A COMPLETE, DESCRIPTIVE LIST WITH ILLUSTRATIONS for DISCRIMINATING BUYERS Kent-Costikyan TRADING CO. INC. 485 FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK OPPOSITE PUBLIC LIBRARY ONLY ONE ADDRESS IN NEW YORK ON FIFTH AVE. AT 4 1st STREET Kent-Costikyan TRADING CO. INC. T HE house of Kent-Costikyan had its inception in the year 1885, when Mr. Costikyan, the President of the present Company, while a student at that time at Colgate University, disposed of, among the professors of that Institution, several bales of Oriental Rugs, which had previously been shipped from Constantinople, to merchants in this country, who had been unable to dispose of them. In the Fall of 1886, Mr. Costikyan (after an ap- prenticeship in the establishment of Sibley, Lindsay & Curr Co.) established in the City of Rochester the business of Costikyan Freres, in America. In those days, the dis- posal of any large number of choice rugs at private sale, being out of question, Costikyan Freres forwarded semi- annually from Rochester to New York City, important collections of rugs for disposal at the leading Ortgies Art Galleries, on Broadway below Fourteenth Street, which later were removed to the building adjoining the Stewart Mansion, at Fifth Avenue and 34th Street. Many' of the rare antiques now in the homes of New York, as well as other cities, were acquired at those sales, which contri- buted more than anything else toward the introduction of Oriental Rugs on an extensive scale. In 1 888 a branch was opened in Chicago, where the business was carried on until 1 893. In the meantime, the Rochester store was discontinued, and a wholesale branch was opened in New York City. During that period, Marshall Fields & Co. realizing the great opportunity of developing a business in this line, arranged a partnership with Costikyan Freres, and the business was conducted for a time in their retail establish- ment in Chicago. Early in 1 894 the Chicago House was discontinued, and the wholesale business was carried op exclusively in New York City, in the downtown district, at 47-49 Liberty Street, and at 1 28 Broadway (the old American Exchange National Bank Building) from whence it was removed in 1 898 to the extensive and modern Gallatin Building, 890 Broadway, corner 1 9th Street. In 1 900 the firm name was changed from Costikyan Freres to Kent-Costikyan, the former being discontinued. The trend of business uptown necessitated its removal in 1908 to the “Knabe Building” (Fifth Avenue at 39th Street) . The need of larger quarters resulted in the lease, in 1910, of two entire floors, at Nos. 8-14 West 38th Street. Early in 1916, an extensive floor was secured in the modern “Rogers-Peet Building”, at 485 Fifth Avenue, at 41st Street, where the Company’s Warerooms and Galleries possess the most perfect daylight, and every known facility. Kent-Costikyan Warerooms are now located on the sixth floor of the “Rogers-Peet Building”, directly opposite the Public Library. The Company has no branches in New York City. LIST ANTIQUE ORIENTAL RUGS 10.° x 4. 1 *SEREBEND. Dark blue ground; all- over palm leaf design in sage-green and old red. Border ivory, blue and dark brown. No. 53 lO^xS. 1 KURD. Blue ground, all-over small de- sign in two-tone blue, old red and ivory. Bor- der blue black, ivory and medium blue. No. 12-114 10.° x 5. 4 SHIRAZ. Ivory and rose ground with medallions. Border blues and ivory. No. 260 I0.®x6. a *ANT. CHINESE. Peach rose ground, medallion blue and soft yellow. Border soft yellow, blue and old rose. 'No. 425 10.® x 6. 4 AFGHAN. Deep red ground; all-over . design in blue and burnt orange. Border red and light green. No. 12-72 10.° x 6.® fBOKHARA. Wine red ground; all- over designs in dark blue-green, ivory and pinks. Border red and ivory; unusual woven selvedge. No. 831 10.° x 6.® BOKHARA. Ruby red ground; all-over panel design in dark blue and ivory. Border red; unusual woven selvedge. No. 830 10.° x 7.° *BOKHARA. Red ground; all-over panel design in ivory, dark blue and rose. Border same coloring. No. 2053 10.® x 7.° *BOKHARA. Deep red ground; all-over design in two-tone blue, orange and ivory. Border same coloring. No. 2052 10.® x 7.® fBOKHARA. Red ground; all-over de- sign. Border red and light green. No. 859 10.® x 7.® ELVEND. Tan ground; all-over Persian rose design in blues, greens and rose. Border yellow, brown and blue bands. No. 9-83 10. 1 x 4.® KERMAN. Medium blue ground; all- over design in mulberry, brown and ecru. Bor- der blue and brown. No. 11-81 10. 1 x 4. 11 ANT. CHINESE. Soft yellow ground; all-over lattice design in medium blue. Border two-tone blue. No. 2289 10.1 x 57 TEHERAN. B rown ground; all-over tree design in deep red, light blue and sage- green. Border red and brown. No. 9-87 10.1 x 6 ,jo TEHERAN. Brown ground; all-over tree design with columns and birds in soft green and old red. Border rose and dark blue. No 9-97 10. a x4.® *CABISTAN. Dark blue ground; me- dallions in light blue, golden-yellow and ivory. Border ivory and two-tone blue. Illustrated. No. 1-318 10. a x4.® SEREBEND. Red ground; all-over palm leaf design in soft yellow, dark blue and ivory Corners medium blue. Border ivory. No. 55 10. a x 5.® SEREBEND. Dark blue ground; all- over design in old red, ivory and sage-green. Border red and ecru. No. 1-188 10. a x 5.® SAMARCAND. Copper ground; medal- lion in medium Persian blue surrounded by a minikhani design in field. Border blue and orange. No. 1-331 indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. flndicates unusual values — price reduced. 4 10. 2 x 5. 7 10.2 x 6.10 10.2 x 8. 3 10.2 x 9.4 10.3 x 4.9 10.3 X 5. 1 10.3 x 7. 4 10.3 X 8.1 10.3 X 8.3 10.3 x 9.° 10.4 x 4.5 10.4 X 5.4 10.4 X 5.8 10.4 X 6.3 10.4 x 6.8 10.4 x 6.9 10.4x7.9 10.4 X 7.2 10.4 x 7.2 10.4 x 7.7 10.4 X 8,7 10.4 X 10.4 *IRAN. Red ground; all-over minikhani design in two-tone blue, golden-yellow, olive green, old red and ivory. Border dark blue and brown; heavy quality. No. 512 ARAK. Old rose ground; plain center. Border medium Persian blue, tan and old rose. No. 6-105 *ISPAHAN. Dark blue ground; medal- lion olive-green and old rose surrounded by a floral field. Corners soft green. Border rose and tan. No. 1-2 TABRIZ. Red ground; medallion pistache green and tan surrounded by a well covered field in two-tone blue, copper, brown and green. Border red and green. No. 2215 KERMAN. Light blue ground; all-over design in mulberry, tan and old rose. Border tan and blue. No. 11-79 INDO-CHINESE. Tan ground; all-over Chinese design in brown, two-tone blue and green. Border tan and blue. No. 1-383 *BOKHARA. Deep rose ground; all- over design in tan and dark blue. Border in same colors. No. 832 ISPAHAN. Rose ground; all-over de- sign in sage-green, tan and dark blue. Corners dark blue. Border rose and tan. No. 1-20 ARAK. Golden ground; medallion light blue with corners in i,age-green. Border med- ium Persian blue and tan. No. 11-98 TABRIZ. Golden brown ground; all-over small fereghan design in light blue, red and sage-green. Border red, brown and soft green. No. 2214 KURDISTAN. B rown ground; medal- lion in medium blue, soft yellow, old red and ivory surrounded by a plain field. Border red and ivory. No. 1-217 MAHAL. Rose ground; medallion in tan and blue surrounded by a plain field. Corners tan. Border medium Persian blue. No. 1-545 TEHERAN. Tan-ground; all-over tree design in light green and mulberry. Border mulberry and tan. (No. 9-107 ’’'BOKHARA. Tan ground; all-over panel design in two-tone blue and soft rose. Border tan and copper red. No. 2050 TEHERAN. Sand color ground; all-over design i - Persian roses. Border yellow-tan and medium Persian blue. No. 9-125 Companion 9. 5 x 6. 8 SAROUK. Brown ground; medallion in dark blue. Corners old rose and light blue. Border old rose. No. 1-390 f BOKHARA. Ruby red ground; all-over panel design in ivory and blue. Border same coloring. No. 2046 ^BOKHARA YAMUD. Old wine-red ground; all-over design in dark blue and ivory. Border same colors; unusual selvedge. No. 849 BOKHARA. Mulberry ground; all-over panel design in purple rose, ivory and dark blue. Border same coloring. No. 871 MAHAL. Wine-red ground; all-over de- sign in light blue, tan and sage-green. Border dark blue and tan. No. 11-55 KERMAN. Tan ground; all-over design in light blue and old rose. Border light blue, rose and tan. iNo. 170 KERMAN. Cream ground; all-over panel design in dark brown and rose. Border cream and rose. No. 180 indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. ■{•Indicates unusual values — price reduced. 5 !0. B x 4. 8 *CABISTAN. Blue-black ground; all-over panel design in burnt red, ivory, orange, light blue and brown. Border ivory and blue-black. No. 1468 10. 5 x 4. 10 CABISTAN. Dark blue ground; all-over design in bright red, ivory, soft yellow and blue. Border red and ivory. No. 1447 10. 5 x 5.2 fCABISTAN. Dark blue ground; all-over design in red, ivory, purple and orange. Bor- der ivory. No. 1448 10.« x 5. 4 *BESHIR. Deep red ground; all-over panel design in two-tone blue, dark brown and soft yellow. Border red and yellow. No. 12-73 lO. 6 x 5« SAMARCAND. Rose ground; medallion in light blue. Border rose, tan and light blue. No. 1119 10 .« x 6.» SHIRAZ. Dark blue ground; all-over de- sign in ivory, sage-green, two-tone blue, old red and dark brown. Corners ivory. Border ivory. No. 353 1O. 0 x 6» *CHINESE. Cream ground; medallion brown, dark blue and rose. Border soft yel- low, rose and dark brown. No. 3034 10« x 7.» HAMADAN. Dark blue ground; all-over design in brown, sage-green, mulberry and blue. Border red, blue and soft yellow. No. 1-434 10.8 x 8. 7 KERMAN. Tan ground; all-over design in soft rose and blue. Border same colors. No. 1738 10.8 X 9.2 MAHAL. Red ground; all-over design in tan and blue. Border same coloring. No. 1-759 10. 7 X 5.3 *KURDISTAN. Rose ground; medallion dark blue surrounded by a plain field. Border ivory and blue. No. 6-9 10. 7 x 5. 4 fSAMARCAND. Deep red ground; all-over design in light blue and golden-tan. Border golden-tan and blue. No. 1217 10. 7 x 6.2 *CHINESE. Tan ground; medallion Chinese blue surrounded by an all-over field. Border blue with Swastica band in old rose. No. 426 10. 7 x 8. 10 KERMAN. Chocolate brown ground; all-over design in light blue, tan and soft green. Border tan, dark blue and rose. No. 14-7 10. 7 x 9. 7 KERMAN. Sage-green ground; medal- lion dark blue and rose. Corners rose. Bor- der dark blue and green. No. 210 10. 8 x 5.3 *SEREBEND. Rose ground; all-over de- sign in light green, dark blue and orange. Bor- der ivory, blue black and tan. No. 52 10.8 x 6.3 SAMARCAND. Red ground; all-over panel design in two-tone blue and ivory. Bor- der Chinese blue and ecru No. 2228 10. 8 x 6. 7 BOKHARA. Red ground; all-over de- sign in blue and ivory. Border in same colors. No. 857 10. 8 x 6. 10 ^BOKHARA. Deep ruby red ground; all- over panel design in ivory and dark blue. Bor- der red and tan. No. 2048 10. 8 x 7. 4 HAMADAN. Red ground; medallion in dark blue and ivory surrounded by a plain field. Corners dark blue. Border yellow-brown and red. No. 412 10.8 x 8.4 AFGHAN. Mahogany red ground; all- over octagonal design in orange and tan. Bor- der red and dark blue. No. 1-717 *Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. ■(■Indicates unusual values — price reduced. 6 lO.s x 8 .» 10.8 x g.ix 10. 8 x 10.2 10.»x 4.9 10.9 x 5.2 10.9 x 5.10 10.9 x 8.4 10.9 X 8. 4 10.9 X 8. 8 10.19 x 4.1» 10.19 X 5.9 10.1° x 5.19 10.10 x 7.9 10.19 X 8.2 10.19 X 8.10 10.10 x 9.3 10.11 x 4.19 10.11 x 6.9 10.11 x 8.9 10.11 x 8.4 11.0 X 4.2 ISPAHAN. Red ground; medallion tan surrounded by a floral design in field. Corners sage-green. Border rose with panels in dark blue. No. 1049 ISPAHAN. Rose ground; medallion blue- green and dark blue surrounded by a well cov- ered field. Corners sea-green. Border dark blue. No. 1-1 HAMADAN. Tan ground; all-over de- sign in light blue and dull red. Border blue with band in tan. No. 9-50 CABISTAN. Blue ground; medallion in red, brown and tan. Border tan, blue and red. No. 1451 SEREBEND. Rose ground; all-over de- sign in two-tone blue and ivory. Border ivory and blue. No. 20 fCABISTAN. Dark blue ground; all- over panel design in soft yellow, blue, tan and deep red. Border golden yellow and blue. No. 1-153 HERIZ. Golden-yellow ground; all-over design in deep red, two-tone blue and sage- green. Border dark blue and brown. No. 11-114 ARAK. Old rose ground; all-over de- sign in olive green, blue and soft yellow. Bor- der blue and rose. No. 6-102 ISPAHAN. Rose ground; medallion tan and soft sage-green. Border dark blue and tan. . No. 1-114 fCAMEL’S HAIR. Brown ground; me- dallion in old rose. Corners brown. Border rose and brown. No. 1024 *IRAN. Blue ground; all-over design in two-tone blue, soft yellow, ivory, rose and sage-green. Border red and soft yellow. No. 1174 *CHINESE. Chinese blue ground; all- over design in soft yellow. Border soft yellow and dark brown. No. 3-48 SAMARCAND. Red ground; all-over de- sign in soft yellow ivory and Persian blue. Border red, soft yellow and ivory and blue. No. 1-823 HAMADAN. Ivory ground; all-over small design in two-tone blue, soft yellow and deep green. Border copper and dark blue. No. 9-51 ISPAHAN. Rose red ground; all-over design in two-tone blue, soft green and tan. Corners tan and blue. Urns in deep green. Border rose and tan. No. 1-3 GOEREVAN. Ivory ground; medallion rose and blue. Border blue and brown. No. 1-457 KURDISTAN. Red ground; all-over de- sign in two-tone blue, ivory, dark brown and golden-yellow. Border dark blue, ivory and golden-yellow. No. 2 *KHORASSAN. Dark blue ground; all- over palm leaf design in soft colors. Border rose and two-tone blue. No. 9-69 *CHINESE. Tan brown ground; medal- lion two-tone blue. Border same coloring. No. 3-17 HERIZ. Dark blue ground; medallion in tan and rose tones. Border same colors. No. 11-110 KURDISH. Blue-green ground; all-over diamond design in ivory, blue, golden tan and old red. Border ivory and golden brown. No. 12-85 indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. •{•Indicates unusual values — price reduced. 7 11.° x 4. 10 11.® x 5.° 11.® x 5. 2 11.® x5. 7 11.® x 6. 2 11 «x 7. 5 11.® x 7. 8 11.® x 7. 11 11.® x 8. 1 11.® x 9.® 11.® x 10. 1 11.® x 10.® 11.® x 11.® 11. 1 x 5. 1 11. 1 x 5. 10 11.1 x 8.0 11.1 x go ll.ix9. 2 11.1 x io.i 11.1 x 10.3 *CABISTAN. Dark blue ground; medal- lion in rose, soft yellow and medium blue surrounded by a well covered field in dark blue. Border tan, old rose and blue. No. 18 *OUSHAK. Blue ground; medallion old red and tan. Border blue, tan and soft red. No. 403 SEREBEND. Rose ground; all-over palm leaf design in soft green, dark brown and ecru. Border cream and dark blue. No. 25 ^CHINESE. Salmon ground; medallion soft yellow and two-tone blue. Border blue, peach and ivory. No. 429 SAMARCAND. Red ground; all-over design in light blue. Border orange-red, light blue and soft green. No. 1218 *FEREGHAN. Dark blue ground; all-over design in soft rose, yellow, blue and green. Corners ivory. Border sage-green and golden yellow. No. 850 *BOKHARA. Pink rose ground; all-over design of finely marked octagonal motifs in tans and blues. No. 860 ^CHINESE. Soft yellow ground; medal- lion rose and dark blue; vase and tree design surrounds the field. Border rose and blue. No. 10011 *SOUMAK. Blue ground; medallion in old red, soft green and ivory. Border blue and ivory. No. 1028 KERMAN. Cream ground; medallion dark blue surrounded by a floral design in field. Corners soft-yellow. Border cream and blue. No. 487 *IRAN. Rose ground; medallion in brown and tan. Border tan and blue. On either side are runners woven in same colors. No. 81 HAMADAN. Mulberry ground; all-over design in sage-green and dark blue. Border dark blue, tan and mulberry. No. 2-22 INDOOSTAN. Rose ground; medallion brown and blue-green surrounded by a floral design. Border brown, rose and blue-green. No. 1-851 HAMADAN. Camel’s hair brown ground; medallion dark blue, old red, ivory, soft yel- low and green. Border same coloring with wide outside band in brown. No. 1521 KERMAN. Tan ground; all-over animal and tree design in brown, rose, green and taupe. Border rose and green. No. 11-76 Companion ll. 2 x5. 10 ISPAHAN. Dark blue ground; medallion brown, rose and sage-green surrounded by a small herati design; corners green and rose. Border dark blue and sage-green. No. 1-868 KERMAN. Cream tan ground; all-over panel design in copper tones, two-tone blue and green. Border tan, dark blue and copper. No. 2-62 *ISPAHAN. Red ground; medallion Pis- tache-green and ivory surrounded by a floral design with rosettes woven in silk. Corners deep green. Border rose and dark blue. No. 2219 ISPAHAN. Mulberry ground; medal- lion, ivory and two-tone blue. Corners light blue. Border dark blue and tan. No. 127 fHEREKE. Brown ground; plain center. Border tan. No. 2295 ^Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. •(-Indicates unusual values — price reduced. 8 CHOICE ANTIQUE ORIENTALS o 1 | 'he Kent-Costikyan collection A contains many choice pieces and a great variety of sizes and colorings. These fine rugs have been carefully selected and represent excellent value at this time when they are difficult to secure. No. 209. GEORGIAN PLAQUE. * No. 1-318. CABISTAN. 10 2 x4° No. 455. KOULA. 5 } x3 5 Chocolate ground; all-over design with milhrab in old blue. Border. ivory and yellow-amber. No. 591. LADIK. 6°x4° Soft green ground with milhrab in old red. Border, old soft red. light blue and ivory. II. 2 x 4. 1 ll. 2 x 4. 4 11 2 x 5. 3 ll. 2 x 5. 10 II. 2 x 7. 2 11 . 2 x8.® ll. 2 x 8. 8 ll. 2 x 9.« 11 2 x 10.° 11 2 x 10.° 11 2 x 11 2 11.3x5 2 ll. 4 x 5. 5 ll. 4 x7. 8 ll. 4 x 7. 9 11 4 x8. 2 KARAJA. Dark blue ground; all-over large palm leaf design in brown, blue and wine red. Border ivory and tan. No. 1-333 KARABAGH. Cerise red ground; me- dallion dark blue surrounded by a plain field. Corners blue black. Border pink, rose and blue. No. 254 HAMADAN. Dark blue ground; all-over large palm leaf design in sage-green, tan and old red. Border old red and sage-green. No. 24 ♦KERMAN. Tan ground; all-over animal and tree design in brown, rose, green and taupe. Border rose and green. No. 11-75 Companion ll. 1 x 5. 