C T a I_ O O U E OF THE COLLECTION OF DECORATIVE OBJECTS, jfumtture anb porcelain OF SAJVETTELi seal, esq. Deceased, late of 19 Craven Hill, W. (by Order of the Executors ) ; A SMALL COLLECTION OF OBJECTS OF ART, THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN; FINE OLD FRENCH FURNITURE, EVcoivittw ©bjects aitb porcelain, THE PROPERTY OF ROBERT KIRKMAN HODGSON, ESQ. Of ASHGROVE, SEVENOAKS, . Who is giving up his Residence in the Country ; ALSO Old English and other European Porcelain, Bronzes, Clocks and Candelabra, Old French and English Decorative Furniture, Old French and Flemish Tapestry, &c. : WHICH &EtlL be 5olU by Auction by Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON A WOODS, AT TMim ©HEAT HO QMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James’s Square, S. IF. CONDITIONS OF SALE. -- 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and it any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in defaul of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Man son and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and me remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE On FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. -*o«- The following are Sold by Order of the Executors of SAMUEL SEAL, Esq., deceased, late of 19 Craven Hill, W. PORCELAIN AND DECORATIVE OBJECTS. ^ A pair of large blue and white Wedgwood flower-pots, with Infant Bacchanals and Satyrs sporting, and festoons of drapery in relief A pair of salmon, white and gold porcelain seaux, each painted with a landscape in a large medallion p 3 Twenty Dresden plates, painted with garden scenes, Watteau j figures and flowers in gilt borders ^ ' & 4 A group of a lady and children, with Cupid at an altar—11£ in. /A S s/ high aAz-o-6-e^C . 0 5 A May-flower bottle and stopper, encrusted with branches of coloured fruit and birds in high relief f /f- B 2 4 Z- ■ * 6 Z- -2- . 0 V Napoleon at Austerlitz, an oblong plaque, with figures in highest relief—in gilt frame /ft 7. 6 8 A table mirror, in porcelain frame, encrusted with coloured flowers and figures of children and portrait above—27 in. high^^ A Pair of Jewelled Gros-Bleu White and Gold Sevres Vases and Covers, painted with medallions of figures and flowers, and mounted with female-bust handles of or-molu— 15^ in high ^* £ * & 9 // * 0 , 10 , a li A Pair of Turquoise White and Gold Ditto, with female- bust handles, each painted with a garden scene and figures and a group of fruit and flowers in two medallions—16 in. hi(j A Pair of Oviform Vases, gros-bleu and gold, each painted with figures and flowers in two large medallions, and mounted with handles and feet of chased or-molu — 20 in. A Pair of Shaped Vases and Covers, pink, white and gold, painted with figures, trophies in medallions, in jewelled borders and mounted with handles, rims and plinths of chased y or-molu—19 in. high / Zo. 12 A Pair of Larger Ditto, of similar form, turquoise, white and gold, painted with landscapes, figures and flowers in jewelled borders, and mounted with satyr’s mask and laurel-wreath'? handles, rims and plinths of chased or-molu — 25 in. high £z ZZsfi- 13 / £ * 7 A Clock, in case of chased metal-gilt, with seated figures of children, inlaid with blue and gold porcelain plaques, painted y^ with tigures and portraits — 20 in. high 14 A pair of Neapolitan vases, covers and pedestals, with classical y subjects in high relief, coloured and gilt, and groups of children^^ on the handles—25 in. high Z * / 0 , o 15 A large Chinese porcelain jar and cover, enamelled with butter¬ flies, fruit, flowers, Xc., in brilliant colours—24 in. high , _ a 5 / a —-z?17 Bust of a Laughing Child, in statuary marble, on socle—12 in high " n M^ , O 18 19 Admiral Lord Nelson, in naval uniform, wearing orders—a life^ size bust, in statuary marble ^ A pair of carved and gilt wood pole fire-screens, with silk panels^/ A large square Indian stool of rose wood, pierced and carved with it' foliage and fruit, the seat covered with crimson silk—30 *»._/ ■/? 