Jim / ^f=^v i % i ,^E^ by ^iittton bij Messes. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, 8 KING STEEET, ST. JAMES'S SQUAEE, On SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1897. AT ONE o'clock PEECISELY. May be viewed Three Da^s preceding, and Oataloguea had (with Illustrations of some of the important Pictures, Price Ten Shillings), at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S. W. f ^ CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5s. ; and 60 on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with aU faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Cheistie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in deUvery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. ^^ CATALOGUE. On SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1897, AT ONE O OLOOK PRECISELY. The following are from the Collection of the late WILLIAM SHARPE, Esq., of 1 Highbury Terrace^ Nephew of the Poet Rogers. PICTURES. LUIGL 1 Head of a Lady /-^ y^^^ ^^yt^^^^ '■ ^^'- - \ G. POUSSIN. ^ 12 Italian Eiveb Scene, with building, boat and figures SCHIAVONI. '^ /z. 3 The Finding op Moses y^ ^^i>^- 10 m. by 15 in. / SCHIAVONI. 4 Joseph Blessing Ephraim and Manasseh /^ ^^^^z-.^:^>^>t-^^ %\ in, by 14 in. B 2 / ^r SCHIAYONI. f./^. - 5 Rebecca at the Well 10 in. by 13 in. C. y^ y^^-^^i^< N. LANCRET. 6 A Danse Champetre 20 in. by 16 in. ^^y^^l^^/r-Ct^ X> »?e<>«=<^ NORWICH SCHOOL. 7 A Landscape, with figures ^^ ^-^^ff G. MORLAND. 8 A Village Scene, with church and cottages on the bank of a stream, a man fetching water, children and dog on a bridge Oval — 12^ in. by 15j in. T. STOTHARD, R.A. 9 A Design for the Centre of the Wellington Shield — in grisaille 17 in. by 17 in. R. WILSON, R.A. .^ ^ ^^ 10 A View near Rome, with a villa on a height, figures in the foreground 13^ in. by 16^ in. From the Collection of the Poet Bogers <^ T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. r ^ yCt:^'^' H. LANCASTER. 14 A Coast Scene, with boats and figures £ y^ 16 J in, by 25 in. P. MERCIER. ^i^ tT'^^ j^^:^^ 16 in. by 22 in. J. NORTHCOTE, R.A. 17 DuKB OF CiiARENGE AND Mrs. Jordan, seatod at a table 11^ in. circle ^:Z^^i'C^. \:y^<^ F. WHEATLEY, R.A. 21 Domestic Scene 14 in. by 10^ in. /^/tM^-^-^ F. WHEATLEY, R.A. 22 The Companion 14 in. by lOJ in. F. COTES, R.A. /^i^^.^.,^. 23 Lady Mary Wortley Montague, in white dress, her head ^,X resting on her hand 30 in. by 25 in. / ^. S. DRUMMOND, A.R.A. ^ 24 RoBEBT Bloomfield, Poet, in black coat /^-^^/-^/^i^ 30 in. by 25 in. SIR W. BEECHEY, E.A. ^ 25 Alderman Wood, in robes and chain of office 30 in. by 25 in. V^ P. COTES, R.A. 26 Lady Maky Hay, in white dress, with blue robe, leaning on a sculptured pedestal in a landscape — small whole length 35 in. by 27^ in. HAYMAN. /^d^^^^.^^. 27 PoBTUAiT OF Floea Maodonald, in yellow and white dress, with pearls 28 in. by 23 in. T. GAINSBOROUGH, E.A. ^ 28 A Landscape, with figures and sheep on a road ^^^^^'Z^^^^i-^ Vb\ in. by 23^ in. /c/ (f The fuUowiwj arc the Property of A GENTLEMAN. W. VERELST. 29 Portrait op a Gentleman, in grey dress and embroidered waist- oO A Gentleman, in brown dress, witb stick ^ LELY. 31 A Gentleman, in long wig and blue robe ^^/:^^^i2>^^-^ W. VEEELST. 32 Portrait ok Sir ]\obert Walpomj, firsj; liprd Orford f ^ . ^ . . . Painted for Henry Ad dingtoii, Prime Minuter^ and pre' senttd by him to Pichard Gough, Antiquary W. VERELST, 1741. /^^^.^,c.