefe invifible, '\\entrdl Artifls arc Lights feeded bythefirfl .ight , in chat frimmve Emayiation , or fit -&^ux , which lome fallly render Fm Lnx^ kmr Nature is ♦«>'» •» 6**, not a meer found oi]r Command, buta fubftantiall a6tive Breathy r^roceedin? from theCreatour, and penetrating 'es[ll things. God himfelf is rAy^ ^«t/»/, or us i the fiafe fhould lift up i: fcl^\ as tf it were h wood. Let them rather ca{l:iier their ArtflocL and the Errors wherewith he hath infatuated i many Generations. Let them approach wit confidence to the Almighty God , who mad the world, for none can give a better account c the work then the ArchtctK Let them not dc {pair to attain his Familiiarity , for he is a Go that defres to be l^mvn , and will revs ale him felf both for the manifeflatim of his ovenglor^ and the Benefit of his Cr suture. There is n reafo Abfcondita. 19 «i rcafon then why .we fhould decJine this great, 2Lni^ glorioiis Schoo'-Mafler , whole very Invi- tation i^^dks more then an Ordinary Incou- ragc;2Tenc. Thns fayeth the Lord^ the Holy One ( iv^f Ijrael^ and our Maker .- Ask, ^^ 1 7f t'iiigs to come concerning my Sons^ If^xlv, \ iund Concerning the Work, ^f ^J wHa?:ds~^^emmand yot^ Aie. J h^ve rriade the ^^E:irth , and created man w^m it ; l.even my handj have (ir etched out the Heavens^ and all \^htir Hofljs have I commanded. But ic will be itlque/lionM perhaps, how (liall we approach to a the Lord, and by what means may we finde wfiimout? Truely not with words ^ but with r' vorkes, not in f^udying ignorant , He^thentfh itr4utho!^rs. but in perufing, and trying his Crea- ^inres : For m them Lies his fecrct path , which J' hough it be fliiit up with thornes and Briars, ?»v.ich outward worldly Corruptions yet if we iwouid take the pains to remove this luggage, ilf/e might Snter the I^erreilriMl Paradije^ that w^iortHs Conclufi4:- o^ Soh?9w?i , where God de- a(ij:cnds to walk , and drink of the Icaled Foiin- :olijn. But verily there is fuch a generall preju- (le|ice,ruch acullomary oppolition of all Prin- joipJes which crofTc Ar:[hotl€ ^ That trueth can' i«p (boner ftep abroad, but Ibme Sofl.ificr or o- ;Vjiier flings Dirt in her Face. It is ftrange that : B^Mie of thele Schoolmen coniider, how tlie fe- loi . C vcralV 20 AnimaMagica ' verall diftinflions^and divifions tranflatect frottl i^ Logici^to Dirf.i.Y, have fet all Chnlkndoii;^^ on fire : How they have violated the Peace q^jic many flouridung Kingdoms, and occafion'^^i^i more Cetis in Religion, then there are opinionjlm in phiiofophie. Mofi feafonable then and Chri; A". ftian is that Petition of Sdint aA^^gnfiifie , ^{)^i Logtck Libera nos Di-mine f And \^ here I muft defire the Reader not In GeH;\)^ 1 mifiake me \ I do not condemn j y^^ the Vfe. but the Abufe of Reafon the man] ^,it fubtleties. and Fetches of it, which Man hath ft ^^ applied. That truth and Errour are equally di lext to that which is ir.oft pure , and fimvle, ^ This is the firft created vnicy. By this all things - were made, not aftually. but Mediately, and ^ [without ThiSjNothing can be made either Ar- tijlcUll or NmaralL This is Uxor D i,c^ flel- Urpim. By mediation of this, there is a deicent 'from One into Fo^r, and an afcent from three by four to the invifii^/e^ fupsmaturall Mo^as* ^. Who knows not This^ can never att;ain to the ^ f^Art, for He knows not what he is to look for. The fecond Principle differs not from the jirfi' in fubf^ance and dignity, but in <^ ample xio-zi and - 'Order. This fecoK4w2LS the firj?, and is fo iiill - lEflentiaily, but by ^Jhajion to the Critter it - contra6tcd an impurity , and fo fell from its 'firfi unity, wherefore the Ma^icUm f^ile it Bt^^ naripH. Separate therefore the Circurafcrence - from the (/enter fer Lineam ^iametralem^2LnA -■ there will appear unto thee the Philofophers - Ternaritu , which is the third Pri-^ciplc- This third is properly no principle, but a - produw. €rs, Ths ib the Magicians tire. This \s Mer^ curws Trotlofo^horum^ ccfeberrimtis tile Mi crocofmus , er Adam, This i"^ the Labyrinth \ and Wild of MagickyN\^it a voorld oifludents I have lofl themfelvcs : a t- ing fo confusedly and obfcureh handled by fuch as knew it^ that it is ■ altogether inrpoflTibie to find it in their Records, 1 There is no late writer underftands the full La' I tttude . 