10 AFGHAN. Mahogany red ground; all- over panel design in tan and dark blue. Border same. No. 1-488 PERSIAN SILK. Rose ground; medal- lions in tan and soft green. Border rose and tan. No. 389 HERIZ. Tan ground; all-over design in blues. Border tan and blue. No. 11-105 fHEREKE. Pink rose ground; all-over de- sign in tan and green and soft orange. Border green and tan. Upper corners woven to fit bay window. No. 527 KERMAN. G reen ground; all-over panel design in tan, rose and blue. Border rose and blue. No. 1-751 Companion 17. 19 x 10. 7 HAMADAN. Light brown ground; all- over design in deep green, golden brown and old red. Border red and tan. No. 2-25 ♦CHINESE. Salmon red ground; me- dallion peach, blue and brown surrounded by an all-over field. Border peach and two-tone blue. No. 1-166 HAMADAN. Tan ground; medallion in deep blue. Corners blue. Border sage-green and camel’s hair. No. 1040 HAMADAN. Camel’s hair ground; me- dallion in blue-black. Border blue-green with wide band in camel’s hair. No. 1228 •{•TABRIZ. Light blue ground; medallion brown surrounded by all-over field. Border light blue, ivory and soft yellow — made of cotton. No. 1860 *CABISTAN. Deep red ground; all-over rosette design in medium (blue-green, ivory and purple. Border Persian blue. No. 1-254 TABRIZ. Brown ground; medallion in red and soft sage-green surrounded by a plain field. Corners sage-green. Border red and brown. No. 2265 ll. 4 x8. 9 *ISPAHAN. Red ground; all-over design in tan, soft yellow, blue-green and old rose. Border rose and tan. No. 1-8 ll. 4 x9. 5 KERMAN. Tan ground; all-over small floral design in medium blue and rose. Bor- der tan, rose and blue. No. 1-83 ll. 5 x4. 7 CABISTAN. Persian blue ground; me- dallions in light blue, rose and soft green, cov- ered by small design in field. Border cream, copper and old blue. No. 1452 11. 5 x 5. 10 fHAMADAN. Tan ground; medallion dark brown, surrounded by a well covered field. Border and corners tan and brown. No. 867 11.3 x 7.0 *SINE. Dark blue ground; all-over kur- dish design in browns and light blue. Border same coloring. No. 338 ♦Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. •{•Indicates unusual values — price reduced. 9 11.® x 9.® 11.® x 10.7 11.® X 11.2 11.® x 5. 1 11 «x5.2 11.® x 5.5 11.® X 5. 8 11.® x 6.* 11.® X 6.2 11.® X 8.2 li «x8. 4 11.® X 8.7 11.® X 8.7 11.® x 9.® 11 «x 9.2 11.® x 9.3 11.® X ll. 4 1 1.7 X 4.1 11.7 x 5.1 11.7 x 5.4 11.7 X 5.0 HAMADAN. Dark Persian blue ground; all-over design of Persian roses, soft green and ivory. Border deep green, ivory and dark blue. No. 9-43 KERMAN. Persian blue ground; all- over floral and tree design in light tan and old rose. Corners old rose. Border blue and tan. No. 1-51 fHEREKE. Plain blue ground. Border same coloring. No. 2248 ♦SHIRAZ. Dark blue ground; all-over de- sign in light blue, red, golden brown, mul- berry and green. Border red and ivory. No. 352 KURD. Brown ground; medallion in dark blue and deep wine red, surrounded by a plain field. Border blue and brown. No. 1246 SAMARCAND. Red ground; all-over minikhani design in blue, soft yellow and brown. Border golden brown and blue. No. 2229 KERMAN. Medium blue ground; all- over floral and tree design with animals and birds in soft yellow, baige, tan, peacock blue, rose and light blue. Border tan, dark blue and rose. No. 11-82 KURDISTAN. Medium blue ground; all- over herati design in light blue, golden-yellow, ivory and deep green. Border red, deep green and light blue. No. 514 SEREBEND. Deep copper ground; all- over design in blue and ivory. Border tan and dull copper. No. 1-49 MAHAL. Old blue ground; all-over de- sign in browns and copper tones. Border cop- per red and blue. No. 11-39 MAHAL. Rose ground; all-over design Fereghan pattern blue, green and brown figures. Border blue figures as center. No. 1109 *LAVEHR. Ivory ground; all-over panel design in two-tone blue and copper tones. Bor- der ivory, old rose and blue. No. 1772 KERMAN. Tan ground; medallion dark blue and sage-green covered by a floral field. Corners rose. Border tan and rose. No. 2211 CHINESE. Blue ground; medallion mul- berry and golden tan. Border blue and mul- berry. No. 3-23 ISPAHAN. Olive green ground; plain center. Border brown, rose, ivory and olive- green. No. 1-204 ♦ISPAHAN. Dark blue ground; medallion old rose and tan surrounded by a well covered floral design in field. Corners rose, tan and green. Border rose and tan. No. 1-19 ♦HAMADAN. Dark blue ground; all-over Ispahan design in greens, blues, golden-yellow and tan. Border red and golden-yellow. No. 1306 KARAJA. Blue ground; medallions and panels in soft colors. Border ivory and blue. No. 244 fCAMEL’S HAIR. Brown ground; all- over design blue, old red and ivory. Border tan and blue. No. 1-327 ♦KURDISTAN. Rose ground; all-over minikhani design in ivory, soft yellow, pink, sage-green and mulberry. Border dark brown, ivory and soft yellow. No. 1-451 KERMAN. Tan ground; all-over floral design in two-tone blue, rose, sea-green and brown. Border dark blue, rose and tan. No. 11-69 ♦Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens, flndicates unusual values — price reduced. 10 ll. 7 x 7. 7 ll. 7 x 8.3 ll. 7 x 8.« 11. 7 x 9.° 1 1 . 7 x 10.° 11. 8 x 6. 3 ll. 8 x 6. 2 ll. 8 x 7.® ll. 8 x 7. 8 11. 8 x 8. 7 ll. 8 x 9.° Il 8 x9.! 11. 8 x 9. 5 11. 8 x 9. 10 11.9 x 6.5 11.9 x 7.4 11.9 x8. 8 11.9 x 9.° ll.» X 9.3 11.® x 9. 4 KERMAN. Ivory ground; medallion in deep blue, soft yellow and light blue. Corners rose. Border tan, rose and blue. No. 501 KERMAN. Tan ground; medallion in old rose and blue. Corners dark blue. Border dark blue, rose and tan. No. 2-46 HAMADAN. Blue ground; all-over de- sign in camel’s hair. Border blue. No. 9-64 ♦ISPAHAN. Deep red ground; medallion tan surrounded by a floral field. Corners sage- green. Border dark blue and tan. No. 1-17 HAMADAN. Brown ground; all-over design in wine red, green and soft yellow. Border sage-green and brown. No. 2-32 *MANCHURIAN RUG. Manchurian silk and gilt thread rug of the 17th Century; blended pink and gray ground; all-over pattern showing conventional flowers and leafy scrolls. The small central medallion displays a mystical cross device with flowering on solidly woven body of silver-gilt threads. Wide border woven in blue and blended apricot with adjoining bands in blue floral details. No. 3032 *CHINESE. Golden tan ground; medallion in Chinese blue, surrounded by an indistinct design in soft colors. Borders tan and dark blue. No. 3-67 KERMAN. Pink rose ground; all-over design in brown, blue and green. Border deep rose and tan. No. 14-10 MUSHKABAD. Cream tan ground; all- over small design in two-tone blue, brown and sage-green. Border red and tan. No. 11-33 fKERMAN. Gray ground; all-over large palm leaf design in dark blue and copper tones. Border gray, dark blue and copper. No. 1072 ♦SAM ARC AND SILK. Red ground; all- over design in two-tone blue, brown, sage- green. Border blue and gold. No. 39 KERMAN. Blue ground; medallion in tan, blue and old rose. Border copper tones and blue. No. 2-61 KERMAN. Red ground; all-over design in blue, tan, brown and sage-green. Border tan and dark blue. No. 14-12 Companion ll. 10 x9. 5 f CHINESE. Mulberry ground; all-over design in tan, gray and green. Border same coloring. No. 122 KURD. Golden brown ground; medal- lion dark blue and brown surrounded by a plain field. Border red and golden-brown. No. 2230 ♦BOKHARA. Deep wine red ground; all- over design in blue, ivory and light rose. Bor- der copper tone and blue. No. 2047 ♦CHINESE SILK. Old rose ground; all- over design in diamond shape tan and rose. Border same coloring. No. 123 INDIA. Ivory ground; all-over tree de- sign in burnt orange and green. Border ivory and green. No. 1-813 KERMAN. Rose ground; medallion in dark blue surrounded by a floral design. Bor- der ivory, soft yellow and blue. No. 2210 MAHAL. All-over design in soft red and dark blue. Border same colors. No. 1-349 ll. 10 x5.7 *KUBA. Dark blue ground; medallion ivory surrounded by a palm leaf design in brown, sage-green and light blue. Border light blue, red and blue black. No. 1-159 ♦Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. •[•Indicates unusual values — price reduced. 11 Il. 10 x8. 7 MAHAL. Red ground; mdallion dark blue and tan surrounded by a well covered field. Corners dark blue and tan. Border blue, tan and sea-green. No. 1-346 ll. 10 x9. 4 ’’'ISPAHAN. Mulberry ground; plain center. Border olive-green and dark blue. No. 1-206 ll. 10 x9. 5 KERMAN. Rose ground; all-over design in blue, tan, brown and sage-green. Border tan and dark blue. No. 14-13 Companion ll. 8 x 9. 5 Il. 10 x9. 5 KERMAN. Tan ground; all-over panel design in dark blue, rose, light blue and sage- green. Border tan and rose. No. 2-52 ll. 10 x9.° KERMAN. Tan ground; all-over design in rose, blue and dark browns. Border same coloring. No. 175 ll. 10 x9. !> KERMAN. Ivory ground; all-over design in old rose, medium blue and copper. Border medium blue and rose. No. 181 11. 11 x 7. 10 MAHAL. Red ground; all-over design in two-tone blue, tan and light green. Border dark blue and tan. No. 11-40 11.11 X 9.3 11.11 X 10.2 12.0 x 4.3 12.0 x4 .8 12.0 x s.t 12.0 x 5.1 12.0 x 6 .3 12« x 6. 3 12« x 7.® 12.0 x g.4 12.0 x 8 .® 12.0 x 8 » 12.0 x 8.H KERMA'N. Ivory ground; all-over de- sign in two-tone blue, old rose and green. Bor- der blue, rose and tan. No. 11-3 ♦ISPAHAN. Rose ground; medallion tan surrounded by a well covered field in sage- green, blue and tan. Border rose and blue. No. 1-22 CABISTAN. Ivory ground; all-over panel design in soft blue, rose and green. Border same colors. No. 721 SHIRVAN KILM. Ivory ground; all- over panel design in purple red and dark blue. Border blue, red and ivory. No. 95 HAMADAN. Brown ground; all-over herati design in light blue, reds and browns. Border brown and light blue. No. 250 SHIRAZ. Deep red ground; all-over palm leaf design in dark blue, ivory and yellow. Border dark blue and brown. No. 720 *ANT. CHINESE. Gray tan ground; all- over design in Chinese blue. Border two-tone blue with swastica band in peach. No. 423 ♦AFGHAN. Deep red ground; all-over design in ivory, light blue, green and golden- brown. Border light blue and deep red. No. 3-64 *SARAK KURD. Rose ground; medallion dark blue with Persian rose design in old rose and sage-green surrounded by a plain field. Corners medium blue. Border dark blue, ivory and sage-green. No. 798 BIDJAR. Brown ground; medallion in dark blue. Corners in Persian blue. Border deep red. No. 1240 MAHAL. Blue-black ground; all-over design in soft yellow, dull red, light blue and brown. Border old red and tan. No. 1745 KERMAN. Rose ground; all-over panel medallions in blue black, tan and light rose. Border tan and soft rose. No. 177 CHINESE. Medium blue ground; me- dallion in deep wine red surrounded by motifs in golden-brown and tan. Border deep wine red and tan. No. 3-93 12.° x 9.° *LAVEHR. Rose ground; medallion drab with light blues, rose and soft green. Corners in brown with animals in golden-yellow. Bor- der drab, rose and blue-green. No. 1223 ♦Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. tTndicates unusual values — price reduced. 12 12 « x9.° 12.® x 9.° 12.® x 9.® 12.® x 9.® 12.® x 9.® 12.® x 9. 2 12.® x 9.2 12.® x 92 12.® x 9. 3 12.® x 9. 5 12.® x 10.2 12.® x 10.7 9. 4 x 5.® 12.1 x 3.7 12.® x 3.® 12.1 x 9.® 12.2 x 4. 4 12.2 x 8.4 12.2 x 8.® 12.2 x 8.2 12.2 X 8.8 CHINESE. Persian blue ground; medal- lion tan and two-tone blue surrounded by floral motifs. Borders light blue and tan. No. 1-610 CHINESE. Brownish yellow ground with center medallion in blue; Swastica border on inside in ivory. Tooled and carved. No. 3-18 CHINESE. Ivory ground with medallion in light and dark blue. Corners and border in same coloring. No. 3-19 CHINESE. Peach salmon ground; me- dallion two-tone blue and tan. Border tan and soft yellow band. Tooled and carved. No. 3-22 *KERMAN. Dark blue ground; all-over floral design in browns and light blues. Bor- der blue and brown. No. 11-5 f ISPAHAN. Mulberry ground; medallion blue-green and tan surrounded by a well-cov- ered field. Border mulberry and blue. No. 1-21 ISPAHAN. Brown copper ground; all-over floral design in green, dark blue and brown. Border deep rose red and brown. ■No. 1-5 ISPAHAN. Soft red ground; medallion in olive-green and dark blue outlines. Border rose-red and green. No. 1-6 TABRIZ. Brown ground; medallion in red with dark blues and sage-green. Corners dark blue. Border dark blue, outlined by a red band. No. 2241 fKERMAN. Golden ground; medallion in dark blue surrounded by an indistinct design. Border gold and blue-green. No. 1004 *ISPAHAN. Red ground; medallion tan surrounded by a floral design in field. Cor- ners tan with birds in olive-green. Border rose with bird design. Silk woven throughout the entire rug. No. 875 ARAK. Brown ground; all-over floral de- sign in medium blue, sage-green and deep red. Border blue-green, red and brown. No. 6-96 *BELOOCHISTAN ARDEBIL. Ivory ground; all-over design in dark blue, old rose and green. Border red and medium blue. A pair of runners on either side in same colors, making a rug 12®xl2®. No. 307 *ISPAHAN. Old ivory ground; all-over floral design in soft green, rose and light blue. Border ivory, rose and green. No. 1-41 KURD. Golden ground; all-over small design in old red and blue. Border ivory and green. No. 65 *ISPAHAN. Dull rose ground; medallion cream surrounded by a floral design in field. Corners olive-green. Border dull rose and blue. No. 1-12 KAISERIE SILK. Sage-green and cream panel ground. Series of nine prayer designs in old red and soft yellow. Border old red. No. 6-7 KASHAN SILK. Rose ground; medal- lion in tan and soft sage-green surrounded by a floral design in mulberry, tan and sage-green. Border rose and sage-green. No. 390 *ISPAHAN. Dark blue ground; medal- lion old copper rose surrounded by a well cov- ered field. Corners tan and soft green. Bor- der copper rose and tan. No. 1-9 indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. •(•Indicates unusual values — price reduced. 13 12.3 x 8.9 TABRIZ. Old red ground; medallion in sage-green with dark blues, tans and yellows covered by Ispahan designs in dark blues, sage- greens, orange and old red. Border purple red and dark blue. No. 1099 12.2 x 92 INDO-CHINESE. Cream brown ground; all-over lattice design with Chinese symbols in golden-yellow and blue. Bolder cream ground with blue. No. 1-385 12.2 x 9.8 ISPAHAN. Tan ground; medallion red surrounded b}^ a small design of green, tan, brown and rose in field. Border rose and tan. No. 109 12.3 x 4.1 SEREBEND. Soft red ground; all-over design in blue. Border ivory and golden-yel- low. No. 56 12.3 x 6.° fSAMARCAND. Red ground; all-over de- sign in sage-green and Persian blue. Border blue. No. 1219 12.3 x 7.7 BID JAR. Rose ground; medallion dark blue surrounded by a plain field. Corners blue green. Border dark blue and tan. No. 2280 12.3x8.4 LAVEHR. Dark tan ground; medallion dark blue and sage green surrounded by a well- covered field. Corners rose. Border tan and dark blue. No. 158 12.3 x 9.2 fHAMADAN. Brown ground; medallion in dark blue, sage-green and red. Border sage- green and brown. No. 1092 12.3 X 9.3 MAHAL. Tan ground; all-over fereghan design in light blues, yellows, olive-green and dark browns. Corners red with light blue bor- der. No. 1761 12.3 x 9.8 fHEREKE. Plain rose-red ground. Bor- der red and olive-green. No. 1237 12.4x4.2 KAZAK. Rose ground; all-over design in medium blue, tan, ivory and dark brown. Border ivory, blue and brown. No. 297 12.4 x 5.3 flRAN. Dark blue ground; all-over herati design in light blue. Border cream and red, and dark blue. No. 1129 12. 4 x 5. 10 fCABISTAN. Dark blue ground; medal- 12.4 x 8 .« lion in ivory, light blue and soft yellow. Bor- der golden-yellow, ivory and light blue. No. 1446 KERMAN. Cream ground; all-over floral design with cypress trees in green. Flowers in light blue, tans and rose red. Border tan and rose. No. 1628 12.4 x 9.2 *PERSIAN SILK. Red ground; all-over design in golden-yellow, two-tone blue, and ivory. Border dark blue, cream and rose. No. 1019 12.4 x 9.3 KERMAN. Rose ground; medallion in ecru, dark browns and yellows. Border rose and ecru. No. 178 12.4 x 9.5 KERMAN. Tan ground; all-over design in light blues, purple, dark blue and mulberry. Border tan with band borders in soft rose and tan. No. 1739 12. 5 x 5. 8 HAM AD AN. Dark blue ground; all-over design in mulberry, rose-red, blue-green and golden-yellow. Border blue-green and deep red. No. 2231 12.5 x 6.3 fKAYAN. Dark blue ground; all-over herati design. Border rose and soft yellow. No. 447 12.5 X 7.0 *JQSHAGHAN. Red ground; all-over de- sign in golden-brown, ecru, dark blue, orange and blue-green. Border golden-brown and blue-green. No. 1025 12.5 x 7« *TABRIZ. Rose ground; medallion gol- den-yellow surrounded by a plain field. Corners golden-yellow. Border dark blue and rose. No. 804 *Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. ■(■Indicates unusual values — price reduced. 14 12.5 x 9.0 ISPAHAN. Old rose ground; medallion ivory and pistache green surrounded by a small well-covered field. Corners ivory. Border rose and deep blue. No. 1-11 12.5x9. 5 KERMAN. Cream tan ground; all-over design in soft shades of mulberry, soft rose and browns. Border mulberry rose and tan. No. 179 12.5x12.° *KURD TRYCLINUM. Ivory ground; all-over fereghan design in deep green, old red and blue; on either side are woven runners in dark blue representing three separate panels. Border red. No. 187 12.® x 5. 2 SHIRAZ. Red ground; medallion in ivory and light blue. Border dark blue, ivory and golden-yellow. No. 222 12.® x 6.° *ANT. HERAT. Blue-green ground; all- over small herati design in old red, ivory and dark blue. Border rose, dark blue and soft yellow. No. 6-159 12.® x 6. 5 *ANT. CHINESE. Peach color ground; medallion two-tone blue surrounded by a de- sign in ivory and blue. Border ivory, peach and blue. No. 3-56 12.® x7. 4 KURDISTAN. Red ground; medallion in ivory and blue. Corners and border blue and red. No. 1-230 12. 8 x4. 