20 0 „ o •r. by 2 ( in. A Shared Oval Marqueterie Table, with drawer, the top inlaid with a pastoral trophy, birds, flowers and scrolls in coloured woods, and mounted with masks, ornaments and borders in or-molu—60 in. long A Pair of Ebony Cabinets, inlaid with brass, and with folding doors inlaid with oval medallions of birds, fruit and foliage in Florentine pietre dure mosaic mounted with or-molu, and with white marble slabs—45 in. high, 50 in. wide THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. OBJECTS OF ART. \y 22 A pair of oval Battersea enamel plaques, painted with river scenes, figures and cattle in colours ; and a pair, with Watteau subjects in ink 13 A miniature portrait of the Hon. Augustus Henry Vernon, when a child, in octagonal gold locket with hair at the back > O i ” ^ 24 Three shell camei, carved with medallion heads; and three, with allegorical subjects, gold mounted ; and an illuminated book of The Parables, in carved bog oak covers 6 * , 0 25 A pair of octagonal ebonized frames, mounted with metal gilt; - and seven carved and gilt Florentine miniature frames aT 26 An old Spanish carved ivory triptych, with the Virgin and Child, St. Christopher and other Saints, in inlaid frame, mounted with metal-gilt * 0 27 A Persian lacquer mirror case, painted with figures /a // 28 A pendant reliquaire, of silver-gilt, in the form of a chasse, repousse with the Virgin and Child, Sts. Peter and Paul, and studded with coloured stones— Byzantine , 12 th century 29 A Ciborium or Pyx, of champleve enamel, on copper-gilt, w no. eight busts of saints in circular medallions round the sides, in arabesque foliage borders in colours on dark blue ground, and with the Lamb and three figures of angels in similar borders on dark blue and black ground on the cover, which is splayed and surmounted by a figure of a bishop holding a crozier— 4^ in. by in. by 5 in. nigh—French , 14 th century 30 A flat oblong casket, of ebony, inlaid with foliage and flowers in engraved ivory—24 in. by 16^ in. — Portuguese , 18 th 31 A Louis XVI. clock, by Gavelle, in architectural case of black q enamelled metal, white marble and or-molu, chased with birds &c., and supported on wreathed columns—19 in high yO , 7 DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. i—32 A pair of old Nankin deep plates, painted with vases and branches ' of flowers in panels on trellis ground, and decorated at the back md S j , *?33 A pair of ditto dishes, with baskets of flowers and plants on the border; and a smaller dish, with plants and rocks “ 3d A circular powdered blue dish, enamelled with shell fish and waves in five medallions —famille verte LJ / & 35 An old Imari octagonal-shaped dish, with fish leaping a waterfall, and vases of flowers in panels on dark blue and gold ground and a circular bowl, with plants and red border ? , 0 36 A Lowestoft bowl and dish, with flowers and festoons in red and gold , O 36a A Large Bowl, of old Chinese porcelain, enamelled and painted with river scenes and figures, in green scroll borders, on gilt . ground—15 j in. diam. / ~ 0 37 A pair of old Chinese porcelain coloured figures of kylins, on * ^ pierced and coloured plinths—8 in. high 38 A dark bine Chinese vase, pencilled with