2nd univrrfality o^ this Prtncfple , nor I the genuine Metaphy/tci/lufithcvcofAt moves I here below hi fliades and liffan^^s, above in \ rvhites ather^iallVeJltires ; neither is there any \ tHTrig inlSfature cxpos'd tofi.ch a pf^b/itj^iepro^ fticutio>i SLS this is. for it p/T^tA thorough all j hands, and there is not ^^7 (jcaturi^ but hath the uf£ Thereof. This Termrius, being reduced per Quaternariiirfi afcends to the CM'-^gicall Decad , which is AionoA U.itiffirna , in which fi.vte QudLcunque vnlt potefl j for it is united then per AfptBum to the fir /^, eternallJpiritH' allunity. But of thefe Three,hear the Oracle of A^agick,^ the great , and folenjn Agrippa^ "Quatuor itaquc quas diximus funt Elementa, ^' fine Quorum notitia perfecta nullum in Ma- ^^ gia prodiicere rofli mus eftedtum. Sunt au- "tem Singula Triplicia, ut fie Qiiaternarius *' compleat D Jodcnaiiuni : & per ieptenarium " in Denarium progrcdicns ad fupremam Uni- SJ-^^jj, ^ ';..c^.:, *'tatcm, iiDiconaita. 25 '*tatcm, unde omnis Virtus , ^ mi^ abilis ope- *' ratio depeiidec , fiat pjogreflus. Pnino igicu **ordine Elementa pura iunt ,Qu3e nee r^.cmpo- *' nuntur. nee mucan:iiL', nee paciuntur coir.mix- " tionem, kd Ineonuj dbiiia tunc & non a qui- " bus, led pr quae omnium natuialium rcruni *' Virtutes producuntur in EfteCluni. Virtutes ^' Illorum a Nu.Io explicari pofiunt.quia in om- '* nia poflunc omnia. Hsecqui ignorat, ad nul- '^hm mirabiiium Eft^duum operacionem per- •*tiiigere poteli Secundi Oidinis Elementa *-' Compofica funt, mulcipiicia, dc Varia, & im- " pura, reducibilia tamen per Arteni ad puram ^' fimpJicicatem, quibus tunc ad Tuam fimplici- ^^ tatem reverfis virtus di fuper omnia comple- ^' men cum dans omnium opeiationum occulta- '^rum, & operationum naturae •* h(^c iunt fun* *' damencum totius M g'se naturalis. Tertii or- "dinis Flementa hxc pnmo & per fe non Tunc " Elementa, fed Decompofira varia.multiplicia, "& inter fe invicem permutabiJia : Ipfa funtin- ^' fa ilibile Medium, ideoque vocantur media "Natura-five Aniifla medise naturae .• paucif- "fimilunt,' quiillorumprofianda Mytoia in- '* teiligunt. In ipfis per certos Numeros, gradus, *' & oxdines eft Coniummatio omnis Erfedkis '' in quacunque re Naturali. C^mell : or rather. This is he Q^i ab in- eunte ditatefemfer circa mimhilmm Eff^e^tuum, 0' -plertM Myfteriorurft oper at tones Ctiriofus^m trepdufi]He extitit Expiorator, Now JoaK. for your flirthcr Inftrud'tion hear alio Trith. the T>ark^ Difciple of the more dark Libanitis G alius. Primum prindpi- um in uno confiftit , non a quo, (cd per Quod omnis mirandorum naturalium virtus produ- eitur in Efedtum : per Quod diximus, qiiia Purum ab uno procedens non componitur, ncque mutatur. Ad ipfum a Ternario.& qua- ternario fit ad Monadem progreflUs, ut com- pleatur Ablcondita. 25 pleatur Denarius : per, ipfum enim efl Numeri rcgrefliis ad unum, fimul defcenfus in quatuor, & Afccnfus in Monadem. Impoffibile eft compleri Denarium^nifi per ipfum : Monas in TiiadeJseta conva'titur, Omnes hoc princi- pium port principium Monadis Ignorantes nil in Ternario proficiunt, nee ad lacrum qua- terna-ium pertingunt. Nam etfi fapiemum Libros omnes halieant, fyderum curfus, virtu- tes, potertates, operationes,^ proprietates per- fedc cognoicant, ipforumque imaoincSjAnnu- los,&SigiIIa & lecretiflfima quaeque ad plenum intelligant, nullum tamen miuandorum confe- qui pofTent in fuis operationibus efte6tum, fine hujus principii a principio cosnitibne. in prin- cipiumjundeomncs quotquot vidi in Magia Naturali Operantes aut nihil confecuti funt, aut ad vana, fiivola, & fuperftitiofa , pofi Ion- gas & inutilcs opera Clones deiperatione pro- lapfifunt. Principium vero iecundum ordine non Dignitate qiiidem a Primo feparatum quodunum exirtensfacitTeinarium^ eft quod operatur miranda per Binarium. In unoeft enim ununi & non eft unum eft fimpiex, & in Quaternario componitur: Qiio purificato per Ignem in fble.Aqua pura egreditur.