2 KARABAGH. Blue ground; all-over de- sign in soft blue and gold. Border same colors. No. 1538 12. 8 x 5. 2 SEREBEND. Red ground; all-over de- sign in light blue. Border ivory and orange. No. 221 12. 8 x 5.® *SEREBEND. Rose red ground; all-over design in dark blue, sage-green and light blue. Border ivory, old red, dark and light blue. No. Ill 12. 8 x 6.® SEREBEND. Red ground; all-over herati design in light and dark blue. Border ivory, red and blue. No. 367 12. 8 x 6.® KERMAN. Brown ground; all-over ani- mal design in green, old rose, dark blue and browns. Border dark blue and old rose. No. 11-73 12. 8 x 6. 2 SEREBEND. Red ground; all-over herati design in dark blue and sage-green. Border ivory. No. 1-42 12. 8 x 9. 1 TABRIZ. Dark tan ground; medallion in soft red and light blue. Border blue-green. No. 1-222 12. 8 x 9.5 ISPAHAN. Rose ground; medallion ivory. Border rose with soft blues, yellows and ivory. No. 136 12. 8 x 9.® fASIA MINOR. Tan ground; all-over palm leaf design in old red, light blue. Border soft green, light blue and rose. No. 1-771 12.® x 6. 2 FEREGHAN. B rown ground; medallion in rose red and light blue. Border sage-green, old red and brown. No. 2225 12.® x 6. 2 IRAN. Dark blue ground; all-over herati design in soft yellow, light blue, brown and green. Border red and sage-green. No. 1-329 12.® x 6.® KAY AN. Dark blue ground; all-over de- sign in deep red, light blue, orange and green. Border copper red and blue. No. 35 12.® x 6. 11 *ANT. PERSIAN. Old red ground; all- over floral and tree design in soft green, tan, light blue and soft yellow. Border blue-green and ivory. No. 6-158 ■"Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. flndicates unusual values — price reduced. 15 12.» x 8. 9 12.9 x g.3 12» x 9.5 12.9 x 9. 8 12.9 x go 12.9 X 11.3 12.9 X 11. 10 12. 10 x 5. 10 12. 10 x 6. 1 12. 10 x 6J 12.10 x 7.® 12.1° x 9« 12.10 x 9. 7 12.10 x g .8 ISPAHAN. Dark blue ground; all-over design in brown, sage-green, blue and pink rose. Border brown. No. 157 HERIZ. Persian red ground; all-over design in browns, light and dark blues, and black. Border light blue, dark browns and ecru. No. 1229 ♦KERMAN. Blue ground; medallion in light blue and rose surrounded by a well covered field. Corners tan. Border tan, rose and light blue — Kashan wool. No. 14-14 KHORASSAN. Rose ground; medallion tan and soft blue. Corners and border same colors. No. 1180 ♦ISPAHAN. Magenta red ground; medal- lion in brown with dark blue and sage-green covered with small figures in golden-yellow, dark blue and sage-green. Border rose red, tans and blue. No. 1-16 CHINESE. Dark golden-brown ground; medallion blue-green. Border sage-green and golden-brown. No. 154 ARAK. Dark blue ground; medallion red surrounded by a plain field. Border mahogany red. No. 6-106 ♦IRAN. Dark blue ground; all-over de- sign. Border red and ivory. Heavy quality. No. 1619 fSEREBEND. Rose red ground; all-over herati design in dark and light blues. Border ivory, burnt orange and light blue. No. 1608 ♦KAY AN. Dark blue ground; all-over herati design in tans and browns. Border tan and dark blue. No. 579 ♦FEREGHAN. Soft rose ground; all-over design in light blue, soft yellow, ivory, brown and purple. Border light blue, ivory and old rose. No. 736 fKERMAN. Rose ground; medallion in rose, two-tone blue and soft yellow. Border blue-green, rose and tan. No. 1788 fKERMAN. Brown ground; medallion in dark blue, sage-green and rose. Border rose, dark blue and sage-green. No. 1-322 ♦ISPAHAN. Rose ground; all-over Ispa- han design in sage-green, dark blue, pink and mulberry. Border rose and sage-green. No. 1-24 12. 10 x 9. 10 HEREKE SEREBEND. Rose ground; all-over herati design in sage-green and dark blue. Border tan and soft orange. No. 1213 12.10x9. u *KHORASSAN. Plain rose ground. Bor- der in dark blue and golden-brown. No. 3010 12. 10 x 11. 10 HAM AD AN. Dark blue ground; small all-over Fereghan designs in dull red. Bor- der brown, blue and dull red. No. 2-3 12. 11 x 8.9 KERMAN. Cream tan ground; medal- lion in rose, light and dark blue. Border gol- den tan and blue. No. 336 12. 11 x 10. 1 MAHAL. Deep red ground; all-over Ispahan design in medium blue, tan, brown and sage-green. Border blue and tan. No. 1-341 12. ll xl0. a f KHORASSAN. Rose ground; medal- lion dark blue with corners in light blue. Bor- der rose, tan and dark blue. No. 1312 13.° x 4.° HEREKE. Red ground; all-over Ispahan design in browns, dull greens and blues. Bor- der browns ard old reds. No. 1056 ♦Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. (-Indicates unusual values — price reduced. 16 PERSIAN POTTERY. RARE SPECIMENS o A great many rare rugs which are not procurable in the open market at the present time are included in the Kent-Costik- yan collection. Collectors will find here an opportunity to se- cure specimens which may never again be available at a conser- vative price. O No. 75. JOSHAGHAN. 1 1 3 x 3 7 Deep green ground; all-over diamond shape design in cop- per red, blue, tan, and ivory. Border, ivory and gold. No. 454. ANT. LAD1K. 6 7 x4' Asia Minor prayer rug of the l 7th century; ruby red ground is relieved on three sides by pistil-like filaments woven in contrasting colors; milhrab in blue with uhrbeuks in amber-yellow. Upper panel ruby-red ground with Ladik lily stems in blue and white. Main border, golden yellow and brown. No. 1720, ANT. SHIRAZ PRAYER RUG. 6'x4 } Blue-black ground; all-over small minikhani design and cypress trees, in tan, two-tone blue, dull mahogany red and soft green. Border, deep mahogany red and ivory. 13.® x 4.®. 13.° x 4. 10 13.° x5. 4 13.® x 6.° 13.® x 6« 13.° x 6. 10 13.° x 7.® 13.° x 9. 3 13.° x 9. 4 13.° x 10.° *KAYAN. Blue black ground; all-over de- sign in rose, light blue, soft yellow, sage-green and ecru. Border rose and light blue. No. 195 *KAZAK. Dark blue ground; well covered medallion in light blue, old red, ivory and Ispahan green. Border cream rose-red and light blue. No. 271 SEREBEND. Old rose ground; all-over palm leaf design in light blues. Border cop- per red and tan. No. 366 KERMAN. Rose ground; all-over de- sign with animals in browns, floral design in sage-green, dark blue and brown. Panel bor- der in sage-green, rose and dark blue. No. 11-72 *SAMARCAND. Red ground; medallion in medium blue surrounded by a well covered field in soft yellow, dark brown and light blue. Border rose and medium blue. No. 2227 *KURD. Rose ground; medallion dark blue surrounded by a plain field. Border sage-green, light blue and rose. No. 1774 *LAVEHR. Ivory ground; all-over de- sign in soft green, rose and gold. Corners rose. Border tan and dark blue. No. 6-10 KERMAN. Dark blue ground; all-over floral design in browns, blues, dull red and soft green. Border dark blue and rose. No. 2-53 *OUSHAK. Olive-green ground; all-over design in pink-rose and grey-blue. Border pink-rose and light grey-blue. No. 1-812 MAHAL. Tan ground; all-over design in blues and ecru. Border and corners red and blue. No. 11-24 13.® x 10. 10 *FEREGHAN. Dark blue ground; all- over design in two-tone blue, sage-green, ivory, tan and deep red. Border old red and soft green. No. 715 13.® x 10. 10 fSHIRAZ. Dark blue ground; all-over panel design in tan-brown, blue-green and cop- per. Border dark blue and soft sage-green. No. 1005 13.® x 12.® *TABRIZ. Olive green ground; medal- lion in tan and dark blue with smaller medal- lions in tans, dark blue, sage-green and cop- per red. Border copper red with light blue, ecru and soft green. No. 1075 13.®xl2.® *ANT. CHINESE. Soft yellow ground; five large rosettes in two tone blue. Border same colors. No. 3-70 11.® x 6. 7 *KURDISTAN. Dark blue ground; me- 13. 2 x 3. 2 dallion red with hunting scene and floral design 13. 5 x 3. 2 in old rose and light blue, surrounded by a field of Persian roses. Corners animals in olive-green and light blue. Border dark blue. A pair of runners on either side can be used making a rug, 13 x 13. A royal gift carpet. Illustrated. No. 1-52 13.1x5.1® *MIR SEREBEND. Red ground; all-over design in dark blue, burnt orange, and green. Border ivory, dark blue and green. No. 1-214 13.1x6.4 *CHINESE SILK. Soft yellow ground; all-over design in rose and blue. Border yellow, rose and dark blue. No. 3-54 13.1x10.® *KASHAN. Tan ground; all-over de- sign in two tone blue, old red, brown, and olive green. Border blue black, ivory, rose and taupe. No. 1-801 13. 2 x4.® HAMADAN. Ivory ground; all-over small design in light blue, burnt orange and brown. Border ivory and old rose. No. 567 13. 2 x5. s *MIR SEREBEND. Rose ground; all- over design in two tone blue, orange, sage- green and ivory. Border ivory, dark blue and rose. No. 723 ^Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. flndicates unusual values — price reduced. 17 13.2x6.0 *MIR SEREBEND. Red ground; all- over design in light blue, sage-green and ivory. Border medium blue, ivory and rose. No. 36 13. a x 6.® HAM AD AN. Dark blue ground; all- over fereghan design in old red, tan, soft yellow and light blue. Border yellow and blue. No. 1-252 13. 2 xl0.° MESCHED. Brownish rose ground; all- over minikhani design in light blue, ecru, soft yellow and Ispahan green. Border light blue with copper red bands, outside border in light brown. No. 350 13. 2 x 11.® GOEREVAN. Red ground; medallion in dark blue and ivory. Border red with blue and green. No. 10007 13.3 x9.» TEHERAN. Tan ground; all-over de- sign with Persian roses in sage-green. Border brown and wine red. No. 9-124 13. 3 xlO. 4 MESCHED. Brown ground; medallion in red with light and dark blues, gold and orange. Panel border in brownish tan, dark blue and copper red. No. 1-186 13.3 xll. 4 (-KHORASSAN. Rose ground; medallion blue-green. Corners, brown. Border blue- green, tan and rose. No. 1328 13. 4 x6. 5 HAMADAN. Dark blue ground; all-over cypress tree design in sage-green, light blue, ivory and old red. Border red and tan. No. 530 13. 4 x7. 4 f SHIRAZ. Dark blue ground; medallion in blue and old red surrounded by a well- covered field in ivory and rose. Border ivory. No. 289 13. 4 x 10. 10 fMESCHED. Brown-yellow ground; me- dallion in blue-green. Border blue-green and brownish yellow. No. 1709 13. 4 xll. 2 KERMAN. Dark blue ground; medallion rose, dark brown and green surrounded by a well covered field. Corners rose and green. Border blue, tan and rose. No. 176 13. 5 x 7. 4 KURD. Dark blue ground; medallion and corners in red on a plain field. Border blue and red. No. 2212 13. 5 x 8.° *KURDISTAN. Dark blue ground; small all-over design in light blue, green, golden- yellow and red. Border red. No. 1708 13. 5 x9. 9 MESCHED. Blue black ground; medal- lion rose and sage-green surrounded by a well covered floral design. Corners rose and blue. Border black and medium blue. No. 1-642 13.5x11.® *BIDJAR. Red ground; all-over design in medium blue, tan and brown. Border blue and brown. No. 9-7 13.5xll.io *HERIZ SILK. Dark blue ground; all- over Ispahan design in tan, old red, gold and blue. Border light blue with Persian inscrip- tions in tan. No. 7-387 13.5x13.5 KURDISTAN. Dark tan ground; all- over Ispahan design in purple, red, greens, light blues and copper tones. Border light blue and tan. No. 9-18 13.® x 5. 7 ^ISPAHAN. Antique Ispahan Court Carpet. Sixteenth century, period of Shah Abbas. The long panel presents a typical Ispahan deep rose-colored background, which sustains a complex all-over design of charac- teristic design and coloring. The well-balanced details include small conventional lotus-flower stellated blossoms and leafy sprays, punctuated by symmetrically disposed lotus palmette and tereh-baluk, or serrated leaf forms, woven in well-defined tones of emerald-green, topaz- yellow, sapphire-blue and white. The main border shows a floral design in like colors, on dark green background; involving lotus pal- mettes that display similar rich colors in the calyx. Narrow inner and outer guard bands, showing light green ground with like design, complete the bordering of this interesting specimen. No. 2002 *Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. ■(•Indicates unusual values — price reduced. 18 13.® x 6.® SAMARCAND. Light green ground; me- dallion in blue and brown. Border brown and green. No. 1-218 13.® x 7. 7 HAMADAN. Black ground; medallion in camel’s hair. Border brown tan and sage-green. No. 1-244 13.® x 7. 10 TEHERAN. Brown ground; all-over- floral design in light blues, dark red and green. Border dark blue and deep red. No. 9-117 13.® x 9. 1 SHIRAZ. Dark blue ground; all-over de- sign in wine-red, light blue, brown and sage- green. Border deep red, blue and light tan. No. 755 13.®xl0. 3 KERMAN. Olive green ground; medal- lion in light tan with blues, reds, greens. Bor- der ecru, blue and rose. No. 12-115 13.®xl0. 10 MAHAL. Red ground; all-over-floral de- sign in tans, browns, sage-greens, light and dark blue. Border dark blue and tans. No. 1-149 13.®xll.® *CHINESE. Antique yellow ground; all- over design in Chinese blue. Border same coloring. Illustrated. No. 3-55 13.® x ll. 9 ""CHINESE. Golden yellow ground; me- dallion peach brown, ivory and dark blue sur- rounded by an indistinct swastic design. Bor- der golden-yellow and blue. No. 421 13. 7 x6. 8 HAMADAN. Brown ground; all-over panel designs in red and blue. Border camel’s hair, brown. No. 1104 13. 7 x 9. 5 fHEREKE. Pink ground, medallion in light tan and green. Border green and light brown. No. 1-233 13. 8 x 6. 5 fFEREGHAN. Dark brown ground; all- over design in deep red. Border old red and brown. No. 565 lS.Sxd. 11 fSAMARCAND. Dark blue ground; me- dallions in brownish red and soft yellow. Bor- der tan and blue. No. 1-289 13. 8 x 10. 2 *ISPAHAN. Rose ground; all over Ispa- han design in sage-green, orange two tone blue, tan and pink. Border dark blue and rose. No. 129 13. 8 xl0. 5 *FEREGHAN. Dark blue ground Try- clinium; all-over fereghan design in golden- yellow red, and blue-green; at the lower end is a panel woven so as to appear as separate rugs in light blue and tan; on either side same design in stripes in light blue and tan; unusual rug. No. 1-455 13. 8 xl0. 7 ARAK. Wine red ground; all-over minik- hani design in tans, light and dark blues, mul- berry and sage-green. Border dark brown and sage-green. No. 6-104 13. 8 x 10. 8 *HAMADAN. Copper red ground; all- over fereghan design in light blue, greens and browns. Border light blue with bands in copper tones. No. 10-83 13. 8 xll.° ELVEND. Dark blue ground; all-over floral design in mulberry and brown. Border blue and brown. No. 9-31 13. s xll. 7 HAMADAN. Dark blue ground; all-over large minikhani design in two-tone blue, tan, brown, orange and sage-green. Border red and brown. No. 9-41 13. 8 x 13.® *KHORASSAN. Dark blue ground; all- over design in pink rose, soft green, golden- yellow and brownish red. Border rose and brownish red. No. 1245 13.® x 4. 3 KARABAGH. All-over design in soft colors. Border ecru and blue. No. 1-226 13.® x 8. 3 fKURDISTAN. Golden brown ground; medallion, deep blue on a plain field. Border soft red. No. 2264 13.® x 9. 8 *ISPAHAN. Tan ground; medallion in brownish rose-red with sage-green, dark blues and orange red. Corners in same colors. Bor- der in brownish rose-red with Ispahan designs in dark, blue, tans and bluish green. No. 152 ""Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. flndicates unusual values — price reduced. 19 13.® x 10.® MAHAL. Blue ground; all-over design in small figures of red and tan. Border red. No. 1-433 13. »xl0. 7 fFINE MAHAL. Rose red ground; me- dallion in dark blue and green surrounded by a plain field; main border unusually wide on a dark blue ground with greens and rose; outside border on a rose ground; unique design. No. 96 13. 10 x6. 4 fHERAT. Blue black ground; all-over design in soft yellow-light blue, ivory and sage- green. Border rose, light blue and sage-green. No. 1-215 13. 10 x9. 1:t HEREKE. Pink ground; medallion in green with pinks, gold, and dark brown sur- rounded on a plain field. Corners in olive green, pink and sage-green. Border sage-green, golden-yellow and tans. No. 1-454 13. 10 xlO.° CHINESE. Tan brown ground; medallion in two tone blue. Border tan, brown and blue. No. 3-30 13. 10 xll.° HAMADAN. Golden tan ground; all-over design in old blue, dull red, purple and ivory. Border old blue and red. No. 1-786 13. 10 xll. 2 KERMAN. Rose ground; all-over panel design in tan, medium blue and sage-green. Border deep rose, blue and tan. No. 14-17 13. 11 x 8. 9 HAMADAN. Brown ground; all-over de- sign in soft greens and wine red. Corners dark blue and tan. Border bluish green and tan; wide outside band in camel’s hair. No. 1-199 13. 11 x 9. 9 ^ISPAHAN. Rose ground; all-over design in scrolls with light blues, ecru and soft sage- green. Borders dark blue. No. 139 13. 11 x 10. 2 FINE MAHAL. Rose red ground; medal- lion dark blue surrounded by a well covered field. Corners tan. Border dark blue and red. No. 1-345 14. ° x 5.° *KURD. Rose red ground; all-over Minik- hani design in deep wine red, sage-green, two tone blue and ecru. Border dark blue, and ivory. No. 1336 14.° x 8.° IRAN. Dark blue ground; medallion in red surrounded by a plain field. Border red and light blue. No. 1773 14.°xl0.° CHINESE. Brown ground; medallion medium blue surrounded by floral motifs in blue. Border chocolate and blue. No. 3-28 14.° x 10.® *HAMADAN. Camels hair ground; all- over design in blues and tans. Border blue and brown. No. 1-559 14.°xl0. 7 KERMAN. Dark blue ground; all-over panel design in browns and mulberry and light blue. Border light blue and brown. No. 11-59 14.°xl0. 7 ELVEND. Tan ground; all-over design in brownish-red, soft green and brown. Border tan and dark blue. No. 9-38 14.®xl0. 8 MAHAL. Red ground; all-over design. Border blue and tan. No. 1-343 14.°xll.° CHINESE. Dark brown ground; plain center. Border tan and two tone blue. No. 1-612 14.°xll.° CHINESE. Corn color ground; all-over Chinese motifs in blue, apricot and tan. Border blue and tan. No. 1-611 14. 1 x4. 2 KAZAK. Tan ground; medallions in soft blue, rose, yellows and cream. Border same. No. 1672 14. 1 x 5.° KERMAN. Cream ground; all-over tree design in olive-green, rose and dark blue. Bor- der dark blue and tan. No. 330 14. 