^^''^< 33 Portraits op the Gough Family, Ricbard Gougb as a cbild T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. ;:P^ ^ '^ P 34 Portrait of the Rev. Humphrey Gainsborough, brother of tbe Artist 28 in. by 22^ in. Painted for Thomas Mall, Esq., of Marpsdcn Court, Henley on Thames, and has remained in his family ever since G. BARRET. /f^^^ /2? 85 A View of Hakpbdbn Court, near Henley on Thames — oval '^ THE THOMPSON BONAR FAMILY PICTURES. SIR T. LAWRENCE, P.R.A. ^ ^ C6 MRS. ANASTATIA JESSY BONAR, wife of Thomas Bonar, Esq., of Camden Place, Cliislehurst, in brown dross — threo- quarter length 55^ in. by 23^ in. See Illustration J. RUSSELL, R.A. ^ ^ ^ - 37 MRS. ANNE BONAR, in white muslin dress, wife of Thomas Bonar, Esq., of Camden Place, Chislehurst, who was mxu'dered with her husband by an Italian page 39^ in, by 30^ in. — pastel Photographed as an Illustration to the ' Life of J. Bussellf B.A.f hy G. C. Williamson J. RUSSELL, R.A. ^ /^^ ^ 38 TWO CHILDREN OF THE ABOVE, Harry, aged five to six years, and Agnes, afterwards Countess Niovetti, ten or eleven years old, son and daughter of Thomas Bonar, Esq., and Anne his wife y 49^ in. by/8t) in. — ipastel 7^/^ 10 The following are the Property of EARL SONDES, SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. on her left hand, in contemplation 86 in. by 28 in. See Illustration 39 LADY WALDEGRAVE, afterwards Duchess of Gloucester; in grey silk dress with crimson silk cord sash, resting her chin 11 SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. .. ^^ -^ 40 MISS MILLES, in white silk dress, blue and gold sash, a bouquet of flowers in her left hand, which rests on a fountain sculptured with a dolphin 50 in. by 40 in. See Illustration P. DECKAR. 41 A Woody Riveb Scene, with two peasants crossing a rustic wooden bridge ; a picturesque old cottage on the left ; two figures with poultry in the foreground 26 in. by 82 in. 12 The folloivimj are from DIFFERENT COLLECTIONS. SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A. ^ ^ ^ 42 PORTRAIT OF THE FIRST DUKE OF WELLINGTON, in black cloak with blue lining, and white waistcoat, standing in a landscape 50 in. by 40 in. Engraved by S. Cousins , B.A. This picture was presented to a member of the owner's family by the second Duke of Wellington some 45 years ago, and has never since that date been exhibited in public J. HOPPNER, R.A. ^ r/' y 43 roETEAiT OF A Child, in white dress, with a spaniel 30 in, by 25 in. J. STARK. A^ ^^y^ 44 A VIEW OF A FARM, with the house on the right, and'^rm buildings behind trees on the left ; horses and ducks in the centre 17 in. by 23 in. xx^ 13 G. ROMNEY. ^^ 45 PORTRAIT OF ANNE aSifSHAW, daughter of the Vicar, of Leeds and Canon of Ripon, married Francis RusselL brothe r of the Duke of Bedford ; he had various offices at the Court of George III.: represented seated in a landscape, dressed in white with pale blue sash, her hair tied with blue ribbon ; in her right hand she holds a rose ; head turned to left ; three- quarter length ^& in. by 40 in. A. See Uluslration J. STARK. 46 Bbamerton Woods, with cattle in a pool /^'^^^'^^^ On panel — 17^ in. hj 15^ in. SIR J. REYNOLDS. 7 47 Cymon and Iphigenia ^^ ^/^ /y^^p^^^^^ty R. WILSON, R.A. 48 An Italian Landscape, with ruined arches and figures '^ //^ 14 SIR J. REYNOLDS. .