gold ; a milk-jug and ^ & stand ; egg-shell cup and two saucers, enamelled with figures; two other cups and saucers; and a small Canton enamel white F? bowl and cover, painted with figures f —~ £,39 A double snuff-bottle, pierced and enamelled with figures; a Lowestoft custard-cup and cover, with flowers in pink; three cut wine-glasses, gilt ; and a gros-de-Flanders jug , O 40 A pair of circular Chelsea dishes, painted with flowers in raised scale-pattern borders 2 ^ 41 A pair of Chelsea figures of birds, perched on tree stumps, with coloured fruit in relief JP -' -y-£> 42 A pair of ditto, of a girl and youth with flowers ; a small figuie , , of a wild boar and a horned sheep /yr /NE&s/? Fr 42 E 'T> 8 * 43 A pair of Neapolitan figures of peasants; a Dresden porcelain snuff-box, with coloured trellis ornament, painted with a lady at ber toilet, inside the lid ; and a bronze andjnarble inkstand, with greyhound y^y , & , & 44 A pair of large circular Deruta lustrod dishes, with the Vision of st - Francis i tf / , o 45 A Sevres porcelain ccuelle, cover and stand, painted with rose- " blossoms in pink on gilt ground ^ 46 A pair of Canton silver-gilt filigree and enamel figures of cock¬ atoos, seated on the branch of a tree—on flat oblong-shaped jardinieres , ^>47 Venus and Adonis, with a hound: a group, in partly coloured / Bristol faience—8^ in. high /a / Z>. /& 48 Twenty-four black basalt and other Wedgwood plaques 49 A Chinese Porcelain Bowl, of unusual size, enamelled all over with figures, river scenes, birds and other de coration in colours Jr —on carved black wood tripod stand P 50 A large circular dish, of Japanese porcelain, enamelled with Ho-Ho bird, peonies, &c., in brilliant colours on variously coloured checkered borders- 24 in. diam. c- >— 51 A large Japanese bronze lotos leaf, with branch and flower in d relief, inlaid with foliage and flowers in gold, &c. ^ Z' /# / ^ 52 A Japan lac panel, with a river scene, inlaid with a boat and figures in ivory, pearl, &c.—framed ^ 0 , C gg a pair of bronze ewers, with goats’ masks and vine branches in high relief, and figures of satyrs on the handles—17 in. high tJjAsP? 54 A Pair of Bronze and Brass Ewers, with friezes of amorini, /^• / 6 . acanthus, vine foliage, masks and Cupids in relief—23£ in. CLZ 'H high y & 64a Bacchus and Ariadne: a group in bronze—-23 in. high 9 'a 55 A Clock, by Adam Thomson, in scroll-shaped case of old English 0 porcelain, dark blue, white and gold, with open trellis panels, painted and encrusted with flowers, on scroll feet—13^ in . , high —glass shade and stand / /^ An old English small bracket clock, by John Johnson, London. s in rose-wood case with arched top and inlaid brass borders/^x- 0 58 A A larger ditto, by the same, in drum-shaped mahogany case, on shaped plinth, inlaid with a metal-gilt chasing—21 in. high ' pair of Chinese cloissonne enamel oviform vases, with wide beaker-shaped tops, arabesque foliage and other ornaments colours on turquoise ground—11 in. high ) , & 59 A pair of Chinese two-handled cylindrical bronze vases, with border of masks and key pattern—8J in. high d 60 Boys sporting, a relief in statuary marble, after Flaxman—in glazed frame J51 A pair of oviform vases, of mottled brown porcelain, mounted with mask handles, acanthus foliage lips, and plinths of chased or-molu—19 in. high 62 A Paib of Candelabra, the stems formed of gros-bleu and gold porcelain vases, with white and gold scroll handles fitted with metal-gilt lily branches for lights—on square metal plinths 7 / O 63 A Pair of Candelabra, for five lights each, of Louis XYI. design, each with gros-bleu porcelain