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' S': 'iHi, , ■■ rt*} . : r • * r; , . - / r»:'.r r '.i ;i li> >!• ;. V-'-'-i •' / \‘r-< ' .-■A: ; ■ .. :-r*. .) ■r- ;! - : ■ - - J! ■? •; >. ■'=: 'JUT .'! o; ■>' :■ ?; I' u} -J; : ij;. : ■* J, j 0 [)C''> i'l • ' '< '■> > ■'■ y ', ... • - ■ ;',:;irl od; i- ' ■ : '.’n . ■ . y -i ' ■■: > '^.•l >■ > ■ • \ ■' ■' . - ^ •. ; i:; 'r~.L': { (ij’ittji’J a'* ' .i'' , A CATALOGUE OF THE GENUINE AND HIGHLY VALUABLE CABINET OF ^ Italian^ French^ Flemish and Dutch 1^2 ‘ J l*r Lo ^ U. OF ^ ^ A WELL-KNOWN AMATEUR, . /^. 7%rA*i-^. IVho has indulged his Taste in collecting for a’ Series of Years, hy selecting from the most distinguished Cabmets offered in this Country^ besides purchasing Abroad, and who is about to leave England for the Continent. MANY OF THESE PICTURES HAVE NEVER BEFORE BEEN SEEN IN THIS COUNTRY: AMONG THEM, ARE — A ffiTOIDa IBIY ILo IDA TaFKBIIi, A B.ARS AND PRECIOUS SPECIMEN OF THE HIGHEST MERIT; A HOLY FAMILY by ANDREA DEL SARTO, A GRAND CHEF d’cBVVRE ; THREE FINE PICTURES by N. POUSSIN; THREE by REMBRANDT; A CAPITAL SEA PIECE, BACKHUYSEN , AND OTHERS BY G. Romano, Schidone, Baroccio, Guido, Scarsellino, P. daCortona Sasso Ferrato, F. Lauri, S. Rosa, Claude, Rubens, Teniers, Cuyp, Wouvermans, Du Jar din, Ruysdael, W. V. de Velde, Both, G. Dow, Mieris, J. Steen, Brauwer, V. Os, V. der Heyde. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, »¥ Mb. CHMIOTIE, AT HIS GREAT ROOM, PALL MALL, On SATURDAY, JUNE the 16 th, 1821 , PRECISELY AT ONE o’cLOCK. To be Viewed two Days previous to the Sale, and Catalogues had at Pall Mall. I LA Pf3 ~ Conditions of Sale. I . The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No Person to advance less than Is.— Above Five Pounds, 2s. 6d. and so on in proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, in part of payment of the Purchase Money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased, to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away, with all Faults, at the Buyer’s Expence, within Two Days from the Sale. V. TO PREVENT INACCURACY IN DELIVERY, AND INCONVENIENCE IN THE SETTLEMENT OF THE PURCHASES, NO LOT CAN, ON ANY ACCOUNT, BE REMOVED DURING THE TIME OF SALE; AND THE MONEY MUST ABSO- LUTELY BE PAID ON THE DELIVERY. VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part ef payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the Time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale ; and the deficiency (if any) attending such Re-sale^ shall be made, good bj the Defaulter at this Sale. f A (DAir^IL(E)(B\FIE IPH^WIE: SATURDAY, J U N E the AQth 1821, AT ONE o’clock PRECISELY. /, 7. rks of a fortified Town, and a Canal, with beautiful Figures represented coursing on the Sand Hills in front, and Portrait of the Artist drawing: the Figures by Adr. V. de Velde An Interi,or with Card Players Portrait of a Lady with a Lap Dog Interior ofjtJje, ('reat Church at Ghent: very highly finished, enlivened with Figures by Old Franks ; on copper A Calm, View of a Harbour with Boats and Shipping A Man’s Portrait : very spirited and fine Rocky Scenery with a Fall of Water, and Soldiers in Conversation : clear and well coloured A Flemish Farm House, with Cattle reposing A Vase with Flowers and Fruit, and a Plate of Onions and Dutch Herrings — exquisitely finished A Conversation, Interior, and a Lady feeding a Parrot at the door of it’s Cage ( 5 ) 3/. ^Adr. V. de Velde , . . ^ Dow ^ ^Wm. V. de Velde. , 2 derHeyde ^Asselyn yy yy ^ Sasso Fenato ^y y^ ^ Wouvermans J2.