^y y- <*^ ^/^ 49 ALEXANDER WEDDERBURN, LORD LOUGHBOROUGH, afterwards Earl of Rosslyn. Three-quarter figure to the right, in robes as Lord Chief Justice, right hand resting on a table on which are some books, papers and an ink-stand, curtain background. Born 1733 ; Solicitor-General 1771, Attorney- General 1778, Lord Chief Justice of Common Pleas, 1780 ; created Baron Loughborough 1780 ; Lord Chancellor 1793- 1801 ; created Earl Rosslyn 1801 ; died 1805 On panel — 49 in. by 39 in. Exhibited at the National Portrait Gallery, 1867 Exhibited at Burlington House, 1884 See Illustration SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. / P /^ jy^ 50 1 HE MADONNA, with the Infant Saviour embracing St. John 35 in. by 27^ in. From Swinton Park, Yorkshire Painted for the Rev. W. Holwell Carr OLD CROME. ^, > /^ 51 A Woody Landscape, with two figures and a pool on the right On panel — 19^ in. by 13 in. SIR J. REYNOLDS. ^ X^^ '^^^ 52 LADY ANNE EITZPATRICK AS " SYLVIA,rm whit^^ dress with blue skirt and sash 55^ in. by 39^ in. Engraved by Cousins and J. Jones Prom the Collection of the late Duchess of Montrose <^ 15 G. EOMNEY. ^/^y^^^^^^ / 53 Portrait op Shkriff Blair, of Dublin, and his three daughters, seated, in a landscape 17 in. by 23 m. J. HOPPNEE, R.A. ^-^^^^^^ ^^, 54 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY, full face, seated in -a^-ed velvet chair ; she wears a white dress with blue sash, and black lace scarf over her arms— half length On panel — 30 in. by 25 in. See Illustration J. RUSSELL, R.A. ^ - 65 Mrs. Scott Waring and Children, second wife of Major Scott Waring, friend of Warren Hastings ; and the Engraving, by C. Turner Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1800 See ' Life of the Painter,' page 126 J. RUSSELL, R.A. /^^^^^^^^^^.^^^ ' 56 Portrait of — Kinchant, Esq., with powdered hair, in bme dress of the Cheshire hunt Pastel — 86 in. by 28 in. SIR M. A. SHEE, P.R.A. 57 LAVINIA : A young girl seated on a bank, in yellow and red dress, holding her liat and scarf in her lap ; a pitcher stands by her side ; landscape background 66 in. by 44 in. 16 SIR M. A. SHEE, P.R.A. /T/ X '9<^ ■^ 58 PoBTBAiT OF Mrs. Abcher Dillon, auut of tho paiu ter 30 in. by 25 in. SIR M. A. SHEE, P.R.A. 1794. /P/ y^ ■ cy^ y-;>^j 59 PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST— wAera 25 years of age / 30 in. by 25 in. ^..:. ^ /^/^^^^^^^^^/^^ G. ROMNEY. ^.^^^^^ ^^^ 60 PORTRAIT OF MRS. TICKELL, her face turned to the 'fight, in white satin dress trimmed with fur, largo hat with blue ribbon, fur muff; foliage background 30 in, by 25 in. See Illustration G. ROMNEY. /^-^c^^-cy y-^^ 61 PORTRAIT OF MRS. GROVE, of Feme, Wilts. Charlotte, daughter of W. Pilfold, Esq., R.N., of Effingham, Sussex, who commanded one of Nelson's ships at Trafalgar, and sister of Lady Shelley ; married Thomas Grove, Esq. Three-quarter length, seated to left in a landscape ; large hat and feathers ; white dress ; hands crossed in lap 49 xn. by 39 in. Painted at the house " Feme," Wilts, in 1784 Exhibited at Burlington House, 1881 From the Collection of the late Sir G. Grove, Bart. See Illustration /5^- ^ 17 G. ROMNEY. X^^r^ 62 PORTEAIT OF ELIZABETH, daughter of John Grove, Es^ of Feme, Wilts ; born, 1756 ; married, 1776, William Chafyn Grove, Esq., of Zeals House, Wilts, M.P. for Shaftesbury and Weymouth 30 in. by 25 in. Fainted at "Feme," Wilts, in 1784 From the Collection of tJie late Sir G. Grove, Bart. See Illustration T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. y 63 A Landscape, with cattle and figures by a fountain /^^t^if^^^^^^ 41 in. by 32 in. J. BOTH. /^^^/^ 64 A Landscape, with cattle and figures on a road by Berchem 271 in. by 36 in. SIR T. LAWRENCE, P.R.A. yVri^^^^y^ 65 PoBTEAiT OF SiB JoHN MiTFORD, born 1748 (Attorney-General, 1799 ; Speaker of the House of Commons, 1801 ; Lord High Chancellor of Ireland, 1803 ; created Lord Redesdale), died 1880 ; dressed in black 30 in. by 25 in. SIR J. REYNOLDS. 