1 ATI AS WITT" Mo:;-STA^:'Mii cf:k^:iIT I Franklin Institute Library PHILADELPHIA Class...k%U..5^ Book.2±...Q... A ccession,h.5^S..O.. REFERENCE GIVEN BY SPECIAL LIMITED EDITION of which this volume is number Presented with the Compliments of THE ATLAS PORTLAND CEMENT COMPANY Ill II III II I L 1 ■ II llil S Copyright 1913, by The Atlas Portland Cement Company, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and Minneapolis. FIRST EDITION llllilllilliiilllillliiilliliilllliHIIIIilBIIBB^ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiS^ Page Four iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH»iiiiiiyiiiiiiiiiiiu isiiiiniiiiiiiiiiaiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiBiiiM^^^ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiyniiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigiiii!iiiiiini«iiiii!iii»iiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig INDEX Introduction ....... Description of Material Mixtures and Their Uses .... Mixture No. 1 Plastering on Concrete Walls, Exterior and Interior Floor Surfacing Terrazzo and Tile Floors Bathroom and Kitchen Walls . Mixture No. 2 Surfacing Concrete Floors, Tile Setting, Facing Concrete Blocks .... Stone Work, Vases and Garden Furniture Mixture No. 3 Manufacture of Cement Brick Laying up Brick, Terra Cotta, Bedford Stone, Marble and Granite Use of Neat Cement Quality of Product . Specifications for Stucco Table of Covering Capacities . Specifications for Facing Concrete Blocks Specifications for Laying Terrazzo Floors Specifications for Bathroom and Kitchen Walls Colors for Cement ..... Non-Staining ...... Chemical Analyses and Laboratory Tests: The Atlas Portland Cement Company Hildreth & Company Lehigh Valley Testing Laboratory . Robert W. Hunt & Company . Ohio State University PAGE 7 9 13 D. H. Buruhain & Company Architects INSURANCE EXCHANGE BUILDING CHICAGO, ILLINOIS npson-Starrelt Company Builders Atlas- White used for setting and pointing terra cotta tile Page Five INTRODUCTION ALL books such as this can be divided roughly in- ^ to two classes: one in which it is necessary to read a great deal to get little real information, and one in which it is necessary to read only a little to get a great deal of good information. Every effort which has gone into this book has been centered on placing it in the latter class. You can judge with what success. Architectural books dealing with materials con- stitute a source of valuable information to the archi- tect and prospective builder, when the subject matter is carefully selected, concise and trustworthy. The fact that some deal with the product of individual manu- facturers is in no way detrimental to their value to those whose knowledge of the subject treated should be thorough and comprehensive. This book deals with established facts, and as such, we sincerely believe it will prove valuable to you from the standpoint of an intelligent understand- ing of the latest practice in the varied use of white cement in building. You will be the best judge of that, however, and we ask you to read it thoroughly in order that you may appreciate for yourself the truth of these state- ments. THE ATLAS PORTLAND CEMENT COMPANY New York, September, 1913 Page Seven IIIIIHIIII J I n I I I THE Atlas Portland Cement Company in Jan- uary 1910 perfected and placed on the mar- ket Atlas- White Portland Cement in order to meet the growing and wide spread demand for a White Non-Staining Portland Cement that could also be used for decorative purposes. In calling the attention ot the user to the quality of Atlas- White Portland Cement we wish to emphasize the fact that our product absolutely justifies its name. It is white in color, non-staining and a true Port- land Cement. Its chemical composition is practically identical with that of our Atlas Portland Cement, ex- cept that it is free from those elements which cause the dark color in commercial Portland Cements. The strength of Atlas- White, both in tension and compres- sion, is equal in every way to that of our other product. Although Atlas- White has been on the market for only three years, its wide spread usage justifies the posi- tion which it now enjoys. Atlas -White is manufactured at our Northampton plants under the careful and efficient supervision of our expert chemists. We take pleasure in calling attention to the analyses and tests made by both our own and independent laboratories.