/, Qr '/ , y . / !..<’ *-»•* • ^v' 7 ^ •- / "' /r/zZC. * 7 ) i r ^v,- Digitized by the Internet Archive' in 2015 https://archive.org/details/artisanormechaniOOcare Isaac Hewisn, -*?V2£ / J s QL V /rr/s/Ss’ ' Sr? i THE ARTISAN; OR, MECHANICS INSTRUCTOR: CONTAINING A POPULAR, COMPREHENSIVE, AND SYSTEMATIC VIEW OF THE FOLLOWING SCIENCES : GEOMETRY, MECHANICS, HYDRODYNAMICS, PNEUMATICS, OPTICS, CHEMISTRY, ASTRONOMY, ARCHITECTURE, PERSPECTIVE, ELECTRICITY, MAGNETISM, ALGEBRA. biographical Notice# of eminent Scientific Jtten, ENRICHED BY PORTRAITS: WITH MAttY INTERESTING AND VALUABLE ARTICLES RELATING TO THE MECHANICAL AND USEFUL ARTS. THE WHOLE INTENDED AS A COMPANION TO THE INSTITUTES. VOL. I. LONDON : PRINTED FOR WILLIAM COLE, (LATE HODGSON AND CO.) 10, NEWGATE-STREET. PREFACE Nothing tends so much to the successful cultivation of scientific knowledge, as forming clear and accurate ideas of the Elements, or first principles, of those sciences which form the basis of all physical know- ledge. Convinced of the truth of this observation, and of the value of scientific knowledge to the Artisans and Mechanics of this commercial and manufacturing country, the Editor of the following work has endea- voured to render the various subjects contained in it as plain and as easily understood as the nature of them would permit. In pure Geometry, it is scarcely possible to abridge the steps of a demonstration, without rendering the truth of the proposition less appa- rent; it has therefore been deemed more advantageous to the Geome- trical student, to present him with the Propositions of Euclid’s Elements, without attempting any abridgement or alteration of them. He will, however, find many observations and useful remarks, on a number of the propositions, that are not to be found in the common editions of the Elements. The science of Mechanics, though more intricate and complex than Geometry, may nevertheless be very much simplified in many of its most useful and practical branches, by explaining the laws and prin- ciples upon which they rest, in common language , instead of expressing them in mathematical and algebraical symbols. This has been particu- larly attended to, in delivering the general doctrines of this science in the following work, as well as in treating of the power and effects of particular machines-. The same rule has been observed in treating of Hydrodynamics, Pneumatics, Optics, and Astronomy, though they are strictly mixed mathematical sciences, and have hitherto been treated in the most abstract and mathematical manner, even in works pretending to be purely elementary. IV PREFACE. The science of Chemistry is also rendered as simple and amusing as it is possible to make it; and the most accurate and modern improve- ments which have been introduced into that science have been noticed. To render the work useful and amusing, not only to the scientific student, but to the general reader, an extensive miscellaneous depart- ment has been added, including memoirs of the lives of men who have distinguished themselves, either by the improvements they have made in the Sciences, or the discoveries they have made in the Arts. Another important feature of this department of the work is, a comprehensive and popular view of the beautiful and elegant science of Architecture, illustrated by neatly engraved specimens of the various orders of build- ing, both ancient and modern. The other subjects introduced into the Miscellaneous part of the work, are perhaps as numerous as in some other works, which are appropriated solely to subjects of this nature. And, upon examination, they will be found not only interesting and useful at the 'present time, but to be of such a nature, as to render them equally useful at any future period. The mathematical and philosophical questions contained in the work may, perhaps, be considered by some as of too abstruse and intricate a nature to be generally understood; but the reason for devoting a small portion of the work to subjects of this kind, was to render it interesting, and, if possible, valuable to the mathematician, and the philosopher, as well as the tradesman and the mechanic. The Copper-plate portraits which are given along with the work, are of the very first order in point of execution; the same may be said of the numerous Wood engravings interspersed through it. But a care- ful perusal of the whole, and a comparison with other works that treat of the same subjects, will afford the best criteria , for determining both the comparative and real value of the work now offered to the public. INDEX GEOMETRY. Friction of Wheels - Page 245 Angles, various kinds of - - Page 5 , Method of diminishing 245 — , exterior, Property of - - 83 Fulcrum, what - 55 - — — , vertical, ditto - - 82 Gravity, what - 7 Axioms - - - 17 ■ , centre of - 53 Book 1st. - - 4 Hook's Universal Joint - 278 Book 2d. - - 273 Inclined Plane, of the ns Book 3d. - - 369 Lever, of the - - 54. 84 Circle - - - 5 of Lagaroust _ 277 Contrary Propositions, what - - 18 Machine in which all the Mechanical Corollary, what - 17 Powers are united _ 279 Converse Propositions, what - - 17 Machine for trying the Strength of Definitions - - - - 4 Materials - _ 342 Demonstration, Direct and Indirect - 17 Machinery, Regulation of _ 307 Enunciation, what - 18 Matter, what - _ 6 Geometry, Definition of - - 4 Mechanics 6, 21, 51, 84, 115, 148, Lemma, what - - 17 179, 212, 243, 276, 307, 340 Parallelogram, Definition of " - 177 Mechanical Agents - - ' - 276 • , Properties of - 178 Contrivances 277 Parallel Lines, what - - 6 Powers 54 Properties of * - 146 Mobility, what . 7 Pons Asinorum - - 20 Motion, various kinds of - 8 Postulates - - - 17 , 1st. Law of - 21 Problem, what * - 17 2d ditto - 22 Proposition, Definition of - - 17 , 3d ditto - 23 Propositions, Book 1st. 18, 49, 81, Pinion, what - 86 113, 145, 177, 209, 241 Pulley, of the - - 115 Propositions, Book 2d. 273, 305, 337 Screw, of the - - 149 Propositions, Book 3d. - - 369 Smeaton's Machine for Experiments Rectangle, what - - 273 on Rotatory Motion _ 341 Reductio ad Absurdum - - - 17 Specific Gravity, what _ 8 Square, Definition of - - 6 Steelyard, what - _ 181 Superficies, what - 4 Time, how expressed 8 — — Plane, ditto - - - 4 Velocity, various rates of - _ 21 Theorem, what - - 17 Vis Inertia - 7 Triangles, various kinds of - - 5 Wedge, of the - . 148 MECHANICS. Weight, what - _ 7 Animals, Strength of _ - 276 Wheel and Axle, of the - - 85 Atwood's Machine, Description of - 309 Windlass - - 86 Balance, of the - - 179 HYDRODYNAMICS. — — - Fraudulent - _ - 181 Archimedes’s Screw _ 151 Ball and Socket - - 278 Barker’s Mill - _ 312 Belts or Bands - - 277 Capillary Tubes, effects of _ 56 Capstan - - 86 Suspension _ 57 Crank, various kinds of . - - 278 Columnaria, what 87 Density, what - - 8 Equilibrium of Indifference 26 Divisibility, what - - 7 Stable — Unstable - „ 27 Dynamics, Definition of - - - 6 Fluids, Bodies floating in _ 26 Extension, Definition of - - - 76 — issuing through Apertures _ 57 Falling Bodies * - 51 pressure of - - 87 Figure, what - - 6 how conveyed in Pipes - 87 Forces, various kinds of - - 21 percussion and resistance of 119 Composition and Resolution of 24 Fountain, Hungarian _ 217 Friction, account of, - - 212 — of Schemnitz and Hiero 217, 218 of Surfaces - - 212 Hydraulics 87, 118, 151, 183, 216, — of Axles - > - 214 247, 280, 311, 343 of Wheel Carriages _ - 215 Hydraulic Ram - - 216 of Ropes - - - 243 Hydrostatics - - - 9, 25 , 56 — of Pivots - - - 244 Hydrostatical Balance and Paradox 9 nn INDEX. Montgolfier’s Ram - - Page Pump Chain ..... • — — Cellular .... Pump, Paternoster - ■ Rope - Pump, Spiral Shower Bellows .... Spanish Noria - Specific Gravity defined ... — method of Determining - — Table of ... Stopcock, compound - Syphon - Floating - Tantalus’s Cup - - - - Valves, various kinds of - Water discharged by Pipes effective head of - form of the dead Machines for discharging ■ Machines moved by the re- action of ... Machines for measuring the velocity of - Machine for raising Machines raised by changes in the air - running in Canals - Screw ..... Snail — Velocity of - Wheels, comparative effects of Waves, formation and Extent of ; Velocity of - Wheels, Breast ----- Chain - Horizontal - Persian - Scoop - Overshot - Smeaton’s - Undershot .... at right angles to the Stream Besant’s - ... Bossut’s ... Pitot’s .... • Smeaton’s - with Spiral float-boards Whitehurst’s Engine - Zurich Machine - PNEUMATICS. Air, Condensed - — — Effects of on bodies in motion - Elasticity of Experiments Avith - Gun described - Properties of - . Pressure of ~ Pump described Resistance of - Temperature of Weight of - Anemoscope - - - Barometer, Mensuration of heights by Bellows, wind - - - Diving Bell - Experiments with Air Pump - Experiments on the weight of the Air 67 * on Resistance of ditto - 97 — on Elasticity of Air - 98 _ Miscellaneous on ditto - 99 Lift-tenter described ... 226 Parallel Motion described - - 259 Pistons of Pumps - - - 133 of Steam Engines - - 195 Pneumatics 10, 33, 67, 97, 131, 161, 195, 225, 259, 289, 321, 353, 385 Pump Valves, of - - 133 — Lifting - - - - 161 Forcing - - 166 Centrifugal - - 162 Steam Engine _ - 195 Maudslay’s - 289, 322 Newcomen’s - - 195 Savery’s Watt’s - - 195 _ . 196 Worcester’s . . 165 Steam Gauge . - 228 Navigation - - 322 Sun and Planet wheels . - 227 Symington’s Boat . 323 Vacuum Gas Engine - _ 259 Valve, Safety ... - 353 Throttle _ . 226 Wind Mill . 354 Chariot _ - 385 Waggon - - 386 OPTICS. Camera Lucida . 264 Obscura . - 228 Catoptrics - - _ - 11 Colour, what - - 102 of Natural Bodies - _ 136 of the Atmosphere - - 199 Concave Glass, what . - 13 Properties, of - - 39 Mirrors, of - - 72 Convex Glass, what - . - 13 — Properties of - - 37 Dioptrics - - 11 Eye, Description of the - - 39 Defects of the - . . 70 Focus, what - - - - . 37 Glasses, various kinds of _ . 13 Incidence, angle of - . - 12 Light, opinions respecting - - 21 of various colours of - - 102 Polarization of - . - 163 Magic Lantern - - . 229 Medium, what _ _ 12 Megascope ... _ 229 Meniscus Glass, what - - 13 Microscopes, various kinds of - - 70 — — Magnifying power of - 71 Mirror, Cylindrical - - 199 Multiplying Glass - 101 Optics, 36, 70, 101, 134, 163, 197. ,228, 263, 291, 324, 357, 388 Optics, Division of - 11 Optigraph, Description of - 386 Phantasmagoria, what - 263 Phatometry, what - 388 Plano Concave Glass, what - 13 — - — Convex Glass, what - - 13 216 183 184 184 153 152 343 153 10 10 25 89 34 343 59 89 88 59 121 343 311 313 151 218 89 152 151 89 311 118 119 153 250 284 183 183 247 249 280 283 281 281 281 281 284 184 152 131 34 95 67 131 10 67 34 97 11 10 386 33 • 387 132 67 INDEX; Prism, Description of - Page Rainbow, account of - Lunar, ditto - Rays, Parallel - Coloured - Diverging - - - Homogeneous - Reflected — Refracted Reading Glasses - Refraction, Angle of - Double - unusual, of the Atmos- phere - Refractive Power of Substances Solar Spectrum - Telescope, of the - - Achromatic - Astronomical - — Brewster’s ... Cassegrainian - Dolland’s - Galilean ... ■ Gregorian ... Herschel’s - ■ Newtonian - Reflecting kind Refracting ditto — Tremors of CHEMISTRY. Affinity, what - Elective - Alloys, what - Amalgam, what - Azote, what - ... how procured Combinations of ■ Properties of - Carbon, what — How procured - Properties and Combinations Carburetted Hydrogen Gas Charcoal, Preparation of - Properties of - Chemistry IB, 40, 73, 103, 138, 166, 200, 230, 267, 294, 327, 359, Etymology of - _ ; - — - History of Chlorine, how obtained - - — Combinations of Properties of - Uses of Compound Bodies - Diamond, nature and Properties of - Gold ..... 361, Oxides and Properties of 361, Hydrogen Gas - — — how procured — — — Combinations of — . Properties of Iodine, Combinations of - — Discovery of - - how procured ... — Properties of - Lutes, their use - Metals, account of - Calces of ... Classification of - — ____ General Properties of - Metals, History of - Page 227 Imperfect ... 3G0 Oxides of ... 229 Perfect .... 3 go Table of 361 • Uses of .... 327 Muffle, what .... 105 Muriatic Acid .... 230 absorbed by Water - 232 how procured - - 231 • Properties of - 231 Oxygen Gas, how obtained - 41 — its Properties - - 42 Phosphorus, Description of 105 how procured - - 105 Properties of - - 139 Phosphoric acid .... 139 Phosphuretted Hydrogen - - 139 Platina, history of ... 391 Simple Bodies, what - - - 40 Sulphur, account of - - 166 — • — Combinations of - 166 Combustion of - - - 167 Properties and Purification of 166 Wolf’s Apparatus, representation of - 232 ASTRONOMY. Astronomical definitions - - - 78 Astronomy 16, 27, 44, 76, 106, 140, 169, 202, 233, 270, 296, 330, 362, 394 History of - - - 16 — various systems of - 46 Atmosphere - - - - 364 — refraction of the - - 364 Ceres, description of ... 169 Cirrus ...... 395 Clouds, formation of ... 394 Comets, account of - - -169 Copernican system - - - 47 Cumulus ----- 396 Earth, of the - - - - 108 Eclipses, how produced - - 330 ■ of the Sun ... 331 of the Moon - - - 331 of Jupiter’s Satellites - 233 Jupiter, description of - 109,. 140 Light, an account of ... 362 Mars, description of 108 Mercury, description of - - - 107 Moon, description of ... 203 apparent size of 234 Harvest - 233 Motions >of - 204 Mountains of, &c. - - - 270 — Phases of 203 New Planets - - - - 169 Pallas described F - - - - 169 Planets, inferior— -primary - - 77 secondary — superior - - 77 Ptolemaic system - - - - 46 Saturn, description of - - 141 Solar System 76 Stars, fixed ..... 296 their distance and number - 297 Sun, of the ----- 78 heat of - - - 106 Sun, light of - - - - - 79 Tychonic System - - - - 47 102 134 135 13 103 13 103 12 70 12 165 197 165 102 265 357 266 325 292 357 266 291 324 293 291 365 357 40 43 330 330 209 200 201 200 75 104 104 75 76 390 40 13 267 268 268 269 40 105 390 362 73 74 75 74 295 294 294 294 42 327 229 360 328 INDEX. Uranus, or Georgium Sidus Page 141 Venus, description of - 107 transit of - - - - - 108 Vesta described - - - 166 ARCHITECTURE. Arches, Construction of - 317 — Catanarian - 317 Various kinds of - - 317 Architecture, Civil - - 253 Definitions - 175 — Division of - - 154 — Gothic - - 253 History of - - 154 — Military and Naval - 154 Architecture 154, 174, 188, 205, 221, 236, 253, 286, 317 Architrave, what - - 175 Astragal, what - - 175 Base - - - - - 175 Bridge, Blackfriars’ - 318 Capital, and Cornice, what - - 175 Entablature ■ - - 175 Facades, what — Frieze - - 175 King’s Chapel, Cambridge, view of - 254 Mouldings, various kinds of - - 286 Order, what - •• 175 Composite - - 236 Corinthian - - 221 Doric - 188 Ionic - - 205 Tuscan - - 188 Pedestal, what — Plinth - - - 175 Shaft - - - 175 Tri glyph, what - - 205 Volute, what - 175 BIOGRAPHY. Life of Agnesi, M. - - - 154 Archimedes - - 30 Bacon, Lord Francis - - 193 — Bacon, Roger - - - 314 Copernicus - - 122 Davy, Sir H. - - 65 — Emerson, W. - - 251 Euclid _ - 59 — - — - Euler, Leonard - - 345 Ferguson, James - - 235 Franklin, Dr. - - 366 Galileo - - 172 Hutton, Dr. Hypatia - - 257 - - 333 Mayer, J. Tobias v - - 397 Newton, Sir I. - - 3 Playfair, Professor - - 218 Ramsden, Mr. - - 185 Saunderson, Nicholas - 298 Simpson, Thomas - - 90 Watt, James - - 129 Questions and Solutions 32, , 48, 63, 80, 95, 112, 127, 144, 1G0, 175, 191, 207, 223, 240, 256, 272, 288, 304, 320, 336, 352, 368, 384, 399 END OF MISCELLANEOUS. Alcohol, quantity in Porter Page 23S Apartments, method of warming - 302 Aquatinta Engraving - - - 32 Balloons, construction of - 238 improvement of - » 351 Bell’s Apparatus, description of - 301 Bridges, suspension - 159 Carey’s Arithmetic reviewed - - 318 Celestial Atlas, account of 235 Chinese Year, on the - - ■■ 143 Clocks, oil for 94 Cloth, how embroidered - 303 Columns, strongest form of 189 Congelation, line of - - - - 110 Electro-magnetic experiments - - 352 Fire, how to extinguish - 384 Fixed Stars, pamphlet on the - - 303 Galvanism and Fermentation, on - 237 Gases, correction for temperature - 126 Gilding with Gold - 206 - — — on Brass, &c. - 207 on Leather - • - 238 Glass, to etch designs on - - 191 — to stain .... 206 Gunter’s Scale, description of - 347, 380 Heat, singular application of - - 63 Hydraulic Ram, of the - 335. Inks, sympathetic - 252 Longitude Scale - - - - 31 Machine for making bread - - 94 Magnetism-electro, on - 157 effects of - - 158 Medical pump - 286 Moon, conjectures respecting the - 94 Mosaic, manufacture of - 239 Mountains, heights of - - - 61 Nautical eye tube - 158 Nitre, preparation of - - - 157 Optics, on the study of - - 62 Pendulum, Kater on the - 142 application of - - 155 Perpetual motion impossible - - 222 Printing, on Lithographic - - 159 Queries, answers to - - - 111 Query, Philosophical - - - 32 Rain, the cause of ... 207 Refraction of the atmosphere - - 156 Safety Lamp ----- 125 Seamen, apparatus for saving - - 349 Sea, temperature of the - - 158 Starch, preparation of - - - 191 Stars, change in the place of - - 157 Steam, force of - 159 Sulphur, action of on Iron - -158 Trees, representation of - - - 287 Trigonometrical Survey, on the - 80 Vernier Scale described - - 205 Water, electric effects of - 319 Weights, new French - - - 111 Weights, &c., uniformity of - 281, 398 Wind, intensity of - 190 VOL. I. Printed by W\ Cole , in, Newgatc-street. Stye artisan; OR, MECHANIC’S INSTRUCTOR: BEING A COMPANION TO THE INSTITUTES. INTRODUCTION. The value of scientific knowledge is now so generally known and appre- ciated in this country, that any attempt to point out the advantages resulting from an acquaintance with it, would be quite superfluous. It must, however, be admitted, that the value of this species of knowledge is more generally understood than the principles upon which it is founded. The effects produced by it are seen and acknowledged by all; but com- paratively few are acquainted with the mode of producing them. Every one has seen and must admire both the structure and powerful effects of the Steam-engine ; but few are acquainted either with the scientific prin- ciples upon which its construction depends, or with the nature of the extraordinary fluid by which its surprising effects are produced. Being fully convinced of the truth of these observations, and of the great importance of scientific knowledge to every individual engaged in the cultivation of the Arts, the Conductors of the present Publication have resolved to devote the greater part of the work to the developement and explanation of the fundamental principles of those Sciences which form the basis of the Mechanical Arts. Particular care will, therefore, be taken to give a comprehensive and connected view of the most useful branches of Mathematics, Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, Optics, Astronomy, and Chemistry. In treating of these sciences, the greatest pains will be taken to render them as plain and easily understood as their nature will admit ; — and in order to render the work of permanent utility, not only to those who are beginning the study of these sciences, but to those who are already well acquainted with them, a regular and systematic arrangement of the various parts of each will be preserved, and no part omitted which can be considered of real value. Mathematical knowledge being the foundation of all physical science, as well as most of the mechanical arts, has certainly the first claim to attentive observation; a portion of “ Euclid's Elements" will therefore be given in each Number of the “ Artisan," in a more simple and popular form than that celebrated work has ever yet assumed : for although we are perfectly aware that “ there is no Royal Road to Geometry," yet we do think that many of the Propositions in that work may be made more intelligible to mathematical Students than they are, as they stand in the most popular editions of the Elements. It will, therefore, be the parti- Yol. I. B 2 INTRODUCTION. cular care of the Conductors of the “ Artisan,” to make this part of the work as easily understood as possible, knowing that little progress can he made in any of the physical sciences without possessing a tolerable share of mathematical knowledge. This is a fact so well knowh to those who have made those sciences their particular study, that no arguments can be employed to give additional weight to it. And though it may be impos- sible to give an adequate idea of the usefulness of mathematical know- ledge to those who are wholly unacquainted with it, yet it may atford some satisfaction to those who are about to commence the study to observe, that mathematical knowledge supplies most of the means by which, the business of society is carried on, and its comfort secured. To mathematical principles the skilful Architect necessarily resorts for the means of contriving and executing his plans ; and to them every building, from the cottage to the palace, owes its existence. By mathematical knowledge the mariner shapes his course through the wide and pathless ocean, the intrepid soldier plans his operations for the protection of his country, the skilful miner contrives his subterraneous excavations, and procures for our use most of the substances employed in the arts of civilized life. Having here stated, in general terms, some of the uses of mathematical science, it is unnecessary to make any observations on the other sciences to be introduced in the present publication, because the utility of these are much more apparent to the generality of mankind, than the science upon which they immediately depend. But though this be the case, the sciences themselves are necessarily as little known as the elementary branches of mathematics. It will, therefore, be the study of the Conductors of the “ Artisan v to present their readers with a regular and comprehen- sive view of the various branches of Natural Philosophy, as far as they are known at the present day. And to render their work of general interest, part of each Number will be devoted to giving an account of any discovery or improvement that may be made in the Arts ; with biogra- phical notices of men who have contributed to the advancement either of the Arts or Sciences. The Editors will therefore receive with gratitude short and authentic communications relative to every species of useful knowledge ; but they have resolved to exclude every thing of a speculative nature, and to con- fine their work entirely to the promulgation of facts founded on experi- ment and observation. By thus selecting and condensing their materials, and by endeavouring to give a popular form to the various subjects that come under their notice, the Conductors of the “ Artisan” trust that they may, in some degree, advance the interest of science, by promoting its general diffusion, at a time when there is so much anxiety shown by every class of the community to acquire a knowledge of the accurate sciences. The Editors also trust that the plan here adopted, of giving a clear and connected view of each of the Sciences contained in the present Number, will be considered the most effectual mode of aiding the laudable exertions now making by the operative Mechanics of this Country, to acquire a knowledge of the principles upon which their respective arts depend. They are, therefore, not without hopes that their exertions may suc- cessfully contribute to the diffusion of scientific knowledge, as well as to the advancement of the useful Arts. 3 BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR OF SIR ISAAC NEWTON, Sir Isaac Newton, one of the greatest mathematicians and philosophers that ever lived, was born in Lincolnshire, in 1642. Having made some proficiency in the clas- sics, &c. at the grammar school at Grantham, he (being an only child) was taken home by his mother (who was a widow) to be her companion, and to learn the manage- ment of his paternal estate : bnt the love of books and study occasioned his farming concerns to be neglected. In 1660 he was sent to Trinity College, Cambridge : here he began with the study of Euclid, but the propositions of that book being too easy to arrest his attention long, he passed rapidly on to the Analysis of Des Cartes, Kepler’s Optics, &c. making occasional improvements on his author, and entering his ob- servations, &c. on the margin. His genius and attention soon attracted the favourable notice of Dr. Barrow, at* that time one of the most eminent mathematicians in England, who soon became his steady patron and friend. In 1664 he took his degree of B.A. and employed himself in speculations and experiments on the na- ture of light and colours, grinding and polishing optic glasses, and opening the way for his new method of fluxions and infinite series. The next year, the plague which raged at Cambridge obliged him to retire into the country ; here he laid the foundation of his universal system of gravitation, the first hint of which he received from seeing an apple fall from a tree ; and subsequent reasoning induced him to conclude, that the same force which brought down the apple might possibly extend to the moon, and retain her in her orbit. He afterwards extended the doctrine to all the bodies which compose the solar system, and demonstrated the same in the most evident manner, confirming the laws which Kepler had discovered, by a laborious train of observation and reasoning ; namely, that u the planets move in elliptical orbits,” that “ they describe equal areas in equal times and that the squares of their periodic times are as the cubes of their distances. Every part of natural philo- sophy not only received improvement by his inimitable touch, but became c new science under his hands : his system of gravitation, as we have observed, confirmed the discoveries of Kepler, explained the immutable laws of nature, changed the system of Copernicus from a probable hypothesis to a plain and demonstrated truth, and effectually overturned the vortices and other imaginary machinery of Des Cartes, with all the improbable epicycles, deferents, and clumsy apparatus, with which the ancients and some of the moderns had encumbered the universe. In fact, his Phi- losophies Naturalis Principia Mathematica contains an entirely new system of philo- sophy, built on the solid basis of experiment and observation, and demonstrated by the most sublime Geometry ; and his treatises and papers on optics supply a new theory of light and colours. The invention of the reflecting telescope, which is due to Mr. James Gregory, would in all probability have been lost, had not Newton inter- posed, and by his great improvements brought it forward into public notice In 1667, Newton was chosen fellow of his College, and took his degree of M.A. Two years after, his friend Dr. Barrow resigned to him the mathematical chair ; he became a member of parliament in 1688 ; and through the interest of Mr. Montagu, Chancellor of the Exchequer, who had been educated with him at Trinity College, our author obtained in 1696 the appointment of Warden, and three years after that of Master, of the Mint : he was elected in 1699 member of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris ; and in 1703 President of the Royal Society, a situation which he filled during the remainder of his life, with no less honour to himself than benefit to the interests of science. In 1705, in consideration of his superior merit, Queen Anne conferred on him the honour of knighthood : he died on March 20th, 1727, in the 85th year of his age. His works, collected in 5 volumes, 4to. with a valuable Commentary by Dr. Horsley, were published in 1784, b 2 4 THE ARTISAN. GZSOMZSTZt'Sr. Geometry is that branch of the Mathema- tics which treats of figure and extension ; and is divided* into Plane and Solid.* Plane Geometry being the foundation, not only of solid Geometry, but of most of the other branches of the Mathematics, it naturally falls to be considered before any of the other branches ; — and as Euclid’s Elements is generally allowed to be the best system of Geometry that has yet made its appearance in the world, we shall adopt that celebrated work as our text-book in treating of Geometry, in this and the suc- ceeding Numbers of the Artisan. In attempting to illustrate, or explain, the following definitions and propositions, we are perfectly aware that many of our expressions and illustrations will be ob- jected to by the speculative and rigid mathematician ; but, as we have already stated elsewhere, our object is simplicity ; and to convey a knowledge of the sciences to those who are wholly unacquainted with them. DEFINITIONS.! 1. A Mathematical point is that which hath no parts nor magnitude. 2. A line is length without breadth. 3. The extremities of a line are points. It is evident that there is nothing in na- ture agreeing with, or corresponding to, a point or a line taken in the sense of the first and second definition ; but still they may be comprehended by the mind, for they may be conceived to mark the position where a real point or a line may be formed. In the case of a real distance between two places, which is certainly a line, no enquiry is ever made about the breadth of that distance. 4. A straight line joining any two points upon a plane, or surface, lies wholly on that surface. 5. A superficies is a space which has only length and breadth, or it is a surface, with- out thickness. In speaking of the superficies, or surface, of a table, a wall, or a field, the thickness is laid out of the question. 6. The extremities or boundaries of a superficies are lines, which may be either straight or curved.— A circle is bounded only by one line. * The word Geometry is formed from two Greek words; and literally signifies to measure tta earth. t Though some of Euclid’s definitions are omitted, as being unnecessary, yet those which are intro- duced here are numbered as in Dr. Simpson’s Euclid, which is the one we intend to use in the present work. 7. A plane superficies is that in which any two points being taken, the straight line joining them lies wholly in that super- ficies. This will perhaps be better understood by considering the nature of a curved su- perficies; as the surface of a globe, for example. If two points be taken on its surface, the straight line that joins them does not lie wholly in that superficies, and therefore, the surface of a globe is not a plane superficies. 9, A plane rectilineal angle is the incli- nation of two straight lines to each other, meeting in a point. Or, it is the opening, or diverging, of two straight lines from a point. If there be only one angle at a point, as at A, then it may be expressed by one letter placed at the angular point. But when several angles are formed at the same point, it is necessary to employ three letters, to express any one of these angles; and the letter which is at the angular point is put between the other two letters.* Thus the angles at the point B, which is formed by the lines B C and B D, is named the angle CBD or DBG; and the angle formed by the lines B D and B E, is named the angle DBEorEBD. When two angles are separated from each other only by a straight line, as the angles CBD and DBE, they are called adjacent angles. 10. When a straight line standing on another straight line makes the adjacent angles equal to one another, each of these angles is called a right angle; and the * A straight line is usually expressed by placing a letter at each end of it. THE ARTISAN. line which stands on the other is called a perpendicular to it. 11. An obtuse angle is that which is greater than a right angle. 12. An acute angle is that which is less than a right angle. 13. A circle is a plane figure contained by one line, which is called the circum- ference ; and is such, that all straight lines drawn from the centre to the circumference are equal to one another.* 14. A diameter of a circle is a straight line drawn through the centre, and termi- nated both ways by the circumference. 15. A semi-circle is that part of a circle contained between the diameter and cir- cumference. * A plane surface included by one or more lin is called a mathematical figure, as a triangle , square, &c. 16. A segment of a circle is that part of the circle contained between part of the circumference, and a straight line which cuts off that part of the circumference. 17. Rectilineal figures are those which are contained by straight lines. 18. Trilateral figures, or triangles, are contained by three straight lines, . 19. Quadrilateral figures by four straight lines. 20. Multilateral figures, or polygons, by more than four straight lines. 21. An equilateral triangle is that which has three equal sides. 22. An isosceles triangle, is that which has two sides equal. 23. A scalene triangle, is that which has three unequal sides. 24. A right angled triangle, is that which has a right angle in it. THE ARTISAN. 25. An obtuse angled triangle, is that which has an obtuse angle in it. 26. An acute angled triangle, is that which has three angles acute. 30. A rhomboid, is that which has its opposite sides equal to one another, but none of its angles are right angles All other four - sided figures besides these are called trapeziums. Parallel straight lines, are such as are in the same plane, and though produced ever so far both ways, do not meet. 27. Of four-sided figures,— a square is that which has all its sides equal, and all its angles right angles. 28. An oblong, or rectangle, is that which has all its angles right angles, but not all its sides equal. 29. A rhombus, is that which has all its sides equal, but none of its angles are right angles. MECEAH€S- a Mechanics, is a mixed mathematical sci- ence, which treats of the nature, produc- tion, and change of motion. When bodies are free to obey the im- pulses communicated to them, that branch of Mechanics which treats of their motion is called Dynamics. Dynamics is the most elementary branch of the doctfine of motion, and is also the most general in its principles. Previous to entering upon the explana- tion of the general laws of motion, or what is termed the composition and resolution of forces , it will be necessary to state a few of the general properties of matter, as well as to explain a few terms which frequently occur in treating of philosophical subjects. Matter is a substance, the object of our senses, in which are always united the following properties : extension, figure, solidity, mobility, divisibility, gravity, and inactivity. Extension may be considered in three points of view : 1st. As simply denoting the part of space which lies between two points, in which case it is called distance. 2d. As implying both length and breadth, w hen it is denominated surface or area. 3d. As comprising three dimensions, length, breadth, and thickness ; in which case it may be called bulk, solidity, or content. When considered as a property of matter, it is used in the last of these senses. Figure , is the boundary of extension : for all bodies are included by one or THE ARTISAN. 7 more boundaries, and consequently possess figure ; they have also the capacity of receiving an indefinite variety of figures. Some bodies receive new figures with diffi- culty, but maintain them easily ; such are the bodies usually called solid. Others receive any figure easily, but cannot main- tain it without the assistance of other bo- dies ; fluid bodies are of this kind. Many bodies have figures that are pecu- liar to them in their natural state. This is the case not only with plants and animals, but with certain mineral productions called crystals, which are usually bounded by plane surfaces. Mobility , or a capacity of being moved from one place to another, is a quality found to belong to all bodies upon which we can make suitable experiments ; hence we conclude that it belongs to all bodies. Divisibility signifies a capacity'of being separated into parts. That matter is thus divisible, our daily experience convinces us. How far the divi- sion can actually be carried is not so easily ascertained : we are., however, certain that many bodies can be divided into very mi- nute parts. Of this we have examples in the gilding of silver wire, in the propaga- tion of odours, ^and in the colours produced by chemical solutions, &c. These, and other considerations, lead us to conclude that the division of matter is carried to a degree of minuteness far exceeding the bounds of our comprehension ; and it seems not unreasonable to suppose, that this capability of division is without limit, or as it is usually expressed, ad infinitum . That any portion of extension is divisible into parts which become less and less without end, may easily be perceived, by a moment’s consideration of the following figure. Suppose the line AB is to be divided into as minute parts as possible. It will soon be perceived, that if the line A C be extended indefinitely, and that an unli- mited number of points, as E, F, G, &c. may be taken in it ; and if straight lines be drawn from these points to the point D, the line A B will be divided into an inde- finite number of parts. Hence it appears that the division of the line A B may be continued ad infinitum. Gravity is the tendency which all bodies have to the centre of the earth. That all bodies have this tendency expe- rience convinces us ; for we see that when a body is supported, its pressure is exerted in that direction ; and when every impe- diment is removed, it always descends in that direction. The weight of a body is its tendency to the earth, compared with the like tendency of some other body, which is considered as a standard. The weight of a given body may, therefore, be employed to measure the weights of all other bodies. From these definitions it appears, that gravity must be distinguished from weight ; for the force of gravity is the same in all bodies ; that is, all bodies have an equal tendency to the earth, and would fall at the same rate to the ground were the resistance of the air removed ; but it is well known that the weight of all bodies are not the same. As gravity is a property belonging to every particle of matter, however minute, the weight of a body is the sum of the gravities of all its particles ; or it is the product of all its particles, multiplied by a single particle. Inactivity may be consi- dered in two lights : 1st. As an inability in matter to change its state, whether it be at rest or in motion. 2d. As that quality by which it resists any such change. In this latter sense it is usually called the force of inactivity , the inertia, or the vis inertice. That a body resists any change in its state of rest, or uniform rectilinear motion, is known from constant experience. We cannot move the least particle of matter without some exertion ; nor can we destroy any motion without perceiving some re- sistance.* Thus we see, in general, that inertia is a property inherent in all bodies with which we are acquainted ; different indeed in different cases, but existing, in a greater or less degree, in all. These properties, which are always found to exist together in the same sub- stance, have sometimes been said to be essential to matter. Whether they are or are not necessarily united in the same sub- stance, it is impossible to decide, nor does it concern ns to inquire. Our business is not to find out what might have been the constitution of nature, but to examine what it is in fact, and to account for the pheno- mena, or appearances, which fall under our observation, from those properties of * This resistance is quite distinct from, and inde- pendent of , gravity ; because it is perceived where gravity produces no effect : as when a: wheel is turned round its- axis, or a body moved along a horizontal plane. THE ARTISAN. 8 matter which we know by experience that it possesses. The density of a body is measured by the quantity of matter it contains in a given bulk; and the quantity of matter in any body is always proportional to its weight. That is, a body which is double the weight of another body contains double the quan- tity of matter. The specific gravity of a body is the weight of a given bulk of it, compared with an equal bulk of another body, which is assumed as a standard of comparison.— Water has been generally assumed as this standard ; hence it is said that the specific gravity of gold is 19, which signifies that any given bulk of gold is as many times the weight of an equal bulk of water. By motion we understand the act of a body constantly changing its place ; and is generally considered of two kinds, absolute and relative. A body is said to be in absolute motion, when it is actually transferred from one place to another ; and to be relatively in motion , when its situation is changing with respect to the bodies around it. These two kinds of motion often coin- cide ; as for example, when a person walks from any given place to another, he changes his place both absolutely and relatively with respect to the first place ; but if another person walks by his side all the time, he has no relative motion with respect to him. When a body passes over equal parts of space, in equal portions of time, its motion is said to be uniform. When its motion continually increases, it is said to be acce- lerated ; and when it continually decreases, to be retarded. If it increases or decreases uniformly, it is said to be equally accele- rated, or retarded. When a body falls from any considerable height, its motion is uniformly accelerated, or its velocity increases proportionally to the time ; but if a body be projected directly upwards, its motion will be uniformly re- tarded, or its velocity will decrease pro- portionally to the time it has been in motion. In measuring the velocity of bodies, it is necessary to take a certain portion of time as the unit, or standard, to which all other portions of time may be referred. The unit generally employed for this purpose is one second. The space passed over in any time, by a body moving with a uniform velocity, is obtained by multiplying the time by the Telocity ; that is, by multiplying the space passed over in one second by the number of seconds that the body has been in mo- tion. Hence, if any two of these three things, viz. the time, velocity, and the space passed over, be known, the third is easily obtained : for the velocity is equal to the space passed over divided by. the time that the body has been in motion ; and the time is equal to the space divided by the velocity. The time is here supposed to be expressed in seconds, the velocity in some known measure of length, and the space in the same kind of measure. If two bodies move uniformly on the same line in opposite directions, their rela- tive velocity is equal to the sum of their absolute velocities ; but when they move in the same direction, their relative velocity is eqnal to the difference of their absolute velocities. Thus, if two vessels saii from the same port, the one steering straight north, at the rate of ten miles per hour, and the other straight south, at the rate of six; miles per hour, their relative velocity is sixteen miles per hour; that is, they are moving from each other at the rate of six- teen miles per hour. But if both vessels were to sail in the same direction, their relative velocity would be four miles per hour ; that is, the one would gain four miles per hour upon the other. niTBIkOSTATSCS. The science which applies the principles of Dynamics (see page 6.) to fluid bodies, is called Hydrodynamics, and is divided into four parts, according as fluids are in- compressible or elastic , and according as their equilibrium or their motion is con- sidered. * When fluids are incompressible like water, the science which explains their equilibrium is called Hydrostatics, and that which explains the laws of their motion *js called Hydraulics. When they are compressible and elastic, like air, the science which treats of the laws of their equilibrium is called Aerostatics , and that which treats of their motion Pneumatics. The surface of every fluid, when at rest, is horizontal, or level ; but if it be per- mitted to flow freely from one vessel to another, it will never be at rest till it be the lowest possible. If a communication, by means of a tube or pipe, either straight or crooked, be made between the water in one vessel and that in another, the surfaces of both will come to be at the same level before the water is at rest ; and if there is not water * A fluid is a body so constituted as to yield to any degree of pressure, however small, in any direction. THE ARTISAN. 9 sufficient to bring both to a level, the whole will be accumulated in the lowest. This singular fact is easily proved, by procur- ing a vessel of the following form, and A B C pouring water into it, either by the large aperture A, or the small one B ; for the water will, in both cases, stand at the same level in each of the tubes ; and this will be the case, however small the one be in proportion to the other. The same thing would take place, if the small tube were made longer and inclined, like the one C. This shows that a small quantity of water may be made to balance a very large quantity. If the liquid in any vessel be perfectly at rest, the pressure on the bottom and sides of the vessel is equal to the weight of a vertical column of the liquid having the same base as the vessel, and reaching to the surface of the water ; that is, having its altitude equal to the perpendicular depth of the water. Hence, the pressure on any part of the bottom or sides of a ves- sel, depends entirely on the depth of the liquid at that part, and not at all on the extent of the liquid in a horizontal direc- tion. If the figure of a vessel be as is here represented, the pressure on every point of the bottom is the same as if it were filled with liquid every where to the height of the line, F, E, G. It is, therefore, evident that the pressure of a liquid on the bottom of a vessel may be very great, while the weight of the liquid is very small ; it is also evident, that the addition of a small quantity of water, in the neck or tube H E, may increase the pressure on the bottom, CD, in a very great proportion. This is called the Hy- drostatic Paradox: and it certainly does appear incredible, although the fact is be- yond dispute, that all vessels, whatever their shape or size may be, having equal heights, and equal areas of bottom, sustain equal pressure on their bottoms, when filled with water, even though the quantity in each should be very different. When a body is immersed in a fluid, it is pressed upwards by a force equal to the weight of the fluid which it displaces, and the direction of that force passes through the centre of gravity of the part immersed. This holds good, whether the body sink in the fluid or float on its surface : when it floats, the weight of the fluid displaced is equal to the weight of the body. The difference between the absolute weight of a body, and its weight when entirely immersed in a fluid, is the same with the weight of a quantity of the fluid equal in bulk to the body. Hence, the specific gravities of bodies are found by weighing them, first in air, and then in water, by means of an instru- ment called the Hydrostatic Balance, which so nearly resembles a common balance, that it is quite unnecessary to give any repre- sentation of it here. The method of deter- mining the specific gravity of any sub- stance by this instrument is exceedingly simple. Suppose it were required to determine the specific gravity of a body so light as not to sink in water, by means of the Hy- drostatic Balance. Weigh the body first in aif, and then by a slender thread attach to it a heavier body, that the two together may sink in water, the weight of the heavier body being previ- ously ascertained, both in air and water. Let the compound body thus formed be weighed in water; then, from the weight lost by it, subtract the weight lost by the heavier body, when weighed alone ; the remainder is the weight lost by the lighter body : by which, its weight in air being divided, will give its specific gravity. If it were required to determine the specific gravity of a body heavier than water, the process is still more simple : for it is only to weigh the body first in air, and then in water, and to divide its weight in air by the weight it has lost when weighed in water, — the quotient is its specific gravity. An example in each of these cases will render the method of determining the speci- fic gravity of any substance quite plain. Suppose a, piece of elm wood to weigh 10 THE ARTISAN. 15 grains in air, and that a piece of copper, weighing 18 grains in air, when attached to the wood, is just sufficient to sink it. The sum of these weights, or the weight of the compound, is SB grains. Now, sup- pose the weight of the copper alone, when weighed in water, to be 16 grains, and the weight of the compound 6 grains. The loss of the compound is therefore 27 grains; from which the 2 grains, lost by the copper, being subtracted leaves 25 grains ; now the weight of the wood, in air (15 grains), being divided by this number, quotes '6, or 3-fifths for the specific gravity of the elm. Let it now be required to determine the specific gravity of a substance which sinks in water. Suppose a piece of gold weighs 130 grains in air, but in water only 123 grains, the difference of these weights, or the weight lost in water is 7 grains. Now the weight in air, or 130 grains divided by 7, quotes 18 and 4-sevenths, the specific gra- vity of the gold, in this instance. * If the same body be weighed in two different fluids, such as oil and water, the weights lost will be to one ano- ther as the specific gravities of the flu- ids ; that is, the lighter the fluid is, in which any body is weighed, the greater will be the difference between the weight of the body weighed in air and in that fluid. The knowledge of this circumstance affords the means of comparing the speci- fic gravities of different fluids with eacjx other. Thus : suppose a piece of copper lost 4 grains by weighing it in water, and 3| in spirits ; required the specific gravity of the spirits, that of water being considered 1000;? As 4 ; 3| : : 1000 : *875, the specific gravity of the spirits. The specific gravities of different fluids may also be found, by weighing equal bulks of them. If a body float on different fluids, the bulks of the part immersed will be the greater, the lighter the fluid is in which it is immersed ; because a light fluid is less able to support it than a heavy fluid. It is on this principle that the Hydrometer, Aerometer, &c. are constructed, t In the foregoing directions, for determin- ing the specific gravity of any body, no notice has been taken of the weight of the * As Tables of the specific gravities of bodies are of great use, a very extensive and accurate Table of this kind will be given in a future Number of the “ Artisan.” t The Hydrometer is an instrument used for ascer- taining the specific gravities of liquids, and the Aerometer for . ascertaining the specific gravity of air. These instruments will be described in a future Number. air ; because the weight of a body, when weighed in vacuo, or in a vessel from which the air lias been extracted, and when weighed in air will be so nearly equal, that the difference is scarcely deserving of notice. PNEUMATICS. That branch of Natural Philosophy which treats of the nature, properties, and effect of the atmosphere, or body of aii encom- passing the earth, is called Pneumatics, from the Greek word for wind or breath. The air is that thin transparent fluid in which we live and move. It encompasses the whole earth to a considerable height, and together with the clouds and vapours which float in it, is called the atmosphere. The air is justly reckoned among the num- ber of fluids, because it has all the proper- ties by which a fluid is distinguished ; for it yields to the least pressure, its parts are easily moved among themselves, it presses according to its perpendicular altitude, and its pressure is every where equal. The air differs from all other fluids in the three following particulars : — 1st. It can be compressed into much less space than it naturally occupies, which no other fluid can be, except the gasses, which will be treated of under the head of Chemistry. 2d. It cannot be congealed or fixed like other fluids. 3d. It is of a different den- sity at different heights from the earth’s surface, decreasing the higher it rises ; for each stratum is compressed only by the weight of those above it ; the upper strata are therefore less compressed, and of course less dense, than those below them. That the air is a real substance, or body, is evident, from its excluding all other bo- dies from the space which it occupies. : for if a glass jar be plunged into a, vessel of water, with its mouth downwards, very little water will get into the jar, the air in it keeping the water out. As the air is a real substance, it must necessarily have weight ; and that this is the case, is easily demonstrated by experi- ment. For if the air be extracted from a vessel by means of the air pump, and the vessel afterwards weighed, it will be con- siderably lighter than it was before the air was extracted; or which amounts to the same thing, it will be considerably heavier after the air is again let into it. Thus a bottle that contains a wine quart will be found to be 18 grains heavier when full of air, than when the air is extracted from it. The weight of the air is also known by the Torricellian experiment, or that of the THE ARTISAN. 11 . barometer. For the air presses on the orifice of the invented tube with a force just equal to the weight of the column of mercury sustained by it. The pressure or weight of the atmos- phere is about 14 pounds on every square inch of the earth’s surface. Hence the total pressure on the whole convex surface of the earth is 10,686,000,000,090,000,000 pounds. The air being of an elastic or springy nature, it is plain that it must be more dense or pressed at the earth’s surface than at any .considerable height above it ; and that the greater the height the less must be the density. The law by which the density and elasticity diminish has been determined by several philosophers, and may be stated thus : if altitudes be taken from the earth’s surface in arithme- tical progression, the densities of the strata of air will decrease in geometrical pro- gression. For example, at 3§ miles height the density or weight of the air will be only half what if is at the earth’s surface ; at 7 miles height, one-fourth of the den- sity ; at 10| miles, one-eighth of the den- sity; at 14 miles, one-sixteenth part of the density, and so on. From the effect of this law it is easy to perceive that a small quantity of air, a cubic inch, for example, at the earth’s surface, would be so much rarefied at the altitude of 500 miles, as to occupy a most extraordi- nary space. It must also be evident that no person could breathe or live for a mo- ment at so small a height as 20 miles, or even at the top of some of the mountains on the earth, none of which exceed five miles in height. When the end of a tube, or pipe, is im- mersed in water, and the air extracted from the tube, the water will rise in it to the height of about 33 feet above the sur- face of the water in which it is immersed, but will rise no higher ; and this is the greatest height to which water can be raised above the surface of a well by the common pump : therefore, unless the piston or bucket goes within 33 feet of the sur- face of the water in a well, it will never rise above the piston. Now as it is the pressure of the atmosphere on the surface of the water in the well which causes the water to ascend in the pump, and follow the piston or bucket when the air above it is lifted up, it is evident that a column of water 33 feet high is equal in weight to a column of quicksilver of the same base, 29 1 inches high, and to a column of air having the same base, and reaching to the top of the atmosphere. In calm serene weather the air is capa- ble of supporting a column of quicksilver 31 inches high ; but- in rainy or stormy weather often not above 28 inches. Hence the rising and falling of the quicksilver in the tube of a'barometer is an excellent indi- cator of the changes which take place in the weight of the atmosphere. In all that has been said of the weight of the air, its temperature is supposed to remain unchanged; but it is well known that this is not the case for any length of time, and that its density is very much diminished by heat. The temperature of the air diminishes on ascending into the atmosphere, both on account of the greater distance from the earth, the principal source of its heat, and the greater power of absorbing heat, which air acquires by being less compressed. The heat, however, appears not to de- crease in the same ratio that the distance increases. That is, the temperature at any particular height from the earth is not double what it is at twice that height. M. de Saussure found, that by ascending from Geneva to Chamouni, a height of 347 toises, or about 2220 feet, Fahrenheit’s thermometer fell 9| degrees ; and that on ascending from thence to the top of Mont Blanc, 1941 toises more, or about 12,500 feet, it fell 46§ degrees. The first of these gives a diminution of 1 degree for 221 feet f and the second 1 degree for 268 feet. However, it may be inferred that the de- crease of temperature, for the greatest heights which we can reach, is not far from uniform ; and the average in our cli- mate may be taken at 1 degree for 90 yprds, or 270 feet of perpendicular height. But philosophers are not agreed respecting the rate at which the heat of the atmosphere diminishes in ascending from the earth’s surface. La Grange thinks that the hypo- thesis of a uniform decrease of heat is the most conformable to appearances ; while Euler considers a harmonical progression as the most probable. ©fTICS. Optics is divided into two parts : — 1. Catoptrics , which treats of vision by reflection. 2. Dioptrics, which treats of direct vision. Some philosophers regard light as con- sisting of particles of inconceivable minute- ness, flowing from some luminous body, in straight lines in all directions. Others conceive that it consists in cer- tain undulations, or waves, communicated by luminous bodies to an etherial fluid which fills all space. With these specula- tions, Optics has no more to do than Astronomy has with speculations concern- ing the nature of gravitation. That the rays of light move in straight lines is proved beyond the possibility of doubt, from the fact that no body can be 12 THE ARTISAN. seen through the bore of a bended tube or pipe, where there is nothing to refract or turn them out of their rectilineal course. When the rays of light fall upon the surface of bodies, they are in part reflected, from those surfaces, and in part imbibed by them, or pass through them. The rays that are reflected always return or pass off from those surfaces at an angle equal to that at which they fell upon them ; which is usually expressed by saying that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. This will be eastly understood by a mo- ment’s observation of the following figure. If A B be supposed to be the surface of a plain mirror, DC a ray of light falling on it at C, then will the ray DC be re- flected in the direction CF, making the angle D C E (called the angle of incidence ), equal to the angle E C F, or angle of re- flection. It has already been stated that the rays of light pass from luminous bodies in straight lines ; but they continue only in this direction while the medium in which they are moving remains of the same den- sity ; but when they pass obliquely out of •ne medium into another of a different den- sity, whether denser or rarer, they are refracted towards the denser medium : and this refraction is the greater the more obliquely the rays fall on the refracting surface.* This is very easily proved by experiment in the following manner : which permits the rays of light to pass through it, such as air, water, glass, &c. Words which have once been explained in any part of this work, will uot again be explained in any other part. Let the vessel A B C D be placed in any situation where the sun shines obliquely upon it in the direction EF, and let the rays enter it at the top of the side A D, they will fall on the bottom at F. Let the vessel now be filled with water, and the rays EA will not proceed through the water to F as before, but will be turned downward in the direction A G, which is therefore termed the refracted ray ; the angle DAG is also called the angle of refraction ; and the angle D A F the angle of incidence. These angles bear the same proportion to each other as the straight lines I and L, which are called the sines of these angles ; and are to each other as 3 to 4 nearly in water, 2 to 3 in glass, and 2 to 5 in diamond. If a stick be laid over the above vessel, and the rays be refracted by means of a glass so as to fall upon it perpendicularly, the shadow of the stick will fall upon the same part of the bottom when the vessel is full of water, as when it is empty ; which shews that the rays of light are not re- fracted when they fall perpendicularly on the surface of any medium. Another very amusing method of proving that the rays of light are refracted in passing out of air into water is the follow- ing : — Place a piece of money in a cup or basin, and let a person stand at such a dis- tance from it as barely not to see the mo- ney ; then fill the basin with water, and the money will appear to be raised up to a considerable height in the basin, and be- come distinctly visible to the person who could not perceive it before the water was poured into the basin. In consequence of the atmosphere being much denser at the surface of the earth than at considerable altitudes, (see Pneu- matics) the rays of light which proceed from any celestial body are refracted from their rectilineal course, and enter the eye in a direction somewhat different from that in which the object really is. This refrac- tive power of the atmosphere has the effect of making all the heavenly bodies appear higher than they really are. Hence the moon has been seen eclipsed when she was actually under the horizon of the place. This is also the cause of twilight ; and of the light of the sun being seen, in high latitudes, when he is several degrees below the horizon. Rays of light are usually divided into three kinds ; namely, parallel, converging and diverging rays. Parallel rays are such as keep always at the same distance in passing from a luminous body to any other body, such as the rays of the sun, or any body at an immense distance. Converging rays are such as approach nearer to each other in their progress. Diverging rays THE ARTISAN. HI are such as recede or separate from each other as they proceed from any luminous body. That point where the rays are con- densed or collected is called the focus, or burning point. Glasses, for optical purposes, are ground into eight different forms, which are all exhibited in the following figure : — A. B C T> E 1. The one marked A is a plane glass , which is flat on both sides, and of equal thickness in all parts. 2. A plano-convex is flat on one side, and convex or raised on the other, as B. 3. A double-convex, is convex on both sides, as C. 4. A plano-concave , is flat on one side, and concave or hollow on the other, as D. 5. A double-concave, is concave on both sides, as E. 6. A meniscus, is concave on one side, and convex on the other, as F. 7. A flat plano-convex, is plane on one side, and its convex side is ground into several little flat surfaces, as G. 8. A prism has three flat sides, and when viewed endwise, appears like an equilateral triangle, as H. Glasses ground in any of the shapes B, C, D, E, F, are generally called lenses. A right line going perpendicularly through the middle of a lens, as L I, is called the axis of the lens. When a ray of light falls perpendicularly on a plane glass, it passes through the glass without changing its direction. If a ray fall obliquely upon a plane glass, it will be refracted on entering the glass ; but on passing out of the glass it will then proceed in the original direction, but not in the same right line ; that is, it will proceed in a line parallel to the one in which it moved previous to entering the glass. This change proceeds from the refraction occasioned by the glass. CHEMISTRY, HISTORY OF CHEMISTRY. Chemistry, considered as an Art, is of the earliest origin ; but, considered as a Sci- ence, it may be said to be of very modem date. The method of kind ling fires, baking bread , moulding clays into various forms, extracting metals from their ores and work- ing them into different shapes, as well as several other chemical processes, were certainly known to the Antediluvians. Tubal Cain, who is mentioned in Scrip- ture, and whom the Pagans made their Vulcan, is the first person on record who knew any thing of this art. It is said, “ he was a worker in Iron and Brass:” he must, therefore, have known something of Chemistry before he could have extracted metals from their ores, and rendered them malleable. It appears that, soon after the Deluge, the family of Ham made great progress in the Art. For the Egyptians, whose coun- try is called Ham in Scripture, and who are said to be the descendants of Ham , applied themselves very much to this branch of study, and made many discove- ries ; such as Embalming the bodies of the dead, making Vases , fabricating a kind of Nitre, making common Salt, and even Wine ; and, it is said, they knew the art of distillation. It was in Egypt that the famous Hermes Trismegistus lived, who has been regarded by many heathen nations as the inventor of all the arts. He is said to be the Author of all the learning of the Egyptians, and be- lieved by many to have been Chanaan, son of Ham, or Abraham, or Joseph. From this person the Science of Chemis- try derived the name of the hermetical Art ; a name which it was long known by, and is often called so in old books. It was in Egypt that Moses learned the properties of Metals, the method of ex- tracting Oils, the preparation of Gums and Perfumes, the solution of Gold, the dying of Linen, the art of Gilding, the making of Pottery, Soap, & c. The Ph(enicians were the first who applied themselves to the examination of the chemical effects of different bodies upon each other ; and it is said the Grecians derived their arts which depend on che- mical principles from the Phienicians. The Romans being mostly engaged in war, were not distinguished among the ancient nations for discoveries in the art or inventors in science. They, however, understood the art of making excellent Wines and Spirits, and knew the appli- cation of manures; and the remains of their works of Architecture evince the incomparable perfection of their Cement. But all the Arts , Sciences , and Lite - 14 THE ARTISAN. rature, of the Greeks and Romans, were destined to sink into oblivion. Hosts of bar- barian conquerors descended upon them from the North, and completely destroyed the principles of civilization, and gave a death-blow both to science and literature. Driven as it were from Europe, the arts obtained an asylum among the Arabians. The attachment of this nation to magic, and their predilection for the marvellous, soon increased the mysteries in which the arts were then involved ; hence Alchymy, or the art of transmuting the various metals into gold, took its rise. This happened about the beginning of the fourth century. As this delusive dream of the imagination held out a bait to' avarice, it soon acquired a numerous train of followers. Those who professed this Art , gradually assumed the form of a Sect, under the name of Alchymists ; a term which is sup- posed to be merely the word Chemist with the Arabian article al prefixed. The Alchymists laid it down as a first principle, that all metals are composed of the same ingredients ; or, that the princi- ples (at least) which compose gold exist in all metals , and were capable of being brought to a perfect state by purification. The substance which possessed this wonderful property, they called lapis phi- losophorum, or the “ Philosopher’s Stone and many of them boasted that they were in possession of that grand instrument. The fortunate few who were acquainted with the philosopher’s stone, called them- selves adepti, or adepts ; that is, persons who had got possession of the secret. This secret, they pretended, they were not at liberty to disclose, and that ven- geance would fall on the man’s head who should venture to publish it. In consequence of these notions, the Alchymists kept themselves as private as possible ; and concealed with the greatest care, their opinions , their knowledge, and their pursuits. The 'Alchymists seem to have been established in the West of Europe as early as the ninth century. Between the eleventh and fifteenth cen- turies , Alchymy was in its most flourishing state. The writers who' appeared during that period were very numerous ; but their books are altogether unintelligible, and bear a stronger resemblance to the reveries of madmen, than to the sober investigations of philosophers. The principal Alchymists who flourished during the dark ages were Albertus Mag- nus, Roger* Bacon, Raymond Lully, and the two Isaacs of Holland. It was against this sect that' Erasmus directed his well- known Satire, entitled the Alchymist. Chemists had for many ages hinted at the importance of discovering a universal remedy for all diseases, and several of them had asserted that this remedy was to be found in the philosopher’s stone. This notion gradually gained ground ; and the word Chemistry, in consequence, at length, acquired a more extensive signification, and implied, not only the art of making gold, but also of preparing the universal Medicine. The first person who formally applied Chemistry to medicine, was Basil Valentine, who was said to be borne in 1394, at Erfurd, in Germany. Just about the time that the first of these branches was sinking into discredit, the second, and with it the study of Che- mistry , acquired an unparalleled degree of celebrity, and attracted the attention of all Europe. This was owing to the appear- ance of Theophrastus Paracelsus, who was born in 1493, near Zurich, in Switzerland, and was, in the thirty- fourth year of his age, appointed to read lectures on Chemis- try in the city of Basil. He was the first professor of Chemistry in Europe. Van Helmont, who was born in 1577, is considered as the last of the Alcyhmists. His death completed both the disgrace of the philosopher’s stone and the universal medi- cine. The foundation of the alchymical sys- tem being thus shaken, the facts which had been collected soon became a mere chaos, and Chemistry was left without any fixed principles, and destitute of any object. But, fortunately, about this time, arose a person completely acquainted with the whole of these facts, and rescued this branch of science from the oblivion into which it would soon have fallen. This person was the celebrated Beecher. He accomplished the arduous task in a work entitled Pigysica Subterranea, published at Frankfort in 1669. The publication of this book forms a very important aera in the history of Chemistry, as it contains the rudiments of the science as taught at the present day. After the death of Beecher, Ernest Stahl, the editor of the Physica Subterranea, adopted and taught the theory of his master : but he simplified and im- proved it so much, that he made it entirely his own : and accordingly it has been known ever since by the name of the Stahlian Theory , Ever since the days of Stahl, Chemistry, has been cultivated with ardour in Ger- many and the North of Europe. The most celebrated men which these countries have produced are, Margraf, Bergman, Slieel, and Klaproth. In France, soon after the establishment of the Academy of Sciences in 1666, Hom- berg, Geoffrey, and Lemery, acquired great celebrity by their chemical experiments and discoveries. From that time Chemistry became the THE ARTISAN. 15 fashionable study in France, and men of eminence appeared every where; disco- veries multiplied ; the spirit for chemical research pervaded the whole of that king- dom, and extended itself over the continent of Europe. After the death of Boyle, and some of the other early members of the Royal Society of London, little attention was paid to Chemistry in Britain, except by a few individuals. But when Dr. Cul- len was appointed Professor of Chemistry in the University of Edinburgh, in 1T56, he kindled a flame of enthusiasm among the students, which soon spread through the kingdom ; and, after this, soon followed the important discoveries of Dr. Black , Cavendash, and Priestly, which, joined to the discoveries made in France, Germany, and Sweden, made the science of Chemistry burst forth at once with unexampled lustre. Hence, the rapid progress it has made dur- ing the last thirty years ; the universal attention which it has excited, and the un- expected light it has thrown on almost every useful art. Having thus given a .short but compre- hensive view of the history of Chemistry down to our own times, we shall conclude this article by taking a retrospective view of some of the most distinguished theories of the ancients, the various modifications which they have undergone at different times, and the steps by which chemists have been led to the opinions which they hold at present. It seems to have been an opinion estab- lished among the most ancient philoso- phers, that there are only four simple bodies, out of which all others are formed, or to which all others may be reduced; viz. fire, air , water, and earth. To these they gave the name of Elements. This opinion variously modified was maintained by all the ancient philosophers. It is, however, well known now that all these supposed elements are compounds if we except fire. Air is a compound of oxygen and nitro- gen ; water, of oxygen and hydrogen ; and earth, of many different substances. The doctrine of the four elements seems to have continued undisputed till the time of the Alchymists. This class of men having made them- selves much better acquainted with the analysis of bodies than the ancient philo- sophers were, soon perceived that the common doctrine was insufficient to ex- plain all the appearances which were familiar to them. They therefore substi- tuted a theory of their own in its place. According to them there are three elements of which all bodies are composed ; namely, salt, sulphur , and mercury , which they dis- tinguished by the appellation of the tria prima. These principles were adopted by succeeding writers, particularly by Para- celsus, who added two more to their num- ber, namely, phlegm and caput mortuum. It is not easy to say what the alchymists meant by salt, sulphur, and mercury ; it is probable they had affixed no precise mean- ing to the words. Every thing fixed in the fire (i.e.) on which the fire had little or no effect, they called salt ; every inflammable substance they called sulphur ; and every substance which flies off without burning was mer- cury. Accordingly they tell us, that all bodies may be decomposed by fire, into these three principles; the salt remains behind fixed, the sulphur takes fire, and the mercury flies off in the form of smoke. The phlegm and caput mortuum of Para- celsus were the water and earth of the ancient philosophers. Mr. Boyle attacked this hypothesis in his Sceptical Chemist , and in several other of his publications, and proved that the Chemists comprehended under each of the terms salt, sulphur, mercury, phlegm, and earth, substances possessed of very different properties ; and that these prin- ciples themselves are not elements but compounds. Mr. Boyle’s refutation was so complete, that the hypothesis of the tria prima seems to have been almost immediately aban- doned by all parties. About this time a very different hypothesis was proposed by Beecher, in his Pysica Subterranea, which has been already mentioned. To this hypothesis we are indebted for the present state of the science, because he first pointed out chemical analysis, as the true method of ascertaining the elements of bodies. According to him all terrestrial bodies are composed of water, air, and three earths ; viz. the fusible, the inflammable, or sulphurous earth, and the mercurial. The different combinations of these, with a universal acid (which he believed to be composed of fusible earth and water), com- posed all the different substances which are to be met with in nature. Stahl modified the theory of Beecher considerably. He seems to have admitted the universal acid as an element ; the mer- curial earth he at last discarded altogether, and to the sulphurous earth he sometimes gave the name of ether. Earths he considered as of different kinds, but all of them as containing a cer- tain element called earth. So that accord- ing to him there are five elements ; air, water, phlogiston, earth, and the universal acid. He speaks too of heat and light; but it is not clear what his opinion was respecting them. Stahl’s theory was gradually modified by succeeding chemists. The universal acid was tacitly discarded, and the different knoivn acids were con- 10 THE ARTISAN. side red as distinct, undscomposed, or philosopher, who lived 551 years B.C. has simple substances : the different earths recorded 36 eclipses ; but be this as it may, were distinguished from each other, and all the Chinese are allowed to have had a very the metalic calces were considered as dis- early knowledge of Astronomy, tinct substances. Some authors say it had its origin among For these important changes Chemistry the Chaldeans, others among the Hindoos, was chiefly indebted to Bergman. While and some, with more probability, among the French and German chemists were the Egyptians. Professor Playfair has occupied with theories about the universal given a learned and ingenious dissertation acid, that illustrious philosopher and im- on the Astronomy of the Brahmins, in the mortal friend of Bergman’s (Scheele of 2d volume of the Transactions of the Royal Sweden) loudly proclaimed the necessity Society of Edinburgh, in which he shews of considering every undecomposed body the great accuracy and high antiquity of as simple, till it has been decomposed, the science among them ; and he also shows and of distinguishing all those substances that it is extremely probable that the Hin~ from each other which possess distinct doos were among the first Astronomers in properties. the world. Thus the elements of Stahl were, in fact, banished from the science of Chemistry, and in place of them were substituted a great number of bodies, which were con- sidered as simple , because they had not been analyzed. These were phlogiston, acids, alkalies, earths, metalic calces, water, and oxygen. The rules established by Bergman and Scheele are still followed ; but subse- quent discoveries have shewn, that most of the bodies which they considered as simple , are really compounds ; while several of their compounds are now placed among simple bodies, because the doctrine of phlogiston (in which they believed) is now entirely abandoned. ASTRONOMY. HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY. No science in the world is of more value, or of higher antiquity, than Astronomy. Its antiquity may be learned from what was spoken by God himself at the creation of the world ; for He said — “ Let the sun and the moon be for signs and for sea- sons,” &c. By this it is thought the human race never existed without some knowledge of Astronomy among them. It is said by some Jewish Rabbins, that Adam was endowed with a knowledge of the nature, influence, and uses of the heavenly bodies; and Josephus ascribes to Seth and his posterity an extensive knowledge of Astronomy. It is supposed, by some writers, that Noah retired after the flood to the north- east part of Asia, where his descendants peopled the vast empire of China. “ This,” says Dr. Long, “ may account for the Chi- nese having so early cultivated the study of Astronomy.” But the vanity of the Chinese has prompted them to pretend to a knowledge of this science almost as early as the flood itself. To the emperor Hoang-ti, the grand-son of Noah, they attribute the discovery of the Pole star and the mariner’s compass. They also say, that Confucius, their great But Thales of Miletus is considered as the first person that propagated any truly scientific knowledge of Astronomy ; and it is said he acquired his knowledge of the subject in Egypt. Thales taught his countrymen the cause of the inequality of the days and nights ; explained to them the theory of eclipses, and the manner of predicting them ; and gave them an example of his art in an eclipse of the sun, which happened soon after: he was born about 640 years B. C. Anaxi- mander was a pupil of Thales, and suc- ceeded him as head of the school of Mile- tus. It is said he had some idea of the spherical shape of the earth; he is also said to have been the inventor of celestial globes, and of the orthographic projection of maps. He constructed a gnomon at Sparta, by which he ascertained the obli- quity of the ecliptic, with the solstices and equinoxes. Pythagoras was the next person who im- proved the science. He founded a school in Italy for that very purpose. Seconded by his earliest scholars, he clearly demon- strated the spherical shape of the earth, which Anaximander had only conjectured. Pythagoras taught that the sun was fixed in the centre of the planetary orbits, and that the earth moved round it with the other planets — the very system which is taught at this day. This opinion he com- municated only to his pupils in secret ; for being repugnant to the received opinions of that time, (and even appearances,) he did not wish to expose himself to the de- rision and persecution of ignorance and fanaticism, which would have been the inevitable consequence. For about 100 years after his time, Anaxagoras was con- demned to banishment for saying that the sun was a mass of fiery matter. The mea- suring of time being a principal object in Astronomy, many efforts were made by the ancients to determine accurately, and to compare with each other, the motions of the sun and moon, on which this measure universally depends. [To be continued .] THE ARTISAN. 17 t&EOMETSilr. POSTULATES.* A Postulate is a self-evident practical Proposition. The Postulates are, however, not to be so understood, as if Euclid required a practical dexterity in managing a ruler and pencil, or a pair of compasses. They are inserted at the beginning of the Ele- ments, that his readers may admit the pos- sibility of what he may hereafter require to be done. He therefore enumerates all the operations required in his future de- monstrations and problems, requiring their possibility to be acknowledged in order to avoid all future objections on this head. The Postulates are three in number ; viz. 1. Let it be granted that a straight line may be drawn from any one point to any other point. 2. That a terminated straight line may be produced to any length in a straight line. 3. That a circle may be described from any centre, at any distance from that centre. AXIOMS. An Axiom is a self-evident theoretical proposition, which neither admits of nor requires proof : it may require to be ex- plained in order to be made intelligible ; but as soon as understood, it should be what all immediately assent to. Axioms evidently depend, in the first instance, on particular observation, from whence the mind intuitively perceives their truth in general : like the postulates, after they have been once laid down and ac- knowledged, they are applied to the proof of the demonstrable propositions which follow in the Elements. The axioms laid down by Euclid are the following :» — 1. Things which are equal to the same thing, are equal to one another. 2. If equals be added to equals, the wholes are equal. 3. If equals be taken from equals the remainders are equal. 4. If Equals be added to unequals, the wholes are unequal. 5. If equals be taken from unequals, the remainders are unequal. 6. Things which are double of the same, are equal to one another. 7. Things which are halves of the same, are equal to one another. 8. Magnitudes which coincide with one another, that is, which exactly fill the same space, are equal to one another. # The word postulate literally means a petition, or request. VOL. I. 9. The whole is greater than its greatest part. 10. Two straight lines cannot enclose a space. 11. All right angles are equal to ona another. 12. If a straight line meets two straight lines, so as to make the two interior angles on the same side of it taken together less than two right angles, these straight lines being continually produced, shall at leng th meet upon that side on which are the angles which are less than two right angles. The first ten axioms are too plain to re- quire illustration ; the eleventh is what is usually called an identical proposition, for it amounts to no more than this, “ all right angles are right angles.” The 12th axiom is not properly an axiom, but a proposition which requires proof; therefore, if the reader does not fully com- prehend its import, he may substitute the following simple proposition in its stead. Two straight lines meeting in a point, are not both parallel to a third line. PROPOSITIONS. In a geometrical proposition, something is either proposed to be done , or some truth is to be demonstrated*. In the former case the proposition is called a Problem ; in the latter, it is a Theorem. Euclid, in his Elements, employs two methods of demonstrating his propositions; namely, direct and indirect. A direct demonstration is that which pro- ceeds from acknowledged truths, by a chain of successive inferences, the last of which is the thing to be proved. An indirect demonstration, or, as it is often termed, Reductio ad Absurdum, consists in assuming as true, a proposition which di- rectly contradicts the one which is intended to be p.roved; and by proceeding on this assumption, in the same manner as in the direct method, we at length deduce an in- ference which contradicts some self-evident or previously demonstrated truth ; the as- sumption is therefore absurd and false ; — consequently the proposition we intended to prove must be true, since two contrary propositions cannot be both true or both false at the same time. As the converse of some propositions are true, and of others not, it may be proper * A subordinate property included in a demon- stration, is sometimes stated in a detached torm, and is t en called a f.emma. An obvious consequence that results from a pro- position is called a Corollary . An excursive remark on the nature and applica- tion of a demonstrated proposition is called a Scholium. C THE ARTISAN. 18 to inform the reader that the converse of a proposition is not necessarily true, — there fore, when it is so, it requires demonstra- tion ; and accordingly Euclid demonstrates such as he has occasion for.* The con- verse of the 5th is true, and it is demon- strated to be so in the 6th. But the con- verse of the 8th proposition, for example, is not true. For though all triangles having their sides respectively equal, have their angles also equal; yet all triangles which have their angles equal have not their sides equal. It may also be of use to inform the stu- dent of Geometry, that every proposition consists of three distinct particulars ; viz. the Enunciation, the Construction, and the Demonstration . The enunciation declares in general terms what is intended to be done or proved. The construction teaches how to draw the necessary lines, circles, &c. and applies the enunciation to the figure thus constructed. The demonstra- tion is the chain of reasoning that follows, whereby what was enunciated is clearly and fully proved. { Before the demonstration of any propo- sition is attempted, the enunciation should be well understood, and even got by heart. The figure should then be constructed solely by the directions which immedi- ately follow the enunciation ; and the more accurately this is done, the better will it assist the recollection : compasses, &c. may be employed for this purpose, but they are not absolutely necessary, for the truth of any proposition does not in the least depend on the accuracy of the con- struction. Previous to beginning with the proposi- tions, of Euclid’s Elements, we may remark, for the information of those who are unac- quainted with that valuable work, that we shall endeavour to render these proposi- tions as simple as it is possible to make them ; but we must also remark, that there are many of these which it is impossible to render more simple ; and that there are certain principles or mathematical truths that do not admit of being rendered more clear or more intelligible than they appear by merely enunciating them. The greatest assistance we can give the student in this branch of science, will be found in the observations and notes upon the propositions to which they are sub- joined. * Converse and contrary propositions are not to be confounded, as is often done : the contrary pro- position is, when what is affirmed in the former proposition is denied in the latter. Thus the con- trary of proposition 5th is this, that the angles at the base of an isosceles triangle are not equai : now the converse of this proposition is demon- strated to be true in the 6th proposition. PROPOSITION I. Problem : — To describe an equilateral tri- angle upon a given straight line. Let A B be the given straight line ; it is required to describe an equilateral triangle upon it. From the centre A, at the distance A B, describe the circle BCE; and from the centre B, at the distance B A, describe the circle A C D; and from the point C, in which the circles cut one another, draw the straight lines C A, C B, to the points A and B ; A B C shall be an equilateral triangle.* Because the point A is the centre of the circle B C E, A C is equal to A B ; and because the point B is the centre of the circle A C D,B C is equal to B A. But it has been proved that C A is equal to A B ; therefore C A, C B, are each of them equal to A B : but things which are equal to the same are equal to one another ; therefore C A is equal to C B ; wherefore C A, A B, B C, are equal to one another; and the triangle A B C is therefore equilateral, — and it is described upon the given straight line A B, which was required to be done. PROPOSITION II. Problem : — From a given point to draw a straight line equal to a given straight line. Let A be the given point, and B C the given straight line; it is required to draw from the point A a straight line equal to B C. From the point A to B draw the straight line A B ; and upon it describe the equi- lateral triangle DAB, and produce the straight line DA, D B, to E and F ; from the centre B, at the distance B C, describe the circle C G H, and from the centre D, * It may be proper to remark, that in the follow- ing propositions a comma is often used for the word and, to prevent its repetition, as in most editions of Euclid. THE ARTISAN* 19 at the distance D G, describe the circle GKL, A L shall be equal to B C. Because the point B is the centre of the circle C G H, B C is equal to B G ; and because D is the centre of the circle GKL, X> L is equal to D G, and D A, D B, parts of them, are equal ; therefore the re- mainder A L is equal to the remainder B G. But it has been shown, that B C is equal to B G ; wherefore A L and B C are each of them equal to B G; and things that are equal to the same, are equal to one another ; therefore the straight line A L is equal to B C. Wherefore, from the given point A a straight line A L has been drawn equal to the given straight line B C. — Which was to be done. PROPOSITION III. Problem : — From the greater of two given straight lines to cut off a part equal to the less. Let A B and C be the less given straight lines, whereof A B is the greater. It is required to cut olf from A B, the greater, a part equal to C, the less. From the point A draw the straight line A D equal to C, and from the centre A, and at the distance A D, describe the circle DEF. DEF, A E is equal to A D ; but the straight line C is likewise equal to A D ; whence A E and C are each of them equal to A I) ; wherefore the straight line A E is equal to C, and from A B, the greater of the two straight lines, a part A E has been cut off equal to C, the less. Which was to be done. The three foregoing propositions may appear to some as very trifling — because any person who knows what a rule, and compasses are, can set off 1 a straight line of' a given length from a given point. But Euclid’s design is not solely to teach the practical delineation of figures, but to derive the possibility of doing so in idea from the postulates and axioms before laid down without regard to their being easy or difficult. If these propositions, simple as they are, be well understood, and readily de- monstrated by the student of geometry, it Will be the means of giving him a habit of strict and accurate reasoning, of strength- ening and enlarging the powers of his mind, and of enabling him to demonstrate, with ease and facility, the most difficult propositions in the Elements. PROPOSITION IV. Theorem. — If two triangles have two sides and the included angle of the one, equal to two sides and the included angle of the other, the triangles are equal in every respect. Let A B C, and D E F, be two triangles, which have the two sides, A B and A C, equal to the two sides D E and D F, each to each ; viz. A B to DE, and A C to D F ; and the angle BAC equal to the angle E D F, the base B C shall be equal to the baseEF; and the whole triangle ABC to the whole triangle DEF; and the other angles, to which the equal sides are oppo- site, shall be equal to each other ; viz. the angle A B C to the angle DEF, and the angle ACBtoDFE* A X> For if the triangle A B C be applied to D E F, so that the point A may be on D, and the straight line A B upon D E, the point B shall coincide with the point E ; because AB is equal to DE, and AB coinciding * As every triangle has three shies and three angles, each angle must have a side opposite to it, and each side an angle opposite to it. Thus, in the tri- angle ABC, the side A C is opposite to the angle at B ; ami the angle at C is opposite to the side A B. This, though simple, must be carefully attend- ed to, and if this is done, it will tend very much to render the demonstration of the next proposition more easily understood- c 2 THE ARTISAN. with DE, AC shall coincide with DF, because the angle BAC is equal to the angle EDF; wherefore the point C shall coincide with the point F, because the stright line A C is equal to D F : but the point B coincides with the point E; wherefore the base B C shall coincide with the base E F, because the point B co- inciding with E, and C with F, if the base BC does not coincide with EF, two straight lines would inclose a space; which is impossible, (see Ax. 10.) Therefore, as the base B C coincides with the base E F, the whole triangle ABC shall coincide with the whole triangle DEF, and be equal to it ; and the other angles of the one shall coincide with the remaining an- gles of the other, and be equal to them ; viz. the angle A B C to the angle DEF, and the angle A C B to D F E. Q. E. D.* This and the eighth are important pro- positions, for on them depends the whole doctrine of triangles ; they are both proved by superposition — a mode of demonstra- tion which has been objected to by some celebrated mathematicians ; not from any want of evidence, but because they consi- dered it not strictly geometrical, as it de- pends upon no postulate. PROPOSITION V. Theorem. — The angles at the base of an Isos- celes Triangle are equal to one another; and , if the equal sides be produced, the angles upon the other side of the base shall be equal. Let A B C be an isosceles triangle, of which the side A B is equal to A C, and let the straight lines A B and A C be pro- duced to D and E, the angle ABC shall be equal to the angle A C B, and the angle C B D to the angle BCE. A words quod erat demonstrandum , which was to He demonstrated. In B D take any point F, and make A G equal to A F, and join F C and G B. Because A F is equal to A G, and A B to A C, the two sides F A and A C are equal to the two sides G A and A B, each to each ; and they contain the angle FAG, which is common to the two triangles AFC and A G B ; therefore (by the 4th prop.) the base F C is equal to the base G B, and the whole triangle A F C to the whole triangle A G B ; and the remaining angles of the one to the remaining angles of the other, each to each, to which the equal sides are opposite ; viz. the angle A C F to the angle A B G, and the angle A F C to the angle A G B : and because the whole A F is equal to the whole A G, of which the parts A B and A C, are equal ; the remainder B F shall be equal to the re- mainder C G ; and F C was proved to be equal to G B ; therefore the two sides B F and F C are equal to the two C G and G B, each to each; and the angle B F C is equal to the angle CGB; therefore the triangles are equal (by prop. 4th), and the remain- ing angles of the one to the remaining an- gles of the other; viz. the angle F B C to G C B, and the angle B C F to CBG: and since it has been demonstrated that the whole angle A B G is equal to the whole AC F, and that the angles C B G and B CF, which are parts of these, are also equal ; the remaining angle ABC is therefore equal to the remaining angle A C B, which are the angles at the base of the triangle ABC: and it has also been proved, that the angle F B C is equal to the angle G C B, which are the angles upon the other side of the base. Q. E. D. Corollary. — From the demonstration of this proposition it is evident, that every equilateral triangle is also equiangular; that is, it has all its angles equal to each other. For all equilateral triangles are also lisosceles triangles; but all isosceles tri- angles are not equilateral ones ; therefore, when a triangle has only two of its sides equal, it has only two of its angles equal; but when it has all its sides equal it has also all its angles equal. The intricacy of this proposition, and its being placed near the beginning of the Elements, has procured it the name of the Pons Asinorum , or Bridge of Asses. The difficulty in the demonstration arises from proving the angles upon the other side of the base equal to each other THE ARTISAN. 21 'Ji MECHANICS. The quantity of motion, or, as it is often termed, the momentum of a body, is mea- sured by the velocity and quantity of mat- ter jointly; that is, the quantity of matter in any body, multiplied by its velocity, is considered as its momentum , at least in comparing the quantity of motion in one body with that in another. Thus, if the quantity of matter in one body be represented by the number 8, and its velocity by 3 ; and the quantity of mat- ter in another body by 6, and its velocity by 4, the momentum* or quantity of motion in each of these bodies is equal. For 8 multiplied by 3 is equal to 6 multiplied by 4. The cause of motion is denominated force, and a force is always measured by its effect ; that is, by the motion which it produces in a given time. Forces are often represented by lines, as well as by numbers . lines are employed when the motions which they produce are in any particular direction, with respect to another line. Forces have received different names according to the manner in which they act, as impact or percussion, gravity, pres- sure, &c. When a force produces its effect instan- taneously, it is said to be impulsive, or to act by impulse. When it acts incessantly, it is called constant , or a continued force. Constant forces are of two kinds, uni- ! orm and variable. A force is said to be uniform , when it always produces equal effects in equal successive portions of time ; and variable, when the effects produced in equal times are unequal. As the velocity of a body is sometimes estimated in a direction different from that in which it actually moves, we shall here shew how its place may be determined at any time, in a direction making any given angle with the one in which it is actually moving. Thus suppose a body to move along the line A C, and that when it has reached the point IJ, it is required to find its place in the line A E, which makes with A C a given angle. from the body, or point B, at right angles, to the line A E, that is, by letting fall a perpendicular from the point B upon the line A E. The velocity of a body moving in a given direction, is to its velocity estimated in any other direction, as radius to the cosine of the angle which the two directions make with one another : or the velocity of the body multiplied by the cosine of the angle which the directions make with each other, is the velocity of the body reduced to the direction of that line. And the space de- scribed by the body in its own path, multi- plied by the cosine of the angle, is the space described by the peipendicular in the other line. Hence, if the velocity of the body in its ow n path be uniform, it will be uniform when reduced to any other direction. As the performance of this operation re- quires a slight knowledge of trigonometry, we shall here illustrate it by an example. Suppose a body to move in the direction A C, with a velocity of 50 feet per second, and that its velocity is required in the di- rection A E,* which make with A C an an- gle of 30 degrees. The cosine of 30 de- grees is *866, which, multiplied by 50, is 43’3, the velocity per second in the direc- tion A E. Again, let the space passed over in the direction AC in any given time, be 500 feet, required the space passed over in the direction A E in the same time. Here *866 multiplied by 500, is 433, the number of feet passed over in the direction A E.f ON THE LAWS OF MOTION. 1st Law. If a body be at rest, it will con- tinue at rest ; and if in motion , it will continue to move uniformly forward in a right line , if it be not disturbed by the ac- tion of some external cause. The truth of this law is perfectly evi- dent, for if there be no action of another body, there can be nothing to determine it to move in one direction more than another when it is at rest ; and if it be in motion, it must continue to go on in the same di- rection, if there be nothing to turn it out of that direction. It is likewise impossible to change its velocity without some cause, for there is no tendency in matter itself either to in- crease or diminish any motion impressed upon it. I t The cosine here employed is the natural cosine of the angle, radius or the sine of 90 degrees being unity, or — 1. These are the sines generally alluded to in Works on Natural Philosophy; tables of na- tural sines are to be found in all the common works which contain mathematical tables. i The resistance which a body makes to any change in its state, whether at rest or in a state of rectilineal motion, is called the inertia , or vis in ertia, as has already been remarked, at page 7. The plural of this word is momenta. 22 THE ARTISAN. The causes which retard a body in motion are, collision, gravity, friction, and the resistance of the air ; and it will readily appear, by the following expe- riments, that when these causes are re- moved, or due allowance made for their known effects, we are necessarily led to infer the truth of tho law stated above. 1st. If a ball be thrown along a rough pavement, its motion, on account of the many obstacles it meets with, will be very irregular, and soon cease ; but if it be bowl- ed upon a smooth bowling green, its mo- tion will continue longer, and be more rectilineal : and if it be thrown along a smooth sheet of ice, it will preserve both its direction and its motion for a still longer time. In these cases the gravity, which acts in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the horizon, neither accelerates nor retards the motion ; the causes which produce the latter effect are collision, friction, and the air’s resistance ; and in proportion as the two former of these are lessened, the mo- tion becomes more nearly uniform and rectilineal. 2nd. When a wheel is accurately con- structed, and a rotatory motion about its axis communicated to it, if the axis, and the grooves in which it rests, be well po- lished, the motion will continue a consi- derable time ; if the axis be placed upon friction wheels, the motion will continue longer ; and if the apparatus be placed un- der the receiver of an air pump, and the air be exhausted, the motion will continue, without visible diminution, for a very long time. In these instances, gravity, which acts equally on opposite points of the wheel, neither accelerates nor retards the motion ; and the more care we take to remove the friction, and the resistance of the air, the less is the first motion diminished in a given time. From these, and similar experiments, we are led to conclude, that all bodies in mo- tion would uniformly persevere in that motion, were they not prevented by exter- nal impediments ; and that every increase or diminution of velocity, every deviation from the line of dirction, is to be attributed to the agency of such causes. It is in consequence of the tendency to persevere in rectilineal motion that a body revolving in a circle constantly endeavours to recede from the centre. The effort thus produced is called a centrifugal force; and as it arises from absolute motion only, whenever it is observed, we are convinced that the motion is real. In order to see the nature and origin of this force, suppose a body to describe the circle ABC; then, at any point A, it is moving in the direction of the line A D, and in this direction, by the first law of motion, it endeavours to proceed ; also, since every point D in the line is without the circle, this tendency to move on in the direction of the line, is a tendency to re- cede from the centre of motion ; and the body will actually fly off, unless it is pre- vented by an adequate force. The following experiment is given by Sir I. Newton, to shew the effect of the centrifugal force, and to prove that it al- ways accompanies an absolute circular motion. Let a bucket, partly filled with water, be suspended by a string, and turned round till the string is considerably twist- ed ; then let the string be suffered to un- twist itself, and thus communicate a circu- lar motion to the vessel. At first the water remains at rest, and its surface is smooth and undisturbed ; but as it gradually ac- quires the motion of the bucket, the sur- face grows concave towards the centre, and the water ascends up the sides, thus endeavouring to recede from the axis of motion ; and this effect is observed gradu- ally to increase with the absolute velocity of the water, till at length the water and the bucket are relatively at rest. When this is the case, let the bucket be suddenly stopped, and the absolute motion of the water will be gradually diminished by the friction of the vessel ; the concavity of the surface is also diminished by degrees, and at length* when the water is again at rest, the surface becomes plane. Thus we find, that the centrifugal force does not depend upon the relative, but upon the absolute motion, with which it always begins, in- creases, decreases, and disappears. 2nd Law. The change of motion is always proportioned to the force impressed, and takes place in the direction in which the force acts. In order to understand the meaning cut extent of this law of motion, it will be con- venient to distinguish it into two cases, THE ARTIS AN. and to point out such facts, under each head, as tend to establish its truth. 1st. The same force, acting freely for a given time, will always produce the same effect, in the direction in which it acts. Ex. 1. If a body, in one instance, fall perpendicularly through 16^ f ee t in a se- cond, and thus acquire a velocity which would carry it, uniformly, through 32£ feet in that time, it will always, under the same circumstances, acquire the same velocity. The effect is the same, whether the body begins to move from rest or not. 2d. If the force impressed be increased or diminished in any proportion, the mo- tion comnranicated will be increased or diminished in the same proportion. Ex.’ 2. If a body descend along an inclined plane, the length of which is twice as great as its height, the force which accelerates its motion is half as great as the force of gravity; and, allowing for the effect of friction, and the resistance of the air, the velocity generated in any time is half as great as it would have been, had the body fallen, for the same time, by the whole force of gravity. In estimating the effect of any force, two circumstances are to be attended to ; first, we mu st consider what force is actu- ally impressed ; for this alone can produce a change in the state of motion or qui- escence of a body. Thus, the effect of a stream upon the floats of a water-wheel is not produced by the whole force of the stream, but by that part of it which arises from the excess of the velocity of the wa- ter above that of the wheel ; and it is no - thing, if they move with equal velocities. Secondly, we must consider in what direc- tion the force acts ; and take that part of it, only, which lies in the direction in which we are estimating the effect. Thus, the force of the wind actually impressed upon the sails of a windmill, is not wholly employed in producing the circular mo- tion ; and therefore in calculating its effect, in this respect, we must determine what part of the whole force acts in the direc- tion of the motion. 3d Law. The action and re-action of bo- dies on one another are equal. When motion is communicated by colli- sion ’or impulse, the quantity of motion gained by the one body, in any direction, is just equal to that which is lost by the other in the same direction. When motion is communicated without apparent contact, as i» the case of gravi- tation, and what is ascribed 1o attraction or repulsion, the quantity of motion gained by the one body is just equal to that which is gained by the other, but in the opposite direction. The first of these propositions includes in it the first law of motion, and when so understood, properly expresses the inertia of body which has already been so fully explained as to require no additional re- marks in order to render it intelligible. The second proposition is only known to us by experience. The first may be illustrated as follows : If two bodies are equal, and have equal velocities, it is evident that there must be an equilibrium, when they meet, or strike against each other. If the one be double the other, and have half the velocity of that other, an equilibrium will also take place when they meet ; for the first may be divided into two parts, eqch of which would destroy half the velocity of the other; consequently the whole mo- tion of the second would thus be destroy- ed. Hence it has been inferred, that bo- dies that have equal quantities of motion, have equal forces, or equal powers to pro- duce motion. This may be very easily and satisfacto- rily proved, as follows : Take two equal and similar cylindrical pieces of wood, and from one of them let a small steel point project ; suspend them by equal strings, and let one of them de- scend through any arc of a circle, and im- pinge or strike upon the other at rest^ then by means of the steel point, the two bodies will move on together as one mass, and with a velocity equal to half the ve- locity of the body first put in motion. Thus the momentum, or quantity of motion, re- mains unaltered ; or, as much motion has been gained by the body struck, as has been lost by the body striking it. The expe- riment maybe varied by loading one of the bodies w ith lead, and observing the effect roduced when the weight of the one bo- y is any number of times that of the other. * But in making experiments to es- tablish this law of motion, allowance must be made for the resistance of the air ; and care must be taken to obtain a proper measure of the velocity, both before and after the bodies strike each other. The third law of motion is not confined to cases of actual impact; the effects of pressure and attraction, as already stated, are also equal, in opposite directions. ti/hen two bodies sustain each other, the pressures in opposite directions must be equal, otherwise motion w ould ensue ; and if . motion be produced by the excess of pressure on one side, the case coincides yvith that of impact, the effects qf w r hich have just been described- When one body attracts another, it is itself also equally attracted : and the mo- mentum communicated to the one, will also be communicated to the other in the opposite direction. A loadstone and a 24 THE ARTISAN. piece of iron, equal in weight, and floating upon similar and equal pieces of cork, approach each other with equal velocities, and therefore with equal momenta; and when they meet, or are kept asunder by any obstacle, they sustain each other by equal and opposite pressures. These laws are the simplest principles to which motion can be reduced, and upon them the whole theory depends. They are not, indeed, self-evident, nor do they ad- mit of accurate proof by experiment, on account of the great nicety required in ad- justing the instruments, and making the experiments ; and on account of the effects of friction, and the air’s resistance, which cannot entirely be removed. They are, however, constantly and invariably sug- gested to our senses, and they agree with experiment as far as experiment can go ; and the more accurately the experiments are made, and the greater care we take to remove all those impediments which tend to render the conclusions erroneous, the more nearly do the experiments coincide with the laws. COMPOSITION AND RESOLUTION OF FORCES. It has already been stated at page 21, that the momenta of bodies may either be represented by numbers or lines ; and that lines had the advantage of representing the direction, as well as the forces of the bodies in motion. Two forces are said to be represented by two lines, when the motions which they singly produce are in the directions of those lines, and proportional to them. Let a body A be acted on by two forces at the same instant, one of which acting alone, would cause it to move uniformly over A B in a given time ; and the other acting alone, would cause it to move over A C, at right angles to A B, in the same time ; then the body will describe the dia- gonal line A D, and at the end of the given time will have arrived at the point D ; For the motion of the body in the one of these directions, will not be changed by the force impelling it in the other. If the lines which each of two forces acting singly would have caused a body to describe in the same time, make any angle whatsoever with one another, the line which the body will describe in that tiittey when both the forces act on it at the same instant, is the diagonal of the parallelogram under the two first-mentioned lines * Let A B and A C represent two forces acting upon a body A , aDd let the motions be communicated to the body at the same instant ; and since A B and A C are the spaces described by the body in the same time, the line A D is equivalent to them both ; and therefore the body will be found, at the end of the given time, to have ar- rived at the point D, as in the former case. If two sides of a triangje, taken in order, represent the spaces over which two uni- form motions would separately carry a body in a given time ; when these motions are communicated at the same instant to the body, it will describe the third side uniformly in that time ; for every triangle is half a parallelogram, the opposite sides of which being equal to each other, the diagonal must divide it into two equal parts ; and it has been shown by the last figure, that when two forces act upon a body at the same time, with forces which Would cause it singly to describe lines making any angle with each other, that the line the body will actually describe in that time, is the diagonal of the parallelo- gram under these two lines ; but the dia- gonal is the third side of the triangle, therefore the truth of the proposition is manifest. In the same manner, if the lines D B, B C, C A, and A E, taken in order, repre- sent the spaces over w hich any uniform motions would, separately, carry a body in any given time, these motions, when communicated at the same instant, will cause the body to de- scribe the line D E, which completes the figure, in that time; and motion in this line will be uniform. * A force is said to be equal or equivalent to any number of forces, when it will singly produce the same effect that the others produce jointly. THE ARTISAN. HlTDllOSTATXCS. The following table exhibits the specific gravity of a great number of different sub- stances, and will be found as accurate as any table of the same extent which has yet been presented to the public. Distilled water, at the temperature of 55 degrees of Fahrenheit’s thermometer, is assumed as the standard of comparison. A cubical foot of water at this temperature weighs nearly 62| podnds avoirdupois, or 1000 avoirdupois ounces. Hence the specific gravity of water being assumed at 1000 in the table, the specific gravities of all the other bodies mentioned in the table will nearly express the real weight of a cubical foot of each, in avoirdupois ounces. Table of the Specific Gravities of Bodies. SOLIDS. Platinum 21,470 Gold 19,300 Iridium 18,060 Tungsten 17,400 Mercury 13,000 Palladium 11,800 Lead 11,350 W odanuxi » 11,470 Rhodium 10,650 Silver 10,450 Bismuth 9,880 Uranium 9,000 Copper 8,900 Cabalt 8,000 Molybdenum 8,000 Nickel 8,400 Arsenic 8,350 Manganese 8,000 Iron * 7,700 Tin 7,300 Zinc -- 6,900 Antimony 6,700 Tellurium 6,120 Chromium 5,900 Columbium 5,600 Selenium 4,300 Ruby, oriental 4,200 Garnet, Bohemian 4,188 Barium 4,000 Strontia * 3,800 Diamond 3,517 White lead 3,160 Island crystal 2,720 Marble 2,707 Pebble stone 2,700 Coral 2,700 Jasper 2,666 Rock crystal 2,650 Pearl 2,630 Glass 2,600 Flint 2,570 Onyx stone 2,510 Common stone 2,500 Glauber salt 2,250 Crystal 2,210 Oyster shells 2,092 Brick 2,000 Earth 1,984 Nitre 1,900 Vitriol 1,880 Alabaster • 1,874 Horn. • 1,840 Ivory • • 1,820 25 Brimstone - 1,800 Chalk 1,793 Borax 1,717 Allum 1,714 Clay 1,712 Dry bone 1,660 Human calculus - 1 ,542 Sand 1,520 Gum-arabic 1,400 Opium 1,350 Lignum-vitas 1,327 Coal 1,250 Jet - - 1,238 Coral 1,210 Ebony 1,177 Pilch 1,150 Rosin 1,100 Mahogany - 1,063 Ainber 1,040 Brazil wood 1,031 Box wood - 1,030 Common water 1,000 Bees wax 955 Butter 940 Logwood 913 Ice 908 Ash (dry) 838 Plumbtree (dry) 826 Elm (dry) 801 Oak (dry) 800 Yew 760 Crabtree 700 Beech (dry) 700 Walnut-tree (dry) w 650 Cedar 613 Fir - - 580 Cork 238 New fallen snow 86 FLUIDS Quicksilver 14,000 Oil of vitriol 1,700 Oil of tartar 1,550 Honey 1,450 Spirit of nitre 1,315 Aqua fortis • 1,300 Treacle 1,290 Aqua regia 1,234 Spirit of urine 1,120 Human blood 1,154 Sack 1,033 Urine 1,032 Milk 1,031 Sea water 1,030 Serum of human blood 1,030 Ale - - 1,028 Vinegar 1,026 Tar 1,015 Water • 1 - Distilled waters 993 Red wine 990 Linseed oil 932 Brandy 927 Oil of olive 913 Spirit of turpentine 874 Spirit of wine 866 Oil of turpentine 810 Common air - - 0,012 The specific gravities of the bodies con- tained in the foregoing table, and in all tables of this kind, can only be considered as the mean of a number of experiments made on each, and therefore cannot be considered as perfectly agreeing with the result of a single experiment, made for the purpose of determining the specific gravity of any particular substance; be- cause the purity, the temperature, and several other causes, materially affect the result of an experiment of this kind. THE ARTISAN. The utility of accurate tables of this kind is very great ; for, though the num- bers in the table be only the relative weights of the bodies opposite to them, yet the real weight of a given bulk of any body may easily be determined from its specific gravity. An instance or two will render the method of doing this perfectly plain. It has been remarked above, that the number opposite to any substance in the table, not only expresses its specific gravity , but the real weight of a cubical foot of that substance in ounces avoirdu- pois ; therefore to find the weight of any given number of cubical feet of any sub- stance, it is only necessary to multiply the number of cubical feet by the number in the table opposite to the substance, and the product will be its weight in avoir- dupois ounces. Example : What is the weight of three cubical feet of lead ? — The specific gravity of lead is 11*350, which multiplied by 3 is 34*050 ounces, or 2128 pounds 2 ounces avoirdupois. If the given bulk be expressed in cubic inches, multiply the specific gravity by the number of cubic inches, and by the num- ber 253*175 (which is the weight of a cubic inch of water, in grains, of the above tem- perature), and the product will be the weight in troy grains. Example: Required the weight of 10 cubic inches of iron? — The specific gravity of iron is 7*700, which multiplied by 10 is 77*000, and this multiplied by 253*175, is 19*494*475 grains; which divided by 7000 (the number of grains in a pound avoir- dupois) quotes 2 pounds 12 ounces 9 drams nearly, for the weight of the 10 cubical inches. Another useful problem may be per- formed by this table ; namely, to find the bulk of any substance when its weight is known. This is done by dividing the weight in ounces ‘by the specific gravity in the table, the quotient is the bulk in cu- bic feet : if the quotient should not amount to a cubic foot, or if the answer be wanted in cubic inches, the quotient must be mul- tiplied by 1728, the number of cubic inches in a cubic foot. Example : required the bulk of 4 2 ounces of nickel? Here 42 divided by 8*400, the specific gravity of nickel, quotes *005, or the 200th part of a cubic foot, which mul- tiplied by 1728, gives 8- cubic inches for the bulk of 42 ounces of nickel. By a slight attention to the foregoing examples, it will be perceived, that if the weight and bulk of any substance be known, its specific gravity may be found, for this is only to divide the weight by the bulk of the body expressed in cubic feet. Thus, suppose a piece of marbla to contain 4 cubic feet, and that its weight is 004 lbs, or 9664 ounces ; required the specific gra vity of marbles ? The weight, 9G64 ounces, divided by 4, the number of cubic feet, quotes 2,416, the spacific gravity required. SOLID BODIES FLOATING ON FLUIDS. A solid floating on a fluid specifically heavier than itself, will be in equilibrio, or will rest, when it has sunk so far, that the weight of the fluid displaced is equal to the weight of the whole solid, and when the centres of gravity of the whole solid, and of the part immersed are in the same vertical line. Hence, every solid, specifically lighter than a fluid which has an axis that divides it into two similar and equal parts, when placed in a fluid with its axis vertical, may sink to a position in which it will remain in equilibrio ; that is, without turning ei- ther to the one side or the other.* In such bodies there are always two op- posite positions of equilibrium ; but there is only one of them in which the body can float permanently. When the equilibrium of a floating body is disturbed, or when the centres of gravity of the whole, and the part immersed . are not in the same vertical line, the body will revolve on its axis, till it come into the po- sition where these two points are in the same vertical line. There are some bodies that in every po- sition these two points are in the same ver- tical line. A homogeneous sphere, or globe, is a body of this kind : and so is a cylinder floating with its axis horizontal. These bodies have no tendency to maintain one position more than another ; and their equilibrium, or floating position, is called the equilibrium of indifference. Some floating bodies, vvhen their equili- brium is disturbed, return to their steady position after a few oscillations back- wards and forwards. Others, when ever so little disturbed, do not resume their for- mer position, but turn on their centres of gravity, till they come into another posi- tion, when they are again in equilibrio. In the first case the equilibrium is said to be stable, in the latter case to be unstable, and then the body is said to overset. When a floating body is made to revolve from the position of equilibrium, if the line of support (that is the vertical line passing through the centre of gravity of the im- mersed part) move so as to be on the same side of the line of pressure, (or the verticle passing through the centre of gravity of * The centre of gravity of any body is that point upon which the body, when acted upon only by the force of gravity, will balance itself in all positions. This will be more ■fully explained when treating Mechanics in a future number. THE ARTISAN. 27 the whole) with the depressed part, the equilibrium is stable, and the body will re- sume its former position. But if the line of support is on the same side of the line of pressure with the elevated part, the equilibrium is unstable, and the body will overset.* When a floating body revolves about a given axis, the positions of equilibrium through which it passes are alternately those of stability ^and instability : for be- tween a state in which a body has a ten- dency to remain, and another in which it has also a tendency to remain, as these tendencies are opposite to one another, there must be an intermediate position in which the tendency to remain is equal to nothing, or the body will revolve on its axis. If the form and size of a body, floating in a fluid, be known, and its altitude above the surface, and the specific gravity of the fluid be also known, its 'Stability may be calculated ; but as the calculation could only be understood by a small portion of that class of readers for whom our publi- cation is chiefly designed, we have de- clined to insert it here.f JLSTROEfQirsr. HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY. [Continued from page 16.] Meton and Euctemon, two Greek astro- nomers, accordingly applied themselves to the study of this subject with great indus- try ; and by sagaciously combining all the observations then known, formed a iuni- solar period, Dr cycle of 19 years. This eycle was adopted on the 16th July, in the year 433 B. 0. and is still in use. It is called the Metonic cycle, after the inventor of it. In this discovery is visible very ex- tensive astronomical knowledge, and every appearance of great accuracy. Such was its success in Greece, that the order of the period was engraved in letters of gold, and at this period goes by the name of the Golden Number. Among the ancients, Eudoxus is parti- cularly distinguished for his knowledge, and also for his attention to Astronomy. He built an observatory at Cnidus, his birth-place, which was shown long after his death. He invented a sphere, (which is called Eudoxus’ sphere,) to show the * By the centre of gravity of the immersed part a always meant its centre of gravity, supposing it homogeneous. In fact, it is the centre of gravity of the water displaced by the floating body. + Those who wish to see this subject treated fully, may consult Dr. Young’s Analysis of the Principles of Natural Philosophy. rising and setting of the sun and moon, &c. for the climate of Greece. He also composed two books on Astro- nomy : the one was a description of the constellations, the other treated on the times of their rising and setting. Aratus, by order of Antiochus, king of Macedon, reduced all that w'as then known of Astro- nomy into Greek verse, anno B. C. 276. This poem is divided into two books, one of which describes the sphere of Eudoxus ; the other gives rules for predicting the weather. Both of these have reached us entire. While Astronomy made such great pro- gress in Greece, it was cultivated also by some of the Western nations of Europe. Pytheas, a celebrated astronomer at Mar- seilles, observed in that city the meridian altitude of the sun, at the time of the sum- mer solstice, by a gnomon for the purpose of determining the latitude of that place. This man travelled to other parts of the globe, for the purpose of observing the phenomena of nature. He mentions having visited an island, which he calls Thule, where the sun rose presently after he had set. As this is the case in Norway and Iceland, it is inferred that he had reached these countries. The same philosopher discovered that the Polar star is not precisely at the Pole itself. He likewise pointed out the con- nection of the tides with the motion of the moon. Alexander the Great, by his conquests, rendered great service, both to Astronomy and Natural Philosophy. On these sub- jects, Aristotle wrote, by his order, a great number of books. In one of these, en- titled De Carlo, he proves the spherical shape of the earth, from the circular sha- dow it casts on the moon in eclipses, and also from the difference of altitude observ- able on any of the 'fixed stars, in travelling north or south. He wrote one called De Mundo, which gives an account of the three quarters of the globe then known ; viz. Asia, Africa, and Europe. From this time Geography gradually became (through its alliance with Astro- nomy) a real science. Horace mentions that the earth had been measured before his time for he calls Archytas, who had been Plato’s master, the measurer of the earth. But the first person who measured the earth by a method consistent with the principles of Geometry and Astronomy, was Eratosthenes, librarian of the Alex- andrian Museum. As this measurement was performed in a somewhat curious manner, it may be gratifying to the reader here to mention it, as it will serve to give some idea how that has lately been per- formed in Europe. 28 THE ARTISAN. Eratosthenes was informed, that, on the day of the summer solstice, the sun was vertical at noon to the city of Syene, on the borders of Ethiopia, under the tropic of Cancer. A well is particularly men- tioned to have been illuminated to the bottom by the sun at noon on the solstitial day. He knew likewise that Alexandria and Syene were both under the same meridian. From these data, by means of a concave hemisphere, with a stile fixed in its centre, he found that theshadow of the meridian sun caused by the stile at Alexandria, was one-fiftieth part of the whole circumference. Hence he inferred, that the arc of the heavens comprised between Alexandria and Syene must be the same ; and that the distance between the two cities must like- wise be a similar arc, or one-fiftieth part of the circumference of the earth. On measuring this distance, he found it to be 5000 stadia, which gave 250,000 stadia for the circumference of the earth. As there were different stadia then in use, it is not well ascertained how many feet a stadium contained. If it was the Egyptian stadium that was used, this measurement exceeds the modern measures about a sixth part. About the same time with Eratosthenes, flourished Aristarchus of Samos, who has given a very simple method of determining the ratio of the distance of the sun and moon from the earth, which, though not very accurate, is yet ingenious. Of all the ancient astronomers, no one has so much enriched the science, or ac- quired so great a name, as Hipparchus, a native of Nice in Bithynia, 142 B. C. One of his first cares was to rectify the year, which before his time was made to consist of 365 days six hours, which he found to be a little too much. He also found that the sun was longer in traversing the six northern signs of the ecliptic than the other half of it; and deduced from this the eccentricity of the solar orbit. He likewise made similar remarks and calculations for the lunar orbit. From these data, he constructed tables of’the motions of the sun and moon, which are the first of the kind that are mentioned. Hipparchus made another important discovery. He found that the stars always preserved the same relative positions with respect to each other ; but that they had all a trifling motion in the order of the signs of the zodiac, which was about 48'' in a year. He also substituted a more complete mode of measuring the ratio of the distance of the sun and moon from the earth, than the One given by Aristarchus. He made use chiefly of parallaxes ; which is the method now in use. On the dis- appearance of a very large star, he set^ about numbering the stars, and to note down their configurations, respective dis- tances, &c. and gave a very good catalogue of them. This immense labour laid the foundation on which the whole superstructure of astronomy was to be raised. He was ad- mired and celebrated in all nations where learning was pursued. Hipparchus was the first who applied this science to fami- liar purposes of the greatest utility in geography, by determining the situation of places by their latitudes and longitudes. Cleomedes, who lived a little later than Hipparchus, has left a work on-the sphere, the periods of the planets, their distances and magnitudes, with an account of an- cient eclipses, which he says he derived the knowledge of from Pythagoras, Era- tosthenes, and Hipparchus. This work is valuable, as it is the most ancient that has reached us on these subjects. The next person that claims particular notice, was Julius Caesar, who rendered an important service to the science • of Astronomy, by new-modelling the Roman calendar, B.C. 46 years. Caesar appears to have been well versed in Astronomy. He discovered that Au- tumn occupied the place of the winter months of the calendar, and that winter occurred in the months of spring. He invited the astronomer Sosigenes from Athens to Rome to assist him in correcting this disorder. They began by giving four- teen months to the year of Rome, to re- establish the order of the seasons. They likewise determined that the year should consist of 365 days six hours in future ; but, as we shall afterwards see, this was making the year too long by 11' 11"' ; ye-t this was coming wonderfully near the real length of the tropical year, considering the state of science at that time. This is still called the Julian year, out of compli- ment to Julius Csesar. Menelaus, a learned geometrician, A.D. 55, also distinguished himself in astro- nomy, by the discovery of the principal theorems of spherical trigonometry, which are applicable to the purposes of Astro- nomy. i Astronomy had begun to languish in the school of Alexandria, when the celebrated Ptolemy made his appearance, in A.D. 140. He was a native of Pelusium in Egypt, and, when very young, came to Alexandria to study in that school. His principal work is entitled the Almagest , an Arabic word which signifies the great collection . It contains all the ancient observations and theories, to which his own researches are added, and is considered as the most com- plete collection of ancient Astronomy that ever appeared. Ptolemy embraced the common opinion. THE ARTISAN. 20 that the sun, moon and planets moved round the earth as their common centre. This system continued to maintain its ground till the time of Copernicus, and has descended from Ptolemy to the present day, under the name of the Ptolemaic System. Besides the Almagest, there exists ano- ther great work of Ptolemy’s, his Geogra- phy, in which he determines the situation of places by their latitude and longitude, according to the method of Hipparchus. Ptolemy had the ambition, like Archi- medes, to transmit the remembrance of his labours to posterity by a public monument. In the temple, of Serapis, at Canopus, there is an inscription on marble, in w hich are explained the hypothesis of his as- tronomical system, such as the length of the year, the motions of the planets, &c. If there have been men of greater genius than Ptolemy, there is no man that ever collected a greater body of profound know- ledge, or more truly conduced to the pro- gress of Astronomy, considering the age he lived in, and the time he wrote. From Ptolemy to the time of the Arabs, no astronomer of the first order is to be found among the Greeks, except, perhaps, Theon of Alexandria, who wrote a learned commentary on the Almagest, about the year 395. Among the Arabs there have been many excellent astronomers. As there was no science to which they devoted so much at- tention, there were none in which they made so many discoveries. Their Caliphs were particularly distinguished for their knowledge and patronage of this science. They soon found that Ptolemy had stated the obliquity of the ecliptic a little too great; and, after many observations, found it to be nearly what it is at present. The Caliph Almansor the Victorious, who ascended the throne in 754, ranks among the first of their astronomers. Haroun, his grandson, who reigned from 786 to 809, sent a present to Charlemagne of a water clock, in the dial of which were twelve small doors, forming the division of the hours. Each of these doors opened at the hour it marked, and let out little balls, which, falling on 'a bell of brass, struck the hours. The doors continued open till 12 o’clock, when 12 little knights, mounted on horseback, came out together, paraded round the dial, and shut all the doors. This clock at that time astonished all Europe. After Haroun, his son A1 Maimon suc- ceeded to the throne. He also cultivated the study of Astronomy. In his time there lived several celebrated astronomers ; among whom was Alfragan, who composed several books on astronomy ; and from his facility in calculation,, he was surnamed the Calculator. Albategni was also among the greatest of the Arabian astro romers. He found the year to contain only two minutes less than what it was found to be by Dr. Hal- ley 600 years after. After the Arabs had conquered the greater part of Spain, in the year 1020, they built there many observatories to conduct their observations. Alhazen, one of their astronomers, has left a treatise on Optics, which contains the first established theory of refraction and twilight which we have. Among the Persians, also, there have been many eminent astronomers. They made many observations to discover the real length of the solar year, which they fixed at 365 days, six hours. One of their chief astronomers was the famous Ulugh Beg, grandson of Tamerlane ; he not only encouraged the sciences as a sovereign, but was himself reckoned one of the most learned men of his age. To determine the latitude of Samarcand, it is said he em- ployed a quadrant, the radius of which was 180 feet ! * He composed a catalogue of the stars, and several astronomical ta- bles, the most perfect then known in the east. He was assassinated by his own son. From the year 800 till the beginning of the fourteenth century, almost all Europe was immersed in gross ignorance. The only people who paid any regard to sci- ence, was the Arabs that settled in Spain, some of whom have been mentioned above. Profiting by the books they had preserved from the wreck of the Alexandrian library, they cultivated and improved* all the sciences, and particularly Astronomy, in which they had many able professors. From the beginning of the ninth century to the year 1423, when Purbachius ap- peared, there is no name that deserves to be mentioned as contributing to the im- provement of Astronomy. Purbachius was a man of great talents ; he began an Epi- tome of Ptolemy’s Almagest; but died before it was completed. This was exe- cuted by his friend and pupil, John Muller, commonly called Regiomontanus. This man made many observations, and .collect- ed the writings of many of’ the ancient astronomers. He published ephemerides for thirty years to come, wrote a theory of the planets and comets, and calculated a table of sines and tangents for every de- gree and minute of the quadrant. He diec in the year 1476. Nicolas Copernicus, born 1473, rose next and made so great a figure in Astro- nomy, that the true system, discovered, or rather renewed by him, has been ever * It is thought by many astronomers, that this must have been a gnomen instead of a quadrant. 30 THE ARTISAN. since called the Copernican System. He restored the old system of Astronomy taught by Pythagoras, which had been set aside from the time of Ptolemy. His un- derstanding at once revolted against the explanations which that philosopher had given of the motions of our planetary sys- tem ; and set about correcting his mistakes, by laying the foundation of what is at this day held to be the true system of the world. This system he gradually im- proved by a long series of observations, and a close attention to the writings of ancient authors. His first grand work was printed in 1543, under the care of Schoner and Osiander ; and he received a copy of it only a few hours before his death, on the 23d May 1543, at the age of seventy years. After the death of this great man, there were several astronomers of considerable note, that greatly improved the science ; but the only one that claims particular notice was Tycho Brahe, a Danish noble- man, who was the inventor of a new sys- tem, a kind of semi-Ptolemaic, which he vainly endeavoured to establish instead of the Copernican. His numerous works shew that he was a man of great abilities ; and it is to be regretted that he sacrificed his talents, and perhaps his inward con- viction, to superstitious considerations. He restored the earth to its fancied immo- bility, and made the sun and moon revolve round it ; but the planets he made to re- volve round the sun, which was a still more absurd hypothesis than that of Ptolemy. But we ought to forgive this error, or rather weakness, in return for the many observations and discoveries with which he enriched Astronomy. No man ever made more observations than Tycho Brahe. Contemporary with Tycho flourished several eminent astronomers, among whom was the famous Kepler. To him we owe the true figure of the orbits of the planets, and the v proportions of the motions and distances of the various bodies which com- pose the solar system. The three great Laws of Kepler may be said to be the foundation of all Astronomy. Kepler was born in 1571, and died in 1631. Galileo was the next person who render- ed any very important services to Astrono- my. He was the first who applied the tele- scope to astronomical observations, and with it made many useful and valuable discove- ries. By the observations and reasoning of Galileo, the system of Copernicus acquired a probability almost equivalent to demon- stration. By espousing the opinions of Copernicus, he drew on him the vengeance of the Inquisition, who decreed that he should pass his days in a dungeon ; but he was liberated after the expiration of a year, on condition that he should never more teach or hold up the Copernican as the true system of Astronomy. He was born in the year 1564, and died in 1642. In spite of the Inquisition, or the passages in Scripture which were always brought forward as objections to the motion of the earth, the system of Copernicus gained ground every day. Contemporary with Galileo were a num- ber of astronomers, who contributed to the progress of the science. Baron Napier published his tables of logarithms in 1614. Bayer also, obtaining great celebrity by the publication of his Uranometria , in which the stars were designated by the letters of the Greek alphabet, which is still the case on our celestial globes and planispheres. Gassendi, a French philosopher, saw the planet Mercury on the sun’s disc, which was the first observation of the kind. A little after this, in the year 1633, Mr Hor- rox, an Englishman of very extraordinary- talents, discovered that Venus would pass over the disc of the sun on the 24th No- vember, 1639. This event he only men- tioned to one friend, a Mr. Crabtree ; and these two men were the only persons in the world who observed this transit, which was the first transit of Venus that had ever been viewed by human eyes. Mr. Horrox made many useful observations about this time, and had even formed a new theory of the moon, so ingenious as to attract the attention of Sir Isaac Newton. But the hopes of astronomers, from the abilities of this extraordinary young man, were soon blasted, for he died in the be- ginning of the year 1640, aged twenty -four years. Hevelius, burgomaster of Dantzic, also rendered himself eminent by his numerous and delicate observations. He founded an observatory at Dantzic, and furnished it with a great many excellent instruments, some of which were divided into so small divisions as 5". His observations on the spots of the sun, and on the nature of comets, were very numerous ; and his catalogue of fixed stars, containing the lon- gitude of above 1888, was remarkable for its accuracy. It is to him also we are in- debted for the first accurate description of the spots on the moon. The improvement of the telescope con- tinued to lay open new sources of disco- very. The celebrated Huygens construct- ed two excellent telescopes, one of twelve feet in length, and the other twenty-four, with which he discovered the fourth satel- lite of Saturn ; which he said afterwards led him to discover the ring that surrounds that planet. Huygens was likewise the first person who applied pendulums to clocks. He died in 1695, aged 66 years. [To be continued .] THE ARTISAN. 31 ^ttferellaneous Suhjcrtss. LIFE OF ARCHIMEDES. Archimedes was born at Syracuse, and related to Hiero, King of Sicily : he was remarkable for his extraordinary applica- tion to mathematical studies, but more so for his skill and surprising inventions in Mechanics. He excelled likewise in Hy- drostatics, Astronomy, Optics, and almost every other science ; he exhibited the mo- tions of the heavenly bodies in a pleasing and instructive manner, within a sphere of glass of his own contrivance and workman- ship; he likewise contrived curious and powerful machines and engines for raising weights, hurling stones, darts, &c. launch- ing ships, and for exhausting the water out of them, draining marshes, &c. When the Roman Consul, Marcellus, besieged Syra- cuse, the machines of Archimedes were em- ployed : these showered upon the enemy a cloud of destructive darts, and stones of vast weight and in great quantities ; their ships were lifted into the air by his cranes, levers, hooks, &c. and dashed against the rocks, or precipitated to the bottom of the sea ; nor could they find safety in retreat ; his .powerful burning glasses reflected the con- densed rays of the sun upon them with such effect, that many of them were burned. Syracuse was however at last taken by storm, and Archime.des, too deep- ly engaged in some geometrical specula- tions to be conscious of vdiat had hap- pened, was slain by a Roman soldier. Marcellus was grieved at his death, which happened A. C. 210, and took care of his funeral. Cicero, when he was Questor of Sicily, discovered the tomb of Archi- medes overgrown with bushes and weeds, having the sphere and cylinder engraved on it, with an inscription which time had rendered illegible. His reply to Hiero, who was one day admiring and praising his machines* can be regarded only as an empty boast. u Give me,” said the exulting philosopher, “ a place to stand on, and I will lift the earth.” This however may be easily proved to be impossible; for, granting him a place, with the simplest machine, it would require a man to move swifter than a cannon shot during the space of 100 years, to lift the earth only one inch in all that time. — Hiero ordered a golden crown to be made, but suspecting that the artists had purloined some of the gold and sub- stituted base metal in its stead, he em* ployed our philosopher to detect the cheat ; Archimedes tried for some time in vain, but one day as he went into the bath, he observed that his body excluded just as much water as was equal to its bulk ; the thought immediately struck him that this discovery had furnished ample data for solving his difficulty; upon which he leaped out of the bath, and ran through the streets homewards, crying out, I have found it! I have found it ! — The best edi- tion of his works is that of Torelli, edited at the Clarendon Press, Oxford, fol. 1792, by Dr. Robertson, Savilian Professor of Astronomy. Longitude Scale ; or, Lunar Corrector. By Captain Thomson. There is, perhaps, no problem in the whole circle of the physical science of more practical utility, nor one which has more engaged the attention of mathemati- cians, than that of determining the longi- tude of a ship at sea. The difficulty of solving this problem, however, does not consist in any deficiency in the theory, but in the mechanical, or practical part of the operation; for it is well known that the difference of longitude between any two places, is merely the difference between the times at those places converted into degrees, at the rate of fifteen degrees to an hour. Now various plans have been devised' for ascertaining this diff erence ; but to put those plans in practice is found to be attended with considerable trouble and difficulty. The most obvious, and per- haps the most easy, method of discovering the difference of longitude between any two places, is to have a watch, or chrono- meter, well regulated according to the time at one of the places, and then to carry it to the other ; where, on being com- pared with the time as reckoned there ‘it will give the difference of longitude. This is what is often done on board of .ship. These chronometers are regulated to the time at Greenwich previous to sailing ; and were they to go regularly, and exhibit the Greenwich time accurately, would af- ford a simple and correct method of ascer- taining the longitude of any place to which they might be transferred, whenever the time was determined at that place. But it is well known that chronometers often change their rate, at sea, from various causes ; it therefore becomes' necessary not only to have some means of correcting them, but of ascertaining the longitude of a ship independently of these instruments. Now the means of accomplishing this de- sirable object with great accuracy is af- forded by the celestial bodies, together with the Nautical Ephemeris ; for if the distance between the sun and the moon, or the moon arid a star, be accurately mea- sured with a sextant, the longitude of the place of observation can be determined very correctly ; but this requires rather a long and tedious calculation, even by the shortest and easiest method which has yet 32 THE ARTISAN. been devised. Captain Thomson has, how- ever, invented a sliding scale, which great- ly shortens and simplifies the process. The fact is, that by means of his scale no cal- culation whatever is necessary to reduce the apparent to the true distance ; and any person who can take the distance between the sun and the moon, will find no diffi- culty in reducing it to the true distance, by means of the lunar scale. This opera- tion may be performed in less than two minutes : and the result will generally be within two or three seconds of that ob- tained by the most rigid calculation. One side of the scale is appropriated to the purpose we have just stated ; and the other to deducing the time from the alti- tude of a celestial body: which will al- ways come out exceedingly near to what would be obtained by the common method of calculation. It is scarcely possible, in an article like the present, either to give an adequate description of the scale itself, or the man- ner of using it ; but both appear to us to be simple, and we are convinced that it will be found exceedingly useful at sea. We ought also to state, that the scale is accompanied by a very neatly printed book of instructions, and several tables, which are indispensibly necessary to the practical navigator. We are happy to see that this excellent instrument has met with the approbation of some of the best judges of such instru- ments that are to be found in London. ON AQUATINTA ENGRAVING. To the Editor of the Artisan. Sir, — If the following short account ol the method of effecting aquatinta engraving is thought worthy of a place in your va- luable publication, it is at your service. After the intended figure is outlined, by etching or otherwise, the plate is covered all over with a ground of resin, burgundy pitch, or mastic, dissolved in rectified spi rits of wine ; this is done by holding the plate in an inclined position, and pouring the above composition over it. The spirit of wine almost immediately evaporates, and leaves the resinous substance in a gra- nulated state, equally dissolved over every part. The granulations thus produced, if examined through a magnifying-glass, will be found extremely regular and beautiful. When the particles are extremely minute, and near to each other, the impression from the plate appears to the naked eye exactly like a wash of Indian ink; but when they are larger, the granulations ap- pear more distinct. This powder, or granu- lation, is called the aquatinta grain. The plate is next heated to make the powder adhere ; and in those parts where a very strong shade is wanted, it is scraped away ; but where strong lights are wanted, a var- nish is applied. The aqua fortis, properly diluted with water, is then put on with a piece of wax, as in . common etching- or engraving ; and by repeated applications of this process, scraping where darker shades are required, and covering the light parts with varnish, the final effect is produced. Engraving by aquatinta was invented by Le Prince, a French artist, by whom the process was long kept secret. It is even said, that for some time he sold his prints (which are still reckoned excellent specimens), for drawings. QUESTIONS FOR SOLUTION. To the Editor of the Artisan. Sir, — Having carefully examined the first number of your work, I am convinced it must be highly useful to all those who wish to become acquainted with the phy- sical sciences, if continued upon the plan you propose in the Introduction. As I perceive by that part of your work that you mean to devote a portion of each num- ber to subjects of a miscellaneous nature, I have taken the liberty to inclose two mathematical questions, which some of your ingenious readers may send you a solution, if you think them deserving of a place in the Artisan. — I am, Sir, &c. Peter Plus* 1st. There is a lever, at the end of which is suspended a weight of 45 pounds, and at the other end a power of 2 lbs. : the greater weight is one foot from the ful- crum ; and each foot in length of the leaver is one pound in weight : required the dis- tance of the lesser weight from the ful- crum, to keep the greater weight in equi- librium ? 2d. If a heavy sphere, whose diameter is 4 inches, be put into a conical glass, full of water, whose depth is 6 inches, and diameter 5 inches, how many cubical inches of water will run over ? PHILOSOPHICAL QUERY. To the Editor of the Artisan. Sir, — Having often heard it affirmed, that a boat passes more easily over deep water than shallow , and that a boatman can row his boat much quicker over deep than shoal water, I would be obliged to you, or any of your intelligent readers, to inform me if this is really the case ; and, if it is so, what is the cause of so singular a fact. — I am, Sir, &c. Mercator. THE ARTISAN. 83 PNEUMATICS. If the sole cause of the diminution of the temperature of the air, in ascending from the Earth’s surface, were the distance from the Earth; and if it were admitted, that there is no current of air perpendicularly upwards, as there certainly is not, the di- minution of temperature would follow the inverse ratio of the distance from the cen- tre of the Earth, or the greater the distance from the Earth, the less would be the tem- perature. Professor Leslie, of Edinburgh, has given a formula for determining the tem- perature of any stratum of air, or its tem- perature at any altitude, when the height of the mercury in the barometer is given. This formula we shall here state in words, and then give an example of its application. Divide the height of the column of mer- cury in the barometer, at the upper station, by its height at the lower station ; divide also its height at the lower station by its height at the upper station, and subtract the former quotient from the latter, then multiply the remainder by the number 25, and the product is the diminution of tem- perature at the upper station in degrees of the centigrade thermometer, which may be converted into degrees of Fahrenheit’s scale, by multiplying by 9 and dividing by 5. For example Suppose the mercury in the barometer- to stand at SOT inches at .he bottom of a mountain, but at its top the mercury stood only at 26*4 inches : re- quired the diminution of temperature be- tween the two stations ? Here 26*4 divided by SOT, quotes *88 nearly ; and SOT di- vided by 26*4, quotes 1T4, from which ’88 being subtracted, leaves ’26, and this mul- tiplied by 25, gives 6§ nearly, for the di- minution of temperature in degrees of the centigrade scale, which are equal to 11 *7 degrees of Fahrenheit’s scale. The fact, that the mercury in the baro- meter sinks on ascending into the atmos- phere, was first suggested by Pascal, and ascertained by experiments made under his direction. This important fact was soon afterwards applied to the measurement of heights, in France, by Mariotte, and in England by Halley. The method of ac- complishing this, however, remained very imperfect, till De Luc applied the correc- tions for the difference of temperature, and directed simultaneous observations to be made at the upper and lower station. He fell into some errors, which were after- wards pointed out and corrected by Trem- bley, Sir George Shuckburgh, and Gene- ral Roy. La Place has more recently made barometrical measurement the subject of his researches, but though the formula he Vol. I. has given is more simple than most others, yet we consider it too complicated and algebraical to be inserted here ; we shall therefore present our readers with a rule deduced by the ingenious professor Leslie, for determining the height of mountains, &c. which is unquestionably the simplest that has yet been given, and sufficiently accurate for any purpose to which that in- strument may be applied. The rule is this : — As the sum of the co- lumns of mercury , in the barometer , at the upper and lower stations , is to their differ- ence , so is the constant number 52,000, to the approximate height .* Two corrections, depending on the vari- ation of temperature, at the upper and lower stations are besides required. The first of these is for the expansion of the mercury in the barometer at the upper station, and is obtained thus: — Multiply the — part of the column at the upper 10,000 station by twice the difference of the at- tached thermometers, and add the product to the upper column. This correction is, however, so trifling on small heights, that it may be entirely neglected. But the fol- lowing correction is of much more import- ance. It becomes necessary, on account of the expansion of the air by heat, and is obtained by multiplying the j—part of the approximate height by twice the sum of the degrees of the detached thermometers. This correction being added to the ap- proximate height, gives the true height.t In order to render the method of per- forming this operation as plain as possi- ble, we shall here give an example of its application. Suppose the barometer to stand at 30’091 inches at the bottom of a moun- tain which is to be measured, the attached thermometer at 15°*7, and the detached at 15°*6, while on the top of the mountain the barometer stood at 26*409 inches, the at- tached thermometer at 10°, and the de- tached at 8°’8. Required the height of the mountain.^ Here twice the difference of the attached thermometers is 11°’4, which multiplied into -00264, the part of 26-409 gives *03 for the correction of the upper barome- ter. Then the sum of 30*091 and 26-439 is 56-53 ; and their difference is 3*652 ; therefore, 56*53 : 3*652 : : 52*000 : 3359 the * This number is the more easily remembered, from the division of the year into weeks. + In measuring heights by the barometer, a de- tached thermometer is used along with the one attached to the barometer, in order to ascertain the temperature of the air with exactness. The centi- grade thermometer is the one supposed to be usea in this rule. J The character ( ° ) signifies degrees. D 34 THE ARTISAN. approximate height in feet And twice the sum of the degrees marked on the detach- ed thermometer is 48*8, which multiplied into 3*359, the ~^part of the approximate height gives 164 ; this added to the ap- proximate height, gives 3,533 feet for the true height. AIR AS ACCELERATING OR RETARDING MOTION. Having already stated, at page 11, that if the end of a tube be immersed in water, and the air extracted from the tube, the water will ascend in the tube to the height of 33 feet ; we have now to remark, that if the tube be bent in the form of the one A BC in the following figure. the water will flow through the tube in a continued stream, provided the height from the surface of the water, to the top of the bending does not exceed the height stated above (33 feet). A tube bent in this shape is called a sy- phon. If the syphon, instead of having the air extracted by suction, be filled with wa- ter, and the ends stopped till it be invert- ed, with the shorter leg immersed in wa- ter, the same effect will follow. The cause of the water descending is its greater weight in the longer leg of the tube, and the pressure of the air on the surface of the water continues the sup- ply- The syphon may be employed to raise water over a height less than 33 feet, if it is to descend below the level of the foun- tain on the opposite side. It could not, however, be conveniently employed if the height was near to 33 feet; because the ve- locity with which the water in the shorter leg is made to ascend, depending on the difference between that height and 33 feet, the length of the column which the air is just able to sustain, might not afford a suf- ficient supply for the stream descending in the longer leg. Te syphon is properly a pneumatico- hydraulic machine, the action of water and of air being both necessary to its effect. It is, however, the simplest of all the instru- ments employed for raising water. But it is now more generally employed for de- canting liquors, or in transferring them from one vessel to another, when they are to be removed to a vessel lower than the one that contains them. The Air Pump is a machine by which the air is extracted from close vessels. It was invented about the year 1654, by Otto Guericke, a native of Magdeburgh, in Germany, and marks an important era in the history of the physical sciences. It has, however, received great improve- ments since, by several men of genius, at different periods. The air pump is in effect the same as the water pump, and whoever understands the one, will have little difficulty in un- de* standing the other. We shall, however, present our readers with the figure of one of the most approved kind, and endeavour to give as clear and comprehensive a de- scription of its several parts as possible, previous to stating some of the most im- portant properties of the air which that instrument has been the means of making known to us. Fig. 1st is the Air Pump complete, with a glass receiver upon the pump-plate. All receivers must be ground air-tight ; that is, they must neither let out nor in any air at its edges, when placed on the pump-plate. If the receiver be not sufficiently well ground for this purpose, a piece of wet leather must be placed between the re- ceiver aud the pump-plate. When this is done the receiver may be exhausted, or the air may be extracted from it by turning the handle F backwards and forwards till no more air can be forced out of it, which may be known by observing that the mer- cury ascends no higher in the tube Imn; and the receiver will then be held down to the plate by the pressure of the external air, or atmosphere. For, as the handle (see fig. 2d) is turned backwards, it raises the piston d e in the barrel B K, by means of the wheel F and rack D d : and, as the piston is leathered so tight as to fibthe barrel exactly, no air can get between the piston and barrel ; and therefore, all the air above d in the barrel is lifted up to- wards B, and a vacuum is made in the barrel from e to h; upon which, part of the air in the receiver M (fig. I), by its THE ARTISAN. U spring, rushes through the hole r, in the brass plate L L, along the pipe G C G, which communicates with both barrels by the hollow trunk I H K (fig. 2), and pushing up the valve b, enters into the vacant place b c of the barrel B K. For, wherever the resistance or pressure is taken oflT, the air will run to that place, if it can find a passage. Then, as the han- dle F is turned toward, the piston d e will d 2 36 THE ARTISAN. be depressed in the barrel ; and, as the air which had got into the barrel cannot be pushed back through the valve b, it will ascend through a hole in the piston, and escape through the valve at d: and be prevented by that valve from returning into the barrel, when the piston is again raised. At the next raising of the piston, a vacuum is again made in the same manner as be- fore, between b and e ; upon which more of the air, which was left in the receiver M, gets out by its spring, and runs into the barrel B K, through the valve B. The same thing is to be understood with regard to the other barrel A I ; and as the handle F is turned backwards and forwards, it alternately raises and depresses the pistons in their respective barrels ; always raising one whilst it depresses the other. And, as there is a vacuum made in each barrel when its piston is raised, every particle of air in the receiver M pushes out another, by its spring or elasticity, through the hole t, and pipe G G, into the barrels, until at last the air in the receiver of the ordinary air-pump comes to be so much dilated, or rarefied, that it can no longer open the valves ; and then no more can be taken out. Hence there is no such thing as mak- ing a perfect vacuum in the receiver; for the quantity of the air taken out at any one stroke, will always be as its density in the receiver. For it has been ascertain- ed, that if the number of strokes of the piston increases in arithmetical progres- sion, the quantity of air remaining in the receiver, and also its density, will form a series of terms decreasing in geometrical progression. Thus, if the receiver and barrels were of equal capacity, every stroke of the piston will diminish the quantity and density of the air one half; conse- quently there will be just as much left as was taken out at the last turn of the han- dle. In air-pumps of the most improved con- struction, the valves are opened by a me- chanical contrivance, so that the limit to the perfection of the instrument, arising from the spring of the air not being capa- ble to open the valves, is now removed. There is a screw k below the pump- plate, which being turned, lets the air into the receiver again, and then it becomes loose, and may be taken off the plate. The two barrels of the pump are fixed to the frame E e e by two screw-nuts //, which press down the top-piece E upon the barrels : and the hollow trunk H (fig. 2) is covered by a box, as G H in fig. 1. There is a glass tube, Immn, open at both ends, and about 34 inches long, at- tached to some pumps; the upper end communictaing with the hole in the pump- plate, and the lower end immersed in quicksilver at n in the vessel N. To this tube is fitted a wooden ruler m m, called the gauge, which is divided into inches and parts of an inch, from the bottom at w, (where it is even with the surface of the quicksilver), and continued up to the- top, a little below l , to 30 or 31 inches. As the air is pumped out of the receiver M, it is likewise pumped out of the glass tube, Imn, because that tube opens into the receiver through the pump-plate ; and as the tube is gradually emptied of air, the quicksilver in the vessel N is forced up into the tube by the pressure of the atmos- phere. And if the receiver could be per- fectly exhausted of air, the quicksilver would stand as high in the tube as it does at that time in the barometer : for it is supported by the same power or weight (of the atmosphere) in both. OPTICS. A ray of light, CD, falling obliquely rn the middle of a convex glass, as A B in the annexed figure, obliquity on a plane glass ; and will go out of the glass in the same direction with which it entered: for it will be equally refracted at the points D and E, as if it had passed through a plane surface. But the rays C G and C 1 will be so refracted, as THE ARTISAN. 37 to meet again at the point F. Therefore, all the rays which flow from the point C, so as to go through the glass, will meet again at F ; and if they go farther onward, they cross at F, and go forward to the opposite sides of the middle ray C D E F, to what they were in approaching it in the directions H F and K E. When parallel rays, as A B C, fall di- rectly upon a plano-convex glass D E, and pass thiough it, they will be so re- fracted, as to unite in a point/ behind it; and this point is also called the principal focus ; the distance of which, from the middle of the glass, is called the focal dis- tance, which is equal to twice the radius, or the diameter, of the sphere of the glass’s convexity. When parallel rays, as A B C, fall di- rectly upon a glass D E, which is equally convex on both sides, and pass through it; they will be so refracted, as to meet in a point or principal focus /, whose distance is equal to the radius or semidiarneter of the sphere of the glass’s convexity. But if a glass be more convex on one side than on the other, the rule for finding the focal distance is this : — as the sum of the semidiameters of both convex- ites is to the semidiameter of either, so is double the semidiarneter of the other to the distance of the focus; or, divide the dou- ble product of the radii by their sum, and the quotient will be the distance sought. Thus, suppose the radius of convexity of one side of a glass to be 6 inches, and the other 3 inches ; the product of these num- bers is 18, which doubled is 36, and this divided by 9, the sum of the numbers, quotes 4 inches for the focal distance of the glass. Since all those rays of the sun which pass through a convex glass are collected together in its focus , the force of all their heat is also collected in that part ; and is in proportion to the common heat of the sun, as the area of the glass D E o the area of the focus : that is, the heat in the focus is as many times stronger than the common heat of the sun, as the area or sur- face of the glass exceeds the area or sur- face of the focus. For example : if the surface of a convex glass be twenty times that Of its focus, the heat in the focus will be twenty times that of the common heat of the sun at the time. This is the reason that a convex glass causes the sun’s rays to burn, or set fire to substances, upon which the focus is directed for some time. All the rays which pass through the glass cross the middle ray in the focus /, (see last fig.) and then diverge from it to the contrary sides, in the same manner F/G, as they converged in the space D/E in coming to it. If another glass F G, of the same con- vexity as D E, be placed in the rays at the same distance from the focus, it will re- fract them so, as that after going out of it, they will be all parallel, as a b c ; and go on in the same manner as they came to the first glass D E, through the space ABC; but on the contrary sides of the middle ray B fbt for the ray AD/ will go on from / in the direction /Ga, and the ray C E/in the direction /Fc; and so of the others. The rays diverge from any radiant point as if they came from a principal focus : therefore, if a candle be placed at/, in the focus of the convex glass F G, the diverg- ing rays in the space F/G will be so re- fracted by the glass, as that after going out of it, they will become parallel, as shown in the space c b a. If the candle be placed nearer the glass than its focal distance, the rays will di- verge after passing through the glass, more or less, as the candle is more or less > distant from the focus. If the candle be placed farther from the glass than its focal distance, the rays will converge after passing through the glass, and meet in a point which will be more or _ less distant from the glass, as the candle is nearer to, or farther from, its focus ; and where the rays meet, they will form an in- THE ARTISAN. verted image of the flame of the candle, which may be seen on a paper placed where the rays meet. Hence, if any object A B C be "placed beyond the focus F of the convex glass def, some of the rays which flow from every point of the object, on the side next the glass, will fall upon it, and after passing through it, they will be converged into as many points on the opposite side of the glass, where the image of every point will be formed ; and, consequently, the image of the whole object will be formed, and appear inverted. Thus the rays Ad, Ae, A/, flowing from the point A, will converge in the space d af, and by meeting at a, will there form the image of the point A. The rays Bd, Be, B /, flowing from the point B, will be united at b, by the refraction of the glass, and will there form the image of the point B. And the rays C d, C e, C/, flow- ing from the point C, will be united at c, w'here they will form the image of the point C. And so of all the other interme- diate points between A and C. The rays which flow from every particular point of the object, and are united again by the glass, are called 'pencils of rays. If the object A B C be brought nearer to the glass, the picture ab c will be remov- ed to a greater distance. For then, more rays flowing from every single point, will fall in a more diverging manner upon the glass; and therefore can not be so soon collected into the corresponding points be- hind it. Consequently, if the distance of the object ABC from the glass, be equal to the focal distance of the glass, the rays of each pencil will be so refracted by pass- ing through the glass, that they will go out of it parallel to each other; as represented in the following figure. Here the rays dl, eH, /h, which pro- ceed from the point c, go out of the gla=s parallel to each other ; the rays d G, cK, /D, which proceed from B, also proceed parallel to each other; and the rays d K, e E, / L, which proceed from A, observe the same law : this being the case, there can be no picture or image formed behind the glass. If the focal distance of the glass, and the distance of the object from the glass, be known, the distance of the image from the glass may be found as follows ; — Multiply the distance of the focus by the distance of the object, and divide the product hy their difference, the quotient will be the distance of the image from the glass. Thus : — sup- pose the focal distance of the glass to be 6 inches, and the distance of an object from it to be 8 inches, required the dis- tance of the image from the glass. Here 8 multiplied by 6, is 48 ; which divided by 2, the difference between 8 and 6, quotes 24 inches for the distance of the image from the glass. When any image is formed behind a glass, it will be as much bigger or less than the object as its distance from the glass is greater or less than the distance of the object. For as B e is to b e, so is A C to a c.* So that, if A B C be the object, c b a will be its image ; or if c b a be the object, ABC will be the image. * See the figure preceding the last. THE ARTISAN. 39 Having now given a short account of the properties of convex lenses, we shall proceed to state the principal properties of concave ones, which will be very easily understood by those who have attentively read the foregoing observations upon con- vex glasses or lenses. When parallel rays, as A D, pass di- rectly through a glass or lens, as B C, H which is equally concave on ' both sides, they will diverge after passing through the glass, as if they had come from a ra- diant point F, in the centre of the glass’s concavity ; which point is called the nega- tive or virtual focus of the glass. Thus the ray A, after passing through the glass B C, will go on in the direction B H, as if it had proceeded from the point F, and no glass been in the way. The ray D, after passing through the glass, will go on in the direc- tion C G, and so on with the other inter- mediate rays. The ray F, that falls di- rectly upon the middle of the glass, suffers no refraction in passing through it; but goes on in the same rectilineal direction as if no glass had been in its way. If the glass had been concave only on one side, and the other side quite plane, the rays would have diverged, after passing through it, as if they had come from a radiant point at double the distance of F from the glass ; that is, as if the radiant point had been at the distance of a whole diameter of the glass’s concavity. If rays come to such a glass converging more than parallel rays diverge after pass- ing through it, they will continue to con- verge after passing through it; but will not meet so soon as if no glass had been in the way; and will incline towards the same side to which they would have di- verged, if they had come parallel to the glass. As we have now stated the chief pro- perty of lenses, we shall give a short de- scription of the structure of the Eye, and in doing this we shall be very brief, as we ‘ntend only to give the reader some idea how vision is performed by this most cu- rious and noble organ.* The eye is nearly globular, and consists of three coats , and three humours. The back part of the outer coat is called the sclerotica , and the front part of it cornea. The next coat within this is called the choroiides, which serves, as it were, for a lining to the other, and joins with the iris. The iris is composed of two sets of mus- cular fibres; the one of a circular form, which contracts the hole in the middle, called the pupil, when the light would otherwise be too strong for the eye ; the other consists of radial fibres, tending every where from the circumference of the iris towards the middle of the pupil ; these fibres, by their contraction, have the effect of dilating and enlarging the pupil, when the light is weak, in order to let in the more rays. The third coat is only a fine expansion of the optic nerve, which spreads like net-work all over the inside of the choroides, and is therefore called the reti- na ; upon which are formed the images of all visible objects, by the rays of light which either flow or are reflected from them. Under the cornea is a fine transparent - fluid, like water, which is therefore called the aqueous humour. This fluid gives a protuberant figure to the cornea, and has the same limpidity, specific gravity, and refractive power, as water. At the back of this lies what is called the crystalline humour , which is shaped like a double convex glass ; but a little more convex on the back than the fore part. It converges the rays which pass through it from every visible object to its focus, at the bottom of the eye. This hu- mour is transparent like crystal, is much of the consistence of hard jelly, and ex- ceeds the specific gravity of water in the proportion of 11 to 10. It is enclosed in a fine transparent membrane, from which proceed a number of radial fibres, all round the edge, and join to the circumfer- ence of the iris. These fibres have a power of contracting and dilating occasionally, by which means they alter the shape or convexity of the crystalline humour, and also shift it a little backward or forward in the eye, so as to adopt its focal distance at the bottom of the eye to the different distances of objects; without this provision we could only see those objects distinctly, that were all at one distance from the eye. At the back of the crystalline, lies the vitreous humour, which is transparent like glass, and is the largest of all in quantity, * As a figure of the eye, and the necessary lines for explaining how vision is performed by it, is very complex, it was thought better to give only a verbal dessription of that organ. 40 THE ARTISAN. filling the whole orb of the eye, and giving it a globular shape. In consistence it very much resembles the white of an egg ; and very little exceeds the specific gravity and refractive power of water. The crystalline humour is of such a convexity, that in a sound state of the eye, its focus falls precisely on the retina , and there paints or forms images of objects ; and therefore vision is not distinct if the focus should either fall short or exceed the retina. If the convexity of the cornea and crystalline humour should be greater than the just degree for forming the images of objects distinctly on the retina, the focus of rays will fall short of the retina, and the images of objects will be formed before they fall upon the retina, which is the case with near-sighted or pur- blind persons. If the convexity of those parts should be less than just, the focus will fall as it were beyond the retina, and the images of objects will not be formed under the re- tina as they should be, but above it in the crystalline humour, and, therefore will ap- pear indistinct or confused. cnisMZSTXtir. The true etymology and origin of the word Chemistry is absolutely unknown. Both are enveloped in mystery, and lost in the darkness of ages past. Some historians of this science suppose its name to be derived from the word Kema, the pretended Book of Secrets, entrusted to women by the De- mons ; others derive it from Cham, the son of Noah, from whom Egypt received the name of Chemia, or Chamia ; some attri- bute it to Chemnis, king of the Egyptians ; and others deduce it from a Greek word, which signifies juice, because they suppose it to have commenced with the art of pre- paring juices, or from another Greek word, to melt ; because, according to them, it is the daughter of the art of smelting the metals. Authors have been almost as much at variance with respect to the definition as to the origin and etymology of chemistry. Some have confined it only to the art of examining, extracting and purifying bo- dies, particularly metals ; others have onjy considered it as that of preparing reme- dies. It is only since the middle of the eighteenth century that chemistry has been considered the science which ascertains the principles of which bodies are compos- ed, and their different properties. But even this last definition is not accurate, be- cause it neither comprises all the produc- tions of nature, the principles of some of which are unknown, nor all the means of the science, which are not confined merely to the separation of the constituent parts of bodies. The true definition which ought to be given, in the present state*of the science, is much more general. The following' may be adopted: — Chemistry is a science by which we become acquainted with the in- timate and reciprocal action of all the bo- dies in nature, upon each other. By the words intimate and reciprocal action , the science is distinguished from experimental philosophy, which only considers the ex- terior properties of bodies, possessing a bulk or mass capable of being measured ; whereas chemistry relates only to the in- terior properties, and its action is confined to particles whose bulk and mass cannot be subjected to admeasurement or calcu- lation. The action of the same cause may, by a change of circumstances, pass from being an object of the one of these sciences to become that of the other. The action of heat, when it expands or contracts the di- mensions of bodies, belongs to natural phi- losophy ; when the same power burns and consumes bodies, its action belongs to che- mistry. When it converts water into steam it may belong to either science. The object of Chemistry is to ascertain the ingredients of which bodies are com- posed ; to examine the. compounds formed by the combination of these ingredients ; and to investigate the nature of the power which occasions these combinations. The science, therefore, naturally divides itself into three parts : — 1st. A descrip- tion of the component parts of bodies, or of simple substances , as they are called. 2d. A description of the compound bodies formed by the union of simple substances. 3d. An account of the nature of the power which occasions these combinations. This power is now known in Chemistry by the name of affinity. All the bodies in nature, considered with regard to the manner in which they are affected in chemical operations, pre- sent themselves to us either as simples or compounds : — that is, such as have not yet been decomposed, and such as have been analysed, or separated into others less composed, or complex. Whenever, there- fore, we use the phrase simple bodies in Chemistry, the term is to be understood only of bodies not yet decomposed. We cannot assert that those bodies are really simple in themselves, or that they are not formed of other elements still more simple. We can only affirm, that in all the experi- ments which have been made, these bodies are found to act as if they were simple ; that they cannot be decomposed by any process yet known ; and that they can only THE ARTISAN. 41 be combined with other bodies, or made to form a component part of a compound body. Natural bodies, considered under this point of view, present to chemists a very different aspect from what they did to those who held a different doctrine. Most of those bodies, which were formerly con- sidered as simple and as the elements of all other bodies, are found to be more or less compounded; while many of those that were formerly considered as com- pounds are incapable of being decompos- ed, and can only be ranked among simple bodies. The simple substances at present known amount to about fifty. These are divided by Dr. Thomson into two classes, which he names confineable and unconfineable bo- dies. By the first he means solids and li- quids ; and by the last airs and gases, heat, light, &c. The former may be exhi- bited in a separate state, but the latter cannot ; and their existence is inferred merely from certain appearances which the first class of bodies, and their compounds, exhibit in particular cases, and under pe- culiar circumstances. It is therefore ob- vious, that an acquaintance with the pro- perties of the first set of bodies, is neces- sary in order to be able to investigate those of the second. We shall, therefore, con- sider these two classes separately. But to form a classification of chemical facts, at once adapted to lead the student by easy and certain steps to a knowledge of this science, and at the same time con- formable to the strict rules of philosophi- cal arrangement, is attended with very great difficulty. For the science of Che- mistry being chiefly confined to the inves- tigation of the laws which bodies observe in combining together, or in separating from each other, it is impossible to enume- rate the properties of any one substance which ought to be selected as the first ob- ject of investigation, without tracing the effects of many other bodies upon it, which must of necessity be previously known. The action of certain bodies is, however, much more general and extensive than that of others. It therefore appears to be the most natural order of considering this complex and extensive science, to begin by describing the properties and effects of one of the most important and singular substances in nature, which is oxygen. OF OXYGEN GAS. Oxygen gas may be obtained by the fol - lowing process : — Procure an iron bottle of the shape A, B and capable of holding rather more than an English pint. To the mouth of this bot- tle an iron tube bent like B is to be fitted by grinding. A gun-barrel deprived of its butt-end answers the purpose very well. Into the bottle put any quantity of the black oxide of manganese* in powder ; fix the iron tube into its mouth, and the join- ing must be air-tight; then put the bottle into a common fire, and surround it on all sides with burning coals. The extremity of the tube must be plunged under the surface of the water with which the vessel C is filled. This vessel may be of wood or japanned tin-plate. It has a wooden shelf running along two of its sides, about three inches below the top, and an inch under the sur- face of the water. In one part of this shelf there is a slit, into which the ex- tremity of the iron tube plunges. The heat of the fire expels the greatest part of the air contained in the bottle. It may be perceived bubbling up through the water of the vessel C from the extremity of the iron tube. At first the air-bubbles come over in torrents; but after having conti- nued for some time they cease altogether. Meanwhile the bottle is becoming gra- dually hotter. When it is obscurely red the air-bubbles make their appearance again, and become more abundant as the heat increases. This is the signal for plac- ing the glass jar D, open at the lower ex- tremity, previously filled with water, so as to be exactly over the open end of the gun- barrel. The air-bubbles ascend to the top of the glass jar D, and gradually displace all the water. The glass jar D then ap- pears to be empty, but is in fact filled with air. It may be removed in the following manner: — Slide it away a little from the * This substance shall be afterwards described. It is now very well known in Britain, as it is in common use with bleachers, and several other ma- nufacturers, from whom it may be easily procured. 42 THE ARTISAN. gun-barrel, and then dipping any flat dish into the water below it, raise it on the dish, and bear it away. The dish must be allowed to retain a quantity of water in it, to prevent the air from escaping. Another jar may then be filled with air in the same manner ; and this process may be continu- ed either till the manganese ceases to give out air, or till as many jarfuls have been obtained as are required.* This method of obtaining and confining air was first in- vented by Dr. Mayou, and afterwards much improved by Dr. Hales. All the airs obtained by this or any other process ; or, to speak more properly, all the airs differing in their properties from the air of the atmosphere, have, in order to distin- guish them from it, been called gases ; and this name we shall afterwards employ, f Oxygen gas may also be obtained in a different manner, thus : — Let D represent a Avooden trough, the inside of which is lined with lead or tinned copper ; and let C be a cavity in the trough, which ought to be a foot deep. The trough is to be filled with water at least an inch above the shelf A B, which runs along the inside of it, about three inches from the top. In the body of the trough, which may be called the cistern, the jars destined to hold gas are to be filled with water, and then to be lifted, and placed im erted upon the shelf at B. G F This trough, which was invented by Dr. Priestley, has been called by the French chemists the pneumato-chemical, or simply pneumatic apparatus, and is extremely use- ful in all experiments in which gases are concerned. Into the glass vessel E put a * For a more exact description of this and simi- lar apparatus, the rea ler is referred to Lavoisier’s Elements of Chemistry , and Priestley on Airs ; and above all to Mr. Watt’s description of a pneu- matic apparatus , in Beddae’s Considerations on Factitious Airs. t The word gas was first introduced into Chemis- try by Van Helmont. He seems to have intended to denote by it every thing which is driven off from bodies in a state of vapours by heat. quantity of black oxide of manganese in powder, and pour over it as much of that liquid which in commerce is called oil of vitriol , and in chemistry sulphuric acid , as is sufficient to form the whole into a thin paste; then insert into the mouth of the vessel the glass tube F, so closely that no air can escape except through the tube. This may be done either by grinding, or by covering the joining with a little gla- zier’s putty, and then laying over it slips of bladder or linen dipped in glue, or in a mixture of the white of eggs and quick- lime. The whole must be made fast with cord.* The end of the tube F is then to be plunged into the pneumatic apparatus D, and the jar G, previously filled with water, to be placed over it on the shelf. The whole apparatus being fixed in that situa- tion, the glass vessel E is to be heated by means of a lamp or candle. A quantity of oxygen gas rushes along the tube F, and fills the jar G. As soon as the jar is filled, it may be slid to another part of the shelf, and other jars substituted in its place, till as much gas has been obtained as is want- ed. The last of these methods of obtaining oxygen gas was discovered by Scheele, the first by Dr. Priestley. The gas obtained by the above pro- cesses was discovered by Dr. Priestley, on the 1st of August 1774, and called by him dephlogisticated air. Mr. Scheele, of Sweden, discovered it before 1777, with- out any previous knowledge of what Dr. Priestley had done : he gave it the name of empyreal air.* Condorcet gave it first the name of vital air; and Mr. Lavoisier afterwards called it oxygen gas ; a name which is now generally received, and which we shall adopt. 1. Oxygen gas is colourless, and invisi- ble like common air. Like it, too, it is elastic, and capable of indefinite expansion and compression. 2. If a lighted taper be let down into a phial filled with oxygen gas, it burns with such splendour that the eye can scarcely * This process, by which the joinings of vessels are made air-tight, is called luting, and the sub- stances used for that purpose are called lutes. The lute most commonly used by chemists, when the vessels are exposed to heat, is fat lute, made by beating together, in a mortar, fine clay and boiled linseed oil. Bees-wax, melted with about one-eighth part of turpentine, answers very well, when the vessels are not exposed to heat The accuracy of chemical experiments depends almost entirely in many cases upon securing the joinings properly with luting. The operation is always tedious ; and some practice is necessary before one can succeed in luting accurately. Some very good directions are given by Lavoisier. See his Elements, Part, iii. chap. 7. In many cases luting may be avoided altogether, by using glass vessels properly fitted to each other by grinding them with emery. THE ARTISAN. 4' bear the glare of light, and at the same time produces a much greater heat than when burning in common air. It is well known, that a candle put into a well-closed jar, filled with common air, is extinguish- ed in a few seconds. This is also the case with a candle in oxygen gas ; but it burns much longer in an equal quantity of that gas than of common air. It has been ascertained by experiment, which shall be afterwards related, that at- mospherical air contains 22 parts in the hundred (in bulk) of oxygen gas; and that no substance will burn in common air previously deprived of all the oxygen gas which it contains. But combustibles burn with great splendour in oxygen gas, or in other gases to which oxygen gas has been added. Oxygen gas, then, is absolutely necessary for combustion. It has been proved also, by many expe- riments, that no breathing animal can live for a moment in any air or gas. which does not contain oxygen gas mixed with it. Oxygen gas, then, is absolutely necessary for respiration. When substances are burnt in oxygen gas, or in any other gas containing oxygen, if the air be examined after the combus- tion, we shall find that a great part of the oxygen has disappeared. If charcoal, for instance, be burnt in oxygen gas, there will be found, instead of part of the oxygen, another very different gas, known by the name of carbonic acid gas. Exactly the same thing takes place when air is respired by animals ; part of the oxygen gas disap- pears, and its place is occupied by sub- stances possessed of very different proper- ties. Oxygen gas then undergoes some change during combustion, as well as the bodies which have been burnt; and the same observation applies also to respiration. Oxygen gas is somewhat heavier than common air. If the specific gravity of common air be reckoned 1*000, that of oxygen gas, as determined by Mr. Kirwan, is 1*103. With this result the statement of Lavoisier agrees exactly. But Mr. Davy found it a little heavier; and Fourcroy, Vauquelin, and Seguin, found it a little lighter. Its specific gravity, according to Mr. Davy’s experiments, is 1*127 :* accord- ing to the French chemists, 1*087. At the temperature of 60°, and when the barometer stands at 30 inches, 100 cubic inches of common air weigh very nearly 31 grains; and 100 cubic inches of oxygen gas, at the same temperature and pressure, weigh, according to Mr. Kirwan and La- voisier, 34 grains; according to Sir H. Davy, 34*74 grains. * Mr. Davy’s oxygen gas was procured from ox- ide of manganese. It is possible that it contained a iittle carbonic acid gas. The tests used would not have excluded that body. This would explain its greater specific gravity. Oxygen gas is not sensibly absorbed b; water, except under great pressure ; bu by forcing it into a bottle of water bj strong pressure, it may be made to absorl half its bulk of that gas, and to retain it it solution. Water thus impregnated does not sensibly differ from common water, ei- ther in taste or smell. It has been found a valuable remedy in several diseases. Oxygen is capable of combining with a great number of bodies, and of forming compounds possessed of very different qua- lities. As the combination of substances with each other is of the utmost importance in chemistry, we shall here make a few ob- servations on that subject before we pro- ceed to the consideration of the nature and properties of Hydrogen Gas. When common salt is thrown into a ves- sel of pure water, it melts, and very soon spreads itself through the whole of the li- quid, as any one may convince himself by the taste. In this case the salt combines with the water, and cannot afterwards be separated by filtration, or any other me- chanical means. It may, however, be done by a very simple process ; for, if a quantity of the spirit of wine be poured into the solution, the salt will fall slowly to the bottom of the vessel in the state of a very fine powder. It was long ago asked, Why does the salt dissolve in water? and also, Why does it fall to the bottom on pouring in spi- rit of wine? These questions were first answered by Sir Isaac Newton. There is a certain attraction between the particles of common salt and those of wa- ter, which causes them to unite together whenever they are presented to one ano- ther. There is also an attraction between the particles of water and spirit of wine, which equally disposes them to unite, and this attraction is greater than that between the water and salt ; the water, therefore, leaves the salt to unite with the spirit of wine, and the salt being now unsupported, falls down by its weight to the bottom of the vessel. This power, which disposes the particles of different bodies to unite, was called by Newton attraction , by Berg- man elective attraction, and by many of the German and French Chemists affinity ; and this last term is now employed in pre- ference to the others, because they are ra- ther general. All substances which are capable of combining together, are said to have an affinity for each other; on the contrary, those substances which do not unite, are said to have no affinity for each other. Thus oil and water are said to have no affinity for one another. It appears, from the instance of the com- mon salt and spirit of wine, that substances differ considerably in the degree of their affinity from other substances, for the spirit 44 THE ARTISAN. of wine displaced the salt, and united with the water. Spirit of wine has, therefore, a stronger affinity for water than common salt has. From facts of this kind tables of affinity liave been formed and arranged in a very peculiar manner. The substance whose affinities are to be represented, is placed at the top of a column ; and beneath it the bodies for which it has an attraction, plac- ing those nearest to it which it attracts most strongly. Thus, in exhibiting the affi- nities of muriatic acid, the bodies for which it lias an affinity would be placed thus : MUR IATIC A CID, Barytes, Potash, Soda, &c. This method is now universally adopted, and has contributed very much to the ra- pid progress of chemistry. We shall treat this subject fully in a fu- ture number : we introduce it here merely to give the student of chemistry some idea of what is meant by bodies combining to- gether, as the expression will frequently occur even in treating of simple bodies. ASTS©K©MY. HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY. [Continued from page 30.] About this time, the Royal Society of London, and the Royal Academy of Paris, were established, each of which has pro- duced astronomers of the first order. The first person appointed to conduct the obser- vations at the royal observatory at Paris, was Dominic Cassini, who soon after dis- covered the first, second, third, and fifth satellites of Saturn. He also discovered that the planets Jupiter, Mars, and Venus turned round their axes in a manner similar to the earth. He died in the year 1712. The successive propagation of light, one of the most curious discoveries in Astronomy, was about this time made by Roemer, a Danish astronomer. This has ever since been accounted a most essential element in Astronomy, and must secure immortality to the name of Roemer. England, at all times, produced astro- nomers of the first order ; and at this period it had to boast of Hook, Flamstead, and Halley. Hook was born in 1635, and died in 1702. He was not only a great observer in every branch of Astronomy, but his inventive powers have been exhibited in almost every branch of science. He was the in- ventor of the Zenith Sector, an instrument which was used to determine whether or not the earth’s orbit had any sensible pa- rallax. He gave the first hint of making a quadrant for measuring angles by reflexion ; and he, in some measure, anticipated the discoveries of Newton, by shewing that the motion of the planets resulted from a projectile force combined with the attractive power of the sun. Flamstead was born 1646, and died in 1720. After the Royal Observatory at Greenwich was finished, he was appointed by King Charles II. to the management of it, with the title of Astronomer Royal. He made a very great number of observations^ which he has recorded in his Historia Ce- lestis , and in the Philosophical Transac- tions. But the principal service he ren- dered Astronomy, was by forming a cata- logue of 3000 fixed stars visible in our climate. Flamstead was succeeded, in 1719, by Dr. Halley, the greatest astronomer, says M. de la Lande, in England; and Dr. Long adds, “ I believe he might have said the whole world.” He was sent by King Charles II. to St. Helena, in order to form a catalogue of the stars in the southern hemisphere, which was published in 1679. While he was in the island of St. Helena, making this catalogue, he had an oppor- tunity of observing a transit of Mercuiy across the sun’s disc, by which he was enabled to point out the method of deter- mining the parallax of the sun. On his way between Calais and Paris y he obtained a sight of the famous comet that appeared in 1680, which suggested to him the idea of writing a treatise on the subject of comets, in which he investigates the orbits of these wandering bodies, and predicted the return of the one that ap- peared in 1759, which is the only predic- tion of the kind that ever was verified. It is said that during the nine years he was at Greenwich, he made 1500 observations. Halley was acquainted, either personally or by letter, with every astronomer of note in Europe then living. He died in the year 1742, aged eighty-six years ; and was succeeded by Dr. Bradley, to whom we are indebted for two of the most beautiful discoveries of which the science can boast : the aberration of light, and the nutation of the earth’s axis. He also made a great many observations, in order to discover if the fixed stars had any sensible parallax. These observations are partly published, and the remainder of them are in the hands of a Mr. Abraham Robertson, to whom their publication was entrusted. Bradley died in the year 1762. But to no individual is the science of Astronomy more indebted, than to the ce- lebrated Sir Isaac Newton. This great man was born on the 25th December 1642, at Woolstrope in Lincolnshire. His disco- veries were not confined to Astronomy alone; for in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy he was equally great. His chief discovery in Astronomy was the law THE ARTISAN. 4a> of gravitation, by which he was enabled to account for some of the greatest pheno- mena in nature. His great work, the Prin- cipia, appeared in 1686. This work is one of the most valuable books on Physical Astronomy that ever was published. His discoveries are so numerous and important in this science, that the solar system, or that restored by Copernicus, has received the appellation of the Newtonian system. In this country there have been several distinguished astronomers since the time of Newton, among whom may be mentioned Dr. Long, Dr. Keil, Dr. Bliss, Mr. Fergu- son, Mr. Hadley, and Dr. Herschel; the latter of whom, for his many accurate ob- servations, deserves to be ranked among the first class of astronomers of any age or nation. In the year 1781, on the 13th of September, he discovered the planet Geor- gium Sidus. In the year 1787, he disco- vered two satellites revolving round that planet; and in 1790 and 1794, he discover- ed other two satellites. These discoveries of Herschel form a new era in Astronomy. Dr. Maskelyne, the late Astronomer -Royal, has likewise rendered very impor- tant service to the science. He was the first who proposed to the Board of Longi- tude the publishing of an Ephemeris or Nautical Almanack, which was begun in the year 1767. This almanack is still conti- nued annually, and has been of the utmost service to navigation. Dr. Maskelyne died a few years ago, and was succeeded by the present Astro- nomer Royal, Mr. Pond, who is also a man of genius, and promises to be of great ser- vice to Astronomy. On the continent also there have been many astronomers of great talents since the time of Newton, particularly in France. Among these, La Caille deserves to be mentioned with credit. He was born in 1713, and in the year 1751 he undertook a voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, for the purpose of perfecting the catalogue of the stars in the southern hemisphere. After incredible labour and exertion, he returned to Europe with a catalogue of 9800 stars, which were comprehended between the south pole and the tropic of Capricorn. In addition to these labours, La Caille calcu- lated new tables of the Sun, made observa- tions on the parallax of Mars and Venus, on atmospherical refraction, on the length of pendulums, and measured a degree of the meridian during his stay at the Cape : he died in the year 1762. Contemporary with La Caille lived several very eminent astronomers, of whom may be mentioned Cassini, Bouguer, Condamine,Maupertuis, and Clairaut, who were, all employed soon after this, in measuring degrees of the me- ridian in different parts of the world. Pro- fessor Mayer, of Gottingen, deserves also to be mentioned, as contributing greatly to the improvement of this science, by the ex- cellent set of tables which he calculated for finding the place of the Moon, &c. These table are now used in making the> calculations of the Nautical Almanack., His widow received £3,000 for them from the British Government, on account of their great accuracy. Mayer died in 1762, aged 41 years. D’Alembert also rendered great service to Astronomy by his indefatigable labours, particularly in resolving the prob- lem of the precession of the equinoxes. He died 1783. Euler, one of the greatest geniuses and calculators that any age or nation can boast of, ought to be associated with the history of Astronomy, as one of its most distin- guished votaries and improvers. By his many and accurate calculations, he has rendered the most essential service, not only to Astronomy, but to all the physical sciences ; but his labours are too numerous to be detailed here. The eighteenth cen- tury was distinguished by many other eminent astronomers; viz. Maclaurin, Simpson, Bernoulli, Lambert, Mason, Bos- covich, De Lisle, Bailly, La Lande, &c. The celebrated La Grange, who out- lived most of his contemporaries, was born at Turin in 1736, and has enriched Astro- nomy with some of the most splendid dis- coveries of which it can boast. The sub- jects of his researches in this science were, the theory of Jupiter’s satellites, the mo- tions of the planets, and their action on each other, which he determined with great accuracy. As the labours of the most distinguished astronomers that have appeared in the world have now been briefly noticed, and of whom their labours are the only memo- rials that exist ; all that remains to com- plete this short account of the improve- ments that have taken place in the science, down to the present day, is to mention the labours of a few individuals still alive. La Place has also distinguished himself by his labours to improve Astronomy, particularly in solving the problem of the tides, — in adding some new corrections to the lunar tables, and some discoveries re- specting the precession of the equinoxes. He also ascertained the mean depth of the sea to be four leagues. The name of Troughton ought also to be mentioned ; for to no individual of the present age is Practical Astronomy more indebted than to this distinguished artist. The great improvements he has made upon astronomical instruments, has rendered his name celebrated in every country in Eu- rope. There is scarcely an observatory of note to be found that does not contain some of Mr. Troughton’s instruments. The labours of Dr. Olbers, Harding, and Piazzi, will be noticed in treating of the new planets. 46 THE ARTISAN. THE VARIOUS SYSTEMS OF ASTRONOMY. By the word System, in Astronomy, is meant a collection or assemblage of celes- tial bodies, connected with each other by certain or fixed laws. The system of the world comprehends the sun, the planets, and comets. To explain the motions and appearances of these bodies, various hypotheses have, at different times, been formed ; some of which have descended from the earliest periods to the present day, bearing the names of their respective inventors, and carry with them marks of very great pow- ers of invention. But in the earliest ages of the world, when men were ignorant of the laws of motion, it is scarcely to be expected that they could discover the true system of the universe, or explain all the various pheno- mena of the heavens. It is, however, be- lieved, that the first opinions on this sub- ject were much more just than those which were held afterwards for many years. Pythagoras maintained, that the Earth was a planet, and that the sun was fixed in the centre of the planetary system. This is now universally believed ; but at that time was only the opinion of a few in- dividuals of Greece, who durst not openly avow such unpopular doctrine. Hence, in a very short time, the very name of the Pythagorean system was almost buried in oblivion. PTOLEMAIC SYSTEM. The first regular system of Astronomy that appeared in the world was the Ptole- maic, so called from Ptolemy, a native of Pelusium in Egypt, as already mentioned, who came to study in the school of Alex- andria. This system is represented by the fol- lowing figure, where the concentric circles denote the orbits of the planets, &c.*' * The character ^ represents the Earth ; D the Moon; Mercury; $ Venus; the Sun; $ Mars; If, Jupiter; Tj Saturn. The circle marked sjc sj 4 denotes the Firmament of Stars; I C the first crystalline sphere ; II C the second crystalline sphere ; and P M the Primum Mobile. P.M THE ARTISAN. 4 ? This system does not seem to have been originally invented by him, but adopted as the prevailing one of the age, which he digested into a system, more regular and consistent than any thing hitherto known on that subject. He supposed the Earth to be fixed immoveably in the centre of the universe, and that the sun, moon, and planets, moved round it. That above the planets were placed the firmament of stars, then two crystalline spheres, all of which were included in the primum mo- bile, which was, by some unaccountable means, turned round once in twenty-four hours, carrying all the rest along with it. It is easy to see, that the confused mo- tions of the planets here stated, could ne- ver be accounted for on any thing like rational principles. Had the planets cir- culated uniformly round the Earth, their apparent motions ought always to have been equal and uniform, without appear- ing either stationary or retrograde. In consequence of this objection, Ptole- my was obliged to invent a great many cir- cles interfering with each other, which he called Epicycles and Eccentrics. These proved an excuse for all the defects of his system ; for, when any of the planets were deviating from the course they ought to have kept, they were then only moving in an epicycle or eccentric ! But as to the natural cause which directed any of these bodies to move in these epicycles, he was at a loss to account, and was obliged to have recource to Divine power for an ex- planation ; or in other words, to own that his system was unintelligible. If this system were true, the two planets nearest the sun, Mercury and Venus, could never be hid behind the sun, as their orbits are included in his, (according to Pto- lemy's hypothesis,) and these two planets would always move direct, and be as often in opposition as in conjunction with him. But the contrary of all this takes place ; for these two planets are just as often behind the sun as before him ; appear as often to move backward as forward; and are so far from being seen at any time in the side of the heavens opposite to the sun, that they were never yet seen a quar- ter of a circle in the heavens distant from him ; which proves that this system is con- trary to what actually takes place. Yet it continued to be in vogue till the beginning of the sixteenth century, when Copernicus, a native of Thorn in Prussia, made his appearance. This man began, in the early part of his life, to try whether a more satisfactory manner of accounting for the apparent motions of the heavenly bodies could not be discovered, than what was given by Ptolemy. From intense ap- plication to the subject, and a few hints obtained from the ancients, he at last de- duced a most complete system, capable of solving every phenomenon in a more satis- factory manner than was ever done before. This system is still called the COPERNICAN SYSTEM. In this system the Sun is supposed to be placed in the centre ; next him revolves the planet Mercury, then Venus, next the Earth with the Moon ; beyond these, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn; and far beyond the or- bit of Saturn is placed the fixed stars, which form the boundary of the visible creation. (See solar system.) Copernicus concluded, that if the Earth revolved every day round its axis from west to east, all the heavenly bodies would appear to revolve in a contrary direction ; namely, from east to west. The diurnal re - volution of the heavens, upon this hypo- thesis, would be only apparent ; the firma- ment, which has no other sensible motion, would be perfectly at rest ; while the sun, the moon, and the five planets, would have no other motion beside that eastward revo- lution which is peculiar to them. By sup- posing the Earth to revolve with the pla- nets round the sun in an orbit which in- cluded the orbits of Venus and Mercury, but included in those of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn — he could, without the embar- rassment of epicycles, connect together the apparent annual revolutions of the sun, and the direct, retrograde, and stationary appearances of the planets ; and by sup- posing the axis of the Earth a little inclin- ed to the plane of its orbit, and to remain always parallel to itself, he could also ac- count for the obliquity of the ecliptic, the Sun's apparent progression from north to south, the consequent change of seasons, and the different lengths of days and nights, &c. Though this system was received by- most men of science then living, yet there were some who would never assent to it. The motion of the Earth was so contrary to what they were always accustomed to hear on that subject, and, as they thought, to appearances, that they could never agree to support such doctrine. Among those who opposed the system of Copernicus, was the celebrated astro- nomer Tycho Brahe, who has already been mentioned as having greatly contributed to improve the science of Astronomy, by the number of observations which he made, and the excellent apparatus he caused to be constructed for his observa- tory. As he could not entirely adopt the Ptolemaic, and being a man of genius, he invented anothor system, which was a kind of mean between the Ptolemaic and the Copernican. TYCHONIC SYSTEM. According to Tycho Brahe, the inventor of this system, the Earth is supposed to be the centre of the orbits of the sun and 48 THE ARTISAN. moon ; but the sun is supposed to be the planets then known. These orbits are re- centre of the orbits of the five primary presented by the following figure. QUESTIONS FOR SOLUTION. To the Editor of the Artisan. Sir, — As I find it is not inconsistent with the plan of your interesting and very use- ful publication, to insert Philosophical Queries for solution, I have taken the li- berty to enclose the following, which I will thank you to insert in a future number. — I am, .Sir, &c. Andrew Asker. . Suppose a balloon, containing 10000 cu- bical feet, to be filled with hydrogen gas, 13 times rarer than atmospheric air, under the same compression; and suppose the whole weight with which the balloon is loaded to be 350 pounds : required to what height it will ascend ? To the Editor of the Artisan. Sir, — Having noticed several Philoso- phical queries in the 2d No. of the “ Artisan,” of which the answers are re- quired ; I would thank you to insert the two following questions in one of your future numbers, as I should wish to know their exact answers. I have solved them myself ; but not having great confidence in my own powers of calculation, I should be obliged to you, or some of your mathe- matical readers, to give their answers, in order that I may compare them with ray own, which I shall forward to you, should no one else deem them worthy of notice. Rerum. 1. A gentleman erecting a house, whose breadth was twenty-eight feet, and back wall six feet nine inches higher than the front, had beside him a sufficient quantity of rafters for the front, each twenty-four feet long ; which, to save timber, he was unwilling to cut, and therefore orders his builder to make the back rafters of such a length as will make the declivity of them and the front alike, for uniformity : re- quired how he is to proceed ? 2d. The outer diameter of a ring for the finger is *9 of an inch, the inner diameter •7, and thickness *1 of an inch; the inside half of the ring, which touches the finger, is made of standard silver, and the outer- half of ..standard, gold: required the value of the ring, allowing five shillings for the expense of making it ? THE ARTISAN. 49 GEOMETRY. PROPOSITION VI. Theorem. — If two angles of a triangle be equal to one another , the sides which sub- tend, or are opposite to, the equal angles, shall also be equal to one another . Let A B C be a triangle, having the an- gle ABC equal to the angle ACB; the side A B is also equal to the side A C. For, if A B be not equal to A C, one of them is greater than the other : — let A B be the greater, and from it cut olf D B equal to A Cj the less, and join DC; therefore, because in the triangles D B C, ACB, DB is equal to A C, and B C com- mon to both, the two sides I) B, B C are equal to the two A C, CB, each to each; and the angle DBC is equal to the angle ACB; therefore, by the supposition, the triangle DBC is equal to the triangle ACB, the less to the greater ; which is absurd. Therefore D B is not equal to AC, and in the same manner it may be proved, that no other straight line, greater or less than A B, can be equal to A C, wherefore A B is equal to A C, which was to be demonstrated. Corollary . — Hence every equiangular tri- angle is also equilateral. This proposition is the converse of pro- position V, and its proof is by reductio ad absurdum (see page 17). The corollary may be proved thus : — be- cause the angle B is equal to the angle C, the side A C is equal to the side A B ; and because the angle A is equal to the angle C, the side B C is equal to the side A B : therefore, the three sides A B, AC, and B C are equal to each other, which was to be shown. PROPOSITION VII. Theorem. — Upon the same base, and on the same side of it, there cannot be two trian- gles , that have their sides which are ter- minated in one extremity of the base equal to one another, and likewise those which are terminated in the other extremity, equal to one another . If it be possible, let there be two trian- gles ACB, A D B, upon the same base N° 4, Vol.I. A B, and upon the same side of it, which have their sides CA, D A, terminated in A equal to one another, and likewise their sides C B, D B, terminated in B, equal to one another. Join CD: then, in the case in which the vertex of each of the triangles is with- out the other triangle, because A C is equal to A D, the angle A C D is equal to the angle ADC: but the angle A C D is greater than the angle BCD; therefore the angle A D C is greater also than BCD; much more then is the angle BDC greater than the angle BCD, Again, be- cause C B is equal to D B, the angle BDC is equal to the angle B C D ; but it has been demonstrated to be greater than it ; which is impossible. But if one of the vertices, as D, be within the other triangle ACB; produce AC, A D to E, F ; therefore, be- cause A C is equal to A D in the triangle A C D, the angles E C D, F D C upon the other side of the base C D are equal to one another, but the angle E C D is greater than the angle B CD ; wherefore the angle F D C is likewise greater than BCD; much more then is the angle BDC greater than the angle BCD. Again, because C B is equal to D B, the angle B DC is equal to the angle BCD; but BDC has been proved to be greater than the same BCD; which is impossible. The case in which the vertex of one triangle is upon a side of the other, needs no demonstration. Many of the propositions in Euclid are merely subsidiary; that is, they are in themselves of no other use, than as neces- E 50 THE ARTISAN. sa'ry to the proof of other propositions that are useful : — of this kind are propositions VII, XVI, and XVII of the first book. The demonstration of this proposition is ano- ther instance of reductio ad absurdum; we here suppose an impossibility to be possi- ble, in order to shew the absurdity of that supposition : a figure is here made to re- present what no figure can represent : i. e. an impossibility ; — for we suppose not only that the lines A C and A D are equal to one another, but also thatC R and D B are equal to one another, which the demon- stration shews cannot be true, unless the points C and D coincide, and then the two triangles will altogether coincide and form but one triangle. It is possible that A C and A D, terminated at the extremity A, may be equal ; but then C B and D B, ter- minated at the extremity B, cannot be equal : — in like manner, C B and D B may be equal, but if they are, A C and A D can not; and this is all that was required to be proved PROPOSITION VIII. Theorem. — If two triangles have two sides of the one equal to two sides of the other , each to each, and have likewise their bases equal ; the angle which is contained by the two sides of the one shall be equal to the angle contained by the two sides of the other. Let ABC, DEFbe two triangles, hav- ing the two sides A B, AC, equal to the two sides DE, DF, each to each; viz. ABtoDE, and A C to DF ; and also the base B C equal to the base E F. The angle B A C is equal to the angle E D F. For, if the triangle A B C be applied to the triangle D E F, so that the point B be on E, and the straight line B C upon E F ; the point C shall also coincide with the point F, because B C is equal to E F ; therefore B C coinciding with E F, B A and A C shall coincide with E D and D F ; for, if B A and C A do not coincide with E I) and F D, but have a different situa- tion, as E G and F G ; then, upon the same base E F, and upon the same side of it, there can be two triangles E D F, E G F, that have their sides which are terminated in one extremity of the base equal to one another, and likewise their sides termi- nated in the other extremity : — but this is impossible ; therefore, if the base B C co- incides with the base E F, the sides B A, A C cannot but coincide with the sides ED, D F ; wherefore likewise the angle B A C coincides with the angle EDF, and is equal to it. Therefore, if two triangles, &c. Q.E.D. This proposition is a second instance of a proof, by supposing the one figure placed upon the other ; and since it is shewn that the triangles so applied completely coin- cide, it follows from the 8th axiom, that the triangles are equal ; that the sides of the one are respectively equal to the sides of the other; and the angles of the one to the angles of the other. Hence, if the three sides of one triangle be respectively equal to the three sides of another, the two triangles will be both equal, and equiangular to each other : that is, the angles of the one will be respec- tively equal to the angles of the other.* PROPOSITION IX. Problem. — To bisect a given rectilineal an- gle ; that is, to divide it into two equal angles . Let B A C be the given rectilineal angle, it is required to bisect it. Take any point D in A B, and from A C cut off A E equal to A D ; join D E, and upon it describe an equilateral triangle DEF; then join AF; the straight line A F bisects the angle B A C. A Because A D is equal to A E, and A F is common to the two triangles D A F, E A F ; the two sides DA, AF, are equal to the two sides E A, AF, each to each; but the base D F is also equal to the base E F ; therefore the angle D A F is equal to the angle E A F ; wherefore the given rec- tilineal angle BAC is bisected by the straight line A F. Which was to be done. * The converse of this proposition, viz. that tri- angles equiangular to each other, are also equilate- ral to each other, is not true. (See p. 18 , and note.) THE ARTISAN. 51 From this proposition it appears, that the bisection of an angle is very easily per- formed; the trisection is however more difficult, and cannot be performed by ele- mentary Geometry. PROPOSITION X. Problem. — To bisect a given straight line; that is, to divide it into two equal parts. Let A B be the given straight line ; it is required to divide it into two equal parts. Describe upon it an equilateral triangle ABC, and bisect the angle A C B by the straight line CD. A B is cut into two equal parts in the point D. C Because A C is equal to C B, and C D common to the two triangles A C D, B C D : the two sides A C, C D are equal to the two B C, C D, eaeh to each ; but the angle A C D is also equal to the angle BCD; therefore the base AD is equal to the base D B, and the straight line A B is divided into two equal parts in the point D : which was to be done. MECHANICS* If any lines D B, B C, C A, and A E, (see the figure at page 24, col. 2d,) taken in order, represent the quantities and direc- tions of forces communicated at the same time to a body at D, the line D E, which completes the figure, will represent a force equivalent to them all. For the two lines D B and B C are equivalent to D C; also, D C and C A, that is, D B, B C, and C A, are equivalent to D A ; in the same man- ner D A, and A E, are equivalent to D E. Therefore, if A B and A C, in the follow- ing figure, represent the quantities and directions of two forces, and if A E be drawn to bisect B C, then will twice A E represent & force equivalent to them both. For if the paral- lelogram be completed, since the diagonals A D and B C bisect each other, A D, which represents a force equivalent to A B and A C, is equal to twice A E. If a body at rest be acted upon at the same time by three forces, which are re- presented in quantity and direction by the three sides of a triangle, taken in order, it will remain at rest. For let A B, B C, and C A, represent the quantities and direc- tions of three forces, acting at the same time upon a body at A ; O then, since A B and B C are equivalent to AC; A B, B C, and C A are equivalent to A C and C A ; but A C and C A are equal and in opposite directions, therefore, must keep the body at rest, consequently the three forces A B, B C, and C A will keep the body at rest. A single force may be resolved into any number of forces. For since the single force A D is equivalent to the two, A B and B D, it may be conceived to be made up of, or resolved into, the two, A B and B D. The force A D may therefore be resolved into as many pairs of forces as there can be triangles described upon AD, or paral- lelograms about it. In like manner A B or B D may be resolved into two ; and, by proceeding in the same way, the original force may be resolved into any number of forces. OF FALLING BODIES. It has already been stated, at page 8, col. 1st, that when a body falls from any considerable height, its motion is uniformly accelerated, or its velocity increases pro- portionally to the time ; this effect is pro- duced by what is termed gravitation, or the power of gravity, and it affects all falling bodies in an equal degree ; that is, e 2 52 THE ARTISAN. they all fall from equal heights in equal portions of time, whatever their weights may be, allowance being made for the re- sistance of the air on the greater body, as is proved by experiments made with the air-pump. It has also been found, by ex- periments made on heavy bodies, that when they fall freely, in vacuo, or in a vessel from which the air has been ex- tracted, that they descend from rest through the space of 16^ feet in the first second of time. This fact being established, every thing relating to falling bodies is comprehended in the few simple propositions, which fol- low. The velocity acquired by a body falling from rest in any given time, is equal to twice the space fallen through in one se- cond of time, multiplied by the number of seconds it has been in motion. Hence, as a body falls 16^ feet in one second, it acquires a velocity, at the end of that time, which would carry it B2| feet in the next second, although it acquired no new impulse from gravity ; but as it is continually accelerated, it will have ac- quired a velocity, at the end of two se- conds, which would carry it 04^ feet, and so on, increasing proportionally to the time. The whole space fallen through in any given time is equal to 16^ feet, multiplied by the square of the time, reckoned in se- conds: hence it is easy to ascertain the space which any body has fallen through when the time it has been in falling is known. The time which any body will fall through any given space is obtained by di- viding the space by 16^, and extracting the square root of the quotient, the last result is the number of seconds the body has been in descending through the given space. The time that a falling body will have acquired any given velocity may also be determined thus : divide the velocity by 32£, and the quotient will be the time in seconds. These are the chief propositions relating to bodies falling to the earth, which we shall illustrate by one or two numerical examples, in order to render them still more intelligible to those who are not much acquainted with calculation. 1. What is the velocity acquired by a body which has fallen from a state of rest, after it has been three seconds in motion ? —Here 32 1, multiplied by 3, gives 96| feel, the velocity required. 2. How many feet will a body, which descends from rest, fall in three seconds of time ?— Here 16^, multiplied by 9, the square of 3, gives I44f feet, for the whole space fallen through in three seconds. 3. In what time will a body descend from rest through the space of 257£ feet? —Here 257£, divided by 16^, quotes 16, the square root of which is 4, the number of seconds required. 4. In what time will a body, which has fallen from rest, acquire a velocity of 128§ feet? — Here 128§, divided by 321, quotes 4, the number of seconds in which the body will acquire the given velocity. From what has here been stated respect- ing bodies falling from rest, and descend- ing by the force of gravity, it appears, that the spaces described by them in any equal successive portions of time, reckon- ing from the beginning of the motion, are as the numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, &c. Thus the spaces fallen through in the 1st, 2d, 3d, and 4th seconds of time, are 16-^, 16^ mul- tiplied by 3, 16 t i multiplied by 5, 16^ mul- tiplied by 7 feet respectively. If a body projected upwards move till its whole velocity is destroyed, the spaces described in equal successive port'ons of time, are as the numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, &c., as in falling bodies, but taken in an inverted order. Thus, if the velocity be wholly de- stroyed in four seconds, the spaces de- scribed in the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th seconds, are 16^ multiplied by 7, 16^ multiplied by 5, 16 t l multiplied by 3 feet respectively. If a body be projected perpendicularly upwards, the height to which it will as- cend in any given time, is equal to the space through which it would move with the first velocity continued uniform, dimi- nished by the space through which it would fall by the action of gravity in that time. 1. For example : To what height will a body rise in three seconds, if projected perpendicularly upwards, with a velocity of 100 feet per second? — The space which the body would describe in three seconds, with the first velocity, is 300 feet ; and the space through which the body would fall by the force of gravity in three seconds, is 16^ multiplied by 9, or 144$ feet; there- fore the height required is 300 diminished by 144$, or 155$ feet. 2d. Again : If a body be projected per- pendicularly upwards with a velocity of 80 feet per second, required its place at the end of six seconds? — The space which would be described in six seconds, with the first velocity, is 480 feet, and the space fallen through in the same time is 16^ multiplied by 36, or 579 feet ; therefore the distance of the body from the point of pro- jection, at the end of six seconds, is 480 diminished by 579, or minus 99 feet, which signifies that the body has descended 99 feet below the point from which it was projected.* * In all the foregoing observations on falling bo- dies, the time is supposed to be reckoned in seconds. THE ARTISAN. 53 OF THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. The centre of gravity is that point of a body in which the whole force of its gra- vity or weight is united. Therefore, what- ever supports that point bears the weight of the whole body : and whilst it is sup- ported, the body cannot fall ; because all its parts are in perfect equilibrium about that point. An imaginary line drawn from the centre of gravity of any body towards the centre of the earth, is called the line of direction. In this line all heavy bodies descend, if not obstructed. Since the whole weight of a body is united in its centre of gravity, as that cen- tre ascends or descends, we must look upon the whole body to do so too. But as it is contrary to the nature of heavy bodies to ascend of their own accord, or not to descend when they are permitted,’ we may be sure that, unless the centre of gravity be supported, the whole body will tumble or fall. Hence it is, that bodies stand upon their bases when the line of direction falls within the base ; for in this case the body cannot be made to fall without first raising the centre of gravity higher than it was before. Thus, the inclining body A B C D, whose centre of gravity is E, stands firmly on its base C D I K, because the line of direction E F falls within the base. But if a weight, as A B G H, be laid upon the top of the body, the centre of gravity of the whole body and weight together is raised up to L ; and then, as the line of direction L D falls without the base at D, the centre of gravity L is not supported ; and the whole body and weight will tum- ble down together. Hence appears the absurdity of people’s rising hastily in a coach Or boat when it is likely to overset: for, by that means they raise the centre of gravity so far as to endanger throwing it quite out of the base ; which, if they do, they overset the vehicle effectually. Whereas, had they clapt down to the bottom, they would have brought the line of direction, and consequently the centre of gravity, farther within the base, and by that means might have saved them- selves. The broader the base is, and the nearer the line of direction is to the middle or centre of it, the more firmly does the body stand. On the contrary, the narrower the base, and the nearer the line of direction is to the side of it, the more easily is the body overthrown, less change of position being sufficient to remove the line of direc- tion out of the base in the latter case than in the former. And hence it is, that a sphere is so easily rolled upon a horizontal plane ; and that it is so difficult, if not im- possible, to make things which are sharp pointed stand upright on the point. From what has just been stated, it plainly ap- pears that if the plane be inclined, on which the heavy body is placed, the body will slide down upon the plane whilst the line of direction falls within the base ; but it will tumble or roll down when that line falls without the base. Thus, the body A will only slide down the inclined plane C D, whilst the body B rolls down upon it. When the line of direction falls within the base of our feet, we stand ; but when it is without that base, we immediately fall. And it is not only pleasing, but even surprising, to reflect upon the various and unthought-of methods and postures which we use to retain this position, or to recover it when it is lost. For this purpose we bend our body forward when we rise from 54 THE ARTISAN. a chair, or when we go up stairs : and for this purpose a man leans forward, when he carries a burden on his back, and backward when he carries it on his breast ; and to the right or left side as he carries it on the opposite side. Every system of bodies, therefore, and every individual body, (for a single body may be regarded as a system of particles or infinitely small bodies), has a centre of gravity ; and that centre remains the same while the bodies retain their position re- latively to one another, however the whole system may change its place relatively to the horizon. The distance of the centre of gravity of any system of bodies from a given plane, is equal to the sum of the products of all the masses into their distances from the plane, divided by the sum of the masses.* Thus required the centre of gravity of three bodies placed in the same straight line, their weights being 6, 8, and 12 pound ; and their distances from a point in the same 20, BO, and 40 inches respec- tively. Here the product of each body multiplied into its distance from the given point, added into one sum is 840, which, divided by 26, the weight of the bodies, quotes 32f g inches, the distance of the cen- tre of gravity from the given point. If the bodies are on different sides of the point to which their distances are referred, those on one side are to be accounted affirmative , and those on the other negative; therefore the least of these quantities is to be subtracted from the greater. The centre of gravity of a triangular “plane, all the points of which gravitate equally, may be found as follows : — From the two angles of the triangle, draw lines bisecting the opposite sides. Their inter- section is the centre of gravity. When this is done, each of these lines is divided by the point of intersection, in the ratio of 2 to 1. The centre of gravity of a given pyramid may be found thus : Draw a straight line from the vertex to the centre of gravity of the base, and divide it in the ratio of 3 to 1, the greatest segment being next the ver- tex. The point thus found is the centre of gravity of the pyramid. This construction applies to a pyramid of any number of sides, and consequently to a cone. The centre of gravity of any plane may be found mechanically. Suspend it by a given point in or near its perimeter, and when it is at rest, draw across it a vertical line passing through * As a single body may be regarded as a system of particles, this proposition applies to such bodies, and is therefore universal. that point, suspend it in like manner by another point, and draw a vertical line as before. The intersection of these lines is the centre of gravity of the plane. If the body be of three dimensions, that is, solid, the same process may be follow- ed ; but three suspensions will be neces- sary. In the preceding propositions, the cen- tres of gravity of bodies or systems, in which the parts preserved the same rela- tive position, have only been considered. It is evident, however, that in any system, though the parts be not fixed in the same relative position, the centre of gravity for any given position may be found; and there are some general properties of the centres so found, that are very important in mechanics. If any number of bodies move uniformly in straight lines, their common centre of gravity will also move uniformly in a straight line, or will remain at rest. The mutual action of bodies does not change the state of their centre of gravity, either as remaining at rest, or as moving uniformly in a straight line. It is also known that the quantity of motion in any system of bodies estimated in a given direction, remains constantly the same, whatever may be the mutual action of these bodies on one another. Both this and the preceding proposition are consequences of the equality that takes place between the action and re-action of bodies. The quantity of motion in any system, is the same as if all the parts of it were united in the centre of gravity of the whole. ON THE MECHANICAL POWERS. A mechanical power, is an instrument by which the effect of a given force is in- creased, while the force itself remains the same. The simple mechanical powers into which more complex machines are re- solved, are these: 1. The lever; 2. The wheel and axle ; 3. The inclined plane ; 4. The pulley; 5. The wedge; 6. the screw. OF THE LEVER. A lever is an inflexible rod, moveable about a centre or fulcrum, and having forces applied to two or more points in it. The simplest state of the lever is, when there are only two forces; and of this there are two cases ; in the first, the ful- crum is between the points where the forces are applied, and the forces are di- rected the same way ; in the second, the points to which the forces are applied, are THE ARTISAN. 55 on the same side of the fulcrum, and the forces are directed opposite ways.* In treating of the lever, it is usual to distinguish the forces by the names of the Power and the Weight, or the Power and the Resistance, — terms that have a refer- ence to the intention with which the ma- chine is used, not to any real difference in the action of the forces. In treating of the lever, we shall begin with abstracting entirely from its own weight. If two forces be applied to a lever hav- ing equal and opposite momenta ; that is, tending to produce motion in opposite directions, and being inversely as the per- pendiculars drawn to their direction from the fulcrum, they will be in equilibrium with one another. Thus, suppose the length of a lever to be 8 feet long, with a weight of 180 pounds at one end, 2 feet from the fulcrum, or prop ; and a weight of 45 pounds at the other, 6 feet from the fulcrum: these weights will be in equilibrium, because they are to each other inversely as their perpendicular dis- tances from the fulcrum upon which they rest; that is, the greater weight contains the lesser, as many times as the distance of the lesser contains the distance of the greater from the fulcrum. When the forces or weights act parallel to one another, as has been supposed in the example just given, this proposition coincides with the property of the centre of gravity, mentioned at page 53f. When they act in an oblique direction, the case may be reduced to the preceding by the resolution of forces. It may be proper to remark, before pro- ceeding to treat more particularly of the lever, that the properties, as well as the effects that may be produced by any of the mechanical powers, is best explained and illustrated, by showing yvhen an equili- brium takes place between the power and the resistance, where any of these instru- ments are concerned. For when an equi- librium is produced, the least addition to the power must make it overcome the re- sistance. If any number of forces be applied to a lever, there will be an equilibrium, if the sums of the opposite momenta be equal to one another, and therefore, this proposition also coincides with a property of the cen- tre of gravity. See page 53. The converse of this proposition is also true, and as it is common to all the mecha- * Some writers on mechanics divide levers into three kinds ; but two of these are reducible to the second kind mentioned in this proposition. t Therefore the fulcrum and centre of gravity coincide; or the fulcrum supports the centre of gravity of the whole. meal powers, and in fact to all machines whatever, we shall here state it in the form of a distinct proposition, as' follows : When there is an equilibrium in the lever the sum of the momenta on one side of the’ centre of motion, is equal to that on the other. This property of machines is known by the name of the principle of virtual velocU ties , and is of great use in mechanical in- vestigations. The different cases of the lever, whether it be straight or crooked ; and the forces perpendicular or oblique , are all compre- hended in the preceding propositions. The case of oblique forces, however, admits of a very concise expression in terms of the angles ; we shall therefore insert the pro- position containing the principle upon which this property depends, though it can only be fully understood by those who have a slight knowledge of trigonometry. It is this,— -if two oblique forces be applied to the extremities of a straight lever, there will be an equilibrum between them, if they be inversely as the lengths of the arms by which they act, multiplied into the sines of the angles, which their direc- tions make with the lever. This proposi- tion is general, and therefore comprehends the case of perpendicular forces; it is, however, unnecessary to illustrate this by an example, for the reason stated above f we shall, therefore, now explain the dif- ferent kinds of levers, and state the par- ticular properties of each variety. A lever of the first kind is represented by the bar, or rod ABC, supported by the prop D : its principal use is to loosen large stones in the ground, or raise great weights to small heights, in order to have ropes put under them for raising them higher by other machines. The parts A B and B C, on different sides of the prop D, are called the arms of the lever : the end A of the shorter arm A B is applied to the weight intended to be raised, or to the resistance to be overcome ; and the power is applied to the end C of the longer arm B C. In making experiments with this instru- ment, the shorter arm A B must be as much thicker than the longer arm B C, as will be sufficient to balance it on the prop. This being supposed to be the case, let P represent a power, whose weight is equal to one pound, and W a body, whose THE ARTISAN,. 56 weight is equal to 12 pounds. Then, if the power be twelve times as far from the prop as the weight is, they will exactly counterpoise ea.ch other ; and a small ad- dition to the power P will cause it to de- scend, and raise the weight W ; and the velocity with which the power descends will be to the velocity with which the weight rises, as 12 to 1 : that is, directly as their distances from the prop; and, consequently, as the spaces through which they move. Hence it is plain, that if a man, by his natural strength, without the help of any machine, could support an hundred weight, he will, by the help of this lever, be enabled to support 12 hun- dred. If the weight be less, or the power greater, the prop may be placed so much farther from the weight; and then it can be raised to a proportionably greater height. For, as has already been stated, if the weight, multiplied into its distance from the prop, be equal to the power mul- tiplied into its distance from the prop, the power and weight will exactly ba- lance each other ; and a little addition to the power will raise the weight. To this kind of lever may be reduced several kinds of instruments, such as scis- sors, pincers, snuffers, which consist of two levers acting contrary to each other, their prop, or centre of motion, being the pin which holds them together. In common practice the longer arm of this kind of lever considerably exceeds the length of the shorter arm, and, of course, gives great advantage, because it adds so much to the power. A lever of the second kind has the weight between the fulcrum and the pow- er, as represented by A B in the following figure. F. In this species of lever, as well as in the former, the advantage gained depends upon the distance of the power from the fulcrum, compared with that of the resist- ance, or weight from the same point ; for the respective velocities of the power and weight are in proportion to their distances from the fulcrum, and they will be in equi- librium when the weight of the power, multiplied by its distance from the ful- crum, is equal to the weight or resistance, multiplied by its distance from the ful- crum. Thus, suppose the weight W equal to 36 pounds, and to hang one foot from the prop G ; and suppose a power P, equal to six pounds, to hang at B, six feet from the prop, by means of the cord C D going over a fixed pulley E, the power Will,* in this case, just support the weight ; and a small addition to the power will cause it to raise the weight ; but the power will descend through six times the space that the weight will ascend in any given time. A lever of this kind shows why two men carrying a burden upon a stick between them, bear unequal shares of the burden, if it is not placed at equal distances from each of them. For when a weight is placed upon a lever which is supported upon two props, in a horizontal position, as A and B, — ©— 1! - the pressure upon A is to the pressure upon B, as the distance B C is to the dis- tance A C. Hence, if a weight be placed on a stick, as at C, three times nearer B than A, and if one man support the end A and another the end B, the one at B supports three times as much weight as the one at A. This is likewise applicable to the case of two horses of unequal strength, so yoked, as that each horse may draw a part proportionable to his strength ; which is done by dividing the beam in such a man- ner, as that the point of traction may be as much nearer to the stronger horse as his strength exceeds that of the weaker. To this kind of lever may be reduced oars, rudders of ships, doors turning upon hinges, cutting-knives that are fixed at the point of the blade, &c. HYDROSTATICS. ON THE EFFECTS OF CAPILLARY TUBES. If a capillary tube of glass ; that is, a tube of which the bore is less than one-tenth of an inch, be immersed in water, the water will rise within the tube to a greater height than it stands at on the outside ; and this height is nearly in the inverse ratio of the diameter of the tube ; that is, the less the diameter the higher will the water rise. For a tube of which the bore is ^th of an inch, the rise is 5*3 inches. So the pro- duct of the diameter of the tube, into the height to which the water rises, is a given quantity, and nearly equal to *053, in parts of a square inch. THE ARTISAN. 