66 Portrait of Madame Maule, granddaughter of Jean Petitot Miniaturist and Enameller 18 JAMES STARK. '^ G7 SHEEP WASHING 32 in. by 43 m. T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. fK-^/^ ^{^<^ 68 THE WOODMAN: Evening, a man loading a donkey with sticks, a woman standing near with an infant in her arms, and y^^ another bare-legged boy . 40 in. by 54 in. Painted for Mdlle. Gratian, married to Bohert WillougTiby, Esq., of Cliff Hall, Warwickshire ; by her bequeathed to her daughter, Mrs. Poignard, in whose family it has remained until the present time See Illustration H. MORLAND. 69 Portrait or George Morland, at his easel 'iT^ >^?^ 70 Mid-Day Rest G. MORLAND. u -c-c^ '^ti'sfe-*^ G. ROMNEY. ^ ^.^j^ 71 PORTRAIT OF RALPH WILLETT, ESQ., in brown dress, ^ seated by a window — whole length 94 in. by 58 in. G. ROMNEY. 72 Portrait of a Child, in white dresB — o Hzeich 18 in. by 12 in. ^ /:^<^^i^^' '*t/ '^ 19 SIR T. LAWRENCE, P.R.A. y^ 73 PORTRAIT OF CARDINAL GONSALVI: A replica of the celebrated work at Windsor Castle 94 in. by 67 in. Engraved ^^ '^ P^ P SIR J. REYNOLDS. ,/ y, 74 PORTRAIT OF SIR JOHN LADE, BART., in red coat seated, with a dog 351 in. by 39 in. G. MORLAND. 75 A WOODY LANDSCAPE, with a sportsman and dogs, an old woman and child, and cows near some cottages on the right Signed, and dated 1796 34^ in. by 45 in. From the Fuller-Maitland Collection G. ROMNEY. 76 Portrait of Lady Hamilton, in white dress and veil, leaning on a toilet table 35 in. by 28 in. SIR T. LAWRENCE. x:^^^^/^ 77 An Old Lady, in black dress and white kerchief, and pow(ierei hair 30 in. by 25 in. '^ f^ 20 T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. /"^ y XP '/^ 78 PORTE AIT OF CHARLES FREDERICK ABEL (Gerp^ musician, born 1725, died June 22, 1787), seated at a table composing music, bis viol-di-gamba and bow resting on bis left knee, bis wbite Pomeranian dog at bis feet under tbe table Esteemed by the Artist his best work, " Very like and well." "The force of a sketch with the high finish of a miniature." — JJ. Wal-pole. Described in Fulcher's ' Life of Gainsborough ' 87 in. by 58 in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1777 From the Collection of the Earl of Egremont See Illustration SIR J. REYNOLDS. /x/y- 79 Head of a Man, in red coat and laoe collar /^^f^^^^'i^^^'^^ 18 in. by 17 in. /W^«^-*^^^^^* From the Collection of Lady Mary Forester ^^/^ 21 SIR W. BEECHEY, R.A. ^ 80 HEBE On panel — 30^ in. by 24^ in. Painted in 1803 for Charles Small Pyhus, Esq. See hack of picture See Illustration SIR T. LAWRENCE, P.R.A. ^-^ 81 PORTRAIT OP LADY OWEN, daughter of John Lawes Philipps, of Carmarthensliire ; married Sir J. Owen, Bart., of Onitton, Pembrokeshire, in 1800 ; with black curling hair, and dressed in black velvet dress, with richly jewelled bracelets and ornaments ; seated before a red curtain. Painted when she was twenty-eight years of age. Three-quarter length 50 in. by 40 in. From the Collection of Sir Hugh Owen, Bart. F. COTES, R.A. ^ 82 PORTRAIT OF MISS VERNON, daughter of Henry Vernon, son of Lord Vernon, and sister of the Duchess of Bedford. She married Mr. Hill, who was created Lord Berwick, In white dress and blue and gold sash, leaning on a pedestal on which is a vase 48^ in. by 38^ in. From Lord Berwick's Collection t^Ji^^^^^ /^^ 22 J. HOPPNER, E.A., 1787. 'y^ 83 POETEAIT OF MRS. FIELDING, daughter of ^^ Right Hon. VV. Finch, P.O., Vice-Chamborlain to King George II., and Lady Charlotte Fermor, governess to the children of King George III. Married Captain Fielding, R.N. Bed- chamber woman to Queen Charlotte. In white dress and muslin tippet, with large blue bat and feathers 30 in. by 25 in. ^./ ?