A CATALOGUE T H E W HOLE V A L U A B L E C O X T E X T S OF Mm. BRYANTS CELEBRATED GALLERY, OF #rigmal pictures, OF THE VERY FIRST IMPORTANCE, THE WORKS OF THE MOST RENOWNED MASTERS: WHICH WILL BE SUBMITTED TO SALE, BY PUBLIC JLUCTIOJV, BY PETER COXE, BURRELL & FOSTER, for tl)e final aowstment of S0r. ^ryan’fi Cransaction?* unOtr Ijis late iSurgutt, ON MONDAY THE SEVENTH of MAY, 1804, AND THREE FOLLOWING DAYS, The Two firft Days at the Rooms, late the Royal Acadeni\', N°. 118, East End of PALL MALL; AND The Two last Days at Mr. BRYAN's Gallen*, .N^ 88, West End of PALL MALL, DAY’S SALE TO COIMAIENCE AT TWEIAW O C I.OC R. May be Viewed Two Days preceding the Sale, wlicn Catalogues nmy be had at Flalf a Crown each, vdihout which no Person can be admitted on the Da\ s of Sale, Cottilitions of ^ale, I ‘ jl HAT the highest Bkider be the Purchaser ; but slioultj any Dispute arife between two or more Bidders, the Lot or Lots, to be put up again and refold. II. That no Person advance less than Half-a-Crown. Above Five Pounds, Five Shillings ; and fo on in Proportion. III. That the Purchasers give in their Names and Places of Abode, if required, and pay down immediately Twenty Pounds per Cent, in Part of the Pur- chase Money, and the Remainder on or before the Delivery. IV. That the Lots fhall be abfolutely taken away within Three Days after the Sale, with all Faults, by whomfoever they were painted, under any Defcriptions, and at the Expence of the Purchafer. And Laftly. That upon Failure of complying with these Conditions, the Money deposited in Part of Payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared after the Time limited shall be re-sold by Public or Private Sale ; and the Deficiency, if any, attending such Re-sale, together with all Charges, be made good by the Defaulter of the present Sale.. Without a single Comment being made on any one Picture, this Extensive Collection is laid with sikiU Respect before the Public, which remains at large, free and unrestrained, to judge of its united Excellence, from each respective Performance being left in the first instance self supported only — the Narrator of its own Merits. The same Mode is thus pursued that was adopted in the disposing of the remaining Part of the celebrated Orleans Collection; and in follow- ing their Instructions from that Example, Messrs. Peter Coxe a?id Co. have again deviated from the general Custom, in order to comply with Mr. Bryan's Wishes, in his candid Forbearance of any complimentary Representation. But though Messrs. Coxe and Co. feel themselves thus restricted, they cannot forbear taking the Liberty of publicly stating, that a long Residence in Holhmd and Flanders, where Mr. Bryan had the Means of contemplating the Works of the greatest Master s^ of those rich, glowing and elaborate Schools, and the subsequent Oppor^tunity that presented itself to him for chastening and maturing Ids Judgment, by the constant Admiration of the sublimcst Specimens of the great Italian Masters, which were brought into this Country, from the first Cabinets of Consequence in Ein'ope, and many of those Collections purchased under his Management, gave him Advantages that few Men ever possessed. Those Advantages are strikingly evident in the Collection enu- merated in this Catalogue— the choice and valuable Selection of Years of Attention, purchased at the Advance of a large Capital. The Object of this Sale to Mr, Bryjn, who is already e\i gaged in a Alercantile Establishment in the City, is for the finally closing of all his Transactiems under his late Pursuit, Throgmorton Street, April, 1804 ^ r. \ A A ' ^ CATALOGUE, N v\ ^ ^ 5 %"€• ^‘C, % A V ^ V V jFtrst i3a}>’s^ale, t % AT The Great Room formerly the Royal Academy , 118 , Pall Mall, V. MONDAY, MAY T, 1804. -N .'1. S)!' t- PICTURES. . . Jacob's i-iigiit 4 • .. > ^ ^ 2 Baptiste .... . . A Flower Piece ^ ^ German. . . . . . Holy Familv J V V ^ J^jj^ 4 Mvtens .... . . A Pori ra it A ^ -f73Tr Hobbima . 