57 It follows also from the above, that the weights of the columns of water sustained in capillary tubes, are in proportion to the diameters of these tubes. Though the rise of water above its na- tural level is most manifest in small tubes, it appears, in a degree, in all vessels whatsoever, by a ring of water formed round the sides, with a concavity up- wards. Capillary suspension takes place, though the tube be not immersed in water, provid- ing a drop of water adhere to the lower end of it. The surface of the water in a capillary tube is concave upwards ; and if by taking the tube out of the water, and inclining it, the fluid be made to move along it, the concavity appears at both ends of the column, and is the same in figure and size, whether the tube be held perpendicularly, horizontally, or obliquely. When by inclining the tube, the column of water is made to move, it appears to suffer resistance as it approaches either end, and does not completely reach the end, till the tube is either altogether, or very nearly inverted. When the tube is placed in the water, however far it be thrust down, the water within never reaches the top, till the tube is completely immersed. If a capillary tube composed of two cylinders of different bores, be immersed in water, first with the widest part down- wards, and afterwards with the narrowest, the water will rise in both cases to the same height. If the smaller end is such as to require the whole to be filled by suction, the water stands at the same height as if the whole tube were of the bore of the upper part. This experiment, however, does not suc- ceed in vacuo, and therefore the water in the wide part of the tube must be con- sidered as sustained by the pressure of the air. If two plates of glass be kept parallel, and near to one another, and if their ends be immersed in water, the water will ascend between them to half the height it would rise to in a tube, having its diameter equal to the distance of the plates. When the plates make an angle with one another, if they be immersed with the line of their intersection vertical, the water will ascend between them, and form a hyperbola. La Place caused experiments to be made with one tube placed within another, so that their axes coincided, and found that the water ascended in the space between them, only half as high as it would have done in a single tube, in which the dia- meter of the bore was equal to the distance of the two tubes from one another. If a glass tube of a small bore be im- mersed in mercury, the mercury does not rise within the tube to the height at which it stands on the outside; its surface within is convex, as it is also without, all round the tube. If into a conical capillary tube, held in a horizontal position, a drop of water be introduced, it will run toward the narrow end; but if a drop of mercury be intro- duced, it will run toward the wide end. Whether a fluid rise or fall between two vertical and parallel planes, immersed in the fluid at their lower extremities, the planes tend to approach one another. It is from this tendency, that two small vessels of glass, of a parallelepiped form, floating on water or mercury, unite, whenever they approach near to one ano- ther. The phenomena here enumerated, clearly prove the existence of an attractive force between water and glass, but require to be carefully compared before we can judge of the manner in which that force is ex- erted. The fact that points most directly to the place where the force resides, is that of the concavity of the surface, as al- ready mentioned. In the case of mercury, glass either repels the fluid, or attracts it less than its particles attract one another. Hence, the convexity of the surface that terminates the column, and the depression of that surface below the natural level. FLUIDS ISSUING THROUGH APERTURES IN THE BOTTOM OR SIDES OF VESSELS. The velocity with which water spouts out at a hole in the side or bottom of a vessel, compared with the velocity with which it spouts out at another of a different depth, is as the square root* of the depths or distance of the holes below the surface of the water. For, in order to make dou- ble the quantity of a fluid run through one hole as through another of the same size, it will require four times the pressure of the other, and therefore must be four times the depth of the other below the surface of the water : and for the same reason, three times the quantity running in an equal time through the same form and size of hole, must run with three times the velo- city, which will require nine times the pressure ; and consequently must be nine times as deep below the surface of the * The square root of any number is that which, being multiplied by itself, produces the said num- ber. Thus, 2 is the square root of 4, and 3 is the square root of 9: for 2 multiplied by & produces 4, and 3 multiplied by 3 produces 9, &c. 58 THE ARTISAN. fluid : and so on. To prove this by experi- sized bores, be fixed into the side of the ment, let two pipes, as C and g, of equal vessel A B, as in the following figure, the pipe g being four times as deep below the surface of the water at b in the vessel, as the pipe C : and whilst these pipes run, let water be constantly poured into the vessel, to keep the surface still at the same height. Then, if a cup that holds a pint be so placed as to receive the water that spouts from the pipe C, and at the same moment a cup that holds a quart be so placed as to receive the water that spouts from the pipe g, both cups will be filled at the same time by their respective pipes. The horizontal distance to which a fluid will spout from a horizontal pipe, in any part of the side of an upright vessel, below the surface of the fluid, is equal to twice the length of a perpendicular to the side of the vessel, drawn from the mouth of the pipe to a semicircle described upon the al- titude of the fluid : and therefore, the fluid will spout to the greatest distance possible from a pipe whose mouth is at the centre of the semicircle ; because a perpendicular to its diameter (supposed parallel to the side of the vessel) drawn from that point, is the longest that can possibly be drawn from any part of the diameter to the cir- cumference of the semicircle. Thus, if the vessel A B (see above figure) be full of water, and the horizontal pipe D be in the middle of its side, and the semicircle N e d c b be described upon Das a centre, with the radius or semidiameter D N, or D b, the perpendicular D d to the diame- ter N D b is the longest that can be drawn from any part of the diameter to the cir- cumference N edc b. And if the vessel be kept full, the jet G will spout from the pipe D, to the horizontal distance N M, which is double the length of the perpendi- cular D d. If two other pipes, as C and E, be fixed into the side of the vessel at equal distances above and below the pipe D, the perpendiculars, C c and E e , from these pipes to the semicircle, will be equal ; and the jets F and H spouting from them will each go to the horizontal distance N K ; which is double the length of either of the equal perpendiculars CcorEe. Let a hole be made quite through the bottom of the cup A, as in the following figure, and the longer leg of the bended syphon D £ B 6 be cemented into the hole, so that THE ARTISAN. 59 the end D of the shorter leg D E may al- most touch the bottom of the cup within. Then, if water be poured into this cup, it will rise in the shorter leg by its upward pressure, excluding the air all the way before it through the longer leg : and when the cup is filled above the bend of the sy- phon at F, the pressure of the water in the cup will force it over the bend of the sy- phon ; and it will descend in the longer leg C B G, and run through the bottom, until the cup be emptied. This is generally called Tantalus’s cup , and the legs of the syphon in it are almost close together ; and a little hollow statue or figure of a man, is sometimes put over the syphon to conceal it ; the bend E being within the neck of the figure as high as the chin — so that poor thirsty Tantalus stands up to the chin in water, imagining it will rise a little higher, and he may drink ; but instead of that, when the water comes up to his chin, it immediately be- gins to descend, and so, as he cannot stoop to follow it, he is left as much pained with thirst as ever. Having now illustrated some of the facts respecting the discharge of water through apertures in the bottom or sides of vessels, by means of the foregoing figures, we shall here give some rules for calculating the velocity and quantity of water discharged from apertures of a given size and depth, which we shall further illustrate by arith- metical examples. The velocity with which a fluid issues through an orifice in the bottom or side of a vessel, is equal to that which a heavy body would acquire by falling from the le- vel of the surface to the level of the orifice. Thus : suppose the depth of an orifice in the side of a vessel containing water to be 4 feet below the surface of the water, and that the velocity acquired by a falling body, in one second of time, is equal to 32 feet, required the velocity with which the water issues from the orifice. Here, 32 multiplied by 4 is 128, which be- ing doubled is 256, the square root of which is 16 feet, the velocity that a heavy body would acquire in falling 4 feet ; con- sequently the water will issue with a velo- city of 16 feet per second. If the velocity with which the fluid issues from the orifice were turned directly up- ward, it would carry it to the level of the surface of the fluid. The quantity of water that issues in one second through a given orifice, is equal to a column of water having the area of the orifice for its base, and the velocity with which the fluid issues for its altitude. Thus, if the area of the orifice be 2 square inches, and the velocity with which it is- sues be 16 feet per second, then the quan- tity of water which issues in one second is 192, (the inches in 16 feet,) multiplied by 2, or 384 cubic inches. It is found, however, when the experi- ment is made, that the quantity is not so great as this rule makes it, particularly when the orifice is small, for the vein of water that issues through the orifice suffers a contraction, by which its section has been ascertained to be diminished in the ratio of 5 to T nearly. Therefore, f of the above result must be taken as the true quantity discharged. We may also remark, that some writers suppose that water issues only with the velocity that would be acquired by a body falling through half the depth of the fluid. According to some very accurate experi- ments of Bossut, the actual discharge through a hole made in the side or bottom of the vessel, is to the theoretical as 1 to *62, or nearly as 8 to 5. The theoretical dis- charge, when computed, must, therefore, be diminished in this ratio to have the true one according to this philosopher. If the water issues, not through an aper- ture in the side or bottom of the vessel, but through a pipe from 1 to 2 inches in length, inserted in the aperture, the con- traction of the vein is prevented, and the actual discharge becomes to the theoreti- cal, as 8 to 10, or 4 to 5. In this way, therefore, the discharge is increased nearly in the ratio of 4 to 3. Water thrown up in a perpendicular jet ought to ascend to the height of the reser- voir; but on account of the resistance of the air, the friction of the pipe, &c. it al- ways falls short of that height; and it is found by experiment, that the difference between the heights of the jets and of the reservoirs, are as the squares of the heights of the jets themselves. The water ascends highest when the jet is not quite perpendicular ; when it is per- pendicular, the ascent is obstructed by the water falling back on the ascending co- lumn. The height to which the water rises in the jet, is called the height of the effective head. Jftiscellatteous Subjects. BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR OF EUCLID. Euclid was a native of Megara, and founder of the Megaric or Eristic sect, and was distinguished by his subtle genius, and early application to the study of phi- losophy. Having acquired some know- ledge of the art of disputation from the writings of Parmenides, he was induced., THE ARTISAN. by the fame of Socrates, to remove from Megara to Athens, where he became the auditor and disciple of this eminent philo-^ sopher. Notwithstanding the terror of the Decree, which enacted, u That any inha- bitant of Megara, who should be seen at Athens, should forfeit his life,” he fre- quently came to Athens by night, from the distance of about twenty miles, concealed in a long female cloak and veil, to visit his master. He also frequently engaged in the business and disputes of the civil courts, by which proceeding he offended Socrates, who despised forensic contests ; and this circumstance seems to have occa- sioned a separation between them. After- wards he put himself at the head of a school in Megara, where his chief employ- ment was to teach the art of disputation. Although he was much addicted to vehe- ment debates, he possessed so great a command of temper, that in a quarrel with his brother, who said to him, u Let me perish if I be not revenged upon you Euclid replied, “ And let me perish, if I do not subdue your resentment by forbear- ance, and make you love me as much as ever.” Euclid, known to every well-educated youth, by his “ Elements,” was, according to the testimony of Pappus and Proclus, a native of Alexandria, in Egypt, where he flourished and taught the mathematics in the reign of Ptolemy Lagus, about 300 years before Christ. His was the first mathematical school in that far-famed city, where, till its conquest by the Saracens, most of the eminent mathematicians were either born or studied. To Euclid, and to those immediately educated by him, the world has been indebted for Eratosthenes, Archimedes, Apollonius, Ptolemy, &c. u The Elements,” to which we have al- ready referred, are not to be wholly attri- buted to Euclid ; many of the invaluable truths and demonstrations contained there- in were discovered and invented by Thales, Pythagoras, Eudoxes, and others; but Euclid was the first who reduced them to regular order, and who probably interwove many theorems of his own, to render the whole a complete and connected system of geometry. “ The Elements” consist^of fifteen books, but the last two are suspect- ed to have been written 200 years after Euclid’s death, by Hypsicles of Alexan- dria. The best edition published in this country is that printed at Oxford, in folio, in 1703 ; but the most common edition in our schools is that by the late learned Dr. Simson. Euclid is said to have been a person of agreeable and pleasing manners, and admitted to habits of friendship and familiarity with king Ptolemy, who once demanded of the mathematician if he could not direct him to some shorter and easier way of acquiring a knowledge of geometrical truths than that which he had exhibited in his “ Elements ;” to which Euclid replied, that “ there was no royal road to geometry.” Euclid, as a writer on music, has ever been held in the highest estimation by all men of science who have treated of har- monics, or the philosophy of sound. As Pythagoras was allowed by the Greeks to have been the first who found out musical ratios, by the division of a monochord, or single string, a discovery which tradition only had preserved, Euclid was the first who wrote upon the subject, and reduced these divisions to mathematical demon- stration. His 4t Elements” were first published at Basil in Switzerland, 1533, by Simon Gry* naeus, from two MSS ; the one found at Venice, and the other at Paris. His u In- troduction to Harmonics,” which in some MSS was attributed to Cleonidas, is in the Vatican copy given to Pappus : Meibomius, however, accounts for this, by supposing those copies to have been only two different MS editions of Euclid’s work, which had been revised, corrected, and restored from the corruptions incident to frequent tran- scription by Cleonidas and Pappus, whose names were, on that account, prefixed. It first appeared in print with a Latin ver- sion, in 1498, at Venice, under the title of “ Cleonidse Harmonicum Introductorium,” — who Cleonidas was, neither the editor, George Valla, nor any one else, pretends to know. It was John Pena, a mathema- tician in the service of the king of France, who first published this work at Paris, under the name of Euclid, in 1557. After this it went through second editions with his other works. His u Section of the Canon” follows his u Introduction it went through the same hands and the same editions, and is men- tioned by Porphyry, in his Commentary on Ptolemy, as the work of Euclid. This tract chiefly contains short and clear definitions of the several parts of Greek music, in which it is easy to see, that mere melody was concerned ; as he begins by telling us, that the science of harmonics considers the nature and use of melody, and consists of seven parts: — sounds, intervals, genera, systems, keys, mutations, and melopocia ; all which have been severally considered in the dissertation. Of all the writings upon ancient music, that are come down to us, this seems to be the most correct and compressed : the rest are generally loose and confused ; the au- thors either twisting and distorting every thing to a favourite system, or filling their books with metaphysical jargon, with Py- THE ARTISAN. thagoric dreams and Platonic fancies, wholly foreign to music. Buc Euclid, in this little treatise, is, like himself, close and clear; yet so mathematically short and dry, that he bestows not a syllable more upon the subject than is absolutely necessary. His object seems to have been the com- pressing into a scientific and elementary abridgement, the more diffused and specu- lative treatises of Aristoxenus. He was the D’Alembert of that author, explaining his principles, and, at the same time, seeing and demonstrating his errors. The musical writings of Rameau were diffused, obscure, and indigested ; but M. D’Alembert, ex- tracting the essence of his confused ideas, methodised his system of a fundamental base , and compressed, into the compass of a pamphlet, the substance of many vo- lumes. According to Dr. Wallis, Euclid was the first who demonstrated that an octave is somewhat less than six whole tones ; and this he does in the 14th theorem of his u Section of the Canon.” In the 15th theorem he demonstrates, that a fourth is less than two tones and a half, and a fifth less than three and a half; but though this proves the necessity of a temperament upon fixed instruments, where one sound answers several purposes, yet he gives no rules for one, which seems to furnish a proof that such instruments were at least not generally known or used by the an- cients. What Aristoxenus called a half tone, Euclid demonstrated to be a smaller inter- val, in the proportion of 256 to 243. This he denominated a limma , or remnant ; be- cause giving to the fourth , the extremes of which were called soni stabiles, and were regarded as fixed and unalterable, the exact proportion of 4 to 3 ; and, taking from it two major tones | X |> the limma was all that remained to complete the diatessaron. This division of the diatonic genus being thus, for the first time, established upon mathematical demonstration, continued in favour, says Dr. Wallis, for many ages. HEIGHTS OF THE PRINCIPAL MOUNTAINS IN THE WORLD, EXPRESSED IN ENGLISH FEET. Those marked with the letter B have been determined by the barometer ; and those marked with the letter G, by geo- metrical operations Snae Fiall Jokul, on the north-west point of Iceland - - - - - 4,558 B Hekla, volcanic mountain in Iceland - 3,950 G Pap of Caithness - ... - 1,929 Ben Nevis, Inverness-shire - - 4*380 B Cairngorm, Inverness-shire - - 4,080 B Ben Lawers, Perthshire - - - 4,015 B Ben More, Perthshire , - . 3 ,870 B ochiliallien, Jrerthshire - • . . 3 231 q Ben Ledi, Perthshire - - '. . 3 009 B Ben Lomond, Stirlingshire - - - 3*240 B Lomond Hills, east & west, Fifeshire, 1,466 & 1*721 G Sodtra Hill, on the ridge of Lammermdir,l 716 G Carnethy, highest point of the Pentland ridge ... - 1,700 Tintoc, Lanarkshire i 720 jj Leadhills, the house of the Director of the * Mines - - ... 1,564 Queensbery Hill, Dunifries-shire - - 2,259 G Dunrigs, Roxburghshire - - . 2*408 G Elden Hills, near Melrose, Roxburghshire, 1*364 G Crif Fell, near New Abbey, in thfe Stew- artry of Kirkcudbright - - . 1831 G Goat Fell, in the Isle of Arran - - 2^950 B Paps of Jura, south arid north, in Argyll- shire - - - - - 2,359 & 2,470 Snea Fell, in the Isle of Man - - 2,004 G Macgillicuddy’s Reeks, county Kerry 3*404 Mourne Mountains, county of Down - 2,500 Helvellyn, Cumberland . - - 3*055 Skiddaw, Cumberland ... 3,022 Saddleback, Cumberland ... 2,787 Whernside, Yorkshire - - - 2,384 Ingleborough, Yorkshire - - - 2,361 Slurnnor Fell, Yorkshire - - - 2,329 Snowdown, Caernarvonshire - - 3,571 Cades Idris, Caernarvonshire - - 2,914 Beacons of Brecknock ... 2,862 Plynlimmon, Cardiganshire - - 2,463 Penmaen Mawr, Caernarvonshire - 1,540 Malvern Hills, Worcestershire - - 1,444 Cawsand Beacon, Devonshire - - 1,792 Rippon Tor, Devonshire - - - 1,549 Brocken, in the Hartz forest, Hanover 3,690 Schneekopf, in Silesia - 4,950 Priel, in Austria ..... 6,565 Peak of Lomnitz, in the Carpathian ridge, 8,640 Mont Blanc, Switzerland - - - 15,646 G Village of Chamouni, below Mont Blanc, 3,367 G Jungfrauhorn, Switzerland ... 13,730 St. Gothard, Switzerland ... 9,075 Hospice of the Great St. Barnard, on the passage to Italy .... 8,040 B Village of St. Pierre, on the road to Great St. Barnard ..... 5,338 B Passage of Mont Cenis ... 6,778 B Ortler Spitze, in the Tyrol ... 15,430 Rigiberg, above the lake of Lucerne - 5,408 Dole,the highest point of the chain of Jura, 5,412 Mont Perdu, in the Pyrenees - - 11,283 Loneira, in the department of the high Alps 14,451 Peak of Arbizon, in the department of the high Pyrenees ..... 8,344 Puy de Dome, in Auvergne - - - 5,197 Summit of Vaucluse, near Avignon - 2,150 Soracte, near Rome .... 2,271 G Monte Veiino, in the kingdom of Naples, 8,397 G Mount Vesuvius, volcanic mountain near Naplgs ...... 3,978 jEtna, volcanic mountain in Sicily - 10,963 B St. Angelo, in the Lipari islands • 5,260 Top of the Rock of Gibraltar - - 1,439 B Mount Athos, in Rumelia - - - 3,353 Diana's Peak, in the Island of St. Helena, 2,692 Peak of Teneriffe, one of the Canary Is- lands - 12,358 B Ruivo Peak, the highest point in the is- land of Madeira .... 5,162 Table Mountain, near the Cape of Good Hope ...... 3,520 Chain of Mount Ida, beyond the plain of Troy 4,960 Chain of Mount Olympus, in Anatolia 6,500 Italitzkoi, in the Altaic chain - 10,735 Awatsha, volcanic mountain in Kamt- chatka - - - - - - 9,600 Taganai, in the Uralian chain - - 4,912 The Volcano, in the Isle of Bourbon - 7,680 Ophir.in the centre of the Island of Suma- tra - - ... - - 13,842 B 62 THE ARTISAN. St. Elias, on the western coast of North America - 12,672 Chimborazo, highest summit of the Andes, 21,440 B Antisana, volcanic mountain in the king- dom of Quito ..... 19,150 B Cotopaxi, volcanic mountain in the king- dom of Quito ..... 18,890 B Tonguragua, volcanic mountain near Rio- bomba, in Quito .... 16,579 B Rucu de Pichincba, in the kingdom of Quito 15,940 B Heights of Assuay, the ancient Peruvian road - - - - - - - 15,540 B Peak of Orizaba, volcanic mountain east from Mexico 17,390 G Lake of Toluca, in the kingdom of Mexico ...... 12,195 B City of Quito ..... 9,560 B City of Mexico .... - 7,476 B Silla de Caraccas, part of the chain of Ve- nezuela - 8,640 B Blue Mountains, in the Island of Jamaica, 7,431 Pelee, in the Island of Martinique - 5,100 Morne Garou, in the Island of St. Vin- cents - 5,050 Mount Misery, in the Island of St. Chris- tophers 3,711 MOUNTAINS IN THE EAST INDIES. Himalay, or White Mountains - - 26,860 Yamunavaben, or Jamautri - - 25,500 Supposed Dhaibun .... 24,740 ON THE STUDY OF OPTICS. To the Editor of the Artisan. Sir. — Perceiving that part of your va- luable publication is devoted to miscella- neous subjects connected with the Arts and Sciences, I have taken the liberty of sending you a short article on the Study of the pleasing and highly useful science of Optics. Should you think proper to insert it in any of your succeeding numbers, it may, perhaps, be the means of turning the attention of some of your ingenious rea- ders to this interesting subject. I have frequently felt no small surprise, that a science so useful and entertaining as Optics should be so much neglected as it is at the present day, while many other branches of practical and scientific know- ledge are so eagerly cultivated, and held in such high estimation. I believe there has scarcely been a discovery, or even an improvement, made, either in the theoreti- cal or practical part of optics, since the days of the celebrated Dolland, if we ex- cept the camera lucida by Dr. Wolaston, and the kaleidoscope by Dr. Brewster. But it may, perhaps, be observed, that it does not follow, because no discoveries or im- provements, except those just mentioned, have been made in this branch of know- ledge, that the cultivation of it is neglect- ed ; since it may possibly be one of those sciences which has already arrived at per- fection. For myself, I confess, I have yet to learn what science has attained to this stage. I am not aware of any ; and am of opinion, that none offers so fair a prospect for discovery, or is so susceptible of im- provement, as that of optics. Although we know some of the laws which light obeys, in passing from one body to another, and even some of its effects upon certain substances, we are completely ignorant of its nature. And who will say, that all its effects are already known ? The practical part of the formation and combination of glasses is capable of great improvement, though very few efforts have of late been made to effect it. It would be trifling with the time of your readers to attempt any proof of so obvious a truism as the former part of this assertion ; but it may, perhaps, be necessary to advance some arguments in support of the latter, as the truth of it is more likely to be called in question. Before adducing these, I beg leave to observe what criteria I consider necessary for deciding upon its correct- ness. The popularity of any branch of physical knowledge can only be judged of by the following circumstances : the num- ber of books published on the subject — of persons employed in teaching it — of in- struments manufactured for its cultivation and application — and of the various disco- veries made in it. And it is sufficiently easy to show, that the application of any of these tests will prove optics not to be at present a popular branch of knowledge. W e very seldom hear of a book making its appearance, either on the theory or prac- tice of this science : and, amid all the ad- vertising of lecturers, and the puffing of teachers, it is scarcely ever adverted to. As to the demand for optical instruments, it is only necessary to refer individuals to their respective circles of acquaintance, to convince them, how small is the number in general use. And I have already had oc- casion to remark, how very limited has been the extent of discoveries in this sci- ence within the last thirty years. The utility of optics is so universally ac- knowledged, that it is almost superfluous to enlarge upon it. I may, however, be permitted to mention one or two facts, to shew the advantages which have al- ready resulted to mankind from its culti- vation. The. formation and combination of glasses, according to the laws of optics, have been the means of exhibiting to us wonders which could never have been even anticipated without them. The an- cients had no idea of the existence of ob- jects which the invention of the micro- scope and the telescope have made known to us. Who would have imagined, for example, that a single drop of liquid con- tains more animals than there are men, women, and children, on the surface of THE ARTISAN. 63 the whole earth?* Or, who could have supposed, before the discovery of the tele- scope, that the planet Saturn was sur- rounded by a broad luminous ring ? — that the face of the moon was diversified with mountains and vallies, and that the milky way was, to use the language of the poet, u powdered with stars ?” It is to the discoveries which have been made in optics that astronomy, and conse- quently geography and navigation, have been indebted for the greatest part of their improvements. To optics the art of draw- ing and perspective likewise owe many of the fundamental principles upon which they depend. But had this science ren- dered no other service to mankind than that of supplying them with the simple but highly valuable article of spectacles , it would have ample claims on their grati- tude and regard. This beautiful and be- neficial application of glasses may indeed be said to give eyes to the blind. And, were we even to discard from the question every consideration of utility, the intrinsic pleasure and enjoyment arising from the pursuit of this interesting science, should recommend it to our study and attention, and excite regret in the mind of every scientific person, to see it falling into un- deserved comparative neglect. Oculus. SINGULAR APPLICATION OF HEAT. Some years ago it was observed, at the Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers at Paris, that the two side-walls of a gallery were receding from each other, being pressed outwards by the weight of the roof and floors. Several holes were made in each of the walls, opposite to one another, and at equal distances, through which strong iron bars were introduced, so as to tra- verse the chamber. Their ends outside of the wall were furnished with thick iron discs, firmly screwed on. These were suf- ficient to retain the walls in their actual position. But to bring them nearer toge- ther would have surpassed every effort of human strength. All the alternate bars of the series were now heated at once by lamps, in consequence of which they were elongated. The exterior discs being thus freed from contact of the walls, permitted them to be advanced farther, on the screwed ends of the bars. On removing the lamps, the bars cooled, contracted, and drew in the opposite walls. The other bars became in consequence loose at their * Though this is generally stated to he the case by writers on the microscope, yet it would be difficult to prove if in a satisfactory manner.— E d. extremities, and permitted their end plates to be further screwed on. The first series of bars being again heated, the above pro- cess was repeated in each of its steps. By a succession of these experiments they re- stored the walls to the perpendicular posi- tion ; and could easily have reversed their curvature inwards, if they had chosen. The gallery still exists, with its bars, to attest the ingenuity of its preserver, M. Molard. SOLUTION OF QUESTIONS. To the Editor of the Artisan. Sir. — I n the second Number of your va- luable publication, I have observed a Phi- losophical Query, respecting the velocity with which a boat passes over water at different depths. I have therefore taken the liberty of sending you my opinion of the cause which occasions the difference of velocity which your correspondent, Mercator, has stated to exist. I apprehend, that a boat in proceeding along a canal or smooth water, must, in every boat’s length of her course, move out of her way a body of water equal in bulk to the room her bottom takes up in the water ; that the water so moved, must pass on each side of her, and under her bottom, to get behind her ; and that, if the passage under her bottom be straightened by the shallows, more of that water must pass by her sides, and with a swifter motion, which will retard her, as moving the contrary way; or that the water becoming lower behind the boat than before her, she will be pressed back by the weight of its differ- ence in height, and her motion is retarded by having that weight constantly to over- come. This, Sir, I consider to be the true cause, but the quantity of difference I am unable to state, having never made any experi- ments to ascertain it ; but having often oc- casion to be on the River Thames, I lately enquired of several watermen, whether they were sensible of any difference in rowing over shallow or deep water, I found them all agree in the fact, that there was a very great difference, but they dif- fered widely in expressing the quantity of the difference; some supposing it was equal to a mile in six, others to a mile in three, &c. As I do not recollect to have met with any mention of this matter in any philosophical book, and conceiving, that if the difference should really be great, it might be an object of consideration in many projects now on foot for digging new navigable canals in this country. Aouatus. 64 THE ARTISAN. To the Editor of the Artisan. Sir. — Haying observed two Philosophi- cal questions (by Peter Plus) in the second number of the Artisan, of which the solu- tion is required, I have amused myself by undertaking this task ; and, as 1 believe I have accomplished it, I here send you what I conceive to be an accurate solution of both questions. Moses Minus. Example 1 : — -Let x represent A C, the longer arm of the lever, A B ; g C EBSSSSSSSSSSBS and let a zz B C, P zz 2, then x -j- length of the lever ; p 6 or (1), W — 45, and a — A B, the whole and as it is homogene- ous, x a , or the middle of the lever will 2 __ be its centre of gravity, and x — will be the distance of the centre of gravity from the fulcrum , at C ; then from the property x 2 — a 2 of the lever P x + — ' zz a W, or Px-(-x 2 — a 2 ~2a W , and this quadratic reduced, gives x~ s/ 2 a W + a 2 + P 2 — - P, or x zz 7*7468 in this case, or the dis- tance of the power from the fulcrum ; and x -f- 1 — 8*7468 the whole length of the lever in feet, or its weight in pounds. Example 2 : — Let A E H represent the glass, and F D G the sphere ; the triangle A E B, and CEP are equian- gular, therefore, BA : A E : : F C : C E, that is, 2^ : (2| 2 + 6 2 )^ 2 : 5*2, and BC z BE • — EC — 6 — 5*2 — *8; B D — 2*8 the height of the segment im- mersed, and its content is (3 X (4 — 2*8) x 2) X 2*8 2 X *5236 — 26*272 cubic inches, the answer. This question was also answered, nearly in the same manner, by John Boronesphi- losmathematicus, Manchester; and by Mr. .John Stephens, somewhat differently, though not quite so accurately : for he makes the answer 26*7036 cubic inches, which is too great by *4316 of an inch. Mr. Richard Graham, teacher of mathe- matics, Ranelagh-street, Liverpool, also gave a very neat solution ; but it did not arrive in time for publication in the present Number. A correspondent, who signs Caldwell, Warrington, also sent us a solution of this question ; but it was not altogether correct. QUESTIONS FOR SOLUTION. To the Editor of the Artisan. Sir. — Please to insert the following question in one of your succeeding num- bers, which will very much oblige your obedient servant, Richard Graham. Ranelagh-street , Liverpool. My brewer requests me to inform him, what thickness a solid inch of glass must be blown to contain an ale gallon, or 282 cubic inches ? To the Editor of the Artisan. Sir. — I take the liberty of sending you the following mathematical question, which I will thank you to insert in an early num- ber, which will oblige, John Boronesphilosmathematicus. On December 24, 1823, at night, the al- titude of Pollux was observed, and that of the middle star in Orion’s belt,— -their difference zz 6° 35': also at the same time the difference of their azimuths, from the north, zz 51°. Required the latitude of the place of observation ? To the Editor of the Artisan. Sir, — Can you, or any of your readers, inform me if all dry solid bodies become hot by friction, or rubbing ? I should also be happy to know, if any philosophical reason can be given why liquids are not heated, or have their temperature raised by agitation. — I am, Sir, &c. Aquatus. To the Editor of the Artisan. Sir.— -Having often heard of the tempe- rature of bodies being eight hundred, nine hundred, and a thousand degrees of Fahren- heit’s scale, I should be obliged to you, or any of your philosophical correspondents, to inform me, by what instrument these temperatures are measured ; and what is the most accurate way of measuring tem- peratures between seven hundred and a thousand degrees of the above scale. A Mechanic. SIM lUlFIEI DAVY BAH? 'PRESIDENT OF TELE ROYAL SOCIETY. Tab. I824 ,/by Hodgson & C° 10 New gate St. THE ARTISAN. 65 MEMOIR OF SIR HUMPHRY DAVY. BART. The most gratifying theme to which the pen of the biographer, or even the pencil of the artist, can be devoted, is the handing down to posterity correct delineations of extraordinary men ; who, at different pe- riods and in all ages have, like meteors, burst upon the world, shedding new light upon science, adding fresh beauty to lite- rature, and invigorating and improving the morals of mankind: — To record these, forms the most delightful task of the historian. The object of these memoirs has, per- haps, done more for the chemical world than any man who has preceded him ; but whilst we thus pay a tribute to the man of scientific research, we must not forget that Sir Humphry Davy combines both the scholar and the philosopher ; and although apparently devoted to the mutation of forms in the Laboratory, he has not been unmindful even of the variation of the Muses, to which the pages of the “ Annual Anthology,” now discontinued, bear ample testimony, in the shape of some very spirited poetical effu- sions, said to have emanated from his pen ere he was ten years old ; an amusement he pursued to a much later period. Descended from an ancient family in Cornwall, he was born at Penzance, near the Land’s End, in the year 1779, on the 17 th of December ; at the grammar schools of which place and of Truro, he received the rudiments of his education, and gave early proofs of those masculine powers, which have since procured him distinguished ho- nours from his sovereign, and an imperish- able reputation among men. Having originally intended to pursue the medical profession, he resided some time at Penzance, with a friend of his ma- ternal grandfather, a Mr. Tomkins, who was a surgeon of considerable eminence, and from whom he derived both intellec- tual and professional improvement. But intending to graduate at Edinburgh, he at length became the pupil of Mr.Borlase, who also resided at Penzance, a gentleman of great intelligence, both as a surgeon and a scholar; under whom, by steadily pur- suing a methodical system of reading, pre- viously determined upon, he became, at the age of eighteen, familiar with the sci- ence of Botany, Anatomy, Physiology, Ma- thematics, Metaphysics, Natural Philoso- phy, and Chemistry ; to the latter of which his genius had decidedly devoted him. His first discovery in the arcana of science, was of great importance — no less than that sea-weed rendered the air con- tained in water pure, by the same agency that vegetables deprive atmospheric air of its noxious qualities. This at once marked him as a man of unwearied research, and he was looked up to as one from whose perseverance much was to be expected. This fact he made known to Dr. Beddoes, Vol. I. — N° 5, with whom he had beoome intimate, and who was, at that time, endeavouring to form an establishment, in order to ascer- tain, experimentally, the power of gas as applied to the cure of human diseases.— Dr. Beddoes was so much pleased, that he invited Davy, then under twenty, to join him in his pursuit; to which the latter con- sented, conditionally — that the whole of the experiments should be under his im- mediate control. This being conceded, he relinquished his predetermination to gra- duate at Edinburgh, and removed to Bris- tol, where Dr. Beddoes then resided: here he spent some considerable time, and con- tracted an intimacy with Davies Giddy, Esq. who has since taken the name of Gilbert, a gentleman well known to the scientific world; who being also an ad- mirer of the young experimentalist, deter- mined him, by his advice, to continue a ca- reer, which he has since run with so much honour to himself, and substantial advan- tage to the world — of which the safety lamp may be fairly quoted as an instance. Mr. W. Clayfield frequently assisted him in his labours, during his residence at Bris- tol, where his indefatigable zeal, in the pursuit of his favourite science, brought to light the respirability of the nitrous oxide. Soon after, he published his work, enti- tled, “ Researches Chemical and Philoso- phical,” in which he embodied the result of his experiments in gaseous matter. This publication procured him the Profes- sor’s Chair in Chemistry, at the Royal In- stitution, by introducing him to the notice of Count Rumford, who deeply interested himself to procure Mr. Davy’s election. From this period we find him in the very nucleus of scientific information, with am- ple facilities to extend his inquiries into the secrets of nature. Domiciliated in the British metropolis, at the very head of a liberal institution, he had the command of a well-appointed laboratory, a complete electrical apparatus, with the various sci- entific instruments belonging to that estab- lishment ; thus his means were more per- fect than he had hitherto found them, and he bent the whole force of his genius on chemical science. He carefully examined, but without making any new discovery, the vegetable substance called Tannin. In 1803, although he had not yet made those discoveries which have since spread his fame upon eagle wings, not only in the estimation of his own countrymen, but in that of the whole world, he was chosen a member of the Royal Society ; in 1805, he was made a member of the Royal Irish Academy ; and, in 1806, he became the Secretary to the Royal Society, and was in correspondence with the most eminent che- mists and literati of both hemispheres. His experiments with the galvanic battery had F THE ARTISAN. 66 now, for a considerable period, engrossed his attention ; and it was at this time also, he delivered his Bakerian lectures before the Royal Society, the first of which made known some highly important phenomena of the chemical actions of electricity, espe- cially relating to alkalis and acids. In 1807, he communicated his grand discoveries of the metallic bases of potash and soda, which he called 'potassium and sodium ; and at the same epoch, by like experiments, he decomposed and ascer- tained the metallic bases of other substan- ces ; after which, he demonstrated, that oxmuriatic acid was not, as it has been supposed, a compound, but a simple sub- stance, and he called it Chlorine. At first, some of the French chemists re- jected his hypothesis, that oxygen was one of the alkaline principles ; nor would they allow potassium and sodium to be any thing but hydrates ; however they were ulti- mately obliged to acknowledge its correct- ness. For the honour of science it ought never to be forgotten, that although Eng- land and France then waged a war of un- exampled inveteracy, the French Institute awarded the prize to our recondite coun- tryman. This was no less honourable to Napoleon, who was then at the head of the Institute, than that he should also send him a sum of money, and further grant him free passports, so that he might travel wherever he listed, through the dominions then under his control ; thus the rancour of belligerancy bowed to the superior ge- nius of Sir Humphry, then Mr. Davy. In 1811, Mrs. Apreece, an amiable and accomplished widow lady, of considerable fortune, became the object of Mr. Davy’s solicitude and affection ; and in the fol- lowing year, (a short period previous to which happy event, he had the honour of knighthood conferred upon him by his present Majesty, then Prince Regent,) he led that lady to the hymeneal altar. In a series of lectures began about the same time, and which he continued for three years before the Board of A griculture, Sir Humphry particularly impressed upon their minds the dependance of that branch of British wealth, upon the science of che- mistry. In 1814, he was chosen Vice- President of the Royal Institution, and a corresponding member of the French In- stitute. In 1815, at the particular request of a committee of gentlemen formed at Sunderland, in consequence of the innu- merable accidents which arose from the explosion of fire damps in the coal mines, and to provide, if possible, a remedy, Sir Humphry examined most of the large col- lieries in the north, an undertaking of equal importance, both to science and humanity ; and, after numerous experiments to ascer- tain the qualities of the exploding gas, it ended in the invention of his Safety Lamp. This effort of his indefatigable genius was considered so eminently useful, that the coal owners of the Tyne and Wear pre- sented him with a service of plate, estima- ted at the value of 2,000Z. The originality of this invention was for a time disputed : but it is now generally allowed. In 1817, Sir Humphry was created a baronet, and elected an Associate of the Royal Academy. During the two follow- ing years, he travelled to Italy, where he analyzed the colours used by the ancients in their paintings ; and examined the ma- nuscripts found in Herculaneum. These he thought were not completely carbonized, but closely adhered together by a sub- stance chemically produced during the long period they had remained buried, and which might be dissolved : but not more than one hundred out of nearly thirteen hundred afforded any likelihood of their being suc- cessfully unrolled. In 1820, he returned to his native shores, about which period, Sir Joseph Banks, the late venerable Pre- sident of the Royal Society, dying, Sir Humphry Davy and Dr. Wollaston were looked upon as the most eligible members to fill the vacancy. Dr. Wollaston, how- ever, refused to stand in the way of his friend ; and, notwithstanding he was op- posed by Lord Colchester, who was him- self proposed without his own sanction, the disputed chair was given to Sir Humphry Davy, by a majority of nearly two hundred ; nor shall we detract from the merits of the defunct President, by adding, that it has never been so ably fill- ed, since the days of that constellation of science, Sir Isaac Newton, as it is by the present noble occupant. The last important discovery for which the world is indebted to him, is the pre- vention of the corrosion and decay of cop- per used for lining the bottoms of ships, by a very simple method, and which he com- municated to the Royal Society. The cause of the corrosion, he said, was a weak chemical action constantly exerted between the saline contents of the sea-water and the copper : and he recommends the appli- cation of a very small surface of tin, or other oxydizable metal, which any where in contact with a large surface of copper, renders it so negatively electrical, that sea- water has no action upon it ; and a little mass of tin brought in communication by a wire with a large plate of copper, entirely preserves it. This discovery, by order of the Lords of the Admiralty, is now coming into actual practice on board ships of war. The works of which Sir Humphry is the author are, Chemical and Philosophical Researches ; Elements of Chemical Philo- sophy ; Elements of Agricultural Chemis- try ; and divers pamphlets : besides a con- siderable number of papers published in the Philosophical Transactions, &c. THE ARTISAN. 67 PNEUMATICS. After the full description now given of the Air Pump, we shall show how a number of interesting and important experiments may be performed by it, which will afford the most convincing and satisfactory proofs that can be given of the weight, elasticity, and other mechanical properties of the air. And as many persons may not have it in their power, either to perform, or witness the .performance, of these experiments, we shall endeavour to make them as interesting as possible, by stating the important facts which they have been the means of making known to us. EXPERIMENTS WITH THE AIR PUMP. To show the weight or pressure of the air. 1. Procure a thin bottle or Florence flask, ‘whose contents are exactly known in cubic inches, then let a cap, with a valve fasten- ed over it, be nicely fitted to the mouth of the flak. Screw the neck of this cap into the hole i of the pump-plate; then, having exhausted the air out of the flask, and taken it off from the pump, let it be suspended at one end of a balance, and nicely counter- poised by weights in the scale at the other end : this done, raise up the valve with a pin, and the air will rush into the flask with an audible noise ; during which time the flask will descend, and pull down that end of the beam. When the noise is over, put as many grains into the scale at the other end as will restore the equilibrium ; and they will shew exactly the weight of the quantity of air which has got into the flask, and filled it. If the flask holds an exact quart, it will be found that 17 grains will restore the equipoise of the balance, when * the quicksilver stands at 29| inches in the barometer : which shews, that when the air is at a mean rate of density, a quart of it weighs 17 grains ; it weighs more when the quicksilver stands higher : and less when it stands lower. 2. Place the small receiver G, which is within the large one already on the pump- plate of the air pump, over the hole i, in the pump-plate, and upon exhausting the air, the receiver will be fixed down to the plate by the pressure of the air on its out- side, which is left to act alone, without any air in the receiver to act against it ; and this pressure will be equal to as many times 15 pounds as there are square inches in that part of the plate which the receiver covers ; which will hold down the receiver so fast, that it cannot be got off, until the air be let into it by turning the cock k, and then it becomes loose. 3. Set the little glass AB, (which is open at both ends) over the hole i, upon the pump-plate LL, and put your hand close upon the top of it at B ; then upon exhausting the air out of the glass, you will find your hand pressed down with a great weight upon it, so that you can hardly release it, until th e air be re-admit- ted into the glass by turning the cock k ; which air, by acting as strongly upward against the hand as the external air acted in pressing it downward, will release the hand from its confinement. 4. Having tied a piece of wet bladder h, over the open top of the glass A, (which is also open at bottom) set it to dry, and then the bladder will be tight like a drum. Then place the open end A upon the pump-plate, over the hole i, and begin to exhaust the air out of the glass. As the air is exhausting, its spring within the glass will be weakened, and give way to the pressure of the outward air on the bladder, which, as it is pressed down, will put on a spherical concave figure, which will grow deeper and deeper, until the strength of the bladder be ovorcome by the weight of the air ; and then it will break with a report as loud as that of a pistol. If a flat piece of glass be laid upon the open top of this re- ceiver, and joined to it by a flat ring of wet leather between them, upon pumping the air out of the receiver, the pressure of the outward air upon the flat glass will break it all to pieces. 5. Immerse the neck cd of the hollow glass ball phial a a; 68 THE ARTISAN. then set it upon the pump-plate, and cover it and the hole i with the close receiver A : and then begin to pump out the air. As the air goes out of the receiver by its spring, it will also by the same means go out of the hollow ball eb , through the neck cd, and rise up in bubbles to the surface of the wa- ter in the phial; from whence it will make its way with the rest of the air out of the receiver. When the air has done bubbling in the phial, the ball is sufficiently ex- hausted ; and then, upon turning the cock fc, the air will get into the receiver, and press so upon the surface of the water in the phial, as to force the water up into the ball in a jet, through the neck c d ; and will fill the ball almost full of water. The rea- son why the ball is not quite filled, is, be- cause all the air could not be taken out of it, and the small quantity that was left, and had expanded itself so as to fill the whole ball, is now condensed in the same degree as the outward air, and remains like a small bubble at the top of the ball, which keeps the water from filling that part of the ball. 6. Having placed the jar A, I f I - e with some quicksilver in it, on the pump- plate, as in the last experiment, cover it with the receiver B ; then push the open end of the glass tube de, through the collar of leathers in the brass neck C (which it fits so as to be air tight) almost down to the quicksilver in the jar. Then exhaust the air out of the receiver, and it will come out of the tube, because the tube is close at top. When the gauge m m shews that the re- ceiver is well exhausted, push down the tube, so as to immerse its lower end into the quicksilver in the jar. Now, although the tube be exhausted of air, none of the quicksilver will rise into it, because there is no air left in the receiver to press upon its surface in the jar. But let the air into the receiver by the cock k, and the quicksilver will immediately rise in the tube, and stand as high in it, as it was pumped up in the last experiment. These experiments shew, that the quick- silver is supported in the barometer by the pressure of the air on its surface in the box, in which the open end of the tube is placed. And that the more dense and heavy the air is, the higher does the quicksilver rise; and, on the contrary, the thinner and lighter the air is, the more will the quicksilver fall. For if the handle F be turned ever so little, it takes some air out of the receiver, by raising one or other of the pistons in its bar- rel ; and consequently, that which remains in the receiver is so much the rarer, and has so much the less spring and weight ; and thereupon the quicksilver falls a little in the tube; but upon turning the cock, and re-admitting the air into the receiver, it be- comes as weighty as before, and the quick- silver rises again to the same height. Thus we see the reason why the quicksilver in the barometer falls before rain or snow, and rises before fair weather ; for, in the former case, the air is too thin and light to bear up the vapours, and in the latter, too dense and heavy to let them fall.* 7. Take the tube out of the receiver, and put one end of a bit of dry hazel branch, about an inch long, tight into the hole, and the other end tight into a hole quite through the bottom of a small wooden cup : then pour some quicksilver into the cup, and ex- haust the receiver of air, and the pressure of the outward air on the surface of the quicksilver, will force it through the pores of the hazel, from whence it will descend in a beautiful shower into a cup placed un- der the receiver to catch it. 8. Put a wire through the collar of lea- thers in the top of the receiver, and fix a bit of dry wood on the end of the wire within the receiver ; then exhaust the air, and push the wire down, so as to immerse * In all mercurial experiments with the air-pump, a short pipe must be screwed into the holes, so as to rise about an inch above the plate, to prevent the quicksilver from getting into the air-pipe and bar- rels, in case any of it should be accidentally spilt over the jar : for if it once gets into the pipes or barrels, it spoils them, by loosening the solder, and corroding the brass. THE ARTISAN. 69 the Wood into a jar of quicksilver on the pump-plate ; this done, let in the air, and upon taking the wood out of the jar, and splitting it, its pores will be found full of quicksilver, which the force of the air, up- on being let into the receiver, drove into the wood. 9. Join the two brass hemispherical cups A and B together, with a wet leather between them, having a hole in the middle of it ; then screw the end D of the pipe C D, into the plate of the pump at i, and turn the cock E, so as the pipe may be open all the way into the ca- vity of the hemispheres ; exhaust the air out of them, and turn the cock a quarter round, which will shut the pipe C D, and keep out the air. This done, unscrew the pipe at D from the pump, and screw the piece F b upon it at D ; and let two men try to puli the hemispheres asunder by the rings g and h, which they will find difficult to do ; for if the diameter of the hemi- sphere be four inches, they will be pressed together by the external air with a force equal to 188 pounds. And to shew that it is the pressure of the air that keeps them together, hang them by either of the rings upon the hook P of the wire in the receiver M, (upon the air pump) and upon exhaust- ing the air out of the receiver, they will fall asunder of themselves. 10. Place a small receiver near the hole i, on the pump-plate, as O, and cover both it and the hole with the receiver M, (see air pump) and turn the wire so by the top P, that its hook may take hold of the little receiver by a ring at its top, allowing that receiver to stand with its own weight on the plate. Then, upon working the pump, the air will come out of both receivers ; but the large one M will be forcibly held down to the pump by the pressure of the external air ; whilst the small one O, hav- ing no air to press upon it, will continue loose, and may be drawn up and let down at pleasure, by the wire P P. But, upon letting it quite down to the plate, and ad- mitting the air into the receiver M, by the cock k, the air will press so strongly upon the small reciever O, as to fix it down to the plate, and at the same time, by counter- balancing the outward pressure on the large receiver M, it will become loose. This experiment evidently shews, that the re- ceivers are held down by pressure, and not by suction, for the internal receiver conti- nued loose whilst the operator was pump- ing, and the external one was held down ; but the former became fast immediately by letting in the air upon it. 11. Screw the end A, of the brass pipe A B F, into the hole of the pump-plate, and turn the cock e f until the pipe be open ; then put a wet leather upon the plate c d , which is fixed on the pipe, and cover it with the tall receiver G H, which is close at top ; then exhaust the air out of the re- ceiver, and turn the cock e, to keep it out ; which done, unscrew the pipe from the pump, and set the end A into a bason of water, and turn the cock e to open the pipe; on which, as there is no air in the receiver, the pressure of the atmosphere on the water in the basin will drive the water forcibly through the pipe, and make it play up in a jet to the top of the receiver. 12. Set the square phial A 70 THE ARTISAN. upon the pump-plate, and having covered it with the wire cage B, put a close recei- ver over it, and exhaust the air out of the receiver ; in doing of which, the air will also make its way out of the phial through a small hole in its neck under the valve b. When the air is exhausted, turn the cock below the plate, to re-admit the air into the receiver : and as it cannot get into the phial again, because of the valve, the phial will be broken into some thousands ^of pieces by the pressure of the air upon it. Had the phial been of a round form, it would have sustained the pressure like an arch, without breaking ; but as its sides are flat, it cannot. OPTICS, This defect of the eye (see page 40) is re- medied two ways : by diminishing the dis- tance between the object and the eye ; for by lessening the distance of the object, the distance of the focus and image will be increased, till it fall on the retina , and ap- pear distinct. By applying a concave glass to the eye ; for such a glass makes the rays diverge more as they pass to the eye, in which case the distance of the focus will be also enlarged, and thrown upon the retina , when distinct vision will ensue. Hence the use of concave spectacles, to purblind or near-sighted persons, to whom objects appear under the following pecu- liarities : 1st. Objects appear nearer than they really are, or do appear to a sound eye. 2d. Objects appear less bright, or more obscure, than to other persons, because a less quantity of the rays of light enter the pupil. The eyes of such persons grow better with age ; for their defect being too great a convexity of the eye, the aqueous and crystalline humours waste or decrease with age, and of course grow flatter, and there- fore are more capable of viewing distant objects distinctly. The other defect of the eye arises from a quite contrary cause ; namely, the flat- ness of the cornea and crystalline humours. This is generally the case with the eyes of old people ; and is remedied by convex glasses, such as are used in common spec- tacles. For as the rays in. such eyes go beyond the bottom of the eye, before they come to a focus, or form dhe image, a con- vex glass will make the rays converge sooner, by which means the focal distance will be shortened, and adjusted on the re- tina, where distinct vision will be pro- duced. By convex spectacles objects appear brighter, because they collect a greater quantity of rays upon the pupil of the eye. They also appear at a greater distance than they are, for the nearer the rays ap- proach to parallel ones, the more distant will the point be to which they tend. A reading glass only differs from one of the glasses of a pair of common spectacles in being larger ; the use is however some- what different ; for spectacles are used to render objects distinct at a given distance ; but reading glasses are employed to mag- nify objects, or to render the reading of small print very easy, which would other- wise be apt to strain the eye too much. Therefore the size of glasses for spectacles is not required to be larger than the eye it- self ; but that of a reading glass ought to be large enough to take in as much of the object or print, at least, as is equal to the distance between both the eyes. If an object be placed in the focus of a convex lens, or reading glass, the rays which proceed from it, after they have passed through the glass, will proceed pa- rallel ; and therefore an eye placed any where in the axis * of the glass will have the most distinct view of the object pos- sible ; and if it be a lens of a small focal distance, the object will appear as much larger than it will do to the naked eye, as it is nearer the lens than to the eye. It is this property which renders them of so much use as single microscopes, u( which we shall here give an instance. Suppose the focal distance of a lens to be of an inch, then will the length of an object, viewed by it, appear 60 times longer than it will do to the naked eye, at six inches distance ; the breadth will also be increased 60 times, consequently the area or superficies will appear 3600 times greater than it will appear to the naked eye, when viewed at the distance of six inches. f As we have now stated and endeavoured to illustrate by figures, the chief properties of convex and concave lenses, we shall give a short account of the nature and theory of the various kinds of Microscopes. There are three sorts of Microscopes in use; viz. the single, the double , and the solar microscope. The nature of the two first depends up- on the following circumstances. 1 . That no object can be distinctly seen at a less distance, with the naked eye, than six inches. 2. That the nearer any object is, the larger is the angle under which it is seen, or the greater is the magnitude of the object. 3. That parallel rays, or such as are nearly * See page 13, coi. 2. t This is the least distance at which an object can be distinctly seen with the naked eye, in a sound state. THE ARTISAN. 71 so, can only have their focus at the bot- tom of the eye. 4. That the rays proceeding from an ob- ject placed in the focus of a concave lens, are always refracted by the lens into a di- rection parallel to each other, (see 2d fig. page 87.) The Single Microscope, as has already been stated, consists only of one conevx lens ; and when any object is to be exa- mined by it, the object is to be placed in its focus, and the rays which proceed from the object through the lens fall upon the eye parallel to each other, and therefore produce distinct vision.* The Double or Compound Microscope consists of two lens at least, but generally of three, and often more. We shall first describe the one which contains two ; the lens D E, in the follow- ing figure, is therefore to be overlooked in comparing this description with the figure. The first or smallest lens C is placed near the small object A B, at a little more than its focal distance from it, a large image of the object is thus form- ed, which will be as much larger than the object, as the distance C L is greater than * Every convex lens is therefore a single micro- scope. the distance A C ; and as this distance may be made greater or less, by placing the ob- ject nearer to, or farther from, the lens C, the image may be increased or diminished at pleasure. And as this image may be distinctly viewed, and still further magni- fied, by a convex lens M N, placed at its focal distance from the image, it is evident that small objects may be thus magnified to many times their real size.* Suppose, for example, that the distance of the object CL is 12 times the distance of the imaget C A, then will the length of the image KL be 12 times the length of the object A B, when viewed with the naked eye ; but this length of the image, if view- ed with an eye-glass of one inch focal dist- ance, will appear six times as large as it does to the naked eye, and therefore its length will appear 12 times 6, or 72 times larger than to the naked eye ; and, as its breadth will be magnified in the same proportion, its surface will be 72 times 72, or 5,184 times larger than that of the object when viewed with the naked eye. Though the magnifying power of this microscope be very considerable, yet the extent or field of view is very small and confined; therefore, in order to enlarge it, and to increase the quantity of light, ano- ther large lens D E, is placed between the two already noticed (see the figure), by which means the angle DCE or A C B, under which the visible part of the object appears, may be considerably enlarged; the image will then be formed again at F G, and as the image thus formed is now contained between the two extreme paral- lel rays of the eye-glass M F and N G, is wholly visible ; whereas before, the part O Q could only be seen. But though the object is not quite so much magnified on the whole, in this as in the former case, yet the visible surface is very much increased by the addition of this third glass. The glass R S is a plain mirror, which is employed to reflect the light I, in order to illuminate transparent objects, when ex- amined by this instrument. The Solar Microscope, invented by Dr. Lieberkhun, is employed to represent very- small objects on a very large scale, in a dark room. This is accomplished in the fol- lowing manner. Let A B (see next page) re- present abeam of the sun’s light falllingon a small mirror or looking glass D C, ad- justed by two brass wheels, to such an inclination as shall reflect the rays which fall upon it parallel to the horizon, to a large convex lens E F, which converges them to a focus ; near this focus, as at GH, is placed a small object, which is, by this means, strongly illuminated, and the * This lens or glass being nearest the eye, is usu- ally called the eye-glass. 72 THE ARTISAN. rays which flow from it through a small convex lens I, so adjusted by a slider to a little more than its focal distance from the object, produce a very large image K L, which being received upon a white table cloth, or allowed to fall on the opposite wall of the darkened room, will represent the object magnified in proportion to the distance of the picture from the lens I.* image K L is duly formed on a sheet or table cloth, at the distance of 16 feet from the small lens just mentioned : then in 16 feet there are 192 inches, and consequently 1,920 tenths of an inch ; therefore the image is 1,920 times the length of the ob- ject, and as many times its breadth ; the area or surface of the image is therefore 1,920 * It is scarcely necessary to remark that, the lenses and object to be viewed are placed in a tube, which is screwed into a hole in the window shutter, or a board placed in the window, which serves at the same time to exclude the light. times 1,020, or 3,086,400 times that of the object. Such is the prodigious magnifying power of the solar microscope. Having now described the different kinds of microscopes, and endeavoured to ex- plain the principle upon which their con- struction depends, we shall state the pro- perties of concave and convex mirrors , previous to entering upon the description of reflecting and refracting telescopes. It has already been remarked, at page 12, that when the rays of light fall upon any surface by which they are reflected, that the angle at which they are reflected is equal to the angle at which they fall upon that surface (see fig. 1, in page 12). From this simple elementary principle may easi- ly be inferred every thing relating to the formation of the images of objects in a concave mirror. For let A B be such a mirror, and O B an object placed beyond its cen- tre C, then since the axis C V is perpendi- cular thereto in the vertex V, the particle of light coming from the point O of the ob- ject in the direction of the axis, will be reflected back in the same direction to its focus at I, where the point at O will be re- presented. Then from the other extreme point B let a ray proceed to V, making the angle I V M equal to B Y O, and the point M will be the representation of the point B. And hence all the rays proceeding from every part between O and B will be reflected to the line I M, and so the whole line I M will be the representation or image of the object O B. Hence it appears that the position of the image, with respect to that of the object, must necessarily be inverted, and on the contrary side of the axis. Hence also it appears, since the object and the image are both seen from the vertex of the mirror under equal angles B V O and I V M, the length of the object will be to that of the THE ARTISAN. 73 image as the distance O V, to the distance of the image I V from the mirror. Therefore, while the object is farther from the glass than the centre C, the image will be on the same side, but nearer to it, and less than the object. If the object were placed in the centre C, the image would be there formed also, in an inverted position, and equal to the object ; if the object be placed between the centre C and focus F, as at I M, then will O B be the image formed beyond the centre, inverted and magnified. If the object be placed in the focus F, the rays will be all reflected parallel to the axis, and form the image, and at an in- finite distance, and infinitely large. Lastly, suppose the object placed any where be- tween the focus F, and the vertex V, as at K, the image will be formed behind the glass^at M, in the same position^ as the ob- ject, and magnified. If the radius of the mirror’s concavity and the distance of the object be known, the distance of the image from the mirror may be found as follows : divide the pro- duct of the distance and radius by double the distance diminished by the radius, and the quotient is the distance required. Thus, let the radius of the mirror’s con- cavity be 8 inches, and the distance of the object 5 inches, required the distance of the image from the mirror ? Here the product of 8 and 5 is 40, and double the distance of the object from the mirror is 10, which diminished by 8, the radius, leaves 2 ; and 40 divided by 2 quotes 20, which is the number of inches that the image is distant from the mirror, in this case. If a man places himself directly before a large concave mirror, but farther from it than its centre of concavity, he will see an inverted image of himself in the air, be- tween him and the mirror, of a less size than himself. And if he holds out his hand towards the mirror, the hand of the image will come out towards his hand, and coincide with it, of an equal bulk, when his hand is in the centre of the con- cavity : and lie will imagine he may shake hands with his image. If he reaches his hand farther, the hand of the image will pass by his hand, and come between his hand and his body ; and if he moves his hand towards either side, the hand of the image will move towards the other ; so that whatever way the object moves, the. image will move the contrary. All the while a by-stander wilt see no- thing'of the image, because none of the reflected rays that form it enter his eyes. If a fire be made in a large room, and a smooth mahogany table be placed at a good distance near the wall, before a large con- cave mirror, so placed, that the light of the fire may be reflected from the mirror to its focus upon the table ; if a person stand by the table, he will see nothing upon it, but a longish beam of light ; but if he stands at a distance towards the fire, not directly between the fire and the mirror, he will see an image of the fire upon the table, large and erect. And if another person, who knows nothing of this matter before hand, should chance to come into the room, and should look from the fire towards the table, he would be startled at the appear- ance ; for the table would seem to be on fire, and by being near the wainscot, to endanger the whole house* In this expe- riment there should be no light in the room but what proceeds from the fire ; and the mirror ought to be at least fifteen inches in diameter. If the fire be darkened by a screen, and a large candle be placed at the back of the screen, a person standing by the candle will see the appearance of a fine large star, or rather planet, upon the table, as bright as Venus or Jupiter. And if a small wax taper (with a flame much less than the flame of a candle) be placed near the can- dle, a satellite to the planet will appear on the table ; and if the taper be moved round the candle, the satellite will go round the planet. In the same manner it may be shown, that the rays of light falling on a convex mirror, will proceed diverging from the glass in such a manner as if they came from a point behind it, so that these glasses have no real focus or burning point ; they form the image only behind , always erect , and less than the object ; so that no magni- fying power belongs to these glasses, when used alone. CHEStMISTItir. OF HYDROGEN GAS. Another substance presents itself in the same state as oxygen; for chemists have never been able to procure it in a pure and separate state, and they have yet no proof that it exists in that state in nature. In order to discover its properties, they are obliged to examine the bodies which contain it, and by this means they are, in some measure, enabled to, discover the properties it communicates to those bodies. Though we have long possessed some knowledge of the natural inflammable va- pours of the mines, and coal pits, as well as of those which are disengaged in many operations of chemistry, such as the me- tallic solutions in the acids, &c. ; it was not till 1766 that M. Cavendish ascertained the existence of this elastic fluid, and properly distinguished it from all others, by collect- 74 THE ARTISAN. ing it separately, and distinguishing its properties. Hydrogen gas is not to be collected from natural bodies. That which is abundantly disengaged from fossil coal, moistened or exposed to the air, of putrid vegetables at the bottom of stagnant waters, of ponds, of marshes, of peat soil, contains but a small quantity of pure hydrogen gas. It contains many different substances in solution, and its properties vary singularly according to the number and the proportion of these sub- stances. It is the same with what exhales from flaming volcanos, red lava flowing into water, and from sulphureous mineral waters. It will be shown hereafter, that these gases are rather different species of inflammable gases, of which hydrogen gas indeed'constitutes the base, but in which this gas is the solvent of many different matters, and in various proportions. Hydrogen gas is the lightest species of ponderable matter yet known. It can be procured only from water, of which it forms an essential constituent. The method of procuring it is as follows. Into a phial or gas bottle C, furnished with a bent tube B, which is ground to fit the mouth of the phial ; put some pieces of pure re-distilled zinc, or harpsichord iron wire, and pour on them sulphuric acid, diluted with five times its bulk of water. An effervescence will en- sue, occasioned by the decomposition of the water, and disengagement of hydrogen, which may be collected in the pneumatic apparatus. For very accurate researches, it must be received in jars over mercury, and exposed to the joint action of dry r^u- riate of lime, and a low temperature. It is thus freed from hygrometric water. In this state its specific gravity is 0-0694, at 60° F. and 30 inches of barom. pressure. 100 cubic inches weigh 2,118 grains. It is there- fore about 14-4 times less dense than com- mon air; 16 times less dense than oxygen : and 14 times less dense than azote. When it stands over water at 60°, its sp. gr. ac- quires an increase of nearly one-seventh ; and it becomes about 0-0790. From the great rarity of hydrogen gas, it is employed for the purpose of inflating varnished silk bags, which are raised in the air, under the name of balloons. This gas is colourless, and posssssed of all the physical properties of air. It has usually a slight garlic odour, arising pro- pably from arsenical particles derived from the zinc. When water is transmitted over pure iron in a state of ignition, it yields hy- drogen gas free from smell. It is eminently combustible, and, if pure, burns with a yellowish- white flame ; but from accidental contamination, its flame has frequently a reddish tinge. If a narrow jar, filled with hydrogen, be lifted perpendicularly, with the bottom upwards, and a lighted taper be suddenly introduced, the taper will be extinguished, but the gas will burn at the surface, in contactwith the air. Animal life is likewise speedily extinguished by the respi- ration of this gas, though Sir H.Davy has shewn, that if the lungs be not previously exhausted by a forced respiration, it may be breathed for a fe w seconds without much seeming inconvenience. When five measures of atmospheric air are mixed with two of hydrogen, and a lighted taper, or an electric spark, applied to the mixture, explosion takes place, three measures of gas disappear, and moisture is deposited on the inside of the glass. When two measures of hydrogen, mixed with one of oxygen, are detonated, the whole is con- densed into water. Thus, therefore, we see the origin of the name hydrogen, a term derived from the Greek, to denote the wa- ter-former. If a bottle, containing the ef- fervescing mixture of iron and dilute sul- phuric acid, be shut with a cork, having a straight tube of narrow bore fixed upright in it, then the hydrogen will issue in a jet, which, being kindled, forms the philoso- phical candle of Dr. Priestley. If a long glass tube be held over the flame, moisture will speedily bedew its sides, and harmo- nic tones will then begin to be heard. Mr; Faraday, in an ingenious paper inserted in the 10th Number of the Journal of Science, states, that carbonic oxide produces, by the action of its flame, similar sounds, and that therefore the effect is not due to the affec- tions of aqueous vapour, as had formerly been supposed. He shews, that the sound is nothing more than the report of a conti- nued explosion, agreeably to Sir H. Davy's just theory of the constitution of flame. Vapour of ether, made to burn from a small aperture, produces the same sonorous effect as the jet of hydrogen, of coal gas, or ole- fiant gas, on glass and other tubes. Globes from seven to two inches in diameter, with short necks, give very low tones ; bottles, Florence flasks, and phials, always suc- ceeded ; air jars, from four inches diameter to a very small size, may be used. Some irregular tubes were constructed of long narrow slips of glass and wood, placing THE ARTISAN. 75 three or four together, so as to form a tri - angular or square tube, tying them round with pack-thread. These held over the hydrogen jet, gave distinct tones. Hydrogen, combined with oxygen, forms water — - W ith Chlorine . muriatic acid, Iodine _ . . hydriodic acid, Prussine . prussic acid, Carbon . . sub-carb. and carb. hydr. Azote . . ammonia, Phosphorus subphos, & subsul. hydr. Sulphur . sulph. and subsul. hydr. Arsenic . arsenuretted hydrogen, Tellurium telluretted hydrogen, Potassium potassuretted hydrogen. In the Philosophical Magazine, we have the following notice of the effect of hydro- gen gas on the voice : “ The Journal Bri- tannique, published at Geneva by Prevost, contains the following article : ‘ Maunoir was one day amusing himself with Paul at Geneva, in breathing pure hydrogen gas. He inspired it with ease, and did not per- ceive that it had any sensible effect on him, either in entering or passing out of his lungs. But after he had taken in a very large dose, he was desirous of speaking, and was astonishingly surprised at the sound of his voice, which was become soft, shrill, and even squeaking, so as to alarm him. Paul made the same experiment on himself, and the same effect was produced. I do not know whether any thing similar has occurred in breathing any of the other gases/" OF CARBON. The name of Carbon has been given by the French chemists, to a simple or unde- composed matter, abundantly contained in the different known species of coal, but which it 'is very essential should not be confounded with what is properly called charcoal. This last substance is most fre- quently a black matter, which remains after the partial decompositions of vegetable or animal substances, effected by nature or by art. Besides the carbon which it conceals in its composition, it is loaded with many other substances which are foreign to car- bon, and cannot completely be separated but by perfect combustion. It is, therefore, necessary, in order to form a proper notion of the nature of car- bon, to adopt ideas similar to those which were detailed in the preceding articles con- cerning oxygen and hydrogen. Pure car- bon does not exist in nature, nor has it yet been produced by art, any more than the bodies just mentioned ; or at least, if car- bon exists pure, or insulated, in any part of the globe, chemists have not yet discovered it. But, notwithstanding this resemblance, carbon differs materially from oxygen and hydrogen ; namely, in this circumstance, that it is never found united to caloric un- der the gaseous form, and also that, even in the state of charcoal, it may, at least, in some species of the charcoals, be regarded as nearer to its state of purity, and more proper to exhibit the properties which cha- racterise it, than these two bodies in any of their combinations. Carbon also differs essentially from oxy- gen, for it is no where collected in such great masses, though it is very abundant among natural combinations. It is, un- doubtedly one of the principles which na- ture abundantly employs in the formation of compounds: but it is never found com- bined in a mass like oxygen gas. It ap- pears, however, that though far from a state of purity, if exists, at least, under the fossil form in depositions, or beds, and veins, in the interior of the globe. Carbon is procured, not, however, pure and separated from every other body, but more or less approaching to purity, by de- composing most vegetable substances, by heat, especially ligneous, or woody bodies, which contain a great quantity of it. From these it is obtained in the state of charcoal. The carbon is united with some foreign bo- dies, and a little oxygen and hydrogen, the volatilizing of all the evaporable substances united with it in wood, constitutes the art of the charcoal burner. The water, in which trees are suffered to remain, produces the same effect, but more slowly, upon the lig- neous vegetable body. It gradually dis- solves the different soluble materials of that body, and leaves its charcoal free. If a piece of wood be put into a crucible, well covered with sand, and kept red hot for some time, it is converted into a black shining brittle substance, without either taste or smell, well known under the name of charcoal. Its properties are nearly the same from whatever wood it has been ob- tained, provided it be exposed for an hour in a covered crucible to the heat of a forge. Charcoal is insoluble in water. It is not affected (provided thatallair and mois- ture be excluded) by the most violent heat which can be applied, excepting only that it is rendered much harder and more bril- liant. It is an excellent conductor of electricity, and possesses besides a number of singular properties, which render it of considerable importance. It is much less liable to pu- trefy or rot than wood, and is not therefore so apt to decay by age. This property has been long known. It was customary among the ancients to char the outside of those stakes which were to be driven into the ground or placed in water, in order to pre- serve the wood from spoiling. New-made charcoal, by being rolled up in cloths which have contracted a disagreeable odour, el- 76 THE ARTISAN. fectually destroys it. When boiled with meat beginning to putrefy, it takes away the bad taint. It is perhaps the best teeth powder known. Mr. Lowitz of Peters- burgh has shewn, that it maybe used with advantage to purify a great variety of sub- stances. New-made charcoal absorbs moisture with avidity ; when heated to a certain temperature, it absorbs air copiously. La Metherie plunged a piece of burning char- coal into mercury, in order to extinguish it, and introduced it immediately after into a glass vessel filled with common air. The charcoal absorbed four times its bulk of air. On plunging the charcoal into water, one-fifth of this air was disengaged. This air, on being examined, was found to con- tain a much smaller quantity of oxygen than atmospherical air does. He extin- guished another piece of charcoal in the same manner, and then introduced it into a vessel filled with oxygen gas. The quan- tity of oxygen gas absorbed amounted to eight times the bulk of the charcoal ; a fourth part of it was disengaged on plung- ing the charcoal into water. This property of absorbing air, which new-made charcoal possesses, was ob- served by Fontana, Priestley, Scheele, and Morveau ; but Morozzo was the first phi- losopher who published an accurate set of experiments on the subject. These experiments have been lately re- peated upon a larger scale by Mr. Rouppe, professor of chemistry at Rotterdam, and Dr. Van Noorden of the same city. They filled a copper box, which was made air- tight, with red-hot charcoal, allowed it to cool under water, and then introduced it into a glass jar full of air. Seventeen cubic .nches of charcoal absorbed, in five hours, *48 cubic inches of air, or | nearly of its bulk. This absorption, though much more considerable than could have been ex- pected from former experiments, has since been confirmed by several chemists. When charcoal is heated to about 802°, or when it is made nearly red hot, and then plunged into oxygen gas, it takes fire ; and, provided it has been previously freed from the earths and salts which it generally contains, or if we employ lamp black, which is charcoal nearly pure, it burns without leaving any residuum. But the air in which the combustion has been carried on has al- tered its properties very considerably, for it has become so noxious to animals that they cannot breathe it without death If small pieces of dry charcoal be placed up- on a pedestal, in a glass jar tilled with oxygen gas, and standing over mercury, they may be kindled by means of a burn- ing glass, and consumed. The bulk of the gas is not sensibly altered by this combus- tion, but its properties are greatly changed. A great part of it will be found converted into a new gas quite different from oxygen. This new gas is easily detected by letting up lime-water into the jar; the lime-water becomes milky, and absorbs and condenses all the new-formed gas. This new gas has received the name of carbonic acid. Mr. Lavoisier ascertained, by a very laborious set of experiments, that it is precisely equal in weight to the charcoal and oxygen gas. Carbon, when pure and free from the foreign substances with which it is united in charcoals, appears to exist under the form of solid particles, of a black so de- terminate, as would lead us to think that it is essentially of that colour, and that it communicates it to a number of other bo- dies. It is the excess of carbon, as will be noticed hereafter, which produces the greater part of vegetable colours, and which also renders them durable and intense. It appears also that it gives the same shade in some mineral compounds, of which it forms an essential part. But there are, nevertheless, reasons for thinking that the black colour of charcoals is not a true character of carbon , and that it accompanies its union with a small por- tion of oxygen and hydrogen, from which, in its state of charcoal, it is never exempt. The diamond which, under certain rela- tions, nearly approaches to pure carbon, is so much the more white and transparent as it is less altered by foreign substances. Carbon has neither taste nor smell, and its particles never possess an adherence sufficiently strong to prevent their being very brittle ; this brittleness is also greater in charcoals as the carbon is more conta- minated with other bodies. It is probable that the particles of carbon always remain at a very great distance from each other. They do not possess the property of dis- posing themselves regularly, and never permit it to assume a crystaline form in the state of charcoal, although it is highly probable that it is capable of this arrange- ment when very pure. ASmONOMY. THE SOLAR SYSTEM. The Solar, or true system of the world, as already observed, was taught by Pythago- ras ; but aftewards lost till the time of Copernicus, who again revived it, and from this circumstance it is often called the Copernican System.* In this system, the Sun is placed nearly in the centre of the orbits of all the planets * From the labours of Sir Isaac Newton to esta- blish the system of Copernicus, it is sometimes called the Neivtonian system. THE ARTISAN. 77 and comets ; and in these orbits they per- form their revolutions round the Sun in their respective periodic times. The num- ber of planets at present known to belong to the solar system is 29, of which 11 are Primary, and 18 Secondary. The Primary planets are those that cir- culate round the Sun as their centre, viz. Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus or Georgium Sidus, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta. See the following Figure.* The first six were known to the ancients, and are therefore called the old planets. The five last have been discovered since the year 1781, and are often called the new planets. Those planets that have their orbits in- cluded within the Earth’s orbit, are called Inferior , and those without the orbit of the Earth, are called Superior planets. The Moon is a secondary belonging to the Earth, and circulates round it while the Earth continues its annual course round the Sun. Jupiter has four secondaries or satellites revolving round him ; Saturn has seven ; and Uranus has six. The orbits or paths in which the Primary Planets perform their revolutions round the Sun, and the Secondaries round their Primaries, are not exactly circles, but El- lipses or Ovals.f Now, though this be the form of the or- bit which the planet describes, yet the place * This figure represents the order in ■which these planets move round the sun ; but the circles which represent the respective orbits, do not show the proportioned distance of each planet from the sun. To do this accurately would require a very large figure. By mistake Saturn is here represented to have only six satellites instead of seven. f If the two ends of a thread be tied together and thrown loosely over two pins stuck in a table, as S and F,fig. next page, and if the thread be moderately stretched by the point of a pen or black lead pencil, and carried round the pins by an even motion and slight pressure of the hand, an ellipse or oval will be described ; the points A and P , where the pins were fixed, are called the foci or focuses of the el- lipse. The figure described will be the more ellip- tical the tighter the thread is to the pins in the foci. 78 THE ARTISAN. of the Sun is not in the centre of the orbit, but in one of the Foci, as at S. When the planet is at F, it is then nearest the Sun, and is said to be in its Perihelion. In moving from P, its distance from the Sun gradually increases till it reaches the oppo- site point A, when it is at its greatest distance from the Sun, and is then said to be in its Aphelion. When it arrives at the points B and D, it is said to be at its Mean Distance. The straight line AP, which joins the pe- rihelion and aphelion, is called the line of the Apsides, and sometimes the greater axis or the transverse axis of the orbit. The line B D, joining the points of mean distance, is called the Conjugate or lesser axis : SB or SD, the planet’s mean distance from the Sun; SC or FC, the Eccentricity of the orbit, or the distance of the Sun from its centre ; S the lower Focus, or that in which the Sun is placed ; F the higher Fo- cus ; P the lower Apsis, and A the higher Apsis. Though the Primary Planets have all nearly the same common focus in which the Sun is situated, yet they have not all the same degree of ellipticity. Most of them deviate but little from the circular form, and none of them so much as the last figure. The orbits of the dilferent pla- nets do not all lie in the same plane, as they appear to do when represented on paper. If the Earth’s orbit be supposed to be a thin solid plane, and to be extended in every direction, it will mark out a line in the starry heavens, which is called the EclijAic, and the plane itself is called the Plane of the Ecliptic. The orbits of all the other planets lie in planes dilferent from this plane ; but the one half of each orbit rises above it, and the other falls below it,* consequently the orbit of each planet crosses the ecliptic in two opposite points, which are called the planet’s Nodes. These * The angle which each orbit makes with the plane of the ecliptic, is called the inclination of the orbit. The orbit of Mercury is inclined 7® to the plane of the ecliptic; Venns 3® 23' ; Mars 1° 51"; Jupiter IS 19"; Saturn 2 s * 30': Uranus 0® 46^'; Ceres 10® 37' ; Pallas 34® 50' ; Juno 21® ; and Vesta 7® 9'. The orbits of all the old planets are included in the zodiac, which is a belt or zone in the heavens, extending about 8® on each side of the ediptic : but the orbits of the new planets are without tike zodiac. nodes are alhin different parts of the Eclip- tic, and therefore if the planetary tracks remained visible in the heavens, they would in some measure resemble the differentruts of waggon wheels crossing each other in various parts, but never going far asunder. That node or intersection where the orbit ascends above the ecliptic, is called the ascending node, and the other, which is directly opposite to it, is called the descend- ing node While the primary planets are perform- ing their revolutions round the Sun, and the secondaries round their primary pla- nets, they have all a motion from west to east round an imaginary line passing through their centres, called their axes. The axis of some of the planets is much more inclined to the axis of its orbit than others, and on this depends the change of seasons in the planet ; * for the more the axis of any planet is inclined to the axis of its orbit, the greater will be the variety of its seasons.t The extremities of the axis of any planet nre called its Poles. That which points towards the northern part of the heavens is called the North Pole, and the other pointing towards the southern part is called the South Pole. As the Earth turns round its axis in 24 hours, the heavens wdll appear to make a complete revolution in that time : and to a spectator on any of the other planets, this revolution will seem to be performed in the time which this planet takes to perform a revolution on its axis, which is called the length of the planet’s day. As it is necessary to have some method by which the position of any celestial body may be determined at any time, or its dis- tance from some known point, astronomers have fixed on the Ecliptic or Earth’s orbit for this purpose, as well as for reckoning from it the inclination of the planetary orbits. The line of the Equinoxes, or tha t line in which the Earth’s equator, when ex- tended to the heavens, cuts the Ecliptic (being always in the plane of the Ecliptic) must mark out two points of that line traced among the stars ; and from one of these points astronomers reckon the distances on the ecliptic. This point is called the vernal Equinox, because the Sun appears in it about the middle of Springorthe 20th of March; its opposite is called the au- tumnal Equinox, the Sun being in it about the middle of Autumn, or the 23d of Sep- tember. The Ecliptic is supposed to be divided into twelve equal parts, called signs, of 80 * The axis of the Earth is inclined 23® 2S' to the axis of its orbit, which is the cause of the different lengths of the days, and variety of the seasons. t The axis of the orbit of any planet is a straight line perpendicular or at right angles to the orbit. THE ARTISAN. 79 degrees each. Their names and characters are the following. Aries . . . . nr Libra . . . . 5 -A- Taurus . . • 8 Scorpio . . . • m. Gemini . . . H Saggittarius . • t Cancer . . . . SB Capricornus. • V? Leo .... . a Aquarius . . Virgo . . . . tiji Pisces . - . . X The Longitude of all the heavenly bodies is reckoned eastward on the ecliptic from the vernal equinox (where the sign Aries begins) quite round the heavens. The Latitude of any celestial body is reckoned from the ecliptic, north and south ; but its Declination is counted from the Equinoctial, in a similar manner. The Right Ascension of any celestial bo- dy is reckoned on the equinoctial from the vernal equinox, or the first point of Aries, eastward quite round the heavens. Instead of the Vernal Equinox, astrono- mers sometimes find it convenient to count the distance of a planet from its Aphelion. This distance is called the true Anomaly of the planet. OF THE SUN. The Sun is the largest body yet known in the universe. His diameter is 887,693 English miles ; his circumference 2,800,000, and his bulk is above 1,400,000 times greater than the Earth. Although the Sun be the fixed centre of the universe, he has been discovered to have a motion round his axis in 25 days 10 hours, and another round the centre of gravity of the planetary motions. The motion round his axis was discovered by Galileo in the year 1611. When the Sun is examined with a tele- scope of a tolerable magnifying power, and a piece of dar] glass interposed to prevent his rays from hurting the eye, a number of dark Spots, of various forms and magni- tudes, are frequently perceived on his disc. These spots are sometimes so very large as to be perceptible with the naked eye. The nature and formation of the Solar Spots have been the subject of much speculation and conjecture. Some astronomers have affirmed that the Sun is an opaque body, mountainous and uneven like the Earth, and covered all over with a fiery and lumi- nous fluid : that this fluid ebbs and flows after the manner of our tides, so as some- times to leave uncovered the tops of rocks or hills, which appear like black Spots, and that the nebulosities about them are caused by a kind of froth. Others have imagined, that the fluid which sends us so much light and heat contains a nucleus or Solid globe, wherein are several volcanoes, which, like iEtna or Vesuvius, from time to time, cast up quantities of bituminous matter to the surface of the Sun, and form those Spots that are perceptible on his disc ; and that this matter is gradually consumed by the luminous fluid, and then the Spots disappear for a time, but are seen to rise again in the same places when those vol- canoes cast up new matter. A third opi- nion is, that the Sun consists of a fiery lu- minous fluid, wherein are immersed several opaque bodies of irregular shapes; and that these bodies, by the rapid motion of the Sun, are sometimes buoyed or raised up to the surface, where they form the ap- pearance of Spots, which seem to change their shapes according as different sides of them are exposed to our view. A fourth opinion is, that the Sun consists of a fluid in continual agitation ; that, by the rapid motion of this fluid, some parts more gross than the rest, are carried up to the surface of the luminary, like the scum of melted metal rising up to the top in a furnace ; and that these scums, as they are differently agitated by the motion of the fluid, form themselves into those Spots that are visible on the solar disc. Dr. Kerschel supposes the Sun an opaque body like the planets, surrounded by an at- mosphere of a phosphoric nature, with a number of luminous clouds floating on it; and that the dark nucleus of the Spots are occasioned by the opaque body of the Sun appearing through openings in his Atmos- phere. The late Dr. "Wilson of Glasgow has ad- vanced a new opinion respecting the solar Spots. He supposes, with great appear- ance of truth, that they are depressions ra- ther than elevations ; and that the dark nucleus of every Spot is the opaque body of the Sun seen through an opening in the luminous Atmosphere with which he is surrounded. Amidst all these conjectures, we are still left in uncertainty: for there appears little in any of them to entitle it to a superioritl over the other. In one particular they aly agree ; namely, that the Sun is either com - posed of, or surrounded by, some very powerful heating substance ; but w hat that substance is, or how it is maintained, they are all at a loss to determine. Many expe- riments have been made, both in this coun- try and on the continent, to determine the Heat of the Sun, or the intensity of his rays, when concentrated in the focus of a lens, or by reflecting mirrors. Among these may be mentioned the experiments made by Dr. Harris and Dr. Desaguliers, with a mirror constructed by Mr. Vilette. It was 3 feet 11 inches in diameter, and its focal distance was 3 feet 2 inches. A fossil shell was calcined by it in 7 seconds, copper ore vitrified in 8 seconds ; iron ore melted in 24 seconds : talc began to calcine in 40 seconds ; a great fish’s tooth melted in 32^ seconds ; a silver sixpence melted in seconds ; a copper halfpenny melted in 20 THE ARTISAN. seconds ; tin melted in 8 seconds ; oast iron in 16 seconds ; slate melted in 3 seconds ; bone was calcined in 4 seconds. So power- ful are the Sun’s rays when condensed by burning glasses, that it is said Archimedes set fire to the Roman fleet at the siege of Syracuse by a combination of these glasses ; and Buffon, in the year 1747, constructed a reflecting mirrof -of 168 plane glasses, moveable on hinges, with which he set w ood on fire at the distance of 150 feet, and melted lead at 145 feet. To be continued. i&tsceltoous Subjects. SOLUTIONS OF QUESTIONS, In No. III. To the Editor of the Artisan. Sir, — In the third number of your ex- cellent publication, there is a question, by Andrew Asker, requiring the height to which a balloon, containing 10,000 cubical feet, and loaded with 350 pounds, will as- cend : I have solved the question, and en- closed the solution, which if you think proper to insert in your next number, will oblige, sir, &c. &c. Lunardi. Let y be the specific gravity of the stra- tum, of air in which the balloon floats, when af its greatest height ( water being unity ); then, since a cubic foot of water weighs 62*48 lbs. avoirdupois, at the temperature of 60°, the weight of the air displaced, or force tending to support the balloon, is 62*48 X 10000 X y , or 624800 y. But the whole weight of the balloon is 350 -f- y (62-48 x 10,000) X — , and therefore, when the balloon is just supported, and has no tendency to ascend, 624800 y — 350 + y (62*48 X 10,000) X — , consequently y ~ 13 455 , or *00052017, the density of the 874720 J air at the greatest height the balloon will reach. And assuming the density or elas- ticity of the air at the surface of the earth to be *0015224 (as it has been found to be when the barometer stands at 30 inches) the height is determined by the rules for barometric measurement ; and in the pre- sent case I shall apply the rule given at page 33 of the u Artisan,” as it is less com- plex than any other. The height of the mercury in the baro- meter being directly proportional to the density of the air, the height of the mer- cury at the balloon is determined, (sup- posing it 30 inches at the surface) thus 105224 : 52017 : : 30 : 14 83, Then 30 14.83 44*83 : 15*17 : : 52*000 : 17.596*3 feet, which is only the approximate height ac- cording to the rule ; but the correction to be applied on account of the expansion of the air is not necessary in the present ex- ample, as the question states that the air is to be considered “ under the same com- pression.” I have, however, computed the correc- tion, by first determining the temperature of the balloon, when highest, by the for- mula at page 33, 1st col. of the “ Artisan,” and found it to be 1801*6 feet; therefore the whole height is 17596-3 -j- 1807-6 ~ 19397-9 feet. TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY OF GREAT BRITAIN. It appears from a memoir lately read before the Royal Society, that the result of the Trigonometrical Survey of Altitudes in Great Britain, relatively to the different sections of the meridian, has not yet been verified in a manner so satisfactory as could be wished. In order to rectify the anomalies which some of the calculations present, and par- ticularly in the one which respects Arbury Hill, Northamptonshire, Sir B. Bevan(the author of the memoir) has determined the altitude of that station, by the process of leveling with the greatest care, to theGrand Junction Canal. From this he deduced the altitudes of the greater part of the import- ant points in the counties of Northampton, Buckingham, and Bedford ; the latitude , by these calculations, is found 5" less than that given by the zenith sector, which renders it highly probable that the difference is pro- duced by the local attraction of the moun- tains to the south of that station. The altitude of the Grand Junction Ca- nal near Tring, is, according to him, 402 feet above the level of the sea at low spring tides, which gives 740| for the altitude of Arbury Hill, in place of 804, as stated in the Survey. Sir B. has also rectified the altitudes of various other stations, which he found notperfectly correct. But itought to be remembered, that in operations of this kind, the accuracy of the results depends much upon the goodness of the instruments employed in the operation. THE ARTISAN-, 81 &EOMETB>ir. PROPOSITION XI. Problem. — To draw a straight line at right angles or 'perpendicular to a given straight line, from a given point in the same. Let A R be a given straight lino, and C a point given in it : it is required to draw a straight line from the point C at right angles to A B. Take any point B in A C, and make C E equal to C I), and upon D E describe the equilateral triangle DFE, and join F C ; the straight line F C drawn from the given point C, is at right angles to the given straight line A B. Because D C is equal to C E, and F C common to the two triangles J) C F, E C F, the two sides D C, C F, are equal to the two EC, CF, each to each ; but the base DF Is also equal to the base E F ; therefore the angle D C F is equal to the angle ECF ; hnd they are adjacent angles. But when the adjacent angles which one straight line makes with another straight line are equal to one another, each of them is called a right angle ; therefore each of the angles DCF, ECF, is a right angle. Where- fore, from the given point C, in the given straight line A B, F C has been drawn at right angles to AB. Which was to be done. PROPOSITION XII. Problem. — To draw a straight line at right angles ( or perpendicular J to a given straight line of an unlimited length from a given point without it. Let A B be a given straight line, which may be produced to any length both ways, C and let C be a point without it. It is required to draw a straight line perpen- dicular to A B from the point C. Take any point D upon the other side of A B, and from the centre C, at the distance C D, describe the circle EGF meeting AB in F G : and bisect F G in H, and join CF, C H, C G ; the straight line C H, drawn from the point C, is perpendicular to the given atraight line A B. Because F H is equal to H G, and H C common to the two triangles F H C, GH C, the two sides F H, H C are equal to the two GH, H C, each to each ; now the base C F is also equal to the base C G ; there- fore the angle C H F is equal to the angle C H G: and they are adjacent angles ; but when a straight line standing on a straight line makes the adjacent angles equal to one another, each of them is a right angle, and the straight line which stands upon the other is called a perpendicular to it ; therefore from the given point C a perpen- dicular CH has been drawn to the given straight line AB. Which was to be done. PROPOSITION XIII. Theorem.' — The angles ivhich one straight line makes ivith another upon the one side of it, are either two right angles, or are to- gether equal to two right angles. Let the straight line A B make with CD, upon one side of it, the angles CBA , ABD ; these are either two right angles, or are together equal to two right angles. A. O B C For if the angle C B A be equal to A B D, each of them is a right angles but, if not, E G 82 THE ARTISAN. from the point B draw B E at right angles to C D : therefore the angles CBE, E B D are two right angles. Now, the angle CBE is equal to the two angles CBA, ABE together ; add the angle E B D to each of these equals, and the two angles CBE, E B D will be equal to the three CBA, ABE, E B D. Again, the angle DB A is equal to the two angles D B E, E B A ; add to each of these equals the angle ABC; then will the two angles X> B A, A B C be equal to the three angles DBE, E B A, ABC: but the angles C B E, E B I) have been demonstrated to be equal to the same three angles ; and things that are equal to the same are equal to one another : therefore the angles CBE, EBB are equal to the angles DBA, ABC ; but CBE, EBD are two right angles ; therefore DBA, ABC are together equal to two right angles. Wherefore, when a straight line, &c. Q E D. Learners are generally perplexed with demonstrations of which they cannot pre- viously understand something of the plan and scope, and with none more frequently than that of this proposition. Let such as find it difficult, observe, first, that CBE, EBD are, by construction , two right angles ; secondly, that the three angles CBA, ABE, EBD, are equal to the above two, consequently to two right angles ; and, thirdly, that the two given angles DBA, ABC are equal to the last- mentioned three, consequently to the fore- mentioned two, and therefore to two right angles ; which was proposed to be proved. Corollary. — Hence, if the angles A B D, A B C be unequal, the greater is obtuse, and the less acute ; the former being as much greater than a right angle, as the latter is less, as is evident from the pro- position. PROPOSITION XIV. Theorem. — If, at a point in a straight line, two other straight lines, upon the opposite sides of it, make the adjacent angles toge- gether equal to tivo right angles, these two straight lines shall be in one and the same straight line. At the point B in the straight line A B, let the two straight lines B C, B D upon the opposite sides of AB, make the adjacent angles ABC, ABD equal together to two A right angles. B D is in the same straight line with C B. For if B D be not in the same straight line with C B, let B E be in the same straight line with it; therefore, be- cause the straight line A B makes angles with the straight line CBE, upon one side of it, the angles ABC, ABE are together equal to two right angles ; but the angles A B C, A B D are likewise together equal to two right angles ; therefore the angles DBA, ABE are equal to the angles CBA, ABD: Take away the common angle ABC, and the remaining angle ABE is equal to the remaining angle ABD, the less to the greater, which is impossible ; therefore BE is not in the same staight line with B C. And in like man- ner, it may be demonstrated, that no other can be in the same straight line with it but C D, which therefore is in the same straight line with C B. Wherefore, if at a point, &c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XV. Theorem. — If two straight lines cut one another, the vertical,- or opposite angles shall be equal. Let the two straight lines A B, C D cut one another in the point E : the angle AEC shall be equal to the angle DEB and CEB to A E D. For the angles C E A, A E D, which the straight line A E makes with the straight line C D, are together equal to two right angles; and the angles A ED, DEB, which the straight line DE makes with the straight line AB, are also together equal to two right angles : therefore the two angles CEA, AED are equal to the two A ED, DEB. Take away the com- mon angle AED, and the remaining angle C E A is equal to the remaining angle DEB. In the same manner it can be de- monstrated that the angles CEB, AED are equal. Therefore, if two straight lines, &c. Q. E. D. Corollary 1 . — From this it is manifest, that if two straight lines cut one another, the angles which they make at the point of their intersection, are together equal to four right angles. Corollary 2.— Apd hence, all the angles THE ARTISAN. 83 made by any number of straight lines meeting in one point, are together equal to four right angles. PROPOSITION XVI. Theorem. — If one side of a triangle be pro- duced, the exterior angle is greater than either of the interior, and opposite angles. Let A B C be a triangle, and let its side B C be produced to D, the exterior angle A C D is greater than either of the interior opposite angles C B A, B A C. A F equal to the angle C E F, because they are vertical angles ; therefore the base A B is equal to the base C F, and the triangle A E B to the triangle C E F, and the re- maining angles to the remaining angles, each to each, to which the equal sides are opposite; wherefore the angle BAE is equal to the angle ECF; but the angle ECD is greater than the angle ECF; therefore the angle ECD, that is A C D, is greater than BAE: In the same manner if the side B C be bisected, it may be de- monstrated that the angle BCG, that is the angle A C D, is greater than the angle ABC. Therefore, if one side,&c. Q.E.D. PROPOSITION XVII. Theorem. — Any two angles of a triangle are together less than two right angles. Let A B C be any triangle ; any two of A its angles together are less than two right angles. Produce B C to D ; and because A C D is the exterior angle of the triangle ABC, A C D is greater than the interior and op- posite angle ABC; to each of these add the angles A C B ; therefore the angles A C D, A C B are greater than the angles ABC, ACB; but A CD, ACB are to- gether equal to two right angles ; there- fore the angles A B C, BC A are less than two right angles. In like manner, it may be demonstrated, that BAC, ACB, as also C A B, A B C, are less than two right angles. Therefore any two angles, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION XVIII. Theorem. — The greater side of every tri- angle has the greater angle opposite to it. Let ABC be a triangle, of which the side A C is greater than the side A B ; the angle A B C is also greater than the angle B C A. and because A D B is the exterior angle of the triangle B D C, it is greater than the interior and opposite angle D C B ; but A D B is equal to A B D, because the side A B is equal to the side A D : therefore the angle A B D is likewise greater than the angle ACB; wherefore much more is the angle A B C greater than ACB. There- fore the greater side, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION XIX. Theorem. — The greater angle of every tri- angle is subtended by the greater side, or has the greater side opposite to it. Let A B C be a triangle, of which the angle ABC is greater than the angle A B C A ; the side A C is likewise greater than the side A B. 84 THE ARTISAN. For, if it be not greater, A C must either that exerts its force to raise that weight iff be equal to A B, or less than it ; it is not fixed to the bone about one-tenth part as equal, because then the angle ABC would far below the elbow as the hand is. And be equal to the angle A C B ; but it is not ; the elbow being the centre round which therefore A C is not equal to A B ; neither the lower part of the arm turns, the muscle is it less ; because then the angle ABC must therefore exert a force ten times as would be less than the angle A C B : but great as the weight that is raised, it is not : therefore the side A C is not less By a careful consideration of the different than A B ; and it has been shewn that it is kinds of levers, it will be perceived that in not equal to A B ; therefore A C is greater the first kind, the fulcrum , or prop, is than A B. Wherefore the greater angle, loaded with the sum of the forces, that is &c. Q.E.D. MECHA^flCSs In the third species of lever the power is between the weight and the prop. There- fore if the weight and the power in the se- cond kind of lever, be supposed to change places, it will be one of the third kind. Therefore, in order that there may be an equilibrium between the power and the re- sistance, the intensity of the power must exceed the intensity of the weight, just as many times as the distance of the weight from the prop exceeds the distance of the power from it. Thus, let E be the prop of the lever A B, and W a weight of four pounds, placed three times as far from the prop as the power P acts at F, by the cord C going over the fixed pully D ; in this case, the power must be equal to 12 pounds, in order to support the weight. As this kind of lever is a disadvantage to the movingpower,itis never used but in cases of necessity ; such as that of a ladder which being fixed at one end, is by the strength of a man’s arms reared against a wall. And in clock work, where all the wheels may be reckoned levers of this kind, because the power that moves every wheel, except the first, acts upon it near the centre of motion, by means of a small pinion, and the resistance it has to overcome acts against the teeth, round its circumference. To this sort of lever are generally re- ferred the bones of a man’s arm ; for when we lift a weight by the hand, the muscle with the sum of the weight to be raised, and the power applied to raise it ; and in the second and third kind, with the differ- ence of these forces. If we would allo w for the weight of the lever itself, we must suppose its weight to be united in its centre of gravity, and to act there as a third force, added to the power or the resistance, according to the side of the fulcrum on which it is placed. If a weight W be sustained on a hori- zontal plane by three props, (not in a straight line,) the pressure on each will be the same as if a single weight were laid on it, so that the sum of all the three weights were equal to W, and their common centre of gravity the same with the centre of gra- vity of that body. Thus, if the props be A, B, C, C and if W be placed with the centre of gra- vity at D, and if the lines A D G, B D F, C D E, be drawn, the pressure . . D G _ on Ais-~ x W, „ . D F on B is — x W, t>nCis^|x W. When the point D coincides with the centre of gravity of the triangle ABC, the pressure on each of the props is the same. If W be supported by more than three props, the problem appears to be inde- terminate, or to admit of inn umerable so- lutions. THE ARTISAN. 65 Nevertheless, if the centre of gravity of the body W , (as it rests on the plane,) be the same with the centre of gravity of the figure made by joining the tops of the props by straight lines, the pressures on the props are all equal to one another. The lever is the simplest of the mecha- nical powers, and appears to be the first that was attempted to be explained. Ari- stotle has treated of it in his Mechanical Questions, and has even endeavoured to reduce some other of the mechanical powers to the lever. The first accurate explana- tion, however, was given by Archimedes. The compound lever is, where one lever is made to turn another, and then an equi- librium takes place, when the weight is to the power as the product of all the arms, taken alternately beginning with that to which the power is applied, to the product of all the other arms. The common apparatus for raising a draw-bridge, is a combination of a lever of the first kind, with a lever of the second ; the two levers are parallel, and remain in equilibrio in all situations. It has already been remarked, that the bones of a man’s arm form a lever of the third kind : but this mechanical power is much employed in the construction of the animal body,: The bone is the lever, the muscle is the power, or rather the medium through which the power acts, and the joint is the fulcrum. The insertion of the muscle, or the point to which the power is applied, is usually nearer the joint or ful- crum than the weight to be raised is. A different structure might have produced more strength, but would have diminished the activity of the animal, and the velocity of its motion. OF THE WHEEL AND AXLE.. The wheel and axle consists of a wheel having a cylindric axis passing through its centre, and moveable in two grooves. The power is applied to the circumference of the wheel, and the weight to the circum- ference of the axle. An equilibrium in this instrument takes place when the radius of the wheel, multiplied into the power, is equal to the radius of the axle multiplied into the weight ; or when the power and weight are inversely as the radii of the circles to which they are applied.* Let A B be a wheel, and C D its axle ; and suppose the circumference of the wheel to be eight times as great as the circumference of the axle ; then, a power P equal to one pound, hanging by the cord I, which goes round the wheel, will * It is supposed here, that the power and the weight both act at right angles to the radius. balance a weight W, of eight pounds, hanging by the rope K, which goes round J the axle. And, as the friction on the pivots or gudgeons of the axle, is but small, as small an addition to the power will cause it to descend, and raise the weight ; but the weight will rise with only an eighth part of the velocity wherewith the power descends, and consequently through no more than an eighth part of an equal space in the same time. If the wheel be pulled round by the handles S, S, the power will be increased in proportion to their length. And by this means, any weight may be raised as high as the ope- rator pleases. From considering this mechanical power with some attention, it will be discovered that it is nothing else but a lever, so con- trived as to have a continued motion about its fulcrum. The principle of the virtual velocities is here obviously applicable, (see page 55, col. 2.) If the power acts not at tha circumference of the wheel, but at the extremity of a hand-spike inserted in the wheel, the distance of that extremity from the centre of the axis is to be accounted the radius of the wheel. To this sort of engine belong all cranes for raising great weights, and in this case, the wheel may have cogs alL round it instead of handles, and a small lantern or trundle may be made to work in the cogs, and be turned by a winch ; which will make the power of the engine to ex- ceed the power of the man who works it, as much as the number of revolutions of the winch exceed those of the axle D, when multiplied by the excess of the length of the winch above the length of the semi- diameter of the axle, added to the semi- 86 THE ARTISAN. diameter or half thickness of the rope K, by which the weight is drawn up. Thus, suppose the diameter of the rope and axle taken together, to be 12 inches, and con- sequently, half their diameters to be six inches, so that the weight W will hang at six inches perpendicular distance from be- low the centre of the axle. Now, let us suppose the wheel A B, which is fixed on the axle, to have SO cogs, and to be turned by means of a winch six inches long, fixed on the axis of a trundle of eight staves or rounds, working in the cogs of the wheel. Here it is plain that the winch and trundle would make ten revolutions for one of the wheel AB, and its axis D, on which the rope K winds in raising the weight W ; and the winch being no longer than^the sum of the semidiameters of the great axle and rope, the trundle could have no more power on the wheel, than a man could have by pulling it round by the edge ; because the winch would have no greater velocity than the edge of the wheel has, which we here suppose to be ten times as great as the velocity of the rising weight ; so that, in this case, the power gained would be as ten to one. But if the length of the winch be twelve inches, the power gained will be as twenty to one : if eighteen inches (which is long enough for any man to work by) the power gained would be as thirty to one ; that is, a man could raise 30 times as much by such an engine as he could do by his natural strength without it, because the velocity of the handle of the winch would be 30 times as great as the velocity of the rising weight; the absolute force of any engine being in proportion of the velocity of the power to the velocity of the weight raised by it. But then, just as much power or advantage as is gained by the en- gine, so much time is lost in working it. In machines of this sort it is requisite to have a racket wheel G on one end of the axle, with a catch H to fall into its teeth ; which will at any time support the weight, and keep it from descending, if the workman, through inadvertency or carelessness, quit his hold whilst the weight is raising. And by this means, the danger is prevented which might otherwise happen by the run- ning down of the weight when left at liberty. The capstan, the windlass, and other con- trivances of a similar nature, are nothing else than the wheel and axle adapted to particular circumstances. The mechanical contrivance called a £rank, is a species of wheel and axle. If the force which acts upon a crank presses it directly down and up alternately, the effect, compared with what would take place if the force acted at right angles to the arm of the crank all round, is as twice the diameter of a circle to its circumfer- ence, or as seven to eleven nearly. The combination of wheels, so useful in mechanics, are generally reducible to the wheel and axle, the wheel which turns the other is not always upon the same axis with it. The motion, in such cases, is communicated from the one wheel'to the other, either by belts and straps passing over the circumference of both, or by teeth cut in the circumference of each, and working in one another. When one wheel moves another in either of these ways, the velocities of their cir- cumferences are equal ; and therefore their angular velocities, or the number of revo- lutions which they make in the same time, are inversely as their radii. * In combination of wheels communicating motion to one another, it is usual to call the smaller wheel, acted on by a larger one, a pinion; and the teeth the leaves of it. Some- times the smaller wheel is a cylinder, in which the top and bottom are formed by circles connected by staves inserted in them at equal distances along their circumfer- ences ; and it is then called a lantern, the staves serving for teeth. It is usual also to employ the wheels and pinions, as in the following figure, where A is a large wheel, driving a pinion b on the same axle with the great wheel B ; B acts on the pinion c, which is on the same axle with the large wheel C : and C drives the pinion d, &c. When motion is communicated through a number of wheels and pinions, the angu- lar velocity of the first wheel is to the an- gular velocity of the last pinion, as the product made by multiplying together the number of the teeth in every pinion, to the product made by multiplying together the number of the teeth in every wheel ; and that same ratio, compounded with the ratio of the radius of the last pinion, to the radius of the first wheel, will give the ratio of the power to the resistance when an equili- brium takes place. Suppose the wheel A to contain 40, B 30, and C 20 teeth ; and the pinion b 10, c 8, and d 5 teeth, required the number of re- * That is, the larger the wheel, the fewer revo- lutions will it make. THE ARTISAN. 87 volutions made by the last pinion d, in the time of the first wheel A making one revo- lution ? TT 40 X 30 >< 20 „ il H ere — — q =: 60, the number re- 10 X o X o quired. Again, to illustrate the latter part of the proposition ; suppose the radius of this pinion (d) to be 3 inches, and that of the wheel 9 inches, required the ratio of the power to the resistance, when an equi- librium takes place? The ratio of the pinion’s velocity being to that of the wheel as 60 to 1, and the ratio of its radius to that of t he wheel is §, or 1 to 3 ; therefore (60 x 1)~3— 20 ; consequently the power is to the resistance as 1 to 20, or a power one-twentieth part of the resistance, will in this case produce an equilibrium. hitdrauucs.* The pressure of fluids affords the means of conveying them from one place to ano- ther, although considerable inequalities in the surface of the ground intervene be- tween the places. Water, for example, may be conveyed from a reservoir across a on one side of the valley D, and a house on the other, at which the water of the spring is wanted ; if the house is found to be lower than the spring, the water may be conveyed to it, by an iron or leaden pipe, proceeding from the spring, across the valley, as represented in the above figure. The depth of the valley must, however, be taken into consideration, in order to make the pipe of sufficient strength to re- sist the pressure of the water, which de- pends entirely on its depth (see page 9, col. 1.) If the lowest part of the valley be considerably under the spring, the pipe must be made very strong at the lowest part, or else it will burst. Where an uninterrupted declivity cannot be obtained, it is necessary to employ * Hydraulics is that branch of Hydrodynamics which treats of the motion of incompressible fluids, and the instruments and machines connected with their motion (see page 8). This division of the science commenced with the account of fluids issuing through apertures, at page 57, but by mistake was neglected to be inserted. valley, or to any distance, either by means of open canals, aqueducts, or closed pipes, provided the reservoir be situated some- what higher than the level of the place at which it is wanted. Thus, suppose there is a spring at A, pipes, which may be bent upwards or downwards at pleasure, provided that no part of them be more than thirty-two feet above the reservoir, and when the pipe is once filled, the water will continue to flow from the lower orifice ; but it is best in all such cases to avoid unnecessary angles ; for when the pipe rises and falls again, a portion of the air, which is always contained in water, is frequently collected in the angle, and very materially impedes the progress of the water through the pipe. When the bent part is wholly below the orifices of the pipe, this air may be dis- charged by various methods. The ancients used small upright pipes, called columnaria , rising from the convexity of the principal pipe to the level of the reservoir, and suf- fering the air to escape without wasting any of the water. It may, however, fre- quently be inconvenient or impossible to apply a pipe of this kind ; but the same purpose maybe answered, by fixing on the pipe a box containing a small valve, which opens downwards, and is supported by a float, so as to remain shut while the box is 88 THE ARTISAN. full of water, and to fall open when any air is collected in it. Thus A, in the fol- lowing figure, is a box of this kind, with a valve, supported by a hollow ball, for letting out air from pipes, when it is below the level of the reservoir. If the pipe were formed into a syphon, having its flexure above both orifices, it would be necessary to bend it upwards at the extremities, in order to keep it always full ; but in this case the accumulation of the air would be extremely inconvenient, since it would collect so much the more copiously, as the water in the upper part of the pipe would be more free from pres-* sure ; and neither of the methods which have been mentioned would be of any use in extricating it. It has been usual in such cases to force a quantity of water violently through the pipe, in order to carry the air with it ; but it might be still simpler to have a pretty large vessel of water screwed on to the pipe, which would not be filled with air for a considerable time, and which, when full, might be taken off and replenished with water. This con- trivance is represented by the following figure, where B is a vessel of water, screwed on for receiving the air, to be replenished with water as it becomes empty. When the water from a reservoir is conveyed in long horizontal pipes, of the same aperture, the discharges made in equal times are nearly in the inverse ratio of the square roots of the lengths. Thus, if there be two pipes of the same aperture, one of which is 49 , and the other 36 feet long, the discharge from the former will be to that from the latter, as the square root of 49 to the square root of 36, or as 7 to 6 ; therefore, the quantity discharged from the shorter pipe will be % of that dis- charged from the larger one. It is here supposed that the length of the pipes to which this rule is applied, are not very unequal ; and even then the rule only affords an approximation not deduced from principle, but derived immediately from experiment. Bossut has given a table of the actual discharges of water pipes, as far as the length of 2340 toises, or 14950 English feet, but it is too extensive to be inserted here. If the quantity of water discharged by a pipe of a given length, be known by ex- periment, we may find, by the foregoing proposition, the quantity discharged by a pipe of any other length. The diminution of velocity being greatest when the head of water is small, we may conceive the head of water to be reduced to such a degree, that the velocity with which the water enters the pipe is not sufficiently powerful to overcome the resistance arising from the friction upon the pipe, and the mutual cohesion of the particles of water.* In order to examine this point experi- mentally, M. Bossut employed a head of water only 16 lines, from which the water flowed into two pipes whose length were a hundred and eighty feet.t In this case, the water was discharged in the form of a narrow fillet, and the drops succeeded each other almost as if they were insulated bodies. Hence it follows, that in order to have a perceptible and continuous dis- charge from pipes, there should be a head of water of about 20 lines in 180 feet. If the current of water, however, be very large, such a great declivity as this will not be necessary. Pipes are usually made of wood, of lead, or of cast iron; but commonly of lead: and of late tinned copper has been em- ployed with considerable advantage. A pipe of lead will bear the pressure of a column of water 100 feet high, if its thick- ness be one hundredth of its diameter, or even less than this ; but when any alter- nation of motion is produced, a much stronger pipe is required: and it is usual to make leaden pipes of all kinds far thicker than in the above proportion. The form and construction of stopcocks and valves arc very various, according to their various situations and uses. Stopcocks usually consist of a cylindrical or conical part, perforated in a particular direction, * By a head of water is meant the perpendicular depth of the water in the reservoir above the axis or centre of the pipe by which it is discharged. t A Line is the one-twelfth of a Pads inch, and is equaito * 08 SSof.an English inch. THE ARTISAN. and capable of being tamed in a socket formed in the pipe, so as to open or shut the passage of the fluid, and sometimes to form a communication with either of two or more vessels at pleasure. The following figure is a section of a compound stopcock, which receives a fluid from either of the pipes A, B, or C, into a cavity which descends a little in the direction of the axis, and communicates with the pipe D by means of one of the bores, represented by dotted lines, ac- cording to the position into which the moveable cylinder is turned. A valve is employed where the fluid is to be allowed to pass in one direction only, and not to return. For water , those valves are the best which interrupt the passage least; and none appear to fulfil this con- dition better than the common clack valve of leather, which is generally either single, or divided into two parts ; but it is some- times composed of four parts, united so as to form a pyramid, nearly resembling the double and triple valves which are formed by nature in the hearts of animals. A board, or a round flat piece of metal, divided unequally by an axis on which it moves, make3 also a very good simple valve. Where a valve is intended to in- tercept the passage of steam , it must be of metal; such a valve is generally a flat plate, with its edge ground a little coni- cally, and guided in its motion by a wire or pin. For air, valves are commonly made of oiled silk, supported by a, perforated plate or grating. The following are among the most common and approved kinds of valves. The figure A is the common clack valve : B, a double clack valve, consisting of two semicircular valves; C, a pyramidical valve, consisting of four triangular pieces ; D, a circular valve, turning on an axis ; E, a steam valve of metal, sometimes called a T valve; F, a valve of veiled silk or bladder, supported by a grating for air. Water running in open canals or in rivers, is accelerated in consequence of its depth, and the declivity on which it runs, till the resistance, increasing with the velocity, becomes equal to the acceleration, and then the motion of the stream becomes uniform. It must however be evident, that the amount of the resisting forces can hardly be determined by principles already known, and therefore it becomes necessary to as- certain, by experiment, the velocity cor- responding to different declivities, and different depths of water, and to try, by multiplying and extending these experi- ments, to find out the law which is common to them all. The Chevalier Du Buat has been very successful in researches of this kind, and has given a formula for computing the velocity of running water, whether in close pipes, open canals, or rivers, which, though it maybe called eynperical , is extremelyuseful in practice ; but it is by far too complicated to be given in a work like the present. In a river, the greatest velocity is at the surface, and in the middle of the stream, 90 THE ARTISAN. from which it diminishes towards the bottom, and the sides, where it is least. It has been found by experiment, that if from the square root of the velocity in the middle of the stream, expressed in inches per second, unity be subtracted, the square of the remainder is the velocity at the bottom. Thus, if the velocity of the water at the surface in the middie of a river, be 25 inches per second, the velocity at the bottom will be 16 inches ; for the square root of 25 is 5, and 5 diminished by unity or 1, leaves a remainder of 4, which squared is 16. The mean velocity, pr that with which, were the whole stream to move, the dis- charge would be the same with the real discharge, is equal to half the sum of the greatest and least velocities at the surface and bottom, as computed by the proposition just mentioned, and consequently in the example now given, the mean velocity would be 25 -f- 16 2, or 20§ inches per second. When the water in a river receives a permanent increase, the depth and the velocity are the first things that are aug- mented. The increase of the velocity in- creases the action on the sides and bottom, in consequence of which the width is augmented, and sometimes also, but more rarely, the depth. The velocity is thus diminished, till the tenacity of the soil, or the hardness of the rock, over which it passes, affords a sufficient resistance to the force of the water. The bed of the river then changes only by imperceptible degrees, and, in the ordinary language of Hydrau- lics, is said to be permanent, though in strictness this epithet is not applicable to the course of any river. iHiscelkmeous Subjects. BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR OF THOMAS SIMPSON. Mr.Thomas Simpson was born at Market Bosworth, in the county of Leicester, Au- gust the 20th, O. S. 17 10. His father was a stuff-weaver in that town ; and, though in tolerable circumstances, yet, intending to bring up his son Thomas to his own bu- siness, he took so little cafe of his educa- tion, that he was only taught to read Eng- lish. But nature had furnished him with taLents, and a genius for very different pursuits, which led him afterwards to the highest rank in the mathematical and phi- losophical sciences. Young Simpson very soon gave indica- tions of his turn for study in general, by eagerly reading all books he could meet with, teaching himself to write, and em- bracing every opportunity he could find of, deriving knowledge from other persons. Thomas’s father observing him thus to neglect his business, by spending his time in reading what he thought useless books, and following other such like pursuits, used all his endeavours to check such pro- ceeding, and to induce him to follow his profession with steadiness and better effect. But after many struggles for this purpose, the differences thus produced between them at length rose to such a height, that our Author quitted his father’s house entirely. Upon this occasion he repaired to Nun- eaton, a town at a small distance from Bosworth, where he went to lodge at the house of a taylor’s widow, of the name of Swinfield, who had been left with two children, a daughter and a son, by her husband, of whom the son, who was the younger, being but about two years older than Simpson, had become his intimate friend and companion. And here he con- tinued some time, working at his trade, and improving his knowledge by reading such books as he could procure. Among several other circumstances, which, long before this, gave occasion to shew our author’s early thirst for know- ledge, as well as proving a fresh incitement to acquire it, was that of a large solar eclipse, which took place on the 11th of May 1724. This phenomenon, so awful to many, who are ignorant of the cause of it, struck the mind of young Simpson with a strong curiosity to discover the reason of it, and to be able to predict the like sur- prising events. It was however five or six: years before he could obtain his desire, which at length was gratified by the fol- lowing accident. After he had been some time at Mrs. Swinfield’s, at Nuneaton, a travelling pedlar came that way, and took a lodging at the same house, according to his usual custom. This man, to his pro- fession of an itinerant merchant, had joined the more profitable one of a fortune-teller, which he performed by means of judicial astrology. Every one knows with what regard persons of such a cast are treated by the inhabitants of country villages : it cannot be surprising therefore that an un- tutored lad of nineteen should look upon this man as a prodigy ; and, regarding him in this light, should endeavour to ingratiate himself into his favour; in which he suc- ceeded so well, that the sage was no less taken with the quick natural parts and genius of his new acquaintance. The pedlar, intending a journey to Bristol fair, left in the hands of young Simpson an old edition of Cocker’s Arithmetic, to which was subjoined a short Appendix on Al- gebra, and a book upon Genitures, by Partridge the almanac maker. These books THE ARTISAN. 91 he had perused to so good purpose, during the absence of his friend, as to excite his amazement upon his return. In fact, our author profited so well by the encouragement and assistance of the pedlar, afforded him from time to time when he occasionally came to Nuneaton, that, by the advice of his friend, he at length made an open profession of casting nativities himself; from which, together with teaching an evening school, he derived a pretty pittance, so that he greatly neg- lected his weaving, to which indeed he had never manifested any very great attach- ment, and soon became the oracle of Nun- eaton, Bosworth, and the environs. Scarce a courtship advanced to a match, or a bargain to a sale, without previously consulting the infallible Simpson about the consequences. But helping folks to stolen goods, he always declared above his skill ; and that as to life and death, he had no power : all those called lawful questions , he readily resolved, provided the persons were certain as to the horary data of the horoscope ; and, he has often de- clared, with such success, that if from very cogent reasons he had not been thoroughly convinced of the vain foundation and falla- ciousness of his art, he never should have dropt it, as he afterwards found himself in conscience bound to do. About this time he married the widow Swinfield, in whose house he lodged, though she was then almost old enough to be his grandmother, being upwards of fifty years of age, and having been looked upon as an old maid before her first marriage : and yet her youngest child was two years older than Simpson himself. After this, the family lived comfortably enough toge- ther for some short time, Simpson occa- sionally working at his business of a weaver in the day-time, and teaching an evening school or telling fortunes at night ; the family being also further assisted by the labours of young Swinfield, who had been brought up in the professioon of his father. But this tranquillity was soon interrupted, and our author driven at once from his home and the profession of astrology, by the following accident. A young woman in the neighbourhood had long wished to hear or know something of her lover, who had been gone to sea ; but Simpson had put her off from time to time, till the girl grew at last so importunate, that he could deny her no longer. He asked her if she would be afraid if he should raise the devil, thinking to deter her ; but she de- clared she feared neither ghost nor devil, so he was obliged to comply. The scene of action pitched upon was a barn, and young Swinfield was to act the devil or ghost, who, being concealed under some straw in a corner of the barn, was, at a signal given, to rise slowly out from among ths straw, with his face marked so that the girl might not know him. Every thing being in order, the girl came at the time ap- pointed ; when Simpson, after cautioning her not to be afraid, began muttering some mystical words, and chalking round about them, till, on the signal given, up rises the tailor, slow and solemn, to the great terror of the poor girl, who, before she had seen half his shoulders, fell into violent fits, crying out it was the very image of her lover; and the effect upon her was so dreadful, that it was thought either death or madness must be the consequence. So that poor Simpson was obliged immediately to abandon at once both his home and the profession of a conjuror. Upon this occasion it would seem he fled to Derby, where he remained about two or three years, instructing pupils in an even- ing school, and working at his trade by day. Here too he wrote a song on oc- casion of the parliamentary election at this place, in the year 1733, in favour of the Cavendish family : and it is probable he continued here till about the year 1735 or 1736. It would seem indeed that Simpson had an early turn for versifying, both from the circumstance of the song abovementioned, and from his first two mathematical ques- tions that were published in the Ladies’ Diary, which were both in a set of verses, not ill written, for the occasion. These were printed in the Diary for 1736, and therefore must at latest have been written in the year 1735. These two questions, being at that time pretty difficult ones, shew the great progress he had even then made in the mathematics ; and from an expres- sion in the first of them, viz. where he mentions his residence as being in latitude 52°, it appears he was not then come up to London, though he must have done so very soon after. Together with his astrology he had soon furnished himself with enough of arith- metic, algebra, and geometry to be qualfied for looking into the Ladies’ Diary (of which he had afterwards for several years the direction), by which he came to understand that there was a still higher branch of mathematical knowledge than any he had yet been acquainted with ; and this was the method of Fluxions. But our young analyst was quite at a loss to discover any English author who had written on the subject, except Mr. Hayes ; and his work being a folio, and then pretty scarce, ex- ceeded his ability of purchasing: however, an acquaintance lent him Mr. Stone’s Fluxions , which is a translation of the Marquis de VHospitaVs Analyse des Infini- ment Petits ; by this one book, and his own penetrating talents, he was, as we shall THE ARTISAN. presently see, enabled in a very few years to compose a much more accurate treatise on this subject than any that had before appeared in our language. After he had quitted astrology and its emoluments, he was driven to hardships for the subsistence of his family, while at Derby, notwithstanding his other indus- trious endeavours in his own trade by day, and teaching pupils at evenings. This de- termined him to repair to London, which he did in 1735 or 1736, as before said, leaving the family behind, his wife being then pregnant with her first child by our Author, which was contrary to the ex- pectation of every one, being then about fifty-five years of age, for which reason her neighbours used to say, u there goes Sarah the wife of Abraham. On his first coming to London, Mr. Simpson wrought for some time at his business in Spitalfields, and taught ma- thematics at evenings, or any spare hours. His industry turned to so good account, that he returned down into the country, and brought up his wife and three children, she having produced her first child in his ab- sence. The number of his scholars in- creasing, and his abilities becoming in some measure known to the public, he was encouraged to make proposals for pub- lishing by subscription, A new Treatise of Fluxions; wherein the Direct and Inverse Method are demonstrated after a new , clear , and concise Manner , with their Application to Physics and Astronomy : also the Doctrine of Infinite Series and Reverting Series uni‘ versally, are amply explained , Fluxionary and Exponential Equations solved; toge - the.r with a variety of new and curious Problems. When Mr. Simpson first proposed his intentions of publishing such a work, he did not know of any English book, founded on the true principles of Fluxions, that contained any thing material, especially the practical part : and though there had been some very curious things done by several learned and ingenious gentlemen, the principles were nevertheless left ob- scure and defective, and all that had been done by any of them in infinite series, very inconsiderable. The book was published in 4to, in the year 1737, although the author had been frequently interrupted from furnishing the press so fast as he could have wished, through his unavoidable attention to his pupils for his immediate support. The principles of fluxions treated of in this work, are demonstrated in a method accu- rately true and genuine, not essentially different from that of their great inventor, being entirely expounded by finite quan tities. In the first and second parts are given a great many new, and some very curious examples in the solutions of prob- lems, rendered plain to ordinary capa- cities. The second part treats of Infinite Series . And here nothing is proposed without demonstration, and every thing is illus- trated by easy examples. New rules are also laid down for finding the forms of series, without taking in any of the super- fluous terms. The third part contains a familar method of finding and comparing fluents, illustrated with some useful and easy applications. In the fourth part is shewn the use of fluxions in some of the most sublime branches of Physics and Astronomy ; where, besides several things done in a method quite different from any thing to be met with in other authors, there are some very useful speculations relating to the doctrine of Pendulums and Centripetal Forces. To this is added a supplement ; being a collection of miscellaneous problems, inde- 1 pendent of the foregoing four parts ; and containing, among other matters, an inves- tigation of the Areas of Spherical Triangles ; the Curve of Pursuit : the Paths of Sha- dows ; the Motion of Projectiles in a Me- dium ; and the manner of finding the At- tractive Force of bodies of different forms, acting according to a given law. In 1740 Mr. Simpson published a treatise on the Nature and Laws of Chance, in 4to. To which is annexed, Full and clear Inves- tigations of two important Problems added in the 2d edition of Mr. De Moivre’s book on chances : as also two New Methods for the Summation of Series. Our author's next publication was a 4to volume of Essays on several curious and interesting Subjects in Speculative and Mixed Mathematics ; printed in the same year, 1740 : dedicated to Francis Blake, Esq. since Fellow of the Royal Society, and our author’s good friend and patron. The first of these essays shews the theory of the apparent place of the stars (com- monly called their A berration) arising from the progressive motion of light, and of the earth in its orbit; with practical rules for computing the same, communicated by Dr. Bevis. The second treats of the Motion of Bodies affected by projectile and centripetal forces ; in which the most considerable matters in the first book of Newton's Principia are clearly investigated. The 3d is a Solution of Kepler’s Problem, with a concise practical rule. The 4th treats of the Motion and Paths of Projectiles in resisting mediums ; de- termining the most important particulars upon this head, in the 2d Book of the Principia. The oth considers the Resistances, Velo- THE ARTISAN. cities, and Times of Vibration of Pendulous Bodies in Mediums. The 6th contains a new method of So- lution of all kinds of algebraical equations in numbers, more general than ever before given. The 7th is concerning the method of In- crements, with examples. The 8th is a concise Investigation of a Theorem for finding the Sum of a Series of Quantities, by means of their Differences. The 9th is a general way of investigating the Sum of a recurring Series. The 10th is a new and general method for finding the Sum of any Series of Powers, whose roots are in arithmetical progression ; being also applicable to Series of other kinds. The 11th relates to angular Sections, with some remarkable properties of the circle. The 12th shews an easy and expeditious method of reducing compound Fractions to simple ones. The 13th, or last, which contains a ge- neral Quadrature of hyperbolical Curves, is a problem that had exercised the skill of several eminent mathematicians. None of the solutions before published extended farther than to particular cases, except one, which is in the Philosophical Trans- actions, without demonstration, by Mr. Rlingenstierna, professor of mathematics at Upsal. This is investigated by Mr. Simpson in two different ways ; and the general construction is rendered remark- ably easy, simple, and fit for practice. And, on this head, it would seem that Mr. Klingenstierna was well pleased with what Mr. Simpson had done ; for, being after- wards appointed Secretary to the Royal Academy at Stockholm, as a mark of his esteem, he procured a diploma, to be transmitted to him, by which he was con- stituted a member of that learned body. Our author’s next work was, The Doc- trine of Annuities and Reversions, deduced from general and evident Principles ; with useful Tables, shewing the Values of Single and Joint Lives, &c. in 8vo. 1742. This was followed in 1743, by an Appendix, containing some Remarks on a late Book on the same Subject (by Mr. Abr. De Moivre, F. R. S.) with Answers to some personal and malignant representations in the preface thereof. To this answer Mr. De Moivre never thought fit to reply. A new edition of this work has lately been published, augmented with the tract upon the same subject that was printed in our author’s Select Exercises. In 1743 also was published his Mathe- matical Dissertations on a variety of Phy- sical and Analytical Subjects, in 4to. con- taining, among other particulars, A demonstration of the true figure, which 98 the earth or any planet must acquire from its rotation about an axis. A general in- vestigation of the attraction at the surfaces of bodies nearly spherical. A determi- nation of the meridional parts, and the lengths of the several degrees of the meri- dian, according to the true figure of the earth. An investigation of the height of the tides in the ocean. A new theory of astronomical refractions, with exact tables deduced from the same. A new and very exact method for approximating to the roots of equations in numbers : which quintuples the number of places at each operation. Several new methods for the summation of series. Some new and very useful im- provements in the inverse method of fluxions. The work being dedicated to Martin Folkes,Esq. President of the Royal Society. His next book was a treatise of algebra, wherein the fundamental Principles are demonstrated, and applied to the solution of a variety of Problems. To which he added, the Construction of a great Number of Geometrical Problems, with the Method of resolving them numerically. This work, which was designed for the use of young beginners, was inscribed to Wiliam Jones, Esq. F. R. S. and printed in 8ivo. 1745. And a new edition appeared in 1755, with additions and improvements ; among which was a new and general me- thod of resolving all biquadratic equations, that are complete, or having all their terms. This edition was dedicated to James, Earl of Morton, F. R S. Mr. Jones being then dead. The work has gone through several other editions since that time ; the 6th, or last, was in 1796. His next work was, Elements of Geo- metry, with their Application to the Men- suration of Superfices and Solids, to the determinasion of Maxima and Minima, and to the Construction of a great Variety of Geometrical Problems ; first published in 1747, in 8vo. And a second edition of the same came out in 1760, with great altera- tions and additions, being in a manner a new work, designed for young beginners, particularly for the gentlemen educated at the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich, and dedicated to Charles Frederick, Esq. Surveyor General of the Ordnance. And other editions have appealed since. Mr. Simpson met with some trouble and vexation in consequence of the first edition of his Geometry. First, from some re- flections made upon it, as to the accuracy of certain parts of it, by Dr. Robert Sim- son, the learned professor of mathematics in the university of Glasgow, in the notes subjoined to his edition of Euclid’s Ele- ments. This brought an answer to those remarks from Mr. Simpson, in the notes added to the 2d edition as above ; to some 94 THE ARTISAN. parts of which Dr. Simson again replied, in his notes on the next edition of the said Elements of Euclid. The second was by an illiberal charge of having stolen his Elements from Mr. Mul- ler, the professor of fortification and artil- lery, at the same academy at Woolwich, where our author was professor of geo- metry and mathematics. This charge was made at the end of the preface to Mr. Mul- ler’s Elements of Mathematics, in two volumes, printed in 1748. But Mr. Simpson triumphantly refuted this charge in the preface to the second edition. In 1748 came out Mr. Simpson’s Trigo- nometry, Plane and Spherical, with the Construction and Application of Loga- rithms, 8vo. In 1750 came out, in two volumes, 8vo. The Doctrine and Application of Fluxions ; containing, besides what is common on the Subject, a Number of new Improvements in the Theory, and the Solution of a variety of new and very interesting Problems in different Branches of the Mathematics. In 1752 appeared, in 8vo. The Select Exercises for young Proficients in the Mathematics. Besides the foregoing, which are the whole of the regular books or treatises that were published by Mr. Simpson, he wrote and composed several other papers and fugitive pieces. Several papers of his were read at the meetings of the Royal Society, and printed in their Transactions : but as most, if not all of them, were afterwards inserted, with alterations, or additions, in his printed volumes, it is needless to take any farther notice of them here. [To be continued.'] NEW MACHINE FOR MAKING BREAD. A machine has just been introduced at Lausanne, for making bread ; that is, for promoting the fermentation of the dough, which appears from its ingenuity to deserve being adopted in other countries. It is simply a deal box one foot high, and two feet wide, which turns round on two pivots, precisely in the same manner as the cylin- der which is used for roasting coifee. One side of the box can be opened to put in the dough. The time required to produce the fermentation depends on the temperature of the air, the quickness of the motion, and other circumstances ; but when the opera- tion is completed, it can always be known by the hissing of the air, which endeavours to escape, and this generally takes place in half an hour. The dough is always very well raised, perhaps sometimes too much so. A child can turn the machine. There is no necessity for employing utensils to divide the mass of dough, this operation being sufliciently effected by the adhesion of the dough to the sides of the box. If the machine is of great length, and .divided by partitions at right angles to the sides, different kinds of dough can be prepared at the same time. One evident advantage be- longing to this invention is, that the bread prepared in this manner must necessarily be extremely clean. TO PREPARE AN OIL FOR CLOCKS, AND OTHER DELICATE MACHI- NERY. The oil for diminishing friction in deli- cate machines, ought to be completely deprived of every kind of acid and mu- cilage : and to be capable of enduring a very intense degree of cold without freez- ing. In fact, it ought to consist entirely of elaine or the oily principle of solid fat, and to be perfectly free from stearine or solid fat. Now it is not a difficult matter to ex- tract the ealine from all the fixed oils, and even from seeds, by the process recom- mended by Chevreul, which consists in treating the oil in a mattras with seven or eight times its weight of alchol till boiling. The liquid is then to be decanted, and exposed to the cold, the stearine will then separate from it in the form of a crystal- lized precipitate. The alcholic solution is afterwards to be evaporated to a fifth part of its volume, and the elaine will then be obtained, which ought to be colourless, insipid, without smell, and incapable of altering the colour of the infusion of litmus or turnsole, and having the con- sistence of pure white olive oil. CONJECTURES UPON THE UNION OF THE MOON W ITH THE EARTH. A curious pamphlet has lately been published in Paris, by an officer of the navy, in which he attempts to render it probable that, not only the moon, or satel- lite of the earth, but the satellites in gene- ral, may, at some future period, unite with their primaries. To support this hypothesis, he attempts to explain the cause and effects of the de- luge, the varieties which formerly existed among living and organic bodies, the sud- den appearance or formation of other new species, and even for man himself on the terrestrial globe. THE ARTISAN. 95 - The author supposes that the satellites were formerly small planets, which revol- ved like the other primary planets, round the sun; that in an infinite number of re- volutions, this motion, by some unknown cause, has undergone very great altera- tions, which has brought them near to other planets, much greater than themselves, and whose attraction has become preponderant. By this means these small planets have been drawn from their primitive orbits to circulate round greater ones. This elfect is attributed chiefly to the action of comets. Applying this hypothesis to the moon, the author thinks that these bodies have produced an effect of this kind upon that body, and dashed it against our globe, or at least, coming suddenly near it, caused such a dreadful concussion, as to throw down the mountains, raise the vallies, rupture the isthmuses, displace the sea, &c. He even supposes that the waters of the moon and its atmosphere, have been carried off by the earth, or else its diver- sified regions would have been suddenly overflown. We shall not follow the author in all the consequences of his hypothesis. The field of conjecture, as he says himself, is vast, but till a supsosition has been submitted to the test of experiment or calculation, it cannot be regarded as an established truth. As to the rest of the work, the lovers of this kind of speculation'may read it with pleasure ; and the whole is certainly the work of a friend to the sciences, many parts of which he appears to have studied with success. SOLUTION OF QUESTIONS. the difference of the heights of the walls zz 6f) zz a ; B A the breadth of the house zz28)zz6; AD(zzDC)the length of the rafters ( zz 24 feet) zz c, and' B Czi; then drawing D F parallel to EB, F C will b -f- x = “ , and EC zz sja^f-x and by the property of similar triangles, b ~f~ x , x(BC )V« 2 +x 2 (EC):: ~ (FC) : c 2 c x (D C) ; therefore , - -j- x 2 zz — ", and b+x this resolved gives x (BC) zz 7-345, and hence D E, the length of the back rafters are found to be 14* *02288 feet nearly. Ex. 2. — The content of the whole ring is ZZ’l 2 x -785398 x *8 X 3*141592.or*0l97392; and the content of the outer or golden part iszz.l 2 X — — X* 85 X 3*141592, or •0101864, which subtracted from *0197392, the content of the whole, leaves the inner, or silver part, zz 0092528 ; then as 1728 inches is to *0104804 of an inch, so is 3501 18*888 Xzztz oz. troy, to *104503188 oz. do4U troy gold, which at £3. 17s. 10§ as well as the properties which it presents, there may however, be discovered in the whole of these varieties, a series of cha- racters which connect them, and which constitute them a distinct genus of com- pounds. It is very evident, that we must here attend only to the generic, or gene- ral characters. Carburetted hydrogen gas is heavier than pure hydrogen gas ; and can but seldom be used for inflating aeros- tatic machines ; it has a fetid odour which is so much the stronger, as it holds more of carbon in solution ; it extinguishes in- flamed combustible bodies, and more com- pletely stupifies animals than pure hydro- gen gas ; it, in general, burns with less rapidity than this last : its flame is often blue and pale, sometimes it is red or white, very brilliant, and, as it were, oily. It frequently deposits carbon, distinguishable by its black colour, when treated by differ- ent processes ; it is, in general, more easily and more abundantly condensed, or ab- sorbed, by charcoal. In some circum- stances, it forms oil, and it has then been particularly named olefiant gas, which ~ will be treated of in another part of this work. The uses of carbon are very numerous in chemistry ; its strong affinity for oxygen is employed with great success. After hydrogen, this substance attracts it more strongly than any other body ; and, at high temperatures, it even attracts oxygen more strongly than hydrogen itself : it is, for this reason, that we have placed it im- mediately after hydrogen. It will afterwards be shown, that car- bon is particularly used, to abstract oxy- gen from many burned bodies, to reduce them to their simple state of combustibility. It is no Jonger doubtful, that carbon is a principle employed by Nature, in forming the greatest number of her compounds: it it will be shown hereafter, that it consti- tutes the base of all vegetable substances, and, that it performs a very important part in the great work of animal economy. A singular and important property of charcoal is that of destroying the smell, colour, and taste of various substances : THE ARTISAN. 105 for the first accurate experiment on which we are chiefly indebted to Mr. Lowitz, of Petersburgh, though it had been long be- fore recommended to correct the foetor of foul ulcers, and as an antiseptic. Water, that has become putrid by long keeping in wooden casks, is rendered sweet by filter- ing through charcoal powder, or by agita- tion with it; particularly if a few drops of sulphuric acid be added. Common vine- gar boiled with charcoal powder becomes perfectly limpid. Saline solutions, that are tinged yellow or brown, are rendered colourless in the same way, so as to afford perfectly white crystals. Malt spirit is freed from its disagreeable flavour by dis- tilation with charcoal ; but if too much be used, part of the spirit is decomposed. Simple maceration, for eight or ten days, in the proportion of about l-150th of the weight of the spirit, improves the flavour much. It is necessary, that the charcoal be well burned, brought to a red heat be- fore it is used, and used as soon as possi- ble, or at least be carefully excluded from the air. The proper proportion too should be ascertained by experiment on a small scale. The charcoal may be used repeat- edly, by exposing it for some time to a red heat before it is again employed. Charcoal is used on particular occasions as fuel, on account of its giving a strong and steady heat without smoke. It is em- ployed to convert iron into steel by cemen- tation. It enters into the composition of gunpowder. In its finer states, as in ivory black, lampblack, &c. it forms the basis of black paints, Indian ink, and printers’ ink. It has already been remarked, that the Diamond is carbon nearly pure . This was verified in 1694 by the Florentine acade- micians, in the presence of Cosmo III. Grand Duke of Tuscany. By means of a burning-glass they consumed several dia- monds.* Francis I. Emperor of Germany, afterwards witnessed the destruction of se- veral more in the heat of a furnace. These experiments were repeated by Darcet, Rou- elle, Macquer, Cadet, and Lavoisier ; who proved, that the diamond was not merely evaporated, but actually burnt, and, that if air was excluded it underwent no change. Mr. Lavoisier prosecuted these experi- ments with his usual precision ; burnt dia- monds in close vessels by means of pow- erful burning-glasses; ascertained, that dufing their combustion carbonic acid gas was formed ; and, that in this respect there was a striking analogy between them and * Though the diamond, was till this period con- sidered to be incombustible, yet Sir I. Newton sus- pected, that it was combustible, from the great power it has of refracting the rays of light. charcoal, as well as in the affinity of both when heated in close vessels. A very high temperature is not necessary for the com- bustion of the diamond. Sir George Mac- kenzie ascertained, that they burn in a mufflef when heated to the temperature of 14° of Wedgewood’s pyrometer; a heat considerably less than is necessary to melt silver. When raised to this temperature they waste pretty fast, burning with a low flame and increasing somewhat in bulk; their surface too is often covered with a crust of charcoal, especially when they are consumed in close vessels by means of burning glasses. The experiments of Lavoisier have often been repeated by several chemists, particularly by Morveau, and Tennant ; and from the result of their experiments it is demonstrated, that the diamond affords no other substance by its combustion than pure carbonic acid gas ; and, that the pro- cess is merely a solution of diamond in oxygen gas, without much change in the volume of the gas. The only chemical difference perceptible between diamond and the purest charcoal is, that the charcoal contains a minute por- tion of hydrogen ; it, therefore, becomes an important question to determine if this very minute portion of hydrogen can occasion so great a physical difference as exists be- tween these substances. This is a ques- tion, however, that remains to be deter- mined. OF PHOSPHORUS. Phosphorus, the third of the simple com- bustibles, when placed in the order of its affinity for oxygen, may be procured by the following process : put a quantity of bones into a crucible and burn or calcine them, till they cease to smoke, or to give out any odour, and afterwards reduce them to a fine powder. Put 100 parts of this powder into a basin of porcelain or stone- ware, dilute it with four times its weight of water, and then add gradually (stirring the mixture after every addition) 40 parts of sulphuric acid. The mixture will be- come hot, and a vast number of air-bub- bles will then be extricated. Leave the mixture in this state for 24 hours ; taking care to stir it well every now and then with a glass or porcelain rod to enable the acid to act upon the powder. The whole is now to be poured on a filter of cloth ; the liquid which runs through the filter is to be received in a porcelain basin ; and the white powder which remains on the filter, after pure water has been poured on it repeatedly, and allowed to strain into the porcelain basin below, being of no use, may be thrown away. f A muffle is a kind of small earthen-ware oven, open at one end, and fitted into a furnace. 106 THE ARTISAN. Into the liquid contained in the porce- lain basin, which has a very acid taste, pour nitrate of lead,* dissolved in water very slowly ; a white powder will imme- diately fall to the bottom : the nitrate of lead must, however, be added as long as any of this powder continues to be formed, and when this ceases to be the case, throw the whole upon a filter. The white pow- der which remains upon the filter is then to be ,well washed, allowed to dry, and afterward mixed with about one-sixth of its weight of charcoal powder. This mix- ture is to be put into an earthen ware re- tort ; and then put into a furnace, and the beak of it plunged into a vessel of water, so as to be just under the surface. Heat is now to be applied gradually till the re- tort be heated to whiteness. A vast num- ber of air bubbles issue from the beak of the retort, some of which take fire when they come to the surface of the water. At last there drops out a substance which has the appearance of melted wax, and which con- geals under the water. This substance is phosphorus. An alchemist of Hamburgh, named Brandt, who, in searching for the philoso- pher’s stone which he did not find, was the first who, by chance, in 1677, disco- vered this phosphorus for which he did not seek. The singularity of this new pro- duct induced Kunckel to associate with one of his friends, named Kraft, to purchase the secret of its preparation : but Kraft having deceived his friend by procuring the secret for himself, of which Kunckel knew nothing more than that the phospho- rus was prepared from urine, this philoso- pher had the courage to undertake the work of discovery. He, at last, succeeded in obtaining phosphorus, which was long called the phosphorus of Kunckel, on ac- count of the success of his enlightened re- searches. Boyle passes also for having discovered phosphorus, and having de- posited the process with the secretary of the Royal Society of London, in 1680. In 1679, Kraft brought a small piece of it to London to show it to the King and Queen * This substance is procured by dissolving lead in nitric acid or aquajortis ; but it, as well as the other substances which may be mentioned in the course of this part of our work, will be fully des- cribed under their proper head, or class to which they belong. of England. Boyle gave his process to Godfrey Hankwitz, a practical chemist of London, who, for many years, sold the product to all the philosophers of Europe, This last operator, and Kunckel, were, for some time, the only chemists who knew how to prepare it. Boyle, however, des- cribed his process in the philosophical transactions for 1680 ; and Kraft inserted his method in a treatise on phosphorus by the Abbe de Commines published in June, 1683, though he had several times sold it before. That of Brandt was communicated in Hooke’s Philosophical Collections, pub- lished in English, in 1726, by Derham. Homberg published a process, which he said he had seen practised hy Kunckel, in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences for 1692. Phosphorus was, however, made but seldom, with difficulty, and in small quan- tities in the laboratories, and it was a mere object of curiosity, and the subject of a few philosophical experiments. A small stick or two of phosphorus usually com- posed the whole portion in cabinets, when in 1774, Gahn and Scheele in Sweden made a capital discovery, which greatly augmented the quantity of phosphorus pro- duced in the laboratories, by showing, that the acid from which it was extracted is abundantly contained in the bones of ani- mals ; but, notwithstanding all these re- searches, it is still the scarcest, the most expensive, and consequently the least em- ployed of simple combustible bodies. ASTROHOMY- Respecting the Light of the sun, little was known till the time of Sir Isaac New- ton. Before his time, light had always been esteemed a mere quality or modifica- tion of matter; but it is now generally be- lieved to be a real substance , or distinct spe- cies of matter, emanating or flowing from some luminous body, although in exceed- ingly small particles. It is also known that these particles proceed from the luminous body in straight lines ; but their velocity exceeds every species of motion with which we are acquainted. The velocity of light is to the velocity of the earth in her oibit as 10,300 to 1, al - though she moves at the rate of 68,000 miles per hour ; therefore light flies at the rate of 187,878 miles per second, which is about 1,550,000 times faster than a cannon ball. This prodigious velocity of the par- ticle§ of light, if they were not exceed- ingly small, would prove fatal to our eye sight; for they would strike with such force, that our eyes could not bear the shock. THE ARTISAN. 107 The time which light takes to arrive at the earth from the sun is 8' 13". This was discovered by Roemer, a Danish astrono- mer, in the year 1644. By comparing the eclipses of the first satellite of Jupiter with the times of its immersions and emersions, given by the tables of Cassini, he found that the error of the tables depended on the distance between Jupiter and the earth; and hence he concluded that the motion of light was not instantaneous, and that it moved through the diameter of the earth’s orbit in about 11 minutes. This, though a sufficient discovery or proof of the pro- gressive motion of light, was not accurate enough to determine its true rate of velo- city. However, thi3 was soon after dis- covered by Dr. Bradley, to be what it is stated at above. The intensity of light and heat varies as the square of the distance. For if an object be placed one foot distant from a candle, and another two feet, the one that is two feet distant will only re- ceive one fourth part of the light that the other does; and if it be removed to the distance of three feet, it will only receive one ninth part, and so on. It is the same with respect to the heat imparted by any body. OF THE PLANET MERCURY. Mercury is the nearest planet to the Sun, and performs his revolution round that luminary in the shortest period of all the planets. The time he takes to perform this revolution is 87d. 23h. 14' 32.7"*, which is the length of his year. The length of his day, or the time he takes to perform a revolution round his axis, is not known : for, by reason of his proximity to the Sun, few observations can be made upon him. He is so near the Sun, that he can seldom be seen ; and when he does make his ap- pearance, his motion is so rapid towards the Sun, that he can only be discerned for a very short time. When he can be seen, it is a little before the Sun rises in the morning, and a little after he is set in the evening. His distance from the Sun is 36,668,373 English miles, and his diameter is 3,241 miles, which makes him about part of the size of the Earth. The rate at which he moves in his orbit is not known. The light and heat he receives from the Sun are seven times greater than the Earth, and the sun appears seven times as large to him as to the Earth. This planet appears to us with all the various phases of the Moon, when viewed at different times with a good telescope; but he never appears quite full, because his enlightened side is never turned di- rectly towards the Earth, except when he is so near the Sun as to be lost to our sight in his beams. His enlighted side being thus always turned towards the Sun, proves that he shines not by any light of his own ; for if he did, he would always appear round and fully enlightened. It is also plain he moves in an orbit within that of the Earth’s, because he is never seen opposite to the Sun, nor above 56 times the Sun’s breadth from him, his greatest Elongation being about 28°; i In heathen mythology, Mercury is styled the Messenger of the Gods. OF VENUS. Venus is the next planet in order, and computed to be 68,518,044 English miles distant from the Sun. She moves at the rate of 76,000 miles per hour ; and com- pletes her revolution round the Sun in 224 days, 16 hours, 41 minutes, and 28 seconds. The time she takes to revolve round her axis, or the length of her day, is by some astronomers stated at 23h. 21', and by others at 24d. 8h. Venus is much about the size of our earth, her diameter being 7687 English miles. When examined by a good telescope, she exhibits the same phases as Mercury and the Moon ; and her surface is occasionally variegated by darkish spots. These spots were em- ployed by Cassini and Bianchini in de- termining the revolution of Venus about her axis. In the following figure A represents Venus, according to the late Sir William Herschel, and B C according to Shroeter. V enus is never seen opposite to the Sun, nor more than 96 times the breadth of that * The time which any planet takes to perform its revolution round the sun, is called the length of its year ; and the time which it takes to revolve round its axis, the length of its day. luminary from his centre, her greatest elongation being about 47°, which proves that her orbit includes that of Mercury. When Venus is to the west of the Sun, she is to be seen before the Sun rises, and is then called the Morning Star ; when she is 108 THE ARTISAN. east of the Sun, she is to be seen after he sets, and is then called the Evening Star. Venus is in each of these situations for 290 days together. This may at first seem surprising, that she should keep longer on the east or west side of the Sun than the whole time of her revolution round him. But when it is recollected, that the Earth is all the while going round the Sun the same way, though not so quick as Venus, the difficulty vanishes. For the relative mo- tion of Venus to the Earth must, in every period, be as much slower than her abso- lute motion in her orbit, as the Earth during that time advances forward in the ecliptic, which is 220 degrees. To us Venus appears brightest when her elon- gation is about 40 degrees, both before and after her inferior conjunction. Some astronomers have imagined that they perceived a satellite near Venus ; but this has since been proved to have been an illusion ; for, in her transit over the Sun’s disc, she appeared unaccompanied by any satellite.* Mr. Ferguson thinks Venus may have a satellite revolving round her, though it has not yet been dis~ covered ; and adds, “ that this will not appear very surprising, if we consider how inconveniently we are placed for seeing it.” OF THE EARTH. The Earth performs its revolution round the Sun in an orbit between that of Venus and Mars, at the distance of 95,173,000, in 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 49 seconds, which is called the solar or tropical year. In performing its annual circuit, the Earth travels at the rate of 68,000 miles every hour, which is 140 times faster than that of a cannon ball. The diameter of the Earth is 7,912 English miles, and its circumfer- ence 24,855 ’42 miles.f That the Earth is round like a globe, is evident from its sha- dow in Eclipses of the Moon : for, 1st, The * A transit of Venus happens very seldom. Only two occurred in the last century ; one in 1761, and the other in 1769. There will not be another till the year 1874. Transists of Mercury happen much oftener. There was one of this planet in 1822 ; but it was not visible in Britain. t This is what the French mathematicians have lately deduced from a measurement of above 12° of the meridian. shadow is always bounded by a circular line, although the Earth be constantly turning its different sides to the Moon. 2d, By people at land only seeing the upper part of the mast of a ship when she first comes in sight, and as she approaches the land the whole of her gradually becoming visible. 2d, By its having been sailed round by many navigators. Several degrees of a meridian circle on the Earth’s surface have been measured in different parts, by which it has been dis- covered, that a degree is longer at the poles than at the equator, and therefore the true figure of the Earth is that of an oblate spheroid, the equatorial diameter exceed- ing that of the polar by 26f miles. This deviation from the real spherical shape is occasioned by the diurnal rotation on its axis ; for the gravity of the equatorial parts is diminished by the centrifugal force arising from their rapid motion, while the gravity at the poles suffers no diminution. OF MARS. The planet Mars is 4,142 miles in dia- meter, and performs his revolution round the Sun in 686 days, 22 hours, 18 minutes, at the distance of 144,588,575 miles. His motion in his orbit is about 55,000 miles per hour. The time he takes to revolve round his axis is 24 h. 39' of our time. The quantity of light and heat which Mars en- joys is only equal to half what the Earth enjoys ; and the Sun only appears to him half as large as to the Earth. This planet being only about a fifth part of the size of the Earth, if any satellite attends him, it must be very small, and has not yet been discovered. To Mars the Earth and Moon appear like two moons, a larger and a smaller, changing places with each other, and appearing sometimes horned, and sometimes half or three quarters enlighten- ed, but never full ; and never above a fourth part of a degree distant from one another, although they are 240,000 miles asunder. Mars is very remarkably for the red colour of his light, and for the great number and variety of spots which mark his surface. The following figure A, B, C, and D, represent the different appearances of Mars as seen by the late Sir W. Herschel, through the astronomical telescope ; they are therefore inverted. THE ARTISAN. 109 The atmosphere of this planet, which astronomers have long considered as of an extraordinary size and density, is the cause of the singular redness of its light. When observed by a good telescope, Mars sometimes appears gibbous, or more than half, but never horned ; which shows that his orbit includes the Earth’s within it, and also that he does not shine by any light of his own. In heathen mythology, Mars is styled the God of War. OF JUPITER. The planet Jupiter is the largest of all the planets, his diameter being 89,170 English miles. The time he takes to per- form his revolution round the Sun is 4330 days, 14 hours, 39 minutes ; but his motion round his axis is extremely rapid, being completed in the short space of 9 hours, 55 minutes. His distance from the Sun is stated at 492,365,207 English miles ; and his hourly motion in his orbit at 25,000 miles. The form of Jupiter, like that of the Earth, is an oblate spheroid, the equatorial diameter being to the polar at 14 to 13. When this planet is examined through a good telescope, several belts or bands are perceived extending across his disc, in lines parallel to his equator. (To be continued fBtscellaneous Subjects. BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR OF THOMAS SIMPSON. ( Continued from page 94 . ) He proposed, and resolved many ques- tions in the Ladies’ Diaries, &c. sometimes under his own name, as in the years 1735 and 1736, and Sometimes under feigned or fictitious names ; such as, it is thought, Hurlothrumbo, Kubernetes, Patrick O’Ca- venah, Marmaduke Hodgson, Anthony Shallow, Esq. and probably several others. See the diaries for the years 1735 to 60. Mr. Simpson was also the editor or com- piler of the Diaries from the year 1754 till the year 1760, both inclusive, during which time he raised that work to the greatest degree of respect. It has also been commonly supposed, that he was the real editor of, or had a principal share in, two other periodical works of a miscellaneous mathematical nature ; viz. the Mathematician, and Tur- ner’s Mathematical Exercises, 2 volumes in 8vo. which came out in periodical num- bers, in the years 1750 and 1751, &c. In the year 1763, when the plans pro posed for erecting a new bridge at Black- friars were in agitation, Mr. Simpson, among other gentlemen, was consulted upon the best form for the arches, by the New-bridge Committee. Upon this occasion he gave a preference to the semicircular form ; and besides his report to the Committee, some letters also appeared, by himself and others, on the same subject, in the public newspapers. From Mr. Simpson’s writings, we now return to himself. Through the interest and solicitations of the beforementioned William Jones, Esq. he was, in 1743, ap- pointed professor of mathematics, then va- cant by the death of Mr. Derham, in the Royal Academy at Woolwich; his w r arrant bearing date August 25th. And in 1745 he was admitted a fellow of the Royal Society, having been pyoposed as a candi- date by Martin Folkes, Esq. President, William Jones, Esq. /Mr. George Graham, and Mr. John Machin, Secretary ; all very eminent mathematicians. The president and council, in consideration of his very moderate circumstances, were pleased to excuse his admission fees, and likewise his giving bond for the settled future payments. At the academy he exerted his faculties to the utmost, in instructing the pupils who were the immediate objects of his duty, as well as others, whom the superior officers of the ordnance permitted to be boarded and lodged in his house. In his man- ner of teaching he had a peculiar and happy address ; a certain dignity and per- spicuity, tempered with such a degree of mildness, as engaged both the attention, esteem, and friendship of his scholars ; of which the good of the service, as well as of the community, was a necessary conse- quence. In the latter stage of his existence, when his life was in danger, exercise and a proper regimen were prescribed him, but to little purpose : for he sunk gradually into such a lowness of spirits, as often in a manner deprived him of his mental fa- culties, and at last rendered him incapable of performing his duty, or even of reading the letters of his friends ; and so trifling an accident as the dropping of a tea-cup would flurry him as much as if a house had tumbled down. The physicians advised his native air for his recovery : and in February 1761, he set out, with much reluctance (believing he should never return) for Bosworth, along with some relations. The journey fatigued him to such a degree, that upon his arrival he betook himself to his chamber, where he grew continually worse and worse, to the day of his death, which happened the 110 THE ARTISAN, 14th of May, in the fifty-first year of his age. At his death, Mr. Simpson left in being, besides his widow, her daughter and son by her first husband, and his own daughter and son, the latter of whom was born after his arrival in London. The two daughters had married officers of artillery, and young Simpson had been presented with a com- mission in the same corps, and lived to have a company in the Royal Artillery ; but on account of a besotted habit of drunkenness, and other misconduct, he was broke, and died soon after. As to Mr. Simpson’s widow, the King, at the instance of Lord Viscout Ligonier, the then Master General, in consideration of Mr. Simpson’s great merits, was graci- ously pleased to grant her a handsome pension for life, together with apartments adjoining to the academy ; a favour that had never been conferred on any before. Here she lived, and her son Swinfield, the tailor, and his wife, along with her, in the same apartments, for many years. She died only December the 14th, 1782, at the great age of one hundred and two. Her son Swinfield survived her only a few years. ON THE LINE OF PERPETUAL CONGELATION. In consequence of the diminution of tem- perature which is experienced as we ascend in the atmosphere, it is evident that in every climate a point of elevation may be reached where it will be continually freezing. The altitude of the point above the surface of the earth, will depend partly on the tem- perature of the lower regions of the atmos- phere, and partly on the decrement of heat belonging to the column at the period of observation. Thus, near the equator, it was observed by Bouguer, that it began to freeze on the sides of the lofty mountain H Pinchencha, at the height of 15,577 feet above the level of the sea, whereas congelation was found by Saussure to take place on the Alps at the height of 13,428 feet. By tracing a line on the plane of the meridian, through the points at which it constantly freezes, a curve is obtained, which has been denominated the line of Perpetual Congelation. The height at which this curve intersects a vertical line in the various latitudes, has been computed by Kir wan, partly from observation, and partly from the mean temperature of the parallel, and the decrement of heat, as we ascend in the atmosphere. The following table exhibits the result of his calculation \ and though it is constructed on the erro- neous supposion, that the mean annual temperature of the pole is 31°, which ac- cording to the observations of Captain Scoresby and Captain Parry, must be far beyond the truth, it is tolerably accurate for the more accessible regions of the globe. Latitude. .0 - Mean Height of Lii of Congelation. - - 15,577 5 - - - - 15,457 10 - - _ 15,067 15 - - - 15,498 20 - - - - 13,719 25 - - - 13,030 30 - - . 11,592 35 - - z 10,664 40 - - - 9,016 45 - - - 7,658 50 - - - 6,260 55 - - . 4,912 60 - . •_ 3,684 65 - - - 2,516 70 - - -- 1,557 75 - - - 748 80 - - - 128 These numerical relations will be perceived at a glance, by means of the fol- lowing diagram. THE ARTISAN, 111 , Here E P represents the rectified meri- dian from the equator to the pole divided nto intervals of 10° each ; and the different •erpendiculars or ordinates at the point , 10, 20, &c. represent the height of the eezing point at the equator, and at latitude 0, 20, &c. to the pole P. The curve HP, /hich has a contrary flexure about 60°, ihibits the general form of the line of ’erpetual Congelation from the equator to ie pole. NEW FRENCH WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. During the time of the French republic, a new system of weights and measures was introduced into France, the foundation of which was the measure of a degree of the meridian. This was determined to be 57027 toises, from the mean of the measurement of 12 degrees, about latitude 45 deg. ; hence a quadrant of the meridian is 5132430 toises, and from this number the weights and measures now used in France are deduced. The Metre , which is the base of the new system, is the 10,000,000 part of 5132430 toises, or quadrant of the meridian, and is equal to 39*371 English inches. The other measures of length both ascend and de- scend, decimally, as follows : — 10 Metres ~ 1 Decametre. 10 Decametres — 1 Hectometre. 10 Hectometres zz 1 Kilometre or mile. 10 Kilometres — 1 Myriametre or league 1 Metre zzlO Decimetres. 1 Decimetre zzlO Centimetres. 1 Centimetre =10 Millimetres. The square of the Decametre constitutes the Are, and that of the Hectometre, the Hectare, or Acre. The cube of a Metre forms the unit of solid measure, or the Stere ; and that of a Decimetre, the Litre, or Pint ; and the weight of this bulk of water, at its greatest contraction, makes the Kilogramme, or Pound; and the weight of the cube of a Centimetre of distilled water is called the Gramme. The value of these in English measure are as follows : — The Toise == 76-7344 English inches. or 1 Toise . . . . = 1-0657 fathoms. 1 Metre . . . . = 39-371 inches.* 1 Myriametre or league= 6-213856 English miles. 1 Are = 1077-119234 square feet. 1 Hectare or Acre . = 2*47117 English acres. 1 Stere .....;= 35-3171 solid feet. 1 Litre = 61-0280 cubic inches. 1 Kilogramme or pound= 2-1133 troy ounces. 1 Gramme . . . == 15-444 troy grains. * 1 Decimetre is— 3.93710 inches. 1 Centimetre = .39371 do. 1 Millimetre = .03937 do. ANSWER TO QUERIES, AT PAGE 64. Not having received any answer to the queries of Aquatus and of a Mechanic , we shall here give our own opinion on the sub- ject of these queries. And on theirs*, we can only say, that, as far as our experience and observations extend, we know of no exception to the general law of all dry solid bodies becoming hot by friction , or rubbing. But we are not philosophers enough to give any good reason why liquids do not become hot by the same means. Perhaps it may be on account of the want of cohesion between their minute particles, or on account of the form of their particles. On the query of a Mechanic we have to remark, that we know of no instrument which exhibits, by inspection , any tempe- rature between seven hundred and a thou- sand degrees of Fahrenheit's scale. Be- tween the boiling point of mercury (about 660°) and the commencement of Wedg- woods pyrometer (about 1077° of Fahren- heit’s) there is no method of ascertaining the temperature of a body but by induction, or inferences drawn from a comparison of the mercurial thermometer with Wedg- wood’s, or other pyrometers. Though “ V ” might have applied to any other person with equal propriety as to us, to solve his queries, (they having no reference to the “ Artisan”) we shall, on this occasion, comply with his request. The 45th of Euc. b. 1, is perfectly general ; and it matters not whether it be illustrated by a four , or a forty-sided rectilineal figure ; but in no instance could it super- sede, or be superseded by, any part of the 32d of the 1st Book. The 32d and its corollories relate entirely to angles, whereas the 45 th relates to space , or area. There is no more connection between the 7th and 8th of Book 3d, than any two propositions in the Elements. The fact is, there is no connection at all between them ; and the one is not even alluded to in the proof of the other. In the 28th of the 3d, there is no neces- sity either to assert or prove that equal straight lines in the same circle cut off equal circumferences; because if this be the case in equal circles, it is perfectly evident it must do so in the same circle ; and the truth is, it could not be a circle unless this were the case ; ergo, “ V. is wrong in every thing.” — Edit. 112 THE ARTISAN. SOLUTIONS OF QUESTIONS. To the Editor of the Artisan. Sir, Please insert the following solution of Mr. Graham’s question, inserted at page 64 of the Artisan, which will oblige, your’s, &c. Vulcan. The cubical content of the whole globe, including the glass, is 282+1=283, which divided by 5 ’236 (the solidity of a sphere whose diameter is 1), and the cube root of the quotient extracted gives 8*146 for the diameter of the globe ; and 282, the cubic inches of ale, divided by 5*236, and the cubic root extracted, gives 8*136 for the diameter of the inside of the globe ; conse- , (8*146 — 8*136) *01 quently, — — — *005, or ^ of an inch is the thickness of the glass. This question was also solved by the proposer ; but he will observe by the above solution, that he committed a small error, by f 283 stating 1/ ~ 8*2, instead of 8*146, which materially affects the result. — Ed. To the Editor of the Artisan. Sir, Having observed in the last Number of your valuable publication (page 96) two questions by J. M. Edney, I have taken the liberty of offering you what I conceive to be a just solution, which if you think proper to insert in a future Number of the Artisan, will greatly oblige, your’s, &c. Hugh Starke. Ex. 1. The areaof the circle is 706*86, and dividing this by 3*6339124, the area of the heptagon whose side is l, we obtain 194*5176, the square of the side of the heptagon ; and the square root of this is 13*946, which is the side of the heptagon required. Ex. 2. Let 10 x + y represent the number, the digits of which are x and y. Then from the first part of the question the fol- lowing equation arises, 10 x + y + 54 zz 10 y + x ; and from the second part of the question arises the second equation, y 2 —x 2 ~ 60; then the value of x being f| 7/ — — — found in the 1st equation — — — — y—6, and that of x 2 in the second ~y 2 — 60, the first value of x squared gives x 1 ~ y 2 — 12y + 36IZ?/ 2 — -60, or 12yiz96, cry— 8; but a* — y — 6, or 2. Hence the number required is 28. These two questions were also solved by the proposer ; by Mr. A. Peacock, St. George’s East ; and the last one was also solved, very neatly, by Mr. J. Harding, Hart-street, Grosvenor-square ; and Mr. George Futooye, High-street, Marylebone. The solution of Charon’s, and Mr. Gra- ham’s question, inserted on the same page of the “ Artisan” with the two foregoing, will appear in our next. The questions for solution in the present sheet are numbered so as to include all that have preceded them in the “ Artisan and this plan will be continued, in order to prevent mistakes in their solutions, and to afford a ready method of referring to any particular question. — Ed. QUESTIONS FOR SOLUTION. To the Editor of the Artisan. Sir, Wishing to contribute to your valuable publication, as far as my humble abilities will allow, I enclose you the following question for insertion, if convenient, in your next Number. R. Graham. Ranelagh-st. Liverpool. Quest. 12. — Given the versed sine 4, and the length of the arc 100, to find the dia- meter of the circle ? To the Editor of the Artisan. Sir, Please to insert the following question in one of your succeeding Numbers, which will very much oblige your obedient ser- vant, H. Flather. 33, Seymour -place, . Bryansto7ie-square , April 5.th, 1824. Quest. 13. What are the cubic contents of a space 43| inches long, 13 inches wide, and 7~ inches deep. This being the quan- tity of water displaced by a model, on a scale of 1 foot to | an inch ; it is required to know how many cubic feet are con- tained in the said figure according to this scale ? THE ARTISAN. 113 GEOMETRY* PROPOSITION XX. Theorem. — Any two sides of a triangle are together greater than the third side. Let ABC 'be a triangle ; any two sides of it together are greater than the third side ; viz. the sides BA, A C, greater than the side B Cj and A B, B C, greater than A C ; and BC, C A, greater than A B. D Produce B A to the point D, and make A X> equal to A C, and join DC. Because D A is equal to A C, the angle A D C is likewise equal to A C D ; but the angle BCD is greater than the angle ACD ; therefore, the angle B C D is greater than the angle ADC; and because the angle BCD of the triangle D C B is greater than its angle B D C, and that the greater side is opposite to the greater angle : there- fore the side D B is greater than the side B C ; but D B is equal to B A and A C to- gether; therefore BA and A C together are greater than B C. In the same man- lier it may be demonstrated, that the sides A B, B C are greater than C A, and B C, CA, greater than AB. Therefore any two sides, &c. Q. E. D. Dr. Simpson remarks, (from Proclus,) that u the Epicureans derided this propo- sition as being manifest to asses some of the moderns have done the same, but equally without reason : for, according to Euclid’s plan, a demonstration was neces- sary. (See Prop. 3, obs.page 19.) PROPOSITION XXI. Theorem. — If from the ends of one side of a triangle there be drawn two straight lines to a point within the triangle , these two lines shall be less than the other two sides of the triangle , but shall contain a greater angle. Let the two straight lines BD, CD, be drawn from B, C, the ends of the side B C of the triangle A B C, to the point D within it ; B D and D C are less than the other two sides B A and A C of the triangle, but con- tain an angle B D C greater than the angle B AC. Vol. L— N° 8. A Produce B D to E ; and because two sides of a triangle are greater than the third side, the two sides BA, AE, of the triangle ABE are greater than B E. To each of these add E C ; therefore the sides BA, AC, are greater than BE, EC: Again, because the two sides C E, ED, of the triangle CED are greater than CD, add D B to each of these ; therefore the sides CE, E B, are greater than C D, D B ; but it has been shewn that B A, A C, are greater than BE, EC; much more then are BA, AC, greater than B D, D C. Again, because the exterior angle of a triangle is greater than the interior and opposite angle, the exterior angle BDC of the triangle C D E is greater than CED; for the same reason, the exterior angle CEB of the triangle A B E is greater than B A C : and it has been demonstrated that the angle B D C is greater than the angle CED; much more then is the angle BDC greater than the angle BAC. Therefore, if from the ends of, &c. Q.E.D. It is essential to the truth of this pro- position, that the straight lines drawn to the point within the triangle, be drawn from the two extremities of the base ; for omitting this limitation, there are cases in which the sum of the two lines drawn from the base to a point within the triangle, will exceed the sum of the two sides of the triangle. PROPOSITION XXII. Problem. • — To construct a triangle of which the sides shall be equal to three given straight lines ; but any two whatever qf these lines must be greater than the third. Let A, B, C be the three given straight lines, of which any two whatever are greater than the third ; viz. A and B greater than C ; A and C greater than B ; and B and C than A. It is required to make a triangle of which the sides shall be equal to A, B, C, each to each. Take a straight line D E terminated at the point D, hut unlimited towards E, and make D F equal to A, F G to B, and G H equal to C : and from the centre F, at the distance F D, describe the circle D K L ; and from the centre G, at the distance GH, describe another circle HLK; and join i 114 THE ARTISAN. K F, KG: the triangle K F G has its sides equal to the three straight lines A, B, C. K. B— c — Because the point F is the centre of the circle DKL, FD is equal toFK; but F D is equal to the straight line A ; there- fore FK is equal to A : Again, because G is the centre of the circle LKH, G H is equal to G K ; but G H is equal to C ; therefore also G K is equal to C; and FG is equal to B ; therefore the three straight lines K F, F G, G K, are equal to the three A , B, C : And therefore the triangle K F G has its three sides K F, F G, G K equal to the three given straight lines A, B, C. Which was to be done, PROPOSITION XXIII. Problem.— At a given point in a given straight line , to make a rectilineal angle equal to a given rectilineal angle . Let A B be the given straight line, and A the given point in it, and DCE the given rectilineal angle ; it is required to make an angle at the given point A in the given straight line AB, that shall be equal to the given rectilineal angle DCE. A Take in C D, C E any points D, E, and join D E ; and make the triangle A F G, the sides of which shall be equal to the three straight lines C D, D E, C E, so that C D be equal to A F, C E to A G, and D E to F G ; and because DC, C E, are equal to F A, A G, each to each, and the base D E to the base EG: the angle D C E is equal to the angle FAG. Therefore, at the given point A in the given straight line A B, the angle F A G is made equal to the given rectilineal angle DCE. Which was to be done. PROPOSITION XXIV. Theorem. — If two triangles have two sides of the one equal to two sides of the other , each to each , but the angle contained by the two sides of the one greater than the angle contained by the two sides of the other ; the base of that which has the greater angle shall be greater than the base of the other. Let ABC, D E F be two triangles which have the two sides A B, A C, equal to the two D E, D F, each to each ; viz. A B equal to D E, and AC to D F ; but the angle B A C greater than the angle E D F : the base B C is also greater than the base EF. Of the two sides D E, D F, let D E be the side which is not greater than the other, and at the point D, in the straight line D E, make the angle E D G equal to the angle B A C ; and make D G equal to A C or D F, and join E G, G F. Because A B is equal to D E, and A C to D G, the two sides B A, A C, are equal to the two E D, D G, each to each, and the angle B A C is equal to the angle E D G ; therefore the base B C is equal to the base E G ; and because D G is equal to D F, the angle D F G is equal to the angle D G F ; but the angle D G F is greater than the angle E G F : therefore the angle D F G is greater than EGF ; and much more is the angle E F G greater than the angle EGF; and because the angle E F G of the triangle E F G is greater than its angle EGF, and that the greater side is opposite to the greater angle ; the side EG is therefore THE ARTISAN. 115 greater than the side E F ; but E G is equal to B C ; and therefore also B C is greater than E F. Therefore, if two triangles, &c. Q.ED. PROPOSITION XXV. Theorem. — If two triangles have two sides of the one equal to two sides of the other , each to each , but the base of the one greater than the base of the other ; the angle con- tained by the sides of that which has the greater base , shall be greater than the angle contained by the sides of the other. Let A B C, D E F, be two triangles which have the two sides A B, A C, equal to the two sides DE, DF, each to each ; viz. A B equal to DE, and AC to DF : but the base C B is greater than the base E F ; the angle B A C is likewise greater than the angle EDF. I) For, if it be not greater, it must either be equal to it, or less ; but the angle B A C is not equal to the angle EDF, because then the base B C would be equal to E F ; but it is not ; therefore the angle B A C is not equal to the angle EDF; neither is it less ; because then the base B C would be less than the base E F ; but it is not ; there- fore the angle B A C is not less than the angle EDF; and it was shewn that it is not equal to it : therefore the angle BAG is greater than the angle EDF. Where- fore, if two triangles, &c. Q. E. D. Th,e two last Propositions, as well as the 18th and 19th, are converse propositions. MECHANICS OF THE PULLEY. The pulley is a wheel or cylindrical piece of wood, or any other hard substance, with a groove cut out of its rim, for the purpose of allowing a rope to pass over it. The cylinder moves round an axis, which works in a frame, called the block. A system of pulleys, or a number of them combined together, is called a muffle , and is either fixed or moveable, according as the block which contains the pulleys is fixed or moveable. When the pulley is fixed, it gives no mechanical advantage, but serves merely to change the direction of the power applied to the cord which passes over it. There is, therefore, an equilibrium in the single fixed pulley when the power and weight are equal. Let a power and weight P, W, equal to each other, act by means of a perfectly flexible cord P D W, which passes over the fixed pulley A D B ; then whatever force is exerted at D, in the direction DAP, by the power, an equal force is exerted by the weight in the direc- tion D B W ; these forces will, therefore, keep each other in equilibrio. This proposition is true in whatever direction the power is applied ; the only alteration made, by changing its direction, is in the pressure upon the centre of motion. When the pulley is moveable, one end of the cord is made fast to a fixed point ; the power is applied to the other, and the weight hangs by the block in which the axis of the pulley is fixed. Thus, a string fixed at E, passes under the moveable pulley A, and over the fixed pulley B ; i 2 116 THE ARTISAN. the weight is fixed to tine eentre of the block A, and the power is applied at P. In a pulley of this kind, where the cords are parallel, the power is to the weight as 1 to 2 ; that is, a body of any given weight will balance another body double that weight. For, since the cords EA and B A are in the direction in which the weight acts, they exactly sustain it ; and they are equally stretched in every point ; therefore, they sustain it equally between them, or each sustains half the weight. Therefore P is to W, as 1 to 2, as already stated. When the pulley is heavy, and acts in the same direction as the resistance, the weight of the pulley must be considered as part of the resistance. If the direction of the resistance be different from that in which the block hangs, the weight which it adds to the resistance, may be determined by the resolution of forces : see page 24th. In a muffle, or system, where the same cord passes round any number of pulleys, and the parts of it between the pulleys are parallel, the power is to the resistance as 1 to the number of cords at the lower block. For the force being equally communi- cated throughout the length of the cord, each portion will co-operate equally in supporting the weight, and will support that portion of it which is to the whole as I to the number of cords ; consequently, a weight equal to that portion will retain any part of the cord in equilibrium,* and with it the whole cord and the whole weight. And if the radii of the pulleys be taken in arithmetical progression, their angular velocity may be made equal *, and they may be fixed in the same axis, as in the annexed figure. There is, however, various combinations of pulleys, where the same cord passes round all the pulleys ; but the ratio of the power to the resistance is the same as that just stated. The following figure represents another system of this description. In a system where each pulley hangs by a separate string, and the strings are parallel, the power is to the weight as 1 to * That is, the number of revolutions made by each will be in the inverse ratio of iis radius. THE ARTISAN. \\7 that power of 2, whose index is the number of moveable pulleys.* In the following system, a cord passes over the fixed pulley A, and under the moveable pulley B, and is fixed at E : another cord is fixed at B, passes under the moveable pulley C, and is fixed at F, &c. in such a manner that the cords are parallel. Here the number of moveable pulleys are three, and therefore the power is to the weight as 1 to 2, raised to the third, poiver , that is, as 1 to 8 ; consequently when there are three moveable pulleys, there will be an equilibrium, if the power be one-eighth part of the weight. In a system of pulleys, each hanging by a separate cord, where the cords are at- tached to the weighty as is represented in the following figure, the power is to the weight as 1 to the number 2, raised to that power whose index is the number of moveable pulleys, diminished by unity or l.t A cord fixed to the weight at F, passes over the pulley C, and is again fixed to the pulley B; another cord, fixed at E, passes over the pulley B, and is fixed to * Tf any number be multiplied into itself any number of times, the products are called powers of that number ; and the figure which denotes the number of times it has been multiplied by itself, is called the index of that pow er. t See the preceding note. the pulley A, &c. in such a manner that the cords are parallel. As the number of pulleys is here three, 2 raised to this power, and then diminished by 1, is 7 ; therefore the advantage gained is as 7 to 1, or there will be an equilibrium between the power and the resistance, when the power is one-seventh part of the weight or resistance. When the cords are not parallel, the powers in each case, is to the corresponding pressure upon the centre of the pulley as the radius is to twice the cosine of the angle made by the cord with the direction in which the weight acts* Also, by the resolution of forces, the power in each case, or pressure upon the former pulley, is to the weight it sustains, as the radius is to the cosine of the angle made by the cord with the direction in which the weight acts. It is obvious, that the pulley is reducible to the lever of the second kind , or, still more directly, to the case of a body sup- ported by two props, see page 56. From being so extremely portable, and so applicable to cordage, the pulley is of all the mechanical powers the most useful at sea. * To comprehend this proposition completely, it is necessary to have a slight knowledge of trigono- metry. (See page 21, col. 2, and note.) 118 THE ARTISAN. OF THE INCLINED PLANE. The inclined plane is any plane surface which forms an angle with the horizon, and that angle is termed the inclination of the plane. When a body is placed on an inclined plane, the force urging it to descend along the plane, is to the whole force of gravity, as the height of the plane is to its length, and therefore there will be an equilibrium when the power is to the resistance as the height of the plane to its length. Thus, in the following figure, the weight of the body A, resting on the inclined plane, whose oblique length is to its height as 5 to 3, is sustained by a weight B, three fifths of the weight of itself. If bodies descend on any inclined planes of equal heights, but of different inclina- tions, the times of descent are as the lengths of the planes, and the final velo- cities are equal. Thus, a body will acquire a velocity of 32 feet in a second, after having descended 16 feet, either in a ver- tical or oblique direction ; but the time of descent will be as much greater than a second, as the oblique length of the path is greater than 16 feet. This may be proved by experiment, allowing for the retardation by friction, the times being measured by a pendulum or stop watch. There is a singular proposition, of a similar nature, which is still more capable of experimental confirmation ; that is, that the times of falling through all chords drawn to the lowest point of a circle are equal. If two or more bodies are placed at different points of a circle, and allowed to descend at the same instant along as many planes which meet in the lowest point of the circle, they will arrive there at the same time. In order that a smaller weight may raise a greater to a given vertical height, in the shortest time possible, by means of an inclined plane, the length of the plane must be to its height as twice the greater weight to the smaller ; so that the acting- force may be twice as great as that which is simply required for the equilibrium. A body will therefore be raised on an inclined plane, in the shortest time possible, when its length is twice its height. If two weights, P and W, sustain each other upon the planes A C and C B, which have a common altitude C D, c by means of a cord P C W, which passes over the pulley C, and is parallel to the planes, then P is to W as A C to B C ; or the weight P multiplied into the length of the plane C B, is equal to the weight W multiplied into the length of the plane AC. HirBB.AUl.ICS. OF THE FORMATION OF WAVES. When the surface of water is unequally pressed on, in parts contiguous to one another, the columns most pressed on are shortened, and sink beneath the natural level of the surface, while those that are least pressed on are lengthened, and rise above that level. As soon as the former columns have sunk to a certain depth, and the latter have risen to a certain height, their motions are reversed, and continue so till the columns that were at first most depressed have be- come most elevated, and those that were most elevated, have become most de- pressed. The alternate elevations and depressions thus produced, are called leaves. The water in the formation of waves has a vibratory or reciprocating motion, both in a horizontal and a vertical direction, by which it passes from the columns that are shortened to those that are lengthened, and returns again in the opposite direction, progressive motion not being necessary to undulation. The vibrations of water in the form of waves, may be compared to the recipro- cations of the same fluid in a syphon or bent tube ;* and it was from this that New- ton deduced the velocity of waves, and the time required for an undulation. * See page 34, col . 1 . THE ARTISAN. 119 The time of an undulation, is the time from the wave being highest, at any point, to its being .highest at that point again. The velocity of the wave is the rate at which the points of greatest elevation or depression seem to change their places. If the altitude andhreadth of a wave be known, the time of an undulation and the space which the wave appears to pass over may be determined as follows. To find the time of an undulation, add half the bread of the wave to its altitude, multiply the sum by -3927, and the square root of the product will be the time in seconds.* Thus, suppose the breadth of a wave to be 14 feet, and its height S feet, required the time of an undulation. Here the sum of the height and half the breadth is 10, which multiplied by *3927, becomes 3*927, the square root of which is 2, nearly, the number of seconds in which an undulation is per- formed. To find the space which the wave passes over in one second : — divide half the breadth of the wave by the square root of the sum of the altitude, and half the breadth, multiplied by 3*927, and the result will be the space passed over by the wave in one second. Thus, suppose the breadth and height of a wave to be as stated in the preceding example, and it is required to find the space it will pass over in a second of time. Here the square root of 10 is 3*1, nearly, which multiplied by *3927 is 1*22, nearly ; and 7 divided by this number quotes5f, nearly, which is the space passed over in one second. While the depth of the water is sufficient to allow the oscillation to proceed undis- turbed, the weaves have no progressive motion, and are kept, each in its place, by the action of the waves that surround it. But if by a rock rising near the surface, or by the shelving of the shore, the oscillation is prevented, or much retarded, the waves in the deep water are not balanced by those in the shallower, and therefore ac- quire a progressive motion in this last di- rection, and from breakers. Hence it is, that waves always break against the shore, whatever be the direction of the wind. Breakers formed over a great extent of shore, are distinguished by the name of surf. The surf is greatest in those parts of the earth where the wind blows always nearly in the same direction: but in the foregoing observations, no allowance is made for winds. PERCUSSION AND RESISTANCE OF FLUIDS. When a part of the weight of any fluid is expended in producing a motion in any * This number is one-eighth of the circumference of a circle whose diameter is 1. directiori, an equal force is deducted from its pressure on the vessel in that direction, for the weight employed in producing mo- tion cannot at the same time be c causing pressure ; and when the motion produced is in any other diretion than a vertical one, its obliquity must be immediately derived from the re-action of the vessel, or of some fixed obstacle : for, it is obvious that a vertical, like that of gravity, cannot of it- self produce an oblique or horizontal motion. If a small stream descend from the bottom of a vessel, the weight expended in producing its motion is equal to that of a column of the fluid standing on abase equal to the contracted orifice, and of twice the height of the vessel. Thus, if the vessel be 16 feet high, the velocity of the stream will be 32 feet in a second, and a column, 32 feet in length, will pass through the orifice in each second, with the whole velocity derive able from its weight acting for the same time : so much, therefore, of the pressure of the fluid in the reservoir must be expended in producing this motion, and must of course be deducted from the whole force with which the fluid acts on the bottom of the reservoir ; in the same manner as when two unequal weights are connected by means of a cord passing over a pulley, and one of them begins to de- scend, the pressure on the pulley is dimi- nished, by a quantity, which is as much less than the sum of the weights, as the velocity of their common centre of gravity is less than the velocity of a body falling freely. If the stream issue from the vessel in any other direction, the effect of the diminution of the pressure in that direction will be nearly the same as if the vessel were subjected to an equal pressure of any other kind in a contrary direction ; and if the vessel be moveable, it will receive a progressive or rotatory motion in that direction. Thus, when a vessel or pipe is fixed on a centre, and a stream of water is discharged from it by a lateral ori- fice, the vessel turns round at first with an accelerated motion, but on account of the force consumed in producing the rotatory motion, in successive portions of the water, the velocity soon becomes nearly uniform. Thus, the following figure represents a cylinder, moveable on an axis with two curved pipes inserted in its lower part seen from above. The stream A enters at the top of the cylinder, and is discharged by the orifices B and C, so as to turn the vessel in the direction B D, From similar reasoning it appears, that the effect of a detached jeton a plane surface perpendicular to it must be equivalent to the weight of a portion of the same stream equal in length to twice the height which is capable of producing 120 THE ARTISAN. the velocity. And this result is confirmed by experiments: but it is necessary that the diameter of the plane be at least four times as great as that of the jet, in order that the full effect may be produced. When also a stream acts on an obstacle in a chan- nel sufficiently closed, on all sides, to pre- vent the escape of any considerable portion of water, its effect is nearly the same as that of a jet playing on a large surface. But if the plane, opposed to the jet, be only equal to it in diameter, or if it be placed in an unlimited stream, the whole velocity of the fluid column will not be de- stroyed, it will only be divided and di- verted from its course, its parts continuing to move on, in oblique directions, as re- presented in the following figure. In such cases, the pressure is usually found to be simply equivalent to the weight of a column equal in height to the reservoir, the surface being subjected to a pressure nearly similar to that which acts on apart of the bottom of a vessel, while a stream is descending through a large aper- ture in another part of it. It is obvious that in ail these cases, the pressure varies as the square of the velo- city, since the height required to produce any velocity is proportional to its square. This inference was first made in a more simple manner, from comparing the im- pulse of a fluid on a solid, with that of a number of separate particles, striking the surface of the body, each of which would produce an effect proportional to its velo- city, while the whole number of particles, acting in a given time, would also vary in the same ratio. If the plane struck by the stream be itself in motion, the impulse is as the square of the difference of their velocities. Thus, if the velocity of a.stream be 10 feet per secend, and the plane on which it strikes retires from it at the rate of 8 feet per second, the impulse will only be equal to 4 feet, the square of the differ- ence of the velocities. Where the fluid is so confined that the whole of the stream acts on a succession of planes, each portion into which it is divided may be considered as an inelastic solid, striking on the surface exposed to it with a certain velocity ; and in this case, the force must be considered as simply proportional to the relative velocity, and not to its square. For want of attention to this circumstance, the effects of water wheels have frequently been very errone- ously stated. When a jet, or stream of water, strikes a plane surface obliquely, its force, im- pelling the body forward, in its own di- rection, is found to be very nearly propor- tional to the height to which the jetw'ould rise, if it were similarly inclined to the horizon. But when a plane is situated thus obliquely with respect to a wide stream, the force impelling it in the di- rection of the stream is somewhat less diminished by the obliquity, at least if we make allowance for its intercepting a smaller portion of the stream. Thus, if the anterior part of a solid be terminated by a wedge, more or less acute, the resist- ance, according to the simplest theory of the resolution of forces, might be found by describing a circle on half the base of the wed ge, as a diameter, which would cut off a part from the oblique side of the wedge that would be the measure of the resist- ance, the whole side representing the re- sistance to the same solid without the wedge. But the resistance is always somewhat more than this, and the portion to be added may be found, very nearly, by adding to the fraction, thus found, one ten millionth part of the cube of the number of degrees contained in the external angle of the wedge. Thus, in the following figure, where the whole resistance is directly opposed to the surface A B, is represented by B C, the portion which ought to act on the wedge THE ARTISAN. 121 A B D*, is represented by B E ; and in the same manner the resistance on A B F is to the whole as B G to B C. When a body moves along the surface of a resisting medium at rest, or when an obstacle at rest is opposed to a fluid in equable motion, the pressure is increased before the moving substance, and dimi- nished behind it; so that the surface is elevated at the one part, and depressed at the other, and the more as the velocity is greater. Now it is obvious that the pres- sure must be greatest where the elevation is gi’eatest ; and hence a perforation at the centre of the surface indicates a greater pressure than at the circumference. Behind the body this pressure becomes negative, and has sometimes been called non-pres- sure; hence it happens that atube opening in the centre of the posterior surface, ex- hibits the fluid within it depressed below the level of the general surface of the water. Thus, if we suppose the velocity of a body, terminated by perpendicular surfaces, to be 8 feet in a second, it will require the pressure of about a foot to pro- duce such a velocity; and we may there- fore expect an elevation of about a foot before the body, and an equal pressure behind it; consequently an equivalent difference must be found in the pressure of the water at any equal depths on the an- terior and posterior surfaces of the body. The water elevated before the body escapes continually towards each side, and the deficiency behind, is also filled up in some measure by the particles rushing in and following the body; but there is in both cases a certain quantity of water which moves forwards, and constitutes what is called the dead water ; before, where it is usually most observable, it forms an irre- gular triangle, of which the sides are con- vex inwards. If the hinder part of the body be formed like a wedge, the water on each side will be advancing to fill up the vacuity, even while it remains in con- tact with the sides, and the negative pres- sure will be considerably diminished. For this reason, the bottoms of ships are made to terminate behind in a shape somewhat resembling a wedge ; and the same economy maybe observed in the forms of fishes, calcu- lated by nature for following their prey with the greatest possible rapidity. In general, fishes, as well as ships, are of a more obtuse form before than behind ;f but it is not certain that there would be any material difference in the resistance in a contrary direction, although some experi- ments seem to favour such an opinion. * According to the principles of the resolution of forces. See page 24. + This observation does not apply to the very extremities of these bodies. Perhaps if the natural form of the dead water, moving before an obtuse body, were ascertained, it might serve to indicate a solid calculated to move through the water with the least resistance ; for the water must naturally assume such a form for its own motions, and the friction of fluids on solids being less than that of fluids moving within themselves, the resistance would be diminished by substituting a solid of the same form for a fluid. Thus the form of the dead water moving before an obtuse body is nearly like that of A B C ; and the form adapted for moving through the water with the least possible resistance, like ABCD. A D It is found that no calculation deduced from experiments on the resistance op- posed to oblique plane surfaces, will de- termine with accuracy the resistance to a curved surface. It appears, however, from experiment, that the resistance to the motion of a sphere is usually about two- fifths of the resistance to a flat circular sub- stance of an equal diameter. The resist- ance to the motion of a concave surface is greater than to a plane, and the direction in which the particles of a fluid are sup- posed to move when they strike against a concave surface, are represented by the following figure. 122 THE ARTISAN. jKflfecellancous ^utjecls. THE LIFE OF COPERNICUS. Nicholas Copernicus was a native of Thorn, a city of note in Prussia Royal, where he was born January 19th, 1473. His father’s name was Nicholas, and his mother was sister to Lucas Watzelrode, afterwards bishop of Warmia. He learnt the Latin and Greek languages, partly at home, and partly at the university of Cra- cow, where he studied philosophy, and sometimes medicine; at length he obtained the degree of Doctor. Meanwhile, as he was always extremely fond of the mathe- matics, he attended the lectures, private and public, of Albertus Brudzevius, a pro- fessor of that science in the same univer- sity. Of him he learnt the use of the Astrolabe, by which he got a good insight into astronomy, and at length he grew so emulous of the illustrious fame of Regio- montanus, that he resolved to follow him in all his steps. He cultivated every part of the mathematics, but applied himself more especially to perspective, by which means he became so complete a master in painting, that he drew his own picture, with a surprising likeness, before a glass. His view in learning to paint was, that, in his travels, especially through Italy, he might be enabled, not only to copy, but delineate with his own pencil whatever was worthy of his observation. Being returned to Thorn, after a short stay, he set out for Italy, in the 23d year of his age, and proceeded to Rome, where, in a short time, his fame was little inferior to that of Regiomontanus. Here, in a full assembly of doctors and great men, he was instituted professor of the mathematics. After some years spent at Rome, he re- turned to his own country, where, on ac- count of his high attainments in learning, and the gentleness of his manners, he was affectionately received by his uncle, Lucas Watzelrode, bishop of Warmia; who, in order to give him the more leisure to pur- sue his mathematical studies, settled him in the college of Canons at Warmia, ap- pertaining to his cathedral church. How- ever, he was not suffered at first to enjoy his canonate in peace, as he often com- plains in his letters to his uncle, who remained at court, that he might be at hand to defend the public cause against the Cross-bearers and Teutonic knights ; which so provoked them, that they libelled him publicly in the Dyet of Fosnania. But at length, his own merit, together with that of his uncle, prevailed, and he ob- tained a peaceable possession. Upon which he instantly applied himself to three things in particular. One was, diligently to attend on divine offices : another, to attain so much skill in medicine, as to enable him to relieve the poor whenever they should want his assistance: thirdly, to employ the residue of his time in study. For which purpose he always chose soli- tude ; and, except the affairs of the See, or the Chapter required it, never, but with reluctance, engaged in business, which he was on several occasions obliged to do. But our principal regard will be to that part of his life which he devoted to con- templation and study; and as he affected nothing so much as the knowledge of the heavens and celestial bodies, for which his name is so highly celebrated, we shall relate in what order he began, and by what steps he proceeded to those attain- ments he acquired in this science. In the first place, he observed, that astronomers, while they would maintain an equal motion in the celestial circumvo- lutions, took for it, or measured from, not a proper, but a wrong centre; namely, that of a circle called the equant. Nor could they collect the principal thing, that is, the form of the word, and its fine dis- position, from that heap ^of hypotheses which they were forced to use. Where- fore he resolved to peruse as many of the books of philosophers and astronomers as he could lay his hands on, examine their several systems, and search out what was probable in them, that, from the whole, he might form a more exquisite harmony of the celestial motions, and symmetry of the parts of the world, than that which had been universally admitted. As he knew that the Pythogoreans had removed the earth from the centre, and had placed therein the sun, the most noble of all bodies, he imagined he perceived somewhat of a beautiful order, if he might only be allowed to make a change, that is, to place the sun in the centre, and make the earth move round the sun. For Nicetas, Echphantus, Heraclides, and others, aimed well, who, though they detained the earth in the centre, yet gave it a motion, by which it turned on its own axis, like a sphere in a wheel, and daily perfecting a circuit from the west to the east, made the vicissitude of day and night, and assuming the office of the Primum Mobile,* discharged the sphere of the fixed stars, and all the planets from their rapid motion ; so that the earth being turned to the east, all the stars must necessarily appear turned to the west, which nevertheless would appear very disproportionate. Wherefore Philolaus did much better, when, removing the earth from the centre, he gave it not only * See Ptolemaic System, page 47. THE ARTISAN. 123 a diurnal motion round its own axis, but an annual circuit round the sun ; by which means it happens, that in traversing the zodiac, under whatever sign it is, the sun appears in opposition ; so that the earth itself, Mercury, Venus, and the rest of the planets, must acknowledge the sun as their centre. But it seemed absurd to pluck the earth from the centre, and to give it such kind of motions. Copernicus, therefore, having variously canvassed the matter, and ascribed a triple motion to the earth, he thus writes: “ By a close and long observation, I have at length found, that if the motions of the rest of the planets be compared with the circulation of the earth, and be computed for the revolution of each, not only their phenomena will follow, but it will so connect the orders and magnitudes of the planets, and all the orbs, and even heaven itself, that nothing in any part of it could he transposed* without the confusion of the rest of the parts, and of the whole universe.” This was about the year 1507. But he did not think it enough to establish a ge- neral "ratio of hypotheses only, and accord- ing to it to solve phenomena in general ; but he wanted likewise to conclude upon some special hypothesis, so as to define the periods of all motions, that from thence he might be able to erect tables for the heavens, preferable to the Ptolemaic; for which purpose, he judged it necessary to make observations, and by comparing them with those more ancient, he might attain to a greater precision. To this end he fabricated a quadrant, to be erected and applied to the meridian line above the plane of the horizon, that by the help of a shadow, from a cylindrical gnomon fixed at the centre, might be observed the greatest and least meridian altitude of the sun, in the summer and winter solstice; likewise for taking the distance of the tropics, and the altitude of either ; also the altitude of the equator in the middle ; likewise the altitude of the pole might thereupon be known, by estimating the altitude of the equator. He likewise con- structed a parallactical instrument of fir wood, whose limb was divided into 1414 small parts or portions, marked with ink, to the end it might subtend the right angle of a quadrant, whose legs were four cubits long, consisting of 1000 of the same parts. The use of this was for observing the altitudes of any of the stars, particularly of the sun, not only when he is about the tropics, but also about the equinoxial ; but especially in the spring, to observe his entrance into Aries. Likewise of the moon, but chiefly when she is in the northern limit, and that limit in Cancer, to find out her greatest latitude, also of Regulus, or of any other remarkable fixed star, in order to obtain the distance from the equinoxial point, Being by these instruments furnished with many curious observations, he began to digest them in order, and undertook a work, which he finished, and divided into six books, entitled, “ The Revolutions of the Celestial Orbs,” which, in a geome- trical point of view, included the whole science of astronomy. The first book is divided into two parts ; in the latter, he handles the doctrine of Sines, or chords, which he judged neces- sary in solving triangles, both plane and spherical: but in the former he has ex- hibited a general idea, or description of the world, agreeable to his own hypothe- sis, in which motion is attributed to the earth. In the first place, he teaches that the world is of a spherical form, and as- signs this reason for it ; because the sphere is the most perfect of all figures, and con- tains a greater quantity of space within it, than any other. He observes farther likewise, that fluid bodies naturally put on the figure of a sphere ; that the sun, the moon, the planets, and all the heaven- ly bodies, are of that figure, and therefore, he concludes at once, that the figure of the visible world must be such likewise ; though he is in all this plainly mistaken ; because, properly speaking, the world has no figure at all, as, it is not circumscribed, or bounded by any limits ; and what we call the firmament is a mere Ens Rationis, or idea of the mind, and its spherical form is easily accounted for on the principles of optics ; as we shall hereafter see. In this book, our author very much insists on the spherical figure of the earth, and its circular motion about the sun. He con- siders theAeasons alleged by the ancients for placing the earth immoveably in the center of the system, and very learnedly and rationally confutes them ; and having settled this point, and plainly proved the sun to possess the center of the system, he then treats of the celestial orbits, as those which the planets describe about the Sun, and illustrates the same by a diagram, which since this time has been usually called the Copernican System of the World.* He then treats of the twofold motion of the earth ; viz. the diurnal mo- tion about its axis, and its annual motion about the sun ; and having dispatched the doctrine of plane and spherical trigonome- try, he proceeds to The Second Book. In this he considers the doctrine of the sphere, with a descrip- tion of the various circles, great and small, that compose the same, with their various intersections and inclinations, one with another, in regard to the different in- * See page 77. 124 THE artisan: habitants of the globe. He considers the doctrine of right and oblique ascensions, the rising and setting of the sun and stars, the parts of time, and particularly of days and nights ; after this, he gives an account of the instruments made use of for observ- ing and correcting the places of the stars. He then proceeds to give us a new cata- logue of the stars, found in the several signs and constellations, with the latitude, longitude, and magnitude of each particu- larly specified. In the Third Book, he treats of the Equinoxes and Solstices, and gives us a history of observations, proving the in- equality and precession of the same. He then treats of the variation of the obliquity of the Ecliptic, and shews, that it has been continually changing,, and how it proceeds from the libration of the earth’s axis. The quantity of this motion is then computed and digested, in tables. The times of the Equinoxes are more particu- larly enquired into, and investigated, the magnitude of the solar year, and the dif- ference observed in the same; and tables of the equal and mean motion of the earth are computed for years, days, and sexage- simal parts. He then accounts for the apparent inequality of the sun’s motion, with all the variety observed in the same. He then treats of the various Epochs, or times, from whence the ancient astrono- mers began to compute the mean motion of the sun ; and having largely considered the nature and anomaly of the sun’s mo- tion, he gives us a table of the Prostha- phaeresis or equation of the centre ; so that, the difference between the true and mean anomaly is known for every part of the orbit, and, consequently, when one was given, the other might be from thence known. After this, he discourses on the Nychthemeron, or the nature and difference of the natural day of 24 hours, which concludes this book. In the Fourth Book, he treats of the Lunar Motions, and considers the various hypotheses of the ancients concerning them : he corrects the errors of their gros- ser observations, and gives us a more par- ticular and correct account of those mo- tions, together with new tables of the same. After this, he very particularly enquires into the various differences and inequalities of the lunar motions. He fur- ther shews how they are to be accounted for, according to the hypothesis of Cycles and Epicycles, which in those times they were obliged to make use of, for want of knowing the true theory of gravity, of which the first hints, however, were found in the books of this excellent writer. He expounds the doctrine of the lunar Pro- sthaphaeresis, and gives us tables of the same ; by which the apparent motion, or place of the moon, is found from the mean, or equal motion given. He considers then the motion of the moon, in latitude, of the quantity of the angle wdiich the moon’s orbit makes with the ecliptic. After this, we have a particular account of the con- struction of his Parallatic instrument, by which the horizontal parallax and distance of the moon from the earth, were much more accurately determined, than had been done before. From hence too, he was able to measure the diameter of the moon, and of the shadow of the earth at the moon’s orb : also, he was hereby en- abled to treat, in some measure, of the distance of the sun, as also, of the com- parative magnitude of the sun, the moon, and the earth ; which, though very inac- curate, were still much nearer the truth than any thing that had before this time been advanced upon the subject. Having insisted largely on these subjects, he pro- ceeds to his observations on the apparent diameters of the sun and moon, with the various changes they underwent at dif- ferent times. After this, he considers the different dimensions of the shadow of the earth, according to the Apogee, or Peri- gee, of the luminaries, and illustrates the same by proper diagrams. Then he insists largely on the doctrine of Parallaxes of the sun and moon, both in latitude and longitude, and gives us tables of the same. He then treats of the conjunctions and oppositions of the sun and moon, with regard to their mean and true times and places. Then the doctrine of Eclipses, both of the sun and moon, is learnedly ex- plained, in regard to the manner in which they are produced, the times in which they happen, the quantity of duration, and the prognostics of the same ; which closes the Fourth Book. The Fifth Book considers the planetary motions, and their various affections. He gives us the number, their distances from the sun, and the times of their revolution, together with tables of their mean motions for years, days, hours, and minutes. After this, the particular theories of each planet are taught and illustrated by proper figures. He then gives an account of the distance of those planets from the earth, the apparent sides and excentricities of their orbits, the mean motions and anomalies, with the times or epochas from whence they have been computed for each planet, with the quantity of the same, in proper tables of the Prosthaphaeresis, peculiar to the orbit of each; and having accounted for the various appearances and inequalities of their motions, in regard to their direct and retrograde motions and stations, he puts an end to the fifth book. The Sixth Book is wholly spent in en- quiring into, and ascertaining the latitude THE ARTISAN. 