^ ipfu mad liiam fimplicitatem reverliim, Complementum opcranti monftrabit occulcorum. Hie Cen- trum eft totius Magije naturalis, cujus circum- C 4 fercnti^ i6 Anima Magica J ferentia (ibi unita circulum repraefentat inmen- ^ fus ordo in infinitum: Virtus ejus fnper Omnia J purificara^ & fimplex minor Omnibus , Qua- ternariotupcr gradu compoiita. Qiiaternarius * aucem Pythagoricus numeru5 Tcinario iuftul- ' tus.fi ordinem gradumque obfervatpurificatus ' purufque in uno.ad Binanum in Ternario mi- ' iranda & occulta Natuvx operari pore(i Hic "" eR Quatcrnarius in cujus meniliraTemarius * Binario conjunclus in unocunda facit, qux ' mirabiliter facit. Terirarius ad unicatem re- ' ductus p "i aipedum omnia in fe continet , & ' qnx vult poLcd.Pr.ncipium tercium per ie non ' d\ principium, fed inter ipfum S: Bin:»vium ell * finis omnis (cientise & Artis myi ncx ac infal- ' lible Medii Centrum : in alio quam in ipfo fa- * cilius non erratur, quoniam p^iuciifimi vivunt ' in Terris qui profunda ejus intcllJgant : Vari, *um eft compofitiim . & per ieptenarium in * Ternariumodics multiplicatum confurgens^Jc ^ manens fixum. In iptb eft confummatio Nu- ' men graduum, ^ ordinis : per hoc omnes Phi- Mofophi, occukorum nature veri Inquihtores ' mirab'les effe6lus conlecuti funt ; per ipfum ad ' iunplex Elementum in Ternario reduclum fu- ' bito fiunt infirmitatum cuiae miraculofae , dc * naturaliter omnium xgritudinum : opuique ' in M.igia Naturali & prxternaturali operantis * ccnlequirurEffeftumper difpofitionem qua- ternarii. Abfcondka^ 27 rrnarii. Praedi6lio futurorum per ipfiim verl- catur, Occukorumque infinuatio, non aliunde uam per ipfum a Natura pcrcipitur. Hoc uni- :o Medio iecrecum Naturae aperitur Alchinii- Ris, fine quo nee Intelledlus Artis acquiritur, lec opcracionis Eftciflus invenitirr. Errant, crede mihi, Errant cmnes, qui fine iftis Tribiis Principiis qiiicquam operari in occultis Na- turae Scientiis Se poffeconfidunt. Thus far r it hem 1 114 \ where for thy better underftand- ig of him I murt inform thee there is a twofold linarim , Luc is , c^ (^oyifufionls : but perufc '^^^rippa fenoudy de fca/js Numerorum ^ and lou niayft apprehend all^ for our Abbot bor- Dwed this Language from Him , the perufall {whofe Books he had. before he pHbliJh*d any ling in this Nature of his own. Now for thy irther Inffrudion go along with me not to A- hem ox fingyra^ but to that Secretary and Pen* Vlan oiCjod A [mighty ;^\\o f^ood in a Cleft of "le ^^r^^vhen he made all his Goodnes to pafle t^oxchtm, I am certain the n^^r/^ will won- er I fhould make ufe o{ Scripture to eftablifh ^hyfiologie^ but I would have them know that JI Jecrets Thjficall and Spiritual I ^2\\ the clofe Connexions ^ and that rtiyfteriopu Kijfe of God nd Nature is clearly and pundually difcover- d there. Confider that mercifHllmj^ery of the ncarnation wherein the fullneffe of the God- head z8 Anima Magica head WAS i*?corporated^znd the Divine Ligh United to the (jM^tter in a far greater meaft4r then at the firfi Creation. Q>njider it I fay,an< th'oulliak finde, that«\ V Sm Ablcondita. 29 m, without this Fa:mtm?7efPrinciple^ which is I le IVifsoiihcSun. Now then my fmalt Sopl:i^\ sr( o£ the fiofie, you that confuTTte your tirtf^ \AfHbflance in making waters and Oyles with durty Cafut Mortimm ; You that deal in old and Quichrfilver being infatuated with le Legends of fomc late and former Moante^ unks : Confider the lafi ^Wof iiich men. Did ley obtain any thing by it but dife^fes tc To. erty ? Did they not in their old age f'/tveterati ierum mdorPim^ fall to QipftHg and C^nnter^ Hting of ^f^/^^e-^and for a Period to their Me^ MY J did they not die in Defpair ,, w^hich is the ^htlde of IgnordKce ? Know then for certain ^h^trhe Magicians Sun and (J^^«arc tvfo \ "/liver fall Feeres Afale and