* Our Experts have made an exhaustive study of the usages of White Cement. We trust you will not hesitate to call on us, and thereby derive the benefit of their experience. White Non-Staining Cement has been on the market to a limited extent for a number of years. It *The tests referred to appear on pages 56 to 62 inclusive. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Page Nine Atlas-White used for steps and terrace, laying bricks and trim has been used mostly for interior decorative work, but the discovery of its value for exterior stucco work and many other purposes has wonderfully increased the scope of its usefulness. Where decorative effects, both of finish and color are desired, the necessity for care and attention, in the selection of the proper aggregates and in the applica- tion of the material, is of course apparent. In this we ask for your co-operation. Page Eleven lilllHI iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiijiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii niinil M iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii n 1 M nil n m n n n 1 n ■ ni mm Owner Was Architect RESIDENCE OF H. J. KLUTHO Richardson Builder JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA Exterior Atlas-White Stucco We desire to call your attention to the following formulae and instructions regarding various uses of Atlas- White. It is being used today for Interior and Exterior Decorative Work, Exterior Stucco, in mortar for set- ting Marble, Tile, Brick and Stone, Facing Concrete Block, Decorative Concrete, Stone and Statuary, Ter- razzo Floor, Artistic Color Effects in conjunction with various colored pigments. Wainscoting for bathroom and kitchen walls. Although the color of the finished surface is largely that of the cement used, the color of the sand nevertheless has a most important influence. The diffi- culty of obtaining in some localities a sand of a satisfac- tory quality has influenced The Atlas Portland Cement Page Twelve Norman McGlashan Architect RESIDENCE OF W. P. PLUMMER DOUGLASTON, NEW YORK Woodruff Company Builders Exterior Atlas-White Stucco, and steps faced with Atlas-White Company to place upon the market tor the convenience of its customers the following mixtures: ATLAS-WHITE MIXTURE No. 1. Tensile Strength in pounds per sq. in. IDay 7 Days 28 Days 3 Months 6 Months 365 lbs. 535 lbs. 735 lbs. 795 lbs. 832 lbs. This mixture is composed of one part Atlas- White Portland Cement and one part pure white silica sand thoroughly mixed. This sand is of fine, even grain and the mixture can be used as a mortar: For Plastering on Concrete Walls, Exterior or Interior, for Floor Surfacing where a rich Mixture is required, Page Thirteen Page Fifteen - m um ill liiiiy i n III I yim i II m ii « Atlas-White used for laving and backing exterior stone and term rnttn II n I HI iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwii I ill I liii I Mill I iinnii Page Sixteen W. S. Covell Architect RESIDENCE OF DANIEL SIMONDS FITCHBURG, MASSACHUSETTS Beujamin A. Howes Engineer Exterior Atlas-White Stucco {on solid concrete) and for use in making mortar for laying terrazzo and tile floors. It is also recommended for washing in joints, particularly of terrazzo floors, and is more sat- isfactory than neat cement for setting ceramic mosaic tile, marble and wall tile of any description. The following formula is recommended for interior work such as bathroom and kitchen walls, or any smooth white finish on perpendicular walls: 1 bag (94 lbs.) Atlas -White Mixture No. 1. 