4>f the planetary orbits, or the inclination which they make with the ecliptic, their eccentricities, the places of their nodes, &c. and then the whole is concluded with tables of the latitude of each planet. His book was printed at Nurimberg, in the year 1543, and till then, the world had never seen any thing that looked like a true system of astronomy. For what Ptolemy had done in his Almagestum Magnum, was entirely upon a false hy- pothesis, as we have already observed in treating of his system ; and what had been performed by Regiomontanus and Purbachius, could be deemed no other than rude sketches, and outlines of the science ; and though their writings were in great repute, we do not find Copernicus made the least use of them, since we find no mention of their names, or of their writings in the introduction to the present work, though Copernicus wrote many years after the Ephemerides of Regiomon- tanus, and the theories of Purbachius were published. It appears from the writings of Gassen- dus, in the life of this author, that he finished this work about the year 1530 ; ■what he did afterwards, was only by way of correction, or Amendment of what he had before written. The system of astronomy, however, con- tained in this great work, was at first looked upon as a most dangerous heresy, and although it had been long finished, yet he could not be prevailed upon to publish it, although strongly urged to it by his friends. At length, yielding to their en- treaties, it was printed, and he had but just received a perfect copy, when he died the 24th of May, 1543, at TO years of age ; by which it is probable he was happily re- lieved from the violent fanatical persecu- tions which were but too likely to follow the publication of his astronomical opi- nions ; and which indeed was afterwards the fate of Galileo, for adopting and de- fending them. DESCRIPTION OF THE SAFETY LAMP OF SIR H. DAVY. The gas which proves so destructive to miners is carburetted hydrogen, but the miners themselves call it fire-damp. To obviate the destructive effects of this gas, when found in mines mixed with atmospherical air, Sir H. Davy turned his attention to the construction of a lamp which would prevent explosion ; and upon the knowledge of the fact, that flame can- not pass through apertures of small diameter , he constructed what is now generally termed the safety-lamp, but by miners the Davy. The apertures in the gauze used in this lamp should not be more than 125 j^th of an inch square. As the fire-damp cannot be inflamed by ignited wire, the thickness of the wire is not of importance ; but wire of to so an inch in diameter is the most convenient. If the wire of ^ be found to wear out too soon, the thick- ness may be increased to any extent; but the thicker the wire, the more will the light be intercepted; for the size of the apertures must never be more than ^ of an inch square. In the model which Sir II. Davy sent to the mines for use, there were 74S apertures in the square inch. The following is a figure of this lamp : The foregoing figure represents the wire gauze safe-lamp. A, is the cistern which contains the oil ; B,the rim in which the wire- gauze cover is fastened to the cistern by a moveable screw ; C, an aperture for supply- ing oil, fitted with a screw or a cork ; D, the receptacle for the wick; E, a wire for rais- ing, lowering, or trimming it, and wdiich passes through a safe tube ; F, the wire- gauze cylinder, which should not have less than 625 apertures to a square inch ; G, the second top, three quarters of an inch above the first ; H, a copper-plate, which may be in contact with the second top ; I, I, I, I, thick wires surrounding the cage 126 THE ARTISAN. to preserve it from being bent; K, K, are rings to hold or hang it by. When the wire-gauze safe-lamp is lighted and introduced into an atmosphere gradu- ally mixed with fire-damp, the first effect of the fire-damp is to increase the length and size of the flame. When the inflam- mable gas forms as much as ^5 of the volume of air, the cylinder becomes filled with a feeble blue flame ; but the flame of the wick appears burning brightly within the blue flame, and the light of the wick continues, until the fire-damp increases to l or I, when it is lost in the flame of the fire-damp, which in this case fills the cylinder with a pretty strong light. As long as any explosive mixture of gas exists in contact with the lamp, so long it will give light, and when it is extinguished, (which happens when the foul air consti- tutes as much as | of the volume of the atmosphere,) the air is no longer proper for respiration. In cases where the fire- damp is mixed only in its smallest explo- sive proportion with air, the use of the wire-gauze safe-lamp, which rapidly con- sumes the inflammable gas, will soon reduce the quantity below the explosive point ; and it can scarcely ever happen, that a lamp will be exposed to an explosive mixture containing the largest proportion of fire-damp ; but even in this case, the instrument is absolutely safe ; and should the wires become red hot, they have no power of producing explosion. Should it ever be necessary for the miner to work for a great length of time, in an explosive atmosphere, by the wire-gauze safe-lamp, it may be proper to cool occasionally by throwing water upon the top ; or a little cistern for holding water may be attached to the top, the evaporation of which will prevent the heat from becoming excessive. Gas in a state of combustion will not pass through brass-wire-gauze with aper- tures of certain dimensions, although the gas itself will pass through most readily when it is not in a state of combustion. If a piece of wire-gauze be held horizon- tally over the flame of a common gas-light, the flame of the gas will burn under the wire-gauze, but it will not pass through it in the state of flame. If, again, whilst the wire-gauze is held over the flame, a candle be applied to the upper surface of the gauze, the gas passing through it at the time will immediately take fire. The reason of this singular fact is this, — gas must be heated to a certain degree, either by the immediate contact of flame or some other body, before it will either burn or explode ; the gas in passing through the wire-gauze, loses a considerable por- tion of its heat, for the wire abstracts or conducts so much of it away, as to cool it below the degree at which it will bum or explode. This is what renders the safety- lamp of so much value, and in fact its whole utility rests upon this very singular circumstance. The wire-gauze with which the lamp is completely surrounded, cools the gas to a degree below the heat neces- sary to produce explosion, when burning in a mixture of atmospheric air and car- buretted hydrogen gas. CORRECTION OF THE BULK OF GASES FOR TEMPERATURE. Some of our elementary treatises on chemistry contain an inaccurate mode of estimating the change of bulk in a gas, occasioned by variation of temperature. They have directed the bulk of the gas to be divided by 480, the quotient multiplied by the number of degrees by which the temperature of the gas differs from the temperature to which it is to be reduced, and the product added or subtracted, ac- cording as the actual temperature is below or above that referred to. But as the gas expands only of its bulk for each de- gree of Fahrenheit when its temperature is 32°, but at no other temperature, the rule is not correct, except when the gas is actually at 32°, and to be estimated at some other temperature. Mr. Briggs has pointed out this error, and has given the following rule, which is more correct : Add the degrees which the gas is above 32° to 480, add also the degrees which the required temperature is above 32° to 480, then as the first number is to the second, so is the volume of the gas to the volume required. Suppose, for example, that the tempe- rature of 100 cubic inches of gas is 120° of Fahrenheit, and that it is required to find how much it would be diminished in volume, if its temperature were reduced to 62°. Here’ 88°, the excess of 120° above 32, added to 480 is 568 ; and 30°, the ex- cess of 62 above 32°, added to 480 is 510 : then as 568 is to 510 so is 100 cubic inches of gas to 90 inches nearly. It has there- fore suffered a diminution of about of the whole.* Another rule for making the correction is to add the number of degrees between 32° and the temperature of the gas to 480, divide the volume of the gas by the sum, and multiply the quotient (which will be the expansion for each degree), by the number of degrees between the tempera- ture of the gas, and the required tempera- ture; if the latter be greater than the former, add the product to the volume of gas ; but if it be less subtract it ; and the corrected volume will be obtained. As * By the common rule the volume would have been reduced to about 82 cubic inches, or nearly one-tifth ot the whole. THE ARTISAN. 127 this rule gives the same result as the one used in the above example, it is unneces- sary to give any illustration of it. SOLUTIONS OF QUESTIONS. To the Editor of the Artisan. Sir, If you deem the following solution of Boronesphilosmathematicus’ question, at page 64, worthy of a place in your valu- able publication, it is at your service. Let Z in the above figure represent the zenith, P the North Pole, m the star Pol- lux, and n the middle star in Orion’s belt. Then in the spherical triangle n P m, are given ni P=61° 24', and n P=91° 23' the distance of the stars from the North Pole, and the included angle n P m=31° 30', the difference of their right ascensions, to find the side n m=42° 30'. Then by supposing a parallel to the ho- rizon to pass through n till it meets Z m produced, a right angled triangle is thus formed, of which the hypothenuse n m= 42° 30', and the difference of altitude of the stars=6° 35' are given to find the other side n S=42° 5 * Again, in the tri- angle Z ns right angled at S, are given the side n s, and the angle n Z s=51° the difference of the Azimuth of the two stars, to find Z n= 59° 35' from which 6° 35' be- ing subtracted, leaves Z m= 53° ; then in the triangle m Z P, right angled (the star m being supposed on the meridian) at Z, is given the side Z m= 53° and the side m P=61° 24' to find the side Z P=37°18' the co-latitude, — Hence the latitude of the place required, is 52° 42' N. This answer is different from that given by the proposer ; but the Editor has not leisure to ascertain which of these answers are most correct; the proposer has how- ever made an error in subtracting his co- latitude (30° 10') from 90°, for he makes the latitude 50° 49' instead of 59° 50'. * There is no letter s in the figure, neither are the lines n s or Z n drawn, owing to the figure being cut to answer the solution sent by the proposer, which we consider loo complex and Algebraical for insertion in the present work. To the Editor of the Artisan. Sir, Please insert the following solution of Charan’s question, which appeared in page 96 of the Artisan, and oblige your obe- dient servant. A. B. The whole quantity of water displaced, must be 231 x 10 -f- 216—2526 cubic in- ches ; and 231 x 5 =1155 cubic inches, the quantity of brandy in the cask, in. oz. in. oz. Now 1728 : 1000 : : 2526 : 1462 wt. of water. And 1728 : 886 : : 1155 : 592 wt. of brandy. 1728 : 800 : : 216 : 100 wt. of wood. Then 1462— (592+ 100)=770wt. of the wa- ter above that of the brandy and cask, which is the buoyant power to be counteracted by the lead ; now 1 cubic inch of lead weighs 6* 554 ozs. and 1 cubic inch of water *596 oz. ; therefore 6*554 — 596=5*958, and 5*958 : 770 : : 6*554 : 847 ozs. or 53 lb. nearly of lead, the weight ne- cessary to keep the cask under water. The following is the proposer’s (Mr. Graham) solution of his question, at page 96, which we insert with some additions, not having received any other solution.— Ed. Let A B C D represent the circular plat of land, and O the situation of the pond required ; inscribe the square and draw the lines, A O, B O, C O, and D O. Letfall the perpendiculars a O, b O c O and d O, and drawl) B and let fall the perpendicular A e on it. Then by rule 12th in Bonneycastle’s Mensuration f _l£- > V=3*567=I> B (the \*7854y diameter of the circle) and in his notes un- der the same rule 3*567 X *7071=2*522 — A B, B C, C B, or D A. Then (2*522) -f-4 =1-59 the area of the triangle A e B, whence the triangle AeB taken from the sector e B A will leave *91 the area of the respective segments separately. Again 128 THE ARTISAN. 1— -91ZZ-09, 2— “ , 91~l - 09, 3— -91 -2-09 and 4— ’OlizS'OO the areas of the triangles D O C, D O A, C O B, and B O A. Then ;°9 X2 1.09x2 2,09x2 , 3.09 x2__ 2'522 ? 2-522’ 2-522’ 21-522 *0714, -8644,1-6574 and 2'45 — a Q,dO,bO and c O respectively ; consequently make 2) d~a O, C a~b O join CD, and through c draw A B parallel to C D, and join D A and B C ; then draw OA,G 8,0 C, and O D, and the thing is done. To the Editor of the Artisan. Sir, Seeing a question in your last number, page 112, by H. Flather, I beg to submit the annexed solution to your notice, and am, Sir, your’s, respectfully, 2_ f St John Street, J. M. Edney. Clerkenwell. The solid content of the space in cubical half inches is =z87x26x 15—33930 : and as the scale of the model is to that of the figure itself as f an inch to 1 foot. The solid content of the latter will be 33930 feet. This question was solved exactly in the same manner by Mr. Futvoye, High-street, Mary-le-bone ; it was also solved by the proposer, but in a very diffuse manner. It may also be solved thus 43|xl3x7A — 4241i~(t) 3 ~ 33930.— Edit. QUESTIONS FOR SOLUTION. To the Editor of the Artisan. Sir, Having myself in the early part of life been an operative mechanic, and am now very extensively employed as a civil en- gineer, I find the great advantage of having studied geometry when I was only a journeyman carpenter, and 1 am even con- vinced, that without a correct knowledge of the principles of geometry , we never can make any progress in the true principles and science of mechanics , nor in fact in any of the mechanical arts. Feeling a great interest in the progress and success of the Artisans’ and Mechanics’ Institutions in London and elsewhere, I do by all means recommend my fellow ar- tisans and mechanics to begin the study of geometry as soon as they become members of any of these useful institutions, as it is the foundation of all accurate science. Without having first obtained some know- ledge of geometry, the lectures on me- chanics, and other subjects delivered at those institutions, will be productive of very little benefit to those who may attend them. Wishing to encourage and contribute as much as possible to so useful and cheap a publication as the “ Artisan,” and which is so well calculated for the self-instruction of mechanics in the scientific principles of their respective arts; I shall be obliged to you to insert the following geometrical problem in one of your succeeding num- bers, and I shall occasionally send you such problems as I may conceive will prove most useful to Artisans and Me- chanics generally. I am, Sir, your obedient Servant, Edinburgh, An Engineer. April 20, 1824. Quest. 14. Given the excess of the dia- gonal of a square above the side, to con- struct the square geometrically. To the Editor of the Artisan. Sir, Please to insert the following question, if you think it worthy of a place in your valuable publication, which will oblige your’s, &c. John Boronesphilosmathematicus. Manchester, April 4, 1824. Quest 15. Three men bought a grinding stone, 36 inches in diameter ; and the thickness at the centre 4 inches, and at the circumference 12 inches, required how much must each man grind down of the stone’s semi-diameter, so that each man may have an equal share thereof? To the Editor of the Artisan. Sir, If you have at any time, in a future number, a little corner to spare, please have the goodness to pop in the following simple question, as my landlord disputes my abilities of solving it, and you will oblige your well-wisher. R. Graham. Quest. 16. My landlord having a little knowledge of science, and being rather (what the world calls) a man of taste, wishes to know how he must make an equilateral grass plat at the front of his house, that the area may be equal to the sum of the three sides ? Errata — The figures at page 107, in some copies, were by mistake inserted, instead of those at page 108, and vice versa. THE ARTISAN. 129 MEMOIR OF JAMES WATT, Esq. F.R.S. In retracing the scientific tract, which has been trod by inventive , we might almost add creative genius, so closely are the ad- vantages derived from some connected with the eventful times in which they lived, that it is next to impossible to do justice to the memories of the defunct, without naming them in conjunction. The meri- torious exertions of Watt, both in his en- deavours to dispel the mists which sur- rounded, and also to enlarge the hitherto contracted space in which the mechanical powers had moved, were productive of benefits peculiarly of this class. Engaged, as Great Britain then was, in a war of such magnitude, that arms became the profession of too large a portion of. her able-bodied mechanics, some powerful substitute was absolutely necessary to supply the defecit. This Watt, and such as Watt, so ably con- tributed, by their inventions and applica- tions of machinery to almost every branch of our manufactures and agriculture, which otherwise must have languished for want of means, that they might then justly have been denominated the Atlasses of British commerce. Descended from pa- rents who, though not wealthy, merited honourable report, Watt was born at Greenock, in Scotland, A. D. 1735, where he was carefully educated ; but having completed hisgrammatical studies and other important branches of education, he was at sixteen apprenticed to learn the art of an Instrument Malcer , which consisted in the manufacture and repair of instruments used in philosophical and mechanical ex- periments, surgery, music, &c. ; an art then confined to a limited sphere, and little encouraged. Having completed the period of his probation, he repaired to London, with anticipations both of im- provement and employment; but after a lapse of little more than a year, he again sought his native country, where, on his arrival, he added measuring and surveying land to his former occupations. These, together, enabled him not only to live respectably, but likewise to pursue a course of mechanical experiments , which had pre- viously been engendered in his prolific mind. It was now a fortunate incident gave that direction to the inventive powers of Watt, in which his provident imagina- tion afterwards accomplished so much, and laid the foundation of his future fame. The model of Newcomen’s steam engine, used in his lectures by the professor of natural philosophy at the University of Glasgow, was sent to Watt to be repaired ; penetrating instantaneously into the fu- Vol. I.— No. 9. ture, he perceived the cabability of its im- provement, and the great advantages to be derived from its general application to machinery ; and although he continued to pursue his trade, it being his only source of subsistence, his genius ill brooked ;this restraint, but bent its whole force on his favourite subject, the improvement of the steam engine. This engine had now been in use more than half a century, but very little had as yet been done to perfect it. The first improvement which occurred to Watt, was the adoption of a wooden cylin- der instead of a metal one ; and to this he was led by observing that th ejet of cold water conveyed into the piston, in order to condense the steam, cooled it to such a degree, that the steam introduced for the following stroke was wasted in restoring the heat ; till this was remedied, it could not exert its entire powers. Many physical difficulties made him abandon his first idea for a more fortunate one — that of passing the steam into & separate condensing vessel, and thereby never cooling the cylinder. Necessity made him defer the application of his discovery ; united at this period to an amiable companion, without fortune, his first concern was the means of subsistence. His friends, however, appreciated his in- vention, amongst whom was Dr. Roebuck, a gentleman possessing an enlightened un- derstanding, as well as some property. He it was who associated himself with Watt, at this critical moment, in order to further his discovery, and to bring it to perfection. But their means soon exhausted, it was again on the eve of being abandoned, when, in 1773, Mr. Boulton, a gentleman of ample fortune, and very considerable proficiency in the sciences, became ac- quainted with, and saw the advantages of the invention. He liberally reimbursed Dr. Roebuck, and having previously erect- ed a manufactory at Soho, near Birming- ham, at a cost of 20,000 1. he took Mr. Watt with him to reside at that place, whose wife, having borne him two child- ren, was then deceased. Watt was now possessed of leisure and means to realize any invention he might already be master of, or, by the exertion of his genius, bring to light. He found the advantage of condensing the steam under the piston in another vessel, but when the piston de- scended, he imagined the cylinder to be still cooled. His next important improve- ment was, to shut the top of the cylinder, and instead of pressing the piston down by the weight of the atmosphere, he ap- plied the force of steam, and restored the 130 THE ARTISAN. equilibrium , by opening a communication between the upper and lower side of the piston. All that was afterwards accom- plished by means of the reciprocating steam engine, was only to acquire perfection and easy management; but there was no de- parture from the first principle, nor did he ever depress the piston with steam more than one-tenth stronger than the atmos- phere. V/hat are now termed high-pres- sure engines, which have been productive of so many accidents, he did not counte- nance. By this last improvement, his engineers fell into an error, which retarded the pro- gress of the invention for some years ; for, whenever the engine did not perform well, they stuffed the piston with oakum , till it required nearly the whole force of the steam to remove it into the cylinder. This defect was remedied ; and Messrs. Boulton and Watt at length offered their engine to the proprietors of mines, on the most ad- vantageous terms. Experiments were made by men in whom all parties could confide, with Newcomen’s old engine, and Watt’s improved one, in order to ascertain the value of the coals saved by the latter. This was done by placing a counter over the top of the beam or leaver, to tell the number of strokes ; and then estimating according to the size of the cylinder. They were to receive but one-third of the coals saved ; but the great obstacle to the in- troduction of their engine was, the incur- ring a fresh expense. This they removed by taking the old in exchange, at a consi- derable loss, and giving credit for the rest till the advantage was felt. By the adop- tion of these liberal means, they removed every difficulty; but it was not till the year 1778, that their engine began to be duly appreciated. In 1779 Watt invented a method of copying letters, which has been pretty generally adopted. In 1789, the Perriers, of Paris, applied to Messrs. Boulton and Watt for an improved steam engine, for the purpose of supplying that city with water. It was made at Bir- mingham, and sent to Chaillot to be put to- gether, where it still remains. This circum- stance the French have been at some pains to conceal ; and M. Riche de Proney, an eminent mathematician, and chief of the school for roads and bridges in that country, ingeniously contrived to 'fill the pages of a quarto volume with a descrip- tion of the improved steam engine, in- vented by our countryman, Watt, without once naming him; but the French will find it difficult to get any other nation, be- sides themselves, to wink at such injustice. The steam engine, as invented by New- comen, and improved by W att, had hitherto been employed nnly as a reciprocating power, for drawing water ; but the genius of Watt did not permit him to stop there, he was for converting the reciprocating power into a rotative one, and thereby to render it of more general utility. To this end, various inventions were resorted to ; but it did not occur to him, so ready is genius to imagine and encounter difficulties, that the simple method of a crank, as used in the turning of the old spinning wheel, might supply what he wanted to discover. He indeed meant to employ the crank, but wanted to make a further improvement by introducing a second axle, with a fly- wheel and heavy side, which should re- volve twice during the time that the engine made one stroke; intending that the heavy side, when the piston was at the top, should be in the act of descending ; not considering, that the heavy fly was a reservoir to preserve regular motion in the machine. Watt, which had been his usual custom from his first residence at Birmingham, gave directions for a model to be made according to this improvement, but as he never allowed a new invention to interrupt the progress of one reduced to actual practice, the consequence was, that which might have been brought to light in one, was eight months in hand ; and, in the interim, a workman employed on the model communicated the invention to a Mr. Rickard, who was unprincipled enough to take out a patent for it ; and, worked by one of Newcomen’s engines but with the addition of this last discovery, a corn-mill was going on within a quarter of a mile of Watt, ere his model was completed. The above circumstances be- ing ascertained by him, though he might easily have set aside the patent obtained by Mr. Rickard, neither he nor his partner being fond of legal remedies, he chose to seek one in his own brain. The only part of the last invention of any moment, and for which a substitute was absolutely ne- cessary, was the crank ; and here, with some expense, and a little ingenuity, he succeeded so well, that it . is doubtful whether his substitute is not quite equal to the crank. This invention of the rota- tive motion by Watt, not only prevented the shock at the beginning and end of every stroke, by equalizing the motion, but ren- dered steam the most manageable, as well as the most useful of all powers, since it might be supplied of any power suited to the uses for which it might be required. Watt’s last great improvement, which per- fected his invention of the rotative motion, was to give the power which communicated the rotative motion, and moved in a por- tion of the circumference of a circle, an accu- rately perpendicular direction. This was not -too great for the astonishingly pregnant THE ARTISAN. 131 imagination of Watt to accomplish ; and he as said to have declared, that by what train of ideas he compassed this admirable in- vention, he himself was unable to commu- nicate, so spontaneous were the powers of his genius. With this last invention ter- minated the most important of his labours. Soon after he settled at Birmingham, he married a second wife, a Miss McGregor, of Glasgow, a lady of considerable attain- ments, with whom he enjoyed a long and well-spent life of conjugal happiness. She bore him several children, but none of them are now surviving. Having passed his 70th year, about which period his partner, Mr. Boulton, died, he retired into private life, leaving the business to his own, only surviving, and Mr. Boulton’s son, by whom the steam-engine manufac- tory is still conducted. Having arrived at his 84th year, he sunk into the arms of his Maker, (at his house at Heathfield, near Birmingham, August the 25th, 1819,) leaving behind him a name as imperishable as the universe, and a reputation which defies detraction. His genius was recog- nized by the Royal Societies of London and Edinburgh, of both of which he was made a member; nor let it be forgotten, that in 1808, when England and France were waging war with uncommon invete- racy, like Sir Humphrey Davy, he received the same honour from the National Insti- tute of France. FlEUMATl€3a CONDENSED AIR. That atmospherical air may be condensed into much less space, has already been stated at page 100, where there is also given the representation of a vessel for that purpose; we shall, therefore, now mention some of the effects which con- densed air is capable of producing. One of the most striking of these effects is ex- hibited by means of an instrument called the Air Gun , an instrument which would actually answer the purpose of many guns, were the force of condensed air equal to that of gun-powder; but as it has never yet been condensed to such a degree as this explosive compound, the air-gun has never yet been applied to any useful pur- pose ; it is however necessary that we should notice it in treating of condensed air. This instrument derives its power from the elastic force of compressed air. As it is an instrument of some antiquity, and still occasionally used, we shall here give a representation of it, and also a short de- scription of its construction. A ball of cast steel, a, fig. 1st, with a conical valve that opens inward, is screwed at n. upon the forcing syringe s, and is kept close shut by the spiral wire spring c. The syringe has a solid piston r, which can be drawn below the hole z, by placing the feet on the cross-bar m, and pulling by the two handles y y. The air will then fill the syringe through the hole z. If then the piston be forced to the top of the syringe, it will drive the air up before it into the ball d, which the valve will keep there. These strokes being re- peated twenty or thirty times, will make the air within the ball ten or twelve times as dense as the common air, and to have the force of gunpowder. The ball now taken from the syringe, and screwed under the gun, fig. 2, will discharge twenty balls successively; for a pin, o, goes through the barrel of the gun, and terminates on the conical valve above mentioned ; and the lock of the gun being cocked by the hook s, is discharged upon the pin o, by pulling at the trigger. The pin pushes open the conical valve, and lets out a small portion of air, but enough to force a ball through an inch board at thirty yards distance. This may be repeated twenty times with the same charge, and almost with the same force. There is another instrument of this kind still more powerful than the one just de- scribed, called the Magazine Wind-gun ; but it is more complex in its structure, and not so often to be met with, it is therer fore unnecessary to give a particular de- scription of it here. The Diving Bell is also a machine which K 2 132 THE ARTISAN. has the effect of condensing the air con- tained in it, when it descends into the water. As this machine is found to be of very great use, in enabling engineers to perform many operations under water, which could not be effected by any other means, we shall give a description and representation of one of the most approved kind of these machines. The principle upon which the diving bell becomes useful for the purpose in- tended, is that of air excluding every other body from the space it occupies. If a bell glass, for example, be pressed per- pendicularly into water, with its mouth downward, the air in the glass will force the water down before it, and very little will enter the bell. Availing himself of this principle, Dr. Halley constructed a bell of copper, three feet in diameter at top, five feet at bottom, and eight feet in height, loaded at bottom with such a quan- tity of lead as to make the whole specifi- cally heavier than its bulk of water. The bell was enlightened by a strong glass fixed in its top, where there was also a stop-cock to let out the heated air. This bell was lowered from the yard-arm of a ship, with two men in it, to the depth of ten fathoms. In their descent they found the water rise a little in the bell : the air about them condensed ; which produced a disagreeable pressure on every part of their bodies, particularly on their ears, which seemed as if quills were thrust into them. They had light enough to see the pebbles at bottom, but it appeared red light, on every thing capable of reflecting it ; the red part of light appeared to be the only part capable of forcing its way through the resisting or muddy medium in which they were placed. The air pressing through the pores of their skin, soon be- came as dense within their bodies as with- out, when the sense of pressure ceased, and they found no difficulty in remaining at the bottom several hours, where all was still and tranquil, though the surface was agitated with wind. Two barrels, filled with air, were alternately sent down to them, and the heated contaminated air was let out by the stop-cock, at the top of the bell. This bell, however, proved fatal to two men in the bay of Dublin, by that contraction which ropes suffer on being wet; this caused the bell to turn round in its descent, and entangle the strings by which the divers meant to ring bells, and indicate their wants to the people on board the ship from whence they were lo veered. Waiting too long for these sig- nals, the bell was raised, and the divers were both found dead ; but not drowned ; they died, like the unhapply people in the hole at Calcutta, by breathing contami- nated air. Instead of using barrels for supplying the divers with air, it is now the custom to force down a constant stream by means of a pump , resembling a condenser in its construction and operation. The heated air is suffered to escape by a stop-cock at the upper part of the bell. The following figure represents one of the diving bells now in use. Here A is the forcing pump, B a stop- cock for letting out the heated air, C a strong glass for giving light, D a float for the security of the diver. When proper care is taken to lower this machine gradually, the diver can support the pressure of an atmosphere twice or thrice the natural density. As accidents may happen to the divers, even in the best regulated machines of this kind, it is highly proper that every diver should be provided with a float of cork, or with a hollow ball of metal, which might be sufficient to raise him slowly to the Surface, in case of any accident happening to the bell, as several lives have been lost for want of this precaution, from confusion in the signals, and other causes, such as the one mentioned to the two men in the bay of Dublin. Besides the form of this machine repre- sented above, there are several other forms, but the mode of supplying them with air, and discharging the heated air, is nearly the same in all. The late Mr. Walker constructed a small one of wood , for saving the wreck of the rich ship Belgioso, which was of a conical form, three feet diameter at bottom, two and a half at top, and three feet high, which was sunk by means of lead attached to its bottom.* * Mr. Walker mentions a singular circumstance which happened to one of the divers, who went down in this bell. As there was plenty of air to spare in the bell, the diver thought that a candle might be supported in it, and he could descend by THE ARTISAN. 133 Mr. Smeaton’s diving bell at Ramsgate, was of cast-iron, and weighed 50 cwt. which was heavy enough to sink of itself. Its shape was a parallelopiped, four and a half feet long, three feet wide, and four and a half feet high, so that two men could work under it, and could see, by four strong glass lights at top. It was supplied with air in a similar manner to the one represented by the foregoing figure. OF PUMPS. The common sucking pump, used for raising water, may with propriety be de- scribed either under the head of Pneuma- tics or Hydraulics, as air and water are both necessary to its action. This useful machine consists of a tube open at both ends, in which is a moveable piston, bucket, or sucker, as large as the bore of that part of the tube in which it works. It is usually leathered round so as to fit the bore exactly, and prevent the escape of any air between it and the tube. To render our explanation of the con- struction of this pump as useful as possible, we have represented it in the following figures as made of glass ; by this means, both the action of the pistons, and opera- tion of the valves, may be fully under- stood. In figure 1st, a represents a ring of wood or brass, with pliable leather fastened round it, to fit the cylinder A. Over the hole in this ring is a trap-door, or valve of metal, co- vered with leather, part of which often serves as a hinge for the valve to open and night. He made the experiment, and presently found himself surrounded by fish, some very large, and many such as he had never seen before ; they sported about the bell, and smelt at hisZeg.?, as they hung in the water; this rather alarmed him, for he was not sure but some of the larger might take a fancy to him, he therefore rang his bell to be taken up, and the fish accompanied him, with much good nature, to the surface. shut by. The handle and rod r end in a fork s, which, passing through the ring or piston, is screwed fast to it on the under- side. Below this, and generally over a tube of a smaller bore, as z, is another valve v, opening upward, which will suffer water to pass up, but not down. Now, when the piston a is pulled up by the handle (its valve being close) the column of air on its top is lifted, and a vacuum underneath takes place; to supply this, , the air, in the lower part of the pump/ presses into the vacuum, and hence the 134 THE ARTISAN. whole column of air within the pump be- comes lighter than a similar column of air without the pump. By the superior pres- sure on the well, the water is forced into the pump, and through the valve v, which shutting, prevents its return. The piston being now forced down (as in the common act of pumping) through the water (which opens the piston valve), the next stroke lifts the water to the spout of the pump, and making a vacuum underneath, at the same time a fresh quantity is forced through the lower valve, which, if very tight, will keep the water there, so that the pump, remaining always full, water is delivered at its spout, on the first motion of the handle. As this effect is produced by the pressure of the atmosphere, and as it is found that a column of water, of about thirty-two or thirty-three feet high, is equal in weight to a column of air of the same base of forty-five miles high, (or to the height of the atmosphere,) therefore the piston a must always work at a less dis- tance than thirty-two feet from the surface of the water ; but if it were never to ex- ceed twenty-eight feet it would be better, as the air varies considerably in its weight at different times, which must materially affect the rise of the water. The force required for working a pump depends upon the height to which the water is to be raised, and the diameter of the bore of the pump in that part where the piston works. If two pumps be of equal height, but (he bore of the one double the diameter of the bore of the other, the widest will raise four times as much water as the other, and consequently will require four times as much force to work it.* The wideness or narrowness of the pump in any other part than that in which the piston works, does not make the pump either more or less difficult to work, ex- cept what difference may arise from the friction of the water on the sides of the tube ; this is however always greater in a narrow tube than in a wide one, on account of the greater velocity of the water. Many attempts have been made to re- duce both the friction and wearing of pumps ; but it is evident that it is impos- sible to do away with the friction alto- gether ; and that to work the pump, a force must be employed capable of overcoming the weight of the column of water raised by the piston, and of the weight of the piston itself, together with the friction of the water and piston on the sides of the tube. The velocity of the stroke ought never * This arises from the area of circles being to each other as the square of their diameters : for the square of 2 is 4. to be greater than two or three feet, nor les3 than four inches in a second : the stroke should also be as long as possible, in order to avoid unnecessary loss of water during the descent of the valves. The diameter of the pipe through which the water rises to the barrel, ought not to be less than- two thirds of the diameter of the barrel or pump itself. Metallic conical valves are found to be great improvements in pump work. They are usually formed like the following figure, which represents a section of the whole piston : o, in figure 2, is the conical valve, ground very even and smooth to fit its cavity in the piston a a ; it is kept in its cavity by the weight g, and directed into it by the wire acting through w, when lifted up by the water. The piston is leathered as usual, and the iron crane s goes through it, where it is fastened by the screw nuts rr. Both the upper and lower valves are made in this form : if well made, they are water-tight, and never wear. The manner in which this valve is ap- plied may be seen in the section of the pump, figure 3. Figure 4 represents the common piston, coated with leather. OPTICS. OF THE RAINBOW. The phenomena of the rainbow consists, as every person knows, of two bows, or arches, stretching across the sky, and tinged with all the colours of the prismatic spectrum. The internal or principal rain- bow, which is often seen without the other, has the violet rays innermost , and the red rays outermost. The external, or secondary rainbow, which is much fainter than the other, has the violet colour outermost, and the red colour inneiunost. Sometimes su- pernumery bows are seen accompanying the principal bows. As the rainbow is never seen unless when the sun shines, and when rain is falling, it has been universally ascribed to the decomposition of white light by the refraction of the drops of rain, and their reflection within the drops. The produc- tion of rainbows by the spray of water- falls, or by drops of water scattered by a brush or syringe, is an experimental proof of their origin. Let an observer be placed with his back to the sun, and his eye directed through a shower of rain to the part of the sky oppo- site to the sun. As the drops of rain are spherical particles of water, they will re- flect and refract the sun’s rays, according THE ARTISAN. 135 to the usual laws of refraction and reflec- tion already explained in another part of this work. Thus in the following figure, where ssss i*epresent the sun’s rays, and A the place of a spectator, in the centre of the two bows (the planes of which are supposed to be perpendicular to his view), the drops a and b produce part of the inner bow by two refractions and one reflection ; and the drops c and d part of the exterior bow, by two refractions and one reflection. This holds good at whatever height the sun may chance to be in a shower of rain ; if high, the rainbow must be low ; if the sun be low, the rainbow is high : and if a shower happen in a vale when a spectator is on a mountain, he often sees the bow completed to a circle below him. So in the spray of the sea, or a cascade, a circular rainbow is often seen ; and it is but the interposition of the earth that prevents a cir- cular spectrum from being seen at all times, the eye being the vertex of a cone, whose base (the bow) is in part cut off by the earth. It is only necessary, for the formation of a rainbow, that the sun should shine on a dense cloud, or a shower of rain, in a proper situation, or even on a number of minute drops of water, scattered by a hrush or by a syringe, so that the light may reach the eye after having undergone a certain angular deviation, by means of various refractions and reflections, as al- ready stated. The light which is reflected by the external surface of a sphere, is scattered almost equally in all directions, setting aside the difference arising from the greater efficacy of oblique reflection : but when it first enters the drop, and is there reflected by its posterior surface, its devia- tion never exceeds a certain angle, which depends on the degree of refrangibility, and is, therefore, different for light of dif- erent colours : and the density of the light being the greatest at the angle of greatest deviation, the appearance of a luminous arch is produced by the rays of each co- lour at its appropriate distance. The rays which never enter the drops produce no other effect, than to cause a brightness, or haziness, round the sun, where the reflec- tion is the most oblique : those which are once reflected within the drop, exhibit the common internal or primary rainbow, at the distance of about 41 degrees from the point opposite to the sun : those which are twice reflected, the external or secondary rainbow, of 52° ; and if the effect of the light, three times reflected, were sufficiently powerful, it would appear at the distance of about 42 degrees from the sun. The colours of both rainbows encroach consi- derably on each other ; for each point of the sun may be considered as affording a distinct arch of each colour, and the whole disc, as producing an arch about half a degree in breadth, for each kind of light ; so that the arrangement nearly resembles that of the common mixed spectrum. A lunar rainbow is much more rarely seen than a solar one ; but its colours differf little, expept in intensity, from those of the common rainbow. The appearance of a rainbow may be produced at any time, when the sun shines, as follows; opposite to a window, into which the sun shines, suspend a glass globe, filled with clear water, in such a manner as to be able to raise it or lower it at pleasure, in order that the sun’s rays may strike upon it. Raise the globe gra- dually, and when it gets to the altitude of 136 THE ARTISAN, forty degrees, a person standing in a pro- per situation, will perceive a purple co- lour in the glass, and upon raising it higher the other prismatic colours, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red, will successively appear. After this, the colours will dis- appear, till the globe be raised to about fifty degrees, when they will again be seen, but in an inverted order ; the red ap- pearing first, and the blue, or violet, last. Upon raising the globe to about fifty-four degrees, the colours will totally vanish. In the highest northern latitudes, where the air is commonly loaded with frozen particles, the sun and moon usually appear surrounded by halos , or coloured circles, at the distances of about 22 and 46 de- grees from their centres. Several new forms of halos and paraselenae , or mock- moons, have been described by Captain Ros3 and Captain Parry. And Captain Scoresby, in his account of the Arctic Re- gions, has delineated an immense number of particles of snow, which assume the most beautiful and varied crystallizations, all depending more or less on six-sided combinations of minute particles of ice. When particles of such forms are float- ing or descending in the air, there can be no difficulty in deriving from them those various and intricate forms which are oc- casionally met with among this class of phenomena. Halos are frequently observed in other climates, as well as in the northern regions of the globe, especially in the colder months, and in the light clouds which float in the highest regions of the air. The halos are usually attended by a horizontal white circle, with brighter spots, or par- helia, near their intersections with this circle, and with portions of inverted arches of various curvatures ; the horizontal circle has also sometimes anthelia, or bright spots nearly opposite to the sun. These phenomena have usually been at- tributed to the effect of spherical par- ticles of hail, each having a central opaque portion of a certain magnitude, mixed with oblong particles, of a deter- minate form, and floating with a certain constant obliquity to the horizon. But all these arbitrary suppositions, which were imagined by Huygens, are in themselves extremely complicated and improbable. A much simpler, and more natural, as well as more accurate explanation, wffiich was suggested at an earlier period by Mariotte, had long been wholly forgotten, till the same idea occurred to Dr. Y oung. The ex- planation given by the last mentioned phi- losophers is, that water has a tendency to congeal or crystallize in the form of a prism, and that the rays of light passing through these prisms (which are disposed in various positions,) by their own weight, are so refracted as to produce the different ap- pearances which halos and parhelia have been observed to assume. The colours which these phenomena exhibit, are nearly the same as the rain- bow; but less distinct; the red being nearest to the luminary, and the whole halo being very ill-defined on the exterior side. Sometimes the figures of halos and parhelia are so complicated, as to defy all attempts to account for the formation of their different parts; but if the various forms and appearances which the flakes of snow assume, be considered, there will be no reason to think them inadequate to the production of all these appearances. OF THE COLOURS OF NATURAL BODIES. There is no branch of optics more diffi- cult, and more generally interesting, than that which relates to the colours of natural bodies. The splendid tints with which nature has enriched the vegetable, the mineral, and the animal kingdom, have attracted the admiration even of the rudest minds, and have long formed a subject of perplexing research to the natural philosopher. One of the finest results of Newton’s ex- periments on the colours of thin plates, w as their application to the explanation of the colours of natural bodies. We shall, therefore, endeavour to give a general view of the principles upon which that cele- brated philosopher’s hypothesis rests. His general position is, that if the sun’s light consisted only of one sort of rays , there would be but one colour in the whole world ; and that it would be impossible to produce any new colour, either by reflec- tion or refraction ; consequently the variety of colours, is owing to the composition of light, or to light being a compound body. Homogeneous light that appears red , or rather makes objects appear so, Newton calls red-making rays, that which makes objects yellow, green , blue, &c. he calls yellow -making, green-making, blue-making, &c.* The surface of transparent bodies reflects the greatest quantity of light when their refractive power is greatest, whether the surface is in contact with air, or sepa- rate two media of different refractive powers. When the two media have the same refractive powders, there is no reflec- tion at their separating surfaces, and the quantity of reflected light always increases with the difference of the refractive powers. This proposition is established by nume- rous experiments. Ruby -silver, red-spar , diamond, and several other substances, have a much higher lustre, or reflect much * See note, page 102; and page 103, col. 2d, THE ARTISAN. 137 more light than any other substance ; and ice and water reflect less light than almost any other substance possessed of a refrac- tive power. If in the manufacture of glass the re- fractive power be increased, by adding lead, the lustre, or reflective power, will be increased at the same time : and in like manner, if alcohol be added to water, the lustre of the compound will be increased with its refractive power. If water be poured upon a surface of croicn glass , the reflective power of the surface will be greatly diminished. If alcohol be poured upon it, the reflective power will be diminished still more. The least or thinnest parts of almost all natural bodies are in some measure trans- parent, and the opacity of any body arises from the reflections caused in its internal parts. The transparency of gold and silver , when reduced into thin leaves, and of all metalic particles, either when in a state of solution, or when in the form of crystal- lized salts, may be considered as a proof of the proposition which has just been stated. Substances, too, that appear perfectly black to the eye, become translucent,* and even transparent, when reduced very thin, and exposed to a strong light. Between the parts of opaque and co- loured bodies, there are many spaces, either empty, or filled with media of dif- ferent densities, as water, for example, as well as the aqueous globules that con- stitute clouds or fogs. The truth of this will appear from considering what has already been said on this subject ; for there are numerous reflections with bodies, which cannot happen unless there were interstices between their particles, and of at different refractive power. Besides there are many opaque substances which become transparent, by filling their pores with any substance of nearly the same density with their parts ; thus paper, vellum , and various other bodies, become almost transparent by absorption of oil or other fluids of nearly the same refractive power. On the contrary, all these bodies become opaque when the water or fluid has escaped from their pores. The substance Iodine, which reflects light exactly like metals, is perfectly opaque ; but when it is thrown off into vapour by heat, it forms a purple * A body is said to be translucent when it ad- mits the light to pass through it ; and transparent when objects can be seen through it. ^ r coloured gas, which consists of the solid transparent particles of iodine floating with air between them. When a mixture of turpentine and water, or of water and air, is effected, the compounds become per- fectly white and opaque, in consequence of the reflection of light at the particles of turpentine and water, and at the junction of the bubbles of froth, with the air which they enclose. The transparent parts of bodies, ac- cording to their several sizes, reflect rays of one colour, and transmit those of ano- ther, for the same reason that thin plates of air and water reflect or transmit those rays. Sir Isaac Newton conceives, that the parts of all natural bodies exhibit the same colours as the bodies themseves,on the same princi- ple that the parts of a film or leaf of uniform thickness and colour, have the same co- lour as the film, even when slit into threads, or broken into fragments, that preserve their thickness. The coloured plumage of birds vary their tints at the same place, by varying the position of the eye, in the same manner as thin plates, and hence the tints arise from the slenderness of the fine hairs which grow out of the feathers. In like manner, the colours of silks, cloths, &c. when penetrated by water or oil, become more faint by immersion in these liquors, and again recover their original colours when they are dry. Leaf-gold , some kinds of painted glass, and the infusion of lignum nephriticum, reflect one colour, and transmit another, like thin plates, and the coloured flowers of plants and vegetables usually became more transparent, or in some degree change their colours by being bruised. The change of colours produced by mixing different fluids, is ascribed by Sir Isaac Newtoh to a change of bulk, and of density in the saline particles of the liquor, in consequence of the mutual action. A coloured fluid, for example, may occur transparent, if its particles are by any means divided into smaller ones ; and, on the contrary, two transparent fluids may compose a coloured one, by the association of the particles into one cluster. The colour of a body depends on the rays incident, or which fall upon it at all angles, and a slight variation in the obli- quity at which they fall on it, will alter the reflected tint to various colours, when the particles are rarer than the surround- ing medium, to a much greater extent than when particles are more dense than that medium, and it is probable that the particles are the densest 135 THE ARTISAN. CHEM1STEY. Phosphorus, when pure, is semi-trans- parent, and of a yellowish colour ; but when kept some time in water, it becomes externally opaque, and then has a great resemblance to white wax. Its consistence is nearly that of wax. It may be cut with a knife, or twisted to pieces with the fin- gers.* It is insoluble in water, but it melts at the temperature of 100°. Its mean specific gravity is 1*770. Care must be taken to keep phosphorus always under water, particularly when melted; for it is so combustible, that it cannot easily be melted in the open air without taking fire. When phosphorus is newly prepared, it is always dirty, being mixed with a quantity of charcoal dust and other impurities. These impurities may be separated by melting it under water, and then squeezing it through a piece of clean shamoy leather. It may be formed into sticks, by putting it into a glass funnel with a long tube, stopped at the bottom with a cork, and plunging the whole under warm water. The phospho- rus melts, and assumes the shape of the tube. When cold, it may be easily pushed out with a bit of wood. If air be excluded, phosphorus evapo- rates at 219°, and boils at 554°. When phosphorus is exposed to the at- mosphere, it emits a white smoke, which has the smell of garlic, and is luminous in the dark. This smoke is more abun- dant the higher the temperature is, and is occasioned by the gradual combus- tion of the phosphorus, which at last dis- appears altogether. When a bit of phosphorus is put into a glass jar filled with oxygen gas, part of the phosphorus is dissolved by the gas at the temperature of 60° ; but the phosphorus does not become luminous unless its tem- perature be raised to 80°. Hence we learn, that phosphorus burns at a lower tempera- ture in common air than in oxygen gas. This slow combustion of phosphorus, at the common temperature of the atmos- phere, is what renders it necessary to be kept in phials filled with water. The water should be previously boiled to expel a little air, which that liquor usually con- tains. The phials should be kept in a dark place ; for when phosphorus is exposed to the light, it soon becomes of a white co- lour, which gradually changes to a dark brown. When heated to 148°, phosphorus takes fire and burns with a very bright flame, and gives out a great quantity of white * This being rather a dangerous operation, water ought to be at hand to plunge it into as soon as it begins to smoke. smoke, which is highly luminous in the dark. It leaves no residuum ; but the white smoke, when collected, is found to be an acid. Stahl considered this acid as the muriatic.* According to him, phos- phorus is composed of muriatic acid and phlogiston,! and the combustion of it is merely the separation of phlogiston. He even declared, that, to make phosphorus, nothing more is necessary than to combine muriatic acid and phlogiston. These assertions having gained implicit credit, the composition and nature of phos- phorus were considered as completely un- derstood, till Margraf of Berlin published his experiments in the year 1740. That great man, one of those illustrious philoso- phers who have contributed so much to the rapid increase of the science, distin- guished equally by the ingenuity of his ex- periments and clearness of his reasoning, attempted to produce phosphorus by com- bining together phlogiston and muriatic acid : but though he varied his process a thousand ways, presented the acid in many different states, and employed a variety of substances to furnish phlogis- ton, all his attempts failed, and he was obliged to give up the combination as im practicable. On examining the acid pro- duced during the combustion of phospho- rus, he found that its properties were very different from those of muriatic acid. It was therefore a distinct substance. The name of phosphoric acid was given to it ; and it was concluded that phosphorus is composed of this acid united to phlogiston. But it was observed by Margraf, that phosphoric acid is heavier than the phos- phorus from which it was produced ; and Boyle had long before shewn, that phos- phorus would not burn except when in contact with air. These facts were suffi- cient to prove Hie inaccuracy of the theory concerning the composition of phosphorus ; but they remained themselves unaccounted for, till Lavoisier published those cele- brated experiments which threw so much light on the nature and composition of acids. He exhausted a glass globe of air by means of an air-pump ; and after weighing it accurately, he filled it with oxygen gas, and introduced into it 100 grains of phos- phorus. The globe was furnished with a stop-cock, by which oxygen gas could be admitted at pleasure. He set fire to the phosphorus by means of a burning glass. The combustion was extremely rapid, ac- companied by a bright flame and much heat. Large quantities of white flakes * This acid will be afterwards described. t The term phlogiston was applied by Stahl and his followers to a substance, which, according to them, exists in all combustible bodies, and separates during combustion. — See page 15, col. 2. THE ARTISAN. 139 attached themselves to the inner surface of the globe, and rendered it opaque; and these at last became so abundant, that, notwithstanding the constant supply of oxygen gas, the phosphorus was extin- guished. The globe, after being allowed to cool, was again weighed before it was opened. The quantity of oxygen employed during the experiment was ascertained, and the phosphorus, which still remained unchanged, accurately weighed. The white flakes, which were nothing else than pure phosphoric acid, were found exactly equal to the weights of the phosphorus and oxy- gen which had disappeared during the process. Phosphoric acid, therefore, must have been formed by the combination of these two bodies ; for the absolute weight of all the substances together was the same after the process as before it. It is im- possible, then, for phosphorus to be com- posed of phosphoric acid and phlogiston, as phosphorus itself enters into the com- position of that acid. Thus the combustion of phosphorus, like that of hydrogen and carbon, is nothing else than its combination with oxygen : for during the process no new substance ap- pears, except the acid, accompanied in- deed with much heat and light. From Lavoisier’s experiment it follows, that 100 parts of phosphorus during this combustion, unite with 154 parts of oxygen. So that a grain of phosphorus condenses no less thdn 4§ cubic inches of oxygen gas; and five grains are capable of de- priving 102^ cubic inches of air of all its oxygen gas. Though pure phosphorus does not take fire till it be heated to 148°, it is neverthe- less true, that we meet with phosphorus which burns at much lower temperatures. The heat of the hand often makes it burn vividly and it even takes fire when merely exposed to the atmosphere. In all these cases the phosphorus has undergone a change. It is believed at present, that this increase of combustibility is owing to a small quantity of oxygen with which the phosphorus has combined. Hence, in this state, it is distinguished by the name of oxide of phosphorus. When a little phos- phorus is exposed in a long narrow glass tube to the heat of boiling water, it con- tinues moderately luminous, and gradu- ally rises up in the state of a white va- pour, which lines the tubes. This vapour is the oxide of phosphorus. This oxide has the appearance of fine white flakes, which cohere together, and is more bulky than the original phosphorus. When slightly heated it takes fire, and burns brilliantly. Exposed to the air, it attracts moisture with avidity, and is converted into an acid liquor. When a little phosphorus is thus oxidized in a small tin box by heating it, the oxide acquires the property of taking fire when exposed to the air. In this state it is often used to light candles, under the name of phosphoric matches ; the phospho- rus being sometimes mixed with a little oil, sometimes with sulphur. But the simplest mode of making matches of this kind is, to put a little phosphorus, dried by blotting-paper, into a small phial ; to heat the phial, and when the phosphorus is melted, to turn it round, so that the phos- phorus may adhere to the sides. The phial is then to be closely corked and pre- pared for use. On putting a common sul- phur-match into the bottle, and stirring it about, the phosphorus will adhere to the match, and will take fire when brought out into the air. When bits of phosphorus are kept for some hours in hydrogen gas, part of the phosphorus is dissolved. This compound gas, to which Fourcroy and Vauquelin, the discoverers of it, have given the name of phosphorized hydrogen gas, has a slight smell of garlic. When bubbles of it are made to pass into oxygen gas, a very bril- liant blueish flame is produced, which per- vades the whole vessel of oxygen gas. It is obvious that this flame is the conse- quence of the combustion of the dissolved phosphorus. When phosphorus is introduced into a glass jar of hydrogen gas standing over mercury, and then melted by means of a burning glass, the hydrogen gas dissolves a much greater proportion of it. The com- pound thus formed has received the name of phosphuretted hydrogen gas. It was dis- covered, in 1788, by Mr. Gengembre, and afterwards by Mr. Kirwan, before he knew of the experiments of Gengembre. It has a very fetid odour, similar to the smell of putrid fish. When it comes into contact with common air, it burns with great rapidity ; and if mixed with that air, detonates violently. Oxygen gas pro- duces a still more rapid and brilliant com- bustion than common air. When bubbles of it are made to pass up through water, they explode in succession as they reach the surface of the liquid ; a beautiful coro- net of white smoke is formed, which rises slowly to the ceiling. This gas is* the most combustible substance known. Pure water, when agitated in contact with this gas, dissolves at the temperature of between 50° and 60° about the fourth part of its bulk of it, * The solution is of a colour not unlike that of roll sulphur ; it has a very bitter and disagreeable taste, and a strong unpleasant odour. When heated nearly to boiling, the whole of the phosphuretted hydrogen gas is driven off * Mr. Henry, however, found, that 100 inches of water took up only 2* 14 inches of this gas at the temperature of 60°. 140 THE ARTISAN. unchanged, and the water remains behind in a state of parity. When exposed to the air, the phosphorus is gradually deposited in the state of oxide ; the hydrogen gas makes its escape ; and at last nothing re- mains but pure water. When electric explosions are passed through this gas, its bulk is increased pre- cisely as happens to carburetted hydrogen. The water which it contains is decom- posed, phosphoric acid formed, and hydro- gen gas evolved. Phosphorus is capable of combining with carbon. This compound, which has re- ceived the name of phosphuret of carbon , * was first examined by Mr. Proust, the celebrated professor of chemistry, in Spain. It is the red substance which remains behind when new-made phosphorus is strained through shamoy leather. In order to separate from it a small quantity of phosphorus which it contains in excess, it should be put into a retort, and exposed for some time to a moderate heat. What remains behind in the retort is the pure phosphuret of carbon. It is a light flocky powder, of a lively orange-red, without taste or smell. When heated in the open air it burns rapidly, and a quantity of charcoal remains behind. When the re- tort in which it is formed is heated red hot, the phosphorus comes over, and the char- coal remains behind. Such are the properties of phosphorus, and the compounds which it forms with oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon. Tt is capable, like- wise, of combining with many other bodies : the compounds produced are called phos- phurets. Phosphorus, when used internally, is poisonous, even in so small a quantity as one fourth of a grain. * See note, page 104. OSTEOTOMY. It has already been remarked, at page 109, that the planet Jupiter is surrounded with broad parallel belts. These belts are variable, both in number and position. Different opinions have been enter- tained by astronomers respecting the cause of these belts. By some they have been regarded as clouds, or as openings in the atmosphere of the planet ; while others imagine them to be of a more permanent nature, and to be marks of great physical revolutions, which are perpetually chang- ing the surface of the planet. The Sun appears to Jupiter only of one twenty-eighth part of the size he does to the Earth : and the light and heat he derives from that Luminary are in the same pro- portion. But he is in some measure com- pensated for this want by the quick return The following figures, A and B, exhibit the appearance of Jupiter, according to Sir W. Henschel. of the Sun, occasioned by the prodigiously rapid motion round his axis ; and by four satellites, which move round him, at dif- ferent distances. These four satellites were discovered by Galileo, an Italian astronomer, in the year 1610. They may be seen by a telescope which magnifies thirty times, and are found to be of great use in determining the longi- tude of places on the Earth, by their im- mersions into his shadow, and their emer- sions out of it. These satellites are of different magni- tudes ; the second being the least, the third the greatest, and the fourth the second THE ARTISAN. 141 in magnitude. The time which each of these satellites take to go round Jupiter is as follows : The first, or nearest to him, Id. 18h. 27 ' 33' : the second, 3d. 13h.l3 42" ; the third, Td. 3h. 42' 33" ; and the fourth, 16d. 16h.32' 8". The eclipses of these satellites, by falling into the shadow of Jupiter, have not only been of advantage in enabling astronomers to ascertain the longitude of places* but were the cause of that most curious disco- very, made by Roemer, in the year 1675, of the successive propagation of light. OF SATURN. The planet Saturn is 79,491 miles in diameter, and performs his revolution round the Sun in 10,746 days, 19 hours, 16 mi- nutes, at the distance of 903,690,197 Eng- lish miles. His motion in his orbit is said to be 18,000 miles per hour ; and the time he revolves on his axis lOh. 16' by some astronomers, and by others only 6 hours. Saturn is distinguished from all the other planets, by a large luminous ring surrounding his body, which was disco- vered by the celebrated Huygens, about the end of the 17th century. The same astronomer also discovered the fourth sa- tellite, which attends this planet, and on that account is sometimes called the Huy- genian satellite. The ring which surrounds Saturn appears double when seen through a good telescope, and is seen to cast a deep shadow on the planet. Dr. Herschel is of opinion that the ring has a motion round its axis ; but this is doubted by Schroeter, and some other astronomers. Respecting the formation of this strange phenomenon, astronomers have been very different in their opinions : but the difficulty still re- mains as formidable as ever. The annexed figure represents this planet as seen by Sir William Herschel, on vari- ous occasions, with Ills powerful telescope. To Saturn the Sun appears only one- ninetieth part of the size it does h the Earth ; and the light and heat which that planet receives from the Sun are in the same proportion. But to compensate for the scantiness of light derived from the Sun, Saturn has been observed to have no fewer than seven satellites revolving round* him, besides the luminous ring that sur- rounds his body. The Huygenian, or fourth satellite, was the first discovered; the first, second, third, and fifth were some years afterwards discovered by Cassini; and the sixth and seventh were discovered by Dr. Herschel, in the year 1789. These satellites are all so small, and at such a distance from the Earth, that they cannot be seen, unless with very powerful tele- scopes. The orbit of the planet Saturn was long considered as the boundary of the solar system, except the cometary orbits, which were always believed to stretch far be- yond it. But by the discovery of the planet Georgium Sidus, this system has been extended far beyond the limits for- merly assigned it. OF GEORGIUM SIDUS, A new planet was discovered by Dr. Herschel, on the 13th of March, 1781, and called by him Georgium Sidus, out of re- spect to his Majesty George III., but astro- nomers have given it the names of Her- schel and Uranus. This planet is situated far beyond the orbit of Saturn, being at the immense distance of 1,822,568,000 miles from the sun. The time it requires to per- form its revolution round that luminary is 83 years, 150 days, 18 hours. Its diameter is about 4§ times greater than that of the earth, or nearly 35,000 English miles. The distance of this planet from the sun being about double that of Saturn, can scarcely be discovered by the naked eye. How- ever, when the sky is very clear, it may be perceived by a good eye like a faint star of the fifth magnitude ; but it cannot be readily distinguished from a fixed star with a tele- scope of a less magnifying power than 200. This planet is placed at so great a distance from the sun, that it can receive but a very small portion of his light : however, this want is in some measure supplied by six satellites that revolve round it, all of which 142 THE ARTISAN. were discovered by Dr. Herschel. The periodic times of these satellites are . as follows: — the first, is 5d. 21h. 25'; the second, 8d. 17h. 1' 19"; the third, lOd. 23h. 4'; the fourth, 13d. llh. 5'; the fifth, 38d. lh. 49'; and, the sixth, 107d. 16h. 40'. It is a remarkable circumstance that all these satellites move round the planet in a retrograde order^ and that their orbits are nearly all in the same plane, almost perpendicular to the ecliptic. j^Hscellaneous Subjects. CAPTAIN RATER’S METHOD OF DETERMINING THE LENGTH OF THE PENDULUM. The celebrated Huygens, who is allowed to be the original author of the Theory of the Pendulum, had demonstrated, that the centres of suspension and oscillation are convertible with one another ; or that if in any pendulum * the centre of oscillation be made the centre of suspension, the time of vibration will be in both cases the same. From the consideration of this propo- sition, Captain Rater discovered that its converse must also be true ; namely, that if the same pendulum can be made to vibrate in the same time with two different points of suspension, one of these points must be the centre of oscillation, when the other is the centre of suspension ; and thus their distance, or the true length of the Pendu- lum, is found.! To reduce this principle to practice, Cap- tain Rater formed a pendulum of a bar of plate brass, one inch and a half wide, and one-eighth of an inch thick. Through this bar two triangular holes are made at the distance of 89*4 inches from each other, to admit the knife edges that are to serve for the axes of suspension in the two opposite positions of the pendulum. Four strong knees of hammered brass, of the same width with the bar, six inches long, and three-fourths of an inch thick ? are firmly screwed by pairs to each end of the bar ; so that when the knife edges are passed through the triangular apertures, their backs may bear steadily against the perfectly plane surface of the brass knees, which are formed as nearly as possible at right angles to the bar. The bar is cut * This word strictly applies to a compound pen- dulum, and signifies that point in it which is at such a distance from the point of suspension as is equal to a simple pendulum, which vibrates in the same time with the compound one. t Notwithstanding the simplicity of this well- known proposition, it appears that Captain Kater, was the first person who applied it to the purpose of determining the length of the pendulum. of such a length that its ends fall short of the extremities of the knee-pieces about two inches. Two slips of deal, 17 inches long, are inserted at either end, in the spaces thus left between the knee pieces unoccupied by the bar, and are firmly secured by screws. These slips of deal are only half the width of the bar ; they are stained black, and a small whalebone point in- serted at each end indicates the extent of the arc of vibration. A cylindrical weight of brass, three inches and a half in diameter, and weigh- ing about two pounds seven ounces, has a rectangular opening in the direction of its diameter, to admit the knee-pieces of one end of the pendulum. This weight, being passed on the pendulum, is so firmly screwed in its place, as to render any change impossible. It is not between the knife edges, but is very near to one of them. A second weight, of about seven ounces and a half, is made to slide on the bar, near the knife edges, at the opposite end; and it may be fixed at any point on the bar by two screws with which it is furnished. A third weight, or slider, of only four ounces, is moveable along the bar, and is capable of nice adjustment, by means of a screw and a clasp. It is intended to move near the centre of the bar, and has an opening, through which may be seen divi- sions of the twentieth of an inch engraved on the bar. It is by means of this moveable weight that the direction of the vibrations in the two opposite positions of the pendulum are adjusted to one another, after which it is secured immoveably in its place. The knife edges, or prisms, which make so important a part of this appara- tus, and are to serve alternately as the axes of motion, are made of the steel pre- pared in India, and known by the name of wootz. The two planes which form the edge of each prism are inclined to one another nearly at an angle of 120 degrees. The edges are as true, or straight, as it was possible to make them, and the hardest temper was given to the steel ; and the long series of experiments which have been made with the pendulum proves that they have fully answered the purpose. As the method adopted by Captain Rater, for determining the number of vi- brations of his pendulum in twenty-four hours, was very ingenious, we shall give a short account of it previous to conclud- ing our description of this interesting and delicate apparatus. It is almost needless to remark, that this pendulum was not intended to be applied to a clock, nor to receive its motion from any thing but its own weight. THE ARTISAN. 143 After the pendulum was accurately sus- pended, it was placed in front of one of Mr. Arnold’s best clocks, and close to it, so that it appeared to pass over the centre of the dial plate, with its extremity reach- ing a little below the ball of the pendulum. A circular white disk was painted on a piece of black paper, which was attached to the ball of the pendulum clock, and was of such a size, that, when all was at rest, it was just hid from an observer on the opposite side of the room by one of the slips of deal which form the extremities of the brass pendulum. On the opposite side of the room was fixed a wooden stand, as high as the ball of the pendulum of the clock, serving to support a small telescope, magnifying about four times. A dia- phragm in the focus was so adjusted as exactly to take in the white disk, and the diameter of the slip of deal which covered it. “ Supposing, now,” says the ingeni- ous inventor, a both pendulums set in mo- tion, the brass pendulum a little preced- ing the clock, the slip of deal wall first pass through the field of view at each vibration, and will be followed by the white disk. But the brass pendulum be- ing rather the longer of the two, the pen- dulum of the clock will gain upon it : the white disk will gradually approach the slip of deal, and, at length, at a certain vibration, will be wholly concealed by it. The instant of this total disappearance must be noted. The pendulums will now appear to separate ; and, after a certain time, will again approach each other, when the same phenomenon will take place. The interval between the two coin- cidences will give the number of vibrations made by the pendulum of the clock ; the number of vibrations of the brass pendulum is greater by two.” Thus was determined the number of vibrations made by the brass pendulum in a given interval of time ; and so, by pro- portion, the number for a whole day. The interval between the nearest coincidences was about 132| seconds ; and four of these, that is, five successive coincidences, gave an interval of 530 seconds, or 8 minutes 50 seconds ; after which the arc described by the brass pendulum became too small. The pendulum was then stopped, and put in motion anew as oft as it was judged pro- per to repeat the observations. Being thus enabled to determine, with great accuracy, the number of vibrations performed by his pendulum in a given time, Captain Rater proceeded, by revers- ing it, to make the vibrations equal in its two oppositions. The sliding weight above mentioned was used for producing this equality, which, after a series of most accurate and careful experiments, was brought about with a degree of precision that could hardly havq been anticipated. By the means of twelve sets of experi- ments, each consisting of a great number of individual trials, with the same end of the pendulum upwards, the number of vibrations in 24 hours was 86058*71 ; and, with the same end lowest, the mean of as many others gave 86058*72, differing from the former only by the hundredth part of a vibration. The greatest difference was *43, or less than a half, — a degree of exactness which was never before attained. From a mean of the twelve sets of ex- periments here stated, the length of the se- cond's pendulum comes out 39*13829 inches, after making every allowance for tempera- ture, buoyancy of the atmosphere, &c., or to 39*1386, reducing it to the level of the sea. These experiments were made in the house of Mr. Brown, Portland-place, the latitude of which was found to be 51° 31' 8*4". Thus, for the first time, after having been an occasional object of research for more than 160 years, has the centre of oscillation of a compound pendulum been found by experiment alone, according to a method of universal application, and admitting of mathematical precision. ON THE CHINESE YEAR. A paper by J. F. Davis, F. R.S. was lately read before the Royal Society of London, on the subject of astronomy, among the Chinese, in which he attempts to show the folly of attributing any thing original in astronomical science to the Chi- nese, who were entirely ignorant of its ob- jects and principles, before its introduc- tion into their empire by the Arabians, and afterwards by the European missionaries. On this one subject, says the author, that singular nation has deviated from its established prejudices and maxims, against introducing what is foreign, — they have even adopted the errors of the European astronomy, for he discovered in a Chinese book, the exact representation of the Pto- lemaic system, — he adds, indeed, it is im- possible not to smile at the idea of attribut- ing any science to a people whose learned books are filled with such trumpery as the diagrams of Fo-hi, and a hundred other puerilities of the same kind. Mr. Davis offers several other proofs of the talent which the Chinese possess of stealing the discoveries of other nations and appropri- ating them to themselves. The author proceeds to show, that the Chinese have no solar year, but that their year is, in fact, a lunar year , consisting of twelve months, of twenty-nine and thirty- days alternately, with the triennial inter- calation of a thirteenth month, to make it correspond more nearly with the sun’s course. 144 THE ARTISAN ON THE VELOCITY OF SOUND. A paper by Dr. Gregory was lately read before the Royal Society of Edinburgh, containing an account of some experiments, made in order to determine the velocity with which sound is transmitted through the atmosphere. Some of the results of these experiments are the following : — That wind greatly affects sound in point of intensity , and, that it affects it also in point of velocity that when the direction of the wind concurs with that of the sound, the sum of their separate velocities gives the apparent velocity of sound ; when the direction of the wind opposes that of the sound, the difference of the separate velo- cities must be taken ; — that in the case of echoes, the velocity of the reflected sound is the same as that of the direct sound, that, therefore, distances may frequently be measured by means of echoes ; — that an augmentation of temperature occasions an augmentation of the velocity of sound, and vice versa. Dr. Gregory mentions in a postscript, that it appears from experiments made by Mr. Goldingham, at Madras, that the velo- city of sound is different in different cli- mates ; and that hygrometric changes are not without their influence. SOLUTIONS OF QUESTIONS. Quest. 12, answered by Mr. R. Graham ( the proposer ). Put x = A D, uni (DC), b — 100 (A C B). a Then by 1 and 47 Euc.^a 2 + A C and --~ — b, (see Bonnycastle’s Mensuration.) Then by transposing, and squaring both sides, we have x 2 — — 9 ^ 64 a an( j jjy completing the 5 ~ ' 60 square and extracting the root, we obtain x~ 49-786 ~ A D : then by the property of the circle A D 2 (49-786) — CD (4) = 619-661 r DE, to Avhich add C D (4) and we obtain CE“ 623*661 the diameter of the circle required. Quest. 16, answered by Mr. J. M. Edney. Put am the side of the triangle; and a — -4330127 the . area of an equilateral triangle, whose side is unity or 1. Then will x 2 am the area of the triangle : and from the question arises the following equation x 2 a — 3 x ; whence x is found to 1, or =6-9282 feet, yds. &c, De — a *4330127 * ? which must be the length of the side to answer the condition of the question. And (6-9282) 2 x *4330127 = 6*9282 x 3 = 20-7846 = the area of the triangle, and also the sum of its sides. QUESTIONS FOR SOLUTION. To the Editor of the Artisan. Sir, Allow me to lay before your mathemati- cal correspondents the following question for solution (should it meet your appro- bation), which will oblige, yours, &c. 2, Sf. John Street , J. M. Edney. Clerkenwell. Quest. 17. The dimensions of a block of Lignum-vitce are as follows : the ends are squares, each side of the greater square being 1 ~ foot, and of the less § a foot ; the length being 24 feet ; required its weight in avoirdupoise ounces ? To the Editor e Artisan. Sir, By inserting the following question in one of the succeeding numbers of the Artisan, you will greatly oblige your very humble servant, Holloway , Exeter. C. A. Williams. Quest. 18. If 360 shillings be formed into a circle, so that they may all touch each other, and the points of contact be distant § of an inch ;^what will be the area of a circle passing through all the points of contact ? To the Editor of the Artisan. Sir, As you had the kindness to insert my last geometrical question i (No. 14.), I have taken the liberty of sending you another, which I will thank you to insert as soon as convenient , which will oblige, yours, &c. Edinburgh , An Engineer. 4£/i May, 1824. Quest. 19. From two given points, to draw straight lines, making equal angles at the same point in a straight line given in position. THE ARTISAN. 145 GEOMETRY. PROPOSITION XXVI. Theorem. — If two triangles have two angles of the one equal to two angles of the other , each to each; and one side equal to one side , viz. either the sides adjacent to the equal angles , or the sides opposite to the equal angles in each ; then shall the other sides be equal, each to each ; and also the third angle of the one to the third angle of the other. Let A B C, D E F be two triangles which have the angles A B C, B C A equal to the angles DEF, EFD, viz. ABCtoDEF, and B C A to E F D ; also one side equal to one side ; and first let those sides be equal which are adjacent to the angles that are equal in the two triangles, viz. B C to EF ; the other sides shall be equal, each to each, viz. A B to D E, and A C to 1)F; and the third angle B A C to the third angle El) F. A S> For, if A B be not equal to D E, one of them must be the greater. Let A B be the greater of the two, and make B G equal to D E, and join G C ; therefore, because B G is equal to D E, and BC to EF, the two sides G B, B C are equal to the two D E, E F, each to each ; and the angle G B C is equal to the angle DEF; therefore the base G C is equal to the base D F, and the triangle GB C to the triangle DEF, and the other angles to the other angles, each to each, to which the equal sides are oppo- site ; therefore the angle G C B is equal to the angle D F E ; but D F E is, by the hy- pothesis, equal to the angle B C A ; where- fore also the angle B C G is equal to the angle B C A , the less to the greater, which is impossible ; therefore A B is not une- qual to D E, that is, it is equal to it ; and B C is equal to E F ; therefore the two A B, B C are equal to the two D E, EF, each to each ; and the angle A B C is equal to the angle DEF; the base therefore A C is equal to the base DF, and the third angle B A C to the third angle E D F. Nest, let the sides which are opposite to the equal angles in each triangle be equal to Vol. I. — No. 10. one another, viz. A B to D E ; likewise in this case, the other sides shall be equal, AC to DF, and B C to E F ; and also the third angle BAG to the third EDF. A. jo For, if B C be not equal to E F, let B C be the greater of them, and make BH equal to E F, and join A H ; and because B H is equal to E F, and A B to D E ; the two A B, B H are equal to the two DE, E F, each to each ; and they con- tain equal angles ; therefore the base A H is equal to the base D F, and the triangle A B H to the triangle D E F, and the other angles are equal, each to each, to which the equal sides are opposite ; therefore the angle B H A is equal to the angle EFD; but EFD is equal to the angle B C A ; therefore also the angle B H A is equal to the angle B C A, that is, the exterior angle B H A of the triangle A H C is equal to its interior and opposite angle B C A ; which is impossible ; wherefore B C is not unequal to E F, that is, it is equal to it; and AB is equal to DE; therefore the two A B, B C, are equal to the two DE, EF, each to each; and they contain equal angles ; wherefore the base A C is equal to the base D F , and the third angle BAG to the third angle EDF. Therefore, if two triangles, &c. Q.E.D. It may be necessary to remark respecting this proposition, that the two equal sides (viz. one in each triangle) must be similarly situated in the triangles with respect to the equal angles ; that is, both must be either between the given angles, or opposite to equal angles, otherwise the triangles will not be equal. PROPOSITION XXVII. Theorem. — If a straight line falling upon two other straight lines makes the alter- nate angles equal to one another, these two straight lines are parallel. Let the straight line E F, which falls upon the two straight lines A B, CD makes the alternate angles A E F, EFD equal to one another ; A B is parallel to CD. L 146 THE ARTISAN. Fer, if it be not parallel, AB and CD being produced shall meet either towards B, D, or towards A, C; let them be pro- duced and meet towards B, D in the point G ; therefore G E F is a triangle, and its exterior angle A E F is greater than the interior and opposite angle E F G ; but it is also equal to it, which is impossible • therefore, AB and CD being produced do not meet towards B, D. In like man- ner it may be demonstrated, that they do not meet towards A, C ; but those straight lines which meet neither way, though pro- duced ever so far, are parallel to one ano- ther. AB therefore is parallel to CD. Wherefore, if a straight line, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION XXVIII. Theorem.—// a straight line falling upon two other straight lines makes the exterior angle equal to the interior and opposite upon the same side of the line; or makes the interior angles upon the same side to- gether equal to two right angles; the two straight lines are parallel to one another. Let the straight line E F, which falls upon the two straight lines AB, CD make the exterior angle EGB equal to’ the interior and opposite angle G HD upon the same side; or make the interior an- gles on the same side B GH, G HD toge- ther equal to two right angles; A B is parallel to C D. E equal to the angle G H D ; and they are the alternate angles ; therefore A B is pa- rallel to C D. Again, because the angles B G H, G H D are equal to two right an- gles; and, that AGH, B GH, are also equal to two right angles; the angles AGH, B G H are equal to the angles B G H, G H D : take away the common angle B G H ; therefore the remaining angle AGH is equal to the remaining angle G H D ; and they are alternate an- gles; therefore AB is parallel to CD. Wherefore, if a straight line, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION XXIX. Theorem. — If a straight line fall upon two parallel straight lines , it makes the alter- nate angles equal to one another ; and the exterior angle equal to the interior and opposite upon the same side ; and likewise the two interior angles upon the same side together equal tq two right angles *. Let the straight line EF fall upon the parallel straight lines A B, C D; the alter- nate angles A G H, G H D are equal to one another ; and the exterior angle E G B is equal to the interior and opposite, upon the same side, GHD; and the two inte- rior angles BGH, GHD upon the same side are together, equal to two right angles. For if A G H be not equal to G H D, one of them must be greater than the other, let A G H be the greater, and because it is greater than the angle G H D, add B G H to each of them ; therefore the angles AG H and BGH are greater than the angles BGH and GHD ; but the angles AGH and BGH are equal to two right angles ; therefore the angles BGH and GHD are less than two right angles, consequently if A B and C D were produced they would meet, but they are parallel by the hypothesis, and therefore would never meet ; consequently the angle AGH is not unequal to the angle GHD, that is, it These three properties of parallel lines afford the means of determining whether lines are pa- rallel Or not. THE ARTISAN. 147 is equal to it. Now, the angle EGB is equal to A G H ; and A G H is proved to be equal to GHD; therefore E G B is likewise equal to GHD; add to each of these the angle B G H ; therefore the angles EGB, B G H are equal to the angles BGH, GHD; but EGB, BGH are equal to two right angles ; therefore also BGH, GHD are equal to two right angles. Wherefore, if a straight line, &c. Q. E. D. This proposition is the converse of the 27th and 28th. It has given Geometers, both ancient and modern, more trouble than all the rest of Euclid’s propositions put together ; in order to demonstrate it the 12th axiom was assumed ; but, that axiom is by no means self evident (see page 17, col. 2) ; and therefore the 29th proposition, which depends upon it, cannot be said to be proved, unless the axiom itself be previously proved, which cannot easily be done, but by introducing another axiom scarcely less exceptionable than that which was to be demonstrated. This axiom is the following. If two straight lines be drawn through the same point , they are not both parallel to the same straight line. If this axiom be admitted, the 29th proposition may be demonstrated without the aid of the 12th axiom; but this we shall omit here. PROPOSITION XXX. Theorem. — Straig ht lines which are paral- lel to the same straight line , are parallel to one another. Let A B, C D be each of them parallel to EF; A B is also parallel to C D. Let the straight line G H K cut A B, E F, C D ; and because GHR cuts the parallel straight lines A B, E F, the angle A G H is equal to the angle G H F. Again, because the straight line GK cuts the parallel straight lines E F, C D, the angle G H F is equal to the angle GRD; and it was shown that the angle A G K is equal to the angle G H F ; therefore also A G K l 2 is equal toGKD; and they are alternate angles ; therefore A B is parallel to C D. Wherefore straight lines, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION XXXI. Problem. — To draiv a straight line through a given point parallel to a given straight line. Let A be the given point, and B C the given straight line ; it is required to draw a straight line through the point A, paral- lel to the straight line B C. In B C take any point D, and join AD; and at the point A, in the straight line A D, make the angle DAE equal to the angle ADC; and produce the straight line E A to F. Because the straight line AD, which meets the two straight lines BC, EF, makes the alternate angles E A D, ADC equal to one another, EF is parallel to B C. Therefore the straight line E A F is drawn through the given point A parallel to the given straight line B C. Which was to be done. PROPOSITION XXXII. Theorem. — If a side of any triangle be pro- duced, the exterior angle is equal to the two interior and opposite angles ; and the three interior angies of every triangle are equal to two right angles. Let A B C be a triangle, and let one of its sides B C be produced to D ; the ex- terior angle A C D is equal to the two interior and opposite angles CAB, ABC; and the three interior angles of the tri* angle ; viz. A B C, B C A, C A B, are toge- ther equal to two right angles. Through the point C draw C E parallel to the straight line A B ; and because A B is parallel to C E and A C meets them, the alternate angles B AC ACE are equal. 148 THE ARTISAN. Again, because A B is parallel to C E, and BD falls upon them, the exterior angle E C D is equal to the interior and opposite angle ABC; but the angle ACE was shown to be equal to the angle B A C ; therefore the whole exterior angle ACD is equal to the two interior and opposite angles C A B, A B C ; to these angles add the angle ABC, and the angles ACD, A C B are equal to the three angles C B A, BAC, ACB; but the angles ACD, AC B are equal to two right angles; therefore also the angles CBA, BAC, ACB are equal to two right angles. Wherefore, if a side of a triangle, &c. Q. E. D. MECHANICS OF THE WEDGE. The wedge is a triangular prism, made of wood or metal. It is usual to make it • isosceles , that is, with its opposite sides, or faces, equal. It is, however, sometimes made rectangular, with one of the planes or faces, containing the right angle, placed horizontally. In this case the wedge co- incides with the inclined plane. When it , is isosceles it may be considered as two equally inclined planes, D E F and CE F, joined together at their bases e EF : then, DC is the whole thickness of the wedge at its back AB CD, where the power is applied : E F is the depth or heighth of the wedge : D F the length of one of its sides, equal to C F the length of the other side ; and O F is its sharp edge, which is entered into the wood intended to be split by the force of a hammer or mallet striking perpendicularly on its back. Thus A B is a wedge driven into the cleft C DE of the wood F When the wood does not cleave at any distance before the wedge, there will be an equilibrium between the power impel- ling the wedge downward, and the resist- ance of the wood acting against the two sides of the wedge ; if the power be to the resistance, as half the thickness of the wedge at its back is to the length of* either of its sides ; that is, as A a to A b, or B a to B b. And if the power be increased, so as to overcome the friction of the wedge and the resistance arising from the cohe- sion of the wood, the wedge will be driven in, and the wood split asunder. But, when the wood cleaves at any dis- tance before the wedge (as it generally does) the power impelling the wedge will not be to the resistance of the wood, as half the thickness of the wedge is to the length of one of its sides ; but as half its thick- ness is to the length of either side of the cleft , estimated from the top or acting part of the wedge. For, if we suppose the wedge to be lengthened down from b to the bottom of the cleft at E, the same propor- tion will hold; namely, that the power will be to the resistance, as half the thick- ness of the wedge is to the length of either of its sides : or, which amounts to the same thing, as the whole thickness of the wedge is to the length of both its sides. If one of the resisting bodies only is moveable, the power will be to the resist- ance as the base of the wedge to its length. In order to prove what is here advanced concerning the wedge, let us suppose the wedge to be divided lengthwise into two equal parts; and then it will become two equally inclined planes ; one of which, as a be, may be made use of as a half wedge for separating the moulding e d from the wains- cot A B. It is evident, that when this half wedge has been driven its whole length ac between the wainscot and mould- ing, its side a c will be at e d ; and the moulding will be separated to f g from the wainscot. Now, from what has been already proved of the inclined plane, it THE ARTISAN. 149 appears, that to have an equilibrium be- tween the power impelling the half wedge, and the resistance of the moulding, the former must be to the latter, as a b to a c ; that is, as the thickness of the back which receives the stroke is to the length of the side against which the moulding acts. Therefore, since the power upon the half wedge is to the resistance against its side, as the half back a b is to the whole side ac, it is plain, that the power upon the Avhole wedge, must be to the resistance against both its sides, as the thickness of the whole back is to the length of both the sides ; or as the thickness of the whole back to the length of both sides of the cleft, when the wood splits at any distance before the wedge. For, when the wedge is driven quite into the wood, and the wood splits at ever so small a distance before its edge, the top of the wedge then becomes the acting part, because the wood does not touch it any where else. And since the bottom of the cleft must be considered as that part where the whole cohesion or resistance is accumulated, it is plain, from the nature of the lever, that the farther the power acts from the resistance, the greater is the advantage*. If the wedge be of a scalene form, that is, all its sides unequal, and have forces acting perpendicularly on its sides which keep each other in equilibrio, they are pro- portional to those sides. Thus let G I, HI, and D I, the direc- tion of the forces, meet in the point I ; c then since the forces keep each other at rest they are proportional to the three sides of a triangle, which are respectively per- pendicular to those directions ; that is, to the three sides of the wedge. If the lines of direction, passing through the points of impact, do not meet in a point, the w r edge will have a rotatory motion communicated to it; and this motion will be round the centre of gravity of the wedge. When the directions of the forces are not perpendicular to the sides of the wedge, the effective parts of the forces must be de- termined by the resolution of forces, (see * There has been a considerable difference among writers on mechanics respecting the rules for deter- mining the power of the wedge. But this has arisen from not attending sufficiently to the direction of the resistance, and to another circumstance, namely, whether both the resisting bodies are moveable, or one of them only moveable. page 24,) and there will be an equilibrium when those parts are to each other as the sides of the wedge. A wedge may have the form of a pyra- mid , as well as of a prism ; but if the wedge be of a pyramidal form, the forces that act upon it must be resolved according to three axes, by which three equations will be obtained: it is therefore more dif- ficult to determine the effect of the forces on this form of .the wedge, than when it is in the form of a prism. In practice it is the custom to use very small wedges at first, with small angles, and when they are sunk in the body to be cleft, larger wedges with larger angles are successively applied till the purpose is ac- complished. Piercing instruments are all reducible to wedges of this kind, nails, bayonets, stakes, piles, &c. The resistance in some of these increases with the surface to w hich it is applied. The common wedge is generally em- ployed for cleaving, and otherwise over- coming the force of cohesion in bodies: it may sometimes be used with advantage for raising great weights to a small height. All cutting instruments may be referred to it, knives, chissels, scissars, the teeth of animals, &c. A saw is a series of wedges, on which the motion impressed is oblique to the resistance. A wimble is a wedge to which a circular motion is given. The power applied to the wedge, when great resistance is to be overcome, is usu- ally percussion; and almost the only in- stance in which it is used for the purpose of equilibrium, is in the construction of arches, built of truncated wedges. But as the consideration of this equilibrium would lead to too long a digression in this place, we shall consider the subject in another part of this work. OF THE SCREW. The screw is a spiral groove or thread, winding round a cylinder, so as to cut all the lines drawn on its surface parallel to its axis, at the same angle. If the spiral is formed on the outside of the cylinder, it is called the exterior or male screw ; and if formed in the inside, it is called the interior or female screw . In the former the spiral is raised on the surface of a cylinder; and in the latter it is cut out of the inside of a hollow cylinder.* In considering the screw as a mechani- cal power, we must regard the male screw as fixed, a^d carrying or moving a female screw, which constitutes the weight or re- sistance when it acts by its own gravity, or carries a load. * One turn of the spiral round the cylinder, is usually called a thread of the screw. 150 THE ARTISAN. A lever is generally inserted in a hole to the end of the lever, as represented by in the male screw, and the power is applied the following figure.* The action of a screw depends on the same principles as that of an inclined plane ; for by rolling a thin and flexible wedge, for instance, a triangular piece of card round a cylinder, a screw will be formed. We may consider the force tending to turn the screw round its axis, as applied horizontally to the base or head of the wedge. The circumference of the cylin- der will represent the horizontal length of the wedge, and the distance between the threads will be its height,! conse- quently the forces required for the equi- librium, are to each other as the height of one thread to the circumference of the screw. But besides these forces, it is ne- cessary that some obstacle be present, to prevent the body on which the screw acts from following it in its motion round its axis, otherwise there can be no equili- brium. Thus, the thin wedge A B of which the height is one tenth of the length, being rolled round the cylinder C, makes the screw D, by means of which the weight Eis capable of supporting a weight ten times as great as F. If the power applied to the screw, by- means of a lever, be parallel to the base, an equilibrium is produced, when the power is to the resistance, as the distance between two threads of the screw, to the circumference of the circle described by the point of the lever to which the power is applied. Thus, suppose the distance between the threads of a screw to be half an inch, and the length of the lever employed to turn it, to be 24 inches ; the circumference of the circle described by this lever will be 151 inches, or 302 half inches ; and therefore a force or weight equal to 1 pound acting at the end of the lever, will balance 302 pounds, acting against the screw. Hence it appears, that the longer the lever is, and the nearer the threads are to each other, the greater is the power of the screw. When a convex and concave, or a male and female screw are fitted to each other, they are sometimes called a screw and nut, as represented by the following figure. * As the cylinder is turned by a lever, the screw js really a compound machine. t The wedge here alluded to is one in the form of an inclined plane. THE ARTISAN. 151 The nut acts on the screw with the same mechanical power as a single point would do, since it only divides the pressure amongst the different parts of the spiral. Sometimes the threads of a screw are made to act on the teeth of a wheel, by which means it has its energy multiplied by their number. The following is a representation of this application of the screw, which is usually termed the Endless screw. Here A B is the screw which acts on the teeth of the wheel C D, where a tole- rably quick motion of the screw is capable of producing very powerful effects. The screw is of great use for compress- ing bodies. A kind of percussion is some- times added to it, as in the apparatus for coining. The great attrition or friction which takes place in the screw, is useful by retaining it in the state to which it has been once brought, and continuing the effect after the power is removed. The screw is also applied, with much advan- tage, to raise great weights to a small height, and support them in that situa- tion. The screw is also employed in the divi- sion of mathematical instruments, and the reading off from them. The contrivance known by the name of the micrometer screw, is used for measuring angles with great exaptness. In Ramsden’s Dividing Instrument, the screw is applied for the same purpose ; but we shall treat of these subjects more fully in another part of this work. HYBEMLICS. MACHINES FOR RAISING WATER. Having already treated of the common sucking pump under the head of Pneu- matics, (see page 133,) we shall here give a description of several ingenious machines used for raising water, which are not so immediately dependent on the action of the air for their successful operation. Among these is the Screw of Archi- medes, ,* This machine consists of a tube, or pipe wound round a cylinder A B in a spiral form, or similar to the threads of a common screw. The cylinder is inclined to the horizon at an angle of about 45 degrees, and the orifice of the tube B is immersed in water, and w hen the screw is turned by the handle, the water rises up the spiral and is dis- charged at A. This machine is capable, with very little strength, of raising a considerable quantity of water; it has, therefore, been found very useful for raising large quantities of water to small heights. If the water is to be raised to a consi- derable height, one screw will not be suffi- cient ; but this may be effected by a suc- cession of screws : for when the water has been raised by one screw and discharged into an intermediate vessel, it may again be raised to a second vessel by means of another screw ; and so on, till it has been raised to the height required. This instrument is sometimes made by fixing a spiral partition round a cylinder, and covering it with an external coating,, either of wood or metal ; it should be so placed with respect to the surface of the water as to fill in each turn one half of a convolution ; for when the orifice remains always immersed, its effect is much dimi- nished. The spiral is seldom single, but usually * In Germany this machine is called the u'ator snail . 152 TEE ARTISAN. consists of three or four separate coils, forming a screw which rises slowly round the cylinder. The operation of this ma- chine may be understood by ^ap^l^ a cord spirally round a bottle containing a little wafer, and inclining the bottle at a less angle to the horizon than the incli- nation of the cord to the axis.* It will then be seen, that if waterfalls into the lowest part of the spiral when it is at rest, the motion of the bottle about its axis will remove, as it were, the spiral out from below the water, which must therefore occupy the part of the spiral immediately above it ; and so on, till the water reaches the top of it. A machine of a similar nature is called by the Germans a ivater screw. It consists of a cylinder w'ith its spiral projections detached from the external cylinder or coating, within which it revolves, as re- presented by the following figure. This machine might not improperly be considered as a pump, but its operation is precisely similar to that of the screw of Archimides. It is evident, that some loss must here be occasioned by the want of perfect contact between the screw and its cover; in general, at least one third of the water runs back, and the machine cannot be placed at a greater elevation than S0° ; it is also very easily clogged by accidental impurities of the water: yet it has been found to raise more water than the screw of Archimides, when the lower ends of both are immersed to a considerable depth ; so, that if the height of the surface of the water to be raised were liable to any great variations, the water screw might be pre- ferable to the screw of Archimides. These machines are particularly useful when the water to be raised is not pure, but mixed with gravel, weeds, or sand, which could not be raised by ordinary pumps. The spiral pump is a very ingenious ma- chine for raising water. It was invented about the year 1746, by Andrew Wirtz, a pewterer, at Zurich, hence it is sometimes t The line, real or imaginury, round which any body revolves, is called its axis. called the Zurich machine. It consists Of a spiral pipe, either coiled round in one plane, or arranged round the circumference of a cone or cylinder ; as represented in the annexed figure. One end of it is connected by a water- tight joint to an ascending pipe, in which the water is to be raised, and the other end receives, during each revolution, nearly equal quantities of air and water. This end of the pipe is furnished with a scoop, or spoon, containing as much water as will fill half a coil, which enters the pipe a little before the spoon has arrived at its highest situation, the other half re- maining full of air, which communicates the pressure of the column of water to the preceding portion; and in this manner the effect of nearly all the water in the wheel is united, and becomes equivalent to that -of the column of water, or of water mixed with air, in the ascending pipe. The air nearest the joint is compressed into a space much smaller than that which it occupied at its entrance, so that where the height is considerable, it becomes advisable to admit a larger portion of air than would naturally fill half the coil, and this lessens the quantity of water raised, but it lessens also the force required to turn the machine. The joint ought to be conical, in order, that it may be tightened when it becomes loose, and the pressure ought to be removed from it as much as possible. The loss of power, supposing the machine well con- structed, arises only from the friction of the water on the pipe, and the friction of the wheel on its axis ; and where a large quantity of water is to be raised to a mo- derate height, both of these resistances may be rendered inconsiderable. But when the height is very great, the length of the spiral must be much increased, so that the weight of the pipe becomes extremely cum- bersome, and causes a great friction on the axis, as well as a strain on the machinery : thus, for a height of 40 feet, Dr. Young found, that the wheel required above 100 feet of a pipe which was three quarters of an inch in diameter ; and more than one half of the pipe being always full of water, it will be necessary to overcome the friction THE ARTISAN. 153 of about 80 feet of such a pipe, which raised by buckets nearly similar to those will require 24 times as much excess of which are calculated for receiving it in its pressure to produce a given velocity, as if descent; sometimes the buckets are hung there were no friction. The centrifugal on pins, so as to remain full during the force of the water in the wheel would also whole ascent ; but these wheels are liable materially impede its ascent if the velocity to be frequently out of repair. We there- were considerable, since it would be al- fore deem it unnecessary to give a figure ways possible to turn it so rapidly as to of it. throw the whole water back into the spoon. There is another singular machine some- Sometimes a breast-wheel, which is the times used for raising water, called the reverse of an undershot wheel, is employed rope pump . It consists of tw r o or three as a throwing w heel, either in a vertical or hair ropes passing over a three-grooved in an inclined position. The following pulley z, projecting over the well ; they figure represents one of these machines. also pass under a pulley in the water, and are kept tight by a weight e. Wheels of this kind are frequently used for draining fens, and are turned by wind- mills ; the float-boards are not placed in the direction which would be best for an undershot wheel, but on the same prin- ciple, so as to be perpendicular to the sur- face when they rise out of it, in order that the water may the more easily flow off from them. There is another machine for raising water, which consists of a series of earthen pitchers, connected by ropes, and turned by trundles or pinions, over which they pass, which has long been used in Spain, under the name of Auoria, or Noria. In this country, buckets of wood are some- times employed in a similar manner, as in the following figure. A bucket wheel is the reverse of an over- shot water-wheel, and the water may be The upper pulley is put into swift motion by the wheel A ; and the ascending ropes draw up a certain quantity of water by their friction (which is prevented from being scattered by its own cohesion,) and is discharged with great force into the box z. The friction of the ropes is aided by the pressure of the atmosphere upon the water which adheres to the ropes. By a machine of this kind a man ^an raise eight or nine gallons of water per minute, out of a well 100 feet deep. 154 THE ARTISAN. fBuscellattfous Subjects. MEMOIR OF M. AGNESI. Maria Cajetana Agnesi, an Italian lady of great learning, was born at Milan, on the 16th March, 1718. Her inclinations from her earliest youth led her to the study of science, and at an age when young per- sons of her sex attend only to frivolous pursuits, she had made such astonishing progress in mathematics, that when in 1750 her father, professor in the university at Bologna, was unable to continue his lec- tures from infirm health, she obtained permission from the pope Benedict XIV. to fill his chair. Before this, at the early age of nineteen, she had supported one hundred and ninety-one theses, which were published in 1738, under the title u Propo- sitions Philosophicas.” She was also mistress of Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, German, and Spanish. At length she gave up her studies, and went into the monas- tery of the Blue Nuns, at Milan, where she died on the 9th of January, 1799. In 1740 she published a discourse tending to prove, “ that the study of the liberal arts is notincompatible with the understandings of women.” This she had written when scarcely nine years old. Her “ Institu- zioniAnalitche,”in 1748, in 2 vols. 4to, were translated in part by Antelmy, with the notes of M. Bossut, under the title of “ Traites Elementaires du Calcul differen- tiel et du Calcul integral,” in 1775, in one vol. 8vo. and into English by that eminent judge of mathematical learning, the late Rev. John Colson, M.A. F.R.S. and Lu- casion Professor of Mathematics in the university of Cambridge. This learned and ingenious man, who had translated Sir Isaac Newton’s Fluxions, with a com- ment, in 1736, and was well acquainted with what appeared on the same subject, in the course of fourteen years afterward, in the writings of Emerson, Maclaurin, and Simpson, found, after all, the analy- tical institutions of Agnesi to be so excel- lent, that he learned the Italian language, at an advanced age, for the sole purpose of translating that work into English, and at his death left the manuscript nearly prepared for the press. In this state it remained for some years, until the late Baron Maseres, with his usual liberal and active spirit, resolved to defray the whole expense of printing a handsome edition, in 2 vols. 4to., which was published in 1801, and was superintended in the press by the Rev. John Hellins, B. D. F. R. S. vicar of Potter’s-pury, in Northamptonshire*. Her eloge was pronounced by Frisi, and trans- lated into French by Boulard. * This book is considered by some of our ablest mathematicians as the best work on the application of Algebra to Geometry in the English language. ARCHITECTURE. Without entering deeply into the subject of Architecture, we propose to devote a portion of our succeeding pages to the ex- planation of the general and fundamental principles upon which this highly interest- ing and beautiful science depends. The science of Architecture has at all times, and in all civilized countries, been considered not only a pleasing but a highly useful branch of knowledge. The great utility of this science, and the elegant accomplishments connected with its study, have almost rendered a knowledge of its rules and principles ne- cessary to complete a liberal education. But it is not our intention to bestow enco- miums on the science, nor to give any thing like a detailed history of it, but to present our readers with a plain and condensed account of what may be termed its ele- mentary principles. Architecture is usually divided, with respect to its objects, into three branches, civil, military, and naval. Civil Architecture, called also absolutely, and by way of eminence, Architecture, is the art of contriving and executing com- modious buildings for the uses of civil life ; as houses, temples, theatres, halls, bridges, colleges, porticos, &c. Architecture is scarcely inferior to any of the arts in point of antiquity. — Nature and necessity taught the first inhabitants of the earth to build themselves huts, tents, and cottages; from which, in course of time, they gradually advanced to more re- gular and stately habitations, with variety of ornaments, proportions, &c. To what a pitch of magnificence the Tyrians and Egyptians carried Architecture, before it came to the Greeks, may be learned from Isaiah xxiii. 8. and from Vitruvius’s ac- count of the Egyptian Oeci; their pyra- mids, obelisks, &c. Yet, in the common account. Architec- ture should be almost wholly Grecian original: three of the regular orders or manners of building are denominated from them; viz. Corinthian, Ionic, and Doric: and there is scarcely a single member, or moulding, but comes to us with a Greek name. Be this as it may, it is certain the Ro- mans, from whom we derive it, borrowed what they had entirely from the Greeks ; nor do they seem, till then, to have had any other notion of the grandeur and beauty of buildings, beside what arises from their magnitude, strength, &c. — Thus far they were unacquainted with any other beside the Tuscan. Under Augustus, Architecture arrived at its glory : Tiberius neglected it, as well as THE ARTISAN. 155 the other polite arts. Nero, amongst aheap of horrible vices, still retained an uncommon passion for building ; but luxury and dis- soluteness had a greater share in it than true magnificence. — Apollodorus excelled in Architecture , under the emperor Trajan, by which he merited the favour of that prince ; and it was he who raised the fa- mous Trajan column, subsisting to this day. After this, Architecture began to dwindle again; and though the care and magni- ficence of Alexander Severus supported it for some time, yet it fell with the western empire, and sunk into a corruption, from whence it was not recovered for the space of twelve centuries. The ravages of the Visigoths, in the fifth century, destroyed all the most beau- tiful monuments of antiquity ; and Archi- tecture thenceforward became so coarse and artless, that their professed architects understood nothing at all of just designing, wherein its whole beauty consists: and hence a new manner of building took its rise, which is called the Gothic . Charlemagne did his utmost to restore Architecture; and the French applied themselves to it with success, under the encouragement of H. Capet: his son Ro- bert succeeded him in this design ; till by degrees the modern Architecture was run into as great an excess of delicacy, as the Gothic had before done into massiveness. To these may be added, the Arabesk and Morisk or Moorish Architecture , which were much of a piece with the Gothic, only brought ih from the south by the Moors and Saracens, as the former was from the north by the Goths and Vandals. The architects of the 13th, 14th, and 15th century, who had some knowledge of sculpture, seemed to make perfection con- sist altogether in the delicacy and multi- tude of ornaments, which they bestowed on their buildings with a world of care and solicitude, though frequently without judgment or taste. In the two last centuries, the architects of Italy and France were wholly bent upon retrieving the primitive simplicity and beauty of ancient Architecture ; in which they did not fail of success: insomuch, that our churches, palaces, &c. are now wholly built after the antique. Civil Ar- chitecture may be distinguished, with re- gard to the several periods or states of it, into the antique, ancient, gothic, modern, &c. Another division of civil Architecture arises from the different, proportions which the different kinds of buildings rendered ne- cessary, that we might have some suitable for every purpose, according to the bulk, strength, delicacy, richness, or simplicity required. Hence arose five orders, all invented by the ancients at different times, and on different occasions; viz. Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite. The Gothic Architecture may also be mentioned here, for it is perfectly distinct both from the Grecian and Roman style, although derived from the latter. [To be continued.'] ON THE METHOD OF DETERMIN- ING THE FIGURE OF THE EARTH BY THE PENDULUM. The method of determining the figure of the earth by means of the 'pendulum, de- pends upon the variation of gravity at the earth’s surface. This subtile and pervading power, tends to communicate to bodies exposed to its influence equal velocities in equal times. One of the modifications of this action is the oscillation of the pendulum, which is of longer or shorter duration, according to the energy of the attractive force, and the square root of the length of the pendulum. If the earth were an exact sphere, desti- tute of the motion of rotation, and possess- ing the same density throughout its whole mass, the force of gravity, by .which bodies at its surface are drawn towards the centre, would be uniform, and invariable ih every latitude. But the elliptical form of the earth destroys this uniformity, and causes the attractive force at the poles to prepon- derate over that at the equator. This in- equality in the force, by which bodies at the surface of the earth retain their posi- tions, is augmented by the diurnal rotation,, which, by its centrifugal tendency, im- presses a greater disposition on bodies to recede from the centre of the earth at the equator than at the poles, where its effects cease to be felt. By the joint operation of these two causes, one of which acts with a force proportional to the square of the sine of the latitude, a sensible difference ought to be observed in the velocity ac- quired by heavy bodies, in falling through the same space, as we advance from the equator to the poles. An important re- lation between the time of the vibration of a pendulum, and that of the descent of a heavy body, according to which the lengths of pendulums, vibrating sychronously, are directly as the force of gravity, enables us to submit this conclusion to the test of expe- riment. Newton long ago demonstrated, that if the earth were perfectly homoge- neous, the same fraction, viz. 3 ^, would express both the compression of the terres- trial ellipsoid, and the increase of gravity from the equator to the poles. This con- clusion, which was deduced from the sup- 156 THE ARTIS^. position of an uniform density, was after- wards modified, with singular address, by Clairaut, who showed, that the two frac- tions expressing the compression, and the increase of gravity, though not exactly equal, must always together amount to T j} 5 . Assuming the compression, therefore, to be equal to the increase of gravity from the equator to the poles, or the indication of that increase, as given by the length of the pendulum, should be ^ — 3 ^, or ^ nearly. The correctness of this conclu- sion, if not completely established, is, at least, to a certain extent, confirmed, by the experiments which have been made with the pendulum in different latitudes. La Place having selected fifteen of the best of these observations, and applied to them the necessary corrections, on account of the resistance of the air, difference of tem- perature, and elevation above the level of the sea, deduced the following results, in which the length of the pendulum at Paris is considered to be unity. Latitude. Leugth of the Seconds Pendulum. Names of the Observers. Places of Observation. Equator *99669 Bouguer Peru 9 U 32' 56' •99689 Ditto Portobello II 55 30 *99710 Gentil Pondicherry 18 0 0 •99745 Campbell Jamaica 18 27 0 •99728 Bouguer Petit Grave 34 7 15 •99877 LaCaille Cape G. H. 43 35 45 •99950 Darquier Toulouse 48 12 48 •99077 Liesganig Vienna 48 50 0 1-00000 Bouguer Paris 50 58 0 1 00006 Zach Gotha 51 30 0 1*00018 London 58 14 53 1-00074 Mallet Petersburgh 59 56 24 1*00101 Ditto Ponoi 66 48 0 100137 Grischow Arensberg 67 5 0 1-00148 Mapertius Tornea The above results indicate obviously an increase of the force of gravity from the equator towards thepoles. La Place has shewn that, in whatever way they are combined, it is impossible to avoid an error of less than *00018, on the hypothesis of the variation of gravity at the surface of the earth increasing as the squares of the sines of the latitude from the equator to the poles. The expression for the el- lipticity, which connects best the different equations of condition, is a result which accords in a very remarkable man- ner with the compression deduced from the measures of the French mathemati- cians in France, and at the equator. It may be inferred from these experi- ments with the pendulum, that the com- pression of the earth is greater than is compatible with the supposition of an uniform density. The same anomalies, too, which are discernible in the measure- ment of a degree of the meridian, and which are undoubtedly owing to the dis- similar structure of the globe, may be traced in the results of these experiments. The beautiful property of the pendulum, first discovered by Huggens, that the cen- tre of oscillation and the point of suspen- sion, are interchangeable with each other, and which has been so happily applied by Captain Rater, to determine the length of the seconds’ pendulum, (see page 142,) renders this mechanical contrivance in- finitely better fitted to ascertain the true figure of the earth, than the complicated methods which were formerly employed for the same purpose. The facility with which the observations may be made, and the certainty of the results with which they are attended, may be expected to furnish much interesting information, not only with respect to the general form of the globe, but also with respect to its structtire and composition in particular situations. , ON ATMOSPHERICAL REFRAC- TION. A paper on astronomical refraction by Mr. J. Ivory, F. R. S., was lately read before the Royal Society, in which he states that after a long and laborious investiga- tion of this important problem, he has deduced a new table, which is prefixed to the paper. This table is compared with other tables which have been long in use, and the characters of which are well estab- lished. But Mr. Ivory shows that it is fruitless to expect a near agreement in THE ARTISAN. 157 every single instance, between observa- tion, and any table of refractions whatever; and that there is no test of their accuracy, except the smallness of the mean error, in a series of observations made at different times. ON THE CHANGE OF THE PLACE OF THE FIXED STARS. It appears from a paper by Mr. Pond, Astronomer Royal, lately read before the Royal Society, that he thinks that his observations lead to the conclusion that some variation, either continued or peri- odical, takes place in the siderial system, which producing but very small deviations in a finite portion of time, has hitherto escaped notice. The nature of this motion appears to be such, that the stars are now mostly found a considerable quantity to the southward of their computed places. With respect to the laws by which these motions are governed, Mr. Pond admits, that his observations are not sufficiently exact to throw any light upon the subject. REMARKS ON NITRIFICATION, OR THE METHOD OF OBTAINING SALTPETRE. Of all the numerous arts to which che- mical principles are applicable, that of the saltpetre manufacturer suffers the most, from blindly and absurdly following the mere routine of established practice. It would appear that the greater number of individuals employed in it, have no dis- position to be enlightened on the subject ; neglecting or rejecting the information that has been published by scientific persons, who have turned their attention to the process, they imagine themselves to possess the perfection of the art, in working after the method handed down to them by their predecessors. When they sell their work- shops, they sell their mode of practice, which they dignify with the name of their secret, and thus the errors which prevailed in the infancy of the art are perpetuated, and the consumers of the article find endless faults and variations in its manufacture. These considerations recently induced a celebrated chemist to attempt several ex- periments, with a view to its improvement, both by studying the nature of the earths which contain saltpetre, and that of the substances which are the indispensable agents of the nitrification ; and we take the opportunity of laying before our readers the principal results which this gentleman has communicated. He affirms, 1. That air and water only co-operate to produce the nitrification, and that these two agents combined, could never produce it without the presence of vegetable and animal substances in a state of decompo- sition, which are the fundamental base of it. 2. That calcareous sand, that is which contains lime, and granite washed by spring water, have sometimes presented traces of it. This effect is attributable to the salts which are always found in the w'ater, as well as to the vegetable or ani- mal substances which it always contains as is shewn by the putrefaction which takes place when it is kept a long time in barrels. 3. That the siliceous or flinty earths are improper for nitrification, and that the cal- careous are preferable to the argillaceous or clayey ones. 4. That vegetable and animal particles are the indispensable agents of nitrification ; and that the mixture of earths with vege- table decompositions, is less productive than with animal ones. 5. That the dung of woolly animals is preferable in manufacturing saltpetre to that of horses, and the latter to that of cows. 6. That the best method of hastening nitrification, and of obtaining the greatest quantities, is to mix the pure earths with decompositions, partly animal and partly vegetable, in such proportions as expe- rience alone can enable the operator to determine. ON A NEW PHENOMENON OF ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. BY SIR HUMPHRY DAVY, BART. PRES. R.S. This is a contribution of a curious fact to the new and interesting science of elec- tro-magnetism, and it is by such contribu- tions alone, that this infant science can, at present, be expected to make any pro- gress to maturity. Sir H. Davy found, that when two wires were placed in a basin of mercury, perpendicular to the surface, and in the voltaic circuit of a battery with large plates, and the pole of a powerful magnet held either above or below the wires, the mercury immediately began to revolve round the wire as an axis. Masses of mercury, of several inches in diameter, were set in motion, and made to revolve in this manner whenever the pole of the magnet was held near the perpen- dicular of the wire; but when the pole was held above the mercury, between the two wires, the circular motion ceased, and currents took place in the mercury in op- posite directions, one to the right and the other to the left of the magnet. Other circumstances led to the belief that the passage of the electricity produced motions independent of the action of the magnet, and that the appearances were owing to a composition of forces. 158 THE ARTISAN. The form of the last experiment was inverted, by passing two copper wires through two holes, three inches apart, in the bottom of a glass basin ; the basin was then filled with mercury, which stood about the tenth of an inch above the wire. Upon making a communication through this arrangement, with a powerful vol- taic circuit, the mercury was immediately seen in violent agitation ; its surface be- came elevated into a small cone above each of the wires ; waves flowed off in all directions from these cones, and the only point of rest was apparently where they met in the centre of the mercury, between the two wires. On holding the pole of a powerful magnet at a considerable dis- tance above one of the oones, its apex was diminished and its base extended. At a smaller distance, the surface of the mer- cury became plane, and rotation slowly began round the wire. As the magnet ap- proached, the rotation became more rapid ; and when it was about half an inch above the mercury, a great depression of it was observed above the wire, and a vortex which reached almost to the surface of the wire. The President thinks, that these phe- nomena are not produced by any changes of temperature, or by common electrical repulsion, and concludes, that they are of a novel kind. NAUTICAL EYE-TUBE. A trial has been made on board the Clio among the Orkneys, and in the Moray Frith by Mr. Adams, of the performance of his eye-tube to the telescope of a sex- tant for taking altitudes when the horizon is invisible. In making the observations the horizon was always screened from the instrument, and under these circumstances after rejecting a few observations the mean difference of 199 altitudes of the sun, moon, and stars, taken by the eye-tube, from those taken at the same time in the ordinary way by the officers of the Clio, and corrected for dip, amounted to only 1' 10". The altitudes taken by tb.e eye- tube are not affected by any dip or de- pression of the horizon. Considerable care and practice is required in the use of the instrument, but that attained, the lati- tude, the time at the ship, and consequently the longitude may all be determined by it when the horizon is invisible. By means of it also either the large or the pocket .sextant maybe employed on shore as a substitute for the theodolite, upon making the necessary allowance for the parallax of the instrument in the name of the index, .error, which on becoming sensible, must vary inversely with the distances of the reflected terrestrial objects. ON THE TEMPERATURE AT CON* SIDERABLE DEPTHS OF THE CARIBBEAN SEA. BY CAPTAIN EDWARI>. SABINE, F.R.S. Captain Sabine found the temperature of the water, at a depth of 6000 feet, in latitude 20§ N. and long. 83§ W. near the junction of the Mexican and Caribbean Seas, to be 45°.5, that of the surface being 83°. He infers, that one or two hundred fathoms more line, would have caused the thermometer to descend into water at its maximum of density as de- pends on heat; this inference being on the presumption that the greatest density of salt water occurs, as is the case in fresh water, at several degrees above its freezing point. SUPPOSED EFFECT OF MAGNET- ISM ON CRYSTALLIZATION. The following is an experiment first made by Professor Maschmann, of Chris- tiana, and confirmed by Professor Han- stein, of the same place. A glass tube is to be bent into a syphon, and placed with the curve downwards, and in the bend is to be placed a small portion of mercury, not sufficient to close the connection be- tween the two legs ; a solution of nitrate of silver is then to be introduced, until it rises in both legs of the tube. The precipi- tation of the mercury in the form of Arbor Diana will then take place, slowly only when the syphon is placed in a plane per- pendicular to the magnetic meridian ; but if it be placed in a plane coinciding with the magnetic meridian, the action is rapid, and the crystallization particularly beauti- ful, taking place principally in that branch of the syphon towards the North. If the syphon be placed in a plane perpendicular to the magnetic meridian, and a strong magnet be brought near it, the precipita- tion will commence in a short time, and be most copious in that leg of the syphon nearest to the south pole of the magnet. ACTION OF SULPHUR ON IRON. Colonel A. Evans has remarked, “ that although sulphur has so strong an action on heated wrought iron as immediately to form holes in it, yet it does not at all affect grey cast iron. A plate of wrought iron, •63 of an inch in thickness, heated to whiteness, and held against a roll of sul- phur ^ of an inch in diameter, was in four- teen seconds pierced through with a per- fectly cylindrical hole. Another bar about two inches in thickness, was pierced by the same means in fifteen seconds. Good steel was pierced even more rapidly than the iron ; but a piece of grey cast iron y well scaled and heated till nearly in THE ARTISAN. 159 fusion, was not at all affected by the appli- cation of sulphur to its surface, not even a mark being left. A crucible was made of this cast iron, and some iron and sulphur put into it; on applying heat the iron and sulphur soon fused together, but the cast iron underwent no change. TABLE OF THE FORCE OF STEAM AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES. Weight in Avoir, lbs. 000 •039 •103 *187 •285 •428 •620 •856 1-166 1555 2*047 2673 3- 444 4- 462 5*412 7331 9*201 11-662 14*662 18-006 21844 26-371 31-733 37*932 45113 53-480 62-975 73-800 The two first columns of the above table were obtained from actual experiment by Mr. Betancourt, and the third we have de- duced from the second by calculation. It may, however, be necessary to state, that there are considerable differences between different tables of this kind. REMARKS ON IRON WIRE SUS- PENSION BRIDGES. The following remarks on this subject are from a memoir by M. Dufour, the engineer of the Geneva bridge. Speaking of the comparative strength of iron in wires and in bars, M. Dufour says, “ The immense advantage of employing iron in wire rather than in bars, is thus rendered evident : it is more manageable, its strength is double, the strength may be better proportioned by putting the number of wires necessary to the resistance re- quired, and a certainty is obtained of the state of the interior parts of the suspending lines, which nothing can give when large bars are used. “ It appears at first that the minimum of the force of the wire should be calculated upon, and not the mean; but as each brindle contains many wires, although there may be some of a smaller strength, there will be others that will surpass in strength, and thus the mean should be used in estimating the strength of the whole, although in employing a single wire the minimum only ought to be taken.” With respect to the Geneva bridge, M. Dufour says, “ that after a period of four months in which the bridge had been in full use, it had not suffered the slightest alteration in its primitive form. The path has retained the degree of curvature given it at first, and no sensible lengthening of the wires has occurred. The bridge, however, has been well tried ; curiosity has taken great number of persons on it at once, and all the large stones required in the latter part of the work, were taken over it in carriages without the slightest damage. The elasticity of the bridge is also what it was at first, a man walking with a mode- rate step does not at all disturb the steadi- ness of the path ; on walking quickly there are slight vibrations produced ; but the vibrations are such as never to be com- municated from the one bridge to the other, or in any way to affect the masonry. The expense of the bridges was 16,350 francs.” IMPROVEMENT IN LITHOGRA- PHIC PRINTING. An extract from a letter of M. Ridolfi to M. Brugnatelli has just appeared in one of the foreign journals, respecting some improvements in lithographic printing. It is known, that soap forms an essen- tial part of the ink with which the designs- are traced upon the stone. These designs are at first washed with water, acidulated by nitric acid, before they are put under the press, which takes up the excess of the alkali of the soap, and thus renders it insoluble. The stone is then covered for a short time with a solution of gum arabic, which gives it the property of repelling the printing ink more effectually, whilst the roller transmits to it the traits of which the designs are formed. But the acidulated water, at present in use, not only exerts an action on the soap, the carbonates which constitute the litho- graphic stones are attacked ; and by this means it often happens, that the most de- licate parts of the designs are detached from the stone. This particularly happens to compositions, in which there is a consi- derable difference in the stronger lines, or 160 THE ARTISAN. in the intensity of the tints occasioned by the different lengths of time, or the strength of the acids, necessary to produce the de- composition of the lithographic ink of these lines or shades. In order to obviate this inconvenience, M. Ridolfi substitutes a weak solution of nitrate of lime in a neutral state, for the acidulated water, which has the property of decomposing the soap, without exer- cising any action on the stone, and there- fore cannot in the smallest degree injure the designs which are traced upon it. It is however essential, that lithogra- phic designers keep the stones they use perfectly free from unctuous substances, even from the perspiration of the hand, for without this precaution, the stained places give the impression of deep shades. M. Ridolfi has followed this plan, in his lithographic printing, with success, and forms the nitrate which he uses, by pul- verizing broken pieces of the lithographic stones, and throwing them into* the aqua fortis of commerce till the effervescence ceases; he dilutes the liquid with rain water, filters it, and then preserves it for use. SOLUTIONS OF QUESTIONS. • Quest. 14, answered by G. G. C. Let A E be the excess of the diagonal above the side; then draw EF at right angles to A E, and make it equal to A E ; join AF, and produce it till FB be equal to F E ; from the centre B and distance B A, describe the arc A C, which will in- tersect the line A E produced in C. Join B C, and draw C D parallel to B A, and A D parallel to B C, and A B C D will be the square required. B Demons. Join BE, then because AEF is a right angle, and A E equal to E F, the angle EAF is half a right angle, Euc. 2 and 9 ; but A B is equal to B C, and therefore the angle B C A is also half a right angle, Euc. 1 and 5 ; hence the angle A B C is a right angle, and is therefore equal to the angle F E C ; from these equals take away the equal angles F B E and FEB, Euc. 1 and 5, and there re- mains the angle E B C equal to * B E C ; hence the side E C is equal to B C, the side of the square ; and A C exceeds B C by A E the given excess. Q, E. D. This question was also solved very in- geniously by J. B. Oldham, although rather circuitously demonstrated. 0 has not understood this question. QUESTIONS FOR SOLUTION. Quest. 20, by Mr. H. Flather, Seymour- place, Bryanstone-square. What will a chain of standard gold weigh in water when it raises the water an inch, in a square vessel, whose side is 3 inches; and supposing the workmen to have adulterated the said chain with 14§ ounces of silver ; how much higher would the water rise upon its immersion in the vessel ? Quest. 21, by F. Manchester. Required the equilibrium power of an overshot water wheel at its circumference as arising from the weight of water only ; having the following data. — Diameter of the wheel 24 feet, number of buckets 60, revolutions in a minute 10, feeder of water for driving 1200 hogsheads per hour ; the water is thrown into the third bucket from the perpendicular, through and about the centre, on the leading side of the wheel and leaves the same 5 buckets before it arrives at the said perpendicular below ; the momentum of the water being allowed for the friction. Quest. 22, by A. W. a Carpenter. To trisect a given finite straight line, geometrically, and give the demonstration. Quest. 23, by G. G. C. Suppose a pendulum that vibrates se- conds at the Pole 39*2 inches long; one on the parallel of 45° to be 39*1 inches ; and one at the Equator 39 inches: required the force of gravity at each of these places ? Quest. 24, by Mr. J. Tomes. From two given points on the same side of a line given in position, to draw two lines which shall meet in a point in this line, so that their sum shall be less than the sum of any two lines drawn from the same points, and terminated at any other point in the same line. THE ARTISA1S# 161 PNEUMATICS. When the height through which water is to be raised, is considerable, some in- convenience might arise from the length of the barrel through which the piston rod of a sucking pump would have to descend, in order that the piston might remain within the limits of atmospheric pressure. This may, however, be avoided, by placing the moveable valve below the fixed valve, and introducing the piston at the bottom of the barrel, as in the following figure. ' Here the piston rod A B is drawn up by a frame. Such a machine is called a lifting pump ; in common with other forcing pumps, it has the disadvantage of thrusting the piston before the rod, and thus tending to bend the rod, and produce an unequal friction in the piston, while in the sucking pump, the principal force always tends to straighten the rod. The rod of a sucking pump may also be made to work in a collar of leather, and the water may be forced through a valve into an ascending pipe, as in the following figure, which represents a sucking pump converted into a forcing one, by the addi- tion of a collar of leathers at A : THE FORCING PUMP. The principle of this pump may be seen in the following model,. where a represents a solid piston, some- times called the plunger, which, when drawn up, rarities the air below it, and, of course, pressing lighter on the water within the pump than the pressure is on the well, that greater pressure forces up the water through the valve c, which (being made a little specifically heavier than the water) sheets, and prevents the return of the water. The piston a being now pressed down, the water above c is forced through the valve d, into the air- vessel g. This vessel has a pipe e screwed tight into its top, that reaches nearly to the bottom of the air-vessel g-, and is open at both ends : when the water, therefore, covers the lower end of this pipe, the air above it becomes a prisoner and condensed, as the water is forcing in, which by its reaction on the surface of the water, forces that water through the pipe e with great velocity, and in a continued jet. Vol. I.— No. 11, 162 THE ARTISAN. The discharge of water either by suck- ing or forcing pumps, though naturally intermitting, may be rendered continual by the elasticity of the air condensed in what is called an air-vessel. The following figure represents a pump in which this contrivance is applied. Here the piston is solid, and when drawn up rarifies the air within the pipe c, by which means the water will rise in it, and ascend through the valve d : on the descent of the piston, this water will be forced into the air-vessel e, and a vacuum will be made above the piston, which, communicating with the pipe g , will rarify the air so much within that pipe, that the water will flow up it into the pipe c, and cover the piston. This water also will be forced up into the air-vessel, by the ascent, or next stroke of the piston ; so that water is raised both by the ascent and descent of the piston. By applying an air-vessel to the common sucking pump, or to any forcing pump, its motion naay be equalized, and its perform- ance improved; for if the orifice of the air-vessel be sufficiently large, the water may be forced into it during the stroke of the pump, with any velocity that may be required, and with little resistance from friction, while the loss of force, from the frequent accelerations and retardations of the whole body of water in a long pipe, must always be considerable. The condensed air, reacting on the water, expels it more gradually, and in a con- tinual stream, so that the air-vessel has an effect resembling that of a fly-wheel in mechanics. For forcing pumps of all kinds, the com- mon piston, with a collar of loose and elas- tic leather, (see fig. 4, page 133), is pre- ferable to those of a more complicated structure: the pressure of the water on the inside of the leather makes it suffi- cienty tight, and the friction is inconsider- able. In some pumps the leather is omitted, for the sake of simplicity, the loss of water being compensated by the greater durabi- lity of the pump ; and this loss will be the smaller, in proportion as the motion of the piston is more rapid. A bag of leather has also been employed for connecting the piston of a pump with the barrel, and in this manner nearly avoiding all friction; but it is probable, that the want of durability would be a great objection to a machine of this kind. THE CENTRIFUGAL PUMP. The centrifugal force, which is an impe- diment to the operation ofWirtz’s machine, mentioned at page 162, has sometimes been employed, together with the pressure of the atmosphere, as an immediate agent in raising water, by means of the rotatory pump. This machine consists of a vertical pipe, caused to revolve round its axis, and connected above with a horizontal pipe, which is open at one or at both ends ; the whole being furnished with proper valves to prevent the escape of the water when the machine is at rest. As soon as the rotation becomes suffi- ciently rapid, the centrifugal force of the water in the horizontal pipe causes it to be discharged at the end, its place being sup- plied by means of the pressure of the atmosphere on the reservoir below, which forces the water to ascend through the vertical pipe. As this is one of the most singular me- thods of raising water, and one that has seldom been tried, we shall here give a representation of the machine, which has been employed for this purpose. THE ARTISAN. 163 A This machine is first filled through the funnel A, and when it is made to revolve with considerable velocity, the water is discharged into a circular trough, of which a section is seen at B and C. The valve at D remains shut while the pump is filling. A machine of this kind may be so arranged, that, according to theory, little of the force applied may be lost ; but it has failed in producing a very advan- tageous result in practice. The pipes through which water is raised by pumps of any kind, ought to be as short and as straight as possible ; thus, if we had to raise water to a height of 20 feet, and to carry it to a horizontal dis- tance of 100 by means of a forcing pump, it would be more advantageous to raise it, first vertically into a cistern 20 feet above the reservoir, and then let it run along horizontally, or find its level in a bent pipe, than to connect the pump imme- diately with a single pipe carried to the place of its destination. And for the same reason a sucking pump should be placed as nearly over the well as possible, in order to avoid a loss of force in working it. If very small pipes are used, they will much increase the resistance, by the fric- tion which they occasion. The various methods of working these pumps, or the different kinds of poiver applied to raise water by them, will be treated of after having described several other forms of pumps, which are not so immediately dependent on the pressure of the atmosphere for their successful opera- tion. This will be done under the head of hydraulics. OPTICS. ON THE POLARIZATION OF LIGHT. This is a new branch of the science of Optics, which sprung up about 14 years ago, from the experiments and ingenuity of M. Malus, Member of the Institute of France; and has since been chiefly cul- tivated by M. Biot, in France, and by Dr. Brewster, in this country. The term polarization is employed to express a property, which may be com- municated to ordinary light, by virtue of which it exhibits the appearance of having polarity , or poles possessing different pro- perties. If a solar ray fall on the anterior sur- face of an unsil vered mirror plate, making an angle with it of 35° 25', the ray will be reflected in a right line, so that the angle of reflection will be equal to the angle of incidence. In any point of its reflected path, receive it on another plane of simi- lar glass, it will suffer in general a second partial reflection. But this reflection will vanish, or become null, if the second plate of glass form an angle of 35° 25' with the first reflected ray, and at the same time be turned, so that the second reflection is made in a plane perpendicular to that in which the first reflection takes place. For the sake of illustration, suppose that the plane of incidence of the ray on the first glass, coincides with the plane of the meridian, and that the reflected ray is ver- tical. Then, if we make the second in- clined plate revolve, it will turn around the reflected ray, forming always with it the same angle; and the plane in which the second reflection takes place, will necessarily be directed towards the dif- ferent points of the horizon, in different azimuths. This being arranged, the fol- lowing phenomena will be observed. When the second plane of reflection is directed in the meridian, and consequently coincides with the first, the intensity of the light reflected by the second glass is at its maximum. In proportion as the second plane, in its revolution, deviates from its parallelism with the first, the intensity of the reflected light will diminish. Finally, when the second plane of reflec- tion is placed in the prime vertical, that is east and west, and consequently perpen- dicular to the first, the intensity of the reflection of light is absolutely null on the two surfaces of the second glass, and the ray is entirely transmitted. Preserving the second plate at the same inclination to the horizon, if we continue to make it revolve beyond the quadrant now described, the phenomena will be repro* M 2 164 THE ARTISAN. duced in the inverse order; that is, the intensity of the light will increase, pre- cisely as it diminished, and it will become equal, at equal distances from the east and west. Hence, when the second plane of reflection returns once more to the meri- dian, a second maximum of intensity equal to the first recurs. From these experiments it appears, that the ray reflected by the first glass, is not reflected by the second, under this inci- dence, when it is presented to it by its east and west sides; but that it is reflected, at least in part, when it is presented to the glass by any two others of its opposite sides. Now if we regard the ray as an infinitely rapid succession of a series of luminous particles, the faces of the ray are merely the successive faces of these par- ticles. We must hence conclude, that these particles possess faces endowed with different physical properties, and that in the present circumstance, the first reflection has turned towards the same sides of space, similar faces, or faces equally en- dowed at least with the property under consideration. It is this arrangement of its molecules which Malus named the polarization of light, assimilating the effect of the first glass to that of a magnetic bar, which would turn a series of magnetic needles, all in the same direction. Hitherto we have supposed that the ray, whether incident or reflected, formed with the two mirror plates, an angle of 35° 25' ; for it is only under this angle that the phe- nomenon is complete. Without changing the inclination of the ray to the first plate, if we vary never so little the inclination of the second, the intensity of the reflected light is no longer null in any azimuth, but it becomes the feeblest possible in the prime vertical, in which it was formerly null. Similar phenomena may be produced by substituting for the mirror-glasses, polished plates, formed for the greater part of trans- parent bodies. The two planes of reflec- tion must always remain rectangular, but they must be presented to the luminous ray, at different angles, according to their nature. Generally, all polished surfaces have the property of thus polarizing, more or less completely, the light which they reflect under certain incidences ; but there is for each of them a particular incidence, in which the polarization it impresses is most complete, and for a great many, it amounts to the whole of the reflected light. When a ray of light has received pola- rization in a certain direction, by the processes now described, it carries with it this property into space, preserving it without perceptible alteration, when we make it traverse perpendicularly a con- siderable mass of air, water, or any sub- stance possessed of single refraction. But the substances which exercise double re- fraction, in general alter the polarization of the ray, and apparently in a sudden manner, and communicate to it a new polarization of the same nature, but in another direction. ON THE REFRACTIVE POWER OF DIFFERENT SUBSTANCES. That a ray of light is refracted, in pass- ing obliquely out of one medium into ano- ther of a different density, has already been remarked at page 12 ; but as different substances possess this power in a very different degree, and as the subject is not only curious, but has already been the means of showing much light on the chemical composition of certain bodies, we shall here make a few observations upon it, as well as upon that of double refraction, previous to leaving what may be termed the theoretical part of optics. The deviation of a ray of light from the rectilineal path for any particular substance depends on the obliquity of the ray to the refracting surface, so that the sine of the angle of refraction is to the angle of inci- dence in a constant ratio. Sir I. Newton found that unctuous and other inflammable bodies occasioned a greater deviation in the luminous rays than their attractive mass or density gave reason to expect. Hence he conjectured, that both diamond and water contained some combustible matter, which is now well known to be the case : see page 105. The ingenious Dr. Wollaston has in- vented an instrument for measuring the refractive density of substances. This in strument consists of a rectangular prism A of flint glass, under which is attached the substance to be examined. THE ARTISAN* 165 B C is a rod or ruler 10 inches long, and € D and DE are each 15*83 inches long. When the sights at B and C are so placed, that the divisions between the light and dark portion of the lower surface of the prism is seen through them, the rod F, which carries a vernier , shows the index of the refractive density, which in the si- tuation represented in the above figure, is 1*43. From the refractive power of bodies we may, in many cases, infer their chemical constitution. The purity of essential oils may be pretty correctly inferred by an ex- amination with Dr. Wollaston’s instrument. In oil of cloves for instance, a very ma- terial difference may often be discovered. If this substance be genuine, its refrac- tion power is as high as 1*635, but it is often to be met with as low as 1*493* Extensive tables of the refractive power of substances are now inserted in some modern works on optics, but our limits will only permit us to insert a very small table of this description. Index of Refraction A vacuum 1*00000 Atmospherical Air — 1*00033 Ice 1*30700 Water 1*336 Vitreous humour — 1*344 Ether 1*358 Albumen 1*360 Alcohol — — 1*370 Alum — : — 1*457 Tallow melted — — - 1*460 Borax — — 1.467 Oil of Olives 1*469 Butter cold 1*480 Linseed oil • 1*485 French plate glass — • 1*500 English ditto 1*504 Gumarabic 1*514 Crown glass, common 1*525 Phosphorus * 1*579 Flint-glass 1*586 Iceland Spar, strongest 1*657 Diamond 2*510 Chromate of lead, greatest 2*926 It may be necessary to mention 1 that this table exhibits the refractive power of different bodies, without any considera- tion of their densities or specific gravities ; but their absolute refractive powers may be deduced from those given in the table, as follows : Square the index of the refractive power of any substance, from which subtract 1, then divide the remainder by the specific gravity of the substance, and the quotient will be the absolute refractive power of that substance. This operation is so sim- * The index of the refractive power of a vacuum is considered the standard of comparison, and is here supposed l'OOOOO, pie that it is unnecessary to give an example of its application. OF DOUBLE REFRACTION. We come now to observe, that in some instances this refraction is double. When a ray of light falls upon glass or water, or even any other fluid, the image formed by refraction is always single ; when there is a single incident ray, there is only a single refracted ray. These bodies are therefore said to have single refraction. There are, however, various bodies, such as Iceland spar , rock crystal, &c. which give two images of any object seen through them, when they are bounded by plane surfaces, or which give two re- fracted rays when there is only one inci- dent ray. These bodies are said to have double refraction , and are called doubly refracting crystals. In doubly refracting crystals, one of the images or pencils is refracted according to the law of the sines, mentioned at page 12, and is therefore called the ordmary ray or image. The second pencil or image is formed according to a new and entirely different law, and is therefore called the extraordinary ray or image. In all doubly refracting crystals, there is one or more lines along which the double refraction, or the separation of the ordinary and extraordinary images, is nothing, or vanishes. This line is called the axis of the crystal, or the axis of double refraction. If the extraordinary ray be refracted towards the axis of a crystal, that axis is called a positive axis of double refraction ; but if it be refracted from the axis, that axis is called a negative axis of double refraction. The principle section of a crystal is any plane passing through its axis of double refraction. All regular crystals which belong to the rhamboidal or pyramidal systems of crys- tallization, the octahedron and some others, have one axis of double refraction, which coincides with the common axis of their crystals. All regular crystals which belong to the prismatic system, or whose primitive forms are the right prism, with its base a rec- tangle, a rhomb or an oblique parallelo- gram, have two axis of double refraction, coincident with some permanent line in the primitive form of the crystal. Rules might here be given for determin- ing the law of double refraction in all crystals, whether with one or two axis ; but as these rules are extremely com- plicated, we shall now take leave of this subject without inserting them here. 166 THE ARTISAN. CHEMISTRY. OF SULPHUR.* Sulphur is a simple combustible body like the preceding, and the fourth in the order of affinity for oxygen. It is the most easily procured, in a state of purity, of all the simple combustibles, and often found in that state in nature, particularly in the neighbourhood of volcanoes. It is also procured in large quantities from the mineral substance called Pyrites , by distillation. Sulphur was the first known of all the combustibles, and was long considered as the general cause of combustibility. t Though very anciently known, sulphur has also been long the source of errors and strange hypotheses in chemistry. It was on this substance, that Stahl founded his theory of phlogiston, which governed the schools for more than a century. Since the establishment of the pneu- matic doctrine, the facts have been accu- rately observed and much better examined, and the phenomena presented by sulphur have proved, that it has not been decom- posed; that it only obeys the laws of composition, and is acted upon in this respect, like phosphorus, carbon, the metals, &c. In general, sulphur has been at all times one of those substances, which have participated the most in the different changes which the science has experienced, and concerning which Phi- losophers have been more particularly employed. Sulphur is consequently a body whose combinations are the most numerous, and at present the best understood. 1. Sulphur is a hard brittle substance, commonly of a yellow colour, without any smell, and of a weak though perceptible taste. It is a non-conductor of electricity, and of course becomes electric by friction. Its specific gravity is 1*990. Sulphur undergoes no change by being allowed to remain exposed to the open air. When thrown into water, it does not melt as common salt does, but falls to the bottom, and remains there unchanged : it is therefore insoluble in water. 2. If a considerable piece of sulphur be exposed to a sudden though gentle heat, by holding it in the hand, for instance, it breaks to pieces with a crackling noise. When sulphur is heated to the tem- perature of about 170°, it rises up in the form of a fine powder, which may be * Sulphur is also known by the name of brim- stone . t See page 15. easily collected in a proper vessel. This powder is called flowers of sulphur .* When substances fly off in this manner on the ap- plication of a moderate heat, they are called volatile; and the process itself, by which they are raised, is called volatili- zation. When heated to the temperature of about 214° of Fahrenheit’s thermometer, it melts and becomes as liquid as water. If this experiment be made in a thin glass vessel, like the following figure, the vessel may be placed upon burning coals, without much risk of breaking it. The strong- heat soon causes the sulphur to boil, and converts it into a brown coloured vapour, which fills the vessel, and issues with con- siderable force out from its mouth. 3. There are a great many bodies which, after being dissolved in water or melted by heat, are capable of assuming certain regular figures. If a quantity of common salt, for instance, be dissolved in water, and that fluid, by the application of a mo- derate heat, be made to fly off in the form of steam; or, in other words, if the water be slowly evaporated , the salt will fall to the bottom of the vessel in cubes. These re- gular figures are called crystals. Now sulphur is capable of crystallizing. If it be melted, and as soon as its surface begins to congeal, the liquid sulphur beneath be poured out, the internal cavity will exhibit long needle-shaped crystals of an octa- hedral figure. This method of crystallizing sulphur was contrived by Rouelle. If the experiment be made in a glass vessel, or upon a flat plate of iron, the crystals will be perceived beginning to shoot when the temperature sinks to about 220°. 3. When sulphur is heated to the tem- perature of 560° in the open air, it takes fire spontaneously, and burns with a pale blue flame, and at the same time emits a great quantity of fumes of a very strong suffocating odour. When set on fire, and then plunged into a jar full of oxygen gas, it burns with a bright violet coloured flame, and at the same time emits a vast * It is only ip this state that sulphur is to be found in commerce tolerably pure. Roll sulphur usually contains a considerable portion of foreign bodies. THE ARTISAN. 16T quantity of fumes. If the heat be conti- nued long enough, the sulphur burns all away without leaving any ashes or resi- duum. If the fumes be collected, they are found to consist entirely of sulphuric acid. By combustion, then, sulphur is converted into an acid.* This fact was known se- veral centuries ago; but no intelligible explanation was given of it till the time of Stahl, who founded the theory already alluded to, upon the experiments he made on this substance. There are two facts, however, which Stahl either did not know, or did not sufficiently attend to, neither of which was accounted for by his theory. The first is, that sulphur will not burn if air be completely excluded ; the second, that sulphuric acid is heavier than the sulphur from which it was produced. To account for these, or facts similar to these, succeeding chemists refined upon the theory of Stahl, deprived his phlogiston of gravity , and even assigned it a principle of levity. Still, however, the necessity of the contact of air remained unexplained. At last Mr. Lavoisier, who had already distinguished himself by the extensiveness of his views, the accuracy of his experi- ments, and the precision of his reasoning, undertook the examination of this subject, and his experiments were published in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences for 1777. He put a quantity of sulphur into a large vessel filled with air, which he in- verted into another vessel containing mer- cury, and then set fire to the sulphur by means of a burning glass. It emitted a blue flame, accompanied with thick va- pours, but was very soon extinguished, and could not be again kindled. There was, however, a little sulphuric acid formed, which was a good deal heavier than the sulphur which had disappeared ; there was also a diminution in the air of the vessel proportional to this increase of weight. The sulphur, therefore, during its conversion into an acid, must have absorbed part of the air. He then put a quantity of sulphuret of iron, which con- sists of sulphur and iron combined toge- ther, into a glass vessel full of air, which he inverted over water.t The quantity of air in the vessel continued diminishing for eighteen days, as was evident from the ascent of the water to occupy the space which it had left ; but after that period no further diminution took place. On ex- amining the sulphuret, it was found some- what heavier than when first introduced into the vessel, and the air of the vessel * Acids are a class of compound bodies, which will be afterwards described. t This experiment was first made by Scheele, but with a different vietv. wanted precisely the same weight. Now this air had lost all its oxygen ; conse- quently the whole of that oxygen must have entered into the sulphuret. Part of the sulphur was converted into sulphuric acid ; and as all the rest of the sulphuret was unchanged, the whole of the increase of weight must have been owing to some- thing which had entered into that part of the sulphur which was converted into acid . This something we know was oxygen. Sulphuric acid therefore must be composed of sulphur and oxygen ; for as the original weight of the whole contents of the vessel remained exactly the same, there was not the smallest reason to suppose that any substance had left the sulphur. The combustion of sulphur, then, is nothing else than the act of its combination with oxygen ; and for any thing which we know to the contrary, it is a simple sub- stance. From the slow combustibility of sulphur, and the difficulty of condensing the acid fumes, it was not possible for Lavoisier to ascertain with how much it unites during its combustion in oxygen gas ; but it may be converted into sulphuric acid by boiling it in a quantity of nitric acid : * and the proportion of oxygen with which it has united may be deduced from the increase of its weight. This experiment was first tried by Berthollet, but his apparatus did not enable him to attain precision. Thenard and Chenevix repeated it, and with proper precautions. According to the first, 100 parts of sulphur unite with 80 ; according to the last, with 62*6 of oxygen ; the mean of both gives us 71*3 of oxygen. If we consider it as nearly correct, then 100 grains of sulphur unite, during combustion, with nearly 209 cubic inches of oxygen gas ; and one grain of sulphur is capable of de- priving 9§ inches of common air of all its oxygen. 4. But sulphur does not always unite with so great a quantity of oxygen : indeed it usually burns with a blue flame, and emits an exceedingly offensive smell. This smell is occasioned by the escape of a gas, which may be confined in proper vessels : it is sulphurous acid. By adding oxygen to it we may convert it into sulphuric acid ; a proof that it contains less oxygen than that acid. 6. If sulphur be kept melted in an open vessel, it becomes gradually thick and viscid. When in this state, if it be poured into a basin of water, it will be found to be of a red colour, and as soft as wax. In this state it is employed to take off im- pressions from seals and medals. These casts are known in this country by the * This acid, called ia common language aqua fortis, will be described hereafter. 168 THE ARTISAN. name of sulphurs. When exposed to the air for a few days, the sulphur soon re- covers its original brittleness, but it retains its red colour. It is supposed at present, that sulphur, rendered viscid and red by a long fusion, has combined with a little oxygen ; hence the term oxide of sulphur has been applied to it. This substance, when newly made, has a violet colour ; it has a fibrous texture; its specific gravity is 2*3 ; it is tough, and has a straw colour when pounded. Dr. Thomson found that 100 parts of it, when converted into sul- phuric acid by means of nitric acid, became 160 parts, and therefore had united with 60 parts of oxygen. 6. When sulphur is first obtained by precipitation from any liquid that holds it in solution, it is always of a white colour, which gradually changes to greenish yel- low when the sulphur is exposed to the. open air. If this white powder, or lac sulphuris as it is called, be exposed to a low heat in a retort, it soon acquires the colour of common sulphur; and, at the same time, a quantity of water is deposited in the beak of the retort. On the other hand, when a little water is dropt into melted sulphur, the portion in contact with the water immediately assumes the white colour of lac sulphuris. If common sul- phur be sublimed into a vessel filled with the vapour of water, we obtain lac sul- phuris of the usual whiteness, instead of the common flowers of sulphur. These facts prove that lac sulphuris is a compound of sulphur and water. Hence we may conclude, that greenish yellow is the natu- ral colour of sulphur. W hiteness indicates the presence of water. 7. Sulphur unites very readily to hydro- gen, and forms a compound known by the name of sulphuretted hydrogen gas; but this will be afterwards noticed in treating of the gases. Till lately it was supposed that sulphur does not combine with carbon ; but Messrs. Clement and Desormes, two French che- mists, have discovered that they may be made to combine; and that when this is the case, the compound assumes the form of a liquid, to which has been given the name of carburet of sulphur. This liquid is transparent, and colour- less when pure, but very frequently it has a greenish yellow tinge. Its taste is cool- ing and pungent, and its odour strong and peculiar. Its specific gravity is T35. It does not mix with water. When put into the receiver of an air pump, and the air exhausted, it rises in bubbles through the water, and assumes the form of a gas. The same change takes place when it is intro- duced to the top of a barometer tube ; but it is again condensed into a liquid when the tube is immersed under mercury. This compound burns easily like spirit of wine and many other liquids. During the combustion it emits a sulphureous odour ; sulphur is deposited, and charcoal remains behind. When a little of it is put into a bottle filled with oxygen gas, it gradually mixes with the oxygen, and assumes the gaseous form. If a burning taper be applied to the mouth of the bottle, the mixture burns instantaneously, and with an explosion so violent as to endanger the vessel. It assumes the gaseous form in the same way when placed in contact with air. It does not detonate when kindled, but burns quietly. This liquid dissolves phosphorus readily. It also dissolves a small portion of sul- phur ; but has no action whatever on char- coal. Sulphur combines with phosphorus very readily. All that is necessary to effect this is to mix the two substances together, and apply a degree of heat sufficient to melt them. The compound has a yellowish white colour, and a crystallized appearance. The combination may also be obtained by heating the mixture in a glass tube, having its mouth properly secured from the air. The sulphuret of phosphorus, thus pre- pared, is more combustible than phos- phorus. If it be set on fire by means of a hotwire, allowed to burn for a little, and then extinguished by excluding the air, the phosphorus, and perhaps the sulphur, is oxidized, and the mixture acquires the property of taking fire spontaneously as soon as it comes in contact with air. The combination may likewise be effected by putting the two bodies into a retort, or flask, filled with water, and applying heat cautiously and slowly. They combine together gradually as soon as the phos- phorus is melted. It is however necessary to apply the heat cautiously, because the sulphuret of phosphorus has the property of decomposing water. The rate of de- composition increases very rapidly with the temperature, a portion of the two combustibles being converted into acids by uniting with the oxygen: the hydrogen at the moment of its evolution unites with sulphur and phosphorus, and forms sul- phuretted and phosphuretted gases. This evolution, at the boiling temperature, is so rapid as to occasion violent explosions. The circumstances attending this explosion have been examined, and it has been found that the gas emitted burns spontaneously, and leaves phosphoric and sulphuric acids. The sulphuret of phosphorus formed under irater has a yellow colour. It gives to the water in which it is kept an acid taste, and the smell of sulphuretted hy- drogen. It burns, according to Mr. Briggs, at a temperature considerably lower than THE ARTISAN. 169 a similar compound made in the dry way. This induces him to conclude, that during the combination a little water is decom- posed, and the oxygen expended in con- verting the sulphur and phosphorus into oxides. This compound was particularly ex- amined by Pelletier, and found to congeal at different temperatures according to the proportion in which the sulphur and phos- phorus are combined. When the sulphur predominates, the compound is called phosphuret of sulphur ; and when the phos- phorus predominates, it is called sulphur et of phosphorus. ASTEOIOMY* NEW PLANETS. OF CERES. The planet Ceres, which is situated be- tween the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, was discovered at Palermo, in Sicily, on the 1st of January, 1801, by M. Piazzi, an ingenious astronomer, who has since dis- tinguished himself by his numerous obser- vations. Ceres is of a ruddy colour, but not deep, and appears about the size of a star of the eighth magnitude. It seems to be surrounded with a large dense atmos- phere, and plainly exhibits a disc when examined by a telescope which magnifies about 200 times. Ceres performs her revo- lution round the sun in 4 years, 7 months, and 10 days, and her mean distance from that luminary is nearly 260,000,000 Eng- lish miles. The eccentricity of her orbit is a little greater than that of Mercury, and its inclination to the ecliptic exceeds that of all the old planets. The magnitude of this planet is not yet well ascertained. Dr. Herschel makes her diameter only 160 miles, while Schroeter makes it 1624 miles. This great difference, says Schroeter, was occasioned by Herschel observing with his projection-micrometer at too great a dis- tance from the eye, and measuring only the middle clear part of the nucleus. OF PALLAS. The planet Pallas was discovered at Bremen, in Lower Saxony, on the 28th of March, 1802, by Dr. Olbers. It is situ- ated between the orbits of Mars and Jupi- ter, and is nearly of the same magnitude with Ceres. It is of a less ruddy colour than Ceres, and performs its revolution round the run nearly in the same time. The atmosphere of this planet, according to Schroeter, is to that of Ceres in the pro- portion of 2 to 3. It undergoes similar changes, but the light of the planet exhi- bits greater variations. OF JUNO. The planet Juno, situated between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, was discovered by M. Harding at the Observatory of Lili- enthal, near Bremen, on the evening of the 1st of September, 1804. While M. Hard- ing was forming an atlas of all the stars which were near the orbits of Ceres and Pallas, he observed in the constellation Pisces, a small star of the eighth magni- tude, which was not mentioned by La Lande in his Histoire Celeste , and being ignorant of its latitude and longitude, he put it down in his chart as nearly as he could estimate with his eye. Two days afterwards the star disappeared ; but he perceived another that he had not seen be- fore, resembling the first in size and colour, and situated a little to the south-west of its place. He observed it again on the 5th of September, and finding that it had moved still farther to the south-west, he concluded that it was a planet. It is of a reddish colour, and free from that faint whitish light that surrounds Pallas. Its diameter, and mean distance from the sun, are less than those of Pallas or Ceres. OF VESTA. This planet, which appears like a star of the sixth magnitude, of a dusky colour, similar in appearance to Herschel, was discovered on the 29th of March, 1807, by Dr. Olbers, who gave it the name of Vesta. In a clear evening it may be seen by the naked eye. Its light is more intense, pure, and white, than any of the other three new planets. The time it takes to perform its annual revolution is 3 years, 66 days, 4 hours. Its diameter is stated at 238 miles, and its mean distance from the sun at 225,000,000 miles. OF COMETS. Of all celestial bodies, Comets have given rise to the greatest number of specu- lations. In the ages of ignorance and superstition, they were believed to be the harbingers of divine vengeance, and to portend great political and physical con- vulsions. The most ancient opinion re- specting their nature was, that they w r ere enormous meteors formed in the earth’s atmosphere. Yet many of the ancients en- tertained opinions respecting them agree- ing with some parts of the modern hypo- thesis respecting these bodies ; for they believed that they were so far of the na- ture of planets that they had their peri- odical times of appearing, and that wlien they were out of sight, they were carried aloft to an immense distance from the earth, but again became visible when they descended into the lower regions of the air, when they were nearer to us. Modern astronomers are now generally agreed 170 THE ARTISAN. that they have no light of their own, and appear luminous only by the light of the sun. They have no visible disc, and shine with a pale whitish light, accompanied with long transparent trains or tails, pro- ceeding from that side which is turned away from the sun. When a comet is viewed through a good telescope, it ap- pears like a mass of vapours surrounding a dark nucleus of different degrees of opacity in different comets. As these bodies approach the sun their light be- comes more brilliant, and after they reach their Perihelion often exceed any of the planets in lustre Their tails are also ob- served to increase both in length and brightness as they approach the sun. The opinions of astronomers respecting these tails have been very different. Tycho Brahe, who was the first that gave the comets their true rank in the creation, supposed that the tail was occasioned by the rays of the sun passing through the nucleus of the comet, which he believed to be transparent. Kepler thought that it was the atmosphere of the comet which was driven behind it by the force of the solar rays. Sir Isaac New ton maintained that the tail was a thin vapour, ascending by means of the sun’s heat, as smoke does from the earth. Euler supposes that the tail is produced by the impulse of the solar rays driving off the atmosphere from the comet. Dr. Hamilton, of Dublin, supposes them to be streams of electric matter. In any of these opinions there is little to entitle it to preference above the others ; and till multiplied observations shall have added to the imperfect knowledge which we at present possess of these bodies, it is perhaps better not to give a decided pre- ference to any of them. From a number of observations made by Sir Isaac Newton on the comet that ap- peared in the year 1680, he was enabled to discover the true motion of these bodies. Dr. Halley, following the theory of New- ton, set himself to collect all the obser- vations which had been made on comets, and calculated the elements of 24 of them. By computations founded on these ele- ments, he concluded, that the comet of 1682 was the same that had appeared in the years 1456, 1531, and 1607 ; that it had a period of 75 or 76 years; and he ven- tured to predict, that it would appear again about the year 1758, which it actu- ally did; therefore it may be expected to appear again in the year 1835. When a comet makes its appearance, it is only for a very short period, seldom ex ceeding a few months, and sometimes only a few weeks. Instead of moving from west to east , like the planets, in orbits making small angles with the ecliptic, they are observed to cross it at all angles, Their pro- gress among the fixed stars is in general more rapid than that of the planets, and their change of apparent magnitude is much more remarkable. When a comet retires from the sun, its tail decreases and nearly resumes its first appearance.* Those comets which never approach very near the sun, have nothing but a coma or nebu- losity round them during the whole time of their continuance in view. The tail of a comet is always transpa- rent, for the stars are often distinctly visible through it, and it has even been said, that on some occasions they have been seen through the nucleus or head. The length and form of the tail are very different. Sometimes it extends only a few degrees, at others it extends more than 90 degrees. In the great comet that appeared in the year 1680, the tail sub- tended an angle of 7 0°, and the tail of the one which appeared in 1618, an angle of 104°. The tail sometimes consists of di- verging streams of light: that of the comet which appeared in the year 1744, con- sisted of six, all proceeding from the head, and all a little bent in the same direction. The tail of the beautiful comet which appeared in 1811, was composed of two diverging beams of faint light, slightly coloured, which made an angle of 15° to 20°, and sometimes much more. Both of them were a little bent outward ; and the space between them was comparatively obscure. The apparent difference in the length and lustre of the tail of comets, has given rise to a popular division of these singular bodies into three kinds ; viz. bearded , tailed and hairy comets ; but this division rather relates to the several circumstances of the same comet, than to the phenomena of different ones. Thus when the comet is east of the sun, and moves from, him, it is said to be bearded , because the light pre- cedes it in the manner of a beard; when the comet is west of the sun, and sets after him, it is said to be tailed, because the train of light follows it in the manner of a tail ; and when the sun and comet are diame- trically opposite, the earth being between them, the train or tail is all hid behind the body of the comet, except the extremities, which being broader than the body of the comet, appear to surround it like a border of hair , and on this account it is called hairy. But there have been several comets observed, whose disc was as clear, round, and well defined, as that of Jupiter, with- out either tail, beard, or coma. The magnitude of comets has been ob- served to be very different ; many of them without their coma have appeared no larger than stars of the first magnitude ; but some authors have given us accounts of others which appeared much greater ; such was 171 THE ARTISAN. the one that appeared in the time of the emperor Nero, which, as Seneca relates, was not inferior, in apparent magnitude, to the sun himself. The comet which Hevelius observed in the year 1652, did not seem to be less than the moon, though it was deficient in splendour, for it had a pale, dim light, and appeared with a dismal aspect. Most comets have dense and dark atmospheres surrounding their bodies, which weaken the sun’s rays that fall upon them ; but within these appears the nucleus, or solid body of the comet, which, when the sky is clear, will often give a more splendid light. Respecting the nature of these singular and extraordinary bodies, Philosophers and Astronomers in all ages and countries have been very much divided in their opinions. The vulgar have however in- variably considered them as evil omens , and forerunners of war, pestilence, famine, &c. ; and to adopt the language of an old poet ; u The blazing star was viewed — ■ Threatening the world with famine, plague, and war ; To princes death ; to kingdoms many crosses To all estates inevitable losses ; To herdsmen rot; to ploughmen hapless seasons ; To sailors storms ; to cities civil treasons ;” The Chaldeans, who were eminent for their astronomical researches, were of opinion, that comets were lasting bodies, which had stated revolutions as well as the planets, but in orbits considerably more extensive, on which account they are only visible while near the earth, but dis- appear again when they ascend into the higher regions. Pythagoras taught, that comets were wandering stars, disappearing in the superior parts of their orbits, and becoming visible only in the lower parts of them. Some of the ancient Philosophers supposed, they were nothing else but a reflection of the beams from the sun or moon, and generated as a rainbow; others supposed they arose from vapours and exhalations. The illustrious Aristotle was of opinion they were meteors. Modern philosophers have been equally perplexed as their predecessors in accounting for the nature of these magnificent celestial ap- pearances. The eccentric but learned Paracelsus gravely affirmed, that they were formed and composed by Angels and Spirits to foretel some good or bad events. Kepler, the celebrated Astronomer, as- serted that comets were monsters, and generated in the celestial spaces by an animal faculty ! The sentiments of Bodin, a learned French writer of the 16th cen- tury, were yet more absurd ; for he main- tained that comets are spirits which have lived upon the earth innumerable ages, and being at last arrived on the confines of death, celebrate their last triumph, or are called to the Firmament like shining stars ! James Bernoulli, acelebrated Swiss phi- losopher, formed a rational conjecture rela- tive to comets in viewing them as the satel- lites of some very distant Planets invisible on the earth on account of its distance, as were also the satellites, unless when in a certain part of their course. Tycho Brahe, the illustrious but unfortunate Philosopher of Denmark, supported a true hypothesis on this subject ; he averred, that a comet had no sensible diurnal parallax, and therefore was not only far above the re- gions of our atmosphere, but much higher than the moon ; that few have come so near the earth as to have any diurnal parallax, yet all comets have an annual parallax, the revolution of the earth in its orbit, causes their apparent motion to be very different from what it would be, if viewed from the sun, which demonstrates, that they are much nearer than the fixed stars which have no such parallax. Descartes advanced anothet opinion: which is, that comets are only stars that were firmly fixed like the rest, but be- coming gradually covered with macula or spots, and at length wholly deprived of their light, cannot keep their places, but are carried off by the vortices* of the cir- cumjacent stars; and in proportion to the magnitude and solidity moved in such a manner, as to be brought nearer to the orb of Saturn; and thus coming within reach of the sun’s light, are rendered vi- sible. The number of comets belonging to the solar system, is said not to be less than 450 ; but the periods of not more than three of these are known. The velocity of these bodies, and their distance from the sun when in the remotest part of their orbits, exceed all human comprehension. Sir Isaac Newton calculated the velocity of the comet of 1680, and found it to be 880,000 miles per hour, and its aphelion distance not less than 11,200,000,000 miles. Respecting the use of these bodies, many conjectures have been formed. Mr. Whiston * Descartes supposed, that every thing in the Universe was formed from very minute bodies called Atoms, which had been floating in open space. To each atom he attributed a motion on its axis ; and he also maintained, that there was a ge- neral motion of the whole Universe round like a vortex, or whirlpool. In the centre of this vortex was the sun with all the planets circulating round him, at different distances ; and that each star was also the centre of a general vortex round which its planets turned. Besides these general vortices, each planet had a vortex of its own, by which its sa- tellites (if it had any) were whirled round, and any other body that came within its reach. 172 THE ARTISAN. thought it probable, that they were ap- pointed by the Almighty as places of punishment for sinners after death, who would be alternately tormented with the most insupportable heat when nearest the sun ; and in the opposite point With the greatest possible cold. Sir Isaac Newton, amongst other pur- poses which he thinks they may be de- signed to serve, adds, u that, for the con- servation of the water and moisture of the planets, comets seem absolutely requisite, from whose condensed vapours and exha- lations, all the moisture which is spent in vegetation, and turned into dry earth, &c. may be supplied and recruited; for all vegetables grow and increase wholly from fluids ; and again, as to their greatest part, by putrefaction, into earth. Hence, the quantity of dry earth must continually in- crease, and the moisture decrease, and be quite evaporated, if it did not receive a continual supply from some part or other of the universe ;”■ — “ and I suspect,” adds this philosopher, “ that the spirit, which makes the finest, subtilest, and best part of our air, and which is absolutely requi- site for the life and being of all things, comes from the comets.” JBiscellaneous Subjects. MEMOIR OF THE LIFE OF GALILEO. Galileo, the celebrated astronomer and mathematician, was the son of Vincenzo Galilei, a nobleman of Florence, not less distinguished by his quality and fortune, than conspicuous for his skill and know- ledge in music; about some points in which science he maintained a dispute with the famous Zarlinas. His wife brought this son, Feb. I9th, 1564, either at Fisa, or, which is more probable, at Florence. Galileo received an education suitable to his birth, his taste, and his abilities. He went through his studies early, and his father then wished that he should apply himself to medicine; but having obtained at College some knowledge of mathematics, his genius declared itself decisively for that study. He needed no directions where to begin. Euclid’s Elements were well known to be the best foundation in this science. He therefore set out with studying that work, of which he made himself master without assistance, and proceeded thence to such authors as were in most esteem, ancient and modern. His progress in these sciences was so ex- traordinary, that in 1589, he was appointed Professor of Mathematics in the University of Pisa, but being there continually har- rassed by the scholastic professors, for opposing some maxims of their favourite Aristotle ; he quitted that place at the latter end of 1592, for Padua, whither he was in- vited very handsomely to accept a similar professorship; soon after which; by the esteem arising from his genius and eru- dition, he was recommended to the friend- ship of Tycho Brahe. He had already, even long before 1586, written his “ Me. chanics,” or a treatise of the benefits derived from that science and from its instruments, together with a fragment concerning percussion, the first published by Mercennus, at Paris, in 1634, in “ Mer- senni Opera,” vol. 1. and both by Meno- less, vol. 1.; as also his “ Balance,” in which, after Archimedes’s problem of the crown, he shewed how to find the propor- tion of alloy, or mixt metals, and how r to make the said instrument. These he had read to his pupils soon after his arrival at Padua, in 1593.* While he was professor at Padua, in 1609, visiting Venice, then famous for the art of making glass, he heard of the inven- tion of the telescope by James Metius, in Holland. This notice was sufficient for Galileo ; his curiosity was raised ; and the result of his inquiry was a telescope of his own, produced from this hint, without having seen the Dutch glass. All the dis- coveries he made in astronomy were the easy and natural consequences of this in- vention, which opening away, till then unknown, into the heavens, gave that science an entirely new face. Galileo, in one of his works, ridicules the unwilling- ness of the Aristotelians to allow of any discoveries not known to their master, by introducing a speaker who attributes the telescope to him, on account of what he says of seeing the stars from the bottom of a deep well. “ The well,” says he, M is the tube of the telescope, the intervening vapours answer to the glasses.” He began by observing the moon, and calculating the height of her mountains. He then discovered four of Jupiter’s satellites, which he called the Medicean stars or planets, in honour of Cosmo II. grand duke of Tuscany, who was of that noble family. Cosmo now recalled him from Padua, re-established him at Pisa, with a very handsome stipend, in 1610; and the same year, having lately invited him to Florence, gave him the post and title of his principal philosopher and mathema- tician. It was not long before Galileo disco- vered the phases of Venus, and other celestial phsenomena. He had been, how- * While he was lecturer at Padua, Gustavus-Adol- phus, king of Sweden, was one of his hearers. The lectures then given by him still remain at Milan. THE ARTISAN. ITS ever, but a few years at Florence, before he was convinced by sad experience, that Aristotle’s doctrine, however ill-grounded, was held too sacred to be called in ques- tion. Having observed some Solar spots in 1612, he printed that discovery the fol- lowing year at Rome, in which, and in some other publications, he ventured to assert the truth of the Copernican system, and brought several new arguments to con- firm it.* This startled the jealously of the Jesuits, who procured a citation for him to appear before the holy office at Rome, in 1615, where he was charged with he- resy, for maintaining these two proposi- tions ; 1st. That the sun is in the centre of the world, and immoveable by a local motion; and 2d, that the earth is not the centre of the world, nor immoveable, but actually moves by a diurnal motion. The first of these positions was declared to be absurd, false in philosophy, and formally heretical, being contrary to the express word of God ; the second was also alleged to be philosophically false, and, in a theo- logical view, at least erroneous in point of faith. He was detained in the inquisition till February, 1616, on the 25th of which month sentence was passed against him ; by which he was enjoined to renounce his heretical opinions, and not to defend them either by word or writing, nor even to in- sinuate them into the mind of any person whatsoever ; and he obtained his discharge only by a promise to conform himself to this order. It is hard to say whether his sentence betrayed greater weakness of understanding, or perversity of will. Gali- leo clearly saw the poison of both in it; and therefore following the known maxim, “ that forced oaths and promises are not binding to the conscience,” he went on, making further new discoveries in the planetary system, and occasionally pub- lishing them with such inferences and remarks as necessarily followed from them, notwithstanding they tended plainly to establish the truth of the above men- tioned propositions. He continued many years confidently in this course, no juridical notice being taken of it, till he had the presumption to publish at Florence his “ Dialogi della due massime Systeme del Mondo , Tolemaico et Coyerni- cano ?’ or, Dialogues of the two greatest Systems of the world, the Ptolemaic and Copernican, in 1632. Here, in examining the grounds upon which the two systems were built, he produces the most specious as well as strongest arguments for each of those opinions ; and leaves, it is true, the * He demonstrated a very sensible change in the magnitude of the apparent diameters of Mars and Venus; a phenomenon of great consequence to prove the Copernican theory. question undecided, as not to be demon- strated either way, while many phenomena remained insolvable ; but all this is done in such a manner, that his inclination to the Copernican system might be easily per- ceived. Nor had he forborne to enliven his production by several smart strokes of raillery against those who adhered so obstinately, and were such devotees to Aristotle's opinions, as to think it a crime to depart from them in the smallest de- gree. This excited the indignation of his former enemies, and he was again cited before the inquisition at Rome ; the con- gregation was convened, and, in his presence, pronounced sentence against him and his books. They obliged him to abjure his errors in the most solemn man- ner, committed him to the prison of their office during pleasure, and enjoined him, as a saving penance, for three years, to repeat once a week the seven penitential psalms; reserving, however, to them- sleves, the power of moderating, changing, or taking away altogether, or in part, the above-mentioned punishment and penance. Upon this sentence he was detained a pri- soner till 1634, and his u Dalogues of the System of the World,” were burnt at Rome. We rarely meet with a more glaring instance of blindness and bigotry than this;* and it was treated with as much contempt by our author as consisted with his safety. He lived ten years after it, seven of which were employed in making still further discoveries with his telescope; but, by continual application to that instru- ment, added to the damage he received in his sight from the nocturnal air, his eyes grew gradually weaker, till, in 1639, he became totally blind. He bore this great calamity with patience and resignation, worthy of a philosopher. The loss neither broke his spirit, nor hindered the course of his studies. He supplied the defect by constant meditations, by which he pre- pared a large collection of materials ; and began to dictate his own conceptions, when, by a distemper of three months con- tinuance, wasting away by degrees, he expired at Arcetri, near Florence,! Jan. 1642, in the same year that Newton was born. In stature he was small, but in aspect venerable, and his constitution vigorous ; in company he was affable, free, and full of pleasantry. He took great delight in architecture and painting, and * It will appear more extraordinary, when it is considered that the prosecution was begun and carried on by the Jesuits, an order instituted to be a seminary of learning, in the view of producing champions of the papal chair. f In the last eight years of his life he lived out of Florence, sometimes in the neighbouring towns, and sometimes at Sienna. 174 THE ARTISAN. designed extremely well. He played ex- quisitely on the lute; and whenever he spent any time in the country, he took great pleasure in husbandry. His learn- ing was very extensive, and he possessed in a high degree a clearness and acuteness of wit. From the time of Archimedes, nothing had been done in mechanical geo- metry, till Galileo, who, being possessed of an excellent judgment, and great skill in the most abstruse points of geometry, first extended the boundaries of that science, and began to reduce the resistance of solid bodies to its laws. Besides applying geo- metry to the doctrine of motion, by which philosophy became established on a sure f oundation, he made surprising discoveries in the heavens by means of his telescope. He made the evidence of the Copernican system more sensible, when he showed from the phases of Venus, like to those of the moon, that Venus actually revolves about the sun. He proved the rotation of the sun on his axis from his spots; and thence the diurnal rotation of the earth became more credible. The satellites that attend Jupiter in his revolution about the sun, represented in Jupiter's smaller sys- tem, a just image of the great solar system; and rendered it more easy to conceive how the moon might attend the earth, as a satellite, in her annual revolution. By discovering hills and cavities in the moon, and spots in the sun constantly varying, be showed that there was not so great a dif- ference between the celestial bodies and the earth, as had been vainly imagined. He rendered no less service to science by treating, in a clear and geometrical man- ner, the doctrine of motion, which has justly been called the key of nature. The rational part of mechanics had been so much neglected, that hardly any improve- ment was made in it for almost 2000 years. But Galileo has given us fully the theory of equable motions, and of such as are uniformly accelerated or retarded, and of these two compounded together. He was the first who demonstrated that the spaces described by heavy bodies, from the begin- ning of their descent, are as the squares of the times ; and that a body, projected in any dirction not perpendicular to the hori- zon, describes a parabola. These were the beginnings of the doctrine of the motion of heavy bodies, which has been since carried to so great a height by Newton. In geo- metry, he invented the cycloid, though the properties of it were afterwards chiefly demonstrated by his pupil Torricelli. He invented the simple pendulum, and made use of it in his astronomical experiments : he had also thoughts of applying it to clocks, but did not execute that design : the glory of that invention was reserved for his son Vicenzio, who made the ex- periment at Venice in 1649 ; and Huygens afterwards carried this invention to perfec- tion. Galileo also discovered the gravity or weight of the air, and endeavoured to compare it with that of water, besides opening up several other enquiries in natural philosophy. Galileo wrote a number of treatises, many of which were published in his life- time. Most of them were also collected after his death, and published by Mendessi, in 2 vols. 4to. under the title of u L'Opere di Galileo Galilei Lynceo ” in 1656. Some of these, with others of his pieces, were trans- lated into English, and published by Thomas Salisbury, in his Mathematical Collections, in two vols. folio. A volume also of his letters to several learned men, and solutions of several problems, were printed at Bologna in 4to. ARCHITECTURE. OF THE ORDERS OF ARCHITECTURE. The moderns have applied the term order to those architectural forms, with which the Greeks composed the fa 9 ades of their temples. The principle members of an order are, 1st, a platform; 2d, perpendicular sup- ports; and 3d, a lintelling or covering connecting the tops of these supports, and crowning the edifice. The proportioning of these parts to the edifice and to each other, and at the same time adapting characteristical decorations, constitutes an order, canon or rule. The principal member of an order is the perpendicular support or column. The ac- companiments being subservient to this leading feature, the bottom of the column is fixed either on a general artificial plat- form, or each upon a particular plinth , or both. The lower part of the column, which rests upon the square plinth, is sometimes encompassed with mouldings, which in allusion to their position, are, in conjunction with the plinth, called the base. The top part of the column is also co- vered with a square plinth, with its sides straight or curved, and generally accom- panied by circular mouldings or sculptured decorations upon the top part of the co- lumn, which is immediately underneath it ; this, taken together, is called the capital. The body of the column, which reaches between the base and capital, is termed the shaft: it is the frustum of a cone, with sometimes a plain surface, but frequently having perpendicular flutings either meet- ing in an edge, or leaving a small plane space between them. The lintelling or covering, which lies upon and connects the oolumn, is termed the Entablature, and is THE ARTISAN. 175 sub-divided into three parts, named archi- trave, frieze, and cornice : the architrave consists of a mere lintel laid along the tops of the columns ; the frieze represents the ends of the cross beams resting upon the former, and having the spaces between filled up, having mouldings also fixed to conceal the horizontal joint, and divide it from the architrave ; and the upper member or cornice represents the projecting eves of a Greek roof, showing the ends of the rafters.* These definitions will be easily under- stood by an inspection of the following figure. * Representations of the various mouldings used in architecture will be given in another part of this work SOLUTIONS OF QUESTIONS. Quest. 15, answered by W. V. It is evident that the grindstone in ques- tion is in form a cylinder, the diameter of which is 36 inches, and altitude 12 inches, wanting two cones, the diameter of each of which is the same as that of the cylinder, viz. 36 in. and the altitude 4 in. Put ar, 7854, then according to the rules of mensuration, the solidity of the cylinder will be 36 x 36 X aX 12 = 15552(a), and the solidity of the two cones will be 36x36xax4x§ (Euclid B 12 Prop. 10) “3456 (a), which taken from the solidity of the cylinder will leave 12096 (a) the so- lidity of the stone, consequently the solidity of one third of the stone will be 4032 (a) and of two thirds 8064 (a). Let x denote the third man’s share of the semidiameter, then 2 x will be the di- ameter of his part of the stone, which will also be a cylinder wanting two cones. And these cones will evidently be similar to the two beforementioned, for the solid angle at each of the vertices is common to the two cones on that side the stone, and therefore (Euclid B 1 1 . Def. 24) as 36 the the diameter of each of the larger cones is to 4 the altitude, so is 2x the diameter of each of the lesser cones to 3 | x or §x the altitude, therefore the solidity of the two lesser cones will be (Euclid B 12 Prop 10) 4 ax 2 x §x X § — If ax 3 . But the altitude of the lesser cylinder will be the sum of the altitudes of the lesser cones added to 4 inches, the thickness of the stone at the centre (that is to §x+4), and therefore its solidity will be 4 ax 2 x (fa; +4) ~ ax 3 +16 ax 2 , from which take |f ax 3 the solidity of the two cones, and the remainder § faa: 3 + 16 ax 2 will be the solidity of the third man’s share of the stone. But one third of the solidity of the stone is also equal to 4032 (a), therefore we have the following equa- tion ffaa; 3 +16eia; 2 “4032 (a) and dividing it by || a we have x 3 + 2 J x 2 zz 3402, from which we obtain a*:=ill*633, which will be the third man’s share of the semidiameter. Again, suppose y to be the sum of the second and third men’s shares of the semi- diameter, then the equation will bey 3 + | ? y 2 ~ 6804 whence y" 15355, from which take the third man’s share, 11*633, and the remainder 3*722 will be the second man’s part of the semidiameter. Again, take 15*355 from 18, and we have 2*645 for the first man’s part of the semidiameter of the stone. This ingenious, but modest correspon- dent also forwarded a very neat solution of the 14th question ; but it was too late for insertion ; he also sent a solution of the 17 th question. The proposer of this question sent a very imperfect solution. 176 THE ARTISAN. Quest. 17, answered by Mr. G. Futvoye, High-street, Marylebone. The ends of the block being squares the area of the greater end is 1^ or(f) 2 ~f§; 2 and the area of the lesser end is (§)~ J or t! ; also f X 1 = |, or $ Now ff + f s + — t§ ~r- 3 — t| mean area, which multiplied by 24 the length of the block, gives 19§ solid feet for the content of the block ; and as 1* solid feet of lignum, vitce weighs 1B27 ozs.*, the whole block (19f feet) must weigh 25876§ ounces Avoirdupois. This question was also answered by the proposer in a somewhat different manner. It was also correctly answered by H. T.; W.V.; Troublesome ; and we have received some solutions which are incorrect in principle, and consequently, incorrect in their conclusion. Quest. 18, answered by Mr. C. A. Wil- liams ( the proposer ). It is evident that the figure formed by the shillings will be a polygon of 360 sides, and that the angle at its centre is 1°. Hence by trigonometry its sine 1° is to *75 in. as sine of 89° 30', to 42*973, the radius of the required circle ; the diameter is therefore 85*946 inches, which squared and multiplied by *7854, gives 5802* square inches or 40*3 square feet, nearly for the area of the required circle. The proposer will perceive that he was not correct in his conclusion, from the alterations we have made in his solution. We received a solution to this question from Mr. J. M. Edney, one from Mr. Geo. Futvoye, and one from Mr. Hugh Starke ; but each of these gentlemen supposes (in this Example), that the perimeter of a polygon and the circumference of a circle circumscribing it, are the same. For they find the circumference of the circle thus, 360 x f ~270. Now any person may con- vince himself that this is not correct, by supposing the polygon to have only 5 or 6 sides, instead of 360 sides. The results obtained by the above gen- tlemen, to this question are nearly correct, because the perimeter of a polygon of so many sides does not differ much from its circumscribing circle. — Edit. Quest. 19, answered by an Engineer, ( the proposer ). From B one of the given points let fall the perpendicular B E, upon the line C D given in position, and produce it till E F be equal to E B, join A F meeting C B in G; alsojoinBG; AG and BG are the straight lines required. A. Demon. The triangles E B G and EFG having the side BE equal to E F, C E common, and the contained angle BEG equal to F E G equal by Euc. 1 and 4, and consequently the angle B G E is equal F GE or A GC, which was required to be done. The same construction will apply when the points are on opposite sides of the line. This question was very ingeniously solved by J. B. ©ldham, and likewise by Mr. John Holroyd, of the same plaee. Another gentleman in London, sent a so- lution, but he will perceive from this con- struction that he has mistaken the question. QUESTIONS FOR SOLUTION. Quest. 25, proposed by Mr. H. Flather, Seymour-place. Required the weight of one of the Port- land key stones to the middle arch of West- minster bridge, the diameter of the arch being 76 feet, the height of the key stone 5 feet, the chord of its greatest breadth to the front of the arch 3 ft. 4 in., and its depth in the arch 4 feet? Quest. 2 6 , proposed by Mr. J.M. Edney, St. John’s-street, Clerkenwell. Having given the diameter of a semi- circle, it is required to find an algebraic expression for the side of the inscribed square. Quest. 27, proposed by C. G. Through a given point, to draw a straight line such that the segments of the line in- tercepted by perpendiculars let fall upon it from other two given points, shall be equal. * See the“ Artisan” page 25. THE ARTISAN- 177 GEOMETRY. PROPOSITION XXXII.* Corollary 1st. All the interior angles of every rectilineal figure, when four right angles are added to them, make twice as many right angles as the figure has sides. Therefore if four right angles be deducted from twice as many right angles as any figure has sides, it will leave the sum of the interior angles of that figure. X? For it is evident, that any rectilineal figure, as ABCDE, can be divided into as many triangles as the figure has sides, by drawing straight lines from a point F within the figure to each of its angles. And, by the preceding proposition, all the angles of these triangles are equal to twice as many right angles as there are triangles, that is, as there are sides of the figure ; and the same angles are equal to the an- gles of the figure, together with the angles at the point F, (which do not belong to the figure), that is, together with four right angles. Therefore, the angles of the figure wants four right angles of being equal to twice as many right angles as the figure has sides. Cor. 2. All the exterior angles of any rectilineal figure formed by producing each of its sides, are together equal to four right angles. Because every interior angle, as ABC, with its adjacent exterior ABB, is equal to two right angles ; therefore all the interior, together with all the exterior angles of the figure, ate equal to twice as many right angles as there are sides of the figure; that is, by the foregoing corollary, they are equal to all the interior angles of the figure, together with four right angles ; but the interior angles belong to the inside, and are therefore to be deducted, conse- quently all the exterior angles are equal to four right angles. PROPOSITION XXXIII. Theorem. — The straight lines which join the extremities of two equal and parallel straight lines , towards the same parts , are also themselves equal and parallel. Let AB, CD, be equal and parallel straight lines, and joined towards the same parts by the straight lines AC, B D ; AC, B D are also equal and parallel. Join B C ; and because A B is parallel to C D, and B C meets them, the alternate angles ABC, BCD are equal ; and be- cause A B is equal to C D, and B C com- mon to the two triangles A B C, D C B, the two sides A B, B C are equal to the two DC, C B ; and the angle AB C is equal to the angle BCD; therefore the base A C is equal to the base B D, and the triangle A B C to the triangle BCD, and the other angles to the other angles, each to each, to which the equal sides are opposite ; there- fore the angle A C B is equal to the angle C B D ; and because the straight line B C meets the two straight lines A C, B D, and makes the alternate angles A C B, C B D equal to one another, A C is parallel to B D ; and it was shewn to be equal to it. Therefore, straight lines, &c. Q. E. D, PROPOSITION XXXIV. Theorem. — The opposite sides and angles of a parallelogram are equal to one ano- ther, and the diameter bisects it, that is, divides it into two equal parts.* Let ACDB be a parallelogram, of which BC is a diameter; the opposite * A parallelogram is a four-sided figure, of which the opposite sides are parallel ; and the diameter is the straight line joining two of its opposite angles. 178 THE ARTISAN. sides and angles of the figure are equal to one another ; and the diameter BC bisects it. A... & Because AB is parallel to CD, and B C meets them, the alternate angles ABC, BCD, are equal to one another ; and be- cause AC is parallel to BD, and BC meets them, the alternate angles A C B, C B D are equal to one another ; wherefore the two triangles ABC, CBD have two angles ABC, B C A, in one, equal to two angles BCD, CBD, in the other, each to each, and one side B C common to the two tri- angles, which is adjacent to their equal angles; therefore their other sides are equal, each to each, and the third angle of the one to the third angle of the other ; viz. the side A B to the side C D, and A C to B D, and the angle B A C equal to the angle BDC. And because the angle A B C is equal to the angle BCD, and the angle C B D to the an gle A C B, the whole angle A B D is equal to the whole angle ACD: and the angle BAC has been shown to be equal to the angle BDC ; therefore the opposite sides and angles of a parallelo- gram are equal to one another : also, its diameter bisects it ; for A B being equal to C D, and B C common, the two A B, B C, are equal to the two DC, C B, each to each ; and the angle A B C is equal to the angle BCD; therefore the triangle A B C is equal to the triangle BCD, and the diameter B C divides the parallelo- gram A C D B into two equal parts. There- fore, &c. Q. E. D. The converse of the former part of this proposition is, “ If the opposite sides of a quadrilateral figure be equal, the figure is a parallelogram.” Cor. Hence if the opposite sides of a quadrilateral figure be equal, its opposite angles will likewise be equal ; for such a figure is a parallelogram, and the opposite angles are equal, by the Proposition. PROPOSITION XXXV. Theorem. — Parallelograms upon the same base and between the same parallels , are equal to one another. Let the parallelograms A B C D, D BC F be upon the same base B C, and between the same parallels A F, BC; the paralle- logram ABC1) is equal to the parallelo- gram D B C F. If the sides AD, D F of the parallelo- grams A BCD, DBCF opposite to the base B C be terminated in the same point D ; it is plain that each of the parallelo- grams is double of the triangle BDC; and they are therefore equal to one ano- ther. But, if the sides AD, E F, opposite to the base B C of the parallelograms ABCD, EBCF, be not terminated in the same point : then, because A B C D is a parallelogram, A D is equal to B C ; for the same reason E F is equal to B C ; wherefore A D is equal to E F ; and D E is common ; there- fore the whole, or the remainder A E is equal to the whole, or the remainder DF ; now A B is also equal to D C ; therefore the two EA, AB, are equal to the two F D, D C, each to each ; but the exterior angle FDC is equal to the interior E AB, wherefore the base EB is equal to the base F C, and the triangle E A B to the triangle FDC. Take the triangle FDC from the trapezium A B C F, and from the same trapezium take the triangle E A B ; the remainders will then be equal ; that is, the parallelogram A B C D is equal to the parallelogram EBCF. Therefore, paral- lelograms upon the same base, &c. THE ARTISAN. 179 PROPOSITION XXXVI. Theorem. — Parallelograms upon equal bases , and between the same parallels , are equal to one another. Let ABCD, EFGHbe parallelograms upon equal bases B C, F G, and between the same parallels A H, B G ; the paral- lelogram A B C D is equal to E F G H. Join BE, CH; and because BC is equal to F G, and F G to E H, B C is equal to E H ; and they are parallels, and joined towards the same parts by the straight lines B E, C H : but straight lines which join equal and parallel straight lines towards the same parts, are themselves equal and parallel ; therefore E B, C H are both equal and parallel, and EBCH is a parallelogram; and it is equal to ABCD, because it is upon the same base B C, and between the same parallels B C, A H : For the like reasons, the paral- lelogram EFGH is equal to the same EBCH; therefore also the parallelogram A B C D is equal to E F G II. Wherefore, parallelograms, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION XXXVII. Theorem. — Triangles upon the same base , and between the same parallels , are equal to one another. Let the triangles ABC, D B C be upon the same base B C, and between the same parallels AD, B C : The triangle ABC, is equal to the triangle D B C. Produce AD both ways to the points E, F, and through B draw B E parallel to C A ; and through C draw C F parallel to B D : therefore, each of the figures EBCA, DBCF is a parallelogram ; and EBCA is equal to D B C F, because they are upon the same base B C, and between the same parallels BC, E F ; and the triangle ABC is the half of the parallelogram EBCA, because the diameter A B bisects it ; and the triangle D B C is the half of the paral- lelogram DBCF, because the diameter DC bisects it: but the halves of equal things are equal; therefore the triangle ABC is equal to the triangle D B C. Wherefore triangles, &c. Q. E. D. MECHANICS. OF THE BALANCE. Although the balance is not considered a distinct mechanical power, being a lever with equal arms, yet it is of so much use in the common affairs of life, and of so great utility in every nice scientific research where quantity is concerned, that we shall endeavour to explain the principles upon which it depends. The beam of a common balance must have its arms precisely equal in length. Its axis of motion is formed with an edge like that of a knife, made of hard steel, agate, or garnet; and the two dishes at its extremities are hung upon edges of the same kind. These edges are first made sharp, and then rounded with a fine bone, or a piece of buff leather. The excellence of the instrument depends, in a great measure, on the regular form of this rounded part. When the lever, or beam, is considered as a mere line, the two outer edges are called points of suspension , and the inner the fulcrum. The points of suspension are supposed to be at equal distances from the fulcrum, and to be pressed with equal weights when loaded. The best beams are made of two hollow cones of brass, united at their bases ; they are lifted off their supports when the ba- lance is not in use, in order to avoid acci- dental injuries, the scales are also sup- ported, so as not to hang from the beam, until they have received their weights. In delicate balances, a small weight is sometimes inclosed within the beam, which is raised or depressed at pleasure, by a screw, so as to bring the centre of gravity of the whole moveable apparatus as near to the fulcrum as may be required, in order to make the vibrations of the beam slow and extensive, and to bring it to the horizontal position, whether the scales have weights in them or not. The following figure represents a balance made by Fidler for the Royal Institution, London, and nearly resembles those made by Ramsden and Troughton, which will also be noticed in the course of the present article. N 2 180 THE ARTISAN. The middle column A is raised at plea- sure by the cock IS, and carries the round ends of the axis in the forks at its upper part, in order to remove the pressure on the sharp edges- of the axis within the forks. The scales are occasionally supported by the pillars C and D, which are elevated or depressed by turning the handle E. The screw F serves for raising or lowering a weight within the conical beam, by means of which the place of the centre of gravity is regulated. The extent of the vibrations is measured on the graduated arc G. This arc is useful for determining the degree of inequality of the weights, by enabling us to ascertain exactly the middle point of the vibrations of the beam. When a balance is well constructed, it must have the following properties : 1st. it should rest in a horizontal position when loaded with equal weights ; 2d. it should have great sensibility; that is, the addition of a small weight in either scale should disturb the equilibrium," and make the beam incline sensibly from the horizontal position ; 3d. it should have great stability ; that is, when disturbed, it should quickly return to a state of rest. That the first of these requisites may be obtained, the beam must have equal arms; and the centre of suspension must be higher than the centre of gravity. Were these centres to coincide , the beam, when the weights were equal, would rest in any position, and the addition of the smallest weight would overset the balance, and place the beam in a vertical situation, from which it would have no tendency to return. The sensibility in this case would be the greatest possible ; but the other two re- quisites of level and stability would be entirely lost. When the centre of gravity is lower than the centre of suspension, if the weights be equal, the beam will be horizontal, and if they be unequal, it will take an oblique position, and will raise the centre of gra- vity of the whole, making the momentum on the side of the lighter weight, equal to that on the side of the heavier, so that an equilibrium will again take place. If the centre of gra vity be higher than the centre of suspension, when the beam is level, it will overset by the smallest action, and make a revolution of no less than a se- micircle, and the motion will be the swifter the higher the centre of gravity is above the point of suspension, and the smaller the weights with which the beam is loaded. The second requisite, as already stated, is the sensibility of the balance, or the THE ARTISAN. 181 smallness of the weight by which a given angle of inclination is produced. This depends on three circumstances; namely, the length of the arm, the distance between the centres of gravity and suspen- sion, and the weight with which the ba- lance is loaded. For the sensibility is the greater, the greater the length of the arm, the less the distance between the two centres, and the less the weight with which the balance is loaded. Lastly, the stability , or the force with which the state of equilibrium is recovered, depends chiefly on the two former circum- stances ; that is, the length of the arm and the distance between the centres of gravity and suspension. For the diminution of the distance be- tween these centres while it increases the sensibility , lessens the stability of the ba- lance ; but the lengthening of the arm in- creases the former of these, without di- minishing the latter. These observations, as well as the va- rious kinds of equilibrium, are well illus- trated by a balance of the following form. When the scales are hung on the middle pins, A and B, which are in the same ho- rizontal line with the support of the beam, the equilibrium is neutral, as already ob- served, or the beam would rest in any po- sition, because the weights would act as if the centre of gravity coincided with the centre of suspension. If the scales be hung on the lowest pins C and B, the centre of gravity will be nearly in the line C D, and its path the curve E, which has its concavity upward. In this case the beam will be level, or the line C D will be horizontal when the scales are loaded with equal weights ; but if the scales are hung on the points F and G, the path of the centre of gravity will be convex upwards, and the beam will overset. In reality, the true paths of the centre would be nearly in the curves H and I, situated between the weights in the scales : but these are simi- lar to the other curves. If the equilibrium be rendered tottering by the elevation of the points of suspen- sion of the scales, the lower scale will not rise, even if it be somewhat less loaded than the upper, for in this case the lower weight acts with the greatest advantage : thus, the effect of the weight A is reduced in the proportion of B C to D C, by the obliquity of the arm C A, while the weight E acts on the whole length of the arm C F.* The arms of a balance have sometimes been made unequal for fraudulent pur- poses, the weight being placed nearer to the fulcrum than the substance to be weighed. This fraud, however, may be detected by changing the contents of one scale into that of the other. If a counterpoise to the same weight be determined when put in each scale, the sum of both counterpoises will be greater than twice the true weight ; and the pur- chaser of any commodity would be sure of having even more than his due, if he could prevail on the seller to weigh half in the one scale and half in the other. For example : if one arm of the beam were only three fourths as long as the other, the counterpoise to a weight of twelve ounces, would be nine ounces in one scale, and sixteen in the other, making together twenty -five instead of twenty-four ounces. This fact may be illustrated by a very simple figure, as follows : If A B C be a semicircle, * When the effective length of one or both arms of the beam are capable of being varied, by changing the points of suspension according to the divisions of a scale, the instrument is called a steelyard. Where one weight only is used, it is not necessary that the two arms should exactly balance each other, for the divisions may be so placed as to make the necessary adjustment ; but it is sometimes convenient to have two or three weights, of different magnitudes, and for this purpose the instrument should be in equili- brium without any weight. There are various forms of the steelyard, each of which has its peculiar ad- vantage. The most useful of these will be described in another part of this work. 182 THE ARTISAN. and B D represent a given weight, and A D its counterpoise in one of the scales of an unequal balance, then D C will be its counterpoise in the other scale. Now it is evident that A C, or the sum of the two unequal weights is more than twice B D, or double the true weight. The true weight of a substance weighed in a false balance, may be easily deter- mined by a little calculation, as follows : — weigh the substance in each scale, then multiply the two results together, and extract the square root of the product, which will be the true weight of the sub- stance under trial. For example — suppose a substance to weigh 16 ounces in one scale, and 9 ounces in the other; required its true weight? Here 16 multiplied by 9 is 144, the square root of which is 12. The true weight of the substance is therefore twelve ounces. The same thing may also be determined geometrically ; thus, draw a straight line A C, (see the foregoing figure), equal to the sum of the two unequal weights, upon which describe a semicircle, divide the line into two parts A D and D C, in the ratio of the weights, then at the point D raise a perpendicular DB, to meet the circumference of the circle, and this line B D will represent the true weight.* As very delicate balances are not only useful in nice experiments, but are like- wise much more expeditious than those that are made for common purposes, they are considered as very valuable instru- ments, and consequently are not very nu- merous ; we shall therefore conclude this article with a short account of some of the most delicate balances which have yet been constructed. In the Philosophical Transactions, vol. * The line AC must be taken from a scale of equal parts, and B D measured upon the same'scale. That B D square is equal to the rectangle of" AD, and D C, is proved in the 35th prop. 3 B. Euclid. Ixvi. p. 509, mention is made of two accu- rate balances of Mr. Bolton ; and it is said that one would weigh a pound, and turn with ^ of a grain. This, if the pound be avoirdupoise, is 7 gkgg of the weight; and shews that the balance could be well de- pended on to four places of figures, and probably to five. The other weighed half an ounce, and turned with ^ of a grain. This is of the weight. In the same volume, p. 511, a balance of Mr. Read’s is mentioned, which readily turned with less than one pennyweight, when loaded with fifty-five pounds, but very distinctly turned with four grains, when tried more patiently. This is about 55So3 P art l he weight; and therefore this balance may be depended on to five places of figures. Also, page 576, a balance of Mr. White- hurst’s weighs one pennyweight, and is sensibly affected with ^g of a grain. This is ?g igg part of the weight. Dr. Ure, of Glasgow, has a pair of scales of the common construction, made in Lon- don. With 1200 grains in each scale, it turns with ^ of a grain. This is g^oo of the whole : and therefore about this weight may be known to five places of figures. The proportional delicacy is less in greater weights. The beam will weigh nearly a pound troy ; and when the scales are empty, it is affected by -j^g of a grain. On the whole, it may be usefully applied to determine all weights between 100 grains and 4000 grains to four places of figures. A balance belonging to Mr. Alchorne, of the Mint in London, is mentioned, vol. Ixxvii. p. 205, of the Philosophical Trans- actions. It is true to 3 grains with 15 lb. an end. If these were avoirdupois pounds, the weight is known to ggigg part, or to four places of figures, or rarely five. A balance, (made by Ramsden, and turn- ing on points instead of edges) in the pos- session of Dr. George Fordyyce, is men- tioned in the seventy -fifth volume of the Philosophical Transactions. With a load of four or five ounces, a difference of one division in the index was made by of a grain. This is gg^jgg part of the weight, and consequently this beam will ascertain such weights to five places of figures, beside an estimate figure. The balance made by the late Mr. Rams- den, for the Royal Society of London, turns on steel edges, upon planes of polished crystal. It is capable of weighing ten pounds, and turns with the one ten millionth of the weight. THE ARTISAN. 183 HYDRAULICS. SCOOP WHEEL. The machine called a scoop wheel is in- tended to raise water to a height equal to its semi-diameter. It is represented by the following figure, and consists of a number of semicircular partitions, as may be perceived by an inspection of the fol- lowing figure : These partitions are open at both ends ; that is, at the circumference, and at the centre of the machine. As the wheel is turned round in the direction W X W, either by the hand or by any other power, the scoops take up the water, which gra- dually descends during the rotation of the wheel, till it runs into its hollow axle, which again discharges it into a spout O. The scoop wheel is one of the forms in which the Persian wheel is often described ; but we shall here give a description of that machine as it is usually constructed. PERSIAN WHEEL. The Persian wheel is a double water wheel, with float boards on one side, and a series of buckets on the other, which are moveable about an axis above their centre of gravity. The wheel is placed in a stream, which puts it in motion by acting- on its float boards. As the wheel turns the moveable buckets dip in the water, and ascend filled with the fluid. But when they reach the highest point, their lower ends strike against a fixed obstacle, so as to make them empty themselves into a re- servoir placed at the top of the wheel. There is another form of the Persian wheel, which is perhaps oftener employed than the one just described, we shall there- fore give a representation, and a short description, of it. Here W W is a common bucket wheel, moving in the direction W O W. The buckets dipping in the water MN, rise filled with it, and discharge their contents into the reservoir O, near the summit of the wheel. A wheel of this kind has lately been employed for draining the moss of Blairdrummond in Scotland. It is driven by floatboards fixed on its peri- phery, or convex circumference, like the common undershot wheel, and a current of water is brought in at a side, to fill buckets placed on the concave side of the rim. CHAIN PUMP. The chain puipp consists of an endless chain W W B A, w r hich passes round the wheel W W, enters the water to be raised,’ and then returns through the tube B A into the cis- tern M N. This chain carries a number of flat cylindrical pistons a, h , c, of nearly 184 THE ARTISAN. the same diameter as the tube A B, one half of each piston being received into openings in the circumference of the wheel. When the wheel is put in motion, the pistons enter the barrel B A, and pushing the water before them, raise it into the re- servoir M N. When the wheel is turned with great velocity, the barrel is generally filled with water. Pumps of this kind are frequently placed in an inclined position, and they raise the greatest quantity of water in this position, when the distance of the flat piston is equal to their breadth, and when the inclination of the barrel is about 24°. The Spanish Noria, described at page 153, is the same as a chain pump, the earthen pitchers s upplying the place of a chain. Machines of this kind are sometimes called cellular pumps , and when stuffed, cushions are used in place of pistons, they are called paternoster pumps. The Chinese work their cellular pumps, by walking on bars which project from the axis of the wheel, or drum that drives them. Whatever objection may be made to the choice of machines of this kind, the Chinese mode of communicating motion to them must be allowed to be advantageous. The chain pump generally used in the navy, is one with flat boards united to the chain, instead of cylindrical pistons, as represented in the foregoing figure. The barrel is usually square, and through it leathers strung on a chain, are drawn in constant succession ; but these pumps are only employed when a large quantity of water is to be raised, and then they must be worked with considerable velocity, in order to produce any effect at all. whitehorst’s engine. Mr. Whitehurst, an ingenious watch- maker of Darby, appears to have been the first person who entertained the idea of raising water by means of its momentum. A machine upon this principle was erected at Oulton in Cheshire, and is described in the Transactions of the Royal Society of London, for the year 1775 ; but as it is both a simple and ingenious machine, we shall here give a representation of it. AM is the reservoir of water, whose surface at M is on a level with B, the bottom of the reservoir B N. The main pipe A E is about 200 yards long, and If inch in diameter, and the branch pipe E F is of such a size, that the cock F is about 16 feet below the surface of the water at M. A valve box with a valve a is shewn at D, and C is an air vessel, into which are inserted the extremities mn of the main pipe, which are bent downwards for the purpose of preventing the air from being driven out when the water is forced into it. Now, when the coek F is opened, the water will rush out with a velocity of nearly 30 feet per second. A column of water, therefore, 200 yards long and If inch diameter, is now put in motion, and must have a considerable momentum. Hence, if the cock F be suddenly shut, the water will rush through the valve a into the air vessel C, and condense the included air. This condensation will take place every time that the cock is opened, so that the included air being compressed, will press upon the water in the air vessel, and raise it into the reservoir B N. This machine is the same in principle as THE ARTISAN 185 the hydraulic ram, invented by Montgolfier, and differs from it only in this, that a simi- lar effect to opening the cock in White- hurst’s machine, is produced by the motion of the water in Mongolfier’s. The hydraulic ram was constructed by Montgolfier in the year 1797, and has been brought to a very perfect state by a series of improvements, which he has succes- sively made upon it. The latest of these, which has been made public, was added in 1816 ; but as drawings of the machine are absolutely necessary, to render a descrip- tion of it intelligible, we must reserve our account of it for another part of this work. fHfecellatteous Subjects. MEMOIR OF THE LIFE OF THE LATE MR. RAMSDEN. Jesse Ramsden was born at Halifax, in Yorkshire, on the 16th of October, 1730. At an early period he conceived a strong desire of devoting himself to literature, and especially to history and antiquities : the mathematics and chemistry engaged his attention also in their turn ; but his father was anxious that he should pursue some occupation which might be useful to him; and as he was a clothier, young Ramsden applied to the same employment till he had attained to the age of twenty- one. He then went to London, to seek for some occupation more suited to his genius. Besides other things, he applied to engraving under Burton :* and a fortu- nate circumstance conducted him to that object for which nature seemed to have destined him, which was to be the re- viver and father of the instrumental part of astronomy. Mathematical instruments were often brought to him to be engraven : the more he examined them the more he was sensible of their defects, and a secret instinct made him desirous of constructing better ones. He therefore resolved to make an attempt in this line: he soon acquired the use of the file, and made him- self acquainted with the method of turning * Mr. Burton was a thermometer and barometer maker, and divider of instruments. Instruments at this period were divided by means of a plate ap- plied to them, and the divisions were in this man- ner marked off. Mr. Burton was one of the best workmen of his time, and worked for Short, Bird, and other eminent artists. Mr. Ramsden bound himself apprentice to Mr. Burton for four years ; and after his time was expired entered into partner- ship with Mr. Fairbone, who lived afterwards in New-street, Shoe-lane. This partnership, however, did not long continue. Mr. Ramsden opened a shop on his own account in the Strand, and, having married Miss Dolland, became possessed of a part of Mr. Dollond’s patent for achromatic telescopes. brass, land even of grinding glasses. In the year 1763 he constructed instruments for Sisson, Dolland, Nairne, Adams, and other methematical instrument makers. He then established a shop on his own account, in the Haymarket, about the year 1768 ; from which he removed to Picca- dilly in 1775. Having formed a design of examining all the astronomical instru- ments, he resolved to correct those which being founded on good principles were de- fective only in the construction, and to set aside those which were wrong in both these respects. Hadley’s sextant, which is so much em- ployed in the British navy, appeared to him one of the most useful, but it was then very imperfect ; the essential parts were not of sufficient strength ; the centre was subject to too much friction ; and the index could be moved several minutes without any change being produced in the position of the mirror; the divisions in general were very coarse : and Mr. Ramsden found that the Abbfi de la!Caille was right, when he estimated at five minutes the error which might take place in the ob- served distances of the moon and stars, and which might occasion in the longitude an error of fifty nautical leagues. Mr. Ramsden therefore changed the construc- tion in regard to the centre, and made these instruments so correct as to give never more than half a minute of uncer- tainty. The invention of a dividing machine having now become necessary, he emo ployed himself in constructing one, which he did with the greatest success. The dividing machines before used were far from being exact. Graham and Bird em- ployed beam compasses. The latter kept his method a secret till it was purchased from him by the Board of Longitude, in order to be published. Mr. Ramsden had already discovered a method of his own, which in exactness surpassed that of Bird. For large works he continued to use the beam compasses ; but as it is necessary in the greater number of common instruments to save time, he employed himself for ten years in improving his dividing machine, and at last brought it to a state in which both ease and expedition are united. With this admirable machine a sextant could be divided in the course of twenty minutes. For the invention of this, Mr. Ramsden received a premium of £600 from the Board of Longitude. The Board of Lon- gitude has often given greater premiums for objects of less utility ; but the greatest men do not always obtain the greatest re- wards. Newton, indeed, got a place in the mint; but he was not indebted for it to his merit alone. While Mr. Ramsden was employed oe 186 THE ARTISAN. his dividing machine, he improved at the same time other instruments. The theodo- lite before consisted merely of a telescope, turning on a circle divided at every three minutes, by means of a vernier ; but in the hands of Mr. Ramsden it became a new and perfect instrument, which serves for measuring heights and distances as well as for taking angles. He constructed the great theodolite, employed by general Roy for measuring the triangles which join those of England and France, (and by which there cannot bean error of a second, though it is only eighteen inches radius. It is furnished with two telescopes, each of which turns on a horizontal axis, and by which the angles between objects more or less elevated are reduced to the horizon, and measured. General Roy measured the angle between the pole star and the sides of his triangles, in order to have the con- vergency of the meridians such as it is in our oblate spheroid. These operations showed, that the difference between the meridians of the observatories of Paris and Greenwich is 9 20 '. The barometer employed for measuring the heights of mountains has been much improved by Mr. Ramsden. His method of marking at the bottom the line of the level, tand of looking at the top to the con- tact of the index with the summit of the mercury, renders it possible to distinguish the hundredth part of a line, and to mea- sure heights within a foot. He showed M. de Luc that it is the summit of the column, and not the part which touches the glass, that ought to be observed ; and he caused a table to be engraved, which accompanies his barometers, and which, without calculation, gives the heights of places according to the height of the ba- rometer, and even for different degrees of heat. He also simplified the apparatus for carrying and supporting portable baro- meters. Various other philosophical instruments have been made by Mr. Ramsden, and always with new improvements : such as an electric machine ; a manometer for measuring the density of the air ; an in- strument for measuring inaccessible dis- tances, and which renders it unnecessary to measure a base ; assaying balances which turn with a ten-thousandth part of the weight. The pyrometer, destined to measure the dilatation of bodies by heat, afforded exer- cise also for the talents of Mr. Ramsden ; and with the happiest success, as may be seen in the Philosophical Transactions for 1785. Optics are also very much indebted to Mr. Ramsden for its improvement. He found means to correct the aberration of sphericity and refrangibility in compound eye-glasses applied to all astronomical instruments, and in a new and perfect manner. Opticians had imagined, that this could be accomplished by making the image of the object-glass fall between the two eye-glasses ; which was attended with' this great inconvenience, that the eye-glass could not be touched without deranging the line of collimation, and the value of the parts of the micrometer. To remedy this inconvenience Mr. Ramsden set out from a very simple experiment, namely, that the edges of an image observed through a prism are less coloured according as the image is nearer the prism ; and, in conse- quence of this truth, he sought for the means of placing the two eye-glasses be- tween the image of the object-glass and the eye, without failing to correct the two aberrations, which he did ' by changing the radii of the curves and placing the glasses in a manner altogether different from that commonly employed. He invented also a reflecting object- glass micrometer, a description of which may be seen in the Transactions of the Royal Society of London for 1779. In his paper on this subject he points out the de- fects and inconveniences of that of Bou- guer, first invented in 1748, in which the different positions of the eye, in regard to the pencil of light, cause the two images to appear sometimes to touch each other, sometimes to be separated, and sometimes alternately by a sort of oscillation. He found also that the aberration of the rays, which renders the object badly defined, increased the inconvenience of that instru- ment. He thought it would therefore be necessary to abandon the principle of re- fraction, and to substitute that of reflection. This instrument, as simple as ingenious, contains no more mirrors or glasses than what are necessary for the telescope ; and the separation of the two images depends only on the inclination of the mirrors, and not on the focus. He however employed himself in im- proving the refracting micrometer, and con- ceived the happy idea of placing this mi- crometer not towards the object-glass, but exactly in the conjugate focus of the first eye-glass. This micrometer is com- posed of two plano-convex lenses, which can be moved and form two images, as in the object-glass micrometers ; but with this difference, that the rays before they fall on the plano-convex lenses pass through a lens convex on both sides, at a certain dis- tance towards the object-glass. By these means the contrary refraction of the two plano-convex lenses, and the convex lens, corrects the error which takes place in object-glass micrometers, where the image depends only on the focus of the two plano- convex lenses. The image being already THE ARTISAN. 