Female^ a King nd Queen Regents^ alwayes yotfrig , and nev« Id, Theie two are Kd^^jnate to the whole porld , and coextended thorough the umverfe^ The «?A7(* is not without the other ^ God having > iMted them in his work ot'Creati^^ in zfotemn 'Sacrament all unim. It will then be a hard and lifficult Enterprife to r^^the HmhmdQ{\\'^' vif e^to put thoje afu/ider , whom ^y five^SLnd can neither ^//-^fr nor pur ike, but wel may they he altered^ and purified ,- neither cai they commu-mcite themfelves to anorher Tub fiance beyond cheir own extenfion which is fi^ nite and i.tJrmi'iAt-JXm^ not ^/:J7A ^mp)(lor then who tdl you of a Snlphar Ti.iji^em. and ! know noc what Fjibles , who pin alib that ^^ % aixl 2 irr?^ >7 /.'»'' of h?'^ii, on 3.fiience botl Anci^-^it and ^nfi^it-\ h ' s the ^/^.6/" ^^^/y th a can be fr«f/y mHlti^li-^d. tor this iifceyids to^ an( defcends f^om the firli Fountain of M dtipltca. /■/^«,and l-mjation. This ^(^^^ applied to an] Body whaclbever -^.v. ^/^.^ & lerf^Ft .- /> /.^ y^^ ^2i tranflaces them fi-om the t^orfl to ^'i he liCoid'iir/i, Where nnte\yj the way, that every g^^rhath pajjive principles ii itjelf for this /i^/[?f to v-^yf^ rtpon^znd therefor ( needs not bjrroiv any from Gold^ or fiiver, Cow- fider '•4, Abfcondita . 31 idcr then what it 16 ycu fearch fot* , you that nine after che ^hilojofhir^ flone , for Sjufdem ^ftlranjmpitars , ctituscfi Creare: you feek or that which is moft high, but you look on hat which is mofi Lmv, Two things there are vhich tvtiy g'>odChri;iiayi may , and ought to ook after, Ferum, (y Necefjarium, 7 rueth \s he Arca-um , the Aly fiery (fr EJf.tfce o£ 2lH Things : for every ferret is trunh , and every - bjiantiail trueto is 2ifecret,\ f^eak not here of - ■Htiv^rd H ifioricalltrHcths^ which are but Re- itives to ^(^/?;7;.bi't I fpeak ot an inward Ef. rntiall Trueth wh.ch is Light, for Light Is he Trueth , and it discovers Paljhood which is \).Trk:^efe, B, this trneth all that which is ne- effarymiy be comp.tfs'd^ but never \s'v\\o\K :. I preferred wi ciom (faid the wife King) be- fore Scepcors and Throiies , and efteemcd Ri- hes nothing in comparilon of her. Neither compared I unto her any precious ftone, bc- cauleall Gold inreiped of her is as a little rfandand fiivcr fliaJi be ccunicd as Clay be- fore her, I loved he^- above health and beau- ry, and chofe to have her inftead of light , for s che /ij^/;r that commeth from her never goeth 7Ht,hW good things came to me together with U'her, and Imum^rable Riches in her Hands, a And I re /oyced in them all , becaufe mfedont goeth before thsm^ and I knew not ^ujhe was 'the p AnimaMagica *' the Mother of them. If Riches be a TofeJ ''fion to be dejired in this Life , what is Rtcht ' then Wifcdom that worketh all things ? Fc * (he is privy to the myfleries of the knawledg *o{(jod^^v\(\ a M/tfr of his w^r/^/, God hat; 'granted me to fjieak as I would, and to con * cctve as is meet for the things that are give * nie : bccaufe it is he that leadeth unto JVtjdon 'and direEieth the yvife^ For in hi^ hand ai * both we and our words ^ all wifdom alio , nn * knowledge of workjnanfhip. For he hath give * iiie certain kl^owledge of the things that an * namely to l^ow how the world was made, an * the Operation of the Elements, The ^^^/; ^ »/>z^, endings and middeft of the Times, tl * aiterattons of the turning of the ^/y^ , and tl: * Choiige of feafons* The Circuit of ^^^r^/^ar *the po(itio?ioi stars. The Natures of //f/> * Creatures, and the /^r/^/ of j^/7^ ^^^y?