stems, figures of boys and other decorations of or-molu , 0 64 A large Bose Vallauris vase and pedestal, mottled crimson ancV^, V- /. green, with lions’ masks and laurel festoons in relief 64a A pair of fire-screens, painted in oils on panel, with two subjects ' ^ of hounds, “ Morning ” and “ Evening,” and small laiidscapes, river scenes, figures and cattle, in gilt borders on lacqupre ground—mounted on rose-wood poles and tripods 65 A Sheraton vase-shaped knife-box, of mahogany, of polygonal y shape, with inlaid satinwood borders and lines, on square plinth—27 in. high ~ £ 66 A shield-shaped satin-wood banner screen, on inlaid pole, and ^ x square step plinth B 3 10 /J‘ ^67 An old English spinet, by Culliford & Co., Cheapside, in inlaid s? mahogany and satinwood case—64 in. by 22^ in. 68 An old English clock, by J. Warner Campden with dials showing / & ' l ' ' age of moon and day of month, in upright oak case, mounted ^, with metal-gilt—87 in. high / si 69 A four-leaf folding screen, with panels of embossed coloured and 6 ' S' ^ JL a _ C z,„i /> \ /?- 4 ? + gilt leather, with flowers, &c.—6 ft. 6 in. high ^ 70 A Gothic Oak Door, elaborately carved with tracery, masks, rosettes, and a shield of arms applique—8 ft. 2 in. high, 3 ft. 6 in. wide 71 Another, carved, with linen pattern panels below and glazed panels with tracery above—8 ft. 2 in. by 3 ft. 6 in. J i2 A suite of Louis XVI. white and gold furniture, with oval backs, ^ covered with crimson tabourette, consisting of— Two sofas ' Six fauteuils, and Six chairs The following are Sold by Order of an EXECUTRIX. DECORATIVE FURNITURE, Etc. 2 ' „ 2 2 / * ?> 73 A pair of empire mahogany screens, with carved and partly gilt borders, and with panels of needlework f ^ ^ ' ^74 An old French Yielle, by Thouvened Henry, a Mirecourt, incase of satin-wood, inlaid with rose-wood and ivory, the top carvedZr^ with a bust // x 75 A spinning wheel, of mahogany /{^4L O 76 A small octagonal work-table, with rising top, painted with flowers r on black ground 11 ' <£> 79 80 £ < ' 'g ^7 A toilet table, of inlaid box-wood, with rising top, in two divisions, enclosing boxes and mirror, the borders painted witjh flowers and arabesques, shelf beneath , 0 78 An inlaid rose and satin-wood Pembroke table, with dravmr, inlaid with arabesque foliage /is An oval mahogany table, with inlaid satin and rose-wood border^ r } A Bonheur-du-jour writing table, of inlaid woods, with two drawers, small cupboards and shelf above, mounted with brass^ S gallery and borders—30 in. wide - 81 An oblong parqueterie writing table, with arched tambour top ^ ^ £ and drawer, on fluted legs, mounted with chasings of or-molu^/^^^^^^ —30 in. wide ^ p 82 An oval mahogany wine cooler, with brass bands, on four legs ^ 83 A small old English walnut-wood cabinet, with numerous drawers. ^ on oak stand 84 An inlaid walnut secretary, with shaped and sloping fall-down 7 ' 27 front, and two drawers beneath, on carved legs— early century r t z ? 85 An upright ditto, with fall-down front, four drawers beneath, and glazed folding doors above, with double arched top 77 high, 29 in. wide S * , 0 86 A Marqueterie Chest, of four drawers, inlaid with scroll foliage , and flowers, in coloured woods and ivory—38 in. wide— temp. Charles II. A kneehole table, of inlaid walnut and pollard-wood, with drawer^ writing slide, and pedestal drawers at the sides—40 in. A Jacobean oak linen-press, on spiral legs and stretchers ^~~ r A small oak side-table, with Jacobean cabinet beneath, carved^/^^^/^^ with arches in panels—27 in. wide 90 A Jacobean oak cabinet, with three doors, carved with panels of diamond