187 considerably magnified before" it falls on the refracting micrometer, the imperfection of the glasses can occasion only an insen- sible error in the measurement of angles. It is true, indeed, that by this position the field of the micrometer will be smaller than what it would be were the micrometer near the object-glass. Mr. Ramsden de- vised means also for making the images to be uniformly illuminated in every part of the field. With this micrometer the dia- meter of the planets may be measured in every direction; it may be adapted to achromatic telescopes of every kind; it may be brought near to or removed from the object-glass at pleasure, to render vision distinct; and it may be taken from the tube of the eye-glasses, that the teles- cope may be employed without a microme- ter. All these advantages have given great reputation to Ramsden’s microme- ters, land the astronomer who can now obtain one of them may consider himself fortunate. In consequence of these and other in- ventions, Mr. Ramsden was elected a fel- low of the Royal Society in 1786. The objects hitherto mentioned, how- ever, are not the most important of the works of Mr. Ramsden. The equatorial, the transit instrument, and quadrant, re- ceived in his hands new improvements. The equatorial first constructed by Sisson, and which was somewhat improved by Short, was much further improved by Ramsden; He first suppressed the end- less crew, which by pressing on the centre destroyed its precision. He placed the centre of gravity on the centre of the base, and caused all the movements to take place in every direction. He pointed out the means of rectifying the instrument in all its parts ; and he applied to it a very ingenious small machine for measuring or correcting the effect of refraction. This invention is much anterior to that given by Mr. Dolland in the Philosophical Transac- tions. Mr. Ramsden had a patent for this kind of equatorial. The honourable Stew- art Mackenzie, brother of the Earl of Bute, the friend and patron of Mr. Ramsden, wrote a description of this machine, which has been printed. But Mr. Ramsden did not always strictly adhere to the descrip- tion; for his inventive genius rarely allowed him to construct the same instru- ment in the same manner. The transit instrument is employed in all the large observatories of Europe ; but Mr. Ramsden has added to it several im- provements. He invented a method of illuminating the wires, by making the light pass along the axis of the machine. The reflector is placed in the inside, and ob- liquely in the middle. He did not lessen the aperture of the object-glass : and as the light passes through a coloured prism, which“may be moved at pleasure, the^light may be increased or diminished. Ramsden’s meridian telescopes, such as those at Blenheim, at Manheim, at Dublin, and such as those made for the observa- tories of Paris and Gotha, are also remark- able for the excellence of the object-glasses. The mural quadrant is the most import- ant of all the astronomical instruments, and Mr. Ramsden has distinguished him- self here also by the exactness of his divi- sions : he placed the thread and plummet behind the instrument, in order that it may not be necessary to remove it when obser- vations are made near the zenith. His method of illuminating the object-glass and at the same time the divisions, and of sus- pending the telescope, was more perfect than any previously in use. In those of eight feet which he made for the observa- tories of Padua and Vilna, and which Dr. Maskelyne examined, the greatest error does not exceed two seconds and a half. The mural quadrant of the Duke of Marlborough at Blenheim, which is six feet, is one of the instruments which was made by Mr. Ramsden. It is fixed to four pillars which turn on two pivots, so that the instrument may be placed north and south in a minute. This instrument is as beautiful as it is perfect. But the quadrant was not the instru- ment which Mr. Ramsden valued most. It was the whole circle; and he has proved that to attain to the utmost degree of pre- cision of which observation is susceptible, we must renounce the quadrant entirely. His principal reasons are : 1st. The least variation in the centre is perceived by the two points diametrically opposite. 2d. As the circle is turned the plane is always rigorously exact ; which cannot possibly be the case in the quadrant. 3d. Two mea- surements can always be had of the same arc; which serves for verifying the accu- racy of the observation. 4th. The first point of the division can be verified every day with the greatest ease. 5th. The dila- tation of the metal is uniform, and can produce no error. 6th. This instrument is a meridian telescope as well as a mural. 7th. It becomes a moveable azimuth circle by adding a horizontal circle below the axis, and then gives the refractions inde- pendently of the measure of time. Mr. Ramsden constructed a circle of five feet radius for M. Piazzi, of Palermo, one for the' Observatory of Paris, one for Dublin, of twelve feet, besides several others, and continued to exert his inge- nuity in the improvement, and construc- tion of philosophical instruments till within a very short time of his death, which took place in the year 1800. He had seven children, but none of them are now alive. 188 THE ARTISAN, ARCHITECTURE. We have already stated at page 154, that the orders as now executed are five in number; viz. the Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite ; the first and last of which are Roman, and the others Greek. These orders are chiefly distin- guished from each other by the columnwith. its base and capital , and by the entablature * TUSCAN ORDER. The title of this order leads us to assign its origin to Tuscany, in Italy ; and this conjecture is strengthened by the inhabi- ants of that country being admitted to be the offspring of the Dorians . The Tuscan order is characterized by its plain and robust appearance, and is therefore used only in works, where strength and plainness are required : it has been used with great effect and elegance in that durable monument of ancient gran- deur, Trajan’s Column, at Rome. But the best modern example of this order is St. Paul’s Church, Covent Garden, London. No ancient remains of this order having beem discovered with entablatures , it is only * The Entablature is an ornament or assemblage of parts, supported by a column over the capital : each order of columns ‘has a peculiar entablature divided into’ three principal parts, the architrave, the frieze, and the cornice. See fig. page 175. ; from the accounts given by Vitruvius, that the form and ratio of its members can be determined ; he allows seven diameters for the height of the columns , and dimi- nishes the upper part one fourth of half the diameter ; the base is half a diameter in height, one half of which is given to a circular plinth , and the other to a torus*; the capital is also half a diameter in height, and one in breadth upon the abacus t ; the height is divided into three parts, one of which is given to the abacus , one to the eschinus , and the third to the hypotrache- lian and apophygis ; the architrave has two faces, with an aperture between them of about an inch and a half for the admission of air to preserve the beams; the lower face is vertical upon the edge of the top of the column ; the frieze is plain and flat ; the mutules, or ornamental parts of the cornice project over the beams, equal to one fourth of the height of the column. DORIC ORDER. * A torus or tore is a large semicircular moulding, used in the base of a column. + The abacus is the upper’m ember of’ a column, which serves as a covering tojhe capital. THE ARTISAN. 189 This is the most ancient of the five orders, and while employed by the Greeks, was without a base; the surface of its shaft is usually found worked into twenty very flat flutes, meeting each other at an edge, which is sometimes a little rounded ; the upper member of the capital is a square abacus or thin plinth, under which is a large and elegantly formed ovolo, with a great projection ; immediately under the ovolo, there are three fillets or annulets, which project from the continued line of the under part of the ovolo, and have equally recessed spaces between them; the flutings of the column are terminated by the under side of the last of these three fillets, and either partly or entirely in a plane at right angles with the axis of the column. The architrave is composed of one verti- cal face, with a band or fillet at its upper edge; to the underside of this band are suspended a small fillet and conical drops or guttce , which, for their position, are dependent upon the ordnance of the frieze. The frieze consists of rectangular pro- jections and recesses placed alternately. The height of each projection or tablet is rather more than its breadth. The recesses are either perfectly or nearly square. The tablets are each cut vertically into two angular channels, with two half ones on the extreme edges ; each channel is formed by two planes meeting at its bottom at a right angle, and each forming an angle of 135 degrees with the face of the tablet. The upper ends of the channels are ter- minated in various forms ; the tablets are, from their channellings, named triglyphs; in a direction immediately under each triglyph, and equal to its breadth, a small fillet is attached to the lower side of the architrave crowning band, and from it de- pend six guttae or drops, which are gene- rally the frusta, or lower parts of cones with their bases downwards, though they are sometimes of a cylindrical shape. The square spaces in the frieze between the triglyphs, are named metopes, A and are frequently decorated with sculptures. The cornice is strongly marked by a corona of great projection, forming a very distinct separation between its upper and lower parts ; and by having, below the corona, and immediately over the tri- glyphs, blocks, named mutules, which also project considerably, and have the plane of their soffits with an inclination from their roofs towards the horizon, and these have likewise guttae or drops depending from their soffits. The established proportions for the con- struction of the doric order are the follow- ing. Considering the diameter that of a circle, at the lower end of a shaft, the column is six diameters in height. The thickness of the upper end of the shaft is three-fourths of the lower, or it diminishes ofie-fourth of the diameter. The height of the Capital is half a di- ameter. That of the ovolo, with the an- nulets, and that of the abacus, are each one-quarter of the upper diameter. The annulets are one-fifth of one of the parts. The horizontal dimensions of each face of the abacus is six times its height. The entablature is divided into four equal parts’; the upper one is the height of the cornice ; the remaining ones are divided equally between the architrave and frieze. The inner edge of the angular triglyph is placed in a vertical line with the axis of the column. The height of the triglyph is di- vided into five equal parts; three of these parts give the distance of its returning face, and determine also that of the epis- tyle, and consequently include the breadth of the triglyph. The height of the capital of the triglyph is one-seventh of its whole height, and the capital of the metope one- ninth. The breadth of the triglyph is di- vided into nine equal parts, giving two to each glyph , one to each semi-glyph, and one to each of the three inter-glyphs. The metopes are square. The height of the cornice is divided into five equal parts ; the lower is given to the fillet, the mutules, and drops ; the next two to the corona ; and the remaining two parts are subdi- vided and disposed among the members. The projection of the cornice is equal to its height ; it is divided into four equal parts, giving three to the projection of the corona. The number of annulets in the capital vary from three to five ; and the number of horizontal grooves, which separate the shaft from the capital, vary from one to three. In the application of the Doric Order to temples, the shafts of the columns are ge- nerally placed upon three steps, which are not proportioned like those inacommon stair, but to the magnitude of the edifice. , ON THE STRONGEST FORMS OF COLUMNS, WALLS, &c. The strongest form of a substance in- cluded by horizontal surfaces, or cut out of a horizontal plank, for supporting a weight at its extremity, is that of a tri- angle. The same form is also the stiffest. For supporting a weight distributed uni- formly throughout its length, the form must be that of a parabola, with its con- vexity turned inwards. For a vertical plank, bearing a weight at its extremity, the strongest and stiffest form is that of a common parabola, with its convexity outwards. If the weight is equally divided, it must be a triangle. 190 THE ARTISAN. To support its own weight, it must have for its outline a common parabola, with its convexity inwards. If such a plank were supported by its lateral adhesion only, its outline must be a logarithmic curve, to sustain its own weight. A horizontal column turned in a lathe, or having all its transverse sections simi- lar, must have its outline a cubical para- bola, convex outwards, in order to support the greatest weight at its extremity. The same form is also the stiffest. To support a weight equally distributed through the length, the curve must be a semicubical parabola. To support its own weight, the outline must be a common parabola, con- vex towards the axis, having its vertex at the extremity. A triangular prism fixed at one end, with its edge uppermost, is weaker than if its depth were reduced to eight ninths, by cutting away the edge. With a certain force, such a beam would crack at its edge, and not break off. If a beam, supported at both ends, have all its transverse sections similar, the two portions must have their outlines cubic parabolas. For a weight equally divided, or applied to any point at pleasure, the cube of the diameter must be as the square of the segments. A wall, turning a vertical face to the wind, ought to have the other face an in- dined plane, in order to resist the force of the wind to the greatest advantage, if made of cohesive materials ; but if loose materials, it ought to be convex and para- bolic behind. A cohesive wall, supporting a bank of earth or a fluid with its vertical face, ought to be concave behind, in the form of a semicubical parabola, with its vertex at the top of the wall: but if the materials are loose, the back of the wall should be an inclined plane. A pillar or column of cohesive materials, formed to resist the wind, must be a cone or a pyramid ; of loose materials, a para- bolic conoid; to support its own weight only, a pillar must have the logarithmic curve for its outline. A mortise hole should be taken out of the middle of abeam, not from one side; but if it is on the concave side, and is filled up with hard wood, it does not diminish the strength. For similar rea- sons, a piece spliced on, to strengthen a beam, should be on the convex side. If a cylinder is to be supported at two points with the least strain, the distance between the points should be *5858 of the length. If a piece be spliced on a divided beam, equal in depth to half the depth of the beam, the strength is greater than that of the entire beam, in the ratio of 1 to 1*054, very nearly. Coulomb found the lateral cohesion of brick and stone only - 4 \ more than the direct cohesion, which, for stone, was 215 pounds for a square inch ; for good brick from 280 to 300. Supposing this lateral cohesion constant, a pillar will support twice as much as it will suspend, and its angle of rupture will be 45°. From the same supposition it may be inferred, that the strongest form of a body of given thick- ness for supporting a weight, is that of a circle, since the power of the weight in the direction of every section varies as the length of that section ; and the strength is therefore equal throughout the substance. But if the cohesion is increased, like friction, by pressure, and supposing, with Amantons, that this increase, for brick, is three fourths of the weight, the plane of rupture of a prismatic pillar will form, according to Coulomb, an angle of 63° 26' with the horizon, and the strength will be doubled. On both suppositions the strength is simply as the section. ON THE INTENSITY OF WIND. Force on a Miles square foot in lh. in pounds av.jby cal- Character. culation. 1 0*005 Hardly perceptible. 2 0*020 Just perceptible. 3 0 049 ) 4 0*070 \ Gentle winds. 5 0*123 3 0*130 A gentle wind. 0*260 Pleasant wind. 10 0*492 Pleasant brisk gale. 0*521 Fresh breeze. 15 1*107 Brisk gale. 20 1*968 Very brisk. 2*604 Brisk gale. 25 3*075 Very brisk. 30 4*429 High wind. 35 5*208 ) 6*027 J High wind. 40 7*873 Very high. 45 9*963 Great storm. 10*416 Very high. 50 12*300 Storm, or tempest. 15*625 Storm. 60 17*715 Great Storm. 20-833 Great Storm. 66 21*435 Great Storm. 26*041 Very great storm. 80 31*490 Hurricane. 31*250 Hurricane. 36*548 Great hurricane. 41*667 Very great hurricane. 46*875 Most violent hurricane. 100 49*200 Hurrricane that tears up 52*083 trees and throws down 57*293 buildings. 109 58*450 Observed by Rochon. THE ARTISAN. 191 TO PREPARE STARCH FROM POTATOES. Grind a quantity of potatoes into a pulp by rubbing them on a plate of tin in which a number of holes have been made, then put them into a hair sieve, and pour cold water over them as long as a milky liquid passes through. This liquid is to be re- ceived into a basin, and when a whitish powder has settled at the bottom, the liquid is to be poured off it, and the powder repeatedly washed with spring water, until it become perfectly white. When the last liquor has been poured off, the basin is to be placed in a warm place till the starch be perfectly dry. Observation. — Twenty pounds of good potatoes, treated in this way, generally yields about four pounds of starch. TO ETCH DESIGNS ON GLASS. Cover the glass all over with a thin coat of bees’ wax, and trace the design with an etching needle; then spread the whole over as uniformly as possible with fluor spar (Derbyshire spar) to the depth of an eighth of an inch, and when this is done, pour sulphuric acid, diluted with three times its weight of water, upon the® spar. After the acid has remained upon it three or four hours it is to be poured off, and the glass washed with oil of turpentine ; the etching will then appear, and the parts that were covered with the wax will have remained untouched. Observation.-— By this means glass ves- sels are graduated and ornamented very easily. SOLUTIONS OF QUESTIONS. ~ The content of the chain is 3 x 3 — 9 solid inches, and the specific gravity of gold is 19*300, which is also the ounces that one cubic foot (1728 inches) of gold weighs* Hence, 1728 : 19300 : : 9 : 100-521 oz. gold. 1728 : 1000 : : 9 : 5 21 oz. water Weight of gold in water 95*311 And taking the specific gravity of silver at 10450, 10450 : 1728 : : 14§ : 2*4 in. nearly, which, multiplied by 8*85, the difference between the specific gravity of gold and silver, * See “ Artisan,” page 25 and 26. gives 21*24 oz. ; and this subtracted from 95*311 oz. (the weight, supposing the whole chain gold) leaves the weight of the chain 74*07 ounces. And 19300 : 1728 : : 74*07 : 6*632 inches pure gold, which, added to 2*4 inches of silver, gives 9*032 cubic inches, the bulk of the chain, or the number of cubic inches of water displaced ; hence, 9*032 — 9 = *032, and this divided by 9, the area of the bottom of the vessel gives 00355 in. — the additional height to which the water would rise. In this question the words “ in water,” ought to be omitted. In the solution sent us by the proposer of this question, the weight of an inch of gold is taken only at 9*962 oz., and one of silver at 5*556. Now the former i 3 11*17, &c. and the latter 6*047. This mis- take has led him to a wrong conclusion We also received a solution to this question from a Correspondent, who signs S., but he has not fully understood the question. Quest. 22, answered by J. Millward, Hammersmith . Let A B be the given finite straight line required to be trisected; then on AB C describe an equilateral triangle ABC; bisect the angle at B by the line B D, and bisect B D in E ; from C through E draw C E, and produce it till it meet A B in F • take any point G in B C, and through G draw G H parallel to B F, and through F draw F H parallel to B G, meeting each other in H ; join F G, and through H draw H K parallel to G F ; and the given finite straight line A B is trisected, or divided into the three equal parts B F, FK, KA. 192 THE ARTISAN. * Demons. Join G K, and through H draw H A parallel to G K ; then because the figures H A K G, H K F G, and H F B G are parallelograms, the opposite sides of which are equal to one another, (Euc. 1 and 84,) therefore the lines B F, F K, K A are respectively equal to the line G H, and therefore B F, F K, K A are equal to one another. Euc. Axiom 1. This question might have been solved more simply ; for by bisecting the angles B A C, and ABC, and drawing H K, parallel to A C, and H F parallel to B C, and the thing was done, and might easily be demonstrated to be so. This question was also solved by J. B. of Oldham. 5 Quest. 23, answered by G. G. C. (the proposer.) If a pendulum vibrate in a circle, and if g be the velocity acquired by a body de- scending freely, in one second of time, p the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, and l the length of the pen- dulum vibrating in one second, in any latitude, then it may be demonstrated that g — p 2 1 Hence, in the present example,* (3*1416) 3 X the length of the pendulum in feet at the Pole, gives 32*24 feet, for the velocity acquired by a heavy body falling freely in one second at the Pole. By the same theorem g, or the force of gravity at latitude 45°, in the present ex- ample, is 32*158 ; and at the equator 32*076. Quest. 24, answered by G. G. C. B * The number 3*1416 is the circumference of a circle, whose diameter is 1. Let A and B be the given points, and D E the line given in position ; from A and B let fall the perpendiculars A D and B E, and produce AD to C, making C D equal to DA. Join BC cutting DEinP, and also join AP* then AP and PB, shall be less than any other two lines AP and PB drawn from A and B to any other point P in the line D E. Demon. Because A D is equal to D C, and DP common to the two triangles A D P and C D P, and the angles at D right angles, the sides A P and C P are equal. In the same manner it may be shown, that A P and PC are equal. Hence AP and B P are together equal to B C, and A P and B P are equal to C P and P B. Now (Eucl. 1 and 20) B C is less than B P and P C, and therefore A P and P B are less than AP and P B. This question was solved nearly in the same manner, by Mr. John Holroyd, Teacher, Oldham . QUESTIONS FOR SOLUTION. Quest. 28, proposed by Alfred Equality. In the city of Pisa in Tuscany, is a cir- cular building called the Hanging-tower, which is said to have been 188 feet in height, its inclination from the perpen- dicular is such, that the top projects 16 feet over the base, or horizontal plane, 6 feet of the tower having sunk on one side below its original site. Required the dia™ ameter of the tower ? Quest. 29, proposed by Mr. G. FutVoye, High-street , Mary-le-hone . What will be the diameter of a globe, when the solidity and superficial content are expressed by the same number ? Quest. 30, proposed by J. B. of Oldham. What is the solid content of a cube, the greatest line that can be drawn in it being 9 inches ? d© -m, SU» BAC0ZT THE ARTISAN. ' 193 MEMOIR OF THE LIFE OF FRANCIS BACON, LORD VERULAM, DISCOUNT ST. ALBAN’S. Francis Bacon, Lord High Chancellor ofJEagiand under King James I. was son of Sir Nicholas Bacon, lord keeper of the great seal, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, by Anne, one of the daughters of Sir Anthony Cooke, and eminent for her skill in the Greek, Latin, and Italian languages. He was born at York House, in the Strand, on the 22d January, 1560. He gave early proofs of a surprising strength and preg- nancy of genius, and when a mere boy, was distinguished by persons of worth and dignity for something far beyond his years. Queen Elizabeth, a very acute discerner of merit, was so charmed with the solidity of his sense and the gravity of his beha- viour, that she would often call him “ her young Lord keeper,” an office which he eventually reached, although not in her reign. When qualified for academical studies, he was sent to the University of Cambridge, where, June 10, 1573, he was entered of Trinity College, under Dr. John Whitgift, afterwards Archbishop of Can- terbury. Such was his progress under this able tutor, and such the vigour of his intellect, that before he had completed his sixteenth year, he had not only run through the whole circle of the liberal arts, as they were then taught, but began to perceive the impel fections of the reigning philoso- phy, and meditated that change of system which has since immortalized his name, and has placed knowledge upon its most firm foundation. Extraordinary as this may appear, he was heard, even at that early age, to object to the Aristotleian system, the only one then in repute, and to say, that his “ exceptions against that great philosopher, were not founded upon the worthlessness of the author, to whom he would ever ascribe all high attributes, but for the unfruitfjilness of the way : being a philosophy only for disputations and con- tentions, but barren in the production of works for the benefit of the life of man.” He went to France with Sir Amias Pow- let, then the queen’s ambassador at Paris, who intrusted him with a commission to the queen, which he discharged with great approbation, and returned again to France. During his absence, his father died in 1579; upon which he returned to England, and applied himself to the study of the common-law, which he resolved upon as his profession, though his inclinations led him much more strongly to affairs of state. He was appointed one of the queen’s coun. Vol. I.— No. 13. cil when he was but twenty-eight. And to her he dedicated his Elements and Maxims of the Common-law, in 1596, though they were not printed till after his death. In 1597 he published a work of another kind, entitled, “ Essays, or Coun- sels Civil and Moral.” This work is well known, and has been often reprinted. The author appears to have had a high opinion of its utility ; and of the excellent morality and wisdom it inculcates, there probably never has been but one opinion. Some of these essays had been handed about in manuscript, which he assigns as a reason why he collected and published them in a correct form. In the last ten years of the queen’s reign he made a great figure in the House of Commons, and there he applied himself to politics : so much so, that the Queen and Lord Treasurer Burleigh employed his head and hand in matters of state. He was in his younger years attached to the interests of the Earl of Essex, whom he endeavoured to dissuade from those rash measures which proved his ruin. About 1605 he married Alice, daughter of Bene- dict Barnham, Esq. alderman of London, a lady who brought him an ample fortune, but by whom he never had any children. Upon the accession of King James he was soon raised to considerable honours. In the first year of his reign he was knighted at W hitehall, and next year was made one of the King’s counsel learned in the law. He wrote in favour of the union of the two kingdoms of Scotland and Eng- land, which the King so passionately de- sired. In 1607 he was appointed solicitor- general. In 1611 he was made joint-judge with Sir Thomas Vavasor, then knight- marshal of the knight-marshal’s court ; and in 1613 he succeeded Sir Henry Hobart as Attorney-general ; in 1616 he was sworn one of the Privy Council. He then applied himself to reducing and recomposing the Laws of England. He distinguished him- self when attorney- general by his endea- vours to restrain the custom of duelling then very frequent. In 1617 he was ap - pointed Lord-keeper of the Great Seal, and in 1618 he was made Lord Chancellor of England, and created Lord Verulam. In the midst of these honours and a mul- tiplicity of business, he did not forget his beloved philosophy. In October, 1620, he published his great work, entitled. “ No- vum Organum the design of which was, () 194 THE ARTISAN. to advance a more perfect method of using tire rational faculty than men were before acquainted with, in order to raise and im- prove the understanding, as far as its pre- sent imperfect state admits, and enable it to conquer and interpret the difficulties and obscurities of nature. This work his majesty, (to whom he sent a copy,) re- ceived as graciously as he could wish, and wrote him a letter respecting it, which cer- tainly does honour to both their memories. He received also the compliments of many learned men on the same subject, and had every reason to be satisfied with the gene- ral reception of a work, which cost him so much time and pains. Such is said to have been his anxiety for its perfection, that he revised and altered twelve copies before he brought it to the state in which it was published. January 27, 1621, he was advanced to the dignity of Viscount St. Alban’s, and appeared with the greatest splendour at the opening of the session of parliament on the 30th of that month. But he was soon after surprised with a reverse of fortune. For about the 12th of March following, a committee of the House of Commons was appointed to inspect the abuses of the Courts of Justice. The first thing they fell upon was bribery and corruption, of which the Lord Chancellor was accused by Aubrey and Egerton, who affirmed, that they had procured money to be given to him, to promote their causes depending before him. On Monday, April 29, he sent his confession and submission to the House of Lords, in which he confessed some facts, denied some, and palliated others. The lords agreed to sequester the seal ; and on May 3d, the Lord Chief Jus- tice pronounced the following sentence: “ That the Lord Chancellor should pay a fine of £40,000. and be imprisoned in the Tower, during the King’s pleasure ; that he should be for ever incapable of any office, place, or employment in the state, and never to sit in Parliament, or come within the verge of the Court.” There is a variety of opinions concerning his guilt of the points charged against him. He retired after a short imprisonment, from the engagement of an active life, which he had been called to much against his genius, to the shade of a contemplative one, w hich lie had always loved. The king remitted his fine, and granted it to some of his lord- ship’s friends, in order to give him a little respite from creditors, to whom he is said to have paid £8000 after his fall. “ And the poor remains (as he tells us in one of his letters) which he had of his former for- tunes in plate and jewels, he had paid to poor men to whom he owed, scarcely leav- ing himself a convenient subsistence.” In 1624, in a most pathetic letter, he implored the king to grant a total remission of his sentence, in order that the blot of ignominy which he laboured under might be re- moved. The request was granted him : for we find he was summoned to Parlia- ment in the first year of King Charles I. It appears from the works he composed during his retirement, that his thoughts were still free, vigorous, and noble. In his retirement he composed the greatest part of his English and Latin works. He was taken ill at the Earl of Arundel’s house at Highgate, and there expired on the 9th of April, 1626, in the 66th year of his age. He was buried in St. Michael’s church, at St. Alban’s, according to the direction of his last will, and had a monument of white marble erected to him by Sir Thomas Meautys, who had formerly been his secre- tary, and afterwards Clerk of the Privy Council, under two kings. If we contemplate the personal character and mental powers of Lord Bacon, he will appear to be one of the greatest and wisest men that ever contributed to human know- ledge. “ The only thing,” says Brucker, “ to be regretted in the writings of Bacon is, that he has increased the difficulties necessarily attending his original and pro- found researches, by too freely making use of new terms, and by loading his arrange- ment with an excessive multiplicity and minuteness of divisions. But an attentive and accurate reader, already not unac- quainted with philosophical subjects, will meet with no insuperable difficulties in studying his works ; and, if he be not a wonderful proficient in science, will reap much benefit as well as pleasure from the perusal. In fine,” adds this judicious writer, “ Lord Bacon, by universal con- sent of the learned world, is to be ranked in the first class of modern philosophers.” He unquestionably belonged to that supe- rior order of men, who, by enlarging the boundaries of human knowledge, have been benefactors to mankind ; and he may not improperly be styled, on account of the new track of science which he employed, the Columbus of the philosophical world. ; and it may be jnstly said, that his learning and knowledge was a century in advance of the times in which be lived. In his will he has this remarkable pas- sage, For my name and memory I leave it to men’s charitable speeches, and to foreign nations, and the next ages.” His works, collected into five vols. 4to. were beautifully and accurately printed by Bowyer and Strahan, in 1765, and have been lately reprinted in 8vo. THE ARTISAN. 195 PNEUMATICS. STEAM ENGINE. The steam engine is perhaps the most magnificent effort of mechanical power ; it has undergone successive changes, and it appears to have been brought very near to perfection by the improvements of the late Mr. Watt. The pressure of steam was first applied by the Marquis of Worcester, and afterwards by Savery, to act immediately on the surface of water contained in a close vessel, and this water was forced, by the elasticity of the steam, to ascend through a pipe, as in the following figure, which re- presents the original steam engine as con- structed by Mr. Savery. The vessel A being filled with steam from the boiler B, and the stopcock being turned, the steam cools and is condensed, and the water is foxxed into its place by the pressure of the atmosphere, through the valve C: the steam is then readmitted, and forces the water to ascend through the valve D and the pipe D E. The vessel F acts alternately with A. A great degree of heat, however, was required for raising water to any consider- able height by this machine : for, in order that steam may be made capable of sup- porting, in addition to the atmospherical pressure, a column of 34 feet of water, its temperature must be raised to 248° of Fah- renheit, and for a column of 68 feet, to 271°; such a pressure, also, acting on the internal surface of the vessels, made it ne- cessary that they should be extremely strong; and the height to which water o 2 could be drawn up from below, when the steam was condensed, was limited to 33 or 34 feet. However a still greater objec- tion was, the great quantity of steam ne- cessarily wasted, on account of its coming into contact with the cold water and the receiver, the surfaces of which required to be heated to its own temperature, before the water could be expelled; hence a tenth or a twentieth part only of the steam produced could be effective; and there would probably have been a still greater loss, but for the difficulty with which heat is conducted downwards in fluids. These inconveniences were, in a great measure, avoided in Newcomen’s engine, where the steam was gradually introduced into a cy- linder, and suddenly condensed by a jet of water, so that the piston was forced down with great violence by the pressure of the atmosphere, which produced the effective stroke : this effect was, however, partly employed in raising a counterpoise, which descended upon the readmission of the steam, and worked a forcing pump in its return, when water was to be raised. This engine is represented by the following figure. Here the steam being admitted into the cylinder A below the piston, the weight B is allowed to descend : a jet of water is then admitted by the pipe C, which con- denses the steam, and the pressure of the atmosphere then depresses the piston : a part of this water is admitted by the pipe D into the boiler, in order to keep it suffi- ciently full. Though this manner of condensing the steam was rapid, yet it was neither instan- taneous nor complete, for the water injected into the cylinder had its temperature con- siderably raised by the heat emitted by the steam during its condensation ; it could only reduce the remaining steam to its own temperature, and at this temperature it might still retain a certain degree of elas- ticity ; thus, at the temperature of 180°, 196 THE ARTISAN. steam is found to be capable of sustaining about half the pressure of the atmosphere, so that the depression of the piston must have been considerably retarded by the re- maining elasticity of the steam, when the water was much heated. The water of the jet was left off when the piston was lowest, and was afterwards pumped up to serve the boiler, as it had the advantage of being already hot. In this, as well as in other steam engines, the boiler is furnished with a safety valve, which is raised when the force of the steam becomes a little greater than that of the atmospheric pres- sure; and it is supplied with water by means of another valve, which is opened, when the surface of the water within it falls too low, by the depression of a block of stone, which is partly supported by the water. The alternations of heat and cold to which the cylinder was exposed by the jet of cold water, and by exposure to the air, in the old engines, reduced their power nearly to half its real value, so that the moving force, instead of amounting to 14 lb. on every square inch of the area of the piston, was reduced to little more than 71b. The late justly celebrated Mr. Watt avoided this inconvenience, by performing the condensation in a separate vessel, into which a small jet is flowing without inter- mission; and by introducing the steam alternately above and below the piston, the external air is wholly excluded ; the piston rod working in a collar of leather, so that the machine has a double action, somewhat resembling that of Lahire’s double pump ; and the stroke toeing equally effectual in each direction, the same cylin- der, by means of an increased quantity of steam, performs twice as much work as in the common engine. We might also em- ploy, if we thought proper, a lower tem- perature than that qt which water usually boils, and work in this manner with a smaller quantity of steam ; but there would be some difficulty in completely preventing the insinuation of the common air. On the other hand, we may raise the fire so as to furnish steam at 220° or more, and thus obtain a power somewhat greater than that of the atmospheric pressure; and this is found to be the most advantageous mode of working the engine ; but the excess of the force above the atmospheric pressure, can- not be greater than that which is equiva- lent to the column of water descending to supply the boiler, since the water could not be regularly admitted, in opposition to such a pressure. The steam might also be allowed to expand itself within the cylin- der for some time after its admission, and in this manner it appears from calculation, that much more force might be obtained from it than if it were condensed in the usual manner, as soon as its adnfission ceases; but the force of steam thus ex- panding, is much diminished by the cold, which always accompanies such an ex- pansion, and this method would be liable to several other practical inconveniences. The peculiarities of Mr. Watt’s construc- tion require also some other additional arrrangements ; thus, it is necessary to have a pump, to raise not only the water out of the condenser, but also the air, which is always extricated from the water during the process of hoiling. If the water employed has been obtained from deep wells or mines, it contains more air than usual, and ought to be exposed for some time in an open reservoir before it is used ; for it appears that the quantity of air, which can be contained in water, is nearly in proportion to the pressure to which it is subjected. The admission of the steam into the cylinder is regulated by the action of a double revolving pendulum. The piston is preserved in a situation very nearly vertical, by means of a moveable parallelogram, fixed on the beam, which corrects its curvilinear motion by a con- trary curvature. In the old engines, a chain working on an arch was sufficient, because there was no thrust upwards. When a rotatory motion is required, it may be obtained either by means of a crank, or of a sun and planet wheel, with the assis- tance of a fly wheel; this machinery is generally applied to the opposite end of the beam ; but it is'sometimes immediately connected with the piston, and the beam is not employed. The cylinder is usually inclosed within a case, and the interval is filled with steam, which serves to confine the heat very effectually. When the water which produces the condensation of the steam is to be raised from a great depth, a considerable force is sometimes lost in pumping it up. Hence, Mr. W att proposed to employ steam at a very high temperature, and to let it escape when its elasticity is so reduced by expan- sion, as only to equal that of the atmos- phere. The air pump is also unnecessary in this construction. But there must al- ways be a very considerable loss of steam, and though the expense of fuel may not be increased quite in the same proportion as the elasticity of the steam, yet the differ- ence is probably inconsiderable. But previous to considering this subject, and that of the modern high pressure en- gines, we shall here give a representation and description of Mr. Watt’s single acting engine. The following is a representation of this engine. THE ARTISAN. MR. WATT’S STEAM ENGINE. 197 f The steam, which is below the piston, is suffered to escape into the condenser A by the cock B, which is opened by the rod C, and at the same time, the steam is admitted by the cock D into the upper part of the cylinder ; when the piston has descended, the cocks E and F act in a similar manner in letting out the steam from above and ad- mitting it below the piston. The jet is supplied by the water of the cistern G, which is pumped up at H from a reservoir : it is drawn out, together with the air ; that is, extricated from it by the fair pump I, which throws it into the cistern K, from whence the pump L raises it to the cistern M ; and it enters the boiler through a valve, which opens whenever the float N descends below its proper place. The pipes O and P serve also to ascertain the quantity of water in the boiler. The piston rod is confined to a motion nearly rectilinear by the frame Q* ; the fly wheel R is turned by the sun and planet wheel S and T ; and the strap U turns the centrifugal regulator W, which governs the supply of steam by the valve or stopcock X. * The nature of this motion will be fully explained, in treating of the ^ different parts of the steam engine. OPTICS. UNUSUAL REFRACTION OF THE ATMOSPHERE. Although the phenomena of unusual re- fraction have been often observed by astro- nomers and navigators, yet they do not seem to have attracted particular notice till the year 1797. The unusual elevation of coasts, mountains, and ships, have been long known under the name of looming ; and the same phenomena, when accom- panied with inverted images, have been distinguished in France by the name of mirage. Mr. Huddart seems to have been the first person who described an inverted image beneath the real objects ; he accounts for this, and other phenomena of elevation, by supposing that, in consequence of the evaporation of the water, the refractive power of the air is not greatest at the sur- face of the sea, but at some distance above it, increasing gradually from the surface of the sea to a line, which he calls the line of maximum density , and thence diminish- ing gradually till it becomes insensible. He then shows, that, in passing through such a medium, the rays of light would move in curve lines convex upwards, when they passed above the line of maximum density, and convex downwards when they passed below that line. Hence, two pencils from the object will arrive at the eye, which will produce an inverted image of the object. In the year 1798, the Rev. Dr. Vince, of Cambridge, made a series of interesting ob~ THE ARTISAN. serrations at Ramsgate, on the unusual re- fraction of the atmosphere. He made his observations with a terrestrial telescope magnifying between thirty and forty times, when the height of the eye was about 25 feet above the surface of the sea. Some- times the height of the eye was 80 feet ; but this produced no variation in the phe- nomena. On the 1st of August, between four and eight o’clock p.M.he saw the topmast of a ship as at A, above the horizon x y of the sea : at the same time, he also discovered in the field of view two complete images, B, C, of the ship in the air, vertical to the ship itself, B being inverted , and C erect , having their hulls joined. As the ship receded from the shore, less and less of it’s mast became visible ; and as it descended , the images B and C ascended ; but as the ship did not recede below the horizon, Dr.Vince did not observe at what time, and in what order, the images vanished. He then directed his telescope to another ship A, whose hull was just in the horizon x y, and he observed a complete inverted image B, the mainmast of which just touched that of the ship itself. In this case there was no second image as before. While the ship A moved along, B followed its motion, with- out any change of appearance. Dr. Vince observed a number of other ships, which produced variously formed images ; but our limits will not permit us to give a particular description of them, nor of similar appearances which have been observed on various occasions at land.* We shall, however, notice a few of the experiments made by Dr. Wollaston, to il- lustrate his theory of the cause of unusual refraction. According to this ingenious philosopher, the varying density of the atmosphere is the principal cause of the singular appear- ances which we have just mentioned ; and from a number of interesting experiments, he found, that the results were perfectly conformable to this hypothesis. He took a square phial, and poured a small quantity of clear syrup into it, and above this an equal quantity of ivater r which gradually incorporated with the syrup, between the pure water and the pure syrup. The word syrup written on a card, and held behind the bottle, appeared erect through the pure syrup ; but when seen through the visible medium of the syrup and water, it appeared inverted with an erect image above. Dr. W ollaston then put nearly the same quantity of rectified spirit of wine above the water, and he observed a similar ap- pearance; only in this case, the true place of the object was seen uppermost, and the inverted and erect images below. When the variations of density are great, the object may be held close to the phial ; but when they become more gradual, the object is only elongated, and in order to be seen inverted, must be held one or two inches behind the phial. By examining an oblique line seen in this way, he found, that the appearances continue many hours even with spirit of wine; with syrup , two or three days ; with sulphuric acid, four or five; and still longer with a solution of gum-arabic. Dr. Wollaston next heated a poker red hot, and looked along the side of it at a paper ten or twelve feet distant. A per- ceptible refraction took place at a distance of three-eighths of an inch from it. A letter, more than three-eighths of an inch distant, appeared erect as usual ; at a less distance there was a faint reversed image of it ; and still nearer the poker was a se- cond image erect. Although the experimental method of illustrating the phenomena of unusual re- fraction, as given by Dr. Wollaston, is in * This subject has been fully treated by Dr. Wollaston, in the Philosophical Transactions for 1310 . THE ARTISAN. 199 every respect an excellent one, yet the em- ployment of different fluids does not repre- sent the case which actually exists in na- ture. The method employed by Dr. Brewster seems more agreeable to nature. His method consists in holding a heated iron above a mass of water, bounded by pa- rallel plates of glass. As the heat descends through the fluid, a regular variation of density is produced, which gradually increases from the sur- face to the bottom. If the heated iron be withdrawn, and a cold body substituted in its place, or even the air allowed to act alone, the superfi- cial strata of water will give out their heat so as to have an increase of density from the surface to a certain depth below it. Through the medium thus constituted, all the phenomena of unusual refraction may be seen in the most beautiful manner ; the variation of density being produced by heat alone. ON THE COLOURS OF THE ATMOSPHERE. If the earth’s atmosphere consisted of a medium unlimited, and perfectly homoge- neous, the sun and planets would shine in a firmament of the most intense darkness, similar to what has been observed by tra- vellers on the elevated summits of the Alps and the Andes. As the atmosphere, however, is of a li- mited extent, and composed of strata of va- riable density, the light of the sun which falls upon it is reflected in every direction, and reaches the surface of the earth with that chaste tinge of blue, which forms such a fine relief to the yellowish light of the heavenly bodies. The blue colour of the sky was attri- buted by Fromondus, Otto Guericke, Wol- fius, and Muschenbroek, to a mixture of light and shadow. Sir Isaac Newton and Bouguer, on the contrary, were of opinion, that the particles of air reflect the blue rays more copiously, and transmit the red. This explanation, which was then little better than a mere conjecture, has been rendered highly probable by the experi- ments of Dr. Brewster on the polorisation of light. The phenomena of blue shadows, which have been so often observed, arise from the illumination of the shadows of bodies by the blue light of the sky, the parts without the shadow being illuminated by some other light, such as that of the sun or of a candle. These coloured shadows are generally seen with most distinctness at sun-rise and sun-set, when the sun’s light has a yellow tinge. The colours of shadows illuminated by the shy, vary in different countries, and with different seasons of the year, from pale blue to a violet black ; and when there are yellow vapours in the horizon or yellow light reflected from the lower part of the sky, either at sun-rise or sun-set, the shadows have a strong tinge of green, arising from the mixture of these accidental rays with the blue tint of the shadow. The phenomena of coloured shadows are often finely seen in the interior of a room. They arise from the blue light of the sky, and the light reflected either from the furniture, or the painted walls of the room. M. Hassenfratz has written a very ela- borate memoir on the subject of coloured shadows, and has deduced the following conclusions from his various experiments and observations. 1. That the shadows formed by the di- rect light of the sun and that of the atmos- phere, vary from meadow green to a violet black , in a gradation through the blue , in- digo. and violet; and that the variation depends on the intensity of the light of the sun, compared with that of the atmosphere. 2. That the shadows formed in apart- ments by the light of the atmosphere and reflected lights, may present all the pris- matic colours, more or less changed by black. 3. '-;That the shadows produced on apiece of pasteboard, illuminated by artificial light, are reddish and blueish, more or less deep ; and, that very probably, the blueish and reddish tints of the shadows, depend on the proportion of hydrogen and carbon in the combustible bodies. ON CYLINDRICAL MIRRORS. If the surface of a metalic cylinder be highly polished, and the cylinder set upon its base, near a picture lying horizontally, the image of the picture seen by reflection from the polished surface, is distorted in the most irregular manner, in consequence of the surface of the mirror being plane in a section passing through its axis, circular in a section perpendicular to this, and of a different curvature in all intermediate sec- tions. On the contrary, we may conceive a picture distorted according to given laws, which, when seen by reflection in the cy- lindrical mirror, shall appear of the most just and harmonious proportions. This, accordingly, is the purpose for which cy- lindrical mirrors are used. They are ge- nerally accompanied with a set of distorted figures, which have neither shape nor meaning when seen by themselves; but when they are placed in a particular posi- tion before a cylindrical mirror, their image is at once reduced into form and ex.? pression. 200 THE ARTISAN. The effect of a cylindrical mirror is shown by the following figure. CBBKISTXIV. AZOTE, OR NITROGEN.* Azote, or nitrogen, is a simple body in the same condition with respect to us as oxygen, with which it has a very strong tendency to combine. It cannot be pro- cured perfectly pure. It is always either combined with caloric in the form of a gas, or exists in a liquid or solid state in cer- tain natural and artificial compounds, from which chemists procure it in the state of gas. If it exists alone, either in the sol id or liquid form, in nature, it has hitherto eluded the researches of chemists. Like oxygen, azote remained for a long time unknown. It was discovered in 1772 by the late Dr. Rutherford, Professor of Botany, in the University of Edinburgh. It has since been procured by Scheel, Berthollet, and Lavoisier, by very different processes. That by which Scheel procured it was the following: He mixed about equal weights of iron filings and sulphur into a paste with water, and placed the mixture in a proper vessel, over water supported on a stand ; he then put an inverted glass jar full of atmospherical air over it, and allowed this to stand exposed to the mix- ture two or three days. He perceived by the ascent of the water, that the air in the jar gradually diminished in bulk, but at the end of the third day the water ceased to rise in the jar: he there- fore examined the air which remained in the jar, and found it to be azotic gas. Lavoisier’s method of procuring it is much quicker. He decomposed atmosphe- rical air by burning phosphorus in a vessel containing a given quantity of it. The readiest way of procuring it is, therefore, to put a small piece of phos- phorus into a tea-cup raised on a stand * Nitrogen was the name given to this gas by the French chemists, at the fr aming of the new nomen- clature; but in this country it usually receives the name of azote, or axbtic gas. above the surface of the water, contained in the pneumatic trough, then to set fire to the phosphorus, and quickly invert a jar over it filled with atmospherical air. As soon as the combustion ceases, the jar will appear to be about three-fourths full of air of a very white colour, which, upon stand- ing a short time over the water, will be- come perfectly transparent. This air is azotic or nitrogen gas, tolerably pure. There are other methods of procuring it, but the following process, first pointed out by Berthollet, furnishes it nearly pure , if the proper precautions be attended to. Very much diluted nitre acid ( aqua-fortis ) is poured upon a piece of muscular flesh, in, a retort and a heat of about 100 degrees applied to it. A considerable quantity of azotic gas is then produced, which may be received into proper vessels placed on the shelf of the pneumatic trough. 1. The air of the atmosphere contains about 0*78 parts (in bulk) of azotic gas; almost all the rest of it is oxygen gas. Mr. Lavoisier was the first philosopher who published this analysis, and who made azotic gas known as a component part of air. His experiments were published in 1773. 2. Azotic gas is invisible and elastic like common air, which it resembles in its mechanical properties. It has no smell. Its specific gravity, according to Kirwan, is 0*985, that of air being 1*000. Lavoi- sier makes it only 0*978, and with this the statement of Sir H. Davy coincides exactly. According to Mr. Kirwan, 100 cubic inches of it, at the temperature of 60°, barometer 30 inches, weigh 30*535 grains; according to Lavoisier and Davy, they weigh 30*338 grains. 3. It cannot be breathed by animals without suffocation. If obliged to respire it, they drop down dead almost instantly.* No combustible will burn in it. Hence the reason why a candle is extinguished in atmospherical air as soon as the oxygen near it is consumed. Mr. Goettling, in- deed, published, in 1794, that phosphorus shone, and was converted into phosphoric acid, in pure azotic gas. Were this the case, it would not be true that no combus- tible will burn in this gaS ; for the conver- sion of phosphorus into an acid, and even its shining, is an actual though slow com- bustion. Mr. Goettling’s experiments were soon after repeated by Drs. Scherer and Jaeger, who found, that phosphorus does not shine in azotic gas when it is per- fectly pure ; and that therefore the gas on which Mr. Goettling’s experiments were made had contained a mixture of oxygen gas, owing principally to its having been * Hence the name azote , given it by the French chemists, which signifies “destructive to life." THE ARTISAN. 201 confined only by water. These results were afterwards confirmed by Professor Lampadius and Professor Hildebrandt. It is therefore proved beyond a doubt, that phosphorus does not bdrn in azotic gas ; and that whenever it appears to do so, there is always some oxygen gas present. 4. This gas is not sensibly absorbed by water ; nor indeed are we acquainted with any liquid which has the property of con- densing it. Mr. Henry ascertained, that when water is previously deprived of all the air which it contains, 100 inches of it are capable of absorbing only 1 *47 inches of azotic gas at the temperature of 60°. When electric sparks are made to pass through common air confined in a small glass tube, or through a mixture of oxygen gas and azotic gas, the bulk of the air di- minishes. This curious experiment was first made by Dr. Priestley, who ascer- tained at the same time, that if a little of the blue infusion of litmus be let up into the tube, it acquires a red colour ; hence it follows that an acid is generated. Mr. Ca- vendish ascertained, that the diminution depends upon the proportion of oxygen and azote present; that when the two gases are mixed in the proper proportions, they disappear altogether, being converted into nitric acid. Hence he inferred that nitric acid is formed by the combination of these two bodies. This important disco- very was communicated to the Royal So- ciety on the 2d June 1785. The combina- tion of the gases, and the formation of the acid, was much facilitated, he found, by introducing into the tube a solution of potash in water. This body united with the nitric acid as it was produced, and formed with it the salt called nitre. In Mr. Cavendish’s first experiments there was some uncertainty, both in the propor- tion of oxygen gas and of common air, which produced the greatest diminution in a given time, and in the proportion of the two gases which disappeared by the action of the electricity. The experiment was twice repeated in the winter 1787-8 by Mr. Gilpin, under the inspection of Mr. Cavendish, and in the presence of several members of the Royal Society. 2. Nitric acid, which will be more fully described in another part of this work, is a heavy liquid, usually of a yellow colour, which acts with great energy upon most substances, chiefly in consequence of the facility with which it yields a portion of its oxygen. If a little phosphorus or sul- phur, for instance, be put into it, the acid when a little heated gives up oxygen to them, and converts them into acids pre- cisely as if the two bodies were subjected to combustion. In this case, the nitric acid, by losing a portion of its oxygen, is changed into a species of gas called nitrous gas , which flies off and occasions the effer- vescence which attends the action of nitric acid on these simple combustibles. Nitrous gas is procured in greater abundance, as well as purity, by dissolving copper or silver in nitric acid. The gas may be re- ceived in a water trough in the usual way. It possesses the curious property of com- bining with oxygen the instant it comes in contact with it, and of forming nitric acid. Hence the yellow fumes which appear when nitrous gas is mixed with common air. This combination furnishes a suffi- cient proof, that the constituents of nitrous gas are azote and oxygen, and that it con- tains less oxygen than nitric acid. It is therefore considered as an oxide of azote. 3. When iron filings are kept for some days in nitrous gas, they deprive it of a portion of its oxygen, and convert it into a gas which no longer becomes yellow when mixed with common air, but in which phosphorus burns with great splendour, and is converted into phosphoric acid. This combustion and acidification is a proof that the new gas contains oxygen. Its formation demonstrates that it contains azote, and that it has less oxygen than nitrous gas. It is therefore an oxide of azote, as well as nitrous gas. The name gaseous oxide of azote has been given to it. Thus we find, that azote is capable of uniting with three doses of oxygen, and of forming two oxides and one acid. We shall find afterwards that there is still another acid composed of the same ingre- dients. The combinations of azote with simple combustibles are scarcely so numerous; but some of them are of great importance. I. When putrid urine, wool, shavings of horn, and many other animal substances, are subjected to distillation, among other products, there is obtained a substance which has a very pungent odour, and which is well known under the names of hartshorn and volatile alkali .* It may be procured in greatest purity from the salt called sal ammoniac. Pound this salt, and put it into a flask, together with thrice its weight of ground quicklime, and luting on a bent tube, plunge the extremity of it into a mercurial trough, and apply heat to the flask. A gas comes over, which is hartshorn in a state of purity ; by chemists it is usually called ammoniac. It is light, absorbed in great abundance by water, has a pungent taste, and gives a green colour to vegetable blues. When electric sparks are passed through this gas, its bulk is doubled, and it is converted into a mix- ture of hydrogen and azotic gases. This * The term alkali is applied in chemistry to a variety of substances, which have the property of giving a green colour to vegetable blues. 202 THE ARTISAN. is a demonstration of its composition.* But it is difficult to form ammonia by uniting its two elements artficially. However, Dr. Austin succeeded in combining them. When both are in the gaseous state, the union does not take place ; but when hy- drogen, at the instant of its evolution, comes in contact with azotic gas, ammonia is formed. Dr. Austin filled a jar with azotic gas, placed it over mercury, and let up into it some moistened iron filings. Now iron filings have the property of de- composing water. They unite with its oxygen, and allow its hydrogen to escape. There was suspended in the jar a paper tinged blue with radish. In a day or two it became green, and thus indicated the formation of ammonia; for no gas but ammonia has the property of changing vegetable blues to green. When nitrous gas was substituted for azote, the ammonia was evolved more speedily. The experi- ment succeeded also with common air, but more slowly. 2. No compound of azote and carbon is at present known; but according to Four- croy, azotic gas has the property of dis- solving a little charcoal. For he says, azotic gas, obtained from animal sub- stances by Berthollet’s process, when con- fined long in jars, deposits on the sides of them a black matter, which has the pro- perties of charcoal. 3. Phosphorus plunged Into azotic gas is dissolved in a small proportion. Its bulk is increased about^, and phosphuretted azotic gas is the result, which, if mixed with oxygen gas, becomes luminous, in consequence of the combustion of the dis- solved phosphorus. 4. Fourcroy informs us, that when sul- phur is melted in azotic gas, part of it is dissolved, and sulphuretted azotic gas formed. As azote has never yet been decom- pounded, it must, in the present state of our knowledge, be considered as a simple substance. Dr. Priestly, who obtained azotic gas at a very early period of his ex- periments, considered it as a compound of oxygen gas and phlogiston, and for that reason gave it the name of phlogisticated air. Stahl considered combustion as merely the separation of phlogiston from the burning body. But as these theories are now abandoned, and as all the attempts to decompose azote have hitherto failed, we must of necessity consider it as a sim- ple substance. It must be acknowledged, however, that there are several chemical phenomena altogether inexplicable at pre- sent ; but which might be accounted for if * This gas was first analysed by Sclieele, but the proportions were accurately ascertained by 13er- thollcl and Austin. it were possible to prove that azote is a compound, and that one of the component parts of water enters into its composition. One of these phenomena is the formation of rain : another is, the constant disen- gagement of azotic gas when ice is melted. Dr. Priestly found, that when water, pre- viously freed from air as completely as possible, is frozen, it emits, when melted again, a quantity of azotic gas. He froze the same water nine times without expos- ing it to the contact of air, and every time obtained nearly the same proportion of azotic gas. iLSTROWOMlT. OF THE MOON. Next to the sun, the moon is the most remarkable of all the heavenly bodies, and is particularly distinguished by the peri- odical changes to which figure and light are subject. The moon is not a primary planet, but a secondary, or satellite , which revolves round the earth, and accompanies it in its annual revolution round the sun. The mean time of a revolution of the moon round the earth, or the time between two successive conjunctions, is 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes ; but the time she takes to perform a revolution round her orbit, is only 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes. The former of these periods is called the synodical, and the latter the periodical re- volution. The difference between these periods is occasioned by the motion of the earth in the ecliptic ; for while the moon is going round the earth, the earth ad- vances about 29° in the ecliptic, which is nearly 1° per day, and, therefore, the moon must advance 29° more than a com- plete revolution round her orbit, before she can overtake the earth, or be again in conjunction with the sun, which will re- quire 2d. 5 h., her daily motion being about 13 degrees. Of all the celestial bodies, the moon is the nearest to the earth, her mean distance being only 240,000 miles, which is scarcely a four-hundredth part of the sun’s distance from the earth; but her apparent size is nearly equal to that of the sun, she must therefore be a very small body compared with the sun. Her diameter is only about 2161 miles, and therefore the earth is about 48 1 times greater ; but the density of the moon is said to be to that of the earth as 5 to 4 consequently the quantity of matter contained in the earth, is only about 39 times that contained in the moon. Although the moon moves over a very THE ARTISAN 203 considerable portion of her orbit in the course of a day; yet, on account of its smallness, her hourly motion is only about 2290 miles, which is about Jjth part of the space passed over by the earth in the same time. But in all her motions the moon is subject to great irregularities, which arise from the eccentricity of her orbit, and her proximity to the earth. The eccentricity of her orbit, as determined from the latest and most accurate observations, is 12,960 miles, or nearly : therefore the parallelogram LB is applied to the straight line AB, is equal to the triangle C, and has the angle ABM equal to the angle D : which was to be done. Proposition xly. Problem. — To describe a paratletogram equal to a given rectilineal figure , and having an angle equal to a given rectili- neal angle . Let ABCD be the given rectilineal figure, and E the given rectilineal angle. It is required to describe a parallelogram equal to ABCD, and having an angle qual to E. K H M Join DB,and describe the parallelograrii FH equal to the triangle ADB, and having the angle HKF equal to the angle E; and to the straight line GH apply the parallelo- gram GM equal to the triangle D B C, having the angle GHM equal to the angle E. And because the angle E is equal to each of the angles FKH, GHM, the angle FKH is equal to GHM ; add to each of these the angle KHG ; therefore the angles FKH, KHG are equal to the angles KHG. GHM; but FKH, KHG ate equal to two right angles; therefore also KHG, GHM are equal to two right angles : and because at the point H in the straight line GH, the two straight lines KH, HM, upon the op- posite sides of GH, make the adjacent angles equal to two right angles, KH is in the same straight line with HM. And be- cause the straight line HG meets the pa- rallels KM, FG, the alternate angles MHG, HGF are equal ; add to each of these the angle HGL; therefore the angles MHG, HGL, are equal to the angles HGF, HGL : but the angles MHG, HGL, are equal to two right angles, wherefore also the an- gles HGF, HGL are equal to two right angles, and FG is therefore in the same straight line with GL. And because KF is parallel to HG, and HG to ML, KF is parallel to ML ; but KM, FL are parallels ; wherefore KFLM is a parallelogram. And because the triangle ABD is equal to the parallelogram HF, and the triangle DBG to the parallelogram GM, the whole recti- lineal figure ABCD is equal to the whole parallelogram KFLM ; therefore the pa- rallelogram KFLM has been described equal to the given rectilineal figure ABCD, having the angle FKM equal to the given angle E. W hich was to be done. Cor. From this it is manifest how to apply a parallelogram to a given straight line, which shall have an angle equal to a given rectilineal angle, and shall be equal P 2 212 THE ARTISAN. to a given rectilineal figure; viz. by apply- ing to the given straight line a parallelo- gram equal to the first triangle ABD, and having an angle equal to the given angle. The enunciation of this proposition is general, though the truth of it is here il- lustrated by employing sl four-sided figure. If the given figure consist of five, six, &c. sides, it will only be necessary to construct a parallelogram for every triangle that the figure is divided into. HE€HM!€S. ON FRICTION. Having finished our description of the simple mechanical powers, the nextbranch of the science of mechanics, which natu- rally falls to be considered, is that of fric- tion. The word friction properly signifies the act of one body rubbing upon another ; but in mechanics it is employed to denote the degree of retardation, or of obstruction to motion, which arises from one surface rub- bing upon another. If we place a heavy body upon a surface perfectly level, it is not in a state of equilibrium between all the forces which act upon it, otherwise it would move by the application of the small- est force, in a direction parallel to the plane. Its friction upon the level surface is the unbalanced force, which occasions this want of perfect equilibrium : and if a new force, of equal magnitude, is applied so as to balance that force in any given direction, the body will obey the least im- pulse in that direction, and the force thus employed will be an exactmeasure of the re- tarding force of friction. “ Friction,” as Mr. Playfair has justly remarked, “ destroys, but never generates motion, and in this is unlike gravity, or any of the forces hitherto considered, which, if they retard motion in one direction, always accelerate it in the opposite. The force of friction, therefore, violates the law of continuity, and cannot be accurately expressed by any geometri- cal line, or any algebraic formula.” Though friction destroys motion, and generates none ; it is of essential use in mechanics. It is the cause of stability in the structure of machines, and is necessary to the exertion of the force of animals. A nail, or screw, or a bolt, could give no firmness to the parts of a machine, or of any other structure, without friction. Animals could not walk, or exert their force any how, without the support which it affords. Nothing could have any stability but in the lowest possi- ble situation ; and an arch, which could sustain the greatest load, when properly distributed, might be thrown down by the weight of a single ounce, if not placed with mathematical exactness at the very point which, it ought to occupy. As a knowledge of the nature and ef- fects of friction, and of the method of di- minishing its influence in machinery, is of the first importance in practical mechanics, we shall offer no apology for making a few observations on the subject. The subject of friction has occupied the particular attention of many distinguished individuals, particularly Amontons, Bul- finger, Parent, Euler, and Bossut; but though their writings contain much im- portant information, and many ingenious views, yef it was reserved for the cele- brated Coulomb, to give an accurate and satisfactory investigation of this difficult branch of practical mechanics. By using bodies of a large size, he has corrected the errors of preceding writers, and discovered many new and valuable facts, which had escaped the notice of his predecessors. In treating of this important subject, we shall consider it under the following heads. The Friction of Surfaces. The Friction of Axles. The Friction and Rigidity of Ropes. The Friction of Pivots ; and, the Means of diminishing Friction in Ma- chinery. ON THE FRICTION OF SURFACES. There are two general modes of examin- ing the nature and effects of friction. The first, ascertains the weight required to draw a body under the pressure of a given load along the horizontal surface of another. The second method is still simpler, and consists merely in raising the end of the upper plane, till it acquires the inclination at which the load it bears begins to slide. The angle or inclination at which this mo- tion commences, is called the angle of equilibrium . In examining the friction of surfaces, M. Amontons found, that it was exactly proportional to the weight of the moving or rubbing body, and was in general equal to one-third of the weight with which it was pressed against the surface over which it moved. He found also, that the resistance did not increase with an increase of the rubbing surfaces, nor with the velocity of the body. M. Bulfinger obtained results nearly similar to those of Amontons, but he made the resistance of friction equal only to one-fourth of the force, with which the rubbing surfaces are pressed together. M. Parent, consideringfriction as caused by small spherical eminences in one sur- face, being dragged out of small spherical cavities in the other, proposed to determine the quantity of friction by finding the force, which would move a sphere standing upon three equal spheres. This force he found THE ARTISAN. 21 $ to be to the weight of the spherb as 7 to 20, or to be of the sphere’s weight. In his experiments on friction, M. Parent employed the second of the above methods; that is, he placed the body upon an in<- dined plane, as represented in the fol- lowing figure. Here CA represents the position of the plane, at the moment the load begins to slip ; and if the vertical FD represent the weight, FE will express the perpendicular pressure sustained by the plane, and OED must denote the corresponding friction, which, in this instance, is just balanced by the tendency to descend. Wherefore, the pressure is to the friction, as FE to ED, or as AB to BC, that is, as radius to the tan - gent of the angle of repose. These two modes of experimenting, however, will seldom give precisely the same results. Most bodies require a greater force to pull them from their con- tact, than what is afterwards sufficient to maintain their adhesive motion. But the obliquity of the plane evidently marks only the initial obstruction, and not the diminished friction which afterwards follows. Thus, if the plane CA were a pine board, upon which is laid a block of oak with a smoothed surface, it may be ele- vated to an acclivity of 30 degrees before it disengages its load. But should the angle of declination exceed only 10 de- grees, on striking the side with a smart blow, the oaken block will start from its seat, and then glide downwards. While the plane retains this lower position, the load will not rest on being again replaced, unless it be held in contact a few seconds. The celebrated Euler considered the ratio between friction and the force of ; pressure , to be as 1 to 4 ; and observes, that when a body is in motion, the friction will be only one-half of what it is when the body has begun to move, and he shows, that if we gradually augment the inclination of an inclined plane, till the body which is placed upon it begins to descend, the friction of the body at the commencement of its motion will be to its pressure against the plane, as the height of the plane to its length. But when the body is in motion, the friction is diminished, and may be found by calculation.* The Abbe Bossut has distinguished fric- tion into two kinds ; viz. that which is ge- nerated by one surface rubbing upon ano- ther, and that which arises from one body turning or rolling upon another. The cir- cumference of a wheel rolling on the ground is an example of the first of these, and the friction of the axle of a wheel in motion is a combination of the two kinds of friction. M. Bossut agrees with Amon- tons in his opinion, that an increase of sur- face does not occasion an increase of fric- tion. He took a rectangular parallelo- piped of wood, weighing 51 lbs. and having dragged it over a horizontal table, and loaded it with different weights, he found, that though one of its surfaces was five times greater than the other, the same force was capable of putting the body in motion, whether it rested on the large or the small base. Muschenbroek, and other writers, maintained, that the friction in- creased with the surface. Bossut has remarked two very impor- tant facts on the subject of friction; namely, that the friction is affected by the time in which the surface remains in con- tact, and that it does not follow exactly the ratio of the pressures. He found, that when the surfaces had been for some time in contact, their friction increased, either in consequence of a greater number of emi- nences having entered into the correspond- ing cavities from a continuance of the pres- sure, or from some physical cause, which united the two surfaces more firmly toge- ther. Bossut likewise noticed, that in large masses the friction is a less part of the pressure than in small masses; but he does not seem to have observed, that this arose from the greater velocity, which the mass derived from its magnitude. “ Ship- builders,” he observes, “ give only a de- clivity of from 10 to 12 lines in a foot to the inclined planes upon whichvessels are launched. But this declivity, which is sufficient for putting large masses in mo- tion in spite of the resistance of friction, is too small for weights of a moderate size.” Bossut, however, seems to have suspected, that friction might diminish as the velocity increased, when he says, “ that if it hap- pens on one hand, that in proportion as the velocity increased, there are more points * He has given a formula for this purpose, but we consider it loo intricate to ,he inserted here; 214 THE ARTISAN. to disengage, or more springs to bend; yet it may happen, on the other hand, that this same velocity does not give to the pressure time to permit the points to enter the cavities so deeply as they would be allowed to do if the velocity were less. But a diminution of this depth ought to produce a diminution of friction.” Coulomb also made a number of inter- esting experiments on this subject, from which he has drawn the following gene- ral conclusions. 1. The friction of wood upon wood, when ungreased, occasions, after a suffi- cient period of contact, a resistance pro- portional to the pressure. This resistance increases sensibly in the first instants of repose, but after some minutes it generally reaches its maximum. 2. When wood, ungreased, moves upon wood, with any velocity whatever, the friction is still proportional to the pres- sure, but its intensity is much less than that which is experienced in detaching the surfaces after some minutes of rest. The force, for example, which is necessary to detach two surfaces of oak after some mi- nutes of rest, is to that necessary for over- coming the friction when the surfaces have already any degree of velocity whatever, nearly as 9*5 to 2*2. 3. The friction of metals sliding over metals, ungrefised, is also proportional to the pressures, but its intensity is the same, whether the surfaces detached have been any time at rest, or whether they have re- ceived any uniform velocity whatever. 4. Heterogeneous substances, such as those of woods and metals, sliding upon one another without grease, give for their friction very different results from the pre- ceding; for the intensity of their friction relative to the time in which they have con- tinued in contact increases slowly, and does not reach its maximum till after four or five days, and sometimes more, whereas in metals, it reaches its maximum in an instant, and in wood, after a few minutes. This increase is even so slow, that the re- sistance of friction in insensible velocities is nearly the same as that which takes place in moving or detaching the surfaces after three or four seconds of rest. In the motion of wood rubbing upon wood with- out grease, and in metals moving upon metals, the velocity has very little influ- ence upon the friction ; but, in the present case, the friction increases very sensibly, ?n proportion as we increase the velocities ; so, that the friction increases nearly in arithmetical progression, as the velocities increase in geometrical progression. When a cylinder is made to roll upon a plane surface, it encounters a new sort of obstruction, quite distinct in its character, and generally much inferior to that of sliding friction. These different kinds of friction are strikingly contrasted, in the rolling and sliding of different cylinders of wood down inclined planes. These cylinders will not begin to slide length- wise, though disengaged by percussion, unless the slope of the plane exceed 10 degrees ; but they will roll easily at much smaller angles. The inclination of 4 degrees will be suf- ficient to enable a cylinder of elm, of one inch in diameter, to roll down an oak board, and an angle of 3 degrees will cause a cylinder of lignum-vitae of the same dimensions to roll. But a single de- gree of slope will make an elm cylinder of four inches diameter begin to roll, and three fourths of that angle will occasion the rolling of a like cylinder of lignum- vitae. The loss of force in the act of roll- ing is therefore inversely proportional to the diameter of the cylinder. If adhesion were confined to the mere line of contact, it could have no effect whatever in hindering the revolving motion of a cylinder, on a horizontal plane. But this power, subsisting an instant after con- tact has taken place, may be conceived as constantly drawing it down at a certain distance behind. Thus, if A be the contact of the cylinder, and B the point where the adhesion is mainly exerted, its efficacy to restrain the rolling of the cylinder will evidently be as A B to A C. On the supposition that A B is constant, this retarding force is inversely as the radius A C ; that is, the greater the dia- meter of the cylinder, the less is the fric- tion. In the case of elm, the distance A B must be the 28th part of an inch ; but in lignum-vitae it is only the 40th part. ON THE FRICTION OF AXLES. The principal object of Coulombe in his experiments on this subject, was to determine the friction of the axles of ma- chines in motion. He employed axles of iron moving in boxes of brass. One of these was 19 lines in diameter, and had a play of If lines in THE ARTISAN. 215 the brass box.* The pulley in which the axle was fixed was 144 lines in diameter, and its weight 14 pounds. The weights were made to run through a space of six feet, and the time employed to run through the first and last three feet was separately measured in half-seconds. In this way he made a very great number of experiments, and obtained a number of important re- sults, which our limits will not permit us to mention. Coulomb likewise extended his experi- ments to the friction of axles made of the different kinds of wood used in rotatory machines. For this purpose he used pul- leys of 12 inches in diameter, with axles three inches in diameter. The axles were sometimes moveable and at other times fixed, though in both cases the friction was the same. The levelling surfaces were carefully smoothed. Names of the Wood used for the Axles. Ratio of Friction to pressure. 1. Axis of holm oak running in a box of lignum vitae coated with tallow .... 0,038 ^5.3 2. Do. the coating of tallow wiped off, and the surface remaining greasy . . . 0,06 3. Do. after being used several times without renewing the 0,06 Tg . 7 tallow . 0,08 ^2-3 4. Do. running in a box of elm coated with tallow . . 0,03 ^3.3 5. Do. both axis and box wiped and the surfaces remaining greasy . . . . . . . 0,05 ^ 6. Do. axis of boxwood, and box of lignum vitae, coated with tallow 0,043 ^ 7. Do. the coating wiped, and the surfaces remaining greasy ....... 0,07 ^.5 8. Axis of box-wood and box of elm, coated with tallow .0,035 ^. g 9. Do. the coating wiped off, and the surfaces remaining greasy ....... 0,05 ^ 10. Axis of iron, and box of lignum vitae, the coating wiped off, and the pulley turned for some time . . 0,05 ^ In these experiments the velocity did not appear to influence the friction unless in the first instants of rest ; and in all cases the friction was least when the sur- faces were merely greasy, and not coated with tallow. * A line is one-twelfth of an inch. In Wheeled Carriages , the draught is facilitated by three distinct circumstances. 1. The excessive obstruction which the rim of the wheel would encounter if drag- ged along the road, is changed to the very inferior friction of the axle against the bush of the nave. 2. This reduced friction has its influence, in impeding the progress of the carriage, still farther diminished, in the ratio of the diameter of the wheel to that of the axle. 3. The dimensions of the wheel enable it to surmount easily any obstacle which may occur ; the effect being the same as if it were drawn over an inclined plane, from its point of contact to the top of the emi- nence. The friction of the rim of a locked wheel, even on the smoothest road, might perhaps exceed the half of the whole load; but the friction of the axle in its box, which is substituted for it, would amount only to the eighth part, when iron is inserted in a copper bush, and scarcely to the seventh part when oak turns in lignum vitae, the grease in both cases being worn smooth. The power of this friction within the nave, in retarding the motion of the carriage, must be directly as the diameter of the axle, and inversely as the height of the wheel. A large wheel and a small axle are therefore the most advantageous. For this reason, an iron axle, though it has twice as much friction as an oak one of the same dimensions, may be preferred for its smallness. In carriages rightly fitted and carefully greased, the whole friction seldom exceeds the thirtieth , but need not amount to the sixtieth part of the load. To assign the force expended in over- coming an obstacle, let the wheel, repre- sented by the following figure, touch A the horizontal line of traction ; T if it meet a protuberance B D, it must be lifted over this with the progressive mo- tion A B : the draught is therefore to the load, as A B to B D. Large wheels are therefore best adapted, not only for di- minishing the effect of friction, but for surmounting the inequalities of the road. THE ARTISAN. 216 HYDRAULICS. Montgolfier’s hydraulic ram. This interesting machine was first con- structed by Montgolfier about the year 1797, and has been brought to a very per- fect state, by a series of improvements which he has successively made upon it. The rams represented by the following figures, contain the improvements which have been made so late as 1816. The large pipe A B, called the body of the ram, passes through the side of the reservoir P Q, from which the fall of water is obtained. It has a trumpet mouth at one end A, and at the other end an opening H H, which can be closed by valves C or D. When these valves are open, the water will issue at HH with a velocity due to the height A P ; but when the internal valve C is closed, as in the figure, the water is prevented from issuing. When the valve C opens, it descends into the position shown by the dotted lines GG, being guided between three or four stems gg, which have hooks at the lower ends for supporting the valves. In this case the water has a free passage between these stems, and the width of the passage can be increased or diminished, by the screws with which the stems are fixed. The valve C is made of metal, and has a hollow cup or dish of metal attached to its lower surface. The seat FI H of the valve is wider than the diameter of the pipe AB. It consists of a short cylinder or pipe screwed by its fianch h k, into the opening of the upper surface of the head R of the ram; and the cylinder is so formed, as to have an inverted cup or annular space i i round the upper part of it for containing air, which cannot escape when it is com- pressed by the water. A small pipe k l, leading from this annular space to the open air, is furnished with small valves k, l , one o? which, k, opens inwards to admit the air into i, i , but to prevent its return ; while the other valve, l, admits a certain quantity of air, and then shuts and prevents any farther entrance. The valve D is exactly the same as C, only it descends as in the figure when it shuts, and rises when it opens. The upper part of the head of the ram at E is made flat, and has several valves, which allow the water to pass freely from the pipe A B, but prevent its return. On each side of the head of the ram, at the part opposite to these valves, is a hollow enlargement, shown by the dotted lines K, forming a circular basin, through the cen- tre of which the pipe A B R passes. This part of the construction is shown more distinctly in the following figure, which is a transverse section through L E Z, in a plane perpendicular to that of the paper. The pipe is here made fiat instead of cir- cular, for forming the seats of the valves, and the basin RK is covered with an air vessel F F. This air vessel communicates all round the pipe B, with the basin K K, and with the vertical pipe M. The machine being thus constructed, let us suppose the pipe ABR full of water, and the valve C to be opened, the water will lift the valve D, and escape with a velocity due to the height of the reservoir. In a short time, the water having acquired an additional velocity, raises the valve G, which shuts the passage, and prevents the escape of the water. The consequence of this is, that all the included water exerts THE ARTISAN. 21? suddenly ahydrostatical pressure on every part of the pipe, compressing at the same time the air in the annular space i i, which, by its elasticity, diminishes the violence of the shock. This hydrostatical pressure opens the valves at E, and a portion of the water flows into the air vessel F, and con- denses the air which it contains. The valves at E now close, preventing the return of the water into the pipe, and the water recoils a little in the tube, with a slight motion from B to A, in consequence of the reaction or elasticity of the com- pressed air in i i, and also of the metal of the pipe, which must have yielded a little to the force exerted upon it in every direc- tion. The recoil of the water towards A produces a slight aspiration within the head R of the ram, which causes the valve D to descend by its own weight, and pre- vent the water X, which covers it, from descending into the tube. The air, how- ever, passes through the pipe Ik, opens the valve k, and a small quantity is sucked into the annular space i i ; but the quantity is very small, as the valve k closes as soon as the current of air becomes rapid. During the recoil towards A, the valve C, being unsupported, falls by its own weight ; and when the force of recoil is expended, by acting on the water in the reservoir P Q, the water begins again to flow along A B R, and the very same operation which we have described is repeated without end, a portion of water being driven into the air vessel F, at every ascent of the valve C. The air in this vessel being thus highly compressed, will exert a force due to its elasticity upon the surface of the water in the vessel F, and will force it up through the pipe M, to a height which is sufficient to balance the elasticity of the included air. The small quantity of air, which is drawn into the annular space ii through the air tube l k at each aspiration, causes an accumulation of air in the space ii; and when thfe aspiration of recoil takes place, a small quantity of air passes from i i, and proceeds along the pipe till it arrives be- neath the valve at E, and lodging in the small space beneath the valves, it is forced into the air vessel at the next stroke, and thus affords a constant supply of air to the vessel. The valves make in general from 50 to TO pulsations in a minute. When the fall of water, or PQ, is five feet, and the pipe AB six inches in diame- ter, and 14 feet long, a machine with its parts proportioned, as in the figure, will raise water to the height of 100 feet. It will expend about 70 cubic feet per minute in working it, and will raise about 2^ cubic feet per minute to the height of 100 feet. Mr. Millington observes, that one of these machines is said to have raised 100 hogs- heads of water in 24 hours, to the height of 134 feet, by a fall of 4£ feet. SCHEMNITZ FOUNTAIN, OR HUNGARIAN MACHINE. A portion of air is employed for raising water, not only in the spiral pump, but also in the air vessels of Schemnitz. A colum of water, descending through a pipe into a closed reservoir, full of air, obliges the air to act, by means of a pipe, leading from the upper part of the reservoir or air vessel, on the water in a second reservoir, at any distance either below or above it, and forces this water to ascend through a third pipe to any height less than that of the first column. The air vessel is then emptied, and the second reservoir filled and the whole operation is repeated. Thus the reservoir A being filled with water, and B with air, and water being poured into the funnel C, the air in B acts by the pipe D on the water in A, and forces it up the pipe E. The air must, however, acquire a den- sity equivalent to the pressure, before it can begin to act ; so that if the height of the columns were 34 feet, it must be re- duced to half its dimensions before any water would be raised ; and thus half of the force would be lost; in the same man- ner, if the height were 68 feet, two thirds of the force would be lost. But where the height is small, the force lost in this manner is not greater than that which is usually spent in overcoming friction and other im- perfections of the machinery employed ; for the quantity of water, actually raised by any machine, is not often greater than half the power which is consumed. The force of the tide, or of a river rising and falling with the tide, might easily be applied by a machine of this kind, to the purposes of irrigation, as represented by the following figure. 218 THE ARTISAN. Thus, A being the high water mark, and B the low water mark, the vessels C and D are filled at high water from below, the air being suffered to escape by a stop- cock, which is opened by the fall of the ball F ; at low water, the air will enter the vessel D at B ; and before the next high water, the water C will be forced up the pipe F. FOUNTAIN OF HIERO. The Fountain of Hiero precisely resem- bles in its operation, the Schemnitz foun- tain, which was probably suggested to its inventor by that of Hiero. The first reservoir of this fountain is lower than the orifice of the jet; and a pipe descends from it to the air vessel, which is at some distance below, and the pressure of the air is communicated by an ascend- ing tube to a third cavity, containing the water which supplies the jet. The follow- ing figure will convey an idea of this foun- tain without any particular description of ^ its several parts, for it so nearly resembles the Schemnitz fountain in its operation, that this becomes unnecessary, except per- haps to state, that the pipe D here ascends. WATER RAISED BY THE CHANGES IN THE WEIGHT OF THE AIR. The spontaneous changes which take place in the pressure of the air, occasioned by the changes in the weight and tempera- ture of the atmosphere, have been applied, by means of a series of reservoirs, furnished with proper valves, to the purpose of rais- ing water by degrees to a moderate height. But it very seldom happens, that such changes are capable of producing an ele- vation in the water of each reservoir of more than a few inches, or at most a foot or two in a day ; consequently, the whole quantity raised in this way must be very inconsiderable. jHiscellaneous Subjects. MEMOIR OF THE LIFE OF THE LATE PROFESSOR PLAYFAIR, OF EDINBURGH. John Playfair, a celebrated Scotch ma- thematician and natural philosopher, was the eldest son of the Rev. James Playfair, minister of the united parishes of Liff and Benvie, in the county of Forfar. He was born at Benvie, on the 10th of March, 1748; and after receiving a classical edu- cation under the roof of his father, he entered the university of St. Andrews at the age of fourteen. At this ancient seat of learning, Mr. Playfair soon distinguished himself by the excellence of his conduct, as well as the ardour of his application ; and so great was his progress in natural philosophy, 'that Professor Wilkie, (the author of the Epigoyiad ) who taught that branch of knowledge in the university, selected him to teach his class during his indisposition. In the year 1760, upon the death of Mr. Stewart, Professor of Mathematics in Ma- rischal College, Aberdeen, seven candi- dates appeared for the vacant chair. Among these were the Rev. Dr, Trail, Dr. Hamilton, and Mr. Playfair. The profes- sorship was a private foundation, by Dr. Liddel, and a clause in the deed of foun- dation was considered as a direction to fill up the vacancy by a disputation or com- parative trial. Dr. Reid, of Glasgow, Mr. Vilant, of St. Andrews, Dr. Skene, of Marischal College, and Professor Gordon, of King’s College, accepted the office of judges on this occasion ; and after a severe examination, which lasted for a fortnight, Dr. Trail was appointed te the chair. Mr. Playfair was excelled only by two out of six candidates; viz. Dr. Trail and Dr. Hamilton ; but when it is considered, that Mr. Playfair was two years younger THE ARTISAN. 219 than Dr. Trail, the result of the election must have been greatly affected by that circumstance alone ; and ,Dr. Trail himself modestly remarked, that he attributed his own success to this disparity of years. In the year 1772, when the chair of natu- ral philosophy became vacant by the death of Dr. Wilkie, Mr. Playfair again che- rished the hopes of a permanent appoint- ment; but his expectations were a second time frustrated ; a disappointment which was the more severe, as the death of his father in the same year had devolved upon him the charge of his mother and her family. This circumstance appears to have determined Mr. Playfair to follow the profession of his father, to which he had been educated, but which his ardent attachment to mathematical pursuits had induced him to think of abandoning. Having been presented by Lord Gray to his father’s living of Liff and Benvie, Mr. Playfair devoted his time to the duties of his sacred office, to the education of his younger brothers, and to the occasional prosecution of his own favourite studies. In 17.74 he went to Schehallien, where Dr. Maskelyne was carrying on his inter- esting experiments on the attraction of mountains; and while he was enjoy- ing the acquaintance of that eminent astro- nomer, he was little aware that he should himself contribute, at some distant period, to the perfection of the result which it was the object of this experiment to obtain. In the year 1777, Mr. Playfair commu« nicated to the Royal Society of London, an essay On the Arithmetic of Impossible Quantities, which appeared in the Trans- actions for that year, and which was the first display of his mathematical acquire- ments. In this ingenious paper, which is strongly marked with the peculiar talent of its author, Mr. Playfair has pointed out the insufficiency of the expla- nation of the doctrine of negative quanti- ties given by John Bernouilli and Maclau- rin ; viz. that the imaginary ' characters which are involved in the expression com- pensate or destroy each other ; and he has endeavoured to show that the arithmetic of impossible quantities is nothing more than a particular method of tracing the affinity of the measures of ratios and of angles, and that they can never be of any use as an instrument of discovery, unless when the subject of investigation is a property common to the measures both of ratios and of angles. In the year 1785, when Dr. Adam Fer- guson exchanged the chair of Moral Phi- losophy in the University of Edinburgh, for that of Mathematics, which was then filled by Mr. Dugald Stewart, Mr. Play- fair was appointed Joint Professor of Ma- thematics, a situation which had been the highest object of his ambition, and which he was in a peculiar manner qualified to fill. As Mr. Playfair was a member of the Philosophical Society of Edinburgh, he became one of the original fellows of the Royal Society at its institution by royal charter in 1783, and, by his services as an office-bearer, as well as by his communi- cations as a member, he contributed most essentially to promote the interests, and to add to the renown, of this distinguished body. His memoir On the Causes ivhich affect the accuracy of Barometrical Measure- ments, was read on the 1st of March, 1784, and on the 10th January, 1785. The men- suration of heights by the barometer was involved in many errors. M. De Luc had applied the important correction, depend- ing on the temperature of the atmospheri- cal column; but when the height was great, and the difference of temperature at the two extremities of the column con- siderable, his method of estimating the temperature was liable to considerable error. Mr. Playfair was therefore led to give an accurate formula for this purpose, and to investigate new ones, in order to express those other circumstances by which the density pf the atmosphere is affected, Mr. Playfair was also the author of several other valuable papers, among which may be mentioned the following: On the Origin and Investigation of Po- risms ; Remarks on the Astronomy of the Brahmins ; Investigation of certain Theo- rems relative to the Figure of the Earth ; On Volcanoes; On the progress of Heat, when communicated to Spherical Bodies ; On the Solids of greatest Attraction; a subject to which his attention was directed during a lithological survey of the moun- tain of Schehallien, which he made in con- junction with Lord Webb Seymour, in 1807, for the purpose of obtaining an esti- mate of the specific gravity of the moun- tain, in order to correct the deductions of Dr. Maskelyne, respecting the mean den- sity of the earth. Mr. Playfair was also the author of some very able pamphlets on the memo- rable Leslie controversy, which took place on the appointment of Mr. Leslie to the Professorship in the University of Edin- burgh, in 1805. In the year 1795, Mr. Playfair published his Elements of Geometry, which consisted of the first six books of Euclid, with three additional ones, containing the rectification and quadrature of the circle, the intersec- tion of planes, and the geometry of solids, with plane and spherical trigonometry, and the arithmetic of sines. The notes to this w'ork possess a peculiar value ; and hence the work itself has been held in 220 THE ARTISAN. high estimation for the purposes of ele- mentary instruction. After five years’ labour, Mr. Playfair produced, in 1802, his Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory , in one volume 8vo . ; and on the 10th January, 1803, he read to the Royal Society of Edinburgh his Bio- graphical Account of the late Dr. James Hutton. These two works added greatly to the fame of their author ; and whether we consider them as models of composi- tion or of argument, we cannot but regard them as the productions by which the name of Mr. Playfair must be handed down to posterity. Though brought out under the modest appellation of a commentary, it is unquestionably entitled to be regarded as an original work ; and though the theory which it expounds must always retain the name of the philosopher who first suggested it, yet Mr. Playfair has in a great measure made it his own, by the philosophical generalizations which he has thrown around it; by the numerous phenomena which he has enabled it to embrace; by the able defences with which its weakest parts have been sustained ; and by the relations which he has shown it to bear to some of the best established doctrines, both in chemistry and astronomy. Upon the death of Dr. Robison, in 1805, Mr. Playfair was elected General Secre- tary to the Royal Society, and he was also appointed his successor in the chair of natural philosophy, — a situation which his mathematical acquirements, and his powers of perspicuous illustration, rendered him peculiarly qualified to fill. This event, however, though in every respect ad van- tageous to himself, interrupted in no slight degree the progress of his general studies. The preparation of a course of lectures on subjects which he had only indirectly pur- sued, and the composition of his Outlines of Natural Philosophy, which he con- sidered necessary for the use of his stu- dents, occupied much of that valuable time on which the higher interests of sci- ence possessed so many claims. In addition to the works which bear Mr. Playfair’s name, he wrote various articles in the Edinburgh Review, which he never hesitated to acknowledge, and some of which have been reprinted among his works. Of these reviews, three are particularly memorable, as indicating the peculiar character of Mr. Playfair’s talents, as well as the great versatility of his powers. His analysis of the Mecanique Celeste of Laplace, while it evinces the highest powers of composition, is at the same time one of the choicest specimens of perspicuous illustration. His review of Leslie’s Geometry (the ablest, perhaps, that he ever wrote) is distinguished by a masterly argument in one of the most diffi- cult topics of abstract mathematics, and has been no less celebrated for the force and the dignity of its satire.* The review of Madame de Stael’s Corinne in the same work, affords the clearest evidence that its author was equally fitted to shine in the field of elegant literature and in the walks of abstract science. Several other reviews from Mr. Playfair’s pen would have been entitled to notice in a more ex- tended memoir of his life, but those already mentioned have been selected as particu- larly characteristic of his powers as a natural philosopher, a profound mathema- tician, and a cultivator of the lighter branches of literature. At the restoration of peace in 1815, Mr. Playfair undertook a journey to the Con- tinent, for the purpose of examining the stupendous phenomena presented in the geology of the Alps, — of studying the recent effects of volcanic eruptions in Italy, and of developing those of more ancient convulsions among the extinct volcanoes of Auvergne. Excepting the phenomena exhibited in our own island, which he had personally examined, Mr. Playfair had acquired his geological knowledge prin- cipally from books ; and it was therefore desirable, before the republication of his favourite work, that his views should re- ceive those modifications which the study of nature in her grandest forms could not fail to suggest. With this view he spent about seventeen months in France, Swit- zerland, and Italy, busily engaged in geo- logical observations; and he returned to Edinburgh in the end of 1816, eager to embellish and tomplete the great fabric which it had been the business of his life to rear. Unfortunately, however, for the Hutto- nian School, Mr. Playfair had been urged to draw up a dissertation on the progress of mathematics and physics for the Supple- ment to the Encyclopaedia Britannica ; and the composition of this paper, interrupted the execution of the second edition of his Illustration. His health, had been for some time on the decline; and in the winter of 1818 — 1819, his labours were often inter- rupted by a severe attack of a disease in the bladder, which, at his advanced period of life, it was not easy to subdue. An in- terval of health soothed for a while the. anxieties of his friends ; but it was only a deceitful precursor of the fatal attack which carried him off, on the 19th July, 1819, in the 72d year of his age. # M. Legendre, one of the first of modern geo- in eters, lias, both privately and publicly, expressed Ins particular admiration of this criticism. THE ARTISAN. 221 ARCHITECTURE. CORINTHIAN ORDER. This order is said to have been intro- duced in the fourth century before the Christian asra, by Scopas,who employed it in the upper range of columns in the ancient temple of Minerva at Tega. Vi- truvius, however, ascribes the invention of the Corinthian capital to Callimachus, who is said to have been an Athenian sculptor contemporary with Phidias about 540 B.C. In all the examples of Stuart’s Athens, this order has an attic base ; the upper fillet of the trochilus or scotia projects as far as the upper torus. Vitruvius observes, that the shaft has the same proportions as the Ionic, except the difference which arose from the greater height of the capital, it being a whole diameter* whereas the Ionic is only two- thirds of it. But this column, including the base and capital, has, by the moderns, been increased to ten diameters in height. If the entablature is enriched, the shaft should be fluted. The number of flutes ancLfillets are generally 24 ; and frequently the lower one-third of the height has ca- bles or reeds, husks, spirally twisted rib- bands, or some sort of flowers inserted on them. The great distinguishing feature of this order is its capital, which has for 2000 years been acknowledged the greatest or- nament of this school of architecture. The height is one diameter of the column, to which the moderns have added one-sixth more. The body, or nucleus, is in the shape of a bell, basket, or vase, crowned with a quadrilateral abacus, w ith concave sides, each diagonal of which is equal to two diameters of the column. The lower part of the capital consists of two rows of leaves, eight in each row ; one of the upper leaves fronting each side of the abacus. The height of each row is one- seventh, and that of the abacus one-eighth of the whole height of the capital. The space which remains between the upper leaves and the abacus, is occupied by little stalks, or slender caulicolse, which spring from between every two leaves in the upper row, and proceed to the corners, and also to the middle of the abacus, where they are formed into delicate volutes. The sides of the abacus are moulded, and the curves of the sides are continued, until they meet in a sharp horn or point. In the attic capital, the small divisions of the leaves were pointed in imitation of the acanthus. In Italy they most generally resembled the olive. It may be observed generally, in the Greek Corinthian, that the volutes termi- nate in a point in the natural spiral, with- out either coiling round a circular eye, or bending backwards in a serpentine form, as in most of the Roman specimens. This order seems never to have been much employed in Greece before the time of the Roman conquest ; but this powerful people employed it almost exclusively in every part of their extensive empire ; and it is accordingly in edifices constructed under their influence, that the most perfect specimens are found. Of the celebrated modern architects who have treated of this order, Palladio makes the column diameters high, one-fifth of THE ARTISAN. 222 which he gives to the entablature, con- sisting of a cornice with modillions and dentils, a flat frieze, and an architrave With three faciae, divided by astrigals ; the base is attic. The design of Scammozzi bears a general resemblance to that of Palladio, but his column has ten diameters in its altitude ; his entablature is one-fifth of this height ; the cornice has modillions, the architrave consists of three faciae, di- vided by astragals, and the base is attic. Serlio, following Vitruvius, has given this order an Ionic entablature, with dentils, and the same proportion of the capital; his column is nine diameters high, and has a Corinthian base. Vignola’s Corinthian is a grand and beautiful composition, chiefly imitative of the three columns. He makes the column ten diameters and a half in height; the entablature is a fourth of that altitude ; the cornice has modillions and dentils, the frieze is plain, the archi- trave of three faciae, divided by mouldings, and the base is attic. Sir William Chambers has obsetved, that “ the Corinthian order is proper for all buildings where elegance, gaiety, and magnificence are required. The ancients employed it in temples dedicated to Venus, Flora, Proserpine, and the nymphs of fountains ; because the flowers, foliage, and volutes, with which it is adorned, Seemed well adapted to the delicacy and elegance of such deities.” ON THE IMPRACTICABILITY OF PRODUCING A PERPETUAL MO- TION. Perpetual motion , is a motion which is supplied and renewed from itself, without the intervention of any external cause: to find a perpetual motion, or to construct a machine which shall have such a motion, is a subject which has engaged the atten- tion of mathematicians for more than two thousand years; though none, perhaps, have prosecuted it with so much zeal and hopes of ultimate success as some of the speculative philosophers of the present age. Infinite are the schemes, designs, plans, engines, wheels, &c. to which this longed- for perpetual motion has given birth ; and it would not only be endless but ridiculous to attempt to give a detail of them all, es- pecially as none of them deserve particular mention, since they have all equally proved abortive ; and it would rather partake of the nature of an affront than a compliment, to distinguish the pretenders to this dis- covery ; as the very attempting of the thing conveys a very unfavourable idea of the mental powers of the operator. For among all the laws of matter and motion we know of none, which seems to afford any principle or foundation for such an effect. Action and reaction are allowed to be ever equal ; and a body which gives any quantity of motion to another, always loses just so much of its own: but,- under the present state of things, the resistance of the air, and the friction of the parts of machines, necessarily retard every motion. To keep the motion going on, therefore, there must either be a supply from some foreign cause ; which, in a perpetual mo- tion, is excluded : Or, all resistance from the friction of the parts of matter must be removed; which necessarily implies a change in the nature of things. For, by the second law of motion, the changes made in the motions of bodies are always proportional to the impressed moving force, and are produced in the same direction with it ; no motion, then, can be communicated to any engine, greater than that of the first force impressed. But, on our earth, all motion is per- formed in a resisting fluid; namely, the atmosphere, and must therefore, of neces- sity, be retarded : consequently, a consi- derable quantity of its motion will be spent on the medium. Nor is there any engine or machine wherein all friction can be avoided; there being in nature no such thing as exact smoothness, or perfect con- gruity : the manner of the cohesion of the parts of bodies, the small proportion which the solid matter bears to the vacuities be- tween them, and the nature of those con- stituent particles, not admitting it. Friction, therefore, will also in time sensibly diminish the impressed or com- municated force; so that a perpetual mo- tion can never follow, unless the communi- cated force be- so much greater than the generating force, as to supply the diminu- tion occasioned by all these causes : but the generating force cannot communicate a greater degree of motion than it had itself. Therefore, the whole affair of finding a perpetual motion, comes to this; viz, to make a weight heavier than itself, or an elastic force greater than itself: or, there must be some method of gaining a force equivalent to what is lost, by the artful disposition and combination of the mecha- nical powers : to this last point, then, all endeavours are to be directed ; but how, or by what means, such a force can be gained, is still a mystery ! The multiplication of powers or forces avails nothing: for what is gained in power, is lost in time ; so that the quan- tity of motion still remains the same. The whole science of Mechanics cannot really make a little power equal or supe- rior to a larger ; and wherever a less power is found in equilibrio with a greater, as THE ARTISAN. 22S for example, twenty-five pounds with a hundred, it is a kind of deception of the sense : for the equilibrium is not strictly between one hundred pounds and twenty- five pounds, but between one hundred pounds, and twenty-five pounds moving, (or disposed to move,) four times as fast as the one hundred. A power of ten pounds, moving with ten times the velocity of one hundred pounds, would have equalled the one hundred in the same manner ; and the same may be said of all the possible products equal to one hundred : but, there must still be one hundred pounds of power on each side, whatever way they may be taken ; whe- ther in matter, or in velocity. This is an inviolable law of nature ; by which nothing is left to art, but the choice of the several combinations that may pro- duce the same effects. The only interest that we can take in the projects which have been tried for procur- ing a perpetual motion, must arise from the opportunity that they afford of observing the weakness of human reason. For a better instance of this can scarcely be supplied than to see a man spending whole years in the pursuit of an object, which a single week’s application to sober philosophy would have convinced him was unattainable. But for the satisfaction of those who may not be convinced of the impossibility of at- taining this grand object, we shall add a few observations on the subject of a still more practical nature than the above. The most satisfactory confutation of the notion of the possibility of a perpetual mo- tion, is derived from the consideration of the properties of the centre of gravity ; it is only necessary to examine whether it will begin to descend or ascend, when the machine moves, or whether it will remain at rest. If it be so placed, that it must either remain at rest or ascend, it is clear, from the laws of equilibrium, that no mo- tion derived from gravitation can take place : if it may descend, it must either continue to descend for ever with a finite velocity, which is impossible, or it must first descend and then ascend, with a vi- bratory motion, and then the case will be reducible to that of a pendulum, where it is obvious, that no new motion is generated, and that the friction and resistance of the air must soon destroy the original mo- tion. One of the most common fallacies, by which the superficial projectors of ma- chines for obtaining a perpetual motion have been deluded, has arisen from ima- gining, that any number of weights as- cending by a certain path, on one side of the centre of motion, and descending in the other, at a greater distance, must cause a constant preponderance on the side of the descent: and for this purpose weights have been made to slide or roll along groves or planes, which lead them to a more remote part of the wheel from whence they return as they ascend, as represented in the following figure,* or they have been fixed on hinges , which allow them to fall over at a certain point, so as to become more distant from the centre ; but it will appear on the inspec- tion of such a machine, that although some of the weights are more distant from the centre than others, yet there is always a proportionally smaller number of them on that side on which they have the greater power; so that these circumstances pre- cisely counterbalance each other. W e have heard it proposed to attach hollow arms to a wheel by joints or hinges at the circumference, and to fill these arms with quicksilver, or small balls, instead of the plan represented by the above figure ; but though we have never heard of it having been tried, we are perfectly con- vinced, that it would end as all other at- tempts have done; that is, in a total failure* SOLUTION OF QUESTIONS. Quest. 25, answered by Mr. A. Peacock, i St. George's East. The figure of the stone may be reckoned a prismoid, the arches being but a small part of a large circle will have but a tri- fling difference from the chords. First 76 -f 5zi81 the greater diameter, and 81 :3£: : 76: 3 127572 the least breadth ; then 3^ X 4 zz 13§ area of the greater end ; * In tbe model, the balls may be kept in their places by a plate of glass covering the wheel. THE ARTISAN. 224 and 3-127572 X 4 “12-510288 area of the lesser end ; then, 3£ -f 12-5 80288 -f-2=zl2‘921B10 mean area, therefore, 3^ + 12-510288 + 12*921810 X 4 zz 77-53086, which multiplied by |zz 64-60905 solid feet the content of the stone ; and as one solid foot of Portland stone weighs 2570 ounces, 64*60905 X 2570“ 166045| ounces zz 4 tons, 12 cwt, 2 qrs. 17 lb, 13 oz. the weight of the stone. This question was also answered cor- rectly by Mr. H. Flatiier, the proposer ; but he neglected to find the weight of the stone, after determining its solid content. Quest. 28, answered by Master James O’Reilly, Portsea. Let CBEL represent the tower : from E (the top of it) let fall the per- pendicular E D. Then by the hypothesis, D O zz 16, B Ozz 6 and therefore E O “182. Now, since the angles C B O, ODE are right angles, and the angles at O equal, the triangles CBO, ODE are equian- gular ; therefore, DO:EO::BO : CO; or 16 : 182 : : 6 : 68-25 = CO; but ^/C O 2 — O B * = CB; therefore CB=z n /(68*25) 2 — ( 6 ) 2 =67*985 the diameter. This question was also solved by the proposer, and by Mr. R. Graham, Teacher , Liverpool. In the above solution the tower is sup- posed to be cylindrical. Quest. 29, answered by Mr.WHiTECOMBE, Teacher of Mathematics, Cornhill. Put azz 3*14159 m zz *5236, and let x — diameter of the globe ; then pr. mensu- ration ax 2 zz convex surface, and mx 3 — solidity. Therefore, pr. question ax 2 ~mx 3 , then -f- by x 2 we have a zz mx. Hence, .r zz ~ zz 6 as Required. m This question was answered by so many other Correspondents, that we cannot find room to insert their names ; we may, how- ever state, that the gentlemen who solved the following question were among the number. Quest. 30, answered by Mr. J. Mill- ward, Hammersmith. The longest line that can be drawn in a cube is the diameter of the circumscribing sphere, or, the diagonal of a plane that cuts the cube, by passing through the diagonals of two of its opposite planes ; and the square of the side or face of the cube is one-third of the square of thatline. Therefore, if the diameter of a cube be 9 inches, ^9 * _i_ 3 zz 5*1961524 zz the side of the cube; and (5-1961524) 3 zz 140*296113573 zz the solidity of the cube. Which was required. This question w as also solved by the fol- lowing gentlemen: Mr. J. Snart, Tooley- street; Mr. R. Graham, Liverpool; Master James O’Reilly, Portsea; M. J. White- combe, Cornhill; Mr. A. Peacock, St. George’s East; Mr. J. Stephens; Mr. John Barr, Somers Town; Mr. J. Hol- royd, Oldham; C. N. S.; and by the Pro- poser. QUESTIONS FOR SOLUTION. Quest. 34, proposed by I. C. S. Church- row. Suppose the neck of the hollow glass ball (see Artisan, Expt. 5, page 69) to be immersed in water, and the air to be ex- tracted out of it and the receiver which covers it : required how much rarer was the air within the receiver before admitting the air from without, and how much water it forced into the ball, supposing the dia- meter of the water’s surface when forced into the ball to be 7*2, and its height from the top of the ball to be 1*8 of an inch ? Quest. 35, proposed by Mr. R. Graham, Liverpool. There is a globe of cast-iron one foot diameter, and a conical piece of dry oak six feet in length on the side of the prince’s dock, Liverpool ; required the diameter of the cone’s base when the globe is fixed to the vertex of the cone and put into the dock at full tide, where it floats with its surface just level with the water ? Quest. 36, proposed by G. G. C. Required how much higher than the cross of St. Paul’s must a person be elevated, in order to see the top of the Eddystone Light- house ? THE ARTISAN. 225 RHEUMATICS, STEAM ENGINE. Having given a description and repre- sentation of the steam engines of Savery and Newcomen, (see page 195;} and also of the double stroke engine of the late cele- brated Mr. Watt, we shall now begin to give a particular description of its prin* cipal parts, previous to noticing some of those engines for which patents have been more recently obtained. But it will tend very much to render a description of the several parts of this master-piece of human skill more easily understood, to give a short account of the alterations and im- provements made upon it by Mr. Watt, and this we cannot do better than by quoting a part of that excellent engineer’s patent. “ My method of lessening the consump- tion of steam, «and consequently fuel in fire engines,” says Mr. Watt, in the specifica- tions of his patent, “ consists of the follow- ing principles. First, that vessel in which the powers of steam are to be employed, to work the engine, which is called the cy- linder in common fire engines, and which I call the steam vessel, must, during the whole time the engine is at work, be kept as hot as the steam that enters it ; first, by inclosing it in a case of wood, or any other materials that transmit heat slowly; se- condly, by surrounding it with steam, or other heated bodies ; and thirdly, by suffer- ing neither water, nor any other substance colder than steam, to enter or touch it during that time. Secondly, in engines that are to be worked wholly or partially by condensation of steam, the steam is to be condensed in vessels distinct from the steam vessels, or cylinder, although occa- sionally communicating with them ; these vessels I call condensers; and, whilst the engines are working, these condensers ought at least to be kept as cold as the air, in the neighbourhood of the engines, by application of water, or other cold bodies. Thirdly, whatever air or other elastic vapour is not condensed by the cold of the condenser, and may impede the working of the engine, is to be drawn out of the steam vessels, or condensers, by means of pumps wrought by the engines them- selves, or otherwise. Fourthly, I intend, in many cases, to employ the expansive force of steam to press on the pistons, or whatever may be used instead of them, in the same manner as the pressure of the at- mosphere is now employed in common fire engines : in cases where cold water cannot be had in plenty, the engifies may be wrought by this force of steam only, by Vol, I.— No, 15. discharging the steam into the open air after it has done its office. Fifthly, where mo- tions round an axis are required, I make the steam vessels in form of hollow rings, or circular channels, with proper inlets and outlets for the steam, mounted on ho- rizontal axles like the wheels of a water mill ; within them are placed a number of valves, that suffer any body to go round the channel in one direction only ; in these steam vessels are placed weights, so fitted to them as entirely to fill up a part or por- tion of their channels, yet capable of moving freely in them by the means herein- after mentioned or specified. When the steam is admitted in these engines, be- tween the weights and the valves, it acts equally on both, so as to raise the weight to one side of the wheel, and, by the re- action of the valves, successively, to give a circular motion to the wheel, the valves opening in the direction in which the weights are pressed, but not in the con- trary ; as the steam vessel moves round, it is supplied with steam from the boiler, and that which has performed its office may either be discharged by means of conden- sers, or into the open air. Sixthly, I in- tend, in some cases, to apply a degree of cold, not capable of reducing the steam to water, but of contracting it considerably, so that the engines may be worked by the alternate expansion and contraction of the steam. Lastly, instead of using water to render the piston or other parts of the engines air and steam tight, I employ oils, wax, resinous bodies, fat of animals, 'quick- silver, and other metals, in their fluid state.” The term of this patent was prolonged by act of parliament until the year 1799 ; but although the legal privilege of the original manufacturers expired, yet the superiority of their workmanship still gave their engines a decided preference to others. It was found, that their engines saved three-fourths of the fuel formerly used; and that only one-fourth of the whole force of the steam was wasted. One of these engines, with a thirty inch cylinder, per- forms the work of 120 horses, working 8 hours each, per day. In order to regulate the varying quantity of steam, which was produced by the dif- ferent states of the fire under the boiler, and admitted into the cylinder, Mr. Watt thought of several methods; but the one generally employed is to place a valve in the pipe connecting the boiler and the cy- linder, which is made to increase or dimi- nish the passage for the steam. This valve is called a throttle-valve, and is made to act of itself, and also made to admit of being so adjusted as to admit less steam into the cylinder, when the piston is moving 226 THE ARTISAN. with too great velocity, and. to admit a figure, page 197), and called a lift-tenter, greater quantity when it is moving too were employed by Mr. Watt to regulate the slowly. opening and shutting of the throttle-valve. The attached balls marked W, (see the Thus in the annexed figure a , a are the two balls attached to an upright spindle by a joint, and connected with the throttle-valve by a series of small levers resting on a pivot z. x is an endless chain or cord going round a pully 0 , which is fixed to the vertical stem r, and retained in that position by moving in sockets at z and y . a, a, are two balls fixed to levers having a moveable joint at y : these levers are bent after their junction, in the position shown in the figure, and are connected by another joint at c, c, to two short levers fixed by a joint at n, n, to a broad ring or strap of metal moving freely up and down on the vertical spindle. On this ring or strap, the ends of a lever z formed like a fork, are made to fit it ; the lever is sus- pended at z and has another joint at h, by which it is connected with the rod S, which is attached to the axis of the throttle- valve. When the piston is moving with its usual velocity, the balls, being connected by the endless rope x, revolve and hang in the situation as shewn in the figure. But should the velocity of the piston be much increased, its motion will be communicated by the rope and pulley to the spindle r , and the balls will, by their centrifugal force, rise into the situation shewn by the dotted lines i, i ; this will depress the ends of their levers at c, c, and also the end of the horizontal lever which is attached to the moveable ring ; and the rod S, will be raised, which closes in part, the steam way. Should the motion of the piston be too slow, instead of rising ' , the balls will fall, and have quite a contrary operation on the levers and throttle-valve; and diminish the quantity of steam admitted into the cylinder. By these and other contrivances, having made the reciprocating motion of his en- gines very regular, Mr. Watt early turned his attention to the important object of pro^ ducing a continuous rotatory motion from a reciprocating one. “ Among the many schemes,” says Mr. Watt, “ which passed through my mind, none appeared so likely to answer the purpose as the application of a crank in the manner of a common turning lathe, (an invention of great merit, of which the humble inventor and even its era are un- known) ; but as the rotative motion is pro- duced in that machine by the impulse given to the crank in the descent of the foot only, and is continued in its ascent by the mo- mentum of the wheel, which here acts as a fly ; and being unwilling to load my engine with a fly heavy enough to continue the motion during the ascent of the piston (and even were a counterweight employed to act, during the ascent, of a fly heavy enough to equalize the motion) I proposed THE ARTISAN. 227 to employ two engines, acting upon two cranks, fixed on the same axis at an angle of 120 degrees to one another, and a weight placed on the circumference of the fly at the same angle to each of the cranks, by which means a motion might be rendered nearly equal, and a very light fly would only be requisite.” In order to obtain a rotatory motion from a rectilineal one by some other means than the crank, Mr. Watt introduced what is now called the Sun and Planet Wheels : it is also a cardioid motion, and has several advantages over the crank, where a more rapid movement is to be given to the fly ; the fly being made to revolve with double the velocity as when a crank is employed. It is not, however, so simple, and its con- struction makes it more expensive, besides it is easily put out of order, and has now given place to the crank. We shall, however, give a short descrip- tion of these wheels, as they are sometimes employed in other machines. In the an- nexed figure x , is an arm attached to the lever, or work- ing beam ; and S, the axis which imparts motion to the machinery. The wheel T, is fixed to x, and the wheel S, on the axis of R ; and both wheels are fixed as nearly as possible in the same vertical plane. On the rising and falling of the working beam, the wheel T, is carried round the circum- ference of the wheel S, and at the instant when the motion of the lever is reversed, the continuous rotatory movement is pro- duced by the momentum of the fly-wheel. In order to ascertain the elasticity or expansive force of the steam remaining in the condenser, Mr. Watt adapted a baro- meter tube filled with mercury, to the con- denser. The mercury in this tube is acted upon nearly in the same manner, as the mercury in the common barometer by the atmosphere : and if a perfect vacuum were produced in the condenser, the mercury in the tube would stand at the same height as in the common barometer ; but as a perfect vacuum is never produced, the mercury in the tube rises to a height corresponding to the degree of elasticity possessed by the Q 2 228 THE ARTISAN. steam, and shows the force with which the atmospheric air presses on the mercury to enter the condenser. A similar tube, called the Steam-Gauge, was fixed on the boiler which indicated, by the ascent and descent of the mercury, the elasticity of the steam, and consequently shows the force with which the steam presses upon the boiler, in order to make its escape, when its temperature exceeds 212 degrees. At a less temperature than this, it will stand at the same degree as the condenser gauge. OPTICS. CAMERA OBSCTJRA. The camera obscura, or the dark chamber, is a name given to a very amusing optical instrument invented by Baptista Porta. If a room be made entirely dark, and a convex lens of one or more feet focal length be placed in a small hole in the window shutter, it will form behind it, on a sheet of white paper, a beautiful picture of all the objects before it, in which will be seen all those movements and changes of colour and of position, which characterize the living picture without. In order, however, to have this picture formed upon a horizontal surface for the purpose of copying it, the rays proceeding from it must be received upon a plane mir- ror, inclined to the horizon at an angle of 45°, as shown in the following figure : where A B is the object without the win- dow, CD the lens, G’H the image that would be formed upon a vertical sheet of paper if the plane mirror EF were not in- terposed, and I K the image formed upon a plate of ground glass whose rough surface is placed uppermost. The picture may then be traced with great accuracy on the surface of the ground glass. But if it be required to throw the image upon a sheet of white paper, we have only to conceive the whole inverted, and E F placed a little nearer to C D, ip order to throw I K to a greater distance, and leave room for the introduction of the hand of the artist between E and K. The foregoing figure represents the con- struction of the portable camera obscura, the outside of which is exhibited by the following figure : It consists of two square drawers, D and E F, the drawer D containing the lens at C D, and capable of being moved out or in within the tube E for the purpose of ad- justing the focus of the lens to the distance of the object. The other drawer E con- tains the inclined mirror E F, which re- flects the rays upon the ground glass G, and has a lid which turns up in order to keep off the light from the picture on the ground glass. When it is required to draw upon the surface of paper, the camera obscura must have the form represented by the following figure, f THE ARTISAN.- 229 where A B is the lens, and CD a mirror on the outside of it, which is placed in such a manner as to reflect the landscape downwards, on the ground E F. The ob- server places his head through an opening on one side, and introduces his hand with the pencil through another opening, so that no light whatever may be admitted at these apertures to efface the distinctness of the picture. A camera obscura for public exhibition requires to be on a large scale ; so that several persons may see it distinctly at the same time. Instruments of this kind are generally erected in public Observatories, such as that of Greenwich, Edinburgh, and Glasgow, where three very fine camera ob- scuras have been fitted up ; but our limits will not permit us to give a description of them. In the construction of the camera ob- scura, the splendour of the picture depends on various circumstances which have not hitherto been sufficiently attended to. It has been found from experience, that a common lens, is preferable to the best achromatic object glass; and Dr. Wollaston has suggested the application of the peris- copic principle to the lens of the camera. M. Cauchoix has found, that the most ad- vantageous ratio of the radii of curvature is that of 5 to 8, the shortest of the two being that which is turned towards the image. Next to the optical perfection of the image is the nature of the surface upon which it is received. When paper is em- ployed, it should be made as smooth as possible by burnishing the surface; and when a stucco surface is used, the greatest care must be taken to remove all asperities, and make it perfectly uniform. With the view of obviating the imperfection of the ordinary opaque grounds, Dr. Brewster made a great variety of experiments. Though he did not find any white surfaces superior to those in common use, he was surprised to observe the brilliancy and distinctness with which the pictures were represented when received upon the sil- vered back of a looking-glass ; and he gave additional perfection to the images, by removing the protuberances and roughness of the tinfoil, by carefully grinding the surface with a soft kind of bone. Not- withstanding the bluish colour of the me- tallic ground, while objects are represented in their true tints, and so brilliant is the colouring, and so rich the verdure of the foliage, that the image seems to surpass in beauty even the object itself. Various ex- periments have also been made by the same author, to discover a good transparent sur- face as a substitute for ground glass, which would permit the application of an eye- glass. The loss of light, when the image is received on ground glass is enormous. In order to prevent this, and give brilliancy to the colouring, Dr. Brewster places ano- ther plate of glass above the ground one, and introduces between them water, or any other fluid of a different refractive power from the ground glass; the dispersion of the light at the separating surface of the ground glass and the fluid being sufficient to detain the convergent pencils without greatly weakening their intensity. As such a ground, however, cannot be used for copying, he put a slightly opaque varnish upon the surface of a glass plate, and also upon thin squares of mica, and he found, that these varnishes might be marked with the finest lines of a pencil, and that an impression of the sketch might be conveyed by the slightest pressure of the hand on a piece of paper. One of the simplest and best of all the varnishes which he used was that of milk dried upon the glass, after it had been freed entirely from its buty- raceous particles. The beauty and dis- tinctness is such, that it will even admit the application of a lens to magnify the image, and when properly made, will receive the mark of a black lead pencil. ON THE MEGASCOPE. The name of megascope has been given to the camera obscura, when employed to represent, or to take copies of objects placed in front of the window, or of the lens in the portable camera obscura, and placed at a short distance from it. In this case, the image is generally received at a distance from the lens greater than that of the ob- ject ; and is consequently very much mag- nified. By altering the distance of the object, the size of the image may be in- creased or diminished at pleasure; and when the object does not reflect much light, we have it in our power to illuminate it artificially. The megascope may be made to magnify as much as fifteen times with great advantage, and is an instrument of very great use in taking correct outlines or representations of natural objects, which, from their smallness or other causes, are not susceptible of being submitted to exact mensuration. The megascope may even be employed for copying plans or drawings on an enlarged or a reduced scale. ON THE MAGIC LANTERN. The magic lantern, an optical instru- ment invented by Athanasius Kircher, differs from the megascope only ip the way in which it is fitted up, and in the purposes to which it is applied. It consists of a lens AB, 230 THE ARTISAN. which forms on the wall 'an enlarged image of any object placed before it, and at a greater distance than its anterior prin- cipal focus. The objects used in the magic lantern, are pictures painted with transpa- rent varnishes in the form of sliders, which move through a groove in front of the lens AB. These paintings are strongly illumi- nated with a lamp inclosed in a lantern, which admits no light whatever into the room excepting what passes through the lens A B. The light of the lamp is thrown in a condensed state upon the pic- tures by means of an illuminating lens, which is sometimes nearly hemispherical, and the illumination is still farther in- creased by a concave mirror, which throws back the light of the lamp, that radiates in the direction of the object. The painting on the sliders being thus strongly illuminated, a very distinct and enlarged image of it is represented on the wall according to principles already described ; and the magnitude of the image will be to the magnitude of the ob- ject as their respective distances from the lens A B. Hence, the magnifying power may be diminished or increased, by bring- ing the white screen that receives the image either nearer to the lantern, or re- moving it to a greater distance. The images in the magic lantern are much improved by substituting two lenses in place of A B, having greater focal lengths than the single lens. The magic lantern, which for a long time was used only as an instrument for amus- ing children and astonishing the ignorant, has recently been fitted up for the purpose of conveying scientific instruction ; and is now universally used by popular lecturers on astronomy for representing the phases and the motions of the heavenly bodies, all of which are minutely painted on the sliders. The magic lantern may be employed in almost every branch of scientific instruc- tion' where it is desirable to give a distinct and enlarged representation of pheno- mena to a public class. The lecturer is thus saved the trouble of carrying about with him unwieldy diagrams, ^ which are soon destroyed by use, and rendered unfit for their intended purpose. CHEZ^XSTI&'Sr. MURIATIC ACID. According to Dr. Thomson there are only two simple incombustible substances which unite to oxygen ; viz. Azote and Muriatic Acid; the former of these has already been treated of, and the second we shall make the subject of the present article. The name muriatic acid is taken from the substance which most plentifully aEffords it, namely, sea or marine salt, the muria of the Latins. This name is given to it, because its radical, or base, has not yet been discovered in nature. Before the framing of the methodical nomenclature, it was called spirit of salt, marine acid, and sometimes acid of salt. The muriatic acid exists abundantly in nature in combination with common salt and the waters of the ocean. And though we are almost witnesses of this formation, we are yet unacquainted with the principles employed by nature, the proportion in which she combines them, and the mode in which the combination is effected. Muriatic acid may be procured by the following processes: Let a small pneumatic trough be pro- cured, hollowed out of a single block of wood; about 15 inches long, 7 broad, and 6 deep. After it has been hollowed out to the depth of an inch, leave three inches THE ARTISAN. 231 by way of a shelf on one side, and cut out the rest to the proper depth, giving the in- side of the bottom a circular form, as re- presented by the annexed figure*. This trough is to be filled with mercury to the height of a quarter of an inch above the surface of the shelf. A small glass jar is then to be filled with the mercury, and placed on the shelf of the trough over one of the slits made on purpose. The apparatus being thus disposed, two or three ounces of common salt are to be put into a small retort, and an equal quan- tity of sulphuric acid added ; the beak of the retort plunged below the surface of the mercury in the trough, and the heat of a lamp applied to the bottom of the retort. A violent effervescence will then take place ; and air bubbles will rush in great numbers from its beak, and rise to the sur- face of the mercury in a visible white smoke, which has a very peculiar odour. After allowing a number of them to escape, till it is supposed that the common air which previously existed in the retort has been displaced, plunge its beak into the slit in the shelf over which the glass jar has been placed. The air bubbles will soon displace the mercury and fill the jar. The gas thus obtained is called muriatic acid gas. This substance in a state of solution in water was known even to the alchymists ; but in a gaseous state it was first examined by Dr. Priestley, in an early part of that illustrious career in which he added so much to our knowledge of gaseous bodies. 1 . Muriatic acid gas is an invisible elas- tic fluid, resembling common air in its me- chanical properties. Its specific gravity, according to the experiments of Mr. Kirwan is 1*929, that of air being 1*000, at the tem- perature of 60°, barometer 30 inches ; 100 cubic inches of it weigh 59*8 grains. Its smell is pungent and peculiar ; and when- ever it comes in contact with common air, it forms with it a visible white smoke. If * Troughs of this kind are to be got ready made at all the shops where chemical apparatus are sold. a little of it be drawn into the mouth, it i 3 found to taste excessively acid ; much more so than vinegar. 2. Animals are incapable of breathing it; and when plunged into jars filled with it, they die instantaneously in convulsions. Neither will any combustible burn in it. It is remarkable, however, that it has a considerable effect upon the flame of com- bustible bodies ; for if a burning taper be plunged into it, the flame, just before it goes out, may be observed to assume a green colour, and the same tinge appears next time the taper is lighted. 3. If a little of the blue coloured liquid, which is obtained by boiling red cabbage leaves and water in a tin vessel, be let up into a jar filled with muriatic acid gas, it assumes a fine red colour. This change is considered by chemists as a characteristic property of acids ; but this will be fully treated of afterwards. 4. If a little water be let up into a jar filled with this gas, the whole gas diap- pears in an instant, the mercury ascends, fills the jar, and forces the water to the very top. The reason of this is, that there exists a strong affinity between muriatic acid gas and water ; and whenever they come in contact, they combine and form a liquid ; or, which is the same thing, the water absorbs the gas. Hence arises the necessity of making experiments with this gas over mercury. In the water cistern not a particle of gas would be procured. The water of the trough would even rush into the retort and fill it completely. It is this affinity between muriatic acid gas and water, which occasions the white smoke that appears when the gas is mixed with common air. It absorbs the vapour of water which always exists in common air. The solution of muriatic acid gas in water is usually denominated simply muriatic acid by chemists. In this state it appears to have been known to the alchymists ; but Glauber was the first who extracted it from common salt by means of sulphuric acid. It is prepared for commercial purposes, by mixing toge- ther one part of common salt and seven or eight parts of clay, and distilling the mix- ture ; or by distilling the usual proportion of common salt and sulphuric acid, and receiving the product in a receiver con- taining water. For chemical purposes it may be procured pure in the following manner : A hundred parts of dry common salt are put into a glass matrass, to which there is adapted a bent glass tube that passes into a small Wolf’s apparatus, which is repre- sented by the following figure. 232 THE ARTISAN. The first jar which is immediately con- tained was 1*203. If we suppose that the nected with the receiver is employed for water in this experiment absorbed as much condensing the vapour that issues from the gas as in the last, it will follow from it, that retort, and the first bottle contains a quan- six parts of water, by being saturated with tity of water equal in weight to the com- this gas, expanded so as to occupy very mon salt employed, but part of the water nearly the bulk of 11 parts ; but in all the may be put into the second bottle. When trials which were made upon it, the expan- the apparatus is properly secured by luting, sion was only nine parts. This would indi- pour gradually through the bent tube 75 cate a specific gravity of 1*477 ; yet upon parts of sulphuric acid, or three-fourths actually trying water thus saturated, its the weight of the salt, making the addi- specific gravity was only 1*203. Can this tions at considerable intervals. On each difference be owing to the gas that escapes effusion of the acid a large quantity of mu- during the acquisition of the specific gra- riatic gas will pass along the bent tube, vity? and will be absorbed by the water in the During the absorption of the gas, the first bottle till this has become saturated; water becomes hot. Ice also absorbs this it will then pass on to the second bottle, gas, and is at the same time liquified. The and so on to more if they are deemed ne- quantity of this gas absorbed by water cessary. diminishes as the heat of the water in- The gas that is not absorbed by the creases, and at a boiling heat water will water at its exit from the last bottle is con- not absorb any of it. When water impreg- veyed, by means of the recurved tube, into nated with it is heated, the gas is again ex- a jar standing in a mercurial trough, as pelled unaltered. Hence muriatic acid gas represented in the foregoing figure. may be procured by heating the common When the whole of the sulphuric acid muriatic acid of commerce. It was by this has been added and the gas no longer process, that Dr. Priestley first obtained it. issues, heat is then to be applied which The acid thus obtained is colourless : it will renew the production of the gas. At has a strong pungent smell similar to the this period it will be necessary to keep the gas, and when exposed to the air is con- luting which connects the retort and re- stantly emitting visible white fumes. The ceiver perfectly cool, otherwise it will be muriatic acid of commerce is always of a apt to melt. pale yellow colour, owing to a small quan- When no more gas is produced, the tity of iron which it holds in solution, operation maybe suspended, and the liquid As muriatic acid can only be used con- in the two bottles, which is muriatic acid, veniently when dissolved in water, it is of put into others with ground stoppers and much consequence to know how much preserved for use. pure acid is contained in a given quantity A cnbic inch of water at the temperature of liquid muriatic acid of any particular of 60°, barometer 29*4°, absorbs 515 inches density. Now the specific gravity of the of muriatic acid gas, which is equivalent to strongest muriatic acid that can easily be 308 grains nearly. Hence water thus im- procured and preserved is 1*196 : it would pregnated contains 0*548, or more than half be needless, therefore, to examine the its weight of muriatic acid, in the same purity of any muriatic acid of superior state of purity as when gaseous. Dr. Thom- density. Mr. Kirwan calculated that mu- son caused a current of gas to pass through riatic acid, of the density of 1*196, con- water till it refused to absorb any more, tains 0*2528 of pure acid. The specific gravity of the acid thus ob- Muriatic acid was long considered as THE ARTISAN. 233 being capable of combining with oxygen, and forming with it compounds possessed of very different properties from the acid itself. But this theory has lately been abandoned by most of the leading chemists of the day, in consequence of the results of a number of experiments made upon this substance by Sir H. Davy, and subsequently by several other distinguished chemists both in this country and on the continent. The result of these experiments, and the consequent change which they have pro- duced on the whole science of chemistry, will be particularly noticed in treating of Chlorine.* Jt may, however be necessary to state here, that muriatic acid is now generally believed to be a compound of this substance and hydrogen. ASTRONOMY. OF THE HARVEST MOON. It has long been known that the moon when full, about the time of harvest, rises for several nights nearly at the time of sun setting ; but the cause of this remarkable phenomenon has not been so long known. This appearance was observed by the hus- bandman long before it was noticed by the Astronomer : and on account of its benefi- cial effects in affording a supply of light immediately after sun-set, at this impor- tant season of the year, it is called the harvest moon. In order to conceive the reason of this phenomenon it must be recollected, that the moon is always opposite the sun when she is full, and of course in the opposite sign and degree of the zodiac. Now the sun is in the signs Virgo and Libra in Au- gust and September, or the time of har- vest ; and therefore the moon when full, in these months, is in the signs Pisces and Aries. But that part of the ecliptic in which Pisces and Aries is situated makes a much less angle with the horizon of places that have considerable northern la- titude, than any other part of the ecliptic, and therefore a greater portion of it rises in any given time than an equal portion at any other part of it. Or, which is the same thing, any given portion of the ecliptic about Pisces and Aries rises in less space of time than an equal portion of it does at any other part. And as the moon’s daily motion in her orbit is about 13°, this portion of it will require less time to rise about those signs, than an equal portion at any * This substance was formerly called oxymuriatic acid ; but Sir H. Davy gave it this name in conse- quence of its green colour. other part of the ecliptic ; consequently, there will be less difference between the times of the moon’s rising when in this part of her orbit than in any other.* At a mean rate the moon rises 50 minutes later on any evening than she did the pre- ceding evening ; but when she is full about, the beginning of September, or when she is in that part of her orbit which rises with the signs Pisces and Aries, she rises only about 16 or 17 minutes later than on the preceding evening ; consequently, she will seem to rise for a few evenings at the same hour. Although this is the case every time that the moon is in this part of her orbit ; yet it is little attended to, except when she hap- pens to be fidl at the time, which can only be in August or September. In some years this phenomenon is much more perceptible than in others, even al- though the moon should be full on the same day, or in the same point of her orbit. This is owing to a variation in the angle which the moon’s orbit makes with the horizon of the place where the phenomenon is observed. If the moon moved exactly in the ecliptic, this angle would always be the same at the same time of the year. But as the moon’s orbit crosses the ecliptic and makes an angle with it of 5°* 9', the angle formed by the moon’s orbit and the horizon of any place is not exactly the same as that made by the ecliptic and the horizon. Some years it is greater and others less, even at the same time of the year, for it is subject to considerable variations, owing to the retrograde motion of the moon’s nodes.f If the ascending node should happen to be in the first degree of Aries, it is evident, that this part of the moon’s orbit will rise with the least possible angle, and of course any given portion of it will require less time to rise than an equal portion in any other part of the orbit. The most favour- able position of the nodes for producing the most beneficial harvest moons, is there- fore, when the ascending node is in the first of Aries , and of course the descending in the first of Libra. W hen the nodes are in these points 13° of the moon’s orbit, about the first of Aries, rises in the space of 16 minutes, in the latitude of London, and consequently, when the moon is in this part of her orbit, the time of her rising will differ only 16 minutes from the time * It would tend very much to make this pheno- menon understood if a terreetrial globe were athand and rectified for the latitude of London, when read- ing this description. t The nodes, or points where the moon’s orbit crosses the ecliptic, move backward about 19 ° in a year, by which means they move round tbe ecliptic in 18 years 226 days. 234 THE ARTISAN. she rose on the preceding evening. When the moon is in the opposite part of her orbit, or about the signs Virgo and Libra, which make the greatest angle with the. horizon at rising, 13° of her orbit will re- quire 1 h. 15' to rise, although it were co- incident with the ecliptic ; and if the nodes be in the points just mentioned, the same portion of the orbit Will require 1 h, 20' to ascend above the horizon of the same place ; and so much later will the moon rise every night for several nights when in this part of her orbit. As the moon is full in these signs in the months of March and April they may be called vernal full moons. Those signs of the ecliptic which rise with the greatest angle set with the least ; and those that rise with the least set with the greatest. Therefore, the vernal full moons differ as much in their times of rising , every night, as the autumnal, or harvest moons differ in the times of their setting ; and they set with as little differ- ence of time as the autumnal ones rise, supposing the full moons to happen in op- posite points of the moon’s orbit, and the nodes to remain in the same points of the ecliptic. In southern latitudes, the harvest moons are just as regular as in the northern, be- cause the seasons are contrary ; and those parts of the moon’s orbit about Virgo and Libra, where the vernal full moons happen in northern latitudes, (and the harvest ones in southern latitudes) rise at as small ah angle at the same degree of south latitude, as those about Pisces and Aries in north latitude, where the autumnal full moons take place. At places near the Equator, this pheno- menon does not happen ; for every point of the ecliptic, and nearly every point of the moon’s orbit, makes the same angle with the horizon, both at rising and setting, and therefore equal portions of it will rise and set in equal times. As the moon’s nodes make a complete circuit of the ecliptic in 18 years 225 days, it is evident, that when the ascending node is in the first of Aries at any given time, the descending one must be in the same point about 9 years 112 days afterwards; consequently, there will be a regular in- terval of about 9 1 years between the most beneficial and least beneficial harvest moons. APPARENT SIZE OF THE MOON. It has been already remarked at page 202, that the apparent size of the moon is nearly equal to that of the sun ; but the apparent size of the moon is not always the same, for she is often much nearer the earth at one time than another : hence, it is evident, her apparent magnitude must vary, and that it will be greatest when she is nearest the earth. (See page 203.) But she appears larger when in the ho- rizon than in the zenith even on the same evening; and yet it may easily be proved, that she is a semi-diameter of the earth, or about 4000 miles farther from the spectator when she is in the horizon than when she is in the zenith, and consequently ought to appear smaller, which will be found to be really the case if accurately measured. This apparent increase of magnitude in the horizontal moon, must therefore be con- sidered as an optical illusion ; and may be explained upon the well known principle, that the eye in judging of distant objects is guided entirely by the previous knowledge which the mind has acquired of the inter- vening objects. Hence arise the erroneous estimates we make of the size of distant objects at sea, of objects below us when viewed from great heights, and of objects highly elevated when viewed from below. Now when the moon is near the zenith, she is seen precisely in this last situation, of course there is nothing near her, or that can be seen at the same time with which her size can be compared ; but the horizontal moon may be compared with a number of objects whose magnitude is previously known. That the moon appears under no greater an angle (or is not larger) in the horizon, than when she is on the meridian, may be proved by the following simple experi- ment. Take a large sheet of paper and roll it up in the form of a tube of such width as just to include the whole of the moon when she rises : then tie a thread round it to keep it exactly of the same size, and when the moon comes to the meridian, where she will appear to the naked eye to be much less, look at her again through the same tube and she will fill it as completely as she did before. When the moon is full and in the hori- zon, she appears of an oval form, with her longest diameter parallel to the horizon. This appearance is occasioned by the re- fraction of the atmosphere, which is always greatest at the horizon, consequently the lower limb or edge must be more refracted than the upper edge, and therefore these two edges will appear to be brought nearer each other, or the vertical diameter will appear to be shortened ; and as the hori- zontal diameter is very little affected by the refraction, she must appear to have somewhat of an oval shape. The sun is affected in the same manner when in the horizon. THE ARTISAN. 235 JMisceltemeous J&hjects. MEMOIR OF THE LIFE OF JAMES FERGUSON. James Ferguson, an eminent Experimen- tal Philosopher, Mechanist, and Astrono- mer, was born in Banffshire, in Scotland, 1710, of very poor parents. At the very earliest age his extraordinary genius began to unfold itself. He first learned to read, by overhearing his father teach his elder brother : and he had made this acquisition before any one suspected it. He soon dis- covered a peculiar taste for Mechanics, which first arose on seeing his father use a long pole as a lever, to raising the roof of his cottage, which had sunk below the walls. He pursued this study a consider- able length, while he was yet very young ; and made a watch in wood work, from only once having seen one. As he had at first no instructor, nor any help from books, every thing he learned had all the merit of an original discovery; and such, with inexpressible joy, he believed it to be. As soon as his age would permit, he went to service, in which he met with hardships, that rendered his constitution feeble through life. While he was servant to a farmer (whose goodness he acknow- ledges in the modest and humble account of himself, which he prefixed to his “ Me- chanical Exercises/’) he contemplated and learned to know the stars, while he tended the sheep ; and began the study of Astro- nomy, by laying down, from his own obser- vations only, a celestial globe. His kind master, observing these marks of his in- genuity, procured him the countenance and assistance of some neighbouring gen- tlemen. By their help and instructions he went on gaining farther knowledge, having by their means been taught Arithmetic, with some Algebra and Practical Geome- ry. He had also got some notion of draw- ing, and being sent to Edinburgh, he there began to take portraits in miniature, at a small price, an employment by which he supported himself and family for several years, both in Scotland and England, while he was pursuing more serious studies. In London he first published some curious astronomical tables and cal- culations ; and afterwards gave public Lectures in Experimental Philosophy, both in London and most of the country towns in England, with the highest marks of general approbation. He was elected a fellow of the Royal Society, and was ex- cused the payment of the admission fee, and the usual annual contributions. He enjoyed from the king a pension of fifty pounds a year, besides other occasional presents, which he privately accepted and received from different quarters, till the time of his death ; by which, and the fruits of his own labours, he left behind him a sum to the amount of about six thousand pounds, although all his friends had always entertained an idea of his great poverty. He died in 1776, at sixty-six years of age, though he had the appearance of many more years. Mr. Ferguson must be allowed to have been a very uncommon genius, especially in mechanical contrivances and executions, for he executed many machines himself in a very neat manner. He had also a good taste in Astronomy, as well as in Natural and Experimental Philosophy, and was possessed of a happy manner of explaining himself in an easy, clear, and familiar way. His general mathematical knowledge, how- ever, was very limited. Of algebra he understood but little more than the nota- tion ; and he has often told the late Dr. Hutton, that he could never demonstrate one proposition in Euclid’s Elements; his constant method being to satisfy himself as to the truth of any problem, with a mea- surement by scale and compasses. He was a man of a very clear judgment in any thing that he professed, and of unwearied application to study; benevolent, meek, and innbcent in his manners as a child: humble, courteous, and communicative : instead of pedantry, philosophy seemed to produce in him only diffidence and urba- nity. The following is a list of Mr. Ferguson’s works : — 1. “ Astronomical Tables and Precepts, for calculating the true Times of New and Full Moons, &c.” 1763; 2. “Tables and Tracts, relative to several Arts and Scien- ces;” 3. “An easy Introduction to Astro- nomy, for young Gentlemen and Ladies ;” 4. “ Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton’s Principles;” 5. “ Lectures on select Subjects in Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, and Optics;” 6. “ Select Mechanical Exercises, with a short Account of the Life of the Author by himself,” a narrative highly interesting and amusing : 7. The Art of Drawing in Perspective made Easy;” 8. u An Introduction to Electricity,” 1775 ; “ Three Letters to the Rev. Mr. John Kennedy.” He communicated also several papers to the Royal Society, which were printed in their Transactions. In 1805 a very valuable edition of his Lectures was published in Edinburgh by Dr. Brewster, in 2 vols. 8vo. with notes and an appen- dix. 236 THE ARTISAN. ARCHITECTURE. COMPOSITE ORDER. The Composite Order, is the last of the five orders of columns ; so called, because its capital is composed out of those of the other orders. It borrows a quarter-round from the Tuscan and Doric; a double row of leaves, from the Corinthian; and Volutes from the Ionic : its cornice has simple modillions, or dentils. The composite is also called the Roman and Italian order ; as having been invented by the Romans ; conformably to the rest, which are denominated from the people among whom they had their rise. Most authors rank this after the Corin- thian ; either as being the richest, o'r as the last that was invented : Scamozzi alone places it between the Ionic and Corinthian ; out of a view to its delicacy and richness, which he esteems inferior to that of the Corinthian ; and therefore makes no scru- ple to use it under the Corinthian : wherein he is followed by M. le Clerc. The pro- portions of this order are not fixed by Vi- truvius; he only marks its general charac- ter, by observing, that its capital is com- posed of several parts taken from the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian: he does not seem to regard it as a particular order ; nor does he vary it at all from the Corinthian, ex- cept in its capital. In effect, it was Serlio who first added the composite order to the four of Vitruvius, forming it from the re- mains of the temple of Bacchus, the arches of Titus, Septimus, and the Goldsmiths at Rome : till then, this order was esteemed a species of the Corinthian, only differing in its capital. The order being thus left undetermined by the ancients, the moderns have a kind of right to differ about its proportions, &c. Scamozzi, and after him M. le Clerc, make its column 19 modules and a half ; which is less by half a module than the Corinthian. Vignola makes it 20 ; which is the same with that of his Corinthian: but Serlio, who first formed it into an order, by giving it a proper entablature and base, and after him M. Perrault, raise it still higher than the Corinthian. This last does not think different orna- ments and characters sufficient to constitute a different order, unless it have a different height too: agreeably, therefore, to his rule of augmenting the heights of the se- veral columns by a series of two modules in each ; he makes the composite 20 modules, and the Corinthian 18 ; which, it seems is a medium between the porch of Titus and the temple of Bacchus. M. Perrault, in his Vitruvius, distin- guishes between composite and composed order. The latter, he says, denotes any composition whose parts and ornaments are extraordinary, and unusual ; but have, withal, somewhat of beauty ; both on ac- count of their novelty, and in respect of the manner, or genius of the architect: so that a composed order is an arbitrary, hu- morous composition, whether regular or irregular. The same author adds, that the Corin- thian order is the first composite order, as being composed of the Doric and Ionic ; which is the observation of Vitruvius him* self. THE ARTISAN. 237 CELESTIAL ATLAS BY ALEX- ANDER JAMEISON, A. M. ^ It is a species of anomaly in the litera- ture of this country to see a work make its appearance on certain sciences, which are not only useful in themselves, but are the foundation of almost all accurate science. Among these it is only necessary to mention Mathematics and Astronomy. For though we have Systems, Courses, Preceptors and Catechisms in abundance, on those sciences as well as on music, dancing and boxing, yet they contain nothing that has not been before the public a thousand times in as many different shapes. Every teacher of a petty boarding school has either got his system of Arithmetic, Mathematics, or As- tronomy, although he can neither demon- strate a proposition in Euclid, nor tell the time of new moon without his Moor’s Alma- nack. But with all these works on the sciences just mentioned, we have nothing original, nothing that is even new in appearance to those who have made a little progress in the sciences of mathematics or astronomy. We may venture to assert, that there has scarcely been a single work published in this country within the last forty years, which lias added any thing to our stock of mathematical or astronomical knowledge. Discoveries and improvements have been made in those sciences within this period, and we are now in possession of some of them; but this is by means of translations from works which have first appeared in other countries, and not by having been originally published here. The fact is, that instead of mathematical and astrono- mical knowledge having increased in this country, during the above period it has diminished. And instead of the high rank which we once held in this respect among our neighbours, we are now unquestion- ably inferior to them. What has caused this change we shall not at present enquire into; but the effect of it has been such as to go far in not only preventing original publications from making their appearance among us on these sciences, but even of translations. For where is the individual who will venture to publish a work, how- ever valuable that work may be to the pub- lic, when he is almost certain that he must lose by its publication. There are certainly exceptions to this, for some persons are to be found who pub- lish valuable works, when there is scarcely a possibility of their sale defraying the ne- cessary expenses attendant upon bringing them before the public. An instance of this we believe we have be- fore us in the case of the “ Celestial Atlas,” lately published by Mr. Jamieson. This is a work completely new in its kind, at least we have no work of the kind in this coun- try, to which the public have access. It consists of thirty beautifully engraved maps of the heavens, on which are deli- neated the figures of the most conspicuous constellations in the Zodiac, and the North- ern and Southern hemispheres, with the greater number of the stars that are visible in each. The stars appear to be very ac- curately laid down, and consequently must render the maps very useful to those who wish to become acquainted with the rela- tive situations of the stars in the heavens. Mr. Jamieson has also explained the manner of using these maps, and subjoined a number of problems with appropriate exercises to each map, by which means his atlas may supply the place of a Celestial Globe. But what is perhaps of more impor- tance to the scientific astronomer, is the ex- tensive and accurate Catalogues of the Stars in each constellation, with their Right As- cension and Declaration for the beginning of the year 1820. To render this work still more valuable, Mr. J. had added a number of astronomical Tables, and given very clear definitions of the principal circles of the Sphere. On the whole we consider this Atlas as a very great addition to the works we already possess on the sublime and almost neg- lected science of astronomy; and we are convinced, that not only the student, but the proficients in this branch of physical knowledge will derive advantage from the perusal of the Celestial Atlas. We are happy to see that a work which has cost so much expense and research, has met with the patronage of his present Majesty, to whom it is dedicated by per- mission. ANALOGY BETWEEN THE PHENO- MENA OF GALVANISM AND THAT OF FERMENTATION. M. Schweigger, a German chemist, has remarked that there is a very great analogy between the phenomena produced by the galvanic pile, and those which accompany fermentation. 1. Piles, as well as all fermentable mix- tures, only exhibit their effects by the reci- procal action of three different bodies. 2. The products of galvanic action are two in number ; namely, oxygen and hy- drogen. The same number are produced by fermentation ; viz. alcohol and carbonic acid. 3. What is little known, and what M. Schweigger believes, he can establish by experiment is, that the presence of bodies negatively electrified, favour the de- composition of water, whilst, from the nice experiments of M. Dobereiner, bodies positively electrified aid its formation ; and 238 THE ARTISAN. the same bodies negatively electrified, augment the effects of fermentation. Mr. Schweigger thinks that the same results may yet be obtained with ferment- able mixtures as with electric batteries. To these considerations he adds some simple experiments made upon the produc- tion of light by crystallization, and advises philosophers not to neglect the study of these phenomena. TO IMITATE LEAF-GILDING ON LEATHER. Take some calf-skins which have been softened in water, and beat on a stone to their greatest extent whilst wet ; rub the grain side of the leather with a piece of size, whilst in a state of jelly ; and before this size dries, lay on a number of silver leaves. When covered with the silver leaf, the skins are to be dried till they are in a proper state for burnishing, which is performed by a piece of large flint fixed in a wooden handle ; the appearance of gold is then given to the silvered surface by covering it with a yellow varnish, or lacker, which is composed of four parts of white resin, the same quantity of common resin, two parts of gum sandarac, and two parts of aloes. These ingredients are to be melted together in an earthen vessel, and after being well mixed by stirring, twenty parts of linseed oil is to be poured in, and when the composition is sufficiently boiled to make a perfect union, and to have the consistence of a syrup, half an ounce of red-lead is to be added, and the liquid passed through a flannel bag. To apply this varnish, the skins must be spread out upon a board, fastened down by nails, and exposed to the rays of the sun, and when thus warmed, the white of an egg is to be spread over the silver. After it is dry the varnish is laid on, which will dry in a few hours, and is very durable. TO ASCERTAIN THE QUANTITY OF ALCOHOL CONTAINED IN ALE OR PORTER. Take any measured quantity of ale, or porter, and put it into a glass retort, connected with a close receiver; distil with a gentle heat as long as any spirit passes over into the receiver, which may be known by heating a small quantity of the fluid in a tea-spoon over a candle, from time to time. If the vapour catches fire, the distillation must be continued till the vapour ceases to burn when brought in contact w r ith flame. The distilled liquid is the spirit of the beer combined with water ; put this spirit into a tube divided into one hundred equal parts, and add pure dry subcarbonate of potash till it fail undis- solved to the bottom of the tube ; the spirit will thus be separated from the water, and float on the top ; hence the quantity of real spirit, or alcohol, per cent, may be easily determined. CONSTRUCTION OF BALLOONS. The shape of the balloon is one of the first objects of consideration. As a sphere admits the greatest capacity under the least surface, the spherical figure, or that which approaches nearest to it, has been generally preferred. However, since bodies of this form oppose a great surface to the air, and, consequently, a greater obstruc- tion to the action of the oar or wings, than those of some other form, it has been pro- posed to construct balloons of a conical or oblong figure, and to make them proceed, with their narrow end forward. Some have suggested the shape of a fish ; others, that of a bird ; but either the globular, or the egg-like shape, is, all things considered, certainly the best which can be adopted. The bag or cover, of an inflammable -air balloon, is best made of the silk stuff called lustring, varnished over. But for a Mont- golfier, or heated-air balloon, on account of its great size, linen cloth has been used, lined within or without with paper, and varnished. Small balloons are made either of varnished paper, or simply of paper un- varnished, or of gold-beaters’ skin, and such like light substances. The best way to make up the whole coating of the bal- loon, is by different pieces, or slips, joined lengthways from end to end, like the pieces composing the surface of a geographical globe, and contained between one meridian and another; or like the slices into which a melon is usually cut, and supposed to be spread out flat. After providing the necessary quantity of the stuff, and each piece having been properly prepared with drying oil, let the corresponding edges be sewed together in such a manner as to leave about half, or three quarters, of an inch of one piece, be- yond the edge of the other ; in order that this may, in a subsequent row of stitches, be turned over the latter, and both again sewed down together ; by so doing, a con- siderable degree of strength is given to the whole bag at the seams, and the hazard of the gas escaping, is doubly prevented. Having gone in this manner through all the seams, the following method of M. Blanchard is admirably calculated to ren- der them yet more perfectly air tight. The seam being doubly stitched, as above, lay beneath it a piece of brown paper, and also another piece over it on the outside ; upon this latter, pass several times a common fire-iron, heated just sufficiently to softern THE ARTISAN. 239 the drying oil in the seam ; this done, every interstice will be now closed, and the seams rendered completely air tight. The neck of the balloon being left a foot in dia- meter, and three in length, and all the seams finished, the bag will be ready to receive the varnish, a single coating of which on the outside is found preferable to the former method of giving an internal as well as an external coat. The car, or boat, is best made of wicker- work, covered with leather, and painted; and the proper method of suspending it, is by ropes proceeding from the net which goes over the balloon. The net should be formed to the shape of the balloon, and fall down to the middle of it, with various cords proceeding from it to the circumfer- ence of a circle about two feet below the balloon ; and from that circle other ropes should go to the edge of the boat. This circle may be made of wood, or of several pieces of slender cane bound together. The meshes of the net may be small at top, against which part of the balloon, the in- flammable air exerts the greatest force ; and increase in size as they recede from the top. If a parachute is required, it should be constructed so, as, when distended, to form but a small segment of a sphere, and not a complete hemisphere ; as the weight of this machine is otherwise considerably increased, without gaining much in the opposing surface. The parachute of M. Garnerin is perticularly defective in the too great extension of its diameter ; viz. by an unnecessary addition to its weight of a lining of paper, both withinside, *and without; and in the too near approxima- tion of the basket to the body of the para- chute; but especially, in the want of a perpendicular cord passing from the car to the centre of the concave of the umbrella ; by the absence of which, the velocity of the descent is certain to be very rapid before the machine becomes at all distended. Whereas, if a cord were thus disposed, the centre of the parachute would be the por- tion first drawn downwards by the ap- pended weight, and the machine would be almost immediately at its full extension. Having found, by experiment, the diame- ter, required for insuring safety, the further the basket, or car, is from the umbrella, the less fear shall we have of an inversion of the whole from violent oscillations ; yet, the longer the space between the car and the head of the machine, the longer will be the space run through, in each vibration, when once begun ; still, by so much the more, will they be steadier. This ought to be attended to, as, when by the violence of the oscillations, the car became (in Garne- ring experiment) on a line with the hori- zontal axis of the machine ; the gravitating power of the weight in the car, on the um- brella, being at that crisis reduced to nothing, the slightest cause might have carried the body of the machine in a lateral direction, reversing the concavity of the umbrella; and M. Garnerin, might, per- haps, have fallen upon the (now) convex, yet internal portion of the bag: conse- quently the whole would have descended confusedly together. MANUFACTURE OF MOSAIC AT ROME. It is well known that Mosaic-work con- sists of variously shaped pieces of coloured glass enamel ; and that when these pieces are cemented together, they form those re- gular and other beautiful figures which constitute tessellated pavements. These pavements, the work of the ancient Ro- mans, have frequently been dug up in England and other countries. The princi- pal manufactory of Mosaic pictures in the present day, is at Rome, and belongs to his Holiness the Pope. The enamel, consisting of glass mixed with metallic colouring matter, is heated for eight days in a glass-house, each colour in a separate pot. The melted enamel is taken out with an iron spoon, and poured on polished marble placed horizontally ; and another flat marble slab is laid upon the surface, so that the enamel cools into the form of a round cake, of the thickness of of an inch. In order to divide the cake into smaller pieces, it is placed on a sharp steel anvil, called Tagliulo, which has the edge upper- most ; and a stroke of an edged hammer is given on the upper surface of the cake, which is thus divided into long parallelo- pipeds, or prisms, whose bases are ^ of an inch square. These parallelopipeds are again divided across their length by the tag- liulo and hammer into pieces of the length of T | of an inch, to be used in the Mosaic pictures. Sometimes the cakes are made thicker, and the pieces larger. For smaller pictures, the enamel, whilst fused, is drawn into long parallelopipeds, or quadrangular sticks; and these are divided across by the tagliulo and hammer, or by a file ; sometimes, also, these pieces are divided by a saw without teeth, con- sisting of a copper blade and emery ; and the pieces are sometimes polished on a hori- zontal wheel of lead with emery. Gilded Mosaic is formed by applying the gold-leaf on the hot surface of a brown enamel, immediately after the enamel is taken from the furnace ; the whole is put into the furnace again for a short time, and when it is taken out the gold is firmly fixed on the surface. In the gilded enamel, used, in Mosaic, at Rome, there is a thin coat of transparent glass over the gold. 240 THE ARTISAN. SOLUTIONS OF QUESTIONS. Quest. 31, answered by a Mechanic, qf Bury ( the proposer ). Demons. Produce BE to F, B. making F B — B A. Draw A F, which will evidently be parallel to D E. Let fall the perpendicular B M, which will bisect A F. Draw E G parallel to A D. Let fall the perpendiculars E H and E L, and draw the Diameter D G. Now D G is a parallelogram and its opposite sides and angles are equal (Euc. 34-1) ; hence A G and G E are known because D E and A D are given, and by subtraction we have EF zz A DzzE G.\ E F is known. But A E is given, now A E 2 — E G 2 -j- A G 2 -f 2 A G X G H (Euc. 12-2). Now AE 2 , E G 9 , and A G 2 are known ; therefore 2 ( A G X G H) and consequently A G X G H are known ; and since A G is known G H is so likewise. But GHzrHF: there- fore H F is known also, whence by addi- tion A F becomes known, and AMzMF is known by division. Then by similar triangles HF: FE: : M F : F B zz A B which is therefore known. Now, by Bon- nycastle’s Geometry, Book 2. Prop. 21. A E and D G bisect each other in K and A E 9 -j-D G 2 zzAD 2 -f D E 2 + E G 2 -j-GA 2 , but the four last, and also the first, viz. A E 2 are known ; therefore D G 9 is known by subtraction and by extracting root D G is G D known. But DKz-^ - , hence D K is known : and as we found G H so we find KL: therefore by (Euc. 47-l)D Lis known, then by similar triangles A D : D L : : A B : BC. Q. E. D. Quest. 32, answered by Mr. J. Holroyd, Of Oldham. Let x represent the h eight of the house, then by Euc. 1 and 47>/x 9 -j- (12) 2 — the le ngth of the ladd er in the 1st position ; and (a; — 4)2-f-(20) 2 ,the same in the2d position ; therefore 9 + (12)* =\/(a*— 4) 2 -f(20) 9 , or x 9 -j- 144 z: x 2 — 8 x -f- 416, conse- quently x zz 34 feet, the height of the house required; and the length of the ladder is therefore 36*055 feet. This question was also correctly solved by the following Correspondents : Messrs. A. Peacock, St. Georges , East; -John Barr, Somer’s Town; Georgr Futvoye, High-street , Mary -la-bonne ; and J. White- combe, Cornhill. Quest. 33, answered by Mr. John Barr, Somer's Town. The nature of the question is to deter- mine the difference between the area of the circumscribing square and the inscribed circle, therefore put x for the difference. a zz *925 the diameter of the circle ; then a 2 zzthe area of the square; and let r and s represent the numbers 113 and 355 respectively. When r : s : : a : S — the circumference of r the circle ; and « X ~ zz “ the area of the circle : 4 r 4r * S(] fi whence x zz a 2 — — zz *1837 parts of an 4r inch, the area of the space required. This question was also answered by all the gentlemen who solved the 32d ques- tion, and by S. A. Hart, Student, Royal Academy ; Subpreceptor ; and the Pro- poser. QUESTIONS FOR SOLUTION. Quest. 37, proposed by Fr — d-}-F — lk — wo— th. Required a theorem for finding the area of a circle, having only the cord of half the arch, and the versed sine of it given ? Quest. 38, proposed by Mr. R. Graham, Liverpool. There is a regular tetrahedron of pebble on the side of the Queen’s Dock, Liver- pool, whose whole surface in feet is equal to the sum of its linear edges; it is required to determine the least quantity, and the value of standard gold added to the sur- faces that will make it a globe, and also the diameter of a globe of cork, which, when fixed to the foresaid globe, and put into the Dock at full tide, the cork globe may be just covered with water? Quest. 39, proposed by G. G. C. Suppose a pillar 150 feet high, on which is placed a statue 10 feet high ; required a point on a level with the base of the pillar, such that the angle subtended by the sta- tue may be the greatest possible, and also to determine what that angle is ? THE ARTISAN. 241 GEOMETEY. PROPOSITION XLVI. Problem. — -To describe a square upon a given straight line. Let A B be the given straight line ; it is required to describe a square upon A B. From the point A draw A C at right angles to A B ; and make A D equal to A B, and through the point D draw D E parallel to A B, and through B draw B E parallel to AD; therefore ADEB is a parallelogram : Whence A B is equal to I) E, and A D to B E : but B A is equal to A D ; therefore the four straight lines BA, AD, DE, EB, are equal to one another, and the parallels ogram ADEB is equilateral : it is like- wise rectangular; for the straight line A D meeting the parallels A B, D E, makes the angles BAD, A D E equal to two right angles ; but B A D is a right angle ; there- fore also A D E is a right angle ; now the opposite angles of parallelograms are equal ; therefore each of the opposite angles A B E, B E D is a right angle ; wherefore the figure ADEB is rectangular, and it has been demonstrated that it is equilate- ral ; it is therefore a square, and it is desr cribed upon the given straiget ling A B. Which was to be done. Cor. Hence every parallelogram that has one right angle has all its angles right angles. PROPOSITION XLYII, Theorem. — In any right angled triangle , the square which is described upon the side subtending the right angle , is equal to the squares described upon the sides which conta in the right angle .* * This proposition is often called the Pythagorean Theorem, from Pythagoras, who is said to have been the discoverer of the remarkable property here proved by it; and it ig also said, that he considered it of so great importance, that he sacrificed a heca- tomb or 100 oxen, on making the discovery of its ^ruth. Vol. I.— No. 16 . Let ABC be a right angled triangle, having the right angle B AC; the square described upon the side B C is equal to the squares described upon BA, AC. On BC describe the square BDEC, and on BA, AC the squares GB, HC; and through A draw A L parallel to B D or C E, and join A D, F C ; then, because each of the angles BAC, BAG is a right angle, the two straight lines AC, AG upon the opposite sides of A B, make with it at the point A the adjacent angles equal to two right angles ; therefore C A is in the same straight line with AG; for the same reason, A B and A H are in the same straight line. Now because the angle D B C is equal to the angle F B A, each of them being a right angle, adding to each the angle ABC, the whole angle DBA will be equal to the whole F B C ; and be- cause the two sides A B, B D, are equal to the two F B, B C, each to each, and the angle DBA equal to the angle F B C, therefore the base A D is equal to the base F C, and the triangle A B D to the triangle F B C : but the parallelogram B L is double of the triangle ABD, because they are upon the same base B D, and between the same parallels, B D, A L; and the square G B is double of the triangle B F C, be- cause these also are upon the same base F B, and between the same parallels F B, GC. Now the doubles of equals are equal to one another ; therefore the paral- lelogram B L is equal to the square G B : And, in the same manner, by joining A E, B K, it is demonstrated that the parallelo- gram CL is equal to the square H C. Therefore, the whole square B D E'C is equal to the two squares GB, HC ; and the square B D E C is described upon the straight line B C, and the squares GB, HC upon B A, A C ; wherefore the square upon the side B C is equal to the square 242 THE ARTISAN. upon the sides BA, AC. Therefore, in any right angled triangle, &c. Q. E. D. Observation. — This famous proposition has been proved in a variety of ways by several celebrated mathematicians. The following, however, appears to be one of the most simple : Let the triangle A B C be right-angled at B. Upon A C describe the square AGED, and upon A B and BC describe the squares A B G F, and B C I H, and pro- duce DA to R and E C to H ; produce I H and F G till they meet in L, and through B draw LB M parallel to D A or EC. L Because the angle C A K, adjacent to C A D, is a right angle, it is equal to BAF ; from each of these take away the angle BAR, and there remains the angle B A C equal to FAR. But the angle A B C is equal to A F R, both being right angles. Wherefore the triangles ABC and A F R, having thus two angles in the one respec- tively equal to those of the other, and the interjacent side AF equal to AB, are equal (I. 26), and consequently the side A R is equal to A C. Hence the parallelo- gram AM is equal to the parallelogram or rhomboid A B L R, since they stand upon equal bases A D and A R, and be- tween the same parallels D R and M L. But A B L R is equal to the square B F, for it stands on the same base A B, and between the same parallels F L and A H. Wherefore the parallelogram A M is equal to the square on A B. And in the same manner it may be proved, that the paral- lelogram C M is equal to the square des- cribed on B C. Consequently the whole square A D EC, on the side A C, contains the same space as both the squares des- cribed on the two sides A B, and B C.* As it may gratify the young student in Geometry, to be able to prove this propo- sition experimentally, we shall show that the two squares on the sides containing the right angle may be cut, so that the parts will just make up the square on the hypothenuse. Let ABC be a right angled triangle right angled at B. Upon A C describe the square AEDC; from the points DE, draw D F, and E G, perpendicular to B A produced ; and through E and C draw EH, and C I, parallel to A B. iy Now, in the triangles A B C, D I C, the angles B and I, being right angles, are equal; and because each of the angles B C I, AC D, is a right angle, take away the angle A C I, which is common to both, and the remaining angles ACB, I CD, will be equal ; hence the triangles are equiangular ; and since the sides A C, C D, opposite the right angles, are equal, the triangles are, therefore, equal, and the re- maining sides of the one, equal to those of the other, each to each, to which the equal angles are opposite ; that is, D I is equal to A B, and C I to B C. Now, since the figure B C I F has all its sides equal, and all its angles right angles, it is, therefore, a square ; and it is the square of B C. In like manner it may be shewn, that the triangles E HD, EGA, are each similar and equal to ABC; and hence also, the figure E G F H, is the square of A B. Now, the portions of the two squares, contained within the square A C D E, together with the triangles EHD, DIC, make up the whole of that square. But the triangles * The side opposite to the right angle, is called the Hypothenuse. THE ARTISAN. 24 3 EHD, DIC, are equal to the triangles EGA, ABC: hence the square of A C is equal to the sura of the squares A B and BC.* PROPOSITION XLVIII. Theorem. — If the square described upon one of the sides of a triangle, be equal to the squares described upon the other two sides of it; the angle contained by these two sides is a right angle. If the square described upon B C, one of the sides of the triangle A B C, be equal to the squares upon the other sides BA, AC, the angle B AC is a right angle. ’ From the point A draw AD at right angles to AC, and make A D equal to BA, and join B C. Then, because D A is equal D put the parts together, so as to form the large square out of the parts into which the two small ones are here divided, by the lines drawn in the figure. to AB, the square of DA is equal to the square of A B : To each of these add the square of AC; therefore the squares of DA, AC, are equal to the squares of B A, A C. But the square of D C is equal to the squares of DA, A C, because D A C is a right angle ; and the square of B C, by hypothesis, is equal to the squares of B A, A C ; therefore, the square of D C is equal to the square of B C : and therefore also the side D C is equal to the side B C. And because the side D A is equal to A B, and AC common to the two triangles D AC and BAC, and the base DC being likewise equal to the base B C, the angle BAC is equal to the angle BAC: but DAG is a right angle; therefore also B A C is a. right angle. Q. E. D. Having now arrived at the conclusion of the first book of the Elements, we may remark that many of these proposition are only useful in proving others. The 16th proposition, for example, is evidently implied in the 32d., and is there- fore useless after the 32d is demonstrated. But the propositions are all arranged in the order in which they are wanted for the demonstration of those that follow, without any regard to their subjects. By this means nothing is ever assumed in any pro- position that has not been previously proved in some preceding proposition. Hence arises the advantage of following the arrangement which Euclid has adopted, rather than making partial selections of particular propositions. MEC^HAIICS. ON THE FRICTION AND RIGIDITY OF ROPES. The first experiments that appear to have been made on the rigidity of ropes, i were those of Amontons, who contrived an j ingenious appartus for this purpose. He has published, in the Memoirs of the Aca- demy of Sciences for 1699, a table of the forces required to bend ropes, founded on J the supposition that the difficulty of bend- ing a rope of the same thickness, and l loaded with the same weight, u decreases i when the diameter of the roller or pulley increases, but not so much as that diame' I ter increases. Another series of experiments was after- wards made by Desaguliers, who pub- lished a table, u shewing what forces were required to bend ropes of different diameters, stretched by different weights round rollers of different sizes.” The general result of these experiments was, that the difficulty of bending a rope round a roller, is, cwteris paribus , inversely as the diameter of the roller. The experiments on the rigidity and friction of ropes made by Coulomb, were performed, both with the apparatus used by Amontons, and another of his own, which is represented by the following figure : R 2 244 THE ARTISAN. It consists of two tressels 0 feet high, on 8. The rigidity of ropes is increased,* which are laid two pieces of square wood, and their .strength diminished, when they a b, c d. On these two pieces are fixed are covered with pitch ; but when ropes of two rulers of oak, DD C C, well planed this kind are alternately immersed in the and polished with fish-skins. With two sea and exposed to the air, they last longer cylinders of lignum, vita, one 6 inches in than when they are not pitched. This diameter, and the other 2 iuches ; and with increase of rigidity, however, is not so several cylinders of elm, from 2 to 12 perceptible in small ropes as in those inches in diameter, the apparatus was ready which are pretty thick, for the experiments being made. 9. The rigidity of ropes covered with In order to ascertain the friction of the pitch is a sixth part greater during frost rollers, they were laid on planks, as shown than in the middle of summer ; but this in- in the above figure. crease of rigidity does not follow the ratio A weight of 50 lbs. was suspended on each of their tensions, side of the roller, with very fine and flex- ible pack-thread ; and the weights could 0 n the friction and form of pivots. be increased in any degree, by laying additional weights of 50 lbs. by different The needles of compasses are generally threads, so as to give any required pressure suspended upon a pivot, by means of caps to the rollers. By adding a counterweight of agate, or other hard substances. The on each side of the roller alternately, till cap has a conical form, terminated above they received a motion barely sensible, with a small concave summit, whose radius Coulomb ascertained the friction of the of curvature is very small. The pivots rollers. themselves are generally of tempered steel, The following are the general results of but frequently reduced to the state of a Coulomb’s experiments : spring. The point of the pivot which 1. The rigidity of ropes increases the supports the cap is a small curve surface, more that the fibres of which they are com- whose radius of curvature is smaller than posed are twisted. that of the summit of the cap. Coulomb 2. The rigidity of ropes increases in the generally found, that even when every duplicate ratio (or as the squares) of their care was taken by the artist, the curvature diameters. According to Amontons and of the summit of the cap was very irregu- Desaguliers, the rigidity increases in the lar, and that the friction of an agate cap, simple ratio of the diameters of the ropes ; turning upon the point of a pivot, was often but this probably arose from the flexibility five or six times greater than the momen- of the ropes which they employed. turn of friction of a highly polished agate 3. The rigidity of the ropes is in the plane'turning on the same pivot. simple and direct ratio of their tension. Coulomb, in his experiments on pivots, 4. The rigidity of the ropes is in the in- supported the body by a highly polished verse ratio of the diameters of the cylinders plane in place of a cap, and having given round which they are coiled. This result it a rotatory motion, he noted, by means of was obtained also by Desaguliers. a seconds w atch, the time employed in 5. In general, the rigidity of the ropes making the four ox five first turns, from a is directly as their tensions and the squares mean of which he obtained the primitive of their diameters, and inversely as the velocity ; and he next counted the number diameters of the cylinders round which of turns which it made before it stopped, they are coiled. The revolving body is obviously brought 6. The rigidity of ropes increases so to rest by the friction of the point of the little with the velocity of the machine, that pivot, and also by the resistance of the air ; it need not be taken into the account when but in order to get rid of this last resist- computing the effects of machines. ance, Coulomb gave tire body the form of a 7. The rigidity of small ropes is dimi- glass receiver, and found, that when the pished when penetrated with moisture ; velocity was not great, and when the re- but when the ropes are thick, their rigi- ceiver weighed 5 or 6 gros (a gros is the 4j£y is increased . ght h of an ounce), the resistance of the THE ARTISAN. 245 air bore nb sensible ratio to that of the friction. In order to render the results more certain, he made several of the ex- periments in vacuo. The following are some of the results which Coulomb obtained : 1. The friction of pivots is independent of the velocities, and bears some proportion to the pressure. 2. The friction of garnet is less than that of agate, and that of agate less than that of glass ; but the friction of different parts of a plane of polished glass is less irregular. 3. The angles of the points of pivots has an influence on the friction. When the body weighs five or six gros, the best angle is from 30 to 45 degrees. When th® body weighs less, the angle of the pivot may be progressively diminished without the friction experiencing any sensible in- crease. We may even without much in- convenience, and when the steel is good, reduce it to 10 and 12 degrees, provided the weight of the body does not exceed a hundred grains. 4. With a pivot of the best steel, well tempered, and brought to the first degree of steel temper, and having an angle of 45 degrees, the momentum of friction varies as the |d power of the pressure.* When the pressure was very considerable, and the pivot shaped to any angle, the friction varied nearly as the pressure. 5. All the caps which Coulomb procured from the best workmen, appeared to be very irregular in their concavity. The momentum of their friction, under pres- sures of even more than five or six grains, is always quadruple of that of a well- polished plane of the same substance ; and in order to support these caps, it is neces- sary that the points of the pivots be shaped to an angle less than that which is neces- sary to support planes. METHODS OF DIMINISHING FRICTION IN MACHINERY. The experiments which have been de- tailed above, will furnish the practical me- Fig. 1. chanic with various rules respecting the nature and form of the materials which should form the supports and communicate ing parts of machines, respecting the nature of the unguents which should be applied to them, and the mode of their application. The most efficacious contrivances for di- minishing friction, are friction wheels ,t by means of which, that species of friction which arises from one body being dragged over another, is changed into that which arises from one body rolling upon another* The application of friction-wheels is shown in the following- figures: Fig. 1st represents 01. Gottlieb’s anti- attrition axle-tree, and which consists of a steel roller R, about five inches long, turn- ing in a groove cut in the lower part of the axle-tree C, which works on the nave AB. Fig. 2d, shows the method of applying friction- rollers used by Mr. Garnett. A space between the axle E, and the nave of the wheel A B D C, is filled with friction- rollers, R, R, R, &c. whose axes are in- serted in circles of brass, which are rivet- ted together by means of bolts which pass between the rollers, in order to keep them separate and parallel. When the moving force is not exerted in a perpendicular direction, but obliquely, as in undershot- wheels, the gudgeon will press with greater force on one part of the socket than on any other part. This point will evidently be on the side of the bush oppo- site to that where the power is applied ; and its distance from the lowest point of the socket, which is supposed circular and Fig. 2. 246 THE ARTISAN, Concentric with the gudgeon, and may be determined by calculation. Friction-wheels seem to have been first recommended by Casatus. They were afterwards mentioned by Sturmius and Wolfius, but were not in actual use till Sully applied them to clocks in 1716, and Mondran to cranes in 1725. They re- mained, however, almost unnoticed till the celebrated Euler explained their nature and advantages in his memoirs on Friction. Another method of diminishing friction, is to apply the impelling power (when it can be done) in such a way, as to act either in opposition or obliquely, to the force of gravity. If we suppose, for example, that the weight of a wheel, whose iron gudgeons move in bushes of brass, is 100 pounds, then the friction arising from both its gud- geons will be equivalent to 25 pounds : If we suppose also that a force equal to 40 pounds is employed to impel the wheel, and acts in the direction of gravity, as in the cases of overshot-wheels, the pressure of the gudgeons upon their supports will then be 140 pounds, and the friction 35 pounds. But if the force of 40 pounds could be applied in such a manner, as to act in direct opposition to the wheel’s weight, the pressure of the gudgeons upon their supports would be 100, minus 40, or 60 pounds, and the friction only 15 pounds. It is impossible, indeed, to make the moving force act in direct opposition to the gravity of the wheel, in the case of water-mills; and it is often impracticable for the en- gineer to apply the impelling power but in a given way : but there are many cases in which the moving force may be exerted, so as not to increase the friction, which arises from the weight of the wheel. A contrivance for diminishing friction by rendering an axis of rotation unneces- sary, is shown in the following figure. Where A is a cylindrical wheel, without an axis of rotation, but turned by the rope r r, passing round a groove in its circum- ference. The wheel A is supported by the three wheels, or rollers w, iv, w, which have a groove hollowed cut upon their circumference. Another method of diminishing friction, proposed by M. Gaston de Thiville, is shown in the following figure. The wheel R has two hollow cylinders, m,n, fixed to its axle A B. These cylin- ders are made to float in boxes filled with water in such a manner, that the gudgeons pass through the boxes of water, so as to be water tight without preventing their rotation. The weight of the wheel is thus supported upon the floating cylinders, and it is kept in its place by the gudgeons x, y. As it appears from the experiments of Coulomb, that the least friction is gene- rated when polished iron moves upon brass, the gudgeons and pivots of wheels, and the axles of friction rollers, should all be made of polished iron ; and the bushes in which these gudgeons move, and the friction wheels, should be formed of po- lished brass. In small and delicate ma- chinery, the cups or planes which support pivots, or upon which knife-edges rest, as in balances and pendulums, should be made of garnet in preference to any other substance. When every mechanical contrivance has been adopted for diminishing the obstruc- tion which arises from the attrition of the communicating parts, it may be still farther removed by the judicious application of unguents. The most proper for this pur- pose are swine’s grease and tallow, when the surfaces are made qf wood ; and oil when they are made of metal. When the force with which the surfaces are pressed together is very great, tallow will diminish the friction more than swine’s grease. When the wooden surfaces are very small, unguents will lessen their friction a little, but will be greatly diminished if wood moves upon metal greased with tallow. If the velocities, however, are increased, or the unguent not often enough renewed, in both these cases, but particularly in the last, the unguent will be more injurious than useful. The best mode of applying THE ARTISAN. 247 it, is to cover the rubbing surfaces with as thin a stratum as possible, for the friction will then be a constant quantity, and will not be increased by an augmentation of velocity. In small works of wood, the interposition of the powder of black lead has been found very useful in relieving the motion. The ropes of pulleys should be rubbed with tallow, and whenever the screw is used, the square threads should be preferred. In order to apply unguents to the com- municating parts of machines, various con- trivances have been adopted. The spindles of trundles have been made hollow, to con- tain oil, so that when they had a horizontal position, they allowed it to drop from small apertures upon the wheel below, by which they were driven. As we have now considered the subject of friction under each of the heads men- tioned at page 212, we shall conclude this article by stating a few of the effects of this force which have not yet been noticed. The distance to which a given body will be moved by percussion, in opposition to friction, is as the square of the velocity communicated to it, or the distance will be proportional to the square of the velocity. On this principle, some paradoxical ap- pearances may be explained, which are not so easily accounted for on any other. When a carpenter, for example, would drive the handle of an axe into the head, he strikes against the handle after it is slightly inserted into the head, holding it loosely in his hand, without any firm sup- port, and even the head downward ; at each blow the handle is driven farther than if the blow had been given to the head itself. The reason is, that the handle is the lighter body, and, therefore, the velocity which a blow communicates to it, is greater than that which the same blow would communi- cate to the head. The friction is of course more effectually overcome. A nail, too, is driven by a blow of no great force, into a piece of wood where the mere friction is sufficient to retain it against a great force applied to draw it out. The same thing is exemplified in the method now practised, of raising a stone by an iron plug, driven into a circular hole cut in the stone. A few blows of a small hammer are sufficient to fix the plug, so that it will serve not only to suspend the stone, though of several hundred pounds weight, but even to draw it out of the earth, in which it is perhaps sunk to a con- siderable depth. Such is the effect of per- cussion, that a few blows of a hammer, given obliquely to the plug, are sufficient to disengage it from the stone. The stones on which this experiment has been made, have always possessed great hardness and cohesion. Though friction destroys motion and ge- nerates none, it is of essential use in Me- chanics. It is not only the cause of sta- bility in the structure of machines; but it is necessary to the exertion of the force of animals. A nail, a screw, or a bolt, could give no firmness to the parts of a machine, or of any other structure without friction. Ani- mals could not walk, or exert their force in any way without the support which it affords. Nothing would have any stability but in the lowest situation possible, and an arch that could sustain the greatest load when properly distributed, might be thrown down by the weight of a single ounce, if not placed with mathematical exactness at the very point it ought to occupy. HYBEATO1CS. Having now given a very full account of the various instruments and machines em- ployed for raising water from a lower to a higher situation, we shall here enter upon the important subject of water wheels. Of these there are various kinds ; but they are usually classed under the folio wing- heads ; viz. those that are moved by the weight of water, those that are moved by the impulse of water, and those that are moved by the re-action of water. When a wheel receives the water into buckets, at or near its highest point, it is put in motion by the weight of the water with which it is loaded on one side, and it is then called an Overshot-wheel. CONSTRUCTION OF OVERSHOT-WHEELS. An overshot-wheel of the common kind, is represented as in the following figure. JE THE ARTISAN. 248 Where A B C D is the rim of the wheel, having a number of backets a, b, c, d, ar- ranged round its circumference. When the wheel is in a state of rest upon its axis O, and water is introduced into the bucket c from the horizontal mill course or canal E F, the weight of the water in the bucket, acting at the end of a lever equal to m O, puts the wheel in motion in the direction c d. When the subsequent bucket b comfes into the position c, it is also filled with water, and so on with all the rest. When the bucket c reaches the situation of d, its mechanical effect to turn the wheel is in- creased, being now equal to the weight of water acting at the end of a lever n O, equal to the distance of its centre of gravity d, from a vertical line passing through the axis O, so that the mechanical effect of the water in the bucket increases all the way to B, and of course diminishes while the buckets are moving from B to C. The buckets, however, between B and C, have not the same power upon the wheel as those between A and B ; for the water begins to fall out of the buckets before they approach to B, and are almost com- pletely empty when they reach the point H. The construction of the buckets, therefore, as shewn in the figure, is very improper, as it not only allows the water to escape before it has reached the point B, where its mechanical effect is a maximum ; but also to escape completely, long before they have reached the lowest point C of the wheel, "the power, therefore, of an over- shot-wheel must depend principally upon the form which is given to the buckets, which should always be fullest when they are at the point B, and should retain the water as long as possible. If the buckets were to consist of a single partition in the direction of the radii of the wheel, all the water would escape from the buckets be- fore they passed the point B on a level with the axis O. It has in general been assumed by writers on waterwheels, that the diameter of over- shot-wheels should always be less than the height of the fall of water by which it is to be put in motiofi, and various ratios have been assigned between the height of the fall and the diameter of the wheel. The Chevalier de Borda has shewn, that overshot-wheels Will produce a maximum effect when their diameter is equal to the greatest height of the fall, but that a slight diminution of the wheel’s diameter produces only a very small diminution of the maximum effect. If the height of the fall, for example, is 12 feet, and if the diameter of the wheel is made only 11 feet, the effect is diminished only -jL . This theoretical result has been confirmed by the admirable experiments of Mr. Smeaton, who found, “ that the higher $ke wheel is in proportion to the whole des- cent, the greater will be the effect be- cause, as he remarks, u it depends legs upon the impulse of the head, and more upon the gravity of the water in the buck- ets ; and if we consider how obliquely the water issuing from the head must strike the buckets, we shall not be at a loss to account for the little advantage that arises from the impulse thereof, and shall imme- diately see of how little consequence this impulse is to the effect of an overshot- wheel.” If the diameter of the wheel were equal to the whole height of the fall, the water would be laid in the buckets without having acquired any velocity; so that a portion of the power of the wheel would be spent in dragging this inert mass into motion, and also by the impulse of the buckets against the water, which will dash a part of it over the wheel. Hence, it is necessary, that the difference between the head of water and the diameter of the wheel should be such, that the water may acquire in its descent through that space a velocity a little greater than that of the cir- cumference of the wheel. In this view of the subject, the water should fall through a height of 2\ or S inches per second, in order to acquire the velocity of the wheel ; and therefore the diameter of the wheel should be only 3 inches less than the height of the fall. The determination of the diameter of an overshot-wheel, as given by Borda, Smea- ton, Robinson, and other Authors, is founded upon the assumption, that it never should exceed the height of the fall. Let us suppose that we have a fall of 12 feet, and that the wheel should have a diameter of 11 feet according to Borda, then it ap- pears to us, that a great advantage will be derived from making the wheel 15 feet. Now it is obvious, that the advantage of using the 15 feet wheel is, that we apply the water where it will act most perpendi- cularly to the line O D, in the foregoing figure, or the radius of the wheel; whereas the disadvantage of such a wheel is, that it begins to lose its water much sooner than the small one. We differ in opinion from Robinson when he says, that the loss of power in the latter case exceeds what is gained in the former case ; but we shall admit that it is so, and still maintain the superiority of the 15 feet wheel. When the wheel has a diameter less than the height of the fall, any augmentation of the quantity of water discharged by the mill course is of no use in increasing the effect of the wheel. The issuing water indeed acquires a velocity greater than it usually has, but this additional velocity is injurious to the motion of the wheel instead of being of any advantage. In the case of a 15 feet Tall, however, when the water rises 1 or 2 the Artisan. 2 40 feci above its usual level, we have it in our power, by a particular form of the de- livering sluice, to introduce this water upon the wheel 1 or 2 feet higher up the wheel, so that we are actually enabled to increase the height of the fall by this quan- tity. From a series of experiments on over- shot-wheels, by M. Deparcieu, and pub- lished in 1754 j he has concluded, that most work is performed by an overshot- wheel when it moves slowly, and that the more we retard its motion by increasing the work to be performed, the greater will be the performance of the wheel. These experiments were made with a wheel 20 inches in diameter, and having 48 buckets. Cylinders of different diameters were placed upon the axle, and the effect of the wheel under different velocities was mea- sured by the height to which it raised a weight suspended to a rope, which was wound round the different cylinders ; and the general result was, that the slower the wheel turns, the greater is the effect, or the height to which the weight is raised. In opposition to these results, the Cheva- lier D’Arcy maintained, that there is a certain velocity when the effect is a maxi- mum ; and he has shewn, from a compa- rison of Deparcieu’s experiments with his own formulae, that the wheel never moved with such a small velocity fas would have given the maximum effect, and that if he had increased the diameter of his cylin- ders, he w ould have found that there was a velocity when the maximum effect began to diminish. The experiments of Smeaton afford an excellent confirmation of the preceding reasoning. The wheel which he used was 25 inches in diameter. The depth of the buckets or of the shrouding was 2 inches, and the number of buckets 36. When it made about 20 turns in a minute, the effect was nearly the greatest. When the number of turns was 30, the effect was diminished ^th part. When the number was 40, the diminution was ^th; when the number was less than 18^ its motion was irregular; and when it was loaded so as not to be able to make 18 turns, the wheel was over- powered by its load. “ It is an advantage in practice,” says Mr. Smeaton, u that the velocity of the ■wheel should not be diminished farther than what will procure some solid advan- tage in point of power ; because, cceteris aribus, as the motion is slower the uckets must be made larger; and the wheel being more loaded witn water, the stress upon every part of the work will be increased in proportion. The bestvelocity for practice, therefore, will be such as when the wheel here used made about 30 turns 4n a minute ; that is, when the velocity of the circumference is a little more than three feet in a second. Experience confirms, that this velocity of three feet in a second is applicable to the highest overshot-wheels as well as the lowest ; and all other parts of the work being properly adapted thereto, will pro- duce very nearly the greatest effect possi- ble; however, this also is certain from experience, that high wheels may deviate farther from this rule before they will lose their power by a given aliquot part of the whole, than low ones Can be admitted to do; for a wheel of 24 feet high may move at the rate of six feet per second without losing any considerable part of its power ; and, on the other hand, I have seen a wheel of 33 feet high, that has moved very steadily and well with a velocity but little exceeding two feet.” The experiments of the Abbe Bossui afford the same results. He used a wheel three feet in diameter. The height of the buckets was three inches, their width five inches, and their number 48; and the canal which conveyed the water furnished uniformly 1194 cubic inches in a minute. When the wheel was unloaded, it made 40^ turns in a minute. In comparing the relative effects of water wheels, the Chevalier de Borda maintains, that an overshot-wheel will raise through the height of the fall a quantity of water equal to that by which it is driven ; while Albert Euler affirms, that the effect is greatly inferior to this. The experiments of Mr. Smeaton shew, that when the heads and quantities of water are least, the ratio between the power and the effect at the maximum is nearly as 4 : 3 ; but when the heads and quantities of water were greater, it is as 4:2; and by a medium of the whole, it is as 3 : 2. When the powers of the water, computed for the height of the wheel only, are compared with the effects, they observe a more constant ratio, the va- riation being only between the ratio of 10:8*1 and 10 : 8*5. Hence the ratio of the power, computed upon the height of the wheel only, is to the effect, at a maxi- mum, as 10 : 8, or as 5 : 4 nearly, and the effects, as well as the powers, are as the quantities of water and perpendicular heights multiplied together respectively. The form of the delivering sluice, and the method of introducing the water into the buckets, will be best explained in the description of different overshot-wheels. smeaton’s improved overshot-wheel. Mr. Smeaton constructed a wheel which he considered as of an improved form. In the following figure A B represents this wheel, and M N the extremity of the mill course, where the water is delivered into the buckets. - 250 THE ARTISAN. The vertical lever a b c turning round b as a centre, gives motion to the horizontal arm c d , and causes one of the shuttles ef to advance or recede ; in consequence of which, the aperture on the right hand of/ maybe either increased or diminished, for the purpose of regulating the supply of water which the wheel may require. An iron bolt goes through the bottom of the trough between the two shuttles, and is in- tended to prevent the bottom from sinking by the weight of the water. From the form of the aperture at /, it will be seen that the water will glide easily into the buckets without any waste. In both these machines, the water is turned back on the near half of the wheel ; the consequence of which is, that the resistance of the lower water is removed, as it runs off in the same direction with the motion of the wheel. DOUBLE OVERSHOT-WHEEL WITH A CHAIN OF BUCKETS. When there is a very small supply of water falling from a very great head, the overshot-wheel, which it is necessary to employ is so large and expensive, and so apt to be injured from its unwieldy size, that few persons would be disposed “to erect one. In circumstances like this, the double overshot-wheel, with a chain of buckets, is a most invaluable machine, not merely from the small price at which it can be erected, but from the great power which it possesses. A machine of this kind seems to have been first erected byM. Francini in 1668, in the garden of the king of France’s old library. This machine of Francini was driven by waste of water, and raised water from a natural spring, by means of another chain of buckets fixed upon the same wheel. M. Costar substituted a similar machine in place of the overshot- wheel j and more recently Mr. Gladstone’s, an ingenious millwright at Castle Douglas, in Scotland, erected several in Galloway for the pur- pose of giving motion to threshing mills. The double overshot-wheel is repre- sented in the/ollowing figure, where A and B are two rag wheels, as they are called, andCDEF a series of buckets fixed to an endless chain, whose links fall into notches in the circumference of the rag THE ARTISAN. 251 wheels. The water issuing from the mill course at M N, is introduced into the buck- ets on the side C. The descent of the loaded buckets on the side C puts the wheels A and B in motion, and the power is conveyed from the shaft of the wheel A to turn any kind of machinery. When the buckets reach F, they allow the water to escape, and ascending empty on the side E, they again return to the spout M N, to be filled as before. In this machine, the buckets have in every part of their path the same mechanical effect to turn the wheels, and they will not allow the water to escape till they have reached almost the lowest part of the fall. This species of wheel possesses another advantage, which can be obtained from no other; namely, that by raising the wheel B, and taking out two or three of the buck- ets, it may be made to work when there is such a quantity of back-water as would otherwise prevent it from moving. Dr. Robison, in his Dissertation onW ater Works, published in the second volume of his System of Mechanical Philosophy, has described a machine of this kind, in which plugs, or horizontal float boards, are fixed to a chain. On the side C these plugs pass through a tube, a little greater in diameter than that of the floats, as it does in the case of a breast wheel, giving motion to the wheels A and B. The double overshot-wheel is the best and the most economical which can be adopted for a small supply of water falling from a great height; but it is liable to get out of order, unless the chain which car- ries the buckets is made with great care and nicety. fHtscellaneous duijecte. MEMOIR OF THE LIFE OF WIL- LIAM EMERSON. William Emerson, a very eminent ma- thematician, was born May 14, 1701, at Hurworth, a village about three miles south of Darlington, on the borders of the county of Durham, at least it is certain he resided here from his childhood. His fa- ther, Dudly Emerson, taught a school, and was a tolerable proficient in mathematics ; and without the benefit of his books and instructions, perhaps his son’s genius might never have been unfolded. Besides his father’s instructions, our author was assisted in the learned languages by a young clergyman, then curate of Hurworth, who was boarded at his fathers house- In the early part of his life, he attempted to teach a few scholars ; but whether from his concise method (for he was not happy in expressing his ideas), or the warmth of his natural temper, he made no progress in this profession ; he therefore soon left it off, and satisfied with a small paternal estate of about 60 or 70 pounds a year, devoted himself to study, which he closely pursued in his native place through the course of a long life, being mostly very healthy, till towards the latter part of it, when he was much afflicted with the stone : towards the close of the year 1781, being sensible of his approaching dissolu- tion, he disposed of the whole of his ma- thematical library to a bookseller at York; and on May the 26th, 1782, his lingering and painful disorder put an end to his life at his native village, in the eighty-first year of his age. In his person he was rather short, but strong and well-made, with an open countenance and ruddy com- plexion. He was never known to ask a favour, or to seek the acquaintance of a rich man, unless he possessed some emi- nent qualities of the mind. He was a very good classical scholar, and a tolerable physician, so far as it could be combined with mathematical principles, according to the plan of Keil and Morton. The latter gentleman he esteemed above all others, as a physician — and the former as the best anatomist. He was very singular in his behaviour, dress, and conversation. His manners and appearance were that of a rude and rather boorish countryman ; he was of very plain conversation, and indeed seemingly rude, commonly mixing oaths in his sentences. He had strong natural parts, and could discourse sensibly on any subject; but was always positive and im- patient of any contradiction. He spent his whole life in close study and writing- books; with the profits of which he re- deemed his little patrimony from some original incumbrances. He had but one coat, which he always wore open before, except the lower button; no waistcoat; his shirt quite the reverse of one in com- mon use, no opening before, but buttoned close at the collar behind; a kind of flaxen wig, which had not a crooked hair in it ; and probably had never beentortured with a comb from the time of its being made. This was his dress when he went into com pany. One hat he made to last him the best part of his lifetime, gradually lessen- ing the flaps, bit by bit, as it lost its elasti- city and hung down, till little or nothing but the crown remained. | He never rode , although he kept a horse, but was fre- quently seen to lead the horse, with a kind of wallet stuffed with the provisions he had bought at the market. He always walked up to London when he had any thing to publish, revising sheet by sheet himself; trusting no eyes but his own, which was always a favorite maxim with him. He never advanced any mathemati- cal proposition thathe had not first tried in practice, constantly making all the differ- 252 THE ARTISAN. ent parts himself on a small scale, so that his house was filled with all kinds of me- chanical instruments together or disjointed. He would frequently stafid up to his mid- dle in water while fishing, a diversion he was remarkably fond ofi He Used to study incessantly for some time, and then for relaxation take a ramble to any pot ale house where he could get any body to drink with and talk to. The Duke of Manchester was highly pleased with his company, and used often to come to him in the fields and accompany him home, but could never persuade him to get into a car- riage. When he wrote his small treatise on navigation, he and some of his scholars took a small vessel from Hurworth, and the whole crew soon got swampt ; when Emerson, smiling and alluding to his trea- tise, said “ They must not do as I do, but as I say.” He was a married man ; and his wife used to spin on an old-fashioned Wheel, of which a very accurate drawing is given in his mechanics. He was deeply skilled in the science of music, the theory of sounds, and the various scales both an- cient and modern, but was a very poor per- former. He carried that singularity which marked all his actions even into this sci- ence. He had, if we may be allowed the expression, two first strings to his violin, which, he said, made the E more melodi- ous when they were drawn up to a perfect unison. His virginal , which is a species of instrument like the modern spinnet, he had cut and twisted into various shapes in the keys, by adding some occasional half-tones in order to regulate the present scale, and to rectify some fraction of discord that will always remain in the tuning. He never could get this regulated to his fancy, and generally concluded by saying, “ It was a bad instrument, and a foolish thing to be vexed with.” Mr. Emerson’s Works are too numerous to be inserted here. SYMPATHETIC INKS. Sympathetic ink is a substance with which writings may be formed, which are invisible till they are subjected to some process, which immediately renders the whole distinct. This purpose was fulfilled among the ancients by means of milk, or some other viscous substance, which was rendered legible by means of soot thrown over the writing; part of it adhering wherever the lines were drawn, while from every other part it was blown en- tirely off. There are some articles employed for this purpose, which are rendered visible by the addition of a substance which acts che- mically. The materials of writing ink may, for example, be employed in a sepa- rate state. Invisible words may be first written with a solution of the sulphate of iron. If a rag, dipped in a decoction of galls, be drawn over them, they become immediately legible. If this be afterwards rubbed over with sulphuric acidj it is effaced. But the application of a saturated solution of potassa, will make it re-appear like yellow writing. The golden sympathetic ink consists of a solution of gold in nitro -muriatic acid, diluted with six times its quantity of water. Letters traced with this are invisible ; but when a similar solution of tin is applied to them, the writing appears in the form of beautiful purple letters, f Nitromuriatic acid is now capable of effacing them, and the re-application of the muriate of tin will restore them. Let- ters made with the muriate of gold, indeed, become spontaneously visible when ex- posed to the air. This, however, requires several days, and, if kept closely shut up> they remain invisible for two or three months. The acid evaporates, and leaves a violet oxide or submuriate. Nitrate of silver affords invisible letters, which be- come black by long exposure. There are many sympathetic inks which are rendered visible by exposure to a fire. Solutions of muriate of ammonia, and various other neutral salts, act on paper by means of heat, in such a way as adapts them to this use ; but the letters become, in process of time, confused and illegible. The best sympathetic inks are those made from ores of arsenic, bismuth, or cobalt. Diluted nitric acid is poured on arsenic ore, and afterwards carefully de- canted, treated with nearly half the quan- tity of dried muriate of soda, and evapo- rated. Letters or figures formed with this are invisible till held near the fire, which renders them visible, and of a beautiful blueish green colour. This disappears again when it is removed from the fire. Allum, with the sulphate of soda, used in- stead of muriate of soda, renders the sub- stance red. Borate of soda, or nitrate of potassa, also makes the letters appear red. The nitro -muriate of cobalt forms a simi- lar ink, which appears on exposure to heat, and disappears in the cold. The heat applied to it, however, must not ex- ceed a certain strength, otherwise the letters become permanently visible both in heat and cold. These inks are employed for making amusing landscapes, in which the trees acquire a summer foliage as often as they are brought near a fire. A sympathetic ink may be obtained from fresh urine, evaporated, then dissolved in nitric acid, and saturated with ammonia or its carbonate. Lines drawn with this become visible, of a fine red, on exposure to a gentle heat. Sulphate of zinc applied to them gives them a rich yellow. This ink must be applied, however, immediately after it is formed. It becomes deteriorated in so short a time as twenty minutes. THE ARTISAN. 253 ARCHITECTURE. GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE, After having described the five Orders, It will naturally be expected that we should say something of the Gothic style; we shall therefore give a general view of the distinguishing features of this species of Architecture. The attention to Gothic architecture having only been lately revived, the prac- tice has not hitherto been digested into so systematic order as the Greek or Roman ; and it is not a little extraordinary, consider- ing that during the ages in which it w r as ex- tensively practised, its operations were di- rected by men of science and literary habits, that no written rules have been discovered in the religious houses, which were then the only depositories of knowledge. This has led Mr. Knight, and other men of observa- tion, to assert, that each architect proceeded independently of rules, and worked in the manner, which to him appeared best calcu- lated to produce a striking effect, and that it was in consequence of the absence of determined rules, that this school rose to the degree of sublimity it attained. This is denied by other able and enlightened men, who have paid much attention to the subject, especially Dallaway, Milner, and Hawkins, who maintain, that although few arranged rules and proportions have been published in books, yet architects and workmen were constantly guided by known rules agreeable to the prevailing mode. It is evident, although not so rigidly confined as the Egyptian, that the Gothic architects were fully as much limited as the Roman; for the contrast between the massy plain Norman style, and the latter or florid Gothic, is not greater than what was produced by varying from the plainness, simplicity, and oblong forms of the ancient Greek temples, to the circu- lar, delicate, and highly ornamented edi- fices of the latter Roman. The Gothic style having been employed almost exclusively in edifices appropriated to the purposes of the Christian religion, the outlines of the ground plan have almost uniformly been a cross. In the Greek and Roman oblong temples, the ratio of the length and breadth was determined by the number of columns placed at nearly equal distances along the ends and sides, while that of the height was regulated by the diameter of the column ; but in the Gothic, where seldom any columns have been placed on the outside of the edifice, and the use of arches proving a relief from constraint within it, it is alleged, that the proportion of the length to the breadth has been determined by triangles and squares. Of this, Mr. Hawkins, in his History of the Origin and Establishment of Gothic Architecture, (chap. 10), has produced an early instance from Caesar Caesarianus, a celebrated architect of Milan, who, in an elaborate commentary annexed to his translation of Vitruvius, has explained the principles of Gothic architecture. With regard to the form of the essential parts , they are mostly defined in the fol- lowing description of the three orders of Architecture, as given by Dr. Milner. The first order is characterised during its formation ; that is to say, till near the latter end of the 12th century, chiefly by its acute arch (its pillars and other members being frequently Saxon), but after its formation, not only by the narrowness and acuteness of its arch, but also by its detached slender shafts, its groining of simple intersecting ribs, its plain pediments without crockets or side pinnacles, and its windows, which were either destitute of mullions, or have only a simple bisecting mullion, with a single or triple trefoil, quatrefoil, or other flower, in the head of them. Of this order are the east end of Canterbury, the west end of Lincoln, and the whole of Salisbury Cathedrals, besides the transepts of York Minster and Westminster Abbey. The second order is marked, not only by the fine turn of its perfect equilateral arch, but also by the cluster columns, being, for the most part, formed each course out of the same stone; by the elegant, but not over crowded tracery of its windows and groining; by its crocketted pinnacles, tabernacles, and pediments, the latter of which, towards the conclusion of the four- teenth century, were made with an ogee sweep towards the arch they covered. To this order belong the nave of Westminster Abbey, the nave and choir of York Minster, the naves of Winchester, Exeter, and Can- terbury Cathedrals, Wykeham’s two Col- leges, St. Stephen’s Chapel, &c. The third order is known, not only by the flatness of the point of the arch, but also by its numerous, large, and low descending windows, together with the multiplicity and intricacy of its tracery; by its pendents from the roof ; by the minuteness and pro- fusion of its ornaments, both exteriorly and interiorly; by its fan-work and numerous shields and devices on the ceiling. To this order belong St. George’s Chapel, Windsor, King Henry the Seventh’s Chapel, West- minster, and King’s College Chapel, Cam- bridge, of which the following is an eleva- tion, showing on one side the buttresses, the tower being supposed to be removed, and on the other the tower ; which not only supplies the place of a buttress at the end, but assists also in supporting a con- siderable portion of the thrust in the direc- tion of the length of the Chapel. 254 THE ARTISAN. One of tlie finest features of Gothic architecture, and which, in many instances, still forms the most striking ornaments of our cities, is the tall tapering spire, which was first built of wood by the Normans, and afterwards in stone early in the 13th century. In the course of the 14th and 15 centuries, they were greatly increased in number. MEDICAL PUMP. Having received a drawing and descrip- tion of an instrument called the Medical Pump, we have embraced the first oppor- tunity of laying them before our readers. “ The instrument/’ says the Inventor, “ is here represented as performing some of the operations in which it is used. The cylinder of the pump or syringe (made in brass and in silver) is about seven inches in length, and one inch in diameter, contracted at its apex into a small opening for receiving the extremity of an elastic tube, which is passed into the sto- mach. Within this opening is a chamber containing a spherical valve, which, by rising into the upper part of the chamber where a vacuum is formed by elevating the piston, admits the atmosphere (or whatever it may be desirable to operate upon) to pass freely into the syringe, but as soon as the piston is depressed, the contents of the syringe presses the valve close upon the aperture, and prevents its escape through the opening by which it was received. To give exit to the contents of the sy- ringe, a side branch is constructed, fur- nished with a valved chamber similar to the one above described ; but so placed as to act in direct opposition to it, so that when the syringe has been filled from the extremity, and pressure is made by de- pressing the piston, the fluid closes the lower valve and opens the lateral one, and consequently escapes through the latter aperture. To facilitate the operation of the instrument, a small pipe communi- cates with the upper extremity of the sy- ringe, which gives free ingress and egress to the atmosphere during the action of the piston, a circumstance essentially neces- sary in causing the instrument to work easily and perfectly. Thus it is seen, that the syringe is furnished with two valvular apertures, through one of which the fluid to be injected is pumped from the vessel that contains it, and then immediately forced through the other into the part des- tined to receive it : this double operation is effected by repeated strokes of the piston, which slides so easily that an. infant may use it, and any quantity of fluid may be thus made to pass through the syringe. In cases of obstruction and constipation of the bowels, the injection of fluids is of the utmost importance ; and as this instru- ment gives to the surgeon the means of throwing into the intestinal tube any quan- tity he may think proper with a distending power, sufficient even to overcome the tone of the fibrous texture of the bowels them- selves, it has been found by many experi- enced practitioners eminently successful in cases of this description. As a glyster apparatus in simple cases, and for do- mestic purposes, it possesses advantages over every other instrument hitherto in- vented, for it may be used by the patient himself with the greatest ease, safety, and convenience. The patent syringe has been proved by the experiments of Mr. Scott and Mr. Jukes to be the most effective apparatus for removing poisons from the stomach that can be employed ; and this opinion is corroborated by the testimony of Sir Astley Cooper, (see Lancet, No. 8, Vol. 1.) and the most eminent physicians and surgeons of Paris, before whom these gentlemen have lately performed the operation. In cases of retention of urine, it fre- quently happens that in consequence of hae- morrhage and other causes the catheter becomes so obstructed that the bladder cannot be emptied : it was suggested by Dr. Cloquet, a celebrated surgeon of Paris, to effect this purpose by fixing a pump to the catheter. The patent syringe performs this operation with extreme facility, and has been honoured with the entire appro- bation of Dr. Cloquet. For injecting tlie bladder, which is an operation every day becoming mofe frequent, it is of course equally eligible. THE ARTISAN. 255 As an apparatus for conveying nourishment into the stomach of persons afflicted with stricture of the oesophagus, the patent syringe is found to possess obvious advantages. This pump is also capable of being adjusted to cupping glasses, by which any degree of exhaustion can be made that the operator desires ; and in the same manner it may be rendered a very effectual instrument for drawing the breasts of puerperal females. A small metallic canister has also been added for burning tobacco, as the syringe is found to be an effectual instrument for injecting tobacco fumes in cases of cholic, introsusception, hernia, &c. The plate represents the instrument in the performance of three offices : 1st, that of injecting fluid into the stomach : 2dly, of withdrawing the contents of the stomach; and 3dly, of introducing tobacco fumes into the bowels. The inventor and patentee of this useful instrument is a Mr. Read, No. 30, Bridge-house Place, Newington Causeway, who has the satisfac- tion of knowing, that his labours have been crowned with success in numerous cases of diseases, which had resisted all other means, and of finding that many valuable lives have been saved from the des- tructive effects of poisons, by the timely application of this product of his industry and ingenuity.” 228 THE ARTISAN. SOLUTIONS OF QUESTIONS. Quest. 34, answered by J. C. S. (the proposer ). Put A zl-8 the height of the segment, F ~ the content of ditto, B ~ the height of the frustrum, Cm 7*2 the base or diame- ter of the water’s surface, D — diameter of the ball G~ content of ditto, and Em 523598. , C 3*6 2 + A 2 16-2 Here - = 3-6 and j = pg- m 9 m D ; and D a x E m 729 x E m C 2 381*7029m G ; and - m 3 6 2 x 3 =38*88 2 -}-(3*G) 2 m 90*72 which multiplied by 7*2 m 653 184, and this multiplied by *5236, gives 342*0058 inches, the quantity of water forced into the ball, which, subtracted from G or 381*7029 —39*6971 m 39*6971 — F m the air left in the ball — and G-j-Fm rarer the air was, within the receiver, than it is without. (See the fig. page 67.) Mr. J. Barr also states the quantity of water, forced into the ball, at 342*066 inches, but does not show how he found it to be so ; he has also omitted to state the rarity of the air in the ball. Quest. 