20 lbs. White Hydrated Lime. ■iiaiiiiiiiiii|iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiB iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Page Seventeen Page Eighteen jiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiffl llliililOOillillllillBillllllliiBlllliilillliillilllllllli™^ Merrill Moore Architect RESIDENCE OF A. L. HUNTINGTON CRESTON, IOWA Atlas-White faced concrete blocks used This mixture has the following characteristics: Its hase is a true Portland Cement. It is insoluble in water. Its surface will be hard and hydraulic. It will make a smooth, glossy finish. It can easily be applied by a mechanic. The hydraulic and water resisting qualities of Portland Cement cannot be obtained by the use of any of the hard plasters on the market. ATLAS-WHITE MIXTURE No. 2 Tensile Strength in pounds per square inch. 1 Day 7 Days 28 Days 3 Months 6 Months Merrill Moore B Builder 280 lbs. 465 lbs. 645 lbs. 742 lbs. 764 lbs. Page Nineteen I 11 1' II ll III I III I 'I I I ll I I ll I III ig I I II 111 I II ' II |i 1,1 I W. J. Obenaus Architect RESIDENCE OF LOUIS SCHUPP ALBANY, NEW YORK Exterior Atlas-White Stucco (on metal lath) I.mle & Jenseu Builders This mixture is composed ot one part of Atlas- White Portland Cement and two parts of pure white silica sand thoroughly mixed. The sand in this mix- ture is graded in such a manner as to make a dense mortar. This is the mixture recommended in the Standards of the American Concrete Institute for Sur- facing Concrete Sidewalks and Floors; also for Facing Concrete Blocks. It is also the mixture recommended by the Asso- ciated Tile Manufacturers for Tile Setting, and for Floating and Buttering Wall Tile and the foundation for Terrazzo Floors. Page Twenty-one Page Twenty-two liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiw^ liiliiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiliiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I'' I" I- ■ Warren & Wetmore- Architects AEOLIAN HALL NEW YORK CITY George A. Fuller Company Builders Atlas-White used for laying and backing limestone. Atlas-White also used for setting and pointing limestone in Stern Brothers Building ■liaiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiH Page Twenty-three Julius Barnes Architect NORMAL PARK METHODIST CHURCH CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Amer. Hydr. Stone Co. Builders Atlas-White used for decorative exterior trimming It is also recommended for Cast Stone work of every description such as Window Sills and Lintels, Balustrades, Vases, Garden Furniture and Decorative Work. With the addition of 10 pounds of White Hydra- ted Lime to one bag (94 pounds) of Atlas -White Mixture No. 2 it is recommended as a mortar for lay- ing up white enameled brick, white terra cotta and any fine textured stone, such as Bedford Limestone, Marble or Granite, where, as an absolutely non-staining material, it has no equal. Page Twenty-five ■iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ■nil iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniill!!!!!!!!!!^^^^^^^^^ ■iHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 180 lbs. 361 lbs. 535 lbs. 617 lbs. 620 lbs. This mixture is composed of one part of Atlas- White Portland Cement and three parts of pure white silica sand thoroughly mixed. The sand in this mixture is graded in a similar manner to that in Mix- ture No. 2, the mortar being weaker on account of additional sand. This mixture is recommended where an especially strong mortar is not necessary. It can be used for the manufacture of Cement Brick. Page Twenty-seven IllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllliWIIIIIIIilllllllllillllllli iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniin^ York & Sawyer Architects GUARANTEE TRUST COMPANY'S BUILDING NEW YORK CITY Atlas-White used for pointing and backing limestone Marc Eidlitz & Son Builders Page Twenty-eight I mil I B 1111 I "l I With the addition of 10 pounds of White Hydra- ted Lime to one bag (94 pounds) of Atlas -White Mixture No. 3, this mixture can be used for laying up Brick, Terra Cotta, Bedford Stone, Marble or Granite, where a weaker mortar is desired, having the same non- staining qualities and is considerably stronger than Lime Mortar used for the same purpose. It can also be used for backing all fine textured stone to protect them from staining. The lime makes the mortar plastic, thereby increasing its spreading capacity without materially decreasing its strength. The following formula with this mixture is rec- ommended for first coat stucco work on Metal Lath: 1 bag (94 lbs.) Atlas- White Mixture No 3. 