/(^ ^^^^ SIR N. DANCE, K.A. ///X /^ 84 PoKTBAiT OF Fbedeeiok Coopee, sccoud son of Sir 'Xieorge Cooper, as a child, in white frock 32 in. by 25 in. From the Collection of Mrs. B. H. Honey wood G. ROMNEY. ^^ 85 PORTRAIT OF MRS. SANDERSON, of Chiswick, seated, in muslin dress, holding her young son, who is dressed in white /^^ also , y ^=^ 60 in. by 40 in. "^^^ 23 The following Picture is Sold hy Order of the Executors of COLONEL JOHN PUGET, deceased. T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. ^/^^.^^^ .^ 86 PORTRAIT OP MRS. PUGET (ne'e HAWKINS), daughter of the Bishop of Raphoe, married I7th April, 1786, in Dublin, John Puget, of Red Lion Square'and afterwards of Totteridge, a Governor of the Bank of England, and father of John Hey Puget. She is represented full face, with powdered hair, white and gold muslin dress, lilac-coloured sash and pearl necklace In an oval — 37 in. by 22^ in. Described in the Testator's will as " Portrait of my grand- mother, by Gainsboro' " See Illustration f^-^ 24 SIR J. REYNOLDS. / 5^ /yf 87 LADY ELIZABETH TUFTON, in white and gold dress and blue scarf, in a landscape — three-quarter length 42 in. by 33 in. T. GAINSBOROUC.H, R.A. /^ y /7. '^ 88 Portrait of Miss Mary Jefferson, in pink and white striped silk dress and cap, with white mtislin apron, standing in a landscape picking honeysuckle 64^ in. by 47 in. T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. J/^i^'-^ ^ 89 PORTRAIT OF GEORGE, SECOND MARQUIS OF BLANDFORD, in blue coat and white waistcoat, holding by the hand a little girl dressed in white with blue sash ; trees in the background — whole length 90 in. by 57 in. SIR T. LAWRENCE, P.R.A., 1785. 90 Portrait op an Offioeb, in uniform /f.^^^/^*^.*^ 29 in. by 23| in. tJ^^ ^y^i^^i-^-'^^^^ ^/S^ y^ &f^f7 cfty^ 25 The following are the Proijeriy of iheEev. Canon the MARQUIS OF NORM AN BY, and have been removed from Mulgrave Cattle. PASTEL DRAWINGS. F. COTES, E.A., 1763. ^ /w.^^ ;/ 91 PoKTBAiT OF A Lady, iu wLiite dress and pink robe, wearing a jewelled diadem 23^ in. by 17J in. F. COTES, E.A., 1752. /^/■^^^'i^^ ^ - 92 Portrait of a Gentleman, in black doublet, white ruff an d mauve robe 23| in. by 17J in. J. E. LIOTAED. ^^^/.*^^<^^ .y 93 Portrait of Lepel, Lady Mulgrave, daughter of Johu, Lord Hervey, of Ich worth, in blue and white dress and lace cap 24 in, by 18 in. J. E. LIOTAED, 1774. 94 Portrait of a Lady, in blue shot dress /^^€-^€^-^^ 24 in. by 19^ in. J. E. LIOTAED. ^^-^^^ <— 95 Portrait of a Lady, in blue robe with white and gold ^hu 23 in. by 17 in, D J^M 26 PICTURES. T. GAINSBOROUGH, W.k. ^ '^:^^ !JG ANNE ELIZABETH, LADY MULGRAVE, daugbter of Nathaniel CholralQy, Esq., M.P., of Howshain and Whitby ; married, in 1787, Captain Constantino John Phipps, R.N., 2nd Baron Mul grave ( ,u^.^fcJ^ 7 yp 102 A Lady at her Toilet; and An Author, reading a tragedy— « 15^ in. by 12^ in, J. ZOFFANY, R.A. ^^/L^,.^^ >t; -J 103 CoNSTANTiNE JoHN Phipps, R.N., 2nd Baron Mulgrave, in naval uniform, represented in the Polar regions. Lord Mulgrave undertook a voyage to discover the North-East Passage 50 in. by 40 in. J. ZOFFANY, R.A. C> 104 David Garrick, in the character of " Sir John Brute " in * The Provoked Wife,' Act IV. Scene 1 ; and Vaughan, Hullet, Clough, Parsons, Watkins and Phillips, in the characters of " Watchmen " 40 in. by 50 in. And the Mezzotint by Finlayson finis. London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamford Stieet and Char! no; Cross. (p^f ':i- W ^^^-■■Y - • >_ ^^ ^^"^ «>*■ ♦»:" i K -* GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00893 0931 ■^*^