35, answered by Mr. J. Snart, Tooley -street. Taking the specific gravity of cast iron at 7*207, sea water at 1*025, distilled water at 1*000, and dry oak at -920, (that being the mean of *915 and 9*25.) Then, as a cubic foot of distilled water m 62*5 lbs. ~ 1000 ozs. avoirdupoise, this last weight X *5236 m 32*725 lbs. m the weight of a solid sphere of distilled water 12 inches diameter, which x 7*207= 235*849075 lbs m a sphere of cast iron (if solid) of same di- mensions, and a similar sphere of sea water “33*543125 lbs. Consequently 235*849075 minus 33*543125 (quantity of water dis- placed) m 202*30595 lbs. tendency to sink the cone’s base in sea water. Again, the difference between the specie fic gravities of sea water (1*025) and dry oak (*920) m *105 m 6*5625 m 6 lbs, 9 ozs. per cubic foot. Therefore 202*30595 (weight of the ball) — 6*5625 m 30*8276m the cubic feet of a cone of dry oak, com- petent to counteract the tendency of des- cent induced by the cast iron sphere. Then as the solid content of a cone is m i that of a cylinder of the same base and altitude ; 30*8276 X 3 m 92*4828 m the solidity of the cylinder. And 92 4828 -f- *7854 m 117*7525 m the quadrangular prism, which -j- 6 (the stipulated heigh t)m 19*625416* the square root of which is = 4*43 feet = 4 feet 5| inches, being the diameter of the base of a solid cone of dry oak 6 feet high, competent to sustain a cast iron ball 12 inches diameter of 202 lbs. 5 ozs. in equilibrio with sea water. N.B. As specific gravities are liable to varieties, so shades of difference sometimes may exist in solutions of this kind of prob- lems without error. The iron ball, as well as the cone, is here supposed to be solid , and without hoops, &c. : therefore Mr. G. from his local knowledge, will be able to appreciate the performance. The observation contained in the above note of our intelligent correspondent, res^ pecting specific gravities, is perfectly just ; for we have received two other solutions to the above question, and in each, the spe- cific gravity of dry oak is taken at 800, which we believe is nearer the truth than 920, at which it is taken in the above solution. This difference has occasioned a material difference between the above answer and those sent us by the other two gentlemen who solved the question. The proposer (Mr. Graham), makes it 3*044 inches ; and Mr. John Barr makes it 3*334 inches. We have to remark respecting Mr. Barr’s solution, that it is too algebraic. In ques- tions where there are so many known quantities, and so few unknown ones, there can be no use for treating them in the form of equations. We have also to remark that we wish Correspondents who have occasion to quote numbers, contained in tables, to refer to, the “ Artisan,” when the tables are to be found in that work. There is a very accurate table of specific gravities inserted at page 25. Edit. QUESTIONS FOR SOLUTION. Quest. 40, proposed by G. G. C, If a particle of a fluid, at any depth, press with a force equal to that which it would acquire in falling down a perpendi- cular space, equal to its depth below the surface ; and if a ship has been bored by a 32 pounder, 8 feet below the surface of the water, what weight of water will rush in to the vessel, at the bore, in 10 minutes. Quest. 41? proposed by Mr. Whitcombe, Cornhill. Mr. Graham, in his late ascent with his balloon, says, “ he was elevated 2f miles above the earth quaere the quantity of square miles of the earth’s surface he could have seen with an excellent telescope at that elevation, admitting the air favor- able for such observation ? In page 237— ^ne 23— col. 2, for Declaration read Declination. — -1824 THE ARTISAN. 257 MEMOIR OF THE LIFE OF THE LATE DR. HUTTON. Charles Hutton, LL.D and F.R.S. of London and Edinburgh, also an hono- rary member of several other learned societies, both in Europe and America, was born at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, on the 14th of August, 1737. He was descended from a family in Westmoreland, who had the honour of becoming connected, by mar- riage, with that of Sir Isaac Newton. His father, who was a viewer or superin- tendant of mines, gave his children such education as his circumstances would per- mit, which was confined to the ordinary branches ; but Charles, the youngest of his sons, (the subject of this memoir) early manifested an extraordinary predi- lection for mathematical studies, in which he made considerable progress, while yet at school, with very little aid from his mas- ter; for, like most other eminent mathema- ticians, he was in a great measure self- taught. After the death of his parents, which took place at an early period of his he determined on undertaking the pro- fession of a teacher, and commenced his la- bours at u e neighbouring village of Jes - mond, before he was twenty years of age; his master, who was a clergyman, having, upon being presented to a living, resigned the school in his favour. In the year 1760, Dr. Hutton removed to Newcastle, where he soon experienced great encouragement; and, among his earliest pupils, was the present Lord Chancellor. We here call him Doctor prematurely, he not having received the diploma of LL.D. until the year 1779, when that honour was conferred upon him by the University of Edinburgh; but, as it is the title by which he is best known in the scientific world, we thus early adopt it. It appears, that neither the duties of his profession, nor the cares of an increasing family, interrupted his favourite studies, as he devoted all his leisure hours to ma- thematical pursuits. In 1764 he published u A Treatise on Arithmetic and Book-keep- ing, ” which soon passed through numerous editions, and is still held in high estima- tion. His next publication was “ A Trea- tise on Mensuration, both in theory and practice,” and is considered the most com- plete work on the subject ever published. It established his reputation as a mathe- matician, although numerous proofs of his superior talents and acquirements had been already manifested, by his able solu- tions of mathematical questions in various scientific journals. Among these reposi- tories, the celebrated Almanac, under the title of the Ladies’ Diary, particularly Vol. [. — No. 17. attracted his attention. This work had been conducted with great ability, from its commencement in 1704 ; numerous learned correspondents contributing, an- nually, curious mathematical questions, and answers, with enigmas, &c. Dr. Hut- ton collected the Diaries of fifty years, and republished their Questions and Solutions, in five volumes, with notes and illustra- tions, which form a very useful and in- teresting miscellany. He some time after- wards became the editor of the Diary, and conducted it for nearly half a century, with such ability and judgment, as greatly to increase the number of eminent mathe- maticians, and to enlarge the boundaries of useful science. Dr. Hutton’s office of editor of this work, also afforded him an opportunity of procuring biographical notices of the most eminent of his corres- pondents : with which he afterwards en- riched his Mathematical Dictionary, and his Abridgement of the Philosophical Transactions. We should not neglect to notice here, that Dr. Hutton, about the year 1770, was employed by the magistrates of Newcastle, to make a survey of the town and the adjoining country, in order that a correct plan of it might be engraved and published. In this laborious undertaking, the Doctor gave great satisfaction, the plan having been executed with much beauty and ac- curacy. On the 17th of November, 1771, the bridge of Newcastle was almost entirely destroyed, by a very great flood, which swelled the waters in the river about nine feet higher than the usual spring-tides. This event was the means of considerably increasing Dr. Hutton’s mathematical re- putation. Previous to commencing the repairs of the extensive damage which the bridge had sustained, it was desirable to endeavour to prevent, as far as possible, the recurrence of similar accidents; and the principal architects and civil engineers of the country were invited to furnish plans for the purpose. Dr. Hutton now, for the first time, directed his attention to the subject; and his suggestions were adopted, in preference to numerous others, which had been presented from various quarters. On the spur of the occasion, the Doctor drew up a Treatise on the Principles of Bridges, demonstrating the best mathematical curves for the arches, with the due proportion of the piers, &c. It may here be remarked, that Dr. Hut- ton’s early publications, particularly his S 25 B THE ARTISAN. Mensuration, the Diarian Miscellany, and his Work on Bridges, were the means of rearing and bringing into notice the inge- nious Mr. Bewicke of Newcastle, the most celebrated wood-engraver that the world has, perhaps, ever produced. Nor should it be forgotten, that, by Dr. Hut- ton’s suggestions and observations, the art of printing has been very considerably improved. In 1773, the situation of Mathematical Professor to the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich having become vacant, nu- merous gentlemen of the first eminence in science applied for the appointment ; and, among the number, Dr. Hutton presented himself as a candidate. The office was in the gift of the Master- General of the Ord- nance, and the strongest interest was made by various noblemen and gentlemen for their respective friends ; but, to the honour of the then Master-General, Lord Viscount Townshend, nothing but superior qualifica- tions were allowed to avail. His Lordship gave public notice, that merit alone should decide the preference, which must be de- termined by a strict and impartial exami- nation. With this view, four eminent mathematicians were selected as examiners on the occasion; viz. Dr. Horsley, after- wards Bishop of Rochester, Dr. Maske- lyne, the Astronomer Royal, Colonel Watson, the Chief Engineer to the East India Company, and the celebrated Mr. Landen. Nothing could be more strictly impartial than the examination. The candidates were eight in number, and each was sepa- rately examined, not only in the principles, but in the history of mathematics. Several abstruse problems were afterwards given for solution ; and, when the answers were received, the report of the examiners ex- pressed high approbation of all the can- didates, but gave a decided preference in favour of Dr. Hutton. This was, indeed, an unequivocal test of superior merit. The judicious determination of the Master- General, by conferring the appointment on Dr. H. was in a short time found to be most advantageous to the Institution. It is, indeed, well known, that Dr. Hutton raised the Royal Military Academy, from a state of comparative inferiority, to the highest degree of celebrity and national importance. To his steady and persever- ing conduct for thirty -five years, and his improvements in military science, his country is essentially indebted for the success of the British artillery and engi- neers in all parts of the world, during the last half century. His removal from Newcastle to so dis- tinguished a situation near the metropolis, and his election, soon after, as a fellow of the Royal Society, gave him new opportu- nities for the advancement and diffusion of the most useful knowledge-; for, it should be observed, that, at all times, his atten- tion was particularly directed to those branches of the mathematics which are most conducive to the practical purposes of life. In a short time, he became an 'im- portant contributor to the Philosophical Transactions, which, from the specimens he gave, it is probable he would have en- riched more than any other member either ancient or modern, had not a stop been put to his valuable labours by unfortunate dissentions in the Royal Society, which nearly gave a death-blow to that excellent institution. It were tedious here to detail the sub- jects of the several papers which Dr. Hut- ton, in a few years, submitted to the Royal Society, especially as they may be seen in the Philosophical Transactions of that period : but two papers deserve particular notice, as the most useful and important that, perhaps had been communicated since the chair of that learned institution was filled by Sir Isaac Newton. The first of these communications was on the u Force of fired, Gunpowder , and the initialVelocities of Cannon-balls ” Th^ ^ results had been determined by a cries of experiments, made with a new .nstrument of the Doctor’s own invention , and, so sen- sible was the Royal Society of the value of the communication, that the annual gold prize-medal was immediately voted as due to Dr. H. and it was accordingly presented to him by the President, Sir John Pringle, with an address expressed in the most flat- tering terms. The other paper just alluded to, among Dr. Hutton’s communications, was on the subiect of the u Mean Density of the Earth ,” a laborious work, deduced from experiments and surveys of the mountain of Schehallien, in Perthshire. This opera- tion, which had always been considered a desideratum, in the scientific world, was commenced in 1775, by order of the Royal Society, and chiefly under the direction of Dr. Maskelyne, the Astronomer Royal. After the dimensions of the mountain had been taken, and the deflections of the plumb-line ascertained with great accu- racy, and verified by repeated experiments, the most difficult and important part of the undertaking yet remained to be executed]; namely, the calculations and the deductions, which required profound science, as well as immense labour. The attention of the Royal Society was at once directed to Dr. H. as the person "most competent to this arduous undertaking. He undertook the task ; and, in the course of a year, presented his report, which will be found in the “ Phil Trans.” of 1778, and 1821. [To be continued.'] THE ARTISAN. 259 PNEUMATICS. STEAM ENGINE. As we have given a drawing and des- cription of Mr. Watt’s most improved Engine in a working state, and, likewise of some of its principal parts when sepa- rated from the others, we shall here resume this part of the subject by describing the contrivance which Mr. Watt fell upon for keeping the piston rods in a perpendicular or vertical position, both when ascending and descending. This contrivance depends upon a geome- trical theorem, and Mr. Watt’s successful application of it to the practical purpose to which he has applied it, proves that he was not only a practical mechanic, but a theoretical mathematician. The manner of producing the 'parallel motion, as this contrivance is termed, is by means of the frame Q : see fig. page 197, which is constructed thus. Let C in the following figure represent the centre of the working beam, A n . a and let an arm B E turn about the firm joint B and guide the end E of the frame or parallelogram ADEF, then if CD be taken a mean proportional to A D and B E, the other end F, carrying the rod of a piston, will ‘describe a vertical and rectili- neal line, as represented by the dotted line A. This beautiful contrivance was first em- ployed in the engines erected at the Albion Mills, London. We have now described the principal or most important parts of Mr. Watt’s engine, represented at page 167, and though there are several other parts of that machine which we intend to notice, yet we must defer this till we enter upon the description of one of the high pressure engines, which have been erected still more recently ; this, we shall do in another part of our work, and at present introduce to the notice of our readers an invention, which has just been completed by an ingenious engineer in London, which has every probability in its favour of effecting a complete revo- lution in the application of elastic fluids to the motion , D B, for D H is equal to D B ; and D F together with CH is the gnomon CM G; therefore the gnomon CMGis equal to the rectangle AD, DB: To each of these add LG, which is equal to the square of CD; therefore the gnomon C M G, together with L G, is equal to the rectangle A D, D B, together with the square of C D ; but the gnomon C M G and L G make up the whole figure CEFB, which is the square of CB : Therefore the rectangle A D, D B, together with the square of C D, is equal to the square of C B. Wherefore if a straight line, &c. Q. E. D. Cor. From this proposition it is mani- fest, that the difference of the squares of two unequal lines AC, C D, is equal to the rectangle contained by their sum and dif- ference. Let the whole line be 12, then each of the two equal parts will be 6. Again, let the unequal parts be 8 and 4, con- sequently the line between the points of section will be 2 ; then the rectangle of the unequal parts, namely, 8 and 4, is 32, and the square of 2, the line between the points of section, is 4 ; and this added to 32, makes 36, which is just equal to the square of 6, or half the line. PROPOSITION VI. Theorem. — If a straight line be bisected, and produced to any point ; the rectangle contained by the whole line thus pro- duced, and the part of it produced , to- gether with the square of half the line bisected, is equal to the square of the straight line, which is made of the half and the part produced. Let the straight line AB be bisected in C, and produced to the point D ; the rect- angle A D, D B, together with the square of C B, is equal to the square of C D. Upon C D describe the square C E F D, join DE, and through B draw BHG parallel to CEorDF, and through H draw KLM parallel to AD or EF, and also through A draw A K parallel to C L or D M : and because AC is equal to C B, the rectangle A L, is equal to C H ; but T 2 276 THE ARTISAN. C H is equal to H F ; therefore also AL is equal to H F : To each of these add C M ; therefore the whole A M is equal to the gnomon CMG: And AM is the rectangle contained by AD, DB, for DM is equal to DB : therefore the gnomon C M G is equal to the rectangle AD, DB: Add to each of these L G, which is equal to the square of C B, therefore the rectangle AD, DB, together with the square of CB, is equal to the gnomon CMG and the figure L G : But the gnomon CMG and LG make up the whole figure C E F D, which is the square of C D ; therefore the rectangle A D, D B, together with the square of C B, is equal to the square of C D. Wherefore, if a straight line, &c. Let the line be 12, when it is bisected, each part will be 6; let it also be pro- duced or increased to 16, then the rect- angle contained by the whole or 16, and 4 the part produced, is 64 : to which the square of 6 being added, makes 100; but this is just the square of 10, or the line made up of the half line and produced part, which was to be shown. MECHANICS. ON MECHANICAL AGENTS. The powers which are usually employed on a great scale as the first movers of ma- chinery, are, 1. The strength of men and animals ; 2. The elastic force of steam and heated air ; 3. The force of water ; and 4. The force of wind. As the three last of these agents are either already, or will be, treated of under the heads of Pneumatics, Hydraulics, and Chemistry, we shall only notice the first of them in this place. ON THE STRENGTH OF ANIMALS. The form and construction of the human body renders it peculiarly applicable as the first mover of machinery, and what it wants in strength is compensated in a great degree, by the skill and judgment with which it can be applied. When we consider the great number of cases in which it is preferable to employ the action of men rather than that of inanimate agents, and the still greater number in which it is out of our power to employ any other, it becomes a matter of the highest impor- tance, both to workmen and to those who employ them, to ascertain the way in which the greatest quantity of work can be ob- tained from their exertions, with the least quantity of bodily fatigue, or with such a quantity of fatigue as they can easily bear from day to day, without in- juring their corporeal functions. Daniel Bernoulli indeed maintained, that the degree of fatigue is always pro- portional to the quantity of action by which it is produced; that whether he walks or carries a load, or draws, or pushes, or works at a winch, or raises a weight, he will always produce with the same degree of fatigue the same quantity of action, and therefore the same effect; and that the daily labour of a man, whatever be the work to which he is set, may be rec- koned at 1,728,000 pounds raised through the height of one foot, or 60 pounds raised through the height of one foot in a second, when his day’s labour amounts to eight hours. These opinions were adopted by almost all subsequent authors, on the authority of vague and inconclusive ex- periments, till the subject received a full investigation from the celebrated Coulomb, Amontons, and others. According to M. Amontons, a man weighing 133 French pounds, ascended 62 French feet by steps in a minute, but was completely exhausted. A sawyer, according to the same author, made 200 strokes of 18 French inches each, with a force of 25 pounds, in 145 seconds. An ordinary man, according to Desagu- lier§, can turn a winch with the force of 30 pounds for 10 hours, with a velocity of 2f feet per second. Two men, according to Desaguliers, working at a windlass with handles at right angles to each other, can raise 70 pounds more easily than one man can raise 30, an additional effect of five pounds being produced on the work of each man, in consequence of the uniform action arising from the handles being at right angles to each other. A man may, according to the same author, exert a force of 80 lbs. with a fly, when the motion is pretty quick.. V A man may also, with a good pump, raise a hogshead of water 10 feet high in a minute, and continue the work for a whole day. According to Dr. Robinson, a feeble old man raised 7 cubic feet of water, “ 437f lbs. avoirdupoise, Ilf feet high in a mi- nute, for 8 or 10 hours a day, by walking backwards and forwards on a lever. ’ A young man, weighing 135 pounds, and carrying 30 pounds, raised 9f cubic feet of water, zr 578-^ avoirdupoise, Ilf feet high for 10 hours a-day without being fatigued. The strength of men, and of all animals, is most powerful when directed against a resistance that is at rest: when the re- sistance is overcome, and when the animal is in motion, its force is diminished ; lastly, with a certain velocity, the animal can do no work, and can only keep up the motion of its own body. The effect of animal force, or the quan- tity of work done in a given time by any working animal, is greatest when the THE ARTISAN. 27? ©ftiiMl moves with one-third of the speed with which it is able only to move itself, and is loaded with four-ninths of the greatest load it is able to put in motion. According to this estimate, a man who can move 120 lbs. and walk at the rate of 4 miles an hour, when working to the greatest advantage, should carry a load of 54 pounds, and walk at the rate of two feet in a second, or a mile and one third in an hour. In raising a weight, a man will produce the greatest effect, when his weight is to that of his load as 4 to 3 nearly. When a horse’s work is estimated by the load he draws in a cart or waggon, a great reduction must be made, in order to compare the force he exerts with that which is necessary for raising a weight, by drawing it over a pulley. Though ac- curate experiments on the friction of wheel carriages are wanting, we proba- bly shall not err much in supposing the friction, on a road, and with a carriage of the ordinary construction, to amount to a twelfth part of the load. If then, a horse draws a ton in a cart, which a strong horse will continue to do for several hours together, we must suppose his action the same as if he raised up the twelfth part of a ton (2240 lb.) or 186 lb. perpendicularly against the force of gravity. To raise a weight of 186 lb. therefore, at the rate of two miles, or two miles and a half an hour; (that is, 2*9, or 3*6 feet per second), may be taken as the average work of a strong draught horse in good condition. On this subject, however, many more experiments are wanting; to determine, for instance, the friction of wheel car- riages ; the difference of the exertion re- quired to walk on a horizontal plane, and on one of a given declivity ; the quantity of work done in a given time by the same animal, carrying different loads. The dif- ference between the effective exertion of a man’s strength when he moves along with his load, and when he stands, as in turn- ing a wheel; or sits, as in rowing a boat, &c. MECHANICAL CONTRIVANCES USED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF MACHINES. In all machines beyond the limits of the simple mechanical powers, the power of the first mover must be conveyed to the place where the work is to be performed, by means of mechanical contrivances, which vary according to the hature of the impelling power and the work to be performed, the respective localities of the first mover, and the working part of the machine. The skill of the engineer is is no way more conspicuous than in the intermediate machinery by which he trans- mits and modifies the action of the prime mover ; and the general machine must de- rive its character of utility and durability from the simplicity of the intermediate machinery, and the judgment with which the individual contrivances are selected. In order to convey some general idea of the composition of machines, we shall lay before our readers a description of some of the leading mechanical contrivances w hich are in constant use in machinery, and ex- plain the methods by which the direction of motion may be any way changed, and by which one kind Of motion may be con- verted into another. Belts , Bands , and Ropes . — When it is required to convey the force of one wheel to another, the simplest of all methods is to connect them by means of leather belts passing over the circumference of each. The great advantage of belts is, that by means of them we may convey the motion of one w heel to another at a very great distance, which could not be done without a considerable expense by wheels and pinions ; but they have the disadvantage of stretching so as to become loose, and thus lose their pow er of turning the wheel. This evil, however, may be instantly re- medied by shortening them, or by increas- ing the friction by means of chalk. Some- times this evil is remedied by having grooves of different diameters in one or both of the wheels; and when the belt or rope becomes slack, it is shifted to the fol- lowing groove ; but this can be permitted only in machines, such as turning lathes, where a change of velocity is of no impor- tance. When ropes are used, they always move in grooves cut in the circumference of the sheaves or wooden wheels round which they pass. When there is a great strain upon the machinery, and when its motions are required to be regular,’ belts and ropes cannot safely be employed. Chains are therefore substituted in their place with peculiar advantage. The Lever of Lagaroust. — This con- trivance, w hich has the property of pro- ducing a continued rectilineal motion from an alternating circular motion, is shown in the following figure. 278 THE ARTISAN. The lever A B moves round an axis C attached to a fixed beam M N. A toothed rack or beam F G, is capable of descend- ing and ascending freely by the action of the hooks or teeth at the end of the two secondary levers D E, D' ¥J fixed at the points D, D' of the great lever A B, When the end A descends, the hook IT falls down upon the teeth below it, while the simultaneous ascent of the end B C causes the hook E to draw upwards the beam F G. By now depressing B C, the hook E falls down upon the teeth below it, while the ascent of A C causes the hook E' to draw upwards the beam F G. The very same contrivance may be employed to give a circular motion to a wheel, having its circumference furnished with teeth like those upon F G. Crank. — When the communicating parts have a permanent connection, it is necessary to employ other contrivances, besides the foregoing, among which are the Crank, which is one of the simplest and most dur- able of any for conveying motion. It is in principle the same as a wheel with the power applied at or near its circumference. A double crank is shown in the following figure. 6 Where mw is the revolving axis, which by means of the double crank, communi- cates a reciprocating motion to the two beams ab, c d, the one ascending when the other is descending. A triple crank is shown in the following figure, where three beams are made to ascend and descend ; but the planes passing through each of the three cranks, must be inclined 120° to one another. A change- able crank, in which the radius is variable, is shown in the following figure : where m n is the axis, and a b the beam, which can be set to different distances from m n, by drawing up the four parallel bars, c, d, e,f, and fixing them in any posi- tion by pins passing through the small holes. Hooke's universal joint. — This ingenious contrivance, which is shown in the follow- ing figure, consists of two shafts, or axis, A, B, ter- minating in a semicircle, and connected by means of a cross CD, E F. As the branches CD, E F, have a motion round their pivots at C D, E, and F, it is obvious that when the shaft A. is turned round, a similar motion will also be communicated to the shaft B. This joint may be used when the inclination of the shaft does not exceed 40°, or rather 140°, its sup- plement. When the inclination of the shafts is between 50° and 90°, a double uni- versal joint is employed. In this case there are two crosses, the extremities of which move on their pivots in the semicir- cles at the ends of the shafts. These joints may also be constructed with four pins, fastened at right angles upon the circum- ference of a hoop, or solid ball. The sun and planet wheel is also ''em- ployed for communicating motion to ma- chines ; but as we have fully explained this contrivance at page 227, it is unneces- sary to describe it here. Ball and Socket. — Although the ball and socket is not used in general ma- THE ARTISAN. 279 chinery, yet we may regard it as a mecha- nical contrivance, by which two parts of a machine are permanently connected. The object of it is to give a motion in various directions to one axis, while the other re- mains fixed. This is generally done in telescopes, by the joint effect of a horizon- tal and a vertical movement; but when the telescope is not heavy, a ball and socket is the simplest and most commodious con- trivance. It is represented in the follow- ing figure, A where B is a ball of brass, fixed at lower extremity of the axis A B, on which a telescope or any other body is supported. This ball is of the same diameter as the interior diameter of the socket or cap CSD, with which the lower axis S T is terminated. This socket consists of two parts, C E F D, E F $, the former of which can be removed, slackened, or tight- ened, by turning the milled circumference E F. On the bottom of the socket is placed a piece of cork, against which the lower part of the ball E presses, so that whenever the ball moves too loosely in the socket, it may be pressed against the elastic cork, by turning E F, which draws the ball downwards, by which means its motion is rendered as stiff as we choose. In the upper edge of the moveable part CD, a groove n is cut, to allow the axis A B to come into a position at right angles to ST. A MACHINE IN WHICH ALL THE MECHANI- CAL POWERS ARE UNITED. The following figure represents a ma- chine, in which all the simple mechanical powers are combined. 280 THE ARTISAN. fit consists of a frame A B C D fastened upon the stand O o by the nut o, and kept together by the pillars V W and B q. The piece E F is first fitted to the frame, having vanes E F, which may be either moved by the wind, or by a cord fastened at F. This part represents the lever, whose fulcrum is G. A perpendicular axis G A is joined to this lever, and carries the endless screw H, which may be considered as a wedge. This endless screw works in the teeth of the wheel K, which is the wheel and axle ; and when K is turned round, it winds upon the axle IL the cord LM, which passing round the tackle of pulleys M N, raises the weight P. In order ’to include the inclined plane in this combina- tion, we must add the plane R Q r q, and make it rest on the ground at QR, and on the pillar Bq at q r. When the weight P is placed on this plane, the power will be farther increased in the ratio of Q T to TS. The power gained by this combination will be found, by comparing the space described by the point F, with the height through which the weight rises in any determinate number of revolutions of F. HYDRAULICS. ON UNDERSHOT An undershot water-wheel is a wheel with a number of floatboards, or plane sur- faces arranged round its circumference, for the purpose of receiving the impulse of the water, which is conveyed to the under part of the wheel from an inclined canal. A wheel of this kind of the ordinary con- struction, is shewn in the following figure, WATER WHEELS. boards, erf, a floatboard receiving the im- pulse of the water, which moves with great velocity in consequence of having fallen from a considerable height down the inclined mill-course M N. The principal points to be attended to in the construction of undershot wheels, are the construction of the mill course, the number, form, and position of the floatboards, and the velocity of the wheel in relation to that of the wa- ter when the effect is a maximum . The following rules for the construction of mill courses are given in the Appendix to Fer- guson’s Lectures, vol. ii. i( As it is of the highest importance to have the height of the fall as great as possible, the bottom of the canal, or dam, which conducts the water from the river, should have a very small declivity ; for the height of the water-fall will diminish in proportion as the declivity of the canal is increased. On this account, it will be suf- ficient to make A B slope about one inch in 20h yards, as in the following figure, taking care to make the declivity about half an inch for the first 48 yards, in order that the water may have a velocity suf- ficient to pre vent it from flowing back into the river. The inclination of the fall, re- presented by the angle G C R, should be 25 ° 50' ; or CR, the radius, should be to G R, the tangent of this angle, as 100 to 48, or as 25 to 12 ;* and since the surface * A tangent is a line touching a circle, ©r any other curve; and the tangent of an angle is the side of a triangle, which is perpendicular to the side of it that is made radius. THE ARTISAN. 281 of the water $ b is bent from a b into a c, before it is precipitated down the fall, it will be necessary to incurvate the upper part B C D of the course into B D, that the water at the bottom may move parallel to the water at the top of the stream. For this purpose, take the points B, D, about 12 inches distant from C, and raise the perpendiculars BE, D E : the point of in- tersection E will be the centre, from which the arch B D is to be described ; the ra- dius being about 10^ inches. Now, in order that the water may act more advan- tageously upon the floatboards of the wheel W W, it must assume a horizontal direction ;H K, with the same velocity which it would have acquired when it came to the point G : But in falling from C to G, the water will dash upon the ho- rizontal part H G, and thus lose a great part of its velocity; it will be proper, therefore, to make it move along FH an arch of a circle, to which D F and K H are tangents in the points F and H. For this purpose make G F and G H each equal to three feet, and raise the perpendi- culars H I, F I, which will intersect one another in the point I, distant about 4 feet 9 inches and ^ths from the points F, and H, and the centre of the arch F H will be determined. The distance H K, through which the water runs before it acts upon the wheel, should not be less than two or three feet, in order that the different por- tions of the fluid may have obtained a ho- rizontal direction ; and if H K be much larger, the velocity of the stream would be diminished by its friction on the bottom of the course. That no water may escape between the bottom of the course K H and the extremities of the floatboards, K L should be about three inches, and the ex- tremity o of the floatboard n o should be beneath the line H K X, sufficient room being left between o and M for the play of the wheel, or K L M may be formed into the arch of a circle K M concentric with the wheel. The line L M V, called by M. Fabre, the course of impulsion, should be prolonged, so as to support the water as long as it can act Jupon the floatboards, and should be about 9 inches distant from O P, a horizontal line passing through O, the lowest point of the fall ; for if O L were much less than 9 inches, the water having spent the greater part of its force in impelling the floatboards, would accu- mulate below the wheel and retard its mo- tion. For the same reason, another course, which is called by M. Fabre, the course of discharge should be connected with LMV by the curve V N, to preserve the remain- ing velocity of the water, which would otherwise be destroyed by falling perpen- dicularly from V to N. The course of discharge is represented by V Z, sloping from the point O. It should he about 16 yards long, having an inch of declivity in every two yards. The canal which recon- ducts the water from the course of dis- charge to the river, should slope about 4 inches in the first 200 yards, 3 inches in the second 200 yards, decreasing gradu- ally till it terminates in the river. But if the river to which the water is conveyed, should, when swollen by the rains, force the water back upon the wheel, the canal must have a greater declivity, in order to prevent this from taking place. Hence it will be evident, that very accurate level- ling is necessary for the proper formation of the mill course.” The general ideas contained in the pre- ceding constructions appear to have been first suggested by Du Buat, and afterwards fully explained by M. Fabre, in his Traite sur les Machines Hydrauliques. The diameters of undershot wheels must in general be accommodated to the nature of the machinery which they are to put in motion. If a great velocity is ne- cessary, the wheel should for this purpose be made of a less diameter than would otherwise be adviseable ; but if a great velocity is not required, the diameter of the wheel ought to be considerable. M. Pitot, one of the earliest writers who attended to this subject, recommended that the number of floatboards should be equal to 360° divided by the arch of the circle plunged in the canal, and that their depth should be equal to the versed sine of that arch * The slightest consideration, how- ever, is sufficient to convince us that the number of floatboards obtained by this rule is greatly too small. M. Du Petit, Van- din, and afterwards M. Fabre, have, on the other hand, maintained, that the greatest possible number of floatboards should be used, provided the wheel is not too much loaded by them. In Mr. Smeaton’s model, by which his experiments were performed, the diameter of the wheel was 24 inches, and the num- ber of floatboards 24. When the number was reduced to 12, a diminution in the ef- fect was produced on account of a greater quantity of water escaping between the floats and the floor ; but a circular sweep being adapted thereto of such a length, that one float entered the curve before the preceding one quitted it, the effect came so near to the former, as not to give hopes of advancing it, by increasing- the number of floats beyond 24 in this particular wheel. The experiments of Bossut were made with a wheel, whose exterior diameter was * The versed sine of an arch is that part of the diameter which is intercepted between the circle and the chord, or stiaighi line, which will cut oS t be arch from the rest of the circle. 282 THE ARTISAN. 3 feet 1 inch and 10 lines. It was used successively with 48, 24, and 12 float- boards directed to the centre. They M ere exactly 5 inches wide, and from 4 to 5 inches high. The edges and the extremi- ties of the floatboards were distant about half aline from the bottom and sides of the inclined canal in which the wheel was placed, and the arch plunged in the water was 24° 54'. When this wheel was tried, it made 33§ turns in a minute, when it had 48 floatboards, and when the weight raised was 12 pounds. When 24 floatboards were put on, it made only 29 turns in a mi- nute, the weight raised being the same ; and when 12 floatboards were used, it made no more than 25§ turns in a minute. The velocity of the water in the canal which had a declivity of lOf feet in .50, was 300 feet in 33 seconds. Hence Bossut concludes, that the wheel ought to have at least 48 floatboards, whereas wheels 20 feet in diameter, and with only 25° or 30° of the circumference immersed, have ge- nerally only 40 floatboards. When wheels are moved by a river, they ought to have a different number of float- boards. In order to find the number, M. Bossut used a different wffieel, in which the floatboards were so placed that he could set them at any inclina- tion to the radius, and employ any num- ber of them at pleasure. The exterior diameter was 3 feet, the width of the float- boards 5 inches, and their height 6 inches. This wheel was made to move in a cur- rent from 12 to 13 feet wide, and in a depth of water of from 7 to 8 inches. The floatboards were plunged four inches in the water, so that the circumstances were the same as in an open river. When 24 floatboards w r ere used, a load of 40 pounds was raised with a velocity of 15$ turns in 40 seconds ; whereas when 12 floatboards were used, the velocity with which the same load was raised was only 13$ turns in the same side. Whei/ 48 floatboards were put on, 24 pounds were raised, with a velocity of 27$ turns in a minute ; and 24 floatboards raised the weight with a velocity of 27| g , the difference being per- fectly trifling. Hence 24 floatboards at least should be used in cases of this kind. A smaller number would be sufficient, if a greater arch of the wheel were plunged in the stream. In practice, it was the general custom to use only 8 or 10 floatboards, and sometimes fewer, on wheels placed in ri- vers ; but the number ought to have been from 12 to 18. From theoretical considerations, M. Pi- lot has shewn, that floatboards should al- ways be a continuation of the radius ; but this rule is found to be quite incorrect in practice. The advantages arising from in- clining the floatboards, were first pointed out, in” 1753, by Deparcieux, who shews, that the water will thus heap up upon them, and acts by its weight as well as by its impulse. This opinion has been amply confirmed by the experiments of Bossut with the wheel already mentioned, moving in a canal where the velocity of the water was 300 feet in 27 seconds. When the floatboards were a continuation of the ra- dius, a weight of 34 pounds was raised with a velocity of 20$ turns in 40 seconds. When their inclination was 8°, the same load was raised with a velocity of 19$ in 40 seconds. When the inclination was 12°, the velocity was 19$ in 40 seconds ; and when the inclination was 16°, the velocity was 20$ turns in 40 seconds, nearly the same ; but still a little less than when the floatboards were a continuation of the ra- dius. Hence it follows, that a wheel placed upon canals which have little de- clivity, and in which the water is at liberty to escape easily after the impulse, the floatboards ought to be a continuation of the radius. The same wheel being placed in the cur- rent already mentioned, viz. from 12 to 13 feet wide, and from 7 to 8 inches deep, floatboards w hich w ere a continuation of the radius, raised 40 pounds with a velo- city of 13$ turns in 40 seconds. With those inclined 15°, the number of turns in the same time was 14$ ; with those in- clined 30°, the number was 14$ ; and with those inclined 37°, the number was 14$. Hence it follows, thgt the most advantage- ous obliquity is, in this case, about 15 or 30 degrees. The difference of effect, how- ever, appears to be very trifling, particu- larly beyond 15°. M. Fabre is of opinion, that when the velocity of the stream is 11 feet per second or greater, the inclination should never be less than 30° ; that, as the velocity diminishes, the number of float- boards should diminish in proportion ; and that when the velocity is 4 feet or under, the floatboards should be a continuation of the radius. The experiment of inclining the floatboards a little in the opposite di- rection, has not been tried by any of the authors whom we have quoted, but we think it worth trying, as it might increase the effect, by allowing the water to escape more readily from below the floatboards. In order to determine the ratio between the velocity of the wheel and that of the water which drives it, Parent and Pitot considered only the action of the fluid upon one floatboard, and consequently they made the force of impulsion proportional to the square of the relative velocity, or to the square of the difference between the velocity of the stream and that of the float- board. Desaguliers, Maclaurin, Lambert, Atwood, Du Buat, and Dr. Robinson, have gone upon the same principle, and have THE ARTISAN. 283 therefore fallen into the same error, of making the velocity of the wheel § of the velocity of the current, when the effect is a maximum The Chevalier de Borda, whose valuable Memoirs have been too much overlooked by later writers, has, however, corrected this error. ‘He has shewn, that the supposition is perfectly correct when the water impels a single floatboard ; for as the number of particles which strike the floatboard in a given time, and also the momentum of these, are each as the relative velocity of the float- boards, the momentum must be as the square of the relative velocity ; that is, the momentum varies as the square of the re- lative velocity. But as the water acts on more than one floatboard at once, the num- ber acted upon in a given time will be as the velocity of the wheel, or inversely as the relative velocity ; for if we increase the relative velocity, the velocity of the water remaining the same, we must diminish the velocity of the wheel; consequently, the momentum will vary as the relative ve- locity. u The velocity of the stream,” says Mr. Smeaton, “ varies at the greatest between one-third and one-half that of the water ; but in all the cases in which most work is performed in proportion to the water ex- pended, and which approach the nearest to the circumstances of great works, when properly executed, the maximum lies much nearer to one-half than one-third ; one half seeming to be the true maximum, if nothing were lost by the resistance of the air, the scattering of the water carried up by the wheel, &c. all which tend to di- minish the effect, consequently the maxi- mum would be greater if these did not take place.” Smeaton considers 5 to 2 as the best general proportion. A result, nearly similar to this, was de- duced from the experiments of Bossut. He employed a wheel whose diameter was three feet. The number of floatboards was at one time 48, and at another 24, their width being five inches, and their depth six. The experiments with the wheel, when it had 48 floatboards, were made in the inclined canal, in which the velocity was 300 feet in 27 seconds. The experi- ments with the wheel, when it had 24 floatboards, were made in a canal con- tained between two vertical walls, 12 or 13 feet distant. The depth of the water was about 7 or 8 inches, and its mean ve- locity about 2740 inches in 40 seconds. The floatboards of the wheel were im- mersed about four inches in the stream. The following are the other results which Mr. Smeaton deduced from his experi- ments. He found, that in undershot wheels, the power employed to turn the wheel is to the effect produced as 3 to 1 ; and that the load which the wheel will carry at its maximum, is to the load which will totally stop it, as 3 to 4. The srfme experiments show, that the impulse of the water on the wheel, in the case of a maxi- mum, is more than double of what is as- signed by theory ; that is, instead of four- sevenths of the column, it is nearly equal to the whole column. In order to account for this, Mr. Smeaton observes, that the wheel was not, in'this case, placed in an open river, where the natural current, after it had communicated its impulse to the float, has room on all sides to escape, as the theory supposes ; but in a conduit or race,, to which the float being adapted, the wa- ter could not otherwise escape than by moving along with the wheel. He like- wise remarks, that when a wheel works in this manner, the water, as soon as it meets the float, receives a sudden check, and risjes up against it like a wave against a fixed object; insomuch, that when the sheet of water is not a quarter of an inch thick before it meets the float, it will not act upon the whole surface of a float, whose height is three inches. Were the float, therefore, no higher than the thickness of the sheet of water, as the theory supposes, a great part of the force would be lost by the water dashing over it. Mr. Smeaton likewise deduced, from his experiments, the following maxims. 1 . That the virtual or effective head be- ing the same, the effect will be nearly as the quantity of water expended. 2. That the expense of water being the same, the effect will be nearly as the height of the virtual or effective head. 3. That the quantity of water expended being the same, the effect is nearly as the square of the velocity. 4. That the aperture being the same, the effect will be nearly as the cube of the ve- locity of the water. UNDERSHOT WHEELS MOVING AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE STREAM. Undershot wheels have sometimes been constructed like windmills, having large inclined floatboards, and being driven in a plane perpendicular to the direction of the current. Albert Euler, who has examined theoretically this species of water wheel, concludes that the effect will be twice as great as in the common undershot wheels, and that in order to produce the effect, the velocity of the wheel, computed from the centre of the impression, should be to the velocity of the water as radius is to thrice the sine of the inclination of the floatboards to the plane of the wheel. When the in- clination is 60°, the ratio will be at 5 to 13 nearly, and when it is 30°, it will be nearly as 2 to 3. In this kind of wheel, a considerable advantage may also be gained by inclining the floatboards to the radius. In this case, the area of the floatboards *284 THE ARTISAN. ought to be much greater than the section of Ihe current, and before one fioatboard leaves the current, the other ought to have fairly entered it. This construction may be employed with advantage in deep ri- vers that have but a small velocity. besant’s undershot wheel. This wheel, invented by Mr. Besant, of Brompton, is constructed in the form of a hollow drum, to resist the admission of water; but its principal peculiarity con- sists in the arrangement of floatboards in pairs on the periphery of the wheel. Each fioatboard is set obliquely to the plane of the wheel’s motion, and the corresponding fioatboard is inclined at the same angle, but in an opposite direction, the plane of the wheel bisecting the angle formed by the two floatboards. The acute angle which the one fioatboard forms with its corresponding one is open at the vertex ; but one of the floatboards extends beyond the other. By this construction, the re- sistance from the tail watei i i diminished ; but so far as we know, the machine has never come into use. HORIZONTAL WATER WHEELS. ’ Horizontal water wheels differ in no respect from common undershot wheels, except in the circumstance of their extre- mities being placed vertically. The mill- course is constructed nearly in the same manner for both. The principal object of this form of the water wheel is to save ma- chinery by placing the mill-stone directly on the vertical shaft of the wheel. The water must therefore move with a very great velocity, so as to enable the mill- stones to perform their work. The water is turned into a* horizontal direction before it strikes the floatboards, which may be ei- ther vertical or inclined to the radius, as in undershot wheels. Horizontal wheels are often constructed so that the floatboards have a very great inclination to the radius. In this case, the water is not turned into a horizontal di- rection, but is made to strike the float- boards perpendicularly, as represented in the following figure, where A Bis the wheel, MN the mill- course discharging its contents perpendi- cularly upon the fioatboard C, which ought to have a surface more than twice the area of the section of the stream. In the southern departments of France, the floafboards are made of a curvilineal form, so as to present a concave surface to the stream. The Chevalier Borda remarks, that in theory a double effect is produced when the floatboards have this form; but that the advantage is not so great in practice, from the difficulty of making the fluid enter and leave the course in a proper manner. They appear, however, to be decidedly su- perior to those in which the floatboards are plane, as the water acts by its weight as well as by its impulsive force. The ratio of the effects in the two cases, with five or six feet of fall, is nearly as 3 to 2. An ad- vantage may be gained by dividing the cur- rent, and throwing it in separate portions upon different floatboards. WHEELS WITH SPIRAL FLOATBOARDS. In some of the southern provinces of France, a conical horizontal wheel with spiral floatboards is frequently used. It has the form of an inverted cone, with a number of spiral floatboards winding round its surface, so as to be nearer one another at the smaller or lower end of the cone, than at the larger or upper end. When the water has acted upon these floatboards by its impulse, it descends along the spirals, and continues to drive the machine by its weight. Dr. Robinson describes another wheel with spiral floatboards, which was moved by a screw. “ It was,” he says, “ along cylindrical frame, having a plate standing out from it about a foot broad, and sur- rounding it with a very oblique spiral like a cork screw. This was plunged about $th of its diameter (which was about 12 feet), having its axis in the direction of the stream. By the work which it was performing, it seemed more powerful than a common wheel, which occupied the same breadth of the river.” THE ARTISAN. 285 ' jHitfcettaueous ^uhiects. MEMOIR OF THE LIFE OF THE LATE DR. HUTTON. ( Continued from page 258 .) Such were among the invaluable but short-lived labours of Dr. H. in the Royal Society : and here it may be proper to state the circumstances by? which they were unfortunately terminated. When Dr. Hutton first entered the So- ciety, Sir John Pringle was the President. He was a person of great acquirements, and eminently well qualified to fill the chair of Newton. He always manifested a particular»regard for the Doctor, which probably excited the jealousy of many per- sons, who were not attached to mathemati- cal investigations : among the members of this description, was Mr. (afterwards Sir Joseph) Banks, a gentleman too well known to render it necessary to add any thing further here concerning him, except that he had acquired sufficient influence over the majority of the members of the Society to obtain his election as President, upon the resignation of Sir John Pringle. Dr. H. had for some time held the office of Foreign Secretary with the greatest credit ; but the new President, who wished the situation to be filled by a friend of his own, procured a vote to be passed by the Society, that it was requisite this secretary should reside constantly in London; a condition with which the Doctor could not possibly comply; and he therefore re- signed the situation. Many of the most valuable members of the Society, however, warmly espoused Dr. H.’s cause, and dis- continued their accustomed attendance at the usual periodical meetings: among the number may be mentioned Dr. Horsley, Dr. Maskelyne, Baron Maseres, and many other distinguished characters ; who, find- ing that the disciples of Newton were always outvoted by those of Linnaeus, re- tired, with Dr. Hutton, from the Society. When the mathematicians were preparing to secede, Dr. Horsley expressed himself in the following energetic words: — “ Sir, (addressing himself to the President,) when the hour of secession comes, the President will be left with his train of feeble amateurs and that toy — (pointing to the mace on the table,) the ghost of the Society where philosophy once reigned, and Newton was her minister.” This secession took place in 1784, since which period very few papers on ma- thematical subjects have appeared in the “ Philosophical Transactions and it is even said, that the late President uni- formly opposed the admission of mathema- ticians into the Royal Society, unless they were persons of rank. Although Dr. Hutton’s retirement f de- prived him of the great stimulous to exer- tion which such a Society must have afforded, he still continued to give to the world, from time to time, various valuable works. In 1785 he published his u Mathe- matical Tables” and in 1786 appeared his u Tracts on Mathematical and Philosophical Subjects ” in three volumes, which contain much new and valuable matter. In the following year, he published his “ Ele- ments of Conic Sections ,” with select exer- cises in various branches of mathematics and philosophy, for the use of the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich. This work was warmly patronized by the Duke of Richmond, then Master-general of the Ordnance, who, on that occasion, presented Dr. Hutton at court to his Majesty. In 1795 appeared his “ Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary ” in two large volumes, quarto, which was the result of many years’ preparation, and has since advanced to a second edition. It has sup- plied all subsequent works of the kind, and even the most voluminous Cyclo- paedias, with valuable materials, both in the sciences, and in scientific biography. His next publication was “ A Course of Mathematics in two volumes, octavo, com- posed for the use of the students of the Royal Military Academy ; which has since become a standard work in many eminent schools, both in Great Britain and America. In the year 1803, he undertook the arduous task of abridging the “ Philoso- phical Transactions ” in conjunction with Dr. Pearson and Dr. Shaw. Dr. Hutton is said to have executed the chief part of the work, and to have received for his labour no less a sum than six thousand pounds. It was completed in 1809, and the whole comprised in eighteen quarto volumes. About the same period was pub- lished his translation of “ Montucla’s Re- creations in Mathematics and Natural Phi- losophy ” and an improved edition of the same work appeared in 1814. In 1806 the Doctor became afflicted with a pulmonary complaint, which confined him for several weeks ; but in the follow- ing year he resumed his professional duties. His medical friends, however, advised him to retire from the labours of the Academy, as soon as it might be deemed convenient; and, in consequence of an application to this effect, the Master- general and Board of Ordnance acceded to his wishes, and manifested their appro- bation of his long and meritorious services, by granting him a pension for life, of £500 per annum. This annuity, together with a large property which he had realised, chiefly by his publications, enabled him to retire in affluent circumstances. But in his retirement, his constant amusement con- 286 THE ARTISAN. tinued to be, the cultivation and diffusion Dr. Hutton bequeathed his marble bust of useful science. He officiated for some to the Philosophical Society of Newcastle. time, every half-year, as the principal examiner to the Royal Military Academy, and also to the East India College, at Addiscombe. During this period, as well as pre- viously, he was indefatigable in kind offices, especially in promoting the interest of scientific men, and recommending them to situations, where their talents might prove It is to be placed in their new and splendid Institution, where it will be long regarded with pride and veneration. He always manifested a laudable affection for* his native place, of which he gave a proof soon after his retirement from Woolwich, by investing sums of money for the per- petual support of education, &c. at New- castle. His benevolence was extensive. most useful both to themselves and to To merit in distress, and more especially to the votaries of science, he was always a kind friend and benefactor. Dr. Hutton was twice married : his sur- viving family consist of a son and two daughters. The former was educated at their country. To his recommendations, as well as to his instructions, our most eminent scientific institutions have been chiefly indebted for their Professors of Mathematics during the last thirty years. Lieut.-General in the army. General Hutton is ‘also a member of several learned societies, and has been honoured with the degree of D.C.L. ARCHITECTURE. MOULDINGS. Mouldings are those parts which pro- ject beyond the face of a wall, a column, &c. and are employed as ornaments in most Architectural operations. The regular mouldings are eight in num- ber, and are represented by the following figures. Annuler List, or Square. His death was caused by a cold, which the Royal Military Academy, and at an brought on a return of his pulmonary com- early age he obtained a commission in the plaint. His illness was neither tedious Royal Regiment of Artillery, and is^ now a nor painful ; and his valuable life termi- nated on the 27th of January, 1823, in the eighty-sixth year of his age. His remains were interred in the family vault at Charl- ton, in Kent. It is worthy of remark, that only three days previous to his death, he received certain scientific questions from the corpo- ration of London, which he answered im- mediately in the most masterly manner. These questions related to the intended arches of the new London bridge ; and his paper on the subject is considered not only as a valuable document, but also highly interesting, as being the last pro- duction of this great man, and at such a period of his advanced age and illness. During the last year of Dr. Hutton’s life, many of his scientific friends, wishing to possess as correct and lasting a resem- blance of his person as his valuable works exhibit of his mind, entered into a sub- scription for a marble bust, from which casts might be taken in any number that might be required. This bust has been admirably executed by Mr. Sebastian Gahagan. The subscription was sup- ported by many of the Doctor’s early pupils, and other eminent men, who seemed emulous in manifesting their gratitude and esteem. The sums subscribed having been found greatly to exceed the disbursements, the committee resolved to employ the sur- plus in executing a medal; to contain, on one side, the head of Dr. Hutton, and, on the father, emblems of his discoveries on the force of gunpowder, and the density of the earth. These medals have been finely executed by Mr. Wyon, and one has been given to each subscriber to the bust. About three months before his death, the bust was presented to the Doctor ; but the medals were finished only in time to be presented to his friends who attended his funeral. Astragal, or Bead. THE ARTISAN. 28T Ovolo, or Quarter round. The forms of all mouldings are referred to a section at right angles to their longitu- dinal direction, when prismatic, or passing through the axis, if annular ; and this ig simply denominated the section, on account of its frequent use, as oblique sections only occur in mitres. The names of mould- ings depend upon their form and situation. If the section is a semicircle which pro- jects from a vertical diameter, the moulding is called an Astragal, Bead, or Torus : if a torus and bead be both employed in the same order of architecture, they are only- distinguished by the bead being the small- est. The tori are generally employed in bases and capitals. If the moulding be convex, and its sec- tion be the quarter of a circle or less, and if the one extremity project beyond the other equal to its height, and the projecting side be more remote from the eye than the other, it is termed a Quarter-Round; this in Roman architecture, is always employed above the level of the eye. If the section of a moulding be concave, but in all other respects the same as the last, it is denominated a Cavetto. They are never employed in bases or capitals, but frequently in entablatures. If the section of a moulding is partly concave and partly straight, and if the straight part be vertical and a tangent to the concave part, and if the concavity be equal or less than the quadrant of a circle, the moulding is denominated an Apophyge, Scape, Spring, or Conge: it is used in the Ionic and Corinthian orders for joining the bottom of the shaft to the base, as well as to connect the top of the fillet with the shaft under the astragal. If the section be one part concave and the other convex, and so joined that they may have the same tangent, the moulding is named a Cymatium ; but Vitruvius calls all crowning or upper members cymatiums, whether they resemble the one now de» scribed or not. Tf the upper projecting part of the cyma- tium be a concave, it is called a Cima- recta, they are generally the crowning members of cornices, but are seldom found in other situations. If the upper projecting part of the cyma- tium be convex, it is called acima-reversa, and is the smallest in any composition of mouldings, its office being to separate the larger members : it is seldom used as a crowning member of cornices, but is fre- quently employed with a small fillet over it, as the upper member of architraves, capitals, and imposts. If the section of the moulding be the two sides of right angles, the one vertical, and the other of course horizontal, it is termed a fillet, hand, or corona A fillet is the smallest rectangular member in any composition of mouldings. Its altitude is generally equal to its projection; its pur- pose is to separate two principal members, and it is used in all situations under such circumstances. The corona is the principal member of a cornice. The beam ; or facia is a principal member in an architrave as to height, but its projection is not more than that of a fillet. METHOD OF REPRESENTING TREES UPON POTTERY. When the pottery has received from the workman its form, and after it has ac- quired some degree of consistence, the sur- face, on which the representation of trees is desired, must be steeped in a vessel, con- taining a solution of argile (clay) very much diluted, either coloured or not as may be required, until it is perfectly moist. This process will give to the pot, the same colour, as the clay, in which it has been steeped. When this process is finished, in order that trees may be produced, it is sufficient, whilst the solution of clay is yet moist, and even at the moment when taken from the steeping vessel, to place lightly with a brush in different parts of the surface spots of whatever colour the trees may be re- quired ; each spot producing a tree of a large or small size according to the quan- tity of colour used upon each, and also to the manner in which the workman acts with the hand in which the pot is held. The trees may be of any colour what- ever, but the most agreeable colour is bistre, which is thus composed : take one pound of manganese calcined ; 6 ounces of iron rust, or 1 lb of iron ore ; and three ounces of ground flint. The manganese and the iron rust, or iron ore, must be bruised separately in a mortar, after which they must be put together into a crucible 288 THE ARTISAN. and calcined. The mixture thus prepared may again be bruised, and afterwards put into a small tub of water, in order to render it moist. For blue, green, or other colours, the materials which are generally used for producing them may be prepared in the same manner as above. But to apply these different colours to the articles, it is neces- sary, as in ordinary painting, to use a mor- dant instead of moistening with water. The best mordant that can be employed is urine, and the essence, or juice of tobacco. In order to obtain tobacco water for this purpose, it is sufficient to steep two ounces of good leaf tobacco in a bottle of cold water for 10 or 12 hours, or simply to infuse two ounces of tobacco in a bottle of hot water. SOLUTIONS OF QUESTIONS. Quest. 38, answered by Mr. Graham, Teacher, Liverpool, ( the proposer ). Put x equal one of the lenear edges of the regular tetraedron, then arises the fol- lowing equation 2 x 6x, reduced, 4 gives x equal 2^/3 the lenear edge of the tetraedron. Thus, at page 185, Dr. Hut- ton’s large mensuration, the content of the tetraedron is 2^6, and the diameter of the circumscribed sphere is 3^/2. Then 3^/2 cubed and multiplied into *5236 (the soli- dity of a sphere whose diameter is 1), gives 39*9868 solid feet, which is evidently the least circumscribed sphere : also the solid content of the tetraedron taken from the content of the circumscribed sphere is feet 35.0878 solid feet of gold. Then, 1 : oz. av. feet oz. 18888 x it : : 35 0878 : 6042311583 Troy, at 3 1. 17 s. 10 §d. per oz. comes to2413148Z. 3s. 9 d. Again, the content of the pebble tetraedron is 2^/6 feet, multiplied into 2700 oz. av. (the weight of a solid foot of pebble) is 13227*2446 oz. av. which, added to the weight of the gold in avoidupoise ounces (662738-5169), gives 675965 7615 oz av. the weight of the whole globe ; also the weight of the globe’s bulk of sea- water is 39.9867 multiplied into 1030 oz. (the weight of a solid foot of sea water) or 41186.39 oz. av., which, taken from the weight of the whole globe, is 634779*37 oz. av. which is the weight that will just sink the required cork globe below the surface of the water. Then it is plain that every solid foot of cork will take 1030—288. oz. av. ft. or 792 oz. to sink it. Hence, 792 : 1 : : oz, av, 634779 37 : 801.489 solid feet of cork. Lastly, 801*489 solid feet divided by *5236 (the solidity of a sphere whose diameter is 3) and the cube root extracted, gives 11-523 feet, the diameter of the cork globe required. This question was also answered by Mr. J. Barr, but by taking the price of standard gold too high, and the specific gravity of sea- water too low, with some other slight mistakes, he makes the value of the gold by far too great, and the dia- meter of the cork globe considerably too little. Quest. 39, answered by Mr. Whitcombe, Mathematician, Cornhill. Let A C denote the pillarzzlSO feet B C — the height of the statue = 10 feet, and D the required point, then per a fluxionary process (rather too long for the limits of the Artizan) A D is found to be a mean pro- portional between the distance A B and AC, consequently AD“ 154*91, and the ADBz 45° 55' 65", also A DCzz44° 4' 24", : A D B — A D C~ BD C “ 1 Q 51' 31" as required. This question was also answered cor- rectly by Mr. J. Taylor, Clement's -lane, and by a correspondent in Bristol, who signs T. D y ; but there must be some mistake injhis solution, for he only makes the required angle 52' 62", and we know it is 1° 51' at least. As this question may be solved geome- trically, we will thank some of our mathe- matical correspondents to send us the con- is struction and demonstration. Ed. QUESTIONS FOR SOLUTION. Quest. 43, proposed by Mr. J. Whit- combe. In a given segment of an Elipsis, it is re- quired to inscribe (geometrically) a rect- angle, whose length shall be to its breadth as a to c ? Quest. 44, proposed by C. G. Required to divide £20 between A and B, so that the cube of B’s share may be £602 less than the cube of A.’s 1 THE ARTISAN. 289 PNEUMATICS. STEAM ENGINE. In our last article on Pneumatics, we gave a description and drawing of a newly- invented Gas Engine, which is intended, and will, in all probability, be applied, to perform the same operations as the high pressure steam engines are at present. Leaving time and experience to decide whether this can be accomplished or not, we shall again resume the subject of the steam engine ; and in doing this we shall select Mr. Maud slay’s Portable Engine for the object of our present remarks, beeause it differs materially, not only from Mr. Watt’s, but from all those for which patents have been more recently obtained. maudslay’s steam engine. This engine differs from all others, in not having the beam usually employed for connecting the fly-wheel crank with the piston rod, in the working of the valves, and in several other respects; but in order to render the construction and operation of this engine more easily understood, we shall give an exact representation of the front elevation, as well as two sections of a ten-horse power engine. FRONT ELEVATION. 290 THE ARTISAN. END VIEW.* A. Is the cast iron frame of the engine. B. The cylinder. C. The piston, furnished with the rod B, and a. cross head and socket E. F. Guide wheels, which keep the piston and rod in a vertical position. G. Frame for ditto, in which the wheels F F are made to work. H. Side rods, which serve to connect the cross head with the double crank 1 1. 1 1. Two cranks, made to turn in the pluminer-blodr, or bearing J J at each * The Longitudinal Section will be given in our nr-*'.. side of the frame, and to which the fly- wheel shaft K is connected by a coupling- box or clutch, at the end next the engine. K. Fly- wheel shaft, working in a plum- mer-block on the wall. L. Coupling-box, connecting the engine with the fly-wheel shaft. M. The fly-wheel. N N. Two eccentric wheels, supported by the crank-shaft K, the action of which give motion to the two beams O and T, by means of the connecting rods P P. O. The beam which works the cold water pump S. PP. Two connecting rods. THte artisaM. 291 Q. Yhe double bearing, on which the Cold water pump-beam works. R. A rod which serves to connect the backet of the cold water pump with the beam O. S. The barrel of the cold water pump. T. Beam which works the air and hot water pumps, and to which motion is com- municated by the connecting rods P, as before described. U. The slings which connect the air- pump rod with the end of the beam T. V. The double bearing or centre, on which the air-pump beam T works. W. The air-pump bucket. X. Air-pump cylinder. Y. Hot water pump, worked by a small rod, attached to the air-pump beam. Z. Feed-pipe, to supply the boiler with hot water. a. Cross rail, on which a guide is fixed to confine the air-pump rod in a vertical position. b. The condenser. c. The cold water cisterns, connected by a pipe (L e. Eduction pipe, or passage for the steam from the cylinder to the condenser. /. Injection cock, to admit the cold water into the condenser. g. Foot valve at the bottom of the air- pump, and communicating from thence to the condenser. h. Hand gear, for stopping or starting the engine. i . A rod, connecting the hand gear with an eccentric 7c, fixed on the crank shaft; the action of which communicates a vibra- tory motion to the rod i. 1. Connecting rod, and double ended lever m, fixed at the extreme end of a spindle, while a beveled wheel is attached to the other ; the latter of which works the spindle of the steam-cone n. o. The steam-cone or cock, for admitting the steam from the boiler to the cylinder ; beyond which is a contrivance for shutting otf the steam, at the half or any other pat of the stroke, by which a very considerable saving in the steam, and consequently ip the fuel, is effected. ©TT1CS. OF THE REFLECTING TELESCOPE. The great difficulty of managing refract- ing telescopes when of great length, and the impossibility of obtaining a higher mag- nifying power than 500 times, even by making them 600 feet long, stimulated philosophers to attempt a different mode of constructing telescopes, which they have effected by applying the principle of re- flection, instead of that of direct vision. By this means instruments of a much shorter length answer the purpose much better; for a reflecting telescope 6 feetlong, will magnify as much as a refracting one 100 feet long. GREGORIAN TELESCOPE. The first telescope of the reflecting kind, which was found to answer the purpose, was invented by Dr. James Gregory, a Scotsman, about the year 1661. The instrument which he invented, is represented by the following figure. At the bottom of the great tube TTTT is placed the large concave mirror DUVF, whose principal focus is atm; and in its middle is a round hole P, opposite to which is placed the small mirror L, con- cave toward the great one ; and so fixed to a strong wire M, that it may be moved farther from the great mirror, or nearer to it, by means of a long screw on the outside of the tube, keeping its axis still in the same line P m n with that of the great one. Now, since in viewing a very remote object, we can scarcely see a point of it but what is at least as broad as the great mir- ror, we may consider the rays of each pen- cil, which flow from every point of the object, to be parallel to each other, and to cover the whole reflecting surface D UV F. But to avoid confusion in the figure, we shall only draw two rays of a pencil flow- ing from each extremity of the object into the great tube, and trace their progress, through all their reflections and refrac- tions, to the eye/, at the end of the small 292 THE ARTISAN. tube tt , which is joined to the great one. Let us then suppose the object A R to be at such a distance, that the rays C may flow from its^ lower extremity B, and the rays E from its upper extremity A. Then the rays C falling parallel upon the great mirror at D, will be thence reflected con- verging, in the direction D G ; and by cross- ing at I in the principal focus of the mir- ror, they will form the upper extremity I of the inverted image I K, similar to the lower extremity B of the object A B : and passing on to the concave mirror L (whose focus is at n) they will fall upon it at g, and be thence reflected converging, in the direction g N, because g m is longer than g n ; and passing through the hole P in the large mirror, they would meet somewhere about r, and form the lower extremity d of the erect image a d, similar to the lower extremity B of the object A B. But by passing through the plano-convex glass R in their way, they form that extremity of the image at b. In like manner, the rays E, which come from the top of the object AB, and fall parallel upon the great mir- ror at F, are thence reflected converging to its focus, where they form the lower ex- tremity K of the inverted image I K, simi- lar to the upper extremity A of the object A B ; and thence passing on to the small mirror L, and falling upon it at h, they are thence reflected in the converging state h O ; and going on through the hole P of the great mirror, they will meet somewhere about q, and form there the upper ex- tremity a of the erect image a d, similar to the upper extremity A of the object A B : but by passing through the convex glass R in their way, they meet and cross sooner, as at a, where that point of the erect image is formed. The like being under- stood of all those rays which flow from the intermediate points of the object, between A and B, and enter the tube T T ; all the intermediate points of the image between a and b will be formed : and the rays pass- ing on from the image through the eye- glass S, and through a small hole e in the end of the lesser tube t t, they enter the eye/, which sees the image a d (by means of the eye-glass) under the large angle c e d, and magnified in length, under that angle from c to d. In the best reflecting telescopes, the focus of the small mirror is never coin- cident with the focus m of the great one, where the first image I K is formed, but a little beyond it (with respect to the eye) as at n : the consequence of which is, that the rays of the pencils will not be parallel after reflection from the small mirror, but converge so as to meet in points about q , e, r ; where they will form a larger upright image than a d, if the glass R was not in their way : and this image might be viewed by means of a single eye-glass properly placed between the image and the eye : but then the field of view would be less, and consequently not so pleasant, for which reason, the glass R is still re- tained, to enlarge the scope or area of the field. To find the magnifying power of this te- lescope, multiply the focal distance of the great mirror by the distance of the small mirror from the image next the eye, and multiply the focal distance of the small mirror by the focal distance of the eye- glass: then, divide the product of the former multiplication by the product of the latter, and the quotient will express the magnifying power. One great advantage of the reflecting telescope is, that it will admit of an eye- glass of a much shorter focal distance than a refracting telescope will; and, con- sequently, it will fhagnify so much the more : for the rays are not coloured by re- flection from a concave mirror, if it be ground to a true figure, as they are by passing through a convex-glass, let it be ground ever so true. The adjusting screw on the outside of the great tube fits this telescope to all sorts of eyes, by bringing the small mirror either nearer to the eye, or removing it farther from it: by which means, the rays are made to diverge a little for short-sighted eyes, or to converge for those of a long sight. The nearer an object is to the telescope, the more its pencils of rays will diverge before they fall upon the -great mirror, and therefore they will be the longer of meeting in points after reflection ; so that the first image I K will be formed at a greater distance from the large mirror, when the object is near the telescope, than when it is very remote. But as this image must be formed farther from the small mirror than its principal focus n, this mir- ror must be always set at a greater dis- tance from the large one, in viewing near objects, than in viewing remote ones. And this is done by turning the screw on the outside of the tube, until the small mir- ror be so adjusted, that the object (or rather its image) appear perfect. CASSEGRAINIAN TELESCOPE. Soon after the discovery of the Grego- rian telescope, Mr. Cassegrain, a native of France, produced a reflecting telescope, which he pretended was an original inven- tion ; but it differs in no respect from the Gregorian, except in having a convex in- stead of a concave mirror. This form of the small mirror has the effect of shorten- ing the telescope twice the focal length of the small speculum. But notwithstanding THE ARTISAN, 293 this and some other advantages, which it has in theory over the Gregorian teles- cope, it is but little used. Captain Kater has, however, made several astronomical observations with it, and found it much superior to a Gregorian one of the same magnifying power. This led him to under- take a comparison of the two instruments, for which purpose he caused one of each to be made, having the specula of the same metal, and of the same pattern ; their mag- nifying powers were also nearly the same. He varied the aperture of the Cassegrai- nian telescope, till he found that both in- struments exhibited the letters of a printed card, with equal clearness and distinct- ness; and after deducting from the ex- posed area of each, the area of the small speculum and its arm, he found that the reflecting surface of the Cassegrainian was 4*63, while that of the Gregorian was 10*87, making the light of the former, (from equal surfaces) to that of the latter, nearly as seven to three. NEWTONIAN TELESCOPE. The Newtonian telescope, which de- rives its name from its illustrious inventor, Sir I. Newton, can only be considered as an improvement, or rather a variety of the Gregorian telescope, which was described in 1663, in a work called the Optica Pro- mota. But though Newton says he was acquainted with this work, before he in- vented his reflecting telescope, which was not till after 1664 ; yet he did not mention the telescope of Gregory, till he was called upon to make some remarks upon that of Cassegrain, who brought it forward as a new discovery, and disputed the invention with him. In a letter to a friend, dated February 23, 1669, Sir Isaac gives an account of “ a small prospective, ” made to try the truth of his conjecture respecting reflecting telescopes. It was 6£ inches long, had an aperture about an inch and a third, a plano-convex eye-glass |4h or |th of an inch deep, and magnified about 35 times, which he considered as more than could be done by a six feet refracting telescope. With this instrument he saw the horns of Venus and the satellites of Jupiter ; but not content with such an experiment, he completed another speculum 2| inches broad, and satisfied himself completely of the superiority of these instruments, which were afterwards brought to such perfection by the labours of Mr. Hadley and the late Sir W. Herschel. The Newtonian Telescope is represented by the following figure. A B CD is a tube or case; EF a large polished speculum, whose focus is at 0 ; GH a plane speculum truly concentred, and fixed at half a right angle with the axis of the large one. Then parallel rays, as a E, h F, falling on the large speculum E F, instead of being reflected to the focus o, are intercepted by the small plain specu- lum G H, and by it reflected towards a hole c d in the side of the tube, crossing each other in the point O, which now be- comes the true focal point; and from thence they proceed to an eye-glass ef placed in that hole, whose focal distance is very small, and therefore the power of magnifying may be very great in this form of the telescope ; because the image I M is made by one reflection (for that of the plane speculum only alters the course of rays, and adds nothing to the confusion of the image ), and will, for that reason, bear being viewed by a glass of a very deep charge , in comparison with an image formed by differently refrangible rays. In order to obtain a reflection with less loss of light, Sir Isaac Newton proposed to substitute a rectangular prism in place of the small mirror, having its sides perpen- dicular to the incident and the emerging rays, so that the light might suffer total re- flection from its posterior surface. By making these two faces of the prism con- vex, the object will be seen erect instead of inverted. As it is more difficult to find any of the celestial bodies with a Newtonian than with a Gregorian telescope, it has been customary to fix a small astronomical telescope on the tube of the former, so that the axis of the two instruments may be parallel. The aperture of the object-glass is large, 294 THE ARTISAN. and cross hairs are fixed in the focus of the eye-glass. The object is then found by this small telescope, which is called the finder ; and if the axis of the instruments are rightly adjusted, it will be seen also in the field of the large telescope. But notwithstanding this contrivance, the Newtonian telescope is not so com- modious for common use as the Gregorian, it is therefore very seldom employed either for astronomical or terrestrial observations. Should any of our readers wish to see a fuller account of this telescope, they may consult Sir I. Newton’s Optics, and seve- ral papers in the Transactions of the Royal Society, written about the time of its con- struction. CHBMIgTEtlT. IODINE. Iodine was accidentally discovered in 1812, by Mi de Courtois, a manufacturer of saltpetre at Paris. In his processes for procuring soda from the ashes of seaweeds, he found the metallic vessels much cor- roded ; and in searching for the cause of the corrosion, he made this important dis- covery. But for this circumstance, merely accidental, one of the most curious of sub- stances might have remained for ages unknown, since Nature has not distributed it, in either a simple or compound state, through her different kingdoms, but has confined it, to what the Roman satirist con- siders as the most worthless of things, the vile sea weed. Iodine derived its first illustration from M. M. Clement and Desormes. In their memoir, read at a meeting of the Institute of France, these able chemists described its principal properties. They stated its specific gravity to be about 4 ; that it be- comes a violet coloured gas at a tempera- ture below that of boiling water, whence it received the name of Iodine , which is a word derived from the Greek, signifying, like a violet; that it combines with the metals, and with phosphorus, and sulphur, and likewise with thb alkalis and metallic oxides; that it forms a detonating com- pound with ammonia ; that it is soluble in alcohol, and still more soluble in ether ; and that by its action upon phosphorus and upon hydrogen, a substance is formed, having the characters of muriatic acid. In this communication they offered no de- cided opinion respecting its nature. In 1813 Sir H. Davy happened to be on a visit to Paris, and when M. Clement shewed him Iodine, he said that he be- lieved it w as a substance analogus in its Chemical relations to chlorine. Iodine has been found in various kinds of sea weed. But it is from the incinerated sea weed or kelp, that Iodine is to be ob- tained in quantities. Dr. Wollaston first communicated a precise formula for ex- tracting it, which is as follows: Dissolve the soluble part of kelp in water ; concen- trate the liquid by evaporation, and sepa- rate all the crystals that can be obtained. Pour the remaining liquid into a clean vessel, and mix with it an excess of sul- phuric acid. Boil this liquid for some time. Sulphur is precipitated, and mu- riatic acid driven off. Decant off the clear liquid, and strain it through wool. Put it into a small flask, and mix it with as much black oxide of manganese, as was used be- fore of sulphuric acid. Apply to the top of the flask a glass tube, shut at one end. Then heat the mixture in the flask. The Iodine sublimes into the glass tube. None can be obtained from sea water. In repeating this process, Dr. U*e, of Glasgow, obtained from similar quantities of kelp such variable products of Iodine, that he was induced to institute a series of experiments for discovering the causes of these anomalies, and for procuring Iodine at an easier rate. In this he appears to have been successful, for instead of pro- curing this singular element in such small quantity as a few grains, he has obtained ounces at a time, and at a moderate ex- pense. But our limits wall not permit us to give a detail of the process he pur- sued.*' The substance he obtained it from was the residuum of soap leys, the alkaline matter of which consisted solely of kelp. From this residuum he first obtained a brown oily liquid, and from 'this liquid he procured Iodine in considerable quantity. Iodine is a solid, of a greyish-black colour and metallic lustre. It is often in scales similar to those of micaceous iron ore, semetiines in rhomboidal plates, very large and very brilliant. It has been obtained in elongated octahedrons, nearly half an inch in length ; the axis of which were shown by Dr. Wollaston to be to each other, as the numbers 2, 3, and 4, at least so nearly, that in a body so volatile, it is scarcely possible to detail an error in this estimate, by the reflective goniometer. Its fracture is lamellated, and it is soft and friable to the touch. Its taste is very acrid, though it is very sparingly soluble in water. It is a deadly poison. It gives a deep brown stain to the skin, which soon vanishes by evaporation. In odour, and power of destroying vegetable colours, it resembles very dilute aqueous chlorine. The specific gravity of Iodine at 62|° is 4*948. It dissolves in 7000 parts of water. * This will be found in the 50th voi. of the PhU losophical Magazine. THE ARTISAN. 295 The solution is of an orange yellow colour, and in small quantity tinges raw starch of a purple hue, which vanishes on heating it. It melts, according to M. Gay Lussac, at 227° F., and is volatilized under the com- mon pressure of the atmosphere, at the temperature of 350°. According to Ure,it evaporates pretty quickly at ordinary tem- peratures. Boiling water aids its subli- mation, as is shown in the above process of extraction. The specific gravity of its violet vapour is *8678. It is a non-con- ductor of electricity. When the voltaic chain is interrupted by a small fragment of it, the decomposition of water instantly ceases. Iodine is incombustible, but with azote it forms a curious detonating compound ; and in combining with several bodies, the intensity of their mutual action is such, as to produce the phenomena of combustion. Iodine combines with oxygen and with chlorine; but these combinations will be described when treating of iodic acid. With a view of determining whether it was a simple or compound form of matter, Sir FI. Davy exposed it to the action of the highly inflammable metals. When its vapour is passed over potassium heated in a glass tube, inflammation takes place, and the potassium burns slowly with a pale blue light. There was no gas disengaged when the experiment was repeated in a mercurial apparatus. The iodide of potas- sium is white, fusible at a red-heat, and soluble in water. It has a peculiar acrid taste.* When acted on by sulphuric acid, it effervesces, and iodine appears. It is evident, that in this experiment there had been no decomposition ; the result depend- ing merely on the combination of iodine with potassium. By passing the vapour of iodine over dry red hot potash, formed from potassium, oxygen is expelled, and the above iodide results. Hence we see, that at the temperature of ignition, the affinity between iodine and potassium, is superior to that of the latter for oxygen. But iodine in its turn is displaced by chlorine, at a moderate heat; and if the latter be in excess, chloriodic acid is formed. M. Gay Lussac passed vapour of iodine in a red heat over melted sub-car- bonate of potash ; and he obtained carbo- nic acid and oxygeu gases, in the propor- tions of two in volume of the first, and one of the second, precisely those which exist in the salt The oxide of sodium, and the sub-car- bonate of soda, are completely decom- posed by iodine. From these experiments it would seem, that this substance ought to * When iodine is combined with any other sub- stance, the compound is called an iodide- of that Substance. disengage oxygen, from most of the oxides ; but this happens only in a small number of cases. The protoxides of lead and bis- muth are the only oxides not reducible by mere heat, with which it exhibited that power.* Barytes, strontian, and lime, combine with iodine, without giving out oxygen gas, and the oxides of zinc and iron undergo no alteration in this respect. From these facts we must conclude, that the decomposition of the oxides by iodine depends less on the condensed state of the oxygen, than upon the affinity of the metal f »r iodine. Except barytes, strontian, and lime, no oxide can remain in combination with iodine at a red heat. M. Gay Lussac says, “ Sulphate of pot- ash was not altered by iodine; but what may appear astonishing, I obtained oxy- gen with the fluate of potash, and the glass tube in which the operation was conducted was corroded. On examining the circumstances of the experiment, I ascertained that the fluate became alka- line when melted in a platinum crucible: This happened to the fluate over which I passed iodine. It appears then that the iodine acts upon the excess of alkali, and decomposes it. The heat produced dis- engages a new portion of fluoric acid or its radical, which corrodes the glass ; and thus by degrees the fluate is entirely de- composed.” These facts seem to give countenance to the opinion, that the fluoric is an oxygenized acid ; and that the salt called fluate of potash is not a fluoride of potassium. Iodine forms with sulphur a feeble com- pound of a greyish-black colour, radiated like sulphuret of antimony. When it is distilled with water iodine separates. Iodine and phosphorus combine with great rapidity at common temperatures, producing heat without light. From the presence of a little moisture, small quan- tities of hydriodic acid gas are exhaled. Oxygen expels iodine from both sulphur and phosphorus. “ Hydrogen,” says Gay Lussac, “ whether dry or moist, did not seem to have any action on iodine at the ordinary temperature of the atmosphere ; but if, as was done by Clement, in an ex- periment in which I was present, we expose a mixture of hydrogen and iodine to a red heat in a tube, they unite together, and hydriodic acid is produced, which gives a reddish-brown colour to water.” Sir H. Davy, with his characteristic inge- nuity, threw the violet coloured gas upon the flame of hydrogen, when it seemed to support its combustion. He also formed a compound of iodine with hydrogen, by t A protoxide signifies a substance combined with one, or the first, dose of oxygen. 296 THE ARTISAN. heating to redness the two bodies in a glass tube. Charcoal has no action upon iodine, either at a high or low temperature. Several of the common metals, on the con- trary, as zinc, iron, tin, mercury, attack it readily, even at a low temperature, pro- vided they be in a divided state. Though these combinations take place rapidly, they produce but little heat, and but rarely any light. When iodine and oxides act upon each other in contact with water, the water is decomposed; its hydrogen unites with iodine, to form hydriodic acid ; ( while its oxygen, on the other hand, produces with iodine, iodic acid. All the oxides, how- ever, do not give the same results. We obtain them only with potash, soda, bary- tes, strontian, lime, and magnesia. From all the above recited facts, we are warranted in concluding iodine to be an undecompounded body. In its specific gra- vity, lustre, and magnitude, it resembles the metals ; but in all its chemical agen- cies, it is analogous to oxygen and chlorine. It is a non-conductor of electricity, and possesses, like these two bodies, the ne- gative electrical energy with regard to metals, inflammable, and alkaline sub- stances ; and hence, when combined with these substances in aqueous solution, and electrized in the voltaic circuit, it separates at the positive surface. But it has a posi- tive energy with respect to chlorine; for when united to chlorine, in the chloriodie acid, it separates at the negative surface. This likewise corresponds with their relative attractive energy, since chlorine expels iodine from all its combinations. Iodine dissolves in carburet of sulphur, giving, in very minute quantities, a fine amethystine tint to the liquid. Iodide of mercury has been proposed for a pigment ;* in other respects, iodine has not been applied to any purpose of common life. M. Orfila swallowed 6 grains of iodine; and was immediately affected with heat, constriction of the throat, nausea, eructation, salivation, and cardialgia. In ten minutes he had copious bilious vomitings, and slight colic pains. His pulse rose from 70 to about 90 beats in the minute. By swallowing large quantities of mucilage, and emollient clys- ters, he recovered, and felt nothing next day but slight fatigue. About 70 or 80 grains proved a fatal dose to dogs. They usually died on the fourth or fifth day. * There are two iodides of mercury, the one yel- low and the other red ; both are fusible and vola- tile. ABTEONOMY a OF THE FIXED STARS. The fixed stars are considered by Astro- nomers as forming no part of the solar system ; but as placed far beyond the ut- most limits of it. They have supposed, that each star is a sun, having a number of planets and comets circulating round it ; and that each of the planets, thus circulat- ing round these luminaries, may be a habitable world like our own. The strongest argument for this hypo- thesis is, that fixed stars cannot be mag- nified by the most powerful telescopes, on account of their extreme distance. Hence it is concluded, that they shine by their % own light ; and that each of them is a sun equal, if not superior, in lustre and mag- nitude to our own. When the stars are examined through a telescope, they rather seem diminished than increased in size. This circumstance alone would have been a striking proof of the immeasurable distance of these bodies, had we not been in possession of still mora convincing evidence. In every attempt which Astronomers have made with the best of instruments, to discover the parallax of the stars, they never found it to amount to one second, even when the earth was in opposite points of her orbit ; and there- fore they have determined that the nearest of these luminaries cannot be less than 206,265 times the radius of the earth’s orbit. As light traverses the latter in 8,' IS'', it will require 8 years and 79 days to come from a fixed star to the earth. And it is believed some of them may be so remote, that their light has not yet reached the earth since they were created ; — while others, which have disappeared, or have been destroyed many ages ago, may con- tinue to shine in the heavens, till the last ray, which they emitted, has reached our globe. The number of stars discoverable at any time in the heavens, by the naked eye, is not above a thousand. This may at first appear incredible to some, because they seem to be innumerable ; but the decep- tion arises from looking upon them hastily, without reducing them into any kind of order. For let any person look steadily a little time upon a large portion of the heavens, and count the number of the stars in it, and he will be surprised to find the number so small. And if the moon be observed for a short space of time, she will be found to meet with very few in her way, although there are as many about her path as in any other part of the heavens. Flamstead’s catalogue of the stars in both hemispheres, contains only 3000 ; and a great number of these cannot be THE ARTISAN. 297 seen without the assistance of a. telescope. When the heavens are examined with a good telescope, the stars are not found to be uniformly scattered over the firmament. In some places they are crowded together ; and, in other parts, there are large spaces where no stars can be seen. Besides these starry groups, where the individual stars are distinctly visible, there are num- bers of smalt luminous spots, of a cloudy appearance, called Nebulae. The largest of these nebulae is the galaxy or milky way, a white luminous zone, which nearly encircles the heavens ; and which appears to be the nearest of all the nebulae. While the heavens exhibit these appear- ances, which may be termed constant , they occasionally exhibit others of a different kind, which seem to arise from some great physical changes that are going on in the universe. Several new stars have ap- peared for a time, and then vanished; some that are inserted in the ancient catalogues can no longer be found, while others are constantly and distinctly visible, which have not been described by any of the ancients. Some have gradually in- creased in lustre ; others have been gra- dually diminishing, and a great /lumber sustain a periodical variation in their bril- liancy. In order to explain these singular changes, Astronomers have supposed that the stars are suns, having part of their surface occupied by large black" spots, which, in the course of their rotation about an axis, present themselves to us, and thus diminish the brilliancy of the star. Some Astronomers suppose the black spots to be permament ; but others are of opinion that the luminious surface of these bodies is subject to perpetual change, which some- times increase ‘their light, and at others extinguish it. The stars are divided into orders or classes, according to their apparent mag- nitudes. Those that appear largest to the naked eye have been called stars of the first magnitude ; those that appear next largest the second magnitude, and so on, to the sixth, which comprehends the small- est stars that are visible to the naked eye. All those that can only be perceived by the help of a telescope, are called teles- copic stars. The stars of each class are not all of the same apparent magnitude. In the first class, or those of the first magnitude, there are scarcely two that appear of the same size. There are also other stars, of interme- diate magnitudes, which astronomers can- not refer to any particular class, and there- fore they place them between two ; but on this subject Astronomers differ considera- bly ; some of them classing a star among those of the first magnitude, while others class it among those of the second, and so on with others. r In fact it may be said, that there are almost as many orders of stars as there are stars, on account of the great varia- tions observable in their magnitude, colour, brightness, &c. Whether these varieties of appearance are owing to a diversity in their real magnitudes, or from their dif- ferent distances, it is impossible to deter- mine ; but it is highly probable that both of these causes contribute to produce these effects. To the naked eye the stars appear of a sensible magnitude, owing to the glare of light arising from the numberless reflec- tions from the serial particles, &c. about the eye ; this makes us imagine the stars to be much larger than they would appear, if we saw them only by the few rays which come directly from them, so as to enter our eyes without being intermixed with others. Any person may be sensible of this, by looking at a star of the first magnitude through a long narrow tube, which, though it takes in as much of the heavens as would hold a thousand such stars, it scarcely renders that one visible. The stars being so immensely distant from the earth, there seems to be but little pro* bability of ascertaining with certainty, the real magnitude of any of them. And as the late Sir W. Herschel has very justly remarked, “that in the classifi- cation of stars into magnitudes, there is either no natural standard, or at least none that can be satisfactory; and that the Astronomers who have thus classed them, have referred their size or lustre to some imaginary standard.” The same illustrious Astronomer ob- serves, u That the inconvenience arising from this unknown, or at least ill-ascer- tained standard, to which we are to refer is such, that all our most careful observa- tions labour under the greatest disad- vantage. If any dependance could be placed on the method of magnitudes, it would follow that many of the stars had undergone a change in their lustre, or apparent magnitude even since the time of Dr. Flamstead. Not less than eleven stars in the constellation Leo have under- gone a change of lustre since his time.” This change Sir W. Hershel believes has arisen from the uncertainty of the standard of magnitudes, and not from any real change in the lustre of stars : and in order to prevent mistakes of this nature to future observers, Sir William proposes to com- pare the lustre of any particular star with one that is greater, and also with one that is less, both of which are to be as near the proposed star as possible. This he thinks would answer much better for detecting The artisan. -2 §3 a change in the lustre of any suspected star, than the vague method of magnitudes, which has been hitherto in use among Astronomers. As a full display ofSirW/s method would occupy more space than can be allotted to it in this work, those who wish to have more information on the subject, may con- sult the Philosophical Transactions, vol. 86, — or a popular work on Astronomy, now publishing by the publishers of this work. The variation in the light of the stars has been ascribed to the interposition of the planets that revolve round them ; but it is not probable that the planets are sullici- ciently large, to produce any sensible effect of this kind, at least. fHtscellaneous Subjects. MEMOIR OF THE LIFE OF NICO- LAS SAUNDERSO'N, L.L.D. Nicolas Saunderson, an illustrious Pro- fessor of the Mathematics in the University of Cambridge, and Fellow of the Royal Society, was born in 1682, at Thurlston in Yorkshire; where his father, besides a small estate, enjoyed a place in the excise. When he was a year old, he was deprived by the small-pox, not only of his sight, but of his eye-halls, which were dissolved by abscesses, so that he retained no more idea of light and colours, than if he had been horn blind. He was sent early to a free- school at Penniston, and there laid the foundation of that knowledge of the Greek and Roman languages, which he after- wards improved so far, by his own appli- cation to the classic authors, as to hear the works of Euclid, Archimedes, and Dio- phantus, read in their original Greek. When he had passed some time at this school, his father, whose occupation led him to be conversant in numbers, began to instruct him in the common rules of arith- metic. Here it was that his genius first appeared ; for he very soon became able to work the common questions, to make long calculations by the strength of his memory, and to form new rules to himself for the more ready solving of such problems as are often proposed to learners as trials of skill. At eighteen, he was introduced to the ac- quaintance of Richard West, of Pnder- bank, Esq. a gentleman of fortune, and a lover of the mathematics, who, observing his uncommon capacity, took the pains to instruct him in the principles of Algebra and Geometry, and gave him every encou- ragement in the prosecution of those studies. Soon after, he became acquainted with Dr. Nettleton, who took the same pains with him ; and it was to these gentlemen that he owed his elementary knowledge of the ma- thematical sciences. They furnished hint with books, and often read and expounded them to him ; but he soon surpassed his masters, and became fitter to teach them than to learn any thing from them. His passion for learning growing up with him, his father sent him to a private academy at Atlercliff, near Sheffield. But Logic and Metaphysics being the principal learning of this school, were neither of them agree- able to the genius of our author; and there- fore he made but a short stay. He re- mained some time after in the country, prosecuting his studies in his own way, without any other assistant than a good au- thor, and some person that could read it to him : being able, by the strength of his own abilities, to surmount all difficulties that might occur. His education had hi- therto been at the expense of his father, who, having a numerous family, found it difficult to continue it ; and his friends therefore began to think of fixing him in some Avay of business, by which he might support himself. His own inclination led him strongly to Cambridge; and after much consideration, it was resolved he should make his appearance there in a way very uncommon ; not as a scholar, but a master ; for his friends, observing in him a peculiar felicity in conveying his ideas to others, hoped that he might teach the Ma- thematics with credit and advantage, even in the University ; or, if this design should miscarry, they promised themselves success in opening a school for him in London. Accordingly, in 1707, being now twenty- five, he was brought to Cambridge by Mr. Joshua Dunn, then a fellow-commoner of Christ’s College; where he resided with that friend, but was not admitted a mem- ber of the college. The society, however, much pleased with so extraordinary a guest, allotted him a chamber, the use of their library, and indulged him in every privilege that could be of advantage to him. But still many difficulties obstructed his design : he was placed here without friends, without fortune, a young man, un- taught himself, to be a teacher of philoso- phy in a university, where it then flourished in the greatest perfection. Whiston was at this time Mathematical Professor, and read lectures in the manner proposed by Saun- derson, so that an attempt of the same kind by the latter, looked like an encroach- ment on the privileges of his office ; but, as a good-natured man, and an encourager of learning, Whiston readily consented to the application of friends, made in behalf of so uncommon a person. Mr. Dunn had been very assidious in making known his character; his fame in a short time had filled the university ; men of learning and THE ARTISAN. curiosity grew ambitious and fond of his acquaintance, so that his lecture, as soon as opened, was frequented by many, and in a short time very much crowded. “ The Principia Mathematical Optics , and Arith- metica Universalis , of Sir Isaac Newton,” were the foundation of his lecture ; and they afforded a noble field for displaying his genius. It, was indeed an object of the greatest curiosity to hear a blind youth read lectures in optics, discourse on the nature of light and colours, explain the theory of vision, the effect of glasses, the phenomena of the rainbow, and other ob- jects of sight; nor was the surprise iff his auditors much lessened by reflecting, that as this science is altogether to be explained by lines, and is subject to the rules of geometry, he should be master of these subjects, even under the loss of sight. As he was instructing the academical youth in the principles of the Newtonian philosophy, it was not long before he be- came acquainted with the incomparable author, although he had left the university several years ; and enjoyed his frequent conversation concerning the more difficult parts of his works. He lived in friendship also with the most eminent mathematicians of the age; with Halley, Cotes, De Moivre. Upon the removal of Whiston from his professorship, Saunderson’s mathematical merit was universally allowed to be so much superior to that of any other com- petitor, that an extraordinary step was taken in his favour, to qualify him with a degree, which the statutes require. Upon application made by the heads of colleges to the Duke of Somerset, their chancellor, a mandate was readily granted by the queen for conferring on him the degree of Master of Arts : upon which he was chosen Lucasian Professor of the Mathematics, Nov. 1711, Sir Isaac Newton all the while interesting himself very much in the affair. His first performance after he was seated in the chair, was an inaugural speech made in very elegant Latin, and a style truly Ciceronian ; for he was well versed in the writings of Tully, who was his favourite in prose, as Virgil and Horace were in verse. From this time he applied himself closely to the reading of lectures, and gave up his whole time to his pupils. He continued among the gentlemen of Christ’s College till 1723 ; when he took a house in Cam- bridge, and soon after married a daughter of the Rev. Mr. Dickens, Rector of Box- worth, in Cambridgeshire, by whom he had a son and a daughter. In 1728, when George II. visited the university, he was pleased to signify his desire of seeing so remarkable a person ; and accordingly the professor waited upon his majesty in the Henate-house, and was there created Doc- tor of Laws by royal favour. Saunderson was naturally of a strong healthy constitution, but being too seden- tary, and constantly confining himself to the house, he became at length a valetudL narian. For some years he frequently com- plained of a numbness in his limbs, which in the spring of 1739, ended in an incurable mortification of his foot. He died April 19, aged fifty-seven, and was buried accord- ing to his request, in the chancel at Box- worth. He had. much wit and vivacity in conversation, and many reckoned him a good companion. He had also a great re- gard to truth, but was one of those who think it their duty to express their senti- ments on men and opinions, without re- serve or restraint, or any of the courtesies of conversation, which created him many enemies, and by the obtrusion of infidel opinions, which last he held throughout his extraordinary life.* He is said, how- ever, to have received the notice of his ap- proaching death with great calmness and serenity ; and after a short silence, re- suming life and spirit, talked with as much composure as he usually did when in per- fect health. A blind man moving in the sphere of a mathematician, seems a phenomenon dif- ficult to be accounted for, and has excited the admiration of every age in which it has appeared. Tully mentions it as a thing scarcely credible in his own master in phi- losophy, Diodotus, that “ he exercised himself in that science with more assiduity after he became blind, and, what he thought almost impossible to be done without sight, that he described his geometrical diagrams so accurately to his scholars, that they could draw every line in its proper direc- tion.” Jerome relates a more remarkable instance in Didymus of Alexandria, who, “ though blind from his infancy, and there- fore ignorant of the very letters, appeared' so great a miracle to the world, as not only to learn logic, but geometry also, to perfec- tion, which seems the most of any thing to require the help of sight.” But, if we consi- der that the ideas of extended quantity, which are tire chief objects of mathematics, may as well be acquired from the sense of feeling, as that of sight; that a fixed and steady attention is the principal quali- fication for this study, and that the blind are by necessity more abstracted than others, for which reason Democritus^ is . said to have put out his eyes, that he might think more intensely. * “ With respect to the infidel part of Saunder- son’s character,” says the Monthly Reviewer, “ we are here naturally reminded of the joke that was- passed on the learned university, on his being elected to fill the Lucasian chair — they have turned out Whiston for believing in but one God , and they have put in Saunderson, who believes iu sm. God at all.” — Monthly Review, v,ol. 3G« 300 THE ARTISAN. An exact and refined ear is what such are commonly blessed with who are de- prived of their eyes ; and Saunderson was perhaps inferior to none in the excellence of his. He could readily distinguish to the fifth part of a note ; and, by his per- formance on the flute, which he had learned as an amusement in his younger years, dis- covered such a genius for music, as, if he had cultivated the art, would have proba- bly appeared as wonderful as his skill in the mathematics. By his quickness in the sense of hearing, he distinguished persons with whom he had only once conversed. He could judge of the size of a room, into which he was introduced, of the distance he was from the wall ; and if ever he had walked over a pavement in courts, piazzas, &c. which reflected a sound, and was after- wards conducted thither again, he could exactly tell whereabouts in the walk he was placed, merely by the note it sounded. There was scarcely any part of the ma- thematics on which he had not written something for the use of his pupils : but he discovered no intention of publishing any of his works till 1733. Then his Mends, alarmed by a violent fever that had threat- ened his life, and unwilling that his la- bours should be lost to the world, impor- tuned him to spare some time from his lec- tures, and to employ it in finishing some of his works ; which he might leave behind him, as a valuable legacy both to his fa- mily and the public. He yielded so far to these entreaties, as to compose jn a short time his “ Elements of Algebra which he left perfect, and transcribed fair for the press. It was published by subscription at Cambridge, 1740, in 2 vols. 4to. with a good mezzotinto print of the author, and an ac- count of his life and character prefixed. The mode by which Saunderson per- formed his calculations, was by a species of palpable arithmetic; that is, a method of performing operations in arithmetic, solely by the sense of touch. The appara- tus he employed, consisted of a table raised upon a small frame, so that he could apply his hands with equal ease both above and below it. On this table were drawn a great number of parallel lines which were crossed by others at right angles ; the edges of the table were divided by notches half an inch distant from one another, and between each notch there were five pa- rallels ; so that every square inch was divided into a hundred little squares. At each angle of the squares where the pa- rallels intersected one another, a hole was made quite through the table. In each hole he placed two pins, a large and a small one. It was by the various arrangements of the pins, that Saunderson performed all his operations. ARCHITECTURE. ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF ARCHES. As we have now given a short account of the five Orders, and also pointed out the peculiarities of Gothic Architecture, we shall here endeavour to explain the particular parts and properties of arches and bridges. A series of truncated wedges resting on two immoveable supports, and having the planes of the faces that press against each other, perpendicular to a vertical plane (represented by the plane of the paper), as in the following figure, form what are called arches in Architecture. 0 ME The most advantageous construction of arches, requires that the parts should be so adjusted as to be in equilibrio, or to balance one another by their weight only ; when this is the case, the arch is called an arch of equilibration. Some other definitions are necessary for understanding the construction of these arches. The truncated wedges of which the arch is composed, and which are usually of stone, are called the voussoirs ; each course of these wedges forming one voussoir. The central voussoir is called the key-stone. The surfaces which sepe- rate the voussoirs from one another, are called the joints. The interior curve of the arch is called the intrados ; the exte- rior, or that which limits all the voussoirs, when they are in equilibrium, is called the extrados. The abutments are masses of masonry, at each end, that support the arch. The beginning of the arch is called the spring of the arch ; the middle, the crown ; the parts between the spring and the crown, the haunches. The part of the abutment from which the arch springs, is termed the impost. If the weights of the voussoirs be to each other, as the difference of the tangents which A B, D C, E F, &c. make with the verticle MN (see the foregoing figure), the whole will be in equilibrio. This fol- lows from the properties of the wedge. See page 148. This theorem is sufficient for the con- struction of arches of any form, because when the curve of the intrados is given, it THE ARTISAN. 301 determines the weight of every individual voussoir. The application of it in par- ticular cases, admits, however, of being greatly simplified. A remarkable instance of this happens when the arch is a circle, and when the joints, (which are usually made perpen- dicular to the curve of the intrados) inter- sect in the same point. In a circular arch , the weights of the voussoirs should be as the differences of the tangents of the arches, reckoned from the crown. This is nothing more than the above proposition, applied to a particular case. Thus in the following figure : If B be the crown of a circular arch, the weight of the voussoir LKNM should be to that of the voussoir M N P O, as the tangent of B N, minus the tangent of B K, to the tangent of B P, minus the tangent of B N ; or if, from a given point D, DH be drawn perpendicular to AC; and if the joints KL, &c. be produced, to cut in E, F, and G, the weights of the voussoirs must be as the segments D E, E F, F G, in order to produce an equilibrium. As the stones themselves cannot always be made in the proportion thus required, the wedges, of which they make parts, are supposed to be extended upward by courses of masonry. The whole mass in- cluded between the plane of the joints produced, as far as that masonry extends, is understood to make up the, weight of the voussoir. It is the business of the theory to calculate this weight; and con- struct the curve which bounds the vous- soirs, when so produced. To the Editor of the Artisan. Sir, Impelled by the dictates of humanity, and perceiving that a miscellaneous part always forms a portion of each number of your valuable scientific work, I am induced to request a place in it on a subject of par- ticular interest to those who are obliged to navigate the seas in the coasting trade during the stormy months of Winter, and also to many humane individuals residing on the coast, who at that boisterous season have been so often called upon to witness the dreadful effects of a “ Winter’s Gale,” when “ Again the dismal prospect opens round. The wreck, the shore, the dying, and the drown’d. ’ It is not my intention to attempt a des- cription of what must be the feelings of those, who are in many cases obliged to be helpless spectators of such distressing scenes ; but by pointing out the means of assistance, which, though long since par- tially known, has been too much generally neglected, I hope to enable them to ex- change their hitherto melancholy feelings on such occasions, for those of joy as in- describable, when they shall have rescued their fellow-creatures from a watery grave, instead of being constrained to witness their premature destruction. In the year 1791, Mr. John Bell, a Ser- jeant of Artillery, made several experi- ments before a committee of the Society of Arts, at Woolwich, wherein he plainly proved the practicability of throwing a rope from a mortar over a stranded vessel ; by which means such a communication might be established between the people on shore, and the wreck, as would enable the former to save the lives of the crew. The following is a figure and brief de- scription of Mr. Bell’s apparatus. 3 02 THE ARTISAN. Fig. 1, represents an 8-inch mortar on its carriage, the chamber of which being constructed to contain only one pound of powder, effectually secures it from burst- ing — -2. A cast-iron shell filled with lead, which weighed 75 lbs — 3. The grommet, or double rope, which was white three- inch; this connected the shell and line — 4. The line wound round poles or hand- spikes, which were withdrawn when the mortar was fired.— -A reel has lately been invented as a substitute for the handspikes : but if the line is coiled in a ziz-zag direc- tion before, and on one side of the mortar, it will be found to go out more freely than in any other way. The rope first tried by Mr. Bell, was a deep-sea line, of which ICO yards weighed 18 lbs: this line with the shell was thrown 400 yards from the mortar, at the elevation of 45°, with a charge of only 15 oz. of powder. Fig. 2 is a seperate view of the shell, with the grommet and end of the line attached thereto, explained by the same figures. This excellent invention, which, as Mr. Bell observes, is so exceedingly simple, that any person once seeing it done, would want no farther instructions, I trust, through the medium of your widely cir- culating work, will become more generally known and practised upon the coast ; for as it is the exclusive attribute of the Al- mighty to give life, the most exalted act of man must be to save the life of his fellow man. Should a farther description be required, I beg leave to refer you and your numerous readers to the 10 vol. of the Trans. Soc. Arts, and 20th vol. of Nicholson’s Phil. Journal, from which 1 have made this abridgment, for the benefit of those who may not be able to consult these expensive works. I am, Sir, Your obedient humble servant, Navarchus. ON THE METHOD OF WARMING APARTMENTS BY HEATED AIR. Sn place of an expensive apparatus, which is attainable by the rich alone, M. Meissner has given us a method, which is equally adapted to the use of a palace or a cottage; costing little, and piesenting every advantage possessed by the most ex- pensive, at the same time that its use is unattended by their inconveniences ; con- tributing very much towards the salubrity of the air in houses, and is at the same time proof against fire. In a small room called the stove-room, and where lie places a stove (either ot iron or earthenware) Mr. Meissner conducts, by means of sheet iron pipes, a current of heated air, into those apartments which he would warm ; at the same time that a cur- rent of cold air is forced back into the chamber of heat, from the room where the heated air has found admission, thus es- tablishing a circulation which includes the whole mass of air in the room, the tempe- rature of which is desired to be encreased ; and which does not cease until there no longer exists any difference in the tempe- rature of the different strata of air, which are in communication with the stove appa- ratus. To produce this effect, the current of heated air be : ng specifically the lightest, must necessarily pass through pipes which are placed high in the walls of the stove- room, near the ceiling, and flows at different heights into the room to be heated ; on the other hand the cold air being specifi- cally the densest, will flow through corres- ponding pipes fixed low down in the wall of the rooms to be heated from other pipes, placed at the same part in the walls of the stove-room. The apparatus may be constructed either on the ground floor or in the cellar ; it may also be placed in a corner of a kitchen or in a chimney, which has a general commu- nication with the chimneys of the house ; in this case, the communication between the rooms and the apparatus maybe formed by simply making holes in the chimney- walls of each room; in the former by means of the pipes. These holes and the pipes likewise, must each be furnished with dampers with which to increase, di- minish, or exclude altogether the currents of air to or from the stove-room at the will of its occupants. But, that each room must necessarily be furnished with a double communication with the stove-room will be sufficiently un- derstood, when the above description is carefully perused. When a change of air is requisite, there is a communication between the outward air and each room, and also one between the outward ajr and the stove-room, fur- nished likewise with the same means of diminishing or excluding its admission ; thus enabling the rooms to be thoroughly aired without opening the doors or win- dows. It is to Mr. Meissner, also, that w r e owe an apparatus which he designates a man- tle ; to be used in case only one apartment is required to be heated. The stove is en- closed in a sort of envelope (formed of potters’ earth) and of its exact form. The intermediate space between this covering and the stove is necessarily filled with air, and in this way the whole may be carried into the room where the heat is required. The upper orifices of the envelope repre- sent the highest pipes of the stove-room; and the lower ones, the lower pipes. Tho THE ARTISAN. 303 instant the temperature of the air in the in- termediate space is heightened, it flows through the upper orifices and is immedi- ately succeeded by the cold air flowing through the lower orifices, thus exhibiting in miniature the action of the stove-room. Of the advantages to be derived from the use of this apparatus it is almost un- necessary to speak. Economy in fuel, pre- vention of any accidents by fire : should it be constructed in the kitchen, a great baving in coals will take place ; and it will be much easier to take care of one Are than of several. METHOD OF POUNCING UPON CLOTH," THE DESIGNS WITH WHICH THEY ARE TO BE EM- BROIDERED. The ordinary means employed in this art, are as follows. Having pricked any de- sign upon paper with a needle, it is dusted over with a piece of muslin containing charcoal very finely pounded and sifted, the dust gets through the holes pricked on the design, and settles on the cloth which is to be embroidered ; then with a black or white pencil, according to the colour of the cloth, the marks left by the charcoal- dust are exactly to be followed. The person who does this ought either to possess a knowledge of drawing, or else to have much adroitness, in order that the form of the design may be exactly pre- served ; but often before the pattern can be finished the dust flies off, and thus occa- sions much embarrassment to the workers. Messrs. Revol and Rigoudet perceiving all the difficulties which attend this method of proceeding, have sought for, and at length ingeniously contrived a remedy ; and the patent which they obtained for their invention having expired, we shall proceed to describe the means they em- ploy. Previously to this process no means of fixing the dust upon the cloth had ever been ascertained, and every person who was employed in this work was obliged to trace with a pen or pencil the design form- ed by the dust, which not only occupied a great part of their time, but often occa- sioned mistakes in the figure to be em- broidered. The new method possesses the advantages of being able to convey to the cloth the exact figure of the design, and facilitates the progress of the embroiderers, allowing them to attain the greatest exac- titude in their work, and sparing them the trouble and time they had employed in re- tracing the design. The method of preparing the composition of the powder for pouncing in black, is as follows : Place an earthen pot over the fire, and put into it a given quantity of gum mastic, adding thereto one-thirtieth part of wax, oil, tar, or pitch ; when this is melted, throw into the pot as much lampblack as may be deemed necessary for the colour of the pounce, stirring the mixture all the time with an iron spoon. W hen all is well mixed, take it from the fire and pour it into sheets of paper, with the corners turned up to prevent its running over, and, when well cooled, pound and sift it, and enclose it in a piece of muslin. Pounce with this whatever design it is intended to form upon any kind of cloth, and then it is instantly to be fixed on the cloth, by passing it over a pan of coals of a gentle heat, or by going over it with a hot iron. In this latter case it is necessary to put a sheet of paper be- tween the design and the iron. Then the design will remain on the cloth neatly and correctly. To make a white powder, — Take a known quantity of gum mastic, and melt it. in a glazed earthen pot over a slow fire ; add to this ^th part of virgin wax, and when the whole is melted, add as much fine white silver as the gum and wax will imbibe, taking great care all the while to stir it in proportion as the white is added. The whole, when well mixed, must undergo the same preparation as the black powder. DIRECTIONS FOR ACQUIRING A KNOWLEDGE OF THE FIXED STARS. BY DAVID THOMSON. In a recent number of this work we gave a short account of an extensive and neatly executed Celestial Atlas. Since the pub- lication of that number we have seen a small work, containing directions for ac- quiring a knowledge of the principal fixed stars, without maps or diagrams. The method of accomplishing this is by imagi- nary lines, which are supposed to be drawn from some conspicuous star, or cluster of stars, previously known, through others that are also known, in order to point out some star which is unknown ; "and after- wards to serve as an index to it, when it is required to be distinguished from others. This plan is not neiv, but it is here adopted more extensively than in any other work we have met with ; and we are con- vinced, that if the imaginary lines and figures to which the stars are referred in this little work, be traced by the eye of a discerning spectator, they will point out, and also serve to fix on the mind the rela- tive places of the principal fixed stars. This to some may appear a matter of little 304 THE ARTISAN. moment; but to the mariner who traverses the pathless ocean, and has not only the 'property, but the lives of lus fellow-crea- tures under his care, it is of the very utmost importance. And, as the intelligent author of this little work very justly observes, “ It is much to be lamented that many who have the charge of vessels at sea, should have so little knowledge of the stars, which often afford opportunities of ascer- taining the situation of a ship during the night, when observations of the sun cannot be obtained perhaps for several days toge- ther. The navigator, therefore, who is accustomed to determine the place of his ship by means of the stars, has a very great advantage, both as regards safety and dispatch, over the one who trusts en- tirely to observations of the sun” The justness of these observations cannot be denied ; and yet, strange to say, a very great proportion of mates and captains of merchant vessels are so little acquainted with the stars, as to be incapable of dis- tinguishing one from another, at least for any useful purpose. But the intelligent seaman knows that the true situation of any place upon the earth can only be de- termined by means of a body in the hea- vens, and that every star he can see has its latitude, longitude, &c. better settled than any spot upon the earth ; and consequently may be employed for this latter purpose, even in the midst of the trackless ocean, when the sun and moon are not to be seen. The little work before us cannot fail to be useful to those who go to sea, as it con- tains a number of examples of finding the latitude, &c. both by the Sun and Stars ; and likewise several valuable tables, one of which appears to us to be new, and must be useful both at sea and land, to all those who are accustomed to make observations on the stars. This is a table containing the time to be added to the right ascension of a star, to find the time of its passing the meridian on any day of the year. This table we may, perhaps, take the liberty of inserting in another part of this work. We perceive that the small work which we have here thought proper to notice, is to form an appendix or supplement to a larger work, containing a set of Lunar and Horary Tables, intended for finding the Longitude at Sea by means of Lunar Obser- vations and Chronometers. This work we may also be induced to notice when it makes its appearance, as we conceive that whatever tends to improve the art of navi- gation, must also improve the trade and resources of this commercial country. SOLUTIONS OF QUESTIONS. Quest. 40, answered by G. G. C. ( the proposer.) As the weights of balls are as the cubes of their diameters ; and as an iron ball 4 inches diameter, weighs 9 lbs ; the diame- ter of the ball or orifice in question, will be (32x7^) ^ zz 6*105142 inches, and its area (6T05142) 3 x *7854-r-144, or *2032914 sq. foot. Now the velocity with which the water is z: 2 (16^ X 8) f ~ 22*686266 feet per second, and the quantity of water that enters in 1 second, is 22*68626 X *2032914, or 4*611922 cubic feet ; conse- quently, in 10 minutes there will enter 4*611922 X 600 =z 2767*1532 cubic feet of sea water, which at 1030 oz. per cubic foot, weighs, 79 tons 10 cwt 1 qr. 27 lb 7oz. As the actual discharge rs to the theore- tical discharge as 62 to 1 (see. Artisan, page 59), the above quantity diminished in this ratio, is 49 tons, 6 cwt. 12 lb. Another gentleman sent us a solution of this question ; but he will perceive, by the above, that the latter part of his solu- tion is erroneous. Ed. Quest. 41, (page 272) answered by J. Johnston, Elm-street , Gray’s-inn-lane. Multiply the number of beats in a mi- nute by itself, and divide the number 141120* by the product, which will give the length in inches. To apply this in the present question, let equal the number of beats, and it must also equal the number of inches. Then, 141120 — — 2 — — a, or L41120 “a 3 , the cube of a 7 7 the unknown number : the cube root of which is 52*7, the number of inches in length, and beats in a minute, or 3124 in an hour. This question was also correctly solved by Mr. J. Whitcombe, Cornhill, and by the Proposer. By mistake there is a question at page 228, which is also numbered 41 ; but though we have received four different solutions to it, we cannot insert any of them, till we have leisure to examine them, for no two of them nearly agree. Ed. QUESTIONS FOR SOLUTION. Quest. 45, proposed by Mr. J. Taylor. Observing 2 men forcing round a screw, whose threads were one inch asunder; and the lever applied to the head of the screw, was 10 feet long : from this data I demand the pressure of the screw, the workmen urging the fever with a force equal to 200 pounds ? * This number is found by squaring 60, the beats in a minute, and multiplying the product by 39*2 inches, the length of a pendulum that vibrates seconds. THE ARTISAN. 305 GEOMETEY. PROPOSITION VII. Theorem, — If a straight line he divided into any two parts, the squares of the whole line, and of one of the parts, are equal to twice the rectangle contained by the whole and that part, together ivith the square of the other part. Let the straight line A B be divided into any two parts in the point C ; the squares of A B, B C, are equal to twice the rect- angle AB, BC, together with the square of A C. Upon AB describe the square of ADEB, and construct the figure as in the preced- ing propositions ; and because A G is equal to GE, add to each of them CK; the whole A K is therefore equal to the whole A C B CE; therefore A K, CE, are double of A K : But A K, C E, are the gnomon AKF, together with the square CK; therefore the gnomon AKF, together with the square CK, is double of AK: But twice the rectangle A B, B C, is double of A K, for B K is equal to B C : Therefore the gnomon A K F, together with the square C K, is equal to twice the rectangle A B, BC: To each of these equals add HF, which is equal to the square of A C ; there- fore the gnomon AKF, together with the squares C K, H F, is equal to twice the rectangle A B, B C, and the square of AC : But the gnomon AKF, together with the squares CK, HF, make up the whole figure ADEB and CK, which are the squares of AB and BC: therefore the squares of A B and B C are equal to twice the rectangle AB, BC, together with the square of A C. Wherefore, if a straight line, &c. Q. E. D. Cor. The square on the difference of two lines, is equal to the square of those lines diminished by twice their rectangle. Let the whole line be 12, and let it be divided into the two parts 8 and 4 : Then the square of (12) the whole line is 144, and the square of (4) one of the parts, is 16; the sum of these is 160. Now the Vol. I.— No. 20, rectangle of 12 and 4 is 48, and twice their rectangles is 96, to which add the square of the other part (8), or 64, and the sum will also be 160. Hence the truth of the proposition is established. PROPOSITION VIII. Theorem. — If a straight line be divided into any two parts, four times the rect- angle contained by the whole line, and one of the parts, together with the square of the other part, is equal to the square of the straight Vine, which is made up of the whole and that part. Let the straight line AB be divided into any two parts in the point C ; four times the rectangle AB, BC, together with the square of A C, is equal to the square of the straight line made up of A B and B C together. Produce A B to D, so that B D be equal to C B, and upon A D describe the square AEFD; and construct two figures such as in the preceding. Because C B is equal to B D, and that C B is equal to G K, and B D to K N ; therefore G K is equal to K N : For the same reason, P R is equal to RO; and because CB is equal to BD, and G K to K N, the rectangle C K is equal to B N, and G R to R N ; but C K is equal to RN, because they are the com- plements of the parallelogram C O ; there- fore also B N is equal to GR ; and the four rectangles BN, CK,GR, RN are there- fore equal to one another, and so are quad- ruple of one of them C K : Again, because A C B D C* K P R E H L F C B is equal to BD, and that B D is equal to B K, that is, to C G ; and C B equal to GK, that is, to GP; therefore CG is equal to GP : and because CG is equal to GP, and P R to R O, the rectangle A G is equal to M P, and P L to RF : But M P is equal to P L, because they are the comple- ments of the parallelogram M L ; where- fore A G is equal also to R F : Therefore the four rectangles AG, M P, PL, R F, are equal to one another, and so are quad- ruple of one of them A G. And it was de- monstrated, that the four CK, B/N, GR, and RN are quadruple of CK. There- X 306 THE ARTISAN. fore the eight rectangles which contain the gnomon A OH, are quadruple of AK: and because A K is the rectangle con- tained by A B, B C, for B K is equal to B C, four times the rectangle A B, B C is quadruple of A K : But the gnomon AOH was demonstrated to be quadruple of A K ; therefore four times the rectangle AB, B C, •is equal to the gnomon A O H. To each of these add X H, which is equal to the square of A C : Therefore four times the rectangle A B, B C together with the square of AC, is equal to the gnomon AOH and the square X H : But the gnomon AOH and X H make up the figure AEFD, which is the square of A D : Therefore four times the rectangle A B, B C, together with the square of A C, is equal to the square of A D ; that is, of A B and B C added together in one straight line. Wherefore, if a straight line, &c. Q. E. D. Let the whole line be 12, and the parts 8 and 4, as in the last proposition. Four times the rectangle of 12 and 4 is 192 ; to which add the square of (8) the other part, and the sum will be 256. Now the line made up of the whole (12) and the part (4) employed to form the rectangle, is 16, the square of which is 256, the same as the sum of the rectangles and square, which was to be shown. PROPOSITION IX. Theorem. — If a straight line be divided into two equal , and also into two unequal parts; the squares of the two unequal parts are together double of the square of half the line , and of the square of the line between the points of section . Let the straight line A B be divided at the point C into two equal, and at D into two unequal parts : The squares of A D, D B are together double of the squares of AC, CD. From the point C draw CE at right angles to A B, and make it equal to A C or C B, and join E A, E B ; through D draw D F parallel to C E, and through F draw FG parallel to AB ; and join AF : Then, because A C is equal to C E, tho angle EAC is equal to the angle AEC ; and because the angle ACE is a right angle , the two others AEC, EAC to- gether make one right angle ; and they are equal to one another; each of them, therefore, is half of a right angle. For the same reason each of the angles CEB, EB C is half a right angle ; and therefore the whole A E B is a right angle : And be- cause the angle GEF is half a right angle, and EGF a right angle, for it is equal to the interior and opposite angle E C B, the remaining angle E F G is half a right angle; therefore the angle GEF is equal to the angle E FG, and the side EG equal to the side G F : Again, because the angle at B is half a right angle, and FDB a right angle, for it is equal to the interior and opposite angle ECB, the remaining angle B F D is half a right angle ; therefore the angle at B is equal to the angle B F D, and the side D F to the side D B : And be- cause A C is equal to C E, the square of AC is equal to the square of CE ; there- fore the squares of A C, C E, are double of the square of A C : But the square of E A is equal to the squares of AC, C E, because A C E is a right angle ; therefore the square of E A is double of the square of A C : Again, because E G is equal to G F, the square of E G is equal to the square of GF; therefore the squares of E G, G F are double of the square of G F ; but the square of E F is equal to the squares of E G, G F ; therefore the square of E F is double of the square G F ; and G F is equal to C D ; therefore the square of E F is double of the square of C D : But the square of A E is likewise double of the square of A C ; therefore the squares of A E, E F are double of the squares of A C, CD : And the square of A F is equal to the squares of A E, E F, because A E F is a right angle ; therefore the square of A F is double of the squares of A C, C D : But the squares of A D, D F are equal to the square of A F, because the angle AD F is a right angle ; therefore the squares of A D, D F are double of the squares of AC, C D : And D F is equal to D B ; therefore the squares of A D, D B are double of the squares of A C, C D. If therefore a straight line, &c. Q. E. D. Let the whole line be 12, then each of the equal parts will be 6 ; and let the un- equal parts be 8 and 4, consequently the part between the points of section, will be 2. Now the sum of the squares of the un- equal parts is 80; and double^the square of (6) half the line, is 72, [to which add double the square of (2) the part between the points of section, and the sum will also be 80. Hence the truth of the proposition is established. PROPOSITION X. Theorem. — If a straight line be bisected , and produced to any point , the square of the whole line thus produced , and the square of the part of it produced, are to- gether double of the square of half the line bisected , and of the square of the line B made up of the half and the part produced. THE ARTISAN 807 Let the straight line AB be bisected in C, and produced to the point D ; the squares of AD, D B are double of the Squares of AC, C B. From the point C draw C E at right angles to A B : And make it equal to A C or CB, and join AE, EB; through E draw E F parallel to A B, and through D draw D F parallel to CE: And because the straight line EF meets the parallels EC, FD, the angles C E F, EFD are equal to two right angles ; and therefore the angles BE F, EFD are less than two right angles ; but straight lines which with another straight line make the interior angles upon the same side less than two right angles, do meet if produced far enough : Therefore E B, F D shall meet, if produced towards B D : Let them meet in G, and join A G : Then, because A C is equal to C E, the angle C E A is equal to the angle EAC; and the angle A C E is a fight angle ; therefore each of the angles CEA, EAC is half a right angle: For the same reason each of the angles CEB, E B C is half a right angle ; therefore A E B is a right angle ; And because EB C is half a right angle, DBG is also half a right angle, for they are vertically opposite ; but B D G is a right angle, because it is equal to the alternate angle D C E ; there- fore the remaining angle DGB is half a right angle, and is therefore equal to the angle DBG; wherefore also the side B D is equal to the side D G : Again, because E F E GF is half a right angle, and that the angle at F is a right angle, because it is equal to the opposite angle E C D, the re- ihaining angle F E G is half a right angle, and equal to the angle EGF; wherefore also the side G F is equal to the side F E. And because EC is equal to C A, the square of E C is equal to the square of C A ; therefore the squares of E C, C A are double of the square of CA: But the square of E A is equal to the squares of EC, CA; therefore the square of EA is double of the square of AC: Again, be- cause G F is equal to FE, the square of GF is equal to the square of FE; and therefore the squares of G F, F E are dou- ble of the square of E F : But the square of E G is equal to the squares of G F, F E; therefore the square of E G is double of the square of E F : And E F is equal to C D ; wherefore the square of E G is dou- ble of the square of CD: But it was de- monstrated, that the square of E A is dou- ble of the square of AC; therefore the squares of A E, E G are double of the squares of AC, CD: And the square of A G is equal to the squares of AE , E G ; therefore the square of A G is double of the squares of A C, CD: But the squares of A D, G D are equal to the square of A G ; therefore the squares of A D, D G are dou- ble of the squares of A C, C D : But D G is equal to DB; therefore the squares of A D, D B are double of the squares of AC, CD. Wherefore, if a straight line, &c. Q. E. D. This proposition is exactly like the pre- ceding, if the sum of the half line and pro- duced part be considered the part between the points of section. Thus let the line be 12 as before, and the part produced, or added 2; then the whole linedhus produced or s formed, will be 14, and the half line and produced part will be 8. Now the square of the whole line (14) is 196, and the square of (2) the part produced, or added is 4, therefore their sum is 200 ; but double the square of half the line (6) is 72, and double the square of the half line and produced part (8) is 128, the sum of which is 200, therefore the truth of the proposition is established. MBCHAH1CS. ON THE REGULATION OF MACHINERY. Amid the great variety of machines which have been applied to the practical purposes of life, there is scarcely one in which there is not a deviation from a uni- formity of action, arising either from the nature of the impelling power, from the nature of the machinery to which it is applied, or from the nature of the work to be performed. 1. When horses or men are the first movers of machinery, the mechanical force which they exert is liable to great variation. When fresh and vigorous, they act with considerable force and steadiness ; but after pulling for some time, the com- mencement of fatigue impairs their activity; and when they have to strive against a great resistance, they indulge in frequent and short relaxations, and then recom- mence their labour with renewed vigour. A constant variation in the velocity of the machine, is the necessary consequence of this unequal action, and by this means the communicating parts of the machinery are not only injured, but the work itself is often ill performed, and the animal is sub- ject to additional fatigue, in dragging the whole machinery from a state of resfc» SOS THE ARTISAN. When the first mover is inanimate, an inequality of force evidently arises from a variation in the velocity of the wind, from an increase or diminution of water, arising from sudden rains and great droughts ; or from an increase or decrease of steam in the boiler, arising from a varia- tion in the heat of the furnace. In the spiral spring, too, its force is a maximum when it begins to uncoil itself, and it gra- dually diminishes till its force is entirely exhausted. A desultory motion in machines arises also from the nature of the machi- nery by which the power is applied. In the single-stroke steam engine, the impel- ling power is so unequal, that for two or three seconds it does not act at all ; and even in the double-stroke steam engine, the beam and all its appendages are brought completely to rest, and must be again dragged into motion at the returning stroke. In applying his power by means of a crank, a man exerts the greatest force when he pulls the handle upwards from the height of his knee ; and his force is a minimum, when the handle being in a ver- tical position, is thrust from him in a hori- zontal direction. Hence Desaguliers found, that when this irregularity was cor- rected by placing two handles at right angles to one another, and making two men drive them, their individual action was 35, whereas with one handle it was only 30. A variation of velocity may frequently arise from the nature of the work to be performed. In thrashing-mills on a small scale, when too much of the corn is taken in by the fluted rollers, the increase of re- sistance immediately retards the machi- nery, and^communicates a desultory motion even to the water-wheel itself. In the pile engine invented byM. Vauloue, a si- milar variation arises from the nature of the work, which is to raise a great weight in order to drive piles. The machine is drawn by horses, and as soon as the ram or weight is elevated and discharged, the resistance against which the horses have been struggling is suddenly removed, and they would instantly fall to the ground, were not this sudden diminution in the re- sistance counteracted by a mechanical con- trivance. The simplest of all contrivances for re- gulating machinery, are fly-wheels, which are nothing more than large heavy wheels driven with great velocity, by the ma- chinery to which they are attached. The use of the fly-wheel is to facilitate the motion of engines, by accumulating and retaining the power communicated to it gradually and equally in each revolution of the machine ; whence it comes to pass that the motion of the machine is rendered very nearly uniform and equal in all parts of the revolution, and therefore more easy, pleasant, and convenient.* The best form for a fly is that of a heavy wheel or circle, of a fit size ; for this will meet with less resistance from the air ; and being continuous, and the weight every where equally distributed through the perimeter of the wheel, the motion will be more easy, equable, and regular. In this form the fly is most aptly applied to the perpendicular drill, where it not only gives weight and regularity of motion, but contributes to keep the drill upright by its centrifugal power. In this form it is also best applied to a windlass or common winch, where the mo- tion is pretty quick ; for when a man turns the bended handle of the winch, his strength is not, nor can be equally exerted in every part of the revolution; for in pulling upwards from the lower quarter, he can exercise more power than in thrust- ing forward in the upper quarter, where, of course, part of his former force would be lost, were it not accumulated and con- served in the equable motion of the fly. By this means a man may work all day in drawing up a weight of 401b.; whereas 30 lb. would create him more labour in a day without the fly. When a fly-wheel is put in motion, it derives a very high momentum from its great weight and velocity, and may there- fore be regarded as a sort of reservoir of power, by which the machine is supplied with velocity whenever there is any defal- cation in the moving power, any intervals of rest arising from the nature of the ma- chinery, or any inequality of resistance arising from the nature of the work to be performed. In the single steam-engine, for example, while the piston is descending, and when no impelling power is exerted, the momentum of the fly keeps up the ro- tatory motion of the machinery, till the impelling force is again exerted during the ascent of the piston. In Vauloue’s pile engine, when the resistance is suddenly removed, the horses are prevented from falling solely by the momentum of a heavy fly-wheel, against which their force is ex- erted, till the ram or weight is again raised. Fly-wheels are sometimes made with vanes, which regulate the descent of a weight by the increased resistance of the air ; but they are not much used in machinery. * The fly does not give any new power to an en- gine as some have imagined : as is evident for the following reasons : — 1. The fly has no motion hut what it receives at first from the machine. 2. A de- gree of force is always necessary to maintain the motion of the fly, which must be supplied from the machine. 3. The friction of the pivot, screw, &c. of the fly, is a resistance to the impressed force, and must abate it. 4. The air likewise makes resistance to the weights at the end of the fly. Upon all which accounts it is easy to understand, that the fly, instead of adding, does very much decrease or lessen the power impressed on the machine. THE ARTISAN. 309 - OF ATWOOD’S MACHINE. This ingeuious machine, which is re- presented by the following figure, was invented by Mr. Atwood, for the pur- pose of illustrating the doctrines of acce- lerated and retarded motion ; and by means of it we are enabled to ascertain experi- mentally, l.The quantity of matter moved; 2. The moving force; 3. The space des- cribed ; 4. The time in which the space is described ; and 5. The velocity acquired at the end of that time. This machine consists of a fixed brass pulley or wheel abed , moving upon a horizontal axis of steel. Each extremity of this axis rests upon two friction wheels, whose axis are horizontal, and the whole is placed upon a platform C D, placed at the top of a vertical pillar C Q, whose base can be put into a true horizontal position by the screws s, s, s. The height of the machine is about eight feet, the greatest diameter of the wheel abed, is about seven inches and five-tenths, the depth of the groove upon its circumfer- ence about one-fourth of an inch, and the diameter of the friction rollers about five inches. A pendulum P W is carried by the shelf R S T, as in the following figure. The plane of the dial plate is parallel to that of the wheel abed. Between the platform C D, and the base ss of the pillar C Q, there rises an upright E F, whose section is a rectangular parallelogram, the jj length of the sides being about one inch and six-tenths, and two inches and one- tenth. The narrowest face is parallel to that of the wheel abed, and carries a divided scale about 64 inches long, and subdivided into inches and tenths. In the following account of the method of using this machine, w r e have implicitly followed the description given by Mr. Atwood himself. Of the quantity of matter moved . — In order to observe the effects of the moving force, which is the object of any experi- ment, the interference of all other forces should be prevented ; the quantity of mat- ter moved, therefore, considering it before ! f any impelling force has been applied, should be without weight ; for though it be impossible to abstract weight from any substance whatever, yet it may be so coun- teracted as to produce no sensible effect Thus in the machine, Fig. 1. A and B re- THE ARTIS A N» 1 m j| I present two equal weights affixed to the ex- tremities of a very fine silk thread, stretched I over a wheel or fixed pulley abed , 1 moveable round a horizontal axis: the two weights A, B, being equal, and acting ^ against each other, remain in equilibrio ; and when the least weight is superadded to either (setting aside the effects of fric- tion), it will preponderate. When A, B j are set in motion by the action of any weight m, the sum A+ B -f m, would con- I stitute the whole mass moved, but for the || inertia of the materials which must neces- !, sarily be used in the communication of motion. These materials consist of, 1. The wheel abed, over which the thread sus- taining A and B passes. 2. The four fric- tion wheels on which the axle of the wheel abed rests. 3. The thread by which the bodies A and B are connected, so as when set in motion to move with equal veloci- ties. The weight and inertia of the thread are too small to have any sensible effect on the experiments ; but the inertia of the other materials constitute a considerable proportion of the mass moved, and must therefore be taken into account. Since when A and B are put in motion, they must move with a velocity equal to that of i the circumference of the wheel abed, to which the thread is applied ; it follows, that if the whole mass of the wheels were accumulated in this circumference, its inertia would be truly estimated by the quantity of matter moved ; but since the parts of the wheels move with different velocities, their effects in resisting the com- munication of motion to A and B by their I inertia, will be different ; those parts which are furthest from the axis, resisting more than those which revolve nearer in a du- ll plicate proportion of those distances. If 1 the figures of the wheels were regular, the distances of their centres of gyration from their axis of motion would be given, and consequently an equivalent weight, which | being accumulated uniformly in the cir- cumference abed, would exert an inertia equal to that of the wheels in their con- j structed form, would also be given. But | as the figures are irregular, recourse must S be had to experiment, to assign that quan- 1 tity of matter, which being accumulated uniformly in the circumference of the wheel abed , would resist the communication of motion to A in the same manner as the wheels. In order to ascertain the inertia of the wheel abed with that of the friction wheels, the weights A, B being removed, the following experiment was made : A weight of 30 grains was affixed to a silk thread of inconsiderable weight ; this thread being wound round the wheel abed, the weight 30 grains by descending from j rest communicated motion to the wheel, i j and by many trials was observed to des- cribe a space of about 38§ inches in 3 se- conds. From these data the equivalent mass or inertia of the wheels will be known from this rule. Let a weight P, suppose 30 grains, fig. 2, be applied to communicate motion to a system of bodies, by means of a very slen- der and flexible thread going round the wheel SLDIM, through the centre of which the axis passes, (G being the com- mon centre of gravity, R the centre of gra- vity of the matter contained in this line, and O the centre of oscillation). Let this weight descend from rest through any convenient space, suppose 38f inches, and suppose that the observed time of its des- cent is 3 seconds; then, as the space through which bodies descend by the force of gravity, in one second of time, is 16^ feet, or 193 inches; the equivalent weight sought will be — - — - — —30 oo’5 zz 1323 grains, or 2 and | ounces. This is the inertia or resistance equivalent to that of the wheel abed, and the friction wheels together; for the rule extends to the estimation of the intertia of the mass contained in all the wheels. The resistance to motion, therefore, arising to Jthe wheels’ inertia, will be the same as if they were absolutely removed, and a mass of ounces uniformly accu- mulated in the circumference of the wheel abed. This being premised, let the boxes A and B be re-placed, and suspended by the silk thread over the wheel or pulley abed,, and exactly balancing each other : then let any weight (m), suppose 4 ounces, be added to A, so that it shall descend, the exact quantity of matter moved during the descent of the weight A, will be as- certained ; for the whole will be A -f- B -f- 4 -J-2f ounces. In order to avoid troublesome computa- tions, in adjusting the quantities of matter moved and the moving forces, some deter- minate weight of convenient magnitude may be assumed as a standard, to which all the others are referred. This standard weight in the subsequent experiments is f of an ounce, and is represented by the let- ter m. The inertia of the wheels being therefore zz 2f or ^ ounces, will be de- noted by 11 m. A and B are two boxes, constructed so as to contain different quan- tities of matter, according as the experi- ment may require them to be varied ; the weight of each box, including the hook to which it is supended zz If oz. or accord- ing to the preceding estimation, the weight of each box will be denoted by 6 m ; these boxes contain weights, each of which weights is an ounce, equivalent to 4m; other weights of f os. zz 2 m, \~m, and aliquot parts of m, such as"f m, f m, may be also included in the boxes. THE ARTISAN. 311 HYDRAULICS. ON BREAST WHEELS. A breast water wheel is a wheel in which the water is delivered at a point in- termediate between the upper and under point of a wheel with float-boards. It is generally delivered at a point below the level of the axis, but sometimes at a point a little higher than the level of the axis. On breast wheels buckets are never em- ployed, but the float boards are fitted accu- rately, with afe little play as possible, to the mill course, so that the water, after acting upon the float-boards by its impulse, is retained between the float-boards and the mill course, and acts'by its weight till it reaches the lowest part of the wheel. A breast wheel, as constructed by Mr. Smeaton, is represented by the following figure, where A B is a portion of the wheel, M N the canal which conveys the water to the wheel, MOP the curvilineal mill course accurately fitted to the extremities of the float-boards, and c d the shuttle moved by a pinion a, for the purpose of regulating the admission of water upon the wheel. M. Lambert observes, that when the fall of water is between 4 and 10 feet, a breast water wheel should be erected, provided there is enough of water ; that an undershot wheel should be used when the fall is below 4 feet, and an overshot wheel when the fall exceeds 10 feet. He recommends also that when the fall exceeds 10 feet, it should be divided into two, and two breast wheels erected upon it. These rules are, however, not of great value. COMPARATIVE EFFECTS OF WATER WHEELS. M. Belidor very strangely maintained, that overshot wheels were inferior to un- dershot ones. It appears, however, from Smeaton’s experiments, that in overshot wheels the ratio of the power to the effect is nearly as 3 to 2, or as 5 to 4, whereas, in undershot wheels the ratio is only as 3 to 1 ; from which it follows, that the effect of overshot wheels is nearly double of the effect of undershot wheels. The Che- valier de Borda has concluded, that over- shot wheels will raise through the height of the fall, a quantity of water equal to that by which they are driven ; that under- shot wheels moving vertically, will pro- duce fths of this effect; that horizontal wheels will produce a little less than £ of it when the float-boards are plain, and a lit- tle more than \ when they are curvilineal. MACHINES MOVED BY THE RE-ACTION OF WATER. Some machines are moved, not directly by the impulse of a stream of water, but indirectly by the relief from pressure which the motion of the stream occasions. The machine known by the name of Barker’s mill, is of this kind. 312 THE ARTISAN. re-action of water were called Barker's barker’s mill. mill, and sometimes Parent's mill. This machine is represented by the fol- < The first mills which were driven by the lowing figure, in which, A is a pipe or channel that b »ings water to the upright tube B. The water runs down the tube, and thence into the horizontal trunk C, and runs out through holes at d and e , near the ends of the trunk on the contrary sides thereof. The upright spindle D is fixed in the bottom of the trunk, and screwed to it below by the nut g ; and is fixed into the trunk by two cross bars at/; so that, if the tube B and trunk C be turned round, the spindle D will be turned also. The top of the spindle goes square into the rynd of the upper mill-stone H, as in common mills; and, as the trunk, tube, and spindle turn round, the mill-stone is turned round thereby. The lower, or quiescent mill- stone is represented by I ; and K is the floor on which it rests, and wherein is the hole L for letting the meal mn through, and fall down into a trough which may be about M. The hoop or case that goes round the mill-stone rests on the floor K, and supports the hopper, in the common w'ay. The lower end of the spindle turns in a hole in the bridge- tree GF, which supports the mill-stone, tube, spindle, and trunk. This tree is moveable on a pin at h, and its other end is supported by an iron rod N fixed into it, the top of the rod going through the fixed bracket O, and having a screw-nut o upon it, above the bracket. By turning this nut forward or backward, the mill-stone is raised or lowered at pleasure. ^Whilst the tube B is kept full of water from the pipe A, and the water continues to run out from the ends of the trunk ; the upper mill-stone H, together with the trunk, tube, and spindle, turns round. But, if the holes in the trunk were stopt, no motion would ensue ; even though the tube THE ARTISAN. 313 and trunk were full of water. >For, if there were no hole in the trunk, the pres- sure of the water would be equal against all parts of its sides within. But, when the water has free egress through the holes, its pressure there is entirely removed: and the pressure against the parts of the sides which are opposite to the holes, turns the machine. In the preceding form of Barker’s mill, the length of the axis must always exceed the height of the fall, and therefore when the fall is very high, the difficulty of erect- ing such a machine would be great. In order to remove this difficulty, M. Mathon de la Cour proposes to introduce the water from the mill course into the horizontal arms, which are fixed to the upright spin- dle, but without any tube. The water will obviously issue from the apertures, in the same manner as if it had been intro- duced at the top as high as the fall. Hence the spindle D may be made as short as we please. The practical difficulty which attends this form of a machine, is to give the arms a motion round the mouth of the feeding pipe, which enters the arm without any great friction, or any considerable loss of water. In the year 1747, Professor Segner, of Gottingen, published, in his Exercitationes Hydraulics, an account of a machine which differs only in form from Dr. Barker’s mill. It consisted of a number of tubes arranged as it were in the circumference of a trun- cated cone ; the water was introduced into the upper ends of these tubes, and flowing out at the lower ends, produced, by virtue of its re-action, a motion round the axis of the cone. Another form of this machine has been suggested 'by Albert Euler. He proposes to introduce the water from the mill course into an annular cavity in a fixed vessel, of the shape nearly of a cylinder. The bot- tom of^ this vessel has several inclined apertures, for the purpose of making the water flow out with a proper obliquity into the inferior and moveable vessel. This in- ferior vessel, which has the form of an in- verted frustum of a cone, moves about an axis passing up through the centre of the fixed vessel, and has a variety of tubes arranged round its circumference. These tubes do not reach to the very top of the vessel, and are bent into right angles at their lower ends. The water from the upper and fixed vessel being delivered into the tubes of the lower vessel, descends in the tubes, and issuing from their horizontal extremities, gives motion to the conical drum by its re-action. The excellence of this method of employ- ing the re-action of water, was first slightly pointed out by Dr. Desaguliers, and no further notice seems to have been taken of the invention, till the appearance of Seg=* ner’s machine in 1747. The attention of Leonhard Euler, John Bernoulli, and Albert Euler, was then directed to the subject, and it would appear, from the re- sults of their investigations, that this is the most powerful of all hydraulic ma- chines, and is therefore the best mode of employing water as a moving power. Leonhard Euler published his theory of this machine in the Memoirs of the Berlin Academy, and the application of the ma- chine to all kinds of work, was explained in a subsequent paper in the same work, for 1752, p. 271. John Bernoulli’s inves- tigations will be found at the end of his Hydraulics. Albert Euler concluded, that when the machine had the form given to it by Seg- ner, the effect was equal to the power, and that the effect is a maximum when the velocity is infinite. Mr. Waring makes the effect of the machine equal only to that of a good undershot wheel, driven with the same quantity of water falling through the same height. The Abbb Bossut has likewise investigated the theory of this ma- chine, and has found that an overshot wheel, and a wheel of the form given to it by Albert Euler, will produce equal effects with the same quantity of water, if the depth of the orifice below the mill- course in the latter machine, be equal to the vertical height of the loaded arch in the overshot wheel; and he, upon the whole, recommends the overshot wheel as preferable in practice. The preceding re- sult, however, proves the inferiority of the overshot wheel, as the height of the loaded arch must be always much less than that of the fall. A new and ingenious theory of this machine has lately been given by Mr. Ewart in the Manchester Memoirs. pitot’s bent tube for measuring the. VELOCITY OF WATER. One of the most ingenious instruments for measuring the velocity of water, is the tube recourbt , or bent tube invented by M. Pitot. It is represented by the following figure, m THE ARTISAN. and consists of a prism of wood ABCDEF, one of the angles of which is presented to the current. On the hinder face B C F E are fixed two tubes of glass parallel to each other, and having a graduated scale be- tween them: one of them; viz. M NO, being bent into a right angle at O, so that the part M N may pass through the prism horizontally. When this instrument is plunged into a running stream, the general level of the current is shown by the rise of the water in the straight tube P Q, while the height of the water in the bent tube M N O, becomes the measure of the force of the stream. The difference between these heights will therefore be the height due to the velocity. In the practical use of this instrument, it is, however, difficult to fix it sufficiently steady to prevent the water from oscillating in the tubes. M . Du Buat having examined the instru- ment experimentally, found that it could be trusted no further, than to give the ratio of different velocities. He therefore sup- pressed the tube P Q altogether, and sub- stituted in place of the bent tube of glass M N O, a simple tube of white iron, suffi- ciently large to admit a float for pointing out the height of the water in the tube. The lower end of this tube is bent back as at M N, and is terminated by a plane sur- face perforated at its centre with a small orifice, which will greatly diminish the os- cillations of the elevated column. If we then take two-thirds of the height of the water in the tube above the level of the stream, we shall have, very exactly, the height due to the velocity of the cur- rent, for the depth to which the orifice is immersed. HYDRAULIC QUADRANT FOR MEASURING THE VELOCITY OF WATER. The hydraulic qiiadrant which has been recommended by several authors for mea- suring the velocity of water, is represented by the following figure. It consists of a quadrant ABC, with a divided arch A B, and having two threads moving round its centre. One of these; C P is short, and carries a weight P, which always hangs in the air, while the other CH or CM is longer, and caries a weight, whose specific gravity is greater than that of water, and which plunges more or less deep in the current as the thread is length- ened. The instrument is then held as in the figure, so that the plummet C P passes through O; and the angle A CD, or the angular distance of the other thread from a vertical line, will be a measure of the force, and consequently of the velocity of the current. fHiscellaneous Subjects. MEMOIR OF THE LIFE OF ROGER BACON, COMMONLY CALLED FRIAR BACON. Roger Bacon, a learned English monk of the Franciscan order, who flourished in the thirteenth century, was born near Ilchester, in Somersetshire, in 1214, and was descended of a very ancient and honourable family. He received the first tincture of letters at Oxford, where having gone through Grammar and Logic, the dawnings of his genius gained him the favour and patronage of the greatest lovers of learning, and such as were equally dis- tinguished by their high rank, and the ex- cellence of their knowledge. “ It is not very clear,” says the Biographia Britan- nica, “ whether he was of Merton College, or of Brazen-nose Hall, and perhaps he studied at neither, but spent his time at the public schools.” It appears, however, that he went early over to Paris, where he made still greater progress in all parts of learning, and was looked upon as the glory of that University, and an honour to his country. In those days, persons who wished to distinguish themselves by an early and effectual application to tfieir studies, resorted to Paris, where not only many of the greatest men in Europe resided and taught, but many of the English nation, by whom Bacon was encouraged and caressed. At Paris he did not confine his studies to any particular branch of literature, but endeavoured to comprehend the sciences in general, fully and perfectly, by a right method and constant application. When he had attained the degree of Doctor, he returned again to his own country, and, as some say, took the habit of the Franciscan order, in 1240, when he was about twenty-six years of age. After his return to Oxford, he was considered, by the greatest men of that University, as one of the ablest and most indefatiga- ble enquirers after knowledge that the world had ever produced ; and therefore THE ARTISAN, 315 they not only showed him all due respect, but likewise conceiving the greatest hopes from his improvements in the me- thod of study, they generously contri- buted to his expenses, so that he was enabled to lay out, within the compass of twenty years, no less than two thousand pounds in collecting curious Authors, making experiments of various kinds, and in the construction of different instruments, for the improvement of useful knowledge. But if this assiduous application to his studies, and the stupendous progress he made in them, raised his credit with the better part of mankind, it excited the envy of some, and afforded plausible pretences for the malicious designs of others. It is very easy to conceive, that the experiments he made in all parts of Natural Philoso- phy and the Mathematics, must have made great noise in an ignorant age, when scarcely two or three men in a whole nation were tolerably acquainted with those studies, and when all the pretenders to knowledge affected to cover their own ignorance, by throwing the most scan- dalous aspersions on those branches of science, which they either wanted genius to understand, or which demanded greater application to acquire, than they were willing to bestow. They gave out, therefore, that Mathematical studies were in some measure allied to those magical arts which the church had condemned, and thereby brought suspicions upon men of superior learning. It was owing to this suspicion, that Bacon was restrained from reading lectures to the young students in the Uni- versity, and at length closely confined and almost starved, the Monks being afraid, lest his writings should extend beyond the limits of his convent, and be seen by any besides themselves and the Pope. But there is great reason to believe, that though his application to the occult scien- ces was their pretence, the true cause of his ill-usage w as, the freedom with which he had treated the clergy in his writings, in which he spared neither their ignorance nor their want of morals. But notwith- standing this harsh feature in the character of the times, his reputation continued to spread over the whole Christian world, and even Pope Clement IV. wrote him a letter, desiring that he would send him all his works. This was in 1266, when our author was in the flower of his age, and to gratify his Holiness, collected together, greatly enlarged and ranged in some order, the several pieces he had written before that time, and sent them the next year by his favourite disciple, John of London, or rather of Paris, to the Pope. This collec- tion, which is the same that he entitled Opus Majus, or his great work, is yet ex- tant, and was published by Dr. Jebb, in 1773. Dr. Jebb had proposed to have published all his works about three years before his edition of the Opus Majus, but while he was engaged in that design, he was informed by letters from his brother in Dublin, that there was a manuscript in the College library there, which contained a great many treatises generally ascribed to Bacon, and disposed in such order, that they seemed to form one complete work, but the title was wanting, which had been carelessly torn off from the rest of the manuscript. The Doctor soon found that it was a collection of those tracts which Bacon had written for the use of Pope Clement IV. and to which he had given the title of Opus Majus, since it appeared, that what he said of that work in his Opus Tertium, addressed to the same Pope, ex- actly suited with this ; which contained an account of almost all the new discoveries and improvements that he had made in the sciences. Upon this account Dr. Jebb laid aside his former design, and resolved to publish only an edition of his Opus Majus. The manuscripts which he made use of to complete this edition, are, 1. MS. in the Cotton library, inscribed “ Jul. D. V.” which contains the first part of the Opus Majus, under the title of a treatise, “ De utilitate Scientiarum.” 2. Another MS. in the same library, marked “ Tib. C. V.” containing the fourth part of the Opus Majus, in which is shown the use of the mathematics in the sciences and affairs of the world; in the MS. it is erroneously called the fifth part. 3. A MS. in the library belonging to Corpus Christi, in Cambridge, containing that portion of the fourth part which treats of Geography. 4. A MS. of the fifth part, containing a treatise upon perspective, in the earl of Oxford’s library. 5. A MS. in the library of Magdalen College, Cambridge, compre- hending the same treatise of perspective. 6. Two MSS. in the king’s library, com- municated to the editor by Dr. Richard Bentley, one of which contains the fourth part - of Opus Majus, and the other the fifth part. It is said that this learned book of his procured him the favour of Clement IY. and also some encouragement in the prosecution of his studies ; but this could not have lasted long, as that Pope died soon after, and then we find our author under fresh embarrassments from the same causes as before ; but he became in more danger, as the general of his order, Jerom de Ascoli, having heard his cause, ordered him to be imprisoned. This is said to have happened in 1278, and to pre- vent his appealing to Pope Nicholas III. the general procured a confirmation of his sentence from Rome immediately, but it is not very easy to say upon what pretences. Yet we are told by others, that he was im* 316 THE ARTISAN. prisoned by Reymundus Galfredus, who was general of his order, on account of some alchemical treatise which he had written, and that Galfredus afterwards set him at liberty, and became his scholar. However obscure these circumstances may be, it is certain that his sufferings for many years must have brought him low, since he was sixty-four years of age w hen he was first put in prison, and deprived of the opportunity of prosecuting his studies, at least in the way of experiment. That he was still indulged in the use of his books, appears very clearly, from the great use he made of them in the learned works he com- posed. After he had been ten years in pri- son, Jerom de Ascoli, who had con- demned his doctrine, was chosen Pope, and assumed the name of Nicholas IV. As he vras the first of the Franciscan order that had ever arrived at this dignity, he was reputed a person of great probity and much learning, our author, notwithstanding what had before happened, resolved to apply to him for his discharge ; and in order to pa- cify his resentment, and at the same time to show both the innocence and the useful- ness of his studies, he addressed to him a very learned and curious treatise/ 4 On the means of avoiding the infirmities of old Age,” printed first at Oxford, 1590, and translated and published by Dr. Richard Browne, under the title of 44 The cure of old Age and preservation of Youth/’ London, 1683, 8vo. It does not appear, however, that his application had any effect; on the contrary, some writers say that he caused him to be more "Jclosely confined. But towards the latter end of his reign, Bacon, by the inter- position of some| nobleman, obtained his release, and returned to Oxford, where he spent the remainder of his days in peace, and dying in the college of his order, on the 11th of June, 1292, was interred in the church of the Franciscans. The monks gave him the title of 44 Doctor Mirabilis,” or the Wonderful Doctor, which he de- served, in whatever sense the phrase is taken. He was certainly the most extraordinary man of his time. He was a perfect master of the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, and has left posterity such indubitable marks of his critical skill in them, as might have secured him a very high character, if he had never distinguished himself in any other branch of literature. In all the branches of the mathematics he was well versed, and there is scarcely any part of them, on which he has not written with a solidity and clearness,” which have been deservedly admired by the greatest masters in that science. In Mechanics particularly, the learned Dr. Freind says, that a greater genius had not arisen since the days of Archimedes. He understood, likewise, the whole science of Optics, with accuracy; and is very justly allowed to have understood both the theory and prac- tice of those discoveries, which have be- stowed such high reputation on those of our own and of other nations, who have brought them into common use. In Geo- graphy also he was admirably well skilled, as appears from a variety of passages in his works, which was the reason that in- duced the judicious Hackluyt to transcribe a long discourse out of his writings, into his Collection of Voyages and Travels. But his skill in Astronomy was still more remarkable, since it appears, that he not only pointed out that error which occa- sioned the reformation in the Calendar, and the distinction between the old stile and the new, but also offered a much more effectual and perfect reformation, than that which was made in the time of Pope Gregory XIII. There are also re- maining some w r orks of his relating to Chronology, which would have been thought worthy of very particular notice, if his skill in other sciences had not made his proficiency in this branch of know- ledge the less remarkable. The history of the four great empires of the world, he has treated very accurately and succinctly, in his great work addressed to Pope Cle- ment IV. He was so thoroughly acquainted with Chemistry, at a time that it was scarcely known in Europe, and principally cultivated among the Arabians, that Dr. Freind ascribes the honour of [introducing it to him, who speaks in some part or other of his works, of almost every opera- tion now used in Chemistry. Three capital discoveries made by him deserve ta be particularly considered. The first is, the invention of gun-powder, which how- ever, confidently ascribed to others, was most unquestionably known to him, both as to its ingredients and effects. The second is that which commonly goes under the name of Alchemy, or the art of trans- muting metals, of which he has left many treatises, some published, and some still remaining in MS., which, whatever they may be thought of now, contain a mul- titude of curious and useful passages, in- dependently of their principal subject. The third discovery in Chemistry, not so deserving of the reader’s attention, was the tincture of gold for the prolongation of life, of which Dr. Freind says, 44 he has given hints in his writings, and has said enough to show that he was no pretender to this art, but understood as much of it as any of his successors. That he was far from being unskilled in the art of Physic, we might rationally conclude, from his extensive knowledge in those sciences, which are connected with it : but we have THE ARTISAN. 317 a manifest proof of his perfect acquain- tance with the most material and useful branches of physic, in his Treatise of Old Age, which, as Dr. Freind, whose autho- rity on that subject cannot well be dis- puted, observes, is very far from being ill- written; and Dr. Brown, who published it in English, esteemed it one of the best performances that ever was written. In this work he has collected whatever he had met with upon the subject, either in Greek or Arabian writers, and has added a great many remarks of his own. In logic and metaphysics he was excellently well versed, as appears by those parts of his works, in which he has treated of these subjects : neither was he unskilled in Philology and the politer parts of learning. In Ethics, or Moral Philosophy, he has laid down some excellent principles for the conduct of human life. As to the vulgar imputation on his cha- racter, of his leaning in magic, it was utterly unfounded; and the ridiculous story of his making a brazen head, which spoke and answered questions, is a ca- lumny indirectly fathered upon him, having been originally imputed to Robert Grosse- tete, Bishop of Lincoln. That he had too high an opinion of judicial astrology, and some other arts of that nature, was not so properly an error of his as of the age in which he lived : and considering how few errors, among the many which infected that age, appear in his writings, it may be easily forgiven. As his whole life jwas spent in labour and study, and he was continually employed, either in writing for the information of the world, or in reading and making experiments, that might enable him to write with greater accuracy ; so we need not wonder his works were extremely numerous, especially when it is considered, that on the one hand his studies took in the whole circle of the sciences, and that on the other, the numerous treatises as- cribed to him, are often in fact, but so many chapters, sections, or divisions ; and sometimes we have the same pieces under two or three different names : so that it is not at all strange before these points were well examined, that the accounts we have of his writings, appeared very perplexed and confused. ARCHITECTURE. CONSTRUCTION OF ARCHES. If the weights of the voussoirs in an arch are all equal, the arch of equilibra- tion is what is termed a Catenarian curve, the same that a chain or cord of uniform thickness would assume if hanging freely, the horizontal distance of the points of sus- pension, being equal to the span of the arch, and the depth of the lowest point of the chain being equal to the greatest height of the arch. If the figure of the chain were reversed, the joints being such, that the force which was a pull in the first situation, becomes a thrust in the second, the chain would sup- port itself, and remain in equilibria. The catenaria is remarkable for this me- chanical property. That a chain hanging in that curve, has its centre of gravity lower than if it were disposed in any other line, its length continuing the same, and also the points from which it is suspended. Therefore an arch constructed in this form, has its centre of gravity the highest pos- sible. But the supposition of an arch resisting a weight, which acts only in a vertical direction, is by no means perfectly ap- plicable to cases which generally occur in practice. The pressure of loose stones and earth, moistened as they frequently are by rain, is exerted very nearly in the same manner as the pressure of fluids, which act equally in all directions : and even if they were united into a mass, they would constitute a kind of wedge, and would thus produce a pressure of a similar na- ture, notwithstanding the precaution re- commended by some authors, of making the surfaces of the arch-stones vertical and horizontal only. This precaution is, how- ever, in all respects unnecessary, be- cause the effect which it is intended to ob- viate, is productive of no inconvenionce, except that of exercising the skill of the architect. The effect of such a pressure only requires a greater curvature near the abutments, reducing the form nearly to that of an ellipsis, and allowing the arch to rise at first in a vertical direction. A bridge must also be so calculated, as to support itself without being in danger of falling by the defect of the lateral adhe- sion of its parts, and in order that it may in this respect be of equal strength through- out its depth at each point, must be pro- portional to the weight of the parts beyond it. This property particularly belongs fto the curve denominated logarithmic , 'the length corresponding to the logarithm of the depth. If the strength were afforded by the arch stones only, this condition might be fulfilled by giving them tie re- quisite thickness, independently o' the general form of the arch : but the wlole of the materials employed in the constriction of the bridge, must be considered as adding to the strength, and the magnitude of the adhesion, as depending in a great rmasure on the general outline. We must examine in the next place what is the most advantageous form for support- ing any weight which may occasionally be 318 THE ARTISAN. placed on the bridge, particularly at its weakest part, which is usually the middle. (Supposing the depth at the summit of the arch at the abutments to be given, it may be reduced considerably, in the interme- diate parts, without impairing the strength, and the outline may be composed of para- bolic arcs , having their convexity turned towards each other. This remark also would be only applicable to the arch stones, if they afforded the whole strength of the bridge, but it must be extended in some measure to the whole of the materials forming it. If, therefore, we combine together the curve best calculated for resisting the pres- sure of a fluid, which is nearly elliptical, the logarithmic, and the parabolic curv es, allowing to each its due proportion of in- fluence, we may estimate, from the com- parison, which, is the fittest form for an arch intended to support a road. And in general, whether the road be horizontal, or a little inclined, we may infer that an ellipsis, not differing much from a circle, is the best calculated to comply as much as possible with all the conditions, as repre- sented by the following figure, which ex- hibits a view of the middle arch of BLACKFRIAR’S BRIDGE. A complete System of Theoretical and Prac- tical Arithmetic. By Geo. G. Carey, 1 rol. 8vo. pp. 5T4. Hodgson and Co. London, 1824. The science of arithmetic being the foun- dation of all accurate science, it is not sur- prising that so many works should have lately appeared upon that subject. The science of numbers has, at all times, not only been considered an amusing, but a very useful branch of study; it has there- fore engaged the attention of the inquisi- tive part of mankind in all ages of the worlil. ^ Hence this species of know- ledge advanced with more rapid strides to tie perfection at which we now find i^ than any other, which it is possible to naiiie. For, notwithstanding the number of bovjks which have been published with- in thejlast thirty years upon this interest- ing sibject, scarcely a single discovery has btlen made in the theory of numbers or even ah improvement in their practical ap- plication to the purposes of the abstract, or mixed Mathematical sciences. s In commercial or mercantile affairs it is somewhat different. Improvements in the modes of calculation have certainly been made within the period we have men- tioned ; but these, we are persuaded, are much better known to the practical ac- countant, than to those who not only pretend to teach the whole science of Arithmetic, but publish works upon that subject, professing to be superior to all others, and to contain methods of compu- tation hitherto unknown. The taste which now prevails among all classes of society for accurate scientific knowledge, and the value of Arithmetic to those who are engaged in scientific as well as commercial pursuits, have led us to examine the present volume with some degree of care, in order to ascertain if it possesses any superiority over those which are already before the public. The result of our examination is highly favourable both to the talents and industry of the author, who appears to us to be completely master of the subjects which he has introduced into the present volume ; and to have treated them not only more THE ARTISAN. 319 fully than we have ever seen in works of this kind ; but to have explained and il- lustrated his rules with greater care and clearness than any author we have perused on the science of Arithmetic. The first part of Mr. Carey’s work is de- voted to the abstract part of arithmetic, and may be termed the theoretical part of the work. This is followed by a number of very ex- tensive and useful tables, relating to weights and measures. The fundamental rules are then applied to commercial and other computations, which are followed by the rules of Practice, Interest, Partner- ship, &c. Rut what appears to us to be not only the most original subjects in this volume, but the most valuable, (to those who already know the elements of arith- metic,) is the articles upon the Stocks, Public Funds, or Marine Insurance, Ex- change, Compound Interest, and Annuities on Lives, with the tables on this last sub- ject. The subject of Marine Insurance is one which has not hitherto found its way into works on Arithmetic, at least dn the regular and distinct manner it is treated of in the volume before us. W e might say the same thing of the Stocks, and Annuities on Lives. These and Foreign Exchanges, are, however, very fully treated of by Mr. Carey, who appears to be well acquainted with all of them. The work also contains a very neat and extensive table of the Logarithms of num- bers, and an interesting and scientific arti- cle on Arithmetical Scales, in which the advantages and disadvantages of the Bi- nary, Ternary, Quaternary, and other Scales, are very cleaily and accurately pointed out. On the whole, we have no hesitation in saying that this is the most extensive and comprehensive System of Arithmetic which has made its appearance for many years ; and we have not the smallest doubt, but it will be found to be one of the most useful on that subject to those who may wish to make themselves master of Arithmetic. ELECTRIC EFFECTS OF WATER AND OTHER LIQUIDS ON THE METALS, BY M. BECQUEREL. A memoir on the electrical or galvanic effect of water and other liquids on the metals, was lately read before the Aca- demy of Sciences at Paris, from which we make the following extract : The author begins with showing the causes which have hitherto prevented him from observing some very feeble electrical effects, especially those that take place in the contact of water and metals. In his memoir he mentions the following appear- ances ; when a capsule of wood or china is placed upon the upper plate of a very sensible condenser, and any liquid poured into it, the capsule immediately acquires'a very perceptible conducting quality, suffi- ciently powerful to transmit the electricity which it receives to the plate upon which it rests ; but as it sometimes happens, that this same capsule exercises a very weak electric action upon the metal, it may be destroyed by touching the lower plate with another capsule of the same nature. The apparatus being thus arranged, and' after taking all the care necessary in such expe- riments, different metals are plunged into the water contained by the capsule ; it is then seen that iron, zinc, lead, &c. becomes negatively electrified, whilst platina, gold, silver, &c. become positively electrified. Thus water,' in its contact with the non- oxidizable metals, acts in the same manner as acids do in their contact with alkalies, when there is no chemical action. M. Becquerel afterwards shows, that platina and gold, previously plunged into nitric acid, and afterwards washed, ac- quires more marked electrical effects in their contact with water. He also notices the remarks of Messrs Dulong and The- nard, upon the [means of giving to fine platina wire the property of instantaneously communicating inflammability to detonating mixtures, which they did not before possess ; the result of the comparison of these differ- ent effects is, that the modification or the arrangement which the particles acquire, by the immersion of platina wires in nitric acid, seems to be the cause which more promptly determines the combination of two gasses, and heighten the electrical properties of the metaj. M. Becquerel repeated his experiments on the electric effects resulting from the contact of two metals with the same liquid j and found the effects to be perfectly similar. He therefore deduces a process from these experiments, for ascertaining which of any two metals exercises the strongest electric action upon a liquid. He afterwards tried the electrical effects produced by the contact of certain flames and metals ; the flames he submitted to trial, are those that arise from the burning of alcohol, from hydrogen gas, or from a sheet of paper. He placed upon the wooden capsule, which was set over the upper plate of the condenser, a wire or thin plate of platina, one of the extremities of which passed through the flame of one of the substances just mentioned!; and if the metal attained a red heat, he found that it became negatively electrified, but if it did not, it became positively electrified. In both of these cases the flame has always a contrary electrical effect. When it is in- tended to collect the electricity acquired by the flame, a piece of damp wood is to be THE ARTISAN. 32© placed upon the capsule, which not taking fire serves as a conductor. Every other metal presents analogous effects ; we may therefore conclude from these experiments, that when a piece of metal is placed in a flame supported by a current of hydrogen gas, it becomes either negatively or posi- tively electrified, according as the tempe- rature is more or less elevated. The author of this memoir fully discusses these pheno- mena, and finishes by stating the result of some experiments upon the electric effects that accompany combustion. He placed upon the capsule of wood already noticed, a sheet of paper rolled up : and as soon as set on fire, and the flame has communicated to the common reservoir, it is known, by means of the condenser, that the paper be- comes positively electrified. In operating in the contrary manner, that is, by holding the paper in the hand, and making the flame touch a bit of damp wood placed upon the capsule, the flame become nega- tively electrified. We may therefore con- clude from these experiments, that when a piece of paper burns, the paper becomes positively electrified, and the flame nega- tively electrified. The combustion of al- cohol gives similar results. SOLUTIONS OF QUESTIONS. Quest. 42, (page 256) answered by C. N. F. Let A C in the following figure, B represent the semi diameter of the earth = 3978-875 miles, and Eg-, the elevation above the earth = 2-5 miles. By 36 and 37 Euclid 3d Book ^/Bg- x (Bg + 2AC) (=V2 -5 X 7960-25) = 141-0695 = A B. But the triangles B A C and A / C are si- milar, therefore asBC : AC :: AC : / C,or 3981-375 : 3978*875 : : 3978 875 : 3976-369, and consequently g/= A C — f c = 2-506 ; now the convex surface of the segment of a sphere being equal to the circumference of the sphere multiplied by the height of the segment, it will be 25000 (= the earth ’s circumference) X 2*506 = 62650 square miles = the area of the space in view at the given height. This question was also answered by Mr. J. Johnston, Elm-street , Gray' s-inn-lane , who makes the answer the same as the above; by Mr. J. Barr, who would have made it the same if he had taken the dia- meter of the Earth the same; by the Pro- poser, who makes it 46,876*6 square miles; and by Mr. J. Holroyd, Oldham , who makes it only 31,313-5 square miles. This last we suppose ought to have been mul- tiplied by 2. Quest. 43, answered by A. B. ( the Pro- poser. J Let x = the height ’of the mercury in the tube, and 30— a* = the inches of the tube now occupied by the air. Then as the elasticity of the air is inversely as the space it occupies ; the elasticity was= 28 inches, when it occupied 8 inches, and is now = 224 (30 — x) : 8 : : 28 : — — . But the mer- oU — X cury in the tube plus the elastic force of the air in the top of it, being a counter- balance to the pressure of the atmosphere, may be expressed by the column of mercury 224 in the barometer. Therefore a -j- — 30— x 28, consequently x 2 — 58 a = — 616, or x = 14 inches, the height required. QUESTION FOR SOLUTION. Quest. 46, proposed by W. J. Lombard- street. In what time will a sinking fund of 4 millions of pounds extinguish a debt of 600 millions of pounds, reckoning interest at 3f per cent. Errata in a few of our early impres- sions. For page 228, read 256. In page 242, fig. 2, transpose the letters B and G ; and A and F. In page 304, col. 2, line 11, after water read enters. - — — THE ARTISAN. PIEIMAmB, 321 322 THE ARTISAN. STEAM ENGINE. r In treating of Pneumatics at page 289, we gave a description, and two different views of Mr. Maudslay’s portable Steam Engine ; and we now present our readers with a third view, or longitudinal section, of that instrument, which could not be got ready in time to accompany the others. In doing this it may be necessary to state, that the description given at page 290 and 291, as well as the capital letters employed to denote the several parts, apply to each of these views ; but the small letters re- late only to the preceding section. STEAM NAVIGATION. The possibility of employing steam as a moving power in the navigation of vessels, was known early in the last century ; its practical application, however, on a large scale, has not been fully established above twenty years. In 1G98 Savery recommended the use of paddle-wheels, similar to those now so generally employed in steam vessels, though without in the remotest degree alluding to his engine as a prime mover ; and it is probable that he intended to employ the force of men or animals working at a winch for that purpose* , About forty years after the publication of this mode of propelling vessels, Mr. Jonathan Hulls obtained a patent for a vessel, in which the paddle- wheels were driven by an atmospheric engine of considerable power. In describing his mode of producing a force sufficient for towing of vessels and other purposes, the ingenious patentee says, “ In some convenient part of the tow- boat, there is placed a vessel about titfo- thirds full of water, with the top close shut; this vessel being kept boiling, rarefies the water into steam; this steam being convey- ed through a large pipe into a cylindrical vessel, and there condensed, makes a vacu- um, which causes the weight of the atmos- phere to press oh this vessel, and so presses down a piston that is fitted into this cylin- drical vessel, in the same manner as in Mr. Newcomen's engine, with which he raises water by fire. “ It has been already demonstrated, that when the air is driven out of a vessel oT thirty inches diameter, (which is but two feet and a half), the atmosphere presses on it to the weight of 4 tons 16cwt. and up- wards ; when proper instruments for this work are applied to it, it must drive a ves- sel with great force.” Mr. Hull's patent is dated 1736, and he employed a crank to produce a rotatory motion of his paddle-wheels, and this in- genious mode of converting a reciprocating into a rotatory motion, was afterwards re- commended by the Abbe Arnal, Canon of Alais, in Lanquedoc, who, in 1781, pro- posed the crank for the purpose of turning paddle-wheels in the navigation of light- ers. After our countryman Hulls, the Mar- quis de Jouffroy unquestionably holds the most distinguished rank in the list of prac- tical engineers, who have added to the value of this invention. It is evident from an article published in the Journal des Debats, that in 1781 the Marquis constructed a steam boat at Lyons, of 140 feet in length. With this he made several successful experiments on the Soane, near that city. The events of the revolution, which broke out a few years afterwards, prevented M. de Jouffroy from prosecuting this undertaking, or reaping any advantage from it. On his return to France after a long exile, in 1796, he learned from the newspapers that M. de Blanc, an artist of Trevoux, had obtained a patent for the' construction of a steam- boat, built probably from such information as he could procure relative to the experi- ments of the Marquis. The latter appealed to the government, which was then too much occupied with public affairs to attend to those of individuals* Meanwhile Ful- ton, who had gained the same information, and was making similar experiments near the Isle des Cygnes, alarmed M. de Blanc, who knew that he had much more to fear from the influence and mechanical skill of an Anglo-American, than from that of an emigrant. He accordingly alleged his patent right, and requested the stoppage o{ Mr. Fulton’s works, who returned for answer, that his essays could not affect France, as he had no intention to setup a practical competition upon the rivers of that country, but should soon return to America, which he actually did, and com- menced the erection of those engines, to which he has since laid claim as exclusive inventor. Shortly after the first experiments were made by the Marquis de Jouffroy, a gen- tleman of the name of Miller, who resided at Dalswinton, published a work, in which he described the application of wheels to the working of triple vessels on canals ; and in 1794 he completed a model of a boat on this construction, impelled by a steam engine. From this period till IS01, but little pro- gress appears to have been made in this species of navigation; in that year Mr. Symington, who had been employed in the construction of Miller’s vessel, tried a boat propelled by steam on the Forth-and-Clyde Inland Navigation : this, however, was shortly laid aside, on account of the injury with which it threatened the banks of the THE ARTISAN, 3*23 eaiial, from the violent agitation produced by the paddle-wheqls. • ,The following figure boat. exhibits a representation of the A is the boiler, B the cylinder, C the piston, D the .condensation pipe, E the air pump, and F are stampers for breaking ice. The first really practicable, and we may add profitable attempt at steam navigation in Europe, appears to have been made on the Clyde in the year 1812. This was a vessel for the conveyance of passengers, ivith an engine of only three horses’ power, and which was of considerable draught. On account, however, of the numerous shallows in our rivers, it has been found advisable to construct the vessels employed in this species of navigation, so as to draw as little water as possible. Mr. Maudslay has lately constructed a large engine for a steam boat, invented by Mr. Brunei, which has two cylinders acting alternately upon different cranks, formed upon the same axis at right angles to each other, so that the motion is continued without the action of a fly-wheel. In this engine, one boiler is placed between the two cylinders, and one air-pump and con- denser exhaust them both ; so that by these means an engine of considerable power is contained in the smallest possible space. We shall now briefly notice the labours of our Trans-atlantie brethren in this im- portant branch of naval engineering. Pro- fiting by the hints thrown out both by the Marquis de JoulTroy and Mr. Miller, Ful- ton, who had also seen Symington’s boat, ordered an engine, as represented above, capable of propelling a vessel, to be con- structed by Messrs. Boulton and Watt. This was sent out to America, and em- barked on Hudson’s river in 1807 ; and such was the ardour of the Americans in sup- port of this apparently new discovery, that the immense rivers of the new world, whose great width gave them considerable advantages over the canals and narrower streams of Europe, were soon regularly navigated by these vessels. The city of New York alone possesses eight steam boats, for commerce and pas- sengers. One of those on the Mississippi passes two thousand miles in twenty-one days, and this too against the current which is perpetually running down. This boat is 126 feet in length, and carries 460 tons at a very shallow draft of water* and conveys from New Orleans, whole ships’ cargoes into the interior of the country, as well as passengers. The usual mode of applying this extra- ordinary power to the propelling of ves- sels, has been by means of the paddle , which is k series of revolving oars on one axis. This possesses the great advantage of admitting safely of any increase of velocity, without endangering the connection of their parts ; on the other hand, an alternate mo- tion can hardly be produced of sufficient rapidity, without having the effect of shak- ing itself to pieces. The increase of velocity is not limited as in the common oar, where the application of human power, and the difficulty of quick re-percussion, obliges us, where great ve- locity is wanted, to have recourse to oars of great length, for the revolution of the paddle wheel may be as rapid as we please, or its diameter may be increased in any degree, and by this last means the loss arising from the obliquity of action at the beginning and end of the stroke may be lessened, and. the effect of back-water on the wheel diminished by the increased centrifugal force comma ni'cated to. the water. Here, therefore, is a rich field for the investigation of the mechanical philoso- pher, or scientific engineer, but one which we cannot enter into very deeply at pre- sent. We may however remark, that though velocity in the propeller or oar be desira- ble, yet it has its limits ; for, in the first place, time must be given for the water to fall in after the oar or paddle, before a new stroke be given, and therefore the paddles or oars should be as few as possi- ble. A propeller of great radius will also be found inconvenient, by occupying too much space. The water should enter and be discharged from the paddle, as nearly as possible in a tangent to the circle ; and Y 2 324 THE ARTISAN. where waves occur, they should be pre- vented from rising against, and burying the paddle. Where the vessel works both with sails and paddles, the means of equalizing the action of the paddles, as the vessel heels, must be employed. For in heavy gales of contrary wind, the machinery will scarcely be able to force the vessel against it, and the mode of beating to windward with sails will be found of greater im- portance. The propellers will destroy the leeway ; and we know that if the vessel can carry sail, she may, in such cases, run on the obliqug course with a greater velo- city than that of the wind. OPTICS. sir w. herschel’s large telescope. His telescope of forty feet will long remain The Newtonian telescopes, which had a splendid example of royal munificence, for a long time been thrown into the shade ana ^ an( * * n S enu ^y °f * ts inven- by the fine Gregorian ones constructed by : ar * We 'shallnow attempt to convey an Mr. Short, were revived, towards the end * dea °* lts appearance and construction of the last century, by Sir W. Herschel. b y means of the following figure. A B C is the path of a ray of light re- flected by the min-or at B to the eye-glass C. Da chair in which the observer sits. E a moveable gallery on which several per- sons may stand. F G a smooth surface on which the bottom of the telescope is made to roll along, while its opening is raised or depressed by the pullies at H and I. K one of two rooms for the accommodation of the observer’s assistants. It rests on a foundation of two concen- tric circular brick walls, the outermost of which is forty-two feet in diameter, and the innermost twenty-one feet. These walls are two feet six inches deep under- ground; two feet three inches broad at the bottom, and one foot two inches at the top, and they are capped with paving stones, about twelve and three-fourth inches broad, and about three inches thick. Upon these two walls, which were made uniform on the surface, and horizontal, with the greatest care, rests the bottom frame of the whole apparatus, which moves e upon THE ARTISAN. 325 twenty concentric rollers, and is always moveable upon a pivot, which gives a hori- zontal motion to the whole apparatus. The length of the ladders is forty-nine feet two inches, and the flats and rounds are all made of solid English split oak. The two outside divisions of the ladders serve for mounting into the gallery. The middle top cross beam rests on the angle made by the crossing of the two sets of ladders. There is a small staircase, by which we may ascend into the gallery without being obliged to go up the ladders, and as the gallery is strong enough to hold a company of several persons, and can afterwards be drawn up to any altitude, observations may be made with the greatest facility and conveniency. The great tube, though of a very simple form, was constructed with much difficulty. It is thirty-nine feet four inches long, four feet ten inches in diameter, and every part of it is made of rolled or sheet iron, joined together without rivets, by a kind of seal- ing used in the manufacture of iron funnels for stoves. The whole outside was thus put together in all its length and breadth, so as to make one sheet of nearly forty feet long, and fifteen feet four inches broad. Each sheet of iron was three feet ten inches long, and about 23^ inches broad. Their thickness was less than the 36th part of an inch, and a square foot weighed about fourteen ounces. Had the tube been made of wood, its vreight would have exceeded that of the iron one at least 3000 lbs. The metat of the great mirror is 49§ inches in diameter, but on the rim there is an offset of three-fourths of an inch broad, and one inch deep, which reduces the con- cave face of it to a diameter of 48 inches of polished surface. The thickness, which is uniform throughout, is about 3| inches, and its weight, when newly cast, was 2118 lbs. of which it must have lost a small quantity in polishing. In order to preserve the speculum from damp, a flat cover of tin was soldered on a rim of iron, about l|th broad, and l-8th thick, the diameter of which is equal to that of the iron ring which holds the speculum. On the flat part of the rim, some close-grained cloth, of an equal breadth with the rim, is cemented all round, so that the rim of the cover, when put over the speculum, fits closely to the edge of the iron ring. The method of observing with this teles- cope, is what Sir W. Herschel calls the front view, and for this purpose there is a convenient seat D fixed to the end of the tube, in which the observer sits with his back towards the object he views. The seat is moveable from the height of one foot seven inches to two feet seven inches, partly for the accommodation of different observers, but chiefly for the al- teration required at different altitudes. This seat is brought to a horizontal posi- tion by turning a handle attached to a bar, carrying two pinions, which -work in two strong toothed quadrants of iron at the sides of the seat. The focus of the great speculum is brought down by its proper adjustment to within four inches of the lower side of the mouth of the tube, and comes forward into the air, and by this arrangement there is room for that part of the head which is above the eye, not to in- terfere greatly with the rays that pass from the object to the mirror ; the aperture of the speculum being four feet, while the diameter of the tube is four feet ten inches. A slider on an adjustable foundation is fixed at the mouth of the telescope, so as to be directed to the centre of the specu- lum. It carries a brass tube, into which all the single eye-glasses are made to slide. When they are nearly brought to the focus, a milled head under the end of the tube turns a bar, the motion of which adjusts them completely, so that as there is no small speculum, the eye-glasses are ap- plied immediately to magnify the inverted image in the focus of the great speculum. From the mouth of the telescope a speak- ing pipe descends to the bottom of the tube, when it divides into two branches, one of which enables the observer to communi- cate with his assistant in the observatory K, and the other withThe workman in ano- ther room, who gives the instrument all its movements. A sidereal time-piece is placed in the observatory, and close to it a polar dis- tance-piece, which may be made to show polar distances, declination, or altitude, by setting it differently. The time and polar distance-pieces are placed in such a man- ner, that the assistants sit before them at a table, the speaking pipe rising between them, and in this manner observations may be very conveniently made. This splendid instrument magnifies above 6000 times, and Sir William has sometimes employed a power of 6450 for the fixed stars. These high powers are obtained merely by using small double convex lenses for eye-glasses. Some of these, ground and polished with the utmost care, are so small as one-fiftieth of an inch in focal length. The existence of such minute lenses we should have thought in- credible, had we not been assured of the fact, and found that others had of them made by the same ingenious artist, (the late Mr. Shuttleworth,) who ground them for Sir William Herschel. NEW REFLECTING TELESCOPE BY DR. BREWSTER. We believe it is generally admitted by every person who has had much experi- THE ARTISAN. ence in the construction and use of reflect- ing telescopes, that the Newtonian form is decidedly the best. Its construction is so simple, and it is so little liable to derange- ment from accidental causes, that for popu- lar use, on a small scale, it is superior to the Gregorian one, while, for instruments of great size, it is the only form that is practicable. But even when we consider it in a scientific point of view, it has the advantage of the Gregorian form. It is more easy to give a perfect figure to an uniform circular piece of metal than to a perforated disc the spherical aberration is less, in so far as it is not increased by a second spherical mirror ; — and the quantity of light reflected from the objique small speculum is decidedly greater than when it is reflected at a vertical incidence. If we could dispense with tjie use of the small specula in telescopes of moderate length, by inclining the great speculum, and using an oblique, and consequently a distorted reflexion, as proposed first by Le Maire, we should consider the New- tonian telescope as perfect ; and on a large scale, or when the instrument exceeds twenty feet, it has undoubtedly this cha- racter, as nothing can be more simple than to magnify by a single eye-glass the image formed by a single speculum. As the front view is quite impracticable, and indeed has never been attempted in instruments of a small size, it becomes of great practical consequence to remove as much as possible the evils which arise from the use of a small speculum. These evils may be thus enumerated : L. If we suppose the light reflected by the large speculum to amount to 10000 rays, then the light reflected by a well polished plane speculum will not exceed 6666 at a vertical incidence, and probably not above 6800 at an incidence of 45° ; consequently 8100 rays out of 10,000 are lost by the use of the plane speculum. 2. Besides this great loss of light, we have to encounter all the errors of a second reflexion, arising from imperfection of figure, and also from imperfections of sur- face, as it is universally admitted that a surface of glass is much superior to a me- tallic surface ; and Newton has himself remarked, “ that eyery irregularity in a reflecting superficies makes the rays stray jive or six times more out of their due course than the like irregularities in a re- fracting one. The construction by which Dr. Brewster proposes to remedy these disadvantages is shown in the following figure, A J2— where A B is the speculum, reflecting the parallel rays R A, RB, to a focus at F. The cone of rays A F B is intercepted by an achromatic prism G H, which refracts them to foci at /, where a distinct image is formed in the anterior focus of the eye- glass E, by which it is magnified. The compound prism G H being composed of a prism of crown glass, and a prism of flint glass H, united by a cement of a mean re- fractive power, the loss of light sustained by the pencil in its transmission through the two, will not exceed 600 rays out of the 10,000, as the light transmitted through a lens of glass is 9485 out of the 10,000 incident rays. Hence the light lost by transmission through the prism is not one- fifth part of the light lost by reflexion ; and the errors of reflexion arising from defect of surface and of figure are also in- comparably less. As the refracting angle of the prism G will require to be larger, in order to produce a given deviation FH/, when it is opposed by the refraction of the flint-glass prism H, we may place the cor- recting prism H nearer the focus/, and make it of crown glass; or it might, even be placed at A, beyond the focus, and in contact with the lens E. If this should be found advantageous, the prism and the lens might be formed out of one piece of glass, or a single hemisphere of glass might be used, the eye-hole being placed at such a point of the hemispherical sur- face, as to obtain a variable prism of the required angle united with a plano-convex lens. As Dr. Maskelyne found that the Green- wich Newtonian telescope was greatly im- proved by inclining the speculum, or its axis, about 2£° to the axis of the tube, it follows, that it performed best with oblique pencils in a certain direction. Before fitting up this telescope, therefore, or in- THE ARTISAN. 327 4e,ed .any Newtonion telescope, it should he ascertained,, by turning the speculum in its cell and giving its axis various degrees of\obliquity, whether or not its performance is improved. If this is found to be the case, and that the angle of inclination is 2^°, we shall then require a less angle in the prism G, as part of the deviation of the pencil to the side of the tube is already produced by the new position of the axis of the speculum. It is obvious that any rays incident on the prism G H, parallel to the tube, will be refracted upon the side of the tube, and will have no effect upon the image ; but if they should be thought injurious, we have only to place an opaque screen, of the same size as G H and its arm, somewhere between GH and the mouth of the tube, so as not to interfere with the cone of re- fracted rays G H /. In viewing eclipses of the sun, or the lunar disc, or any other celestial phenome- non, where there is either tpq much light, or more than is necessary, a telescope may be fitted up to permit more than one person to see through it at the same time, by allowing a portion of the cone of rays to be refracted through another prism to an eye-glass at the opposite side of the tube, or even by having four prisms refracting a fourth part of the cone to each of the four sides of the tube. The same effect might be produced in the common New- tonian telescope, by using a pyramidal small speculum with the planes meeting at a vertex placed in the centre of the cone of rays, and inclined to one another at angles of 90°, and to the axis of the teles- cope at angles of 45°. CEEMISTEY, OF THE METALS. The metals are the next class of bodies which fall to be described in the order which we have laid down, for treating of the various substances to be noticed in thus part of the present work. We shall therefore now enter upon the description of these brilliant bodies so use- ful to society ; which so highly influence public and individual prosperity, not only by their real properties, but by the ideal value attached to them; which have on the one hand rendered such eminent ser- vices to humanity, and on the other pro- duced so many evils; which at the same time mark the industry of nations, and add to the improvement of human reason, while they so often become the instru- ments, and almost the cause, of the depra- vation, the misery, and all the evils which afflict mankind. There are no productions of nature which excite a higher degree of interest in their study, or which have given rise to so many discoveries : there are not, consequently, any substances which de- serve to be treated more fully, or with greater care. The multiplied uses to which the metals are applicable, do not constitute the only reason why they should be described with accuracy, and studied with attention. The vast influence which they have had on the progress of chemistry, the discoveries which relate to them, particularly in modern times, and the perfection which they have added to human reason, render them of the greatest consequence to those who culti- vate natural philosophy. On the proper- ties of these bodies depend the mariners’ compass, the arts of printing, of navigation and astronomy, and every other science which are most truly honourable to the genius of man. There is, in truth, no art which can be carried on without the metals. They are the first movers and primary in- struments of almost every workshop. There is scarcely a single circumstance of life in which we do not derive continual services, or in which we are not subjected to dangers from their energy. The metals are friends which serve us, and which it is desirable we should always have near us ; or they are enemies pressed into our em- ploy, which jt is consequently of import- ance that we should know how to subdue, and sometimes to coerce. So sensible were the ancients of their great importance, that they raised those persons who first discovered the art of working them to the rank of deities. In Chemistry, they have always filled a con- spicuous station : at one period the whole science was confined to them ; and it may be said to have owed its very existence to a rage for making and transmuting metals. Ojje of the most conspicuous properties of the metals is a particular brilliancy which they possess, and which has been called the metallic lustrel There are other bodies indeed (mica for instance) which apparently possess this peculiar lustre ; but in them it is confined to the surface, and accordingly disappears when they are scratched; whereas it pervades every part of the metals. This lustre is_ occasioned by their reflecting much more light than any other bodies ; a property which seems to depend partly on the closeness of their texture. This renders them peculiarly proper for mirrors, of which they always form the basis. They are perfectly opaque, or impervious to light, even after they have been reduced to very thin plates. Silver leaf, for in- stance, tsootsu an * nc h does not permit the smallest ray of light to pass 328 THE ARTISAN. through it. Gold, however, when very thin, is not absolutely opaque ; for gold leaf ss^uns °f an inch thick, when held be- tween the eye and the light, appears of a lively green, and must therefore, as New- ton first remarked, transmit the green coloured rays. It is not improbable that all other metals, as the same philosopher supposed, would also transmit light, if they could be reduced to a sufficient de- gree of thinness. It is to this opacity that a part of the excellence of the metals, as mirrors, is owing ; their brilliancy alone would not qualify them for that purpose. Most of them may be melted by the ap- plication of heat, and even then still retain their opacity. This property enables us to cast them in moulds, and then to give them any shape we please. In this man- ner, many elegant iron utensils are formed. Different metals differ exceedingly from each other in their fusibility. Mercury is so very fusible, that it is always fluid at the ordinary temperature of the atmos- phere; while other metals, as platinum, cannot be melted except by the most vio- lent heat which it is possible to produce. In general, their specific gravity is much greater than that of any other body at present known. Potassium, one of the lighest of them, is, however, lighter than water ; and the specific gravity of plati- num, the heaviest of all the metals, is 23. This great density, no doubt, contributes considerably to the reflection of that great quantity of light which constitutes the metallic lustre. They are the best conductors of electri- city of all the bodies hitherto tried. None of the metals are very hard ; but some of them may be hardened by art to such a degree, as to exceed the hardness of almost all other bodies. Hence the numerous cutting instruments which the moderns make of steel, and which the ancients made of a combination of copper and tin. The elasticity of the malleable metals ^depends upon their hardness ; and it may be increased by the same process by which 4heir hardness is increased. Thus the steel of which the balance springs of watches is made is almost perfectly elastic, though iron in its natural state possesses but little elasticity. But one of their most important pro- perties is malleability , by which is meant the capacity of being extended and flat- tened when struck with a hammer. This property, which is peculiar to metals, enables us to give the metallic body any form we think proper, and thus renders it easy for us to convert them into the various instruments for which we have occasion. All metals do not possess this property ; but almost all those which were known to the ancients have it. Heat increases this property considerably. Metals become harder and denser by being hammered. Another property, which is also wanting in many of the metals, is ductility ; -by which we mean the capacity of being drawn out into wire, by being forced through holes of various diameters. Ductility depends, in some measure, on another property which metals possess, namely, tenacity ; by which is meant the power which a metallic wire of a given diameter has of resisting, without break- ing, the action of a weight suspended from its extremity. Metals differ exceedingly from each other in their tenacity. An iron wire, for instance, ^ of an inch in diame- ter, will support, without breaking, about 5001b. weight; whereas a lead wire, of the same diameter, will not support above 291b. When metals are exposed to the action of heat and air, most of them lose their lustre, and are gradually converted into earthy -like powders of different colours and properties, according to the metal and the degree of heat employed. ^Several of them even take fire when exposed to a strong heat; and after combustion, the re- siduum is found to be the very same earthy- like substance. All metals, even the few that resist the action of heat and air, undergo a similar change, when exposed to acids, especially the sulphuric, the nitric, and the muriatic, or a mixture of the two last. All metals, by these means, may be converted into powders, which have no resemblance to the metals from which they were obtained. These powders were formerly called calces ; but at present they are better known by the name of oxides. They are of various colours, according to the metal and the treatment, and are frequently manufactured in large quantities to serve as paints. When these oxides are mixed with char- coal powder, and heated in a crucible, they lose their earthy appearance, and are changed again into the metals from which they were produced. Oil, tallow, hydro- gen gas, and other combustible bodies, may be often substituted for charcoal. By this operation, which is called the reduc- tion of the oxides, the combustible is dimi- nished, and, indeed, undergoes the very same change as when it is burned. No metal can be converted into an oxide, except some substance be present which contains oxygen ; and, during the oxydize- ment, a portion of that oxygen disappears. There are some metallic oxides which can be reduced by the application of heat in close vessels. Now, whenever they are reduced in that manner, they yield oxygen gas : and the weight of the oxygen, toge- ther with that of the metal obtained, is THE ARTISAN. 329 equal to the weight of the original oxide. Thus, when the oxide of mercury is heated in a retort, to which a pneumatic appara- ratus is attached, to the temperature of 1000°, it is converted into pure mercury ; and, at the same time, a quantity of oxygen separates from it in a gaseous form. The weights of the metal and the oxygen gas are together equal to that of the oxide; the calx of mercury, therefore, must be composed of mercury and oxygen only. Its calcination is merely the act of its uniting with oxygen. Gold, platinum, silver, nickel, and even lead, may be re- duced in the same way, and w r ith the same evolution of oxygen gas. Several other oxides may be brought nearer the metallic state, though they cannot be completely reduced by heat, and this approach is ac- companied by the escape of oxygen gas. Manganese, zinc, and probably also iron, are in this predicament. All the oxides are reduced by means of combustible bodies, and, during the com bustion, the combustible unites to oxygen. This is the reason that charcoal-powder is so efficacious in reducing them ; and if they are mixed with it, and heated in a proper vessel furnished with a pneumatic appa- ratus, it will be easy to discover what passes. During the reduction, a great deal of carbonic acid and carbonic oxide comes over. These, together with the metal, are equal to the weight of the oxide and the charcoal : they must therefore con- tain all the ingredients ; and we know that they are composed of carbon and oxygen. Therefore, during the process, the oxygen of the oxide combines with the charcoal, and the metal remains behind. In the same manner, when oxide of iron is heated sufficiently, in contact with hydrogen, the iron is reduced, and water is formed, as was first ascertained by the experiments of Dr. Priestly. It therefore cannot be doubted, that all the metallic calces are composed of the entire metals combined with oxygen ; and that calcination, like combustion, is merely the act of this combination. All metals, then, in the present state of Chemistry, must be considered as simple substances ; for they have never yet been decom- pounded. The words calx and calcination being evidently improper, because they convey false ideas, the words oxide and oxidize- ment, which were invented by the French Chemists, are substituted for them. A metallic oxide significes a metal united with oxygen ; and oxidizement implies the act of that union. Metals, then, are all capable of combin- ing with oxygen ; and this combination is sometimes accompanied by combustion, and sometimes not. The new compounds formed’ are called metallic oxides, and in some cases metallic acids. Like the two last classes of bodies, they are capable of combining with different doses of oxygen, and of forming different species of oxides or acids. These were formerly distin- guished from each other by their colour. One of the oxides of iron, for instance, was called black oxide, another was termed red oxide ; but it is now known that the same oxide is capable of assuming different co- lours, according to circumstances. The mode of naming them from their colour, therefore, wants precision, and is apt to mislead ; especially as there occur different examples of two distinct oxides of the same metal having the same colour. As it is absolutely necessary to be able to distinguish the different oxides of the same metal from each other with perfect precision, and as the present chemical no- menclature is defective in this respect, we shall adopt the nomenclature of Dr. Thom- son, and distinguish them from each other, by prefixing to the word oxide the first syllable of the Greek ordinal numerals. Thus the protoxide of a metal will be em- ployed to denote the metal combined with a minimum of oxygen, or the first oxide which the metal is capable of forming ; deutoxide to denote the second oxide of a metal, or the metal combined with two doses of oxygen ;* and when a metal has combined with as much oxygen as possi- ble, the term peroxide will be employed to signify that the metal is thoroughly oxi- dized. We shall therefore employ the term oxide to denote the combination of metals with oxygen in general ; the terms protoxide and peroxide to denote the minimum and maximum of oxidizement; and the terms deutoxide, tritoxide, &c. to denote all the intermediate states which are capable of being formed. Metals are capable of combining with the simple combustibles. The compounds thus formed are denoted by the simple com- bustible which enters into the combination, with the termination uret added to it. Thus the combination of a metal with sulphur, phosphorus, or carbon, is called the sul- phuret, phosphuret, or carburet of the metal. The compounds formed by the metals with the three combustibles just mentioned are usually solid ; but when hydrogen unites with them, it still retains the elastic state. These solutions of metals in hydrogen have been but slightly examined. They are usually distinguished by an epithet, indicating the metal, prefixed to the word hydrogen, as arsenical hydrogen. * The same explanation v/iTI apply to tritoxide , (third oxide), tetoxide (four tli oxide), &c. whenever they become necessary. THE ARTISAN. oSO The metals in general unite very readily ifrith one another, and form compounds, some of which are extremely useful in the manufacture of instruments and utensils. Thus pewter is a compound of lead and tin ; brass, a compound of copper and zinc; bell-metal, a compound of copper and tin. These metallic compounds are called by Chemists alloys, except when one of the combining metals is mercury. In that case, the compound is called an amalgam. Thus the compound of mercury and gold is called the amalgam of gold. When no other bodies were considered as metals but those which possess ductility, and when their number was confined to six or seven, it was not necessary to seek after many properties, nor to establish any method for distinguishing and ascertaining each of these bodies. The notion of form- ing a classification must have scarcely occupied the attention of chemists. astronomy* OF ECLIPSES. Of all the various phenomena of the heavens there are none which have created so much curiosity, excited so much interest, or caused so great terror throughout the world, as eclipses of the sun and moon; and to those who are unacquainted with the principles of astronomy there is no- thing perhaps which appears more extra- ordinary than the accuracy with which they can be predicted. In the earlier ages of the world, before science had enlightened the minds of men, appearances of this kind were generally regarded as alarming deviations from the established laws of nature ; and but few, even among philosophers themselves, were able to account for these extraordinary ap- pearances. At length, when men began to apply themselves to observations, and when the motions of the celestial bodies were better understood, these phenomena were not only found to depend upon a regular cause, but to admit of a natural and easy solution. There are, however, na- tions that still entertain the most supersti- tious notions respecting eclipses, particu- larly the Mexicans and Chinese. -Thus when the infant moon her circling sphere Wheels o’er the sun’s broad disk, her shadow falls On earth’s fair bosom ; darkness chills the fields, And dreary night invests the face of heaven. Reflected from the lake full many a star Glimmers with feeble languour. India’s sons Atfrighted in wild tumult rend the air. Before his idol god with barb’rous shriek TheBrachman* falls : when soon the eye of day Darts his all-cheering radiance, from the gloom * Although the Chinese perform the most ridicu- lous and superstitious ceremonies during the time of an eclipse, yet they can calculate them with tlie greatest precision. Emerging. Joy invades the Wond’fmg crowd, And acclamation rushes from the tongues Of thousands, that around their blazing pile Riot in antic dance and dissonant song. ZoucU- Many instances are to be found, not only in ancient, but even in comparatively modern history, where the superstition of the times has continued to connect the records of eclipses with the details of some remarkable event, which either happens soon after or during their continuance. But these details being foreign to the nature of the present work, we shall proceed to give an account of the causes, and various kinds of eclipses of the sun and moon. As every planet belonging to the solar system, both primary and secondary, de- rives its light from the sun, it must cast a shadow towards that part of the heavens which is opposite to the sun. This shadow is of course nothing but a privation of light in the space hid from the sun by the opaque body, and will always be proportionate to the relative magnitudes of the sun and planet. If the sun and planet were both of the same size, the form of the shadow cast by the planet would be that of a cylinder, the diameter of which would be the same as that of the sun or planet, and it would never converge to a point. If the planet were larger than the sun, the sha- dow would continue to spread or diverge ; but as the sun is much larger than the greatest of the planets, the shadows cast by any one of these bodies must converge to a point, the distance of which from the planet will be proportionate to the size and distance of the planet from the sun. The magnitude of the sun is such that the sha- dow cast by each of the primary planets always converges to a point before it reaches any other planet ; so that not one of the primary planets can eclipse another. The shadow of any planet which is accom- panied by satellites may, on certain occa- sions, eclipse these satellites; butitisnot long enough to eclipse any other body. The shadow of a satellite or moon may also, on certain occasions, fall on the primary and eclipse it. Eclipses of the sun and moon happen when the moon is near her nodes, that is, when she is either in the plane of the ecliptic or very near it. Those of the sun happen only at new moon, or when the moon is in conjunction with the sun ; whilst those of the moon happen at the time of full moon, or when the moon is in opposition to the sun. The sun, earth, and moon, must therefore always be nearly in the same straight line at the time of an eclipse ; and conversely, when these three bodies are nearly in a straight line, an eclipse must take place. Hence it is evident, that an eclipse happens in consequence of one of the two opaque bodies, the earth and the moon, being so placed as to prevent the THE ARTISAN. 331 &un’s light from falling on the other. — See the following figure, which represents the ipoon passing through the dark shadow of the earth, as she moves in her orbit n z„ while the earth moves in the ecliptic rq, The interposition of t e moon between |jhe sun and the earth produces an eclipse of the sun ; and the interposition of the earth between the moon and the sun, so that its shadow falls on the moon, produces an eclipse of the moon. On these princi- ples the whole phenomena pf eclipses de- pend, and adnjit of complete explanation. If the moon’s orbit were coincident with the plane of the ecliptic, the moon’s shadow would fall upon the earth, and occasion a central eclipse of the sun at every con- junction, or newipoon; whilst the earth’s shadow would fall on the moon, and occa- sion a total eclipse of that body at every opposition or full moon. For as the moon would then always move in the ecliptic, the centres of the sun, earth, and moon, would all be in the same straight line at both of these times. But the moon’s orbit is inclined to the ecliptic, and forms with it an angle of about 5° 10' ; and, therefore, the moon is never in the ecliptic except when she is in one of her nodes : hence, there may be a considerable number of conjunctions and oppositions of the sun and mopn without any eclipse taking place. The moop is always at some distance from the ecliptic, except when she is in one of her nodes; pnd this distance is called her latitude , which is north or south, according as the moon is on the north or south side of the ecliptic. Now if the moon has any latitude, there cannot be a central eclipse, for this can only happen when the moon is in one of her nodes at the moment of conjunction, which is very seldom the case ; and, of course, very few central eclipses of the sun have taken place since the creation of the world.* But the section of the earth’s shadow (through which the moon passes when she is eclipsed) being much larger than the disc of the moon, the moon may be totally eclipsed, although she be at some distance from her node at the time of opposition ; but its duration will be the greater the nearer she is to the node. An eclipse of the sun may also happen, although the moon be at some distance from her node at the time of conjunction ; but its form, as well as its duration, depend very much upon that distance. This circumstance has occasioned the division of eclipses into central, total, annular, and partial. As the meaning of these terms must be obyious to the reader, it is almost unne- cessary to give an explanation of them. A central eclipse, is that in which the centre pf the shadow falls on the centre of the body which is eclipsed. A total eclipse is the obscuration of the whole body eclipsed. An annular eclipse is that in which the whole of the body eclipsed is hid, except a ring round its edge, which remains lumi- nous. A partial eclipse is that in which part of the eclipsed body is hid from view. The following figure represents a partial eclipse of the sun, which will be visible to that tract of the earth marked npo, the line m n marks the greatest obscura- tion. If the distance be very small, the eclipse will be the greater and continue the longer; but no eclipse of the sun can be either cen- tral or total, except the moon be in the very npde at the time of conjunction. But should she be in this situation, when she is * One of the most remarkable eclipses of this kind which has ever happened, was visible in Bri- tain and several other countries, on the 7th of Sep. tember, 1820. 332 THE ARTISAN. at her least distance from the earth, aiid the earth, at the same time, at its least distance from the sun, then the eclipse will not only be central but total , and continue so for a few minutes. But if the moon happens to be at her greatest distance from the earth, and the earth at its greatest dis- tance from the sun, the eclipse will be annular, or a small space round the sun’s centre only will be hid from view, and a bright lucid ring round his edge will re- main visible. If the moon be less than 17| degrees from either node at the time of conjunction, her shadow will fall more or less ujpon the earth, according as she is more or less within this limit ; and, of course, the sun will suffer a partial eclipse. And if she be less than 12§ degrees from either node at the time of opposition, she will pass through more or less of the earth’s shadow, according as she is more or less within these lines, and of course she will suffer an eclipse . As these limits form but a small part of the moon’s orbit, which is 360 degrees, eclipses happen but seldom ; however, in no year can there be fewer than two, and there may be seven of the sun and moon together — but taking one year with another, there are about four each year. But as the sun and moon spend as much time be- low the horizon of any place as above it, half the number of the eclipses will be in- visible at any particular place, and con- sequently there will be only two eclipses visible in a year at that place, the one of the sun and the other of the moon.'