EX LIBRIS CHARLES E. MILMINE V s Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/attwoodspicturesOOattw ATTWOOD'S PICTURES AN ARTIST'S HISTORY OF THE LAST TEN YEARS OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY NEW YORK Life Publishing Company Nineteen West Thirty-first Street 1 900 COPYRIGHT i goo BY LIFE PUBLISHING COMPANY NEW YORK CI! V Registered at Stationer's Hall, London, England ALL RIGHTS RESERVED fRINTFI) IN THE UNITED STATES FRANCIS GILBERT ATTWOOD FRANCIS GILBERT ATTWOOD was born in Jamaica Plain, Mass., on the 29th of September, 1856, and died on the 30th of April, 1900, in the house where he was born. He entered the class of 1878 at Harvard, but left college at the end of his junior year and began the study of art. The Harvard Lampoon was started during his sophomore year, and his first work appeared in that journal. After leav- ing college he studied under Dr. Rimmer and at the Boston Art Museum. Mr. Attwood's special bent was in the direction of humorous satire, in which he was unequalled. He contributed, incidentally, to several magazines, and he was also, to a limited extent, an illustrator of books. But his principal work was done for Life, with which he was intimately associated from its first number to the time of his death. The series of drawings included in this book is selected from the monthly historical pages he regularly contributed to Life during his connection with that journal. thc, of HhK,Y*KP GOUsEGE SUPREME, COURT GEMTENMMt • SJ PATKKICK1S DAY W THE MATING- STAKLtY IK £.\TKOPE. . J luOK HtRt ,M1 CMRi f-K.ll; NO, IF TMtbf. TH.MO^ ftRf 60 I Swo\n~D to KNOW HPW liJNC tOV Mkvtr APRIL 1 890 THE" "PI CRTS' ADMINlSTRATlOisT. AN" OBJECT- Lt&'SON" TOR. SVTN DAY SCHOOL SCHOLARS. Nld'irfLFYS TRIUMPH MITCH T. rn.M^.CK,TJ\TKTNG CUTMBOSO, A-rn^.rr for, tout.cs <3nux . that ^vpl coivovcT ] s Tstrf so-so 1 A BRAYTi. ATTPvCK^ GERM AMY, AF^'C^ It is. it is.'V GLSMom thino ccpYRiaKT AM QfTienL sweti on. I 890 EMiH DEMANDS BAiK. TO Awe A yEMSIONlHc must A rs-LTUu^j-i TV 0>=^S speech' L ^K? ^ rs^X ell or? & mmomhi day. 'SVCH SEPULCHRE. NOR. DRUi\ DECAY VOt? ftu.- DESTROYING TIMF. SHM-L WASTE ■ J/ov>r .Un-ckc Sam , riR&j-Ttr^cE .Ti^rr justice. . f ArTHS.^ CIVIWG "TUP. D«UARS \ I X VvUn HA** FOK TO X ) SHI^L/iCaHS TTR. TOO TO BURnf- EACMOTHIR' — "t=»oot? -53»doy :dray*-S THE UJNE; UAST - /out" though TxsncptiSj BOSTON n jposT-prncc 1 89 1 or CORSEJUU'ffll)]] TO °is^ British UorC T^NCW/^ Of THT^ D^IBVNtS . -puuvius '1TM TRoV> on with KNOUT?* 1 891 ftUf^ZD And the Czp\i^. BiHos-ryt-. Of TKR CRK^T [as nbVf GENTLE MW Cmwu;s SycvvT-iq Ta*\neLL . 1 TKC DEt-|OCX<\Ti <: yWTY^'TH ITS CUSJOI^K^Y 5/\C <\C I -pj-, "B0U7-5 DOW TXE. WR.OITG- "TURK INC . - < 1 893 1 8 9 3 1893 THE: DP-fTNOEI^Of TH^ PASST** 3 " «£? " X COIYSTftNT AS THE JNO^THf-KK SV\Kj OfVJH05l; T^UE-FIX'D AND T?E.SJIISO QVALITf THR-R,t 15 NO ftUUOW- IIV THE p R^A^eNT." l8 9 3 >»93 [894 rHlS BATTLES OET^ - l8 94 1894 1 894 1 894 .. "THEN THE. L0S.OS Of THE- PHIUS~pHE6 C-^THCr^Eb THEM TOGETHER-, S_ JJ' fw? Te> OFTEI? f\ CT^EfvT Sf\C>r?,iriCE. UNT Q ^A&OM , TH El R GoO, KnB TO "reEJO IG£-' Tot? THEY S^IO, OVO^, &OD> HfVTH TJEUVEI^EO S"ftK)6oM QUI?. ENEl^^ WJO OVTZ. M\NDg. 1 894 i8 9 5 1 895 i8 9 S ,8 9 S 1 895 DECE If IS "BETTEK. TO WRITE. THHN" TO BE T->RE;S| DUMy A W cour> DAY l',p faR. "MEL STOCI^Jviftft.^T', ^ T30M6/\STES C LIVE LAN DO TVglOSO w "WttOEVEt^TJAR.ES THESE. T30oT^S DlST=U\CE- M^5y Meej Bom bastes Tace: t© face- THUS DO I CHfl 1A.E.NGE, ALLTME HUrv^tf T^CE. ! " gL. A LITTLE _ I re CoMlllfr TOR.WfNT^D l8 95 1896 1896 1896 1896 1896 1896 1896 1896 1896 i8 9 7 i8 9 7 v-r— WH EKtS "RlCHMUO OLWeY ■ aass 1897 1 8 9 7 i8 97 1 3 9 7 1898 1 898 1 898 EPTEM INJUSTICE. WLLL Kby DOVYrT_ 1898 1898 I899 899 1 899 1899 1899 1899 1899 GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 3125 01068 9228 I