10 lbs. White Hydrated Lime. 1 to 2 lbs. Plasterer's hair or fibre. The desirability of these various mixtures will be at once apparent. The architect or contractor will have at his command a material prepared ready for use, the proportions of which are guaranteed, thus eliminating all chances of improper materials being mixed with Atlas -White Portland Cement; by means of these mix- tures he is assured of a reliable, white surface. Prices of these various mixtures are such as will permit the contractor to use them with greater econ- omy, than would be possible were it necessary to search in the open market for the proper ingredients. We are placing this information before the trade so that they may feel no hesitancy in recommending and specifying the use of these various mixtures. All these mixtures are proportioned by weight and packed Page Twenty-nine ■llllllillllllllllllllllllllilllllllll!lllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllID!|||ll!ll|||||||||||||ffl n ■ g ^ ■ Page Thirty ■iiiiiiiiiiiiii Ill uiiii iiiiiiii liiiiii I iiiiH I II iiiiii nil Ill liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|pjiii ^iiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ■ ^ 1 I in the standard package (a paper sack enclosed in I a cloth bag) used in packing Atlas -White Portland I Cement. I We advise against the use of neat White Portland | I Cement, as when so used it will show the slight craz- | I ing cracks which are universal when Portland Cement | I is used in this way. For this reason we advise the use | I of Mixture No. 1 for finishing purposes, and we recom- | I mend this same mixture with the addition of 10 -per | I cent, of Hydrated Lime for use to replace Cold Water 1 1 Paint for whitewashing interior surfaces, or brick or 1 1 stone, or interior courts of apartment houses. 1 1 ■ Howard E. Jones APARTMENT BUILDING E. H. McGibbon I Architect VENICE, CALIFORNIA Builder 1 Atlas-White entrance and trim Page Thirty-one Page Thirty-two WHITE %y ATLAS I _ PORTLAND , ^"^^^ CEMENT Information is valuable to any one only when it is useful, and useful only when it is used. The value of this book to you then, depends chiefly on whether you can use the practical data in it to good advantage (we sincerely believe you can) and whether you will use it. In selecting a white cement for use in future work, which will progress under your direction, you will unquestionably be governed by the natural desire to se- cure one which will produce the most satisfactory results. In the building material line, the most dependable assurance of satisfaction in a product for the future comes from a record of complete satisfaction in the past, com- bined with a manufacturing organization of known prestige behind the product. You have seen illustrated in this book representative buildings of many types ■ ■■■iiiiinBiHiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiBiiiianiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiniiiH Page Thirty-four located throughout this country. In all of them Atlas -White has been used with success — a striking record of satisfaction under widely varying conditions. Please understand that these are only representative structures we show, and are but a very few of the many into which Atlas-White has entered. It has not been the thought to burden you with useless repetition of such practical recommen- dations. We know of no stronger proof which could be placed before you, of the quality and dependability of Atlas-White, except the proof which you can secure by the actual use of the product in your own work. Nothing else could compare with that, and we feel sure that you will agree with us in this view when the use of Atlas- White has become a part of your own practical experience. Page