* Every eclipse, whether of the sun or moon, is visible at some place of the earth’s surface, and invisible at others ; for the ra- tional horizon of every place divides both the earth and heavens into two equal por- tions or hemispheres ; and as no celestial body can be seen except it be above the spectator’s horizon, it follows that any eclipse which is visible in the one hemis- phere cannot be visible in the other, because the body which is eclipsed is below the ho- rizon of that other. If a lunar eclipse, for ex- amlpe, happens at any hour of the night, between the time of sun-setting and sun- rising, at any particular place, it will be visible there and invisible to the inhabi- tants of the opposite hemisphere, who have the sun above their horizon at that time ; for the sun and moon are in opposite parts of the heavens at the time of a lunar eclipse. And with respect to solar eclipses, it is evident that they can only be seen at any place when the sun is above the ho- rizon of that place. There is, however, a difference with regard to the visibility of a solar and lunar eclipse ; for an eclipse of the moon has the Same appearance to all the inhabitants of that hemisphere to which the moon is visible at the time, Owing, in part, to the small distance of the moon from the earth. But an eclipse of the sun may be visible to some places and invisible to others in the same hemisphere of the earth, because the moon’s shadow is small in comparison of the earth ; for its breadth, excluding the penumbra, is only about 180 miles even in central eclipses.* Hence those places which are considerably distant from the path of the shadow will either have no eclipse at all, or a very small one ; while places near the middle of the shadow will have the greatest possible. There is also a difference in the absolute time at which a solar eclipse happens at the va- rious places where it is visible ; for it appears more early to the western parts, and later to the eastern, on account of the motion of the moon ( and of course her shadow) from west to east. In most solar eclipses the moon’s disc may be observed by a telescope to be covered by a faint light, which is attri- buted to the reflexion of light from the illuminated part of the earth. When the eclipses are total, the moon’s limb is sur- rounded by a pale circle of light, which some astronomers consider as an indication of a lunar atmosphere, but others, as occa- sioned by the atmosphere of the sun ; be- cause it has been observed to move equally with the sun and not with the moon. Dr. Halley, in describing a central eclipse of the sun, which happened at Lon- don in April, 1715, says, that although the disc of the sun was wholly covered by the moon, a luminous ring of a faint pearly light surrounded the body of the moon the whole time ; and its breadth was nearly a tenth of the moon’s diameter. In lunar eclipses, the moon seldom dis- appears entirely : and on some occasions, even the spots may be distinguished through the shade ; but this can only be the case when the moon is at her greatest distance from the earth at the time of the eclipse, for the nearer the moon is to the earth the darkness is the greater. In some instances, the moon has disappeared en- tirely ; and the celebrated astronomer, He- raclius, has taken notice of one where the moon could not be seen even with a tele- scope, though the night was remarkably clear. Although eclipses of the sun and moon were long considered by the ignorant and superstitious as presages of evil, yet they are of the greatest use in astronomy, and may be employed to improve some of the most important and useful of the sciences. By eclipses of the moon the earth is proved * If ithere be seven eclipses in any year, five of them must be of the sun and two-of the moon. * A penumbra is the faint shadow produced by an opaqne body wheu opposed to a luminous one. THE ARTISAN.' ass to be of a globular form, the sun to be I greater than the earth, and the earth greater ! than the moon. When they are similar in all their circumstances, and happen at con- siderable intervals of time, they also serve, to ascertain the real period of the moon’s i motion. In geography, eclipses are of con- siderable use in determining the longitude ; of places, and particularly eclipses of the ; moon, because they are oftener visible than , I those of the sun, and the same eclipse is of equal magnitude and duration at all places where it is seen. In chronology, both solar and lunar eclipses serve to determine exactly the time of any past event. For the purpose of finding the longitude at places on the earth, eclipses of Jupiter’s , I satellites are found much more useful than eclipses of the moon ; not only on account of their happening more frequently, but on account of their instantaneous commence- ment and termination. When Jupiter and any of his satellites | are in a line with the sun, and Jupiter be- ; tween the satellite and the sun, it disap- pears, being then eclipsed, or involved in his shadow. When the satellite goes be- hind the body of Jupiter, with respct to a spectator on the earth, it is said to be oc- culted, being hid from our sight by his body, whether in his shadow or not. And j when the satellite comes into a position i between Jupiter and the sun, it casts a shadow on the face of that planet, which is seen by a spectator on the earth as an obscure round spot. Lastly, when the sa- tellite is in a line with Jupiter and the earth, it appears on his disc as a round black spot, which is termed a transit of the | satellite. As those phenomena appear at the same moment of absolute time at all places on the earth to which Jupiter is then visible, but at different hours of relative time, ac- g| cording to the distance between the meri- t; dianof the places at which observations are made, it follows that this difference of 1 time converted into degrees will be the difference of longitude between those places.* Suppose, for example, that a person at London observed an eclipse to begin at 11 o'clock in the evening, and that a person at Barbadoes observed the same at seven o’clock in the evening, it is certain f the eclipse was seen by both persons at the same moment of absolute time, although I there is four hours difference in their man- i ner of reckoning that time : and this con- si verted into degrees (at the rate of 15 * I degrees to an hour) is the difference of longitude between these two places — - therefore Barbadoes is 60 degrees west * Absolute time is that which is computed from the same moment; relative is that which is com- puted from different moments. from London, the time not being so far advanced there as at London. Another phenomena, somewhat similar to an eclipse, sometimes takes place, by which the longitude of places may be de- termined, although not quite so easily, nor perhaps so accurately, as by the eclipses of Jupiter’s satellites. This is the hiding or obscuring of a fixed star or planet by the moon or other planet, which takes place when the moon or planet is in conjunction with the star. Appearances of this kind are termed occultations. They are very little attended to except by practical astro- nomers, who employ them for the correc- tion of the lunar tables, and settling the longitude of places, as already stated. jTlt^eUatteous Subjects. MEMOIR OF THE LIFE OF HYPATIA. Hypatia, a most beautiful, virtuous, and learned lady of antiquity, was the daughter of Theon, who governed the Platonic school at Alexandria, the place of her birth and education, in the latter part of the fourth century. Theon was famous among his contemporaries for his extensive knowledge and learning ; but what has chiefly ren- dered him so with posterity is, that he was the father of Hypatia, who, encouraged by her prodigious genius, he educated not only in all the qualifications belonging to her sex, but likewise in the most abstruse sciences. She made an amazing progress in every branch of learning, and the things that are said of her almost surpass belief. Socrates, the ecclesiastical historian, a witness whose veracity cannot be doubted, at least when he speaks in favour of a heathen philosopher, tells us, that Hypatia u arrived at such a pitch of learning, as very far to exceed all the philosophers of her time.” Philostorgius, a third historian of the same stamp, affirms, that “ she was much superior to her father and master, * Theon, in what regards Astronomy and Suidas, who mentions two books of her writing, one “ On the Astronomical Canon of Diophantus, and another on the Conics of Apollonius,” avers, that “ she not only exceeded her father in Astronomy, but also that she understood all the other parts of philosophy.” It is some confirmation of these assertions, that she succeeded her father in the government of the Alexan- drian school : filling that chair, where Ammonius, Hierocles, and many great and celebrated philosophers had taught; and this, at a time, when men of immense learning abounded both at Alexandria, and many other parts of the Roman em- pire, Her fame was so extensive, and m THE ARTISAN. her worth so universally acknowledged, that we cannot wonder if she had a crowded auditory. “ She explained to her hearers,” Says Socrates, “ the several sciences that go under the general name of philosophy ; for which reason there was a confluence to her, from all parts, of those who made philosophy their delight and study.” Her scholars were as eminent as they were numerous:- one of whom was the celebrated Synesius, who was afterwards Bishop of Ptolemais. This ancient Chris- tian Platonist every where bears the strongest, as well as the most grateful tes- timony to the learning and virtue of his in- structress ; and never mentions her without the profoundest respect, and sometimes in terms of affection coming little short of adoration. In a letter to his brother Euoptius, “ Salute,” says he “ the most honoured and the most beloved of God, the Philosopher ; and that happy society, which enjoys the blessing of her divine voice/’ In another, he mentions one Egyptus, who “ sucked in the seeds of wisdom from Hypatia.” In another, he expresses himself thus : “ I suppose these letters will be delivered by Peter, which he will receive from that sacred hand.” In a letter addressed to herself, he desires her to direct a hydroscope to be made and brought for him, which he there describes. That famous silver astrolabe, which he presented to Peonius, a man equally excel- ling in philosophy and arms, he owns to have been perfected by the directions of Hypatia. In a long epistle, he acquaints her with his reasons for writing two books, which he sends her ; and asks her judg- ment of one, resolving not to publish it without her approbation. But it was not Synesius only, 'and the disciples of the Alexandrian school, who admired Hypatia for her great virtue and learning ; never woman was more caressed by the public, and yet never woman had a more unspotted character. She was held as an oracle for her wisdom, which made her consulted by the magistrates in all im- portant cases ; and this frequently drew her among the greatest concourse of men, without the least censure of her manners. “ On account of the confidence and autho- rity,” says Socrates, “ which she had acquired by her learning, she sometimes came to the judges with singular modesty. Nor was she any thing abashed to appear thus among a crowd of men ; for all per- sons, by reason of her extraordinary dis- cretion, did at the same time both rever- ence and admire her.’’ The same is con- firmed by Nicephorus and other authors, whom we have already cited. Damascius and Suidas relate, that the governors and magistrates of Alexandria regularly visited her, and paid their court to her ; and when Nicephorus intended to pass the highest compliment on the Princess Eudbcia, h€ thought he could not do it better, than by calling her “ another Hypatia.” While Hypatia thus reigned the bright- est ornament of Alexandria, Orestes was governor of the same place for the emperor Theodosius, and Cyril bishop or patriarch. Orestes, having had a liberal education, admired Hypatia, and frequently con- sulted her. This created an intimacy be- tween them that was highly displeasing to Cyril, who had a great aversion to Orestes: which intimacy, as it is supposed, had like to have proved fatal to Orestes, as we may collect from the following account of Socrates. “ Certain of the monks,” says he, “ living in the Nitrian mountains, leaving their monasteries to the number of about five hundred, flocked to the city, and spied the governor going abroad in his chariot: whereupon approaching, they called him by the names of Sacrificer and Heathen, using many other scandalous ex- pressions. The governor, suspecting that this was a trick played him by Cyril, cried out that he was a Christian, and that he had been baptised at Constantinople by Bishop Atticus. But the monks giving no heed to what he said, one of them, called Ammonius, threw a stone at Orestes, which struck him on the head ; and being all covered with blood from his wounds, his guards, a few excepted, fled, some one way and some another, hiding themselves in the crowd, lest they should be stoned to death. In the mean while, the people of Alexandria ran to defend their governor against the monks, and putting the rest to flight, brought Ammonius, whom they ap- prehended, to Orestes ; who, as the laws prescribed, put him publicly to the torture, and racked him till he expired. But though Orestes escaped with his life, Hypatia afterwards fell a sacrifice. This lady, as we have observed, was pro- foundly respected by Orestes, who much frequented and consulted her : “ for which reason,” says Socrates, “ she was not a little traduced among the Christian mul- titude, as if she obstructed a reconciliationr between Cyril and Orestes. This occa- sioned certain enthusiasts, headed by one Peter, a lecturer, to enter into a conspiracy against her; who, watching an opportu- nity, when she was returning home from some place, first dragged her out of her chair, then hurried her to the church called Caesar’s, and, stripping her naked, killed her with, tiles. After this they tore her to pieces ; and carrying her limbs to a place called Cinaron, there burnt them to ashes.” Cave endeavours to remove the imputation of this horrid murder from Cyril, thinking him too honest a man to have had any hand in it; and lays it upon the Alexan- drian mob in general, whom he calls “a very trifliDg inconstant people,” But th& Artisan. 335 though dyril should foe allowed to have been neither the perpetrator, nor even the contriver of it, others have thought that he did not discountenance it in the manner he ought to have done : and was so far from blaming the outrage committed by the Nitrian monks upon the governor Orestes, that . u he afterwards received the dead body of Ammonius, whom Orestes had punished with the rack ; made a panegyric upon him, in the church where he was laid, in which he extolled his courage and constancy, as one that had contended fbr the truth ; and, changing his name to Thaumasius, or the Admirable, ordered him to be considered as a* martyr. How- ever,” continues Socrates, “ the wiser sort of Christians did not approve the zeal which Cyril showed on this man’s behalf, being convinced, that Ammonius had justly suffered for his desperate attempt.” We learn from the same historian, that the death of Hypatia happened in March, in the 10th year of Honorius’s, and the 6th of Theodosius’s, consulship ; that is, about JLD. 415, , IMPROVED HYDRAULIC RAM. Amongst the various mathematical in- struments and models of machines which issue frorii the cabinet of M. A. F. L., and are sold at Paris, in the Rue Castex, there is to be seen an hydraulic ram, constructed by Mr. Smith, under the superintendence and direction of M. Montgolfier, jun., and which we shall here describe. All its parts are. extremely simple, but as well adjusted, and as neatly executed, as the most | finished philosophical instrument. It is unquestionably the most complete and perfect machine of the kind that has ever been constructed. Its operations are per- formed with great exactness, its action is regular, and its effects are constant. It is constructed so as to raise seven pints of water in a minute to the height of 64 feet, at an expense of a stream of water of 2| inches, and 30 inches fall ; the quan- tity and height may, however, both be augmented by elevating the fall. Those parts which comprise the tubes of the great pipe of 30 feet in length and 64 in height, are formed of copper, with ad- mirable perfection. The tubes are of red copper, without solder, every foot of which is strengthened by strong brass rods, an ihdispensible precaution for preserving thOir stiffness. These tubes are formed in parts of equal length, and each of the length of five feet six inches, and fastened together by means of brace s in brass work, polished with emery, as the spigot of a cask ; and when they are all mutually connected with each other, the whole is consolidated by a covering of the same metal, screwed and locked with a key. The apparatus is provided in several parts with a number of valves, formed of metal of different alloys, and of porcelain, agate, or leather, &c. &c. ; which are em- ployed in making interesting experiments upon their relative duration and advantage, in order that they may be replaced when it is found necessary. This excellent hydraulic ram may be erected in a few hours, wherever its action is requisite, without allowing a single drop of water to escape. In fact, all the parts which compose it may be taken to pieces with equal facility, and packed into a case of five feet eight inches in length, and only 16 inches in depth ; which may also serve to contain any other philosophical instru- ment. There is an apparatus for the admission or reception of air , which conforms exactly to each stroke of the ram ; the purpose of which is to keep in a constant level and a permanent density the air which is con- tained in the bell of the machine, or in the compressing globe, which thus supplying the loss of air which is absorbed in its compression by the water, to maintain the elasticity of the surrounding air, so neces- sary to the operation of machines for raising columns of water, to avert any sudden jerks, prevent their fracture, and to regu- late their movements. The perfection of the hydraulic ram is to be ascribed entirely to M. Montgolfier, jun. In fact, the ram, deprived of this latter improvement, would never move with any regularity; it either bursts, or stops suddenly, the moment the air in the bell is absorbed. In this case, if the tubes of ascension are brittle as those of cast iron are, they split into a hundred pieces ; if soft like lead, they tear ; and, lastly, if they be elastic as copper, the machine af- fords no further produce ; for the tubes di- lating and contracting alternately the pul- sations of the ram, proceed no further than occasioning a movement, or rather an os- cillation up and down, entirely useless in the column of ascending water ; a capital defect in this species of machinery, and which was not considered by the original inventors, but which the apparatus for the inspiration of air occasions to be overcome. This ram will perform its operations re- gularly during three months without stopping, if it is not touched or damaged ; it isjrue, that great care must be taken to place it in a proper position, and to shelter or protect it from the weather. It cannot be too strongly represented to those persons who intend to employ the powers of this hydraulic ram, that the greater part of the defects in this ingenious engine arise not from its construction, but solely from the wretched economy observed THE ARTISAN. 336 ' in its formation, and, above all, from the negligence and carelessness of the work- men who assist in fitting it up; who seldom possess either the knowledge or the expe- rience necessary to ensure its successful operation. All the parts of the hydraulic ram here described were removed from the foundry, a.s soon as it was possible, without running the risk of having them too weak, or of en- dangering their solidity; therefore there is no superfluous metal attached to them. The cost amounted to the sum of three francs per pound, including the cost of workmanship. The whole weight is 90 kilogr. (or 180 pounds de marc). All its parts were put to the test, and were found to be of sufficient strength. This ram is provided with all the necessary jiltres , and is complete in all its parts. The cost can- not be estimated at less than five francs per pound ; and the whole amount will be about 900 francs, or £36 sterling. Note. — There is attached to it a descrip- tion of the method of raising it and putting it in action. SOLUTION OF QUESTIONS. Quest. 43, answered by Mr. J. Taylor, Clement's ■ lane y Lombard-street. Let ABC denote the given elipsis, D its centre, make D m ~ half n, and make mn~c\ join D w, continuing it till it cuts the arch E, draw E F parallel t© m n , and E H parallel to G F ; lastly, draw G H parallel E F, then is H G E F the rect- angle required/ Demon. The "triangles D win, andDEF are similar, consequently as Dm : mn : : DF : E F. Then, as twice Dm : mn : : twice DP:EF. Q. E. D. This problem was also solved by the Proposer., nearly in a similar manner. Quest. 44, ansivered by Mr. Whit- combe, Mathematician , Cornhill. Put 2 a~ £20, the sum of A and B’s share ; m “ £602, the difference of the cubes of their shares, and x~ half the difference of their shares, then will a -J- x ~ A’s share, and a . — x. — B’s share ; then, per question 3 — a— x\ 3 Z= m; ex- panded and reduced, we obtain 2 x 3 4-6 2 a x ~ m, a cubic, which per Cardan we find x — 1.-. a-fxzzlO + 1 — £11 “A’s share, "and a — x — 10 — 1 — £9 n B’s share as required. This question was also solved by Mr, J. Taylor; by Mr. J. Harding; by Mr. J. Barr ; and we received an answer from a Constant Reader, but without any operation. The above is a very neat solu- tion ; and though we have no room to in- sert it, we have received another equally neat from T. D. Bristol. Ed. Quest. 45, answered by Mr. J. Stephens. The circumference of a circle, whose radius is 10 feet is 753*984 inches ; and as the screw must sink 1 inch in one revolu- tion as 1 : 753-984 : : 200 : 105796-8 pounds, which is the pressure of the screw. This question was also solved by a Con- stant Reader ; by Mr. J. Johnston ; and by the Proposer, who have mistaken the radius for the circumference, by which means they have made the answer only half the above. QUESTIONS FOR SOLUTION. Quest. 47, proposed by T. D. Bristol. It is required to find the distance (on a horizontal plane) from the base of the tower of Bristol Cathedral, to the image of the sun, in a basin of water, which may be observed by a person from the top of the tower on the 29th of April, 1825, at 11 h. 5 m. 22 s. in the morning; the height of the tower being 127*63 feet, and the observer's eye 5*57 feet above the tower, in lat. 51° 27' 6". 3N, long. 2° 35' 28". 6 W. Quest. 48, proposed by Mr. J. Whit- combe, Cornhill. In the equation 2*94327 lx — x 5 ~ 1*94353929, it is required to find the three roots of x by a strict algebraic process, without making use of conjecture, or fol- lowing the methods of Newton, Ward, Hutton, Emerson, or any of the modern authors on Algebra. We have inserted the above question at the earnest request of the Proposer ; but we wish it to be understood, that abstract mathematical questions are not what we wish. See our standing notice to Cor- respondents on the Wrapper. Ed. Errata.— For Quest. 42, page 320, read 41— and for Quest. 43, read 42. THE ARTISAN. 337 GEOMETRY. PROPOSITION XI. Problem. — To divide a given straight line into two parts , so that the rectangle con- tained by the whole , and one of the parts, shall be equal to the square of the other part. Let A B be the given straight line ; it is required to divide it into two parts, so that the rectangle contained by the whole, and one of the parts, shall be equal to the square of the other part. Upon A B describe the square ABDC; bisect A C in E, and join B E ; produce C A to F, and make E F equal to E B, and upon A F describe the square F G H A ; A B is divided in H, so that the rectangle A B, B H, is equal to the square of A H. Produce G H to K : because the straight line A C is bisected in E, and produced to the point F, the rectangle C F, F A, to- gether with the square of A E, is equal to the square of E F : But E F is equal to EB; therefore the rectangle C F, FA, to- gether with the square of A E, is equal to the square of EB: And the squares of B A, A E are equal to the square of E B, because the angle E A B is a right angle ; therefore the rectangle CF, F A, together with the square of A E, is equal to the squares of BA, A E : Take away the square of A E, w hich is“common to both, therefore the remaining rectangle C F, FA, is equal to the square of A B ; and the figure F K is the rectangle contained by C F, FA, for A F is equal to F G ; and A D is the square of A B ; therefore F K is equal to AD: Take away the common part A K, and the remainder F H is equal to the remainder H D : And H D is the rectangle contained by A B, B H, for A B is equal to BD; and F H is the square of AH. Therefore the rectangle AB, BH Vol. I.— No. 22. is equal to the square of A H : Wherefore, the straight line A B is divided in H, so that the rectangle AB, BH, is equal to the square of AH. Which was to be done. This proposition is one of those which cannot be proved by numbers ; and shows that Geometry is a more accurate branch of the mathematics than arithmetic, at least where it is applicable. The solution by numbers may, however, be approximated to sufficiently near for any purpose that may be required, by solving a quadratic equation in algebra ; but as we are aware that comparatively few can perform this operation, we shall here give a very easy mode of approxima- tion. Assume the segments of the divided line at first equal, and denote each by 1, then their continued summation will produce the following numbers : 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, &c. Now if the divided line contained 89 equal parts, its greater segment would contain 55, and its lesser segment 34 of these parts, very nearly ; and if the whole line contained 144 parts, its greater segment would con- tain 89, and its lesser segment 34 of these parts, which is an approximation still nearer than the foregoing. PROPOSITION XII. Theorem. — In obtuse-angled friangles , if a pei'pendicular be drawn front any of the acute angles to the opposite side produced , the square of the side subtending the ob- tuse angle is greater than the squares of the sides containing the obtuse angle, by twice the rectangle contained by the side upon which, when produced, the perpen- dicular falls, and the straight line inter- cepted without the triangle between the perpendicular and the obtuse angle. Let A B C be an obtuse angled triangle, having the obtuse angle A C B, and from the point A let AD be drawn perpendi- cular to B C produced : The square of AB is greater than the squares of A C, C B, by twice the rectangle BC, CD. Because the straight line B D is divided into two parts in the point C, the square 338 THE ARTISAN. and twice the rectangle BC, CD: To each of Ihese equals add the square of DA; and the squares of B D, DA, are equal to the squares of B C, CD, D A, and twice the rectangle B C, CD: But the"square of B A is equal to the squares of B D, DA, because the angle at D is a right angle ; and the square of C A is equal to the squares of C D, D A : There- fore the square of B A is equal to the squares of B C, C A, and twice the rect- angle B C, CD; that is, the square of B A is greater than the squares of B C, C A, by twice the rectangle B C, CD. Therefore, in obtuse-angled triangles, &c. Q. E. D. & This and the following propositions would be rendered more intricate, by any attempt to illustrate them by numbers. i PROPOSITION XIII. Theorem. — In every triangle , the square of the side subtending any of the acute angles, is less than the squares of the sides containing that angle, by twice the rectangle contained by either of these sides, and the straight line intercepted between the perpendicular let fall upon it from the opposite angle , and the acute angle. Let ABC be any triangle, and the angle at B one of its acute angles, and upon B C, one of the sides containing it, let fall the perpendicular AD from the opposite angle : the square of A C, oppo- site to the angle B, is less than the squares of C B, B A, by twice the rectangle C B, B D. First, let A D fall within the triangle ABC; and because the straight line C B A is divided into two parts in the point D, the squares of C B, B D are equal to twice the rectangle contained by C B, B D, and the square of D C : To each of these equals add the square of AD; therefore the squares of C B, B D, D A, are equal to twice the rectangle C B, B D, and the squares of A D, D C : Rut the square of A B is equal to the Squares of B D, D A, because the angle B D A is a right angle ; and the square of AC is equal to the squares of AD, DC: Therefore the squares of C B, BA are equal to the square of AC, and twice the rectangle C B, B D ; that is, the square of A C alone is less than the squares of C B, B A, by twice the rectangle C B, BD. Secondly, Let A D fall without the triangle ABC; and because the straight line B D is divided into two parts in C, the squares of C B and B D are equal to twice the rectangle contained by C B, B D, and the square of D C : To each of these equals add the square of A D ; therefore the squares of C B, B D, D A, are equal to twice the rectangle C B, B D, and the squares of AD, DC: But the square of A B is equal to the squares of B D, D A, because the angle B D A is a right angle ; and the square of AC is equal to the squares of A D, DC: Therefore the squares of C B, B A are equal to the square of A C, and twice the rectangle C B, B D ; that is, the square of A C alone is less than the squares of C B, BA by twice the rectangle C B, B D. Lastly, let the side A C be perpendicular to B C ; then is B C the straight line be- tween the perpendicular and the acute angle at B ; and it is manifest, that the squares of A B, B C are equal to the square of A C and twice the square of B C : There- fore, in every triangle, &c. Q. E. D; & B C PROPOSITION XIV. Problem. — To describe a square that shall be equal to a given rectilineal figure. Let A be the given rectilineal figure ; it is required to describe a square that shall be equal to A. Describe the rectangular parallelogram B C D E equal to the rectiMheal figure A. THE ARTISAN. 3S9 If then the sides of it BE, ED are equal to one another, it is a square, and what was required is now done : But if they are not equal, produce one of them B E to F, and make E F equal to ED, and bisect B F in G : and from the centre G, at the distance G B, or G F, describe the semi- circle B H F ; and produce D E to H, and join G H : Therefore, because the straight line B F is divided into two equal parts in the point G, and into two unequal at E, the rectangle BE, E F, together with the square of E G, is equal to the square of G F : But G F is equal to G H ; therefore the rectangle B E, E F, together with the square of E G, is equal to the square of G H : But the squares of H E EG are equal to the square of G H : Therefore the rectangle BE, E F, together with the square of EG, is equal to the squares of H E, E G : take away the square of E G, which is common to both ; and the remain- ing rectangle BE, E F is equal to the square of E H : but the rectangle contained by B E, E F is the parallelogram B D, be- cause E F is equal to E D ; therefore B D is equal to the square of E H ; but B D is equal to the rectilineal figure A ; therefore the rectilineal figure A is equal to the square of E H : Wherefore a square has been made equal to the given rectilineal figure A ; viz. the square described upon E H. Which was to be done. PROPOSITION A. Theorem. — If one side of a triangle be bi- sected , the swn of the squares of the other two sides is double of the square of half the side bisected , and of the square of the line drawn from the point of bisection to the opposite angle of the triangle. Let A B C be a triangle, of which the side B C is bisected in D, and D A drawn to the opposte angle ; the squares of B A and A C are together double of the squares of B D and D A. and because B C is divided equally in D, and unequally in E, the squares of B E and E C are together equal to twice the square of B D, and twice the square of D E, (II. 9) ; to each of these add twice the square of A E, and the squares of B E and E A are equal to the square of A B, and the squares of C E and E A are equal to the square of A C ; therefore the squares of A B and A C are equal to twice the square of B D, and twice the squares of D E and A E ; but twice the squares of D E and A E are equal to twice the square of A D, therefore the squares ©f A B and A C are equal to twice the square of BD and of AD. PROPOSITION B. Theorem. — The sum of the squares of the diagonals of any parallelogram, is equal to the sum of the squares of the sides of the parallelogram. Let ABCD be a parallelogram, of which the diameters are A C and B D ; the sum of the squares of A C and B D is equal to the sum of the squares of A B, B C, C D, DA. Let A C and B D intersect one another in E : and because the vertical angles A E D, C E B are equal, and also the alter- nate angles E A D, E C B, the triangles A D E, C E B have two angles in the one equal to two angles in the other, each to each : but the sides A D and B C, which are opposite to equal angles in these tri- angles, are also equal ; therefore the other sides which are opposite to the equal angles are also equal; viz. AE to EC, and E D to E B. A D THE ARTISAN. $40 Since, therefore, B D is bisected in E, the squares of A B and A D are equal to twice the square of A E and twice the square of B E ; and for the same reason the squares of B C and C D are equal to twice the square of C E and twice the square of D E. Therefore the squares of A B, AD, DC, and C B, are equal to four times the square of B E, and four times the square of A E. But four times the square of B E is equal to the square of B D, and four times the square of A E is equal to the square of A C, because B D and A C are both bisected in E ; therefore the squares of A B, A D, D C, and C B, are equal to the squares of A C and B D. We have added the two last propositions on account of their great Use in Geometry, and their close connection with the proposi- tions which precede them, in the second book. Prop. A. is an extension of the 9th and 10th of the same book ; and B is easily proved, after the truth of A is established. MBCHAN1CS. atwood’s machine. ( See page 809 . ) If 4| oz. or 19 m. be included in either box, this, with the weight of the box itself, will be 25 m ; so that when the weights A and B, each being 25 m, are balanced in the manner represented in the figure, their whole mass will be 50 m, which being added to the inertia of the wheels 11m, the sum will be 61 m. Besides these, three circular weights are constructed, each of which is equal to \ of an ounce, or 6 m. If one of these be added to A and one to B, the whole mass will now become 63 m, perfectly in equilibrio, and moveable by the least weight added to either (setting aside the effects of friction) in the same manner precisely, as if the same weight or force were applied to communicate motion to the mass 63 m, existing in free space and without gravity. The moving force. Since the weight of any substance is constant, and the exact quantity of it easily estimated, it will be con- venient here to apply a weight to the mass A as a moving force. Thus, when the sys- tem consists of a mass equal in Weight to 63 m, according to the preceding descrip- tion, the whole being perfectly balanced, let a weight of | oz. or m, be applied on the mass A; this will communicate motion to the whole system ; by adding a quantity of mat- tter m to the former mass 63 m, the whole quantity of matter moved will now become 64m, and the moving force being equal to m, this will give the force which accele- rates the descent of A, equal to g \th part of the accelerating force of gravity. In this way the moving force may be’ altered without altering the mass moved ; consequently, both the proportion and abso- lute quantities of the moving force and mass moved may be of any assigned mag- nitude, according to the conditions of the proposition to be illustrated. Of the space described. The body A, fig. 1, descends in a vertical line ; and a scale E F, about 64 inches in length, divided into inches and tenths, is adjusted vertical, and so placed, that the descending weight A may fall in the middle of a square stage Z, fixed to receive it at the end of the descent; the beginning of the descent is estimated from o. The descent of A is terminated when the bottom of the box strikes the stage Z, which may be fixed at different distances from the point o; so that by altering the position of the stage, the space described from rest may be of any given magnitude less than 64 inches. The time of description is observed by the pendulum X W vibrating seconds; and the experiments intended to illustrate the elementary propositions, may easily be so constructed that the time of motion shall be a whole number of seconds. The esti- mation of the time, therefore, admits of considerable exactness, provided the ob- server takes care to let the bottom of the box A begin its descent precisely at any beat of the pendulum ; then the coincidence of the stroke of the box against the stage, and the beat of the pendulum at the end of the time of motion, will show how nearly the experiment and the theory agree. There might be various devices for letting the weight A begin its descent, at the in- stant of a beat of the pendulum W ; for instance, let the bottom of the box o, when o on the scale, rest on a flat rod held in the hand horizontally, its extremity being coincident with o by attending to the beats of the pendulum, and with a little practice, the rod which supports the box A, may be removed at the moment the pen- dulum beats, so that the descent of A shall commence at the same instant. Of the velocity acquired. — It remains only to describe in what manner the velo- city acquired by the descending w r eight A, at any given point of its path, is made evi- dent to the senses. The velocity of A’s descent being continually accelerated, will be the same in two points of the space described. This is occasioned by the con- stant action of the moving force ; and, since the velocity of A at any instant is mea- sured by the space, which would be des- cribed by it moving uniformly for a given time, with the velocity it had acquired at that instant, this measure cannot be expe- rimentally obtained, except by removing the force by which the descending body’s acceleration was caused. But our limits THE ARTISAN. 341 will not permit us to state how this is effected. In the preceding description, as Mr. Atwood remarks, two suppositions have been assumed, neither of which is mathe- matically true; but it might be easily shown that they are so in a physical sense, the error occasioned by them being insensible in practice. The force which communicates motion to the system has been assumed constant; which will be true, only on a supposition, that the line at the extremities of which the weights A and B, fig. 1. are affixed, is without weight. The bodies have also been supposed to move in vacuo, whereas the resistance of the air will have some effect in retarding their motion ; but as the greatest velocity communicated in these experiments, can- not much exceed that of about 26 inches in a second ; (suppose the limit of 26’2845, and the cylindrical boxes If inches in diameter,) the resistance of the air can never increase the time of descent in so great a proportion, as that of 240 to 241 ; its effects will therefore be insensible in experiment. The effects of friction are almost wholly Temoved by the friction wheels ; for when the surfaces are well polished and free from dust, &c. if the weights A and B be balanced in perfect equlibrio, and the whole mass consists of 63 m, according to the example already described, a weight of If grains, or at most 2 grains, being added either to A or B, will communicate motion to the whole, which shows that the effects of friction will not be so great as a weight of If or 2 grains. In some cases, however, especially in experiments relating to retarded motion, the effects of friction become sensible, but may be very readily and exactly removed, by adding a mall weight of l\ r > or 2 grains to the descending body, taking care that the weight added be such, as is in the least degree smaller than that which is just sufficient to put the whole in motion, when A and B are equal, and balance each other before the moving force is applied. ME. SMEATON’S MACHINE FOR EXPERIMENTS ON ROTATORY MOTION. The following ingenious apparatus was employed by Mr. Smeaton, in his “ Expe- rimental examination of the quantity and proportion of mechanic power, necessary to be employed in giving different degrees of velocity to heavy bodies from a state of rest, with the view of showing that the same mechanic power is capable of pro- ducing the same velocity as a given body, whether it is applied, so as to produce it in a greater or less time. The machine is represented by the following figure. A vertical axis is turned by a thread passing over a pulley, and supporting a scale with weights ; the thread may be applied at different parts of the axis, having different diameters, and the axis supports two arms, on which two leaden weights are fixed, at distances which may be varied at pleasure. The same force will then produce, in the same time, but half the velocity, in the same situation of the weights, when the thread is applied to a part of the axis of half the diameter: and if the weights are removed to a double distance from the axis, a quadruple force will be required, in order to produce an equal angular velocity in a given time.* Now having wound up a certain number of turns of the thread on the barrel, and having placed a weight in the scale, it is obvious that it will cause the axis to turn round and give motion to its arms, and to the weights of lead placed on them, which the heavy bodies to be put in motion by are impulse of the weight in the scale ; and when the line is wound off’, the scale falls down, and the weight ceases to accele- rate the motion of the heavy bodies, and leaves them revolving equally forward with the velocity they have regained ; ex- cept so far as that velocity must be gra- dually lessened by the friction of the ma- chine, and the resistance of the air, which being small, the bodies will revolve for some time before their velocity is appa- rently diminished. When the bodies are at the smaller dis- tance from the axis of rotation, they are then in effect at half the greater distance * In a circle, or any portion of a circle, turning round its centre, the square of the distanoe of this point from the centre, is half the square of the se- midiameter; and the whole effect of the momentum of the circle, upon an obstacle at its circumference, is exactly half as great as that of an equal quantity of matter, striking the obstacle with the velocity of the circumference. 312 THE ARTISAN. from that axis ; for, since the axis itself, and the cylindrical arms of wood, keep an invariable distance from the centre of ro- tation, the bodies themselves must be moved nearer than half their former dis- tance, that, by being compounded with the invariable parts, they may be virtually at the half distance. In order to find this half distance nearly, Mr. Smeaton put in an arm of the same wood, which only passed through the axis, without extending in the opposite direction; one of the bodies being attached to the end of this arm, at the distance of 8$ inches, the whole machine was inclined, till the body and arm became a kind of pendulum, making 92 vibrations in the minute ; and as a pendulum of the half length vibrates quicker in the proportion of the square root of 1 to the square root of 2 ; that is, in the proportion, nearly of 92 to 130 ; therefore, keeping the same inclination of the machine, the weight was moved on the arm, till it made 130 vibrations in the minute, which was found to be as above stated, when it was at 3*92 inches distant from the centre ; which is about f 5 ths of an inch nearer than the half distance. A double arm was then put in, and marked accordingly ; and the bodies being mounted on it, the whole was adjusted ready for use. MACHINE FOR TRYING THE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. In order to investigate the strength of the various substances employed for the purposes of the mechanical arts, it is most convenient to use a machine furnished with proper supports, and gripes, or vices, for ; holding the materials, and with steel- yards, for ascertaining the magnitude of the force applied, while the extension or compression is produced by a screw or a winch, with the intervention of a wire, a a chain, or a cord : provision ought also to be made for varying the direction of the force, when the flexure of the materials renders such a change necessary. The following figure represents a machiue pos- sessed of these requisites. r The force is applied by means of the winch A, which winds up the rope B C, passing over the first pulley, and under the second, which is directly under the point D, at which the force acts on the piece E F to be broken ; the pulleys slide on two parallel bars, fixed in a frame, which is held down by a point projecting at G, from the lever G H, which is graduated like a steel-yard, and measures the force. The piece to be broken is held by a double vice I K, with four screws, two of them hiding the other two in the figure : if a wire is to be torn, it may be fixed to the cross bar L M ; and a substance to be crushed must be placed under the lever N O, the end N receiving the rope, and the end O being held down by the click, which acts on the double ratchet O P. The lever is double from O to Q, and acts on the substance by a loop, fixed to it by a pin. THE ARTISAN. 313 H'SrUROSTATICS- MACHINES FOR DISCHARGING A UNIFORM QUANTITY OF WATER. The discharge of a uniform quantity of water from a vessel containing it, being a matter of some importance, we shall give a representation of several ingenious contri- vances for this purpose. One of these is exhibited by the following figure, where M N O P is a vessel nearly full of water, which consists of a tube B A moving round a joint at B, and having its upper end B connected with a hollow floating ball C. The velocity with which the water enters the extremity B, is that which is due to the height B C, or the depth B below the surface. As the surface M N descends, the float C also descends, so that whatever be the height of the water in the vessel, it will always enter B with the same velocity. The discharge at the other end A will not be quite uniform, as the water will acquire greater velocity in descending the tube BA when it is much inclinedj than when it is nearly horizontal. A floating syphon produces the sameefiect, but in a more correct manner. This instru- ment is represented by the following figure, where ABD is a syphon, with a hollow floating ball at its shorter end. This sy- phon is suspended by the chains EP, EP, which pass over two pulleys PP upon a horizontal axle P P, and suspend at their other extremities counterweights W W . As the water in the vessel MNOP sinks by being discharged at D, the syphon descends, and the counterweights rise, and an uniform stream is obtained, till the end A reaches the bottom of the vessel. Another very ingenious contrivance for the same purpose, is shown in the following figure. A cone A B, attached to a lenticular float at C, and fixed upon the axis ef, rises and falls in the aperture m n , by which the water of the vessel MNOP is to be dis- charged. It is kept in an upright position by the horizontal axis op, rs. Now, when the vessel is full of water, and the head therefore great, the velocity at m n will also be great ; but as the float C rises with the surface MN, the aperture mn will be partly filled by a thicker part of the cone A B ; whereas, when the surface M N has descended, the float AB will also descend, and the aperture at mn will be widened, in consequence of a smaller part of the cone being included in it. In this way, the varying diameter of the cone always adjusts the aperture mn to the variable head of water, so that the quantity dis- charged through the tube mnop, is nearly always the same. WATER-BLOWING MACHINE, OR SHOWER BELLOWS. The water-blowing machine, called trombe by the French, seems to have been 344 THE ARTISAN., first introduced in Italy about the year 1672, for the purpose of procuring a blast of air by the descent of water. It is re- presented by the following figure, where M N is a reservoir of water, in the bottom of which is inserted a long tube A B, consisting of a conical part a 6, seen upon an enlarged scale in the next fig. com- municating with a cylindrical tube d B, which enters the vessel C D E F. A num- ber of openings c , d, &c. are made at the top of the tube d B, so that when the water is discharged at the conical aperture 6, it drags along with it the adjacent air. This mixture of air and water falls upon a stone pedestal G, so as to separate the air from the water. ^The water descends to the bottom of the vessel, while the air escapes through the pipe C I K to supply the furnace. Another form of the machine is represented by the following figure, where a/3 is the conical pipe, ahd the water is supplied with air from the pipe K0S0. In the water blowing machines used in Dauphiny, in the neighbourhood of' the town of Alvar, the diameter of ab is 12 inches at a and 5 at b , the diameter of dB is 10 inches. Only four holes are used at c, d, and the end B enters If feet into the vessel C D E F, which is 4 feet high and 4 feet broad. The water is discharged at an aperture above F a foot in diameter, and sometimes the admission of the water and its discharge are regulated by sluices m and n. A strong, equal, and continued blast is obtained by this machine, but it is thought to be too moist and too cold. There is one of these machines in Switzer- land, which works with great effect at the lead works of M. Lenay, in the valley of Servoz, near Chamouni. Kircher appears to have been the first who explained the production of wind by a fall of water. Barthes long afterwards gave another theory, and Dietrich and Fabri as- cribed the wind to the decomposition of the water. In 1791, the Academy of Thoulouse invited philosophers to investigate this phenomenon, and it was probably in con- sequence of this that Venturi directed his attention to the subject. This ingenious philosopher has proved that the air is dragged down upon the principle of the lateral communication of motion in fluids ; and he has pointed out the best mode of constructing the machine, so as to produce the greatest quantity of air. The diameter of the tube d B should be at least double of the aperture b. To a height about If feet above C D, the tube should be completely air tight, as well as the vessel C D E F ; but above that part the tube d B may be perforated in every part with holes. If the pipe C I K does not discharge all the air which is generated, the surface of the water in the vessel will descend, and part of the air will issue out of the lower apertures of the tube d B. Phenomena similar to those produced by the water-blowing machine, have been ob- served in nature, at the foot of the cas- cades which fall from the glacier of Roche Melon, on the naked rock of La Novalese, towards Mount Cenis. Venturi found that the force of the wind arising from the air dragged down by the water could scarcely be withstood. The ventaroli , or natural blasts, which are most frequently found to issue from volcanic mountains, arise from the air carried down the hollows by the falls of water ; and w hat are called the rain ivinds have the same origin. THE ARTISAN* 345 j^feceltaneoua Subjects. MEMOIR OF THE LIFE OF LEO- NARD EULER. ' Leonard Euler, a very eminent mathe- matician, was born at Basil, on the 14th of April, 1707, he was the son of Paul Euler and of Margarat Brucker, (of a family illustrious in literature,) and spent the first years of his life at the village of Richen, of which place his father was Protestant minister. Being intended for the church, his father, who had himself studied under James Bernouilli, taught him mathematics, as a ground-work of his other studies, or at least a noble and use- ful secondary occupation. But Euler, as- sisted, and perhaps secretly encouraged, by John Bernouilli, who easily discovered that he would be the greatest scholar he should ever educate, soon induced him to declare his intention of devoting his life to that pursuit. This intention the wise father did not thwart; but the son did not so blindly adhere to it, as not to connect with it a more than common improvement in every other kind of useful learning, inso- much, that in his latter days men often won- dered how, with such a superiority in one branch, he could have been so near to eminence in all the rest. Upon the found- ation of the academy of sciences at St. Petersburgh, in 1723, by Catherine I., the two young Bernouillis, Nicholas and Daniel, had gone thither, promising, when they set out, to endeavour to procure Euler a place in it. They accordingly wrote to him soon after, to apply his ma- thematics to physiology, which he did, and studied under the best naturalists at Basil, but at the same time ; i. e. in 1727, published a dissertation on the nature and propagation of sound ; and an answer to the question on the masting of ships, which the Academy of Sciences at Paris judged worthy of the accessil. Soon after this, he was called to St. Petersburgh, and declared adjutant to the mathematical class in the academy, a class in which, from the circumstances of the times, (New- ton, Leibnitz, and so many other eminent scholars being just dead,) no easy laurels were to be gathered. But notwithstanding the great number of mathematicians that flourished about this time, Euler soon took his place among the number. He, indeed, was much wanted ; the science of the Integral Calculus , hardly come out of the hands of its creators, was still too near the stage of its infancy not to want to be made more perfect. Mechanics, dynamics, and especially hydrodynamics, and the science of the motion of the heavenly bodies, felt the imperfection. Engineering and Navigation were only vague prin- ciples, and founded on a number of iso- lated facts and contradictory observations. The irregularities in the motions of the celestial bodies, and especially the com- position of forces which influence the motion of the moon, were still the disgrace of geometers. Practical astronomy had yet to wrestle with the imperfection of the telescope, insomuch, that it could hardly be said that any rule for making them existed. Euler turned his thoughts to all these objects ; he [perfected the Integral Calculus ; he was the inventor of a new kind of calculus, that of the arithmetic of sines ; he simplified analytical operations ; and, aided by these powerful helps, and the astonishing facility with which he knew how to subdue expressions the most intractable, he threw a new light on all the branches of the mathematics. But at Catherine’s death the academy was threat- ened with extinction, by men who knew not the connection which arts and sciences have with the happiness of a people Euler was offered and accepted a lieutenancy on board one of the Empress’s ships, with the promise of speedy advancement. Luckily things changed, and the learned captain again found his own element, and was named Professor of Natural Philosophy in 1733, in the room of his friend, John Ber- nouilli. The number of memoirs which Euler'produced is astonishing ; but what he did in 1735 is almost incredible. An important calculation was to be made, without loss of time; the other Acade- micians had demanded some months to do it. Euler asked only three days — and in that time he did it ; but the fatigue threw him into a fever, in which he lost an eye, an admonition which would have made an ordinary man more sparing of the other. The great revolution produced by the dis- covery of fluxions, had entirely changed the face of mechanics ; still, however, there was no complete work on the science of motion, two or three only excepted, of which Euler felt the insufficiency. He saw with pain, that the best works on the subject ; viz. “ Newton’s Principia,” and “ Herman’s Phoronomia,” concealed the method by which these great men had come at so many wonderful discoveries, under a synthetic veil. In order to 're- move this veil, Euler employed all the resources of that analysis, which had served him so well on so many other occa- sions ; and thus uniting his own disco- veries with those of other geometers, had them published by the Academy in 1736. To say that clearness, precision, and older, are the characters of this work, would be barely to say that it is, what without these qualities no work can be, classical of its. kind. It placed Euler in the rank of the 346 THE ARTISAN. first geometricians then existing, and this at a time when John Bernoulli was still living. Such labours demanded some relaxation; the only one which Euler admitted was music, but even to this he could not go without the spirit of geome- try with him. They produced together the essay on a new theory of music, which was published in 1739, but not very well received, probably, because it contains too much geometry for a musician. In 1740, his genius was again called forth by the Academy of Paris, to discuss the nature of the tides. This prize Euler did not gain alone ; but he divided it with Maclaurin and D. Bernouilli, forming with them a triumvirate of candidates, which the realms of science had not often be- held. The agreement of the several me- moirs of Euler and Bernouilli, on this occasion, is very remarkable. Though the one philosopher had set out on the prin- ciple of admitting vortices, which the other rejected, they not only arrived at the same end of the journey, but met seve- ral times on the road ; for instance, in the determination of the tides under the frozen zone. Philosophy, indeed, led these two great men by different paths ; Bernouilli, who had more patience than his friend, established every physical hypothesis he was obliged to make, by painful and labo- rious experiment. These Euler’s impe- tuous genius scorned ; and, though his natural sagacity did, not always supply the loss, he made amends by his supe- riority in analysis. In 1741, Euler re- ceived some very advantageous propo- sitions from Frederic the Second, to go and assist him in forming an academy of sciences, out of the wrecks of the Royal Society founded by Leibnitz. With these offers the tottering state of the St. Pe- tersburgh academy under the regency, made it necessary for the philosopher to comply. In 1744, Euler published a complete treatise of isoperimetrical curves ; the theory of the motions of the Planets and Comets ; the well known theory of magnetism which gained the Paris prize ; and the much improved translation of Robins’s u Treatise on Gun- nery.” Navigation was now the only branch of useful knowledge, for which the labours of analysis and geometry had done nothing. The hydrographical part alone, and that which relates to the direction of the course of ships, had been treated by geometricians conjointly with nautical astronomy. Euler was the first who con- ceived and executed the project of making this a complete science. A memoir on the motion of floating bodies communicated to the academy of St. Fetersburgh, in 1735, by M. le Croix, first gave him this idea. His researches on the ebuilibrium of ships, furnished him with the means of bringing the stability to a determined measure. His success encouraged him to go on, and produced the great work which the academy published in 1749, in which we find, in systematic order, the most sublime notions on the theory of the equilibrium and motion of floating bodies, and on the resistance of fluids. This was followed by a second part, which left nothing to be desired on the subject, ex- cept the turning it into a language easy of access, and divesting it of the calculations which prevented its being of general use. Accordingly, in 1773, from a conversation with Admiral Knowles, and other assist- ance, out of the u Scientia Navalis,” 2 vols. 4to. was produced, the “ Complete Theory of the Construction and Manage- ment of Ships.” This work was instantly translated into all languages, and the author received a present of 6000 livres from the French king ; previous to which he received 300 pounds from the British Parliament, for the Theorems , by which Meyer computed his lunar tables.* Few men of letters have written so much as Euler ; no Geometrician has ever em- braced so many objects at one time, or has equalled him, either in the variety or magnitude of his discoveries. When we reflect on the good such men do to their fellow-creatures, we cannot help indulging a wish (vain, alas ! as it is) for their illus- trious course to be prolonged beyond the term allotted to mankind. Euler’s, though it has had an end, was very long and very honourable ; and it affords us some conso- lation for his loss, to think that he enjoyed it exempt from the ordinary consequences of extraordinary application, and that his last labours abounded in proofs of that vigour of understanding which marked his s early days, and which he preserved to his 4 end. On the 7th of September he talked with Mr. Lexell, who had come to dine with him, of the new planet, and dis- coursed with him upon other subjects, with his usual penetration. He was play- ing with one of his grand-children at tea time, when he was seized with an apo- * It was with great difficulty that 'this extraordi- nary man, in 1766, obtained permission from the King of Prussia to return to Petersburgh, where he wished to ;pass the remainder of his days. Soon after his return, which was graciously rewarded by the munificence of Catherine II. he was seized with a violent disorder, which ended in the total loss of his sight. It was in this distressing situation that he dictated to his servant, a taylor’s apprentice, who was absolutely devoid of mathematical know- ledge, his Elements of Algebra ; which, by its in- trinsic merit in point of perspicuity and method, has excited wonder and applause. This work, though purely elementary, plainly discovers proofs of an inventive genius; and it is perhaps here alone that we meet with a complete theory of the analysis of Diophantus. . THE ARTISAN. 347 plectic fit.^ “ I am dying,” said he, and he ended his glorious life a few hours after, aged seventy-six years. Euler possessed to a great degree what is commonly called erudition ; he had read all the Latin clas- sics ; was perfect master of ancient mathe- matical literature ; and had the history of all ages and all nations, even to the minut- est facts, ever present to his mind. Be- sides this, he knew much more of physic, botany, and chemistry, than could be ex- pected from any man who had not made these sciences his peculiar occupation. Euler was twice married, and had thir- teen children, four of whom only sur- vived him. The eldest son was for some time his father’s assistant and suc- cessor ; the second, physician to the Em- press ; and the third, a lieutenant-colonel of artillery, and director of the armory at Sesterbeck. The daughter married Major Bell. From these children he had thirty- eight grand children. “ Never have I been present at a more touching sight than that exhibited by this venerable old man, surrounded, like a patriarch, by his nume- rous offspring, all attentive to make his old age agreeable, and enliven the re- mainder of his days by every species of kind solicitude and care.” The catalogue of his works in the printed edition makes 50 pages, 14 of which con- tain the MS. works. The printed books consist of works published separately, and others to be found in the Peter sburgh and Paris Acts, the Berlin Memoirs, and the Transactions of several learned Societies. OF GUNTER’S SCALE. As this instrument is much employed in constructing and solving mathematical problems, and as we have frequent occa- sion to mention the names of the lines marked on that scale, we shall give a short description of its construction, and the various lines marked upon it. The various lines on this instrument were first laid down on a scale by Mr. Edmund Gunter. The ruler to which these lines are applied is commonly two feet in length, and about an inch and a half or two inches broad, both faces of it being graduated. The lines on the one face are employed for the construction and mea- surement of figures, both plane and sphe- rical ; and those on the other, for resolving, with the help of a pair of compasses, the various problems in trigonometry, and some of the more common operations of arithmetic. To distinguish the lines on the two faces from each other, we shall call the former natural lines, and the latter, logarithmic , or artificial. The natural lines are the following : Lines of equal parts - Marked.' Chords - CHO Rhumbs - RHU. Sines - SIN. Secants - - - SEC. Tangents TAN. Semi-tangents - S. T. Longitude M.L. 1. Lines of equal parts - -The scales 1 which lines of equal parts are applied are of two kinds, and are denominated simple and diagonal. The Simple Scale is formed by drawing two parallel lines, and then dividing them at right angles into such a number of equal parts as the destined use of the scale may require. An additional division on the left hand is retained, to be afterwards subdivided into 10 equal parts, for the con- veniency of obtaining intermediate lengths between the primary divisions. This scale can only be used for laying off a line, the dimension of which is expressed by two digits, unless 10 of the primary divisions be employed to represent an unit of the next highest order. The Diagonal Scale is constructed by drawing 11 equidistant parallel lines, and then dividing the upper line into as many equal parts as may be thought proper. Through each of the points of division lines are then drawn, cutting the parallel lines at right angles ; and the first division, both above and below, is subdivided as before, into 10 equal parts, as represented by the following figure. In this manner the primary and secondary divisions of the scale are obtained. The ternary or third order of divisions, which must be a tenth of the scondary, are pro- cured by drawing diagonal lines from the 9th of the secondary divisions above, to the 10th of the same division below; from the 8th above to the 9th below, and so on in the case of each corresponding pair of the secondary divisions. By halving each of the primary divisions, and dividing the last one at the other extremity of the scales by diagonal lines, drawn in the same man- ner, another scale is obtained of half the dimensions. With either of these scales, a line, whose dimension is expressed by three digits, may be laid down or mea- sured with the utmost precision. Thus, 34S THE ARTISAN. let it be required to take from one of these scales, a line, whose length is expressed by 867 ; place one foot of the compasses in the intersection of the sixth secondary division and the seventh ternary one, and then extend the other foot to the eighth primary division. The extent will corres- pond to 867. The same extent would also answer to 86'7, 8-67, -867, &c. or to 8670, 86700, &c. according to the local value assigned to the leading digit ; but whatever value is attached to the primary divisions in the measurement of any part of a figure, the same value must be supposed to belong to them in measuring all the other parts. 2. Line of Chords.— The line of 'chords, and the other circular lines on the same side of the scale, have a reference to one another, and are all adapted to the same radius, which is commonly two inches. Let C A represent that radius, and a circle beng described with it about the centre C, draw the diameters A B and DE at right angles to each other. Divide one of the quadrants as D A into 9 equal parts, and having joined DA, transfer the chords of the several arcs reckoned from A, to the straight line DA, and DA will be a line of chords, exhibiting every 10th division of the scale. The intermediate divisions are obtained by subdividing each of the principal divisions of the quadrant into 10 equal parts, and transferring their chords as before. The scale of chords is em- ployed for laying down or measuring angles, the chord of 60°, which is equal to the radius, being always assumed as the radius of the measuring arc. 3. Line of Rhumbs . — The line of rhumbs, which is employed to lay down a ship’s course when it is expressed in points, is described in the same manner as the scale of chords, only the quadrant is divided into 8 equal parts in place of 9. Each of the principal divisions is again subdivided into 4 equal parts, and the chords of the resulting arcs being transferred to the straight line B D, the scale of rhumbs is completed. 4. Line of Sines — The line of sines is constructed by dividing one of the quad- rants, as BE, into 90 equaljparts, as was THE ARTISAN, 349 i done for the scale of chords. Perpendi- I; culars to the radius CE from every divi- sion in the quadrant give the line of sines reckoned from C towards E. This line i is chiefly used in the orthographic projec- c tion of the sphere. 5. Line of Secants. — Produce C E inde- finitely to F, and through B draw B G I parallel to C F and also of unlimited length, i Through the centre C, and each division ji of the quadrant B E, draw straight lines I intersecting BG in the divisions 10, 20, 30, I &c. The distance of each of these divisions from C being transferred to the line C F, i will form the line of secants, which com- prehends in it the line of sines, the secant of 0 being equal to the radius, or sine of 90°. 6. Line of Tangents — The construction by which the line of secants is obtained, gives at the same time the line of tangents, along the line B G. This line, and the line of secants, are chiefly employed in the ste- reographic projection of the sphere. 7. Line of Semitangents. — The semitan- gents of arcs are not, as the designation of these lines would imply, the halves of the tangents, but the tangents of half the cor- responding arcs Thus the semitangent of 40° is not half the tangent of the 40°, but the tangent of 20°. Hence the scale of semitangents may easily be obtained from the scale of tangents. It may also be obtained by joining the point B, and each of the divisions in the quadrant A D; the intersections of the lines, thus drawn, with the line CD, will give along that line from C, the scale of semitangents. This line, as well as the two preceding, is used in the stereographic projection of the sphere. 8. Line of Longitudes. — To construct the line of longitudes, divide the radius AC into 00 equal parts, and through each r of the divisions draw straight lines parallel to CE, and intersecting the quadrantal arc A E. The chords of the resulting arcs, reckoned trom A, being transferred to the line A E, will give the line of longitudes. The Buoy, with This line being applied, in an inverted order, to a corresponding line of chords 60 in the line of longitude being against 0° on the line of chords, and 0 on the former line against 90° on the latter, if the divi- sions on the line of chords be considered a line of latitude, the opposite divisions on the line of longitude will exhibit the cor- responding number of miles belonging to a degree of longitude, in each particular latitude. This compound line is used to show the convergency of the terrestrial meridians, and to perform instrumentally questions in parallel sailing. To the Editor of the Artisan. Sir, As you have obliged me by publishing a brief description of what I consider the best plan yet invented, for getting a com- munication with a stranded vessel from the shore, I trust you will permit me to des- cribe a simple plan lately invented, and tried with success by a naval officer, for the purpose of gaining the desired com- munication from the wreck.* This inven- tion is a buoy of the following description : Let two small casks be connected by a spar going through one head of each, having its ends secured to the inner cen- ters of the other heads, leaving a distance between the casks of rather more than the length of one of them. The spar will then represent an axle, and the casks, two wheels firmly fixed to it, and made water tight. Upon this axle a line is to be reeled in the manner of a log-line, and when thrown overboard, with one end of the line fast to the ship, the power of the wind and sea will keep the casks in continual revolution until the buoy reaches the shore; and it will be found, that, as the line un- reels only as the casks revolve, there Mull be little danger of the bight getting far into the under draught : this might be entirely prevented by making the line buoyant f. the Line reded. A buoy of this description might be con- stantly kept slung over the stern or quarter of any vessel at sea, ready for cutting away at a moment’s warning, either for the purpose of saving the crew from a wreck, or as a life buoy, in case of a man falling overboard. And in the event of a ship being stranded on a bar or bank at a distance from land, where boats cannot * Rockets have been recommended to be sup- plied to ships, for the purpose of earning a line on shore ; and I have no doubt they would in many cases have tlje desired eftect. t In the 32d vol. Trans. Soc. Arts, may be seen an account of Mr. Cieghorn’s invention of a buoyant iine and a life buoy or boat invented by Mr. T. Boyce. 55ft THE ARTISAN. get alongside the wreck, this buoy being cut away, would carry a line from the ship to a boat, by which means a commu- nication would be formed, which might ensure the safety of the crew. The necessity of adopting some General Plan, after a communication is established between the shore and stranded vessel, which should be understood, not only by all persons having charge of mortars, but also by the crews of all coasting and other vessels, is so apparent, that I trust you will still farther (oblige me, by making pub- lic the following as an outline, to be im- proved upon as circumstances may re- quire. The line thrown from the mortar should not be less than 2-inch, which an 8-inch mortar, within its chamber bored to con- tain 20 ounces of powder, would throw from 250 to 300 yards ; immediately this is received on board, the crew should reeve the end through a tail-block, and haul off as much as will be sufficient for the end and bight to go on shore again, in which they may be guided by a seizing, or stop seized on by the people on shore for that purpose ; when this stop reaches the block, the end is to be secured to it, and both parts being hauled on shore, a single whip purchase will be formed, by which the people on shore may haul off, whatever the situation of the wreck may render most advisable for bringing the crew on shore.* If time and the circumstances of the case will admit, the end of a 3 and £ or 4-inch hawser should now be hauled off, which the crew must secure just above the tail- block, and which should be either at the mast-head, bowsprit-end, or most elevated part of the Hull, as the master may deem most advisable, in which he will be guided by the state of the mast, bowsprit, &c. always remembering that the higher it can be placed, under the lower mast heads with safety, the better. This hawser is to be rove through a single block, strapped with two grommets under it, just long enough for a man to sit in each, holding on below the block. When the end of the hawser is fast on board, this block is to be hauled off by one part of the whip, and two men may get into the grommets, and be hauled on shore by the other part. The block, &c. being thus hauled to and fro, as often as it may be necessary to bring the whole crew on shore. At all stations having a flat beach, a strong triangle should accompany the apparatus, for the purpose of raising the hawser on shore, with a snatch-block for it to traverse in ; when a party of men must keep the haw- ser in hand, so as to ease it occasionally to the motion of the vessel, and to keep the crew as much out of the water as pos- sible in their passage from the wreck. The whole apparatus is represented by the following figure : — 1. Represents the mast head, or any other part to which the hawser, &c. is # Various machines have been invented for the purpose of bringing the people on shore from stranded vessels. To particularize, or fully describe any of these very praiseworthy inventions at pre- sent would be trespassing too much on your valuable miscellany ; but it may be right here to observe, that whenever men are obliged to swim for their lives, or be drawn through the water, they should always endeavour to face the sea, that by so doing they may be prepared to hold their breath, and allow the heaviest to pass over them. And let them bear in mind, that in the most apparently desperate situations. “ The brave man ne’er despairs — And lives where cowards die l” secured — 2, the tail-block/ through which the whip or hauling line is rove — 3, 3, the two parts of the whip — 4, the hawser — 5, the block and grommets, or traveller — 6, the triangle, with snatch-block on the beach. Permit me in conclusion to observe, that this plan is not merely theoretical, it having been invented in 1800, and since put in practice with success, under some of the most trying circumstances of ship- wreck. X am, Sir, Your obedient humble servant, Navarchus. THE ARTISAN. 351 To the Editor qf the Artisan, Sir, As aerostation, or the practice of sailing through air, has of late become a thing of common occurrence in this country; and perhaps, the art has arrived at a greater state of perfection, than at any other period , whether it will continue to afford only a speculative amusement, or arrive at any state of practical utility, time and the developement of science can only deter- mine. As aeronauts are not always scientific men and equal to the task they undertake, it becomes the duty of philosophical minds to suggest such improvements as shall, from time to time, occur to them ; however, in making the following suggestions, it is but justice to myself to state, that I know nothing of aerostation ; having never seen a balloon otherwise than at a considerable elevation. Mr.] Graham, in his account of a late ascension, tells us, “that owing to the density of the atmosphere, he was compelled to discharge the whole of his ballast, and on arriving into lighter air , he ascended with astonishing rapidity to the height of 2\ miles !” To return to a more rational distance, from the earth : the only means in the power of the aeronaut is, by a dis- charge of the gas ; I am of opinion that the gas and also the ballast, would be much better (if possible) retained till the balloon has nearly reached the earth. Suppose a weight of several pounds, to be suspended from a machine, through a hole in the centre of the car, to be wound up, or let down, at leisure; would not such suspension have the two-fold effect, of retarding its progress, and, by adding to its specific gravity, cause it to descend ? If so, it follows of course, that by winding up the said weight, you accelerate its mo- tion and consequently ascend. I think it will be evident to every one, that the balloon with its appendages can- not possibly move so rapidly with a pendu- lum suspended, at a considerable distance, as if no such pendulum was attached. And also that its elongation or contraction, must add to, or diminish its specific gravity.* If the balloon be sufficiently inflated, to allow its ascension, with a considerable portion of cord suspended; there would be no necessity for so early a discharge of ballast, which would be thus reserved for the regulation of the decent, in my humble opinion, a great desideratum : as all aerial voyagers are agreed, that the descent is the most dangerous part of the voyage. To prevent a rotatory motion, I have constructed a wheel or vertical fly on the end of the car, which, I presume, if pro- perly managed, would have the desired effect. This apparatus is represented by the following figure. * We cannot see how the balloon can either as- cend or descend by raising or lowering a weight any distance, to which a balloon can ascend. Ed. 352 THE ARTISAN. Here A is the machine, B the weight above alluded to, and C a section of the car. F is a bowsprit fixed horizontally to the end of [the car; on a spindle* affixed to the perpendicular E, revolves (vertically) the fly D ; should the balloon have a ten- dency to veer round to the eastward, the fly would be acted upon at 1, but the im- pulse would be resisted at L. The equili- brium of the fly being thus maintained, it will continually revolve with a velocity in proportion to the rate at which the balloon passes through the air. Knowing the estimation in which your valuable pages are held by the lovers of science generally, I shall not attempt to till them by answering the many objections that may possibly be urged against the proposed fly, leaving it for the adoption, improvement, or rejection, of those more competent to the task than, Sir, Your most humble servant, John Taylor. Clement's Lane , Lombard Street. ELECTROMAGNETIC AND GALVA- NIC EXPERIMENTS. BY DR. HARE. If a jet of mercury, in communication with one pole of a very large calorimotor, is made to fall on the poles of a very large horse-shoe magnet communicating with the other, the metallic stream will be curved outwards or inwards, according as one or the other side of the magnet may be ex- posed to the jet, or as the pole communi- cating with the mercury may be positive or negative. When the jet of mercury is made to fall just within the interstice formed by a series of horse-shoe magnets, mounted in the usual way, the stream will be bent in the direction of the interstice, and inwards or outwards, according as the sides of the magnet, or the communication with the galvanic poles, may be exchanged. The result is analogous to those obtained by Messrs. Barlow and Marsh with wires, or wheels. It is well kwown that a galvanic pair, which will, on immersion in an acid, in- tensely ignite a wire connecting the zinc and copper surfaces, will cease to do so after the acid has acted on the pair for some moments, and that ignition cannot be re- produced by the same apparatus, without a temporary removal from the exciting fluid. I have ascertained that this recovery of the igniting power does not take place, if, during the removal from the acid, the galvanic surfaces be surrounded either by hydrogen gas, nitric oxide gas, or carbonic acid gas. When surrounded by chlorine, * The spindle should be somewhat inclined to the horizon, that the fly, by its position and ten- ujncy to fall upon the wind, may thereby ensure its action. or by oxygen gas, the surfaces regain their igniting power in nearly the same time as when exposed to the air. The magnetic needle is nevertheless much more powerfully affected by the gal- vanic circuit, when the plates hav-e been allowed repose, whether it take place in the air, or in any of the other gases above mentioned. ( American Journal of Science. ) SOLUTIONS OF QUESTIONS. Quest. 46, answered by A. Peacock, St. George’s, East. Let D denote the Debt, F the Fund, R the Ratio, and T the required Time : then the rule for finding T will be - — D -}- F F = R T ; therefore, §2°igg2’.g?g — 621000000 — 600000000 + 4000000 = 25000000, which divided by 4*000000, gives 6*25 — ratio involved to a power denoted by the time ; now, as the successive divisions to obtain this power by common arithmetic is very prolix, it will be more convenient to em- ploy logarithms. Thus, the log of 6*25 is . 0*795880, which, divided by 0*01494, the log of 1*035, gives 52*27175, or 52 years 3 months 1 week, the time required. This question was solved in the same manner, and the same answer obtained, by the proposer. We also received two other solutions from regular correspond- ents; but they will perceive, by the above solution, that they have mistaken the na- ture of the question. A sinking fund is very different from a single sum of money improved at compound interest, with which the two gentlemen above alluded to have confounded it. A sinking fund supposes that a sum equal to the original amount of the fund is added to the previous amount at the end of every year, and the whole again put out to interest. QUESTIONS FOR SOLUTION. Quest. 49, proposed by Q. Q. Portsea. Given the apparent altitude of the sun’s centre, with his declination, and the angle at the zenith between the vertical circle passing over the sun, and that passing over a distant object in the horizon, together with the declination of the object : to find the latitude of the place of observation. Quest. 50, proposed by Mr. J. M. Edney, Clerkenwell. The side of an equilateral triangle, (the base of which falls on the diameter, and its vertex in the middle of the arc of a semi circle) may be found by multiplying one third of the diameter by the square root of 3. Required the analytical demon- stration. THE ARTISAN. 353 PNEUMATICS. STEAM ENGINE. In our last article on Pneumatics, we gave a short account of the progress of steam navigation, and of the manner in which steam is applied in this species of navigation ; and having previously des- cribed some of the ancient, as well as the modern steam engines, and exhibited draw- ings of them, as well as of their principal parts, it only remains for us to give a des- cription of that part of high-pressure en- gines, termed the safety valve. This is perhaps the more necessary, as the em- ployment of engines of this kind has given rise to much prejudice against the general use of them, not only for propelling vessels at sea, but for the movement of machinery on land. The safety-valve being therefore an object of considerable importance, both as regards the utility of the engine, and the preservation of those connected with its management, considerable attention has been paid to its construction. The first engine that was made by Cap- tain Savery, had a steel-yard safety-valve, to let the steam fly off when it arrived at a dangerous degree of elasticity. The fol- lowing figure will furnish a sufficiently accurate idea of this simple apparatus. A, the top of the boiler ; B, the safety- valve or plug, made to fit air tight in the tube or valve seat beneath ; C, the lever working on an axis at D, and furnished with a moveable weight E, adjusted to balance the pressure of the steam. When steam of considerable elasticity is required, the weight is placed at the ex- tremity of the lever, and as such acts with greater force on the safety-valve, than when removed to a point nearer to the axis on which it revolves. So that should low-pressure steam be required, it will only be necessary to remove it nearer the axis or centre, and vice versa. Vol. I.— No. 23. The lever and balance ball which form this apparatus, would at all times be effect tual, were they not liable to be fastened by the corrosive nature of the materials of which the valve is composed, and, what is worse, their pressure altered by the addi- tion of more weight. This, however, as too frequent experience has shown, is con- tinually the case, the engineer having more regard for the full performance of his machine, than for his own safety ; and to the overloading of this valve, accidents may be principally attributed. To prevent a recurrence of those acci- dents which first drew the attention of the legislature to this important part of the engine, and to which we have already re- ferred, under the head of steam naviga- tion, it appears advisable to inclose the safety-valve in an iron box, and so put it beyond the control of the engine-man. The annexed figure represents an in- accessible safety-valve, calculated to an- swer all the purposes for which it is in- tended ; namely, the preservation of those employed in the neighbourhood of the boiler, and economy in the use of steam. .13 In this, as in the preceding diagram, A represents the boiler, and B the safety- valve, furnished with a small upright staff, on which slide the additional weights C C C. The whole is inclosed in a box D, pierced with holes to allow the steam to escape, fc after it has raised the valve B . Should high pressure steam be wanted, it is necessary only to increase the number of weights, and the desired effect is pro- duced ; or if, on the contrary, steam of the usual atmospheric pressure be wanted, the whole of the weights are taken off. Another safety-valve, opening internally, has, we believe, also been added by Messrs. Boulton and Watt. This is of great utility, more particularly in large engines, as it prevents the sides of the boiler being crushed in by the sudden in- troduction of water, or any artificial con- densation that may take place, from re- ducing the heat of the boiler-head. A A 354 THE ARTISAN. 'The High-pressure Engine, in its most simple form, may easily be understood by reference to the following diagram. four-way cock will be best understood hr the section D ; in which E represents the waste-pipe connected with the chimney , while two other apertures serve to convey the steam alternately to the upper and under side of the piston, and a third com- municates with the steam-boiler. So thaS if we suppose the piston to be in au as- cending direction, and the steam of course entering the cylinder beneath, a communi- cation will at the same time be formed be- tween the upper side of the piston and the atmosphere, while the steam that had pre- viously been employed to depress the pis- ton is now allowed to escape. When the piston has reached the top of the cylinder, the cock is turned, and its action reversed, the steam now entering above the piston, while a communication is formed for its escape beneath. With these observations we shall con- clude the subject of the steam engine. WIND-MILL. The cylinder A is furnished with a pis- The internal structure of the wind-mill ton and rod B, the latter being made to is much the same with that of water-mills, fit air tight in a stuffing box. at the top of The difference between them lies chiefly in the cylinder. A four-way cock O is also an external apparatus, for the application provided for the admission of highly elas- of the power. tic vapour, and its subsequent discharge This apparatus is represented by the into the atmosphere. The action of the following figure, 355 THE ARTISAN. which consists of an axis’EF, with two arms A B and C D passing through it, and intersecting each other at right angles in E, whose length is usually about 32 feet : on these yards are formed a kind of sails, vanes, or flights, in the figure of trapeziums, with parallel bases ; the greater whereof, H I, is about six feet ; and the less, FG, determined by radii drawn from the centre E, to I and H. These sails are capable of being turned always to the ivind, that they may receive its impression : in order to which there are two different contrivances, which con- stitute the two different kinds of wind- mills in use. In the one the cover or roof only, with the axis and sails, turn round ; and to accomplish this more easily, the roof is built in the shape of a turret or tower, as in the foregoing figure. This tower is encompassed by a wooden ring, wherein is a groove, at the bottom of which are placed, at certain distances, a number of brass truclcels ; and within the groove is another ring, upon which the whole turret stands. To the moveable ring are connected beams a b, and/c; and to the beam a b is fastened a rope b , which, at the other extreme thereof, is fitted’ to a windlass or axis, in peritrochio: this rope being drawn through the iron hook G, and the windlass turned, the sails will be moved round, and put in the direction required. In the other form of the machine, the whole is sustained upon a moveable arbor, or axis, perpendicular to the horizon, on a stand or foot ; and by means of a lever, may be turned as occasion may require. The following figure represents a ma- chine of this kind, which is capable of being turned so as to face any ■wind, by having its top or dome sustained on fric- tion rollers. The ease, therefore, with which the sails, the axle, and cog-wheel, contained in the dome a, can be turned to the wind, depends on these, and the nu- merous powers of the fly-wheel e. This wheel consists of a number of triangular thin boards, each forming an angle of 45° with the plane of the wheel. On the axle of this wheel is a thread or screw, which fits into the teeth of the wheel o, and gives motion to it ; this wheel turns on an A A 2 356 THE ARTISAN. ! axle, whose pivot is in the support, de- noted by the dotted lines, and its other end is in a socket fastened in the dome : on this axle is the pinion 2 , which turns in a fixed contrate wheel, on the wall plate of the mill. When the wind changes from the principal saris, it instantly puts the fly-wheel e into motion ; this turns the wheel 0 , whose pinion 2 , not being able to turn the fixed wheel on the wall, is turned itself, and with it the sails, the dome, and all that it contains : this effect continues till the fly-wheel gets into the lee of the dome : it then ceases, and the sails being brought to face the wind, are put into mo- tion. Hence such a mill always turns itself to the wind, preventing the care of servants. The great sails produce an equal motion in a high or low wind, by being clothed with half-inch boards in- stead of canvass : these little doors are pushed open by a strong gale, and they shut when the wind is weak ; so that by playing with the momentary inequalities of the wind, a [quantity of surface is always presented in proportion to the im- pulses of it. A pin is stuck into the corner of each door, as at w, and all the pins are united to a cord, which, passing over the pulleys u, is fastened to a wire x f going through the axle m: on the other end of this wire is a nut, turning in the re- sisting part of the crooked lever s; so that the motion of the sails does not inter- rupt the operation of the weight k, which can be made greater or less, according to the speed the mill should go with. That the wind may have its full effect upon the sails, one sail should not pass into the place of another before the wind has re- sumed its regular current; for, in acting upon inclined planes, it is interrupted, and obliged to push by, and give an impulse to every sail in its passage ; hence it is found that five sails are a maximum ; that is, they are better than either four or five. Horizontal wind-mills are weak, in com- parison of those whose arms are inclined planes; for, by giving way, or falling back from the impulse of the wind, like a ship, the power is not half what it is against a plane that stands firm against the wind. But the advantage of going round always the same way, with every wind without attendance, may, in some cases, be thought adequate to the want of power, the vast expense of building, and the unsightly tower employed in the other kinds. In order to conceive how the wind ope- rates upon the sails of a wind-mill, and communicates motion to the machinery, it is necessary to understand something of the composition and resolution of forces.* A body moving perpendicularly against any surface, strikes it with all its force. If it move parallel to the surface, it does not strike it at all; and if it move obliquely, its motion being compounded of the perpen- dicular and parallel motion, only acts on the surface, considered as it is perpendicu- lar, and only drives it in the direction of the perpendicular. So that every oblique direction of a motion is the diagonal of a parallelogram, whose perpendicular and parallel directions are the two sides. The angle which the sails ought to form with their common axis, so that the wind may have the greatest effect, is a matter of nice enquiry, and has engaged the attention of several eminent mathematicians. Supposing the sail of a wind -mill to be a plane, the effect of the wind to turn the sail, in a plane at right angles to its axis, will be the greatest when the plane or sail makes an angle of 54° 44', with the direc- tion of the wind ; consequently the incli- nation of the sail to the plane of its mo- tion, or what is called the angle of weather , is 35° 16'. This is true only when the sail is at rest, or just beginning to move. When the sail is in motion, and especially at the extre- mity where the motion is quickest, the wind strikes the sail under a far less angle than at the centre, and therefore the angle of weather must be less. Maclau- rin has given a formula for calculating this angle; which makes it vary from 26° 34 / at the point of the sail nearest the centre, to 9° at its extremity. From Mr. Smeaton’s experiments it ap- pears, that a wind-mill works to the great- est advantage when it is so constructed, that the velocity of the sails, is to their velocity when they go round without any load, as a number between 6 and 7 is to 10; and also that the load, when the mill works in this manner, is to the load that would just keep it from moving, nearly as 8-5 to 10. With the different velocities of wind, the load that gives the maximum effect, varies nearly as the square of the velocity of the wind, and the effect itself as the cube. The effect is always measured by the product of the velocity of the load into its weight. The velocity of the load varies in the simple and direct ratio of the velo- city of the wind. * See pages 24 and 51. THE ARTISAN. 357 OPTICS. *>N THE TREMORS OF REFLECTING TELE- SCOPES. Every person who has been in the prac- tice of using Reflecting Telescopes of high magnifying-powers, must have been struck with the imperfection of vision arising from the tremors with which they are affected. During Dr. Maskelyne’s long experience, he always found that the re- flecting telescopes at Greenwich; viz. a Gregorian of two feet, and a Newtonian of six feet, showed the celestial objects in- distinctly, and were considerably affected with tremors, when the 48-inch triple achromatic telescope showed them almost entirely free from them, and generally more distinct and better than even the six feet reflector. He observed the same effect in viewing land objects. Upon re- questing the Rev. Mr. Edwards, however, to investigate the cause of this great de- fect, that ingenious individual undertook the task, and completely succeeded, not only in detecting the cause of these tre- mors, but in discovering a remedy for them. These causes were the springs which were employed to press the telescope into its cell, and the small eye-hole which was always used in reflectors. By removing, therefore, the springs at the back of the great speculum, and supporting the spe- culum on two pieces of card, wedged into its cell, about 45° on each side of its low- est point, and by taking away entirely the eye-hole in the Greenwich Newtonian reflector, Dr. Maskelyne found it so much improved, as to show a printed paper sensibly better and more distinct than the 46-inch achromatic telescope, which was formerly so superior to it. When the specula of reflectors are made to rest on their lowest point, the weight of the metal bends the speculum in a small degree, and injures its figure. “ This,” says Mr. Edwards, “ may appear strange ; but I can at any time totally spoil the figure of a metal, by wedging it only with the thickness of a bit of common writing paper.” Dr. Smith says, “ one thousandth of an inch will spoil its figure. I am sure, also, that quantity, if not less, will injure it.” From this observation we think it quite evident, that if the speculum of a mode- rate size was bent, by resting on its lower point, a speculum of a larger size, must also be bent when supported at the two points above mentioned. We would, therefore, strongly recommend to the artist, not to allow the edge of his specula to rest on any point at all, but to fix them by their back, either to a plate of brass, or a frame, so as to be suspended, as it were, by every part of their posterior sur- face. ACHROMATIC TELESCOPE.* As achromatic telescopes differ only from those of the common refracting kind, in the formation and combination of the glasses employed in their construction ; we did not think it necessary, in our defi- nition of the different kinds of telescopes, at page 265, to notice the varieties of the two kinds there mentioned. But having now described the form and construction of the most approved instruments, both of the refracting and reflecting kind, we shall here endeavour to explain the nature and properties of the achromatic telescope. In viewing objects through a refracting telescope, which is not furnished with an achromatic object glass, a kind of aberra- tion is produced, by the different refrangi- bilities of the various coloured rays of light which form an infinite number of images, neither agreeing perfectly in situa- tion nor in magnitude, so that the objects are rendered indistinct, by an appearance of colours at their edges : this imperfec- tion, however, Mr. Dolland has in great measure obviated, by his achromatic object glasses : the construction of which depends on the important discovery that some kinds of glass separate the rays of differ- ent colours from each other, much more than others, while the whole deviation produced in the pencil of light, is the same. Mr. Dolland therefore combined a con- cave lens of flint glass, with a convex lens of crown glass, and sometimes with two such lenses. The following figure represents an achro- matic telescope with a triple object glass, and with Boscovich’s achromatic eye- piece, consisting of two similar lenses, one of which is every way three times as great as the other, their distance being twice the focal length of the smaller. * A lens or prism is said to be achromatic , if it form an image free from colour, or if it refracts all the rays of white light to one focus. A compound lens may be made achromatic, or nearly free from colour, if it consists of two lenses formed of substances of different dispersive powers, the one being convex and the other concave , and having their focal lengths proportional to their dispersive powers. 358 THE ARTIS A Nr The concave lens of flint glass was sufficiently powerful to correct the whole dispersion of coloured light produced by the crown glass, but not enough to destroy the effect of its refraction, which was still sufficient to collect the rays of light into a distant focus. For this purpose it is necessary that the focal lengths of the two lenses should be in the same proportion as the dispersive powers of the respective substances, when the mean deviations of the pencils are equal ; that is, in the case of the kinds of glass commonly used nearly in the ratio of 7 to 10. Sometimes also the cromatic aber- ration ; that is, the error arising from the different refrangibilities of the different rays, is particularly corrected in an eye piece, by placing a field glass in such a manner, as considerably to contract the dimensions of the image formed by the least refrangible rays, which is nearest to the eye glass, and to cause it to subtend an equal angle to the image formed by the most refrangible rays, this image being little affected by the glass. The following figure represents one of Mr. Dolland’s achromatic telescopes, sup- ported in the centre of gravity, with its rack work motions, and mounted on its mahogany stand, the three legs of which are made to close up together by means of the brass frame a a a, which is composed of three bars, connected together in the centre pigce by three joints, and also to the three legs of the mahogany stand by three other joints, so that the three bars of this frame may lie xlose against the insides of the legs of the mahogany stand when they are pressed together, for convenience of carriage. THE ARTISAN. 359 The brass pin, under the rack work, is made to move round in the brass socket b, and may be tightened by means of the fin- ger screw d, when the.telescope is directed nearly to the object* intended to be ob- served. This socket turns on two centres, by which means it may be set perpendicu- lar to the horizon, or to any angle re- quired in respect to the horizon, the angle may be ascertained by the divided arc, and then made fast by the screw e. If this socket be set to the latitude of the place at which the telescope is used, and the plane of this arc be turned on the top 'of the mahogany stand, so as to be in the plane of the meridian, the socket b being fixed to the inclination of the pole of the earth, the telescope, when turned in this socket, will have an equatorial motion, which is always very convenient in making astronomical observations. Fig. 2 in the plate, represents a stand to be used on a table, which may be more convenient for many situations, than the large mahogany stand. The telescope, with its rack work, may be applied to either of the two stands, as occasion may require, the sockets on the top of both being made exactly of the same size. The sliding rods may be applied to the feet of the brass stand, so that the telescope may be used with the same advantages on one as on the other. The tube A A may be made either of brass or mahogany, of three and half feet long. The achromatic object glass of three and half feet focal distance, has an aperture of two inches and three quarters. The larger size is with a tube five feet long, and has an achromatic object glass of three inches and one quarter aperture. The eye tube, as represented by B, con- tains four eye glasses to be used for day, or any land objects. There are three eye tubes, as C, which have two glasses in «ach, to be used for astronomical pur- poses. These eye tubes all screw into the short brass tube at D. By turning the button or milled head at/, this tube is moved out of the larger, so as to adjust the eye glasses to the proper distance from the object glass, to render the object distinct to any sight, with any of the dif- ferent eye tubes. The magnifying power of the three-and half-feet Telescope, with the eye tube for land objects, is forty-five times, and of the five-feet lor land objects, sixty-five times. With those for astronomical pur- poses, with the three and-half-feet, the magnifying powers are eighty, one hun- dred and thirty, and one hundred and eighty; and for the five feet, one hun- dred and ten, one hundred and ninety, and two hundred and fifty times. Stained glasses, as g, are applied to ail the different eye tubes, to guard the eye in observing the spots on the sun. These glasses are to be taken off when the eye tubes are used for other purposes. The rack work is intended to move the telescope in any direction required, and is worked by means of the two handles at li. When the direction of the tube is required to be considerably altered, the worm- screws which act against the arc and the circle must be discharged : then the screw d being loosened, the pin of the rack work will move easily round in the socket b. For the more readily finding or directing the telescope to any object, particularly astronomical objects, there is a small tube or telescope, called the finder, fixed near the eye-end of the large telescope. At the focusof the object glass of this finder, there are two wires, which intersect each other in the axis of the tube, and as the magnify- ing power is only about six times, the real field of view is very large; therefore any object will be readily found within it, which being brought to the intersection of the wires, it will then be within the field of the telescope. In viewing astronomical objects, (and particularly when the greatest magnifying powers are applied) it is very necessary to render the telescope as steady as pos- sible ; for that purpose there are two sets of brass sliding rods, i i, as represented in the figure. These rods connect the eye- end of the telescope with two of the legs of the stand, by which any vibrations of the tube that might be occasioned by the motion of the air or otherwise, will be prevented, and the telescope rendered sufficiently steady for using the greatest powers. These sliding rods move within one another with so much ease, as to admit of the rack -work being used in the same manner, as if they were not applied. CHEMIST RTT- OF THE METALS. At the period when the existence of a number of brittle metallic matters was as- certained, and it was admitted, that all their properties approach those of the duc- tile metals, these began to be distinguished by the terms, semi-metals, as if ductility were the most essential character of these bodies in nature, as it is in the uses of art. Man, therefore, referring every thing to himself, and his events, gave to these bodies a determinate rank and place from their utility to himself. Anothei idea, less reasonable, no doubt, tended to confirm this expression of the semi-metals. The alchemists imagined that all the metals 360 THE ARTISAN. were only efforts of nature towards the production of gold, considered as the most perfect of metals, and that, by a subterra- neous operation of nature, inimitable by art, they were capable of arriving at a state of maturity and perfection so as to become gold ; and that all the metals were only successive states from a less to a greater degree of perfection, unto the last state, namely, aurification. Now, as ductility is one of the most prominent characters of gold, and the metals properly so called approach more or less to it by this charac- ter ; those metals which did not possess it, appeared to them to be the first essays of nature, the embryos or metallic germs not yet developed. Hence, the expression of semi-metals to designate such bodies as had not undergone more than a semi-me- tallization. But the slightest reflection is sufficient to show, that the application of the same idea must have led to the distinction of third parts of metals, and metallic fractions which might express the ratio or propor- tion of metallic properties which each of these bodies appeared comparatively to possess. This supposition shows the falsity of the expression of semi-metals, for it shows, that while it is defective as a true term of comparison to express the propor- tion of the metallic properties, chemistry would admit an erroneous and ridiculous language, by supposing, that the metals might in that manner pass from one to the other conversion ; a conversion, which art has never been able to effect, nor can it be shown by any observation, to have been effected in the processes of nature. It is no less evident, that we may apply the same remarks to the words imperfect metals , which was adopted to denote such metals as easily lose their metallic proper- ties, and could not be again reduced to the metallic state without the addition of some combustible substance. The same may be said of perfect metals , a name given to those whose calces (oxides) were reducible by the mere application of heat. This expres- sion depends still more on the imaginary transmutation, than the former term of semi-metals ; since they affirm a pretended perfection in the one, and an imperfection in the other, which supposes a power of coming to perfection, and arriving at the state of the former. Rejecting, therefore, these hypothetical terms infected with the opinions of the al- chemists, and aware of the necessity of arranging the metals methodically, it be- came requisite, that distinctions should be admitted among them, derived from pro- perties easily appreciated and compared with each other. This is, however, by no means an easy task ; for the relations of these bodies to the various objects of Chemisty are so complex and diversified, that their classifi- cation becomes a matter of considerable difficulty ; and we may safely assert, that no arrangement which has yet been made of these interesting bodies is wholly free from objection ; nor do we pretend to in- troduce one, which has any peculiar claims to superiority, in this respect, over those that are generally received among the Che- mists of the present day. The celebrated French Chemist, Four- croy, divides the metals into five orders or classes. 1. The brittle and acidifiable , in- cludes four species; viz. arsenic, tung- sten, molybdena, and chrome. 2. The brittle and simply oxydizable are seven; titanium, uranium, cobalt, nickel, (since shown by Richter not to belong to this division,) manganese, bismuth, antimony, and tellurium. 3. The metals that are oxydizable and imperfectly ductile, are mer- cury and zinc. 4. The ductile and easily oxydizable, tin, lead, iron, and copper. 5 The very ductile, and difficult of oxy- dizement, are silver, gold, and platina. Another still more generally-followed arrangement is that of Dr. Thomson, who divides them into four classes. The first class comprehends the malleable metals, which are the following: gold, platina, silver, mercury, palladium, rhodium, iri- dium, osmium, copper, iron, nickel, tin, lead, and zinc. The second class includes the BRITTLE AND EASILY FUSED; viz. bis- muth, antimony, tellurium, and arsenic. The third class, metals that are brittle and difficultly fused : these are cobalt, manganese, chrome, molybdena, uranium, and tungsten. The fourth class are termed refractory metals, because they have never yet been exhibited in a separate form, but always in combination with oxy- gen. These are titanium, columbium, tantalium, cerium, and some others. “ By arranging metals,” says Dr. Ure, u according to the degree in which they possess the obvious qualities of unalterabi- lity, by common agents, tenacity, and lus- tre, we also conciliate their most important chemical relations ; namely, those to oxy- gen, chlorine, and iodine ; since their metallic pre-eminence is, popularly speak- ing, inversely as their affinities for these dissolvents. In a strictly scientific view, their habitudes with oxygen should per- haps be less regarded in their classifica- tion, than with chlorine ; for this element has the most energetic attractions for the metals. But, on the other hand, oxygen, which forms one-fifth of the atmospheric volume, and eight-ninths of the aqueous mass, operates to a much greater extent among metallic bodies, and incessantly modifies their form, both in nature and art.” Now the arrangement we have THE ARTISAN. 361 adopted in the following list of these bodies, will indicate very nearly their re- lations to oxygen. As we progressively descend, the influence of that beautiful element progressively increases. Among the bodies near the top of the table, its powers are subjugated by the metallic constitution ; but among those near the bottom, it exercises an almost despotic sway, which Volta’s magical pile, directed by the genius of Davy, can only suspend for a season. The emancipated metal soon relapses under the dominion of oxygen. The number of metals at present known amount to thirty, if we except the bases of the Alkalies and Earths, and one or two other substances, which some individuals wish to rank among these bodies ; but as they are not generally acknowledged to belong to this class of substances, we shall not include them in the following table. GENERAL TABLE OF THE METALS. NAMES. Spe.Gra. Precipitants. 1 Platinum 2 Gold 3 Silver 4 Palladium 5 Mercury 6 Copper 7 Iron 8 Tin 9 Lead 10 Nickel 11 Cadmium 12 Zinc 13 Bismuth 14 Antimony 15 Manganese 16 Cobalt IT Tellurium 18 Arsenic 19 Chromium 20 Molybdenum 21 Tungsten 22 Columbium 23 Selenium 24 Osmium 25 Rhodium 26 Iridium 27 Uranium 28 Titanium 29 Cerium 30 Wodanium 31 Potassium 32 Sodium 33 Lithium 34 Calcium 35 Barium 36 Strontium 37 Magnesium 38 Yttrium 39 Glucinum 40 Aluminum 41 Thorinum 42 Zirconium 43 Silicium 21*47 19-30 10- 45 11:8 13-6 8-9 7-7 7- 29 11- 35 8- 4 8-6 6-9 9- 88 6-70 8- 8-6 6*115 58-35 ? \ 5'76 1 5-90 8-6 17-4 5-6? 4-3? ? 10- 65 18*68 9-0 ? ? 11- 47 0-865 0*972 Mar. ammon. 5 Sulph. iron (Nitr mercury Common salt Prus. mercury Common salt Heat Iron Succin. soda, with perox. Corr. sublim. Sulph. soda Sulph. potash? Zinc Aik. carbonates Water 5 Water ( Zinc Tartr. pot. Aik. carbonates f Water \ Antimony Nitr. lead Do. Do.? Mur. lime? Zinc, or inf. galls 5 Iron l Sulphite amm. Mercury Zinc? Do.? Ferropr. pot. Inf. galls Oxal. amm. Zinc 5 Mur. plat. (Tart. acid. The first 12 metals in the table are mal- leable, as also the 31st, 32d, and 33d, in their solid or congealed state. The first 16 are capable of ’being con- verted into oxides, which are neutral sali- fiable bases. Those marked 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23, are capable of being acidified, by combination with oxygen. Of the oxides of the rest to the 31st, very little is known. The others form with oxygen, the alka- line and earthy bases. Having given as full a list of the metals as it is possible to obtain, and having stated pretty fully their general and cha- racteristic properties, we shall now begin to describe them individually, and to state their particular properties. The malleable metals, being the most valuable as well as the most useful, we shall begin by des- cribing them first. OF GOLD. Gold seems to have been known from the very beginning of the world. Its pro- perties and its scarcity have rendered it more valuable than any other metal. It is of an orange red, or reddish yel- low colour, and has no perceptible taste or smell. Its lustre is considerable, yield- ing only to that of platinum, steel, silver, and mercury. Its specific gravity is 19*3. No other substance is equal to it in duc- tility and malleability. It may be beaten out into leaves so thin, that one grain of gold will cover 56f square inches. These leaves are only of an inch thick. But the gold leaf with which silver wire is covered is only ^ of that thickness. An ounce of gold, upon silver wire, is capable of being extended more than 1300 miles in length. Its tenacity is considerable ; though in this respect it yields to iron, copper, plati- num, and silver. From the experiments of Sickingen, it appears that a gold wire 0*078 inch in diameter, is capable of sup- porting a weight of 150*07 lbs. avoirdu- poise, without breaking. It melts at 32° of Wedgewood’s pyro- meter.* When melted, it assumes a bright blueish green colour. It expands in the act of fusion, and consequently contracts while becoming solid more than most metals ; a circumstance which renders it less proper for casting into moulds. It requires a very violent heat to volatil- ize it; it is therefore, to use a chemical term, exceedingly fixed. Gasto Claveus * According to the calculation of the Dijon aca- demicians, it melts at 1298° Fahrenheit ; according to Mortimer, at 1301 p . 362 THE ARTISAN. informs us, that he put an ounce of pure gold in an earthen vessel, into that part of a glass-house furnace w here the glass is kept constantly melted, and kept it in a state of fusion for two months, yet it did not lose the smallest portion of its weight. Kunkel relates a similar experiment at- tended with the same result ; neither did gold lose any perceptible weight, after being exposed for some hours to the ut- most heat of Mr. Parker’s lens. Hom- berg, however, observed, that when a very small portion of gold is kept in a violent heat, part of it is volatilized. This obser- vation was confirmed by Macquer, who observed the metal rising in fumes to the height of five or six inches, and attaching itself to a plate of silver, which it gilded very sensibly ; and Mr. Lavoisier observed the very same thing when a piece of silver was held over gold melted by a fire blown by oxygen gas, which produces a much greater heat than common air. After fusion, it is capable of assuming a crystalline form. Tillet and Mongez ob- tained it in short quadrangular pyramidal crystals. Gold is not in the least altered by being kept exposed to the air ; it does not even lose its lustre. Neither has water the smallest action upon it. It is capable, however, of combining with oxygen, and even of undergoing com- bustion in particular circumstances. The resulting compound is an oxide of gold. Gold must be raised to a very high tem- perature before it is capable of abstracting oxygen from common air. It may be kept red hot almost any length of time without any such change. Homberg, however, observed, that when placed in the focus of Tschirnhaus’s burning glass, a little of it was converted into a purple-coloured oxide ; and the truth of his observations were confirmed by the subsequent experi- ments of Macquer with the very same burning-glass. But the portion of oxide formed in these trials is too small to admit of being examined. Electricity furnishes a method of oxidizing it in greater quan- tity. ASTEOHOMY. ON LIGHT. 'Fairest of beings! first created light! Prime cause of beauty ! for from thee alone The sparkling gem, the vegetable race, The nobler worlds that live and breathe their charms, The lovely hues peculiar to each tribe. From thy unfading source of splendour draw In thy pure shine, with transport I survey This firmament, and these her rolling worlds, Their magnitudes and motions. Mallet. The nature of Light, has been the sub- ject of speculation and conjecture among philosophers, from the first dawnipgs of philosophy to the present day. But of all the conjectures which have been ad vanced on this curious and interesting subject, there is scarcely one supported by evi- dence sufficient to entitle it to preference over the other. There are, however, two opinions on this subject, which have pre- vailed more generally than any of the others, and therefore, it may be proper to notice them here, although the design of the present work is rather to state what is known respecting any phenomenon, than to indulge in conjectures concerning it. The celebrated Huygens considered light as a subtle fluid filling space, and rendering bodies visible bj/' the undulations into which it was thrown. According to this theory, when the sun rises it agitates this fluid, the undtilaiiong gradually extend themselves, and at last striking against our eyes we see the sun. This opinion of Huygens was adopted by Euler, one of the best mathematicians that ever lived, who exerted the whole of his consum- mate mathematical skill in its defence. Sir I. Newton and many other distin- guished philosophers consider light as a substance consisting of small particles, con- stantly separating from luminous bodies, moving in straight lines, and rendering other bodies luminous by passing from tlffim and entering the eye. Newton has been at great pains to establish this theory, and has certainly shown that all the phe- nomena of light may be mathematically deduced from it. While Huygens and Euler have at- tempted to support their hypothesis, rather by starting objections to Newton’s, than by bringing forward direct proofs, Newton and his disciples, on the contrary, have shown that the known phenomena of light are inconsistent with the undulations of a fluid, and that on such a supposition, there can be no such thing as darkness at all. They have also brought forward a great number of direct arguments in sup- port of their theory, which it has been impossible to answer.* But without giving a decided preference to any theory, we shall proceed to state some of its pro- perties. Roemer, a Danish astronomer, while engaged, in making observations on the * M. Delavel maintains, that all light is reflected by white particles, and coloured in its transmission. No transparent medium reflects any light when examined within a blackened bottle; this is shown by experiments on 68 kinds of fluids, and on many kinds of glasses, and other substances. For this, and for the colours of the sea, M. Delaval pro- poses a very singular theory ; but those who wish to become particularly acquainted with it, must consult his work on the permanent colours of opa- que bodies. THE ARTISAN. 363 satellites of Jupiter, found that in eclipses they emerged from the shadow at certain times a few minutes later, and at others a few minutes sooner than they ought to have done according to the tables, which had been previously constructed to show the times of their revolutions, eclipses, &c. On comparing these apparent irregu- larities together, he found that the eclipses happened before or after the computed time, according as the earth was nearer to or farther from Jupiter. Hence he formed the ingenious conjecture, which was soon demonstrated to be the case, that the motion of light is not instantaneous, as was then generally believed, but that it required a certain portion of time, to pass from the luminous body to the eye of the observer. According to Roemer’s calcu- lation, it was about seven minutes in tra- versing the radius of the earth's orbit ; but it has since been found, that when the earth is exactly between Jupiter and the sun, his satellities are eclipsed about 8^ minutes sooner than the time found by the tables ; but when the earth is nearly in the opposite point, these eclipses happen about minutes later than that determined by the tables. It is therefore concluded that light takes about 16£ minutes of time to pass over a space equal to the diameter of the earth’s orbit, which is at least one hundred and ninety millions of miles ; it therefore moves at the rate of nearly 200,000 miles per second, which is about 10,300 times faster than the earth in its orbit, and 1,550,0000 times quicker than a cannon ball.* The velocity of light being known, it is easy to know the time it requires to arrive at the earth from any of the planets, or even the fixed stars, if their distance be known. For it has been ascertained, that the reflected light of the planets and satel- lites, travels with the same velocity as the direct light of the sun or fixed stars ; and that the velocity is the same from whatever distance it comes. The discovery of Roemer has been com- pletely confirmed by another most im- portant discovery made by our countryman, Dr. Bradley, while engaged in making a series of observations, with a view to de- termine the annual parallax of the fixed stars. This celebrated astronomer found that the aberration or difference between the true and apparent place of a fixed star, is occasioned by the progressive motion of light, combined with the motion of the earth in its orbit ; and that this aberration , when greatest, amounted to 20" , 232. Now the earth describes an arc of 20"-232, in 8' 13", the time that light takes to pass * The real time which light takes to pass from the sun to the earth is 8 minutes 13 seconds. over the semidiamer of the earth's orbit. This circumstance, therefore, not only affords one of the most convincing proofs of the motion of the earth in its orbit, but entirely overthrows both the Ptolemaic and Tychonic systems, and completely establishes the motion of the earth. As the rays of light are known to pro- ceed only in straight lines from luminous bodies, and as the earth is constantly moving forward in its orbit, it is evident that a ray of light proceeding from any celestial body, will impinge 'on the earth at a different point from what it would have done had the earth been stationary. It is therefore necessary, in making astro, nomical observations with nicety, to make allowance for the aberration. When a fixed star or planet, for example, is seen through a tube or telescope, the tube does not point exactly to the true place of the star or planet, but to its apparent place, which is always more advanced in the direction we are moving than its true place, by a quantity equal to the aberration of the object.* But this will, perhaps, be better understood by the following illus- tration, which is given by M. Maupertuis in his Elements of Geography. “ The direction,” says he, “ in which a gun must be pointed to strike a bird in its flight, is not exactly that of the bird, but of a point a little before it, in the path of its flight ; and that so much the more as the flight of the bird is more rapid, with respect to the flight of the shot. In this way of considering the matter, the flight of the bird represents the motion of the earth, and the flight of the shot the motion of the light proceeding from the object.” Many philosophers have attempted, not only to compare the light of the stars with that of the sun, but also to ascertain their distances by comparisons of this kind. The Rev. Mr. Mitchell, in an elaborate and ingenious paper in the Transactions of the Royal Society, states, that our sun would still appear as luminous as the star Sirius, although removed to 400,000 times his present distance; and that the fixed stars cannot be nearer than this, if they be equal to the sun in lustre and magnitude, and that they are so is the opinion of the most celebrated astronomers of the pre- sent day. Euler, who has already been mentioned, makes the light of the sun equal to 6,500 candles at one foot dis- tance ; the moon equal to one candle at 7f feet distance ; Venus to one at 421 feet; and Jupiter to one at 1320 feet. From this comparison it follows, the light of the sun exceeds that of the moon 364,000 * The aberration not only affects the longitude of a star or planet, but also its altitude, declination, and right ascension. 364 THE ARTISAN. times. It is therefore no wonder that the attempts which have been made by some philosophers to condense the light of the moon by lenses, have been attended with so little success. For, should one of the largest of these lenses even increase the light of the moon one thousand times, still, in this increased state, it will be three hundred and sixty-four times less than the intensity of the common light of the sun. The intensity of light has been found to vary as the square of the distance ; for, if an object be placed one foot distant from a candle, it will receive four times more light than when it is removed to double the distance ; nine times more than when it is removed to three times the distance, and so on. OF THE ATMOSPHERE, AND ASTRONOMICAL REFRACTION. The earth is surrounded by a thin fluid mass of matter, called the Air or Atmos- phere, which revolves with it in its diurnal motion, and goes round the sun with it every year. This fluid is both ponderous and elastic. Its weight is known from the Torricilian experiment, or that of the ba- rometer; and its elasticity is proved by simply inverting a vessel full of air in water. The atmosphere at the earth's surface being pressed by the weight of all above it, is there pressed the closest together ; and therefore the atmosphere is densest of all at the earth’s surface ; and its density necessarily diminishes the higher up. For each stratum of air is compressed only by the weight of those above it ; the upper strata are therefore less compressed, and consequently less dense, than those below them. The pressure or weight of the atmos- phere has been repeatedly determined, by various experiments, to be about fourteen pounds on every square inch of the earth’s surface. Hence, the total pressure on the whole surface of*the earth is 10,686,000,000 hundreds of millions of pounds avoirdu- poise. i From a number of experiments made on the density of the atmosphere, at various altitudes, by means of the barometer, it has been ascertained, that if heights, from the earth’s surface, be taken in arith- metical progression, the density of the corresponding strata of air decreases in geometrical progression. Thus the den- sity of the atmosphere is reduced one-half for every 3§ miles of perpendicular ascent. At seven miles in height, the correspond- ing density is only one-fourth: at 10§ miles, one eighth ; and 14 miles, one-six- teenth : and t so on. Since the density of the air decreases at this rapid rate, it is evident that at a very moderate^ distance from the surface of the earth, its density would be so much diminished, as to ren- der it incapable of sustaining animal life. From observation and experiment, it is pretty well known that 45 or 50 miles is the utmost height at which the density is capable of refracting a ray of light ; and, therefore, this may be considered the alti- tude corresponding to the least sensible degree of density: for, according to the law of its decrease, just stated, the den- sity at this altitude is above 10,000 times less than at the earth’s surface. One of the most extraordinary and use- ful properties of the atmosphere, is its re- flective power, which causes the heavens to appear luminous when the sun shines ; for were it not for this power, the whole of the heavens, and every thing on the earth, would appear black, or completely dark, except what the 'sun’s rays directly im- pinged upon. The stars would be visible by day as well as by night ; and we could see nothing except what was fully exposed to the sun. There could be no twilight, and, consequently, the blackest darkness would immediately succeed the brightest sun-shine when the sun sets ; and the transition would be equally sudden from the blackest darkness to the brightest sun- shine when the sun rose. But by means of the atmosphere we enjoy the sun’s light, reflected from the aerial particles for some time before he rises, and also for some time after he sets. For when the earth, by its revolution on its axis, has turned any particular place away from the sun, the atmosphere above that place will continue to be illuminated for some time. However, as the sun gets farther below the horizon, the less will the atmos- phere be illuminated; and when he is eighteen degrees under the horizon, it ceases to be illuminated,' and then all that part of the heavens which is over the place will become dark : for the place will then be turned too far from the sun, and his rays will strike too high on the atmos- phere to be refracted or bent downwards at that place. In consequence of the re- fractive power of the atmosphere, all the heavenly bodies appear higher than they really are : for, on account of the variation in the density of the air, a ray of light in passing through it will be refracted at every instant, and consequently the path of the ray will be a curve. And as an object is always seen in the direction in which the rays of light proceeding from it enter the eye, it is evident every celestial body will appear more elevated above the horizon than it actually is, by a quantity equal to the refraction which a ray of light suffers in passing from it through the atmosphere to the eye of the observer. When the object is in the zenith, the re- THE ARTISAN. 365 fraction is quite insensible ; but it in- that situation, enter the atmosphere more creases as the altitude of the object dimi- obliquely than in any other, and con- nishes till it reaches the horizon, and sequently are more turned out of their then the refraction is greatest; for the course. This will be evident from an m- rays which proceed from the object, in spection of the following figure. „ Where BOD represents the surface of served at Paris, on the 19th of July, 1750, the earth, O the place of an observer, and when the moon appeared visibly eclipsed, F G H the surrounding atmosphere. A while the sun was distinctly to be seen ray of light proceeding from a body, Z, in above the horizon. the zenith, is not refracted ; but if it pro- At some seasons of the year the sun ceed from a body at A, it will enter the appears ten minutes sooner above the hori- eye at O, and appear in the direction O a ; zon in the morning, and continues as much if the body be in the horizon, as at E, the longer above it in the evening, than he rays proceeding from it will enter the eye would do were there no refraction ; and at O, and appear to come in the direction at a mean rate, about seven minutes on eO. any day of the year. The refraction On some accasions, the horizontal|refrac- varies, however, very much with the state tion amounts to 36 or 37 minutes, and, of the atmosphere. In cold dry weather generally, to about 33 minutes, which is the air is more dense than in warm equal to the diameter of the sun or moon ; weather ; consequently the refraction is and therefore the whole disc of the sun or greater in cold weather than in warm ; moon will appear above the horizon, both and for the same reason, it is greater in at rising and setting, although actually cold countries than in hot ones, below. This is the reason that the full A remarkable instance of this is men- moon has sometimes been seen above the tioned by Dr. Smith in his Optics, where horizon before the sun was set. A re- he states, that some Hollanders who win- markable instance^ of this kind was ob- tered in Nova Zembla, in the year 1596, 365 THE ARTISAN. were surprised to find that, after three months’ constant darkness, the sun began to appear seventeen days sooner than the time by computation deduced from the latitude, which was 76 degrees. Now this phenomenon can only be accounted for by the extraordinary refraction of the sun’s rays in passing through the cold dense air in that climate. At the same altitudes, the sun, moon, and stars, all undergo the same refraction; for at equal altitudes, the rays which pro- ceed from any of these bodies suffer the same inclination. The horizontal refraction being the greatest, causes the sun and moon, at rising and setting, to appear of an oval form ; for the lower edge of each being seen through denser atmosphere than the upper edge, is more refracted ; conse- quently, the perpendicular diameter must appear shortened, while the horizontal diameter, (which is not affected by refrac* tion) remains the same, and in this way the oval appearance is produced. For the same reason, two fixed stars that are near the horizon,' and right above each other, appear nearer than when they are high above the horizon ; and if they are both in the horizon, but at some distance from each other, then they will appear at a less distance than they really are ; for the refraction makes each of them higher, and consequently must bring them into parts of their respective vertical circles, which are nearer to each other, because all vertical circles converge and meet in the zenith. Hence, in all astronomical calculations allowance must be made for refraction, before the true altitude of any celestial body can be obtained. Tables, containing this allowance for all altitudes, are to be found in every work on practical astronomy. The atmosphere not only occasions ce- lestial bodies to appear higher than they really are, by bending the rays of light as they pass through it, but it also affects terrestrial bodies in the same way. The quantity of this refraction is, however, found to vary considerably with the differ- ent states of the atmosphere, and is there- fore very uncertain. But at a mean rate it may be taken at one-fourteenth part of the distance expressed in degrees in a great circle : or, according to Professor Play- fair, it is about one-seventh part of the correction for the earth’s curvature, an- swering to the distance between the ob- server and the object.* * For example, suppose the distance between a person and any conspicuous object to be 5 English miles, and he wishes to know how much it is elevated by refraction. Tiie correction for the earth’s curvature on this distance is 162 feet, one- seventh part of which is 2 feet inches’ which it is raised by refraction. iHuscellfimeous Subjects. MEMOIR OF DOCTOR FRANKLIN. Benjamin Franklin, the celebrated Ame- rican philosopher, was sprung, as he' him- self informs us, from a family settled for a long course of years in the village of Ecton, in Northamptonshire ; where they had aug- mented their income, arising from a small patrimony of thirty acres of land, by adding to it the profits of a blacksmith’s business. His father, Josias, having been converted by some nonconformist ministers, left Eng- land for America in 16S2, and settled at Boston, as a soap-boiler and tallow- chandler. At this place, in 1706, Benja- min, the youngest of his sons, was born. It appeared at first to be his destiny to be- come a tallow-chandler, like his father ; but, as he manifested a particular dislike to that occupation, different plans were thought of, which ended in his becoming a printer, in 1718, under one of his brothers, who was settled at Boston, and in 1721 began to print a newspaper. This was a business much more to his taste, and he soon shewed a talent for reading, and occa - sionally wrote verses, which were printed in his brother’s newspaper, although un- known to the latter. He wrote also in the same some prose essays, and had the saga- city to cultivate his style after the model of the Spectator. With his brother he continued as an apprentice, until their fre- quent disagreements, and the harsh treat- ment he experienced, induced him to leave Boston privately, and take a conveyance by sea to New York. This happened in 1723. From New York he immediately proceeded, in quest of employment, to Philadelphia, not without some distressing adventures. His own description of his first entrance into that city, where he was afterwards in so high a situation, is too curious to be omitted. “ On my arrival at Philadelphia, I was in my working dress, my best clothes being to come by sea. I was covered with dirt ; my pockets were filled with shirts and stockings ; I was unacquainted with a single soul in the place and knew not where to seek for a lodging. Fatigued with walking, rowing, and having passed the night without sleep, I was extremely hungry, and all my money consisted of a Dutch dollar, and about a shilling’s worth of coppers, which I gave to the boatmen for my passage. As I had assisted them in rowing, they refused it at first, but I in- sisted on their taking it. A man is some- times more generous when he has little, than when he has much money ; probably because,' in the first case, he is desirous, of concealing his property. I walked towards the top of the street, looking eagerly on both sides till I oame THE ARTISAN, 367 to Market-street, where I met a child with a loaf of bread. Often had 1 made my dinner on dry bread. I enquired where he bought it, and went straight to the baker’s shop which he pointed out to me ; l asked for some biscuits, expecting to find such as we had at Boston, but they made, it seems, none of that sort at Philadelphia. I then asked for a threepenny loaf. They made no loaves at that price. Finding myself ignorant of the prices, as well as of the different kinds of bread, I desired him to let me have three pennyworth of bread of some kind or other. He gave me three large rolls. I was surprised at re- ceiving so much. I took them, however, and having no room in my pockets, I walked on with a roll under each arm, eating the third. In this manner I went through Market-street to Fourth- street, and passed the house of Mr. Read, the father of my future wife. She was stand- ing at the door, observed me, and thought, with reason, that I made a very singular and grotesque appearance.” Notwithstanding this unpromising com- mencement, Franklin soon met with em- ployment in his business, working under one Keimer, a very indifferent printer, though at that time almost the only one in Philadelphia. In 1724, encouraged by the specious promises of Sir William Keith, governor of the province, Franklin sailed for England, with a view of purchasing materials for setting up a press ; though his father, to w r hom he had applied, pru- dently declined encouraging the plan, on account of his extreme youth, as he was then only eighteen. On his arrival in England, he had the mortification to find that the governor, w ho had pretended to give him letters of recommendation, and of credit for the sum required for his pur- chases, had only deceived him ; and he w'as obliged to work at his trade in Lon- don for a maintenance. The most exem- plary industry, frugality, and ^temperance, with great quickness and skill in his busi- ness, both as a pressman and as a com- positor, made this rather a lucrative situa- tion. He reformed the workmen in the houses where he was employed, "which were, first, Mr. Palmer’s, afterwards Mr. Watts’s, in Wild-street, Lincoln’s-Inn-fields, by whom he was treated with a kindness which he always remembered. Desirous, however, of returning to Philadelphia, he engaged himself as book-keeper to a mer- chant, at fifty pounds a year ; “ which,” says lie, “ was less than I earned as a compositor.” He left England, July 23, 1726, and reached Philadelphia early in October. In 1727, Mr. Denham, the mer- chant, died, and Franklin returned to his occupation as a printer, under Keimer, his first master, with a handsome salary. But it was not long before he setup for himself in the same business, in concert with one Meredith, a young man, whose father was opulent, and supplied the money required . A little before this, he had gradually associated with a number of persons, like himself, of an eager and inquisitive turn of mind, and formed them into a club, or society, to hold meetings for their mutual improvement in all kinds of useful know- ledge, which was in high repute for many years after. Among many other useful regulations, they agreed to bring such books as they had into one place, to form a common library ; but this furnishing only a scanty supply, they resolved to contribute a small sum monthly towards the purchase of books for their use from London. In this way their stock began to increase rapidly ; and the inhabitants of Phila- delphia, being desirous of profiting by their library, proposed that the books should be lent out on paying a small sum for this indulgence. Thus, in a few years, the society became rich, and possessed more books than were perhaps to be found in all the other colonies ; and the example began to be followed in other places. * About 1728 or 1729, Franklin set up a newspaper, the second in Philadelphia, which proved very profitable, and afforded him an opportunity of making himself known as a political writer, by his insert- ing several attempts of that kind in it. He also set up a shop for the sale of books and articles of stationary, and in 1730 he mar- ried a lady, whom lie had courted before he went to England. He afterwards began to have some leisure, both for reading books, and writing them, of which he gave many specimens from time to time. In 1732, he began to publish “ Poor Richard’s Almanack,” w hich was continued for many years, it was always remarkable for the numerous and valuable concise maxims which it contained, for the economy of human life ; all tending to industry and frugality ; and w hich were comprised in a well-known address, entitled “ The way to Wealth.” This has been translated into various languages, and inserted in almost every magazine and newspaper in Great Britain or America. It has also been printed on a large sheet, proper to be framed, and hung up in conspicuous places in all houses, as it very well deserves to be. Mr. Franklin became gradually more known for his political talents. In 1736, he w r as “appointed clerk to the general assembly of ! ennsylvania ; and was re- elected by succeeding assemblies for sev eral years, till he was chosen a representative for the city of Philadelphia: and in 1737 he w as appointed post-master of that city. In 1738, he formed the first fire-company there, to extinguish and prevent fires, and 368 THE ARTISAN. the burning of houses ; an example which was soon followed by other persons, and other places. And soon after, he suggested the plan of an association for insuring houses and ships from losses by fire, which was adopted; and the association con- tinues to this day. In 1744, during a war between France and Great Britain, some French and Indians made inroads upon the frontier inhabitants of the . province, who were unprovided for such an attack ; the situation of the province, was at this time truly alarming, being destitute of every means of defence. At this crisis Franklin stepped forth, and proposed to a meeting of the citizens of Philahelphia, a plan of a voluntary association for the de- fence of the province. This was approved of, and signed by 1200 persons immediately. Copies of it were circulated throughout the province ; and in a short time the number of signatures amounted to 10,000. Frank- lin was chosen colonel of the Philadelphia regiment, but he did not think proper to accept of the honour. Pursuits of a different nature now occu- pied the greatest part of his attention for some years. Being always much addicted to the study of natural philosophy, and the discovery of the Leyden experiment in elec- tricity having rendered that science an object of general curiosity, Mr. Franklin applied himself to it, and soon began to distinguish himself eminently in that way. He engaged in g, course of electrical expe- riments with al the ardour and thirst for discovery which characterised the philo- sophers of that day. By these he was enabled to make a number of important discoveries, and to propose theories to ac- count for various phenomena ; which have been generally adopted, and which will probably endure for ages. His observa- tions he communicated in a series of letters to his friend Mr. Peter Collin son ; the first of which is dated March 28, 1747. In these he makes known the power of points in drawing and throwing off the electric mat- ter, which had hitherto escaped the notice of electricians. He also made the discovery of a plus and minus, or of a positive and negative state of electricity ; from whence, in a satisfactory manner he explained the phenomena of the Leyden phial, first ob- served by Cuneus, or Muschenbroeck, which had much perplexed philosophers. He shewed that the bottle when charged, contained no more electricity than before, but that as much was taken from one side as was thrown on the other ; and that, to discharge it, it was only necessary to make a communication between the two sides, by which the equilibrium might be restored, and then no signs of electricity would remain. [ To be continued .] SOLUTION OF QUESTIONS. Quest. 48. answered by Mr. Whitcombe* Cornhill. Put a — 2-943271 and mzz 1*94353929. then by substitution and transposition, we have x 3 ■ — ax m~ o., and per Nicho- las Tartalea’s method of solving cubics which want their second term, we have x ~ 4 27 2 + j /m a 3 m 27 2 _ . m 2 a 3 But in the present instance ^ W hence the eq uations 3 / /m* a 3 , , ,/ v \/ — and -j- — 4 27 /m 2 a 3 ^ T~ 27 destroy each other ; Consequently, x — 8 m — — \/ — 4 m .*. x — — s/ Am~ — $ 7*77415716 = — 1*981 =z one of the Roots. Now divide the given equation by x -j- 1*981 and we have x 2 — 1*981 x ~ — •98109 a quadratic ; then by completing the square, and extracting the root, we obtain x zz + *991 and — *99 which are the other two roots of the given equation, and deter- mined without a conjecture, approxima- tion, or using either of the methods alluded to in the question. There appears to be nothing particular in this question, except that n ~ is equal to (when treated by Carden’s rule) ; conse- quently two of the terms destroy each other, as stated above; but we have^here no new method of solving cubic equations, nor any improvement on the old. Ed. QUESTIONS FOR SOLUTION. Quest. 51, proposed by Mr. J. M. Edney, Clerkenwell. There is a circular building of 40 feet diameter, and 25 feet high to the ceiling, which is covered with a saloon (dome), the circular arch of which is 5 feet radius ; required the whole content of the room in cubic feet. Quest. 52, proposed by Mr. Whitcomb, Cornhill. In a given quadrant of a circle to in- scribe the greatest circle geometrically, and to give the demonstration. Quest. 53, proposed by Mr. J. Taylor, Clement's Lane , Lombard Street. Thomas and John put, monthly, into the saving’s bank a certain sum of money each ; the sum of their monthly deposits is £3^ sterling, and the sum of their 5th powers is £43*32933 ; I demand their respective deposits, John’s being the greatest ? THE ARTISAN. tt£OMETB/5T. BOOK III. DEFINITIONS. The radius of a circle is the straight line drawn from the centre to the circum- ference. I. A straight line is said to touch a cir- cle, when it meets the circle, and being produced does not cut it. II. Circles are said to touch one ano- ther, which meet, but do not cut one another. III. Straight lines are said to be equally distant from the centre of a circle, when the perpendiculars drawn to them from the centre are equal. IV. And the straight line on which the greater perpendicular falls, is said to be farther from the centre. An arch of a circle is any part of the circumference. V. A segment of a circle is the figure contained by a straight line, and the arch which it cuts off. VI. An angle in a segment is the angle contained by two straight lines drawn from any point in the circumference of the segment, tq the extremities of the straight Jine which is the base of the segment. Vol. I.— No. 24. VII. And an angle is said to insist or stand upon the arch intercepted between the straight lines that contain the angle. VIII. The sector of a circle is the figure contained by two straight lines drawn from the centre, and the arch of the cir- cumference between them. IX. Similar segments of a circle, are those in which the angles are equal, or which contain equal angles. PROPOSITION I. Problem.-— T o find, the centre of a given circle. Let ABC be the given circle ; it is re- quired to find its centre. Draw within it any straight line A B, and bisect it in D ; from the point D draw D C at right angles to A B, and produce it to E, and bisect C E in F : The point F is the centre of the circle ABC. For, if it be not, let, if possible, G be the centre, and join G A, GD, GB : Then, because DA is equal to DB, and DG common to the two triangles ADG, BDG, the two sides A D, D G are equal to the two. B D, D G, each to each ; and the base GA is equal to the base GB, because they are radii of the same circle : there- fore the angle ADG is equal to the angle G D B : But when a straight line standing 8 B 370 THE ARTISAN, upon another straight line, makes the ad- C jacent angles equal to one another, each of the angles is a right angle. Therefore the angle GDB is a right angle: But F D B is likewise a right angle ; where- fore the angle F D B is equal to the angle GDB, the greater to the less, which is impossible : Therefore G is not the centre of the circle ABC: In the same manner, it can be shown, that no other point but F is the centre ; that is, F is the centre of the circle ABC: Which was to be found. Cor. From this it is manifest, that if in a circle a straight line bisect another at right angles, the centre of the circle is in the line which bisects the other. PROPOSITION II. Theorem. — If any two points be taken in the circumference of a circle, the straight line which joins them shall fall within the circle. Let A B C be a circle, and A B any two points in the circumference ; the straight line drawn from A to B shall fall within the circle. Take any point in A B as E ; find D the centre of the circle ABC; join AD, DB ahd D E, and let D E meet the circum- ference in F. Then because DA is equal to DB, the angle DAB is equal to the angle D B A ; and because AE, a side of the triangle DAE, is produced to B, the angle DEB is greater than the angle DAE; but DAE is equal to the angle D BE ; therefore the angle DEB is greater than the angle DBE: Now to the greater angle the greater side is oppo- site ; DB is therefore greater than DE: but B D is equal to DF ; wherefore DF is greater than D E, and the point E ^there- fore within the circle. The same may be demonstrated of any other point between A and B, therefore A B is within the cir- cle. Wherefore, if any two points, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION III. Theorem — If a straight line drawn through the centre of a circle bisect a straight line in the circle , which does not pass through the centre , it will cut that line at right angles ; and if it cut it at right angles , it will bisect it. Let ABC be a circle, and let C D, a straight line drawn through the centre, bisect any straight line A B, which does not pass through the centre, in the point F : It cuts it also at right angles. Take E the centre of the circle, and join E A, E B. Then, because A F is equal to F B, and F E common to the two triangles A F E, B F E, there are two sides in the one equal to two sides in the other; but the base EAis equal to the equal to the angle BFE. And when a straight line standing upon another makes the adjacent angles equal to one another, each of them is a right angle: Therefore each of the angles A F E, B FE is a right angle ; wherefore the straight line C D, drawn through the centre, bisecting ano- ther, A B, which does not pass through the centre, cuts it at right angles. Again, let CD cut AB at right angles ; C D also bisects A B ; that is, A F is equal toFR. The same construction being made, be- cause the radii EA, EB are equal to one another, the angle E A F is equal to the angle E B F ; and the right angle A F E is equal to the right angle BFE: Therefore, in the two triangles E A F, E B F, there are two angles in one equal to two angles THE ARTISAN. 371 in the other ; and the side E F, which is opposite to one of the equal angles in each, is common to both ; therefore the other sides are equal ; A F therefore is equal to FB. Wherefore, if a straight line, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION IV. Theorem.— If in a circle two straight lines cut one another, which do not both pass through the centre , they do not bisect each other. Let A B C D be a circle, and AC, BD two straight lines in it, which cut one another in the point E, and do not both pass through the centre : AC, BD do not bisect one another. 3 For, if it is possible, let A E be equal to E C, and B E to E D : If one of the lines pass through the centre, it is plain that it cannot be bisected by the other, which does not pass through the centre. But if neither of them pass through the centre, take F the centre of the circle, and join E F : and because F E, a straight line through the centre, bisects another AC, w'hich does not pass through the centre, it must cut it at right angles ; wherefore FEA is a right angle. Again, because the straight line F E bisects the straight line B D, which does not pass through the centre, it must cut it at right angles ; wherefore FEB is a right angle ; and FEA was shown to be a right angle; therefore FE A is equal to the angle FEB, the less to the greater, which is impossi- ble : therefore AC, B D do not bisect one another. Wherefoi-e, if in a circle, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION V. Theorem. — If two circles cut one another , they cannot have the same centre. Let the two circles A B C, C D G cut one another in the points B C ; tjiey have not the same centre. For, if it be possible, let E be their cen* tre ; join E C, and draw any straight line EFO meeting them in F and G : and be- cause E is the centre of the circle ABC, C E is equal to E F : Again, because E is the centre of the circle C D G, C E is equal to E G : but, C E was shown to be equal to E F, therefore E F is equal to E G, the less to t!he greater, which is impossible : therefore E is not the centre of the circles ABC, CDG. Wherefore, if two circles, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION VI. Theorem. — If two circles touch one another internally , they cannot have the same cen- tre. Let the two circles A B C, C D E, touch one another internally in the point C : they have not the same centre. For, if they have, let it be F : join F C, and draw any straight line FEB meeting them in E and B ; and because F is the centre of the circle A B C, C F is equal to FB; also, because F is the centre of the circle C D E, C F is equal to F E : but C s F was shown to be equal to F B ; there- fore F E is equal to F B, the less to the greater, which is impossible ; wherefore F is not the centre of the circles ABC, C D E. Therefore, if two circles, &c. Q. E. D. BB 2 THE ARTISAN. m MECHANICS, WIND-MILLS. Previous to concluding our observations on the subject of wind-mills, we shall add a few of the most valuable maxims deduced by Mr. Smeaton, from a number of experi- ments which he made to determine their greater effects. Maxim 1. The velocity of wind-mill sails, whether unloaded or loaded, so as to produce a maximum effect, is nearly as the velocity of the w r ind, their shape and position being the same. Maxim 2. The load at the maximum is nearly, but somewhat less, than as the square of the velocity of the wind, the shape and position ofJ;he sails being the same. Maxim 3. The effects of the same sails at a maximum, are nearly, but somewhat less, than as the cubes of the velocity of the wind. Maxim 4. The load of the same sails at the maximum, is nearly as the squares, and their eflects as the cubes of their num- ber of turns in a given time. Maxim 5. When sails are loaded, so as to produce a maximum at a given velocity, and the velocity of the wind increases the load, continuing the same : 1st. The in- crease of effect, when the increase of the velocity of the wind is small, will be nearly as the squares of those velocities : 2dly, When the velocity of the wind is double, the effects will be nearly as 10 : 274 ; but 3dly, W'hen the velocities compared are more than double of that where the given load produces a maxi- mum, the effects increase nearly in the simple ratio of the velocity of the wind. Maxim 6. In sails where the figure and positions are similar, and the velocity of the wind the same, the number of turns in a given time, will be reciprocally as the radius or length of the sail. Maxim 7. The load at a maximum, that sails of a similar figure and position, will overcome at a given distance from the cen- tre of motion, will be as the cube of the radius. Maxim 8. The effects of sails of similar figure and position, are as the square of the radius. Maxim 9. The velocity of the extremi- ties of Dutch sails, as well as of the en- larged sails in all their usual positions when unloaded, or even loaded to a maxi- mum, are considerably quicker than the velocity of the wind. MOTION OF MACHINES. Machines either work with a variable or a uniform velocity. If the moving power is of the kind, that when the motion begins, diminishes in the intensity of its action, the machine, after a little time, will ac- quire a uniform velocity. If, however, the moving power be one that acts always with the same force, and if the resistance is also uniform, the machine will be con- tinually accelerated. But as a motion continually accelerated, is incompatible with the purposes of machinery, it is either contrived, that by an increased resistance, the motion shall become uniform, or that the moving power shall at intervals cease altogether, or become a retarding force — so that the velocity of the machine, though continually changing, may be confined within certain limits. When the momentum of the power ap- plied to a machine, is greater than the momentum of the resistance, the machine is put in motion, and if the power be one that acts more forcibly on bodies at rest than in motion, its action is of course di- minished, and the acceleration of the ma- chine in the second instant, is less than in the first. This diminution of the acce- lerating force continues to increase, till the instant when that force becomes equal to the resistance, or till the velocity gene- rated every instant by the one, be just equal to the velocity destroyed every in- stant by the other. The acceleration then ceases, and the motion of the machine be- comes uniform. Now, this increase of re- sistance may arise in many cases from an increase of friction, which often, though not always, accompanies an augmentation of velocity ; or it may arise from the re- sistance of the air, which must necessarily increase with the velocity; and therefore all machines are found soon to attain a state of uniform motion. When an under- shot wheel is driven by the impulse of water, the uniformity of motion to which it arrives, arises principally from the dimi- nution of the power, which in this case accompanies an increase of velocity. When the mass of fluid strikes one of the float-boards at rest, the impulse is then a maximum. When the float-board is in motion, it withdraws itself, as it were, from the action of the power, and therefore its mechanical effect will diminish as the velocity increases, and if it were possible that the velocity of the wheel should be- come equal to that of the fluid, the float- board would not be struck at all by the moving water. Hence it follows, that the power itself diminishes by an increase of velocity, and therefore, that from this cause alone, machines in general would soon acquire a motion sensibly uniform. This effect will be more easily understood, if we suppose an axle to be put in motion by two currents of water, moving with dif- ferent velocities, and driving two w 7 heels, one of which is placed at each extremity of the axles. When the wheels have begun to move, by the joint action of these THE ARTISAN. 375 falls of water, its motion will at first be slow, and each fall of water will perform its part in giving motion to the axle ; but if the greater fall is capable, by the con- tinuance of its action, of giving its wheel a velocity either to a greater, than the ve- locity of the smaller fall, then it is mani- fest that the smaller fall ceases to impel its wheel, and that the whole effect is pro- duced by the action of the greater fall. Hence it is easy to understand from this statement, not only why a diminution of the impelling power accompanies an in- crease of velocity ; but why there is a certain velocity of the machine, w hich is necessary before we can gain all the use- ful effect which we wish to have from the powers which we employ. In order to illustrate this in the case of a real machine, let us suppose that the pow- er of a man is to be employed in raising a load, by means of the machine or walking crane exhibited by the following figure. Here the man walks at any required distance from the axis of motion, and pushes forward the lever A, which moves the bar BC,, connected with the same axis, and removes the break C D from the circumference of the wheel. From an attentive consideration of this machine, it will soon be perceived, that as the acceleration increases, the man must walk with greater and greater velocity ; but there is an obvious limit to this, for he would soon be fatigued by the rapid walk- ing, and therefore be rendered unfit to continue his work. He must therefore return to that distance from the axis, where the wheel has such a velocity, as he can continue to move with during the period that his work is to last, there is therefore a particular velocity with which the man must walk, in order to perforin the'greatest quantity of work ; and it would be easy to find this velocity, if we knew the law according to which his force diminish- ed as his velocity increased. We may suppose, however, that his force diminishes in the same ratio as his velocity increases. But previous to considering this more particularly, we shall give a representa- tion of an oblique ivalking wheel , for oxen, or horses. 374 THE ARTISAN. We may, however, remark, that it is advisable that walking wheels for quad- rupeds should ^present to them a path as little elevated as possible; and it might probably be advantageous to har- ness them, either to a fixed point, or to a spring or weight, which would enable them to exert a considerable force, even in a horizontal direction ; but probably after all, they might be more advantageously employed in a circular mill walk. In all machines the work done is to be estimated, not merely from the quantity of resistance overcome, but from the quan- tity overcome in a given time; or, which is the same, from the quantity of the re- sistance multiplied into the velocity com- municated. The resistance is here supposed to be expressed by weight, and the effect by that weight multiplied , into the velocity with which it is raised. In all machines that work with a uni- form motion, th6re is a certain velocity and a certain load, that yield the greatest effect, and which are therefore more ad- vantageous than any other. If the machine is loaded heavily, though the resistance overcome may be great, it may be overcome so slowly, that the total effect shall be but small. And, again, if the machine is loaded very lightly, it will give great velocity to the load, though, from the smallness of its quantity, the effect will still be inconsiderable. Between these two loads, there must be some in- termediate one, that will make the effect the greatest possible. If the moving power observe the same law that has been already ascribed to ani- mal force, (see pages 276 and 277), then the effect of the machine will be the great- est possible, when the load is reduced to four-ninths of the load or resistance, which is just able to keep the machine at rest, or prevent its motion altogether. The moving power and the resistance being both given, other things remaining as above, if a machine be so constructed, that the velocity of the point to which the power is applied, be to the velocity of the point to which the resistance is applied, as 9 times the resistance to 4 times the power, the machine will work to the greatest possible advantage. Under the name of the load, we suppose the friction of the parts of the machine to be comprehended, which must therefore be determined by experiment. Care should be taken to give to every machine the greatest possible regularity in its motion. The contrivance known by the' name of a fly, is one of the best adapted for this purpose. When the impelling power is subject to alternate intention and remis- sion, the inertia of a heavy wheel, by preserving the velocity it has acquired, tends to lessen the irregularity resulting from these causes. The effect of a fly to remove irregularity in the motion of a machine, its weight and diameter being given, is proportional to its velocity. EnrDitAux.xcs» HYDROSTATIC BELLOW8. The Hydrostatic bellows being a ma- chine much used in large founderies, for producing a constant and equal blast of air, we shall give a short description of it, and endeavour to explain the principle upon which it acts. This machine is made of two strong round boards united by strong leather, in the manner of common bellows, but nailed so tight to the edges of the boards as to hold water. It is represented by the fol- lowing figure. Here a is a pipe of any height leading into the insido of the bellows. If water be poured into this pipe, the upper board will soon begin to rise and lift the weight w ; and if the pipe was tall, and that board wide enough, it would lift the man who poured* in the water. If, when the bellows are full of water, weights are laid on them till the water was forced up to the top of the pipe a, those weights would express the weight of a pillar of water, whose base was equal to the area of the under-board of the bellows, and whose height was from that board to the top of the pipe a ; which may be better understood by the dotted line in the figure. It is evident, that the returning pillar na would press as forcibly against the bot- tom n by re-action, as the tall pillar bn by its weight, for the pressure against the thumb a was equal to the weight of water between b and c, and therefore the re-action THE ARTISAN, 375 ©f the short pillar upon n, would be equal to the weight of the tall pillar. This rea- soning applied to the bellows, will account for the weight they lift; for the water within the bellows is all returning pillars, (like n a when the pipe a is full), each en- deavouring to raise to the level e n, and thrusting against the lid, with a force that would bring them to that level, if they had an opportunity. But if, instead of the pillar of water e o, acting on the bellows by its weight, that water was forced in by a piston moving in eo f the bellows, if strong enough, would lift a ship or a house ! It is on this principle that the pressure of water has been applied by Mr. Bramah, to the construction of a very convenient press, «which will be described in another part of this work. blakey’s machine for raising water FROM MINES, RIVERS, &C. This machine is represented by the fol- lowing figure. A is a large, strong, close vessel, im- mersed in water up to the cock 6, and having a hole in the bottom, with a valve a upon it, opening upward within the ves- sel. B C is a pipe which rises from the bottom of the vessel, and has a cock c in it near the top, which is there very small, for raising a jet d to a great height. L is 376 THE ARTISAN. a little boiler (not so large as a common tea kettle) which is connected with the vessel A by the steam pipe E ; and G is a funnel, through which a little water must be occasionally poured into the boiler, to yield a proper quantity of steam. And a small quantity of water will do for that purpose, because steam occupies upwards of 14,000 times as much space or bulk, as the water does from which it proceeds. The vessel A being immersed in water up to the cock 6, open that cock, and the water will rush in, through the bottom of the vessel at a, and fill it as high up as the water stands on its outside; and the water, coming into the vessel, will drive the air out of it (as high as the water rises within it) through the cock b. When the water has done rushing into the vessel, shut the cock 6, and the valve a will fall down, and hinder the water from being pushed out that way, by any force that presseth on its surface. All the part of the vessel above b , will be full of common air, when the water rises to b. To set the machine to work, it is only necessary to shut the cock c, and open the cocks d and e; then pour as much water into the boiler E (through the funnel G) as will half fill the boiler ; and then shut the cock d, and leave the cock e open. This being done, a fire is to be made under the boiler E, the heat of which will raise steam from the water in the boiler, which will make its way through the pipe F, into the vessel A ; and the steam will compress the air above b with a very great force upon the surface of the water in A. When the top of the vessel A feels very hot by the steam under it, open the cock c in the pipe C ; and the air being strongly compressed in A, between the steam and the water in it, will drive all the water out of the vessel A, up the pipe BC, from which it will fly up in a jet to a very great height. Mr. Ferguson says, “ that he made a machine of this kind, which, with three tea-cups full of water in the boiler, afforded steam enough to raise a jet 30 feet high.” When all the water is out of the vessel A, and the compressed air begins to follow the jet, open the cocks b and d to let the steam out of the boiler E and vessel A, and shut the cock e to prevent any more steam from getting into A ; and the air will rush into the vessel A through the cock ft, and the water through the valve a ; and so the vessel will be filled up with water to the cock b as before. Then shut the cock by and the cocks c and d, and open the cock e; and then, the next quan- tity of steam that rises in the boiler, will make its way into the vessel A again ; and the operation will go on as above. When all the water in the boiler E is evaporated, and gone off into steam, pouf a little more into the boiler, through the funnel G. In order to make this engine raise wafer to supply a house, which is situated on the bank of a river, the pipe B C may be' con- tinued up to the intended height, in the direction H I. Or, if the house be on the side or top of a hill, at a distance from the river, the pipe, through which the water is forced up, may be laid along on the hill, from the river or spring to the house. The boiler may be fed by a small pipe K, from the water that rises in the main pipe B C H I ; the pipe K being of a very small bore, so as to fill the funnel G with water, in the time that the boiler E will require a fresh supply. And then, by turning the cock d, the water will fall from the funnel into the boiler. The fun- nel should hold as much water as will about half fill the boiler. When either of these methods of raising water perpendicularly or obliquely, is used, there will be no occasion for having the cock c in the main pipe B C H I : for such a cock is requisite only, when the engine is used as a fountain. A contrivance may be very easily made, from a lever to the cocks b, d, and e ; so that, by pulling the lever, the cocks b and d may be opened, when the cock e must be shut ; and the cock e be opened, when b and d must be shut. The boiler E should be inclosed in a brick wall, at a little distance from it, all around, to give liberty for the flames of the fire under the boiler to ascend round about it. By which means, (the wall not covering the funnel G) the force of the steam will be prodigiously increased by the heat round the boiler ; and the funnel and water in it will be heated from the boiler; so that the boiler will not be chilled by letting cold water into it ; and the rising of the steam will be so much the quicker. This engine may be constructed at a trifling expense, in comparison of the com- mon steam engines now in use : it will seldom need repairs, and will not consume half so much fuel. And as it has no pumps with pistons, it is clear of all their friction: and the effect is equal to the whole strength or compressive force of the steam. A MACHINE TO BE SUBSTITUTED FOR THE HYDROSTATIC BELLOWS. This machine is represented by the fol- lowing figure. THE ARTISAN. in A B C D (fig. 1st.) is an oblong square box, in one end of which is a round groove, as at a, from top to bottom, for receiving the upright glass tube I, which is bent to a right angle at the lower end (as at i in fig. 2,) and to that part is tied the end of a large bladder K, (fig. 2) which lies in the bottom of the box. Over this bladder is laid the moveable board L, in which is fixed an upright wire M; and leaden weights N N, to the amount of 16 pounds, with holes in their middle, are put upon the wire, over the board, and press upon it with all their force. The cross bar p is then put on, to secure the tube from falling, and keep it in an upright position : And then the piece EFG is to be put on, the part G sliding tight into the dove-tailed groove H, to keep the weights N N horizontal, and the wire M upright ; there being a round hole e in the part E F for receiving the wire. There are four upright pins in the four corners of the box within, each almost an inch long, for the board L to rest upon ; to keep it from pressing the sides of the bladder below it, close together ai first. The whole machine being thus put to» gether, pour water into the tube at top, and the water will run down the tube into the bladder below the board; and after the bladder has been filled up to the board, continue pouring water into the tube, and the upward pressure which it will excite in the bladder, will raise the board with all the weight upon it, even though the bore of the tube should be so small, that less than an ounce of water would fill it. This machine acts upon the same prin- ciple as the Hydrostatical paradox (see page 9.) For the upward pressure against every part of the board (which the bladder touches) equal in area to the area of the bore of the tube, will be pressed upward with a force equal to the weight of the water in the tube ; and the sum of all these pressures, against so many areas of the board, will be sufficient to raise it with all the weights upon it. This simple machine is well calculated for showing the upward pressure of fluids. 378 THE ARTISAN. fWisccllatteouss Subjects. MEMOIR OF DR. FRANKLIN. ( Continued from page 358. J He afterwards demonstrated by experi- ments, that the electricity did not reside in the coating, as had been supposed, but in the pores of the glass itself. After a phial was charged, he removed the coat- ing, and found that upon applying a new coating, the shock might still be received. In 1749, he first suggested the idea of ex- plaining the phenomena of thunder-gusts, and of the aurora borealis, upon electrical principles. He points out many particu- lars, in which lightning and electricity agree; and he adduces many facts, and reasonings from facts, in support of his po- sitions. In the same year he conceived the bold and grand idea of ascertaining the truth of his doctrine, by actually draw- ing down the forked lightning, by means of sharp pointed iron rods raised into the region of the clouds; from whence he de- rived his method of securing buildings and ships from being damaged by light- ning. It was not until the summer of 1752, that he was enabled to complete his grand discovery, the experiment of the electrical kite, which being raised up into the clouds, brought thence the electricity or lightning down to the earth ; and M. D'Alibard made the experiment about the same time in France, by following the track which Franklin had before pointed out. The letters which he sent to Mr. Collinson, it is said, were refused a place among the papers of the Royal Society of London; and Mr. Collinson published them in a separate volume, under the title of “ New Experiments and Observa- tions on Electricity, made at Philadelphia, in America, ” which were read with avi- dity, and soon translated into different languages. His theories were at first opposed by several philosophers, and by the members of the Royal Society of Lon- don; but in 1755, when he returned to that city, they voted him the gold medal, which is annually given to the person who presents the best paper on some interesting subject. He was also admitted a member of the Society, and had the degree of LL.D. conferred upon him by different Universities ; but at this time, by reason of the war which broke out between Britain and France, he returned to Ame- rica, and interested himself in the public affairs of that country. Indeed, he had done this long before ; for although philo- sophy was a principal object of Franklin’s pursuit for several years, he did not con- fine himself to it alone. In 1747, lie be- came a member of the general assembly of Pennsylvania, as a burgess for the city of Philadelphia. Being a friend to the rights of man from his infancy, he soon distin- guished himself as a steady opponent of the unjust schemes of the proprietaries. He was soon looked up to as the head of the opposition; and to him have been attributed many of the spirited replies of the assembly to the messages of the gover- nors. His influence in the body was very great, not from any superior powers of eloquence ; he spoke but seldom, and he never was known to make any thing like an elaborate harangue ; but his speeches generally consisting of a single sentence, or of a well-told story, the moral was always obviously to the point. He never attempted the flowery fields of oratory. His manner was plain and mild. His style in speaking was, like that of his writings, simple, unadorned, and remark- ably concise. With this plain manner, and his penetrating and solid judgment, he was able to confound the most eloquent and subtle of his adversaries, to confirm the opinions of his friends, and to make converts of the unprejudiced who had opposed him. With a single observation he has rendered of no avail a long and elegant discourse, and determined the fate of a question of importance. In 1749 he proposed a plan of an aca- demy to be erected in the city of Philadel- phia, as a foundation for posterity to erect a seminary of learning, more extensive and suitable to future circumstances ; and in the beginning of 1750, three of the schools were opened ; namely, the Latin and Greek school, the mathematical and the English schools. This foundation soon after gave rise to another more ex- tensive college, incorporated by charter. May 27, 1755, which still subsists, and in a very flourishing condition. In 1752 he was instrumental in the establishment of the Pennsylvania hospital, for the cure and relief of indigent invalids, which has proved of the greatest use to that class of persons. Having conducted himself so well as post master of Philadelphia, he was in 1753, appointed deputy post-master general for the whole British colonies. After the defeat of General Braddock, in 1755, Franklin introduced into the as- sembly a bill for organizing a militia, and had the dexterity to get it passed. In consequence of this act, a very respectable militia was formed; and Franklin was appointed colonel of a regiment in Phila- delphia, which consisted of 1200 men ; and in which capacity he acquitted himself with much propriety, and was of singular service, though this militia was soon after disbanded by order of the English minis- try. THE ARTISAN. 379 ' In 1757 he was sent to England, with a petition to the king and council, against \ the proprietaries, who refused to bear any share in the public expenses and assess- ments, which he got settled to the satis- faction of the state. After the completion of this business, Franklin remained at the i court of Great Britain for some time, as agent for the province of Pennsylvania ; and also for those of Massachusetts, Mary- land, and Georgia. Whilst here, he in- vented the elegant musical instrument called the Harmonica, formed of glasses i, played on by the fingers. In the summer ! of 1762 he returned to America, on the passage to which he observed the singular effect produced by the agitation of a vessel containing oil, floating on water ; the [ upper surface of the oil remained smooth and undisturbed, whilst the water was agitated with the utmost commotion. On his return he received the thanks of the assembly of Pensylvania ; which having ci annually elected him a member in his ab- sence, he again took his seat in this body, and continued a steady defender of the liberties of the people. In 1764, by the intrigues of the proprietaries, Franklin I lost his seat in the assembly, but was im- mediately appointed provincial agent to England. In 1766 he was examined be- fore the Parliament relative to the stamp $ act, which was soon after repealed. The same year he made a journey into Holland i\ and Germany, and another into France, being every where received with the great- est respect by the literati of all nations. ( On the 29th January, 1774, he was ex- i amined before the Privy Council, on a ! petition which he had presented long be- fore as agent for Massachusetts Bay against Mr. Hutchinson: but this petition ! being disagreeable to ministry, it was pre- ; cipitately rejected, and he was soon after removed from his office of postmaster- ■ general for America Finding now all i efforts to restore harmony between Great | Britain and her Colonies useless, he re- i turned to America in 1775, just after the commencement of hostilities. Being named one of the delegates to the Continental Congress, he had a principal share in bringing about the revolution and declara- tion of independency on the part of the Colonies. When it was determined by Congress to open a public negotiation with France, Dr. Franklin was fixed upon | to go to ’that country ; and he brought about the treaty of alliance offensive and j defensive, which produced an immediate war between England and France. Dr. Franklin was one of the Commis- sioners, who, on the part of the United States, signed the provisional articles of peace in 1782, and the definitive treaty in the following year. Before he left Europe, he concluded a treaty with Sweden and Prussia. Having seen the accomplish- ment of his wishes in the independence of his country, he requested to be recalled, and after repeated solicitations, Mr. Jeffer- son was appointed in his stead On the arrival of his successor, he repaired to Havre de Grace, and crossing the English channel, landed at Newport, in the Isle of Wight, from whence, after a favourable passage, he arrived safe at Philadelphia, in September, 1785. Here he was received amidst the acclamations of a vast and almost innumerable multitude, who had flocked from all parts to see him, and who conducted him in triumph to his own house, where in a few days he was visited by the members of congress, and the prin- cipal inhabitants of Philadelphia. He was afterwards twice chosen president of the assembly of Philadelphia; but in 1788, the increasing infirmities of his age obliged him to ask and obtain permission to retire, and spend the remainder of his life in tranquillity; and on the 17th of April, 1790, he died at the great age of eighty- four years and three months. He left be- hind him one son, and a daughter married to a merchant in Philadelphia. Dr. Franklin was author of many tracts on electricity, and other branches of natu- ral philosophy, as well as on political and miscellaneous subjects. Many of his papers are inserted in the Philosophical Transactions of London; and his essays have been frequently reprinted in this country as well as in America, and haye, in common with his other works, been translated into several modern languages. A complete edition of all these was printed in London in 1806, in 3 vols. 8vo. with “ Memoirs of his early Life,” written by himself, to which the preceding article is in a considerable degree indebted. As a philosopher, the distinguishing characteristics of Franklin’s mind, as they have been appreciated by a very judicious writer, seem to have been a clearness of apprehension, and a steady undeviating common sense. We do not find him taking unrestrained excursions into the more . difficult labyrinths of philosophical inquiry, or indulging in conjecture and hypothesis. He is in the constant habit of referring to acknowledged facts and observations, and suggests the trials by which his speculative opinions may be put to the test. He does not seek for extraor- dinary occasions of trying his philosophi- cal acumen, nor sits down with the precon- ceived intention of constructing a philoso- phical system. It is in the course of his familiar correspondence that he proposes his new explanations of phenomena, and 380 THE ARTISAN., brings into notice his new discoveries. If a mere hypothesis be proposed, the author himself is the first to point its in- sufficiency, and abandons it with more facility than he had constructed it. Even the letters on electricity, which are by far the most finished of Franklin’s perform- ances, are distinctly characterized by all these peculiarities. The Doctor never be- trays any exertion, nor displays an un- warrantable partiality for his own specula- tions ; he assumes no superiority over his readers, nor seeks to elevate the import- ance of his conceptions, by the adventitious aid of declamation, or rhetorical flourishes. He exhibits no false zeal, no enthusiasm, but calmly and modestly seeks after truth ; and if he fails to find it, has no desire to impose a counterfeit in its stead. DESCRIPTION OF GUNTER’S. SCALE. ( Continued from page 349 . ) Having described the lines drawn upon one side of this useful instrument at page 347, we shall here describe those upon the other side, in order to render our descrip- tion complete. For the sake of distinction, we called the lines on the one side natural lines, and those on the other artificial , or logarithmic lines ; the latter only remain to be noticed, and are the following : Sine Rhumbs - Marked. S. R. Tangent Rhumbs T. R. Numbers NUM. Sines - SIN. Versed Sines - V. S. Tangents TAN. Meridional Parts MER. Equal Parts - E. P. 1. The Line of Numbers — We begin with the construction of this logarithmic line, because all the other lines are constructed with reference to it. The purposes to which this line is usually applied do not require that it should have numbers repre- sented on it, such that the greatest should exceed the least more than 100 times ; and accordingly as the common logarithm of 100 is 2, and that of 10 is 1, the line of numbers is made to consist of two equal parts, the subordinate divisions in one of which have a reference to an order of units, ten times greater than those of the other. Let an accurate scale of equal parts, there- fore, be constructed of half the length of the proposed line of numbers, and for the sake of greater precision let it be a diago- nal scale, with ten primary divisions. Then, from this scale take the measure of the logarithm of 2, and lay it off from the beginning of the scale ; in like manner take the length of the logarithms of 3, 4, 5, &c. from the scale of equal parts, and lay them off from the beginning ; lay off also the intermediate divisions, and the first half of the scale will be constructed. The other half is constructed exactly in the same manner. It is scarcely necessary to observe, that if the first unit, at the beginning of the scale, be reckoned 1, the second unit is 10, and the third 100 ; whereas, if the first unit be accounted 10, the send is 100, and the third 1000 ; and so on with regard to any other value that may be attached to the first unit. 2. The Line of Sine Rhumbs. — From the same scale of equal parts which w r as em- ployed in the construction of the line of numbers, take the distances expressed by the three first figures of the arithmetical complement,* of the logarithmic sines of 7, 6, 5, points, &c. or the secants of 1, 2, 3, points, &c. rejecting the indices, and lay them off, towards the left hand succes- sively from the point corresponding to the sine of 90°, which is usually placed im- mediately below the last unit on the right hand of the line of numbers ; and thus the scale of rhumbs will be obtained for the several points. The quarter points are laid down after the same manner. 3. The Line of Sines. — The construction of the scale of logarithmic sines differs in no respect from that of the rhumbs, only degrees are employed in place of points. 4. The Line of Tangent Rhumbs. — This scale, as far as 4 points, is constructed in the same manner as the scale of log. sines, by using the three first figures of arithmetical complements of the logarithmic tangents of 3, 2, and 1 points, or of the logarithms of the tangents of 5, 6, and 7 points, rejecting the index. The tangent of 4 points being equal to the radius, terminates the scale on the right hand. The points above 4, if the scale were extended from that point to- wards the right hand, would be at the same distance from 4, or the point cor- responding to the radius, as the points as much below 4 are from that point. Hence the points corresponding to 3 and 5 points, 2 and 6 points, and 1 and 7 points, are coincident on the scale, only the points above 4, though actually laid down to the left hand of the point corresponding to the * The arithmetical complement of the sine, tan- gent, &c. of an arc, is the remainder obtained by subtracting it from 10-000000. THE ARTISAN. SSI adius, must be conceived, in the per- formance of problems, to extend to the right hand of it. I 5. The Line of Tangents .— The scale of |logarithmic tangents is constructed, like that of logarithmic tangent rhumbs, by em- ploying the three first figures of the arith- metical complements of the log. tangents ! of 40°, 30°, &c. or of the logarithms of the tangents of 50°, 60°, rejecting their indices. .i, 6. The Line of Versed Sines . — From the scale of equal parts, employed in the con- struction of all the preceding scales, take the distances expressed by the three first i figures of the arithmetical complements of the logarithmic cosines of 5, 10, 15, &c. j degrees, rejecting the indices, and lay off the double of these distances, respectively, i from right to left of the extended scale, i The divisions, thus obtained, will corres- pond to the log. versed sines of 10, 20, 30, il &e. degrees. 7. Meridional Line . — Take the meridio- nal parts for every 10° from a Table of meri- dional parts, and having divided them by 60, lay off, by means of some convenient j scale of equal parts, the distance expressed by the several quotients. The line of equal parts, which is placed immediately above or below the meridional line, is divided into 19 principal divisions, marked from right i to left 0, 10, 20, &c. each of these divisions i, representing 10 degrees of the equator, or ! 600 nautical miles. The first division on the right from 0 to 10, is divided into 10 i equal parts, each of which, therefore, cor- (i responds to a degree of the equator, or 60 miles ; and, consequently, the bisection of i each of these equal parts reduces the ulti- mate divisions to a distance representing 30 miles. The extent from the right hand ex- ; tremity of the meridional line to any particu- lar division, being applied, in like manner, to the scale of equal parts, will indicate in degrees the meridional parts belonging to that division, reckoned from the equator. Also the extent between any two divisions in the meridional line being applied to the line of equal parts, will give, in degrees, the meridional difference of latitude be- tween the two latitudes, expressed by the J numbers at the extreme points of extent. Hence the compound , scale may serve, in- strumentally, the purposes of a table of I meridional parts. In using these logarithmic scales for the solution of arithmetical problems, in trigo- nometry or navigation, it follows from the nature of logarithms, that the fourth term of four proportional magnitudes being to [ the third, as the second to the first, if these magnitudes be A, B, C, and D, then A divided by B, is equal to C, divided by D ; and, consequently, the logarithm of A, diminished by the logarithm of B, is equal .to the logarithm of C, diminished by the logarithm of JD. That is, the extent from the log. A to the log. B, these two quantities being of the same kind, will reach from the log. C to the log J), always carefully observing that the extent in the second case must be taken in the same di- rection as in the first. This circumstance, which must never be lost sight of, requires to be particularly observed in solving pro- blems where the scale of logarithmic tan- gents is employed, and the third term is the tangent of 45° on the radius. In such cases, when the extent is from the left to the right, in respect of the two first terms, the extent ought to be taken in the same direction on the scale of tangents ; but the manner of laying down the scale not ad- mitting this, the extent is taken from right to left, only the complement of the number of degrees and minutes corresponding to it is taken, in place of the numbers actually marked on the scale. A similar precau- tion is to be observed when either the first or second term of an analogy is greater than 45°, the extent in the second case being always reckoned in the same direc- tion of what it would have been, if the line of logarithmic tangents had been con- tinued to the right hand of 45°. UNIFORMITY OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. A Bill having passed in the last session of Parliament, for establishing a uniformity of weights and measures throughout the country, we consider that we shall render a service to our readers, by making them acquainted with the most important parts of it. This we conceive will be best ac- complished by making a few extracts from the Act itself. u I. That from and after the first day of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five, the straight line or distance between the centres of the two points in the gold studs in the straight brass rod, now in the custody of the clerk of the House of Commons, whereon the words and figures ‘ Standard Yard, 1760/ are engraved, shall be and the same is hereby declared to be the original and genuine standard of that measure of length or lineal extension called a yard ; and that the same straight line or distance between the centres of the said two points in the said gold studs in the said brass rod, the brass being at the temperature of sixty-two de- grees by Fahrenheit's Thermometer, shall 3£2 THE ARTISAN. be and is hereby denominated the ‘ Im- perial Standard Yard/ and shall be and is hereby declared to be the unit or only standard measure of extension, wherefrom or whereby all other measures of exten- sion whatsoever, whether the same be lineal, superficial, or solid, shall be de- rived, computed, and ascertained ; and that all measures of length shall be taken in parts or multiples, or certain propor- tions of the said standard yard ; and that one-third part of the said standard yard shall be a foot, and the twelfth part of such foot shall be an inch ; and that the pole or perch in length shall contain five such yards and a half, the furlong two hundred and twenty such yards, and the mile one thousand seven hundred and sixty such yards. a II. And be it further enacted, That all superficial measure shall be computed and ascertained by the said standard yard, or by certain parts, multiples, or propor- tions thereof; and that the Rood of land shall contain one thousand two hundred and ten square yards, according to the said standard yard ; and that the Acre of land shall contain four thousand eight hundred and forty such square yards, being one hundred and sixty square Perches, Poles, or Rods. « III. And whereas it is expedient that the said standard yard, if lost, destroyed, defaced, or otherwise injured, shall be re- stored of the same length, by reference to some invariable natural standard : And whereas it has been ascertained by the commissioners appointed by His Majesty to inquire into the subject of weights and measures, that the said yard hereby de- clared to be the imperial standard yard, when compared with a Pendulum vibrating seconds of mean time, in the latitude of London , in a vacuum at the level of the sea, is in the proportion of thirty-six inches to thirty-nine inches, and one thousand three hundred and ninety-three ten-thou- sandth parts of an inch; be it therefore enacted and declared, That if at any time hereafter the said imperial standard yard shall be lost, or shall be in any manner de- stroyed, defaced, or otherwise injured, it shall and may be restored by making, un- der the direction of the Lord High Trea- surer, or the Commissioners of His Ma- jesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or any three of them, for the time being, a new standard yard, bearing the same proportion to such pendulum as aforesaid, as the Said imperial standard yard bears to such pendulum. “ IV. And be it further enacted, That from and after the first day of May, one thou- sand eight hundred and twenty-five, the standard brass weight of one Pound Troy weight, made in the year one thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight, now in the custody of the Clerk of the House of Com- mons, shall be and the same is hereby de- clared to be the original and ^genuine standard measure of weight, and that such brass weight shall be and is hereby deno- minated the imperial standard Troy pound, and shall be and the same is hereby de- clared to be the unit or only standard measure of weight, from which all other weights shall be derived, computed, and ascertained ; and that one-twelfth part of the said troy pound shall be an ounce ; and that one-twentieth part of such ounce shall be a penny-weight; and that one- twenty-fourth part of such pennyweight shall be a grain ; so that five thousand seven hundred and sixty such grains shall be a troy pound, and that seven thousand such grains shall be and they are hereby declared to be a pound avoirdupoise, and that one-sixteenth part of the said pound avoirdupois shall be an ounce avoirdupois, and that one-sixteenth part of such ounce shall be a dram. “ V. And whereas it is expedient, that the said standard troy pound, if lost, de- stroyed, defaced, or otherwise injured, should be restored of the same weight, by reference to some invariable natural stand- ard : And whereas it has been ascertained, by the Commissioners appointed by His Majesty to inquire into the subjects of weights and measures, that a cubic inch of distilled Water, weighed in air by brass weights, aUthe temperature of sixty-two degrees of Fahrenheit’s thermometer, the barometer being at thirty inches, is equal to two hundred and fifty-two grains, and four hundred and fifty-eight thousandth parts of a grain, of which, as aforesaid, the imperial standard troy pound contains five thousand seven hundred and sixty ; be it therefore enacted, That if at any time hereafter the said imperial standard troy pound shall be lost, or shall be in any manner destroyed, defaced, or otherwise injured, it shall and may be restored by making, under the directions of the Lord High Treasurer, or the Commissioners of His Majesty’s Treasury of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland , or any three of them for the time being, a new standard troy pound, bearing the same proportion to the weight of a cubic inch of distilled water, as the said standard pound hereby established bears to such cubic inch of water. {To be continued.) THE ARTISAN. 38 $ To the Editor of the: Artisan . Sir, In Nicholson’s Philosophical Journal for June 1803, I met with a letter from M. Van Marum to M. Bertholet, containing an account of some experiments, shewing the method of extinguishing violent fires with very small quantities of water, by means of portable pumps ; and as this me- thod appears to me, from its simplicity, capable of being made extremely useful, not only in crowded cities, but on board ships, I request you will have the good- ness to give it a more general circulation, by inserting the following brief account of it in the Artisan. The Experiments of Van Aken, a Swede, which were published in 1794, and which gave rise to VanMarum’s, were performed with a liquid of the following composition ; viz. 40 lbs. of sulphate of iron, and 30 lbs. of sulphate of allumine, mixed with 20 lbs. of the red oxide of iron and 200 lbs. of clay. By a series of experiments Van Marum proved, that fire was always extinguished more quickly by common water , used in the same manner, than by this anti-incendiary liquor ; and, “ I observed,” he says, “ at the same time, that a very inconsiderable quantity of water, if judiciously directed, would extinguish a very violent fire.” The result of his first experiment, was the ex- tinguishing the fires of two casks covered with pitch, their heads taken out, and highly ignited, with only four ounces of water. I shall give his instructions at length as follow:- — “ According to these experiments it appears, that the art of ex- tinguishing a violent fire with a small quantity of water, consists in this, that the water be thrown on that part of the fire which is most violent, so that the quantity of steam produced, which suppresses the flame, may be the greatest possible ; that water be continued to be thrown on the neighbouring inflamed parts as soon as the fire has ceased in that on which the opera- tion was began, and that all the burning parts be visited in this way as quickly as possible. By thus following the flames regularly with streams of water they may be every where suppressed, before the part on which the operation was began shall have entirely lost by evaporation the water with which it was extinguished : this is often necessary to prevent the parts from breaking out a-fresh ; for, in the principle above-mentioned, a burning body of which the flames are suppressed, cannot be again in flames until the water thrown on it be totally extinguished. In May, 1797, Van Marum prepared a shell of dry wood, forming a room 24 feet long, 23 feet wide, and 14 feet high, hav- ing two doors on one side and two win- dows on the other; the inside was strongly pitched, and covered with twisted straw, wood shavings, and cotton, soaked in tur- pentine. u Very soon after lighting it,” he says, u the flames being rendered more brisk by the wind, were every where so violent, that it was considered by my as- sistants as impossible to extinguish them. I succeeded, however, after the method above directed, in little more than four minutes, and with five buckets of water, a part of which wqs wasted by the negli- gence of my Assistant. This experiment was repeated in the same month, and the fire extinguished in 3 minutes, with less than 5 gallons of water. A similar expe- riment was repeated with equal success by Dr. Van Marum, in the presence of the Duke and Duchess of Gotha, at Gotha, in July, 1798 ; an account of which was pub- lished by the celebrated Astronomer Von Zach, in a German periodical paper, en- titled Reich’s Anrioger , 6th April, 1798, No. 119, — where he assures us that the fire was extinguished with 3 buckets of water , in 3 minutes , with a small portable pump. Van Marum concludes with the following observations. “ In operations of this kind, particular attention must be paid to throw- ing the water in such a way, that the en- tire surface of the burning parts shall be wetted and extinguished, and that in such a way, that an extinguished part shall never be left between two others which are in flames ; for if attention be not paid to this, the heat of the flames burning here and Jhere, will quickly change the water with which the part has been wetted into steam, and the whole will again take fire. In order then to extinguish a fire in all cases, no more water must be thrown on the burning part than is needful to wet the surface ; and this I conceive to be all that is requisite to extinguish a fire, whatever may be the circumstances of its origin.” In 1807, Mr. Hornblower, with whose talents the world is so well acquainted, constructed a fire engine which stood in the compass of 14 inches square, and 2 feet high, and could be carried from one room to another -with ease — he found by experiments, that the 4 sides of a bed- room all on fire, could be extinguished in the space of a minute, by little more than a pail of water. All that is required, is to keep the engine filled in its proper place, and to work it off every month or 6 weeks, for the purpose of changing the water, and ascertaining that it is in a proper working state. I am Sir, Your very humble Servant, Navarchus. Nov. 30 th y 1824. 884 THE ARTISAN. SOLUTIONS OF QUESTIONS. Quest. 39, solved Geometrically by A. Mackinnon, Sheffield . (See page 288.) ' Let A B be the height of the pillar, and B D the height of the statue upon its top. Bisect B D in C, and draw C H per- pendicular to A C, and with the centre B and distance A C, describe an arc cutting C H in H ; then with the centre H and dis- tance B H— A C, describe the circle DBK. Join K B, K D, H B, H C, and H D, when B K D, or B H C is the greatest possible, it is evident that the angle HBC will be the least possible ; and the line H C, as also H B or H K, the radius of the circle, will be the least possible when it is per- pendicular to A K, in which case A K will be a tangent to the circle at the point K ; therefore when the angle BKDorBHC is the greatest possible, B HzHK or A C, and is therefore given. By (Euclid, 1 ft. 47) C H 2 = B H 2 -B C 2 orCHz VBH 2 — BC *=V24000= 154-9161 ; and the angle B H C or B K D is found to be 1° 50' 51". This question was also solved geometri- cally by Mr. Whitcombe, Cornhill, who supplied the solution at page 288. Quest. 47, answered by T. D. Bristol ( the proposer ). Having reduced the sun’s declination, there are given in a spherical triangle, the co-latitude, the co-declination, and the hour angle, to find the sun’s true altitude— 51° 24' 8"*824, this corrected for semidia- meter, refraction, and parallax, gives the apparent altitude of the sun’s upper limb- 51 0 40' 42 ,/, 624. Now, by the laws of Op- tics, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection ; therefore there are in a right angled plain triangle given the above angle, and the height of the observer’s eye, to find the horizontal distance— 105 27617 feet as required. Quest. 49, answered by Q. Q. Portsea ( the proposer). Let N W S E represent the rational ho- rizon, N* N S the celestial meridian, Z the zenith, P the pole, S the sun, and y the object in the horizon. Then, since the apparent al- titude and declination of S are given, Z S, P S the zenith, and polar distances, are known ; also the zenith distance Z y of y is known, being manifestly 90 and the angle S Z y, and P y the polar distance of y are given. Then the latitude may be computed as follows : — In the first place, with Z S, Z y and the angle S Zy find the third side S y. 2. P S, S y , and P y, are given to find the angle PS y, and with Z S, S y, and Z y, compute the angle Z S y. The sum or difference of the two angles; viz. the angles PSy, ZSy (according to circum- stances) is the angle Z S P, „ Lastly, knowing Z S, P S, and the in- cluded angle Z S P, the arc Z P may be found, which is the colatitude ; the com- plement of which is the latitude of the place. QUESTION FOR SOLUTION. Quest. 54, proposed by Fr — d F— lk — wo — TH. I want to plan a hexagonal flower-gar- den, so as to have walks from the middle of the sides through the centre, and also a walk round it, that the area of the walks may be double that of the beds : required the size of the garden, when all the walks are 2 feet in breadth. THE ARTISAN. 385 PHBUMATICS. In our last article on Pneumatics, we gave a description of the most common and approved wind-mills, with directions for their construction and management ; in the present article we shall give a short account of several other machines which have been constructed, with the view of being moved by the same agent. Among these may be mentioned the SAILING CHARIOT. The following figure represents a chariot intended to be moved by the wind. Here A B is the body of the chariot, and C D E F horizontal sails, so contrived, that the sails D facing the wind may ex- pand, and those^oing from the wind may contract. The sails are turned about by the wind coming in any direction. These sails turn the axis, and trundle G H, and the trundle turns the wheel I L by the cogs in it. Therefore the chariot may move in any direction. R is a rudder to steer with. Suppose the chariot to go against the wind. Let D be the centre of pressure of tho two sails C D the wind blows on. And let the power, (that is, the force of the wind acting against the sails) be I, then the force acting against the teeth in I L, GD is . . And this force being I, the force OH at L is also I ; therefore the power at D G D to the force at L, is as I to ; or as OH Vol. l, bisect the angle A B C by the straight line B F, and at the point F draw the indefinite line D E, at right angles to B F ; produce B A and B C to meet E D in the points D and E ; bisect the angle BED, by the straight line E I, then with the centre I and radius I F, describe the circle F G H, which is the circle required. i Demon. Join l F, I G, and I H, and be- cause they are radii of the circle they are all equal ; and because D E is at right angles to the diameter B F, it touches the circle in that point. But the triangles EFI and EGI are equal, for the two sides F I and I E, are equal to the two GI and I E, and the angle F E I is equal to G E I, hence the angle E G I is equal to E F I ; but E F I is a right angle, hence E G I is also a right angle ; therefore EB touches the circle in the point G. In the same manner it may be shown, that the angle I H B is equal to I G B, which is also a right angle, hence the line B D touches the circle in the point H; there- fore a circle has been inscribed in the given quadrant ABC. The demonstration of this problem might have been effected differently, by drawing the lines I F, I G, and I H at right angles to the sides of the triangle upon which they fall, and then proving that they are all equal to each other, in which case, a circle described from the centre I. with any of them as a radius, would pass through the points F G H ; therefore the lines B D, B E, and E D, touch the circle in these points. The Proposer .sent us a solution to this question ; but though the construction was good, the demonstration was not so: fo r all that he attempts to prove is, that two* radii (as I F and I G) are equal. Now it is necessary to show, that three lines, going from the centre to the circumference, are equal ; and that the srtaight lines at their extremities, touch the circle . The Proposer’s demonstration would have been inadmissible, had it even been conclusive ; for the first part of it is geo - metrcal and the latter algebraical. Now Geometry and Algebra are quite distinct branches of the Mathematics ; and therefore Algebra must be completely ex- cluded from a geometrical demonstration, which was the species of proof required in this problem, as the Proposer must surely know ! We received another solution ; but the construction was too complex, and it was unaccompanied by any thing like demon- stration. Ed. QUESTIONS FOR SOLUTION. Quest. 56, proposed by D. T. Cheapside. A grazier has 50 calves, value 21s. each ; if he keep them 3 years, they will cost 10s. the first year, 20s. the second, and 30s. the third, for Summer’s grass; and 15s. the first year, 25s. the second, and 40s. the third, for Winter feeding, after which the cattle will sell at 10 guineas each. Re- quired his gain or loss by bringing them up, supposing one to die each Summer, another each Winter, and allowing simple interest from the end of each year? Quest. 57, proposed by G. G. C. Queen- street. A and B jointly perform a piece of work in 12 days ; and if the sum of the days in which they could each have sepa- rately done the work, be multiplied by the days in which A alone could have done it, the product will be 1000. Required the time in which each can do it ? Quest. 58, proposed by J. D. Ironmonger Lane. If a cubic foot of brass were drawn out into wire, ^th of an inch diameter ; re- quired the length of the wire, supposing no loss of the metal ? THE ARTISAN. 17 PNEUMATICS. RESISTANCE OF THE AIR. The resistance of fluids has long been an important subject of consideration with philosophers. The subject is highly in- teresting, not as serving to show the ab- surdity of exploded theories, but to ex- plain the movements of bodies propelled through the air. The term “ resistance,” in regard to retarded motions, is of similar import with the expression “ moving force,” as applied to accelerated motions. The moving force is estimated by the product of the “ tendency” of each particle in a mass, into the number of particles which it may contain, and is synonymous with the word weight in common language. Resistance to a body is measured by its loss of mo- mentum, or is equal to the product of the retardation of each particle into the num- ber of particles. Thus, a body descending in vacuo , its weight is the moving force ; but to an ascending body, its weight is the resistance. To a body ascending or descending per- pendicularly through the air, there is a degree of velocity, such, that the retarda- tion consequent upon it, is equal to the accellerating force of gravity. It is, there- fore, obvious, that when a descending body has once acquired this velocity, it can acquire no increase of velocity in its future descent, as the retardation and ac- celeration are equal; hence it has been called the terminal velocity. For an iron ball of I pound, the terminal velocity has been found to be 244 feet ; for one of 42 pounds, it is 456 feet. In strictness, this velocity cannot be ac- quired till after an infinite time, and a de- scent infinitely long; but the time of acquir- ing any given velocity can easily be assigned. This will be shown in another part of this work. The resistance of the air is often many times the weight of a body moving in it. An iron ball, for example, 3 pounds in weight, whose diameter is 2’8 inches, when thrown with a velocity of 1800 feet per second, is resisted by a force equal to 176 pounds, which is more than 58 times its own weight. The resistance of the air, like every other arrangement of Nature, points out to us the beneficent character, and un- erring wisdom of its Creator. He has formed it of such a density, as is the best possible for supporting animal existence, and at the same time for supplying a due quantity of moisture to the vegetable crea- tion. Had the air been much less dense Vol. II.— No. 27. than it is, the drops of rain would descend “with such a velocity, as would completely destroy that delicate organization, which they are designed to refresh. The earth would no longer grow green under the in- fluence of the summer showers, but would be converted into a barren waste, where the most hardy plants could not flourish. As at present constituted, even the hea- viest drops of rain are so much retarded in their descent, that they do not injure the tenderest shoot. It has been determined by calculation, that the terminal velocity of a drop of rain, whose diameter is T ^th of an inch, is 10-48 feet. Now, were there no atmosphere, and this particle to drop from the same height as at present, its momentum would be in- comparably greater, and could be sustained by no object without the greatest injury. AIR AS THE VEHICLE OF SOUND. One of the most remarkable properties of air in motion, is its capacity for trans- mitting sound. The variety and delicacy of the sensations, which are acquired through this medium, are no less admira- ble, than the wise and beautiful arrange- ment by which they are communicated. The first who apppears to have considered this subject in a philosophical point of view, was the illustrious Newton, who ex- plained with very great precision the na- ture of the phenomenon. The continental writers, though they admit his conclusions, have called in question the accuracy of his demonstration. Euler, La Grange, and several others, have engaged in the sub- ject, but have added nothing new to our information ; for they have been under the necessity of restricting themselves to the cases which Newton has supposed. We shall therefore state them in a more detailed manner, than that in which they are deli- vered in the Principia. Sound is produced by a sudden condensation of air, which gradually extends itself in the form of a pulse, or spherical shell, having its den- sity greater than that of the surrounding medium. The first proposition delivered by Newton, concerning these pulses is, that the particles of which they are com- posed, advance from and recede to their state of quiescence, under the influence of a force, which varies as their distance from the point of greatest condensation. He assumes, however, in his reasoning, that the greatest condensation differs only by a very small quantity, from the conden- sation of common air; an assumption which will be found agreeable to fact, ex- cept perhaps in the case of violent explo- sions, where the condensation of the ad- 18 THE ARTISAN. jacent particles will be considerably greater. Sound is a motion capable of affecting the ear with the sensation peculiar to that organ. It is not simply a vibration or un- dulation of the air, as it is sometimes called ; for there are many sounds in which the air is not concerned, as when a tuning fork, or any other sounding body, is held by the teeth : nor is sound always a vibration, or alternation of any kind ; for every noise is a sound, and a noise, as dis- tinguished from a continued sound, con- sists of a single impulse in one direction only, sometimes without any alternation; while a continued sound is a succession of such impulses, which, in the organ of hear- ing at least, cannot but be alternate. If these successive impulses form a connected series, following each other too rapidly to be separately distinguished, they consti- tute a continued sound, like that of the voice in speaking ; and if they are equal among themselves in duration, they pro- duce a musical or equable sound, as that of a vibrating chord or string, or of the voice in singing. Thus, a quill striking against a piece of wood causes a noise, but against the teeth of a wheel or of a comb, a continued sound ; and if the teeth of the wheel are at equal distances, and the velocity of the motion is constant, a musical note is produced. Sounds of all kinds are most usually conveyed through the medium of the air; and the necessity of the presence of this, or of some other material sub- stance, for its transmission is easily shown by means of the air pump ; for the sound of a bell struck in an exhausted re- ceiver, is scarcely perceptible. The ex- periment is most conveniently performed in a moveable receiver or transferrer, which may be shaken at pleasure, the frame which suspends the bell being sup- ported by some very soft substance, such as cork or wool. As the air is gradually admitted, the sound becomes stronger and stronger, although it is still much weak- ened by the interposition of the glass : not that glass is in itself a bad conductor of sound ; but the change of the medium of communication from air to glass, and again from glass to air, occasions a great diminu- tion of its intensity. It is perhaps on ac- count of the apparent facility with which sound is transmitted by air, that the doc- trine of acoustics has been usually con- sidered as immediately dependant on pneumatics, although it belongs as much to the theory of the mechanics of solid bodies, as to that of hydrodynamics. A certain time is always required for the transmission of an impulse through a ma- terial substance, even through such sub- stances, as appear to be the hardest and the least compressible. It is demonstra- ble, that all minute impulses are conveyed through any homogeneous elastic medium, whether solid or fluid, with a uniform ve- locity, which is always equal to that which a heavy body would acquire, by falling through half the height of the atmosphere, supposed to be of equal density ; so that the velocity of sound passing through an atmosphere of a uniform elastic fluid, must be the same with that of a wave moving on its surface. In order to form a distinct idea of the manner in which sound is pro- pagated through an elastic substance like air, we must first consider the motion of a single particle, which, in the case of a noise, is pushed forwards, and then either remains stationary, or returns back to its original situation ; but in the case of a mu- sical sound, is continually moved back- wards and forwards, with a velocity always varying, and varying by different degrees, according to the nature or quality of the tone; for instance, differently in the notes of a bell and of a trumpet. We may first suppose, for the sake of simplicity, a single series of particles, to be placed only in the same line with the direction of the motion. It is obvious, that if these par- ticles were sbsolutely incompressible, or infinitely elastic, and were also retained in contact with each other, by an infinite force of cohesion or of compression, the whole series must move precisely at the same time, as well as in the same manner. But in a substance, which is both compressible and extensible, or expansible, the motion must occupy a certain time, in being propa- gated to the successive particles on either side, by means of the impulse of the first particle on those which are before it, and by means of the diminution of its pressure on those which are behind ; so that when the sound consists of a series of alterna- tions, the motion of some of the particles will be always in a less advanced state, than that of others nearer to its source ; while at a greater distance forwards, the particles will be in the opposite stage of the undulation; and still further on, they will again be moving in the same manner with the first particle, in consequence of the effect of a former vibration. The situation of a particle at any time, may be represented by supposing it to mark its path, on a surface sliding uni- formly along in a transverse direction. Thus, if we fix a small pencil in a vibrat- ing rod, and draw a sheet of paper along, against the point of the pencil, an undu- lated line will be marked on the paper, and will correctly represent the progress of the vibration. Whatever the nature of the sound transmitted through any medium THE ARTISAN., 19 may be, it may be shown that the path thus described will also indicate the situation of the different particles at any one time. The simplest case of the motion of the par- ticles, is that in which they observe the same law with the vibration of a pendu- lum, which is always found opposite to a point, supposed to move uniformly in a circle: in this case the path described will be the figure denominated a harmonic curve ; and it may be demonstrated, that the force impelling any particle backwards or forwards, will always be represented, by the distance of the particle before or behind its natural place ; the greatest con- densation and the greatest direct velocity, as well as the greatest rarefaction and re- trograde velocity, happening at the instant when it passes through its natural place. The least elastic substance that has been examined, is perhaps carbonic acid gas, or fixed air, which is considerably denser than atmospheric air exposed to an equal degree of pressure. The height of the at- mosphere, supposed to be homogeneous, is in ordinary circumstances, and at the sea side, about 28,000 feet, and in falling through half this height, a heavy body would acquire a velocity of 946 feet in a second. But from a comparison of the accurate experiments of Derham, made in the day time, with those of the French Academicians, made chiefly at night, it appears that the true velocity of sound is about 11 BO feet in a second, which agrees very nearly with some observations, made with great care, by Professor Pictet. This difference betweeu calculation and experi- ment, has long occupied the attention of natural philosophers; but the difficulty appears to have been in a great measure removed, by the happy suggestion of Laplace, who has attributed the effect to the elevation of temperature, which is always found to accompany the action of condensation, and to the depression pro- duced by rarefaction. This velocity remains unchanged by any alternation of pressure, indicated by the barometer; but it may be affected by a change of temperature. The Academicians del Cimento, en- closed an organ pipe, with bellows worked by a spring, in the receiver of an air pump and of a condenser ; and they found that, as long as the sound was audible, its pitch remained unchanged. Papin screwed a whistle on the orifice, which admits the air into the receiver of the air pump; and Dr. Young fixed an organpipein the same man- ner, and the result agreed with the experi- ments of the Academicians. But if the density of the air is changed, while its elasticity remains unaltered, which hap- pens when it is expanded by heat, or con- densed by cold, the height of the column, and consequently the velocity, will also be altered ; so that for each degree of Fahren- heit’s thermometer, the velocity will vary about one part in a thousand. It does not appear that any direct expe- riments have been made, on the velocity with which an impulse is transmitted through a liquid, although it is well known that liquids are capable of conveying sound without difficulty: Professor Robinson informs us, for example, that he heard the sound of a bell transmitted by water 1200 feet. It is, however, easy to calculate the velocity with which sound must be propa- gated in any liquid, of which the com- pressibility has been measured. Mr. Can- ton has ascertained, that the elasticity of water is about 22,000 times as great as that of air ; it is, therefore, measured by the height of a column, which is in the same proportion to 34 feet; that is, 750 thousand feet, and the velocity correspond- ing to half this height, is 4900 feet in a second. In mercury, also, it appears from Mr. Canton’s experiments, that the velocity must be nearly the same as in water, in spirit of wine a little smaller. We have hitherto considered the propa- gation of sound in a single right line, or in parallel lines only ; but it usually happens, at least when a sound is transmitted through a fluid, that the impulse spreads in every direction, like a wave, so as to occupy at any one time nearly the whole of a spherical surface, as represented by the following figure. When any obstruction meets these waves they rebound back and produce an echo. When the waves strike obliquely upon a reflecting surface, the echo may then be heard, but not the original sound. Thus, if a wave as ac in the following figure, B 2 strike against the oblique wall d, the sound will be reflected to an ear at m ; and if a hill should intervene between the bell at a, and the ear at m, then will the echo be heard at m , and not the original sound of the bell. We must, however, remark, that it is necessary the reflecting object be at a distance moderately great, other- wise the returning sound will be confused with the original one ; and it must either have a smooth surface, or consist of a number of surfaces, arranged in a suitable form ; thus there is an echo, not only from a distant wall or rock, but frequently from the trees in a wood, and sometimes, as it it is said, even from a cloud. If a sound or wave proceed from one focus of an ellipsis, and be reflected at its circumference, it will be directed from every part of the circumference towards the other focus, as represented by the fol- lowing figure. The truth of this proposition may be easily shown, by means of the apparatus already described, for exhibiting the mo- tions of the waves of water; we may also confirm it by a simple experiment on a dish of tea : the curvature of a circle differs so little from that of an ellipsis of small eccen- tricity, that if we let a drop fall into the cup near its centre, the little wave which is ex- cited will be made to converge to a point at an equal distance on the other side of the centre, see the annexed figure. Sound is capable of being condensed in a tube, or speaking trumpet, so as to pene- trate through the air to a great distance, in one line. For all the waves that fly off globularly from a sounding body, are by this trumpet condensed into one line, and, therefore, its force becomes greater than when left at liberty. The annexed figure represents a section of a speaking trumpet, and also of a hearing one ; the lines repre- senting the direction of the sound before and after its reflections. The trumpet has THE ARTISAN. 21 the effect of reflecting the Waves, both in of all the waves that coves the mouth of the receiving and delivering sound ; for waves trumpet: hence its effect in assisting deaf- striking the mouth of the trumpet, B, from ness. If two trumpets, as A and B, be without, become condensed in the tube, and placed in the axis of each other, as in the an- strike an ear at c with the compressed force nexed figure, at forty or fifty feet distance, the smallest whisper at a would be heard distinctly by an ear placed at c ; and vice verscL : so that a person might ask a ques- tion at a, and receive an answer from The answers seemingly given by inanimate figures, is a trick founded on this prin- ciple. In the case of a vibration, it is found that every chord vibrates in the same man- ner, as if it were a part of a longer chord, composed of any number of such chords, continually repeated in positions alter- nately inverted ; consequently, if a long chord be initially divided into any number of such equal portions, its parts will con- tinue to vibrate in the same manner as if they were separate chords ; the points of division only remaining always at rest. Such subordinate sounds are called har- monics: they are often produced in violins, by lightly touching one of the points of division with the finger, when the bow is applied ; and in all such cases it may 1 be shown, by putting small feathers or pieces of paper on the string, that the remaining points of division are also quiescent, while the intervening portions are in motion. This is very well represenied by the fol- lowing figure. Hence arise the wild and wonderful fifteenth, &c. A current of air is certainly harmony of the Eolian harp ; for though a delicate fid dlebow, which affords a string the instrument may have twenty strings, an opportunity of dividing itself into a all tuned in unison to one another, yet do number of imaginary bridges, to which it we hear not only the natural sound of each has a natural tendency. Thus, a and b f string, but its octave, fifth, third, twelfth, in the following figure, e ; the vibration of a e is thrice, while the whole string is twice ; hence every third wave of a e coincides with every second wave of a b , and produces the concord called a fifth. The remaining part of the string e b, being half the length of a e, is, bridges. It is curious to observe by a microscope, any luminous point on the surface of a vi- brating chord ; for instance, the reflection of a candle in the coil of a fine wire, wound round it. The velocity of the motion is 22 THE ARTISAN. such, that the path of the luminous point is marked by a line of light, in the same manner as when a burning coal is whirled round; and the figures thus described, are not only different at different parts of the same chord, but they often pass through an amusing variety of forms, during the progress of the vibration ; they also vary considerably, according to the mode in which that vibration is excited. The fol- lowing figure represents a vibration, com- pounded with another smaller vibration, three times as frequent in a transverse direction, the separate vibrations being such, that the points may be always oppo- site to a point moving uniformly in a cir- cle. Thus, the vibrations in the lines A B and A C, compose the complicated figure DE. The following figure exhibits a specimen of the manner in which the vibrations of a string are usually performed, when it is struck with a bow. OPTICS. ON VISION. Having given a comprehensive and po- pular view of the general theory of Optics, and also explained the construction and use of optical instruments ; we shall con- clude our observations on this interesting and beautiful branch of Natural Philoso- phy by making a few general remarks on the sources of light and the nature of vi- sion. The sources from which light is com- monly derived, are either the sun or stars, or such terrestrial bodies as are under- going those changes which constitute com- bustion. The process of combustion im- plies a change in which a considerable emission of light or heat is produced ; but it is not capable of a very correct defini- tion : in general it requires an absorption, or at least a transfer of a portion of oxygen ; but there appears to be some exceptions to the universality of this dis- tinction; and it has been observed, that both heat and light are often produced where no transfer of oxygen takes place, and sometimes by the effect of a mixture which cannot be called combustion. Light is also afforded, without any sen- sible heat, by a number of vegetable and animal substances, which appear to be un- dergoing a slow decomposition, not wholly unlike combustion. Thus decayed wood, and animal substances slightly salted, often afford spontaneously a faint light, without any elevation of temperature ; and it is not improbable that the light of the ignus fatuus may proceed from a vapour of a similar nature. The effects which are commonly attribu- ted to the motions of the electrical fluid, are often attended by the production of light ; and violent and rapid friction fre- quently seems to be the immediate cause of its appearance. But it is difficult to ascertain whether friction may not be partly concerned in the luminous pheno- mena attributed to electricity, or electricity in the apparent effects of friction. Light is sometimes produced by friction with a much lower degree of heat than is required for combustion, and even when it is accom- panied by combustion, the heat produced by the union of these causes may be very moderate : thus it is usual in some coal mines, to obtain a train of light by the con- tinual collision of flint and steel, effected by the machine called a fire-wheel, in order to avoid setting fire to the inflam- mable gas emitted by the coal, which would be made to explode if it came near the flame of a candle. There is a remarkable property, which some substances possess in an eminent de- gree, and of which few, except metals and water, are entirely destitute. These sub- stances are denominated solar phosphori ; besides the light which they reflect and refract, they appear to retain a certain portion, and to emit it again by degrees till it is exhausted, or till its emission is inter- rupted by cold. The Bolognian phospho- rus was one of the first of these substances that attracted notice ; it is a sulphate barytes, found in the state of a stone ; it is prepared by an exposure to heat, and is afterwards made up into cakes : these, when first placed in a beam of the sun’s light, and viewed afterwards in a dark room, have nearly the appearance of a burning coal, or a red hot iron. Burnt oyster-shells and muriate of lime, have also the same property, and some speci- mens of the diamond possess it in a con- siderable degree. From the different re- sults of experiments, apparently accurate, made by different persons, there is reason to conclude that some of these phosphori emit only the same kind of light as they have received, while others exhibit the same appearances, to whatever kind of THE ARTISAN. 25 light they may have been exposed. Some- times it has even been found, that light of a particular colour has been most effica- cious in exciting in a diamond the appear- ance of another kind of light, which it was naturally most disposed to exhibit. The application of heat to solar phosphori, in general expedites the extrication of the light which they have borrowed, and hastens its exhaustion ; it also produces in many substances, which are not remark- able for their power of imbibing light, a temporary scintillation, or flashing, at a heat much below ignition. The most re- markable of these are fluor spar in powder, and some other chrystallized substances. It appears that luminous bodies in general emit light equally in every direction, not from each point of any of their surfaces, as some have supposed, but from the whole surface taken together, so that the sur- face, when viewed obliquely, appears neither more nor less bright than when viewed directly. r The medium of communication, by which we become acquainted with all the objects that we have just been considering, is the eye ; an organ that exhibits, to an atten- tive observer, an arrangement of various substances, so correctly and delicately adapted to the purposes of the sense of vision, that we cannot help admiring, at every step, the wisdom by which each part is adjusted to the rest, and made to conspire in effects so remote from what the mere external appearance promises, that we have only been able to understand, by means of a laborious investigation, the nature and operations of this wonderful structure, while its whole mechanism still remains far beyond all rivalship of human art. Having already described the various parts of this delicate and curious organ ; at page 39, voL i., it is unnecessary to say any thing here of the eye itself, we shall therefore confine our remarks to the case of objects viewed by that organ. Opticians have often puzzled them- selves, without the least necessity, in order to account for our seeing objects in their natural erect position, while the image on the retina is in reality inverted : but surely the situation of a focal point at the upper part of the eye, could be no rea- son for supposing the object corresponding to it to be actually elevated. We call that the lower end of an object which is next the ground ; and the image of a trunk of a tree being in contact with the image of the ground on the retina, we may natu- rally suppose the trunk itself to be in contact with the actual ground : the image of the branches being more remote from that of the ground, we necessarily infer that the branches are higher and the trunk lower ; and it is much simpler that we should compare the image of the floor with the image of our feet, with which it is in contact, than with the actual situation of our forehead, to which the image of the floor on the retina is only accidentally near, and with which indeed it would perhaps be impossible to compare it, as far as we judge by the immediate sensations only. Wheivthe attention is not directed to any particular object of sight, the refractive powers of the eye are adapted to the for- mation of an image of objects at a certain distance only, which is different in differ- ent individuals, and also generally in- creases with increasing age. Thus, if we open our eyelids suddenly, without parti- cular preparation, we find that distant objects only appear as distinct as we are able to make them ; but by an exertion of the will, the eye may be accommodated to the distinct perception of nearer objects, yet not of objects within certain limits. Between the ages of 40 and 50, the refrac- tive powers of the eye usually begin to diminish, but it sometimes happens that where they are already too great, the de- fect continues unaltered to an advanced age. We estimate distances much less accu- rately with one eye than with both, since we are deprived of the assistance usually afforded by the relative situation of the optical axis ; thus we seldom succeed at once in attempting to pass a finger or a hooked rod sideways through a ring, with one eye shut. Our idea of distance is also usually regulated by a knowledge of the real magnitude of an object, while we observe its angular magnitude; and on the other hand, a knowledge of the real or imaginary distance of the object often directs our judgment of its actual magni- tude. The quantity of light intercepted by the air interposed, and the intensity of the blue tint which it occasions, are also elements of our involuntary calculations : hence, in a mist, the obscurity increases the apparent distance, and consequently the supposed magnitude of an unknown object. We naturally observe, in estima- ting a distance, the number and extent of the intervening objects; so that a distant church in a woody and hilly country, ap- pears more remote than if it were situated in a plain; and for a similar reason, the apparent distance of an object seen at sea, is smaller than its true distance. The city of Loudon is unquestionably larger than Paris ; but the difference appears at first sight much greater than it really is ; and the smoke produced by the coal fires of London, is probably the principal cause of the deception. The syn, moon, and stars, are much less 24 THE ARTISAN. luminous when they are near the horizon, than when they are more elevated, on ac- count of the greater quantity of their light that is intercepted in its longer passage through the atmosphere : we also observe a much greater yariety of nearer objects almost in the same direction ; we cannot, therefore, help imagining them to be more distant when they rise or set, than at other times : and since they subtend the same angle, they appear to be actually larger. For similar reasons the apparent figure of the starry heavens, even when free from clouds, is that of a flattened vault, its sum- mit appearing to be much nearer to us than its horizontal parts, and any of the constellations seems to be considerably larger when it is near the horizon,- than when in the zenith. This will be under- stood by a reference to the following figure, where the curve ABC represents the apparent form of the heavens, therefore when the sun or moon is at A or C, it will appear much larger than at B. The faculty of judging of the actual dis- tance of objects, is an impediment to the deception, which it is partly the business of a painter to produce. Some of the effects of objects at different distances, may, however, be imitated in painting on a plane surface. Thus, supposing the eye to be accommodated to a given distance, objects at all other distances may be re- presented with a certain indistinctness of outline, which would accompany the images of the objects themselves on the retina : and this indistinctness is so gene- rally necessary, that its absence has the disagreeable effect called hardness. The apparent magnitude of the subjects of our design, and the relative situations of the intervening objects, may be so imitated by the rules of geometrical perspective, as to agree perfectly with nature ; and we may still further improve the representation of distance, by attending* to the art of per- spective, which' consists in a due observa- tion of the loss of sight, and the bluish tinge, occasioned by the interposition of a greater or less depth of air between us, and the different parts of the scenery. In the panoramas now exhibiting in London, and many other parts of Europe, the effects of natural scenery are very closely imitated ; the deception is favoured by the absence of all other visible objects, and by the faintness of the light, which assists in concealing the defects of the re- presentation, and for which the eye is usually prepared, by being long detained in the dark winding passages, which lead to the place of exhibition. The impressions of light on the retina, appear to be always in a certain degree permanent, and the more so as the light is stronger ; but it is uncertain whether the retina possesses this property, merely as a solar phosphorus, or in consequence of its peculiar organization. The duration of the impression is generally from one hundredth of a second, to half a second or more ; hence a luminous object revolving in a circle, makes a lucid ring ; and a shooting star leaves a train of light behind it, which is not always real. If the object is painfully bright, it generally produces a permanent spot, which continues to pass through various changes of colour for some time, without much regularity, and gradually vanishes: this may, however, be considered as a morbid effect. When the eye has been fixed on a small object of a bright colour, and is then turned away to a white surface, a faint spot, re- sembling in form and magnitude the object first viewed, appears on the surface, of a colour opposite to the first ; that is, of such a colour as would be produed by with- drawing it from white light ; thus, a red object produces a bluish green spot; and a bluish green object a red spot. The reason of this appearance, is probably that the portion of the retina, or of the sensorium, that is affected, has lost a part of its sen- sibility to the light of that colour with which it has been impressed ; and is more strongly affected by the other constituent parts of the white light. THE ARTISAN. 