1 x 6. 11 *KAYAN. Tan ground; all-over herati design in soft sage-green, old red and dark blue. Borden dark blue and sage-green. No. 1235 14.*x8. 8 KERMAN. Persian blue ground; all-over Ispahan design in brownish tan, mulberry red and green. Border brown tan and light blue. No. 11-54 ♦Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. •(-Indicates unusual values — price reduced. 20 14. 1 x 9. 3 KURDISTAN. Soft rose ground; medal- lion in tan surrounded by a well covered small design in field. Corners dark blue. Border soft rose, tan and blue. No. 380 14. 1 x 10. 10 FINE MAHAL. Soft red ground; medal- lion light blue and brown. Border dark blue and brown. No. 97 14. 2 x 7. 3 OUSHAK. Green ground; corners red and golden brown. Border green and rose. No. 1-816 14. 2 x 7. 7 *OLD KERMAN. Blue black ground; all- over persian rose design in soft yellow, rose and dark brown. Border rose and ecru. No. 739 14. 2 x 9. a fHERIZ. Red ground; all-over minik- hani design in light blues, golden-yellow, brown and green. Border brown and blue-green. No. 208 14. 2 x 10. 8 KERMAN. Dark blue ground; all-over floral design in reds, light blue and brown. Border same coloring. No. 11-58 14. 2 x 11. 10 TABRIZ. Light mulberry ground; medal- lion in orange-brown surrounded by a plain field. Border orange, brown and tan. No. 2258 14. 2 xl2. 1 TABRIZ. Old red ground; medallion in pale blue, outlined by dark blue bands. Border red and tan. No. 1762 14. 3 xl0. 4 KERMAN. Dark blue ground, all-over design in mulberry, brown, light blue and green. Border rose and brown. No. 11-87 14. 3 xl0.® SAROUK. Red ground; medallion tan and dark blue surrounded by a well covered design. Corners deep green. Border dark blue. No. 552 14. 3 xll. 9 HEREKE. Plain red ground. Border red and olive green. No. 1236 14. 3 xll. 10 *HERIZ. Light blue ground; medallion in wine red. Corners in dark blue. Border wine red with outside band in light blue. No. 864 14. 3 x 12.° BIDJAR. Brown ground; all-over design in red, light blue and soft green. Border dark blue and brown. No. 10-22 14. 4 x 5.® KAYAN. Dark blue ground; all-over de- sign in tans, browns, light blue and old red. Border old red and tan. No. 2226 14. 4 x7. 8 BESHIR. Persian blue ground; all-over design in soft yellow and red. Border blue and soft yellow. No. 42 14. 4 x 8.® *BIDJAR. Dark blue ground; all-over fereghan design with small medallion in old red. Wide border in maghony red and dark blue. No. 1705 14. 4 x9.® KERMAN. Tan ground; all-over cypress tree design in soft green, brown, dark and light, blue and old red. Border tan and blue. No. 6-229 14. 4 xll. 3 *TABRIZ. Ivory ground; medallion red and blue surrounded by a well covered field. Border red and blue. No. 1-305 14. 4 x ll. 4 *HISPANO MORESQUE. Salmon-red ground; all-over design showing floral rosettes and flowering stems in pale green-blue, ivory and blue tones. Border in same coloring. Illustrated. No. 2279 14 4 x 11.8 fHERIZ. Rose red ground; all-over de- sign in light blue and brown. Border dark blue and brown. No. 206 14. 5 x9. 2 BIDJAR. Mulberry ground; medallion blue-green surrounded by a plain field. Border dark blue and soft green. No. 1872 14. 5 x 9. 4 KURDISTAN. Dark brown ground; all over floral design in green and red. Border red with bands in light blue outlined by a band of brown. No. 9-4 ^Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. flndicates unusual values — price reduced. 14.* x 10.2 LAVEHR. Cream ground; all-over panel design in rose, dark blue and brown. Border cream and rose. No. 1227 14.5x11.® INDIA. Brown ground; medallion Per- sian blue surrounded by a plain field. Corners tan. Border brown tan and blue. No. 1-682 14. 5 x 11.® GOEREVAN. Red ground; medallion in dark blue outlined by a band of light blue. Border cream and light blue. No. 1-304 14.® x 5 . 10 *FEREGHAN. Red ground; all-over de- sign in ivory, light blue, and sage-green. Bor- der dark blue and green. No. 70 14.® x 8 .® *SHIRAZ. Deep blue ground; covered with bouquets of primroses; old red border with detached palm leaf design. Band border in golden-yellow. No. 1765 14.® x 8 .® JOSHAGHAN. Dark blue ground, well covered medallion in ecru, corners in light blue and copper tones. Border soft rose with bands of tan and golden-yellow. No. 1782 14.® x 9.® LAVEHR. Rose ground; well covered small medallion in soft green. Corners in dark tan. Border in tan with wide band borders in dark blue. Old Kerman type. No. 1-494 14.® x 9.® KURDISTAN. Dark red ground; all-over minikhani design in green, light blue, brown and soft yellow. Border, dark blue and brown. No. 9-19 14.®xl0. 10 FINE MAHAL. Dark blue ground; all- over fereghan design in old red, green and brown. Border deep brown, red and sage-green. No. 11-19 14.®xll.® *ISPAHAN. Blue ground; palm leaf de- sign in blues, green, gold rose and brown. Border blue figures same as center. No. 140 14.8 x4.® IRAN. Rose ground; all-over design in green, yellow and blue. Border ecru and blue. No. 1-292 14.8 x 7.3 *BESHIR. Blue ground; all-over design in old red, ecru, blue-green and golden-yellow. Border dark brown, red and golden-yellow. No. 37 14.8 x 7.5 fHEREKE. Dark blue ground; all-over design in soft yellow, sage-green, wine-red and light blue. Border old red, brown and sage- green. No. 544 14.8x9.® *TABRIZ. Rose red ground; medallion in soft green and yellow-brown on a plain field. Border dark blue and rose. No. 1101 14.8x9.® HEREZ. Red ground; all-over minikhani design in blue-green, brown and light blue. Border brown. No. 207 14.8x10.8 KERMAN. Rose red ground; medallion dark blue and cream. Border dark blue and cream. No. 2201 14.8 x 11.® KERMAN. Rose ground; medallion light blue, tan and rose surrounded by a well covered field. Corners dark blue. Border rose, tan and soft green. No. 14-19 14.8x11.8 *KERMAN. Soft rose ground; all-over small design in tan, two tone blue and brown. Border dark blue and tan. No. 14-20 14.® x 6. 1 AFGHAN. Deep red ground; all-over oc- tagonal design in orange, ivory and blue. Bor- der same coloring. No. 41 14.® x9 . 4 KERMAN. Rose ground; medallion in ecru, olive green and dark blue. Border cream, rose and olive green. No. 101 14.® x 9 . 7 *HEREKE. Yellow ground; all-over Is- pahan design in green, brown, and wine red. Border yellow with narrow band in wine red and blue green. No. 60 ♦Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. flndicates unusual values — price reduced. 22 14.®xl0. 4 KHORASSAN. Rose ground; medallion in tan, soft blue and greens. Border blue and rose. No. 1331 14.®xll.® ARAK. Blue ground; all-over design in mulberry. Border blue and mulberry. No. 11-90 14.® x 13. 3 *AGRA. Cream ground; all-over design in mulberry rose. Border cream and mulberry rose. No. 1-44 14. lw x7. 9 KERMAN. Medium blue ground; all-over design in rose, tan, dark blue and sage-green. Border blue and tan. No. 14-21 14. 10 x9. 8 LAVEHR. Dark blue ground; medallion rose and old blue surrounded by a well covered floral field. Corners light and blue. Border dark blue and rose. No. 1-36 14. lo xl0. 7 SAROUK. Mulberry rose red ground; medallion dark blue and green. Border dark blues and brown. No. 553 14. 10 xll.® *ANT. YEORDEZ. Ghiordez weave 16th Century: The field is covered with narrow stripes in old-rose amber-yellow, maroon, and blue tones. Flowered medallion in light blue. Corners turquoise-blue. Border light red ground with bands in reseda green, ivory and maroon. Illustrated. No. 3035 14. 11 x 6. 10 IRAN. Red ground; medallion dark blue on a plain field. Corners dark blue. Border wine red and blue. No. 1-251 14. 11 x 11.® BIDJAR. Dark blue ground; all-over panel design in light blue, mulberry, golden- yellow and sage-green. Border mahogany red and golden-yellow. No. 2-44 15.® x 4. 5 *LAVEHR. Old rose ground; all-over de- sign in two stripes of tan, soft sage-green and dark blue. Border dark blue and tan. Companion 15. 2 x 6. 4 . No. 1-784 15.® x 9. 3 *KERMAN. Ivory ground; medallion dark blue surrounded by a plain field. Corners rose. Border ivory and rose. No. 509 15.° x 9. 8 KERMAN. Cream tan ground; all-over design with cypress trees in olive-green, dark blue and rose. Border ivory and light blue. No. 1-491 15.° x 9. 11 *TABRIZ SILK. Soft green ground; all- over scroll design in tan, golden-yellow, pink and deep red. Border same coloring. No. 1098 15.®xl0. 8 KERMAN. Tan ground; medallion dark blue and tan surrounded by a floral design. Corners rose. Border ivory and dark blue. No. 1879 15.® X 11.2 *fOUSHAK. Green ground; corners gol- den yellow and old red. Border olive-green and rose. No. 1-818 15.°xl3. 6 *LAVEHR. Ivory ground; all over min- ikhani design in light blue; soft yellow sage- green, and old red. Border ivory and light blue. No. 1-873 15.® x 14. 5 HEREKE. Golden brown ground; me- dallion two tone blue surrounded by Chinese motifs throughout field. Border rose and gold. No. 1-152 15. 1 x 6. 1 *KURDISTAN. Ivory ground; all-over floral and bird design with Persian roses in soft green, golden brown, rose, two tone blue and dark brown. Border dark blue, ivory and light blue. No. 1-263 15. 1 x 11.® *ISPAHAN. Tan ground; all-over design, blue, rose and green flower design. Border rose and dark blue. No. 153 15. 1 x 12.® INDO-PERSIAN. Old blue ground; all- over floral design in yellows and tan. Border tan, old blue and gold. No. 1-380 ♦Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. flndicates unusual values — price reduced. 23 IS. 1 x 12. 10 ’•'ISPAHAN. Deep red ground; medallion in sage-green and ivory. Border dark blue and sage-green. No. 130 15. 2 x5. 4 HAMADAN. Dark blue ground; all-over herati design. Border ivory and sea-green. No. 308 15. 2 x6. 4 *LAVEHR. Old rose ground; all-over de- sign in three stripes of tan, soft sage-green and dark blue. Border dark blue and tan. No. 1-785 Companion 15.° x 4.® 15. 2 x 6.5 *MIR SEREBEND. Rose ground; all-over design in two tone blue, ivory and soft green. Border ivory, two tone blue and rose. No. 1-640 15. 2 x 8» SAMARCAND. Dark blue ground; all- over design in orange, brown and blue. Border blue and brownish rose. No. 345 15. 2 x 13. 11 fINDIA. Pink, red ground; medallion golden-brown. Scroll border. No. 384 15. 3 x8. 10 *BIDJAR. Dark blue ground; all-over design in browns, light blue, olive-green and rose-red. Border rose-red, light blue and tan. No. 9-14 15. 3 x9. 8 KERMAN. Rose ground; medallion tan and sage-green on a plain field. Corners ivory and soft green. Border ivory and rose. No. 1-25 15. 3 xl0.® KURDISTAN. Red ground; all-over minikhani design in light blue, green and brown. Border narrow band in blue. No. 9-8 15. 3 xl0.® MAHAL. Red ground; all-over design in light blue and brown. Border blue and tan. No. 1-344 15. 3 xll. 3 KERMAN. Rose ground; plain center with light blues and browns. Border dark blue and brown. No. 11-57 Companion 15.® x 11.® 15. 3 xll.® TABRIZ. Dark blue ground; medallion tan and soft rose, surrounded by a well-covered field. Corners tan. Border rose and light blue. No. 1-869 15. 3 xl2. 10 EL VEND. Pink ground; all-over floral design in old red, soft yellow, greens, light and dark blue and browns. Border pink, old rose and light blue. No. 9-23 15. 4 xl0.° KURDISTAN. Rose ground; medallion blue black and ivory on a plain field. Corners blue black. Border two tone blue and ivory. No. 6 15. 4 xl0. 7 KHORASSAN. Rose ground: medallion dark blue. Corners blue and tan. Border dark blue and tan. No. 1-466 15. 4 x 11.2 KHORASSAN. Rose ground; medallion blue and tan surrounded by a plain field. Cor- ners blue. Border tan and rose. No. 1311 15. 4 xll. 4 KURDISTAN. Mahogany red ground; all-over minikhani design in brown, blues, mul- berry and pink. Border dark blue and gold. No. 9-17 15. 4 x 12. 1 MESCHED. Copper ground; all-over design in tan, blue and dark brown. Border blue and brown. No. 1-658 15. 4 xl2. 4 TABRIZ. Tan ground; all-over minikhani design in old red, brown, sage-green and blue. Border dark tan, red and ivory. No. 1853 15.® x 5.® SEREBEND. Dark blue ground; all-over herati design in rose-red. Corners ivory. Bor- der cream, rose, light blue and dark brown. No. 1238 15.® x 13. 1 *LAVEHR. Blue-green ground; medal- lion dark blue and tan on a plain field. Corners copper and sage-green. Border blue-green, cop- per and tan. No. 760 '•'Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. flndicates unusual values — price reduced. 24 UNUSUAL PIECES o T arge sizes, odd shapes and *—• 1 unusual specimens are numerous in the Kent-Costikyan collection. These out-of-the- ordinary rugs often fill a long felt need. Attention is especially directed to the great variety of such pieces in our stock. No. 228 1 . ECCLESIASTICAL VESTMENTS. Set of 1 6th century; cloth-of-gold. Four pieces. No. 1-53 No. 1-54 No. 854. KHATCHL! BOKHARA. 5 2 x4« Chocolate ground with cross design in deep orange and ivory. Border and ends, ivory, blue and rose. 1 3 5 x 2 2 No. 1-52. KURDISTAN. Il°x6 7 (3 Rugs. 13x13.) 1 3 2 x 2 2 No. 3036. ANT. ASIA MINOR. 5'x3" Yeordez weave of the 16th century. Prayer field with ruby-red ground sustains a central pendant gulab-ewer with two slender blue and yellow column stripes; the mihrab spandrel shows blue ground in small designs. Border, soft amber-yellow ground with cartouche and rosette design. -u iiz No. 2279. HISPANO MORESQUE. 1 4 4 x 1 1 4 No. 2001. ANT. ISPAHAN. ANT. KUBA. 9 4 x4 8 No. 6-76. ANT. DAGH1STAN. I8"x8 4 J -£r jfg At Jen- mm Caucasian weave I 7th century; lapis-blue ground with bold leaf-like forms in dark blue, moss-green, yellow, red and light blue tones. Border, golden-yellow. No. 6-36. ANT. KOULA. I8 7 x 12 10 No. 1-39. AGRA CORONATION CARPET. 23°xl5‘> No. 3-55. CHINESE. I 3 6 ic II 6 SEAMLESS AXMINSTER > RUGS & CARPETS T he great growing demand for serviceable, artistic Rugs and Carpets of dimensions and color- ings to fit special requirements, has encouraged a high develop- ment in floor coverings of this character. The Kent-Costikyan line of high- grade Scotch Axminster, offers unlimited possibilities in actually fitting individual requirements. They vary from the most modest in price to the superlative in quality, according to depth of pile and fineness of weave. The designs and color schemes may be produced to correspond with any furnishing or decorative plan. Any size and shape may be woven to order in one piece (without seams) up to 33 feet wide. Rugs in a large variety of exclusive solid colors, which are carried in stock in wide sheets, maybe cut to any size for immediate use. Samples and estimates supplied upon request. No. 2267. CABISTAN PRAYER RUG. 4’x3' Ivory ground; all-over lattice design in old red, tan, and blue-green. Border, rose-red and blue-green. No. 765. ISPAHAN SILK. 7 7 x4" Copper-rose ground; all-over Ispahan de- sign in two-tone blue, tan, and soft green. Border, soft green and dark blue. 15.® x9. 10 fJOSHAGHAN. Dark blue ground; me- dallion in tan and light blue. Border light blue and tan. No. 1062 15.« x 10.® fKHORASSAN. Rose ground; medallion in light blue surrounded by a well covered field. Corners light blue. Border tan and rose. No. 1329 15.® x 10. 8 FINE MAHAL. Ivory ground; all-over small design in soft red and blue. Border and corners soft blue. No. 11-18 15.®xl0. 9 f KERMAN. Cream ground; medallions in dark blue, sage-green and rose. Border cream and rose. No. 10002 15.®xll. 3 KERMAN. Rose ground; plain center with light blues and browns. Border dark blue and brown. No. 11-60 Companion 15. 3 xll. 3 . 15.®xll. 3 *LAVEHR. Ivory ground; all-over panel designs in two tone blue, rose, orange, brown and sage-green. Border tan, blue and rose. No. 7-321 15.®xll. 7 *GOEREVAN, Golden-brown ground; with medallion and pendants in dark blue. Cor- ners in dark blue. Panel border with Persian writing. Main border in red and light blue. No. 1-496 15. 7 x6. 4 KAYAN. Dark blue ground; all-over herati design in tans, light blue and red. Bor- der red and soft sage-green. No. 569 lS^xQ. 1 fHEREKE. Red ground; plain center. Border olive green and red. No. 2255 15. 7 xl0.® ^TABRIZ. Brownish grey ground; all-over design in reds and green. Border rose and soft sage-green. No. 128 15. 7 xll. 8 *SINEH. Dark blue ground; all-over de- sign in dull reds, blue and soft yellow. Border old blue, dull red. No. 126 15. 8 x 6. 8 *SINE KURD. Black ground; all-over floral design in soft green, light blue and pink. Border deep rose and soft green. No. 1768 15. 8 x 7. 9 fHEREKE. Dark blue ground; all-over Ispahan design in sage-green, old red and soft yellows. Border red and sage-green. No. 1044 15. 8 x8. 3 *KERMAN. Tan ground; all-over Ispahan design in rose, two tone blue, dark brown and light green. Border tan, rose and dark blue. No. 14-23 lS.Sxll. 1 KERMAN. Ivory ground; medallion dark blue surrounded by a well covered floral field. Corners and border rose and ivory. No. 1875 lS^xll. 1 TABRIZ. Rose ground; medallion light blue on a plain field. Corners light blue. Bor- der brown and old red. No. 2243 15. 8 xll. 2 ASIA MINOR. Red ground; medallion soft yellow and green on a plain field. Scroll corners in sage-green. No. 6-198 15. 9 x5. 10 SEREBEND. Dark blue ground; medal- lion in old rose. Border soft goiden-yellow and dark blue. No. 852 15. 9 x 6. 10 SEREBEND. Red ground; all-over de- sign in light blue and green. Border ivory and dark blue. No. 218 15. 9 x 7.® *KHORASSAN. Black ground; medallion in rose red and light green covered by a herati field in light blue and sea-green. Border rose and green. No. 9-71 15. 9 x7. 2 *BESHIR. Persian blue ground; all-over design in afghan red, tan and light blue. Border dark blue, golden-yellow and dark brown. No. 40 15. 9 x8.° fSAMARCAND. Purple ground; all-over design in sage-green and purple-red. Border mahogany red and sage-green. No. 1716 ♦Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. flndicates unusual values — price reduced. 25 15 .» x 10 » 15 »x 11.7 15.9x13.2 15. 10 x 6.5 15. 10 x 6 8 15. 10 x 6. 10 15. 10 x 6. 1 ® 15. 10 x 7. 11 15. 10 x 8. 4 15. 1W x 10.