/ , tl ^ %'iGlence ofwindes, and the reasoning of Met ' the Diver fi ties of T/*««a ^ and the vertues ■ * K<7odnejfe. And being but O^e (he c:m do all things, and remajmng in hr flj {he maketh all things n€W:2in(\ in all Ages entring ' into Holy SohIs^ (lie maketh them friends of Cf jd^ and Prophets. For God loveth none buc ' Htm that drvelLth with vptfdom. For (he is ' more beautifull then the Sm , and above all ' the Oder of ftars, b^ing compared with the ' Ligh^(he is found l>efbre it. For after this ' commeth Nighty but y'/ce fliall not prevail againlt Wtfdom, Thus Solomon^ and again a 1^ greater then Solomon ; Tirft feck^ym the King^ ^ dom of Gjd^ and all thefe 'Things fhall be gtven {fou. For of a trueth Temporal I ble[fi?igs are buc u(hi:rs to the Spirtt^all, or to fpcak more plain- ly, when once we begt?i to love the Spirit^ then j2 he fends us thefe things as Tokens and pledges of iis Z/crtinaci copore Tradabile, q- lod ariimi prx- ^ lantia cum anima convenieritc conftantiilt- ^numfiat corpus ad omnia liiftlnehdum e:ii- ^tiina.Pirobatur eftim auruni i^ae. quo rcpro- i D 2 '' ^ ^a 38 Anima Magica 'batur omnc quod aiirum non eft, O pi3f- ' ilantidlmum Philolophorum a-irum , quo ' ditaiuur fapieiuice filii , noii IJlo quod gu- ^ditur : Adcfte qui Theiaurum Philofopho- * rum tarn vario Conatu quaeritis , reproba- * turn a vobis Lapidem cognolcite , prius quis 'illcfic antequam quDeratu-. Mirum eft lupei * onmei^miraculum , quod quilpiam appetaci- ' gnotum fibi : fatuum certe videtur id ab ho- ' minibus quaeri , cujus Vericatem non norunt Mnveftigance, quia nihil ill eofpeirelinquitur 'Suadeoqiiibufvis ergo perquirentibits , utco- ' gnofcant prius ejus quod qua^runt, veram cxi- ' ftentiam ancequam qu^erant : (ic eos laboribui 'fruftrarinon continget. Sapiens quGerit quoc ' amat, nee amare poteft quod non cognofcit.a- * lioquin Inilpicns cftet ; Ex cognitione ig'tuj * natus eft amor omnium Veritas, qux lola vi * get in oiTKi: bus veris Philolbphis. Ti us He ' a^da<^am: Fiuftra laboratis onines abdito ' rum Nature ^cretorum Indngatores, cum a ^ liam ingreffi viam , Terrenorum virtuccs pe 'Terrena detegere conamini. Dilcite ig ' CcE^Lim per Cerium, non per Terram, kd hu ' jus per iliius, virtutes cognofcere. Nemo cnin ' afcendit in Caelum quod quceritis , ni(i qui d * Calo (quod non quseritis dcfcendit. prius il luminec eum. IncOrruptibilerh qu^ritis med - cinahi , quse Corpora nedum a Corruptioi* j^ Abfcondita. 39 iio tranfinutet in veium Temperamentum , led u. ctiam tcmpcrata diutifll^mc confervet : talem * alibi quam in Caelorcperire nonpoteritis un- i' quam, Coclum virtiitefiia, per invifibiles ra- jii dios in Tcrrse Centrum undique concurrenteJ, ^ omnia pcnecrat Elemcnta, 6c Elementata ge- r nerat, fovetqiie Nemo in ieipfo^ Ted in i'4 ^'^""^"' li^ quod ctiam ex ipfo fit. generare poteft. Fcc- nitusetianipromircuusutriufque parentis in ie ir Naturam ita retinet , ut in eo parens utcrque opotentia & a6lu (it reperibilis. Quish^rebic [iampliusnili lapis in Generationc Philolbpni- ;ca ? Diice ex Teipfo, quicquid eft in Ccxlo, ^ in Terra cognofcere , ut fapiens Has 'in omni- bus Ignoias CoeJum 5c Elcmenta priusUnuni ^ ! fuiflCjDivino quoque ab invicc^n artificio fepa- rata, ut & Tc , & omnia generare poflcnt ? (i hocnofti, reliquum^Te fugcrenon poteft, aut Ingcnio cares omni. Rurliis in omni gene- , ratione talis feparatio d\ nece{raria,qiialcm de : te fiipra dixi ficndam, antequam ad verse Phi- lofophix Rudia velum applices. Ex aliis nun- 1 quam unum facies, quod qu:sris, ni(i prius ex Tcipfo fiat unum quod audifli. Nam talis efl voluntas Dei, ut pii pium confequantiiy Opus quodqua^runt, & pcrfe^li perficiant aliudcwi fuerinc intenti. Malse voluntatis Hominibu?' nihil prxter quod feminavcrint, datur metere • imo quod magis eft, perfsepe bonurti corum D 5 ^ kmcn 40 Anima Magica c*" ftmen in Loliiim , propter eorum Malitiam ^ conveititur. Fac igitur uc Talis evadas quale tiium cfTe VIS, qucxl quscfieris opus. This is now the true EJJktiai mjfl-ry o£ Regen.y.i^ ttort, or the Spiritual Death, This is, and ever wasthconely/2:^p^,and^/?y^^/-of Aiagick^ But for your further InHru6tioii ruminate this his other myfticall fpeech. ' Agitedum igitur anima mea , corpufquc * meum : furgite nunc, animum fequamini ve- * lirum. Afcendamus in montem hunc excelfum ' nobis oppofitum, de cujus cacumnc vobis o- ' rtendam iter hoc bivium de quo per Niibem, ' & (inc lumine locutus eft Pythagoras. Nobis ■ apertiiuntoculi, turn prselucet Ibl pietatis i^ ^ juftiticE, quo duce non poflumus a via veritatis ' deflcderc. Volvite primum oculos ad d^tram, *ne videant vanitatem , antequam i'apientiam ' pcrceperint. Videtifne relucens iilud, & Incx- *gu^nabiIeCaftrum ?Ineo le continet Philo- * ibpliicus amor,de cujus Fonte fluunt Aquse vi- ^ v2e, quas qui deguftarit femeJ, non (itiet vani- *tatem amplius. Ab eolocotamamaeno, lua- .