2,f CHEMSBTEY* OF PLATINA. Dr. Lewis found that gold united with platinum when they were melted together in a strong heat. He employed only crude platina; but Vauquelin, Hatchett, and Klaproth, have since examined the properties of the alloy of pure platinum and gold. To form the alloy, it, is neces- sary to fuse the metals with a strong heat, otherwise the platinum is only dispersed through the gold. When gold is alloyed with this metal, its colour is remarkably injured ; the alloy having the appearance of bell metal, or rather of tarnished silver. Dr. Lewis found, that when the platinum amounted only to -Jth, the alloy had nothing of the colour of gold ; even ^d part of platinum greatly injured the colour of the gold. The alloy formed by Mr. Hatchett of nearly eleven parts of gold to one of platinum, had the colour of tarnished sil- ver. It was very ductile and elastic. From Klaproth we learn, that if the platinum exceed ^th of the gold, the colour of the alloy is much paler than gold ; but if it be under ^th, the colour of the gold is not sensibly altered. Neither is there any alteration in the ductility of the gold. Platinum may be alloyed with a conside- rable proportion of gold, without sensibly altering its colour. Thus an alloy of one part of platinum with four parts of gold can scarcely be distinguished in appear- ance from pure platinum. The colour of gold does not become predominant till it constitutes eight-ninths of the alloy. From these facts it follows, that gold cannot be alloyed with ^th of its weight of platinum, without easily detecting the fraud by the debasement of the colour ; and Vauquelin has shewn, that when the platinum does not exceed T ^th, it may be completely separated from gold by rolling out the alloy into thin plates, and digest- ing it in nitric acid. The platinum is taken up by the acid, while the gold re- mains. But if the quantity of platinum exceeds gjjth, it cannot be separated com- pletely by that method. Some trinkets and utensils for the table have already been made of platina ; but though they have the advantage of being- unalterable and infusible, they have the real defect of not possessing a fine colour, and are at the same time very ponderous. Platina, therefore, can be employed only for small and slender instruments, capable of being exposed to several corrosive mat- ters, and to the air, without being altered by them ; but this use is confined within narrow bounds. By mixing it with copper and arsenic, in various proportions, mirrors for telescopes have been fabricated of it, which will never experience any alteration in their polish, and which unite with a bright and perfectly uniform polish of surface, a com- plete incapability of being altered by any possible agent. Platina also promises the greatest and most important advantages in mechanics, and particularly in the delicate art of making time-pieces. The construction of a great number of machines will gain by the acquisition of this metal, which may be substituted in numerous cases for cop- per, iron, and even silver. SILVER. Silver was known to the nations of an- tiquity. Its discovery is of an earlier date than the most ancient records of mankind ; and it soon became, by its scarcity, its beauty, and its useful properties, the object of the researches of a great number of artists and men of science. It is not astonishing that men, who had caused the metallic substances to assume so many different forms, and who so frequently imitated by alloys the whiteness and seve- ral of the properties of silver, harboured from a very remote period the idea of creating this precious metal by art. When they compared it with the other white metals, it seemed to them to differ from them only in some qualities, and that it would not be impossible to procure it free from those qualities. Not discouraged by their first unsuccessful attempts, in proportion as this precious metal became amongst mankind the representative of all other objects, of all the productions of industry, and even of those of genius, the alchemists redoubled their efforts ; and though their experiments and their laborious researches have not had all the success which they expected from them, they have not been entirely lost. It is from these unfortunate trials, accumulated by the labours of ages, that Chemists have derived the facts which they have employed in its history ; and they have had, as it were, nothing- more to do than to arrange, in a methodi- cal order, and clearly to describe the phe- nomena which this metal had presented, in the tortures of every kind to which alche- mists have subjected it. Whilst the alchemists, who called silver Luna or Diana , qualified it, even by the sign which they consecrated to it, as a kind of semi-gold, which they represented by two semi-circular lines put together in the same direction, with the horns turned to the left ; so that nothing more was ne- cessary than to turn back the interior curve, and unite it with the exterior, in order to form the circular figure, or cha- racteristic sign of gold, to which they be- lieved it to be in fact very nearly related, 26 THE ARTISAN. since it was only required to develope one of its parts, in order to cause it to pass into the state of gold, the last stage of me- tallic perfection. The labours of the al- chemists have extended its numerous uses, and have been no less useful to the che- mists in constructing the system of their science. The pharmaceutical operations themselves, though they have been much Jess numerous upon silver than upon many other metals, have served to increase the stock of chemical knowledge concerning this metal ; and it is from the whole of these labours that the history of this im- portant metal has gradually been formed. Silver is of a fine white colour, and of an extremely lively brilliancy. Whether bur- nished or otherwise, this metal is the most beautiful that is known, at least in the opinion of most men. In general, it pleases more than any other metallic substance. There is no metal that approaches it in lustre ; it holds only the fifth rank amongst the metals with respect to density and specific gravity ; it follows after platina, gold, tungsten, mercury, and lead. Its specific gravity is 10*474 when melted, and 10*535 when hammered. With respect to its hardness, it has been placed between iron and gold ; this is, however, augmented by the action of the hammer, or by pressure. Its elasticity is pretty considerable ; and in this respect it is intermediate between gold and copper. It is one of the most sonorous metals, and when struck, it emits a very acute sound. The ductility of silver is one of its most marked properties ; it follows im- mediately after gold and platina. It is made into leaves so thin, that they are easily wafted away by the wind, and into wires of extreme tenuity. On this account it is instanced in Natural Philosophy, to prove the divisibility of matter. A grain of silver may be sufficiently extended, and jj at the same time sufficiently firm, to make an hemispherical vessel to contain an ounce of water, or a wire 400 feet in length. It is upon this amazing malleability that the art of gold and silver-beating is founded. It holds the second rank after gold with respect to tenacity, or resistance against breaking. A wire of this metal, one tenth of an inch in diameter, supports ! a weight of 270 pounds before it breaks. This wire is considerably lengthened be- : fore it breaks. Silver is hardened by all i kinds of pressure ; but it easily acquires | its former ductility again by the action of fire, or by annealing. Silver is a very good conductor of calo- i ric, and becomes heated very quickly. Its expansion by heat is a little inferior to that j of lead and tin, and superior to that of iron. When silver has been expanded by heat, and the fire urged till it is heated to whiteness or incandescence, it softens and runs. Its fusibility has been estimated by Mortimer at 1000 degrees of Fahrenheit. When silver has been fused and suffered to cool slowly, it presents at its surface figures similar to net work and fern-leaves, which announce a very marked crystalliza- bility. On breaking it we find a granu- J lated texture, which possesses the same property. Mongez and Tillet,by suffering a liquid portion to run off from a large mass of fused silver, have obtained it crystallised in quadrangular or octahedral ij prisms ; and it affects the same form in na- j ture, as will be afterwards noticed. iLSTHOMOMIT. OF THE STRATUS. This modification has a mean degree of density. It is the lowest of clouds, since its infe- rior surface commonly rests on the earth or water, as represented by the following figure. 27 THE ARTISAN. Contrary to the last, which may be con- sidered as belonging to the day, this is properly the cloud of night; the time of its first appearance being about sun-set. It comprehends all those creeping mists which in calm evenings ascend in spread- ing sheets (like an inundation of wajer) from the bottom of valleys and the surface of lakes, rivers, &c. Its duration is frequently through the night. On the return of tire sun the level sur- face of this cloud begins to put on the appearance of cumulus, the whole at the same time separating from the ground. The continuity is next destroyed, and the Cloud ascends and evaporates, or passes off with the appearance of the nascent cumulus. This has been long experienced as a prognostic of fair weather, and indeed there is none more serene than that which is ushered in by it. The .relation of the” stratus to the state of the atmosphere as indicated by the barometer, &c. appears notwithstanding to have passed hitherto without much attention. OF THE CIRRO-CUMULUS. The cirrus having continued for some time increasing or stationary, usually passes either to the cirro-cumulus or the cirro-stratus, at the same time descending to a lower station in the atmosphere. The cirro-cumulus is formed from a cirrus, or from a number of small separate cirri, by the fibres collapsing as it were, and passing into small roundish masses, in which the texture of the cirrus is no longer discernible, although they still re- tain somewhat of the same relative arrange- ment, as exhibited by the following figure^ This change takes place either through- out the whole mass at once, or progres- sively from one extremity to the other. In either case, the same effect is produced on a number of adjacent cirri at the same time and in the same order. It appears in some instances to be accelerated by the approach of other elouds. This modification forms a very beautiful sky ; sometimes exhibiting numerous dis- tinct beds of these small connected clouds, .^floating at different altitudes. The cirro-cumulus is frequent in sum- mer, and is attendant on warm and dry weather. It is also occasionally and more sparingly seen in the intervals of showers, and in winter. It may either evaporate or pass to the" cirrus or cirro-stratus. OF THE CIRRO-STRATUS. This cloud appears to result from the subsidence of the fibres of the cirrus ton. horizontal position, at the same time that they approach towards each other late- rally. The form and relative position, when seen in the distance, frequently give the idea of shoals of fish. Yet in this, as in other instances, the structure must be attended to rather than the form, which varies much, presenting at other times the appearance of parallel bars, interwoven streaks like the grain of polished wood, &c. It is always thickest in the middle, or at one extremity, and extenuated to- wards the edge, as represented by the following figure. 28 THE ARTISAN The distinct appearance of a cirrus does not always precede the production of this and the last modification. The cirro-stratus precedes wind and rain, the near or distant approach of which may sometimes be estimated from its greater or less abundance and permanence. It is almost always to be seen in the inter- vals of storms. Sometimes this and the cirro-cumulus 'appear together in the sky, and even alternate with each other in the same cloud, when the different evolutions which ensue are a curious spectacle, and a judgment may be formed of the weather likely to ensue by observing which modi- fication prevails at last. The cirro-stratus is the modification which most frequently and completely exhibits the phenomena of the solar and lunar halo, and (as supposed from a few observations) the parheliop and paraselene also. Hence the reason of the prognostic for foul weather, commonly drawn from the appearance of the halo. OF THE CUMULO-STRATUS. The different modifications which have been just treated of, sometimes give place to each other, at other times two or more appear in the same sky ; but in this case the clouds in the same modification lie mostly in the same plane of elevation; those which are more elevated appearing through the intervals of the lower, or the latter showing dark against the lighter ones above them. When the cumulus in- creases rapidly, a cirro-stratus is frequenty seen to form around its summit, reposing thereon as on a mountain, while the former cloud continues discernible in some degree through it. This state continues but a short time. The cirro-stratus spee- dily becomes denser and spreads, while the superior part of the cumulus extends itself and passes into it, the base continu- ing as before, and the convex protube- rances changing their position, till they present themselves laterally and down- ward. These are well represented by the following figure. 29 THE ARTISAN. More rarely the cumulus alone performs this evolution, and its superior part con- stitutes the incumbent cirro-stratus. In either case a large lofty dense cloud is formed, which may be compared to a mushroom with a very thick short stem. But when a whole sky is crowded with this modification, the appearances are more indistinct. The cumulus rises through the interstices of the superior clouds, and the whole, seen as it passes off in the distant horizon, presents to the fancy mountains covered with snow, intersected with darker ridges and lakes of water, rocks and towers, &c. The distinct cumu- lo-stratus is formed in the interval between the first appearance of the fleecy cumulus and the commencement of rain, while the lower atmosphere is yet too dry; also during the approach of thunder storms : the indistinct appearance of it is chiefly in the longer or shorter intervals of showers of rain, snow, or hail. The cumulo stratus chiefly affects a mean state of the atmosphere as to pressure and temperature; but in this respect, like the other modifications, it affords much room for future observation. OF THE NIMBUS, OR CUMULO-CIRRO- STRATUS. Clouds, in any of the preceding modifi- cations, at the same degree of elevation, or in two or more of them, at different ele- vations, may increase so as completely to obscure the sky, and at times put on an appearance of density^ which to the inex- perienced observer indicates the speedy commencement of rain. It is nevertheless extremely probable, as well from attentive observation as from a consideration of the several modes of their production, that the clouds, while in any one of these states, do not at any time let fall rain. Before this effect takes place, they have been uniformly found to undergo a change, attended with appearances sufficiently re- markable to constitute a distinct modifica- tion, which is represented by the following figure, called the Nimbus, or Cumulo- cirro-stratus cloud. In this figure a shower is represented as tended uniform gloom of this modifica- coming from behind an elevated point of tion. land. The relations of rain, and of periodical The nimbus, although in itself one of the showers more especially, with the varying least beautiful clouds, is yet now and then temperature, density, and electricity of the superbly decorated with its attendant the atmosphere, will probably now obtain a rainbow ; which can only be seen in per- fuller investigation, and with a better fection, when backed by the widely ex- prospect of success, than heretofore. 30 THE ARTISAN. jBtsreltoous ^ufyectss. MEMOIR OF THE LIFE OF JOHN WALLIS, D. D. Dr. Wallis was the son of the Rev. John Wallis, M. A. minister of Ashfold, in Kent, and was born in November, 1616 : his father dying when he was young, he was indebted for his education to the care and kindness of his mother, who sent him to school, first to Tenterden, in his native county, and afterwards to Felsted,in Essex, where he became pretty well acquainted with the Latin and Greek languages, and also obtained some knowledge of Hebrew. Being at home during the Christmas va- cation, he learnt from a younger bro- her the first rules of common arithme- tic, which was his initiation into mathe- matics, and all the teaching he had ; but he afterwards prosecuted it as a pleasing diversion at spare hours, for mathematics was not at that time looked upon as academical learning. In the year 1632, he was sent to the university of Cambridge, and there admitted in Emanuel college, under the tuition of Mr. Anthony Burgess, a pious, learned, and able scholar, a good disputant, an eminent preacher, and after- wards minister of Sutton Colefield, in Warwickshire. Dr. Wallis proceeded Bachelor of Arts in 1637, and Master of Arts in 1640 : he entered into orders, and was ordained by Bishop Curie. TJe was afterwards Fellow of Queen’s college, Cambridge, but quitted his fellowship on his marriage in 1644. About this time he was also appointed one of the secretaries to the Assembly'of Divines at Westminster ; and during his attendance on the assem- bly, he was a minister in London, first in Fenchurch-street, and afterwards in Iron- monger-lane, where he continued till his removal to Oxford. There the doctor pro- secuted his studies ; till he at length attained to such proficiency, as to be repu- ted one of the first mathematicians of the age in which he lived. “ He was (says Mr. Scarborough,) one of the greatest masters of geometry that hath appeared in any of these later ages ; the honour of our country, and the admiration of others/' — Mr. Oughtred says, u he was a person adorned with all ingenious and excellent arts and sciences, pious and industrious, of a deep and diffusive learning, an accu- rate judgment in all mathematical studies, and happy and successful to admiration in decyphering the most difficult and intricate writings ; which was indeed his peculiar honour, and affords the greatest instance ever known of the force and penetration of the human understanding.” We shall here give the reader the doctor’s own ac- count of the first outset of this business, “ About the beginning of our civil wars, a chaplain of Sir William Waller showed me, as a curiosity, an intercepted letter written in cypher, (and it was indeed the first thing I had ever seen of the kind); and asked me, between jest and earnest, if I could make any thing of it? and was surprised, when I told him, perhaps I might. It was about ten o’clock when we rose from supper ; and I withdrew to my chamber to consider of it. By the number of different characters in it, I judged it could be no more than a new alphabet ; and before I went to bed I found it out ; which was my first attempt upon decy- phering : and I was soon pressed to at- tempt one of a different character, consist- ing of numerical figures, extending to four or five hundred numbers, with other cha- racters intermixed, which was a letter from Secretary Windebank, (then in France,) to his son in England ; and was a cypher hard enough, not unbecoming a secretary of state. And when, upon importuntiy, [ had taken a great deal of pains with it without success, I threw it by ; but after some time I resumed it again, and had the good hap to master it. u Being encouraged by this success be- yond expectation, I have ventured upon many others and seldom failed of any that I have attempted for many years ; though of late the French methods of cyphers are grown so extremely intricate, that I have been obliged to quit many of them, without having patience to go through with them/’ The following extracts from the copies of his letters are a convincing proof of his labour and success in it ; and that he never gave up a cypher while he had the least hope of succeeding. In a letter to the Earl of Nottingham, who was at that time Secretary to William III. dated August 4th, 1689, he says, u From the time your lordship’s servant brought me the letter yesterday morning, I spent the whole day upon it, (scarce giving myself time to eat,) and most part of the night : and w r as at it again early this morning, that I might not make your messenger wait too long.” In another : u I wrote to his lordship the next day, on account of the difficulty I at first apprehended, the papers being written in a hard cypher, and in a language of which I am not thorougly master ; but sit- ting close to it in good earnest, I have (notwithstanding that disadvantage) met with better success, and with more speed than I expected. I have therefore returned to his lordship the papers which were sent me, with an intelligible account of what was there in cypher.” Being hard pressed by the Earl of Nottingham, he thus writes at the conclusion of one of his let- ters : “ But, my lord, it is hard service, and I am quite weary. If your honour THE ARTISAN. 81 were sensible liow much pains and study it cost me, you would pity me ; and there is a proverb of not riding a free horse too I hard/’ The doctor, I suppose, thought it | was now high time (after he had decy- phered so many letters,) that some notice \ were taken of his services ; he therefore begins to give his lordship the hint: he was a little more plain in his next, wherein he says, 44 However I am neglected, I am not willing to neglect their majesties’ ser- vices ; and have therefore re-assumed the letters which I had laid by, and which I here send decyphered : perhaps it may be thought worth little, after I have bestowed a great deal of pains upon them, andbe valued accordingly ; but it is not the first time that the like pains have been taken to as little purpose, by, my lord,” &c.— In ano- ther appears the following postscript, dated August 15, 1691 : 44 But, my lord, I do a little wonder to receive so many fresh let- ters from your lordship without taking any notice of what I wrote in my last, which I thought would have been too plain to need a decypherer; certainly your other clerks are better paid, or else they would not serve you.” In a letter to a friend, he says : 44 It is true, I have had all along a great many good words ; that he is my humble servant - — my faithful servant — my very faithful servant — that he will not fail to acquaint the king with my diligence and success in this difficult work,” &c. But he met with a better master in Lord Arlington, for whom he did not do the tenth part of what he had done for the earl. And as the doc- tor was thus treated by our own ministers, so he was not used much better by those of the elector of Brandenburgh, for whose service he had decyphered some of the French letters, the contents of which were of great consequence ; the decypher- ing of which quite broke the French king’s measures in Poland for that time, and caused his ambassadors to be thrust out with disgrace, to their king’s great preju- dice and disappointment. Take the doc- tor’s own words : 44 Mr. Smettan, the elec- tor’s envoy, entertained me all the while with a great many fine words and great promises, (which, when decyphered, I found to be nulls,) telling me what im- porant service it was to his master, and how well accepted, and what presents I was to receive from him ; and in particu- lar, that I was to have a rich medal, with an honourable inscription, and a gold chain of great value, which (he said) he expected by the next post : but after all, he left England without making me the least requital for all my pains and trouble, save that once he invited me to dine with him, which cost me more in coach hire thither and back than would have paid for as good a dinner at an ordinary. I believe that the elector does not know how un- handsomely I have been used ; and I take it unkind of his envoy to treat me as a child or as a fool, to be wheedled on to hard services with fine words, and yet to think me so weak as to be unable to un- derstand him ; when I had decyphered for them between two and three hundred sheets of very difficult and very different cyphers, they might, I think, at least have offered me porter’s pay, if not that of a scrivener. I did not contract with them, but did it frankly ; for, having a prince to deal with, I was to presume he would deal like himself.” Whether it was in conse- quence of the doctor’s letters, or that they were ashamed of their own ingratitude, or from whatever cause it proceeded, the medal so long talked of, and so long ex--- pected, was at last sent. However, though they were so unwilling to reward his ser- vices, yet they were desirous to prevent his art of decyphering from dying with him, for which purpose he was solicited by Mr. Leibneitz, by order of George I. then elector of Hanover, to instruct a young gentleman whom he would send over ; and desired the doctor to make his own terms. But he excused himself by saying, 44 that he should always be ready to tserve his electoral highness, when- ever there should be occasion ; but, as his art of decyphering was a curiosity that might be of further service to his own country, he could not think of sending it abroad without the consent of his sove- reign.” This was a great act of disinterestedness in the doctor, and deserves the highest commendation ; because it is certain he might have made a very advantageous bargain for himself, without the least im- propriety of conduct, had he not preferred the good of his country to his own private emolument; and it was, no doubt, con- sidered as such by King William, who settled on him a pension of £100 a year,, with survivorship to his grandson, whom he had instructed in the art of decyphering at the particular desire of his majesty* We must now look back, and see the other methods in which his useful pen was em- ployed ; and we shall find it at no period idle. About the year 1653 he published his 44 Tractus de Loquela Grammatica- physicus wherein he gives a particular account of the physical or mechanical for- mation of sounds used in speech, or ex- pressed by the letters of several languages. In the year 1692, he published at Oxford three large folios upon mathematics, with this title, 44 Mathesis Universalis.” Part of the third volume of his 44 Opera Mathe- matica,” is employed in preserving and restoring divers ancient Greek authors, 32 THE ARTISAN. which were in clanger of being lost. In the year 1642, he published a book, en- titled, “ Truth Tried in answer to a treatise written by Lord Brook, entitled <( The Nature of Truth.” In the year 1653 was published, in Latin, his Grammar of the English Tongue, for the use of foreigners ; in which he has a curious observation on words beginning with cr, as if they took their meaning from the cross. In his u Praxis Grammatica,” he gives us the following jeu-d’esprit, which shows him to have been so well acquainted with the English tongue, as to be able to translate extempore, from the French, an example of joining kindred sound ( sensus) with kindred words. In the above book the doctor says, u A certain learned French gentleman proposed to me the under- written four chosen French verses, com- posed on purpose ; boasting from it won- derfully of the felicity of his French lan- guage, which expressed kindred senses by kindred words ; complaining, in the mean while, of our English one, as very often expressing kindred senses by words con- joined by no relation : Quand un cordier, cordant, veult corder une corde ; Pour sa corde corder, trois cordons il accorde : Mais, si un des cordons de la corde descorde, Le cordon discordant fait descorder la corde. But, that I might show that this felicity of language was not wanting to our own, immediately, without making choice of fresh matter, I translated verbally the same four verses into the English tongue, retaining the same turn of words which he had observed in his, only substituting the word twist, purely English, for the exotic word cord, which he expected me to use : When a twister a-twisting, will twist him a twist, For the twisting his twist, he three tiwines doth entwist ; But if one of the twines of the twist does untwist, The twine that untwisteth, untwisteth the twist. A nd to them these four others : Untwirling the twine that untwisted between. He twirls with his twister the two in a twine : Then, twice having twisted the twines of the twine. He twisteth the twine he hath twined in twain. And these : The twain that, in twaining before in the twine, As twins were entwisted, he now doth untwine ; ’I'wixt the twain intertwisting a twine more be- tween. He, twirling his twister, makes a twist of the twine. {To be continued .) SOLUTIONS OF QUESTIONS. Quest. 55, answered by Mr. J. Holroyd. ( the Proposer .) Imagine CAB the right angled triangle; then, (from the latter part of the question) it is plain that the traveller in the road AB will have finished his journey; when the other is 2| miles distant from the town B, (as suppose) at the point D ; draw the line D E parallel to the given base A C ; then the side C A of the triangle CAB, and the side DB of the triangle DEB, being both given, as well as the ratio of C B to A B ; it follows (by Euclid v. 13), that CB : AB : : DB : EBzz2, and by Euclid i. 47, DE is found to be 1§ miles; consequently, by similar triangles D E : C A : : E B : A B zz 26§ miles, whence CB is found to be 33| miles. We received two other answers to this question ; but they were both inaccurate, and much more complex than the above. We cannot, how ever, allow that this solu- tion is a geometrical one. Quest. 56, answered by Mr. Whitcombe, Cornhill. Let P denote the sum Fig receives from Premium, R zz 1-05 the amount of £1, with its interest for 1 year (considering the interest to be 5 per cent.) and let t de- note the required number of years Pre- mium ought to live; then per the doctrine of annuities, and per question, we obtain this equation 2 P — PR* zr O; conse- quently 2 P zz PR*; therefore R/ zz 2, and per the nature of logarithms t x log. R zz log. 2 ; hence it is manifest, that t ~ loff 2 zz 14 years 75 days, the time Pre- log. Iv mium ought to live, as required. This question was also correctly an- swered by the Proposer. QUESTION FOR SOLUTION. Quest. 59, proposed by J. Anderson, Brentford. A cylindrical vessel, the diameter of which is 60 inches, and the height 48, is to be filled with water, in which there are two holes, one at the bottom, and one in the side close to the bottom. Supposing these to be opened at the same time, it is required to determine in what time the vessel will be exhausted by the power of gravity alone? t // /rr J// f // f/r Jt JM? 1 THE ARTISAN. CTOMETEY. . PROPOSITION XIV. Theorem. — Equal straight lines in a circle are equally distant from the centre ; and those which are equally distant from the centre , are equal to one another. Let the straight lines A B, CD, in the circle ABDC, be equal to one another; they are equally distant from the centre. Take E the centre of the circle ABDC, and from it draw EF, E G perpendiculars to A B, CD; join AE and EC. Then, because the straight line EF passing through the centre, cuts the straight line A B, which does not pass through the cen- tre at right angles, it also bisects it: Wherefore A F is equal to F B, and A B double of A F. For the same reason, C D is double of CG: But AB is equal to CD; therefore A F is equal to C G: And because AE is equal to EC, the square of A E is equal to the square of E C : Now the squares of AF, FE are equal to the square of A E, because the angle A F E is a right angle ; and, for the like reason, the squares of EG, GC are equal to the square of EC: Therefore the squares of A F, F E are equal to the squares of C G, GE, of which the square of AF is equal to the square of C G, because A F is equal to C G ; therefore the remaining square of FE is equal to the remaining square of E G, and the straight line E F is therefore equal to EG : But straight lines in a cir- cle are said to be equally distant from the centre, when the perpendiculars drawn to them from the centre are equal : Therefore AB, CD are equally distant from the centre. Next, if the straight lines A B, CD be equally distant from the centre ; that is, if F E be equal to E G, A B is equal to C D. For, the same construction being made, it may, as before, be demonstrated, that AB is double of A F, and C D double of C G, and that the squares of EF, F A are equal to the squares of EG, G C ; of which the square of F E is equal to the square of E G, because F E is equal to E G ; there- fore the remaining square of AFis equal Vol. II — No, 28. ?3 to the remaining square of C G ; and the straight line A F is therefore equal to CG : But A B is double of A F, and C D double of C G ; wherefore A B is equal to C D, Therefore equal straight lines, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION XV. Theorem. — The diameter is the greatest straight line in a circle ; and , of all others , that which is nearer to the centre is always greater than one more remote ; and th$ greater is nearer to the centre than the less. Let AB C D be a circle, of which the diameter is AD, and the centre f£; and let B C be nearer to the centre than F G £ AD is greater than any straight line BC, which is not a diameter, and BC greater than F G. From the centre draw E H, E K perpen- diculars to BC, FG, and join EB, EC, EF; and because AE is equal to EB, and ED to EC: AD is equal to EB, E C : But EB, EC are greater than BC ; wherefore, also A D is greater than BC. And, because B C is nearer to the cen- tre than FG, EH is less than EK: But, as was demonstrated in the preceding, B C is double of B H, and F G double of F K, and the squares of EH, H B are equal to the squares of E K, K F, of which the square of EH is less than the square of EK, because EH is less than EK; therefore the square of B H is greater than the square of F K, and the straight line B H greater than F K : and therefore B C is greater than F G. Next, Let B C be greater than F G ; B C is nearer to the centre than F G ; that is, the same construction being made, EH is less than EK: Because B C is greater than F G, B H likewise is greater than K F : but the squares of BH, HE are equal to the squares of F K, K E, of which the square of BH is greater than the square of F K, because B H is greater than FK; therefore the square of EH is less than the square of E K, and the straight line E H less than E K. Wherefore, the diameter, &c. Q. E. D. 34 THE ARTISAN. PROPOSITION XVI. Theorem. — The straight line drawn at right angles to the diameter of a circle , from the extremity of it , falls without the cir- cle ; and no straight line can be drawn between that straight line and the cir- cumference, from the extremity of the diameter , so as not to cut the circle . Let A R C be a circle, the centre of which is D, and the diameter A B : and let A E be drawn from A perpendicular to A B, A E shall fall without the circle. In A E take any point F, join D F, and let D F meet the circle in C. Because angle D H A is a right angle, and the angle D A H less than a right angle, the side DH of the triangle DAH is less than the side DA. The point H, there- fore, is within the circle, and therefore the straight line A G cuts the circle. Cor. From this it is manifest, that the straight line which is drawn at right angles to the diameter of a circle from the ex- tremity of it, touches the circle ; and that it touches it only in one point; because, if it did meet the circle in two, it would fall within it. Also it is evident, that there can be but one straight line which touches the circle in the same point. D A F is a right angle, it is greater than the angle A F D ; but the greater angle of any triangle is subtended by the greater side, therefore D F is greater than D A ; now D A is equal to D C, therefore D F is greater than D C, and the point F is there- fore without the circle. And F is any point whatever in the line A E, therefore A E falls without the circle. Again, between the straight line AE and the circumference, no straight line can be drawn from the point A, which does not cut the circle. Let A G be drawn, in the angle DAE; from D draw D H at PROPOSITION XVII. Problem. — To draw a straight line from a given point, either without or in the cir- cumference, which shall touch a given circle. First, let A be a given point without the given circle BCD; it is required to draw a straight line from A, which shall touch the circle. Find the centre E of the circle, and join AE; and from the centre E, at the distance E A, describe the circle A FG ; from the point D draw D F at right angles to E A, and join EBF, and A B. AB touches the circle BCD. Because E is the centre of the circles B C D, A F G, E A is equal to E F, and E D to E B ; therefore the two sides A E, E B are equal to the two FE, ED, and they contain the angle at E common to the two triangles A EB, F E D ; therefore thejfbase D F is equal to the base A B, and the triangle FED to the triangle A E B, and the other angles to the other angles : Therefore the angle E B A is equal to the angle E D F ; but E D F is a right angle, wherefore E B A is a right angle ; and EBis drawn from the centre: but a straight line drawn from the extremity of a diameter, at right angles to it, touches the circle : Therefore A B touches the cir- cle; and is drawn from the given point A. Which was to be done. THE ARTISAN. 3 5 Rut if the given point be in the circum- ference of the circle, as the point D, draw 1) E to the centre E, and D F at right angles to D E ; DF touches the circle. PROPOSITION XVIII. Theorem. — If a straight line touches a cir- cle, the straight line drawn from the cen- tre to the point of contact , is perpendicular to the line touching the circle. Let the straight line D E touch the circle A B C in the point C ; take the centre F, and draw the straight line F C : F C is perpendicular to D E. For, if it be not, from the point F draw F B G perpendicular to D E ; and because F G C is a right angle, G C F must be an acute angle ; and to the greater angle the greater side is opposite : Therefore F C is greater than F G ; but F C is equal to F B ; therefore F B is greater than F G, the less than the greater, which is impossible ; wherefore F G is not perpendicular to DE: In the same manner it may bo shown, that no other line but F C can be perpendicular to D E ; F C is therefore perpendicular to D E. Therefore, if a straight line, &c. Q. E. D, PROPOSITION XIX. Theorem. — -If a straight line touches a cir- cle, and from the point of contact a straight line be drawn at right angles to the touching line , the centre of the circle is in that line . Let the straight line D E touch the cir- cle A B C, in C, and from C let C A be drawn at right angles to D E ; the centre of the circle is in C A. For, if not, let F be the centre, if pos- sible, and join C F : Because D E touches the circle ABC, and F C is drawn from the centre to the point of contact, F C is perpendicular to D E ;~ therefore FCE is a right angle : But A C E is also a right angle ; therefore the angle F C E is equal to the angle ACE, the less to the greater, which is impossible ; Wherefore F is not the centre of the circle ABC: In the same A manner it may be shown, that no other point which is not in C A, is the centre j that is, the centre is in C A. Therefore.) if a straight line, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION XX. Theorem.— The angle at the centre of a circle is double of the angle at the circum- ference , upon the same base ; that is, upon the same part of the circumference. Let ABC be a circle, and B D C an angle at the Centre, and B A C an angle at the circumference, which have the same circumference B C for their base ; the angle BDC is double of the angle BA C. First, let D, the centre of the circle, be within the angle B A C, and join A D, and produce it to E : Because D A is equal to X> B, the angle D A B is equal to the angle DBA; therefore the angles DAB, D BA A are double of the angle DAB; but the angle B D E is equal to the angles DAB, DBA; therefore also the angle B D E is double of the angle DAB: For the same reason, the angle E D C is double of the angle D A C : Therefore the whole angle B D C is double of the whole angle RAC* Again, let D, the centre of the circle, be without the angle B A C, and join A D and C 2 36 THE ARTISAN. produce it. to E. It may be demonstrated, as in the first case, that the angle E D C is double of the angle D A C, and that E 1) B, a part of the first, is double of D A B, a part of the other ; therefore the remaining angle B D C is double of the re- maining angle BAG. Therefore the angle at the centre, &c. Q. E. D. order to support the more frequent recur- rence of friction. It has been proposed, for the coarser kinds of wheel-works, to divide the distance between the middle points of two adjoining teeth into 30 parts, and to allot 16 to the tooth of the pinion, and 13 to that of the wheel, allowing one for freedom of motion. The wheel and pinion may either be situated in the same plane, both being commonly of the kind denominated spur- wheels, or their planes may form an angle : in this case one of them may be a crown or contrate wheel, as represented by the first of the following figures, A i Ui»sS ! Si mnanRii Miiiil MECHA1ICS, ON THE' TEETH OF WHEELS. If the face of the teeth, where they are in contact, is too much inclined to the radius, their mutual friction is not much affected, but a great pressure on their axis is produced ; and this ©ccasions a strain on the machinery, as well as an increase of friction on the axis. If it be desired to produce a great angu- lar velocity, with the smallest possible quantity of wheel-work, the diameter of each wheel must be between three and four times as great as that of the pinion on which it acts, where the pinion impels the wheel ; it is sometimes made with three or four teeth only : but it is much better in general to have at least six or eight ; and considering the additional labour of in- creasing the number of wheels, it may be advisable to allot more teeth to each of them, than the number resulting from the calculation ; therefore we may allow 30 or 40 teeth to a wheel, acting on a pinion of 6 or 8. In works which do not require a great degree of strength, the wheels have sometimes a much greater number of teeth than this ; and on the other hand, an end- less screw or a spiral acts as a pinion of one tooth, since it propels the wheel through the breadth of one tooth only by each revolution. For a pinion of six teeth, it would be better to have a wheel of 35 or 37 than 36 ; for each tooth of the wheel would thus act in turn upon each tooth of the pinion, and the work would be more equally worn, than if the same teeth continued to meet in each revolution. The teeth of the pinion should also be some- what stronger than those of the wheel, in where A is a spur and B a crown-wheel, or both of them may be bevilled, the teeth being cut obliquely, as in the second figure, where the wheel and pinion are both bevilled, the faces of the teeth being directed to the point A. According to the relative magnitude of the wheels, the angle of the be vil must be different, so that the velocities of the wheels may be in the same proportion at both ends of their oblique faces ; for this purpose, the faces of all the teeth must be directed to the point where the axis would meet. In cases where a motion not quite equable is required, as it sometimes hap- pens in the construction of clocks, but more frequently in orreries, the wheels may either be divided a little unequally, or the axis may be placed a little out of the centre ; and these eccentric wheels may either act on other eccentric wheels, or, if they are made as contrate wheels, upon a lengthened pinion, as represented by the annexed figure. THE ARTISAN. 37 An arrangement is sometimes made for separating wheels, which are intended to turn each other, and for replacing them at pleasure; the wheels are said to be thrown by these operations out of gear, and into gear again. When a wheel revolves round another, and is so fixed as to remain nearly in a parallel direction, and to cause the central wheel to turn round its axis — the appa-. ratus is called a sun -and- planet wheel, (see page 227, vol. i.) In this case, the cir- cumference of the central wheel moves as fast as that of the revolving wheel, each point of which describes a circle, equal in diameter to the distance of the centres of the two wdieels : consequently, w'hen the wheels are equal, the central wdieel makes two revolutions, every time that the ex- terior wheel travels round it. If the cen- tral wheel be fixed, and the exterior wheel be caused to turn on its own centre during its revolution, by the effect of the contact of the teeth, it will make in every revolution one turn more with respect to the surrounding objects, than it would make, if its centre were at rest, during one turn of the wheel which is fixed : and this circumstance must be recollected when such wheels are employed in the construc- tion of planetariums. Wheels are usually made of wood, of iron, either cast or wrought, of steel, or of brass. The teeth of metal wdieels are generally cut by means of a machine ; the wheel is fixed on an axis, which also carries a plate furnished with a variety of circles, divided into different numbers of equal parts, marked by small excavations ; these are brought in succession under the point of a spring, which holds the axis firm, while the intervals between the teeth are expeditiously cut out by a revolving saw of steel. The . teeth are afterwards finished by a file ; and a machine has also been invented for holding and working the file, 'i bis machine is represented by the following figure : A is the wheel, of which the teeth is formed by the revolving saw B, turned by the wheel and pinion C D, by means of the handle E, while the frame, which holds the saw', moving on hinges, and resting on a spring, is depressed by the handle F, its place having been previously adjusted by the screw G. The large plate H I contains a number of concentric cir- cles, variously divided by points, into which the end of the spring I sinks at each step, so as to fix the apparatus in the re- quired position. Toothed wheels are employed in mecha- nics, not only for increasing or diminishing velocity, so as to adapt a given power to the purpose of producing a certain effect, as in a common mill, where the slow motion of the water-wheel is made to pro- duce the rapid motion of the mill -stone - r but they are also employed for the purpose of producing angular motions, that shall obtain, with great precision, given ratios to one another. This happens in clock work, and it is there of importance to de- termine, with accuracy, the number of 38 THE ARTISAN. wheels and the number of teeth in each ; but this is a branch of mechanics, which we considered too abstruse to be introduced in a work like the present. We may, how- ever, remark, that the number of teeth in a wheel, and in a pinion which work toge- ther, should be prime to one another, that their coiifcidences may not recur in the same order after every revolution. The numbers expressing the ratio of the angular velocity of the wheel to that of the pinion, may sometimes be fractional, and may consist of so many places, when the fractions are taken away, that, to make the motions exactly in their ratio, would require more wheels, and a greater number of teeth, than can conveniently be allowed. It is then of consequence to find two num- bers that will express the ratio, not ex- actly, but more nearly, than can be done by smaller numbers, The method of find- ing such numbers is, however, too intricate Jo be given here. ON WHEEL CARRIAGES. Though we have already treated pretty fully of the friction of axles at page 215, vol. i. yet the subject of wheel carriages forms so important a part of mechanics, that we shall devote a few pages to its considera- tion. The wheels of carriages owe a great part of their utility to the diminution of friction, which is as much less in a car- riage than a dray, as the diameter of the axle is less than that of the wheel, even supposing the dray to slide on a greased surface of iron. The wheels also assist us in drawing the carriage over an obstacle, for the path which the axis of the wheel describes, is always smoother and less abrupt than the surface of a rough road on which the wheel rolls. It is obvious, that both these advantages are more completely attained by large wheels than by smaller ones : the dimensions of the axis not being increased in the same proportion with those of the wheel, and the path of the axis to which that of the centre of gravity is similar, consisting of portions of larger circles, and consequently being less curved ; and if the wheels are elastic, and rebound from an obstacle, the difference is still in- creased. It is, however, barely possible, that the curvature of the obstacles to be overcome, may be intermediate between those of a larger and of a smaller wheel ; and in this case the higher wheel will touch a remoter part of the obstacle, so that the path of the axis will form an abrupt angle, while the smaller wheel fol- lows the curve, and produces a more equable motion. For example, the centre pf the wheel A B, passing over the obstacle describes the path DE; and that of the larger wheel F G, the path H I, which is less steep. Again, the centre of the wheel A B des- cribes the curved path CD, in passing over the obstacle E, while that of the larger wheel F G, has an angle at H, The greater part of the resistance to the motion of a carriage very frequently varies, from the continual displacement of a por- tion of the materials of the road, which do not re-act on wheels with perfect elasticity, but undergo a permanent change of form, proportional to the loss of force. Hence, in a soft sand, although the axles of the wheels may move in a direction perfectly horizontal, the draught becomes extremely heavy. The more the wheel sinks, the greater is the resistance ; and if we sup- pose the degree of elasticity of the mate- rials, and their immediate resistance at different depths to be known, we may calculate the effect of their re-action in re- tarding the motion of the carriage. Thus, if the materials were perfectly inelastic, acting only on the preceding half of the immersed portion of the wheel, and their immediate pressure or resistance were simply proportional to the depth, like that of fluids or of other elastic substances, the horizontal resistance would be to the weight, nearly as the depth of the part immersed to two thirds of its length ; but if the pressure increased as the square of the depth, which is a more probable sup- position, the resistance would be to the weight as the depth to about four-fifths of the length ; the pressure may even vary still more rapidly, and we may consider the proportion of the resistance to the weight, as no greater than that of the depth of the part immersed to its length, or of half this length to the diameter of the wheel ; and if the materials are in apy THE ARTISAN. 39 degree elastic, the resistance will be les sened accordingly. But on any of these suppositions, it may be shown that the resistance may be reduced to one half, either by making a wheel a little less than three times as high, or about eight times as broad as the given wheel. This con- sideration i3 of particular consequence in soft and boggy soils, as well as in sandy countries; thus, in moving timber in a moist situation, it becomes extremely ad- vantageous to employ very high wheels, and they have the additional convenience, that the timber may be suspended from the axles by chains, without the labour of raising it so high, as would be necessary for placing it on a carriage of any kind. But the magnitude of wheels is prac- tically limited, by the strength or weight of the materials of which they are made, by the danger of overturning when the cen- tre is raised too high, and in case of the first pair of wheels of a four wheel car- riage, by the inconvenience that would arise in turning a corner, with a wheel which might interfere with the body of the carriage. It is also of advantage, that the draught of a horse should be in a direction somewhat ascending, partly on account of the shape of the horse’s shoulder, and partly because the principal force that he exerts, is in the direction of a line passing through the point of contact of his hind feet with the ground. But a reason equally strong, for having the draught in this direction is, that a part of the force may always be advantageously employed in lessening the pressure on the ground : and to answer this purpose the most effec- tually, the inclination of the traces or shafts, ought to be the same with that of a road on which the carriage would begin or continue to descend by its own weight only. In order to apply the force in this man- ner to both pairs of wheels.where there are four, the line of draught ought to be directed to a point half way between them, or rather to a point immediately under the centre of gravity of the carriage ; and such a line would always pass above the axis of the fore wheels. If the line of draught pass immediately through this axis, the pressure on the hind wheels will remain unaltered ; and if the traces or shafts be fixed still lower, the pressure on the hind wheels will even be somewhat increased by the draught. It is evident, therefore, that this advantage cannot be obtained if the fore wheels are very high ; we may also understand, that in some cases the common opinion of the elegibility of placing a load over the fore wheels, rather than the hind wheels, may have some founda- tion in truth. When several horses are employed, the draught of all but the last must be nearly horizontal ; in this case the flexure of the chain brings it into a position somewhat more favourable for the action of the horses ; but the same cause makes the direction of its attachment to the waggon unfavourable; further than this, there is no absolute loss of force, but it appears to be advisable to cause the shaft horse to draw in a direction as much elevated as possible ; and on the whole it is probable that horses drawing singly have a material advantage, when they do not require additional attendance from the drivers. The practice of making broad wheels conical, has obviously the disadvantageous effect of producing a friction at each edge of the wheel, when the carriage is moving in a straight line ; for such a wheel, if it moved alone, would always describe a circle round the vertex of the cone to which it belongs. When the wheels are narrow, a slight inclination of the spokes appears to be of use in keeping them more steady on the axles than if they were ex- actly vertical ; and when, by an inclina- tion of the body of the carriage, a greater proportion of the load is thrown on the lower wheel, its spokes, being then in a vertical position, are able to exert all their strength with advantage. The axles being a little conical, in order that they may not become loose, or may easily be tightened as they wear, it is necessary that they should be bent down, so that their lower surfaces may be horizontal, otherwise the wheels would press too much on the linch pin. For this reason, the distance between the wheels should be a little greater above than below, and their surfaces of course slightly conical. EX.ECTRXCXT1T. Having stated the fundamental proper- ties of the electric fluid, and of the differ- ent kinds of matter as connected with that fluid, we shall now examine its distribu- tion, and the attractive and repulsive effects exhibited by it under different forms and circumstances. The general effect of electrified bodies on each other, if their bulk is small in comparison with their distance is, that they are mutually re- pelled when in similar states of electricity, and attracted when in dissimilar states. This is a consequence immediately de- ducible, from the mutual attraction of re- dundant matter and redundant fluid, and from the repulsion supposed to exist be- tween any two portions, either of matter or of fluid ; and it may also be easily con- firmed by experimental proof. A neutral body, if it were a perfect non-conductor, THE ARTISAN. 4# Would not be affected either way by the neighbourhood of an electrified body : for while the whole matter contained in it re- mains barely saturated with the electric fluid, the attractions and repulsions balance each other. But in general, a neutral body appears to be attracted by an electrified body, on account of a change of the disposition of the fluid which it con- tains, upon the approach of a body either positively or negatively electrified. The electrical affection produced in this man- ner, without any actual transfer of the fluid, is called induced electricity. The stale of induced electricity may be illustrated, by placing a long conductor at a little distance from an electrified sub- stance, and directed towards it : and by suspending pith balls or other light bodies from it, in pairs, at different parts of its length : these will repel each other, from being similarly electrified, at two ends, which are in contrary states of electricity, while at a certain point towards the mid- dle they will remain at rest, the con- ductor being here perfectly neutral. It Was from the situation of this point, that Lord Stanhope first inferred the true law of the electric attractions and repulsions, although Mr. Cavendish had before sug- gested the same law as the most probable supposition. The attraction thus exerted by ah elec- trified body upon neutral substances, is strong enough, if they are sufficiently light, to overcome their gravitation, and to draw them up from a table at some little distance : upon touching the electri- fied body, if it is a conductor, they receive a quantity of electricity from it, and are again repelled, until they are deprived of their electricity by contact with other sub- stances, which, if sufficiently near to the first, is usually in a contrary state, and therefore renders them still more capable of returning, when they have touched it, to the first substance, in consequence of an increased attraction, assisted also by a hew repulsion. This alternation has been applied to the construction of several electrical toys ; a little hammer, for ex- ample, has been made to play between two bells ; and this instrument has been employed for giving notice of any change of the electrical state of the atmosphere. The repulsion which takes place between two bodies* in a similar state of electricity* is the cause of the currents of air which always accompany the discharge of elec- tricity, whether negative or positive, from pointed substances. If two bodies approach each other, elec- trified either positively or negatively in different degrees, they will either repel or attract each other, according to their dis- tance ; when they are very remote, they exhibit a repulsive force, but when they are within a certain distance, the effects of induced electricity overcome the repulsion, which would necessarily take place, if the distribution of the fluid remained un- altered by their mutual influence. When a quantity of electric fluid is ac- cumulated on one side of a non-conducting substance, it tends to drive off the fluid from the other side ; and if this fluid is suffered to escape, the remaining matter exerts its attraction on the fluid, which has been imparted to the first side, and allows it to be accumulated in a much greater quantity than could have existed in an equal surface of a conducting sub- stance. In this state, the body is said to be charged ; and for producing it the more readily, each surface is usually coated with a conducting substance, which serves to convey the fluid to and from its different parts with convenience. The thinner any substance is, the greater quantity of the fluid is required for* charg- ing it in this manner, so as to produce a given tension, or tendency to escape : but if it be made too thin, it will be liable to break the attractive force of the fluid, for the matter on the opposite side overcoming the cohesion of the substance, and perhaps forcing its way through the temporary vacuum which is formed. When a communication is made in any manner by a conducting substance between the two coatings of a charged plate' or vessel, the equilibrium is restored, and the effect is called a shock. If the coat- ings be removed, the plate will still re- main charged, and it may be gradually discharged, by making a communication between its several parts in succession, but it cannot be discharged at once, for want of a common connection; so that the presence of the coating is not absolutely essential to the charge ahd discharge of the opposite surfaces. Such a coated substance is most usually employed in the form of a jar. Jars were formerly filled with water, or with iron filings ; the instrument having been principally made known frofn the ex- periments of Musscheiibroek and others at Leyden, it was called the Leyden jar or phial ; but at present a coating of tin foil is commonly applied on both sides of the jar, leaving a sufficient space at its upper part, to avoid the spontaneous discharge, which w r ould often take place between the coatings, if they approached too near to each other; and a ball is fixed to the cover, which has a communication with the internal coating, and by means of which the jar is charged, while the ex- ternal coating is allowed to communicate with the ground. This jar is represented by the following figure : THE A collection of such jars is called a battery, and an apparatus of this kind may be made so powerful, by increasing the number of jars, as to exhibit many striking effects by the motion of the electric fluid, in its passage from one to the other of the surfaces. The following figure re- presents a battery, containing 16 jars. The conducting powers of different sub- stances are concerned, not only in the facility with which the motions of the elec- tric fluid are directed into a particular channel, but also in many cases of its equilibrium, and particularly in the pro- perties of charged substances, which de- pend on the resistance opposed by non- conductors, to the ready transmission of the fluid; These powers may be com- pared, by ascertaining the greatest length of each of the substances to be examined, through which a spark or a shock will take its course, in preference to a given ARTISAN. 4l length of air, or of any other standard of comparison. The progressive motion of the , electric fluid through conducting substances is so rapid, as to be performed in all cases with- out a sensible interval of time. It has in- deed been said, that when very weakly excited, and obliged to pass to a very great distance, a perceptible portion of time is actually occupied in its passage ; but this fact is somewhat doubtful, and attempts have been .made in vain, to estimate the interval, employed in the transmission of a shock through several miles of wire. We are not to imagine that the same par- ticles of the fluid which enter at one part, pass through the •whole "conducting sub- stance, any more than that the same por- tion of blood, which is thrown out of the heart, in each pulsation, arrives at the' wrist, at the instant that the pulse is felt there. The velocity of the transmission of a spark or shock far exceds the actual ve- locity of each particle, in the same manner as the velocity of a wave exceeds that of the particles of water concerned in its pro- pagation ; and this velocity must depend both on the elasticity of the electric fluid, and on the force with which it is confined to the conducting substance. If this force. were merely derived from the pressure of the atmosphere, we might infer the den- sity of the fluid from tlie velocity of a spark or shock, compared with that of sound ; or we might deduce its velocity from a de- termination of its density. It has been supposed, although perhaps somewhat hastily, that the actual velocity is nearly equal to that of light. The manner in which the electric fluid makes its way, through a more or less perfect nonconductor, is not completely understood : it is doubtful whether the substance is forced away on each side, so as to leave a vacuum for the passage of the fluid, or whether the newly formed surface helps to guide it in its way ; and in some cases it has been supposed that the gradual communication of electricity has rendered the substance more capable of conducting it, either immediately, or, in the case of the air, by first rarefying it. However this may be, the perforation of a jar of glass by an overcharge, and that of a plate of air by a spark, appear to be effects of the same kind, although the charge of the jar is principally contained in the glass, while the plate of air is per- haps little concerned in the distribution of the electricity. The actual direction of the electric cur- rent has not in any instance been fully ascertained, although there are some ap- pearances which seem to justify the com- mon denominations of positive, and nega- tive. Thus, the fracture of a charged jar 42 THE ARTISAN. of glass, by spontaneous explosion, is well defined on the positive, and splintered on the negative side, as might be expected from the passage of a foreign substance from the former side to the latter ; and a candle, held between a positive and a ne- gative ball, although it apparently vi- brates between them, is found to heat the negative ball much more than the positive. We cannot, however, place much depen- dence on any circumstance of this kind, for it is doubtful whether any current of the fluid, which we can produce, pos- sesses sufficient momentum to carry with it a body of sensible magnitude. It is in fact of little consequence to the theory, whether the terms positive and negative be correctly applied, provided that their sense remain determined ; and that, like positive and negative quantities in mathe- matics, they be always understood of states which neutralise each other. The original opinion of Dufay, of the ex- istence of two distinct fluids, a vitreous and a resinous electricity, has at present few advocates, although some have thought such a supposition favoured by the pheno- mena of the galvanic decomposition of water. When electricity is simply accumulated without motion, it does not appear to have any effect, either mechanical, chemical, or physiological, by which its presence can be discovered ; the acceleration of the pulse, and the advancement of the growth of plants, which have been sometimes attributed to it, have not been confirmed by the most accurate experiments. An uninterrupted current of electricity, through a perfect conductor, would perhaps be also in every respect imperceptible, since the best conductors appear to be the least affected by it. Thus, if we place our hand on the conductor of an electrical ma- chine, the electricity will pass off continu- ally through the body, without exciting any sensation. The most common effect of the motion of the electric fluid is the production of light. Light is probably never occasioned by the passage of the fluid through a per- fect conductor ; for when the discharge of a large battery renders a small wire lu- minous, the fluid is not wholly confined to the wire, but overflows a little into the neighbouring space. There is always an appearance of light whenever the path of the fluid is interrupted by an imperfect conductor ; nor is the apparent contact of conducting substances sufficient to prevent it, unless they are held together by a con- siderable force ; thus, a chain, conveying a spark or shock, appears luminous at each link, and the rapidity of the motion is so great, that we can never observe any difference in the times of the appearance of the light in its different parts ; so that a series of luminous points, formed by the passage of the electric fluid, between a string of conducting bodies, represents at once a brilliant delineation of the whole figure in which they are arranged. A lump of sugar, a piece of wood, or an egg, may easily be made luminous in this, man - ner; and many substances, by means of their properties as solar phosphori, retain for some seconds the luminous appearance thus acquired. Even water is so imper- fect a conductor, that a strong shock may be seen in its passage through it; and when the air is sufficiently moistened or rarefied to become a conductor, the track of the fluid through it is indicated by streams of light, which are perhaps de- rived from a series of minute sparks pass- ing between the particles of water or of rarefied air. When the air is extremely rare, the light is greenish ; as it becomes more dense, the light becomes blue, and then violet, until it no longer conducts. iBisreKaneousi Subjects. MEMOIR OF THE LIFE OF JOHN WALLIS, D. D. (Continued from page 32.) In the year 1653, came out his, u Com- mercium Epistolicum,” being an episto- lary correspondence between Lord Brounc- ker and Dr. Wallis, on one part, and Messrs. Fermate and Frenicle, (two French gentlemen,) on the other; occa- sioned by a challenge given by Mr. Fer- mate, to the English, Dutch, and French mathematicians, to answer a numerical question ; but this sort of questions were not such as the Doctor was fond of; there- fore, at first, he did not pay that attention to it which it seemed to require ; but how he succeeded afterwards may be learnt from the following extracts. Sir Kenelm Digby thus writes to the Doctor from Paris : “ I beseech you to accept of the profession I here make you, with all truth and sincerity ; which is, that I honour most highly your great parts and worth, and the noble productions of your large and knowing mind, which maketh you the honour of our nation, and envy of all others ; certainly you have had the sa- tisfaction to have had the two greatest men in France, (Messrs. Fermate and Frenicle) to cope with ; and I doubt not but your letter will make them, and all the world, give as large and as full a de- ference to you. This excellent production of your single brain hath convinced our mathematicians here, that, like Samson, THE artisan; 43 you can easily break and snap asunder all the Philistines’ cords and snares, when the assault cometh warmly upon you.” Mr. Frenicle writes thus to Sir Renelm Digby : £< I have read over the last letter of the great Dr. Wallis, from which it appears plain to me, how much he excels in ma- thematical knowledge. I had given my opinion of him dreaming, but now I will- ingly give my judgment of him waking. Before, 1 saw Hercules, but it was play- ing with children; now 1 behold him destroying monsters at last, going forth in gigantic strength. Now must Holland yield to England, and Paris to Oxford.” Thus ended this learned dispute ; during which many other ingenious problems were started, and solved, equally to the honour of the doctor. In 1655, Mr. Thomas Hobbes published (i Six Lessons to the Professors of Mathe- matics in Oxford.” Upon this the Doctor wrote an answer, entitled, “ Due Correc- tion for Mr. Hobbes, or School Discipline for not saying his Lesson right.” About the year 1655 he published his Arithmetic of Infinites, which was evidently the ground work of Sir Isaac Newton’s method of Fluxions. In 1661, he wrote and published sundry tracts, and a great variety of letters, on philosophical, mathematical, and mecha- nical, subjects. Upon the Restoration he met with great respect ; and was not only admitted one of the king’s chaplains in ordinary, but likewise confirmed in his two places of Savillian Professor, and keeper of the archives, at Oxford. It does not appear that Dr. Wallis had any con- siderable church-preferment, nor that he was desirous of it ; for, writing to a friend upon that subject, he says, “ I have not been fond of being a great man; studying more to be serviceable, than to be great ; and therefore have not sought after it.” However, in the year 1692, the queen made him the proffer of the deanery of Hereford, which, being not quite agree- able to his mind, he declined; probably not thinking it worth his accepting : for, he observes to a friend upon this occasion, that “ It w as a proverb, when I was a boy , 1 Better sit still than rise to fall.’ If I have deserved no better, I shall doubt whether I have deserved this; it being but equivalent to what I have, and with which I am contented : I am an old man, and am not like to enjoy any place long.” Thus did that great and good man give his la- bours to his country, without seeking those emoluments and rewards which others, without the least degree of merit, pursue with the greatest eagerness, and think themselves injured if they do not attain the in. The Doctor lived to a good old age. being upwards of eighty-seven when he died. (October 28, 1703.) He was interred in the choir of St. Mary’s church, in Ox- ford, where a handsome monument is erected to his memory, with a Latin in- scription. ON THE TEMPERING OF STEEL. ' The processes invented for the tempering of steel have been so various and so inefficient, that it is of importance to select such as appear to have been at- tended with success. Among those which have enabled us to give to this opera = tion a degree of certainty previously unknown, may be mentioned the baths of oil, or of a fusible metallic alloy. Chemists in this country have made re- peated experiments for the purpose of determining the degrees of temperature of all the common oils in a state of ebullition, as well as those of the fusion of many me- tallic alloys composed of bismuth, lead, and tin. Those who adopt the use of metallic baths for tempering cutting instruments, ought to have them heated in vessels of cast iron, of different sizes and forms, accord- ing to the nature of the instruments to be tempered. It would be well to have two of them placed one against the other in the body of a register stove, to intercept at pleasure the communication of the fire, in order to be able to heat the one while the other is tempered. This method presents many advantages. 1. There is, by this means, no uncer- tainty as to the decree of temperature which ought to be given ; for when once the operator has ascertained which of the metallic baths is adapted for the descrip- tion of instruments that he wishes to tem- per, he has only to arrange them in a row upon the surface of the solid metal, and kindle a fire to make it melt ; but great attention must be paid to remove all the instruments quickly, and to plunge them in cold water the moment the surface of the metal begins to liquefy, because they will then have all equally acquired the same temperature. 2. It is very difficult, not to say impos- sible, by the ancient method, to give the instruments an equal temperature through- out, when they happen to have thick backs ; for frequently the blade is too hot, and even experiences alterations, before the other parts are sufficiently and regu- larly heated. The new process of metallic baths is of incalculable advantage for tem- pering large files and rasps, which must be left a very long time in the fire before they become equally heated in all their parts. We are justified in saying that 44 THE ARTISAN. there are no instruments except the largest, such as ploug'h-shares, planes, &C. that cannot be tempered with much more cer- tainty by means of metallic baths, than by the methods formerly in use. An opinion is pretty generally enter- tained, that, in the -process of tempering, if the steel has been too much heated be- fore fmmersion, it is necessary to give it a second time an excess of temperature, to bring it back to its proper degree of hard- ness, and that, unless this be done, a good cutting instrument cannot be made. r I his is, however, a very injudicious attempt to rectify one inconvenience by another ; and a very little reflection will convince a thinking person that the method is alto- gether vicious, and has produced a great quantity of bad cutlery. It may be safely affirmed, that tKe lowest possible tempera- ture at which steel can be tempered, is in- disputably the best ; and that to repeat the operation in any manner, must essentially affect its principal properties. In fact, steel which has undergone too strong a temperature, rarefies, and has neither a fine nor a compact grain. It is so susceptible of alteration at the least de- gree of heat, that, if ever so slightly ex- posed to it, its cutting qualities are injured. It will be evident from these observations, that no degree of temperature can restore to steel which has once been over-heated, the properties it has lost. Notwithstand- ing this, many workmen perform this very delicate operation without any attention, with the idea that they can always repair their negligence by the improper method we have already mentioned . — ( Ann. de la Soc. d'Agr.) DESCRIPTION AND USE OF HAD- LEY’S QUADRANT. One of the most useful and convenient instruments for measuring the altitude of a i celestial object, is Hadley’s Quadrant, which is represented by the following figure : the artisan. 45 The form of the instrument is an octa- gonal sector of a circle, and contains 4.T- ; but, because of the double reflexion, the limb is divided into 90°. A B, and A C, are the two radii, and B C the circle or limb, which, together with the braces, P Q, form the octant, or frame of the quadrant; A is the index glass, H the fore horizon glass, and G the back horizon glass, and E F the corres- ponding sight vanes; I the coloured glass, the stem of which is put into the hole K, when the back . observation is used ; and L is a pencil for writing down the obser- vation. The altitude of any object is determined by the position of the index on the limb, when, by reflection, that object appears in contact with the horizon. If the object whose altitude is to be ob served be the sun, and if so bright that its image may be seen in the transparent part of the fore horizon glass, the eye is then to be applied to the upper hole in the sight vane ; otherwise, to the lower hole ; and, in this case, the quadrant is to be held so that the sun may be bisected by the line joining the silvered and transparent parts of the glass. The moon is to be kept as nearly as possible in the same position, and the image of a star is to be observed in the silvered part of the glass, adjacent to the line of separation of the two parts. There are two different methods of taking observations with the quadrant. In the first of these the face of the observer is directed towards that part of the hori- zon immediately under the sun; and is therefore called the fore observation. In the other method, the observer’s face is directed to the opposite part of the hori- zon, and consequently his back is towards the part under the sun, and is hence called the back observation. This last method of observation is to be used only when the horizon under the sun is ob- scured, or rendered indistinct by fog, or any other impediment. This quadrant was first proposed by Newton, but improved, or perhaps re- invented, by Hadley. Its operation de- pends on the effect of two mirrors, which bring both the objects of which the angular distance is to be measured at once into the field of view ; and the inclination of the speculums by which this is performed serves to determine the angle. The ray proceeding from one of the objects is made to coincide, after two reflections, with the ray coming immediately from the other, and since the inclination of the re- flecting surfaces is then half the angular distance of the objects, this inclination is read off on a scale in which every aciual degree represents two degrees of angular distance, and is marked accordingly. There is also a second fixed speculum placed at right angles to the moveable one, when in its remotest situation, which then produces a deviation of two right angles in the apparent place of one of the objects, and which enables us, by moving the index, to measure any angle between 80° and 90°. This operation is called the back obser- vation ; it is however seldom employed, on account of the difficulty of adjusting the speculum for it with accuracy. The reflecting instrument, originally invented by Hooke, was arranged in a manner somewhat different. FLOATING COLLIMATOR. A paper by Capt. H. Kater, was read on the 13th January, before the Royal Society, entitled “ A Description of a Floating’ Collimator. This instrument is destined to supply the place of a level or plumb-line in astro- nomical observations, and to furnish a ready *and perfectly exact method of de- termining the position of the horizontal or zenith point on the limb of a circle or ze- nith sector. Its principle is the invaria- bility, with respect to the horizon, of the position assumed by any body of invari- able figure and weight floating on a fluid. It consists of a rectangular box containing mercury, on which is floated a mass of cast iron, about twelve inches long, four broad, and half an inch thick, having two short uprights or Y’s of equal height, cast in one piece with the rest. On these is firmly attached a small telescope, furnished with cross wires, or, what is better, crossed portions of the fine balance spring of a watch, set flat-ways, and adjusted very exactly in the sidereal focus of its object- glass. The float is browned with nitric acid to prevent the adhesion of the mer- cury, and is prevented from moving late- rally by two smoothly polished iron pins, projecting from its sides in the middle of its length, which play freely in vertical grooves of polished iron in the sides of the box. When this instrument is used, it is placed at a short distance from the circle whose horizontal point is to be ascertained, on either side (suppose the north) of its centre, and the telescopes of the circle and of the collimator are so ad- justed, as to look mutually at each other’s cross wires (in the manner lately prac- tised by Messrs. Gauss and Bessel), first of all coarsely, by trial, applying the eye to the eye-glasses of the two instruments alternately, and finally by illuminating the crosss wires of the collimator with a lantern and oiled paper, (taking care to exclude false light by a black screen 46 THE ARTISAN* having an appertttre eqtial to that of the collimator,) and making the coincidence in the manner of an astronomical observa- tion, by the fine motion of the circle. The microscopes on the limb are then read off*, and thus the apparent zenith distance of the collimating point (intersection of the wires) is found. The collimator is then transferred to the other (south) side of the circle, and a corresponding observation made without reversing the circle , but merely by the motion of the telescope on the limb. The difference of the two zenith distances so read off is double the error of the zenith or horizontal point of the gra- duation, and their semi sum is the true zenith distance of the collimating point, or the co-inclination of the axis of the collimating telescope to the horizon. By the experiments detailed in Captain Rater’s paper, it appears that the error to he feared in the determination of the hori- zontal point by this instrument, can rarely amount to half a second if a mean of four or five observations be taken. In a hun- dred and fifty one single trials, two only gave an error of two seconds, and one of these was made with a wooden float. In upwards of a hundred and twenty of these observations, the error was not one se- cond. ROPE BRIDGES IN INDIA. These bridges are called Portable Rustic Bridges of Tension and Suspension, and they are exactly what the name describes. A few hackeries will carry the whole materials, and the appearance of the bridge is rustic and picturesque. They are distinctly bridges of tension and sus- pension, having no support whatever be- tween the extreme points of suspension independent of the standard piles, which are placed about fifteen feet from the banks of the nullah, or river, except what they derive from the tension, which is obtained by means of purchases applied to a most ingenious combination of tarred coir ropes of various sizes, lessening as they approach the centre. These form the foundation for the pathway, and are overlaid with a light split bamboo frame- work. The whole of this part of the fabric is a fine specimen of ingenuity and mathematical application. One great ad- vantage it possesses is, that if by any ac- cident one of the ropes should break, it might be replaced in a quarter of an hour, without any injury to the bridge. It is impossible in this article to give so particular a description as to render its minute parts clear, nor in fact can any description do so unaccompanied by the plan. The chief principle of its construction j is the perpendicular action of its weight, a principle obviously of paramount neces- I sity in this country, where the soil is so loose, and offers so little resistance — and more particularly in relation to *the spe- cific purpose for which they were invented* The whole weight of the bridge, there- I fore, resting on two single points, so far separated, and unassisted either by pier- head or abutment, rendered its construe- ' tion a matter of extreme delicacy, and it has been effected in a manner reflecting the highest credit on the genius of the inventor. The combination of lightness with security, and the adaptation, to the utmost nicety, of the required propor- tionate strength to the parts, forms its chief characteristics. The tension power I is wholly independent of the suspension. The bridge which was placed during the last rains over the Berrai torrent was 160 feet between the points of suspension, with a road-way of nine feet, and was opened for unrestricted use, excepting heavy loaded carts. The mails and bang- j hees passed regularly over it, and were by | its means forwarded when they would otherwise have been detained for several days. The last rainy season was the most severe within the last fifty years, and yet the bridge not only continued serviceable throughout, but on taking it to pieces it was found in a perfect state of repair. The bridge intended for the Caramnassa j is 320 feet span between the points of sus- pension, with a clear width of eight feet. It is in other respects the same a3 the Berai torrent bridge. A six-pounder j passes over with ease ; six horsemen also passed over together, and at a round pace, with perfect safety. We have no doubt but that these bridges will eventually become general. During the rains there will be three of them on the j! great military north-west road to Benares, and We feel satisfied their utility will be finally established at the conclusion of the season. — Calcutta John Bull. RAIL-ROADS— LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. On the 17th instant, a grand experi- ment as to the power of locomotive en- gines was performed at Killingworth Col- liery, near Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in presence of several gentlemen from the committees of the intended Manchester and Liverpool and Birmingham and Liver- pool rail-road companies — when the result was as follows: The engine being one of j eight-horse power, and weighing, with j the tender (containing water and coal?), THE ARTISAN. 47 five tons and ten hundred weight, was placed on a portion of rail- road, the incli- nation of which, in one mile and a quarter, was stated by the proprietor, Mr. Wood, to be one inch in a chain, or one part in 792: twelve waggons were placed on the rail- road; each containing two tons, and be- tween 13 and 14 hundred weight of coals— making a total useful weight of 32 tons and 8 cwt. The twelve waggons were drawn one mile and a quarter each way, making two miles and a half in the whole, in forty minutes, or at the rate of 3| miles an hour, consuming four pecks and a half of coals. Eight waggons were then drawn the same distance in thirty-six minutes, consuming four pecks of coals; and six waggons were drawn over the same ground in thirty two minutes, consuming five pecks of coals. Our correspondent also men- tions, that the engine must be supplied with hot or boiling, and not with cold water; and that two hundred gallons of water will take the engine 14 miles, at the end of which the supply must be re- newed. RHABDOLOGICAL ABACUS. A paper, drawn up by Dr. Gregory, was lately read before the Astronomical So- ciety of London, containing a description of a box of rods, named the Rhabdological Abacus , presented to the Society by the family of the late Henry Goodwyn, Esq. of Blackheath. It appears that these rods were invented by Mr. Goodwyn for the purpose of facilitating the multiplication of long numbers of frequent occurrence : they were probably suggested by Napier’s Rods, and are, for the purposes which the inven- tor had in view, a great improvement upon them. The rods, which are square prisms, contain on each side, successively, the pro- posed number in a multiplicand, and its several multiples up to nine times ; and these in the several series of rods are re- peated sufficiently often to serve for as ex- tensive multiplications as are likely to occur. Thus if the four faces of one rod contain respectively, once, twice, three times, and four times a proposed multipli- cand ; another rod will exhibit in like manner two, three, four, and five times the same ; a third rod, three, four, five, and six times the same ; and so on to nine ; and in several cases, more rods. The numbers are arranged uniformly upon equal and equidistant compartments ; while at a small constant distance to the left of each pro- duct, stands the number two, three, four, five, &c. which it represents. Hence, in performing a multiplication, the operator has only to select from the several faces of the rods the distinct products which belong to the respective digits in the multiplier, to place them in due order above each other, to add them up while they so stand, and write down their sum, which is evidently the entire product required, and obtained without the labour of multiplying for each separate product, or even of writing those products down. For still greater conveni- ence, the rods may be arranged upon a board with two parallel projections placed aslant at such an angle as of necessity produces the right arrangement. There are blank rods to place in those lines which accord with a cypher in the multi- plier ; and the arrangement may easily be carried on from the bottom product up- wards, by means of the indicating digits. DENSITY OF WATER. An elaborate memoir by Professor Hal- lostrom, on the specific gravity of water at different temperatures, and on the tempe- rature of its maximum density, has ap- peared in the Swedish Transactions for 1823. It is divided into two parts: The first contains a critical discussion of the results, and the methods employed by pre- ceding experimenters : the second, a de- tail of an extensive course of experiments, instituted by himself, with a view to the more accurate determination of this im- portant but difficult inquiry. The method of experimenting which he regarded as the most accurate, and which he therefore adopted, was to ascertain the weight of a hollow glass globe, very little heavier than water, and about inches in diameter, in water of every degree of temperature be- tween 0° and 32/5° cent. The errors aris- ing from a dilatation or contraction of the glass, the weight of the atmosphere, &c. were all calculated, and a corresponding correction made. The result was, that water attains its greatest density at a temperature of 4*108° cent. (39*394° Fahr.) ; and the limits of uncertainty, occasioned by the impossibility of ascer- taining the dilatation of glass with perfect accuracy, he estimates to be 0*238° (0*428° Fahr.) on either side of this number. PROF. OERSTED ON A METHOD OF ACCELERATING THE DIS- TILLATION OF LIQUIDS. In Gehlen’s Journal fur Chemie und Physik, i. 277 — 289, I have related a few experiments which demonstrate that the disengagement of gas in a fluid, resulting from chemical decomposition, never takes place except in contact with some solid 4 S THE ARTISAN. body. This principle may without doubt be applied to the disengagement of va- pours. If a metallic wire be suspended in a boiling fluid, it instantly becomes co- vered with bubbles of vapour. Hence it might be concluded, that a large number of metallic wires, introduced into a fluid which we wish to distil, wrnuld accele- rate, the formation of vapours. To prove this opinion, I introduced 10 pounds of brass wire, of one-fifth of a line in diame- ter, loosely rolled up, into a distillatory vessel containing 20 measures (about 10 pints) of brandy : the result was, that seven measures of brandy distilled over with a heat, which, without the wire, was capable of sending over only four measures. An expedient similar to this has been long in common use in England. When a steam-boiler has- become encrusted with so much earthy matter, that the contained water ceases to boil with rapidity, it is customary to throw in a quantity of the residue obtained from malt, by extracting its soluble portion, and which consists chiefly of small grains of fibres. Here the disengagement of vapour is promoted by the large number of thin and solid par- ticles. — (Tidskrift for Naturvidenska- berne.) SOLUTIONS OF QUESTIONS. Quest. 56, (page 16) answered by G. G. C. This question was, by mistake, numbered the same as another at page 400, vol. i. Present value of 50 calves at 21s. £52 10 0 Interest for 3 years 7 17 6 £ s. d. 60 7 6 Grazing 50 cal. at 10s. 25 0 0 Wintering 49 cal. at 15s. 36 15 0 61 15 o Interest for 2 years 6 3 6 67 18 6 Grazin g 48 cattle at 20s. 48 0 0 Wintering 47 do. at 25s. 58 15 0 106 15 0 Interest for 1 year 5 6 9 112 1 9 Grazing 46 cattle at 30s. 69 0 0 Wintering45do.at40s. 90 0 0 159 0 0 399 7 9 Amount of 44 cattle, at £10 10s is 462 0 0 Gain by bringing them up £62 12 3 This question was also answered cor- rectly by the Proposer ; but we received a solution which was not correct. Quest. 57, answered by J. D. Ironmon- ger-lane. Put x and y zz the days in which A and B respectively could have done the work, 12 , 12 tuen— -j zz 1, and x 2 xy zz 1000. x y In the first, the value of «isz — ; J x—12 12 x 2 consequently xy zz if this be sub- x—12 stituted for xy in the second, and the re- sult reduced, we obtain this equation S 3 — 1000 * -j- 12000 zz 0 ; which being resolved, gives xzzz20 days, and therefore y zz 30 days, the time in which each could have done the work. This question was also answered by Mr. Whitcombe. Quest. 58, answered by Mr. W. Ander- son, Strand. 1728 -f- (^) 2 zz 1728 X 1600zz2764800 x •7854zz3520252 incheszz55 m. 4f. 104 yds. 2 ft. 4 inches. This question was also correctly an- swered by Mr. Harding, Mr. J. Stephens, Mr. J. Taylor, Mr. Whitcombe, and Mr. A. Copcake. QUESTIONS FOR SOLUTION. Quest. 60, proposed by Mr. W. Taylor, Hackney. A ball descending by the force of gra- vity from the top of a tower, was observed to fall half the way in the last second of time ; required the tower’s height, and the whole time of descent? Quest. 61, proposed by Peter Plus, Portpairick. A hare starts 5 rods before a greyhound, and is not perceived by him till she has been up 34 seconds ; she scuds away at the rate of 12 miles per hour, and the dog, on view, makes after at the rate of 20 i miles ; how long will the course hold, j and how far will the dog have run when j he overtakes the hare ? To be solved without usingany algebraic j characters. THE ARTISAN, 4-J riEUHAms. AIR AS THE VEHICLE OF SOUND. The vibrations immediately dependent on elasticity, are those of rods, plates, rings, and some kinds of vessels, such as drinking glasses. These admit of much greater variety, but they are of more diffi- cult investigation than the vibrations of chords ; we shall therefore notice those only, that seem to have something particu- lar belonging to them. The vibrations of plates may be traced through wonderful varieties, by Professor Chladni’s method of strewing dry sand on the plates, which, when they are caused to vibrate by the operation of a bow, is collected into such lines as indicate those parts, which remain either perfectly, or very nearly at rest during the vibrations. Dr. Hooke had employed a similar me- thod, for showing the nature of the vibra- tions of a bell ; and it has sometimes been usual, in military mining, to strew sand on a drum, and to judge by the form in which it arranges itself, of the quarter from which the tremours produced by countermining proceed. The following are specimens of the simplest manner in which sand is collected into lines, on a plate of glass or metal, which is made to sound by means of the bow of a violin. The following figure represents a round plate performing some of its most com- licated vibrations, the lines of division eing indicated by the place of the sand. The following is a representation of a square plate, divided into a diversity of vi- brating portions. Vol. II.— No. 29. The vibrations of rings and of vessels are nearly connected with those of plates, but they are modified in a manner which has not yet been sufficiently investigated. A glass or a bell divides in general into four portions vibrating separately, and sometimes into six or eight ; they may be readily distinguished by means of the agitations excited by them in a fluid con- tained in the glass. It is almost unneces- sary to observe, that the fluid thus applied, by adding to the mass of matter to be moved, makes the vibration slower, and the sound more grave. In some cases the vibrations of fluids and solids are jointly concerned in the production of sound : thus, in most of the pipes of an organ denominated reed pipes, the length of a tongue of metal is so ad- justed, as to be capable of vibrating in the same time with the air contained in the pipe. Sometimes, however, the air only serves to excite the motion of the solid, as in some other organ pipes, which are usually much shorter than would be re- quired for producing the proper note alone, and probably in the glottis, or organ of the voice of animals. On the other hand, the alternate opening and shutting of the lips, in blowing the trumpet or French horn, can scarcely be called a vibration, and the pitch of the sound is here deter- mined by the properties of the air in the pipe only. The vibrations of a solid may be excited by an undulation propagated through a fluid ; thus, when a loud sound strikes against a chord, capable of vibrat- ing, either accurately, or very nearly, with the same frequency, it causes a sympathe- tic tone, resembling that from which it originated ; and the chord may produce such a sound, either by vibrating as a whole, or by dividing itself into any num- ber of equal parts. Thus, if the damper be raised from any of the strings of a harpsichord, it may be made to vibrate, by striking or singing any note, of which the sound corresponds, either to that of the whole string, or to that of any of its ali- quot parts. Sometimes also, two chords that are very nearly alike, appear, when sounding together, to produce precisely the same note, which differs a little from each of those which the chords would pro- duce separately; and a similar circum- stance has been observed with respect to D so THE ARTISAN. two organ pipes placed near each other. In these cases, the vibrating substances must affect each other through the medium of the air, nearly in the same manner as two clocks, which rest on the same sup- port, have been found to modify each other’s motions, so as to exhibit a perfect coincidence in all of them. When sounds of different musical strings are compared, a certain difference between them is perceived by the ear, which is called difference of tone ; and this differ- ence is also expressed by saying, that the one sound is graver, and the other more acute ; the variations of tone are found to have a constant or fixed relation to the comparative celerities of vibration. As the string performs more vibrations in a given time, the sound it yields be- comes more acute, and as it vibrates more slowly, the sound is graver. This is easily brought to the test of experiment. The strings that vibrate faster, either from the greater tension, or their smaller length and weight, invariably produce sounds that are more acute, &c. If eight strings be such, that the num- bers of the vibrations they perform in a given time, are as the numbers 24, 27, 30, 32, 36, 40, 45, 48, the sounds of the first seven will be perceived, as increasing in acuteness one above another, from the first to the last, and will yield the notes from the combinations of which all musical effects are produced. The tone is not affected by the extent of the vibrations, but merely by their time. The loudness of the sound is supposed to depend on the greater extent of the vibra- tions. Noise and discordant sounds arise from a want of isochronism of vibration. When the vibrations are isochronous, or all performed in the same time, the sounds are always musical. The last of the strings will sound what is called the octave above the first, and the same series may be repeated again between the numbers 48 and its double 96, and each note will be an octave above its cor- responding note in the first interval; the numbers of vibrations will be 54, 60, 64, 72, 80, 90, 96 ; and it is evident that this series may be continued, either up or down, without limit. The musical scale thus formed, is called the diatonic scale. The pleasure derived from the succes- sive or simultaneous perception of the sounds of this series, appears to be an ultimate fact that can be no farther ana- lysed, but must be referred to the original constitution of the mind. The selections of the combinations of these notes, capable of affording high degrees of pleasure, is the object of the musical art. The number of vibrations performed in a given time by any sonorous body, may be determined by comparing its sound with the note that is sounded by a musical string of a given length, weight, and tension. The ear is sufficient to decide what string in a harpsichord is in unison with the given sound. The number, of vi- brations performed in a given time by the former, is equal to the number of those performed in the same time by the latter. All musical sounds are computed to be contained within ten octaves ; so that the number of vibrations in a given time that yields the gravest note, is to that which yields the most acute, as 1 to 2 10 , or as 1 to 1024. OF WIND. The principal cause of those currents of air, to which we give the name of winds, is the disturbance of the equilibrium of the atmosphere, by the unequal distribu- tion of heat. The air or atmosphere which surrounds the earth is a fluid, possessing, in a remark - able degree, the property of being greatly expanded or rarefied by heat, and con- densed by cold. Therefore, when any portion of the air is heated, whether by a natural or artificial cause, it becomes rarer, and consequently ascends to the higher parts of the atmosphere: the cool and dense air then rushes in to restore the equilibrium, and the air at the surface moves from the poles towards the equator. The only supply for the air thus constantly abstracted from the higher latitudes, must be produced by a counter-current in the upper regions of the atmosphere, carrying back the air from the equator toward the pole. The quantity of air tansported by these opposite currents, is so nearly equal, that the average weight of the air, as mea- sured by the barometer, is the same in all places of the earth. If the surface of the earth were wholly covered with water, so that there was no part of it more disposed than another to obstruct the motion of the air, or that had a greater capacity than another, of acquir- ing or communicating heat, the air would probably circulate continually in this man- ner from the poles to the equator, and back again, without any irregularity whatso- ever. In consequence of the rotation of the earth on its axis, another motion is com- bined with that of the currents just des- cribed. The air, which is constantly moving from points where the earth's mo- tion on its axis is slower, to those where it is quicker, cannot have precisely the same motion eastward with the part of the sur- face over which it is passing, and there- fore must, relatively to that surface, des- cribe a curve, having its convexity turned THE ARTISAN, 51 to the east. The two currents, therefore, from the opposite hemispheres, when they meet toward the middle of the earth, have each acquired an apparent motion west- ward, and as their opposite motions from south and north must destroy one another, nothing will remain but this motion, by which they will go on together, and form a wind blowing directly from the east. This is the cause of the trade wind , which, {with certain exceptions} blows continually between the tropics, or rathef between 30° on the one side of the equator, and 30° on the other. The trade wind declines somewhat from due east toward the parallel to which the sun is vertical at different seasons of the year. As the sun approaches the southern tropic, the trade wind is directed some- what to the south ; and as he approaches the northern, somewhat to the north. The cause usually assigned for the trade wind, is the constant motion toward the west of the spot to which the sun is verti- cal, and where of course the rarefaction is greatest. This, it is supposed, draws along with it the air from the east. This, how- ever, is by no means satisfactory ; and it seems certain, that if the trade wind were produced in this way, it must have a great rapidity, in place of being a gentle breeze, at the rate of seven or eight miles an hour. The opinion that the trade wind is pro- duced by the air in its motion southward, falling back toward the west, is mentioned, but rejected, by Halley. It has since been espoused by Franklin and La Place, and is, on the whole, less objectionable than any other. The matter is here stated somewhat differently from what is done by those authors, particularly the effect of the cur- rents from the opposite hemispheres, in determining the motion to be wholly from the east. The attractions of the sun and moon have sometimes been considered as among the general causes of the winds. They have, no doubt, a tendency to produce in the atmosphere an undulation backwards and forwards, like the tides which they cause in the ocean. It does not appear, however, that they could produce any continued progressive motion of the air, similar to that of the trade winds. Their effects also are too minute to be perceived, amid the action of so many more powerful causes. The superior current above described restores the air carried from the higher latitudes to the lower with such a degree of equality, that the average weight of the atmosphere, as measured by the barometer, is nearly the same in all climates. This restoration is, however, subject to great local and temporary irregularities, from the different degrees of resistance that the air meets with in passing over the surface, and the different capacities of that surface for receiving and communicating heat. The motion of the inferior and superior currents may be seen exemplified on open- ing a door between two apartments of dif- ferent temperatures. The flame of a can- dle near the ground will show the stream that sets from the colder room to the warmer ; near the top it will indicate a stream in the opposite direction. As the average quantities of the air carried by these opposite currents are equal, the sur- face that separates them is probably not far different from that at which the barometer would stand at 15 inches, or half its me- dium height, at the surface. If we suppose the mean temperature to be 32°, this elevation will be found zz 3010 fathoms, or 18,060 feet zz 3*425 miles ; which is not so high as the summits of the Cordilleras. The upper stream in each hemisphere being directed to one point, namely, the pole of that hemisphere, there must arise a considerable condensation and acceleration of the air, as the currents approach that point ; and hence the causes of irregular winds must be increased on approaching the poles. The general direction of the upper cur- rent must be to the westward ; for the same reason that that of the lower was toward the east. The trade wind itself is subject to cer- tain irregularities. As the sun advances into the northern hemisphere, the trade wind becomes irregular; and about the middle of April, in all the tract between Africa and the Peninsula of India, and much beyond, changes from north-east to south-west, and continues to blow in that direction till the sun returns to the south- ern hemisphere. The cause of this change is difficult to be assigned. It seems probable that, by the sun’s entry into the northern hemis- phere, he communicates great heat to the sandy deserts of Africa, which lie to the west or south-west of the seas just men- tioned. The great heat acquired by the sand of those deserts produces a rarefac- tion in the columns of air incumbent upon them, and consequently a tendency, in the columns that are near them, and more mo- derately heated, to flow in and displace the heated air. The air of the Atlantic is most likely to do this ; and in passing over Nigritia, &c., to acquire a velocity that carries it on eastward through the Indian ocean. These periodical winds are called Mon- soons. The change, or the setting in of the monsoons, does not happen all at once. D 2 52 THE ARTISAN. In some places the shifting of the wind is accompanied with calms ; in others, with variable winds, heavy rains, thunder, and violent storms. The tract from the parallel of 30° to the pole, in each hemisphere, is the region of variable winds ; and their unsteadiness and violence seem to increase the nearer they approach the polar circles. The irregularity of winds proceeds from inequalities in the motion of the general currents above-mentioned, and from a va- riety of local causes ; also from the che- mical changes that are carried on in the air ; such as the solution and precipitation of moisture, and the action of the electric fluid on the different gases which compose the atmosphere. Sudden and strong gales of wind appear most always to arise from a diminution of the weight of the air in the tract where the wind prevails ; and are accompanied or preceded by a fall of the barometer. Notwithstanding these irregularities, there is in most countries a tendency to periodical winds more or less remarkable, according to the steadiness of the climate. Even with us, where an insular situation, with a great continent on one side, and a great ocean on the other, unites all the causes of a variable climate, the east wind usually prevails in the spring, from the vernal equinox to the summer solstice, and beyond it ; during the rest of the year, the westerly winds prevail, though not with- out frequent incursions of the east ; by which our most unpleasant weather is always produced. The Etesian , or northerly wind, prevails very much in summer all over Europe. Pliny describes it as blowing regularly in Italy for forty days after the summer sol- stice, lib. ii. cap. 47. It is part of the great current that carries the atmosphere of the higher latitudes down to the tropical regions. The velocity of the wind varies from one that is hardly sensible to one of 100 miles in an hour. The velocity of wind may be estimated by the velocity of clouds, or of light bodies carried by it. PERSPECTIVE. Having given a comprehensive and po- pular view of the beautiful and interesting science of Optics, we shall now introduce an equally beautiful and useful branch of natural philosophy — that is, Perspective. This may be considered as a continuation of Optics, its fundamental principles being derived from that science, while its appli- cation is regulated by laws purely geome- trical. But though a correct knowledge of geo- metry is indispensably necessary to the acquirement of a complete knowledge of the practical part of perspective, we shall endeavour to convey a knowledge of the elementary and most useful part of this art, to those who have made but small pro- gress in the study of Geometry. Perspective is the art of delineating visible objects upon a plane surface, so that the figure drawn may represent the same form and position, w hich the object holds in nature, or, as it would be found to be represented upon the retina, in the bottom of the eye. Perspective is usually divided into two blanches, linear and aerial. Linear Perspective regards the position, magnitude, form, &c. of the several lines or colours of objects, and the manner of exhibiting their diminution. It is, there- fore, the mathematical part of perspec- tive. Aerial Perspective is that which regards the colour, lustre, strength, boldness, &c. of distant objects, considered as viewed through a column of air ; it therefore forms an important part of the art of painting. Linear Perspective > suppose a glass plane, as THE ARTISAN. 53 H I raised perpendicular on an horizontal plane; and the spectator S directing his eye O, to the triangle ABC: if now we conceive the rays AO, OB. OC, &c. in their passage through the plane, to leave their traces or vestigia, in a, b, c, &c. on the plane ; there will appear the triangle a b c, which, as it strikes the eye by the rays a O, b O, c O, by which the species of the triangle A B C is carried to the same ; it will exhibit the true appearance of the triangle A B C, though the object should be removed; the same distance and height of the eye being preserved. The business of perspective , then, is to show by what certain rules the points a b c, &c. may be found geometrically : and hence also, we have a mechanical method of delineating any object very accurately. In delivering the general laws of this branch of study, it is necessary to premise the following properties of a right line; namely, That the appearance of a right line is ever a right line, whence the two extremes being given, the whole line is given. That if a line F G, as represented in the following figure, be perpendicular to any right line NI drawn on a plane, it will be perpendicular to every other right line through the same point G, drawn on the same plane. That the height of the point appearing on a plane, is to the height of the eye, as the distance from the objective point from the plane, to the aggregate of that distance, and the distance of the eye. Besides these elementary observations, it is necessary we should subjoin the fol- lowing definitions , respecting the various planes, &c. referred to when treating of Perspective. DEFINITIONS. 1 . The plane on which the representa- tion, projection, or picture of any object is drawn, is called the perspective plane , and also the plane of the picture. It is supposed to be placed between the eye and the object. 2. The point of sight is that point from which the picture ought to be viewed. This point is also called the point of view. 3. If from the point of sight, a line be drawn at right angles to the picture or perspective plane, the point in which it meets that plane is called the centre of the picture; and the distance between that centre and the point of sight, or the per- pendicular above mentioned, is called the distance of the picture. 4. By original object, is meant the real object placed in the situation it is repre- sented to have by the picture. 5. By original plane, is meant the plane on which any original point, line, or plane figure, is situated. 6. The point in which any original line, or any original line produced, cuts the perspective plane, is called the intersection of that line. 7. The line in which any original plane cuts the perspective plane, is called the intersection of that original plane. If the original plane be that of the horizon, its intersection with the picture, or the line above mentioned, is called the ground line. 8. The point in which a straight line drawn through the point of sight parallel to any original line cuts the picture, is called the vanishing point of that ori- ginal line. And the distance between that point and the point of sight, is simply called the distance of that vanishing point. 9. The line in which a plane drawn through the point of sight parallel to any original plane cuts the perspective plane, is called the vanishing line of that original plane. If from the point of sight there be drawn a line cutting that vanishing line at right angles, the point of intersection is called the centre of the vanishing line. And the distance between the point of sight and that point or centre, is called simply the distance of the vanishing line. 10. If from a given point, a straight line be drawn at right angles to any plane, the point of intersection is called the seat or orthographic projection of the given point on that plane. And if from all the points of any line or plane figure perpendi- culars be drawn to any plane, the line or figure formed by their intersections with it, is called the seat or orthographic pro- jection of the given line or figure on that plane. Previous to giving rules for delineating objects according to the established laws of perspective, we shall shov.' how this may be done in a mechanical manner, by means of a frame with cross threads or wires, in- terposed between the eye and the object. The eye is to be applied to an aperture, which must be fixed, in order to preserve the proportions of the picture ; and which must be small, in order that the threads and the more distant objects may be viewed at the same time with sufficient distinct- 54 THE ARTISAN. ness. The paper being furnished with corresponding lines, we may observe in what division of the frame any conspicu- ous point of the object appears, and may then represent its image by a point simi- larly situated among the lines drawn on our paper; and having obtained in this manner a sufficient number of points, we may complete the figures by the addition of proper outlines. Sometimes, for the delineation ^f large objects requiring close inspection, it has been found useful to employ two similar frames, the one a little smaller than the other, and placed a certain distance from it, so that every part of the object, when seen through the corresponding divisions of both frames, appears in the same man- ner as if the eye were situated at a very remote point. The following figure represents an in- strument of this kind. The dotted lines show how a second frame may be applied instead of the sight, so as to answer the same purpose. Having now shown the nature of per- attempt to illustrate the principles of thi& spective drawing, and given a number of art, by showing how any object may be definitions, in order to render the subject represented upon a plane, as it actually as intelligible as possible, we shall next appears in nature. A being the place of the eye, and BC point, and EL, IL their whole images: the plane of projection, if AD be parallel and A O being parallel to P Q, O will be to E F, G H, and I K, D will be their its vanishing point. vanishing point, and ED, GD, and ID, Let A be the centre of the picture re- their whole images : A L being parallel to presented by the following figure. E M and I N, L will be their vanishing THE ARTISAN. AB the horizontal vanishing line, AC species that can be distinguished amongst the vertical line, and D the point of dis- the ores of this metal is infinitely more tance, if a ground plane EFGH of any limited than those which are admitted in figure on the horizontal plane be placed in most of the other metals. The mine- .its true position with respect to IK, the ralogists, who have hitherto considered bottom of the picture, the vanishing point its varieties as species, have moreover of all its lines will be found, by drawing committed another error ; namely, that of I> L, DM, D N, and D O parallel to those having too closely followed the errors and lines respectively ; and the whole images prejudices of the miners. These, consider- of the lines will be P L, Q M, K N, and ing as ores of silver all those ores that are I O, determining by their intersections the figure R S T U, which will be the pro- jection of E F G H. The plan may also be drawn in an inverted position, below the line I K, and the point of distance taken above A, instead of below it. In order to find the position of the image of a given point of a line, we must divide the whole image in such a manner, that its parts may be to each other, in the same proportion as the distance of the given point, and of the eye, from the plane of projection. This may be readily done, when a ground plan has been first made, by drawing a line from any point in the plan, to the point of distance, which will cut the whole image of the line in the point required, as in the following figure : A B, being the whole image of the line re- presented by A C as a ground plan, and D the point of distance, we may find E the image of the point C, by drawing C D ; or we may make B F — B D, and A G~ AC, F G will then also cut A B in the point E. CHEMISTRY. SILVER. Silver is a very good conductor of elec- tricity and galvanism. It has no sensible taste nor smell ; neither does it produce any effect upon the animal economy ; and though it cannot be considered as dan- gerous to the health, it must, nevertheless, be reckoned amongst the number of per- fectly inert substances, destitute of any medicinal property. Nature presents silver neither in such abundance, nor in so many places, nor in such large masses, as most of the other metallic substances. Even the number of capable of affording this precious metal, of whatever nature they may be, which have very much obscured the natural history of this metal. Pure silver, when exposed to the air, remains in it without alteration, except with respect to its polish and brilliancy ; it becomes less shining and a little tar- nished at its surface, but without being, oxidized. We ought not, however, ta confound the kind of covering or stratum of a deep blue colour, which is formed upon old silver plate exposed for a long time to the contact of several gases mixed with the air; with a stratum which, accord- ing to the examination of it instituted by Mr. Proust, as merely a sulphuret of this metal. Silver has long been believed to he perfectly indestructible by the contact of the air, even when aided by a very in- tense heat; and on this account it was ranked amongst the perfect metals. Se- veral Chemists, and especially Junker, had advanced, that by treating silver by a long reverberation, and in a furnace where the flame circulated above the metal, the silver was at last converted into a vitriform oxide. It has even been added, that when united with mercury, and di- vided by this liquid metal, it was oxidized by the processes which are usually em- ployed for converting mercury into red oxide,, and which is not improbable. Many experiments made since the asser- tion of Junker, and by different pro- cesses, have proved that silver is really oxidizable, but only that it is much less so, and with much greater difficulty, than the other metals. Macquer was the first who remarked this oxidation, by exposing silver in a crucible to the intense heat of the furnace of Sevres twenty successive times. At the last time, very sensible traces of oxidation were perceived, and a vitrification of an olive colour. Macquer never failed to observe, when treating silver in the focus of a burning glass, that after a long incandescence, it be- came covered with a white powder, which formed a stratum upon the support of the silver. Homberg, in the first expe- riments with the burning glass of Tchirs- hausen, had made the same observations upon silver and upon gold. It cannot be doubted that these facts indicate a marked oxidation of the silver, and that they be- come more strong and conclusive when THE ARTISAN. &3 joined with the experiments which we shall mention. Van Marum made many valuable re- searches respecting the effects of electri- city with the grand machine of Teyler, and found that it took fire and burned. By passing the electric shock from a battery through a wire of this metal, the wire is suddenly reduced, asdt were, into powder, with a greenish white flame, which passes with the rapidity of light- ning, and the oxide manifestly formed in this operation is dissipated in smoke. If we perform the same operation by w rap- ping up the wire, or fixing it upon white paper, it attaches itself to it in a very fine powder of a greenish grey colour, so fine and so adherent, that it resembles smoke, or a light covering which cannot be sepa- rated from it again. It is impossible here to doubt either of the state of oxidation of the silver, or of its combustiblity ; because the phenomenon is constantly accompanied with flame. We may attribute this effect, which is not produced by ordinary fire, however intense it may be, to the extreme division of the metal by the electric shock, and to the high temperature produced by the electric composition in the body which is exposed to it. A stroke of lightning upon silver wires and silver furniture, produces exactly the same phenomena, and is followed by the same results. The oxide of silver formed by these different processes, and which is so diffi- cult to be obtained, is likewise extremely easy of reduction, because the silver ad- heres to the oxygen very weakly. Though the presence of this body augments its weight, changes its properties, and espe- cially renders it acrid and caustic, nothing more is required than to expose these greenish or yellowish grey oxides to the contact of the solar rays, in order to make them assume a darker colour, become black, and approach to the metallic state. When we heat them in close vessels, and with the pneumatic apparatus, we obtain from them pure oxygen gas, and easily convert them into the brilliant and ductile metal, by fusing them in a crucible. Neither carbon nor hydrogen have been combined with silver ; but it combines readily with sulphur and phosphorus. It is well known, that when silver is long exposed to the air, especially in frequented places, as churches, theatres, &c. it acquires a covering of a violet colour, which deprives it of its lustre and malleability. This covering, which forms a thin layer, can only be detatched from the silver by bending it, or breaking it in pieces with a hammer. It was examined by Mr. Proust, and found to be sulphuret of silver . Silver does not combine with the simple incombustibles. Silver combines readily with the greater number of metallic bodies. When silver and gold are kept melted together, they combine, and form an alloy, composed, as Homberg ascertained, of one part of silver and five of gold. He kept equal parts of gold and silver in gentle fusion for a quarter of an hour, and found, on breaking the crucible, two masses, the uppermost of which was pure silver, the undermost the whole gold combined with | of silver. Silver, however, may be melted with gold in almost any proportion ; and if the proper precautions be employed, the two metals remain combined together. The alloy of gold and silver is harder and more sonorous than gold. Its hard- ness is a maximum when the alloy contains two parts of gold and one of silver. The density of these metals is a little ’dimin- ished, and the colour of the gold is much altered, even when the proportion of the silver is small ; one part of silver produces a sensible change in twenty parts of gold. The colour is not only pale, but it has also a very sensible greenish tinge, as if the light reflected by the silver passed through a very thin covering of gold. This alloy, being more fusible than gold, is employed to solder pieces of that metal together. When silver and platinum are fused to- gether, (for which a very strong heat is necessary,) they form a mixture, not so ductile as silver, but harder and less white. The two metals are separated by keeping them for some time in the state of fusion ; the platinum sinking to the bottom from its weight. This circumstance would induce one to suppose, that there is very little affinity between them. Indeed, Dr. Lewis found, that when the two metals were melted together, they sputtered up as if there were a kind of repugnance be- tween them. The difficulty of uniting them was noticed also by Scheffer. OF PALLADIUM. This metal was first found by Dr. Wol- laston combined with platina, among the grains of which he supposes its ore to exist, or an alloy of it with iridium and osmium, scarcely distinguishable from the crude platina, though it is harder and heavier.. Palladium is of a greyish white colour, scarcely distinguishable from platina, and takes a good polish. It is ductile and very malleable; and being reduced into thin slips, is flexible, but not very elastic. Its fracture is fibrous, and in diverging striae, showing a kind of crystalline ar- rangement. In hardness it is superior to wrought iron. Its specific gravity is from 10’9 to 11*8. It is a less perfect conductor of caloric than most metals, and less ex- pansible, though in this it exceeds platina. THE ARTISAN. 57 On exposure to a strong heat, its surface tarnishes a little, and becomes blue; but an increased heat brightens it again. It is reducible per se. Its fusion requires a much higher heat than that of gold ; but if touched while hot with a small bit of sul- phur, it runs like zinc. The sulphuret is whiter than the metal itself, and extremely brittle. Nitric acid soon acquires a fine red colour from palladium, but the quantity it dissolves is small. Nitrous acid acts on it more quickly and powerfully. Sulphu- ric acid, by boiling, acquires a similar co- lour dissolving a small portion. Muriatic acid acts much in the same manner. Nitro- muriatic acid dissolves it rapidly, and assumes a deep red. Alkalis and earths throw down a preci- pitate from its solutions generally of a fine orange colour ; but it is partly re-dissolved in an excess of alkali. Some of the neutral salts, particularly those of potash, form with it triple compounds, much more solu- ble in water than those of platina, but insoluble in alcohol. Alkalis acts on palladium even in the metallic state ; the contact of air, however, promotes their action. A neutralized solution of palladium is precipitated of a dark orange or brown colour by recent muriate of tin ; but if it be in such proportions as to remain trans- parent, it is changed to a beautiful eme- rald green. Green sulphate of iron pre- cipitates the palladium in a metallic state. Sulphuretted hydrogen produces a dark brown precipitate ; prussiate of potash an olive coloured: and prussiate of mercury a yellowish white. As the last does not precipitate platina, it is an excellent test of palladium. This precipitate is from a neutral solution in nitric acid, and deto- nates at about 500° of Fahr., in a manner similar to gunpowder. Fluoric, arsenic, phosphoric, oxalic, tartaric, citric, and some other acids, with their salts, precipi- tate some of the solutions of palladium. When strongly heated, its surface as- sumes a blue colour; but by increasing the temperature, the original lustre is again restored. This blue colour is doubt- less a commencement of oxidizement ; but neither the properties of the oxides of this metal, nor the proportion of oxygen with which it combines, have been ascertained. The effect of hydrogen upon palladium has scarcely been tried. Chenevix melted the metal in a charcoal crucible, but it was not in the least altered. Palladium unites very readily to sul- phur. When it is strongly heated, the addition of a little sulphur causes it to run into fusion immediately, and the sul- phuret continues in a liquid state till it be only obscurely red hot. Sulphuret of pal- ladium is rather paler than the pure metal, and is extremely brittle. By means of heat and air, the sulphur may be gradually dissipated, and the metal obtained in a state of purity. Azote has probably no effect upon it; but muriatic acid promotes its oxidize- ment, and forms a red solution with the oxide. OF MERCURY. Mercury, like some other metals, ap- pears to have received its name from the planet, with which it was compared by the Persians, on account of its nature, which was supposed to approach to that of gold, as this planet is nearest to the sun, and has been known since the most re- mote ages of antiquity. From a compari- son of its properties with those of silver, it was long ago termed quicksilver , hydrar- gyrum. In the species of hieroglyphics that were formerly employed for repre- senting bodies, mercury was represented by the combined signs of the sun and moon, or of gold and silver, linked toge- ther, and supported upon a cross. The alchemists have laboured much upon this metal. They considered it as very much resembling gold and silver, and differing but very little from them ; they imagined that it wanted but very little to become either the one or the other, and they always hoped to discover the means of transmuting it into these metals. Some of them have even affirmed, that they had succeeded in effecting this transmutation. These adepts agree •with each other, that it is much more easy to convert it into silver than into gold. According to them, in order to convert it into silver, nothing more is required than to fix it. It was, therefore, in this fixation of mercury that they made all the art of their opus mag- num, all the marvellous part of their sci- ence to consist; this was the grand object of their attention, and the scope of all their wishes. All these pretensions, how- ever, are not supported by a single well- attested fact : and the more we advance in the study of the properties of mercury, the more differences we find between it and the metals to which it has been supposed to approach the nearest. The most celebrated philosophers, and the most able chemists, have all succes- sively occupied themselves with this metal : they have endeavoured to ascertain all its properties with more or less precision ; and the use which has been made of it since the end of the last century, or since the time of Boyle, in the construction of a great number of philosophical instru- ments, has afforded frequent occasion for investigating and examining its different characters. It is in this manner that its weight, its phosphorescence, its dilatibi- §8 THE ARTISAN, lity, its volatility, its alterability, its along the shore ; fancies that every thing mobility, &o. have been successively ascer- which the carriage or vessel passes is in tained. motion, and that he is himself at rest. The application of the pneumatic che- An appearance still more deceiving mistry has connected together all the takes place, when a person looks out of known facts relative to the chemical pro- the cabin window of a ship, in a dark perties of mercury ; it has given rise to night, at a distant light apparently in the discovery of a considerable number of motion. For the change of place in the new ones ; it has elucidated a great num- ber of facts which before could not be ex- plained ; it has drawn from oblivion seve- ral which were neglected, or in a manner abandoned; it has dissipated all the ob- scurity, ambiguity, or uncertainty that re- mained in the enunciation of its proper- ties ; it has conducted Chemists to several important discoveries : such as the mutual differences between the greater part of the metallic or mercurial salts ; the compara- tive state of the different oxides of mer- cury ; the action of each oxide upon this metal or its oxides ; the formation of seve- ral triple salts ; the cause of the energy and causticity of the mercurial salts or oxides ; the spontaneous reduction of these oxides; their decompositions by some of the metals ; the nature and characters of several precipitates ; the different states of some of its solutions; the extinction of mercury in a number of substances, which had always been considered as a simple division, but which, in reality, is a true oxidation. Mercury being one of the most useful of metallic substances for medical purposes, for the arts, and for all those branches of knowledge which extend our views of nature, we shall give a full de- tail of its properties. 4STEOHOMY, MOTIONS OF THE EARTH. When we consider the apparent diurnal motion of all the celestial bodies, we can- not but recognise the existence of one ge- neral cause, which produces this appear- ance. But when we consider that these bodies are not only at different distances from the earth, but at different distances from each other, and that these distances are not always the same, we shall find it difficult to conceive that it is the same cause that produces this appearance on all of them. The difficulty, however, becomes con- siderably less when it is recollected, that a person in motion, looking at an object at rest, perceives the same change of position in the object as if he were himself at rest, and the object in motion in the opposite direction. Every one who has looked, for the first time, from the window of a car- riage moving quickly along the road ; or from the deck of a ship sailing smoothly light may arise either from its being really in motion, or on board of another vessel, while the vessel, in which the spectator is, is placed at anchor ; or the light may be stationary, and its apparent motion occa- sioned by the motion of the ship which carries the spectator ; or it may even be occasioned by the motion of the vessel which carries the light being quicker or slower than the one which carries the spectator. The difficulty in determining to which of these causes the motion of the light is to be attributed, arises from the want of some intervening object whose state is known, and by which the apparent motion may be compared. Now this is precisely the situation in which we stand with regard to the heavenly bodies. For the motion of the earth on its axis, if it really has such a motion, must be in- comparably smoother than any vessel or machine made by human art; and as there is no fixed intermediate object between it and the heavenly bodies, no direct proof of this motion can be obtained. As far, then, as appearances enable us to judge, either the earth may be at rest, and the heavens carried round it every twenty-four hours* or the heavens may be at rest, and the earth revolve round its axis, in the same time. For the rising and setting of the sun and stars, with all the other celestial phenomena, will be pre- sented in the same order whether the hea- vens revolve round the earth, or the earth round its axis. However, on comparing these appear- ances with others which are more within our reach, and with the established laws of motion, we shall find it is much more probable they are occasioned by the revo- lution of the earth on its axis, than the re- volution of the whole heavens. For as the heavenly bodies present the same appear- ances to us, whether the firmament carries them round the earth, or the earth itself revolves in a contrary direction, it seems much more natural to admit the latter hy- pothesis than the former, and to regard the motion of the heavens as only ap- parent. The semidiameter of the earth is only about 4000 miles, and consequently its cir- cumference is about 25,000 miles. This is, therefore, the space every point of its equator must pass through, if the earth revolves on its axis, which is little more than 1000 miles per hour, or about 17 miles per minute, This velocity is cer- THE ARTISAN. 59 aj tainly very considerable, being nearly equal to that of a cannon-ball when it ij leaves the mouth of a cannon; but it be- comes totally insignificant when compared of with the motion of some of the heavenly rk bodies, required on the other supposition, in The distance of the sun from the earth is is about ninety-five millions of miles; and ly therefore if he revolves round the earth in 1 twenty-four hours, he must pass over more ij j than six times this space in the same time, be | and consequently must move at the rate a. of about 25,000,000 miles per hour, which :h is more than 20,000 times quicker than a e { cannon-ball. The planet Uranus is about el twenty times farther distant from the earth or than the sun, and consequently the velo- ie city of its daily motion must be twenty ijj times greater. But although these velo- ie cities are sufficient to startle the imagina- ie tion, they are really nothing when com- ie pared to the rapidity with which the fixed at stars must movedo accomplish a revolution is round the earth in twenty-four hours. If ;e the distance of the fixed stars be assumed s, at 200,000 times the distance of the sun if from the earth, they must move over the ], space of 1,400,000,000 miles per second, ir in order to complete a revolution round e the earth in twenty-four hours ! This is a it | degree of velocity of which we can have if J no kind of conception ; and yet, if we con- I sider the velocity which those stars must have that are many thousands of times more distant from the earth, it must be y almost infinitely greater. If we, there - i 0 ij fore, take into consideration the number of is bodies that must move, and the prodigious d rapidity of their motions, to produce the P same appearances which the revolution of : one body, with a comparatively moderate velocity, can produce, we shall scarcely b ! hesitate a moment in concluding that the motion of this one body is the true cause of these appearances. n This conclusion must appear still more s j obvious when we attend to the compara- e tive bulk of these different bodies. Of the ' planets which belong to the solar system, 3 three of them are known to be much e I greater than the earth ; Jupiter being j nearly fifteen hundred times ; Saturn nine s & hundred times ; and Uranus eighty times, f But the sun exceeds them all in magnitude, s being considerably more than a million of 0 times greater than the earth. Our igno- j ranee of the' real distances of the fixed j stars prevents us from ascertaining cor- I rectly their real magnitudes ; but, from y what we know of their distances, we are l entitled to conclude that they are at least j equal in size to the largest of the planets. \ If such, therefore, be the magnitude of these bodies, how inconsistent would it be with every idea of order and arrangement it to suppose, that such a vast number of im- mense bodies daily revolve round such a little and comparatively insignificant body as the earth ! What extraordinary power would be necessary to retain them in their orbits, and counterbalance the amazing centrifugal force which they must possess! The idea, too, of so many immense and in- dependent bodies, so vastly distant from the earth and from each other, performing their revolutions round this little ball, ex- actly in the same number of seconds, is scarcely to be entertained for a single mo- ment : all the phenomena, especially when supposed to arise from these revolutions, can be satisfactorily and easily accounted for, by supposing the earth to revolve on its axis. If we suppose the planets to be carried round the earth, from east to west, every twenty-four hours, and also allow them a motion peculiar to themselves from west to east, (which they are observed to have,) we produce such a combination of opposite motions, as has never yet been observed in any of the heavenly bodies, and which it would be impossible to ^reconcile with any of the known principles of mechanics. But the rotation of a body on its axis, combined with a motion in its curvilineal orbit, is what we are quite familiar with, and what is exhibited by a school-boy by spinning his top. But one of the strongest proofs of the ro- tation of the earth is its figure. For it is now well known that the earth is not a perfect sphere: its polar diameter being considerably less than its equatorial.* It is also known that this is the shape which a spherical body would in time assume, if it revolved on a fixed axis ; and therefore it is reasonable to conclude that the sphe- roidical figure of the earth is occasioned by its rotatory motion. This conclusion is supported by the extraordinary fact, that the difference between the polar and equa- torial axis of the earth, as deduced from theory alone, is nearly the same as from actual measurement of various arcs of me- ridian circles. — The same conclusion is farther supported by analogy. A rotatory motion has been observed in several of the other planets, and from west to east, the direction in which the earth must resolve in order to occasion the ap- parent diurnal motion of the heavens from east to west. Jupiter, a much larger body than the earth, turns round his axis in less than twelve hours. Now both the earth and Jupiter are known to be flattened at the poles. All these facts, therefore, lead us to conclude, that the earth has really a motion of rotation, and that the * Some of the objections which have been stated against the rotation of the earth will be noticed in treating of the Ptolemaic and Tychonic systems. m THE ARTISAN. diurnal motion of the heavens is only an illusion produced by this rotation. The diurnal rotation of the earth being assented to, its annual motion will scarcely be denied ; for its similarity to the other planets is considerably strengthened by this circumstance. For the planets being found to revolve on their axis, and to be flattened at the poles like the earth ; and being found to have periodical revolutions from west to east, we are led to suppose, that the earth has a similar revolution, in order to render the analogy between it and the rest of the planets complete. But the appearances afford us as little assistance in ascertaining the truth of this supposi- tion, as in the case of the diurnal motion ; for, whether we suppose the earth to be at rest and the sun to move round it in the ecliptic in the course of a year, or the sun to be at rest and the earth to describe this path in the same time ; the phenomena of the seasons, eclipses, and all other appear- ances connected with the sun’s annual mo- tion, may be explained on either hypothe- sis. But, although this be the case, it is much more probable that these appear- ances are produced by the annual motion of the earth round the sun, than by the motion of the sun round the earth. For by supposing the earth to move round the sun, we not only give order and simplicity to the solar system, and preserve the analogy, which is so conspicuous among the other bodies which compose that system, but we remove several difficulties which unavoid- ably attend the opposite hypothesis. — It has already been remarked, that the earth is considerably smaller than several of the other planets, and that it is about fourteen hundred thousand times less than the sun ; it is therefore quite inconsistent with every idea of order and arrangement to suppose, that bodies of such extraordinary size should revolve round one of comparatively small magnitude. For, independent of the complication of the planetary motions which such a supposition would introduce, it would overthrow one of the best estab- lished principles of mechanics,! and is quite inconsistent with the law which is known to subsist between the times of the revolutions of the planets, and their dis- tance from the sun. For the farther they are from the sun, their motion is the slower. Their periodic times of revolution being to each other as the cubes of their mean dis- tances from the sun. Now, according to this remarkable law, the length of a revo- lution of the earth round the sun, should be exactly a sidereal year. This is there- fore an incontestible proof that the earth moves round the sun, like the other pla- nets, and is subject to the same laws. To this we may add, that the aspects of in- crease and decrease of the planets, the times of their seeming to stand still, and move direct and retrograde, answer pre- cisely with the motion of the earth: but cannot be reconciled with that of the sun, without introducing the most absurd and monstrous suppositions, which would destroy all order, harmony, and simplicity, in the system. But the most direct proof of the earth’s annual motion is derived from the aberra- tion of light. For during the time which light takes to pass over the semidiameter of the earth’s orbit, which is 8' 13", the earth ought to move 20" , 232 in its orbit, and this is found by observations to be actually the case. The annual as well as the diurnal motion of the earth may, therefore, be considered as completely established. The objections which have been urged against these mo- tions, by the supporters of the Ptolemaic and Tychonic systems of the heavens, will be noticed when treating of these systems. To the texts of Scripture which seem to contradict the motions of the earth, the following reply may be made to them all. That it is plain from many instances, that the Scriptures were never designed to in- struct men in philosophy, but in matters of religion, and are not always to be taken in the literal sense. For Job describes the earth as being supported upon pillars , and in another place as being hung upon nothing ; and Moses calls the moonja great luminary, although it is well known to be an opaque body, which shines only by re- flecting the light of the sun. It is perfectly certain these expressions were not meant to convey any astronomical opinion; but employed because they ■would be easily understood by those to whom they were immediately addressed. In familiar discourse, astronomers them- selves speak of the sun’s place in the ecliptic, of his rising and setting, &c. ; for if they did not, they would be under the necessity of explainining their meaning every time they had occasion to mention those appearances. ON THE CHANGE OF SEASONS.* The alternate succession of day and night, as well as the variety of seasons, depend entirely on the motions of the earth. For if the sun and the earth were perfectly at rest with respect to each other, it is evident that one half of the earth would always be in the light, and the other half in darkness, as the sun can only enlighten one half of its surface at a * If a terrestrial globe be placed in the various positions mentioned in this article, it will contribute very much to impress the mind with the true cause of the change of the seasons. THE ARTISAN. 61 id re- ut id, id Id !f, i’s| a- tli ei lie id ■y ID (I IS )• 1C 11 >. ,0 e 1, it s 5 i i time. But as the earth turns round its axis once in twenty-four hours, any par- ticular place on its surface will pass through light and darkness alternately. As long as it continues in the enlightened hemisphere, it will be day at that place ; but while it passes through the opposite hemisphere, it will be night. But although the regular succession of day and night be occasioned by the diurnal revolution of the earth on its axis, yet this motion is not of itself sufficient to produce that variety in the lengths of days and nights, which the various places of the earth experience in the course of a year. For should it revolve on its axis, with one of its poles always pointed exactly to the sun, one half of the earth would be constantly in the light and the other half in darkness, notwithstanding its rotation. Again, if we suppose the earth to turn on its axis, with its equator directly pointed to the sun, then the light would just reach both poles, consequently all places would be in light and darkness alternately, and the days and nights would be exactly twelve hours each at every part of the globe. If either extremities of the earth’s axis, suppose the northern, were to make an acute angle with an imaginary line joining the centre of the sun with any point of the earth’s equator, it would follow that the north pole, and a certain tract round it, would remain always in the light, not- withstanding the revolution of the earth on its axis. Even those places in the northern hemisphere to which the sun ap- peared to rise and set, would have their days always longer than their nights ; at the equator the days and nights would be equal ; but in the southern hemisphere the reverse would happen to what took place in the northern. For those places to which the sun appeared to rise and set would have their nights longer than their days ; and the south pole would be con- stantly in darkness, with a tract around it equal to what was constantly in the light round the north pole. It is evident, also, that in this case the sun would be always on the north side of the equator, and ver- tical to a certain circle parallel to it, which would be as many degrees from the equa- tor, as the angle contained between the earth’s axis and the imaginary line wanted of a right angle. This last supposition is in some degree similar to what actually takes place in na- ture; for the axis of the earth makes an angle of 23§ degrees, with a perpendicular to its orbit ; and as the axis always re- mains parallel to itself, or points in the same direction, this angle must be con- stantly changing as the earth moves for- ward in its orbit.* This is well represented by the follow- ing figure, which shows the earth at twelve different times of the year. The line a b is the equator, n the north pole, and s the south. The signs of £ . &c. denote the points of the ecliptic in which the earth is when it has the positions in the figure. As the position of the poles of the earth, with respect to the sun, depends entirely on this angle, their position must always be changing; and, of course, every point on the earth’s surface must also alter its position with respect to the sun. About the 20th of March, when the sun, as seen from the earth, enters the sign Aries, the line supposed to join the centres of the earth and sun is perpendicular to the earth’s axis ; consequently both poles are # Or, what amounts to the same thing, the axis of the earth makes an angle with the plane of the ecliptic of 66| degrees. 62 THE ARTISAN. similarly situated with respect to the sun, as he is then directly over the equator, and the days and nights are equal at every place on the globe. This time of the year is called the vernal equinox, because spring commences to the inhabitants of the northern hemisphere, while autumn begins to those of the southern. fHtsceHancous Subjects. MEMOIR OF THE LTFE OF GODE- FROY WILLIAM DE LEIBNITZ. Godefroy William de Leibnitz, an emi- nent mathematician and philosopher in the 17 th century, was born at Leipsic in Saxony, in 1646. He soon made a prodi- gious progress in polite literature ; and at the age of fifteen years he applied himself to mathematics at Leipsic and Jena ; and upon his return to Leipsic in 1663, he maintained a thesis de Principiis Indivi- duationis. The year following he was admitted master of arts. About this time he read with great attention the Greek philosophers ; and endeavoured to recon- cile Plato with Aristotle, as he afterwards did Aristotle with Des Cartes. But the study of the law was his principal view ; in which faculty he was admitted bache- lor in 1665. The year following he would have taken the degree of doctor, but was refused it on pretence that he was too young, but in reality because he had raised himself several enemies, by reject- ing the principles of Aristotle and the schoolmen. Upon this he went to Altorf, where he maintained a thesis de Casibus Perplexis with such applause, that he had the degree of doctor conferred on him, and was offered a professorship extraordi- nary in law, which he refused. Thence he went to Nuremberg to visit the learned men there, and was introduced into the acquaintance of several persons engaged in the pursuit of the philosopher’s stone. In 1672 he went to Paris, and there con- tracted a friendship with the learned men, and applied himself with vigour to the mathematics. Having observed some de- fects in the arithmetical machine of Mr. Pascal, he invented a new one, which was so approved by Mr. Colbert and the aca- demy of sciences, that they offered him the place of pensionary-member. He might have settled to great advantage at Paris ; but as it would have been neces- sary to have embraced the Roman Catholic religion, he refused all offers. In 1673 he went to England, where he became ac- quainted with Mr. Oldenburg, secretary of the Royal Society, and Mr. John Col- lins, fellow of that, society. Soon after the elector of Mentz died, by which he lost his pension. He returned to France, whence he wrote a letter to the Duke of Brunswick, to inform him of his circum- stances. The prince returned him a kind answer ; and, as a pledge of his future favour, appointed him counsellor of his court, with a stipend, and gave him leave to continue at Paris till his arithmetical machine should be completed. In 1676 he returned to England, and thence went into Holland, in order to proceed to Hanover, where he proposed to settle. Upon his arrival there, he applied himself to enrich the duke’s library with the best books of all kinds. The duke dying in 1679, his successor, Ernest Augustus, then bishop of Osnabrug, shewed our author the same favour as his predecessor had done, and ordered him to write the history of the house of Brunswick. He undertook it, and travelled over Germany and Italy in order to collect materials, and returned to Hanover in 1690. In 1700 be was ad- mitted a member of the Royal Academy at Paris. The elector of Brandenburg, after- wards king of Prussia, founded an aca- demy the same year at Berlin by his ad- vice ; and he was appointed perpetual president, though his affairs would not permit him to reside constantly at Berlin. However, he furnished their memoirs with several curious pieces in geometry, polite literature, natural philosophy, and even physic. He projected an academy of the same kind at Dresden, and communicated the plan to the king of Poland in 1703; and this design would have been executed, if it had not been prevented by the confu- sions in Poland. He was engaged like- wise in a scheme for an universal lan- guage. His writings had long before made him famous over all Europe. Besides the office of privy-counsellor of justice, which the elector of Hanover had given him, the emperor appointed him in 1711 Aulic counsellor ; and the czar made him his privy-counsellor of justice, with a pension of a thousand ducats, after a conversation with him at Torgaw, at the time of the marriage of the princess of Wolfenbuttel with the son of that prince. He under- took at the same time the establishment of an academy of the sciences at Vienna ; but the plague prevented the execution of it. However, the emperor, as a mark of his favour, settled a pension on him of two thousand florins, and promised him another of four thousand, if he would come and reside at Vienna. He would have com- plied with this offer, but he was prevented by death. Upon his return to Hanover in 1714, he found that the elector, who was then raised to the throne of Great Britain, had appointed Mr. Eckhard his colleague in writing the history of Brunswick. — THE ARTISAN. 6& This work was interrupted by others which he wrote occasionally. The last affair he was engaged in was his dispute with Mr. Samuel Clarke ; which was put an end to by Mr. Leibnitz’s death, occa- sioned by the gout and stone, November 14th, 1716, aged 70. His memory was so strong, that, in order to fix any thing in it, he had no more to do but to write it once, and never read it again ; and he could, even in his old age, repeat Virgil exactly. He was of a warm temper, and was very sensible of the honour of being considered as one of the greatest men in Europe. He made use of the favour of princes for learning as well as himself. He professed the Lutheran religion, but never went to sermon ; and upon his death- bed, his coachman, who was his favourite servant, desiring him to send for a minis- ter, he refused, saying, he had no need of one. Mr. Locke and Mr. Molyneux plainly seem to think he was not so great a man as he had the reputation of being ; and, in truth, many of his metaphysical notions are quite unintelligible. In his Theodicte he seems to have had a confused idea of the true philosophy ; but it is not well digested, nor did he seem to perceive all ; the consequences of it. However, he was certainly a great genius, but dissipated by too great ambition to excel in every thing. | Foreigners did for some time ascribe to him the honour of an invention, of which be received the first hints from Sir Isaac ! Newton’s letters, who had discovered the method of fluxions in 1664 and 1665. It would be tedious to give the reader a de- tail of the dispute concerning the right to that invention. The method of fluxions and the Calculus Differ entialis are the same method of analysis under two dif- ferent names. Sir Isaac Newton and the English call it the method of fluxions ; but Leibnitz gave it the name of Calculus Diff er entialis , in which he has been fol- lowed by all the mathematicians abroad. The Marquis de l’Hospital published the elements of it under the title of The Ana- lysis of Infinitely Small Quantities . The very learned and ingenious Dr. Berkely, bishop of Cloyn in Ireland, has given rise to many pamphlets in defence of this highly-boasted of science. Many’ways of speaking, at least, in it were very excep- tionable. But Mr. Maclauran, professor of the mathematics in the university of Edinburgh, X published a treatise of flux- ions ; in which he proceeds with the preciseness of the ancient geometricians, has set the first principles of that science in [a clear light, and carried it to a vast height of perfection. By so doing, he has put an end to verbal disputes, which had | got into that science, as well as others, | that had^ been long plagued and incum- bered by them, and was like to have ob- structed its progress, and employed men of genius in jangling more than invention. With regard to the disputes between him and Dr. Clarke about space, none of them express themselves clearly or philosophi- cally enough. Nothing hath been reckon- ed by philosophers so obscure as time and place, or space ; yet the vulgar, and they themselves, too, in the affairs of life, un- derstand it very well. And yet I think every body would understand this propo- sition : a body would go on in the same line of direction for ever, did it meet with nothing to obstruct or retard its motion. Yet if this be understood, it is not diffi- cult, one would imagine, to comprehend in what sense space may be said to be infi- nite, and wherein it differs from body or matter. To the Editor of the Artisan. Sir, As it not unfrequently happens in cases of shipwreck, that various insurmountable obstacles prevent the possibility of either the people on shore or those in the stran- ded vessel, pursuing the whole of the plan given in your 22d No. p. 350, when the first part might be practised with success ; permit me to point out two methods, either of which may at any time be resorted to, whenever a rope communication can by any means be attained between the shore and the wreck, and the single whip pur- chase is established. A close net or canvas bag, invented by Mr. A. Bosquet in Feb. 1802, which I shall first describe, would be found a very useful accompaniment to the mortar appa- ratus, as it could be hauled to and fro by the whip in less time, perhaps, than any other machine of equal utility. This net, or canvas collar, should be made of dimen- sions, when stuffed with cork shavings, equal to about that of a small bed bolster, coiled or formed in this manner, like a collar, and sufficiently wide for the head and shoulders to pass through, or be put 64 THE ARTISAN. on and off by straps and buckles, so that it may occupy the space between the arm- pits and the loins ; this will sustain the person who has it on in an erect posture, and always high above the water, and most essentially protect him from those bruises on rocks which frequently prove fatal. It could be put on in a minute, and would not prevent the use of the limbs whenever ground was felt. The following description of a wicker boat, which was also invented by Mr. Bosquet, and published at the same time with the above, is given in the Naval Chronicle , Vol. vii. p. 137 ; and as I am thoroughly convinced that most of the ad- vantages mentioned by him would be gained by its use, I shall describe it in his own words : — “ First, the figure may be either oval or round, the latter I would prefer ; its form resembling a basin, com- posed of two frames of similar forms, con- structed of wickerwork, but of different diameters : the one laying within the other. The diameter of the inner frame at the mouth may be from five to six feet; the depth from the gunwale to the bottom, about three ; the internal diameter at the bottom, which is to be flat, a third less than at the mouth ; the space between the outer and inner frame, all round, and to its entire depth, may be about eighteen inches : this space to be closely filled with cork shavings, and closed with wicker work, or a light wooden gunwale. The bottom or area is to be furnished with two false lattice, or grated bottoms, of strong basket work, through which the water may have free egress and regress ; the ground bottom may be on a plane with the lower extremes of the sides, which may be furnished with a wooden seat; and the inner or upper bottom placed at from nine to twelve inches higher within the boat, and sufficiently firm to bear the required pressure to which it must be subject; it therefore may be composed of a grated wooden frame. This boat, by its own weight, will not draw more than from five to six inches, and with the additional weight of eight men within, the water would not rise to the second bottom ; and supposing that the boat might contain twenty men, which I think it might, yet the water would be found not to rise twelve inches internally above the second bottom. There should be a seat of wicker-work, all round stuffed like the sides, and about nine or ten inches high from the upper bottom. “ The advantages which would pertain to such a boat are — First, its cheapness and simplicity; it may cost about £5. Secondly, Any basket maker, with proper instructions, could make it. Thirdly , That of being conveniently portable ; half a dozen men could carry it. — Fourthly, It would not upset. — Fifthly, The utmost number of persons that could force them selves into it, could not cause it to founder, or the water to rise internally more than twelve or fourteen. inches. Sixthly, Though it might be filled for a moment, yet it would as suddenly free itself through its grated bottom. — Seventhly, Such a boat cannot go to pieces by any shock, nor can the most violent concussions against rocks, or the sides of a ship, do it any injury, as it will both yield and rebound by its elastic quality.” This last qualification mentioned by Mr. Bosquet, gives the wicker boat a decided superiority over every other, as it might without danger be hauled off through any sea without a man on board, which to another boat would be certain destruction. It might be hauled to and fro by the whip alone, or with both the whip and hawser, by reeving the hawser through two rollers fixed at opposite sides on her gunwale; this latter method would keep her more steady and better under command. When- ever the hawser is used, its in-shore end should be rove through the ring of a small anchor through which it can be veered, and hauled according to the motion of the wreck. I am Sir, Your obedient humble Servant, Navarchus. January 2 1st, 1825. SOLUTION OF QUESTIONS. Quest. 59, answered by J. Anderson, ( the Proposer. ) Put 16 ^ feet — m, *7854 ~ n, the area of each aperture, azz 48 inches, and b zz 60 in. Then by hydrost. Ijm :2m:: >ja : 2sfam~ the velocity of the water through the aperture at the bottom, and 2 am - m = the velocity through the one in the side. 2 n sj am + 2n *fam — in zz the quantity discharged by both in the first second of b *X *7854 X a X 2 time. Hence ■ - — x § — ^ v^a»i + 2 n^/am—m 24* 9" the time required. QUESTION FOR SOLUTION. Quest. 62, proposed by J. D. If 9 oxen eat up 3 acres of grass in 5 weeks, and 20 oxen eat up 10 acres of the same in 1 0 weeks ; how many oxen will eat up 30 acres of the same in 25 weeks, if the grass grow uniformly during that time ? THE ARTISAN. 65 ®@MITEY a PROPOSITION XXI. Theorem. — The angles in the same segment of a circle are equal to one another . Let ABCD be a circle, and RAD, RED angles in the same segment R AED : The angles R A D, R E D are equal to one another. Take F the centre of the circle A R CD : And, first, let the segment RAED be greater than a semicircle, and join R F, F D : And because the angle R F D is at the centre, and the angle R A D at the circumference, and that they have the same part of the circumference ; viz. RCD for their base ; therefore the angle B F D is double of the angle RAD: For the same reason, the angle R F D is double of the angle BED: Therefore the angle B A D is equal to the angle RED. Rut, if the segment RAED be not greater than a semicircle, let BAD, BED be angles in it; these also are equal to one another : Draw A F to the centre, and produce it to C, and join C E : Therefore the segment BADC is greater than a semicircle; and the angles in it RAC, R E C are equal, by the first case : For the same reason, because C R E D is greater than a semicircle, the angles CAD, CED are equal : Therefore the whole angle R A D is equal to the whole Vol. II.— No. 30. angle BED. Wherefore the angles in the same segment, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION XXII. Theorem. — The opposite angles of any quad- rilateral figure described in a circle , are together equal to two right angles. Let A R C D be a quadrilateral figure in the circle ABCD; any two of its opposite angles are together equal to two right angles. Join AC, B D ; and because the three angles of every triangle are equal to two riget angles, the three angles of the tri- angle CAB; viz. the angles C A B, A B C, B C A, are equal to two right angles : But the angle C A B is equal to the angle C D B, because they are in the same segment BADC, and the angle ACB is equal to the angle ADB, be- cause they are in the same segment ADCB: Therefore the whole angle A D C is equal to the angles CAB, ACB: To each of these equals add the angle ABC; therefore the angles A B C, C A B,, 33 RCA, are equal to the angles ABC, ADC: But ABC, C A B, B C A, are equal to two right angles; therefore also the angles ABC, ADC are equal to two right angles : In the same manner the angles B A D, D A B, D C B, may be shown to be equal to two right angles. There- fore, the opposite angles, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION XXIII. THEOREM.—Upon the same straight line , and upon the same side of it , there cannot be two similar segments of circles , not co- inciding with another. If it be possible, let the two similar seg- ments of circles; viz. ACB, ADB, be E 66 THE ARTISAN. line A B, not coinciding with one another : then, because the circle ACB cuts the circle A D B in the two points A, B, they cannot cut one another in any other point : one of the segments must therefore fall within the other: let ACB fall within ADB, and draw the straight line BCD, and join C A, DA: and because the segment A C B is similar to the segment ADB, and that similar segments of circles contain equal angles, the angle AC B is equal to the angle ADB, the exterior to the interior opposite, which is impossible. Therefore, there cannot be two similar segments of circles upon the same side of the same line, which do not coincide. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION XXIV. Theorem* — Similar segments of circles upon equal straight lines , are equal to one another. Let AEB, C FD be similar segments of circles upon the equal straight lines A B, CD; the segment AEB is equal to the segment C F D. For, if the segment A E B be applied to :e C “D the segment C F D, so as the point A be on C, and the straight line AB upon C D, the point B shall coincide with the point D, because AB is equal to CD: Therefore the straight line A B coinciding with C D, the segment AEB must coincide with the segment CFD, and therefore is equal to it. Wherefore, similar segments, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION XXV. Problem. — A segment of a circle being given , to describe the circle of which it is the segment . Let A B C be the given segment of a cir- cle; it is required to describe the circle of which it is the segment. Bisect A C in D, and from the point D draw D B at right angies to A C, and join A B : first, let the angles A B D, B A D be equal to one another; then the straight line B D is equal to D A, and therefore to D C ; and because the three straight lines DA, DB, DC, are all equal; D is the centre of the circle : from the centre D, at the distance of any of the three D A, D B, D C, describe a circle ; this shall pass through the other points; and the circle of which A B C is a segment is described : and because the centre D is in A C, the segment A B C is a semicircle. But if the angles A B D, B A D are not equal to one another, at the point A, in the straight line A B, make the angle B A E equal to the angle A B D, and produce B D, if neces- sary, to E, and join E C : and because the B 13 angle A P» E is equal to the angle B A E, th.e straight line B E is equal to E A : and because A D is equal to D C, and D E compidn to the triangles A D E, C D E, the two sides AD, DE are equal to the two CD, D E, each to each; and the angle ADE is equal to the angle C D E, for each of them is a right angle; there- fore the base A E is equal to the base E C : but A E was shown to be equal to E B, wherefore also B E is equal to E C : THE ARTISAN. 67 and the three straight Unes A E, E B, E C are therefore equal to one another; where- fore E is the centre of the circle. From the centre E, at the distance of any of the three A E, EB, EC, describe a circle, this shall pass through the other points ; and the circle of which A B C is a segment is described : also it is evident, that if the angle ABD be greater than the angle BAD, the centre E falls without the seg- ment ABC, which therefore is less than a semicircle: butif the angle A BD be less than B A D, the centre E falls within the segment ABC, which is therefore greater than a semicircle : Wherefore, a segment of a circle being given, the circle is des- cribed of which it is a segment. Which was to be done. PROPOSITION XXVI. Theorem. — In equal circles, equal angles stand upon equal arches, whether they be at the centres or circumferences. Let ABC, DE F be equal circles, and the equal angles BGC, EHF at their centers, and BAC, EDF, at their cir- cumferences: the arch B K C is equal to the arch ELF. Join B C, E F ; and because the circles A B C, D E F are equal, the straight lines drawn from their centres are equal : there- the two EH, H F ; and the angle at G is equal to the angle at H; therefore the base B C is equal to the base E F : and be- cause the angle at A is equal to the angle at D, the segment B A C is similar to the segment EDF; and they are upon equal straight lines BC,EF; but similar seg- ments of circles upon equal straight lines are equal to one another, therefore the segment BAC is equal to the segment EDF: but the whole circle A B C is equal to the whole D E F ; therefore the remain- ing segment B K C is equal to the remain- ing segment ELF, and the arch B K C to the arch ELF. Wherefore in equal cir- cles, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION XXVII. Theorem. — In equal circles, the angles which stand upon equal arches are equal to one another, whether they be at the centres or circumferences. Let the angles B G C, E H F at the cen- tres, and BAC, EDF at the circumferen .. ces of the equal circles ABC, D E F stand upon the equal arches B C, E F : the angle B GC is equal to the angle E H F, and the angle B A C to the angle EDF. If the angle B G C be equal to the angle EHF, it is manifest that the angle BAC is also equal to EDF. But, if not, one of them is the greater : let B G C be the A 68 THE ARTISAN. greater, and at the point G, in the straight line B G, make the angle BGK equal to the angle E H F. And because equal angles stand upon equal arches, when they are at the centre, the arch B K is equal to the arch E F : but E F is equal to B C ; therefore also B K is equal to B C, the less to the greater, which is impossible. Therefore the angle B G C is not unequal to the angle E H F ; that is, it is equal to it : and the angle at A is half of the angle B G C, and the angle at D half of the angle EHF: therefore the angle at A is equal to the angle at D. Wherefore, in equal circles, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION XXVIII. Theorem. — In equal circles , equal straight lines cut off equal arches, the greater equal to the greater , and the less to the less . Let ABC,DEF be equal circles, and BC, EF equal straight lines in them, which cut off the two greater arches BAG, EDF, and the two less BGC, EHF: the greater B A C is equal to the greater E D F, and the less B G C to the less EHF. Take K, L, the centres of the circles, and join B K, K C, E L, L F : and because A D the circles are equal, the straight from their centres are equal; therefore B K, K C are equal to B L, L F ; but the base B C is also equal to the base E F ; therefore the angle B K C is equal to the angle ELF: and equal angles stand upon equal arches, when they are at the centres ; therefore the arch B G C is equal to the arch E H F. But the whole circle A B C is equal to the whole EDF; the remaining part, therefore, of the cir- cumference ; viz. B A C, is equal to the remaining part EDF. Therefore, in equal circles, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION XXIX. Theorem. — In equal circles equal arches are subtended by equal straight lines. Let A B C, D E F be equal circles, and let the arches BGC, EHF also be equal, and join B C, E F : the straight line B C is equal to the straight line E F. Take K, L, the centres of the circles, join BR, RC, EL, L F : and because the arch B G C is equal to the arch EHF, the angle BKC is equal to the angle ELF: also because the circles ABC, DEFare equal, their radii are equal: therefore B K, K C are equal to E L, A 3 > L F, and they contain equal angles : there- fore the base B C is equal to the base EF , Therefore, in equal circles, &c. Q. E. D. THE ARTISAN* G9 PROPOSITION XXX. Problem . — To bisect a given arch ; that is, to divide it into two equal parts. Let A D B be the given arch ; it is re- quired to bisect it. Join A B, and bisect it in C ; from the point C draw CD at right angles to A B D and join AD,DB: the arch A D B is bi- sected in the point D. Because A C is equal to CB, and CD common to the triangles ACD,BCD, the two sides AC, CD are equal to the two B C, C D ; and the angle AC D is equal to the angle BCD, because each of them is a right angle ; therefore the base A D is equal to the base B D. But equal straight lines cut off equal arches, the greater equal to the greater, and the less to the less; and A D, D B are each of them less than a semicircle, because D C passes through the centre : Wherefore the arch A D is equal to the arch D B ; and there- fore the given arch A D B is bisected in D. Which was to be done. mecbanxcs. on Wheel carriages. The effect of the suspension of a car- riage on springs, is to equalize its motion, by causing every change to be more gra- dually communicating to it, by means of the flexibility of the springs, and by con- suming a certain portion of every sudden impulse, in generating a degree of rotatory motion. This rotatory motion depends on the oblique position of the straps suspend- ing the carriage, which prevents its swing- ing in a parallel direction ; such a vibra- tion as would take place, if the straps were parallel, would be too extensive, un- less they were very short, and then the motion would be somewhat rougher. The obliquity of the straps tends also in some measure to retain the carriage in a hori- zontal position: for if they were parallel, both being vertical, the lower one would have to support the greater portion of the weight, at least according to the common mode of fixing them to the bottom of the carriage ; the spring, therefore, being flexible, it would be still further depressed. But when the straps are oblique, the upper one assumes always the more vertical position, and consequently bears more of the load ; for when a body of any kind is supported by two oblique forces, their horizontal thrusts must be equal, other- wise the body would move more laterally ; and in order that the horizontal portions of the forces may be equal, the more in- clined to the horizon must be the greater : the upper string will, therefore, be a little depressed, and tire carriage will remain more nearly horizontal than if the springs were parallel. The reason for dividing the springs into separate plates, has already been explained : the beam of the carriage that unites the wheels, supplies the strength necessary for forming the communication between the axles ; if the body of the carriage itself was to perform this office, the springs would require to be so strong, that they could have little or no effect in equalizing the motion, and we should have a waggon instead of a coach. The ease with which a carriage moves, depends not only on the elasticity of the springs, but also on the small degree of stability of the equilibrium, of which we may judge in some measure, by tracing the path which the centre of gravity must describe, when the carriage swings. In the following figure A B and C D re- present the straps or braces by which a 70 THE ARTISAN. coach is suspended, if the centre of gravity be at E, F, or G, it must move, when the carriage swings in the curve passing through the respective point. The modes of attaching horses and oxen to carriages are different in different coun- tries, nor is it easy to determine the most eligible method. When horses are har- nessed to draw side by side, they are usually attached to the opposite ends of a bar or lever; and if their strength is very unequal, the bar is sometimes unequally divided by the fulcrum, the weaker horse being made to act on the longer bar, and being thus enabled to counteract the greater force of his companion. But even without this inequality, a compensation takes place, for the centre on which the bar moves, is always considerably behind the points of attachment of the horses; and when one of them falls back a little, the effective arm of the lever becomes more perpendicular to the direction of his force, and gives him a greater power, while the opposite arm becomes more oblique, and causes the other horse to act at a disadvantage, so that there is a kind of stability in the equilibrium. If the ful- crum were farther forwards than the ex- tremity of the bar, the two horses could never draw together with convenience. The following figure represents the mode of harnessing two horses, so as to make them draw conveniently together : When either horse ad vances so far that the bar A B assumes the position C D, the foremost horse has the disadvantage of acting on a lever, equivalent only to EF, while the other horse acts on EC. In mining countries, and in collieries, it is usual for facilitating the motion of the carriages, employed in moving the ore or the coals, to lay wheel-ways of wood or iron along the road on which they are to pass ; and this practice has of late been extended in some cases, as a substitute for the construction of navigable canals. Where there is a turning, the carriages are usually received on a frame supported by a pivot, which allows them to be turned with great ease. In particular situations these waggons are loaded by little carts, rolling without direction down inclined planes, and emptying themselves; they are also provided with similar con- trivances for being readily unloaded, when they arrive at the place of their destina- tion. The carriages used for drawing loaded boats over inclined planes, where they have to ascend and again to descend, are made to preserve their level, by having at one end four wheels instead of two, on the same transverse line; the outer one as much higher than the pair at the other end, as the inner ones are lower : and the wheel-way being so laid, that either the largest or the smallest act on it; according as the corresponding part of the plane is lower or higher than the opposite end. It is probable that roads paved with iron, or what is termed rail roads, may hereafter be employed for the purpose of expeditious travelling, since there is scarcely any resistance to be overcome, except that of the air ; consequently such roads would allow the velocity to be in- creased almost without limit. On this interesting subject we have just learned the result of a grand experiment, per- formed at Killingworth Colliery, near Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in presence of seve- ral gentlemen from the committees ap- pointed to manage the intended Manches- ter and Liverpool, and the Birmingham and Liverpool rail-roads about to be made. The experiment was made with a locomo- tive steam engine of eight horse power, and weighing, with the tender (containing water and coals), five tons and ten hundred weight, was placed ou a portion of rail-rood, the inclination of which, in one mile and a quarter, was stated by the proprietor Mr. Wood, to be one inch in a chain, or one part in 792 : twelve waggons were placed on the rail-road, each containing two tons and between 13 and 14 hundred weight of coals — making a total useful weight of 32 tons and 8 cwt. The twelve waggons were drawn one mile and a quarter each way, making two miles and a half in the THE ARTISAN. 71 whole, in forty minutes, or at the rate of 3g- miles an hour, consuming four pecks and a half of coals. Eight waggons were then drawn the same distance in thirty- six minutes, consuming four pecks of coals ; and six waggons were drawn over the same ground in thirty-two minutes, consuming five pecks of coals. We under- stand that the engine must be supplied with hot or boiling, and not with cold water ; and that two hundred gallons of water will take the engine 14 miles, at the end of which the supply must be renewed. ENGINE FOR DRIVING PILES. In the engine for driving piles or up- right beams, used for the foundations of buildings in water, or in soft ground, the weight is raised slowly to a considerable height, in order that, in falling, it may acquire sufficient energy to propel the pile with efficacy. The same force, if applied by very powerful machinery immediately to the pile, would perhaps produce an equal effect in driving it ; but it would be absolutely impossible in practice to con- struct machinery strong enough for the purpose, and if it were possible, there would be an immense loss of force from the friction. For example: supposing a weight of 500 pounds, falling from a height of 50 feet, to drive the pile 2 inches at each stroke ; then, if the resistance be considered as nearly uniform, its magni- tude must be about 150 thousand pounds, and the same moving power, with a me- chanical advantage of 300 to 1, would per- form the work in the same time. But for this purpose, some parts of the machinery must be able to support a strain equivalent to the draught of 600 horses. In the pile-driving engine, the forceps or tongs, sometimes called the monkey or follower, is opened as soon as the weight arrives at its greatest height ; and at the same time a lever detaches the drum employed for raising the weight, from the axis or wind- lass at which the horses are drawing ; the follower then descends after the weight, uncoiling the rope from the drum, and the force of the horses is employed in turning a fly-wheel, until the connection with the weight is again restored. The following figure represents an engine of this kind on Yauloue’s construction. The horses drawing at AB, raise the weight C, held by the tongs D, fixed in the follower E, which are opened when they reach the summit, by being pressed between the inclined planes F G, so as to let the weight fall. At the same time the lever H is raised by the rope I, and presses on the pin K L, so as to depress the lever M N, and draw the pin out of the drum P Q ; the follower then descends and uncoils the rope, its too rapid motion being prevented by the counterpoise R, acting on the spiral barrel Q. The motion is regulated by the fly S, the pinion of which is turned by the great wheel T. Having described the construction and operation of the pile engine, we shall here make a few remarks on the manner of re- gulating forces. If a machine were constructed for raising a solid weight, and so arranged, as to per- form its office in the shortest possible time With a given expense of power, the weight would still possess, when it arrived at the place of its destination, a considerable and still increasing velocity : in order that it might retain its situation, it would be necessary that this velocity should be des- troyed ; if it were suddenly destroyed, the machinery would undergo a strain which might be very injurious to it : and if the velocity were gradually diminished, the time would no longer be the same. In the second place; the forces generally em- 72 fHE ARTISAN. played are by no means uniformly accele- rating forces, like that of gravitation : they are not only less active when a cer- tain velocity has once been attained* but they are often capable of a temporary in- crease or diminution of intensity at plea- sure. We have mentioned the inconve- nience of producing a great final velocity, on account of its endangering the struc- ture of the machine ; if, therefore our per- manent force be calculated according to the common rule, so as to be able to maintain the equilibrium, and overcome the friction, the momentum or inertia of the weights, when once set in motion, will be able to sustain that motion equably ; and it will not be difficult to give them a sufficient momentum, by a greater exertion of the moving force, for a short space of time, at the beginning : and this is in fact the true mode of operation of many ma- chines where animal strength is employed. Other forces, for instance those of wind and water, regulate themselves in some measure, at least with respect to the rela- tive velocity of the sails and the wind, or the floatboards and the water ; for we may easily increase the resistance, until the most advantageous effect is produced. If we compare the greatest velocity with which a man or a horse can run or walk without fatigue, to the velocity of a stream of water, and the actual velocity of that part of the machine to which the force is applied, to the velocity of the float-boards of a water wheel, the strength which can be exerted may be represented, according to the experiments of some authors, by the impulse of the stream, as supposed to be proportional to the square of the relative velocity ; consequently the same velocity would be most advantageous in both cases, and the man or horse ought, according to these experiments, to move, when his force is applied to a machine, with one third of the velocity with which he could walk or run when at liberty. This, for a man, would be about a mile and a half an hour; for a horse, two or three miles : but in general both men and horses appear to work most advantageously with a velocity somewhat greater than this.* Where a uniformly accelerating force, like that of gravitation, is employed in machines, it might often be of advantage to regulate its operation, so that it might act nearly in the same manner as the forces that we have been considering ; at first with greater intensity, and afterwards with sufficient power to sustain the equilibrium, and overcome the friction only. This might be done, by means of a spiral barrel, like the fusee of a watch ; and a similar See page 276, vol. i. modification has sometimes been applied, by causing the ascending weight, when it arrives near the place of its destination, to act on a counterpoise, which resists it with a force continually increasing, by the operation of a barrel of the same kind, so as to prevent the effect of the shock which too rapid a motion would occasion. On the whole, we may conclude, that on account of the limited velocity which is usually admissible in the operation of ma- chines, a very small portion of the moving force is expended in producing momentum • the velocity of 3 miles an hour, would be generated in a heavy body, descending by its own weight, in one seventh of a se- cond, and a very short time is generally sufficient for obtaining as rapid a motion as the machine or the nature of the force will allow ; and when this has been effected, the whole force is employed in maintaining the equilibrium, and over- coming the resistance. ESiECXK,ICZT-Z-. The production of heat by electricity frequently accompanies that of light, and appears to depend in some measure on the same circumstances. A fine wire may be fused and dissipated by the discharge of a battery ; and without being perfectly melted, it may sometimes be shortened or lengthened, accordingly as it is loose or stretched during the experiment. The more readily a metal conducts, the shorter is the portion of it which the same shock can destroy ; and it has sometimes been found, that a double charge of a battery has been capable of melting a quadruple length of wire of the same kind. The powerful effect of a battery may be very readily illustrated by the following- experiment. Let two or three pieces of gold leaf be put at the distance of jjjth of an inch from each other, between two thin slips of window-glass, on the ivory table a in the foilowing figure, THE ARTISAN. 73 and be held fast to the table by the rods c and b , turning on the stiff joints e and d , and insulated by the glass legs g g . If the battery, (page 41,) be charged, and a wire or chain from the hook e join the rod c, and the knob z of the discharging rod touch the rod b, at the same time that its other knob a touches the knob c of the battery, the discharge will pass between the glass slips, break them in its passage, melt or rather oxydize the gold leaf, and enamel or incorporate it with the pieces of broken glass. If a small weight be placed on the glass slips, the experiment will succeed still better. The mechanical effects of electricity are probably in many cases the consequences of the rarefac tion produced by the heat which is excited; thus, the explosion, attending the transmission of a shock or spark through the air, may easily be sup- posed to be derived from the expansion caused by heat ; and the destruction of a glass tube, which contains a fluid in a capillary bore, when a spark is caused to pass through it, is the natural consequence of the conversion of some particles of the fluid into vapour. But when a glass jar is perforated, this rarefaction cannot be supposed to be adequate to the effect. It is remarkable that such a perforation may be made by a very moderate discharge, when the glass is in contact with oil or with sealing wax ; and no sufficient ex- planation of this circumstance has yet been given. A strong current of electricity, or a suc- cession of shocks or sparks, transmitted through a substance, by means of fine wires, is capable of producing many che- mical combinations and decompositions, some of which may be attributed merely to the heat which it occasions, but others are wholly different. Of these the most remarkable is the production of oxygen and hydrogen gas from common water, which are usually extricated at once, in such quantities, as, when again combined, will reproduce the water which has dis- appeared ; but in some cases the oxygen appears to be disengaged most copiously at the positive wire, and the hydrogen at the negative. When the ^park is received by the tongue, it has generally a subacid taste ; and an explosion of any kind is usually accompanied by a smell somewhat like that of sulphur, or rather of fired gun- powder. The peculiar sensation, which the electric fluid occasions in the human frame, appears in general to be derived from the spasmodic contractions of the mus- cles through which it passes ; although in some cases it produces pain of a differ- ent kind; thus, the spark of a conductor occasions a disagreeable sensation in the skin, and when an excoriated surface is placed in the galvanic current, a sense of smarting, mixed with burning, is expe- rienced. Sometimes the effect of a shock is felt most powerfully at the joints, on account of the difficulty which the fluid finds in passing the articulating surfaces which form the cavity of the joints. The sudden death of an animal, in consequence of a violent shock, is probably owing to the immediate exhaustion of the whole energy of the nervous system. It is re- markable that a very minute tremor, com- municated to the most elastic parts of the body, in particular to the chest, produces an agitation of the nerves, which is not wholly unlike the effect of a weak elec- tricity. The electricity produced by the simple contact of any two substances is extremely weak, and can only be detected by very delicate experiments : in general it appears that the substance, which conducts the more readily, acquires a slight degree of negative electricity, while the other sub- stance is positively electrified in an equal degree. The same disposition of the fluid is also usually produced by friction, the one substance always losing as much as the other gains ; and commonly, although not always, the worst conductor becomes positive. At the instant in which the fric- tion is applied, the capacities or attractions of the bodies for electricity appear to be altered, and a greater or less quantity is required for saturating them ; and upon the cessation of the temporary change, this redundancy or deficiency is rendered sen- sible. When two substances of the same kind are rubbed together, the smaller or the rougher becomes negatively electrified; perhaps because the smaller surface is more heated, in consequence of its under- going more friction than an equal portion of the larger, and hence becomes a better conductor ; and because the rougher is in itself a better conductor than the smoother, and may possibly have its conducting powers increased by the greater agitation of its parts which the friction produces. The back of a live cat becomes positively electrified, with whatever substance it is rubbed ; glass is positive in most cases, but not when rubbed with mercury in a vacuum, although sealing wax, which is generally negative, is rendered positive by immersion in a trough of mercury. When a white and a black silk stocking are rubbed together, the white stocking ac- quires positive electricity, and the black negative, perhaps because the black dye renders the silk both rougher and a better conductor. Vapours are generally in a negative state; but if they rise from metallic sub- stances, or even from some kinds of heated 74 THE ARTISAN. glass, the effect is uncertain, probably on account of some chemical actions which interfere with it. Sulphur becomes elec- trical in cooling, and wax candles are said to be sometimes found in a state so electrical, when they are taken out of their moulds, as to attract the particles of dust which are floating near them. The tourmalin, and several other crystallized stones, become electrical when heated or cooled, and it is found that the disposition, assumed by the fluid, bears a certain rela- tion to the direction in which the stone transmits the light most readily; some parts of the crystal being rendered always positively and others negatively electrical, by an increase of temperature. If a piece of window-glass be laid on a warm poker, and the tourmalin on the glass, the glass will become negative, and the side of the stone touching it will be positive. The heat excites the tourmalin, and qualifies it to absorb electricity from the glass ; the glass of course becomes negative, while the fossil is in a state of condensation. Electricity does not appear over the whole surface of the stone, but only on two opposite sides, like the poles of a loadstone ; so that its virtue lies in the direction of its strata, and, therefore, is capable of being forced, or drawn, to or from one pole towards the other, by heat- ing, cooling, or friction. When put in the fire, it becomes covered with ashes ; when rubbed with silk it emits strong flashes ; and is luminous when warmed in the dark : so that changing the degree of heat, is what excites the stone. That the animal nerve is a vehicle for electricity, and perhaps the cause of sen- sation, many experiments make more than probable. In the torpedo, we find an electrical battery, abstracted from the ves- sels appropriated to the animal functions ; it consists of a great number of vessels like an honey-comb, standing across the fish, from its belly to its back; so that if one hand touches the belly, and the other the back, an electric shock is instantly felt, and the fish is convulsed. If the fish be touched with a stick, a numbness seizes the hand that holds the stick. The same effect takes place, if a charged battery be touched with a stick, because the stick is a bad conductor, and the electric matter can only pass through it in a stream, be- numbing the hand in its passage ; but a regular conducting power from its positive and negative sides, would be a shock. The electric eel, or gymnotus, has a stronger electrical power than the torpedo: the head and shoulders of this fish contain the animal functions ; the rest seems all electrical : and electrical by volition, for the creature has the power of exerting or withholding the shock. If one hand be put in the water, and the other touch the eel, a violent shock takes place. Mr. Walker says he electrified thirty people at once with this eel ; and that sparks have been produced by an electric circuit of this kind. How these two species of fish collect and retain their electricity, in a conducting medium, is an inexplicable wonder ; they were no doubt endowed with this power for defence, and catching their prey ; and have organs to secrete it from the water as other animals secrete nutrition from the heterogeneous contents of the stomach. JHtSfellattemts subjects. MEMOIR OF THE LIFE OF SIR CHRISTOPHER WREN. Sir Christopher Wren was one of the greatest philosophers and mathematicians, as well as one of the most learned and emi- nent architects, of his age. He was the son of the Rev. Christopher Wren, Dean of Windsor, and was born at Knoyle, in Wiltshire, in 1632. He studied at Wad- ham College, Oxford, where he took the degree of Master of Arts in 1653, and was chosen Fellow of All Souls’ College there. Soon after he became one of that ingenious and learned society, who then met at Ox- ford, for the improvement of natural and experimental philosophy, and which at length produced the Royal Society. When very young, he discovered a sur- prising genius for the mathematics ; in which science he made great advances be- fore he was sixteen years of age. In 1657 he was made Professor of Astronomy in Gresham College, London ; and his lec- tures, which were much frequented, tend- ed greatly to the promotion of real know- ledge. He proposed several methods by which to account for the shadows return- ing backward ten degrees on the dial of King Ahaz, by the laws of nature. One subject of his lectures was upon telescopes, to the improvement of which he had greatly contributed ; another was on certain pro- perties of the air, and the barometer. In the year 1658 he read a description of the body and different phases of the planet Saturn ; which subject he proposed to in- vestigate, while his colleague, Mr. Rooke, then professor of geometry, was carrying on his observations upon the satellites of Jupiter. The same year he communicated some demonstrations concerning cycloids to Dr. Wallis, which were afterwards THE ARTISAN. 7 5 published by the Doctor at the end of his treatise upon that subject. About that i time also he resolved the problem pro- posed by Pascal, under the feigned name of John de Montford, to all the English mathematicians ; and returned another to the mathematicians in France, formerly proposed by Kepler, and then resolved likewise by himself, to which they never g’ave any solution. In 1660 he invented a method for the construction of solar eclipses ; and in the latter part of the same year he, with ten other gentlemen, formed themselves into a society, to meet weekly, for the improvement of natural and expe- rimental philosophy ; being the foundation of the Royal Society. In the beginning of t 1661 he was chosen Savilian Professor of Astronomy at Oxford, in the room of Dr. Seth Ward ; where he was the same year i created Doctor of Laws. Among his other accomplishments, Dr. Wren had gained so considerable a skill in architecture, that he was sent for the ! same year from Oxford, by order of King Charles the Second, to assist Sir John Denham, surveyor-general of the works. In 1663 he was chosen Fellow of the Royal Society, being one of those who were first appointed by the council after the grant of their charter. Not long after, it being expected that the King would make the society a visit, the Lord Broun- ker, then president, by a letter, requested I the advice of Dr. Wren, concerning the . experiments which might be most proper on that occasion. To whom the Doctor recommended principally the Torricellian experiment, and the weather needle, as being not mere amusements, but useful, i and also neat in their operation. In 1665 he travelled into France, to examine the most beautiful edifices and ii curious mechanical works there, when he made many useful observations. Upon his return home, he was appointed archi- tect, and one of the commissioners for re- pairing St. Paul’s cathedral. Within a 1 few days after the fire of London, 1666, he drew a plan for a new city, and presented i it to the king ; but it was not approved by i the parliament. In this model the chief t streets were to cross each other at right t angles, with lesser streets between them ; ij the churches, public buildings, &c. so !ii disposed, as not to interfere with the streets, and four piazzas placed at proper i] distances. Upon the death of Sir John * Denham, in 1668, he succeeded him in ii the office of surveyor-general of the king’s 'i works ; and from this time he had the di- * rection of a great many public edifices, by ,: i which he acquired the highest reputation. Ij He build the magnificent theatre at Ox- ford, St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Monument, ; the modern partof Hampton Court, Chelsea College, one of the wings of Greenwich Hospital, the churches of St. Stephen Wal- brook and St. Mary-le-Bow, with upwards of sixty other churches and public works, which that dreadful fire made necessary. In the management of which business he was assisted in the measurements, and laying out of private property, by the in- genious Dr. Robert Hook. The variety of business in which he was by this means engaged, requiring his constant attend® ance and concern, he resigned his Savilian Professorship at Oxford in 1673 ; and the year following he received from the king the honour of knighthood. He was one of the commissioners who, on the motion of Sir Jonas Moore, surveyor-general of the ordnance, had been appointed to find out a proper place for erecting an observa- tory ; and he proposed Greenwich, which was approved of ; the foundation stone of which was laid the 10th of August, 1675, and the building was afterwards finished, under the direction of Sir Jonas, with the advice and assistance of Sir Christopher. In 1680 he was chosen President of the Royal Society; afterwards appointed ar- chitect and commissioner of Chelsea Col- lege ; and in 1684, principal officer or comptroller of the works in Windsor Cas- tle. Sir Christopher sat twice in Parlia- ment, as a representative for two different boroughs. While he continued surveyor- general, his residence was in Scotland- yard; but after his removal from that office, in 1718, he lived in St. James’s- street, Westminster. He died the 25th of February, 1723, at 91 years of age; and he was interred with great solemnity in St. Paul’s Cathedral, in the vault under the south wing of the choir, near the east end. OF ELECTRICITY DEVELOPED DURING CHEMICAL ACTION. Mr. Becquerel, of the Royal Academy of Sciences in France, has just pub- lished some important remarks upon the above subject. In the first place, he has demonstrated that the electricity developed in chemical action was not appreciable by the apparatus at present in use. In order to prove this, the following experiment was made Since, in the action of an acid upon a metal, the acid takes the positive, and the metal the negative electricity, an attempt was made to form a battery with couples, each composed of a metal and an acid ; a slip of copper was then bent, and one of its extremities plunged into an acid, and the other in a concentrated solution of a hydrate of potash. Supposing an elec- tric tension, the acid would keep the posi- 76 THE ARTISAN, tive electricity, and transmit the negative electricity to the alkaline solution. A dozen of these plates were afterwards united by means of curved platina wires ; one of the ends of each being plunged into the acid, and the other into the neighbour- ing alkaline solution. This disposition was really that which was proper for an electric battery, and the distribution of the electricity ought to take place in it conformably to the theory of Volta, in the case in which each couple would have had an electric tension, however slight. This kind of battery being in action, the two ends of the galvanometrical wire were plunged into the two extreme liquids, where the tension was expected to be the strongest ; and it was immediately per- ceived that the variation of the magnetic needle was less than that which would have been obtained with a single couple. It was then demonstrated, that the elec- tricity developed during chemical action had no sensible tension ; and hence it is sufficiently clear why Sir H. Davy could not obtain electricity with a condensator, during the action of the sulphuric acid upon the potash. Mr. Becquerel has likewise directed his attention to the measure of chemical ac- tion, by means of electro-chemical effects. The experiment which led him to this was as follows — In plunging unequally the two ends of a metallic wire into an acid capable of attacking it, he observed a cur- rent of electricity pass from the end the most attacked to tlie other. He began by analysing this phenomenon, and afterwards discovered an apparatus, by the assistance of which, chemical action may be mea- sured. This apparatus is composed of two platina vases reposing upon a wire of the same metal. If the object is to ascer- tain which of the substances acts the most strongly upon an acid, two platina wires are to be taken, and the ends fixed in two cups filled with mercury, themselves com- municating with the extremities of the galvanometrical wire ; afterwards, by means of hooks, likewise of platina, two small fragments of different substances, neither of which exercises any electromo- tive action upon the metal, are attached to the extremity of these wires ; these sub- stances are made to touch the acid at the same time, so that the number of points of contact may be nearly the same ; the elec- tric current that will then manifest itself will pass from that substance which has experienced the stronger action on the part of the acid to the other. When the chemical actions of metals upon an acid are to be compared, small wires of these metals are substituted for those of platina; and, instead of the mer- cury, the cups are filled with an alkaline solution. By operating in this manner, it | has already been discovered that nitric acid acts more powerfully upon potash ij than upon soda ; that soda was more at- tacked than zinc, &c. If the relation between the chemical ac- tions of two acids upon one base is sought, I these acids are put into the two small pla- tina vases above-mentioned, into which two fragments of the same substance, each suspended to one end of the platina wire, must be plunged at the same time, and equally. The direction of the current in | this instance also will determine which of the acids has acted with the greater energy. The question, however, whether the energy with which an acid attacks a base can serve to measure their reciprocal affi- nity, cannot yet be satisfactorily resolved ; but there is reason to think that a relation must exist between these two effects, since the greater the affinity of one body for another, the more rapidly these bodies must approximate when in combination. It may, therefore, be reasonably supposed, that the relations between chemical ac- tions, found as above, do not differ greatly from those which would result from a comparison of their affinities. ON PREDICTING THE WEATHER. From a very great number of meteorolo- gical observations, made in England be- tween the years 1677 and 17S9, Mr. Kir • wan has deduced the following probable conjectures of the weather : — 1. That when there has been no storm before or after the vernal equinox, the en- suing summer is generally dry , at least five times in six. 2. That when a storm happens from any easterly point, either on the 19th, 20th, or 21st of March, the succeeding summer is generally dry, four times in fiv§. 8. That when a storm arises on the 25th, 26th, or 27th of March, and not before, in any point, the succeeding summer is ge- nerally dry, four times in five. 4. If there be a storm at S. W., or W. S. W., on the 19th, 20th, 21st, or 22d of March, the succeeding summer is gene- rally wet, four times in five. To the above we shall add the follow- ing observations from the Encyclopedia Britannica. 1. A moist autumn, with a mild winter, is generally followed by a cold and dry spring, which greatly retards vegetation. 2. If the summer be remarkably rainy, THE ARTISAN. 77 ii is probable that the ensuing winter will be severe; for the unusual evaporation will have carried olf the heat of the earth. W et summers are generally attended with an unusual quantity of seed on the white thorn and dog-rose bushes. Hence the unusual fruitfulness of these shrubs is a sign of a severe winter. 3. The appearance of cranes, and birds of passage, early in autumn, announces a very 'severe winter; for it is a sign that it has already begun in the northern coun- tries. 4. When it rains plentifully in May, it will rain but little in September, and vice versa. 5. When the wind is S.W. during sum- mer or autumn, and the temperature of the air unusually cold for the season, both to the feeling and the thermometer, with a low barometer, much rain is to be ex- pected. C. Violent temperatures, as storms or great rains, produce a sort of crisis in the atmosphere, which produces a constant temperature, good or bad, for some months. 7. A rainy winter predicts a sterile year; a severe autumn announces a windy winter. By the Barometer. It is now a considerable time since the barometer was proposed as a proper in- strument for predicting the weather ; and hence it obtained the name of weather glass. Accordingly, rules for this pur- pose have been given by Dr. Halley, Dr. Hutton, Messrs. Pascal, Patrick, Rown- ing, Changeux, de Luc, Clarke, Dalton, and many others, from whose writings we have collected the following rules. When the mercury in the barometer rises, it is a sign of fair weather, attended with heat, if in summer; but frost in win- ter. If the mercury falls, it denotes rain, or wind, or perhaps both. If the mercury rises suddenly during the time of rain, the ensuing fair weather will not continue long; but if the rise is gradual, and continues for several days, a continuance of fair weather may be ex- pected. If the mercury falls suddenly several divisions, it is a sign that the succeeding rain will not be of long duration. But if the mercury continues to fall regularly for several days, rain or wind, or perhaps both, will be of considerable duration. The mercury falling considerably in autumn, winter, or spring, indicates gales of wind, commonly attended with rain, snow, or sleet ; but, in summer, it denotes rain, and probably thunder. The mer- cury is low with high winds, and still lower if accompanied with rain. If the mercury falls quickly in very Warm wea- ther, thunder showers may be expected soon after. If the mercury be in an unsettled and fluctuating state, the weather has the ap- pearance of being very changeable. If the mercury has been stationary during several days, its surface must be carefully observed, to ascertain whether it is rising or falling. For this purpose, let the exact figure of the surface of the mercury be observed; then shake the tube a little, and observe if the mercury is more or less convex or concave. If it is more convex, it is a sign the mercury is rising; if the same as before, it is stationary ; but if less, that it has attained its greatest altitude at that time, and will fall soon. If the mercury was concave before the tube was shaken, and more concave after- wards, the mercury is falling ; if of the same concavity, or nearly so, it is sta- tionary ; but if less concave it is rising. Between the tropics, there is little varia- tion in the height of the mercury in the barometer ; and the more distant any place is from the equator, the greater is the range of the mercury. Thus, at St. He- lena, the extreme variation is very little ; at Jamaica it is only about three tenths of an inch ; at Naples it seldom exceeds an inch. In England the extreme range amounts to about 2f inches ; and at Peters- burgh to 3^ inches nearly. SUPPORTS FOR MINERALS BE- FORE THE BLOW PIPE. Some time ago, Mr. Smithson published an interesting paper on this subject, in the Annals of Philosophy, in which he re- commends the use of a mixture of water and clay, instead of water, saliva, or gum- water, generally used. A little of the moist clay is to be taken up on the end of the splinter of sappare ; and the particle to be heated being touched by it adheres, the whole is laid aside for a few minutes, and is then dry, and may be heated. Mr. Smithson also recommends small triangles, or slender slips of baked clay, in lieu of sappare, which is not always to be had. Another more recent process is, to file the very end of a platina wire flat, place the minutest portion of the moist clay on it, and then touch the particle to be heated. In a few moments it is dry, and may be put into the flame without flying off, un- less too much clay has been taken. Lieut.-Col. Totten, of the United States, has lately published some experiments on 78 THE ARTISAN. the same subject. His process is a modi- fication of that adopted by Mr. Smithson. “ Not being able,” says he, “ to obtain any clay sufficiently refractory for my purpose, though I tried the German and the English (Stourbridge) clay, used for crucibles by glass-blowers, and two or three specimens called pipe-clay, I had recourse to the minerals which I designed to expose to the action of the flame : this is Mr. Smithson’s third process. Instead, however, of taking upon the point of the wire a very minute portion of the paste made of the powdered mineral, according to Mr. Smithson’s method, I formed a paste by mixing the powder with very thick gum- water, and rolling a little of it under the finger, formed a very acute cone, sometimes nearly an inch in length, and generally about a twentieth of an inch in diameter at the base. These cones, being held by the forceps, or attached to the end of a wire, or even of a splinter of wood, may be directed accurately upon the mi- nutest visible particle ; and being a little moistened at the point with saliva, the particle will adhere to the very apex under the strongest blast of the blow-pipe. u I conceived, that when a very small quantity of paste was used, the extremity of the wire or forceps must necessarily abstract much heat from the fragment under examination, because it must itself be often within the limits of the blue flame ; and my object was, as much as possible, to insulate the fragment. These cones need not, in fact, be more than one-quar- ter or one-fifth of an inch in length ; for so effectually is the conducting property of the mineral substance destroyed, by des- troying the continuity of its particles, that one of these cones, of the length of half an inch, may be held at the base by the fingers with impunity, while the apex is in the focus of heat. “ One great advantage of this method over the others is, that if fusion ensues, it is owing entirely to the nature of the sub- stance experimented upon, and not in any degree to the agency of foreign substances acting as fluxes.” ( Annals of the Lyceum of Natural His- tory, New York.) REMARKS ON DIFFERENT HYPO- THESIS RESPECTING THE MOON, AND VARIOUS PHENOMENA OF THAT PLANET. We make no apology for submitting to our readers the subjoined extracts from a highly ingenious and interesting work, entitled Selenognostic Fragments, pub- lished by Dr. Gruithuisen, whose name ranks deservedly high in the list of foreign astronomers. No body in the starry heavens, observes the Doctor, in his introduction, excites more general interest than the faithful satellite of the earth : in fact, its surface presents, even to the naked eye; objects so varied, that it instantly inspires the spectator with a wish to inspect this un- known world, with the aid of a powerful telescope. But what especially prompts us to study the physical properties and constitution of the moon, is the expectation of discovering an analogy common to all the great bodies of the universe, with res- pect to their organization. This, he adds, is what has hitherto been the foundation of my celestial observations, being myself convinced that we shall never attain to any excellence in the study of geognosy, till we have discovered this analogy. It is with this intention that the auther has sur- veyed, examined, and studied many chains of terrestrial mountains ; and it is with this view that he publishes the par- ticular appearances, which eight years observations have enabled him to remark upon the surface of the moon. To render his work more intelligible to his readers, the Doctor has inserted a lithographic general map of this planet; for which purpose he has consulted Mayer’s draught of the moon, and the special maps given by Schroeter in his Selenographic Fragments. Nor has he neglected to avail himself of his own observations. He like- wise cites the lunar map of Lambert, and refers to a memoir of that philosopher in the first volume of the Berlin astronomical almanack. Atmosphere of the Moon. Cassini, Lou- ville, Bianchini, Carbone, Euler, Kruger, Boscovich, Ulloa, Dusejour, Wolf, and Halle, maintain the existence of a lunar atmosphere; while Mayer, Grandjean de Fouchy, De l’Isle, and De la Hire, deny it. Without dwelling upon the reasons and observations which, before the inven- tion of achromatic telescopes have been alleged on both sides of the question, Doctor Gruithuisen confines himself to the direct proofs drawn from the discoveries of Schroeter. The latter has calculated the elevation of the twilight observed by him in repeated observations on the in- creasing moon. This elevation agrees in a surprising manner with the theorem of Melanderhielm; namely, that on the sur- face of planets the density of their atmos- phere is in proportion to the squares of the weight of the bodies. This proportion had been suggested to Newton by that of the squares of weights on the surface of the moon, and the surface of the earth. THE ARTISAN, 79 In fact, this latter proportion being as 1 to 28*40, is almost equal to the result of Schroeter, who found that the lunar at- mosphere is 28-94 times less dense than our own. Hevelius, De Luc, and many other philosophers, have thought that the air on the surface of planets was only ether condensed, and have considered ether, in its turn, as rarefied air, an opinion, which, in a theoretical point of view, confirms the theorem ©f Melanderhielm. To attempt to combat this theory, adds our author, would have the effect of en- tangling us in a multitude of inextricable difficulties ; for we must then affirm that ether and air have no communication to- gether; that, consequently, they cannot mix, and that there is between them a kind of barrier, as if our earth was en- closed in a globe of hollow glass : yet we know that all gases mingle together, which, moreover, must happen from the pressure of our air upon ether, and, reciprocally, on account of the rapid motion of the earth. It is to this pressure that M. de Zach attributes the diurnal oscillations of the barometer, observed at the equator by Humboldt. We should likewise be obliged to affirm, that as the air of planets is es- sentially different from ether, there can be no affinity between them, and consequently that no body can burn in ether for want of oxygen, a conclusion not warranted by ob- servations, since shooting stars and me- teors burn and shine at a height at which in general the presence of atmospheric air is not supposed. For example, in 1795, Schroeter saw, with his reflecting telescope of 20 feet long, a shooting star, the height of which he estimated at more than four millions of miles. If then it be admitted that each body of the universe, by the influence of a weight proportioned to its bulk, forms out of ether, the atmos- phere by which it is surrounded, then the moon must also borrow from ether its por- tion, which becomes condensed and forms its atmosphere. The existence of water in the lunar atmosphere can no longer be questioned, for clouds have been seen upon its surface, as is proved by the al- most innumerable observations of Schroeter, to whose work the Doctor refers for more extensive details. Organised Beings in the Moon. It is a remarkable circumstance, observes M. Gruithuisen, that all those who can take what may be termed a cursory survey of the moon through a telescope, consider it as a desert and globe, upon which nothing lives or grows : on the contrary, others, who have explored its surface for many years, speak of it, as if organised beings could not fail to exist there. Shroeter conjectures the existence of a town towards the north of murius (a lunar spot), and the canals which are observa- ble towards hyginus (another spot), and which, after disappearing in some places* are again perceived in others (a thing, says Dr. G. of which I have convinced myself), appear to him very advantageous for the commerce of the Selenites : finally, he represents a part of the spot named mare imbrium to be as fertile as Cam- pania. The ancients supposed the moon to be inhabited. Orpheus, Anaxagoras, Zeno- phon, and Pythagoras, are of this opinion. Their strength of reasoning compensated, in this instance, for their want of teles- copes : even Plutarch entertained the idea, that the obscure places on the moon’s surface were seas, which could not reflect the light of the sun. More recently, Kepler, Duhamel, and many others have been of the same way of thinking respect- ing the existence of the Selenites. Indeed, so general has this sentiment been, that even the American savages have believed the moon to be inhabited. In latter times, some persons have con- sidered the too great rarefaction of the air as an insuperable obstacle to peopling the moon. Without doubt, says our author, this circumstance would not fail to alarm more than one philosopher of a delicate constitution, particularly when he knows that neither raisins nor apricots are to be found even on Chimboraqo. Others, on the contrary, have not forgotten that M. Guy-Lussac ascended, with his balloon, to a height greater by 2000 feet than the height of that mountain. So that an inhabitant of our globe, if placed in the lowest regions of the moon, might find himself very ill at his ease, but not so much so as to cause his death. While speaking of the inhabitants of the moon, we may observe, that some theorists have affirmed that no animated beings could exist on that planet, but such as were capable of eating stones, doing with- out drink, living on a scanty supply of air, and supporting the extremes of heat and cold. These particulars, adds Mr. Gruithuisen, may be considered as a sum- ming up of all the doubts that have arisen on the question whether the planets are habitable or not. He then discusses each of these points. He thinks he can con- fidently affirm that the moon has vegeta- bles and animals to serve for food to its in- habitants: he even goes so far as to indi- cate some of their genera and species. In the absence of wine, he continues, the Se- lenites have water, so that they possess the means of quenching their thirst. They are likewise supplied with air in more 5S THE ARTISAN. than sufficient quantity, only that this air is extremely rarefied. If we admit of lakes and seas in the moon, why should they not contain shell and other fish, and amphibious beings ? And that man can ac- custom himself to a highly rarefied atmos- phere, has been shown by the aerial ascent of M. Guy-Lussac, already referred to. According to Humboldt, the atmosphere supports a column of quicksilver of only twenty inches at Quito ; of eighteen inches at Micuipampa, and of seventeen inches in the latitude of Antisana, all inhabited places upon the earth, notwithstanding this rarefaction. Lastly, the Selenites can face the cold and heat with the assistance of fire, which they have the means of pro- curing in the former case; and in the latter, by means of the deep caverns, in whose coolness they can obtain refuge from the heat. SOLUTIONS OF QUESTIONS. Quest. 61, answered by an anonymous Correspondent. As 1 h. : 12m. :: 34s. : 36 T 4 s r. +5 = 41 t |, then the hound gains 8 miles per hour: as 8m. : 1 h. :: 41-jtr. :.58^ 2 s. the time the hound would be in catching the hare. And as 1 h. : 20 m. •: : 58 g k s. : 103| r. the distance. Then 58 g L s. ~ time, and 103| rods ~ distance. This question was accurately solved by Mr. J. Harding and Mr. Philip Munis; but we prefer the above on account of its arrangement. Quest. 60 , answered by Mr. W, Taylor ( the Proposer ). Waters in the Moon. By these, says our author, I understand all the springs, rivers, lakes, and seas. After having col- lected and discussed at great length all the facts calculated to illustrate the sub- ject, he thinks he has a right to ask, who can now bring forward any probable ar- gument against the existence of lakes in the moon ? But, he adds, lakes presuppose rivers, or at least simple rivulets or springs, their existence is then sufficiently demonstrated. Of the Lunar Structure. The interior structure of the moon is probably not dif- ferent from that which is common to all the bodies of the universe ; namely, con- centric beds formed by the accumulation of successive strata. Of the Exterior Structure or Constitution. This consists properly in the chains of mountains; the caverns, the declivities and the acclivities are immediate con- sequences of this disposition. We shall only add a few words relative to the lithographical map which Doctor Gruithuisen has attached to his work, for the purpose of facilitating the discovery of the points, which he more particularly wishes to designate upon the face of the moon. To accomplish this, he indicates their situation by their distance from two lines, which may be said to represent the equator and the first meridian of the moon, which we consider to be a felicitous and useful imitation of terrestrial longitudes and latitudes. Let t equal the whole time of the des- cent, then will t - 1 be the time of descent through the first half of the tower’s height, and therefore we have t 2 : (t — 1) 2 : : 2 : 1, t 2 whence t 2 - 2 t -f 1 — — , which re- duced, gives t~2 -f x/ 2 — 3*414 seconds for the time, and the tower’s height is 187*48 feet. We received two other solutions to this question from intelligent and old Corres- pondents; but they were both erroneous. QUESTION FOR SOLUTION. Quest. 63, proposed by Mr. Whitcombe, Cornhill. In a given quadrant of a circle to in- scribe geometrically a rectangle, whose length and breadth shall be in the ratio of mton; and to give a geometrical demon- stration. Quest. 64, proposed by Mr. J. Taylor, Clement' s-lane. John goes with a message from Charing Cross to the India House, and Peter with a message from the India House to Charing Cross: they start at the same instant of time ; both travel uniformly, and in such proportion, that John, 20 minutes after their meeting, arrives at the India House ; and Peter, in 45 minutes after their meet- ing, arrives at Charing Cross. From this data I demand the respective times occu- pied in the journies of John and Peter? THE ARTISAN. 81 ttlUMATOS. AIR AS THE VEHICLE OF HEAT AND MOISTURE. The earth and the atmosphere, taken generally, receive at all times nearly the same quantity of heat and light from the sun. As the whole of one side of the earth is constantly turned to the sun, the only dif- ference in the quantity of heat and light which the earth receives in a given time, must arise from the changes which take place in its distance from the sun at differ- ent seasons of the year. In consequence of these changes, the quantities of light and heat received by the earth are not proportional to the times, but to the angles described by the earth round the sun in those times. These variations, however, are but inconsiderable; and as they are annual, they do not produce any inequa- lity in the whole heat or light of one year, compared w r ith those of another. Though the earth is thus receiving heat continually, and nearly at the same rate, its average temperature appears to remain invariable; as much heat as comes from the solar rays, flying off* continually into the fields of vacuity or of ether. While the general temperature of the earth remains invariable, the distribution of heat over its surface is extremely un- equal, being different in different places, and in the same place subject to variations, both regular and irregular. The causes that determine the distribu- tion of heat over the earth’s surface, are either the direct influence of the solar rays, or the communication of heat by the air from one part of the earth’s surface to another. The first of these depends on the lati- tude of the place, or its distance from the equator, by which the intensity of the heat and light from the sun, and also the length of the day, are determined for different seasons of the year. The intensity of the sun’s rays, when they strike on any plane, is as the quan- tity that falls on a given space, or as the sine of the sun’s elevation above the plane. The nearer the sun is to the zenith of any place, at a given moment, the greater the intensity of heat produced by his rays. The heat for an entire day depends also on the length of the day ; and as the day is longer where the distance from the ze- nith is greater, the inequality in the dis- tribution of heat arising from the one of these causes, compensates that proceeding from the other, and brings their combined effects nearer to an equality than might be imagined. Fontana has shown, that the heat of the day of the summer solstice at Yql. II — No. 31. Pavia, is greater than the heat of the same day at Petersburg only in the ratio of 63 u to 62°, though the latitude of the former be 45° ll', and of the latter 59° 5b'. The same author finds, that when the sun’s declination exceeds 18°, or from about the 10th of May to the 30th of July, the heat in twenty-four hours proceeding from the sun’s rays, is greater at the north pole than at the equator. The distribution of heat, therefore, if only the direct influence of the sun were to act, would be very different from that which takes place in nature. The intensity of the solar heat is less in low elevations than is here supposed, on account of, the rays coming through a larger mass of air, and of air more loaded with vapour, so that a great quantity of them is intercepted. The effects of the direct influence of the sun, are greatly modified by the transpor- tation of the temperature of one region into another, in consequence of that dis- turbance in the equilibrium of the atmos- phere, which the action of those rays ne- cessarily produces. In order that there may be an equili- brium in a fluid like the air, every stratum of air that is level or horizontal all round, ought to be of the same density, it ought, therefore, also to be everywhere of the same temperature, which not being the case, the constant motion of the air is the necessary consequence of heat being un- equally distributed. The columns of air that are lighter, are displaced by those that are heavier, and hence a general ten- dency in the air to move from the poles toward the equator. This general ten- dency, which is calculated to moderate the extremes of temperature, is also greatly modified by local circumstances. The sea is preserved of a moderate tem- perature, by the statical principle that makes the heavier columns of a fluid dis- place the lighter. A more uniform tem- perature is thus given to the sea, which communicates itself to the air incumbent on it, and to that on every side. Conversely, the effect of great and un- broken continents is favourable to the ex- tremes of heat or of cold. The constitution of the surface may tend to increase and sometimes to diminish this effect. High mountains especially, if covered with snow, may enforce the rigour of a cold climate, or temper the heats of a warm one. Forests tend to increase the cold, by preventing the sun’s rays from striking the ground. Evaporation produces cold ; and marshes and lakes are therefore fa- vourable to the severity of the weather. The congelation of w r ater produces heat, and moderates the cold ; the melting of F 82 THE ARTISAN. jce, on the other hand, increases the capa- city for heat, and so produces cold. Height above the level of the sea, causes a diminution of heat, at the con- stant rate of about 1° for 270 feet nearly, when not far from the surface of the earth. It has already been remarked, that this decrease seems to be somewhat slower as we ascend, but not very considerably, as far as our observations have extended. The combination of these causes gives to every place a mean temperature, which remains always nearly the same, and which decreases from the equator to either pole, according to a law that has been deter- mined by observation. This mean temperature may be deter- mined by a geometrical construction, as follows : Divide the line A C into equal parts numbered from A, so as to represent the scale of a thermometer, let A C be made equal to 85, and A B to 58 of those parts. Then from the centre B with the distance B C or 27, describe the semi- circle C H ; take the arch C G equal to the double latitude of any parallel ; and from G draw G O perpendicular to AC; then is A O the mean temperature of that parallel, according to Fahrenheit's scale. The mean temperatures thus found, agree very well with observation. Springs, in which the water does not considerably change its heat from one season of the year ta another, afford an expeditious and accurate way of ascertaining the mean temperature. On ascending into the atmosphere at a certain height in every latitude, a point is found where it always freezes, or where it freezes more than it thaws, so that the mean temperature is below 82°. The curve joining all these points frotn the equator to the pole, is called the line of perpetual congelation. (See page 110, vol. i.) The temperature of the latter end of April is observed, at least in the tempe- rate zone, to be nearly the mean tem- perature of the year. From the time the heat increases, and is at its maximum about the 21st of July, it goes on decreas- ing from that time till it come to the mean in the end of October, and passes from thence to the greatest cold about the 21st of January. As we go eastward from the shores of the Atlantic, the mean temperature of any parallel becomes lower at a rate that may perhaps, for the north part of the tempe- rate zone, be estimated at a degree for 150 miles. At St. Petersburg!!, lat. 59° 56', about 750 miles from what may be accounted the shores of the Atlantic, the temperature is 5° 5' below the standard. The medium temperature of January is no more than 10°. By computation, it ought to be greater than 32°. The winter lasts from October to April, and the cold is some- times as great as the freezing point of mercury, or — 39°. From a mean of seve- ral years, the mean of the winter cold is —25°. It was at Krasnojark, lat. 56° 30', long. 93° E, that mercury was first known to freeze by natural cold. At Irkutz, lat. 52° 15', long. 105°east, the mean temperature from October to April has been known to be as low as - — 6° 8', a temperature which for severity and duration, exceeds any thing that has yet been observed elsewhere. This increase of the severity of the winter, and the consequent diminution of the mean temperature on going eastward, holds in all the latitudes north of the parallel of 30°; but the diminution is slower as we approach that parallel ; to the south of 30°. the mean heat increases on retiring from the ocean. This diminution takes place all the way to the shores of the Pacific, or very near them. The climate of Pekin is vastly more severe than that of the same parallel (39° 54') in Europe. In the new Continent also, at least in the part of it to the north of the Tropic of Cancer, the mean temperature is much be- low the standard, and the severity of the THE ARTISAN. S3 winter much greater than in the same latitudes in Europe. At Prince of Wales’ Fort, Hudson’s Bay, lat. 59° long. 92° west, the mean temperature is 20° under the standard ; at Nain, in Labrador, 16°; at Cambridge, in New England, (lat. 42° 25 ) 10 degrees. Mercury has been supposed to be frozen by the natural cold as far south as Quebec, lat. 47°. A very low mean temperature, and ex- treme cold in winter, are characteristic of the climate of North America. In the higher latitudes of the southern hemisphere, the temperature is lower than in the same latitudes of the northern he- misphere. The south pole is surrounded to the distance of 18 or 19 degrees with a barrier of solid ice, through which even the skill and intrepidity of Captain Cook could not force a passage. It is known also, that detached masses of ice float down in that hemisphere, as low as the latitude of 46°. The cause of this phenomenon is by no means suffi- ciently understood. The varieties of tem- perature to be met with on the surface of the earth, appear to be confined within the limits of 100° and — 40°. No degree of cold much below — 40° has ever been observed in nature, even when thermometers have been employed, con- taining a fluid not liable to congelation. The heat of 100° is rare; but a heat approaching to 90°, is found in the sum- mer of most countries within the limits of the temperate zones. There is hardly any climate, even in the frigid zone, where a temperature between 60° and 50° is not occasionally experi- enced. The greatest heat is much less above the mean temperature, than the greatest cold is below it. The mean temperature for the whole surface may be taken at 58° ; the greatest summer heat is only 42° above this ; the greatest winter cold is 98° under it. There is reason to think that the climates of Europe were more severe in ancient times than they are at present; and the change that has taken place, may with great probability be ascribed to the better and more extensive cultivation of the ground. Caesar says, a that the vine could not be cultivated in Gaul, on account of the severity of the winter.” The rein-deer was then an inhabitant of the Pyrenees. The Tiber was sometimes frozen over, and the ground about Rome covered with snow for several weeks together. Cultivation may improve a climate. 1st, By the draining of marshes and lessening the evaporation, which is so great a cause of cold. 2d. By turning up the soil and exposing it to the rays of the sun. 3d. By thinning or cutting down forests, which by their shade prevented the penetration of the sun’s rays. The improvement which is continually taking place in the climate of North America, proves that the power of man extends to the phenomena, which, from the magnitude and variety of their causes, seemed most superior to his con- troul. At Guiana, in South America, the rainy season has been shortened by the clearing of the country, and the warmth greatly increased. It thunders continually in the woods; rarely in the cultivated parts. OF RAIN. The vapour that rises from water uniting itself to the air, ascends into the higher regions of the atmosphere, and is carried by the winds to great distances. It cannot be doubted, that the humidity raised in this manner, is chemically dis- solved in the air. The humidity does not lessen, but in- creases the transparency of the air, and cannot be withdrawn from it, but by sub- stances that attract it powerfully. The power of air to dissolve humidity, increases in a greater ratio, than that in which its temperature increases. It appears from Saussure's experiments, that while the temperature increases in arithmetical progression, the humidity which the air is able to contain, increases in geometric progression. A cubic foot of air, of the temperature 66°, is able to hold in solution 11 or 12 grains of water: the air itself weighs 570 grains ; to that air of the temperature 66°, dissolves about a 50th of its own weight of water. Hence, if two portions of air, of different temperatures, and both saturated with humidity, be mixed together, a precipita- tion of humidity must necessarily take place. If, therefore, large portions of the at- mosphere, of different temperatures, and saturated, or nearly saturated, with humi- dity, be driven against one another by contrary winds, the consequence must be a precipitation of humidity, or the forma- tion of clouds. The mixture of different portions of air is likely to take place most frequently, when the two opposite currents already men- tioned, come in contact with each other. This is at the height of 18000 feet and upwards, which argees very well with the medium height of the clouds. The clouds thus formed have their par- ticles united into larger masses or drops by different causes, such as the mutual attraction of aqueous particles, the force of the wind, or the operation of electricity, F 2 84 THE ARTISAN. and so fall down in rain on the surface of the earth. The intimate connection between rain and the existence of different currents of air, is evident from many appearances. Some of which we shall state. 1. When the trade winds blow uni- formly, hardly any rain falls ; but when the monsoon changes, heavy falls of rain seldom fail to take place. 2. In the tropical climates, the rainy season is always on the sun’s approach to the zenith, at which time also the winds are most variable. 3. There are some spots of continual rain, which seem to be where opposite streams of air constantly meet one another. 4. There are several tracts on the earth’s surface where it hardly ever rains. They are usually far inland, and have extensive plains, without any of those inequalities of surface that promote the mixture of air. 5. In the midst of those desarts, where mountains occur, moisture is precipitated sometimes in the form of rain, but most frequently of dew, so that there are springs of fresh water, and great fertility pro- duced. 6. There is in our climate hardly any instance of rain without a change of wind, and very rarely a change of wind without rain in a greater or smaller quantity. 7. The lowness of the mercury in the barometer is a sign of rain. It is a certain indication of the subversion of the equili- brium of the atmosphere ; and makes it probable, that before the equilibrium of the atmosphere is restored, winds from different quarters, and of different tem- peratures, must come into collision with one another. The vapour raised up into the air, is of a quantity sufficient to afford all the rain that falls, or to supply all the springs, and of consequence all the rivers derived from them on the surface of the earth. Dr. Halley shewed, that the evaporation from the sea alone is a sufficient supply for all the waters that the rivers carry into it. His calculation was founded on a very complex view of the subject, and liable to several objections. BufFon took a more simple view of the matter, by selecting one of those lakes that sends out no stream to the ocean, and shewing that the pro- bable evaporation from the surface of the lake, is equal to all the water carried into it. A simpler view still may be taken, by showing that all the water annually emp- tied by a river into the sea, is less than the rain that falls on the surface drained by it. Thus, according to Dr. Halley’s computation, the water which the Thames carries down through Kingston Bridge, to which the tide does not reach, is 25344000 cubic yards, or 684288000 cubic feet pet day, which gives 249765120000 cubic feet, for the quantity of water which the Thames discharges annually into the sea. Now, the surface drained by the Thames and its branches, appears to be about equal to a circle of 40' miles radius; that is, nearly to 5036 square miles, or 140395622400 square feet. But if we suppose that the depth of rain that falls annually, at an average over this surface, is two feet, we have a quantity which exceeds that carried down by the Thames by 31026124800, or nearly an eighth part of the whole, which is therefore left to be taken up by the evaporation. The disputes that prevailed so long con- cerning the origin of fountains and rivers, chiefly arose from the difficulty of conceiv- ing how a precarious and accidental supply could be rendered equal to a regular and great expenditure. The quantity of rain that falls in differ- ent places in the same year, and in the same place in different years, is extremely various ; and even in the temperate zone, runs between the extremes of 18 and 100 inches. In places not very distant from one another, the difference in the quantity of rain is often very great. The neighbour- hood of the sea on one hand and moun- tains on the other, is most favourable to the production of rain ; from the first is derived a humid atmosphere, and from the second the prevalence of winds of different temperatures. The region of the air in which the pre- cipitation of humidity takes place, is fre- quently one where the temperature is below freezing ; the frozen particles then uniting, as in the case of melted vapour, form flakes of snow, which reach the sur- face in that same state, when the cold of freezing continues down to the surface. When the aqueous particles first form a drop, and are afterwards frozen in their descent, they become hail, which is some- times found crystallized with some degree of regularity. The whiteness and opacity of the hail, is probably owing to the con- gelation being performed where the air is very rare. Professor Leslie has remarked, in the curious experiments he has made on the production of ice by evaporation, in a re- ceiver where the air was considerably rarefied, that the ice is more porous and less transparent, than that which is formed under the ordinary pressure of the atmos- phere. Dew is a precipitation of humidity from the lower strata of the atmosphere, which does not disturb the transparency of the ah', and to which the mixture of different streams of air does not seem necessary. THE ARTISAN. 85 Dew is only formed in calm weather, and in the evening or daring the night. The resting of the globules of dew on the points of grass and other plants, seems to indicate the presence of some electrical influence. Bruce has remarked, that during the dry season no dew falls in Egypt, but that it is usually observed in the Delta five or six days before the inun- dation. Besides these deposits from the atmos- phere, which are all of one substance, there are others that cannot be traced to the same origin. These are the stones which have often been said, and have of late years been ascertained beyond all doubt, to fall down from the air : on ex- amination, they are found to contain cer- tain metallic ores, in many respects un- like to any thing that is found, either on the surface or in the bowels of the earth. ^EESFECT IVE. To exhibit the Perspective Appearance of a Square seen obliquely, and having one of its , Sides in the fundamental Line. Let A BCD be the square, having the side AB in the fundamental line; distance of the eye. Transfer the perpen- diculars A C and B D to the fundamental line D E ; and draw the right lines K B, K D, as also A V, Y C. Then will A and B be their own appearances; and c and d the appearances of the points C and D. Consequently A c d B is the appearance of the square A B C D. If the square ACBD should be at a distance from the fun- damental line DE; which rarely hap- pens in practice, the distances of the angles A and B must likewise be trans- ferred to the fundamental line, as is evi- dent from the preceding problem. And since even the oblique view is not very common ; in what follows we shall always suppose the figure to be posited directly opposite to the eye, unless where the con- trary is expressly mentioned. the square being viewed obliquely, assume To exhibit the appearance of a square , the principal point V in the horizontal line whose diagonal is perpendicular to the H R, in such a manner as that a perpendi- fundamental line. cular to the fundamental line may fall Let A B C D be the square, having its without the side of the square A B ; at diagonal A C perpendicular to the funda- least, may not bisect it ; and make VK the mental line. 86 THE ARTISAN. Continue the sides DC and CB till they meet the fundamental line in 1 and 2, From the principal point V set off' the dis- tance of the eye to K and L. From K to A and 1, draw right lines K A and K 1 ; and from L to A and 2, the right lines LA, L2. The intersections of these lines will exhibit the appearances of the square A BCD viewed angle-wise. To exhibit the appearance of a square , having another inscribed in it. , Let the square ABCD, which inscribes the square I M G H, have its side A B in the fundamental line, and the diagonal of the less perpendicular to it. From the principal point V, set off, each way, on the horizontal line HR, the dis- tances Y L and V K ; draw V A and VB ; and KA and L B ; then will A c d B be the appearance of the square A C DB. Pro- duce the side of the inscribed square I H, till it meet the fundamental line in 1 ; and draw the right lines K 1, and KM ; then will i h g M be the representation of the inscribed square I H G M. Hence is easily conceived the projection of any figure inscribed in another. To exhibit the perspective of a pavement, consisting of square stones viewed di- rectly. Divide the side A B transferred to the fundamental line D E into as many equal parts as there are square stones in one row. From the several points of division, draw right lines to the principal point Y ; and from A to the point of distance K, draw a right line A K ; and from B to the other point of distance L, draw another LB. Through the points of the intersec- tions of the corresponding lines, draw right lines on each side, to be produced to the right lines AY and BV. Then will Afg B be the appearance of the pavement AFG B. To exhibit the perspective of a circle. If the circle be small, circumscribe it by a square. Draw diagonals and diameters h a and d e, THE ARTISAN. 