® *BOKHARA. Ruby red ground; all-over panel design in purple, rose and ivory. Border purple, rose and dark blue. Unusual woven selvedge at either end. No. 1305 HAM AD AN. Dark blue ground; all-over design in blues, greens and copper red. Border brown and blue. No. 2-4 *LAVEHR. Rose ground; medallion in dark blue and browns. Corners ecru. Border cream with browns and blues. No. 194 KARABAGH. Blue ground; all-over de- sign in tan, soft sage-green, orange and old red. Inscriptions in tan. Border tan and brown. No. 1181 SEREBEND. Dark blue ground; all-over herati design in copper red. Border cream and dark brown. No. 1-228 f HAM AD AN. Dark blue ground; medal- lion well covered in sage-green. Border green and brown. No. 1612 fSHIRVAN KILM. Red ground; all-over . design in light blue, green and orange. No. 1-162 fSAMARCAND. Light blue ground; all- over design in purple, rose and tans. Border light blue and old rose. No. 349 ♦SAMARCAND, SILK. Rose ground; all- over floral design in light blue, tan, dark brown and soft yellow. Border light blue and rose. No. 422 ♦ISPAHAN. Dark blue ground; all-over Ispahan design in two tone blue, soft yellow, brown, old red and light green. Border blue and tan. No. 143 15. 10 xl0. 10 fINDIA. Light green ground; plain center. Border tan, rose and green. No. 1896 15. 10 xll. 4 fMESCHED. Red ground; medallion in browns and sage-green covered with herati de- sign in light blue and tan. Border green and tan. No. 83 15. 10 x 11 .5 15. 1 ® x ll. 8 15. in x 12. 8 15. 11 x 13. 1 16.® x 6.® 16.® x 7.® 16.® x 8. 11 16.® x 10.® 16.® x 12.® 16»xl2. 4 16.® x 12.® ♦GOEREVAN. Red ground; medallion tan and dark blue surrounded by a well covered field. Border dark blue and brown. No. 1626 f CHINESE. Golden brown ground; me- dallion in dark and light blue. Border golden brown and blue. No. 148 fHEREKE. Red ground; plain center. Border olive-green. No. 2251 CHINESE. Dark blue ground; all-over design in browns, light blues, tans and orange. Corners in swastica design of light blue and brown. Border light blue with inner band of swastica design in orange. No. 1-641 ♦SEREBEND. Dark blue ground; all-over small palm leaf design in old red and soft green. Border red and blue. No. 1231 *HERAT. Tan and blue ground; all-over small design in blue, old red and sage-green. Border dark blue and ivory. No. 211 KURDISTAN. Mahogany red ground; all-over minikhani design in light blue, golden- yellow, green and pink. Border blue and golden- yellow. No. 10-27 GOEREVAN. Red ground; medallion dark blue, tan and light blue. Border red and light blue. No. 1731 fKHORASSAN. Tan ground; medallions in rose. Border tan and blue. No. 1332 MESCHED. Red ground; medallion in brown and dark blue surrounded by a well cov- ered field in light blue, green and cream. Bor- der dark blue and deep red. No. 1710 BIDJAR. Dark blue ground; all-over small design in olive-green, old red and tan. Border red, golden-yellow and light blue. _ No. 9-12 ♦Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. ■{■Indicates unusual values — price reduced. 26 16.° x 13 .« 16.° x 13. 4 16.° x 13. 4 16.° x 14.® 16. 1 x 12.8 16. 2 x 6. 7 16.2 x 74 16.2 x 7.8 16.2 X 7. 11 16.2 x io.« 16.2 x io.il 16.2x11.® ♦KHORASSAN. Tan ground; medaliion in rose and cream surrounded by a plain field. Border in bands of rose and dark blue. No. 809 MESCHED. Rose red ground; medallion brown surrounded by an all-over field in browns, dark blue and light green. Border Persian blue and tan. No. 1711 *GQEREVAN. Red ground; medallion Persian blue and ivory. Corners in light blues, greens and soft yellow. Border light blue and dark tan. No. 1338 *MIR SEREBEND. Blue black ground; all-over design in medium blue, sage-green and soft red. Border ivory and dark blue; on either side of main part of rug are runners, making a three-panel rug. No. 357 TEHERAN. Deep green ground; all-over panel design in red, sage-green, brown and light blue. Border green, light blue and red. No. 10-136 f SEREBEND. Red ground; all-over de- sign in herati figures. Corners in tan. Border tan, brown and red. No. 190 fFEREGHAN. Red ground; all-over de- sign. Border sage-green and soft yellow. No. 2233 ♦HERAT. Old gold ground; all-over palm leaf design in old rose, soft yellow, ivory and blue-green. Border dark blue, ivory and old rose. No. 1-449 f HAMAD AN. Brown ground; medallion in dark blue and sage-green. Border dark blue and brown. No. 9-60 *OLD TABRIZ. Light sage-green ground; medallion in soft tan, dark and light blue. Bor- der soft copper and sage-green. No. 1-406 MAHAL. Deep red ground; medallion dark blue and brown. Border Persian blue, soft yellow, tans and her. No. 1-350 ♦TABRIZ. Dark tan ground; all-over tree design in olive green, mulberry and light blue. Border tan and brown. No. 214 16.2 x 12. 1 HEREZ. Dark blue ground; all-over de- sign in sage-green, wine red and soft yellow. Border red. No. 112 16.2 x 13.° fTURKEY. Plain black ground. No bor- ders or designs. No. 2250 16. 3 xl2. 3 *HAMADAN. Dark blue ground; all-over fereghan design in light blue and mahogany red. Border ecru. No. 718 16. 4 x 7.2 *KAYAN. Dark blue ground; all-over large palm leaf design in light blue, Ispahan green, soft yellow and deep rose. Border red and light green. No. 498 16. 4 x8. 10 *TABRIZ. Golden ground; all-over small design in soft rose, blue and sage-green. Bor- der gold and tan. No. 2224 16. 4 xl0.° KERMAN. Light blue ground; all-over floral design in brown, mulberry, dark blue and copper tones. Border brown, rose and blue. No. 14-25 16. 4 x 10.® HAMADAN. Camel’s hair ground; all- over herati design in dull reds, blue and tan. Border old blue, tan and dull red. No. 2-7 16 4 x 10.® fHAMADAN. Green ground; medallion in deep red and brown; field covered in herati design. Border deep red and brown. No. 10-70 16 4 x ll.i® fTURKEY. Old blue ground; medallion red and tan on a plain field. Corners golden tan. Border tan and blue. No. 6-183 16. 4 xl2.° HEREKE. Spanish yellow ground; all- over Ispahan design, in mulberry, soft green and black. Border yellow and mulberry. No. 1-444 ♦Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens, flndicates unusual values — price reduced. 27 16. 4 x 12. 1 16. 4 x 13. 3 16 4 x 14.10 16. 5 x 4. 3 16. 5 x 6. 8 16. 5 x 9.o 16.5x9. e 16. 5 xll.8 16. 5 x ll.o 16.5 x i3.o 16.® x 6. 4 16.e x 7. 3 16.« x 8.1 16« x 9. a 16.0 xll.2 16.0x11.® 16.® x 12.o 16.0 x 12. 3 16J x 6.8 16.7 x 1 1.4 16.8 x 7.7 16.8 X 10.1 fKHORASSAN. Rose ground; medallion in dark blue. Border brown and rose. No. 1330 KHORASSAN. Light blue ground; me- dallion in copper red and dark brown, covered by a plain field. Border dark brown, ivory and light blue. No. 309 HEREKE. Wine red ground; small all- over design in soft sage-green and blues. Bor- der sage-green, blues and wine red. No. 1051 KARABAGH. Plain red center with long narrow medallion in tans, reds and blue. Cor- ners and border same coloring. No. 489 flRAN. Dark blue ground; medallion in copper tones. Border light blue and wine red. No. 388 *ANT. KUBA. Caucasian weave; late 18th century; all-over lapis-blue ground with flowered cartouches, rosettes and bird designs in amber- yellow, moss-green and sapphire-blue. Border ivory, red and blue. Illustrated. No. 2271 BIDJAR. All-over minikhani design in soft shades of rose, light blues and golden-yel- low on a dark Persian blue black ground. Main border light Persian blue with adjoining band borders in rose-red, outlined by a band of dark blue. No. 9-10 HAMADAN. Brown ground; all-over de- sign in soft reds and blues. Border red with yellows, green and ecru. No. 10-76 HAMADAN. Brown ground; all-over tree design in blue and green. Border Persian blue and golden-yellow. No. 1-396 HAMADAN. Dark blue ground; all-over fereghan design in browns, greens, old rose and burnt orange. Border copper red, green and dark blue. No. 2-36 SEREBEND. Red ground; all-over design in two tone blue and ivory. Border ivory, dark blue and brown and red. No. 356 fFEREGHAN. Soft sage-green ground; all-over design. Border mahogany red and brown. No. 1026 ♦KURDISTAN. Dark blue ground; all- over minikhani design in two tone blue; olive green, deep red, ivory and golden-yellow. Bor- der red, light blue and ecru. No. 1-273 fKURDISTAN. Soft red ground; medal- lion light blue. Border blue. No. 1103 HAMADAN. Camel’s hair brown ground; all-over design in two tone blue, old red and deep green. Border dark blue and old red with outside wide band in brown. No. 2-16 FEREGHAN. Dark blue ground; all-over herati design in dull reds and blues. Border dull red. No. 811 GOEREVAN. Dark blue ground; medal- lion in dark blue, red, green and tan. Border red and tan. No. 1-187 ♦MESCHED. Peacock blue ground; me- dallion in brown and green. Border pink, rose, blue and green. No. 578 f HAMADAN. Red ground; medallion in dark blue. Border tan and light blue. No. 1038 GOEREVAN. Red ground; medallion dark blue and tan surrounded by a well covered field. Border red. No, 6-223 FEREGHAN. Dark blue ground; all-over design in soft yellow, ivory and old red. Border deep red, green and tan. No. 1070 HAMADAN. Camel’s hair brown ground; plain center. Border blue and brown. No. 1-465 ♦Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. ■(•Indicates unusual values — price reduced. 28 16. 8 xl2. 5 ELVEND. Dark blue ground; all-over tree and floral design in olive-green, tan, rose, wine red and light blue. Border dark blue and brown. No. 9-32 16.® X6. 1 KAYAN. Dark blue ground; all-over herati design in soft green, old red and tan. Border red, tan and golden-yellow. No. 1-775 16.® x6. w SEREBEND. Blue black ground; all-over palm leaf design in olive-green, medium blue, and old red. Corners red. Border ivory, black and red. No. 217 16.®x7. x *MIR SEREBEND. Red ground; all-over design in blue, sage-green and brown. Border ivory, blue and burnt orange. No. 6-43 16.® x 9. 8 *ANT. ISPAHAN. Rare Damascus Mosque Carpet. Fifteenth century; rare fabric of its class. The field, with subdued red ground, sus- tains a closely woven all-over pattern, together with a circular central medallion and segmental corner motifs. The well-balanced design pre- sents varied blossom forms with curling stems and leafage delineated with minute Saracenic details; the colors involving subdued sapphire- blue, amber-yellow, white and lapis-blue tones. The red of the panel is carried into the main border, which is interwoven with recurrent ser- rated leaves and conventional palmette designs in light colors to match the field, while the flanking guard bands in triple form display yel- low and red ground colors with delicate ge- ometric tracery, completing a shrine carpet of splendid Saracenic design and of peculiar inter- est and period. Illustrated. No. 2001 16.®xl0.° KERMAN. Rose and green ground; me- dallion dark blue and sage-green. Border cream and dark blue. No. 1067 16.®xll. 5 fKERMAN. Ivory ground; medallion in mulberry, rose and browns. Border tan and rose. No. 27 16.®xl3.° fHEREZ. Medium blue ground; all-over design in brown, old red and tan. Border dark brown, blue and brown. No. 314 16. 10 x 6. 3 fSEREBEND. Dark blue ground; all-over design. Border ivory, red and dark blue. No. 1-302 16. 1 ®x6. 10 *MIR SEREBEND. Rose ground; all-over design in burnt orange, light blue and sea-green. Border ivory, dark blue and rose. No. 1337 16. 1 ® x 6. 1 ® SEREBEND. Red ground; all-over de- sign in soft green, ivory and dark blue. Border cream, light and dark blue. No. 1-43 16. 1 ®xl0. 3 FEREGHAN. Dark blue ground; me- dallion tan and light blue. Corners tan. Bor- der red. No. 1-160 16. lo xl0. 5 FEREGHAN. Dark blue ground; all-over design in light blue, soft yellow and old gold. Border wine-red, green and golden-yellow. No. 1-697 16. 10 xll.® FEREGHAN. Red ground with rosettes in light blue, greens and ecru. Border brown and green. No. 117 16. 10 xll. 2 *BAKSHAISH. Rose ground; medallion greenish tan and dark blue surrounded by a well covered field. Corners dark blue. Border dark blue and brown. No. 1-32 16. 10 xl3. 10 *HEREKE. Red ground; medallion green and orange brown covered by a plain field. Bor- der dark blue, green and red. No. 2262 16. 11 x ll. 8 HEREKE. Brown ground; all-over panels in dark blue, sage-green, pink and tan. Border brown and tan. No. 2240 16. 11 x 12. 3 HAMADAN. Dark blue ground; all-over fereghan design in tans and blues and old red. Border tan and medium blue. No. 1-772 ♦Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. •{•Indicates unusual values — price reduced. 29 17.° x 5. 10 17.° x 7. 2 17.° x 7. 4 17.° x 12« 17.° x 14. 9 17. 1 x 12.5 17. 1 x 15.5 17.2x5. 3 17.3x6.5 17.3 X 7.3 17.3 X8, 1 17.3x9.° 17.3 x 10.® 17.3 X 10.7 17* X 11.5 17.3x11° 17. 4 x 6.® 17. 4 x 10.2 17. 4 x 10. 10 17. 4 x ll. 4 *KULTA. Dark blue ground; all-over minikhani design in copper tones, light blue and ivory. Border ivory, light blue and golden-yel- low. No. 378 KERMAN. Old rose ground; all-over Ispahan design in tan, dark blue and green. Bor- der tan, old rose and green. No. 493 IRAN. Red ground; all-over small de- sign in ivory, olive-green, two tone blue and pink. Border purple-red and dark blue. No. 1784 KERMAN. Rose ground; medallion dark blue and tan surrounded by a well covered floral design. Corners rose and brown. Border dark blue and rose. No. 14-27 *KURDISTAN. Dark blue ground; all- over garland of rose designs in greens, browns and dull reds. Border same coloring. No. 6-157 f KURDISTAN. Dark blue ground; all- over floral design in light blue, wine-red and brown. Border golden-brown, Ispahan green and old red. No. 91 ARAK. Tan ground; all-over design in light blue, red and sea-green. Border Persian blue, tan and green. No. 6-97 HEREKE. Light blue ground; all-over small design in old ivory, rose tones. Border ivory, rose and blue. No. 7-98 HAMADAN. Camel’s hair ground; all- over diamond design in rose, sage-green and blue. Border rose and camel’s hair. No. 7-29 KURDISTAN. Dark blue ground; all- over design in dull reds, old blue and gold. Bor- der dull red, blues and gold. No. 1-262 HEREZ. Red ground; all-over design in green and ivory. Border green and old red. No. 69 ♦BESHIR. Medium blue ground; medallion red and yellow surrounded by a well covered design in reds, soft yellow, dark brown and ivory. Border blue, red and soft yellow. No. 38 SAMARCAND. Deep rose ground; all- over design in dark blue and sage-green. Bor- der dull rose and sage-green. No. 347 KASHAN. Blue black ground; medallion dull green and light blue surrounded by a well covered field in mahogany red, browns, blues and greens. Border blue, black, green and red. No. 334 fMESCHED. Blue black ground; medal- lion in red surrounded by a plain field. Border red, sage-green and blue black. No. 1856 fKHORASSAN. Rose-pink ground; me- dallion in medium blue surrounded by a plain field. Corners blue. Border tan and blue. No. 1243 TABRIZ. Cream ground; medallion in light golden-yellow with light blues, wine-red and browns. Border soft yellow and cream. No. 1-541 *BIDJAR. Cream ground; all-over herati design in old green, golden-yellow and old red. Corners old green. Border red, ivory and golden-yellow. Fine texture. No. 803 FINE MAHAL. Tan ground; all-over fereghan design in two tone blue, sage-green, brown and wine-red. Corners medium blue. Border red and soft yellow. No. 11-29 ♦TABRIZ. Blue-green ground; all-over de- sign in light blue, orange-brown, soft yellow and green. Border copper red, green and soft yellow. No. 2257 GOEREVAN. All-over floral design in greens, light blues and golden-yellow and dark blues on a red background. Main border dark blue with rosettes in golden-yellow, sage-green, red, ecru and light blues. Band border in light brown. No. 711 ♦Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. •(•Indicates unusual values — price reduced. 30 17 4 x ll. 11 TABRIZ. Rose-red ground; all-over floral design in light blue, olive-green and orange. Border deep Persian blue, light blue, brown and green. No. 2-41 17. 4 xl2. 3 KERMAN. Light blue ground; medallions in rose and dark blue with tans, browns and soft greens. Border rose with bands in light blue, browns and dark blue. No. 1528 17. 4 xl4.° fHEREKE. Olive-green Border red and blue. plain ground. No. 1013 17. 5 x7. 8 SEREBEND. Golden ground; all-over palm leaf design in light green and dark blue. Border red and brown. No. 2221 17. 8 x9. 5 tMAHAL. Dark blue ground. Border in same coloring. One tone rug No. 1-68 17. 8 xll. 10 fOUSHAK. Green ground; corners old red and brown. Border green and old rose. No. 1-817 17. 8 xl4.® _ fTABRIZ. Light blue ground; medallion in soft yellow surrounded by a plain field. Cor- ners ecru. Border old red and light blue. Woven in cotton. No. 1-542 17.® x 8.® *FEREGHAN. Dark blue ground; all- over fereghan design in old red, ivory and light blue. Border red and tan. No. 1-50 17.® x 9. 11 fGOEREVAN. Red ground; medallion light blue and tan. Border red, light blue and brown. No. 1622 U^xlO. 1 FEREGHAN. Ivory ground; all-over de- sign in light blue, soft yellow, green, dark brown and pink-red. Border red, golden-yellow and light blue. No. 11-28 17.®xll. a *BAKTIARI. Dark blue ground; medal- lion well covered in browns and blues. Border red and brown. No. 1764 17.®xll.® fKURDISTAN. Rose-red ground; medal- lion dark blue. Border blue and red. No. 1-31 17.®xl2.° CHINESE. Dark blue ground; medallion in mulberry and light blue. Border dark blue, mulberry and soft yellow. Tooled and carved. No. 1-437 17.®xl2.° HAMADAN. All-over design in small figures on a deep Persian blue background in browns, soft blues, burnt orange and sage-green. Main border presents rosettes in light blue, mul- berry, browns. Band border in dark blue. No, 9-48 17.®xl4.° INDIA. Brownish red ground; all-over design in light blues, browns and sage-green. Border tan and light blue. No. 6-33 17.®xl4. 3 *YEZDT. Tan ground, medallion in black covered by a floral and bird design in olive- green, red and lavender. Border tan. No. 768 Companion 18.° x 14. 4 17. 7 x9. x LAVEHR. Tan ground; medallion dark blue and tan surrounded by a well covered floral field in deep green, old rose and two tone blue. Border tan, old rose and blue. No. 10012 17. 7 x 10. 1 FINE MAHAL. All-over fish design on a dark blue background with corners in soft red. Main border red with bands in light blue and golden-yellow. No. 11-26 17. 7 xl0. 