7 . . A Landscape, after ^ jT 6 Joerdaens .... Historical If // 6 7 Morland A Countryman and his Dog 2 2 ^8 A. Durer Madona and Child -Z // End of the First Daj/'s Sale, ■4 ^ ^ r> { 10 ) ^econtj Bag’s ^ale. AT The Great Room formerly the Royal Academy^ 118 , Pall Malh TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1804. /r 1 Mortimer Sketch, Fire Light If // 2 Murillio A Glory, a Sketch 0 / 3 N. Poussin .... A Sketch, Satyrs and Children 2 ‘‘ Lanerinck .... A Landscape 1 17 ' Spagnoletti , . . St. Andrew f (T i>e Ibbetson A View in Cardiganshire 3 S Portrait of B. Celini \'an cle Capella . A Calm, with Boats ( n ) 2^- $ Z 10 9 Everdingen .... (S ^ 10 P. da Cortona . . 11 Guido /o tff 12 P. Veronese . . , S // 13 A 6 :> 14 Swanevcldt .... ,// 0 6 15 Ruysdael ^ /o lb Rubens / 17 School of Rubens 21 1 At /!c^ f*f 18 Asselyn'. / / 19 A. Boonen .... r s 20 Everdingen .... 7 7^ 21 W. Vandevelde . I /S i 22 Palma /f / / 23 G. Flinck . It- . . . 24 Guido 25 "LLtieH'f- A 'It ^ 26 Cuyp ...... 4 a. 2»7 Canaletti ..... / If 28 Ditto . Tintoretto A View in Norway Virgin and Child St. Bonaventure Copy of the Marriage of Cana A Martyrdom A Landseape A View of the Environs of Harlem Horses, a Sketeh, in the Alanner of Titian Satyr and Nymph, with Fruit ‘r ' ✓ A Landscape, with Figures passing a Brook Portrait of John Van Huysum A View ill Norway A Calm, with Boats A Portrait of a Doge Jacob viewing Joseph’s Garment St. Margaret n g A Landscape and Cattle A View of Venice Ditto, Companion Portrait of a ’STnetian Nobleman ^ / ( 12 ) A // 30 L. Caracci , = . , St. Francis Vs 2 31 Jordaens .... . Historical V tT ^4 32 Rembrandt . . . . Portrait of himself Wv .•<. 4 4 33 P. Matthei . . . . Salmacis 7 ^7 ^ 34 Swanevelt ... . A Landscape and Figures > v i S 35 Parmigiano . . . . A Holy Family, after 36 Rembrandt . . . , Historical ^ V, /7 /7 37 Stella . St. Peter and St. John at the Gate of /? /i the Temple C \ ; % i, io 38 F. Mile .... . A Landseape * ^ 39 P. Perugino . . . The Adoration of Christ 2?^ 40 Cuyp . Landscape and Cattle • .^2 / A' - 41 Everdingen . , . A View in Norway v\ : / C? ^ 42 Boiirgognone ^ 43 Rubens . . ^ ' Vandevelde l*J 45 Guido . . . Vandyck . , ^ Berchem . . § 49 Vandevelde A Battle A Dance of Peasants A Sea Piece ,Eur-0.pa»‘^ 'v> ? •» *6 . > Moiicheroii . , . . A Landscape, figures by Lingeibach fiT ’ 73 Le Sueur . . f/ ^ 74 Salviati , . . y'9 /o- 75 Riiysdael . , . . . A Landscape, with Figures by Wouvermans /3yJ. 4 / ILvA of the Second Days Sale. ( 15 ) Cijitli Map’s ^ale, AT Mr, BRYAN’S GALLERY, 88, PALL MALL, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1804. PICTURES. 1 Everdingen .... jl \. View in Norway 2 J. Asselyn .... An Italian Landscape 3 Lean. Bassan . . . The Crlicifixion 4 Ditto The Nativity, Companion 5 Guercino St. Jerome Sealing a Letter 6 Breughel An Upright Landscape 7 Guido A Head of St. Peter 8 Huclitenburg , . . An Attack of Cavalry ( 15 ) 9 L. da Vinci .... 10 Guido ...... 11 J. Miel V2 Ditto 13 F. Bol 14- A. Veronese . . . 15 Guido 16 W. Romyn .... 17 N. Poussin .... 18 Scarzelino . . . . /^/ \ * * 4t . ^ . / 7 //(• / / / - UJ 2. 