^ yiquc re6ta progrediendum eft ad amceniorem, * in quo Sophia moram trahit.'de cujus ctiam * fbnte fcaturiunt Aquae primis longe fkliciorcs, ' quas qui guftarint inimici, pacem eos inire ne- 'celfe eft: Eorum qui deycniunt coplcriquc * folciit altiy^s tendcre , fed non oiiines optatum ^aflcqu- Abicondita. 41 affcquuntur. Eft locus ultra didos,quem adirc vix licet mortalibus niiipcr Divinum numea ad immortalitatis gradum affumpti fuiit : at antequam introducantur, mundum coguntur exuere, caduca: vita? fpolio retento. Noii eft ed cum pervenerint quod amplius mortem timc- ant, imo potius cam indies ample(f^antur fua- vius, quam in mundo quid unquam luaveju- dicatum eft eis amplexu dignum. Ultra hxt tria loca quicunque progrediuntur , ab homi- numoculis evanefcunt. Qucdlifecundum & tertium Locos videre lubet, afcendamus altius. En fupra Chryftallinam primani arcem.aliam Argcnteam videtis , ultra quam ^^ Terriam a- damantinam, Quarta veio non cadit fub fen- fum, donee ultra Tcrtiam deventum fit. Hie eft aureus perpetuse foelicitatis 1gCu$, foUicitu- dinisexpers, &:omni rcpletus gaudio perenni. This is the pitch B.ndpiace^to which if any man afcends^ he enters into C^Ariots of Fire with Horfes of /r^^and is translated, from the earthy fotil and Body, Such w^as Emeh^ fuch was EU^ jah^ fuch was Efdras^ to whom this OHcdicine.. was miniftred by /^r/f / the Angel. Such wa? Saint -P^^/, 'Wnow^s carried up to the third Heaven \ fuch was Zoroafier^ who was tranf- figured^znd fuch was thzt A nonymus mention*d by AgrippA : Idipfptm (faythhe) cr defe pro^ dtdit Japiens qf4iadm , ita ut fcintilUyites rla- D 4 min^ 4Z AmmaMagica rnir^A hincinde^etiamcumjonofrofilircnt* This liuppole, was R.C. the founder of a moli CJoYijhayi^ and famous fociety, whole >S<7^)' alio hf vcrtue of that Medicine he took in his life time^ is preicrv'd intire to this Day^ with the 8^p!tomts oi two worlds zhont it. Such E/z/rf^i" alio are the Members of this Trp^tcrmtte^ w-ho '•s their own writi-^gs teftifie, walk in the fuper- tural light. Vt nobtfcum autem Coveaias (fay Kr.ecejjeefl haKC Lueem cerr.as , fine errim juce im-pofflble e(l nos videre, nifi quando ilumus. I know lome illiterate. School-T>i' Ums will no fooncr read this^ but they will cry )Ut with the Jewes i U' bium non efi quin Deas Antiquis l^atrtbus medic mam aliquarn reveUvertt , per [piritum [dinltpim fuptm^quk tmrentur Carnis Qorruptio- nem Cr potijfimvtm its , cum qiiibus locutns efi, i^^ficdfis imvit. Let me tell you then that the ^Period and perfeciion o£ LMagick^ls no yjzy \ Fhficall^ for this Art Attingtt foliftm Jovis^ ^ Coelefiia tent at. In a word i; afcends per lumen NaturA in. lumen GratKZ^ and the lafi end of it is truely Theologically Remember therefore that Ehjah 44 Amma Magica Elijah deposed hi^ mantle , and palt thorow the xp£itcrs of Jordan before he met with the Cha^ riots oflfrad. But a-s Agrtppa faych, Clanfum efi ventatis aArmariHrn .• The Scripture is ohfcure^ and myfticdl even in Htfioricall pajfa ges. Who would believe that in the Htftory of Agar and Sarah^ the myflery o^both Tefitu merits was couch d , but that Saint GaL Panl himielf hath told us fo ? For it 4.22. ^ written (iayth he) 'that Abraham ' had two Sons , the one by a Bond- ' maid , the other by a Free- woman. But he ' who was of the Bond-woman , was born af- ^ ter the fle(h,but he of the Free- woman by pro- * inife. Which Things arc an Allegorie ; for *^.thefearethe Two Covenants , the one from 'Mount Sinai, v/hich gendercth to bondage, * which is Agar : For this Agar is Mount Sinai *in Arabia, and anfwereth to Jerufalem that ^ now is, and is in Bondage with her Children -, But Jerufalem