pattern and other ornament, drawers and folding-^/^^^^^ doors beneath—65 in. high, 50 in. wide '/> 87 ; 88 89 4 12 2 S’* at* 91 A Sedan Chair, painted with wreaths of flowers in bands, and a coat-of-arms with coronet and supporters, the borders gilt, lined with yellow Genoa velvet— temp. Louis XV. /-^ ^92 A pair of Mortlake tapestry panels, with Roman battle subjects^ mounted with plush borders to form curtains TAPESTRIES AND EMBROIDERIES. .93 A Bordered Panel of Old Chinese Embroidery, richly worked with a subject of numerous figures, buildings, flowers, &c., in coloured silk and gold thread on crimson satin, and lined wijjb pale blue silk—11 ft. by 8 ft. 4 in. / y g 94 A panel of old English embroidery, with Andromache mourning ^ '' ' at Hector’s tomb—in glazed gilt frame j/T'J/ 95 An old German chasuble, of black watered silk, embroidered with y 0 0 the Crucifixion and Deity above, in coloured silks and gold thread, and inscribed “ Johannes Adamus Wolf ', Dillenherg, Uxor. 1646.” ^ ^ ^ ^ 96 A small upright panel of old Brussels tapestry, with vases, flowers and ribands on a red ground—8 ft. 3 in. by 2 ft. 6 in. >, 97 A Large Oblong Bordered Panel of Old Flemish Tapestry, df./f * ^ with the gardens of a palace, with architecture, fountains, peacocks, turkeys, and other birds, trees and foliage, and Iined^ ^y^ with pale grey silk—11 ft. high by 14 ft. 6 in. wide /S~2. SZ 98 A Pair of Oblong Panels of Old Flemish Tapestry, with P a vintage festival, a composition of numerous infant Baccha¬ nals and satyrs with a wine-press in the gardens of a palace, with border—7 ft. by 13 ft. 10 in .; and a Panel, en suite, with infant Bacchanals feasting in the gardens of a palace, with a fountain, orange trees, &c.—7 ft. by 12 ft. 10 in. A- 13 99 AN UPRIGHT PANEL OF OLD BRUSSELS TAPESTRY, v A? @ representing one of Petrarch’s Triumphs, with a figure emblematic of Time in a chariot drawn by two oxen, and panels of classical subjects, terminal figures, vases of flowers, fruit, &c., on the borders— signed with monogram^ and with the Brussels marh —11 ft. 5 in. by 8 ft. 5 in. 100 A PANEL OF OLD BRUSSELS TAPESTRY, with a subject of Mercury, Herse, Aglauros and Pandrosos on the terrace of a palace with female attendant, a wooded hill in the back¬ ground, in rich border of hunting and musical trophies, birds, vases, flowers, masks, &c.—signed i.o., and with the Brussels mark —12 ft. 5 in. by 10 ft. 6 in. / SCULPTUEE. GIOVANNI FONTANA, 1892. L01 L’Eoo: a statuette—38 in. high —on fluted green serpentine pedestal with revolving top 7 / 6 * GIOVANNI FONTANA. 102 Preparing for Hep : a statuette—39 in. high —on nearly similar J pedestal THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. 103 A Rockingham Dinner Service, painted with groups of flowers _ in colours and gold, in richly gilt pink and lake borders, ' consisting of— Two soup-tureens, covers and stands Four sauce-tureens, covers and stands Four vegetable-dishes and covers Eighteen dishes—in sizes Sixty dinner-plates Twenty-three dessert-plates, and Twenty-four soup-plates 14 The following are the Property of ROBERT KIRKMAN HODGSON , Esq., of Ashgrove, Sevenoaks, who is giving up his Residence in the Country. PORCELAIN. 