Thirty-five II II II luiiii Hi I II II Illll llli"l|lll"!lllllll'l||||l|illllllil BANKERS TRUST COMPANY BUILDING NEW YORK CITY Trowbridge & Livingston, Architects Marc Eidlitz & Son, Builders Atlas-White used for laying and backing exterior stone Page Thirty-seven FORMULAE AND RECOMMENDED PRACTICES The use of Atlas- White Portland Cement in stucco is so desirable that complete directions for the proper handling of the material and its application are given as follows: SPECIFICATIONS FOR ATLAS-WHITE PORTLAND CEMENT STUCCO Stucco may be used to cover wood, tile, brick, stone, concrete or other building material, provided certain precautions are taken in preparing the surface properly so that the mortar will adhere and not crack or scale off. As a rule two coats are used; the first is the scratch coat, to be composed of the following formula : FIRST COAT 1 bag (94 lbs.) Atlas- White Portland Cement. 300 lbs. clean graded sand. 30 lbs. hydrated lime. 3 lbs. plasterers' hair or fibre. Or use 1 bag (94 lbs.) Atlas- White Mixture No. 3. 10 lbs. hydrated lime. 1 lb. plasterers' hair or fibre. SECOND COAT 1 bag (94 lbs.) Atlas- White Mixture No. 2. 10 lbs. white hydrated lime. The first coat can be made of Atlas Portland Cement and the second coat of Atlas- White with perfect Page Thirty-eight success, and will materially decrease the cost on account of the lower price of regular Atlas Portland Cement. Should one coat work be desired, use the formula for the second or finish coat. In using stucco on a frame structure, first cover the surface with two thicknesses of roofing paper; then put on furring strips about 1 foot apart, and on these fasten the metal lathing. (There are several kinds of lathing, any of which are good.) Apply the scratch coat 1-2 inch to 3-4 inch thick and press it through the lath sufficiently to form a good key, and roughen the surface with a stick or trowel. This should be allowed to dry for at least 24 hours. Before the second coat is applied, the first must be thoroughly wetted down. Apply the finish coat 1-4 inch to 1-2 inch thick. For stucco on hollow tile the work should be done in two coats throughout, and the tile should be thoroughly wet before applying the first coat of stucco. This scratch coat should be at least 1-2 inch thick outside of the tile surface, applied under pressure, and well scratched before it begins to set. The final coat should be 1-4 inch to 1-2 inch thick and finished as desired. To apply stucco on brick, stone or concrete, clean the surface of the wall thoroughly, using plenty of clean water so as to soak the wall. If the surface is brick or stone the joints should be recessed before cleaning the surface. Concrete should be roughened by picking with a stone axe. Apply the first coat 1-2 ^ Iniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Page Thirty-nine \ inch to 3-4 inch thick, and the finish coat 1-4 inch to 1-2 inch thick. Various tints can be secured by the use of color- ing matters. The material should be carefully mixed, and in hot weather precaution should be taken to prevent the stucco from drying out too quickly. This may be done by spraying the walls every day for three or four days after the finish coat has been applied or by covering with burlap to protect them from the direct rays of the sun. Stucco should never be applied when there is danger of frost. There are various methods of finishing stucco as the taste of the architect demands : Smooth finish — Steel trowel. Stippled finish — Steel or coarse hair brush pressed into the fresh mortar and immediately with- drawn. Spatterdash finish — Wet mortar thrown against the wall with a broom or trowel. Pebbledash finish — Coarse sand or pebbles thrown into the mortar while fresh and soft. Page Forty « 4: 1 ATLAS-WHITE PEBBLE DASH STUCCO COAT Surface smoothed with a float, and pebbles or coarse sand thrown against it and pressed into the fresh mortar ATLAS-WHITE STIPPLED STUCCO COAT Surface smoothed, and while soft a stiff broom or steel brush is pressed into the mortar and immediately withdrawn ATLAS-WHITE SPATTER DASH STUCCO COAT Surface smoothed, and mortar thrown against it mth a broom or trowel ATLAS-WHITE FLOATED STUCCO COAT The mortar surface is smoothed with a wooden float |!fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiii{[iiiiiiiiiii I!!!!!!i!ji!!«wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin^ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiN^ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Pdf^e Forty-one diaiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiB^ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiii Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii I iiiiiiiiiijill Covering Capacity ol ATLAS-WHITE MIXTURE No. 1 One barrel (4 bags of 94 pounds each) will cover approximately 9 square yards 1-2 inch thick 6 1-2 square yards 3-4 inch thick 4 1-2 square yards 1 inch thick ATLAS-WHITE MIXTURES No. 2 AND No. 3 One barrel (4 bags of 94 pounds each) will cover approximately 8 1-2 square yards 1-2 inch thick 6 square yards 3-4 inch thick 4 1-4 square yards 1 inch thick GARAGE, PAVEMENT AND FENCE RESIDENCE OF F. P. HUNKINS, ST. LOUIS, MO. Exterior Atlas-White Stucco on Atlas reinforced concrete Erected by E. D. Hunkins Page Forty-two H. T. Wendell, Architect L. E. Palmer, Builder Exterior Atlas-White Stucco Page Forty-three UNITED STATES POST OFFICE, big stone gap, pa. J. Knox Taylor Frazier-Evans Construction Company Supervising Architect Builders Atlas-White used for laying, pointing and Stucco T. R. Beuz Architect ESCAMBIA COUNTY BUILDING PENSACOLA, FLORIDA Blount Construction Company Builders Atlas-White exterior finish Page Forty-four I II I I I II I II II I I II I iin II FOR FACING CONCRETE BLOCKS Use our Atlas -White Mixture No. 2, or one part Atlas -White Portland Cement and two parts white sand, or marble dust, making a wet mortar and hav- ing the thickness in the center from one-quarter inch to three-eighths inch, running from one inch to one and one-half inch at ends. Keep face of block damp as long as possible. I. L. Keeps, Architect HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING N. Roth, Builder WAYLAND, IOWA ' Concrete brick faced with Atlas-White I _ I liii"! nil Ill III! li ■ I iiii I ■■ ■iii|i ■ iiini 11 ■ I ■iiiiiiiiii I ■iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiiiiii I iiiii nil iiiiiiii in iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Page Forty-fivee gun II lb lb SPECIFICATIONS FOR LAYING TERRAZZO FLOORS Use our Atlas- White Mixture No. 2, or one part Atlas- White Portland Cement and two parts clean, fine white sand. Lay mortar one-half inch thick on the base prepared for the purpose and on top of the mortar place the design ; pound it thoroughly, using a wooden block for the purpose. Then remove the paper and grout the spaces with neat cement, rubbing it over the top with the wooden block. After cleaning, allow to harden, and rub down with water and fine sand. Then fill all spaces with neat cement and when hard polish with pumice stone. BATHROOM AND KITCHEN WALLS For wainscoting bathroom and kitchen walls Atlas -White mortar may be used instead of patent plasters, thus securing a hard, white and durable finish, which can easily be washed or scrubbed with- out harm. Nail furring strips to the side walls and to these fasten the metal lath. Apply the base coat composed of a mortar made according to the follow- ing formula; one-half inch thick. 1 bag Atlas -White Mixture No. 3 10 pounds White Hydrated Lime 1 to 2 pounds Plasterers' hair or fibre Thoroughly scratch this coat and when hard apply the top coat to a depth of one-quarter inch, composed according to the formula : 1 bag Atlas- White Mixture No. 1 20 pounds White Hydrated Lime Trowel to a smooth, hard finish. iiiiiiiiiiiyiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Page Forty-seven COLORING Atlas -White Portland Cement is particularly adaptable where coloring is desired. It assimilates the coloring matter much more readily than the grey Portland, thus making the architectural possibilities unlimited. There are, however, a number of colors that are not permanent and therefore