3 ^ 7^ (3i< ya 4 . / ( >9 ) 71 Gerard Douw . . . Woman with a lighted Candle 72 Fra. Bartolomeo . The Holy Family, from Monte Cavallo 73 A. Carracci .... The Temptation of St. Anthony 7“^ Barocclo The tioly Family 75 Domenichino . . A Landscape and Figures 76 Schidone .... The Holy Family >r / Knd of the Third Days Sale. ( 20 ) ' t ♦ 'V' fmvttf 3Sa^’0 ^ale, '• * « AT Mr. BRYAN’S GALLERY, 88, PALL MALL, f t.- V. THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1804 PICTURES. /. // / 1 Giorgione 2 Pymont . ^ ^ 3 A. Veronese . . . 3 b * /i A 5 Corregio iA4»^w4tkm Q A. Cuyp ^ 7 Spagnoletto . . , A. PORTRAIT A Landscape Lot and his Daughters A Portrait of a Spanish Nobleman Cupid and Psyche — School of Cattle in a Landscape Head of St. Peter »"r / 4 ■ " ’ ■ ' ■ •■ .- 4 X » ‘ ■X'- V . € ‘ S ■ ^ ( 21 ) ' '2: //) 8 A. Veronese . . . . St. Peter delivered from Prison A i ' ^ ^ 9 Guercino . . . . David with Goliah’s Head •vr V : , /A 10 Fred. Baroccio . . The Holy Family () V ^ ^ 1 1 De Vos » . . . . . A Portrait ^ ^ > ^ if 12 K, Poussin. . 'lna/uA(u r~. Arn&std'ft ^'>‘>.>l'#>‘J.VaV$try . .. , A'LaiSdscape . . Ecee Homo ' > .1 ■ . ^ ,4. \ Poussin . . . . Landscape- — View of Tivoli ^ ^ Neefs. . . . . . Interior of a Church % ' ^ ^18 Vandevelde . . . A fresh Breeze \ 2/ /i/ ^19 Ruysdael . . . . . A small Landscape ft ^ / ,20 W. Mieris . . . . A Portrait A « ' ^ , l6 . . SI , 9},i|p. • • • • . . Horses in a Landscape • ; // ' VRubens . . . . . . Sketch for Whitehall Cieling C-V .V // // ^ 23 Ditto FlS Z 17,1, Both t." ' V. . . Ditto — Companion •'* i ' - v.^ ^ % . . A warm Landscape » • 2.^ J 25 P. de Hooge , . . Figures at a Dutch Repast / ^ /2 il^26 G. Douw . . . . . Hermit at Praver • \ IQ /y27 Bassano .... . . The Mock in 2 : of Christ 0 ^ J ^ 3 / 12 - ^ ^ /!hnd/i t'l^i/t^ ( 22 ) V.\' if r» 28 Vasari '4t ^ 29 Wynants .... 30 Raffaelle • • 31 ■ ' Titian 32 Rembrandt . . . l%0 0 33 M. Angelo . . . *!(W- 34* N. Poussin . . . 71 35 L. Caracci . . . V 36 Van Mool . . . S^- 37 Titian ?>r 38 N. Poussin . . . 39 C. Dusart .... ;ii7 40 Rembrandt . . , 7S - 41 c»yp.- 1?^ 42 R. Ruysch . . . 43 G. Poussin . . . 44 Vandyck .... 45 Wynants .... 56 Berchem .... JA 0 47 Titian ..... Dead Christ with the Virgin Mary A Landscape with Figures Portrait of Julius II. itian and his Mistress Rembrandt’s Wife ■ -v ' The Ho’ly'^ Family - The Birth of Bacchus Idim Apollo and Marsyas V^c/C» Diogenes , . t Portrait of Charles V. . A Landscape - ' Dutch Peasant at the Door of a Cabaret ' '’.T Portrait of a Rabbi Landscape and Cattle A Flower Piece A Landscape His Own Portrait A Landscape Cattle in a Landscape Europa V* gt'dice^ I /S3l . 4- ■ /- ( 23 ) /Ci 48 L. Caracci .... Christ taken from tlie Cross /St 49 Sal. Rosa A Landscape with Figures i>o 50 Teniers Peasants smoaking I/s 51 P. Silngelant . . . A Lady with a Lute ^/^52 Ruysdael A Landscape with Waterfall 53 A. Cuyp A Warm Landscape, with Figures and Cattle'v. ’ Sd 54 Rubens Cupid and Psyche *7' 1ST 55 Ruysdael ' • rjt-- .• ’x A Landscape ** • • /6S 56 Rembrandt .... The Fortune Teller 57 G. Poussin .... A Landscape . ^ v ICT 58 Titian The Entombing of Christ 'bCO 59 P. Potter Two Cows in a Landscape /St 60 Vandyck Portrait of Bishop Trieste no 61 N. Berchem . . . A Landscape with Cattle and Figures 37 ^ 62 Vandyck The V'lrgin in the Clouds with Angels /do 63 N. Poussin .... David and Bathsheba Ij-OO OOQ 64 P, da Cortona . . Jacob’s Flight, from the Orleans Collection 65 A. Cuyp A Frost Piece, with variety of Figures 66 P. Potter ..... Cattle in a Landscape dOTSL. . d. r 61 Vandyck . / / - /iM -/ ^• 2J/S • ''/■ ^ ^ 7f^7- ^ 721 ^ j ^ ( 24 ) V '# King Charles I. his Queen and Family, \s^\ from the Orleans’ Collection -i % %V V 'fe W ' \ : -N » f ?». * ii.- j .t , # ‘t t %