105 A Berlin Cabaret, painted with Dutch landscapes, buildings # & and figures in monochrome, in gros-bleu borders marbled with foliage in gold, consisting of chocolate-pot, tea-pot, hot milk- jug, canister and covers, two cups and saucers and plateau /. / (?, 0 125 A Pair of Louis XVI. Gilt-Bronze Figures of Boys, one representing Mercury, and a boy with a spaniel—chased or¬ molu plinths, with rosette and laurel ornaments—7f in. high 126 A Louis XYI. Clock, in case of chased or-molu, fluted columns at either side, surmounted by pine-cone ornaments, branches of laurel and gadrooning, the whole surmounted by a fluted oval ewer—Ilf in. high Louis XVI. Clock, with astronomical movement, white marble plinth, inlail with an oblong plaque of or-molu chased in relief with amorini, the front of enamel, with oval £ 0 * /<$* , 0 A 127 A panels of nymphs and flowers, in brilliant colours on biue ground, white and gold borders, small spirally fluted urns on either side, < f chased or-molu ; an upper dial, enamelled with a landscape, showing the phases of the moon ; the whole h 17 128 -0 /r / in. wide 19 A PAIR OF LOUIS XYI. MARQUETERIE ENCOIG- NEURES, en suite, the doors inlaid with Italian coast scenes, buildings and figures in coloured woods, similarly mounted with chased or-molu, and fleur violette marble slabs— one stamped, J. E. Riesener, the other, J. E. Riesener and D. De Loose, Maitre Ebeniste —35 in. high 141 A S7 0 142 A " 143 A \/a 144 A 0 LOUIS XYI. CONSOLE TABLE, of mahogany, with rounded ends, three drawers and shelf beneath, with white marble slabs and brass galleries, supported on columns wreathed with ivy and with chased capitals, drapery and foliage borders, and a frieze of arabesque foliage of chased or-molu—48 in wide From Lady Dungannon’s Collection LOUIS XYI. SECRETAIRE, of marqueterie and parque- terie, with revolving cylinder front enclosing small drawers, writing slide and two drawers beneath, and a slide at each end, mounted with acanthus foliage and other ornaments, borders and escutcheons of chased or-molu, and with brass gallery—51 in. wide LOUIS XVI. PARQUETERIE CABINET, with shaped front, three drawers and folding doors beneath, the centre panel inlaid with a vase of flowers in marqueterie of coloured woods, mounted with corner ornaments, borders and a frieze of arabesque foliage and flowers of chased or-molu, and sur-£ mounted by a Brescia marble slab—48 in. wide Stamped T.E. and three fleurs-de-lys with crown above, and with Royal Monogram L.M.R. crowned, and bearing the labels of the “ Palais Imperial des Tuileries, No. 24.” LOUIS XYI. UPRIGHT SECRETAIRE, of Cartonniere form, of inlaid tulip and rose-wood, with fall-down front enclosing drawers and open shelves, four drawers beneath and open shelf above, mounted with lions’ masks, laurel festoons, handles and escutcheons of chased metal-gilt— 67 in. high, 53 in. wide ^.45 The COMPANION CABINET, containing seven drawers From the Collection of the Eon. and Rev. Frederick Raring 20 145a A Louis XV. Oblong Library Table, of mahogany, with /& i? * three drawers, richly mounted with masks and other orna¬ ments, handles and scutcheons of chased or-molu, the top covered with green morocco leather, with brass bonder— 65 in. long , 33 in. wide 146 An Upright Parqueterie Secretaire, of scroll design, with / & / „ 0 fall-down front inlaid with shell ornament, a cupboard and //' drawers beneath, and cabinet above with glazed door, the whole inlaid with trellis-pattern and shell ornament in tulip king and rose-wood and ivory, and mounted with a basket of flowers, scroll and shell ornaments of carved ivory—90 in. high 33 in. wide id jr" t/ 147 A Louis XIV. Boulle Commode, with four drawers, elaborately inlaid with Bacchanalian and other figures, Cupids, birds, flowers and arabesques in engraved brass on tortoiseshell, pearl, white metal and colours, and richly mounted with chased or-molu—47 in.ioide with ,^7 /fad* iJ ' / 148 An Upright Mirror, with bevelled edges, in massive frame of O ebony, carved with scroll foliage, flowers, birds, «.