not advisable to use. The blacks are particularly good to procure the various shades of grey. None of the colors used as per the table below will materially affect the strength of the mortar. The colors must be carefully mixed with the dry cement before the sand and water are added. TABLE OF COLORS Lbs. of Color Color Desired Coloring Matter required per bag of cement Light Dark Black and Greys Carbon Black 1-2 1 Blue Ultramarine 5 10 Brick Red Red Oxide of Iron 5 10 Bright Red Turkey Red 5 10 Brown Metallic Brown 5 10 Yellows Yellow Ochre 5 10 There are a number of concerns who have de- voted years of study to this particular phase of the subject, and have developed entirely satisfactory coloring matter, which can be used to produce all the principal colors with Portland Cement. Page Forty-nine Page Fifty n nnnii n n nnn WARNING ABOUT STAINING In order to secure the properly expected results from the use of white non-staining cement, reasonable care in the handling of the other materials is imperative. Atlas -White Portland Cement contains no ele- ment that will stain, and in itself is absolutely non- staining. If dirty sand, dirty water or dirty tools are used in the mixing, however, trouble is sure to result. When Atlas -White is used for laying and backing marble, limestone, granite, or other stones, the stone must be well protected in transit from the quarry to the* operation, as well as protected in storage before being placed in the work, or staining will be sure to result. That is obviously not due in any way to the white cement used. When the best results are desired, you will find it advisable to bear this in mind, and insist on the proper safeguards being employed. {{■■■■■IjilM n n n n n ■ no n n n Page Fifty-three Page Fifty-four MONOGRAM BUILDING ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI Albert B. Groves, Architect Black Masonry and Construction Co. Builders Atlas-White exterior trim MONROE BUILDING CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Holabird & Roche, Architects George A. Fuller, Builder Atlas-White tile used HARTMAN BUILDING AND THEATRE COLUMBUS, OHIO Richards, McCarthy & Bulford, Architects Selden-Breck Construction Company, Builders Atlas-White used for laying exterior tile Page Fifty-five THE ATLAS PORTLAND CEMENT COMPANY Laboratories: Northampton, Pa., U. S. A. Analysis and Tests of Atlas - White Portland Cement Average Chemical Analysis Silica Iron Oxide Alumina Lime (Ca O) . Magnesia (Mg O) . Sulph. Trioxide ( SO 3 ) Ignition Loss Total 24.98 .53 5.73 62.97 .91 1.63 2.36 99.11 Average Tests Setting Time, Initial Setting Time, Final Specific Gravity Fineness — Thru No. 100 Sieve Fineness — Thru No. 200 Sieve 1 hour-20 min. 3 hours 3.053 . 98.8% . 92.5% Page Fijiy six fill II iiiiiiiiii 1IIIIIIIIII II « mill I I II mill I I I miiiii iiiiiii iiiiii i lun iiiiiiin i liii {niiiin i {gimiii i ■ m i mnii i igiiin iiiiiiniH iiiiniiiiiiiiiiiii| THE ATLAS PORTLAND CEMENT COMPANY Laboratories: Northampton, Pa., U. S. A. Analysis and Tests of Atlas- White Portland Cement (Continued) Average Tensile Strength Per Square Inch Neat 24 Hours .... 7 Days .... 28 Days .... 3 Months . . . . 6 Months .... Sand 1 to 3 24 Hours • . . . 7 Days .... 28 Days .... 3 Months . . . 6 Months .... Per Cent. Water Used, Neat Per Cent. Water Used, Sand 345 pounds 625 735 " 765 795 120 pounds 230 355 365 400 . 23.0 . 9.9 Page Fifty-seven Ifliiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii HILDRETH & COMPANY ■1 135 Broadway, New York City Tests of Atlas -White Portland Cement December 12,' I'Ql'O ' ' ' Chemical Analysis Silica ...... 23.52 Alumina ..... 6.33 1 Oxide of Iron .... .51 1 Lime .... 63.94 1 Magnesia ..... 1.25 1 Sulphuric Anhydride 1 71 Loss on Ignition .... 2.25 II Total 99.51 II Tensile Strength Per Square Inch Neat 24 Hours 7 Days 28 Days 409 pounds 590 pounds 630 pounds 387 585 625 (.<. 376 641 650 Av. 391 pounds 605 pounds 635 pounds || Per Cent. Water Used, 25 III ^ 1 Page Fifty-eight HILDRETH & COMPANY 135 Broadway, New York City Tests of Atlas -White Portland Cement (Continued) Sand 1 to 3 7 Days 300 pounds 286 - 295 " Av. 294 pounds Per Cent. Water 28 Days 470 pounds 426 " 430 432 pounds Used . 