1:l MAHAL. Ivory ground; all-over herati design in blue, old red and tan. Corners blue. Border blue and tan. No. 11-27 17. 7 xll.s *SINEH KURD. Persian blue back- ground; all-over design with roses in ecru, rose and light green. Border ecru with adjoining band in deep blue, rose and light blue. No. 6-41 17. 7 xl4. 10 KERMAN. Dark blue ground; medallion tan and rose surrounded by a well covered field. Corners rose. Border rose, tan and dark blue. No. 14-30 ♦Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens, tlndicates unusual values — price reduced. 31 17.8x5.8 *KURDISTAN. Dark blue ground; all- over large palm leaf design in soft yellow, old rose, sage-green, ivory and brown. Border rose with bands in yellow. No. 374 17. 8 x 7. 4 ^BESHIR. Antique Turkoman Carpet. Arranged in rows are rosettes of eight- pointed stars and conventionalized flow- ers in ivory, gold, old-rose, blue and black. The large border is dark brown, having a rosette and leaf design in yellow, rose and blue. The inner border is blue, bearing a geometrical design in ivory, yellow and red. The outer border is golden-yellow, with a conventionalized design in red, blue, old-rose and ivory. No. 2222 17.8 x 7. 7 *BIDJAR. Dark blue ground; all-over small design in light blue, soft yellow and red. An unusual wide border in rose-red, light blue and brown. No. 1707 17.8 x ll. 4 *KERMAN. Dark blue ground; all-over design in tans, browns, copper tone and medium blue. Border dark blue and brown. No. 14-31 17.8 x 11.® BIDJAR. Dark blue ground; all-over minikhani design in blue, brown, red and- sea- green. Border brown, mulberry, red and light blue. No. 9-21 17.8 x 12.8 HEREKE. Rose-red ground; all-over Ispahan design in tans, browns, light blue and green. Border deep purple and sea-green. No. 2297 17.® x 8. 10 KERMAN. Blue ground; all-over floral design in browns, rose, reds and tans. Bor- der brown and dark blue. No. 2-68 17.® x 9. 1 ® HAMADAN. Golden brown ground; all- over small figure design. Border green with bands in red and brown. No. 2-30 17.® x 10.° KERMAN. Persian blue ground; well covered medallion in browns, light blue, mul- berry red and ivory. Border ivory and mul- berry red. No. 11-55 17.® x 10. 8 MAHAL. Tan ground; all-over small fereghan design in soft shades of light blues, greens, reds and dark blue. Border rose-red with bands in light blue and tans. No. 11-23 17.®xl2. 41 *SAROUK. Red ground; medallion dark blue covered by a floral design in browns, light Persian blue and soft yellow. Border dark blue and ivory. No. 555 17.®xl3.® *SAROUK. Old red ground; all-over de- sign in dark blues and browns. Border dark blue, brown and old red. No. 2239 17. 10 x7.® *KAYAN. Black ground; medallion in soft pink, rose and light sage-green, covered by a herati design in soft yellows and pink rose. Border pink rose and black. No. 866 17. 10 xl0. 4 ELVEND. Gold ground; all-over tree de- sign in mulberry, deep green and soft rose. Border soft green and blue. No. 9-33 17.i®xl0. 5 *KERMAN. Tan ground; all-over design in two tone blue, mulberry and sage-green. Border dark blue and tan. No. 14-29 17. 10 xlO. T KERMAN. Green ground; all-over panel design in tan, rose and blue. Border rose and blue. No. 1-752 Companion ll. 3 xl0.° 17.10 x 10.® HEREKE. Red ground; medallion in light brown and dull olive-green, covered by a floral design. Border in panels of red and dull olive-green. No. 2247 17. 10 x 12. 1 ® KERMAN. Rose ground; medallion dark blue and tan. Border ivory and rose. No. 14-28 ♦Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. flndicates unusual values — price reduced. 32 No. 573. YOMUD BOKHARA. 36'°xl8' No. 1304. BOKHARA. I9 8 x 12 9 18.® x 6. 10 18.® x 6. 1 ® 18.® x 7. 5 18.® x 8. 3 18.® x 9.® 18.® x 9.® 18.® x 9. 10 18.® x 11.2 18.® x 11.8 18.® x 14. 4 18.1 x 7.5 18.1x13.® 18.1 x 13.® *ASIA MINOR CARPET. Bergama weave of the seventeenth century. Fine pile and well-defined coloring. The field, presenting a series of contiguous stripes woven in alternat- ing coloring and varied floral scroll patterns, is interrupted by a large diamond-shaped me- dallion showing a dark blue ground with floral details in conventional design enclosing a red, green and white stellated central medallion; the remaining field completed by corner motifs to match the center. The inner border displays a deep red body color, relieved by a floral scroll pattern, which is repeated on the outer border- ing, while the main border sustains a golden- yellow ground with palmette forms that alter- nate with narrow bands woven in red, blue and white. Illustrated. No. 2270 *KARABAGH. Rose ground; medallion blue-green, brown and rose and olive-green. Birds in tan on a plain field. Corners dark blue. Border dark blue and purple rose. No. 6-137 *ANT. HERAT. Blue ground; all-over de- sign in light blue, old red and soft yellow and ivory. Border rose, medium blue and soft yel- low. No. 446 ^PERSIAN TRICLINIUM CARPET. Fereghan weave. Late eighteenth cen- tury; fine pile and rich coloring. The upper panel (sarandaz), or head-piece, presents the palm-leaf pattern in conventional form, closely woven in light colors, on dark blue background, surrounded by a series of borders; the middle band shows a sea-green ground with palmette and flowering twigs, while the varied flanking bands are woven in contrasting red and body colors, together with floral details. The cen- tral panel, with dark blue background, is re- lieved by an all-over herati design, involving well-defined yellow, red, sapphire-blue and white flowers, serrated leaves and delicate trac- ery. The two side stripes, in form of narrow panels, are framed by narrow bands which dis- play palm motifs, in varied colors on dark blue ground, to match the headpiece, completing the representation of four distinct rugs. The outer guard band, like the inner, displays reciprocal yellow and blue lanceolation. Illustrated. No. 2278 *ANT. YEORDEZ. Olive-green ground; twelve prayer panels in soft green, medium blue ivory and copper tones. Border green and old rose. Illustrated. No. 2054 KERMAN. All-over design in blues, old rose and brown. Border same coloring. No. 14-33 KERMAN. Old rose ground; medallion in tan and light blue surrounded by a plain field. Corners dark blue. Border rose and blue. No. 14-34 *LAVEHR. Dark blue ground; all-over Ispahan design in light blue, tan and rose. Border soft rose and tan. No. 14-32 fHEREZ. Dark blue ground; all-over de- sign in old red, tan and medium blue. Border red and blue. No. 118 *YEZDT. Tan ground; medallion in black with inscriptions, covered by a floral and bird design in olive-green and lavender. Border tan. Companion 17.® x 14. a . No. 766 SEREBEND. Rose ground; all-over small palm-leaf design in two tone blue and brown. Border light brown, dark Blue, rose and medium blue. No. 215 KERMAN. Red brown ground; all-over panel design in light blue, tan and soft green. Border red brown, tan and light blue. No. 14-35 ^ISPAHAN. Red ground; medallion in soft sage-green. Corners dark blue. Border dark blue and red. No. 371 ^Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. flndicates unusual values — price reduced. 33 18. 1 x 13.® *LAVEHR. Pistache green ground; me- dallion dark blue and rose surrounded by a plain field. Corners rose and blue. Border rose, tan and dark blue. No. 14-36 18. 1 x 14. 10 INDO-PERSIAN. Blue ground; all- over floral design in golden-yellow, light blue, browns and dark blue. Border dark tan with browns, golden-yellow and light blue. No. 1-381 18.2x11.® RAMADAN. Tan ground; all-over de- sign in deep green, mulberry, old red, blue and brown. Border brown and blue. No. 2-108 18. 2 xll. 9 GOEREVAN. Olive-green ground; all- over design in greenish blues, dull red and black. Border in the same colors. No. 824 18. a xl2. 7 *ISPAHAN. Red ground; all-over design in greens, light blue, browns and ecru. Border red with bands in ecru and dark blue. No. 132 18. 3 xll.° *BIDJAR. Rose ground; medallion dark blue and sage-green surrounded by a plain field. Border rose and ivory. No. 1-46 18.3x11.2 f KURDISTAN. Dark blue ground; all- over design in tan, light blue, sage-green and rose. Border green and tan. No. 107 IS. 3 x 13. 4 ^ISPAHAN. Red ground; medallion in dark blue with soft greens and yellows. Corners in soft sage-green. Border dark blue and pink rose. No. 142 18.3 x 16.3 *KERMAN. Cream yellow ground; me- dallion in dark blue, deep rose and light blue. Corners in rose. Border cream and rose. Companion 18.® x 16. 5 . No. 1741 18. 4 x 10.° KERMAN. Rose ground; medallion in green. Border light brown, blue and rose. No. 2-76 18. 4 xll. 5 f GOEREVAN. Brown ground; medallion in rose and green surrounded by a well covered field. Corners green. Border green and red. No. 86 18. 4 x 13. 8 KURDISTAN. Red ground; all-over fere- ghan design in sage-green, tan and medium blue. Border dark blue, brown and green. No. 9-2 18. 5 x 7. 2 *SINE. Cream ground; all-over palm-leaf design in olive-green, dark blue and light rose, Border rose with narrow bands in medium blue. No. 1077 18. 5 x8. 19 *KAYAN. Persian blue ground; all-over design in light blue, old red, tan and brown. Border rose and light blue. No. 1310 18. 5 x 10.° FINE MAHAL. Tan ground; medal- lion in sage-green and red covered by an all- over floral field. Border blue black and tan. No. 11-22 18. 5 x 12.® *TABRIZ. Golden brown ground; medal- lion in mahogany red and dark blue surrounded by Ispahan designs in dark blue and sage-green. Border Persian blue and mahogany red. No. 2205 18.®xll. 8 KERMAN. Cream ground; medallion in light blue and tan surrounded by a well-covered field. Border tan and light blue. No. 599 18.®xll. 8 MAHAL. Blue black ground; medallions in golden-yellow and light blue. Border rose and light blue. No. 1616 18.® x 12. 1 fINDIA. Tan ground; medallion wine red on a plain field. Border deep red, sage-green and tan. No. 383 18.® x 13.2 KURDISTAN. Wine red ground; all- over design in medium blue, tan and green. Border dark blue and tan. No. 9-5 18.®xl6. 5 *KERMAN. Cream yellow ground; me- dallion in dark blue, deep rose and light blue. Corners in rose. Border cream and rose. Companion 18. 3 x 16. 3 . No. 1742 ♦Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. ■(•Indicates unusual values — price reduced. 34 18.7x11.8 18.7 x 12. 10 18.7 x 12.10 18.7xl4. 2 18. 8 x 6. 8 18. 8 x ll. 8 18 8 x 12.® 18 8 x 12.® 18 8 x 12. 8 18 8 x 14 8 18. 8 x 15.® 18.® x 6. 11 18.® x 8> 18.® x 9.® 18.® x 11.® 18.® x 12.® fTABRIZ, Ivory ground; all-over Ispa- han Resign in olive-green, red and dark blue. Border tan and fed. No. 205 *ANT. KOULA. Antique carpet of Asia Minor; Koula weave; most interesting old car- pet with Anatolian designs on an all-over steel blue background. A rare and valuable speci- men. Illustrated, No. 6-36 KERMAN. Rose ground; all-over design in two tone blue, tan and soft green. Border brown and two tone blue. No. 14-37 *BOKHARA. Wine red ground; all-over design in sage-green, dark blue and pink. Bor- der in stripes of green and dark blue. No. 1-176 KARABAGH. Mouse color ground; me- dallions in blue-black, tan and green. Border dark blue, tan and green. No. 1-822 SAM ARC AND. Blue ground; all-over de- sign in shades of purple, lavender and burnt orange. Borders light blue and orange. No. 348 *SAROUK. Tan ground; all-over design in sage-green, red, blue and browns. Border red and dark blue. No. 7 ELVEND. Brown ground; all-over de- sign in two tone blue, sage-green and tan. Bor- der dark blue and green. No. 14-67 fTABRIZ. Mahogany red ground; all-over design in browns and deep purple. Border sage-green and browns. No. 874 HAMADAN. Mulberry ground; all-over diamond design in tan, soft yellow and blue. Border dark blue and mulberry. No. 2-26 fCHINESE. Brown ground; all-over scroll design in dark brown, light blue. Border brown and blue. No. 120 *BIDJAR. Blue ground; all-over fereghan design in two tone blue, soft yellow and old red. Border light blue and tan. No. 1706 *ANT. DAGHASTAN. Derbend weave; stripes of old gold, blue, separated by narrow green bands. Border dark blue ground with herati design in sea-green, yellow, old gold, blue, red and ivory with bands in antique red and blue. Illustrated. No. 6-76 SAMARCAND. Persian blue ground; all- over floral design in soft green, tan and mul- berry. Border mulberry and old rose. No. 346 KURDISTAN. Dark blue ground; all- over small herati design in tan and blue and old red. Border blue and tan. No. 1-223 TABRIZ. Copper ground; medallion in olive-green and brown surrounded by a plain field. Border orange-red, dark blue and sage- green. Old weave. No. 2238 18.® x 13. 3 BAKTIARI. Dark blue ground; all-over tree design in light blue, red and golden-yellow. Border red and tan. No. 558 18.®xl7.® HEREKE. Deep red ground; all-over floral design in greens and tans. Border red and green. No. 1012 18.1® x 6.1® *KARABAGH. Mauve purple ground; me- dallions dark blue, tan and green. Border dark blue and brown. No. 6-11 18. 10 x9. 8 HEREKE. Red ground; medallion in yel- low-green, orange tan and deep blue, sur- rounded by a plain field. Border red and dark blue. No. 1020 18.1® X 11.7 fMAHAL. Soft green ground; medallion in red, surrounded by a well-covered design in field. Border red and green. No. 1951 18.1® x 18.® CHINESE. Faded magenta red ground; with all-over lattice design in light brown. Main border magenta red. No. 1-648 indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. flndicates unusual values — price reduced. 35 19.° x 6. 7 SHIRAZ. Dark blue ground; all-over small design in dull red and ivory. Border ivory, dull red and blue. No. 290 19.° x 7.® KARABAGH. Blue black ground; me- dallion purple rose and tan, surrounded by a well-covered minikhani design in sage-green, purple rose and yellow-brown. Border old red, brownish yellow and dull olive-green. No. 2223 19.® x 8.® *MIR SEREBEND. Red ground; all-over design in green, blue and ecru. Border tan, red and green. No. 113 19.® x 9. 11 KERMAN. Medium blue ground; all- over design in mulberry, dark blue, tan and sage- green. Border blue, tan rose and gold. Companion 19.® x9. 8 . No. 14-38 19.® x ll. a HEREZ. Soft rose ground; all-over design diamond shape in tan and blue. Border rose. No. 823 19.®xll. 3 MAHAL. Brown ground; all-over design in blue, old red, orange, green and dark brown. Border dark blue and tan. No. 328 19.®xl2.® GOEREVAN. Rose red ground; medal- lion medium Persian blue on a plain field. Bor- der light blue and red. No. 1-654 19.® x 12. 5 KURDISTAN. Medium Persian blue ground; all-over design with Persian roses in light blue, old-rose, tan and soft green. Bor- der tan and two-tone blue. No. 877 19.® x 15.® INDOOSTAN. Red-ground; medallion brown and green on a plain field. Corners brown and green. Border brown, blue and green. No. 1-848 19. 4 x9. 8 KERMAN. Medium blue ground; all-over design in mulberry, dark blue and tan and soft green. Border blue, tan and rose and gold. Companion 19.® x 9. 11 . No. 14-40 19. 1 x 12. 2 KERMAN. Tan ground; well-covered panel medallions in soft rose, two-tone blue and green. Border tan, rose and dark blue. No. 2-47 19. 1 x 14. 8 fHEREKE. Red ground; plain center. Border green and old red. No. 1014 19. 2 x 5. 4 *CABISTAN. Ivory ground; all-over design in ivory, light blue and rose. Border ivory and dark blue. No. 1234 19. 2 x 6. 3 *FEREGKAN. Red ground; all-over de- sign in two tone blue, soft yellow and ivory. Border dark blue, soft yellow and light blue. No. 820 19. 2 xl0. 10 LAVEHR. Rose ground; medallion dark blue and brown, surrounded by a plain field. Border ivory and brown. No. 14-39 19. 2 xl6.® *FEREGHAN. Dark blue ground; all-over design in deep green, orange, ivory and red. Border light sage-green and orange red. No. 1011 19. 3 x7. 10 fSEREBEND. Brown ground; all-over de- sign. Border brown and sage-green. No. 2259 19.3 x 11.1 KERMAN. Light brown ground with medallions in dark blue and deep red. Bor- der brown, light blue and rose. No. 2-78 19. 3 xl3.® f GOEREVAN. Blue-green ground; me- dallion in wine red and tan. No. 90 19. 4 x 10.® KERMAN. Tan and rose ground; all-over panels in light blue, rose, tan and mulberry. Border tan and rose. No. 14-43 19. 4 xl4.® HEREZ. Golden-brown ground; plain center. Corners in old red. Border red and blue. No. 419 ♦Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. flndicates unusual values — price reduced. 36 19.5 x 12.7 19 «x 11.3 19 .« x 12.6 19.6 x 17.» 19.7 x 7.1 19. 7 x 13. 2 19.7 x 13.® 19. 8 x 8. 8 19. 8 X 12.9 19.8 x 13.6 19. » X 7. 10 19. 10 x 14. 5 19. 11 x 12. 4 20. ° x 7.2 20.® x 10.® 20.® x ll.i® 20.® x 12.5 20.® x 13.6 20.® x 13.7 20.® x 13.» 20.® x 14.® 20.1 x 14.1 GOEREVAN. Red ground; medallion dark- blue. Corners light brown. Border red and Persian blue. No. 80S GOEREVAN. Pink red ground; medallion dark blue and tan. Corners sage-green. Border red. No. 1-450 *KERMAN. Dark blue ground; all-over panel design in light blue, sage-green and copper tones. Border tan, copper and light blue. No. 1-770 INDOOSTAN. Red ground; medal- lion tan and green surrounded by a well-cov- ered floral field. Border green and red. No. 1-847 SEREBEND. Dark brown ground; all- over palm-leaf design in soft red. Border cream, old red and soft green. No. 220 CHINESE. Chocolate brown ground; all- over circular design in two tone blue, peach, tan and old rose. Border golden-brown and blue. Tooled and carved. No. 3-91 4 fSULTANABAD. Rose red ground; me- dallion dark blue and pale green surrounded by a plain field. Border green and tan. No. 278 LAVEHR, Rose ground; all-over floral design in light blue, soft green and brown. Border rose and tan. No. 14-42 ^BOKHARA. Old red ground, all-over de- sign in ivory and dark blue. Border dark blue and rich Bokhara red. Jewelled by silken inlays. Illustrated. No. 1304 *JOSHAGHAN. Rug of seven panels. Large central panel, sage green ground, flanked on either end by three smaller panels, all bearing tree forms, in dark blue. No. 1053 *SINA KURD. Blue black ground, all- over sine design in Persian blue, ivory, rose, soft green and yellow. Border, narrow, in soft yellow and two-tone blue. No. 1-45 *LAVEHR. Rose ground, all over panel design in tan and blue. Border rose, tan and blue. No. 14-41 *LAVEHR. Tan ground, medallion in blue and brown surrounded by a well covered field in copper tones. Border blue and tan. No. 6-39 *SEREBEND. Rose ground, all-over small palm leaf design in two tone blue. Border ivory and medium blue. No. 219 *LAVEHR. Tan ground; all-over panel design in dark blue, old rose, copper and brown. Border tan, old rose and blue. No. 14-45 *KURDISTAN. Dark blue ground, all- over animal and tree design in dull greens, old reds, gold and blue. Border dull red and blue. No. 1606 *FEREGHAN. Blue ground, all-over de- sign. Border soft red and ivory. No. 1679 KERMAN. Dark brown chocolate ground, all over Ispahan design in tans, blues, greens. Border dark blue and tans. No. 11-1 *SAROUK. Red ground, medallion dark blue and tan surrounded by a well covered de- sign, corners green. Border dark blue, red and ivory. No. 10001 HAM AD AN. Dark blue ground; all-over design. Border brown and blue. No. 2-31 SULTANABAD. Dark blue ground, all- over design in light blue, browns and sage green. Border red and tan. No. 317 fSHIRAZ. Dark blue ground, all-over de- sign in old red, light blue and browns. Border wine red and blue. No. 526 “^Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. ■{•Indicates unusual values — price reduced. 