//. ^aTeniers 3. ^y. y^ t ^ Cortona ^3 ./2.0 Teniers Claude. ^ ^ ^ Jean Steen, A Dairy Farm with Cattle and Figures; EveningScenc A Philosopher in his Study by Candlelight, in his first manner: on carton; arched top An Italian Peasant Family after their Repast: a ztry pleasing picture A fresh Breeze, and a Fleet of Men of War bringing to : from the Collection of Captain Baillie An Interior, small, with Figures singing and regaling View of a Convent, with minute Figures by Adr. V, de Velde : a clear and brilliant specimen A warm Landscape with Buildings and Figures going out Hawking Virgin and Child ; an oval : very delicately finished A small Landscape with Figures halting near a Pool, one of them re-loading a Mu'e A Musical Conversation; small-^/rom il/r. Purling’ s • Collection A Scene at a Fair with many Figures: touched with great spirit The Finding of Moses: from the colli ction of Captain Baillie The Entrattce of the River going up to Dort Portrait of one of ihe Medici Family: admirably fnished A Rush of Water through a Woody Landscape, with a M ountainous Back Ground: very richly coloured Exterior of a Publick House, with Figures in a small Landscape A small Landscape: from Captain Baillie’ s Collection Portiaits of a Burgomaster with a Letter, his Lady and three Children, a Female Domestic descending a staircase above — the whole very animated^ and painted in ihe best style of the Master 47 yy ^ ^Kaii dll Jardin N. Poussin 4S./. o 3y,/S. ^N. Poussin ^La Croix p./^. ^ h. if Schidone Both . • • Rembrandt Backhuysen Rembrandt A.Cujp. . . //3- S. ^ Rembrandt dS./. 0 14 ./.^ s^. /^- 3 ( ^ Two Cows, a Peasant Boy and his Dog, in a brilliant and silvery Landscape 48 The Power of Love: Cupid and Hymen playing with Leopards : richly coloured 49 Holy Family with Angels-— from Captain Bailhas collection ; engraved 50 Picturesque View of a Seaport in the Mediterranean, with Shipping 51 Architecture and Figures: Theseus Lifting the Stone and discovering the Sword of .®geus: from the Rev. W. Hamilton’s collection 59 A Holy Family: from Capo di Monte: engraved 53 An elegant Landscape with Figures at the Foot of an Hilly Pass, Water to the left and Figures: x&arrnly and finely coloured 54 Portrait of a Gentleman— ponied with great force and fine effect: from the collection of the Prince of Monaco ^ 55 View of a Bay, with a Shipskudding before the Wind painted with surprising effect, and very spirited 56 Portrait of Rembrandt’s Mother— paiwied with truth and warm tone of colour 57 A Hunting Party, in a warm Landscape; in the centre is a Horseman at full speed, ascending a rising Ground, preceded by the Dogs, and a mounted Fii'^ure in the front halting near a dead Hare 58 Abraham sending away Hagar, mounted on an Ass, which is led by a Cord by Lhmael— //ds picture, illumined by a powerful light, is a very unusual and elegant specimen (f the master formerly m the possession of Bouchier Cleave, Esq. and su! scquently in the collection of Sir Geo. Young, Bart. ( 7 ) M./S.o Scarsellino di Ferrara » . 59 ^ ^ Poussin t * 60 ^Baroccio 61 ANDREA DEL SARTO 62 L. Da VINCI 63 The Scourging of Christ — a cabinet picture Classical Ruins and Figures, with a most beautiful distant Landscape — an admired chef d' ceuvre : from the celebrated collection of a Nobleman The Vision of a Romish Saint, with the Saviour and Virgin above — a pure and eh ganl specimen of the master ; which has also been engraved by Baroccio THE HOLY FAMILY : circular — a composition scarcely inferior, and apparently designed for a com- panion picture, to a work of Raphael : a truly capital chef d' ceuvre THE SALVATOR MUNDI . — This rare and admir- able performance of the great master was painted for Francis the First, and was formerly preserved in the Abbaye de St. Denys, near Paris FINIS. Smeeton, Printer, St. Martin’s Cburcli 'Vai tl. 4 ^ ■r-, ■ r ■ • V,.'' •r V 5 • -. • ^ r.^ ■ ^ ■ i ■ 'r. J .’’^iSi'l ,: -i '■■■■'' :• .'.■■v' ;/ V ' . , ’A. ='■ 'V''y> •; ' n-’t- iit '■■ ' ‘ '■ ' 5 .vS^-'! ''■•'• ■•"V ' ' • • , ■ 'y . , '''i - ' . . r. ") ■ \ 'vi.y.'iH-:. -v^ ■ v.. • ; ■ .i'- ■ T"; / -'■tr. I t r MP' « _ >i ■■>'• I \ « I 9