from above is free, which is the 'Mother of us All, I could inftancc in many more f uch places, as that of the Royal Prophet^ 1hattheT>sx9 of Hermon defcends to Mount Sion^ which is altogether impojfihle in the /'>btaine the ^erfelt Medicine^ neither did they ■.nd^rfiand It. I never met in all my Reading out with S/x ayfuthors, who fully apprchend- d this cMy fiery. The firft an Ambian^TL moft oro found, but exceedingly oblcure writer , and torn him I conceive, n/irtefim borrowed all lis Knowledge. The fecond a mofl ancient _Zhrifiian Anonymtii , the greatefl ^t ever was in point of PraUice , for he afcended. to bhat glorious MetaphyJtca/lHetgkv^^hsrc the Archtype (liadows the I ntelleEiud Spheares. The other F^?/!//* zxc famoujly known inChrirr •flendom. To inftrufl Thee then, Thisy^^v fiery is perfeclcd when the Light in a fiid- dain , miiaculous Corufcation flrikes from the Center to the Circumference ^ and the Divine Spirit hath fo Iwallowed up the Body ^ that it \sCorptis glonficatumtaK^Ham fol (jT Luna fpleyididtim. In this Rotation it doth pdjfe (and no fboner) from the Na^. tural to a frpsmatwrall ft ate , for it is no more fed with l^ifibles^ but with invtfihles, an4 the Eye of the Creator is perpetually upon it. After this the Material parts are nevrr more to be ictw , ' Atq; hare eft ilia toties decan- tata , & fine fcelere Magorum Invifibilitas. Verily this is the way that the Prophets an4 t}ie tC^poftlcs went ^this is the tmQprimtttve Dwi. lI 4^ Anirha Magica Divinity^ not that clamor ohs fophtflrie of the ' S::hooies, I know the world will be ready to Boy mc out of C^mtep.ayc^ for this , becaule my ye^ires are feiv , and green, I Wan: their twoCrutches^xkiZ pnt tended modern /, and that Solemnity of the Beard, which makes up a Dotior, But Reader let me advife thee , if by what is here written thou attain'ft to any knowledge in this point ( which I hold impol- fible without a Divine Affiliancej let me ad- vice thee I fay , not to attempt any thing rajhl)' For (fyignppJi tells me, * Quicun- 'que impurificatus acceflerit , fupcrinducit * fibi Judicium , & traditur ad devorandum *lpiritusnequam. There is in the cj^t^/r^// R'cords a memorable fiory of a Jew^ who ha- ving by ['>ermi(rion rifl'd iomtSp'trttml Trea- fpires , was tranflated in SolitHdmes , and is l(cpt there for an Sx^^mple to others. I will give thee the hefl Conr.fel that can be given, andtliat out of a Poet : Orandum efl, ut fit Mem fana in Corpore fmmon a- mongft feme wife Men^ntwt Few are they^ who t attain JO Anima Magica attain to the Former. The common Chymifl woiksW\x\\i\\Q common fire, and without any CM^dium , vvheretbre he generates notbmg • for he works not as God doth , to pvefervation, but to Deih'uClion : hence it is, that he ends alwaycs in the Ajhes, Do thou ule it cum Th'egmnte Aiedii : (o fliall thy inaterials reft in a Third Element , wheve the violence of this Tyrant cannot reach, but his Amma^ Thcic is alioa better way : for if thou canft temper him with the Spntof Heaven ^ thou haft alter 'd hun from a corrupting to n gene- rut'mg fire. Sublime the middle Nature fire ■per Trigonptm er Ctrcnltim^iiW thou com'ft to a Breach of Inferiors and Superiors. Laftly, fe- parate from the M^igicall compounded E^irth that Principle which is call'd Terra Media^ becaule it is middlemoft between the Tnarins^ and the Binartus : for as it attaines not to the fimplicity of the Firft, lb it is free from the Impurities of the Second, This is the true Pe- tra Chryfl:allina , a briirht virgin Earth without fpot or Darknefle. This is Terra ■(^Migatn /. And weary all the PU/iets with mine £7^/# Shall I fcek thy forgotten Birth^ and fee What T)ayes zttjpent fince thy Nativity f Didft run with afjcient ICt[hon ? canrt thou tell So many yeers as holy Hiddekel? Thou art not paid in thts. He ieavie more Such harmles ContrtbHtions from thyftore And drcfle my So/i/ by fhee as thou do'^ pajfe As I would do my Body by my (7 /4j(/>. * What a clear ^running Chryftall here I find ? Sure I will ftrivc to^^i*« as clear a Mind. E2 And 54 Anima Magica Ar^d have niy^/^*//"^ freed fro ^r^/f,made /;>//, That no bajc Puddle may ulLv; their F'i;i' t. How I admii'c thy humble ^^2;?