37 2Q. 2 xll. 8 *HAMADAN. Dark blue ground, medal- lion copper tan and rose surrounded by a well- covered field, corners copper rose. Border tan and blue. No. 6-228 20. s xll. 10 *TABRIZ. Dark blue ground, medallion golden, yellow and light blue surrounded by a plain field, corners and border in golden yellow and light blue. No. 523 20. 3 x 12. 11 ELVEND. Blue and brown ground, all- over panel design in tan, two-tone blue and sage-green. Border medium blue and tan. Companion 20.® x 12. 8 . No. 14-71 20. 2 x 13. 7 *HAMADAN. Dark blue ground; medal- lion tan and medium blue; corners soft green and tan. Border medium blue and tan. No. 1-659 20. 3 x 12. 3 fHEREKE. Sage-green ground, all-over design in deep red and tan. Border red and green. No. 115 20. 3 xl7.® *LAVEHR. Dark blue ground, all-over panel design in ivory and light blue. Border ivory, dark blue and rose. Old weave Kerman. No. 504 20. 4 xl4. 8 *KERMAN. Golden rose ground, all-over panel design in two-tone blue, brown and green, and old rose. Border dark blue, rose and tan. No. 14-44 20. 4 xl4. 14 *BIDJAR. Dark blue ground, all-over large minikhani design in deep green, two-tone blue, wine red, soft yellow and tan. Border red and tan. No. 9-13 20. 5 xll. 10 KURDISTAN. Mulberry red ground, all- over minikhani design in light blue, golden yel- low, and green. Border dark blue with golden yellow, light blue and mulberry red. No. 2-45 20. 5 xl6. 4 fSAVONERIE. Pale green ground, medal- lion circular design in pink and ivory. Border pink, ivory and pale green. No. 1-394 20.® x 6. 4 *IRAN. Dark blue ground, all-over fere- ghan design in light blue, old red and sage- green. Border blue and red. No. 385 20.® x 7. 6 *JOSHAGHAN. Deep red ground, all- over panel design in golden yellow, ivory, two- tone blue and olive green. Border dark blue and ivory. No. 508 20.® x 13.® fHAMADAN. Red ground, all-over cy- press tree design in dark blue, orange red, and light sage green. Border tan and sage green. No. 1717 20.®xl7. 4 fHEREKE. Red ground, all-over design in olive green. Border blue and olive green. No. 1171 20. 8 x 13. 10 ELVEND. Rose ground; all-over tree design in tan, brown, blue and green. Border rose with adjoining bands in light and dark blue. No. 14-72 20. 8 x 14.® *HEREZ. Purple red ground, medallion in soft brown and dark blue corners and panel border in brown with inscription. Border dark blue. No. 6-42 20.® x 10.® fHEREKE. Mouse ground, medallion soft dull rose red and golden yellow. Border dull rose red and mouse color. No. 542 20.® x 10. 5 *BIDJAR.. Rose ground, plain center. Border ivory with adjoining band in dark blue and soft yellow. No. 413 20.®xl2. 8 ELVEND. Blue and brown ground, all- over panel design in tan, two-tone blue and sage green. Border medium blue and tan. Companion 20. 2 x 12. 11 No. 14-69 20.®xl3. 7 fFEREGHAN. Dark blue ground, all-over design in brown, light blue, soft yellow and sage green and old red. Border red, golden yellow and dark blue. No. 793 ♦Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. flndicates unusual values — price reduced. 38 20. 10 x 11. 4 ’’’ISPAHAN. Dark blue ground, medallion pink rose and tan surrounded by a well covered field in floral design. Border tan and soft pink rose. No. 146 20. 10 xll.° INDO-PERSIAN. Blue and brown ground, with eight medallions in Persian blue, soft green and deep red, surrounded by a lat- tice design. Border blue and brown. No. 1-386 21° x 8. 3 KERMAN. Pink tan ground, all-over de- sign in rose, two-tone blue, sage green and brown. Border dark blue and rose. No. 14-50 21.° x 8. 10 *ANT. JOSHAGHAN. Rose ground, all- over Joshaghan design in two-tone blue, soft yellow, ivory, and dark brown. Border dark blue and green with bands in soft yellow; heavy quality. No. 1089 21.°xl0.° KERMAN. Golden ground, all-over palm leaf design in dull green and red. Border dull yellow, green and red. No. 84 21.°xl0. 10 SAROUK. Blue ground, all-over design in light blue, soft green, copper red and brown. Border copper red and blue. No. 11-7 21.°xll. 5 *KERMAN. Rose ground, medallions in dark tan, surrounded by a well covered field in Ispahan design. Border blue and brown. No. 707 21.°xll. 7 ^TABRIZ. Deep red ground, medallion brownish yellow and ecru, surrounded by a well- covered floral design in soft green, tan and mul- berry; unusual vase design in ivory, with silk in old rose; corners soft yellow. Border deep red, ivory and soft yellow. Mulberry and soft green silk inserted in designs in border and through- out the entire rug. No. 1097 21.°xl4.® *FEREGHAN. Dark blue ground, all- over design in light blue and soft green. Border old red and soft yellow. No. 835 21. 3 xll. 4 KERMAN. Dark blue ground, all-over design in blues, tans, copper and sage green. Border same color. No. 1-761 21. 3 xl2. 3 HAMADAN. Dark brown ground, all- over small design in sage green, dark blue and soft red. Border dark blue and brown red. No. 1-374 21. 3 xl4.® FEREGHAN. Rich red ground, large all- over design in browns and blues. Border dark blue. No. 379 21. 3 xl5.® *LAVEHR. Tan ground, all-over panel design in two-tone blue, sage green, old rose and ivory. Border dark blue, old rose and brown. Companion 21.® x 15.®. No. 14-48 21. 3 x 16. 10 *SAROUK. Brown ground, all-over design in panels of soft red and medium blue. Border medium blue and olive green. No. 125 21.® x 14. 8 fBIDJAR. Dark blue ground; all-over design ini ight blue, golden-yellow, tan and cop- per tones. Border gold, blue and copper. No. 606 21.® x 18. 3 HEREKE. Deep green ground, all-over design in purple, tan, mulberry and blue. Bor- der tan, red and deep green. No. 119 21.®xll. n MESCHED. Rose ground, medallion light blue, pink and ivory surrounded by a plain field. Border gold and blue. No. 216 21.®xl3. 9 . *KASHAN. Dark blue ground, all-over cartouche design in light mulberry and tan sur- rounded by a floral design in Nile green. Border dark blue and tan. No. 396 21.® x 15.® *LAVEHR. Tan ground, all-over panel de- sign in two-tone blue, sage green, old rose and ivory. Border dark blue, old rose and brown. Companion 21. 3 x 15.® No. 14-49 ’"Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. •(•Indicates unusual values — price reduced. 39 21 «x 15.° 21.7 x 8.2 21.8x8.° 21.8 x 8 .° 21.8 X 16. 11 21. »xl3. 8 21.1° x 11.3 21.1° x 12° 21.1° x 13.5 22° x 8.7 22° x 9° 22° x 14.3 22. ° x 15.° 22° x 18° 22.1 x 15.7 22. 2 x 12.2 22.2 x 12.8 22.3 x 11.8 22.3 x 14.® *GOEREVAN. Dark wine red ground; medallion in blue and brown, corners light blue. Border medium blue and brown. No. 1625 *FEREGHAN. Dark blue ground, small medallion in ivory surrounded by a well-covered field in two-tone blue, soft yellows, ivory and green, corners ivory. Border sage green, rose and golden yellow. No. 816 ♦KURDISTAN. Blue black ground, all- over herati design in two-tone blue, brown, soft rose and deep red. Border red tan and medium blue. No. 410 ♦KURDISTAN. Rose ground, medallion blue black surrounded by a well-covered fere- ghan design in light blue, golden yellow and brown. Corners blue black. Border red with bands in medium blue and golden brown. No. 1-330 KERMAN. Olive green ground, medal- lion sage green, brown and dark blue. Border green, dark blue and rose. No. 1864 fSULTANABAD. Rose red ground, all- over design in light blues and greens. Border olive green, tan and rose. No. 203 ♦ISPAHAN. Old rose ground, all over Ispahan design in light and dark blue, olive green and tan. Border dark blue and tan. No. 147 ♦SARAK. Rose ground, medallion light blue, surrounded by a plain field. Corners olive green. Border dark blue and ivory. No. 322 ELVEND. Blue and copper ground, all- over panel and bird design in tan, rose, dark blue and sage green. Border copper and blue. No. 14-66 ♦KHORASSAN. Chocolate brown ground, medallion dark brown and blue, surrounded by a plain field. Border dark blue and brown. No. 1244 ♦IRAN. Dark blue ground, all-over design in medium Persian blue, soft yellow ivory and green. Border soft red and golden yellow. Companion 23. 3 x 8. 1 ®. No. 1-231 ♦SAROUK. Red ground, medallion dark blue and sage green surrounded by a well-cov- ever field; corners dark blue. Border dark blue. No. 556 ♦LAVEHR. Dark blue ground, all-over de- sign in tan, rose, two-tone blue and brown. Bor- der copper rose and blue-green. No. 14-52 ♦SOUTCH BULUK. Dark blue ground, medallion soft red and light blue, surrounded by a well covered floral design in two-tone blue sage and olive green, browns and rose red. Bor- der red, blue and soft yellow. No. 1715 TURKEY. Brownish red ground. Plain center. Border olive-green with deep red. No. 2252 ♦HEREKE. Ruby red ground, all-over de- sign in sage green and tan. Border sage green and golden yellow. No. 1851 MESCHED. Blue ground, all-over design in browns. Border blue and brown. No. 1-177 HAMADAN. Camels hair ground, medal- lion in soft rose and brown. Border blue with pinks, yellows, two-tone blue and brown. No. 826 fHAMADAN. Dark blue ground, all-over design in mahogany red. Border blue and mul- berry red. No. 10-61 ♦Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. •[•Indicates unusual values — price reduced. 40 MIRHALI RUGS MIRHALI RUGS Sr the highest development of the /\ art of weaving rugs in this coun- X \try, we are enabled to present to the public the MIRHALI rug, an American product throughout, which has all the characteristics of the Oriental rug, as made in the countries of the East for centuries past. The MIRHAL.I rug is not to be confused with so-called imitation oriental rugs, but is an exact duplication of the Oriental rug with its characteristic and predominant feature of the SEHNA KNOT. The MIRHALI rug is the result of more than twelve years of effort de- voted to the accomplishment of an object, which was hitherto considered impossible by all carpet manufacturers and loom builders throughout the world, viz.: The construction of a power loom that would make the Oriental rug heretofore made by hand. The solu- tion of this problem has been hailed by the entire scientific, technical and lay press of the country, as one of the most remarkable achievements in the art of weaving for many decades past. It gives us particular gratification to emphasize that this result has been achieved through the efforts of the mem- bers of the Costikyan family, especially of the late Nazar Costikyan, the senior member of Costikyan Bros. & Co., who made it one of the last ambitions of his life to achieve this object so long sought for, that of making an Oriental rug on a power loom and thus produc- ing it at a cost which would appeal to a larger public than the imported Oriental rug of similar value could be sold for. These rugs have already had exten- sive tests given to them to prove their wearing qualities, and we can confi- dently recommend them as floor cover- ings of unique merit. The beauty of design as well as the lustre and general softness of appearance found in all Oriental rugs will be seen in these rugs as well. The word MIRHALI (pronounced Meerholly) is derived from the Persian "MIR” signifying chief or King, and "HALI” in Turkish signifying Rug — hence the sub-title “THE KING OF RUGS". 16— 6 16— 7 16— 8 16— 9 16—10 16—11 16—12 16—13 16—14 16—15 16—16 16—17 16—18 16—19 16—20 Kurdistan 15. ,0 x9." Kurdistan 20. 1 ®x9. 1 ® Fereghan 17. s x9. 11 Fereghan n. 11 *^ 1 Fereghan 12.* x 10. 2 Fereghan 11." x9. 10 Goerevan 16. 1 x 9. 1 ® Goerevan 16.° x 9. 10 Goerevan 14.° x 9. 11 Goerevan 14.° x 9. 10 Hamadan 19. ll xl0. n Hamadan 12. 4 x 9.‘® Hamadan 15. 10 x9. 10 Serebend 13. 7 x 10.° Chinese 12. 2 x 9. 11 Chinese 15. u x9. u Chinese 15. 10 x 10.° Chinese 15. 10 x 10.® Chinese 19. s x 9. 11 Chinese 15." x 9. 10 Illustrated Illustrated Illustrated RUGS & CARPETS from the same looms OUR OWN DESIGNS o Uruk Hall Rug 15.°x2. , ° “ *' “ 18.® x 2. i0 21.® x 2. 1 ® 15.® x 3.® “ “ “ 18.® x 3." “ “ " 21.0x3.® “ “ “ 15.® x 4. 1 " “ “ 18«x4.» 21.® x 4.* “ Carpet 12.® x 10.® “ " 15.® x 10.® “ “ 18.® x 10.® “ “ 21.® x 10.® MIRHALI RUGS Tan ground, medallion Iwo-tone blue surrounded by motifs and scrolls. Border, soft rose and blue. No. 1 6-2 M 1RHAL1 KURDISTAN. 20 10 x 9 10 Dark blue ground, all-over ispahan design in soft green, tan, blue and old rose. Border, dark blue and sage green. gni *#111 ‘ r - ;■ No. 16-4. MIRHALI FEREGHAN. 17"x9 n Tan ground, all-over diamond design in soft green, dark blue and old rose. Border, old pink, tan and dark blue. 22, 4 x IS.® HEREZ. Wine red ground, medallion in blue-green and baby blue surrounded by a well- covered field in tan brown and soft green. Bor- der blue-green and tan. No. 1-605 22. 4 x 15. 10 fHEREZ. Sage green ground, medallion in golden-brown. Border red and sage green. No. 99 22.®xl2.® ^ISPAHAN. Red ground, all-over Ispahan design in soft green, dark and light blue and olive green. Border dark blue. No. 145 22.®xl4. 10 DARAK. Olive green ground; all-over design in pink, brown, tan and dark blue. Border red and sage-green. No. 1878 22.® x IS. 4 *LAVEHR. Dark blue ground, all-over animal design in blues and browns. Border same coloring. No. 14-53 Companion 22. 10 x 14. 8 . 22. ®xl7. 5 *KERMAN. Mulberry ground, all-over rosette Ispahan design, in ecru, dark blue and burnt red. Border deep rose with browns, dark and light blue, and burnt red. Border deep rose with browns, dark and light blue, soft greens, an unusual piece of coloring. No. 416 22. 8 x 13. 11 GOEREVAN. Red ground, medallion dark blue and pink surrounded by a well-covered field in tans, two-tone blues, soft yellow, sage and olive green. Corners light brown. Border dark blue. No. 102 22. 8 xl6.® KHORASSAN. Soft golden tan ground, medallion tan and medium blue surrounded by a plain field. Border light blue and tan. No. 1309 22. 40 x 14. 8 *LAVEHR. Dark blue ground, all-over ani- mal design in blues and brown. Border same coloring. No. 14-54 Companion 22.®xl5. 4 . 23. ® x 8. 10 *HERAT. Dark blue ground; all-over de- sign in soft green, old red, ivory and brown. Border rose, soft green and yellow. No. 3013 23.® x 11.2 *BIDJAR. Dark blue ground; all-over fereghan design in two tone blue, soft yellow and old red. Border ivory with olive and sage- green and soft yellow. No. 1703 23.®xl3. 5 HEREZ. Brown ground; all-over design in light blue, wine red and soft yellow. Bor- der dark brown, light blue and soft yellow. No. 315 23.® x 14.® MUSHKABAD. Dark blue ground; all- over floral design in browns, sage-green and burnt orange. Border unusual herati design. No. 88 23.® x 14.2 HAMAD AN. Dark blue ground; all-over design in brown and light blue and green. Bor- der red, light and dark blue and green. No. 10-60 23.®xl5. 3 KERMAN. Rose ground; medallion dark blue and green. Border rose and green. No. 1871 23.®xl5. 9 fAGRA. Tan ground; medallion repre- sents Coronation Scene in rose, blue, green and deep red. Lower border corners portrait of Maharajas and animals. Border light blue- green. Panels and dark blue band. Illustrated. No. 1-39 23.®xl6.® INDIA. Medium blue ground; medallion brown. Corners mulberry. Border dark tan, blue and brown. No. 339 23.®xl6. 10 KHORASSAN. Brown ground; all-over design in small figures of tan, soft sage-green and pink. Border dark brown and tan. No. 810 indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. ■{•Indicates unusual values — price reduced. 41 23. 3 x 4. 6 23 s s 8.1® 23. 2 x 14. 7 23. 3 x 13.0 23.3 x 13.® 23. 4 x 14. 5 23 .« x lO. 2 23. e x 12.° 23.® x 13. 7 23.® x 15. 8 23.® x 16.® 23. ® x 16.2 23. 7 x 14 4 23.1° x 14.2 23.1® x 14.8 23.11x15.® 24 «x 12.3 24. ® x 13.® 24.®x 13.® KERMAN. Tan ground; all-over fere- ghan design in dark blue, soft rose and light sage-green. Border tan and dark blue. Un- usual border running through center. No. 1087 *IRAN. Dark blue ground; all-over de- sign in medium Persian blue, soft yellow, ivory and green. Border soft red and golden-yellow. Companion 22.® x 9.