10.5 Boiling Water Test . . . . Sound Fineness Thru 100 Sieve . . . . 98.5% Fineness Thru 200 Sieve . . . .92% Specific Gravity . . . . . 3.10 ^. „ „ . ( Initial, 1 hour, 55 minutes lime ot bettinsf . s t^. i ^ , - [l^mal, 4 hours, zO minutes HILDRETH & COMPANY giaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ iiSiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin Page Fifty-nine iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ill iiiii! iiBiii 1 LEHIGH VALLEY TESTING LABORATORY Allentown, Pennsylvania Tests of Atlas -White Portland Cement November 23, 1910 Tensile Strength Per Square Inch 1 Neat 24 Hours 7 Days 1 364 pounds 610 pounds 2 365 - 621 " 28 Days | 670 pounds i 721 - 3 342 600 755 - 4 362 " 634 746 II 5 339 - 630 " 710 " II Av. 354 pounds 619 pounds 720 pounds II Sand 1 to 3 II 7 Days 28 Days II 1 347 pounds 395 pounds II 2 304 390 II 3 321 403 (.<. III 4 320 - 410 III 5 317 " 400 (.<. III Av. 322 pounds 400 pounds III Per Cent. Water Used, Neat 25 1 III Per Cent. Water Used, Sand 10.2 II ill Initial Set . . . .1 hour 55 minutes ||i III Final Set ..... . 4 hours ill Ill Fineness Thru 100 Sieve . 98.6% III III Fineness Thru 200 Sieve . 90.6% 111 III Specific Gravity as Received III Ignited . |jii{ii{ii|ii!iiijn||i|i^ liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiS 3.06 III 3.09 III m urn nil iw p in 1 lyiiiF Page Svxiy ROBERT W. HUNT & COMPANY NEW YORK F 7729-A May 25, 1911 Report of Tests on Sample of Atlas- White Cement Initial Set, 1 hr. 30 min. Cold Water Test 0. K. Final Test, 4 hrs. Boilinff Test 0. K. Per cent. Fineness, 100 Sieve 98.8 Per Cent. 200 " 87 •>') •>'> Tensile Test NEAT 1 Cement, 3 Sand 24 Hrs. 7 Days 28 Days 7 Days 28 Days 275 680 800 245 380 280 725 820 250 420 345 715 835 270 400 Avge. 300 707 818 255 400 Water 21 Per Cent. Water 9.6 Per Cent. Analysis Per Cent. Silica . 25.20 Alumina 6.37 " " Iron Oxide .63 Lime . 62.83 " Magnesia 1.64 Sulphuric Anhydride 1.63 " " Loss by Ignition 1.50 Specific Gravity 3.124 Sample purchased from John P. Kane Co., April 24, 1911, for Atlas Portland Cement Co. ROBERT W. HUNT & CO. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiEiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiniiniiiiniiiiiiiiiii! ■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii igiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iii I n iiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ■liiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Page Sixty-one OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Civil Engineering CEMENT TESTING LABORATORY Columbus, Ohio Report No. 1 Job, 1 Record, 237 Brand, White Atlas, Portland Date of Sampling, December, 1912 How Sampled (?) Sent from Factory Reported to Atlas Portland Cement Company, March 12, 1913. Laboratory Data Kind of Sand, Ottawa; Temperature of Laboratory, 67/^°F.; of Water, 623^°F.; Kind of Testing Machine, Riehle; Application of Load, 600 Pounds per Minute; Per cent, of Water for Normal Consistency, 24%; Penetration by Vicat Needle, at once, 10 m.m. 1 min., 16 m.m. Results of Tests FINENESS— Per cent, passing No. 200, 96.2; Per cent, passing No. 100, 99.6; On No. 100, 0.4 TIME OF SETTING— Gaged, 4 min.; Initial Set, 2 hrs. 30 min., Final Set, 7 hrs., 20 min.; Method, Gillmore Needles. SOUNDNESS— Pat No. 2373 in air, loose, O. K.; Pat No. 2372 in water, loose, O. K.; Pat No. 2371, 5 hrs. in steam, loose, O. K. Tensile Strength No. Per Ct. of Water Age in Days POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH Average Remarks 2371 24 1 477 455 450 480 465 Neal 2372 7 490 575 515 497 519 2373 28 690 675 730 633 682 33 Days CO 2374 9.5 7 258 305 265 311 285 1— 1 2373 28 363 435 380 380 390 33 Days The cement worked beautifully under the trowel. Test very satisfactory. Respectfully submitted, F. H. ENO. All tests according to A. S. C. E. Standards. 1 aiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH ■ niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Page Sixty-two