^.? iNoiight's here^ But the i a mtfim-ple vefiurc all the yeer, lie ItdiXnpr^fltcityo^ Thee^ and when I walk ihtfireets, I will not flormc TiiMcn^ Nor loohji^ if I had a mind to crie, Jt is my valiant Cloth of Gold^ and /. Let me not live, but I'm amaz'd to ie^ What a Qe~ir Type thou art of P lette, (fiii Why fliould thy Floudstnnch thofe/^ .fpa layth , Vivtre Deum ^ & A-rgtlos : rejed all Things Qha Coelo dtjfirfalfu {unt , otheiwiie thou canrt have no Communion with SufcrioiS). Laltiy . Unm eft:?. '071 Sohu : Avoid the Mulcit-^dc, afweil of PalHoiiS as Perions. Now for Apttror.^^ 1 wi fh thee to til) ft no mjd r>s , but Michael Stndu jvow. a nd that other of Pkyfia ReJfTmta, efpeci^ ally hisfi'-jr A phon if icall p irt, The Reii whom 1 have leen iuggcft Inventions of their own, luch as may paiie with the yVhymzJes of des Clones or BoviUus his A1 a f ^emetic all Rofes, To con- clude, I would have ihee know^ That every day is Anms ( o trattus : That every jeer is Di^s extcrij^j. Anticipate the ^r^r in the ^^y, and loie not a^^>inthe'f^r. Makeuie of inde^ ttrnnyidte Aq^e> ts till thou canft B. ^de a Deter- minate Onc:The Many may wi(h w:li but One oneiy Loves. Circumferences Jprcad^ but Cen- ters co?2tra'tL : (o fy.ptriors difJolve^znA inferiors coaguLue', ft and not/<7«^ in the fun^ Wotlong'm the Jhade : where Extremes meet^ there look for Complexions. Learn from thy Errors to be In^ pJlible^ ftom thy Misfortunes to be conftant : There is nothing ftronger then Perfeverance, for it ends in Miracles. 1 could teL thee more^ bu-t that were to pux.z.le Thee : learn this 5^ Anirna Magica,^r. f&Jl , And Thou miyft teach mc the ' Thus Reader have I publilicd that l^onvledge which God gave mt/id fmEtttm Bona Qonfcien^ tidt, I have not BHjheld my Light , nor buried my Talent in the Ground. I will now with- draw and leave the ^^ge to the Next AEhor : Some Pi'ripatettck^ perhaps , whofe (ic froho 111 all fcrve me for a QomAdtei, \ have (ccn jfcoids lafigh'^d at but never admired,- fo hc that w»/- tifitei Dijcoterfe . makes a y^r/o«.r caufe, J^fV//- mlcfHs*, The onely Kntid^jte to zjhrevp^sjtleuce : And the ^^ «^^^ to convince Fools^ is to iVi?^- k^ fhnm. 'FasriccsAnimselQuibus Hsec cognofccre priniu, ' Ihque Domos Sup ras Scandere, Cura fuit. ' Credibile eft lUos pariter Vitiifque Jocifquc ' Altius Humanis excruiflc Caput. Si Tu Jehova^ Deus mtMsJllnminaveris Me^ Lux fient TenebrA me£» FIN I S. 1 onis ever nunour aincna, rne Learned Authoi-* IR, L/' Our book now finifh't. Let a fliallower p£» l Ad thele few drops,co your vaft Ocean. Not by my (haddowing praife, t'ecUpfe the glory ^f your high rvoiih : this book muft tell that ftory^ rotruth-beleiving Soules j whofe EutglC'Cyes Can penetrate thtfc hidden ^'yfieries. But you (thrice honor'd fir^ my groveling mindc Have rais d to hieher Pitch, to tell how kinde. How rare a freind, how deare, how choife a Treafurt My fa*es have bleft me with, above the meafure Of vulgar thought : how this divintr ray Of your brigbi foul, would fill with cleareft day ^ The darkened world : did not earth-fhadowing ml^m < '^i th thickeft clouds,heavens influence refift But who from envies fordid mirt Is wa{hc , is clad in pure attire Oiimoctn'e j a light {hall fee, (unthrard from errors Sophiftry) Will kindle that mainetici( fire^ • Which ihall concenter^ wild defi c^ \ And fix the roving thoughts iaone Jnfeoercte TKIZ^NION Heel then difdaine the fly n^ie Earth 5 — A houfe too mean for nobler birth. His heaven-rais'd foul, will then afpire To bear a part in th' Angels quire. Vearjtr, fare well. Let fcekers thirfty flames, Refieihr by thefe your foul-reviving ftreames, E echo you Praife : with thankfull eloms Your ever-iiying name immortalizer SIR, Your own beyond ExprcfTcs H. Blunden. ^ ' ' Or 7A/ A> - .'^>z>:):s> *^>i>^2 ^1> i5^^^^A »ZIS> >1»