57 intersecting each other at right angles ; and draw the right lines/g’ and b c paral- lel to the diameter de through b and/; as also through c and g draw right lines, meeting the fundamental line D E in the points 3 and 4. To the principal point V draw right lines V 1, V 3, V 4, V 2 ; and to the points of distance L and K, draw the right lines L2 and K 1. Lastly, con- nect the points of intersection a, b, d,f 7 h, g, e, c, with arches a b,bd,df, &c. Thus, will abdfhg eca, be the appearance of the circle. If the circle be large, on the middle of the fundamental line A B, describe a semicircle ; and from the seve- ral points of the periphery, C, F, G, H, I, &c. to the fundamental line, let fall perpendi- culars Cl, F2, G 3, H4, I 5, &c. From the points A, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c. draw right lines to the principal point V, as also a right line from B to the point of distance L; and another from A to the point of distance K. Through the common inter- sections, draw right lines as in the pro- ceeding problem ; thus shall we have the points e , f, g, h, i, which are the represen- tations of these, A, C, F, G, H, I ; and these being connected as before, give the pro- jection of the circle. Hence appears, not only how any curvi- linear figure may be projected on a plane ; but also how any pavement, consisting of any kind of stones, may be delineated in perspective. Hence also appears what use the square is of in perspective ; for even in the second case we use a square divided into certain areolae, and circumscribed about the circle ; though it be not delineated on the geome- trical plane in the diagram. We may here observe, that if the mag- nitudes of the several parts of an object be given in numbers, together with the height and distance of the eye, the figures of the object is first to be constructed by a scale geometrically ; and the fundamen- tal point, with the point of distance to be determined by the same scale. We may also observe, that it is not necessary that the object be delineated under the fundamental line: in the projection of squares and pavements, it is best not. But where it is necessary and space is wanting, draw it apart; find the divisions in it, and transfer them to the fundamental line in the plane. Threads being hung on the principal point, and the point of distance, and thence stretched to the points of the divisions of the fundamental line ; the common inter- sections of the threads, will give the pro- jection of the several points without con- fusion ; a thing much to be feared from the multiplicity of lines to be drawn. THE ARTISAN. ss CHEMISTHY a Mercury is always fluid when in a pure state, and is one of the most brilliant and shining of all known metals. When its surface is sufficiently clear, it forms a very line mirror. Its colour is as beautiful as that of silver, with which it has always been compared. After platina and gold, it is considered as the heaviest of all known bodies. Its specific gravity is 13-568,* taking water at 1-000. — Authors were formerly very particular in observ- ing, that all the most ponderous substances swam upon its surface, whilst gold alone sunk in it; at the present day we have to add to this, platina and tungsten Boerhaave asserted, in his Elements of Chemistry, that mercury could not be ren- dered solid by any degree of cold, though he admits a condensation of of its pri- mitive volume; a circumstance which cannot take place in its real congelation. This assertion of Boerhaave, and other philosophers who have followed him, w as proved to be false in the year 1759; in which year the academicians of Peters- burg, availing themselves of an intense degree of natural cold, augmented it still further by a mixture of snow- and fuming nitrous acid ; the mercurial thermometer which they used descended to 213 degrees of De Lisle’s scale, which corresponds with 46 below 0 of that of Fahrenheit. As the mercury did not descend any lower, but seemed stationai-y, the academicians broke the glass bulb of their instrument, in which they found congealed mercury, that formed a solid substance susceptible of being extended by the hammer. They thus discovered that mercury might become solid, and that in this state it possessed a certain degree of ductility. They re- marked, that at every stroke of the ham- mer, the pressui-e, developing the caloric in the interior of the metal, fused it, and that it ran into globules. This first experiment was, in some mea- sure, nothing more than a hint to philoso- phers concerning a property unknown, and till then even denied, in mercury ; it has since been often repeated, -and of late it has become as easy and simple an expe- riment as most of those that are made in Chemistry. In the year J772, Pallas caused mercury to congeal, at Krasnejark, by a natural cold of — 55f deg. of Fahren- heit’s scale. It was observed that it then resembled soft tin ; that it could be flat- tened ; that it broke easily ; and that its fragments, when brought into contact, were glued or soldered together, as hap- pens in all other softened metals. How- ever, it is evident that he did not obtain if§ real conversion into a solid, or complete concretion, as the mercury was still soft, and only in a state of semi-congelation. In the year 1775, Mr. Hutchins observed the same congelation at Albany Fort, and Mr. Bicker at Rotterdam, in 1776, at 56 deg. below 0. In the year 1783, the con- gelation of mercury was effected in Eng- land with a less degree of cold ; and Mr. Cavendish has proved 31| below 0 of Reaumur’s, or 40 below r Fahrenheit’s ther- mometer, to be the real degree at which it takes place. As a metal always fused, always liquid at fee temperature of our climate, mer- cury constantly affects the form of perfect globules when it is divided. When in- closed in a glass phial or tube, its surface is convex, which depends upon the small attraction which it has for the glass; in fact, if we pour it into a vessel or tube of some metal with which it is able to com- bine, instead of remaining convex, its sur- face becomes concave. As this round, curved, and convex surface may give rise to some errors in barometrical observa- tions, especially in those which are made with tubes of a fine bore, in which the elevation of the mercury ought to be an exact measure of the height of the places which we wish to determine, attempts have been made to obviate this source of error, by rendering the mercurial surface flat. Cassebois succeeded by boiling the mercury for a long time in the barometrical tubes ; by which means a surface almost perfectly horizontal was obtained, espe- cially in tubes of a wide bore. The expansion of mercury by the action of fire has not yet been very accurately de- termined ; it is known to be a very good conductor of caloric, on which account it appears very cold to the hand when im- mersed in it ; and it is also owing to this conducting property that a red hot iron, when plunged into mercury, instantane- ously loses its redness, which it would have retained for some time in the air, and even in water. Its expansion by heat pro- ceeds in a very uniform manner ; and it is on this account that it is employed in the construction of thermometers. When it is penetrated with a quantity of caloric, which has not yet been well ascertained, but which is estimated at 656 degrees of Farhenheit’s thermometer, the mercury swells, is reduced to the state of vapour, and volatilized. When this experiment is performed in the air, the mercury presently condenses into a white smoke, which is capable of producing very injurious effects upon animals. If it be performed in close vessels, in such a manner that the metal may speedily become fixed and liquefied, this becomes a means of distillation, in which the habitudes of the volatile metal are the same as those of every other dis- THE ARTISAN. 89 tilled liquid. In this operation, which is often employed for the purpose of purify- ing the mercury, it is customary to adapt to the neck of the retort of iron or stone- ware which is used a tube of linen, the extremity of which is immersed in the water with which the receiver is filled. By means of this apparatus, the mercury is speedily condensed into the liquid form, and collected entire under the water, from which it is afterwards separated by rub- bing it with paper manufactured without size, drying it in a gentle heat, passing it through a skin, agitating it with very dry bread-crumbs, bran, and other desiccating means of a like nature. It is on account of this easy process of distillation that Chemists have considered mercury as the most volatile of all metals. Mercury is a very good conductor of electricity and galvanism. Its electrical property is probably the cause of the phos- phorescence, and the considerably bright light which it emits, when it is agitated in a vacuum. It has been discovered that this phosphorescence is an electrical phe- nomenon, which takes place only in con- sequence of the friction of the mercury- against the sides of the tube, and that the mercury does not thereby suffer any sen- sible alteration. Mercury is not altered by being kept under water. When exposed to the air, its surface is gradually tarnished, and covered with a black powder, owing to its combining with the oxygen of the atmos- phere. But this change goes on very slowly, unless the mercury be either heated or agitated ; by shaking it, for in- stance, in a large bottle full of air. By either of these processes, the metal is con- verted into an oxide : by the last, into a black oxide ; and by the first, into a red coloured oxide. This metal does not seem to be capable of combustion ; at least, no method which has hitherto been tried to burn it has succeeded. It is the only metal which may not, by peculiar manage- ment, be made to burn. Native mercury, which has been termed virgin mercury, is found in the form of liquid globules, which are very easily re- cognised by their brilliancy and liquidity. It is commonly found in tender and friable earths and stones, and frequently inter- posed between the fissures and the cavities of its own orbs, especially of its sulphuret. It is seldom perfectly pure, and frequently contains some other metal with which it is alloyed; but when it is sufficiently liquid, it is considered as pure, or really native. At Ydria, and in Spain, and America, it is collected in the cavities and clefts of the rocks, into which it filtrates from all sides. It is found liquid in argil at Almaden, and ip the beds of chalk in Sicily. It is also found in the ores of silver ana lead, and even mixed with the arsenious acid, or white arsenic. Mercury does not combine with the sim- ple incombustibles ; but it combines with the greater number of metals. These com- binations are known in Chemistry by the name of amalgams. The amalgam of gold is formed very readily, because there is a very strong affinity between the two metals. If a bit of gold be dipped into mercury, its sur- face, by combining with mercury, becomes as white as silver. The easiest way of forming this amalgam is to throw small pieces of red hot gold into mercury heated till it begins to smoke. The proportions of the ingredients are not determinable, because they combine in any proportion. This amalgam is of a silvery w hiteness. By squeezing it through leather, the excess of mercury may be separated, and a soft white amalgam obtained, which gradually becomes solid, and consists of about one part of mercury to two of gold. It melts at a moderate temperature ; and in a heat below redness the mercury evaporates, and leaves the gold in a state of purity. It is much used in gilding. The amalgam is spread upon the metal which is to be gilt; and then, by the application of a gentle and equal heat the mercury is driven off, and the gold left adhering to the metallic surface ; this surface is then rubbed with a brass wire brush under water, and afterwards burnished. Dr. Lewis attempted to form an amal- gam of platinum, but succeeded only im- perfeotly, as was the case also with Scheffer. Morveau succeeded by means of heat. He fixed a small cylinder of pla- tinum at the bottom of a tall glass vessel, and covered it with mercury. The vessel was then placed in a sand-bath, and the mercury kept constantly boiling. The mercury gradually combined with the pla- tinum ; the weight of the cylinders was doubled, and it became brittle. When heated strongly, the mercury evaporated, and left the platinum partly oxidized. It is remarkable that the platinum, not- withstanding its superior specific gravity, always swam upon the surface of the mer- cury, so that Morveau was under the ne- cessity of fixing it down. There are few metallic substances that exceed mercury in utility. In physics, it is employed in its metallic form; in the construction of meteorological instru- ments, and a great number of machines in the arts ; it is employed in the same form for gilding, silvering of glass mirrors, and in metallurgical operations; its solutions are used in dyeing. In chemistry, it is applied to a great variety of uses, all equally important. 90 THE ARTISAN. Besides the experiments in which it is employed for demonstrating the principal truths of this science, it has become of in- dispensible necessity for furnishing the vessels destined to collect, preserve and combine many of the gases. It is of equal importance for medicinal purposes. OF COPPER. Copper is one of those metals which were known in the most early ages of the world, and has at all times been one of the most easy to extract and manufacture. The Egyptians employed it for a variety of uses, and made of it cast figures, re- markable for their elegant form, in the re- motest times of their history. The Greeks manufactured it, melted it, cast it, and employed it in various arts. With them it made the base of the celebrated compounds called Corinthian Brass. The Romans likewise manufactured it in great quan- tity ; and it has even been imagined, that the greater number of their utensils were always made with this metal, and very rarely with iron. This circumstance has been urged as a valid proof that they knew little of iron, and were unskilful in manufacturing it. The alchemists employed themselves much about copper. They called it Venus , on account of the great facility it possesses of combining with many substances, par- ticularly with other metals, and because of the sort of adulteration it makes in these compounds. By representing it by the emblem ap- propriated to gold, terminated at bottom by the sign of a cross, they considered it as formed chiefly of gold, but disguised and altered by something acrid and cor- rosive, which rendered it crude. Though, in the different periods of the great revolu- tion, which has changed the face of Che- mistry, we cannot find any researches con- cerning copper that are immediately con- nected with the annals of this revolution, or have served to lay the foundation of it, yet this metal holds a rank among those substances, of which the properties are better known, and the modifications have been more accurately determined since the establishment of the pneumatic doctrine. In this class of properties, accurately ex- plained by the modern theory, we ought particularly to place its different degrees of oxidation, its solutions in acids and in ammonia, its precipitates from the metallic state to its highest degree of oxidation, and its reduction by various processes. The labours of Berthollet, Guyton, and Proust, have particularly contributed to the accurate knowledge of these last men- tioned facts. Our knowledge of this metal has also become much more com- plete, and the facts concerning it by far more simple, since the discoveries which have been lately made in experimental Chemistry. It holds almost the third rank among metals in this respect. With regard to its elasticity, it holds nearly the same rank. Its ductility has led Guyton to place it in the sixth rank of metals, be- tween tin and lead. It may be reduced into laminae, or leaves extremely thin, which the wind will blow away. Its tena- city likewise is pretty considerable : a copper wire, one-tenth of an inch in dia- meter, supports a weight of 299^ pounds, without breaking. Its strength or re- sistance to being broken is estimated by Wallerius as nearly equal to that of iron. Its sonorous quality is superior to that of iron, as may be proved by wires of the two metals of equal length and thickness. This metal is of a fine red colour, and has a great deal of brilliancy. Its taste is styptic and nauseous; and the hands, when rubbed for some time on it, acquires a peculiar and disagreeable odour. The density of copper is such, that its specific gravity is to that of water as 7*788 to 1*000. This gravity, however, varies according to the state of the metal : when it has only been melted and cast, it is less than when it has been hammered and forged; but after having passed through the mill, and been drawn into wire, it has the specific gravity of 8'878, which is an increase of about one- seventh. Its power of conducting caloric has not been accurately ascertained, though it is known to be very great. It does not melt till it is very red. Its fusibility has been estimated by Mortimer at 1450° of Fahrenheit’s thermometer, and by Guyton at 27° of the pyrometer of Wedgwood. When it is melted and cast into ingot- moulds, that it may cool quickly, it as- sumes a granulous and porous texture, which shows like a kind of crumb in its fracture, and is liable to exhibit many ca- vities and flaws in its interior parts. If it be cooled slowly, it yields crystals in quad- rangular pyramids, or in octahedrons, which arise from the cube, its primitive form. At a temperature above what is re- quired for its fusion, it rises in vapour, and in a visible smoke, as is observed in places where this metal is cast in the large way, and in the chimneys over the furnaces. Copper is a very good conductor of elec- tricity and galvanism ; but its order and power in this respect, compared with that of other metallic substances, has not yet been determined with precision. The acrid and somewhat fetid smell which pretty sensibly characterises and distin- guishes copper, is well known to every one. Rubbing the hand a little time on it THE ARTISAN. 91 is sufficient to impart this coppery odour, [ to which some other phenomena of the organ of smell have even been compared, particularly that of a cold in the head. Copper is pretty abundantly diffused throughout nature. Germany, Sweden, | and Siberia, however, are the three coun- ts tries, where it has hitherto been found in the largest quantity, and which furnish the most to commerce and the arts. The 1 states of this metal in the earth are so various in their appearance, and in their physical properties, that mineralogists have singularly multiplied the species of it : some have admitted fifteen or twenty, though it is difficult to reckon nine or ten really different from each other in their nature. What they have taken for species are only varieties. Native copper is met with, pretty fre- quently in the interior parts of the earth, where it is even found very pure. It is known by its brilliancy, its red colour, its ductility, and its specific gravity. Most commonly its surface is of an obscure dull and brown red, on account of the slight oxidation it has experienced. Sometimes it is found shining, and as if it had been burnished or polished ; but this is much more rare than the preceding. Its form is ! frequently crystalline and regular ; that of Siberia distinctly exhibits the cubic figure. The places where native copper is most frequently observed, are Siberia, Norberg in Sweden, Newsol in Hungary, and Saint-Bel, near Lyons. Copper exposed to cold air, and par- ticularly to damp air, soon loses its lustre ; it tarnishes, becomes of a dull brown, grows gradually darker, acquires what is called the colour of antique bronze, and at last becomes covered with a sort of green tint, tolerably bright, known to every one by the name of verdigris , or verdet gris , as the modern French Che- mists will have it. The atmospheric oxygen begins by con- verting the surface of the metal into brown oxide ; this oxidation is favoured and ac- celerated by water. The carbonic acid soon unites itself with the copper thus oxidized ; so that the kind of varnish of antique medals, statues, and utensils of various kinds, which antiquaries prize in them, and which they callpatine, is nothing but a true super-oxygenated carbonate of copper, very analogous to malachite or mountain green. This alteration of copper is much more powerful and rapid, if the temperature of the metal be increased. Every one may have observed how quickly the copper tunnels, used for carrying off the smoke of stoves, change their colour from the mo- ment they are first heated, even slightly, in contact with the air: they speedily as- sume a blueish, orange, yellowish, or brown tinge, which at length becomes wholly of an uniform deep brown over all the surface. These different and very beautiful hues are obtained even by cau- tiously exposing on burning coals thin plates or laminse of copper, as well as that which is in light leaves. By this process, leaves of a sort oifoil are made of various colours, which are chiefly used, after being- cut into small pieces, for covering chil- dren’s toys, to which they are fastened by a kind of mordant or cement, previously applied on them. In fabricating these, the succession of blue, yellow, violet, and brown, may be observed ; the last colour too is that which remains, and is perma- nent. When the action of fire on copper is strongly urged ; when it is thrown, for instance, in the form of fine filings, into a very strong fire, or when it is heated in a crucible to a white heat after having been melted, it burns much more rapidly than in the former cases ; it experiences a real conflagration ; it even yields a very bril- liant green flame. Accordingly, it is em- ployed in the composition of the coloured fires of the smaller kinds of fireworks, par- ticularly those which are called table fire- works. The same effect w\hich is per- ceptible at the surface of the crucible in which copper, thoroughly fused and very red, if melted and stirred, is produced by sending through this metal, in a small piece, or in wire, or in thin leaves, an electric discharge. It instantly emits a greenish flame, breaks with decrepitation, and is dispersed in smoke or dust in the air. It may be collected on paper, and will be found covered with a reddish brown oxide. It is to this property like- wise we are indebted for the green colour which we so frequently see in the flame of various combustible substances, but par- ticularly alcohol, when cupreous salts have been dissolved in it. Notwithstanding the activity of this sort of combustion, and its difference from the slow oxidation already described, the oxide resulting from it uniformly contains but twenty-five parts of oxygen to a hundred of the metal, and completely resembles that which is obtained by the former kind of combus- tion. After the 20th of March the sun appears to rise every day sensibly more to the northward than he did the day before, to be more elevated at mid-day, and to con- tinue longer above the horizon, till the 21st of June, which is the longest day at all places in the northern hemisphere. m THE ARTISAN. At this time the angle formed by the northern half of the earth’s axis, and the line joining the centre of the earth and sun is then at the least, which is 69| degrees. The sun will then appear to touch the tropic of Cancer, and be vertical to all places 23| degrees north of the equa- tor. This time of the year is called the summer solstice , because it is the middle of summer, and the sun seems to remain stationary for a few days. After the 21st of June, the angle joining the centres of the earth and sun gradually increases, and the sun appears to recede from the tropic of Cancer, in the same manner as he advanced to it, rising every day a little farther to the south than he did the day before, till the 23d of Septem- ber, when the axis has a similar position to what it had on the 20th of March, being again at right angles to the line just men- tioned, consequently the days and nights are again equal all over the globe, which constitutes the autumnal equinox. The sun now appears to cross the equi- noctial; and the south pole, which, during the last six months, was in the dark, begins to turn towards the sun ; and pre- cisely the same phenomena are exhibited to the southern hemisphere, as those already described in the case of the north- ern half of the earth. On the 22d of December the sun appears to touch the tropic of Capricorn, and is vertical to all those places on the earth that are 23§ degrees south of the equator. The days are then longest at all places in thd south- ern hemisphere, but at the shortest in the northern. This time of the year is termed the winter solstice. From the tropic of Capricorn the sun appears to move forward, and to arrive at the equinoctial on the 20th of March. Thus by a combination of the annual and diurnal motions of the earth, with the parallelism of its axis, and the obliquity of its orbit to the plane of its equator, the various seasons are produced, and the same quantity of light and darkness, in the space of a year, are distributed to every region of the globe. The manner in which the sun enlightens the earth, the parallelism of its axis, and the increase and decrease of the days and nights, may be well illustrated by a small terrestrial globe, suspended by a string fastened to its north pole, as repre- sented by the following figure. A circle of wire a b , representing the plane of the earth’s equator, may be held parallel to a table, and equal in height with the flame of a candle standing upon it. If the string be twisted a little towards the left hand, and the globe suspended within the circle, with its equator at the same height, the globe will begin to turn on its axis from west to east, and day and night will be represented by the light and shade produced by the candle on its sur- face. But if the globe be carried round the wire, to represent a year, the candle will illuminate both poles, and every spot on its surface will describe half a circle in the enlightened part, and half in the dark part, and make equality of day and night through the year. This is, however, not the case in nature, as has already been fully explained. If then the wire be in- clined to the table at an angle of 23| degrees, as represented by the circle abed , and the globe be carried gently round it, the seasons, and increase of day and THE ARTISAN. 93 and night, will appear as they are in nature ; i. e. when the globe is at a, the candle enlightens it no farther northward than the arctic circle no; all within which, in the middle of our winter, is de- prived of a sight of the sun ; while all places within the antarctic, or opposite circle, have perpetual day : at this time the candle shines vertically on the tropic of Capricorn. As the earth moves towards b (the vernal equinox), if a small patch be laid on latitude 5I|° north, it will show how the days increase at London, and how the nights decrease. When it has arrived at b , the candle will then be perpendicu- larly over the equator, and, shining to both poles, equality of day and night will take place': as it proceeds towards c (the summer solstice), the days increase, and the candle shines more and more over the north pole : when it has arrived at c, the whole arctic circle, and the countries it includes, will revolve in continual sight of the sun ; and all within the antarctic cir- cle will be deprived of that sight. At this time the candle shines vertically on the tropic of Cancer. Moving from mid- summer towards d (the autumnal equinox), the days will be found to decrease, and the nights to increase in length, till they come again to equality at d , and thence to the winter solstice, and so on. The particular temperature which dis- tinguishes each of the seasons, at any par- ticular place, is owing to a difference in the sun’s altitude, and the time of his con- tinuance above the horizon of that place. In winter, the rays of the sun fall so ob- liquely, and the sun is such a short time above the horizon, that his influence in heating the earth is but very little, com- pared with what it is in summer. For at this season, the sun is so much higher than in winter, that his rays not only fall more perpendicularly, but more of them fall on any given space; and as the day is also much longer than the night, the temperature of the earth and the surrounding atmosphere must be much greater than in winter. Since the power of the sun is greater in heating the earth at any particular place, when his rays fall most directly, and when the days are longest at that place, it may be asked, how does it happen that the heat is greatest about the end of July, when the sun is highest and the day longest about the 21st of June ? The rea- son of this may easily be discovered, by attending a little to the manner in which bodies are heated. The heat which the earth receives is not transient, but is re- tained by it for some time. For, like other solid bodies, it receives heat and parts with it gradually. Now as the earth con - tinues to receive more heat in the day than it gives out in the night, for a considerable time after the 21st of June, its tempera- ture will continue to increase, till the days and nights begin to approach to an equa- lity. But this is not the case till the end of July, at least; the earth goes on increas- ing in temperature, till about this time, when it is found to be much greater than about the 21st of June, although the sun be then higher at mid-day, and the day longer than at any other time of the year in the northern hemisphere.* The heat in July would be still greater were the sun at his mean distance from the earth ; but this is not the case, for he is then at his greatest distance. However, the difference between his distance at this time and the mean distance being only ^th part of the whole, it could not make a great altera- tion in the heating power of the rays. But if it does operate in any degree in diminishing the heat in the northern hemis- phere in July, the same cause must ope- rate in increasing the heat, but in a double degree, in the southern hemisphere in January. For the sun is s \th part nearer the earth than his mean distance on the 1st of January. Consequently the heat must be greater in the southern hemis- phere in January than in the northern in July, all other circumstances being the same. The effect of the direct influence of the sun are, however, greatly modified by the transportation of the temperature of one region into another, in consequence of that disturbance in the equilibrium of the atmosphere, which the action of the sun’s rays necessarily produce. Thus we see by what simple means the whole variety of the seasons are produced ; and also how admirably fitted the means are to accomplish the end. fferellancous snorts. MEMOIR OF THE LIFE OF JOHN SMEATON. John Smeaton was born the 28th of May, 1724, O. S. at Austhorpe, near Leeds, in a house built by his grandfather, and where his family have resided ever since. The strength of his understanding, and the originality of his genius, appeared at an early age ; his playthings were not the playthings of children, but the tools which men employ ; and he appeared to have greater entertainment in seeing the men in the neighbourhood work, and asking them questions, than in any thing else. One day he was seen, to the distress of his fa- mily, on the top of his father’s barn, fixing * The same phenomena take place in the southern hemisphere in a reverse order, or at six months* difference of time. 94 THE ARTISAN. up something like a windmill. Another time he attended some men fixing a pump at a neighbouring -village ; and observing them cut oft’ a piece of bored pipe, he was so lucky as to procure it, and he actually made with it a working pump that raised water. These anecdotes refer to circum- stances that are said to have happened while he was in petticoats, and most likely before he attained his sixth year. About his fourteenth and fifteenth year he had made for himself an engine for turning, and wrought several presents to his friends of boxes in ivory or wood, very neatly turned. He forged his iron and steel, and melted his metal ; he had tools of every sort for working in wood, ivory, and metals. He had made a lathe, by which he had cut a perpetual screw in brass ; a thing little known at that day, which was the invention of Mr. Henry Hindley,of York, with whom Mr. Smeaton soon became acquainted, and they spent many a night at Mr. Hindley’s house till day -light, conversing on those subjects. Thus had Mr. Smeaton, by the strength of his genius and indefatigable industry, ac- quired, at the age of 18, an extensive set of tools, and the art of working in most of the mechanical trades, without the assist- ance of any master. A part of every day was generally occupied in forming some ingenious piece of mechanism. Mr. Smeaton’s father was an attorney, and desirous of bringing him up to the same profession. Mr. Smeaton therefore came up to London in 1T42, and attended the courts in Westminster Hall ; but find- ing, as his common expression was, that the law did not suit the bent of his genius, he wrote a strong memorial to his father on that subject; whose good sense from that moment left Mr. Smeaton to pursue the dictates of his genius in his own way. In 1751 he began a course of experi- ments, to try a machine of his invention to measure a ship’s way at sea, and also made two voyages, in company with Dr. Knight, to try it, and a compass of his own inven- tion and making, which was made magne- tical by Dr. Knight’s artificial magnets. The second voyage was made in the For- tune sloop of war, commanded at that time by Captain Alexander Campbell. In 1753 he was elected member of the Royal Society ; the number of papers published in their Transactions will show the universality of his genius and know- ledge. In 1759 he was honoured by an unani- mous vote with their gold medal, for his paper intitled, u An Experimental Inquiry concerning the Natural Powers of Water and Wind to turn Mills, and other Ma- chines, depending on a circular Motion.” This paper, he says, was the result of ex- periments made on working models in the year 1752 and 1753, but not communicated to the Society till 1759 ; before which time he had an opportunity of putting the effect of these experiments into real practice, in a variety of cases, and for various pur- poses, so as to assure the Society he had found them to answer. In December, 1755, the Eddystone Light- house was burnt down. Mr. Weston, the chief proprietor, and the others, being de- sirous of rebuilding it in the most substan- tial manner, inquired of the Earl of Mac- clesfield, then President of the Royal So- ciety, whom he thought the most proper to rebuild it ; his Lordship recommended Mr. Smeaton. Mr. Smeaton undertook the work, and completed it in the’ summer of 1759. Of this Mr. Smeaton gives an am- ple description in the volume he published in 1791. Though Mr. Smeaton completed the building of the Eddystone Lighthouse in 1759, a work that does him so much cre- dit, yet it appears he did not soon get into full business as a civil engineer; for in 1764, while in Yorkshire, he offered him- self a candidate for one of the receivers of the Derwentwater estate ; and on the 31st of December in that year, he was ap- pointed, at a full board of Greenwich Hos- pital, in a manner highly flattering to him- self, when two other persons strongly re- commended and powerfully supported were candidates for the employment. In this appointment he was very happy, by the assistance and abilities of his partner, Mr. Walton, one of the receivers ; who, taking upon himself the management and accounts, left Mr. Smeaton leisure and op- portunity to exert his abilities on public works, as well as to make any improve- ments in the mills and in the estates of Greenwich Hospital. By the year 1775, he had so much business as a civil engi- neer, that he wished to resign this appoint- ment, and would have done it then, had not his friends, the late Mr. Stuart, the hos- pital surveyor, and Mr. Ibbetson, their se- cretary, prevailed upon him to continue in the office about two years longer. Mr. Smeaton having now got into full business as a civil engineer, performed many works of general utility. Fie made the river Calder navigable ; a work that required great skill and judgment, owing to the very impetuous floods in that river. He planned and attended the execution of the great canal in Scotland, for conveying the trade of the country either to the At- lantic or German Ocean ; and having brought it to the place originally intended, he declined a handsome yearly salary, in order that he might attend to the multipli- city of his other business. On the opening of the great arch at Lon- THE ARTISAN. 95 don bridge, the excavation around and un- der the starlings was so considerable, that the bridge was thought to be in great dan- ger of falling. He was then in Yorkshire, and was sent for by express, and arrived with the utmost dispatch. “ I think,” says Mr. Holmes, the author of his Life, “ it was on a Saturday morning, when the apprehension of the bridge was so general, that few would pass over or under it. He applied himself immediately to examine it, and to sound about the starlings as mi- nutely as he could ; and the committee being called together, adopted his advice, which was to re-purchase the stones that had been taken from the middle pier, then lying in Moorfields, and to throw them into the river to guard the starlings” — Nothing shows the apprehensions concern- ing the falling of the bridge more than the alacrity with which this advice was pur- sued; the stones were re-purchased that day, horses, carts, and barges, were got ready, and they began the work on Sunday morning. Thus Mr. Smeaton, in all human probability, saved London bridge from falling, and secured it till more effectual methods could be taken. The vast variety of mills which Mr. Smeaton constructed, so greatly to the sa- tisfaction and advantage of the owners, will show the great use which he made of his experiments in 1752 and 1753 ; for he never trusted to theory in any case where he could have an opportunity to investigate it by experiment. He built a steam-engine at Austhorpe, and made experiments there- on, purposely to ascertain the power of Newcomen’s steam-engine, which he im- proved, and brought to a far greater de- gree of perfection, both in its construction and powers, than it was before. Mr. Smeaton, during many years of his life, was a frequent attendant on parlia- ment, his opinion being continually called for. And here his strength of judgment and perspicuity of expression had its full display. It was his constant custom, when applied to plan or support any measure, to make himself fully acquainted with it, to see its merits, before he would engage in it. By this caution, added to the clearness of his description and the integrity of his heart, he seldom failed to obtain for the bill which he supported an act of parliament. No one was heard with more attention, nor had any one ever more confidence placed in his testimony. In the courts of law he had several com- pliments paid him from the bench by Lord Mansfield and others, for the new light which he threw on difficult subjects. About the year 1785, Mr. Smeaton’s health began to decline; and he then took the resolution to endeavour to avoid all the business he could, so that he might have leisure to publish an account of his inven- tions and works, which was certainly the first wish of his heart ; for lie has often been heard to say, that u he thought he could not render so much service to his country as by doing that.” He got only his account of the Eddystone Lighthouse completed, and some preparations to his intended Treatise on Mills ; for he could not resist the solicitations of his friends in various Avorks ; and Mr. Aubert, whom he greatly loved and respected, being chosen chairman of Ramsgate harbour, prevailed upon him to accept the place of engineer to that harbour ; and to their joint efforts the public is chiefly indebted for the improvements that have been made there within the last 30 years ; which fully appears in a report that Mr. Smeaton gave in to the Board of Trustees in 1791, which they immediately published. Mr. Smeaton being at Austhorpe, walk ing in his garden, on the 16th of Septem- ber, 1792, was struck with the palsy, and died the 28th of October. u In his illness,” says Mr. Holmes, “ I had several letters from him, signed with his name, but writ- ten and signed by another’s pen ; the dic- tion of them shewed that the strength of his mind had not left him. In one written the 26th of September, after minutely des- cribing his health and feelings, he says, * In consequence of the foregoing, I con- clude myself nine-tenths dead ; and the greatest favour the Almighty can do me, as I think, will be to complete the other part; but as it is likely to be a lingering illness, it is only in his power to say when that is likely to happen/ ” Mr. Smeaton had a warmth of expression that might appear to those who did not know him well to border on harshness ; but those more intimately acquainted with him knew that it arose from the intense application of his mind, which was always in the pursuit of truth, or engaged in inves- tigating difficult subjects. He would some- times break out hastily, when any thing was said that did not tally with his ideas ; and he would not give up any thing he ar- gued for, till his mind was convinced by sound reasoning. In all the social duties of life he was exemplary; he was a most affectionate husband, a good father, a warm, zealous, and sincere friend, always ready to assist those he respected, and often before it was pointed out to him in what way he could serve them. He was a lover and encourager of merit wherever he found it ; and many men are, in a great measure, indebted to his assistance and advice for their present situations. As a companion, he was always entertaining and instructive; and none could spend any time in his presence without improvement. As a civil engineer, he was perhaps un- THE ARTISAN. SMS rivalled, certainly not excelled by any one, either of the present or former times. His building the Eddystone Lighthouse, were there no other monument of his fame, would establish his character. The Eddystone rocks have obtained their name from the great variety of contrary sets of the tide or current in their vicinity. They are si- tuated nearly S.S.W. from the middle of Plymouth Sound ; their distance from the port of Plymouth is about 14 miles. They are almost in the line which joins the Start and the Lizard Points ; and as they lie nearly in the direction of vessels coasting up and down the Channel, they were un- avoidably, before the establishment of a Lighthouse there, very dangerous, and often fatal to ships. Their situation with regard to the Bay of Biscay and the At- lantic is such, that they lie open to the swells of the bay and ocean, from all the south-western points of the compass ; so that all the heavy seas from the south-west quarter come uncontrolled upon the Eddy- stone rocks, and break upon them with the utmost fury. Sometimes, when the sea is to all appearance smooth and even, and its surface unruffled by the slightest breeze, the ground swell, meeting the slope of the rocks, the sea beats upon them in a frightful manner, so as not only to obstruct any work being done on the rock, or even landing upon it, when, figuratively speak- ing, you might go to sea in a walnut-shell. That circumstances fraught with danger surrounding it should excite mariners to wish for a Lighthouse, is not wonderful ; but the danger attending the erection leads us to wonder that any one could be found hardy enough to undertake it. Such a man was first found in the person of Mr. H. Winstanley, who, in the year 1696, was furnished by the Trinity House with the necessary powers. In 1700 it was finished ; but in the great storm of November, 1703, it was destroyed, and the projector pe- rished in the ruins. In 1709, another, upon a different construction, was erected by a Mr. Rudyerd, which, in 1755, was unfortunately consumed by fire. The next building was, as we have seen, under the direction of Mr. Smeaton ; who, having considered the errors of the former con- structions, has judiciously guarded against them, and erected a building, the demoli- tion of which seems little to be dreaded, unless the rock on which it is erected should perish with it. Of his works, in constructing bridges, harbours, mills, en- gines, &c. &c. it were endless to speak. Of his inventions and improvements of philosophical instruments, as the air- pump, the pyrometer, hygrometer, &c. &c. some idea may be formed from the list of tils writings. See Hutton’s Diet. SOLUTIONS OF QUESTIONS. Quest, 62, answered by J. D. (the Pro- poser ). Here 10 acres would have fed 15 oxen for 10 weeks, or 30 acres 18 oxen for 25 weeks, if the grass had not grown after the first 5 weeks ; for A. A. Ox. 3 : W. 10 A. 3 : W. 25 10 : W. : 5 A. 30 : W. 5 : 9 ? 10 X 9 X 5 j 10 X 3 Ox. : 9 >30 x 9 x 5 5 3 X 25 15 oxen. ~ 18 oxen. But, as 10 acres fed 20 oxen for 10 weeks, 20 — 15 ~ 5 oxen must have been fed for 10 weeks, by the grass which grew on these 10 acres during the second 5 weeks. Now, at the same rate of growth, 24 oxen may be fed for 25 weeks, by the grass which will grow on 30 acres during the 20 weeks, which remain after the first 5 weeks; for W. W. Ox. 25 : 10 : : 5") I’ 2o' 1*0 X20X30X5 A. A f 10X5X25 10 : 30 J ~ 24 oxen. Thus, the grass which grows during the last 20 weeks, will feed - 24 oxen, and that which was on the field at the beginning of the 25 weeks, to- gether with its growth during the first five weeks, will feed - - 18 oxen. Sum 42 oxen, Ans. We received several solutions of this intricate question ; but none of them was correct, except Mr. Harding’s. Ed. QUESTION FOR SOLUTION. Quest. 65, proposed by Master Thomas Morris, Liverpool. , A reservoir for water has two cocks to supply* it : by the first alone it may be filled in 40 minutes, by the second in 50 minutes : and it has also two discharging cocks ; the first will empty three such re- servoirs in 100 minutes, and the latter two such in 180 minutes. Now supposing these four cocks are all left open, and the water comes in, in what time will the cis- tern be filled, supposing the influx and efflux of the water to be always the same? We insert the above question, as we are assured the Proposer is only 10 years of age. We are sorry that his solution of the 61st question came too late for insertion. THE ARTISAN. 97 CTOMETEY. PROPOSITION XXXI. Theorem. — In a circle, the angle in asemi- cirle is a right angle; but the angle in a segment greater than a semicircle is less than a right angle : and the angle in a segment less than a semicircle is greater than a right angle. Let ABC9 be a circle, of which the diameter is BC, and centre E; and draw CA, dividing the circle into the segments ABC, ADC, and join BA, AD, DC; the angle in the semicircle B A C is a right angle; and the angle in the segment ABC, which is greater than a semicircle, is less than a right angle ; and the angle in the segment ADC, which is less than a semicircle, is greater than a right angle. Join A E, and produce BA to F; and because BE is equal to EA, the angle E A B is equal to E B A ; also, because A E is equal to E C, the angle E A C is IT equal to EGA; wherefore the whole angle BAC is equal to the two angles ABC, ACB: But FAC, the exterior angle of the triangle A B C, is equal to the two angles ABC, ACB; therefore the angle BA C is equal to the angle FAC, and each of them is therefore a right angle : Wherefore the angle B A C in a semicircle is a right angle. And because the two angles ABC, BAC of the triangle ABC are together less than two right angles, and that BAC is a right angle, ABC must be less than a right angle; and therefore the angle in a segment ABC greater than a semicircle, is less than a right angle. And because A B C D is a quadrilateral figure in a circle, any two of its opposite angles are equal to two right angles; therefore the angles ABC, ADC are equal to two right angles ; and A B C is less than a right angle; wherefore the other A D C is greater than a right angle. Vol. II, — No. 32. Besides, it is manifest, that the circum- ference of the greater segment ABC falls without the right angle CAB; but the circumference of the less segment ADC falls within the right angle C A F. And this is all that is meant, when in the Greek text, and the translations from it, the angle of the greater segment is said to be greater, and the angle of the less segment is said to be less, than a right angle. Cor. From this it is manifest, that if one angle of a triangle be equal to the other two, it is a right angle, because the angle adjacent to it is equal to the same two ; and when the adjacent angles are equal, they are right angles. PROPOSITION XXXII. Theorem.— If a straight line touches a cir- cle , and from the point of contact a straight line be drawn cutting the circle , the angles made by this line with the line touching the circle , shall be equal to the angles which are in the alternate seg- ments of the circle. Let the straight line E F touch the cir- cle A BCD in B, and from the point B let the straight line B D be drawn, cutting the circle : The angles which B D makes with the touching line E F, shall be equal to the angles in the alternate segments of the circle : that is, the angle F B D is equal to the angle which is in the segment DAB, and the angle DBE to the angle in the segment BCD. From the point B draw B A at right angles to E F, and take any point C in the circumference B D, and join A D, D C, C B ; and because the straight line E F touches the circle ABC D in the point B, and B A is drawn at right angles to the touching line from the point of contact B, the centre of the circle is in B A; there- fore the angle A D B in a semicircle is a right angle, and consequently the other two angles B A D, A B D are equal to a right angle : But A B F is likewise a right angle ; therefore the angle A B F is equal to the angles BAD, A B D : Take from 98 THE ARTISAN. these equals the common angle ABD; therefore the remaining angle D B F is equal to the angle BAD, which is in the alternate segment of the circle ; and be- cause A B C D is a quadrilateral figure in a circle, the opposite angles BAD, BCD are equal to two right angles ; therefore the angles DBF, D B E, being likewise equal to right angles, are equal to the angles B A D, B C D ; and D B F has been proved equal to B A 1) : Therefore the re- maining angle D B E is equal to the angle B C D in the alternate segment of the cir- cle. Wherefore, if a straight line, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION XXXIII. Problem.— Upon a given straight line to describe a segment of a circle , containing an angle equal to a given rectilineal angle. , Let A B be the given straight line, and the angle at C the given rectilineal angle ; it is required to describe upon the given straight line A B a segment of a circle, containing an angle equal to the angle C. First, let the angle at C be a right angle, and bisect A B in F, and from the centre F, at the distance F B, describe the semi- circle A H B ; therefore the angle A H B in a semicircle is equal to the right angle at C. But, if the angle C be not a right angle, at the point A, in the straight line AB, make the angle BAD equal to the angle C, and from the point A draw A E at right angles to A D ; bisect AB in F, and from F draw F G at right angles to A B, and join G B : And because A F is equal to F B, and F G common to the triangles AFG,BFG, the two sides A F, F G are equal to the two B F, F G ; and the angle A F G is equal to the angle B F G ; there- fore the base A G is equal to the base GB: and the circle described from the centre G, at the distance G A, shall pass through the point B; let this be the circle AHB : And because from the point A the extre- mity of the diameter A E, A D is drawn at right angles to AE, therefore A D touches the circle; and because A B drawn from the point of contact A cuts the circle, the angle D A B is equal to the angle in the alternate segment AHB: But the angle D A B is equal to the angle C, therefore also the angle C is equal to the angle in the segment AHB: Wherefore, upon the given straight line A B the segment AHB of a circle is described, which contains an angle equal to the given angle at C. Which was to be done. PROPOSITION XXXIV. Problem.— T o cut off a segment from a given circle , ivhich shall contain an angle equal to a given rectilineal angle. Let A B C be the given circle, and D the given rectilineal angle ; it is required to cut off a segment from the circle ABC, that shall contain an angle equal to the given angle D. Draw the straight line E F touching the circle A B C in the point B, and at the THE A SiTIS AN. 90 angle F B C equal to the angle D : There- fore, because the straight line E F touches the circle ABC, and B C is drawn from the point of contact B, the angle F B C is equal to the angle in the alternate segment B A C of the circle : But the angle FBC is equal to the angle D; therefore the angle in the segment B A C is equal to the angle D : Wherefore the segment B A C is cut off from the given circle ABC, con- taining an angle equal to the given angle D. Which was to be done. PROPOSITION XXXV. Theorem. — If two straight lines within a circle cut one another , the rectangle con . tabled by the segments of one of them , is equal to the rectangle contained by the segments of the other. Let the two straight lines A C, B D, within the circle A B C D, cut one another in the point E : the rectangle contained by A E, E C is equal to the rectangle con- tained by BE, E D If A C, B D pass each of them through the centre, so that E is the centre ; it is evident, that A E, E C, B E, ED, being all equal, the rectangle AE, EC, is like- wise equal to the rectangle B E, E D. But let one of them B D pass through the centre, and cut the other A C which does not pass through the centre, at right angles, in the point E : Then, if B D be bisected in F, F is the centre of the circle ABCD; join A F: And because BD, which passes through the centre, cuts the straight line A C, which does not pass through the centre, at right angles in E, A E, E C are equal to one another : And because the straight line B D is cut into two equal parts in the point F, and into two unequal in the point E, the rectangle B E, E U, together with the square of E F, is equal to the square of F B : that is, to the square of F A ; but the squares of AE, EFare equal to the square of FA; therefore the rectangle BE, ED, together with the square of E F, is equal to the squares of A E, E F : Take away the com- mon square of EF, and the remaining rectangle B E, E D is equal to the remain- ing square of A E ; that is, to the rectangle AE, EC. Next, let B D, which passes through the centre, cut the other A C, which does not pass through the centre, in E, but not at right angles : Then, as before, if B D be bisected in F, F is the centre of the circle. Join A F, and from F draw F G perpen- dicular to A C ; therefore A G is equal to G C ; wherefore the rectangle A E, E C, together with the square of E G, is equal to the square of A G : To each of these equals add the square of GF : therefore the rectangle A E, E C, together with the squares of E G, G F, is equal to the squares of A G, G F : But the squares of E G, G F are equal to the square of EF; and the squares of AG, GF are equal to the square of A F : Therefore the rectangle A E, E C, together with the square of E F, is equal to the square of A F ; that is, to the square of F B : But the square of F B is equal to the rectangle B E, ED, together with the square of E F ; therefore the rectangle A E, EC, together with the square of EF, is equal to the rectangle BE, ED, together with the square of EF. Take away the common square of EF, and the remaining rectangle AE, EC, is therefore equal to the remaining rectaugle BE, ED. Lastly, let neither of the straight lines G2 100 THE ARTISAN. AC, BD pass through the centre : Take the diameter G E F H : And because the rectangle AE, EC is equal, as has been shewn, to the rectangle GE, EH; and, for the same reason, the rectangle BE, ED is equal to the same rectangle GE, E H ; therefore the rectangle A E, E C is equal to the rectangle BE, ED. Where- fore, if two straight lines, &c. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION XXXVI. Theorem. — If from any point without a circle two straight lines he drawn , one of which cuts the circle , and the other touches it ; the rectangle contained hy the whole line which cuts the circle , and the part of it without the circle , shall be equal to the square of the line which touches it. Let D be any point without the circle ABC, and D C A, D B two straight lines drawn from it, of which D C A cuts the circle, and DB touches the same: The rectangle A D, D C is equal to the square of DB. Either D C A passes through the centre, 3 * or it does not : first, let it pass through the centre E, and join E B ; therefore the angle E B D is a right angle : And because the straight line A C is bisected in E, and produced to the point D, the rectangle A D, D C, together with the square of E C, is equal to the square of E D, and C E is equal to EB. Therefore the rectangle AD, DC, together with the square of E B, is equal to the square of E D : But the square of ED is equal to the squares of EB, B D, because EBD is a right angle : Therefore the rectangle A D, D C, together with the square of E B, is equal to the squares of E B, B D : Take away the common square of E B ; there- fore the remaining rectangle A D, D C is equal to the square of the tangent D B. But if D C A does not pass through the centre of the circle ABC, take the centre E, and draw EF perpendicular to AC, and join EB, E C, E D : And because the straight line EF, which passes through the centre, cuts the straight line A C, which does not pass through the centre, D cause the straight line A C is bisected in F, and produced to D, the rectangle AD, DC, together with the square of FC, is equal to the square of F D : To each of these equals add the square of F E ; there- fore the rectangle A D, D C, together with the squares of C F, F E, is equal to the squares of D F, F E : But the square of ED is equal to the squares of DF, FE, because E F D is a right angle : and the square of E C is equal to the squares of C F, FE; therefore the rectangle AD, D C, together with the square of E C, is equal to the square of E D : And C E is equal to E B ; therefore the rectangle AD, D C, together with the square of E B, is tHE ARTISAN. 101 equal to the square of E D : But the squares of E B, B D are equal to the square of ED, because EBD is a right angle; therefore the rectangle AD, DC, together with the square of EB, is equal to the squares of E B, B D : Take away the com- mon square of E B ; therefore the remain- ing rectangle, A D, D C is equal to the square of DB. Wherefore, if from any point, &c. Q. E. D. Cor. If from any point without a circle, there be drawn two straight lines cutting it, as A B, A C, the rectangle^ contained by the whole lines and the parts of them A without the circle, are equal to one another; viz. the rectangle B A, A E to the rect- angle C A, A F : For each of them is equal to the square of the straight line AD which touches the circle. PROPOSITION XXXVII. Theorem.— If from a point without a cir- cle there be drawn two straight lines , one of which cuts the circle, and the other meets it; if the rectangle contained by the whole line which cuts the circle, and the part of it without the circle be equal to the square of the line which meets it, the line which meets shall touch the circle. Let any point D be taken without the circle ABC, and from it let two straight lines D C A and D B be drawn, of which DCA cuts the circle, and D B meets it ; if the rectangle AD, D C be equal to the square of D B ; DB touches the circle. Draw the straight line D E, touching the circle ABC, find its centre F, and join F E, F B, F D ; then F E D is a right angle : And because D E touches the circle A B C, and DCA cuts it, the rectangle A D, D C is equal to the square of DE: But the rectangle A D, DC is, by hypo- thesis, equal to the square of D B : There- fore the square of DE is equal to the square of D B ; aud the straight line D E equal to the straight line D B, And F E is equal to F B, wherefore D E, E F are equal to D B, B F ; and the base F D is common to the I> two triangles D EF, DBF; therefore the angle D E F is equal to the angle DBF; but D E F is a right angle, therefore also D B F is a right angle : And FB, if pro- duced, is a diameter, and the straight line which is drawn at right angles to a diame- ter, from the extremity of it, touches the circle : Therefore D B touches the circle ABC. Wherefore, if from a point, &c. Q. E, D. MECHJLlflCS* OF MILLS. Machines, by which the larger masses of matter are crushed, broken, or ground, are generally comprehended under the name of mills. After the pestle and mor- tar, the simplest machine of this kind appears to be the stamping mill ; the stampers resemble the hammers of the mill employed in the extraction of oils from seeds, and the machine is used for reducing to powder the ores of metals, and sometimes also barks and linseed ; the sur- face of the stampers being armed with iron or steel. But barks and seeds are more usually ground by the repeated pres- sure of two wheels of stone, rolling on an axis, which is forced in a horizontal direc- tion round a fixed point. The materials for making gunpowder, are also ground by a wheel revolving in a 102 THE ARTISAN trough : in order to corn them, they are moistened, and put into boxes with a num- ber of holes in their bottoms, and these boxes being placed side by side, in a cir- cular frame, suspended by cords, the frame js agitated by a crank revolving horizon- tally, and the paste shaken through the holes : the corns are polished, by causing them to revolve rapidly within a barrel. The rollers by which sugar canes are pressed, are in general situated vertically, the middle one of these being turned by horses, by mules, or by water, and the canes being made to turn round it, so as to pass through both interstices in succes- sion. It appears to be of some advantage in presses of this kind, that all the rollers should be turned, independently of their action, on the materials interposed, since the friction of two rollers may tend to draw the materials into the space between them, with more regularity and greater force, than the action of a single roller would do. For this reason, it may be advisable to retain the toothed wheels turning the rollers, even when their axis are not firmly fixed, but held together by an elastic hoop. In the following figure the axis A is turned either by animal force or by water. The liquor is collected in the trough B, and runs off in the channel C. The openings D are for the purpose of adjusting the axis of the rollers. The canes are supplied by the hands of the workmen. Substances are seldom extended or flat- tened by forces that tend immediately to increase the dimensions of the substance only : this is generally performed by re- ducing the magnitude of the substance in another direction, sometimes by means of pressure, but more effectually by percus- sion. The rollers of the press employed for laminating metals are turned by ma- chinery, and are capable of being moved backwards and forwards, in order to re- peat the operation on the same substance ; their distance is adjusted by screws, which are turned at once by pinions fixed on the same axis, in order that they may be always parallel. In this manner lead, copper, and silver, are rolled into plates ; and a thin plate of silver being soldered to a thicker one of copper, the compound plate is submitted again to the action of the press, and made so thin as to be afforded at a moderate expense. The gla- zier’s vice is a machine of the same nature, fqr forming window lead: the softness of the lead enables it to assume the required shape, in consequence of the pressure of the rollers or wheels; and the circum- ference of these wheels is indented, in order to draw the lead along by the cor- responding elevations. The following figure represents a ma- chine of this kind : The vacuity in the middle shows the form of the section of the lead, which is draw n through it. In drawing wire, the force is originally applied in the direction of the extension ; but it produces a much stronger lateral THE ARTISAN. 305 compression, by means of the conical apertures through which the wire is suc- cessively drawn. For holding the large "wire, pincers are at first used, which em- brace it strongly while they pull, and open when they advance to a new position, the interruption being perhaps of use, by enabling the pincers to acquire a certain momentum before they begin to extend the wire; but afterwards, when the wire is finer, it is simply drawn through the aper- ture from one wheel or drum to another. During the operation, it requires frequent annealing, which causes a scale to form on its surface; and this must be removed by rolling it in a barrel with proper ma- terials ; for the application of an acid is said to injure the temper of the metal. Copper is sometimes drawn into wire so large, as to serve for the bolts used in shipbuilding, especially for sheathing ships’ bottoms. Silver wire thinly covered with gold, is rendered extremely fine, and then flattened, in order to be fit for making gold thread : the thickness of the gold is inconceivably small, much less than the millionth part of an inch, and sometimes only a ten millionth part. The operation of coining depends also in a great degree on an extension of the metal, for the bars are taken out of the moulds, and scraped, brushed, flattened in a mill, and brought to the proper thick- ness of the pieces to be coined ; the plates thus reduced are then cut into a round form, called blanks or planchets, with an instrument fastened to the lower end of an arbor, whose upper end is formed into a screw, which being turned by an iron handle turns the arbor, and lets the steel, well sharpened in form of a punch cutter, fall on the plates ; and thus a piece is punched out In forges the hammers are raised by machinery, and thrown forcibly against a spring, so as to recoil with great velocity. With the help of this spring the hammer sometimes makes 500 strokes in a minute, its force being many times greater than the weight of the hammer. Such forges are used in making malleable iron, in forming copper plates, and in manufactur- ing steel. The following figure represents a ham- mer of this kind elevatad by the plugs, projecting from an axis, either at A , or more conveniently at B, and thrown forci- bly against the wooden spring C. OF CORN MILLS. Some kinds of grain are occasionally ground in mills of iron or steel, which con- sist of a solid cylinder or cone turning with a hollow one, both the surfaces being cut obliquely into teeth. The common mill for grinding corn is composed of two circular stones of sili- cious grit, placed horizontally ; the upper one revolves with considerable velocity, and is supported by an axis passing through the lower one, at a distance va- riable at pleasure. When the diameter is five feet, the stone usually makes about 90 revolutions in a minute ; if the velocity were greater, the flour would be too much heated. The corn is shaken out of a fun- nel or hopper, by means of projections from the revolving axis, which strikes against the orifice ; it passes through the middle of the upper mill-stone, and is readily admitted between the stones ; the lower stone is slightly convex, and the upper one somewhat more concave, so that the corn passes over more than half the radius of the stone before it begins to be ground : after being reduced to powder, it is discharged at the circumference, its escape being favoured by the convexity of the lower stone, as well as by the centri- fugal force. The surface of the stones is cut into grooves, in order to make them act more readily and effectually on the corn. The resistance in grinding wheat has been estimated at about a thirty-fifth of the weight of the mill-stone. The stones have sometimes been placed vertically, and the axis supported upon friction wheels : but the common position appears to be more eligible for mills on a large scale. It is said that a man and a boy may grind by a hand mill a bushel of wheat in an hour ; in a water mill, the grinding and dressing of a bushel of wheat, is equivalent to the effect of 201G0 pounds of water falling through a height of 10 feet, which is about as much as the work of a labourer, for little more than half an hour. In a wind-mill, when the velocity is increased by the irregular action of the wind, the corn is sometimes forced rapidly through the mill without being sufficiently ground. There is an elegant method of preventing this by means of the centrifugal force of two balls, which fly out as soon as the velocity is augmented ; and as they rise in the arc of a circle, allow the end of a lever to rise with them, while the oppo- site end of the lever descends with the upper mill-stone, and brings it a little nearer to the lower one.* The bran or * See page 226 , vol. i. 104 THE ARTISAN. husk is seperated from the flour, by sifting presented by the letter E in the following it in the bolting mill, which consists of a figure, which exhibits a corn mill, with cylindrical sieve, placed in an inclined some of the improvements made in Ame- position, and turned by machinery, as re- rica by Mr. Ellicott and Mr. Evans. The corn, being poured into the funnel A, is conveyed by the revolutions of a spiral B C to C, whence it is raised by the chain of buckets to C 1), to be cleaned by the revolving sieve E and the fan F ; it is then deposited in the granary G, which supplies the funnel or mill hopper H ; this being perpetually agitated by the iron axis of the upper mill-stone, shakes it by degrees into the perforation of the stone ; it escapes, when ground, at I, and is con- veyed by means of the carrier K L, and the elevator LM, to the cooler N, where it is spread on a large surface : it passes afterwards to the bolter O, and is received into the binn P from w 7 hence it is taken, to be packed in sacks or barrels. Q re- presents the surface of a mill-stone cut into furrows, in order to make it act more readily on the corn. A TRAVELLING CORN-MILL. The following figure represents a mill, which depends on the draught of a horse and the friction of the road for its motion. It is meant to move round a green, or any smooth road, and to travel from one house or village to another. ab is a square frame of scantling, fixed on the shafts of a common cart : in this frame is fixed the case c, which contains the iron mill-stones d; the upper stone, as usual, turned and supported by the trundle or pinion e (the support of which, and its regulator, cannot be represented in the drawing, but are the same as in a com- mon mill). The iron part of the spindle that is fixed into the stone is supported on THE ARTISAN. 105 three or four friction-wheels, to keep the stone steady when any inequalities are in the road ; and which can, by screws, raise or depress the stone according to the fine- ness of the flour required, or the grain to be ground. A cog-wheel, A, is fixed on a square part of the axle of the cart-wheels, and is about a foot less in diameter. This cog-wheel can be easily separated from the trundle e, when the mill travels from one place to another. Inclining under the stones is the bolting sieve z z, represented by dotted lines, with teeth that act i# the trundle e. The flour is ejected from the stones into this circulating sieve, and falls through it into a close case that deposits it in the bag o ; while the bran flowing through the length of the sieve, is re- ceived in another bag. The stones should be about three feet in diameter (if of cast iron, so much the better), and the whole machine covered. It is conceived, one horse will draw the mill and a miller, and grind a bushel of wheat in travelling about one mile and a half. OF ATMOSPHERICAL ELECTRICITY. Air is one of those bodies which have received the name of electrics , because they are capable of being positively or ne- gatively charged with electric matter. It not only contains that portion of electri- city which seems necessary to the consti- tution of all terrestrial bodies, but it is liable also to be charged negatively or positively when electricity is abstracted or introduced by means of conducting bodies. These different states must occa- sion a variety of phenomena, and in all probability contribute very considerably to the various combinations and decom- positions which are continually going on in the air. The electrical state of the at- mosphere, then, is a point of considerable importance, and has with great propriety occupied the attention of philosophers ever since Dr. Franklin demonstrated that thun- der is occasioned by the agency of elec- tricity. The most complete set of observations on the electricity of the atmosphere were made by Professor Beccaria of Turin. He found the air almost always positively electrical, especially in the day-time and in dry weather. When dark or wet weather clears up, the electricity is al- ways negative. Low thick fogs rising into dry air carry up a great deal of elec- tric matter. In the morning, when the hygrometer indicates dryness equal to that of the pre- ceding day, positive electricity obtains even before sunrise. As the sun gets up, this electricity increases more remarkably if the dryness increases. It diminishes in the evening. The mid-day electricity of days equally dry is proportional to the heat. Winds always lessen the electricity of a clear day, especially if damp. For the most part, when there is a clear sky and little wind, a considerable elec- tricity arises after sunset at dew falling. Considerable light has lately been thrown upon the sources of atmospherical electri- city by the experiments of Saussure, Hum- boldt, and other philosophers. Air is not only electrified by friction like other elec- tric bodies, but the state of its electricity is changed by various chemical opera- tions which often go on in the atmosphere. Evaporation seems in all cases to convey electric matter into the atmosphere; and Saussure has ascertained that the quan- tity of electricity is much increased when water is decomposed, as when water is dropt on a red hot iron. On the other hand, when steam is condensed into vesi- cular vapour, or into water, the air be- comes negatively electric. Hence it would seem that electricity enters as a compo- nent part . into water ; that it separates when water is decomposed or expanded into steam, and is re-united when the steam is condensed again into water. Mr. Canton has ascertained that dry air, when heated, becomes negatively electric, and positive when cooled, even when it is not permitted to expand or contract : and the expansion and contraction of air also occasions changes in its electric state. Thus there appears to be at least four sources of atmospheric electricity known ; namely, Friction ; Evaporation ; Heat and cold ; Expansion and Contraction : not to mention the electricity evolved by the melting, freezing, solution, &c. of various bodies in contact with air. As air is an electric, the matter of elec- tricity, when accumulated in any particu- lar strata, wall not immediately make its way to the neighbouring strata, but will induce in them changes similar to what is induced upon plates of glass or similar bodies piled upon each other, Therefore if a stratum of air be electrified positively, the stratum immediately above it will be negative, the stratum above that positive, and so on. Suppose now that an imper- fect conductor were to come into contact with each of these strata, we know, from the principles of electricity, that the equi- librium would be restored, and that this would be attended with a loud noise, and with a flash of light. Clouds which con- sist of vesicular vapours mixed with par- ticles of air are imperfect conductors ; if 106 THE ARTISAN. a cloud therefore come into contact with two such strata, a thunder-clap would fol- low. If a positive stratum be situated near the earth, the intervention of a cloud will serve to bring the stratum within the striking distance, and a thunder-clap will be heard while the electrical fluid is dis- charging itself into the earth. If the stra- tum be negative, the contrary effects will take place. It has been proved by Mr. Canton that dry air, when heated, becomes negatively electrified, but that it assumes the positive state when cooled. He has also shewn that it undergoes changes in its electrical con- dition as it is exposed to various degrees of pressure ; and Beccaria, Cavallo, Achard, and other experimental enquirers, have ascertained that these changes are con- nected with meteorological phenomena. On. this subject we quote the following observations from Humboldt, which that illustrious traveller made in the valleys of Aragua : “ Being sufficiently habituated to the climate,” says he, “ not to fear the effects of tropical rains, we remained on the shore to observe the electrometer. I held it more than twenty minutes in my hand, six feet above the ground, and ob- served that, in general, the pith balls separated only a few seconds before the lightning was seen. The separation was four lines. The electric discharge remained the same during several minutes ; and hav- ing time to determine the nature of the electricity, by approaching a stick of seal- ing wax, I saw here on the plain what I have often observed on the back of the Andes, during a storm, that the electricity of the atmosphere was first positive, then null, and then negative. These oscilla- tions from the positive to the negative state were often repeated. We had al- ready observed,” he adds, “ in valleys of Aragua, from the 18th and 19th of February, clouds forming at the com- mencement of the night. In the beginning of the month of March the accumulation of the vesicular vapours became visible to the eye, and with them signs of atmosphe- ric electricity augmented daily. We saw flashes of lightning to the South, and the electrometer of Volta displayed constantly at sun set positive electricity. The separa- tion of the little pith balls null during the rectof the day, was from three to four lines at the commencement of the night; which is triple what I generally observed in Europe with the same instrument in calm weather.” Again he remarks, “ about the end of February and the beginning of March, the blue of the sky is less intense, the hygro- meter indicates by degrees greater hu- midity, the stars are sometimes veiled by a thin stratum of vapours, and their light is no longer steady and planetary; they are seen twinkling from time to time 20° above the horizon. The breeze at this period, becomes less strong, less regular, and is often interrupted by dead calms.” For guarding against accidents from lightning, Dr. Franklin’s great invention of metallic conductors may be very advan- tageously employed; for, when properly fixed, they afford a degree of security, which leaves very little room for appre- hension. A conductor ought to be con- tinued deep into the earth, or connected with some well or drain; it should be of ample dimensions, and where smallest, of copper, since copper conducts electri- city more readily than iron. In one in- stance a conductor of iron, four inches wide, and half an inch thick, appears to have been made red hot by a stroke of lightning. It seems to be of some advan- tage that a conductor should be pointed, but the circumstance is of less consequence than has often been supposed. Mr. Wil- son exhibited some experiments in which a point was struck at a greater distance than a ball, and therefore argued against the employment of pointed conductors. Mr. Nairne, on the contrary, showed that a ball is often struck in preference to a point. But it has been observed, that if a point attracts the lightning from a greater distance, it must protect a greater extent of building. It is easy to show, by hang- ing cotton or wool on a conductor, that a point repels light electrical bodies, and that a pointed conductor may, therefore, drive away some fleecy clouds; but this effect is principally derived from a current of air repelled by the point ; and such a current could scarcely be supposed to have any perceptible effect upon clouds so distant as those which are concerned in thunder storms. A small quantity of metal is found to conduct a great quantity of this fluid. A wire no bigger than a goose-quill, has been known to conduct (with safety to the building, as far as the wire was conti- nued,) a quantity of lightning that did prodigious damage both above and below it ; and probably larger rods are not ne- cessary, though it is common in America, to make them of half an inch, and some of three quarters, or an inch in diameter. The rod may be fastened to the wall, chimney, &c. with staples of iron. The lightning will not leave the rod (a good conductor,) to pass into the wall, (a bad conductor,) through those staples. — It would rather, if any were in the wall, pass out of it into the rod to get more readily by that conductor into the earth. If the building be very large and ex- tensive, two or more rods may be placed at different parts for greater security. Small ragged parts of clouds suspended THE ARTISAN. 107 in the air, between the great body of clouds and the earth, (like leaf gold in electrical experiments,) often serve as par- tial conductors for the lightning, which proceeds from one of them to another, and by their help comes within the strik- ing distance to the earth or a building. It therefore strikes through those parts of a building that would otherwise be out of the striking distance. It is therefore proper to elevate the upper end of the rod six or eight feet above the highest part of the building, tapering it gradually to a fine sharp point, which should be gilt to prevent its rusting. The pointed rod will thus either pre- vent a stroke from the cloud, or, if a stroke takes place, will conduct it to the earth with safety to the building. A person apprehensive of danger from lightning, happening, during the time of thunder, to be in a house not so secured, will do well to avoid sitting near the chim- ney, looking-glass, gilt pictures, or wains- cot 5 the safest place is in the middle of the room, (if not under a metal lustre, suspended by a chain,) sitting on one chair and laying the feet on another. It is still safer to bring two or three mat- trasses or beds into the middle of the room, and folding them up double, place the chair upon them ; for they not being so good conductors as the walls, the light- ning will not chuse an interrupted course through the air of the room and the bed- ding, when it can go through a continued better conductor, the wall. But where it can be had, a hammock or swinging bed, suspended by silk cords equally distant from the walls on every side, and from the ceiling and floor above and below, affords the safest situation a person can have in any room whatever; and what indeed may be deemed quite free from danger of any stroke by lightning. ASTEOMOMYs ' ON THE REGULATION OF TIME BY THE HEAVENLY BODIES. Though time, considered in an abstract and philosophical point of view, was cer- tainly coeval with the Deity, since nothing can possibly exist but in some portion of it, yet the measuring of time is a matter of a very different nature ; and though various nations have differed on this subject, it is, nevertheless, a subject of the utmost im- portance to every human being. For the opposite and contradictory methods of calculating time have often been produc- tive of very great mischief in the w orld ; while chronologers, sometimes from igno- rance, and as often from prejudice, have misrepresented events, which, however trifling they might appear to them, may nevertheless affect the happiness of future ages. During the general chaos, or that period when the materials of which the beautiful fabric of the universe was what Ovid calls rudis indig estaque moles, a rude and indigested heap, there were no human beings, and consequently no occasion for any method of measuring or regulating time. But as soon as the world was made a fit habitation for man, the measurement of time became necessary on many ac- counts : our pleasure, as well as our inte- rests, require that this object should be accomplished ; but it is only an acquaint- ance with astronomy that can furnish the means of doing it correctly. For time has always been measured and defined by the motions of the heavenly bodies, and parti- cularly by the sun, as being the most re- gular and constant in his apparent revo- lutions.* The principal divisions of time are the year and the day, which are measured by the annual and diurnal revolution of the sun. The day, or the time in which the sun appears to go round the earth, has been divided into twenty-four equal parts, which are called hours, and these again subdivided into minutes, &c. This divi- sion is, however, merely arbitrary ; there being no astronomical appearance to war- rant or regulate such a division of the day, more than a division into twenty-two, forty-eight, or any other number of equal parts. The length of the tropical year, or the time the sun is in going from any point of the ecliptic to the same again, is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 49 seconds. But the sidereal year, or the time which intervenes between the conjunction of the sun and any fixed star, and his next conjunction with the same star, is 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes, 11^ seconds. The difference be- tween these two periods, which amounts to 20 22%', is occasioned by the recession of the equinoxes, or the falling back of the equinoctial points 50|; seconds of a degree every year. This retrograde motion of the equinoctial points is caused by the joint attraction of the sun and moon upon the earth, in consequence of its spheroi- dical figure.t Time is distinguished according to the manner of measuring the day, into appa- rent, mean, and sidereal. Apparent time, which is also called true, solar, and astro- * As it may contribute to perspicuity in treating of this important subject, we shall consider the ap- parent motions of the sun as real. t These variations are computed and inserted in a table, which is called a Table of the Equation of Time. 108 THE ARTISAN. nomical time, is derived from observations made on the sun. Mean, or mean solar time, sometimes called equated time, is a mean or average of apparent time, which is not always equal ; for the intervals be- tween two successive transits of the sun over the meridian are not always the same. This is owing to the eccentricity of the earth’s orbit, and its obliquity to the plane of the equinoctial. If the earth’s orbit were an exact circle, and coincident with the equinoctial, the sun would always re- turn to the meridian of any place at equal intervals of time, and apparent and mean solar time would bedhe same. But as this is not the case, mean time is deduced from apparent by adding or subtracting the dif- ference between them, which is usually called the equation of time. Mean solar days are all equal, being twenty-four hours each ; but apparent solar days are sometimes more than twenty- four hours, and sometimes less. A sidereal day is the interval between two successive transits of a star over the same meridian, and is always of the same length ; for all the fixed stars make their revolutions in equal times, owing to the uniformity of the earth’s diurnal rotation about its axis. The sidereal day is, however, shorter than the mean solar day by S' 56£". This difference arises from the sun’s apparent annual mo- tion from west to ea9t, by which he leaves the star, as it were, behind him. Thus, if the sun and a star be observed on any day to pass the meridian at the same instant, the next day, when the star passes the me- ridian, the sun will have advanced nearly a degree to the eastward ; and, as the earth’s diurnal rotation on its axis is from west to east, the star will come to the me- ridian before the sun ; and in the course of a year the star will have gained a whole day on the sun ; that is, it will have passed the meridian 366 times, while the sun will only have passed it 365 times. Now as the sun appears to perform the whole of the ecliptic in 365 days, 5 hours, 48 mi- nutes, 49 seconds, he describes 59' 8*3", or nearly one degree of it per day, at a mean rate ; and this space reduced to time is exactly 3' 56§", the excess of a mean solar day above a sidereal day.* The equation of time, or the difference between mean and apparent time, as al- ready mentioned, arises from two causes; namely, the obliquity of the ecliptic to the plane of the equinoctial, and the eccentri- city of the earth’s orbit. There are, how- ever, four days in the year when the equa- tion of time is nothing, or when the mean and apparent time coincide ; these days are, at present, the 15th of April, the 15th * This excess is sometimes called the acceleration ot the fixed stars. of June, the 1st of September, and the 24th of December. From the first of these days to the second, the apparent time is before the mean ; from the second to the third, the mean time is before the appa- rent ; from the third to the fourth, the ap- parent is before the mean ; and from the last of those days to the first, the mean is again before the apparent, and so on al- ternately.* If the revolution of the sun consisted of an entire number of days, for instance 365, the year would naturally be made to do the same ; and there would be no difficulty in the formation of the calendar , or in ad- justing the reckoning in years and in days to one another. All the years would thus contain pre- cisely the same number of days, and would also begin and end with the sun in the same point of the ecliptic. But the sun’s revolution includes a fraction of a day, and therefore a year and a revolution of the sun cannot be precisely completed at the same moment. However, as this frac- tion makes a whole day in four revolutions, one day is added every four years, in order to make this number of years equal to the same number of revolutions. The year to which this day is added therefore contains 366 days. This is the arrangement of what is called the Julian Calendar; and the year thus computed is termed the Julian year, from Julius Caesar, by whom it was introduced at Rome.f But as the real length of the year is 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes, nearly, the manner of reckoning adopted by Julius Caesar was not sufficiently exact to preserve the seasons in the same time of the year : for in four years, the difference between the year thus regulated and the true solar year amounted to about 44 mi- nutes, and in 132 years to one entire day. The Julian year must, therefore, have be- gun one day earlier than the solar year at the end of this period. Consequently, the continuance of this erroneous mode of rec- koning would have made the seasons change their places altogether in the course of twenty-four thousand years. At the time of the Council of Nice , in the year 325 of the Christian era, the Ju- lian calendar was introduced into the Church ; and at that time the vernal equi- nox fell on the 21st of March ; but on ac- * Clocks and watches ought to he regulated by mean time, as none of them can shew apparent time, because they are all constructed on the prin- ciple of uniform and equable motion. t The intercalary day, or the day which was added every fourth year, was accounted the 24th of February, and called by the Romans the 6th of the Kalends of March ; on this account there were every fourth year two 6ths of the Kalends of March, and therefore they called this year Bissextile. With us it is called Leap Year. THE ARTISAN. 109 count of the imperfection of the mode of reckoning just noticed, the reckoning fell constantly behind the true time : so that in the year 1582, the Julian year had fallen nearly ten days behind the sun ; and the equinox, instead of falling on the 21st of March, fell on the 11th of March. The defects of the calendar were disco- vered long before the year 1582 ; but all attempts made to reform it proved in vain. At last Pope Gregory, who was desirous of rendering his pontificate illustrious by bringing about a reformation, which his predecessors had failed to accomplish, in- vited all the astronomers in Chistendom to give their opinions on this important affair. This invitation had the effect of bringing forth many ingenious plans ; but the one which he ordered to be adopted was af- forded by an astronomer of Verona, named Lilius. The first step was to allow for the loss of the ten days ; which was done by count- ing the 5th of October, 1582, the 15th of that month. By this means, the vernal equinox was again brought to-the 21st of March, as it was at the time of the Coun- cil of Nice ; and to prevent the like incon- venience in future, it was decreed that the last year of every century, not divisible by four , should be accounted a common year, which, according to the Julian reckoning, should be leap year ; but that those hun- dreds which were divisible by four, such as 1600, 2000, 2400, &c. should still be accounted leap year. Although this cor- rection be sufficiently exact to keep the seasons to the same time of the year, yet it does not altogether correspond with the real length of the year ; for the time that the Julian year exceeds the true will amount to 3 days in 390 years. If, there- fore, at the end of 390 years, three days were expunged, the equinox would very nearly keep to the same day of the month ; but by suppressing 3 days only in 400 years, as in the Gregorian account, a small deviation will take place in the course of twelve or sixteen centuries, but so trifling as scarcely to deserve notice. As this reformation of the calendar was brought about under the auspices of Pope Gregory, it is called the Gregorian Calen- dar, and sometimes the New Style , to dis- tinguish it from the Julian account. This new calendar was immediately adopted in all Catholic countries; but it was not adopted in this country till the year 1752. In Russia, Prussia, and some other coun- tries, the Julian account is still used. iBisrellfitteous J?ithjertfs. MEMOIR OF THE LIFE OF DR. ROBERT SIMSON. Dr. Robert Simson was born in the year 1687 of a respectable family, which had held a small estate in the county of Lanark for some generations. He was, we think, the second son of the family. A younger brother was professor of medicine in the university of St. Andrew, and is known by some works of reputation, par- ticularly u A Dissertation on the Nervous System,” occasioned by the dissection of a brain completely ossified. Dr. Simson was educated in the univer- sity of Glasgow under the eye of some of his relations who were professors. Eager after knowledge, he made great progress in all his studies ; and as his mind did not, at the very first openings of science, strike into that path which afterwards so strongly attracted him, and in which he proceeded so far almost without a com- panion, he acquired in every walk of science a stock of information, which, though it had never been much augmented afterwards, would have done credit to a professional man in any of his studies. He became, at a very early period, an adept in the philosophy and theology of the schools, was able to supply the place of a sick relation in the class of oriental lan- guages, was noted for historical know- ledge, and one of the most knowing bota- nists of his time. As a relief to other studies, he turned his attention to mathe- matics. Perspicuity and elegance he thought were more attainable, and more discernible in pure geometry, than in any other branch of the science. To this there- fore he chiefly devoted himself; for the same reason he preferred the ancient me- thod of studying pure geometry. He con- sidered algebraic analysis as little better than a kind of mechanical knack, in which we proceed without ideas, and obtain a re- sult without meaning, and without being conscious of any process of reasoning, and therefore without any conviction of its truth. Such was the ground of the strong bias of Dr. Simson’s mind to the analysis of the ancient geometers. It increased as he advanced, and his veneration for the an- cient geometry was carried to a degree of idolatry. His chief labours were exerted in efforts to restore the works of the an- cient geometers. The inventions of flux- ions and logarithms attracted the notice of Dr. Simson, but he has contented himself with demonstrating their truth on the ge- nuine principles of ancient geometry. About the age of twenty-five, Dr. Sim- son was chosen Regius Professor of Ma- thematics in the University of Glasgow. no THE ARTISAN. He went to London immediately after his appoiniment, and there formed an acquaint- ance with the most - eminent men of that bright era of British science. Among these he always mentioned Captain Halley (the celebrated Dr. Edmund Halley) with particular respect; saying, that he had the most acute penetration, and the most just taste in that science, of any man he had ever known. And, indeed, Dr. Hal- ley has strongly exemplified both of these in his divination of the work of “ Apollo- nius de Sectione Spatii,” and the eighth book of his “ Conics,” and in some of the most beautiful theorems of Sir Isaac New- ton’s “ Principia.” Dr. Simson also ad- mired the wide and masterly steps which Newton was accustomed to take in his in- vestigations, and his manner of substitut- ing geometrical figures for the quantities which are observed in the phenomena of nature. It was from Dr. Simpson that his biographer, to whom we are indebted for this article, learnt, u That the thirty-ninth proposition of the first book of the Prin- cipia was the most important proposition that had ever been exhibited to the phy- sico -mathematical philosopher;” and he used always to illustrate to his more ad- vanced scholars the superiority of the geo- metrical over the algebraic analysis, by comparing the solution given by Newton of the inverse problem of centripetal forces, in the forty-second proposition of that book, with the one given by John Bernoulli in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences at Paris for 1713. He had heard him say, that to his own knowledge Newton frequently investigated his propo- sitions in the symbolical way ; and that it was owing chiefly to Dr. Halley that they did not finally appear in that dress. But if Dr. Simson was well informed, we think it a great argument in favour of the sym- bolic analysis when this most successful practical artist (for so we must call New- ton when engaged in a task of discovery) found it conducive either to despatch or perhaps to his very progress. Returning to his academical chair, Dr. Simson dis- charged the duties of a professor for more than fifty years with great honour to the university and to himself. It is almost needless to say, that in his prelections he followed strictly the Euclidian method in elementary geometry. He made use of Theodosius as an introduction to spherical trigonometry. In the higher geometry he lectured from his own Conics : and he gave a small specimen of the linear prob- lems of the ancients, by explaining the properties, sometimes of the conchoid, sometimes of the cissoid, with their appli- cation to the solution of such problems. In the more advanced class he was accus- tomed to give Napier’s mode of conceiv- ing logarithms ; i. e. quantities as gene- rated by motion ; and Mr. Cotes’s view of them, as the sums of ratiunculae; and to demonstrate Newton’s lemmas concerning the limits of ratios ; and then to give the elements of the fluxionary calculus ; and to finish his course with a select set of propo- sitions in optics, gnomonics, and central forces. His method of teaching was -sim- ple and perspicuous, his elocution clear, and his manner easy and impressive. He had the respect, and still more the affec- tion, of his scholars. It was chiefly owing to the celebrated Halley that Dr. Simson so early directed his efforts to the restoration of the ancient geometers. He had recommended this to him, as the most certain way for him, at that time very young, both to acquire re- putation, and to improve his own know- ledge and taste ; and he presented him with a copy of Pappus’s Mathematical Collections, enriched with his own notes. Hence he undertook the restoration of Euclid’s porisms,awork of some difficulty, that his biographer says nothing but suc- cess could justify in so young an adven- turer. From this he proceeded to other works of importance, which he executed with so much skill, as to obtain the repu- tation of being one of the most elegant geometers of the age. His edition of Eu- clid’s u Elements” has long been reckoned the very best that exists. Another work, on which Dr. Simson bestowed much la- bour, was the u Sectio Determinata,” which was published after his death, by the late Earl Stanhope, with the great work, “ The Porisms of Euclid.” This nobleman had kept up a correspondence with Dr. Simson till his death in 1768, when he engaged Mr. Clow, to whose care the Doctor had left his papers, to make a selection of such as would serve to support and increase his reputation, as the restorer of ancient geometry. This selection Lord Stanhope printed at his own expense. “ The life of a literary man rarely teems with anecdote ; and a mathematician, de- voted to his studies, is perhaps more ab- stracted than any other person from the ordinary occurrences of life, and even the ordinary topics of conversation. Dr. Sim- son was of this class ; and, having never married, lived entirely a college life. — Having no occasion for the commodious house to which his place in the university entitled him, he contented himself with chambers, good indeed, and spacious enough for his sober accommodation, and for receiving his choice collection of mathe- matical writers, but without any decoration or commodious furniture. His official servant sufficed for valet, footman, and chambermaid. As this retirement was en- tirely devoted to study, he entertained no THE ARTISAN. Ill company in his chambers, but in a neigh- bouring house, where his apartment was sacred to him and his guests. Having in early life devoted himself to the restoration of the works of the ancient geometers, he studied them with unremitting attention ; and, retiring from the promiscuous inter- course of the world, he contented himself with a small society of intimate friends, with whom he could lay aside every re- straint of ceremony or reserve, and in- dulge in all the innocent frivolities of life. Every Friday evening was spent in a party at whist, in which he excelled, and took delight in instructing others, till increasing years made him less patient with the dull- ness of a scholar. The card-party was followed by an hour or two dedicated solely to playful conversation. In like manner, every Saturday he had a less se- lect party to dinner at a house about a mile from town. The Doctor’s long life gave him occasion to see the dramatis personae of this little theatre several times com- pletely changed, while he continued to give it a personal identity ; so that, with- out any design or wish of his own, it be- came, as it were, his own house and his own family, and went by his name. Dr. Simson was of an advantageous stature, with a fine countenance ; and even in his old age had a graceful carriage and man- ner, and always, except when in mourn- ing, dressed in white cloth. He was of a cheerful disposition ; and though he did not make the first advances to acquaint- ance, had the most affable manner, and strangers were at perfect ease in his com- pany. He enjoyed a long course of unin- terrupted health ; but towards the close of life suffered from an acute disease, and was obliged to employ an assistant in his professional labours for a few years pre- ceding his death, which happened in 1768, at the age of 81. He left to the university his valuable library, which is now arranged apart from the rest of the books, and the public use of it is limited by particular rules. It is considered as the most choice collection of mathematical books and ma- nuscripts in the kingdom ; and many of them are rendered doubly valuable by Dr. Simson’s notes.” For a more particular account of the life and writings of this great man, the reader is referred to the article in the Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. xvih NEW LUNAR AND HORARY TA- BLES.— By David Thomson. As it has been our practice from the commencement of the present work to no- tice any discovery or improvement made in the physical sciences or useful arts, during the progress of the present work, we consider that we shall render an essen- tial service to the cause of navigation, by giving a short account of a work just pub- lished, containing tables for facilitating the computation of the longitude at sea. The importance of the subject is such as to interest all who attach any value either to science or commerce ; we shall there- fore endeavour to point out the great im- provement which the author of these ta- bles has accomplished in the calculation of this laborious and important problem. Though chronometers, or time-keepers, are now pretty generally used on board of ships, and afford the readiest and most di- rect method of determining the longitude at sea ; yet they are so apt to change their rates of going, and to get deranged, that it not only becomes necessary to correct them at sea, but even to determine the longitude without placing the least de- pendence upon them. The only accurate and practical method of accomplishing this at sea is, by what is termed the Lunar method; which is, to measure the distance between the sun and the moon, or the moon and a star, with a sextant ; and from this distance, and the altitudes of the objects, to deduce the true distance between them, as the measured distance is seldom or never the same as the true. Now, though some of the best mathematicians and astronomers in Europe have endeavoured to shorten the process of calculation, and various methods have been devised by means of particular sets of tables ; yet still it ap- pears so formidable and laborious, that, comparatively speaking, few seamen can be induced to employ this mode of deter- mining the longitude ; but will rather trust to the precarious and uncertain one by dead-reckoning •, which is often one hun- dred leagues from the truth. And some captains, who have chronometers on board of their vessels, have paid so little atten- tion to the Lunar method, on account of the necessary calculation, that they are under the necessity of making the land for the sole purpose of correcting their chro- nometers, though it should be many miles out of the direct course they ought to steer. These are facts that are too well known to admit of dispute or contradiction ; and appear to have led the ingenious author of the work before us to think intensely on the nature of this most useful problem ; the result of which has been the construction of a small set of tables, by which the true distance between the sun and moon, or the moon and a star, may be computed by the addition of a few figures. But, in order to show the shortness and simplicity of the process, we shall give an exam- ple, which may be compared with the 112 THE ARTISAN. methods of calculation given in any other sun’s apparent altitude 26° 3', that of the work which treats on the same subject. moon 66° 38', and the moon’s horizontal Suppose the apparent distance between parallax 55' 47" : required the true dis- the sun and moon to be 86° 19 10", the tance ? Moon’s hor. par. 0°55'47" Log. 0 0488 ........ Log. 0 0488 Sun’s app. alt. 26° 3' 0" Log. 0*8174 Moon’s ap. alt. 66° 38' Log. 0-4972 App. dist. 86° 19' 10" Log. S 0-9991 ...... Log. T 2-1913 First correc. 4° 35 ; 27" Log. 1*8653 Second correc. 5° 3' 18" Log. 2 7373 Third correc. 0° 2 ' 10" gum — lOmTrue Dist. 86° O' 5" The numbers here called Logs, are di- rectly obtained from the tables, which are so arranged as to admit of the quantities being taken out nearly at one opening of the book. The manner of computing the true dis- tance between the moon and a star being exactly similar to the above, it is unneces- sary to give any example. The manner of finding the time as well as the altitudes of the objects, are also very easily performed by the precepts and ta- bles contained in this work. But what we consider next in importance to the simple and concise method here given of com- puting the true distance , is the full and lucid manner in which the method of as- certaining the longitude by Chronometers is illustrated and explained ; and we have no hesitation in saying, that the observa- tions on the method of managing and de- termining the rate of these delicate ma- chines at sea, are such as display an inti- mate acquaintance both with the theory and practice of navigation. To the practical seaman this must there- fore prove a very valuable work ; and as it is of a moderate price, the humblest in- dividual who goes to sea may procure it. We may add, that the typographical execution and appearance of this work is superior to any book of figures we have ever seen. SOLUTIONS OF QUESTIONS. Quest. 63, answered by Mr. Whitcombe, Cornhill ( the Proposer). Let A O D be the given quadrant, then in A D take DC to D E, as m to «, and draw CV parallel to DO and equal to D E ; join E V, also D V, and continue it till it cuts AO inH; then draw H B pa- rallel to DO, and HI to AD; then H B D I will be the rectangle required. Demon. Because H B, V C, and D I are parallel ; also H I, V E, and B D, the tri- angles HBD and VCD are similar; therefore CD : CV :: BD : BH; but C D : C V or D E : : m : n; consequently B D : B H : : m : w. Hence B H I D is the rectangle required. Though this is a very beautiful and simple problem, yet the above is the only solution of it which we have received. We are sorry that Geometry should be so little studied by our mathematical corres- pondents, as it appears to us to be ; for we have observed during the progress of the present work, that few of our correspon- dents have paid much attention to this elegant and beautiful branch of the Mathe- matics. Ed. QUESTION FOR SOLUTION. Quest. 65, proposed by Mr. J. Taylor, Clement’s -lane, Lombard-street. Two ladies subscribe to a certain charity certain sums of money, in the ratio of 4 to 5 ; now the sum of the squares of each per- son’s subscription amounted to 69/. 5s. 9^d. I demand the sum subscribed by each lady ? THE ARTISAN, 113 PERSPECTIVE. To exhibit the perspective of a cube with one of its angles presented to the eye. As the basis of a cube, with one of its angles presented to the eye, and standing on a geometrical plane, is a square with one of its angles presented to the eye ; draw a square, viewed angular-wise, on the perspective to b b, or plaue. Raise the side H I of the square perpendicularly on each point of the terrestrial line DE; and to any point, as Y/, of the horizontal line HR, draw the right lines VI and V K. From the angles d, b , and c, draw cl, d2, &c. parallel to the terrestrial line D E. From the points 1 and 2, raise L 1 and M 2, perpendicular to the same. Lastly, since K I is the height to be raised in a, L I in c and b, and M 2 in d ; in a raise the line fa perpendicular to a E ; in b and c, raise bg and c e perpendicular to bcli and lastly, raise dh perpendicu- lar to d 2 ; and make af equal to HI, bg equal to e c, and also LI, and h equal tod M2: if, then, the points g, h,e,f be connected by right lines, the perspective will be complete. To exhibit the perspective of a pyramid standing on its base. Suppose it were required to delineate a quadrangular pyramid, with one of its angles presented to the eye since the base of such a . pyramid is a square, pre- senting one of its angles to the eye, con- struct such a square. To find the vertex of the pyramid ; that is, a perpendicular let fall from the vertex to the base, draw diagonals mutually intersecting each other in e. ii v JEL On any point, as H, of the terrestrial line D E, raise the altitude of the pyramid HI; and, drawing the right lines HV and IY, to each point of the horizontal line H R, produce the diagonal a b, till it meet the line V H in h. Lastly, from h draw h i parallel to H I. This being raised on the point e, will give the vertex of the pyramid K ; consequently, the lines d k , k a, and k b , will be determined at the same time. To exhibit the perspective of walls, columns , fyc. or to raise them on the pavement. Suppose a pavement AFHI repre- sented in a plan, together with the basis of C BA N I LMR T 5 4 I 3 1 I the columns, &c. if there be any. Upon point V, by the right lines D V and G V. the terrestrial line set off the thickness of Upon F and H raise perpendiculars HG the wall BA and 1, 3. Upon A and B, and E F. Thus will all the walls be de- as also upon 3 and 1, raise perpendiculars lineated. Now to raise the pillars, &c. there A D and B C ; as also 3, 6, and 1, 7. Con- needs nothing but, from their several bases nect the points D and 6 with the principal (whether square or circular) projected on Vol. II.— No. 33. H 114 THE ARTISAN. the perspective plan, to raise indefinite perpendiculars ; and on the fundamental line, where intersected by the radius F A passing through the base, raise the true altitude A 1) : for D Y being drawn as be- fore, the perspective altitudes will be de- termined. To exhibit the perspective of a door in a building. (See last figure.) Suppose a door required to be delineated in a wall DEFA: upon the fundamental line set off its distance A N from the angle A, together with the breadths of the posts N I and LM, and the breadth of the gate itself LI. To the point of distance K, from the several points N, I, L, M, draw right lines R N, KI, KL, KM, which will determine the breadth oi the door li, and the breadths of the posts i n and m l. From A to O, set off the height of the gate A O, and from A to P, the height of the posts A P. Join O and P with the prin- cipal point, by the right lines PV and O V. Then, from n, i, l , m, raise perpen- diculars, the middle ones whereof are cut by the right line O V in o, and the ex- tremes, by the right line V P in p. Thus will the door be delineated, with its posts. If the door were to have been exhibited in the wall E F G H, the method would have been nearly the same. For, upon the terrestrial line, set off the distance of the door from the angle, and thence also the breadth of the door RT. From R and T draw right lines to the principal point Y, which give the breadth r t in the per- spective plan. From r and t raise indefi- nite perpendiculars to FH. From A to O, set off the true height A O. Lastly, from O to the principal point V, draw r the right line O Y, intersecting EF in Z, and make r r and 1 1 equal to F Z. Thus is the door rr, 1 1, drawn ; and the posts are easily added, as before. To exhibit the perspective of ivindows in a wall. (See last figure.) When it is known how to represent doors, there will be no difficulty in adding windows ; all that is further required, being to set off the height of the window from the ground : the whole operation is as follows : — From 1 to 2 set off the thick- ness of the w r all at the window ; from 3 to 4, its distance from the angle 3 ; and from 4 to 5 its breadth. From 4 and 5, to the point of distance L, draw r the right lines L 5 and L 4, which will give the perspec- tive breadth 10, 9 of the window. From 10 and 9 raise lines perpendicular to the pavement ; that is, draw indefinite paral- lels to 6 and 3. From 3 to 11 set off' the distance of the window from the pavement 3 and 11 ; and from 11 to 12, its height 11 and 12. Lastly, from 11 and 12, to the principal point V, draw lines V 11 and V 12 ; which intersecting the perpendicu- lars 10, 13, and 9, 14, in 13 and 14, as also in 15 and 16, will exhibit the appearance of the window. From these examples, which are all no more than applications of the first grand or general rule, it will be easily perceived what method to take to delineate any other object, and at any height from the pave- ment. When it is required to determine a point in a line parallel to the picture, we may suppose a line to be drawn through it per- pendicular to the picture, and, by finding the image of this line, we may intersect the former image in the point required. It is thus, that any number of columns or figures, at different distances, may be readily determined. Thus, the heights of the houses, windows, doors, and figures in the following representation of a street, are determined by lines directed to the centre of the picture ; the true height being measured on the lines A B, CD, where the objects are supposed to touch the plane of projection. THE ARTISAN. 115 The distance EF, and all other parts of lines perpendicular to the picture, are measured by laying off the lengths of the originals, as G H, on the line A C, and drawing I E G I E H from I, the point of distance; which, in most cases, will be more remote from the centre of the picture than is here made. The line KL, and others parallel to A C, may be measured by the assistance of any point M in the horizontal line, the distances N O, O P, being laid off on A C, or simply by reduc- ing the scale in the proportion of M P to ML. To form a bridge in perspective, a front vieiv. Let the station of the observer be oppor site the centre of the nearest arch, his eye elevated 15 feet above the water, or plane of the base, and viewed under an angle of 60 degrees. Let the length of the bridge be 181 feet, and consist of 3 arches ; the first arch to the left hand 50 feet; the second TO; and the third 35 ; the piers 13 feet each, about one-fifth of the opening of the 70 feet arch being the ordinary thickness of them, although much less is sufficient; but this is not a place for discussion. The height of the pier to the spring of the arch, 20 feet, and the arches semicircles ; the width of the bridge, including the parapets of the road-way, 40 feet ; the height of the road- way may be about 62 feet, if a semi- circle ; if an ellipse upon the greater dia- meter, or if a segment of a circle, the height may be much less ; and if Gothic arches are used, they may be considerably greater, which circumstances must regu- late. Tn form the bridge, and parts, from a one-fourth inch scale. Let A B be the ground line, of an inde- finite length. With the span of the arch 50, and width 40, describe the perspective parallelogram A B b a, by prob. 4 ; at the point A, draw A C perpendicular to the ground line, and equal to the height of the pier, and radius of the circle, which is 45 feet ; draw C D equal and parallel to A B ; upon C P, and with the same breadth 40, describe the perspective parallelogram C D d c ; set off A F, B G, each equal 20 feet, the height of the spring of the arch ; join F G, and upon F G describe the parallelogram F G gf; bisect / g in the points E, e ; with the centre E, e, and distances EG, eg, describe the semicircles FHG , fhg; which represent the front and opposite opening of the arch. To form the arch on the right hand of the front opening. Upon the ground line A B, set off' from B the thickness of the pier 13 feet to A 7 ; from A 7 setoff A'B 7 equal to 70 feet; upon A'B 7 70, with the width 40, describe the parallelogram A 7 B 7 b a' ; raise the perpendiculars A 7 C , B'D 7 , equal 55 feet; mark off A'F 7 , B'G 7 20 feet, for the spring of the arch, as be- fore ; join C 7 B 7 , and upon C 7 D 7 , F 7 G 7 , with the width 40, describe the parallelograms G'F g'f, C 7 D'd'c; find the centres E, e, as in the last; with the centres E, e, and distance E F, ef, describe the semicircle, GHFjg' hf; G H F representing the front of the opening of the arch, and ghf the back opening, of which part is hid by the pier. In the same manner, any number of similar arches may be formed, either upon the right or left hand ; and the opening of the arches will decrease in the same man- ner, and for the same reasons, as were shewm in forming windows. To form the arch stones. These are here measured 3 feet, in the 50 feet arch, and 4 feet in the 70, and 1 foot thick ; in the 50 feet arch, the measure of one foot is from the outside of the architrave ; and in the 70 feet arch, the measure of 1 foot is taken from the inside of the architrave. In drawing the arch stones, the lines are all directed to the centre of curvature ; but in forming the perspective of the inside of the arch, the lines are all directed to the point of sight, whether they proceed from the curvature of the arch, or from the inside of the piers. If the curvature is represented in the circular part of the arch, the distance of the centres E, e, being divided into as many parts as there are stones in the width of the bridge ; or into so niany parts as would render the circles distinct, each H 2 116 THE ARTISAN. of these points would be centres of the different circles, which might be drawn till intercepted by the side of the pier and arch. The opposite bank of the river is in the direction i ar; such objects as come in view upon it may be represented. The abutments, or land-stools, may be formed at pleasure, the situation of the banks of the river must regulate the form of the arch, as to its height; and the situa- tion of the observer, must be regulated by what is intended for the view ; if his sta- tion is on a level with the road-way, a con- siderable part of the field may come into view, but most of the inner part of the arch will be hid. To form the cut-water of the pier. This may be angular, or rounded off at plea- sure ; suppose it to be formed by an equi- lateral triangle, described upon the breadth of the pier 13 feet, the perpendicular height of that triangle is 11 feet nearly; which set off on the ground line A B ; from the point A draw the radials i A, ill, and from the distance point z, draw z 1 1 , till it cut the radial A i produced in r ; draw r s parallel to AB; bisect the piers B A', draw radials through the points of section, till they cut the parallel rs; then these points of section will give the vertexes of the cut-water ; join the vertex and sides of the piers, which will give the true re- presentation of the cut-water. In the same manner form the top. CHEMISTRY. We are yet ignorant of the union of cop- per with the first combustible substances ; particularly with azote, hydrogen, and carbon, with which it is even believed to be incapable of combining. All we know is, that hydrogen and carbon decompose the oxide of this metal, take from it its oxygen, and reduce it to the metallic state, at a red heat. Copper is capable of combining with most of the metals ; and some of its alloys are of very great utility. The alloy of gold and copper is easily formed by melting the two metals together. This alloy is much used, because copper has the property of increasing the hard- ness of gold, without injuring its colour. Indeed, a little copper heightens the co- lour of gold, without diminishing its duc- tility. This alloy is more fusible than gold, and is therefore used as a solder for that precious metal. Copper increases likewise the hardness of gold. According to Muschenbroek, the hardness of this alloy is a maximum, when it is composed of seven parts of gold, and one of copper. Gold alloyed with ^th of pure copper, by Mr. Hatchett, was perfectly ductile, and of a fine yellow colour, inclining to red. Its specific gravity was 17*157. This was be- low the mean. Hence the metals have suf- fered an expansion. Their bulk before union was 2732, after union 2798. So that 916§ of gold, and 83§ of copper, when united, instead of occupying the space of 1000, as would happen were there no ex- pansion, become 1024. Gold coin, sterling or standard gold, consists of pure gold alloyed with ^ of some other metal. The metal used is always either copper or silver, or a mix- ture of both, as is most common in British coin. Now it appears, that when gold is made standard by a mixture of equal weights of silver and copper, that the ex- pansion is greater than when the copper alone is used, though the specific gravity of gold alloyed with silver differs but little from the mean. The specific gravity of gold alloyed with 5 \th of silver and 5 \th of copper was 17*344. The bulk of the metals before combination was 2700, after it 2767.* We learn from the experiments of Mr. Hatchett, that our standard gold suffers less from friction than pure gold, or gold made standard by any other metal besides silver and copper ; and that the stamp is not so liable to be obliterated as in pare gold. It therefore answers better for coin. A pound of standard gold is coined into 44§ guineas, or 46^ g sovereigns. Platinum may be alloyed with copper by fusion, but a strong heat is necessary. The alloy is ductile, hard, takes a fine polish, and is not liable to tarnish. This alloy has been employed with advantage for composing the mirrors of reflecting telescopes. The platinum dilutes the co- lour of the copper very much, and even destroys it, unless it be used sparingly. For the experiments made upon it we are in- debted to Dr. Lewis. Strauss has lately proposed a method of coating copper ves- sels with platinum instead of tin ; it con- sists in rubbing an amalgam of platinum over the copper, and then exposing it to the proper heat. Silver is easily alloyed with copper by fusion. The compound is harder and more sonorous than silver, and retains its white colour even when the proportion of cop- per exceeds one-half. The hardness is a maximum when the copper amounts to one-fifth of the silver. The standard or sterling silver of Britain, of which coin is made, is a compound of 12| silver and one copper. Its specific gravity after simple * The first guineas coined were made standard by silver; afterwards copper was added to make up for the deficiency of the alloy ; and as the propor- tion of the silver and copper varies, the specific gra- vity of our gold coin is various also. THE ARTISAN. 117 fusion is 10 200. By calculation it should be H’33. Hence it follows that the alloy expands, as is the case with gold when united to copper. A pound of standard silver is coined into 66 shillings. Mercury acts but feebly upon copper, and does not dissolve it while cold ; but if a small stream of melted copper be cau- tiously poured into mercury, heated nearly to the boiling point, the two metals com- bine, and form a soft white amalgam. There is no metal more useful than cop- per, excepting iron, to which it yields the superiority. Every one knows that a great number of instruments and utensils are made of copper for various purposes. Those vessels which are to be placed upon the fire are generally made of it, as it is much less liable to alteration than iron, and at the same time much more easy to be wrought. Its alloys with zinc and tin are employed for a great number of pur- poses in the arts, and in common life. But, unfortunately, this metal acts as a poison upon the animal economy ; and it is one of the bodies that most threaten our existence. It is therefore much to be wished that it were prescribed, at least for economical and domestic uses. Cisterns, reservoirs, pipes, and cocks, made of this metal, or its alloys, are no less dangerous than cop- per-pans; and frequently they are even more pernicious, as they are not kept with the same care as the vessels, the whole of which is exposed to view at once, and which are employed several times a day. Too much care, attention, and prudence, cannot be employed in the use of all uten- sils made of copper, as all its oxides are extremely susceptible of dissolving in fat, oils, and most of the unctuous substances that are employed in the preparation of food. Frequent tinning is the most cer- tain defence against this terrible evil. Besides the varied and multiplied uses of copper in the metallic form, several ores and preparations of this metal are em- ployed in a great number of the arts. The pyrites sulphurets serve for the preparation of the sulphate of copper, by their spon- taneous efflorescence and their lixiviation ; it is also prepared by burning a mixture of sulphur and copper. The malachites are cut and polished for trinkets ; copper is continually alloyed with zinc and tin for making brass, casting statues, bells, pieces of artillery, &c. Its different salts and oxides enter into the preparation of colours for painting ; of the baths ; the preparations and mordants for dyeing ; of enamels and glazings for pottery and porcelain ; and of coloured glasses. OF IRON. Iron is the most important and most use- ful of all metallic substances. Without this metal no art could have arisen ; man had remained in the savage state, and dis- puted for his food by brute strength with the other animals. Without this metal, agriculture could not have existed, nor could the plough have rendered the earth fertile. Without iron, all the other metals would have been of no utility ; for it is by means of this agent that they receive their varied forms and dimensions. Iron alone may be considered as the representative of every other metal ; it may be substituted in the place of any of them, but no metal can afford a substitute for iron. Though the scarcity, the brilliancy, and durability of gold and silver may place them in a higher rank in these respects, yet the ser- vice which iron renders to society en- titles it to a higher degree of estimation in the minds of men, who are accustomed to think with justice and propriety. It is true, that it does not shine with a splen- dour equally strong ; nature has not de- corated it with so beautiful a colour, but its intimate properties are much more precious. All the other metals might, in truth, be dispensed with ; but iron, on the contrary, is indispensible and necessary. The condition of humanity would be truly miserable without this metal, as is proved by the history of those people with whom the art of working it is still unknown, and who, with joy and exultation, exchange the gold with which their country is en- riched for morsels of iron, which happier and more cultivated nations bring to them in exchange. Iron composes the first in- strument of machines, and the first mover of mechanics. In the hands of men it go- verns, and, as it were, subdues all the pro- ducts of nature. In successive obedience to his power, we behold it change the form and properties of other bodies, by the per- petual influence it exercises upon them. In a word, it is the soul of all the arts, and the source of almost every beneficial product. Though a thousand facts in history prove that the ancients were not acquainted with the art of working iron like the modern nations, the historians of Chemistry have nevertheless placed the infancy of their science among the first operators at the forge, whose existence they have ad- mitted almost in the first ages of the world. The Alchemists qualified iron with the name of Mars, by consecrating it to the god of war, in whose service it has been much employed. From the denomination of Mars given to iron, naturally flowed the appellation martial , which has been suc- cessively attributed to numerous prepara- tions made with this metal. Iron possesses a peculiar metallic bril- liancy. When we wish to describe its co- lour, we are obliged to say that it is white, 118 THE ARTISAN. rather livid, inclined to grey and to blue. In its texture it is formed of small fibrous threads, or small grains and small plates very pointed. When examined with the microscope, it presents a great number of pores or small cavities, more perceptible than in copper. It appears that its in- terior texture, as shewn in its fracture, which is more or less fibrous, granulated or lamellated, depends much on the me- thod of its cooling, the pressure it has un- dergone, the manner of treatment, and the heat under which it has been forged or struck. The specific gravity of iron varies from 7-600 to 7*800. Its hardness exceeds that of any other metal, and on this account it is used to grind, cut, fashion, engrave, and file most natural bodies, stones, wood, and particularly the other metals. It is also the most elastic of metals, and is therefore preferred to all the others for springs of every description. The ductility of iron is also very con- siderable ; but it is in some sort of a par- ticular kind, or rather it is limited by its excessive hardness, or the cohesion of its particles. Though these adhere much more strongly than most of the other metallic substances, it cannot be made into plates as thin as are formed of several other of the latter; the thinnest sheet iron is in fact much thicker than very coarse leaves of lead or tin. For this reason iron is com- monly placed in the fourth rank among metals as to its ductility, and this place is given on account of its ductility in the wire-drawers’ plates. Its malleability is very limited, on account of its firmness, so that its ductility is much more eminent and remarkable. A wire of this metal, of one- tenth of an inch in diameter, supports a weight of four hundred and fifty pounds before it breaks, which cannot be done with any other metal, not even copper and platina, which approach the nearest to it. Muschenbroeck, by examining a paralel- lopipedon of iron, of one-tenth of an inch in diameter, was obliged to use a force of seven hundred and forty pounds to break it ; and he remarks on this occasion, that a similar piece of iron, forged of horse- shoe nails, which had remained for some time in the hoof of a horse, did not exhibit a greater tenacity. This opinion is there- fore, a prejudice which arises only from the goodness and purity of iron made use of for forging those nails. When heated to about 158 u of Wedgewood’s pyrometer, as Sir George M‘Kenzie has ascertained, it melts. This temperature being nearly the highest to which it can be raised ; it has been impossible to ascertain the point at which this melted metal begins to boil and evaporate. Neither has the form of its crystals been examined : but it is well known that the texture of iron is fibrous; that is, it appears when broken to be com- posed of a number of fibres or strings, bundled together. Iron is rapidly penetrated by the elec- tric fluid ; it is one of the best conductors of electricity ; and accordingly, since the discoveries of Franklin on the identity of atmospheric thunder and electric spark, it is employed with great success to fabri- cate those elevated conductors, which are appropriated by their gilded and unaltera- ble terminations in a point, to attract with- out noise, and rapidly to transport the electric matter into the earth or into water, where their inferior extremities terminate. It has been long observed, that iron, thus vertically placed in an elevated situation of the atmosphere, if it remains a long time, or be struck with the electric fluid of lightning, it assumes the properties of a magnet. It iron be struck in the air by the electric shock, it takes fire ; but as this phenomenon belongs to the history of its combustion, we shall speak of it in another place. Magnetism is one of the most charac- teristic, and, at the same time, most sin- gular of the properties of iron. It was long supposed to be peculiar to this metal ; but it is now well known, that cobalt and nickel also possess it. Nevertheless, all the experiments relative to the magnetism of these two last metals not having been made either with the same accuracy, or to the same extent, as upon iron, the princi- pal phenomena of this force have been well observed only in the latter metal. The taste and smell are also two very distinct and very evident properties in iron. If we hold a piece of iron for some time in the hand, and afterwards hold it a little distance from the nose, we may dis- cern its odour and quality. When exposed to the air, its surface is soon tarnished, and it is gradually changed into a brown or yellow powder, well known under the name of rust. This change takes place more rapidly if the atmosphere be moist. It is occasioned by the gradual combination of the iron with the oxygen of the atmosphere, for which it has a very strong affinity. Carburet of iron is found native, and has been long known under the names of plum- bago and black lead . It is of a dark iron grey or blue colour, and has something of a metallic lustre. It has a greasy feel, is soft, and blackens the fingers, or any other substance to which it is applied It is found in many parts of the world, espe- cially in Britain,* where it is manufactured into pencils. It is not affected by the * The chief mines are at Keswick in Cumberland, ancl in Airshire. THE ARTISAN. I ID most violent heat as long as air is ex- cluded, nor is it in the least altered by simple exposure to the air or to water. A moderate heat produces no effect upon it, and occasions but little change in its bulk. It is used, therefore, in making the cruci- bles called black lead . It was long sup- posed to be incombustible. OF TIN. Tin is one of the metals which was earliest known, and of which the discovery must have been among the first which was made by men ; at least, its discovery ap- pears to be hidden in the darkness of ancient times, even beyond those of fabu- lous history. The Egyptians made great use of it in their arts; and the Greeks alloyed it with other metals. Pliny, with- out composing an accurate history, or pre- cisely comparing its qualities with other metals, speaks of it as a metal well known, and much employed in the arts, and even applied to a great number of the orna- ments of luxury. He often calls it white lead, and points out its frequent and frau- dulent contamination with black lead, or lead properly so called. The alchemists attended greatly to tin ; they named it Jupiter, and have distin- guished its various preparations by the name of Jovial. Pure tin is of a white colour, equal in beauty and brilliancy to that of silver ; and if this colour were not changeable, it would be as valuable as silver. It was formerly considered as the lightest of me- tals, when a distinct and particular class was made of the semi-metals. Its specific gravity varies from 7*291 to 7 500, accord- ing as it is hammered or not. It is one of the softest of metals. It may be easily scratched with the nail; and there is scarcely any other metal which cannot injure its surface by pressure or by friction. A knife readily cuts it ; it may be easily bended, and when bended, affords a peculiar crackling noise. In this property it has been compared to zinc; but~the noise is very different, or much weaker, in zinc than in tin. This phenomenon appears to depend on a separation of its parts, and the sudden fracture which they suffer by the bending, though tin is not easily broken. Its so- norous quality is feeble; its ductility is sufficient to admit of its being reduced by the hammer, or laminating cylinder, into very thin leaves, which are of great use in the arts. It holds the fifth rank among metals in this property. It has little elas- ticity or tenacity ; a wire of this metal of ■jq of an inch in diameter supports, with- out breaking, a weight of 50 pounds. Tin is one of the most dilatable of metals by caloric, according to the experiments o Muschenbroeck. It is also a good conductor of heat. After mercury, it is the most fusible of all the metals. It comes immediately before bismuth and lead in this respect ; its melt- ing point is 440° of Fahrenheits’s scale. When fused, it does not rise in vapour, but at a very elevated temperature ; it has ever been considered as one of the most fixed of metals ; on which account the alchemists thought it considerably resem- bled silver. If it be suffered to cool slowly, and when its surface is congealed it be pierced, and the part which is still fluid be carefully poured out, the interior presents crystals in rhombs of considerable size, formed by the assemblage of a great num- ber of small needles longitudinally united. Tin is a very good conductor of elec- tricity and galvanism, and is frequently used for covering conductors, and for Ley- den bottles. It has a very remarkable odour, with which it impregnates the hands and bodies rubbed with it. Its taste is also very sensible, and it also possesses very powerful medicinal properties. Tin is not very abundant in the bowels of the earth, at least in Europe. The most abundant mines are in Cornwall, Bohemia, and Saxony. The most skilful mineralo- gists have hitherto distinguished only three species of tin ores ; namely, native tin, its oxide, and its sulphurated oxide. Tin is not easily oxidized in the air without heat, but it soon loses its bright and beautiful white colour. When cut, it is as brilliant and as clear as silver ; but in a few hours this fine colour changes, be- comes dull, and in a few days becomes tarnished. Long exposure to the air con- siderably increases this alteration, though it takes place only at the surface ; so that at last it becomes of a dirty grey, without any brilliancy, and is covered with a light stratum of grey oxide. It is, therefore, necessary that vessels of tin should be fre- quently cleaned and brightened to renew their surface and retain their beauty. But this weak oxidation never penetrates so deeply as to justify the assertion that tin, like other metals, rusts in the air. When tin is fused with the contact of the air, the metal, when scarcely liquefied, becomes covered with a dull grey pellicle, which becomes wrinkled, and separates from the portion of fused tin. When this pellicle is detached, another is formed ; and by proceeding in the same manner, the whole of the tin may be converted into pellicles. In the art of casting and purifying tin vessels, this oxidized matter, formed at the surface of the metal in fusion, was called dross ; and it is very evident that it 120 THE ARTISAN. is in the power of the founder, to convert all the tin into dross ; he consequently did not lose this pretended impurity, but knew very well how to recover it again in its metallic form, by heating it with tallow or resin. This crust is, therefore, a true grey oxide of tin; the metal contains from eight to ten per cent, of oxygen, and it is easily reduced. If tin be continually heated with the contact of air, particularly with agita- tion, it become divided, attenuated, and is changed into a powder, which gradually becomes white, with increase of weight, is more oxidized, and constitutes what is called putty of tin in the arts. OF LEAD. The alchemists compared lead to Saturn, not only because they suppose this metal to be the oldest, and, as it were, the father of all the others, but also because it was considered as very cold, and possessing the property of absorbing and apparently destroying almost all the other metals ; in the same manner as fabulous history affirms that Saturn, the father of the gods, de- voured his children. Lead is of a blueish white colour, and when newly melted is very bright ; but it soon becomes tarnished by exposure to the air. It has scarcely any taste, but emits on friction a peculiar smell. It stains paper or the fingers of a blueish colour. When taken internally, it acts as a poison. Its specific gravity is 11*3523, but it is not increased by hammering; so far from it, that Muschenbroeck found lead when drawn out into a wire, or long hammered, to be diminished in its specific gravity. A specimen at first of the specific gravity 11*479 being drawn out into a fine wire, was of the specific gravity 11-3 IT ; and on being hammered, it became 11*2187 ; yet its tenacity was nearly tripled. It is very malleable, and may be reduced to very thin plates by the hammer ; it may be also drawn out into a wire, but its ducti- lity is not great. Its tenacity is such, that a lead wire ^ of an inch diameter is capable of supporting only 29| pounds without breaking. Lead is a very good conductor of caloric, though it is not extremely dilatable. It melts at a low heat, and immediately after mercury, tin, and bismuth ; it holds the fourth rank in the order of fusibility. Mr. Crichton, of Glasgow, estimates it at 612 degrees of Fahrenheit’s thermometer. When it is kept long red hot, it sublimes, and emits fumes in the air ; but for this purpose a very elevated temperature is re- quired. If it be slowly cooled, it crystal- lizes in quadrangular pyramids, all formed, as it would appear, of octahedrons. Thus it was that Mongez, the younger, obtained it. It is observable that when this opera- tion is performed, it succeeds best (as tin likewise does) when the lead has been fused several times successively. This metal is a conductor of electricity and galvanism ; but it appears that it pos- sesses these properties only in a weak de- gree. It has a particular and rather fetid smell ; its taste is also somewhat acrid and disagreeable ; in consequence of this pro- perty, it would seem that it acts upon the animal economy, and produces the dead- ening and paralysing action which is so- well known. The ores of lead are very abundant in nature, particularly in France, Germany, England, &c. It is also a metal of which the ores are the most varied. The treatment of the ores of lead in the large way is one of the most important of metallurgical operations, and one of those which have the greatest as well as the most intimate connection with the know- ledge and accurate processes of Chemistry* The sulphurous ores containing silver are wrought by pounding them in a stamping engine, and carefully washing them on platforms, and then carrying them to the blast-furnace, where they are first roasted by a gentle heat, and afterwards fused by increase of temperature. The fused lead is drawn off from the furnace by opening a hole on one of the sides of its hearth, which, during the fusion, is kept closed with loam. The lead is first cast into pigs, which are called work-lead, because it is intended to be used in subsequent opera- tions to separate the silver which it contains. Lead exposed to the air becomes speedily tarnished, soon looses the slight brilliancy which characterises it, becomes of a dirty grey colour, and afterwards of a light grey, which constitutes a true rust at its surface. When thin plates of lead are exposed to the vapour of warm vinegar, they are gra- dually corroded, and converted into a heavy white powder, used as a paint, and called white lead. This powder was for- merly considered to be a peculiar oxide of lead ; but it is now known that it is a com- pound of the yellow oxide and carbonic acid. The grey oxide of lead, when strongly heated for a considerable time in contact with the air, soon becomes yellow by a new absorption of oxygen. In this state of yellow oxide it is called massicot in the arts ; it appears that it contains from six to nine parts of oxygen in the hundred. It is distinguished into two kinds in com- merce on account of its colour : the one is called white massicot, and the other yelloiv massicot . It is a pigment of a dull hue, without any beauty ; sometimes inclining to green, which nevertheless is prepared in THE ARTISAN. 121 the large way in certain manufactories, on account of the uses to which it is applied in the arts. The method of producing it consists simply in perpetually agitating the lead in contact with the air, without using a violent heat. If massicot, ground to a fine powder, be put into a furnace, and constantly stirred while the flame of the burning coals plays against its surface, in about 48 hours it is converted into a beautiful red powder, known by the name of minium or red lead. This powder, which is likewise used as a paint, and for various other purposes, is the tritoxide, or red oxide of lead. Lead and tin may be combined in any proportion by fusion. This alloy is harder, and possesses much more tenacity than tin. Muschenbroeck informs us that these qualities are a maximum when the alloy is composed of three parts of tin and one of lead. The increased hardness seems to prevent in a great measure the noxious qualities of the lead from becoming sensi- ble when food is dressed in vessels of this mixture. What is called ley pewter in this country is often scarcely any thing else than this alloy.* Tinfoil is also a com- pound of tin and lead. ASTRONOMY. OF THE TIDES. The tides have always been found to follow, periodically, the course of the sun and moon ; and hence it has been sus- pected, in all ages, that the tides were, some way or other, produced by these bodies. The celebrated Kepler was the first per- son who formed any conjectures respecting their true cause. But what Kepler only hinted, has been completely developed and demonstrated by Sir Isaac Newton. After his great discovery of the law of gravitation, he found it an easy matter to account for the whole phenomena of the tides : for, according to this law of nature, all the particles of matter which compose the universe, however remote from one another, have a continual tendency to ap- proach each other, with a force directly proportional to the quantity of matter they contain, and inversely proportional to the square of their distance asunder. It is therefore evident, from this, that the earth will be attracted both by the sun and * There are three kinds of pewter in common use in this country ; namely, plate, trifle, and ley. The plate pewter is used for plates and dishes; the trifle chiefly for pint and quart pots ; and the ley metal for wine measures, &c. Their specific gravi- ties are as follows: plate, 7*248 ; trifle, 7*359; ley, 7*963. moon. But although the attraction of the sun greatly exceeds that of the moon, yet the sun being nearly four hundred times more distant from the earth than the moon, the difference of his attraction upon different parts of the earth is not nearly so great as that of the moon ; and therefore the moon is the principal cause of the tides. If all parts of the earth were equally attracted by the moon, it would always retain its spherical form, and there would be no tides at all. But the action of the moon being unequal on different parts of the earth, those parts being most attracted that are nearest the moon, and those at the greatest distance least, the spherical figure must suffer some change from the moon’s action. Now as the waters of the ocean directly under the moon are nearer to her than the central parts of the earth, they will be more attracted by her than the cen- tral parts. For the same reason, the cen- tral parts will be more attracted than the waters on the opposite side of the earth ? and therefore the distance between the earth’s centre and the waters on its sur- face, both under the moon and on the op- posite side, will be increased ; or the waters will rise higher, and it will then be flood, or high water, at those places. But this is not the only cause that produces the rise of the waters at these two points ; for those parts of the ocean which are 90° from them will be attracted with nearly the same force as the centres of the earth, the effect of which will be a small increase of their gravity towards the centre of the earth. Hence, the waters at those places will press towards the zenith and nadir , or the points where the gravity of the waters is diminished, to restore equilibrium, and thus occasion a greater rise at those points. But in order to know the real effect of the moon on the ocean, the motion of the earth on its axis must be taken into account. For if it were not for this motion, the longest diameter of the watery spheroid would point directly to the moon’s centre ; but by reason of the motion of the whole mass of the earth on its axis, from west to east, the most elevated parts of the water no longer answer precisely to the moon, but are carried considerably to the east- ward in the direction of the rotation. The waters also continue to rise after they have passed directly under the moon, though the immediate action to the moon begins there to decrease ; and they do not reach their greatest height till they have got about 45° farther. After they have passed the point which is 90° distant from the point below the moon, they con- tinue to descend, although the force which the moon adds to their gravity begins there to decrease. For still the action of the 122 THE ARTISAN. moon adds to their gravity, and makes them descend till they have got about 45° farther; the greatest elevations, therefore, do not take place at the points which are in a line with the centres of the earth and moon, but about half a quadrant to the east of these points, in the direction of the motion of rotation. Thus it appears, if the earth were en- tirely covered by the ocean, as represented by the circle b d e c in the following figure — that the spheroidical form which it would assume, would be so situated, that its longest diameter would point to the east of the moon, or the moon would always be to the west of the meridian of the parts of greatest elevation. And as the moon apparently shifts her position from east to west in going round the earth every day, the longer diameter of the spheroid follow- ing her motions will occasion two floods and two ebbs in the space of a lunar day, or 24 hours 48 min. These are the effects produced by the action of the moon only ; but the sun has also a considerable effect on the waters of the ocean. Rut it is not the action of these bodies on the earth, but the inequa- lities of their actions w hich produce these effects. The sun’s action on the whole mass of the earth is much greater than of the moon’s ; but his distance is so great, that the diameter of the earth is a mere point compared with it ; and, therefore, the difference between his effects on the nearest and farthest side of the earth, be- comes on this account vastly less than it w r ould be if the sun were as near as the moon. How r ever, the immense bulk of the sun makes the effect still sensible, even at so vast a distance; and although the action of the moon has the greatest share in producing the tides, yet the action of the sun adds sensibly to this effect, when his action is exerted in the same direction, as at the time of new and full moon, when these two bodies are nearly in the same straight line with the centre of the earth. When this is the case, the effects of these two bodies are united, so that the tides rise higher than at any other time, and are called spring tides; as represented by the following figure, where S denotes the sun, dnez the moon, and c the earth. THE ARTISAN. m The action of the sun diminishes that of the moon in the quarters , because his action is opposed to that of the moon; consequently, the effect must be to depress the waters where the moon’s action has a tendency to raise them. These tides are considerably lower than at any other time, and are called neap tides. The sring tides do not take place on the very day of the new and full moon, nor the neap tides on the very day of the quad- ratures, but a day or two after ; because in this case, as in some others, the effect is neither the greatest nor least when the immediate influence of the cause is great- est or least : as the greatest heat, for ex- ample, is not on the solstitial day, when the immediate action of the sun is greatest, but some time after it. And although the action of the sun and moon were to cease, yet the ocean would continue to ebb and flow for some time, as its waves continue in violent motion for some time after a storm. The high water at a given place does not always answer to the same situation of the moon, but happens sometimes sooner and sometimes later than if the moon alone acted on the ocean. This proceeds from the action of the sun not conspiring with that of the moon. The different distances of the moon from the earth also occasions a sensible variation in the tides. When the moon approaches the earth, her action in every part increases, and the difference in that action, upon which the tides depend, likewise increases. For the attraction of any body is in the inverse ratio of the square of its distance ; the nearer, therefore, the moon is to the earth the greater is her attraction, and the more remote, the less. Hence, her action on the nearest parts increases more quickly than it does on the more remote parts, and therefore the tides increase in a higher proportion as the distance of the moon diminishes. Sir Isaac Newton has shown that the tides increase as the cube of the distances decrease, so that the moon, at half her present distance, would produce a tide eight times greater. Now the moon des- cribes an ellipse about the earth, and, of course, must be once in every revolution nearer the earth than in any other part of her orbit ; consequently, she must produce a much higher tide when in this point of her orbit than in the opposite point. This is the reason that two great spring tides never take place immediately after each other; for if the moon be at her least distance at the time of new moon, she must be at her greatest distance at the time of full moon , having performed half a revo- lution in the intervening time, and there- fore the spring tide at the full will be much less than that at the preceding change. For the same reason, if a great spring tide happens at the time of full moon , the tide at the following change will be less. The spring tides are highest and the neap tides lowest about the beginning of the year ; for the earth being nearest the sun about the 1st of January, must be more strongly attracted by that body than at any other time of the year : hence, the spring tides which happen about that time will be greater than at any other time. And should the moon be new or full in that part of her orbit which is nearest to the earth, at the same time the tides will be considerably higher than at any other time of the year. The tide which happens at any time, while the moon is above the horizon, is called the superior tide , and the other the inferior tide. When the moon is in the equinoctial, other things remaining the same, the superior and inferior tides are of the same height ; but when the moon de- clines towards the elevated pole, the superior tide is higher than the inferior r If the latitude of the place and the decli- nation of the moon are of contrary names, the inferior tide will be the highest. But the highest tide at any particular place, is when the moon’s declination is equal to the latitude of the place, and of the same name ; and the height of the tide dimi- nishes, as the difference between the lati- tude and declination increases; therefore, the nearer any place is to that parallel whose latitude is equal to the moon’s de- clination and of the same name, the higher will the tide be at that place.* Such would the tides regularly be if the earth were all covered over with the ocean to a great depth ; but as this is not the case, it is only at places situated on the shores of large oceans where such tides, as above described, take place. The tides are also subject to very great irregularities from local circumstances ; such as meeting with islands, shoals, headlands, passing through straits, &c. In order that they may have their full mo- tion, the ocean in which they are produced ought to extend 90° from east to west, be- cause that is the distance between the greatest elevation and the greatest depres- sion produced in the waters by the moon. Hence it is, that the tides in the Pacific Ocean exceed those of the Atlantic, and that they are less in that part of the Atlantic which is within the torrid zone * In comparing the height of the tides at differ- ent places, it is supposed that the sun and moon are at the same distance from the earth, and in the same position with respect to the meridian of these places. 124 THE ARTISAN. between Africa and America, than in the temperate zones, on either side of it where the ocean is much broader. In the Baltic, the Mediterranean, and the Black seas, there are no sensible tides ; for they communicate with the ocean by so narrow inlets, and are of so great ex- tent, that they cannot speedily receive and let out water enough to raise or depress their surfaces in any sensible degree. The power of the moon to raise the waters, Sir I. Newton has shown to be about 4 ^ times that of the sun, and that the moon raises the waters 8 feet 7 inches, while the sun and moon together raise them lOf feet, when at their mean dis- tances from the earth, and about 12 feet when the moon is at her least distance. These heights are found to agree very well with observations on the coasts of open and deep oceans, but not well on the coasts of small seas, and where the water is shallow. The mean retardation of the tides, or of the moon^s coming to the meridian in 24 hours, is 48' 45"*7, and the mean interval between two successive tides is 12 h 25' 14" 2 ; hence, the mean daily retardation of high water is 50' 28" *4. About the time of new and full moon the interval is least, being only 12 h 19' 28"; and at the quadratures the interval is the greatest, being 12 h 80' 7". The common method of calculating the time of high water at any place, is to multiply 50' 28", or the mean daily retar- dation of the tides, by the moon’s age, and then to divide the product by 60, which gives the mean time of the moon coming to the meridian on that day, in hours ; to this is added the time of high water on the days of full and change at the given place, and the sum is the time of high water at that place on the afternoon of the given day, if the sum be less than 12 hours; but if greater, 12 hours 25 minutes must be subtracted, in order to have the time on the afternoon of the given day; and 25 minutes subtracted from this time will give the time of high water on the mqrning of the given day.* The following figure exhibits the pro- gress of the tides from the Atlantic through the channels surrounding the British islands ; the lunar tides happening in any part of the shaded lines nearly at the hour after the moon’s southing, which is indicated by the figure annexed to it. * This method is far from being exact; but affords an approximation, which may be! useful on some occasions. When accuracy is wanted recourse must be had to other methods. THE ARTISAN. 125 OF THE FORCES WHICH RETAIN THE PLANETS IN THEIR ORBITS. Before the time of Kepler, who flou- rished about the end of the 16th century, the planets were supposed to move in cir- cular orbits; but since his great discovery of the laws which regulate the motions of these bodies, astronomers have been ena- bled to determine their periods, and the figure of their orbits, with the greatest exactness. The laws of Kepler are, 1. That all the planets move round the sun, in such a manner, that the Radius Vector, or a line joining the sun and planet, passes over equal areas or spaces of the orbit in equal portions of time. 2. That each of the primary planets des- cribes an ellipse, having the sun in one of its foci. 3. That the squares of the periodic times of the planets are to each other as the cubes of their mean distances from the sun. These three laws are the basis of all physical astronomy. But in a popular work like the present, it would be impro- per to enter upon any demonstrations of them. However, as it may, perhaps, gra- tify the reader to see an illustration of the third law, we shall give an example, by comparing the distance and periodic time of Mercury with those of the earth. Suppose the distance of Mercury were given, and it was required to find the time it required to perform a revolution round the sun, having the distance of the earth from the sun and the length of the year given. By the third law of Kepler it would be determined thus : — As the cube of the earth’s distance (95 3 millions of miles) is to the cube of Mercury’s dis- tance (36| 3 millions), so is the square of the earth’s periodic time (365|; 2 days) to the square of Mercury’s year (88 2 days nearly). The distance may also be found by the same law, if the periodic time be known. Let it be required to find the distance of Mercury, having its periodic time given ; then it would be determined thus : as the square of 365£ days is to the square of 88 days, so is the cube of 95 millions of miles to the cube of 36| millions of miles, the distance of Mercury from the sun. In the same way, the distance of any other planet may be determined, if its period be known, or its period if its distance be known.* After the laws of gravitation were known, it was demonstrated by Sir Isaac Newton, d priori, that the laws of Kepler * In order to perform the calculation in this ex- ample, it is necessary to be acquainted with propor- tion, and the method of extracting the square and cube roots. must be those that regulate the system of the world. This extraordinary man found that the laws of motion, and even the general pro- perties of matter, are the same in the hea- vens as on the earth. That the elliptical figure of the orbits described both by the primary and secondary planets ; the small deviations in the form and position of their orbits, as well as in the place of the planets ; the facts which concern the shape, rotation, and position of their axis ; and the oscillation of the waters which sur- round the earth, are all explained by one principle ; namely, that of the mutual gra- vitation of all bodies with forces directly as their quantities of matter, and inversely as the squares of their distances. But as we cannot follow this celebrated philosopher in all his demonstrations on this important subject, in a work of this kind, we shall endeavour to give as clear and comprehensive a view of the doctrine of gravitation, as our limits will permit, at the same time avoiding every thing ab- struse. Thus, if one body contain double the quantity of matter that another contains, its attractive power will also be double ; if it contain ten times the quantity of matter, its attractive power will be ten times greater, and so on. But if a body be placed at any distance from another body, and then removed to double the distance, it will attract it only with a fourth part of the force it did be- fore ; at three times the distance, with a ninth part of the force ; and at four times the distance only with a sixteenth part, and so on. These are termed the laws of gravita- tion; and are known to affect every species of matter, and to connect the most distant bodies in the universe. But what the power or principle is which causes bodies to affect each other according to these laws, we shall not attempt to en- quire. Because any enquiry of this kind is not likely to be attended with much success ; nor is it necessary to know the cause which produces these effects : for all that the astronomer is concerned to know is, whether such a power or force is exerted by one body on another, and if it is, what are the laws of its action. Now both of these important facts have been determined with the greatest precision, not only by calculation, but by observation and experiment. Every person knows that a heavy body dropped from any height above the earth’s surface descends in a straight line towards the centre of the earth, where the whole force of gravity seems to be accumulated. And although it be difficult to discover any sensible change in the intensity of this THE ARTISAN. |26 force by a direct experiment on the weight of a body, on account of the distances to which we can either ascend or descend from the earth’s surface being so small ; yet the experiments which have been made with the pendulum, lead us to infer, that the force of gravity diminishes as we re- cede from the centre of the earth, at the rate we have stated above; namely, as the square of the distance increases. The effect of terrestrial gravity, as exhibited in descent of falling bodies, has been accu- rately measured, and the law which it ob- serves fully ascertained and confirmed. It had been long known that falling bodies acquire an increase of velocity as they approach the earth; arid consequently that they pass over a greater space in any given time. But Galileo was the first person who made known the law which regulates their descent, which is as follows. When a body falls freely from a state of rest, it passes through the space of sixteen feet one inch in the first second of time ; and at the end of the first second it will have acquired such a degree of velocity as would carry it thirty-two feet two inches in the next second, though it should ac- quire no new impulse from gravity. But as the same accelerating cause continues constantly to act, it will move sixteen feet and one inch more the next second ; con- sequently at the end of two seconds it will have fallen sixty-four feet four inches, and acquired such a velocity as would, in the next second, carry it over forty-eight feet, although it received no new impulse, and so on. If a body be projected perpendicu- larly upwards, its motion is continually retarded by the same cause which accele- rates it in descending. But if it be pro- jected in a direction different from the vertical line, that direction will be con- tinually varying, and a curved line will be described in consequence of the inces- sant power of gravity, which, in such cases, is measured by the degree of curva- ture of the line described by the body. This phenomenon affords a very good illustration of the theory of the planetary motions; for the effect produced is per- fectly analogous to the motion of a planet in its orbit. Every person knows that the greater the velocity with which any body is thrown, in a horizontal direction, from an engine, the further will it range before it falls. And though a body cannot be thrown to a very great distance on the earth, yet we can conceive a body pro- jected with such a velocity as to carry it quite round the earth without touching it, and to continue to circulate round it in the same path w ith undiminished velocity, in every respect as the moon does. By reasoning in this manner, Sir Isaac New- ton conceived, that the force that produces pressure in a body that is supported, or that causes a heavy body to fall to the ground, or a body thrown obliquely in the air, to describe a curvilineal path, might perhaps be the same that retains the moon in her orbit ; and makes the planets and comets revolve round the sun. Though this was at first only a plausible conjec- ture, yet, upon an appeal to the pheno- mena exhibited by these bodies, he was enabled to verify this conjecture. It was, however, a fortunate circum- stance for science, as well as for Newton, that the real motions of the heavenly bodies, as well as the laws of Kepler, were known before he undertook the in- vestigation of this subject. For these laws were not only the basis upon which he founded his investigations, but they suggested to him the manner of conducting them. The first law, for example, led him to the important discovery, that the action of a force always directed towards the sun bends the path of each planet into a curve ; and the second law not only led him to the knowledge of the changes produced in the intensity of this force, by distance, but to the law which regulates the intensity. And as it was previously known that the planets move round the sun in ellipti- cal orbits, he was enabled to establish this important law, that the force by which a planet describes areas proportional to the times round the focus of its elliptical orbit, is inversely as the square of the distance from that focus. Hence it follows, that each planet is under the influence of a force directed towards the sun, and urging it in that direction, and that the intensity of this force is inversely proportional to the square of the planet’s distance from the sun. This power or force is sometimes called the centripetal force ; because it urges the planet in the direction of the centre of its orbit, and prevents it from flying off in a straight line, which every body moving in a curve has a tendency to do ; and that force by w hich it is urged in a straight line, or endeavours to fly off from the cen- tre, is called the centrifugal force. It is by the nice combination of these two forces, that the whole solar system is pre- served in the order in which we behold it, and that every body which forms any part of the whole, performs its revolution round the common centre of the system. If the projectile or centrifugal force that urges the planets forward in their orbits were destroyed, each of them would fall to the sun, by the force of gravity, just as a stone descends to the earth. The time in which the different planets would fall to the sun, from a state of rest, by the action of the centripetal force, or THE ARTISAN. 127 the power of gravity, is as follows: — Mer- cury, in 15 days 13 hours ; Venus, 39 days 17 hours; the Earth, 64 days 13 hours; Mars, 121 days 10 hours; Jupiter, 765 days 19 hours; Saturn, 1901 days; Uranus, 5425 days ; and the Moon to the earth, in 4 days 20 hours. As the centripetal force or attractive power of the sun increases , as the square of the distance decreases , it is obvious that the nearer any body is to the sun, the more powerfully will it be attracted by him. This not only accounts for the planets which are nearest the sun moving faster in their orbits than those that are most remote from him ; but also for the motion of a planet being quickest in that part of its orbit which is nearest the sun, and slowest in that part which is farthest distant from him. For the centrifugal force must always be equal to the centri- petal, in order that the planet may con- tinue to revolve in the same orbit. In this manner, all the bodies which compose the solar system are attracted by the sun, and made to perform their revolutions round him ; and as action and re-action are equal, and in opposite directions, the sun is equally attracted by all the bodies that revolve round him. Hence the order and regularity of the whole system is pre- served. As neither our limits nor the nature of the present work will permit us to give a particular account of the planetary dis- turbances, or the effect which they have on each other, we shall conclude the present article by mentioning the disco- veries which have been the result of the investigations of astronomers on this intri- cate subject. These maybe reduced to the two following ; viz. 1st. That all the in- equalities produced by the mutual action of the planets are periodical ; that is, after a certain time they all run through the whole series of changes to which they are subject. 2d. That amid all these changes, two of their elements remain the same — the greater axis of the orbit, and the peri- odic time. Hence, the mean motion of a planet, and its mean distance are constant quantities. For these important disco- veries we are indebted to the celebrated French mathematicians, La Grange and La Place. And, as the late Professor Playfair has observed, they have made known to us one of the most important truths in Physical Astronomy; namely, that the system is stable ; that it does not involve any principle of destruction in it- self ; but is calculated to endure for ever, unless the action of an external power be introduced. fEtsreHaneous subjects. MEMOTR OF THE LIFE OF EDMUND STONE. Edmund Stone, a distinguished self- taught mathematician, was born in Scot- land; but neither the place nor time of his birth are well known; nor have we any memoirs of his life, except a letter from the Chevalier de Ramsay, author of the “ Travels of Cyrus/’ in a letter to Father Castel, a Jesuit at Paris, and published in the 44 Memoirs de Trevoux,” p. 109, as follows : 44 True genius overcomes all the disadvantages of birth, fortune, and edu- cation ; of which Mr. Stone is a rare ex- ample. Bom the son of a gardener of the Duke of Argyle, he arrived at eight years of age before he learned to read. By chance a servant having taught young Stone the letters of the alphabet, there needed nothing more to discover and ex- pand his genius. He applied himself to study, and he arrived at the knowledge of the most sublime geometry and analysis without a conductor, without any other guide but pure genius. At eighteen years of age he had made these considerable advances without being known, and without knowing himself the prodigies of his acquisition. The Duke of Argyle, who joined to his military talents a general knowledge of every science that adorns the mind of a man of his rank, walking one day in his garden, saw lying on the grass a Latin copy of Sir Isaac Newton’s celebrated 44 Principia.” He called some one to him to take and carry it back to his library. Our young gar- dener told him that the book belonged to him. 4 To you!’ replied the Duke. 1 Do you understand geometry, Latin,' Newton?” 4 1 know a little of them,’ replied the young man, with an air of simplicity arising from a profound ignorance of his own know- ledge and talents. The Duke was sur- prised ; and having a taste for the sci- ences, he entered into conversation with the young mathematician : he asked him several questions, and was astonished at the force, the accuracy, and the candour of his answers. 4 But how,’ said the Duke, 4 came you by the knowledge of all these things?’ 4 Stone replied, 4 A servant taught me, ten years since, to read : does one need to know any thing more than the twenty-four letters in order to learn every thing that one wishes ? ’ The Duke's cu- riosity redoubled; he sat down upon a bank, and requested a detail of all his proceedings in becoming so learned. 4 I first learned to read,’ said Stone: 4 the masons were then at work upon your house : I went near them one day, and I saw that the architect used a rule, com- 128 THE ARTISAN. passes, and that he made calculations* I enquired what might be the meaning and use of these things; and I was in- formed that there was a science called arithmetic : 1 purchased a book of arith- metic, and I learned it. I was told there was another science called geometry : I bought the books, and I learned geometry. By reading I found that there were good books on these two sciences in Latin: I bought a dictionary, and I learned Latin. I understood also that there were good books of the same kind in French : I bought a dictionary, and I learned French. And this, my Lord, is what I have done : it seems to me that we may learn every thing when we know the twenty-four letters of the alphabet.’ This account charmed the Duke. He drew this won- derful genius out of his obscurity; and he provided him with an employment which left him plenty of time to apply himself to the sciences. He discovered in him also the same genius for music, for painting, for architecture, for all the sciences which depend on calculations and proportions. “ I have seen Mr. Stone. He is a man of great simplicity. He is at present sen- sible of his own knowledge ; but he is not puffed up with it. He is possessed with a pure and disinterested love for the mathe- matics ; though he is not solicitous to pass for a mathematician; vanity having no part in the great labour he sustains to ex- cel in that science. He despises fortune also; and he has solicited me twenty times to request the Duke to give him less employment, which may not be worth the half of that he now has, in order to be more retired, and less taken off from his favourite studies. He discovers some- times, by methods of his own, truths which others have discovered before him. He is charmed to find on these occasions that he is not a first inventor, and that others have made a greater progress than he thought. Far from being a plagiary, he attributes ingenious solutions, which he gives to certain problems, to the hints which he has found in others, although the connections is but very distant,” &c. Mr. Stone was author and translator of several useful works; viz. 1. “ A new Mathematical Dictionary,” in 1 vol. 8vo. first printed in 1726. 2. ei Fluxions,” in 1 vol. 8vo. 1730. The Direct Method is a translation from the French of Hospital s “ Analyse des Infiniments Petis ;” and the Inverse Method was supplied by Stone himself. 3. u The Elements of Euclid,” in 2 vols. Svo. 1731. A neat and useful edition of these Elements, with an account of the life and writings of Euclid, and a defence of his Elements against modern objectors. Beside other smaller works. Stone was a fellow of the Royal Society, and had inserted in the “ Philosophical Transactions,” (vol. xii. p. 218) an “ Ac- count of two species of Lines of the third Order, not mentioned by Sir Isaac Newton or Mr. Stirling.” SOLUTIONS OF QUESTIONS. Quest. 64, answered by Mr. J. Hoarding. Let C denote Charing Cross, and I the India House, and m the place of meeting; C ™ 1 put a “ 20 min., b ~ 45 min., and x ~ the minutes they travel before meeting. Then, as the distances gone over with the same uniform motion are to each other as the times in which they are described, it will be as C m : m I : : x (the time in which John goes the distance Cm) : a (the time in which he goes over m I. And, for the same reason, as Cm : ml : : b (Peter’s time in going the distance Cm) : x (the time in which he goes the distance m 1.) Consequently, as x is to a in the ratio of Cratoml, and Ho a: also in the same ratio, we have x : a : : b : x ; whence x ~ sju~u~ 30. Then 30 + 20 n 50 min. will be John’s, and 30 H- 45 ~ 75 min. Peter’s time. This question was also solved correctly by Mr. Whitcombe, Teacher , Lothbury, and Mr. John Stanley, Lambeth , and the Proposer. We received another solu- tion, but it was inaccurate. Quest. 65, answered by Master Thomas Morris ( the Proposer ). m. Cist. m. what the two cocks If 40 : 1 : : 1 : y w in fill 0 f the cis- 50 : 1 : : 1 : y tern j n a m inute. m. Cist. m. what of the cistern, If 100 : 3 :: 1 : ^ f the two cocks will 180 : 2 : : 1 : ^ y empty in a minute. Then (^ + ^) — ( T §g + 9 ^) 205 - §00 — the parts gained by the filling cocks in a minute. Therefore, if T ^g :1m. : : 1 ' : 4 h. 17 m. 8^ sec. the time the cistern will be filled. This question was accurately answered by Mr. J. Harding, but his solution was too late for insertion ; it was also solved by H. W. S., but the arrangement was not so clear as the above. We likewise re- ceived a solution signed Philip Minus; but it was performed according to no rule, and of course the result was erroneous. QUESTION FOR SOLUTION. Quest. 66, proposed by Mr. Whitcombe, Teacher of Mathematics , Lothbury. In a given semicircle to inscribe a paral- lelogram that shall be the greatest pos- sible ; and to give a geometrical demon- stration. THE ARTISAN. 129 PERSPECTIVE. To put a hall into perspective, with paved floor , two ranges of pyramids , a range of cylinders , a range of square solids, of the same diameter and height with the cy- linders ? and let the hall be lighted from a large Gothic window in the end . Suppose the hall to be 16 feet wide, 22 in length, and 14 feet in height. Let A B in the following figure be the ground line, and that the parts of the figure may appear, as viewed from the different heights of the eye. Let the height of the eye, fig. 1, be 12 feet; and because the base of the room, in breadth, is less than 6 inches, the figure must be viewed under an angle less than 60 degrees. Let the distance point be z, a distance greater than what the equilateral triangle on the base A B would ,give. Upon the ground line A B, from any scale, suppose of one fourth of an inch, set off 16 divisions, which can represent 16 feet; draw from each of these divisions to the point of sight i; and A z to the distance point, cutting the radial B i in b ; draw b a parallel to A B ; then AB&a is a square of 16 feet; but the length required was 22 feet. From b, on the right line a b, set off 6 feet at b' ; draw b'z cutting the radial B i in d ; draw d c parallel to A B ; then A B d c is the di- mensions, 16 feet by 22, as was required. Through the points where the distance lines b'z , Az, cuts the several radials, draw right lines parallel to A B ; then the whole floor will be divided into 352 square feet, which may represent the pave- ment. To find the height of the roof, draw Vol. II — No. 34. A K perpendicular to A B, at the height of 14 feet, through K draw K L equal and parallel to A B ; draw the radials K i, Li; from the points d, c , in the right line d c , draw the perpendiculars c k, d l, cutting the radials K i, L i , in the points k, l ; join k l, then A K k c is one side of the room, equal to its opposite side BLic; ABdc is the floor, K L l k is the roof, and kcdl is the end of the room fronting the observer. 2. To raise the pyramids. Let the base be two feet square, and 5 feet distance ; from the centre of the base, draw a line at right angles to the ground line, and of length equal to the height of the roof ; and draw right lines from each angle of the pyramid to the vertex. To ascertain the point in which this vertex shall touch the roof. Observe, that the centre of the pyramid is one foot from the ground line A B, and one foot from A i , the ground line of the perpend U l 130 THE ARTISAN. cular plane, which forms the side of the light, with a circular arch above, width wall, therefore from the point K, upon the of the inside of 'the window 10 feet, the line K L, set off K o, equal to one foot ; lower lintel of the window 2 feet above draw the radial o i. and distance line o z. the floor. Let the thickness of the wall. cutting the radial o i in v ; then v is the point of the roof which the vertex of the pyramid touches; and the radial ovi , regulates the height and position of the whole range. In the same manner, the vetex on the other side may be found. Or, from L set off Lo equal to K o; draw the radial o i through v ; draw*;..'*? parallel to K L, cutting oi in i/ ; then v is the place of the vertex of the pyramid in the roof, and the radial oi regulates the whole range on that side. The distance the pyramids are placed from one another, is at pleasure ; in this example the distance is taken 5 feet. N.B. The side of pyramids of the left hand, ought to have been light, as those on the right hand are. 3. To draw the range of cylinders. Let the diameter of each be 1 foot, the height 2 feet, the distance from the base of the pyramid 3 feet, and their distance from one another 8 feet. To regulate the height of the cylinder. Upon the perpendicular A K set off A P equal to 2 feet; draw the radials Pi, which regulates all objects of that height, from the station of the observer, to the point of sight. From P draw the indefinite right line P p parallel to the ground line A B ; at the points 1, 1, of the perspective square, draw the right lines 1 .2, perpendicular to the ground line, and cutting the indefi- nite right line Pp in .2 2 ; in the perspec- tive squares at 1*1,2, 2, inscribe the per- spective circles, by prob. 12, and join their diameters, which gives the cylinder re- quired. To find the height of the second cylinder in the range, whose base is the side of the square 3. .3; produce 3.3 to the radial A i, cutting it in q ; draw q r parallel to A P, cutting the radial P i in r ; through r draw the indefinite right line rr parallel to A B ; from 3.3, draw right lines perpendicular to the ground line, to the height of r r ; form the square, inscribe the circle, and join the diameters, as in the last. In the same manner, from each of the bases of the re- maining cylinders in the range; produce their bases to the radials A i ; draw lines parallel to A p, where these cut the pa- rallel P i, draw lines parallel to the ground line, gives the respective heights of 2 feet. After the above description, an inspec- tion of the square figures will be sufficient, as the squares are described in the same manner as those in which the cylinder were inscribed ; and their heights are ob- tained in the same manner. 4. To form the Gothic window in a front view, 7 feet by 12, for the opening of the from the inside to the frame of the win- dow, be 3 feet, and from thence to the out- side of the wall be 1 foot. Set off’ 3 feet for the thickness of the wall to the inside of the frame, in the same manner as the floor was extended. Tf it is to be open from the floor upwards, upon the ground line c d set off d s equal to 3 feet, or B S upon the ground line ; draw the radial S i cutting dc in s ; draw s z cutting the radial d i in g ; draw g g parallel to d c. And because the window is to be 10 feet wide within, set off the distance of the inner corner of the window from B, upon the ground line, which, in this example, is 3 feet at S ; but if more or less, another letter and distance must be taken ; and the window being 7 feet wide at the glass frame, measure off 1| from S to t, and 7 feet from t to l, and If feet from l to x ; draw the radial ti cutting the line ggin t ; li cutting gg in u; xi cutting gg in x ; join st, xu. Draw the right lines s s, th,u u, xx, perpendicular to the ground line, and extending to the height of the impost, which cannot in this figure exceed 7 or 8 feet, as the height of the room is only 14 feet. But if below the window is to be solid wall to the height of 2 feet from the floor, draw c y parallel to A P, cutting the radial Pi in y ; draw y y parallel to c d ; from the point in which y y cuts the radial s i, draw to the distance point, cutting the radial Bi in 3; draw the right line 3-3 parallel to yy ; then the right line 3-3 gives the lower part of the frame of the window on the inside ; and being below the eye, the sole of the window without will likewise be in view. The height of the room being only 14 feet, the height of the spring of the arch cannot exceed 8 feet ; but to allow greater scope for the arch stone, part of the roof is formed a cove. At the height of the impost, which is, by the rules of architecture, one eighth part of the opening, and its projection from one third to four ninths of its height, according to the order to which it belongs. With a radius of 5 feet describe a semicircle, meeting the impost in x..s; and with a radius of G feet for the architrave, describe the outer semicircle. Let this arch be di- vided as in the figure, and the radii of the architrave directed to the centre of the semicircle. With the radius of 3§ feet, describe the inner semicircle, meeting the impost in u.Ji. Form the inner part of the window, by drawing radials from each of the divisions, on the corner of the archi- trave, to the point of sight, both in the plain and arched part of the window. THE ARTISAN. 131 The window being a front view, the panes are at equal distances, and are formed by dividing the base according to the number of panes intended ; the dif- ferent heights are measured off upon the perpendicular A K, from the scale as laid down upon the ground line. The form of the bars are regulated, as to their rise above the glass, or the depth of the glass below them, in the same manner as the depth of the window ; but being here so small, they may be formed by the hand, and regulated hy the eye of the artist. The Gothic arches are described accord- ing to the number of the panes they con- tain, with a radius of 3| feet from the centre 1, 2, &c. on each side. Observe.— That the height being taken off, upon the perpendicular A K, from the same scale upon which the other parts of the figure were measured ; A P, in this example, is 2 feet, and any line bounded by the radials A i, P i, drawn parallel to A P, is of the same measure with A P. There- fore, to obtain the height of any object, that stands upon the plane AB dc, and from dc continued to the point of sight: as, the object standing upon 3-3, the line 3 ..q drawn from the base 3-3 to q, in the radial A i; and from the point of section q, the right line q r, be drawn perpendicu- lar to the ground line, cutting P i in r ; then r q is the height of the object at that distance from the ground line. In the same manner c y is the given height at its dis- tance from the ground line, or from the point of sight. And, if the object is nearer the observer than the ground line A B, the radials, A i, P i, being produced, then the line drawn through the base of the object parallel to the ground line, till it cut A i ; the per- pendicular raised from that point in which it cuts the radial P 2 , is the height of the object; which will be greater than AP, and the object will appear of greater mag- nitude than if placed upon A B, in the re- ciprocal proportion of its distance from the observer ; or, in the direct proportion of its distance from the point of sight. For, because the triangles AiP, qir , ciy , have their sides q r , and c y, each pa- rallel to AP; and have the angle at i common, the triangles are similar; and the perpendiculars AP, q r, cy , are to one another in the direct proportion of the side 2 c, iq, and d i, their respective distances from i ; or, in the reciprocal proportion of their several distances from the station of the observer ; and the same proportions will hold, if the object is nearer to the ob- server than the ground line A B. OF MAGNETISM. The theory of magnetism, bearing a strong resemblance to that of electricity, naturally falls to be considered after it. We shall, therefore, devote a few pages to the consideration of this interesting sub- ject, having now finished that of electri- city. We have seen that the electric fluid not only exerts attractions and repulsions, and causes a peculiar distribution of neigh- bouring portions of a fluid similar to itself, but we have also seen it excited in one body and transferred to another, in such a manner as to be perceptible to the senses, or at least to cause sensible effects in its passage. The attraction and repulsion, and the peculiar distribution of the neigh- bouring fluid, are found in the phenomena of magnetism ; but we do not perceive that there is ever any actual excitation, or any perceptible transfer of the magnetic fluid from one body to another distinct body ; and it has also this striking peculiarity, that metallic iron is very nearly, if not absolutely, the only substance capable of exhibiting any indications of its presence or activity. In order to explain the phenomena of magnetism, the particles of a fluid are sup- posed to repel each other, and to attract the particles of metallic iron with equal forces, diminishing as the square of the distance increases ; and the particles of such iron must also be imagined to repel each other in a similar manner. Iron and steel, when soft, are conductors of the mag- netic fluid, and become less and less per- vious to it as their hardness increases. A strong degree of heat appears from the experiments of Gilbert and of Mr. Cavallo, to destroy completely all mag- netic action. It is perfectly certain that magnetic effects are produced by quantities of iron incapable of being detected, either by their weight or by any chemical tests. Mr. Cavello found that a few particles of steel, adhering to a hone on which the point of a needle was slightly rubbed, imparted to it magnetic properties; and Mr. Coulomb has observed, “ that there are scarcely any bodies in nature which do not exhibit some marks of being sub- jected to the influence of magnetism, although its force is always proportional to the quantity of iron which they contain, as far as that quantity can be ascertained: a single grain being sufficient to make 20 pounds of another metal sensibly magnetic. A combination with a large portion of oxygen, deprives iron of the whole or the greater part of its magnetic properties ; finery cinder is still considerably mag- netic, but the more perfect oxides and the I 2 132 THE ARTISAN. salts of iron only in a slight degree ; it is also said that antimony renders iron in- capable of being attracted by the magnet. Nickel, when freed from arsenic and from cobalt, is decidedly magnetic, and the more so as it contains less iron. The aurora borealis is certainly in some measure a magnetical phenomenon ; and if iron were the only substance capable of exhibiting magnetic effects, it would follow that some ferruginous particles must exist in the upper regions of the atmosphere. The light usually attending this magnetic meteor may possibly be de- rived from electricity, which may be the immediate cause of a change of the distri- bution of the magnetic fluid contained in the ferruginous vapours, that are imagined to float in the air. We are still less capable of distinguish- ing with certainty in magnetism than in electricity, a positive from a negative -state, or a real redundancy of the fluid from a deficiency. The north pole of a magnet may be considered as the part in which the magnetic fluid is either redund- ant or deficient, provided that the south pole be understood in a contrary sense: thus, if the north pole of a magnet be sup- posed to be positively charged, the south pole must be imagined to be negative ; and in hard iron or steel, these poles may be considered as unchangeable. A north pole, therefore, always repels a north pole, and attracts a south pole. And in a neutral piece of soft iron, near to the north pole of a magnet, the fluid becomes so distributed by induction, as to form a temporary south pole next to the magnet, and the whole piece is of course attracted, from the greater proximity of the attract- ing pole. If the bar is sufficiently soft, and not too long, the remoter end becomes a north pole, and the whole bar a perfect temporary magnet. But when the bar is of hard steel, the state of induction is im- perfect, from the resistance opposed to the motion of the fluid ; hence the attraction is less powerful, and an opposite pole is formed, at a certain distance, within the bar ; and beyond this another pole, similar to the first, the alternation being some- times repeated more than once. The polarity of magnets, or their dispo- sition to assume a certain direction, is of still greater importance than their attrac- tive power. If a small magnet, or simply a soft wire, be poised on a centre, it will arrange itself in such a direction, as will produce an equilibrium of the attractions and repulsions of the poles of a larger magnet ; being a tangent to a certain oval figure passing through those poles* of which the properties have been calculated by various mathematicians. The same effect is observable in iron filings placed near a magnet, and they ad- here to each other in curved lines, by vir- tue of their induced magnetism, the north pole of each particle being attached to the south pole of the particle next it. This arrangement is represented by the follow- ing figure, and may be actually produced, by placing the filings either on mercury, or on any surface that can be agitated ; it may also be imitated by strewing powder on a plate of glass, supported by two balls, which are contrarily electrified. The polarity of a needle may often be observed, when it exhibits no sensible at- traction or repulsion as a whole ; and this may easily be understood by considering, that when one end of a needle is repelled from a given point, and the other is attracted towards it, the two forces, if equal, will tend to turn it round its centre, but will wholly destroy each other’s effects, with respect to any progressive motion of the whole needle. Thus, when the end of a magnet is placed under a surface on which iron filings are spread, and the sur- face is shaken, so as to leave the particles for a moment in the air, they are not drawn sensibly towards the magnet, but their ends, which are nearest to the point over the magnet, are turned a little downwards, so that they strike the paper further and further from the magnet, and then fall outwards, as if they were repelled by it. The magnets, which we have hitherto considered, are such as have a simple and well determined form ; but the great com- pound magnet, which directs the mariner’s compass, and which appears to consist principally of the metallic and slightly oxidized iron, contained in the internal parts of the earth, is probably of a far more intricate structure, and we can only judge of its nature, from the various phenomena derived from its influence. The accumulation and the deficiency of the magnetic fluid, which determine the place of the poles of this magnet, are pro- bably in fact considerably diffused, but they may generally be imagined, without much error in the result, to centre in two points, one of them nearer to the north pole of the earth, the other to the south pole. In consequence of their attractions and repulsions, a needle, whether pre- viously magnetic or not, assumes always, THE ARTISAN. 1331 if freely poised, the direction necessary for its equilibrium ; which, in various parts of the globe, is variously inclined to the meridian and to the horizon. Hence arises the use of the compass in naviga- tion and surveying; for a needle (which is poised with the liberty of a horizontal motion) always assumes the direction of the magnetic meridian, which, for a cer- tain time, remains almost invariable for the same place ; and as the true meridian can easily be determined, the variation is thus ascertained. Though the dipping needle is only moveable in a vertical plane, yet it evinces a similar property to that of the horizontal needle; for when the vertical plane in which it is at liberty to move, is placed in the magnetic meridian, the needle acquires an inclination to the horizon, which varies according to the place with respect to the magnetic poles. The dip of the north pole of the needle in the neighbourhood of Lon- don, is at present about 72 degrees- The following figure represents the dip- ping needle. The piece A B is brought into such a situation, that the line drawn on it coin- cides with the middle of the vibrations of the needle. The position of the needle may be changed, either by turning the stand half round, or by turning the needle within the stand. A bar of soft iron, placed in the situation of the dipping needle, acquires from the earth a temporary state of magnetism, which may be reversed at pleasure by re- versing its direction ; but bars of iron, which have remained long in or near this direction, assume a permanent polarity; for iron, even when it has been at first quite soft, becomes in time a little harder. A natural magnet, or loadstone, is no more than a heavy iron ore, which, in the' course of ages, has acquired a strong polarity from the great primitive magnet. It must have lain in some degree detached, and must possess but little conducting power, in order to have received and to retain its magnetism. We cannot, from any assumed situation of two or more magnetic poles, calculate the true position of the needle for all places ; and even in the same place, its direction is observed to change in the course of years, according to a law which has never yet been generally determined, although the variation which has been ob- served at any one place, since the dis- covery of the compass, may perhaps be comprehended in some very intricate ex- pressions ; but the less dependence can be placed on any calculations of this kind, as there is reason to think that the change depends rather on a chemical than on phy- sical causes. Dr. Halley, indeed, con- jectured, that the earth contained a nuc- leus, or seperate sphere, revolving freely within it, or rather floating in a fluid con- tained in the intermediate space, and causing the variation of the magnetic me- ridian ; and others have attributed the effect to the motions of the celestial bodies: but in either case, the changes produced would have been much more regular and universal than those which have been ac- tually observed. Temporary changes of the terrestrial magnetism, have certainly been sometimes occasioned by other causes ; such causes are, therefore, most likely to be concerned in the more permanent effects. Thus, the eruption of Mount Hecla was found to derange the position of the needle considerably ; the aurora borealis has been observed to cause its north pole to move six or seven degrees to the westward of its usual position ; and a still more remarkable change occurs con- tinually in the diurnal variation. The line of no variation passed in 1657 through London, and in 1666 through Paris: its northern extremity appears to have moved continually eastwards, and its southern parts westwards : and it now passes through the middle of Asia. The opposite portion seems to have moved more uniformly westwards; it now runs from North America to the middle of the South Atlantic. On the European side of these lines, the declination is westerly ; on the South American side, it is easterly. The variation in London has been for several years a little more than 25°. In the West Indies it changes but slowly ; for instance, it was 5° near the island of Barbadoes, from 1700 to 1756. The art of making magnets consists in a proper application of the attractions and repulsions of the magnetic fluid, by means of the different conducting powers of dif- ferent kinds of iron and steel, to the pro- duction and preservation of such a distri- bution of the fluid in a magnet, as is the best fitted to the exhibition of its peculiar properties. We may begin with any bar of iron that 134 THE ARTISAN. has long stood in a vertical position ; but it is more common to employ an artificial magnet of greater strength. When one pole of such a magnet touches the end of a bar of hard iron or steel ; that end assumes, in some degree, the opposite character, and the opposite end the same character : but in drawing the pole along the bar, the first end becomes neutral, and afterwards has the opposite polarity; while the se- cond end has its force at first a little in- creased, then becomes neutral, and after- wards is opposite to what it first was. When the operation is repeated, the effect is at first in some measure destroyed, and it is difficult to understand why the repe- tition adds materially to the inequality of the distribution of the fluid ; but the fact is certain, and the strength of the new magnet is for some time increased at each stroke, until it has acquired all that it is ca- pable of receiving. Several magnets, made in this manner, may be placed side by side, and each of them being nearly equal in strength to the first, the whole collection will produce together a much stronger effect ; and in this manner we may obtain from a weak magnet others continually stronger, until we arrive at the greatest degree of polarity, of which the metal is capable. It is, however, more usual to employ the process called the double touch : placing two magnets, with their opposite poles near to each other, or the opposite poles of a single magnet, bent in the following form, with the middle of the bar : the opposite actions of these poles then conspire in their effort to displace the magnetic fluid, and the magnets having been drawn back- wards and forwards repeatedly, in equal number of times to and from each end of the bar, with a considerable pressure, they are at last withdrawn in the middle, in order to keep the poles at equal distances. CHUMISTHir. OF NICKEL. Hierne was the first person who men- tioned the particular ore which contains nickel, in a work on the art of discovering metals, published in 1694. The ore was named kupfernickel by the Germans, which signifies false copper. Henckel considered it as a species of cobalt, or arsenic mixed with copper. Cramer referred it also to the copper and arsenical ores, though he did not obtain copper from it ; which is also confessed by Henckel. In its highest state of purity, it is of a yellowish or reddish white, of variable brilliancy and granulated texture. This texture is lamellated only in the case of impurity. Its specific gravity, according to Richter, after being melted, is 8 279; but when hammered, it becomes 8’666. It is malleable both cold and hot ; and may without difficulty be hammered out into plates not exceeding the hundredth part of an inch in thickness. It is attracted by the magnet at least as strongly as iron. Like that metal, it may be converted into a magnet; and in that state points to the north, when freely sus- pended, in the same manner as a common magnetic needle. There are three ores of nickel, very dis- tinct and very easy to be distinguished ; these are the sulphuret of nickel, ferrugi- nous nickel, and native oxide of nickel. Rinman also affirms, that nickel has been found a native of Hesse ; it is heavy, of a deep red, forming a kind of product of the furnaces among the materials from which nickel may extracted. It is con- sidered as an alloy of cobalt and bismuth, by the medium of nickel. Nickel is very difficult to be oxidized by the action of caloric and of the air. When it is heated under a muffle, and constantly agitated, it only assumes a dark colour. However, by long exposure to moist and cold air, it becomes covered with an ef- florescence of a clear green colour, of a very particular and distinct tinge. It is this efflorescence which is found upon the surface of the sulphurous ores of nickel, the tinge of which being very remarkable and very different from that of copper, enables us to distinguish them with ease and certainty. The alloys of this metal are but very im- perfectly known. Mr. Hatchett melted a mixture of 11 parts gold and one nickel, and obtained an alloy of the colour of fine brass. It was brittle, and broke with a coarse-grained earthy fracture. The specific gravity of the gold was 19- 172 ; of the nickel 7’S ; that of the THE ARTISAN. 135 alloy 17*068. The bulk of the metals before fusion was 2792, after fusion 2812 ; hence they suffered an expansion. Had their bulk before fusion been 1000, after fusion it would have become 1007. When the proportion of nickel is diminished, and copper substituted for it, the brittleness of the alloy gradually diminishes, and its colour approaches to that of gold. The expansion, as was to be expected, in- creases with the proportion of copper in- troduced. Nickel has hitherto been applied to little or no use. It cannot, however, be doubted that it may be employed with great advantage in the manufacture of enamels, glass, porcelain, and pottery. It is even probable that it may be an ingre- dient in the secret processes of some ma- nufactures, as large portions of it are frequently found with the druggests of Paris, who procure it from Saxony only in proportion to the demand which is made for it. OF CADMIUM. Cadmium was first discovered by M. Stromeyer, in the autumn of 1817, in car- bonate of zinc, which he was examining in Hanover. It has been since found in the Derbyshire silicates of zinc. The following is Dr. Wollaston’s pro- cess of procuring cadmium. From the so- lution of the salt of zinc supposed to con- tain cadmium, precipitate all the other metallic impurities by iron ; filter, and im- merse a cylinder of zinc into the clear solution. If cadmium be present it will be thrown down in the metallic state, and when redissolved in muriatic acid, will exhibit its peculiar character on the appli- cation of the proper tests. The colour of cadmium is a fine white, with a slight shade of blueish-grey, ap- proaching much to that of tin, which it resembles in lustre and susceptibility of polish. Its texture is compact, and its fracture hackly. It crystallizes easily in octahedrons, and presents on its surface, when cooling, the appearance of leaves of fern. It is flexible, and yields readily to the knife. It is harder and more tenacious than tin ; and, like it, stains paper, or the fingers. It is ductile and malleable, but when long hammered, it scales off in dif- ferent places. Its specific gravity, before hammering, is 8-6, and when hammered, it is 8-69. It melts, and is volatilized under a red heat. Its vapour, which has no smell, may be condensed in drops like mercury, which, on congealing, present distinct traces of crystallization. Cadmium is as little altered by exposure to the air as tin. When heated in the open air, it burns like that metal, passing into a smoke which falls and forms a very fixed oxide, of a brownish-yellow colour. Ni- tric acid readily dissolves it cold; dilute sulphuric, muriatic, and even acetic acids act feebly on it with the disengagement of hydrogen. The solutions are colourless, and are not precipitated by water. Cadmium unites easily with most of the metals, when heated along with them and the air excluded ; but most of its alloys are brittle and without colour. That of copper and cadmium is white, with a slight tinge of yellow. Its texture is composed of very fine plates. A very small portion of cadmium communicates a good deal of brittleness to copper ; but at a strong heat cadmium flies oft'. Cadmium unites with several other me- tals; particularly with cobalt, platinum, and mercury. W ith the last metal it forms an amalgam, the specific gravity of which exceeds that of mercury itself. OF ZINC. It is believed that zinc was not known to the ancients. Paracelsus is the first Chemist who has treated of it, and who gave it the name which it bears. Agricola has since termed it contre-feyne, and Boyle speltrum. Albertus Magnus, who died in the year 1280, makes very distinct mention of it; he knew that it was combustible and inflammable, and that it coloured metals. It appears that zinc has for a long period back been extracted from its ores in the East Indies, as was first discovered by Jungius, in the year 1647. It was brought from those parts under the name of tuten- ague. Without being particularly ac- quainted with it, and distinguishing it accurately from other metals, the Greeks seem also to have employed it, as it is said to have constituted a part of the famous Corinthian brass. It is not known by what process the Chinese obtain this metal, which they em- ploy in a great number of alloys ; it is, however, believed that they extract it by distillation. Henckel asserted, in 1721, in his Pyritologia, that zinc might be ex- tracted from calamine. Zinc is of a brilliant white colour, with a shade of blue, and is composed of a num- ber of thin plates adhering together. When this metal is rubbed for some time between the fingers, they acquire a pecu- liar taste, and emit a very perceptible smell. When rubbed upon the fingers, it tinges them of a black colour. The specific gra- vity of melted zinc varies from 6*861 to 7*1; the lightest being esteemed the purest. When hammered it becomes as high as 7*1908. This metal forms, as it were, the limit between the brittle and the malleable metals. When struck with a hammer it does not break, but yields, and becomes 136 THE ARTISAN. somewhat flatter ; and by a cautious and equal pressure, it may be reduced to pretty thin plates, which are supple and elastic, but cannot be folded without breaking. This property of zinc was first ascertained by Mr. Sage. When heated somewhat above 212°, it becomes very malleable. It may be beat at pleasure without breaking, and hammered out into thin plates. When carefully annealed, it may be passed through rollers. It may also be very readily turned on the lathe. When heated to about 400°, it becomes so brittle, that it may be reduced to powder in a mortar. Jt possesses a certain degree of ductility, and may with care be drawn out into wire. Its tenacity, from the experiments of Mus- chenbroeck, is such, that a wire, whose diameter is equal to -/ 0 th of an inch, is ca- pable of supporting a weight of about 26 lbs. When heated to the temperature of about 680®, it melts ; and if the heat be increased, it evaporates, and may be easily distilled over in close vessels. When allowed to cool slowly, it crystallizes in small bundles of quadrangular prisms, disposed in all directions. If they are exposed to the air while hot, they assume a blue change- able colour. Zinc is applied to uses no less numerous than important in many of the arts. It forms a part of a number of hard and white alloys. It is particularly employed in the fabrication of tombac and brass. The eastern nations, and especially the Chinese, make use of it, as has already been observed, much more frequently than the Europeans; perhaps because they possess it in greater abundance than we do, and perhaps because they are better acquainted with its useful properties. Zinc and its chemical preparations have already been applied to medicinal pur- poses. Its property of conducting so great a degree of galvanism, may hereafter render it much more valuable to the heal- ing art. OF BISMUTH. Bismuth is of a reddish white colour, and almost destitute both of taste and smell. It is composed of broad brilliant plates adhering to each other. The figure of its particles, according to Haiiy, is an octahedron, or two four-sided pyramids, applied base to base. Its specific gravity is 9-822 ; but when hammered cautiously, its density, as Mus- chenbroeck ascertained, is considerably increased. It is not therefore very brittle; it breaks however, when struck smartly by a hammer, and consequently is not malleable. Neither can it be drawn out into wire. Its tenacity, from the trials of Muschenbroeck, appears to be such, that a rod one-tenth of an inch in diameter, is capable of sustaining a weight of nearly 29 lbs. When heated to the temperature of 476°, it melts; and if the heat be much in- creased, it evaporates, and may be dis- tilled over in close vessels. When allowed to cool slowly, and when the liquid metal is withdrawn as soon as the surface congeals, it crystallizes in parallelopipeds, which cross each other at right angles. When exposed to the air, it soon loses its lustre, but scarcely undergoes any other change. It is not altered when kept under water. Bismuth is alloyed with several metals, in order to give them hardness, rigidity, or consistence ; it is particularly useful to the pewterers, and all those who employ white and hard alloys. It is generally believed that it acts upon the animal eco- nomy in the same manner as lead, though this opinion is yet supported by no deci- sive facts. The utility of its oxides is very con- siderable. It is employed in this form by the manufacturers of porcelain in the pre- paration of some yellow enamels ; it is mixed with other oxides, in order to tinge the colour of glazes and paintings. It is sometimes used in the manufacture of co- loured glass, and to give a yellow tinge approaching to green. The white paint or focus made from the oxide of bismuth is often used by females to paint the face ; but it injures the skin very much, and is converted to a black by sulphuretted hy- drogen gas. OF ANTIMONY. Antimony is of a greyish white colour,^ and has a good deal of brilliancy. Its texture is laminated, and exhibits plates crossing each other in every direction, and sometimes assuming the appearance of imperfect crystals. Haiiy has with great labour ascertained, that the primitive form of these crystals is an octahedron, and that the integrant particles of antimony have the figure of tetrahedrons. When rubbed upon the fingers, it com- municates to them a peculiar taste and smell. Its specific gravity is, according to Brisson, 6-702 ; according to Bergman, 6-86. Hatchett found it 6-712. It is very brittle, and may be easily re- duced in a mortar to a fine powder. Its tenacity, from the experiments of Mus- chenbroeck, appears to be such, that a rod of -^th of an inch in diameter is capable of supporting about 10 pounds weight. When heated to 810° Fahrenheit, or just to redness, it melts. If after this the heat be increased, the metal evaporates. Antimony is the base of the alloy which THE ARTISAN, 137 Is employed for casting printing-types, to which it communicates hardness. It is often made to enter, with lead and tin, into rigid hard alloys, which are very use- ful for a variety of purposes. The oxide of antimony is used in the fabrication of coloured glass, enamels, the glazing and painting upon porcelain ; it is the basis of the yellow, brownish, and orange colours, which resemble the amethyst. It is mixed with several other oxides, in order to pro- duce a great variety of colours, the effects of which have been observed, but their causes have not yet been explained. OF MANGANESE. Manganese is distinguished from all other metals by the following properties. It is of a brilliant whiteness approaching to grey, which is quickly altered in the air ; its texture is granulated, without being so fine and close as that of cobalt ; its frac- ture is rough and unequal : its specific gravity is 6-850 ; it holds, together with iron, the first rank in the order of hard- ness ; it is one of the most brittle metals ; at the same time it is one of the most diffi- cult to be fused. Guyton places it im- mediately after platina, and determines it at the 160th degree of Wedgwood’s pyro- meter. We know neither its dilatability by caloric, nor its conducting property. It is frequently susceptible of being attracted by the load-stone, especially when it is in the state of powder, on account of the iron which it contains, and which is almost as difficult to be separated from it as from nickel; it has no perceptible smell nor taste; in communication with other metals, it exerts the galvanic action upon the nervous and muscular systems of animals ; its colour is extremely variable. Only one ore of manganese is as yet well known; namely, its native oxide, which some modern mineralogists, amongst others Mr. Kirwan, announced as being com- bined with carbonic acid. This oxide is frequently mixed with iron, barytes, silex, lime, &c. ; it varies also by its state of oxidation, or by the proportion of oxygen which it contains. The ores of manganese are not worked in the large way, not merely on account of the refractory nature of these ores, but more especially because it is of no utility in its metallic state. The places where the native oxide of manganese is found are merely worked, in order to furnish the manufactories of glass, bleaching, &c. with this oxide, which is employed in them. OF COBALT. The ores of cobalt have been used in different parts of Europe since the be- ginning of the sixteenth century, to tinge glass of a blue colour. But the nature of cobalt was altogether unknown till it was examined by Brandt in 1733. This cele- brated Swedish Chemist obtained from it a new metal, to which he gave the name of cobalt. Lehmann published a very full account of every thing relating to this metal in 1761. Cobalt is of a grey colour, with a shade of red, and by no means brilliant. Its texture varies according to the heat em- ployed in fusing it. Sometimes it is com- posed of plates, sometimes of grains, and sometimes of small fibres adhering to each other. It has scarcely any taste or smell. Its specific gravity, according to Barg- man and the School of Mines at Paris, is 7*7. Mr. Hatchett found a specimen 7*645. It is brittle, and easily reduced to pow- der; but if we believe Leonhardi, it is somewhat malleable when red hot. Its tenacity is unknown. When heated to the temperature of 130° Wedgewood, it melts ; but no heat which we can produce is sufficient to cause it to evaporate. When cooled slowly in a cru- cible, if the vessel be inclined the moment the surface of the metal congeals, it may be obtained crystallized in irregular prisms. Like iron, it is attracted by the magnet ; and, from the experiments of Wenzel, it appears that it may be converted into a magnet precisely similar in its properties to the common magnetic needle. Cobalt is not used in its metallic form ; but it is much employed to make blue glasses or enamels. In the manufactories of porcelain, much care is taken to have the oxides of cobalt very pure and atte- nuated. The grey ore is chosen well crys- tallized ; this is roasted, and treated with the nitric or muriatic acid, or otherwise it is burned with nitrate of potash ; the oxide is carefully washed with much water ; by which treatment the oxide is obtained in violet coloured powder, very fine and very homogeneous, which affords the purest and most beautiful blue when treated with a vitreous flux. The elegant blue of the porcelain of Sevres is of this nature. OF TELLURIUM. In the year 1797, Mr. Klaproth, of Ber- lin, discovered a brittle whitish metal among the ores of gold, brought from the mountains of Transylvania, to which he gave the name of Tellurium . Pure tellurium is of a tin-white colour, verging to lead-grey, with a high metallic lustre ; of a foliated fracture, and very brittle, so as to be easily pulverized. Its specific gravity is 6*115 ; it melts before ignition, requiring a little higher heat than lead, and less than antimony ; and, accord- ing to Gmelin, is as volatile as arsenic. When cooled without agitation, its surface has a crystallized appearance. Before 138 THE ARTISAN. the blow-pipe on charcoal, it burns with a vivid blue light, greenish on the edges, and is dissipated in greyish white vapours of a pungent smell, which condense into a white oxide. This oxide, heated on char- coal, is reduced with a kind of explosion, and soon again volatilized. Heated in a glass retort, it fuses into a straw-coloured striated mass. It appears to contain about 16 per cent, of oxygen. Nothing decisive can yet be said con- cerning the uses of this metal, on account of its scarcity, and its recent discovery. But should it be found in other ores, as well as in those of Transylvania, it may become of great utility in the arts, as appears from its extreme fusibility, and its slight adhesion to oxygen. OF ARSENIC. From the earliest period in which man- kind worked the metallic ores, they must have ascertained the volatility, the odour, and the noxious effects of arsenic. Never- theless, it remained unknown as a metal, and was not placed among the semi-metals, or brittle metallic bodies, till the beginning of the eighteenth century ; when Paracel- sus announced, that it might be obtained white in the metallic form. Schroder, in 1649, mentioned a metal extracted from orpiment and arsenic; and Lemery, in 1675, described a process, which is at present used with success in the mixture of fixed alkali and soap with this oxide, to obtain what is called the regulus. The ancients were acquainted with its oxide, its yellow and red sulphuret, under the name of arsenic, sandarach, and orpiment. Mineralogists were, for a long time, con- tent to range it among sulphurous matters, and considered it only as a mineralizer of the metals. Brandt, in 1733, and Mac- quer, in 1746, showed that it is a true metal, possessing properties highly cha- racteristic, and different from those of every other metal. Arsenic has a blueish white colour not unlike that of steel, and a good deal of brilliancy. It has no sensible smell while cold ; but when heated, it emits a strong odour of garlic, which is verycharacteristic. Its specific gravity is 8*31. It is perhaps the most brittle of all the metals, falling to pieces under a very mo- derate blow of a hammer, and admitting of being easily reduced to a very fine powder in a mortar. Its fusing point is not known, because it is the most volatile of the metals, sub- liming without melting when exposed in close vessels to a heat of 356 u . Arsenic, in the metallic form, is but little employed, except in chemical laboratories, where various experiments, researches, and demonstrations are carried on. As it is sometimes employed for killing flies, great caution should be used in ap- plying it to this purpose; for this sub- stance, which is sold under the name of testaceous cobalt, or fly-powder, is very dangerous to animals of every description. In some manufactories it is alloyed with various metals, in order to whiten and harden them ; the white copper is fre- quently an alloy of this kind. But though such alloys may be of use in some cases, they ought never to be employed for the preparation of food, drinks, or medicines. OF CHROMIUM. The analysis of a mineral made by other means, and with more care than hitherto had been applied to its examination, pre- sented in December, 1797, to Vauquelin, the discovery of this new metal. It is of a white colour, inclining to grey, very hard, brittle, and extremely difficult of fusion. The small quantity which Vauquelin could procure, did not permit him to ascertain many of its properties. v It is but little altered by exposure to heat, and probably would be affected neither by the action of air nor of water. Acids act upon it but slowly ; nitric acid gradually converts it into an oxide by communicating oxygen. It is hardly to be supposed that a metal so recently discovered can have yet been applied to any use, However, Vauquelin has already observed, that its oxide may be used in the fabrication of glass and enamel ; and it may even, perhaps, have been already employed, without suspect- ing it, in the mixtures of the products of minerals ill understood or analyzed, of which it may form a part. OF MOLYBDENUM. The name of molybdena, which was formerly synonymous with that of plum- bago, or black lead, or the natural com- bination of iron and charcoal, or carburet of iron, is at present given to a brittle and acidifiable metal, of which the ore was confounded with that coally substance. Many considered them as one and the same substance, and they were sold under the same denomination, till Scheele, in 1778, published, in the volumes of the Stockholm Academy, a memoir, in which he showed that the substance called molybdena is very different from the car- buret of iron, and contains a combination of sulphur, with a substance which he took for a peculiar acid. Hitherto molybdenum has only been ob- tained in small agglutinated metallic grains ; the greatest heat of our furnaces not being sufficient to melt it into a button. Hence we are but imperfectly acquainted with its properties. THE ARTISAN. 139 The specimens procured by Hielm were of a yellowish white colour, and internally greenish white. Its specific gravity he found as high as 7*400. From his experiments, compared with those of Klaproth and Buckolz, on uranium, it seems probable that molybde- num is even more refractory than that metal. When exposed to heat in an open vessel, it gradually combines with oxygen, and is converted into a white oxide, which is vo- latilized in small brilliant needle-form crys- tals. This oxide, having the properties of an acid, is known by the name of molybdic acid. OF TUNGSTEN. The name Tungsten, which signifies heavy stone, was given by the Swedes to a mineral, which Scheele found to contain a peculiar metal, as he supposed, in the state of an acid, united with lime. The same metallic substance was afterwards found by Don d’Elhuyart united with iron and manganese in wolfram. Tungsten is of a greyish white colour, or rather like that of iron, and has a good deal of brilliancy. It is one of the hardest of the metals ; for Vauquelin and Hecht could scarcely make any impression upon it with a file. It seems also to be brittle. Its specific gravity, according to the D’Elhuyarts, is 17*6; according to Allen and Aiken, 17 22. It is therefore the heaviest of the metals after gold and platinum. It requires for fusion a temperature at least equal to 170° Wedgewood. It seems to have the property of crystallizing on cooling, like all the other metals ; for the imperfect button procured by Vauquelin and Hecht contained a great number of small crystals. Nothing has yet been observed respect- ing the uses of a metal so little known or examined as tungsten. No trial has yet been made with regard to its useful pro- perties ; and it is to be feared, that its re- duction and fusion being difficult, will render it so intractable as not to be used but with great difficulty. OF COLUMB1UM. This metal was discovered by Mr. Hatchett, in a mineral belonging to the cabinet of the British Museum, supposed to be brought from Massachusetts, in North America. Its lustre was glassy, and in some parts slightly metallic. It was moderately hard, but very brittle. By trituration it yielded a powder of a dark chocolate brown, not attracted by the magnet. Its specific gra- vity, at the temperature of 65°, was 5-918. OF SELENIUM. In 1819 M. Berzelius extracted a new elementary body from the pyrites Fahlun, which, from its chemical properties, he places between sulphur and tellurium, though it has more properties in common with the former than with the latter sub- stance. It was obtained in exceedingly small quantity from a large portion of pyrites. When it is fused it becomes solid, its surface assumes a metallic brilliancy of a deep brown colour. Its fracture is con- choidal, vitreous, of the colour of lead, and perfectly metallic. OF OSMIUM. This singular metal was discovered by Mr. Tennant, about the year 1804, in the ore of platina, combined with another me- tallic substance, which received the name of Iridium. Osmium has a dark-grey or blue colour, and the metallic lustre. When heated in the open air, it evaporates with the usual smell ; but in close vessels, when the ox- idizement is prevented, it does not appear in the least volatile. When subjected to a strong white heat in a charcoal crucible, it does not melt nor undergo any apparent alteration. It is not acted upon by any acid, not even the nitro-muriatic, after exposure to heat; but when heated with potash it combines with that alkali, and forms with it an orange-yellow solution. OF RHODIUM. This metal is of a white colour. Its specific gravity seems somewhat to exceed 11. No degree of heat hitherto applied is capable of fusing it. It is, therefore, uncertain whether it be malleable ; but as it forms malleable alloys with the other metals, it is probable that it would not be destitute of malleability, if it could be fused into a button. OF IRIDIUM. This metal was discovery by Mr. Smith- son Tennant in 1803, in the ore of crude platina. The iridium which was thus obtained was while, and could not be melted by any heat Mr. Tenant could employ. Vau- quelin considers it as brittle, and as even occasioning the brittleness of platinum; but as it has not been obtained in a metal- lic button, and as it forms malleable alloys with all metals tried, that property does not seem to be sufficiently decided. It resists the action of all acids, even the nitro-muriatic acid. 140 THE ARTISAN. OF URANIUM. This metal was discovered by Klaproth in a mineral which contains uranium com- bined with sulphur. By treating the ores of the metal with the nitric or nitro-muriatic acid, the oxide will be dissolved, and may be precipitated by the addition of a caustic alkali. It is insoluble in water, and of a yellow colour; but a strong heat renders it of a brownish grey. OF TITANIUM. Titanium is obtained from a mineral found in Hungary, called red schorl, or titanite : and also in a substance from the valley of Menachan, in Cornwall, termed menachanite. It was in the latter sub- stance that it was originally discovered by Mr. Gregor, of Cornwall ; and its charac- ters have since been more fully investigated by Klaproth, Vauquelin, Hecht, Lovitz, and Lampadius. Its colour is that of copper, but deeper. It has considerable lustre. It is brittle, but in thin plates has considerable elas- ticity. It is highly infusible. When exposed to the air, it tarnishes, and is easily oxidized by heat, assuming a blue colour. It detonates when thrown into red hot nitre. OF CERIUM. Cerium was discovered by Messrs. Berzilius and Hisenger, of Stockholm, in a mineral from Bastreas, in Sweden, to which they gave the name of Cerit, and which had been for some time before sup- posed to be an ore of tungsten. This dis- covery has since been confirmed by the ex- periments of Vauquelin. OF WODANIUM. This is a new metal, recently discpvered by Lampadius in the mineral called Woodan pyrites. This metal has a bronze- yellow colour, similar to that of cobalt glance; and its specific gravity is 11*470. It is malleable ; its fracture is hackly ; it has the hardness of fluor spar; and is strongly attracted by the magnet. It is not tarnished by exposure to the atmosphere at the common temperature; but when heated, it is converted into a black oxide. ALKALINE AND EARTHY METALS. The remaining substances contained in the table of metals, at page 361, vol. i, are the bases of the two fixed alkalies (Potash and Soda,) and of the eleven substances at present considered as earths. The two first, Potassium and Sodium, as well as Barium, and a few of the others, were obtained by Sir H. Davy, by decom- posing the Alkalies and Earths by gal- vanic electricity; whilst the others are merely considered as the metallic bases of the respective earths whose names they bear. We are sorry that our limits will not permit us to give a more detailed account of these bodies. ASTRONOMY. OF THE QUANTITY OF MATTER IN THE SUN AND PLANETS, AND THE FORCE OF GRA- VITY AT THEIR SURFACES. On first view, it almost appears impos- sible to determine the respective masses of the sun and planets, and to measure the height from which bodies fall in a given time, by the action of gravity at their sur- faces. But the connection of facts with each other, often leads to results which appear inaccessible, when the principle on which they depend is unknown. It was, therefore, perfectly natural even for astronomers to consider it impossible to determine the intensity of gravity at the surface of the planets, while the principle of universal gravitation remained un- known;* and it is just as natural for those who are unacquainted with mathematics and astronomy to consider the same thing impossible, even although they have heard of such a principle as universal gravita- tion. We shall, therefore, state what has been the result of the calculation of some of the first-rate astronomers of the present day on this curious and interesting subject. From the fact that action is always accompanied by re-action, astronomers conclude, that gravitation among terres- trial bodies is the mutual tendency of the particles of matter to one another. And, from analogy, they think it perfectly rea- sonable to suppose, that this is true in all cases; and that the force of gravitation towards different bodies, the distance being the same, is proportional to the quan- tities of matter , or the masses of the bodies. This supposition is the foundation of all the calculations respecting the masses of the planets ; and from it formulas have been deduced, for calculating the relative quantity of matter in such of the primary planets as have satellites revolving round them ; but the quantify of matter in those that have no satellites, can only be guessed at by the effect they produce in disturbing the motions of the other planets .f * It was this discovery which rendered it practica- ble to measure the intensity of gravity at the sur- faces of the planets. •f The quantities of matter in any two primary planets are direcly as the cubes of the mean distan- ces at which their satellites revolve, and inversely as the squares of their periodic times. THE ARTISAN, 141 The quantity of matter in the moon, however, may be determined by compar- ing its influence with that of the sun in producing the tides, and the precession of the equinoxes. By these means it has been ascertained, that the mass of the moon is about ^jth part of that of the earth. And La Place, in his Mecanique Celeste , has determined the quantity of matter in each of the primary planets, from the most exact data, to be as follows ~ Quantity of matter in the Sun . 1 Mercury 2025810 Venus The Earth 1 553157 32963(5 Mars . T333o92 Jupiter ToBT-09 Saturn 5339-3 Uranus* T9303 The masses of the planets being known, and their bulks being also known, their densities are easily determined, for these are proportional to the masses divided by the bulks. La Place, taking the mean density of the sun as unity , finds the density of such planets as have satellites to be as follows : The Earth, 3*9395 ; Jupiter, 0*8601 ; Sa- turn, 0*4951 ; Uranus, 1*1376. Knowing the masses of the planets, and their diameters, the force of gravity at their surface may be determined ; for, sup- posing them to be spherical, and to have no rotation on their axis, the force with which a body placed on their surface gra- vitates to them, will be proportional to their masses divided by the squares of their diameters. From the masses of Ju- piter and the Earth, La Place calculates that a body which weighs one pound at the earth’s equator, if carrried to Jupiter’s equator would weigh 2f pounds, suppos- ing these bodies to have no rotation, and supposing the weights to be mea- sured by the pressure exerted in the two situations. If the same body were carried to the surface of the sun, it would weigh about 27§ pounds ; from which it follows, that a heavy body would there descend about 444 feet in the first second of time. Although all the planets gravitate to the sun, yet the centre of the sun is not the centre of gravity of the whole solar system. The centre of the sun is, however, never distant from that point so much as his own diameter, consequently the centre of gra- vity of the whole system is always within the body of the sun. But as this point and the centre of the sun do not coincide ex- * By adding these fractions together, it will be found that the quantity of matter in all the planets together is not ^tli part of the matter in the sun ! actly, and as the gravitation of the planets to the sun must be accompanied by the gravitation of the sun to the planets, from the quailty of action and re-action, it fol- lows that the sun must have a motion in a small orbit round the centre of gravity of the whole system. The form of this orbit is, however, very complicated, on account of the disturbing forces of so many planets, which are sometimes exerted toward one side and sometimes toward another ; and even unequally exerted on different sides at the same time, according to the situation of the planets in their orbits. Thus we see the extraordinary and uni- versal principle called gravitation, has not only been the means of making us ac- quainted with a great number of inequa- lities in the motion of the heavenly bodies^ which it would have been impossible to have discovered by observation, but it has furnished us with the means of subjecting these motions to precise and certain rules. The motion of the earth, which had ob- tained the assent of astronomers, on ac- count of the simplicity with which it ex- plained the celestial phenomena, has re- ceived a new confirmation, which has car- ried it to the highest degree of evidence of which physical science is susceptible. Without the knowledge of this universal principle, the ellipticity of the planetary orbits ; the laws which the planets and comets obey in their revolution round the sun ; their secular and periodical inequa- lities; the numberless inequalities of the moon, and the satellites of Jupiter; the precession of the equinoxes ; the nutation of the earth’s axis; the motions of the lunar axis ; and the ebbing and flowing of the sea, would only be insulated facts,, and unconnected phenomena. It is, there- fore, a circumstance which can scarcely be sufficiently admired, that all these phe- nomena, which at first sight appear so un- connected, should be explained by one 'principle — that of the mutual gravitation of all bodies with forces directly as their quantities of matter, and inversely as the squares of their distances. OF THE PRINCIPAL SYSTEMS OF ASTRO- NOMY. After the description which has been given of the various phenomena of the heavens, both as viewed with the naked eye and the telescope, it may not be un- necessary, nor unacceptable to the reader, to give a short account of the principal theories, or systems, which have been formed at various periods to account for some of these appearances, and particu- 142 THE ARTISAN. Jarly for the apparent motions of the celes- tial bodies, The explanation of the celestial motions which naturally occurred to those who be- gan the study of the heavens, was, that the stars are so many luminous points fixed in the surface of a sphere, having the earth in its centre, and revolving on an axis passing through that centre, in the space of twenty-four hours. When it was observed, that all the stars did not partake of this diurnal motion in the same degree, but that some were carried slowly towards the east, and that their paths estimated in that direction, after certain intervals of time, returned into themselves, it was be- lieved that they were fixed in the surfaces of spheres, which revolved westward more slowly than the sphere of the fixed stars. The spheres were supposed transparent, or made of some crystalline substance, and from this arose the name of the crystal- line spheres, by which they were distin- guished. Though this system grew more complicated, as the number and variety of the apparent phenomena increased, yet it was the system of Aristotle and Euodxus ; and, with few exceptions, of all the phi- losophers of antiquity.* But when the business of observation came to be regularly pursued, little was said either of the fixed stars, or of the crystalline spheres ; astronomers being chiefly bent on ascertaining the laws or general facts connected with the motions of the planets. To do this, however, without the intro- duction of hypotheses, at this period, was scarcely possible. The simplest and most natural hypothesis was, that the planets moved eastward in circles, at a uniform rate. But when it was found that, instead of moving uniformly to the eastward, every one of them was subject to great irregularity, the motion eastward becoming slower, at certain periods, and at length vanishing altogether, so that the planet be- came stationary, and afterwards acquiring a motion in the contrary direction, and proceeded for a time to the westward, it was far from obvious that all these ap- pearances could be reconciled with the idea of a uniform circular motion. The solution of this difficulty is attri- buted to Apollonius Pergaeus, one of the most celebrated mathematicians of anti- quity. He conceived that each planet * Although it is said that Pythagoras taught that the earth was a planet, and that the sun was fixed in the centre of the planetary system ; that the apparent revolution of the heavens was produced by the diur- nal revolution of the earth; and that the apparent annual motion of the sun was occasioned by the earth moving round him like the other planets; yet this doctrine was never taught publicly, and in a very short time it was completely forgotten. moved in a small circle, and that the cen- tre of this small circle moved in the cir- cumference of a large circle, which had the earth for its centre. The first of these circles was called the epicycle , and the second the deferent; and the motion in the circumference of each was supposed uni- form. Lastly, it was conceived that* the motion of the centre of the epicycle in the circumference of the deferent, and like- wise the motion of the planet in that of the epicycle, were in opposite directions ; the first being towards the east, and the se- cond towards the west. In this way, the change from progressive to retrograde, as well as the intermediate stationary points, were readily explained. But, notwithstanding the accomplish- ment of this important object, no regular system of astronomy appears to have been framed or taught by any individual till the appearance of the celebrated Ptolemy, who has always been reckoned the prince of ancient astronomers, not so much on ac- count of being the founder of the system which goes by his name, as for the number of observations which he made, and the extent of his astronomical writings. As we have already given an account of this, as well as the Tychonic and Coperni- can systems, at page 46, vol. i, we shall conclude this subject by giving a short description of the Cartesian system. CARTESIAN SYSTEM. The founder of this system, Rhhnfc Des Cartes flourished about the beginning of the 17th century. He supposed that every thing in the universe was formed from very minu te bodies, called atoms , which had been floating in open space. To each atom he attributed a motion on its axis; and he also maintained that there was a general motion of the whole universe round like a voxtex, or whirpool. In the centre of this vortex was the sun, with all the planets cir- culating round him at different distances; those that were nearer the sun circulating faster than those at a greater distance, as the most distant parts of a vortex or whirl- pool are known to do. Besides this general vortex, each of the planets had a particu- lar vortex of its own, by which its satel- lites, if it had any, were whirled round, and any other body that came within its reach. This is the celebrated system of vortices, invented by Des Cartes. The fabric, it must be confessed, is raised with great art and ingenuity, and is evidently the pro- duce of a lively fancy and a fertile imagi- nation. But then, it can be considered only as a philosophical romance, which amuses without instructing us ; and serves THE ARTISAN. 143 principally to shew that the most shining abilities are frequently misemployed. In this hypothesis, Des Cartes supposes extension to constitute the essence of mat- ter, and wholly neglects solidity , as well as the inertia by which it resists any change in its state of motion or rest, which principally distinguishes body from space ; and, consequently, the doctrine of an universal plenum, deduced from this definition, is founded upon false principles. That there is such a thing as a vacuum in nature, or a space void of body, may be demonstrated from various experiments. By means of the air-pump, we can so far exhaust the air from a glass receiver, that a piece of gold and a feather, let fall to- gether, from the top of the vessel, shall both descend equally swift, and come to the bottom at the same time : which evi- dently shews, that, the air being taken away, there remains no other matter suffi- cient to cause any sensible resistance, or that in the least impedes or obstructs their passage. It was said by many of the ancient phi- losophers, that nature abhors a vacuum ; and by means of this dogma, and others of a like nature, they attempted to prove and illustrate the doctrine of an universal ple- num, like that of Des Cartes. But this is an assertion, unsupported by facts, and too idle a notion to require any formal refuta- tion : and in nearly the same predicament are most of the other arguments which have been used in defence of this doctrine. They are all sufficiently exposed, not only by the Torricilian experiment, and the nature of pumps in general, but likewise from the most obvious phenomena of the constant and free motion of bodies, whe- ther celestial or terrestrial, which come continually under our inspection. On the system of Des Cartes, and all others that depend on the same principle, we may remark, that if the planets be carried round the sun in vortices, the quantity of matter in the sun cannot affect the velocity of the vortex, or the bodies immersed in it; consequently the velocity might be the same though there were no central body whatsoever. The quantity of matter in the sun, therefore, cannot have the least effect in retaining the planets in their orbits. But the quantity of matter in the sun does affect the planet, and is a material element in its gravitation towards the centre of its orbit. It is therefore im- possible that the action of a vortex, can have any effect whatever upon that gravi- tation. This argument is perfectly con- clusive and fatal to the sysem of vortices. But we may observe that this system owed its downfal to another argument, equally if not still more powerful ; viz. that when- ever you suppose the vortex so arranged that it will explain one of those great facts in the planetary motions, known by the name of Kepler’s Laws, it becomes quite inconsistent with the rest. The vortices of Des Cartes have, there- fore, ceased to afford any satisfaction even to the most superficial reasoner, and are now only known in the history of opinions ; in which they will ever furnish a most in- structive chapter. SOLUTIONS OF QUESTIONS. Quest. 65* (page 112) answered by J. M. Edney, Broad-street , Bloomsbury. Let 4 x and 5 a: be the sums subscribed by each lady. Then by the quest. 4:r) 2 -j- (5 a;) 2 zz 69-5.9fg ZZ 69’29; that is, 41a: 2 zz 69 29, or x 2 zz 1*69, and x zz 1*3. Hence 4 a: zz 5 2 zz £5 4s. ; and 5 a; ~ 6*5 zz £6 10s. the sums required. This question was also correctly an- swered by Mr. J. Harding, Mr. J. Whit- combe, and by the Proposer. Queit. 66, answered by Mr. J. Whit- combe, Private Teacher of Mathematics , Lothbury. Let ADC denote the given semicircle. D and let D B divide it into two equal quad- rants. Bisect the quadrantal arch D C in F, by the radius B F ; draw F H parallel to D B, and draw F E parallel to A C, also E I parallel to D B and F H, and the thing is done ; for I E F H is the parallelogram, whose area is a maximum. Demon. As the quadrantal arch DC is bisected in F by the radius or diagonal line B F, it is evident the angles F B H, OBF, HFB, and BFO are equal, con- sequently the rectangle BOFH is a square: then per Simpson’s Geometry, Theo. V, on Maxima and Minima, the tri- angles B F H and BFO are each of them a maximum, because they are each Isoce- les : consequently the rectangle BOFH is also a maximum. It is also evident that the rectangle BOFH is half the parallel- ogram I EF H ; hence it is manifest that this parallelogram is also a maximum. * By mistake this question was numbered the same as one at page 96. 144 THE ARTISAN. The Editor takes this opportunity of thanking his Mathematical Correspondents for their respective Communications during the progress of the Work ; and is happy to find that his labours and discrimination, in this department at least, have given satis- faction to all. He also thinks it proper to inform them, as the Work is now concluded, that the Solutions to the firstwine Questions, with the exception of the 6th and7th, were supplied by himself, as well as the 14th, 19th, 23d, 24th, 40th, 43d, 52d, 56th, 59th, and 62d. THE END,