°. No. 1-232 RAMADAN. Deep red ground; medallion in dark green. Border red and green. No. 10-66 HAMADAN. Dark tan ground; all-over design browns, blues, reds and green. Border green and tan. No. 10-74 fMAHAL. Rose ground; all-over design in light blue and brown and green. Border tan, dark blue and green. No. 1615 *BAKTIARI. Panel design in browns, blues, golden-yellow, red and green. Border golden-yellow, red and blue. Inscriptions. No. 1603 *IRAN. Dark blue ground; all-over mini- khani designs in red, light blue and tan. Border dark blue with wide band on either side in red. Unusual. No. 209 HEREKE. Medium blue ground; medal- lion wine red and olive-green surrounded by a well-covered floral design. Corners olive-green. Border olive-green and wine red. No. 3011 HAMADAN. Sage-green ground; medal- lion red. Border dark blue with wide outside band in deep red. No. 9-58 ^PERSIAN TRICLINUM. Old weave. Tan ground; medallion in dark blue and tan sur- rounded by a well-covered field in copper, two tone blue and brown. On either side of main panel is woven so as to represent a pair of runners. At upper end panel in dark and light blue. No. 708 f TABRIZ. Sage-green ground; all-over herati design in browns, light blue and old red. Border wine red and brown. No. 213 ELVEND. Dark blue ground; all-over floral design in greens, browns and rose. Bor- der wine red with greens, dark blue and pink. Adjoining border in dark blue. No. 9-27 HAMADAN. Brown ground; all-over small fereghan design in sage-green and soft yellow and blue. Border blue, wine red and brown. No. 2-34 HAMADAN. Dark blue ground; medal- lion dark wine red and medium blue surrounded by a well-covered fereghan design. Border mulberry and brown. No. 9-54 MAHAL. Red ground; all-over floral de- sign in two tone blue, soft yellow, olive and sea-green, tan and brown. Border unusual floral design in red. No. 104 *BXDJAR. Rose ground; medallion dark blue and sage-green surrounded by a plain field. Corners dark blue. Borders dark blue and sage- green. No. 1602 *GOEREVAN, Red ground; medallion dark blue and ivory surrounded by a well-cov- ered floral design in light blues, soft yellow and green. Border red, light blue and soft yel- low. Inscription in band border. No. 411 HAMADAN. Light Persian blue ground; all-over diamond shape design in sage-green, dark blue and red. Border dark blue and brown. No. 10-62 *FEREGHAN. Soft yellow ground; all- over design in medium blue, ivory, orange and brown. Border dark blue, red and sage-green. No. 818 indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. •("Indicates unusual values — price reduced. 4a 24.®xl3. 8 HAMADAN. Medium blue ground; all- over design in olive-green, copper tones and tan. Border copper tones and olive-green. No. 9-49 24.°xl4.° FINE INDIA. Corn ground; all-over Ardebil design in soft shades of pink rose and brown. Border same coloring. No. 1-741 24. 1 xll. 8 HEREKE. Red ground; medallion red and brown surrounded by a well-covered field. Corners same. Border red and green. No. 1082 24. 3 xll. 8 ’"HAMADAN. Camel’s hair tan ground; medallion in dark blue with tans, greens and burnt red. Corners in dark blue and ivory. Border in soft green with wide outside band in camel’s hair. No. 1052 24. 4 xll.® *ANT. FEREGHAN. Dark blue ground; all-over design in two tone blue, ivory, golden- brown, deep green and dull red. Corners ecru. Border red, sage-green and blue. No. 822 24. 4 xl7. 2 *SAROUK. Dark blue ground; medallion in medium blue and mulberry surrounded by panels and animals in brown, sage-green and old red. Corners green. Border red and brown. No. 2296 24.® x 12. 3 *KURD. Dark blue ground; all-over small fereghan design in browns, copper, tan. Bor- der copper and blue and band border in green. No. 1704 24.®xl3. 3 HAMADAN. Dark blue ground; all-over design in browns, soft green and old red. Bor- der red, golden-brown and blue. No. 10-65 24.®xl4. 3 SULTANABAD. Dark blue ground; all- over floral design in browns, medium blue, deep sage-green, golden-yellow and old red. Border red, tan and medium blue. No. 279 24. 7 x 12. 2 HAMADAN. Dark blue ground; five me- dallions in gray blue surrounded by a plain field. Corners in soft yellow. Border medium blue and tan. No. 9-61 24. 8 xl4. 7 *SAROUK. Dark blue ground; medallion in rose with soft greens and blues. Border rose. No. 551 24.® x 15. 3 fSHIRAZ. Dark blue ground; Tryclinium well-covered medallion on a sage-green ground with reds, light and dark blue and ecru. Either side and at the upper end are woven separate rugs which makes this a most unusual piece. Border red and cream. No. 753 24. ® x 15. 8 *SAROUK. Dark blue floral ground; me- dallion in rose with soft shades of sage-green and browns. Corners in browns. Border rose with band of light blue; outlined by a dark blue band. No. 550 24.1® x 16 8 f SULTANABAD. Old rose ground; me- dallion in sage-green and tan surrounded by a plain field. Border old rose. No. 391 25. ° x 12.® *LAVEHR. Tan ground; all-over floral design in two-tone blue, copper and browns. Border tan with bands in blue and brown. No. 14-57 25.0x13.® *ANT. FEREGHAN. Two tone blue ground; all-over design in ecru, soft yellow, red and blue-green. Corners sage-green. Border green, dark blue and ivory. No. 1308 25.® x 13.° SULTANABAD. Rose ground; all-over Ispahan design in two tone blue, soft yellow, dark brown and tan. Border dark blue, soft yellow and tan. No. 201 25.0 x 17.0 fGOEREVAN. Persian blue ground; me- dallion -wine red. Border wine red and brown. No. 1003 25.0 x 17.® *LAVEHR. Rose ground; medallion dark blue surrounded by a well covered hunting de- sign in light blue and browns. Corners dark blue. Border dark blue and rose with outside band. Border in tan. No. 14-56 ^Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. •(•Indicates unusual values — price reduced. 43 25.°xl8. 10 *ELVEND. Tan ground; all-over panel design in medium blue, copper, wine red and soft green. Border copper, brown and pink. No. 14-68 25 4 x 13.11 25 .« x 5.° 25.6 x 13.2 25.6 x 16. 2 25.6 x i7.o 25.« x 19. 3 25. 7 x 13. 9 25. s x 14. 8 25. 8 x 15. 5 26. ° x 14.° 26.° x 14.6 26.° x 14.6 26.° x 16. 3 26. ° x 17. 4 26« x 19. 2 26.8 x 17.° 27. ° x 17.° 27. 1 x 19. 4 fHEREKE. Brown black ground; all-over minikhani design in mulberry red, soft yellow and sage-green. Border blue-green, tan, wine red. No. 1015 *KARABAGH. Dark blue ground; covered by a series of long medallions in rose. Corners and border rose. No. 7-449 *LAVEHR. Old gold ground; all-over Ispahan design in two tone blue, copper tones and browns and soft greens. Border dark blue, rose and Persian blue. No. 14-58 GOEREVAN. Red ground; medallion dark blue and green surrounded by a well-cov- ered field in browns, blues and green. Corners in light brown. Border dark blue and soft yel- low. No. 1953 *ELVEND. Dark blue ground; all-over tree design in deep red, yellow, tan and blue. Border dark blue. No. 9-24 *KHORASSAN. Blue black ground; me- dallion in rose red and tan surrounded on a plain field. Border in series of rose red, dark blue and ivory and golden-yellow. No. 1-169 fSULTANABAD. Copper tone ground; all-over design in light and dark blue, brown and tan. Border dark blue and olive-green. No. 202 HAMADAN. Dark blue ground: all-over design in olive-green, rose-red, light blue and tan. Border rose and blue. No. 2-20 FEREGHAN. Dark blue ground; all-over small design in sage-green, tan and soft red. Border medium blue. No. 817 ♦ISPAHAN. Tan ground; medallion dark blue and rose surrounded by a well-covered floral design in sea-green. Border dark blue. No. 144 ♦FEREGHAN. Ecru ground; all-over de- sign in yellow, green, medium blue and old red. Border red with bands in sage-green, dark blue and yellow. No. 1088 ♦BIDJAR. Dark blue ground; all-over de- sign with roses in rose-red, light blue, soft yel- low and sage-green. Border red and light blue. No. 1701 ♦MESCHED. Rose ground; medallion in green and browns. Corners in dark blue. Bor- der dark blue with adjoining band borders in tans and light blue. No. 1-405 ♦LAVEHR. Tan ground; medallion dark blue, rose and tan surrounded by a floral design in soft colors. Corners rose. Border tan, rose and dark blue. No. 543 ♦ISPAHAN. Dark blue ground; medallion brown and old rose surrounded by a floral de- sign in old rose, soft yellow, sage-green and medium blue. Border old rose and brown. No. 141 ♦BIDJAR. Dark blue ground; all-over de- sign in panels of sage-green, medium blue, brown, tan and dark wine red. Border deep red, soft yellow and brown. No. 9-22 ♦TABRIZ. Red ground; all-over herati de- sign in dull green, tan and dark blue. Border dark blue, brown and sage-green. No. 827 ♦LAVEHR. Soft pistache green ground; all-over panel design in tans, browns and cop- per tones. Border dark blue, tan and green. No. 14-59 ♦Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. ♦Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. 44 27. 3 x 13. 10 27» x 14. 4 27. 5 x 17 .« 27." x 8. 2 27« x 12.° 28.2 x 14.° 28. 3 x 19.° 28. 5 xl6.» 28.5 x 21.0 28. 11 x 20. 1 29. 3 x 16. 6 29.« x 15.0 29. 10 x 21. 8 30.0 x 4 4 30.0x13.° 30. 4 xl3. 4 *BIDJAR. Dark blue ground; all-over de- sign in mediufti blue, ivory, soft yellow and old red. Border rose, medium blue and soft yellow. No. 1702 *GOEREVAN. Rose red ground; medal- lion dark blue and tan surrounded by a well- covered design in light green, dark browns and blue. Corners light blue. Border brown, ivory and dark blue. No. 605 *LAVEHR. Tan ground; small all-over design in blues and gold. Border blue and tan. No. 14-60 *ANT. KURD IRAN. Dark blue ground; all-over design in golden-yellow, sage-green, ivory, old rose, medium blue and brown. Bor- der two tone blue and soft yellow. No. 1611 *ANTIQUE ISPAHAN COURT CAR- PET. Sixteenth century, period of Shah Abbas. The field presents a typical Ispahan deep rose- colored background, which sustains a complex all-over design of characteristic Iran design and coloring. The well-balanced details include small conventional lotus flowers and leafy sprays punctuated by symmetrically disposed lotus palmettes and the tereh-baluk, or large serrated leaves, woven in well-defined tones of emerald-green, topaz-yellow, sapphire-blue and white. The main border shows a floral and cypress tree design in like colors on dark green background, involving lotus palmettes that dis- play flowered interior. Narrow inner and outer guard bands, showing green and red ground colors with delicate blossom details, complete the bordering of this rare and exceptionally well preserved survival of the great Abbas period. Illustrated. No. 1719 *LAVEHR. Copper rose ground; all-over design in two tone blue, tan and copper. Bor- der same coloring. No. 14-61 *KHORASSAN. Rose ground; medallion soft green and medium blue surrounded by a well-covered design. Corners blue. Borders green and blue. No. 517 *GOEREVAN. Red ground; medallion medium blue, tan and green. Corners blue. Border red, light blue and tan. No. 524 *LAVEHR. Tan ground; all-over floral design in two-tone blue, copper and brown. Border copper, tan and blue. No. 414 *KHORASSAN. Rose ground; all-over Ispahan design in sage-green, dark and light blue and browns. Border blue and rose. No. 506 *KHORASSAN. Ivory ground; all-over herati design in old red, dark blue, light sage- green and soft yellow. Border rose-red-ivory and light blue surrounded by a series of bands. No. 1302 fGOEREVAN. Golden-brown ground; medallion dark blue, greens, browns and wine red. Border dark blue and brown. No. 1100 *TABRIZ. Deep red ground; medallion Ispahan green, golden-yellow and red sur- rounded by a plain field. Corners in same col- oring. Border tan, black and pistache green. No. 837 CAMEL’S HAIR. B rown ground; me- dallion brown, tan and blue. Border blue and camel’s hair. No. 1-180 *HAMADAN. Tan ground; all-over Per- sian roses in old rose, blues and tan. Border cream and old rose. No. 304 fSHIRAZ. Dark blue ground; all-over de- sign in copper brown and tan. Border red and dark blue. No. 79 ^Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. flndicates unusual values — price reduced. 43 30. e xl5. 2 *BAKTIARI. Sage-green ground; all-over tree and animal design in soft yellow, tan, brown, medium blue and pink. Border wine red and tan. No. 1601 31. ° x 8. 4 *HERAT. Dark blue ground; all-over de- sign in old red, light blue, soft yellow, ivory and green. Border old red, ecru and soft yel- low. No. 340 Sl^xlS. 1 *TEHERAN. Medium Persian blue ground; all-over floral design in olive-green, old rose, light blue and tan. At the lower end are animals and trees in dark brown. Border tan, soft rose and light blue. No. 409 32. 6 x20.® SULTANABAD. Dark blue ground; all- over design in old red, soft yellow, deep green, browns and two tone blue. Border red, deep green and dark blue. No. 1718 32. 1 ®xl8. 1 ® *HAMADAN. Blue black ground; all-over fereghan design in ivory, medium blue and cop- per tones. Corners copper tone. Border ivory and black. No. 1303 33.°x23.° *LAVEHR. Dark blue ground; medallion rose, tan and light blue surrounded by a well- covered field. Corners soft rose and tan. Bor- der tan and old rose. No. 14-63 33.® x 24. 4 *LAVEHR. Tan ground; all-over panel design in two-tone blue, copper tones. Border dark blue, old rose and tan. No. 1462 33. 3 xl7. 3 *BIDJAR. Dark blue ground; all-over floral design in browns, medium blue, old red and sea-green. Border brown and blue. No. 408 33. 4 x24. 2 *LAVEHR. Tan ground; all-over scroll design in two tone blue, sea-green, old rose and brown. Panels on either side with Persian in- scriptions in light rose. Border two tone blue, old rose and sage-green. No. 1102 33. 5 x 23.® *KASHAN. Persian blue ground; all-over design in tan, brown, light blue, wine red and light green. Border tan, old red and light blue. No. 533 35.®xl8. 2 *LAVEHR. Ivory ground; medallion, old rose and dark blue surrounded by a well-covered floral field. Corners dark blue. Border tan, rose, dark blue and sage-green. No. 814 36. 10 x 18. 8 *BOKHARA. Rare Yomud weave. Brownish-red ground with all-over pattern in geometric forms in blue and ivory. Border in same coloring. Exceptional coloring and size. From the Court of the Khan of Bokhara. Il- lustrated. No. 573 37.°x25. 4 *LAVEHR. Ivory ground; all-over floral design with cypress trees in soft green, rose, two tone blue and brown. Border dark blue, rose and ivory. No. 443 37. 2 x 26. 11 * LARGE PERSIAN STATE CARPET. Lavehr-Kerman weave. Remarkable dimen- sions; shimmering pile and brilliant colors. The field, with soft, white-toned background, pre- sents a carefully balanced all-over design punctuated by lotus palmettes and cartouches, symmetrically posed midst conventional floral details, woven in well-defined and harmonious colors, including yellow, red and black. These varying colors are studiously carried over into the twelve framing border areas; center band sustains a light amber-toned body color, relieved by the scrolling Persian lelak design, in red, interwoven with flowering twigs, involving sapphire-blue, sea-green, coral-pink and dark blue tones. The flanking bands display tur- quoise-blue backgrounds, with floral scrolls, in varied colors, while the remaining borders show deep rose, salmon-pink and dark blue back- ground. interwoven with varying details, defined by narrow guard stripes. No. 574 indicates fine antiques and rare specimens. •{■Indicates unusual values — price reduced. 46 38 . » x 16. 8 39. ° x 17. 3 39. 4 x 17. 2 40« x 20 o 42 . 4 x 32. 10 46. 8 x 28.3 47. 4 x 26 « 63.° x 48.0 *INDO-ISPAHAN. Red ground; all-over minikhani design in ivory, brown, soft yellow, taupe and two tone blue. Border ivory and dark brown. No. 407 *LAVEHR. Dark blue ground; medallion petit pointes color surrounded by a floral de- sign. Corners same color. Border dark blue and copper tones. No. 14-64 *LAVEHR. Dark blue ground; medal- lion brown, two-tone blue and copper sur- rounded by a well covered floral field. Corners brown and blue. Border two-tone blue and copper. No. 14-65 SAROUK. Dark blue ground; medallion chocolate brown surrounded by a series of well- covered medallions in browns, light blue, soft green, chocolate brown and tan. Border deep wine red and tan. No. 1301 *LAVEHR. Dark blue ground; medallion tan surrounded by a well-covered design in light blue, deep rose, orange, golden-brown and green. Border ivory, dark blue, rose and gold. No. 445 ^EXTRAORDINARY PERSIAN PAL- ACE CARPET. Meshed weave; extra thick and shimmering pile. The titanic field, presenting a solid ruby-red body color, is relieved by a pon- derous dark blue medallion, woven in elongated multifoil shape; flanked by a series of pendants, and relieved by lotus flowers and scrolls, woven in amber-yellow, sapphire-blue, moss-green and varying tones of red. The field, including four small sea-green cartouches with palmette de- tails, is completed by elaborate dark peacock- blue corner motifs, displaying lotus palmettes and arabesque details in harmony with the me- dallions. Framed by a series of bordering, woven in contrasting colors carried over from the field, the main band, with ruby-red back- ground, is relieved by palmette and floral scroll motifs, while the flanking bands display amber- yellow body colors, with lotus flowers, and scrolling details, in recurrent forms. The inter- mediate bands show contrasting coral-pink back- grounds, with serpentine vines in light colors. The inner and outer guard bands show recipro- cal yellow and blue lanceolations, and complete this exceptional fabric. No. 94 *MESCHED. Copper tone ground; me- dallion and corners dark blue, brown and cop- per. Border same coloring. No. 1-683 *LAVEHR. Rose ground; medallion brown and dark blue surrounded by a floral design in tan, two tone blue and sage-green. Border tan and rose with Persian inscriptions in dark blue. No. 6-12 ^Indicates fine antiques and rare specimens, flndicates unusual values — price reduced. 47 PLAIN COLOR RUGS O O UR PLAIN COLOR SCOTCH AX- MINSTER RUGS, carried in stock in sheets 1 2 and 1 5 feet wide, may be had, in a variety of exclusive solid colors, cut to any size or shape for immediate use. These rugs are thick, soft and very durable. Their moderate price and unlimited size adapt them to many practical and economical uses in both homes and public buildings. T HE proper care of Oriental Rugs has much to do with their life and value. A thorough renovating once a year will extend the life of a rug and retain its attractiveness indefinitely. Proper methods of cleaning, to avoid injury to the fabric, are of vital importance. Rugs should be stored during hot weather where they will be free from harm by moths and other menace. If torn or otherwise injured, Rugs should be repaired at once. This work done by our expert native weavers, leaves no evidence of the injury — being so carefully done that detection is impossible. Our facilities for cleaning and cold storage are unsurpassed and include insurance against damage by fire and theft. Our charges are moderate, and we solicit your patronage. Representative will call on re- ceipt of your request. CARE RUGS O Telephone 1 15 Murray Hill.